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Rebuilding? Expansion? I (

It depends on YOU!

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Pi Kappa Phi not only desires to keep its enviable place in the fraternity world, but it also needs to strengthen its position. The development of post-war plans toward these ends requires the interest and support of alumni everywhere. You can help by using the blank at the bottom of this page to forward your contribution to the VOLUNTARY DUES fund.


Use This Handy Form Today! To: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Date ................................................... .

33 Virginia Bldg., Richmond 19, Va.

Enclosed find my check in the amount of $.................................................. .. representing my VOLUNTARY DUES for 1946. Chapter

........ Name .......... .

Address .................................................. .

Contributors to the VOLUN¡ TARY DUES FUND since the 1\l[aY issue of the STAR AND LAMP have brought the total receipts to date ~0 $2688.34. Here are the donors. Jo111 them in taking '46 over the top! WadeS. Bolt, Sigma T. R. Crider, Zeta Edwin W. Dean, A-Omicron C. B. Felder, Jr ., Zeta F. R. Gressette, Zeta James T. Gressette, Sigma L. M. Gressette, Zeta R. E. Gressette, Zeta W. N. Gressette, Zeta Theron A. Houser, Zeta • Ralph W. Noreen, Gamma W. D. Shuler, Jr., Beta Robert G. Tuck, Gamma L. B. Wannamaker, Zeta John L. Woodside, Zeta Charles N. Wyatt, Alpha








Volume XXXII





Contents PAGE


A Biographical Sketch ........................ .................. .


The President Speaks .............. .

. ................. ·············· 2

......................................... ···························· 3

Ties Strengthened at Birmingham Meeting..................................... 4 Uncertain War Years............. .


China's Future Gloomy ...................................... .

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Eta Reactivated............................................................................................................ 15 Anchor Club Formed ................ ... .......... ............................................ ............... 16 ............................... .17

President's Plaque ......................... .

........ .13

Marriages and Engagements....................................................... . .................. 18 Births ............................................................... .

................. 19

RICHARD L. YOUNG Calling the Roll............... . ....................... ..

Editor ~-

3'/ ve to in

.... :................................................... 20

Entered as second class matte r at the post office at Charlotte, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at ~Pecial rnte of postage provided for 1n the Act or February 28, 1925, ernbodiccl in paragraph 4. section 412, P. L. and R., authorized January 7, 19 32. The 'Star nr.d



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Q_uarterly at Charlotte, North Cnro~Jla. under the direction of the "•ationnl Council of the Pi Kappa P hi Fraternity in the months of February, May, August and November. ';!'he Life Subscription is $12.~0 !'nd 1s the only form of subscr1pt10n. Single copies are 50 cents. Changes in address should be rePorted promptly to Central Office, 33 Virginia Bldg., Richmond 19, Va. All material intended for publication shou ld be in the hands of the Managing Editor, 33 Virginia Bldg., Richmond 19, Va., by the lOth of ~he month precoding the month of tssue.

THE COVER New Chambers Building at Davidson College, home of Pi Kappa Phi's Epsilon Chapter.

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National President Rice.

The new National President of Pi Kappa Phi is a successful southern business man whose wide public interests have earned for him listing in "Who's Who In America." President Devereux D. Rice, a native Tennessean and graduate of Georgia Tech, was initiated by Iota Chapter October 10, 1917 and his service to the Fraternity has been extended and profound. This service began as secretary of his undergraduate chapter, which he also headed as archon. In various capacities be served the national organization until be was called to the National Council 2

as National Historian during路 the trying days of the war. His elevation to the presidency at the Twentyfirst Supreme Chapter Meeting in Birmingham was a fitting climax of nearly 30 years service to Pi Kappa Phi.

Now a resident of Johnson Cit~, Tenn. be has been active there Ill community affairs and bas beeP president of the Community Chest and president of the Rotary Club路 He was also president of the RotarY Club at Franklin, N. C.

Born in Memphis, Tenn., February 27, 1898, Brother Rice entered the Georgia School of Technology and was graduated with BS degree in engineering chemistry.

He is a member of Scabbatd and Blade military fraternity and in 191 8 be was a second lieutenant of infa!l' try, United States Army.

He is now president and principal stockholder of the Southern Mica Company, which be has previously served as secretary-treasurer and vice president.

Brother Rice was married to MiSS Dorothy Bailey of Atlanta, April 11, 19 21 and they have two children, Miss Martha Rice, 22, and CharleS Bailey Rice, 20. He is a Presbyterian. THE STAR AND LAMP


1IThe President Speaks


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Pi Kappa Phi, assembled in its XXIst Supreme Chapter meeting at Birmingham, gave a command in clear, ringing tones to its national officers to lead the fraternity to greater heights in its program of reactivation and expansion. You路r national officers accept this challenge and are in almost constant consultation in planning the revival of chapters made dormant by the war and extending Pi Kappa Phi to colleges and universities where we have never been represented. I am happy to report that progress is being made along both fronts; a full account of Eta's return to the brotherhood appears in this issue of the Star and Lamp, and before very long you will have the news of the installation of Alpha Chi Chapter.



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Progress is also 路 being made toward the goal of restoring the central office to its pre-war vig.or. A new traveling counselor will soon take his place in the Richmond office, advising and consulting with the active and alumni chapters in carrying out the mandate of the Supreme Chapter. And before long, he will have working with him a traveling counselor in the East and another in the West, thus returning central office to the place where it can furnish the service and leadership to which the members of the fraternity are entitled.

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Even with the constant efforts of the national council and central office, however, we cannot make the pro_gress we should unless every district archon, every chapter adviser, every chapter officer and member plans and works for the greater glory of Pi Kappa Phi. Let everyone do his part so Pi Kappa Phi will take its rightful place in. the fraternity world.






TIES STRENGTHENED AT BIRMINGHAM MEETING By Richard L. Young, Editor, The STAR Warm fraternal fellowship characterized Pi Kappa Phi's first postwar conclave when the Twenty-first Supreme Chapter Meeting was held at Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 29, 30, and 31, 1946. Two hundred and twenty-five brothers were registered for the first Supreme Chapter Meeting since 1940, coming from widely separated areas. All active undergraduate chapters were represented, many alumni groups sent delegates, and scores of interested alumni, mainly from the southern states, were present. The spirit of comradeship in Pi Kappa Phi seemed to be heightened by the long absence of official gatherings during the difficult war years and when the banquet closed the threeday convention there were expressions on every hand that the mee~ing "had been the best ever." The interest of the gathering was profoundly increased by the presence of Founder L. Harry Mixson, who first addressed the conclave at the initial session the afternoon of August 29, installed the newly elected officers at the final session and spoke again at the closing banquet. Fraternal greetings were also received from Founder Simon Fogarty who sent his regrets at his inability to attend and who expressed his keen desire for a successful meeting. A highlight of the first session was the introduction of Miss Laura B. Parker, who had acted as office manager of the Fraternity during the war. In presenting her to the assembled brothers National President William J. Berry announced the action of the National Council in authorizing her to wear the badge of the fmternity and then on behalf of the Council members gave her a badge. The transcript of the official pro4



ceedings in regard to this ceremony invocation was offered by Brothel reads as follows: Cody Bell. National President Berry: "There A welcome to Birmingham was is one more presentation that I am es- tended by Brother Henry S. pecially desirous of making, of some- chairman of the executive body of whom all of you have heard, tee of Birmingham alumni and with whom you have had communi- sponding to this welcome n-ooiiiO,.. cations and whom perhaps a few Berry declared: of you have met. It is a very unusual " Brother Smith, on behalf of thing that I am about to introduce Fraternity and its National a lady to Pi Kappa Phi Supreme I want to express our <>T>1nrf•r:Ia Chapter Meeting but it gives me a to you and to your fellow very great pleasure to present to you Birmingham for the generous a woman who has helped us carry on pitality you have offered us. through these war years, who kept group that urged so much at Central Office going and who has Twentieth Supreme Chapter that xt rendered invaluable service to our come to washington for our r Fraternity - Miss Laura Parker meeting has been unfortunately sea to ri (Applause). tered to the four winds of earth~ "As evidence of our appreciation even if they were there, Washingto . Beto1 and in line with the current practice is no place at this time for a fratern of recognizing service beyond the ity convention. So when your call of high duty, your National cil was fac·ed with the Council has voted that Miss Parker deciding what we should be accorded the right and privilege where we should meet we were to wear the badge of our Fraternity to go hat in hand to our good as our wives, mothers, daughters, of Birmingham and say, 'Won't fiancees and sisters are entited to take us in? Won't you wear it. Nobody, I am sure, not even Convention for us? We were an initiated brother can claim a bet- to come to Birmingham because ter right, and in order to implement had a distinct recollection of one that resolution, the National Council the state conclaves staged here as its personal tribute to Miss Parker eral years ago. Your quick and in recognition of the way she . to our invocation for help bas has lightened our burdens during greatly appreciated. I can assure these very difficult years desires to from my own experience at present her with this badge of the . earlier Conclave that they will Fraternity as a token of our regard everything in their power to things pleasant for us and I and esteem." Blushingly Miss Parker said, we are going to have a good Members of the National "Thank you very much. " Enthusiastic applause indicated approval of were then presented by the this gesture of recognition of Miss President: Brother George Parker, who then retired from the rich, National Treasurer; B hall as the convention settled down Karl Gibbon, National Brother Devereux Rice, for the transaction of business. After National President Berry . Historian; and Brother had called the Supreme Chapter to Houser, National Chancellor. order, "America" was sung and the was followed by announcement



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,Above-The new National Council, is shown in informal chat afte.r its election at the Twenty - fi r~t Supre!"e Chapter. They are left 10 ttght Howard D. Leake, National Treasurer; Theron A. Houser, NatiOn~l Chance~ lor ; Deyere~x D. R1ce, Nattonal President; J. AI Head, Na tional Secretary; John W. Det mler, Nattonal Htstonan.





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Below-Founder L. Harry Mixson (left ) talks it over with Will.iam J. Berry, who . closed six years of service as National President at the Twenty-ftrst Supreme Meettng .

appointment by National President Berry of Rev. Brother Henry Allen Parker, Alpha Eta, as National Chaplain, and of 'Brother Lent S. Brewster, Alpha Eta, as National Warden. After reading a letter from Founder Simon Fogarty, expressing his inability to attend and conveying hjs greetings and best wishes, N ationa! President Berry called the assembly to stand in silent tribute to the memory of our departed Founder, Andrew Alexander Kroeg. This tribute ended with prayer by Bro-

University of Southern California at Los Angeles, for a charter in Pi Kappa Phi had been granted by the National Council. After appointment of convention committee and announcement of special rules of order, President Berry presented his report covering the six-year period since the Twentieth Supreme Chapter Meeting. This report in full is published elsewhere in this issue of THE STAR AND LAMP. Then National Historian Devereux D . Rice, conducted the impressive

Pelzer, Wagner, past national president. Reports were then presented National Chancellor Houser, . 3j tiona! Historian Rice, and Natwna Treasurer Helmrich. The latter r~ port showed the Fraternity to be 10 excellent financial condition. Th~ same was true of THE STAR AN LAMP investment funds which were reported as totaling $51,297.55, 8 book profit of $19,016.41. This reb port was presented by Brother ~alp t W. Noreen, Gamma, vice pres1den


Scene at the closing banquet of the Twenty-first Supreme Chapter Meeting.

ther Cody Bell. A telegram of greetings from the Supreme Chapter was authorized for dispatch to Founder Fogarty. Two announcements by President Berry of action of the National Council were greeted with applause. These included the statement that the charter of Eta Chapter, which bad been surrendered almost ten years ago had been turned back and the chapter was ready to resume operation with thirteen brothers and one pledge. The other was that the petition of Pi Kappa, a local at the 6

memorial service, honoring 158 brothers, most of whom gave their lives during World War II, who had died since the last meeting of the Supreme Chapter. This concluded the initial session. The second day began with an undergraduate roundtable discussion, led by President Berry, and at this meeting various problems of the undergraduate chapters were talked over. The formal session of the Supreme Chapter then followed and at th e opening President Berry read a telegram of greetings from Dr. A.

of the Irving Trust Co., New York City, who gave a most interesting ac路 count of economic trends in the country. A feature of the report of the finance committee, presented bY Chairman J. AI Head was the recorni mendation, which was approved, 0 the appropriation of $12,000 from the reserve fund " for the purpose of enlarging and strengthening the Fra路 ternity, such money to be spent bY the incoming National Council . to aid in their reactivation of inactiVe chapters, to aid in a planned pro路 THE STAR AND



gram of expansion of the Fraternity m established colleges and un iversities and to aid in the reorganization of Central Office."

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The final day began with an undergraduate roundtable discussion on "The Fraternity as a Business Organization" led by National Treasurer Helmrich, after which the formal session of the Supreme Chapter convened.

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This session was mainly devoted to discussion of and action on detailed amendments to the Supreme Laws, which were offered by Chairman Wallie B. Jones of the committee on legislation. It ended with the report of the nominating committee,

INFORMAL GROUPS AT CONCLAVE Top-Members of retiring Council, front row left to right, Theron A. Houser, Notional Chancellor; William J. Berry, Notional President; Karl M. Gibbon, ~o颅 tionol Secretory; G. Bernard Helmr1ch, 1'-!aticlnol Treasurer; Bock, Devereux D. Rice, National Historian and Lent Brewster, National Warden. Center-Getting names for acquaintanceship contest, left to right, ~al~er Meeks, Miss Edwina Whiteside, Un1vers1ty of Alabama, Lt. Col. Harry M. Stephey, and Johnny West. Bottom-Some old-time Pi Kappas, left . to right, Congressman George M. Grant, post Notional Secretory, Leo H. Pou, Post Notional Secretory, Richard L. Young, editor of The Star and Lamp, Rolph W. Noreen, vice presiden~ of the Irving Trust Co., New York C1ty,. and chairman investment funds

com:m:lt:te:e~.J~~~~~~~~~,,'!~LI~l-~f\,..~~ presented by Chairman Leo H. Pou, and the unanimous election of the members of the new National Council as follows: National President, Devereux D. Rice, Iota. National Treasurer, Howard D. Leake, Rho. National Secretary, Alpha Zeta.


AI Head,

National Historian, John Deimler, Alpha Upsilon .


.National Chancellor, Theron A. Houser, Zeta. At the closing session the report 7

of the committee on time and place, submitted by Chairman Clinton Paulson, was amended to provid e that recommendation be mad e to the incoming National Council that the Twenty-second Supreme Chapter meet in Port'land, Ore., if circumstances will permit. The date of th ; meeting was fixed as the last three days of th e first week of September, 1948. Further reports were submitted as follows: Chairman Theodore Jackson, committee on alumni affai rs, Chairman C. R. Lowe, committee on future policy and good of the order, and Chairman Richard L. Yo ung, resolutions committee. Included among the resolutions was one expressing the Fraternity's sincere appreciation for the loyal and untiring services of each member of th e outgoing Council. And the new Council at its first meeting, following installation, voted to award certificates of meritoriou s service to the three retiring officers; National President Berry, National Secretary Gibbon and National Treasurer Helmrich . After a brief recess the final session was convened for the installation of officers, which was performed by Founder L. Harry Mixson . An interesting highlight of this clo!"ing session was the introduction by National President Rice of Brother Bartolo Rodriquez, Jr. , of Tampico, Mexico, whose warm fratern al address stirred the assembly. Then came adjournment. Several interesting social events enlivened the convention program. Th e first was an informal reception and dance, a get-acquainted affair the first evening and a formal dance the following night. Th e climax was the closing banquet at which Congressman George M. Grant, Omicron, was the principal speaker. These even ts, as well as all sessions of the Supreme Chapter were held at the Tutwiler Hotel. A most appealing program of entertainment was arranged for the This included a visiting ladies. bridge party at a hostess house on Iron Mountain, a sightseeing trip by bus and a dinner at the Hollywood Country Club. 8

six years, an interval unA FTER p;·ecedented in the history of the Fraternity, your National Council comes before you to rend er an accounting to the source of all its authority, the Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. It is a cause for deep satisfaction that after the most terrible conflict in human history which threatened the destruction of Western civilization of wh!ch the American college fraternity system is a part, so large a number of our chapters are here represented , active, enthu siastic and eager to advance the cause of Pi Kappa Phi. It suggests that our immediate task is to revive those other chapters which suspended because of the war emergency and also to bring back to life many which closed during the preceding decade . When the war-clouds began to gather, it became clear to us that conditions might arise in which the restraints imposed upon the National Council by the Constitution and Supreme Laws might well result in impotence when action was required or delay when speed was of the essence. Accordingly we made the extraordinary request that the National Council be given absolute power to take any steps they might deem necessary for the good of the order, regardless of any provisions of the law. The Fraternity was asked to do what was already being done in th e national life, namely to make a temporary sacrifice of rights and liberties for th e sake of efficiency. The unanimity with which the requ est was granted by the chapters was both encouraging and sobering. It was at once a grant of authority and a vote of confidence. Along with its increased powers, the Council acquired tremendous responsibilities of which it was by no means unmindful. The power thus generously vested in us, we now return to your hands in the hope that you will feel that we have not made unwise use of it and that never again will such a departure from constitutional procedure be necessary. At the time we promised

ourselves and you that no reckless use would b e made qf the unlimited authority delegated to us al1d that so far as was possible we would continu e to carry on within the fra111e· work of the Constitution and Su· preme Laws. So far as I am aware, the only extra-legal actions take~ b~ the Council have been the following. 1-A reg u I at i on authorizing alumni duly organized as Boards of Conservators of undergraduate char· ters · Temporarily suspended, to pledge and, with the approval of the National Council, to initiate. h 2-A regulation authorizing sue. a Board of Conservators in the casof an undergraduate chapter not .re· activated at the time of th e meeting of the Supreme Chapter, to send ~n~ of its members as a delegate WI\ the same rights, privileges and ~ · lowances as the delegate of an active chapter. 3.-A regulation authorizing un· dergraduate chapters to place on alumni status married veterans, re· turning as undergraduates to !b.e chapter into which they were in1t1· ated, whenever such status is re· quested in writing. 4-Authorization for Miss Laura B. Parker, Manager of Central Office to wear the badge of the FraternitY on an equality with the mothers, wives, sisters, . daughters and fiancees of duly initiated brothers. Your National Council early recog· nized that the war and particularlY the Selective Service Act, applying as it did to men of college age was a menace to the very existence ?J the Fraternity and plans were 1~ · to avoid di saster. In order to maintain chapter identity, to conserve chapter assets, and, if possible, to as· sure chapter continuance, each u11· dergraduate unit was instructed t~ set up an Advisory War Councl having the maiority of its memb~rs alumni to provide counsel and gu·d· ance during the emergency and tO take over when membership losseS made normal undergraduate chapter life impossible. All but two or thr~~ of the chapters complied with tbt> THE STAR AND LAMP

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directive. However excellent any of this sort may be in itself, 1ts success depends almost entirely Upon the human element. As might have been expected, the peformances Of these Advisory War Councils and Boards of Conservators differed ~idely. Some took their tasks ser1?Usly, devoted themselves conscientiously to the welfare of the chapters and did a superb job. Others, while less efficient, nevertheless did valuable service. A few were mere paper organizations of no help either to their chapters or to the National organization. To all alumni who by active participation or sympathetic counsel helped to bring Pi Kappa Phi and its chapters through the stress of the war years, the National Council is profoundly grateful. It was evident, too, that the Fra1 ternity would lose the services of its Executive Secretary, Brother John ~- McCann, either to the armed serYice or to a war industry, and that 1t would not be possible to replace him since any possible successor Would be equally subject to the draft. lt was accordingly decided to reorganize Central Office with Miss Laura B. Parker as office manager and to provide such clerical help as tnight be needed. It was at first !~ought that the office would be continued merely as an office of record, but Miss Parker developed ability as the demands of her position increased and Central Office was soon functioning pretty much as before except for visitations. It was interesting to note that the membership at large accepted this new situation Without objection and that in a ~hort time the chapters were bringIng their troubles to Miss Parker in tnuch the same way that they fortnerly took them to Brother McCann. The Council has had no occasion to regret its decision with re~heme



gard to Central Office. Miss Parker displayed a loyalty to Pi Kappa Phi and a devotion to its interests far above and beyond the call of duty. The Fraternity was indeed fortunate in securing the kind of service for which money cannot pay. The last extra-legal act of your National Council was an inadequate expression of appreciation. Some of the larger national fraternities have obligatory alumni dues. I have never looked with favor on such a plan for either the law becomes a dead letter or there is an ever-increasing mass of disciplinary proceedings. At the 20th Supreme Chapter in Chicago, I proposed a plan of voluntary alumni dues of one dollar a year to add much needed funds to the income of the national organization. If half of the alumni were to contribute the minimum amount our income would be increased by four thousand dollarsand we could do a lot with four thousand dollars. The Supreme Chapter adopted the necessary legislation and the Executive Secretary began to build an organization to push the plan. Then came the war. Nevertheless, while the income from voluntary alumni dues has been less than I had hoped, it has continued to come in regularly and has been of great help. The National Treasurer has said that because of this extra income, he was able to submit budgets which otherwise he would have considered unsafe. While the number of contributors has not been large in view of our membership most of the amounts subscribed hav~ been more than the suggested minimum. This evidence of alumni interest has been most encouraging to your national officers. To receive a contribution from a brother in the service, stationed in a far-off part of the world, perhaps at the very

battle-front, gave a tremendous lift to our morale. Mention should be here made of the continued generosity of the Columbus-Fort Benning Alumni Chapter which three times contributed war bonds to the Fraternity's treasury. All the monies received from voluntary alumni dues has been placed in a fund which the next National Council will have at its disposal for use in the re-building of the Fraternity. To the loyal brothers who have had a part in this plan, we owe our grateful thanks. Brother William F. Ward, Epsilon, who died a hero's death as a naval officer in the Pacific, left a bequest of two hundred dollars to Pi Kappa Phi. It is being held in a special fund for the benefit of Epsilon Chapter. The war caused a complete breakdown in our di:itrict organization, resulting in lack of supervision of the chapters and a cutting of their line of communication with the national. The district archons were, for the most part, young men and one by one they were called into service until only a few were left. These were so hampered by shortage of gasoline and travel restrictions of one sort or another that they could accomplish little. I am happy to report that within the months since V-J day all but one of the vacancies have been filled . · Some of these new district archons have already shown great interest and activity. More power to them, for our district organization is a very important part of the administrative set-up. Shortly after the outbreak of the war, National Historian W. Robert Amick was inducted into the armed services and felt constrained to resign the office to which he bad first been elected at the XIXth Supreme Chapter in Jacksonville. In accordance with the Constitution and Supreme laws, the National Council filled the vacancy by electing Brother Devereux D . Rice, who had for a long while been the very efficient archon of District No.8. I do not wish to trespass on the preserves of the National Treasurer, but I wish to call your attention to the fact that all through this troubled period the Fraternity operated within its income. Regular additions to the principal of the STAR AND LAMP Fund were made as required by law, the practice was continued of setting aside a portion of each initia9

tion fee as a convention fund and there was built up a reserve, invested in War Bonds to provide for the expenses of this meeting and to be useJ in promoting the growth and development of the Fraternity. At one time we were full of fears as to the financial future of the Fraternity and proceeded with such caution that budgets were made for only six months at a time, but the re-organization of Central Office. including the move from the GraceAmerican Building to 401 East Franklin St., the reduction in the number of issues of the STAR AND LAMP, the generous action of Broth er Richard L. Young in foregoing for a time his stipulated' fee as editor and the unprecedented number of initiations all combined to bring us through not only solvent but stronger financially than we have ? een for a decade. The Fraternity IS under great obligation to National Treasu rer Helmrich for his careful budgeting and his rnnstant supervision of expenditures. A little later the Supreme Chapter will hear a report from Brother Ralph Noreen, Gamma, Chairman of the Finance Committee to which your attention is especially directed. At the XIXth Supreme Chapter in Jacksonville, in the face of strong opposition, Brother Noreen succeeded in having the investment policy of the Fraternity liberalized in such manner as to take advantage of his special knowledge and opportunities. His course has been abundantly justified for the principal of the STAR AND LAMP Fund which was roughly $28,000 when the Finance Committee took it over has increased to $50,000. This increase is highly important for even now, in this day of low yields, the income from the Fund is sufficient to defray only about half the cost of the magazine, which incidentally has just been raised. The remainder must be met out of general income. Brother Noreen and his colleagues of the Finance Committee, Past Supreme Archon Roy Heffner, Gamma, and Brother E. Floyd Griffin, Alpha Xi, have earned the thanks of the Fraternity. Enough has been said thus far in this report to indicate that many of our old er brothers are giving of their time and effort to advance the in10

terests of Pi Kappa Phi with no a whole new set of problems arose, thought of reward except the satis- many of which could not be satisfacfaction of serving an organization torily handled by correspondence. which they love and in which they The Council felt it their duty to probelieve. I should like the undergrad- vide counsel and guidance and .acuate chapters to remember this when cordingly determined on the appo1nt· they become impatient with the na- ment of an official to be known as tional administration. Within the a Travelling Counselor, the greate~ past.few months I have been !:adden- portion of whose time would be spe~ ed and discouraged by bitter letters with the chapters, studying their accusing the national organization of individual problems, helping tbern caring nothing for the interests of to find solutions and reporting on the chapters and being concerned conditions to the National President. only with extracting money from It was not easy to find the right rna~ them. In all earnestness, I want to for so important a position and 1 1 warn you against a false notion that was only after almost six months there is something called the nation- search that Brother Frederick. j al fraternity which is distinct from Quinn, Sigma, then on terrntna the chapters and in opposition to leave as a captain in the Army was them. The rational Fraternity is chosen. I have every reason to be0 but the sum total of these chapters. lieve that be has been of service ~ When one is weak, all are weak , the chapters and I know that btS when one is injured, all suffer. The reports to me have been invaluable. National Council, with oversight of In the fall of 1940, Pi Kappa ~hi the entire Fraternity, must act for was approached by Delta Chi w1tb the good of the whole even though a proposal for a merger. Your Nait may result in a particular chapter tional President and National Treas· feeling aggrieved. I plead with you urer spent many hours in discussion for greater faith in the loyalty and with the representatives of Delta devotion of the men on whom you Chi, exploring the possibilities and place the burdens of administering estimating the difficulties. Corresp?n· th e affairs of Pi Kappa Phi. Being dence was continued until the spnng human, they make mistakes of judg- of 1941 when it became evident that ment and their acts are always open the scheme was bound to fail because to fair-minded criticism, but their of the question of name. Desp!te motives should be free from attack. extreme care, news of these negot!a· One other thing, The Fraternitytions got abroad in the FraternitY and that includes the National and caused no little anxiety so that Council- is governed by the Con- in the summer of 1941 your National stitution and Supreme Laws which Council thought it wise to publish a are enacted in the Supreme Chapter statement that oO long as it continu.ed or by a mail vote of the chapters. It in office, no proposals which tn· is the duty of all brothers to favalved giving up the identity, the miliarize themselves with the law. name or the insignia of Pi Kappa This applies especially to all holding Phi would receive any consideration· official positions. Half the difficul- Recently Tau Kappa Epsilon made ties in which the chapters find them- similar advances, even going so far selves could be avoided if the law as to send me an agreement for a were fully understood and firmly ap- merger which apparently needed onlY plied. The Council is often asked to my signature on the dotted line. Since do things which the law specifically the terms were utterly incompatible forbids or to follow procedures other with the assurance which the Na· than those pre£cribed. The chapters tiona! Council had given the mern· are only too often either ignorant of bership, I returned it with a categor· the law or deliberately disregard it ical refusal even to consider it and while the National Council feels an duly reported the incident to rnY obligation to set an example of colleagues. In the twelve years that scrupulous observance. I have served on the National Counf When hostilities ended and stu- cil, I have given this question o dents, including returned veterans, mergers much thought and have began crowding into our colleges, changed my views several times. 1 when chapter houses were re-opening am more than ever convinced that and dormant chapters coming to life, Pi Kappa Phi bas nothing to gain




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by giving up those things it holds ~car. We may not be a big fraternity, Ut there is no virtue in mere bigness. We have a history of which we ~re proud, we have a respected place ~n the Greek-letter world and we are In a sound financial position. I agree thoroughly with the sentiments exPressed to me by the National Chancell or in 1941: "I might vote fo r this ~erger on the grounds of expediency, Ut I should probably refuse to go along with it." Once a Pi Kapp, ~lways a Pi Kapp, so long as there 1 ~ a single chapter in operation or a r ngle brother wearing the badge. et us hear no more talk of mergers, but rather let us devote ourselves to strengthening and expand ing Pi

0 be· ice to .t hiS

vvhen chapters are resuming active status, seeking houses, trying to refurnish and refurbish , such debts are a very definite handicap, bearing most heavily upon those chapters least able to cope with them. Their existence in a hindrance in pledging and new members are justly irritated when called upon to help pay obligations with the incurrence of which they bad nothing to do. I was warned by the Executive Secretary of one of the older and larger fraternities that I was playing with fire, nevertheless I here and now state that it is my firm belief that this Supreme Chapter should adopt a resolution wiping out all obligations of the subordinate chapters to the

On October 1, Central Office moved to 33 Virginia Bldg., Richmond 19, Va. The Virginia Building, a reconverted apartment building, stands on the corner of 5th and Main Streets, directly across the street from the American ·Red Cross Headquarters, diagonally across from the Y. W. C. A., and next door to the Second Presbyterian Church. The office is one and a half blocks from the John Marshall Hotel and two blocks from Mil!er & Rhoads Department Store and the shopping district.

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Rarp:1 Phi for whose honour and glurv we have sworn to strive. A~1 era bas ended in the history .ional of the fraternity system. The fraish a ternities have survived to face a new .nued age with new problems and vast new opportun ities. Never were conditions 1 in' the tnore favo urable. The throngs of stuappa dents offer fertile field for recruiting members. Even those colleges Ltiol1· made Which before the war had more fraternities than the size of the stuJ far 'or a dent bodies warranted, could now onlY find room for more chapters. Deans Since of men are actually appealing to naLtible tional organization s to place chap:Na· ters on their campuses. If we are nern· alert to seize the chances which ofegor· fer, there is no reason why we should not realize the growth we have long and rnY desired. At one time fraternity that leaders were fearful that college administrations, having seen their in:oun· stitutions almost cleared of fraternn of have ities, might take advantage of the ~s. 1 situation to prevent their coming back. Happily there has been no sign that of this spirit. The colleges have weigain . MP

corned the return of the fraternities and many of them have done everything in their power to aid in the rehabilitation of chapters and the reopen ing of houses. But if this friendly spirit and this cooperation is to continue, the fraternities will have to realize that this is a new world academically and otherwise that they are facing a nd that it will be necessary to adapt themselves to it. Certain practices, even cherished ones will have to be discarded because they no longer serve any useful purposeif they ever did. With the advent of the ex-G.I. the college world has grown up and unless the fraternities can grow up with it, they will be qui~tly thrown into the discard. Let



us take to ourselves the words of national organization which existed St. Paul: "When I was a child, I prior to September 1, 1945. Some of thought as a child,-B ut now that the chapters whose accounts are in I have become a man , I have put balance may say that this is unfair. away rbildish things." To them let me point out that they What are the immediate problems deserve no more credit because their confronting Pi Kappa Phi and what predecessors were good business men can this Supreme Chapter do to than the present members of the meet them? First there is a bang- debtor chapters do blame because over which, like most hang-overs (at theirs were irresponsible. What is least so I have been told) is also a past is past. Let us start afresh. Finheadache. On the National Treas- ally to extend this form of help to urer's books is an item known as the chapters needing it is to ex"Accounts Receivable." It represents emplify in a very practical way the ,national dues and initiation fees spirit of brotherhood about which we either not col lected by the chapters talk too much and practice too li ttle. or collected and not paid over to But steps should be taken to see Central Office. Not all our chapters that this situation does not again are on this list, but its existence is arise. The Supreme Laws have proproof that some of t~em-far too visions which, prnperly enforced, many-have either neglected their would prevent it. All that is required obligations or have converted to their is intestinal fortitude on the part of own use funds which were not theirs. Central Office and the National Those responsible for these accounts Council and a clear realization by all have, for the most part long since the brothers that the parasite who left college, but the accumulated re- accepts all and gives nothing and ;;ults of their misdeeds remain to the Shylock demanding inconsiderplague their successors. At this time ately his pound of flesh are equally 11

offenders against the spirit of thing else. National fraternities have be1!n accused of draining away too Brotherhood. much money from the campuses and Secondly, Central Office must be while our own charges are modest re-organized. The present set-up is en.o~~h, there is no point in inviting admittedly only temporary and is not well adapted to the post-war cnttctsm. Then too, for the next five needs of the Fraternity. The pre-war years many of our members will be arrangement of an executive secre- in college under the G. I. Bill of some of them will be married tary and an assistant executive sec- Rights, men, perhaps with families, all will retary with their respective duties need carefully. to consider expendinot clearly defined was not too satistures. Fratermty membership must factory. To combine the offices of executive secretary and travelling not be made such a financial burden as to shut out the very men we secretary as was then done means that neither job is properly handled. wou.l~ most like to have. Instead . addttlonal income can be secured In my judgment, there should be an through an increase in · the number executive secretary to administer of chapters, in the size of the indiviCentral Office, to handle the routine dual chapters, in increased payments ~msiness of the Fraternity, to carry of voluntary alumni dues and mto effect the policies formulated through the prompt and complete by the National Council and to edit settlement of the obligations of the the ~TA~ AND LAMP. Practically all c!1apters to the national organizaof Jus time should be spent in Cen- tiOn. To these problems I invite tral Office. There should be one or your attention. ' more travelling secretaries (One fraWhile we are talking about money. ternity of which I know has four) I should like to correct a very erto do what Brother Quinn has been roneous notion common in the chapdoing, namely visit the chapters for ters to the effect that the national long enough periods of time to learn organization has funds at its disposal their problems and help with their for such purposes as financing chapsolutions, to aid them in rushing to ter houses or lending money to ficorrect improper practices and pro- nance debt payments. The principal cedures and to report to Central sources of income to the national Office on conditions. All their time organization are national dues nashould be spent in this way except ~ional initiation fees, income 'from for. such intervals as might be re- mvestments and voluntary alumni qmred for the preparation of re- dues. As has already been pointed ports. In addition there must be the out, the income from investments necessary clerical help. The salaries does not pay more than half the cost of the executive secretary and the of publishing the STAR AND LAMP. travelling secretaries must be suf·· Th :! remaining half and all the other ficiently high to attract the right operating expenses of the Fraternity type of man-whatever less than mu~t be met from the other source::; this .amount is spent is money wasted. of mcome. It is difficult to meet the Unt1l some such organization as this ordi~ary running expenses to say can be set up, Pi Kappa Phi must nothmg of accumulating reserves. of necessity, operate at less tha~ After the Seattle and Jacksonville maximum efficiency. conv.entions, the treasury was empty Salaries, travel costs and the ex- and 1t was necessary to borrow money penses of Central Office, will on this to operate the Fraternity until the basis, require more money than has op~nin9 of the college year began to been available in the past. It is the bnng m the dues. Owing to the business of this Supreme Chapter to pre ~ ent sound financial condition of consider the legislation needed to the order, this is not likely to occur provide for an adequate Central again, but it shows how narrow is Office organization and to determine the margin of safety in our busines:E how the funds needed can be ob- operations. It emphasizes, too, how tained. The easiest and most obvious badly needed in times past was the solution would be to increase nation- money tied up in "Accounts Real initiation fees and dues. I most ceivable." Your National Council emphatically do not advocate this would like to be generous, but you even though it may seem to be i~ can't scatter largesge from an empty line with the rising costs of every- purse. 12

I should indeed be derelict in rnY duty if I were to close this repo~t without paying a tribute of graU· tude on behalf of the FraternitY and in my own name to my c~l­ leagues of the National Council. I doubt if many of the brothers ap· predate the unselfish devotion of these National Officers or tbe thought, time and effort that theY give, busy men though they ar~, to the affairs of Pi Kappa Ph 1· National Treasurer Helmrich baS served for ten years, National Sec· retary Gibbon for six and National Chancellor Houser for twelve. It has been a rare privilege to be associated with them and. I am sincerely appre· dative of their constant encourage· ment and support. Such success as may have attended the national ad· ministration of the last eight year;; is owing to their wise counsel and sage advice, the mistakes are 1t1Y own. ~rothers, in laying down the bigh ofhce to which vou elected me, 1 thank you from ·the bottom of rnY heart for the opportunity to serve Pi Kappa Phi and for the confidence and trust so generously given me. 1 venture to express my gratitude and relief that, despite my fears, I w~ not elected to preside over the d1s· solution of our beloved FraternitY·

WANT A JOB? Two positions of traveling counsel· ors on Pi Kappa Phi 's Central Office staff are now open and applications may be filed with Central Office or National President Devereux ]). Rice, Box 88, Johnson City Tenn. Pi Kapps who are colleg~ gradu· ates with pleasing personality and qualities of leadership are eligible for appointment. The appficant should "be young enough to under· stand the undergraduate point of view and mature enough to corn· mand his respect" and he must possess "imagination, judgment, in· itiative and ability to cooperate.'' Preferably he should be a veteran and unmarried. Brother Fred Quinn who began his duties as traveling ~ounselor last January resianed in September i? order to continue his education. ThiS vacancy is to be filled and appoint· ment of a second traveling cou)lseJor is contemplated as one phase of Pi Kappa Phi's postwar expansion pro· gram. THE STAR AND LAMP

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GLOOMY 'fhe political future of China is gloomy, thinks Dr. M. Theron Rankin , Delta, executive secretary of the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. This opinion of the eminent Baptist leader was based on his observations during a three month's tour of China this summer when he was also convinced that "Communism it:~ China is more than a political party. It is a rebel government." Interviews with hundreds of Chinese from the Communist section Of the country all included one statement, he said, that they "have suffered more in one year of Communist rule than in nine years under the Japanese." Dr. Rankin, who spent 20 years as a teacher in Canton and in Shanghai, and was interned in Stanley Prison in 1941, was not admitted to the area now under Communist control. "I was allowed to travel whereever I wished in Nationalist territory," be said, "but in Communist territory permits are required from Village to village. "The political future of China is gloomy," Dr. Rankin said. "Maintaining as they do their own separate government with a tax system, currency, and even postage, the Communists represent ::1. rebellion against the central government of China. I can see no basis of an effective plan of cooperation or compromise between the two governments. "The capacity of the Chinese people to achieve in the midst of chaos and confusion is almost incredible, however, and that capacity is China's hope." OF PI



Dr. M. Theron Rankin tracing his flight from Son Francisco to Shanghai via Hawaii, and return June 24 to Oct. 16.

Dr. Rankin visited cities which had been 70 per cent devastated during the war. "They have already been 70 per cent rebuilt. Beyond the wall of confusion and disorganization, individual achievements in China promise a political and economic stability." "The great need for relief still exists in the Orient," Dr. Rankin stated. "CNRR, the Chinese branch of UNRRA, is dispensing relief to the people who are definitely below the hunger line, the refugees and the destitute masses, but the vast numbers of 'white-collar' workers do not qualify for this type of relief. Their income has not increased with inflationary prices. They are suffering acutely from malnutrition." One instance of this condition is the fact that the University of Shanghai, a Baptist institution with a thousand students this year, bas no basketball team. President Henry H. Lin, himself, an athlete, told Dr. Rankin that he was unable to find enough men who were physically able to qualify. Medical examinations of students show large numbers seriously underweight, and the increase in deficiency diseases among young

people of white-collar families is alarming. "~7 e have made plans to spend ap-

proxtmately $800,000 among this class of people related to the Baptist churches in China," Dr. Rankin said. "This sum will be furnished out of the $3,666,000 raised during July, Augu:st and September by the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention to be administered by the relief committee of the foreign board. "The money is handled by dependable committees in the churches. Personal investigation is made of every case that is given help and all relief funds are administered along the best principles of social work." Dr. Rankin left Richmond for his 30,000-mile trip last June 24. He reached Shanghai July 1 and before his take-off for the return trip October 8 he traveled between 8,000 and 10,000 miles in China. "I traveled among all kinds of people and I never encountered one person who was unfriendly or discourteous," Dr. Rankin said . "The Chinese are friendly people. They respond to American and other tourists if they are courteous." 13



The June t transft l'urneJ

Philip Dicus Pledg~ sequer



AS ETA IS REACTIVATED Leo H. Pou (left) presents charter to Jock Turner. Seated, left to right, Henry McCord Shaver, Eta charter member, Wade Hampton Brewton, Eta charter member, Edgar Gunn, twelfth initiate of Eta, and Sam Laird, toastmaster and Eta chapter advisor. Right-Members of reactivated Eta Chapter, left to right, bock row, Harry Dievs, Kenneth Boker, Tom Raymond, Philip Whittier, John Stubbs. Front row, Robert Noland, historian; Eugene Simons, secretory; Jock Turner, Archon; J. C. Jackson, chaplain; Joe Parham, treasurer. Members not shown in picture, Norris Broome, worden; Wolter Withers, Arthur Haisten, Corey Wells, Charles Tolbert.

Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi bas been reactivated I It was officially welcomed back on the campus at Emory University at an inforwal dinner on October the twelfth. Past National Secretary Leo N. Pou, Omicron, presented the original charter to Archon Jack P . Turner and, in picturesque language, traced the history of the chapter. Many happy reunions occurred. Charter member Wade Hampton Brewton, flew up from Dade City, Florida and was joyously welcomed by another charter member, Henry McCord Shaver, of Atlanta, and Edgar Gunn, twelfth member and first advisor, also of Atlanta. Each, later, 14

made inspiring talks wbicl, a)ternately drew tears :md lll ughtc; frcm the assembled Pi Kapps. Brother Howard Leake, National Treasurer, came over from Birmingham to give Eta the National Chapter's blessings and Jimmy Grizzard brought greetings from the Atlanta Alumni. E. H. Rece, Dean of Men , made a welcoming speech to Pi Kappa Phi and promised the administration 's wholehearted assistance to the fraternity's return to Emory. Jimmy Smith, Sigma Chi and President of the Inter-Fraternity Council, brought greetings to Eta from the IFC and invited all Pi Kapps to any social


function on Fraternity Row. Officiating as toastmaster was SaJll Laird, Eta, Chairman of the EmorY Christian Association. Brother Laird has also served as chairman of t11e Board of Conservators and has been very active in the re-colonization of the fraternity. Serving very ably witlJ Brother Laird have been Brother Leo Pou and Doctors Ray Nixon and Boone Bowen, both of the Emory University faculty. The invocation was delivered bY Brother Bowen while Brother Nixon lent his fine voice to the occasion bY leading the assembled group in a number of Pi Kapp songs and renTHE STAR AND



Original Charter Returned October Twentieth dering a solo, "Angel of Pi Kappa


The present group was formed in June by a number of Pi Kapps who transferred to Emory: Jack P. ~u:~er, Iota, Joseph Parham, Iota, ~lhp Whittier, Epsilon, Harry b1cus, Alpha Iota and Gene Simons, Pledge of Iota. These men were sub~qu ently joined by Carey Wells and orn Raymond of Epsilon, Kenneth naker of Delta, Arthur Haiston of Charlie Talbot of Omicron ohn Stubbs of Beta. Five men ~ere initiated in August: 'Gene 1tnons, Morris Broome, J. C. Jack·On, Bob Noland and Walter Members o_f the Emory faculty nho are Eta alumni are Dr. Cullen S·. Gosnell, head of the Political Cience Dept; Dr. Boone Bowen, bean of the School of Theology; Dr. At Charter Presentation Dinner.

By Bob Noland

Raymond B. Nixon, bead of the School of Journalism ; Dr. Byron Hilley of the School of Law ; and Sam Laird, head of the Emory Christian Association. In addition to the wonderful support of its faculty brother§ and alumni, Eta is fortunate to have the active support of Past National Secretary Leo Pou, Omicron, who now lives only a stone's throw from Emory. Further, Iota Chapter, across the city on Tech's campus, has constantly lent its Joyal and willing aid. Led by Archon Dick Almand, fifteen Iota men attended the Charter Day dinner and warmly backed Eta's plans. Eta is in the midst of Rush Week

at the present time .. The chapter has resolved to rush only those men who have been specifically recommended by graduate and undergraduate Pi Kapps in order to maintain its high standard. All alumni and active chapters are urged to send in names of prospective rushees. So far, Eta has refused all offers of funds by Alumni. The Chapter wants to stand on its own feet as far as current expenses are concerned. It does, however, hope to solicit a sum of money for a house ere long. Eta realizes that the work has just begun and that this impressive and successful start is not all that must be accomplished, but the members of Eta have resolved that Pi Kappa Phi shall resume its place as one of Emory's leading fraternities and we don 't intend that it shall take long. Come to see us l

Left- National Treasurer Howard D: Leake (cente r) with Eta's board of conservators, left to right, Dr. Boone Bowen, Leo H. Pou, Sam La1rd, Dr, Raymond B. Nixon.

Right-Old Timers Chat with new leaders, left to right, Jack P. Turner, Eta Chapter Archon, Henry McCord Shaver, Joe Parham, Edgar Gunn, Wade Hampton Brewton, and Eugene R. Simons.

l'j IP








determined whether such a club could work. All Pi Kapps interested in joining the Anchor Club write: Ens. T. E. Weir, USN U.S.S. ARD Thirteen care of Fleet Post Office San Francisco, Calif. No fees or assessments have been levied and none are expected because the activities are confined, so far, to correspondence.

Joins Chapter Eternal

Ensign Thomas E. Weir

The war is over. By the time this issue of the STAR AND LAMP reaches you, most of the reserves will be out of the Navy. The remaining 50,000 officers and 500,000 enlisted men will constitute the peacetime Navy. Many Pi Kapps will not choose to be demobilized. Three such brothers left Sigma Chapter in 1945. They are E. R. Britt, Bill Dallis, and Tom Weir. These three form the nucleus of the Anchor Club of Pi Kappa Phi. In order that the Pi Kapps who remain in th e vast naval establishment may keep in touch with each other and that closer contact can be kept with the national organization, some sort of chapter should be organized for Pi Kapps in Blue, who would otherwise be unable to belong to an Alumni group. Since it is not possible for such an association to meet all the requirements set forth in the constitution and supreme laws for an Alumni Chapter, it was suggested by National President Berry that the Navy Pi Kapps be organized into a club on an experimental basis until it is 16

The Rev. Albert E. Sanderson, Alpha Pi, rector of Port Tobacco Parish, LaPlata, Md., died at Doctors Hospital, Washington, D. C., on August 16, 1946. Brother Sanderson was born in Statesboro, Ga., in 1905. He received his B. A. Degree from the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn ., in 1929. In 1932 he received his B. D. degree from the Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Va. The following year Bishop Penick of North Carolina ordained him to the priesthood. Before coming to La Plata, Md., in 1941, Brother Sanderson served parishes in several cities in North Carolina, and in Bristol, Tenn.-Va. He has been very active in community projects and served on the Department of Missions of the Washington Diocese for the past three years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Esther Burgess Sanderson; a daughter, Mary Amelia; and a son, Albert Evans Sanderson, Jr.

Death Claims Gould Lucius Gould, Alpha Kappa, of St. Charles, Mich., died at the University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich., on July 7, 1946. At one time he was chief of the Consumer Credit Agencies Division of the Michigan Banking Department but most of his business career had been devoted to posts with the brokerage and investment banking firm of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane, chiefly in Detroit, Mich. He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Bernice Moore, of Brant, Mich., his parents, and several brothers and sisters.

Accidentally Killed


Capt. Kenneth Lowman, Alpha, a C1 native of Orangeburg, S. C. and a ~~~ graduate of the College of Charle~ ton and the Medical College of Sou d Carolina, was accidentally shot an killed on a duck hunt near Coronado, Calif. the latter part of October .. Capt. Lowman was a surgeon u; the U. S. Navy at the outbreak 0 World War II and was captured bY the Japanese early in the strugglej He was a prisoner of war for seve;J years before bemg released. .r>e visited Orangeburg shortly after· wards. e He is survived by his wife, til former Mlle. Mytle Frotrat, 01 France; a daughter Elaine, and ; son, Frank, now a medical studen · In addition he leaves two sisters, :Mr~ Robert F. Touhey of Charleston, an Sister Elizabeth of a Catholic con· vent in Macon, Ga.: two brotherd 03car Lowman of Charleston, an Ingram Lowman of Frankfort, :K:Y. ly 1: er's


Brother Cornog Passes ag~ Brother Howard W. Cornog, Alpb~ ~~oll

Mu, passed away August 15, 1946 a ~av his home 33 S Fairview Ave., e : · after five ~~ed ect Highland 'Park, Pa., v ~ one half months of illness, at w am age of 34. ~nd He was employed as a mechanica1 he. engineer with American Vis~ose ICh1. Corp., in Philadelphia at the tim~ of his death and had just recen.tll received his Professional Engineer'nf License from the State of PennsY· vania. He attended Penn State College for two years and finished his edcbtt· cation at Drexel Institute of Te · nology, graduating in June, 1939 as an M. E. . Brother Cornog is survived by b15 wife, Elva S. Cornog, his mother, Mrs. Lillian R. Cornog of Lans· downe, Pa. and his sister, Mrs. Beat· rice C. Phipps of Ardmore, Pa.


NAMED OFFICIAL George A. Odgers, Nu, dean of Grays Harbor College, Aberdeen, Wash., has been named district reP' resentative of Phi Delta Kappa, ~~~fessional education fraternity. r>1s district includes Washington, ore· gon, Idaho and Montana. THE STAR AND LAMP

1 Pi


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1a, a R.eiriee M. Quist, Alpha Xi, of nd a Clark, N. ]., died on October 24, 1r1es· 1946 after a brief illness on a busi,outh n~ss trip. Brother Quist was an enand ~Ineer with the Colgate-Palmoliveeet Company at the time of his 1ado, death. er. n in lie was born in Guttenberg, k of Sweden, thirty-nine years ago and :!bY ~vas a graduate of Brooklyn PolytechggJe. c Institute. He was a member of ~e Professional Engineering So1eral fie Ciety of New Jersey, Pi Kappa Phi, fter· ~~d the Hillcrest Club of Brooklyn, -~. y the lie. leaves a widow, Mrs. Conof stance Orme Quist; a son, Roy A. 1d a ~kuist, of Brooklyn, and his parents, Jent· '•!r. and Mrs. Charles Quist of BayMrS· onne, N. J. and

con· 1ers,




Wayne C. Metcalf, Jr., Xi, recentassociated with his father's New England Mutual general ,es lagency in Roanoke, Va. After graduating from Roanoke Ipba ~~ol!ege, he served three years in the 6 at '~avy before he was released with ~ve., the rank of ensign. He just completand led studies at University of Pennsylthe Vania's Wharton School of Finance and Commerce. He is a member of 1ical ~he. honorary fraternity, Xi Theta case l\,h1.

- I1Y became


By John W. Deimler National Historian In announcing the resumption of the annual President's Plaque award for the best chapter publication, I would like to review briefly, the history of the award and basis of judging. The President's Plaque was first awarded in 1936, being won by Alpha Xi's Woodbird. For three successive years thereafter, Omega's Omegalite was judged the best and the original Plaque became the permanent possession of Omega Chapter, this being one of the conditions under which the contest was inaugurated. A second Plaque of different design was presented in 1940 and the name of Upsilon Chapter appears once, Omega twice, and Tau once. Tau Chapter was the last winner when the contest was discontinued in 1943 because of the War. The basis upon which previous contests have been rated are: frequency of issues (minimum of three) 20 percent; general attractiveness (headings, pictures, form, make-up, etc.) 30 percent ; proportion of Alumni news, 50 percent. This


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Pi Kapp :en, ep· ,ro· Pi Kapp at Bikini - Walter J. f!is ~lurphy, Alpha Xi, is shown aboard )re· the U.S.S. Appalachian as special obServer at Operation Crossroads for

appears to be a very practical and sound method for evaluation and shall be continued for the present at least. Now, just as a guide to you editors, let me add a few comments on each of these headings. In order for a publication to be considered, there must be a minimum of three issues. This should not bP too difficult a requirement to meet and immediately gives your publication 20 per cent. So be sure your three or more, issues reach Central Office. General attractiveness covers a multitude of things, but particular stress will be placed on the use of headings and sub-headings for long articles, occasional boxes, short items or news articles, names set out in bold type, style and arrangement, pictures (or sketches) if possible, and balance between alumni and chapter news. Let it clearly be understood that a well prepared and neatly mimeographed publication has just as good a chance of winning as does a printed publication. The proportion of alumni news is the most important factor and rightly so. Through the medium of the Chapter publication, the alumni are kept informed of the high lights of the active Chapters progress and program and learn of the advancement of their brothers. This is the best, and sometimes the only, contact the active chapter has with its alumni. Remember also that important events for the college are items of alumni interest as well. A Chapter may materially aid its college in maintaining and increasing the interest of the alumni in the affairs of the school as well as the Fraternity through the medium of the chapter publication. And don't forget that the alumni will look forward to receiving and reading your paper much more if it is issued with some degree of regularity. Competition has been very keen in years past and we are looking forward to a revival of that spirit. So let's get off to a flying start while there is still time left in this srmester.


At Bikini the American Chemical Society. (Cut courtesy of Poly Men, alumni pul?lication of Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute).


Word has been received at Central Office of the death of Robert C. Gangl, Alpha Epsilon, which occurred during World War II. No other particulars are available. 17


~ '



&n~ John Thomas McCrae, Epsilon, and Miss Betty Jo Blackman were married June 28, 1946 at Orange, Texas. The marriage of Samuel M . Woodward, Epsilon, and Miss Clyde La Belle Atha, was solemnized August 1, 1946, at Miss!on , Kansas. James Stanton Blain, Epsi lon , and Miss Margaret Anne Alphin, both of Lexington, Va., were married September 7, 1946.


Maynard Spigener Watson, Epsilon, Ridgespring, S. C., and Miss Carolyn Chandler Guess, Denmark, S. C., were married in September, 1946. The engagement of J ames Morga n Isom, Zeta, Spartanburg, S. C., and Miss Frances Elizabeth Payne, Darlington, S. C., has been announced. The marriage will take place in November. Brother Isom was twice the recipient of the Bronze Star as a member of the U. S. infantry. Wal ter McBride Bugg, Iota, Atlanta and Griffin, Ga., and Miss Constance Livsey were married August 9, 1946. Lt. (j.g.) Comer V. Weaver, Jr., Iota, and Miss M artha Fuller, Atlanta, Ga., were married August 1, 1946 . Ensign Norman Clifford Kuh lman, Iota, and Miss Mary Patricia F:tzpatri ck, were married October 5, 1946. J ames Grover Loudermilk, Iota, and Miss Martha Anne Gorman, Atlanta, Ga., have announced their engagement and app roaching marriage. The wedding of Capt. Charles Goodwin Fulton, Iota, Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Fritzi Truesdale, Camden , Ark ., took place August 17, 1946. The wedding of Thomas Richard McMurry, Iota, Los Angeles, California, formerly of Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Etho l Treleaven will take place in the fall. Frank Knox Story, Lambda, and Miss Fan Young, Athens, Ga., were married in June, 1946. The weddi ng of Ensign Thomas Edward Weir, Xi, Roanoke, Va., and Miss Rebekah Kennedy took place June 22, 1946, in Columbia, S. C. The engagement has been announced of Ullm an Franklin Williamson, Omicron, Anniston, Ala., and Miss Lucile Holt. Major Eugene Wilson Williams, Omicron, Luverne, Ala., and Miss Vi rginia W. Chandler were married January 1, 1946. William Luther Stowe, Jr., Omicron, and Miss Eleanor Stewart Li vingston were married in Wetumpka, Ala ., March 31 , 1946.

Samuel Jefferso n Clinkscales, Pi, Damascus, Georgia, and M'ss J ean Davis, Blakely, Ga., were married in July, 1946. Yancey L . Shaver, Pi, and Miss Marilyn Kohn , Decatur, Ga., were marri ed August 31, 1946. H enry Wallace Couch, Sigma, Batesburg, S. C., and Miss Dorothy Wilhelmina Fletcher were married June 29, 1946 in Charleston, S. C. The marriage of Th ad G. Yelton, Tau , to Miss Helen Reid Povey, was solemnized the early part of July, 1946 in Charlotte, N. C., where they will reside. Jo Ervin John, Chi, Bennettsville, S. C., and Miss Betty McCutcheon , Winter Haven, Fla., have announced their engagement, the wed ding to take place in the early fall. Ernest Machen, Jr., Chi, Deland, Fla., and Miss Barbara Weldon, J acksonvill e, Fla., were married June 5, 1946. Brother Machen is attending graduate school of the University of North Caro lina and they arc living in Chapel Hill, N. C. Clifford Sw'aine, Chi, was married to Miss Erma Smith of DeLand, Fla., during Jul y. Robert Preston Jones, Chi, and Miss Marjorie Kersey were married July 19, 1946. Dick Gordie, Chi and Miss Irene Moreland were married 18

in DeLand, Fla., September 1, 1946 . The ceremony was p~r 颅 formed in the First Baptist Church with anoth er fratermtY brother, the Reverend Bob Clark, officiating. . J erry A. Holman, Omega, Valley Stream, N. Y., and M1ss Louise Koch were married July 14, 1946, at Valley Strea~ 路 Donald B. Bolding, Omega, Portsmouth , Va., and M1ss M arga rette Willis Reeve were married August 27, 1946, at Menard, Texas. Donald A. Van Vleet, Omega, Chattanooga, Tenn ., and Miss Kathryn Forreste r were marri ed at Chattanooga, August 28, 1946.

John E. Dennerline, Omega, Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Miss Mary Bornschein have announced their engagement. . Richard Rydin , Omega, San Mateo, California and M1ss Carol Anderson of Chicago, have announced their engagement. The engagement of Howard A. Bardwick, Omega, to Miss Margaret Vandenberg has been announced. J ames J. Uebelhart, Omega, Canton, Ohio, and Miss Lee Adams, Detroit, Mich., have announced their engagement. Dr. Vernon D . Standish, Alpha Zeta, Albany, Oregon and Miss Joan Rodems were married June 24, 1946. The wedding of James Albert Head, Alpha Zeta, to Miss Elvira Jensen was solemnized August 11, 1946. They will Jive in Salem, Oregon , at 255 Vista Avenue. J erry Francis Cotter, Alpha Zeta, Lakeview, Orego n, and Miss Evva Hickman, Bend, Oregon, were married September 30, 1946. He plans to continue his studies at Oregon State. Roy Octave Malo, Alpha Zeta, Sheridan, Oregon , and Miss Virginia Fischer, Portland , Oregon, have announced their engagement. The engagement of William Wallace Waite, Alpha Zeta, Portland , Oregon and Miss J erre Kimmell, of La Grande, Oregon, has been announced. Conrad Phillip Summerlin, Alpha Iota, and Miss June Dowling Reddoch , of Montgomery, Ala., were married in Luverne, Ala., June 22, 1946. They will reside in Aubur.n where both are resuming their studies at Alabama PolytechniC Institute . William Scott Couch, Alph a I ota, Columbus, Ga., and Miss Virginia Pope Duncan were married August 27, 1946. The Couches have return ed to Auburn where they will resume th eir studies at Alabama Polytechnic Institute. . The marriage of Grover M. Whitley, Alpha Iota, and M1SS Virginia Borders was solemnized April 27, 1946 in Lanett, Ala. Robert Leland McNeil, Alpha Iota, and Miss J ane Connor Peterkin were married August 30, 1946, in Dillon, S. C. Paul Eugene Dawkins, Alpha Iota, and Miss Mary Elizabeth Scheussler were married August 29, 1946, in Birmingham, Ala. They will reside in Auburn where Brother Dawkins will resume his studies at A. P. I. The engagement of Charles Quillian Hall, Alpha Iota, and Miss Irene Eason , both of Co lumbus, Ga., has been announced . The marriage of John Holt Parham, Jr., Alpha Iota, and Miss Sara Ann Amos, both of St. Petersburg, Fla., was solemnized September 1, 1946. They will live in St. Petersburg. Lt. (j.g.) Walter Charles Gwinner, Alpha Mu , and Mi~s Marjorie Jan e Dempsey, were married September 7, 1946 111 Alton, Illinois. William Heim, Alpha Mu, and Miss Alice Walker were married in March, 1946. He is working for the Aluminurn Company of America as chief industrial engineer in the East Cleveland plant.


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Born to Don Davidson, Jr., Epsilon, and Mrs. Davidson, on August 4, 1946, a daughter, Anne Sherrill, in the Charlotte, N. C. Mercy Hospital. Weight 7 lbs. 130 oz. Robert Trout Peters, III, was born on June 28, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Peters, Jr., Epsilon; weight 6 lbs., 3 3/4 oz. Patricia Ann Otwell, born on May 7, 1946, to Brother and Mrs. James A. Otwell, Jr., Eta, of Cumming, Ga. "My family's excited, and proud as can be, and it's quite apparent, the reason is-Me ! My name is Lauralee Marie; I arrived Aup;ust 7, 1946; and my parents are Fred and Emma Grim, Xi." Brother and Mrs. Edward J. Masline, Jr., Omega, announce the arrival of Edward J. Masline, III, on October 10, 1946. Allen E. Reynolds, Omega, and Mrs. Reynolds, West La:ayette, Ind., announced the birth of a daughter, Pamela Ann, 1n September. Paul Lester Seibert was born to Brother and Mrs. Paul


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Seibert, Alpha Zeta, in Seattle, Wash., on October 15, 1946. Brother and Mrs. A. D. Cannavina Alpha Zeta announced the birth of Lois Rae, on August 22; 1946. ' Brother and Mrs. Willard A. Hamlin, Alpha Zeta, are the pro~d parents of James Roger, born June 23, 1946, at Corvalhs, Ore. A son, Gary Michael, was born to Brother and Mrs. Homer Matz, Alpha Zeta, at Ash Grove, Mo ., on March 23, 1946. Lt. Col. and Mrs. George J. Co leman, Jr., Alpha Iota, announced the birth of twins on June 11 1946 in Honolulu Brothe; Coleman writes: "This is our s~cond ~nd third son; respectJv~ly. We have on; son 20 years old . I am flying Naval A1r Transpor~ C-59 s now that the war is over. I run from ~a,kland, Cahf., to Guam, being based in Honolulu, my w1fe s home. By the way, I met and married her out here in 1942. She was Geneva Little before our marriage." J?rother and Mrs. John J. Doudera, Jr., Berwyn, Ill., Alpha Ph1, announce the buth of Ralph John on May 10, 1946.

On September 21, the Columbus-Ft. Benning alumni chapter Was host at a barbecue chicken dinner at the home of chapter President, Holcombe Verdery, in honor of a group of Alpha Iota rushees. Honorees included Charles Dennard, Bill Connoly, Gene Walker, Bill Ogletree, David Faulkner, Rosser Jones, and C. H. Burdette, Jr. Alpha Iota members present Were Lige Thomas, Harry Dicus, and Lawrence Woolbright. Willard Joy, a former pledge, was also a visitor. Alumni members present were John West and W. B. SkipWorth, Jr., both of whom had just returned from military service; Park Brinson, Bobby Robinson, R. W. Spencer, Ed Norris, William Fambrough, Louie N. Robinson, Holcombe Verdery and AI Summerlin. Welcomed to the group as new members were Jeff Kelly, Jr., Doyle Butler, Bill Couch and Lt. (j.g.) P . B. Cleaveland. Dinner was served on the lawn.

T.he following were in atten~ance: Alpha Xi Actives, R. Atkmson, H . Barber, W. Cosgnff, C. Glassen, R. Kelly, R. Kelsey, S. Madsen, J. Scanlon, J. Smellie, J. Smiley, A. Smith, A. Steele, and L. Waterman. Alpha Xi Pledges and Guests: R. Blazek, A. Borokbovich, T. Cahill, J. Callaghan, D. Gannon, E. Gore, A. Hensen, W. Hebestreit, R. Jeffrey, J. McKernan, C. ~urn, T. Paratley, G. Peterson, G. Ryan, and P. Steck. ;1lumm:.R. Noreen, Gamma; J. C. Brown, Upsi lon; F. Hedd.enc~, Om1cron; C. Ostergren, R. Ostergren, L. Seaman, Ps1; 1'-. Bennet, W. Berger, W. J. Berry, W. Betts, T. Dreyer, L. Eckelman, H . Fuchs, E. Heeren, H. W. Lang, F. Magruder, W. Nash, R. Nugent, R. Orteig, C. Quintana, A. Seuhe.rt, C. H. Steffan, W. Wallor, A. Wilson, H. Wohlers, Alpha Xi; and R. Fuchs, Alpha Tau. Although we would have liked to have had more alumni present, we count this as a very successful event. -ARTHUR SEUBERT, Secretary

Miami Alumni Chapter

Portland Alumni Chapter


Ft. Benning Alumni

Miami, Fla.

After having been in a semi-inactive state since the war, the Miami alumni chapter of Pi Kappa Phi held an organization meeting in the home of T. E. Moxley, 657 Minola Dr., Miami Springs, on the night of August 22. Art G. Witters served as temporary chairman of the meeting and William A. Papy, III, was elected secretary. With this meeting our organization is well on its way and by next issue of the STAR AND LAMP we hope to be functioning just as we were prior to the war. We are interested in the fraternity's expansion program in the state of Florida and will devote a great deal of our time to this end. Wru.rAM A. PAPY, III, Secretary

New York Alumni Chapter On October 18, the New York Alumni Chapter joined forces with the Alpha Xi active chapter in a house-warming party at the chapter house, 33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. To enable all present to make it a purely social gathering, to meet the actives and their guests, and to give the alumni all possible chance to renew old acquaintances, President William Berger held the business meeting to reports on the Birmingham Convention. 路 Past National President, William J. Berry, spoke of the accomplishments at Birmingham from the business standpoint, and Brother Ralph Noreen spoke on the social functions. OF




The Portland Alumni Chapter held its first fall meeting October 11, 1946. AI Head, National Secretary, gave a report on the national conven~on held in Birmingham, Alabama, last August. ElectiOns put the following brothers in office: Bob Harris president; AI Johnson, vice-president; Ross Roberts, secretary; Thorne Hammond, treasurer. It was decided to have a Founder's Day banquet in Portland the evening of Friday, November 29, 1946. Time: 7:30 P. M. Bob Peacock will be in charge of arrangements and ;efreshments. This date was selected because of the Washmgton-Oregon State football game being held in Portland Saturday, November 30: It is hoped that members of Alpha Delta and Alpha Zeta m Portland that night will be able to attend . . Mont~ly meetings of the Portland alumni will be held the first Fnday of each month starting the 3rd of January 1947. All Pi Kapps in the vicinity of Portland are invited to attend. -Ross ROBERTS, Secretary

----Seattle Alumni Chapter

A meeting of the Seattle Alumni Chapter was held Wednesday evening, September 11 at the new Alpha Delta chapter house, and most of the evening was spent discussing the opening of the House. 19

Doug Willix, ~airman ~f the furniture committee, reported that the purchasmg of furmture by the Wives' Club is progressing very well, and was authorized to approve any expenditures necessary to obtain furniture and kitchen equipment. Receipts for purchases, countersigned by him, will, suffice to account for all. money spent, and .Ho~ard Bayley and Lyle Jenks, custodians of the Reorgamzat10n Fund, were authorized to release any amount necessary to him to be accounted for in the above manner. The members of the Wives' Club, Jed by Chairman Willix's wife, Kathleen and Ann Vadman, have been allotted various amounts with which to purchase items assigned to them, and from all reports are really making the pennies s-t-r-e-t-c-h. The house is completely unfurnished and will need a lot more than can be obtained with the $1,400 in the fund, but will be able to open under a handicap with what is available. P~eliminary plans were made . for Homecoming, the Califorma game October 25, and VIc Sivertz was appointed to organize the program . Incorporation of the Alumni Chapter and possibilities of eventually purchasing the present house were discussed and Alex Adair and Paul Macy were appointed to draw up a;ticles of incorporation. Howard Bayley, one of the custodians of the fund has announced that the drive has stalled at $1,392.46, with only about 30 per cent of the alums represented.

Chicago Alumni Chapter Chicago alumni are cordially invited to a Christmas Dinner Party to be held at the Chicago Yacht Club on Saturday, December 28. Dinner will be at 7:00, followed by a grab bag festival, bridge, poker, music, dancing, drinks at the club bar, and all the facilities of the club will be at our disposal! courtesy of Mr. E. W. Grover, who has fathered three PI Kapps! · Tickets are at $6 .50 per couple and may be secured from Paul M. Hupp, 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, Illinois, telephone State 5400. We are limited to about 50 couples so get your reservations in early. ' It is a. fine chance to see old friends, and it's going to be a very mce party. See you there 1 Pi Kapps residing in and about Chicago have been meeting regularly . o~ .the first Thursday in every month, for dinn~r and conviviahty l Many of our old friends have dropped 111 on the meetings, and it's been lots of fun. We urge all of you to come out and renew our fraternity friendships and help pla~ our picnics, parties and dances. Write or phone our president or secretary for further information. If you haven't been receiving our mailings, please give us your new address. Richard H. Backer, Secretary 7208 Stony Island, Chicago, Ill. Phone Plaza 7326

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At the beginning of the fall term last year Alpha had only two actives, but this semester the chapter is fortunate in having ten members at the old College of Charleston. Brother Charles Parker, a veteran of three years in the Naval Air Corps, and Brother Joe Cabaniss, a Marine Corps veteran are back with us. Both of these boys had a tour of duty i~ the Pacific. Charlie is one of the best tennis players at the C.ollege, and everyon~ is looking forward to big things from bm~ when the tenms season opens next spring. Joe has achieved an outstanding scholastic record during his stay at the College. He is a senior this year. Burrell Jones has also returned from war duty. J onsie was archon of the chapter in 1944. After the summer session Brother Charles Long left the College to accept a position at the South Carolina Power Company, but Charlie still attends all the meetings and has certainly been a big help at the rush parties. After a long search throughout Charleston Alpha finally located rooms on Rutledge Avenue just before school opened. At the first form al meeting the following officers were elected: Harry Robison, archon; Burrell Jones, secretary; Charles Parker, treasurer; Jack Easterby, historian; Joe Cabaniss chaplain; Eduard Sturcken, warden; Allan Horres, pledg~ master. At this meeting, Jack Shuman was also re-pledged. The rush season was opened with a wiener roast on the Isle of Palms. This was followed up two weeks later with a stag smoker at the rooms. At this writing plans are bein.., made for a moonlight cruise on the Ashley River which will be the last rush party. Every effort is being made to form an alumni chapter before the Founders' Day Banquet. - JACK EASTERBY1 Historian




"ALL IS NOT QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT!" Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, and nearby Pi Kapp alumni ·are jointly bending their efforts toward the revival of Gamma. Spurred on by one or two of the alumni who bav~ .n.ot forgotten the early; days, we are definitely going to 1mtJate a group of selectiVe men. This group is beaded


by Dr. Harrison }. Kolb, Gamma, and C. Lawrence Taylor, Ga~m.a, who have spent considerable time developing a prehmmary program. It is our combined desire to acquire suitable housin~. Pending this, with the consent and approval of the National, we plan to initiate new men and, with the undergraduates wl~o have returned to the campus, hope to have a member· sb1p of at least 20 members. Our plans ~re to. c?nduct the affairs of the fraternity on t~e same ~as1s as If It were housed on the campus, with a fixed location for lunch and dinner and rent a club room, in a central location, for the gathering of th e members. We regret that it was impossible for us to attend the Birmingham convention and understand {rom National Secretar:t, } .. AI Head, that it was very successful. It was especrally mteresting to us to learn that Howard Leake was elected to the new Council as we, in the West, know him so well. -}AMES F . HAMILTON, Chapter Adviser, Gamma



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Epsilon is very pleased to welcome four new brothers initiated on October 29: Chris Weber Bud Edwards Odel Dobson, and Roy Williams. This brings 'our membership' up to 44 members and 12 pledges. We also extend a hearty welcome to the following neW pledges: Berwyn Rush, Lake City, S. C.; Chris and John Walker, Collierville, Tenn.; Billy Houck and H arry Temple, Flore~ce, S. C.; Bob Bumbarger, Hickory, N. C.; Hunt~r Boy kin and J obn Holton, Charlotte, N. C.; Claude Higgin· botbam, Greenville, S. C.; Don Sasser Pelham Manor N · Y.; Richard Turnage, Hartsville, S. c:; and John M~Gill, Davidson, N. C. All of these new men have prove·d themselves on the interfraternity football field. The lull in our social life followin g rush week was rudely shattered on the week end of November 1-2, at Homecoming. The previous week was spent in decorating the bouse; then the week end started with a big Formal on Friday night at the Charlotte Armory, followed on Saturda)


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night by an informal dance, a nd topped off later with a n early brea kfast in Charlotte. We can sa fe'y say, wi thout fea r of co ntradi ction th at a large time was had by all. Brother Tommy Bumbarger was recently reelected editor ?f th e Co.llege Annual, after havin g previous'y been elected In 1943, which he ga ve up to work for Un c!e Sam . Tot?mY has ea rned his letter in golf for two straight yea rs, IS a member of 0 . D. K ., and t he student co uncil. He al:o served on the staffs of th e DAVJDSO IA a nd QUIPS AND CRA KS in 1941-1943. Brothers Robert Cline a nd Walter Walker are serving as circulatin g and managing editors, re. . . specti vely, of th e DAVIDSO:-JIAN. Our war time archon Mel Winstead. has JOmed th e Davidso n faculty, teaching cl;emistry. Bro~h er Benoy <?odwin has gone into the army and we hope he will be bark w1th us soo n. · - A LI-EN W. M EAD, Historian


Georgia Tech

Th e following officers were elected for the fall se meste ~ : D;ck Al mand a rchon ; Sta nley R oberts, t reasurer ; Ben me DeLoach, £ecr~ta ry; Hiram Tribble, historian ; Charles Darby, chaplain ; and Tom Quinn, warden . . Climax ing a ve ry successful rush week, Iota boos.ted. 1ts membership by pledging 11 men : R alph W. Broo ks. BJrmmgham, Ala. , Willia m Boyd, Yo rk , S. C., Charles D onaldson, Chattanooga, T enn . ; J ames R . Young, Sa rasota, Fla . ; Roy E. Lowran ce Macon, Ga.; Wa!ter Crawford , Hugh B. M artin , 0 1an S. R akest raw, Leo nard B. Sheffi eld, J ack Willbank s, and Th omas J . Withorn, of Atlanta, Ga. In honor of the new pledges a hay ride was t aken to the lodge of Iota alumnus Mac Kiser on Oct. 26. We were fortunate in having Frank Key, Leslie T arbutton. and Walter Crawfo rd on th e Geo rgia Tech va rsity base ball team this yea r. During the summer session we welcomed back pre-war students Charles D arby Frank Collins, Dick Almand , Charles Colletta: Hiram Tribble,' I gnace Boudoucies, Phillip Cook, and Comer Weaver. I ota's primary interest at this time is getting a house and building th e chapter back to its pre-~ar strength . Th e Atlanta alumni are planni ng a banquet m the ne~r future to see wh at definite plans can be made toward this end . Tenta tive plans are now being made for our a nnual dance to be held jointly with newlv activated Eta ch apt~r . . - HIRAM L. TRIBBr. E, Hzstorzan



Th e University of Georgia reopened in September and at our first meeting we were extremely pleased to be ab'e to count twelve members and six pledges who had returned from th e wars. Th e chapter has con tinued in its efforts to ~ent a ho~ se suitable for fraternity uses, but it seems th ere Is a hou s~ng shortage in Athens. too. So we have not been able to fmd anything which will do . Ho wever, there a ~e several hou ~es Which can be bought quite reasona bly and 111 ord er to raise the sum necessary for tr,e purchase. La~bda ha s _or~a~ize?, and incorporated the L ambda Edu catiOn~! A ~,ocJ a tion , Which will issue bonds, th e proceeds from whi ch will be u ~ e d to buy one of th ese hou>es, wit h the ~eed to th e hot•se servmg as security for th e bonds. We have high ~opes for t~e succ~ss of our plans a nd th e intensive bond selhng campaign which has been planned got und er way on November 1. In spite of all th e difficulti ~s we hav: . encou.ntered, th e chapter is acti ve a nd is continu·ng to pa ~ti Ci pate m as many fraternity acti vities as it possibly ca n With out a ho'.'se. We were deli ghted to see a group of our alumm at a n open house held recently in Archon Kizer Whatley's a partment a fter one of th e football gam es. Th eir continued interest in the progres3 of the chapter is most encouraging. Lambda held initia tion ceremonies November 11 for three pledges. - ALTON BROWN, Secretary


Duke University

It seems like old tim es: not only is Mu chapter back in its old dorm section , H ouse S, but we arc also welcoming



back old brothers a nd pledges. The pride of th e Section is our newly furni shed a nd decorated chapter roo m. The theme-ultra-modern- French-gray walls and a blue rug blend plea~ in g ly w'th crea_m maroon plastic-cove red · furnit ure ; Venetian blinds, maroon drapes, t he po pular ph on,qgra'phradio com bination, a nd the usual end tables, desk, lpictures, etc., co mplete the lounge- meeting place. We welco me back, to help us enj oy these surro undin gs, t he following old faces: Allen Commack, Ev Cobb, Wes G ilb ~ rt, I van H awn, J oe H ayworth. E d J ones, Art Leonard , T ed M cD owell, Harris Procto r. E ugene Roy, F red Sharkey, Ted Villanueva, Don Wallis, Barney Wansker, Bill Watson , and Bill Whalen. Th ese brothers have brought pre-wa r experience and add ed strength to a chapter now numbering alm ost fi fty members and fo ur old pl ed ~es. A proud , brot her-welco me handsha ke has also been extended to the foll owi ng new pledges and associa tes: Wilfred Gatling, Suffolk, Va . ; Rodri go Rigioni , Costa Ri ca; Mordecai Va nn . D nnn , N. C.; p l cd ~es; Ed Ca rso n and Bud Sage r, D anville, Va., and Bill Ma r ~ in , Portsmouth, Va., associates. Th ese men p rom i ~e to beco me va lu ab!c assets to the fraternity. New en tries on the activities list on the campus are: Bob McGreevey, vice-president of Duke Players, camnus dra ma makers; Ed Gatling, president of th e sophomore YM CA and vice-president of BOS, sophomore leadership fraternity; also Manley St ockton has just been elected to BOS; No rm Nelson is a fea ture editor of th e CHRONICLE, Duke newspaocr, a nd ha s written several school and fraternity songs; Welsfo rd Bishopric is secretary- treasurer of the sop homore YM CA a nd works on th e Duke and Duchess magazine and the CHRONICLE. Many oth er brothers, also, a re active in campus li fe . Mu 's socia l acti vities have filled every week end . A bang-up ca bin party was held the first week end of schoo l. There was an unusual "blond-dinner" the following week end w hich had all E ast Campus talking. Open houses have been held foll owing a ll foo tball games. We enjoyed welcomin g a co ntingent of brothers from Tennessee following the Vols' game with Duke. In the future, so rority exchanges, ca bin pa rty a nd Christmas da nce are to be held . Mu received with interest and pleasure th e report which our delegates to the Supreme Chapter meeting brou ght us . We ple d~e our whole-hearted cooperation to the new national offi cers in their program of organi za tion and expa n~ion in whi ch we a re so mu ch interested. To Past-President Brother Berry we extend our congratulations for a job well performed in a time of special need. We will be most happy to we'come all alumni and vi sito rs from other chapters throughout the school year. We ea rnestly beli eve tha t meeting and working with Pi Ka pps of other chapters will develop the driving spirit and power needed to put Pi Kappa Phi first in the Nation al scene, as it is first in th e hea rts of all its brothers. - F RANCIS M ER RITT, H istorian


Roanoke Co llege

The opening of the fall semester found Xi chapter with a roo f over its head for the first time sin ce 1943. when we closed our form er house. Through the efforts 'of archon , Jim Doyle, Fred Grim, presid ent of the Roa noke Alumni Association, a nd our chapter adviser, Curtis D obbins, we were ab'e to rent a nine room apartment from alumnus Brother No rm an Potts. Furnishing and decorating was rushed for th e first formal opening of the house, an open house, on Saturday, October 5. On October 6, we gave a tea in honor of our how:e moth er, Mrs. R osa M cCrackin, to whom th e faculty was invited. On Sunday, October 13. the following new brothers were added to our ranks : J . W. Lawa rence, Pat Hughes, George Keller , Elwood Fox, Roanoke, Va ., Mila n H it, Salem, Va., and J ay Wendt, Yonk ers, N. Y . This brings our number of active brothers to 3 7. Our loca l campus celebrities include: Elwood Fox, faculty member and assistant physical training director; Jim Doyle, secretary-treasurer of th e student body and president of th e senior class, tapped by Blue Key, Sigma D elta Pi, (classics fraternity,) and aopointed a ssi~ tant in th e economics depa rtment ; Jack Ward, vice-president of the student body ;


Blake Little, assistant in Dramatics department; Phil Malouf, business manager of the college paper, the Brackety-Ack; and DeWitt Petterson, member of Blue Key, the Phi Society, and treasurer of the German Club. Familiar faces at our alumni meetings and socials are: Fred Grim, Jim Reynolds, Bill Crigler, Carl Sherets, and Arthur Trout. Xi will hold its conclave on December 14. We urge all interested alumni planning to attend to let us know. Our address is P. 0. Box 374, Salem, Va. -EARL QUINN, Historian



Omicron's present officers are: Robert Guillot, archon; Walter H. Davis, treasurer; Carlos Swain, secretary; Bill Rogers, historian; Bob Brown, chaplain; James Rombokas, warden; and James Sansing, house manager. Omicron has begun the fall quarter with unsurpassed zeal. Our crystal ball glitters with a bright outlook for the future. Our message to the fraternity at large is one of good spirit. First, we wish to say "hello" again to those we met last August at the convention in Birmingham. We had a hilarious time and eagerly look forward to our next meeting. Our formal dance on October 11, was a great success and we have received numerous compliments from the student body. Mother Stoddard officiated as hostess for the reception at the house, during which the brothers pinned corsages on their dates and sealed their locket favors around their necks with a kiss. October 14, ended the informal initiation of 24 pledges. The quality and personalities of these men indicate a continuance of our high stancling on the campus. Twenty-four pledge pins are worn by Albert Fowler, Bill Abbott, Charles Murdock, Charles Ballard, George Bray, Bailey Brooks, Charles Clark, Jimmy Clark, Preston Franks, Duncan Fulton, Ferrill Griffin, Bill Hembree, Glen Hicks, Charles Holly, Bill Ham, Dwight Mcinnisb, Thomas Patterson, Emmett Speed, Joe Stowers, James Skinner, Frank Albert, Ollie Nabors, George Atkins, and Walter Moses. Brother Norman "Tiger" Brown was recently elected representative to the Council of the Law School and is also a member of the Cotillion Club. Brother Leonard Blood is president of the School of Commerce. Brother James Clements is drum major for the "Million Dollar Band," and Brother Ohmer Trigg is adviser, and Brother Willard Young and Ben Davis are members. Playing football with the Crimson Tide are: Harold Self, Dick Flowers, Jack Green, Mike Cassaday, Rip Collins, and Jimmy White . We are "batting a thousand" and undefeated so far in touch football . Our prospect for winning the cup this fall looks good. Last year we barely missed winning the rotating cup and this year we plan to take it. Our chapter has grown since last reported in the STAR AND LAMP from 44 actives and 16 pledges to 60 actives and 24 pledges. Brother Frank Hawthorne, who incidentally, brought up the amend.ment of a portion of Article VI, Section 2, of the Constitution, at the convention, is now with us, having transferred from Alpha Iota a~ Auburn. -BILL RoGERS, Historian.


South Carolina

Sigma chapter started the fall semester with 20 of our 4 7 actives and 14 pledges housed in our newly acquired U . S. C. campus headquarters, Tenement 7. Among the actives and pledges are several returnees: Andy Carter., Mood Williams, Nick Constance, Jo e Ruthven, Joe Drennan, Joe Irwin, Dan McEachin, O'neal Bennett, Graham Wolfe, Cater Floyd, Cliff Hardy, Dick Milsaps, Bill Kin law, Turner Watson, and Edwin Manken; and transfers include John Jefferies and Worth Williamson, Beta, and Gettis -Wood and John Bunch, Delta. · Listed as pledges are 72 good examples of what stamim .Sigma will be drawing upon for next semester and those followin g. We are giving our annual Rose Ball November 22, at one of Columbia's leading hotels and a hearty invitation is extended to all brother Pi Kapps. - JIMMIE MEEKS, Hist01·ian .



N.C. State

Officers elected for the fall term are: Owen R. Jones, archon; E. Demming Smith, treasurer; Fred A. Kendall, sec· retary; Ause M . Harvey, historian; Boyce M. Brown, chap· Jain; and William D. Wallace, warden. With the completion of registration for this term, we are very glad to find that we are 18 strong, and once again in a large enough group to make a good showing amonp: other fraternities on the campus. Brothers Henry Britt, Willialll Manning, Arthur McCabe, Winston Smith, McLeod Patton, and Edwin Troy have returned from various branches of the services. We have just completed a successful rush season and have 11 new pledges, and have entered every phase of intramural athletics, determined to come out with some of the awards. Our chapter newspaper is being reorganized and our first issue should be out in another week. Last year Tau was only five hundredths of a point fro!ll the top in scholarship at N. C. State and for the two years previous, we held second place. We have struck upon a bouse that looks very good to us and are working on every angle that will help us get it. Our District Archon, Brother Quitman Rhodes, has just made us a pleasant visit. We enjoyed seeing him and ap· predated his interest and encouragement. -FRED A. KENDALL, JR., Secretary.



As far as we can determine, this past summer was the first time in the history of Chi that we had a summer chapter. Our roll call approximated 35 men. In July we pledged four Floridians, Bill Forbes, Kissimee; Aaron Swain, Haines City, Bob Dinomn, DeLand, and Joe Corsen, Stewart. The following week we initiated Willia~ R. Reese, Nick Triantafella, Jr., Steve Stevens, Bob FeasJI, Ira J . Giroir, Jr., Vernon L. Kirchoff, Jordan L. Maynard, Mack Jacoby, and Floyd Jaggers. Jack Inman and Hugh Gower returned from the services during summer term and we are expecting and looking for· ward to seeing many more of the old boys this fall. Our summer socials included two parties, the first at Sanalando Springs where Pi Kapps and their dates enjoyed the swimming, a picnic supper, and outdoor dancing. In August we all enjoyed a shrimp boil at Blue Springs, preceded by an afternoon of swimming and boating. From there we drove into Orange City for dancing. Doug Teal was our delegate to the Birmingham Convcn· tion and was accompanied there by other Chi men. TheY say the Birmingham alumni put on a grand affair; everything ·went off like clock work and much was accomplished in the way of business as well as pleasure. Chi is looking forward to a successful rush season. - TOMMY DuNK, Histo rian.



To guide Omega through this important semester, Don Swager was elected archon; Jim Sudduth, secretary; and AI Knuth, treasurer. In charge of the pledges is the new warden, Guy Overman . To expeclite the many functions of the chapter, the new archon has appointed committees, noW busily engaged in arranging activities for the semester. This semester at Purdue finds many brothers returned frolll the service; and Omega is hard at work, continuing to rank high among the fraternities on campus. The roll-call now includes: Tom Alleman, Tom Brown, Bill Burns, Bob Carson, Sprague Chapin, Bob English. Bill English, Ed Fithian, Bob Goodenough, Spence Gullickson, John Gumpper, Graf Houston, Les Millbolin, Guy Overman, Mel Potter, Fred Quiesser, Dick Ryd in, Don Shaw, Dick Shaw, Phil Sigler, Jim Sudduth, Hugh Mcintyre and Bob Swartz, all back to finish courses interrupted by the war. These men, along with the others who returned previously and those who maintained the chapter during the war years, make up the more than fifty men now living in the chapter house. Also, in the graduate schools, are Pi Kapps AI Reynolds, AI Hoppe, Paul Greenfield, George Hussey, John T H E· 5 T A R A N D LA M P

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OMEGA CHAPTER Row 1, (LEFT to RIGHT) Ladd, Knipp, Eggers, Monks, O'Hare, Ankenbrock, Chapin, Williams, D. Bolding, D. Shaw Lawall Waixel, Lockhart, Wilson, Bornschein, Alleman, and Mazurek. Ploeger, King, Van Vleet, Gammie, Millholin, Mcintyre, 'Rudasics' Row 2, (LEFT to RIGHT) Daniel, R. Shaw, Rydin, Sigler, Bardand W. Adams. ' Wick, Hinga, Sudduth, Swager, Knuth, Overman, R. Adams, Budde, Ro~ 4, (LEFT to RIGHT) R. English, Brown, Uebelhart, Heely, Sutton, and Houston. Qu1esser, Carson, Macbeth, Gumpper, Gullickson, B. Bolding, PotRow 3, (LEFT to RIGHT) Beretta, Burns, Beal, Russell, Lafollette, ter, Goodenough, W. English, Dennerline, and Fithian.

Makepeace, and Brother Charles Niles, from Alpha Sigma Chapter at Tennessee. The pledge class, numbering 14, is made up of Dick Eggers, Chicago ; Roger Lockhart, Chicago ; Frank O'Hare, Baltimore, M:d.; Steve Rudasics, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Bob Waixel, Bremen, Ind.; John Bornsheien, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Chuck Atwell, Beacon , N. Y.; John Rouse, Appleton, Wise.; Jack Davey, Columbus, Ohio; Jay Kreusser, Long Island, N. Y.; Howard Johnson, Canton, Ohio; Syl Monks, West Lafayette, Ind.; Bob Wilson, Harbor Beach, Mich.; and Bill Thompson, Rochester, Ind. Thus far this term the 'Chapter has initiated one man, Charles Beretta, from Bedford, Ind. Scholastic honors路 were brought to the chapter by Frank O'Hare and Pete Bardwick, who were recently initiated into Tau Beta Pi, national engineering honorary, and Pi Tau Sigma, national mechanical engineering honorary. Marv Russell was also initiated into Pi Tau Sigma. As a reward for their work, the chapter presented O'Hare and Bardwick fraternity scholarship keys. In addition, the chapter had seven men on the university distinguished scholastic list. The Chapter is well represented in campus activities. Bill Daniel is senior secretary of the Fraternity Affairs Office; AI Knuth is assistant editor of the Exponent, the campus newspaper, also a member of the Student Senate and the student governing body. Van Heely and Charlie Ankenbrock are active in Playshop, Purdue's dramatic organization, while Bill Macbeth is another member of the Student Senate, and of Kappa Psi, national pharmacy honorary. Bob Ladd is a major letterman in baseball. Jim Uebelbart, Bob English and Ed Fithian represent the chapter in the Purdue Glee Club. Among visiting Pi Kapps of the past few months were Dave Moody, Randy Murrie!, Johnny Merrill, Dave Lennox, and Frank Wyse, all Omegalites. Graf Houston, Jim Hinga, Phil Sigler, Pete Bardwick, and Dick Rydin gradaute at the end of the present term. We shall miss their contribution to the chapter and wish them success in the future. -DON VAN VLEET, Historian. OF PI



Alpha Epsilon


O~ficers for this semester arc: John Carpenter, archon; Bob

Femera, treasurer; Ned Letts, secretary; Gregg Camp, warden; Harold Monk, historian; John Miller, chaplain; Ted C!lmp, pledge master; Frank Hall, steward; and Tom V1ckery, bouse manager. Rush week ended October 2, with a record number of pledges taking their oaths. Even though we didn't pledge as many men as some fraternities on the campus, we feel that the 31 boys we did pledge are really the "cream of the crop." They are: John Beidler, Wade Brewton, Fred Brock Reece Campbell, Harold Combs, Don Davidson, Don Dickson 'Jimmy Fleisher, Geaye Floyd, Bill Graves, Larry Hedgecoth Frank Holley, _George Johnson, Noody L~wis, John Mats~n, Vic McKenz1e, Bob Moore, Jimmy Murray, George Pena Harold Phillips, Carl Pease, Jack Raudenbush, David Reid,' Jimmy Saunders,. ~ erome Scheer, Bob Small, John Stenens, Louis Sweet, Wilham Veal, Judson Walker, and James Willis. Most of the~ are freshmen, so we are sure of an active chapter at F1onda for years to come. We would like to take this opport~nity to thank our alumni for the nice list of recommendatiOns sent us and hope the above list includes your boys. Intr~murals hadn't started as of this writing but, with 35 actives, plus our pledges, we feel sure we will have teams in each spor.t that will rate sec.ond to none. Recently we bav~ been fa.Irl;y wei) down t~e hst at the final scoring, but won t be sattsf1ed w1th anythmg but the top this year. Our former housemother, Mrs. Belle T. Rood, has returned after a much missed absence during the war years. Welcome home, "Mother" Rood. Our dining .room is,in operation with Frank (Buddy) Hall as steward. F1fty-three of the members and pledges eat here regularly and this is proving to be both profitable to them and to the chapter. Plans are now being made for two gala week ends this semester, Homecoming and Fall Frolics. Bud Monk is social chairman and Tye Youngblood and Tom Stack are in 23

charge of H omeco ming plans. We are trying to make Homecoming the best ever held at F lorida. - H AROLD L. M ONK, Historian.

Alpha Xi

Brooklyn Poly

The fo ll owing new offi cers were elected early in Septembet fo r th e fall term : Bill Cosgriff, archon ; AI Steele, treasurer ; Jo hn Smi :ey, secretary; John Smellie, historian ; Len Water路 man , chaplain and Ronnie Kelsey, wa rden . As yo u all know, Alph a Xi got off to a go od start on it~ reacti va tion with the initiation of seven men in April at Alpha Tau . Sin ce then the chapter has bee n bo:stered by th e return fr om service of brothers John Smiley, Bill Cosgriff, Ru ss Atkinso n, and pledges Tom Cahill , Ray J ef fr ey, H enry Lenz and T om Perdue. The chapter house at 33 Sidney Place was turned back into our hands by the fraternity realty co mpany on August 1. A co mp!ete redeco rating program was started at once by the broth ers and pledges. After this was completed new furnishin gs were purchased for the chapter rooms. The fi rst social affair of the new Alpha X I was a h ouse wa rming on August 31. Registration for the fall terms started on September 18 and thi s was immediately follo wed by two rush dances on September 21 and October 5. Then on Octo ber 12 Alpha X i brought something new to Broo klyn Poly. We held a joint dance at th e chapter house w ith the Alpha Alpha Chapter of Tri-Delta Sorority from Adelphi College on Long I sland. It turn ed out to be th e highlight of our social season so far. T wo other joint affairs with local sororities have been planned for late November and D ecember. On Octo ber 18 a smoker was held under the auspices of t he New York Alumni Chap ter. Some sixty alumni, brothers, pledges, and prospective pledges had a great time. We were honored by the presence of fo rmer national presidents Albert W . Meisel and William J . (Pro f) Berry. " Prof" gave us a fi rst-hand report of the nation al convention at Birmingham. On October 25 Bob Blazek, AI Borokavitch, T om Ca hill, J ack Callaghan , Ray J effrey and Henry Lenz were ini tiated 路 into the chapter. This brings th e total active roll of Alpha X i to twenty brothers. There are still ten pledges and a long list of prospective pledges who have been contacted. Alpha X i is on its way again to become th e largest and most prominent fraternity on the campus. -::-J OHN H. SMELLIE, Historian.

Alpha Zeta

Oregon State

T he officers fo r this term are : Roy Malo, president; Stan Wyss, treasurer-manager; J erry Cotter, secretary; Bill Waite, hist orian ; F red Peano, warden ; J ack Steward , chaplain ; Fred Thompso n, stewa rd . Alph a Zeta can taken second place to no chapter in th e transformati on from a hibernating chapter to a wide awake prog ressive, enthusiastic organization . Last term only seven members had returned from th e armed forces, but this term a galaxy of the old members have returned. Thirty- one members plus 28 pledges are now living in th e house. The 13 newly pledged men arc: Christman, Clyde ; D allas, Rodney; Osburn, J ack ; Blinco, George ; Clausnitzer, J ames; Dague, George; Culan, J obn ; Kodad, H enry; Martin , Rob ert ; Obermann, H arry; Panage, Thomas; Schenck, J acJ.:.,son; Summers, Francis. Much work was done on th e house this past summer. A new oil burner was installed, the bouse was pain ted, new study desks and chairs were purchased. J. AI H ead, the national secretary, visited us during rush week and assisted in rushing acti vities. - W n.LIAM W . W AITE, Historian .

Alpha Omicron

Iowa State College

Alph a Omicron is fin ally back to pre-wa r strength, the same as every oth er fraternity at Iowa State, Under th e capable leadership of William Carey, archon , J on Doerflinger, treasurer, and J ack M ar te, secretary, th e house is operating a;jain full steam ahead . There are 23 actives and 18 pledges


this qu arter. Many of th ese fell ows are back from the services and others arc due to return during th e year. Pledging possibili ti s seem unlimited bu t the faci:it'es of t he house can ta ke ca re of only abo ut 30 li vi ng in and an additional 8 or 10 ea ting in and li ving elsewhere. Keith Spiker has charge of the intramural athletics. Touch footb all is the word of the day, and bowli ng, with two tea ~s entered in each . Jimmy Nelso n, the piano player de luxe, IS agai n leading th e brothers in so ng, with a go od manY serenades--with th e truck and piano. Socially spea king, ~he house is ri!(ht up there pitchin~, with exchanges w1th sororities, dinner exchanges, and firesides. . A luncheon was served at th e house on Hom ecomml(i October 26, before the Iowa State and Oklahoma footbal ga me. Plans are in the making to ho ld a super-super dinn~r on the nearest Sunday to Founders' Day, so try to make 1t, you fellows who can. Any ot her Pi Kapps nearer to us than to their own chapters are co rdially invited to ob3erve Founders' D ay with us too. If interested, write and get parti culars. We still like to get mail from brothers, wherever they ~ay be, and guarantee a reply-especially to t hose recommendmg prospective rushees. There are some 9,000 students on the ca mpus, and findin g the good men is none too easy for William Boyd, rushing chairman, who's doing a bang up job . Remember those old actives, J erry Love, J ack Fletcher, J!rn Ring, Pat Keenan , Eldred H armon, Vern Town ley, Ke1th Spiker, Bill Rickert, and pledges Jim Key. Spooks Kern and Bob Albertson ? They are all back and living in th e house. Seems as if and ho w good tim es are ahead for Alpha OmicronIf yo u are not receiving your copy of the ALMI CRON it's beca use we don't have your address, so send it to us. Co ngratulati ons to E ta, Gamm a, Rho, and to th e prospective new chapter at U. C. L. A. fr om Alpha Omicron. H ere's wishing you success in all your endeavo rs. - R OBERT S PEARING, Historiall.

Alpha Sigma

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The officers for thi s term are: H omer Van Vleet, a rcho~ ; Louis Garinger, treasurer ; Ellwood Spencer, secretary; ]31Jl Enneis, histori an ; Edwin H oskins, chaplain ; Truett Lindner, wa rden ; and T ed Leath erwood, house manager. During summer we pledged 13 excellent men and our fall crop of ru shees numbered 30 . In mid-summer with summ er rushees, and dates, we made a trip to Big Ridge recreational park, where we enj oyed swimming, ca noeing, and ate watermelon. Fali rushing socials numbered par ties and dances a n~ a rollicking hayride to the count ry home of our very goo fri ends, parents of alumnus Brother Ray R itter, Mr. and Mrs. R ~, fu. d We are offering a cup this qu arter to our best all aroun pledge. Our new hou semoth er, Mrs. L . M. Logan, who comes from Dyersburg, Tenn., has been a helpful addition to the chapter ; and alumnus Clark M cM ahan has succeeded to t~e post of Dist ri ct Archon. We feel confident Clark will fill th~S post with dignity and dispatch and look forwa rd to hiS visits. We have profited by the recent return from the services of the follo wing brothers: Sam Browder, H arold Brown, Bob D eal, Odus Johnson, Rex McGh ee, John Mille~, BeverlY Ramsey, Willard Reel, T . H . Tucker, and Brother Bob Talley, transfer from Sigma, Uni versity of S. C. We were so rry to lose Brother Geo rge Stanley, who has returned home. Rod erick Thaler has started the presses rollin 1 to turn out the first post-war issues of th e ALPHA SIGMAN. He soo_n hopes to build it up to pre-war stand ards. Howard Baker IS getting off to a fine star t in the competition as one of the shi ef photographers for the Uni versity yearbo ok. This is an achievement for one so new to th e campus. There were BIG TIM ES here when th e Geomia T ech and Alabama footb all games were staged in Knoxville. It was a J:'reat privilege and delight t o entertain visiting members of I ota and Omicron chapters. They were swell and we w~nt to thank the Duke chapter for the fine d:splay of hospitalitY rhown us at th e Duke-Tennessee ga me in Du rham. We look



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forward to next year's game Ill Knoxville when we can reciprocate. All fraternity houses at Tennessee were decorated from lop to bottom for the big Tennessee-Alabama game, climaxing homecoming. Alpha Sigma won a citation for having one of the three best decorated ho•;ses on campus. Our central theme, planned and directed by Charlie Ma~tin, with the capable assistance of Bob Ring, was a revolvmg Merry-goround with the Tennessee Vols riding the "Barna Red Elephants." Brother Tom Vaughan put on one of the biggest Barn-warmin's ever seen at "The Hill." Barnwarmin', the chief social function of the year at Tennessee, was held in conjunction with Homecoming. Some of the visiting alumni Were: Emmett Jackson, Sam Eddy, Robert Sneed, Earl Zwingle C. E. Rollins Barney Tucker, Sam Steele, R. C. McKelvey, Grant Roy, Dr. Sam Jones, Dr. J. L. Van Hoosier, Willard Richardson David Robertson, Walter Burnett, Ben Wyche, Capt. Jam~s C. Adkins, Joe Hennessey, Barry Cecil, James Tombras H. E. Hammer, and Spears Vavalides. It did us good to 'see so many alumni and we appreciate their interest and hope they enjoyed every minute back at "the Hill." For the next few months we will have the privilege of entertaining the pledges and officers of all sororities on campus. Each week we decorate our house in a different sorority's color and give a buffet supper and entertainment in their honor afterward.

Alpha Upsilon Chapter House.

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Then, too, we are planning our biggest and best Founder's Day formal. A cordial invitation is extended to any of our other chapters who can make it. Tom Vaughan is planning a Christmas theme with the crowning of the Rose of Pi Kappa Phi as the climax. Our entire chapter and especially the ten men who attended the Birmingham convention, want to thank the Birmingham alumni for the great convention they put on. It was really TOPS I -BENTON ELLIS, Acting Historian.

Alpha Upsilon


Since the last issue of the STAR AND LAMP we elected Fred Kraber, archon i G~y Hess,_ treasurer; Tom LaRoe, secretary; Bob Lake, htstortan; Btll Hartranft, chaplain, and AI Andruscavage, warden. Bob Lake was elected house manager at a later date and resigned as historian . Joe Shields was elected to replace him. AU at Drexel has again attained that prominence which it so sadly relinquished in the Spring of 1943 when it closed its doors of activity. <!>n October 18, after several months of searching and negotiating, we opened our doors for fraternal activity once more, activity which we believe will be unsurpassed. After several months of searching, we found the Lewis house as a possibility and, through the untiring efforts of the alumni chapter and the influential efforts of Brother Ralph Noreen, chairman of the national's finance committee we succeeded in acquiring 3405 Powelton Ave., next door to our old house at 3401. It is by far the most beautiful house on the campus and will furnish AU with a home worthy of its name. It will not only inspire active brothers and pledges to new vigor and keener interest, but will promote the possibility of recruiting pledges of Pi Kapp caliber. Newly returned brothers Gene Kraber, Jack Gardner. Leo Hauf, Bill Calkins, John Gaussman, Roland Dewees and pledges Anthony Bracalente and Carl Schleder were welcomed to our somewhat depleted ranks in September. We lost a valuable member when past archon, Jim Todd graduated in September. ' Brothers Bob Anderson, Warren Perrine, and pledge Jack Russel were married recently. The chapter extends to them its congratulations and sincerest wishes for a bright future. -JosEPH A. SmELos, Historian.

Alpha Phi

Illinois Institute of Technology

Top news of this term from Alpha Phi is the return of our house from the Navy. The actives all pitched in at the beginning of the semester to clean and redecorate the house. After the purchase of new furniture, the house was considered ready for rush week. As yet the house does not have a commissary. It was deemed more prudent to forego this venture until conditions were more stable. At the present the men are taking meals at an Institute-sponsored dining-room for fraternity men. Archon, John Pottenger; secretary, DeWitt Pickens; treasurer, Arnold Mullins; chaplain, Bill Pottenger; historian, Ralph Belke; warden, Bob Montblanc; and house manager Clarence Weeks, are the officers who are steering the chapte; in its expanded post-war program. Due to the return of many men from the armed forces swelling the roster to 40 actives, Pi Kappa Phi is now th~ largest fraternity on the campus. Only seven new men were pledged because of crowded facilities. They are: Carl Clifton George Hallinan, Stewart McDannel, Ed Morse, Bob Ross' Frank Rubie, and Ted Zagulla. ' Alpha Phi placed second in the Interfraternity golf tournament, and we are now in the early stages of a touchball tourney, with bright prospects in view. Paul Kerby is sports manager for the fall term. Congratulations to Brothers Pickens and Ralph Belke on their recent marriage. The food problem is a tough one for social chairman¡ John Sachs. Nevertheless, he has managed several fine affairs thus far. -RALPH BELKE, Historian. OF PI




Enjoy the p1·estige of wea1·ing fine· Balfour j ewelt·y mounted with you1· crest.

IN THIS 1947 EDITION just off the press you will find an exciting array of beautiful gifts and personal accessories. Many of the gifts shown in the Blue Book may be furnished in quantities for your party or banquet favors. SociAL CHAIRMEN, too, need a reference copy to help plan their social season early.













Ga /o J \\Ie.,

Mail Postcard-Or Coupon Below-For Your Free Copy!


~11 e,

BALFOUR STORES are located in educational centers from coast to coast to serve you promptly.

BALFOUR FIELD REPRESENTATIVES contact each chapter regularly throughout the year to make ~omplete displays of jewelry.

STATIONERY, Place Cards, and Invitations are available in many styles. Write for samples.

CHRISTMAs CARDs FOR CHAPTER UsE. The chapter secretary is invited to write for free samples.

PROGRAMS make your party one long remembered. Samples to social chairmen only.

INTRAMURAL and Scholarship Awards. Write us regarding your chapter requirements. Suggestions offered.

Zet lurg,

lot; no,

By Appointment Official Jeweler to PI KAPPA PHI

L. G.




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Kindly send me the following FREE:

0 1947 BLUE BOOK D Christmas Card Samples D Stationery Samples 26 .




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Founded 1904, College Founders ~hON' FOGARTY, 161 Moultrie St., h~ arleston, S. C. {.._ DIU:w ALEXANDER KROEG, deceased. ~N'CE HARRY MIXSON', 217 East ay St., Charleston, S.C. V National Council ' 1[IONAL PRESIDENT-Devereux D. 'rice, P. 0. Box 88, Johnson City, enn.

of Charleston Incorporated 1907, Laws of South Carolina NATIONAL TREASURER-Howard D. Central Office Leake, 314 Edgewood Blvd., Birmingham 9, Ala. NATIONAL SECRETARY-J. AI Head, MISS LAURA B. · PARKER, Office Man255 Vista Ave., Salem, Ore. ager, 33 Virginia Bldg., Richmond NATIONAL HISTORIAN-John W. Daim19, Va. ler, 335 Righters Ferry Rd., BalaCynwyd, Penna. RICHARD L. YOUNG, Editor, THE STAR NATIONAL CHAN'CELLOR-Theron A. AND LAMP, 2021 Ashland Ave., Charlotte, N. C. Houser, St. Matthews, S. C.

A.lpha-C o 11 e g e of Charleston, 19 2~ Rutledge Ave., Charleston, S. C.

Upsilon-University of Ill., c/o Thomas A. Capalety, 501 E. Daniel St., Champaign, Ill.

Alpha Upsilon-Drexel Institute of Technology, 3405 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Penna.

Chi-Stetson Fla.

Alpha Phi-Illinois Institute of Technology, 3220 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.


Undergraduate Chapters

Beta-Presbyterian College, Clint-

n, S. c.

Gamma-University of California, J, F. Hamilton, 815 Contra Costa 'Ire., Berkeley, Calif.


~ beita-Furman University, Green•dle, s. c.

j l!:psilon-Davidson




~ Eta-Emory University, P. 0. Box ' 2, Emory University, Ga. Iota-Georgia School of Technolo!}1, Box 1847, Georgia Teach, Atlan:a, Ga. Lambda-University of Georgia, E. K. Whatley, Jr., 196 W. Broad, llt. 8, Athens, Ga.


b~u-Duke University, Box 4682 Uke Sta., Durham, N. C.



Xi-Roanoke College, Box 374, Sa-

""~rn. Va.

Omicron-University of Alabama, 4 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, Ala. l.o llho--Washington & Lee, Lexing-



Omega-Purdue University, 330 N. Grant St., West Lafayette, Ind. Alpha Delta-University of Washington, 4738 17th St. N. E., Seattle, Wash.

College, David-

on, N.C.

Zeta-Wofford lurg, S. C.



~ Sigma-University of S. C., Ten. 7,

lliv. of S. C., Columbia, S. C. 'l'au-N. C. State College, Box 474 State College, Sta., Raleigh,

. c.


Alpha Epsilon-University of Florida, 1469 W. University Ave., Gainesville, Fla. Alpha Zeta-Oregon State College, 21st & Harrison Sts., Corvallis, Ore. Alpha Eta-Howard College, 7707 4th Ave., So., Birmingham, Ala. Alpha Theta-Michigan State Col- . lege, Box 446, East Lansing, Mich. Alpha Iota-Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 255 S. College St., Auburn, Ala. Alpha Mu-Pennsylvania State College, State College, Penna. Alpha Xi-Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 38 Sidney Place, Brooklyn, 2, N.Y. Alpha Omicron-Iowa State College, 407 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa. Alpha Sigma-University of Tenn., 1541 W. Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Alpha Tau-Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, 4 Park Place, Troy, N.Y.

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Ames, Iowa, secretary-James R . Sage, Reg .. lstrar, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, Atlanta, Ga., secretary-Allen Morris, 191 Huntington Rd., Atlanta, Ga. Birmingham, Ala., secretary-Henry Smith, 820 N . 31st St., Birmingham, Ala. Charleston, S. C., secretary-unassigned Charlotte, N . C., secretary-unassigned Chattanooga, Tenn., secretary- Scott N. Brown, 719 Walnut St., Chattanoo~ra, Tenn. Chicago, DJ., secretary-Richard H. Beeker, 7206 Stony Island Ave., Chicago 49, Dl. Columbia, S. C., seeretary-W. Bemie Jones, Jr., 1910 Green St., Columbia, S. C. Columbus-Ft. Benning, Ga., secretary-Holcomb M. Verdery, RFD Rogers Dr., Columbus, Ga. Detroit, Mich., secretary-unassigned Florence, S, C., secretary-unassigned Greenville, S. C., secretary-unassigned Ithaca, N. Y., secretary-unassigned Jacksonville, Fla., secretary-unassigned Knoxville, Tenn., secretary-unassigned Leesburg, Fla., secretary--unassigned Lehigh Valley, Pa., secretary-unassigned Miami, Fla., secretary-William A. Papy, III, 316 Viseaya Ave., Coral Gables 34, Fla. Montgomery, Ala., secretary-unassigned New York, N. Y., secretary-Arthur Seubert, 689 Bronx River Rd., Yonkers 4, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa., secretary-G. W. Thompson 106 Bryn Mawr Ave,, Lansdowne, Pa. ' Pittsburgh, Pa., secretary-unassigned Portland, Ore., seeretary-J. AI Head 266 Vista Ave., Salem, Ore. ' Raleigh, N . C., secretary-unassigned Roanoke, Va.. secretary-Arthur G. Trout, 2201 Courtland Ave., Salem, Va. San Francisco, Calif., secretary-Fred Brear, Box 17, Alamo, Calif. Seattle, Wash., secretary-John M. Nelson, 6742 36th N. E., Seattle, Wash. . St. Matthews, S. C., secretary-John L. Woodside, St. Matthews, S. C. Waohington, D. C., secretory-unassigned


TTK+ ALUMNI and ACTIVE MEMBERSYou Can Order Your Official Jewelry Direct From This Page PI KAPPA PHI Official Badge Price List JEWELED STYLES Extra M ininStandCrow n ture nrd $ 25.00 $ 18.00 Pearl Border ---------------------$ 13.50 Pearl Border, 4 Garnet Points _____ 14.50 26.00 19.00 Pearl Dor.ler, 4 Ruby or 27.25 20.00 Sapphire Points ---------------- 15.00 Pearl Border, 4 Emernld Points ____ 19.00 24.00 35.00 Pearl Bot·der, 2 Diamond Points __ 32.50 57.50 42.00 Pearl Border, 4 Diamond Points __ 52.50 92.50 67.50 Pearl, Ruby or Sapphire Alternating 17.75 25.00 32.50 Pearl and Diamond Alternating____ 92.50 162.50 144.00 302.50 All Diamond, Yellow Gold -------- 172.50 271.50 Above prices are for bauges made in 14K yellow gold and 14K white gold. If 18K white gold is desired add $5.00 to prices given above. Prices for platinum will gladly b e quoted on requ est . PLAIN STYLES 10K ----------------------------141{ ----------------------------Nugget Border -----------------Chased Border ------------------Plain Border, White Gold -------Chased Border, White Gold ________ RECOGNITION BUTTONSMiniature Coat-of-Arms, Gold-Filled Silver-------S)lecial Recognition with White Enamel Star, Gold-Filled ___ c___ 10K---------P ledge Buttons

5.00 6.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 9.00

4.50 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.0Q ·

12.5.0 13.50 12.50 14.50 16.50

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 9.00 per dozen

Guo rd Pin Price List S ing le Letter -- ·---- $2.25 --- 6.00

Plui u -·. __ _ Crow n Set PeArl

Doubl• Letter $ 8.50 10.00

COAT OF ARMS GUAUDS Miniature, Yellow Gold .-----------------------$2.75 Scar! Size, Yellow Gold _ ----------------------- 8.25

All prices quoted above ore subject to 20% Federal excise tax, and to state soles or use taxes wherever such state taxes are in eftect.

Be sure to mention the nome of your Chapter whe n ordering a guard f 0 r your pin .

Send Today For Your FREE Personal Copy of





& AuLD Co.

ROOSEVELT PARK, DETROIT, 16, MICHIGAN America's Oldest and Most Progressive Fraternity Jewelers 28


Buy Ehco Badges

For Quality And Satisfaction Order Your Badge from the Following List Miniature P lain Border. 10 Karnt_ __________________ _ P lain Border, 14 Karat---- - -------------- $ 4.00

Standard $ 4.50 5.50

FULL CROWN SET BORDER Pearls ---------------------------------- $ Pearls, 4 Garnet Points -----------------Pearls, 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points _______ _ Pearls, 4 Emerald Points _________________ _ Pearls, 2 Diamond Points ----------------Pearls, 4 Diamond Points _______________ _ Pearl and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating __ Pearl and Dia mond A lternatin g 路--------Diamond Border -------------------- ___ _

12.50 13.50 15.00 19.00 32.50 52 .1i0 17.75 92.50 17 2.50

$ 16.50 17.50 20.00 24.00 42.00 67.50 25.50 144.00 27 1.50


S ingle Letter

Double Letter


$ 3.50 10.00

~~~L ;~a:l -=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-==-=-==-==-==-=~-===$= =~~= ~:~g ALUMNI CHARMS Single Faced, 10 Karnt ------------------------Double Faced, 10 Karat -------------------------

4.50 7.00



8m;ial Monogram . P lain, Gold Filled 路------------------Monogram, Enameled , 10 Karat_ ________________ _


1.00 1.00 1.25 2.25

P ledge Button ----------------------------------All Prices Subject to 20% Federal Tax


Mention Chopter or College When Ordering

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Detroit 26, Michigan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -Pi-Kappa - Phi Edwards, Haldeman & Co. 1249 Griswold Street Detroit 26, Michigan

Street ___ ___ __ _____ __ ____ ____ __ ___________ _____ __ _________ _

Send free copy of the

CitY-- ----- -- --- ----- -- - - - --- --- ----- ---- --- ---- -- - - -- ---- 路


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Name _____ ___ ___ ___ ______ _____ ___ _____ ___ ____ __ __ __ ______ _

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• Send Your 1946 VOLUNTARY DUES

• 7(J,' PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY 33 Virginia Building, Richmond 19, Va.


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