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TTK+ ALUMNI and ACTIVE MEMBERSYou Can Order Your Official Jewelry Direct From This Page

PI KAPPA PHI Official Badge Price List Mininture


Extra Crown







Pearl Border, 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points 14.50



Pearl Border, 4 Emerald Points

16.25 28.50








Pend with Ruby or Sapphire Alternating 16.50 76.50 Pearl and Diamond Alternating -



JEWELED STYLES Pen r1 Border Pearl Border, 4 Garnet Points _____ -

Pearl Border. 2 Diamond Points


Pearl Border, 4 Diamond Points



140.50 All Diamond Border, Yellow Gold lHK White Gold Badges- additional all three sizes $5.00.



Miniature ture



PLAIN STYLES Pla in Border, 10 Karat Plain Border, 14 Karat Nugget Border

$4.60 $ 4.00






Chased Border




Plain Borde•·, White Gold Chased Border, White Gold

5.00 6.00

7.50 9.00


- --



Recognition Buttons: Miniature Coat-of-arms, Gold-filled

$1.00 each

New Special Recognition with White Enamel Star, Gold-filled ----- - ----- 1.00 each _ _ 1.60 each 10 Karat Gold --- - ----- Monogram Recognition, Gold-filled Pledge Buttons _

1.26 each --$9.00 per doz.

All prices quoted above are subject to 20% Federal excise tax, and to state sales or use taxes wherever such state taxes are in effect.

Be sure to mention the name of your Chapter when ordering a guard for your pin.

Send Today For Your FREE Personal Copy of







ROOSEVELT PARK, DETROIT, 16, MICHIGAN America's Oldest and Most Progressive Fraternity Jewelers



No. 4







o/ Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Alpha Chi Installed at University of Miami .......................... .


Pi Kapp Hotel and Innkeepers ......... ...


Charles W. Martin Appointed Traveling Counselor ...................... 7

Howard D. Leake, National Treasurer



..................... 9 10

Council Approves New Chapters President's Plaque Awarded Alpha Iota

...................... 10 11

Under The Students' Lamp ................... .. The Alumni and Their Fraternity Pi Kapps in the Limelight ................ . ... .


"Dick " Young Retires as STAR AND LAMP Editor .

................ ' . 12

.. ........ ............. 13

Bob Morse Resigns ......


Vital Statistics .......... .


Calling the Roll .. .

.... 18

LAURA - B. PARKER C!!ARLES w. MARTIN Associate Editors

• ll:ntered the l>o as second class matter at Carolinst office at Charlotte, North 8, 187g a, under the Act of March rl>•cial · Acceptance for mailintr at n the lAte Of POSIIlge provided for •rnhodi c~ of February 28, 1925, 412, p ed tn paragraph 4, section ary 7," l~S ~nd R., authorized Janu-


'l'he 'St Ql Unrter]nr nnd Lamp is published ina Y nt Charlotte, North Caro~ation':,~deCr the direction of the hi Fr ouncil of the Pi Kappa t•bruaraternity in the months of """· Y, May, August and Novem'l'he t· Ia the'fe SYbscriptlon is $12.50 and Single on!y form of subscription. C cop1es are 50 cents. hantes . l>ol'ted •n address should be reVirtin;:rBomptly to Central Office, • ldg., Richmond 19, Vn.

<>II ~!on '::~te~ial intended for publica·~~"•t i ou d be. in the. h~nds of the

~h'ch.,o"~ Edttor, Vtrgmia Bldg., e lllo n 19, Vn., by the lOth of laaue, nth precedlntr the month of


ALPHA CHI CHAPTER INSTALLED AT UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI Ceremony Held At Roney Plaza, Miami Beach, Florida, October 11, 1947 kets to the Miami alumni, the night before the installation, for the football game.

Presenting Alpha Chi's Charter, L. ta R.: National Chancellor, Theron A. Houser, Charlie Parker, president, Miami Alumni Chapter, and William Thompson, president Alpha Chi.

A new link in the chain of Pi Kappa Phi chapters was added October 11, 194 7 when Alpha Chi was installed at the progressive University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. Sixteen very impressive young men are wearing the badge of Pi Kappa Phi presented them by the Miami Alumni Chapter. Installed during a hurricane, on the hurricane 's campus, 'Alpha Chi is officially launched. We used the word "launched" as this is practically the way Mother Nature set the stage for this gala event. So, with palm trees bending, water rising and a seventy-five mile wind howling, the newest addition to Pi Kappa Phi fraternity is off to a hurricane start. Dean of Men, Foster A. Alter, was present for the installation and wished the young chapter Godspeed and a warm welcome to the University of Miami campus. He assured us we had a splendid group of young men and that the university would cooperate with them in every way possible. Another gesture of friendliness on the part of the university officials was a gift of a block of football tic2

Alpha Chi is taking its first steps at a particularly significant time in growth of the university. Under guidance of President Bowman Ashe, this southernmost college in the United States is embarked on an ambitious program which includes construction of a streamlined group of buildings especially designed for its tropical 245-acre campus.



Bernard Jones, Jr. , Execut1ve J tary, and James M. Albritton, 路 District Archon for the State of f 1' 路c ida, were on hand to do the off1 honors. 1

The official presentation of Charter was the climax of a Dis!~ Conclave which was also held. :rJe hers from all parts of the southe; were present for the event, with f\1? Epsilon, University of Florida, ~ 11 Chi Chapter, Stetson Univer~ topping the list of representatl'r There were other chapters represf~ ed also, one among them froJll far away as Alpha Zeta, ore; State College, and including ~~ from Tau, Sigma, Omicron, and '


There are about 8500 students enrolled at this coeducational college for regulation courses as well as those emphasizing Pan American relations or dealing with tropical research in The " Betsy Ross" of Alpha ~; marine biology. An exceptional fac- Mrs. William A. Papy, wife of Jl ulty and students from all parts of ami's alumnus, William A. Pap)', t the world add to the importance of made a large gold and white ban with the Greek letters, "Pi I(a~ a community known as a winter Phi," appliqued by band acr?ss r playground, but which also bas its face. It hung proudly just ~n 1 serious side in the fields of culture. rear of the speakers' table, Ji1 At the university now are 11 national middle of which stool a large 11\ sororities and 12 national fraterni- of red roses, both of which admired by all present. ties, all of whom are planning beauThe storm cut the expected ; tiful houses around a miniature lake designated for the purpose. With tendance almost by half but th were about 12 5 persons present,~ this in view, students are inclined to spite of it. As the wind was high be tolerant of any inconveniences water at least twelve inches d~e~ now present in the way of crowded the streets outside, (and as hl~d housing and classroom facilities un- the bub of an automobile in . :ll der the swollen enrollment. The uni- Gables) many anxious particiP'10 bad to leave before the cerei1 versity itself is only slightly more ended. Photographers engaged than twenty years of age, but in that make pictures were unable to ' length of time bas made tremendous there with their equipment. strides that augur well for the future. The dinner dance which follf~ Bott The official installation of Alpha was a huge success in spite o . l'e 0 elements. Boyce Ezell, Jr., was .路 Chi was held at the Roney Plaza go-between man for the speaker ~ Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla. Theron -A. the microphone. A mighty fine j Houser, National Chancellor, W. was done despite the fact tbat





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ens1on. be T~e Miami Alumni Chapter should fo ~ven a rousing vote of thanks, 1 r. It Was they who made the instalration possible and they who were •esp?nsible for its success. Those "ervmg so ably on the installation Brnrnittee were: William B. Roman , llfce Ezell, Jr., William A. Papy, w·' A.rthur G. Witters, and Paul C. fr;rnb1~h. The appreciation of the termty at large goes to these brot1'\~rs and to the Miami Alumni Chapter a~~. a job well done--a· noteworthy .... nevement.

On December 10, 1947

Pi Kapps everywhere will join in celebrating the Anniversary of The Birth of Pi Kappa Phi December 10, 1904

ll'op ) A lro( drawing showing the proposed ce~Qroup of buildings with the campanile in the foreground .


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!Middle ) Un1vers1ty . . a f M'10m1. .1n1t1a . . t'10n t ea m (from Chi Chapter.) Bock Alb. row, L. to R.: Sam Heidersbach, J. M. rltton, Jr., Jack Inman, and W. F. Malmborg . Botto 111 l'e 01 r~~· L. toR.: Howard Kurtx, Douglas ' W1111am Reese, and G. Gerald Kunes. 1 B~tto . · Ill ) Rear view, new Umvers1ty of Miarni classroom building. Of




The Carr House, provides a cornforl able country Inn to summer visitor and is located at 44 Main Strftl 1 Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. Jt . modern without losing anything. t th e oldtime warmth and cordiahll Although it is located in the toll'f there is a spacious lawn and gard~; entirely surrounded by a white P1 ket fence. In addition to the gue' rooms, lobby and the dining roon;· I here is a side porch overlooking La : Winnipesaukee and an inviting 1 ~ rea tiona] lounge with huge firepla. 1 hand hewn beams and paneled .• knotty pine. The Carrs bring thfl (almost) singing, always smiling, all' obliging colored waiters and h 0 ~~ boys up to New England from NO 1 Carolina and select their cooks, a\ general rule, from Tuskegee Institll We failed in our attempts to get graduates. . a biographical sketch and picture of John Wentworth, the colonial G~, Brother Turain , together with a piccrnor of New Hampshire, was ture and descriptive leaflet of The first to discover Wolfeboro as a S1101 James W. Carr, Chi Hotel Touraine, but HOLIDAY magmer resort in 1768, and be erec:~ azine, August issue, pa~e 31, has come lobby and dining rooms have been a beautiful summer _.home in f'\ to our rescue. Accordmg to HOLI- subdivided into a hive of bars, cock- town. Lady Wentworth admit! tail Jounge3 and supper rooms . . . . later, "Wolfeboro is the place to~ DAY: salesmen press cocktails on prospect- cover appetites and Jearn peopled' "At numerous points of historical ive customers, and middle-aged cusinterest in Boston , the city govern- tomers commune over Scotch-and- relish what is set before them." La· ment has placed bronze markers. One s!'ldas. On a typical day or night, Wentworth, were she alive toda~ at the corner of Boylston and Tre- the patrons will include a few codfish would relish what was set before h pi mont Streets says that John Quincy of the younger generation, as well at the Carr House. Brother Carr was a lieutenant co Adams once had a house there. This as others of less formidable New Eng1 marker is mounted on the Hotel land background; they will also in- mander, Service Corps, USNR .;~ Touraine, which at a somewhat later clude some of Boston 's other racial three and a half years in the pacdL· time in history-say, thirty-five years stocks; and, except to a carefully and says he is prouder of that ago-was a favorite meeting place appraising eye, they will all be in- tinction than anything he's ever dO~ He is president of the New Ba~~ of that breed of Bostonians variously distinguishable one from another. shire Hotel Association, is on . known as Brahmins, Coal Roast Bos"The Touraine of the previous Board of Governors of the Amencf8 ton and Codfish-the old Yankee generation was of the legendary Bos1 Hotel Association for New BaJ ~ first families. ton. The Touraine now presents a shire, is a member of the Boar . "The Touraine was at that time better specimen of the real , modern Trustees of the Huggins HoSP118r Boston's most expensive hotel. The Boston, a city with a heterogeneous Wolf~boro, N. H., and on the ~~il atmosphere was genteel, the dining population Jiving where history, tra- of Directors of the Wolfeboro J. rooms spacious and quietly elegant; ditions and legends have been made ing Nurses association. .1 high-toned Bostonians sipped their for a matter of three centuries He says he thought he was ta.kle: sherry there and ate oysters or soft- and proudly putting up bronze mark- a vacation from the hotel buS10 shell crabs, secure in the assurance ers to proclaim it." wh :'! n he entered the school of bll;~ Pi Kappa Phi feels a keen sense ness administration, Stetson VniVil that they were surrounded only by others of their kind who had smiled of pride in having a brother at the sity, the fall of 1924, as his faO\ aristocratically and nodded politely helm of a hotel of such distinction. then ran the Hotel Royal Palm, · ' as obsequious captains ushered them Petersburg, Fla. But he became rP~ to their accustomed tables. THE INNKEEPERS involved when later he was eJeCcr "Today the Touraine is still a Brother James W. Carr is a past treasurer and manag=d the fina 0 ~ favorite meeting place of Boston, but master in the art of innkeeping and of the " boys' hotel " Chi Chapter•.11, it is changed. The once spacious a connoisseur of good food and drink. the Stetson campus. That was J

It isn 't strange when two people in the same line of business, living in the same section of the country, know each other but, when they learn from other sources that they are fraternity brothers, it is rather odd. The famous old Hotel Touraine that stands on that still · more famous corner of Tremont and Boylston streets in Boston, Massachusetts, is managed and jointly owned by Brother George Anthony Turain, Alpha Xi, (co-incidental bu.t no connection). And one of the fmest little country inns in all New England situated on Lake Winnipesaukee in the quaint and restful little summer resort of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire is owned and operated by Brother James W. Carr, Chi.





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The Carr House, Wolfeboro, N. H.

after CJ . . Wh' h 11 had bought the house m thelc they are now living and which st Y have outgrown (they have lately fuarJed an alumni campaign for N~ s t? help build a new home.) th ~talg1a, Brother Carr? He said at at back in the old days b e trembled Ill he thought of the " first of each . . I an d m. teronth'' wh en th e pnnetpa lo h~t 0 ~ Chi's house, a fabul ous sum I rn In those days, came due. ch n the fall the Carrs leave th e ea~trnin~ Wolfeboro Inn idl e 'til sou& sprmg and (lucky people) trek Wh Ward to St. Petersburg, Fla ., Secere they grace the hearth of Carr 's, 'Wh~rd ~ve,., and Second St. North erat ~ th1s 1s a hotel owned and opnev e by the Carr family and we've chaer seen it, if it holds half the Innr~ of the li ttle New Hampshire ap ~ ~t, too, is "a place to recover w~tli~es and learn people to reli~h IS set before them ."

divides the Tennessee part from the Virginia part. Its manufacturer~ are paper and pulp, rayon, . furmture , lumber building matenals, and , among' other things, dairy products. General Shelby, for whom the Hotel is named , moved to East Tennessee in 1771. He served in

missioned to purchase the remaining land of the Chickasaws in Tennessee and Kentucky . Brother George Summerson, who so ably manages the General Shelby, was born in Richmond , Va. , and during his grammar and high school days lived in ten states and went to school in six. He graduated from Washington and Lee University with a B. S. in business administration in 1927. Prior to going in to the hotel business he was employed by the S. A. L., and N. & W. Railroad companies, and for a short period was in the investment business. Brother Summerson began his career in the hotel business in 1929 as an auditor for the Hotel Robert E. Lee, Winston-Salem, N . C., and, in addition, was auditor for two other hotels and managed an apartment house until1935. He was manager of the Washington-Duke Hotel, Durham, N. C. from 1935 to 1939, and was appointed manager of The General Shelby, Bristol, Va.-Tenn., in 1939. Brother Summerson is married and has two daughters, 9 and 12 years of age and one son, 2 years old. He is a Mason; member of Kazim Shrine Temple; a Kiwanian ; and is president of Charter 46 Hotel Greeters of America. From 1941 -43 and 1945-4 7 he was director of the Chamber of Commerce of Bristol; vice-president, Southern Hotel Assn ., 1940 ; presi-

In Between N. E. And Florida

bo~nd a good ways between, is a stateer town divided in half by two l'hers', Bristol , Virginia-Tenn essee. eraJ ~h a large hotel there, The Genanct l'k elby, managed by a capabl e Iller 1 eable Pi Kapp, George Sumlive s~n, Rho. For lack of a descripof th 0 ?klet of the hotel or sketch \ve ke City, we'll start by telling what lsaa n~w of the town and of General gets~ helby, from whom th e Hotel Its name Bristol V: . . . the 1' ' 1rgm1a, Tennesse, 1s on Prod e~nesse- Virginia state line in a App ~Chv~ and beautiful part of the a ach1an region. Stateline ~treet Of




George Summerson, Rho

the Revolutionary war and fought in several engagements, including Kin~s Mountain. In 1783 he settled m Kentucky and helped secure its separation from Virginia. When Kentucky became a state be was the first governor ( 1792-96) , and served a second term (1812-16). In 1818, with Andrew Jackson, he was com-

Hotel Genera I Shelby Bristol, Va.-Tenn.


fought there from July -22 to November 16, when the city was entirely burned and Sherman started on his famed March to the sea. In the late War, some Yankee soldiers stationed at nearby Ft. McPherson had to often verbally fight this battle over again. one of which is credited with saying, "That go iy, 'Shoiman' sure made it hard for us."

Henry Grady Hotel, Atlo nto, Go.

dent, Virginia Division, Southern Hotel Association, 1941 ; director, Virginia Hotel Assn., 1941 -42-43; president, Virginia Hotel Assn., 1944 ; Virginia Member-Executive Council, American Hotel Association, 1945; president, Washington & Lee Alumni Chapter, 1942-45; and Major. Virginia State Guard , Janu ary 1941 to June 194 7.

Farther South And slightly to the west, in the city of Atlanta, Ga., two Pi Kapps have the distinction of managing large hotels in that city. L. 0. Moseley, Eta, manages The Henry Grady and Richard B. Cumming, Alpha Epsilon, The Atlantan. This space will be given over to Brother Moseley and The H enry Grady Hotel. See the next series, for story on Brother Cnmming and The Atlantan. Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, is situated near the foothills of the Appalachians and is one of the leading cities of the South. At one time Pi Kappa Phi had three undergraduate chapters in schools there - Iota, Georgia School of Technology; Eta, Emory University; and Pi, Oglethorpe University. Th e Oglethorpe chapter became dormant d u r i n g World War II, leaving Iota and Eta to carry on there for Pi Kappa Phi. Atlanta became the objective of Sherman's invasion of Georgia in 1864 and the Battle of Atlanta was 6

Henry Woodfin Grady, from whom the hotel gets its name, was a Georgia journalist and orator. He gained nationwide fame after the Civil War by his editorials and addresses, notably one, " The New South." The Grady monument in Grady Square, Atlanta, and the city's municipal hospital , The Grady, is also named for the distinguished Georgian. Th:! Henry Grady H otel presently stands

Detroit, Michigan Site of 1948 Convention Look for De·tails in February issue Bob Morse, (above), appointed chairman convention committee, assisted by William Zabriskie, Archon, Detroit Alumni Chapter.

As if being manager of The Benr)' Grady were not enough, Brother Moseley was a recent candidate for the Board of Aldermen of Atlan~a and received the largest vote cast 1 ~ the City Primary where about 3 candidates for Mayor, Councilmen and Board of Aldermen participated· He is now Provisional Mayor pro Tern and by succession will be Mayor Pro Tern in 1948. His present ternl expires January 1950, at which tirnc he will have served thirteen years 0~ the Board of Aldermen. He h~: served as Chairman of the CitY' Purchasing Commission for seve;. years ; is a member of the Tax, Wa . er and Sewer Committees; and h3' worked for and supported ever)' worthwhile measure to come beforr the city council of Atlanta. He ha; one son, L. 0. (Buck) Moseley, P years of age, now in his second year at M~Callie School in Chattanooga· Tem\.

t (Note: This is the first of a serie; of articles on Pi Kapps in the hotel business. We would appreciate hear· ing from any other Pi Kapps who ar~ in this type of business. Kindly s~ 11 1 pictures and circulars- biographJC3 sketches and personal photographs bl'· January 1, 1948.)

on th e site of the famou s old Governor's mansion . Brother L. 0. Moseley, Manager of The Henry Grady, was born and educated in Johnson County, Georgia, living on a farm until well into manhood. He attended grammar and high school in Laurens County, Ga., and later went to Emory University where he "learned well enough to obtain a teacher's license" and his first sally into the world was as a teacher in a one-room country school. After one year's experience, he attached himself to politics and became the secretary to a Georgia Congressman , which position was cut short a year later by hostilities with Germany in World War I. Brother Moseley is a veteran of this war ( 23 months overseas) and from it he received the Citation of Merit and Purple Heart.

L. 0. Moseley, Eta THE






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By Louis D. Garinger


Alpha Sigma


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three successive years in Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges; service on the Student-Faculty Organization Board; campaign man~ger of t.he Rebel Political Party and

tts canduJate for the presidency of the . All Students' Club; Freshmen Advtsor; member of the Publications Council; membership in the All Students ' Club, the governing body at the university ; and membership in Phi. Delta Phi, national legal fratermty. Brother Martin is a member of the Tennessee State Bar. His hobbies are golf and dancing, his goal - to see Pi Kappa Phi have one hundred chapters before too many years! His dynamic driving power coupled with his innate ability should go far toward helping Brother Martin as traveling counselor, to accomplish this noteworthy goal.

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Charles W. Martin, Alpha Sigma, traveling counselor.

llroth Sullled ~r Charlie Martin, who as- leadership on the University of Ten8elor i hts duties as traveling coun- nessee campus. Few students of the University of ~~trick September, was born in Fitz'lespe~ W. Va., January 31, 1923. Tennessee have been quite as versaat his p t most of his pre-college years tile in campus activities as has ~essee resent home, New River, Ten- Brother Martin. His outstanding '-t. J3 and received his A. B. and achievements include: editor of the Of 1'e~ degrees from the University campus newspaper, The Orange and nessee White; first student to twice hold tnce h' . .t&rna A ~s initt:ation into A:l pha the position of business manager of ltn h~ Pnl 12, 1942, Brother Mar- The Orange and White; co-manager to tha: ~ndered invaluable service of Carnicus, the annual lively and ll>ork as ~pter. In addition to his picturesque fraternity and sorority ~~>as four ~tstorian and chaplain, he skit program; president of the Fra- ' ;he desr hmes chosen archon to guide ternity Relations Board; president of 0 IVo Y of Alpha Sigma through the Nahheeyayli Governing Board, r~lllt ~lo~s war years. As a direct a select · group who brings the biglh1es, AI ~Is ~ise and farsighted pol- name dance bands to the University; p·ose dp Stgma not only surviVed membership in Scarabbean, outstand1dity tar days but rose with ra- ing leadership society for men ; one 0 OF a position of unquestioned of the few students to be featured for

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DAYTONA BEACH, JULY 5, 1947 A crowd of 10,000 cheered the selection of Miss Dixie at Daytona Beach on July 4th. Shown here with the winner-Miss Peggy Elder of Gadsen, Alabama-is Bud Dickinson, Pi Kapp from Chi and President of the Stetson Student body who was master of ceremonies for the occasion. Miss Elder was also one of the runners up in the National Beauty Contest held in Atlantic City, taking fourth place, and winning $2,000.00.-Photo is by Darrel Carnell, Alpha Epsilon. 7



Richard L. "Dick" Young, Kappa, former editor of The Star and Lamp.

One of the real unsung heroes of Pi Kappa Phi is Richard L. Young, Kappa. His natural un selfishness as editor of THE STAR AND LAMP caused him to not receive proper recognition for his long and untiring devotion to Pi Kappa Phi. To arrive at a National Convention is to be sure that you will get a chance to talk to " Dick." He is always there . To visit Charlotte, N. C., is to visit " Dick." He always has time for a brother and you can probably learn more about Pi Kappa Phi in a couple hours with "Dick" than you can in a similar leng 'h of time anywhere. How does it happen that " Dick" is always abreast of Pi Kappa Phi affairs? In his own words, here is the story: " As I recall , it was back right after World War I that I met H enry Harper on the street. He was the Fraternity's National Treasurer and he asked me about taking over the magazine, which during the parlous days of the war had been issued by 8

\Vade Bolt, I understand , al his own expense. I agreed and took over. Back in those days the editor, who served without compensation, handled everything including subscription and mailing list. We bought a handoperated addressing machine and I recall how my young wife and I ran th e envelopes through the addressing machine. We had but a few hundred on the mailing list but later, under Harper's and my direction, the fraternity approved the life-subscription plan. " I served for thirteen years and when I gave it up and turned the editorial reins over to Howard Leake, who edited the magazine as part of his duties as Executive Secretary, the fraternity gave me a handsome electric clock with chimes. It is still our proudest possession and if it ever stopped chiming, we would miss its quarter hour sounding just like a member of the family . "A fter a few years, I was recalled and took over the magazine 's editorship again when McCann became

Executive Secretary and held the · until the present Executive Se<f tary was appointed. During the 11 when the revenue of the fraterl 11 was expected to be reduced, .1 Council asked if I would serve 11'11 out pay. I did so readily, glad of 1 opportunity to serve the Fratern in its hour of need ." That, my friends, is a long siP made short by the man who ]laS c ited your magazine for an aggre~· of twenty-three years. " Dick" is a native of South (a! !ina but has made his home in c.h· lotte, N. C., since th e age of et~· He graduated from the Univer:, of North Carolina in 1918 but fortunes of war were such that was not on hand for graduatio» c ercises. the In World War I he was coll101 his sioned Second Lieutenant, Field ton tillery. Upon returning from the~ vice, "Dick '' began a twenty-siX l' stay with the Charlotte News. ~~ City Hall reporter and has ' intc some magazine writing. " Dick" is a member of the C~ 1 lotte voiture of the Forty and ~ ' and is a former Chef de Gare. : a charter member of the St. ]0 Baptist Church and wrote a ht·st•. of the church for its twentY·1 anniversary. He is President of "Midwood Men's" club in Charl(ll 1

" Dick" went to a base h05P 1 near Tacoma, Wash. , with rllv : during his war service. He left '' his student nurse, Miss Jean Co lin, of Ontario, Oregon, as his b~t Mrs. Young attended Oregon "t College and was a member 0 Beta Pi. . 1 The Youngs have two sons, ~ Jr. and Donald. Both were in.'' : War II and went to the PaciftC. 1 atre. To see " Dick," you would!l lieve it, but he is a grandfather· 1 When in Charlotte and you the need of some real Pi KapPd hospitality, call the Richar 1 Youngs at 2 021 Ashland Aventl THE



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. Any organization that finds a leak tn its treasury is definitely in dan~r financially. In the case of Pi appa Phi things are different be~use the Leake in its money affairs ts no R ne other than Howard Leake, ho chapter alumnus. Brother Howard was l B' e ected to the Council at the trrningham convention and for . a ~ear has been signing all checks, dotng the accounting for the funds, and · t In general running a small Cenral Office is his den.

th This is not his first venture into h'e affairs of the fraternity. During t ts Undergraduate years at Washingeon & Lee he served his chapter in Very . Pres· capactty from neophyte to int tdent. After graduation he went the teaching profession, being 0 Ln the faculty at Washington and .,..,~e University for a year, and at utrrn· 'J tngham-Southern for two more b:~~s. At that time his fraternity . oned, and in 19 28 he took over hl s d t' l!t' u tes of Central Office as exechi~ve _secretary in Chicago. Under E gutdance the office was moved to vanst si on and thence to Richmond si:t Years later. He bad several ashe ants who deserve mention. When Et took over his duties Bill Blalock, Plea, Was serving, and later it was his Etaasure to work with Joe Cannon, fice' for several years. When the ofAlec Was moved to Richmond John assj tnn, Alpha Upsilon, came in as cha s ant, and remained to take full tio r~e on Brother Leake's resignan •n 1937.


dleNot only did Brother Leake han~hard but ~e office routine and traveling, 1 \vertll e also edited the STAR AND

"Doc" Leake, Former Executive Secretary, now ably serving his Fraternity on the National Council.

LAMP for many years. So it is quite clear that the man in the national treasurer's chair at this time is fully aware of fraternity problems in general, and of Pi Kappa Phi in particular. Following his resignation, Howard moved his family back to Birmingham, Alabama, where_he is nnw general manager of Hendon's Parking and Service Stations. His daughter, M imi who was nurtured in her babyhood 'and youth on Pi Kappa Phi, is now in her sophomore year at Maryville Coll ege, Maryville, Tenn. Brother Leake is an active member of the Birmingham Exchange Club, and an elder in the Presbyterian church. Besides his fraternity, his hobbies are his yard and his fishing.

UPSILON TO RECEIVE SCHOLARSHIP CUP Upsilon of Pi Kappa Phi, announced July 25, 1947 as the University of Illinois fraternity scholastic leader over 53 other University chapters, will be presented the Interfraternity council scholarshtp cup, donated by the Sigma Chi foundation. The massive trophy, standing over 36 inches in height, will be presented at a banquet this fal l, according to E. E. Stafford, dean of men. Stafford announced recently that the trophy will be presented annually on a revolving basis. It has been on display at the dean of men 's office since its arrival. 9

{!tue~ted /1~

~te~ It all began one evening last August at the Tutwiler Hotel in Birmingham, Alabama, when the Twentyfirst Supreme Chapter put the Pi Kappa Phi reins in the hands of the present council with instructions to let Pi Kappa Phi spread its wings for the first time since 193 S. Meeting at the John Marshall Hotel in Richmond Oct. 4th and Sth, the National Council reviewed the progress of the past year and set about formulating plans for further progress during the coming year. Principal items on the agenda were the consideration of several petitions for undergraduate chapters and the selection of a site for the 1948 convention. After having carefully investigated the petitioning groups, the Council granted charters at the University of Miami, Miami, Florida, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, and Oregon University, Eugene, Oregon. The Miami group was designated Alpha Chi and installed by National Chancellor Houser on Oct. 11th. The Indiana group was designated Alpha Psi and installed by National Treasurer Leake Nov. 9t)l . The installation date for the Oregon group has not been set but is expected to be sometime in December or early January. The Council considered many invitations for the 1948 convention and came up with the decision to accept the proposal of the Detroit alumni. So - - - Detroit it will be on September 2nd, 3rd and 4th. The Detroit alumni are a very active group and have promised to make the '48 convention one of the best. Executive Secretary, W. Bernard Jones, Jr., gave a full report of the activities of central office since the time of his appointment as Executive Secretary. This report indicated that the instructions of the Council were being carried out in the manner they wished them to be. The report disclosed that the chapters were cooperating heartily with central office in its attempt to insure the health 10

and happiness of the individual chapters and that of the fraternity as a whole. The chapters have proved that they will not only keep central office well informed but that they will do anything asked or instructed to do if but asked. The by-word of central office has been to " keep them informed - keep them busy - keep them. " The response has been excellent. The Executive Secretary's report included an over all proposed expansion program for the coming year. The program was approved subject to "step-by-step" ap. proval of National President Rice. The social calendar for the meeting was a virtual blank. Meetings morning, afternoon and evening eliminated any possibility of enjoying anything but each other's company. This they did. Having omitted social activities for this meeting, the Council is saving its energy for a gala affair at the '48 convention. All eyes are now leveled upon Detroit.

PRESIDENT'S PLAGUE AWARDED "ALOTA" By John W. Deimler, National Historian The close of the 1946-47 Chapter Publication Contest in August found four chapter papers, out of a total of ten contestants, eligible for consideration for the President's Plaque Award. Alpha Iota's THE ALOTA had just a slight edge over Omega's OMEGALITE by virtue of a greater percentage of alumni news. In fact, these two publications were so closely matched that your National Historian enlisted the aid of Brother McDonald, head of Drexel's English Department, in selecting the winner. Both papers were excellently arranged, well written, and very interesting. From a strictly "style" consideration, THE OMEGALITE was slightly superior to THE ALOTA.

John Hawthorne, editor of 1'~f: ALOTA, and Bob Goodenough, It tor of THE OMEGALITE, are to congratulated for their fine wo~k Each Chapter had three printed 1 ~ sues during the contest period. A close third and fourth in ~: contest were ALPHA ZETA NE\~ and Eta's ETAGRAMS. The• publications also had three issues e~ and were mimeographed. ALPP~ ZETA NEWS was one of the bel: mimeographed publications but woU' have had keen competition frorn sf' eral others had these chapters issU~ three or more papers during t year. Eta Chapter deserves a wo~ of praise for their spirit, since tht; 1 were reactivated only last octo~ after a ten year period of inactivJt) One general criticism of both thf. 'JI papers (and also all the other !11 10 ographed publications) is the re.:1 tive poor "readibility" of some 1: sues and the neglect to mainta~ clear right hand margins in aJI tr issues. These are important facl01 in the consideration of "general 3 tractiveness." 3

Now to just briefly review· the ~ ; is on which the Chapter publicat1° are judged. Alumni news is the Jl1~ important factor and is rated on ~ basis of SO % ; general attractiveo rr (headings, form, make-up, pictu, or sketches, etc.) is next on a bBir of 30%; and frequency of issue rar 20%, with a minimum of three. r quired. Mimeographed publica!J~ have just as good a chance of 1~ ning as do those that are print, dll provided that proper attention iS b en to the details of arrangement ar preparation. 0



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The competition this past year ~ llet, been very encouraging and indicBt seve a keen interest in this busine55 and having a good chapter paper. 'fo ' of those who published only one ' two issues; what you had was g~ - now let's try to get out three year! For those who were not reflP sen ted; join the others-it's Jots f fun (and work, of course) l And the four contestants this year; ~~ up t h e goo d work-<:ompetJtJO•' Ar be more keen this next year! good luck to all! 0






Under the Student's Lamp By Dr. Will E. Edington, Upsilon Chairman of Scholarship Committee

Five Pi Kappa Phi Scholars Win The Fraternity's Scholarship Awards. Pi

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K.ap Phi Scholars For 194 7 ]) es Pa ·

zation P~te the problems of reorganiSchool In many chapters during the the ch year 1946~ 194 7, a number. of cipal bap~ers reahzed that the pnnleges isusmess ?f universities and colrecord e.ducat10n and the scholarship Were ~ of ~orne of their members nation ~ervmg of consideration for of can a. recognition. The number ar wa~tdates for Pi Kappa Phi Scholfor but ~ot as great as was hoped elCcelJ In general the quality was Senio:nt. A candidate must be a his s hor a second term Junior and celJen~ ?larship record must be exor Wi 1.£ he is to stand any chance highe~ntng this award which is the Phi t award made by Pi Kappa l' 0 an active member. Scho~e first awards of Pi Kappa Phi first ~r Were made in 192 7 when the linctj wo Brothers received that disgroupon,f and each year saw a similar honore~ fr~m two to nine Brothers lican until the War stopped pracing ~ ali fraternity activities. DurScholare four years, 1943-1946, no War s were chosen. Before the chosena t?tal of 123 Scholars was havin Wtth most of the chapters liowe~ one or more representatives. lllade er some of the chapters have Sbttee~nusual records for during that EpsiJo Years Omega had 13 Scholars, !leta e~ and Alpha Phi nine each, seven tght, Omicron and Alpha Tau and ]) e~ch, Iota and Rho six each, l'he e t~ and Alpha Mu five each. 1947 ar Pt. Kappa Phi Scholars for three c~ flve m number representing nallles fapters. The Brothers whose leenth allow constitute the sevenars: Ja group of Pi Kappa Phi SchoiJ.ohn ;es.John Brophy, Alpha Phi; Stlon· avtd Carpenter, Alpha EpEp8n'on~ober~ Paul Ferreira, Alpha Pha 1 Louts Daniel Garinger, Al1\lpha §?1a; Roderick Page Thaler, ber lO tgma. On or about Decemth these Brothers will receive 0~ pI KA"PPA PHI

s· '

the Scholarship Pendant and the Scholarship Certificate at the annual Founders' Day Banquets of their respective chapters. Also in the February number of THE STAR AND LAMP a statement of their collegiate records, both curricular and ' extracurricular, will appear, together with their photographs. These Brothers have made outstanding scholarship records of which Pi Kappa Phi may well be proud, and they are deserving of this recognition and the congratulations of our entire fraternity.

Reports on Chapter Scholarship Before the War practically all university and college Registrars or Deans issued scholarship reports regularly for each semester or term and at the end of the year for the school year. These reports contain much valuable information not only with regard to the various fraternities and other organizations but to the institution as a whole. These reports are beginning to appear again so that National Scholarship Chairmen will soon be able to get pictures of the general stholarship situation in their respective fraternities, both within the fraternity itself and it!' rating nationally with other similar fraternities. A few scattered reports on chapters of Pi Kappa Phi indicate that a number of 0ur ';hapters realize the importance of sr.nolarship in the success of the char,ter. Upsilon at the University of Illinois bas made an exceptionally fine record, ranking fourth the first semester and first the second semester among over fifty national fraternity chapter:; on that campus. Likewise Iota Hl G~orgia Tech, Alpha Delta at t:1 c University of Washington, and Alpha Omicron at Iowa State, have all made records during the past year ranking them right neflr the top. These standings pose a challenge to the pledge groups wJ-,,' ·, ·

being initiated this year. Chapter advisers and pledge chairmen should be on their guard to maintain or improve, if possible, the rating of their chapters by picking their pledges very carefully. Probably the present year will sec the return of the national ratings of the various national fraternities. In the past Pi Kappa Phi has . year after year maintained a good national rating, above the general national average. This has been accomplished only through the efforts of 0e individual chapters in keeping their own averages above the campus averages at their respective institutions.

Pi Kappa Plans Conclave In Columbia, S. C. on Nov. 14-15 The first post-war conclave of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity will be held November 14-15 in Columbia with Sigma chapter, University of South Carolina, acting as hosts, John Bunch chairman of the committees for th~ conclave announced. Pi Kappa Phi, the only national social fraterruty to have its beginning in South Carolina, was founded at Charleston in 1904 at the College of Charleston. Members from The College of Charleston, F u r man University, Presbyterian College, Wofford College, and the Uruversity of South Carolina will be joined by alumni from all over the South at the convention. National officers and distinguished members of the fraternity will receive special invitations to attend. Final plans were laid for the conclave at a meeting of officers and committeemen from five South Carolina chapters of the fraternity. Invitations to active Pi Kappa Phis, :Fi Kappa Phi alumni and pledges will be sent out iP the near tuture. 11

By JOHN W. DEIMLER, National Historian

Several weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting with alumni in the Pittsburgh area and discussing the problems confronting them as an alumni group about to re-activate. Their problems are common to a 11 alumni chapters in some degree. In the course of this discussion , several timely thoughts were expresseel. First of all, there must be a reason for the continuation of that fraternal 'fellowship enjoyed during undergraduate days, and the fuller realization of that common bond existing between all members of Pi Kappa Phi, regardless of chapter, which can and does develop into lifelong friendships. The second point is to get everyone in the group acquainted with each other, so that everyone knows at least several things about each man, his chapter, his job or profession, perhaps his hobby, hi s family status, etc. Several stag meetings planned to afford such an opportunity will soon show results. Once the men know each other, then social affairs for a mixed group can be undertaken with some degree of success. Then after the chapter has been established, there should be a purpose or a im toward which the group should direct their attention. This purpose should center around the local und ergraduate chapter when it and the alumni chapter are in the same vicinity. Such project may be one or several among those which are listed. 1. Scholarship or service awards 2. Financial aid in purchase of a house 3. Subsidizing the printing of the chapter paper 4. Additional furni shings for the house 5. Participation in social activities 6. Sponsoring special occasions such as Founder's Day or Alumni Homecoming 7. Aid in rushing 12

If there is no undergraduate chapter in the locality, then the goal of the alumni should be that of fostering one. This can be done in one of two ways; colonization or interesting a local fraternity in nationalization. Colonization, while possibly th e more difficult method , is still readily accomplished if the alumni can interest a few men on the campus in the fraternity and are willing to guide and assist them in the early phases of their formation. Once we have a " lead," the formation of a nucleus for the chapter is relatively easy. The Miami alumni did just this ~nd our newest chapter, Alpha Chi, IS a result of their efforts. The Portland alumni are working on a similar project at the University of Oregon. There is another colony at Indiana University which will have been chartered by the time this issue of the STAR AND LAMP reaches you. With the increased student enrollment in all the colleges, there are numerous opportunities for Pi Kappa Phi to expand. Just how well we take advantage of these opportunities de-

pends, to a great extent, upon thl 3 alumni and how alert they are as. group, and as individuals, in advt~~ ing Central Office of such " lead.s as they learn of them. Here agatn; our far-flung alumni are our contac men who MUST keep their frater~i i ty in formed of such possibilities 1 we expect to grow. . Let's all become more expanst 0 conscious and keep up the flow. 0 chapter prospects into Central Offtce

Los Angeles Group Chartered The circumstances which brougb together Brothers Don Koivisto, A pha Delta ; "Chuck" OlÂŁ.on, andRe Koelblen , Alpha Zeta, were most u usual, and not intended for the pur pose of organizing an alumni cha ter, but out of this meeting carne I desire to again meet fraternal brot ers and to further the interest of oU fraternity in a field that had nev 1 been entered by an undergradualf chapter of our fraternity, narnel Southern California. 10 This group sent out invitations 1 other known Pi Kapps in this ar~a. ~ meet for the purpose of organtZ 1 ~ 1 an alumni chapter. This resulted ~ a meeting attended by a compara1 tively small but enthusiastic groUP~ brothers, who, however, represent 1 a fairly scattered membership fro~, chapters in the East, West, :No~\ and South. This group imbued "' 1 ~ the will and enthusiasm to agat


(Conlinu<'d on pnge .16)

Los Angeles Area Alumni-Los Angeles Installation, June 16, 1947




) thl as a tdvis· eads'' gain· ,ntacl tern· ies if

As a student at the University he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and Golden Fleece; he was president of his sophomore class and manager of the basketball team during his senior year; and won his monogram in gymnastics. Brother Spruill is married and has no children. He and Mrs. Spruill make their home in Chapel Hill, N.C.


w ol fice




Corydon P. Spruill, Esq. Kappa




al<:appa Phi is justly proud to t'Ion Cmon g Its · members of distincPa, 'ne~rydon P. Spruill, Esq., Kaplhe tJ .n of the General College of n1ve · hapel n·{Sity of North Carolina, apPoint 1 1, N: C. Dean Spruill was 1936. ect to h1s present position in A. nat' • er Spru:~e of Raleigh, N. C., Broth1 Universit Was graduated from the ~n A.. By .of orth Carolina with : Litt ., In 1920, and awarded a Sity E. degree from Oxford Univerah~desngland, in 1922. He was a 22. Scholar to England in 1921-


lie · ·


the University of North toll\ En aculty following his return Sot or g1and as an assistant profesConunereconomics in the School of \Vas lllactce. The same year, 1936, he eq chair e Dean he was also appointPut intoman of. a committee which Plan fo Pr~ctlce the University's telll ro/ ~n Individual advisory sys'] burin s Udents. ~I \Vas g Wo;lct War II, Dean Spru. tilly commissioned a major in the ~nlistectand served several years. He "U ting • W as a pnvate · in the Air Corps 0 orld War I. ~ pI KAPPA


Professor Henry Giese, Alpha Omicron, was awarded the Cyrus Hall McCormick Medal by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers at the annual presentation in Philadelphia, Pa., on June 25, 1947. This is one of the highest awards Henry Giese given in Brother Giese's field. In Alpha Omicron making the award it was stated by Brother Giese is the author or joint the committee that " . . . (the sociauthor of about a hundred federal and ety) may well have considered both the aggregate amount of his contri- state bulletins, books, and articles in technical and popular journals. His butions to the advancement of agricultural engineering and the balanced honorary memberships include Phi variety of avenues along which he Kappa Phi for scholarship, Sigma Xi has exercised his talents. Yet it may for research , Tau Beta Pi for enginbe surmised that it is above all else eering, Gamma Sigma Delta for agthe recognition of a great teacher .. " riculture, and Phi Mu Alpha for music. Professor Giese received his B. S. Besides all this, and many other degree from Iowa State College in endeavors not mentioned for lack of 1919, his M.S. degree also from Iowa space, Professor Giese has found ·the State College in 1927, and in 1930 time to ably serve Alpha Omicron as he received the professional degree of president of its building corporation Architectural Engineering. He has from its inception up to July of this engaged in many activities which have past year. resulted directly in benefiting his profession. He has always been active in the affairs of the North Cen- NATHAN MOBLEY HONORED tral Farm Structures Committee and Nathan Mobley, Kappa, has been has held nlany offices in that and re- elected executive vice president and lated organizations. a director of the United States GuarHe has guided the graduate pro- antee Company of New York. The grams of 3 7 candidates for the mas- office of executive vice president, to ter's degree and a Jist of their theses which Brother Mobley was elected, is a bookshelf in farm structure en- is newly created. Brother Mobley is a native of gineering. It has been said by one of them speaking with the perspective Reidsville, N. C., and was graduated of some fifteen years following his from the University of North Carograduate work that, " . . . (Giese) lina at Chapel Hill with an A. B. has directed more research and train- degree. He entered the insurance ed more graduate students in farm business in a local agency at Charstructures research than any other lotte, N. C .. He was transferred to Chicago in college professor, and probably more 192 5 where he was made western than all others combined . .. " 13

Georgia's New Congressman

Nathan Mobley Kappa

agency supervisor for Fidelity & Deposit, and in 1928 went to New York as production manager of the metropolitan department. He resigned from the company in 1929 to become assistant secretary of the United States Casualty Co., in charge of its fidelity a n d surety department. Brother Mobley joined the United States Guarantee Co. in 1934 as assistant to the president and was elected vice president in 1936.

Prince H. Preston Lambda


Prince H. Preston, Jr., Lambda, was elected to the Eightieth Congress of the United States on November 5th, 1946. Brother Preston, a democrat, was born in Walton County, Ga., on July 5, 1908, and attended public schools of Statesboro, Ga., and received his LL.B . from the University of Georgia in 1930. In the same year he started the practice of law in Statesboro, Ga. He was elected a representative to the General Assembly of Georgia 1935-36 and reelected forth~ 1937-38 term. Preston was elected judge of City Court of Statesboro, 1946 but resigned before taking office because of election to the Eightieth Congress. Brother Preston · volunteered his services to the U. S. Army September 1942, as a private. He was commis~ sioned second lieutenant in 0. C. S., February, 1943, promoted to first lieutenant in July, 1943, and to captain on May 15, 1944. He commanded Battery A of the 776th AAAA W. Bn., in E. T. 0. When he is not in Washington the new Pi Kapp congressman reside~ with his wife, the former Myrtice Robinson, and two daughters at 121 S. Main St., Statesboro, Ga.'


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Aubrey F. Folts Eta

Jennie, 15, Lavens Douglas, 13~; Carole, 6. His home is on 1° Mountain, near Chattanooga.

U. S. SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA I Ron. Olin Dewitt Johnston, ;L 5 rna, United States Senator frorn ~ Carolina, was born in I{onTel~ S. C., and was educated at

Aubrey F. Folts, Eta, was elected President of the Bar Association of Tennessee in June. The Bar Association of Tennessee is composed of about 2700 lawyers from all sections of that state. Its purpose is to assist the lawyer in his professional progress and · to insure to the public the best kind of professional conduct. The Association is interested in Judicial Administration and from a nonpolitical viewpoint in improving all departments of the Government. Brother Folts is the senior member of the law firm of Thomas, Folts & Brown, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and a former president of the Chattanooga Bar Association. He is a native of Ripley, Tennessee, and was graduated from Emory University with A. B. and LL. B. degrees. He married Frances Lawson Lockwood in 1929; they have three children ,

Olin D. Johnston Sigma THE



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Institute ourg Offord College, Spartanyears old. He is now forty-four. In Harris G. Sims, Journalist South c' ., ~nd at the University of. 1930, he married Ellen Chappell of arolma. Harris G. Sims, a former archon Jacksonville, and they have a son of Chi chapter, who has been editor Brofue J lice of Ia r . ohnston began the prac- of the Lakeland Ledger since 1940, and a daughter. By E. B . Crim, Lambda or the w I~ 1924. He is a member is one of Florida's most frequently 1 liarns ot~ firm of Johnson and Wil- quoted newspaper editors. That is a tnernb partanburg, S. C. He was due partly to his conviction that 192J_ 24 er of the State Legislature in an editor can write more effective served ~ 19 27-28, and 1928-30. He editorials and get out a more gener!ina f s Governor of South Caro- ally readable newspaper if he himelecte;~rn 1935-38 and was again self .al-.es part in many community m 1942 for a four-year term. r- :.vities. "An editor needs to keep In 1944 OJ' to the u'. m Johnston was elected directly in touch with what's going Si)(.Yea t mted States Senate for a on and even take part in what's goocratic r Eerm.l!"e was National Dem- ing on," says Brother Sims, "or he Soutb C xe~utlVe Committeeman of will lose perspective. Besides, it's fun to help." and ~rohna from 19 3 5 to 1940 ' aga ' 111 • Editor Sims is president of the a four m 1944, was d10sen for Year term. Lakeland Kiwanis Club and the Lakeland Round Table, and on the Senator J h the 0 ti . 0 nston is a member of boards of the Chamber of Commerce, Anleric~n mist. and Monarch Clubs, the Community Chest, the YMCA, of Fore· legion, 40 and 8, Veterans the Junior Red Cross, and College lie I·s Ilgn \Vars and Life D A V a so · · · Heights Methodist Church. of the B· ~ Mason, and a member Governor Caldwell appointed him aptist Church. trustee of the Florida Institute of a lie rna . !\.tkinso rned the former Gladys E. Government, which was created by theyh n of Spartanburg, S. C. and the 1945 Legislature. For fifteen James R. Sage years be has been secretary of the th ' Sa])'Ie ave Alpha Omicron 1. ree children·· Olin D ., Jr ., Board of Trustees of Florida South1'hey lleigb and Gladys Elizabeth. ern College at Lakeland, from which anbllr a make their home in Spart- he rece.i ved an A. B. degree in 1925, APPOINTED CIVILIAN MEMg, S. C. BER JOINT WAR-NAVY and he recently was made a trustee of the Montverde School at MontCOMMITTEE verde. He received a Bachelor of Laws Professor ]. R. Sage Alpha degree from Stetson University at Omicron, Registrar of Iowa State ColDeLand in 192 8, and the honorary lege, has been appointed as a civilian degree of Doctor of Laws from Flor- member of the Joint War-Navy Comida Southern in 1945. mittee of the United S t a t e s He has been Florida editorial cor- Armed Forces Institute. The appointrespondent and feature writer for the ment was made jointly by Secretary New York Times since 1929. of War Patterson and Secretary of He is a former president of the the Navy Forrestal, effective July Florida Southern Alumni Associa- 1, 1947. Brother Sage was appointed tion, and has the distinction of hav- to serve a term of three years and ing served as president of the stu- was called to Washington on July dent bodies at both Florida Southern 10-11 to attend a meeting of the and Stetson, as well as editor of the committee in his new capacity. campus newspapers at both instituThe Joint Committee of the USAF! consists ot arn:r 'lnd navy tions. Before becoming editor of the Led- personnel and civilian members whose ger, he was for twelve years head of duty it is to be the policy-making the department of journalism, pub- body for the Institute. The commitlicity director and assistant to the tee reports directly to the two cabinet secretaries (now to the new president at Florida Southern. He is a member of Phi Alpha Delta Secretary of National Defense) and legal, Pi Gamma Mu social science, is responsible for the administrative and Sigma Delta Chi journalistic and educational effectiveness of the Institute. fraternities. Professor Sage received his B. A. He was born in Georgia, but has Harris G. Sims Chi lived in Florida since l1e was twelve degree from Ohio State University P H I


in 191 2 and his M. S. degree from Rose Polytechnic Institute in 191 5. He first came to Iowa State Coll ege in 1915 and in additi on to serving in his present capacity as registrar sin ce 1920, he is also Vice-Dean of the Junior College. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi , honorary engineering fratern ity; Phi Kappa Phi, honorary scholastic fraternity ; Cardinal Key, for outstanding service to Iowa State College, and is ex-presid ent of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars. Brother Sage also serves as the very able faculty adviser for Alpha Omicron Chapter.

BOB MORSE RESIGNS Pi Kapps who have had the opportunity to know Brother Bob Morse through his work as Traveling Counselor of the fraternity will be pleased to hear of his recent employment by the Redford (Michigan) High School as a teacher of Speech and Dramatics. After serving as a member of the Central Office staff since January 1st, his resignation became effective August 19th . His presence at chapter council tables will be greatly missed , and hi s many friends wish him every success in his new position. Bob is a grad uate of Michigan State Coll ege, East Lansing, Mich igan, where he was initiated into Pi Kappa P hi by Alpha Theta Chapter. H e came to Central Office after being grad ua ted in December of last year. His official duties for the fraternity carried him into th e majority of our subord inate chapters where he displayed real promise in hi s analysis and solution of chapter problems. His new venture will take him from Richmond and prevent all but occasional contacts with Central Offic e. He has asked th at we publish his home address, 9385 Pryor St., Detroit 14, Mich., for he is anxious to keep in touch with the many P i Kapps he has met throughout the country.

DATES SEPTEMBER 2-3-4 1948 16





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?I StuuJ«Peite~t?

Down through the years, many good songs of Pi Kappa Phi have been written and they all go to make up our present PI KAPPA PHI SONG BOOK.

, \

\ r





Several years have drifted by since the last edition of the Book, and the song writing talents of our good brothers have necessarily. bee~ stilled until a new edition was in the offing. Wei!, the time 1~ here. Our song book stock is depleted and the N.atlonal Counc1l acted at the time of their recent meeting in Richmond to get a revised edition underway.

. 1

\ \


Prizes are offered for the top three songs offered before June 1, 1948. Here are the rules:

1 Ali, A Trc1 lhc1 I IVcr Pa. 1 l:lar



Songs must be written by "Pi Kapps" or their families.




Words and music must be original.




be submitted to Central Office, V1rgm1a Bu1ldmg, Richmond, Virginia, not later than June 1, 1948.






~ \ \



~an.u~cripts. ~ust




i:i : : : ~~~~



p,;zes will be,


The iudges will base their decisions principally on the popular appeal of the songs submitted.


So - - - you songsters, get out your pencils and catch those tunes as they ore born in your minds!





·~~~~~~~-~~--------------~~ Los Angeles Group Chartered (Continued


poge / 2)

carry on the fraternal brotherhood of past days, and the desire to further the work of our fraternity among college men of this area, elected officers a nd plans for petitioning for an alumn i chapter were formed . The second meeting saw thi s petition a reality, and all members signed. The National Headquarters had been contacted and word had been received that Grand Archon Devereaux D. Rice wo uld be present to install the chapter on Mond ay, June 16, 1947 . The momentous event took place in the Trophy Room of th e Los Angeles Athletic Club and was attended by a cross-section of Pi Kapps, representing chapters from all over the country, with Gamma and Alpha Zeta alumni head ing the li st of those present. T hey were: J ohn C. Mackey, Claude L. Emerson, Dudley Millington, Karl M. Wagner, Lester

Erickson. Howard A. Bliss, E lmo G Switzer, M. F. Hoerger Fordsor :Not· tage, and Robert S. Dawson, Ga 111 j mans; J. R. Scales, Delta; NatioPa. President, Devereux D. Rice, Iot~ Norton Sand ers and J. B. Harbu; . Lambda; E. C. Rasmu ssen, .NU· Douglas Barnett, J ohn S. Lathro;. and D. E. Rosebrook, Upsilon ; Mat indale Kile, Alph a Gamma; Dou~la' McFarl and and Don Koivisto, AlP~~ Delta; Rene A. Koelblen, R. . Greno, Robert Williams, Charlf· Olsen, Sumner Alldredge, Aron Dol~~­ las, Felix Subject, William A. l{le~ Clark Ewing Beardsley, and J. el Brock, Alpha Zetans ; and Mich~ M. Bigger, Alpha Mu.

After an inspiring talk by Nati 0( al President, Devereux D. Rice, foll owing officers were elected: po ' 11 Koivisto, archon , and Rene Koelbl~ ' 1 secretary-treasurer. President R ~ then presented the new charter the newly elected archon. Yes, Pi Kappa Phi is truly on tN move to bigger and better thing)·






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l'he w dd"1 . . Alice M: !1g of H enry B. Randolph , Stgma and Mtsa J o Aud · c llhan took place on September 3. Irene MacCristoper, Jr., Alph a Iota, and Miss Carolyn their h cElr~y were married July 14, 1947. Th ey will make m Athens Ga Ed ga orne T ' · Were rn r . · Ba rnett, Alpha Mu, and Miss Anne S. Wenner Pa. arned August 23, 1947. They will live in Philadelphia, l'he rn · Barbar arrtage of Ellwood H . Spencer, Sigma , and Mi ss and M: a ~resnahan took place September 6, 1947. Brother li Gs. Pencer will live in Philadelphia . Cumrn/ady J acoway, Jr. , Alpha Sigma, and Miss Betty June their h ngs ~ere married Augu st 8, 194 7. They will make Jarn orne m Brainerd, Ga . Were ~s ~nderson Atwell, Beta, a nd Miss Betty Lou Hood Clare arrted August 23, 1947, at Portsmouth , Va. elier Wence R . McCray, Alpha T au, and Miss Jacomina CuvC. C re married April 12, 1947 in Newark, N. J . married Freeman, Alph a, and Miss Dorothy Anne Dudley, were Willi on July 26, 1947 in R eidsville, N. C. their earn Wright , Iota, and Miss J ette Holt have announced Jarn engagement. The wedding will take place this fall. marrieds P. Kellett, Beta, and Miss Jean LaRue Ward were Will makon O~tober 4, 1947 in L ake City, S. C. The couple Chari e thetr. home in Fountain Inn, S. C. announ es R. _Stmons, Iota, and Miss Eloise 0 . Ellis have Novernbed th etr engagement. The wedding wi ll take place in cr. 1 Werearnrnes H. u ff G ordy, Iota and Miss Paulin Brosnan Flemin :~ l'h a r~ted in October. bukee~Phtlus D . Williams, Jr., Sigma, a nd Miss Nell McBrid e l'hc ~ere .married August 21, 1947. "Robbie ~~d~ng of Alexander Cruikshank s, III, Beta, and Miss Gear atr King took place in Augu st. Patter ge Samuel Hiller, Jr., Iota, and Miss Mary Margaret F. C Were married on September 30, 1947. ll•ere ~ II~Ilmark , Jr. , Omicron, and Miss Betty Jane Hargett . Waltearned on September 14, 1947. tted on r~.l · Stiles, Upsilon , and Patricia Chaplin were marGear ay 21, 1947. Were rnge 9· Shoemaker, Jr ., Upsi lon, and Miss Robbie Morris arrted June 14, 1947.


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Elllor II attack : · Smith, Eta, died suddenly as the result of a hea rt Of E. 13 ~ O~tobcr 18th, in Milan , Georgia. He is a broth er }!· · mtth, Jr., Eta , who resides in McRae, Ga . . IS de· th 'n that " . came as a shock to his many fri ends and rela tives Nava l Stsectton of Georgia. Brother Smith had been in the ores business for his entire career since leaving college.

MIL TON FLODMAN, ALPHA DELTA, PASSES I Brathe . :Vash Sr Mtlton . Flodman, Alpha Delta , died in Seattle, cation: ept~rnber 19, 1947, as a result of an asthma compliand his lie ts survived by his wife, Louise E., a son, William , Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius H . Flodman.




John Chester J ubin , III, was born on March 25th last to Brother and Mrs. John C. Jubin , Jr., Alpha T au. The Jubins are now livin;; at 217 Hiawatha Lan e, Drexel Hill, P a. A daughter, Virginia Simms, w~s born, May 13th , 1947, to Brother and Mrs. Albert L . H askms, Iota. Born to Brother and Mrs. James Martin, Alpha Sigma, a daughter, Nancy Jean , F ebruary 6, 1947. Susan Lee Kimmerle arrived last October 3rd, to grace the family of Brother and Mrs. Ray C. Kimmerle, Mu. Lind a Ann was born on August _13, 1947 in Pittsburg, Pa. to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. D'Amtco. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell M ench , Upsi lon, announce the arri val of their son Charles Russell Mench , II , on June 20, 1947. Ronald Douglas Shave was born July 6, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Shave, Alph a Mu. A son, George Thomas, was born March 25, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hodge, Iota. William Timothy Dobson, IV, was born on May 16, 194 7 to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dobson, III, Alpha T au. A dau ghter, Emilee E lizabeth, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walker R. Carter, Jr., XI, on July 10, 1947. Dr. and Mrs. James W . Culbertson, Delta, announced the arrival of their daughter, Betsy, on June 18, 1947. Janice Windh am was born on August 25, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Farus G. Windham, Jr., Omicron. Born to brother and Mrs. Frederick E. Fuchs, Iota, a son, F . E . Jr ., on January 30, 1947. Elizabeth Skinner was born to Mr. and Mrs. J a mes M. Daniel, Mu, on March 7, 1947. National Secretary, J . AI Head and Mrs. Head. arc the proud parents of a daughter, "Kathy," their first child, born on July 9, 1947. Nancy Carol was born to John Poppelrieter, Upsilon, and Mrs. Poppelrieter, last November 22. Robert and Martha M axwell, Alpha Phi, announce th e arrival of Marth a Twyla , on October 3rd . Linda Beth was born on October 2nd to Brother and Mrs . Ralph E. Turn er, Jr., Upsilon. Emma Lee wa s born to District Archon Fred Grim , Xi, and Mrs. Grim on October 13th . A son, David Curtis, was born to Donald S. Bric:geman , Alpha Zeta, and Mrs. Briggeman on September 13, 1947.

Brother Flodm an's dea th ca me as a shock to his many fri ends in Pi Kappa Phi. H e was beloved by Alpha Delta undergrad uates and alumni alike. H 's passing is a grea t loss to all those who called him fri end .

OTHER DEATHS News has been received in Central Office of the dea ths of the following Pi Kapps: Fred A'dridge Chapman, Alpha Iota , Washington , D . C.; Camillus Lee Odell , Jr., Beta, Birmingham , Ala.; James Harvey Huey, Beta, Rock Hill, S. C.; Vaiden Britton Blankenship, Beta, Rock Hill, S. C. ; Charles C. Work man , Jr., Alpha Iota, Ashland, Ala.; William Gu y Pouncey, Omicron, Eufaula, Ala.; Earl Bloomer Moore, Xi, Kingsport. Tenn ., Sheldon T . P aull , Gamma, Seattle, Wash.


Chattanooga Alumni Another alumni organization is showing signs of life again. The Chattanooga Alumni Chapter which bas been dormant for several years recently had a meeting to formulate plans for making the chapter an active group again. Meeting at the Southern Blow Pipe and Roofing Co., with which firm Brother Lee Ryerson, Alpha Sigma, is now connected, the members elected officers and began to lay plans to increase their membership with other Chattanooga Pi Kapps. All the members present at this meeting were alumni of Alpha Sigma chapter. New officers are Wiley Peyer, president; Lee Ryerson, secretary and treasurer; C. E . Rollins, vice-president. The other brothers present were: Charles Danner, Ed Jones, Vic Edgman, Homer Van Vleet, James Hill, Wendell Hill , J ames Tombras, John Mauney, John Steffner. Among th e tentative plans laid by the group was the establishm ent of a Pi Kappa Phi chapter at the University of Chattanooga. Plans were also made for regular meetings. With the addition of numerous other Pi Kapps in Chattanooga, it is expected that this alumni chapter will regain its pre-war position as being 0ne of the fraternity's best. LEE RYl!:RSON, secretary

and beer and coffee were furnished. Phil Brinkman, in h~ thirteen-foot outboard cruiser, ferried the fellows out to ad island in the Columbia River. The boys played ball a~ , swam (mighty cold ) and generally bad a good time. The onlt casualty was Fred Thompson who arrived late, walked ab 001 four miles up the river to a point of debarkation, and go th ere just as we all started for home. a All indications point to another good year for Pi KaPP Phi here in the Northwest and especially in Oregon. 'd R. G. HARRis, prest en1

Greenville, S. C. Alumni Chapter Brother Devereux D . Rice, our Natio nal President, requested me to se rve as chairman of a committee composed of Dr. Charles N. Wyatt, and Mack Christopher, Jr., to reorganize th e Greenvil le alumni chapter. On Tuesday evening, October 7, thirty -three Greenville Pi Kapp alumni met with Delta Chapter for dinn er at th e Crescent Restaurant, Greenville, where, afterwards the Greenville alumni chapter was reorganized. The followin g officers were elected: Herman N. Hipp, president; Rober t R . Scales, secretary; and Keels M. Nix, treasurer. We have about 75 alumni in Greenville, of which about SO can be called ac tive, and, with that number we believe Delta chapter can be maintained on a pretty even keel. KEELS M . Nrx, treasurer

Montgomery, Ala., Alumni Chapter The Montgomery Alumni Chapter was reactivated Janu ary, 1947 after bein" dormant during the war years, and the outlook is bright for us. We had about 15 brothers present at our reorganization meeting, including Congressman George M. Grant, and had six chapters represented, namely, Omicron, Alpha Iota , Tau, Eta, Lambda , and Alpha Eta. The followin g officers were elected: Lowell J . Black, Omicron , archon; Rob ert Flournoy, Eta, secretary; and Douglas Goode, Alpha Iota, treasurer. We have a potential of approximately 50 Pi Kappa Phi alumni in and around Montgomery, several of whom are stationed at Maxwell. Field . It is our purpose to work closely with all the nearby und ergraduate chapters and assist them in every way possible. We plan to have a stag supper in the near future and establish at that time regular monthly meetings. LOWEl-L




Portland, Oregon Alumni Chapter 路On June 22, a picnic was given by the alums to get acquainted with somr of the actives at Oregon State and some of the boys who are a5sociate members at the University of Oregon at Eugene. These latter are now the Pi Kappa Phi Club at Oregon which we hope, in the near future, will be a new chapter for Pi Kappa Phi at the University. Each of the alums brought food enough for three people



(Top) Some of the new associate members at University of Ore9掳~ (Middle) Some of the Portland alumni. (Bottom) Alpha Zeta men from Corvallis, Oregon. THE







DISTRICT I Brooklyn Poly

Alpha Xi

Roanoke College


The ch The brothers of XI are now in high gear after summer by lh apter has been hit unusually hard over the summer vacation. Several of the boys attended summer schoo l, so the see th~ 1oss of many of our brothers. We were very sorry to house was kept open. The first week of school went fast as now a~ drop out of school, but know they'll be dropping in everyone got together again. We now have forty brothers and In r n then, ~nd feel we haven't lost them altogether. nine pledges, several of whom will be initiated this month. Atkins ecent elections the following officers were chosen: Russ Extensive plans are being made for rushing, and some affairs secretaon •. ar~hon; Little John Smellie, treasurer; Ed Gore, are already planned, although rush week does not come until and A:( Btl! Wright, historian; Len Waterman, chaplain; December. We had a smoker and invited many rushees. It Th ansen, warden. was such a success that we are planning to make it a weekly or tweo Army popped in again with Joe Scanlon's recent stay affair. We are also inviting new men to supper a few times Programweeks at West Point as part of the Air Corps Reserve a week so we can get better acquainted with them. Many of rest of th :S:e went up for a few hours and then spent the the brothers visited Rho, Washington and Lee, and helped Dur" c time in the hospital with a little cold. 1 with their rushing. We are very glad to hear that many of other ~g hthe summer AI Steele, our ex-archon, and a few their bids were accepted. lres b rot ers took a short trip to Canada. Their reportonne. On October 12, we will hold a Faculty Tea in honor of rt seem our housemother, Mrs. McCracken, and are sure it will be as get th s th at the present fad among college students is to successful as last year's occasion. Kelse em~elves hitched. During the summer Brothers Ron Intramural sports start next week with touch-football being undc~t Bill Hebestreit, and BiH Wright were married, and we the_first sport sched uled. We are counting on a good team, and Plan t a~d that Brothers Artie Smith and Alex Borokhovitch arc eager to retain the intramural championship plaque we The 0 f ake the fatal step in the near future. won last year. \Vith a ~II semester social season was opened on October 4th CHARLES WEIDLE, historian success( ang when the first dance of the season proved very many u1· Th.e dance was well attended by the brothers and VVashington and Lee Rho smoke ProspectiVe pledges. On the following Friday a rushing Which r was held which provided a good time for all and Officers elected to serve this term are: Ed Pickett, archon; Inovie reaJw taxed the capacity of the house. A lecture and Dean Stewart, house manager; Bob Landrigan, assistant bouse System Presented by a representative of the Bell Telephone manager; Bill Latture, secretary; Phil O'Connell, historian; or trans g~v~ us the lowdown on the new microwave method Walt Fausel, chaplain; and Hugh Hill, warden. Warden Hill J mittmg telephone messages through the air. is a transfer student from Roanoke College. ove~e f Clarke, AI Sewald, and Carl Larsen, three pledges held Starting out last year with three members, Rho entered Octoberorn before the summer, will be initiated the end of rush week this year with seven and gained twelve pledges. Pi Inore .r. We hope that we will be able to initiate quite a few Kapp official, Charlie Martin, helped conduct the rushing and 1 pledging, as did members of Xi chapter in Roanoke. All Rho droppe ~ the ncar future to replace the brothers who have members want to thank Martin and the Xi boys for gettina lhe h out of school. We hope that at our next writing o Inany ~use will be further strengthened by the presence of the '47 season off to such a fine start. Those pledging Pi Kappa Phi include: John Martin, Falls L cw brothers and pledges. ate new h Brother Howie . Barber IS . planmng . to marry Church, Va.; Irwin Stolz, Charleston, S. C.; Tom Winborne, around T s fl as.>chao] . hanksgiving time. He is also planning to re-enter Lenoir, N. C.; Bob Glenn, Radford, Va.; Jack Koerner, Newark, Ohio; Harrison Eacbo, Jr., Richmond, Va.; John Ill February. Nolan, Berwyck, La.; Denny Ringer, Forest Hills, N. Y.; Bn.L WRIGHT, historiatl Warren Card, Malverne, N. Y.; Eddie Robbins, Bay Shore, N. Y.; Tom Hollis, Forsyth, Ga.; and Bomar Olds, Atlanta, Ga. R Rho chapter is also very grateful for the extra fine work ensselaer Polytechnic Institute Alpha Tau done by our new housemother, Mrs. Kerr, of Clifton Forge, • With tb . . . . Va. She came to the house at a time when there was little "IPha T e .mttiatiOn of 12 new brothers just a few days off, or no equipment in the kitchen, new servants, and rush week have 0 au IS getting down to work again. If the events that was starting. She has whipped the house into shape, is servholds ,~c~rred to date are an indication of what the future ing excellent meals, and has become a true friend of all the or SChoof II have plenty of outside interests to ease the burden members. Ch Work. Roy Witte, '46, played host-bridegroom to Rho members IVitb ~c; Downey's social committee started the Fall Frolics off Present ang-up Clam Steam recently. Over 50 guests were at his wedding to Miss Agnes Morrison of Hagerstown, Md., at nearband everyone bad a lot of laughs - we spent the day with a reception and other parties. Congratulations Roy! Clark Winters, '37, paid us a short visit at the house with GranclC Y Thatcher Park. Ken Koegler showed up with his his lovely wife and daughter. He is in contact with Dick dental! camera and recorded the event for posterity. InciPricte :~:~n's collection of pictures in our den is the chapter's Butler, Dick Bromley, and George Mcinerney, all of Freeport, N. Y. This group hopes to instigate a fund drive for the chapter A JOy. in the near future. (By the way, does anyone know the whereh near t ••!Utsch's ca a.stropbe occurred when Brother George "Wheels" abouts of Colin Baxter?) Clt-fighter a~tiquated Chevy sedao blew up. "Wheels," an Freshman Stolz and Martin are playing with the W&L lllaster f Pilot. in the Fourteenth Air Force, proved himself JV's this season, and Hollis and O'Connell are members of 0 lhe car the situation, however, and no lives were lost. With the Ring Tum Phi journalism staff. Dean Stewart is holding needed e out. of operation, some Brothers are getting much down lead saxophone position with the VMI Commanders, Our h xerc1se as they trudge up the hill to school each day. and we have active participants in the intramural tennis, lhe ope ~use sports mentor, Walt Leon, is anxiously awaiting football, and volley ball tournaments. he clai~mg of the interfraternity handball matches because PmL O'CoNNELL, historian Football s he has a real champ in Gene Hutchinson. The lllore th seaso~ hasn't been going so well for us and Leon is llob ~n anxious to get going in some other sport. claiming Yons, our warden, returned to school this Fall after Epsilon Davidson ~he sum lllore than his share of honors on the golf links during Epsilon chapter closed one of its most successful rush seais best ~er. At last reports though, George Schaad was doing o replace Lyons as house champ. sons by formally pledging eighteen men. Our new pledges ROBERT C. KELLY, historian include: Cecil Brandon, Winston-Salem, N. C.; Murphy Cron-







land, L inco lnton, N. C.; Bill Cassels a nd J ohn Coble, Columbia, S. C.; Bill Cleveland, Asheville, N. C.; J im Fisher and Ca rl H erm an, Ka nnapo lis, N. C .; Blaine K elley, Reginald Gowan, a nd Bo b Sims, Charlotte, N. C.; Jim M urray, Lexington, Va.; H a rry Powe and Juney Red fea rn , Cheraw, S. C.; Buddy R awson, R ome, Ga.; AI Hurt, Roanoke, Va.; Gene Tay lor, R oberso nville, N. C.; . J ohn T olbe rt, Lenoir, N. C.; a nd Sa m T homas, R ock Hill, S. C. Th e a utumn socia l seaso n opened a t D avidson with a bang up H omeco ming Oct. 31-Nov. 1st. The big formal was held at the Armory in Cha rlotte on the 31st , followed by th e Davidson-V. M. I. foo tball game on Saturday. Th at eve ning E psil on held its alum ni banquet for t he new pledges, alumni , an d brother3 with th eir dates. Another dance at th e Armory followed t he banquet. Epsilon plans to have its autumn fo rmal Novembe r 15th at th e Cha rl otte H otel in Charlo tte. It is planned that our pledges will " entertain" us after the banquet with a breakfast. T he first editi on of th e E psilonian will be out before Christ mas, so if yo ur name isn't on our fil e, be sure t o drop us a ca rd. Due to overcrowded conditions in our house and t he new co llege ruling which fo rces all freshmen to eat in th e co llege d ining ha ll, Epsilon has established a " big bro ther" system with pledges in order to maintain closer relationship between the two groups. H owever, we hope things will be ironed out by the first of the yea r and that our boa rding house can be expanded. Our intramural football team is beginning to round into shape under the expert guidance and tutelage of "Coach" Bill Campbell. Both broth ers and pledges are out for starting positions. Th e schedule opened with a win over the S. A. E .'s on October 1st. ALLEN W. MEAD, historian



When the schoo l year opened, we settled do wn in our new home with intenti ons of making this yea r one t o be remembered by both our actives and our alumni. Our remodeled chapter room with its new additions has beco me an asset a: has th e first postwar issue of Mu M uses, our chapte r publicatfon. )'he fraternities at Duke a re prohi bited fr om having ca rd rooms, but we a re purchasing pieces to move in to it when we ca n have one. Broth er Charles M a rtin was down this way when we had our first meeting with prospects fro m the University of North Ca rolin a. Some progress was made in building up their in terest in us a nd our interest in them. On th e evening of Octo ber 15, Pi Ka pps fr om Mu chapter met with more prospec ts on the U. N. C. ca mpus and a meeting was held with th e Pi Ka pps now on th e U. N. C. campu s. Answers were given to their questions a nd finally a Pi Kappa Phi Club was agreed upon . Three Pi Kapps and several suppo rters will determin e first choices for membership. L ater on, probably in D ecember , we hope Kappa chapter w ill be reinstated at Carolina . Th ere is a working nucleus on the campus whi ch we are suppo rting, so in due tim e we feel that Pi Kapps will resum e th eir sta nd on the " hill." Th e varsity football season opened with Duke edging out N. C. Sta te, 7 to 0 ; an open house was held foll owing th e !(arne fo r our dates and visitors. The next week, Duke beat T enn essee by a score of 19 to 7. Th en a big crowd totaling twenty Pi K apps and almost as many dates crowded into Baltimore t o see Navy and Duke battle to a 14- 14 ti e. We a re continuing with our policy of holding open houses before and after every home ga me. Of co urse the best one should be during homecoming on November 8. Charlie Earley is in charge of th e decorati ons. Ma rvin Humphri es, our social chairm an this semester, led off hi s social calendar with an excellent cabin party held out a t Bailey's. Brother Archie (Epsilon ), of th e Spani sh depa rt ment here, was one of our chaperones. Other eve nts scheduled for the semester a re a candl elight ball, a dinner, another cabin pa rty, open houses, and a so rority-fra terni ty exchange. The broth ers were present in force a t the B.O.S.-Sandals (honoraries) semi - form al dance. We nndisputedly had th e larl(est ci rcle du ring intermissio n a nd a ttracted ma ny ou tsid-


Ta officf tning loria: Th ll't ost 1'hin1 tnost fried the d or ch our 1



tnaxe Was


. : L. to R. front: Ben Massey, treos ~~ Mu Chapter Off1cers Everett Cobb, archon, William Whalen, secretary. Rear, L. to t Tom Driver, chaplain, Hu Burnett, historian, and Lawson Crow warden. ers our way by th e lou d singing and laughter. Fra terni ty circle; during intermi ssion is standard practice here. ·~ Mu Muses, menti oned above, appeared in September ll'~i six printed pages. Its edi to r has received many favora !11 co mments. Th ere a re extra copies for th ose requesting th~ 11 By a vote of the chapter, the pa per will appea r every ot 0• month during th e school year instead of every month as an, nounced. Th e unconquera ble evil of "mail returns" '\ 1 evid ent , a nd it wilt not remain so unless all the aluJil promp tly notify us when a change of address occurs. ,, 0 Th e chapter formally pledged Bill Massey, Ca rl Jones, a~ 1 Bill H elms this semester. Our rush peri od doesn't come abOr until next semester, but the Interfraternity Council is aulh~01 izing two open houses later this semester . . . to be used " gettin g acquainted." a' We were happy to hear tha t the Alpha Chi chapter "'1; installed a t the University of Mia mi , Miami, Florida. We at ~h• welcome them into ou r broth erh ood and wish them all progress possible. , 11 Mu now has 3 7 acti ve members, 13 pledges, and ma1;, graduate students on hand. Among those who returned 00 school this semester were Keith Edward s, J ack M cConnell, JJ 11 . R alph, Ronnie Kaga rise, George Viehmeyer , B. B. Blackm 0 Pa ul Fekas, and J ack Binga man. btl Among th e whee ls on ca mpus this year, we find th at Brot ~ E d Gatling is president of the Y. M. C. A., T ed Villanueva ol senior intra mural manage r, Bill Wh alen is vi ce-preside~t ol th e Hoof 'n Horn show group , Welsford Bishopri c is ass1stn~ business ma nager of th e Archive, litera ry magazine, 1~o Dri ver is vice-president of the Duke Players, and N orm Nc d is a lead trumpeter with the Duke Ambassadors dance banol Our football team had t wo ga mes called off b eca ~ se 01 rain , but they are popping with plays under the directJ0 11 D on Wallis. M ore about them next time. 11 Th ere we re so me pin -ups during the summer month s; th ;. 1 we re: D on Wallis to J an J ansen, Alpha D elta Pi , M obile, 1• bama; Grier Hudso n to Caroly n Wells (Agnes Scott ), SP~Jii an burg, S. C.; Stan Sager to Willie Fa rley, Phi Mu , Da?"1 3r Virginia; Norm Nelso n t o Marian Yoder (Nurses TraimnS pd Good Sama ritan H ospital), West Palm Beach, Florida ; fnf• Allan Broo ks to No ra Cleave r, Merion , Pennsylvania. So . serenades have been l(iven fo r J an J ansen and Willie Fa r~~· Word came through th at Bill Vall otton is teaching at f 1 0 ory Unive rsity; Art Leonard it a ttendinl( th e school of d1 eign service a t George town ; a nd Pepe " Siest a Keed" Tolete' is now in the engineering school at th e Uni versity of cua mala. bal: We've crossed our fin gers on th e Duke-M ary land foot game this weekend , but we're certain of a good time · · 1·i'• Billy Butterfield is playing for th e Interfraternity cout1' Fall dances. ·nl H u B URNETT, hist ofl


We' re illust ProbE I<app Ta1 Pract; ty br over or ro All unde1 fo r a every Pledg.


fo r 1 days· loa chapt O]d ~ card


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Ac distri\ Jack

lllain Frida, (A ipli elude Other better chaptt ~eas 0 ~

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IVas a ter to June.

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North Carolina State


orJ~:u ~tarted its fall term under the guidance of the followin g rning rS ..Fred Kendall, archon i. Bill Wallac~, tre~surer; Der:ntorian. rmth, secretary; Lem Cannon, chaplam; Bill Blow, ht sThe' ~nd Harold Jordan, warden. rnost p! Kapps at State have just gone through one of the Thi enJoyable rush periods in the history of the Chapter. rnos~gs ~~ere started off with a bang on October 1st with a fried d~hghtful buffet supper at the chapter house. Gobs of the /h~cke.n was the main bill of fare. We shou ld like to claim of ch~s~nctJon of being the first chapter to raise its own brood our kns. A col!ple of the brother~ raised . nineteen fryers in of ac yard th1s summer, and thts in sptte of the protests 1 rnax:~rne~ous nei~hbors and Pi Kapps . Rush week was eli Was fi1 Wtth !1 wemer roast and dance at the house. The hou se We're le~ Wllh ~he !argest crowd we've. had since we moved. We'r stJlJ .speakmg m terms of supe rlatives when we say that illus~. rusht~g the largest and finest group in Tau's long and Prob r~~us htstory. The seven pledges left from last spring will I<ap; Y he supplemented with several fine prospective Pi T s after the bids are received in the Dean's office. Prac~~ fhapter is suffering from growing pains after bein~; ty b tea ly dormant during the war years. We now have thirove/~~hers and pledges on the rolls, with prospects of rolling or r e forty mark. We have high hopes of adding a couple AJ~orns to the chapter house in the near future. unde of us are busy working out for the football squad for ~~ the direction of "Ace" McCullough, Tau's candidate cvera -car:npus honors. The team is practically three-deep at Pledy POsttJon and has some outstanding pro peds in the new wge class. for ~expect t? have a buffet supper and dance for the alumni days. Omec.omtng. Invitations wilJ go out in the next few too ~~t If anything should delay your invitation, don't feel chapt: ~-we're still expecting you. In order to bring our Old r flies up to date, we would like to have all of Tau's card me!Jlbers' present add resses. How about dropping us a With alJ the pertinent information? BILL Br.ow, historian



ter 11'~' , at ~IU , aU th'

DISTRICT IV College of Charleston


Alpha With th ch ~pter, a.rt.e r a J on~ and happy vacation, reconvened sixte e ftrst offlcJa! meetmg on September 29th, boasting irnrn:~. members over last year's ten. The task of rushing was light tat.e ly tackled by making tentative plans for a moonO crutse and a beach party. Jackr Enewly e lected officers were installed September 29t~: Airna ahs.terb:r, archon; James S. Howell, treasurer; Em tie ison r, tstonan; Bert Wurthmann, chaplain; Harry Robto hawarden and B. P. Jones, pledge master. We are positive A d~e ~ good ~eason under their able leadership .. districtstnct meetmg called on September 27th by Jtm Wilson, Jack E archon , was attended by Edward AUston, Alan Horres, tnain ~sterby, James S. Howe!!, and Hubert Peale. The Frida Potnt of discussion was the district conclave to be held (1\Jpr{' and Saturday, November 14-15, at Columbia, S. C. c!ucte a C~apter's contribution to the entertainment wi11 inOther a S~tt on the proper rushing of a prospective neophyte.) bette Pomts. covered were the organization of bigger and chap[ a lumm chapters and the formation of more auxili ary ~easo ~r · Also helpful suggestions were made concernin g rush W • the alumni, and government of the chapters. Wur~h are happy to have with us this year Brother Bert mann, who is returning for post-graduate work. EMILE ATll.fAR, historian

Presbyterian Iva~~ t~ld our smoker ter to lune.


Thursday evening, October 9t h, and it success. We hope to get 20 new pledges this semcsnng our chapter up to normal after losing 15 last





Our chapter hopes to win the cup for intramural spo rts this year and it lo oks as if ou r teams are good enough to do il. Sam Fitz has been elected sports manager. We are making plans to send our representative to Columbia for the District IV Conclave. Pictures have been submitted to elect our sponsor at our next meeting. Our new chapter adviser, Hugh Eichelberger, has plans to really put our chapter on top this year. BILL MUNDEN, historian


Delta Chapter

At the time of this letter we are in the midst of rush week . Thus far we have had an afternoon smoker and movie party and a mountain party. Both were immensely successful. Co ming up is a tea dance spo nsored by the a lumni with an Orchestra and a steak stag supper. We are rushing approx imately thirty boys, and as yet have not decided how many or which ones are to be taken into our fold . However we are expecting an excellent crop of new pledges. Delta still has no meeting place of her own nor a fraternity house, but we arc meeting once a week in the banquet room of one of the 1_1icest local restaurants. .This bas been highly su~~essf ul. and g.tves us a chance to sha~e m some real fraternity spmt whtle eatmg. At the last occas1on about thirty of our a lumni met with us. Delta is more th an delighted with its new District Archon Jim Wilson. Although Jim was only recently appointed h~ has a lready bee n down to Greenvil!e and was present for' one of. our. we~k ly .meetings. ~ll th~. boys were deeply impressed wtth h1s smcenty, fratermty spmt, and wi11ingness to be of aid to us. He talked to the entire chapter, then met with the officers afterwards and gave us some beneficial advice. Delta is a.lso lu cky to hav~ such a .capable and cooperative chapte r advtsor. Brother Wtlbur Whtte attends our meetings rcgu!arly and a lways stands ready to help us in any way pOSSible. As soon as the activity of rush week has subsid ed nine of our pledges are to be initiated as brothers. This wili give us a total of 30 brothers in an. We started a building fund last yea r and it is sti ll increasin" teadily. We lay aside one do11ar per man per month and ar~ hoping to turn this fund over to the alumni chapter soon for their supervision and management. Last week 25 of Delta's members and dates were guests of Sigma chapter at a party fonowing the South Carolin aFurman game in Columbia. We had a terri fi c time and certainly enjoyed the opportunity of getting together with our brothers from Carolina. Sigma now has some Delta transfers and .vice versa, so it was also a time of reunion. We are a n lookmg forward to the state conclave, November 14-15 also sponsored by Sigma. ' Trave11ing co unse11or, Charles Martin, on one of his recent tours, visi.ted Delta. The .brot~ ers an.d pledges were very impressed wtth the tact and smcenty whtch he displayed in workil_lg with the group and in making numerous valuable suggestiOnS. Delta stands ready to welcome him as often as he can come. EXUM HINNANT, historian

Wofford College


Brothers Warren Koon and Duran Johnson , transfer students from Presbyterian Co11ege, were welcomed into our midst at our first chapter meeting. At th e close of last year, we had a house party at Myrtle Beach. About twenty members and their dates attended and everyone had a wonderful time. Plans are now being made for rush wek. Arrangements have been made with a sorority at Limestone College, Gaffney, S. C. to come over and help with the entertainment for one of our parties. We are to go to Limestone to help them during their rush week after Christmas. A chicken supper has also been planned. A captai n for the intramural footba11 team wilJ be named at the next meeting. We arc looking forward to a winning team. JA CK BURNETT, historian



South Carolina

Sigma began the fall semester under the very able leadership of Archon Henry Randolph. Other officers for this term are: Gettis Wood, treasurer; Joe Ruthven, secretary; Tommy Fuller, chaplain; William Boho, warden; and Hubert Carmichael, historian. We are glad to welcome Pi Kapp transfers Sam McKittrick and Reese Daniel from Delta, Howard Pettit from Zeta, and C. V. Winter from Alpha. These transfers boost our active roll to 38, and with 21 pledges, we are looking forward to one of Sigma's most successful years. Some of our brothers arc doing pretty well on the campus, too. Joe Ruthven is president of the Euphraclian Literary Society, Cyrus Sheely, president of Clariosophic Literary Society, Lou Gantt, president the German Ciub, John Bunch, president Interfraternity Council and treasurer of the Cotillion Club; Burt Orr, vice-president Block "C" Club ; Gettis Wood, business manager of campus radio station WUSC, and Richter Moore, vice-president of WUSC. Under the guidance of John Bunch, chairman, Sigma is now feverishly working on preparations for the District Four Conclave which will be held in Columbia November 14-15. Nationa l Chancellor Theron A. Houser, and Executive Secretary, "Bernie" Jones will attend and the undergraduate chapters of Alpha, Beta, Delta, Zeta, and Sigma. We are a lso looking forward to a large representation from the alumni of our district. The Conclave will feature business meetings on the 14th and 15th, climaxed by a formal banquet and dance in the Hotel Columbia ball room the evening of the 15th. Other entertainment will include an informal party Friday evening, the 14th; a tea for the ladies, and a fashion show to be held while the brothers are in business sessions. During the dance there will be a beauty contest in which each chapter will have one sponsor. From the five chapter sponsors, the National Officers, acting as judges, will select the Sweetheart of Pi Kappa Phi for District Four. District Four has not held a conclave since before the war and Sigma, as host, is striving diligently to make this an exceptionally successful affair. HUGH CARMICHAEL, historian

DISTRICT V Emory University


Georgia Tech

After a long period of inconvenience Iota has finally obtained a house. The great event was achieved the third week in Sep· tember. Although we are not occupying the entire house our· selves, (another fraternity has taken over the upstairs apa rt· ment) it will nevertheless go a long way toward helping Io~a regain its position of leadership on the campus. We will agai:~ be ab le to offer the added brotherhood afforded by a "frat house. At present the house is in need of a great deal of renovating to make it livable and we are doing everything possible to remedy this situation. We've repainted four rooms completely, and sanded the floors in two others. The brothers have cooperated in grand style, such as washing and painting wood· work and, in this way, their many hidden talents have been bro ught to the surface. As soon as we've completed the "di:tY work" the fraternity wives are going to add their femirnne touch to the planning and selection of the interior furnishinssi If any of our brother Pi Kapps are in the neighborhood ? Atlanta, please don't fail to drop in and enjoy the fellowshiP of your brothers at Iota. Our house is located on the corng of Hemphill Ave. and Ponce de Leon Pl. N. W., just one blo ' from the school administration building. This appears to be our most successful rush season since pre-war days. Rush month, inaugurated at the beginning of the fall quarter, ended October 18. We started off with a Bingo party at Mac Kaiser's "cabin in the pasture." As luWck would have it, the grand prize was won by a rushee. e entertained the following week end with a dance. With the entertainment in the most able hands of Mrs. Bill Boyd, no one could help but have a good time. We closed the season with a combination scavanger hunt-weiner roast. Bill Boyd and Walter Crawford have been elected to rep· resent Iota on the Interfraternity Council. They are two verY fine boys and will reflect credit upon Iota. . RoY B . BREWER, histonall


Eta's new officers for this semester are: Robert Noland, archon; James Pence, treasurer; David Ellsworth, secretary; Jack Turner, historian; James Vickery, chaplain; and Paul Pettigrew, warden. Half of the brothers and pledges took summer vacations, but the majority are back at school "raring" to go. The more eager brothers who attended classes this summer concentrated on showering the alu;nni with pamphlets and letters concerning Eta's drive for funds to build a house on Fraternity Row. The expense was more than we had expected so parties had to be curtailed to allow ample funds for the undertaking. Personal visits were limited but plans have been made to canvass Eta's alumni in Atlanta immediately. During one of our week-end bull sessions, one brother suggested this: "If all Pi Kapps, grad and undergrad, were to send one dollar each to houseless chapters, these chapters would abound in opulence. Trust funds untouchable by the active chapters should be set up to receive moneys. Eta has such a trust fund with the school treasurer as trustee. Money contributed is made payable to Emory University for Pi Kappa Phi. Emory is a church school and money co ntributed to Eta comes off one's income tax." This scheme deserves a try. We are proud to announce the pledging of nine Southern Gentlemen after a rather protracted rush period of three weeks. They are: Jennings Douglas, Waycross, Ga.; J ames Phillips, Social Circle, Ga.; Seale Hipp, LaGrange, Ga.; George Bradley, Rockmart, Ga.; Wilson Harry, Griffin, Ga.; Wayne Roberson, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; Ted Giles, Newman, Ga.; Roy Smith, Gadsden, Ala.; and James Major, Anderson, S. C. This brings the chapter to a total of 17 actives an~ 11 pledges. 22

The lamp has been dusted and the brethren are beginning to "bone" again for higher grades. Eta fell to fourth place in scholastic rating among all fraternities at Emory - after having achieved the highest position for two consecutive quarters. We were, however, well above the all-fraternity av· erage and the all-men's average. JACK P . TuRNER, flistoria1l

University of Georgia


After a month's vacation from school, Lambda started off the Fall quarter with a bang. We launched a series of func· tions und er a closed rush week. Our efforts were reward~d by the addition of Ed Bruce of Brunswick; Sunny Cofer!~ of Savan nap; Lamar Miley of Hahira; and Max Miller, 0 Cornelia to our pledge list. .. Jack Avriett has been appoi nted our athletic director. li1' main job .right now is to get our football team in shape. our team looks good, and with our star half-back, Jackie Pounds, we should win the I. F. C. football cup. Charlie Martin visited us for a couple of days. Thanks to him for his many good suggestions. . Our social calendar for this fall includes the Homecorn 1.n~ festivities, with a football game, a round of dances w1t music by Elliot Lawrence, and Intermission at the house; thd selection of the Rose of Pi Kappa Phi, a possum bunt, an numerous house dances. Branson James is in charge of the decorations. The following members, recently graduated, Bill Mill~{' Mark de Ia Rue, and Fred Millikan are missed at Lamb a very much. . Our improvements to the house and grounds includes pa!nJ· ing, new curtains, and planting grass. Thanks to Mrs. }III ~ Hutcherson, wife of "Hutch" Hutcherson for making the ne~ curtains. Lambda chapter is looking forward to a big Fall quarter· We hope many of the alumni and brothers of other chapters will drop in to see us. BILL PRYOR,



nninS place after ;utiVC y av· ~ oriall

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Chi's m b and lllan ern er~ came back to Stetson with much enthusiasm Officers ( new Ideas for a big year. At the first meeting the Kurtz h or the fall term were elected. Our archon, Howard of ou; r:~ been a~tive in the chapter for some time and is one as our 1 st Promment members. We are proud to have him ?Utstand~~der. Red Martin our newly elected treasurer, is the IS represe g accountant on campus. The brains of our group historian ?t~d by George Akin, secretary; John Maynard, our a cleaner~ JUst glad to ~e part of us. We couldn:t have chosen Carlin. Ouut and m~re hkea~le fellow for chaplam than Candy Warden r group 1s kept m hand by tactful Erl Cochrin, satisfy ~ Who never causes any hard feelings and seems to W veryone. · e are · · Inside and glvmg our house a going over. It is being painted a.Iso hun out, we have been sanding the floors and we have ling Undg new curtains. Many other improvements are getOur ro~{\yay. The house now has a new light. Pledges. SIS made up of 46 active members and 15 promising Places and everal old brothers have returned from various those ret ;ve are all very glad to see them again . Among al\d Tag ~mng are Benny Smith, Will Koons, Bob Dinwiddie Us, a tran rayson. We arc also glad to have Bob Cocks with Cand er .from Davidson. ~can a~e arh~, Benny Smith, Nick Triantafeller and Tommy hey repr making quite a name for themselves in football. With o:~nt the ~est defensive m~n on the Stetson team . aged to h Y four P1 Kapps on campus this summer we manof Work ~v~ two fine open house parties. It took a great dea I We are ul eve~one thought it was worth it. can't sec a I lo.okmg forward to and expecting a big year and anythmg but success ahead for Chi! J ORN RAYNARD, historian


Florida li

Alpha Epsilon

tth the o . ~d back . Pemng of a new semester Alpha Epsi lon has set~~d~ed 46 mto the good o!d groov~. During rush week we n·llliarn w~~n, all good PI Kapps m the making. They arc: e ltten, Ft p~ , John Tucker, Allen Walker, Jim Pace, Bert llutchi~ IDee, FI~. i Stanley Radford, Wessley Tillis, Dew;arn Ieend s! on Dtxon, Robert Sawyer, James Atkins, Wil13nct Richa rick, Robert Parks, Charles Cox, Noodle Lewis, Use~ Overt~d Sahlie, Jacksonville, Fla.; Harry Sharples and lltne, FJa ~· St. Petersburg, Fla.; Robert Moore, St. Augb~rry Iloict' James Saunders, Clifford Wells, Dave Roberts, 0 1 nkens fr • and Jean Sheppard, Cora l Gables, Fla.; Arnold 1 Cerry Gerhm Yankeetown; Julius Conde from Miami Beach; Gamp, Pautrt! Blountstown, Fla., Duncan Johnson, Robert Viarden, Fla .c 1 r~we1J, Pensacola, Fla., Harold Johnson, Winter Ia s, and Fr~' kVJctor Canselmo, Philadelphia, Pa.; Arthur DaEnd, Fla. / Wood, Lakeland, Fla., John Richardson, DeJ lllerson · 11m Jones, Dunellon; Allen Swaidmark and Larry 11ackson~ille r a~do i Geor~e Shields, Miami; Morris Cummings, a~rnandina. each; B1lly Rutledge and George Pink, ~ Jack James Lane, Tampa; Lloyd Cook, Lakeworth ; 1\I tiday evra'fes and Eugene Rice, Vero Beach. 1\1 Pha EpsiJ~IlJng, .October Jrd, saw the opening kickoff of the G~k end n soc1al season. The annual pledge banquet and cf 1 11e~vi iie was. held at Club Four Hundred, just outside of or audc M:~ !~ntertain~ent for the evening was furnished by 1\1 tntlsic ar~n.:e, Umversity organist and assistant professor etere IVa;rnl n G~y Hamilton, eminent baritone. Both artists tiern.oss, rece1yed by the 130 guests present. Miss Margarlas a, acted nandma, Fla., escorted by Archon Robert Ferclat Year's as sponsor. The silver scholastic cup, awarded to al] Ss, Went f 1 ed~e whose scholastic average was highest in his ltlo:hhe Pledgo Btlly Veal of Jacksonville. Bob Ferriera welcomed th er, the es, members and their dates. Mrs. Rood, our house as5elllbl n gave an especially warm welcome to the rest of a aturd age. t~icllic. a~i t~~·1 entire group adjourned to Lake Wauberg for Cen the g , ght of. the afternoon was a football game beactiVes and pledges. After a close, hard fought pI

[i!Jcr, mbda ,aint· Hild~






Miami U

I< A P P A


Alpha Chi

On Saturday night, October 11, 1947, with a hurricane raging outside, Alpha Chi was born at the Roney Plaza Hotel Miami Beach, Fla. Completely undaunted by the weather th~ installation went off on schedule and was a complete su~cess . A dance was held after the banquet and we were entertained with songs by the Chi Chapter of Stetson. Present at the banquet were brothers Theron A. Houser, National Chancellor Bernie Jones, Executive Secretary, brothers from the alumni chapter of Miami, Alpha Epsilon of Florida and Chi of Stetson. Officers elected to the Alpha Chi, the third undergraduate chapter of Florida, include Bill Thompson, archon; Howard McBride, treasurer; Bill McWhorter, secretary; Dick O'Mara, historian; Dick Dougherty, chaplain; Roy Williams, warden; and Bill Adams, pledge master. The remainder of the charter members include Charlie Clarke, Bill Jaeger, Richard Jennings, Cecil Joiner, Dean Losey, Bob Parent, Jack Tuckfield, Joe Yates, and Frank Holly, Jr. On Saturday night, October 18, 1947, a rush party wa s held at brother Holly's home and prospective pledges were entertained. The chapter is looking forward to an eventful year with dances, intramural games, coke parties and song fests. Alpha Chi would like to thank all undergraduate chapters and alumni associations for their welcome telegrams during our installation. R. J. O'MARA, historian



ks to

game the members won, 14-13. 'Twas a weary bunch that made their way to the buffet supper served later. An informal dance was held after the Florida-North Texas State football game that evening, with open house, as usual, and students from all over the campus came to join in the fun. Thanks to summer Archon W. D. Flowers and Jack Condon for the fine job of the newly decorated chapter room. And at long last the new roof is finished - now we can watch it rain without misgivings. Our next large function will be Homecoming, October 25 . Plans are in the making for a big week end and we hope to see all of our alumni present. GEORGE D. JoHNSON, historian



Members of Omicron chapter have returned to a completely redecorated house. An expert interior decorator was calJed in to do the job and each brother and pledge is justly proud of the results. Several visitors from other houses on the campus have also complimented us on our achievement. Our new pledge class is the finest one in many years. Only top rate men were offered bids and the entire campus is envious. They are: Fred Harris, Ervin Pinckard, Jim Jackson, Carrol Norri,s, Ed Davis, Charles Porter, Hap Harrison, Holly Holliman, Ed White, and Eugene Cartledge. Jim Jackson became president of this group. Under the direction of Dwight Mclnish and Emmett Dendy, pledge masters, much progress is being attained socially, politically, and athletically. James "Smoky" Dobbs was initiated into Kappa Delta Pi, a national honorary educational fraternity. "Tiger" Brown and Frank Hawthorne were initiated to the same legal fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta. Joe Starnes, Jr. is now a member of Phi Delta Phi, another legal frat. Everett Daily is doing a splendid job with the YMCA on the campus. Jim McGowan is supervising our footbalJ team and it is getting off to a good start. We opened up with the DKE's, taking the game without too much opposition; however, rough days are still ahead of us. The Thirtieth Anniversary Formal Dance of this chapter was held in Birmingham, October eighteenth. Many distinguj!i_hed alumni assembled in the Tutwiler hotel for a reception, dance, and breakfast, which climaxed the festivities. Miss Martha Waller, fraternity sponsor, greeted guests and award ed the numerous dates in the leadout with miniature loving cups which bore engraved symbols of Pi Kappa Phi. Miss Dot


Colquitt, Bessemer, Ala., and our Honorable Archon, Norman Knight Brown, led the dance. Dates entered th e ballroom through a cathedral archway, banked on both sides with all white winter scenes. The orchestra played "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" for all dates except the leading lady and our archon . For these two, the selection was the familiar old wedding march. (The significance of this, is that our top man wi ll be married within a few days.) L. D . Jinright is now one of 'Barna's cheerleaders. Nig Clements is head drltm major of the Alabama "Million Dollar Band." Ben Davis, Tom Gilbert, Bob Bowers and Eugene Ca rtledge are members of this great band, which is so proudly hailed a ll over Dixie. L. D. JINRIGHT, historian


Alpha Eta

At our recen~ election th e following men were chosen to serve for the coming year: Ed Speer, archon; James Marsh, treasurer ; James Millican, secretary; Curtis Croft, historian; Felton Bodine, chaplain; Arthur Wade, warden; and Theo Bassey, pledge master. The coming year promises to be a good one for Alpha Eta. We are all in goo d spirits and are working hard for the enlargement of the chapter. On October 2, we had our first social, a spaghetti supper followed by a dance which was very successful. Thus far we have eight pledges: Burton Gray, Gadsden , Ala., Newman Ledbetter, Grant, Ala., Bob Coley, Mobile, Ala., Jack Darwin, Sprlng City, Tenn ., Bob Evans, Mobile, Ala., Henderso n Johnso n, Ozark, Ala ., Bill Kellett, Jacksonville, Ala., Austin Groves, Bluntsville, Ala. At our next meeting we are going to make plans for the election of our new dream girl! CuRTIS CROFT, historian

Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Alpha Iota

Officers elected for the fall quarter are : William Smyly, archon ; Calvin Adamson, treasurer; John Hawthorne, secretary; Tom Morgan, historian; Luther Weaver, chaplain; Frank Robinson, warden; Wallace Smith, steward and Charles Beaird, hou se-manager. We started our fall rush season with several social events. During the first week, we entertained over 75 rushees. Of these we chose 25 excellent men : Carl Ham, Andalusia; Kenneth Ingram and Howard White, Ashland; Jimmy Floyd, Auburn; Robert Brown and William Feister, Birmingham; Van Comfort, Evergreen; Robert Thrash, Greensboro; John Keith, Huntsville; Stuart Fulmer, Luverne ; Wesley Meeks, Manchester; Ray Hester, Marvin Killingsworth, and John Roberts, Montgomery; Loyd Copeland, Selma; William Bains, Pell City, Henry Moore, Clearwater, Fla.; Robert Dallis, Atlanta, Ga.; Douglas Nieman, Waterloo, Iowa; Ray Pelfry, Portsmouth, Ohio ; and David West. The fine effort put out by Frank Robinson in rushing was highly praised by all brothers. We welcomed four new members into the lod ge on August 10 : J ack Person, Stanley Whorton, Jack Brown, and Paul Allen . We also lost five brothers to the ranks of th e alumni We shall miss Glenn Crim, Ralph Carroll, Edward Henderso: :, D. K. Clanton, and Charles Hall and wish them the best of luck. J ohn Hawthorne edited another issue of the ALOT .-\ last quarter. It was sent to the alumni, parents of members, and other chapters throughout the country. This was the third edition published since we reactivated. Thanks to all who answered our requests for alumni news and rerc ::1mendations. It was th ese recommendations that made our rt b h season such a success. Brothers Richmond Smith and Charles Beaird are organizing a new and better football squad this quarter . Members and pledges are going all out to bring the troph y home. We are proud to claim Ray Pelfry, varsity football star back as one of our new pledges. We celebrated Homecoming the week end of October 4-5. Many of our alumni returned to visit us. Decorations for 24

th e house were carried out by Brother Jim Huey who did swell job. We would like to again extend a welcome to any and ,· Pi Kapps pass'ng through Auburn. The doors of this [rater! ity hou se are always open to yo u. 11 THOl'I'LAS N. MoRGAN, Jtisltl



With well over 100 actives and pledges, Alpha Sigma .t' umphantly emerges from the most competitive rush weekd · many a yea r. A most outstanding job of rushing was played by Brother Odus Johnson, a human dynamo wl~e'\" comes to making the star of Pi Kappa Phi shine more bngh 1 over the Tennessee campus. Others who contributed ab;, and beyond the call of duty were archon Bob Deal, 11 Payne, Sam Browder, Tom Vaughan, Howard Baker, J. Taylor, David Parr, and Jack Waldrop. Mrs. W. B. Neal,~ hou semother, and Mrs. Glenn Tidwell will long be remembC in our hearts for their untiring devotion . Rush week ~ c!imaxed with a jovial banquet at Hi!!;hland's. Dist rict AfC~n' Clark McMahan, welcomed the newly pledged freshmen · Pi Kappa Phi. I.hrough a unified campaign led by Brother Odus Joh~·tl' our home was beautifully redecorated . The popular 11 Room was transformed into a much more attractive ret as a result of the leadership of Brother Howard Baker. -~ Brother Glen Reeder, of McMinnville, fired the first '• of the quarter in the field of individual honors. He wasr · lected by the U. T. Intramural Department as managc'fo all intramural sports for the coming year. Brother . 1 Vaughan, vice president of the student body, still do'!' 10~ campus act ivity. Genial "Squire" Vaughan was at hiS b presiding over the hilarious Freshmen mixer. "Squire" vau~, wisely divides his time between the study of agriculture 11 freshmen girls. No one will dispute the radio commentor dt recently called Brother Vaughan the most popular stU in the university ! , • JO'' Seen around the house for homecoming were alumni ,, L . Van Hooser, Grant Roy, Sam Steele, Roger Johnson, S~~ Vavalides, Clark McMahan , Arnold Cobb, John Miller t~ Harold Brown. Alpha Sigma, proud of its past, is eagerly looking ~1 .0 future, seeking new worlds to conquer, laying the groun ~ for a chapter capable of offering every known advantag the Pi Kapp of tomorrow. Loms D. GARINGER, /listofl'

DISTRICT X Alpha ·fhet·

Michigan State

Officers elected for the fall term are Henry J. Ande~ archon; Robert A. Buys, treasurer; Robe~t Wilson, sccrc II' Char'es W. Hendryx, historian; Stephan Patoprsty, chaP and John Glasser as warden. ., 1·n' , Alpha Theta chapter has three pledges taking forma!d 0 tion on November 2. They are Dick Casavant, DaV1 13 don, and Gerald Shoemaker. We also have hopes of a pledge class this fall . uet Plans are now under way for the Founders Day BanQ ~ be held 'next December but details will be announced1 ·ill thru ALPHA THETA STATER. It is hoped that there ~0 as good a turn out for this one as the one last year. Jo Jll~ Lovett informs us that he joined the ranks of married me last June 29. Those leaving the undergraduate chapter this past C~ thru graduation were Milford Morse and Thomas Ba1rd, ter Simpson, James Stelzer. CHARLES W. HENDRYX, /listof'




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UPSILON CHAPTER to Right T0 thoploin · ' P row: Russell Burke, Fronk Collins, John Poppelrieter, Paul Phinney, Robert Kret, Pete Posguole, Richard Coleman, Jollies y' s~cond row: Dick Motz, Kreel Kossermon, James Murphy, Robert Kelley, Thomas Partington, James Kossermon, Earl Parge, I ertrn w·w secretor ) ' . ~ 1om Frey; third row: alumnus William J. Werstler, Professor William J. Putnam, Ronald Scheck, Walter Stiles 1choPter y ~•lham O'Donnel Iarchon), Jack Roeser Itreasurerl, George Shoemaker Ihistorian), Professor Lawrence J. Norton, 0 Ylser); bottom row: James Bayne, Ralph Matusiak, Mel Forrester, Louis Matusiak, Robert Kires, Harold Klotz, Paul Argyelan. (Missing from picture: Ross Volgelgesang, warden, and Robert Brandies.)



new home at 1002 S. · Lincoln, Urbana, Ill. pI





With most of the chapter gone for the summer, activities were held to a minimum. Picnics were the main get-togethers, intermingled with some softball and touchball. Since this semester has just started we have had no great time for activities - we've been kept busy with moving furniture and making our new house livable. But Upsilon lives again - and under the same roof! Yes, we have a house from which we can hang our replica badge. This has been accomplished through the untiring efforts of severa l a lums and undergraduates. The house was acquired on a rental basis and will house 25 men with facilities for eating. We were lucky enough to get most of our old furniture back. At present we are having co-operative breakfasts and eating our other meals out. However, plans are going a long smoothly and it shouldn't be too long before we are servi ng a ll meals. Now, we can put out t.he welcome mat and extend invitations to all our alums and brothers to drop in to see us. We are located at 1002 S. Lincoln in Urbana , Ill. Don't forget the address-we' ll be looking ·for you!


Brother Pi Kapps take notice! Upsilon is quite proud to report that we were able to better our scholastic record enough during the spring semester to top the other 53 fraternities on campus. Yes, first in scholarship I We soon shall have another trophy to proudly display on our mantle. Along with this award came individual honors to several of our brothers. Paul Phinney, John Roeser, Kreel Kasserman. George Shoemaker and pledge Lou Matusiak will be honored at the next Honors Day Convocation for their high scholastic averages. Bob Morris, who recently received his degree in mining engineering, brought more recognition to Pi Kappa Phi when he grad uated with high honors. At a recent meeting Ron Scheck was appointed pledge master; Dick Coleman, rushing chairman; Lou Matusiak, steward; Jim Kasserman, house manager and Jim Vertin, activities man ager . All of our activities have been stimulated by our acquisition of a house and rushing is no exception - we now have fifteen pledges. The more recent men to accept the pin are: Ralph Mat, Robert Kelley, James Murphy, Franklin Collins, Jam es Bayne, Robert Kret, Paul Argyelan, Peter DeCasquale, Robert Kieres, Russell Birk, and Thomas Partington . We hop e to initiate four of the older pledges in the near future . Plans are in the making for a conclave at Purdue, October 25, when Illinois plays Purdue. Many brothers from Alpha Phi expect to attend and we all hope to be able to contribute in making Omega's 25th anniversary (which will be celebrated then) a huge success. Upsilon also plans to send several brothers to Jndianapo 'i; to attend the installation ceremonies at Indiana U when Alpha Psi is made an active chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. We extend our heartiest greetings to our new chapter and every good wish for its success. We are all looking forward to our home footba ll week ends, especially November 1, Homecomin"g! A buffet lunch will be held before the game to give the alums a chance to see our hou se and get together with some of their brothers. Upsilon is once again active, in every sense of the word on the Illinois campus, and we shall strive to make Phi Kappa Phi the best fraternity on campus, if it isn't that already. GEORGE SrrOEMAKEn, hist01'ian



We have fifty-fo ur Pi Kapps living in the house this fall, and about ten of the married brothers are living in apartments. The whole chapter came back before registration to help get the house in shape for the fall term. The greatest improvements made were the re-decoration of the dining room and the building of a basketball goal in the back yard. This fall marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Omega chapter at Purdue. Plans have been made for anniversary celebrations at Homecoming and of Founders' Day. Since we expect more alumni to be at Purdue for the Homecoming, the main celebration of our silver anniversary will be held then. Eighteen Pi Kapps from Upsilon and six brothers of Alpha Phi will be at Purdue for the Homecoming game (Illinois vs. Purdue) and our anniversary festivities. Omega, with the help of "Bernie" Jones, organized the initiation of the Alpha Psi chapter at Indiana University. Ten students of the prospective Alpha Psi chapter were initiated as associate members of Omega on June 29. They are: Chester Clark of Plainfield, Indiana; Alva Elliott of Jasper, Indiana; John Fierst of Jasper, Indiana; Richard Floyd of Greenup, Illinois; Arthur Hay lord of Dover, Ohio; Robert Haller of Fort Wayne, Indiana; James Kelsey of Staten Island, New York; Herbert Pittman of Jasper, Indiana; Leo Reker of Jasper, Indiana; and Elbert Walker of Loogootee, Indiana. The rush program this semester was highly successful. The new pledges are: Charlie Moore of Indianapolis, Indiana; Dave Westfall of Olney, Illinois; Leonard Ficken of Cleveland Heights, Ohio ; Joe Huber of Warren, Indiana; Tom Hafner of Indianapolis, Indiana; and Bob Conn of Marion, Indiana. The annual pie eating contest between the local Pi Kappa Alpha chapter and Omega, will be held on Tuesday, October 17. Our pledges are in good shape, as they have been prac2.6

tic:ing regularly. The gaiety will be climaxed by a Pi Dan~ w1tb the Pi Beta Phi sorority and the Pi Kappa Alpha Ita ternity. The house softball team bas a record of four wins to . 1 ~ losses so far this semester. We stand a good chance of takln, the inter-fraternity championship. , We have men in key positions on the staffs of the sch~ yearbook, the Debris; the newspaper, the Exponent; and the Student Senate. Omega welcomes all alumni. Anyone having suggestions~ to prospective pledges and other matters, will please se them to us for the chapter's consideration. .1 ROBERT H. W AJ.XET,, ltistorW

Alpha phi

Illinois Tech

Alpha Phi's officers this semester are: Bob Applegate, arc~ on; Stewart Van Ness, treasurer; Ed Morse, secretary; Lat~ Simon, house manager; John Pottenger, steward; Ted ZaS 01n chapla~n; Frank Pospisil, historian; and Bob Prasse, war~01. . Havmg recuperated from the aches and pains incurred fll mg housecleanmg, all actives are looking forward to the Jo 1 list of so cia 1 functions and sports activities for this serneste The social functions started September 20, with open bo~; for rushees and a smoker for actives and rushees September 1 Plans are also being drawn up for our annual spook partY• ; be held October 31. George Halman and Chuck Woods we formally initiated the following Sunday. And we were plca-11' to welcome back actives, Dick Eberhart Warren Lenno~ 3 Ken Wilson. ' .1, Sports activities are also underway with inter-frater~r ·, football, golf and tennis on top of the list. Last year we. the football trophy in the final game to Alpha Sigma Phi 1 a score of 2-0. This year we plan to win that last garne. ~ ac.tives are now awaiting the coming pre-season football g~il~ With the pledges. It should prove to be quite a garne 1 youth and speed vs. all that is left of the actives. ir 11 The pledge class for this semester consists of Dick Bal~ ~1 Bob Kepen , Bob Boehning, George Wade, Leroy Washcnf eBi Bill Sinkola, Roger Doty, Bud Denbler, Marty Severson, Baumgartner, Lloyd Gagini, and Roger Marz. . FRANK POSPISJT,, JdstOfl'



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Vllb I fratern Acbiev that ol

DISTRICT XIV Iowa State College As predict~d in . the Au~ust

Alpha Omicro~ STA~ AND .LAJdP, ~~

issue .of chapter certamly d1d boost 1ts scholastic standmg sprmg q~a ~ The actives are now f ourtb place among the 27 fraternitres ~ campus; the pledges in second place did nicely, too. Alum ni, returning for homecoming October 25th, JI! 81tot assured of getting tickets for the game with Missour1 aP Wayne Moore, our district archon. Howie Roberts l• Robert Muhm are in charge of our house decorations homecoming. , . ~ Our chapter bouse has a new paint job and, of course, crt much better. The living-room furniture has been recor 1~ and repaired and we bought some new pieces. ManY 0 ~ upstairs study rooms have been painted and fixed up and10 house is in much better condition than it has been for a time. . r Last fall our football team finished in runner-up spot in 1 ~~ murals. T.his year, with many old st.andbys back and oli new matenal, we have hopes of boostmg ourselves one 11 up onto the top rung. ~~ We welcomed back this fall , the following members whwail· been in the service: Warren Wells, Bob Schultz, RaY ~· Gene Hawkins, and Charles Fritz. Brother Albertson 11il married this summer and is now back in school, Jiving ~~ his wife just a short distance from the house. Keith 5 d is back in college taking special work in economics, an acting as assistant intramurals manager of the house. riJ GEORGE R. DUBF-5, JtiJIO






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DISTRICT XIX Washington vi~1foha Delta emerged

Alpha Delta

after an inert summer with a new and movedu~ approach to campus and fraternity life. When we early . Into our new house at 4504 16th N. E., Seattle, Wash., or re~n Se~tember, we were confronted with a tremendous job Could ovatmg which had to be finished by September 24. Pledge we do it? Yes. With the help of every member and broorn Who was not working elsewhere, we all pitched in with and shs, ,ops, vacuum cleaners, floor sanders, paint brushes and ki~he s .. We soon changed the living room, dining room, With c en mto a veritable picture gallery of color. and fi the varnish hardly dry on the floors rush week began I:lick ~e ~.en were pledged. These novices include Glen Berry, OPen r ra .1sh,, Les Hogberg, Pat Nelson, and Ken Ryckman. Prospec~shmg !S continuing now at a favorable pace with daily meetin 5 gettmg the welcome mat. The pledge group held a dent ag don October 13 and elected Dick Bradish pledge presiOn t~ Glen Berry Sec-Treas. the ne· hbveek end of October 17, Alpha Delta will initiate m IViiJ b:~ orhood of fourteen men into Pi Kappa Phi. This buildin tng our total actives to twenty-two. Together we are Young g a closely knit group of aggressive and determined tlnivers~;n who will continue the Pi Kapp tradition at the Last w · . With ~ e Wtll modestly brag about our scholastic attainment. fraterni~ average of 2.4900, we stood sixth out of thirty-six Acbiev tes on the campus. The Office of Student Affairs that ot~nt ~ward was sent us for having an average above e all men's average. We are aiming higher this year. DAVE ALEXANDER,


on State


Alpha Zeta


fZeta has been patting itself on the back since the among ~ last spring term's grades - we are fourth highest auspiciouhe ~w~ntr-five fraternities on the campus. With that one or ths eg~nmng, we have plunged into what seems to be and siltt e bustest years of our existence. Twenty-five members and Alphen hold-over pledges returned to conduct Rush Week, mond. ~eta acquired nine new wearers of the white diaJarne; F tlham Ackerman, Gordon Butcher, Richard Diehl, tnan, F/us~, Robert Henry, Robert Nickelsen, Thomas Tholiead Nn~s Trusty, and Lance White. Alpha Zetan J. AI IVeJco~i atJonal Secretary, was guest speaker at the dinner l'o ng the new men · ret Alumni urn .to. the summer for a moment, the Portland ~~rty Wb~~oaatton and the actives collaborated on a rush t R.ap tc Was well-attended. Then the University of Oregon 5Uccessruflub and the Alpha Zetans got together for another on the C rush part~ held on alum Phil Brinkman's housebo.at lees for 0 Urnbta RIVer. Those heading some of the commtttnernbers ~~ event were pledge Tom Panage, athletics, and Some tck Luse, food, and Bob Thoman, rushing. ~he hoUSernore. work was done on redecorating and repairing loor stud durmg the summer. Tile was laid in all the second0lld-f100 ! rooms, and rubber matting was used in the secSecond / hall.s. Current plans include the painting of both anct dinind thtrd-floor study rooms and redecorating the living 'I' he f' ng rooms. lllen on tr t function for Fall term was the initiation of nine ~re Ear] Bctobcr 5. New members receiving congratulations )> e~ris G ~rton, Charles G. Breeding, Myron W. Daugherty, htiJips · JGtlkey, William Guyer, Mark E. Hartley, Robert N. Sorn~ r., and Francis L. Summers. ~~r 17 the other events scheduled include a fireside Octo.1nner~ w·e annual pledge dance November 21, two exchange ~n the an tth sororities, and plans are being laid to participate tng. -campus functions of Dad's Weekend and Homecomln rn . the abo~ntaini~g our scholastic standing and participating in b0lltinua]e affatrs, Alpha Zeta its work cut out, and we are est hou Y striving to "Make the Pi Kapps the biggest and se on the campus and then keep it there." GF.ORGE E. JASKA, historian








Gamma chapter has officially reopened on the University of California campus at Berkeley. Our new house is located at 2634 Bancroft Way, directly opposite the Bancroft Way tennis courts and the center of campus is only a few minutes' walk away. We were very fortunate during the summer. From one of our Los Angeles alumni, Benny Wheeler, we received our living room furniture. Charles MacDonald, Hal Simmons, Ken Franklin, Ted Conway, Bob Hacker, Chuck Vannice, John Morris, and Roy Porter participated in redecorating the rooms downstairs. The main group of fellows arrived the middle of· August, a week before registration, to help clean up the house. Pete Berti, Chuck Fitzimmons, and Warren Jensen started rushing activities prior to the opening of school. Among the new pledges arc Frank Patten, Richard Fiscus, Ed Sutherland, Ed Ferguson, George Denton, Russell Archer, Bill Martin, Bob diPiazza, Phil Hurley, Stan Ausman, and Norma~ Schneidewind. Initiation of new members will take place w1thin the month and will include Arnold Turner, Phil Hurley, Robert Hacker, Harvey Taylor, George Lineer, and Richard Bowman. Our first social event was an open house following the California-Santa Clara game. A large group of alumni, their wives and friends, joined in the post-game festivities: Brother and Mrs. Robert Tuck, San Mateo; Brother and Mrs. James Hamilton Berkeley; Brother and Mrs. Stephen Malatesta; Brother and Mrs. Boyd Oliver, and Brothers Robert Fisher and Salvatore Grassi, of San Francisco. That evening, under the direction of Bob Zeni's social committee composed of Ted Conway, John Morris, Charles MacDonald, and "Buck" Ross, a dance was held at the house. A huge buffet supper was prepared by our fine cook, "Dave." Probably the biggest event on Cal's campus next to the traditional Big Game with Stanford, is the Cal-USC game. This year the revitalized Golden Bears were trying for the Rose Bowl for the first time in many seasons. A dance that evening was attended by all members and pledges. Under the able guidance of our athletic director, Warren Jensen Gamma will participate in all sports activities-touch football basketball, volley ball, tennis, skiing, horseshoes and bowling: The Young Members romped to an easy victory over the Old Members in an intra-house football game. The pledges, however, eked out a 2-0 victory over the members in another intra-house football tilt. Last month we were pleased to have National Secretary, J. AI Head, as our guest. He .was pas~ing through Berkeley .on his way to a national executive meeting. We are also lookmg forward with great pleasure to the visit of Executive Secretary, "Bernie" Jones, early n~xt year. .. Gamma ranks fifth scho.Iasttcally among the 45 fratermtte: on the California campus. We have fully recovered from our temporary absence from the Pi Kappa Phi fold and from the California campus. ROBERT F. ZENI, historian


Alpha Mu

Apha Mu came back this fall to find our house peatly improved by summer repairs. The floors have been ftmshed, a new oil f4rnace was installed, and new drapes have been ordered for the downstairs. Many of the rooms have snazzy new paint jobs. The house was open during the summer, as about 15 men were here for each of the two summer sessions. Fifty-one men returned this fall, including 44 active brothers and 7 pledges. The pledges are: Chet Christensen, Warr~n; Don Heiny, Wflliamsport; Fred and George Herald, Phtladclphia; Frank Mohney, Drexel Hill; Bert Raymond, .Meadville· and Ken Reese Carlisle. Old brothers returmng to Stat~ from the armed' forces include Wilson Bertram, Dick Lord, Norm Riemer. Jack Senior and Ed Yeager.


The fall social calendar includes Alumni Week-end on October 18, highlighted by the Syracuse game, and the Junior Prom on the following week-end. An extensive program of intramural fall sports, football, swimming, and tennis, has been worked out under the bead of Mario Cianci, athletic chairman. Alpha Mu joins the . rest of the college in mourning the death of Penn State's able president, Dr. Ralph D. Hetzel, who had served faithfull y for the past twenty years. RICHARD HILL, historian

Alpha Upsilon


After a busy summer-shore week end, house dances and parties; and acquiring two additional pledges: Irvin Keiter, West Chester, Pa., and Erwin Breithaupt, Drexel Hill, Pa.Aipha Upsi lon bas started preparing for a full fall term, during which our 13th annual Pi Kapp show will be presented . I


"POISE AND IVY" is the title of our 13th productJOn a is scheduled for November 7 and 8. 1 Three of our members have been l?raduated this ~urnrp: • Joe Shields, Harrison, N.J.; George Kmmonth, Woolrich, he:l and Bill Hartranft, Leola, Pa. We wish to extend to t · men our best wishes for successful careers. 1 Also, two members of the active chapter and one rne!ll~~ of the alumni chapter have announced their marriage : Lake, Carbondale, Pa. to Dorothy Milheim, Easton, a• Jack Gardner, Moscow, Pa. to Louise Klinke!, Scranton, ppel and Bill Calkins, Washington, D . C. to Frances Parish, Vpin· Montclair, N. J . Bob and Dotty surprised us all by k~epifll their marriage a secret from March 31 until the begJOO of the fall term. t The house is full to capacity for the fall term . After a ~0 'pt summer or pre-fall cleaning bee, the house is in tip-top a for a busy term .


'. toria' WALT MORRIS, 111S ·'



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Anniversary ODE



by J. Nevi lie Holcombe, Zeta

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A goodly patrimony has come down to us today From the noble ones before us, who have traveled Life's Highway; A mighty ob ligati on, too, confronts us now, withal : Of holding high the flaming. torch their falling grasp let fall .



\ \ \ \ \ \ \

These Knights of old were first to know the surge of Friendship's claim, Whose sentiments have been embalmed 1n a band with _a sacred name; Their high resolve that the noble work they wrought should never die Has come into its prime fruition in our own Pi Kappa Phi .

"' \ \ \ ~ \ \ " \ "' \

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

And so let us today, good Brothers, purpose 1n our hearts that we To these glorious traditions sha ll forever faith ful be; Let us l·abor that our work live, when we lie beneath the sodAfter we have all been gathered in the mighty hand of God .

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