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The Star and Lamp of Pi llappa Phi Number 3


Letters to the Editors HE'S CONVENTION BOUND!


1213-19th Place, S.ll'' . Birmi11ghetm 11, A fa.


D ear Editot·s: Just want to pass on to the National Office a new mail address and announce that I am eagerly looking for· ward to the 28th Supreme Chapter in Louisville on August 240f course, I am planning on being there, barring any provJ· dential interference. Will see you and all at that time.

Contents Letters to the Editors .. ... ... ..... Inside Front Cover Dear Son....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sigma's 50th! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Founding of Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 4

The Passing of Sigma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Happy Birthday, Rho!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


President Jones Says . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Many Happy Returns!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 7

Conclave Highlights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 New Traveling Counselors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Good Publicity!-How to Get It ......... ....... 10 District President Gil es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 He Takes Ohio Deanship .................... . . 12 Speaker, Alabama House .. , ....... . ............ 12 28th Supreme Chapter News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Miss Rose Ann Stover Is National Rose . . . . . . . . . . . Pi Kappa Phi and the Academic Community . . . . . . . \'V'elcome, Valdosta Alumni! ................... Of R11shing-Pledge Traillillg- Scholarshipetc., a Ia Mu Chapter- Duke University. . . . . . A Salute to Roanoke's "Finest Athlete" ........... Honors Keep Coming ......................... Alumni Briefs ............................... In Our Chapter Eternal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

14 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25

Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ; ;d, Y2 68-Nowis the timae ........ Inside Back Cover

JOHN EDWIN HAVIS, Omicron '17 University of Alab1ma Past ational Historia:1


D ear Editors: Enj oyed the May isst:e of T be Star and LamP very much , but I seem to have missed the February, 1960. issue. Could you send me that copy as I am maintaining a file ? Fraternally, GEORGE D. DRIVER, NU ' 16 University of Nebr1sb

MAGAZINE BRINGS FAMiliAR NAMES, FACES 208 E. Bluebird La· 117ass au, 117is. Dear Editors: Have enjoyed my magazine these many years. lt is good to see familiar names and faces occasionally . It is trulj a line publication, and I look forward to it with a great dea of pleasure. Fraternally, E. DALTON EBBESON, D .D .S., Alpha Theta '42 Michigan State University

WIFE OF SCHOlAR IS PlEASED 237 Bryan St. Grove Park Burlillf!.ton, N . C. Dear Editors: The February issue of The Star and Lamp was 3 very nice issue, and I was particularly pleased with the sectJOd about the "Scholarship Award Winners" of which my husban is one. Very truly yours, MRS. GEORGE W. FO){


THE STAR AND LAMP is published quarterly by the Notional Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 11 East Conal Street, Sumter, S. C., in the months of February, May, August and November. The life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. EDITORIAL OFFICE: Notional Office of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 11 East Canol Street, Sumter, S. C. PUBLICATIONS OFFICE: 1901 Roane Street, Richmond 22, Virginia . Second -c lass postage paid at Richmond, Virginia. Changes in address should be reported promptly to National Office, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. All material intended for publication should be in the hands of the Managing Editor, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C., 50 days preceding the month of issue.



Ow EN,

H. W.



Managing Editor

Pi KaPfJa Pbi F•·atemity: The Library of Congress has receivepd as your g ift one bound volume of Tbe Star a11d Lamp o/ 1 Kappa Phi, Vo ls. 41-44, February, 1955, through November. 1958, Book 16. . Your interest in the Library of Congress is si ncerely al'l're· CJated, and your generosity in presenting thi s valued add1tJ0° to its collections is gratefu lly ackn ow ledged. L. QUJNCY MUMFORV The Librarian of Congress



Dear Editors: The Star and Lamp is a magazine that I look forward to reading. You are doing a commendable job. BeJO~ one of the older members I especially enjoyed the historical edJ· tion. Fraternally, PERRY H. PRICE, Alpha Zeta 'Z 1 Oregon State College

Anywhere, U. S. A. Dear Son: II'' 路 1/et.



Today you are to be initiated into Pi Kappa Phi. This choice has been entirely Your own; however, it goes without saying that I am pleased. To be truthful, I feel that my cup of happiness does truly "runneth over." Now that your decision has reached its climax, I feel that I have the privilege of rendering advice. True, it i s not called for, but I trust that you will consider its merit. Believe me, it has been difficult to refrain from doing so before this. Can it be possible for you at so early an age to be different? I do not mean for You to become a "beatnik" or a "hermit," but instead I would ask you to adopt a Philosophy that is alien to the crowd--a philosophy that has created greatness in many but which has been practiced by so few. The mass worships at the foot of that idol--"WHAT IS IN IT FOR ME?" To you I would suggest a slight change--"WHAT IS IN ME FOR IT?"


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Does it sound strange? Do not be alarmed at first. Think about it ! Taste it ! Then if you are ready to become a tr~e Pi Kapp, digest it. So many times we are led to believe that a fraternity does something for or gives something to a person. This cannot be further from the truth. INSTEAD, I WOULD SUGGEST TPE THOUGHT THAT YOU WILL GET FOR YOURSELF IN DIRECT PROPORTION TO WHAT YOU GIVE OF YOURSELF. First, GIVE OF YOUR CONSCIENCE. Does that sound old fashioned? Many of us are born and die and try never to admit to such an existence. Instead of suppressing this guide post, put it out beside the path and make use of it. Many times there will be strong arguments from fellow fraternity brothers against such a gift; however, in the end result, the presence of your conscience will be noteworthy. CONTRIBUTE OF YOUR IDEAS. Do not be alarmed at the thought. All can think but so few realize the importance of it. Metal and wood can be molded and made into an object of value that can be contributed to your Fraternity. Soon the ages take effect and the physical object is gone or is at best worthless. Not an idea! Although intangible, it is ageless. It is as new as the moment it is contemplated, and those generations following will find its newness most welcome. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET YOUR RELIGION. Oh, how our Fraternity stands in its need! Now, I am not asking for you to be known as a fanatic. Take the perfect example--Jesus Christ. The simplicity and moderation of his teachings serve as a guide. Your FRATERNITY ALTAR needs to be visited much more often. Its place in so many instances has been pre-empted by other more worldly preoccupations. I feel that until it is again in its rightful place we shall see continued deterioration. DO NOT SLACKEN WHEN THE PHYSICAL BODY IS IN DEMAND. Your physical strength can do so much that is constructive. You note that I said constructive. If our Fraternity would eliminate the destructive physical activities and become more constructive, think of the good that would accrue. Hard work will often make the most minute something of great value. HOW ABOUT YOUR LOVE AND AFFECTION? The greatest commandment was to love. Be affectionate towards your Fraternity brothers. Yes, even those whom you feel unqualified to receive same. Perhaps they are in need of brotherly love to bring to them the full fruition of their potential. LOVE THE IDEALS AND TRADITIONS of your Fraternity. How can you pass the test of the ritual and do otherwise? There are additional points to this advice, but I realize you despise lengthy discourse. Perhaps it would have been best to suggest merely that you give it your ENTIRE SELF. Put your heart and soul and body into i t . Push on toward a goal of Perfection. Really, isn't it true that anything worth doing is worth doing right? I know that you will not want to be connected with anything that is less than successful. As a final summation, remember that as you give of yourself to Pi Kappa Phi, you Will find yourself receiving. DAD


We alumni also can contribute these things.



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Sigma Chapter, University of South Carolina, celebrated its Golden Anniversary in April. Those seen chatting in the hall of the chap!er house are, left to right, Brother Wayne Wetzel; Past National Preside nt John D. Ca rroll, Chairman of the Devereux D. Rice Memonal Foundation; Mrs. Ben Covington, wife of the Pre sident of District IV ; Mrs. Richard L. ("Dick " ) Young, wife of Brother Young, Past Editor of The Star and Lamp, next in line ; Mrs. Burt Orr ; Mrs. Bill Bobo, wife of the President of the Columbia, S. C. , Alumni Chapter, and Mrs. Bill Easom . The photograph on the wall is of Brother George Bell Timm erman, ex-Governor of South Carolina.

SIGMA'S 50TH! By BROTHER JAMES WHATLEY, Historian Sigma, University of South Carolina H OTEL JEFFERSON in Columbia, South Carolina, was the scene of Sigma's Golden Anniversary Celebration April 23, which began at 2 p.m. and terminated with a dance which lasted until midnight. The hotel was decorated with Pi Kapp banners hanging from the marquees and also from the mezzanine ra iling. A lighted reproduction of the fraternity pin adorned one end of the hotel's main lobby. A group of brothers, undergraduate and alumn i, greeted the visito rs. After registration, wives of local alumni entertained at a drop-in in the lounge of the fraternity house on the University campus. The lounge was decorated with pink azaleas, pink dogwood, red roses, and yellow gladioli. In one end of the lounge was arranged a display of scrapbooks, minute books, pictures, chapter publications, and issues of The Star and Lamp . A table was arranged in the chapter room for serving coffee, sandwiches, and cookies. The tab le had a huge centerpiece of azaleas, with mint green cand les at each end of the table. Following the drop-in, members of the chapter led the guests on tours of the new Univers ity of South Carolin a campus. In the evening, the scene shifted to the Hotel Jefferson, this time for a cocktail hour in the main dining room. Following this, at 7:30 p.m., a buffet supper was served. The buffet table had a centerpiece of two dozen 2

long-stemmed red Happiness Roses, which were presented by Brother John D. Carroll. The arra ngement was later taken to Mrs . H. L. Monckton, whose husband, one of Sigma's charter members, died while the celebration was being planned. Brother James M. Wilson, past national Executive Secretary, served as master of ceremonies for the eve· ning. Brother Robert E. Register, Chapter Adviser and first speaker, welcomed the vis itors and members to the Golden Anniversary celebration . The master of ceremon ies then introduced the chap· ter's Archon, Brother Billy Mishoe, who spoke briefly on the progress and achievements be ing made by the present ch apter. Included in hi s speech was a report that Sigma's most treasured fiftieth anni versary g ift was the national office's rating sheet, w hich li sted Sigma among the Master Chapters. The Archon conclud ed by present· Brothers Bill Easom, Fred Quinn, and Burl Orr were back ol Sigma for the birthday festivities .

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Mrs. John D. Carroll poured at the drop-in at the Sigma Chapter house during the reunion. Those standing, left to right, are Miss Anna Durham, Brother Eugene Kibler, Brother Swaffield Cowan, Mrs. Theron A. Houser, widow of the late Past President of Pi Kappa Phi; Mrs. Sam Carfledge, Mrs. Cowan, and Miss Betty Crouch.


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ing a bouquet of red roses to Mrs. Ruth Register, wife of the Chapter Adviser, "in appreciation for her support and to show her that we love her very much." Brother John D. Carroll, Chairman of the Devereux D. Rice Memorial Foundation, spoke briefly before introducing the main speaker. Brother Carroll congratulated the chapter on its achievements and volunteered to entertain the group for a party at his private lake in Lexington. The speaker for the evening was Brother W. Bernard Jones, Jr., National President, who had been influential In organizing another Sigma reunion during the 1930's. Brother Jones introduced Col. Ben Covington, District President, and Brother Register, the two men who had been ch ief factors in the reunions of 1946 and 1960. Several other visiting alumni were called upon during the even ing to speak to the group. Among these was Dr. Jay Hammett, of Gaffney, S. C., who presented to the chapter a check for one hundred dollars to be used as the beginning of a scholarship fund. Other guests included Mrs. Theron A. Houser, St. lli:atthews, S. C., widow of Past National President liouser; and Mr. and Mrs . Richard L. ("Dick") Young, Charlotte, N. C. Brother Young is past Editor of The Star and L amp . Letters and telegrams were received from several Prominent men who had planned to attend but had to cancel reservations due to illness or uncontrollable business engagements. These included Founder Simon Fogarty and Brother Alexander Kroeg; Sigma No. 1, Brother Wade Smith Bolt, and Senator Olin D. Johnson. The lllessages were read by the master of ceremonies . . Following the dinner, the Allan Taylor Orchestra proVIded music for a dance which conclud ed the Golden Anniversary of Sigma's founding in 1910.

Reminiscing at Sigma-left to right, 8rother James M. Wilson, Past Executive S becretary of Pi Kappa Phi ; Brothers John S路 Carroll, Burt Orr, Bill Easom, and am Carfledge.

National President W. Bernard Jones, Jr., addressed the assemblage at Sigma. Chapter Adviser Robert E. Register is on the left, and District President Ben Covington, on t he right.

Sigma's Archon Billy Mishoe presented a bouquet of red roses to Mrs. Robert E. Register, wife of the Chapter Adviser, as a token of the chapter's love and appreciation for her support.

Three Pi Kapps in Unit Of Army Reserve JN A SMALL UNIT of the U. S. Army Reserve, comprising only seven officers, it was discovered recently that three of them are brothers in Pi Kappa Phi. Their military organization is an Augmentation Group of the G-1 Section of Headquarters, U. S. First Army, at Governors Island, N. Y., where they meet on Monday evenings during the training year. These brothers are from widely separated chapters, and served together for some time before realizing their affiliation. Brig. Gen. Francis H. Boland, Jr., is from Gamma Chapter, University of California, Lt. Col. John F. Reynolds is from Alpha Chapter, College of Charleston, and Lt. Col. Edwin S. Mayland, Jr., is from Alpha Xi Chapter, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Their imtiation years are 1924, 1928, and 1934, respectively. Brother Boland has been on the National Finance Committee of Pi Kappa Phi for several years. Brother Reynolds is the nephew of Founder Simon Fogarty and served as the National Warden at the 50th Anniversary Convention in Charleston in 1954. He completed 30 years of service in the U. S. Army Reserve on May 31st of last year. A native of New York City, Brother Boland received his B.S. and A.B. degrees from the University of California in 1926. Upon graduation from the university's ROTC, he received his commission as a Second Lieutenant. He was graduated from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration in 1931. Prior to World War II, Brig. Gen. F. H. Boland, Jr. General Boland performed active duty on a temporary basis at various posts in the Ninth Corps Area. Entering extended active duty in March, 1942, General Boland was Chief of Section, Army Group, Washington, D. C., prior to assignment to the Southwest Pacific Area from May, 1942, to April, 1946. He received his present mobilization assignment as G-3, Plans and Operations, Department of the Army, in April, 1946. Brother Boland's outstanding military service has brought him the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart, four commendations, four Presidential Unit Citations. In civilian life, Brother Boland is Executive VicePresident and Member, Board of Directors, Resident Manager-Eastern Division, George Fry and Associates, Management Consultants; Director, ACF Industries; Trustee, American University, Washington, D. C. His affi liations include Phi Beta Kappa; New York Athletic Club; Olympic Club, San Francisco; Duquesne Club, Pittsburgh; Union. League Club, New York City. 4

Brother Reynolds, who was born in harleston, S. C., received his B.S. De· gree from the College ~f Charleston in 1931 and h1S M.A. Degree from Teac~· ers College, Columbia Vn 1 versity, in 1949. His military career be· gan in 1929 when he en rolled in the !18th Infan· try, South Carolina Na· tiona! Guard. Three yearJ later he was commissionc a Second Lieutenant in Lt. Col. John F. Reynolds Field Artillery. He served on active duty six and a h alf years during and aftcJ World War II in the United States, the Philippines, an Okinawa. He is now in the Adjutant General's CorpS· Brother Reynolds' decorations and awards include Ar· my Commendation Ribbon with Pendant, American fense Medal, American Theater Medal, Occupation Medal (Japan), Victory Medal, World War II, Arrn) Reserve Medal with two additional 10-year devices, and the Conspicuous Service Cross of the State of New York. In civilian life, he has been a teacher in the Bronx· ville, N. Y., Public School since 1939. Brother Reynolds holds membership in Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Delta Kappa, Reserve Officers Association, and American Legion.


When Brother Mayland was graduated from Ne~ York Military Academy tn 1933, he received a Cer· tificate of Capacity, Sec· ond Lieutenant, Officers Reserve Corps. After tw0 years at Brooklyn Polytechd nic Institute, he transferr~ to New York Universtt}' where he was awarded J B.S. Degree in Banking and Finance in 1938. froJ11 1935 to 1941 he was a Lt. Col. E. s. Mayland, Jr. member of the 77th . Jn·d fantry Division, Organize t Reserve. He was graduated from Infantry School, for Benning, Ga., in 1942. During World War II, he w~ assigned to Amphibious Base, U. S. Atlantic Fleet, a~ Chief, Organized Reserves, Headquarters, Second ServtC~ Cornman?, Governors Island. In 1946 he was relieve from acttve duty with the rank of Lieutenant Co]one1· From 1938 to 1941, Brother Mayland was with the Home Title Guaranty Company. He is now owner of R. H. Mayland's Son, manufac· turer of chimes and musical specialti es, founded bY Brother Mayland's grandfather in 1866. The same fir~ name has been carried to the present. Brother Mayland s father, who died in June, 1959, conducted the business before the present owner. The chimes made here are u~ed throughout the world in pipe and electronic or~and .One wonders how many other Pi Kapps are assoCla~e wtth each other in various pursuits without know 1ng that they are brothers in the Fraternity. THE








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Brother Joe Starnes

PRESIDENT F lVITAN JNTERNA TION AL this year is Brother Joe Starnes, Omicron '19, University of Alabama. This honor lim axes Brother Starnes' record of 36 years of service in the club. He was first Secretary and later President of thi organization which was founded in Birmingham, Ala. He is a Past Lieutenant Governor and Past Governor of Alabama District, North, and Past Judge

Advocate. ~rother Starnes' term as President cover the organiba~1on's fortieth anniversary year. When this story was e1ng written, plans were in the making for chartering 40 clubs simultaneously on the fortieth anniversary, April 15 . Program Supports Education "As part of our international program, we support

~~le training of physically handicapped and the educa-

t~on of mentally retarded children who can take educa~on, the National Safety Program, and the Crusade for

threedom," Brother Starnes said. "We further encourage e building of good citizenship by urging ou r young beople to participate in essay and oratorical contests '"~sed on the constitution and our system of government. we also stress unselfish service for all members ." h Brother Starnes was born in Guntersville, Ala., and as spent most of his 65 years in that community. After receiving his LL.B. Degree from the University of Alabama Law School in 1921, he practiced law until 1?34. The next year he went to Congress, representing his district there until 1946 when he returned to the hrivate practice of law. He is the senior member of the Jrrn of Starnes and Starnes, attorneys. He was President of the Guntersville Chamber of ommerce from 1947 D~til 1949. He has served as a member of the Board of !rectors of the Alabama Chamber of Commerce since ! 953. Long Military Career Since his entrance into Officer Candidate School in

1 ~17, Brother Starnes has built a sizable military record. T raduating

from OCS as a Second Lieutenant in the

ltnf~ntry in November, 1917, he stayed on active duty



ntd July, 1919. He served overseas in Eng land, France, bnd in the Army of Occupation in Germany. As a memher of the Alabama National Guard he moved up until e became a Lieutenant Colonel in 1940. From January, 1 :45, until March, 1946, he was a full Colonel in the l rrny. In March; 1955, he retired as a Colonel in the bnfantry of the Alabama National Guard and as a memer of the State Military Advisory Board. H e served as

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pe ial A si tanl to hief of L1fT with uprcmc ll cad qua rlcr, Allied Expeditionary Forces, in World War 11 and later as pecial A i tant to ,en. L. . lay, nice f Military overnmenl for 1ermany in Berlin. Hi. military de rati n arc the ilv r tar, 30 Years rvi e Medal, and i tingui hed ervi e Mcd.d by tale f .Alabama. In ongres , Brother ttrncs was a member f the mmillee , nd the pe ial mHouse A ppr priati ns mittee Investigati ng Un-Ameri an and ubv rsive Activities (Dies ommittec). He is the aulh r f the Alabama Military ode, 1931 , and the Veteran Pref r nee Act, 19 Recipient of Many Honors A i natural for a man of Brother tarne ' talents and pub lic pirit, many honors have come to him, including: member of tate Board of Education, L933- l 9; member of Board of Trustees of Kate-Dun an mith DAR School since 1947; member of Bo, rd of Trustee of Snead Junior College since 1940; Past tale ommandcr of Alabama Department of American Legion. He is a former President of the Mar hall ou nty Bar A ocin.tion, member of the Board of the Infantry ounci l and Director of the National RiAe Association, and member of the Board of Vi itors, . . Military Academy, We t Point, from 1937 until 19 5. He i a member of the Methodist Episcopal hurch, the Masons, the Shriners, Guntersvi ll e Yacht Club, the Down Town lub of Birmingham, and Phi Delta Phi, legal fraternity. Brother Starnes is listed in "World Biography," "Who's Who in America," "Who's Who in the outh and Southwest, " "International Who' Who," and "Who's Who in Methodism."

Pi Kapp Family The tarneses are indeed a Pi Kapp family . Brother Starnes' two sons, Joe, Jr., and Paul , and his youngest brother, John, are all alumni of Omicron . Joe, Jr., is practicing law with his father, and Paul is teaching History and English in the Millersburg Military Institute, Millersburg, Ky. John, a former basketball and baseball star at the University of Alabama, is the owner and operator of an office supply company in Tallahassee, Fla. --------~K~--------

Tribute to Brother Perry BROTHER PAUL . PERRY, Beta Eta '55, Florida State University, Pi Kappa Phi's Traveling oun elor this year, has received his call from Uncle am and reported for service in the Army. "Words cannot express the va lue of Paul 's ser ices to the Fraternity," Executive ecretary Durward wen said. "Perhaps hi s services cou ld be t be described as a ' labor of love,' for of all his outstanding qualities n ne surpassed his intense and sincere love for Pi Kappa Phi. A indicated by the many letters received from hal'ter he has visited, I am sure this love did not go unnoticed. We are told that 'as ye sow, so shall ye re. p,' and I am certain that Paul carries the affection of all of u with him as he goes with the military ervi e." Brother Perry's address is: Paul . Perry, RCT. , U 53319344, o. C, 2nd B. G., 9th lnf., Fort Benning, Ga. 5

The Founding of Sigma

The Pa.ssing of Sigma

(From The Star and Lamp of October 15, 1913)

(From The Star and Lamp of October 15, 1913)


REQUEST FROM THE EDITOR of The Star and Lamp to write a history of the founding of Sigma Chapter was certainly to be appreciated by the writer, not denied. If there is one thing that remains dear to the memory of any one man it is the memory of those several months spent with the rest of my good friends mutually discussing the probabilities, pro and con, of establishing ourselves as an affiliated chapter of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

T HIS IS SIGMA'S FAREWELL to The Star and Lamp. On account of conditions which existed in college last Spring, the faculty asked them to hand in their charter and disband. They complied with their request and cannot reorganize until the present State Jaws are changed concerning Greek-letter fraternities. Sigma regrets having to leave the I ist of active chap路 ters, but thought that it would be best, and consequently has handed in its charter and disbanded.

To make a perfect beginning of the story of the history, it must be taken up at the time of the tennis tournament held at the college in the Spring of 1909. It was at that time that ]. W. King, of Delta Chapter, was invited to room with my roommates and myself in our room at college. Mr. King espied a Beta Tau Epsilon pin which I wore and questioned me as to the meaning of the same. My explanation that it was a high school frat pin caused a mutual feeling of friendship to spring up between us. During his several days' stay at the college, our talks concerning fraternities grew more frequent, and finally a remark of mine to the effect "that I was sorry that there were not frats at the college" caused Mr. King to give me the thought that if a few of us college boys could get together and stay together, "something might be done for us."

Sigma was organized during the years 1909-10 as the Emanon Club, and later petitioned Pi Kappa Phi through ]. W. King, a member of Delta Chapter. They obtained their charter on March 5, 1910, beginning with nine men as charter members. Before the end of that session, two more were added to the roll.

Remember, the writer was a freshman of the freshest sort at that time. It was rather a ticklish proposition to put to the upper classmen, but Dr. Dilly was our first prey. It talked me almost out to convince the gentleman from Noo-erk, N. ]., that frats were right, but we finally agreed that some kinds were proper. The doctor and I decided to take I. Newton Edwards into our confidence on the subject, and John D. Hamer was also given the invitation. Thus did we continue our silent but earnest efforts. At the end of the term in 1909, we were a pretty good body to consider, from twelve to fourteen members; our memory cannot exactly place us correctly on this. In the Fall of 1909 we were all back. Dr. Dilly was a senior and the Summer had fully converted him into a rousing frat man. A number of new men were broached with the subject, and before the Fall passed by we numbered about eighteen, if I remember rightly. Our meetings were not held in the President's office nor the chapel. Sometimes we hogged the reception room of the Literary Society, and sometimes we "cornered" :: section of the campus. But we kept the fires of fraternal spirit burning. The writer left college at holidays. It was on March 5, 1910, after my leaving college, that the charter was obtained and the fellows with whom I had labored were initiated into the mysteries and good fellowship of Pi Kappa Phi. My one hope is that it will be but a short while until I can become likewise blessed. Long live the organization is our hope. It is my earnest request that any of the charter members of the Sigma Chapter will at all times consider themselves welcome to write me. I want you to. My long suit is reading and writing. With best regards to you all, The one who expects yet to be, Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, /s/ Wade Smith Bolt [WADE SMITH BOLT, Sigma '10 University of South Carolina]

The year 1910-11 began with seven men and one who afli Iiated from Beta. Before the end of the collegiate year, four additional members were taken in. The year 1911-12 was the banner year. Ten men returned to college and live affiliated at the opening. They initiated seven that year, running the chapter roll up to 22 for the year. The year 1912-13 opened with fourteen men back in college. They remained, with one exception, during the entire year. No affiliations nor initiations were made during the past year. Sigma has furnished twenty-three men to the fraternity during its four years of existence. Out of the number, some have risen to prominence. They have on their rolls a past E. S. J., a past E. S. G., who is now E. S. A., a past Asst. E. S. T., who is now E. S. T., and a past Asst. Bus. Mgr. of The Star and LamP路 The present E. S. ]. is a Sigma man, one Associate Editor of The Star and Lamp, and the E. S. C., the newly created office, hails from Sigma. This shows that they have furnished men with ability, who are helping to bui ld Pi Kappa Phi up and place it among the best. Besides these, they have one who is in public life, being a member of the State Legis lature. He is a good one, too. They are justly proud of their record and have a right to be. Few chapters can boast of as many men that have taken as active an interest as those of Sigma. The members of the chapter were unanimous ly popular with the student body and enjoyed the respect of the faculty. Their sc:holastic standing was as high as any in coll ege, if not the htghest. In_ athletics they were well represented, having at tim~s representattves on all of the teams. They were men from everY department of the college. No more representative group could have been picked. They were congenial among themselves and had plenty of the Pi Kapp spirit. The pass ing of Sigma is a distinct Joss to the fraternity, it being the second largest chapter. It was centrall y located, drawJ':g. from ali parts of the State, always keeping them equallY dlVlded. :w'hde her place wi ll be hard to fill, the time may not be far dtstant when she can again take her accustomed place ~ong her sister ch~pters, proclaiming the fact that she is a wtde-open chapter w1th plenty of the same spirit that she was noted for. Until that time comes, vale.

[JOHN DAVID HAMER, Sigma '10 University of South Carolina] ----------~K~----------


Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to ens!ave.--Attributed to Lord Brougham 4






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If radio's slim fingers can pluck a melody From night, and toss it over a continent or sea . Why should mortals wonder if God hears prayer? --Ethel Romig Fuller THE



Is/ John David Hamer

Otterbein, Ind .


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HOME-During the school year, this is home for Rho Chapter at Washington and Lee University.


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Happy Birthday, Rho! DID SOMEONE SAY that "Life Begins at Forty?" Anyway, for Rho Chapter at Washington and Lee we shall assume that a great increase in life and vigor started last Spring when Rho observed its fortieth birthday. Many happy alumni who attended the celebration can testify to the success of the event.

The reunion was used as an opportunity to present engraved certificates of recognition to the chapter's outstanding alumni.

Brother John Miles, then Editor of The Virgi11ia Gentleman, Rho Chapter's publication, began the publicity with an article in the Spring, 1959, issue of that paper, outlining the proposed activities and purposes. The following Fall the new alumni committee, headed by Brother Bill Jordan, new Editor of the publication, met with Rho Chapter's Adviser, Brother Herb Hamric (Brother Hamric had proposed the reunion), and planned the course of the Fortieth Reunion to the minutest detail. The alumni committee was supplemented by a reunion committee whose duty it was to carry out the tremendous job of creating enthusiasm for the event in almost four hundred alumni. Since personal contact with each alumnus is the best method of stimulating interest, some means of writing personal letters to all alumni had to be devised . To solve this problem, the nation was divided into thirty districts, each district being assigned to one Key Man whose duty it was to write those men living in his section of the country. Key men were d10sen on the basis of interest they had shown in the chapter and their willingness to give actively to the Fraternity. The choices proved to be good ones, for every Key Man carried out his charge with immediate speed .

This anniversary celebration was a rewarding experience not on ly for those alumni who returned but also for each brother. Probably the greatest contribution, however was the vast increase in alumn i communications. A~ one undergraduate put it: "It can safely be Said that Rho's alumni relations were improved one hundred per cent by the reunion."

Fair response to these letters was expected, but the outcome was far beyond fair. Letters and telegrams poured in at the rate of four or five a day for over a month. People whose existence previously had been only a name and a chapter number on a filing card now became friends of the active chapter-they became, more exactly, brothers in a truer sense.

"The first returning brothers started rolling in Friday, April 22," the Spring issue of The Virginia Gentleman stated. "That night was devoted to bull sessions and reminiscences. "Saturday, the cha1 ter- old and new- migrated en to Goshen for a picnic. After partaking of a delicious barbecued chicken lunch, everyone soon became \Veil roasted by the sun and well washed by the icy \Vaters of the Maury. Later in the afternoon, much to the pleasure of all , the famous Dukes of Dixieland entertained Pi Kapps and a 'few' VMI cadets. ~asse

"That night there was a formal banguet and cocktail Party at the Hotel Robert E. Lee for almost a hundred. later that evening, the annual Rose Ball was held in the hotel's ballroom." 0


The success of this week end was no mere accident. It was the climax to more than a year of planning and execution of plans. Many alumni assisted the undergraduates in developing interest and attendance, to say nothing of an enjoyable program for those who attended.




There is one extremely vital fact incidental to living in that home- a fact which will be contested by many readers of these words-unless the men w ho roam the halls of this mansion make grades at least as good as th~ students who do not live there, these members of Pt Kappa Phi will not be able to live in the same fine homes when they step out into the business world . A_s a Management Consultant, placing young men in bust· ness, I have come to a definite conclusion that grades and world ly success go together. It should be highly sig· nificant that seventh grade Arithmetic questions and seventh grade word knowledge can be a reasonable yard· stick for earning capacities. There is every indicatio~ that they do run together. Certain ly, this is strong evt· dence that it is extremely important for college men to make at least average grades.

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It is a good and happy feeling to see some of Ameri· ca.'s finest young men, Pi Kappa Phi members, living in a wonderful home unless they are so unfortunate as to be creating rich tastes only to have those tastes crushed a set of circumstances in which poor grades resu!t m poor earning capacity. While it has been said that tt is better to h ave loved and lost than never to have loved at all, I do not think that the same thought process would hold in acquiring rich tastes on ly to be caught unable to provide wherewithal to support such tastes. Let us hope that no member of Pi Kappa Phi wi ll underrate the need for maintaining at least average college grades.


National President W. B. Jones, Jr.

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edu I LAST MAY, I conducted a Management Seminar for South Carolina State Chamber of Commerce in one of South Carolina's leading cities. In this group were executives, office managers, business owners, accountants, retail clerks, and others. A 12-minute mental alertness test was administered to this group. The questions on this test were of such nature as, "If one gallon of gasol~ne cost 23¢ what would four gallons cost?" The nat~onal average on scores for answering these 50 questwns ran from 30 points for major executives down to 8 points for janitors. Upon adm inistering this test and comparing the performances of these men against the national averages, we found that men's stations in life and earning capacities were exactly commensurate with the ~rades they would have made on a seventh grade Engltsh and Arithmetic test. Recently, I received a picture of a new and lovely Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Home on one of America's finest campuses. The men in that home were living in regal splendor. During their undergraduate days in this home they will acquire tastes for regal living. They will accustom themselves to spacious entertainment facilities. They will accustom themselves to having bounteous and tasty foods. They will accustom themselves to having wearing apparel which will become people who live in such a home. The acquisition of rich tastes in good living is healthy. It creates a standard which will in turn create motivations to greater performance in the art of earning a living and raise the cultural sights of the families of which these men, one day, will become a part. 6

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AS OF MAY 6, 1960, one member of each of Pi Kappa Phi's chapters is wearing the new Students Lamp Key Award. It was given by the National Fr~· ternity in recognition of the owner's leadership withtn his chap ter in scholastic excellence for the preced ing semester or two quarters.

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Only once can an individual be the recipient of the Students Lamp Key Award, and upon winn ing it the key becomes his personal property. These individuals thusly carry the key as a visible mark of distinction ns a top scholar.

Sch of fer.

Scholarship has always received great emphas is in Pi Kappa Phi. Our Pi Kapp Scholar Award is outstanding and has been copied by many other Greek organ izationS· Pi Kappa Phi was one of the first National FraternitieS ~o ~a.ve a National Scholarship Committee. With thiS tndtvt?ual award, given to the top scholar in each chaf' ter,. Pt Kappa Phi once again g ives public notice to .ttS beltef that scholarship deserves first emphasis in the ]t fe of an undergraduate.



This year's Students Lamp Key Award w inners and their chapters fo llow: James William Folk, Alpha; Frank Al Forbes, Bet~; Peter M . Goorjian, Gamma; William A . Farrar, Jr., Delta; Jerone C. Herring, Eps ilon; William Westmore· land, Zeta; Halsey A. Mallary, Iota; Malcom 0. Bro'WI1• Kappa ; Michael C. Olbon, Lambda; Ronald E . Busch• Mu; William C. Barr, Nu; Gene A. Godwin, Xi; Joseph H. Sox, Omicron; James N. Hardin, Jr. , Rho; Jarn~s H. Johnson, Tau; Edward L. Hoffman, Upsilon ; PhilltP THE
















Heart of the campus is the Student Union Memorial Building at the University of Arizona. In this, the university's 75th Anniversary year, Pi Kappa Phi is moving well along in its 1Oth year on lhe campus.



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Happy Returns!

}'HE UNIVERSITY OF ARI_ZO_NA is this year _celebrating its 75th year of servtce tn the field of htgher education. Pi Kappa Phi salutes this fine institution on its history of growth and achievement. The fratern ity has a very d_efinite stake in the accomplishments of the university, Stnce members of Pi Kappa Phi have been an mtegral Part of the institution's student body and have contributed to the institution's advancement since April of 1951 when Beta Theta Chapter was established there. Pi Kappa Phi is one of 26 national social fraternities that have chartered groups at Arizona. Their gracious host, the university, is composed of 10 colleges, four schools, and 52 departments, and inclu~es 22 div~sions of research and extension. The bachelors degree ts offered in 126 fields, the master's degree in 53, and the


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Parr, Chi ; Donald C. Uber, Psi; David L. Martin, Ornega; Robert Phelan, Alpha Epsilon; David C. Smith, Alpha Zeta; Philip T. Ballbach, Alpha Theta; Robert C. Mont&ornery, Alpha Iota; James A. Warren, Alpha Mu;_ John Eck, Alpha Xi; James R. Mumford, _Alpha On;tcron; ltonel N. Humphreys, Jr., Alpha Stgma; Davtd M. Goddard, Alpha Tau; Daniel E. Sonon, Alpha Upstlo~; l<enneth Miller, Alpha Phi; Fred J. Lamb, Alpha Pst; 'Wendell T. Beyer, Alpha Omega; Joseph Friend, Beta Alpha; Thom~s F. Ashe, Beta l3eta; Richard Lutz, Beta Gamma; Davtd Cra:wford, Beta Delta; Lynda! C. Grieb, Beta Epsilon; Frankltn D. Clark, Beta Eta; Robert E. Butler, Beta Iota; Ferrell w_atson, Beta Kappa; George A. Clement, Beta Lambda; ~tchard l Sandlin Beta Mu· Ri chard C. Pendell, Beta Xt; Karl l-vfoore, Beta Omicro~; Paul J. Will, Beta Pi; Donald M. l-vrills, Beta Rho; Anthony Corso, Beta Tau.

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doctor's degree in 27. Resident enrollment exceeds 11,000. With an eye to the ever-widening horizons in science, the College of Engineering operates one of the two largest atomic reactors on any campus in the United States. Kitt Peak, 40 miles southwest of the university, has been ' selected as the site for the National Observatory. Data processing facilities for the Observatory are presently under construction on the university campus. The Arizona Interfraternity Council is nationally known for its efficient program of service. In 19'56, they were named runner-up by the National Interfraternity Conference in the annual competition to select the most outstanding Interfraternity Council. In 1959, at the Fiftieth Anniversary Conference, the NIC selected the University of Arizona IFC as first in the nation among major colleges and universities. The program which brought this distinction about includes service to member chapters, the university, the community, and to fraternity ideals. One of the most noteworthy projects is the Fraternity Row Housing Plan. This ambitious undertaking provides 12 new fratern ity houses at a cost of two and a half mi llion dollars. Funds are being furnished through a Federal Housing loan made by the Board of Regents which enables the chapters to purchase the properties over a 40-year period at 3l/s per cent interest. At this time, the present chapter house of Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Arizona is inadequate for their needs, and they intend to participate in this program by purchasing a house vacated by a fraternity which is building on the new Fraternity Row.

DO NOT FORGET the 28th Supreme Chapter Meeting August 24-27, 1960 Louisville, Ky.


Conclave _Highlights DIsTRIcT c 0 NCLAVES have enjoyed a most successful year within Pi Kappa Phi. With the advent of Pi Kapp College the need for strict district leadership schools has lessened. Into the void created by the departure of leadership schools has been injected more emphasis on the District Conclaves. This past school year has witnessed District Conclaves in each of our Districts except one. They have, without exception, District President Robert Crossproven successful in varyley addressed District I Coning degrees. Undergraduclave. ates from all but three Chapters have participated. This is an outstanding record and all District Presidents are to be congratulated for a job well done. Conclaves fill a definite need within the Fraternity. A simple definition of a Conclave would be as follows, "The gathering together of Pi Kapps from within a defined area for mutu1l problem-solving and fellowship." In years past, Conclaves were sponsbred and heavily attended by alumni within Districts. On record in the National Office are pictures and written reports indicating Conclaves at which the alumni outnumbered undergraduates two to one. Over the years. the emphasis being placed on such District meetings lessened to the extent that alumni interest has greatly been lost. It is hoped that during the coming years we shall once again see more participation · on the part of alumni in the affairs of their District. It is felt that the guidance and counsel of the more adult and mature minds of alumni will add greatly to the success of any Conclave.

Between sessions at the District II Conclave, the photographer lined up these Fraternity leaders. They are, left to right, Archon Robert Kreider, Alpha Mu; District President Charles Kuntz, District II; National Treasurer John W. Deimler; Executive Secretary our· ward W. Owen, and Archon John Remias, Alpha Upsilon .

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Executive Secretary Durward W. Owen had the privilege of presenting a bouquet of red roses to Beta Xi's Sweetheart on be· half of the chapter. Archon Harry Grether is on the right.


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ton While the brothers awaited the open· ing of a session of the District II Conclave, Executive Secretary Durward Owen, front row, second from right, pondered a question.


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Brother William G. Loeffler, Jr.

Brother Jame s M . Lloyd

New Traveling Counselors of


)l.ROTHER WILLIAM G. LOEFFLER, JR., Rho '57, Washington and Lee Univers ity, will become a 'traveling Counselor for Pi Kappa Phi September 1. Brother Loeffler, who was graduated from Washington and Lee in Ju ne, is from Arlington, Va. A journalism major in college, he worked last StunIller as Sports Writer for the Winston-Salem (N. C.) /?ztrnal. The previous Summer, he was a General As1 Stgnment Reporter for the Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel-Star. While at Rho, Brother Loeffler was Ard10n, Warden, ~nd Athletic Director, and received the Outstand ing ledge Award. In 1957 he was runner-up for Washington and Lee's IFC Outstanding Freshman Award. Brother Loeffler was a member of the Varsity CrossCountry Team for four years and captain for two, winnt ng four varsity letters. He also received two letters in track and was twice winner of the Forest Fletd1er Cross~ountry Trophy which goes to the man who has conttbuted the most to the team. p Brother Loeffler was Associate Editor of Ring-tttm t"hi, campus newspaper; a Freshman Camp (O:ien~a10n) Counselor; Dormitory Counselor, and Dean s Ltst Student. He is a member of Sigma Delta Chi, honorary Journal ism fratern ity, and Pi Sigma Alpha, honorary Poli tical science fratern ity. He is listed in "Who's Who 1 n American Colleges and Universities."



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B ROTHER JAMES M. LLOYD, Beta Eta '59, Florida State University, will join the National Office of Pi Kappa Phi as Traveling Counselor August 15. Brother Lloyd is a resident of Camp Hill, Penna. In the Fall of 1955, he entered Paul Smith's College, Pau l Smiths, N . Y. While there, he majored in Hotel and Restaurant Management, participating, at intervals, in field training a.t the Lake Placid Club. Among his extra curricular activities was skiing on the many slopes of this Winter vacation-land. In 195 7, he transferred to Florida State where he continued h is studies of Hotel and Restaurant Management, graduating with a B.S. Degree in Business Administration this past June. . During his tenure at the University he held various key offices in Beta Eta, including Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Pledge Master. Brother Lloyd has been active in the youth work of his home community for a number of years. His special interest lies in Boy Scouting, and he has served in mm1erous leadership capacities, including Camp Counselor at the Harrisburg Area Boy Scout Camp, Loysville, Penna. During vacation periods, Brother Lloyd has been employed as night manager of a chain restaurant unit. He is a member of Grace Methodist Churd1, Harrisburg, Penna. 9

Good Publicity!-How to Get It By ARCHON JOHN REMIAS Alpha Upsilon, Drexel

WHAT ARE COLLEGE FRATERNITIES doing to overcome adverse publicity? What we have done or are doing, it has not been enough! ! I would like to break down our topic of discussion into four major areas: founding principles; types of criticism, adverse publicity, and sources; what has been done to counteract publicity; what can be done to counteract publicity. The first two thoughts mentioned above may be considered almost as one since from the principles, rituals, and secrecies have come many of the criticisms of our system. Fraternities in general have a secret handshake, motto, meaning for their Greek name, and are selective in membership. Because of these "secrecies" they are sometimes labeled as subversive organizations, not necessarily in the leftist sense, but as somewhat subversive to the changing American educational and moral scene where secrecy is not to be condoned. We have grown as an offshoot of the college system, not as a direct part of it. We are as secret as a man in seclusion with his Lord-a personal secrecy indeed. Our ideals say that we shall complement the efforts of our related educational institutions- promote good scholarship, offer sincere and everlasting brotherhood, and help prepare our brothers for their future community living and participation. Are we really doing this? Fundamentally, the fraternity has been a laboratory for our basic American heritage, democracy. In the good chapter, officers are and have been elected to guide and carry on the operations of their brotherhood. They learn responsibility, feel a sense of accomplishment when they do well in competition with other "houses," learn that group effort is the key to successful living, and discover the limits of their own local governmental boundaries which are superseded by the national organization's Constitution and Supreme Laws. In the "laboratory" we may make minor mistakes which affect only seriously enough to prevent reoccurrence. These are the basic principles on which we, all social fr;tternities, have been founded. These fundamentals themselves are occasionally attacked . By whom? I can only guess that they must be subversive attacks by leftist individuals, ones interested in undermining one of democracy's very foundation blocks. But these attacks are rare and not too widely publicized. Then, who does criticize the fraternal system widely and why? Let us discuss the "why" aspect of this question first. We are criticized, not for our founding and idealistic principles but for the fringe activities of our overall operations. These fringe activities may be broken down into two problem areas, hazing and drinking, the first being 10

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much more prevalent for adverse publicity purposes. Activities such as paddling, kidnaping, peculiar ntual practices, "Hell Weeks," and related practices have been our downfall from the standpoint of open public attac~· Drinking is another area of difficulty, but because it 1S such a widespread problem in the nation as a whole, we are not often publicly chastised for it. Our educational institutions themselves have various methods of handltng their local drinking problems.



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Newspapers and other media of news communication are interested in the circulation of their product, and it is the "spectacular or unusual" which will "sell" it to our sadistic reading public.



car ter Thus it is a headline story when a young neop~yte ltn· of the Greek world chokes to death on a piece of ltver bil jammed down his throat during an initiation ceremony, act or another young man dies in a swamp where he ~a.~ res deposited after being kidnaped from a "fraternity house. Malicious practices such as these have stamped sur pre disapproval on the word "fraternity." are But, let us go farther. Who is responsible for much of the criticism that gets to the papers and also other undercover criticism? Might it be the people or ~he1r tnu children who were rejected by a society of chosen wdt· un, vi duals? Or might it be the chapters themselves? I would the strongly suggest that it is both. People tend to build up wr, a tremendous antagonistic attitude toward anythi ng that cur has rejected them for any reason. If any fonn of outlet offers itself to this "hurt" feeling, it will certainly be los and is utilized. Such an outlet may offer itself wh~n gr< such a person suggests counsel and advice to the famdY tur of a young man or woman considering membership 10 loc a Greek society and discussing the matter with htS fre family. What could it be but adverse advice? dis The other source of criticism is undoubtedly the fra· abJ ternity itself which condones the malicious practices al· in£ ready discussed. So far we have discussed our principles, cer sources, and types of criticism. What have we done Pat about these, and what can we do about them? As to what we have done, we may convince ourselves ha, t~at it has been a lot. Many fraternities, local and naj thf t10nal, have abolished kidnaping and paddling; "Bel ag, Week~" have been converted to "Help Weeks;" w~ enj ., sor gage _m community service projects; other promotwna Sch practtces have been embarked upon. Recently I read of the activities of a certain publicity I committee of. the NIC in which they professed to b~ plannmg the mclusion of some articles favorable to th I fraternity system in major magazines. Yet I have seen no such articles in the two years since this committee report was presented . What happened?




Such a lackadaisical attitude seems to be prevai!i~~

th~o~ghout the fraternity system today. Are fi:aternttle

keepmg up with the fast pace of educational expanS1° 0' both physically and intellectually? Are they treatin~ t~~ modern studen't as he should be treated-as an tnd pendent individual of high character? For the most part I would say emphatically: "No!" THE












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. If our established chapters cannot keep pace with IUcreasing enrollments; if new fraternities are not being ~reated to supplement the old; then our system is slidlUg backwards. Every chapter of every fraternity should ~ake stock of its own overall condition. If one question ts answered honestly, then the chapter stands in good stead at least from the adverse publicity angle.

tion of malpmctices are all steps forward. Let's take stock of our individual chapter faults, admit them and correct them. All these things will take time-but now is the time to begin. We are now living in a rocket age-let's get our ancient fraternity system up to the launching pad and shoot upward.

"Are we doing anything in our activities that could lead to maiming or destroying the life of one of our rnembers or prospective members either by intent or accident?"


This question may have many implications. A blow from a paddle just slightly misguided may very easily take the life of a pledge. So might excessive physical e_xercise. So might excessive drinking. Any such activiltes must be abolished by all chapters. Once we clean our own houses, we may embark on campaigns to erase the dark shadows cast on the fraternity system. There are many ways in which we may t~prove our lot. Urban schools have particular possibdities in joining in civic and community affairs. Such activities might well be coordinated by the IFC's of the respective schools. Fraternities at campus schools must support and lead college activities, establish scholarship programs, and participate also in civic affairs if such are available as well as become financially stable.

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Everything good we do must be publicized, and we rnust do no bad. The vast majority of the public is still Uninformed as to current fraternity practices. Should they know about them? If you say, "No," then you're Wrong. We should be proud of our heritage and our current modes of operation.




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It has been said, "To gain an informed friend is to lose an uninformed enemy." Local IFC's could do a great service to the system by issuing some type of literature; i.e. pamphlets, giving information about their own local fraternity system to be distributed to all incoming freshmen. This literature should include an intelligent discussion of the system, both pros and cons, with favor~b l e articles by various school officials if possible. Honest tnformation such as this endorsed by our colleges would certainly have a positive effect on incoming students and parents alike.


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High school students about to enter our colleges rarely have any idea of what a college fraternity really is, and the ideas they usually have are misconceptions. Here ell ,n- . again the NIC could be of invaluable aid by producing ~al some type of general literature to be distributed to high Schools and prep schools.

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District President Giles

Finally, there must be many fraternity men in the publication business, both newspaper and magazine. Why can't we impose on them to give us space for favorable publicity. Many chapters do outstanding jobs in various fields. Let's publicize these activities. National officers must be held at fault for their failures in these lines. They must promote publicity through their own individual influence and their associates' influence. We must gain positive recognition for our positive actions and eliminate our negative actions in toto. Pledge codes, community services, and elimina~UGusr,


BROTHER TED ANDREW GILES, Eta '48, Emory University, has stepped into the big shoes left empty when Brother Thomas J. Wesley, Jr., Eta '30, resigned as President of District V. Both are Atlantans. District V embraces the states of Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. Brother Giles is employed by The Prudential Insurance Company of Brother Ted Andrew Giles America as Reviewing Appraiser in the Mortgage Loan Department. His office is located in Room 325 at 13 71 Peachtree Street, N.E., Atlanta 9. He received the A.B . and M.A. degrees from Emory University in 1947 and 1949, respectively. Active in military affairs, Brother Giles is a member of the Greater Atlanta Chapter, Reserve Officers Association; Secretary, Atlanta Chapter, Military Government Association, and a Major in the 310th Civil Affairs Group, Atlanta (S-1, Adjutant). He is a member of the West End Presbyterian Church and teacher of a class of Pioneers in the Sunday School. Brothers who attended the Supreme Chapter meeting in Atlanta in July, 1948, will, no doubt, remember that Brother Giles s-erved as National Warden and that he was a member of the Convention Planning Committee. Brother Wesley is Executive Vice-President of AllanGrayson Realty Company, a firm dealing mainly in property management, particularly the management of office ?uildings. It is under_stood that this firm is the largest 111 thts type of operatiOn in the Southeast.

EMPLOYMENT SERVICE At the request of many undergraduates and alumni, Pi Kappa Phi has made plans to provide a semiemployment service for its members. Alumni in various geo~raphical areas ~ave been appointed Employment Coordtnators. !hey w11l c~annel letters requesting employment 111 thetr geographtcal areas to firms and individuals having possible need of employees so qualified. This program will be outlined in the November issue of The Star and Lamp.


He Takes Ohio Deanship Speaker, Alabama House DR. ROY M. KOTTMAN, Alpha Omicron '38, Iowa State College, who has been Dean of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics at West Virginia University, became Dean of the Ohio State University College of Agriculture and Home Economics and Director of the Ohio Experiment Station at Wooster, effective June 1. Dean Kottman went to West Virginia University from Iowa State University July 1, 1958.

Dean Roy M. Kollman

At 42, the new Dean has tailored an enviable career, marked from its beginning by outstanding energy, initiative, scholarship, and leadership. He was born on a farm near Thornton, Iowa, December 22, 1916, and grew up there. After his graduation from high school, he worked for three years to earn enough money to enroll at Iowa State College (now Iowa State University) in 1937. He received the B.S. Degree from Iowa State in 1941, the M.S. Degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1948, and the Ph.D. Degree from Iowa State in 1952. While Dean Kottman's basic field is animal science, particularly genetics and breeding, his primary interests in recent years have tended more toward the broader aspects of agricultural education in general. Based on both his work and writings, his chief concerns have been the direction and adequacy of agricultural curriculums in the land-grant colleges and universities in meeting the demand for agricultural graduates, and the shifting in the number of students who seek education in overall agricultural pursuits, sometimes called "agribusiness." During the past year, Dean Kottman served as Secretary of the Division of Agriculture of the American Association of land-Grant Colleges and State Universities and as Chairman of the division's Resident Instruction Committee on Organization and Policy. He is currently Chairman of the Agribusiness Subcommittee, a role in which he has addressed the association on a national project on the recruitment, education, and placement of agricultural students. He was recently elected to the Executive Committee of the association's Division of Agriculture and Secretary of the division's Resident Instruction Section and Committee on Organization and Policy. Dean Kottman is a member of the Presbyterian Church, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Society of Animal Production of which he is the recent Chairman of the teaching committee; and Sigma Xi and Phi Kappa Phi, honorary societies. 12

SPEAKER OF ALABAMA'S House of Representatives is Brother Charles Crayton Adams, III, Alpha Iota '31, Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University). Brother Adams has represented his county, Tallapoosa, in the House of Representatives continuously since 1950. While in college, Brother Adams was a member of Blue Key Honor Society and Scabbard and Hon . Charles C. Ad ams Blade Honorary Military Society. He held several offices in Alpha Iota Chapter, including Chaplain and Secretary. He was graduated with a B.S. Degree in Business Administration.

... .

In September, 1940, Brother Adams was ordered to active duty as a First lieutenant and assigned to the staff of the Military Department at Auburn. Other military service included tours of duty at school at Fort Sill, Okla., and other military posts in the United States, as well as service in North Africa, Italy, Corsica, France, and Germany. His outstanding military service was recognized when he was awarded the Bronze Star, the French Croix de Guerre, and four Combat Stars, and was given a combat promotion from Major to lieutenant Colonel. Sin~e being released from active duty, he has continued h1S military service. At the present time, he is a member of the Division Headquarters Staff of the 31st Infantry Division of the National Guard of Alabama.


Upon his return to civilian life, Brother Adams e?tered the general insurance and real estate business 1? Alexander City, Ala., and has continued in that business. He is a member and officer of the American Legion and lions Club; a Director and Past President of the American Red Cross Chapter, member of Masonic lodge and Shrine, Elks Club, Chamber of Commerce, where he has served also as officer and Director, and JS a member of the Board of Stewards of the First Meth路 odist Church. In 1958, Brother Adams was awarded the Outstand路 ing Citizen Plaque in Alexander City. Both of Brother Adams' brothers followed ample and joined Alpha Iota Chapter- the late Jack N. Adams who was initiated in 1935 and Phillip E. Adams of Alexander City, initiated in

his e:<路 Brother Brother 1939.

Brother and Mrs. Adams have two daughters, Kitty lynn, 13, and Elizabeth, 11. ------ ~K垄 --------

A little neglect may breed mischief: for want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the rider was lost-Benjamin Frankli11 THE







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**** 28th Supreme Chapter News EDITION VOL. 1


August, 1960

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(ALL) PI KAPP ALUMNI (and families)

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Search is on for the alumnus who was last seen at college several years ago. Below, left, is last known picture available.

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Marshall Matt ("Kentucky") Colonel is making all efforts to ensure the capture of Mr. Pi Kapp Alumnus in order to have him appear before the Supreme Chapter in Louisville, Ky., August 24-27.

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This will be the last opportunity for him to appear on his own. The sentence of the Supreme Chapter will be greatly lessened by his voluntary ap· pearance.


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Marshall Matt ("Kentucky") Colonel


August 24-27, 1960

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Miss Rose Ann Stover Is National Rose

ROSE ANN STOVER Beta Pi National Rose


Ann Stover won the title of 1960 National Rose of Pi Kappa Phi. A freshman at Eastern Michigan University, she was sponsored by Beta Pi Chapter at the same institution. Miss Donna Biggs was a close second. Sponsored by Alpha Zeta at Oregon State College, she is a member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. Miss Joan Schlegel of West Chester, Penna., and Miss Muriel Smith tied for third place. Miss Schlegel, a freshman at Drexel, was Alpha Upsilon's candidate. Miss Smith was sponsored by Iota at Georgia Tech. Miss Martha Drummond and Miss Carol Cunningham tied for fifth place. Miss Drummond, sponsored by Mu 14



at Duke University, is from Route 4, Greer, S. C. Miss Cunningham was sponsored by Kappa Chapter at the . University of North Carolin a. Top Honorable Mention went to the candidates nomtnated by Omicron at the University of Alabama and Alpha Psi at Indiana University. We regret that we ~o not have the name of Omicron's nominee. Alpha Pst'S candidate is Miss Janet Snyder. Judges for this contest were George Meador, a professional photographer; Granger Macfarlane, Manager, Equitable Life Assurance; Frank Chapman, Jr., and Harold Hoback, insurance executives, and the agency staff secretaries at Travelers Insurance Company, all of Roanoke, Va. THE













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Pi Kappa Phi and the Academic Community By the Reverend Chaplain 0. Z. White Erskine College



(The Rev. Mr. 1JVhite is an altttniiUS of Furman University. H e was initiated into D elta Chapter thet·e in 1944.)

The thoughts that are presented here are the outcome of a discussion one night during my participation in the Presbyterian College Religious Emphasis Week. My brother Pi Kapps and I were discussing the modern dilemmas of fraternities when we faced the question, can we justify our existence on the campus today? We might as well face the facts; the vast majority of the academic world today thinks that we cannot. THE ANTI-FRATERNITY ATTITUDE

The pressures under which fraternities must operate today result from a combination of factors, most of which are on the political and social level. World unrest has bred an attitude of religious reaction, and many of these well-meaning people brand fraternities as "non"Christian" or "anti-religious." Political reaction has further demanded that educational institutions be conservative to such an extent that "liberal education" is no longer liberal at all. Many maintain that since fraternities are secret orders based on selection, they are not democratic, while others say fraternities breed inequality and separation, and man should be free and equal in America. THE FRATERNAL HERITAGE

There is much in local chapters on which we could improve, I know; but much of the criticism we get is not fair. The fraternal heritage is anything but irreligious. As a matter of fact, fraternal ideas have been present early in most religions. The pagan Greeks had fraternities of a sort, but the Jews had fraternities also. The Dead Sea Scrolls are the remainder of the library of a fraternity-type group called the Essenes, which was active around a hundred years before Christ, and was dedicated to the disciplines of scholarship, worship, and brotherhood. Pi Kappa Phi (and I assume the majority of the major fraternities) sees religion as basic in the life of the student. In our own fraternity, this is stated in the vows. As to the objection to "secret societies," Christianity itself in its primitive state had its secret rites (called the Missa Fidelium) to which only those who had proven faithfulness and knowledge of the "brotherhood" were allowed. And, the early Church received criticism and even persecution from ill-informed critics because of this. The idea that fraternities are not democratic is not fair, either. While man is born equal in opportunity, he is not born equal in ability, environment, or personality. Any "I.Q." or aptitude test administered to any group of people will testify to the fact of a basic 16

inequality among men. In addition to this, man is by nature gregarious; we do not choose to live alone. We £nd among every area of American society peer groups, or like-minded people who relate to each other simply because they enjoy being with one another. Fraternity, as does friendship, depends on the tw 0 laws of association (if people are to like one another they must take time to be together) and communication (knowledge and friendship depend for their enrichment upon the expression of that relationship} Fraternity is natural, and exists, whether in organized form or not.

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Nothing we have said, however, justi£es the exis.tence of Pi Kapps in particular within the academ1c community today. Students of the United States colleges and universities are floating in a sea of middle class mediocrity. In South Korea, students revolted and overthrew the government; at the same time an Am~r­ ican student group was hanging its basketball coach 111 effigy because the team lost a game. Hungarian s~u­ dents this year have continued their studies in sp1te of being refugees and under almost unbelievable handicaps of poor equipment, lack of food, fuel, and shelter; in an American University, students had a mass meeting in protest against the lack of desserts at the evening meal. This is the tragedy of our era. United States stu· dents have no sense of involvement in the worldThere is no sense of purpose evident in the academic community, other than the grey flannel suit and tw0 ' car garage which will spell success for us in the futur_e. Fraternities are no exception. Perhaps our grandchlldren will call ours the "age of unconcern"-unconcern about our world; unconcern about our position in the world; even no concern about our own campuses. CAMPus CoNSCIENCE

I know that to many this will sound like straigh~ from cubesville, but I am going to say it anyway_: think that Pi Kapps have a great opportunity facmg them today. The nation is waiting for men who ~re willing to pay the price to be great. It would take 1n· testinal fortitude (the preacher's term for guts!) to pay that price. The £rst price we must pay would be that of o-uJJ look. Pi Kappa Phi was never meant to be a mutu_a back-slapping society. There is so much to be done 111 the world; there is no time for sitting around in little THE








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groups telling each other what fine fellows we are. The question we must as.k ourselves is not, "how much can we get out of our world?" but rather, "how much can we put into our world?" The second price would be change of purpose. On meeting night, we deck ourselves out in our Ivy League unifom1s and join together in the fraternity prayer, "may the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to our group, 0 Lord ... " It takes true courage to be different. The third price would be change in attitude in the pledge outlook. We need to change the sales pitch We make to pledges from, "this is what Pi Kappa Phi has to offer you," to, "this is what you have to offer the fraternity." We who are brothers of Pi Kappa Phi have a great tradition, and within th e framework of our fraternity We have a great opportunity for meaningful existence Within the academic community and our world today. Do we dare to pay the price? ----------~K¢'----------

CORRECTION We regret that through a misunderstanding of material furnished us about Brother George A. Cornish, Omicron :19, University of Alabama, we gain ed the erroneous ttnpression that he was deceased and in consequence listed him in the obituary notices in the May issue of The Star and Lamp. We are happy to have learned si nce publication that Brother Cornish is a live. His departure from his position as Executive Editor of the Ne11J Y 01·k Herald-Tribune \Vas the prelude to his joining the staff of the Grolier Society, New York, N. Y., as Editor-in-Chief of the "Grolier Encyclopedia."

Here are ten of the charter me mbers of Valdosta, Ga ., Alumni Chapter, with their charter. They are, left to right, Dr. J . Ralph Thaxton, President Donald F. Bonner, Brother Rouse Valleetton, Secretary Charles Poveell, Brother Shealey McCoy, Brother Travis Higginbotham, Brother John Nossick, Brother Ken Ferrell , Treasurer Benny Mitcham, and Brother Earl Yeomans.

Welcome, Valdosta Alumni! The most recent undergraduate chapter of Pi Kappa Phi now has in its area the newest alumni chapter. On the 26th of May the Valdosta Alumni Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi was chartered in Valdosta, Ga. The chartering officer was Brother Tom Wesley, District President of District V. Brother Donald Bonner is the President. Valdosta, Georgia has 22 alumni in town, and 17 of them are charter members of the alumni chapter. ----------~K¢----------

What greater or better gift can we offer the republic than to teach and instruct our youth ?--Cicero

Alpha Phi Glee Club, Illinois Institute of Technology, gave its first performance at Chicago's Orchestra Hall as the guests of the Chi<ago Sunday Evening Club March 6 . The group was led by Song Director John LaPlante. The Chicago Sunday Evening Club is a religious organization of Chicago area businessmen and industrialists. The club is noted for its fine speakers and renowned for the quality of the music performed at its meetings.

Of Rushing-Pledge Training-Scholarship-etc. a la Mu Chapter-Dul\:.e By HISTORIAN BOB CONOLEY Mu, Duke University

THREE MAJOR aspects of fraternity life stand in need of emphasis: Rushing, Pledge Training, and Scholarship. With our off-cycle Rmh program first semester of this academic year, we pledged three men who have since been initiated. During the University's regular msh period, which lasted for twelve days in the middle of February, Mu was especially successful. Twenty-seven men Brother Bob Conoley were pledged, resulting in a tie with two other campus fraternities for the largest Spring pledge class. Surprisingly enough, none of these men was easily "caught," and in no case did we compromise desired standards for membership. Not only is this our largest pledge class in some time, it is also one comprised of "first fifteen" men throughout. Part of our achievement can be attributed to the success of the rush T earn System, in which the brotherhood is divided into a half dozen teams, each including both the best and the average of rushers. Each team was assigned several rushees for their particular attention. Combine this with one or two brothers striving to build an intimate personal friendship with each man, and you will have the formula of Mu's "goldstrike." Our Pledge program has been oriented around a subjective approach. Its general objectives include the preparation of the neophyte for participation in the active fraternity through the development of a respect for scholastic achievement, a respect for the traditions and ideals of the fraternity, and an insight into the mechanisms of the Chapter and the National organizations. Furthermore, we strive for unity and organization within the pledge class; we strive also to develop the pledge's social effectiveness and poise and to assure his respect for his associates in stronger bonds of loyalty and friendship. In pursuit of these ends, we require a pledge to attend all registered fraternity functions as well as to spend at least five hours a week socially (off-duty) with the brotherhood (he has the option of studying with a brother in 18


the latter). We have instituted a point system wherein he is required, at his own discretion of time, to gain one hundred points a week in activities around the house. Moreover, he is required to become familiar with in· formation about the active membership, Jearn two fraternity songs weekly, participate in class work sessions, and, with the other pledges, to take a p ledge trip and turn in a project. The adherence to such a program JS insured by Rat Courts, Work Sessions, Fun'n'Game Ses· sions, and loss of points for failure in responsibilities. The pledge class itself is organized in a manner simi lar to the chapter and must participate in weekly meetin.glecture periods g iven by brothers on aspects of fraterntty life. All p ledges are assigned to Chapter committees as ex-officio members for experience in select operation~. What are the particular merits of our program? As JS evident, the pledge may budget his own time in fu lfilli~g point requirements; beyond this, the time not spent tn group requirements is his own. The program is subjec· tive in that the pledge determines his extra-fraternity obligations (academic, campus job, etc.) and, in co~­ junction with the Pledge Committee and Warden, hts pledging participation is adjusted to his own abilities and schedule. Hence, the statement that Mu has "twen· ty-seven pledge programs" this semester is not erroneous; all twenty-seven are expected to provide a preparation for active fraternity membership though they may ap· proach it in assorted manners best suited to their par· ticular situations. Finally, near the core of Mu's pledge program, is the element so often overlooked: sound scholastic emphasis! Lately, our Scholarship program has become prominent in fraternity affairs, ranking along with the Social and Rush agendas. The Scholarship Committee, in the past a minor organ, has responded to a University challenge for "fraternities to justify their existence" by expanding its operations. Of course, the fratern ity study hall continues to be maintained, as well as the chapter files. Recently we instituted a file on professors and courses to provide the brothers a fam ili arity with the varying qualities of curriculum. In add ition, a fi le of "gratis" fraternity tutors has been established for a number of courses. Through bi-monthly surveys, the comm ittee keeps tab on individual averages and the fra· ternity's. T his last semester the chapter instituted two awards: one for overall individual improvement and the other for the highest average in the chapter, to stimul ate competition. Similarly, in our pledge program, we have endeavored to cater to the neophytes' academ tC problems by making study hall compulsory for three hours per evening if an average drops below its previous mark. Active members ass igned to each pledge are re· sponsible for checking with each of the neophytes' pr.o· fessors at mid-term to determine if performance is sattS· (Continued THE







page 20)

A Salute to Roanok_e's By ROBERT M. MclELLAND Director of Publicity Roanoke College

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A SAD DAY for coaches and fans of the Roanoke Col-

lege Maroons-the day in August when Richard John Emberger, Xi ' 59, receives his Bachelor of Arts Degree, signify ing his completion of all competitive athletics at the college. "I think he is the best all-around ath lete we have ever had at Roanoke," comments Homer Bast, registrar and track adviser. " Dick has proven himself, in my opinion , to be the finest athlete in Virginia this year. There is



almost nothing he can't do and do it better than the next fellow." Those are glowing words of tribute. But the 21-yearold star from Bloomfield, N . J-, has merited this acclaim. He has co-captained three teams this past school yearcross country, swimming, and indoor and outdoor track. He has won a total of 11 varsity letters in the three sports and has proven outstanding in each. But all this success didn't just come by chance. Dick has spent countless hours on the practice field and in the pool improving himself. A good example of how the hard work has paid off is in swimming where Dick won the Little Eight diving title three years and would have won a fourth time if he

Brother Richard John ("Dick") Emberger, Xi '59, Roanoke College's "finest athlete."

hadn't been hit by mumps just before the meet his sophomore year. Yet, when Dick came to Roanoke he admits, "I hardly knew one end of the board from the other." Back home in Bloomfield, Dick lettered in cross country and track. Although he did well in each, it wasn't until he arrived at Roanoke that he really began to develop. His top high jump in scholastic competition was 6-1Y2· He was considered only a consistent 5-10 jumper. But only this past Winter he set an all-time indoor mark for a Virginia collegiate jumper. It was a tremendous 6-5 Y<t jump in the state indoor meet. This is especially outstanding when one considers Emberger stands only 5-11 himself. The jump was only one of two records Emberger set during the meet. The other was a time of 8. 7 seconds in the 70-yard high hurdles. The two firsts, along with second places in the pole vault and broad jump, made Emberger the meet's outstanding individual with a total of 16 points-against the state's best. The rock-hard 170-pounder has one big ambitionto make the 1964 Olympic team in the decathlon. He has competed in most of the 10 events that make up the test. Dick should get plenty of top training during the next four years and should be in top physical condition. He'll spend most of that time in the U. S. Marines. Emberger spent 12 weeks last Summer in Marine platoon leaders school at Quantico. He will be commissioned a second lieutenant upon graduation and expects to report to Quantico about September 1. Bast thinks Emberger is far from his peak. "He's improving all the time," Bast says of his star. "There's no telling just how far he can go in track. He has all the tools-desire, ability, and the love of hard work. I'd say he had an excellent chance of making the Olympic team in 1964." Wouldn't it be nice to have a former Maroon listed on the U. S. Olympic squad? As Homer says, the chances are good. And many of Dick's fans believe he is just the fellow to do it. -----~K¢--------

Rushing. Pledge Training, etc. (Continued from page 18)

factory. Under this program, last semester paid off in ~cademic dividends, with Mu moving up to fourth place In overall averages of the nineteen fraternities on Duke Campus. Two other areas which deserve mention are the committees of Alumni Relations and Athletics. Alumni Relations has been active in disseminating its literature to the alumni, most recently in the form of a "kit" which included a copy of the Chapter's social schedule, a copy of the newspaper, an alumni news bulletin, etc. As usual, their work has been characterized by efforts to keep their Jiles up-to-date. The most spontaneous breakthrough came with the circulation of "no-soak" letters, which did 1101 ask for financial contributions. The delighted response increased the assets of the Alumni Trust Fund tenfold. Athletics has become the focal point of chapter spirit, with participation on football and basketball teams. Quite often this area is neglected as only a minor expression of fraternal spirit. For Mu it 20

has become a rallying point. Under the direction of an enthusiastic athletics chairman, the chapter attendance at games exceeded that at fraternity meetings, and the football team walked off with an Intramurals Division Championship trophy. --------~K¢-------

Honors J(eep Coming By BROTHER JOHN REMIAS, Archon Alpha Upsilon, Drexel

BROTHER Francis deSales Friel, Alpha Upsilon '56, Drexel, has made the typical rags to riches story come true in a big way. From selling peanuts at the swank Philadelphia Country Club to being elected 1959 President of the American Society of Civil Engineers, an organization of 42,000 members, Brother Friel has led a star-studded career. Brother Friel's most recent honor came this Summer when the George Warren Fuller A ward of the Pennsylvania Section of the American Water Works Association was presented to him. The award was made "in recognition of the eminence he has achieved in the field of engineering and the outstanding service he has rendered to the water utility profession and to the Pennsylvania Section." June 1 of last year Pennsylvania Military College conferred upon him an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws. Previously he received an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Engineering from Drexel, his alma mater, and an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of Scranton. Brother Friel's career has encompassed a vast variety of both curricular and extra-curricular activities. He ·first distinguished himself by winning a Distinguished Service Cross and a Purple Heart-both in World War I action as an Engineer Lieutenant. In 1931 Brother Friel helped organize the Albright & Friel Corporation, consulting engineers, and became its Vice-President. In 1945 he became owner and President of this organization and has led it on an exceptionally successful basis since. Among his many other accomplishments, Brother Friel has been President of the elite American Institute of Consulting Engineers, head of the Federation of Sewage and Industrial Wastes Associations, Chairman of the U. S. Committee on Large Dams, and Vice-Chairman of the Drexel Board of Trustees. Brother Friel became an alumnus member of Alpha Upsilon Chapter at the Supreme Chapter Meeting of 1956 held in Philadelphia. In February of the same year, he was named "Philadelphia's Outstanding Engineer" by the local d1apter of the National Society of Professional Engineers.

REMEMBER Devereux D. Rice Memorial Foundation Mail gifts to John Carroll Lexington, S. C.









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ALUMNI BRIEFS Standifer, HGeneral Practitioner of Year" Honor went recently to a physician alumnus of Lambda Chapter, University of Georgia. He is Dr. J ack Guy Standifer, Lambda '46, of Blakely, Ga. The honor he received came from the Medical Association of Georgia who chose him as "General Practitioner of the Year for G eorg ia." As state winner, he w ill compete for the natio nal honor later this year. D r. Standifer was graduated from the Medical College of Georgia in 1911. A former President of the Southwest Georgia Medical Society, he has practiced medicine in Blakely and Early County for 49 years. He is company surgeon for the Central of Georgia Railway Company, physician to the prenatal clinic of Early Coun ty, and 01air· man of the Board of Health and Medical Exam iners for the county.

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Referred to as "the grand old man" of medicine in Southwest Georgia, Dr. Standifer served as a member of the Board of Education for 11 years. He was Mayor of Blakely in 1953-54. He is a former President of the Blakely Lions Club and is a communicant and lay reader of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church at Blakely. D r. Standifer has held many high posts in the Masonic orga ni zation. He is a member of Phi Rho Sigma medical fraternity at the Medical Co ll ege of Georgia. Active in civic as well as medical circles, the physician organized th e honor fraternity at Blakely High School in 1921. That same year he introduced footba ll at the school, and the ath letic fie ld is named Standifer Field in his honor. For the past 4 S years he has served as a "cooperative observer" for the U. S. Weather Bureau.


GOVERNMENT BROTHER HARRY R. JONES, Alpha Zeta '46, is the Right-of-Way Agent for the Public Works D epartment, Fresno County, California. Brother Jones and his family reside at S66S N. MiHbrook, Fresno, Calif.


BROTHER JAMES C. TURK, Xi '48, Roa noke College, \';ho resides in Radford, Va., was elected to the Virginia State Senate last Fall to represent the state's 21st Senatorial D istrict.




e succeeded the Hon. Ted D alton, one of his law partners, ""ho declined to run in order to accept a Federal Judgeship.

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BROTHER ROGER B. HOON, Alpha Zeta '54, is now ranching in Cali fornia. His address is Route 3, Box 975, Marysvi ll e, Calif. BROT HER DONALD F. FRANK, Alpha Phi "48, is Manager of the Factory Costs and Standards D epartment, The Trane Company, La Crosse, Wis. He makes his home at 904 Cass St., La Crosse. BROTHER RICHARD B. FITTS, Omega '35, has been promoted from the position of Supervising Engineer in Illinois Bell Telephone Company's Suburban Area to Exchange Fundamental Plans Engineer in the firm's State Area Engineering D epartment. Home: 207 S. Parkway, Prospect H eights, Ill.

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Brother Neal Sells Bonds for Uncle Sam te v-

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Brother William H. Neal , Eps il on '16, D avidson College, is on a year's leave of absence from a Seni or Vice-Presidency of Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, Winston-Salem, N. C., in order to sell U. S. Savi ngs Bonds for U ncl e Sam. The 63-year-old banker and pub li c relations expert pointed out, when interviewed by AI Perry of the Winston -Salem Journal and Seuthzel in the Spring, that sales "are not bad but they cou ld be better." The program's goa l for 1960 is $4.6 billion in sales. In order to help insure that the goal is met or surpassed, Brother Neal and other treasury officials are well along in a 26-stop program of meetings all over the nation with top business and industrial executives. The effort was just getting under way when Brother Neal arrived in Washington in February. At these meetings, emphasis is placed on th e desirability of the payroll-savings plan of bond purchasing and the necessity of



sou nd fiscal pol,icies both on individual and nati onal levels. Volunteers and staff wo rkers are following up the meetings, endeavoring to sell the businessmen on getting behind the payroll drive in their shops and plants. Brother Neal exp lai ned that the growth of the program wi ll continue to depend on the large ly-volunteer salesmanshi p that has characterized bond sales si nce their preWorld War II inception. Brother Nea l, experienced in the bond program long before his appointment, said: "What we're after is a fair share of the new savi ngs dollars. We want to encourage, to co nvert millions to the saving habit." Brother Neal seemed confid ent th at the added emphasis on the advantages of savings through payroll deductions would pay off-for the individual and for the treasury whi ch fi nances around 1 S per cent of th~ nati onal debt wi th the 42.6 billion worth of Series E and H bonds outstanding.


Newhouse Is Honored by Ohio State University Brother Russell C. Newhouse, Alpha Nu '27, Ohio State University, received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the College of Engineering, Ohio State University, in ceremonies May 1, 1959. The Distinguished Alumnus Award is conferred upon alumni of the College of Engineering who, in the opinion of the faculty, have achieved outstanding distinction in the profession of engineering and its allied fields. Brother Newhouse, a member of the Board of Education since 1949, and former President for four years, is Director of Missile Systems Development for the Bell Telephone Laboratories. In this capacity he is responsible for the development of all of the radars of the Nike-Zeus Anti-Missile Missile Weapons System. He received his B.E.E. Degree from Ohio State in 1929. A Guggenheim Fellowship made it possible for him to do graduate work on a frequency modulated radio altimeter for aircraft and receive an M.S. in E.E. Degree in 1930. He then joined the Bel l Telephone Labo-

ratories, Inc., where he engaged in the development of radio transmitters for civilian and military aircraft. In 1937 he undertook further development of the FM radio altimeter and successfu ll y comp leted it in 1938. He received the 1938 Lawrence B. Sperry Award for this work, with a citation reading: "For the development and first practical appl ication of the terrain clearance indicator." With the onset of the war emergency, Brother Newhouse was placed in charge of a group of engineers engaged in the development of military airborne radars and computers . Since World War II, he has been in charge of development work in the fields of radar, electronic analogue and digita l computers, radio communication and integrated weapon systems. He was responsible for the electronic engineering of the Distant Early Warning Line across the Arctic portion of North America. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Radio Engineers; listed in "Who's Who in Engineering" and "American Men of Science." He holds a number of U. S. Patents.


1BROTHER CARL L. SADLER, Omega '35, Vice-President and General Manager, Sundstrand Aviation, Rockford, Ill., has been named to head the three Sundstrand divisions comprising the aviation and .defense products group. Brother Sadler and his family live at 2416 Harlem Blvd., Rockford, Ill. BROTHER PAUL W. EDWARDS, Omega '37, is Plant Manager, Monsanto Chemical Co. , Nitro, W. Va. BROTHER CLYDE R. DEAN, JR., Alpha Zeta '35, has been elevated to the position of General Manager of Yale Materials Handling Division, Yale & Towne Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia. BROTHER ROGER A. JOHNSON, Alpha Zeta '55, is an Accountant with the Shell Oil Company, Seattle, Wash. His home address is 7730-194th St., S.W., Edmonds, Wash.

Maloney Becomes Dean

Military ARMY LT. COL. WILLARD D. RICHARDSON, Alph~ Sigma '36, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Richardson, 215 Co ll ege St., Lafayette, Tenn., recently was assigned to the U. S. ArrnY Advisory Group in Korea. Brother Richardson is a SenJOl Adviser in the Logistics Section in Headquarters of the grouP路 ARMY PVT. RICHARD L. WERNER, Alpha Zeta '56, h~S completed eight weeks of Advanced Individual Light Weapons training at Fort Ord, Calif. He is the son of Mr. and :MrS路 Richard D. Werner who reside on Route 3, Medford, Ore. ARMY 2D LT. MICHAEL W. MAXWELL, Alpha Mu '57, Pine Rd., Philadelphia 11, Penna., was graduated recentlY from the Information School at Fort Slocum, N. Y.

of Florida


Alpha Epsilon, University of Florida

Brother Frank E. Maloney, Alpha Epsilon '41, University of Florida, has moved from his post as Acting Dean of the University of Florida Law School to that of Dean. Brother Maloney received his B.A. from the University of Toronto in 1938. The following year, he did graduate work in philosophy at the University of Toronto. In 1942 he received his LL.B., with high honorJ, at the University of Florida. In July, 1942, he entered the United States Army and received his Second Lieutenant commission the next year. He saw service in the India-Burma theatre. Since his release from active duty, he has served as a Judge Advocate Reserve Officer, assisting in the organization of a Judge Advocate Reserve Training Unit in Gainesville, and commanding that unit from 1949 to 1957. He currently holds the grade of Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force Reserve. Upon his return to civilian life in Sep-



law School

tember, 1946, Brother Maloney was appointed Associate Professor of Law at the University of Florida, becoming a Professor of Law in July, 1950. That Fall, he took a leave of absence to become a Graduate Fellow at the Columbia University School of Law, retu rning to the University of Florida in September, 1951. The year of 195758, he served as a Visiting Professor of Law at New York University School of Law. In add ition to hi s teaching duties at the U niversity of Florida, he has served in a number o.f admi ni stra tive positions, including faculty adv iser to the Univei'Jity of Florida Law Review. Brother Maloney is a member of severa l important organizations, including the Florida Bar; Phi Kappa Phi, honorary scholastic; Order of the Coif and Phi Alpha Delta, honorary legal. Last Summer, Brother Maloney attended the Ann Arbor Conference on legal educati on, the ABA Convention in Miami Beach, and the SE Regional Conference in Gatlinburg. He presented papers at all three conferences.







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Reinhard Is Dubbed HOutstanding Young Farmer" Recognition for a job well done came to Brother George G. Reinhard, Nu '5 1, University of Nebraska, in the Spring of 1959 when he was dubbed as the "Outstand ing Young Farmer" in the Broken Bow (Nebr.) trade area. Brother "Jerry" Reinhard , who owns and operates his own 240-acre farm as well as 520 acres of rented la nd , was named to receive the award at the annual Awards Banquet held in Broken Bow. He received a plaque from the Broken Bow Jaycees, honoring him for his achievements. Brother Reinhard's farming career started early. While sti ll in high school, he rented a farm near Broken Bow. With some cooperation from the weather man, be harvested a good crop that year. Rather than let this money sli p away, he invested the income from the crops in the 24路0-acre farm he now owns. Cooperating with the Soil Conservation Service, Brother Reinhard and his land ow ner, George Guthery, have turned a rundown, badly eroded farm into a highly productive unit.


ege rrnl' 1ior oUP路 baS

PROFESSIONAL and EDUCATIONAL . BROTHER RICHARD H. STEUBEN, Gamma '30, has reStgned his position with Cutter Laboratories, Berkeley, Calif., and accepted the position of Treasurer and General Manager ~f one of Mexico's largest pharmaceutical manufacturing firms, ''!adorn's Pharmaceutical de Mexico S. A. The firm is located ~~ Stlzada Mexico-Coyoacan No. 371, Mexico 13, D. F., "lex tco. . BROTHER GRANT K. PALSGROVE, Alpha Tau '3 1, re~ted Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Rensselaer, was onored by the Rensselaer County Chapter of the American ~Ociety of Professional Engineers at a dinner in the Troy Club 1 掳t his outstanding service to education and science.

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'57, ntll'

Realizing the hazards of farming this type of easily eroded soil, Brother Reinhard seeded the bulk of the slopi ng land to alfalfa. In addition, 3,500 feet of grass waterways have been planted; erosion control dams, 3,500 feet of diversion terraces, and 12,000 feet of level terraces have been built, with more planned for the future. Under the Great Plains conservation program, 65 acres of cropland will be seeded to permanent grasses. Twenty-four hundred trees were planted to form a windbreak for the farmstead. At the start of his farming career, Brother Reinhard owned seven head of cows, compared to 317 head of feeder steers, 60 brood sows, and 80 feeder pigs that he now owns. Brother Reinhard has been active in community affairs. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Broken Bow Chamber of Commerce and is active in church work. He was Chairman of the Airport Zoning Committee, was Scoutmaster for the Broken Bow Troop, and has been active in other civic ob i igations.


DR. ]. WORTH BANNER, Xi '27, is Director of Foreign Language Studies at Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla. He resides at 440 Seymour Ave., Winter Park. BROTHER JOSEPH C. HUBER, Omega '48, is Agricultural Extension Adviser for the United States of America Operations Mission to Colombia in the northern area of the country. He and his family receive their mail in care of the American Consul ate, Barranquilla, Colombia, S. A. DR. GEORGE R. DUBES, Alpha Omicron '44, a Geneticist, is one of a team of three doctors in charge of virus studies at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, who developed the new vaccine known as "cold live virus." This vaccine is a polio pill, to be taken orally, which scientists hope will give lifetime immunity from polio.


Nixon Heads International Research Organization In the field of mass commu ni cation, Brother Raymond B. Nixon, Eta '22, Emory University, has covered a great amount of grou nd , in the actua l practice of writing, in the teaching of journa lism, and in research. He is now Professor of Journalism at the U niversity of Minnesota and also Editor of the J oumalism Quarterly, the research journal of the Association for Ed ucation in Journalism, USA. The International Association for Mass Communication Research , of which he is now President, has its headquarters in Paris. A native of Live Oak, Fla., Brother Nixon attended Emory University where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Emory conferred the B.Ph. D egree upon him in 1925. This degree was followed by three oth ers: the M.A. from the University of Wisconsin in 1934 (maj or, Journalism); Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1942 (major, Political Science). H e was a Fellow, Institute of Communications Research, University of Jllin ois, 1948-49. At 14, he joined the staff of the Tampa (Fla.) Daily Tim es, eventually becoming ptll



city editor. While at Emory, he assumed the directorship of the university's News Bureau.He conti nu ed in this capacity until 1938. His various part-time activit ies included a weekly radio program over WSB, Atlanta, service as correspondent for the Atla111a Joumal and contributor to the editorial page of the Baltimore E1'enhzg Srm. He has edited the University of Minnesota Joumalism Quarterly since 1945. He is listed in "Who's Who in America." Between 1926 and 1952, Brother Nixon served successively as Instructor in Journalism, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, and Director of the Division of Journalism, Emory University. At various times during this period, he has taught at the U ni versity of Minnesota, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Illinois. the University of California, Stanford University, and the Univers ity of Pittsburgh. The Summer of 1951 he was Academic Director, "Foreign Assignment" Tour of Europe. Since 1952, he has been Professor of Journalism at the University of Minnesota.


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Brother Edgar Ross Woodson Gunn, Eta '13, Emory University, died October 6, 1959. He resided at 213 Poplar · Circle, N.E., Atlanta, Ga. In writing of Brother Gunn for the February, 1955, issue of The Star and Lamp, Brother Henry M. Henderson, Jr., of the Atlanta Alumni Chapter, dubbed this brother as "one of the real patriarchs of Pi Kappa Phi." He was the twelfth initiate of Eta Chapter and the fifth Supreme Secretary. He was the leading spirit in the installation of Iota Chapter at Georgia Tech and Lambda Chapter at the University of Georgia. He kept himself posted fully on the Fraternity's activities and lent his services untiringly. In 1954, the Atlanta Alumni Chapter presented him a certificate of lifetime membership in the alumni chapter. -----TrK<f>-----

lirotbtr Ul.



Brother William Henry Monkton, III, Sigma '10, University of South Carolina, who lived at 812 Kawana Rd.,_ Columbia, S. C., passed away Aprtl 7. He had been in ill health since a severe illness in 1952. . While at the university, he excelled tn track field athletics and won a cup in 1910 for "Best All-Around Athlete." He was a charter member of Sigma Chapter and a member of the Euphradian Literary Society. In 1914 he succeeded his father as Manager of Globe Dry Goods Company, the business having been founded by his father. He remained in this position until 1928. Later, he was Manager-Owner of Trenhalm Road Golf Course until retirement in 1956. He was a member of the Catholic Church, the Knights of Columbus, the Elks Club, and several civic organizations. A Fourth Degree Knight in the Knights of Columbus, he held all chair offices; he was a Past Grand Knight and an Honorary Life member. ----------TrK<f>---------

GAMMA '15--Information has been received that Brother Charles Alois Turner, Yreka, Calif., is deceased. 24

~ternal Chairman, Commission on Education; Chairman, the Official Board; Chairman, the Board of Trustees of Church Prope~­ ty; Church Lay Leader. Just prior to hif unexpected death , he was Chairman the committee that planned the ne~ $500,000 Manitou Methodist Chu~c building, the educational unit of which was completed last September. His grea.t· est interest outside of his church was 10 character building organizations for yout~ Brother Dregnie's widow lives at Sou 4307 Helena St., Spokane 34.

DELTA '13--Brother C. H . Tinsley passed away in January, 1958. Information was received from his son, C. H . Tinsley, Jr. , 780-D Elkton Rd ., Newark, Del.

PHI '22--Brother W. Howard Walter, who was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Oklahoma, died suddenly at his home in New Liskeard, Ontario, March 28, from a coronary thrombosis. A former Mayor of New Liskeard, he was Crown Attorney for eleven years, retiring in 1957. He was also made Queen's Counsel. He was frequently commended by judges for his fairness in prosecuting cases. He came to New Liskeard in the early 1930's as a partner in the firm of Bradley and Walter. which he continued following Mr. Bradley's death. Prior to coming to New Liskeard, he had been a Professor of History at Cornell University. Brother and Mrs. Walter had planned to attend Pi Kappa Phi's National Convention in Louisville in August. OMEGA '55--Brother Lowell L. Martin 1010 Ravinia Rd., West Lafayette, Ind .: died November 8, 1959, of a heart attack. He was 54. Brother Martin was an attorney for the West Lafayette School System and the West Lafayette Library Board. He also was Executive Secretary of the Indiana State Bar Title Corporation. ALPHA DELTA '24--Brother Quentin L. Quinlivan died suddenly in Wilmington, Dela., February 4. He spent his entire working life with the duPont Company first in the Explosives Department, the~ in the Plastics Department, and finally in the Polychemicals Department. He started in production and finished as a Supervisor of Research.

M:i Mrs. lin, c )arne.

Mrs. Sprin


nity ( erA ALPHA ZETA '27--Brother Kenneth S. Chap Martin, 657 Averill Dr., Grants Pass, 1952 Ore., died October 9, 1959, while sleehp· ing in his tent in a deer camp in t e I Fo Steens Mountains of Harney County• Ore. He was 50. At the time of hiS It tl death , he was operating the Kenneth S. coup] Martin Insurance Agency, was Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Ored gon Association of Insurance Agents, all President of the Grants Pass Rotary Clubd In college days at Oregon State, he all two other athletes jointly held at one time the world intercollegiate record fod high hurdles. Twice, he was electe State Representative from Josephine Cou n· 1 ty for the 1941 and 1943 sessions of pe Legislature. In 1943, he resigned fro~ the Legislature to accept an appointme~ as a member of the State Game CommiS· sian, on which he served until 1949, ethJ(· cept during the time when he was in e Navy. ALPHA THETA '25--Brother Donald James Cameron, 1115 E. Main St. Lowell, Mich., is deceased.

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ALPHA THETA '25--Brother Carl Hen!J l Lenz, 12715 Birwood, Detroit, Mich., 15 ,ltGM J\.vc deceased. and ALPHA IOTA '28--Brother Erquiet 'faY' 'IVex lor, Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. Army (r~ core tired), died suddenly of a heart ntta 'IVhi November 2, 1959, at his home, 501e Jacl Poinciana Dr., Birmingham 9, Ala. J1 was active in many sports during his f?ur ltGM years, 1927 -3 1, at Auburn Universi~i 736 Afi! He played professional football the ne:' 10 1 \Vet two years. He served on active dutY son the Army from March, 1942, until Oct~· in 1 ber, 1950, when he was retired on rnedi· ern! cal discharge. Cor

ALPHA EPSILON '56--Brother James M. Graves was killed in an automobile accident July 10, 1959. ALPHA ZETA '24-Brother Edward B. Dregnie, 58, died in Spokane, Wash., October 7, 1959. At the time of his death , he was Division Traffic Supervisor for Eastern Washington and Idaho. Recently he had served as President of the regional chapter of the Telephone Pioneers of America. He served his Methodi~t Church in various leadership positiOns: Church School Superintendent; TH E

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XI '28--Brother Howard Altizer, 811 13th St., S.W., Roanoke, Va., passed away September 17, 1959. He was employed by the Norfolk and Western Railroad, Roanoke. OMICRON--Or. Ed L. Cumbee, 53, of 2600 Pike-av. died June 6 at his home in Ensley, Ala. A dentist in Ensley since his graduation from Emory University Dental School in 1927, he attended the University of Alabama. He was a member of McCoy Memorial Methodist Church. He held membership in the Alabama State Dental Association and the American Full D enture Society.




ALPHA MU '37-Brother Gilbert p. '~"t.J Thomas, 426 W. Nittany Ave., S~a~ den College, Penna., former Chapter Ad~~s r , Sale 195 for Alpha Mu, died July 11, 1959. "'~e 31 years on the Penn State Universiil' l3ro staff, he retired from his position }.s: and sociate Professor of Indu~trial Engine:-s bu.r ing July 1, 1958. In May of 1958.' '~ ~1\t.J Fraternity brothers presented to h1m. e llro plaque, testifying to his devoted serv;d· Sar; and personal guidance as Alpha Mu's 1 ' C:., viser for 17 years.


ALPHA TAU '54-Brother Walter ~ Fuchs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman ) (Continued 011 page :2 6 AND






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Miss Ute Langwald, daughter of

e-N Mrs. Christine Langwald of West Berrch jlin, Germany, became the bride of Lt. ich lames W. Alford, son of Mr. and

~t· Mrs. Emmett H. Alford, 3942 Warm 1 /~ Springs Rd., Columbus, Ga., at the uth U.s. Army Berlin Command Community Chapel September 5, 1959. Brother Alford was initiated into Lambda as~: !Chapter, University of Georgia, in

:W 1952. the 1 nt:Y• Following a reception for 100 guests his the Columbia House Hotel, the


' s. couple left for a 30-day wedding trip ~:;. Ito Spain.

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The bride attended Berlin schools worked as a secretary for a west I eriin Construction firm.


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Brother Alford is Budget Officer, Information Services Officer, and Adlltinistrative Officer for Tempelhof Central Airport, Berlin.


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1st Lt. and Mrs. James W . Alford pose following their wedding September 5, 1959, in the Berlin Command Chapel. The couple observed the centuries-old German custom of arriving at the church in a gleaming white carriage with coachmen and horses. Following the marriage ceremony, the newlyweds departed in the carriage for the Columbia House Hotel where a reception for 1 00 people was held.

iCTHER MARRIAGES ~ETA. '57--Brother Bob Warr, RFD 2, Timmonsville, S. C., and M iss Phoebe Farley were married in June, 1959.



,S!GMA. '56--Brother Jerry Lee Ellis, First ll..ve. and Myrtle St., Myrtle Beach, S. C., and Miss D onna Aycock, Concord, N . C., Were married May 31, 1959, in Concord. Mrs. Ellis will reside at Concord Whi le Brother Ellis is stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C.

1lGMA '57--Brother James T. McKinnon, 136 Meadow St., Columbia, S. C., and I 11iss Barbara Holling, Madison, N. ]., "-'ere married in August, 1959, in MadiI The couple are making their home ~on .

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Columbia where Brother McKinnon is employed at Thoma:; Howard W hol esale Company.


· <\t.J '57--Brother James L. Neal, Provi-

;tate vise!

I Salem, dence, N. C., and Miss Joanne McGee, Va., were married D ecember 27,

\ftet '1 1959, in Salem Baptist Church, Sa lem.




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Brother Louis Vaughn, Dur ham, N. C., and Brother Stephen Browning, Salisbury, N. C., were ushers.

ma <\t.J '57--Brother Nathan Moore, 1113 E. rV;ce Broad St., Statesville, N. C., and Miss j.d· l Sarah lvey were married in Raleigh, N. C., during the Summer of 1959.


EPSILON '53--Brother J oe T. 11:ceullough, Jr., Ocala, Fla., and Miss Elizabeth ]. Cook, St. Petersburg, Fla., "-'ere married August 1, 1959, in St.

Peter's Episcopal Church, St. Petersburg. They are making their home at 923 E. Palm St., Ocala, Fla. ALPHA ZETA '58--Brother Johnny D. Meusch, Salem, Ore., and Miss Jeanette D olsen, Lebanon, Ore., were married in Grace Lutheran Church, Corvallis, Ore., August 30, 1959. They are Jivi ng in Corvallis, Ore., where Brother Meusch is completi ng his schooling. ALPHA IOTA '56--Brother Emmet Waite and Miss Janet Smith, both of Mobile, Ala., were married in Mobile June 5, 1959. ALPHA MU '57-Brother Charles E. Skopic, D all as, Penna., and Miss Lynn Haner, Chester, Penna., were married in June, 1959, in Penn State's Eisenhower M emorial Chapel, State College, Penna. They are residing in State College while Brother Skopic does graduate work. ALPHA OMICRON '57--Brother Warren Schrader, Jr., Buckingham, Iowa, and Miss Joann Kubik, Hudson, Iowa, were married August 16, 1959, in Rei nbeck, Iowa. They are now Jivi ng in Ames, Iowa. ALPHA UPSILON '54--Brother D avid L. Norris, Pittsburgh, Penna., and Miss Nancy Jean Moore, Philadelphia, Penna., were married in Philadelphia D ecember 19, 1959. ALPHA PHI '56--Brother Arv Larson,

3120 N . Seminary, Chicago 13, Ill., was married to Miss Gladys Anderson, Chicago, June 6, 1959, at Bethany Methodist Church, Chicago. BETA BETA '56--Brother Edward F. D enison was married to Miss Jayne GoiJmick, JacksonviJie, Fla., October 24, 1959. Best man was Brother Harry C. Goode, Jr., Beta Beta '58, of Melbourne, Fla. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Cleveland Kiser, Jr., Alpha Alpha '33, also of Melbourne. Among the guests was Brother Louis S. Bonsteel, III, Alpha Epsilon '52, of Melbourne. Brother and Mrs. D enison are residing at 435 32d Ave., Indiatlantic, Fla. BETA D ELTA '49--Brother Robert D. Howell and Nancy L. Barr were married August 19, 1959, in Lancaster, S. C. Brother and Mrs. Howell are making their home at 247 East Idaho, Rapid City, S. D . Brother Howell is a Captain in the U. S. Air Force. BETA THETA '58-Past Archon Carl Stiffler and Miss Connie Collins, an Alpha Omicron Pi from Phoenix, Ariz., were married last Summer. They are making their home at 7040 N. 23rd Dr., Phoenix. BETA IOTA '57--Brother Carl M. Connor and Miss Joyce Marilyn Brandt were · married in St. Marks Lutheran Church, (Co111i1111ed 011 page 26) 25

OTHER DEATHS (Continued from page 24) Fuchs, 85 Fourth St., Meriden, Conn., died January 12 at the Veterans' Hospital, Long Beach, Calif., at the age of 24. In D ecember, 1958, when he was being examined for promotion to Lieutenant (j. g.) in the Navy, a mass was discovered on his ches t. Surgery showed it to be lymphosarcoma. He appeared to respond well to treatment following the operation, but on July 2 a sp inal lami nectomy was performed in the Vetera ns' Hospital, followed by treatments. Following his retirement from the Navy in April of last year, he became affiliated with Litton Industries, Beverley Hills, Calif., in the field of inertial guidance. BETA BETA-Pledge Ronald W. Whidden, Boca Grande, Fla., was killed in an automobi le accident near his home D ecember 25, 1959. About 30 brothers and pledges paid their last respects by attending his funeral at the Method ist Church in Boca Grande D ecember 28. BETA IOTA ' 53-Brother Jack Mielke, 2155 Marlowe Road, Toledo, Ohio, died D ecember 30, 1959. Since Brother Mielke had diabetes and went into the hospital

with kidney trouble, it is presumed th at he died of diabetes. He had been in a wheelchair si nce he was two yea rs old. He owned and ope rated Jim's Hobby Shop and Rossford H obby and Record Shop, both in Rossford, Ohio. H e coached the Old Orchard Wild cats football team to an undefea ted, unscored-on championship of the West Toledo Juni or Athl etic League. Last Summer he man aged the Rossford H obby Shop team in the soft ball federation. H e was Secretary of the D eVi lbiss Men's Club Bowling Leag ue, and he himself bowled from his wheelchair. He was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

OTHER MARRIAGES (Continued from futge 25) just outside D efian ce, Ohio, Novembe~ 28, 1959. T hey are making their hofll at 3718 Harl ey Rd ., Toledo. BETA RHO '57-Brother Everett Greend wood, Rutl and Airport, Rutland , Vt., ~ Miss Carol Tomaino, Utica, N. Y., vi married June 20, 1959, in Utica. E BETA SIGMA '58-Brother Thoma~n: McCants, Chicago, and Miss Alyce .~ son, Highl and Park, Ill., were marr! in the Hig hland Park Presbyterta 0 Church Aug ust 29, 1959. Brother Jafll~ Tate, Blue Island, Ill., and Brother Do aid Singer, Chicago, both of ~eta ~~gfll:; served as ushers. The couple IS l1vm'iJ, r 206 Main, Sycamore, Ill., whi! e ~rovni· McCants attends Northern IlltnOIS sec· versity and Mrs. M«:ants works as e· retary to the head of the Business D partment.


This learned I from the shadow of a tree, Tha.t to and fro did sway against a wall, Our shadow selves, our influence, may fall Where we ourselves can never be.

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ADDRESS CHANGE r-Ju ingto BROTHER L YN DEL DAVIS, Beta v Gear . d I . Nel '56 who was marn e recent y 10 e L· l 0 , . York, is in Germany w1th t he A"1r _'f ore. ;.f 1 H1s add ress IS A/2C Lyn D el D av iS J3oS listrict 2599 1723, 690 1 ST Spec. Comm. Gru . Park 250, APO 872, New York, N. Y. I

-Anna E. Hamilton


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Miniature Plain Border ..... . ........ .......... ... $ 4 .00

Extra Crown



21.00 24 .00 46.00

27.75 33.75 77.75




$ 5.75 Chased Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 6.50 White gold additional on jeweled badges .......... . 3.00 On plain badges .. • . . ...•.......... . ........ .. . 2 .00 Alumnus Charm, Double Faced ... . ..... .. . . ....... . 9.00 Alumnus Charm, Single Faced . . .......... .. ...... . . 5 .00 Schola rship Charm ......... . .... .... . .. .. . . .. . .... . 6.75 Pledge Button ..................... . . ........... .. . 1.00 Official Recognition Button with White Enameled Star Yellow Gold-plated .... ........ ............... . Enameled Coot-of-arms Recognition Button, Gold -plated Monogram Recognition Button, Gold-filled ....... .. . .




Crown Se t Pe arl Border ............ . ... $13.75 Crown Set Pearl, 4 Garnet, Ruby or Sapphire Paints .................... 15.75 Crown Set Pearl, 4 Emerald Paints ....... 16.75 Crown Set Pearl, 4 Diamond Points ...... 31.75 Crown Set Pearl and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating .....•.. . ... ... 17.75


$ B.OO 9.00

1.00 1.25


Single Letter

Plain .......•..•. .. .. .....• •. •....... . ....• .. •.... $ Crown Set Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . Plain White Gold Guards, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeweled White Gold Guards, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coat-of-arms Guard, Yellow Gold . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . .


2.75 7.75 1.00 2.00 2.75

Double Letter

$ .4.25 14.00 1.00 2.00

10 % Fed eral Excise Tax must be added to ell prices quoted, plus State Sales or Use Taxes, and City taxes, wherever they are in effect.

BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. The Oldest Manufacturing Fraternity Jewelers In America 2301 Sixteenth Street DETROIT 16, MICHIGAN









Dr., I

I l)isttict


PI KAPPA PH I 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. Founded at The College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C. December 10, 1904



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\1(1~ ~'•sident-W.

151 Moultrie St., Charleston, S. C. NATIONAL COUNCIL


Bernard Jones, Jr., Pinewood, S. C. lrebosurer-John W. De imler, 1149 Greentree Lane, Penn Valley, Nor· !f jon .erth, Penna . Jfllel 'lttretary-J . AI. Head, 590 Vista Ave., S. E., Salem, Oreg.




lltorian-Louis Paschal Jervey, Jr., 1843 Elbe rt Drive, Roanoke, Va.

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Mncellor-Frank H. Hawthorne, 1009 First National Bank Bldg., ontgomery 4, Ala . 1 '•t President-Karl M. Gibbon, 306 E. Jackson St., Harlingen, Texas

· • l . I., W. Noree n, Chatrman, 75 Bay Iawn Ave ., Coptague, Y., exp. 12-31 -65; Francis H. Boland, Jr., C/o George Fry and .o\ssociates, 100 Pa rk Ave ., New York 17, N. Y., ex p. 12-31 -62; John W. Oeim ler, 1149 Greentree Lane, Penn Valley, Narbe rth, Penna., o,••p. 6-27-60. ,Yereux D. Rice Memorial Foundation-John D. Carroll, Chairman, Lex · Grngton, S. C.; Jack Be ll, 7323 San Carlos Road, Jacksonville , Fla. ; 1:N ~' leorge B. Helmrich, 32990 Lahse r Rd., Birmingham, Mich .; Leonard e · Long, The Darlington, Suite 7, 2025 Peachtree Road, N.E., Atlanta,




:o~f ~~· )30~

Executive Secretary-Durward W . Owen, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. Editor-in-Chief, STAR AND LAMP-Durward W. Owen, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. Managing Editor, STAR AND LAMP-Elizabeth H. W. Smith , 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. Traveling Counselor- James M. Lloyd, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. Trave ling Counselor-William G . Loe ffl er, Jr., 11 E. Canal St., Sumter,

s. c.

Office Manager- Mrs. Betty B. Newman, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. Assistant Office Manager-Mrs. Shirley S. Fowler, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. Ga., life appointments; President W. Bernard Jones, Jr., Pinewood, 5. C. Scholarship-Or. Will E. Edington, Chairman, 703 E. Franklin St., Green castle, Ind., life appointment. Ritual and Insignia -Willis C. Fritz, Chairman, Apt. A-111, Oakdene Ave., Leonia, N. J ., life appointme nt. Architecture-James A. Stripling, Chairman, 30B E. Park Ave., Tallahassee, Flo ., life appointment.



!- Robe rt H. Cross ley, Room 1500, 250 ark Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Psi- Corne ll Unive rsity Alpha Xi-Pol ytechnic In stitute of Brooklyn Alpha Tau-Re nsse lae r Polyte chnic Institute Beta Alpha-Newark College of Engineering .--1 li . Beta Rho-Clarkson College of Technology ~hrrct 11-Charles S. Kuntz, 2315 De lance y Pl., ilade lphia 3, Pe nna. Alpha Mu- Pe nn State University 0· Alpha Upsilon-Drexel 'tirict Ill-Jesse C. Fisher, Jr., 317 W. University r., Chape l Hill, N. C. Epsilon-Davidson College 1 Kappa-Univ e rsity of N. C.


Mu-Duke Univer sity

Xi-Roanoke College Rho-Washington & Lee University Tau-North Carolina State Bet~ _Upsilon (Colony)-Unive rsity of Vir·

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L. HARRY MIXSON 217 E. Bay Street, Charleston, S. C.



"'ret JV-Col . Ben H. Covington, Box 1866, Myrtle Beach, S. C. Alpha-College of Charl eston Beta-Presbyte rian College


Delta-Furman University

Zeta-Wofford College Sigma-University of South Carolina Gulf Coast-Clay Knight, P. 0. Box '\,;468, Mobile, Ala. ••. Iowa-Ralph Novak, 706 Ash St., Ames, 1 ~ •wa.

1 ajnta, Go.-Jack P. Turner, 1005 William Oliver

~ dg ., Atlanta 3, Ga. ~Ingham, Ala .-Heward D. Leake, 1631 Third

•e., North. Birmingham, Ala.

~ago, 111.-Conrad Golick, 3220 S. Michigan f~ •e., Chicago, Ill. ~nnbia, South Carolino-Willlam Bobo, 4137


rtrtehaven Court, Columbia, S. C. Moines, Iowa-Harry Whitmore, 7309 S. W . 'lte3th, Des Moines, Iowa. a•nville, S. ·c.-Mac Adams Chri stophe r, P. 0 . ~ •• 3507, Park Place Br., Gree nville, S. C. :••, N . Y.-Nicholas J. Juried, Route 3, Appleltkle Rd., Ithaca, N. Y. t·'onville, Fla.-Mvron Sanison , 3825 Coppe r ~~ tre, E., Jacksonville, Flo. ~Sas City, Mo.- Robert B. Pade n, 6637 Hardy, 0 Ytown, Mo.



District VII-Me l Me tcalfe, 2832 33rd St., Port Arthur, Texas Beta Mu-McNeese State College Beta Nu-Univers ity of Houston Beta Omicron-Northwestern State College District VIII-Donald S. Payne, 106 Sunset Lane, West Lafayette , Ind. Upsilon-University of Illinois

District JX-R ic hard R. Perry, 3361 Ramaker Rd., Toledo 6, Ohio Alpha Theta-Michigan State Uni versity Beta Iota-Universit y of Toledo Beta Xi-Ce ntral Michigan Unive rsity Beta Pi-Eastern Michigan Unive rsity District X-Vernon A. Sodawasser, c/ o The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, Suite 1111, Fleming Bldg ., Des Moines, Iowa Nu-Unive rsity of Ne braska Alpha Omicron- Iowa State University Beta Delta-Drake University Beta Epsilon-Unive rsity of Missouri District XI-Jack W . Steward, 2495 Mountain View Dr., S., Salem, Ore. Gamma-University of California Alpha Zeta-Oregon State College Alpha Omega-Univers ity of Oregon Beta Theta-University of Arizona

Lansing ... East Lansing, Mich.-Kim Jepson, 508 Fulton Place, Lansing, Mich. Lincoln, Nebr.-Oscar Lee Koch, 303B Jackson Dr., Lincoln, Nebr. Los Angeles, California-Willis H. ("Bud") Oakes, 9645 S. Santa Fe Springs Road, Whittier, Calif. Louisville, Ky.-E. K. Dienes, 4646 Cane Run Rd., Louisvi lle, Ky. Miami, Florida-Richard 0 . Whipple, Room 380, 335 University Drive, Coral Gables, Fla. Montgomery, Alabama-Marvin H. Killinsworth, 3983 Thomas Ave., Montgomery, Ala. New York, N. Y.-Howard M. Williams, 40 Adeline Place, Valley Stream, N. Y. North New Jersey-Arthur J. Sikora, 210 Grove St., Westfield, N. J. Philadelphia, Penna.-Richard N. Mensch, 3613 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia 4, Penna. Portland, Oreg . (Cascade)-George W. Blinco, 1000B S. W. 56th Ave., Portland, Oreg.

Roanoke, Va.-Bob Thomas, 1702 Arlington Rd., Roanoke, Va. Salem, Oreg. (Mid-Willamette Valley)-Jack W. Steward, 2495 Mountain View Drive, S., Salem, Oreg. San Francisco, Calif.-Arnold Turner, 2674 Hast· ings St., Redwood City, Calif. Seattle, Wash.-Harold V. McPherson, 3043 E. 203, Seattle 55, Wash. Sumter, S. C.-Or. James E. Bell, Jr., 325 W. Calhoun St., Sumter, S. C. Tallahassee, Fla.- Richard C. Lukas, 110 Barbara St., Tallahassee, Fla . Tampa, Fla.-George Felke, 4430 Bay Ave ., Tampa 11 , Fla. Toledo, Ohio-Richard Smalley, 3313 Anderson Parkway, Toledo 6, Ohio. Tucson, Ariz. (Arizona)-Arthur W. Vance, Jr., 631 E. 2nd St., Tucson, Ariz. Valdosta, Ga.-Donald F. Bonne r, 1612 Beauford Place, Valdosta, Ga .


M. Kimmey, Elba, Ala. · ~;- Laurence E. Poteat, Box 5544, State College •\,."lion, Ral eigh, N. C. li •ion-Ralph W . Sanders, Stonington, Ill. · ' John A. Stone, South Otse lic, N. Y. :ha Zeta- Bruce Starker, 3755 Van Buren, Cortlllis, Ore. ~~· Theta-Jerry Earl Martin, 5096 Durnham ., Pontiac, Mich . tho Mu-Robert T. Struck, 53B Sunset Dr., Pittsurgh 34, Pe nna.

p~ 1 ~GUST,

District VI-Leo Furlong, B120 S.W. 56th St., Mia mi, Flo. Chi-Stetson Unive rsity Alpha Epsilon-University of Florida Alpha Chi-University of Miami Beta Beta-Florida Southern College Beta Eta-Florida State Beta Lambda-University of Tampa

Omega-Purdue Uni versity Alpha Phi-Ill inois Institute of Technology Alpha Psi-Uni versity of Indiana Beta Gamma- Uni versity of Louisville Beta Sigma-Northern Ill inois Uni versity



District V- Thomas J . Wes ley, Jr., 40 S. Pryo r St., S.W., Atlanta 3, Ga. Iota-Georgia Tech Lambda-Universi ty of Georgia Omicron-University of Alabama Alpha lata- Auburn University Alpha Sigma-University of Tennessee Beta Kappa-Ge orgia State Beta Tau-Valdosta State College


Alpha Xi-Edward F. Schofield, 55 Grove St ., Montclair, N. J. Alpha Omicron-Kenneth J . Thompson, Box 373, Ames, Io wa. Alpha Phi-David Robert larson, 1B111 S. Patrick, Tinley Park, Ill. Alpha Psi-Ronald Smith Timmons, Home and Groce Sts., Re nsse laer, Ind. Alpha Omega-Alan C. Graves, 1235 Wiltometto, Eugene, Ore. Beta Alpha-Robert C. Tomaro, 93 Grace St., Irvington 11, N. Y.

Beta Gamma-James H. Webb, 323B Taylor Blvd., louisville, Ky. Beta Delta-C . Ray Deaton, Route 5, Des Moines, Iowa. Beta Eta-Charles Thoma s He nderson, Ass'!. Attorney Gen ., Statutory Revision Dept., Tallo · hassee, Fla. Beta Iota-Robert Dale Conle y, 4323 Garrison Rd., .Toledo, Ohio. Beta Rho-Frank T. Romano, 1536 Madison Ave., Utica, N. Y. Beta Sigma-Randolph Scott Johnson, 4610 W. Patterson Ave., Chicago 41, Ill.


INACTIVE ALUMNI CHAPTERS Charlotte, N. C.-William Mills Taylor, Charlotte. Charleston, S: C.-C. A. Weinheimer, Charleston. Chattanooga, Tenn.-lee Ryerson, Chattanooga. Cleveland, Ohio-John H. Haas, Jr., Cleveland. Columbus-Ft. Benning-Marion E. White, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Conway, S. C.-J ames F. Singleton, Conway. Detroit, Mich.-Robert F. Jenson, Detroit. Florence, S. C.-Mitchell Arrowsmith, Florence. Lakeland, Fla .-C. A. Carroll, Starke, Flo.

Macon, Ga.-Carl E. Westmoreland, Macon. New Orleans, La.-William D. Meadows, New Orleans . Oklahoma City, Okla.-Williom A. Rigg, Oklahoma City. Orlando, Fla.-Jesse J. Thompson, Orlando. Spartanburg, S. C.-James Neville Holcombe, Spartanburg. St. louis, Mo.-Estill E. Ezell, St. Louis.

Alpha-College of Charleston, 9 Radcliffe St., Charleston, S. C. Beta-Presbyterian College, Clinton, S. C. Gamma-University of California, 23.53 Prospect, Berkeley, Calif. Delta-Furman University, Greenville, S. C. Epsilon-Davidson College, Box 473, Davidson, N. C. Zeta-Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. Iota-Georgia Institute of Technology, 719 Brittian Way, Atlanta, Ga . Kappa-University of North Carolina, 206 Cameron Ave., Chapel Hill, N. C. Lambda-University of Georgia, 480 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, Ga. Mu-Duke University, Box 4682, Duke Station, Durham, N. C. Nu-Unlversity of Nebraska, 229 N. 17th St., Lincoln, Nebr. XI-Roanoke College, 327 High St., Salem, Va. Omicron-University of Alabama, 804 Hackberry Lane, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Rho-Washington and Lee University, Lock Drawer 903, Lexington, Va. Sigma-University of South Carolina, Columbia,

Omega-Purdue University, 330 N. Grant St., West lafayette, Ind. Alpha Epsilon-University of Florida, Box 2756, University Station, Gainesville, Fla. Alpha Zeta-Oregon State College, 2111 Harrison. Corvallis. Oreg. Alpha Theta-Michigan State University, 121 Whitehills Dr., East lansing, Mich. Alpha Iota-Auburn University, 255 College St., Auburn, Ala. Alpha Mu-Penn State University, Box B30, State College, Penna. Alpha Xi-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Alpha Omicron-Iowa State University, 407 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa. Alpha Sigma-University of Tennessee, 162B Yale Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Alpha Tau-Rensselaer .Polytechnic Institute, 49 2nd St., Troy, N. Y. Alpha Upsilon-Drexel Institute of Technology, 3405 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Penna. Alpha Phi-Illinois Institute of Technology, 3220 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Alpha Chi-University of Miami, P. 0. Box 8146 University Branch, Coral Gables 46, Fla. Alpha Poi-Universitv of Indiana, 714 E. 8th, Bloomington, Ind. Alpha Omega-University of Oregon, 740 E. 15th St., Eugene. Oreg.


s. c.

Tau-North Carolina State College, 7 Enterprise, Raleigh, N. C. Upsilon-University of Illinois, BOT Illinois St., Urbano, Ill . Chi-Stetson University, 1241 Stetson, Deland, Fla. Psi-Cornell University, 722 University Ave., Ithaca, N. Y.

Tri-City-Kingsport, Tenn.-Eddie Anderson, Jr., Kingsport. St. Matthews, S. C.-l. Marion Gressette, Sl· Matthews. Washington, D. C.-John D. Marsh, Mt. Roi"''' Md. Vera Beach, Fla.-l. B. Vocelle, Vera Beach. Houston, Texas-Dick Jung, Houston. Pittsburgh, Penna.-Robert T. Struck, Pittsburgh. Beta Alpha-Newark College of Engineeri"0' 119 Summit St., Newark, N. J. .o, Beta Beta-Florida Southern College, Box 128,1, Bldg. 1-A, Florida Southern College, Lake 10






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Beta Gamma-University of Louisville, 2216 federate Place, Louisville, Ky. . ilr Beta Delta-Drake University, 3303 Uno¥011 Ave., Des Moines 11, Iowa. rf Beta Epsilon-University of Missouri, 604 M• land, Columbia, Mo. oll• Beta Eta-Florida Stole University, Box 3 Florida Stole University, Tallahassee, Flo· ,1 Beto Theta-University of Arizona, 631 E. 2 St., Tucson, Ariz. &o~· Beta Iota-University of Toledo, 1702 W. croft St., Toledo, Ohio. Sl•l Beta Kappa-Georgia State College, 24 IYY S.E., Atlanta, Go. ~~· Beta Lambda-University of Tampa, TamP"• f/.1' Beta Mu-McNeese State College, Box 141, Neese State College, lake Charles, La. •"'' Beta Xi-Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleol 1 Mich. ,f BetCJ Omicron-Northwestern State College Louisiana, Box 431, Natchitoches, La . . 1, 0111 Beta Pi-Eastern Michigan University, Ypsol Mich. 'J Beta Rho-Clarkson College of TechnologY• Pleasant St., Potsdam, N. Y. ~1 Beta Tau-Valdosta State College, ValdosiCI, .• Beta Upsilon (Colony)-University of Virgi~~. 1514 Jefferson Park Ave., Charlottesville,

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; ; d; 1f268-Nowi s the timae for all good menn to co me to the aid of PI KAPPA

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There are approximately 18,000 living alumni of PI KAPPA PHI. If onehalf of these members would send a prospective pledge recommendation, there would be 9,000 prospects for our chapters to consider. If one-half of these prospects were pledged, that would be 4,500 pledges to PI KAPPA PHI. If one-half of these pledges were initiated, there would be 2,250 new PI KAPPS. Will you be among those who say it can't be done, or will you be one who does it?

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