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Scenes of the 27th Supreme Chapter Meeting in Atlanta Ga. Convention session

Registration A Song to Ole Pi Kappa Phi Some work

Grand Ball Some play

Some talk (see circle)

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uonce Upon a Line" By the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


An Affiliate of the National Interfraternity Conference To: Deans of Men Fraternity Advisors Interfraternity Council Presidents Many deans and IFC presidents approved and adopted the policy on rushing suggested last fall by the College Fraternity Secretaries Association: 1· That the use of alcoholic beverages be avoided in

rushing. 2· That formal rush be limited to one week or, preferably, less. 3. Tha.t rushing expenses be reduced by elimi.nating professiOnal entertainment and elaborate parties. 'I'here are certain practices and customs which continue to be carried out by Fraternity members ~hich cause unfavorable publicity for the entire Fratern1ty System and sometimes result in injury or death for a membe: or Pledge. These objectionable practices include such thmgs as: 1· Trophy Stealing 2· Pledge Walkouts 3. Pledge Hikes or Trips 4· Undesirable Initiation Observances in public or private.

lvfa~y of these practices have a deep background .of

tradition on certain campuses. However, the fact rem~ms that again and again one or another of these pract1ces causes serious trouble for the chapter involved, embarrassment and bad publicity for the institution, and local and often nationwide bad public relations for the entire Fraternity System. 'We need good/ublic relations and the best way to get them is to avoi bad public relations. 'I'he College Fraternity Secretaries Association, with the f~U approval of the Executive Committee of the Nat~onal Interfraternity Conference, urges that you conSider these objectionable practices and, if they are a part of Fraternity life on your campus, take such steps as may be necessary to prevent their future occurrence. Sincerely, George V. Uihlein, Jr., President College Fraternity Secretaries Association

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The College Fraternity Secretaries Association is ac~­ al!y the association of Executive Secretaries of the maJor national fraternities. Each Summer the administrative heads of the fraternity world get together to discuss mutual problems. The above letter was issued this Fall by the association in an effort to make more people apPreciate the fact the poor conduct by one group reflects on all groups; further that experience has proven to those most directly informed in fraternity affairs that



such items as mentioned above serve no good overall purpose. The fraternity secretaries leave the keen competition normally associated with the Greeks, up to the under~ graduate chapters, as they work together by letter and newspaper throughout the year. Then each Summer several days are spent together going over internal operations, improvements, problems, and other information worth sharing among "the craft." The above letter deserves the sincere attention of each Pi Kapp. While looking at the fraternity with an observant eye toward improvement, it would appear as though Pi Kappa Phi has fallen behind in its civic and community obligations. It would not be out of place of each chapter in the fraternity to have one project each year devoted to helping others. With the manpower that a college fraternity has available and with the tremendous potential a group of men have when working together, one afternoon a year would be all that was necessary to. achieve ~orne worthwhil~ objec;:tive.. To clean up a cnpple man s lawn or repa1r a w1dow s home are just a few of the many ways to prove the worth of brotherhood. It would be a rewarding experience for all. Too few of our chapters have responded to the needs of others around them.

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Pi Kappa Phi needs a motto-a gimmic-to be used in its literature. Indeed we need a trade mark to be associated with the fraternity. Perhaps it could be "A fraternity and a home," or "The Hallmark of Brotherhood." Our readers are invited to offer their thoughts on a slogan for ye ole fraternity.

A very dedicated group gathered in Atlanta for the 27th Supreme Chapter meeting. Some conventions are conspicuous for their noise or their/arties but the meeting in Atlanta could truly be calle a "work" meeting. The fraternity will soon benefit from their application to the problems at hand. Not that it couldn't be said that they didn't enjoy themselves for one and all will quickly say that "you haven't lived until you've attended a Pi Kapp National Convention."


Very special plans are now being formulated towards a milestone in journalism-a 50th anniversary. Next fall will see a special issue of The Star and Lamp, reviewing 50 years of an official magazine of the fraternity. There are some things planned that we know will both surprise and please you. The special staff for the anniversary issue is especially interested in any old pictures or information concerning the magazine through the years. Every effort will be made to return them but their safest place for perpetuality is in between the covers of the anniversary issue. -g. e.






NUMBER 4 1958



"Once Upon a Line," by the Editor-in-Chief ............................................. . Out of the Past-or-Forty Years Ago, by Brother 1Vade S. Bolt, Sigma, University of South Carolina .............................................. . Supreme Chapter Meet Is "Work Convention" .......................................... . Brother W . B. Jones, Jr., Ascends to Presidency . .......... ..... . ... . ... . .... ............. . Brother "Packy" Jervey Is National Historian ............................................ . Four Council Members Return to Ruling Body ............................................ . Lifetime Subscription Again for The Star and Lamp ........................................ . Brothers Noreen, Houser Receive Merit Citation ....................... ... ................ . The Almicron Wins President's Plaque, by National Historian Joh11 W. Deimler ... . ............ . New Alumni Chapter Receives Charter .................................................. . "Darby Trial" Author Pursues Two Careers ... ................ .. ... . .... ........ ......... . Beta Sigma Takes Honors in May Fete .............................. . ................... . Modern Aladdin Cuts Fortune from Rocks .............................................. . Brother Negroni Studies at Air Force Academy ...... ........... .... ......... .............. . Brother Kalnow Builds Varied Banking Career ............................................ . Brother Mcintyre Directs Department of Agriculture ........... ........................... . Music School Is Headed by Pi Kapp Mathis ... ........... ....... ...... . .................. . Key Post in Tool Firm Goes to Omegan ................................................ . Dr. Fergus Leads on Paths Mapped by Founders, by Brother Mike Max11Jell, Historian , Alpha Mtt Chapter, Penn State University .................................. . Chemicals Firm Advances Alpha Zeta's Robert Pierce ...................................... . Attention, Please! ......................................................... Jervey Memorial Benefits Davidson College Students ................... . ................. In Our Chapter Eternal ........... . ...... .. .......................................... . Social Notes ... .. ......... ........ ......... .... ...... ...... ... ..................... . Alumni Briefs . Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ••••••••••

















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COVER-The Student's Lamp--a fltting symbol of a College Fraternity and used in the innermost realm of Pi Kappa Phi. "By the Star and the Student's Lamp shall we be guided."


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THE STAR AND LAMP is published quarterly by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 11 East Canal Street, Sumter, S. C., in the months of February, May, August and November. Subscription, $2.50 per year; Five years, $10.00. EDI· TORIAL OFFICE: National Office of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 11 East Canal Street, Sumter, S. C. PUBLICATIONS OFFICE: 1406 East Franklin Street, Richmond 15, Virginia. Second-class postage paid at Richmond, Virginia . Changes in address should be reported promptly to National Office, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. All material intended for publication should be in the hands of the Managing Editor, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C., 50 days preceding the month of issue.

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SMITH, Managing Editor

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Out of the Past-or-Forty Years Ago By BROTHER WADE S. BOLT, Sigma, University of South Carolina Editor, The Star and Lamp

1915-1920 The Founders

SIMON FOGARTY, educator an~ sc?ool ~fficial, devoted his spare time to functJOnt~g wtth the draft board of his Charleston communtty. lawrence Harry Mixson, who h~d marri~d in 1912, was devoting his energy to gettmg establ!shed in the seed industry and maintaining a home. Andrew Alexander Kroeg, little anticipat.in$ that but a few short months of life were remammg to him (he died in February of 1922), was striving to make his mark in the legal field . Past Supreme Archons

Anthony Pelzer Wagener was an Army lieutenant. G eorge Driver's term of service to his country was devoted to base hospital wor.k. . . Roy Heffner's record we outlmed m a previOus ISSUe .

Thomas Mossimann had (after creditable service to our fraternity) seemingly disappeared from circulation. John D . Carroll, in the practice of law in lexington, S. C., after serving wi~h the draft bo~rd_for some time departed from lexmgton for loutsvtlle, Ky., on N~vember lOth, to enter an artillery training course at Camp Taylor. let us quote Brother John: "As I arrived in louisville on the forenoon of the 11th, the bells were ringing, whistles blowing, and confetti flying. I wondered how they could

Coach Butts Sets Record Pi Kappa Phi's Wally Butts, Alpha Alpha, Mercer ti?iversity, was featured by the Atl~ntrt.Jmtrn~l and ConJttttttion M agazine September 7. Hts ptcture m co lor ocCUpied the front cover, and an illustrated featu~e story by Sports Editor Jesse Outlar covered a constderable . amount of space inside. 'fhe story sketched Brother Butts' career from ht~ undergraduate days at Mercer to the present. It w~s p~mted 0 Ut that now in his twentieth year at the Untverstty of Georgia, Brother Butts has been on the same job longer than any other major coach. "Butts has had ample opportunities to travel, for more t~an 20 colleges and pro teams have made pitches for hts services," the story revealed. . . "Despite a recession in recent seasons, Butts ts sttll \Vay ahead in the coaching game." Georgia's Bulldogs, which now own seven bowl t.roPhies and three SEC championships, had never won a .tttle nor played in a bowl game when Brother Butts arnved t~l



have found out that at last I had enlisted! But, alas, I soon found that the cause of the celebration was that an armistice had been signed, just at the time I was getting into the fray." The Two Presidents

Our immediate Past National President Karl M . Gibbon, following his graduation from high school in June, enlisted in the Naval Reserve and was stationed at Great lakes until shortly following the Armistice. He then enrolled in the Uni versity of Illinois, where he became a member of the Gamma Sigma Kappa local which later became our own Upsilon Chapter. His fellow Upsilonian, Glenn Porter Brock, now President of the Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad, following service in the Army from June of 1917 thru December of 1918, likewise enrolled in the University of Illinois, upon his release. He, too, became associated with Paul Walker and other Gamma Sigma Kappians and today is one of our successful brethren. Your Contributor

Forty years ago from the time of the preparation of these notes, your contributor was attached to the U. S. S. Vestal, as First Musician in Band, in dry dock in the Charleston Navy Yard. Forty years ago from the time of publication of this issue, we were on the briny blue, heading for Brest, France. The Armistice changed our course.

on the campus . The Bulldogs reached the summit by appearing in five straight bowls ( 1946-50) . "You can't tell about a football team," Brother Butts said in discussing this year's players, "but we have better material than we've had in the last few years. For a change, we've got some experience and depth." ---------~K¢'---------

BROTHER FRIEL HEADS CIVIL ENGINEERS Brother Francis S. Friel, Alpha Upsilon '56, Drexel, has been named as the next Presid ent of the 40,000member American Society of Civil Engineers. He moved into this position from the office of Vice-President. Brother Friel is President of Albright & Friel, Inc., a firm doing design and construction supervision on sanitary engineering and other types of projects. He heads the U. S. Executive Committee which played host to the International Commission on large Dams in New York City in September. He is Past President of the American Institute of Consulting Engineers and the Federation of Sewage & Industrial Wastes Association. 3

this is found elsewhere in this issue). The effect of this is to. nullify the action of the 26th Supreme Chapter ~eetmg and put all members of the fraternity on a ]!fe· time subscription basis. The National Council authorized the issuance of a n~w Pledge Manual and started plans for the 50th An·. mversary of an official magazine (The Pi Kappa Phi Jottmal, 1909-1911; The Star and Lamp, 1911-to?ay) ?f the fraternity to be observed in a special Fall !ssu~ m 1959. The Council further directed that a NatJOna Directory of the entire fraternity membership be c~rn· piled in the Spring of 1959 (additional informatiOn is found elsewhere in this issue) for distribution on ~n individual purchase basis. A History of the Fraterntt}' will follow in 1960. Recognition Awards to Be Created

Some new National recognition awards are to be ere· ated and a new National Scholarship Champion Chapte~ Award was announced and donated by the Council an. is to be named in honor of Dr. Will E. Edington, Pt Kappa Phi Sd1olarship Chairman for a third of a cen.turYj Further action streamlined the action of the NatJOna Office in assisting an undergraduate chapter in collecting delinquent accounts. The National Office equipment w~s reviewed and, after several years of review and investt· gation, an offset duplicating machine was purchased. Not all was work, for entertainment was planned for all. The ladies had fashion shows and guided tours, and the brothers and their favorite girls would join fo~ a warm-up party, banquet, or dance. The Atlanta Alurnnt National Convention Chairman James B. Ramage Executive Secretary Greg Elam

Supreme Chapter Meet Is ~~work Convention" A LARGE and certainly enthusiastic group of Pi Kapps were on hand in Atlanta, Ga., for the 27th Supreme Chapter. The local alumni and the Henry Grady Hotel proved to be gracious hosts. The lobby of the hotel was dominated by a 12-foot-long banner, stating in large letters, "Welcome Pi Kapps !" And so, with this greeting, those attending settled down to the tasks at hand and made the August 18th, 19th, and 20th meeting one of the best "work conventions" on record. The entire fraternity policy was reviewed in different committees in a desire to continue refining the already proven basic organization. Some changes were suggested in the National Districting system so as to offer better area contacts for the chapters and an improved arrangement for Leadership School locations. The chapter elections system was altered to permit nominations before chapter elections for those chapters with special reasons to deviate from the established policy.



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Magazine's 50th Anniversary Issue


The Star and Lamp magazine subscription rate was voted back on a lifetime basis after some discussion and a review of the factors involved (further comment on 4

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Retiring National President Karl M. Gibbon

New National President W. Bernard Jones, Jr.

indeed turned on the Southern Hospitality and charm for their visitors and guests. As the Banquet progressed, the dinner music turned to college songs as one delegate after another would convince the band that it should Play his Alma Mater song so that he could stand up and cheer. The social climax of the Convention was the Grand Ball with Beta Kappa Chapter at Georgia State C?llege fu nctioning as the dating bureau. The bureau ~td Atlanta proud with as charming a collection of beauhes as has ever been assembled. The delegates' faces showed this to be true.

Richmond, Va., National Historian ; Brother Frank H . Hawthorne of Alpha Iota and Montgomery, Ala., National Chancellor; and remaining on the Council by virtue of being immediate Past National President, Brother Karl M . Gibbon, Upsilon and Harlingen, Texas. The site for the 1960 Supreme Chapter Meeting? louisville, Ky.


Alpha Mu, Alpha Tie for Championship

.Penn State's Alpha Mu Chapter shared the spotlight "IVtth Alpha of Charleston as the National Champion Chapter of the year. Other awards included the Preside?fs Pl aque Award for Chapter Newspaper excellence &otng to the A/micron at Iowa State College's Alpha Omicron and the new Will E. Edington Scholarship Award going to Duke University's Mu Chapter. Georgia Tech's Iota Chapter initiation team put on the model initiation and "brotherized" two neophytes. Brother Jones Elected National President

As the 27 th Supreme Chapter met in its last session, the delegates turned their thoughts to the election of a new National Council and the 1960 Convention site. Brother W. Bernard Jones, Jr., of Alpha Chapter, Pine\Vood, S. C., was elected National President. The other lllembers of the council are Brother John W. Deimler, Alpha Upsilon and Philadelphia, Pa., National Treasurer; Brother J. AI. Head, Alpha Zeta and Salem, Ore., National Secretary; Brother J. P. Jervey, Jr., of Mu and tloVEMBER,


---------~ K~ --------

Brother W. B. Jones, Jr. Ascends to Presidency pi KAPPA

PHI'S new National President is Brother W. Bernard Jones, Jr., Alpha '37, College of Charleston. He is now head of the firm of W. Bernard Jones and Associates, Management Consultants, in Sumter, S. C. Brother Jones' firm does staff training and coordination for industry, takes charge of production management for small industries, does sales organization promotion for chain retail stores, makes attitude surveys. These services are engaged by companies that are too sma ll to employ fu ll-time executives to do these jobs. Four years ago Brother Jones resigned as Executive Secretary of Pi Kappa Phi, a position he had held for eight years . During World War II, Brother Jones served in the Army, rising to the rank of Captain. He was awarded the Bronze Star for action in the Philippine invasion, 5

Brother coc-Packy" ]ervey f IJ, Is National Historian

National Historian louis P. I"Packy"l Jervey, Jr.

and became administrative officer for a 10,000-man unit. He was the first military governor of Southeast Korea. Brother Jones is a member of the Sumter County School Board, President of the Pinewood Ruritan Club of Pinewood, S. C., active member of the Rotary Club of Sumter, and Past Deacon of Pinewood Baptist Church. His hobby is coaching Little League ball. This year he took the team to the district finals. His ambition is to retire and coach Little League. Each Summer, Brother Jones' firm conducts a twoweek baseball training camp, styl ed afte r the Major League camps. Last Summer's camp was the fourth. Boys from severa l states attend. Brother George Kinnamon, an Alpha Sigma, University of Tennessee, man activated this camp and runs it. "My proudest achievement was coaching the Little League Club to the district finals," Brotl1er Jones said. Brother and Mrs. Jones and their three sons, Wallie, III, Tommie, and Richard , and their daughter, Lois Miller, live at "Boys' Acres" in Pinewood. The Joneses are active in the religious and civic life of the community. --------~ K ¢---------

Youth's for an hour, Beauty's a flower, But Jove is the jewel that wins the world.

THE YOUNG MAN who became National Historian through election at the National Convention in Au· gust and who is tl1e youngest man ever to go on the National Council is Brother Louis P. ("Packy") Jervey, Jr., Mu '53, Duke University. He succeeded Brother John W . Deimler. Brother Jervey was born in Atlanta in 1934, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Jervey. Brother Jervey has lived in Richmond, Va., since June, 1956, when he joined the staff of Travelers Insura~ce Company as a Field Supervisor in Fire and Marine tn~ ~urance. ~n g~ing into the insurance field, Brother Jerve~ ts followmg m the footsteps of his father who has ha a career in insurance. The senior Mr. Jervey retired Oc· tober 1 as Vice-President and Manager of America fore Insurance Group, Atlanta. November 1, Brotl1er Jerv~Y will be transferred to Roanoke, Va., under the jurisdtC· tion of the Richmond office. Brother Jervey served Mu as Rush Chairman in 1953· 54 and as President the year of 195 4-55. This was the first time a man had served as President of that chapter for two semesters. He was a member of Duke's All-Intramural Footbal 1 Team in 1953 and was the University and Big four Badminton Champion for 1954-55. Brother Jervey was graduated in 1955 with an A.B· D egree in History and Religion. After graduation ~e went with the Crum and Forster Insurance Group tO Durham, N. C., staying there until he came to Travelers. Brother Jervey was married in December, 1955, to Miss Ann Altvater, Denver, Colo., who was also a stu· dent at Duke. She was graduated in 1956, with an A.B. Degree in History. Their son, James Drewry, was born May 23 of this year. Brother and Mrs. Jervey are members of Reveille Methodist Church in Richmond.

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New Membership Directory A Directory of the entire fraternity's membership has been authorized and will be ready f?r early Spring, 1959, delivery. The Directory wtll have botl1 geographic and chapter number listings. All tl1ose undergraduate brothers initiated since September, 1956, and through June of 1960, wi!l receive this Directory at no additional cost as thetr initiation fee has included tl1is cost. The price for all others desiring tl1is useful book will be $2.00. ALL QRDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE PUBLICATION! A History is to be printed in 1960 and sold at cost, and those who were initiated as undergraduates during the above dates will receive this book also at no additional cost. The price for others will be announced before its publication in 1960.

--Moira O'Neill 6










Four Council Members 1 Return to Ruling Body


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)lROTHER KARL M. GIBBON, Upsilon '21, Unid .versity of Illinois, who served as National President Cunn~ the past two years, will remain on the National Bounctl as Past National President. A native of Illinois, r~~er Gibbon now practices law in Harlingen, Texas . . "':'hen Brother Ralph W. Noreen, Gamma '12, Uni;.ers,ty of California, retired as National Treasurer, NaDonal Historian John W. Deimler, Alpha Upsilon '33, . rexel, moved into this office. Brother Deimler, who 1 'Vdes in Narberth, Penna., is sales engineer with Towle an . Son Company, manufacturer's representative for spec,almetal parts, in Philadelphia. C Brother J. AI. Head, Alpha Zeta '35, Oregon State ollege, was re-elected National Secretary. In Salem, 0 ~e., he is assistant traffic engineer for the Oregon State 11 'ghway Department. b Brother Frank H. Hawthorne, Alpha Iota '43, Alae ~a Polytechnic Institute, was re-elected National Chan~rather Hawthorne is a member of the Jaw firm 0~ ~;-artm and Blakey in Montgomery, Ala. ---------~K~'---------

PCJrk Service Transfers Brother Overly of Brother Fred J. Overly, Alpha Delta '28, University Washington, was transferred from the superintend?f Olympic National Park in Washington to the p~pen~tendency of Great Smoky Mountain National \r rk Jn North Carolina and Tennessee at the end of '"!arch.


National Secretary J. AI. Head

Alpha Omega Shares "First" in Fete A new record of more than 5,000 watched the gaily decorated floats at the 1958 Canoe Fete which was part of the Junior Week activities at the University of Oregon in May. The "Yalu River" float, presented by Pi Kappa Phi, Delta Delta Delta, Campbell Club, and Highland House, took first place honors.

Lifetime Subscription Again for the Star and La1np The subscription policy of The Star and Lamp has been placed back on a lifetime membership basis. This again permits the entire membership to receive the official publication of the fraternity. The main reason for this decision, reversing the decree of the 1956 Supreme Chapter meeting which voted to void the lifetime subscription policy, is based on the fact that the 1956 meeting voted certain changes in The Star and Lttmp Endowment Fund contribution (which is included in the initiation fee) and this Fund is now receiving three times the original amount and therefore justifying the Endowment plan of lifetime subscriptions. Other reasons cited included: (1) The possibility that the 1956 provision is unconstitutional; (2) The necessity of keeping Alumni files current; (3) The entire membership informed; ( 4) No substantial savings would re-

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~u.lt from red~~ing the press run; (5) JeopardIZ~ng the matlmg contract; ( 6) Keeping faith w1th the fraternity membership who joined under a lifetime subscription plan (though their contribution to the fund was not sufficient in itself to serve the desired purpose).

Those who have responded to the subscription drive now have an option with their money. This new subscription money is in a special fund and has not been used as yet for any purpose. The subscription fee will be returned upon request to the contributor. All funds not returned by request will revert to a special fund. The probable purpose of this special fund will ?e for use in th~ special ~olden Anniversary 1ssu~ of the. C?ffiCI~l Magazme of the Fraternity -:-a JOurnalistic milestone. The option of returnmg the money or keeping it in the special fund is up to each contributor in the recent subscription drive.


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Merit Award winners, National Treasurer Ralph W. Noreen and Past President Theron A. Houser, are flanked on the left by No· tional Chancellor Frank H. Hawthorne and on the right by National President Karl M. Gibbon.


Brothers Noreen, Houser Receive Merit Citation

Brother McMillin Takes Visiting Professorship

THE OUTSTANDING SERVICES of Brother Ralph W. Noreen, Gamma '12, University of California, and Brother Theron A. Houser, Zeta '22, Wofford College, were recognized at the National Convention when that body awarded these brothers the Merit Citation. This is the Fraternity's highest honor award for alumni. At the Convention, Brother Noreen, who lives at Copiague, l. I., N . Y., retired as National Treasurer, and Brother Houser, who lives at St. Matthews, S. C., retired as Immediate Past National President. Brother Noreen was National Treasurer from 1950 until 1958. He was chairman of the National Finance Committee from 1934 to 1950. He is a member of the Finance Committee. Brother Houser, who has given the longest service on the National Council in the Fraternity's history, was elected to the Council for the first time in 1934 when he became National Chancellor. In 1950 he moved from that post to the National Presidency, remaining at the helm until 1956. For the past two years he has been a member of the Council as Immediate Past President. He will edit the forthcoming history of the Fraternity.

Brother Frederick A. McMillin, Alpha Delta '24, Vni· versity of Washington, who is a retired member of the faculty at the College of Puget Sound, has been appointed Visiting Professor of Geology at Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio. Brother McMillin was a member of the faculty at ~he College of Puget Sound for 33 years before his rettre· ment in 1957. During the 1957-58 academic year, ?e served as Visiting Professor in Geology at the Universtt}' of Kentucky. Brother McMillin was born in Oregon. He is a gradu· ate of Willamette University and received his Master of Science Degree from the University of Washington, where he has taken additional graduate work. He serv7d in the armed forces in World War I and was a GeologtSJ with the U. S. Geological Survey during the Secon. World War. From the time he was 9 years old untl 1 he was 19, he was reared in a logging camp. Professor McMillin is a member of the Geology So· ciety of America and the American Association of Pe· troleum Geologists. He is also a member of the Tacoma Engineers Club and the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce. THE








1 .I

At the National Convention in Atlanta in August, National Historian John W. Daimle r prese nted the President's Plaque to Alpha Omicron's delegate, Brother Richard Ohrt. The plaque went to Alpha Omicron at Iowa Stale College for its A/micron, this year's winner In the annual competition among chapter publications.

The Almicron Wins President's Plaque By NATIONAL HISTORIAN JOHN W. DEIMLER

l'HIS YEAR'S WINNER of the President's Plaque for the best chapter publication was Alpha Omicron Chapter. Presentation of this coveted award was made by National Historian John W. Deimler to Alpha Omi路 cron's delegate, Richard Ohrt, at the banquet which ~arked the dose of the 27th Supreme Chapter Meeting tn Atlanta, Ga., August 18-20. lij;o Rumblings, published by Rho Chapter, took a 'Very close second place. Three publications tied for third place and were The Blrte Shield, published by Tau Chapter, The Alpha Theta Stater, and The DIISak, published by Alpha Upsilon Chapter. Philadelphia Group Judges Publications . Merle Schaff, President of Dando路Schaff, again asStsted in judging and rating these publications, and we are indebted to him for his invaluable assistance. DandoSchaff are publishers of college and fraternity annuals as well as books and other material. Mr. Schaff is an active alumnus of Theta Delta Chi (Pennsylvania) and President of National lithographers. Participation by the Chapters this year was extremely gratifying, with the largest number of publications elip tjl



gible for consideration in recent years. A total of 19 chapters' papers were reviewed by the judges, and it was a difficult task to select the Jive finalists. Rating System Is Outlined As a guide to this year's aspiring editors, a brief outline of the rating system follows: POINTS

Coverage of local chapter activities . . . . . . . . . . Coverage of chapter alumni news . . . . . . . . . . Editorial material concern ing fraternity life, purposes, ideals, values, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other material, such as college plans, programs, activities, etc. of interest to alumni . . . . . . . . Quality of headlining and copy, freedom from typographical and grammatical errors, etc. . . Quality of general appearance, ease of reading, paper, legibility of mimeographed copy, etc. Total

10 30 10 10 30 10

100 PLUS at least three issues per year (over) 9

Brot~er Dan Frederking, Houston, Texas, the delegate from Duke's Mu Chapter, steps forward to receive congratulations from Brother Karl G1bbon as Mu Chapter becomes the flrst chapter to receive the Will E. Edington Highest Chapter Scholarship Award that has just ~een created (and the plaqu2 not yet ready for delivery!.


This rating system is arranged to put emphasis on content and not on type of reproduction. Your publication should be directed to YOUR ALUMNI and is judged with that in mind. Many more of the chapters are using the "Offset" process for producing their publication. This method is less expensive than other printing processes, is versatile, and does an all-around good job. However, regardless of individual limitations as to media used, in the final analysis, it depends only upon the ability and ingenuity of your editor, his staff, and the support of the entire chapter to produce an eligible paper. Your delegate had an opportunity to look over some of the more outstanding publications which were exhibited at the Convention. Among those displayed, Rho RtJmblings was outstanding for alumni news coverage. The Dusak and Beta Kappa's Lamplighter were outstanding for editorial material, and the A/micron, Rho Rttmblings, and Omicron 's Omicronicle were outstanding for quality of headlining and general appearance of copy. Ask him for a few pointen in planning your paper for this school year. To all of you, we urge you to "keep up the good work" and get your editor (the historian or a specifically designated member) "on the ball" and get your chapter paper off to a good start this year. There can be only one winner, but your chapter paper can be that winner. Best of luck to all of you. --------- ~K¢ ---------

Gratitude is a fruit of great cultivation; you do not find it among gross people.--Sam11el Johnson 10

BROTHER ATTENDS FOREIGN TRADE SCHOOL Brother Clayton Everette McManaway, Jr., Sigma '52, University of South Carolina, son of Mrs. Malinda A. McManaway, No. 4 University Ridge Apts., Greenville, S. C., has enrolled as a member of the January, 1959, class of the American Institute for Foreign Trade, Phoe· nix, Ariz. Specializing in Western Europe, he is taking the school's intensive training program in preparation for a career in American business or government abroad. Brother McManaway received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration in 1955 from the University of South Carolina, where he was a member of the Cotillion Club and the German Club. A veteran of the U . S. Navy, he served in the Caribbean and the Far East. ---------~K¢---------

BROTHER McCORMACK IS AT FORT KNOX Brother Daniel W. McCormack, Jr., Alpha Upsilon '51, Drexel, is serving in the Army at Fort Knox, Ky. After graduation from Drexel in 1953 and frorn Villanova University law School in 1956, he passed the Pennsylvania Bar Examination and was admitted to practice before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. He plans to return to Philadelphia to practice law after he is discharged in November. Brother McCormack and Miss Dorothy M. Smith, Philadelphia, were married September 5, 1953. THE











Ql P~st National Historian leo H. Pou, right, presented a charter for the Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Chapter to President Fox H. Brunson 1 e chapter' s quarterly meeting at Spanish fort in Mobile, Ala., September 18.

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New Alumni Chapter Receives Charter C Presentation of the charter for the Alabama Gulf oast Alumni Chapter was one of the features of the ~hapter's quarterly meeting at Spanish Fort, Mobile, Ala., ept~mber 18. Past National Historian Leo H. Pou, 11obtle, presented the charter to President Fox H. Brun~on . Thirty-fou r charter members were listed on the Ocument. The chapter has approximately 40 members in Mobile bnd Baldw~n counties. Brother Pou, who was designated Y the Natwnal Council to present the charter, is Chairman of the chapter's Advisory Committee. Other officers ~re Mack 0 . Matthews, Treasurer, and H. Clay Knight, ecretary. --------~K~'---------



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Gamma ranked third of 50 houses on the University the Fall semester of las t year. hetr grade point average was 2.655 compared with the all-fraternity average of 2.302 and the all-male average of 2.47.

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IUtOTHER MORGAN RETURNS FROM WORLD TOUR Brother Emerson Morgan, President of Morgan and Company, investment and stock brokerage, Los Angeles, Cali f., is back from a world tour.




Brother Beconles Head of Geology Department Brother William Merrill, Associate Professor of Geology at the University of Illinois, became Head of the Department of Geology at Syracuse University September 1. Brother Merrill became a Pi Kapp when he was !nitiated into Alpha Theta at Michigan State University tn 1939. Brother Merrill received his B. S. D egree from Michigan State University and his Ph. D. from Oh io State Univ~rsi!JI. In 1950 he joined the_staff of th~ U~iversity of Ill mots where he has been tead11ng courses m htstorical geology, stratigraphy, and physical geology. He has had varied experience in his field . Besides being Director of Summer Field Stations in Colorado and Wyoming, he has been a Geologist for Oh io Geological Survey since 1946. Working for the survey, he has made extensive studies of the geology of Greenland's ice sheet. Last Summer he worked in the foothill belt of the Canadian Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada doing research in stratigraphy. ' Brother Merrill is the author of many professional papers on economic geology, stratigraphy, glacial geology and the structure of glaciers. ' He is a Fellow of the G eological Society of America and a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Society of Economic Paleontologists, British Glacialogical Society, and other professional organizations. 11

HDarby Trial" Author Pursues Two Careers THE PROVERBIAL "rusty nail" goes to Brother Mel Metcalfe for his success in obtaining info't1:nation from Brother Richard Elmo ("Dick") Pearce about him self. Brother Pearce, who was initiated into Alpha Gamma Chapter at the University oJ Oklahoma in 1928, is suw!ssful in both the newspaper and literary fields. The Star and Lamp has been trying for several years to persuade '· Brother Pearce to give info'i:lnation about himself for a ~tory,. but to no avail. We are most grateful to Brother Metcalfe, ·Alpha Gamma, for his help. "I am pursuing two writing careers, one as a newspaperman and the other as a fictioneer," Brother Pearce said in his letter to Brother Metcalfe. "As a newspaperman, I am chief editorial writer of Th e San Francisco Examiner, the largest newspaper here. There's nothing more I can say about that career except that I love Brother Richard newspaper work and expect to be in it all my life. "The other career began in 1944 when, after promising myself for many years I would try my hand at fiction, I actually got around to it because I had begun to acquire a family of some size and needed money. The first story I ever wrote was a short western serial entitled "Outpost," and no one was more surprised than I when The Satm·day Evening Post bought it. "There followed munerous short stories in The Post, Collier's, American Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and other magazines. Then I settled down to writing books. The first was a thing called "Desert Steel," published as a serial by Collier's and as a book by Random House. Then followed "The Impudent Rifle," a historical novel laid in eastern Oklahoma in the 1830's. It, too, was serialized by Collie11 s, then published as a book by Lippincott. "Next came a short modern novel laid in California's Mother Lode and called "Valley of tl1e Tyrant." It was serialized by Collier's and published as a paperback book. After that came another historical laid on ilie Oklahoma-Texas border and entitled "The Restless Border." It was serialized by The Post and published as a book by Lippincott. · "By this time I decided I had worked out the western and historical vein and switched to a subject, or rather 12


two subjects, about which I had acquired considerable knowledge as a newspaper· man. These were Commu· nism and courtrooms, which I combined to produce ·rhe Darby Trial.' It was the trial of a secret Commu· nist leader. "This apparently has been my most successful book. It was serialized by The Satfir· day Evening Post and pt~b1ished as a book by Lipp1.n· cott. Three of my earl1er books had been chosen by minor book clubs. This was the first book to hit a big one, The Reader's Digest Condensed Book Club." Brother Pearce attributes his leanness to his arduoL!S gardening. This is the only exercise he takes. He is 49. "My lovely Carol and I are in the nineteenth year of our marriage," Brother Pearce said. "She is a trained librarian and good critic, a~d a tremendous help to me 10 my writing. She is a Sa~ Francisco girl and UniversJ· !"Dick") Pearce ty of California graduate." The Pearces have two daughters, Sally, 17, who entered Vassar in Septemb~r, and Betsy, 13, who is in junior high school. The famdY lives at 3580 Clay St., San Francisco 18, Calif. Brother Metcalfe has revealed that Brother Pearce, whose home was El Reno, Okla., was one of the most popular and best-liked men on the University of Oklahoma campus where there were about 6,000 students. He held important positions on the university student daily newspaper, The Oklahoma Daily, for several years. Then he ran for editor in his junior year. His felloW students elected him in a landslide and the following year he "made the newspaper one of the best editors it ever had." During his undergraduate days, Brother Pearce was elected to Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journal· istic fraternity. ---------~K¢'---------

Jt is easier not to speak a word at all than to speak more words than we should.--Thomas a Kempis ---------~K¢---------

A man with God is always in the majority. (Un homme avec Dieu est toujours dans la majorite )--Inscription, by John Knox, on the Reformati017 Mon11ment, Geneva, Switzerland HIE








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They were crowned Queen and King of the May Fete at Northern Illinois University last May. They were Miss Joan Christiansen, Mor9an Park, Mich., and Brother Edward Cieniawski, Chicago, both seniors. A member of Delta Zeta Sorority, Miss Christiansen has been Oueen of the Pi Kappa Phi Rose Ball. Last year Brother Cieniawski was Archon of Beta Sigma Chapter at the University, President of the Officials Club, Vice-President of the Student Senate, Secretary of the Interfraternity Council, and a member of the Veteran' s Club and the staff of Radio Station WNIC.

Beta Sigma Takes Honors Ln May Fete "A good time was had by alii" Beta Sigma at Northern Illinois University lost to Tau Kappa Epsilon in two pulls for the tug of war Championship in the May Fete Week activities at the university last May. The flnal event in the contest for this championship came at the end of a week-long elimination of participating fraternities.

Beta Sigma Chapter Sorority won flrst-place ern Illinois University Would Be a Cold Day



of Pi Kappa Phi and Sigma Sigma Sigma trophy in the May Fete program at Northfor their skit, "If We Had Our Way It in Hell."


Modern Aladdin Cuts 1ortune from Rocl<s


WHO OF US has not been thrilled by the fantastic stories of Aladdin and his wonderful lamp? We knew those stories were not true, but we loved them.

Today we have discovered a modern Aladdin whose story is true. His achievements come not as a result of rubbing a magic lamp but of applying his own skill and hard work to the jobs at hand. This modern Aladdin is Brother Jim Stoinoff, Lambda '31, University of Georgia. We were fascinated by the story about Brother Stoinoff which appeared in the February issue of Sh ell Progress. In this story, the author, A. ]. Pappas, explained how Brother Stoinoff, who operates a Shell oil station in Miami, Fla., doubles as a car and gem expert.

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Cuts Fortune from Rocks

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"When Miami dealer Jim Stoinoff winds up a 12hour stint at his station, he sits down with a pile of stones in his home workshop," Mr. Pappas said in opening his story. "And while his always-open station goes on making money, he's busy cutting a fortune out of rocks . "He starts with a raw precious or semi-precious stone with ragged edges and a dull surface, and cuts, grinds, and polishes it until it becomes a glittering gem worth many times the value of the original rough stone. "There are a few thousand people in the country who do that sort of thing as a hobby-they're called lapidaries. But few rock hounds in the country can match Stoinoff's talent for getting the greatest possible value out of a stone. "In Miami, he's long been known as a car expert. But publicity given Stoinoff by the Miami Stmday News has boosted his prestige as both a car and gem expert. The newspaper ran a full-color spread on the dealer who doubles as a gem expert, and brought a lot of people into his station for gasoline and a chat with a local celebrity. Collection Worth about $125,000

"A nd no wonder. Stoinoff's collection of rubies is said to be more valu able than that of any of his rival lapidaries. What's more, he's got a wide assortment of other gems in a vault in a Miami bank; altogether they're worth about $125,000. "Picture a queen's jewel chest filled with gems of every shape and color, and you'll have an idea of the contents of Stoinoff's safety deposit box," Mr. Pappas said. Brother Stoinoff bought some of the raw stones from gem dealers throughout the country fo r only a fraction of the value of the finished gems, but he found most of them on his own property, a 14-acre vacation place he bought 10 years ago in Hiawassee, Ga., the place where he and his wife and daughter spent their Summers. He began collecting stones-arrowheads-there during his first vacation. Three years later he commenced collecting raw precious stones and metals. His collection of arrowheads-Cherokee--includes four or five thousand specimens. 14

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of . Beholdl Gems, mostly rubies and sapphires, worth $125,000. They belong to Brother Jim Stoinoff, Lambda '31, UniversitY of Georgia , who is looking at them with you.

" It was on an arrowhead hunt one day that a differe~~ type of stone caught his eye : a gem in its natural sta~e, Mr. Pappas con tinued. "But he didn't know what ktnd of rock he' d fou nd , or whether it had any value. Stones by the Bucketful

"He quickly learned that after a rainfall, when the ground was eroded a bit, he could gather raw precious stones by the bucketful; they lay exposed on top of the ground. 'Of course they're harder to find now that the word's out and a lot of other people are looking for them,' Jim says. 'Last time I went to my favorite spot, I counted eight p eople there--down on their hands and knees sifting the earth for raw stones.'" Brother Stoinoff took some of his stones to D enver for examination by Department of Mines experts. They reported that he had a vari ety of rocks and metals rang路 ing from a small amethyst to a sapphire the size of a golf ball , but none was very valuabl e in its natural state. Through years of study, trial, and error, he acquired the ski ll and equ ipment to convert the raw stones into valuabl e gems. THE








"His first major triumph came two years ago when he Walked away with top prize for rubies at a Baltimore co~test sponsored by the Eastern Federation of Mineral0&tcal and Lapidary Societies," the story related.

Nationwide Recognition "lie earned nationwide recognition as a gem expert 1 ast year when he captured a first prize in a Denver ;how where competition is limited to lapidaries who've aken top awards in regional contests all over the country." ~rother Stoinoff had to learn two methods of gem 6ntshing-faceting and cutting cabochons. The story ~hplained that a cabochon is any smooth, rounded stone at has no facets cut into it. 1-Iis proudest achievement, we are told, is a cabochon: a 1~4-carat purple-and-red star ruby that has been apPratsed at $35,000. In Jess expert hands, the stone might never have been worth more than $3,500. The six-rayed Perfect star that Brother Stoinoff painstakingly brought to the ruby's surface at dead center is what gives the sto~e its great value. He had bought the rough stone, htch had come from Burma, from a Chicago gem dealer or 500. "For six months he worked on the stone every spare moment he could find," the story continued. "But he was Unable to stay with it for more than two hours at a stretch: 'My eyes needed a break from the terrific strain of looking through 7117-power lenses, while I whittled away at the stone.' 路:But he went back to his workbench at every oppor~ntty-cutting with precision accuracy; grinding; polishtog. \Vf

"'It's a form of expression,' he says. 'Like the painter or the sculptor, I try to make something that's beautiful to see. What's more, it's relaxing, and gives me a sense of achievement.' "

Rubies and sapphires make up about half of this modern Aladdin's 2,000-gem collection. The other half includesamethysts, emeralds, garnets, opals, and aguamarine chrysoberyl, morganite, and topaz crystals. ' Brother Stoinoff shows little interest in the commercial value of his gems. He plans to donate his entire collection some day to the State of Georgia or to the University of Georgia, his alma mater.

All-America Squad Full-Back He a~ende~ the ~niversity ~n. a f~otball s0olarship and maJored tn Busmess AdmmtstratJOn. In his senior year, he made Knute Rockne's honorary AU-America Sguad as a full-back. And he twice tied the world record' in the 60-yard dash. The record time stood at 6.2 seconds until Jesse Owens shaved one-tenth of a second off the mark. Brother Stoinoff hasn't allowed his 200-pound, six-foot frame to get soft with inactivity. He gets up daily at dawn . takes a brisk three-guarter-of-a-mile run, and easily tick~ off 20 push-ups before breakfast. He is 47. In 1938, Brother Stoinoff took over the small station on a postage-stamp lot at 36th Street and 7th Avenue, on one of Miami's busiest intersections, put all his boundless energy into it, and saw gallonage triple, TBA sales and service income increase tenfold. " 'It's like gem finishing,' Jim says. 'Work at it hard enough and long enough, and you're bound to come路 up with something valuable.' " --------~K~--------

The whole life of man is but a point of time; let us enjoy it, therefore, while it lasts, and not spend it to no purpose.-PI11tarch

Brother Jim Stoinoff's golden smoky to-

~01 tips the scales at 1 ,000 carats, has hSo facets. It is the largest stone In Is collection but not nearly the most

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accomplishes several functions which are not emphasiz~t in civilian institutions to the degree required by the f!l~ · itary profession. A man's character is added to by rapt maturing him. This is accomplished by a semi-sho treatment known as Fourth Class Training. The succesd of this method is more than proved by the enviable recor established in combat by the graduates of the other twO service academies. "The academy, the Air Force, and the future provide the cadet with his incentive and motivation. Though the academy does not turn out scientists, engineers, 0 tors, or lawyers, it does turn out an equally highly tratne specialist-the Air Force officer. Perhaps a new degree should be created and the cadet's diploma could carry the notation: 'Major in Airmanship.' " The address of the academy is Denver 8, Colo.




Brother Kalnow Builds Varied Banking Career

Brother Hector A. Negron!

Brother Negroni Studies At Air Force Academy ALPHA UPSILON CHAPTER, Drexel, is represented at the United States Air Force Academy by at least one member. He is Brother Hector A. Negroni, Alpha Upsilon '57. Brother Negroni has passed to us a copy of the statement of the mission of the academy: "To provide instruction, experience, and motivation to each cadet so that he will graduate with the knowledge and qualities of leadership required of a junior officer in the United States Air Force, and with a basis for continued development throughout a lifetime of service to his country, leading to readiness for responsibilities as a future air commander." Brother Negroni explained that "while progress points more and more toward the area of technology and science; diplomacy, leadership, and an understanding of democracy and the arts are rapidly gaining in importance. While teaching a regular college curriculum, the academy prepares the cadet for his career by giving instruction in flying training and the military studies. If any of the instruction which he receives is specialized, this is it. Spread over the four years at the academy, the cadet receives the same course of instruction that all air force navigators are given and receives upon graduation his pair of wings as a rated navigator. "Aside from these specialized studies, the academy 16

Brother Carl R. Kalnow, Alpha Delta '34, University of Washington, is now Executive Vice-President of the Tiffin Savings Bank, Tiffin, Ohio. He started his banking career as a bank messeng~~ in 1934 with the Grays Harbor Branch National Ba!IJ' of Commerce, Aberdeen, Wash. Later, he became Ca~h­ ier and a member of the Board of Directors of the F1rst National Bank of Cosmopolis, Wash. Mr. Kalnow came to Tiffin in 1946 after his dis· charge as Lieutenant Commander in the U. S. Navy. In Tiffin, he started working in the cost accounting depart· ment of the United States Glass Company, moving later to the post of Assistant Comptroller and then to that of Comptroller and Sales Manager of the company. In 1953, he was made Comptroller of the National !vfaf chinery Company and also served on the Board o Directors and Board of Managers. In 1952, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the Tiffin Savings Bank· Two years later, he assumed the dual position of Exec· utive Vice-President and active Manager. Brother Kalnow is also President of the Tiffin Bank' ers' Clearing House Association, Trustee of GreenlaWd Cemetery, Treasurer of the Exchange Club, Trustee an Treasurer of St. Paul's Methodist Church. He is an Elk and a Mason, and is active in YMCA and Boy Scout work. He is also active in the work of the Amert· can Red Cross, Community Chest, and Chamber of Cotll' merce. Brother Kalnow is a graduate of Grays Harbor Juniod College, the University of Washington, and the Harvai School of Business Administration. He taught the Fund:t· mentals of Banking for the American Institute of Bank· ing Class in Tiffin. He is a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, acounting bon· orary; Rockwell Springs Trout Club, Cotillion Club, and Mohawk Golf Club. The Kalnows have four children: Carl Frost, An· drew H., Loretta Jane, and Gertrude Louise. THE









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mittees, representing various industries, and with officials of Michigan State University. Brother Mcintyre is an ex-officio member and Chairman of the State Soil Conservation Committee; member of the Water Resources Commission; Chairman of the Agricultural Marke~in~ Council; ?1e?1ber of the Michigan State Apple Commtsswn, the Mtchtgan Cherry Commission, the Michigan Agricultural Council, the Board of Directors of the Poultry and Hatchery Federation, and the Michigan State Veterinary Examining Board. Brother Mcintyre has a number of connections on the national level. He is Secretary-Treasurer and a member of the Executive Committee of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, member of the Board of Governors of the Agricultural Hall of Fame and member of the National Advisory Council on Rurai Civil Defense.



. His activ!ties in th~ Frate~ni_ty include membership the Lansmg Alumnt AssoCiation and membership in the Building Committee.


In December, 1930, Brother Mcintyre was married to Miss Mercedes E. Wood. They have one daughter two sons, and five grandchildren. ' --------~K垄--------

Music School Is Headed By Pi Kapp Mathis

Brother Mcintyre Directs Department of Agriculture 'l'BE DIRECTOR OF MICHIGAN'S Department of 1' Agriculture is Brother George S. Mcintyre, Alpha heta '25, Michigan State University. b Brother Mcintyre was born and reared on a farm near owagiac, Mich. He entered Michigan State in the Fall of 1924 and later received his B. S. Degree in Agriculture. In February, 1932, he was employed as County Agri~ultura l Agent in Cass County, Michigan. He remained 1 'O this work until 1940 when he went to the Michigan tate University Experiment Station at Chatham in the pper Peninsula as Dairy Extension Specialist. His program took him over the entire Upper Peninsula. jor . Brother Mcintyre continued his moves up the profesa.rd Sional ladder by becoming Deputy Director of the Michigan Department of Agriculture January 1, 1947. August 25, 1953, he was appointed Acting Director, and DeCember 1 of that year he was named Director. Brother Mcintyre's many and varied duties as Director of Agriculture included the enforcement of all state laws regarding dairy, food, livestock and plant disease n路 and insect control, apiary inspection, seed inspection, and the operation of the state chemical laboratory. In Connection with these duties, he works closely with comptfl



It is with great pride that Pi Kappa Phi claims Dr. William S. Mathis, Dean of the School of Music at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas, as a brother. Brother Mathis received his Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Music at Florida State University in 1952. The following year, he was Assistant Professor of Music in the School of Music at Florida State. In the Fall of 1953 he was drawn to Nashville, Tenn., where he assumed the chairmanship of the Division of Fine Arts at Belmont College. Three years later, the Lone Star State lured him from the East, and he joined the staff of Hardin-Simmons University as Director of the School of Music. In May, 1957, he was promoted to his present position. Hardin-Simmons University School of Music was the first such area in Texas to achieve accreditation by the National Association of Schools of Music. The school now has a faculty of 12 full-time instructors, with about a hundred students working toward the Bachelor of Music Degree. In addition, the school offers, through the graduate division of the university, the Master of Music Degree. Brother Mathis received his Bachelor of Music Degree from Stetson in June of 1943 and the Master of Music Degree from the University of Michigan in 1946. While he was at Stetson, he was initiated into Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in 1942. In 1949 he was married to the former Nancy Virginia Boney of Rock Hill, S. C. They have two children, Stephan, 6, and Nancy, 2. The Mathis family lives at 1241 Ambler Ave., Abilene. 17

Dr. Fergus Leads on Paths Mapped by Founders By BROTHER MIKE MAXWELL, Historian Alpha Mu Chapter, Penn State UniversitY This story was w1·itten several mollths ago.

Brother Carl l. Sadler

f(ey Post in Tool Firnz Goes ·to 01negan ELECTION of an Omega man as vice-president to head a major operating division has been announced by Sundstrand Machine Tool Company, Rockford, Ill. Brother Carl L. Sadler, Omega '35, Purdue, general manager of the Sundstrand Aviation Division, was named vice-president in charge of this division. He was graduated from Purdue in 1938, with a Mechanical Engineer Degree. During his senior year he was Ard1on of his chapter. Sundstrand, which entered the select list of the nation's 500 largest corporations for the first time in 1956, had its biggest year to date in 1957. The company builds machine tools, oil pumps for home-heating furnaces, and industrial hydraulic components, in addition to the constant speed drives for aircraft electrical systems and accessory power supplies for guided missiles that are being produced in two divisions, one of whid1 is that headed by Brother Sadler. Brother Sadler joined the Aviation Division in 1947 after being previously associated with Westinghouse. He holds memberships in a number of technical organizations, including the American Society of Tool Engineers, the Society of Automotive Engineers, and the Institute of Aeronautical Scientists. While on campus, Brother Sadler was a member of Pi Tail Sigma, served as an associate editor on the Exponent, and was a colonel in the ROTC. 18

SCHOLARSHIP, as stated in the Creed of Pi Kappa. Phi, is one of the basic principles on which the Fra· ~er~ity was founded. Fifty-three years ago a group .of mdlVlduals got together and decided to foster this qualtt}' ?f ~ducatio?. Since then the Fraternity has grown b~th m stze and tdeas-with one binding element, scholarshtp, still prevailing. Alpha Mu Chapter at Penn State has lived by these standards ever since the chapter was founded in 1927· Today, 30 years later, we have one of the best faculty members at the university to guide us along these set principles. Dr. C. L. Fergus, Alpha Mu '52, is the individual t.o whom the chapter owes many thanks. It is through htS tireless and endless efforts that the chapter has done so well scholastically. During a year, Alpha Mu has climbed up the ladder of success from a low of 52nd on campus to a present rating of 17th. And we're still going strong. Dr. Fergus, a botanist by profession, recently was elect· ed President of the Association of Fraternity Couns~· lors here at Penn State. He is also a member of Sigma ){i, the national science fraternity; Gamma Sigma Delta, bon· or agricultural society, and several other professional honoraries. At Ottawa University, Kansas, as an undergraduate, Dr· Fergus performed well in his studies and in addition ran the quarter mile and the half mile for the varsity track team. He then went to graduate school at Kansas University and there gained a master's degree in Botany. After graduate school, Dr. Fergus entered the NaV}' and participated in the initial invasions of Kiska, Saipan. Tinian, Peleliu and Okinawa. In 1948 he added the final touch to his formal education by gaining a doctor's degree at Penn State. With the aid of a State grant, Dr. Fergus began wor}( in 1952 on a research project on the problem of Oa.k Wilt. His research has yielded improved control of thtS disease. He is married and has two sons: Chuck, 6 years old, and Mike, 3 years old. Alpha Mu congratulates Dr. Fergus on his recent eJec· tion as ~resident ~f AFC and thanks him for his spiri_ted cooperatiOn and atd as t11e chapter faculty adviser. Wr~· out him we wouldn't have performed so well scholastt· cally. Thanks again, Doctor, for a job well done.

Mrs. Sadler is the former Mary Alice Masters, a 1938 Home Economics graduate of Purdue. The Sadlers have two children: Anne, who plans to enter Purdue next Fall. and a son, Jim, who hasn't started to plan his college career. They live at 2416 Harlem Boulevard in Rockford· THE








Chemicals Firm Advances Alpha Zeta's Robert Pierce .QROTHER ROBERT R. PIERCE, Aloha Zeta '34, Oregon State College, has moved an~ther step up the Professional ladder. In September he became manager ~f the Corrosion Engineering Products Department of en nsalt Chemicals Corporation. He is in charge of manufacturing, sales and develop~ent for the company's line of corrosion resistant morrs, protective coatings, plastic toppings, and plastics or th~ fabrication of process eguipment used to handle corrosives. His headguarters are in Natrona, Penna., \\•here all activities for this department are centered.

ese 27· lty set to his

Formerly in Charge of Sales ~rother Pierce, formerly in charge of sales for PennSalts corrosion engineering products, is a veteran of 17 Years' experience in plant, technical service, and sales ~anagement with Pennsalt. A graduate of Oregon State bol!ege, with a degree in Chemical Engineering, he has een sales manager for the Corrosion Engineering DePartment since 1951. In addition, he has served as Pennsalt's corrosion engineering consultant for its 19 chemicals manufacturing plants . . A native of Helena, Mont., he attended public schools

In Portland, Ore. Before joining Pennsalt in 1941 at (Continued on page 20) Brother Robert R. Pierce Brother David D. S. Cameron, Jr.

Banking Draws Brother From Teaching Field it)' Brother David D. S. Cameron, Jr., Kappa '49, University of North Carolina, has become associated with the First National Bank of South Carolina in Charleston, S. C.


Prior to going to Charleston, he was associated with the Winston-Salem (N. C.) City Sd1ools in various teaching and coad1ing capacities for four years. While teaching, he served as president of the Winston-Salem unit of the North Carolina Education Association for two years and was vice-president of the Northwestern District of the North Carolina Education Association at the time of his resignation.


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In 1955 he received the Master of Education degree from the University of North Carolina. Last Summer he studied under a Japanese Society-Asia Foundation Scholarship at Duke University.

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Upon graduation in 1950, Brother Cameron served in the U.S. Navy, being released in 1953 as a lieutenant (j. g.) He is married to the former Edith Lillian Rogers of Wilmington, N. C., and they have one son, David Gordon. They reside at 46Y2 South Battery, Charleston, S. C. 19



Alpha Epsilon's Varn Takes Federal Post THROUGH the cooperation of Brother George B. Everson, Chi '21, Stetson, The Star and Lamp has learned that Brother Wilfred C. Varn, Alpha Epsilon :39, _University of Florida, was sworn in May 26 as mtenm U. S. Attorney for the Northern District of Florida. Brother Varn will serve until President Eisenhower appoints a successor to G. Harold Carswell, who resigned to become District Judge. Judge Carswell named Brother Varn to act as Attorney in the interim. Brother Varn is expected to be appointed by the President to the permanent position. He had served in Tallahassee since 1954 as Assistant U. S. Attorney. Before that he practiced law in Panama City after his 1948 graduation from the University of Florida Law School. He moved to Tallahassee in 1951 and formed the firm of Spear and Varn. A native of Deland, Fla., Brother Varn served with the Army Signal Corps in the Pacific during World War II. He entered the U. S. Army as a Private and was honorably discharged with a Lieutenant's rank. He was awarded the Army Commendation ribbon and is presently a reserve Captain in the Judge Advocate General's Department. At the university, he was a member of Phi Delta Phi, honorary legal fraternity. Brother and Mrs. Varn have three children. Along with the newspaper clipping from the TimesUnion of Jacksonville, Fla., for May 27 which Brother Everson . sent, he wrote: "Wilfred's father, Claude G. Varn, graduated from the College of Law at Stetson University at the same time that I did and was a member of the old local that I belonged to, that became Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Claude G. Varn was initiated into Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at the same time that the late John G. Leonardy and the writer were. His son, Wilfred, graduated from the Law School at the University of Florida and was a member of Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi as was my son, George B., Jr., who passed away in August, 1954." Brother Everson's address is P. 0. Box 1238, St. Augustine, Fla. --------- ~K~ ---------

Firm Advances Pierce (Contin11ed from page 19)

its Portland plant, he had four years' engineering experience with West Coast firms . He was a Pennsalt sales representative for three years before being appointed Product Manager in 1947. He is Past Chairman, Philadelphia Section, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, and has held numerous other offices in the organization, including Director for the years 1955, '56, and '57. He is currently serving a two-year term as National Vice-Chairman of the Inter20

Society Corrosion Committee, and is an active member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Brother Pierce is a charter member and former officer o~ the Oregon-Washington Section of the American Iostttute of Chemical Engineers. He has written numerous papers and articles on corrosion and is generally re· garded as a leading authority in this field. .He ~ive~ at Banbury Lane, Natrona Heights, Penna., wrth hts wtfe, Stella; one son, Keith, 15; and two daugh· ters, Patricia Lee, 13, and Diana Lynn, 10.


I I Brother Enters Ministry I The Rev. John E. Lignell, Upsilon '51 University of I Illinois, in now Assistant Pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran I Church in St. Louis, Mo. "There is a great challenge here, as I share the m~· I tiple tasks of the ministry in a growing congregation tO ---------~K~--------

a somewhat transient urban situation," Brother Ligne~~ who has been at his new post since early in June, sat in a letter to the National Office. . After being gradu~ted from the University of Ill_inois m 1954, he began hts theological studies at the ChJCago Lutheran Theological Seminary, Maywood, Ill. After three years of theology and one year as Vicar of Luther :Me· moria! .Church, Quincy, Ill., Brother Lignell was graduf at~d wtth the Bachelor of Divinity Degree May.~ 0 thts year. May 21, he was ordained a Lutheran Mintst~r by the Illinois Synod of the United Lutheran Church tO America in Luther Memorial Church, Chicago. Brother Lignell resides at 6325 Clayton Road, St. Louis 17, Mo. ---------~K~'---------




They Study Foreign Trade 5

Two Pi Kapp brothers met last Fall on the camP.u of the American Institute for Foreign Trade Phoen 1~' Ariz., where they underwent intensive trainin'g to serVe as representatives of U. S. business or government abroad. They are Brother William Maratos, Alpha AlP.ha '53, Mercer University, and Brother Richard James Pttt· man, Alpha Omega '54, University of Oregon, who was graduated from the institute May 30. tn J Brother Maratos is from Augusta, Ga. He attend~ 33 the Academy of Richmond County, Augusta, Ga., Nor I ofij, Georgia College, Dahlonega, Ga., and received his Ba0· Sur elor of Arts Degree in Biology from Mercer Universtt}'• one Macon, Ga. He was treasurer of Alpha Alpha Chapted l Brother Pittman is from Eugene, Oreg. He receive ner 0 ta1 his Bachelor of Science Degree from Southern Oreg? College, Ashland, Oreg. He also attended the Unive~s~~ the ing of Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. His undergraduate activt~ 1 e included membership in the Business Club, MarketJIIg sev Club, the Social Activities Committee, and the Inter· l the national Relations Club. The institute was founded in 1946 to provide special· lie ized, graduate-level training in foreign languages, area tna studies, and the business administration of foreign tradt More than 600 of its graduates are now living and wor &ra ing in 66 different countries of the world. THE







Qtte~-ttio~-t, Please!


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Check _YOur addre.ss used o~ the back ~over of this issue and see ~at i~ is_ complete in every way. The fo!thcomtng new D1rectory wd1 be compded from the address used tn thts 1ssue unless a change is submtt~ed. All changes should be submitted to the National Office immediately. A form follows for your convemence.

mna., ugh· '-





I AN ADDRESS CHANGE OR CORRECTION I I Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter and Number - - - - - - I Street Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z o n e _ _ _State - - - - - - - - 1-I DIRECTORY ORDER I PLEASE RESERVE A DIRECTORY FOR ME. I I agree to pay $2 plus postage and handling charges when this Directory is available. St.




To: National Office Pi Kappa Phi Sumter, S. C.





Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Street Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · Z one _ _ _ State - - - - - - - - -


\life Is Wonderful" For Brother Alex Young ll Some scouting has resulted in .finding Brother Alex i · Young, Kappa '15, University of North Carolina, n lovely Orlando, Fla., where he has lived for the past 3 3 years. Most of this time he has orerated a going ~flice supply business under the name o Orlando Office upply Company at 1021 E. Colonial Drive, and a secOnd store at 3012 E. Corrine Drive. At the university, Brother Young roomed with his tephew, Dick Young! a former editor of The Stat· and tamp. After graduatiOn, Brother Alex Young was in .he drug business in South Carolina for a few years movIng from that to the office supply business for a ;tay of seven years. In 1925, he moved to Florida. t B~other Young spends a great deal of his time in ~e mterest of his church, the First Baptist of Orlando. e is superintendent of an adult department and chairman of the Board of Deacons. l-Iis hobby is woodworking. Brother and Mrs. Young have one daughter and two grandchildren.

"life is wonderful," Brother Young said, "and the lord has blessed me far and beyond my deserts."

The National Champs Alpha Mu Chapter at Pennsylvania State University and Alpha Chapter at the College of Charleston tied in competition for the top chapter rating under the Master Chapter rating system. The system is based on Scholarship, Membership, Publications, Finance, and National Office liaison rating monthly during the school year. All chapters are rated and, by their average grade, fall into classifications of Unsatisfactory, Fair, Good, and Master Chapter. The top ten Master Chapters for 19571958 are: 6. Auburn 1. Charleston 1. Penn State 7. Duke 3. Clarkson 8. Toledo 3. Drexel 9. Purdue 5. Newark 10. Florida


Pledges Entertain Children As a HHelp Week" Project (The story below was the first in a series of reports of "Help 117eek" activities undertaken by the fraternity pledge classes of Eastern Michigan College's social fraternities, published in the Eastern Echo of EMC this Spring. A11 account of the trip described here appeared in the Ypsilanti D ai ly Press May 3.)

Last Friday, the pledges of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity conducted a trip to the Belle Isle Zoo for 24 of the children from Rackham School. Arranged through Dr. William C. Lawrence, EMCs Vice-President for Student Affairs, and Miss Gertrude Roser, Principal of Rackham, the trip began at 9:00a.m., travelling on bu sses provided by the college. The children had a wonderful time exploring the "wilds" of the zoo, according to the fraternity pledges.

The children consumed a picnic lunch consisting of 8~ bottles of milk, 48 ice cream cups, and 13 pounds 0 hot dogs. The milk and ice cream were donated to the children by the Wilson Dairy of Ann Arbor. Accompanying the children were Pi Kappa Phi pledge_s Jepp Bryant, Fred Deaner, Dan Free, Larry Ordows~ Larry Powers, Bill Raeburn, Al Sebert, Bob White, D1 Wilbur, and John Witten. Assisting with the day's activities were Miss Oli_ve Chase and Prof. Agnes Rogers, Rackham school !W structors; Nyla Hicks, a senior from Yankton, S. D., and Mrs. Jacqueline Wilbur. "We're sure that after the Alpha Gams painted the Rackham dormitory rooms and the Pi Kapps gave the children a 'day off,' thanks to all the cooperation re; ceived, the change from 'Hell Week' to 'Help Week is all the more complete," stated Dick Wilbur, President of the Pi Kappa Phi pledge class.

PI KAPPA PHI JEWELRY PRICE LIST BADGES JEWELED Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set

STYLES Miniature Pearl Border .... . ........... $13.75 Pearl, 4 Garnet Points ... . .. 15.75 Pearl, 4 Ruby Points .. . ...... 15.75 Pearl, 4 Sapphire Points ...... 15.75 Pearl, 4 Emerald Points .. . ... 16.75 Pearl, 2 Diamond Points ...... 22.75 Peorl, 4 Diamond Points ...... 3 1.75 Pearl and Ruby Alternating .... 17.75 Pearl and Sapphire Alternating 17.75 Pearl and Diamond Alternating 49.75 Diamond Bord er , , ...... , .. , . 85 .75

Extra Crown $ 25.75 27.75 27.75 27.75 33.75 51.75 77.75 29.75 29.75 129.75 233.75

Standard $ 19.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 24.00 32.50 46.00 24.00 24.00 86.50 154.00

PLAIN STYLES Miniature Standard Plain Border .................... . .. ... $4 .00 $5.75 Nugget Border ................. . ...... 4.50 6.50 Chased Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 6.50 White gold additional on jeweled badges ........... . 3.00 On plain ... ...... ..... .... .. ........ . ...•.. •.... 2.00 Alumnus Charm, Double Faced .......... ...... ...... . 9.00 Alumnus Charm, Single Faced .............. .. .•.... 5.00 Scholarship Charm ... . ........... .. ........ . ....... . 6.75 Pledge Button ............ .... ....... ..... . ........ . 1.00 Special Recognition Button , wit h White Enameled Star 10K Yellow Gold .... . ......... .. ..... .... ...... . 1.50 Ye llow Gold-plated ............................. . 1.00 Plain Coat-of-arms Recognition Button, Gold-plated ... . 1.00 Enameled Coot-of-arms Recognition Button, Gold-plated . 1.25 Monogram Recognition Button, Gold-filled , .......... . 1.50

Large $8.00 9.00 9.00


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Single Letter Plain ........................ .. .................... $2.75 Crown Set Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 7.75 White Gold Guards, additional Plain .......... .... .......... . ............ . ... ... 1.00 Crown Set Pearl ........... . .......... .. ........ . . 2.00 Coot-of-arms Guard, Yellow Gpld , Minature Size . . .... 2.75 Scarf Size .... . . ...... . ... ... ......... . ........... 3.25

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Double Letter $ 4.25 14.00

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1.00 2.00

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10 % Federal Excise Tax must be added to all prices quoted, plus Stole Sales or Use Taxes, and City taxes, wherever they ore in effect.

BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. The Oldest Manufacturing Fraternity Jewelers in America 2301 Sixteenth Street DETROIT 16, MICHIGAN





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]ervey Memorial Benefits Davidson College Students This story was writte11 last 11Villter.

FOR MANY YEARS it was the dream of the language

Col. Williams Is Graduated From Army War College COLONEL ROBERT M. WILLIAMS, Iota '35, Georgia Tech, son of George Williams, 106 E. Adair St., Valdosta, Ga., recently was graduated from the Army \Xrar College at Carlisle Barracks, Penna. The college Prepares commissioned officers for the highest command and general staff positions within their respective branches of service. Colonel Williams entered the Army in 1939 and holds the Purple Heart, the Legion of Merit, and the Bronze Star Medal for valor. The Colonel is a 1931 graduate of Valdosta High School, a 1939 graduate of the U. S. Military Academy, and a 1951 graduate of the University of Virginia. Colonel Williams is a member of Pi Kappa Phi and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. His wife, Jeanne, \Vho was with him at the college, regularly resides in Grangeville, Idaho. ---------~ K¢---------

SXPERIMENT STATION ENTOMOLOGIST Brother Robert Vanderbosch, Gamma, is an Entomologist for the University of California Citrus Experiment Station in Riverside, Calif. ~OVEMBER,


staff of Davidson College to possess facilities which would enable students to learn the actual speaking of a foreign language. It was not until the friends of Brother James Wilkinson Jervey, III, Epsilon '50, Davidson College, decided to make a memorial to him that these dreams were realized. Brother Jervey was an honor graduate of Davidson College in the Class of 1953, with a major in Spanish. While at Davidson he was president of the honorary Spanish fraternity, Sigma Delta Pi. Upon graduation, "Jinks," as he was known by his classmates and friends, was awarded a Fellowship at the University of Wisconsin, from which institution he received his Master's Degree in 1954. He was then the recipient of a Rotary scholarship for a year of study in Chile, and it was there that he died from injuries received in a skiing accident. Upon receiving the authority to initiate plans for the Language Laboratory, a committee, composed of Professor Howard French, Dr. Pedro Trakas, and Dr. George Watts, chairman, made visits to existing language laboratories in several colleges. They also made a survey from information obtained from 96 of th e existing college labs in the country. By Spring of last year the committee was able to recommend details for installation of 24 individual booths with tape recorders in each booth. Also a control table was installed, equipped with three play-back machines, one for each language studied: German, French, and Spanish. At the opening of college this year the James Wilkinson Jervey, III, Memorial Language Laboratory was ready for use. TI1e dedication of this memorial took place Wednesday, February 19, at a convocation at the college. Dr. Clarence John Pietenpol, Acting President and Dean of the Faculty of Davidson, had as his topic, "The James Wilkinson Jervey, III, Language Laboratory." The principal address was delivered by Dr. James Logan Godfrey, Dean of the Facu lty of the University of North Carolina. His subject was "International Communication in Our Day."

The Year in Review-1957-1958 The fraternity initiated the largest number of new members in its 54.-year history this past college year except for one veteran-laden post-war year. Pledging records were also challenged. Eight joint Conclaves and Leadership Conferences were held across the nation under the supervision of the National Office. The District Presidents set out to reach the goal of a visit per chapter from its District President each year in addition to the National Office visitation program and the Leadership Conference plan.


1Jn <!&ur C!Cbapter Cfternal



mr. JLlopb Iianks ~boll Dr. Lloyd Banks Sholl, Alpha Theta '27, died of a cerebral hemorrhage July 14 at a Lansing, Mich., hospital. He had been ill for a month and was hospitalized twelve days prior to his death. Brother Sholl was born in Logan, Utah, and was graduated from the University of Wisconsin and Cornell University. "Doc" joined the Michigan State University faculty in 1924. He was named Professor of Veterinary Pathology in 1953. A Corporal in the Medical Corps, with the American Expeditionary Force during World War I, Doc was past Commander of the East Lansing William Riker Johnson post of the American Legion. He was a member of Phi Zeta and Alpha Psi honorary veterinary fraternities, Sigma Psi honorary science fraternity, American Association of Pathologists, Michigan Veterinary Association, and the Masons. Doc was .initiated into Alpha Theta Chapter in 1927, and thus began his thirty-year guardianship as the Faculty Adviser. During the years from 1946 to 1949 he served as President of District X. While President, he was instrumental in the formation of Pi Kappa Phi Building Corporation which is owned by the· alumni and controls the Alpha Theta Chapter house. At the time of his death he was serving as President of the Building Corporation and was actively engaged in plans for the construction of a new house for the Chapter. In 1950, Brother Sholl was among the recipients of the Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Merit Citation awarded at the twenty-third Supreme Chapter Meeting. During his thirty-year association with the Chapter, Doc was the major force behind the progress made in matters of finances and general strength of the Chapter. He has contributed his guiding genius during depression, war, and recovery. No Pi Kapp has left the Chapter without fond memories of Doc and his efforts on behalf of the Chapter. He will be severely missed. 24


Following services in Lansing, his body was taken to Milwaukee's Arlington Cemetery where military graveside rites were held. Brother Sholl is survived by his widow, H elen. --------~K~--------

jljrotber m. ~. QCrotktr Brother Douglas S. Crocker, Iota '34, Georgia Tech, died suddenly January 3. While at Tech, Brother Crocker was very active in his chapter, serving as Archon during his last year. After his graduation, with a B. S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering, he worked as a safety engineer for the American Surety Corporation until he was called to active duty by the Navy Department in early 1941. For five years Brother Crocker served in the Navy and was awarded the Legion of Merit Decoration for his part in the sinking of a Japanese submarine.

before being elected to the state Bouseof Representatives from that county" in 1931. A native of Wedowee, Brother Par· ker was a graduate of the University of Alabama and a veteran of World War I, serving as a Sergeant in the RainboW' Division in France, where he wa~ wounded. He received the Regimenta Citation. Brother Parker is survived by hi~ wife and a son, Earl, who is a Pi Kapp. living in Montgomery, Ala.

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1!Curner Turner, Xi '2?· 111

Scott er Cc ologi Coup]

Brother Henry E. !ervi1 Roanoke College, died January 31. a Raleigh, N. C., hospital, followJng the · Will a heart attack. He was 51.

Since World War II he was connected with the Western Electric Company and served in various capacities there.

Brother Turner was graduated fro~ Bedford (Va.) High School, and 111 1929 he was graduated from Roanok.eCollege. He had operated a realty bust· MAl ness in Raleigh for a number of year~· BPsn di He was a charter member of the S · s~ Michael's Episcopal Church, Raleigh, M and a member of the vestry. gr

Brother Crocker is survived by his wife, Virginia, and six children . His family live at 609 Waterview Road, Oceanside, Long Island, N . Y.

an He is survived by his wife, a sonJ bl and a daughter, all of Raleigh, an de his mother and an aunt, both of Bed· of ALPI ford.




jljrotber ~. jlj. ~arktr Brother Edward Burns Parker, Omicron '19, University of Alabama, died the morning of September 1 of a heart attack at his home in Roanoke, Ala. He was 63. Brother Parker, who was active in his law practice in Roanoke, served as U. S. District Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama from December, 1942, until January, 1953, when he was granted a disability retirement. He had suffered two heart attacks prior to his retirement. He served a term as Circuit Solicitor of Cleburne County THE


Brother Clifford D. Merriott, Alpha Delta '42, University of Washington, has been appointed Public Relatio~S Director for Cadillac Motor Car l)J· vision of General Motors. Before joining Cadillac as super· visor of public relations for the Cleve· land Ordnance plant, he worked ?tl the Rochester, Minn., Post B11llett11 • He joined the Detroit office of CadillaC two years ago. Brother Merriott is a graduate of thf University of Minnesota School 0 r Journalism. He served as a bombe pilot during World War II. AND






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Ariz., and Miss Barbara Nigh were married April 11. BETA LAMBDA '56-Brother William Walker Shields, 4009 Empedrado, Tampa Fla., and Miss Elizabeth Carr 1503 East Emma St., Tampa, were married June 7 at the Palma Ceia Methodist Church in Tampa. Brother William L. Post, Tampa, and Brother Charles Richard Harte, Mulberry, Fla., assisted in the wedding. Brother Shields is now station at Fort Jackson, S. C. BETA LAMBDA '56-Brother Charles Robert Milian, 2925 Coachman Ave., Tampa, Fla., and Miss Virginia Lee Kluttz were married at the Hyde Park Methodist Church, Tampa, August 16. BETA LAMBDA '56-Brother Robert John Swirbul, 2402 S. Hale St., Tampa, Fla., and Miss ~Ioria Otero, also of Tampa, were mawed September 6 at Christ the King Catholic Church, Tampa.

Miss Hazel Thomas King and Broth-


~r Clarence Drayton Cooper, III, Beta

t1 ~3, Presbyterian College, were mar~~d September 7 in the Presbyterian Urd1, lake City, S. C. The bride is the daughter of Dr. '~d Mrs. lebby Raymond King, lake C1ty, S. C., and the bridegroom is the ~on of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Cooper, Jr., Umter, S. C. Dr. King is an alumnus ~f Alpha Chapter, College of Charles~n, having become a member of the apter in 1928. ' Brother Cooper's father was best ~an, and Brother Gregory Elam, Beta t~.' Executive Secretary of Pi Kappa 1, was one of the usher-groomsmen. S Mrs. Cooper is a senior at Agnes cott College, Decatur, Ga., and Brothef Cooper is a senior at Columbia The0 ogical Seminary, Decatur, where the ' ~ou~le is residing. Brother Cooper is ervmg as Student Supply Pastor of :!!,~ ~illiston Presbyterian Church, IVtlhston, S. C.




• 1.\ARRJAGES E!>SILON '5 1-Brother Perry Harvey Biddle, Jr., Oswego, S. C., and Miss Sue Sherman, Louisville, Ky., were married May 31, with the father of the bridegroom performing the ceremony. Brother and Mrs. Biddle will reside in Edinburgh, Scotland, while Brother Biddle does graduate work at the University of Edinburgh. ALPHA ZETA '49-Brother Donald Loyal Blinco, son of Mrs. Harry Blinco, Portland, Ore., and Miss Priscilla Mary Anne Nisan, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Nisan,

BIRTHS Miss Darlene Aho, a member of Delta Gamma Sorority, Oregon State College, was the 1958 Rose Bud at the Alpha Zeta, Ore¡ gon State, Pledge Dance held last Winter.

Long Beach, Calif., were married March 15 in Wayfarers Chapel, Portuguese Bend, Calif., with the Rev. Kenneth Knox officiating. Brother and Mrs. Blinco are making their home at 3638 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach 3. BETA BETA '55-Brother Wi lliam E. Kesler, fo~merly of Fellsmere, Fla., and Miss Meredtth Peterson, Clearwater, Fla., and Florida Southern College, were married August 31 in Clearwater. The couple is now making their home at 700 Riverview Drive, Melbourne, Fla. Brother Kesler is employed in Boeing Airplane Company. BETA THETA '55-Brother William J. Klaus, 2614 N. Potrero, Phoenix, Ariz., and Miss Mary Taylor were married July 18. BETA THETA '57-Brother Tate E. Greenway, 1130 E. Southern Ave., Phoenix,

GAMMA '51-Born to Brother and Mrs. Robert Witbeck, a son, Daryl Robert July 3. The Witbecks live at 34648 Vi~ Catalina, Capistrano Beach, Calif. EPSILON '50-Born to Brother and Mrs. Jesse C. Fisher, Jr., 317 West University Drive, Chapel Hill, N. C., a son, Jesse Powell. Brother Fisher is District President of District III. , EPSILON '52-Born to Brother and Mrs. Robert T. Crawford, Jr., 204-B Wakefield Drive, Cha.rlotte, N. C., a son, Robert Taylor, III, June 13. Brother Crawford is a salesman for Royal McBee Company. MU '5 1-Born to Brother and Mrs. Jack Knight Gilliland, 6 Pine Tree Road, Asheville, N. C., a son, William McKay, April 6. MU '53-Born to Brother and Mrs. Louis Paschal ("Packy" ) Jervey, Jr., Richmond, Va., a son, James Drewry, May 23. Brother Jervey is National Historian of Pi Kappa Phi. BETA THETA '55-Born to Brother and Mrs. Frederick H . Hoskins, 1723 N. Desmond, Tucson, Ariz., a son, Michael Alan, September 6.

J4 YCEE OF THE MONTH Award Donors Sought Brother Richard S. Shaffer, Alpha Zeta '49, Oregon State College, who is a landscape architect with the State of Oregon, was selected by Salem (Ore.) Junior ~hamber of Commerce as the Jaycee of the Month of ''larch. Brother Shaffer is in charge of the Capitol grounds and the Mall area.

The Jaycee of the Month was cited for his chairmanShip of the Jose Greco project and his outstanding attendance and project participation record. He and his wife and their two children reside at 780

The National Council has authorized the National Office to create certain new national recognition and achievement awards. Individuals or groups are invited to donate the funds necessary for the purchase of a plaque or trophy and in return the donor will be permitted to name the award (such as the "Joe Doaks Memorial Award"). The new chapter awards will include a scholarsh ip improvement award, community service award, chapter improvement award, conclave awards, and other incentive awards as are deemed necessary. All correspondence should be directed to the Executive Secretary.

~atcliff Drive, S.E., Salem, Ore. ~OVEMBER,



ALUMNI BRIEFS College of Charleston

University of Alabama

BROTHER CLYDE H. TURNER, Alpha '49, Arcadian Way, Charleston, S. C., Chapter Adviser to Alpha, won the Democratic nomination to the South Carolina House of Representatives, which in South Carolina is tantamount to election.

JUDGE G. HARPER STACEY, a charter member of Omif cron, w ho lives at Centerville, Ala., was elected Governor 0 Alabama Kiwanis Clubs at the 40th Convention of the Alabama District, Kiwanis International, in Mobile, Ala., September 23· Brother Stacey is probate judge of Bibb County and a former Lieutenant Governor of the state organization. ARMY PVT. ALEX W. OLIVER, Omicron '53, recentlY returned to Fort Campbell, Ky., after participating in a maneuve~ in which members of the 101st Airborne Division's 1S7t Infantry were flown to Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. He is a member of the Infantry's Mortar Battery. He was graduate~ from the University of Alabama in 1957. Brother Olivers parents live on Route 2, Albertville, Ala.

Cornell University BROTHER EDMOND A. SAYER, Psi '50, is the planner for the digital computer at the Travelers Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.

Florida Southern College BROTHER NED W. HILL, JR., Beta Beta '48, is employed a t Radiation, Inc., Melbourne, Fla. BROTHER DAVID R. MASON, Beta Beta '57, is employed .at Convair Air Craft Corporation, and lives in Titusville, Fla. BROTHER HARRY C. GOODE, JR. , Beta Beta '58, is employed by Pan American Airways, Melbourne, Fla., as a stock and warehouse clerk. His address is 103 New Haven Ave., M elbourne. BROTHER EDWARD F . DENISON, Beta Beta '56, teaches the sixth g rade in Melbourne Elementary School, Melbourne, Fla .

University of Arizona ARMY PVT. JOHN W. LAMB, Beta Theta '55, rece~tlY was assigned to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Wash1nll· ton, D . C., as a veteri nary specialist. He received basic comb~t training at Fort Carson, Colo. He is a 1958 graduate of t e University of Ari zona. Brother Lamb's parents live at 3302 E. Flower, Tucson, Ariz.

Georgia Tech BROTHER CURTIS A. McREE, Iota '19, Assistant VicePresident of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, was transferred recently from Norfolk to Richmond when the Seaboard established its headquarters in Virginia's capital city. Brother McRee lives at 9209 River Road , Richmond 29.

Oregon State College BROTHER FRANKL. HOWARD, Alpha Zeta '24, is Head of the Department of Plant Pathology-Entomology and Profes;<;or in both the College of Agriculture and the College of Arts a nd Sciences, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I .

.Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn SECOND LT. MICHAEL F. HORNUNG, Alpha Xi '54, recently completed the officer basic course at the Army Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Va. Brother Hornung is a 1957 graduate of Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn . He was emp loyed formerly by the New York Tel ephone Company in Brooklyn . Brother Hornung's parents live at 1848 Unionport Road , New York, N.Y.

Roanoke College BROTHER THOMAS E. WEIR, Xi '43, is Director of the W es ley Foundation in Lexington, Va. His address is 10 Lee Ave.

Brother Denny Directs International Seminar The vivacious and versatile Brother George V. Denny, Jr., Kappa '19, University of North Carolina, of Town Hall and People-to-People fame is directing a new enterprise, International Seminars, In c., a privately sponsored group. A story in the Netv York Times of September 9 points out that the organization's first undertaking will be to hold sessions in eight lead ing South American cities. The Inter-American Seminars and Town Meetings, as the first undertaking is called, will open in Bogota, 26

University of Missouri BROTHER PHILIP J. BOUCKAERT, Beta Epsilon '52, is an industrial engineer for Kroger Company, working in the general office since D ecember 1, 1957. The Bouckaert childfen are Barbie, 41;2 years old; Pat, 31;2, and Jennie and Julie, tw:ms. born November 5, 1957. The family Jives at 2732 Mad1son Road , Cincinnati 9, Ohio.

University of North Carolina SPECIALIST FOUR LYNN S. MANN, Kappa '53, whose wife, Patricia, lives at 504 East G Street, Erwin, N. C., .re· cently was named "Soldier of the Month" for the 1st Train1n~ Battalion's Battery B at Fort Bliss, Tex. Brother Mann, a cier in the battery, was selected for his soldierly appearance, know!· edge and performance of duties , and military courtesy. Bro~her Mann is a 1955 graduate of the University of North Carolma· His mother, Mrs. Mamie S. Mann, lives at 408 McNeill St., Lillington, N. C.

University of Oregon BROTHER ALVIN L. ANDREWS, Alpha Omega ' 53, has become associated with Leroy B. Skousen and Sherman '\{/. Holmes in the general practice of law, with offices at 1209-1218 Failing Bldg., Portland 4, Ore.

Colombia, November 6. Representatives of leading cultural, educational, and business groups will take part in the meetings together with delegates from simtlar groups in the countries visited. The group will visit Lima, Peru; Santiago, Chile; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Montevideo, Uruguay; Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Caracas, Vene· zuela, before returning December 6. The tour is being made in cooperation with the International House of New Orleans, La. Among the suggested seminar topics are economic development, international trade, a common market, education, travel, and student exchange. The group underwriting the administrative costs includes Time-Life International, The Reade1~ s Digest, and W. R. Grace and Company. THE










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23· nee

Plain Border .......... . .... . ............. $ 4.00

$ 5.75

Nugget Border . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Chased Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . .









is 'the

Pearls ................................. .. 13.75


Pearls, 4 Ruby or Sapphire Points .......... 15.75


Pearls, 4 Emerald Points .... .. .......•.... 16.75


Pearls, 2 Diamond Paints ............... ... 22.75


Pearls, 4 Diamond Points ................ .. 31.75


Pearl and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating .... 17.75


Pearl and Diamond Alternating ............ 49.75


Diamond Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . B5.75



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Plain ...................•.. ... ........... $ 2.75

ose re·

Double Letter

$ 4.25

Half Pearl, Close Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Whole Pearl, Crown Set . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .







er na· St.•

Double Face, 10 Karat ................... .


RECOGNITION BUTTONS Crest .................•... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

All prices subject to 10% Federal Tax, and to State Sales or Use Taxes, and City Taxes, where applicable. MENTION CHAPTER OR COLLEGE WHEN ORDERING

$ 1.00

Official ......................... · ..•.. · · •


Monogram, Plain, Go ld -filled .....•.. ......


Pledge Button ..... .. .•........ ... ... .....




ic lJ•

Official Jewelers to Pi Kappa Phi n·


, ~1

P. 0. Box 123 1-lOVEMBER,


Detroit 32, Michigan 27



lo~ 0

11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C.

ltlant Bldg 1 lirrninc A.ve: tharle 1 Rutle thattat Guii,

Founded at The College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C. December 10, 1904


1S1 Moultrie St., Charleston, S. C.



L. HARRY MIXSON 217 E. Bay Street, Charleston, S. C.

Clevelc l51s Colurnl Pinel Colurnl



President-W. Bernard Jones, Jr., 2 N. Main St., Sumter, S. C. Past President-Karl M. Gibbon, 306 E. Jackson St., Harlingen, Texas Treasurer-John W. Daimler, 1149 Greentree Lane, Penn Valley, Nar· berth, Penna . Secretary-J. AI . Head, 590 Vista Ave., Salem, Oreg. Historian-Louis Paschal Jervey, Jr., Travelers Insurance Company, 909 E. Main St., Richmond 19, Va . Chancellor-Frank H. Hawthorne, 1009 First National Bank Bldg., Montgomery, Ala.

Executive Secretary-Greg Elam, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. Editor-in-Chief, STAR AND LAMP-Greg Elam, 11 E. Canal St., Surnt•'• C/ o S.C. 1 Conv..a Managing Editor, STAR AND LAMP-Elizabeth H. W. Smith, 11 E. Caoa St., St., Sumter, S. C. De, M Acting Office Manager-Mrs. Joyce B. Edenfield, 11 E. Canal Sl·• St., Sumter, S. C. 51 Assistant Office Manager-Mrs. Shirley S. Fowler, 11 E. Conal "' 0etroit Sumter, S. C. Detn Fiorenc 419 COMMITTEES Green, Ga.; W. Bernard Jones, Jr., 2 N. Main St., Sumter, S. C. GreE Scholarship-Or. Will E. Edington, Chairman, 703 E. Franklin St., GreeO' ~•us to castle, Ind. ~OU1 Ritual and Insignia-Willis C. Fritz, Chairman, Apt. A-111, Oakd•"' Ave., Leonia, N. J. Ithaca Bldg Architecture-James A. Stripling, Chairman, Florida Education ;..ss'O· Bldg., West Pensacola St., Tallahassee, Fla. lack so

NATIONAL Finance- Franci s H. Boland, Jr., c/ o Adams Express Co., 40 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y. ; Ralph W. Noreen, 75 Baylawn Ave., Copiague, L. I., N. Y. Devereux D. Rice Memorial Fund-John D. Carroll, Chairman, Lexington, S. C.; Jack Bell, 7323 San Carlos Road, Jacksonville, Fla.; George B. Helmrich, 32990 Lahser Rd., Birmingham, Mich.; Leonard L. Long, The Darlington, Suite 7, 2025 Peachtree Road, N.E., Atlanta,



DISTRICTS OF PI KAPPA PHI District I District President-Howard M. Williams, 381 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N. Y. Psi-Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Alpha Xi-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N. Y. Alpha Tau-Rensselaer, Troy, N. Y. Beta Alpha-Newark College of Engineering, Newark, N. J. Beta Rho- Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam, N. Y. District II District President-S. Maynard Turk, Staff Village, Radford, Va. Xi-Roanoke College, Salem, Va. Rho-Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Va. District Ill District President-Jesse C. Fisher, Jr., 317 W. University Dr., Chapel Hill, N.C. Epsilon-Davidson College, Davidson, N. C. Kappa-University of N. C., Chapel Hill, N. C. Mu-Duke University, Durham, N. C. Tau-North Carolina State, Raleigh, N. C. District IV District President-Col. Ben H. Covington, Box 1866, Myrtle Beach,

s. c.

Alpha-College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C. Beta-Presbyterian College, Clinton, S. C. Delta-Furman University, Greenville, S. C. Zeta-Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. Sigma-University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. District V District President-Thomas J. Wesley, 223 W. Pace's Ferry Rd., N.W., Atlanta 5, Ga. Iota-Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Ga. Lambda-University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. Beta Kappa-Georgia State, Atlanta, Ga . District VI District President-Charles T. Henderson, Asst. Attorney General. Statutory Revision Dept., Tallahassee, Fla. Chi-Stetson University, Deland, Fla. Alpha Epsilon-University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. Alpha Chi-University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. Beta Beta-Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fla. Beta Eta-Florida State, Tallahassee, Fla. Beta Lambda-University of Tampa, Tampa, Fla. District VII District President-Robert Austin Brannan, 906 E. Edgemont, Mont· gomery, Ala. Omicron-University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alpha Iota-Auburn, Auburn, Ala.

DlstDii~~rY.~ 11President-Dr.

J. Ed Jones, 1219 Highland Dr., Chattanooga, Tenn. Alpha Sigma-University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Beta Gamma-University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. District IX District President-Richard R. Perry, 3361 Ramaker Road, Toledo 6, Ohio. Beta Iota-University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio.


District X District President-William Brink, 2726 BenJamin, Royal Oak, Mich· Alpha Theta-Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Beta Xi-Central Michigan College, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Beta Pi-Eastern Michigan College, Ypsilanti, Mich. District XI District President-Donald S. Payne, 106 Sunset Lane, W. Lafayetl•• Ind. Upsilon-University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Omega-Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Ind. Alpha Phi-Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill. Alpha Psi-University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. Ill· Beta Sigma-Northern Illinois University, Gilbert Hall, DeKalb, 5 District XII District President-Kenneth W. Kuhl, 436 Woodlawn, St. paul ' Minn. k District XIII District President-Adrian C. Taylor, 231 Ave. "C" West, Bismar<' N.D. District XIV District President-Howard A. Cowles, 633 Agg., Ames, Iowa. Nu-University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Alpha Omicron-Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa . Beta Delta-Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. Beta Epsilon-University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. District XV District President-Robert L. Harper, 2706 Westgrove Lane, HoUI' ton, Texas. Beta Nu-Universlty of Houston, Houston, Texas. District XVI District President-William D. Meadows, 1207 St. Charles A~•·• New Orleans, La. Bola Mu-McNeese State College, Lake Charles, La. Beta Omicron-Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, La. District XVII District President-Paul M. Hupp, 37B1 E. 31st St., Denver 5, ColO• District XVIII District President-To be filled. District XIX District President-Jack W. Steward, 2495 Mountain View or., S·• Salem, Oreg. Alpha Delta-University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Alpha Zeta-Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oreg. Alpha Omega-University of Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. District XX District President-David J. Dayton, 1615 Barnett Circle, LafaY• 11'' Calif. Gamma-University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Beta Theta-University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. phil"' District XXI District President-Charles S. Kuntz, 3405 Powelton Ave., delphia 4, Penna. Alpha Mu-Penn State University, State College, Penna. Alpha Upsilon-Drexel, Philadelphia, Penna.





0 F




lansin 1315 lincolr oral lo 1 11 , 964!


•ille ~acon St., ~lo rn; cay<

~•bil, tar). "'•ntg ColT


St. ~.,.,

Jose Yorl

~ ••• h fielc Oklah

N.v, Orlan,


E. :

1ittsb 1 627

1•rtla 1001 -••no bar,

Salem Ste, Ore San I ing, St. L· hon

St. Matthews, South Carolina-John l. Wood-


side, St. Matthews, South Carolina.

'"' es, Iowa-Ralph Novak, 706 Ash St., Ames, 1owa. lllonto, Ga.-Jack P. Turner, 1005 William Oliver Bldg., Atlanta 3, Ga. lir.,ingham, Ala.-Heward D. Leake, 1631 Third Ave., North, Birmingham, Ala. Chorleston S. c.-C. A. Weinheimer, Rutledge' St., Charleston, S. C.


Chottonooga, Tennessee-leo l. Ryerson, Jr., 308 Guild Drive, Chattanooga, Tenn.


South Carolina-William Bobo, 4137 lnehaven Court, Columbia, S. C.

nter, Colurnbus-Ft. Benning, Georgia-Joe Freeman, t/ o Strickland Motor Co., Columbus, Ga. ~Sway, S. C.-James F. Singleton, 1000 Ml an 1., Conway, S. C. ''


DeS Moines, Iowa -James Jervis, 1623 E. 33rd t., Des Moines, Iowa. D •~oit, Mich.-Rober! F. Jenson, 9020 Mandala, etroit 9, Mich.


New York-H . M. dg., Ithaca, N. Y.

" k~onville,

0 five,

Riggs, 701


Fla.-Myren Sanison, 36B9 Mimosa



City, Mo.-Charles 0 . Dilley, Jr., 2626

oodend, Kansas City 6, Kan.

lonsing-East Lansing, Mich.-loren C. 1319 Kelsey Ave., lansing, Mich.


lincoln, Nebraska-Winfield M. Elmen, 602 Federal Securities Bldg., lincoln, Neb. los Angeles, California-Willis H. ("Bud") Oakes, 9645 S. Santa Fe Springs Road, Whittier, Calif. louisville, Ky .-E. Vil le 16, Ky.

K. Dienes,

Ill· llocon, Georgia-Fey A. St., Jacksonville, Fla.

Box 695,







tage Drive, Kingsport, Tenn.

Washington, D. C.-Edgar Bldg., Washington, D. C.

ll.ontgamery, Alabama-Frederick H. Commerce Bldg., Montgomery, Ala.


~ • .,., Orleans, La .-Willlam D. Meadows, 1207 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La.

~ • .,., York, N. Y.-Robert Crossley, c/ o Saint Joseph Lead Company, 250 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. ~ 0 rth Jersey-Arthur J. Sikora, 429 First St., Westfie ld, N. J.






••.W. 1st St., Oklahoma City, Okla.


0•1ondo, Florida-



Penna.-Donald R. Williams, · 22nd St., Chester, Penna.






627 Vermont, Mt. l ebanon, Penna.


'••!land, Oreg . (Cascade)-George W. Blinco, 10008 S. w. 56th Ave., Portland, Oreg. -••noke, Virginia- Jesse M. Ramsey, 33 Harshbarger Road, Roanoke, Va.

Chi-Stetson Fla.










Ithaca, N . Y. Omega-Purdue University, 330 West Lafayette, Ind.


Grant St.,

Alpha Delta-University of Washington, 19th Ave ., N.E., Seattle, Wash.


Alpha Epsilon-University of Florida, Box 2756, University Station, Gainesville,


son, Corvallis, Oreg.

Alpha Theto-Mochigan State University, 507 E. Grand River, East Lansing, Mich.

Alpha Iota-Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 255 College St., Auburn, Ala.

ALUMNI COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Ann Arbor, Mich.-lewis l. Horton, 900 Woodlawn Ave.

Beaumont-Port Arthur, Tex.-Mel Metcalfe, 2832 33rd St., Port Arthur, Tex. Reynolds,


Alpha Mu-Penn State University, Box B30, State College, Penna. Alpha Xi-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Alpha Omicron-Iowa State College, 407 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa.

Alpha Sigma-University of Tennessee, 1628 Yale Ave., t\noxvil le, Tenn.

Hammond, La.-V. Cleveland Purcell, Texas Oil Company.

Alpha Tau-Rensselaer Polytechnic In stitute, 49 :.!nd St., Troy, N. Y.







Lake Forest, 111.-Joh n Pottenger, stock, Clarendon Hills, Ill .

La .

104 Wood-

Marquette, Mich.-Rebert Moore, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Institute of Technology,

3405 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Penna.

Alpha Phi-Illinois Institute of Technology, 3220 :;. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Murray, Ky.-W. Ray Kern.

Alpha Chi-University of Miami, P. 0. Box B146 University Branch, Coral Gables 46, Fla.

Natchitoches, La.-James Mims, Rt. 2, Box 166

Alpha Psi-University of Indiana, 714 E. 8th,

Owensboro, Ky.-Ciinton H. Paulsen, 2810 Allen


:;,t., Eugene, Oreg .

lnd .-Char les V. Martin, Chestnut

Waterloo, Iowa-John Carroll, 1115 W. 6th Youngstown, Ohio-Henry lockwood Blvd.


ti•oommgton, Ind .

Alpha Omega-University of Oregon, 740 E. 15th

Valdosta, Ga.-Rober! R. Vallotton, Box 25




Beto Alpha-Newark College of Engineering, t / o Student Mail, Newark College of Engineering, 367 High St., Newark 2, N. J. Beta Beta-Florida Southern College, Box 128·0, Bldg. 1-A, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fla. Beto Gamma-University of louisville, 2216 Confederate

Alpha-College of Charleston, 125 Calhoun St., Charleston, S. C. Bolo-Presbyterian College, Clinton, S. C. Gamma-University of California, 2425 Prospect, Berkeley, Calif. Delta-Furmon Univ ersity, Greenville, S. C. Epsilon-Davidson College, N. C.

Box 473,


Iota-Georgia Institute of Technology, 128 Fifth St., N.W., Atlanta, Ga. Kappa-University of North Carolina, 206 Cameron Ave., Chapel Hill, N. C. Ave.,





Louisville, Ky.


Delta-Drake Univers1ty, Ave., Des Moines 11, Iowa.



Beta Epsilon-University of Missouri, 104 Mary · lund, Lo1umbia, Mo.







Flonda State Uni vers it y, Tallahassee, Fla.

Beta Theta- Univ ersity of Arizona, 631

E. 2nd

Sr., Tucson, Ariz.

Zeta-Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C.


~hEilade lphia,

Illinois St.,

Alpha Zeta-Oregon State College, 2111 Harri-

Vera Beach, Fla. (Indian River)-L. B. Vocelle, P. 0. Box 48B, Vera Beach, Fla.


llobilo, Ala. (Alabama Gulf Coast Alum~i Chap· ler)-Ciay Knight, P. 0. Box 1468, Mobile, Ala .




Mu-Duke University, Box 4682, Duke Station, Durham, N. C.. No-University of Nebraska, 229 N. lincoln, Nebr.

17th St.,

Xi-Roanoke College, 327 High St., Salem, Va. Omicron-University of Alabama, 804 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Beta Jato- Uni versity of Toledo, 1702 W. Ban· crott St., Toledo, Ohio.

Beta Kappa-Georgia State College, 24 Ivy St., S.E.. Atlanta, Ga. Beta Lambda-University of Tampa, Tampa, Fla. Beta Mu-McNeese State College, Box 141 , Mci'teese State College, lake Charles, La. Beta Nu-University of Houston, c/ o Dean of Men, University of Houston, Houston, Texas. B~to Xi-Central Michigan College, Mt. Pleasant,

Mich. Beta Omicron-Northwestern State College Louisiana, Box 431, Natchitoches, La.


1 •1ern, Oreg. (Mid-Willamette Valley)-Jack W. Steward, 2495 Mountain View Drive, S., Salem, Oro g.

Rho-Washington and lee University, lock Draw· er 903, lexington, Va.

Beta Pi-Eastern Mich.


Sigma-University of South Carolina, Columbia,

Beta Rho-Clarkson College of Technology, 20 Pleasant St., Potsdam, N. Y.

lou-North Carolina State College, 7 Enterprise, Raleigh, N. C.

Beta Sigma-Northern Illinois Augusta Ave., DeKalb, Ill.



Francisco, Callf.-Arnold Turner, 2674 Hast· •ngs St., Redwood City, Calif. louis, Missouri-Estill


Ezell, 7912

nornme Ave., St. Louis 5, Mo.




lliorni, Florida-William A. Papy, Ill, 315 Vis· <aya Ave., Coral Gables, Florida.



DeKalb, 111.-·Richard M. Bartels, 335 Miller Ave.



Toledo, Ohio-George Nemire, 1419 Addington Road, Toledo, Ohio.

GrGenvillo, s. c.-Cooper White, 103 E:m St., reenville, S. C.



Tampa, Fla.-David C. Pinholster, 501 S. Blvd., Tampa 6, Fla.

Bishopville, S. C.-William S. Ridge St., ltishopville, S. C.

Tex.-David McClanahan, 3B31 Norfolk, ouston, Tex.


Sumter, S. C.-Or. James E. Bell, Jr., 325 W. Calhoun St., Sumter, S. C.

' 1•:•nce, South Carolina-Mitchell Arrowsmith, •19 W. Cheves St., Florence, S. C.

~•Hston, .ss'f'l·

and Parker, Suite 1333 Dexter Horton Bldg ., Seattle 4, Wash.


Cla veland, Ohio-John H. Haas, Jr., 3492 W. 151st St., Cleveland, Ohio.


Seattle, Wash.-Deane W. Parker, Herren, Smart

Upsilon-University of Illinois, B01 Urbana, Ill.


s. c.






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Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Sumter, S. C.

The Record of


A. E.,

18SG Sher idan Road,

Ev<lnston, !11.


* Friendly


*A Sincere Desire To Please

OFFICIAL INSIGNIA PRICE LIST Standa rd Pla in Badge . . . . . . .. ............ .. ..... ... ......... . . $ 5.75 Miniature Plain Badge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 Standard Crown Pearl Badge ....• . .•..•.. • .......... . • ........ 19.00 Miniature Crown Pearl Badge .. . . .... . .... . ..... . ..... . .... , . .. 13.75 Monogram Recognition . ......... . . ..... ...• ... ...... .. ..... , . . . 1.~0 White Star Recognition, Gold Plated .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. 1.00 Pledge Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . 1.00 Single Fa ced Alumni Charm . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 5.00 Double Faced Alumni Charm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00

10% Federal Tax and any State tax in addition.


Regulations: Approval is necessary on orders for official will obtain official approval for you .

badges . We



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