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The Star and Lamp of Pi Kappa Phi A

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11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C.


Founded at The College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C. De cember 10, 1904

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FOUNDERS SrMoN FocARTY 151 Moultrie St., Charleston, S. C.

ANDREW A. KRone, JR. (deceased)


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L. HARRY MrxsoN, 217 E. Bay Street, Charleston, S. C.






Exe cutive Secretary-Ja mes M. W il son, 11 E. Conal St., Sumter,; Editor-In-Chi ef, STAR AND LAMP-J ames M. Wilson, 11 E. Co~a Sumter, S. C. 1 Managing Editor, STAR AND LAMP-Eli zo~eth H. Smith, I Canol St., Sumter, S. C. Trave1 1ng Counseloi'--Ramon F. Sanchez, 11 E. Canal St., SLI'

President-The ron A. Houser, St. Matthews, S. C. Treasurer-Ralph W. Noreen, 75 Boylawn Ave ., Copiague, L. 1., N . Y. Secretary-Wayne R. Moore, 327 Russell, Ames, Iowa .

s. c.

Historian-Frank H. Hawthorne, 1009 First Not ional Bonk Bldg.,

1 Office Manager-Mrs. Freda W. Heister, 11 E. Canol St., Sumter, 1 Assistant OfflcP. Manogci'--Mrs. Mary H. Principe, 11 E. Ca~a Sumter, S. C.

Box 687, Montgomery, Ala . Chancclloi'--Karl M. G:bbon, 306 E. Jac kso n St., Horl :ngen, Texas.

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NATIONAL COMMITTEES Go .; The ron A. Hou<e r . <t. »~tthews, S. C.; James M. 11 East Conal St., Sumt er, S. C.

Finoncc-Froncis H. Boland, Jr., Chairman, C/ o Adams Express Co., 40 Wall St ., New York 5, N. Y.; 0 . Forrest McGill, P. 0. Box 4579, Jacksonville, Flo. ; Ralph W . Noreen, 75 Baylown Ave., Copiague, L. 1., N . Y. Devereux D. Rice Memorial Fund-John D. Carroll, Chairman, Lexington, S. C. ; Jock Bell, 7323 San Carlos Road, Jacksonville, Fla .; J . AI Head, 590 Vista Ave., So lem, Ore .; Leona rd L. Long , The Darlington , Suite 7, 2025 Peachtree Rood , N.E., Atlanta,


Scholarship-Or. Will E. Edington, Chairman, DePauw Unive~ Greencastle, Ind. Ritual and Insignia-John W . Deimler, Chairman, 333 Ri9~ Fe rry Rd., Bolo Cynwyd, Po. Architecture-J'lmes A. Strip ling, Chairman, Centen,ial S Tallahassee, Flo.


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DISTRICT ARCHONS Dist . Ill-Wi lli a m Brinkley, Box 4416, Duke Stat ion, Durham, N . C. Dist. IV-Gettis Wood, Jr., First Notional Bank, Columbia, S. C. Dlst. V-Walter F. Doyle, P. 0 . Box 158, Macon, Ga . Dlst. VI-Charl es T. Henderson, Asst. Attorney General, Statuto ry Revis ion Dept ., Tallahassee, Flo . Dist. VII-Dr. Langston T. Howley, School of Commerce and Business Admi nistrat ion, Un iversity, Ala .

Dlst. IX-Nelson White, Champion Spark Plug Co., Toledo 1, Ohio. Dlst. X-Ke nneth A. Bellinger, 538 N. Franklin, Dearborn, Mich.

Dist. Xi-Donald S. Payne, 338 S. Chauncey, W. Lafayette, lnd· Drst. XII-Ke nneth W. Kuhl, 436 Woodlawn, St . Paul 5, Minn· Dist. XIII-Adrian C. Taylo r, 23 1 Ave . " C" West, Bismarck, N Dlst. XIV-Harold A. Cowles, 228 Welch Ave ., Ames, Iowa . Dist. XVII-Poul M. Hupp, 3781 E. 3 1st St ., D o nv ~ r 5, co:o. Dlst. XIX-J . AI Head, 590 Vista Ave., So le m, Ore . 1 D!st. XX-David J. Dayto n, 1615 Barnett Circle, Lafayette, Dlst. XXI-T. Glenwood Stoudt, Wyomissing Pol yt echnic Instil' Wyomissing, Penna.


ALUMNI CHAPTERS Ames, lo Ave AWa--Gerald D. Lave, 1227 Burnett Atlont ., mes, Iowa . Decglu~aGTed Giles, 92B Sycamore Drive, BlrtnJ ' 0· Eu~~dhO,...m, Alabama-Harry W. Prater, 609 Chariest ve., Mt. Brook 9, Ala. Rutle3;e ~~· A. Weinheimer, 115-A Chattonao ·• orleston, S. C. 308 Gui,d' J~nnessee-Lee L. Ryerson, Jr., Chico rove, Chattanooga, Tenn. E.1~,;d 11~'J""~-;-Willtam H. O'Donnell, 1952 Clevel d ·• htcago, Ill. ISI~tn St O~it-John H. Haas, Jr., 3492 W. Caiutnbi ·• eveland, Ohio lady ~t So~t~ Carolina-William Babo, 1306 Caiutnb ·• a umbio 1, S. c. C/o ~~~:~j Benning, Georgia-Joe Freemon, Des Mol and Motor Co., Columbus, Go. St., o::•·J•.wo-James Jervts, 1623 E. 33rd Detroit M Otnes, I ow a. Pontlac,lc~~erry Martin, 70 Mowork Rd., Florence . srntth' <I S.:'tt,h Carolina-Mitchell ArrowGreenvll'l 1 · Cheves St., Florence, S. C. Greenv'il 1e5• ~·-cooper White, 103 Elm St., Ithaca, N ' . C. Bldg l~h York-H. M. Riggs, 701 Seneca Jackso~vll a co, N. Y. Mimosa le . Fla. Myron Sonlson, 3689 lonsin E 0rove, Jacksonville, Flo. i72~y a~t ~«!ndng, Mlch.-Loren C. Ferley, lincoln N · tchtgon Ave., Lansing, Mich. Fede;ol ~bras.ko-Winfield M. Elmen, 602 los An ecuntles Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. 17th \;lea, California-Rene Koelblen, 328 laulsviU ·• Manhattan Beach, Calif. louisv'iile ~~·-E. K. Dtenes, Box 695, ~•can ' Ky. Ave' ~eargla-Foy A. Byrd, 108 Carlisle ~ ·• aeon, Go. 101111 llisc'ay~la;.'da-Willlam A. Popy, Ill , 315 ~•ntg ve., Coral Gobles, Florida. Comc:.;:'ery, Alabama-Frederick H. White, Now y erce Bldg ., Montgomery, Ala. 21ith0 s~· ~· Y.-Jomes Lorrouse, 89-54 North J ·• ueens Village, N. Y Newarkrs~y-j::;AI Taboada, 123 Dewey St., 0 kioh ' • J 0111 0 N. W .~~~~· Okla.-Willi om A. Rlgg, 304 Orland ' 1 ·• Oklahoma City, Oklo. Ma 1 ~' f1o~do-A. T. Corter, Jr., 12 South Phliodel 5 ;· rtondo, Florida. 22nd P~~a, Pa .-Donold R. Williams, 118 E. Piltab ·• Chester, Penna. 627u"e~ Ponnsytvanta-R. Delmar George, Portland mont, Mt. Lebanon, Penna. S. w • <Cascade I -a. A. Hilllson, 8427 Roonok. St .. Portland, Ore. Horshb Virginia-Jesse M. Ramsey, 33 San F orger Rd., Roanoke, Vo. Host~~~c isso, Callf.-Arnold Turner, 2764 5 Seattl t ., Red~'<ood City, Calif. A, ~6 ~as~lngton-Dovid Peu:necker, 1605St. lo ' .E., Seattle 55, Wash. St., ~:· ~ls~ouri-Estlll E. Ezell, 701 Olive St. Matt· outs 1, Missouri. stde s~ews, South Carolina-John L. Wood'tarn ' · Matthews, South Carolina. Ble:;• ~a.-David c. Pinholster, 501 s. 'toied ., ampo 6, Flo . ton°'R.rhia--George Nemire, 1419 Adding\1110 B ·• Toledo, Ohio. P, o10 ~h, Flo, (Indian Rlverl-L. B. Vocelle, IV 01 hi · ox 488, Vera Beach, Flo. Glen":~~· RD. C.-Edward 1.. Tolson, 315 oad, Bethesda, Morvlond.




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Pi Kappa Phi NUMBER 3




Contents Page 2 Letters from Our Readers .......... . .2 Our of the Past . . . . . . . . .. . ... . Edicorial : Wilson Outlines Traits of Strong Chapter, by James M. Wilson, Editor-in-Chief ............... 3 You Want co Join a Fraternity? ................ 4 Prominent Pi Kappa Phi Alwnni ........ 6 Alumni! You Can Help Your Fraternity ........ 8 Direccory of Undergraduate Chapters . . . . . . . . . 9 McNeese, Central Michigan Groups to Become Pi Kapps Soon . 10 "Sally" Wolfe is National Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 12 Activities at Beta Lambda in Tampa, by Ronald Dristle, Historian, Beta Lambda, University of Tampa . . ......... 14 Tampa Alumni Association Receives Charter . . . . . . .. . 19 Parties and Campus Honors Combine as Grand Finale at Chi, Stetson .......... . .. . .... 20 Alumni Corner ................ . .. 22 Social Notes ................ 24 Chapter News, by Elizabeth H. Smith, Managing Editor . . . . 25 What about Your Chapter? .......... . . 28 COVER National Rase, Miss Marie Frances ("Sa lly") Wolfe, was sponsored by Beta Lambda Chapter, University of Tampa, Tampa, Fla.

Entered as second class matter at the post office at Charlotte, North Carolina, under the ~ct of M~ucb 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage proVIded for m the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 412, ~· L. an.d R., authorized january 7, 1932. The Star and Lamp 1s publiShed quarterly at Charlotte, North Carolina under the direction of the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in the months of February, May, August and November. The Life Subscription is $15.00 and is the only form of subscription. Single copies are 50 ce~~ts. Changes in address should be reported promptly to National Office, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. All material intended for publication should be in the bands of the Managing Editor, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C., SO days preceding the month of issue. lAMBS M. WILSON, Editor-in-Chi1/ ELIZABETH H. SMITH, Managing Editor

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National Convention - Philadelphia - August, 1956



Dttrham, N. C.

Deland, f/l

Dear Mr. Wilson: I congratulate your chapter for being first among the fraternities for the entire year. I hope it will continue to place proper emphasis on academic matters. Sincerely yours,

Dear Brother Wilson: We of Chi are extremely proud of tbe fine work you are doing in bringi ng new chapters into tbe brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi, and we of Chi stand readY ~ help you in any way that we can. Fraternally yours,

ROBERT B. COX, D ean of Men Duke University

GERRY LAWRENCE, Hiscoril Chi, Stetson University


ALUMNUS WELCOMES NEW CHAPTERS 277 North Goodman St. Rochester 7, N. Y.



Brothers: I have just received the new issue of Th e Star and Lamp. It was interesting to read about the pending additions to the fraternity, and I hope that new chapters will continue to be assimilated. Fraternally,

Dear Brother W ilsot~: I feel that I may speak on behalf of I路 the brothers of Rho Chapter in saying that we feel that y11> are doing a fine job. We will do all we can to aid you 1' your prog ram for a better Pi Kappa Phi. Fraternally youfl

PHIL BRAUNSCHWEIG Rho '48, Washington and Lee University

WILLIAM H. FISHBACK, JR., Archon Rho Chapter, Washington and Lee Universi~



Out Of The Past (Th e news given below was gleaned from copies of

40 Years Ago

John D . Carroll, Grand President, predicts that the next year is "going to be the biggest and best Pi Kappa Phi has ever had." The fraternity is 12 chapters strong. Kappa Chapter was installed at the University of North Carolina November 14, 1914. Under the heading, "Convention Dors: " "We have it from good authority that one man will demonstrate how you can attend college and get married at the same time." "We have been reliably informed that the married members will leave their new additions at home. We mean the 'Baby Grands.' " Nu Traces Roots to 1876

Nu Chapter, which was chartered at the University of Nebraska October 22, traces its hiscory back to September 29, 1876, when the Union Literary Society was organized. Four of the members of Pi Gamma Theta, the organization that became Nu Chapter, are members of the University Union. University Union is an outgrowth of the Union Literary ~ociety. 20 Years Ago

Charles Adolph, Jr., Alpha Xi '34, headed the national committee which provided the Inter-



of 1915 and 1935.)

collegiate Newspaper Association with a Fall convention. The National Council, meeting in Richmond, Va., makes decision co move the Central Office from Evanston, Ill., to Richmond. This move was made so that the headquarters would be in a more central location with reference to chapter distribution and so organized and placed as to bring the greatest possible savings in the overhead of operation. The Beta Psi Fraternity at Illinois Institute of Technology affiliates with Pi Kappa Phi, becoming Alpha Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Cover of October issue carries a picture of the National Office in Richmond, Virginia. Supreme Chapter plans to hold national convention in Seattle, Wash. The convention is returning for its second convention there. The first time was in 1921. The first of appointments as residential chapter advisers goes to J. L. Zwingle, who will attend the graduate school of Cornell University and assist the chapter there. His major work will center in tutorial assistance, direction of chapter educational programs, and development of internal organizatipn along lines usually overlooked by chapters in their concentration on the major matters of the chapter.






elections-YMCA-literary societies-dramatic clubsetc. The goal of a good chapter is to produce good citizens. If the groundwork laid in the chapter is good, you need not worry about the finished product.

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Good luck, Jack, we are betting on you.

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Fraternally yours, coril

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h\. G.:L-_ Editor-i11-Chief



~~ain I Want to congratulate you. You have the 111

a tngs of a fine archon, and I do believe they could th t h~ve found a better man for the job. You will lead yoe c apter to great heights-to a top place there on ni~~ own campus and to a top place within the Frater00

ch you wanred to know about the things that make a tieaptet s~rong and great. A study of national fraternice s, ~nd tn more particular, Pi Kappa Phi, has revealed to rtatn facts about top-notch chapters. I will give them up.tou below, and you can see how your chapter "stacks Friend h. . . fell s .~: A group ned together through fnendly .owshtp. . . a sincere interest in each other's wellbe tog · ds among the brothers and on the campus in · · · f rten general-never snobs. Schol · . scholarshtp . usually leads to a ars h ~: Strength m

e;t.rong chapter. It should always be the keyscone co the co:ltre program, for it is a man's "reason for being" in ege. ;eadership: The best in every officer is brought forT~rd. Members learn the art of allocating responsibiliry. tole potentialities of the younger men-the leaders of tnorrow-are developed.


Well organized rushing. . . membertp goals are met. Proper pledge training converts the raw re . . crutt toto full-fledged members.


Charles F. Adams, Nu, Serves Nebraska Masons as Grana Master Charles F. ("Chick") Adams, Nu '21, University of Nebraska, served as grand master of the Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Nebraska, last year. In his undergraduate days, Mr. Adams held several chapter offices and was . active in campus affatrs. He received his A. B. Degree from Nebraska in 1925 and his LL. B. in 1927. Since the late Charles F. Adams '20's he has resided in Aurora, Nebr., where he practices law and takes an active part in communiry affairs. Mrs. Adams is the former Miss Gertrude Rowe, a Nebraska Alumna.

National Rushing Brochure

~lttmni Relations:

Although much material has been assembled for the proposed National Rushing Brochure, many_ chapters h ~ve not ~esponded co the request for. ptctures ~nd tnfor.man<?n. Consequently, publicatton of thts book ts bemg postponed, possibly until next Summer.

fstrobg ~inances:

Some of the material which has been sent is not usable; for instance, pictures clipped from magazines. Such pictures cannot be reproduced in the book.

Close and continuous contact with tee alumni. An actively interested alumni group prota~ts the chapter from ever suffering serious or susp t~ed set-backs. A well-rounded chapter publication Otnts to the alumni. A budget and careful spending. This to a usmess. "A faulry financial program is a paved way trouble and possible collapse." Extra Cttrncttlar · · ·· p Activities: We ll -round ed acnvmes sh?gram. A good chapter actively encourages membertp Participation in-spores-Help Weeks--campus



We need good, clear glossy prints and a history of the chapter.


You Want to Join a Fraternity? COLLEGE COVERS a span of life that holds tremendous possibilities for the development of an individual's personality. People of any age develop best in a congenial, stimulating atmosphere, and this is especially true of young men in their late teens and early twenties. The fraternity chapter, with its carefully chosen men, supplies this environment. Enjoyment Depends on Participation

Enjoyment of any organization depends on what one puts into it. You alone can decide whether you wish to become a part of a close-knit group, where it is necessary to give as well as to take, both for your own good and the good of the group. The beautiful Sea of Galilee, from time immemorial, has been a pleasant place, providing nourishment for soul and body. The Dead Sea, through these same ages, has been an unpleasant part of the country in which it is located. Although it receives fresh water constantly, it gives nothing of the sweetness it receives, and instead of serving as a channel for the giving of refreshment to other areas, it finally loses the good that it endeavors to hold. One Learns Workings of Democracy

So it is with fraternity life. In this way of life one learns, first hand, the workings of democracy. He accepts the restrictions as well as the privileges of the organization. He learns to work with the group, in making decisions in the chapter meetings and in participating in chapter projects and events. Pi Kappa Phi Offers Brotherhood

What does Pi Kappa Phi offer you? It offers you brotherhood, and, in turn, expects brotherhood from you. Within the "Pi Kapp" brotherhood you will find a close, compact group of college men who have the same common interests which produce a spirit that can truly be called fraternal. The fraternity offers you a happy, congenial atmosphere, and it expects you to share the responsibilities of maintaining this atmosphere. Member Assumes Responsibility

The chapter offers you the pleasures of a varied social program. When you become a member of the fraternity, you assume a responsibility for making these events a success. The fraternity participates in many campus activities. Here too you take your share of the responsibilities. What of scholarship? A man's reason for being in college is to avail himself of the educational opportunities offered. The chapter will help you make the most of these opportunities. The chapter strives to maintain a high scholastic average. If you would share in the honor of attainment, you must share in the building of the 4

average. The average will go up or down, according tO what you bring to it. Founders Had Common Interest

It was their common interest in these various fields that resulted in the banding together of our three founders, Simon Fogarty, Harry Mixson, and Andre~ Kroeg, tO form the first Pi Kappa Phi chapter at the College of CharlestOn, CharlestOn, S. C., in 1904. Esse?· rially Southern for many years, rhe fraternity sreadtll expanded in rhe late twenties until ir was geographicall) represented over rhe entire nation. Pi Kappa Phi's national organization is ideally .ar· ranged wirhour being roo centralized. The governtO~ body of rhe fraternity is the N ational Council, which 1f elected every two years by the national convention our organization. This council is composed of five pro~: inenr alumni members, and they set the general polictfl of the fraternity.


Chapter Achievement Recognized

Master Chapter Certificates are awarded co thost chapters which maintain barring averages of 300 or rnorc during the school year. The chapters are rated by dle National Office. Scholarship Certificates and Pendanll are awarded to Pi Kappa Phi's top scholars. The scholar· ship of the fraternity is supervised by a national scholar· ship committee. The President's Plaque is awarded an· nually to the chapter having the best publication. The fraternity offers you many things. Fraternity Ji{t will be a happy or an unhappy experience for yo~ depending largely on how you react to it and on bO~ much you give to ir. As with the Sea of Galilee, the beauty and the swe~t· ness that comes into your life through the fraternt~ must be passed on to others or it cannot remain you!) For surely what one sends intO the lives of ochers coJ11e! back into his own.


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Beta Alpha Chapter, Newark College of Engineering, has been awarded the "Best Fraternity on the Campus" trophy by the Inter· Fraternity Council at NCE. This award is de· signed to give recognition to the most out· standing fraternal organization at NCE, and the winner of the trophy is determined from

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1. Scholarship of Members 2. Leadership of Members 3. Service to the College 4. Service to the Community




This is one of many handsome Pi Kappa Phi chapter houses located at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

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"Why I Pledged Pi Kappa Phi"

"Why I Joined Pi Kappa Phi"

TBERE ARE MANY REASONS why I pledged Pi c .Kappa Phi, but I shall give only a few of what I bonsJder the most important. I pledged this fraternity fecause I saw the chance to associate with some of the thtn~st boys on this campus; boys who will go our of he1r way to help you or to speak ro you. Many boys of 0 :, er fraternities on the campus are indifferent about b lether you join their fraternity or another, while each rocher p 1· K appa p h1· roo k a genu me · · · t11e1r · wrerest m Prasp ecrtve · pledges.

JT ALL ~TARTED b~ck before _rush season .as I began co thwk about wh_JCh fratermty I would hke co join. I knew all along that Jt would be one of three fraternities, and I could not decide on which one was best for me. I decided to wait till I got my bids and then decide.

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it Another reason is because Pi Kappa Phi provides a sdmembers with a "second home." You become strong s n good friends with the brothers and other pledges, that they become a "second hmily" to you. Every0 ane becomes interested in the same things and everyn~e Works for the betterment of himself and the frarerf lty. I saw that each member of the fraternity had set ot himself a high set of standards and ideals which he Strove of b to keep pace with as best he could. I saw a group n oys who were leaders, each in his own way, bur everrheless, leaders who could lead if necessary.


p I believe I am right in all these reasons, and it can be s roved by the fact that about 17 other boys saw the ame thing l!-S I before they pledged Pi Kappa Phi. LA




A Recent Pledge

Then came rush week, and it seemed as if you (one being rushed) were the most popular boy on the campus. Everyone from these three fraternities came co me and said they would like to have me in their fraternity. I went co my first smoker during rush week and was amazed at what a fraternity had to offer. Everything seemed co make this the best for me. Then I went to the second smoker. This happened to be the Pi Kappa Phi Smoker, and I found it too had much to offer. I looked around, and I was surprised to see that they had a.national office representative present at what appeared co me to be such a little affair. As soon as I got the chance, I went over co talk to this fellow, whom I found out co be Mr. Jim Wilson. He seemed to be very interested in this fraternity and the boys whom the fraternity were rushing. I talked with him for about two hours, in which we discussed many things of interest to me. One of the things we discussed was the building of a new fraternity house. He assured me that if the others decided to build a house on the plan 5

which rhe school had laid our ro the fraternities, rhar Pi Kappa Phi would have one along with the rest of them. We talked of the way the national office handles its money and where the money goes. I found this ro fit my liking, but as yet I was not sure I wanted to join this fraternity. I left the smoker still trying to make up my mind. Finally I attended my last smoker, and it roo seemed to offer much. I found out that most of my close friends also received bids from these three fraternities, and I knew I would like to be in the fraternity they joined. This left me with two things to consider: which way my friends were going and if this was the best fraternity for me. Well I did not ger much sleep that night for thinking the next day I had to make my choice. The next morn-

ing I still had not made up my mind, and just before rime to sign up, I found out my closest friends were going Pi Kapp. This left only one thing lacking, and that was to see if this was the best fraternity for rne· I thought it over and began to think about all the things I discussed wirh Mr. Wilson. I knew I wanred tO help build a new fraternity house since all the frarerd nities were going to build, and I knew then I woul like working with a man like Mr. Wilson at the front office. With Pi Kappa Phi holding all the aces I sa~ at once that there was no other way for me ro go except Pi Kapp. I have never regretted it one moment and I am proud to say I am a Pi Kapp.


Architecture Clyde C. Pearson, Alpha Iota, Montgomery, Ala., nationally known architect; Member of firm of Pearson, Tittle and Narrows; Fellow, American Institute of Architects; Region· al Director, Gulf States, American Institute of Architects; National President, Alabama Polytechnic Institute (Auburn) Alumni Association; Past President, Alabama Society of Architects. James A. Stripling, Alpha Iota, Head of Architectural Firm of James A. Stripling, Tallahassee, Fla.; Member of American Institute of Architects and Florida Association of Architects. Business and Industry Walter L. Betts, Alpha Xi, Brooklyn, N. Y., Member of Technical Staff of Bell Telephone Laboratories, Active in American Society of Mechanical Engineers, being Secretary of Region II. Herbert S. Boring, Xi, President, Ric-wiL Company, Barberton, Ohio. Scott N. Brown, Epsilon, 1951 Chairman of the Realtors' Washington Committee, the legislative branch of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. Claude E. Carr, Alpha Eta, President, Rawlings Manufacturing Company, and President, Rawlings Sporting Goods Company, St. Louis, Mo. George W. Childs Drexel, deceased, Alpha Upsilon, philanthropist, Philadelphia, Penna. J. E. Fitzsimons, Alpha Xi, Vice-President, Pyrene Manufacturing Company, Newark, N. J. Herman C. Fuchs, Alpha Xi, Secretary, Permatex Company, Inc., Bro_oklyn, N. Y. Henry G. Harper, Kappa, Vice-President, The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company of <!anada, Limited, New Toronto, Ontario. W. Bernard Jones, Jr., President, W. Bernard Jones, Jr., Inc., Industrial Relations Consultant. Walter R. Jones, Chief Staff Engineer, Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Burbank, Calif,



A New Member

PROMINENT PI KAPPA PHI ALUMNI Advertising Douglas Leigh, Alpha Epsilon, famous Broadway animated sign king. 0. Winston Link, Alpha Xi, nationally known model photog· rapher.



The Knox Brothers (Peter S. and W. Lawrence M., EpsiloP• and Robert E. and Wyckliffe A., Lambda), large Bollle Development Industr:alists, Thompson, Ga. Hewen A. Lasseter, Chi, President, Steam-Lux Corp., Kissifll' mee, Fla. J . Rhodes Mitchell, lora, Vice-President, The Chesapeake an0 Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia, Richmond, Va·• Responsible for all operations of the Company in Virginil· Nathan Mobley, Kappa, President, United States Guarancet Company, New York, N. Y. Emerson B. Morgan, Senior Partner, Morgan and Companf (Investments and Securities), Los Angeles, Calif. Ralph W. Noreen, Gamma, Retired Vice-President, IrvinF Trust Company, New York, N. Y.; President, Arrow r.ock Corporation, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hazard Reeves, lora, President, Reeves Sound Studios, JnC·• Reeves Soundcraft Corp., Cinerama, Inc., Cafe Nino, JnC·• New York, N.Y. Robert P. Stacey, Tau, Executive Vice-President of the ConneC' rieur Light and Power Company, Hartford, Conn. A. J . P. Wilson, Alpha Xi, Consulting Management Enginet1• Aurhor, Gourmet, New York, N. Y. John C. Wilson, Eta, Assistant General Manager, Amerie3° National Red Cross, Washington, D . C. Clark B. Winter, Rho, Vice-President, American Express Co!!l' pany, New York, N. Y.

Education Dr. Curtis Vance Bishop, Delra, President, Averett College, Danville, Va.; Mayor of Danville. Dr. John Bright, Jr., Beta, Professor of Hebrew and Inter· pretation of the Old Testament, Union Theological Seminarl~ Richmond, Va.; Winner of the Abingdon-Cokesbury Awar in 1953 for his first book, "The Kingdom of God." . Mybert Eusrace Broom, Upsilon, Dean, Southern College ot Optometry, Memphis, Tenn. . Robert N. Daniel, Delra, Dean Emeritus of Furman Universt· ty and Head of the English Deparcroent, Furman Universitl'• Greenville, S. C. Dr. Benson W. Davis, Chi, Dean of Men, Stetson Universi!l'· DeLand, Fla. 1 Dr. Paul S. Dull, Alpha Delta, Associate Professor of PoliciCII Science and History, University of Oregon, Eugene, OreS· Dr. Will E. Edington, '[}psilon, Retired Professor of Mathe·







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~aries, DePaw University, Greencastle, Ind.; Chairman, Pi Jeff appa Phi's National Scholarship Committee. ers.on B. Fordham, Kappa, Dean, University of PennsylIi Vania Law School, Philadelphia, Penna. eEnry. M. Giese, Alpha Omicron, Professor of Agricultural · Nng1n . eermg, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa; Winner of auonal Cyrus Hall McCormick Award for outstanding G contributions in his field. eAorge C. Griffin, Iota, Dean of Students, Georgia Tech, tlanca Ga D ' . rD Harry Parker Hammond, deceased, Alpha Xi, Retired Sean, School of Engineering, Pennsylvania State College, D tate College, Penna. r. Erich Hausmann Alpha Xi, Retired Dean, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institut~ Brooklyn, N. Y.; Author of College Physics book. ' Dr. R0 b . en ]. Maaske, deceased, Nu, President, Oregon College f Ed o · Jo h ucanon, Monmouth, Oreg. ~p A. McClain, Jr., Alpha Alpha, Dean, Duke University Dr. c;;ol of Law, Durham, N. C. ... Ii urence S. McLeod, Phi, Dean of Graduate DIVISIOn and O~ad of Psychology Department, Tulsa University, Tulsa, \'q Ia. ayne R. Moore, Alpha Omicron, Professor, Engineering DeParcmenc, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa; National SecreD tary of Pi Kappa Phi. r. Frederick G. Sawyer, Alpha Xi, on staff of Stanford ReCo~rch Institute, Stanford, Calif. ~n P. Spruill, Kappa, Dean of the General College, 1' ;lversiry of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. · leawood Stoudt, Alpha Mu President, Wyomissing Poly· . . ' Penna. D techn'IC I nsntute, Wyom1ssmg, rC James Ralph Thaxton, Lambda, President, Valdosta State 1' ;liege, Valdosta, Ga. · Edresco.n Turner, Xi, Assistant Executive Secretary, Virginia De ucac1on Association, Richmond, Va. t/~mes L. Zwingle, Alpha Sigma, Vice-President, Cornell Oiversiry, Ithaca, N. Y.


Go"ernment ineer·


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Thomas D. Bailey, Zeta, State Superintendent of Public Instruccion of Florida, State Department of Education, Tallahassee Pia Ad · ' . llliraJ Lewis B. Combs, USN, Retired, Alpha Tau, Head ;f ~ivil Engineering Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic G OstJruce, Troy, N. Y. Me~rge Grant, Omicron, Troy, Ala., U. S. Congressman. ~or Gen. David P. Hardy, Gamma, Retired from military _ucy and as Assistant Superintendent of Schools, San FranCisco, Cal'f Sd I • y Herlong, Jr., Alpha Epsilon, Leesburg, Fla., U. S. Congressman. Olin D J . D·I · ohnscon, Sigma, U. S. Senator, South Carolma. 1 lard B. Lasseter, Eta, Administrator, Farmer's Home Adminip .Stration , W as h.mgton, D . C . rJoce H. Preston Lambda Statesboro, Ga., U. S. Congress-




r .

Beech . Ge er Sn1pes, Alpha Gamma, Commander, USN. orge Bell Timmerman, Jr., Sigma, Governor, South Carolina.


Ear! Carroll, Alpha Eta, President, Philippine Insurance Comli Pany, Manila, P. I. erman N. Hipp, Delta, President, Liberty Life Insurance Co., ?reenville, S. C. His brother, B. Calhoun Hipp, Epsilon, Is his assistant.

verst· rsiCl'•




0. Forrest McGill, Rho, Executive General Manager and Assistant Treasurer, South-Central Home Office, Prudential Insurance, Company of America, Jacksonville, Fla. Frederick E. Quinn, Sigma, Chartered Life Underwriter, President of Columbia (S. C.) Life Underwriters' Association, Agency Manager for the Life Insurance Company of Virginia, Columbia, S. C.

Law Karl M. Gibbon, Upsilon, Harlingen, Texas, Member of United Scates Supreme Court and United Scares District Court for Southern District of Texas; Member of State Bar of Texas and American Bar Association; Director of the Harlingen State Bank, Laguna Royalty Company, and Ferguson Motor Company. Theron A. Houser, Zeta, Practicing Attorney, St. Matthews, S. C.; Listed in "Who's Who in the South and Southeast." Leonard L. Long, Sigma, Attorney, Atlanta, Ga. Albert W. Meisel, Alpha Xi, Attorney and Counselor at Law, New York, N. Y. Charles S. Reed, Nu, Attorney, President of Bank of Bellevue, Civic Leader, Omaha, Nebr.

Literature Thomas C. Wolfe, deceased, Kappa, Author of "Look Homeward, Angel" and other best sellers.

Medicine Dr. Leonard C. Borland, Jr., Rho, Dentist, Oak Park, Ill. Dr. J . G. Standifer, Lambda, Practicing Physician, Mayor of Blakely, Ga.; Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Georgia; Assistant Rabban, Hasan Temple of the Shrine, Albany, Ga. Dr. Henry P. Wagener, Alpha, Professor of Ophthalmology, Mayo Foundation, University of Minnesota, Rochester, Minn. Dr. George R. Wilkinson, Jr., Epsilon, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.

Music Lawrence Bolvig, Alpha Xi, New York, N. Y., Well-Known Bass-Baritone whose "singing" name is Lawrence Turner. Harold Lewis, Nu, Concert Pianist, New York, N. Y. Thurlow Lieurance, Nu, Wichita, Kan., Composer; Author of "By the Waters of Minnetonka;" world renowned in musical research among Americans.

Press and Radio James Edward Blackburn, Jr., Alpha Tau, Vice-President and a Director of McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Inc., McGraw-Hill International Company, and Audit Bureau of Circulations; trustee of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Walter Eugene Christenson, Nu, Editor, The Omaha (Nebr.) World Herald. George A. Cornish, Omicron, Executive Editor, New York Herald-Tribune. Frank L. Dennis, Alpha Gamma, Director of Information, Mutual Security Agency, c/o U. S. Embassy, Paris, France. George V. Denny, Jr., Kappa, New York, N . Y., Founder, "America's Town Meeting of the Air;" Radio and Television Commentator. James C. Derieux, Delta, Washington, D. C., Chief of Washington Bureau, Collier's. Wilton Garrison, Rho, Spores Editor, Charlotte Observer, Charlotte, N. C. Malcolm Johnson, Alpha Alpha, New Hyde Park, L. I., N. Y.; Pulitzer Prize Winning Local Reporter, 1948. L. Waters Milbourne, Rho, President, Monumental Radio Company, Owners of Radio Station WCAO, Baltimore, Md. Walter ]. Murphy, Alpha Xi, Washington, D . C., Editor, 7

Industrial and Eng. Chern. News; Director, Amer. Chern. Soc. News Service. Robert L. M. Parks, Rho, Editor, Augusta Chronicle, Augusta, Ga. Harry L. Shaw, Epsilon, Vice-President of E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc., New Y ark, N. Y. A. Merriman Smith, Pi, White House Correspondent for the United Press, Washington, D. C. Religion Dr. J. Blanton Belk, Epsilon, Pastor, Sr. Giles' Presbyterian Church, and Past President of the Richmond Protestant Ministers Association, Richmond, Va.; Author of "Our Fighting Faith." Oscar F. Blackwelder, Xi, Pastor, Lutheran Church of the Reformation, Washington, D. C. Dr. Searcy S. Garrison, Pastor, Bull Street Baptist Church, Savannah, Ga.; Past President of the Georgia Baptist Convention. Henry J. Pflum, Jr., D . D., Xi, Pastor, Christ Church, Allentown, Pa.; Member Board of Foreign Missions, United Lutheran Church; Member, Common Service Book Committee, United Lutheran Church; Kiwanis International. Frank E. Pulley, Alpha Pi, Chaplain, U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.

M. Theron Rankin, deceased, Delta, Richmond, Va., Executil'l Secretary, Foreign Mission Board, Southern Baptist Coo路 vention. Dr. Paul Scherer, Alpha, Professor of Homiletics at Unio" Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y. Rev. Marvin C. Wilbur, Alpha Zeta, New York, N. '{. Assistant Secretary of Promotion of the General Coundl of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Sports "Wally" Burrs, Alpha Alpha, Head Football Coach and Achlt tic Director, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. "Brick" Laws, Gamma, President, Oakland "Oaks," Oakland, Calif. William Woodrow Scheerer, Zeta, Director of Physical 拢~路 ucarion and Intramural Spores at Wofford College; Listed 10 "Who's Who in the South and Southeast;" Scour for Arlan~ Baseball Club; President, South Carolina Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Joe Sewell, Omicron, Tuscaloosa, Ala., former CleveJanJ Indian and New York Yankee Star. "Luke" Sewell, Omicron, Former Manager, Cincinnati Red; Baseball Team; Manager, Mapleleafs of Toronto, Canada.

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In your home town - On your street - On your block - There is a young man we would like to ha'~ 6 ' How about telling him all about Pi Kappa Phi and sending us his name? Fill out the following blank, or better still, write a letter to one of the undergraduate chapters listed below.

Pi Kappa Phi Recommendation HERE

is a good prospect for our Fraternity. I hope Pi Kappa Phi is successful in pledging him.

Name of man recommended Address Preparatory or high school College or university in which he will enroll Father's name

Father's occupation

Fraternity relatives

Fraternity preferences

Scholastic standing

Financial condition ..

High school activities Church affiliation Remarks Signed

Chapter Class








41GIIe"'a p 255 Coli elytechnlc Institute--Alpha Iota, Blookl ege St., Auburn, Ala. Sidn~~ =flytechnlc Institute-Alpha XI, 33 Coli ace, Brooklyn, N. Y. St~ 1 hoafl Charleston-Alpha 1161f2 Brood ' r ••ton S C ' Cornell ' . . ltflacaU'i!rralty-Psi, 722 University Ave., b ' . Y. ovldson C0 II N. c. •1-Epsilon, Box 473, Davidson, broke Unlv Ave., De:r~ty;-Beto Delta, 3303 University • omes 1 I, Iowa. 11 1 1 3'105 lnstltut Pow e 0 f Technologr.-Aipho Upsilon, 1 buke Unl e ton Ave ., Phi adelphia, Penna. Durha,;eNityCMu, Box 4682, Duke Station, Elllory Uni . . Versity Gtrslty-Eto, Box 273, Emory UniFiorida a. 1-A Ff~~hern College--Beta Beta, Bldg. Fla.' nda Southern College, Lakeland, Florida St Florida ·~r tUnlve~slty-:-Beto Eta, Box 4951, Furlllan U ° e Unoversoty, Tallahassee, Flo . Ge 0 , " 1verslty-Delto, Greenville, S. C. 10 1 Foftt.. Stnst~ute ot Technology-Iota, 128 Illinois •• • W., Atlanta, Go. 1 3220 Sns~~~~~ of Technology-Alpha Phi, Iowa St · oc ogan Ave., Chicago, 111. Weich ~e College-Alpha Omicron, 407 Mercer Unve., Ames Iowa Mercer Jv~rslty-Aipho Alpha, Box 524, Mlchlaan noverslty, Macon, Go. E. GrandStR!e College-Alpha Theta, 507 over, East Lansing, Mich . 1)





Brother Glenn Scott's Novel Is Republished under New Title

ft 'WILL BE RECALLED that Brother Glenn Scott ho of_ Rho Chapter at Washington and Lee, whose So:~ IS at Smithfield, Va., had published a book, "A Was n of_ Voices Dying," some months ago. This book in 1~blJs~ed by E. P. Dutton and Company, the firm tch Pt Kapp Harry Shaw is vice-president. Pub7· May, the publishers of the Popular Library books "p tshed this book in paper cover under the tide of una~e'Yell, My Y0ung Lover." This is a complete and a ndged version of the original manuscript.


Book Commended By Richmond Paper sayThboe Richmond ( Va.) Times-Dispatch had this to .. a Ut Brother Scott's book: Ru Among the patterns of the college year, between rio sh Week, Fancy Dress, fraternity initiations, examinaou ns, dancing and dating, he (Reid Carrington) finds an~ ~orn_ething about what it means to love passionately B ruttlessly, and a little about the meaning 0f death. d et\\reen his love affair with Laura, wife flf a law sruof:t, and his college boy romance with Jean, prott!>r;ype end very doll-faced college girl who ever came to week abo dances, he finds himself learning what life is all ou Ut. · : He (the author) tells his srory straight, with\\7 t fa~mg into the trap of sophomore cynicism of reol~ldf . mdictment, and without self-pity-a refreshing 1e ll'l . a writer so young. .. Scott Is In Service in Currently, Brother Scott is serving a two-year term th~? Army as Pvt. Glenn Scott, US-52 373 744. He OF


University of Miami-Alpha Chi, P. 0. Box 832, University Branch 46, Coral Gobles ' Flo. University of Missouri-Beta Epsilon 704 Maryland, Columbia, Mo. ' Unl~ersity of Nebraska-Nu, 229 N. 17th St ., Loncoln, Nebr. University of North Carolina-Kappa, 206 Cameron Ave., Chapel Hill, N. C. University af Oregon-Alpha Omega, 740 East 15th St., Eugene, Ore. University of South Carolina-Sigma, 1724 Pendleton Ave., Columbia, S. C. Un~~~-rsi ty of Tampa-Beta Lambda, Tampa,

Newark College of Englnttrlng-Beto Alpha, C/o Student Moil, Newark College of Engineering, 367 High St., Newark 2, N. J. North Carolina State College--Tau, 407 Home St., Raleigh, N. C. Oregon State Colle11e-Aipho Zeta, 21st and Harrison, Corvallis, Ore. Penn. State University-Alpha Mu, Box 380, State College, Penna. Presbyterian College-Beta, Clinton, S. C. Purdue--Omega, 330 N. Grant St., W. Lafayette, Ind. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute--Alpha Tau, 49 2nd St., Troy, N. Y. Roanoke College--Xi, 327 High St., Solem, Vo. Stetson Unlversit!'-Chl, 165 E. Minnesota Ave., DeLand, Flo. University of Alabama-Omicron, 804 Hockberry Lone, Tuscaloosa, Ala. University of Arl,.ona-Beto Theta, 631 E. Sec-o•od St., Tucson, Arl:!: University of California-Gamma, 2634 Boncroft Way, Berkeley, Calif. Unlveralty of Florida-Alpha Epsilon, Box 2756, University Station, Gainesville, Flo. University of Geargla-Lombdo, 599 Prince Ave., Athens, Go. University of Georgia, Atlanta Division-Beta Kappa, 24 Ivy St., S.E., Atlanta, Go. University of Illinois--Upsilon, 801 Illinois St., Urbano, Ill. University of Indiana-Alpha Psi, 504 E. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, Ind. University of Louisville-Beta Gamma, 2216 Confederate Place, Louisville, Ky.

University _of Tennessee-Alpha Sigma, 1505 West Clonch Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. University of Toledo--Beta Iota, 1702 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, Ohio University of Washington-Alpha Delta, 4715 19th Ave., N.E., Seattle, Wash . Washington li Leo University-Rho Lack Drawer 903, Lexington, Va. ' Wofford College--Zeta, Spartanburg, S. C.

Locals to Be Installed Central Michigan College-Sigma Beta Tau 1026 South College St., Mt. Pleasant, Mich: Georgia State College-Filii Fortunoe, Valdosta, Go . McNeese State College-Delta Pi Phi Box 141 McNeese State College, Lake Charles, La: Newberry College-Phi Tau, Newberry, S. C.

was graduated July 8 from an Army stenographers' course at the Adjutant General's School and has been assigned to Fort Myer, Va. He is planning co study in Paris upon termination of his military service. Brother Scott took his basic training at Fort Jackson , S. C. He reported in a letter co the National Office that he "was en~ertained t~ost pleasantly" at the Pi Kapp Rose Ball at Stgma, UmvefSity of South Carolina in ' Columbia, S. C. --------~K· ¢--------

Brother Merriman Smith Writes BooIt on President Eisenhower

p1 book KAPP enrttled

~ERBf.MAN S_MITH recently wrote a

Meet Mister Eisenhower." It was published by Harper and Brothers. The auth_or, the senior W.hite House reporter, having had an asstgrunenr there smce 1941, is the one who closes the President's press conferences by saying "Thank you, Mr. President." ' Dr. R. C. McDanel, in a review of the book in the Richmond (Va.) !imes-Di!P~tc.~, outlined the scope of the bo®k, declarmg that It ts a thoroughly interesting, chatty, somewhat gossipy book that even Democrats will enjoy reading." 'We .~eet him ( Presid~nr Eisenhower)," Dr. McDanel s~ted, m the lo?g and nresome campaign of 1952, on hts numero~s trtps here, there, and everywhere, as a cook, as a ftsherman, as the would-be squire of Gettysburg, as a grandfather, as a worker, as a golfer-trying to keep below 90!" Brother Smith predicted in his book that the Presid~nr will not run again for the presidency, but that he wtll run to Gettysburg. 9

These are the members af Delta Pi Phi at McNeese State College, lake Charles, La., who petitioned to become a chapter of Pi KapP~ Phi. The petition has been granted by the National Council. This picture was taken this Spring. 1 The men an the front row, left to right, are lary Padget sergeant at arms; Doye Sivils, secretary; Sammy B·attaglia, vice-preside~ • an.d Dwayne Milner, president; second r'!'w, left to right, Mike Jacobs, Nathan Lejeune, lynn Miller, Don Austin, larry Deroue~• Wolson Albarado, and Ronald ~e~des; thord row, left to right, Buddr Sonnier, lindsey Fontenot, Henry Bertrand, Jimmy Schaller, A· Green, Steve Coleman, and Wolfrod Woolman; fourth row, left to roght, R. C. Anderson, faculty adviser; Arthur Richert, Russell cook• Peter Moon, Benny Arceneaux, Buddy Dressler, Albert Chiasson, and F. M. Rolufs, faculty adviser.


McNeese, Central Michigan Groups To Become Pi Kapps Soon THE

NATIONAL COUNCIL of Pi Kappa Phi has approved the petitions of Delta Pi Phi, local fraternity at McNeese State College, Lake Charles, La., and Sigma Beta Tau, local fraternity at Central Michigan College, Mr. Pleasant, Mich. September 17 has been set as the date for the installation of the chapter at McNeese as the 48th chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Although the exact date for the installation of the chapter at Central Michigan College has not been set, it is anticipated that it will take place in the early part of December.

McNeese was begun officially in 1938 when the Louisiana state legislature provided for the establishment of a junior college in Lake Charles as an adjunct to Louisiana State University. In the Summer of 1940 the name was changed to John McNeese Junior College in tribute to that pioneer educator of the area in which the college is located. McNeese is now a four-year college, the class of 195 5 being the fifth graduating class 10

since the college attained four-year status. Sigma Beta Tau was formed in 1947 and was re· cognized shortly thereafter by the Student Senate, bY the student social activities committee, and by President Anspach of Central Michigan College. From its ve!l' beginning, this local has been noted for its high schO· lastic standing-it has always held first or second place on its campus. During the past few years, it has beeP noted also for its variety of social and interfraternitl' activities, formal dances, interfraternity sports, ho!Ile· coming week festivities, and other campus activitieS· "Delta Pi Phi and Sigma Beta Tau are both out· standing local fraternities on their own campuses," 13$' ecutive Secretary James M. Wilson has declared. "TheY are composed of the type of men we find in all ou! chapters. We are confident that these chapters will make a fine contribution to Pi Kappa Phi, and that Pi KapP~ Phi, in turn, will bring much to them. Pi Kappa Ph' welcomes Delta Pi Phi and Sigma Beta Tau into thC brotherhood." THE STAR AND


Ph:he petition of Sigma Beta Tau, local fraternity at Central Michigan College, Mt. Pleasant, Mich., to become a chapter of Pi Kappa rn f~aternity has been approved by the National Council. This picture of the members of Sigma Beta Tau was taken this Spring. The en •n the front row, left to right are John Marsh, Conrad Swanson, Otto Sanderson, Duane Valerio, Dennis Prxybyla, and Ken Harry· b Wock raw, left to right, Bob Luedtke,' Ken Geister, Fred Rupp, Pat O'Neil, Ed Person, Bob Diment, Walt Diment, Darwin Diehm, Fred' orner, Dick Burdick, Ed Heitke, Gordon Ward, and Lionel Moyes.

Communist Chinese Free Captain Fischer of F~eedom ar last for Captain Harold E. Fischer, Jr., C ll wea Ciry, Iowa, Alpha Omicron '46, Iowa Stare o ege! \'{1This double jet ace, who was shot down in rhe Korean

Mar April 7, 1953, was released by the Red Chinese way 31, along with three other American fliers. The men i efe flown ro Honolulu where they were given a medIca check-up and a vacation. June 2 rhey watched ea~er­ / as the plane bearing their families from the Umred ctares came in for a landing and their loved ones, nine f ~e relatives, disembarked. A tearful, happy reunion ow.:<J. The fliers and rheir families remained in re~Wau for several days, enjoying a holiday before their rn ro the United States and home.



Dr. Standifer Heads Shrine Group G Dr.. Jack G. Standifer, Lambda '46, Universiry of 1' eorgta, was elected Illustrious Potentate of Hasan S emp.le of rhe Shrine, Albany, Ga., recently. Brother ~andtfer, who lives in Blakely, Ga., is a Past Grand aster. He has been active in all branches of Masonry. f Brother Standifer has practiced medicine in Blakely or over 43 years. OF PI KAPPA PHI

Capt. Harold E. Fischer, Jr.




National Rose, Miss Marie Frances ("Sally") Wolfe, Tampa, Fla., was sponsored by Beta Lambda, University of Tampa. Her trophy and roses were presented in ceremonies July 9. Runners-up were, second, Alpha Zeta's candidate, Oregon State College, on the left, and Miss Mary Will Davis, Jacksonville, Fla., who was sponsored by Beta Chapter, Florida State University.

\1 '


THE NATIONAL ROSE of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity for 195 5 is Miss Marie Frances ("Sally") Wolfe, Tampa, Fla., sponsored by Beta Lambda Chapter, University of Tampa. Second place winner was sponsored by Alpha Zeta Chapter, Oregon State College. Third place winner was Miss Mary Will Davis, Jacksonville, Fla., sponsored by Beta Eta Chapter, Florida State University. Miss Wolfe, during her four years at the University of Tampa, participated in campus activities and received many honors. She was a member of the Miss Tampa University Court of 1951, a member of the Homecoming Court for four years, featured in the Morrocan annual beauty section for two years, chosen as a Daughter of Sigma Kappa Nu (the fraternity that .became Beta Lambda Chapter), member of Kappa Phi, national honorary art society, listed in "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities," was a Senior Class Notable, head cheer leader, Rose Queen of Beta Lambda, Air Force ROTC Summer Military Ball Queen of 1954 at McDill Air Force Base, and won the title of "Miss Greater Tampa of 1954." , As a member of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority, she served as intramurals manager, libr!,lrian, was a member of the board of standards, and first vice-president. 12

While attending school, Miss Wolfe spent some of her spare time working as a playground director and ~s a fashion and photography model. Her favorite sport 1d water-skiing. Art was her minor subject in college and is her hobby. She enjoys doing pastel portraits an illustrations for stories. She was graduated from the University of Tamp~ June 3, with a B. S. Degree in Elementary Educatio~, and in September she will begin her teaching career tO one of Tampa's elementary schools.


u 0

Miss Wolfe is a blonde, with blue eyes, is five feer six inches tall, and weighs 125 pounds. Her measure· ments are 35-24-35 1/2.

d h


Alpha Zeta's candidate, who placed second, is a Tri· Delta from Ashland, Oreg., who is majoring in educa· tion. She is a brunette, with brown eyes, is five feet five inches tall, and weighs about 115 pounds.


Miss Mary Will Davis, Jacksonville, Fla., third place winner, was a senior. advertising major at Florida State University last year..She is a member of Alpha Xi Delt~· national sorority, and a member of Gamma Alpha Cht, professional advertising sorority, of which she was pres· ident at FSU last year. Miss Davis is engaged to Brother J. Gary Campbell, secretary of Beta Eta. THE STAR AND LAM



s Q


Traver· b •ng Counselor Ramon Sanchez obtained this set of pictures from Ron Gustoff and wrote the accompanying story to give 111 ern ers s . . he . ome mhmate glimpses of activities at Alpha Zeta, Oregon State College. Brother George Neidhart is demonstrating how to ~•nned his girl. The young lady is impersonated by Pledge Jim Tegner. Onlookers are, foreground, Brother Ed Vincent, and, left 1 f1"Oht, Brothers Paul ("Mike") Maison, Willis Childers, Bill Donaldson, and Dave Palmrose. Onlookers in the picture on the right are, 10 e right, Brothers Maison, Carl Sellon, Childers, Palmrose, and Donaldson.

Will This

Happen to You?

DDR.ING THE SUMMER Brother George Neidhart 0 of Alpha Zeta pinned his girl. Upon returning to .regen State in the Fall, as custom requires, he ate hIS d .... . esserr (a very special one of apple sauce covered "'tth w11tpped · cream) under the table and then dem0 ~straced how he had performed the pinning. Since IS u • " Ptn girl" was not present, Pledge Jim Turner "Olunteered" to substitute in the role.


Brothers Walt Bardy, left, ond Gail Schappert are superin· tending Brother George Neidhart's dessert-eating .

eec re· )i·



Pi 1< sea appa Phi Fraternity brothers can • rcely b 1• Ch e •eve the1r eyes as they watch aries W (" U. • Chuck") lee, Gamma '52, n•versit Of Y of California, swab down. clov, c~urse, this was just in fun. The li n•ng took place during holiday rou· ne ab ''Cr . oard USS Wisconsin (BB64) during the U•se Baker." The Wisconsin visited Ports of Glasgow, Scotland, and 8 rest, France shiprne • Over 1,600 NROTC midSu n participated in this 8-week lllrner training cruise. The J. J men shown here are, left to right, St · Veak, Alpha Omicron '54, Iowa C ate College; R. l. Gabel; Chuck lee; . A. H D. R · eth, Alpha Omicron '54, and Pot • Murphy, Alpha Tau '54, Rensselear Ylechnic Institute.

0 ~ PI



Activities at Beta Lambda in Tampa By RONALD DRISTLE, Historian Beta lambda, University of Tampa

JN CLOSING OUR FIRST semester as Pi Kapps, and this being our initial story in The Star and Lamp, we would like, first, to thank all of the chapters throughout the country, whose warm welcome has made us feel the great spirit of fellowship, so strongly pronounced in Pi Kappa Phi. We of the Beta Lambda Chapter, Universiry of Tampa, will do our best to become worthy of the great trust you have placed in us. We also wish to thank the chapters and alumni for all the wonderful gifts and congratulatory telegrams. They will be cherished possessions as long as our chapter exists. The choosing of our Rose Queen, Miss Marie Frances ( "Sally") Wolfe, as the National Rose was a great honor. She is a wonderful girl and in the past few years has helped our chapter immensely. All the fellows of Beta Lambda will agree that a more beautiful or worthy Rose would have been hard to pick.

National Rose Marie Frances ("Sally") Wolfe is ready for c swim.

On Top in lntramurals

We finished the Intramurals on top for the second straight year. We were first last year, but we had to The photographer came along at the right time to find three University of Tampa students together-three who are much in Pi Kappa Phi news now. They are, left to right, Ronald Dristle, Beta lambda's historian, Miss Marie Frances ("Sally") Wolfe, National Rose of Pi Kappa Phi, who was sponsored in the contest by Beta lambda, and Mike Capitano, who was voted as Beta lambda's most outstanding member.




w These key persons in Pi Kappa Phi and the University of Tampa b;re arnong the group who attended Beta Lambda's installation ro nq~et at the University of Tampa in the Spring. They are, front lu~j eft to right, Dean and Mrs. Burnside and J. King and Dean t.e King; second row, left to right, Dr. H. G. Baker, chapter 0 of Vo~er,. ~nd Mrs. Baker; Mrs. M. C. Rhodes, and Dr. Rhodes, dean Wil~ rnonostration; National President and Mrs. Theron A. Houser, Je 10 '" J. Berry, past National President and the keynote speaker; 路 archon of Beta Lambda; Mrs. Ellwood C. Nance an d DrSSeN 0 avos, 路 once, president of the University of Tampa.

Miss Marie Frances ("Sally") Wolfe, head cheer leader at the University of Tampa.

Ar ~ational President Theron A. Houser, left, is presenting to pic on Jesse Davis Beta Lambda's charter. This ceremony took T 掳ce when Beta Lambda was installed at the University of 0 rnpo.



share the "laurels" with the Tau Omega Fraternity for the '54-'55 season. A number of our outstanding players have been lost through graduation, but the new replacements look fine. The members are still talking about the fine installation services performed for us by National President Theron Houser, Brother Jim Wilson, our new National Secretary, and the brothers from Beta Beta Chapter at Florida Southern. The banquet, under the direction of Brother Wilson, and the preceding party given us by the alumni were perfect.

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National Rose Honored at Installation

On the occasion of the installation of the Tampa Alumni Chapter July 9, a beautiful trophy was presented to our new National Rose, Miss Sally Wolfe. The granting of the alumni charter to Tampa will bring together over cwo hundred brothers residing in this area. Much of the credit for the fine work done by the alumni must go to Brother David C. Pinholster, the new alumni prexy. Through the hard work of this outstanding group, our advance into a National Fraternity of the highest calibre was made possible. The Gardenia Ball on June 2 climaxed the social season for the university. It was agreed that due to the planning of the function by Brother Ray Yvars, it was one of the smoothest run affairs in the 22-year history of the event. Graduating Seniors were honored at a party June 1 at the 116th Field Artillery N. C. 0. Club. Ray Yvars was the Master of Ceremonies. The Seniors honored were Brothers George Grant, Dean Goldsmith, Mike Capitano, Clint Meadows, Kayo Royal, Jim Berfield, Charles Fisher, William York, Bill Dial, Ray Griffin, Manual Linares, Robert Philon, and Herb Vater. The first edition of the Beta Lambda Spartan, edited by Brother Fisher, hit the streets June 1 and was met with enthusiastic acclaim from all the members and alumni. Capitano Elected Outstanding Member

Mike Capitano was elected as the first outstanding member of Beta Lambda. Mike, besides working wholehearted ly for the chapter, found time for an array of other activities. Mike was mentioned in "Who's Who in American Colleges;" named Best All Around in the Senior Class Notables; made the Hall of Fame for activities, and was a member of the Future Teachers of America, Pi Delta Epsi lon, national journalism fraternity, and Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity. After completing this banner year, the officers and brothers are looking forward to the challenge of an even greater year in '56. The chapter officers who will keep their positions next semester are Jesse Davis, archon; Eugene Yates, treasurer; Joseph Hewlett, secretary; Ronald Drisde, historian; Raymond Wagner, warden, and William Bosworth, chaplain.

Come to

Philadelphia Next Year! 16

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Past National President William J. Berry

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William J. Berry Sounds Call To High Plane of Living

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TEXT OF THE ADDRESS which Past President

William J. Berry, Alpha Xi '28, Polytechnic ~n颅 stitute of Brooklyn, delivered at Beta Lambda's 10路 stallation ceremonies is as follows (Brother Berry lives at La Solana, Sanibel Island, Fla.) : "As an elder Pi Kapp, I have found much pleasure in assisting at the installation of this, our newest chapt7!' Beta Lambda. I have watched with interest and satJS" faction the growth and development of the FraternitY under the wise guidance and able leadership of National President Houser. With him at our head, continued prog路 ress is certain. As a Floridian, even though of recent vintage, I am happy to see another chapter of Pi Kappa Phi established in our state, especially as Beta Lambda is practically on my doorstep. I would remind you, cbe youngest of my brothers, that the ceremonies of the lase cwo days have made you, to borrow the words of tb_e Apostle, St. Paul, 'citizens of no mean city.' See to that you do all in your power to promote its glory an good name and that in your personal lives you con路 tinue worthy of the citizenship with which you have been endowed.

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"~ t is a truism-almost a cliche--that we are living in

· times. The fact was emphasized last June at Willosr every college commencement in the land and this ~ou~tless be trumpeted forth on similar occasions ill prmg. The dangers which confront us are not ba~:el~ ph~sical ones, such as the hydrogen bomb and b enologiCal warfare, but those even more alarming ;cause insidious which threaten co undermine our ar orale and destroy our ethical standards. Our enemies fr e nor only the Red and his fellow-traveler but also tr~Tiuenrly 'they of our own household.' We are conTh/d by. pressure groups and led, or misled, by slogans. fro lr actions stem from the heart or the pocket-book or at' rn hopes of the ballot-box rather than from considersutons of law or reason. In their zeal to remedy the ri:~osed wrongs of the minority, they disregard the du ts of the majority and trample those of the indivife a1 under foot. By their ill-considered efforts in dethnse of freedom, they bid fair co destroy rhe very thing in~: ~rofess co protect. Words such as honor, loyalty, th .&rtty, freedom, and democracy seem co have lost sr:lr ancient meanings. The legislatures of forry-eighr i~ res a~d the national Congress are so busily engaged of creattng new statutory crimes-the mala prohibita it J;~_Jawyers-cbat even the best-intentioned of us find law 1 tcult to remain within the narrow confines of the Wh · 1 confess that I am puzzled and bewildered when u at has been legal and right for more than three~v:~t~rs of a century suddenly becomes unconstitutional nJghr-but so, I suspect are our so-called leaders. Fraternity System Affected

"I . aff Wtsh I could say that the fraternity system is unar ecred by all this flux and confusion, but we ourselves te~ un~er arrack and in order co survive may have co lea Ponze or even to compromise. For the moment, at "" st, especially in our publicly supported institutions, ofe ~e vulnerable co the buffets of chose most intolerant fr a I c~usaders, the pleaders for tolerance. The American thaterntty system which has no counterpart anywhere in in e W~rl?, is a century and three quarters old. Cherishbeg ongmally philosophic or literary objectives, it has d/n through many vicissitudes. At times it has been th tven underground, bur it has always emerged stronger haan ever. Anything which has so long survived must se!ve some intrinsic merit, and today the educators thema! Ves recognize us as an integral part of the educationen Process with much to contribute both to the developcaenr of the individual student and to the life of the tnpus. in ··~hat is the part of the individual fraternity man ~ this? Some years ago at a Convention banquet ""artonal President Meisel defined the fraternity as a bray of life-a way for each of us. The newly initiated Thther may well ask in the words of the Apostle cid0 lllas, 'How can we know the way?' It is not by acG ~nt that our fraternities bear Greek names. The fl~ de~ Age of Greece represents the most splendid \\> wermg of the human spirit. To be sure, their science g ~ elementary and crude, and they had none of the ~·1 ~eery which clutters our lives, but in matters of the th n they have never been excelled·. In the ideals of \\>at age will be found the answer to the question. There ere two guiding principles in Greek thought. The first


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was the exaltation of the beautiful and its identification with the good. 'To kalon kai to agathon;' how often do we find that combination in Greek writing. The truly good could not fail to be beautiful nor the truly beautiful good. The second principle was that of the Golden Mean-moderation in all things. Excess meant a lack of proportion and that, in turn, an impairment of beauty. Outlines Pattern for Living

"With these ideals before us, it behooves each of us co labor as best he may to make of his life not so much a material success but a work of art, consistent, proportioned, shapely, and beautiful. Just as secular education is based on the 'three R's,' so in the realm of the spirit, three R's are essential to the successful carrying our of our task. In this day of blatant advertising and selfadvertising, of public confession and a willingness to unbosom ourselves to every chance acquaintance, when privacy is little sought and hard to come by, we would do well to practice the first of these R's, reticence. Let up keep at least some small area to ourselves, excluding even those nearest and dearest to us, some secret place where, like Jacob, we may wrestle with the angel. This same reticence should restrain us from all efforts to pry unduly into the affairs of others. The second R is reverence in a somewhat wider sense than the word usually conveys. It includes a respect for the past and its traditions, but no slavish idolatry, an appreciation of others as individuals, and an acknowledgement of their rights to their opinions however much they may differ from our own, an eagerness to pay tribute to honesty and integrity wherever we may find them. The third and most difficult is repose. Here, if anywhere, we must seek the Golden Mean. Not roo much repining or selfpity in adversity, not roo much jubilation in the hour of our triumph, but whatever the outward circumstances to remain captain~ of our souls. Being human, of course, we shall fall, bur each defeat should only spur us on to new endeavors. After all, it is not so much the achievement as the struggle that ennobles. "And if at the end, when we approach the gates of the Chapter Eternal, we can truthfully say: 'I have done my best, I have striven faithfully to live up to the ideals of the Fraternity, I have followed the gleam,' we shall have been good citizens and worthy Pi Kapps." TrK<f>o----

Parties and Campus Honors ( Cot1tinued /rom Page 21)

average grade in history for his four years at Stetson. He was voted the Pi Kappa Phi Scholar from Chi Chapter. Brother Howell is listed in "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities." He has been active in campus social, political, and religious activities. His long range plan is to enter the ministry, but the newest award leaves him undecided as to what steps he will take after his year at Edinburgh. The FuJ~right grant provides tuition, books, travel, and approxtmarely $1,000. He will sail from New York on the Queen Elizabeth September 14. Brother Howell was graduated from Stetson mmma cum lattde this June. 17



At the first executive committee meeting just prior to the first formal meeting of Beta Lambda Chapter, Executive Secretary Jo,; 1 M. Wilson presented a Pi Kappa Phi song book to Dr. Howard G. Baker, adviser for the chapter. The group here includes, left to ri9~ Joseph Hewlett, secretary; Eugene Yates, treasurer; Jesse Davis, archon; Dr. Baker; Mr. Wilson; William Bosworth, chaplain; Ro~O~ Dristle, historian, and Raymond Wagner, warden.

Tampa's Student Body President Plans Career In Public Relations "UNCERTAIN" is the way Brother Jim Berfield, Beta Lambda, last year's student body president at the University of Tampa, described his plans for the future when he was interviewed recently. He pointed our that he shares with other June graduates the obligation for military service and that this creates his uncertainty. However, after he fulfills this obligation, he wishes to attend law school and obtain a law degree. Then he would like to go into either labor relations or public relations. Brother Berfield attended Alfred University in his freshman year. Here he was a member of the Student Senate and the Commerce Club. He entered the University of Tampa in 1952 and became a member of Sigma Kappa Nu in the Spring of 1953. In his junior year he was elected president of the Junior Class and also parking commissioner. In his senior year he was elected president of the Student Body and Student Senate, president of the Florida Intercollegiate Student Government Association, and selected for listing in "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities," was named a Senior Class Notable, and was named to the Hall of Fame at the University of Tampa. He was a member of the Baptist Student Unioa. ------~K¢-------

Brother Jim Barfield



Walt Kelly (of Pogo Fame) Is Mistaken for Dr. Zwingle

submitted the picture which appears at the tof ~ page 5 of the May issue of The Star and Lamp rified the man with Mrs. Zwingle as Dr. Zwingle. apologize for not recognizing the mistaken identitY.

Because of the striking resemblance which Dr. James L Zwingle, Alpha Sigma '31, University of Tennessee, bears to Walt Kelly (of Pogo fame), the person who

Dr. Zwingle says that in many ways he would ~ glad to swap places with Mr. Kelly but he is not sO that Mr. Kelly reciprocates this feeling.





PI Pos ch OF

I FlaAt th e .onstallation banquet for the Tampa Alumni Association July 9, Notional Rose Marie Frances ("Sally") Wolfe, Tampa, right received the National Rose Trophy and a bouquet of red roses. On the left is District Archon Charles T. Henderson, and on the ' Tampa Alumni President David C. Pinholster, and Executive Secretary James M. Wilson.

Tampa Alumni Association Receives Charter TliE 'I'~MPA ALUMNI Association of Pi Kappa Phi

Barrkeceived its charter in installation ceremonies at iden eb In~ernational Restaurant July 9. Alumni Presbist t. avid C. Pinholster received the charter from formC!~tb Archon Charles T. Henderson, following a a anquet. Henderson and Wilson Speak bistri A . Secretary Jam rchon Henderson and Execuuve es 路 Wilson were the principal speakers. 'I'~banquet also served to bnng . together many old friend Years. s and brothers who had not seen . each other for



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Will Consider House At Tampa 'I'he n . to grow m . size ew mem b ers expressed a des1re Plan a~d render a service to the chapters in the state. floss ~b. ~r the coming year included discussion of the cha~ lhty of acquiring a house in conjunction with the r-ter at the University of Tampa. OF


Brother Arthur Burroughs was in charge of the banquet committee. National Rose Announced The climax of the evening came when it was announced that Miss Marie Frances ("Sally") Wolfe, the Rose of the Beta Lambda Chapter at the University of Tampa, had been chosen as the National Rose of Pi Kappa Phi. Miss Wolfe was presented a beautiful bouquet of red roses, and Jesse Davis, archon of Beta Lambda awarded her the Loving Cup of the National Rose. ' ------~K~,-------

Pharr Teaches in Canada Brother George E. Pharr, Alpha Epsilon '48 University of Florida, is teaching industrial arts f~r the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal Canada. His address is 695 Tait, Apt. 4, Ville St. Laur~nt, Quebec, Canada. 19

Receiving line at the formal dance during the "Parade of Orchids Week End" at Chi Chapter, Stetson University, in MoY路

Parties and Campus Honors Combine As Grand Finale at Chi, Stetson "PARADE OF ORCHIDS" FESTIVITIES SPECTACULAR PARTIES, scholastic and campus honors combined as a grand finale to the 1954-55 year at Chi, Stetson University. The annual "Parade of Orchids Week End," May 6 and 7, was highlighted with a Comic Strip Party the first evening and the formal dance the second evening. Orchids were much in evidence on this latter occasion. Guests of honor were Brother and Mrs. Bill Jones. Brother Jones, an alumnus of Chi Chapter, was featured recently on the nationwide radio program, "Serenade in Blue," sponsored by the United States Air Force. He was the soloist for the Singing Sergeants on this program. His largest single audience was 102,000 in the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, Germany. He has soloed with the Cleveland and Toronto Symphony orchestras and in the largest Methodist church in the District of Columbia. Brother Jones began his singing career at Stetson 20

Guests at the "Parade of Orchids" formal at Chi, Ste1S 0 ~ included, left to right, Prof. Harold M. Giffin, chapter sp 0 ~ sor, and Mrs. Giffin; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones, guests of ho"or路 and Archon Herbert Dorsett and Miss Patsy Walker.


Scene at t he Comic Strip Party given by Chi, Stetson, during the "Parade of Orchids Week End." Colored lights shone through the Wat erfall, built for the occasion.

Dniver 路 . . . ver . Stty where he was a solotst wtth the Stetson UntBa:1%_ Glee Club, under rhe direction of Professor to b~ . M. _Giffin. Brother Jones chose his Alma Mater in El _gtn hts professional career, and he gave a concerr of tza~eth Hall the Tuesday night following the Parade T rchtds Week End. chu 0 hconclude the week end, the brothers attended Brc at the First Methodist Church, DeLand. Weekother Rod Dougliss was general chairman of rhe end activities.

"Alley Opp" and "Cola" (Brother Forrest Showalter and date in costume).


1i, Stets 0 ~ pter sP 0 ' of ho~ 01 '


Ca~rother John Howell, Chi, son of Rev. and Mrs. for A. Howell of Jacksonville, Fla., has been selec~ed Sea year's study at the University of Edinburgh in Bot and, under rhe Fulbright Scholarship. Brother Prew_ell, an outstanding senior at Stetson University, sh路 Vtously had been granted a Woodrow Wilson FellowtpS for a year's study at rhe Harvard University Divinity chooi. s?he Fulbright award came on the same day that 111 ~t~er Howell received the Charles Pafford, Jr., MeSt rtal Trophy as the outstanding senior man on the Stetson campus. The trophy, presented annually by the at ethon chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon, was announced cl t e annual Awards Day at Stetson University at the thosepo~ the Spring term of school. He also received e ht Alpha Theta Award for having the highest


(Contintted on Page 17) ND LA


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' Brother Monuel Gonzoles ("Chic") Quevedo, Iota '14, Georgia Tech, (the man with the pickax) is participating first stone of the public school building in the City of La Maya, Oriente, Cuba.

Mungons Heads Toledo Alumni

Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute

WHEN THE TOLEDO (Ohio) Alumni Chapter met March 1, the following officers were elected: president, A. B. Mungons, Beta Iota '51, 2274 Torrey Hill Drive, Toledo; vice-president, G. Nemire, Jr., Beta Iota '51, and secretary, Robert S. Kuhlman, Beta Iota '52.

COL. A." J. P. WILSON, Alpha Xi '28, consulting cherni" engineer, was the acting commanding general in charge ~I 15 the 301st Logistical Command group that attended the LoS . tical Command Refre9her Course given May 24-June 5 at till Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, J(JlO路 The 301st is stationed in New York City. Brig. Gen. McG~e~J is the commanding general, and Col. Wilson is the chernl" officer. Col. Wilson, whose address is 79 Tobin Avenue, Grell Neck, N. Y., was graduated from regular Command and Ge 0. era! Staff College course in 1944. BROTHER ALLEN G. CARTER, Alpha Xi '50, wboSI home is on Ox Pasrure Road, Southhampton, N. Y., rece~cl: was promoted to first lieutenant while a member of the Un 11ec Nations Command, Military Armistice Commission, Kor& Lt. Carter, utilities officer in the Support Group's Ser\'ict Company, has been overseas since April of last year.

It was decided that requirements for membership would include payment of $5 dues each year, payable at the annual meeting held the first quarter of the year, and signature as suretor for the mortgage on the Toledo Chapter house. -------,~K垄-------

Alabama Polytechnic Institute BROTHER J. PAGE WALKER, Alpha Iota '36, is now assistant mechanical engineer of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. Brother and Mrs. Walker and their three children, Page, Jr., 11, Lyn, 8, and Stephen, 5, live at 4608 Raven Road, Louisville 13, Ky. 22


Davidson SECOND LT. HENRY M. HIGGINS, Epsilon '53, wb0~ home is at 700 E. Marion St., Shelby, N. C., was gradual THE STAR AND


Can anyone identify this Pi Kapp?

tecentl Y from the Infantry School's basic in fantry o ff 1'cers · course F at orr Benning, Ga.

Drexel Institute of Technology hoLT. _COL. WILLIAM E. GILL, Alpha Upsilon '24, whose rne Is ·in Frederick ' Md ., is chief of . the program manageOlen . 15 t off,ce at Camp Detrick, Md. Col. Gill IS a veteran of Years in the Army.

National President Theron A. Houser, St. Matthews, 5. C., was so weighted down with this recent catch in Appalachicola, Fla., that he had to support it with an oar.

Emory University

is LT. COL. RAY K. SMATHERS, Eta '20, whose addre~s Section, Hq. SWC, APO 9, San Francisco, Calif., IS · Jted Stares representative with Japanese Courts when AmerICan soldiers are on trial.


Georgia Institute of Technology

IYh~I~ST ~T.

GEORGE F. JENSEN, Iota '50, of Hia~eah, Fla., IS With the Korean Military Advisory Group 10 Taegu, ·as received the Commendation Ribbon for Meritorious servICe. L J . . 0 ff . t. ensen distinguished himself as cryptographic secunry Qt ' h D b 15 Wit the group during the period, June 7 to ecem er • 1954.


Illinois Institute of Technology


E. SLAVIN, Alpha Phi '37, is manager of Mide_sr Sales, General Electric Company. Mr. and Mrs. Slavin and h ~~ two children, Bill and Karen, live at 6 Hawthorne D nve, ' D ecarur, Ill.

Iowa State College · CAPT. HOWARD ROBERTS, Alpha Omicron, who is now I[} th U . . . Il e · S. Air Force, left recently for h1s new station 10 ;.~~land. His address is USAF, 20th Fighter Bomber Wing, 120, New York, N. Y. W hen he went through Ames,

Iowa, he visited BROTHER GERALD D . LOVE, Alpha Omicron '45, who is now living at 1227 Burnett Ave.

Mercer SECOND LT. ELTON SUMNER, Alpha Alpha '53, whose home is in Ellenton, Ga., was graduated recently from the Infantry School's basic infantry officers' course at Fort Benning, Ga.


NATIONAL CONVENTION In Philadelphia August, 1956



National Secretary Wayne Moore Takes Canadian Bride 1n June Miss Mary Kathryn Hansuld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hansuld, of Mount Hope, Canada, was united in marriage to National Secretary Wayne Robert Moore, Alpha Omicron '39, Iowa State College, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Moore of Ames, Iowa, in a ceremony performed in Westdale United Church, Mount Hope, the morning of June 25. Rev. Waldemar Williams officiated at the 11 o'clock service. The bride wore a gown of lace over nylon tulle and satin in waltz-length. Her fingertip veil of illusion was held to a headdress of marching tulle and

satin. She carried a white Prayer Book, topped with an orchid in a cluster of stephanotis. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Lynn R. Williams of Toronto, Canada; Mrs. Robert Pomeroy of Ames, the bridegroom's sister, and Mrs. Howard Hansuld of Port Credit, Canada, the bride's sister-in-law. Brother Moore had as his best man Brother Marshall E. Olson, Alpha Omicron '4 1, of Park Forest, Ill. Ushers were Howard Hansuld of Port Credit and Ronald Frazer of Potsdam, N. Y.

The reception was held in rhe G{ Hall in the Alumni Building ar ~ Master University. Among the our.O town guests were Brother Moat< parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Moore : Ames, Brother Floyd L. Rerum, AlP Omicron '49, and Mrs. R erum. Ames, and Brother Warren W. ~ · Elhinney, Alpha Omicron '48, ~ Mrs. McElhinney, of Birmingh~ Mich.



Immediately after the receprl Brother and Mrs. Moore left for motor trip through the south~srel part of the United States, includtnS. 1 visit to the National Office of Kappa Phi. The Moores are now,. Ames where they are residing at 1' North Russell Avenue. The bride" engaged in research at Iowa Stare ~ lege where the bridegroom is a pro.t sor in the Department of Engineefl 0

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Ralph Chandler Heads

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Stetson Student Body


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Spring elections at Stetson University brought the student body presidency to Brother Ralph Chandler, Chi, a junior history major from Pensacola, Fla. At Pensacola High he held the same post.

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He entered Stetson in the Fall of 1952 and pledged Pi Kappa Phi in October of that year. He was president of the freshman class. He was named outstanding pledge when he became a member of the fraternity in February, 195 3. In September of that year he transferred to George Washington University in Washington, D. C., planning to enter State Department employment as his vocation. He returned to Stetson in June, 1954, to complete his undergraduate work, preferring the more "provincial" life of the Stetson campus ro the transient atmosphere of the capital. In April of this year he was chosen as Chi's candidate for president of the Stetson student body. He won by some 200 votes. While at Stetson he has maintained a better than "B" average. In May he was the recipient of the Walter E. Hays prize of $200 for his essay, "Free Enterprise and the American Way of Life." He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. William Davis Cawthorn of DeFlemish Springs, Fla., and is married to the former Shirley Sue Swarthout of Philadelphia. They have a daughter, Rebecca, 14 months old. 24



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v Brother Ralph Chandler


Managing Editor

epcil for e:~stel

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(This col . d . J to 1 limn 1S eSJ gnect ev eature every chapter. Hower the c re are omissions beattse we d0 all I not hear from 0 b /. the groups. For yottr ene tt h ch ' t e dates on which aPter• news ts· d11e on the 111 ,.anagmg editor's desk Na•tonal 0 If. ' St tee, 11 East Canal ., St~mter s C temb • · ., are SepAt ehr 15, December 15, arc 15 ca • and ]ttne 15. liVe nnot le h accept news letters afr I es d lik e ates. lr/e wottld e to re celVe . news as far in d a Vance 0 I h sib! t ese dates as posElizabeth H. Smith h e. This is better for you ecatue . . tt gwes time for making special layottts. If you 1can~ 10 th/et credit on the Master Chapter rating sheet, note this on material yott send.)

RON GUSTAFF at Alpha Zeta, Oregon State, finally wrote to inc Us th'IS year ... Tau, North Carolina State, plans to move M: 0 h~ new house before the year's end . . . Archon Curt Piaat IS. at AI pha Sigma: "Alpha Sigma plans to take the top givce In the Master Chapter rating next year." Alpha Sigs arc Ve lOg the other Greeks a run for their money at the UnihatSJty of Tennessee ... Alpha Epsilon, University of Florida, cove completed plans for their new house on fraternity row000~ttuction to begin next year. Archon Dick Hill serves na t~ce that the chapter is fighting for a national scholar, the . Chtiona! p u bJ'!Canons award, and the top rung in the Master siJ apter ratings in 1956... Jim Seibel, treasurer of Beta EpPl on, University of Missouri, says that he is somewhat perfi:xed by the Green Report. He understands how he got the "Utes bUt IS · not sure why. . . Bdl · Bradshaw, arch on o f Om rat' ega, Writes that they are not satisfied with their present Ze lOg and are aiming to climb higher next year. . . Watch Wta Chapter. It has a hustling executive committee. . . Carl J\I e~moreland has been named new chapter adviser for Alpha cop a at Mercer. He is an outstanding young lawyer in Man, Ga. · Secretary James Wilson and Traveling Counselor R.aExec Ut1ve Itolllon Sanchez traveled down to Atlanta for the tri-chapter at s~ Ball, given by Eta, Iota, and Beta Kappa. It was held Sigt e Georgian Terrace Hotel in Atlanta. Guests came from fin llla, Alpha Alpha, Zeta, and Alpha lora. "It was really a tee~ affair"-Mr. Wilson. Congratulations go to the commit~i.Ik~l R. Buder, Iota; David Ward, Beta Kappa; and Emmett the Rrson, Eta ... Beta Delta, Drake, for the third year, won D elays Float Trophy in the past year's competition. Beta 1 has the most wonderful cook! Delicious meals! Cheery s~·lta 1 · for al 1 th1s. · . . Beta Th eta too k sec est· 0 rc h'd 1 s to Mrs. Maz 'I'hOnd Place in the annual University of Arizona Sing Fest. Ph ey Won a trophy which rests next to their scholarship trov/ on the mantel. First place next year? ... By the booming th~ce ~f their treasurer, Harry Slefkin, Beta Theta bought Tn-De!t Sorority at the annual campus auction . . . It is 0~


generally conceded that Gracie is the reason why Alpha Psi alumni return. The chapter assures us that she is the best cook on the campus. She is the first one the receive letters when the brothers leave. Did you realize that Alpha Psi Chapter, University of Indiana, was founded by your Brother Drennan of Sigma Chapter, University of South Carolina? . . . Phil Besesi of Upsilon Chapter, University of Illinois, plans to transfer to New York University this September. He is mar· ried and lives at 403 Chester St., Uniondale, N. Y. . . Mrs. Bessie Hutto, former housemother at Sigma Chapter, is transferring to Lambda Chapter at Athens, Ga. We are glad to keep "Aunt Bessie" in the fraternity. Alpha Sigma is busy getting a nice, big house. Watch that chapter grow! . . . We note that Charles A. Wood, archon, Alpha Mu, lives at Oil City, Penna. We thought all the oil was in Texas ... We hear from Doug Henry, rush chairman, Nu Chapter, that they are going all out to get the finest group of rushees of any national fraternity at Nebraska. . . We have learned by the proverbial grape vine that the committee in charge of arrangements for the 1956 National Convention is planning a really big time in Philadelphia for all Pi Kapps. Dwayne Milner, president of the Delta Pi Phi local at McNeese College, Lake Charles, La., (to be installed as a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in September) is attending Summer school at the University of Georgia in Athens. Executive Secretary James M. Wilson nearly got in trouble recently when he visited Omega at Purdue and mentioned a boxer before Dammit III. It seems that he (Dammit III) has a boxer enemy in the Sigma Chi mascot down the street. A word of warning: If you go to Omega, be prepared to be challenged at the door. Jim learned the hard way. Dammit seems to hold the position of assistant warden of the chapter. He runs a "taut ship" (This term was picked up from the former rear admiral, J.M.W.) Student body president at Auburn, Ala., next year will be Richard J. ("Dick") Scott, Jr., senior, retiring treasurer · of the student body and of Alpha Iota Chapter. He served as president of Magnolia Hall, men's dormitory, during freshman year, and member student executive cabinet sophomore year. Memberships: Phi Eta Sigma, freshman scholastic; Delta Sigma Pi, business administration professional; Squires, local sophomore honorary; Scabbard and Blade (while an NROTC student); Spades, local senior honorary, and Omicron Delta Kappa, honorary leadership fraternity. Sailboat racing is his chief hobby. His scholastic average is 2.3 (on a 3.0 basis). Alpha Theta, Michigan State College, is planning a trip to the University of Indiana next Fall for a football game between the two schools. Beta Gamma members at louisville, Ky., say they don't know just what they are. Above the Ohio River they are dubbed as "Rebels" and below, as "Yankees." What is your chapter doing about expansion? Are you 100 per cent behind the executive secretary on expanding the fraternity to other campuses? He is counting on your cooperation. Beta Kappa, Atlanta Division of the University of Georgia sends thanks through this column to all who have assisted the chapter, especially do thanks go to Past Executive Secretary W. Bernard Jones, Jr.; Charlie Thompson, president of the Atlanta Alumni Association; Ray Shearer, Eta Chapter adviser, and Mrs. Nell Trotter, assistant dean of students at


.. This is Dammit Ill, "Major-domo"


Omega Chapter house, Purdue.

the Atlanta Division. Chapter Historian Dick Gross reports rhat Bob Donaldson and Miss Berry Foy were married recently and that Larry Thigpen has pinned Miss Helen Jean Stephenson, new rose of Beta Kappa. Frosty Keen is now the proud owner of a 1955 cream and tan car. One of the highlights of the Spring semester at Alpha Xi, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, was the crowning of Miss Marlene Mitzendorf as Queen of the Centennial Year celebration of the institute. Miss Mitzendorf, the fiancee of AI Calsetta, reigned at the Centennial Dance and received several prizes. Alpha Xi copped the Interfraternity Council Bowling Trophy, thanks to the team headed by Captain Fred Esposito. Alpha Theta at Michigan State honored Eino Reini as the outstanding pledge of the Winter pledge class. Jerry Pearson was awarded the gavel traditionally given to the outgoing archon. In the scholastic rating for Winter term, Alpha Theta ranked second only to Farmhouse, out of the 27 fraternities on campus. The chapter defeated Theta Xi in baseball and won the trophy for being best. in two out of three in football, basketball, and baseball. Treasurer Rex Morin was recognized by the university for being eighth out of 40,000 to complete basic college with a four-point average. Pledge Bill Berman and Member Len Gamber were tapped for Green Helmet, sophomore men's honorary. Mike Bosco was re-elected fraternity representative to Student Government. Congratulations go to Bob Robinson, Beta Alpha, Newark College of Engineering, for acquiring a wife June 19. The welcome mat goes out for Aldo Andreoli, Martin Honan, William Kowalski, Theodore Laffey, and Henry Ott who became members June 13. Another trophy has gone on the chapter mantel, this one for a perfect record of ten victories and no defeats. Congratulations. Alpha Omicron, Iowa State College, welcomed nine new members this Spring: Larry Burkett, Dave Duda, Phil Dvorak, Phil Johnson, Darrell Kokemiller, Bob Kroon, James Mumford, Ken Nimmo, and Don Somers. A flock of trophies attest to the quality of Alpha Omicron's participation in wrestling, football, volleyball, bowling, and baseball during the past year. The chapter's Union Varieties Skit brought a trophy too. This Spring's A/micron featured a story by jet ace, Captain Harold Fischer, imprisoned by the Red Chinese and since released. Captain Fischer told of life in an enemy prison camp, including his reflections concerning Alpha Omicron.

Delta at Furman University initiated Robert Hildebran' Cameron, S. C., and Jerry Martin and Toby Carson, GreenviUt S. C. Here goes the welcome mat again! Recently the p!edf treated the members and rush girls to a spaghetti supper·



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The members are coming so fast, we'll just leave the wtl come mat out for all comers. Alpha Omega, UniversitY.' Oregon, initiated Allen J. Reynolds, Larry Estes, and DIP Frear this Spring. Secretary Larry Estes reported that Eugent Oreg., alumni furnished the Persian Room at the Eugene J-lo~ for the Rose Ball April 30 and helped make this dance tb' success that it was. Several of the Alpha Zeta, Oregon s(llr. College, brothers attended. Scholastically, the chapter pJnct' fourth in the men's living organizations and well above r~ all school average. Officers to lead the chapter next year art Pete Tyerman, archon; A1 Reynolds, treasurer; Larry Es~ secretary; Gene Murphy, historian; Jim McKitterick, chapJar~ and Dave Palmrose, warden. Alpha Zeta is joining .AlP~ Omega in a dual rush function this Summer. Recent elections brought the following officers to the leadership of Eta Chapter, Emory University: archon, Ernfll1r 11 Wilkerson; treasurer, Sam Poston; secretary, Ralph Lo~~' 90 more; warden, Charles Lewis; historian, Paul Bradley, ' chaplain, Ernest Hogge. Albert Folds, a student in the SchoO of Theology, is a new brother in Eta. The brothers had a d~ celebration in the form of a dinner to welcome the ne' brother and to mark the anniversary of Eta's reactivation °jli year ago. In the Romance Department-Ralph Lowrirn°~ pinned to Betty Jo Grubb; Bill Roane, to Sue Dyerly; liJl1 mett Davis, to Lucille Middleton, and Sam Poston, to ]3obb¢ Gillis. Historian Paul Bradley stated that "we were honor~ to have our Executive Secretary, Jim Wilson, and our 'fra~t ling Counselor, Ray Sanchez, at the Rose Ball. We hope r]ll they will return soon." Eta's new adviser is Ted Giles. The Spring semester saw four members received by !JeD Thera: Arthur Vance, Richard Twiro, Duane Knudson, an· James Lloyd. The house is scheduled to receive a mai~ 00 face-lifting this Summer. Next semester's officers are: arch . 91 Harry Slefkin; treasurer, Duane Knudson; warden, Rich ' Twito; historian, Arthur Vance; and chaplain, Reginald ]3roOP Beta Beta's Eugene Roberts will be student body president Florida Southern College next year.


Tau, North Carolina State College, sponsors the ann~ Interfraternity Sing which is open to the other 16 frarernirJr ()F





"And on her lips a

kiss." Brothers

honored newly pinned couples with sere· nade at



University of



!nvilV Jledf >perte "''' sir:)' 1

1 pio ;ugell' . J{ot'

;,e tb 1

on th

sever~ campus. Tau doesn't enter the competition but presents for ;. numbers. The plaque awarded by Tau provides space for f tnners for 12 years, but if any fraternity should win it Congour Years in a row, it will be· retired to that fraternity. adm· rabtulations to Tau for its bowling championship and its tra le d . John W recor m basketball and volleyball. Historian attend d · Parker commented that "with six formal dances lllestere by a number of the brothers and pledges this se· theme' Plus a number of parties at the house, with varied s, not to mention the many extra-curricular activities

in which Tau participates, this has been one of the busiest times in the history of the chapter. Beta Lambda at the University of Tampa placed four men in campus offices in elections this Spring. Besides, the chapter ended the college year in a tie for intramural championship. There is a rumor that Alpha Epsilon, University of Florida, has had ro buy so many roses for pinned sweethearts that the members have passed a rule rhat no more brothers may do any pinning for a long time to come--at least until the budget recuperates.


Ipl~ct' (ve c!J ar art


Official Pi Kappa Phi Insignia



e I&·

As your Official Jeweler, Balfour pledges highest quality, friendly service and a sincere desire to please.


Lo"'l' 9~


a dtt> e oe1 In o(li riro 0 ~

,. Et1l 3obb' ,not~'


Miniature Close set pearl badge ...................................... $ 9.50

Standard $12.25

Extra Crown $16.00

CROWN SET BADGES Pearl .......................................................... 12.50 16.50 Pearl, 4 ruby or sapphire points .................... 14.50 19.00 Pearl, 4 emerald points .................................... 16.25 21.00 Crest recognition, plain, gold plated ................................................ Crest recognition, enameled, gold plated .......................................... Pledge button ................................................................................ each or per dozen


24.00 27.00 30.00 1.00 1.25 .75 9.00


THE BALFOUR BLUE BOOK features many new and different crested gifts and favors. Send for your copy now.

L. enr'







L. G. Balfour Co. Attleboro, Mass. Please send: Blue Book Badge Price list Ceramic Flyer

0 0 0

Date_ _ __

Samples: 0 Invitations 0 Stationery [] Programs

Name ...................................... ............................. ..

.......... ...... . .....................................................1!'K</J


What about Your Chapter? AS WILL BE SEEN from the following raring table,

Master Chapters for the college year, 1954-55. The r~t路 ings are as of May.

Mu Chapter at Duke University and Chi Chapter at Stetson University tied for first place among the

MASTER CHAPTERS (300 to 400) 1. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 20. 22. 22. 24.

Duke .. Stetson Nebraska Fla. State ................. . Drake .. Toledo ... Purdue . . Fla. Southern Charleston Cornell Drexel N. C. State .. . ... . . .. ... .. .. . Michigan State ..... .. . Atlanta Division . .... . ... ... . of U. of Georgia Washington & Lee . . . ........... . Iowa State . . . . . ... . ........ .. . .. .. . Newark . . . . . .......... . . . .... . Florida ........ . . . .. . ... . Brooklyn . . ... . ... . .. . .... . . . Presbyterian .... . ........ . .... . Alabama ......... . .. . . . .. . . Louisville .... . ........... . Washington ..... . ... . . . . . Auburn . . . ..... .. ... . . .

MG 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 63 100 90

Schol 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

100 100 100 100 100

100 0 100

70 100 100 20


so so

100 100

.o so 50

50 50

100 0

FIN 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 100

GR 50 50 50 50 50 45 50 50 0 50 50 45

50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

so so so

CHAP PAPER S&LL 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 20 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 10 10 20 10

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50


10 20 20 30 20 20 20 10 30 20

20 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 20 20


20 20 0 20 20 10 0 20 20 20 10 20 10 20 20 10 10 20 10 0

OTHER CHAPTERS 25. 25. 27. 28. 28. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 3 7. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.

Rensselaer Georgia Tech. Tampa ... .. Illinois Tech. . ............. . . ... .. . . Oregon State Indiana .... . .. .. . . . . . . Penn. State . . .... . ... . Illinois ... . .. . ..... . . . . . ....... . .. . Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . .. .. . ................. .. . Davidson South Carolina .. . .. . . . ... . .. .. . . . North Carolina Missouri ....... . Roanoke . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . .. ... . . Mercer . ..... .. ..... . California . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . ... . . . Emory ..... . ........... . ...... .. . . Georgia .......... .. .. .. ..... . .... . ..... . ........ . ... . .. . Tennessee ....... . Wofford Oregon ....... . ........ . . . Miami . ..... . .. . Furman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

100 100 100


100 72 100 88


100 100


56 30 35 46 55 40 28 73 36 32 30


so so

0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0


100 0 100

50 100 100 0 100 0 0





100 100 100 0 100 100 0




50 50







50 50 0

50 50 0 0

50 50

so so

10 0 30 30 0

10 30 10 30 20 30 30 0 20


100 0 0



50 50 50 50

40 45 0

0 0 10 20 0

50 50


10 10 10

299 299 295

286 286

285 z84 282 278


245 241 239 236


zo6 zoO 199

174 168

154 t48 135

SCORING KEY MG-Membership Goal-1 00 (by taking percentage of goal achieved) SCHOL-Scholarship-1 00 (50 above all men average and / or 50 is in upper half of fraternities on camP~


FIN-Finances-1 00 (50 for using budget and / or for bills paid in full) GR-Green Report-50 (5 for correct preparation of each section of Green Report) CHAP PAPER-30 for being up to date-1 0 per issue when behind (3 issues per year) S&LL-Star and lamp letter-20 for being up to date-1 0 per issue when behind (2 per year) 28


Buy Ehco Badges - for Quality and Satisfaction e rM

Order Your Badge From The Following List Miniature Plain Border, 10 Karat -------------Plain Border, 14 Karat $ 4.00


Standard 4.50 5.50

FULL CROWN SET BORDER Pearls --------------------------- $ Pearls, 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points _ ___ Pearls, 4 Emerald Points -----------Pearls, 2 Diamond Points ----------Pearls, 4 Diamond Points ----------Pearl and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating Pearl and Diamond Alternating -----Diamond Border __ -----------------

$ 16.50

12.50 14.50 16.25 22.00 31.50 16.50 50.50 88.50

19.00 21.00 31.00 44.50 23.00 85.00 152.50

GUARD PINS Single Letter Plain --------------------------- .$ 2.25 Half Pearl, Close Set --------------4.50 Whole Pearl , Crown Set -----------6.50


Double Letter 3.50 7.25 11.50


7 .50


1.00 1.00 1.50 .75

ALUMNI CHARMS Double Faced, 10 Karat -----------OFFICIAL REC.

RECOGNITION BUTTONS Crest ---- -----------------------Official ----- --------------------Monogram, Plain, Gold Filled -------Pledge Button _ -------------------ENAM . MONO. REC.

All Prices Subject to 10% Federal Tax Mention Chapter or College When Ordering

Write for Your Free Copy of Our


EDWARDS, HALDEMAN AND COMPANY Official Jewelers to Pi Kappa Phi P. 0. Box 123

Detroit 32, Michigan

·- ---

~dwards, Haldeman

--------& Co.

Pi Kappa Phi Name .. -----·------- ·----------------- ----·------------------ ------------ ---------- -----------------

249 Griswold Street Detroit 26, Michigan

Street .. _.... __ -- -----. --------------------------- .. ----- ... _......... _.. ___ ........ __ __ ... ________ __ _

Send free copy of the

CitY----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --- ----


Fraternity- ------------------------------- -------------------. _______ ______ ·----- ------ .. ______ --·-·

Postmaster: Return and forwarding postage are guaranteed by the Pi Kappa Phi, Sumter, S. C. If returned please check reason: 0 Removed - left no address: D Unclaimed: No such number: Not found: Refused: 0




(Other-explain) _____________ __.. ____ .. _. _____ . _____ ___ .. -------------------------------------. ________ _______________ . __ _ PI KAPPA PHI Sumter, S. C.


Miniatur e

Close set pearl border ................................... $ 9 .50 Crown set pearl border ................................. 12.50 Crown se t pearl, 4 garnet points ................ 14.50 Crown set pearl, 4 ruby or sapphire points 14.50 Crown se t pearl, 4 emerald points .............. 16.25 Crown set pearl , 2 diamond points .............. 27.50 Crown se t pearl , 4 diamond points ....... .... 42.50

Standard $ 12.25 16.50 19.00 19.00 21.00 36.00 54 .00

$ 16.00 24.00 27.00 27.00 30.00 52.00 80.00

23.00 108.00 198.00 Stand-

30.00 136.00 248 .00 Large

Extra Crown

Crown se t pearl and rub y or

sapph ire alternating . ............... ............. .... 16.50 Crown set pea rl and diamond alternating 72.50 Crown set all diamond border .. .. .................. 132.50 PLAIN STYLES Minia ture


Plain 路

Plain border ........................................ .......... $ 4.00 $ 4.50 $10.00 Nugge t border ............ .............. . ...... ............ 4.50 6.25 11 .00 Chased borde r ............................ ........ .. ...... 5.00 6.25 11 .00 White go ld additional on jeweled badges $3.00 and on plain $2.00. Pledge buttons ................................................ .................... each $ .75 or per dozen 9.00 Sp eci al recogni tion button wit h whit e enam el star, lOK ...... ....


Special recognition button with white e name l sar, gold filled Plain coat-of-arms recognition button, gold filled ..................

1.00 1.00

Enameled coot-of-arms recognition button, gold

Monog ram recog nition button, go ld fill ed



............. .. ..............


GUARD PINS Single Lette r ............................................ $ Plain ................ . Close set pearl ........ ... ... ............ ........................... . Crow n set pearl .............................................................. White Go~d Guards, Additional Plain .............................. ............................................... Close or Crown set jewe le d .................................. Coat-of-Arms Guards Miniature, yellow gold ............................................ Scarf s ize, yellow go ld ..... ..................................

Double Letter

2.25 4.50 6.50

$3.50 ;路 .25 11.50

1.00 2 00

1.00 2.00

2.75 3.25

10% Federal Excise Tax must be added to all prices quoted plus State sales or use taxes whe rever they are in effect.


Old est





Sixteenth Street




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