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The .Star


!?7 Pi

Kappa Phi

PI KAPPA PH I FRATERNITY Virginia Building, Richmond 19, Virginia Founded at The College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C., December 10, 1904




151 Moultrie St., Charleston, S. C.

217 E. Bay Street, Charleston , S. C. ANDREW


NATIONAL COUNCIL President-Theron A. Houser, St. Matthews, S. C. Treasurer-Ralph W. 1-..loreen, Irvi ng Trust Co ., One Wall St., New York, N. Y. Secretary-J . Eugene Dunaway, Jr., 11070 Lakepointe Rd., Detroit 24, Mich . Historian-Wayne R. Moore, 327 Russell , Ames, Iowa Chancellor-Karl M. Gibbon, 713-'118 Rio Grande Bldg., Harlingen , Texas


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Secretary-W. Bernard Jones, Jr., Virginia Buildioi IS R1chmond, Va. F Traveling Counselor-William Abbott, Virginia Bldg., Richmond,~· Fou Editor-in-Chief, STAR AND LAMP-W. Bernard Jones Jr., Virgin A tla Building, Richmond, Va. ' . Managing Editor, STAR AND LAMP-Eli zabeth H. Smith, VlrQ'~ pr· Building, Richmond, Va. In Offl~e . ~anager-Mary S. Osterman, Virginia Building, Richrnot> four V~rg1n1a thes

DISTRICT ARCHONS Dist. 1-Fred Krupp, 42 Mogaun Rd., West Islip, L. 1., N. Y. Dist. 11-Hugh F. Hill, Jr., Rocky Mount Va . Dist. 111-A. H. Borland, 111 Corcoran St., Durham , N. C. Dlst. IV-J ames M. Wi lson, Suite 710, Liberty Life Building, Colum bia, S.C. Dist. ¥-Wa lter F. Doyle, P. 0. Box 158, Macon, Ga . Dist. VI-William G. Jennings, 2103 West End, Lakeland, Fie . Dist. VII-J. Warren Williams, Box 95, Luverne, Ala . Dist. X-Kenneth A. Bellinger, 538 N. Franklin, Dearborn , Mich. Dist. XI-Paul Walker, Newton , Ill.

UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS Alpha-Coll ege of Charleston, Charleston, S. C. Beta-Presbyterian College1 Clinton, S. C. Gamma-Univers ity of California, 2634 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, Calif. Delta-Furman University, Greenville, S. C. Epsilon-Davidson College, Davidson, N. C. Zeta-Wofford College, Spartanburg~ S. C. Eta- Emory University, Box 27j , Emory University, Ga. Iota-Georg ia Institute of Technology, 717 Williams St., Atlanta, Ga . Kappa-University of North Carolina, 317 W . Rosemary St., Chapel Hill, N. C. Lambda-University of Georgia, 599 Prince Ave., Athens, Ga. Mu- Duke University, Box 4682, Duke Station, Durham, N. C. Nu- University of Nebraska, 229 N. 17th St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Xi- Roanoke College, 327 High St., Salem, Va. Omicron-University of Alabama, 804 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Rho-Washington & Lee University, Lock Drawer 903, Lexington Va. Sigma-University of South Carolina, Tenement 7, Univ . of S. C., Columbia, S. C. Tau- North Carolina State College, 407 Horn e St., Raleigh, N. C. Upsi lon-University of Illinois, 1002 South Lincoln, Urbana, Illinois Chi-Stetson University, 165 E. Minnesota Ave., Deland, Fla. Psi-Cornell University, 722 University Ave ., Ithaca, N. Y. Omega-Pu rdue, 330 N. Grant St., W. La fayette, Indiana Alpha Alpha-Mercer University, Box 524. Mercer University, Macon, Ga. Alpha Delta-Un iversity of Washington, 4504 16th N. E., Seatt le, Washington Alpha Epsilon-University of Florida, 1247 W . University Ave., Gainesville, Fla. Alpha Zeta-Oregon State College, 21st and Harrison, Corvallis, Ore . Alpha Eta-Howard College, Birmingham"' Ala . Alpha Theta-Michigan State College, '07 E. Grand River, East Lansing, Mich. Alpha Iota-A labama Institute of Technology, 255 College St., Auburn, Ala. Alpha Lambda-University of Mississippi, Box 524, University, Miss.

. n Dist. X I I-Kennet h W. Kuhl , 436 Woodlawn, St. Paul 5, M1n · Dist. XIII-Adnan C. Taylor, 231 Ave. "C" West, Bismarck, N· Dist. XIV-Ha rold A. Cowles, 327 N. Russell, Ames, Iowa. Dist. XVII 1-Paul M. Hupp, 3781 E. 31st St., Denver 5, Colo. Dist. XIX-Ralph Snider, 2710 Madison St. N, Tacoma, Wash. ~ Dist. XX-Ro1and Dewees, c/o Ingersoll Rand Ca ., 1460 E. 4th Los Angeles 3, Calif. Dlst. XXI-T. Glenwood Stoudt, Wyomissing Polytechnic Instil"' Wyomissing, Penna.

Alpha Mu-Penn. State College, Fairmount and Garner, State College, Penna. Alpha Xi-Brooklyn Poly. Institute, 33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn, New York Alpha Omicron-Iowa State College, 407 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa Alpha Sigma-Uni versity of Tennessee, 1516 W. Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, Tenn . Alpha Tau-Rensselaer Poly. Institute, 49 2nd St., Tray, New York Alpha Upsilon-Drexel lnst . of Technology, 3405 Poweltan Ave ., Philadelphia Penna. Alpha Phi-Illinois Institute of Technology 3220 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. ' Alpha Chi-University of Miami, Box 97, Univ. of Miami Branch1 Miami, Fla . Alpha Psi-University of Indiana, 504 E. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, Ind. Alpha Omega-University of Oregon, 1390 Emerald St., Eugene, Oregon. Beta Alpha-Newark College of EngineerinQ cjo Student Mail, Newark College of Eng,: neering, 367 High St., Newark 2, N. J. Beta Beta-F lorida Southern College, Bldg. 1-A, Florida Southern College, Lakeland , Fla. Beta Gamma-Univ. of Louisville, 2216 Confederate Place, Louisville, Ky. Beta Delta-Drake University, 2916 Cottage Grove Ave., Des Moines, Iowa . Beta Epsilon-University of Missouri, 704 Maryland, Columbia, Mo. Beta Zeta-Simpson College, 401 N. "B" St ., Indianola, Iowa . Beta Eta-F lorida State University, Box 4951, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla. Beta Theta-Uni versity of Arizona, 1435 East First, Tucson, Ariz.

AI,.UMNI CHAPTERS Ames, Iowa-Harol d A. Cowles, 327 N. Russell, Ames, Iowa. Atlanta, Ga .-Wolter E. Crawford, Rhodes Haverty Building , Atlanta, Ga. Birmingham, Alabama-Henry Smith, 820 N. 31st St., Birmingham, Ala. Charleston, S. C.-C. A. Weinheimer, 11 5-A Rutledge St., Charleston, S. C. Charlotte, North Carolina-Don Davidson, Jr., The Herald Press, Charlotte, N. C. Chattanooga, Tennessee-Lee L. Ryerson, Jr., 308 Guild Drive, Chattanooga, Tenn. Chicago, lllinals-William H. O'Donnell, 1952 E. 72nd Pl., Chicago, Ill.

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Cleveland, Ohio- Thomas Alleman 1 2 I'll Brunswick Rd., East Cleveland, Oh10. ·~ 1 an Columbia, South Carolina-Frederick E. Qu' lJn1 Box 1403, Columbia, S. C. f h Columbus-Ft. Benning, Georgia-Joe Freell' S a] c/ o Strickland Motor Co., Columbus, Gosio4 tern Detroit, Michigan-Ronald Scheck, 21461 Ave., Gratia Township, Detroit 24, Mich·O'Ileve· Florence, South Carolina-Mitchell If · smith, 419 W. Cheves St., Florence, S. ·s· a Greenville, s. C.-Cooper White, 103 Elrn co1Jf Greenville, S. C. ~ Ithaca, New York-H . M. Riggs, 701 sen Who Bldg., Ithaca, N. Y. ~of Jacksonville, Fla.-Wolter Rivers, Rt. 11, t 71 A, Jacksonville, Fla. ~ the Lakeland, Florida-E. B. Crim, New FlO' t Hotel, Lakeland, Florida. f Orn Lansing-East Lansing, Mlch.-Laren C. ~e~ join' 1723 Yz E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MIG 1ft I Lincoln, Nebraska-Winfield M. Elmen, But Federal Securities Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. J sh Los Angeles, California-Rene Koelblen, h OU 17th St ., Manhattan Beach, Calif. ~ irn Macon, Georgia-Fey A. Byrd, 108 car 1 · Ave., Macon, Ga . 3' Miami, Flarlda-William A. Papy, Ill, Viscaya Ave., Coral Gables, Florida. Montgomery, Alabama-Lowe ll J. Black, Glendale Ave., Montgomery, Alabama. 1. ''I New York, N. Y.-Helmut C. Neumann, ; ' Seventh Ave., Hawthorne, N. J. 3 Oklahoma City, Okla.-Wi lliam A. Rigg, lllen N. W. 1st St., Oklahoma City, Okla. soJ brot Orlanda, Florida-A. T. Carter, Jr., 12 h Main St., Orlando, Florida. · avf Philadelphia, Pa.-Roy E. Kraber, 3405 po"' ''e ton Ave., Philadelphia, Po. " ar Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-R. Delmar Ge 019 \Vidt 627 Vermont, Mt. Lebanon, Penna. ~h Portland, Ore. (Cascadel-AI G. Ruedy, 6 00( s. w. Pine Dr., Portland, 19, Ore. ·ever Roanoke, VIrginia-J esse M. Ramsey, b Harshbarger Rd., Roanoke, Va. rf eer Seattle, Washington-Dean Porker, Seab geth· Bldg., Seattle, Washington. 1• St. Louis, Missouri-Estill E. Ezell, 701 0 Idea St., St. Louis 1, Missouri. ~ St. Matthews, South Carolina-John L. W0 side, St. Matthews, South Carolina. Washington, D. C.-Edward L. Tolson, Glenwood Road, Bethesda, Maryland.


: : : :J,.afe,.na/ :Jhoughl~

cel~~clarng that there is "no atomic 'fher or the mind," President Pa eon A. Houser, in his article on La~p S of. this issue of the Star and solll ' POints out guides to feeling .. this e hlllea~ure of personal security in luild•lf c aobc world m~. ~ Fo~~~nder L. H~rry Mixson, in his y,rg At! ers' Day address delivered in . d s h'IS brothers of the . ·~ prj anta wo• . ' re mm :hmo" fou~~P~es on which the fraternity was these e ~n~ reminds, too, of the place living ~~nctples have in successful S h ag~ 9.) Mi'N"· ingtc olarsh1p Chairman Will Ed<, · hav~~' tells students that they must ~ 0 · (S know how" to succeed in life. ·~ttl 9 ee story on Page 6.) nstitul C



onunents from Others

ol attitu~w is no time for the resigned .



es which could prevail with

-~·Qui~ 'tint~ college men. Remembering that, 'reer~~ifshaU whom much is given, of him 51G~io4 terlllinmuch be required,' let us de-

.Aicll· level he that we will be the most ~gt' If a~ eaded men on our campuses. 5Elm scoue/ . are permitted to remain in se~e' Who de tt almost surely will be those , a: of theemo!LS.trate that they are worthy 11 the c Pnvllege. We cannot resolve Flo' torn bnscience of each man who is ·J;~~r joinin et'ben remaining in college or en, 6i' But ranch of the Armed Forces. ,b. 3 hou]d tchever he chooses that choice en, I hi"' , be given the best he has in car ....


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-The T rza · d of Acadia Fraternity,





lllen ~e time began, upward-looking soJ brotherave worked toward greater _ ~,have th~oo~ .. In each generation more ) P .Years ts Vtston. During the past 125 Georl'Wide ' college f r a t e r n it i e s have jy, 6~ hood~eg greatly this spirit of brother·ever b no other continent now or sey, been .e .ore have such large groups ;eaboC get.h J~tned in youth and held to:l1 ol idea~; tn maturity by this spirit and

;99 , ; 2



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-President H. W. Smith, Phi Gamma Delta, in

The Phi Gamma Delta

.Th~ STAR and LAMP


Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity VOLUME XXXVII




Contents Page Editorial: " Shall I Volunteer?" by W . B ernard Jones, Jr. 3 Awards Are Presented at W . and L.'s Rho ................... 4 Ground on Which to Stand, by President Th eron A. Houser 5 Edington Receives Award, Gives Advice at Conclave, by George Walker...................................................................................... 6-7 Beauties of Out-Door Area Attract Many Visitors, by Ernest E. Fischer................................................................................. 8 · Mixson Reiterates Principles on Which Fraternity Is Founded................................... ..................................................................... 9 Fraternity Life Banishes Those Homesick Blues ..................... 11 Neumann Earns Doctorate in Switzerland ................... .................... 12 National Council Is "Over-Shadowed" by Gibbon's 10-Gallon Hat .. .... .... ......................... ........................................... 13 In the Chapter Eternal ... ............... ..... . ... . ... .............. .. ...................... 14-15 Meet the Housemothers of Pi Kappa Phi-and "Papa," Too ......................................................................... 16-17 Vital Statistics ........................................................................................................... 19 ....................................................... ............... 20-29 Calling the Roll ..... Alumni Corner............................... .....................................................~ ........... 30-32

THE COVEROr. Will E. Edington, Upsilon, professor at DePauw University (right), Is receiving from W. Bernard Jones, Jr., executive secretary af Pi Kappa Phi, a plaque in recognition of his 25 years of service as the fraternity's scholarship chairman. ' Entered as second class matter at the post office at Charlotte, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1871>. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied In paragraph 4, section 412, P. L. and R., authorized January 7, 1932. THE STAR AND L.Q4!' is published quarterly at Charlotte, North Carolina, under the direction of the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in the months of February, May, September and November. The Life Subscription is $12.50 and is the only form of subscription. Single copies are SO cents. Changes in address should be reported promptly to Central Office, Virginia Bldg., Richmond 19, Va . All material intended for put!ication should be in the hands af the Managing Editor, Virginia Bldg., Richmond 19, Va., 50 days preceding the month of issue . W.

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor





TTK+ ALUMNI and ACTIVE MEMBERSYou Can Order Your Official Jewelry Direct From This Page

}I\ PI KAPPA PHI Official Badge Price · List


l~ xt.t · n


S tandnt·d


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27 .00


Penrl Boni er, 4 Emencld Points ------ 16.25

2 1.011


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44 .50


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$ 4.»0


Pearl nnd Diamond Alternating ------- 50.50 All Diamond Border, Yellow Gold ______ 88. 50

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alu ha, of Wh: tha Wh,

sec· for,




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,J ewelcrl Badges -- - ---------------- ---·-------------------$3.00

Cia ton

Plain Dnrlges ------------------------------------------- 2.00 RECOGNITION


Miniutut·e Cout-of-arms, Gold-filled ------------------$1.00 each Special Recognition with White Enamel Star, Gold-filled ------- - ------ ---------------- - ------ 1.00 euch 10 Karat Gold ------------ - ------------ --------- 1.50 each Monogram Recognition, Gold-filled __________________ 1.25 each

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Pledge Buttons ------- - -------------------------$9.00 per doz.

All prices quoted obove are subject to 20% Federal excise tax, and to state sales or use taxes wherever such state taxes are in effect.

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Councils Are Named

i ° Close Chapters If Emergency Arises

INdelAN unprecedented' move the national office has

alurn:f~ted s~eeping control of active chapters to local have a o~nctls. Already 10 undergraduate chapters of clo~~Ointe~ War Advisory Councils to take charge Which g their chapters if an emergency develops T;'arrants such action. that if ~ move made by the national office means where h~ draft depletes chapter rolls to the point securit a ~ apter .can no longer operate with financial force th e advisory board can remove officers and fully e chapter to close. The boards will check caretnontWn physical facilities of chapter houses and on ,, Y. budgets. easy f~Ith men dropping out of school, it will be Jr. exer c~apters to go in the red, " W. Bernard Jones, th~ st ~utive sec~etary, declared. "It's hard to make Will b u ents realize that the decline in membership \~a permanent condition.'' follows~r Advisory Councils have been appointed as

Garris~' ~anoke College, Jesse Ramsey, chairman ;

liill, di~. ood; George Jacobs;. Fred Grim; f!ugh Clarence r~ct archon; Curtis Dobbms, chapter adv1ser; ton cb onner, chapter treasurer, and James Chari' ~Pter archon. Flory o, ~ashington and Lee University, Lynwood secret~ president; Herb Hamric, treasurer; Hugh Hill, A{Y; AI Terrill, J. C. Turk, and Earle Paxton. McBai Pha Delta, University of Washington, Duane and Deane Parker. Cactm Pha Z~ta, Oregon State College, W. George Fritts u\ chairman; William R. Dallas, and Neil AI c apter treasurer. Dr. Iia~~a Theta, Michigan State College, Pur Lundin, AI 0 d Byram, Joe Duncan, and Dr. Ron Heath. son E Pha Mu, Penn State College, Robert Thomp' Atrnest M.iller, and William Simon. Ewen Pha 0Imcron, Iowa State College, Richard urer· '}chapter archon; Paul Needham, chapter treasl<.ottrn · R. Sage, chapter adviser, and alumni, Roy 1'hompan, Harold Cowles, Wayne Moore, Kenneth Al son, Russell Thompson, and William Kern. Prof Jha Tau, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Dow~e rant K. Palsgrove, chapter adviser; Charles S. treasu Y, chapter archon; Charles B. Wilson, chapter li. o:~{' and alumni , Dr. Frederick M. Sebast, Prof. liaro]d ~y Sharp, Frederick W. Clements, and Prof. B revett. · Ptesidee~a. Delta, Drake University, John W. Coons, neth R ~yernon A. Sodawasser, treasurer, and KenB · Iller, secretary. lsenhoeta Epsilon, University of Missouri, William treasu we~, chapter archon; Mark W. Cox, chapter ni G rer' Harry E. Brown, alumni adviser, and aluma~d C~ret t Williamson, George Hyde, Fred Sanford, ares E. Muehlebach.







''Shall I

Volunteer?'' Tf!E e~itorial for ~his issue o~ the Star and Lamp IS wntten by a PI Kappa Pht alumnus who wishes to remain anonymous. He is the wearer of five battle stars, a bronze arrow for making a beachhead under fire, and the Bronze Star Medal, for his action in the Philippines and Korea in World War II. In the following story he expresses what he thinks of college men volunteering. " 'I want to join the Armed Services now so that I can get a good assignment.' Thus saith the man with a hole in his head. Brother! When general mobilization comes, you get ahead so fast that you wake up one morning commanding a company and don't know what the hell to do with it. " 'Swivel chair jobs! All those guys who made touchdowns for Army and Navy during the last war done got them. What they ain't got, the fellows who stayed in after World War II is. Not that I'm begrudgin' 'em, you understand. "'I may as well join now. They'll get me anyway.' Thus quoth the man who was under fire from Pop for his lousy grades. Don't disillusion that guy. Unc' needs him, so let him dash off, out of range of Pop's scolding and into the field of fire of a 30 calibre machine gun-some swap, Pal. "Yeah, I guess you are right. They might get you anyway. But Brother, you'll sho' be glad them guys spent that rough first six months on that rock ahead of Y_OU. You know, somehow, equipment, eggs (the real kmd, I mean), and clothes never seem to git to place where they is fightin ' 'til the fight is dern near over. And Brother, that's just the time I wanna git there (when the food and clothes gits there that .) ' IS. "'Well, you fellows, lock the front door of the fraternity house, wrap your mortgage in moth balls give the key to the Chapter Adviser (he won't b~ rushing off, you notice) , farm out your poor old housemother to her naggin ' step-mother, and rush off in a blaze of patriotism-or poor grades. "' Git that rock free of Reds, git the quarters deloused, git some red meat coming in on the chow trucks, and I 'll be along to help you with one of Great Man MacArthur's "Mop up" campaigns- you know, the kind where more people gits killed "moppin' up" than they does in the battle itself. " 'They'll send for ya when they need ya.' "

Editor-in-Chief 3

in1 bu en an Wi ler of th, ac,

Two Merit Citations determined by the National Council ore awarded by Secretary J. Eugene Dunaway, Jr., Alpha Eta, to (l~ft1 a Past National Historian Fred Grim, Xi, of Roanoke, Va., and (right) to Brother Earle K. Paxton, Rho '08, of Lexington, Va ., advt111 g. to the W. and L. chapter for 25 years. The occasion was Washington and Lee Homecoming November 4, 1950, at Rho Chapter house seJ


Awards Are Presented At W. and L. 's Rho

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Paxton Trophy Awards are presented for the first time November 4, 1950, at Rho Chapter house during Washington and Lee Homecomings to the four men who returned from World War II to reactivate Rho. They are, left to right, Hugh F. Hill, '49, of Rocky Mount, Va., now district archon, for 1947-48; Roy D. Witte, '47, Roanoke, Va., for 1946-47; and Robert E. Glenn, '51, Radford, Va., for 1949-50. Ramon F. Sanchez, '50, Pensacola, Fla., winner for 1948-49, was absent when the picture was taken.


HOMECOMINGS last Fall, November 4, proved to be an important event in the history of the WasJ!· ington and Lee Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. National Secretary J. Eugene Dunaway, Jr., Alpb~ Eta, of Detroit, Mich., representing the Natio? 3 Council of the fraternity, presented the Merit Citauor for service to the fraternity to Earle K. Paxton, RbJ Wl '08, adviser to the chapter for 25 years, now retire no1 and to Fred Grim, Xi, of Roanoke, Va., past nations historian. Brother Paxton made the first four awards of tbl Earle K. Paxton Trophy, created last Summer by ar l s anonymous alumnus of Rho Chapter, in "remell1, tea branc·e of the sacrifice, work, and accomplishments .0· Se< those two brothers and two pledges of this fraterntll. ll'la who returned from World War II to reactivate a!IC the save Rho Chapter." Recipients of the awards wert. '-'oi Roy D . Witte, '47, of Roanoke, Va., for 1946-47· hoi Hugh F. Hill, Jr., '49, of Rocky Mount, Va., for 1947· 48; Ramon F. Sanchez, '50, of Pensacola, Fla., fol :~I 1948-49; and Robert E. Glenn, '51, of Radford VB: ill'li for 1949-50. Special awards created by the chapt~ hal to supplement the Paxton Awards were made to Vb Phi (Continued on ,Page 10)





OF .

Ground On Which To Stand BY THERON A. HOUSER, President


ARE a part of our nation's contribution to the in World of the mid-twentieth century- a group sharbu1 a com1pon heritage-humanity and civilizationem t~ach very much an individual. Each has his own anJ !Onallife ; each lives keenly through local, national With '~ernational calm or tension ; each is concerned len e task of making money; each faces the chalof ge of family, community, friends--or enemies. Each th You feels himself in the current of history; senses ace P~ll of mankind ; dreams of a better day. You (Jeftl quamt yourselves with the best thoughts of the ,dvisel ages· y h' house se) ' ou t mk. You come to know works of art; you byect and admire; some of you may create. You live or You occasionally turn your back on religion.

No Atomic Cellar for the Mind dec· You have been called upon many times to make

cha'SI~ns, to formulate ideas, to adiust yourselves to a

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:ion~1 .atior RJll

tired, :ionB' 1f thl

Pia ngtng world. You, this individual with your own as i~e and personality, find yourself now the target, less ~ere,. for almost ceaseless bombardment by countthou artmg, confusing, paralyzing phrases and and g;ts. Today's college-age generation are like cities On VI !ages exposed and vulnerable to mass attacks. be kome, direct hits have been scored ; casualties must is th ept at a minimum. The opposition's atomic bomb ful e age-old "What's the use" attitude. Other powerone ;-;e,~Pons are: "We won't live to see the end of this War' ,, "Ou: country. economically. can't stand another mu 't Th1s one will be the end of civilization." There of ~ be an over-all defense plan: this is the function Rea]?~ernment and, too, of college administrations . must'z'ng that you are an individual target, you, too, What pl~n your best defense for your own situation. not Will It be? Escape must be ruled out. There is ' nor will there ever be an atomic cellar for the mind.

Weapons for Defense

>Y sr I su 'You must have weapons and even an offense. May menr reaJi~ge~t a few briefly: First, a sense of humility, a ~~i~; Secon~hon that there is a sustaining spiritual power. , ant mank· ' a feeling for the continuity of the mind of thou Ind, a stability that comes from sharing the ~:f vonlhts of great minds. The educated man lives bep ho"'e ~ead lines and the contemporary scene ; he is at t941· '" •n fol activ . any country and in any age. Third, a rather ., as 111e 'm.aglnation to fashion in your mind such things V~ imm Or~hty When the light of publicity turns on the Wil has bra ' to know mercy in a day when mass murder Phras ecome common. to give new meaning to such es as "world order." Fourth, a sense of relation-


Of p L.A~ . I kAPPA PHI

ships, of harmony, such as the relationships of duty and desire. It may be your duty to remain in a laboratory, a nameless link in a vast chain of research ; it may be your desire to rush to your nearest recruiting office. It may be your duty to do some seemingly meaningless task in a far-away country, when perhaps your one desire is to paint or to teach- to try your hand in politics or merely to cultivate your own garden, to reconcile these two is to give yourself a weapon that will give you confidence in a future.

Education Is Continuous If your pleasant college years are interrupted, remember that true education is a life-long and gradual revelation of the good life-primarily of the mind, but also of the spirit and body. If an interruption becomes necessary- and we must accept and support the decision of our country in this matter- use this interlude to the best advantage. That process whic~ is slowed momentarily may have an even deeper meanmg when resumed at full speed. If it should become your task to save civilization (and civilization is not gadgets and machines, but the minds and souls of men) , men of self-control, of integrity will be essential in all po~ts. Your immedi~te task, therefore, is to use every ava1!a~le means to bmld your personal defense, thereby bmldmg a strong continuous defense.

Alumni Get Awards The 1950 Merit Awards for six members who have rendered distinguished service to the fraternity, as announced at the Twenty-Third Supreme Chapter meeting in Portland, Ore., last Summer, were all presented during the past few months. John W. Deimler. Bala:Cynwv?, Penna .. ~lp~a Upsilon, chairman of the Nation~! R~tual and Ins1gnta Committee and past national h1stonan and past national treasurer, was given his award by Ralph N?reen. New York, N. Y., national treasurer, at a meetmg of the New York Alumni. Lloyd B. Sholl, Okemos, Mich., Alpha Th~ta , district archon of District X and past chapter ad~1ser of Alpha Theta at Michigan State College,. received his award from ]. Eugene Dunaway, Jr., national sec(Conlinued 011 Poge 18)



Dr. Edington Receives Award, Gives Advice at Con~lave



BY GEORGE WALKER, Upsilon Recording Secretary

DR. WILL E. Edington, Upsilon, who for the past

2 5 year'S has been scholarship chairman for Pi Kappa Phi, was presented a plaque in recognition of his service to the fraternity when District XI held its Conclave in Champaign-Urbana in March (See cover). Dr. Edington is a professor at DePauw University. W. Bernard Jones, Jr. , executive secretary , mad e the presentation, commenting that Dr. Edington's "trade mark " of " In the Interest of Pi Kappa Phi '' was well earned by his active and loyal service to the organization. In his address to the delegates, Dr . Edington told the men that today even a Master's degree means little in the business world. " It 's what you've actually learned that counts." He included the armed services as a business.

Must Have ''Know-How" Edington said that to go places in business, men must have the '' know-how ". They must be able to think and learn quickly. " The day· of the college playboy is gone," Edington concluded. Another outstanding moment for the delegates came later the same evening as they attended a "strictly Pi Kapp" dance in the University's Club Commons. All of the men had dates! Upsilon's social chairman, Jerry Rezpecki, had gone " nuts" for two weeks rounding up 150 dates.

Rushing Procedure The general discussion on rushing, led by Jones, revealed that rushees must be shown " proof of the

tangible evidence" that Pi Kappa Phi should be wei choice. "Show the rushees specifically what you ~r doing. Don't talk in generalities," Jones said. Point reason, example, and close. This four-point plan wa· brought out by Jones in showing how to ask a rush~ to pledge. " First, tell why you need him and he need you. Second, give your reasons for it. Third, folloW u with concrete examples. Last, well, you know," coP eluded Jones. Jones warned that the chapter archon can't do all. " He must have the backing of the entire chaptf to enforce the house policy, " Jones declared . Sunday morning's session centered around budge! and financial procedure. Jack Simpson, Upsilon archon. told the budgeting procedure used in his ch.3f ter. "The work." said Simpson. " is done entirely w1t in the chapter. No outside auditors are used."

Enforce Collections " Don't let delinquent accounts run over," Jo~1 stressed. "By enforcing collections you have everyth1r to gain and nothing to lose. " Dick Zoble, Omega's archon, told the group tt value of using robes and the prescribed procedure ~r chapter meetings. Zoble urged using Robert's "RU' of Order.'' By adhering strictly to proper procedur "you gain unity and solidarity," Zoble concluded . . I Pi Kapp song books were awarded to Roy Hell1 Alpha Theta Dave Rogers, Upsilon, and Otto Bou Upsilon, for 'their outstanding participation in dis~ 1r sions on rushing, pledge training, and house polt' respectively. Next year's district XI conclave will be in Is February or early March with Alpha Phi of II'f the host chapter.




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Upsilon Is Commended

Delegates from Pi Kappa Phi chapters at Michigan State College, Illinois Institute of Technology, Purdue, Indiana Uni'(1\r~ity, University . of L~uisville, and. U~iversity of Illinois ~re concentrating on proceedmgs at the D1stnct XI Conclave at wfuch the University of Illinois was host in March.


. Mr. Jones hustled back to his Richmond off early. March 5, commending Upsilon on its job asP' chapter and its excellent taste in "dinners ~ dates". . . Approximately 150 delegates were ·present, r~P ·se'nting the chapters at Michigan State College, Ilh~ Institute · of Technology; Purdue, Indiana· Unive~S' University of l;ouisville; a·nd the University of IJlt!lo-

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J AL READ, Salem, Ore., Alpha Zeta, Oregon State




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pi College, and former national secretary, was given a t aq.ue for meritorious service to Pi Kappa Phi FraSe~ntty at the Districts XIX and XX Leadership pc oo! held at the Alpha Zeta house in February. The e~esen~ation was made by W. Bernard Jones, Jr. , ecuttve secretary. ex ~alph Snider, District XI~ archon, presided ~nd pop1atned the functions of the school and the tmrtance of the West Coast Conclave. co .Mr. Jones expressed the need for all chapters to nttnue operating on a "business as usual' ' basis.

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Rushing Procedure Analyzed

can In dealing with the subject of rushing, Mr. Jones ft ed to the center of the room the rushing chairman 0 l.J ~ ea.ch of the four chapters represented, Gamma, Wnt~.rstty of California; Alpha Delta, University of lid gel Alas tngton; Alpha Omega, University of Oregon, and silon ru P~a Zeta, and asked them questions pertaining to cbaF to shtng procedures in various situations. Dale Stockwill ann, Alpha Zeta, was judged as having given the best swers. w

The following pointers on rushing techniques

su~· brought out in the discussion: The most popular

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u {~~t to the rushee is himself; point out the good ira tttes of the house; let the social committee handle ha~~gernents and property, and the rushing committee ho e people only; the archon should act solely as a of stand h~ve nothing to do with the physical operation han~. rushmg function-that should be done before-

Rating System Approved ch

The delegates gave unanimous approval of the apter rating system. anct Mr. Read discussed the topic, "Alumni Relations, " alu ~ave the following suggestions for improving folirnnt relations: That actives take advantage of and tha~w up all rushing recommendations from alumni ; sho acttves and alumni get together for rushing to acrw the advantages of both phases of membership, alu tve .and alumni, in Pi Kappa Phi; that actives and Yearn·n' get together at social functions at least once a Wh r' that actives pay individual visits to alumni theereh Possible and make visiting alumni welcome in c apter house.

Budget Control Stressed up Mr. Jones emphasized the importance of drawing

ersi bill a budget before setting the amount of the monthly ' and the importance of a monthly budget control ali no



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rather than a yearly control. He advised the chapter treasurers to get tough with delinquent accounts. An example of a model meeting was shown, with Mr. Jones acting as archon, Ralph Snider as treasurer, and Jack Steward as secretary. Procedure of the formal pledging ceremonies was demonstrated by Mr. Jones, who took the part of the archon, and Don Blinco and August Giering, as the pledges. The same group demonstrated the correct procedure for the formal notification of admission to membership. Jack Steward, Alpha Zeta, and former national traveling counselor, spoke on pledge training. He advised the chapters to follow the pledge program out .. lined in the pledge manual. During the open discussion of pledge training problems, it was suggested that: The pledges operate as a group as much as possible with group projects ; a constant exchange of information between the membership and pledge class be maintained through the pledge warden; the paddle as a form of punishment be used with discretion.


BY DALE JENSEN, Beta Delta Secretory

BETA Delta, Drake University, was host to the Pi Kappa Phi chapters from Nebraska, Missouri, and Iowa at the District XIV Conclave February 25-26. Harold A. Cowles, district archon, opened the conclave, and W. Bernard Jones, Jr. , executive secretary, led the discussions. • Mr. Jones emphasized the importance of adhering to certain fundamental rushing rules and quizzed representatives from each chapter on the subject, bringing out the following points: Actives and pledges should know what they are going to say before the actual rushing party begins ; that is, the selling points of the chapter. Prospect should be asked to come back for a definite date in the near future. Arrange for someone in the chapter to pick up the man for the rushing party. Each member of the chapter should have suitable answers for the rushee on the subjects of finances, social affairs, athletic events, and scholarship. A mock executive committee meeting dealt with problems facing the chapters in this district, problems involving pledges who do not do their work, and actives who fail to take an interest in the group and fail to be present at major functions of the fraternity. Organizational control was discussed also. The executive secretary brought up points pertaining to the pledge's place in th~ frater~ity, s~ch as the work he is expected to do, hts part m rushmg for the fraternity, and pledge projects that bring the class closer together. The time and place committee chairman, Lee Rusnok of Beta Delta, reported that the next Officers' Training School will be held at Nu Chapter, University of Nebraska, next year. 7

Beauties of Out-Door Area Attract Many Visitors ,

BY ERNEST E. FISCHER, Alpha Zeta Curator, Hoyt Arboretum Portland, Oregon

HOY'f Arboretum in Portland, Ore., a woodland area of magnificent trees and beautiful shrubs and flowers, is the mecca for hundreds of visitors every year. E stablished in 1931, it has grown from 120 to 145 acres. In 1940, while the arboretum was in its first stages of development, it was my privilege to become its curator. We have no great expanse of greensward dotted with specimen trees, but instead there are huge, towering Douglas firs and other native trees, and it is among these existing trees that our specimens are planted. Also, to aid in giving the arboretum a naturalistic appearance, most of the native hemlocks, cedars, dogwoods, and many other trees and shrubs have been preserved in their native habitat. The numerous wild flowers and ferns have been left undisturbed, and much shrubbery has been brought from the nearby mountains to augment the existing flora. The arboretum now ranks high among other arboreta in the country and possesses the largest collection of needle-bearing trees to be found in any arboretum or botanical garden in the entire nation. I

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Rare Tree Grows Here

One tree of which we are especially proud is a "dawn redwood'' or metasequoia glyptostroboides which we grew from a seed which we received from the Arnold Arboretum at Boston, Mass. Although related to our native sequoias, the metasequoia sheds its needles annually. Lost to civilization for approximately 50 million years, the tree was discovered in 1948, growing in a remote valley in China to which place an expedition was sent to obtain seeds. During the war, when gasoline was rationed, many people ''discovered" the arboretum. It is now visited by out-door groups, such as Boy and Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, hikers' clubs, and many who are just lovers of trees. Horseback riders enjoy its trails. Cars are permitted on roads, but many visitors are disappointed to learn that they cannot "see'' the trees while riding at 2 5 miles an hour.

Hobby Is Wild Flowers My hobby is collecting wild flowers which I transplant from the mountains and deserts to the arboretum for future generations to enjoy. 8

My only claim to distinction while I was at ore gon State is the fact · that I was one of three student· who formed the club which later petitioned and becall1( l Alpha Zeta of Pi Kappa Phi. While it was still a chi• I was both secretary and treasurer for one year. 1 served several terms as secretary of the Forestry Club After graduation in 1923 with a Forestry degree, engaged in logging, lumbering, and landscaping, sue cessively. I am an active member of the local a1un1r group. My wife and I have a daughter and t~l grandsons. '

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he: cb Ernest E. Fischer, curator of Hoyt Arboretum, Portland, Or' tn is measuring the largest metasequoia to be grown from seed ~ b~ this country. It is now 1 feet toll and not yet three years. 0 tu Specimens of this tree were discovered recently, growing •11 1 'Wt remote volley in Chino after having been supposedly lost 1 civilization for millions of years. Many years ago this tr fr, flourished in the Northwest as is indicated by fossils. ~ 0F THE STAR AND L,A


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ADDRESSING a Founders' Day celebration of · L te.

~e Atlanta Alumni Chapter in December, Founder ~rry Mixson got to the real bedrock of fra-

Wi~f~!Isrn. Posterity will cling to these words which

light Ind t~emselves immortal in years to come. Highs of hts address are as follows: th;'1here. is one prevalent misconception regarding set o~ndtng of Pi Kappa Phi that I would like to Pi X'Ight. Many like to think that we founders of Wh bPPa Phi 'vere possessed of occult powers, zat:re Y we were able to conceive of a vast organico~fn from the foundation of the fraternity. To the ab·rrary, we were not endowed with any psychical an~ Ity to gaze into a crystal ball, to foresee the future, ho to be guided accordingly. While we had high th~te~ for Pi Kappa Phi, we had not the slightest idea it i It Would grow into the great organization which s today .•.

Debt to College



Kappa Phi owes much to the College of fie3rlest~n where it was founded. Venerable, digniUnc' dehghting in her traditions, unwavering and alw ornpromising in her requirements, the college has lateays been slow to act, to make the decisions which Lat! generations hail as visionary. My professor of one In at the old college, Thomas della Torre, remarked on 'tday that the old building should have inscribed arc I ~he words of Horace: 'Odi profanum vulgus et thr eo. (This is no place for the noise of foolish in ongs.) And, so, in the early days of the fraternity, con ~ccordance with the aplomb of the college, we tions~dered every action carefully, debated every moofte ully. Our early meetings were replete with dignity, carrr 0 the point of being absurd, but they were orga e. on with a decorum found in few other ntzations . .





a democratic base, Pi Kappa Phi was have ed on the right principles. While we always choos a~d I hope always will allow each chapter to Or' tnan ~ Its ~wn membership, once within a chapter a ~eed ~ beginIs. subJect to the will of the majority. From the rs D tuu0 ntng the fraternity has been a Christian insti~5~ t 'I'Ve f n. I am not trying to give the impression that 1 frate~u~~ers were overly pious. Along with the other 5 tt ntttes of that day, we had our share of beer L,4

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parties. Nor were all of us of the same religious faith. One of us was a Roman Catholic, another an Episcopalian and a third was Lutheran, but we were all able t~ meet on the broad foundation of Christianity.

Basis For Success 'l'he success of Pi Kappa Phi can be attributed to two things. From the first it was based on the right pripciples but in that respect it was no different from cou~tless other organizations with high principles. Other organizations before and since have made brave starts with high-sounding motives, but many of them have failed. There is a very definite reason why Pi Kappa Phi did not fail. After the influence of ~he founding group was over and the mantle of authority had passed from our shoulders, a steady stream of noble men followed on whose shoulders that mantle fitted and who were willing to carry the torch. Immediately after we established other chapters, those new chapters produced men who took over the leadership with a zeal, fervor, and .ability unexcelled in the history of any other fraternity . . . "One of the things which I like especially about Pi Kappa Phi is that while _it is still young ~nough to be vigorous, it is old enough to have attatned a large degree of stability. Pi Kappa Phi has withstood two World Wars one major and several minor . depressions. True,' these catastrophies caused tension in our organization, but the brothers have had the necessary ability and stamina to overcome these threats. Tonight, as I speak to you, anothe~ World War is gravely imminent. If it. do~s co?le, Pt Kappa Phi on the national level will gtrd Its loins and adJust itself economically. On the chapter level, some chap· ters will be forced to close temporarily, and others will operate on a skeleton basis. On the individual level each and every brother will do his duty as a Christian n1an and loyal American who values truth and honor above all . . .

Fraternal Rewards "Pi Kappa Phi has given to me something far above riches. It has given friendships that are priceless and experiences that are heartwarming. I am sure that it has done the same for many others. I know men who glory in Pi Kappa Phi and in its work. 1 have

seen them at every Pi Kappa Phi gathering, and I see them here tonight. The reward of these men is not financial or social; their reward is the feeling of Christian comradeship resulting from a meeting of human hearts on an unselfish level. Pi Kappa Phi gives primacy to the spiritual values of life rather than the material values . . . "What is the cost of membership in Pi Kappa Phi? Of course chapter members pay their initiation fee and chapter dues, and alumni contribute money for worthy causes, but one's monetary responsibilty is only a small part of his duty. There is a higher price which one has to pay, a deeper responsibility which one has to discharge. Each member has been given privileges and benefits under Pi Kappa Phi which cannot be purchased or discharged by money alone. How can these obligations be repaid? The answer is simple. Let me read from the Constitution:

"'This Fraternity is and shall be a secret fraternal organization whose purpose and aim shall be to promote fellowship and mutual trust among its members; to uphold the traditions of colleges where its chapters are located; to encourage excellence in scholarship; and to inculcate in its members the highest ideals of Christian manhood and good citizenship.' 'Need I say more? Each member of Pi Kappa Phi should honestly ask himself whether he is worthy of membership in the brotherhood, whether he is enga~ed in carrying out her noble purposes

Sacred Values "In the world chaos around us tonight, it seems that many of the values we hold sacred are being sown to the winds. We see Godless men in positions of responsibility and trust. We see weighty decisions being made with no regard for what is right but for the sake of expediency alone. I know that it has been the idea of many that we do not need religion. There are many who feel themselves superior to the dictates of Christianity, but those who build their house on anything else build on the sand. That is true of nations as well as individuals. The men with whom I come in contact every day are not · particularly spiritual men. They are the average run of straight thinking business and professional men, but I find them more and more coming to the realization that there is but one hope, one rock on which to buildAlmighty God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ. The answer to the world's problem lies in its acceptance of the Christian principles of life. Christianity and good citizenship go hand in hand. Do we need good citizenship? We have only to .look at the acts of men who flaunt corruption in high places to receive a clear answer. What is the remedy? You in this room tonight can be the remedy. You have pledged loyalty to Pi Kappa Phi, and Pi Kappa Phi means Christian manhood and good citizenship. Hold always to your pledge." 10

Awards at Rho

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Leake Pledge Award is presented for the first time on Februotl 11 by Earl~ K. Pox~on, '08, retired Rho Chapter adviser, to Pled9j Closs Prestdent Brtan Crowley, Silver Spring, Md., as Dean Students of Washington and Lee Frank J. Gilliam and Toostmaste; Morvin Anderson look on. The award was created by Nationo Secretary J. Eugene Dunaway, Jr., in honor of Post Notion°1 President Howard D. Leake, Rho '24.


liam E. Latture, '49, of Lexington, Va., and in absentia to Edwin S. Pickett, '50, of Niagara Falls, N. Y. Other guests and Rho alumni included Executi1'1 Secretary W. Bernard Jones, Jr., Alpha, from Rich· mond, Va.; 0. Forrest McGill, '23, East Orange, N. J;: member of the national finance committee (with bJ: family); Edmund B'. Rannells, Jr., '33, Winston-SaleJ11 N. C.; I. Grier Wallace, Jr., '35, Charlotte, N.C.; G Thomas Sollenberger, '40, Woodstock, Va.; Colin 1 Baxter, '42, Huntington Station, N.Y.; Billy G. Cadle. '50, Beckley, W.Va.; Robert A. Totty, Jr., '49, Peters burg, Va.; and William E. Latture, '49, Lexingt~P Va. Other guests present included retiring DistrJC1 Archon Joe W. Guthridge, Xi, of Blacksburg, Va·· District Archon Hugh F. Hill, Jr., '49, Rocky Moun~ Va., secretary of the Rho Chapter of Pi Kappa Ph1 Inc.; and Chapter Adviser Herbert N. Hamric, Jt '46, Lexington, Va., treasurer of Rho Chapter of f Kappa Phi, Inc. Of particular significance to the chapter at Hornt coming was the announcement of the creation of th1 Howard D. Leake Pledge Award, donated to th' chapter by Secretary .Dunaway, and awarded annu~lll to that member of the pledge class, who in the opinJor of the chapter, is the outstanding pledge of the ciaS: A "C"-average is necessary. This award was presentet by Brother Paxton at the annual Initiation Banquet February 11 , 1951 , to Brian Crowley for the pled~ class of 1950-51. The award was created in honor 0 Brother Howard D. Leake, '24, past national presideP1 Birmingham, Ala. Speakers at the banquet includj Washington and Lee's Dean of Students, Frank · Gilliam, and Dr. Edward D. Meyers, Xi, professor~ Philosophy at Washington and Lee. Initiation certificates were presented to the ne: brothers by the archon. Other guests included pro R. N. Latture, chairman of the Department of Politic~ Science and father of William E. Latture, '49. THE




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5~ode _)Jomedick r/Jfued

~~'\VAS a sad Gene' wme of Wynwood, Pa., near Fanhtladelphia, who as a sophomore at Penn State last Pict unpack~d his suitcase and placed on his dresser ures of hts family and his best girl friend.

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Away from Home for First Time

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atte Although he had had a taste of college, having the nded a Penn State Freshman Center near his home alotfere~eding year, he had never been away from home so h efore he came to Penn. State to enroll as a ornm·e .. He was definitely homesick. After a few rrfts 0 ~ ,Onentation Week, including visits to several cide~mttes, among which was Pi Kappa Phi, he deCol! to go home and enroll in a Philadelphia District to 0 ege, The morning after he returned home he went the ~e of the colleges to enroll, but was disappointed by acco ack ~f friendliness and cordiality such as was Phi rded htm at Penn State and especially by Pi Kappa ' and he became "homesick" for Penn State. Wer "I decided that Pi Kappa Phi and Penn State Pene ~r me and that I would return immediately to da nf' t~te," Gene said. "I returned to State the same Y, tntshed enrolling, and visited Pi Kappa Phi."


Becomes a Pledge Cha ~few days later he became a pledge of Alpha Mu Per.


be ene was dubious as to whether or not he would hirnWelcorne after his trip home, as we were rushing brou~t that ~ime," Harold S. Boyer, one of his chapter Wasters, satd. "We were as happy to see him as he we alf see us, as we had hopes of pledging him because of u thought a lot of him and wanted him to be one s B: . duri · e Is so contented now that he returns home ng vacation holidays only."

Deciding Factor ''W Phi ,, Ghat really made me decide to go to Pi Kappa spi;it ene explained, "was the cordiality and the exte dof true fraternity that the fellows at Alpha Mu Whe~ ed to me when I first came to Penn State and and I returned. They seemed to realize my situation tionsco~ed ':'ith it magnificently, as if they had recollecto c thetr own thoughts when they first went away o11ege."

Gene Wille (right) finds that music and good company are sure cures for "homesick blues." Harmoni2:ing with him are his roommates, George Goldthrope (left) and Jack Muench .

All-Time Record? Claiming the all-time record for length of ptedgehood for one of its neophites, Beta Eta, Florida State University, has announced that last Fall a pledge of 19 years' standing started his formal pledge training in the chapter. He is Marion ("Mickey") Mitchell Permenter, Jr., who at the age of three days, was pledged by his uncle, Eugene L. Permenter, then archon of Lambda Chapter, University of Georgia. The pledging took place December 20, 1931. A picture of Mickey which appeared in the STAR AND LAMP of October, 1932, shows him to have been a beautiful baby. The cut lines r,eveal that his father is an alumnus of Alpha Epsilon Chapter at the University of Florida.


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ALMOST two years after Helmut C. Neumann, Alpha Xi, had sailed to LeHavre, France, on a troop transport, he made the same trip under mulf}l more pleasant circumstances with his bride, the former Miss Marian Hake. This was in September, 1946, on their way to Zurich, Switzerland, where Neumann went to resume his studies for a doctorate. After receiving the B.S. degree in Chemistry from the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute in 1938, he became a chemist with Fritzsche Bros., Inc., of New York, an essential oil house. Four years later he left the firm for a three-year stay with the medical department of the Army. He served in France and Germany with the· 127th Evacuation Hospital under the Seventh Army as a non-comm in charge of medical laboratory. His rank moved from Private to Technician Third Grade. Neumann was back at the Fritzsche Bros., Clifton, N. ]., factory from December, 1945, to August, 1946. While working with essential oils, he became interested in terpene chemistry, so he decided to continue his education under the GI Bill of Rights. Since Prof. Leopold Ruzicka is an authority on terpenes and steroids as well as a Nobel Laureate, Neumann decided to study for his doctor's degree under Professor Ruzicka at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. Under the GI Bill of Rights about 600 students were studying in Switzerland alone in 1947, not counting the large numbers in France and Great Britain. A Geneva office of the Veterans Administration was opened to take care of the exservicemen in Switzerland. "It was a wonderful experience, and the two years and three months passed all too quickly," Dr. Neumann declared. "The Federal Institute of Technology is Switzerland's only federal university, all the others are cantonal, similar to state universities here. Switzerland has 22 cantons, similar to our states, but the population of Switzerland is only six to seven million. There are about a dozen universities in the larger cities. In Zurich and for about 60 per cent of Switzer-

land, German is the official language, French, about 30 per cent, Italian, for about 8 per cent, Romanish, for about 1 per cent. "Zurich has the Federal Institute of Technology a university. It is the largest city in Switzerland a population of about 350,000. A large percentage the students are foreigners (not Swiss) from all the world. The Swiss students have societies clubs, but not exactly like our fraternities. They duel with swords as in the old days and it is quite aP honor to have a long, livid scar right across the face. The federal school has a top notch, world-wide repu· tation in the quality of engineers, physicists and cbeJlld' ists and other technical men that it turns out. I foull my studies inspiring and the people I met fascinating· Above all, the wonderful scenery and beauty of tbt Alps made week ends and vacatiOns unforgettable e$' periences. "The Winters in Zurich are cold and gray," J)t· Neumann explained. "Seldom does the sun appeP1 from November until March, but what a change to travel by train for an hour or so up into the AI~ "When we arrived in Zurich, everything was s t· rationed, but by 1948 rationing had ceased. Switze land is still on the gold standard, and gold coins wett available at the banks. The banks sold any curren~l available much lower than the official rates. OffiCI~ exchange was 4.28 francs to the dollar, but dollar bUv could be bought for 3.20. As the subsistence allowancl was only $105 a month from the GI Bill of Rights,~) wife worked for the American Express Company 1~ Zurich to help out. She returned home in October 1948. Our son, Teddy, was born in January, 1949. 'fb' same month I received my doctor's degree," pr Neumann reported. For a year and a half after that Dr. Neumann b~1 a post-doctorate research fellowship at the UniversJ!) of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia where he develope' new steroids to be tested for their effect on cancer ~ arthritis. Since August, 1950, he has been resea; chemist for White Laboratories, Inc., a pharmaceutl~ concern in Newark, N. ].

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S Center of 0 tt . . Decretory J E ent1on IS the Howard D. Leake Pledge Plaque presented to Rho Chapter, Washington and Lee University, by National Unoway N ~gene Du~away, Jr., second from left. The group includes, left to right, National Historian Wayne R. Moore, Mr. Executiv; S Ohonal Pres1~ent Theron A. Houser, National Treasurer Rolph W. Noreen, National Chancellor Karl M. Gibbon, and . ecretary W. Bernard Jones, Jr.

National Council Is "Over-Shadowed" By Gibbon's 路10-gallon Hat

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'\rATIONAL . .l.,C President Theron A. Houser of South aroJi N . ~ew y na, at10nal Treasurer Ralph W. Noreen of of Mi~:k, National Secretary J. Eugene Dunawav. Jr .. or Iowa Igan, and National Historian Wayne R. Moore by N t'tnade Quite a target of the 10-gallon hat worn at th a Jonal Chancellor Karl M. Gibbon of Texas Va ~meeting of the National Council in Richmond. Co~nc/rch. 31-April 1. The other members of the Planted Ccla.1tn he is not a Texan at all but a transbJcagoan. . The Cldect th Co unci'I , wh'JCh met at Hotel Jefferson , dein l\fi a.t the 1952 National Convention will be held R 0111 a~mt, Fla., August 27-30. inclusive. William B . ~enera)路 Ahl~ha Epsilon, Miami attorney, was appointed c airman.

act 111 i~_tJniversity

of Arizona group has petitioned for

apProv~~n to Pi. ~appa Phi. The National Council Theta C~he petitiOn, and the group became the Beta



Pter of Pi Kappa Phi at ceremonies conPr kAPPA PHI

ducted by National President Theron A. Houser at Tucson, Ariz., on April 28. Chapter aid funds were discussed. The Devereux D . Rice Memorial Fund is to be headed by former National President John D . Carroll, Lexington, S. C., attorney. Also elected to the committee were National President Houser; 0. Forrest McGill, Newark, N . ]. , member of the National Finance Committee; former National Secretary J. AI Head, Salem, Ore., and former National President George Driver, Des Moines, Iowa. The " Chapter Loan Fund" is to continue in existence. Central Office services cut becomes necessary in the light of the fact that a 20 per cent cut in the next budget period is anticipated. The National Council elected to leave the Traveling Counselor position open until the budget could again permit its return. The other Central Office services, such as National Office operation, routine "trouble shooting" visits by the Executive Secretary, and the nationally conducted Regional Leadership Schools wiJI be continued upon the present basis. 13

IN THE CHAPTER ETERNAL ":Jfte'J Are r/of ::bead; :Jfte'J Are Ju~f Awa'J "

the Engineer Corps. After Air Force Cadet training he became a commissioned officer in the Air Force last September. He was then assigned to the 33rd Bomber Group at March Field. Lt. Cianci is survived by his parents and two sisters, Mrs. Madge Lamberson, of Secane, Pa., Mrs. Olive Powell, of Holmes, and by a brother, William Cianci, who is a student at the University of Pennsylvania.





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Col. H. J. Hampton

LT. M. J. CIANCI Lt. Mario John Cianci, Jr ., 26, Alpha Mu, State College, died suddenly November 22, 1950,. at March Field, Calif., while waiting to go to Korea. Death was attributed to pulmonary hemorrhage. Born in Holmes, Pa., Lt. Cianci attended Ridley Township High School, where he was president of the class of 1942 and a member of the National Honor Society. During his high school career he received letters for football, baseball, basketball, and track. Soon after graduation he enlisted in the Army, and as a Private First Class served two years in Europe with an anti-aircraft unit. After he returned to civilian life he enrolled at Penn State, where he graduated from the School of Engineering in 1948. The following August he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 14

Lt. Col. Henry J. Hampton, Gamma '27, University of California, and a resident of Oakland, Calif., was killed in action in Korea September 21 while serving as G 3 (plans and training). He was 41. After graduation from Oakland (Calif.) High School, where he was student body president and one of the top football players, he entered the University of California. He served for three years in the Army and then joined the Oakland Fire Department. In 1940 he was recalled to military service, entering as a Second Lieutenant. Three years later he was made Lieutenant Colonel. During World War II he went to Italy where he earned the Bronze Star with cluster, Legion of Merit, and Purple Heart with cluster. He was presented British and Italian medals also. In memory of Col. Hampton, the post gymnasium at the U. S. Army's Camp Crawford on t.{le island of Hokkaido, Japan, has been re-named Hampton Hall. Brig. Gen. Edwin W. Pitburn, in his address during the re-naming ceremonies, pointed out that Colonel

thl Hampton was one of the first officer to leave the ship fo'r the initial 1a~ 1 ing at Inchon and "was in close co; tact with the enemy until his deat h which occurred at the head of column driving through Suwon." t Colonel Hampton is survived .•· his wife and two daughters, Jacq•· line and Myrna.

PROF. v. cooK Prof. Vernon Cook, Sigma '28, pr fessor of foreign and ancient 1~: guages at the University of 5011 Carolina, died July 24, 1950, Columbia, S. C. , Born in Lancaster County, 5011 Carolina, August 31, 1888, he mo1: at an early age to nearby Kersh~ S. C., and attended school there. ~ early training at Kershaw enab him to enter the sophomore class the University of South Carolina 1904. He received his A.B. degf there in 1907 and his M A. deg~ in 1909. Then he taught in hll THE




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He was married to the former Mrs Blanche M. Cormack (Blanche Millershan) of Charlotte, N. C., April 2 7, 1940. Professor Cook is survived by his wife and John, a son by his first marriage, who is a member of Sigma Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi and a member of a radio station staff in Columbia; two step-sons, Walter B. Cormack, head of the Department of Geology at Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va., and Fred L. Cormack, who is connected with a salt company in Charlotte.

School · s. C s In Columbia and Charleston , sity · }~er, he studied at the UniverYear~ arburg in Germany for four lowsh.i After holdi?g a. teachin~ felin 191~ at t~e ymverstty of Chicago gua ' he JOmed the Ancient LanCargoel' sta~f of the University of South Ina m 1917 . . Soon h · vice . e was called for Army Serat C In the Intelligence department to thamp .Jack~on, S. C. Returning in 19~ Dmversity of South Carolina death. ' he remained there until his


th:nE19 2~ he married May Simmins,

stud nghsh girl he met during his f(ice1 seve:~t days at Marburg. She died I laO 1\. Years later ·e cor Profe~fe-long stud~nt of the classics, 'deatt schola:o: C~ok . was a recognized of h ,, Greek In his field. His forte was ·~d ~ taught afd Latin, however, he also readin c asses in German. He had a acqtJI ish Itg/nowledge of French, Spanand Ra 1a.n, modern Greek , Sanscrit, manti ussian. He did research in SeeraJ pcs, an~ was the author of sevb ~Pers m his field. instr~r~ng ~Vorld War II, he was an 8 pr ing s char m Navigation at the traint ' I~' shortie ool at the University, and Soil' ing cl~s befo.re his death was instruct;o, son S ses m German at Fort Jacktrai'ni · C., under a special Army B ~g program. Pa p~?es his membership in Pi KapBeta ~ Professor Cook was a Phi in the 1\.app~ and held memberships Classj ;nencan Classical League, the West ca Association of the Middle ciationan~ So~th, t?e American Assotbe S 0 Dmversity Professors, and ciatio outh Carolina Education Asso-

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JACOB R. HESTER Jacob Ray Hester, of Montgomery, Ala., Alpha Iota '48, Alabama Insti tute of Technology, died January 28, as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident two days before while he was returning alone from Opelika, Ala. The entire chapter attended the funeral services in Montgomery January 30. A two-week period of mourning was observed by the chapter. A senior in electrical engineering and a Midshipman 1/ C in the NROTC, he would have graduated from Auburn and received a commission as Ensign in the Navy in June. He entered the institute in the Fall of 1947. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde B. Hester, of Mont-

gomery, and a member of the Church of Christ. lfe was born September 6, 1930, at Red Bay, Ala . :Mr. Hester is survived by his parents ; a sister, Miss Martha Hester, of Galveston, Texas, and a brother, L . B. Hester, Chestnut Hill, Mass.

ROBERT HOPE Robert De Vere Hope, Alpha Xi '29, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, died March 23 at his home in Fanwood, N. J. He was 67. A native of Richmond, Va., he was the head of a consulting engineering firm that he founded in Newark, N. J., in 1919. He attended Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and in 1907 received an engineering degree from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. For 12 years he was associated with the engineering department of the New York T elephone Company. Mr. Hope entered World War I as a Captain and was promoted to Major. In the officer 's reserve since 1923, he entered World War II in 1942 as a Major and served in this country and Europe with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He left the Army in 1944. As a consulting engineer, he served many large industrial concerns in this country and Canada. Also, he took part in the supervision of Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., in Summit, N. J ., for 15 years. He was a life member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the American Society of Military Engineers, and the Engineers Club of New York. He was a former commodore of the Fair Haven Yacht Club and had belonged to the New York Southern Society for 45 years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lillian B. Hope, two daughters, and four grandchildren.

Eta Grades Lead Eta, Emory University, with seven members and a 9.809 average, topped Emory's 15 social fraternities in scholarship during the Fall quarter . Tau Epsilon Phi pledges led all other pledges with an 8.546 average. Both the Pi Kappa Phi members and the Tau Epsilon Phi pledges won the same awards in the Fall of 1949. 15


0/R by the compliments for their house J UDGING mothers which have come from the ten fraternities fortunate enough to have such adjuncts, these ladies must be quite important persons in their domains. While Mr. Yos could by no means be called a house mother, he shares honors in this story as he shares them with his wife at Beta Epsilon, University of Missouri. From the wealth of information the proud chapters have sent about their VIP's (very important persons) we have gleaned a few highlights for a story about them . It seems that the duties of these persons range all the way from sewing on a button, to taking care of the house, giving advice on "dates," and encouraging the men to be their best.

Mr. and Mrs. David Yos Beta Epsilon is unique among Pi Kapp chapters and among organized houses on the University of Missouri campus in that it has house parents. They are Mr. and Mrs. David Yos, who came to Beta Epsilon from Lambertville, N. J., in September. Mrs. Yos is a graduate of the Cooper Union Art School in New York City, where her major study was industrial design. She studied home economics at Plattsburg State Teachers' College in New Jersey and worked as an interior decorator for an architectural firm in New Jersey. Mr. Yos is teaching in the botany department at the University while working on his doctorate in plant genetics. He is a graduate of New York University and has worked as a plant inspector for the Customs Department. 16


Mrs. Robert M. Boswell



Lambda at the University of Georgia has as itS "guardian angel" Mrs. Robert M. Boswell, a hoJlle economics graduate of Georgia State Normal School (now a part of the University of Georgia). MrS路 Boswell, who took up her duties three years ago when her son, Robert, Jr., was archon, is a native of Pe!l' field, Ga. She was called from her home in Thomson, Ga., and asked to serve for one session of Sumrnef School. She did so for love of her son 's fraternity, {of there were no other compensations. Her boys wert worried considerably when she was ill with influen~ this Winter. She has recovered now. Mrs. Boswell'S late husband attended the University of Georgia. TheY had a son and a daughter.

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Mrs. Rosa McCracken


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Mrs. Rosa McCracken has been house mother {of c Xi at Roanoke College for the past five years. Sb( ll is the mother of four children and grandmother ,0 s eight. A widow for sixteen years, she is the "g111 d friend" of all the men in the chapter.

Mrs. Mattie B. Stoddard Since September, 1946, Mrs. Mattie B. Stoddardi Luverne, Ala., has been at Omicron, University ? Alabama, coming from a position as house mother 1 ~ one of the university's women 's dormitories. She wai by no means a stranger to Pi Kappa Phi when s~ took up her fraternal duties. Her son, John THE




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'P.apa, '' Stoddard d tnetnb ' art a nephew, Dr. George Kendrick, were Quite ers of ~~icron, during their undergraduate years. the b a mus1c1an, ' Mother S," as she is called by round oys, often supplies keyboard renditions for s as well as for barber shop quartets.

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Mrs. Ethel Kerr

Ethel Kerr at Rho is the youngest house to th er on the Washington and Lee campus. She came of 1 ~ ~hapter ":hile it was reactivating in the Autumn educat · ~orn m Rousford, W. Va., Mrs. Kerr was Greenbe~ ln nearby Clifton Forge, Va. She attended l!er c nar College for Women and Longwood College. 0 Uab]e ?tacts at these institutions have proved invalthere 10 the matter of date-making between girls Lee shand her boys. Before coming to Washington and Forge e Was engaged in the jewelry business in Clifton ones) · ~r principal hobby is collecting cats (live Garb~ rs. Kerr's daughter, Mrs. Betty Burr Baldw:' who is a member of the faculty of Mary 1 She t College, is a frequent guest at the house. dat~s ~o, uses her influence in connection with blind or Rho members.



Mrs. Mae Owens lard y of ~r


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, of Flori;'o~an s t~uch" at Alpha Epsilon, University burg V a, Is prov1ded by Mrs. Mae Owens, PetersOwe~s a. Before coming to Florida last Fall, Mrs. Clubs Was president of the Federated Women's C:hapt of Petersburg and president of the Petersburg er of the American Cancer Society, as well as OF


active on the infantile paralysis board, the hospital committee, and the Civic Music Association Board, Petersburg. In the 1930's, she ranked among the top women golfers in the Middle Atlantic area. At one time she reached the semi-finals of that tournament. She was champion of the Richmond and the Petersburg Country Clubs, and runner-up in the Virginia State Tournament three times.

Mrs. Margaret Steiger From Lansing, Mich., Mrs. Margaret Steiger was called to Alpha Theta at the beginning of this college year. Born in Quincey, Mich., Mrs. Steiger spent most of her early life in Hastings, Mich. She received her college training at Francis Shimer School for Girls, Mt. Carroll, Ill. Mrs. Steiger has two daughters. One is editor of Food Packer in Chicago, and the other is a teacher in Peoria, Ill .

Mrs. Burke Whitley One of the "girls" who wears a sweetheart pin from Alpha Iota, Alabama Institute of Technology, is Mrs. Burke Whitley who has been " first lady" of the house since January, 1946. Mrs. Whitley is active in many phases of society in her home town of Auburn. She is known to the boys as "Kit."

Mrs. E. H. McCanon Mrs. E. H. McCanon is now completing her sixth year with Alpha Omicron at Iowa State College. 17

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sl Members of the executive committee of the University of Ar;zono Colony ond Executive Secretory W, Bernard Jones, Jr., (se' l<A ond from left) complete arrangements for the colony to become o chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. The colony was installed as Beta Theil n April 28, too late for details of the event to be included in this issue of the magazine. Shown here are !left to right) Art Rohll' ( treasurer; Mr. Jones; Bob Brown, archon, and Don Choisser, secretary.



.'\ native of Missouri, Mrs. McCanon attended Hardin College and later studied home economics at the University of Missouri. Last Summer she attended the House Mothers' Training School at Purdue University, taking courses in guidance and psychology for older women, economics, management, social affairs, and operating a commissary. Also, she has attended classes in institutional management at Iowa State. Mrs. McCanon has been both president and vicepresident of the Cotenie Club, an organization of house mothers. She is a member of the Faculty Women's Club. She has a daughter, Marilyn, who is librarian in the schools division of the Indianapolis Public Library.

Mrs. Walter L. Stegall Alpha Sigma, University of Tennessee, has as house mother Mrs. Walter L. Stegall, a native of Lexington, Tenn., and the daughter of Judge and Mrs. Levi S. Woods. Mrs. Stegall is a graduate of Belmont College (now Ward-Belmont) . For a number of years the 18



Stegalls lived in Jackson, Tenn., where they t~ part in religious and social activities, affiliating Wllf l<A the Methodist Church. Until Mrs. Stegall came 1{ Alpha Sigma she was regent of the Jackson-Madis Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolutior

Fine Qualities


All these guardians of Pi Kapp home fronts ar credited with many fine qualities far too numero~' Oh-1 to mention but which add considerably to the wei ~ being and happiness of their grateful "charges."

ALUMNI GET AWARDS (Conlirwcd frorn Page 5)

retary, Detroit, 1ich., at the Alpha Theta Founder Day banquet. . Another recipient was Frederick R. Sturm, M1~ O!V neapolis, Minn., Nu, composer of many of the son~ found in the Pi Kappa Phi song book. . At Rho Chapter, Washington and Lee UniversJt) Dr. Earle K. Paxton, Lexington, Va., Rho, who fc (Continu<>d on Page 31 )





VITAL MARRIAGES I<APPA ,48 Fan -J ames R. Hickman, Granite Fan:· ~- C., to Miss Ann Price, Granite is ' m September. Brother Hickman C associated with Hickman Hardware . ornpany 0 r H' N. C. 1ckory and Gramte Falls, l<APPA ,4 \Till 8-James Lee Thompson, ReidsReJ·de, N· C., t o M'ISS Betsy Lee Ware, S\Tille . 0 san . ' In ctober. Brother Thomp15 C associated with Gulf Distributing ornpany, I<APPA ,4 w·lnstan s8-William M Johnson Jr 1 · ' ., Carn b - a em, N. C., to Miss Carolyn p ell w· Broth ' mston-Salem, in November. C p er Johnson is associated with J. · enny and Company. I<AppA '49 C., taM'-Edwar-d Baker, Reidsville, N. in t ISS Nancy Hopkins, Reidsville, 0 With cAober: Brother Baker is associated rnencan Tobacco Company. KAppA '49 on N -Robert M. Pettit, Mt. Vernsh~~ · Y., to Miss Phyllis Foster B.rad"' of Chapel Hill, N. C., in December. RAppA , 49-Thomas A. Whitley, Portsmouth V G ' a., to Miss Lynette Kathrine unnell, Portsmouth in December. RAppA '4 ' Salem 9-Robert G. Hamer, Winstonw·Jnston-s ' N. C. to •Miss Mary Jo Rierson, a1em, m September. l<AppA '5 N. C 0-John L. Head, Cramerton, N ., to Miss Elaine Hall, Charlotte · C., in December.

0 MicRoN, to 11..-. 42-Ghrner S. W. Trigg, Jr., "~Iss G!o . D k in 0 t b na u e, of Memphis, Tenn., c a er, 1950. oMICRoN , Miss l\1: 43-Abner H. Crow, Jr., to Ala ary Lou Gray, of Montgomery, ·• recently. oMicRoN , Marg 44-Ben R. Davis to Miss Mr Dare~ Rogers, of Selma, Ala., recently. ain . Eaavis is ed't I or o f the Jasper Mountgle. Mi~ ol\:t:rcRoN,

4 5-Joseph R. Holley, III, to Miss I son~ cafo oyce Luker, of Clanton and Tusosa Al ' a., recently. Mr. Holley is rsitl ernpJ oyed as . O fO Fair Te . an_ en~neer for the Vanity xtile M1lls m Jacksonville, Ala. OF PJ KAPPA PHI


OMICRON '47-Robert L. Bowers to Miss Emma Frank McRae recently. The bridegroom is now a Lieutenant, stationed ir, Texas. RHO '49-Thomas H. Andrews, Jr., of Alexandria, Va., to Miss Mary Lou Fields in Arlington September 9, 1950. RHO 'So--Richard 0. Carden, of Lexington, Va., to Miss Shirley Mae Porter in Franklin, Va., December 26, 1950. TAU '42-Edwin F. Troy, Jr., of Wilmington, N. C., to Miss Jean Darrow. TAU '47-John V. Fox, Jr., of Randleman, N. C., to Miss Frankie Meadows. UPSILON '43-William H. O'Donnell, of the United States Army, to Miss Charlotte Christine Whitcomb in Chicago, November 25, 1950. UPSILON '48-William Ray Tangren, of Chicago. to ML<s Beverly Ellen Brunelle, February 2. · UPSILON 'So--Richard D. Pratt, of Urbana, Ill., to Miss Alice Marie Clancy, December 24, 1950.


'43-Frank W. Brown, Jr., to Miss Helen Johnson, February 17 in Coral Gables, Fla.

CHI '45-Robert G. Dinwiddie to Miss Sally Rhodes, March 10 in Orlando, Fla. They are now Jiving in Atlanta, Ga.


'48-Charles B. McClelland to Miss Betty Jo Collins, March 24 in Ft. Meade, Fla. They are now Jiving in Waycross, · Ga.

em '48-James R. Rose to Miss Georgiana Howard, December 26, 1950, in Daytona Beach, Fla. CHI '48-Richard H. Twitchell to Miss Sandra Skeene, March 20 in DeLand, Fla. ALPHA XI '49-Anthony E. Paratley to Miss Rita Sanders, of Brooklyn, N. Y., September 2, 1950. They reside in Brooklyn. ALPHA OMEGA '48-Lawrence E. Baer, of Salem, Ore., to the former Miss Rosalie Macken, of Salem, January 13.

ENGAGEMENTS EPSILON '46-Dr. Carey T. Wells, Jr., of Canton, N. C., to Miss Jean Ann Bradley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bradley, of Waynesville, N. C. The wedding is planned for this Summer. Miss Bradley is a sister of Richard L. Bradley '45. ZETA '51- William Creech, of Spartanburg, S. C., to Miss Betty Murph, of Spartanburg. The wedding will take place in June. KAPPA '48-Joseph T. Melvin, Greensboro, N. C., to Miss Florence Morrel, Greensboro. The wedding wilJ take place in June.


'49-Lewis H. Treen, of Eustis, Fla., to Miss Lorraine Mingonet, also of Eustis.

ALPHA TAU '48-Roger K. Thompson, Jr., of Troy, N. Y., to Miss Joan Feldt, a student at Russell Sage College. BETA EPSILON '49-Edmund C. Lasswell, of Columbia, Mo., to Miss Colleen Moore. The wedding is set for June. BETA EPSILON 'So--Frederick R. Bowie, of Columbia, Mo., to Miss Barbara Coso, of Alpha Chi Omega. The wedding is to be in June. BETA EPSILON 'So--Larry A. Harrah, of Columbh, Mo., to Miss Madge Fisher. BETA ETA 'So--Henry James ("Beau") Brett, of Tallahassee, Fla., to MisS Madge Blount, of Arcadia, Fla. The wedding will take place in June.

BIRTHS EPSILON '39-To Capt. and Mrs. S. M. Woodward, of Apt. 535-B, Custer Rd. Apts., North Valdez Dr., Columbus, Ga., a daughter, Anne Atha, December 3, 1950. ALPHA OMEGA '47-To Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Crone, of the' University of Oregon, a daughter, Colleen Faye, born December 28, 1950.

BETA EPSILON '49-George E. Hyde, Jr., of Independence, Mo., an alumnus, to Miss Betty Perdue, of Alpha Gamma Delta, at Kansas City, Mo.

ALPHA OMEGA '49-To Mr. and Mrs. Willard A. Higgins, Jr., of Eugene, Ore., a son, Michael Roy, born January 19.

BETA EPSILON 'So--James E. Barry, of Columbia, Mo., to Miss Patricia Finney, in Quincy, Ill.

BETA EPSILON '49-To Mr. and Mrs. Garrett C. Williamson, of Centralia, Mo., 11. daughter. 19

CALLING · THE Presbyterian College



The fraternity is currently in the middle of a redecoration project. A new television set now adorns the living room. Three new leather sofas have been added. Help in financing the project was given by the Clinton alumni. Beta's quarters also boast a Coca-Cola machine. We garnered six pledges ·this semester: Charles Lome!, James Norris, James Richards, John Sease, Davis Young, and Dan Groover. -Elmo Story, Historian.

Wofford College



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New officers for the Spring semester are C. B. Barry, archon; Jack Anderson, secretary; Ralph Lowrimore, treasurer; James Corn, historian; Bill Glenn, chap·lain, and Joe Potts, warden. At an alumni banquet last Fall, we were honored by the presence of · W. B. Jones, Jr., who presented to us our original charter. This prize possession of ours had been missinl! so long, we had given up hope of ever recovering it. But through the untiring efforts of Mr. Jones, we once again ha ve our "Masterpiece." The rush season this year was a great success, netting over 20 pledges. However, the present crisis took its toll between semesters. A large number of pledges joined the armed forces. Also taking its toll of actives was graduation , which left us a little short on all sides. Our pledges built a prize-winning flo at for the HomeComing parade. This is the third consecutive year we have had the top float. New men initiated since our last letter are John R. Anderson, James H. Corn, Ralph T. Lowrimore, Bill Creech , and James K. Haley. - James H. Corn, Historian.






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Eta's sponsor, Miss Betty Thompson, Decatur, Ga.

Emory University

· At the first chapter meeting of the new quarter Eta elected her new Rose. From Decatur, Ga., she is Miss Betty Thompson, tall, dark, and beautiful. Our new Rose is a student at the Atlanta Division of the University of Georgia, and is a member of Pi Sigma Delta sorority. Eta started the Winter quarter by receiving one of the highest honors attainable by a chapter on the Emory campus, that of achieving during the Fall quarter a higher academic. record than any other fraternity on the campus. Eta's chapter lodge now has a new ping pong table, donated by Brother Fred Mylius. Paddles for the new table were furnished by the Fall pledge class. The lawn of the lodge is now graced by a new log fence. The brothers decided that something must be done to keep women drivers from running over our front yard. Initiated into Eta thi! winter were Dick Leinecker, of Miami, Fla., and Bob Hoover, of Atlanta, Ga. Pledged at the beginning· of the Winter quarter was Oscar Chapman, of Jasper, Ga. Eta and Iota, at Georgia Tech, are pioneering a new acUvity in promoting even greater brotherhood among Pi Kapp Chapters. The two chapters are embarking on a year


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Eta 'round sports program, with a trophy going to the winner each year. Our traveling counsellor, Bill Abbott, recently made hi: annual visit to Eta, which all of us enjoyed. Eta joine~ with all the other Pi Kapp chapters in Georgi3 and with the Atlanta Alumni Chapter in presenting a great Founders' Day banquet. The principal speaker at the cete· bration was Brother Harry Mixson, to whom we are aD grateful for helping to found our fraternity. Elected to lead Eta during the new year were Ken Kiebl archon; Fred Mylius, secretary; Dan McDuff, treasurer' Boone Bowen, Jr., historian; John Bridges, chaplain, an~ Don Brooks, warden. Scholastic recognition was given this quarter to Joht Bridges, who was tapped for Phi Sigma Iota, natioJt3' honorary Romance Languages Fraternity. Eta's Honor Roll was increased recently upon the entrand of Brothers Lee Patterson and Wayne Gammon into tbl service of their country. -John H. Bridges, Historian . THE



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University of North Carolina


March initiates, bringing the active membership to 32, Were Ernest M I . . . lrby . c nms, B1tsy Seabrook, Alfred Strauss, Claudius p d ' . Lmwood Braswell, Bill Leyton, Elmon Russell, Hal Va cnck • J.1m Gu II edge, and Fred Silvers. Jerry Rid~:e, Norfolk, 1'~·· ahd Robert Morris, Reidsvil!e, N. C., have been pledged. e ~ apter has lost to the armed services Jim Kimzie, Dano Frassmer D Aldrid 1• ud Apple, Bob Hamer, Robert Perry, Speck ge, and a number of pledges. BUt l'h~ election of officers brought in the following slate: M U' Wilkerson, archon; Gordon Shermer, treasurer; Bill 15 chaa ?n, secretary; Nat Magruder, historian; Ken Robbins, 1 Pam· Ill • B uc k·y H orton, warden; Nolan Brewer, h ouse anager, and Charlie Wolff, steward. so . ~uring the Winter quarter Kappa kept up a fairly active hoC!a Program. Especially notable was the party held at the use duri reach . ng t.he week end of the Winter Formals. The party Job ed Its. peak of hilarity when the Kappa court jesters, ben~· Sbemn and Eddie Styers, presented a little skit for the e,:t of the brothers and their dates. for thCorky" Cauble headed the committee in charge of affairs e Rose Ball April 21. alu Tom Whitley was married recently. Les Jenkins, Kappa noumnus' and W a1ter M oore, graduate student, have anreac~~d . forthcoming marriages; b.oth of these men were atiOn charter members. -~at Magruder, Historian




on D he Pt Kapps ended the fall social season with a banquet ecember 7 Ib . . • ~e e ratmg the arnval on the campus of Dr. Joseph er's D A. McClam, Alpha Alpha, and commemorating Foundl'uian ay. Dr. McClain has degrees from Mercer, Yale, and Schoo;• and was recently appointed Dean of the Duke Law fratero"· More than 60 active and alumni brothers of the Snow ~ attend.ed, including Dean W . C. Archie, Dr. Brewster L. Brmkley, Jr., of the university faculty and staff, and "Bus" Bernard _Jo~es, Jr., executive secretary, and Judge A. IIoiJis Orland, diStnct archon. Other guests were President W Edens and Dean R . B. Cox. Ritch hen exams were over the scholastic chairman, Jim on th' was well pleased because he found 13 of the brothers ~ ?ean's List for the Fall semester. arch fleers elected for the Spring semester were Les Mack, reta;~; Johnnie White, treasurer; Granger MacFarlane, secPhi) George Underwood, historian; AI Erwin, chaplain, and aroff, warden. Spti Bill C ng pledges were Larry Clifton, Daytona Beach, Fla; Md urry, Lynbrook, N. Y.; Bob Johnson, Princess Anne, lla;~h and Jack Gilliland, Charlotte, N. C. Marshall Reed, ning ~re, ~· Y., was initiated into the chapter at the beginthis semester. On th • three h e Intra-mural sports scene the fraternity fielded Altha asketball teams, each of which was highly successful. an en~gb none of the teams won any championships, they respe t•ed the season in either second or third place in their c lve divisions AI1 . Dan the brothers are looking forward to our annual Pledge of ce and Myrtle Beach houseparty which are the highlights 0 Ur spring social season. -George Underwood, Historian.

W· B








University of Nebraska


On Founders' Day nine brothers were present for dinner. They were: Joe Thomas, Omaha; Carl Lessen hop, Lincoln ; Charles Adams, Aurora; Bill Simpson, Marysville, K ansas; Paul Lessen hop , Lincoln; Selden Davey, Lincoln; Charle~ Reed, Omaha; Oscar Koch , Lincoln; and, Ralph H. Trester, Duncan, Wyoming. Officers elected for the second semester are Donley Klein, archon; Curtis Venell, treasurer; Mort Novak, secretary; John R. Stolinski, historian ; Don Metcalf, chaplain, and Joe Kochelek, warden. At our first Rush Dinner of the seco nd semester, the Rush Committee, under the co-chairmansh ip of Brothers Frank Hoffman and "Bud" Weidmaier had 17 men for dinner. So far three men have pledged and four more show interest. The men who have pledged are Bill Schabacker, Gene Plouzek, and Ron Ohnoutka. The pledges are going to give the active chapter a house party March 16. (This Jetter is being written March 12.) The party will be an informal one with dancing and bridge. The pledges claim that they owe the chapter a party because of that party they received after their sneak. When the pledges took their sneak, they visited Brother Simpson at Marysville, Kansas. Brothers Bernard W. Costello and Earl W. Dunning graduated in January. Congratulations to Brother John B. Truell who was promoted from the rank of Captain to that of Major. Brother Truell is an instructor of Air Science and Tactics at the University of Nebraska. Nu Chapter has three actives in military service. They are Cpl. Charles Johnson, 615045 H&S Company, 1st Amtrac Bn., 1st Marine Div., c/o FPO, San Francisco, Calif.; William A. Odman, Nav. Cad., Pre-Flight Class 4-51, Sec. 2D NAS, Pensacola, Fla., and Ed Spaar, 5461 Bancroft Hall, Annapolis, Md. -John R . Stolinski, Historian.

Roanoke College


Results of the election of officers are as follows: Archon, Jim Charlton; secretary, Jay McClaugherty; treasurer, Clem Conner; historian, AI Stump; warden, Roy Smith; chaplain, Jim Stephenson, and alumni secretary, Macon Couk. The chapter has been quite interested in the chart which is sent out each month by Central Office to tell the chapters just bow they are doing. The boys have really gotten on the ball to see if at the end of the year they can't have one of those Master chapter certificates to hang in the living room of the house. One of the principal things which shows their work is the fact that the scholarship of the fraternity at the end of the first term exceeded the all men's average for the school. As this letter goes to press, plans call for the annual Spring Formal to be held at the Governor Tyler Hotel in Radford, Va. The annual Conclave this year was really one for the books. I think that everyone there had a "terrific" time and are all looking forward to the one next year. One of the highlights of the dance was the guest speaker, W. B. Jones, Jr. Another thing we have planned for this March 31st is a Blue Jean dance at Rutledge Inn on the tip top of Mill Mountain which overlooks Roanoke. 21

The annual brother pledge party was -held above Salem at Soldier's Spring. Our Sweetheart has been elected from the school to represent Roanoke College in the Apple Blossom festival. She had all the support of the chapter plus part of the others on the campus. -AI Stump, Historian.

28. The pledges gave their annual party based on the "Cowboy" theme-result, one of the best parties of the year. Ye Mystic Krewe, highest men's honorary at Stetson· tapped three brothers for membership. Those selected wert Jack Whitaker, Wayne Oeffler, and Ronnie Spencer. -Tom Mahaffey, Historian

Cornell University

Omicron took second place honors for the second straight year in t.he battle of fraternities at the University of Alabama in the hardwood sport. The chapter was undefeated through the regular season and then went on to win three games in the playoffs for the championship. Members of the fraternity's team shown here are, front row, left to right, Luther Owens, Bill Hembree, Tommy Gilbert, and Paul Crowe; back row, left to right, Carleen Knight, Paul Petrew, Richard Godfrey, Joe Smith, and Bill Sharpe.



At this letter's deadline Pi Kappa Phi at Stetson had already racked up points enough to keep the Intra-mural Athletic trophy another year. Even though Chi was out front in the trophy race, its standing was boosted when four frats dropped from the league temporarily. During the Fall and Winter quarters the Pi Kapps won basketball, football, handball, paddleball, and volley ball. Chi not only cll!-ims the Hatter baseball coach, "Doc" Carl Johnson, but is well represented on the player roster, including Walt Jasinski, Lou Treen, Merrill Smith, Larry Hopkins, Cliff Nelson, and Manager Fred Ellinor. Ray Dunne is catcher for the class "D" DeLand Red Hats. Chi chose Julian Bennett as archon for the second school term. George Ossorio is treasurer; Ronnie Spencer, secretary; Tom Mahaffey, historian; Fred Conway, warden, and Wayne Oeffler, chaplain. Eight men, Bruce Wigle, Fred Ellinor, Buzz Johnson, Charlie Turner, Steve Berry, Mickey Walker, Merrill Smith, and Gene Brasher were initiated during formal ceremonies. In the Winter quarter Chi added Bill Shaddix, Elwyn Edwards, Bill Sloan, Larry Davis, Cliff Nelson, and Jim Young to its pledge class. Many social affairs were given recently, including five sorority parties, and open house, shrimp boil, beach party, and oyster roast, climaxed by the annual Parade of Orchids April



Officers elected for the spring term are Bill MattheW; archon; Bob Kochli, treasurer; Fred Leonard secretary; paul Ford, historian; George Goebegan, cbapl;in, and Howil Chellman, warden. Jim Geary, rush chairman, pushed his program witb such vigor, and the membership cooperated so well that tl ' stalwarts were added •to the ranks of our pledge class. 13 1'II Royce is pledge master. In February, Psi initiated six men who had completed satisfactorily pledge training in the fall term. They are: Ji~ Storey, Don Hallock, Dave Dietzen, Bob Steinfelt, Dicl LaValle, and Fred Harper. A party honoring the initiates wa' held on the evening following the ceremony. Dave's father· Hugh N. Dietzen, is a charter member of Psi, having helpel organize the chapter here at Cornell in 1921. Attention, Alpha Chi: Too bad, men. Your loss is ou' gain. Brother Keedo Phillips arrived here at the beginning o! this term to pursue graduat~ studies and has already inject~' several Miami ·traditions into the Psi bloodstream . Perhaf one of our boys will be able to do as much for you sometiJ111 During the winter months our basketball and bowlin· teams have participated weekly in intra-mural competiti 00 With the approach of warm wea·ther, the boys are loold 0,' forward to softball. Several of our stars from last year championship team are among the missing, including "No-flit' Eddie Feucht, who is in the Marines. -Paul Ford, Historian.


Purdue University

Spring semester officers are Dick Zobel, archon; D1'cl Lowe, secretary; Omar Hansen, Jr., historian; and Lnrr Kreigh, warden. John Evans and Dick Murphy were elect~ to serve another semester in their respective positions ' treasurer and chaplain. The football seaso n gave us plenty of local activiO including pep rally signs, homecoming week end, Dad's dBl senior parade, and . . . the Notre Dame defeat. We finBll' s:ot ourselves into the Varsity Varieties (an all student, ~ campus musical show) for the first time in Omega's histor• One outcome of our musical prowess was a quartet wh'·r has won the house another trophy. Along the really social line, the five fraternities \~~ share this city block put on the Island Fling again last F9 an honest~to-goodness block dance with a very lovely que< presiding. With the snow came our Chapter formal with tb theme, "Winter Wonderland." Pine trees, tin foil, iciclr cotton snow, and-as Dean Martin puts it-"sexy Ji!!h 1' all made a wonderful dance the best yet. Again we finished the semester scholastically, well 01. coming in sixth out of thirty-seven, wi·th an index of 4·4 Five more men have been added to the pledge cln; Gordon Snider, Geneva, Ill.; Carl Vissering, Plymouth, lnil Don Case, Swampscott, Mass.; Don Evins, Waukegan, 1 Paul Jones, Scottsburg, Ind. THE





. making . betteTheG IFC h ere at Purdue IS plans for an even stater reck Week this Spring. Bernard Baruch "the elder srnan" · th e featured speaker. The week will ' be terminated b ' 15 includ Y the annual I. F. C. Ball. As usual, the week will e trade clinners and parties. -Omar Hansen, Jr., Historian.

Mercer U · • n1vers.ty Alpha Alpha A. t the w·10 t ' on th er pledgmg we pledged six of the finest men frate e. campus. All were being rushed by at leas't one other rnity. We will I ose several pledges and brothers through the draft

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10 rn a~d graduation, but we expect to initiate from 8 to of then bm March. (This letter was written February 1.) Most lakin e R 0 Ys in th e chapter and those we are rushing are g OTC and WI·u not be drafted. In . any case, we are e"Pectin t Th g 0 have nearly 20 boys here next Fall. for D e chapter is planning to give a campus-wide reception Re!ig· r. Searcy Garrison, of Savannah, who will conduct A.lph tous Fo cus W eek here in February. Dr. Garrison i.s an a Alpha alumnus.

Subjects in this triangular project, photographed at Jato's "Hobo" Porty, ore (left to right) Peggy, Brother Rouker, and Toni.

-Seale Hipp, Archon.

Alabama I . Th nshtute

Georgia Tech Alpha Iota

JUde S e. chapter initiated fourteen men January 17. They are Quillen Wint G ' Dubrm, Ga.; Gra dY Rowell, Wetumpka, Ala.; Bob Weturn' k adsden, Ala.; Bill Wren Parks and Walter Albritton, Washin~t a, Ala. i Harry Owen, Hurtsboro, Ala.; Phillip Moore, Cullen ~n, .D. C.; James Guy Mitchell, Luverne, Ala.; Tedd Raker' B' ob~Je, Ala.; Ernest Merriweather, Mobile, Ala.; Bill •' . ; T om my Gordon, Bessemer, Ala . ; ' trmmgham • :ua n.Ick B:a Ville, A.laggard, Auburn, Ala., and Talmadge Kirkland, Gunters-


are . neanng completion for the annual Red Rose ay 4.· Officers wb 0 Winter were elected to bead the chapter during the treasurerandD Spr'mg quarters are as follows: Archon, Jim Huey; Ran M

McDowe;l· an Baker; secretary, Tom Fuller; historian, T . 0 . Iiol!irnan. ' warden, Charlie Hartwell, and chaplain, Leamon . Jim Rue h his Post th y, w o was re-elected to serve as archon, resigned reewkb · end of the quarter. Huey will enter bu . ee s efore the smess · Acrtve m . campus politics, he was vice-president of the Int tion 5 B er-Fraternity Council, and a member of the Publica''W ho's oard Wh · .H e wa~ recently selected for membership in Ele t 0 m Amencan Colleges and Universities" •· c ed to succeed Jtm · as archon of the chapter was · ••tcDowel] T. 0. frotn M ' who was historian . McDowell, a junior in pre-law Fraternitontgomery• IS . AI Pb a Iota's representative to the Interhonorar/1 Council, and is president of Lambda Epsilon Chi, Tau I<ap aw fraternity. He is also secretary and treasurer of or the AP~ Alpha, national Forensic Society, and a member La., was u urn Debate Council. Gene Parsons, New Orleans, Gene is e1ected to fill the shoes of McDowell as historian. Tr a sophomore in architecture. agedy struck at AI pha Iota after the Winter quarter ."'as only In an auta few weeks old when Jacob Ra<y Hester wa's killed in this i omobi!e accident. (His obituary aopears elsewhere Bobssue of the Star and Lamp.) · Winter Solley ~nd Bill Hendry graduated at the end of the "' quarter · Solie Y recetve . d a degree m • mdustrtal • . manage·••ent, and Hendry received one in pharmacy. -Gene Parsons, Historian


Iota started the Winter quarter with the initiation of three pledges. They are Ronnie Barney, Long Island, N. Y., Fulton G. Bullock, Jr., Atlanta, Ga., and Dave Tuttle, Hickory, N.C. The brothers of Iota are grateful for the advice they received from the Traveling Counselor, Bill Abbott. Graduation struck a blow at Iota. We lost two quite active brothers, Herb Owens and Bill Smith. The "Hobo" Party held at our house in January was a huge success. Dick Chapman, Carl Frick, and their dates were the main attractions because of their wonderful costumes. Everybody enjoyed cooking bot dogs in the basement over a portable fireplace. Pi Kappa Phi is tied for first place in basketball at Tech. -Ronald B. Bastien, Jr., Historian

North Carolina State College


March elections brought the following officers: Dick Hinson, archon; Woody Muse, assistant treasurer; Frank Perkins, secretary; Bill Spence, historian; Paul Johnson, warden; Bill Wilson, chaplain, and Bob Ammons, alumni secretary. The former assistant treasurer, Ed Chapman, auto matically became treasurer. Tau's twenty-second annual Rose Banquet which precedes the IFC Mid-Winter Dance was the social highlight of the term. John Rose was master of ceremonies, and A. P. White was social committee chairman. During the banquet George Fox was presented Tau's scholarship cup for having the highest average for the three preceding terms. Tau's Ping Pong Team, consisting of A. P. White, "Buck" Plemmons, Bob Ammons, and Pledge Jerry Welch, entered the inter-mural Ping Pong Tournament. When the dust cleared, Tau found itself in second place, thanks to some outstanding play by Pledge Welch. Two new brothers are Richard L. Satterfield from Charlotte, N. C., and William B. Cope from Raleigh, N. C. - Bill Joyner, Historian.


Eleven of Rho's dozen initiates February 12 were available for this picture. They are, on the front row, left to right, Bob Wingert, Tommy Robbins, Pete Stockett, Willson Gray, Bill Stewart, and, on second row, Chris Collins, Brian Crowley, Bob Washburne, Glenn Scott, and Charley Slick. John Marsh was absent because he had joined the U. S. Air Force.

Washington and Lee


Election of officers took place in mid -Fall. Alvin C. Terrill, Miami, Fla., was chosen archon; J . C. Turk, Roanoke, Va., trea sur~r; William M. Bailey, Wilmington, 0., secretary; Donald H. Peterson, Riverside, Ill., historian; Marvin H . Anderson, Annapolis, Md., alumni secretary, and David C. Henke, Wilmington, Del., warden, who was succeeded by Richard 0. Carden, Victoria, Va., when the former transferred to the University of South Carolina in February. John B. Kinkaid, St. Paul, Minn ., is house mana~er, and Beverly G. Stephenson, Wakefield, Va., chaplain . Rho Chapter initiated, in February, Christopher Collins, Staunton, Va.; Brian Crowley and Harry E. Stine, Jr., Silver Spring, Md., WiUson B. Gray, Elizabeth, N. J.; Thomas E. Robbins, Colonial Heights, Va. ; Glenn A. Scott, Smithfield, Va .; Charles K. Slick, Hagerstown, Md.; James W. H. Stewart, Tuscaloosa, Ala .; Peter M. Stockett, Jr., Woodville, Miss. ; Robert N . Washburne, Philadelphia, Pa.; J. Robert Wingert, Jr., Waynesboro, Pa ., and John D. Marsh, Purcellville, Va. The chapter has two freshman pledges, Thomas D . Berry, Jr., Gulfport, Miss., and Milton J. Elliott, III, Portsmouth, Va. Bill Bailey heads the rush committee for this term.

Many Go In Service B. B. Albert, Xi '49, a law student here last year, received his commission in the Army this Winter and is now stationed in Pennsylvania. Arthur L. Barrett, '53, and John Marsh have enlisted in the Air Force. Together with Marion Murray, an alumnus of Epsilon, the three are receiving basic training at Sampson Air Force Base, Geneva, N. Y. William C. Walton '52, is with the Marines at Parris Island, S. C. John C. Joyce, Jr., '52, after a brief stay at the University of Alabama this Fall, enlisted in the Air Force and is now stationed at Mather Air Force Base, Sacramento, Calif. Pledge Edward G. Veasey, Spokane, Wash ., has joined the Navy. Eugene M. Anderson, '52, Spartanburg, S. C., and Bill Bailey completed the first semester with an all "A" average. J. C. Turk and Bill Stewart made the equivalent of Honor Roll in the Law School. Other Dean's list students this semester include S. Maynard Turk, '52, Roanoke, Va.; Marvin Anderson; Bill Bruce ; Dick Carden; Bill Ling; John 0 . Martin, Falls Church, Va ., and Thomas R . Warfield, Silver Spring, Md.


Socially, the chapter made a tremendous gain by sponsor· ing what amounted to an Open House for the entire carnpU! February 17. Called by many outsiders the "best party of the year," the "Bikini Blowout" was attended by between .100 and 400 members of the student body. Miss Emma LoU Clark, Madison College junior from Tampa, Fla., date of th~ archon, was named "Miss Atomic Chain Reaction of 1951.' Just before the Christmas vacation, the chapter sponsored 1 Christmas Party· for the benefit of underprivileged colored children in Lexington. Working with the Welfare Board, Jan J. Schilthuis, '52, Enka, N. C., carried through a sue· cessful afternoon program for about 20 children. The ne~ Monday night, Mrs. Ethel KeFT, Rho's house mother, gavt the brothers and pledges her traditional egg nog party. Rose Ball Slated For May Plans are already under way for Rho's Second Annual Rose Ball. Tentative date for the big Spring House parll this year is the week end of May 12. Marvin Anderson and Dick Carden are representing thl house in the field of University publications, each serving ~ news editor for the Tuesday and Friday staffs of the br· weekly newspaper, the Ring-tum Phi. Don Peterson starred as Mr. Crabtree in the Troubadour production of School for Scandal. With several production! to his credit last year, Don will soon be initiated into AlP~ Psi Omega, honorary dramatic society. Chris Collins earn a role in the Troub production, At War with the Art11J" Peterson also served as treasurer of the Forensic Union Peterson and Jack Schilthuis are active members of tbl Debate Council. Bill Cusac has resumed his position as pblr tographic editor for the Southem Collegiatt, college bu!l1°1 magazine. Members Are Honored Bob Glenn, past secretary of Alpha Kappa Psi, comrnetcf society, has been named as one of six seniors in the Conunettl School to be initiated this Spring into Beta Gamma SigJill· 1 honorary commerce scholastic society for seniors having 3 1 least a "B" average for their final three years in scb0° Glenn was the chapter's delegate to the Supreme ChaP 1~ meeting last Summer in Portland, Ore. Maynard Turk serV as clerk of Phi Alpha Delta legal fraternity last semest~ Tom Warfield was initiated this . Fall into Alpha Kappa P~. while Bob Glenn was initiated recently into Phi Delta P~ legal fraternity and F. Jack Ward, '53, Pulaski, Va., in~C Phi Alpha Delta. Edmund C. Robbins, '51, Bay Shore, N. \ majoring in journalism, is an editor of "Home EditioP• student-produced nightly news broadcast over Radio Stati~ WREL in Lexington. Brian Crowley, Tom Robbins, and JlO Wingert are among the freshman writers for the school ne¢ paper. 1 In September, the chapter welcomed Brother F. 13.\ Ward, Xi' 47, from Pulaski, Va., into active affiliation Wl1, Rho. A graduate of Roanoke College, Jack is a veteran O· World War II, having served as a first lieutenant in tJi' Air Corps. · G~:ne Anderson, vice-president of the Fraternity Manage!' Association, Inc., of W. and L., was succeeded early in tJI: Fall by Bill Bruce and later by Johnny Kinkaid, chairm~n; the house and ground committee. Jack Schilthuis is chatr!l1 of the house and grounds committee. Group Is Given Authority Under the capable leadership of Brother I. LynW 0: Flory, Jr., '30, of Elkton, Va., as president of the reaotiva1 THE



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house c . I! . orporat10n, Brother Hill as secretary, and Bother adrnnc as treasurer, the alumni are assuming a more active Iea er h'1 · in s P m cooperation with the active chapter, particularly a t' Planning for the emergency which might result if the c Ive cha t . . . . of th P er Is forced to go macbve. At the annual meeting . e corporation last Fall, the brothers authorized the corpOrat Wh' Ion d'!rectors to operate for the next year under by-laws ' ht determme · and to draw up a lease to rent th ICh h theY mig e ouse to the active chapter. gr din June, the chapter will lose four brothers through a uation 1 • th • P us, of course, several already slated to go mto in et~ervices at that time.' Bob Glenn, majoring in accounting als e Commerce School, will receive the B.S. degree, af.ter Jo~ compl:ting his first year of work in the Law School. re ? Martin, a chemistry major and pre-med student, will ceive his B S in . · · degree and will continue his graduate work de medical school. Ed Robbins is slated to receive his A.B. · · )Ourna · I'Ism, an d Denny W . Ri ngers, Fogree as a ma)or m rrest R'IJ 1 Ste s, N. Y., a B.S. degree in commerce. Dean B. Po ~art, Jr., '49, of Oil City, Pa., the last of the original le s -war group which reooened the house in 1946-47, will ave Le · . Scho xmgton m June with an LL.B . degree from ·the Law

Illinois Institute of Technology

0, 1

artic~ctives who have received their induction notices as this Jack Sgo.es to press include Bob Glenn, Denny Ringers, and chllthuis. -Marvin H. Anderson, Alumni Secretary.


Alpha Phi

The third annual Pi Kapp conclave was held on the third and fourth of March at Upsilon Chapter at the University of Illinois. As usual, Alpha Phi was on hand with a good representation. The fourteen members who took the trip were Vince Reck, John DiFrancisco, Ralph Giusti, Ray Hettick (archon), Roger Marz, Roger Doty, Dick Szostak, Bud Lamb, Bill Kolacki, Don Frank, Bob Frey, George Zak, Bob Keller, and our faculty adviser, Frank Hrachovsky. The highlight of the two day orogram was W. B. Jones' Training School. Many important pointers on rushing and chapter organization were picked up by all the seven chapters which attended. Our congratulations to Upsilon for the wonderful dance that was arranged for all the visitors. Alpha Phi is proud to announce that it has added one more cup to its mantel. Last May, we took first place in the I. I. T. Junior Week Open House Decorations Contest. Last month, we received our trophy. A chess tourney has been in progress for several weeks, and a table tennis tourney is on the way. The bowling team, baseball team, and golf team are practicing like mad. In the way of scholarship, five of our active members ran a hot race for the scholarship key. Don Frank got the nod and is now one key richer. So far, Alpha Phi has adhered rigidly to the idea of two socials a month. Our two big affairs are the Rose Ball, which will be held in May, and the Senior Farewell, which will be held in mid-June. -John A. DiFrancesco, Historian.


F t Alpha Ups1lon a c u ure events on Alpha Upsilon's social calendar include osturne Pled party, May 4; Kano, May 5; Spring Prom, May 12; gTebParty, May 18 and 19, and Shore Week End, May 25-27. ft' . or 19 e s a lot of new blood around here now to the tune Pled . Pledges. We take this opportunity to announce the Waygtng of Fred Nuenighoff, Dan McCormack, Larry Lady, Lew~ Thompson, Chuck Niesley, Dick Jayne, AI Schneider, Brow alters, Jim Clift, Charles Dugan, Jim Chapman, Frank l'om ~ ~alph Parris, Russ Soule, Charles Smith, John Ulrich, are t trickland, AI Jenny, and Bill Doughten. The pledges 0 t · d under a new point system which shows· consid b erame syste erabJe Promise, this in conjunction with a "Big Brother" of irnrn. l'he chapter has also a·t last taken a step in the direction attain~roving scholarship. No pledge may be initiated without exten~~! a ?rescribed average, and his pledgeship will be until he attains that average. -Eugene E. Ferry, Historian



We 5t Alpha Psi l'bey arted the second semester by initiating seven men. Runnnar~: Glenn LeMasters, Griffin, Ind.; Wayne Murray, James ~s~rg, Ind.; Harold Toben, Julien Blackerby, and Haute Ieman, all of Rensselaer, Ind.; Lee Barnes, Terre 1 his in'·t· nd ., and Ralph Fels, Balboa, Canal Zone. After 1 . elected hIation • Broth er Fels was further honored by bemg PI ouse chaplain. By P ans are well under way for Alpha Psi's Spring Formal. 0 Pula dance h' r request, we are arranging another "Club 504" added wt Ich has been so well received in the past. As a special a tra r YageJ c Ion, Brother Yagel (known to us as Gen. Bombard 1 show 'b . ctator of Yagelslavia) has promised to stage a floor Uilt ar · oun d the "Yagel Plan" of Post-War YagelslaV!a.


Each Month Secretary submits his report (Form No. 2) to Central Office on first day of the month. Treasurer submits his report (Form No. 69) to Central Office on first da.y of the month. Quarterly Chapter Historian submits chapter letters and STAR AND LAMP copy to Central Office n.ot later than: June 15th for September issue (no chapter letters this issue). September 15th for November issue. December 15th for February issue. March 15th for May issue. Semi-Annually Secretary su bmits Membership Report (Form No. 5) to Central Office at start of school year and again February 1st. Annually May 15th-Secretary supplies Central Office with summer addresses of their chapters and addresses of graduating brothers. Always Secretary submits Election Report (Form No. 6) immediately following any and every election of officers. Secretary submits Membership Record Card (Form No. 9A) to Central Office within three days following actual day of initiation. Treasurer submits a bond application form to Central Office immediately upon being sworn into office.

-Greg Barnes, Historian


University of Washington

Alpha Delta

The winter term started at Alpha Delta wi-th the election of the following officers: Glen Berry, .archon; Bob Johnson, treasurer; James Johnson, secretary; Dave Kingery, historian; Ray Reese, chaplain; Harry McGinn, warden,. and Rod Payne, house .manager. Since formal rush week the pledge class has increased by ten men: Lowell Partain, Yakima, Wash.; Fred Brown, Edmonds, Wash.; Rex Crase, Centralia, Wash.; Dick Priest, Anchorage, Alaska; Bob Hanson, Raymond, Wash.; Bill Schwalbe, Yakima; Charles Hunt, Yakima; John Clark, Seattle; John Daily, Port Angeles, Wash., and Archie Frew, Richland, Wash. Alpha Delta's pledge class this year is spirited and active. Led by a very able president, Archie Frew, they have consistently shown themselves to have the initiative and organization that goes to make a first -rate fraternity. Headed by the president, the class carried out all plans for .the pledge dance February 3 in secret. The evening's festivities began with a cocktail party which was terminated by a caravan of cars snaking through Seattle's streets to the unknown spot at which the dance was to be held. We soon arrived at our destination, the Silver Swan, a large excursion boat, complete with bar, booths, a "swell" dance floor, and a moonlit after-deck. Small glass floats, wrapped in fishnets, served as favors. Fish nets, cork and glass floats composed the decorations. For about four hours we sailed over Lake Washington. Early this year, when the Husky Winter Sports Clu,b held its annual Winter Carnival, the Pi Kapps sent 10 representatives •to take part in the activities. Fred Brown and Dave Kingery won the costume race. Appearing as "John" and "Marcia," they swept the course easily to win the colorful event. Fred wore an old moth-eaten tux which was about four sizes too large, while Dave wore a relic of the 20's, an old beaded dress, red sash, and all. -Dave Kingery, Historian.

Oregon State College

Alpha Zeta

Politics on the Oregon State campus seems tu be one of the main objectives of Alpha Zeta. We have more than our share. Neil Fritts is president of -the junior class, while Jim Wilson is sergeant-at-arms. Frank Thomas is president of the freshman class, anrJ is rapidly gaining his place in campus affairs. Bob Reeves is the Oregon State yell king and does a fine job of "installing" school spirit. The beginning of Winter term found us initiating five new members: Frank Thomas, Dan Eastman, Bill Cook, Dan Neuhauser, and Bill Barrett. Our house is in fine shape, the Mother's Club always giving us a helping hand. Recently they gave us a large mirror to hang over the fireplace in the living room. They · also donated $100 which was used to help pay for the furniture in our party room. I might add that our club room is the finest on the campus, with indirect lighting, radiant coloring, a 12 foot glass brick bar, and an abstract mur:il, all featured in a room 20 by 35 feet. Each time we have an exchange dinner with a sorority, the girls enjoy dancing in this modern piece of interior design. As for ath letics, we too have our share of participation in college spol'ts. We had four men out for freshman football, and one man on the freshman basketball team who towered


six feet, four. Two o( our rooks are now churni ng ci for the track team . Bob Reeves has been on the varsity tearn for the past two years. We have held our own in intra-mural sports also, ing both an "A" and a "B" team in basketball . Our team is in second place in their league and has a good of going into the fraternity play-offs. Our skiing team, sisting of nine men, are getting ready for their intra-mu event as this letter is being written. The most important chapter function of the Winter was the West Coast Leadership school held here February and 11. Along with men from Alpha Omega, Alpha Delta, Gamma chapters, Alpha Zeta was honored as host to W. Jones, Ralph Snider, District XIX archon, and J. AI past national secretary. After the 0. S. C. vs. Idaho basketball game, the Pi house opened its doors to an- visitors and their dates dancing, games, and refreshments. Alpha Zeta now ranks sixth among the chapters of Kappa Phi, and has aspirations of going even higher. -Gordon L. Butcher, Historian.

Michigan State College


Soon after the start of Winter term a group of phytes were initiated. Thomas Burridge, Arnold Pinn, Kalmbach, Bruce Mathews, Willard Larson, and Forester. Our total strength is now 55 men. Because of the world situation, rushing ex-tremely difficult here at Michigan State; however, the bard work of Roy Heintz, rushing chairman, Alpha TbC~ has been able to pledge 14 good men, thus far this term. , Officers for this term were elected as follows: "Rust) Schadler, archon; Jim Steere, treasurer; "Big Bob" Bogal secretary; Bob Meyers, historian; Go ron Hawkins, wardeP and Roy Hientz, chaplain, Norb Nizinski remained as stewnr~ All inter-fraternity sports will be well organized by JIO Hoffmann . Dave Holls, newly appointed social chairman, start~ -the term off on a happy note by organizing a record dnP~ in the chapter house. Our Rose Ball was held February 17. The men of -Alpha Theta are justly proua of their tl; biggest "wheels" on campus who are currently leading 1 Inter-Fraternity Council. Bob Jenson, Grayling, Mich ., sen~~ is the president, and "Bud" Calvert, Saginaw, Mich., sen 10 is the secretar'y. Both men are past archons of Alpha TheV 11 Fred Crippen, Lansing, Mich., junior, was appointed

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such a marvelous job on our Homecoming display wh' finished eighth of 24 in fraternity competition. Our Mother's Club, through the guidance of our ho 0• mother, Mrs. Harold Steiger, has consented to buy us a ~ of new lamps for the living room . Mrs. Steiger gave 1 1 house a beautiful punch bowl set as a Christmas gift. t was put to use at a cocktail party in the house before t college J -Hop February 10. t At the end of the Fall term we were entertained 81t t house by the renowned "Roll-Em Pete" Johnson . .M~ 1 dinner "Pete" played an hour of "real gone" boogie on ' piano. -Robert F. Meyers, Historian-






''SIN house on ~~:ORE. AT. OMICRON"-One of the highlights of Omicron's entertainments this year was a Singapore Party at the chapter hd this Was Unrversrty of Alabama campus. Singapore, the crossroads of the world, is where people from all walks of life congregate ot er exam pi very fwell dem~nstrated at the party. There were gypsies, pirates, slave girls, sailors, cowboys, ancient Greeks, and various 'Wos furnished esb 0 world-~rde populations. The living and dining rooms were arranged in the form of on old time tavern. Lighting Y candles rn tallow-dripped bottles on tables in convenient spots around the rooms.

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Unive · n~s_Jty of louisville 11

Beta Gamma

Ganuna :;; the Christmas vacation, the Pi Kapps of Beta ln J apter and their pa rents had an open house. by AI ;~uary the House Improvement Committee, headed cases. lt etsbach, installed a juke box in one of our book lllore i has Proved a lucrative means for making possible lllprovements on the house Broth · in lllod er Frank Ruffra, our chapter linguist, majoring SChool ~~n languages at the University, is graduating from has certa~s month . He is graduating with a 2.6 average, and by the ~:ly Pr~ved himself a scholar. The loss will be felt the fr ~ter Since Frank is a charter member and has led atermty in f . . d . . Bet many ac tvtties unng hts college career. CeciJ J~een semesters seven brothers, Joe Byers, Martin J Ill) G. and Fr k nssom, Adrian Van Bakel, Clifton Hauenstein, soak Upa~h Ruffra journeyed to Miami, Fla., to relax a nd e healthful climate of that region. -Joseph W. Oglesby, Historian.

Univer · orr~•ty of Missouri

Beta Epsilon

hower. leers for the Spring semester are archon, Bill IsenMark Cox; secretary, Walt Richards; Dick . ' ilton Broome; chaplai~, Ed Lasswell, and warden, !lindley l'he chap.ter has lost four men to Uncle Sam since the

histori~ t~asurer,

beginning of this school year. Thayne Jones, 0. D. Walker, Tom Howard, and Hank Stephens have answered the call to arms. In addition, four of our graduating seniors--Rick. Bowie, Chuck Garner, Chuck H amden, and Ed Lasswellwill receive Navy commissions in June via the NROTC. And four more Mizzou Pi Kapps-Mark Cox, Dick Hindley, Bob Neely, and Don Webb-are in the advanced Air Force ROTC program. Pi Kapp pinnings at Mizzou include Bill Isenhower to Carolyn Collins, Alpha Phi. Speaking of Pi Kapp pins, four brand new ones are being sported around the house. Recent initiates displaying the baubles are Bob Paden, Bill Thompson, Larry Trudell, and Jack Wade. As for social activities, Beta Epsilon's calendar has been well filled . Most recent of these affairs was the St. Pat's party, held in true Irish style March 17. Rick Bowie, Don Webb, Bob Paden, and Mark Cox supervised this informal wearin' of the green. Beta Epsilon's annual Rose Ball is being planned for late Spring. This formal event will be held in the grand ballroom of the Daniel Boone Hotel, in downtown Columbia, with an informal buffet dinner at the chapter house preceding the dance. Arrangements are under the direction of social chairmen Rick Bowie and Don Webb. -Milton S. Broome, ·Historian.



Iowa State College

Alpha Omicron

Once again the world situation threatens the future of Alpha Omicron. However, with the help of the National Council and the college we are taking preparatory action to meet this situation. The college has put into effect an emergency measure which allows fraternities on campus to initiate men who have been pledges for only one quarter. A 'poll of our actives and pledges as to their military status indicates that unless the armed forces need to be brought to full world war strength, 32 men will be returning nex·t .Fall . The following officers were elected during Winter quarter : Dick Ewen, archon; Paul Needham, treasurer; Kenneth Hook, secretary; Russell Bryant, historian; Leo Hu her, chaplain; and Dick Stewart, warden. Gib Stanek directed a very successful rushing program last Fall and at the present time we have 22 pledges. There are 25 actives living at the house and our scholarship rating is fourth among the 27 fraternities on campus. Our Founder's Day program was held in the chapter house on December 10, and Henry Giese, an alum, delivered an after-dinner talk. Then Floyd Pegler, who planned to transfer to Penn State, presented a large scholarship plaque to the chapter. "Sno Ball" was again the theme for our annual Winter formal. It .was held in the chapter house February 17 . The fellows who sported tuxes and brought their best gals had a very enjoyable evening. "Love Comes to Iowa State" is the title of the comedy skit we plan to present at Campus Varieties. Jerry Borum is the writer and director, and under his leadership the brothers are working hard to perfect their parts. We are planning for our big Veishea Parade flo at, and we extend a hearty welcome to alums to visit us during Veishea. May 26 is the date for the Rose Ball at Alpha Omicron, and all of the alumni are invited to come. - Russell W. Bryant, Historian .

University of Tennessee

Alpha Sigma

The Winter quarter here at Alpha Sigma has been noted as a studious quarter as well as an active social quarter. We began the social quarter with the "exchange party," initiated by ·the Delta Gammas on the Hill." Things kept rolling with a pledge-active party, the result of a bet on the pledge-active football game. We enjoyed Traveling Counselor Bill Abbott's stay with us. Especially appreciated were his discussions with the chapter on fraternity matters, as well as his stories of the activities of other chapters. Bill arrived just in time for the winter quarter Nayheeyayli dance series. Congratulations to Brother Wiley Peyer on his appointment as archon of District VIII. As we welcome Brother Peyer to his new office, we'd like to express our appreciation to Brother Ed Jones, retiring "D. A.," for his not untiring but unceasing work to advance Pi Kappa Phi. Brother Jones has been an invaluable help to Alpha Sigma. News abou·t our alumni : Brother Dan Armstrong, who headed one of the best initiation teams we've had for some time, has returned to Knoxville after completing a training course at the Firestone Corporation in Birmingham. Also, Brother Henry Thrower dropped in with his wife one Sunday, and we learned that he is now manager of a super-market in Belmont, N. C. Brother Lamar Rankin .has also reported


to the chapter, ·telling us about his experiences in the Nation31 Guard. He is stationed at Fort Devens, Mass. We miss the able management of our past archon, Edwin Hoskins, who graduated in December with a B.S. degree in Business Administration, and the "AI J olson" antics of Bob Baker, who graduated at the same time with a B.S. degree in Agriculture. Brother Bob Talley is now "Doc Talley, having received his Ph. D. in Physics fro·m the University of Tennessee. Jlc went from here to Washington, D. C., to work at an Ordnance laboratory. -Charles C. Hudson, Historian.


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Beta Delto

During the past semester Beta Delta initiated the following ten men: Albin Alexander, Len Gluck, Dick Hill, Gordon T,oy, Ted Kowalchuk, Gay Helm, Harry Whitmore, Eugene Young, Charles Radke, and Ralph Rodine. , The officers for the spring semester are archon, Chl'll Melis; treasurer, John Carroll; secretary, Marvin Netson ; historian, Ray Deaton; chaplain, Dale Jensen, and warden, George Puffett. The brothers at Beta Delta were overjoyed to learn th 31 they were the top fraternity scholastically on the Drake Campus for the fourth time. The mobilization of the Iowa Air Guard will necessitate the departure of two brothet:s, John Bogle and Lee Rusnok· and one pledge, Harold Pewick. Two men in the chapter have been chosen for high camPus offices. Chris Melis was elected to the Student Faculty Council; and Albin Alexander was appointed a member of the powerfU Convocations Committee. - Ray Deaton, Historian

Attention! Central Office is seeking information about the following 16 chapter historians whose faHure to submit letters for this issue of the STAR AND LAMP seems evidence that something serious has happened to them: Francis Sturcken Alpha Walter Nordquist Gamma Harry Kuper Delta Clarence C. Calcote Epsilon Larry McLeod · Lambda John Mcinnes Sigma William Shaw Upsilon James M. Fitzgerald Alpha Epsilon Gordon Johnson Alpha Eta Jack Stewart Alpha Lambda George Stanmore Alpha Xi George W. Loveday Alpha Tau Tom McCreedy Alpha Chi Don E. Blyth Alpha Omega Carl Wheeler Beta Alpha Thomas Blyth Beta Beta Will someone please tell Central Office whether or not these men are still chapter historians?

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Florida State Un1vers1ty . .

Beta Eta

a We had an old-fashioned wiener roast February 16 at nearby lak 'th e, WI everyone sitting around a campfire and sin . g~ng folk . 1'he d .songs. The next evenmg we had our Rose Ball. Pape ecorations included an improvised flower garden of ' h we rna de. The fraternity presented a' (real) rose r roses wh Ic ;orsage to the date of each member and pledge. our. men w ere Im . 't'Ia t ed m . F ebruary: Andy Anderson, Ben G' Jibs, Charlie Sheppard, and Charlie Thompson. Earl D Jervis unagan has been elected warden. He and Jim frorn S~ransferred to Florida State University this semester Beta Itnpson College where ·they were charter members of eta Chapter. The ch t learn . ap er voted to present members of the basketball athier With small gold basketballs, commemorating our first or a Ict champ·Ionsh'Ip. Th e ch apter also approved purchase lllernb rophy to be engraved with the names of the team to giveers to rep! ace th e one donated by the school. We have Would ~hat one back next year unless we win it again. We Perrna ave to win it three consecutive times to gain nen t Possession.


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Lucian C. Martinez, Historian. tbal >rakr

Penn St

ate College

Alpha Mu

At the d f With th en o the Fall semester our chapter was faced sitate at St t e same problem that many other fraternities here 5nok· to beale ~ere faced with. How many of our actives are going . ? We knew that we were gomg . to lose at eavmg fo r th e service 1 graduat east four men plus those that were already going to did note. kHow many more would not be coming back we really now. However, the chapter got on the ball and We h ~ent to work on. rushing men for the coming semester. n or ro: men out three times a week for a period of three Parties r Weeks. On the week ends we had informal rushing in the ;here we had card parties, skits put on by the men the h ouse, and other forms of entertainment. The men in lliight o~se really took to heart the danger that the chapter had ace. However, after many long hours of rushing we ut 1 lakingp edged 11 new men for the coming semester. Af·ter re fraternitiPart in th IS ' program, It . rea 11 y rna d e me feel that D ternity bes are worth a great deal. Working with my iralS house I rothers and pledges that were already living in the a go~d began to appreciate more than ever the qualities of under fraternity. Watching how the men work together · the one we were facing really proved to rne th at c" nsis hke a situ at' frate rm't'Ies are something that are here to stay and have aa Ion h lik e th e one we faced means nothing when you A~ apter like Alpha Mu. ~u ch ENTION: Anyone entering the portals of the Alpha but fr· apter beware. For if you enter under any conditions B Iendly on . oxer L es you may be eaten alive by a 61 ¥.! -pound lllasco.t ~: semester we adopted this animal as our fraternity old St. IS name is Thunder and he is almost three years · and' Ing about 3 feet high, deep brown, and with should ers a d chapter T n muscular fore legs be is the pride of our in the ·h hunder is as fond of fraternity life as anyone Jiving clasSes. ~use. Occasionally, he even . gets the urge to go to not &:t owever, the profs here at State feel that be does discou the full significance of their lectures so we must rage h' "' tm from aJ!tending · ~or near r anyone looking for a couple of week ends in the . . uture fo r a good time, stop m at our chapter bouse

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Would-be intruders at Alpha Mu's Chapter house at Penn State would hove to answer to "Thunder," the chapter's Boxer mascot. Although Thunder's formal admission to Penn State's classes has not cleared the dean's office, Thunder is making every effort possible to further his education at this great institution of learning. over the week end of April 6 and 7. Also, the week end of May 18 and 19. These are house party week ends. -E. Wes Mengel, Chapter Historian .

Simpson College

Beta Zeta

Beta Zeta 's officers for this semester are as follows: Bud Dettman, archon; Dick Campbell, secretary; Dave Goulart, treasurer; Loren Gore, historian; J obn DeMaris, warden, and Jim Peterson, chaplain. Dettman and Gore are our interfraternity council representatives. 'Goulart succeeds Jim Jervis who, with Earl Dunagen, has entered Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla., and became affilia,ted with Beta Eta chapter. We now have a dozen alumni scattered over the country. Some are in the service and others have transferred to other educational institutions. Fiske Chapin is in the Marines; Phil Lee, in ·the Navy, and Jim Finch, in the Air Force. Squires is waiting for his call to the Air Cadets. Lanning has returned from a trip to California. Kleyman, Gritton, and Pruitt are all working in Des Moines. Willie Halverson bas taken off for Iowa State to further his education. Trevethan is awaiting an answer on his application for admission to the University of Wyoming. Marvin Zaiger had the leading role in "Ethan Frome," which was presented in the college theater in April. We have pledged three men, James Kleyman, of Martendale, Iowa, Arne Pedersen, of Washington, D. C., and Edward Shannon, of Monroe, J owa. -Loren Gore, Historian.



CORNER TimmermanLt. Governor Of South Carolina the University of South Carolina Law School wit~ the degree of Bachelor of Law. At the university he was outstanding in both schOI路 arship and leadership, his honors including member路 ship in Blue Key, Wig and Robe, and Phi Delta Ph1 legal fraternity . In Pi Kappa Phi he served as secrt tary and later as archon. He belonged also to tJll Cotillion Club and the German Club. He is a member of the South Carolina and tht American Bar Associations, the American Legion, th' 40 & 8, and the Batesburg-Leesville Lions Club. i\fr and Mrs. Timmerman (the former Miss Helen )I DuPre of Columbia) reside in Batesburg.

GEORGE Bell Timmerman, Jr., Sigma, '34, University of South Carolina, is now serving his second term as lieutenant-governor of the Palmetto state. At the age of 38 he is one of the youngest men to hold this post which was once held by his grandfather, W. H. Timmerman. As lieutenant-governor, Mr. Timmerman is presiding officer of the State Senate. In an article in the South Carolina Magazine for January, 1951 , Joan Reynolds Faunt states that " during his first term the lieutenant-governor gained an admirable reputation as an excell ent presiding officer, showing himself well versed both in the rules of the South Carolina Senate and in 'Jefferson's Manual of Parliamentary Practice.' " Mr. Timmerman started his political career in 1946 when he became second in command in the state. He was president of the 1948 South Carolina Democratic Convention and was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention that same year. He has a flourishing law practice in Lexington in the same small house where his father practiced many years ago. The Lieutenant-Governor was born in Anderson and attended the Anderson and Batesburg 路 public schools and The Citadel. In 1937 he graduated from 30

UNDERHILL ADVANCES IN GOV'T. SERVICE W. Amory Underhill, Chi, '27, who received th LL.B . degree from the College of Law, Stetson Vll1 versity, in 1936, and who is now a district officer the Stetson Alumni Association, recently was pr' moted to assistan~ to the U. S. Deputy Attoror General. At Stetson, Mr. Underhill was a member Phi Alpha Delta, law fraternity. . After graduation, Mr. Underhill practiced laW 1 DeLand, Fla., and served as prosecuting attorn.1 for two years. He entered the Department of Jus~ 1 ' as special attorney in the veterans affairs section, cJat 0 division. He then was advanced to special assista 0 and later to first assistant to the assistant attorll1 general in charge of the anti-trust division . Duri~ the last few months he has been acting head of I latter division. During World War II, Mr. Underhill served the Navy as a gunnery officer aboard troop tra~ ports in the Mediterranean and North Atlall1 theatres of war, leaving the service in 1945 with tl rank of lieutenant commander. THE





Portland Group Changes Name b Portland (Ore.) Alumni celebrated Founders' Day with a Canquet December 14 and also by changing its name to the ascade Alumni Chapter. p T?c slate of officers chosen that evening is as follow : resident AI R . . Jack • uedy, to succeed Roy Malo; VJce-presJdent, Schenk; secretary, Orval Hillison, and treasurer, Carl Carson. 1

Simidian Is New York Head

Vahe s·1ffil'd 1an, · Mu, was chosen president of the New York ·orrurn~ Ch ap t er at the Founders' Day celebration. · Other sc Jeers elected are vice-president, Austin E. Riley, Alpha Tau; Stcrctary ' H eI mut C . N eumann, Alpha Xi, and treasurer, Alb crt ec 1e, Alpha Xi ;\I

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a hund~ed brothers assembled for the occasion over AI Wilson, Alpha Xi, presided as toastmaster.


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College of Charleston 0 S. Cr. ~· T. DuRant, Alph a '35, formerly a resident of Elliott, ., IS now living in Mvrtle Beach, S. C .. where he conduct< medical Parrott · dclinic. He is ~arried to the f~rmer Miss Mavola • an they have one son, C. T ., Jr. p Ma~~l Ga_lloway Anderson, Alpha '13, is now teaching~ in the bu matlcs Department of Mercersburg Academy, Mercersrg, Penna.


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University of California

Cali~c ard ~ · Fiscus, Gamma '49, is now living in Stockton, E ·•. and IS crafts teacher at Eo:lison High School there. Joh nsJgn J. William Davis, Gamma 'SO, is aboard the USS .; A. Bode, a destroyer, care of FPO, San Francisco, Calif. 4 ,;rren Martin Jensen, Gamma '4 7, is now addressed at Work'estlawn Avenue, Westlake, Dale City, Calif., and is B:is a~ sales representative for Forbes Steel Corporation. dau h Jfe 1S the former Dorothy E. Scott, and they have a ter a year and a half old, Kathy Dec. La},foyd J. Heger, Gamma '50, is a restaurant manager in esa, Calif. He lives at 7353 El Cajon Boulevard.



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Purdue Richard M. Edwaro:ls, Omega '41, works as chemical engineer for the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works in · St. Louis, Mo. He is the father of Donald, 3, and Karen, 10 months. They live at 2817 Danvin Court, Normandy, Mo. Richard A. Young, Omega '42, is assistant superintendent of power plant engineering for United Air Lines, San Francisco, Calif. He and Mrs. Young and 17-month-old Richard , Jr., reside ~t 1008 Henderson Avenue, Menlo Park, Calif. William J. Thompson, Omega '50, is a student at Harvard Business School. William D. Trueso:lale, Jr., Omega '34, is assistant manager of the tin plate and export sales division of the Inland Steel Company of Chicago. He and Mrs. Truesdale and the two boys, eight and five, live at 717 Willow Road, Winnotha, Ill . Carroll C. Martindell, Omega '42, is product engineer with Western Electric Company, Allentown, Pa. He lives at RFD 2, All!mtown. William R. Budde, Omega '47, is engineer at the Budde Sheet Metal Company in Dayton, Ohio. He and Mrs. Budde an-:! 14-month -old "Junior" live at 131 Maryland Avenue, Dayton.

Michigan State College C. W. Mcintyre, Alpha Theta '25, is a soil conservation contractor, living at 115 South Sixth Street, Hannibal, Mo. He and Mrs. Mcintyre have three children, two boys and a girl. Robert E. Moore, Alpha Theta '42, is an automobile salesman , residing at 920 North Front Street, Marquette, Mich. James H. Siemers, Alpha Theta '50, sells life insurance and lives at 41 North Wabash, Battle Creek, Mich. He married Miss Betty Jean Haines on July 29, 1950. Robert M. Robbins, Alpha Theta '41, is an engineer with General Electric company in Detroit, Mich. He and Mrs. Robbins, Gre~ory and Julia Ellen live at 1911 Ellwood Avenue, Berkley, Mich.

University of Mississippi Ll Iowa State College in LOyd D. Brownson, Alpha Omicron '49, is a mining engineer ark, Utah.

J. L


Ben B Sayles, Alpha Lambda '49, is a chemist with the U. S. Gypsum Company, Greenville, Miss. He and Mrs. Sayles and Ben, Jr., live at 217 E. Starling Road.

Woffor~ Col~ege

fact . · Woods1dc, Zeta '19, 1s propr~etor of the Jons Manu a •pun.ng Company, St. Matthews, S. C. His firm manufactures ' ccJal type of waterer for lawns, gardens, and shrubs.

ALUMNI GET AWARDS (Continued from Pogc 18)

Ch Florida State University 1 C. Wells, Jr., Beta Eta 'SO, is medical technician at ta 1 ares '-'son G Cb eneral Hospital of the Veterans' Administration, al1lblee, Ga. Ra Newark College of Engineering activ Yrnond A. Howard, Beta Alpha '48, was recalled to to the duty with the U. S. Air Force l{lst Fall, and was sent ton eD 22 37th AFRTC, New Castle County Airport, Wilming' el. 0~


many years served as adviser of the chapter, and Frederick Grim, Roanoke, Va., Xi, former national historian and former district archon of District II, received their awards from Mr. Dunaway. The presentation to J. AI Head, Salem, Ore., past national secretary and currently a member of the Devereux D. Rice Memorial Foundation Committee was made by Executive Secretary W. Bernard Jones,' Jr ., at the Leadership School in Oregon this Spring. 31

Georgia Tech Ropert M. Sweet, Iota '33, is a laboratory technician at the University of 1Iawaii, and he and Mrs. Sweet live at 167 Nano Way, Honolulu. Charles G. Fulton, Iota '43, is an electrical engineer, with his home address as 2202 Virginia Place N.E., Atlanta, Ga. Dudley Dewey Fouche, Iota '21, is employed as industrial engineer, and Jives at 5910 N. Keystone Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. D . N . McClanahan, Iota '38, is working with the Wyatt C . .Hedrick Engineering Corporation, and lives at 3831 Norfolk, Houston, Texas. Charles R. Simons, Iota '37, is vice-president and general manager of Chattahoochee Furniture company. His home address is 1411 Riverside Drive, Gainesville, Ga. He and Mrs. Simons have one child, Charles, Jr., 25 months. Harold B. Swygert, Jr., Iota '45, . is a mechanical engineer, with his home address at 39 Conestee Avenue, Greenville, ""S. C. He and Miss Catherine Carr were married last June. Edgar D. Johnson, Iota '38, is a sales engineer, and lives at 2066 Cottage Lane NW, Atlanta, Ga. Ed, Jr. is now 21 months old. T . Jeff Kelly, Jr., Iota '43, lives at 1340 Elmwood Drive, Phenix City, Ala., and works at Butts Lumber company there. Russell G. Turner, Jr., Iota '43, practices law in Decatur, Ga ., and lives at 2904 Sanford Road. He and Mrs. Turner, the former Jean Snowden, have two boys, aged four and one. His brother, Jack P. Turner, Iota '47, is an attorney in Atlanta, and lives at 259 Midvale Drive NE. He and Mrs. Turner have three children.

University of North Carolina Joseph T. Melvin, Jr., Kappa 'SO, is a sales trainee, and has his home at 188-25 Quencer Road, St. Albans, Long Island, N . Y. He and Miss Florence Morrill were married last June.

Cornelius M . Smith, Jr., Xi '40, is a major in the U. S. Air Force, and has been attending the Air Command and Staff School at Maxwell Field, Ala. He and his wife and two daughters live at 30 Mulzer Boulevard, Montgomery, Ala. J. Wilson Ingram, Xi '40, is practicing law in Roanoke, Va., and lives at 1117 S. Jefferson Street, Apt. 2. He married Miss Jane A. Tosh last June. Dr. Henry Lee Cannady, Xi '30, is a dentist in Alexandria, Va. He and Mrs. Cannady reside at 761 S. Overlook Drfve, Alexandria.

Alabama Leo H. Pou, Omicron '21, is chief enforcement attorneY for the Bureau of Motor Carriers, Interstate Commerce Cotn• mission, and Jives at 4112 N. Henderson street, Arlington, Va. George R. Bennett, Jr., Omicron '26, is president of the Federal Bearings Company, Inc. of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Jle and Mrs. Bennett are living at Inwood Lake, Poughkeepsie. John R. Lowrey, Omicron '35, is county agent for the Alabama Extension Service, and has his home in Marion, Ala. There is one daughter, Janet. Joe C. Cassady, Omicron '50, practices law at Enterprise• Ala. He and Mrs. Cassady, the former Elizabeth Speed, have one daughter, Ann, one and a half. John W. Lanham, Jr., Omicron '49, is a junior engineer with the Florida Power and Light company. He lives at 1930 Coral Gate Drive, Miami. Max Spann, Omicron '50, is a lumber salesman and liveS in Chapman, Ala. Roy Francis Prather, Omicron '29, is advertising director of the Con.• truction News Monthly, a trade publication. :fie and Mrs. Prather and Mary Delia Jive at 2712 N. Taylor Street, Little Rock, Ark. William Jack Hammack, Omicron '45, is studying medi· cine at the University of Alabama.

Duke University Donald B. Ralph, Mu '49, works at the USMC headSouth Carolina quarters in Arlington Annex, Va. He and Mrs. Ralph and George C. Walters, Sigma '48, joined his father in the James live at 313 Lynwood Street, Apt. 302, Alexandria, Va. retail clothing business in Cheraw, S. C. He and Mrs. Walters• Joseph V. Leidy, Mu '37, teaches at Oak Lane Country the former Mary Emma Hill, are the parents of George, Jr, Day School of Temple University in Philadelphia. He and Mrs. Leidy are the parents of two children, Joan, almost nine, . 13 months. William E. Cullum, Sigma '43, Is a buyer for Cullum's and Robert, almost one, and Jive at Cybus Way, Box 38, department store in Augusta, Ga. He and Mrs. Cullum, tbt Southampton, Pa. former Alpha Wilson Hammond, have one son, Billy, Jr·· Benjamin R. Cato, Jr., Mu '43, is an instructor in the two and a half, and live In the George Walton apartments ~~ departments of mathematics and physics at the University of Augusta. r Arizona in Tucson . He and Mrs. Cato live at 1221 E. Adams Street, Apt. F, Tucson.

North Carolina State College University of Nebraska John G. Butter, Nu '15, is a civil engineer with the Iowa Highway Commission, in Ames, Iowa. He and Mrs. Butter and Joan Jive at 2002 Cessna, Ames.

Roanoke College William F. Crigler, Xi '43, is connected with Crigler's shoe store in Radford, Va. He lives at 210 Harvey street there. Paul H. Crosier, Xi '42, is sales representative for Lawyers' Title Insurance Corporation in Dallas, Texas. He and Mrs. Crosier and young Cynthia live at 3703 Hall Street, Apt. 10, Dallas.

Capt. W. W. Deane, Tau '44, Is the U. S. Air Foret instructor at Wayne University, Detroit, Mich., and lives st 8316 Pierson Street. He is the father of two children. William C. Wallin, Tau '33, is chief of the maintenance, construction, service and protection department of the Wester~ Electric company, Burlington, N. C. He an<:! Mrs. Wallin baVI two children, a girl and a boy. They live at 240S LaFayette Avenue, Greensboro, N. C. Robert A. McCullough Deal, Tau '21, Is division englnet1 with the Southern Railway company, and Jives at 4 Tradd Street, Charleston, S. C., with Mrs. Deal, Elynor Anne and Robert Lewis Deal.






Buy Ehco Badges- For Quality And


Order Your Badge From The Following List


ve, Minitdur~

Plain Border, 10 Karat ----- -------------Plain Border, 14 Karat --------------- ---•

Standard •


4.60 &.60

FULL CROWN SET BORDER Pearls ------- - ------ ------------- - ------ $ Pearls, 4 Ruby or Sapphi£e Points - - -- ___ Pearls, 4 Emerald Points__ ------------ _ Pearls, 2 Diamond Points__ _ ·Pearls, 4 Diamond Points ____ ___ ___ ----- _ Pearl and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating __ Pearl and Diamond Alternating --- --------Diamond Border ----___ ------------

$ 16.50

12.50 14.50 16.25 22.00 81.50 16.50 60.50 88.50

19.00 21.00 81.00 44 50 28.00 85.00 152.50




Letter Plain --------------------- ---------------• 2.25 Half Pearl, Cloae Set ------------------ -4.50 Whole Pearl, Crown SeL--- -------------6.50



Double Letter •

8.&0 7.25 11.50


1.00 1.00 1.25 .71


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Double Faced, 10 Karat ----- ----------OF'F'ICIAL REC, CREST REC.

RECOGNITION BUTTONS Crest ----- -------------------------------Official ------------------------------Monoa-ram, Plain, Gold FIUed -----------Pleda-e Button ---------------------------ENAM. MONO, REC.




All Prleea Subject to 20% Federal Tax

Mention Chapter or College When Ordering


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Official Jewelers to Pi Kappa Phi

Detroit 26, Michigan

Pi Kappa Phi Name----------------------------------------------------Street---------- -------------------------------------------

CkY------------------------------------------------------Fraternity ___ -------------------------------------·------ - · -

A Balfour Badge Is a Lifetime Investment INSIGNIA PRICE LIST Miniature


Plain badge-------------------------------------$ 4.00 $ 4.50 Close set pearl badge____________________________ 9.50 12.25 Crown set pearl bodge __________________________ 12.50 16.50 Crown pearl, 4 ruby points------------------------ 14.50 19.00 Double-faced alumni chorm _________________________________ $ 7.50 Pledge button-------------------------------------------White star recognition------------------------------------Coot of arms recognition---------------------------------Monogram recognition (no enomell --------------------------

.75 1.00 1.00 1.25

SEND FOR COMPLETE PRICE LIST. TAXES : 20% Federal Tax and any state taxes are In addition.

1951 BLUE BOOK A new catalog of crested jewelry and gifts. Write for YOUR FREE COPY. Official Jeweler to Pi Kappa Phi



Postmaster: Return and forwarding postage are guaranteed by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Virginia Bldg., 19, Va. If returned please check reason: D Removed-leh no address: 0 Unclaimed: 0 No such ber:


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