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Upper left-"Bulldogs Agast as Gators Blast." This display, 52 feet high and 72 feet long, won for Alpha Epsilon, Unlv•'' ~ Florida, ·first place in the Homecoming Decoration competition la st Fall. The group with the Pi Kappa Phi banner are "Aunt " vi Alpha Epsilon's Housemother; Brother Hugh Gower, Treasurer; Brother Frank McDonald, Archon; "Miss Naval Reserve" from Jack1°~,r Fla., and Pledge Hank Dressel. Center left-home of Beta Rho, formerly KARMA Fraternity, at Clarkson College. Lower left_.. ~~ view of downtown Atlanta, host city for the National Convention In August. See story on page 3 . Upper right-The famiiiCII rlf of the National Office In Sumter, S. C. See page 10 for story. Center rlgllt--"Bull session" at Alpha Upsilon, Drexel. Left to 11' they are, seated, Brother Edward A. Monaghan, 31 S. 6th Ave., Coatesville, Penna.; standing, Brother Benfamln D. Rocuskl•• ~~' W. Nelson St., Shamokin, Penna.; seated, Brother Gerald L. Barkdoll, Box 105, Mont Alto, Penna., and Brother Robert William 5' t 3713 Ednor Road, Baltimore• 18, Md. Lower right, the "Kon Tiki" which Psi at Cornell entered In one of the university parade;· fl "fisherman" sitting on the raft is Brother Ed Monaghan. The flsh Is In the foreground. The float was largely the creation Historian William Fearnslde.




uonce Upon a Line" By the Editor-in-Chief

l'~t. RE are ttng p 路

many impressive occasions offered to vist Kapps by our chapters. 'I'here 路 d . . R.ens ts a ance m the marble walled and balconted 1 the l~e aer Chap.ter House, or supper at the head of its WaOg ~abies tn the Oregon State dining room with the b s lmed with a paddle for every member to enter ~ona o~d . There is the welcome the University of Aripledg a ways extends a visitor by every member and the ch or the "Kampus Kapers" show sponsored by one e apter at Florida Southern College. But there is the Dvent that stands among the best there is to offerW rexeJ Chapter's Fall Show, "Pi Kappa Phi Follies."

"That man may be well educated and have lots of book learning- but he is not a Pi Kapp and knows nothing about Pi Kappa Ph i.- Does he? "With due respect for my 'blood relatives' I found my home with Pi Kapp. Through a Pi Kapp brother I found my wonderful wife-3 years on the campus, and married 27 years, I wish I could look forward to 30 more of such years. "Pi Kapp taught me loyalty.

this ~ng. The production, called "Bootleggin' Babes" courseea~ had a plot based on the "Roaring 20's." Of flap t ere was a "raz-ma-taz" band and some cute an/e~s. There were dancing choruses of both boys hvelvgtrl}. The high kicking chorus line of cuties had but 0~ 0 the ~~st appealing "kids" (of "I love my wife sectio you ktd fame) available and the bald headed quick? of the auditorium (the first three rows) was ducti be !illed. Seriously, this was a professional prothent?n Wtth all the trimmings-backdrops, band, aushow'c cos~uming, dancing and singing choruses. The each and tts script and music is all Pi Kapp written over Y;~r. The "on stage" personnel probably numbered Quee persons. And what more spectacular a Rose sion ; presentation could be offered than an intermisheart ':e st~ging of 32 men in tuxes singing the sweetng m four part harmony a capella.

"We prayed together, we ate together, we sang together, we studied together. "Not a family?

dress hat gre~ter thrill than to be a first nighter all show~d up Wtth an extra conspicuous Pi Kappa Phi pin

a ~Oo~her year will bring another series of shows to ouse. We plan to be on hand.


'I'his 路 P,rern Cssue carries the announcement of the 27th Su'con~ ~apter Meeting (commonly referred to as the the J.i entton"). Atlanta was successful in its bid for 0 conve t~t City. The local alumni chapter plus a special rneeti~ ton committee are in full swing. At a recent Vice.pg t? finalize plans, it developed that the Executive I>i l<a resrdent of the Atlanta Convention Bureau is a the rnpp (so is his secretary's husband and her brother) ; Dean a~ager of the Host Hotel is a brother as is the Other 0 th_e one large school and the President of anAugus~ne rn town. One can expect big things at the Plans 1958 meeting and all are advised to start making now. . . 'I'he rn evid 111 ar 1 recently brought fortl1 a letter that is rich do for e.nce of what a properly functioning chapter can Person Its members. Since the writer requests that, for teJct hea reasons, his name be deleted, we reprint the ''D re rather than in "letters From Our Readers." .~ar Greg:

a fr{~!t r~cently I have read that a judge has ordered claim rnrty to move out of a one-family area. He are n \ t~be fraternity is not a family- becat1se they 0 lood' relations.




"Pi Kapp taught me social manners. "Pi Kapp made me a student. "Not a family?

"The judge could have rendered a more intelligent, and understanding decision, if he were a Pi Kapp." We have heard these thoughts from others and we have seen them written in many different ways by many different hands, but we thought that our readers would enjoy seeing this particular one.

.. .

Though our objecti?ns :Viii be as a ripple in the sea of turbulent em?t10nalrsm, we nevertheless object to the recent trend m some areas of confusing social rights with civil rights. It is not hard to understand why non -collegiates attack an exclusive collegiate institution and, while not pleasant to read, it is als? na~ral for these critical comments to come forth wrrtten In a low-brow, quite outspoken kind of way. It becomes harder to appreciate groups that crusade against fraternities by using distorted "battle cries." But these things are not ~ew and_ will conti?ue as long as there are those who wrsh to strr up emotronal issues.

What has become a source of concern lately, however, has been the position some pressure groups have taken. Recent legislative attempts in one of the 48 states not only would have affected fraternities, but also the right of student church members from being in a recognized student organization of their church. We would certainly defend the position that every step be taken to offer to a student as many groups as possible so that one of them fills the need of every type of student, but the emotional side of recent developments has certainly blinded some more practical thinking. There is one school now at which it has been announced that any student who chooses to become a rushee is "guaranteed" a bid from one of the fraternities on campus-apparently regardless of social adjustment problems, religion, background, or what have you. It will be a sad day if social rights are to be dictated by Jaw anci that being an intrepratation of civil Jaw. -g. e.






NUMBER 1 1958

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"Once Upon a Line," by the &iitor-itz-Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contents ................ .. .......... . ....... . ......... ..... ... . ........... ... ........ . .......... . Gee, I'll Sure Be There! by G•·eg Elam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out of the Past, by Brother WadeS. Bolt, Sigma, Editor, Th e Star and Lamp, 1915-1920 ..................... . Letters from Our Readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How to Be Successfu l ?-"You Can't Ever Tell" ... . .................................................... . Pi Kappa Phi Scholars for 1957 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The D esks of the D edicated, by Greg Elam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Traveling Counselor Comes from Drexel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beta Rho Enters the Fold ! by Brother Edward C. Che11alier, Histot·ian, Beta Rho Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Little Man" with the Big Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bolvigs-Master Music Makers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Our Chapter Eterna l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alumni Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter News, by Elizabeth H . JIV. Smith, Managing Editor .... .. ... . .... . ......... . .. ... ............. . ... Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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8 10

13 t4 t6 17 18 19 20 21 28

THE COVER-What greater thrill Is there; than to have pledged a fraternity, conscientiously studied and enthusiasticallY Indicated to all concerned that you are ready to carry forth with dignity and honor, the herita_ge developed by others so that you may contribute your capabilities-the Pin represents; and then the pin of PI KAPPA PHI Is yoursl-g~ THE STAR AND LAMP is pub lished quarterly by the National Council of th e Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 11 East Canal Street, Sum ter, S. C., in the months of February, May, August and November . Subscription, $2.50 per year; Five years, $10.00. EDI · TORIAL OFFICE: National Office of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 11 East Canal Street, Sumter, S. C. PUBLICATIONS OFFICE: 1406 East Franklin Street, Richmond 15, Virginia . Second-class mailing privileges authorized at Richmond, Virginia. Changes in address should be reported promptly to National Office, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. All material intended far publication shou ld be in the hands of the Managing Editor , 11 E. Canal St. , Sumter, S. C. , 50 days preceding the month of issue. GREG ELAM,

Editor-in-Chief-ELIZABETH H. W.


Managing Editor

Here is the distressing evidence of part of the fire damage to Epsilon' s house at Davidson College early the mornin_g of De~'~ 17, 1957. Very little was salvaged except the chapter's charter. Davidson is aiding In constructing a new fraternity section, and p will have a new lodge In September.



Hove you heard the NEWS, by gosh!-Time sure does move along fast, it seems, 'cause IT'S CONVENTION TIME AGAIN. Let's see, have to practice the grip and recall the words ... got to retell the ole stories and got to ... oh my, got to try and borrow 58

that pin back from her. But then again, if she wants to keep it still, we'll take her along for the fun to be had and let her wear

3 4 5 6 8 10

13 14


17 18

19 20 21


that pin proudly instead of us. The mecca of Pi Kappa Phidom this time is Atlanta !known as Hotlanta to them that knows) and the calendar dates to circle are August 18th, 19th, and 20th in the 54th year of our group (known as 1958 to those that don't know!. We'll bet Tom and Buck and Jim and Joe will all be making plans to go .... What a

l..,.../1 IIY rs e.

pleasant change for our vacation-trip to that BIG SOUTHERN


TOWN ... and fun with the gang from ALL around.


Just think ... meetings and stories and songs; say, they WILL




need us to help out, that's for sure. And they're really going !iO

to have the group to welcome us-the President of a University, the Dean of "the Ramblin' Wreck, " the Hotel Manager, the Executive Vice-President of the Convention Bureau, several Chapters, on Alumni Convention Committee, and a couple hundred other PI KAPP'S ALL in the host city of Atlanta, "Geeeeee A". Just got to start making plans TODAY. Now, let's see, ATLANTA, GA. AUGUST 18, 19, 20, 1958 27th Supreme Chapter Meeting HENRY GRADY HOTEL


Out of the Past



Editor, The Star and Lamp 1915-1920

WHAT were the events of forty years ago?

What may we, the oldsters of forty years ago, evaJuate as the reward for our fears, the culmination of our hopes, the result of our hampered efforts-by virtue of the limitations imposed on an infant Fraternity catapulted into the maelstrom of war? Ours was a Fraternity of a great preponderance of undergraduates, with regard to alumni. Less than thirteen years since the founding, we possessed three inactive chapters (Delta, Sigma, and Theta), totaling some sixty alumni obligated only by a firm-rooted loyalty to the national ~rganiz~­ tion . Our undergraduate chapters were thtrteen 10 number-among whom we could enumerate some five hundred Pi Kapps, undergraduate and alumni. Gamma (100); Alpha, Eta and Iota (60 each); Nu (50); Epsilon (40) ; Zeta (35); Kappa and Lambda (30 each); Mu, Xi, and Omicron (20 each). As you view that appraisal, and, aJthough approximate, it is dose to accuracy, one may interp.ret the sober thoughts, the worries and fears whtch confronted the Founders, the Council, the National Officers, and the inspired and moving s~irits of a majority of the membership not therem represented. Here we were, faced with this and that person of authority dropping his mantle to answer t~e call to the colors of his country. Letters posted m the hope of obtaining a successor often were returned to the sender because of a change of address, or, if deliverable by forwarding, the addres-

De ter: int onJ Siti is

see was found to be likewise in some branch of the armed forces of his country. On this day, as we gathered our notes for a message to our beloved Fraternity, we d1anced to faJl upon words written by men of present day wisdom and high standing. Lord Dunsany, soldier, poet, and author, who died recently in Dublin, said: "-nothing is final, no loss irreparable, and the future cannot be dimmed by past glories." And further: "-everyone's future is, in reality, an urn full of unknown treasures from which all may draw unguessed prizes." Alexander de Seversky said : "I respect an.d admire tradition. I value the importance of esprit de c01·ps. But, when these fine heritages interfere with human progress- ! feel that we must have the moral courage to relegate them to the nostalgic past." As we have read and reread those quotes we have aJmost been converted to a realization that we have been wrong in our evaluation of the present-day Pi Kappa Phi and have failed to see the inevitable change whid1 has been wrought in the individual member of our Order.

'W, me fin,

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We may have failed, personally, to meet the conditions and principles. We may not have emerged from the experiences of the past forty years as broadened in concept and principle. Since we are to be allotted three more assignments, we hope we may then give a more personal evaluation to the men and events during World War One. co




At the organizational meeting of Pi Kappa Phi alumni held at the Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas, October 8, 1957, Judge Julien C. Hyer, County Court at Law 2, Records Building, was elected president. Plans were formulated for future meetings to be held the first Tuesday of each month. Other officers chosen were Brother C. Grady Cates, Jr., 9747 Hines Blvd., vice-president; Brother Lowell S. Devoe, 3924 Hawthorne, secretary-treasurer; A. H. Thompson, 4242 Lorna Alto, chairman of the Membership Committee.

tJ!: With a perfect score for a year, Alpha Chapter at 'c' College of Charleston and Alpha Upsilon at Drex~l tJtJ!I for first place among the Pi Kappa Phi d1apters l~ ~ national rating program. Each received a Natt 00 Champion Banner. ,,·~ On behalf of the National Office, Founder Harry Jv•1 . 0 son p~esented Alpha'~ banner at the Founders' ~ayt~~ quet 10 Charleston m December. It was recetve · Archon Bruester Lyerly. ~ In the competition for this banner, the chapters ~· rated on the basis of scholarship, publication, finanC and membership. THE







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Letters from Our Readers SUCCESSFUL TERM AT ALPHA SIGMA Uuiversily of T eun e.rsee D Knoxt,ille, T enn. ear Ed ' ternitie rto~: We are now first in scho larship among the fraintrarn s, With an over-all average of 2.5 2. At the end of two only thral events, we are leading our leagues. We will Jose sition ree men by grad uation in th e next two years. Our pois as s~ a fraternity on the University of Tennessee campus 'We a ong as it was during the post World War II years. rnernb~e s~cond to no other fraternity except in total chapter find A{\~'P· .A s a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, I think you wi ll 'We P a ~1gma among the master chapters this year. Present are .m a new house, w h ich is very adequate for the are al · It IS considerably larger than our former house, but we lllen ~eady beginning to feel cramped. The house sleeps sixteen frorn ths a hc;>usemother, and it is full. We are renting the house the u . e U.n1versity of Tennessee, with the understanding that Poses n 1 ~er~1ty wi ll take over the property for expansion pur'W Wlthm the next one and a half years. 1\lth: feel that our Rush Week was a tremendous success. siderabfh we pledged only eleven men, we think that a conPortio Y larger pledge cl ass would have been out of pron to the size of our chapter. Fraternally yours,


JAMES F. PRYOR, Archon Alpha Sigma, U niversity of Ten nessee

DREXEL BROTHER IS IN ADVERTISING 7 Knight Road D Framingham, Mass . ear Ed'r~o~: Yes! For a Pi Kapp who le f t Drexe l T ech m · t94 2 status:to JOm the Army, I wou ld like to sketch the present Fi · h ll>ou nds ed . schooling at H arvard in '48, went sell ing, and lllan n. up 1n the bank advertisi ng field. When I was a sales1 19~2 n Pennsylvania, Betty and I had Christopher Jon in Sales and Lisa Anne in 1954. I have moved from sa les to sonaJ rna~ager, to vice-president, and as of January 3 am pertising as/'stant to the president. Our company is Atlas Adve~­ leveJ 0 Brookline, Mass., and we have just bought a new tn bank ~.use in Framingham. If you get a Valentine from your 1-[ IS February, we made it. . l see0 st. of all I miss the Pi Kapp musical show. OccasiOnally retur Bedi)J Jaus, and just recently John Meaney who, yesterday, sto n. to his Texaco post in West Africa. The rest of the the~ IS work, work, pay the bills, create the ideas, and pay llle) alees. Best to all-particul arl y Hal Stiffler ( who pledged 'th~n~ Todd Groo whom I see in odd states. cour IS IS my first report in several years. Correspondence enaged . I reply. Si ncerely,

BROTHER IS STATIONED IN NAPLES Naval S11pport Activities, Naples Navy 510, Box 9 PPO, New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: Upon grad uating from Drexel Institute of Techno logy and leaving Alpha Upsilon's undergraduate chapter in Jun.e of 1957, I received my commission as an ensign in th e U n1ted States Naval Reserve November 1 and am now stationed in Naples, Italy, with the Naval Support Activities, Communications. In my un~ergraduate days, The Star and LamfJ served as a way of keepmg tabs on the brothers of Alpha Upsi lon before me and also of Pi Kappa Phi in genera l. Although I am many miles f~om Alpha Upsi l?n and Pi Kappa Phi, The Star and Lamp w1 ll shorten the d1stance. Looking forward to the February issue. Fraternally, VICTOR A. URBON, Alpha Upsi lon ' 53 Drexel Institute of Techn ology

HE STUDIES MEDICINE IN GENEVA 87 Sydney Averme Malveme, N. Y. Dear Editor: My son, Robert W. Mejo, Mu '53, is beginning his second year at the University of Geneva, School of Medicine, in Switzerland. He developed a keen interest in the French language whi le attending the Sorbonne in Paris during his junior undergraduate year. After graduation from Duke (AB '56), he decided to start medicine at a French-speaking school and chose Geneva. He is undecided whether to take his degree there or return next year and lin ish in the States. As for me, I find plenty of opportunities to return to Cornell to visit our daughter, now a sophomore there in the Schoo l of Home Economics. Fraternally yours, WALTER L. MEJO, Psi '25 Cornell U niversity

KAPPA ALUMNI TAKE NOTE! 46 1/, South Bat/et·y Charleston, S. C. Dear Editor: I certain ly enjoy reading our magazine especia ll y when I see something concerning the brothers who' were with me at Kappa. D~VI~ D . S. CAMERON, JR. , Kappa '49 Un1vers1ty of North Carolina

RAY CONSIDINE, Alpha Upsilon '40 Drexel Institute of Technology

UPSILONIAN IN HOUSEWARES FIELD STORy BRINGS INQUIRIES Northem Utilization Research and Development Divisiou Agrimral Research Sert>ice U. S. Department of Agrimlt11re Peoria, Ill.

Dear . about trtor: It was a pleasure to work with you on the story as 'Well r ..Hall who has received many nice comments on it Sincer as mqu iries concerni ng the results of hi s research work. e1Y yours, (MISS) VIRGINIA MAE THOMAS Assistant Technical Editor

4350 East 79th St. lndiarrapolis, brd. D ear Editot·: My wife and I continue to live in the same location although the postal department has changed our address severa l times. Recently they disposed of rural routes in our area so our address is now the one given above. A little over 12 years ago I started a manufacturer's representative agency representing manufacturers in the housewares field . My so~ joined the business about eight years ago after graduating from the School of Business at Indiana University. Both my daughter and son " have been married and each has four chi ldren. Very truly y~ours, FRANK S. HOWARD, Upsilon '21 U n iversity of Ill inois 5


How to Be Successful?



-uYou Can't Euer Tell''

D ar gr gr


SOME FOLK work too much and some play too mud1 for their own best interest, but in Atlanta we find an alumnus who is able to combine the pursuits of work and play and retain a delightful sense of humor. This particular alumnus is Brother Thomas J. Wesley, Jr., Eta '30, Emory University, pres ident of Pi Kappa Phi's District V. He was born in Atlanta November 5, 1910, and was graduated from Emory in 1933, with a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree. Except for five years of military service, Brother Wesley has spent his entire business career in Atlanta, in the real estate business. He is now executive vice-pres ident of Allan-Gr-ayson Realty Company, a firm dealing mainly in property management, particularly the management of office buildings. He has promoted personally the construction and leasi ng of severa l office buildings in Atlanta and in other cities, such as New Orleans and Knoxville. The firm now manages over a million square feet of office space, thus maki ng this firm the largest, by far, in this type of operation in the Southeast, Brother Wesley pointed out.

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Teaches in Night School

Besides his business activities, he on occasion teaches the course in " Real Estate Management" in the night school of Georgia State College of Business Administration, Atlanta. Brother Wesley's hobbi es are books, art, music, and travel- but principally travel. Durin g the las t four Summers he has taken his family- wife, the former Madge York, a 1933 g raduate of Ag nes Scott College, whom he married in 1937; daug hter, Patricia, 12, and son, Thomas J., III, 10- to N ew England by boat, to California and Colorado by plane, to Europe by boat and plane, and to H awaii by pl ane. Plans are in the making for a nother European excursion next Summer, this time by plane to Scandinavia, thence to Munich, Zermatt, Paris, London, Scotland. "The kids love it and travel quite easi ly," Brother Wesley said. "Their presence does much to remove obstacles created by a n imperfect knowledge of French history and our faltering German verb forms. In other words, they are an equating factor and evoke feelings of 'brotherhood of man' wherever we go." To Europe Twice with College Bands

"My traveling began in college days when I went twice to Europe with littl e five-piece college bands. One time, Brother Julia n Barfield, Eta (piano) , and Brother El liott Harrington, Eta (guitar), accompanied me. W e were all dead broke and got into fantastic scrapes as a consequence, but the memories of those junkets will 1inger forever. I now derive no end of pleasure in a 6

Brother Thomas J. Wesley, Jr.

lordl y parade through th e lobbies of ancient. and haugh~ I hostelrres, at whose doors I once stood wrth an emP 路 I stomach and hope of some employment. eC " During the school terms our little ensemble plaY t for dances at Emory University, Georgia T ech, ana el~ where, including a night club-road house affair wh W impressario spent his daylight hours operating an art 11< mobil e wrecking parts business and who, although , 1 had a heart of gold and a wonderful mind, ha~ h~ littl e schooling. H e enjoyed most his opportunitres 11< regaling us with stories of his success (like I seem toW doing) in which he always ended up asking us rhetorical question, 'Boys, you couldn 't never teH didn 't get no education, could you?' We loved it. Son Plays Tenor Saxophone Too

"Tommy plays (alas!) tenor saxophone, in which~' fo llows my example of undergraduate days. " Patricia's hobby is her horse, Valentine. tJi Brother Wesley spent most of the war as the o Jll' responsible for real estate leas ing activities of the .Ar

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in th ~ \'q


During 1945 he was transferred to of ~hm~ton and assigned to the Real Estate component in che A1r Staff. He finished his military career as a major B arge of real estate for the Air Forces. Del rather Wesley has one sister, Ruth Wesley, Kappa an' who was graduated from Randolph-Macon Wom&ra~ allege in 1926, with an A.B. Degree, and was &re u_ated_ from Emory University in 1928, with a deCh~t1.Library Science. She now holds the position of 1brarian, Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga.


Career Termed "Result of Fluke"

th;tn 1iscussing his business career, Brother Wesley said his a though his father was in the real estate business, 8uk own entry into this field was "more the result of a 1 93 ~ than a purposeful action. When I graduated in tion the best of the class got jobs running filling starne ~at $100 per month or went to work for the Governon ~orne type of WPA activity or other. Because of ope lnfenor qualities the lush Government field was not teac~. to me, with the result that after a year of school (th lng for the handsome emolument of 60 per month 1wey Were two months behind on pay when I started), 1 ent to work in a real estate office at 40 per month. rals~~gressed rapidly because at the end of a year they iron · me to $50, another year to $60, etc., etc. The still leal p~rt is that quite a few of the WP A boys are SOrn workmg for the Government, whereas I have done can·~hat better. The moral is, if there is one, you ·y0 ever tell! Or as my former employer would say, coulud couldn't never tell I didn't get no education,'-or you?"


-----1rK<f>- - - - -

Rowley Becomes Trustee at PI B By BROTHER ANGELEO DeGlRALAMO, Historian Alpha Xi Chapter


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had hi tunities I> seem to .~ ng US ver tell :d it. wh1"d1 ~

,. APPI-

Louis N. Rowl ey, Alpha Xi '28, Polyted1nic P0111 _te of Brooklyn, who is the editor and publisher of alur:'~ a McGraw-Hili publication, has been elected stitut 1 trustee to the Corporation of the Polytechnic Inrnente of Brooklyn for a three-year term. The announceinstitu~~s made by Preston R. Bassett, d1airman of the reeds Je s 17-man governing body. Brother Rowley suc19s7 ohn R. Brierly, whose term expired in October,


Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn is a privately tion ~ed and supported institute directed by a corporal.Jni~e t ?Perates under a charter from the regents of the its d rs 1ty_ of the State of New York. The school opened in 1 ~0rs 1n 1855, ~nd graduated its first .class of m~n nine 58. Polytechnic now offers bachelors degrees m seve fiel_ds, master's degrees in ten, and doctorates in cation ..~ 1 fty years ago "Poly" pioneered in "evening edu&ive n,_ offering night-time courses equivalent to those th·tn the regular day-time programs. to\l.rn ~~Fall, Poly moved into its new buildings in downrooklyn. In 1953, the institute purchased the

~~.- UARY,


The Wesley family was in Venice when this picture was taken -Brother and Mrs . Thomas J. Wesley, Jr., Patricia, and Tommy, of Atlanta, Ga .

block square industrial plant of the American Safety Razor Company f~r $2 million. Conversion of the huge plant was started 10 1956. Brother Rowley is the chairman of Polytechnic's Alumni Building Fund Committee. Brother Rowley, who is now 48 years old, received his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Brooklyn Poly in 1931, and a master's degree in business administration from New York University in 1935. He was elected ard10n of Alpha Xi in the Fall of 1930. The new trustee is a fellow and a director of the American Society of Med1anical Engineers. He resides with his wife and three sons at 36 Orchard Farm Road Port Washington, N. Y. ' - - - - - 1rK<f>>- - - - -

Let there be spaces 1n your togetherness.-Kahlil Gibran 7


Scholars for NTS 1957



ership of past groups. Our Frater~i~ should be proud of the folloW 10f seven brothers who by their effort' have done so much to maintain the prestige of their respective d1aptf~ and Pi Kappa Phi as a success Fraternity:

THE Pi Kappa Phi Scholars for 1957 are seven in number and constitute the twenty-seventh annual group of Scholars who have received the highest honor that our Fraternity bestows upon an undergraduate member. The first two Scholars were chosen in 1927, and the total number of Scholars to date is 207. During World War II, there were several years when the scholarship program was suspended. What is a Pi Kappa Phi Sd1olar? Is he merely a "brain " who in his Junior or Senior year is elected to Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, or some other scholarship honorary a nd who up until this election has never been heard of on the campus? In his chapter is he merely a good scout who could be depended upon to help keep the chapter scholarship average somewhere above last place on the campus and thus help the chapter retain its social and pledging privi leges? A composite record of these 207 Scholars should and does give the answer.

RICI-IARD G. ANDERSON, JthO· Washington and lee, of Gafll· brills, Md. CLIFTON RANCE CLEA vr LAND, Mu, Duke University, ~ 823 Albian Rd., Columbia, S. JOSEPH MICHAEL COLVCCI Alpha Theta, Michigan St~t' University, of 1218 59th St· Brooklyn, N. Y. JERRY MAX DAVEE, Orner:: Purdue University, of Rt. ,. Mooresville, Ind. RONALD JOHN FODOR, Alplt Tau , Rensselaer, Polyted1nic I? stitute, of 147 Spring Rd., ScotJI·


National Scholarship Chairman


A Pi Kappa Phi Scholar is in general a leader on the campus in one or more extra-curricular activities. A good number of these Scholars have been presidents of the Student Body, editors of either the Student Newspaper or the College Yearbook, leaders in Music, Dramatics, Debate, and Religious activities on the campus. A smaller number have been outstanding athletes. Almost all have been active in several student projects by 'serving as minor officers. They all have been a distinct asset to their respective rraternity chapters. In general, a Pi Kappa Phi Scholar is not on ly outstanding in scholarship but his extra-curricular record on the campus is far above the average. The Pi Kappa Phi Sd1olars of 1957 as a group maintain the excellence in bot~ scholarship and campus lead· 8


ROY SCHAUFELBERGER, :aetl r:n· Alpha, Newark College of P gineering, of 2097 Gless A,,e. Union, N . ].

WILLIAM JOSEPH SPENCER, Mu, Duke Universi~·· of 2434 Rosewood Ave., Winston-Salem, N. C.

?rK</>- - - - -


What another would have done as well as you, not do it. What another would have said as well as Y0~ do not say it; written as well, do not write it. Be faitJl· ful to that which exists nowhere but in yourself-a~' thus make yourself indispensable.-Andre Pt~~d Gt11' lfltlme Gide TH E




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vE· ol Y,c

RONALD JOHN FODOR Alpha Tau, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute


JOSEPH MICHAEL COLUCCI . . Alpha Theta M>ch>gan State Untvers · •ty 1





"The nation was shocked that 292,000 American lives were lost during the four years of World War II," an American Heart Fund Association speaker recalled recently. "But during the same fouryear period, more than 3,360,000 Americans died of heart and blood Vessel diseases." In an effort to defeat these diseases, the American Heart Association, its chapters and councils, conduct programs of heart research, education, and community services. In order to continue these programs, the public is given an opportunity to contribute to the Heart Fund every February. Climax of the Heart Fund Campaign this year will come Heart Sunday, February 23. When your Heart Sunday Worker calls, won't you contribute generously to the fund to combat the heart diseases? Please "help your Heart Fund help your heart." I,. ' J


Executive Secretary Greg Elam pause: to receive a phone call. Note the GreGd Seal of the Fraternity to the left behiO the Dictaphone.

The Desks of the Dedicated By GREG ELAM

NOT SO LONG AGO someone suggested that we have an article on the National Office Staff. The editorin-chief vetoed this idea feeling that such an item would be of limited interest. But one of those strange things happened for no sooner had the decision been reached than we started getting requests to have something about the office in the magazine. The requests continued to come~our readers won. Now, where to start. let us approach the problem from the idea of a visit. The National Office is located at 11 East Canal Street in Sumter, S. C. Sumter is a town of 25,000 people and is located on US Highway 15 and is about 44 miles east of the state capital of Columbia. The local attitude is desirable as many people welcome the significance of a National Fraternity's Headquarters being located in their town . There is always a great deal of cooperation whenever needed. The office itself is knotty pine paneled and the walls are covered with mementos and items of significance to the Fraternity. Pictures from past years look down on the present operations. Past National Officers' pictures gaze across the room to observe the Past National Rose Queens' triumphant smiles. Also on the walls are found the engagement and visitation calendar and a large map of the National Organization as it stretches from shore to shore. When the mail arrives, the Office Manager, Mrs. Mary Principe, opens it and puts the office informatio? stamp on each item which records the date, who rece1ved the mail and to whom it is ¡referred. The date of the reply, initials of person who replied, and file number are filled in later. The different items are then channeled to the Executive Secretary, Bookkeeper, The Star and Lamp, or special routine, as the situation may warrant.

Assistant Office Manager and Head Bookkeeper, Joyce Edenfield, controls the chapter accounts and for supplies. Many operations in the office revolve around the delivery. There are, of course, the required reports evaluate. There will probably be a request for ideas overcome a problem. An "old grad" may be information on the latest address of a friend who become "lost" through the years, or any number of quests may be made. From this central nerve center the National F operations are set in motion. The Chapter ceives a copy of all correspondence sent to the local ter, and the District President receives a copy of letters to the chapters in his district. Aside from handling the vast quantity of mail, pJaOd are made and coordinated for chapter visitation aor other operations of that nature. The numerous pamphl.~; and manuals originate from one of the "desks of [J' . dedicated" on the staff. The office reproduces and isstld~ Official Bulletins and SPOTSHOTS as their need e. I velops. The complex system of addressograph machine~ is used to give mailing lists by either state or by chaptee upon request (it will be of interest to note that '\V 01 guard our mail files zealously and will not release thC to unauthorized persons for any purpose). . There are, of course, extensive filing systems to C00 • tain the material which is always needed; be it infor~~-1 tion on a member, chapter, or special problem being dJS cussed. r Also under the National Office control is the pub': cation of The Star and Lamp. This is made up quarterl)J and Executive Secretary-Editor-in-Chief Greg Elam all Managing Editor Elizabeth H. W. Smith plan each issl.le. ,~ 1









1 0~fllce Manager, Mrs. Mary Principe, s Up to greet a visitor. The back9 /OUnd shows some of the former Nat~onal Rose Queens and also shows 1 • ofllcers' roll board. For those who l~t to figure things out, you will notice bo each grouping of tags on the In Ord has two large ones-one carry ad~ chapter address and one carrying s., ress of chapter adviser-and four -., ~11 lags. For the benefit of those who has Worry, knowing that each chapter •• six elected officers, we hasten to 1 h P oln that the fourth peg in each set as three olllcers' name tags on it.


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Head Bookkeeper, Mrs. Joyce Edenfield , works amid pictures of some of the Pi Kapps who keep an eye on activities In the office.

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II The Managing Editor, Miss Elizabeth Smith, Is preparing an article for e Star and Lamp.

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meter, postage scales, and telephones, to name those th~t come to mind. Reports are made consistently to the National Council on the actions of the National Office and its represent~路 10 tives. The Executive Secretary of the Fraternity charge of the office tmder the supervision of the Natwn~l Council which is the ultimate control body.


Mrs. Principe types away under a group of former (and present) National Rose Queens.

Miss Smith seard1es fo r and writes most of the stories, lays out the magazine, and "carries through" with the printer. . . Some small indication of the volume and dtverstfied nature of the routine work handled in the office can oe shown by listing some of the machinery owned, rented, or borrowed for use in the office. Such a list would include dictaphones, addressograpbs (automati~ and manual) , ad dressotype, mimeograph, off.set duplt.cator, typewriters (electric and standard) , addmg mach me, postage

Mrs. Edenfield prepares to use the addre ssograph machine.

Executive Secretary- Editor-in-Chief Elam and Managing Editor Smith get together to discuss plans for promoting the AtlaniO Convention coming next Summer. The map on the wall han9' In the Executive Secretary's office and shows the location of th~ different undergraduate chapters and alumni chapters throughoU the United States.

New Traveling Counselor Comes from DrexeI

P1 ICAPPA PHI'S new traveling counselor is Brother



a John A. Campbell, Tamaqua, Penna., who has been student at Drexel for the past two years. IiiBhother Campbell was graduated from Tamaqua a 8 School in 1951. He served in the U. S. Navy as d~ electrician mate for three and a half years and was atscharged in March of 1955. During that time he made Scro~nd-the-world cruise, a Mediterranean cruise, Nova a~ha cruise, and several other short cruises, all these ard a destroyer. t lie entered Drexel Institute of Technology in Sep1:rnber of 1955 . He was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi in }f ne of 1956 and has served as steward of his chapter. e has participated in all the chapter's activities. ---------~ K~---------

ose thJ 1 Council resent.t路 y is io 1ation路11

Brother Carlisle Retires Frorn Publicity Post 'VhBrother Cecil A. Carlisle, Eta '12, Emory University, t 0 for 40 years played an important role in the operat~on of the American Cast Iron Pipe Company, has reted. He resides at 1611 Alford Avenue, Shades Mounatn, Birmingham 9, Ala. d lie had served as manager of the company's publicity o?ar~ent for the last 30 years. He also serv~d .as editor Actpco's Pipe P1路ogress, one of the natwn s oldest f~rnpany publications. Pipe Pt'ogress has received the ~ghest Award of Merit for external publications from . e Southern Association of Graphic Arts. . BB~o.ther Carlisle was born and educated to Georgta. e )Otned Acipco in 1917, served a a time keeper, and 'Vorked in the employment office and publicity depart~ent before becoming manager of the latter department 10 1927. He was elected a member of the board of directors in 1945. A ~e is a member of Highlands Met~odis~ .church, BCtpco Supervisors Club, and Shades Cltff C1vtc Club. Crother and Mrs. Carlisle have one daughter, Mrs. W. 路Mayer. ---------~K~---------

CLEAVELAND IS RHODES SCHOLAR Brother Clifton R. Cleaveland, Mu '55, Duke UniVersity, who is a resident of Columbia, S. C., has been ~~ed a recipient of a Rhodes d10larship. He is among YOung men, representing 28 states and 28 colleges and universities, to receive Rhodes Scholarships this ~ea~. Each will have at least two years study at Oxford ntversity, England, in the field of his choice. d A senior at Duke, Brother Cleaveland is a B-plus stuent majoring in chemistry. He plans to be a doctor.

~t aauA Rv,


Tra veling Counselor John A. Campbe ll

Fraternities-uA Social Right" An editorial from the Christia11 Science Monitor, reprinted i11 the Richmo11d (Va.) TimeJ-Dispatch


National . Interfraternity Conference, meeting in Colorado Sprmgs, Colorado, adopted unanimously a report which declared that "choosing of one's own friends and associates is a social right which cannot be confused with civil rights." Some college fraternities never embodied in their constitutions either racial or religious exclusions. Some did, b~~ no longer do. Some still retain such restrictive proVISIOns. These latter may be properly called upon to defend their position on grounds of wisdom, expediency, or consistency with democratic or religious ideals. But not on grounds of violating a right. Did such exclusions deny free access to a public education, to a job, to the ballot box, or to due process of law, the answer would be different. Such national exclusions, on the other hand, deny members absolute freedom to choose their associates within their local chapters. But here is a matter to be thrashed out "intramurally." There are those who in their worthy zeal to abolish the injustices of setting people apart by law would blunder into forcing people together by law in areas which can and should be left to voluntary choice. 13

Beta Rho Enters the Fold! By BROTHER EDWARD C. CHEVALIER, Historian Beta Rho Chapter

Q VER the week end of November 1, 2, and 3, 1957, ceremonies took place at Clarkson College of Tech· nology in Potsdam, N . Y., which transformed Karma Fraternity, a local fraternity on the Clarkson campus for the past twenty-eight years, into the Beta Rho Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Brother Ralph W. Noreen, National Treasurer, arrived in Potsdam from his home in Copiague, Long Island, to assume his duties as the insta lling officer. Assisting him in his role was our Executive Secretary, Brother Greg Elam, while the initiating team was from Alpha Tau Chapter at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Pledging Ceremony

After a day of indoctrination in the history and traditions of Pi Kappa Phi , the pledging ceremony took place on Saturday afternoon. All through the night individual initiations were scheduled, while the chapter installation was performed in the morning of the third of November. This was followed by the installation banguet which was held in the main dining room of the Arlington Inn, with an attendance of over one hundred persons. During the banquet, our first archon , Richard H. Lewis, from Rochester, N . Y., served as master of ceremonies. The impressive guest list was headed by our installing officer and banguet speaker, National Treas urer Ralph W. Noreen. Other guests included Brother Elam, Dr. Wi lliam G. Van Note, President of Clarkson College; Philip Price, Dean of Students at Clarkson; Dean Edward McHugh, D ean of the School of Engineeri ng; Prof. George W. Oberst, our chapter adviser; Brother Willis C. Fritz, Chairman of the National Ritual and Insignia Committee ; Prof. Hugh Phelps ; Prof. W . Nye Smith ; the President of the Clarkson Inter-Fraternity Council, and the presidents of all the other fraternities on the Clarkson campus. Representing the former "Baby Chapter," Beta Pi, were Brother Lar ry Wilson and Brother Doug Wiseman who came from Michigan to attend the install ation banquet. Also included in the guest list is the initiating team from Alpha Tau. From Rhode Island came Ensign Ronald L. Konopaski, Alpha Delta '52, University of Washington, U. S. N aval Schools, Officer Candidate, U. S. Naval Station, Cj o Navigation Department, Newport, R. I. Chapter Is Active on Clarkson Campus

The Beta Rho Chapter is active in many aspects of the college life at Clarkson College. Its members hold responsible positions on both the co llege newspaper and the campus radio station. Beta Rhos occupy the positions of Business Manager, Advertis ing Manager, and Circulation Manager on the staff of the college

yearbook, "The Clarksonian ." In connection with the activities, Pi Kappa Phi men compose slightly rnort than one-third of the membership of the Clarkson ~hapter of Pi Delta Epsilon , national journalistic . Clety. Other members of the Fraternity are activ~ . the college chapters of the American Chemical Socte~· tJ:e American M~rketing. Association, the Americ.an .~ c!ety of .Mechamcal Engmeers, the Industrial Dtstnb d t10n SoCiety, the Clarkson Automotive Association, an the military societies, the Clarkson Guard and the Pershing Rifles. Four of the brothers are presently e~· gaged by the sd10ol as counselors at the freshman doriJl'' tories. Also, four of the committee chairmen for annual Winter Carnival are charter members of Rho. For the past live years the chapter has won trophy for outstanding participation in the an Pershing Rifles Blood Drive for whid1 the chapter nates approximately forty pints for the highest age per member of any fraternity on the campus. the results were tabulated last spring, it was found this chapter ranked third in scholastic average on campus wi th an average substanti ally higher than national all-men' s average. Holder of First Place Trophy in Baseball

For the past two years our baseball team has the first place trophy. The football tean1 ranked in the fraternity league this fall. Other sports in the Fraternity competes are soccer, volleyball, ball, bowling, golf, and ten nis. Plans are now way for a fraternity hockey league in which we certainly will participate. Some of the more members of the Fraternity formu lated a pep band, · . Kats," some live years ago and this group now fur~ ishes appropriate music for the college hockey gal11~': The first officers of the Beta Rho Chapter were 10 stalled on November third and consisted of Arch 00; Richard H. Lewis; Treasurer, Sanford Fialkoff, {con Col Albany, N. Y.; Secretary, Russell E. Cooley, fcon; Hawthorne, N. Y.; Warden, Charles E. Thienel, fr 001 1 Do, Great Neck, N . Y.; Historian, David G . Willis, fro~ ~11 Hornell, N. Y.; and Chaplain, James P. Mourt, fro d ~ •• Binghamton, N . Y. A new slate of officers was eiecte 1 by the 62 members of this chapter during the 6fl week of December, and these present leaders are ArchO~· Robert L. Greco, from Fort Ann, N. Y. ; Treasure.' Co George P. Savas, from Oswego, N . Y.; Secre~a~: 1 Brother Cooley; Warden, Charl es E. Thi enel; }ltS~ rian, Edward C. Chevalier, from North Syracuse, Y., and Chaplain, Henry 0. Schaab, from Lowville, r-J; Y. It is under these men that the Beta Rho Chapte plans to go forth and uphold the prestige and tradition' of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.


~~ 14









lE a

with the>' ·htly rnotc Clarks()ll 1alistic s~ I active 10 1a.I Socie~ lerican Distrib0 ation and and' tht ;sently e~· 1 1an dort11 ' for thl s of


nd, ow furn·l

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were ,n· ArchD0· Jif, froOI o froOI ;~i fronl . , froOI [IS, ut' fro011 J lS electe the /ir'l · Archon· 'reasurer, ;;ecretarr· I. J-listo· ' r.Jreuse, ville, · Chapter raditi0°)

liighl'1 h 9 Is from the installation of Beta Rho.


Treasurer Ralph W. Noreen, Copiague, l. 1., N. Y., was the Installing officer when Karma Fraternity at Clarkson Se became Beta Rho Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity November 3, 1957.


left-Beta Rho's Archon, Richard H. lewis, is welcoming some of the visiting PI Kapps. The visitors are, left to right, Brother fllph Iseman, representing Beta Pi Alumni; Brother larry Wilson, Archon, Beta Pi, Eastern Michigan College; Ensign Ronald l. Konopaski, 0 fitch Delta '52, University of Washington, who is stationed at Newport, R. I.; Brother Willis Fritz, District President of District I and Past Uon of Alpha Omicron, Iowa State College; Brother Richard Bouchard, Archon of Alpha Tau, Rensselaer, the installing chapter. of siPer right-The master of ceremonies is Beta Rho's Archon, Brother Richard H. lewis. Next to speaker, on left, is Philip Price, Dean Presj~~ents at Clarkson; on right, Executive Secretary Greg Elam, National Treasurer Ralph W . Noreen, and Dr. William G. Van Note, nt of Clarkson College. lowe I Co11 r eft-This is part of the group of over 100 Pi Kapps and guests who attended the installation of Beta Rho Chapter at Clarkson ega NoYember 3.


right-Members of the Initiating team from Alpha Tau shown here are, left to right, Brother Frank Jarema, Utica, N. Y.; Brother

~a., ~d Bouchard, Ogdensburg, N. Y.; Brother Daniel O'Brien, Rochester, N. Y.; Brother Herman Solomon, East Paterson, N. J .; Brother Sp 0 ,

ersey, Hampton, Va.; Brother Gordon Wright, White Plains, N. Y.; Brother Douglas Smart, Port Ontario, Canada; Brother Benjamin

Ia~, n, Hartford, Conn.; Brother Michael Rushanski, Johnson City, N. Y. Members of the team who were absent when this picture was Plain" are Brother Ronald tFodor, Scotia, N. Y.; Brothers John and Robert Moffa, Bayville, l . 1., N. Y. ; Brother Gordon Morgan, White

'•oth~ N. Y.; Brother Thomas Myron, Rhinebeck, N. Y.; Brother Eric Nielsen, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Brother Edward Rybczyk, Fairfield, Conn. ; ' Peter Sandmore, Scarsdale, N. Y.; Brother Russell Stabley, Beacon Falls, Conn ., and Brother Thomas Williams, Binghamton, N. Y. 15


uThe Little Man" With the Big Job "THE Little Man in the Apartment," as he is referred to frequently at Alpha Upsilon, Drexel, is one of the "fixtures" at the chapter. He is Brother Charles S. Kuntz, District President of District XXI, the bachelor who has made his home in an apartment over a garage on the chapter property since his undergraduate days. Subsequent to his graduation from Drexel in 1951, he entered the employ of the Factory Insurance Association, a nationwide industrial property insurance organization. He now works in the Philadelphia office as a fire protection engineer, concerned mainly at present with safety and combustion controls on industrial ovens, boilers, and furnaces. "I was born in Slatington, Lehigh County, Penna.," he said in an interview. "Anyone from this part of the country can guess, from my name, and birthplace that I am Pennsylvania Dutch. However, I must admit, I make a poor Dutchman since I can neither speak nor understand the dialect."


He Served in Army During War After graduation from the local high school, Brother Kuntz entered the Army and served three years during World War II. He pointed out that he was more or less indoctrinated into college life (Army style) during this period since he spent time at both the University of Mississippi and Lake Forest College. However most of his time in the service was spent as a non-commissioned officer in the 96th Infantry Division, visiting a few islands in the South Pacific. Following his discharge from the service, he entered Drexel Institute of Technology in Philadelphia and took the live-year cooperative course in commerce and engineering. Held Various Fraternity Offices He was pledged to Pi Kappa Phi during his freshman year and was initiated in May, 1947. As an undergraduate he served as house manager and treasurer. He was also a member of Sigma Rho and Pi Nu Epsilon honorary fraternities. As an alumnus in Pi Kappa Phi, he has served as treasurer, vice-president, and president of the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter. "My interest, naturally, has been devoted mainly to Alpha Upsilon Chapter," Brother Kunz stated. "On the hobby side, my principal interest at present is my Hi-Fi set and record collection . As an indication of the esteem which the chapter has for him, it presented him, in 1954, their MacKelcan Award for outstanding service to the chapter. Brother Kuntz attended the National Conventions in Miami in 1952 and in Philadelphia in 1956. He was not an official delegate to either convention, but he was on the convention committee for the one in Philadelphia.

District President Charles S. Kuntz

The Boloigs (Continued from page 17)

cert pianist-teacher field. She has played professioll~lll since she made her debut at 12 years of age. , 1 "After graduating from the Eastman School of _Mu~~ she made an acclaimed 'grown-up' debut with Rochester Philharmonic under Howard Hanson. spite, or perhaps spurred by the complications 0 ~~ home, family, and her keen interest in academic "~'~0 ato her career has continued." an, Beth is a duo-artist-vocalist and virtuoso violin') det and Lawrie is a pianist. l\t1


as lh1


Pr, 'fr

Work is love made visible. And if you cannot «~r ~ with love but only with distaste, it is better that ~ th; should leave your work and sit at the gate of th~ t. at, ple and take alms of those who work with JO}· of Kahlil Gibran ,.











The BoluigsMaster Music Makers ]l~o~HER

lawrence J. Bolvig, his wife, Doris, and fo hetr two daughters, Lawrie and Beth, are the orUnders. and guiding lights of the well-known. GlenNa Festival in the beautiful Finger Lakes regwn of .York state. Ye hts annual summer event was started more than six gi:~s ago when the Bolvigs decided to put their e~ervacatiOn pl easuto use Ton undertakings other than the usual . co res. he first step was to convert a barn mto. a ga~~ert-ar.t exhi~it hall .. In these . quarters,. t~e Bol':tgs in rnustcal reCitals as mterludes m an exhtbtt of pamtgs for a local artist.


Festival Has Grown tin'l'he Glenora Music Festival of that first year has conth Ued to grow in fame and character. Now known as A~ Glenora Festival, it had its best "year" last July and "t'hflst-the t;lOSt money .and the largest atten~ance. is . llloney ratsed by passmg baskets to the audtence, clut~ven to the loc:U churches, Boy Scouts, musical local Sch ' and awards to seniors of the Dundee Central 00 ,, 1 most proficient in vocal and art work. d The artists who perform are our good friends who p~rate th.eir services," Brother Bolvig, :Alpha.. Xi '28, Iu Ytechntc Institute of Brooklyn, expla.med. We are thckyboto get some wonder performers. Pleas~ tell all fe:r ys they are invited to visit us at any ttme. The \>v is held the last week end of July and the first 1.{ end of August every year at our place, 'Happy oJ~ top.' We have a wonderful music shed,. a.nd .. our arn, now a new studio, holds the art exhtbtts.



Brother Bolvig "Charms" His Audiences

,. pp.A

ato'l'~e taU, handsome Brother Bolvig "charms an orandIto .or an opera audience equa11y WI"th h"ts personal"ty 1. decJ hts wide-ranged bass-baritone voice," Mary Cratg At ~red in a feature story which appeared in the lisle l C . •. , a ottrrer. as l~rry,' as most people soon call him, is p:obab~y th dartng in his recital programs as he was dunng hts ~r~ee years with the U. S. Army in the European Theatre. 'fru'!t that 'tour' he returned wi~ what the bo~s call h{e 1.t salad.' (Among his decoratwns are the legwn of the r~, the Bronze Star, the Order of the Purple Heart, at Uropean Campaign Medal, Army Occupation Med0£ t~e Decoration of the Armee Fran~aise, the Order e British Empire, and the Belgium Order of leo'!a

Ru 4 RY,


pold II). We think his courage is exemplified even more by daring to program fine art songs that have been discarded by vocalists a bit snobbish in repertoire selection, and also in fearlessly testing new material and unusual arrangements.

Sang Overseas during War "During his war service, which took him through the Normandy invasion and 'on duty' at the Elbe River, he found time to sing at St. Peter's Church, london, where he was soloist in Stainer's 'The Crucifixion.' While stationed in Paris he studied with George Jouatte of the Paris Opera and was soloist at the American Cathedral ... While on duty with the Army of Occupation in Germany he used spare time to study lieder with lulli Alzen of the Berlin opera. When he came home he took advantage of the courses and teachers available through the American Theatre Wing. After all this, no engagement daunts him. Radio, the stage (operetta and opera), his church soloist position at Incarnation lutheran, Brooklyn, a major Easter radio program with Cardinal Spellman, or a 'team' recital with Doris Hevener Bolvig and the girls- all are met with vitality and confidence."

Mrs. Bolvig Is Concert Pianist We learn also from the story in the M11sical CotJrier that Mrs. Bolvig holds an enviable position in the con(Contitllled on page 16) 17

3Jn ®ur C!Cbapter C!Eternal Jirotbtr <flits .:§M. Jionb Brother Ellis Malcolm Bond, Danielsville, Ga., Eta '19, Emory University, died in O ctober, 1957. ------~ K¢---------

Jjrotbtr jf tlix

~. ~ubjtct

Brother Felix A. Subject, Alpha Zeta '24, Oregon State College, died July 26, 1955, at the age of 55, following a heart attack. At the time of his death he was teaching industrial arts in Van Nuys High School, Van Nuys, Calif. ---------~K¢---------

Jjrotbtr Jl. JL. jfrttma:n

Brother Duane Taylor

Jirotbtr mua:nt


By BROTHER JAMES F. DVORAK, Historian Alpha Epsilon Chapter

Upon returning to school this Fall, Alpha Epsilon Chapter was shocked by the news that Brother Duane Taylor had passed away. He died during the Summer from Bright's Disease. Duane was one of our newest brothers, being initiated last Spring, but even so, he was one of the most active members of the chapter. He had taken on many of the responsibilities, and many said big things were in store for Duane. He transferred from St. Petersburg (Fla.) Junior College in the Fall of 1956. He was majoring in Business Administration . He would have been a senior this year. Duane came from a Pi Kapp family. His brother, Bob Taylor, was graduated from Florida in 1954. We at Alpha Epsilon are now initiating a Duane Taylor Memorial Award to be awarded to the pledge with the highest average.

Brother Norman L. Freeman, 57, of 2209 Twenty-fifth Ave., N ., Seattle, Wash., a charter member of Alpha Delta, University of Washington, died at his home December 9, 1957, after a short illness. Brother Freeman had been the senior biologist for the International Pacific Halibut Commission. He came to Seattle 19 years ago from Prince Rupert, B. C., where he was associated with the International Fisheries Commission. He was born in Vancouver, B. C., and was graduated from the School of Fisheries at the University of Washington . Brother Freeman was a Mason, member of the Eastern Star, and Trinity Episcopal Church. ---------~K¢---------

Jjrotbtr 8.

~. ~amlin

Brother William S. Hamlin of Lexington, Ky., Alpha Phi '35, Illinois Institute of Technology, was killed by lightning July 9, 1957, while on a vacation with his family at Natural Bridge State Park. During his four years at college he was a member of the staff of Tech News, and was tennis manager during the last two years. He was graduated in 1936. He served Alpha Phi Chapter as secretary. Brother Hamlin served overseas in the Mediterranean Area with the 6lst Quartermaster Company during World



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War II. He worked With the r.._e tl!-1 Actuarial Bureau before jointn8 n M Great American Insur~nce ~ot11P~uil Fan: He was state agent with thiS gr ~~ ford He was a member of the First pre el Stat terian Church of Lexington and a 01 1 lllar~ ber of the Order of Blue Goose_.d . rick Brother Hamlin's family :est fl G 430 North Ridge Drive, LextngtoO· ard


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Jjrotbtt m . • . _-,~all ~t: Brother Donald W. McNair, :; a student at Georgia Tech w_here , 5 was initiated into Iota Chapter tn 19 v died October 7, 1957, of acute bac~e:n endocarditis, an infection in the ]tn!Jr of the heart's cavities. He was sec~etllJ of his chapter and also rush chat! for 1957-58. Active in church work, he -w~s~ member of the Cascade Road pres ,:l 1 terian Church where he was su£e ~1 1 tendent of the Sunday School's prtnl department. h Brother McNair is survived bJN, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. :M 1 of 723 Waters Drive, S.W., Atlan, and a sister, Mrs. F. L. Stallings. Smyrna, Ga. ----~K¢



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Brother George E. Ferguson, .A~ Xi '28, Polytechnic Institute of .Be r lyn, died suddenly October 28, 19 from a heart attack. te, Brother Ferguson was a gradua Jdt the Polytechnic Institute of Brod d• in the Class of 1909, with a Ba 1 ~~ of Science Degree. During his c~ 1 ~j car~e.r. he was !lctive in extra-CI;lrrtC 1, acttvittes, playmg on the Varsity bAf ball team and class basketball teat11d r ter graduation he was employe r the Pyrene Manufacturing Cot11P~, of Newark, N. J., where he reac ~the position of chief chemist. . r. worked for his firm for forty yeJ having retired January 1, 1957- 1 Brother Ferguson was active~ Spring Valley, N. Y., where h~ 1~ sided, having been a member at j;tl Hillcrest Fire Company, the local ~· f; ning and Zoning Board, and the at!' more Masonic Lodge. He was a de;{ i 1 member of the Reformed Chur 1t Spring Valley. He is survived b)' wife, a son, and a grandson.






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Fall tss Delores Jean Olson, Sioux ford\s·. D., and Brother Willis ClifStat ntz, Alpha Omicron '50, Iowa mare· ~allege, of Grinnell, Iowa, were rickr~h December 28, 1957, at HerG ape!, Grinnell. ard ~oms'?en included Brother Rich2301 · Fntz, Alpha Omicron '50, of lo\Va Soudth Fifth Ave., E., Newton, 1\Jph' an Brother Stanton E. Fritz, nefl \Omicron '55, of RFD 2, Grinlh ro~ers of the bridegroom. of p~ hrtdegroom, who is chairman sign· 1 Kappa Phi's Ritual and Inlrvi~a Committee, is employed by City g Trust Company, New York nank and the bride is employed by Lne ers Trust Company, New York. 1\.1 are making their home at A pt. 1' Oakdene Ave., Leonia, N. J.


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Sitns er, S. C., and Lt. (jg) Billy Colle Creech, Beta '53, Presbyterian Ch ge, of Virginia Beach Va and are ' ., 1 t after s on, S. C., were married the the noon of December 14, 1957, at SutntChurch of the Holy Comforter, 1{ er. lllu Creech is a graduate of Edbee~ s Bigh School, Sumter, and has Su 111 t employed by Commercial Credit, l. er. ton \ ~reech is a graduate of Charles~resb 1 g~ School and an alumnus of arch Ytenan College where he was his ~~ of Beta Chapter. He received Cola, P1gs as a Naval pilot at Pensa-

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~r11 ch· their. and Mrs. Creec~ are maki~g .ea ~~ &inia hBome at 521 Pactfic Ave., VJr;t. each





32 9MA. '56-Brother Herbert Anderson, and ~listoga Road , Santa Rosa, Calif., bri ISS Carolyn Lowery, 11432 Mayan Sep~e, Chatsworth, Calif., were married llrothmber 14, 1957, in Tarzana, Calif. sta,ti er Anderson is now in the Navy, C:arnoned at the Naval Hospital, Staff, P Pendleton, Calif. Brother and




Mrs. Anderson are residing at 2535 Hi liegrass Ave., Berkeley, Calif. IOTA '54-Brother Bennie Hugo Peters, 128 Fifth St., N. W., Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Julie Irene Sizemore, 1587 Poplar lane Way, Decatur, Ga., were married September 27, 1957, in Dallas, Ga. IOTA '54 Brother Geoffrey Benedict Eaton, 1451 Citadel Drive, N. E., Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Carolyn Langston, 2460 Cascade Road, Atlanta, Ga., were married September 1, 1957. IOTA '54-Brother James T. Murray, 128 Fifth St., Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Mary M. Etheredge, 769, Marion St., N. E., Atlanta, were married June 8, 1957, in Atlanta. SIGMA '53-Brother Marvin Conrad Gray, Col11mbia, S. C., and Miss Helen Sylvia Couch were married in Flint Ridge Baptist Church, Heath Springs, S. C., April 13, 1957. TAU · '54-Brother David Edward Schreffler, Jr., 3126 Sussex Road , Raleigh •. N . C., and Miss Jo Cline, also of Raletgh , were married in Raleigh June 1, 1957. TAU '54-Brother Robert C. Cline, 2411 Anderson Drive, Raleigh, N. C., and Miss Carolyn Walton, Shelby, N. C., were married in Shelby in June, 1957. TAU '54-Brother Thomas A. Karam and Miss Marion Evans, both of New Bern, N. C., were married in New Bern in August. TAU '57-Brother Bradley Pennell and Miss Riva Miller, both of Lenoir, N. C., were married in Lenoir last June. They are making their home at 100 Crestmore Drive, Lenoir, N . C. UPSILON '51-Brother Melvin M. Wagner, Newton, Ill., and Miss Carolyn Cramer, Chicago, Ill ., were married August 31, 1957. They are graduate students in Agricultural Economics and now live in the Student-Staff Apartments, 1107 W . Green, Urbana, Ill. UPSILON '52-Brother Donald A. Freund, formerly of 315 Johnson Ave., Woodstock Ill., was married to Miss ·LaVaughn Johnson, Danville, Ill., November 9, 1957. Brother Freund, an Aeronautical Engineering graduate, is now in the Air Force . UPSILON '54-Brother Donald G. Thompson and Miss Gloria Gerber were married June 23, 1957. Brother Thompson is teaching Vocational Agriculture in Franklin Grove, Ill . UPSILON '55-Brother E. Douglas Deuss, 617 White St., Champaign, Ill ., and Miss Shirley Hackett, Northlake, Ill., were married August 24, 1957. Brother Deuss is a senior in the College of Fine and Applied Arts . UPSILON '55-Brother Milton L. Diedrick, RFD 2, Marengo, Ill., and Miss


Thomas, also of Marengo, were mamed January 26. Brother Diedrick is ~ senior in -!vfe~hanical Engineering, Untverstty of Illmots, and Mrs. Diedrick is a nurse at Carle Hospital, Urbana, Ill . UPSILON ' 55- Brother Robert T. Anderson, 436 Howard St., Wheaton, Ill. was married to Miss Christine Gust~gson January 4. Brother Anderson, a graduate in Dairy Technology, is now employed in the Advertising D epartment of Dean's Milk Company. UPSILON '56-Brother G. Lelon Leech, 2912 Eshcol Ave., Zion, Ill ., and Miss Sandra Luoma, also of Zion, were marned August 31, 1957. Brother Leech is a senior in the College of Commerce University of Illinois. The couple resid~ at 406 W. Healey, Champaign, Ill. CHI--Brother Carroll J . Abernathy 201 W . Floribraska Ave., Tampa 3, Fl;., and Miss Carol Belcher, 128 Eleventh Ave N., Jacksonville, Fla., are to be married February 1 in Jacksonville Beach, Fla., accordmg to plans when this issue of The Star aud Lamp went to press. ALPHA ZETA '56-Brother Ron Thorn Oregon City, Ore., and Miss Deann~ Stefani were married in November of 1957. They are now Jiving in Corvallis, ~re., ~here. Brother. Thorn is Jinishing hts maJOr m Electrtcal Engineering at Oregon State College. ALPHA JOT A '52- Brother Howard Duane Pullen, Auburn, Ala., and Miss Jacqueline Sturdivant were married at Central Methodist Church Florence S ~·· December 28, 1956. Brother Pu'lle~ ts enrolled as a junior in the School of Business Administration University of South Carolina. Brother ~nd Mrs. Pullen are making their home at Apt. 14-6 ' Hendley Homes, Columbia, S. C. ALPHA OMIC~ON '55-Brother Ralph D. Xoder, O!lte, Iowa, and Miss Trudy Boeymk, Olhe, were married June 23 1957. • ALPHA OMICRON '55- Brother Stanton Eugene Fritz, _1018 Eleventh Ave., Ames, Iowa, and Mtss Barbara More Grinnell Iowa, were married October '2 6 1957' at Grinnell. ' ' ALPHA OMICRON '56-Brother Gary L. Johnson, Webster City, Iowa and Miss Janice Anderson, also of Webster City, were married September 6, 1957. They are now living in Ames. BETA EPSILON '56- Brother Roger Lee Brown, 1321 W. 29th Terrace, Independence, Mo., and Miss Mary Eleanor Rogers, also of Independence, were married in Independence November 29, 1957. BETA ETA '57-Brother Richard Berube 2701 Pasadena Ave., Long Beach, Calif.: and Miss Sue Brodick, 9 East Lake Shore Drive, Springfield, Ill., were married November 30, 1957. 19



ALUMNI CORNER Central Michigan College BROTHER JOHN MARSH, Beta Xi '56, has been drafted into the Army and is now serving at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. BROTHER FLOYD FEUSSE, Beta Xi '56, is married and is living and teaching at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu. Davidson College CAPT. ROBERT L. MURRAY, Epsilon '49, was graduated September 27 from the military medical orientation course at the Army Medical Service School, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Captain Murray, son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Murray, 111 W. Donaldson Ave., Raeford, N. C., has been assigned to Germany. Brother Murray is a 1952 graduate of Davidson College and a 1956 graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. He is a member of Phi Chi Fraternity. Drexe'l NAVY LT. (]G) WALTER T. GRANDY, JR., Alpha Upsilon '52, son of Mr. and Mrs: Walter T. Grandy, 253 Edgehill Road, Glenside, Penna., completed his tour of duty as a jet pilot and instructor at the U. S. Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla., recently. He is now attending the University of Colorado, majoring in aeronautical engineering. Duke ARMY PFC. DONALD R. LOVETT, Mu '53, recently was assigned to the 487th Medical Detachment, 2nd U. S. Army Missile Command (Med.), Fort Hood, Texas. He entered the Army in March, 1957, completed basic training at Fort Carson, Colo., and was trained in the Medical Corps at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Brother and Mrs. Lovett are now Jiving at 1101 Jacqueline Street, Killeen, Texas . Furman University BROTHER JOHN D. CHAMP SCOTT, Delta '44, is assistant district sales manager, American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, at the company's branch office, 114 North Brown St., Greenville, S. C. Brother and Mrs. Scott have two sons, Kent C., 5, and R. Carey, 1. The family Jives at 113 Twinbrook Drive, Greenville. DR. S. WALTER MARTIN, Delta '31, who became president of Emory Univerity early last year, will be awarded a Doctor of Laws Degree by Furman University at commencement exercises in June. Georgia Institute of Technology BROTHER MERRITT POPE, Iota, '36, who lives in Panama City, Fla., has been certified as a qualifying member of the 1957 Million Dollar Round Table of the National Association of Life Underwriters. Brother Pope is affiliated with the Volunteer State Life Insurance Company. 'I owa State College BROTHER RICHARD L. EWEN, Alpha Omicron '49, is working at the Bettis Plant of the Atomic Energy Commission, operated by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Also, he is working on his Ph. D. at the University of Pittsburgh on a fellowship from Westinghouse. He was married to Miss Shirley Bittner, Pittsburgh, August 24. They are residing at 2 Bayard Road, Apt. 2, Pittsburgh 13. Michigan State University BROTHER ROBIN GEORGE EWEN, Alpha Theta, '50, is living at 2025 East Maple, Birmingham, Mich. He is district manager for General Motors Truck and Coach Division and is responsible for the southeastern portion of Michigan. He was transferred recently from Mansfield, Ohio, where he was district manager for northeastern Ohio for about two years. Brother Ewen was a second lieutenant in the _Army's Military Intelligence from 1951 to 1953. Upon leavmg the service he became a sales training instructor with General Motors Truck. October 17, 1953, Brother Ewen was married to Miss Margaret Sellards, a 1953 Michigan State graduate. They have a son, Charles, born November 27, 1956. BROTHER DON HOGE, Alpha Theta '51, is with Shell Oil Company in Denver Colo. 20

BROTI-!ER J~CK VOEGLER, Alpha Theta '50, is emplo~ as an engmeer tn the construction division of DuPont. Brot . and Mrs. Voegler . and their daughters, Janice Lee, 3, Susan Lynn, 2, res1de at 1940 Clifton Court, Lawrence,!!!


Penn State University BROTHER MICHAEL M. BIGGER, Alpha Mu '30, ~ b~en employed, for the past eight years, as a mechanical . g!neer at the ~aval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San fr~ C1sc~ 24, Cahf. Brother Bigger was married to Miss .Edf\, Mane Mook at Long Beach, Calif., June 8, 1949. TheY. a. ~on, Michael Charles, born May 25, 1951. The familY · . hvmg at 1115 Altschul Ave., Menlo Park, Calif. BR<?~HER NORMAN P. WYNN, JR., Alpha Mu '45, n_ow llVl';lg at 2?08 Gilman Ave., Seattle, Wash. He is a~ Sllj:n engmeer _w1th Bomarc, guided missile division of Bot~, A1rcraft and 1s a group leader. He was married August ~ 1957, to Miss Ruth Elizabeth Wangensteen Seattle formerlY l Bovey, Minn., daughter of former Mayo; and Mrs. Nels Wangensteen, Bovey. · BROTHER ROBERT W. BOYD, Alpha Mu '49, 1Zl~ Farm Road, Grayline Crest, Wilmington, DeJa., is noW efl1 ployed as technical service representative for DuPont. 1q ENSIGN RICI_IARD F. McKNIGHT, Alpha Mu '55, 2 1 Brewster St., Bndgeport, Conn., is a recent graduate of Naval Officer Candidate School. 1 BROTHER WILLIAM E. OBERLY Alpha Mu '53, RFV r! Asbury, N .. ]., is an assistant wrestli~ coach at Washing! (N. J.) H1gh School and is also an insurance salesman. ~~ 1 . BROTHER WILLIAM P. DEMETRIS, Alpha Mu '53, 1'~1: n~town, Penna., was scheduled to join the staff of Prud~to· L1fe Insurance Company as a sa lesman soon after this 1ss of the magazine went to press.



Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn BROTHER ~ED C. NEULS, Alpha Xi '29, 63 Robins~ Parkway, Burlmgton, Vt., has been named vice-president 11·r· Hertz Rent-A-Car System. He is in charge of the airline, port, railroad, and hotel rental concessions. Purdue University , BROTHER PAUL W. EDWARDS, Omega '37, was P~ moted recently to the position of plant manager of ~01• santo Chemical Company's Avon California plant. He \ grad~ated fro~ P~due University in 1940, with a degreetli chemiCal engmeermg. Brother Edwards is married to f0~ fo~mer Kathleen . Stevel?-s (Purdue 1941). They have ~ chlldren. The famlly res1des at 1387 Eldorado Drive ConeD Calif. ' Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute . BROTHER DONALD V. WHELAN, AIA, Alpha 1~ 40, Ch~ppaqua, N. Y., has joine? the office of Joseph poe!' las ~ e1s~, ~IA? as assoCI at~ arch1_tect for the practi~e of r cr. dentlal, mstltut!Onal. and mdustnal architecture w1th of6j at 2 West 46th St., New York 36, N. Y., Westchester, N· ~Oq and Chappaqua. !q~ Stetson University . Is ~ BROTHER WILLIAM S. WREN, Chi '50, was grad~ ated from the Stetson University College of Law in St. ~elj(11' ~h~ burg, Fla., last January. He passed the Florida bar exarillna~ ~ in March. Recently he opened his own office for the pfll of law in the Lake Marie Estates Bldg., DeBary Plaza, fl! Bary, Fla. He resides at 146 E. Michigan Ave., DeLand, University of California P BROTHER YOUNG D. STEWART, Gamma '54, is 0~ tinuing his studies at the Graduate School of Social Se~{i¢ St. Louis University. In September, 1956, he married i''tl 1 Eunice Cherry (Phi Mu). Brother and Mrs. Stewart at 226 S. Newstead, Apt. 2, St. Louis 10, Mo. ~ BROTHER WARREN B. CARSON, Gamma '49, has 1; appointed to the position of district superintendent of sch~ for the Greenfield area. His mail address is Box 455, Gr e>· field, Calif. Brother Carson believes that he is the younG superintendent in California. 26' ( Conlil1ued on page














By ELIZABETH H. W. SMITH Managing Editor


to each member of each chapter! We trust that ;J_pe New Year is treating you well. \'(lelc BA started its socia l program on a high note with its sen tne to School Party in the new chapter rooms at 52 GadParti treet, Charleston. This was one of the most successful ~Penes On the College of Charleston campus. The party was "as to the school, and a great percentage of the stude~t body nishe~rese.nt. ALPHA'S Historian, Brother Rona ld Gams, fu;this th1s and the other news we have from his chapter m i'h~o.1umn. 1 21 1 ~ P Holcolme and Vasco Pickett were initiated September B 57. Rush season ended October 11 with ten pledges. 1[y~lther Garris pointed out that at the Winter Conclave at helpf e J?each, S. C., ALPHA obtained many valuable ideas Everyul m rushing, pledging, and general fraternity pro~lems. A!Yrtlone 1n Alpha is looking forward to the Spring meetmg at e Beach Jli PHA is. hoping that some day this "Mother Chapter" of J\.tappa Phi will own a house. . .. in p BETA, many of the brothers are holdmg key positiOns Liv· resbyterian College campus activities. Brother Gordon 1\~ngston,. Spartanburg, S. C., has been tal?ped into. Blue serv' Be IS also president of the Inter-Fraternity Counol and l'oues as S-2 on the cadet military staff. Brother Lawrence dur·ng, <;tinton, S. C., who has held many campus positions as ~.ll h,s stay at P. C., serves as S-3 on the military s.taff, llrothell as being a very line archon during his spare time. and er Melvin Little, Atlanta, Ga., is a member of Scabbard lloa 8 d lade and is also a member of the SCA Freshman Control edit~ · Brother Roy Fowler of Spartanburg, S. C., is sp'?rts of the "Pac Sac," the coll ege annual. Also, he wn~es , for lfarn~e B!11e Stockinl(, the campus newspaper. Brother D1ck "ell Y, Simpsonville, S. C., is vice-president of the BSU as the as b~iog secretary of SCA. He is a constant ;nember. of lllan ~ean s List. Brother Toby Hunter, another Simpsonville J\.' Is captain of the college rifle team. into lllong the pledges, Bob Biggerstaff, Charleston, has moved Geo/ starting position on the fo'?tball team. He plays ,.tackle. sack .~e Banks, Spartanburg, is bus mess manager of the KnapJ.{· the student handbook. G Istorian Roy Fowler furnished all this news from BETA. rello~MMA'S Corresponding Secretary, Brother Richar~ B~s~er, g10 ted GAMMA combined efforts with the women s hv!ng in up next door, The Californian, in a house-front decoration ''lli recognition of the California-Stanford Game, ca ll ed the the~ Game:" The decoration theme was "Victory. at Se~," a.nd India ecorat10n featured a Pogo in his barge, lishmg w1th l1ve G n bait for a grey shark. I:I~MMA pledged live men last Fall. . SOn Other James H. Herlong, Historian of EPSILON at Davidin~: ;:allege, reported that Rush Week was a big success, brin~­ is a fo the chapter 17 pledges, representing seven stat.es. Th1s llp eather in the cap of Rush Chairman George Sutcliffe. n00 SILON'S Open House for alumni brothers Saturday aftercha 0 of Homecoming Week End was so successfu l that the f~er h.opes to make it an annual affair. . "ith eE fl1ckerball squad posted its best season !n four years, I~ PSILON'S team moving into fourth place 1n the 12-team and~ue. The "Red Rascals" have been a threat all season long, "ithProspects for next year's competition appear. t? be excell.ent Ge such students as Gordon Swain, Paul Rudisill, D ee L1de, ~~;~~ Sutcliffe, Don Dublin, D ave Nash, and Stuart Nickles 'I'hn,ng for another season of play. ter e 45th anniversary of the founding of EPSILON ChapPled\Vas celebrated D ecember 7-excellent supper, sk.it by t~e st1· .lles, dancing, with masquerade costumes representing comiC characters-thanks to Social Chairman. George Urwick .. Spr' SiLON entertai ned the boys and g 1rls of the Banum 0 .1ls Orphanage with their annu al Christmas Party Decemlllo 12 Brother Herlong pointed out that "it is one of the st enjoyable services of the year."



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Anticipation! "Next year we wi ll be moving into a new fraternity house, for a new fraternity court is being built here at D avidson," Brother Herlong wrote. "The $400,000 project is due for completion in September. Each house will be larger than at present and will cost around 38,000. The Pi Kappa Phi house will contain dining facilities, a large Jiving room, chapter room in the basement, patio, and quarters for our housemother. A partition between the living and dining rooms is removable to allow the use of the entire floor area. The house will be one of the highest in the new court, thus addi ng to its eminence." ZETA at Wofford College has announced the pledging of the following nine men: Malcolm Clark, Union, S. c.; Donald Gray, Prioleau D ePass, and Robert Hurst, Spartanburg; Jerry Ham, Florence, S. C.; Frank Hodges, Charleston; Kenneth Large, Rock Hill, S. C., and Joseph Meeks, Laurens, S. C. ZETA'S officers for the second semester are: Archon, Brother Robert A. Warr, Timmonsville, S. C.; Treasurer, Brother Robert H. Buchanon, Columbia, S. C.; Secretary, Brother Kenneth Ball, Spartanburg; Historian, Brother D avid West, Salisbury, N. C.; Warden, Brother Robert VanLandingham, Florence, and Chaplain, Brother Robert Scruggs, Gaffney, S. C. NU at the U niversity of Nebraska is bragging about their new housemother, Mrs. Frances Clark. NU initiates first semester include Brother Lee Forbes, Neligh, Nebr.; Brother Gary Engel, Bode, Iowa; Brother Gary D eckert, Tilden, Nebr.; Brother Thomas Miller, Falls City, Nebr.; Brother William Krueger, Lincoln, Nebr., and Brother Gerald Kehn, Butte, Nebr. Social Chairman Lee Forbes spearheaded plans for a varied social program for NU during first semester as follows: Hour D ance with Kappa Delta, Izzak Walton Party, attendance at football game November 16 with Zeta Tau Alpha, church attendance the next day with Gamma Phi Beta, Hour D ance with Chi Omega, and a tea for NU's new housemother, Mrs. Clark. NU pledges took their sneak November 9 to Marysville, Kan. NU's Homecoming display won second place in its division. In Intramurals, NU has chalked up four wins and two losses in football and two wins in basketball this year. We are indebted to Historian Carl Friedrich for all this news from NU. Historian Bob Brown reports that XI pledged 20 men last Fall. Five men were initiated in the Fall: Richard L. Engel, 3228 Eng lewood Street, Philadelphia, Penna.; Waldemar E. Heinzel mann, 174 Lockwood Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.; Donald J. Kerr, 3503 Aldine Street, Philadelphia; James Elliott Moroch, 101 Colgate Ave., Yonkers, N. Y., and James Gerard Raleigh, 6 Peary Lane, King's Park, Long Island, N. Y. Miss Jan Andrusic, College Park, Md., was honored as the XI Sweetheart at the annual Rose Ball which was held November 2 at the Patrick Henry Hotel, Roanoke. This is the second year that Jan has been selected as XI's Sweetheart. Alabama's OMICRON has placed a new trophy in its colection-in the annua l "Turkey Trot," a cross-country race held every Thanksgiving, Omicron had the first ten fleet-footed freshmen come across the finish line. Miss Lida Elliot, Huntsville, Ala., is OMICRON's new Star. Here is a run-down on OMICRON's officers for this Spring: Archon James Phillips, senior from Gadsden, Ala., is in the School of Commerce. He previously held the office of Secretary and Treasurer. Treasurer Robert L. Shepherd, seni or from Gadsden, is in the School of Arts and Sciences, majoring in Radio and Television. He has held the offices of Warden and Secretary. Secretary Gary Huckaby, sophomore from Lanett, Ala., is in the School of Commerce. He is a Pre-Law major. Historian Curran Wade, Jr., senior from Birmingham, Ala .. is in the School of Arts and Sciences, majoring in Radio and Television. Warden Robert Wilson, sophomore from Haddonfield, N . .T.. is in the School of Engineering. Brother Wilson is presently house steward. Chaplain John Joyce, a senior from Columbia, Tenn., is majoring in Geology in the School of Arts and Sciences. 21


Prof. Robert Swanson, left, who 1 in charge of activities at Newark Coil~ of Engineering, Is awarding the thf outstanding Fraternity Plaque for bl college year 1956-57 to Archon Go~l DiMasi, Kearney, N. J., extreme ris~,· The three onlookers are, left to riS/ Secretary Bill Lawless, Verona, N. ,.1 Warden Bob Papp, Bayonne, N. J,, 0 1 Historian Charlie Comlso, Ridgefield por , N. J. The award winner is selected ~~ the basis of scholarship, extra curl , 0 ular activities, sports, and participol In college activities.


Historian Wade submitted the report from OMICRON. Historian Bill Bell of TAU has reported that the ch apter has a new chapter adviser, Captai n Purdy McLeod, Zeta Chapter. He is with the Army ROTC unit at North Carolina State College. TAU initiated three men this Winter- Lee Northcutt, a jun,ior in Civil Engineering from Ra leigh, N. C.; Bradley Pennell , a seni or in Furniture Manufacturing and Management, and Bill Taylor, a sophomore in Ceramic Engi neeri ng. Recently TAU renovated their dining room and bought new chairs for this room. When this report was being written, plans were being made to give a Christmas Party for a group of orpha ns this year. " The brothers get a lot of pleasure out of this party, and the orphans a lways have a good time, " Historian Bell said. From CHI at Stetson U ni versity-Brother Robert D . Carnes, 2121f2 West Minnesota Ave., D eland , F la., and Brother Phillip Parr, 2105 River Blvd ., Jacksonville, F la., were tapped recently into Omicron D elta Kappa, honorary leadership fraternity. Brother Malcolm Glass, 1601 Lasbury Ave., Winter Park, Fla., is president of ODK. These three broth ers are also taking part in the Honors Program at Stetson U niversity. The H onors Program is independent study under faculty com mittees rather than goi ng to cl ass. PSI's Historian, Brother Ri chard G. Ta lboys, has informed us that his ch apter at Cornell initi ated the following eight men this Fa ll : Alan Rude, Arts '60, from Larchmont, N. Y.; Robert Crump, Indu stria l and Labor Rel ations '59, from Floral Park, N.Y.; Kenneth Wolf, Architecture '6 1, from Scarsdale, N.Y.; Fred Thorne, Agriculture '60, from I rond equoit, N. Y.; Ralph Drapeau, Electrica l Engineering '61, from Boston, Mass.; D aniel Breger, Agriculture '59, from Wi lm ington, Del. ; John R. Wilson, Arts '60, from Garden City, N. Y., and Paul Kelley from Mount Vernon, N. Y. "Concerning our scholarship," Brother Talboys wrote, "we are pleased to an nounce that we have adva nced 18 places m the schoo l standings over last year, and are now 26th out of approximate ly 63 fraternities and living units . This puts us above the all -fraternity average." PSI p ledged four students during Fall rushi ng. This chapter won three ou t of its four football games. Brother Alexander ( "Sandy") Piper, Chappaqua, N. Y. , won the university golf championship last Fall. Numerous improvements were made on PSI's hou se and grounds duri ng the fall. Histori an James F. D vorak of ALPHA EPSILON sent the news round-up from his chapter. The award for the most 22


outstanding pledge was presented to Dick Glaven, OrcnaP . Beach, F la. The pledges chose Ed Thompson as the most par ular chapter member. Fall rushing resulted in the acquis1U~e of 29 p ledges. Many AE alumni from throughout the stJP attended the Florida Homecoming October 19. ALPHA £1, SILON's Homecoming house decoration won first place in I· league. Historian Jack Reviglio of ALPHA ZETA reported that~~ chapter is indebted to Ru shing Chairman Bob Elfers for a su cessful Fa ll rushing season. Fifteen men were p ledged. Brothers Di ck Panzer and Kurt Englestad of Portland, ore~n· have joined the staff of the Barometer, campus publicaual Kurt is also editor of the junior class paper, Orel!,on Stale f# ior, which is published once a term. There have been various improvements both in the hall and on the grounds at ALPHA ZETA. . 1, Brother Greg Nesbitt is working hard in attain ing h11lh scho larship for the ALPHA ZETA house. ,. 0 The chapter on the Oregon State College campus was ~J to the West Coast District Conclave November 9 and 10. tiona! Secretary ]. AI. Head and District President Jack Ste~ ard did "great work making this event a success." h~ Recent initiates in the ALPHA ZE!A fo.ld are Brother {~~·· Bollman, D a ll as, Oreg.; Brother D av1s Sm1th, Portland, 0 IJel' Brother Larry Gentry, Oregon City, Oreg.; Brother Jack Z\f Astoria, Oreg.; Brother J ack Reviglio, Redwood City, 0 \b Brother Fred Raw, Corvallis, Oreg.; and Brother Gary Srn 1 Sa lem, Oreg. 11~ Historian Frederick B. Grant reported that last Fall ALP er· THETA Chapter at Michigan State U n iversity won the Ve\t ans Memorial Trophy for the highest blood donation, 1h• I 94.6 per cent of the members contributing to the drive. th' plaque was awarded to Brother Philip Hedges, Archon , at Michigan State-Kansas State game during the half time. re· ALPHA IOTA moved back into the redecorated and 111 furnished chapter house. Historian Alf Bell reported that th11, new party room in the attic is the envy of the entire earn/ 11 The All-Campus Party election party was held here last ~J~ It marked the first time it has been held anywhere other t ~ the Pi Kappa Alpha house since anyone in the house can


memb e~


M any honors went to AI members last Fa ll. Brother GeO Be ( "Mitch") Mitchell was elected on the All-Campus ticket. 11, was chosen president of the School of Chemistry. Brother ·, 0 Hawkins is yearbook editor. Also, he was selected for ""ill ~e Who in American Colleges and Universities" along with Brot ~ Maurice Hargrove w ho is editor of the "Tiger Club," the freS










ho 1' olle91 I




Gobi r19~ 1 •

r19~ 1 ' j




,' o.J por~ td ~~ currlr•

AI hIs Is the new, 14-room home of lo~,:d Sigma, University of Tennessee, Te~n. at 1528 Yale Avenue, Knoxville,


lllan B'bi help 1 e. Brother Doug Barclay and Pledge Ken Kurley also or thed on the yearbook. Brother Barclay is also the copy editor assiste school paper, The Plainsmen. Brother George Bruner is AI ant sports editor on The Plainsmm. Fren hhas fallen in Jove with their housemother, Mrs. Suzie p c • of Richland, Ga. Cha~~rn Brother Angelo DeGiralamo, Historian of ALPHA XI mender at Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, comes a trel ous volume of news. or tl~st June, in recognition of their service to the school, four ~ho e_graduating seniors of ALPHA XI were elected to "Who's tr 1-1 In American Colleges and Universities." They were BrothIslip ans Nintzel, Brooklyn; Brother Robert O'Donohue, Central Afich Long Island; Michael Hornung, New York City, and and e1 Ebertin, Queens, N. Y. In addition, Michael Hornung lPect~ank Nintzel, who were president and vice-president, re<\sso'~ely, of their senior class, have been elected to serve as Cias Clate Alumni Director and Alumni Vice-President of the of 1957. Brother Adrian Basili, Brooklyn, another of the l<ey8Uates, was one of six men who received 100-point Merit top at Poly's Awards banquet. Bob O'Donohue, scholastically ICap man in the chapter Jast year, was Vice-President of Eta APa Nu and Secretary of Tau Beta Pi. cias r_chon Philip Junghans, Brooklyn, is Vice-President of h!s den~' Brother William Harazim, New York City, is Vice-Pres•the of the IFC and is on the Associate Managing Board of l're:chool weekly; Brother Rudolph Koehler, Queens, N. Y., is Ciety surer of both his class and of the American Foundry SoSeer at Poly; Brother Gunther {"Dick") Geiss, Queens, is beJ.tary of the Institute of Radio Engineers; Brother Angelo dent •raiamo, Queens, is Corresponding Secretary of the Stu"'eek Council and is on the Managing Board of the school cha· ly, Brothers Rudy Koehler and Dick Geiss are the coSrrnen of the Junior Prom Committee. shiprothers Junghans, Geiss, and DeGiralamo received scholarthe ~Jrom Poly this year. Brother Geiss, who presently has lllan .'&hest average among the chapter members, is the top <\ng In the Electrical Engineering Department, and along with ~u eh~' made up the class of "Honor Juniors" of Eta Kappa llas· t IS year. Also, Angelo received the Best ROTC Cadet, Ac Corps, Award. <\lJ>~Ietics is another department in which the brothers of nA XI excel. Eight brothers and pledges are on various


~ Fta p - 0 ARY, 1958

varsity teams at Poly. The chapter also managed to retire the IFC Bowling Trophy this year by copping the league leadership for the third consecutive time. Carl Gatto, New York City, a Mechanical Engineering student, and Richard Magg, Queens, were initiated into ALPHA XI June 6, 1957. Carl is the chapter's 400th brother. Brother James Black, Brooklyn, and Brother Heinz Schmidt, Queens, returned to Poly last Fall after a sojourn in the armed forces. Both men are Chemical Engineering majors and expect to be graduated in 1959. "These fe ll ows have been putting the rest of the chapter to shame, the way they are 'rattling' off those 'A's,' " the Historian declared. Polytechnic, after a good deal of refurbishing, has occupied the buildings which formerly housed the American Safety Razor Company. "Executive Secretary Greg Elam visited our chapter in November,'' Historian DeGiralamo wrote The Stat· ar~d Lamp. "His warm personality and wonderfully persuasive talks captivated the brothers. His suggestions were well received, and many have already been put into action." Past National Secretary Wayne Moore was the speaker for Founders' Day, December 8, 1957, at ALPHA OMICRON, Iowa State College. Brother Moore returned recently from the Far East where he has been operations analyst with the Far East Air Force in Tokyo for about two years. He is now working on his thesis for his Ph. D. Degree. Thanks go to Historian Bill Merrill for this information and also for the news that the following live men were initiated into ALPHA OMICRON November 17: Richard Hergert and George Reudy, Amana, Iowa; Leonard Veak, Agency, Iowa; Craig Mitchell, Buckingham , Iowa, and Warren Schrader, Buckingham, Iowa . Moving a block from their former location, ALPHA SIGMA has replaced its 8-room house with a house of 14 spacious rooms at 1.628 Ya le Avenue. Knoxville, Tenn. The chapter has made plans to increase the number of rooms to 18 this Spring by converting the attic into sleeping quarters. Historian Barry Scott has reported also that the first housemother ALPHA SIGMA has had in seven years is Mrs. Frank Russell of Maryville, Tenn. "Mom" Russell was formerly a prominent concert singer of stage, screen, and radio. "The brothers consider Mrs. Russell as one of our greatest assets," Brother Scott said. The new Rose of ALPHA SIGMA is Miss Nancy Rasor, a 23

Phi Mu from Knoxville, Tenn. A freshman in the College of Home Economics, Nancy is the attractive daughter of Col. and Mrs. Samuel Rasor. Colonel Rasor is Professor of Military Science and Tactics of the Army ROTC unit at the University of Tennessee. Rush Week in the Fall brought 11 pledges to ALPHA SIGMA. Historian Bill Laster has brought us up-to-date on happenings at ALPHA TAU, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, during last term. Three brothers have attained the highest honors possible for undergraduate students. Brother Harry Zimmer was elected President of the Union. In the sophomore class, Brother Edgar Kersey was selected for the White Key, honorary for outstanding leadership ability displayed during the freshman year. Brother Fran LaGase was selected to the Bachelors of Rensselaer, honorary for outstanding freshman athletes. Fran, a swimmer, set three out of a possible five records. The chapter also had 12 brothers chosen to be Counselors in Freshman Camp. The week end of November 3, members of AI-PHA TAU went up to Clarkson College to initiate KARMA Fraternity into the brotherhood as BETA RHO Chapter. Brother Greg Elam was there to handle pledge training. while the brothers of ALPHA TAU handled the initiation. From 8:30 Saturday night until 6:30 Sunday morning, 62 new brothers were initiated. "We would like to congratulate the BETA RHO men on the dedication and spirit exhibited," Brother Laster wrote. "Their willingness to learn and to cooperate in any way possible assures the fact that they are true Pi Kapps. "Social life at the Paine Mansion reached a new peak this year. At IF Week End, we had Wilbur DeParis at the house. Wilbur is considered by many to have the best New Orleans style Dixieland band in the country. That week end, 1,700 people passed through our front doors. "Sportwise, the Pi Kapps again excelled. We obtained a tie for first in IFC football and a solid first in swimming. The possibilities for a basketball trophy look just as good. "Rushing brought the Pi Kapps a top pledge class. Their number is 20, and they hail from around the world-Bermuda, New York, Oslo, Paris, Alexandria, Houston, Cleveland, etc., speaking French, Greek, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Texan, Rebel Lingo, and Brooklynese. This is a typical Pi Kapp pledge class, the kind that have placed us on top and kept us on top," Brother Laster concluded. ALPHA UPSILON Chapter at Drexel is wishing the best of lu ck fnr Brother Hector Negroni who transferred from Drexel to the United States Air Force Academy and is presently in tra~ning there. The show is over but the memory lingers on. Brothers at ALPHA UPSILON ~re happy over the success of their show, "Bootleggin' Babes," which over 1,800 persons saw in two presentations in November. Historian M . D. Sheri~an declared that " under the brilliant leadership of Brothers Dtck Mensch, Chairman; Walt Koenig. Script, and Dean Beckwith, Production, all of ALPHA UPSILON piled on the bandwagon and pitched in to produce the best yet." Along with their show, ALPHA UPSII-ON had a full social schedule. "Executive Secretary Greg Elam joined us for a few days this term " Brother Sheridan said. "We were pleased to have him visit' us and are looking forward to his next trip this way. Greg managed to see the show Friday nig~t and ~tten~ a dance while here · also he made two house parttes. Wtth Ius trusted banjo, Greg led 'a n enjoyable song fest. Singing can and always does liven up a party. Our national leader turned a ,t:ood party into a gceat party with his banjo. "Drexel is at present deep in talk of expansion. All of the fraternities on campus are intensely interested in this expansion since it will affect us directly. The present expansion pro,t:ra~ entails the school's moving right up to our front door. Thts very possibly will make it necessary for us to move from our present location." ALPHA UPSILON's bowlers retained the Inter-Fraternity Championship . Last year the chapter's team captured the title by a margin of 23 pins; this year they swamped the opponent by over 400 pins. Brothers Dick Mensch (captain), Jack Campbell , Wilson Cassel , Bob Schoenberger, Dean Beckwith, and Charlie McDermott led them to their second consecutive championship. Individual and league records were broken and presently just about every bowling record at Drexel is held by the team from ALPHA UPSILON. 24

1 \>it Brother William Malone was initiated into ALPHA l sur SILON December 8. t:! "After being humbled in a chug-a-lug contest at our ann F~unders' Day Banquet held at the Stockyards Inn, our al~ vmdicated themselves in basketball," Historian Jim Lef10~ of ALPHA PHI wrote. "Height and experience told the 5 as the alumni won the game 52 to 20." Brother Roy Schaufelberger, Union, N. ]., brought thhoOf to himself and BETA ALPHA when he qualified for d Kappa Phi Scholarship Award. The scholarship pendant an tation were presented to Brother Schaufelberger at the f()IV ders' Day Dinner. 111 BETA ALPHA wishes to remind alumni brothers who ;1 in the Northern New Jersey area that the recently reorgan 11 . Northern New Jersey Alumni Chapter is striving _f~r ett higher membership. Brothers who are interested in jotntn!l ~ group are asked to contact Brother Art Sikora, Secretary,;:~ address is 429 First St., Westfield, N. ]., telephone ll' 2-3637. Brother Jim Gomes is President, and Brother Tomaro is Treasurer. ell' These brothers at BETA BET A have been selected for Jllpei bership in Omicron Delta Kappa : Brothers Guy D. ChaP James Conner, Henry Bartlett, and Louis S. Bonsteel. w• At BETA EPSILON, Philip E. Gray, Kirkwood, Mo., initiated into the chapter November 17. 11 The chapter's outside activities this year have centered ~~f cipally around bowling. As this report goes to press, the c ~' ter is tied for fourth place in its division of the IFC LC•':0) Members of the team are Brothers Alan ]. Adams (Captnt{P Robert Paden and Henry M. Curry, North Kansas City, J~ ci Brothers Kenneth W . McWade, and Richard ("Smoke") p~ man, Kansas City, Mo.; and Brother Edward ("Ned") mody, Mexico, Mo. d BETA EPSILON had a team, Brothers Adams and Mc\Xfa ~ an All-Campus Bridge Tournament in December. The t ended in a fourth-place tie. ~· Officers of BETA EPSILON have been elected as folio~· Archon, Brother James Wiley Scott, Hughesville, Mo.; 'fb~~ urer, Brother Adams; Secretary, Brother Robert F. Dob ~~ St. Louis, Mo.; Warden, Brother Hubert D. Osteen, SuJil{~ S. C.; Historian, Brother William H. Baker, St. Joseph, ~ and Chaplain, Brother Gray. Jl1 "In November, BETA PI Chapter at Eastern Michigan '~·!') en masse to our fair University," a report from BETA J0 111 said. "They had high hopes of grinding their brother ch~t1~ BETA IOTA, into the dust of our football £elds. Weii ,_ B r IOTA, in a bloody and brnising battle bested their netgh~ in an hour-long contest. Spartan efforts were turned in bYShl' Cowen, Jack Cummings, Bill O'Shea, Tom Grasley, Dick d''t man, Jay Wodrich, Gene Blair, Bill Shook, and Jim Stan '· all brothers in BETA IOTA Chapter." 'fl BETA IOTA's December 9 initiates were Brother Lance ~ mage, 2611 Packwood Ave., Toledo; Brother Carl M . ~on~O: 9251/2 Sherman St., Toledo, and Brother Nicholas Fergadts, "' W . Bancroft, Toledo. BETA LAMBDA's Rush Party for the Fall semester Ji under the direction of Brothers Norman Douglas an~ (, Gable. This was a "great evening of fraternal friendshtP the prospective rushees," Historian Nick Nichols d~cl~red. oilAs this report goes to pre~s BETA ~AM~D~ ts m seclef place in the Intramural standmgs after JUSt wmnmg the vol,i ball championship. This chapter had last year's Intra""' Championship team . rC' BETA XI, co-sponsor with Zeta Chi Zeta Sorority, capt 0f111 a second place award in the judging of Ao~ts during ~he lfohtl coming Parade. A Coffee Hour for returntng alumnt was after the game. . stal· Historian Philip Campbell of BETA ETA at Fl~mda 11' 6 University is one of those men who sent an except10oalll' report on chapter activities. We quote this report below:h(lll "BETA ETA has taken one of its greatest steps in its 5 ,. history by the purchase of the adjoining house. Last year h~ were one of the few fraternities on ca~pus that owned I61'' house. This year we are the only fraterntty that ow~s two e · mansions. We are really proud of the tremendous stnde, on tltl the many that we have undertaken in the past and one of many we will undertake in the future. . tltl "The first week of the semester was a busy one, wtth ef painting and repairing of the houses, the moving in of 0 ¢ furniture, such as a new living room suite, new beds and drei1' ers for the new house and new chairs for the dining robh When classes started, we were all settled down comfortn THE






"ito sure

. . . lo45 kmfien hvmg m the houses, which may be old, but "I o ne. COok \the ~tchen, our steward, Brother Pat Antonelli, and the now feave een preparing two delicious meals a day. We are tnakin.,edtng about 70 men, giving them all they can eat, and "W/' money. She ise hfive a new housemother this year, Mrs. Mabel Furth. Fraternh ne woman who really loves and works hard for the "1' y. l'hey hirteen neophytes have been initiated into Pi Kappa Phi. hell Kre P~squale Antonelli, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Philip CampFia.'· Reb Btscayne, Fla.; Larry Dannelley, De Funiak Springs, tO ii<- Fla.: Go ert Eklund, Pulaski, N. Y.; James Farr, Eau Gallie, ·a ntl~ Pahok eorge Fordham, St. Petersburg, Fla.; Charles Lairsey, ~ el Rainesee,C Fla.; Thomas Lucas, Jacksonville, Fla.; Raymond ;g tb Jallles' learwater, Fla.; Roger Randolf, Syracuse, N. Y.; wh Fla aSctrborough, Sarasota. Fla.; Ore! Stevenson, Ft. Meyers, rne~. nc Bobby White, Pahokee, Fla., all of whom are fine ·rAdlfl' JJ. l se~~~e Outstanding Pledge of the Semester Award for last rnei a fine er went to Brother George Fordham, St. Petersburg, Fla. apre' "EI upstanding Christian we are real proud of. Nettle~cted .to the Hall of Fame last year was Brother James W· , Us this' Chtpley, Fla. We are lucky to have Brother Jim with "Du ~ear as a graduate student in the field of geology. Jacks rtng fall rush we pledged 19 men. They are David Bryan, onvti ie, Fla.; Calvin Cloud, Crestview, Fla.; James Colee,


st. Petersburg, Fla.; Lynn Corbin, Belleglade, Fla.: Charles Delk, Tampa, Fla.; Bill Green, St. Petersburg; Robert Howes Boston, Mass.; Gary Jeffries, Pittsburg, N. Y.; Thomas Martin: Jacksonville; John Mason, De Funiak Springs; Ruport Mock Pahokee; D avid Morse, Jacksonville; Ronald Pickett, De Funiak Springs; Steve Poe, Sarasota; James Reed , Naples, Fla .; Edward Seykora, Coral Gables, Fla.; Vito Sportelli, Miami, Fla.; Kenneth Swain, North Creek, N. Y., and Jack Womer, West Palm Beach, Fla. "Officers for this semester are as follows: Archon, Brother Robert Hutchins, Washington, D . C.; Treasurer, Brother Curt Compton, St. Petersburg; Secretary, Brother Donald Bowlin Panama City, Fla.; Historian, Brother Phil Campbell , Key Biscayne; Chaplain, Brother W. B. Carrol, Stagebourough, Ga., and Warden, Brother Edward Mason, Dryden, N. Y. "Homecoming Week End was a real blast this year. We won the first place trophy in Fraternity Skits, with a theme of 'FSU then and now.' It was really a howling success in the Pow-wow. We took second place in house decorations, built around an outer-space theme. We received a lot of favorable comments on the decorations. "We enjoyed the return of many of our alumni over the Homecoming Week End. A line meeting was held that saw a Jot of planning for the future of BETA ETA. We really appreciate the backing that our alumni has given us, especially in housing. "We have had six pinnings this semester by Brothers Pas-

PI KAPPA PHI JEWELRY PRICE LIST BADGES JEWELED Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set

STYLES Miniature Pearl Border ................ $13.75 Pearl, 4 Garnet Points ...... 15.75 Pearl, 4 Ruby Points ......... 15.75 Pearl, 4 Sapphire Points ...... 15.75 Pearl, 4 Emerald Points .. . ... 16.75 Pearl, 2 Diamond Paints ...... 22 .75 Pearl, 4 Diamond Points ...... 31.75 Pearl and Ruby Alternating .... 17.75 Pearl and Sapphire Alternating 17.75 Pearl and Diamond Alternating 49.75 Diamond Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.75

Standard $ 19.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 24.00 32.50 46.00 24.00 24.00 86.50 154.00

Standard PLAIN STYLES Miniature $5.75 Plain Border ..............• . .......... $4.00 6.50 Nugget Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 6.50 Chased Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 White gold additional on jeweled badges ........... . 3.00 On plain ....................................... . 2.00 Alumnus Charm, Double Faced ............ •..• ....... 9.00 Alumnus Charm, Single Faced ................•..... 5.00 Scholarship Charm ................................. . 6.75 Pledge Button ..................................... . 1.00 Special Recognition Button, with White Enameled Star 10K Yellow Gold .. .. .......... . .. ,, ....... ....... 1.50 Yellow Gold-plated .............................. 1.00 Plain Coat-of-arms Recognition Button , Gold-plated .... •l."OO Enameled Coat-of-arms Recognition Button, Gold-plated . 1.25 Monogram Recognition Button, Gold-filled .......... .. 1.50


Single Letter Plain ...................................•.......... $2.75 ,Crown Set Pearl ...................... . ..•....•..... 7.75 White Gold Guards, additional Plain ............................................ 1.00 Crown Set Pearl .................................. 2.00 Coat-of-orms Guard, Yellow Gold, Minature Size ...... 2.75 Scarf Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25

Extra Crown $ 25.75 27.75 27.75 27.75 33.75 51 .75 77.75 29.75 29.75 129.75 233.75 Large $8.00 9.00 9.00

Double Letter $ 4.25 14.00 1.00 2.00

10% Federal Excise Tax must be added to all prices quoted, plus State Sales or Use Taxes, and City taxes , wherever they are in effect.

BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. The Oldest Manufacturing Fraternity Jewelers In America 2301 Sixteenth Street DETROIT 16, MICHIGAN


quale Antonelli , Bert Benoit, Panama City, Fla., Donaid Bowlin, James Farr, Charl es Lairsey, and Ronald Steurer, Berlin, Conn. If we don't find a way pretty soon to fight the girls off, there won't be a pin left in the chapter. "Some fine serenades have been given this year. We have the reputation as the best serenaders on the campus, which we have worked hard for. Before the holidays we are joining voices with the sorority win ner of last year's Campus Sing, which we won, to sing throughout Tallahassee. It'll be a lot of fun. "Brothers Frank McDonald of ALPHA EPSILON, and Brother Jim McGann of ALPHA IOTA gave their pins away to FSU girls this year. To be real hospitable to them, and to keep in our tradition, we threw them into the campus pool and gave them an informal serenade. They were really gratefu l for our getting them all wet. A formal serenade is being planned for them in the near future." " Chapter News" goes to press with reports from a few more than half of the chapters. These reports were excellent. For all of them we send our thanks. Now we have a question: What happened to the chapters that did not report? Can't we have I 00 per cent reporting for the May issue? Deadline is March 15.

- - - - - 'TI'Krf>'- - - - -

Alpha Alphan Studies For Foreign Service Brother William Maratos, Alpha Alpha '53, :Merctl University, son of Mr. and Mrs. William MaratO> Augusta, Ga., has enrolled as a member of the Jud~ 1958, class of the American Institute for Foreign Tea Phoenix, Ariz. Specializing in Western Europe, Brother Maratos r taking the school's intensive training course in prepar;~ tion for a career in American business or governr!le1, abroad. He is studying ted1niques of international ~u ; ness administration, foreign languages, and characterlstJ• of foreign countries. ~ He attended the Academy of Richmond (ou~ Augusta, Ga., North Georgia College, Dahlonega~ ~ and received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in BtO10 . from Mercer University. He was vice-president ~b treasurer of Alpha Alpha Chapter of Pi Kappa Fraternity and is a veteran of the U. S. Army.


-----'TI'Krf>•- - - --

Alumni Corner

At American Institute

(Continued from page 20)

University of Missouri PVT. JERRY C. WAITS, Beta Epsilon '54, Sheldon, Mo., recently was graduated from the III Corps Academy's potential leaders course at Fort Hood, Texas. A cannoneer in Battery A of the 4th Armored Division's 78th Artillery at the fort, Brother Waits received instruction in leadership of units, map reading, and other military subjects. He was graduated from the University of Missouri in 1956. He entered the Army last June.

- - - - -'TI'Krf>- - - - God Almighty first planted a garden.- Francis Bacon

Brother Richard James Pittman, Alpha Omega '5·, University of Oregon, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Pa~ son, 211 Lincoln, Eugene, Ore. , has enrolled as a ~ttlr. ber of the June, 1958, class of the American Jnstl for Foreign Trade, Phoenix, Ariz. . k Specializing in the Far East, Brother Pittman iS t~(ll ing the school's intensive training course in preparatl J for a career in American business or government abr~ev He attended the University of Oregon and rece•Vor his Bachelor of Science Degree from Southern OreS , College. His undergraduate activities included membe; ship in the Business Club, Marketing Club, the S~~· Activities Committee, and the International Relatro Club.

MY SUBSCRIPTION TO THE STAR AND LAMP Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity 11 East Canal Street Sumter, South Carolina

Gentlemen: Please send The Star and Lamp to me for the next

~ ~:::k ~closed for $2.50 D

Five Years


Check enclosed for $10


Name _____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ C i t y - - - - - - - - - - - Zone ____ State ----------------------









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oo • • •

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5. 00


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oo • • • • • • oo


FULL CROWN SET BORDER Pearls . . . .. . ..... .. .......... . ..... . .. ... 13.75


Pearls , 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points . ..... • .. . 15.75

21 .00

Pea rl s, 4 Emerald Paints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.75

24 .00

Pearls, 2 Diamond Paints .. . . ... • .. . ....... 22.75


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O fficia l . ... .. . .... . .... . · · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · ·


Mon ogram, Plain , Go ld·fille d .... . ... ... •..


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EDWARDS, HAlDEMAN AND COMPANY Official Jewelers to Pi Kappa Phi



P. 0. Box 123

Detroit 32r Michigan 27

PI KAPPA PHI 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. Founded at The College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C. December 10, 1904

FOUNDERS SIMON FOGARTY 151 Moultrie St., Charleston, S. C.

ANDREW A. KROEG, JR. (deceased)


L. HARRY MIXSON 217 E. Bay Street, Charleston, S. C.


President-Karl M. Gibbon, 306 E. Jackson St., Harlingen, Texas. Past President-Theron A. House r, St. Matthews, S. C. Treasurer-Ralph W. Noreen, 75 Baylawn Ave., Copiague, L. 1., N. Y. Secretary-J. AI . Head, 590 Vista Ave ., Salem, Oreg . Historian-John W. Daimler, 1149 Greentree lane, Penn Valley, Nar· berth, Penna. Chancellor-Frank H. Hawthorne, 1009 First National Bank Bldg., Montgomery, Ala.

Executive Secretary-Greg Elam, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S.S C. 5' Editor-in-Chief, STAR AND LAMP-Greg Elam, 11 E. Canal t., S.c. E Cl Managing Editor, STAR AND LAMP-Elizabeth H. Smith, 11 . St., Sumter, S. C. ter S Office Manager-Mrs. Mary H. Principe, 11 E. Canal St., Su'(;d:ol Assistant Office Manager-Mrs. Joyce B. Edenfield, 11 E. Sumter, S. C.

NATIONAL COMMITTEES Finance-Francis H. Boland, Jr., Chairman, c/ o Adams Express Co., 40 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y.; 0. Forrest McGill, P. 0. Box 4519, Jacksonville, Fla.; Ralph W. Noreen, 75 Baylawn Ave., Copiague, l. 1., N. Y. Devereux D. Rice Memorial Fund-John D. Carroll, Chairman, Lexing· ton, S. C.; Jack Bell, 7323 San Carlos Road, Jacksonville, Fla.; George B. Helmrich, 32990 lah ser Rd., Birmingham, Mich.; leonard l. Long, The Darlington, Suite 7, 2025 Peachtree Road, N.E ., Atlanta,

,. (/

Ga. ; Karl M. Gibbon, 306 E. Jackson St ., Harlingen, Te~d ' Elam, 11 East Canal St., Sumter, S. C. Frankl'on st., G"' Scholarship-Or. Will E. Edington, Chairman, 703 E. castle, Ind. ()D~~ Ritual and Insignia- Willis C. Fritz, Chairman, Apt. A· 111, Ave., Leonia, N. J. ~; Architecture-James A. Stripling, Chairman, Florida Education Bldg., West Pensacola St., Tallahassee, Fla.


President-Howard M. William s, 381 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N. Y. Psi-Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Alpha Xi-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N. Y. Alpha Tau-Rensselaer, Troy, N. Y. Beta Alpha-Newark College of Engineering, Newark, N. J. Beta Rho-Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam, N. Y. District II District President-S. Maynard Turk, Staff Village, Radford, Va. Xi- Roanoke College, Salem, Va . Rho-Washington & Lee Unive rsity, Lex ington, Va . District Ill District President- C. Jesse Fisher, Jr., 317 W . University Dr., Chapel . Hill, N. C. Epsilon- Davidson College, Davidson, N. C. Kappa-University of N. C., Chapel Hill, N. C. Mu-Duke University, Durham, N. C. Tau-North Carolina State, Raleigh, N. C. District IV District President-Col. Ben H. Covington, Box 1866, Myrtle Beach,

s. c.

Alpha-College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C. Beta- Pres byterian College, Clinton, S. C. Delta- Furman University, Greenville, 5. C. Zeta-Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. Sigma-University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. District V District President-Thomas J. Wesley, 223 W . Pace's Ferry Rd., N.W., Atlanta 5, Ga. Eta-Emory University, Emory University, Ga. Iota-Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Ga. Lambda-University of Georgia, Athens, Ga . Beta Kappa-Georgia State, Atlanta, Ga. District VI District President-Charles T. Henderson, Asst. Attorney General, Statutory Revision Dept., Tallahassee, Fla. Chi-Stetson University, Deland, Fla. Alpha Epsilon-University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. Alpha Chi-University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. Beta Beta-Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fla. Beta Eta-Florida State, Tallahassee, Fla . Beta Lambda-University of Tampa, Tampa, Fla. District VII District President- To be filled . Omicron-University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alpha Iota-Auburn, Auburn, Ala. District VIII District President-Or. J. Ed Jones, 1219 Highland Dr., Chattanooga, Tenn. Alpha Sigma-University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Beta Gamma-University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. District IX District President-Richard R. Perry, 3361 Ramaker Road, Toledo 6, Ohio. Beta Iota-University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio.

District X ~ ~ District President- William Brink, 2726 Benjamin, Royal '?dh' Alpha Theta-Michigan State College, East Lansing, if'h' · Beta Xi-Central Michigan College, Mt. Pleasant, Moe · Beta Pi- Eastern Michigan College, Ypsilanti, Mich. fol' District XI District President-Donald S. Payne, 338 5. Chauncey, W. La Ind . Upsilon-University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Omega-Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Ind. Alpha Phi-Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill . Alpha Psi-University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. District XII poJ District President-Kenneth W. Kuhl, 436 Woodlawn, St • Minn . District XIII West, Bi•~" District President-Adrian C. Taylor, 231 Ave . " C" N. D. District X IV District President-Howard A. Cowles, 633 Agg., Ames, loW 0 • Nu-University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Alpha Omicron-Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa . Beta Delta-Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa . Beta Epsilon-University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. W District XV District President-Robert L. Harper, 2706 Westgrove Lon•• ton, Texas . Beta Nu-University of Houston, Houston, Texas. District XVI ~ District President-William D. Meadows, 1207 St. CharleS New Orleans, La. Beta Mu-McNeese State College, Lake Charles, La. LO· Beta Omicron-Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, C0 District XVII District President-Paul M. Hupp, 3781 E. 31st St., Denver 5, District XVIII District President-To be filled. pr·• District XIX District President- Jack W . Steward, 2495 Mountain VieW Salem, Oreg. Alpha Delta-University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Alpha Zeta-Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oreg. Alpha Omega-University of Oregon, Eugene, Oreg.


District XX Laldyl District President-David J. Dayton, 1615 Barnett Circle, Calif. Gamma-University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Beta Theta-University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. District XXI P~ District President-Charles S. Kuntz, 3405 Powelton Av•·• delphia 4, Penna. Alpha Mu- Penn State University, State College, Penna· Alpha Upsilon-Drexel, Philadelphia, Penna.

rt 28










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1 ""'•-Ralph Novak, 706 Ash St., Ames,

4tla~to Bldg ' ~~~-Jack P. Turner, 100.5 William Oliver a· ., onto 3, Ga. ""'i•sh 4v0 'N""• hAia.-Howard D. Leake, 1631 Third Ch ·• art , Birmingham, Ala. •rlosto Ruttedgn, SS. C.-c. A. Weinheimer, 11.5·A Ch e 1., Charleston, S. C. Ghanoo Guild 9!', Tennessee-lee l. Ryerson, Jr., 308 0 Cit nve, Chattanooga, Tenn. ••land 15tu St Ohio-John H. Haas, Jr., 3492 W. Cot ·• Cleveland, Ohio. •~""bia sout h Carolina-William Bobo, 4137 ""•ha~ Cot •n Court, Columbia, S. C. ""'bus·Ft <l o Str' k't Benning, Georgia-Joe Freeman, Con '' and Motor Co., Columbus, Ga.

"'•vc' St.,

s• c.-James

F. Singleton, 1000 Main 0 nway, S. C. "'•In 11 St., De • l!'wa-James Jervis, 1623 E. 33rd Dot s Mo1nes, Iowa.




F. Jenson, 9020 Mandate, • Moch. orence 419 WSouth Carolina-Mitchell Arrowsmith, Cheves St., Florence, S. C. •••ilte s Greenviite · C.-Cooper White, 103 Elm St., ij. • s. c. uston T ij•uu' ex.-David McClanahan, 3831 Norfolk, lth on, Tex. Ft


••a N Bldg,, l~h

York-H . M. aca, N. Y.


Riggs, 701


0 ' 0 nvill

)ak, ~ ich · h.

rive Je, Fla.-Myron Sanison, 3689 Mimosa ~o"'os' . acksonville, Fla. 43rd S~oty, Mo.-Robert B. Paden, 904 East La". ., Kansas City, Mo . 11 "9·Eo • • 1319 K j t lansong, Moch.-loren C. Ferley, lincoln e sey Ave., lansing, Mich. ••at 's.Neb!c;s•ka-Winfield M. Elman, 602 Fedlos <urotoes Bldg., lincoln, Neb.


17th California-Rene Koelblen, 328 lou· ·• Manhattan Beach, Calif. ''"ille Ky.-E. K. Dienes, Box 695, louis· ville !lacon • Ky. St., ' Georgia-Fay A. Byrd, 5665 Colcord, /,\· Jacksonville Flo

Toledo, Ohio-George Nemire, 1419 Addington Road, Toledo, Ohio. Tri-City-J. Eddie Anderson, Jr., 2209 Hermi· tage Drive,

ALUMNI COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Ann Arbor, Mich .- Lewis l. Horton, 900 Wood· lawn Ave. Beaumont-Port Arthur, Tex.-Mel Metcalf, 2B32 33rd St., Part Arthur, Tex. Bishopville, S. C.-William S. Reynolds, Ill, Ridge St., 9ishopville, S. C. DeKalb, 111.-Richard M. Bartels, 335 Miller Ave.

, . <ay~ ~orlda-William A.

Papy, Ill, 315 Vis· !lont Ve., Coral Gables, Florida. Co~ornery, Alabama-Frederick H. White, ~ •., rnerce Bldg ., Montgomery, Ala. St L d ,, · Orleans Charta • Aa.-WNilliam o• Mealows, 1207 "''"-' s ve., ew 0 r1eons, a .


N. Y.- Robert Crossley, c/o Saint

••k, N •vd Company, 250 Park Ave., New

.. ••


~ •• th J . • fietd eNev-Arthur J. Sikora, 429 First St., West· Okt ' • J. "l0·'W. horna c·oty, Okla.-William A. Rigg, 304 1st St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Orta Ph•t •do, Florida0 h' E.' det 22~d oa, Penna.-Danald R. Williams, 118 Pittsb St., Chester, Penna . 627ureh, Pennsylvania-R. Delmar George, Port! "'mont, Mt. l ebanon, Penna. •nd S.w • 0hre. (Cascade)-0. A. Hillison, 8427 58 t St., Portland, Ore. R00 '

'UOrge; •••• v· .. Rlf91n1a-Jesse

M. Ramsey, 33 Harsh· oad, Roanoke, Va . 'W, St Oreg. (Mid-Williamette Valley)-Jack 10 , F •ward, 3735 Harvey Ave., Salem, Oreg. . tanc· '•as St osco, Calif.-Arnold Turner, 2674 Hast· It l ·• Redwood City, Calif. ·, •uis M" • . "•rnrne • A ossouro-Estoll E. Ezell, 7912 Bon· St. 1.1 ve,, St. Louis 5, Mo. •ide •~he,.,,, South Carolina-John l. Woods, ' 1· Matthews, South Carolina. •ht, Su., ' Wash.-Deane W. Parker. lor s Cath~u · C.-Or. James E. Bell, Jr., 325 W. ) n St., Sumter, S. C. 0111 1 Pa, Fi •rnp 0 a·-David C. Pinholster, .501 S. Blvd., 6 • Fla. Sat,.,



leans, La.

Alpha Gamma (lna .)-University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Alpha Delta-University of Washington, 19th Ave., N.E., Seattle, Wash,


Alpha Epsilon-University of Florida, Box 27.56, University Station, Gainesville,


Alpha Zeta-Oregon State College, 2111 Harri· son, Corvallis, Oreg. Alpha Eta (lna.)-Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Alpha Theta-Michigan State University, 507 E. Grand River, East lansing, Mich .

Alpha Iota-Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 2.5.5 College St., Auburn, Ala . Alpha


(lna .)-University



Ann Arbor, Mich.

Hammond, La .-V. Cleveland Purcell, Texas Oil Company.

Alpha Lambda (lna.)-Un1versity of Mississippi,


Alpha Mu-Penn State University, Box 830, State College, Penna.




Lake Forest, 111.-John Pottenger, stock, Clarendon Hills, Ill. Marquette,





104 Woad· Northwestern

Mutual Life Insurance Company. Murray, Ky.-W. Ray Kern. Natchitoches, la.-James Mims, Rt. 2, Box 166 Owensboro, Ky.-Ciinton H. Paulsen, 2810 Allen Valdosta, Ga.-Rebert R. Vallotton, Box 25 Valparaiso,

lnd.-Charles V. Martin, Chestnut

Waterloo, Iowa-John Carroll, 1115 W. 6th Youngstown, Ohio-Henry A. VanHala, 4459 lockwood Blvd.



Alpha- College of Charleston, 52 Gadsden St., Charleston, S. C. Beta-Presbyterian College, Clinton, S. C. Gamma-University of California, 2425 Prospect,

Berkeley, Calif.



Kingsport, Tenn.

Vera Beach, Fla. (Indian Rlver)-L. B. Vocelle, P. 0. Box 488, Vera Beach, Fla. Washington, D. C.-Edgar Watkins, Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C.

Alpha Beta (lna.)-Tulane University, New Or-

Delta-Furman University, Greenville, S. C.

Epsilon- Davidson College, Sox 971, Davidson, N. C. Zeta-Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. Eta (lna .)-Emory University, Box 273, Emory University, Ga. Theta (lna .)-Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Iota-Georgia Institute of Technology, 128 Fifth St., N.W., Atlanta, Ga . Kappa-University of North Carolina, 206 Cam · eron Ave., Chapel Hill, N. C. Lambda-University of Georgia, 599 Prince Ave., Athens, Ga . Mu-Duke University, Box 4682, Duke Station, Durham, N. C. Nu-University of Nebraska, 229 N. 17th St., Lincoln, Nebr. Xi-Roanoke College, 327 High St., Salem, Va . Omicron-University of Alabama, 804 Hackberry lane, Tuscaloosa, Ala.


(lna .)-Oglethorpe


University, Miss .

Alpha Nu (lna.)-Ohio Stale University, Colum· bus, Ohio.

Alpha Xi-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Alpha Omicron-Iowa State College, 407 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa.

Alpha Pi (lna.)-Universlty of the South


wanee), Sewanee, Tenn.

Alpha Rho (lna.)-West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va .

Alpha Sigma- University of Tennessee, 1628 Yale Ave., Knoxville, Tenn .

Alpha Tau-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 49 2nd St., Troy, N. Y. Alpha Upsilon-Drexel Institute of Technology, 3405 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Penna . Alpha Phi-Illinois Institute of Technology, 3220 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Alpha Chi-University of Miami, P. 0 . Box 8146 University Branch, Coral Gables 46, Fla. Alpha Psi-University of Indiana, 714 E. 8th, Bloomington, Ind. Alpha Omega-University of Oregon, 740 E. 15th St., Eugene, Oreg .

Beta Alpha-Newark College of Engineering, c/ o Student Mail , Newark College of Engi · nearing, 367 High St., Newark 2, N. J. Beta Seta-Florida Southern College, Box 128-0 , Bldg . 1· A, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fla. Beta Gamma-University of louisville, 22 16 Confederate Place, Louisville, Ky.






Ave., Des Moines 11, Iowa . Beta Epsilon-University of Missouri, 704 Mary. land, Columbia, Mo.







Beta Eta-Florida State University, Box 3085, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla. Beta Theta-University of Arizona, 631

E. 2nd

St., Tucson, Ariz.


University, Ga.

Rho-Washington and lee University, lock Draw·

Bela Iota-University of Toledo, 1702 W. Ban croft St., Toledo, Ohio.

er 903, lexington, Va. Sigma-University of South Carolina, Columbia,

Beta Kappa-Georgia State College, 24 Ivy St., S.E., Atlanta, Ga. Beta Lambda-University of Tampa, Tampa, Fla .

Tau-North Carolina State College, 7 Enterprise, Raleigh, N. C. Upsilon-University of Illinois, 801 Illinois St., Urbana, Ill. Phi (lna.)-University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. Chi-Stetson University, 1241 Stetson, Deland, Fla. Psi-Cornell University, 722 University Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Omega-Purdue University, 330 N. Grant St., West lafayette, Ind. Alpha Alpha (lna.)-Mercer University, Macon, Ga .

Beta Mu-McNeese State College, Box 141, McNeese State College, lake Charles, La.

s. c.

Beta Nu-University of Houston, c/ o Dean of Men. University of Houston, Houston, Texas.

Beta Xi-Central Michigan College, MI. Pleasant, Mich. Bela




Bola Pi-Eastern Mich.










Beta Rho-Clarkson College of Technology, 20 Pleasant St., Potsdam, N. Y.

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Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Sumter, S. C.




P. 0. Box 57




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10 "/o Federal Tax and any State tax in addition .


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