
Page 1









THE SPIRI 1 OF GIVING Our Christian history lends precedence and dignity to spirit of giving gifts to those we lo,·e.


This year especially, with so many of our friends serdiH~ the armed forces in the far, lon~some places of the ee1rt a fine gift- a token of our remembranre, will be the fine contribution we ran make to keep up their morale.


Frequent letters are our moral obligation, but our Christll1 gifts should have a special significance this year.

No. 1225 White Vellum, Monarch flat size, crest in color .. . 2 quires 5 quires 10 quires

_ __

_ ----


_$2.50 _ 4.70 8.50

Fraternity men and women ha\'e the added privilege of i~ dh·idualizing their gifts with their organization coat of ar 111 In this way they share the prestige of their fraternity ,,·l' those they honor.

· Discount of 10 "1,. on 10 quires or more.

Specify f rat rmit y rrrst dl'Sirt•d . Postage addit io nal wright 1 lb . prr quin•,

The BALFOUR BLUE BOOK illustrates many choice gif -rings, brarelets, lockets, cigarette c:ases, military and na' billfolds, fine leather. MAIL POST CARD FOR YOUR FI~S COPY!

PROGRAMS AND FAVORS ore still available to Social Choirmen who plan their season well in advance - correspondence invited or see our representative.

Note ... A copy of the BLUE BOOK will also be sent to Y 0 ~ parents if you include their address on your postcard reque·


Official Jeweler to PI KAPPA PHI

L. G.




FACTORIES ... ATTLEBORO, MASSACHUSETTS In CANADA . . . Call or write your nearest BIRK'S Store











Volume XXIX





o/ Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity



... And Theirs Shall Be the Glory ......


Service to the Fighters .......... .


Fourth of July in German Prison Camp


Awarded Soldier's MedaL ...................... .


Pi Kapps in Our Country's Service .... .


Pi Kapp Helena Survivor ..... .


Letters from Men in Service ....

.. .... .......................... 12

Marriages and Engagements .. .


Calling the Roll ......


.. . ..... . . ...... .


Directory ................. .




• Ent.e1·e cI ns second class mutter at the Cnr r.ost office at Charlotte, North B, ~ Ina, unrler the Act o! March 1 IJ>ec·7~. Acceptance for mnilinll' at in rate of postall'e provided for •tnb 0• Act of February 28, 1925, 41 °~1ed in parall'raph 4, section or/2 7 · L. and R .. authorized J anu, 1932.


l'he St Char! nr nnd Lnm1> Is published at dire t~tte, North Carolina, under the the ~!on of the Nntlonal Council of tnonth Kappa Phi Fraternity, in the nnd ~~ of Feb'l'uary, May, August ""~OVember.

l'he 1 e Subscription is $12.50 and Ia thL'f Sinll.'le on!y form of subscription. • cop1es are 50 cents. Chan Port ll.'es In address should be reSt egh Promptly to 225 South Church arlotte, N. c .. or to Central !nil.' c,".•. 702 Grace-American Build' "'chmoncl, Va.


All ra te . •ho\IJda r1al Intended !or publication be In the hands of the Man0111 llui\1 Editor, 702 Grace American lOth lng, Richmond, Va.. by the tnonthof t~e month precedinll' the Of 188U C.

THE COVER Pictured ore 1st Lt. Cornelius (Corky) Smith, Xi, and 1st Lt. Robert Peters, Epsilon. Lt. Smith, with five Jop planes to his credit, is o flying officer and Lt. Peters is o ground officer in the some group squadron somewhere in the Southwest Pacific. Pete is the guy with his elbow on Corky's shoulder. The sign above their heads is over the entrance to their Officers' Club.


• • • •



WI1rtrs ~~all ir Wl1r ~lory


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Dir, \Vee for

Lieut. Wilson Applegate, U. S. A., Alpha Upsilon, Deceased Lieut. Cargill M. Barnett, U. S. A., Iota, Deceased Ensign Harry Guyon Brightly, U. S. N., Alpha Tau, Deceased Lieut. Walter G. Cadmus, U. S. A., Alpha Zeta, Prisoner of War Capt. Walter B. Callaham, U. S. A., Alpha Gamma, Reported Missing in Action Lieut. Paul D. Cunningham, Jr., U. S. A., Iota, Deceased Capt. William L. Dixon, Jr., U. S. A., Tau, Deceased Lieut. Roy K. Duffee, U. S. A., Lambda, Deceased M. Jake Fortner, U. S. A., Iota, Deceased Ensign Claude J. Gasque, U. S. N., Beta, Deceased Lieut. Commander Dudley Glass, Jr., U. S. N., Iota, Missing in Action A/ c H. Gordon Huggins, U. S. A., Beta, Deceased Lieut. Joe Klaas, U. S. A. F., Prisoner of War Lieutenant ( j.g.) Robert Park Lance, U. S. N., Lambda, Missing in Action Lieut. Kurt Langberg, U. S. A. F., Prisoner of War Ensign Walter Fisher Martin, U. S. N., Alpha Sigma, Deceased Lieut. Samuel M. Meacham, Jr., U. S. A., Delta, Deceased Lieut. Joseph Frederick Miller, U. S. A., Alpha Mu, Deceased Lieut. John Hunter Minter, U. S. A., Omicron, Deceased Lieut. Robert D. Montgomery, U. S. A., Chi, Prisoner of War Lieut.-Colonel John Nelms, U. S. A., Iota, Deceased Major Horace E. Odell, U. S. A., Upsilon, Reported as Deceased George E. Pickard, Alpha Omicron, Civilian Prisoner of War Capt. James A. Seay, U. S. A., Alpha Sigma, Prisoner of War Lieut. Robert A. Speir, U. S. A., Alpha Eta, Deceased Lieut. (j.g.) Vernon 0. Stanley, U. S. N., Xi, Missing in Action Lieut. Richard J. Towill, U. S. N., Epsilon, Missing in Action R. Morris Trulock, U. S. A., Iota, Deceased Pvt. f/ c Irvin Van Nest, U. S. A., Psi, Deceased Lieut. Thomas J. Willis, U. S. A., Alpha Epsilon, Deceased

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l-IIS is the story of the strangest group of warriors with our or th Army and Navy. It is the story sent e Red Cross, whose men repretach the largest civilian group atlllil"ted to the armed forces in a quasi~ ary capacity. Dir efore becoming Assistant Field IVeetct?rs, prospects go through two for fs In_tensive training (three weeks n cOrelgn service) in Washington, fo~ ., then are sent to an Army Post Fon se~eral weeks actual experience. assi owmg this " break-in," they 路 are lllongt~ed to another station for a three the s: probationary period. If, at Pro expiration of that time, they have or. Ved able, they are sent to a more1 llles~~s permanent assignment, if doserv路'C personnel; if they are foreign to a lce!l1~~ ' they are soon attached each ~~~~ion , with four workers with goes !Vision. Where the Division are ' so goes the Red Cross. They fau on maneuvers in the field , wear are gue suits, sleep in pup tents, and \V~ the go 24 hours every day. the b,J~ the men lhre and eat with forlll officers and wear officers uniaddr s, they have no rank, and are essed only as Mister. When

B~ ERNEST C. MILLER Alpha Mu shipped abroad, they are given the assimilated rank of Captain in the event of capture. This means they would be paid $30 monthly while prisoners, and would be enabled to continue, with certain restrictions, their work. While in the United States, the men are available to the serviceman at any time, and assist and counsel on personal problems, allotments, dependency discharges, emergency furloughs, and everything ~rom ar.ranging marriages to attendmg chnstenings and even assisting with an important love letter! Not the least of the work consists of loaning servicemen funds to meet emergencies of every nature. The officers appreciate this morale building service; the soldiers evidence their thanks by voluntary repayment; and anxious parents at home are saved time and trouble.

When Field Directors arrive at foreign destinations, welfare work falls to a secondary position while recreational activities step to the fore. One of every four Red Cross men is a trained recreation expert, and their "arranging" ability runs from staging small circuses, theatricals, and athletic events, to informal dances and professional entertainments. Often handicapped by location and equipment, they do the best they can with what they have, wherever they are. Yankee ingenuity comes to the rescue regularly. The numerous Red Cross Clubs, such as the Rainbow Corner, in London, are now found in every land and provide beds, showers, hair cuts, and American food flavored by American conversation. Prices are extremely low, as they should be. The Army asks that there be some slight charge made for meals served the men in these clubs. It is only natural to discover that Red Cross girls serve as one of the major attractions. The exact number of clubs is a secret, but the number is surprisingly large. (Continued on Page 7)

Stoff of Red Cross Field Directors of the Shenongo Replacement Depot, near Greenville, Po.


In German Prison

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HE story of "the greatest day in prison-camp history" - the celebration of last Fourth of July by a doughty band of American airmen in a German prison camp--is related in a letter received recently from Lieut. Joe Klaas, Alpha Delta, one of the prisoners, by his parents. Lieutenant Klaas, a former University of Washington student, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Klaas, of Seattle. The Independence Day enthusiasm and patriotism with which be and his fellows made their camp resound exemplifies the indomitable spirit of America's fighting menwhatever the adversities they face. The Fourth of July parade, Klaas wrote, was led by Maj. Jerry Sage of Spokane. Klaas was graduated from Broadway High School before entering the University. He flew with the Royal Air Force before transferring to this country's Air Forces. He was wounded and captured in North Africa, but wrote that he has recovered completely from his injuries. Klaas' letter follows:



Stalag Luft Lli, July 7, 1943 Dear Folks: In the startling light of dawn, three hours earlier than routine wake-up time, this (censored) "Kriegie" prison camp's several hundred American prisoners of war arose to start celebrating the Fourth of July. A mighty snake of airmen, wielding dishpans and spoons, led by the dashing, costumed figures of Maj. Jerry Sage of Spokane as Uncle Sam, with a complete "Spirit of '76" retinue, including Paul Revere on a life-size horse, and a fife, trumpet and drum, stomped, whooping and hollering, through the barracks blocks housing our allies, the British . Our "Limey" pals were initiated into Independence Day with the beat of tin pans, blood-curdling Indian war whoops, cries of "Wake up! The British are coming!" and the emphatic music of "Yankee Doodle." The rear was brought up by the baby-diapered person of the youngest American in camp, Robert Jones, 20, of Okmulgee, Okla., labeled

"America's Future Hope." At tb morning roll call, Marshall Dral' of Beverly Hills, Calif., was preseP ed with a huge "Iron Cross" of II'~ for being shot down in the {!r; American bomber raid on the Fotlr o f J uI y one year ago. . Following a baseball game in w!11' the junior officers bea t the serno; 7 to 5, Col. Ralph Goodrich of · lanta, Ga., Lieut. Col. Albert Cia of Buffalo, N. Y., Maj. David J}J of Winters, Tex., Wing Comdr. Tuck, the famous British ace a some 150 other candidates were fh~. 1 bodily into ou~ 60-foot square pool (for losing the game). The great day was rounded out ~ a huge evening sing-song, Jed Frank (Tex) Newton of Carner Tex., and his hot trumpet. ~ Fourth of July was the greatest in prison-camp history. Health fine now. Studying ()tt man, teaching theatrical make·1 and singing in our camp church ch 0 Please break local records with J11 3 Love,






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Awarded Soldier's Medal F

IRST LT. E R N E S T V. ~ELMS, Tau, son of Mr. and rs. John W. Helms of 1501 assau Blvd., Charlotte, N. ~i~cthas been awarded the Soldier's frotnal for rescuing a fellow soldier lllent drowning, an official announcedisci from the War Department has osed. li;t. ltelms was cited by Maj. Gen. Ar~h Gaffey, commanding the 2nd Sicilored Division now fighting in lie) Y. The citation said that Lt. t\pr;1s, while serving overseas in his~ of this year, "at a great risk of a hewn personal safety, plunged into low avy surf and treacherous underlin and brought Sgt. James E. Marhad sa fely to shore after Sgt. Martin IVaterswallowed a quantity of salt At tl couJct' Was completely exhausted and vral'. shor not make his way back to Pro e unaided. His (Lt. Helms') Ser tnpt action undoubtedly saved erygeant Martin's ljfe, and his bravcour serves as a splendid example in gan ,路ag~ to the members of his orl..tzatiOn ." . 路 Itelms bas been overseas since




His Brother, Aviation Cadet Jack R. Helms

. 0~


December, 1942. He is a graduate of North Carolina State College, where he was a member of Tau Chapter. H e was called to active duty with the Army on March 22, 1941 and until he went overseas was stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. On March 21, 1942 he was married to Miss Helen Louise Hill , daughter of Col. and Mrs. Ralph E. Hill of Jack sonville, Fla. T~ey now have a daughter, Helen H1ll Helms, II, born June 11 , 1943. Lt. Helms,. has received the Order of the Purple Heart for wounds received on July 12 , in Sicily. Heremain ed in the hospital for some six weeks but is now fully recovered and has returned to his duties. Lt. Helms' only brother, Jack A. Helms, who was president of pledges of Iota Chapter at Georgia Tech in 1940 is also in the Army, being an Aviation Cadet now taking Basic Flight Training at Courtland, Ala. A recent newspaper story tells of his prowess as follows : Jack A. Helms, former Charlotte and Georgia Tech football and track





star, now training to be an Army Air Force pilot, still finds time to set new athletic records. In a recent field meet at the AAF Pilot School featuring the outstanding athletes of Class 44-A, Cadet Helms posted a new mark of 48 feet, six inches for the 12-pound shot put. The toss exceeded the previous class record by almost eight feet.

ENTERTAIN LA.DIES The Columbus- Fort Benning Alumni Chapter entertained with a ladies' night dinner on Wednesday evening, August 18, at the Ralston Hotel , Columbus. Ed Norris, president, acted as host and Joe Freeman was in charge of the entertainment that was given by Lieut. and Mrs. Bob Wenz. Lieut. Wenz was formerly pianist for Paul Whiteman and Mrs. Wenz was a radio and light opera singer. 路 Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Ed Norris, Major and Mrs. Wayne Wright, Major andMrs. Jent, Major and Mrs. Odell, :Private Don Shaw Mr. and Mrs. William Fambrough; Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Cartledge, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trost, Mr. and Mrs. Holcombe Verdery, Mr. and Mrs. Kennon Mott, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. W. P . Robinson, Mr. and Mrs: Park Brinson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe .Freeman, and Lieutenant and Mrs. Wenz. 5


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Jn Ou,. CounlPu d Sen;ice




********************************** Additions and promotions reported since August Issue


Beta William W. Coleman (188) a, Lt. William S. Royal (165) a, Lt. Pierce W. Timberlake (195) a Promotions Ned S. Hays to Capt. Louie T. Porter to Capt. Paul G. Turner to 2nd Lt.

Lambda Lewis J. Kilburn, Jr., (219) a, Lt. J . Douglas Maclary (235) a Louvain H. Ray (205) n, Ens. Promotion Forrest T . Clary to Lt.

Mu A. H . Bynum, Jr., (238) a, Lt. James B. Davis (207) n, Ens. Philip D. Small (184) n, Ens. Promotion Roy W . Forrester to Sgt.


Richard P. Cornish (263) n, SK3/c Promotion Edward J . Haddon to Lt. Com.

George A. Bowman, Jr., (224) a, Lt. Clyde A. Cinnamond (230) a, Sgt. Promotions Mason Miller, Jr., to Lt. jg. Garrison Wood to 1st Lt.


Joe S. Wittmeier (190) a, Lt.


Charles P. Daniel (146)

Epsilon Karl F. Fisher (259) N. Jack Wayman (248) Promotions Heath B. Howie to Lt. Herbert H . Swasey, Jr., to Capt. James V. Wilson to Capt.

Zeta Ralph Seer Owings (101) a, Lt. Col.

Iota Robert M . Caldwell (.197) n Charles G. Fulton (383) a Dent B. Ingram (369) a Thomas McMurray (387) n James Minter (389) n Promotions Halbert L. Edge, Jr., to Lt. Estill E. Ezell to Major Jean Elmo Kirkland, Jr., to Lt. j~. Earl W. Prendergast to Capt.

Kappa Vance G. Wertz (150) a, Lt.



Pi Louis J . Ptacek, Jr., (207) a, Pvt. fie Otis Jesse White, Jr., (206) a, S/Sgt.

Rho Richard J. Bromley (214) Earle P. Brown (221) Richard D. Butler (215) Holmes M. Dyer (127) a, Lt. John B. Handy (224) Promotion Stephen J. Hanasik to Ens.

Sigma William H . Carrigan (91) a, Sgt. Robert P. Fishburne (48) a, Cpl. Mason Hubbard, Jr., (82) a, Sgt. · Promotion Fred E. Quinn to 1st Lt.

Tau Neil C. Alford ( 173) a Kenneth G. Byers_ (44) a, 1st Lt. Walter L. Gilbert, Jr. (177) a

Robert D . Hyers (176) n Charles Latham (164) a Charles Setzer (149) n Demming Smith (181) a Promotions Whit Benton to Lt. Joseph G. McCoy to Lt. William A. Quickel to Lt. jg. Albert Glenn Lancaster to Lt.

Upsilon Douglas E. Barnett (327) n, Ens. Paul B. Phinney (331) a, Pvt. Promotion John M. Seldon to Sl/c

Ru \'an

Marvin E. Russell (354) p Richard B. Rydin (331) a, Fred W. Schwier (362) J'l: Donald E. Shaw (332) a, 11 Philip R. Sigler (327) a, P) James A. Sudduth (336 a, Pvt. Donald C. Swager (355l Murray F. Williams (35 61 a, Pvt.

Alpha Alpha William Frank Cobb (35)

Omega Thomas V. Alleman (342) Paul E. Bohm, Jr. (340) Sprague L. Chapin, Jr., (324) a, Pvt . John R. English (367) a/c Robert D . Goodenough (359) Spencer Gullicson (345) John F. Gumper (360) Charles Harris ( 312) a, Pvt. John J. Hinga (351) Jerry A. Holman (335) a, Pvt. Grafton Houston, Jr., (325) a, Pvt. Lewis W. Knight (352) John 0. LaFollette (342) Alexander Laird (306) a, Cpl. James K. Lenahan (361) John F. Lindley (353) John M. Makepiecc (326) a ~ John H. McDonall, Jr., )329) a, Pvt. Leslie M. Millholin (334) a, Pvt. Clayton J. Newhagen (277) n, Ens. Charles B. Ralihan (365)


Alpha Gamma Alfred H . Smith, Jr., (20 a, Maj. .

Chi Gilbert V. Betschick (134) a, 1st Lt. Charles W. DeFoor, Jr. (266) a, 2nd Lt. Hugh T. Gower (245) n Promotions Richard C. Baguley to a/c William D . Ceely to Capt.


Joe Ed IVill

Key: Name; chapter number in ( ) I· branch a-army·I , n-navy; m--mannes; cg-coast guard; s--indicates man has reserve standing but still a student. Frederick F. Adams, Jr. (192) a, Pvt. Zach W. Gramling (193) a, Pvt. Promotion Robert Vernon Moore to a/c


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Alpha Delta Robert L. Bancroft (189) a, Pvt. zJ.' Robert E. Champ, Jr., ( a/s Ell' Walter Novak (228) n, En' Robert Snider ( 177) n, 1 Leo Sulkosky (156) a, pv Edward Wartelle (227) a, Pvt. f/ c

Alpha Epsilon


Ske for


Joseph 0. Boote, Jr., (47) str; a, 2nd Lt. e William Bull (160) a, Lt. r Noyce Fanning (195) p .1 be Harold Monk (294) a, I a g Thomas Moxley (269) lra, Promotions Ira A. Brundage to T/Sgt an Weaver H . Gaines to Capt. lett Harley M. Force to Capt. , Kendall L. Llewellyn to Of J William D. MacKenzie to Sta QM2/c n.e, James M. McDonald to Ll ~e) Mack P. Niven to Maj. na,

~~:~l:~ ~(', ~:~~~~ ~~ ~~31' to;

William C. Price to Sgt.d J. for Archie W. Ramsey to 2n a~ John H. Ramsey to Ca~t. lllr George H. Rood to Lt. Jgit 1\>o Reginald H. Ross to 1st , William S. Simpson to A~'f · Chc James A. White to 1st 11· Scb Guy D. Wood to Lt. jg.





Alpha Zeta 11 Mill'

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"'e~h .... ethIS TFlynn ( 170) n llarr, · Ford (234) a tanl~y\~Kallander (31) a, Lt. a Lt · Kelley (148) \'ictor ·LCol. Leon R3 angman (235) a lack C R~ey ( 220 ) llenry 'ey (214) , a, lst L. A. Shumaker (105) \ernon t. a p 0 . Standish (221) "r.verett ' VtT. fl F' \V'. Thomoson (229) n · lt!l(ett (122) a, Lt. ~ \V Promotions · ard A d Ralph .1\1 n erson to Capt. Joe n· · Davis to 1st Lt. Ect tllow to Major Ward G G \ViiJ · oman to Ens. RuSS:;1 A. Hamlin to T/Sgt. \.ance nRupe K to Ens. M1 . " · elsey to Lt. e vm D Kn t C 1 Fred N · orr 0 P · ~1 . estelle to Cpl. 8ru~~~Jgovich to Capt. Ja~eSStarker to Ens. teward to S2/c


Alpha Eta Arthur M. Dowell (218) a ]. Carey Gwin (205) a William c. Hassell {228) a Welford H. Lane (238) a Promotion Charles E. Sharp to Capt.

Alpha Theta

William ]. Amiss (2;0) Edwin Leroy Brown (271) Richard T. Bystrom (273) Gardner S. Eversole (159) "t . n, Ca" Robert E. Liichow (2i4) Richard B Papps (275) Promotion Richard W. Routsong to 1st Lt.

Alpha Iota

Jimmie Lee Butt (!8 4 ) a, Lt. Charles T. Kin~ (190) a, a/c Frank E. Rooks (254) a, a/c M. Kenneth Wilkins (3) a • Capt · Promotions Alexander M. Burgin to Capt. George ] . Coleman to Lt. Nimrod H. Tucker to Ens.

Alpha Kappa Richard A. Edwards (79) n, Lt. jg.

Alpha Mu

Charles F.

Richard H . Baker {187) a, Cpl. Ernest W. Gall (162) n, Ens. John F. Kieser (62) 11 A. Lew's Parry ( 245) a, Pvt. John W . Struck (210) a, Cpl. Gregg G. Turner (102) a, 2nd Lt. Promotion George M. Nash to T/Sgt.

Alpha Nu Char!es W. McCaughey (33) a, Lt.

AI h X

P a i Larry }. Bolvig (121) a, 1st Lt. Frank V. Magalhaes (11) M . Hcl'mut)carl Neumann (211)

iles ( 131)


Alpha Tau Richard Y. Atlee (4) n, Ens. Wilfred C. Cope (126) n, Lt. it!. George W. Schaad (208) Pvt. f/c William E. Simms (28) Yl/c Promotion Ralph Rodriguez to a/ c

Alpha Upsilon Charles Sumner Head (23) a, Maj . Promotions Oscar M. Hokanson to 2nd Lt. Philip B. Warner to Lt.

Alpha Phi

a, Sgt.

Alpha Rho J o h n M . Adk' ·ms ( 18 ) a, Cap t . Promotions Edward G. Rodgers to Capt. Charles F. Stewart to Capt.

Alpha Sigma

Charles A. Armstrong (149) a Robertson W. Buck (148) n

Edward H. Callender (86) n, Ens. Charles Farr (104) Mario Fraccaro {lOS) Albert Glassgen (107) John Pottenger (119) Gordon Sommers (121) Seward Van Ness (130)

-----------------------------------------------------------------newspaper editor and publisher. Service to the Fighters

In ( C?'!tinued from Page 3) abro dtnthtary hospitals, here and spe/ ll are other Red Cross women \'ari ta Y trained, who conduct a ~-'or ectl! program for their patients. a Ia a there are movies, a library, Q) Pingrge recreation hall full of games, ing Pong tables and other time-passlher contrivances. At some places shape are workers who conduct a craft canst Where the sick and injured can sket ruct model airplanes, paint, for ~~' whittle, carve, or weave belts 1' e girl friend at home. 7) stra he men personnel constitute a er nge assortment that weld togetht. be hs an efficient team. This may P~'' a e1Ded by the fact that we have tr:~kdly sprinkling of football greats, an stars, and tennis wizards, plus lete assortment of near-famous ath> P·


sta~· specific example of a domestic n.e ton is at the Shenango Personnel ~e~Iacement Depot, near Greenville, has nsylvania. The Field Director look~ssembled a cosmopolitan staff. 31' for tng at them briefly, we have a a insurance expert, an attorney, lttr ember of the Ohio State Legisla1\ro~k a football coach, two social Cho] ers, a banker, a doctor of psySch ogy, a personnel man, a high OoJ principal, a contractor, and a


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Members of the group speak several languages, though a Chinese soldier nearly stumped the force until one of the men remembered a Chinese Lieutenant he knew, and with him acting as interpreter, the soldier's problem was finally solved. The sob-stories are few as compared to the real problems and only a small percentage of the men expect the impossible from us. At intervals we are lucky enough to accomplish just that and surprise all concerned. The long hours are readily repaid by the appreciation shown by the servicemen. The organization tries desperately to make its services availalble to every military group in the country. Itinerant stations, such colleges where many prospective aircrew men are being trained, are covered regularly and short talks are made followed by interview periods. This method provides the men the opportunity to discuss their problems with another man and they talk with more freedom than they would do with their officers. Because of the scope of the present conflict, it is difficult to have Red Cross personnel in every spot they are needed. We are proud to have had men on GuadaJcanal and many other "hot spots" now unmen"

tionable. The Red Cross girls deserve an equal share of credit for a performance perhaps equalled but not surpassed. A sure thing every wounded man will remember long after the war is the use of blood plasma, and its miraculous life-giving abilities. This is indeed one of the most spectacular of services made possible by the Red Cross on the home front. Two Pi Kapps are among the Red Cross representatives at Sh~nango. Brother George A. Leech, Upsilon, was formerly a teacher and athletic coach at Cleveland Heights, Ohio. After training at Wadlington be first was stationed at Fort Meade, Maryland and has just recently been moved to Pennsylvania. He is waiting for a foreign assignment. Brother Ernest C. Miller, Alpha Mu, has been at Fort Benning and at Camp Gordon, both in Georgia, prior to Shenango. Before entering Red Cross field work he was with the West Penn Oil Company.

WINS SILVER STAR Lt. William C. Weir, Alpha Zeta Lakevie, Oregon, was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action in the Tunisian campaign. According to the citation, Weir braved intense enemy fire to rescue a wounded car commander. 7



HELENA SURVIVOR N the night before the Battle of Kula .Gulf, when the light cruiser, U. S. S. Helena, was hit by guns of the Japanese navy, the movie whi<:I: was shown was "Stand By For Actwn"-an omen if there ever was one, relates Lieutenant (jg) Mason Miller, Xi. Lt. Miller was aboard the Helena when it was sunk early on the morning of July 6 after handing out a terrific beating tO" two enemy cruisers and accounting for many more hits on Jap ships in the South Pacific. Miller, who is spending a 30-day furlough with his wife and parents at Roanoke, Va. recently returned from 15 months of action against the Japs. "Strange as it may appear," Miller said, "some of the boys who were on the Helena on December 7 in Pearl Harbor told me that the night before, the movie that was presented was ' Beware of the Dawn .' " Although he was not aboard the cruiser that eventful day, the officers of the ship later told Miller and his shipmates that the Helena was one of the few ships able to return the withering fire of the Nips who were so busy that day. Although the ship was crippled at Pearl Harbor, it was repaired sufficiently to escort a convoy back to the States a few days later where complete repairs were made. Having enlisted prior to December 7, Miller started his training at Northwestern university as apprentice seaman on January 22, 1942. Three weeks later he was made a midshipman and was commissioned on May 14, 1942. Returning to Roanoke he was married on May 17 and left soon afterwards for the west coast where he boarded the Helena. The Helena engaged in ten major conflicts with the Japanese imperial navy, and many minor ones. Most of the engagements seemed to happen at night, which made for plenty of excitement. In some of the fights, some mighty big American ships




were hit- some of them were sunk, but we did a lot of damage to the Japs in the meantime. So terrific was the action in the Kula Gulf fracas, he said, that it was only about ten minutes after the initial charges had been fired when the Helena was struck by enemy light forces and started to settle. The ship took thirty minutes to go down, be explained, so that th ere was no panic, and an extremely large percentage of the ship's complement were saved. Clamoring down knotted ropes that bad been thrown over the side, Miller said that everyone headed for life rafts. Being one of the first to reach a raft Miller found himself the senior ~fficer aboard and therefore in command. However, an oily figure in the water swam up to the raft and requested permission to come aboard. Giving permission, M iller asked the sailor to identify himself and was plenty surprised to find ·that it was his own roommate, a full-fledged lieutenant, who automatically became the Senior officer, relieving Miller of that duty.

"Now that 'the sun never sets 00 Pi Kappa Phi,' we realize howe~ you must be for news of each 0 . 1 As most of you are too busy to wn we want to be your news center a mail to you, as often as we c~h> Pi Kappa Phi News Letter." 1 started off the first News Letter 0 Alpha Epsilon alumni, written I alb compiled by the Miami (Fla.) l\ 0p ers' Auxiliary. Mrs. Williarn \ MacKenzie, Co-Chairman, 2261 h~' W. 6th St., Miami 35, Fla., and ~ committee of Miami mothers sh 00h! like to receive letters from AlP~. Epsilon service men, as well as 0\ from scattered alumni, for inclufe1 in future issues of their News .~.< ter. .~ And to you who have not recetV 1 a copy of Alpha Zeta' news shee 0 Service Stars, written by J. AI flea~ 26 Vista Ave., Salem, Ore., you a. missing a treat. Al's monthly P8h~ gets more interesting all the W 1• and he will appreciate your ne~. contributions on Alpha Zetans,.; well as your letters, for pubh. tion. A word of warning to Y01 Alpha Zeta CIVILIANS! T~e ~ tober issue of Service Stars IS ~ last issue you will receive unless · is the recipient of a letter from ~~ telling all about yourself and lettl 0: him know if you are receiving Y00 copy. Your military alumni need n;. worry as your copy is mailed to 1 last known address on file for 1° and you should eventually reCf 11 your copy. . That 's a snappy little news sh~ ~Iu Chapter gets out about ev.e ·. other week to its alumni. The ed 1!~ of Mu lv~uses are doing a grand J and there's a lot of writing talenl 0 their staff. The sheet is so chockt' full of pre-war optimism, it take oil' back to the "good old days" befor the advent of war and rationing. ~}, alumni , write to the Editors, f Muses, Box 4682, Durham, N. C. 1 your copy. .-/ Four rafts gathered together all' after making themselves fast, sta~ ed on the scene until picked up · American destroyers later. Mill~ pointed out that although he was~, tired whil e in the water, when finally climbed aboard the destroY1 he almost collapsed from fatigue several days later his leg muse were so sore he could hardly wa1


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PRISONER OF JAPS lstMrs. · D · H . Cadmus, mother ol. ?.eta1 Ieut. Walter G. Cadmus, Alpha ceiv~dJapanese prisoner of war, rerecen a t:yped card from Lt. Cadmus 0!( tly, 111 which he stated he was 1110 ' Working for pay and had been Ma~fd to a prison camp in Tokyo. add~ _se nt to Lt. Cadmus should be e~sed thus: Pri• (Front of envelope) '0 11 ~r of war Postage Free First Lt. Walter G. Cadmus O-391938 p· nsoner of War Interned by Japan Osaka Prison Camp 0 Japanese Red Cross ,?kyo Japan \ Ia New York, New York. (Back of envelope) Fu]] name, return address 1' ·of sender deli he. Japanese Government refuses Prisveiy of any mail to American he]cto~ers of war and civilian internees a]] thY Japan unless it complies with 1 L e following regulations. · . etters must be less than 25 words 2 In length. · le Lett . ers must be typewritten or 3. st~ly block printed. Ib]ect matter must be strictly Personal; no military or political


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matters or opinions may be included. 4. The name of the Internment Camp must appear in the forwarding address. Letters to prisoners of war of Japan not complying with the above regulations are returned to the senders, with the above m'meographed notice appended thereto.


NAMED EDITOR On the evening of Monday, February 1, there occurred at the Chemists' Club, ew York City, a spontaneous and informal gathering to do honor to Walter J. Murphy, Alpha Xi, on his selection as Editor of " Industrial and Engineering Chemistry" and "Chemical and Engineering News." Dr. Benjamin T. Brooks acted as Toastmaster, and called upon a number of Walter's outstanding prominent friends in the chemical industry to say a few words.

Lieut.-Colonel John G. Nelms, Iota, was killed in action in the European area on October 1, according to a message received from the War REPORTED MISSING Department. Lieut. (j.g.) Robert Park Lance, Colonel Nelms, former businessman and civic leader of Rome, Ga., Lambda, has been reported missing and a reserve officer, had been on ac- in action. He was on the U. S. Buck tive duty since December, 1940, and which was lost off the Ttalian Coast was transferred overseas in May of on October 8. Lieut. Lance is the son of Dr. and this year. He was with a Coast ArMrs. T. J. Lance and his wife, the tillery antiaircraft unit. A native of Hartwell, Ga., he was forme~ Mary Anderson, lives with a graduate of Georgia Tech and mov- them 111 Calhoun, Ga. He graduated to Rome , Ga. , in 1926 as sales ed from the University of Georgia manager of the Georgia Power Com- in 1938 and taught school for three pany, later becoming affiliated with years at Young Harris College. He 0. P. Willingham as a member of had been in the navy about 18 Willingham-Nelms Insurance 1'-gency. months. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Bessie N. Bagwell and Miss Bert Nelms, Charles Nelms and William Nelms, and three brothers, Ernest Nelms.


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basic training at Miami and further troin:ng at Fort Logan and at the


~ s. School. at the Un1vers1ty of MISSISSippi, IS now a staff sergea~t at the Army Air Forces School of Applied Tactics at Orlando,

Capt, AOJOr Est~ll E. Exell, Iota, forme~ archon of the St. Lou1s, Alumn1 Chapter, who is now stationed somewhere in the Caribbean. Slati lex Ado1r, Al~ho Delta, shown m Egypt, before Rommel! s run. Cpl. Fred J. Cauthen, Omicron, medical detachment Engineers oned somewhere 1n Alaska. ' '






MAJOR COMM.ENDED MISSING IN ACTION Major A. J. Wilson, Alpha Xi, of the Chemical Warfare Service, has been commended for his outstanding performance in preparation for the Sicilian operation. Quotation from a letter from his commanding general reads as follows: "From February through July as executive officer in ... section of this headquarters, you displayed exceptional energy and willingnesc; in the performance of your duties in preparing for the Sicilian operation. For a time you and another officer carried the whole burden of the supply of chemical warfare materials, and by constant application through long hours, displayed unusual effort and a sense of responsibility far above that required in the normal line of duty."

Lieut. Commander Dudley Glass, Jr., Iota, 29, son of the widely known Atlanta, Ga., newspaper columnist and one of the youngest officers of his rai1k in the Navy, has been reported missing in action.


Ensign Bomar A. Lowrance, Rh< a ~ has been commended by the sedc.rr as ( 0 tary of the Navy for outstan ! ' Re! courage and skill as a comm~ndl~ officer of the U. S. Armed Gua crew aboard a U . S. merchant ~~~· sel. The announcement of the pra~ given Ensign Lowrance was made h the Public Relations Office of \ Sixth Naval District, Charlesto S.C. . "Th~ citation tells," said the 31~ · nouncement "because of Ensign 1° 1 ranee's vigilance and the prompt~ tion of his gun crew during an aed attack on the convoy the ship rea ed port."

HOWE AT M. I. 1. 1

Second Lt. Odia E. Howe, Jr., 0 S. M. C., after completing an a 31 vanced course in platoon comi11 : at Quantico, Va., was assigned ~ Harvard university for four mont study in radar technique. He 1": then transferred to MIT for anoth five months of study.

BOLVIG IN ARMY When Brother Larry Bolvig was commissioned as first lieutenant in the United States Signal Corps that

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news was chronicled in Walter Wil)chell's column. He was first assignPd to Fort. Monmouth, N. J. for basic training and after five weeks there was sent to the Asbury Park Area for company officers. He completed training there on Aug. 21 and was returned to Fort Monmouth for training in a special course. 10

A graduate of Georgia Tech in 1936 and a member of the Naval R. 0. T. C. unit there for several years, Commander Glass asked for active cervice a year before Pearl Harbor as an ensign. An expert in Diesel engineering, he was assigned to the submarine branch of the service and had been stationed at a submarine base in Connecticut as an instructor. About seven weeks ago he was assigned to sea duty, presumably in Pacific waters. News that the Navy Department had listed him as "missing in action" was relayed to his parents in Atlanta by the young officer's wife, the former Miss Marcellite Thompson, of Shreveport, La. Brother Glass had worked with a Louisiana oil company prior to entering the service. His father, Dudley Glass, Sr., a member of the staff of the Atlanta Constitution, and Mrs. Glass reside at 135 Lakeview Ave., Atlanta, Ga.



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Before going in the Marine c~rr1 Brother Howe was with the Un 1t1 States Geological Survey in the ~~ pacity of engineer, with headqu:~ ters in Sacramento, Calif. He is 1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Odia E. J-lo '' Sr., of that city, and is a gradt1 3 of the University of California wht he was a member of Gamma ch 31 ter. THE




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B. Davis, Jr ., was one of

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National Historian

Urges Alumni Support

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During these critical times, when Uncle Sam has token so many of our active members, the future welfare of the Fraternity rests squarely on the Alumni. Your Notional Council has mode plans for the post-war problems of the Fraternity, but the development of any such plan requires the interest and cooperation of the Alumni.


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This year, 599 of you hove shown your interest in this vital problem by sending your Voluntary Alumni Dues to the Central Office. This shows a fine spirit, but what ore the others going to do to match this action? You con do three fhings: send in your contribution of $1 or more; talk up the ideo with other Pi Kops; plan to get together Founders' Day to celebrate this, the 39th anniversary of our Fraternity and advise the Central Office of all meetings.

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Training School for midshipat Abbott Hall on the campus Northwestern University recently.

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DIES SUDDENLY or floward

R. Auerswald, Phi, died

IVh'~ heart attack on September 11 ,

Be Playing golf in Tulsa, Okla. kno rather Auerswald was a widely ant \Vn Tulsa oil man and was assistthe ~perintendent of production for an u]f Oil Corporation. He was tionernployee of Gulf in the producPast department since 1919 and was ing CPresident of the Tulsa Engineerlub Sur 路 : &ar Vtvmg are his widow, nee Mar路1dr~t Waggonner; a daughter, Miss lia~enne Auerswald; and a son, Willhe B:oward Auerswald, stu dent of no] Massachusetts Institute of Tech-


ERRONEOUS REPORT deJarvis Pearce, Alpha Sigma, is not ousras~d, as has been reported previis. Y m THE STAR AND LAMP, but t 0 ~ 11 good health and is at the FulIVork~Ylphon Co., Knoxville, Tenn., tng as a Naval inspector. ()~




Fraternities need greater financial help during the war-Pi Kappa Phi included. There are not on the campuses now-and there will not be until after the war-the men to pay th e costs. Your Voluntary Dues c01itribution is now solicited.

Twenty-three alumni raised the total of Voluntary Dues receipts to $1,688.79 by the end of October, 1943. Here they are. Join them in taking the critical year of '43 over the top!

W. Robert Amick, Omega W. Frank Bennett, Iota* A. H . Bynum, Mu* William D. Ceely, Chi* E. D. Clifford, Alpha Theta James B. Davis, Mu* John W. Deimler, Alpha Upsilon J. Vi'. Edwards, Alpha Eta Estill E. Ezell, Iota* William F. Franck, Mu* John W. Furlong, Jr., Mu William W. Heim, Alpha Mu

Raymond D. Hill , Omicron* Homer D. Huggins, Upsilon* George Mcinerney, Rho* Raymond B. Nixon, Eta Louis F. Ptacek, Pi* Fred E. Quinn, Sigma* Otmer J. Schuster, Alpha Theta William D. Southard, Omega* Leslie M. Stone, Alpha Gamma George J. Suehla, Alpha Phi* Ralph B. Wainwright, Alpha Tau

* Men in Service.

Men In Service * * * * It's no military secret, but men in the service hove been among the most liberal contributors to this fund. More than ever now, they appreciate the value of their Fraternity and they wont it to be in a healthy financial condition after the war when they return to their local chapters from the forflung battlefronts. Voluntary Dues will assist chapters after the emergency and help Pi Kappa Phi in this time of uncertainty.

Send Your Check Today/ 11



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Similar letters from members in the service will be welcomed in Central Office for } publication in future issues. Accompanying service photos are also requested. Through this medium Pi Kapps all over will be getting a glimpse of their brothers in the service. ...

West Lafayette, Ind. October 18, 1943 Dear Miss Parker: The last issue of THE STAR AND LAMP reminded me that I had not paid my alumni dues for 1943 . It was just about a year ago this month that 1 left Purdue and a few days later arrived at Ft. Bragg, N. C. I was there until March and then was discharged to return to agricultural 路 work. 1 planned to farm until July 1 and return to Purdue but, in the meantime, fell from a wagon and broke my leg and was in an Indianapolis hospital for three weeks and on crutches for three months. I was able to return to my work here at Purdue on October 1. I have a date this week to talk with Dr. Porter, Chapter Adviser o'f Omega, and at that time, I hope to get brought up to date on fraternity news. I notice the fraternity house here is now a Naval Training Station. I sincerely hope that you are able to carry on the work at C. 0. With Mac leaving, it placed a big responsibility on your shoulders. With kindest regards to you and all members of the National Council , I remain Sincerely, w. ROBERT AMICK, Past Nat'l Historian. Sicily, September 1, 1943. Dear Miss Parker: You no doubt anticipated my sur12

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prise at seeing a feminine name at the end of a letter from Central Office, but I guess that with the shortage of men at home, anything is possible. I really appreciated your letter, because it had a lot of news I've been looking for , and the copy of STAR AND LAMP you enclosed really made me happy. I was sorry to h ear that Joe Klaas was missing, but received a letter from his mother the other day telling that he is a prisoner of war, and is apparently recovering satisfactorily from a wound. Since I wrote last, I had the good fortune to be promoted to captain and am now in Sicily enjoying the sight of green fields , streams and a real volcano (Mt. Etna), which are Heaven after a year in the Libyan Desert. In spite of all the stories of civilians starving after Allied occupation of the island , there is an abundance of all kinds of food as far as I can see. We buy all kinds of fruit, vegetables, and even meat at very low prices. Good beef sells for only 1 Sc a pound and there is plenty for everyone. The most obvious shortage is cigarettes and the Sicilians will do anything for a package of them. I have reason to believe that another brother from Alpha Delta, Bob \Vartelle, is somewhere around here or in Africa, but have been unable to locate him yet. He is a shavetail in the Amphibious Engineers, and his brother, Ed, is a pfc. in a clerical school at Fort Logan, Calif.





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I hear regularly from Lt. Ted Alpha Delta, who is in the 2083r QM Truck Co. (AVN) at San Ber~ adino, Calif. He had just heard frortl Walt Novak, A-D, who was in pOJll for awhile in San Francisco. I a. trying to get as many army addr~SS~ of Alpha Delta brothers as posstb~ so we can keep in touch with ea 1 other and get things going after 1 ~. fracas ends. If you have anY dresses of any other A-D boys, 10 appreciate them, and would ]ike 1 hear from them. When will the next STAR A~v LAMP be out? Please send me o~ air mail. Otherwise it takes thr months for them to get here. Your news of Mac and Lynn J(et~ nett was interesting since 1 ha~ worked with both of them. pleasend them my regards. Thanks a lot for your letter. Sincerely, . ALEX ADAIR, Alpha Rho and Alpha DeliO




Somewhere in Southwest Pact Received in CO 10-15-43 Dear Mac: I don 't know whether or not Y0~ are still with the fraternity in ~ capacity of Secretary, but guess th~j 1 letter will get into the right hands ,1 you are no longer with Pi KaPp;1 Phi. You see I haven 't seen a AND LAMP in months, so am a bt behind the times. Am enclosing a snapshot of Bro tJr0 er Robert Peters of Davidson, an~ myself. Pete is in the same grotlr





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1 am · ea h m, and we see quite a bit of of~· other. He is a 1st Lt. ground th Icer, and I am a flying officer of is e hame rank. In the picture Pete sh t e guy with his elbow on my is ou)der. The sign above our heads Cla~ove the entrance to our Officers' Ph~t · Thought you might like this 1' o for THE STAR AND LAMP. to he squadron I am in is one of the P outfits over here. We've downed ~~re enemy planes within the last in ~h. months than any other outfit our IS area . We're quite proud of clim~~cord and hope to keep our score our Ing higher and higher. One of and boys has seventeen to his credit fou several have between eight and Wit~t~~n. I'm one of the low scorers ant IVe- but am hoping to raise the e. rnoli~e been in this theatre for eleven co~· s and am looking forward to kee Ing home in another year. They thr P us between sixteen and twentyhea~~ months depending on our Ptob · I'm in good shape so will life ably go the limit of time. This Ver really isn 't too bad. Our food is 0 good and health conditions are e~e · We get a leave of seven days hei ry three months or so, and that Ps split the time up. Six or eight 1110 Rednths ago this place was really rugect ! but at present it is quite civilizUn many respects. the ope the fraternity is doing O.K. tai se days in spite of the war. Cerof ~Y do look forward to each issue HE STAR AND LAMP. Fraternally, "CORKY" SMITH, Xi.


0. G. U. Personnel-Bldg. 635


~- S. Naval Training Station,

ainbridge, Md. ear Miss Parker: let~our interesting and informative ten~r c~rtainly did not get the atsw 1?n It should. I have delayed antheerlng it so long now that I haven't Ju nerve to even offer an apology. t chalk up a black mark against 111 IV~] there on the social chart. But I I say I appreciated it no end. l\ Was glad to get the resume of Pi deapp affairs and to learn the burno~s of the office managership are ch getting you down. How 's the tr apter picture now? Guess the enthance of the military students into e vanous . colleges has changed the OF PI



picture somewhat. You mentioned that the financial side was holding up. Thank goodness for that. Cash on hand is a big item. I suppose some chapters are continuing to initiate right on through the summer, aren't they, now that the year-round program is in effect in so many places? I can glean some of these facts from THE STAR AND LAMP, but golly it's a long time between issues. I hope to work in one more trip to Richmond before really going off to the wars. When I have a week end off, I usually hop down Roanoke way and see the two gals. It's a tough trip but once every two weeks is bearable, so I usually anticipate going and then kick myself on the way back because I am so tired and sleepy and dirty. But I'm still going to get by to see my Richmond buddies some . day.

mit it at times, but so far the Navy hasn 't been tough for me at all, since I've sorta worked around here and there to be a boss rather than a worker. See the duty officer roaming around. Guess I'd better knock this off and pretend to be all eyes and ears. I have the watch duty from 10 p. m. till 12:30 p. m. tonight and it's about time to stop ... after I write the madam. Incidentally, she is sweet and swell as ever and so is the baby, and were they here . . . they would send their regards. So consider this a well wish from the three of us and bye-bye. Sincerely, R . LYNN KENNETT, Xi.

Co. "F" 1st Ord. Tng. Reg.- ORTC Aberdeen Proving Ground , Md., I suppose I told you I applied for October 19, 1943. a commission as ensign while in boot Dear Miss Parker: camp. After returning from my leave, Thank you very much for your I was notified ·that the file had suc- swell letter of September 30. It realcessfully passed three offices and was ly means a lot to know that both you then being passed to the last (and and the others in Central Office are most important, incidentally), which still interested in us after we gradis the Bureau of Naval Personnel. I uate and get away from the active should either get it or have it reject- chapter. ed soon now. I have enjoyed boot You say you haven't heard from trainina and the enlisted ranks up to Alpha Mu this fall? I purposely now . ~ . but I had just as soon get didn 't write you sooner because I a bit of that officer 's gravy now. Too, knew that J was going up to Penn certain i terns such as civilian-accuState on October 1 7, and I tried to mulated debt also must be reckoned find out just what they've been dowith. So ... I'm hoping. ing. But the semester ended 1 as t Speaking of my leave . . . derned Friday and no one was around, so if I didn 't get the flu and spend the I couldn't contact any of the brothentire nine days in bed. Yessir ... ers. The last I knew was that we as a matter of fact I was sick the had about ten or twelve men back last week in boot and just wouldn't for school and that they were still give up. Got home and bingo . . . holding meetings when they could get to bed I went. Got an extension of together. . ll the fraternity houses six days. Returning here I got some have been taken over by the Army, nice pickings by asking for them. so everyone had to move out into I 'm working with the yeoman who private rooming houses. After that assists the officer and assistant offi- happened we still held meetings cer-in-charge of this entire unit. I every month at least, and as far as dabble here and there, knock off a I know they still are. At the first Jetter or memo for them, cut a stencil opportunity I 'm going to write to or so a day and otherwise just walk our faculty advisers and get them to around like a bigshot. Meantime I write and let me know how things are am being excused from such tedious coming. I don 't see how they could things as knot-tying, drill, calisthen- let things go and not keep in conics, etc. I also got moved from the tact witl1 Central Office, but with barracks and live right upstairs in everyone pushed out of the house I the building I work in. 'Tis really guess it is pretty hard. Hope I can nice pickings, without being in the get an answer from them within a "gcldbrick" category. I hate to ad- couple of weeks at the most. 13

If you want me to, I think I can probably dig up some news on other alumni who are in the service. Probably some of the fellows back at school have heard about some of them . I have heard that Christian L. (Tish) Martin, 2nd Lt., '42, was very seriously injured on maneuvers in England when a stray bullet hit a hand grenade which was in his pocket. He's recovering, but I guess it'll take quite some time to get him back in the running . Sincerely your!>, JoHN W. STRUCK, Cpl., Alpha Mu

Area A-R~ception Center Ft. Bragg, N. C., September 28, 1943 . Dear Miss Parker: Haven 't been meaning to neglect good old Pi Kappa Phi but it does seem as though quite a· bit of time has rolled by since you heard from me. Please note my change of address and, even though I am in the Army, send the STAR 'AND LAMP there and my wife will. forward it to me. It certainly does a fellow good to know that all the brothers are trying their best to stick together during this unusual period. Please tell them to keep up the good work. (Am enclosing a little bit that might help · · the cause.) Sincerely, PVT. WILLIAM M. FRANCK, JR~ No. 34678677 Mu

APO--cj o Postmaster, New Orleans, La. August 10, 1943. Dear Folks: The May issue of THE STAR AND LAMP reached me yesterday and was much enjoyed. Since I've been out of the Infantry and in the C. A. (A. A.) since January, and since my former outfit isn 't around anymore, the magazine was delayed, but it did get here. Many thanks! The "cut-out" is enclosed to bring my address up to date . . Don't want to miss any issues of TiiE STAR AND LAMP. ' And the enclosed fiv,e bucks are voluntary dues for 1943. Incidentally, Brother Tom Mize is serving as archon of our scattered 14

St. Louis Alumni Chapter for the duration. We are inactive until it's over due to so many being in the service or in industry. But we'll reorganize, you bet, when we get home! Regards to all in Pi Kappa Phi and to those who help us! Fraternally, EsTILL E. EzELL, Iota. Ontario Army Air Field, Ontario, California, September 17, 1943. Dear Miss Parker: The August issue of THE STAR AND LAMP arrived several days ago and the training of my battery was completely neglected while I read it from cover to cover-a letter from Lynn Kennett; his little brother 's appointment ; Corky Smith flying and fighting in the South Pacific, etc. My brother Garrison, 1st Lt. AAC is a B-24 pilot now stationed at Biggs Field, Texas. He invariably runs into Pi Kapps wherever he goes and has written me about them from New Mexico to Florida. I do hope the Founders Day Banquet will be held again this year on December 10, at Hotel Roanoke. I attended the first nine but have been away from horne the last three years, during which THE STAR AND LAMP has been forwarded from home to me in Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Californiaand bas been my chief contact with the fraternity. Best of luck to the home office. I'd like to visit the Richmond office again but suppose I'll have to be content to get several copies of THE STAR AND LAMP through an APO before T get another chance. Yours, BuDDY WooD, Xi. 213 7th Quartermaster Truck Co. (AVN) 73rd Service Group Army Air Base Syracuse, New York 18 September, 1943. Dear Miss Parker: Just wanted to write you and let you know that I am receiving my STAR AND LAMP regularly. I was indeed happy to see Mason Hubbard's picture on the cover of the last issue. I knew he was somewhere in the

Army but had lost all track of h.iOl T also enjoyed the letter you pnn~ ed from my former roommate, Fr Quinn. I have been here since June but~ don't have hopes of being here muc. 1 longer. I am enclosing my Alurn°, Questionnaire, but, if you will, pleas: continue to mail my STAR AND LA~1 r to my home address. Sincerely EDWARD M. PARLER, Sigma, 42 U. S. Naval Liaison offici· Nuevitas, Cuba September 8, 1943. Dear Brothers: My copies of THE STAR AND L..v'~ for November 1942 and Februar) 1943 have just reached me after considerable delay and it occurs to nJI that I may have failed to notify Y 0~ of my change of address last Octobthe 1 when I left Washington. In event that I did , will you kindly cor~ rect my address on your records JQ my permanent home address, Maolis Ave., Bloomfield, N. J. I am presently ?tationed at the t:d S. Naval Liaison Office in Cuba, a~e expect to be here for an indefini 1 period longer, so any correspondence can be addressed to me here with ~ 11 reasonable hope that I will get I promptly. I note your appeal for news of an) of the brothers, and can offer tb~ following which you may ah·ead~ have and which may have appear\ in a STAR AND LAMP that I haven seen. Brother Richard Y. AtLee, AlPJJ~ Tau, '3 4 was married last June. :-' 1 had just completed a course of trai~· ing in the Navy at Ft. Schuyler, .!'-· Y., and after a brief honeymoon, de· parted for Cambridge, Mass., where he is now an Ensign in the usNF· stationed for additional training iii Radar. Brother AtLee is a former archon of Alpha Tau. I hope that you will be able to continue publishing news of o the r brothers through THE STAR A:l'IP LAMP. Fraternally, WILLIAM E. SIMMS, Ylc USNR A-Tau '3 4. THE





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388th Engrs., Camp Sutton, N. C. n September 28, 1943. ear Brothers· ut l \ . uch ab Vould like to report on my where~uts as well as a couple of others. ulllni ne apt. Edward G. Rodgers, Engi,!eaSt in Company was at last reports A~1r in than. Capt. John M. Adkins, is Ft Se 127th Signal Radio Tnt. Co., arn Houston, Texas. ER, have been in the army about 28 111 c~nths, 15 of which were spent in Ex nacta north of the 60th parallel. of P~ct to be off to some other part an1 'Yorld shortly. At present, I T egnnental Supply Officer. rne \e three of us were all charter gin~n e':s of Alpha Rho at West Vir~a University. A}! I' fin~Iy STAR AND LAMP eventually ruarJ' • con- of ~ rne. I check through for news o nJf Port _ose I know. Will try to ret In again at a later date. yoo Fraternally, ttober I t)JI e. F. STEWART, Capt., c. E. cor· ov P. S. Rave been married something (Is to terer four years and have a daughso , Jeanne, aged 16 months.





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Rockaway U. S. C. G. Fort Tilden, N. Y. September 17, 1943. !.lea r Brothers: S Sure is swell to be getting THE TAR AND LAMP but I haven 't seen 111 he~ch. in it about Rho Chapter, so lh e 1S a little news about some of e boys. i Stephen Ranasak is an Ensign now f~ the ~avy and the last time I heard li0 111 h1m he was in Little Creek, Va. lh e Was making out fine and liked ~ e Work he was doing but did not ~~Pect to stay there. Dick Bromley, IV arJe Brown, and Richard Butler laere all in camps in Virginia from ~t reports and Johnny Handy was ~tng to Columbia University while 1 the Navy. Jack Mangan was iast known to be in Maryland and a Chief Petty Officer in the Navy. 13 a~~t~er. Dyer is now Lieut. Dyer St .•s m charge of a Coast Guard Dation in Rockaway, N. Y. Dirk /eux, a Rho pledge in 1941 , is an rlt cadet in the Army and is now sta•oned in Texas. n I am now in a terrific station ll~ar Brooklyn. I am an instructor ere in Chemical Warfare and like OF PI



the work very much. I would like to hear from all the old boys, so if you get time, please write. Fraternally, PHIL O'CoNNELL, Sp 3/ c (CW) A. A. Btry., Art. Bn. Bks., 515 Camp Lejeune, New River, N.C. October 24, 1943. Dear Miss Parker: Wa glad to receive your last letter and also the addres of Jimmy Vocalis. I guess you thought I had forgotten all about the fraternity. It came just before I left Parris Island for a ten day furlough. I had intended to answer it while I was home but I had a piece of bad luckmashed two ·o f my fingers on my right hand that prevented me from writing. If you are unable to read this, that is the excuse I have to offer . I have been transferred from Parris Island, S. C., where I have completed my boot training, to Camp LeJeune, and am assigned to an antiaircraft battery. And I have also been promoted to the rank of private, first class. Am enclosing $5 for my alumni dues. It isn 't much, but it wiJJ help. How is the fraternity getting along? All right, I hope. Guess this is all for this time. Sincerely, PFc. Lours F. PTACEK, Pi. APO-"c/ o Postmaster" San Francisco, Calif. Dear i\Iiss Parker: Believe the last letter I received from you was while in Denver or either Baltimore. Well you can see from my address that I am finally moving to the field of action and I am kind of glad of it. Have wanted to come back to Richmond since leaving but unfortunately that has been impossible. Wonder if you ever hear from Frank Kuhn. If so, I would appreciate knowing his whereabouts. Ob yes, I would enjoy a STAR AND LAMP or any other Pi Kapp news at any time. Forgive the brevity of this letter but I must run. It seems that we

spend half our time making formations. Very sincerely, THAD G. YELTON, Tau Pfc. Co. "F" ASTU 3900 Oregon State College Corvallis, Ore. August 9, 1943. Dear Miss Parker: I just received some clippings from a home town paper that I'd like to pass on to the rest of the brothers via THE STAR AND LAMP. Brother James White (known to the boys of Alpha Epsilon as "Jay") and Miss Marion Louise Louis of Mingus, Texas were married in Fort Worth on June 20. A double ring ceremony, at that! They're living in Mineral Wells, Texas. Jay's a first lieutenant at Camp Wolters. I don 't know why it took so long to make the papers but, even so, I am sure that the Pi Kapps from Florida will be glad and surprised to know that Brother White made the leap. Navy Lt. George Rood and Miss Julia Mullis were married too. Date and place weren't mentioned. Brother Rood's mother, Mrs. Belle Rood, was housemother of Alpha Epsilon for six years. A piece of the wedding cake is headed overseas to Brother Billy Coursen. T understand that he flew several plane loads of paratroops on a one-way trip to Sicily. More power to him! Although I'm from the University of Florida originally, I'm now in an ATSU at Oregon State. The war has hit here, like it has in the rest of the schools--mostly G. I. students. But I 'm proud to say that they have a really swell Pi Kappa Phi chapter . Wish that you'd urge the Historians to do a more detailed write-up for THE STAR AND LAMP. We like to know what's going on back at the old Alma Mater. Sincerely, DARREL CARNELL A-Epsilon ' Alaska-September 6, 1943. Dear Miss Parker: I have been intending to send you this check for a year. I just kept putting it off- well, better late than never. Well, I have a little news for you. After a year of waiting, I was finally 15

authorized to go off the. gold standard- ! am now sporting silver bars of a first lieutenant. My promotion was dated July 23. I still haven 't met any Pi Kapps. Several Sigma and Alpha boys write me and give me the low down of their activities. Bill Carrigan, Sigma, is a Sergeant in California. He's expecting orders for 0. C. S. soon. Must close now. Write me when you can. Sincerely, FRED E. QUINN, Sigma. September 16, 1943. Dear Miss Parker: I received your letter a week or so ago and enjoyed it very much. It does have me a trifle worried though. I had no idea you would publish my letter. I know it was rather pe ~ simistic and I'm sure it was filled with mistakes. I have a terrible habit of never reading over a letter. Now I see that I must at least re-read the ones I send to you. The female question hasn't improved since I last wrote. I did have the good fortune of visiting with a medical friend where I met (and that's as far as that went) several nurses. In fact I had dinner with them. Naturally I couldn't eat a thing because of the thrill and excitement of having real live women at the !:arne table with me. It was really a high point of my life here in Alaska. I haven't received the August issue of THE STAR AND LAMP but hope to in a few days. I have been getting the South Carolina "Gamecock" in which I noticed that Sigma is doing a fine job. I read that they pledged fourteen boys during the summer rush period. That's as good as we did when I was in school. Yesterday I received a letter from Lt. W. Cheney, Moore, Jr., Alpha. He was at a Port of Embarkation awaiting movement orders. He wrote that he had recently had leave in Charleston and saw quite a few of the old Alpha boys. If you know of any Pi Kapps with the same APO as mine, be sure and let me know so I can look him up. Write when you have time. Sincerely, FRED E. QUINN, Sigma. 16

Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. October 2, 1943 . Dear Miss Parker: I had the great pleasure recently of reading one of the last editions of THE STAR AND LAMP. There are several Pi Kapps in this area, and we get together frequently for chats about other brothers elsewhere of whom we have some news. One of them had received his STAR AND LAMP which always proves to be a bountiful source of news from brothers with whom we have no contact. Pi Kappa Phi has meant more to me than I could possibly tell, both in college and since, and I am anxious to do everything that I can to help it stay strong during the war, so that it can make up for the lost time with exceptionally rapid progress after the war is over. A check for voluntary alumni dues is enclosed. Fraternally, w. FRANK BENNETT, Iota. No. 13119322-Enl. Det. 1866 Unit, 8th S. C. Camp Wolters, Texas. October 1, 1943. Dear Miss Parker: I wish to acknowledge your letter and to give my apologies for not answering sooner. I feel that I have a good excuse this time as I have just returned from a fifteen day furlough. You cannot possibly know how good I felt to get back to Virginia after being in Texas for six months. The only disappointment was when I visited Roanoke College campus and found that 3 2 7 High Street was no longer inhabited by Pi Kappa Phi. I am glad to say, however, that we have leased a suite in the fifth section of the boys' dorm-and I'm expecting big things of the three brothers and two pledges remaining. The boys seem to be in high spirits and doing fine. I ~an't give any information about rushing at this time as the Pan Hellenic Council has decided on deferred rushing again this year. There is only one other fraternity in operation this year (K:A) and our boys are boasting that the freshmen won't be able to get near the

other fraternity because they ha.,. to pass by our door first. 1 It is also a relief to know th3 finances are better than they .ha~ been for some time and this will quite useful when we can operate 00 ' house again. . I'm sorry I can 't give much formation about our alumni bu~ , did see Bill Crigler who is work 1 ~J. with the Norfolk and Western Roil way. Arthur Trout is with an t'· Company in Roanoke and cur 1' Lemon expects to go to the arnll shortly. .1 1 There is nothing much of interfel· about myself except I'm sure the. etr lows that know me will apprecJa . 1 the fact that I am an M. P. I do 0. know what my qualifications for thi• work are, but I'm here just the sa.rn~ I 've applied for Army SpeciahZ Training so maybe I won't be herr teo long. 1 As far as I know there are "{i other Pi Kapps here at Wolters. ~ you know of any, please Jet me kn01 . I'd also be pleased to hear from anl of my Xi friends and brothers. Sincerely, . PvT. JrM DoYLE, :XL


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1318 U. S. Med. Detach .. Station Hospital, Camp Pickett, Va. Oct. 4, 1943. Dear Brothers: Enclosed you will find the filled· out questionnaire. There isn't mu~ to report. After graduating fr?"George Washington Univers1t~ cu School of Foreign Service in Febrlld ary '43, I entered the service atle· ~~ was sent here to the Med. Rep)acto to ment Training Center. I went , Bt Clerk's School and finished in JY.fa) and was then kept on as a cadre t.o train new troops. Although my pn~ mary function was to drill the ne'' trainees, I did double in the compatl~ office as I was the only extra ci~r . available. The Replacement Tra 10d ne ing Center broke up this month all I was shipped to the Station II?'' ~.1< pita! and now I am busy worklf1P t:, in one of the clinics here. l I 've been back to State a cot!PI~ 1.'! of times this year but the place JU 5 B: isn 't what it used to be. Alpha :M 0• ' as you know, was taken over by the ~~ Services along with most of the othd fie er fraternities. Brothers Boyer atl







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~uickel seem to be the main standars up there but I understand they kne graduating this month, so I don't Brow who is left now. Incidentally, Po 0.t~er Boyer is in the rather unique ov Stlion of having his fiancee a WAC ~seas-usually it's vice versa. fro ven. though we're only 65 miles \Ve Ill Rtchmond here, we feel as if qu Were on foreign duty. Consequ~tntly, THE STAR AND LAMP is se~te a welcome present when it is \I to me. See if you can't get the ·e Pha Mu boys on the ball so we can e What's going on. frol've run across quite a few boys in ~ State around here and in Washac~oon .but the only Pi Kapp I've run Wa ~~IS a professor of mine at George IVh s Ington, Dr. John Donaldson, C 0AWas the first archon of the D . · lumni Chapter. ou~ ~agine it's quite a job getting ca RE STAR AND LAMP but you IVandbe assured that we all look forr to each issue. Fraternally, RICHARD H. BAKER, Alpha Mu.

Randall Murrill, '.J-2, is due back at Purdue for Naval training. Brother Don Swager is at Ft. Eustis, Va., in an anti-aircraft outfit. That is about all I know about our widely scattered brothers. My job has been most interesting since I entered the service. I'm a corporal technician, fifth grade, in the Fire Direction and Instrument Section of the battalion. I compute data for the guns and our artillery to date has possession of the highest grade in the history of U. S. Artillery on any G. H. Q. tests given where actual firing has taken place. Because of this fact we are anxious to start dumping shells where they will do the most good. I am looking forward to the next issue of THE STAR _, AND LAMP, as well as to the day wnen we can have . . .i a b tg reumon. My best wishes and luck to all brothers. Fraternally, CPL. ALEXANDER LAIRD, Omega.

, Xi. cj o Postmaster,


Los Angeles, Calif. September 23, 1943. 0 ear Brothers: ca 'I'h~ last time I wrote was in the O~ac1ty of Acting Historian for th ega Chapter at Purdue. Since di~t most of us have gone into the lei/re~t services. I admit my negcu W1th shame for there is no exse for it

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entered the armed forces last ioovember 6, whereupon I was sent Bt the 90th Division Artillery, Hq. 344th F. A. Since that time 1 an have been on maneuvers in Louisibea, and are now out in the Mohave PI sert, in California. They call this un~e "Sunny California," a gross erstatement. ne.'\ t various times I have received l'uw of my brothers who went to \'ordue with me. Brother R. A. l'n~ng, Omega '42 is working for the 1 hlted Airlines in San Francisco, and 1'h ope to see him when on furlough. li: e last I heard of Brother R. E. 1. thorne, he was in Maine, an ensign in Cle navy, and married. Brother Jim lioeveland is an air cadet now stanect at New Haven , Conn. Brother




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Long Beach Army Air Field, 14th Ferrying Squad ., Long Beach, Calif. October 6, 1943. Dear Brother McCann: I would appreciate it if you would send me the last issue of THE STAR AND LAMP. The family at home usually forwards my copy to me but for some reason I have failed to see the last issue. I have come in contact with quite a few of the Brothers during my stay in the army and it certainly makes a fellow feel good to run into a Pi Kapp. THE STAR AND LAMP has been a great help toward keeping us men in the service in contact with each other and I look forward to every issue. I would appreciate your sending future issues to my home address: P. 0. Box 55, Conway, S. C. The family will continue to forward them to me. Am looking .forward to the Pi Kapp reunions after' the war. Fraternally,



JR., Sigma

Excerpts of letter~. written to J. AI. Head, Editor of Service Stars, Service Publication of Alpha Zeta. Somewhere in North Africa, July 18, 1943. Dear Al: . .. I want you to know how much I appreciate what you are doing and I think all of the other boys in the service feel pretty much the same way. Hate to think of the active chapter being disbanded for the duration, but it is just one of those things, I guess. I certainly hope that these young fellows that are being forced to miss college now have an opportunity when this is over to go back, because I am certainly grateful for those four years, personally. As to keeping track of the alums, AI, I, personally, think it is important. When we all get back from this mess it is going to be hard for us to find ourselves in a lot of cases. Naturally most of us are going to be changed and we must face the fact that things there are going to be a good deal different than the place we left. It will be worth a lot to get together with old friends and kind of talk things over. A lot of water bas passed under the bridge since I last wrote you. I was in New York City on New Year's Eve and left the States shortly thereafter. We landed in Casablanca and were there for awhile. Then we convoyed overland to Constantine, Algeria where we put on the finishing touches and then headed for the Tunisian front. We saw our first real action at Maknassy. It was pretty rough there for awhile. We learned how dive bombers operated, bow 88's sounded and quite a bit which might be considered as part of our baptism of fire. It was right in the middle of the Maknassy affair that my Boss was given a different job and I was given command. From then on I bad so much to think about that I hardly had time to be scared. From there we went up to the Mateur area and were in on the big final push there. We were right in front on the day of the surrender and helped round up the prisoners. That was a sight that you will never be able to imagine unless you ac(ually saw it. I missed part of the souvenir bunting, bowever, as one of my lieutenants found a German Lieut. General and his staff 17

-so after we picked them up, I had to take them back to higher headquarters. Not much excitement on our part since then. I had a good chance to look over Bizerte, Algiers and Oran. They are all a lot the same and the novelty soon wears off. Ready to see some new sights now. We are all plenty tired of Africa. Sounds like our boys are doing all right for themselves in Sicily now. Had quite a treat this week. A bunch of us went gazelle hunting. Our party managed to get five altogether. · I was in on the kill on one. Three of us were shooting at it and two of us hit it. Not sure just who got it. . . . Have seen Bob (Capt. Robert L. Weir, A-Zeta) several times. Saw him first at Casablanca, then saw him a couple of times during the action at Mateur and then again since the African campaign was over. Am wondering where he is now. . . . Any news you have time to send us is really appreciated.

Ll EUT. Ml NTER KILLED On May 7, 1943, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Minter, 404 Lincoln Avenue, Lee-Hy Court; Roanoke, Va. , received a message from the office of



ecent·l Several PI apps meetmg r dt ly in the Los Angeles area have rna a tentative plans to get togethe~ for I dinner meeting around the first ~· December- perhaps on Founde·d· Day. Alumni and service men re_51 0 ing in the Los Angeles metropoh 1~. area are urged to attend and to cf tact Brother Howard Davis, 1 03 r Thompson Ave., Glendale 1, CaJifo ; nia for details. Write or teleph0° Brother Davis at the above addres>


A-Zeta. Somewhere in Sicily, August 26,· ·1943. Dear AI: . . . Yes, I've been in Sicily since the lOth of July, and it is quite a place- rough, mountainous, dry, barren and impoverished. People are mostly poor and just seem to exist. Al, you wouldn't believe how people live both here and in Africa if you d:dn't see it with your own eyes. Saw Bogner (Capt. Charles Bogner, A-Zeta) about ten days ago and he was fine. Had a letter from Bill (Capt. William C. Weir, A-Zeta) today as of the 14th. He is fine anrl still where he was. Had just received the Silver Star for gallantry in action, so was pleased. Yes, I've heard Stanley R. Kelley was a Lt. Col. now. Doing O.K. News is very scarce around these parts. Right now am taking life pretty easy- go for a swim in the Mediterranean now and then and also see a movie. All are pretty ancient but good to see anyway. Think I'll go see Sante Fe Trail tomorrow night. Well Al, take care of yourself and regards to all and best of luck. Let me hear from you now and then. CAPT. ROBERT L. WEIR, Alpha Zeta. 18

ously by direction of the Presiden:: This medal is awarded to any pe d son, who , while serving the arn1\ forces distinguishes himself by. rne~n torious achievement while JO aerial fli ght. • Brother Mmter attended Roan okt Ji· College, University of Southern ~a· fornia and the University of . bama. He was graduated as a P1101 in July '42 at Turner Field, Ga.


the adjutant general that thei~ son, Lieut. John Hunter Minter, Omicron, had been killed in an airplane accident on April 17th, in the North African area. Lieut. Minter was one of several American pilots who participated in a daring low-level raid on Sfax, then an important Axis port in eastern Tunisia. Brother Minter's plane was hit by antiaircraft shells, one striking near th e waist gunner and injuring the turret gunner, while another damaged the tail of the ship. Lieut. Minter has been awarded the Air Medal Decoration posthum-


Word has been received in Centra~ Office of the death of Brother l(ntj, Folsom Burnett, Nu, on August ol 1943 following a year's illness r malignant hypertension . B r o t .h :r· Burnett graduated from the UnJ~ d sity of Nebraska in 1924. He a. been associated, prior to his illne~ with Parsons, Brinkerhoff, H o y and MacDonald, New York 11 firm of Engineers.



SERVICE HOSPITALITY LIST Central Office solicits the names of Pi Kapp alumni living in or nearby army, navy, and air corps areas whom Pi Kapp service men stationed in these areas, or passing through, may contact. should like to have your names, ad~resses, ~eleph~ne n~~b~rs an the name of camp or service area 1n your 1mmed1ate v1c1n1ty. We shall carry your names in forthcoming issues of THE STAR AND LAMP, that Pi Kapp service men in your areas, may not feel too strange in their new surroundings and may know they have brothers within local telephone distance. Who will be among the first to appear on this Hospitality List?







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Va~{c. ~ach Walter Gramling, Alpha, and Miss Elizabeth Laine a entm~, both of Orangeburg, S. C., have announced their marriage which will take place the tatter part 0 ~pDroachmg ecember. Di~t. dPaul. Turner, Beta, Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Virginia the ar. • Chn.on, S. C., were married on September 15, in gra Ftrst Presbyterian church in Clinton. Lt. Turner was IV duate~ from Presbyterian College in March, where he bo~ PreSident of Pi Kappa Phi, vice-president of the student carr! .a~d a member of the Blue Key. He received his rec rntsston from OCS at Ft. Benning, Ga., in July and until co ently was stationed at Camp Fannin, Tyler, Texas. The TuUpte ~Jan to make their home in Austin, Texas, where Lt. Lner 1~ _now stationed. anct t. ~tlham Woodrow Coleman, Beta, Rock Hill, S. C., on AMtss Barbara H . Montgomery, Athens, Ga., were married Col ugust 6 in the post chapel at Big Spring, Texas. Lt. Fo~rnan was commissioned at Camp Wheeler, later going to Ar J a?-son. In May of this year he transferred to the Bi my ~1r Corps at the army air force bombardier school in in gOSprmg, Texas, where he graduated and received his wings Sett] clobe;. Th~ couple are making their home at the Hotel es, Btg Sprmg. of C~ht. Lou.ie Porter, Beta, and Miss Juanita Conoley, both Fir t Mmasvtllc, Ga., were married on September 25, in the gras ethodist Church chapel, Valdosta , Ga. Capt. Porter irn dua~ed from Presbyterian College in '41 after which he ha rn~dtatcl;r joined the army and left for o~erseas duty. He ass een In Hawaii and in actual combat on Guadalcanal, captain in the U. S. Infantry. \V orman Jack Wayman, Epsilon, and Miss Thelma Lucile Wh:ner, both of Miami, Fla ., were marrierf on July 24, at Kte Temple Church, Miami. Ma arl Emmett Fisher, Epsilon, Kannapolis, N. C., and Miss ternrgaret E. Cannon, Concord, . C., were married on SepFi hber 24 at the First Presbyterian Church, Concord . Brother _er has enlisted in the Marine Corps. lo~teut. Commander Thomas Litchfield Kennedy, USNR, we:• Tam~a, Fla., and Miss Arleinc L. Yorks, Bethlehem, Pa., l<c e mar~ted at Long Beach, Calif., on July 2.1. Brother Ts] nnedy IS now sltltioned at the naval air base. Terminal and, Calif. M~t. (j .g.) Jean Elmo Kirkland, Jr., Iota Atlanta, Ga., and ~ss Annabell Davis, Dawson, Texas, were 'married on Augu.st 1 Whn Dawson. They are making- their home in Dallas, Texas, Lre the !!TOom is stationed at the Naval Base. !\n t. Lew J . Kilburn, Jr., Lambda, Atlanta, Ga., and Miss M: na ¥ae Allan, Knoxville, Tenn., were married at Gleim ho~monal church in Atlanta. July 24 . They are making their is te .somewhere on the West Coast where Brother Kilburn s at10ned. R En~ign Philip D . Small, Mu, Charlotte, . C., and Miss Mosahe D. Winslow, ew York City were married in the Yers Park Methodist Church, Charlotte on June 26 They 3 sre makin<t the;r home in Corpus Christi Texas where Brother mall is stationed. ' ' M~adet Max V. Gilmer, Omicron, Ft. McClellan, Ala., and Ju~ss Mary Frances Hays, Birmingham, Ala .. were married on T Y 10 at the post chapel of the Marfa Field Base, Marfa, e~as. They .are at pre e~t living in Marfa. La !ark B. Wmter, Rho, Atr Corps, USA, and Miss Margery Co Utse Forbes were married on September 12, in Denver, D lorado. They are making- their home at 1563 Gaylord St., enver. Benjamin Fishburne, Sigma, Columbia, S. C., and Miss 1 Svabell Seale, Sumter, S. C., were married in Sumter on rnept~m~er 1~. Brother _Fishburne is now in~tructor in coma ~ntcat10ns m the pre-fhght school at the Umversity of S. C., n the coup'e are making their home in Columbia. S Lt. Albert Glenn Lancaster, Tau, and Miss Laurine Eleanor bouthard, both of Henderson. . C., were married on SeptemBer 24 at the Naval Air Station at Terminal Island, California. w:other Lancaster is now stationed at the San Pedro Air Base h lth the aircraft delivery unit and they arc making their orne in Long Beach, Calif. S Capt. Ned Wilson Holland, Chi, Blakely, Ga., and Miss arab Frances Carter, Tampa, Fla., were married on August






After graduating at Stetson, Brother Holland received llis degree in medicine at Tulane University and was later resident physician at the Charity Hospital at New Orleans. The couple will live in Atlanta, where Capt. Holland is stationed at Fort McPherson in the Medical Corps. Dr. William E. Catterall, Omega, and Miss Shirley Grush of Beverly, Mass., have recently announced their engagement. Lt. Wallace Blackford, Omega, Chicago, and Miss Kathryn Anna Latham, St. Petersburg, Fla., were married at St. Peters Episcopal Church, St. Petersburg, on September 27. Lt. Blackford has recently returned from active duty overseas. The couple are making their home in Macon, Ga., where Lt. Blackford is now stationed. John ] . Senesy, Psi, and Miss Ruth Horton, both of Bound Brook, N . J., have recently announced their approaching marriage. Brother Senesy is at present president of the Construction Service Company, Inc., of Elizabeth, N. J. Robert Snider, Alpha Delta, Tacoma, Wash., and Miss Margaret Lang were married in January of last year. Brother Snider is in the armed services but Central Office doesn't have his present address. Lt. James A. White, Alpha Epsilon, and Miss Marion Louise Louis, Mingus, Texas, were married in Fort Worth, Texas, on June 20. At the time of their marriage Brother White WflS stationed at Camp Wolters, Texas, and the couple made their home in Mineral Wells, Texas. Word has been received in Central Office of the marriage of Lt. (j .g.) George Rood, Alpha Epsilon, to Miss Julia Mullis. Brother Rood's mother, Mrs. Belle Rood, was house mother of Alpha Epsilon chapter for six years. Lt. David Fred Barcus, Leesburg, Fla., and Miss Sylvia Exton, Fredericksburg, Va., were married on September 9. Brother Barcus is stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga ., Co. "C", !76th Infantry. Arthur M. Dowell, Jr., Alpha Eta, and Miss Flonnie Turner Cooper, both of Birmingham, Ala., were married on August 22 . Mr. and ~rs. Dowell arc living in Atlanta, Ga., where Brother Dowell IS a graduate assistant in chemistry at Georgia Tech. ~~· Jimmy Lee Butt, Alpha Iota , and Miss Jane Frances Wtlhams, both of Wetumpka, Ala., were married at Old Post Chapel,. Fort Sill, Okla., on June 23. After completing OCS at ~~- Stll, Lt. Butt has been accept d for advanced specialized trammg at that post and the couple ate making their home at nearby Lawton, Okla. ~adet Frank E .. Rooks, Alpha Iota, Columbus, Ga., and Mtss Martha Whttworth, Gadsden, Ala., were married on July 27 at the First Methodist Church, Gadsden. Brother Rooks has recently been stationed in Santa Anna, Calif. for further training as a bombardier-navigator and Mrs: Rooks has joined her husband there. ~pl. John W. Struck, Alpha Mu, State College, Pa., and Mtss Nancy Zartman, Shamokin, Pa., have recently announced their enqagement. Brother Stuck is with the Ordnance School Co. "F", Reg.-ORTC, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., whcr~ he has just completed his technical training in the machinists school and has entered the October class of OCS. David A. Roberson, Alpha Sigma, and Miss Elizabeth Allen both of Etowah, Tenn., were married in September. They are making their home in Clinton, Tenn., where Brother Roberson is employed at Clinton Engineer Works. L~. Charle? L. Hen~rix, Chattanooga, Tenn., and Miss Dons Cummms, KnoxVIlle, Tenn., were married on September 25. The newlvwcds are making their home in Ut bana Ill and Brother _Hendrix is st~tioncd at nearby Chanute Field. ., Earl F . Rtggs, Alpha Stgma, and Miss Sally Keown were married in October. At the present time they arc making their home in Baltimore where Brother Riggs is workin-.. Ensign Richard Y. At~ee, Alpha Tau, and Mis~ Dorothy Jean Heath, both of Whtte Plams, N . Y., were married on June 25 last. Brother AtLee had just completed a training course in the navy at Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. He is now stationed at the aval Training School (Radar) Austin Hall, Harvard University for additional training . Charles T. King, Alpha Iota, and Miss Audrey Youngblood both of Luverne, Ala., were married on June 26 at th~ Church Street Methodist Church Knoxville Tenn. 'At that time Brother King was an avia'tion cadet 'stationed at the University of Tennessee . Jl.




Presbyterian College

Thmgs are bnghtenmg up for Beta Chapter. During rush week, the latter part of August, seven men donned the white di amond . They arc: ] oc Fuller, Augusta, Ga. ; Dick Wilkins, Florence, S. C.; John Gantt, Columbia, S. C.; James Kellett and. Eugene Thomason, of Fountain Inn, S. C.; and Gene Sm1th and Gene Copeland, of Abbeville, S. C. ] oc Fuller recently graduated and is now stationed at Notre Dame with the Naval Reserve. Our pledging Gene Smith was rather significant. His father, Brother William J. Smith, came with several other broth~rs from Epsilon Chapter, _shortly after 1913 to help estab hsh Beta Chapter more fJTmly on the Presbyterian College campus. Due to the accelerated program here, most of the extracurricular activities, publications, etc. have been dropped . Pledge Brother Ke llett, however, has risen to be assistant manage r of the footba ll team . All pledges have almost a year before they beccme subject to the draft. By that time, we plan to have our number increased so as to carry Beta safely through the war. November 1 will mark the beginning of another rush week and we will certainly be on the lookout for promising me~ who might enter school at that time. All seven pledges are to be initiated soon. Until then, and shortly thereafter, I, as the only remaining Brother have assumed the direction of the Chapter. ' GEORGE R. WILKINSON, JR.



Furman University

New ly elected officers for Delta are: Gene Lathan archon · Kenneth Baker, treasurer; Jasper Waites, secrct~ ry and chaplain; Curtis Porter, historian and warden. Delta has exceeded her record of last year which was the best year in our history. There are only three fraternities active on the campus and, of the 37 boys who pledged fraternities, 19 pledged Pi Kappa Phi, whitb was more than the other two fraternities pli!dged together. The new pledges are: L. J. Blackwell, Horace Buddin Roy Crowe, Sam Davis, Louis Forgione, Randy Graham, Victor Greene, Bobby Gunter, Tommy Hall, Claude Jones Ben Howard, Lynn Lane, Bill Lubecke, Carl McMahon Creighton Oliver, Harold Shaw, Arthur Tyson, Furman To~chberry and Harry Warren. The pledge ceremony was held October 12, at the home of Dean· R. N. Daniel. Delta still holds first place in representation of student body officers. Pledge Horace Buddin is president of the student body; Pledge Harry Warren, vice-president, student body; Pledge Sam Davis, vice-president, senior class; Pledge Arthur Tyson, treasurer, junior class; Brother Kenneth Baker, secretary, sophomore class, member of the "Rat Court" and of the student lee:islature; Brother Curtis Porter, member of the "Rat Court" and of the student legislature; and Pledge Harold Shaw. member of the "Rat Court." Brother Charles Daniel left to join Uncle Sam's forces October 11. This leaves us with only four brothers but since seven of the new plede:es are upper-classmen, we ar~ planning to initiate them in the near future. Delta is exoecting to have a big "year regardless of those conditions that are facing us. CURTIS PORTER, Historian.


Georgia Tech

Officers elected for the ' fall term were: Wally Simmons, archo!l; Jack P~u s, . treasurer; Comer Weaver, secretary; Charhe Darby, h1 s tor~an; - af}~ .. .J1\ck King, chaplain. During the past semester, wfiich was fairly successful for


Iota, seven ·men were pledged . Four pledges were initiated after mid-term and five more are to be initiated at the begin· ning of the fall term. Those initiated were· Howard Me· Wh?rtcr, Charli; Darby, Jack King: and Bill P.ryor. . F1ve of Iota s Naval R. 0 . T . C. seniors have rece1ved their commissions as Ensigns in the Naval Reserve. TheY are: Bob Ca ld well, Ed Gross, Jimmy Minter Tom McMurrY• and Mickey Cochran. ' Brother Jimmy Loudermilk graduates with a job waiting for him with Bell Aircraft Co. Brother Charlie Fulton of the ASTP unit leaves for Signal Corps OCS at Fort Mo~mouth, New Jersey. Brother Dent Ingram has applied for a transfer from. Signal Corps OCS to Air Corps OCS. Private Harold Flemmg has returned to school after completing basic training. In campus activities Comer Weaver was elected to the Student C~uncil, J~ck Paus to Pi Tau Sigma, honorary societY of Mechamcal Engmeering. Brothers Paus and Brooke Reeve were ~hosen to represent the chapter on the Jnter-Fraternit.Y Council. Two freshmen brothers, Jack King and Charhe Darby, ~ere pledg~d to the Yellow Jacket Club. Returnmg alumm have brought back an air of "Old Horne Week" on the recent ends of the football games. Lt. John ~a~d_, ,!-t. Bob Weatherford, Ensign K . B. Loftis, Ensign DIXle . Howell, Ensign . "Pop" Morgan, Lt. Tom Smith, Lt· John Kmg, Sgt. Lemm·e Henery, Pvt. Jack Bunn, and Lt. Hal Edge have all come back to see what the old place is likC· Numerous letters from alumni come to the house from tirnC to time. It's often surprising to learn of the great interest the fellows continue to have in the fraternity long after theY have left the school. Postmarked from all over the globe these letters serve to show how great a part Tech men and Pi Kapps are playing in the defense of their country. CHARLIE DAnnv, Historia11 .



With the election of Bill Brinkley as archon; Stan Butler, treasurer; Don B~ckley, secretary; Chuck Myers, historian! Fred Doty, chaplam; and Wes Gilbert, warden, Pi Kappa Ph 1 ended another semester of activities at Duke. Recent initiates are: Fred Kendall, Johns, N. C., Ben Cato, Stewart Blanton, and Scott Nivens, Charlotte, N. C., Williarn G. Blanchard, Hertford, N. C., Wi11iam W. Watson, Eastha!ll· Mass., and Fred Sharkey, Wildwood, N. J. Pi Kappa Phi will certainly come through with flying colors .. Since last March, we have grown in numbers, strength, and umly. We have experienced inflation with the addition ?f a number of brothers and pledges from other institutions m the south. Sunny Florida and Stetson have given up three of their favorite sons, Dick Mansur Lee Monk and Alton Myers. Alpha Iota at Auburn ha; sent us Charlie Morgan, Jimmie Reddoch, and Herb Strickland. Price Lineberger, Roy Wi11iams, and Earle Yantis hail from DavidsonOur lone eagle from Wofford is Keith Edwards. We hope that if there are other brothers or pledges on campus they let us know pronto. More than one brother has expressed the opinion that our annual Pi Kappa Phi Harvest Hop, held on October 9 was the best fraternity dance in years. ' Unique among other fraternities Mu does not forget scholarship. It has just pride in its splendid scholastic rank on campus. This adds to its balance. It has leaders. In the last two years, it has had an associate editor of the Archive, the vice-president of the junior class, three members· of Phi Bela Kappa, two members of 0 . D. K., freshman "Y" Council president, and the tennis manager. In its own stead it haS run the Blue party combine through its political leaders. It is with deep regret that we must wish five seniors "Bon



~~~age" and add them to our alumni mailing list: orman l-Ie) wn, Bai!ey Grt>ome, Bob Koperek, John Morgenthau and son Stephens. Good sailing, all I -From Mu Muses-Mu Publication.

Omicron orrtcers ele~led Clint


for the fall term are: Ohmer Trigg, archon; Wi!r on Paulsm, treasurer; James Wells, secretary; and Robert ta:ms, warden. the0 tntcron <;hapter will function as usual this year. Since Nov Army dtd not want our house we will reopen again on 1'usc~rnber I at the same old place, 804 Hackberry Lane, totalaloosa. We have four actives, ten pledges and a grand fi"iat of ~pproximately fifteen A. S. P . T. boys who will afrnovee . Wtth our chapter. Some independent students will tnto our house to help defray expenses. JAMES C. WELLS, Secretary. ting thC th, fer old

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Roanoke College

an~ talked with the chapter (all three of them) this morning delig?ou should get a report shortly . I know you will be Part ted to see two new members who are going through up of the initiation tonight. There are two more coming 1'~nd two more in sight. furn·~ chapter closed the house, so ld a small amount of the sarn 1 ur~ to the college with thr right to buy it back at the rnon~trtce, less depreciation, rented the refrigerator for $1 per is u . • J?laced some of the furniture in the suite the chapter l'he ~ng tn the dormitory and stored the rest of the furniture. Pen~ have a three room suite in the dormitory, monthly exinc s of less than fifteen dollars and an anticipated monthly du~7c of about $30, over $200 on savings account for · the oper ~?n and about $60 surplus on hand from the first month's is a a ton: In a small way, Xi is so lvent, and that I believe Tn achtevement. rne~b al~m~i will have to help with initiations since the is rn ershtp ts short on man power. What Xi lacks in size lvhato~c than offset by the pep the three members have and, dun IS even better, the firm belief that we arc going places Prong the next few years. We have heard all of the dire lootnostication~ .and al.l of the tales about the hopeless outbe i for fratermttcs dunng the war. We decided we would not dra rnpressed and our first step was to open the back door, bel the w~lf in and make fur conts for everybody. Thus the ecked, Xt has started out to really put Pi Kappa Phi on und~ap at. R.oa.nokc this year. And I do not believe we are Y Opltmrsttc. At any rate, we shall see. CuRTIS DoBBINS,

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Chapter .ldviser.

University of S. C.

larn~wly elected officers for Sigma arc: Jay Hammett, archon; hist ~ Parler, treasurer; Dean Clary, secretary; George Gaddy, chapolrt~n; Robert Rigby, warden; and Graham Hopper, am a ~~ Pr~sent we have 20 actives and 16 plede;es. We have tai ell rush season planned for November. We arc not cerit ~ .~ ow many men we will Jose at the end of this time, but rnenvt. not exceed two or three. We expect to pledge new Per . 111 acco•dancc with our losses. At no time will we rntt the chapter to exceed forty . Cia0 11 August 14, the following men were initiated: Dean ou/Y, M . C.o~s.ta~, George Gaddy, C. Graham Hopper; and lo, . econd tmtmtton, on September 11, brought in the folbovmf men : Grady 0. Bennett, Jr., John D. Bunch, Jr., as Jones and Robert R. Rigby, Jr. for ~~ former secretary, Ormond Toole, left school recently fin d ~ Army. Archon Jay Hammett has recently been cona e . tn a hospital in Gaffney, S. C., where he underwent maJor operation on October 10. ]Av HAMMETT, Archo11.



Alpha Iota

Alabama Polytechnic

an~lpha Iota chapter did not function during the summer ch • so far, has not functioned this quarter. In May the th apter decided to become inactive due to the fact that only qutee members were sure to be back in school for summer arter. The majority of the members who were not gradual-


ing were in ROTC and were inducted into the Army the last of April. These boys were to go to their respective Officers' Candidate Schools in June . However, due to the congested state of the various OCS many were returned to Auburn to continue their schooling until Septt>mber 30. As we thought we'd be here for only a short while, we considered it inadvisable to become active. Later, however, we were informed that we would stay in college until we graduated. At the present time there are nine mem bers enrolled in college and two pledges are still here. At a recent meeting we decided to become reactivated. There is a larger enrollment in school than we anticipated and we believe we can make a success of it. PvT. DAVID E. BucK.


N.C. State

During the summer Tau chapter elected new officers, who will se rve us indefinitely, due to the uncl'·.tain couditions caused by war. They are: R. C. "Cham" Laughlin, archon; Fred E. Gorter, treasurer; Ed Cole, secretary; Jam es Morgan, historian ; Ed Troy, chaplain; and Joe Ford, warden. We have eight members now, one of whom is dropping out of school within a few days. Our ru sh program, which has just been completed, netted us II pledges, so Tau should not have any trouble operating this school year. As a result of the work of several alumni anrl friends of the chapter, old 1720 Hillsboro St. blossomed out in new glory in September. A badly-needed replacement for that old, worn out, living-room rug greeted those who entered the house, the new draperies and lamps for all the first floor rooms. All of these improvements came as the result of a close investigation of Tau by the alumni-an investigation that established the chapter's better-than-even chance to come through the war in good condition. Five fraternities at Stale College have suspended operations for the duration of the war, leaving Pi Kappa Phi one of the remaining ten fraternities on campus. Tau hapter has slowly become smaller as the Army and avy nibble away at our boys. We lost Demming Smith and Bill Wallace to the Air Corps, former Archon Gilbert, to the Army, and with the ERC call at the end of last term went Brothers Jordan and McCabe. Brother Lcm Cannon was drafted and is now carrying a rifle at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., when not on KP. It is interesting to note that Major Carl W. Adams, commanding officer of the 59th College Training Detachment of Aircrcw students based here, is a Pi Kapp from Beta chapter at Presbyterian College. In addition to aircrew students a large group of Army Engineers from Fort Bragg have been stationed here, and are receiving specialized training. Finally, Stale has been designated by the Engineers Corps as a classification center. The work of this department is similar to the Air Corns classification center at the University of Tennessee, from which students are assigned to their respective bases for training. To our many members in the armed services we want you to know we are behind you in full force. Your job is our job and we are doing all we can to help you, as you have helped us. Just as you have not been informed of your next position in life, we are also ignorant of ours, but it is evident that some of us will soon join you in the services of our country. However, before we go we will try to make sure that when the vultures of Europe and Asia are buried together with their symbols, the neon sign of Pi Kappa Phi shall still be burning at N. C. State. BLuE SrrrELD.



After we take out our crystal ball and calendar, we shall try to discover what has happened to Omee;a and Purdue. This summer has witnessed the arrival of 1,500 V-12 students, 450 Marines, and 1,000 soldiers. Purdue is just finishing a short half semester to make the civilian semester line up with the avy scme ter. During this half semester, we take half as many subjects twice as often as we do during the regular semesters.


During the last several weeks the brothers who were called up from the advanced ROTC ranks have been returning to the campus. Pfc. Phil Sigler and Pfc. Les Millholin are the two Omega brothers sent back to Purdue in the ASTP. Others on our campus roll call include six V-12 sailors, John Makepeace, John Lindley, Murray Williams, Lou Knight, Abc Alleman and Dick Rydin. Living in the Sig Ep house at the turn of 'the semester are Dick Shaw, Bill English, John Merriell, Bill Conant, AI Craven, Carroll Martindell and two pledges, Ed Fithian and Frank Funke. Sgt. Lee Ryerson, Alpha Sigma, and A/S Ed Cole, Tau, are studying in the Army and Navy specialized training programs respectively here. We hope that all other Pi Kapps on the campus will get in touch with us, too. Our present officers are headed by AI Craven as Archon. Bill Conant is our Secretary-Treasurer, Carroll Martindell is Historian-Chaplain, and John Merriell has charge of the Warden's Post. In spite of our reduc.ocl membership, Omega men are sti ll found in activities. AI Craven is an announcer at WBAA, Purdue's radio station. Dick Shaw and Bill English both play in the Purdue orchestra. Bill Conant is on the circulation staff of the campus paper, the Purdue Exponent. We find Carroll Martindell listed on the Purdue Playshop programs as being in charge of lighting and publicity. Carroll was recently elected to Gimlet Club, a campus activities honorary. We are glad to announce that our Omegalite, chapter paper has been rejuvenated after a summer's vacation. Any Omeg~ men who have not received their copy should send their addresss to us immediately. A month ago, we received the sad news from brother Conant that our famous Great Dane mascot, Dammitt, had died of a heart attack after a case of blood poisoning. Dammitt was known the campus over and had a deep spot in our hearts. He was shipped to Bill Conant's home in Chicago because of the meat rationing problem. We have just completed a semester under the roof of the Sigma Phi Epsilon chapter house here at Purdue. This summer the Pi Kapp and Sig Ep combined softball team swept the league and won the interfraternity softball championship without losing a game. As we wind up this semester, still another fraternity has joined our merry throng as a group of Lambda Chi Alpha men moved in to the Sigma Phi Epsilon house. At Purdue it has more than ever become a case of "one for all and all for one." CARROLL MARTINDEl.L, Histormn.

Alpha Sigma


The chapter officers of Alpha Sigma for the coming school quarter are: Charles Martin, archon; Odus Johnson, chaplain; John Miller, treasurer; Spears Vavalides, secretary; and Jimmie Martin, Historian. We opened the year ·with seven pledges, and nine active~. Three of these members are from the former ROTC umt here and are in ' uniform. These three men, Brothers Jacoway, Hammer, and Brown are awaiting their call for OCS. The fraternity is very happy to have them here. Due to the present wartime condition, we have renter! a few vacant rooms to some outside men in order to keep our house. Under this arrangement, we are able to continue successfully, and keep the old Pi Kapp spirit alive. . Our first serial of the year was a dinner dance, honormg the pledges. This turned out to be a huge affair and many more are contemplated. We hope to have a big Halloween celebration . We have bought some new furniture (including ash trays, etc.), and are planning many new improvements. Our pledges really have the pre-war fraternity spirit and we are looking forward to making each one of them brother5. George Goodman, a pre-med student is president of the pledge class. Through graduatioJ;~.Iast summer, Brother C. F. Niles, and Brother Sam Beaman. were lost from the chapter rolls. Brother Niles is at Notre ·Dame. University, where he !s taking midshipman training, In the near future, we hope to have an alumni meeting


to htlp organize the alumni into an active group. This ~v~l help the chapter as well as the alumni to get better acqua!O · ed with the new men. JIMMY MARTIN, Historia1l.

Alpha Phi


Illinois Institute

Steering the Alpha Phi chapter's activities during the past semester have been : Arnold Kramer, archon; Paul Dalen~l1l~ treasurer; Henry Dirksen, secretary; Thomas Ruck, histona Frank Lidd, warden, and social chairman; Walter Koe1e, chaplain; Harry Anderson, pledge captain; and Ray Tubergen, sports manager. Alpha Phi has joined the ranks of other Pi Kapp chaptAef who have had their houses taken over by Uncle Sam. ~ though the Navy has occupied Alpha Phi's house since J~l)s 1, the chapter has used the facilities offered it by the j\t ad Club , a University of Chicago fraternity, and bas functtonC almost as actively as before. Several Pi Kapps have be~~ living at the Atlas Club, and it has been rented for soc:Ja functions. The administration at Illinois Tech has been trymS to secure a house near the school for use of the eight fra· lernities on the campus, but so far has been unsuccessful. t At present there are 21 active members and 13 pledges. a Illinois Tech . With only one of the actives, Raymond SmJth~ grad uating on October 17, the coming semester should see th chapter remaining active. At the end of the spring semester Brothers Seward Van Ness, Charles Farr, Mario Fraccaro, and Albert Glassgen left for the service, while Brothers John Pottenger and Gordon Sommers left during the summer semester. Of the 13 pledges, six are Navy V-12 men sta; tioned at Illinois Tech. They are Donald Lang, Rober Warburton, George Schober, Alfred Roberts, William OstroW• and Jerold Wingeart. The seven civilian pledges are Le~ and Norbert Poliv~a, Allen Dimoff, Ramon q1son, Ro Churan, Edward Jalhts, and Clarence Weeks. Also m the V- 12 unit are Brothers Harry Anderson, Ray Tubergen, Dougla 55 Snyder, and William Pottenger. Alpha Phi chapter is we ll represented in governing bodie~ and organizations at Illinois Tech. The Illinois Tech Stud~~b Association, for example, is almost in Pi Kapp bands, WI president, Harry Anderson; senior class representative, Ra~ Tu bergen; sophomore class representative, Ronald Ailara; a~ r freshman representative, Pledge Ramon Olson . The junt~, class elected Douglass Snyder as one of its "Junior Marshals, whose function it is to organize and supervise the yearly inte~~ class and inter-fraternity competition. President of t b sophomore class is Brother Thomas Ruck, while John Sac : is the soph representative to the Honor Board. The fresh man class is headed by pledge Allen Dimoff. As far as inter-fraternity sports go, Pi Kappa Phi won thd golf and tennis trophies in the spring semester, and place second in ping-pong; while in the summer competition d tie for second place was achieved in baseball, and a reco~ of four wins and no losses finds the Pi Kapps on top 111 the current six-man football competition. With plans for a hay-ride being completed for the semest~r beginning November 1, Alpha Phi chapter looks forward 0 another active four months of fraternity life. THOMAS F. RUCK, 1/istorial~·


Births Born to 1st Lt. Norman R. Smith, Alpha Theta, and Barbara D . Smith, a daughter, Gretchen Anne, on August g. Brother Smith, now in England writes: "Fortunately I was ab le to see my first-born on her nativity and know that her Mamma was well. Then I took off and here I am (somewhere in England) waiting to hear from anybody who'll drop card." Central Office has Lt. Smith's APO address and WI be glad to supply it upon request. My mother is the former Mary Anderson of Jacksonville, F la. My Dad is Lt. jg Robert P. Lance, USNR, Lambda, and he is communication officer on a destroyer in the At· !antic Fleet. I arrived on September 2 and I weighed 8 lb 5· 11 oz. Not bad for American Citizen, Robert Park Lance, Jr.













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was her here






Incorporated 1907, Laws of South Carolina

Penn State (Alpha Mu) State College, Endowment Fund Founders Pa. John D. Carroll, Chairman, LexingCh:rl FoGARTY, 151 Moultrie St., PresbytPrian (Beta) Clinton, S. C. ANoiU: eston, S. C. ton, S.C. Raymond Orteig, Jr., Secretary, 61 Purdue (Omega) 690 Waldron St., LA.W W ALEXANDER KROEG, deceased. W. 9th St., New York City. West Lafayette, Ind. Ba~ENSCtE HARRY MIXSON, 217 East ., Charleston, S. C. Henry G. Harper, Jr., 315 McCarty Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) 1514 Sage Ave., Troy, N. Y., Care G. K. PalsDrive, Beverly Hills, Calif. NA.r National Council grove. 10 Roy J. Heffner, 32 Washington ry ~~L PRESIDENT-William J. BerRoanoke (Xi) 327 High St., Salem, Va. Ave., Morristown, N.J. NA.T; St. Johns Pl., Brooklyn, N.Y. South Carolina (Sigma) Tenement 9, lie?NA~ TREASURER-G. Bernard Architecture Box 593, U. of S. C., Columbia, S. C. OakrnrM1<:h, 26590 Dundee Rd., Royal James Fogarty, Chairman, 8 Court Stetson (Chi) Stetson University, De Land, Fla. '' • 1ch . House Square, Charleston, S. C. ·~A.TiON bon SECRETARY-Karl M. GibEdward J. Squire, 68 E. 19th, Brook- Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) 1541 West Cumberland, Knoxviile, Tenn. Chi~a oom 2100, 11 S. LaSalle St., lyn, N.Y. Washington (Alpha Delta) 4504 16th NA. go, Ill. Clyde C. Pearson, c/o State DepartTiONAL H N. E., Seattle, Wash. ll.ice J ISTORIAN-Devereux D. ment of Education, Montgomery, Washington & Lee (Rho) c; o Dr. NA.r • ohnson City, Tenn. Ala. Earle K. Paxton, Lexington, Va. l{~~NAL CHANCELLOR-Theron A. John 0. Blair, 17006 Maumee, Wofford (Zeta) Wofford College, ser, St. Matthews, S. C. Grosse Pointe Village, Detroit, Spartanburg, S. C. Mich. ~hss Central Office 1 M. Gonzales, Quevedo, Chavez No.Alumni Chapters gel• AURA B. PARKER, Office Mana35, San Luis, Oriente, Cuba. Ames, lowa- J. R. Snge, Registrar, !own Stnte ll.ich 702 Grace-American Bldg., College. Ric rnond, Va. Councillors-at-large A tlnntn, Gn.- Secretnry-unnssigned. A.~~Ro L. YOUNG, Editor, THE STAR A. H. Borland, Trust Bldg., Durham, Birminghnm, Ala.-Archon, Henry S. Smith, Jr., 820 N. Slat St. lotte L~TMP, 2021 Ashland Ave., CharN.C. S. C.--Secretary, Earl B. Halaall, , <'1, c. Pacific Southwest - W. D. Wood, Charleston, 661 King St. Robles del Rio Lodge, Monterey Charlotte, N. C.- Secretary, Unnuigned. Drsrn1 District Archons Chattanooga, Tenn.-Archon, Scott N. Brown, County, Calif. 7Gth eSt 1-Frank J. McMullen, 68719 Walnut St., Chnttanooga,. Tenn. Undergraduate Chapters 0isrn1 ·• Br·ooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, JIJ.- Archon, George Wickhorst, 606 Disrn CT 2-Unassigned. Lake St., Oak Park, Jll. Alabama (Omicron) University, Ala. Cleveland, Ohic>-Secretary-unnaaigned. Sou~CT 3-Marion McCown, 504 Alabama Polytechnic (Alpha Iota) Columbia, S. C. -Archon, F. G. Swa!ticld, Jr., ~- 0heastern Bldg., Greensboro, 1222 Sumter St.. Columbia, S. C. Auburn, Ala. Columbus -Ft. Benning, Ga.- H. M. Verdery, 'Disrni · Brooklyn Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) 2009 Wildwood Dr., Columbus, Gn. 66o c~ 4-Herman N. Hipp, Box Detroit, Mlch.- Secretnry, Willinm F. H . Dun· Brooklyn, N. Y. Oisrn' reenville, S. c. away, 10410 E. Jefferson, California (Gamma) Berkeley, Calif. Oisrn;cT 5-Unassigned. Florence, S. C.-Secretary, J. J. Clemmon•, Charleston (Alpha) College of Char710 Florence Trust Big, D1srnr CT 6-Unassigned. Greenville, S. C .. Secretary- Henwood Dllhngleston, Charleston, S. C. bisrnr CT 7-U nassigned. hnm, 18 E. Earl St. Davidson (Epsilon) Davidson, N. C. D1srnr CT 8-Unassigned. Ithaca, N. Y.- Secretary, J. Stillwell Brown, Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) c j o Robert S. llisrn CT 9-Unassigned. 1002 Clift St. Hanson, 445 Gainsboro Rd., Drexel Jnckaonvllle, Fla.-Secretary - Lnwrence .1{ n8110T 10- G. Ronald Heath, Wells Wnlrnth, Dox 426. Hill, Pa. Disrn I, East Lansing, Mich. Knoxville, Tenn.- Secretnry, E. M. Bowlea, 10 Prj T 11-Charles R. Lowe, 4641 Duke (Mu) Box 4682, Duke Station, 2826 Linden Ave. Durham, N. C. Leesburg, Fla. -Secretary, A. S. Herlong, Jr., llisrn~ce Ave., Downers Grove, Ill. Shore Acres . low CT 14-Paulus J. H. Lange, Florida (Alpha Epsilon) 1469 W. Uni- Lehigh Valley- Secretary, John Kieser, 118 versity Ave., Gainesville, Fla. ll1srn~ State College, Ames, Iowa. W. Douglas St., Rending, Pa. Furman (Delta) Greenville, S. C. h1sr CT 16-Unassigned. Miami, Fln.-Secretary, Wm. B. Roman, 1807 Congress Dldg. Georgia (Lambda) 599 Prince Ave., b 18'i';rcT IS-Unassigned. Montgomery, Ala. -Secretary - Reid Doater, Athens, Ga. Pur~CT 19-Victorian Sivertz, 4833 101 Alabama Ave. Georgia Tech (Iota) 87 North Ave., New York, N. Y.- Secretary, Chnrlea B. Drs'i'R ue Ave., Seattle, Wash. N. W., Atlanta, Ga. Behringer, 8344 Letrerta Blvd ., Kew Gardena, Drsr lCT 20-Unassigned. N.Y. Ga~ICT 21-Robert S. Hanson, 445 Howard (Alpha Eta) Howard College, Philadelphia, Pn. -Secretary-Melvin B. Long7754, 2nd Ave., So., Birmingham, nesboro Rd., Drexel Hill, Pa . ncre, 909 Edgewood Rd., Upper Darby, Pa. Ala. Pittsburgh, Pa.-Secretary- Keith V. Arnold, Sch l Standing Committees 96 Grant Ave., Etna, Pa. Illinois (Upsilon) 1105 S. First St., bo arahip Portland, Ore.-Secretary - Phil Brinkman, Champaign, Ill. 414 N. Overlook Blvd, r. Will E. Edington, Chairman, De- Illinois Tech (Alpha Phi) 3337 S. Raleigh, N. C.-Secretary, Garland 0 . Greett, fa3w Unive1·sity, Greencastle, Michig-an Ave .. Chicago, Ill. 611 McCullock St., Raleigh, N. C. Roanoke, Va.-Edwnril S. Jarrett, 112 Lee F'ina n · And chapter advisers. Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) 127 Ron d. ll. nee Stanton Ave., Ames, Iowa. San Franci•co, CaL-Secretary, Fred Drear, ak~h W. Noreen, Chairman, 1 Wall Michigan State (Alpha Theta) East Box 17, Alamo, Calit. Seattle, Wash.- Secretnry- John M. Nelaon, Lansing, Mich. p· ., New York City (Term ex86th N. E. ll.o tres, 12-31-44). N. C. State (Tau) 1720 Hiilsboro Rd., St.6742, Louia, Mo.- Archon- E. E. Ezell, 706 Heffner, 32 Washington Ave., Raleigh, N.C. Olive S't. orristown, N. J. (Term expires, Oglethorpe (Pi) Oglethorpe Univer- St. Matthews, S. C. -Secretary, John L. Woodaide. li: 12:31-4&,. sity, Ga. D. c. - Secretary-William E. dW m F. Griffin, (Term expires, Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Corvallis, Wllllhington, Simms. 1735 Eye St., N . W .. Waahington, 12-31-43). Ore. D. C.








EHCO Badges for Lifetime Pleasure and Satisfaction Order Your Badge from the Following Price List P lain Border, 10 Karat Plain Bord er, 14 Karat

__ -·--

Miniaturc --------- $ . __ -··- __ 4.00

Stand· ard $ 4.50 5.50

FULL CROVVN SET BORDER Pearls ____ ·-------··------- --------· --· --· ____ 12.50 16.50 Pearls, 4 Garnet Points ______ ____ . ------- 12.50 1o.5U Pearls, 4 Ruby or Sapp hire Points .• -··- ___ 14.00 18.00 Pearls, 4 Emerald Points •.. ___ _ ------ ___ 15.00 20.00 Pearls, 2 Dinmond Points ------ ___________ 27.00 84.50 Pear· Is, 4 Diamond Points _______ ----- __ 41.50 '~ 'n2.50 Pearl and Ruby or· S'apphire Alternating ·---- 16.00 19.00 Pearl and Diamond A lternating -------- .. ___ 70.25 '106.00 Diamond Border -- - -------------- ____________ 127 .75 195.50


Single Letter

Crest ------- ---- - --------- $2.75 P lain ---------------- ------------ ---------- $ 2.25 Whole Pearl ___ ------ -------------- _____ 6.00

Double Letter $ 8.50 10.00

ALUMNI CHARMS Single Faced, 10 Karat -------- ------ ·----- ··---------- $ 4.50 Double Faced, 10 Karat ---- -------- ____ ~ ----------- 7.00

RECOGNITION BUTTONS Crest ---------------------- ----------------------------$ .75 Official ____ ---------------------------------------- ---- 1.00 Monogram, Plain __ ----- -··- ------------------------ 1.00 Monogram, Enameled ___ --- - ----- -- - ---- ------------- 1.25 P ledge Button ---------- _---- ----------- ----- ----------- .75 All Prices are s ubject to the IO o/o Federal Tax.

Mention Chapter when Ordering

Write for Your Free Copy of Our 1944 BOOK OF TREASURES A Select Showing of Fine Fraternity Rings in a Variety of Styles Other Coat of Arms Jewelry and Novelties for Gift or Personal Use


Official Jewelers to Pi Kappa Phi

Detroit 26, Michigan Pi Kappa Phi

Edwards, Holdeman & Co. Farwell Building Detroit 26, Michigan


Send free copy of the BOOK OF TREASURES to

City ------------------------------------ --Fraternity -----------------------------~----





TIK+ ALUMNI and MEMBERS in the SERVICEYou Can Order Your Official Jewelry Direct From This Page PI KAPPA PHI Official Badge Price List MiniaJEWELED STYLES ture Pearl Border __ _ _ $12.50 Pearl Border, 4 Garnet Points 12.50 Pearl Border, 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points 14.00 l•enrl Border, 4 Emerald Points 15.00 Pearl Border, 2 Diamond Points 27.00 Pc·n t·l Border. 4 Diamond Points 41.50 Pearl with Ruby or Sapphil·e Alt. 16.00 l'cat·l and Diamond Alt. .. 70.25 A 11 Diamond Bo1·der, Y<•llow Gold • 127.75

Standnrd $16.50 16.50 18.00 20.00 34.50 19.00 106.00 195.50

Extra Crown $22.50 22.1i0 25.00 27.50 47.25 71.75 27.60 121.00 219.50


Standard $ 4.50 5.50 6.50 6.50

Large $ 11.00 12.00 12.00

PLAIN STYLES Plain Border, 10 Karat _Plain Border. !4 Karat Nugget Border -----Chased Border -----

ture - $

4.00 4.50 5.00


Recognition ButtonsMiniature Coat of Arms, Gold Filled Silver . New Special Recognition with White Enamel Star, Gold Filled 10 Karat Gold



.. $1.00 each ___ .75 each ___ 1.00 each ____ 1.50 each $9.00 per dozen

Pledge Buttons

Guard Pin Price List Single Letter Plain _ _ _ ____ --------$2.25 Close Set Pearl ------ __ • ________ .. 4.50 Crown Set Pearl ____ •.• ___ 6,00 LARGE SIZE Plain __ ------ _____________ $2.75 Close Set PearL.------- ___ _ ---------- __ .• 5.50 Crown Set Pearl __ ____ ---------- _ . ... 7,60

Double Letter $ 11.50 7.00 10.00

$ 4.00

8.00 12.50

COAT OF ARMS GUARDS Miniature, Yellow Gold _ _ ..•. ------------- $2.75 Senrf Size, Yellow Gold _______ .•• ------------ ___ . 3.26 All prices quoted above ore subject to 10% Federal excise tax, and to state sales or use taxes wherever such state taxes are in effect.

Be sure to mention the nome of your Chapter when ordering a guard for your pin.

Send Today For Your FREE Personal Copy of THE GIFT PARADE All in Full Color! PUBLISHED EXCLUSIVELY BY







America's Oldest and Most Progressive Fraternity Jewelers



PI KAPPA PHI ALUMNI QUESTIONNAIRE Kindly help u:-; bl'ing- our records up-to-date by filli11g in this questionnaire and returning it to Central Office, 702 Grace American Bldg., Richmond, Va. Name -------------------------------------------------- Chapter ________ Year------. (Check if H orne Ad (lre::;s_- -----------------------------------------------------0 mailing

preferred addre81)

Occupation-------------------------------------------------------------------------<Please include title or rank)

· Ad tress 1 if preferred B USiness _______ ----------------------------------------- -----0 (Cheek mailing addreasl If in the Military or Naval Service------------------------------------------------------

Give date of entering service and present rank-----------------------------------------Date of marriage _________________________ Wife's maiden name _______________________ _ Children---------------------------------------------------------------------------(Include names and dates of birth) Name and Address of someone who will always know your address----------------------------------------------------- ~

Postmaster: Return and forwarding postag.e. are guaranteed by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 702 Gracel' American Building, RichmoP .;a. If returned please check reason: 0 Removed-left no ad· dress: 0 Unclaimed: 0 N' ' ber: 0 Not found: 0 Refused: 0 (Other-explain) ____ /

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