
Page 1

EHCO BADGES- The Finest You Can Buy! BUT FIRST BUY U. S. WAR SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS! Order Your Badge from the Following Price List ALUMNI CHARMS Plain Official badge is now furnished as an Alumni Charm to be worn on the watch chain at the folloW· ing prices: Single Faced Double Faced

10 Kt. __ ----- -------- ----- ------ -· $4.50 __ ·---- ------------- - ------ 7.00

14 J{t. $5.25 7.75

PLAIN STYLES Miniature Plain Border, 10 Karat ·--------Plain Border, 14 karat --- ------- - $4.00

Standard $4.50 5.50

CROWN SET JEWELED Miniature Peal'l Border ___ _ ________ __$]2 .50 Penl'l Border, 4 Garnet Points ___ 12.50 Pearl Border, 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points __ _______ 14.00 Pearl Border, 4 Emerald Points __ 15.00 Pearl Border, 2 Diamond Points __ 28.00 Pearl Border. 4 Diamond Points ._ 88.50 Pearl and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating __ -------- ____ 16.00 Penl'l and Diamond A lternating __ 54.50 Diamond Border, Yellow Gold . __ _ 96.50

Standard $16.50 16.50

Larr• $11-00

Extra Crown $22.50 22.50

18.00 20.00 29.50 42.50

25.00 27.50 88 50 54.50

19.00 81.50 146.50

27.50 86.50 150.50

RECOGNITION BUTTONS C~a.t-of-Arms, Gold Plated or Sterling Silver ________ _$ .75 U!IJcJal. Uold P lated, Wh1te Ename l Star ---- - ------ 1.00 New cut-out Monogram, Polished Finish ·-- - -·--- - -- 1.00 New cut-out Monogram, E n ameled ---- ---------- --- - 1.25 Pledge Buttons _____ ------ ---- ----------- ------ --- .75

eac~ en\ ea\ ench eac



Sin~rle Double Letter Letter Coat-of-Arms ------------- - -- ---- - $2.75 Plain __ ------------ ------- ---------- - $2.25 $ 3.5~ Hand Engraved ---------- ---- --------- ------ 2.75 4.2 7 .0000 HWah!f Peparl ---------------------- -- ------- -- - 4 .5o 0· 1 1 1 0 6 0 o e ear ----------------------- ---------- . All Prices Are Subject to the Federal Jewelry Tax of 10 %

Send for Your Free Copy of Our NEW 1943 BOOK OF TREASURES A Select Showing of Fine Fraternity Rings in a Variety of Styles-Other Coat of Arms Jewelry and Novelties of Superior Craftsmanship-For Gifts or Personal Use



Michigan -Detroit, ---Pi Kappa Phi

Am interested in the following. Send data and literature free. Book of Treasures----------------- -- ----------C Favors _____ __________________ __________ ____ __[]

~arne ----------------------------------------- -

Programs ------------ --- - ---------- - ---------[]

Fraternity - - ---- - --------------------- -- -------~

Street -----------------------------------------City ------------------------------------------ -








o/ Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity •

Contents ..

Page Fraternity and Democracy ...


Pi Kapp Colonel Named Chi ef of Sta ff


Voluntary Alumni Dues


Chapter Finances and the War


Rubber- Where Can We Find It ?


Another Tenth of December ................................. .. RICHARD L. YOUNG Editor JOHN H. McCANN Assistant Editor

• Entered ns second class mntter at the post office at Charlotte, North Carolina, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at lpecial rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1926. embodied in paragraph 4, section '12, P. L. and R., authorized January 7, 1982.

....... ... .. ...


Under the Student's Lamp Pi Kapps in Our Country's Service ..

........................ ... 12

Marriages and Engagements ...


Chapter Report to the Fraternity .......


The Star and Lamp is published at Charlotte, North Carolina, under the direction of the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, in the months of January, April, July and November, The Life Subscription is $12.60 and is the only form of subscription. Single copies are 60 cents. Changes in address should be rePorted promptly to 226 South Church St., Charlotte, N. C.. or to Central Office, 702 Grace-American Building, Richmond, Vn. All material intended for publication should be in the hnnds of the Managing Editor, 702 Grace American Building, Richmond, Va., by the lOth of the month preceding the rnon th of issue.


The Cover An Imposing Building at Pennsylvania State College.




/]'! WILLIAM J. BERRY President of the Fraternity

HE history of civilization is sary scholarly leisure has been exnot the tale of a continuous for- changed for a factory-like, high-presward movement, proceeding at sure process which it is a mistake an even pace, but rather that of a to call education when, at best, it series of waves, now fast, now slow, is only a sort of training. If these so m e t i m e s sweeping backwards, things are necessary for the winnin,g seemingly almost to the starting of war and for the preservation of point. Such a recession followed the our institutions, we accept them fall of the Roman imperium before gladly - for the duration, but be the advance of the barbarians when would be an optimist indeed who failthe light of learning and cu lture was ed to see the danger that they may extinguished, leaving the world in be riveted upon us as an integral part the gloom of the Dark Ages, not to of the new pattern. (Free men everybe rekindled until the coming of where must be on guard to make sure the Renaissance. A period even more that in the process of defending their frightful would follow the present liberties they do not lose them. globa l war were the Axis powers to In every crisis reformers and crackbe successful. All the spiritual prog- pots take advantage of the situaress made by mankind in more than tion to put over their own pet proa millenium would be wiped out, hu- jects, either thinking that the minds man liberty and the dignity of the of men are pre-occupied with affairs individual would vanish in a welter of greater moment or advancing the of cruelty such as the world has not dishonest plea that their particular seen since the days of Attila the Hun schemes are vital to the promotion and Alaric, the Scourge of God. of the common good. In this way, Even If no such catastrophe re- during World War I , we were led sults from the present titanic con- into the unhappy experience of naflict , the struggle to escape it is cer- tional prohibition . There are untain to produce a profound and viol- mistakable signs that the enemies of ent change in the pattern of life. the college social fraternity see in We cannot at present even guess the present emergency an opportunwhat the world will be like when ity and are moving to take advantHitler and Mussolini and Hirohito age of it. Recently a well-known with their obscene satellites and ser- educator brayed exultantly that the vile dupes have finally been crushed, current war would see the end of as they assuredly will be, but we can the college fraternity . At the direcbe pretty certain that it will be very tion of the governor of Virginia, different to the one we have hitherto the Board of Visitors of the College known. Inspired by patriotism and of William and Mary voted to prourged by necessity we have already hibit fraternities and sororities from sacrificed many things, not only lux- maintaining separate establishments uries and conveniences, but also on the campus for living and meeting rights and liberties which have been purposes. It was intimated that the hardly won. Nor is there any as- governor contemplates the extension surance that all these will someday of this prohibition to all state-aided be restored. In the college world institutions of learning. This move the long summer vacation has, to a is likely to be repeated elsewhere by large extent, been eliminated, the demagogues claiming that such acfour years which we have come to re- tion is in defence of " democracy. " There is no need for me at this gard as the normal length of the college course have been compressed in- time and in the columns of this magato three or less, academic life which zine to plead the cause of the fraterwas characterized by a certain neces- nity system. If my readers did not



believe that there was a place ff~ it in American college life they wotpi not be wearin_g, the badge of . t KAPPA PHI. LLet me rather P010 r out that fraternity men of whateve name face a vicious attack on sorn~~ thing we all bold dear, a threat 'ch an institution and a tradition whl to is older than the nation , a da~g~J al the natural right of the indJy 1 ut to choose his associates accordmg h~ his own will, to unite with those Wt· possess ideals and interests comP.11 g ible with his own. It is interestJn to note that the defenders of derno· cracy in attempting to suppress fraf ternities are following the exampl~ ~ the enemies of democracy. Fas~JS e and National Socialism have 00 their best to destroy the ancient fra · ternity of the Free Masons. This attack, however, is also h: challenge. In the evolution of t 5 individual or of society whateve; h~o outlived its use fulness is certainRe· be discarded and swept away. gardless of what its enemies maY 5 ~~ 1 in its despite or its friends urge 0 its defence, if the fraternity bas nit vital part to play on the campuJ, t)' is doomed. It is therefore our uto and our high privilege to prove. e the world, academic and otherWISe~ that our fraternity ideals are sorn d thing more than a form of sou~o words, that they can inspire us ur make our individual lives and 0 d . · e anse corporate existence a genuJO worth-while contribution to the cau Jf of college, country and mankind . the closing our chapter-houses for the duration will help to defeat 'dJ 1 enemies of the civilization of w~ se the fraternity is a part, let us c ~e them as a free-will sacrifice for re· common good, but let us firmlY ur solve to resist to the utmost hofn~ed ability any sneaking under- a fra· attempt to destroy the college b ,,e ternity system that we mayMnot ~oto say, in paraphrase of me. . es land "Ah, Democracy, what cnrn are committed in thy name.'] T H E ST A R A N D LA Mp



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Fighter Pilot FOSTER FIELD, Victoria, Tex. - Roy B. Cecil, former president of the University of Tennessee chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, has completed his training as a fighter pilot officer at the Army Air Forces Advanced Flying School at Foster Field, Victoria, Texas.

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Col. George R. Barker Iota

·ra· COLONEL GE 0 RGE R. BARKER, Iota, Assist a .n t ' Chief of Staff, G-3, Third as Army, has been assigned as Chief of to n Staff of the VIII Army Corps at ~e1 rownwood Texas Headquarters ;~~ 1'hird Arm~. ' a he

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Colonel Barker holds the distinclion of being the only officer who ~as been on continuous duty on the Third .\rmy General Staff since July 1, 1939. He played an integral part in 1 ' he early planning and training of 1 he Third Army which has evolved from a War D~partment blue-print ?f a few years ago into an alert and 11 ~tegrated force. Prior to the achvation of th e Third Army on Oc10 ber 1, 1940, Col. Barker had se;vt ect in various capacities on Third Army maneuvers as far back as 1938. When the Third Army was activatect, Col. Barker ascumed his duties as training and operations office;, ~-3, on its General Staff. In addi11 on to this he acted as Ch!ef of Staff and handled other duties until 1 hey could be taken over by newly assigned officers. He has served under four commanding Generals of the 'third Army: Major Gen. _george Van Horn Moseley and Lt. Gen. °F PI



Stanley D. Embick prior to its activation, and Lt. Gen. H . J. B~ees and Lt. Gen. Walter Krueger smce its activation. As operations officer of the Third Army, he had .~uch to do in pla~­ ning the LouiSiana maneuvers m 1941 and in the organization of the Third Army Junior Of!icers . Training Center at Camp Bulhs, which was d esigned by Lt. Gen. Walter Krueger. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Col. Barker was graduated from Georgia Institute of Technology as an electrical engineer in 1917. He was commissioned as second lieutenant of cavalry, but later transferred to infantry. He received further training at Fort Leavenworth, served a tour of duty in San Antonio in 1919 with the 43d Infantry, and in 1920 was sent to Panama, where he remained for three years. From 1930 to 1936 he was at Fort Leavenworth as a student and instructor at the Command and General Staff School. Col. Barker is married and has one daughter, 12. With his family he has resided at Fort Sam Houston 408 Dickman Road, during his . tour' of duty in San Antomo.

Lt. Roy B. Cecil Alpha Sigma

Cecil, a second lieutenant, is a student officer training for fighter pilot officer duties . He formerly served as public relations and intelligence officer at Harding Field, Baton Rouge, La. Lieutenant Cecil graduated from the University of Tennessee in 1940 with a bachelor of science degree in agricultural engineering. While at the University of Tennessee, he headed the Pi Kappa Phi chapter there and was also President of the Beaver Club. He was secretary of the All-Students Club and a member of Scabbard and ·Blade, Scareabbean Honor Senior So-. ciety and the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. He was company commander in the R. 0. T. C.; unit. He is the son of Roy R. Cecil of Gall atin, Tenn. With other members of Class 42-H, h e received his silver pilot's wings in September: He is studying aerial tactics and gunnery at Foster Field and at Matagorda Island, Texas. 3

VOLUNTARY ALUMNI DUES I ~ Joining the growing ranks of alumni coming through for '42 with Voluntary Dues dollars, the following 73 men added $191.00 to our Emergency Reserve between July 1, and October 20. (Names are followed by chapter and alumni province number.) William B. Ashby, Iota, 11 * Richard Y. Atlee, Alpha Tau, 2 William F. Bennett, Iota, 12* Paul Black, Zeta, 9 George F. Blalock, Mu, 8 Wade S. Bell, Sigma, 16 Stephen C. Brown, Beta, 6 Floyd I. Brownley, Zeta, 9 Paul Bumbarger, Epsilon, 8* Julius Burges, Alpha, 9 Bobo Burnett, Zeta, 9 McNeil Carpenter, Zeta, 9 John D . Carroll, Sigma, 9 R . Barry Cecil, Alpha Sigma, 13* Edward D . Clifford, Alpha Theta, 28 A. K. Cox, Alpha Gamma, 23* P. W. Cummings, Alpha Tau, 1 J . R . Darby, Omega, 16 James B. Davis, Mu, 6 H. E. Dillingham, Zeta, 9 Will E. Edington, Upsilon, 16 George G. Fassnacht, Omega, 16 Loren C. Ferley, Alpha Theta , 17 P. F. Fisher, Alpha Rho , 6 W. D. Fitzsimmons, Alpha Rho, 6 T. K. Fletcher, Jr., Zeta, 9 James B. Frazier, Jr. , Beta, 9 Ray G. Hall, Alpha Delta, 0 John D. Hamer, Sigma, 9 James B. Harbuck, Lambda, 17 David P. Hardy, Gamma, 7 Harry V. Hendrick, Epsilon, 8 James B. Henwood, Alpha Upsilon, 4 · Richard B. Holmes, Omega, 16 James M . Hood , Alph a Omicron, 19

Carl M. Hulbert, Chi, 11 * H. R. Hulpieu, Alpha Gamma, 16 J. Davis Kerr, Rho, 9 Harold M. Krebs, Alpha Theta, 28 Fred W. Krupp, Mu , 2 Frank R . Kuhn, Jr. , Tau, 8* Paulus ]. H. Lange, Alpha Omicron, 19 Melvin B. Longachre, Alpha Upsilon, 4 John H . McCann, Alpha Upsilon, 7 George W. McGee, Zeta, 9 ]. E. McKain, Alpha, 9 W. L. Norrington, Omega, 7 F. L. Oates, Alpha, 9 R. D. Oberholtzer, Alpha Upsilon, 4

]. D. Parler, Zeta, 9 Robert Phillips, Omega, 16 C. L. Porter, Omega, 16 Leo H. Pou, Omicron, 10 M. A. Price, Omega, 16 H. Klugh Purdy, Alpha, 9 William M. Roberts, Alpha Iota , 12 Donald F. Rogers, Alpha Tau, 2 Richard M. Shave, Alpha Mu, 4 L. C. Skelton, Omega, 16 Norman R . Smith, Alpha Theta, 17* Charles W. Swan, Tau, 11 * Charles H. Talbot, Omicron, 12* Paul C. Thomas, Iota, 9 A. R. Thompson, Rho, 2* Alan S. Tomlinson, Alpha Upsil on, 3* F. Arthur Tucker, Alpha Upsilon, 4

R. B. Wainright, Jr., Alpha Tau, 7

John E. Walter, Alpha Xi, 2 Robert Weatherford, Jr. , Iota, 14* W . D. Westfall, Alpha Rho, 6* Truman Woodmansee, Omega, 16 Richard L. Young, Kappa, 8

Raymond E . Zook, Omega, 16 in service. Zeta Chapter, leading the fi~ld with 7.4 of her alumni contributing when the July issue went to press, continues to lead with a rating of 12 .6. Greatest progress ~as shown by Alpha Rho with a ~~se Pe1 from zero to 6.6. Chapters havmg the more than 5 per cent of alumni con· th~ tributing are: 12.6 thq Zeta ...................................... . 7.7 • Wa Alpha Upsilon ........... .. 7.0 gea Alpha Omicron 6.6 in , Alpha Rho 6.1 tin: Sigma 5.5 to Alpha Xi ... 5.4 for, Alpha ...... s.z Ierr Alpha Mu 5.1 ' bu( .................. .. Omega Pro Is yours among them? itnr Twenty-one and one-half mont~ ) om record of receipts now shows a tota eqt of $1318.14. Okah? Yes, but your ten Dues Dollar can make it better! or We'll have our 38th birthday on ing December lOth. Make your check.~ .\rc birthday present to Pi Kappa Ph 1 • twc not

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Crash Victim

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lern Lt. Paul D. Cunningham, Jr., con Iota, of Atlanta, was among eleven Pen Army fli ers killed in the crash oft~ alu1 big bomber near Des Moines in Ia October. t- shir Lieutenant Cunningham, whoVa i'tended both Ga. Tech and the . 11 d ' versity of Georgia, was assoctate t with the fraternity's chapters an these two institutions. He bad beer 1 h' 1 in the service for more than a yea 1~ and besides acting as flight instrud· nee< tor had served in the ferry comman ' l'he piloting ships to Honolulu. busJ tirn~


Chapter ________________

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Name -------~----------------------------

Y, cont Self

Date______________ Address---- ~--------------------------------T H E ST A R A N 0


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To: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity 702 Grace American Bldg. Richmond, Virginia Enclosed find my check in the amount of $ ___________ representing my VOLUNTARY DUES for 1942.

L A Mp



G. B. HELMRlCH, Alpha Gamma National Treasurer



full impact of war is just beginning to be felt by all Fra·ise ternity chapters, first on their ing Personnel, later on their finance s, as JW the latter always are a reflection of the former. We must first realize z.6 that our foremost job is winning this 7. 7 IVar. Chapter activities must be 7.0 ?eared into our nation's war effort 5.6 1 ~ such a manner that they are a diss.l hnct asset and in no way a hindrance 5.5 to this effort. Since no man can ;.4 foresee the exact nature of the prob;.2 ~rns our several chapters must face, ;.1 Ut, of a certainty, some of these problems will arise suddenly and need tmrnediate action, it is strongly rec' 0 mrnended that each chapter form the equivalent of what may be aptly termed a "War Council" composed on ?f the chapter's senior officers act:a Ing in conjunction with the District Ji! , .\ rcbon, the Chapter Adviser, and two or three resident a lumni who are not subject to early military call. 1'his council should assist the active 1 chapters in dealing with such probr., lems as housing, debt payments, debt en CoiJections, chapter operating exa Penses, pledging and pledge training, ,te alumni relationships. and scholarShips. · tt• vas



Here Is What You Can Do

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The Pi Kapp who specu lates on ht~ part in a fraternity in wartime ~eed not look far for his a nswer. bhere is room for everyone to be I Usy. None of us have too much time to meet the demands these days or war make upon us. If each of b~ accepts a share of the responsi . tlity for helping Pi Kappa Phi do Its full part toward the winning of ~he war we shall be assured of see. tng our colors flying through the darkest clouds ahead. Here is what You can do. You can, by as frequent personal Contact as possible, familiarize yourSelf with the problems of the under1

Most certainly chapter property terest and principal payments. False should be kept in good repair, but im- pri?e should not keep any chapter , provements involving any increase of wb1ch feels the going too bard from . . ' chapter indebtedness should be scrup- entenng mto an agreement with othulously avoided. Each member should e:. c.hapters for combined eating fapay his own way and the too pre- ~lhttes or even combined lodgings, valent practice of offering " free rides" 1f such an agreement means the difin the form of bouse jobs to mem- ference between survival and the closbers or pledges must be ruthlessly ing of the chapter. Your National Treasurer is conestimated if a chapter's finances are to stay out of the " red .'' Persistent- fident that our chapters can and will ly delinquent members should be successfully meet the financial probmoved out of the bouse. House bills lems born of this war if each chapshould be paid in advance. Social ter's leadership earnestly impresses affairs should be kept within the upon its membership the ideals for bounds of good taste dictated by a which our fraternity stands· ideals war-time economy, and entertain- exemplified by a steadfast adherence ment should be created of the in- to social, religious, political and genuity and talents of its members econo':lic democracy, and to the inand not by the extravagant use of culcatiOn of a sense of responsibility chapter funds. Pledges should be to sel~, to c?llege, to country, and rated on their background of char- to soc1ety, wtth a full realization of acter, not alone on their ability to the intangible, but nevertheless real pay their bills. The active chapter spiritual values of life. If we active~ should always answer these ques- ly teach these principles and ideals tions concerning a pledge: Will he t? our pledges and members and pracrespond to fraternity training and tice them ourselves, financial probmake a true fraternity man: Is he lems cease to be insurmountable the type we want to lead our chapter Without them a fraternity chapte~ a year or so hence, because today's ?ecomes a mere boarding and roompledges are the backbone of tomor- mg club and loses all right to exist as part of the fraternity system. row's chapter. The solution of financial problems Mortgages will present a serious problem to some chapters and , in follows, never precedes, a full appreciation of the fundamental nature dealing with such problems , a War and value of right principles and Council can render invaluable aid in ideals as the foundation for a sucdebt refunding, and in adjusting in- cessful chapter.




graduate chapters nearest you. The boys will welcome your interest and counsel. They need both. You can survey the surrounding colleges in which we do not have chapters for signs of developing opportunities for expansion. It is not prudent to expect that we shall install new chapters during the war, but the many opportunities for laying sound foundations for them should not be overlooked. T h e y must be recognized and developed by men in their immediate neighborhood. Any time of upheaval and change is a time of opportunity. You can recommend young men of

* * *

your acquaintance to the undergraduate chapters on the campuses where they are entering school. You can participate in the Alumni ~rovi.nce Program by annually sendmg 111 your check for Volu ntary Alumni Dues. . Founders' Day, December lOth , is JUSt ahead of us. Attend the nearest un.dergraduate or alumni meeting on th1s day. Send in your recommendation of a new man . Contribute through War Bonds or Voluntary Dues. Let our thirty-eighth birth day be one of vast evidence of increasing personal partir.ipation in our Fraternity's affairs. ·S

, , , • • • • UBBER is where you find it. To the average layman the rubber forest used to be the local garage or tire shop, the department store or the five and ten depending on whether we wanted tires, bath mats or bathing caps. Rubber may still be where you find it-but try and get it. The problem, which became acute in the summer of 1941 when gasoline rationing was started on the eastern seaboard, has now attracted national attention. After much quarreling over the advantages of alcohol or oil for its synthetic production, the work of producing synthetic rubber was speeded up under a rubber czar. Even now we don 't know the answer to the rubber riddle although everybody is talking about rubber and for once realizing the difficulties of the lack of it. We all want facts and eagerly try to find out everything we can about rubber. Hearing that Brother Ed Clifford, of Alpha Theta, was engaged in the cultivation of guayule, one of two types of rubber producing plants, we asked him about his work. And he has given us some interesting facts regarding this most important plant. We are indebted to Brother Clifford and Mr. W. B. McCallum, chief botanist of the Intercontinental Rubber Co. of Salinas, Calif., for the many facts herewith presented as gleaned from an article written by Mr. McCallum for the INDIA RUBBER WORLD. Of the large number of plants that are known to produce rubber the actual commercial production is confined to essentially two, the H eve a Brasiliensis and the Parthenium argentatum, or guayule. The former, a large tree, had its origin in the valley of the Amazon and its tributaries in Brazil and has been transferred artificially to the ;sJands of the Far East where now some 8,942,000 acres are planted, with essen-



tially 8,000,000 acres in bearing. The total possible annual production, when all are in bearing, will be well over 3,500,000,000 pounds. The guayule, a native of northern Mexico, is a rather heavy, woody shrub and has contributed for many years up to 10,000,000 pounds of dry rubber per year. The rubber in H eve a is in the latex system and constitutes at any one time but a small fraction of 1% of the total weight of the tree; and in the guayule it is in all the living cells except the leaves, and in the better varieties amounts to 22 % of the dry weight of the plant. Although some previous attempts had been made and small amounts of rubber marketed. the guayule business was really established in 1904 as a result of the ingenious work of W. A. Lawrence in utilizing the pebble mill, with water, as the means of extracting the rubber from the shrub . The first factory was established in Torreon, Mexico, in 1904 with a capacity of 1,000,000 pounds of wet rubber a month. This factory continued in operation with various improvements until 1915 when the 150 individual pebble mills were replaced by long tube mills which permitted the much more , efficient system of continuous operation. A little later factories were built at Cedros and at Catorce, which have been in almost continuous operation since. Almost from the beginning the Intercontinental Rubber Co. looked forward toward replacing the diminishing supply of natural shrub with that grown on plantations. In 1911, I joined the company to continue the work so well started previously in 1908 by F. E. Lloyd. Shortly after this revolutionary disturbances in Mexico became so acute that the experimental fields at Cedros and elsewhere had to be abandoned. In the meantime the potential importance of the work was realized by

· ed the company, and I was authonz to salvage as much seed and other material as possible and start up again in the United States. This ~s done in 1912, 36 years after tr Henry Wickham got the first Hevea seeds out of Brazil and started gr~: ing rubber in the Far East. ready the world's rubber supply was beginning to shift from the wild ~0 cultivated sources, and we saW 111 guayule enormous possibilities. . To present the question of gro~ 10 g guayule in the United States JO ~ fair and logical way, mention m~ be made of the regions in which . e plants will grow successfully, the so~s for which they are best suited, t e yields of rubber per acre that will b~ produced in different locations, a~ the cost involved per pound of ru · ber. Unfortunately in the past year or two the whole subject has be~n written up rather voluminously 1 ~ the press by many people witbou. much regard to actual conditionS· consequently much misinformation has been published. k As already mentioned, the wor 1 was started in 1912 and after seyer~e years in learning how to ger~11n~e the seed, produce good plants w 1 nursery, gets a satisfactory stan? ~ these when transplanted to the fie and a good deal about the differen varieties, actual business operatio~s were begun at Valley Center, Sout; ern California, in' 1913. There we~ planted 300 acres of the general vard eties from the Mexican range and the task of working these over and selecting the better types was start~ : The soil at Valley Center was satJSe factory, and climatic conditions .w~~s very good; and in the better vanetJ r· excellent yields of rubber were seen 8 ed. But the amount of land for , large expansion was not available~ so in 1916 the experimental work wall moved to Continental in sou the~, Arizona and continued there for 51d years during which several thous~n. acres were planted, all under irnga








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Left-Sowing Guoyule Seed at Alisol Nursery. Light colored strips ore from the sand used to cover the seed. Tractor is pulling drill which sows the seed and covers with sand. Below - Spence Plantation. Guayule Plants 3 years old.

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tion. The plants grew well, but the tubber was slow in forming in the blants because of irrigation and also ecause the rains came in the sumIller and promoted plant growth just • 1Yhen the plants should be drying °Ut. The net result was that while a large tonnage of shrub was obtain1 ect, it was impossible under the conditions followed to get a high enough percentage of rubber in the plants to JU Shfy • the whole operation. Further work there undoubtedly l\lou)d have overcome most of the difficulties, but in th :! meantime there . had been put out a series of small Plantings of about an acre each in "~rious parts of California that had giVen an indication of the growth of · bthe plants and the formation of ru~­ er in various locations. In Cahfornia the rains come in the winter , or early spring with none in the sum~er. The amount, of course, varies ~reat)y in different places, but the Principal rainfall is in December, January, February, and M~rc~, and [tom April to December it JS VJrtualrainless. This wa:; found par~lcularly favorable for guayu le, for It could be planted in the winter and early spring, and the winter moisture \\las sufficient to allow the plants, for the first year with their rather low demand for ~ater, to grow virtually the entire summer. In the next year

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the plants, being larger and requiring more water, used the water up faster and ceased growing about July or early August, and by the time they were four years old they used up the moisture and ceased active growth early in July and had the rest of the season to produce rubber. By 1931 there had been set out about 8,000 acres of guayule in California, and the plants were growing well. A large factory for the extrac-

tion of the rubber had just started operations when the slump came and the price of rubber dropped to less than 3c a pound. Ultimately all of the shrub was milled, but extensive planting was discontinued except for purposes of improving both the quality and the yield of rubber and also for the continued object of determining means of running the whole operation at a very much lower cost p :!r pound of rubber . These efforts 7

have met with considerable success ; the percentage of rubber in the shrub has been slowly, but continuously raised ; the cost of nursery growing, planting in the field, and subsequent care of the plants has been greatly reduced. Contributing factors were improvements in machinery, the elimination of considerable work that was at first thought necessary, and the practice of more efficient methods throughout. When considering the amount of land available in the United States on which guayule will grow well , it does not seem an impossible task, or even an essentially difficult one, to produce within our own borders 25 % of our normal rubber needs. This would require, in general terms, 1,000,000 acres of land, 200,000 of which would be harvested and replanted each year. To maintain, as has been suggested in Congress, 45,000 acres of guayule would require, if in one piece, an area a little less than 8.7 miles square . Of course, no area even of that size could be found with all the land suitable for cultivation. As a matter of fact, it would probably be in units of 10,000 to 12,000 acres each, which would be ample for the continuous maintenance of one factory. Assuming the land to be fairly similar to that now used at the California experiment station, on this 45,000 acres, one fifth, or 9,000 acres, would be harvested and replanted each year, yielding essentially 14,850,000 pounds of rubber annually. However no estimate of the amount of land required to produce a given tonnage of shrub, or rubber, can even be approximated without knowing first the character of the land and the general climatic conditions, including particularly the amount and the period of the rainfall. In this respect guayule is no different from any other crop. At the experiment station in the Salinas Valley, on general upland soil, with no irrigation and a 14-inch annual rainfall, fiveyear-old plants yield 1,650 pounds of rubber per acre, and six-year-old plants, 2,160 pounds. These yields will be materially improved as the more recently selected varieties come into large acreages. Proceeding south the rainfall gradually decreases and with it the total growth of the shrub 8

so that, although the percentage of rubber in the shrub is a little higher, the total amount of rubber per acre gradually 路decreases. On much of this land, however, a reasonable amount of water has been developed in recent years which, if applied at the proper times, will very substantially increase the growth of the shrub without affecting seriously the total rubber formation. It is not possible to express in arbitrary terms the requirements such as the amount of rainfall, temperature, etc., because these are so interlocked with other conditions that they may be very effective in one place and quite insufficient in another. At the present location near Salinas the summer temperatures are cool, and the air, which is mostly off the ocean, is quite damp, and even with 10 to 12 inches annual rainfall a satisfactory growth is obtained. But over in the interior valleys with the vastly higher temperatures and lower humidity, it requires a rainfall fully SO % higher to obtain the same result. During a period of about ten years there have been established and maintained a series of 53 experimental stations of from one acre to five acres each, extending from southern Texas across to California and up to the Coast region and the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys to Red Bluff. These stations were all carefully looked after and were dispensed with only after the final results from each had been obtained. Thus in that entire stretch of country it is known fairly accurately just what guayule will do in the various regions. The greatest amount of available land is in southern Texas, but it will require some years' work to overcome the difficulties incident to the summer rains and the susceptibility to root rot in the soil. Very substantial progress was made in both these lines, but the general depression in 1931 led to discontinuance of that work, and subsequent work has been of the nature above described. The same situation is true as to southern Arizona. In the coast country of California and in the interior valleys of that state the winter and spring rains with dry summers make conditions much more ideal, and there it has been thoroughly demonstrated what can be done.

Another Tenth of December

~ ~


19 de \Vl


Today is the tenth of Dece~ber, 1942. It is my thirty-eighth birpthA day. You see, I am PI KAP 路 PHI. A year ago as the thousands of clean cut American men whoS~ character is my own gathered to toas me and place the thirty-seventh ros.e between the pages of my autobif ography, the shock of the events ~I December seventh, "a day that WI live in infamy," still upon them theY gave vent to no speculation over rn~ ultimate future nor the future of ou beloved Country. They knew then that our course was clear. The)' knew that it could lead us to but one final conclusion, Victory over ~he forces of repression and brutahtY that are loose in the world. The~ knew that our course would le~ over rocky roads and uncertaii} bridges. They knew the dangers 0 enemy ambush. Yet they still believed in their conclusion for they knew they were right. I look today upon these men. Some two thousand of them are ~c~~ tered the world over, in the Bnt1. Isles, French Africa, Egypt, India, China, Australia, the Solomons and in enemy prison camps. Others. are ( at home working on production hne~ .'\ir and on farms, serving quietly. ~~ sta effectively in myriad unsung ciVJhM:i: an defense posts, carrying on. our las, undergraduates, going to school the ; cur year round, are building the leaders who will win this War and the peace to follow. . May each man who shares w1th me the Fraternity way of living make this a day of reconsecration and re路 affirmation of the ideals it is our , privileged heritage to jointly posseSS路 May each stand a moment, wherever he is, in silent prayer for those '~~ have passed from among us to n Chapter Eternal beyond the skies. Yes, this is the tenth of Dece~ber: In a world at War may this thirtYd eighth birthday bring us renewed faith in our fellow men, renewed strength to face the tasks ahead, an a renewed energy and resolution ~0 a bring to an ever-widening fellowshiP ....._ of men the goodwill we share. T H E ST A R A N D L A Mp


Dies in Crash

From Private to General

From private to general is the military record of Gen. David P. Hardy, Gamma, who was transferred to the command of the Provisional Coast Artillery Brigade, C a m p Pendleton, Va. on June 10, 1942. r, General Hardy was born in California on May 24, 1890. He was graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, California, with the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1912. He enlisted as a private of Infantry in the California National Guard on April 20, 1914, and was commissioned a second lieutenant of Infantry on June 3, 1915 . In this grade General Hardy was mustered into the Federal Service for Mexican border duty between June 20, 1916, and October 7, 1916. He was promoted to first lieutenant on ovember 16, 1916, and to captain, Coast Artillery, California National Guard, on December 30, 1916. He again entered the Federal Service for the World War on August 5, 1917, and was mustered out on January 20, 1919. General Hardy accepted a commission as major in the Organized Reserves on March 26, 1919. He reentered the California National Guard, however, as a captain of Coast Artillery on July 15, 1920, Lt. Sam L. Meacham, Jr. and was promoted to major on OcDelta tober 15, 1921; to lieutenant colonel re on September 15, 1924 ; and to coles Commissioned May 20 in the Army onel on October 24, 1938. ut Air Corps, Lieutenant Meacham was General Hardy entered the FedliStationed for a time at Greenville, eral Service for the current emergur Miss., then was sent to Camp Dougency on September 16, 1940, and was Je las, Wis., where the accident ocordered to Camp McQuaide, Calirs i curred while on a training flight. fornia, as Commanding Officer of the ce 250th Coast Artillery, later being assigned to Fort Richardson, Alaska. th 1 He was promoted to brigadier genATTENTION ce eral (temporary) on November 5, Central Office realizing that e1941, and ordered three days later to this list of men in our country's Jf command Camp Pendleton, Virginia. service is for from complete, iS路 Transferred to command of Harrequests that anyone having er bor Defenses of Chesapeake Bay, information concerning any tO December 18, 1941 . Transferred to brother in the service send such 1e command of Provisional Coast Arnews to: tillery Brigade (155mm Gun), Camp r. Pendleton, Virginia, June 10, 1942. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity y路 While a student at the University 702 Grace-American Bldg. :d of California, General Hardy was Richmond, Virginia :d initiated into Gamma Chapter on ld Photographs of service men :.VIay 8, 1909. His son and brother tO and letters dealing with their are also Pi Kappa Phi's. His son, ip Charles E. Hardy, Gamma, is a first activities ore welcomed . classman at the United States Miliecond Lieutenant Sam Lewis Nreacham, Jr., Delta, 22, of Fort ~ill, S. C. a Furman graduate of . 1941, was killed in an airplane accident June 24, 1942 in Wisconsin, Where he was stationed with the Army.





Crashes in Africa Lt. Robert Allison Speir, Alpha Eta, navigational officer of the Pacific Sector of the Air Force Ferry Command, has been killed in an airplane accident somewhere in Africa, it was reported in a message to relatives here from the War Department Monday.

1st Lt. Robert A. Speir, Jr. Alpha Eta

Lt. Speir attended Phillips High School and was graduated from Howard College in 1940. At Howard he was a member of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Beta Pi Theta, honorary French fraternity, and Alpha Epsilon De!ta, honorary med_ical fraternity, of which he was president during his senior year. He also attended the University of Alabama, where he was a member of the Pershing Rifle Squad. At the outbreak of the war Lt. .Speir was stationed at Ham'ilton Field, Calif., but more recently served on temporary duty at Morrison Field, West Palm Beach, Fla. The War Department report was received here by his wife who was . formerly Miss Margaret Archer. Other relatives here are his mother Mrs. Robert A. Speir, Sr.; a brother' Edward Speir, and his grand father ' E. M. Jenkins. A sister, Mrs. J. Vance, lives at Orlando, Fla.


tary Academy at West Point. His brother, Herbert Hardy, Gamma is a maior of the United States Mar!ne Co~s and is commanding offleer of lh ~ Naval Ammunition Depot, Bremerton, Wash . 9

Succumbs in Church George Marion Foxworth, Jr. Beta, of Sumter, S. C. died of a heart attack in the Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter, Sumter, just a fter the cl imax of an Easter music program, which he as director of the choir had spent six weeks in perfecting.

he was initiated into Beta Chapter, and the University of South Carolina. Later he studied voice in New York City, and long had been prominent in musical circles of South Ca rolina. On November 6, 1929, he married Miss Carolyn Harby of Sumter, the daughter of the late Ansley D . Harby and Mrs. Harby, who now is a resident of Columbia. His wife, mother and one son, George :Marion Foxworth , III, survive. Brother Foxworth was a member of the Presbyterian church. He was a junior partner of Gallagher and Foxworth, men 's clothing firm and was most active in the Merchants Association of Sumter. He was a president of the Rotary club, and gave generously of his time to that orga ni zation . Endowed with a capacity for making friends and with an exceptionally gentle nature, he was one of Sumter 's most outstanding and best-liked younger businessmen.

Brother Dies The passing to the Chapter Eten;· al of Dr. James Andrew Quinn, 2J. of Alpha Chapter, brought to a clo~ a courageous, heroic life, the las years of which were spent in ser:ur· ing a medical education while b.at· tling a fatal di sease. Brother Qumn died at his home in York, S. C. on

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Dies in Atlanta

George Morion Foxworth, Jr., with son

He was stricken shortly after the offertory had been sung and the Episcopal communion service had begun . Death was almost insta ntaneous. The possessor of a beautiful baritone voice, which bad won him acclaim in this state and elsewhere, Brother Foxworth had sung all of the numbers with the choir in spite of the fact that he had been ill during the night and had had a throat ailment. His wife also was a member of the choir and his mother , Mrs. Janie Spann Foxworth, was in the congregation. Brother Foxworth was born in Sumter, May 27, 1905, the only son of the late George Marion Foxworth and Mrs. Foxworth . HeW¥ a graduate of the Sumter High Scnool, and attended Presbyterian college, where 10

James A. Brown, Delta, 46 , prominent figure in Atlanta investment security circles and a partner in Clement A. Evans and Company, investment brokers, died August 16, at his residence, 75 Ponce de Leon avenue, N. E. A son of the late Rev. and Mrs. J ames Alfred Brown, of Greenville, S. C., he was born at Due \'7est, S. C., on October 14, 1895 . He attended school at Due West and Greenville and was graduated from Furman University, where he was a member of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, in 1916. He attended the Air Corps school at Princeton University during World War I. Brown came to Atlanta in 1922 as a vice president of the Trust Company of Georgia. He left there in December, 1934, to become president of Equitable Company, where he remained until 1941. At that time he joined the C. A. Evans and Company. He was a member of the Capital City Country Club and the Piedmont Driving Club.

Pro Pia tior Jli Pro

Dr. Jomes A. Quinn Alpho

Sunday, August 2, two months after an( his graduation from the South Carofor lina Medical College, June 4. Funn1u eral services were conducted on Mor day by the Rev. Frank B . Edwa~~ I or Of at the York A. R. P . Church, ~·JI the; interment following in Rose pl tair cemetery. . to 1 Brother Quinn secured his ear~ org; education in the schools of Yo_r l'at graduating from the York fltlrg School in 1934. He attended 1e tivi con: College of Charleston where, on p e· cember 19, 1936, he became a m~Jll· l\.a1 ber of Alpha Chapter. Graduatltlng has with honors in 1938, he entered ,e hen South Carolina Medical College, w~ \V it} first and second honors in his fres Wea man and sophomore years respectiv~· a r~l: ly. He contracted a fatal maladY 111 tual his first year at medical college~ spec Under its shadow and restrictions h carried on bravely, giving a rare . e,;: thes serv hibition of stamina and determ!l1a are tion.



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Last April he was forced to lay aside his studies and enter a hosPital. He took his examinations While in bed and returned to the College in time to graduate with his class. Shortly thereafter, less than two months before his death, he Passed the examination of the state tnedical board and was licensed to Practice. Jim's passing brings profound re-

gret to his many friends and brothers. Those of us who were privileged to know him cherish our memories of a man of honest courage, brilliant mentality, friendly personality and dogged purpose. The fraternity extends its deepest sympathy to his mother, Mrs. Essie Wray Quinn of York, and brother, Lieut. Fred E. Quinn, Sigma, now stationed at the Army Air Base in New Orleans.

Named Honor Man Edgar Florentin Lindgren, Jr., of Atlanta, flight training student at the United States Naval Reserve Aviation Base at Old Camp Gordon, has been chosen honor man of his class which was graduated in July.

UNDER THE STUDENTS LAMP Pi Kappa Phi Scholars for 1942


Chairman of Scholarship Committee




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The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Program as now constituted was Planned in 1926 and put into operation in 192 7 with the election of two Pi Kappa Phi Scholars for 192 7. The Program called for high standards and a maximum of nine Scholars for any one year. The candidates tnust have second term junior or senior standing and be active members of an undergraduate chapter, and their scholarship records must attain a standard at least equivalent to that required for election to such organizations as Phi Beta Kappa or Tau Beta Pi. Extra-curricular activity and achievement are not to be considered in the election of the Pi 1\.appa Phi Scholar. This program has been carefully and strictly adhered to during the past fifteen years \vith the result that many of the Wearers of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholar~hip Pendant are becoming intellectual and civic leaders in their reSpective communities. Of course an these Scholars are subject to military service and doubtless many of them are already in the army or navy. OF PI



During most of the past fifteen years the number of candidates has been relatively large and the maximum of nine Scholars has been chosen. However, the year 1942 filled with uncertainties and interruptions, particularly among the very juniors and seniors who might be eligible, is not a normal year, with the result that the number of candidates has been small. Accordingly the number of Scholars chosen for this year is smaller for it was felt that the standard :nust be maintained out of respect for past Scholars and in fairness to past candidates who were not chosen. It is evident that scholarship is suffering its casualties along with every other form of good. Following are the names of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholars for 1942: Harold Nlartin Carter, Roanoke College; Kenneth S. Clendaniel, \Vashington and Lee University; Richard Vernon Grimes, Pennsylvania State College; ]. Dudley 1\1oylan, Duke University. On Founders' Day, December 10, these Scholars will be formally awarded the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Pendant and the Scholarship Certificate, and thus receive the highest honor that our fraternity bestows on an active undergraduate member. They will be the sixteenth group to be so honored and they will join a distinguished group of Pi Kappa Phi who are bringing honor and will continue to bring honor to our fraternity.

Edgar F. Lindgren, Jr.


The son of !\lr. and lVIrs. Edgar F. Lindgren of 578 Martina Drive, Atlanta, where his father is a well known business executive, Lindgren was graduated from North Fulton High School. He attended Georgia Tech , where he majored in Industrial Nlanagement, and was a member of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Lindgren was recently transferred to an advanced base, where, on the successful completion of his flight training work, he will be commissioned an Ensign in Naval Avia. tion or a Second Lieutenant in Marine Corps Aviation.

Is Executive Officer Lt. Comdr. Harold R. Badger, Alpha Delta, is officer-in-charge of the officers' training course and executive officer of the ground school of the U. S. Naval Air Station at Corpus Christi, Texas. 1'1

********************************** [ •• **






Jn Our Counlru j Seruice :



********************************** Key: Name; chapter number in () ; branch (a-army; nnavy; m-marine corps; cgcoast guard) ; rank de and ms respectively indicate "deceased" and "missing in action"; s indicates man has reserve standing but still a student.

Alpha Chapter E . Ashton Boynton (176) a, s. George D. Burges (149) a, lt . Charles A. Carter (187) a John T. Cuttino (128) a, It. W. Bernard Jones, Jr. (171) a, cpl. Charles Long (185) cg W . Cheney Moore, Jr. (179) a George E . Sheetz (83) a, lt . Arthur I. Whiteside ( 170) Earl B. Halsall ( 113) a, It. Andrew A. Kroeg, III (130) a Noel E. Williams (151) a, It. Charles N . Wyatt (90) a, maj .

James W . Milam, Jr. (107) a Keesler F . Mills ( 128) Marion C. Mixson (174) a James A. Neighbors (86) FFancis P . Owings {99) a, It. Robert Perrin (137) a, capt. Hugh Rutledge (181) M . D . Shuler (180) a, sgt. Charles L. Woodside (61) a Henry D. Wyman (178) n

Gamma Chapter J . Louis Balzarini (257) a, sgt. Edward J. Haddon (251) n, lt. jg. Charles E. Hardy (308) a, lt. David P. Hardy ( 16) a, br. gen'l. Herbert Hardy (42) a, maj. Arthur W . McMurry (297) a, sgt. N . B. Weatherall (300) a, cpl. John L . Ames (191) a Charles R . Raeder (224) a, lt. Euj!ene Roberts {301) a, lt.

Delta Chapter Beta Chapter Ralph N. Belk (133) a , pvt. Doyle W. Boggs (141) a, capt. J . Preston Charles (131) a Joseph M . Commander ( 162) a, It. Ben W . Covington, Jr. ( 112) a, capt. Ned S. Hays {142) a, lt. Heyward J. Hindman (49) H . Gorden Huggins (176) a, a/c, de. Cecil B. Lawter (148) a, capt. George M. Lockwood, Jr. ( 199) cg Robert C. McLees ( 159) a, pvt. Louie T . Porter (194) a, Jt. John W . Weldon (185) a, Jt. Gustav C. Adams (102) n George R . Blalock (62), a maj . Hervey F. Blalock ( 161) William L . Boggs (190) a, It. Walter E . Brooker (173) a, lt. roe L. Clements ( 166) II. Arthur Copeland (121) a. Washington W . Davis, Jr. {101) a. Henry Dillard (138) capt. Cornelius B . Holcombe (179) Peter M cLean (192)


Willi am P . Anderson ( 125) n, ens. Paul Chapman ( 127) a James F . Daniel , 3rd (142) a Robert B . Herndon (78) a, lt. Samuel L. Meacham, Jr. ( 126) de. James R . Scales ( 71) n, lt. jg. J. A. Southern (112) a, Jt. Green H . Cleveland (56) a, pvt. Theron C. Cleveland (SO) a, Jt. Robert A. Crawford, Jr. (35) Marcus G. Crump (70) a David L. Ferguson (87) a John E . Groce, Jr. (81) a Drayton Hopkins (74) a Elwood C. Jack son (96) n 0 . K. Upchurch, Jr. (108) Julian L. Webb (83) cg.

Epsilon Chapter James L. Ballard , Jr. (2 12) a, lt. Robert E . Ballard (226) m , lt. Paul M . Bumbarger (213) a, Jt. Thomas G. Corbin ( 166) a, lt. W . Boggs Corbi n (134) m. cpl. Newton L. Edwards (236) n, a/c J. Boyd Flynn (216) n, ens.

Louis C. Rite (217) a, lt. Joseph M . Kellam (183) n, ens. J. Frank Niven (218) a, lt. John T. Rhett (155) a, lt. col. James J . Stewart (131) a, lt. H. H. Swassey, Jr. (222) a, It. Richard J. Towill (199) n, It. ms. William F . Ward (220) n, ens. J ames Y. Wilson (187) a, lt. Pettway Boyd (92) a, pvt. Robert F . Brownlee (11) a, maj . Robert A. Burgess ( 194 ) a Dave Co lvin (204) a, lt. Frederic S. Curdts (107) a, p,·t. G. Donnell Davidso n (202) a, pvt. Robert Garvey (227) n a / c Allen J. Graham ( 109) a lt . Harry V. Hendrick (206) Rufus G. Herring (228) n. ms. Heath Howie (164) pfc. Julian L . McCall (250) a, lt. Lawrence H . Miller (227) a, pvt. Mac Glenn Morris (232) n M. Reeve:. Pope (127) a. capt. Robert J . Terry ( 193) T. B . Williamso n (238) a, lt. Harman Woodward , Jr. (177) a Samuel M. Woodward {235) a, lt.

Zeta Chapter Julien C. Hyer (8) a, maj . Ralph K. Johnson (113), a, capt. Carlisle King (148) a, lt. Russell C. King (142) a, Jt. col. F . I. Brownley, Jr. (208) a David H . Derrick, ( 168) a. capt. Marion M. Dowling (236) a, lt. Aylett Evans ( 195) a, It. Bernard A. Foster, Jr. (155) a, lt. Ralph V. Foster (193) a, lt. J. Chambliss Freeman (88) a, pvt. R. DeWitt Guilds (217) a, It . Arthur B . Hammond (2 19 ) a, lt. Neville Holcombe (85) n, lt. J. R. Owings (144) a Jefferson C. Painter (225) a

Stephen G. Rivers (146) Keith H . Smith (1l7) n, Jt. com. Albert Vermont (183) n

Eta Chapter Fred Clardy (246) a, sgt. Q) William T . Edwards, Jr. (18 n, lt. 0. Thomas Gower (225) a, 1t. George W. Griner, Jr. ( JO) a, br. gen'l. James C. Grizzard (192) a, capt. It Herman J . Lambert (3) a, · col. ., J . D. McElroy (244) n, lt. Jg· Cecil H. Pirkle (265) a, It. Joseph S. Puett ( 161) a, lt. 1 Ray K. Smathers (91) a, lt. co · Hey! G. Tebo (257) a, Jt. Alton Davis (256) a, pvt. E. Byron Hilley (270) a, lt. W. Raymond Menkee (248) a, It. a William . Tumlin , Jr. (1771'

Iota Chapter

Charles F . Kent (326) a. 5~\" George P. Murray , Jr. (32 a, cpl. l Charles K. Ruse (337) a, sg · H . B. Arthur (374) n 1 George R. Barker (19) a, co · Cargill M. Barnett (306) J. ~ a, lt. de. ·g J. I W . F. Bennett (323) n, It. l · , Edn F. F. Blair {396) a, lt. J. ~ Robert M . Bush, Jr. (370) Edg n, ens. I<en Doyle P. Butler (324) n, enS· \\TiJI James D. Cahill (363) a, a/ft M:. Douglas S. Crocker (287) n, j L. 1 P . D. Cunningham, Jr. (34 7 Joh: a, lt. a, Thomas S. Davis (198) a Will J. Lawton Ellis (22) n, lt. ben M. Jake Fortner (325) a, lt11 Art! Frederick E. Fuchs ( 2 75) a, · Jam Brett R . Hammond (108) a, a, maj. Ca rl John S. Hard (356) n, ens. a, George J. "Holly, Jr., (378) a bon A. Reese Hooks, Jr. (318) 3 1t. Cha Edgar D. Johnson (348) a, l?ra1 W. Dixon Kerby, Jr. (340) a, a, It.


T H E ST A R A N D L A M r



r r


Two Pi Kapp Generals


r r







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gt. '8 )


J. M . King, Jr. (360) a 1. E. Kirkland , Jr. (395)

Wilii ~m Schotanus (338) a, It.


: Edmund Kneisel (335) n, ens. J. S. Leedy (386) a Edgar F. Lindgren (365) n s. ~~nneth B . Loftus, Jr. (371) n 'c william C. McFee (315) a Jt. M:. B. Miller (388) n 7) L. Allen Morris (282) n, lt. John G. Nelms, 3rd (55) a, lt. col. \\riJI H. Newton (245), a, pvt. bennis D . O'Brian (351) n. ens. It路 Arthur B. Pope (390) a James B . Ramage (311), a, capt. Carl V. Rauschcnberg (331) a, It. bomer F. Ridings (297) a, lt. Jt. Charles Roach (336) n Franklin K. Schilling ( 284) a, lt . ~r

Brig.-Gen. George W. Griner, Jr. Eto

Brig.-Gen. David P. Hordy Gommo

ol. jg.

Photo By U. S. Army Signal Corps,

I 'l.uto By Boice Studio.





G. C. Schroeder (399) a G. W. Sessoms (380) a W. R. Shook, Jr. (309) a, lt. Charles R. Simons ( 312) a, capt. A. D. Spurlock (362) n, ens. DeWitt A. Stevenson (232)

a, Jt. Charles M. Thompson (202) a, pvt. Robert Weatherford , Jr. (354) n, lt. jg. G. J. Webb (381) n John G. Weibel (366) a, It. Harry R. Wright (358) a, It. J . E. Wright (377) n J . Cleve Allen (210) n, It. Robert W. Allison (321) n William B. Ashby (322) n, ens. joseph M. Body (300)

David C. Boy, Jr. (286), a capt. Harold A. Dye (334) a, lt . George C. Griffin (29-B) n, lt. com. Thomas L. Kennedy ( 129) n, lt. com. Charles F . Kent (326) a, sgt. Archie R . Lewis (319) a, lt. George P. Murray, Jr. (328) a, sgt. Earl W . Prendergast (343) a, It. Shepherd G. Pryor (330) a, lt. Charles K. Ruse (337) a, s/sgt. Howard D . Watkins, Jr. (345)

a Joseph J. Wimberley (131) a Morris W . Armstrong (382) a, s. Robert D. Caldwell Jr. (397) n, s. M. Russell Dunn (368) n, s.

Richard H. Almond, Jr. (403) a, s. Halbert L . Edge, Jr. (404) a, s. Charles G. Fulton (383) a s. William H. Funk (359) a, 's. Edward B . Gross (385) n, s. Dent B. Ingram (369) a, s. James M . Minter (389) n, s. Thomas R. McMurry (387)

n, s. Robert C. Muir (379) n, s. M. Wallace Simmons (400) n, s.

James S. Suddeth (392) a, s. Salvadore J. Trombetta (402)

a, s. Russell G. Turner, Jr. (373)

n, s. C. Vincent Weaver, Jr. (413)

n, s. Louis 0 . Williams, Jr. (376) a, s.

. 13

Left to Right-Lt. (jg.) Charles W. Swan, Tau; Lt. William E. Gill, Alpha Upsilo~; . Lt . (jg.) Roy R: Po~lord,r1~~ Xi· Lt. William J. Worthington, Jr., Omicron; Aviation Machinist Mote E. Earl Ktchter, Alpha Epstlon, Mo ' W. D. Westfall, Alpha Rho.



Kappa Chapter Robert K . Davis (151 ) a Neill H. McLeod (87)

Lambda Chapter W. J. Benton (258) a, It. Joseph T . Bradbury (283) a, It. N. P . Curtis (224) a, pvt. Roy K . Duffee (270) a, It. George Edwards (284) a, It .. Geo rge C. Finch (60) a, maJ . Burch H argraves (260) a, It. H. W. Harvey, Jr. (266) a, It. John F . Head (3 10) a James G. Hull (227) J ack G. Hutchinson (289) a J. Green Keltner ( 314 ) a, It. Cliff C. Kimsey, Jr. (303) a, It. Robert E. Knox (234) a maj . James C. Longino (6) a, maj. col. Robert N. Loyd (301 ) a, lt. Walter H . Lundy (162) a C. Robert Mayes, Jr. (255) a Wesley F . Nail (130) a James H. Orr (228) a, cpl. E ugene E . Petty (3 19) n, s. J . Woodfin Purcell (292) n, ens. Charles F . Scheider, 3rd (32 1) a, It. G. Arnold Stark (322) n, ens. Paul H. Trulock (246) a, lt. C. R. Vaughn , Jr. (3 16) a, lt. W. Hamilton Verdery (293) a, lt. James R . Williams (139) John W . Wilson (247) a, lt. George C. Armstrong (163) a William G. Bennett (274) a, lt. Roland Berry (298) a, a/c Charles C. Bunn, Jr. (302 ) m, pfc . Harry S. Burney (320) a, a/c Forrest T . Clary (288) n, a/c Horace Clary· (269) a Woodfin Cole (296) Patterso n R . Colquitt (297) n Curti s E. Crook (3 11 ) a, sgt. Horace Crow (262) a Glenn W . Ellard (2 18) a, pvt. Thomas B. Heys (24 1) n, ms. J . Green Keltn er (3 14 ) a, lt. Robert P . Lance (267) n, ens.

Marion M . Luckey (244) a J . Eldon Lundy (299) a Clyde Martin (3 08) Geo rge L. Merritt, Jr. (242) John Miller (192) a, sgt . L. C. Peebles, Jr. (239) a, It. J. Edwin Perryman (264) a, It. J . P . Stewa rt (26 1) Frank K. Story (253) a, lt. Henry C. Stovall, Jr. (245 ) a, It. William Wilso n (281) a Selby G. Benton (3 18) a, s. Wilbert :\ . Clo we r (324) a, s. H . Brook Pierce (313) m, s.

Mu Chapter Robert B. Atkins ( 132) n, It. George F. Blalock (223) a, pfc. Paul J . Barringer, Jr. (237) n, ens., s. Richard E. Boger (249) n, ens., s Word C. Clark (256) n, ens., s Richard E . Ferguson (200) a Roy W. Forrester (2 10 ) a, cpl. J ames H . Green (264) n, s Donald Herd (252) n, s Burnett N. Hull (22 1) A. H. Joyner, Jr. 23 1) n. ens. Charles R. McAdams, Jr. (257) n, ens ., s J . Dudley Moy lan (254) n, s John A. Ryan (144) a. capt. J . E. Satterfield (259) n, ens. Charles H . Taylor (2 19 ) a Joe M . Van Hoy (137) a, lt . Jack L . Watson (208) n, lt. jg. Sam C. Williams (204) William H . Brinkley (278) a, It. John C. Burwell (88) a, capt. Henry P . Fulmer (114 ) a, cpl. David H enderso n ( 142) a, It. Thomas B . Jennings (2 15 ) a, cpl. Willi am F . Franck (2 11 ) n William R . Pitts (75) a, maj. John C. Watson (155) n, ens. John S. Brand (275) a, s Robert Chapman (282) n , s D. Douglas Collins (274 ) n, s F . C. Frostick, Jr. (25 1) n, s Bailey T . Groo me (272) n , s Owen C. Johnso n (273) a, s Edward L . Jones. Jr . (260) m, s

John G. Maines, Jr. (266) a, s John Morga nthau, Jr. (26 1) n, s B. Ne!son Stephens (260) n, s Arthur Vann , 2nd (28 1) a, s DeWitt A. Nunn (263) a cad.

Nu Chapter Knox F. Burnett (107) J. Dwight Davis (18) a, maj . Gus S. Zinnecker (188) a, capt. Lou is G. Zinnecker, Jr. (233) a, capt .

Xi Chapter G. Thomas Butcher (213) n, a/c Walker Carter ( 196 ) a, cpl. Paul M. Crosier (245) n , ens. Don S. Ellicock (83) m H arold Fariss (235) Rodney J . Fringer (253) n Charles L . Harris (223) a, lt. L ucien Hiner (214) a, lt. Cecil Jarrett (-) a, It. H . Lewis Kennett (202) a, a/c Mason Miller, Jr. (2 18) n, ens. Thomas H. Moore (207 ) n Roy R. Pollard, Jr. (209) Billy B. Renfro (200) a, It. Cornelius M . Smith, Jr. (205) a, It. Vernon 0 . Stanley (2 12) Lewis V. Stone (250) H . L . Stran.9meyer (203) a, pvt. Justin C. Tobias (17 2) m, capt. Garrison E . Wood (194) a, lt . Harold Carter (229) a, pvt. John B. H. Fry (24 1 a, pvt . William Geoghan (225) a, pvt. ( f/ c) William H . Glover (220) a, pvt. Gus Kruttschmitt, III (226) a Carl B. Sherertz (238) m William P. Tice (193) a, lt. Jack A. Vernon (251) a Gordon C. White (55) a, capt. Donald D. Cross (255) a. s Hugh F . Hill, Jr. (24 7) a, s J ames W . Reynolds (249) n, s Jack F. Ward (256) a, s C. R obert Worley (246) n, s

Omicron Chapter Lister Brunso n (297) a, s William J . Brun ~on (326) a, cpl. Leonard P . Daniels (143) a, capt. t F . M. Fleming, Jr. (300) a, sg · Raymond D . Hill (262) a, It. Barksdale Jordan (239) It Youge ne J . Lamar (234) a, • Bevie L. Machen (301) a, 11 · Ben B. Mathis (277) a, lt. t Henry H. Mizc (173) a, caP · Wood - Rowe Purcell (187) a, capt. Jt. William C. Roberts (107 ) a, Frank V. Sances (289) a David Self (3 13) Jam es B. Stapleton (103) a, capt. John W . Starnes, Jr. (23il a, capt. Samuel W. Windham (2 10) a, capt. Leo K. Cooper (2 19) a, It. Max Gilmer (316) Alfred Holston (3 19) a, It. Henry A. Leslie (3 18) a John. R. Lowry (23 5) n, el1 5· Winfred McCartney (325) a, It. James L . Ma y (2 18) Thomas C. Pierce (125) n, 11· Ray Pinckard (3 12) George H. Stacy (32 1) a It Charles H . Talbot (294) a, ' 5 J . Clewis Trucks (250) n, ~~) Edward L . Turner, Jr. (2 n, ens. Eugene W. Williams (23 1) 3 ) William J. Worthington (2-1 9 a, lt. Fra nk B. Whitaker · (28 1) a

Pi Chapter James Allen (204) a It George W. Bond ( 192 ) a, Ji. A. M. H endry, Jr. (202) a, Julian C. H eriot (160) a Robert H . Kuppers (176) n, lt. jg. Frank G. Little ( I 14 ) a jt. Robert Rivenbark (208 ) rn, (c. J. ·Craig Williams ( 187) a, Pfc. Jackson Stephens ( 199 ) a, P Yancey Shaver ( 1Q8) a



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· 0 0 nold W Po,tterson Alpha Omicron; Lt. (jg.) Albert E. Johnso~, left to Right-Lt. Lucian Hine~, Xa; L~ . Aviotio~ Cadet William G. Buckelew, Alpha Upsilon; Corp. Neal Alpha Zeta; Copt. James C. Grazzord, to,B. Weotherorll, Gamma.




Allan Watkins ( 11 2) a, capt. lames H. Watkins ( 76A) a, capt. J. Everett Peed ) a, s/sgt.

Rho Chapter sgt. t.


Seth N. Baker ( 165 ) Clifford B. Curtis (229) Stephen E. Hanasik (212) a ll:arold E. Harvey ( 183) a, lt. Alexander H . Jordan (220) lames B . Martin ( 102) n George F . Mcinerney ( 179) a ll.obert C. P etrey (204) E. E Rosborough (16) a, lt. Joseph C. Shepard (207) . John B. Towill (55) n, lt. )g. kenneth Van de Water ( 197)


Branham (47) a, lt. loring M. Garrison ( 108) a, cpl. llrank Gary (7 1) n, lt. com. A. Ronald Thom pson (190) n, ens. !Ired E. Waters (155) a ll:oward E. Wilson , Jr. (177) a, ca pt.

Sigma Chapter E. Frank Bostick (47) n ltlt.

·nS· 16)

F'red H . Bremer ( 111 ) n Arthur Busbee ( 106) n , ens. John M . Coulter (79) a, lt. Olin K . McDonald (100) a, lt. 1!:. P . Passa ilaigue (21) a, lt. col. F'red E . Quinn (93) a, lt . \V. Lester Webb (74) a James Wilson (94) n , ens. John S. Holland ( 109) a, s bavid Morri s (112) a George C. Player (89) a John R . Cook ( 113) a, s C. Clayman Grimes ( 114) a, s ~arcus M. P ennell, Jr. ( ll 6 ) n, s


Tau Chapter


~oses J. Barber (1 21) a, cap/t.

It · (c.



E. Graham Coward (146) a, a c William L . Dixon, Jr ., (99) a, capt. ms. It ll.a)ph P . Gewehr ( 14 5) a, · E. Gregg Gibbs ( 155 ) a, lt. ll:enry S. Gibbs, Jr. (1 34) a , lt. Ernest V. H elms ( 128) a, lt. OF PI



John w. Hilton ( 161) a, lt. F ran k R . Kuhn, Jr. (124) n, ens. William c. Monroe (133) a, lt. Joseph G. McCoy (127) a John L. McLean, Jr. ( 118) a, lt. Clifton H. Palm (92) a William A. Quickel (165) n , ens. ~orborne G. Smith, Jr. ( 141) a Charles W. Swan ( 160) n, em. Robert E. Towers ( 14 7) a. lt. John G. Tyndal~ (136) a, lt. William C. Walhn (106) n, lt. John R . Williams ( 130) n, lt. jg. S. Leigh Wilson ( 154) a, lt. Robert B. Wright ( 151) a, ale Whit T. Benton ( 15 7) a William B. Chalk ( 123) a, pvl. William W . Deane ( 167) a, a/c John A. Feather, Jr. ( 114) n , ens. Frank B. Gibson ( 11 6) n. ens. Walter Glod ( 158) a, lt. . James H arris (35) a, maJ . Thomas M. H ea rn (85) n , ens. .'\ . G. Lancaster (138), rcaf Charles E. Lynch (11 2) a, capt. H erbert A. Lynch, Jr. (104) a Robert T . McNeely ( 144 ) a Ira A. Pa lm ( 140) a Thad G. Yelton (126) n, ens. Harold K. Jordan ( 171) a, s Walter L. Gilbert, Jr. (177)

a, s Charles M . Setzer, Jr. ( 149)

n, s

Upsilon Chapter C C. w. Arnold (2 15 ) a, capt. Otis A. Barn es ( 4) a, lt. col. George W. Barry (221) a. capt. Richard H . Becker (203) a, lt. Donald K. Eckfeld (2 14 ) a, lt H erman c. Merker (289) a, 1t A Robert Moore ( 283) a, lt. Stanley N. Perkins (145) a, lt. Marvin A. Schaid (298) a, lt. Juliu s E. Schoeller, Jr. (265) t a, lt. Wilson J . Seldon (2 11), a, ca p · H arold B . Simpson (282) a, lt. H arry c. Stearns, Jr. ( 182) a . maj. Robert c. T aylor (278) a, 1t.

Raymond S. Watts (202) capt. Arthu r W . j acobs ( ] 72) a John Soma (269) a, capt.


Phi Chapter Danie l L . Berry ( 1 7) a Arthur Small (34) a, maj . Holly And erson (1) a, lt.

Chi Chapter Theodore Boutwell (248) n, a/ c William D. Ceely (2 13) a, lt. Lynwood Cheatham (229) n HarrY 0 . Cole, Jr. (179) a, lt. James Cooper (210) a, cpl. Robert W. Crowell (233) a, ale William M. Davis (236) Pau l Dickson (107) a, maj . Robert H. Gaughan (225) a Ernest W . Gautier ( 168) a, lt. Edwin W. Hughes (246) n Carl W. Hulbert (205) a Hewen A. Lasseter \HS) n, It, jg. L. Gadi Lawton (239) m Walter S. McDonnell (240) a Robert D. Montgomery (121) a James Nelson (259) n Benjamin D. Smith (235) n , ens. E. Lanier Smith (242) n Vincent Stacey (250) n , ens. Richard P . Branham (2 14 ) n , ens. Raymond Cagni (215) a Edward S. Fergu on III (140) n, lt. jg. Ned W . Holland ( 182) a, capt . Lloyd C. P awley (2 11 ) n, lt. Pierre Poole (186) a, lt. Vincent A. Schaefer (232) n, ens. W. Amory Underhill (125) n, It, iJ!'. Harris P . Gravely (253) a

Psi Chapter Thomas E. Bennett (16i ) Walter A. Sta rk ( 182) a Smith W. T omkins ( 101) a, capt. Willard S. Magalhaes (136) a, capt. Kenneth D. Perk ins (86) a, lt.

Omega Chapter D. C. Adams (286) n , a/c T. A. Anderson (288) a L. E . Armstrong (233) a, lt. W. F . Blackford (164) a, lt. Wilfred E. Brown (64) a, capt. G. Edward Bruington (24 7) a, lt. Rolund F. DeHoog (263) a, lt. C. 0. Edmondson ( 165) a, lt. Clarence E. Field (103) a, lt. William W. Glenny (189) a, lt. Robert S. Green ( 179) a, lt. H. Ray Hall (265) a, lt. F. E. Harrell (13) a Thomas A. Harris (262) a, lt. Charles E. Hixon ( 104) Albert W . Hoppe (272) n , ens. George A. Hussey (273) a, lt. Harold R. Johnson (159) a, lt. J . L. Jones (274) a, lt. Laurence L . Lyles (250) a, lt. Edwa rd J. Masline (282) n, ens. Bruce A. McCand less (203) a, lt. Robert B. McNear (12 1) a, lt. Malcolm J. Miller (257) n, ens. Thomas F. Miller (253) a, a/c David W. Moody, Jr. (29 1) n, ens. George J. Morgan (287) n Bil H. Mundhenk (280) a, lt. Walter L. No rringto n ( 162) a, capt. John W. Oswa lt (268) a, lt. Vernon J. Pease ( 145) a, lt. Robert B. Reed (258) n , ens. Edward L. Ritter, Jr. (2 12) a, lt. Jack H . Robin son ( 122) a, lt. Harold J. Schweiger (3 16) a Donald H. Spring (244) a R . C. Springga te (26 1) n, ens. John T . Strawbridge ( 183) a, lt. John S. Swaim ( 170) a, capt. J ohn G. Swinney (249) a, alc Ira L . Thurston (46A) a, maj . Robert L . \'o!(t (281) n , ens. Orville H . White ( 187) a, sgt. John B. Why man (304) a , a/ c Geon:e T . Wilso n (303) a, pvt.


'·· Frederick W. Winter (232 ) a, It. Robert F. Munro (242) n, It. John V. S. Shank (165) a, pvt. Robert Worstell (28) n , It. j .g. W. Robert Amick (1) a

Alpha Alpha Chapter W. Pollard Jent (58) a, capt . William K. J ordan (28) Wililam B. Skipworth (98) m B . C. Teasley, Jr . (80) Gera ld H . Teasley ( 15) a

Alpha Beta Chapter W. P. Addison, Jr. (55) a, It . W. W . Armistead (4 1) a, capt. S. A. Coi:ins (20) a, capt. James P. Hollers (21) a, pvt. Val Irion , (9) a, ma j . James I. McCain (35) a, pvt. James Purcell (SO) Ralph H. Riggs (37) n, Jt. com.

Alpha Gamma Chapter Walter L. Ca llaham (2 H ) a, It. A. K . Cox (77) a, capt. Robert C. Dunningto n ( 1-19) a, capt. William G. Dunnington ( 135 l a, maj . jo seph Edwards ( 151 ) a, maj . Lyman Edward s (148) n. lt. M. A. Forema n ( 190) a Harold Gasaway ( l86A ) a, It. William B. McFad yen ( 158 ) a, capt. Donald Smith (-) n, ll. Lester P. Smith (19) a, capt . Beecher Snipes ( 19.3) n, It. Cha rles A. Valverde (35) Maur:ce T . Easter, Jr. (22.3 ) a. pvt. Homer D. Hammond (79 ) a, pvt. Cleo Ingle (6) a, maj. Colli e F. James (7 17 l n. !t J . George Pointer (49) a. It. John T . Sherrill (204) n,_lt. j.g.

Alpha Delta Chapter Alfred K. Aho ( 190) n Walter C. Avery (2 14 ) n, It. j.g . Harold R. Badger ( 100) n, It . com. Frederick L . Curtis ( 160 ) n, It. Robert P . Retelling (230) a, Jt. Carl R . Kalnow (181) n , ens . T. Theodore Laine (237) a Russell G. Schley (234) n Robert G. Wartelle (220) a, lt . R ay G. Hall (200) a, Jt . George T. Ruby (155) n, It, j.g. Robert T . Tripodi (245) n. s Thomas Forhan (235) a, s Howard R. Forbes (243) a , s Hilden J. Pryde (229) n , s Paul Macev (222) a, s Edward Wartelle (227) a, s Lyle Burt (241) n

Alpha Epsilon Chapter Floyd H. Bain (:l) a. capt. Char!es 0 . Barrett (284) n Charter L. Caldwl!l l (282) a , pvt.

Charles R. Cambron (176) n , ens. john F . C he rry ( 162) a, capt. D. Monroe Cox (255) a, lt. Charles E. C ro zie r (3 1) a, It. Howard J. Davlin (218) a, sgt. F red C. DeVant (226) Alex H. Edwards (253) Harley M. Force, Jr. (2-18) 3, It. Weaver H. Gaines (2.30) a, It . R. C. Hagan (292) a William H. Harrell ( 26 7) a, It. E. Earl Kicli:er (262) n M. K. Langberg (2.39) a ]. R . Lichte (207) a, It. K . 0. Llewellyn (205) a, It. Fra nk E . Maloney, Jr. (285) James S. McDonald (245) W . C heney Moore ( 128) a Wi lli am A. Papy , 3rd (241) n, s Charles L. Parker (235) Charles Pearce (243) n M. M. Permenter (54) m John H. Ram sey, Jr . (265) a. It. George H . Rood ( 197 ) n, ens. L. E. Vause, Jr . (238) a, Jt. James A. White (224) a, It. Idu s Q. Wicker ( 198) a, It., s James A. Brown (t44) a, It. W. H . Fisher (l.l) a. maj . Lewley Harrell , (lS i ) a, It. E. Robert Jensen (245) n Sam C. McCormick ( 17) n, ll. Joe H. Pearce (53) R et!i nald H. Ross (238) a, lt. C. Herbert Stoer (259) a, cpl. Joseph R. Wilkinson (203) a, It. Thomas J. Willis (204) a. It. Arthur G. Witters (264) a, It. Guy D. Wood, Jr . ( 194 ) n, ens. John D. Carpenter (288) a , s Robert J. Cummings (286) a, s Morris W. Goodwin (279) a, s Enos E. Kerr (28 1) a. s A. Milton Mingoret ( 2 74) a. s William J . Neale ( 270) a, s · .-\rchie W. Ram ~ey (776) a. s Hira m L . Tribble (287) a, s

Alpha Zeta Chapter K. Ward Anderson ( 135) Charles Bogner (146) W. G. Cadmus ( 165) a, It, ms. Carl Carlson ( 167) Sta nley Coates ( 156) a, lt. Ralph M. Davis ( 11 8) a Clyde R. Dean, Jr. ( 136) a, Jt . Joseph C. Dillow (142) a, lt . H. F. Doughten (75) a, lt. John A. Dutro (69) a, lt. Burt J. Frizzell (126) Willard H amli•1 (196) a Sta n' ey R. Kellev (148) a .Tack Laird (173) George A. Leslie (144) a, capt. Sam uel J . Pearson ( 102) a, capt. Don H. Reed (95) RCAF, s/g W. RI' S" Robrrts (103) a, capt. M . N. Si!!;ovich (141) a, lt. f'arly'e Smith ( 130) a, Jt. Rober' Weir (134) Frederick Z't zc r ( 138) a, It.

Paul M. Brunskill (87) n, ph.m

i/c Ca rl 0. L. Ca rlso n ( 167) Ceci l L . Corlew ( 100) Thorne Hammond (85) n , ens. Albert E. Johnson (107) n, It. j.g.

Alpha Eta Chapter .M . Darrell Barnett (214) n Jack Bell ( 160) a, pvt . Ernest H. Dunlap, Jr . ( 162) William E. ] ohnso n (181) n Bernard M. Mach~n ( 173) ] . W . C. Miree (25) a, It. Oliver C . Moore (123) a, It. Cha rles E. Sharp (167) a, ll. John H. Weaver (166) a Frank T. Bryan ( 100) a, It. ] . Carlisle Evans (204) a. pvt. Ira A. Gunn (198) a/c Paul E. Gwin, Jr. ( 136) Z. Vance Lucas ( 163) a Thomas W. McWhirter ( 15 2) a, pvt. Geo rge Murrah (206) n Robe rt A. Speir (186) a, It., de T . Wayne Wet's (193) n, ens. F red H. White (36) a, lt. Stua rt Winton (210) n, ph . m Henry Ballard (208) a, s Elvia Eddleman (2 19) n, s J. T. E llis (216) n , s

Alpha Theta Chapter Robert S. Brooks (222) a, It. Samuel M. Carp ( 146) a, lt. Walter Dernberger (72) a, Jt. M. B. Hammond (194) a, Jt. J oseph Hayden (239) a John P. Hirvela ( 191) a Robert J. Juth (242) a, It. Roberts Lander ( 181) a Robert H . Miller (223) a, sgt. Lloyd P. Pardee (220) a Robert M. Robbins (243) Richa rd Routzong (238) a George L. Salisbury (2 13) a Francis Schell ( 159 ) a, lt . Norman R . Smith (2 17 ) a. lt. James F. Sterlin g (167) a. It. Rnbert W. Va nd er veld (2 12) William Zavitz (229) a, pvt. Edwa rd C. Brewster ( 174 ) a. Jt . Victor F. Dargit1. (96) a, It. Loren C. Fer'ey (248) a P. John Tru s~ott (70) a K. A. Vo n Voigtla nder (118) a. capt. vViiF~m G. Wahl (703) a . cp!.

Alpha Iota Chapter Charles C. Adams, 3rd a, capt.


j ack :-; _ Adams ( 131) a, ~;apt. Howard Bazemore ( 175 ) F. M. Burgess (79) a, It. a Alexander M . Burgin ( 148) ' It. 2) Arthur B. Carroll, ] r. (21 ) 40 George J . Co leman, Jr. ( 1 n, ens. Bennie S. Edwards (147) 1 Henry L. Fuller ( 114) a, caP· J oe K. Fuller (97) a, caP t. J . Reeves Haley ( 161) a, 1t. W. Banks Hale~ ( 138) a~ !tit. Moyer D . H:trn s ( ! 59) ' It C.]. Hayden, ]r. (162) a, ·1 Thomas B. Hen!ey ( 174) a, 1 · George S . Hiller ( 150) a, 1t. Rupert In~ram (32) a, It. Jack C. Land (126) Austin R . Martin ( 108) James N. McJunkin (216) a, a / c . Jacob R. Moon (18) a, ma\ Vernon W. Morgan (94) a, • 11 Ben F. Nutta ll, Jr. (158) a, · Leroy Patterson ( 172) a, Jt.ll Charles B. Phillips (154) a), a. Rufus W. Porter, Jr. (160 ' It. Thomas J. Potts (197) C. M. Pruet, Jr. (132) a, It. Jack A. Roberts (125) a, llt Ernest C. Rushing ( 121) a, l · Kenneth G. Taylor (106) a. capt. R. Morris Trulock ( 179) E. Kyser Whatley, Jr. (205) fc E. Duke Williams (206) a, a 1 Jack C. Williams (83) a, c~f · Philip E. Adams ( 177) a, · J . R . Ambrose ( 191) a, lt . ,1_ William Clanton (165) m, ~' John R. Fnl!er (45) a, maJ · Floyd W. Hurt ( 11 2) Carl H. Pihl ( 11 5) a, It. .1 William Pittm a n (208) a. fP' · John P. R obe rts (82) a, P c. Nimrod H. Tucker (209) 11 a Rich a rd H . Workman ( 128) ' It. W. Morris Allen ( 185) a, s David E. Buck ( 193) a, s T. L . Butt (184) a, s , R aloh S. Carron, Jr. (223) a,· 5 William S. Couch (202) a, 5 William M. Gregory (187) ~·) Edward N . Henderson (23

a, s

J a mes L . Kelly (225) a, 5 ) 13 J ames R. McHugh, Jr. (Z n, s ) Charle E . D. Morgan (2 17

n. s David. H . Nct' les (207) a. ;

Left to RiQht, Top-Lt. Sam. M. Carp, Alpha Thetaj Coro. Charles Conklin, Alpha Mu; William Watson °Xi Lt. John F. Head, Lambda; Ensign Mason Miller, Jr., de; Center-Lt. John A. Dutro, Alpha Zeta; Lt. Alexan M. Burgis, Alpha Iota; Ensign John R. Lourey. e· Bottom-Or. Jame:; M. Hood, Royal Canadian Air Forest Lt. and Mrs. Norman R. Smith, Bro. Smith is a P0 ia Archon of Alpha Theta; Couple. shown in Philad~lph ~ following their weddinq in August; Sgt. Richard D. Gro ' Alphn Upsilon . THE · STAR



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George F. Reddick, Jr. (234)

a, s James F. Reddoch (201) m, s T. Porter Roberts (231) a, s Clarence E. Weldon, Jr . (203) a, ~ M. J . Whisnant (2 15 ) a, s J . Warren Williams (198) a, s Charles M. Wood (222) a, s Howard E. Withers (240) a, s Ernest M . Page, Jr. (243) a, s L . F. Harris (244) a, s Otto L . Evans (249) a, s

Alpha Kappa Chapter Wi lbur A. Chapman (86) a, sgt.

Alpha Lambda Chapter Warren B. Cruzen (84) a Bi lly S. Griffin ( 73) a Nathaniel C. House (43) a Ri chard A. Miller (5 1) a, lt.

Alpha Mu Chapter Albert H . Bowers (172) n , y3 /c Robert F. Bush (170) a, Jt . Charles C. Conklin (124) a, cpl. J . Colvin Dilling (148) a Richard H . Collings (6 1) a. it. Richard A. Gundrum ( 186) n Robert E. Maeser (185) n C. L . Martin, Jr. ( 168) n, lt. George M. Nash (130) a, cpl. J . B. Robinson , 3rd (153) a, lt. Charles L . Schneider ( 149) a, cpl. Emerson Sorto re (2 14) n, s 2/ c Richard P . Strick land (29) n , It . Oli ve r G. Summerton (181) a, It. William R . Walker (151) a Charles A. Whartenby ( 159) a, lt. Robert L . Wi lliston (132) a, lt . Raymond E. Zimmerm an (36) a, capt. Howard J . D ager (226) a Boyd K. Gallagher (90) a, lt. Bruce E. Geddes (192) Joseph F. Miller (51) a, lt. Palmer L. Davis, Jr. (195) a, s David N. Back (196) a, s Fred F. Doggett (199) n, s Norman H. M azuri e, Jr. (2 16)

a, s Robert W . Chri sty (223) m, John M. Hocking (228) a, s Frank G. Lyte ( 188) m. lt .

Alpha Omicron Lloyd J . Dockal (40) a, capt. Leonard J. Hart (113) a, lt . Roy M. Kottman (115) a, lt. Way ne R . Moore (131) a, lt. C. L . Proescholdt {108) Gerald E. Rickert (105) n G. Richard Wengert (117) a, pvt. Donald W. Patterso n (85) a, lt. John L . Rigg (118) a, s Marshall E. Olson (143) a, s Donald W . Elliott (139) a, s Keith G. Seymour (149) a, s Keith E. Spiker ( 15 2) m, s

Alex M. Adair (65) a, lt. T. R . C. King (25) a T homas G. Williams (50) a, pvt. Edward G. Rodgers ( 14) a, lt. Charles F. Stewart ( 19) a, lt..

Alpha Sigma Chapter

Alpha Upsilon Chapter

James Carl Adkins (79) a, lt . Robert F. Allen (52) a, lt. Joe M . Arnold (108) a, sgt. Fred V. Brown (72) a, lt. J . W. Caruthers (11 9) n R. Berry Cecil (95) a , lt. J . Arnold Cobb. Jr. (92) a, lt. Charles A. Danner (100) Charles L . Hendrix (117) a. pfc. W. F. Martin (120) John K. Mauney {11 3) a, lt. Charles K . McClure (9 1) a, lt. K. R . Parkinso n ( 106) m, cpl. Wilev C. Peyer (116) a, pvt . W. D . Richardson (89) a, lt. E lroy Rollins ( 65) a, capt. Lee L . R yerson, Jr. (114) a, pvt.

Wilson D. Applegate (8) a, pvt. Jack Bader (56) a, lt. Wi lliam C. Buckelew ( 133) n, a/c Raymond J . Cannon (87) a, lt. Henry B. Coleman, Jr. (48) a, capt. Rober t W . Culbert (103) a, lt. John M . Fackler, Jr . (67) a, lt. Harry W . Feick (71) William E. Gill (59) a, lt. Richard D. Groo (158) a Virgil M . Groo (93) a, pvt . James A. H aislip (99) a, lt . Robert S. Hansen (123) William R. Hewlett (134) a, cpl. H . Norman Holt (108) a, lt. Harry K. Horning (124) a Gibson T . Hutchiso n (66) a, lt .

Alpha Pi Chapter David E. Frierson (35) n, lt. William McGehee (11) n, lt.

Alpha Rho Chapter

Jesse C. Jessen ( 68) Frederick M . Kraber (144) , a, lt. Robert A. Lynch ( 11 2) It E. D. McDonald, Jr. (83) a, William B. Merrick (118) Robert E. Oberholtzer (25) a, maj. Gay V. Piercy (69) a, It. R. L . Rafetto, Jr. (173) Winfie ld A. Scott (79) a, ca~\ George B. Sprowls, 3rd ( 12 t Harry M. Stephey (106) a, 1 · W . H . Troyer, Jr. (94) Philip B. Warner (155) John W. Watso n, Jr. (97) Hugh W. Wylie (131) Charles R. Barton (160) n, ens. John Bodkin (147) a, It. It Raymond L. Davis {148) a, · Elmer S. Groo (lOS) a, pvt. Edward D. McDonald, Jr. (8.!} Gilbert Merritt (125) a, lt. J . Frank Pow! (90) a, lt. Harold S. Stiffler ( 1.28) n, e~:· William H . Taylor (129) a, · Geo rge W . Thompson (137) m, lt. Alan S. Tomlinson (14) a, lt .

Alpha Phi Chapter Roy B. Burman (45) a, lt. John R . Gerhardt (57) a Orville H . Ham)Jton (10) a, 11 Herbert N. Hansen (81) n Richard C. H arper (82) n Harry F . Heidenreich (74) n. a/c James C. Hodek (48) George E . Hoff (83) n Edgar R. Johnso n {12) n Frederick H. J ost (13) a Edson G. Loftus (84) n, enS· Harold J. Martin (~) a, lt. John Sauvage (71) n, ens. George J . Svehla {2 1) a t Thomas H . Watts (22) a. 5 7~ Dale E. Willman (91) n, a



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Pi Kappa Phi has established the following policy for handling add resses of members in service: 1. 2.

Homer H . H enrie (59) a, capt.

Alpha Xi Chapter


Alpha Tau Chapter Clarence E. Davies (69) a, It. co l. James M . Furman (81) a, pvt. C. Richard McCray (138) a Frank R . Kuhn, Jr. (124) n , ens. H . Hudso n Cramer, Jr. {17) a Robert W. Meadow (128) a Jacob Rei sert (164) n, ens. Donald F . Rogers (99) a, lt. John A. Stueven (167) n, s J erome F . Cooke (177) m, s James E. Renso n (186) n, s Frederick E. Bohl (197) a, s George D . Cook ( 199) n, s Richard D . Ahlquist (204) n, s Robert L . Buchanan ( 204) n, s Rich ard B . Donahue (207) n, s

Alpha Nu Chapter

Joseph H . Christoph er (24 7) a, lt. J ames Dreyfus (129) a, capt. Henry S. Gartner (192) n, ens. J ames Heaney (24 1) m, pvt. Chester B. Mayforth (232) n, ens. A. J . P . Wilson (68) a, maj . Frank J . Moore ( 106) a, ca pt. John E. Walter (228) a Harry T . Wohlers (217) a, a/ c Frank McGruder (-) a, sgt.

James A. Seay (76) a, lt. ms Robert L . Vineyard (87) Ea rl H. Zqingle (16) a, capt. Lloyd A. Brockwell (37) n, cpo. W. Harold Read (67) a, capt. Raymond G. Ritter (83) a, lt.

3. 4.


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All men serving within continental United States will be establish ed at home addresses of wives or parents. Exception to the above will be made in cases where direct co ntact with men establishes the U. S. service address is of reasonably permanent nature or where permanent address other than tha t of wife or parents is supplied . All men serving outside continental United States will be established at home addresses of wives or parents. Exception to number 3 above will be made in cases where definite APO or NPO addresses are known or where permanent address other than that of wife or parents is supplied . The STA R AND LAMP will not publish an address list of members in service. It will publish a Service Roll , showing chapter, chapter number, branch of service, and rank.


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Marriages and Engagements It a,

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Lieut. W . Bernard ("Bernie") Jones, Jr., Alpha, ~'immons­ ville, S. C., and Miss Lois Miller Cogburn, C?lumb1!L• S. C., were married on June 16. Brother Jones 1S stationed at Camp Gruber, Okla. William H. Burnes Beta , Sumter, S. C., and Miss Ruth Corinne Alford , Charl~ston, S. C., were married in Charleston in the late summer. Staff Sergeant M . D . Shuler, Beta, St. Matthews, S. .c., and Miss Jane Bracknell, Plum Branch, S. C., were. marned July 7. Brother Shuler is serving with the Army A1r Corps and is stationed at Camp Cocke, Calif. John William Steenbergen, Beta, and Miss Sally L.ou Musgrave both of Point Pleasant, W. Va., were marned June 10. They are making their home in Columbia, Tenn., where Brother Steenbergen is connected with Monsanto Chemical Company . Fred G. Brear, Gamma, Alamo, Calif., and Miss Mary Frances Lax, Orinda, Calif., were married July 25. Lieut. Paul W. Bumbarger, Epsilon, Hickory, N. C., and Miss Sara Nowell Ward, Hertford, N . C., were married in Louisville, Ky., September 1. Brother Bumbarger is a lieu tenant in the army air corps stationed at Bowman Field, Louisville, Ky . Ensign Newton L . Edwards, Epsilon, and Miss Mary Ellen Yarnell, both of Lake Wales, Fla., were married in June. Brother Edwards is on duty at the instructor's school, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla., and the couple are making their home in Pensacola. Heath Howie, Epsilon, and Miss .Ethel Paulson Hemby , both of Monroe, N . C., were marned June 17 . Brother ~owie, formerly with the North Carolina Health Department, IS at present in the army stationed at Fort Bragg, N. C. Kenneth V. Lawso n. Epsilon, Harlan , Ky., and Miss Sarah Gilreath Wilson , Barbourville, Ky., were married September 10.

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Walter Griffin, Jr ., Zeta, and Miss Anne C. Townsend, both of Spartanburg, S. C., were married September 1 at thl' First Presbyterian Churrh, Spartanburg. They arc making their home in Baltimore, Md. Lieut. Stephen Graydon Rivers, Zeta , Mt. Croghan, S..c., and Miss Anne Macomson , Spartanburg, S. C., were married August 16. Before entering the army Brother Rivers taught in McBee, S. C. He is now stationed at Camp Lee, Va. Lieut. William N. Tumlin, Jr., Eta, Alanta, Ga ., and Mi £s Julia Henderso n Albany , Ga ., were married August 20. Formerly in ne~spaper and promotio~al work in . Atlanta, Brother Tumlin is now in the serv1ce and stat10ned at Keesler Field where he and his bride are now living near Biloxi, Miss. Edwin E. Camp, Iota Cartersvi ll e, Ga., and Miss Alice Louise Jones, Atco, Ga., ' were married June 20. They a~e making their home in Cartersville where Brother Camp IS connected with the Goodyear Mills. John Martin King, Jr. , Iota, and Miss Barbara Lowe, b?th of Atlanta, Ga., were married in September . Brother Kmg has just received his wings in the ar":JY a1r forces at the Advanced Flying School, Columbus, M1ss. Lieut. John L eedy , Iota, Atlanta, Ga., and Mi s Bc~ty Ramspeck , Decatur, Ga .. and Washington , D. C., were marned on October 10, at the Decatur Presbyterian Church. After graduation from Georf!'i1 Tech in May Brother Leedy entered the armed services and is now stationed at Ft. Myers, where he is assistant station em;ineer at the Flexible Gunnery School of the army air co rps. Joseph Warren Morgan , Iota, Columbus. Ga ., and Miss Jean Mcintosh , At 1a nta, Ga ., ~ere m~rried Augu st 27. Following graduation from Georgia Tee~ Brother Morgan. was associated with Henry Toombs, arch1tect, Atlanta , unt1l recently when he b 'cam ~ connected with Robert Construction Co .





Lieut. Harry Ralph Wright, Iota , and Mi ss Frances Canboth of Atlanta, were married July 25. Brother Wright IS on duty with the Army Air Forces stationed at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. ~on,

Lieut. Howard Denman Watkins, Jr. , Iota, and Miss Edith Georgia Bohn, both of Atlanta, Ga., were married at the Little White Chapel at Tyndall Field, Panama City, Fla., in July. Brother Watkins is in the army air corps and is a graduate of Randolph and Kelly Fields, and is stationed at Tyndall Field. Robert J . Harper, Kappa, ew York City, and Miss Estrella Armstrong, Fort Washington, Penna. , were married August 4 in the chapel of Riverside Church, New York. Past National Treasurer Henry G. Harper was his brother's best man. The newly-weds are making their home at 434 E . 52nd St., New York City. Linton Kinsey Crawford, Lambda, Cornelia, Ga., and Miss Gloria J. Schwager, Decatur, Ga., were married in Anderson, S. C., April 26 last. They are both in their senior yea rs at the University of Georgia. Ensign George Arnold Stark, Lambda, Dalton , Ga., and Miss Marjorie Elaine Bond, Bowman, Ga., were married in New York on June 27. Ensign and Mrs. Stark are residing in Norfolk, Va. Lieut. David Henderson, Mu, Charlotte, N. C. and Miss Maxine Elizabeth Pusey, Winston-Salem, N. C., w~re married in the Community Church at Miami Beach, Fla ., on September 12 . Brother Henderson is serving with the Army Air Forces and is at present stationed at Miami Beach , Fla. Dr. Campbell McLain, Mu, Columbia, S. C., and Mi ss Jeannie McClelland Anderson, Sumter, S. C., were married at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter in Sumter on July 18. Brother McLain is now serving an internship at the Long Island College Hospital, New York, and the newlvweds are residing in New York for a year. · Robert M . Mundine, Omicron, Parris, Tennessee, and Mi s Virginia Gibbs, Mobile, Ala., were married on June 27. They are residing in Parris, Tenn . Captain Raymond Dunlap Hill, Omicron , Huntsville Ala . and Miss Ruth Berrien Waller, Augusta, Ga ., were ~arried on July 25 at Grace Episcopal Church. Camden, S. C. Broth er Hill is sta tioned at Camp Gordon. Ga. Alva H . Thompso n, Pi, Griffin, Ga. , and Miss Joyce Fourmy, Memphis, Tenn., were married in Memphis on August 29. Brother Thompson is connected with the Ch ickasaw Ordnance Works at Griffin , Ga .. and the young couple arc residing there. The engagement of Ensign A. R . ("Ronnie") Thompson Rho, Rockville Centre, N. Y., and Miss Leona W. Flint: Baldwin, . Y., has recently been announced . Captain Howard E . Wilson, Rho , Kingsport Tenn. a~d Miss Mary Louise Phillips, Knoxville , Tenn ., ~ere m~rried on June 22. Lieut. Olin K . McDonald, Sigma, Cheraw. S. C., and Miss Anne E. Mc\utchen, Bishopville, S. C., were married on Julv 12. Brother McDonald is with the 329th Sodn . sta tioned at Ft. Myers, Fla . They are residing in Ft. Mye;s. William B .. Chal~, Tau, Morehead City, N. C .. and Mi ss Dorothy SqUires, R1chmond, Va., were married in the Methodist Church of Wichita Falls, Texas in Ju!v. Brother Chalk is in the army air corps stat!oned at Sheppa rd Fie'd, Texas at present. Paul A. Fruehauf, Up ilon. and Miss Phyllis Jane Bowman 1 both of Peori~ . Il'inois were married in Peoria on June 28 They a re residin ~ at 4363. McPherso n Ave. , St. Louis, Mo.; where Brother Fruehauf IS connected with the engineering depar:ment of the Curtiss· Wright Co. . I~ieut. William D. Ccely, Chi, Deland , Fla ., and Miss Vir gtma W. B~rbrc, Albany , G~ ., were married in the early fall. A:fter enterm<.: . t~e army atr corps Brother Ccely received h·s primar~· t ramm;! a t Darr Aero Tech a nd won hi s wings 19

from Maxwell Field , Ala . The last eleven months he has been a flyi ng instructor at Turner Field ~nd recent_ly ~as transferred to Blytheville, Ark. , w here h e 1s an eng1nee nn g officer and flying instru cto r . Dr. Robert F. Mikell, Chi , Deland, Fla., a nd Miss Lydia Theurer, Grantwood , N. J ., we re married in the late summer. Brother Mikell is at present on t he staff of the Mt. Morris, N. Y. hospital. Ensign Robert Reed, Omega, Westfield , N. J ., and Miss Nelda J ane Byrum, C leveland, Ohio, were married in the Ch urch of the Covenant, C leveland, on May 31. They arc residing in Co rpus Christi, Texas, where Brother Reed received his w ings on May 28. Major Joseph C. Edwards, A lph a Gamma, a nd Mi ss Virgi nia Anne Moser, both of St. Louis, Mo ., were m arried last J anua ry in St. Louis. For the past several month s Brother Edwards has been attached to the 21st Genera l Hospital, Ft. Benning. Ga. A note received recently in C. 0. stated he expected to leave soo n for overseas, destination unknown . Edward C. Wartelle, Alph a Delta, a nd Miss Ru t h Ackerman, both of Seattle, Washington were married on June 13. They are maki ng t heir h ome at 4520, 36th N . E., Seattle. Lieut. Idus Q. Wicker, Alph a Epsilon, and Miss Vivianne Cardinal, both of Miami, Fla., were married September 17 in Miami. Brother Wicker is at present stationed at Ft. Bragg, N. C. Lieut. Frank T . Bryan, Alpha Eta, Livingston, Ala., a nd Miss Henri Sue Terrell, Robertsdale, Ala. , were married at th e First Baptist Church in Sa n Antonio, T exas on May 20. At that time Brother Bryan was an instructo r in th e arm y air corps at Enid, Okla. . Pvt. J ack Bell, Alpha Eta, Birmingham, Ala., a nd Miss Sarah Ellen Gholson, Bel Air, Md, were ma rried on August 27. They are making their home at Edgewood Arsenal, Md., where Brother Bell is co nnected with the station hospi tal. Ensign Theron Wayne Wells, Alpha Eta, Ashford, Ala .. and Miss Carolyn Fail Bates, Dothan , Ala., were married on July 9. They a re m aking th eir home in Washington, D . C., where Brother Wells is assigned to duty with the U. S. Navy. Capt. Charles Crayton Adams, Alpha Iota, Alexander City, Ala., and Miss Kathleen Riley, Ozark, Ala., were m arried at the Old Post Chapel at Fort Sill, Oklahoma on August 15. Captain Adams, former assistant professo r of military science at Alabama Poly techni c Institute, Auburn, Ala., is now on duty at Ft. Sill, Okla . J ames Nelso n McJunkin, Alpha Iota, Wetumpka , Ala. , and Miss Julia Ellen Bass, Rome, Ga., were ma rried at Maxwell Field, Ala., on July 18. Brother McJunkin is in training at Maxwell Field for a commission in the army air corps. Vistor W. Schellschmidt, Alpha Phi , and Miss Ardeane Bright, both of Chicago, Ill., were married on September 19. They are making their home at 624 East Elm St., Canton, Ill. Lieut. Philip E. Adams, Alpha Iota, and Miss Mary J o Dean, both of Alexander City, Ala., were married at the First Methodist Church that city on August 29. Following a short wedding trip th e couple are now at Ft. Bragg, N. C., where Brother Adams will serve for the present. Norwood C. H arriso n, Alpha Pi, Clinton, S. C., and Mlle. Monique Whelpton, Paris, France, were married in Dece mber, 1941. Mlle. Whelpton was an exch ange student at Furman University for two years and is now getting her M.A. at Duke. Brother Harrison is the ed itor of Ja co bs Press, Clinton, S. C. Lieut. Charles L. H a rris, Xi, and Miss Peggy . Brockwell, both of Roanoke, Va., were ma rried at the Second Presbyterian Church , Roanoke, Va ., on July 10. Ensign Paul Crosier, X i, Roanoke, Va., a nd Miss Mary Louise Page, Huntington , W. Va ., were married in Norfolk, Va., on June 9 last. Lieut. R. DeWitt Guilds, Zeta, and Miss M yrtise Hilton were married in the summ er. Brother Guilds 路 is stat ion ed at Ft. J ackson, S. C.


Lieut. Paul Chapman, Delta, a nd M iss Frances Hurley, both of Greenville, S. C., were married on August 28. Brother Chapman is an officer in the army a ir corps. Lieut. J esse Franklin N iven, Epsilon, Albemarle, N. C., and M iss Ruth Brickhouse, J ackson Heights, N. Y., were married on June 13 last. Lieut. J ack Patrick Cunningha m, Beta, and Miss Catherine Marie Rice, both of Atlanta, Ga., were married in Dallas, Texas on October 24. Brother Cunningham is stationed at present at Camp Maxey, T exas. Lieut. Marion M. D<Jwling, Zeta, Spartanburg, S. C., and M iss Clementine Cabell Shanks, Selma, Ala ., have recently a nnoun ced their approaching m arriage which will take place sometime in November. Brother Dowling is stationed at present at Camp Wheeler, Ga. D . Boyce Woolbright, Jr. , Zeta, Spartanb urg. S. C., a~d Miss Mary Elizabeth Lanford, Greer, S. C., were married In Greer, S. C., on October 17. They are making their ho~e in Spa rtanburg where Brother Woolbright is co nnected w1th the firm of Todd-Woolbright. Robert M. Williams, Eta, Cedartown, Ga., and Miss J osephine Andoe, Greensboro, N. C., were m arried in Greensboro on October 11. They are making their home in Chapel Hill where Brother Williams is inspector of engineering materials attached to th e Navy Department with duty at the plant of the National Munitions Corp. Gerald V. Cook, Pi, Winter Pa rk , Fla., a nd Miss Francis Lois H ag ue, Minneapolis, Minn., were m arried in the Knowles Memorial Chapel at Rollins College October 10. They are making th eir home in Miami where Brother Cook is at present a civilian instructor a t Embry Riddle Flying School. Dr. Philip Chastain, Alpha Alpha, Thomasville, Ga., and Dr. Martiele Turner, Valdosta, Ga., were married in the First Baptist Church of New Orleans, La., on October 2. They are making their home in New Orleans, L a ., a nd both are serving an interneship at the Charity Hospital there. Stephen P. Smith, Jr., A-Epsilon, Jacksonville, Fla., a_nd Miss Lois Evans, Mobile, Ala., were married in Jacksonville a t the Riverside Baptist Church on August 29. They are making t heir home at 15 20 Copeland Ave., Jackso nville. Lieut. Charles E. Sharp, Alpha Eta, Birmingham, Ala., a.nd Miss Emily Caroline Akerman, Orlando, Fla., were marned at the First Methodist Church, Orlando , on October 3 1. Brother Sharp graduated from Air Training School, D enver, Colo., and received his commission in Janu ary. H e is noW stationed at the Fighter Command School Base, Orlando , Fla. Lieut. Mahlon Bray H a mmond , Alpha Theta, Grand Ledge, Mich., and Miss Dorothy M aie Wall , Lake Providence, La., were married in the chapel of Moody Field, Ga., on October 7. Th ey are making their home at 400 Cherokee Ave., Valdosta, Ga. Capt. J ack Riley, Troy, Land is now their home in

Carter Land, Montgomery, Ala., and Miss Sara Ala., were married on September 19. Brot~ e r stationed at Camp Ru cker a nd they are makmg Enterprise, Ala.

Births Brother and Mrs. Arthur W . Tunnell , Jr., Alph a Upsilon, a nnounce the arrival of a daughter, Amelia Louise, on August 24. Brother Harold Isenhower, Iota, and Mrs. Isenhower announced the a rrival of a son, Nash Arey, on July 27. Louise Felicia, was born on July 3 to Brother Holcombe Verdery, Iota, and Mrs. Emma Lloy d Verdery. Brother and Mrs. Charles Ru ssell Mench, Upsilon, a nnounce the arrival of Nancy Logan , on September 5. Brother and Mrs. Robert 0 . Stripling, Omicron, announce the arrival of Robert Olin, Jr., on October 19. The Striplings are liv ing at 506 E. Mechanic, Gainesville, Fla., where Brother Stripling is an instructor at the P. K. Longe La borato ry School of the University of Florida.





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Chapter Report to the Fraternity

There arc varying viewpoints on the purpose of the STAR ANo LAMP chapter letter and on what it should contain: Some tnaintain that it is written essentially for the alumm, that ~hrough this medium chapters have their best means of teJIIng their alumni of campus innovations and about wha_t Joe Smith class of '32 is now doing. Others feel the pnmary Value ~f these letter~ lies in their use as an informative medium through which undergraduates may exchange views with their fellows in other chapters and, in so doing, help each other to obtain a better rounded appreciation of undergraduate fraternity life throughout the nation. It is undoubtedly true that both views have merit. It is also true that chapter hi storian s often mi ss the boat by submitting -material that ha s little reader appeal to those outside immediate chapter circles. In this issue we are departing from the normal sty le of letters to bring undergraduates and alumni alike a composite view of our chapters and colleges in wartime. We sincerely thank the chapter archons, secretaries and historians who have contributed much of the factual informal contained here. We do not have a complete story to tell, for not all chapters have responded to our request for information . However, we believe that the picture drawn here will give each of you a fairly accurate basis for evaluating the overall chapter-college situation as it appeared at the end of October. At the outset it should be understood that your own campus situation may vary widely from those of other chapters. If, for example, your house will accommodate 45 men and you have 25 in it, you may not be in as good a fiscal position as the chapter which has nine men in a house with a capacity of ten. The sa me holds true for chapter membership. A normal chapter membership of 12 men at Wofford may comPare quite favorably with 30 at Georgia Tech. . Acceleration of co ll ege courses has brought many interestIng changes in fraternity chapters. Most notable fi scal change arising from this "speed-up" has taken the form of an added three months of income while fixed charges have remained on a nine month basis. The most significant change lies within the membership itself, where the average age of members and Pledges is dropping. As upper classmen leave the campus by reason of graduation, se rvice calls, industrial attractions and agricultura l needs at home, and as high school graduates enter college immediately upon completion of their high school Work we find official responsibilities of our chapters are being Placed in the hands of younger, less experienced men . This report shou ld not be undertaken without consideration of the service status of our undergraduates, but do not become lost in speculation of the possible resu!ts of a general ord~r calling up army and navy reserves. This report covers conditions as they were reported at the end of _October. To ~ttempt to predict what may happen tomorrow IS somewhat hke trying to guess the number of beans in the jar in the grocery store window. If you wish to try you are welcome to the opportunity. We prefer the policy of ~etti~g all of our houses in order today, doing our respective .Jo!Js w~ll, and tackling tomorrow's problems as they l!laten~hze . w1th t~e best brains and means available to the g1ven SituatiOn. TillS Policy is only prudent if we organize our valuable resources now, thus to be ready for any eventuali ty. Alpha Chapter brought ten members back to the College of Charleston campus. Rushing was delayed a few weeks, then completed quite successfuJly with ten excellent pledges. No report on College enroJlment is avai lable nor ca_n ';Ve ~ive service data on the men of Alpha. However, a ll md1cations Point to a sound organization under capable leadership. Beta Chapter at Presbyterian CoJlege did not operate during the summer. The college admitted a new freshl!lan class last June, but the fraternities refrained. ~rom ru~hi_ng these men until this fall because of summer m1htary trammg comtnitments of many of their members. Latest report showed OF




Beta with 19 members and pledges and rushing in full progress. Norma l pledging records seem destined to fall as the result of a record freshman class which has sent Presbyterian's enro!lment above norma l. Brother W. P. Jacobs, P. C. President, leads a very progressive administration. Total enrollment of 350 this fall compares with 280 last year. Male enrollment is up from 200 to 250. Most Beta men are in advanced R. 0. T. C. or otherwise deferred in military reserves. Secretary Heidt reports that approximately 80 per cent of the men hold reserve classifications. Gamma Chapter,. University of Ca li fornia, is our first war casualty. The emotiOnal strain of wartime operations hit hard on the Berkeley campus. Though dormant for the moment there is every prospect that Gamma will be back on the activ~ line when the war is over. Their finances were well handled and allowed the closing of doors without debt. Too much prai ~e cannot be ?iven to Brother Jim Hamilton, Chapter Adv1se_r, for the fm_e work he did in keeping the chapter operatiOns sound while chapter members was decimated. Delta Chapter at Furman University is another that did not operate during the summer. Enrollment figures are not yet avai lable but reports from the chapter indicate that their house is full and that 16 men were pledged during rush week this being _the best recor~ amo_ng t~e several f_ratcrnities on ca:npus. _Epsilon Chapter IS do_mg 1ts usual fme job at Davidson. Wtth 24 members and s1x pledges returning the chapter had set a goal of 20 pledges. Seldom has any chapter had a better organized rushing program. Under Brother Calh oun Hipp of Greenville, S. C., the rushing committee worked hard over the summer months, had recommendation s on some 80 ~en ~ early_ as August 10. That their efforts were productive. IS told 111 the repor~ ?f 21 new pledges in September. Davidso n enrollment IS hm1ted to 650 men and indications are that they had little difficulty in maintaining this quota this ye~r. ~any of the men of Epsilon are deferred through connectiOn w1th R. ~ - T. C. or army and navy reserves. Zeta Chapte r contmues to do a creditable job at Wofford College. This chapter should normally run from 12 to 18 men over the school year. When their report was received they had not yet completed rushing but had brought back ~i?~t me!Jlbers and four pledges. Three of the latter were 1mt1ated m early October so it appears that Zeta is numerically up to strength. Wofford enro llment is off from 500 to 400 students. The ~ollege has adopted additional war economics courses an_d has mcreased offerings in mathematics and physics. It has a _fme R. 0. T . C. unit and quotas in A. A. C., Marine and , Enlisted Reserves and in Navy V courses. Seven of Zetas men hold reserve ratings, three are under 18 years of age. Iota Ch ap~er. bas seen the enro llment of Georgia Tech fall off a b1t m face of a fairly general rise in technical school enrollments elsewhere. Some reason that this is due to an extent, to the poli~ical control that retiring Governo; Eugene Talmadge has wielded over the Georgia University System. In any event Tech has 150 less students than last year when enro llment was 2800. All courses have been adapted to the war effort, and. all students are required to 1 follow acce.erated programs which allow graduation in thre years. A~proximately 55 per cent of the student body i~ enrolled with some deferred service rating. Army and Navy R. 0. T. C., Navy V courses, A. A. C., Marine and Enlisted Reserves are all represented at Tech. Iota has operated throu.ghout th~ sum_mer, now has 28 members and 16 pledges, and IS opera.tmg w1th table and house filled to 80 per cent of capacity 111 face of a heavy membership of Atlanta men Twenty of. ~he . 44 men affiliated with the chapter hold reserve classifications. . L_ambda Chapter is o~ the comeback trai l after a rather difficult Y.ear ~t the Umversity of Georgia. The enrollment of the Umvers1ty has been affected by the war but more seri-


ously to da te by th e Talmadge po!itical contro l which led to its removal from the accredited rolls of all top- ra nking educational accrediting agencies. Tota l enrollment dropped from 2,978 in the fall of 1941 to 2,114 this fall. Male enrollment fell from 1,788 to 1.288 during the sa me period. Lambda operated its house during th e summer though chapte r meetings were not held . In mid-October the chapter had seven members and 26 pledges, 21 of the latter having been pledged since last June. Since Secretary Boynton's last report th e chapter has he!d an initiation which has effective ly bolstered its membership position. There are 22 men living in the house and 21 eating at the table . House and table capacity are respectively 26 and 30 men. The University is offering special war courses in mathematics and related subjects. Campus housing facilities are crowded since dormitory space has been turned over to Navy Pre-flight and Army Signal Schools. An excellent R. 0. T. C. unit is maintained . We find Lambda has 11 men with reserve classifications, one deferred , 16 not classified and five under 18 years of age. Mu Chapter continues to do well at Duke University with 26 members and five pledges. Since ru shing is deferred there is no basis for judging rushing results this year, but prospects are encouraging. Enrollment at the University was 2,637 in 1941, 2,547 in 1942. Male enro llment figures for the same periods was 1,763 and 1,662 . Dormitory space has been made available for an Army Finance School. Navy V courses, Marine and Enlisted Reserve quotas and training in C. P . T. arc available. Many courses of the University have been adapted to the war effort. A report on the 31 members and pledges of Mu shows 15 in the reserves and 16 not classified . Three initiates have bee n recorded this fall . Xi Chapt.e r at Roanoke College has witnessed a drop in college enro llm ent from 396 to 356 but find s the male enrollment (off from 250 to 220) still quite adequate. Last reports gave Xi 12 members and 24 pledges, nine men li ving in th e house and nine at the chapter table. Both house and tahle have a capacity of ten men. The pledging of 14 new men from the fall fre shman class lead a ll other chapters on campus. Nine men hold reserve classifications, four are deferred, one is classed 1-A and the remainder are not yet classified . The college has turned over much of its dormitory space to the C. P . T. program . Through a special War Council under the guidance of Chapter Adviser Curtis Dobbins Xi has its operations well in hand and is progressing at a rate well above normal. Omicron Chapter has given us no report from the Uni versity of Alabama. There are better than 25 members and possibly an equal number of pledges in school, but some housing and personnel problems exist to try the ingenuity of the officers. Pi Chapter, Oglethorpe University, was reported as a war casualty . We were informed that the four remaining members who had planned to return this fall had either enlisted or planned to do so. One man decided to remain . With alumni aid he conducted the initiation of one carryover pledge. L atest reports show that Pi's two members have now aligned four pledges beside them. The attitude of these lads is "we may be down, but we're sure not out!" Rho Chapter at Washington and Lee has not made a full report. W . & L.'s normal enrollment of 950 is off about 300 men . The number of freshmen is off considerably. Chapter Adviser Paxton writes that only four men were pledged and sta tes "pledge material was not and is not available.'' Of the 18 members who returned to the campus in the fall , 16 remain , two having gone into the arm y. The prospects for Rho are none too good. Sigma Chapter lead a ll the fraternities at the University of South Carolina in fall pledging, placing the white diamond on 17 of the 65 freshmen who pledged all campus chapters. University enrollment figures are not avai lable. Ten of Sigma's 32 members and pledges have reserve ratin gs, one is deferred, 12 are not classified and nine are under 18 years of age. No hou sing problems exist as the chapter continues to be quartered in a tenement section of the dormitories and ha s had little difficulty keeping its rooms fill ed . Tau Chapter ha s benefitted frcr.-~ the accelerated progra m at North Carolina State Colle~c. Cntifyi ng perso nnel gains


were made last spring, and chapter personne l strength has co ntinued to improve under competent leaden•. The 27 members and pledges have openings in var:ous service reserves and find their technical courses geared to war work. Five hold reserve ratings, two are deferred , 15 are not classified , one is listed as 1-A, and four are under 18. Co llege enrollment (a ll male) is greater than ever before, having increased over last year from 2,350 to 2,700. Upsilon Chapter, withstanding heavy losses, has come bac~ at the University of Illinois with 26 men. Two alumni stationed at nearby Chanute Field bring the total in house an.d at tab!e to 28. No enrollment figures are available, but 1t is evident from inquiries made on campus that the University has had seri ous losses. Reserve ratings are held by eight men, two are deferred, 14 not classified and one each are found in the 1-A and under 18 groups. Hou sing on the campus is at a premium due to assignment of dormitory facilities to the Navy and the heavy drain on normal housing in ChampaignUrbana by officer personnel of Chanute Field. Chi Chapter is once again taking the lead on the Stetson University Campus. Though other reserve branches arc open · to them, the 34 members and pledges of Chi seem to prefer to associate themselves with the Navy through its V courses. Chi, at University enro llment figures are not available. latest report, had 15 members and 19 pledges . Reserve ratings are held by 17 men, three are deferred, 12 not classified, one is listed as 1-A and one is under 18. Omega Chapter reported satisfactory summer ope rations at Purdue University and went into November with 29 mem bers and 28 pledges. The freshman and sophomore classes claim 35 of their 57 men . With graduation of nine seniors in December attention centers on the lowering average age of th e personnel. Recent action on the part of University authorities makes it possible for boys who have successfullY completed their junior years in high school in the upper brackets of their classes to enter Purdue as freshmen. A short, concentrated "bridging" course will carry them over the work they would normally cover in their senior year in hig!J school. Then they will launch upon co llege work and, tl successfu l, can be graduated in approximately three years. Thus we shall see boys of 15, 16 and 17 years of age soon treading from class to class on the West Lafayette campus. Omega's house is full and the table is running at capacity. Reserve ratings are held by 15 Omega men, nine arc deferred , 32 not classified, one listed as 1-A and none under 18. While University enrollment has suffered, the freshman class is one of the largest on record. All but the south section of th e Cary Hall dormitories has been taken over by the Navy. Alpha Delta Chapter has witnessed the Universi ty of Wash ington's enrollment drop from approximate ly 10,000 to 7,700 (male enrollment 6,000 to 3,500) since the fall of 1941. This has not prevented the chapter from rushing successfullY · Nine of their 23 members and pledges hold reserve ratings, one is deferred and the balance are not classified . The acute housing shortage in Seattle has aided in that it h~ S assured a full house and table . The morale of this chapter tS at one of its highest points since the 1932 -3 debacle that saw membership fall from an average of 40 to nine over one school year. All classes of reserve service opportunities are available at the University and it is expected that many more Alpha Dcltans will enlist in them as the draft age is lowered. Outsta nding aid is being given Washington fraternities by the University administration. Alpha Epsilon Chapter find s University of Florida enrollment off about 20 per cent to 2,800 men . At the sa me time the freshman class is one of the largest on record . These two factors, coupled with harder work on the part of undergraduate fraternity men, have lead to considerable pledging success on the part of a ll chanters. Latest reports from the campus show Alpha Epsilon with 25 members and 21 pledges, with 21 livi ng at the hou se and 38 eating at the table. Jt has been estimated that 50 per cent of the men at Florida hold Last available deferred classifications or rese rve ratings. fi~ures for us showed 10 reserves. three deferred, 28 not classifi ed and three under 18. To be initiated at Florida a o!edgc m•Jst have been in school at least one semester and have maintain ed a C average c r better in z t least thre ~-

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fourths of a normal scholastic load. The local Interfraternity Council is considering revising this requirement. It is doubtful that the rlolastic requirement will be relaxed, but so me shortening of the period of time over which it is measured may be in prospect. Such a change would allow initiations before the Christmas holidays. Alpha Zeta Chapter reports from Orego n State College that its normal house capacity has been expanded to allow 45 men to be acco mmodated. Since the chapter has 21 members and 28 pledges, on ly four men are li ving outside the houes. All of the various reserve classes are available at 0. S. C. Th e main regi stration for these had not been held at the time the chapter reported, but it is apparent from figures received that Alpha Zeta is well represented in them . Enrollment at 0. S. C. dropped from 4,330 in the fa ll of 1941 to 4,004 this fall. Male enrollment for the sa me elates was recorded at 2,733 and 2,527. Typical for this type of institution was the 16 per cent increase in the size of the freshman class over that of a Year ago. Alpha Eta Chapter's chief progress at Howard College lies in the realm of housing. Long ob ligated for a hou se built at the height of the booming twenties, the chapter has seen the Co llege take over thi s property this fall and completely renovate it for their continued use. Rental is reaso nable and includes all utilities with the exception of telephone. With rushing continuing the seven returning members have already brought the total pledge class to 17 men . Nine men are in reserve classes, three are deferred and 11 not classified . One is listed as 1-A. C. P . T. and glider courses are offered at th e college. No enro llm ent figures have been released. Alpha Theta Chapter finds the Michiga n State College campus overcrowded as the army has taken over dormitory units for so me 300 men for an ordnance school. Enrollment ha s varied only slightly (from 6,350 to 6,300--male from 3,820 to 3,800) and the house has two more men than necessary to fill it to comfortable capacity. Table operations are also at a peak . Rushing was not too successful but this was primarily due to a traditional carryover policy which states that "the chapter concentrates its ru shing throughout the year, not just in the fall ." However, 34 members and pledges are on hand and working hard. Reserve classes hold 18 of these men. It is expected that the lower draft age wi ll bring about an increase in the percentage (at present 40 per cent) of the student body enrolled in reserves. Alpha Iota Chapter rides the crest of the wave at Alabama Poly. The Auburn boys have their new home filled to overflowing and move ahead with capable leaders handling 44 members and 29 pledges. Twenty-five of these men hold reserve ratings. Auburn operated throughout the summe~, changing from semester to quarter system. Enro llment th1s fall was 3 622 as compared with 1941's 4,173. Male enrollment was '3 173 as compared with 2,811 in 1941. All types of reserve dasses are open to Auburn men with about 50 per cent of the student body enrolled as of mid-October. Alpha Mu Chapter, Pennsylvania State ~o!lege,, has ~p er ­ ated continuously over the summer. As th1s IS bemg wntten they have 32 members and 13 J?ledges, 16 of whom are either in reserves or deferred . Nme of the members have just been initiated from the class of men pledged in June . College enrollment figures are not av~ilable. St~te ~s now operating on 15 week semesters, allowmg graduatiOn m two years and eight months after entrance. New students ma y be admitted at the first of any semester. Alpha Xi Chapter has found the going at Brooklyn. Poly pretty tough during the last st;veral years. Nume~1cally. chapter membership bit a low f1gure last year. Th1s fall the boys seem to be on their way again at a time when Poly's technical offerings, geared to the war effort, have brought an increase of 100 men and a total enrollment of 750. Alumni support of this chapter continues to be outstanding. Alpha Omicron Chapter, Iowa State College, has felt the pinch of diminishing manpower as much as any chapter we have. In the course of the last 12 to 14 months some 19 members and pledges have left the campu~ for the ar~ed services and a variety of other rea sons ch1ef among wh1ch is the shortage of agricultural labor at home. The present chapter is drawn 75 per cent from the sophomore class and OF




12% pe~ cent from each of the two higher classes. The pledge roll is healthy and would be adequate in normal times. Rushing activity has not been relaxed. These boys are working hard. All of the various reserve classes are available at Iowa State. About 42 per cent of our personnel hold reserve classifications. Total enrollm ent has dropped from 6,450 to 6,000 since the fall of 1941. Alpha Sigma Chapter ha s made a real co meback at the University of T ennessee. Their decision to move to their present location about two years ago is now payi ng dividend s as they show 36 members and pledges with th e hou se and table operating at advantage. One third of the men hold reserve ratings. No enro llment figures have been made available for this report. The quick turnover of cooperative stu d~nts continues to present so mewh at of a problem at Alph a S1gma, but on the whole the chapter is doing good work. Alpha Tau Chapter ha s made no comm ent about the admission of coeds to courses a t Rensselaer Poly, but enrollment fi gures show oniy seven arc on the campus. Male enrollment has risen from 1,441 to 1,464. Reserve classes are open for the men in Army, Navy, Marine and Coast Guard courses. It is estimated that about 50 per cent of th e undergraduates will shortly be enrolled therein. Alpha Tau finds 23 of its 50 men with service ratings or deferred classifications. The hou se and table arc comfortably filled . Alpha Upsilon Chapter, Drexel T ech, is another that ha s had no difficulty fillin g its house and table. No enrollment figures are available but it is believed there has been little change from last year's position . Ru shng is deferred until January. Th e chapter has 40 mem hers and six pledges carried over from last year. With a number of these out on coopera tive industry jobs the chapter is well balanced and operates on a twelve month basis. Twenty-eight of the 46 members and pledges hold serv.ic~ ratings. An additional eight are deferred and the remammg 10 are not classified. None are under 18 yea rs of age. Alpha Phi Chapter witnessed the co ntinued growth of Illi nois Tech, t.he combination of Armour Tech and Stevens. Enrollment JUmped from 1,725 to 2,023, male enrollment from 1,575 to 1,911. All courses at T ech arc geared to the war effort and about 30 per cent of the men hold deferred or service ratings.. AlJ?ha Phi has 28 members and 21 pledges, a total of 49 wh1ch 1.s cut about 10 pe.r cent for operating purposes by cooperative students. Vanous se rvic reserves are available for ll;ll full-time day students. The chapter table operates at ~apac1ty and, though not full , the house operatiOn s are sa tisfactory. A cursory perusal of this report may lead the reader to feel that our chapters are going blithely ahead with their work not too well aware of the war around them. With national initiation figures already only six men short of the reco rd at the end of December of last year (and seven weeks to go to that date this year) this picture may be heightened. This is far from the fact, however, and the boys all know it. They are pleased, naturally, that they are being permitted to continue their educational work and that their chapters are operating with full houses; but they know that a general call of all reserves can pull many of their men out of school overnight. Today's campus presents a serious atmosphere. Th e undergraduates fa ces a tough assignment with year-round clas..<es stepped up scholarship standards always under the watchful eye~ of Army and N~vy, ~e'."er an~ sh.orter holidays, higher living costs, etc. H7 IS tra.mmg dally 111 the new ph ysical figures program and IS learmng to take those army obstacle courses ~n stri~e. Ge~e~ally he is healthier and knows th at study 1s so l d1e~ly. trammg. . T~e underg r~d is doing his bit.. His chapte~ IS m there f1 gh~mg, too, w1th its reduced social progra m, mcreased emphasis on scholarship and pledge training, war bond purchases and contributions to Civilian Defense Only one final word wou ld we add for the alumni. ·As and. wh.en ~he day comes that these lads are called up for se rv1ce 1t w1ll be up to you men who live close to the active chapter scenes to take over and hold together what they leave behind . If you have not alrea dy taken steps to organize yo ur home front , there is no tim e like the present to start . 23

ITK+ ALUMNI and MEMBERS in the SERVICEYou Can Order Your Official Jewelry Direct From This Page PI KAPPA PHI Officipl Badge Price List MiniaJEWELED STYLES ture Pearl Border __ ___ -- - ---· ---------- $12.50 Pearl Border, •I Garnet Points ---- ----- 12.50 Pearl Border, 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points 14.00 Pearl Bord er, 4 Emerald Points ·- ------ 15.00 Pearl Border, 2 Diamond Points ________ 17.50 Pearl Border, 4 Diamond Points ----- 22.50 Pearl with Ruby or Sapphire Alt. ---- 16.00 Pearl and Diamond Alt ---- --------- - 82.50 All Diamond Border, Yellow Gold ----- 52.50 All Diamond Border, Platinum --------- 70.00 18 Karat White Gold, additiona l ·----- 5.00

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Guard Pin Price List P lain --------- ------- ·----------------------- $2.25 Close Set Pearl __ . __ ·-- --------------- - ------ 4.50 Crown Set Pearl ------ __ --------------- - ---- -- 6.00

Double Letter $ 8 .50 7.00 10.00

LARGE SIZE P lain Set --------------------------------------.75 Close PearL ___________ _________ __ ____ ____--$2 _ 5 .50 Crown Set Pearl ·------------------------------ 7.50

$ 4.00 8.00 12.50

WHITE GOLD GUARDS, ADDITIONAL P lain __ . ------ ·--------- ----- ---------------- $1.00 Close or Crown Set Jeweled -------------------- 1.50

$ 2.00 2.50

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All prices quoted above are subject to 10 % Federal excise tax, and to state sales or use taxes wherever such state taxes are in effect.

Proper official release must accompany your order to avoid delay in delivery . Be sure to mention the name' of your Chapter when ordering a guard for your pin.

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PI KAPPA PHI ALUMNI QUESTIONNAIRE Kindly help us bring our records up-to-date by filling in this questionnaire and returning it to Central Office, Box 501, Richmond, Va. Name --------------------------------- - -- ______________ Chapter ________ Year-- - - --if preferred H orne Addr ess_- ---------------------- -- - - ----------------- - - -------- 0 ( Check malllnsr address) Occupation ______________________________________________________ ______________ __ ___ _ ( Please include title or ra nk)

• Add B USiness ress_ ------------------------ - -------------------- -- -- - --0

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If in the Military or Naval Service---------- -- --------------------------------------- --Give date of entering service and present rank ________________________________________ __ Date of marriage _________________________ Wif e's maiden name _____________________ __ _ Children __________________________________________________________________________ __ (I nclu de nnmes a n d dates of birth)

Name and Address of someone who will always know your addr ess------------------------------------------------- - - --

Postmaster: Return and forwarding postage are guaranteed by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 702 Grace American Building, Richmond, Va. If ret urned please check r eason: 0 Removed- left no address: 0 Unclaimed: 0 No such number : 0 Not f ound: 0 Refu sed: 0 (Other-explain) ______ _ ------------------------------------ If forward ed please send r eport on P. 0. Form 3578-S or P.


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