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1/U/co-me ....

Pi Kappa Phi Delegates and Friends to the

HOTEL GEORGE WASHINGTON (Convention Head quarters) 300 delightful Rooms equipped with Tub and Shower Bath, Radio, Beautyrest Mattresses, Circulat· ing Ice Water. 100 % Air Conditioned (Optional Usc)

Special Rates to Convention delegates and friends.

Our Beautiful RAINBOW ROOM3 Floor Shows Nightly

America's Finest Nationally Known Orchestra

NEW ALUMNI CHARM Alumni and Seniors may now wear the new Pi Kappa Phi charm illustrated here which has been approved by the National Office of your fraternity.

New Alumni CHARM Priced Same as Official Badges Official Jeweler to

Pi Kappa Phi

The Alumni Charm is available in the same sizes and styles as your official badge.

The Party Season is now under waY· We invite you to write us regarding your part:>' requirements, giving budget and quantity of favors you will need· Send for vour FREE Copy of · Balfour Party Book Just off the press. II· lustrates many ne'" favors.

Prices for the new charm are the same as for the various styles of badges.

Senior Gifts are illustrated in 1938 BTJUE BOOK

NOTE: Alumni charm may be worn only by alumni and sen iors.

Write for Yom· FREE Copy




II ir

b ~



LAMP ot Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity


Number 3

MAY, 1938

Volume XXIV

Contents One in a Thousand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Dr. Will E. Edington


Judge Bets 60 to 30 Days with Prisoners in Court .... _. . . . By Tim Pridgen


Tax Centinels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By H. Guyon Brightly


Grant Named to Congress ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Leo H. Pott


Right Kind of Publicity Big Asset of Fraternity . . . . . . . . . . . By Joseph G. Dttncan


Newton Revives Tar Heel Spirit By Wade lson


Omega Group Is Planning Summer Tour to Europe By Roger Anderson Pays Tribute to Departed Brother


Under the Student's Lamp


Council Meets to Plan Progress of Fraternity ........... .


Undergraduates Extend Welcome


New Faces Appear in Ranks of Fraternity Officials


Portland Peak Previews Program for Convention


I've Seen Jacksonville and You Should Too ........... .


Calling the Roll



l>ost fli as second class matter at the der t~ ce at Menasha, Wisconsin uncePtan e Act of March 3, 1879. Acl>osta ce for mailing at special rate of Feb ge Provided for in the Act of &ra;;:ary 28, 192~. embodied in paralUtho .4 • section 412, P. L. and R., 'I'b fiZed January 7, 1932.










tfe:~~ar an~ lAmp is published at lion

fa, W1sconsin, under the direc-

~i I< 0 the National Council of the Of JaaPpa Phi Fraternity, in the months

'th nuary, March, May, and October. the\t;fe Subscription is $10 and is copiesn Y form of subscription. Single are ~0 cents. Changes . Prolllptl •n address should be reported "is., Y to 4~0 Ahnaip St., Menasha, lllond 0~'Central office, Box ~01, Rich• va. "-II lllate · · . . ~hould b "~1 mtended for publication •ng l:d· e In the hands of th~ Managby the •:or, Box ~01, Richmond, Va., lllonth st. of the month preceding the of ISsue.

The Cover Chemistry Building at the University of Florida






----- - - - - - - - - --- ------


is an ideal attained and when such ~n achievement occurs, too frequently do we let it pass without proper recognition of the one who has shown the way. During the past eight years at Purdue among 16,000 students representing 65,465 semester registrations, there have been just 41 students who have made a perfect scholarship record in a whole semester's work, and among these 41 students only eleven have succeeded in making that record twice. Based on past records just one student out of 1,250 regis-




• 11 sestered in a gtve bt mester at Purdue rnaY!M' expected to reach the schO js ~ .' ship heights. Such a studeot e 1: Robert Fowlis Munro. d Fowlis is the son of Professor ~ed 14 ~ Mrs. George Wesley Munro. He graduao0l ~ ~~~ from the West Lafayette, Ind., high sch , ~­ in 1936, and is now at eighteen years of agJ~e 1 ~ Iol sophomore in Science at Purdue. Entering Pui e~ ~~~~tl with a ranking of sixth among over 2,100 fres~ed lle tie in his orientation grades, he has maintained a distingll 15 Ca tfe . nt. ratmg. )liS ' However, Fowlis has time for other activities besides 0it ~n studies. He has a record of ten years of continuous service in the ch 01 )o \'1 of St. John's Episcopal church, singing soprano, alto and then .t~'\1 5 u" as his voice matured. Tennis and squash are his favorite athletic acttv1t th Nc ere



( Contin11ed on page 27)


jul!e /!JetJ 60 to 30 Days With ;}2i,so-ue-c,s in Court

(The writer of this interesting sketch of an unusual Pi Kapp judge is a fellow staff member of the editor on "The Charlotte (N.C.) News." He is contributor of many short stories to some of the leading American and English magazines and has just completed a book: "Courage, the Story of Modern Cock Fighting", which is to be published by Little, Brown & Co. this Fall) e-



a headache. And a dirty collar. He has a

~ rumpled coat. His pants are torn. He is un-

lie . shaven and he has a blue spot under his eye. illells a personified groan. He is filled with pain an~ 1o ancholy from last night's bender and no luxury IS 1n ~eet as to be let alone and be permitted to suffer ~P!~~lence. But the officer says: "John Smith, stand

: I ~e~~hn

Smith stands up, and somewhere from the

'lll'! hs of his gloom comes the courage for a wry ~:t lfe looks at the bench and shrugs. He is the

lCan ;ct picture of a man who has lost a bet-and () ake it.

··~the bench is the Judge.


tou ell!" is his greeting. "John, I thought once ~'Were going to win your bet."

ther 0 condemnation is in his cheerful smile, nor is e any pious sympathy or sentimentality. You note Of


l(appa Phi

a sort of man-to-man sportsmanlike note in the exchange. "Better luck next time," says the Judge, and John Smith without a plea or a protest passes through the door where the convicted prisoners are kept. That was not tht: first "regular customer" Judge Frank K. Sims, Jr., had seen this morning. The other, named Joe, had waylaid him as he walked from his law offices across the courthouse lawn to the Charlotte, N.C., poli.ce court. "Twenty-four days, Judge!" Joe gloated. "Six to go! I'm going to make it this time!" "Okay, Joe! The more I lose the better I like it." Back in court comes up another. His name is Bill. He, two .days ~efore, had won one of Judge Sim's famous s1xty-th1rty bets. He had been so over-joyed ~hat h~ celebrated riotously, and the cops brought him 10 agam. (Continued


page 15)




it was on April 4 in the morning

that we first saw the signs on the campus. They didn't seem to make sense then. They said "Track down the penny snatchers" and "Why is Troy penniless" and "Are you a ·penny pincher" and "Save our pennies, there's a shortage." There were quite a few wild guesses at their meaning; everyone was talking about them, wondering and guessing. The next day it was still a great mystery with a lot of new signs. These ran "25%," "Cigarettes would be 9c without taxes," "There are 53 taxes on a loaf of bread," "Hidden taxes take 2 5% of your every dollar'' and "Every 4th dollar you spend is a tax dollar." Then it came out that Bob Bauman and the Phalanx (that's our honorary society) had really cornered the pennies of Troy. About 14 fellows went around to all the stores and gas stations asking for all the pennies for a "penny-ante poker game." Others went to the banks and asked for pennies. Each bank unaware of what was going on in the other banks came through rather willingly-one to the tune of 100,000 little coppers. From what the paper said the merchants of Troy had quite a time that afternoon when there was a real shortage of pennies. Many of the stores had to change their prices to even nickels, one store was giving out stamps for change. Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning, Phalanx set up a booth and sold pennies. With each "purchase" went a little pledge card certifying that the bearer was a "Taxcentinel." The first one to buy pennies was our president Dr. Hotchkiss with $5 worth. Dr. Hotchkiss approved of the movement with a laugh. Dr. Meader of Russell Sage College also thought the idea a rather good one. The pledge later signed by nearly the entire student body reads as follows:


"To help fight the growth of taxes w:J~a! now consume 25 cents out of every dd est spent by the average person, I hereby en ·~c~ 1 the policies of this non-partisan, non-poh organization known as the "T "It shall be the purpose of this . f to focus public attention on the evds 0 d practice of keeping concealed taxes an awaken in the public consciousness a tion that 70 per cent of all taxes now by more than 175,000 separate taxing in the United States are obtained secret levies tacked on to the price of sities we all must buy daily-food, shelter, luxuries, and semi-luxuries. . "Since the average man does not realize inroads made upon his purse by these hidden taxes and that he himself paY~ major costs of the government instead 0 Rockefellers, Morgans and du Fonts. I pledge myself to pay 25% of the all purchases in pennies in order to !Je the situation to the end that it mar remedied." 'd th' 1 One fellow bought a $50 suit and P~ Jots 10 25% in pennies all neatly counted ou~ gin' of 100. That's 1,250 pennies and I trna Jol the storekeeper was rather mad. In fact ~pe) liE of store keepers were and pretty so~n en· ?f refused to accept more than 25 cents 10 t)ll lead 10$ nies. That put a kink in the plans an had ersh1p. pennies started to lose their attractio~ Jleg' j i4 it a 1·eal In the meantime Russell S~ge ~etner had: smaJ 0 which is also in Troy was debatmg '~~ ·Jent· frat .c?rr. or not to join in with us. Their pres~ tJ1t b 1i~rnlttes Dr. Meader was in favor 0 tbl 'l'h man! plan but he said it was up t~ 1 ner I'~ obe cha student body to decide. After r saF' ~4d Stacie lengthy and very serious debate beca assum thought they had better not. e ]'II' o4e ~~e. of Bob Bauman wrote to th re~ a 1 Its 1 tional Association of Manuf~ctllttJ!t cha~~ stuc asking them or rather suggestt~gtbeir Of th er for fratf they print on al actO~ sales tags the 2,1 itrved rge (Co11tinued 011 page the






~he Star

Cjtanf /lJamei TO CONGRESS



(jtanl . .. Second

Alabama Pi Kapp Chosen for Congress. t!Jt Jots

jol'r .

a)lef t eP'


Jle~ p'er et pt. .det11e th' 'ther


rJI' reri

~t)lJI 'their ct~~ J)l

liE HISTORY of Pi Kappa Phi at the University ?f Alabama during the years immediately followlead tng the World War is the story of one man's had ership. Those were days when Omicron chapter i~ . a 1'eal struggle actually to survive. Our chapter, hadts small, poorly furnished house on a side street, frat to compete with long established and well known ern路t路 1 tes which had beautiful an d comma d'tous ~rick: 'th mansions on Alabama's famous "Avenue." 1~ be chapter survived its competition, surmounted '~do stades, grew in numbers, developed in character bee assumed a respected place on the campus, only o~ea~se. of the love, loyalty, ability and stickability of a f tts members. He was George Mcinvale Grant, 1 Chaa~ student from louisville, Ala., archon of his Oft~ er for several terms, and later Supreme Secretary Ge fraternity for two terms. '<:rv eorge is a World War veteran, and has sin~e ed the American legion as commander of hts





Star and Lamp

local post and later as Department Commander for the entire State. He is an able lawyer, and for several years has been county prosecuting attorney. And now the same George Grant, whom we in the chapter lovingly called "Papa George," has been elected a member of Congress from Alabama's second congressional district, to succeed lister Hill, now a United States Senator . Another member of Omicron chapter during that post-war period was Joe Starnes, who was elected to Congress from the fifth Alabama district four years ago and has served in that office with ability and distinction since that time. George was archon and Joe was treasurer of Omicron when I became a Pi Kappa Phi. Of course I am proud of them both. The old and young of Omicron chapter are proud of them. And I know the Fraternity as a whole is likewise proud of them.


• • • can't hide its light under a bushel and be well known. Now don't Jet that Biblical hybrid put me in the wrong light; the fraternity hasn't necessarily been shunning print, but I believe that we are agreed that additional publicity of a favorable nature would be acceptable. The world knows much about fraternity playboys and those Greeks who make news through horseplay and things worse. That is a far too frequent happening. On the other hand, what about news of a constructive nature? Let's see if we can make a workable plan for promoting more stories of that type. Our active and alumni chapters should not expect the national office to bear the entire burden of publicity. Aside from all other objections, the geographical difficulty would rule out such a set-up. One of the first things a publicity man must learn is that editors like material written especially for their readers. Each chapter-both alumni and undergraduateusually has the personnel to form some semblances of a publicity bureau. At least one or two persons have taken or are taking courses in journalism. If not, almost any person with a fair use of the King's English can familiarize himself with news writing technique sufficiently to prepare acceptable news stories. During the past winter, I have acted as an unofficial "publicity counselor" for several Michigan State fraternities and sororities. This was done to aid some of my journalism students in publicity writing. Before these persons gave serious consideration to an organized plan of chapter publicity, about the only times their groups were mentioned in the local newspaper (which is also the campus newspaper) were in connection with parties, initiations, and pledgings. And of course in the campus gossip column. These organizations were overlooking good stories right and left. Or permitting them to be mishandled. For instance, a one-sentence mention sufficed for a founders' day banquet-an occasion at which a Dean




discussed "the changing order in fraternity life." G~~ coverage of the Dean's talk would have shown rea ea.! of the newspaper that this particular organization "'·ts NOT composed of swing-crazed youths and diln·"''er incapable of desiring serious discussions. Anoth . campus group entertained a fairly distinguished aitJ(Il, nus one week-end who had returned recently froJllis· European trip. The local newspaper not only :0 3 spelled the man's name but dismissed the event W'~e laconic "Dr. So and So spent the week-end at J Alpha Gamma Alpha fraternity." This man, who~:·· brought the college much fame in the "twentle ,5 through his football playing, has a wealth of nede material on the European situation. Recently he .fll~sb a rather miraculous escape from a besieged spa;\.e city. An alert chapter publicity man would ~sit 1 handled both the founders' day banquet and the ~ 0. by the alumnus so that the fraternity received me?tl:p Newspapers cannot be depended upon to dtg ·ot· the news that fraternities would like to see in pr'the A campus reporter for a daily can't possibly know ore happenings of 30 or 40 organizations. He's ~eir than an average reporter if he can spell correctly JllBf names. A lot of the news these organizations have od seems pretty "thin" to the professional reporter ~iij not worth the trouble of digging up. If the frate~ pt can cooperate by giving the news in a usable ~ aN to the reporter, chances are that it will be use · least it's worth trying. ..,10 In this connection, it is a cold realistic fact th~t e af though newspapers may be apathetic to diggm_gt j[ fraternity news, such psychology does not e:x:tS e~l there's any scent of scandal. Then the newspaper eJC ,.et every resource. Incidentally, if such unpleasantness e..,et occurs-and we pray that this suggestion may n~i~ need to be considered-it is a far-sighted frater ¢· that uses frankness and the truth in dealing with ne dO men. Half-truths and "it is believed" statements more harm many times than do the actual fa.cts. bOJ1l Besides the college and local newspapers wtth 'W

The Star an d


~f/ J~~efk

Cj. :::J)unca1~

Assistant Bulletin Editor, Michigan State College

BIG c:AJJet ~i FRATERNITY ~e publicity

man should maintain friendly relations, material. Write the news, then stop. Newspaper space ere are the home town newspapers. These newspapers is at a premium. Words and phrases such as "well are the most cooperative outlets for fraternity news known," "important," "campus leader," don't mean :nd also the most neglected. Home town people like much to an editor. You will not need such expres0 read about "the boys at college," and the usually sions if you tell what the man is doing. Then the facts ~~derstaffed editorial departments welcome such news speak for themselves. I have mentioned the importance of localizing the lth open arms. b Now for some suggestions about the fraternity news story. This is necessary because of the flood of other dureau. The person in charge should possess a great publicity m.a~erial in ":hich your story will be struggling ea1 of energy and alertness and have what the news- for recogmt10n. For mstance, don't begin your story: ~aper profession calls "news sense" or "nose for "Pi Kappa Phi fraternity at Blank College announced ~ews." This quality is of an intangible nature and this week the initiation of John Jones. Jones is the son stanscends what one learns in books on jou~~alism. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of Anytown." The llfllce to say if one were to attempt a deiinttJOn he editor will appraise tl1e worth of the story much \lioutd have a' hard time路 on the other hand, tf 路 we quicker if the lead is: "John Jones, son of Mr. and ~ractice this definition c~nscientiously, our material Mrs. Charles Jones of Anytown has become a member ~Ually will win favor: "News is an account of a of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity at Blank University." In the last example, the editor sees the names of three allpening in which people are interested." local people in almost as many words. of A card index of every member, pledg~, ~nd alun:nus Pi Kappa Phi will benefit if only the name of the the chapter will be found useful. TillS mdex mtght 路 names of man's parents; high school attende d ; national organization is printed; however, it should 1~ntam 0~al honors won; achievements at college; chapter be the writer's aim to weave his story so that the sirn~es; .names of the home town newspapers, and editor wi.ll use ~the.r ~aterial .about the fraternity. When thts matenal ts Inserted 10 the material about tlar tnformation. 路 c M:echanical directions for preparing good newspaper the local man, all of it likely will be used. Please don't bopy rnay be found in any journalism text and should feel that I am urging you to attempt to "put some1e observed in publicity mailings. Incidentally, maybe thing over on the editor." That would be a pretty g! am letting myself in for some work, but I will be hard job and wouldn't be worth the effort. On the gad to supply any chapter publicity man with mimeo- other hand, you are doing him a favor by sending a ~ t~?~d material and the titles of free bullet!ns on story about the home town boy. He is not bound by writing. I will also be glad to help 10 any any sense of duty to print material about your fra0 ~erhetty ternity; however, I have found few editors who did 'Way possible. "".Chapter publicity men should become acquainted not use the entire story. One way in which to weave in material about the llllth their college's publicity office. Perhaps this office to ay be able to offer pictures or mats to send to home fraternity is in connection with any chapter offices that re~~ newspapers. In any event, the campus public the man has held. For instance "Jones is president of th attons office will be able to offer valuable tips to the Blank University chapter, which was established in 1917. Oilier chapters are located in more than 40 ~chapter publicity writer. of he fraternity news writer should learn early one colleges and universities from coast to coast." the cardinal peeves of newspaper editors-padded (Continued on page 16)


of P; Kappa Phi



Sports Publicity Director North Carolina State College

/IJewlon ... Dazzling Coach producing winners and scoring touchdowns as after dinner speakers are the jobs most football coaches are called on to do. William S. (Doc) Newton has all those assignments and to boot has one even more importantthe reviving of the spirit of the North Carolina State College Wolfpack. Shot to pieces during the upheaval that cut adrift Heartly (Hunk) Anderson, the Pack's spirit was at low tide when Doleful Doc went to the Raleigh, N.C., College in February 193 7 after five successful years at Davidson college, also of North Carolina. Atmosphere was none too pleasant and a difficult job confronted Coach No. 26 State has had since football was inaugurated there in 1890. Nine men reported for spring practice as a flock of others left in Anderson's wake, but Doc kindled a friendship betwe'en himself and the students that at this writing is the principal topic of conversation wherever Wolfpack followers gather. A successful campaign in the face of great odds was waged last football year and now optimism prevails on the West Raleigh campus even in the face of the toughest schedule State has been called on to tackle. State supporters are optimistic because they know their team will make a good showing-win or lose. That spirit of optimism is spreading over Raleigh, wh id1 in the past has looked on State College pretty much as a red-haired stepchild. The personable mentor is chock full of dry wit. He is a friend to members of his squad. He works with the faculty, the townspeople, the press. He is a keen student of football and from his inventive mind has come the Newton system of football-a




double-unbalanced line with a single wing backlielj with which Doc's Davidson teams won the na_rn~ jts Dazzlers and with which State, even as far behtn of major rivals as it was, baffied its toughest foes last fall. of11· At State Doc had the same sort of complex to c ral bat that he defeated at Davidson-a losing,_ m~est victory complex. last season he gave State ttSC ro· r~cord in a decade, losing o~ly t~ Duke, North lma and Manhattan and bemg tied by Furrna~-.d ao other five games were won handily as State 1 me about face from its 1936 season, when only one ga was won. wtoO On consecutive Saturdays this fall the N~ ma, Wolfpack meets Davidson, North Carolina, Ala ~tall• Wake Forest, Furman, Virginia Tech, Manha five University of Detroit and Duke and follows up witl days later with the Citadel. "We don't expect t~ 011 , all those games, but we expect to give each 0 are opponents a large evening. We think our boys trY entitled to play against the best teams in the_ c~~ne,'' and we are glad that we can give them that pnvt g Coach Newton recently said in a radio broadcast.aod His system of football grew out of a lon!J stet varied athletic career that began as a player at tl the Springs academy in Virginia and carried him to ·zed University of South Carolina and finally into orga~~er 1 baseball, where he reached great heights as a P Jacl: for the Baltimore Orioles in the days of the late Dunn and that great left-bander, Mose Grove. pall· Newton spent 12 summers in professional ba~alleY In 1924 he began his coaching career at Jones Jlege, high school, near Birmingham, Ala. A local co th' Birmingham-Southern, was his next step and fo!


(Continued on page 27)

The Star an d La'"'


](}ut t(} EUROPE

bouR of the brothers of Omega, Harry Nevin,

C Jack Swinney, Jack Broberg, and Roger Ander-

d of itS


son are planning a bicycle tour of Europe next summer. Working for part of their passage on a ~attle-boat, they expect to leave in June and stay as ~ng as possible before returning to school next fall. !hey. Wt·u travel in pairs, changing partners as rtm·· ~ran.es coincide. Present plans include travel, mostly rbrcycle, through England France, Switzerland, Bel~~urn, Holland, Germany, ' Denmark, Sweden, and bCOtland. Due to limited time, however, no one memer of the group will be able to cover each of the countries. Instead of staying at hotels, the boys expect to ake use of "Youth Hostels " inexpensive overnight Od.g 1·ngs provided for traveling ' students. These are ~U!te numerous in Europe and are very popular with e European youth. In this way they expect to come Ill!


re rj'

t ,, '


- ----

in better contact with the people of Europe as they really are and not through the mouth of a lecturer on a conducted tour. Many of these "Hostels" are quite pretentious, some even being converted castles. Some of the highlights of the trip being anticipated are cycling down the Rhine, visits to European universities, including Oxford and Heidelberg, a promised typical English dinner of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, a trip through the famous English lake district, the beauty of the Alps, and the sea voyage. The accompanying picture shows the prospective wanderers planning routes and side trips in preparation for the trip. Many of the spare hours around the chapter house are spent in this way as the time for embarking draws closer. The planners are, from left to right, Roger Anderson, Harry Nevin, Jack Swinney, and Jack Broberg.


j2lf:J TRIBUTE t~ ::::.beradei BROTHER



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so th(

Official Photograph, U. S. Navy

in him were all the traits and characteristics desirable according to the highest traditions of the Naval Service. He was a charming young gentleman, who endeared himself to those of us who were fortunate enough to have been his associates. , This is the tribute of I. D. Wiltsie, Lieut-Comdr., U.S.N., Commander Bombing Squadron Three, to Brother Herbert W. Younkman, Alpha Xi, who while piloting a Navy bombing plane, was killed in a crash near San Diego, Calif., March 17, 1938. As an aviation cadet he was attached to Bombing Squadron Three of the U.S.S. Saratoga and was temporarily based at the U.S. Naval Air Station at San Diego. Lieutenant-Commander Wiltsie wrote of Brother Younkman's service record as follows:




· d h ts " wmgs · · f rofll the H e recetve upon gra d uatmg rn· U.S. Naval Air School at Pensacola, Fla., in Septe ns her, 1936, and reported to the squadron, which ~ e then Bombing Squadron Two, in October of the safll year. . )liS He· participated in Fleet Problem XVIII wtth se squadron in the spring of 1937, during the cou! f1l of which he accumulated many hours of flying froet the U.S.S. Saratoga in the south Pacific and spent ov two weeks in the Hawaiian Islands. • 11 The time he has been in the squadron he de~O 11• strated to everyone associated with him his co~sCl~ot tious attention to duty, esprit de corps, destre IIi· knowledge and his efforts to be a credit to the orga zation were unending. d· He was one of the first eighteen pilots in the sqttn

The Star and LatttP




{;y :bt. /lULL C.


Chairman of Scholarship Committee


in March scholarship blanks were sent out to the secretaries of all the chapters with the request that all seniors and second term juniors llrhose scholarship records are outstanding should be~Orne candidates for the honor of Pi Kappa Phi Scholar hor 1938. Before the end of March several candidates ad filed their records. It is necessary that a good. ~hotograph of the candidate accompany his record. t h.e records must be certified by the chapter secrear,es and the Dean or Registrar of the colleges con~rned and all records must be in the hands of the holarship Committee on or before Julf 1, 1938, :~ that the Scholars may be chosen and announced in e first Fall issue of THE STAR AND LAMP. 192l'he first Pi Kappa Phi Scholars were chosen in 7, and to date a total of seventy-nine outstanding At \lV ~ ·ll. ·Alderman, E '35 Wm. D. Davis, 0 '35 1' ·Alderman, E '31 W. E. Diefenderfer, AM '37 ~Cleve Allen, I '31 C. H. Douglass, A II '33 ARLY

~Ill. C. Askew A A '31 li. BagnaJ,' A '36 1. ·~· Bateson, X '35 \'o · Bobbitt, K '28 ij ugene]. Lamar, 0 '3 7 J.r~~· Lynch, Jr., T '33 1 ert E. Mate A H '36 {·McCaskill,'n '33 ).,. ~· McClellan, A T '35 ~.' C · McGraw, I '34 )., ·Mclees, B '36 1.'1l.I-r. Bo~tater, 0 '30 G · Burnt, -¥ '32 ].·:· Cleveland, A '32 ~ · Culbertson, A '32 C. Davis, Jr., A N, 0 ij Ill,



H. ]. Elmendorf, A T '37 G. D. Everett, A :=: '34 G. G. Fassnacht, 0 '3 1 W. G. Fassnacht, 0 '31 George Fortune, 0 '32 C. W. Gilbert, 0 '31 T. H. Grafton, B '27 A. W. Grafton, B '28 C. W. Grafton, B '29 A. ]. Graham, E '32 Herbert P. Haley, I '33 W. H. Harrison, E '29 Cecil M. Hefner,:=:, I '30 W. H . C. Higgins, III, 0 '29 Edgar B. Hilley, H '36 Samuel M. Hines, E '34 ]. B. Holman, Jr., P, l: '30

Pi Kappa Phis have been honored with the scholarship pendant and certificate which are awarded on Founders' Day ead1 year. Thirty-one chapters have had one or more Scholars during the past eleven years. Purdue has had the most Scholars with a total of ten, followed by Davidson and Presbyterian with seven each. Alabama and Furman have each had live Scholars, followed by Georgia Tech and Armour Tech with four each. It would be interesting to know where each Pi Kap.pa Phi Scholar is now and what he is doing. Ascordtngly the names of all the Scholars are given here so. that all Pi Kappa Phi may know who they are, wtth the hope that each Sd1olar will write to the chairman. The chapter letters and the years of the award follow the names. Burt C. Horne, Jr., :=: '36 Wm. A. Howard, A B '31 Ross G. Hume, A r '29 R. F. Hutchinson, B '37 James T. Jackson, A H '28 Wayne C. Jackson, A 0 '37 T. A. Johnston, III, 0 '36 ]. F. Jones, P '32 ]. K. Morrison, A ~ '35 Russell Newhouse, A N '28 Carl Olson, Jr., A 0 '31 L. C. Pawley, X '37 M. L. Pennell, A .A '30 Wm. C. Pritchard, 0 '27 James Purcell, X '32 W. R. Purcell, 0 '32 J. A. Richardson, l:, II '36 R. J. Riddle, A T '33 Herman G. Riggs, 0 '28 W. M. Rosenthal, A II '35

James R. Scales, .1 '33 V. B. Scheffer, A A '30 Edwin N. Searl, A ~ '35 W. W. Seymour, E '33 E. T. Sherwood, 0 '30 Thomas L. Speer, A ~ '37 L. C. Stephens, :=: '32 George J . Svehla, A ~ '37 A. S. Tomlinson, A T '34 L. G. Wallace, P '34 S. G. Weinberg, T '30 ]. H. Weinberger, A M '28 Albert B. Welty, 0 '34 S. J , Westbrook, A '35 Marvin Wilbur, A Z '35 R. E. Williams, A Z '31 H. E. Wilson, Jr., P '37 H . Woodward, Jr., E '36 Hastings Wyman, B '34 Marion M. Young, A '36



and was regularly assigned to a plane m the ~lladron's tactical organization. His ability as a pilot 6y~s Well above the average and his enthusiasm for 0 8 equalled his ability. As Assistant Engineering cer in the squadron, his technical training came to


of P; Kappa Phi

the fore many times in the form of helpful suggestions and recommendations. Within the social circles of Coronado and San Diego, he was very popular. He had continued his education with evening school classes at Coronado High School.


Co-uncil ./llleet~ TO PLAN PROGRESS


EETINGS of the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi are always very enjoyable and profitable gatherings and that of April 1-2-3 was no exception. The meeting this year was scheduled for three days instead of the usual two in order to better permit the national solons to study the advances made by the fraternity under the guidance of a new executive secretary, to allow them more time to map out sound, long-range programs of future policy, and to become more intimately acquainted with the detail workings of the Central Office. The extra day proved to be very satisfactory and a feeling of definite accomplishment pervaded the air as councilmen were homeward bound. Those of the membership who have never been privileged to sit in on one of these meetings cannot fully appreciate the work accomplished, nor enjoy the high humor that runs throughout such a gathering with Lawyers Meisel and Houser sparring with Engineers Helmrich, Berry and Jones. We can only tell you of the fish dinner George Helmrich ordered only to .find that shad roe really presents only a "potential" fish dinner. You can see, only through our eyes, the National President with a waste basket between his knees, fully enjoying a very juicy Florida orange while discussing the plans for the coming convention in Jacksonville; candid cameraman Jones got one snap of that feat of skill in masticatory procedure but unfortunately we have not received a copy for the magazine. In Richmond for the entire session were National President Albert W. Meisel, National Treasurer G. Bernard Helmrich, National Secretary William J. Berry and National Chancellor Theron A. Houser: National Historian Walter R. Jones could not get away from his post as chief engineer of United Air Lines in time to make the entire meeting, but arrived with stories of flying around Richmond unable to land because of the fog. Had to go back to Washington and complete the journey by train . STAR AND LAMP editor Richard L. Young came in for the Sunday sessions and much interesting discussion ensued on the policy and make-up of the magazine. It was extremely pleasant to have the telegraphic good wishes of past execu:ive secretary Howard D. Leake of Birmingham. Sitting in on the meeting were John H. McCann and R. Lynn Kennett of the Central Office staff. The session of Friday morning, April 1, was devoted largely to approval of reports and the finishing



FRATERNITY' 1 of up of work previously begun through channe s e correspondence. Discussion of a preliminary na~~e touched upon the topic of expansion poltcy. .0 central office was authorized to rehabilitate certa;o undergraduate regalia in its possession for sale. chapters which are in need of replacements. Dur~e8 the afternoon National Treasurer Helmrich and fer executive secretary retired to the latter's office to con 'ty on the report as to the financial status of the fra~erntft and reported thereon during the evening session. se thorough examination of the report convince~ th~}le assembled that we may look forward to endmg fit present fiscal year on July 31 with an operating pro·~ but that because of the current recessionary trends :o the business world, it is apparent that we will hav-ethe trim our financial sails with great foresight f?r of next fiscal period. As a result of the discussiOn dy finances work is underway to make a complete stu ar of initiation and dues records over the past ten Yde· period in order to determine the actual effect the re. pression had upon our fraternity's .financial struct\. using this information as a guide to anticipate contt gencies of the future. . •as Before retiring for the night, Friday, discussion d"' et opened considering the proposed program and_bu/py for the Nineteenth Supreme Chapter as submitte s. the convention committee through Brother Georgere· Coulter, general chairman. This discussion was afll sumed on Saturday morning, April 2. The progr•cil and budget were summarily approved by th~ co~·~it with certain guali.fications as to the .financ1al 'tnis to which the fraternity should obligate itself for tlf meeting. These gualifications having been subseque·~tee presented for discussion to the convention comrnJ i''' in Jacksonville, the way was cleared for the .final. ~ 0t. toward that record attendance wh ich seems imffiln ~!P On another page of this issue of the STAR AND V. you will find the program outlined for you. d in Among the interesting points brought for-war }lose connection with the convention program werd ~a!Jlt pertaining to undergraduate and alumni roun 'rate discussions. It was decided to sponsor two s:r dis· round tables. That for the undergraduates wd pter cuss, _in the main, topics relating directly to. ch:O pe problems common to all. A definite effort IS jCS made to divorce from these discussions those toPar· tending to bring out questions applying only to P

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Off. \) chal alre: bit tead ever

(Continued otz page 15)

The Star an d





/IV. k Fraternity

officials at Council meeting are shown, left to right, Executive Secretary McCann, Assistant Secretary Kennett, National Chancellor Houser ~:t~onal President Meisel, National Treasurer Helmrich, National Historian Jones and honal Secretary Berry. ~

e·r e,



Undergraduates Extend Welcome


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Pi Kapps in the rest of the country. had better be looking forward to that Nattonal k Convention in Jacksonville this summer. I don't · h ow many of you have ever beer: ,d own m · thnow.. Just e sunshine state"-but Jet me tell you tt s great! b l.ast time we had a sizeable collection of the good ~~O~hers down here was back in 1936 when Alpha r Pstlon was host to the Southern Conclave. Say-we neauy had a good time then. Got a lot of good busi;ss .clone too, and still had time to advance the name 0 1 I<appa Phi in the social world. . .. 1\i everal of the Jacksonville alumn1 have vtstted p Pha Epsilon this year and have given reports on the srogress of the convention plans. Everything sounds ill::u ~o us. Of course the appeal of beautiful girls, d nltght nights and a good old beach to play on cOesn't mean much to women-starved males in non°educatwnal · · · ""h Gamesvtlle. But some o f you f e11ows cano are doling away your time in the torrid north Off surely sneak in a week to come south and cool



::; j ch ~e ~ ~r·



have about .fifteen Jacksonville men in the a! apter now who are tops in their native city. They've bi:eacly acquainted the bulk of our chapter with a te dof their southern pulduitude and now we are eva Y to pass that knowledge on to you. Say! We're en going to have a register for all dates. You know, of Pi Kappa Phi

something like a rogues' gallery-only this will be a rouge gallery. The girls will be classified as to height, weight, color of hair and eyes and, wherever they can supply a good one, there'll be a picture. Even our archon, Jack Stephen Smith, or just plain "Pinkey" to us, is from Jacksonville and he promises to lend his master.fu.l domination of the opposite sex to the task of obtammg dates for the visiting brothers. District Archon Coulter has told us of a few plans he has personally, and if George gets a chance to put them into o~eration, Jacksonville will stand a good chance of bemg selected the permanent meeting place of the Supreme Chapter. Our gang down here is planning to make Alpha Epsilon's attendance 100 per cent. From reports at Chi I ~elieve their plans are the · same. And after talking wtth the Lambda brothers at Georgia, whenever we catch them at our women's college, I think they'll be there in a body. We can't argue with the Gamma chapter about the advantages of Florida climate and the like, but we can say to you that we'll have everything in readiness for the best convention in the history of Pi Kappa ~hi: F:om Alpha Epsilon th~n, greetings and a hearty mvttatwn to be on hand m Jacksonville next August. 13

/lfew dacM APPEAR IN RANKS OF FRATERNITY the current school year several changes have occurred in the fraternity's official ranks. Numbered among these are appointments of three new district archons in Districts Four, Nine and Nineteen and two new chapter advisers at the University of Washington and Drexel Tech. Assuming the leadership in busy District Four we find Brother Ben W. Convington, Beta, of Florence,




cadence. Some will remember Ralph as the piano plaY' ing member of the Euc Reeves-Tabor jewelry saleS team for Burr Pat a few years ago. , Out in the Pacific Northwest District Nineteen sa" the appointment of Brother Thomas E. Jermin, Alpha Theta, to succeed Horace Granger as District Archolld Brother Granger, former National Warden all General Chairman of the Seattle Convention, w~s forced to retire from business activity to regain hiS health and the fraternity has been exceedingly fortU' nate in securing a man of Jermin's calibre to repl~ce 1 him. Tom's first few months in office have seen . ~ accomplishment of the first annual Northwest Distr~ Conclave at Alpha Zeta in January (reported in ~\t STAR AND LAMP) and an increase in general d1strl and chapter activity. 1 The ranks of chapter advisers have admitted Rob~, "Bob" Bancroft of Alpha Delta and R. J. "~ 0 1 Riddle of Alpha Upsilon. Both Bobs have en~1abe records of activity as undergrads, the latter be1ng a Pi Kappa Phi Scholar in 1933, and having taken hold of their respective duties in pleasing manner路

Thomas E. Jermin

S.C. Ben has within his jurisdiction the affairs of Alpha, Beta, Delta, Zeta and Sigma. He succeeds W. H. "Beevo" Arnold of Greenville in this key position. Ben received his B.A. degree while at Presbyterian, took his B.S. degree at the University of South Carolina and his M.S. at Cornell University's New York City graduate school. He held numerous fraternity offices as an undergraduate and enters the ranks of District Archons with his efforts in establishing the Florence Alumni chapter still very fresh in our memories. In District Nine Brother Ralph R. Tabor, Alpha Alpha, took over the reins as DA in November, filling the vacancy left by the removal of Brother H. 0. Merle from Ohio to New York. Tabor came to the official ranks with high recommendation and a fine background of undergraduate experience at Mercer university. His efforts are already being felt as undergraduate and alumni activity pick up faster





The expiration of the term of Robert E. Allen a~ a member of the Standing Committee on Finance ~e December 31, 1937 brought about the unanimous vo of the National Council for his reappointment. ~;: fortunately, he has been forced to decline reapp 01 0 0 ment but we are happy that his action is based .Uf s 0 1 his promotion to one of the higher executive pos1t ~ )1 in the home office of the New York bank for wh'' he has worked so faithfully and well.

The Star and LattiP


d, sl



PI th re

Judge Bets 60 to 30 Days with Prisoners in Court (Continued from page 3)



ti jet

. "What's this?" demands the Judge. "What good IS it for you to win if you get back in trouble as soon as you're on your own?" Bill grins sheepishly, but he is not so dow~cast as John Smith who lost a bet and, so, took a s•xtyday sentence on the roads. Bill won his bet and his slate was wiped clean. This is a new offense. , "I bet I can stay straight for thirty days, Judge. I Ve done done it once." ."Think you can? Very well, if you're back here in th•rty days you get sixty." . Thus, day after day, Judge Sims' court. m .c.harlot~e Pursues an original course, blazing a JUdlciaf trail through mossy tradition, producing results wh1ch a~e reflected in a growing list of rehabilitated men. His methods are gaining recognition all through the coun-


. This unique procedure is based on the J.udge's belief that there's "good in the worst of us an~ on a sporting proposition he allows some of the pnsoners before the bar to go free. But on a wager that they'll get 60 days if they fail to stay sober and out of the hands of the law for 30 days. . . 'fhose who know Frank Sims are not surpnsed, for It 'Would be unlike him to follow set rules of proCedure. He would not in Oglethorpe, nor would he become moulded to the form of the traditional schoolmaster after that in Georgia. When he came to Charlotte ten years ago to engage in Junior Chamber of Commerce promotion he did not bear the stamp of ~he Professional chamber-of-commercer. And then, takmg law at the University of North Carolina, he pursued ;.n Original course in practice, all to his growing reputaIOn and success. It was to be expected that when the Council chose him for City Recorder he would do ~~~ct~. . Slight of build, youthful of countenance-a g•ft of the gods tempered only 'by a thinning thatch to s~ow that it is quite a piece back to Oglethorpe-Fran~ SI.ms pursues his deft way through life, apparently enJoymg It . . t I t s Immensely. Wise in the way o~ hum.an•~? o eran • Yrnpathetic he has become an Ideal JUdicial officer. ~ith those 'merely weak he deals understandingly, us~~~ sportsmanship as the key to re-build.ing. For the ~Ctous he bas an equally effective but d1fferent techru~ue. His experiments reflect his belief that much ~r 1 me could be prevented if the . la:W had a better nd~rstanding of the motives of cru~unal~. . h li1s home life is very happy. Manan S1ms, his boyOod sweetheart in Dalton, Ga., has come to be a nationally known writer with three novels and numerous short stories to' her credit. · Toge th er, 10 · th elr . home in the fashionable Myers Park d'1stnc . t • at


()f Pi Kappa Phi

the Little Theater and in the clubs, they take a prominent part in the city's social life. His future is as unpredictable as his past in a succession of surprises. Smooth, well equipped and honest, he is dynamic for all his suavity. Politics, perhaps. It will be interesting to see what, for Frank Sims always moves and never in circles. The success that was to come to Frank Sims in later life was indicated in his college and fraternity days at Oglethorpe where in 1919 he was elected to membership in Pi chapter. He was chapter archon for two years and was prominent in many phases of college activity. In his senior year he was president of the student body, president of the Senior Class and valedictorian of his class.

Council Meets to Plan Progress of Fraternity (Contin11ed from page 12)

ticular campus methods of doing things so that we may concentrate on subjects or problems general throughout the fraternity. The alumni round table is a new venture and is brought about mainly because of the many queries of interest from alumni on fraternity matters of all kinds. This round table will take place separately but at the same time as that of the undergraduates and will include such topics for discussion as ( 1) a history of our suspension laws in practice (2) how can alumni chapters better coordinate their activities with those of the active chapters? (3) the fraternity's expansion policy ( 4) educational programs for alumni chapters (5) the place the alumni chapter has in the civic life of the city. Should any member reading these lines have a particular interest in any of these topics or care to have other topics placed on the agenda for these discussions it is desired that he communicate this interest to the executive secretary. Further matters of general interest covered in Saturday's sessions included final approval for manufacture of alumni charms for the fraternity. These charms are advertised by our jewelers in this issue of the magazine and may be secured by any member of our alumni or any senior in an undergraduate chapter. A resolution was adopted setting forth the National Council's opinion as to the investment of its STAR AND LAMP Fund. This is as follows: WHEREAS, the Finance Committee of the PI KAPPA PHI Fraternity has presented through the National President a request for a statement from the National Council as to what, in their judgment, should be the investment policy of the Finance Committee in handling the principal of the STAR AND LAMP Fund; RESOLVED, that the National Council state to the Finance Committee that they believe: 1-that the present ratio between investments in legal and investments in non-legal securities as established in Sec. 7,


Law X of the Supreme Laws of 1937 should be maintained ; 2- that earning power should be given due and proper consideration consistent with safety of principal, on the theory that neither safety of principal nor earning power is paramount, but that the two are intecdependent and that the investment policy must be based on a fair consideration of both; 3- that a wise investment policy cannot be outlined by the National Council in detail, but only in principle, its working out being left to the sound business judgment of the Finance Committee appointed for that purpose; and be it further RESOLVED, that it is the opinion of the National Council that under the provis ions of Sec. 7, Law X of the Supreme Laws of 1937, the Finance Committee has full power and authority to keep in cash such part of the STAR AND LAMP Fund as cannot, in their judgment, be safely invested.

Council attention was then focussed on many of the problems that have confronted the central office since the opening of the present school year. Discussion of these and of expansion concluded the work of Saturday and early Sunday. The remaining time in session was spent discussing with Editor Richard L. Young his plans for the future of the magazine. As councilmen departed on their various ways the fraternity nerve-center, central office, shifted into high gear for the last lap of a very successful school year.

Right Kind of Publicity Big Asset of Fraternity (Contir111ed from page 7)

The local angle will be made still stronger by mentioning other members of the fraternity known in the town to which the story is sent. For instance: "Other members of the fraternity from Anytown include Charles Smith and George Brown." Although I can't wax enthusiastic over the selling value of fraternity publicity, unquestionably stories about home town men who are in Pi Kappa Phi tends to make prospective pledges think favorably about the fraternity. In this discussion, I believe that some mention might be given to other media of good will besides the newspaper. I refer to the college radio station. According to the 1936 report of the National Committee on Education by Radio, college-owned stations are maintained at 12 institutions that have Pi Kappa Phi chapters. These are: Oregon State, Iowa State, University of Oklahoma, University of Illinois, Michigan State, Ohio State, Purdue, University of Florida, Cornell, Alabama Polytechnic, Georgia Tech, and Rensselaer. Most of these stations likely have campus newscasts at which time they broadcast material concerning the student body and organizations. The chapter pub-


licity man should familiarize himself with the pos~i· bility of having some of his more important fraternity news used . An additional good-will method, quite apart fro!ll newspaper publicity, that is overlooked is a letter t~ parents of a new pledge. The parents, who shoul feel a vital interest in their son's activities, are often ignored by the fraternity. A good way to show the!ll that their son is not pledging an irresponsible group as pictured by the movies and fiction would be for the chapter to send a friendly, informal letter to ~e~ after the son has pledged. In brief, the Jetter ~~g 1 explain how the house is organized, the nat1~n~ organization, welcome the parents to the fraternity s circle of friends, and assure them that their son was with a group with whom his parents would be weJco!lle guests. t After all, little, personal individualized touches out of the ordinary go a long way in showing people .th~. Pi Kappa Phi is NOT "just another college fraterntt}'·

/J-colheM in j}i /Zappa jJfti HE Nineteenth Supreme Chapter meeting wi~ occur on August 16, 17, 18 and 19, 193 8 '· Jacksonville, Fla. Undergraduates and aturnn~ all over the country should mark these dates well, an commence now to plan to go. The Convention Committee elsewhere in this issue gives the full details of a well balanced social pro· gram, which should interest every one. Moreo~er, Jacksonville itself presents many reasons for mak~n~ the trip. Together these factors should create an tJll pelling urgency to attend. pi To those who never have been present at a g. KAPPA PHI Convention, may I say you will ha~e thrill of a lifetime in seeing your fraternity in action. in meeting the delegates from all over the countrY• and knowing your national officers personally. pS To all brothers, I state your fraternity NEE I YOU at Jacksonville. By that I mean that your cou~sen and your presence will do much to make the occasiOd worthwhile and thus help secure the necessa.ry an valuable results, which come from such a meettng.h t In conclusion, may I also venture the thought t go YOU NEED your fraternity too. By that I mean, nu matter how much your fraternity has meant to yort in the past, the spirit of brotherhood in your he~l' must be fed and nourished by contacts with the brO ts ers, in order to survive. No other occasion presenur such a great opportunity for fraternal meetings as 0 fraternity Convention. Let me see all of you at Jacksonville! Fraternally,





The Star and Latllf

j2ttfanl/2ak PREVIEWS p





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aside the worries of the Multnomah Athletic Club Membership campaign, I take up the old shoe-box carried home from the 1ast big Pi Kapp round-up in Seattle and pour out the assorted "cart-wheels" (each said to be worth an even fifty-nine cents) and figure whether I'll fly, drive ~.r Walk to the Pi I(aptions in Jax Florida. -Just as h'l11 deciding to dust off the old thumb for a bit of tghway diplomacy the thought comes that good 13 rather Ed Brandt up Seattle way offered to pay my \Vay if I'd attire myself in overalls and straw and lllake the journey in a crack, first class drawing room. Shell out Ed (and be careful there aren't any witnesses next time). Shove over brother, we're off to that ~Unny southland for a real treat of Pi Kapp hospitaltty in the city of canals (remember that big ditch they ~tarted a few years back; Mac writes they're filling tt. uP so as to place tents enough to accommo date vtstt.. tng Pi Kappdom) . So this is Jax! And you must be that "Great Trans~rter and Accommodater," Bill Jennings. Glad to ;.ake your hand, Bill. It's good to find another brother . tth as little thatchwork above the eyebrows. But even tf You do have so much face to wash, Bill, I hear ;?ere is plenty of gray matter behind those eyes and 111, looking forward to getting into that good .room \7~ fixed for me at the air-conditioned Hotel George f ashtngton. Rates? Mister, when you tell me they run ro111 $2.50 per man down you've said all you need to say. I'm satisfied. Room 709 boy and step I've got to meet those to ornmates of' mine' .. .. Hello' fellows, Peacock, Alpha Z eta . .. Clements, Beta ... Taylor, Upsilon ... Hil1 ~t路 Alpha Iota ... Peak, Clem, Bob and C?eorfSe. Say, ern, how's our good Brother Jacobs domg m there as President of Presbyterian? Hoped to meet him here and may before we roll up the floor and take this &ang back home. Seems I remember a photo of a J. ~路Clements, with the men of Beta back in the March . 'l'AJt AND LAMP as Intercollegiate featherweight boxt~g champ for South Carolina . . . . No relation but a 50 here in Jax ... good. And Bob Taylor- they tell





ts J(


of Pi Kappa Phi

me you're no relation to that lady killer of the movies but are batting off a mean scholastic average up at IUinois. Aren't you the fellow who made an honorable mention with your architectural entry in the Beaux Arts competition in New York last fall? George, if my memory serves me you're the lad that set things afire as secretary at Auburn this last year. Nice going, fellow, they tell me that Alpha Iota is tops as a chapter and I sure hope to get over that way before heading back west. Say, let's run down the hall and see who we bump into. Hi there Peak.... By golly if it isn't Mac McCann the exec sec; how ya' doing fellow? ... Come in her~ Peak, you know some of these Pi Kapps . ... National Prexy Meisel, .that hold~r of national purse strings, George Helmnch, and tl11S blond Adonis is Roanoke's pride and joy Lynn Kennett, the other half of the Seeo team. And here comes George "Coon" Coulter and Ted Jackson. Coon, you know, is running this show as .general convention chairman. He's Archon here in District 6. Ted leads Alabama's District 7 and from what I hear bowls over civic club audiences with his speeches when not busy winning cases for his legal clients. Mac, I'm heading down to the Rainbow room for a bite so I'll be set for the doings that begin tomorrow. Walk me to the elevator and we may bump into someone we know ... . Here's one, good old Dick Taliaferro, the ace delegate from Duke at the Seattle rpeeting. How goes the work in med school, Dick? ... Couldn't be better, Peak. Say, meet Bill Rhodes and Jack Watson, both down here for Mu to see that this biennial shindig really makes a big place in Pi Kapp history. . . . And , hello, here's that peer of Chapter Ad.visers, B~s Borland, another Mu product. Bus, here, ts Counctlor-at-large for North Carolina. And if you want some first hand dope on that famous Duke . le~al cl.in.i~, he has it. He's on the faculty in the cnmmal dtvtslon .... How about you fellows joining us down in the Rainbow room? Man, 'if that meal is an indication of what's to come here in Jax I'm not even going back to the land of


Delegates and Alternates


l I)'

so til el Stl to llli



If (1) Jack Smith, Alpha Epsilon; (2) Frank Heidemeich, Alpha Phi; (3) Jack Watson, Mu; (4) Da'Vid f. He~ ,,.,, Tau; (5) Luciatl Hiner, Xi; (6) Stacy Burnett, Zeta; (7) Willard Richardson, Alpha Sigma; (8) Eartle J)e/10' Cracken, Alpha Lambda; (9) Kennnth V. T.awson, EtJsilon.: (10) Bob Ma"es, Lambr/a; (11) Walter Ste'Vetl\ 511';~· (12) Roger Kaller, Alpha Xi; (13) Jimmie Canfield, Alpha Lambda; (14) George Hiller, Alpha Iota; (15) Jac ney, Omega; (16) Joe Dillow, Alpha Zeta; (17) Norman Arrighi, Gamma; (18) J.P. Stewart, Lambda.



~es out there on the coast. ... Say, Mac, isn't that Pou coming in? Never met him but have heard ~Uch about his work on the Council in past years .... o, meet Bob Peacock of Portland, Ore., and Bob, Yo.u remember Bill Berry, the national keeper-of~'?utes, and this is Dick Young, the fellow that is 0 · 10g such a good job with the magazine. And by Rolly! Howard Leake ! Boy you sure are a sight for ~re ·eyes. Glad to see you again. looks like private 1 '~e is agreeing with you since you relinquished the te~gns as executive secretary last September. Is Marge '~~'th you? ... And how is Mimi? She must be about ten now? Say, fellows, this is some first night reunion. · · · Here comes a fellow whose name I have heard 1 ~any times, George Grant, the new Pi Kapp congressan from Alabama and past national secretary. th Iiear that song? Hit it. "Pi Kapps are we, Pi Kapps e name, we don't give a damn we are always the ~rne; we Pi Kapps are as happy as can be; we're th.e st frat in the university. Pi Kapp, Pi Kappa Pht, 1 ~e· re going to step tonight if tomorrow we die; to e a Pi Kapp takes a damn good guy, tell the rest I to go to hell see if we care." Yeeow! ! ! ! Here they torne-boys you really started something there. Peak, ~eet Bill Ceely, Chi delegate, Bruce Hunt ~nd Maxcy 1 ~~trelson, delegate and alternate from Stgma, F~ed tnter, representing Omega of Purdue, Red Robm~n of. Mercer, and Dave Heffernan of Tau. Dave has e distinction of being the only delegate present ~1ected while still a freshman. And he'll prove the N.C. tate boys used their heads in sending him down. t ''M:itch" Permenter! You're just the fellow we want 08 , ee. Understand you captain the entertainment com~lttee for this Nineteenth Supreme Chapter. How a out giving us the low-down on what's scheduled in ~Our department these next four days .... Sure thing, eak, but before I get into details let me tell you r.ou're in for the best time of your life. Here's the 'neu p: tomorrow, August 16, pre1'tmmary · busmess · tak t es up most of the day. Lunch comes from 12:30 2 :~o and three groups will me~t. The National llnctl and the Convention Commtttee get together ~ ~ 0 the undergraduate delegates with the. leader of round table discussion groups. Alumm members til llleet over the table with the leader of alumni round tables and everyone goes ba ck to conventton . ;ssion at 2:00. Tuesday night brings you the first hPPortunity to meet that date you asked for as we 1 an informal reception and smoker here in .the 1 a o~ge Washington. For you fellows whose wtves t~e JOurneying with you, there will be a tea at. four I gi~orrow for the visiting ladies. But supposmg I ~ e each of you a copy of the complete program. 1b that the social events have been separated from y:Si~ess SO that you can pick them out with ease. 1 ~II get your tickets for all events tomorrow when e&tstration opens at 9 A.M. All information needed



I'1/'t 1




e Star and Lamp

will be at the registration desk on the mezzanine. Payment of the $15.00 fee entitles you to participation in the full schedule.... Yes, this fee covers yourself and your date. Meet Reg Axtell, Alpha Epsilon. He's the lad who will cheerfully relieve you of the fifteen bucks. . . . But look, fellows, I've got to be off with Guy Wood and Parnell Pafford here; we' 11 see you later. Here are programs enough to go the rounds and a few extra for these lads I see heading this way. Men, meet Ken lawson and Paul Cooper, delegate and alternate of Epsilon, with Alpha Zeta's Marion Sigovich and Joe Dillow. And coming up is Bill Ott of Auburn with Bill Seldon of Illinois. Fellows, we're just going over the program. Pick up one of these stray copies.

PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY Nineteenth Supreme Chapter Jacksonville, Florida August 16-19, 1938 OUTLINE PROGRAM Tuesday, August 16, 1938 8:30-10:30-Meeting of the National Council 9:00-Registration Begins (continues through day) Registration Fee $15.00 11:00-12:15-0pening Business Session 12:30- 2:00-luncheon 1. Convention Committee with National Coun-

cil 2. Undergraduate delegates with leader of round table discussion sessions 1:30- 2:00- Meeting of Credentials Committee 2:00- 4:45-Business Session 5:00- 5:30-·0rganization Meetings of Committees

Social 4:00- Tea for Convention Ladies 9 :00-11:00- Reception and Smoker at Hotel George Washington (informal) Wednesday, August 17, 1938 9:00-11 :00-Committee Meetings 11:00-12:00- Round Table Discussion Groups 1. Undergraduate 2. Alumni 12:00-12: 10- Recess 12:00- 1: 40- Busines. Session

Social 10:00-12:30- Sightseeing trip of Jax for convention ladies 2:30-12:00-0uting at Ponte Vedre (swimming in ocean or pool, golf, tennis, buffet supper, dancing informal) ( approx. 30 miles from hotel) (transportation provided) Thursday, August 18, 1938 9:00-11:00-Committee Meetings and Round Tables continued 11:00- 1 :00-Business Session 1:00- 2:30- luncheon for National Officers, Past National ' Officers, District Archons, Chapter Advisers, and members of C. 0. Staff. 2:30- 5:30- Business Session


Delegates and Alternates


II Fr 9

I to I

12 !)

4 8 8

(1) DeLoss Seeley, Alpha Delta; (2) Deatl Mahrle, Alpha Theta; (3) Miltotl Williams, Jr., Delta; (4) DouglG ~J:: Jr., Alpha Xi; (5) ldus Wicker, Alpha EpsilotJ; (6) Bill Rhodes, Mu; (7) Billy Bums, Alpha Eta; (8) A. )路Crt1if caster, Tau; (9) Edward L. Turner, Omicron; (10) Frank Slavin, Alpha Phi; (11) William Ceely, Chi; (1 2 zetdi Williams, Pi; (13) James B. Robinsotl, Alpha Mu; (14) Bill Seldon, Upsilon; (15) Mariotl Sigovich, Alp1,a (16) Earle B. Fox, Alpha Tau; (17) Ray Cannon, Alpha Upsilon; (18) John Bosworth, Gamma.


Social 9:oo. 2:00- Formal Ball (Hotel George Washington) (calls for tuxedo or full dress with accepted summer variations completely in order. Hotel is air conditioned)



rtday, August 19, 1938 t00-10 :00-Round Table Discussions continued 0-00-12 :20_:_Business Session I 12 _ (Memorial Service at 11:20) :20. 1:30- Lunch as you will 1 -30- 3:30-Final Business Session


_ Social 4 -Oo. 6:00-Reception, Florida Yacht Club (informal) S:oo. -Theatre Party for Convention ladies S:3o 'til? - Banquet (Hotel George Washington) (formal)

Going to have to break this party up to get at 1 east one hour's sleep before breakfast. Let's see, want to have breakfast with these newcomers here. PeaCOck of Portland ... Hulbert of Chi .... Oh, you're I the famous "Peanuts" Hulbert; quite a trickster with ~e trumpet from what Stetsonites tell me.... And ese fellows with you .•. John Bosworth and Nor' ~an Arrighi of Gamma, Ernie Godshalk and John fr arvin of Alpha, and Frank Bennett and Reese Hooks 0111 Georgia Tech's Iota. Bennett hails from Ted Jackson's home town of Dothan doesn't he? Well 1\1' eVe a date for breakfast here at eight. 0 .K. . haAnd say, Bob' I understand that certain brothers Ve expressed their desire for a post-conventiOn golf tournament on Saturday. If enough entries have been etved through the Seeo it can' be he ld at an entry f~ee of about $2.50 per man. t ~umber seven please . . . . Guess I can't make it 1 the room without bumping a few more, can I? ... 'rUst make it Peak. . . . 0. K . . . . Just make it Ed StUtner and Wooten of Alabama, Bob Mayes and Phil l-t"art of Lambda, Jack Swinney of Omega, and Fred y arper of Alpha Alpha .... Good night fellows. See sau tomorrow .... Hey! Bill Houser! You old so-andBow's the legal light of the national council? fj Understand Hattie Marshall is here with you. That's ~e. I've been trying to get to bed but .. . by golly, I li alt Jones, now I've met the entire council tonight. l,Yah Walt? Hillarie still in California? You kn~w li~ sure glad that boy of yours is doing so well agam. e sa grand lad. t allelieve it or not- in bed as daylight begins to ect over the St. Johns River, creeping in from the j ~by Atlantic. 'll reakfast over and have shaken the hands of several ~re brothers. Alpha Delta's DeLoss Seeley and Ray I th 11 arrived from Seattle and I gathered several of a e northwest gang will be strolling in one way or I a~Other during the day. A. G. "Lane" Lancaster, Tau b ernate, joined us over ham and eggs. Another ~Other to join our bald headed brigade. We're form&a special "cue ball" section near the sunniest win1



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e Star and Lamp

dows in the convention room so as to dazzle Pi Kapp orators with our shining personalities. Met Bill Parsons, publicity man extraordinary, as he was bound for a meeting of the main committee. Can easily see why that Lmnberman' s J011rnal gets on so well with Bill in the editor's chair. And that fellow with him Larry Walrath; it's easy to see why the men in Ja~ chose him to lead their alumni chapter. Larry is one grand guy and every Pi Kapp should make it a point to really get to know him after shaking his hand at the head registration desk. Lunch time already . . . boy that meeting really moved along. Seems only about ten minutes since recognition and registration .... Let's see ... at the registration desk I met Milt Williams, Watson and Walt Stevens, all down from Delta, Ned Martinson of Alpha Theta, Jimmy Canfield, alternate from Ole Miss and Alpha Lambda, and that young fire-ball Ray Cannon, Drexel Tech's ace representative. . . . Just before the first call to order I had the privilege of shaking the hands of Si Fogarty and Harry Mixson .. .. Have always wanted to talk with our founders and now that I have I want to even more. . . . Caught up with the good Dr. A. Pelzer Wagener just before the gavel fell for the first time. He's certainly looking well. . . . Sat with another Past Supreme Archon, John D. Carroll, the sage of Lexington, S.C., and Billy Monckton, charter member of Sigma. Billy is the young fellow who says he won't really believe life starts until he hits fifty, then watch his smoke. . .. Just in front of us sat New York's Larry Bolvig and Johnny Stevens, with Frank McMullen of District 1 and Bob Hanson of 21. And over there is the one and only Gil Spahr (honeymooner in Seattle) . . . wonder who gets the laurels here in Jax. . . . Right across the aisle is the third District's Reg Price. Reg has been holding his boys in line now for ten years and says he's beginning to feel like he's understanding the job ... although he will say undergrads change like the weather. Let's see, ten years, seems that should be some sort of record for future D A's to shoot at. But they won't catch the Charlotte flash for he goes right on. Like Lou Gehrig, never misses a game. . . . Those appointments of Al's for Nation~! Chapl~in and National Warden certainly met wtth unantmous approval. He can really pick them. . . . And Coon Coulter knows how to make a group feel really welcome to Jax. When he elaborates on that program I wonder again whether I'll ever head back to the coast. . . . Among the prominent Pi Kapps introduced that I haven 't shaken hands with were past D A Forest McGill of Rho, the one and only Wilbur White, down to record the proceedings and make of this convention a history as of old, D A Bob Amick, Omega, head of Eleven, D A's Covington, Hurt, Joe Cannon, Rice, Tabor, Field, Jermin, White, and Johnson (who thought up to the last 23

Delegates and Alternates





(1) Ned Martinson, Alpha Theta; (2) DeVernon Robinson, Alpha Alpha; (3) Carl Hnlbert, Chi; (4) Fred Alpha Alpha; (5) Fred Winter, Omega; (6) Roy Payne, Alpha Eta; (7) Ben Sanders, Zeta; (8) Brnce HutJt, fril~k (9) Robert Taylor, Upsilon; (10) Robert Snmmerall, Rho; (11) Gerald E. Rickert, Alpha Omicron; (12))Jlaro/J Bennett, Iota; (13) C. D. Wooten, Omicron; (14) George Myers. Rho; (15) Carl Adkins, Alpha Sigma; (16 Fariss, Xi; (17) Reese Hooks, Iota; (18) Maxcy C. Harrelson, fr., Sigma.

lllinute he wouldn't be able to make it) . . . then

tb~re were Ralph Noreen, head of the finance com-

;t~tee, Gonzales Quevedo over from Cuba, Dr. Will dtngton, Phil Etheridge and Fran Dwyer from At1 anta with Bill Maner ... let's see, is Jim Setze here or did he take that trip to England? ... Roy Heffner and. Ray Orteig, Wade Bolt, Florida's own "Little Joe' Hendricks, congressman, with Alabama's Joe Starnes, Joe Sewell whose brother Luke couldn't get away from the White Sox to make the trip, President Jacobs of P. C., this fellow Doug Leigh we've read ~~ llluch about, George V. Denny of Town Hall fame, tll Glenny down from Cleveland, "Judge" Story and Cleo Ingle from out Oklahoma way, Phil AylesWorth from D .C. and L. M. Shirley of Raleigh, 6ecile Carlisle and Hain Huey from B'ham, Reed bOster and Pi Kapp son from Montgomery and AuUrn, Clyde Pearson and Howard Upchurch, also from :he Alabama capital, Bill Berger of New York ... and here were many more ... guess I'll have to get a secretary to keep track of them. . Lunch over and back for those reports of the na~tona[ council. ... Good solid thinkers, each of those ellows . . . interesting to listen to . . . oh, oh . . . Went and got myself on a committee. . . . Had the Pleasure of'sitting in a nest of undergrads this second Session . . . surrounded by Zeta's Sanders and Burnett, :Xi's Farris and Hiner, Pi's Williams and Mal~as~, George Myers and Bob Sumerall of Rho, Jack ll'ltth and Idus Wicker of Florida (and they really &ave me the low-down on the time we are to have ~t Ponte Vedre tomorrow), Roy Payne and Bill Burns Srom Alpha Eta and Dean Mahrle from Michigan tate, and last but not least, that boxing wonder from

Ole Miss, delegate Ernie McCracken, Alpha Lambda. He should get together with Beta's Curly Clements. Committees organized now .... Say that was some song-fest in there. When this gang loosens up the old chords they really can dish it up. . . . Dinner? You bet. ... So you're Ed McDonald of Alpha Upsilon. Son of a Pi Kapp father I believe. Did Ed, Sr., get down? And across from you are Frank Slavin and Heidenrid1 of Armour, this is Doug Keys from Brooklyn Poly holding down the head of the table and alternate Roger KaUer opposite him, on either side of you are Earl Fox and Jack Dempsey of Alpha Tau .. Say we h~ve Robert Taylor and Jack Dempsey at thts conventiOn .... Have to get ready to meet that date I've heard so much about. . . . Say there Russ Lichtenstein and Gerry Rickert, are you fellows from Iowa State all set for this get-together tonight? I'm teaming up with Bill Richardson and Carl Adkins of Tennessee for the evening. How about joining with Westfall and Judy of Alpha Rho, Jim Robinson and Bill Walker of Penn State and us after the curfew rings down the last curtain? And now, Pi Kapps, every one of you, if we haven't met yet there are still three days of this convention to come ... you've had a preview ... we've enjoyed it and want to live it with you this coming August. Circle the dates now, AUGUST 16-17-18-19. They fall on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. If you want more information take a tip from my experience and write either George Coulter, 405 DyalUpchurch Bldg., Jacksonville, or to John H. "Mac" McCann in the Seeo .... See you in Jax! ! !

Tax Centinels (C011tinued from page 4)

all'lount that was tax. The N.A.M., had been very llluch in favor of the penny movement, in fact they Were responsible for most of the publicity that we received for the TaxCENTinels, but they thought that Was a little too extreme I'm afraid and declined the sugg . estton. co:~lat Friday was our Grand Marshal night. That Ststs of a parade to celebrate the election of the officers of the Student Union and a real Rens\II aer beer party afterwards. The theme of the floats f as "Ridden Taxes." The parade started off with the 路路~s~1 ?;en all dressed in pink night gowns to:ving hs (that's our horse, a big wooden one pamted sed and White). It was a terrible night, it rained and :owed and sleeted all at the same time but the parade ent on just the :;arne. The aluminum beer keg, the




e Star and Lamp

prize for the best float, went to Delta Kappa Epsilon for a very elaborate and well done float. It was an airplane forced down by hidden taxes which rode astride. The gloom and sleet added a touch which made it very effective. The following evening we had a TaxCENTinel dance. Everyone went dressed in their oldest clothes and the price of admission was 25 cents per hundred pounds. Each person was weighed as he or she came . d d d d路 10 an was urge accor mg 1Y路 It was a grand party and many played penny games and tossed pennies around indiscriminately. It was very informal and lots of fun . Since then the idea has gradually died out and now it's just a memory and something for old grads to come back and tell eager freshmen about.








AND YOU c£twufl TOO

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August of this year, the 16th to 19th, our Supreme Chapter meets in Jacksonville, Fla. This you probably know and should not forget. And you should, by all means, make plans at once to attend that meeting as a part of your vacation program. I can hear some one saying, "Why did you go to Jacksonville in March? Why didn't you wait?" And an explanation is due one and all. New York in the winter is a fine place to catch a heavy cold and then have it remain for some time. And my cold liked me so much, I couldn't shake it off! A suggestion or two, a father-in-law, a doctor, and a good wife soon had me at Daytona Beach for a two-week sojourn. Having had a part to play in the New York Convention and knowing from experience what Brother George Coulter as General Chairman. of the coming meeting was going through, I just had to take a day out of my recuperative program and drive the 90 miles from Daytona to Jacksonville to see the Pi Kapps who are planning for you and me. I hopped in my car and after a tour of old St. Augustine, which you should visit after the convention, I arrived at the law office of Brother George Coulter. We had never met before but being a Pi Kapp broke down any obstacles that might have delayed a real talk. And George and I went to work. After a telephone call, Brother Mitchell Permenter, Alpha Epsilon, in charge of entertainment, joined us. More interested did I become every minute. The entertainment planned is as good, if not better, than any I've ever heard before for a Pi Kapp convention. Brother Permenter, possessing boundless enthusiasm, is a sure bet to see that no slip-up occurs at any time. Being a Northerner and remembering how hot New York can become in August, I had wondered about Jacksonville during the summer months. My questions brought forth answers and facts from Brother Coulter which proved that Jacksonville does not become hotter in August than does any other bigger city, for example, like New York, Boston, or Chicago. Subsequent discussions with other Florida acquaintances and looking at weather bureau figures double checked what I had been told. So, to you Pi Kapps of the north and middle




Be west, you'll be as cool in Jacksonville as any plac~~ 1 Po And during the evening, probably cooler, as there Pat always a breeze. fac "Larry, let's take a walk over to the hotel where the the Convention will meet," suggests Brother Coulter. fai And we're off! I'm startled! The George Washingto;· the best of several good hotels, has been selected a Yo the Committee. It is the only 100% air-conditionertl hotel in the city. A fine lobby, splendid meeting roo . accommodations, fine rooms for guests with all upd to-date conveniences. Off the main lobby is a silver a~ e blue decorated cocktail room, the equal of any I v seen in New York. Some hotel! I George Coulter gets his Buick roadster and soo~al am riding through Jacksonville's lovely resident! e section. As we pass the city limits, George tells ~­ taxis take you to these limits for only ten cents. Ja sonville is beautiful, with its many trees, paJ~etto:t lawns and houses. 'Tis not long before we arr1ve ail lost the Florida Yacht Club where I'm told a cockt party-dance may be held. The Yacht Club bears plen~ I ao of description but believe me when I say that the pi~ Ule swimming pool, fine dancing facilities, lawns, 0 t and the porches, bar and scenic beauty, assures you the es party possible for everyone. . htS Back to George's office after more impressive Slg of Jacksonville. I meet, at an exclusive grille, the ){e; Committeemen who are working with Brother Co~Ites· The first to arrive is Brother William (Bill) Jenning J Chi chapter, who is to handle Accommodations a:. 5 1 Transportation. Bill already has the answers to .d problems, like the good lawyer he is, and be not afral to count on Bill to set you up right pretty. si· Lawrence (another Larry) Walrath, Alpha :E~ g Ion, follows Jennings. Larry has the job of handll~· registration. And he has a contagious smile. Rernethe bering Carl Ostergren's, Psi chapter, success at t\Vo New York Convention in handling registrants, VI~ o.Jl Larrys have quite a chat. And Larry Walrath IS set! . . i11 Reginald Axtell, Alpha Epsilon, is the last toJ~e the group. He is to be the treasurer, I'm told. to is a Pi Kapp with ideas of real value who will go



The Star and LatiiP


ends to do his share to make the Jacksonville ConVention a success. C. T. Parsons, Chi chapter, the Publicity man, is ~ut of town and I regret that I did not meet him. ~t Brother Coulter has a .fine group of key men and I ~tth t~ese and other Pi Kapps serving on the various S01Umtttees, the job is in good and capable hands! I Uccess is assured ! 1 But the big surprise is yet to come. After our little Pow.wow, I'm taken to the oceanside and to the fa~ous Ponte Vedre Bath Club. Here is to be held, rn told, a bathing party followed by a buffet supper and formal dance. This club, folks, in my opinion, e. ~Uals such famous places as the Lido and Atlantic is each clubs on Long Island. It has everything. A large I Po~J brilliantly lighted at night, surf bathing also, fat~~ dance .floor under the stars, beautiful lounging ~Ctltties, bar accommodations. It's the kind of place I r. 1 f ~ New York Committee had hoped to secure but atled to do so because of exorbitant charges. But Your Florida Committee has turned the trick, secur-



r:; I fed

ing special and unbelievably low prices. The glorious Ponte Vedre Club should provide everything for the outstanding social event of the Convention. Sadly, I tell the Pi Kapps I must return to Daytona Beach. Before I leave I learn of other social parties you can read about in other stories in this issue of STAR AND LAMP. I say "Adios" to as .fine a group of Pi Kapps as I've ever met. As I motor along the roads to Daytona, I feel certain that our Jacksonville Supreme Chapter meeting will prove as good, if not better, than any Pi Kappa Phi has ever had. To you Pi Kapps of the north and middle and far west- our Pi Kapps of the south will be in Jacksonville- go to Jacksonville on your vacation. Put up the sign ''I'm Jacksonville Bound." Florida is a glorious place, summer or winter. So many interesting places to see. You'll never forget. All accommodations are arranged for your benefit at cost. This is one Convention you and I should not miss. May I meet you at the Convention which I feel certain will be a great one. I have had a pre-view!


r,pd I Newton Revives Tar Heel Spirit

e 1

r al lYle



(Continued from page 8)

neltt five years he alternated between B-S and Howard, ~nother Birmingham college. In 1931 he joined Major ob Neyland's University of Tennessee coaching staff ~ chief scout and a year later went to Davidson as ead coach. I During his .five years at Davidson, Newton's teams Ost but one game to teams of Davidson's calibre, that : 0 e-point decision to Furman. The Davidson sched1 a e Was top-heavy with opponents the likes of Duke t~d N?rth Carolina, but Newton's teams always played rn tnteresting and usually close games. I ~ Coach Newton is the son of Rev. and Mrs. J. D. ~.ewton of Thomasville. He was born in that small 1lh:dmont. North Carolina town and was reared uncle: l\a Bapttst doctrine. He became a member of Pt I Pp~ Phi at Howard college. th Bestdes his football work at State college, he coaches a e 'Varsity and freshman golf teams and is himself I tocrack golfer. Summers he usually goes to Gastonia of coach the American Legion junior baseball team I Wthat place. In 1935 he bossed this kid team to a 1 Odd championship. a Coach Newton married Miss Annie Dee Rogers of loProminent Birmingham family, April 14, 1920, and l th the union were born two children, Jean and James, is~ former a beautiful girl in her early teens. James etter known as Jimmy and leans more to airplanes



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than to athletics although last fall he did proposition a ten-year old neighborhood playmate to play sandlot footfall for one cent per season.

One in a Thousand (Continued from page 2)

and he received his letter in tennis in high school, and at Purdue he has earned his freshman numeral. He is a member of the Scrivener Club, honorary writer's club, and has had two stories published in the university magazine The Scrivener. At present be is a sergeant in the R.O.T .C. and has been accepted for advanced military work for next year. He has also been chosen as a freshman councilor for next year. Brother Munro was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi on April 11, 1937, and was one of the four on the scholarship team of Omega chapter which won the Munro Scholarship Trophy last year. His father, Professor George W. Munro, was one of the charter members of Omega chapter and was a charter day initiate, and for several years served as chapter adviser. Pi Kappa Phi is indeed proud of the splendid achievement of Brother Robert Fowlis Munro.

Brother Dies Edwin K. Wood, Alpha Gamma, Dean of Okmulgee Junior College at Okmulgee, Okla., died January 25.




Pi Kappa Phi


is (


Calling the Roll Alumni Chapters


Philadelphia Alumni Chapter On the night of April 1, the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter was tendered a party by the Alpha Upsilon chapter of Drexel Institute. The chapter house, 3401 Powelton Avenue, was the scene of gay reunion for many old grads of Penn State, Drexel and Duke. A few new faces from the Southern chapters were also noted in the forty-two men present. Congratulations to the active chapter for a most noble and successful effort in binding together the Philadelphia Alumni Area. An announcement was made that the annual spring formal dance of Alpha Upsilon wi ll be held at the Manufacturers' Country Club, May 20, 1938. The date was selected so that an entire week-end of celebration could be had as a fitting commemoration of the Fifth Anniversary of the founding of Alpha Upsilon. The afternoon of Saturday, May 21 has been set aside for initiation of all men of the former local fraternity Kappa Sigma Delta into Alpha Upsilon. A stag banquet is scheduled for the evening at 6 P .M. in the chapter house to which all active and alumni brothers are cordially invited. This will be followed at 8 P.M. by an informal dance. If any visiting brothers are in or near Philadelphia, don't fail to attend this special Saturday program. An election of alumni officers was held for the current year, as follows: Mike Biggers, Penn State, president; John Deimler, Drexel, vice-president and Dick Oberholtzer, Drexel, secretary. The meeting was then followed by refreshments, cigars and card playing. RICHARD 0BERHOL TZER, Secretary


College of Charleston

Two members of Alpha have been honored by being invited to join Sigma Alpha Phi, the honorary scholastic fraternity of the College of Charleston. They are Brothers Harry Anderson and John Bradley. Both are seniors, Anderson being a major in chemistry and Bradley in mathematics. Brother Bradley has also received notification of an award of a fellowship in the graduate school at the University of Virginia. He will continue his study of mathematics. Brother Powers has been appointed a graduate assistant in the Department of Zoology at Johns Hopkins University where he will do graduate work beginning next September. Ernest Godschalk has been elected our delegate for the convention in Jacksonville. He is a junior and is prominent in forensics at the College. John Harvin was selected as alternate. The chapter has pledged Burdell Horress. A party was given at Folly Beach the night preceding the pledging ceremony and he was admitted to our fold of pledges on Sunday, March 20. Brother Anderson assisted by Pledges Bates, Jennings and Rhodes was responsible for the success of our first spring party. Nine are graduating this May, including Brothers Williams, Quinn, Parker, Anderson, Powers, Burgess, West, Moore, and Bradley. Our spring formal dance was held April 26. Brother Gadschalk was in d1arge of the arrangements. E. LAWRENCE POWERS, }R., Historian


Undergraduate Chapters



• of Beta chapter is proud indeed of the recent electto 0 the "Pete" Holcombe as president of the student body for us 1938-39 session. "Pete" has been outstanding on the cafll~ar since entering Presbyterian and is one of our most P~pllthC students. He is the third Pi Kapp to hold this office 10 last five years, an enviable record we think. . js Beta's newly-elected Panhellenic Council representat~ve tei ]. 1. Clements. ]. 1. has long been prominent in .c ~eta affairs and his election is just tribute to his service 1n chapter. 91e As the end of the current school year draws near, .we tO making plans for next year, hoping that we wi ll conttnllber· progress with the return of an expected strong active .rnefll ship and capable leadership. GORDON HUGGINS, Historiall


California · ed

The series of alumni dinners sponsored by the reorg~nJZe6· a! umni chapter has proven to be very satisfactory and en cia! to all members, both active and alumni. . tet· Gamma brothers have taken an active part in. the ~ 0g, fraternity softball games. Starting out the season w1th a 11 rnP we saw several successive victories before hitting a 51 and, consequently, losi ng our top standing. e!d at Formal initiation for the spring semester was h we· the chapter house, Sunday, March 21, 'when Neil B. We~er· rail, Ken Wheeler and Eugene Roberts came into the bro beeP hood. One of the initiates, Ken Wheeler, a junior, has of nominated for the presidency of the Associated Studen15 Neil, the University of California. Ward Anderson, Alpha Zeta active, and his brother three visited us the week-end of March 20. Ward, number be' man on the Oregon State crew, participated in the race tween Oregon State and the University of California. t the Our annual spring informal was held this year a erlle Athens Club in Oakland on April 1. Gaiety reigned supr as we successfully staged another social extravaganza.


IDa~~0 ~rr


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Alumni Perso11als dino brot:i "Rip" Pascoe, former employee of the San Bern~r erll' 15 Chamber of Commerce, is now l iving in Berkeley ~n? Jirfl played by the Redwood Empire Exposition CommJ.ssJO~f the J liqg Norgard, '36, is now employed as a representative tscor Phillip Morris Company. . iall Sa RAY CRAMER, Hrstor deqt recell furtJlatl Irate





?I· Four men were initiated into Delta chapter FebrliMY Jt·• The new brothers are Kirk Allen, Jr., Walter Ste~ens~h 0ol Bill Anderson and Ben Watson. All are prominent 10/ rtn~n affa irs. Kirk Allen, a freshman, is a member of the. ll bee" tennis team. His father is also a Pi Kapp, havJO~on ~t initiated into Delta chapter soon after its install ~tl cl~sl Furman. Walter Stevens is vice-president of the JunJO;~nior, and a crack basketball player. Bill Anderson, also a

The Star and



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~I ~ditor

of the Furma11 Hornet and a recent initiate of the °1ster, honorary English society. Brother Watson, is another 111 ft\"'ho believes in keeping Pi Kappa Phi in the family. , 's rather, S. L. Watson, now in medical school at L.S.U., r/s arc~1on of our chapter last year. Ben, who comes to us a om R1o de Janeiro, Brazil, is also a pre-med student and tem~rnber of Alpha Epsilon Delta, national pre-medical frarn,ty. Delta chapter is somewhat athletically-minded this year. 0 in~r basketball team was very successful in the fraternity thrarnural tournament, defeating every team on the campus. of e Fun~an golf team is graced this year with the presence thel\vo Pt Kapp luminaries, namely John Rogers, captain of 8 tearn, and Walter Sigman, present archon of Delta chapter. ~~Others Colvin and Stevens are managing the varsity track rn this year. in Our annual alumni spring dance was a big success. Swing1 rhg to the strains of Bill Stringfellow's Hotel Biltmore oronestra, in the beautiful ballroom of the Poinsett Hotel, everyWas indeed pleased with the evening's entertainment. . ne ue to graduation, five of our brothers will not return ~ Xt year. They are Bill Lankford, Julian Hopkins, John 15°&ers, Walter Sigman and Maxie White. Brother Lankford 1 kin:ont~mplating post-graduate work at L.S.U.; Julian Hopdo· 'IVJIJ travel through the Amazon valley this summer 1 a ' 01l. ~eo logical research work; Walter Sigman has accepted · th~0blt1?n in Greenville; Brother Rogers will likewise enter Ars usmess world and Max White plans to work toward an () degree in geology at the University of Cincinnati. riJ n April 8, Charlton Armstrong was elected Student Counbtsman for the Sophomore class. Another recipient of lately t ~0 Wed honor was Milton Williams who was awarded the 0'l'el medal for oratory. sh he quality credit ratios for the entire student body hi;:ed Delta chapter had an average of 1.303. This was Ner than the student body average of 1.215. tl· ewton Turrentine was married on March 22 to Miss ho'Zabe_th Horton of Belton, S.C. They are making their ~me 1n Greenville where Brother Turrentine, Delta, '35, associated with his father in business.
















Kappa Phi





Zeta's chief social activity during the past two months was its Bowery Ball, on March 29 at the women's clubhouse. The clubhouse was elaborately decorated, a bar was constructed on one side and the walls were covered with beer and tobacco signs. Lew Gogerty and his orchestra of Chicago ~~~' ' The chapter feels a distinct loss in Bob Kearse's withdrawal from school. Although Bob was our newest member he was very active in the work of the fraternity and contributed much to Zeta chapter. Brothers Fletcher, Snoddy, Keller and Brownley attended the recent Southeastern I.R.C. convention in Nashville. Brother Fletcher is president of the Wofford I.R.C, He is also the first-string catcher on the baseball team. The chap_ter loses seven men through graduation this year. They are Gtll, Guerry, Penland, Keller, Snoddy, Atwater and Fletcher. Thomas T. T_aylor and Miss Burns Browning of. Clinton, S.C., were mamed on February 12, in Clinton. At home in Greenwood, S.C., where Taylor is president and general manager of the Greenwood Finance Co, Inc.

F. J.




Eta Davidson

recently celebrated, along with the other eight .\r Vidson fraternities, the spring final dances. Brother" Booby" ril rolsmith again Jed the functions for the Panhellenic Counth~ he charming Mis~ Pauline Proctor was his "date" for at Teveral affairs. The chapter enjoyed a splendid banquet \le khacker's Restaurant in Charlotte which climaxed the b10~h·end. We were honored by the presence of many alumni \>0 ers and friends . Special guests were Dr. and Mrs. G. R. ~ra""les, Dr. and Mrs. Hanson, Jack Abernathy, and Miss singnces Caldwell. Miss Caldwell is the attractive and talented tsco er of The Dean Hudson orchestra. Brother Joe Kellam Srted her. I den:rn Hemphill, a rising senior, has been elected vice-presirece of his class for next year. He and Jim Ballard have frat ntt~ been tapped by Scabbard and Blade honorary military ern,ty lio~e.n l~wson will represent Epsilon at the national conven1 ~bb10 J~cksonville. Paul Cooper has been chosen as alternate. live Y G1sh has been elected as the Pi Kappa Phi {epresental.ok 00 the Davidson Panhellenic Council for next year. Julian fall ey has been chosen "rushing" chairman for the coming 'WCUshing season. sty e announce three new pledges as follows: Herbert SwasOf ~:~ _Horace Reeves of Lakeland, Fla., and Frank Simmons rle, Ala. Too, we are proud to say that Brother Dick


Edwards who is now at the University of South Carolina will be with us next year. Epsilon will be somewhat hit by the loss of thirteen outstanding seniors in June. They are: Philip Arrowsmith, Ralph Chandler, Mac Covington, Spencer Goodman, Jim Hill, Joe Kellam, Dick Lindsey, Henson Maples, Dick Melchor, Bill McLean, Pinkney Stowe, Robert Terry, and Jim Wilson. We regret to see these men leave, but we are proud of their four year records at Davidson. Lieut. James J. Stewart and Miss Corinne Sweeten were married in Chattanooga, Tenn., on March 12. They are making their home in Fort Screven, Ga., where Lieut. Stewart is with the Eighth Infantry stationed there.

Emory University

Melvin M. Jett and Miss Georgia Clay Sharman were married in Atlanta, April 16. At home in Atlanta where Jett is connected with Lucas and Jenkins Theaters, I~c.


Georgia Tech

Keeping up the standards set during rush week, Iota has recently pledged the following men: George Holly, Warner Morgan and Jimmy Weibel. Latest initiates are Dennis O 'Brian, Joe Parham, Ed Johnson, John Walker and David McClanahan. In a recent election, Phi Eta Sigma, national honorary scholastic fraternity for outstanding freshmen, selected David McClanahan and Bill Sanderson as members. Other recipients of honor in the chapter are William Merritt Pope, Jr., and Robert Brewer Williams, who have been elected by the Student Council to serve as business managers of the Technique and Yellow Jacket, respectively. This is the second successive year Iota has had two men as publication heads. . Iota called the roll at a smoker on April 10. After a sumptuous feast the assemblage of brothers was entertained with a "strip tease" by Brother "Charlotte" Roach. The hilarity having once subsided, the program was continued with informal talks by alumni in attendance and a few remarks from Chapter Adviser Jimmy Stetze. Frank Bennett has been chosen to represent Iota at the


Nineteenth Supreme Chapter meeting in Jacksonville, with Brother Reese Hooks as alternate. Several other brothers, however, expect to be in attendance. Alumni Personals Harold Dye, '40, and the former Miss Emma Jean Townley were recently married. They are making their home at 120 Lafayette Drive, Atlanta, Ga. In their honor, Iota entertained about eighty ,guests at a steak fry and house dance on March 19. Joe C. Crocker and Miss Mary Ella Rogers were married on April 30, in Atlanta. Joe was graduated from Georgia Tech in the class of '37 and holds a position with the Crane Manufacturing Company in Chicago. They will reside there. Brother and Mrs. R. A. Siegel have moved to Lancaster, Pa., where his work with Armstrong Cork Products Com- . pany has taken them. The Gilbert Tillmans of Lakeland, Fla., announced the arrival of Virginia Lee Tillman on last December 8. . WILLIS PAULK, Historian



Entering rush week optimistically, we were pleased with our efforts when we found twenty-six Duke men wearing the diamond after the smoke of the campaign had cleared. The list: Carlton Bast, E. S. Delaney, Joe Elliott, Charles Henderson, all of Charlotte; George Blalock, Elwin Holmes, Gail Johnson, Tom Latimer, all of Dunn, N.C.; Richard Brown, Sewickley, Pa.; Bob Curry, Bradenton, Fla.; Jack Donnelly, Travelers' Rest, S.C.; Harold Hawfield, Concord, N.C.; Malcolm Holt, Lynchburg, Va.; Tom Jennings, Rocky Mount, N.C.; A. H. Joyner, Morehead City, N.C.; Cecil Lang, Waltonsburg, N.C.; Sloan Rankin, Gastonia, N.C.; Dennis Ryan, Greenville, S.C.; Wilburn Saye, Columbia, S.C.; Earl Siske, Gastonia, N .C.; Charles Skinner, Hartsville, S.C.; Charles Taylor, Castle Point, N.C.; Earl Wade, Erwin, N.C.; Carl Whitesides, York, S.C., and Clark Young, Lebanon, N.J. Mu was very successful in campus elections this spring. Bill Rhodes was elected senior representative to the Student Council and Sam Williams was elected president of the Junior class. These two, along with Tom Jones, Phi Beta Kappa and editor of the Chanticleer; Newt Edwards, letterman in soccer and pledged by Tombs; Phil Small, senior manager of baseball; Bill Franck, manager of Duke Players and the wrestling team; and several other brothers active in Alpha Kappa Psi and Duke Players, give us a very respectful representation in campus activities. PHILIP SMALL, Historian

recently tapped by Blue Key, national honorary leadershiP ~~ni~


Xi chapter is closing out one of its most successful terms. Returning to school with an unusually large membership, and initiating during the year a large number, we are now planning to close out a very good year with the task of arranging a fall rushing program before we leave school in June, and with the possibility that we will return in goodly numbers next September as a result of our increase in membership this year. Graduation will take only three men from the chapter, namely Harold "Pu" Perdue, Tommy Moore and Vernon Stanley. All three, however, have been active in the work of the chapter and their services will be missed a great deal. Perdue has been particularly active in the house and on the campus, serving as archon this year while holding the presidency of the senior class, and being a member of almost every honorary organization on the Roanoke campus. He was



Gene Studebacker and Paul Rice, Pi Kapp forwards b the nationally famous Maroon quint, along with Pledge ~og Sheffield, have recently received additional honors ~y bel~f elected vice-presidents of the senior class and pres,dent the the student body, respectively. Together they represent . .0 1 highest scoring pair of forwards in the state of Virg'n .~ Each has made all-state. Pete Kennett is a regular starter~ the outfield, along with Paul Rice, Qn the baseball te this year. held Our only social function during Lent was a smoker tive April 5 at the house. Many alumni and several prospec pledges were in attendance. CoRNELIUS SMITH, Historian



As this school semester draws to an end there is the us~:: activity among the boys in preparation for Omicron's ann 08 0 Japanese Ball. This dance cHmaxes the social seas~n 8 ~ bY the various fraternities and sororities and is cons1dere many as the best dance given during the entire year. .61! the The recent election of George Grant, of Troy, to ded unexpired term of Representative Lister Hill, who succee be! former Senator Hugo Black, brings to two the total ~urnJoe of Pi Kapps representing Alabama in Congress. M.aJ~r the Starnes has been serving this state for several years 10. ron House of Representatives. Both are members of Orn'' chapter and truly loyal to Pi Kappa Phi. Me With final exams just around the corner, our boys 05 • bearing down on their studies so as to maintain, and sibly improve, our scholastic standing on the campus. hell cron now ranks sixth, but we look forward to th~ day so· we will occupy the top position among fraternitieS an rarities. h 25• Cecil Lacy Ellis, alumnus of Omicron, died M.arc at his home in Jasper, Ala. y.Jo· Among recent alumni visiting the chapter were Jack ere· vater, of Andalusia, present candidate for the office .of ~e uth tary of state; Harry Carrol, rising you rig lawyer 10 lord, Alabama; Dick Fleshman, teaching at Fairhope; Carl 0" ored of Orville and John Lowery, of Centerville. Another 1 10 guest at the chapter house was Mr. E. L. Stroud, fat ed one of our beloved and deceased brothers, Buster .stroUf ~e One of the highest honors on the campus is holdwg 0 vote office of president of the Cotillion Club. By popular that office goes to one of Omicron's boys, Ed Turner. .1111 FLBE1WOOD CARNLEY, Histofl







· rsitY Oglethorpe U ntve

. «ere Thomas L. Palmer, Jr., and Miss Bertha Judk!OS married in the early spring in Savannah, Ga. d oO' James Blakeley Anderson and Miss Florence Wa ~ted nounced their engagement on April 2. Anderson is conn with the Greenville News, Greenville, S.C.


Washington 8l


h" y.Jot' In the recent student body elections, Harold "F)as "'0s vey, Southern Conference champion in the· 880-yard ru~, pan elected president of the Athletic Council. "Flash," ao the Arnold in the pole vault, are our representatives on track team. . 0 vet Captain Bill Kesel led his varsity crew to a v1cto s ot Marietta College and dropped a close race to Ro1 1 ~y js Winter Park, Fla., in recen~ meets. George M.cioern student manager of the crew.


The Star and LatiiP

va St


v R.?nnie Thompson and Stan Nastri are regulars on the Sllrstty baseball team this spring. Ronnie stars at shortstop and tan holds down a starting pitching berth. Slf:'fhe ]. Lightsey Wallaces announced the arrival of an 2 Pound boy on February 10 last. CHARLES STEENBERGEN, Historian


North Carolina State

en ~au

chapter recently held its spring initiation, and our hre group of pledges were taken through. New members ~;:. Ralph Gewehr, Tommy Gaither, Bob Towers, Bobby Drt?ht, Thurston McNeely, Clyde Cannon, George Coward, av,d Heffernan and Charles Setzer. t Rushing opened again after the initiation and we expect 0 • have at least ten new pledges by the end of the school

~Jd j_ve



bo 'fh_e

spring quarter athletic teams are faring well. The

G~ling team composed of Boye Smith, Griff Sloan, Tommy th9.ither, Born Harris, Tommy Graham and H. S. Gibbs won

0 al

on8 bY

e fraternity bowling cup with a total of fifteen games won

~d six games lost. The softball team composed of Griff Slo~n,


A{odges Boswell, Boye Smith, H. S. Gibbs, Buddy Laughltn, a 0 Barber, Randy Harrelson, Jack Cannon, Clyde Cannon, nd Bob Harris is well under way to an undefeated, untied ~ason. The volleyball team boasting on its roster such stalGa~ts as Buddy Laughlin, Boye Smith, Griff Sloan, Tommy ~atther, H. S. Gibbs, Mo Barber, and Bill Snow, also has llectations of an undefeated season. sh 'Wi.th our scholastic average steadily improving, we are th Oohng at an add itiona! rise of eight points or more over e chapter's average last quarter. \>Francis R. Kuhn, Jr., and Miss Anne Laird McLaurine i ere married in Charlotte, N.C., on February 17. At home ~ Charlotte where Kuhn is connected with General Motors cceptance Corporation. N. G. SMITH, Historian

I tJpsiJon


N'l.JpsiJon's famous "Shindy'' was changed to the "Gay an event which took place on ki arch 5. It was one of' the most elaborate dances of its \> nd ever given on the Illinois campus. The entire house ~s turned into "Steve Brodie's Beer Garden" for the night. d .e chapter room contained the bar and gambling table. Such ~~nks as "Sweet Adeline Sour," "Sullivan K.O.," "Gay se~eties Fizz," etc. (all commonly called sod~ pop) were lle ed, Roulette was indulged in at the gamblmg table, the c rson having the most money at 11:30 being awarded a ~rton of ciga rettes. "Torrid tintypes" were also taken in d e chapter room for a dime. The social room was elaborately ~~orated with signs announcing such slogans as "Free , 103Se of Silver" "Vote for McKinley and Roosevelt," "Re· ··•etnb ' " "Don't Miss Beefy Bertha at the· Cham· , . er the Maine •au, • · · 1 drtn Opera House," etc. The orchestra was appropnate y !i· ssed, and at 11:30 played the hits of the "Bull Durham \>:~ Parade." For those interested, "Daisy" proved to be the da ner. All in all, it was agreed to be the most colorful nee on the campus, and much credit must be given to Hal ~llson, our social chairman. \oaslleaking of social events, Upsilon's annual spring formal Iav· held at the chapter house in early May. The house was inc'ShJy decorated and the reputation of the affair was greatly as a result of this year's "splurge." D· :stlon's pledges of this semester are Harry Schnaitman, Se;~ Bate, Dick Jones, Mark Bryant and Walt Beebe. Bill lltethon seems to be proving the practicability of the pledging 0 d he outlined in a recent issue of the Spot Shot. New ~reties Ball" this year



of Pi Kappa Phi

initiates of this semester are Alan Gilbert, Joe Mioduski and Les Moate. Although the absence of Bill Hoheisel, last year's resident adviser, has been keenly felt by all of us, we nevertheless set a new chapter record in scholarship by having eight men with grades over a four-point average. Robert Taylor was one of two students at Illinois to receive an architectural award in a contest sponsored by the Beaux Arts Institute of Design, New York. This institute makes up problems for various architectural schools which are members and upon completion of the problem by the students, a preliminary judgment is held at each school and the best are sent to New York for a final judgment. There they are judged and the awards of the Institute are made. Robert was awarded a "first mention" for his design of a park shelter for a National Park . Newest of the honorary fraternity initiates is Frank Marlow, '40. He was taken into Pierrots in April in recognition of his work on their last production "The Drunkard." Baseball seems to be the order of the day here at Illinois. Harry Ruyter and Hal Simpson have proven to be good varsity pitching material and AI Vitacco, a pledge, is practically sure of seeing action in the infield. Joe Mioduski is a member of the freshman tennis team. Born to the Herbert W. Wish.arts an eight pound baby girl on February 7th last. FRANK MARLOW, Historian



Chi chapter initiated two men February 26 and 27. They were George R. Haskins of Oak Park, Ill., and Truett Stoudenmire of De Land, Fla. Brother Stoudenmire has two brothers who are Pi Kapps. It is the custom at Stetson to have a football game after spring practice is over, between two squad teams, the Green and the White. Tl~e White team was victorious this year by a score of 14-0. Pt Kapps on the two teams were Kirkland, Sch~efer, Rowell, MacDonald, Gaughn, Drake, Griffith, Smtth, Hall, Swanson and Cheatham. The Mystic Krewe, honorary leadership fraternity, initiated eight new men this spring. Of these eight, four were Pi Kapps-Brothers Robert Young and Carl "Peanuts" Hulbert and Pledges John Griffith and Thomas Cobb. ' Brother John H. McCann, executive secretary, visited the chapter recently and discussed, among other things, plans for the National Convention to be held in Jacksonville, August 16-19. In a recent meeting, William Ceely of De Land, was chosen as Chi's delegate to the convention. The chapter also decided to issue a paper this month to be sent to all alumni informing them of the plans being made for the Nineteenth 'supreme Chapter. A local fraternity, Beta Mu, at Southern College in Lakeland, invited Chi chapter in a body to visit them in the City of Lakes. We graciously accepted the invitation and spent the week-end of April 23-24 with them. We were very hospitably entertained and enjoyed our brief stay there. Graduation will take several of our brothers. Those to receive the sheepskin are Robert Young, past archon; Richard Branham, president of the student body; Ray Cagni, intramural managers; Lloyd Pawley, archon; Paul Maier, secretary; Carrol Ezell, past chaplain and Neal Faircloth, chaplain. The chapter was visited by two brothers from Rho in April. They were on their way to Rollins College to participate in an intercollegiate rowing meet. We have also had several brothers from Alpha Epsilon visiting the chapter during their spring vacation at the University of Florida. EARL NEBLANDS, Historian




In February Omega chapter was the proud host to National President Meisel, after the district conclave in Chicago. During his stay we took him to see Purdue's championship basketball team in action, with Brother Fred Beretta playing guard. The annual T-A-P dance, held March 4, came up to everyone's expectation. Thanks to a fine dinner and an excellent band, the affair was a decided success. Particularly did the girls seem to appreciate the crested jewel boxes given as favors. This spring Omega added to its ranks the following men: Oscar Bowles, Roy Hall, Dick Springate, Rolund DeHoog, and Thomas Harris. Both Hall and DeHoog have also been pledged by Skull and Crescent, sophomore honorary organization. They have been particularly active on the Exponent, Purdue's daily newspaper. In keeping with the customary success of the affair, our Mothers' Day-May Day festivities again marked a social highlight of the year. After the interfraternity "sing," Saturday, May 7, the house was turned over to the mothers. A formal dinner climaxed the period of gaiety on the Sunday evening following. VAN DEURSEN HARMS, Historian

Alpha Alpha


We have recently pledged nine men: Elkin Tyre, Screven, Ga.; Boby Alley, Veo You and Jess Hendricks, Knoxville, Tenn .; Robert H. Smith, Tallapoosa, Ga.; James Pilcher, Wrens, Ga.; Gory]. Love, Tennessee; Robert C. Hendry, Chicago, Ill., and Frank G. Pride, Muscles Shoals, Ala. Jack Powell was recently tapped Blue Key, national honorary leadership fraternity, and Pledge John Blanchard was elected an officer of the student body for next year. Alpha Alpha finished among the leaders in two intramural basketball tournaments, and it appears that we will probably win the intramural trophy in softball. We are leading now. We are expecting to have a good representation at Jacksonville from Alpha Alpha, with many brothers, both active and alumni, already making plans to attend along 'with the official delegate of the chapter. The chapter would appreciate it if alumni would write us if they are planning to attend-those who have not already notified us of such intentions-so that we may know whom to expect for a reunion of the chapter. Alpha Alpha took third place in the interfraternity radio contest with a play, written by Brothers Harper, Chastain and Robinson. CORNELIUS HENRY VAN BUREN, Historian

Alpha Delta

Washington State

Turning on the heat to win, Alpha Delta finished the quarter at Washington in a blaze of activity. Outstanding among the chapter's achievements was the revival of the Alpha De/tan, chapter publication. With Dan Hill in the editor's chair, the staff turned in plenty of copy for a late edition. The Seattle alumni association backed us up with an up-to-the-minute alumni roster which was mailed to all local and nearby Pi Kapp alums. In the social field, Ray Hall, who handles arrangements this year for Alpha Delta's social functions, lined up a program of events that kept the boys "stepping" all quarter. The big occasion, of course, was the house formal, held in the Mayflower Hotel, in downtown Seattle. Swinging to the strains of the Silk Toppers, a record crowd of alumni, actives and pledges "big appled" until the wee sma' hours. This, supplemented by the Oddities dance at the house in the fall


quarter, and a number of informal firesides, aided in boosting the Pi Kapp social stock to a new high for the year. Taking a leaf from the chapter notebook of the brothe~~ on-the-coast, Alpha Delta staged a Mothers' week-end t first of this month. Final plans included an overnight;~a; at the house of all mothers of actives and pledges. e were shown the campus, entertained at luncheon, taken to.t~~; and. to top it off, were guests of the members at the untq f Studio Theater, Washington's tiny, intimate Divis!on ~f Drama project which seats but sixty people on aJl stdes the stage. e From the sports angle, Alpha Delta has been right in therg pitching. Taking second place in the all-University ping pon k tournament, Howard Bayley, Jack Jeffery and Henry Novan batted their way into the semi-windups only to lo~e t~nt smooth-stroking team from a neighboring house. Wtth for defeat in mind, all hands rolled out on April Fool's day the an early morning tussle at touch-football, only to have n game postponed. Business has been rushing in pledge work. Thirteen ~~i· have been pledged since the first of the year. Four men dy tiated; a new crop of neophytes due this month. And alref ll the goal of twenty-five is drawing near, with plans for t~e rushing receiving advance attention. Present plans call for ·d arrival here of several men from Alpha Zeta chapt~r to a~e in policing the crowds during fall rushing, and, if tt can rs arranged, a special visit from Dr. George Allan Odge ; 11 Pacific coast councillor-at-large. Dr. Odgers visited ~l~he 0 Delta during Easter and discussed current problems d1apter with the actives. . tieS Not to be overlooked in the roll call of chapter acttVI . , 6 is the attendance of the chapter en masse at the North Pact conclave in Corvallis a short time ago. (ta DeLoss Seeley, archon, was selected as the Alph.a D~aY representative to the national convention in Jacksonvtlle.. g Hall got the nod as alternate. They're going; we're gotn ' We should see you there. JACK DrvrNE, Historiflll

Alpha Epsilon

tht D, Bi fo to


c ~I


th ar

th to are

University of Florida

. were ]. Abney Cox and Miss Charlotte Pelsang of Miamt married on May 16.

Alpha Zeta

Oregon State II yball

Two more trophies for the mantel! The Pi Kapp vo. e and team defeated all opponents to win both the fraternttY Qtfl the all-school championships. The boys responsible: . 0 • "Killer" Bttrtch, Orv Hillison, Dick Cavanaugh, Marion 5'fch vich, Martin Warner and Bob Harris. Our toughest rnaore was with Alpha Tau Omega, last year's d1amps. The schen went 6-15, 15-8 and 16-14. The rooks had quite a time wter· they went to the ATO house afterwards to claim the fr\g nity cup. The whole rook class went over, the set-up ha~;le· all the makings of a first class gang war. A peaceable se ere ment was effected, however, whereby three of the rooks ded given the "works" according to tradition, the cup was han ng· over and the boys brought it safely home to be placed a\oaJll' 1 side the one awarded us for winning that all-school ' pionship. "'as Foremost on the Jist of spring activities at OSC an· Junior Week-End, May 14-15. Joe Dillow, our house ·(l'ltlle ager, was appointed general chairman of the affair. lt.,'~tlrn· time of the annual rook-soph. beef, junior breakfast, a 5 ing of the green," etc. It is also of major importance athe rushing opportunity-many prospective students from various high schools always being invited down and shO a real time. . with The colorful Military Ball was staged in mid-Apnl,


The Star and LatttP

di dis Ye~




ere J08

vak ,a nat for the

Afarion Sigovich in charge of the programs. Siggy was chair· man of the interfraternity dance held in Portland during ~P~ing vacation. Archon Stan K~lley acquired ~ few gr~y •atrs and a bald spot in arrangmg for the Semor Ball m ''Prtl. th Outstanding social events of Alpha Zeta chapter during De spring season have included a "kids' " party, Mother~· a·ay and the traditionally colorful spring formal. Maune tnford's popular orchestra furnished the music for the 1ormaJ C!Wa;d Anderson, who has been active in the O.S.C. Rowing ub during his entire four years, went with the varsity crew 1 ~1 San ~ra~cisco to race against California and .u.c.~.A. at D~ dedtcatwn of the site of the 1939 Worlds Fatr. Joe R·tllow was elected commanding officer of the Oregon State tfles-crack honorary drill unit of the R.O.T.C. LEWIS E. KNERR, JR., Historian

Alpha Eta

Howard CoUege

· liubert E. Mate and Miss Agnes Eddleman were married :~ ~irmingham a year ago last June. For the past winter h ey ve been making their home in Tuscaloosa, where Mate as a teaching fellowship in the Romance Language Department of the University of Alabama .

Alpha Lambda t}arnest McCracken has been

Mississippi ~hos.en


repr~sent !'lp~a

Carnbda at the National ConventiOn m Jacksonvtlle. Jtmmte

PI nfi~ld was elected alternate. Many of the members are also d' anntng to make the trip since Jacksonville is only a short tstance from Oxford. th Archon Arthur Busby and Treasurer Bill Porter met with a e newly organized alumni group in Memphis, recently. We the Very much interested in the securing of a charter by t e Memphis group, so that we may coordinate our efforts aoward the progress and expansion of Pi Kappa Phi in this rea.

Jl Graduation will take from our ranks Brothers Busby,

~srt~r and Wiggins. Jimmie Canfield is now formulating a htng program for next fall. R.ecent initiate: Pete Warren of Yazoo City, Miss. RUFUS WIGGINS, Historian

Alpha Mu

Penn State

mOn March 13 Alpha Mu initiated twelve men, four sophoS o;es and eight freshmen. In class order they are: Kenneth atl~th, leon Knetz, Frank Steinhilper, William Frantz, '40, nell Christian Martin, Robert Olds, Robert Bush, Elbur PurRaJ' Albert Bowers, Robert Jones, Franklin Goettman and Ph Getrost •41 d' ~ 1 Pha Mu'~ ba~ketball team tied for first place in our Not d ~Vtsion this year, · but lost the play-off by two points. Yetsco Uraged by thts set-back, we hope for better Iuc k next d ~r. Mushball season is now upon us and, remembering our ine ea_t in basketball, we are really out to get the cup awarded thts sport. ROBERT LESSER, Historian

Alpha Omicron 00~ 1 Pha Omicron has

Iowa State

started a new system of building fund rne e Payment in the chapter. The new plan calls for paylla nt of the entire note while the member is still in college. an{rnent starts the third quarter the man is in school, the ~Unt being added to the house bill. 4 0 mong winter quarter graduates are Wayne C. Jackson and Byrnes. Wayne served the house as steward-treasurer

of Pi Kappa Phi

for two years and was an outstanding student both scho• lastically and in ~ampus activities. He was chosen a Pi Kappa Phi scholar and elected to Phi Kappa Phi. Byrnes was also a member of Phi Kappa Phi and both men were members of Alpha Zeta. Both maintained an average above three point and did much to keep our chapter among the top five of the thirty fraternities on the campus. Jackson now has a position as 4-H Club agent for Tama County and Byrnes is in business with his father at Waukon, Iowa. Gerald Rickert, our junior steward-treasurer, has been chosen as Alpha Omicron's delegate to the Supreme Chapter meeting in Jacksonville. Russ Lichtenstein is alternate. Carl Files is back in school after nearly six years' absence. He has one year left before graduation. Dale Swisher, '33, has been in Ames for the last two months working for the Currie Engineering Company. Pi Kapps are invited to attend our annual spring sport dance to be held at the Sheldon-Muon Hotel, May 28. A dinner for guests will follow on Sunday. During Christmas vacation our house suffered a four hundred dollar fire damage in the basement. The loss was entirely covered by insurance. In the process of renovation, Nu-Wood ~eiling ":'as put in the d!ning room and new plaster and lights tn the kttchen. The entire first floor had to be repainted and rewired. Defective wiring was advanced as the cause of the blaze. The initiation of Verne Upmier and Oren Thomas adds two more names to Alpha Omicron's roll of membership. A 0 Pi Kapps have been smoking many engagement cigars the past few months. Among the engagements announced are tho_se of Paul~s lange, now studying at the University of Chtcago, to Mtss Margaret Stanton, social life director· and Oren Thomas to Miss Dorothy Andrews, senior at the' University of Minnesota. One Alpha Omicron brother has gone a step further and announced his marriage--Harry Mabbit to the former Miss Jacobson, of Story City. Harry is employed by the Highway Commission and they are now making their residence in Ames. LEO MORES, Historian

Alpha Rho

West Virginia

After days of extensive planning and arranging, Alpha Rho brothers threw open the doors for their annual spring formal to one of the largest crowds in the history of the affair. This occurred April 1, with many alumni and friends in attendance. The pledge class held a smoker for the actives in March and invited several non-fraternity men in to meet the entire Pi Kapp chapter. We made a good impression on the visitors and succeeded in pledging Charles Goodlin, a Pennsylvania boy. Among recent visitors to the chapter house have been Arde~ Tric~et, '37, and Thom.as Williams, '36, both formerly promment tn Alpha Rh_o affatrS. B~other Tricket is planning to attend the Jacksonvtlle conventiOn. We are expecting to have at least two representatives of the chapter at the convention. Another interesting edition of Alpha Rhose has just come off the press. Spring rushing was satisfactory and our annual spring initiation saw new faces among the active group of Alpha Rho. HARRY WORKMAN, Historian

Alpha Sigma


Lots of water has flowed under the bridge since our last report to the STAR AND LAMP, and the Pi Kapps at Alpha Sigma have been working hard toward improvement. We were favored with a visit by Brother Lynn Kennett soon after he assumed his duties in the Central Office. He did much


for the good of us all, and particularly would we like an opportunity to even up that ping pong series. As a result of renewed interest the Knoxville alumni are cooperating with the actives in a weekly rush party. Each week several of the brothers come out for dinner, the actives bring in the prospective men and the good work is started. This system not only makes an excellent impression on the rushee, but also keeps the alumni in closer touch with the active chapter. We are hoping that the system will continue successfully, and would especially like to thank Brothers Ernie Bowles and Ed Dunnavant for the work they have done. Spring is in the air, and school will soon be out. This means that plans for next year's rushing are under way. We would like to take this opportunity to remind the alumni of the service that they can render in this work. So drop us a card and Jet us know your present address so that we can begin to work with you. Also let us know something of your work and of other brothers near you so that we may keep our Jiles up to date. The brothers are retaining the old stride of being leaders in campus activities. Brothers Cobb and Richardson are both trying to outdo the other in the mile run. Carl Adkins is continuing his work as an interior decorator. With the aid of Brother Lynnwood Poole, Alpha Iota alumnus, he succeeded in putting up one of the best schemes ever used for the Junior Prom. In the recent campus elections, Barry Cecil was elected secretary of the All Students' Club, and Pledge Howard Bowles was elected treasurer of the Junior class. Ed Byrd was defeated for the presidency of the Beaver Club by one vote. Barry Cecil was also selected as Barnwarmin' manager for the coming year. Recently we have had the pleasure of having visitors from other chapters with us. Brother Joe McCoy of Tau dropped in again. Also Brother Leake of Iota was with us while attending a Chemical Engineers' convention here. Brother Richardson, chapter treasurer, intramural manager, and member of Scabbard and Blade, has been selected as Alpha Sigma's representative to the Jacksonville convention. Brother Carl Adkins, co-op engineer and chief henchman for the DuPonts, was chosen as alternate. Several. other actives and some of the alumni are also planning to "Make Trax to Jax." So, until August, we bid adieu. BARRY CECIL, HiJiorian


Alpha Tau

Alpha Tau initiated six new members: Charles T. Fox, Baltimore, Md . ; W. H. Hodges, East Weymouth, Mass.; Donald G. Sanders, Cherrill, N.Y.; Nellis T. Smith, ·sherrill, N.Y. ; William W. Eyers, Farmington, Conn., and William H. Baldwin, Harrison, N.Y.

William Burkhart, one of our Junior members, was elec!ed to membership in Tau Beta Pi, honorary national engineennS fraternity. · ed Alpha Tau is proud of the fact that it has again recetV·Je 1 the Pi Kappa Phi scholarship cup for the Erst district. W~ 0 0 we are Erst in the district among the Pi Kapps, Alpha is ranks Efth among the fraternities at R.P.I. This recor~ ce the same as that of last year but we hope to jump a P a to or two when rankings are made after the spring term. John J. Dempsey, our secretary, was unable to ret~ ed school after spring vacation. He was confined to hts \e with congestion of the lungs. He now reports that whenthat had recovered sufficiently to sit up, his doctor confessed laP he had had pneumonia. Since Brother Dempsey does. n?t P Jl. to return to school during the present term, WtlhaDl Conover has been elected to Ell his office until June. .g Our social committee worked long and hard in plan;tn our formal dance for Post Sophomore Soiree, on May. · H. GuYON BRIGHTLY, HiJJortllfl

Alpha Phi

Armour 'fech

The following were recently initiated: Harry F. Beideg: reich, Martin W. Kraegel, Edward V. Malela and Jobnket Sauvage. Our pledge group now consists of John Bruba ain' Albert Bujan, Cecil Gullett, Merle Dargel, Russell Freed ' Victor Schellschmidt and Otto Schiwek. Ia· Congratulations to Paul Hoffman on his pledging to S~d mander, honorary fue protection society. Roy Brink~an :;iJd. William Buckman have been pledged to the Players G bon Buckman is stage manager of the Armour Players . .A.r~JoO Tom Speer was recently elected secretary of Chi Epst ba; honorary civil engineering fraternity. Brother Bur_man d is just been elected swimming manager. Brother Wtnbl; the captain of the same team and business manage: 0 30• school paper. Frank Slavin assists him as advertismg rn q~


A feature of our social season was a novelty dance Apr! be The climax comes with our annual Senior Farewell, to held the last week of school. , h·cb Several scripts have been submitted for our "stunt' W !0g is to be a part of the interfraternity competition held du~'·cb 1 Junior Week. Our hardest job seems to be to decide w of the scripts to use. . are Alpha Phis are becoming "sing" conscious. Pracuces rts held every meeting night and we have developed revised P~it for several songs. Brother Malela deserves a Jot off '~ese for the part he has played in the revision of most o numbers. Flash!!! Alumnus Myron B. Stevens, '36, is now thre.e., WILLIAM B. BUCKMAN, HiJtortill

Put Me Down • • • I'll attend the Nineteenth Supreme Chapter at Jacksonville, Fla., August 16-19. Remember, Give Your Summer Addrejs if It will be Different

Name ................................... . Address City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State ..... .

(Tear out and mail to George Coutler, 405 Dyal-Upchurch Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla., or John H. McCann, Box 501, Richmond, Va.) 34

atttP The Star an d L


Directory II

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Founded 1904, College of Charleston Founders


~0N FoGARTY, 151 Moultrie street, Charleston, S.C. ~llllJiw ALEXANDER KROEG, deceased. U.'l'trR.BNCB HARRY MixsoN, 217 East Bay street, Charleston,

S.C. National Council

~~llONAL PRESIDENT-Albert W. Meisel, 31 Nassau street, New York City. TREASURER-G. Bernard Helmrich, 26590 Dun. ~ dee road, Royal Oak, Mich. ~llONAL SECRETARY-William J. Berry, 224 St. Johns ~ Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. ~llONAL HISTORIAN-Walter R. Jones, c/o United Air ~ Lines, Municipal Airport, Chicago, Ill. ~llONAL CHANCELLOR-Theron A. Houser, St. Matthews, b


h n·



Central Office JoliN H. McCANN, Executive Secretary, Box 501, or 702 ~ Grace-American Bldg., Richmond, Va. . ·LYNN KENNETT, Assistant, Box 501, or 702 Grace-Amen~ can Bldg., Richmond, Va. ICIIARD l. YOUNG, Editor, THE STAR AND lAMP, 2021 Ashland Ave., Charlotte, N.C. District Archons DISl'JuCT 1-Frank J. McMullen, 68-76th street, Brooklyn,

D N.Y. DISl'JuCT 2-Aifred D. Hurt, Salem, Va. ISl'JuCT 3-Reginald L. Price, 135 Brevard court, Charlotte,

D18 N.c.


l'IUCT 4--Ben

Covington, 204 S. Dorgoo street,

D1 Florence, S.C.

D l'luCT 5-Joseph W. Cannon, Jr., Cordele, Ga. Isl'JuCT 6--George S. Coulter, 405 Dyai-Upchurch building, DIS Jacksonville, Fla. DISl'iuCT 7-J. Theodore Jackson, P.O. Box 34, Dothan, Ala. D l'iuCT 8-Devereux D. Rke, Johnson City, Tenn. . 18 '11ttCT 9-Ralph R. Tabor, 212 Garrard street, Covmgton,

D l<y. IS'IlttCT 10-Lawrence N. Field, 519 Forest avenue, East


lansing, Mich.

ISl'JuCT 11-W. Robert Amick, 333 Vine street, West La·

D1 fayette, Ind.

Sl'JuCT 14-Russell B. Johnson, 311-llth street, Ames,

DIS Iowa •

DISl'ltJCT 16--Unassigned. DISl'ltJCT 18-Unassigned. llttCT 19-Thomas E. Jermin, 10216 Valmay avenue, DIS Seattle, Wash. . l'ltJCT 20-Kenneth L. White, c/o Warner & Whtte, At-

1 Dts toroeys, Tribune Tower, Oakland, Calif.



l'ltJCT 21-Robert S. Hanson, 445 Gainesboro road,

Drexel Hill, Pa.

Scb0 I


Standing Committees

Dr. Will E. Edington, Chairman, Depauw University, Greencastle, Ind. And chapter advisers.

of Jl; Kappa Phi

Incorporated 1907, Laws of South Carolina Finance Ra,lph W. Noreen, Chairman, 1 Wall street, New York City (Term expires, 12-31-41). Kurt C. Lauter, 1 Wall street, New York City (Term expires, 12-31-39). Endowment Fund John D. Carroll, Chairman, Lexington, S.C. Raymond Orteig, Jr., Secretary, 61 West Ninth street ' New York City. Henry Harper, c/o Goodyear Tire & Rubber company Akron, Ohio. ' Roy J. Heffner, 32 Washington avenue, Morristown, N.J. Af'chitectuf'e

James Fogarty, Chairman, 8 Court House square ' Charleston, S.C. Edward J. Squire, 68 E. 19th, Brooklyn, N.Y. Clyde C. Pearson, c/o State Department of Education Montgomery, Ala. ' John 0. Blair, Hotel Eddystone, Detroit, Mich. M. Gonzales Quevedo, Chavez No-35 Sao Luis Oriente Cuba. ' ' ' Councillors-at-large PACIFIC CoAsT-Dr. George A. Odgers, 831 S.W. 6th avenue, Portland, Ore. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA-A. H. Borland, Trust Build· ing, Durham, N.C. CANADA-W. D. Wood, 4450 Pine Crescent, Vancouver, B.C. Undergraduate Chapters Alabama (Omicron), University, Ala.; T. A. Johnson, III, archon; Edward L. Turner, Jr., secretary; Chaplet' AdviJef'-Henry H. Mize, 514-34th avenue, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alabama Polytechnic (Alpha Iota), Auburn, Ala.; W. M. Roberts, archon; George S. Hiller, secretary; Chaplet' Adviser-De. Paul Irvine, Auburn, Ala. Armour (Alpha Phi) 3337 S. Michigan avenue, Chicago, Ill.; Thomas Speer, archon; Robert B. Maxwell, secretary; Chaplet' Advisef'-Dr. John F. Mangold, Armour I. T., Chicago, Ill. Brooklyn Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) 33 Sidney place, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Harry Wohlers, archon; Douglas L. Keys, Jr., secretary; Chaplet' Advisef'-William R. Berger, 715 Linden avenue, Teaneck, N .J. California (Gamma) 2510 LeConte avenue, Berkeley, Cali£.; John B. Bos":'orth, archon; John C. Mackey, secretary~ Chapter Advrsef'-James F. Hamilton, 1815 Yosemite road, Berkeley, Calif. Charleston (Alpha) College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C.; John T. Bradley, archon; Clyde A. West, secretary; Chaplet' Adviser-Albert P. Taylor, 6 Halsey street, Charleston, S.C. Davidson (Epsilon) Davidson, N.C. ; P. H. Arrowsmith, archon; G. R. Gish, secretary; Chaplet' Advisef'-Col. John T. Rhett, Davidson, N.C.


Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) 3401 Powelton avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.; A. L. Gray, Jr., archon; H. Feick, secretary; Chapter AdviJer-Robert Riddle, 307 Drexel Court apts., Drexel HiJI, Pa. Duke (Mu) Box 4682, Duke Station, Durham, N.C.; Howard Timberlake, archon; Nathoo Cox, secretary; Chapter Adviser-A. H. Borland, Trust building, Durham, N.C. Florida (Alpha Epsilon) 1469 W. University ave., GainesviJle, Fla.; Stephen P. Smith, archon; Robert 0. Stripling, secretary. Funnan (Delta) 14 University Ridge, GreenviJle, S.C.; Walter Sigman, archon; Charlton Armstrong, secretary; Chapter AdviJer-Dean R. N. Daniel, Furman Univ., Greenville, S.C. Georgia (Lambda) 386 Hill street, Athens, Ga.; John Wilson, archon; Paul Trulock, secretary; Chapter Adviser -Walter Martin, Instructor of History, Box 842, Athens, Ga. Georgia Tech (Iota) 743 W. Peachtree, Atlanta, Ga.; D. S. Crocker, archon; A. R. Hooks, secretary; Chapter Adviser-James Setze, Jr., Masonic Temple, Atlanta, Ga. Howard (Alpha Eta) Howard College, Birmingham, Ala.; Euell Johnson, archon; Joe Healey, secretary; Chapter Adviser-V. Hain Huey, Shultz-Hodo Realty Co., Birmingham, Ala. Illinois (Upsilon) 1105 S. First street, Champaign, Ill.; Thomas Watts, archon; Robert Taylor, secreta ty. Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) 407 Welch avenue, Ames, Iowa, Wm. G. Nechanicky, archon; Everett J. Robinson, secretary; Chapter Advise'-James R. Sage, I. S. C., Ames, Iowa. Mercer (Alpha Alpha) 320 Johnson avenue, MllCOn, Ga.; Devernon Robinson, archon; Jack Powell, secretary; Chapter Adviser-W. M. Jordan, 267 Boulevard. Michigan State (Alpha Theta) 803 E. Grand River, East Lansing, Mich.; Ned Mar~nson, archon; Dean Mahrle, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Dr. L. B. Sholl, 810 Sunset Lane, East Lansing. Mississippi (Alpha Lambda) University, Miss.; Arthur Busby, archon; Ernest W. McCracken, secretary; Chapter Adviser-J. B. Gathright, Oxford, Miss. N. C. State (Tau) 1720 Hillsboro road, Raleigh, N.C.; M. J. Barber, archon; M. L. Laughlin, 2nd, secretary; Chapter Advi.rer-William McGehee, N.C. State College, Raleigh, N.C. Oglethorpe (Pi) Oglethorpe University, Ga.; Hubert Elliott, archon; Tom H. Fallaw, secretary; Chapter Adviser -Allan Watkins, C & S Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Corvallis, Ore.; Marion Sigovitch, archon; William Wier, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Prof. J. T. Starker, Corvallis, Ore. Penn State (Alpha Mu) State College, Pa.; John D . Brisbane, archon; Earl K. Cristman, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Prof. J. S. Doolittle, State College, Pa. Presbyterian (Beta) Clinton, S.C.; Joe Commander, archon; WiJliam Jones, secretary. Purdue (Omega) 330 N. Grant street, West Lafayette, Ind.; Sheldon Swann, archon; Fred Winter, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Dr. C. L. Porter, 924 N. Main, West Lafayette, Ind. Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) 4 Park place, Troy, N.Y.; JohnS. Edwin Clark, archon; William B. Conover, Jr., secretary; Chapter Adviser- Prof. G. K. Palsgrove, 1514 Sage avenue, Troy, N.Y. Roanoke (Xi) 16 Pennsylvania avenue, Salem, Va.; W. Harold Purdue, archon; Leonard Strangmeyer, secretary; Chapter Adviser-Curtis R. Dobbins, 207 E. Main, Salem, Va. South Carolina (Sigma) Box 93, University of S.C., Columbia, S.C.; Heman Higgins, archon; Bernard Jones, secre-



tary; Chapter Adviser-C. E. Wise, Friendly BakerY• Columbia, S.C. 1 yd Stetson (Chi) Stetson University, De Land, Fla.; LO Pawley, archon; Paul Maier, secretary. ·ne Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) 900 S. 17th street, KnoXV' r'l' Tenn. ; Ray G. Ritter, archon; Charles Danner, secret~~· Washington (Alpha Delta) 4547 19th avenue, N.E., SeaarY: Wash.; Deloss Seeley, archon; J. E. Jeffery, se~ret .; Chapter Adviser-Robert Bancroft, 2227 UOJvefSI. Blvd., Seattle, Wash. . p, Washington and Lee (Rho) Washington street, Lex•ngtoeVa.; Seth N. Baker, archon; George Mcinerney, seCln tary; Chapter Adviser-Dr. Earl K. Paxton, Lexingto ' Va. ]Jot· West Virginia (Alpha Rho) 2109 University avenue, dy gantown, W.Va.; Alexander Adair, archon; Isaac {ub,; secretary; Chapter Adviser-John C. Johnston, 08 1 hall, Morgantown, W.Va. 91. Wofforc (Zeta) 203 Carlisle Hall, Wofford College, ~pllet ~I • tan burg, S.C.; T. K. Fletcher, Jr., archon; 0 nn S 31. secretary; Chapter Advise,.-J. Neville Holcomb, P tanburg, S.C. Alumni Chapters


AMES, IowA-Archon, Russell Johnson, ~ll·llth 1treet. Secretary. Philip Minges, 407 Welch avenue. 10 ul• ATLANTA, GnoRGIA-Archon, William Maner, 1241 Pasadena a• Atlanta, Ga. Gl· Secretary, Malcolm Keiser1 1091 Briarcliff place N.E., Atla~tag. M BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA-Arcnon, Howard D. Leake, 908 Irnn (Homewood) Birmingham, Ala. Secretary, Cecil A. Carlisle, ~21 Poinciana drive. J-lsiJII CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA-Archon, Albert P. Taylor, 6 street. I! ~ Secretary, Earl B. Halsall, 651 King street. CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE-Archon, Scott N. Brown, 109 · street, Chattanooga, Tenn. CltJt' CHICAGO, ILLINOIS-Archon, John C. Brown, 61 Norfolk Rd., mont Hills, Ill. Secretary, John Brownlee 5028 Ridge Ave., Chicago, Ill. CLEVELAND, 0Hro-Archon, George A. Leech,~. 15808 Euclid a.•e¢iDI Secretary, W. \VI. Glenny, c/o Reliance l!!ectric and Eng.n Co., 1088 Ivanhoe rd. t22l COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA-Archon, F. G. Swaffield, Jr., Sumter street, Columbia, S.C. Secretary, E. Prank Bostick, 610 Pickens street. 1biJC DETROIT, MICHIGAN-Archon, Kryn Nagelkirk, 410~ Devon road. 4 S· Secretary, W. C. Brame, 2448 Blaine, Flint, Mich. FLORENCE, SOUTH CAROLINA-Archon, Ben W. Covington, 20 Dorgan street. Secretary, J . ]. Clemmons, 710 Florence Trust Bldg. p·red"'' ITHACA, NEW YORK-Archon, Willard E. Georgia, State 1 Resettlement Administration, Ithaca N.Y. b¢1' Secretary, Russell I. Dorg, Principal, High School, Trumans d


:SLORIDA-Archon, Parnell M. Pafford, 2142 flerS'b street. Secretary, Stephen P. Smith, Jr., nt6 Main street. pjtl· KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE-Archon, Edward Dunnavant, 2518 view. Secretary, E. M. Bowles, 2825 Linden avenue. 114· LEHIGH VALLEY-Archon, Glenn Stoudt, 71~ Wayne avenue. It ing, Pa. fl Secretary, Edward Beddall, 136 Schuylkill avenue, Tamaqua. MiAMI, FLORIDA-Archon, J. Abney Co~_. 862 S.W, 6tb. Secretary, W. C. Price, Jr., 128 S. w. 12th. plufl' MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA-Archon, Howard B. Upchurch, 500 street, Montgomery, Ala. 4~ NEW YORK, NEW YORK-Archon, John E. Stevens, Jr., 18 J!. street, New York City. rJ J Secretary, Maurice White, 36 Marston Pl., Glen Ridge, · ;,-ePHILADBLPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA- Archon, Mike Bigger, 838·1 tth nue, Prospect Park. Pa. J:<ol Secretary, Richard Oberholtzer, 1316 Harding boulevard. club· riston, Pa. PoRTLAND, OREGON-Archon, Robert Peacock. the Multnomab Sec:etary, Don Tomlinson, 10~7 N.W. 20th Ave. 1-{clul· RALEIGH, NoRTH CAROLINA-Archon, Garland 0. Green, 611 lock street. Secretary, L. M. Shirley, 121 Park avenue. /o·• RoANOKE, VIRGINIA-Archon, Charles Turner, c/o Y. M. C. RuM~



Secretary, William H. Bishop, 1202 Avenham avenue, Ro• ~~ SBA'ITL!Il WASHINGTON-Archon, Melvin Klinefelter, 5502 37th !'I.E. h Secretary, Ren~ Koelblen, 1139·17th ave., Seattle, Was · ail WASHINGTON, D.C.-Archon, Philip Aylesworth, 1~65 Gerl street. Secretary, Robert Kuppers, 1030·17th St. N.W.

The Star an d

J J.l

tJ'' '


I ,,lls~ s re


.gton. ;eClt'


2S o/o Discount on Fraternity Silverware During May and June! Order Now for Next Fall! ~DR-PAT " FIFTY-YEAR" SILVERWARE at these NEW COW PR I CES represent s a real saving· to your Chap ter. SPEl AL DISCOUNTS are being extended on orders for SILVER~ ARE placed during April and May for Spring or Fall Delivery. S on't miss this opportunity to begin yo ur Fratern ity Si lverware pervicc, or fill in yo ur present service, at these REDUCED S RICES. Write for illustrated folder, or ask your BUR-PAT CALESMAN to show you samp les the next time he's on yo ur arnp us. ' 11 DR-PAT "SAFEDGE" GLASSWARE is furn ished with your ~oa t of arms in a choice of six different colors-Red, Blue, Green, . ellow, Black o r White! ORDER NOW from this price list for 'lhrnedia te or Fall delivery:

One-half Gross (6 dozen) 9-oz. Glasses, Colored Crest .. $11.45 One Gross (12 dozen) 9-oz. Glasses, Colored Crest .... 16.00 One-half Gross Iced Tea Glasses (12-oz.) Colored Crest 13.00 One Gross Iced Tea Glasses (12-oz.) Colored Crest .... 19.00 Special Combination: One-half Gross 9-ounce size and One-half Gross 12-ounce size Glasses, all with same Colored Crest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.00

These prices include a sma ll portion of the die costs on your first order. On all subsequent orders from your Chapter deduct $2.00 per ord er. To a ll those hundreds of National ~raternit y and Sorority Chapters now using BUR-PAT SAFEDGE" ENCRUSTED GLASSWARE we extend the Privilege of ord ering additional g lasses with the new Colored Coat of Arms at the regu lar re-order discount of $2.00 from th ese prices .. .. Glassware is shipped F.O.B. Detroit. Orders should be paid-in-full, or accompanied by a deposit of at least 20%. o order for Jess than One-half Gross can be accepted. :· AFEDGE" GLASSWARE is guaranteed against breakage 111 transit, but not in u se. 11 DR-PAT CHINA with your Coal of Arms in Colo r should be ~tdered NOvV-or during April and May-for delivery next


e_!Hcmber. Ava ilab le in "Open Stock" Patterns at unusually low llr,ces. Write for prices a nd illustrations of designs. State the ~tlrnber of pieces r eq uired to begin or complete your China ervice. Yo u wili receive detailed information and quotations by tettlrn mail.

PATRICIAN One of the attractive Silverwar·e Patterns in IIIC BUR-PAT SILVERWARE LINE. Other pallems are THE COLONIAL THE CAVA· LIER1 and THE MONTICELLO ... all "Open Stock' Patterns to whicl• ;)IOU can add in any q11antity .. . at any time. BUR-PAT "FIFTYY(iAR" SIL,VERWARE has an overlay of P11re Stiver at {'Omts of greatest wear-the secret of its long l~fe. Wrrte for il11tst1·ated folder and NEW REDUCED PRICES.

Fraternity Sil'Ver, Glass and China-You Can Get All Three Only Fram Your Official Jewelers


Fraternity Headquarters 2301 Sixteenth Street Detroit





d cd as an

Any of the badges on th1s pnce list may now be or er t toP• alumni charm. Made up in 10 Kt. gold and with." loop s:nio<S· these new chorms are now available to Alumm and

PLAIN STYLES Miniature Standard $ 4.,0 Plain Border, 10 Karat ............ . 5.50 Plain Border, 14 Karat .....•..•.... $ 4.00

CROWN SET JEWELED Miniature Standard Border .. ................. , .. ,$12.,0 $16.,0 Border, 4 Garnet Points ........ 12.,0 16.50 Border, 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points 14.00 18.00 Border, 4 Emerald Points .. . .... 17. 50 22.00 Pearl Border, 2 Diamond Points •...• , • 19.00 26.00 Pearl Border, 4 Diamond Points ... .. . 25.00 36.00 Pearl and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating 16.00 19.00 Pearl and Diamond Alternating .• .... 41.00 55.0° ,oO 120 Diamond Border, Yellow Gold ....... 65.00 82.?~ al• 18 Kt. White Gold Jeweled Badgu - $5.00 add1t1on Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl

RECOGNITION BUTTONS Coat·of·arms, Gold Plate ..••.• . ....• , ..••.• .. $ , 75 each Coat·of-arms, Silver ....... .... ..... , . . . . . . . . . .75 each New Special Recognition Button with White Enamel each Star, Gold Plate . ................. · · .... · 1. 00 dol• Pledge Buttons ..•................ , .... , •.. . .. 9.00 per


Single Letter Coat-of-arms .......... $3.25 Plain ..• ..... . ... ... , .. • . .....•.••..•... $2.75 Hand Engraved ... .. ..... . .... . . ........ . 3.50 Half Pearl ............ ... ........... . . • 5.00 Whole Pearl .. . ..... . ................... 6.00 18 Kt. White Gold· $1.50 additional.

Mention Chapter When Ordering EHCO BADGES ARE QUALITY BADGES

MEMBERS OF PI KAPPA PH I will welcome the issuance of our new

1 9 3 8 BOOK OF TREASURES BEAUTY in coat of arms Jewelry is presented on each page and found on every item. You will note our new Rings are superb in Quality, Style and Workmanship. WHETHER for personal use, or for gifts for every occasion, see this new BOOK before ordering. A copy sent free on request.




Official Jewelers to Pi Kappa Phi 427 Farwell Building

Detroit, Mich.


oi!~:NASIIA, wrS


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