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' ' ''

' ' . , ..... , , . , ......... , .... , , . Fraternity ;'

L. G.




Volume XXVI



ut Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity


Number 2

MARCH, 1940

Contents Old Timers and Chicago ........ : ................... . By John H. McCann


Pi Kapp Heads N.Y.A. in Georgia By Dillard B. LAsseter


A Brother Writes ........ . ........................ .


Death Claims Noted Brother ........................ .


Big Red ......................................... . By Smith J.V. Tompkins


Concert Singer Entertained By Mayer D. Harris








• •


Founders' Day Observed at Leesburg .......... ... ..... . By George Rood


Under the Student's Lamp ........................ . . . By Dr. Will E. Edingto11


Pi Kapp Flies to Far-Away Places


Housemother Plans He-Man Meals By George A. Steele


Dale Carnegie Tells of Douglas Leigh


Calling the Roll ... .... . .. . .............. . . ... .. .


Entered as second class matter at the Post office at Menasha, Wisconsin un· der the Act of March 3, 1879. Ac· ceptance for mailing at special rate of Postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in para· 8raph 4, section 412, P. L. and R., authorized January 7, 1932.

'1' ht Star anti Lamp is published at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the direc· hon of the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, in the months of January, March, May, and October. 1'he Life Subscription is $10 and is the only form of subscription. Single copies are 50 cents. Changes in address should be reported Promptly to 450 Ahnaip St., Menasha, 'Wis., or Central office, Box 501, Rich· mood, Va. All material intended for publication should be in the hands of the Manas· ing Editor, Box 501, Richmond, Va., by the tst of the month preceding the lllonth of issue,



Historic College of Charleston where Pi Kappa . Phi was born.

Old Timers . • • and ~hieago

'te '

~t~ PPe

Front View of Congress Hotel, looking across fountain in Grant Park and over Michigan Boulevard.

NO oo vou remember those two lads from Georgia who each froze an ear at the convention that winter? I'll never forget that as long as I live," laughed Old-timer Bill Voight last month while deep in the throes of reminiscing on the last Chicago Supreme chapter, held in December, 1925. "And then the whole gang went down on North Clark Street. ... " Aha, readers, but that's another story. We had to cut Bill off there be~ cause it's quite likely that you would become so excited about hearing how much fun the gang had back in "them days" that you wouldn't put off your convention plans another day but would immediately set out for Chicago and would get there too early and would be all tired out by the time August 21 rolls around. The entertainment all planned to begin with the reception on that Wed-

nesday night is nicely rounded out to take care of everything that one would want to do for four days in Chicago. Last summer everyone was going to Grover Whalen's shindig in New York's Flushing Meadows or Sally Rand's Nude Ranch on San Francisco's Treasure Island, but next summer the World's Fair will be back in Chicago, for Pi Kappa Phis at least. Let's preview that program a bit. In case you don't recall the outline that appeared in the January issue of THE STAR AND LAMP social doings get under way with informal reception the night of . August 21. We assure you it will be for an unique and outstanding party. We'd even guarantee that you'll know everyone present if it weren't for the fact that there will be so doggone many in attendance that this will prove impossible if business is to open on schedule Thursday morning. We're not going


~ ,~

J ~en ecrets ·f 'hat to let you in on all of the s :Uid I l '&h this party-no, sir, not yet--taid ~0 lt t 5 the word "reception" sounds. ··pU·I~ you, brother, call it ~e opefll1escribll ~ta ~ arity party" for that wtll aptlY ill n the time you are going to ~~"~~~ fo' ltll H 0 The "Stags' Night Out. ht b'st 1ica ~ Thursday, will include a nt~er f.' ~h \' 0 ball game if possible. Whe en 1i~; ~ e sible or not rest assured 'fo II'~ oiOath ton's entertainment buckaroos ealiOg I td have an ample supply of apP J>fttf alternatives up their sleeves. life I l'l our · ~ having the best time 0 f Y1't ag>'~ 1· h Wednesday night you'll.h~ve for th: ~Sid Thursday night. Top btlhngChicagD'I 1 Yo night will go to the tour of d to c~ rran night spots, a trip guar~;ee d-tirtleri, student ills and. make all Ol J3ut \\'h'; 1 throw away thetr canes. · · · 5tag 1' 1 about friend wife while the veUe'· at bay? Never fear, fellow tra , 0io.F 0 she'll be thrilled Thursday ; fjelO' as she tours famous Marsha




The Star and

ore '',.th lib 1 1 fellow Roses of Pi Kappa

be in on the entire convention. Accord- horst, Jack Brownlee, Ray Watts, Elilt;r llnche heartily and views a special ingly we have made available a spe- mer Turnquist, Virgil Fleming, Bill I ~~~Oo? style show. All this is mere cial, pro-rated price schedule to be of- Putnam, Don Mulvihill, Joe Bisesi, ~ur ~tron for a movie preview fered those of you so situated as to be Bill Hoheisel, Jud Mason, Bill and 1 'lin s ay evening in the heart of the able to attend only a part of the various Johnny Seldon, Harry Cooper, Don . " social functions. Partial registrations Eckfeld, Harold Beedy and Bob Pat''oous Chr'ca .. go "loop D'1stnct. Jlj flen -yes, that describes the sowill be accepted. The fellow you want chen. Eta's J. Friend Day, Robbie lontogr.am for Friday night. We've to get in touch with on this matter is Robinson and Joe Cannon, Rho's 1 th rt Wrth design, for you'll be busy registration chairman C. R. "Cy" lowe, Howard "Trickle" Leake and Red 1~/. morning with tours that may Omega. Rosborough, Sigma's Wade Bolt and <~in rt necessary for that afternoon Cy reports that quite a number of Swat Cowan . . . all must be listed . to run rrght . rti ess sessron up to the full and partial advance registrations along with Codie Bell, A-Eta, Bob ·ve1 ~g gate for dinner. We've put have already been received. He ad- Thompson, Omicron, Frank Wallis·~binhe usual banquet-eve ball and vises that he is in just the proper ton, Walt Jones, Bill Wood and Vic mood for taking in any and all .fifteen Sivertz of Alpha Delta, lou Miller 1IOns .ed both of these stellar funcvent rnto the most "splendiferous" "buckses" you may wish to send in. and Eddie Routzong of Alpha Nu, 1 itne any Supreme Chapter has ever He also .finds quite acceptable the idea Tom Potter of Xi; Alpha Xi's AI ou·ussed. But don't get the idea that of easy payments and credit terms (up Meisel, Bi~ Berry and Bill Berger, ~is .. want for something to do on to August 21) . This should meet with Alpha Mus Gil Spahr, Psi's Walt OU'v open date." 'Cause, mister, if the approval of those convention- Prosch, Pi's E. C. Shoemaker, Alpha minded Pi Kapps who might be in- Tau's famous Burt Brown; from 1 e'lj e got the stamina and the desire volved with difficulties of the budget. Omega will come Bob Amick, Cy l'h ~ you ragged. .'rrn ere s no so f t soap about th'rs We have added to the list of paid- lowe, Wally Blackford, Fred Winter, 1 'ight banquet and ball on Saturday up registrants submitted by Cy only Red Edwards and Deacon Green · r{lin. Staged in the famous Congress a few names of other old timers who from Alpha Phi the Heidenreich <re ?£the setting will be perfect. Pic- WILL be on hand when the fun starts brothers, John Even, Howard Zibble ~t~d You will, how you might look to fly next August. The full list of and John Janak; yes, we could go on ~jle at a table in the most beautiful those you may expect to see is too long to name Easy Ezell, Iota, George Coul·.lfedr .room '}'Ou've ever seen por- for use here but we give you a rough ter, A-Epsilon, and many others. 1at In the movies. Then picture idea for its size as we select some All ~n all it's destined to be quite ~~~ ~oom for the exclusive use of sixty-odd names for publication. Up- an esttmable gatherin'. And there's silonians include Dick Blaschke, Karl only one way to count yourself in as a 1 ~en Ppa Phi. Multiply the result by Gibbon, Frank Teegarden, Tom Win- part of this noble body, an easy way D'. hat and you have a rough idea of :: /&ht You may expect on Saturday ton, Phil Grover, Fred Ketcham, we must confess. Simply mail your l It Ill~£ the 20th Supreme Chapter. Jewell Burke, Carl Kirk, Claire Ar- $15 check to: 1 l1fltl ('~ght be of interest to a few of nold, Frank Benson, Jack Carson, C. R. "Cy" lowe bl ~tan Shadow" and Bea Spahr for Tom Watts, George and Ken Kuhl, 4641 Prince Avenue I ill bCe) to know that accommodations Bill Voight, John (Confucius) Downers Grove, Ill. Brown, lou Goebel, Bert Jonson, Cable address-"Silo" ..... Downers of ~ Of e provided for the kiddies for . 'icatio those anxious to make a real Jerry Pech, A! Hallett, George Wick- Grove, Ill. :· ~hole ; t:ip and bring the : illoth amily along. So there's l'b'1 knocked over,· ~rd er at



;rl .

'I . t'ha•1 Registration

·. 1' ~


committee had duly 1 Yo:red the fact that some 1 •rra may not be able to ·I 0ge Your schedules so as to


• Sp .

oc1ous Ballroom of the Congress Hotel.

I N .Y.A. in Georgia 'Oilla~td

fl• .,eaJJflttZ'l, £mtny, wh() in thiJ atticltZ ttZI!J ()~ hiJ W()'lk aJ Al.lf. .(J. Jir~c; I f()'l in (/tZ()tgia, haJ 6tZtZn an inJt'lact()'l at A!tZw lf()ti: UnivtZtJity and O'JJinlngl/i! Scla()()l, O'JJining, Al.lf. .!In 1917-19 htZ waJ an ()~~ictZ'l with thtZ fltitiJh £xpt2Jiti~ll' I aty 7'()tCtZ in 7'~tanctZ. 1/tZ a!J() haJ Jfl'lVtZd aJ attachfl, .fJmfltlcan .,eflgatl()n, )!J,Jill!' t!laina; .fJmfltlcan 1/icfl t!()nJa!, lltZntJln, t!lalna; .fJmfltican t!()nJa!, .fJntang, j{dll' I chatla, and .fJmfl'tican t!()nJa!, 1/angi:.()w, t!lalna. the National Youth Administration on June 26, 1935, President Roosevelt made the statement, "I have determined that we shall do something for the nation's unemployed youth because we can ill afford to Jose the skill and energy of these young men and women. They must have their chance in school, their turn as apprentices, and their opportunity for jobs-a chance to earn for themselves." By keeping youths of sd1ool age in school where they should be and by giving jobs on suitable projects to unemployed out-of-school youths, N.Y.A. has prevented part of the flood of young people from swamping the labor market and replacing older workers. Of still more significance, this program has bolstered the morale of many thousands of youngsters, seriously threatened as a result of enforced idleness in the unique economic conditions of today. General basic education, definite vocational training, and valuable work experience are the three essentials N.Y.A. ·seeks for its workers. With these ideals in mind, the National Youth Administration of Georgia is giving direct benefits to 16,000 young people and indirect benefits to thousands more under its two general programs, student aid and work projects, with a present monthly expenditure of approximately $150,000. The N.Y.A. in Georgia has complete independence in the administration of its




own program, under broad regulations governing the agency throughout the country. In turn, the responsibility for determination of local projects and policies in Georgia has been passed on to each school and community participating. The program is, therefore, localized to the fullest extent, with a minimum of guidance and control from the State Office in Atlanta and the National Office in Washington. St11dent Aid Program. The school aid program provided assistance up to $6 a month to 7,500 students between the ages of 16 and 24, inclusive, in 723 secondary schools of Georgia during the 1937-38 school term, with a monthly expenditure of approximately $20,000. The students are required to work for the money on projects selected and supervised by school officials. They make needed improvements on school buildings and grounds, assist in extra clerical work in the schools, repair books, desks, and furniture, assist teachers in research problems, extend school library services, and do other similar· types of work. Numerous letters and case reports from students and officials alike demonstrate the need for this type of government aid. The students in practically every instance would not be able to attend school without such assistance. A recent survey reveals that the money received by the students is spent almost entirely for clothes, school books, lunches, fees, and transportation, without which the

I 1 ·j boys and girls could not atten d 5cho0 5oo

In the college aid program, 3;jveO students in 51 institutions ~~s 5epart-time employment on proJe acJ· lected by the school during the ouot demic year 1937-38. The small ~111 eacfl of money the students ear?e e weir month enabled them to contJ.J1U earcfl college training. Valuable. res! uo·l work, library service, educatt?0 ~e ~i· derprivileged persons living 10 pro· , cinity of the school, assistance ~0 wei· fessors, and assistance to publrc of 5 fare agencies are the chief typ~eotl 5 work done by these college ~eeJ:S· 1 in return for their government 'ti08 The students are paid at the pre"~btr I rate at the institution for the 00 i0gs 0 of hours worked, the average ear toto!! not exceeding $15 a month. the 1id monthly expenditure for college · during the past year was $24, 000 '1oo In the graduate aid program, t.U.-e students have found it possible. to 0( 5 advanced work in six instituttoll eot 111 Georgia through part-time emploY jO 5 on the same types of projects ~eire the college aid program. They o ~ 3 an average of not more than endi· month, with a total monthly etP ture of $2,000. s"'er 0 These figures. in thems~lves a 005ethe expressed wrll of Presrdent Rce jo velt, "They must have their cball 00 tJ! school." The $46,000 spent e~ch 01caCil' 1 in the student aid program JS a ro6t· paratively small amount for the P


$ !


(Co11thwed 011 page 17)

The Star an d


K.Jrl M. Gibbon

Howard D. Leake

~~r. Howard D. Leake Jrmingham, Alabama DEAR. HowARD:

Of course I know you're familiar, in a general way, with the plans for the Pi Kapp Supreme Chapter meeting here in the Old Windy City next August but, knowing you and your interest in the Chicago Alumni Chapter, I'm sure you'll like some inside .information on the big event. I've just come from our regular monthly meetmg at the Congress Hotel where the convention is to be staged. With your knowledge of Chicago, I know you 'll agree that a more perfect spot could not have been picked. The location, on "Boul Mich" and Lake Michigan, with so many of Chicago's .finest attractions Within easy walking distance make the Congress an ideal headquarters for delegates and visitors alike. The meeting tonight was really something to warm the cockles of any Pi Kapp heart. If enthusiasm and spirit count for anything at all-then the Supreme Chapter meeting next August is going to be the finest, liveliest and grandest convention Pi Kappa Phi has ever had. . Burt Brown, as you know, is our able Archon and, after taking up a few routine business matters, Including the re-election by acclamation of our present officers, the meeting was turned over to the convention committee heads. Big, jovial Dick Blaschke, the general chairman, called on the various committee heads for reports and I believe you'd be amazed at the careful, conscientious manner in which each little detail is being considered. Even at this early date, complete preparations are. being made to insure every .delegate and visitor having the very best the city has to offer. AccommodatiOnS have been made for chtldren so that they will be supervised, fed and entertained while the Mamas and Papas are attending to business or other things. Partial registration has been arranged so that any Pi Kapp unable to attend all of the functions may register only for those events at which he can be present. Tom Winton, entertainment chairman, who knows more about C:hicago's bright lights than Jim Farley does about politics, literally brought down the house when he outltned the program he has arranged. I'd like to be specific and tell you more about this end of the convention but I'm sure you'll enjoy it all the more because of the surprises it contains. I will say this though, it's one of the most ambitious, all-inclusive entertainment programs ever conceived for a fraternity convention. We'll be looking forward to seeing you again in August, Howard, and, in the meantime, I hope you'll pass the word along that the Chicago convention is the vacation Mecca toward which all good Pi Kapps and their ladies will turn their faces come this summer. It's one of those rare opportunities one just can't afford to miss. With every best wish for you and yours. Fraternally yours, KARL M. GIBBON

Death Claims Noted Brother

• • • with sincerest regret that Pi Kappa Phi writes into its history a record of the passing of Dr. Burt Parker Richardson, Alpha Alpha, to the Chapter Eternal. Brother Richardson was initiated into Alpha Alpha chapter on May 28, 1925, as its thirtysixth member. Since 1923 he had been head of the chemistry department at Mercer University, Macon, Georgia. On the afternoon of October 16, 1939 he was stricken with a heart attack while driving his car in Jones County, Georgia. The car left the road and and plunged into a ditch and against an embankment. An ambulance arrived on the scene too late to be of assistance to him. Brother Richardson was 71 years of age. Dr. Richardson had earned at least five degrees, according to records available at Mercer University. He was born at Clinton, Indiana. Soon after being awarded his bachelor of pedagogy degree by Teachers College, Warrensburg, .Mo., he earned his bachelor of science degree from Drury College, Springfield, Mo. The University of Chicago conferred the bachelor of philosophy degree. Brother Richardson then studied abroad, receiving his master of arts and doctor of philosophy degrees from the University of leipzig in Germany. He held membership in the American Chemical Society and had taught at seven different colleges before coming to Mercer. A lover of the arts, especially music,






ltcon ~ear

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I&ake~ ~rin



as yo l.ea&t


IOf Pr \e


Dr. Burt P. Richardson

he was for 13 years director of the Mercer glee club chorus. Ill health forced him to give up these duties in 1936. Of the countless tributes paid Brother Richardson by friends and colleagues, that of Dr. W . T . Smalley, professor of English at Mercer, aptly expresses the feelings of all who were fortunate enough to know him: "Dr. Richardson was not only a great teacher who sent out from Mercer some of the best young chemists in the country but he was a lover of literature and the arts. He had that rare combination of balanced scholarship, full of knowledge and full of culture, which belongs only to the gentleman and the scholar. Mercer will find great difficulty in filling his place."

high& Ibroth Pi Kappa Phi pauses to pay Jlli!P ~atri tribute to Brother Richardson, a·.,cer· lild ~ . b Sh• c whose life was ever gutded ~ ·pieS· \>as , est application of fraternal prJ~: ~re ~to\'~ The sympathies of the fraternt 50ns) CeNic extended to his daughter and twO tear < who survive him. t\t (~hi<

Council HoldS l&rstlears' Meeting Soot\ . nig i

. f rater 'lias t The National Counetl of the. 11 oP tr!tir( nity will hold a regular ses~~ing ' Of tl March 29-31. Any brother h cil (of \oac] matter to present to the Co.unte \\'itPl nake1 consideration should communtca retar)'' ~tee George S. Coulter, National 5.~~e fll·• ~eter1 1515 lynch Building, Jacksonvt ' rnt0 prior to March 20. The Star attd


• •

Pi l(app Wit Bak.er Captains Cornell Team of All-Stars

/).'/ c£mit/. {,1) Psi

comes out of the huddle . . . its single wing to hau • the right, Baker back . • . the 1 ~ snapped to Baker . . . he's 1 10 ;ndtng end . . . he's into the c!~ndary . . . he's AWAY-in the ~ r · .. crossing the 40-the 50Qe 40-clown to the 15-and HE'S to'VER for the Big Red's second a~hdown . . . . Yes, sir, that boy pa. er is showing his heels to the 11 °Ceton Tigers today. Scoring on a 1 1:1ierse from the 25 yard line he 0 ~ened Cornell's scoring . . . this n\> covere d 77, no, 87 yar ds. . . ·" Is ou may have heard this last fall leaYou tuned your radio to the Ivy n I ~e football game between Cora~ l s. Big Red eleven and the Tigers \>e Prtnceton. Whether you did or not ~!a \Vant you to meet this fellow h !vern Witmer Baker, 21 year old ~Other of Psi chapter who hails from a. tllilfl ,.adtrisburg er· ~. . ' Pa ., and is a senior in Arts s1nc Sctence at Cornell this year. Bake 11 e has initiated into Psi in 1936, has IllpS ctrtoved • h'tmself a fine student an d ex50 10 )110 1t ~t nal athlete since his freshman earA. on tl1e h'll t • ('llh~ the outset of the past season l S 6 'ch was to prove to be Cornell's ;J )~t undefeated season in fifteen ,t\ a· ts) Captain Vince Eichler of the • \>'& Red suffered a knee injury that 1 Frate 0 ...a~ to keep him out of play for the · n ~ Of·••hre season. Wtth · the openmg · game 110. ~v~n8{ot Coa the campaign almost at han~, ~ol ·t)11 nkch Carl Snavely appointed Wtt ate~~. ~~ er as acting captain. Later, after ~crct¥• detee ~ames had been played, it was Ue, f 'nt ertnined that Eichler could not get 0 action and a new election was ORNELL



(Continued on page 20)

CO'nced ~nffet ~

Entertained by Chapter jg-y Allay-et .:::J). J./-attij. of the Alpha Iota chapter house were thrown open in sincere welcome to Allan Jones, one of America's outstanding tenors, in a formal reception held followipg the renowned singer's concert in Graves Center at the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, The reception, attended by some three hundred guests, was given an



air of official dignity by the presence of the college authorities, including the president, executive secretary, registrar, R.O.T.C. commandant, and the Dean of Women. In order to gain the privilege of entertaining Mr. Jones and his accompanist, Mr. Gibner King, a working spirit of cooperation was necessary on the part of the chapter mem-

. d coJleC' bers and pledges, smgly an Jllade tively. It was this teamwork that ·oritf successful the selling of the maJ of ~~ · facetber of season concert tickets tn the competition presented by th.e a~ioOS 1 twenty-one fraternal organ_tz we upon the campus, thus ea~n tng coveted right to fete the smgeri,{rs· Our chapter housemother, ot11· \:::... Stella Foy Williams, is to be. ~ ,s mended for her admirable_ rf ~ [ul· 1 hostess which she so charmtng Y 00. " filled. Mother Stella left nothingJooe5 1{1 done in an effort to show Mr. 'fbC the true hospitality of the South· tbe tenor was visibly impressed by i!ed · f r1en · dl"mess wh"d genutne J 1 preva d their on the part of the guests an s 90 d 1 host, that is, the chapter member t this pledges. Notwithstanding the fact tha oitf . fi rst vtstt . . to any frate!J11 re ~ was h ts 0 house, he came away with a





page 18)

~ith ~~ec~ 'ddre



I nrott. natiot

(Top) Allan Jones autographs Pledge Bill Melton's rat cap while Pledge Ed Bagley looks on. (Right)-Allan Jones in receiving line. Housemother Mrs. Williams is at his left, Chapter Archon, George Hiller on her left; Mr. Gibner King, accompanist stands just in front of door.

l'i Kapps Observe , ~unlet:J.' :::J)alj ful路

uo路,lt Leesburg I {y'l C}e<>tf!' J<<>oJ Alpha Epsilon


at a cross road. Where are we going? ~路 Where do we want to go?" ~lth this question, John H. McCann, <d ecutive Secretary of the Fraternity, 1\adressed a State gathering of Pi t ~pa Phis at Leesburg, Fla., Denetnber 10. At the same time genial ntother McCann keynoted the 1940 1 ational convention that will be held E STAND

at Chicago's Congress Hotel next August 21-22-23-24. Those assembled to celebrate the 35th annual Founders' Day of the Fraternity probably didn't know when Brother Mac got up to speak that he was there to tell them of some hard and fast facts about fraternities. He was talking to a representative group of undergraduates from Chi and

Alpha Epsilon chapters, and to alumni, among whom were included National Secretary George S. Coulter, District Archon Amory "Moon" Underhill, and other outstanding men in the State. The occasion, besides being Founders' Day, was the date for presentation of an alumni chapter charter to members of the Leesburg Alumni Club who had successfully petitioned for a national charter. At past national conventions, McCann explained, there has always been discussion on ways and means of expansion. He outlined trends in the educational world which have all but forced good local fraternities to disappear, explaining how this has Jed, in interfraternity circles, to talk of expansion by means of mergers. (Cominued on page 19)

Snapped at Founders' Day Installation of Leesburg Alumni Ch~pter. (Left to_ ri~ht)-Tom Kirkland, Archon Chi Chapter; Byron Hel long, Archon Leesburg Alumni Chapter; W. Amory Underhill, .A rchon D1strrct 6; George S. Coulter, National Secretary; John z... McCann, Executive Secretary; Arthur Boote, Archon Alpha EpSIIOil Chapter.

Unlet the ~fuleu f'~ cf_any By Dr. Will E. Edington Chaitllt-alt- ot £cL,.fatJhif Coml1t-itlee

Pi Kappa Phis of second term junior or senior standing who have made excellent scholarship records should become candidates for the honor of being a Pi Kappa Phi Scholar for 1940. To be chosen a Scholar is to receive the highest honor our fraternity can confer on an active member, and it is also a real distinction since not more than nine brothers may be so honored in any one year. The Scholars for 1940 will constitute the fourteenth group to be chosen. The total number of Scholars at present is 95, and among these are to be found some of the most outstanding and loyal members of our

fraternity. These ninety-five Scholars have come from thirty chapters as follows: Purdue 12; Davidson 9; Presbyterian 8 ; Alabama 7 ; Armour, Georgia Tech, 6 each; Furman, Rensselaer, Washington and Lee, 5 each ; Howard, Oregon State, Penn State, Roanoke, Stetson, 3 each ; Drexel, Iowa State, Sewanee, South Carolina, Washington, 2 each; Brooklyn, Cornell, Emory, Georgia, Illinois, Mercer, North Carolina, North Carolina State, Oglethorpe, Ohio State, Oklahoma, Tulane, one each. In five instances Scholars were affiliated with two different chapters, and each chapter is then given credit for such a Scholar.

All active, eligible Pi Kappa should secure the scholarship from their respective chapter taries. After filling out the the records must be approved by chapter secretary and the dean registrar of the college before£ are sent to the Chairman O Scholarship Committee. Each b date must send a good photograp r.IJ himself, suitable for use in TUB d5 ~ .AND LAMP, along with his recor · . 111 records must be filed with the 5chO ), ship Chairman on or before JulY~ 1940, so that the announcement l;l the names of the Scholars maY eJ. made at the opening of school 11 fall.

The national scholarship standing of Pi Kappa Phi showed distinct improvement over the past two years, but it is still not above the national fraternity average. According to the Interfraternity Scholarship Committee's ratings our average for 1936-37 was -3.4; for 1937-38, -5.4; and for 1938-39, - 1.16. In finding the national average for 1938-39, the scholarship records of 29 of our chapters were considered, and 18 of these chapters had ratings below the all-men's average at their respective institutions. Twenty-six of these chapters were rated for the past two years and 18 of them showed improvement in 1938-39 as compared with the preceding year. Among the

31 national fraternities having 30 or more chapters, Pi Kappa Phi ranked seventeenth. The best scholarship records for 1938-39 were made by Oregon State, Duke, Furman, Iota State and Purdue, in that order. The poorest records were made by Washington, Georgia, Wofford, Roanoke, Howard, North Carolina State and Presbyterian, in that order. However, Howard, North Carolina State and Presbyterian showed improvement over the preceding year. The greatest improvement during the year was made by Howard, South Carolina, Michigan State, North Carolina State, Iowa State, Davidson and Oregon State. No records for the present year are

available at this writing, but ~~eri sincerely . to be hoped that the ou! 1-I provement will continue and that till 18hts national average will be abo-ve f& itld t. all-fraternity national average. b~ ~P·o· 1939-40. This can be accompliS till ~ ake through careful pledging and ~ Ong. alertness of the Chapter Adviser~&· I-ll th( observing and correcting any tell·ser. ),~ast des otherwise. The Chapter Ad"V1111 ~~~e are ex-officio members of the Scb0.p; llkial ship Committee and much of the ~; ~a[ provement during the past rear o(.lij q ~ doubtless been due to the1r t1l£$j'ant careful supervision and advising· ~ ~ 11lls cellent work has also been done ~ I .Uth Brothers McCann and Kennett, f -li'<ed the Central Office, through their cJll iller. ter visitations. ~On . onol







The Star an d



L at~l ·I 1>·1

/fl f(aff cJ!iM toFar-Away Places off for Hong Kong or flying down to New Zealand n. is about as commonplace to ~;&n James J. Hartley, Rho, Wash~~ on. and Lee, as commuting to n IS to most of the rest of US. 8 iOnro~er Hartley after his orienta~ fhght last June was given a regu. it li ~r a~s1gnment in flying th e p anillll ~ erlcan Clipper from San Francisco ()li: Bong Kong. These scheduled 1 till ~~hts, covering a two-weeks period ~ totaling 20,200 miles, call for ~P路overs at Honolulu, Midway, :l till ~oake Island, Guam, Manila and Hong ers '~ j-11 ng. Be served as junior flight officer JeP' tthese runs. ~jseP l)a/st November Brother Hartley ;boil! ~~ an 18,000 inaugural fli~ht to e j~ 'Ill and, New Zealand. On th1s un1 pr l~<la[ air trip he crossed the equator t!J110~ tia the international date line. The ~< j nt clipper flew through tropical g.e D lo rrns and squalls and saluted the ~ o' 1/th Sea Islands whose natives re~~f ~:~.d their first glimpse of an airOPPING



~~n this trip landings were made at 00 lulu,

r,alfll I J>路1

Canton Island, Noumea

Kappa Phi

Island and Aukland, New Zealand. Writing his father, Brother Hartley said "Aside from the celebrations and festivities on the several islands inaugurating this service, I found this run much more interesting than the Hong Kong flight. The natives are quaint and the new people and living conditions were all very interesting." The young aviator was impressed with the numerous South Sea islands over which the plane flew. From the air he could see the tiny round islands, blue lagoons, white sand on the beaches, tall coconut trees and grass huts. Most of the Javanese women have red hair, Brother Hartley said. Their use of lye to clean their heads causes this and now it has become fashionable. They wear grass bracelets on their arms and ankles and are clad in brilliant sarongs. The young aviator had many amusing experiences using his high school French in conversing with those who spoke no English. Since this was Ensign Hartley's first crossing of the equator he was considered a polywog and was duly ini-

tiated by those of the crew who had previously crossed the equator. At Canton Island, two degrees south of the equator the temperature was 110 degrees. This barren coral island, without a tree is used as a base by the airline. The year 1939 was an eventful one in the young flier's career. He made his orientation flight to China on June 9; he married Miss Ruth Brimhall, a graduate of the University of Minnesota on September 15 and on November 18 he took off as a member of the .first run crew of the new San Francisco to New Zealand airway. Brother Hartley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hartley, of Pittsburgh. After graduating from Mt. Lebanon (Pa.) high school he attended for two years Washington and Lee University where he was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi by Rho chapter. He was graduated in 1936 in aeronautics engineering by the Carnegie Institute of Technology. His present address is 886 Cleveland Street, Seville Apartments, Oakland, Calif.


/2-etic J-/-o-u:Jemo-thet Plans De-Man Meals





Alpha Sigma for boys is a cinch. They at least aren't worried about their figures. Here's a Pi Kappa Phi housemother who would rather plan a meal for a group of young men than for a bunch of girls. Stuffed pork chops . . . baked Irish potatoes . . . buttered spinach . . . glazed carrots . . . sliced tomatoes on lettuce ... hot biscuits ... APPLE PIE . . . tea or coffee. Yum-Yum. What fraternity brother or any red-blooded young college man wouldn't go for a meal like that? That's every day stuff with Mrs. Betty Boensch, housemother at Alpha Sigma chapter, University of Tennessee. "Miss Betty," as she is affectionately called by the brothers of Alpha Sigma, began her duties there at the start of this school year last fall after sixteen years' experience with Riverside School, Tennessee Military Institute and Castle Heights Military Academy. Her statement that she had rather plan meals for boys was. contai~ed in a story in the housekeepmg sectton of the Knoxville Journal, which reads as follows: "Meal planning for men is simp~e, University of Tennessee fraterntty house hostesses unanimously have agreed . Contrary to wide-spread opinion, they said, men are not hard to please in foods they eat. . "Mrs. Betty Boensch, hostess at the Pi Kappa Phi house, who has had sixteen years' experience planning meals for boys, said she wouldn't exchange the sixteen years for even




one of planning meals for girls for 'the girls are the ones who are particular about what they eat-and their figures ... .' "A typical favorite meal of Pi Kappa Phi members, Mrs. Boensch said, has stuffed pork chops for the meat course, and with it go baked Irish potatoes, buttered spinach, glazed carrots, sliced tomatoes on lettuce, biscuits, apple pie and coffee or tea." The above menu would help the popularity of anyone, but it is only one among many points in "Miss Betty's" favor. It was at the beginning of the present school year that the brothers of Alpha Sigma had the rare privilege of meeting Mrs. Boensch. Today we know her well (although we must admit that she probably knows us


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foi tP' Jan $ much better) and we love her hii b路 . She 'liS grand person that she ts. se J as b brought into our chapter ho~ceJIJi o. ~ homelike atmosphere that tran . .\tJ. description. icldl el[ ; That Mrs. Boensch .h~s q~ th' li~ ) caught the fraternity sptrtt an 11 i~ 11 1 spirit of Pi Kappa Phi is sho\\' tJ1I ~~~a 011 the poem which she wr~te jobadl theme of ties of friendshtp. !I)' ~ This poem, entitled "Fratern~ 1 tan 1 ra, reads as follows: . iob

There are ties that will hold us in friendship, There'll be dreams in the Sweet Bye and Bye Of the days when we banded together, Dear days of Pi Kappa Phi. Though the stern call of duty should take us, Perhaps to a far distant shore; There'll be voices we'll hear that will echo High over the turbulent roar.

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There'll be songs that will bring us together, At evening when dark shadows lie; There'll be handclasps forever remembered Fraternally, Pi Kappa Phi. When the last call shall come for our service, We'll hear "well done" Pi Kappa Phi From the greatest Fraternity Master, The Archon from "on high.''

The Star an d




llsInedtt I nut

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of Douglas Leigh, Sign King • Va:mo-1d a:atho-'l o-j .~~ 1/o-w to- Win 7'litZneb ana .!lnjlatZnctZ JOtZo-pltZIA dtZvo-ttZ~ o-ntZ o-j hi~ ~ynaica:tfla co-lumn~ to- ~accfl~~ ~to-'ly o-j a: JOi

Kappa: )OJ,; IVhO' hit AlfliV lfo-'lk" with jtdt flijht ao-lla:'l~ in hi~ po-ckflt ,II

r You come to New York this :um?ler and walk along Broadway lie .t ntght, you will see a huge elecr~d~tgn-the .first one in the world to It Jet the weather. ho 'IVa~ put there by a young man tJ!I la arnved in New York with less bV ~· $8 in his pocket. J as ~ name is Douglas Leigh, and he ~0 orn in Anniston, Ala., 29 years Alie worked for a sign company ~u tlanta, Ga., and was doing very tit' ·~ l'hen came the itch to travel. j~ I~ York was calling. But there was tlti 'ltl~alary. He had a good job; he ~ba/lay safe. Finally the itch grew ~ that he decided to throw up his j tnd take the chance. He came and j ~alllped the streets trying to get 1101 but he discovered that New lit h'could get along quite well with-






o~t la~t,

he found a job with a sign

4Pany in Brooklyn. Then came a

'llktyd cut; later a:10ther. The future

·~e ~ ~lack. He thought. He worried. .1an ectded to act. He had taken a ~dee ~efore and had won. So he w~d In his resignation. dlt~out a job and without money,




ectded to go into business for

as Self! The only business he knew


in :te sign business; so he deter! ne to go into that. olll Ut here was the rub. The lla tany he had worked for had 0 ' 0,ooo. He had only $76 and a 0 "lid hand car. How could he, with~ ea · pttal compete with an estab-



Kappa Phi

lished $18,000,000 concern? Only by getting a new idea. Finally he developed an idea that started him on the road to fortune. He took a camera and started out to find a location for a sign. He found one in the Bronx, photographed it, got an option on it; then went to a hotel and convinced the manager he ought to put up a sign on that spot. Next he offered to exchange the space for a hotel room, adding a little extra cash. The deal made, he had some stationery engraved. He went into business in 1933-the very day the banks closed. Instead of being discouraged, he took it as a good omen. Then he hit on the idea of something new- the weather-telling sign. His office now telephones the weather station four times a day. On his desk is a small dial. He twists this and in about twenty seconds the sign swings over to the information on the disc. He is now "the sign king of Broadway." His signs along Broadway and in the Columbus Circle neighborhood are seen each night by a million people. He did an annual gross business last year of $1,000,000. And he is not yet 30 years old. He rang the bell because he was not afraid to take a chance. That is what holds so many people back. Frequently people who take chances make outstanding successes. But not always. The chance taken must have a sound idea, coupled with ability and determination to put it across.

The weather sign referred to by Mr. Carnegie is pictured on the following pages, as carried in the September 19 issue 0 f Pic, national picture magazine.


RAIN is denoted by slanting streaks of neon light. The sign con predict ten different weather conditions: worm, wormer, cold, colder, rain, lair,

cloudy. snow, cool, cooler or ony other combination of local conditions.

THE SNOW indication is the most beautiful ond the least used in the sign. On the comporotively rare occasions when New York is about to be blanketed in snow, giant crystals appear in white and blue neon lights.



Or, I


Sir years ago, twonty·two-year-old Douglcn Leigh came to New Yor~ from Alabama with $8 In his pocket. Today ho is undisputed Sign King ol Broadway. In 1933, tho all-time low of the Depreuion, Leigh started his present businen, his only capitol the proceeds from the sale of a secondhand Ford. He secured his first space In the Bronx, for which he drew up a display and sold the sign to tho St. Moritz Hotel. His next venture was • an A. & P. coffee sign, with real steam p011ring from the cup, 50,000 pounds of steam being used each month.. All told, Leigh now has twenty-one signs in operation between 42nd Street and Columbus Circle. He calls them "spectaculars" (animated electrics), "semi-spectaculars" (painted signs with animated figures).

~HE COCA-COLA sign at C:olumbus Circle is one of Leigh's most ombihous ~·gns. to dote. For~coshng the next day's woother, it was designed

to flt '" w1th Coco·Colo s established slogan, "Thirst Knows No S90 son."

THE CHANGES ore controlled from Leigh's office, ton blocks awoy. Leigh receives weather reports four times doily from Dr, Kimball of the Weather Bureou. He dials the changes.



Put Down ~hieago


A delightful vacation, seeing and meeting brothers in Pi Kappa Phi and enjoying the sights and entertainment of America's No. 2 city under the deft leadership of Chicago Pi Kapps. August 21-24 are the dates. And the Congress Hotel is the place. Twentieth Supreme Chapter Meeting. Plan to attend. Bring the wife and kiddies.



The Star and


, ,, 路t I>i

p·1}( lie

app Heads N.Y.A. Georgia


(Contint~ed from page 4)

returns in education, skill, effort, ilQ rnorale of 11,000 young people ;, are soon to be leaders in the "'ll7en5h'1P of this state. cork Project Program. An equally j'i~~s~ul phase of the National Youth . e101 Stration program in Georgia is ~ l!lployment of 5,000 young people Otkeen ~he ages of 18 and 24, on ~h projects operated in cooperation lls state. and local government offi·ou' pu?Itc welfare agencies, and civic : ps Interested in the dev~>lopment I ·Youth "




has been difficult to develop a R&rarn giving these youths the train~ and experience they need while at sarne f1me not replacing any person read •\' Y or likely to be employed. Pr·l\. now has in operation, however, 0 8ram embracing practically every ' ~of work suitable for young people. ir/0~ths work approximately onetune at the prevailing hourly •t 0

wage in the community. The total cost training projects operated in conjuncof these projects is approximately tion with educational institutions of the state. They serve as work centers at 104,000 per month. The project workers are for the most which young people may secure edupart assigned to jobs under volunteer cational training and practical work supervisors. The 4,400 youths assigned experience leading to self-maintenance to local projects are working on 500 through private employment and to a individual projects throughout the state more satisfactory home life. The youths at jobs consisting of practically every earn their subsistence and ten dollars type of public service not ordinarily in cash each month for work performed falling under the provision of a local during half a day on projects designed budget, including construction and re- to give them practical work experience pair of educational, recreational and related to their special needs and incommunity centers, library service and terests. The other half day, they attend book repairing, public service In the classes in practical subjects such as form of clerical service and similar agriculture, trades, industries, homework in government offices, sewing, making, crafts, and special subjects weaving, assistance to home demonstra- adapted to their needs and interests. tion agents, preparation of school The youths remain at these projects for lunches, nursery school aides, Indian periods of from six months to a year, excavation work, construction and re- determined by the individual needs of pair of furniture, assistance to the Re- the young people. settlement Administration and NaThe work program definitely fulfills tional Park Service, soil conservation, the other part of President Roosevelt's and general assistance to county agents. expressed will, giving the youths "their In addition to the 4,400 youths em- turn as apprentices and their opporployed on local projects, about 600 tunity for jobs-a chance to earn for youths are assigned to nine resident (Contin11ed on page 31)

• • . To get on the DIRECTORY bandwagon as another


~sue of THE STAR AND LAMP makes its appearance. ~ lU:>ER YOUR COPY TODAY by forwarding one Ollar to Directory Editors, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 8 te~lC SOl, Rid1mond, Va., giving pre~ent add:ess, chapand occupation. While we appreCiate the mterest of

1lierb S er.t H. Swasey, Jr., Epsilon ~ob Pnnger Wood, Eta ~ob ert E. Knox, Lambda ~ ~n J. Maaske, Nu

c:tn M. Partridge, Nu ~ rge R. Bennett, Jr., Omicron si\IIVard Parker, Sigma ~-~~e!d Cowan, Sigma ~~ tarn C. Wallin, Tau lud dal! E. Crabb, Upsilon w.:On P. Mason, Upsilon 1 ~:son ]. Seldon, Upsilon 1. J:h E. Turner, Jr., Upsilon Ci lbert Avmck, Chi ayton H. Buchanan, Alpha Alpha

f 'P·1

kappa Phi

members who have subscribed for this book since the last issue of THE STAR AND LAMP (see below), we nevertheless were disappointed in results from that appeal. SO ORDER NOW, if you have not done so previously, and help us complete this project as soon as possible. Orders received through February 3, 1939:

W. Gordon Kettles, Alpha Alpha Charles E. Ayo, Jr., Alpha Beta G. Bernard Helmrich, Alpha Gamma Elton R. Allison, Alpha Delta Howard E. Conkle, Alpha Zeta John M. Flynn, Alpha Zeta Robert E. Spence, Alpha Zeta Bruce Starker, Alpha Zeta William W. Thompson, Alpha Zeta George E. Verling, Alpha Zeta Karl A. Von Voigtlander, Alpha Theta William G. Wahl, Alpha Theta William A. Zabriskie, Alpha Theta Andrew R. Moseley, Jr., Alpha leta George F. Briner, Alpha Mu

Ernest W. Gall, Alpha Mu Leonard R. Greenaway, Alpha Mu Robert B. Lesser, Alpha Mu William E. Lord, Alpha Mu Alpine W. McLane, liT, Alpha Mu James B. Robinson , III, Alpha Mu Robert G. Scott, Alpha Mu (pledge) Richard M. Shave, Alpha Mu Albert E. Willgoos, Jr., Alpha Mu William D. Lee, Alpha Sigma Ralph W. Miller, Alpha Phi In the list of directory orders in the January issue Lawrence C. Altmansberger, Upsilon, and Keith A. Wilson Eta were incorrectly issued. ' '


Pi Kapp Rescues Jackson Archon Two from Flames Risking his own life and sustaining injuries that sent him to the hospital, R. E. Decker, Alpha Delta, architect of Seattle, rescued a neighbor and his wife from the second story of their burning home three days after Christmas. But a twenty-months son of the rescued parents died from suffocation. Seattle newspapers prominently displayed the story of the tragedy and the rescue and showed several pictures including one of Brother Decker on a hospital cot. The fire was discovered at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Stelte, next door to the residence of Brother Decker, who was awakened about 4:30 o'clock in the morning. He rushed to the burning home, procured a ladder and entered the secondfloor bedroom of the Stelte's, finding the husband and wife prostrate on the floor. He carried them to the window and dropped them to the ground because the ladder had fallen from its place. Then he made a search for. the baby in the nursery but was dnven back by the heat and smoke. Later the child was found by firemen in the crib, dead. When Brother Decker went to the burning home, Mrs. Decker rushed to another neighbor to summon aid.

Book of Poems To Be Printed Members of the fraternity who have written verse are invited to contribute manuscripts for possible publication in an anthology of poetry by fraternity and sorority members now being prepared in New York City. The anthology, to be entitled The Greek Letter, is being edited by Helen Bryant, distinguished poet and critic, and will be published about June 1 by Henry Harrison, New York poetry publisher. It will be comprised entirely of poems by either undergraduate 18

Concert Singer Entertawed Fo~ (Co111inued from page B)


ertlttotl Atte complete knowledge of the op. tiotl OUr I of the fraternity as an organtza Sonv· and its intrinsic value. tifull1 of ~ The chapter house was beau 'Ja.t ''I~ decorated with Southern s(lllhitt 1''that palms, white snapdragons and '1'1 tion narcissi. or b1l t\!ss~ Guests were greeted at the do j.S· the ~o~y Cortina and Billy .ctan~iiJi 9,r q~~ ststmg were Du Huggms, Charlei tinue Melton, Phillip Adams and <lld Phillips. ~ I 01 the In the receiving line were G~telll 1to s Hiller, chapter president; Mrs. L ~· ther: Foy Williams, Dr. and Mrs. oh~ J·1 they Duncan, Col. and Mrs. J 1510o, 'liiU Waterman, Dr. Rosa Lee . Wa lJrl· the c Dr. Paul Irvine, Mrs. Irvtne, RaJpb 1 lllust Harry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ed· nity Draughon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles IJ!d 1frate wards, Miss Virginia Adams, ~r. til< Br Mrs. Kirtley Brown, Gibner l(ing~{r> turr tenor's accompanist; Mr. and t oil 'lie s last ] Lawrence Barnett, and the gues honor, Mr. Jones. p 1 tecor In the dining room the t~ble rt~ !late overlaid with a beautiful JI!IP.~ 1 ' illord Madeira cloth and centered Wl tJ!ll '~~ere silver bowl containing red roses, chapt fraternity flower. ert Ac Presiding in the dining room ;ub1 tconc Mrs. L. Y. Dean, Jr., Mrs. )' have Hart, Mrs. E. 0. Jones and .Mr~~rt l~el} Reed. Assisting in serving de# ~elt. Misses Christine Clifton, P~pitt· 1ng c Ozier, Ruth Lowe, Jane ~i R Martha Gerhardt, Ethel Gardner. lte 1


Wayne C. Jackson, who has been named Archon of District 14. The wrong cut was used in connection with the announcement of his appointment in the May issue of THE STAR AND lAMP and this correction is made with the apologies of the editor.

or alumni members of the various college fraternities and sororities and will be divided into sections bearing the name of each organization. Manuscripts should be mailed as early as possible, and before March 25 deadline, to Miss Bryant, South Boulevard, Nyack, N.Y. The poetry may have been previously published, or unpublished before. It may be of any length, in any style or on any subject. A self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of unacceptable material must accompany all manuscripts. The name of the author's fraternity must be specified with each poem. This offers an opportunity for the Fraternity's poets to make a sh<;»wing of their talents in a volumn which will also be of particular interfraternity interest.



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'd THB GRBBK LBTTBR, forthco"':,ar anthology of fraternity verse. Senb1·,hed• 7 best poetM, publiohed or unP'! h 1 ,,tf· af\Y length, otyle or oub/'ect, w•t f-JeleP addressed, stamJ>ed enve ope to ~.Y· Bryant, editor, South Blvd. Nya~i;~f!Y Thio book to be_ publishea1 by n HARRISON of New York City.

The Star and

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f-dtl'f Of J

Founders' Day at Leesburg (Continued from page 9)

ratio' Attenf ton was called to the fact that 0 zatiotl :r convention, meeting in Jack· :fulli ot'tlle, discussed the general subject .I . . ,,lller?ers to some extent. 111 :Jilhitt I''th It ts quite probable," he stated, « tio at expansion by merger, absorp· byj CUsn, etc., will be thoroughly dis'0'f,s· th sed in Chicago. And because of ~WaJ!l ~: co~plexity of detail much of this 1 16 j ti CUsston will involve," he con· bar ltt~ed, "we urge Pi Kapps young •L old to make every effort to attend ·e0rS' •1e ' Jb to convention. We especially want Ste~ ~ see many of the 'Old Timers' L. J.l ~ere, for the sage advice and counsel Jfl p, ~·~ can lend to these discussions 1 J~tS· ~1 go far to insure the success of ~ ill e completely searching inventory we 1 n·Ust take of ourselves and our fraterRaJo. :s d rlly as an integral part of the interr. aP taternity world .. · indicated that our g, 1th'. ~. Brather McCann ~lr} ·•trent .. . encouragtng, . th at ol \1 posrhon ts :st ~ should be stronger this year than ., teet when we had our best initiation lta~rd per chapter. "Last year," he o , ill ed, "32 active chapters initiated itPtJ!: \1 Ore men than 41 chapters when we , there at the peak in number of apters." wee! ec:ccording to Brother McCann the Rub) h nomic trends of the past few years s. 1" 1~\>e hurt all fraternities and it is wee! fejely that economic pressure will be ~I in t. lie cited the need of rededicat1tt· ~·8 Ourselves to the fundamentals of r. ~ l<:appa Phi. These, he indicated, not greatly different from those Pr all fraternities, for we all strive to 0 or 1llote fellowship, the best interests \lh our members and the institutions lch ere We have chapters, excellence in ·i.arship and better citizenship. ~d ~ere is a lack of intestinal fortiCo e. tn fraternities today," McCann 1~~t~nued. "To put it another way, ill Stbly more pleasing to the ear, r~ny of us are reluctant to come <II e to face with the problems that ill fraternities, working together, beUst solve. We are not necessarily to <ft condemned for this situation, for t1• er all it is human nature to raOnal'tze unpleasant things while












~t#f of P; Kappa Phi

basking in the warm glow of sentimental memories. Our leaders are very well aware of the problems of the times. It is up to us, the fraternity as a whole, to pull abreast with our leaders and recognize where we are doing a good job-and where a bad one or none at all-recognize how our fraternity in a national and local sense is so quickly affected by national and international pressures over which we have little or no control. This recognition is the first essential step we must take toward solving solvable problems and softening the impact of those created by forces beyond the limits of our control." Mac did not agree with the generally accepted view that, when chapters of fraternities fail, this failure !s usually due to poor financial structure. He admitted that financial worries may frequently be strong contributing factors, but denied that they can often be cited as fundamental causes for a chapter's demise. He concluded that "every chapter has many problems a year that present the officers and active personnel with more headaches than the possible question of where the nex-t house payment may be found. It is true that in after years these problems may not seem so stubborn as they do when we are undergrads. There is one basic necessity for the solution of them all-a good, sound personnel, fellows who are not afraid to work hard and unselfishly for the attainment of common goals and ideals. To paraphrase in a financial sense, it's not the boy who says I've got that next payment, but the boy who says I'll get that next payment who counts. . . . It is de~ply gratifying to know, both from experience and printed records of the undergraduate 'Who's Who,' that Pi Kappa Phi personnel stands as high in stature as that of any fraternity in existence, higher than a great majority." After his outstanding talk Brother McCann presented the Leesburg alumni charter to District Archon Underhill who was designated by the local alumni to act for them until their officers should be ins-talled.

As the winter sun dipped lazily down among the orange trees lining the shores of beautiful Silver Lake Byron Herlong, archon, Harry Barcus: treasurer, and A. S. Herlong, Jr., secretary, swore to do their best to uphold the traditions and name of the great fraternity of Pi Kappa Phi. National Secretary Coulter introduced McCann to the group. In his introduction he -told members that the Leesburg meeting was the keynote of a new era of cooperation and understanding between undergraduates and al~mni of State for they were, in thrs gathertng, united more closely t~an ever before. Though this is a grve and take world, he emphasized the necessity of giving without taking, and spoke of the demands this busy world makes upon Pi Kappa Phi. Brother A. S. Herlond, Jr., acted as toastmaster. He introduced Archons To~ Kirkland and Arthur Boote of Cht and Alpha Epsilon who heartily endorsed the meeting at Silver Lake and expressed the hopes of their chapters that many more meetings of this kind are to be held. The meeting, an all day affair began in the morning when brother~ attended the Leesburg Episcopal church in a body to hear Reverend Br~ther ~rank E. Pulley, Alpha Pi, deltver hrs morning sermon. In atten~anc; with Pi Kapps was Alpha Epsilon s Mother Rood who is fast becoming . known as "Mother" to p·1 K apps m all corners of Florida.


Death Claims Eta Brother L?cius Cecil Fitts, teacher of mathe. mattcs at Commercial High School Atlanta, initiated by Eta chapter Sep~ tember 18, 1912, died December 6. Brother Fitts had taught in Atlanta schools for 15 years, after having served as superintendent of schools in Alabama apd South Georgia. He was graduated from Emory University wh_ere he was a member of Pi Kappa Phr and Kappa Phi Kappa. He is survived by his wife and two sons.


Fraternities Lead in Scholarship For the tenth consecutive year, fraternity men in American colleges and universities outranked non-fraternity students in scholarship. This report was made at the thirtyfirst session of the National Interfraternity Conference at the Hotel Biltmore in New York City, December 1-2 by Dr. Alvan E. Duerr, scholarship chairman of the Conference. The Conference was attended by 253 graduate and 133 undergraduate representatives, the total attendance showing an increase of. 36 over the

previous year. Forty deans of men were present. There was evidence through reports and discussions on the floor that the fraternities are gaining in numerical strength, are showing greater financial stability, are cooperating to a still greater extent with the educational institutions, and are serving to give their members a fuller development of character and citizenship. Dr. Duerr's report on scholarship was based on a nation-wide survey covering 178 institutions and includ-

ing 86,132 undergraduate mem be'' ofrt 2,338 fraternity chapters. Th~ repOeO not only showed that fraterntty tllcal led in scholarship but that the genef r 0 scholastic average of all students 1938-39 was higher than in the r~; vious year, a record consistent wt·• . w.the past eight years. And thiS ert taken to mean that students ev ..;. . us aw where are taking a more seno d'd 1 tude toward scholarship than they before the depression. . • " 'JI L. G . Balfour, Sigma Cht, e elected President of the Conferenc ·

Big Red ( Conlimled from page 7)

held. Wit was elected 1939 captain by his squad. Running from the left halfback position, Captain Baker played in every one of Cornell's eight games. That he was an inspiring leader became evident very early in the season. The qualities of this leadership are reflected both in the enviable record made by his team and by him personally during the season. Carrying the ball 71 times, he gained 495 yards while losing only 21 for a total net gain of 474, or an average of 6.7 yards gained every time he toted the pigskin. Bake was also one of the best forward passers on the team, throwing with equal proficiency from stationary or running positions. His team went on to win all eight of its games and to become known as "the team on whid1 every man was a star." In post season play Wit was chosen to play with the Blue against the Gray in the Nmth-South grid battle at Montgomery, Ala., on December 30. His 47 yard pass for one touchdown and plunge for another from the three yard line were features of this game. Captain Baker had his greatest year at Cornell in '39 as a brief analysis 20

of some of the more spectacular plays will indicate. Against Syracuse he caught a 30 yard pass for the first touchdown, ran 41 yards to the five yard line to set up the second, and caught a 3 5 yard pass on the seven yard line to make possible the third stab into pay dirt and a 19-6 Cornell victory .... His play in the Princeton game has already been outlined, but let us add that both plays discussed resulted within the first four minutes of playing time. Colgate came closest to upsetting a perfect Cornell season, losing only by the margin of two extra points, 14-12. It was Bake's quick thinking that went far to save the day. In this game he carried the ball 20 times for 144 yards, made one touchdown and converted both extra points after touchdown. On one of these conversions he recovered a blocked placement kick and rushed it over for the point. In a rather astounding show of power the Big Red upset Dartmouth's Indians 35-6. Bake had a real part in the display, gaining an average of 6.5 yards a try and scoring Cornell's second touchdown on a reverse from 16 yards out. Against Penn he helped

· to 'eS' turn the traditional dogfight tn . . 6 d . ten trlfoC rout, gatntng 0 yar s tn and throwing an end zone pass his team's first score. . idlY Many of you may recall vtV s that thrill-packed game in Co!um~ ~ Ohio, when Ohio State, Btg C:r· Champs, took a 14-0 lead over me· nell in the early stages of the .gatbat What you may not remember tS 10 it was Baker who sparked his teaJll ass two touchdowns and threw the -~ng that set up the third score, insptrl them to go on and win 23-14. " d O••• Of course we could go on an as telling you of Bake's fine plaY d 111 Cornell downed Penn State 47-0 0ut Columbia 13-7, but you've read a . a· 111 this formidable Ivy League cot11~ eS· tion in your daily papers many tJfll g· You know how Cornell forced rec~. nition alongside of Texas A. Bl jn and Southern California. We here of Ithaca feel honored that Wit is onepaS us, take pride in the success he h attained in leading his team thrt~n its first undefeated season in .6 tehO years. We feel certain that we e~en the sentiments of every Pi Kapp ~ ec we wish Captain Malvern \1V'I~ds Baker every success in his future .fie of endeavor.


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Windy City Previews Banner Year . With a new year just begun, the Chi' J1a&o alumni are already started on a 1~ 00 er year. Celebrating Founders' Day 1>e· 0Ur new meeting place in the Porn"i;~n Room at the Congress Hotel (which to also be the scene of action for the ~ vention next August) we had an ex~i ~t turnout of some seventy-odd local l!i apps. Honored guests were National Gr~torian Bob Amick, District Archon Bob <\s en, and the Armour active chapter. 'tsever, returning to the scene of his crime, 1 is Toastmaster Carl Kirk, who handles 1~ P.erennial job so well that there is no ~eestron as to his taking charge. Speakers of <bl evening handled their respective situations 1~ and briefly and sent home the inspired j'IQ _hers well fortified with excellent new 'e;•~s. They promised to be present at con~ton with some even better ones. ~· aturally enough, Chicago Pi Kapps are


greatly concerned with the Twentieth Supreme Chapter in August and hope to demonstrate to their brothers from over the country how well southern hospitality is practiced on the shores of Lake Michigan. As usual, meetings are being held on the second Friday of each month with dinner at 6:30 P.M. at the Congress. It has been particularly gratifying of late to note the appearance of some of the younger men and recent graduates along with the old timers who continue to make their appearance. The winter and spring program included a mixed meeting in February for Pi Kapp ladies in the Congress Casino with entertainment by the regular hotel orchestra and floor show. The annual Monte Carlo party will be held later, possibly in April or May.

Georgia Alumni Granted Charter Pi Ka~p residents of Columbus and Fort Bennrng, Ga., have been granted an

alumni chapter charter by the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi. Installation date for the chapter has not been set but it is most likely that another alumni' unit will have been officially added to the list of alumni chapters by the time this issue of THE STAR AND LAMP is distributed . Leading the twenty-four of the chapter are Kennon Mott, president; J. Edward Norris, treasurer; and W. B. Skipworth, Jr., secretary. Other members include Lt. Col. John T. Rhett, G. Park Brinson, John W. Wilson, B. F. Register, W. M. Fambrough, J. H . Jenkins, W. P. Robinson Vernon Hogan, William E. Talley, L. Robinson, A. R. Martin, Capt. Jacob R. Moon, Emmett B. Cartledge, Jr., Holcombe M. Verdery, Jr., Dr. 0 . C. Brannen Hal S. Laird, ]. C. Land, Calvin Stovall, Henry E. Trost, John T. West and Burch Hargrave. Meetings are held regularly on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P.M. and attendance at those held thus far has been more than gratifying.


~:~~~re sh.ows Lambda's officers and their d~te~ at the Chap.ter's. Whter Formal. Left to right, Miss Betty Wade and John Alden, secY; MISs Helm Groo-ver and Tommy Wtllts, archon; Mtss Btlly Anne Roop and Frank Story, treasurer. (Photo by John Fleetwood)

of Pi Kappa Phi


Greenville A lumns Elect Officers Starting off 1940 with an enthusiastic meeting, Greenville, S.C. alumni chose their leaders for the year. Wielding the gavel as archon will be Dr. Charles N. Wyatt, of 38 Clarendon Avenue. Assisting him in the offices of secretary and treasurer respectively will be Robert R. Scales, Jr., Isaqueena Apartments, and Keels M. Nix, 543 W. Washington Street. Brother.Nix was re-elected to his position, while Brothers Wyatt and Scales succeed Wilbur D. White and Patrick C. Pant, respectively. W. Kirk Allen, Sr., was elected to represent the chapter at the Twentieth Supreme Chapter Meeting in Chicago next August. The members felt it especially fitting for Brother Allen to receive this honor, since his son, Kirk, Jr., is an outstanding undergraduate member of Delta chapter, and may make the trip to Chicago with his father. Next social event on the calendar will be a dinner-dance at the Poinsett Hotel in Greenville on March 15. This will be jointly sponsored by the grads and Delta chapter. A good attendance is anticipated. WILBUR D. WHITE, Past Arrhon

Seattle Wives Hold Spotlight The Pi Kappa Phi Wives' Club took the spotlight from their more illustrious mates in winter activities of the Seattle Alumni chapter. On December 14, they held a very successful meeting at the home of Mrs. Victorian Sivertz, wife of District Archon "Vic" Sivertz, at which the subject for discussion was ''Christmas Decorations and Arrangements." Not being satisfied with entertaining themselves alone, they staged their Christmas party for all the "little Pi Kapps"-children of alumnion December 24, to which actives, alumni and pledges were invited. Santa Claus (played by an Alpha Delta pledge) presented each little chap with several gifts and a treasure chest filled with ice cream and cookies. It is reported that some of the alums had more fun than the children. Fearful lest they would be submerged under the attention the wives were attracting, the proud fathers, and those blessed even yet with bachelorhood, recruited their energies long enough to stage a meeting on January 10, when new officers were elected as follows: Lyle N. Jenks, archon; Clem Bursett, secretary; Walter Poot, treasurer; and Percy Shepheard, historian.

Smoky City Pi Kapps Active Elmhurst Inn at Sewickley, Pa., was the scene of the Pittsburgh Alumni chapter's Founders' Day dinner on December 1, 1939, which brought to a close an active year for Smoky City Pi Kapps. Chief order of business was the election of officers for


1940, the results of which follow: president, W. C. Brookmeyer; vice-president, William Simon, Jr.; secretary-treasurer, R. D. George; vice-secretary-treasurer, E. ]. Newton; counselors, W. H. Miller, Ray Zimmerman and H. E. Stokely. Previous to the Founders' Day affair the chapter had sponsored two successful social gatherings in the forms of a "'Dutch Treat Stag Party" on October 20, and a dinnerdance at "The Pines," near Pittsburgh, on November 18. The chapter regrets the loss of two of its most interested members due to business transfers of Brothers "Red" Lonberger, A-Mu, who is now located in Houston, Tex., and Bob Shively, Rho, who returned to his home in Chambersburg, Pa. R. D. GEORGE, Serrelary

Lehigh Valley Elects Officers Election of officers occupied the spotlight at the annual Founders' Day dinner of the Lehigh Valley Alumni chapter, held on December 15 at Shankweiler's Restaurant near Allentown, Pa. George Ritter, of Reading, was chosen to replace E. D. Beddall as president, while John Keiser was re-elected secretary. Dr. James Moyer, of Tamaqua, became the new treasurer, replacing John West. . Subsequent to the election, members turned their attention to brief discussions of fraternity affairs, most particularly the approaching Supreme Chapter meeting in Chicago, after which an enjoyable round of card games climaxed the evening's program. It is the hope of the chapter to send a delegate to the Chicago meeting, and this idea will occupy additional discussion time in future meetings.

Daytona Beach Alumni Organize Fifteen Pi Kappa Phis residing in or near Daytona Beach, Fla., met in midNovember to set up organizational plans which will undoubtedly lead eventually to the chartering of their group as an alumni chapter. Chosen to head their number as president was William B. Bell, attorney, who will be supported by Paul Cox, Freddie Fitzgerald, Tom Cobb and Rayford McCormick, as vice-president, secretary, treasurer and sergeant-at-arms respectively. Since the November meeting several luncheons have been held and enthusiasm continues to run high. Chapters represented are Alpha Epsilon, Chi, Alpha Eta, Alpha Xi, Eta and Omicron. Alumni taking part in activities to date, in addition to Brothers Bell, Cox, Fitzgerald, Cobb and McCormick, are Billy Coursen, Robert Scholze, Charles Palmer and George Rood (Alpha Epsilon), C. T. Welshinger, Rubert J. Longstreet, Charles T. Henderson (Chi), George Carleton (Alpha Xi), Ralph Vallotton (Eta), and Cecil Grant (Omicron).

Marriages and Engagetnents f h Epsilon. o William W. Bull, Jr., Alp .a ErickSI)II Dunedin, Fla., and Miss Mirtam ed the~ of East Orange, N.J., have announc engagement. MisS J,IIJ' Julius E. Burges, Alpha, and Ch )esloOo garet E. Tiencken, both of ar enl· S.C., have announced their engag~ _~,{isS Joseph W. Cannon, Jr.,_ Eta! a cordei'Lillian Pridgen were marned tn Ga., on December 27. . ma rJ Horace C. Colvett, Alpha. St~irginiJ Crockett Mills, Tenn., and MtsS e (lllol" Pittman of Maury City, Tenn., wer ried in late October. f sumleC• John C. Cooper, Jr., Delta, o on of S.C., and Miss Mary Agnes Joh~~ eMif Cairo, Ill., were married in Catro January. f Killgst#• Moultrie ]. Derrick, Zeta, o L veil of 0 S.C., and Miss Hester Eliza?eth pee~· Indiantown, S.C., were marned. on me tD ber 9. They are making thetr 110 Kingstree. . J,uef 5 Ernest H. Jacobi, Psi, and M~ hJ~ Ann Schempp, both of Ithaca, N. ·• announced their engagement. M' pocO' 5 Walter W. Keller, Zeta, and ,~ ttiJefA thy Sandel were married in St. •..a S.C., on December 23. Ga Archie Lewis~ Iota, A~lanta, ·u~: G.., Miss Sara A. Glles of Mllledgevt and JP' have announced their engagement proachif'g marriage on March . 8. J1!5peC' Hill C. Lewis, Alpha Epstlon, '«hill Ala., and Miss Myrtle H. Finlayson, be! s. Springs, Fla., were married on De.;:tJield, J. Douglas MacCiary, Lambda, f <:f/esl· N.J., and Miss Joan Pawling, also 0menl· field, have announced their engage d J,{isl William H. McAllister, Kappa, a~ ll'ere Dorothy Tillet, both of Durham, N. ·• married on December 23 in Durha~· and L. Allen Morris, Iota, Atlanta, ;Jan~'• Miss Ida Martha Akers, also of will be married on February 28. GJ·• Albert S. Newton, Lambda, Mil 1en G$·• and Miss Mary E. Spell, of Swainsbor ' have announced their engagement. r,{obill, Jack A. Roberts, Alpha ~ota, d Gads· Ala., and Miss Martha C. Dnnkad on den, Ala., were married in Ga 5 "th 1bl December 24. Roberts is connected wf _1,!0' Algernon Blair Construction Co., 0 bile. MilJllo Dr. John Austin Ryan, Mu, o•r· Mich., and Miss Alma L. Ranson, pukl lotte, N.C., were married in then r:O' University Chapel, Durham, N.C., .0 110Jlll vember 4 last. They are making thetrj\ustiD in Ann Arbor, Mich., where Dr. ·verSitf is on the surgical staff of the Unt Hospital. d ~{isS T. Howard Timberlake, Mu, af)lofllBS' Margaret S. McClendon, both of MY l· ville, Ga., were married on ~eb~oJilBs· They are making their h_ome tn




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John A. Varnedoe, Lambda, an

The Star an d



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HERE AND THBRE-(1)-Group of Alpf.a brother~ and p/e~~es on hunting trip at Brother Ashton Boynton's plantation. (2)-Archon Iph a in a moment. members and plcdgc_s sr;nrlmg for cameraman on !he steps. of tire chapter !rouse. (4)-Si rna's 0 Hop• Murray, atrd Jimm')[ Wrlson. (5)-A/p/rn pledges .drmkr.ng from thctr bollles, mpple, mrlk and all. (left to right) Otis IJ.icke/1 0 • Harry Freeman, Arthur Hauten. (6)-Picdgc• Charles Kmg, Brll Prllman, Da~r. d Buck, Morru A/ten and Bob Smith at tire "Wre k T 0h'; f • 1 ;">, '){,d (7 )-Initiate• of Alpha Delta pose on front steP• of fro111e, front row left to rrgfrt-Ciint Shaffer, Ed Wartelte Francis Meyer /, k ec ;otj ~•• J,en Scrogg 1 , Archie McDonald. (B)-Group of brothers and pledges of .Sigma_. sta'.'ding left to ri11ht, Bill Carriian Tommy Tr:rluak ] 0 Mau ' red Quinn, Eddie Williams, scaled, Olin A1cDonald, Gordon McLaurm, Olm St1f1/t and DaY;d Murray. ' c • Jn C• d



](appa Phi





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Beatrice Smith, both of Savannah, Ga., recently announced their e_ngagement. Wilmer F. Watts, Omicron, and Miss Joyce Reddoch, both of Luverne, Ala., were married in Luverne on November 9 last. E. Wendell Wells, Lambda, Jackson, Miss., and Miss Lucile Murtagh, of Pickens, Miss., were married on December 28 in Pickens. Yandell S. Warren, Alpha Lambda, of Benton, Miss., and Miss Cherie Abney were married December 23, in Benton.

Births Mr. and Mrs. William A. Maner, II, Iota, announce the arrival of William A., III, on last August 21. The Maners are now residing at 916 Bromley Road, Charlotte, N.C., having moved there recently from Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Leigh, Jr., Rho, announce the arrival of Emily Ann, born on June 1 last. Mr. and Mrs. ]. Springer Wood, Eta, of Rome, Ga., announce the birth of a son, Evan Harvey Wood, on January 16.



After rush season, which was crowded with excellent parties, Alpha pledged four - Otis Moncure Pickett, sophomore, Arthur Lee Haisten, William Robert Griffin, and Harry Wyman Freeman, freshmen . A resume of Alpha's social activities to date shows first, our Founders' Day banquet on December 10, 1939. Next followed a well-attended cocktail party in our rooms, which preceded the annual Panhellenic formal. lastly, but by far the most thoroughly entertaining social occasion to date, came our New Year's party. On January 10, Professor ]. Harold Easterby, of the College of Charleston faculty and an alumnus of Alpha, was elected president of the South Carolina Historical Society. Alpha is amply represented in the various sports activities of the college. Archon Cheney Moore is player-manager of the golf team and manager of varsity basketball; Walker Bates is manager of the swimming and tennis teams and a member of the varsity basketball squad. Ashton Boynton assists Brother Moore in managing basketball; Brothers Rouse Huff and Vernon Moore are candidates for the golf team; Pledge Robert Griffin manages freshman basketball, while Pledge Arthur Haisten is a member of that team. Leroy Bates plays on the varsity basketball team, and also heads the sophomore class as president. Officers for the second semester are: W. Cheney Moore, archon; F. Rouse Huff, treasurer; leroy E. Bates, secretary; C. Courtenay Freeman, historian; G. Walker


Bates, chaplain; R. Vernon Moore, warden. COURTENAY FREEMAN, Historitm



T. B. Allen Jones and Miss Bess Virginia Nimmons, of Seneca, N.C., were married in Seneca in early November. James M. Leland, of Saluda, N.C., and Miss Mary Ellen Edmunds, of McCormick, S.C., were married on January 20 in McCormick. They are making their home in Summerville, S.C.



Gamma chapter is now back on the job for the spring semester. Arthur McMurry and two pledges, Alden James and Allan McMurry, made places on Cal's ski team. We expect great things from Brother Art this semester, for he is one of Cal's best ski jumpers. Elmo G. Switzer returned with a big diamond ring which he presented to the future Mrs. Switzer. His fiancee is Miss Barbara Lash of Pasadena, Calif., and wedding bells will ring for them sometime in June. The following brothers were elected to hold office during the spring semester: Archon-Norman L. Arrighi, of Concord, thirty miles from Berkeley. He is a senior and will graduate this spring from the College of Commerce. Secretary-Elmo G. Switzer, of Pasadena, will graduate from the College of Commerce this spring. Upon graduation Switzer will be employed by the Lockheed Aircraft Co. of los Angeles. last semester he was president of the Commerce Association at California. Treasurer- John Mackey, Mount Shasta Calif., who gave us a great performance i~ his business efficiency last semester and is back to stage a second act this term. He is also a senior and will graduate from the College of Commerce in June. Historian-John H. Morgan. Chaplain- Richard Witt. Dick, of San Francisco, has held the office of Chaplain for two semesters, and since everyone likes his work in meetings so well, he has been returned to that office. Brother Witt is a senior and will graduate this coming spring from the College of Mechanical Engineering. Warden-James D. Moore of Pasadena, who is proving himself to be a very good student in chemistry. Jim, re-elected for the second time to this office, was out for crew last year and is now thinking seriously of going out for Rugby. He is a junior. We were very happy to see two of Gamma's men, Pledge Pete van den Bosch and Brother Paul Googins, return this semester. Pete was in an automobile accident last year and bas now recovered sufficiently to return to school and continue

turoioi his studies in Political Science. Re Robe!'· with Pete was his younger brother, gethd and the two plan formal initiation to ~ Paul Googins is returning to Ga!Tl~ri another semester in the College ~ te ture, from which he will gra un ~~~


Eugene Roberts has attained th_e P I-Ii of student-teacher at Universtt}' £uF~~" School in Berkeley this semester. . flO15 graduated from Cal in 1939 and. chllP' working for his master's degree JO istry, the subject he is teaching. corneJiU! One of Gamma's alumni, Otto 1>P Gravenhorst-Brouwer (better kno "Dutch") has just become theft scb.J father of a fine baby girl. Dutch le ·;_;.~ · tO ttP" several years ago, and is returnt!lg . eeriDI in the College of Mechanical Engt~ege Before leaving he was in the Co Civil Engineering. ·n ~ Our pledges, most of who~ wt 1;J be initiated, will leave an envtnble J'; for their followers-especia lly OM"c1>1ur6 Ben Laflin, Alden James, Allan e mli' and Robert van den Bosch, who ha" tained high averages thus far. Sti"Alpha Zeta chapter at Oregon pJciUCollege was the scene of the 194~·r t# Coast Conclave. Alpha Delta ch~~ ·ated Washington University also partrcrpJ~PiJII1 the meeting, which was held on ~~~ 27-29. Gamma had two represen · 10ri.d there. JOHN H. MoRGAN, Hts


Delta Officers for the current semester Melzer Booker, archon; Belton treasurer; Kirk Allen, secretary; Packer, historian; Thomas Rhodes, d~ lain; and Bill Sandell, warden. Because of Christmas holidays .a~ tilf sequent final exams, Delta's socrarnc~ tions during 1940 have been so limited, a skating party and a having been the only planned affa thus far. However, we are big time at our annual Rose d~tr' March 15. Delta has initiated three men t~ eke! Bill Sandell, Dan White, Robert 8 JeJf but another initiation for freshman bis If wi ll have been held by the time ~P· pears in the March STAR AND LA ~ In the field of athletics our past 8,~ Euta Colvin, has just finished a sllfoO"'t. season as senior manager of the . #_ team, while Pledges Ted Higgins kling on the freshman basketbal de! Thomas Rhodes and Laddie Rh 0 ~ 1 waiting for warmer weather so th 8 115 may prove their candidacies for bert IP and two on the varsity. tennis t~; mural football ended w tth the P1 I<-~ t•· third p lace, but basketball is noW 'an~~ swing and we hope to gain highe! 1 . in this sport. 1eJ : Jn the arts we are well represen

ttf'. r.

The Star a11 d



Winning Homecoming decorations, Iota Cltaptcr. ( 3 )-He's coming in strong. IJ...__?RIAL PI KAPPA PHl-(1)-Doing a little carfy clcan·u{'- (2)- m.oon arc Brother and .J?rs. Joe W. «:"'!nnor1, Jr. Brother Cannon was formcrl ~'1•t,,.110PPing briefly to pose while cnroutc to Npw Orleans on thc1r foot1C'Y w11hes for an early sprmg. (6)-Lr~mg room of Alpha Tau chapter hous~ ~•• secretary of tile Fraternity. (5) Barr)' CeCil, archon of Alpha Srgma,

••elaer Po/'ylcclmic Jnslilule. (7 )-Members of lola Chapter.


Dan White and Billy Hughes, both of whom have played in several recitals this year. ROBERT PACKER, JR., Historian



Scott Newton Brown and Miss Margaret Williamson, both of Chattanooga, Tenn., were married in that city on December 2. Spencer B. Goodman and the former Miss Sara Jane Moss, of Richfield, N.C., were married on November 30. They are making their home in Richfield.



Zeta's most outstanding social event was the Founders' Day banquet-dance in De· cember. J. Neville Holcombe, chapter adviser, was the speaker and he gave a resume of the highlights of his trip abroad during the summer of 1939, which proved very interesting to everyone. Impromptu re· marks by other members followed Brother Holcombe's address, before the party-goers dispersed to the home of A. B. Hammond, where a small dance was held. Our first social affair of the New Year was an informal dance at Floyd's cabin near Spartanburg. Three of Zeta's pledges are seeing action on the Freshman basketball team. They are Jack Atwater, Jack Barry and Joe Wil· Iiams. R. D. Guilds has been tendered the position of Business Manager of the Bo· hemian, college yearbook. 0. P. MILLER, Historian


Georgia Tech

Quite a few things have happened at Iota chapter since the last issue of THE STAR AND LAMP. We have added three new pledges to the fold, namely, Gene Kirkland, John Leedy and Jack Bunn all of Atlanta. Our 1939 Homecoming was the most successful the chapter has had since the class of 1940. Probably the primary causes for the unusually jubilant celebration were, first, Georgia Tech's first football victory over the University of Georgia in ten years -by the score of 13-Q-and, secondly, the presence of many Iota alumni whose faces we had not seen for sometime. Among them were Doug Crocker, '38, with his bride of a few days, Bob Sweet, Harris McClana· han, Charley Duncan, John Boy, Domer Ridings, Willis Paulk, Ed Fambrough, Holcombe Verdery, and Howard Loveless. The chapter entertained its guests at a buffet supper following the game. An added joy to the week end's festivities came in the announcement that Iota had won the Interfraternity contest for Homecoming decorations, for which we received a very large cup to grace our mantel. Just before our Homecoming weekend many of us went down to Gainesville to


help the Florida brothers celebrate their Homecoming. We wish to thank the broth· ers of Alpha Epsilon for the wonderful time shown us while we were with them. In celebration of Founders' Day, Iota and Pi chapters joined forces to hold a formal dance on December 19. Quite a number of Lambda brothers journeyed from Athens to attend, and helped make the dance the success that it was. As most of you know, Georgia Tech was chosen to play the University of Missoun 10 the Orange Bowl on New Year's Day. In order to utilize this wonderful opportunity to see Miami, several of the brothers cut short their vacations at home and made the trip. While there they were entertained by Miami boys in the chapter. Those lucky enough to have the where· withal necessary to make the trip were Dave McClanahan, Warner Morgan, John King, Fran~ Bennett, Doyle Butler, John Hard, Ed Lmdgren, and Jimmy Setze, our chapter adviser. Jimmy rented an apartment for the weekend and took care of the overflow. 'f?e game itself served as the best possible cltmax to a very enjoyable vacation what with Tech winning 21 to 7. ' Iota campus leaders continue to forge ahead, with Frank Bennett heading the list. He was recently placed on the Student Council, elected to Phi Kappa Phi and Omicron Delta Kappa, and nominated to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. He also has the signal honor of being the only student at Georgia Tech who is a member of all five major honor societies on the campus. David McClanahan, Doyle Butler, and Bob Weatherford were recently elected to Pi Delta Epsilon journalistic fraternity. Robert Bush was ~lected to the Sophomore honor society, Skull and Key. Frank Miller was tapped for Anak Society at midterm dances. With football season over, Iota's three varsity men have put away their uniforms for another year. David Crosby is showing up so well on the Freshman basketball team that it is being predicted he will see a lot of action on the varsity next year. The chapter team found itself in second place at the end of the fust half of the bowling season. Interfraternity basketball is just getting under way and it appears that Iota will put a very good team on the floor. Something that may be of interest to other chapters in Pi Kappa Phi is a plan recently inaugurated here at Tech to establish better relations among the chapters on the campus. Sponsored by the Interfraternity Council, its major point calls for planned visits of four members from each house to be luncheon guests at another house on Tuesday of every week. Each week brings four new visitors to our house . and so on around until the representatives of one chapter have visited every chapter on the campus. Simple though it is, we find it working very satisfactorily. Brother and Mrs. Frank R. Montgomery

all' ), announce the birth of a son JanuforJI1tl 1940. Charles B. Johnson and there Jlllr· Miss Kathleen Head, of Atl~ta, w~e their ried on January 6. They wJII .rna .5 0olf 1 home in Chicago. D. D. O'bnen factor· working for the Iron Fireman Manu ing Co. here in Atlanta. H' tori~~ BILL AsHBY, ts

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~·Me~ ~ is ~tud th , e tiu 1 hday 'Jrlan 'Was 1\oard l Chri• tlan1 1

Lambda chapter started the 19 4~earsijl! season off with a banquet at the'$0 odroff Hotel, followed by a dance ~t as t)1e Hall. Highlighting the occas1?n w heStrl• playing of Bill Clarke and h~s o:'a(uJ!lll' and the presence of many prommen }'letd· and their wives, among whom wer~s par· coach Wallace Butts and Mrs. Bu s' ~!If' ~I Ye~ ulty Advisor Walter Martin an? M~d ~trs · 1hei 1 tin, and Brother R. F. Harns a ~n Harris. .ng terJI1 the New officers elected for the sprt\1(/illijl!l ltlong are: Warren Harden, archon; cretarf; lflerso Bennett, treasurer; Felix Fudge,! st;t ch'P' ~di Bill Standifer, historian; Pat Co qui ' "" s lain; and Woodfin Cole, wa:den.rnvnB ,11 ~is Lambda chapter stood third a stic 1vel' tty, chapters on the campus in schola 39..10 ~tru 19 ages for the Fall Quarter of the s . frei 3 9 0 school term with an average k~ ~,i~n ~~h 'I BILL STANDIFER, IS \ abt rlie 1,e





wi~m~ ·~llli

Mu begins the new year 'file rated and refurnished chapter ro end~ble Orn• house committee did very co.m~e calor "tabte work in their selection of fu_rmtu I~ celr ~ks schemes, and general decoratiOns. ra(!l• 1° 'rices bration of our refurnishing progfterno0°' .\rt open house was held Saturday ueniC '" the! January 12, before the Panheut-of-tO~ 'lur s dance. Duke campus girls and 0 e sert" ~I . . dane , g1rls here f or the PanheII entc cia.! gulf>t. -lllbe 1 illos were at the open house. A .spe for was Miss Kay Foster, vocahst for til ~ltre Shaw's orchestra, which play~isS ros~; tretu dance series that week end. t1 er pt ~in~ 1 was proudly escorted by Bro re· ~ th: Brown. ester I ~ ~ely Officers for the current sem auJ1le Ill Archon, Jack Welch; Secretar}'';r.; J1iS: 'q to Hull; Treasurer, E. S. Delaney, purcel1• lhis torian, Bob Curry; Chaplain, Gene d froill Warden, P. V. Kirkman. N c., ,rt l~s. Claude Adams of Du~ham, ll'e~ ~rou William Dodson of Harnsburg.. inS til fler& initiated in early December, brJag to tell flillny number of initiates last semester mefllj,t!' ~y The chapter now has the largest iJl \f s ship in its history. . c!1111P ~o'W 10 Mu has been very prominen~ the s.~P ~8 s activities. Brother Forrester . IS swiJli[Jil~ ~dd(1 100-yd. dash man on the varsity .ger ~rs 4 · semor · rnaa•(jeO rglr' team. Burnett Hull 1s ~I tQ , 0 the cross country and track te~ID· footb 1 ~tcli Trakas has been elected varsity .1 teW lro~r! 1 manager for the 1940 Blue DeV'





. r,att~P

The Star an J

of lli

11)' J, :ormet

01hers <II


urcell and Delaney are vying for i:&ership of the varsity baseball team, a · tbeir ~IOn held by Bill Rhodes last year. ; no" '",, y.Inof . the brothers have been taking [actor· 'lt!! Intramural sports. Our bowling lesWon a cup in the intramural bowling rid- ~- Brothers Harold Hawfield and Gale le.Afe~·were elected to membership in the p . leal Society in November. Member,rgia ~lui~ based on high scholarship, manifest nnsJ lh ~· and promise of high attainment fo 'jl! ~le eld of medicine. 1 ot8 g lid u held its Christmas party before the od~ ~I1 :;' 5 • Chapter Adviser A. H. "Bus" IS tJ'I, ~u 'II d, and other alumni were present. helmn 1 •llardas again instrumental in contributing 1~e~d· · Ch .the happiness of the poor of Durham F•'· A!artstrnas time. ;, !II' 'It yny of our brothers who graduated · ~{tl . lh e.ar are now pursuing higher studies · 1ut ~ chosen professions. Lee Howard, tertii ~ th oward, and Bob Vanderline are all ~. f•tii .Urlo e Duke Medical School, while Jack rdt;ll'; ISerng and Jack Shackleton are attending re hiP' 'lends_on Medical College. Bill Rhodes is · c ~~ ~ng the University of South Carolina h' chool. Les Williams is doing work 1Ji ~~vet· ~i~s master's degree here in the Uni, J113l'

939.40 A!u' h

f as held several open houses for 38. n illh reshmen. These parties culminated in 4 " abeek. Rushing this year was under rl' le supervision of Rushing Chairman tJke Ie Henderson. ROBERT CURRY, Historian

!ed;,o .

· -~le llticron Alabama diW . Olll· color .'ltablicron has just completed a very eneel~' ~kse and successful semester-and jJI ~c to the Cotillion Club mid-winter 1 oan• we finished with a "bang." ~ tel ie hter the first dance of Mid-winters .to~ l'lur e~d .a breakfast at the fraternity house. setl" 4i! Octal committee, directed by Leroy so~ ~lh and very ably assisted by our house /.flJ1 I llioer, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, presented us with tJll ~~e~ novel and outstanding affair. We os!; ~rec 11 the door under a white awning; f)l ~i Y above the door was the marquee . 'Itt thg the words "Taverne Boheme"; also ,re~ ~elye marquee were pictures of two very f117 llorn Bohemian mistresses. Our living ~r ~ to and dining room were decorated so coo 1 ~is create a true Bohemian · atmosphere. d ~roll) ~as d~~e by draping brown paper •ts e cedmg, and placing twenty ta~ 1 ~ro'u also covered with brown paper, tJ1 ~Per!lhout the two rooms. Using the brown ten· fi!Q. 'IValls as a background we painted J,ef' ~:·Y "' , "<<ly .,"'Ictures and expressions-just as til :f s doodlers" would while in a cafe P ~o,_~ch description. Candles placed in ~ ~8 s beer bottles afforded a unique light1 of ~ddJ~stern while they glowed from the ~rs d of each table. Our three negro but~~~ ~~' bressed in white uniforms and wearing ~ ~tchandanas with earrings and sashes to J opt'' served eighty people a very apIate early morning meal. Visitors inttl! Of Jl•




eluded the following: Ozzie Nelson, Rose Anne Stevens and the entire band; the Cotillion Club president and his date, Virgil Pittman and Anne Blaum; the Interfraternity Council President and date, Mike Prestera and Ann Clarkson; and the official Chaperon at all University Dances, Mrs. Sue Gunter. Brother Lail and "Mother Fitz," we salute you in appreciation for such a fine Fraternity function. Going back into December, we held our Founders' Day banquet on December 11. Forty-five were present including Brother Howard Leake, and Brother C. C. Counts. During the evening we heard interesting talks from both of our visitors; toasts were made to the future and continued progress of Omicron and Pi Kappa Phi. New officers are: Archon, Fleetwood Carnley; Treasurer, Ben Mathis; Secretary, Jim Stanley; Historian, Hunter Minter; Warden, Frank Sances; Chaplain, Lister Brunson. After exams we attended the Mid-winters. Our Archon, Fleetwood Carnley, was chosen as a Cotillion Club member. He and his date, Margaret Cooper, were in the Cotillion Club Leadout on Saturday, February 3. During the dances we were hosts to three of our outstanding alumni, namely: the former Cotillion Club President and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Turner; the former Secretary and treasurer of Scabbard and Blade, John Starnes; the former Cadet Colonel of our R.O.T.C., Ramond Hill. Omicron lost these men through graduation; Clewis Trucks, L.L.B.; Leroy lail, L.L.B.; and Glenn Perry, B.S. in Commercial Education. Those initiated on and since November 6 include: Lister Brunsen, James Patrick Driver, John Hunter Minter, Little Dick Owen, Charles Talbot, R. E. Williams, Jr., and R. W. Williams. HUNTER MINTER, Historian



Officers: Archon, William Glover; Treasurer, William Geoghan; Secretary, Charles Harris; Historian, Harold Carter; Chaplain, Leonard Strangmeyer; Warden, Edward Gelinas. Xi has initiated Edwin Taylor, of Bluf· field, W.Va., who is a transfer from Bluefield Junior College. Robert F. Allen, district archon and member of Alpha Sigma chapter, was guest speaker at the joint Founders' Day banquet of Xi and the Roanoke Alumni chapter, on December 9 at Hotel Roanoke. Brother Allen's remarks were keenly interesting and served as a nice prefix to the enjoyable formal dance held afterwards. Dr. William T. McAfee, of Xi, acted as toastmaster and the alumni in attendance liked his sparkling comments so much that they elected him president of the chapter. Ned Chapman was elected secretary-treasurer.


Washington and Lee

Brrr . if our hands are spread, we're warming them before the comforting blaze in the living room fireplace--not measuring imaginary fish. For, believe it or not here in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia the thermometer has dropped way out of sight. We could tell spine-tingling tales of subzero weather and of multiplied inches of snow (in ~fish yarn we might say "feet"), but the Fmns and Russians would be unimpressed, and our brothers from the North might not be too sympathetic. Now that you are steeled, however, for a whispered admission that the brothers of ~ho chapter have done nothing to defy the time-honored "molasses in winter" tradition-that they have retreated before the wi~try blasts and gone into complete hibernation-you are ready for our announcement. And so, as we say it we are trying !o keep th~ note o.f pride from creeping mto our votce, Rho 1s launching itself upon a building program-perhaps the most ambitious p~oject in the history of the chapter. ~??g m need of more adequate housing facJhtles, Rho has decided to make an extensive addition to her present plant. Such a program will permit us to keep our fine location, which is really far superior to any other now available, and give us a struc~ure ?f colonial red brick, fully in keepmg With the architecture of the school The n~w ~ing-construction will begi~ some time m March-will involve an enlargement of the housemother's quarters and provide recreation and game rooms as well. as four bedrooms. A terrace, l;nds~apmg, and a new parking lot complete the picture of the proposed changes. . We coul~ hardly close our announcement Without paymg tribute to the officers who have led Rho to take such an important step .on the twentieth anniversary of the granting of her charter. To Archon George "Tiger" Mcinerney goes the credit for being the sparkplug of the chapter in this en?eavor. Most ~t~ngly we can say that the ~.ki~l ~d p~ectston which secured for . Tiger a mmute-and-fourteen-second faU m the first varsity wrestling meet of the se~son, ~nd a counterpart in the efficiency wtth whtch he has wielded the gavel for Rho. From our valley hideout in the "Sun S~u th" ny , we extend an invitation to all our fnends and alumni to drop down and view the "doings." KENNETH CLENDANIEL, Historian


South Carolina

Officers: Archon, James M. Wilson. :rreasurer, Fred ~· Q_uinn; Secretary, David S. Murray; Histonan, Paul Chapman. Chaplain, James A. Merchant· Warden Shirley Henderson. ' ' · Re~ent initiates: James A. Merchant, Columbia, S.C.; David S. Murray, Anderson,


[(appa Phi


S.C.; L. Shirley Henderson, Anderson, S.C.; and Olin K. McDonald, Cheraw, S.C.


North Carolina State

After Christmas holidays, Tau chapter started off basketball intramurals with a bang. The first game was lost by a narrow margin, but the second was captured by a one-sided score. With the team improving each game, the future looks hopeful. Last term our football team was considered one of the strongest in the league, and our quarterback, H. S. Gibbs, was elected on the All-Campus team. New officers for the current term are : Jack Cannon, archon; Leigh Wilson, treasurer; Bruce Halsted, secretary; Gregg Gibbs, historian; Angus Ray, chaplain; and Whit Benton, warden. Several Tau members have acquired new honors recently. Bruce Halsted, associate editor of the campus newspaper, was elected to membership in Pine Burr, local scholarship and leadership society. Gregg c;iibbs was one of the six sophomores selected for the sophomore honorary leadership organization, The Order of Thirty and Three. Social activities for this term were begun with an informal dance held at the house, followed a few weeks later by our annual banquet prior to the Interfraternity Council's midwinter dances. Several smaller functions preceded the latter event. GREGG GIBBS, histoda11



New officers: Archon, H. W. Nevin; Treasurer, H. R. Hall; Secretary, R. F. DeHoog; Historian, R. L. Vogt; Chaplain, R. F. Munro; Warden, T. F. Miller. Recent initiates: D. C. Adams, Edward ]. Masline, W. H. Mundhenk, R. W. Raney, C. F. Shedrick, R. 0. Swaim, R. L. Vogt. • There are men who merely live and make themselves agreeable company in the fraternity and there are some who give to the fraternity and add stature to it. Laurence L. Lyles, of Omega, is one of those men of whom the fraternity may well be proud. Larry's achievements have been notable from his freshman year forward. The completion of his freshman year found him a distinguished student for both semesters. He earned his numerals in track and won the university boxing tournament-175 pounds. With the encouraging results of the university matches in mind, Larry entered and won the Lafayette Golden Gloves tournament. The Tournament of Champions in Chicago proved to be stiff competition and Larry found himself out in the cold by a decision. The sophomore year was a winning year again in the university boxing tournament,


but injury in these- preliminary matches caused Larry to drop his plans for lighting any more that season. Larry was distinguished again in his junior year and that same year was initiated into Scabbard and Blade and Pi Tau Sigma. The university boxing tournament again preceded a victory in the Lafayette

,~ Pier, used to . . . " and inquiries ~f "J\!~~ Ilia! still over in . . . ?" Once agam the o51"l llleve1 took over the house and lived in retr 'Ill of for another day. dj~ 'llllder· The presentation cif a newb a~~~ dJii Stets; Archon's Plaque-was begun Y d P'' ~& Ah ter this year in memory of a gron ~: 1tlher . . . Jack Divine . . . whose colle~~chiP'·: tra] 1 was cut short by a call to the pi': l'he 1 eternal." Each year the name of thee ..~ lte at archon will be engraved on the pJaqo ""!¢' . seen presentation made on Founders' DaY }il~ : the alums and actives gather 'round the -rc sh quet table. e 1r. 'ltutiv, January 14 saw six pledges ~orTl ccr- ~al s the . brotherhood with appr?pnat~h~~~: t%n, momes-Edward Wartelle, Clmton }i iden Francis Meyer, Archie McDonald, fo# . tlirn, Scroggs, and Paul Macy.. Thes~ b'' qJong 1 pledges are not only actrve soaal Y,k~' !!non also rank high scholastically, one rTl~~~ t ric a 3.5 average for the '39 fall q~ebi the 5 They're in such diverse activitie~ a~ teresr rty ar ing, skiing, and writing, but tberr 1~, h<! ce 15 • 5 are all harmonious when the musl 11 , SrotJ and they're swinging down the floor lcond Pi Kapp "fireside." fliceti chon. With the new year come new 0 J• \'land~ Archon, Lyman Hopkins; Treasu~e~~ri)i' ll!i J: Scroggs; Secretary, Joe Klaas; }fJS(jl)!' tee, l Francis Meyer; Chaplain, Charles In aJ hers; and Warden, Ed Wartelle. , "·11 ~ed ~ 0 So Alpha Delta squares off to 4 01! arnu new members and new officers, but the l<luat, old spirit! . - t fre FRANCIS MEYER, HiJtortd icati, cket 1

Alpha Epsilon

Florid~ .~e ~ vur

j\JCpcl ~sen Under the expert guidance of 1 10 Iher

Laurence L. Lyles Golden Gloves tournament but a decision again stopped him in the Tournament of Champions in Chicago. In token of the esteem in which he is held in boxing circles, Larry was made a referee during his senior year. Again as a distinguished student he was initiated into Purdue Order of Military Merit, was made Senior Cadet Colonel, and received the Albert Smith Gold Medal for being the highest ranking man in the military department at the beginning of his senior year. Lastly, but by far not the least important of his many accomplishments, he was elected eligible bl!chelor "number three" at the "Gold Diggers" Ball. So here's to Brother Larry as he rounds out the last days of his Universi'ty career here at Purdue . . . a scholar, a gentleman, a regular fellow.

Alpha Delta


Back came the old grads last December 10 for their annual "trip back." Again the house rang with stories of "When he

Arthur Boote, Alpha Epsilon brought ssf~· s. l close in January one of her most succe"~cJ • tO" semesters. In all fields we agarn Jllutf among the leaders on the campus, and "'or of the credit for this is due to the of the fine set of officers. "' 1 In the second month of school, aft~tr1 in had somewhat recovered from tl~e of rush week, a fall housecleantng. ll in paign was inaugurated. Brothers liVI 0011tl each room were to paint and red~C rl it, and a prize was offered for t ed tO cupants of the room which was jud!l: tl11s be the most attractive. The success do ~ plan was much greater than ha caf111 expected, and as a result the house out looking "like a million dollars." 't "i With the house all cleaned up, 1ut11 only natural that our thoughts shoul "·j) to social activities. The social ye?t ot' 05 started off with a bang by our functro 55ful Fall Frolics weekend. The most s~c~npl" of these was a skating party of Pt brOtP' and dates, and although many of the ;or 0 ers came home with bruises, a ver'/ e oP able time was bad by all. In addit~~Jlli: November 18, weekend of th~ 1;{i$f111 Florida game, a dance was held 1n j\]oJ!lol in conjunction with the Miami



The Star an J


Pier, which served to strengthen the rna[ bonds between alumni and actives. ever, our outstanding social achieve'll! of the first semester was the joint lllders' Day banquet with Chi chapter Stetson and the newly organized Lees.rg Alumni chapter. This function brought : ~: /her Pi Kappa Phi's from all over the chlrt·. rat part of the state. he f. *.'fhe meeting was held on beautiful Silver 1ue •" e at the Leesburg Country Club, and y II'~ : scenery added much to the enjoyment 1e 11i· the occasion. After the banquet there . •re ~hort speeches by John H. McCann, oe ,c.· ~hve secretary, George Coulter, na: ct~' lhal secretary, Amory Underhill, district ;hafft- ?n, and Byron Herlong, newly elected N !dent of the Leesburg chapter. Then fort!". itr~lirnax a perfect day, Brother Sydney llY .~~~! 1 0&! who had acted as master of p~ak 1r !montes invited all of us to go for a · ' uarttl. : t ttde. The only other social functions pebl the semester were our annual Christmas ter -~ rty and the installation banquet for new 's [1. cers ' 1 B. r • ' rothers chosen to lead us during the ~nd semester are: K. 0. Llewellyn, lfictr• °n; Fred De Vant, treasurer; Bob 11 r, ;. lq ander, secretary· Gene Davis, chap· ·torij[l ~i James White' warden; and Harley ' ()!-~ ~ l • h'tstorian. ~ n athletics we have been greatly ham~11' ltted by the 'fact that many of our best e olr l;illural men were among those who Uated last year. However, several of 1 riJ' . freshmen took their places, and all ~kations are that we will be in the top •dn lllh et of fraternities as usual at the end tJ Qe Year. 'loUr politicians have already b~gun t.o ~sen up their tonsils" and exerctse theu · ther lungs" for the coming spring elecLast semester in the minor fall elecs, two of the brothers were honored. ~ilson was elected vice-president of ·Junior Law Class and Weaver Gaines q chosen as Execu;ive Councilman from r 1' g ·n Aeneral college. str•' • lpha Epsilon pledges this year have calfr f"\on an unusual amount o f mterest · · 10 g I· ~g to forward the chapter, and we acorat' ,, .6 oe· ~ are very proud of them. Their rst d 1~ oli lllplishment was to draw up a constith1; •li~~· With the aid of "Mac" McCann, bt"' ~ti t~ey hope to place _before the .cone On 10 Chicago as a basts for a natwnal cafll tle~Ppa Phi Pledge Constitution. Since ".1; . lime they have turned out a new fra0 l!y song that we think is pretty good, tufll h ~ ave done some organized rushing on ""; -•r own. 5 oP 1'h sful ·'ill e first semester was closed by a visit pi ftl Executive Secretary McCann. We ~h· It!' ed a lot about the affairs of the fral!y, and "Mac" learned something about iii ~Ood, old Florida game of "Spank ·. (You'll have to get the details from 1 Chicago.) HARLEY M. FoRCB, Historia11






P, Kappa Phi

Alpha Zeta

Oregon State

Heralding a new era in Pi Kappa Phi's western development, the three Pacific coast chapters for the first time bridged the 1,000· mile gap separating them to meet in conclave at Alpha Zeta on the week end of January 27-28. Alums and actives from Gamma and Alpha Delta became acquainted with their Oregon State brothers and danced with Oregon State maidens as Alpha Zeta staged its winter formal in conjunction with the conclave. Brothers who had never before met Pi Kapps from any chapter other than their own left the fellowship of their Alpha Zeta brothers stimulated by new acquaintances and new ideas gained during the meeting . . . secure in the knowledge that they had seen the end of the long per~od of isolation that had separated the Pactlic coast chapters since their origin. Mutual problems, including house organization, alumni-undergraduate relations, rushing, pledge training. and ~hapter ~ub­ Jications were discussed Jn busmess sessiOn. Bull festing and entertainment occupied the remainder of the program, bringing the brothers into closer friendship and cementing more firmly the bonds of Pi Kappa P~i. Adding a genuine "Rocky Mountam canary" (burro to the layman) to the Alpha Zeta household as mascot brought a new trophy to the chapter's mantel during winter term. Rosebud, styled thusly by the brothers, won the mascot contest at the annual Women's Carnival here. Having only a three months' life span behind her, Rosebud is unceasingly guarded by Rex, huge German police dog, who has served as the Pi Kapp pet for the last year. As a method of increasing the bonds between actives and alumni of Alpha Zeta, the chapter has inaugurated the plan of sending a silver cup, with name engraved and bearing Pi Kappa Phi insignia, to each child born to an alumnus. In order that older members already with children would not feel slighted, we will present cups to all alumni children .five years of age and under. Bill Weir and Lewis Knerr collected top honors in activities last term for Alpha Zeta Pi Kapps. Bill was chosen Pi Kappa Phl scholar; appointed cadet major in th~ field artillery unit of ROTC, second h1ghest position in this unit; initiated !nto. Phi Kappa Phi; and pledged to Pht SJgma, honorary in biological science. Lewis was named cadet colonel of ROTC, highest rank given a military student at Oregon State, and initiated into Phi Kappa Phi. Other Pi Kapps receiving bids to honoraries were George Cadmus to Alpha Zeta; Stan Coates to Mu Beta Beta; James Shumway, to Sigma Pi Sigma; and Ge~rge Verling and Carl Carlson to Kappa Pst.

JoE Ross, Editor of Pttblicatiom

Alpha Eta


Officers: Archon, Edgar Thomas; Treasurer, T. Wayne Wells; Secretary, Ira Gunn, Jr.; Historian, J. Carey Gwin; Chaplain, J. Carlyle Evans; Warden, Roy Payne. Recent initiates : ]. B. Beaty, Eldridge; J. Carlyle Evans, Knoxville, Tenn.; J. Carey Gwin, Sumiton; George G. Murrah, Jr., Richland, Ga.; W. T. Parrish, Ashford.

Alpha Theta

Michigan State

Alpha Theta is started on what appears to be a successful term. New actives are Sid Deming, William Zavitz, Bill Merrill, Dale Lyon and Ray Shedd . New pledges include George Riley, Bill Wood, Dick Kirkpatrick, Erwin Raven, Ray Wilde, Art Coulter, Dick Routsong, and Jack Lawler. An enthusiastic group of 26 alumni and their wives were present for our Founders' Day banquet on December 10. Scholarship plaques, awarded to the highest ranking senior and freshman of the previous year, were presented to Ned Martinson, of Tekonsha, and Ray Pinkham, of Lansing, respectively. After the dinner we adjourned to the forestry cabin for a party. After only a mediocre season of football, in which we won two and lost two games, there are indications that the basketball team will finish high up in the final standings. We won our first game but lost the second by one basket after a hard-fought battle. Bob Miller's 6-foot-4-inch height and Bill Zavitz's deadly eye are certainly no handicaps. Archon George Wahl attended the thirtyfirst annual session of the National Interfraternity Conference in New York City, as Alpha Theta's delegate, on December 1-2. Mahlon Hammond, who received his diploma last term, and "Willie" Baird, graduate of June, 1939, are "somewhere in the South," as this goes to press, on a trip through Florida, California, and wayside points. When last heard from they were picking fruit from Florida trees and enjoying the tropical sights. Bob Brooks, Parker Gray, and Martin LaRoss are taking the Civil Aeronautics Association flying course and are all up in the air over it. The house has acquired new drapes and a combination radio and victrola set which is taki.ng a terrific beating. Officers of the current term are: George Wahl, archon; Clare Jenson, treasurer; Ray Shedd, assistant treasurer; Martin LaRoss, secretary i Ray Pinkham, historian; William Merrill, chaplain; and Sidney Deming, warden. Earl Dunn is now working at Lum ' Michigan, as a railroad agent. Lawrence Laidlaw is with the FairbanksMorse Company in Indianapolis and has a potential Pi Kapp in the family. Edward D. "Shorty" Clifford, of Hay-


wood, Wis., called at the house recently. He is managing a nursery at the U, S. Forestry Experiment Station in Wisconsin. "Shorty" is a charter member and calls at the house every year at Christmas time. Francis Schell is living at 822 Kalamazoo S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. A recent letter from George Salsbury advises that he resides at the Hotel Sidney in Sparta, Wis., and is getting along nicely in his work in the Federal Land Bank of St. Paul. RAY PINKHAM, Historian

Alpha Iota


Elected to serve as archon for the third successive term was George Hiller, senior in the school of pharmacy from Jasper, Ala. Long a faithful servant of Pi Kappa Phi, George's re-election came as a surprise to no one for not only is he one of Alpha Iota's best men, but also ranks as an outstanding and popular man on the campus. He serves this school year as president of the Interfraternity Council, and made the trip to New York as its representative to the National Interfraternity Conference Meeting in December, 1939. Serving with Hiller in official capacity will be Leroy Petterson, treasurer; Gordon Huggins, secretary; Moyer Harris, historian (re-elected); Phillip Adams, chaplain; Reeves Haley, warden; and James Morgan, housemanager. We are confident this slate of leaders will guide the chapter to further progress throughout the spring term.

Alpha Mu

Penn State

In January the following officers were elected for the spring semester: Archon, Richard Shave, has held the position of treasurer for the past four semesters. He is a senior in Industrial Engineering, belonging to Phi Eta Sigma, and Tau Beta Pi, both honorary fraternities. Is also a member of the Industrial Engineering Society. Treasurer, Christian Martin, "Tish" to all the brothers, is a Junior in Mechanical Engineering, an advanced R.O.T.C. student, and was recently initiated into Scabbard and Blade. He is also a member of the varsity rifle team. Secretary, Leonard Greenaway, one of our scholarship boys from Wyomissing Poly, a member of the Sigma Tau Fraternity, and the A.I.E.E. Is also on the staff of the Penn State Engineer. Historian, Robert Maeser, "Chick" is a sophomore in the Liberal Arts School and an assistant swimming manager. Chaplain, Chester Curley, "Chetter" is a junior Mechanical Engineer and a member of the A.S.M.E. Warden, William Greenlee, a transfer from Drexel Institute enrolled in Me-


chanica! Engineering. He earned his numerals in freshman lacrosse. Alpha Mu was quite prominent in sports and other activities last semester. The basketball team, consisting of Bill Walker, Bill Greenlee, Bob Olds, Elby Purnell, Frank Lyte, Jack Watson, Aaron Wagner, and Palmer Davis, defeated the faculty of Tyrone High School by one point, 17-16. In the Interfraternity basketball league, we have won one and lost one, defeating Phi Sigma Kappa by the score of 16-14, and losing to Pi Kappa Alpha 18-20. Our horseshoe pitching team of Bob Olds and Jack Watson won a silver plaque for taking second place in the Interfraternity contest. Several chapter members are making names for themselves in college winter sports. Sophomore Pledge Dick Grimes has earned a berth on the varsity basketball team, and Elmer Webb is a member of the varsity swimming team. Elby Purnell, "Tish" Martin, and Les Kutz are varsity men in boxing, rille, and fencing, respectively. Al Bowers, the only Blue Key member among the actives, is manager of the fencing team, while Al Mclane is an assistant manager of basketball. Bob Williston was recently initiated into the military honorary, Scabbard and Blade. ROBERT MAESER, Historian

Alpha Sigma

polf th Renssselaer ~ •rPor~

Alpha Tau

throW h The officers guiding Alpha Tau ~d G· s o· 0 the spring semester of 1940 ar~: ? ~ ucJl' · rnin: Sanders, archon; Ralph B. Watnn~h ~. a. 1tese urer; Nellis T. Smith, secretary • ~~·· ~ dy, 0 Baldwin, historian; John A. Stue~e 'oth~ ~':'"" 0 den· and John S. Hicks, chapltU · •ou¢ •nrs · ' officers are Tim Dobso fl • .I'!113D. ·~oat house manager; Bill Gardner, sports chilli LC~ 1 fres Bob Wagner, freshman adviser; all ~he Muller, social chairman. 'ts elf itt rt Alpha Tau added a feather tf \eroi~ ·~. ar by running off with tl1e Inter ra ei11,; ~ng swimming meet, thanks to the. mall:g"'rsi". ~ h1rnc of Hunter Ewing. Brother Ewtng, ~ Jo~ swimmer, organized a winning tea~; (II? llhers did a fine job helping us annex Dar, for our mantel. s' !)l! 1 relCe The chapter celebrated Founder ded bf Othy with a banquet in the house attell facUi~ several fa cui ty brothers and other 8~& 1 members. Coach "Duke" Nelson waf foOt· 0 speaker and showed several reels 1 ball games taken last fall. 5eyl 00 1 Reviews and exams cramped teCflid socially during January but the fransidl'' scholastic average was pulle? ~pf c~ sll'jA! ably. Now that the new term IS tn tlr ~~ dances are being given more frequell ;~oilr plans have been made for a post se r/J 00 Prom dance at the chapter h March 9. . 10 riaA WILLIAM H. BALDWIN, HIS




Alpha Sigma brothers returned last fall determined to pledge a larger and better group of men than had been pledged in recent years. The efforts of the chapter were very successful. Although a few of the pledges did not return to school for the winter quarter, the group still numbers fifteen. Several of them are taking part in campus activities and have excellent chances of becoming B.M.O.C.'s. Three are members of Tennessee's well known band (which, incidentally, did not go to the Rose Bowl). Four pledges have been initiated: John Steffner, Lee Ryerson, John Mauney, and Wiley Peyer, all of Chattanooga. Each of these men has already shown that he will be a valuable asset to the chapter. Ryerson has been elected secretary of the chapter, and Mauney is manager of the chapter's intramural sports activities. Alpha Sigma's social program for the year has consisted primarily of dinnerdances, the largest and most successful of which was our Founders' Day celebration on December 2. This affair was one of the highlights of the University's social calendar for the fall quarter. Officers for the remainder of the school year are: Barry Cecil, archon; Ed Jones, treasurer; Lee Ryerson, secretary; George Steele, historian; Lanas Royster, chaplain; and Kenneth Parkinson, warden. GEORGE A. STEELE, Historian


Alpha Upsilon

pr su~

. rnost .A Alpha Upsilon completing tiS yeP'· 1 cessful rushing season of rece~ese, zl pledged 28 on January 23. Of oreS· 'J1ll were freshmen and 6 were sophom h!llerr new pledges are as follows: Fres tt FlY' Albert Andru$cavage, James Bur~e Roblt mood Considine, William Craig, 5 ~ ·j Emick, Richard Groo, William JaU ~e,~1· ~i ] liam Krug, Pete Marenholtz, John \1Vi!li~ James Mendenhall, George Parkes,Lawreflce Poehlmann, Raymond Rafetto~ J;·• \1V8ra1r: I Schmidt, Ayer Tonge, PhtlllP r 1$1~ Frank Watkins, Robert Way, Ar.thU J~cS zel ; sophomores-James Carllo, es fell; ~Se] Egee, Al Glass, Lewis Greene, Jar::e yr" 'the nington, and John Simmons. 'f large~ &oj success of the rushing season washer ~ 1 is th the result of. the efforts of Brot of tb :.r ~ Stiffier who served as chairman. 1 J b1 ""et ' ssiS eu .. rushing committee. He was a '<t th 0 Brother Jimmy Todd. aratio ; The chapter has launched preP of t11 for the greatest fraternity event be p~ year, the annual musical show, t~ z. 'fill sented this year on March 1. an f sho¢· 0 will be the ninth in the senes beP ~ The first was presented in 1932. w It ~~ chapter was still a local frat~rnt~iackfs~ a minstrel show, replete .wtth e of sb~l! circle, and interlocutor. Th1s tyP 193 5 S'r, continued for three years, and 10 boll' ~ first appeared in the show. The s jostre~ tinued, however, as essentially ro J,dttl! j lli

The Star an J

po~ 'Or!e effects

of musical comedy being roil! . hrated more and more with each a]d G . ~ow. Last year, the last vestiges of , trc~· p nstrel disappeared, and the show ~. ro· ~esented was a full-fledged musical ,1:· Pt Y, With eleven scenes, a name, and a 'ott.:: l'h':"'WelJ anyway, sort of a script. hOU~ ·~ 15 Year's show is likewise a dyed-ini(I11JJ: ~I musical comedy. It concerns a cold Jv : threshrnan, which is sufficient excuse her~ .apt title, "Tech Trouble." Bob jts or ~ ts chairman of the show com~terJll~ he· and director of the production. He ge~· ~ng assisted by Hal Stiffler, Ernie vsts1~ ~ t~r, Gilbert Merritt, Bill Bintzer, . , ~~ -the 0 n Hall. Besides the thirty-odd is Clil <~e rs and pledges taking active part, f Dreare t:venty-six girls, undergraduates ' D~ tothleel, tn the cast. One of these, Miss ~edcul~ Y 1ackson, has been chosen by the


chapter as Alpha Upsilon's Sweetheart of Pi Kappa Phi. Plans are now under way for the annua l winter house formal to be held the week end following the show. Our first social affair of the winter quarter, aside from rushing festivities, was a tea dance on Washington's birthday-enjoyable and successful. Tooo GROO, Historian

Armour Tech

Alpha Phi

At the close of the fall semester, new officers were elected as follows: Archon, Robert Maxwell; Treasurer, Herbert Hanson; Secretary, Harold Pavel; Historian, Oliver Dickerhoof; Chaplain, Vladmir Filko; Warden, Albert Bujan. In interfraternity competition our ping

pong team was victorious and the cup is now Alpha Phi's permanent possession. The track and swimming candidates have completed their last workouts and it appears that Pi Kappa Phi will be ·represented by winning teams in these sports. Plans are now under consideration of the chapter for an increase in facilities by the addition of more rooms to the house. With the excellent aid of Brother Harper's father, ideas for redecorating the house with new color schemes have been originated. New furniture is another point in our program, which we hope will reach successful completion by the end of the current school year. Alpha Phi is looking forward to the Twentieth Supreme Chapter with a keen eye and pledges it support to the las t man. OLIVER




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app Heads N.Y.A. • tn Georgta

(Continued from page 17)

P~ 'lves"




f 1~1

l'he Pnmary .'

concern in the begin-

8~f the Georgia N.Y.A. program


:tk t e placing of small checks in the

~\ ~f youths, enabling them to

herr meager economic needs and


at the same time support their morale through definite and constructive employment suitable to their training and ability. The concern now is the development of projects which will give definite training to youths in some .field of work which will fit them for employment in private industry. The degree of success in this work depends heavily upon the understanding and interest of local educators and

civic leaders. N.Y.A. youths show the greatest development where local people show the keenest interest. The sinc~re and un~elfish assistance being grven the Natrona! Youth Administration by the people of Georgia will make possible a real and lasting contribution to. the young people of this state, and grve to them the opportunity to enjoy their logical and natural community relationships.

{ tJ!I



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I<appa Phi


~~~=======D==ir=e=c=to=r~y======:J Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Founded 1904, College of Charleston Founders SIMON FoGARTY, 151 Moultrie St., Charleston, S.C. · ANDREW ALEXANDER !<ROEG, deceased . L\WRENCE HARRY MixSON, 217 East Bay St., Charleston, S.C. National Council NATIONAL PRESIDENT-William }. Berry, 224 St. Johns Pl., Brooklyn, N.Y. NATIONAL TREASURER-G. Bernard Helmrich, 26590 Dundee Rd., Royal Oak, Mich. NATIONAL SECRETARY-George S. Coulter 1515 Lynch Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. ' NATIONAL HlsTORIAN-W. Robert Amick 333 Vine St., West LaFayette, Ind . ' NATIONAL CHANCELLOR-Theron A. Houser, St. Matthews, S.C. Central Office JoHN H. McCANN, Executive Secretary Box 501, or 702 Grace-American Bldg.: Richmond, Va. R. LYNN KENNETT, Assistant, Box 501 or 702 Grace-American Bldg., Richmond, Va. RICHARD L. YOUNG, Editor, THE STAR AND !.AMP, 2021 Ashland Ave., Charlotte, N.C. District Archons DISTRICT 1- Frank J. McMullen, 68-76th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. DISTRICT 2-Robert F. Allen, c/o Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co., Charlotte, N.C. DISTRICT 3-Ralph N. Belk, 1820 Dilworth Rd. W ., Charlotte, N.C. DISTRICT 4-John M. Coulter, 306 Barnwell, Apt. 1, Columbia, S.C. DISTRICT 5-Robert E. Knox, Thomson, Ga. DISTRICT 6-W. Amory Underhill, Fish Bldg., De Land, Fla. DISTRICT 7-Edward E. Beason, 1509 Comer Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. DISTRICT 8-Devereux D . Rice Johnson City, Tenn. ' DISTRICT 9-Ralph R. Tabor, 212 Garrard St., Covington, Ky. DISTRICT 10- Lawrence N. Field, 519 Forest Ave., East Lansing, Mich. DISTRICT 11- Robert S. Green, 418 S. Grant, West Lafayette, Ind. DISTRICT 14-Wayne C. Jackson, 1055 W. 40th St., Des Moines, Iowa. DISTRICT 16-Unassigned. DISTRICT 18-Unassigned. DISTRICT 19-Victorian Sivertz, 5702 26th Ave. N.E., Seattle, Wash. DISTRICT 20-Kenneth L. White, c/o Warner & White, Attorneys, Tribune Tower Oakland, Calif. ' DISTRICT 21-Robert S. Hanson, 445 Gainesboro Rd., Drexel Hill, Pa. Standing Committees Scholarship Dr. Will E. Edington, Chairman, Depauw University, Greencastle, Ind. And chapter advisers. Finatue Ralph W. Noreen, Chairman, 1 Wall St. New York City (Term expires, 12-31: 41 ).

Incorporated 1907, Laws of South Carolina


Roy J. . Heffner, 32 Washington Ave., Mornstown, N.J. (Term expires 1231-39). ' Edwin F. Griffin (Term expires, 12-3143). Endowment Fund John D. Carroll, Chairman, Lexington, S.C. Raymond Orteig, .Jr., Secretary, 61 W. 9th St., New York City. H enry Harper, c/o Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Arcade Station Los Angeles Calif. ' ' Roy J. Heffner 32 Washington Ave., Morristown, N.J. Architecture James Fogarty, Chairman, 8 Court House Square, Charleston, S.C. Edward J. Squire, 68 E. 19th, Brooklyn, N.Y. Clyde C. Pearson, c/o State Department of Education, Montgomery, Ala. John 0. Blair, Hotel Eddystone Detroit Mich. ' ' M . Gonzales Quevedo Chavez No-3 5, San Luis, Oriente, C~ba.

N. C. State (Tau) 1720 Hillsboro Ralei<>h, N.C. · ,er;ill'• Oglethorpe (Pi) Oglethorpe Untl Ga. Ifs Orl· Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) eorva,t';e PI Penn State (Alpha Mu) State Co e,' Presbyterian (Beta) Clinton, S.C. ~r>' Purdue (Omega) 330 N. Grant St., Lafayette, Ind. 1'tOl• Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) 4 Park Pl., N.Y. W· Roanoke (Xi) 113 High St., Salem. aos 9 South Carolina (Sigma) Tenemc;t ' 593, U. of S.C., Columbia, S. · r;od. Stetson (Chi) Stetson University, pe Fla. 17th St Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) 900 S. d Knoxville, Tenn. 2 zzo Washington (Alpha Delta) 463 Ave. N.E., Seattle, Wash. WashiogtoD Washington and Lee (Rho) f St., Lexington, Va. _, 1 ~o· Wofford (Zeta) 203 Carlisle I-I"'' ford College, Spartanburg, S.C.

Councillors-at-large PACIFIC NORTHWEST-Or. George A. Odgers, 819 S.W. 6th Ave., Portland, Ore. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA-A. H. Borland, Trust Bldg., Durham, N.C. PACIFIC _SouTHWEST-W. D. Wood, Robles del Rto Lodge, Monterey County, Calif.

AMES, IowA-Secretary, Philip M•nges, JC ticulture Bldg. • J(eiser, ATLANTA, GA.-Secretary Malcolm .,· Briarcltff Pl. N .E., Atlanta, Ga. k )lell, • BIRMINGHAM, AI.A,-Secretary, JaC usu• Jackson Bldg. 13 l'l• CHARLESTON, S.C.-Secretary, Earl · ts<i'' 1 651 King St. C '#I CHARLOITE, N.C.-Secretary, John C · .~ 2001 Crescent Ave., Charlotte, N.t ·N IJrC CHAITANOOGA, TENN.-Archon, TScot ' n•· 719 Walnut St., Chattanooga, enO· CHICAGO, ILL.5 JlO CLEVELAND, OHio-Secretary, Herbert. · Jr 1270 w. 102nd St:, Cleveland, OSh~'Jiie!d, CoLUMBIA, S.C.-Archon, F. G. W 1222 Sumter St., Columbia, S.C. 1icl' CoLUMBUS, GA.- (Petition pending1 fie)Dl DETROIT, M!cH.-Secretary, G. : h •I 26590 Dundee Rd., Royal Oak, tt'~ritons, FLORENCE, S.C.-Sccretary, J. J. e e~it'Fiorence Trust Bldg. R S GREENVILLE, S.C.--Secretary, Robert ' ~· Jr., Isaqueena Apt. 3. .11 ell j)rC ITHACA, N.Y.-Secretary, J. St1 w ""'tl 1002 Cliff St. p. ,... ]ACKSONVILLEt Fr.A.-Secretary, Stephen ~I<'Jr., 1515 s..ynch Bldg. M IJO KNOXVILLE, TENN .-Secretary, E. · I< 2825 Linden Ave. }'lerlongi ~ LEBSDURG, FLA.-Secretary, A. S. . r ;l LEHIGH VALLEY-Secretary, John J(tese ' l 5th, Reading Pa. R0man• MIAMI , FLA.-Secretary, Wm. B. pr• Congress Bldg. C pel MoNTGOMERY, AI.A.-Secretary, ClydeAl~ Cl' 10 Mooreland Rd ., Montgomery, }'! 'poO• Nnw YoRK, N.Y.--Secretary, Leo ' Co'l Ebasco Services, Inc., 2 Rector S t. d f, PHILADELPHIA, PA.--Secretary, W•l 1ar ~ 3401 Powelton Ave. George. PIITSBURGH, PA.-Secretary R. D. 1o; Washington Ave ., Mt. Lebanon. pearce. PoRTLAND, 0Rn.-Secretary, Robt. R. S.E. 42nd St. Gretn· RALEIGH, N.C.-Secretary, Garland 0. J1ll~ McCullock St., Raleigh, N.C. L RoANOKE, VA.-Secretary, R. E. · j)r's' R.R. 1, Salem, Va. fred SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.-Secretary(· 2312 Elsworth St., Berkeley. Ca •f.11rsett. SEAITLB, WASH.-Secretary, Clem 11 ~< 18th N.E. sre' ST. Lours, Mo.-Secretary, Myron B~fO· ~ 1606 Bellevue, Richmona Hetg~t~. AYles WASHINGTON, D.C.-Secretary, Phtitl' 254 N. Thomas St., Arlington, V•·

Undergraduate Chapters Alabama (Omicron) University, Ala. Alabama Polytechnic (Alpha Iota) Auburn, Ala. Armour (Alpha Phi) 3337 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Brooklyn Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) 33 Sidney Pl., Brooklyn, N.Y. California (Gamma) 2727 Channing Way Berkeley, Calif. ' Charleston (Alpha) College of Charleston Charleston, S.C. ' Davidson (Epsilon) Davidson, N.C. Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) 3401 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Duke (Mu) Box 4682, Duke Station Dur' ham, N.C. Flo~ida (Alpha Epsilon) 1469 W. UniverSity Ave., Gainesville, Fla. Furman (Delta) 322 University Ridge Greenville, S.C. ' GeGorgia (Lambda) 599 Prince Ave., Athens, a. Georgia Tech (Iota) 743 W. Peachtree, Atlanta, Ga. Howard (Alpha Eta) Howard College Birmingham, Ala. ' Illinois (Upsilon) 1105 S. First St., Champaign, Ill. Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) 407 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa. Michigan ~tate (Alpha Theta) 803 E. ~~an.d ~wer, East Lansing, Mich. Mtss!sstppt (Alpha Lambda) University, Mtss.

Alumni Chapters .


;o1 Jl'






The Star ano



Plain Official badge is now furnished as an Alumni Charm to be worn on the watch chain at the following prices. 10 Kt. 14 Kt. Single Faced ............................. $4.50 $5.25 Double Faced ............................. 7.00 7.75

Jl,d .•

PLAIN STYLES Miniature Standard Large S 4.50 Plain Border, 10 Karat . . . . . • . • . . . . . . Plain Border, 14 Karat .............. $ 4.00 5.50 $11.00

CROWN SET JEWELED Extra Miniature Standard Crown Pearl Border ............... .... ..... $12.50 $16.50 $22.50 16.50 22.50 Pearl Border, 4 Garnet Points ...... .. 12.50 18.00 25.00 Pearl Border, 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points 14.00 Pearl Border, ·1 Emerald Points ........ 15.00 20.00 27.50 Pearl Border, 2 Diamond Point< ....... 17. ~0 25.00 31.00 30.00 42.50 Pearl Border, 4 Diamond Points ....... 22.50 Pearl or Ruby or Sapphire Alternating 16.00 19.00 27.50 47.50 60.00 Pearl and Diamond Alternating ........ 32.50 Diamond Border, Yellow Gold ........ 52.50 77.50 95.00 18 Kt. White Gold Jeweled Badges-$5.00 additional.

RECOGNITION BUTTONS Coat of Arms, Gold Plate or Sterling Silver ........ $ . 75 Official, Gold Plate, White Enamel Star ........ 1.00 New Lettered Monogram, Polished Finish . . . . . . . 1.00 Pledge Buttons ................................ 9.00

eoch each each per doz.



'I'he new Pi Kappa Phi lettered monogram recognition button, cut out Greek letters polish finish, 1.00 each. Send for Your's today.

Coat-of-arms .......... $2.75 Plain ................•....•............ $ Hand Engraved .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. • .. .. .. . Half Pearl ... , .........•.. ....... , . . . . . Whole Pearl . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Single Letter

Double Letter

2.25 2.75 4.50 6.00

s 3.50 4.25 7.00 10.00

Be Sure to Select the Perfect Gift for Mother-Sister-Sweetheart FROM OUR NEW 1940 BOOK OF TREASURES Illustrating Fraternity Jewelry and Novelties Send for your Free Copy Today


~~~~~~!-~-~~~~-i-~?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~?_i~:--~}~~}~~-~ ~DW ARDS, HALDEMAN

& CO.

•rweiJ Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

Am interested in the following. Send data and literature free. Book of Treasures .................... · ..... · .. · .. · "· "· · • .. 0 FaYors .................... ...... ......•.•..•...•.•.....•••.• D Programs .....•. , .. , ... , .. , , ........... • .... • .. • • .... • .. • • .. 0 Stationery .. , ... , . , ............. , . • .. • .......... • ........... O

Address Name Street City •.......................•....... ..•.. .....•.....•••...•• . . Fraternity . . . . . . . . . • .. . .......... ...... •.• , ......•.....•...•••


7o'l tlza g~cial t!lzai'lman wlz~ a~a BUR-PAT PROGRAMS & FAVORS YOUR BUR-PAT MAN

Ulltllfl 1"1tflr _ea~t I I The BUR-PAT "BOOK OF PARTY PLANS" published especially for Fraternity Social Chairmen by the BUR-PAT PARTY STUDIOS . . . . 32 Pages of Party Plans, Schemes for decorating your Chapter House Favor Distribution Plans, and Unusual Party Theme;. There's only a limited supply left. Complete and mail the coupon today, so you'll be sure to receive your copy.


----------------------------- ---------------- --------·



Date ........ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · The Bur-Pat Party Studios, i 230 I Sixteenth on Roosevelt Park, : Detroit, Michigan. i Send the "BOOK OF PARTY PLANS" im- i mediately to: j Name ............ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · •· · · · ·


Fraternity . ........ · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · ·


Address ........ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • • ~ Town and State ......................... i Our Chapter plans to hold parties on the following dates: i (I) ................................ 1940 (2) ................................ 1940: (3) ................................ 1940 We expect to use Programs and Favors as ! indicah:d below: : Programs only Favors only ! Programs and Favors i

! i i



He has ideas and suggestions to insure the success of your next Party. Watch for him. He'll be on your campus soon.



GEORGE BA:-.:TA l'Uni.ISitT!'OC:



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