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Who Is






OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE of a Fraternity is often asked to name the "best" member of his organization. Need less to say, it is a most difficult question to answer and normally goes unanswered.

Recently, tl1is inquiry was repeated several times to me in the course of a few hours and left its imprint on my mind everal days later, I was doing considerable research involving a stt1dy of some of the past issues of The Star and La111P· An article entitled "Tribute to a Brother" appeared interesting, so I read it in its entirety. Pi Kappa Phi means many things to many people. I am certain that no one person has obtained all the lofty ideah as expressed in Pi Kappa Phi. A personal evaluation leaves me with the impression that the best Pi Kapp must certain!! encompass as many of the "eternal truths" of Pi Kappa Phi as is J.X>Ssible. Further thought on the subject reveals, at least to me, that the best Pi Kapp should express, as a person, the foJioll' ing attributes: Humility, Loyalty, Charity, Love. I don't think the Fraternity could condone the action of an Executive Secretary who would express personal preference for one Pi Kapp over others. However it is in his province to mention examples which we may em ul ate. Such an examPle is found in Ensign \;I,Tilliam Freeny ("Bill" ) \;I,Tard, Epsilon '38, Davidson College. For those who were not privileged ~· know him personally, his last will and testament gives ample proof of his character traits, traits wh ich caused him to b< appreciated and admired by those who knew him. Soon after he completed his will, he was reported by the avo Island during \Vorld War II.

avy as missing in action when his ship was torpedoed



Text of his will follows: "1, William Freeny Ward, being of sound mind and body on this, the fourtl1 clay of October, the year of our Lo(ll nineteen hundred and forty-two and being under no duress or threat, do hereby write this my last letter, including my Ia~ will, which shall be opened and exhibited upon delinite proof of my death.


"I do truly, earnestly and humbly thank my God that I was born and lived in a free country amo ng free people wber~ family was respected and justice the foundation of law. I tha nk God for my home, th e peace and security that co uld prt vail under any circumstance.

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"May all men grow to embody the characteristics of rightness and fairness tempered with kindness, love and toleranci that were my Father and Mother. May the generations to fo llow in the new free world for which I fought and died takl some of the goodness and sweetness that is hers and the honesty and good companionship that is his w ith them fore1•er




" <lay my wife, who gave me such love and understanding as I had not thought J?OSsible, find a whole life that Gol has intended for her with a home and children to worship at her feet. "May my brother build, as God has intended him to do, and crea te great new things in the new life. "l\1ay my sisters find that happiness that can only come from within, in spite of all outside pseudo-joys. "May my friends continue in a pleasant and world profitable way of life. I ask tl1is in God's name that iliere be no more strife between nations.


"Amen. "The sum of one dollar ($1 ) is to be paid to Cash W. Haggerty for a debt long overdu e. Twenty-five dollars ($25 is to be paid to Fishburne Military chool, two hundred dollars ($200) is to be paid to Davidson ollege, and two bLl'' dred dollars ($200) is to be paid to the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

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"The latter tl1ree are gifts forever and freely given because of memories and friendships formed at these places. "The rest of my worldly possessions are given to my wife, Hertie Mae Ward, to be used as she best sees fit, preferabh for the furtherance of the education of children who may be born to her in later marriage. "To my wife, my fam il y, and my friends! "I have fought and shed my life's blood to make you h appy. I will have died in vain if you gri eve over-long for my sacrifice is small and gladly given if I have accompl ished but a small part of the grea t job before all peoples.


(Signed ) "WlLLTAM FnEENY \;I,T Ano."




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Photo by Ambrose

President w p· 1 oodrow Wilson declared that "our civilization cannot survive materially unless it is redeemed spiritually." oc ured h f • Oicki p ere, 1e I to roght, are three members of Sigma, University of South Carolina: Brothers James Whatley, William Gray, and e reacher.

:liLe rp,~etJident 1'.-f.Leafcd,-O~n Y',~ituae mo~J.i~aiio.n·

~EW ~ONTHS AGO (early in November, 1960) D. C ;,ead tn the paper under date-line, "Washington, stat d., that Governor Mark Hatfield of Oregon had of e that . the "spiritual mobilization of the nation is zargre~~er tmportance than defense or economic mobiliyo~on. At th_is same meeting ( he was talking before • rand I tak1 den~gJeople 10 the nation's capital) he quoted Presioodrow Wi lson: >revel

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c· '.' ~he sum of the whole matter is this; that our · · 11y un Iess Jt · IS · r lVI d IZatio n cannot survive matena ce e~med spiritually. It can be saved only by be2h11_1ng spiritually permeated with the Spirit of ns_t, and being made free and happy by the ~:~cb~es which spring out of the Spirit. Only thus li ft ~Iscontent be driven out, and all the shadows be e from the road ahead ."


Allegiance to God Is Necessary ~~s I . read this quotation by President Woodrow ing son, It seemed so appropriate today, as if it were be--G spoken momentari ly. Let me quote a little further overnor Hatfield went on to say: in "The great American Ideal is certain ly centered ha and based upon a fundamental truth; that is, to Ill ve political freedom, men have to be governed to ore _than just by political institutions. If we are th e~J oy our liberties, we can only en joy them to se~ ullest when we find our faith, comm it ourth Ves, and give allegiance to an authority higher an ourselves--and that is God."

ou;~ese qu_otations as I read them made me think of of y ratern,ty, and I wondered in my mind how many ou-a lumni and undergraduate-are sp iritually oriM~y

1 9 61

ented. How many of you have recognized a need for spiritual help ? And then I we nt on to reflect in my own in stance that although I had recognized the need for sp iritual help I did not apply it when I was an undergraduate. Therefore, the sooner you do, the sooner you succeed . Church Attendance Urged I would admonish all of you to put into practice at the undergraduate chapter level the thought of going to church together. If you cannot do it every Sunday, do it at least once a month. Always go to church together as a part of your formal initiation ceremony. Advise the minister of the church that you are coming, and he will recognize you . You wi ll be. su rprised how this will lift up your initiation ~eremony and g ive it the climax that it needs, and that 1t was mtended to have. Do not hesitate to identify yourse lf as a Christian and a Pi Kappa Phi, for if you do both you will not on ly be assisting your Country in its _struggle ~gainst nonChristian influences but also you wdl be domg yourself a justice and in kind your Fraternity. I think there is no greater goal for a young man, or for that matter an alumnus, to reach than to recognize the need for spiritual guidance and to ide~tify_ him_self thus ly.. Through such a spiritual mobtlizatiOn m P1 Kappa ~h1, I know that we as in dividuals w t!l benefit and 111 turn we as a Fraternity and as a Nation wi ll benefit from the actions of you men.

National President

The Star and Lamp of Pi llappa Phi


Number 2


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MAY Contents


\Who Is "Best" Member? ......... Inside Front Cover The President Speaks- On Spiritual Mobilization . . 1 Letters to the Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 District Conclaves Span the Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Fifty-Six Years of Service! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 N ow Is the Time! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 District President Jepson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Undersecretary Fowler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Broadway ign King! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 High in Navy Law Firm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Traveling Counselors Make Observations . . . . . . . . . 9 Alumni Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Many Hands Make Light Work ........... . .... 14 District President Earns Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Wanta Job? .. . . ..... .. ... . .. ... ......... . .. 17 Honors for Chi Brother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Auburn Tackle Is Stellar Performer . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Trail of Tradition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Social Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Chapter News .. ... . . ................... . . . .. 20 Directory ................................... 28 THE STAR AND LAMP is published quarterly by the National Council of the Pi Korpa Phi Fraternity, 11 East Canal Street, Sumter, S. C., in the months of February, May, August and November. The life subscription is $15 and is the only farm of subscription. EDITORIAL OF· FICE: National Office of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 11 East Canal Street, Sumter, S. C. PUBLICATIONS OFFICE: 1901 Roane Street, Richmond 22, Virginia. Second-class postage paid at Richmond, Virginia. Changes in address should be reported promptly to National Office, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. All material intended far publication should be in the hands of the Managing Editor, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C., 50 days preceding the month of issue.

W. OwEN, Editor-in-Chief H. W. SMITH, Managing Editor



Letters to the Editors A p p re ci ation for Tallahassee Story Department of Hist ory Fl01·ida State University Tallahassee, Fla. Dear Editors: On behalf of the Tallahassee Alumni Chapter, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the excellent article, "Tallahassee--A Pi K app City," which appeared in the February issue of The Star and Lamp. The article serves a valuable purpose in informing others of the caliber of interested men in our chapter and in stimulating other alumni in the Tallahassee area to become a part of our growing orga nization . Many thanks to you and your staff and also to the Beta Eta Chapter Historian, Dick Nicholson, who supplied you with some of the information. Fraternally, RICHARD C. LUKAS, Beta Eta '54 Florida tate University 2



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it A. Th is is t he room in which Sigma, Univers ity o f South Caroli~ w a s bor n.

Brother Bolt Describes Sigma's Birthplace 011 erbei11,


D ear Editors: The enclosed ancient snapshot gives you a vie of the room in which Sigma of Pi Kappa Phi was born . Jim Hamer is almost facing the camera. The side view is John Hamer. Jim died several years back. They were my ro~ mates in the third floor of Harper College, East Wing. . pictures and pennants were mine and the cozy-corner (whtC~ built) was conceived to hide our coal supply for the firepiJ· grate. It was in this room that Joe Ki ng of De lta inspired rne form a club for the express purpose of petitioning Pi J(ar Phi . You may have read the account in the article in . Star atzd Lamp closely enough to remember some of the det~ 11 I wish I cou ld have lived two lives for Pi Kappa P hi. _Mr fraterna ll y yours, 'I WAD E S. BOLT, Sigrna . University of So uth Carolt1




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Brother Owen 's Article to Be Reprinted 9616 S. Pt·osfzect Chicago 43, Ill.

D ear Editors: I want to congratu late you on your exceil~ article, "The Greek Arm Agai nst Communism," feat ured in t January, 1961, issue of Bantds Gt·eek Exchange. Our co lleg iate and alum nae members would certai nl y bent from read ing such a ti mely article, and I would like your pi mission to repri nt it in my fort hcoming Spri ng iss ue of.~ Mttgazine of Phi Gamma Nu . I am afraid that space limitatl wi ll make it impossi bl e to reprint th e entire art icle, but I '' use as much of it as feas ib le. I wi ll, of course, give the necessl credit line to Bantd s Greek Exchange. Sincerely, ~ / S/ SHIRLEY S. FERCHAUD (MR . HARRY" Nationa l Editor Nationa l Professiona l Sorority in Commerce [EDITOR'S NOTE: Th e article to which Mrs. Fet·cha11d} t·eferred is practically the same text as the speec/1 which E-'P, tive Secretary D11rwa.·d Owen delivered at the Founders' banq11et in Salem, Oregon, last D ecembet· and which was P1 lished in the Febmat·y iss11e of The Star and Lamp.}

Praise for Star and Lamp Features 2581 Magnolia



Settttle 99, JJVash. D ear Editors: The February i sue of The Star and LamP''. most interesting. The cover shows a rea l fine group of men of these United States, a credit to our Fraternity ant the schoo ls they are in. It makes you g lad to be assoCI~· with such a group and to know that the future of our ll; country wi ll be in the ir hands. Power to them and GodsP









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by my good fri end, "Mel" M etcalfe, " Free ly Ye e.~eived . . .. ," is so tr~.e, a commendable article, so Frate~~. The Prestdent Speaks -]. AI. H ead-he h as the Seattle tty near ht s btg heart. Heard h1m at th e meet1ng tn there ' a rea l pleasure to hear and meet him and rhe oth ers hirn at th e we ll -attended meeting. We are fortu nate to have as our President. tirnei

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pu~IhICIe. Zeadrticle, "Which Way, Youth?" is one that should be m . many p Iaces . I t IS . most t1me . Iy m . our nattOn . aI unrest think·1 and g1ves the reassurance that our future leaders are thou ~g, and thinking sou ndl y. I do not know if you have cu iaf td of reprinting this articl e, but it should be, a nd cirsynd·1 ze • where it will be read . Why not send it to newspaper not ~cates and ask that it be reproduced? W e so metimes do as top~~k up enough, are too docile. This article is a revelation Arne . e fut ure we can expect from the new leaders of o ur T:~ca unless the pub li c is made aware of the sit~ation . iustifi d rest of the ISSue reassures me th at there IS real and Amerfc encouragement th at there is hope in the future of a. Fraternally yours, JOHN W . SHLEPPEY, Phi '25 U niversi ty of Tu lsa Commendation for Brother Owen's Address

434 N. Col01·ado Ave. D eLand, Flo,.ida ear Edit y on: este rday, The Star cmd Lamp ca me and , as usual , I quit rnost 1w 1lat I was doing to read it. I want to compl iment yo u the e/ ghl y on the ta lk you made at Salem. Your ana lysis of additi~ s ttng cond iti o ns coinc ides w ith my thinking exactly. In ny roor You w~' w hen one consid ers the stud ent riots mentioned by ng. 'fl Co 1~ 1<:n qu oting Bob Ruark, one beg ins to wondering if (which such 111a utnl st agents· co uld in cite stud ents in such a manner, unl ess firepl~· wher; ct s were tacitl y ap proved by most members of the faculty see th he lnc1dents occ uned. T he hea rt of our problem, as I mary e matter, lt es _in item 4, "Wake Up, America!" Our pri~d 111C i :KaP[ give and foremost enemy is here at home w ith us. M ay God unde{oud th e strength to persevere in your effo rts to help o ur in e detail Fratergrall uates and alumn i retain so me semblance of sa nity. na Y yours, 1i. ,I\1U (Sig ned ) BARRY BARRY CRIM, Lambda '24 'I grna . University of Georgia 11

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:·which Way, Youth?" Termed "Wonderful"

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1529 D em011brerm St. Dem· E . Nas/Jt;il/e, Teml. "'Whi chd;;;;·s: I read with a great deal of interes t your articl e, Lamp I ay, Yourh ?" in the Febru ary issu e of T be Star m1d copy ~f it _was a wo nderful article, and I wou ld like to have a to buy bt, tn fact, 1f yo u have any copies made up I would ltke a out 100. As You With 0 are we ll aware, we have got to fight this menace gettin ur youth in school today because they certainly a re ~y \V~rknough from the other side in t!1 eir regu lar cl ass:s . In VIsits I With Kappa Stgma, I have SIX chapters, and 10 my You sa·dam constantly ta lking with rhem about th e very things 1 \Vh ich 1 and lea:ve with them literature, and that is the use to woul d l1ke to put your articl e. Cordia ll y, HORTON F. EARLY Di strict Grand M aster District XII Kappa Sig ma Fraternity

D epartment of Geology Princeton University Dea.1 B Pt·inceton, N. f. roth 0 PUblished _er wen: In reference to your Fou nd ers' D ay address, compl ete tn the February issue of The Star and Lamp, I am in ~tep W'th agreement that our young men appear to be o ut of 'plumb\ine~ur trad itions, and I a lso agree that they need a touches b Wtth which to a lign themselves. As rh is matter Was wei [ 0 _ody so deep ly as it does a fraternity, your speech B -o n ented. . as itoweve is d r, I ca nnot agree with your concept ion of a plumblme eve loped in your add ress. I feel that you have g iven

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Communism too mu ch credit for th e current wave of student rebe lli on, and have given too litt le to the st udents themse lves. After all , if a fea r of mand atory loya lty oaths, a fee ling th at compulsory ROTC is unnecessary, and a conviction th at nuclear weapons should be ban ned, are in dicat ions of Communist sympathy, th en we can damn large numbers of educators, mi litary leaders, and theo log ians too. If these are a ll to be in the same boat, it had better be a large boat. [BROTHER OWEN' S COMMENT: The pt·agmatic ideals of James, as well as tbe materialistic thougbts of Marx, Huxley. etc., seem to be directed towards the all imfJortant "e11d t·esults," atld the method of app,·oaching this end, hc111ing little- consequence. Tbe modem "libet·al" thought seems to be guided by this same expressiml. l disagree and violently so. To o[1pose compulsory military trainh1g as a mal/er of princifJal is PI'O/Jet· fot· the individual so inclined, hower•er. the t·emlting dett·iment to our nation, if overtly exp ressed, cannot be condoned, even if the opposition is delt'imental to the end t·esult of "ft·eedom of thought." To oppose the cellsm·e of a professor for teaching "free lot;e' · is all right if an individual is so h1clined to fJractic e same. Howevet·, if as a by-/Jroduct of his o[Jposition, we are endangering the m orals, health, respect, etc., of our young people, and also et·eating a correspondh1g decline of the family tmit, then l must contend that the stimulation of thought as an end result is 110t jttStified.} You are quite correct when you say that students are "easiest to tempt." Th is makes freedom of thought all the more necessary during co ll ege. This is the time for a Jot of ideas, some good and some bad. The problem is not to protect the student from these ideas, but to deal w ith them openl y, to help the stud ent Jearn to judge what is good and what isn't. It is not enoug h to keep him from thinking for fo ur years, in hopes that he wi ll be too busy and too h appy to think later . Fratern iti es, ou rs among th e rest, are losing gro und precisely because they do not enco urage fresh new views. D o you really want the idea li sti c, rad ica l boy to turn hi s ideas and efforts to good use? Then make the fraternity a haven for new ideas and a place where young minds ca n sift va lues and decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. And always keep before your young minds the fact that trad iti ons must be a backg round for thought; th ey must not rep lace it. It is good to fee l th at our fraternity is g iving such problems thoug ht, and I can only hope th at acti on wi ll be fitted to thi s thought. Th e fraternity system is und er attack, but it can w in the support of edu ca tors very simply, by showin~ that it is wholehearted ly behind the goa l of ed ucators: the st1mulatt0n of thoug ht among the yo ung people who are best equipped for it. ROBERT T . D ODD, JR., Psi '55 Fraterna ll y, Corne ll U niversity

Good Word for Scholarship Awards H eadqttat'let·s Eighth United States Army APO 301 San Francisco, Calif. D ear Editot-s: H ave been enj oy ing The Stat· alld Lam[J h ere in Korea. T he exce ll ent features and th e chapter news have been like scenes from the past for me. I was p leased to see in_ th e February issue that Pi Kappa Phi is still actively interested 1n the scholarsh1p of th e und ergraduate chapters . The two new awards- the K ar l M. Gibbon_Award and the Wi ll E. Edington Award-w dl prov1de added mcenttve to rhe und erg radu ate chapters . Fraternally yours, BRUCE E. FORKE, Beta Sigma '58 Pfc., US 55 683 094 In spector G eneral Section

Thanks for Obituary 1603 Valley'Rd. Columbia, S. C. Dem· Editors: My fami ly and I are deeply. appreciative of your thoug htfulness in sending us the February 1ssue of The Star a11d Lamp. W e sha ll always cherish the tribute paid our loved one in this issue. Sincerely, WINNIE A. EASTERBY (Mrs. ]. H.) 3

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National Chancellor Frank Hawthorne, left, and Brother Joe Guthridge, Xi, right, Assistant to the President of Georgia Tech addressed the District V Conclave. Center, District President Don Payne presented the District VIII Conclave Attendance Trophy ~ Brother Ross Wingler, Alpha Psi.

District Conclaves Span the Nation DISTRICT I CHAPTERS will not hold their Conclave until December 2. Conflicting campus affairs prevented the holding of the Conclave during the Spring of the year as is customary. District II Chapters met in Philadelphia, with Alpha Upsilon as host. Alumni participation was most gratifying. New District President Robert Lambert was in charge, with this being his first official function as District President of District II. Several representatives of District I attended also. The District III Conclave, under District President Jesse Fisher, was well attended, with more than 130 undergraduates and alumni represented. A highlight of this Conclave was Brother Dick Young's address at the final banquet. Here are excepts from this speech: "If I were to have a text, I would take it from a recent report of Brother Loeffler, one of our Traveling Traveling Counselor Bill Loefller presided over the sessions of District VII Conclave held at Beta Omicron, Northwestern State College, in March.

Counselors, who gave his impressions of a visit 1' chapter houses in various parts of the .country. One oi the important impressions he said he gained on many ol those chapter visits was the lack of regard for tP' Fraternity's Ritual. He was disturbed by the careless ~oo slipshod manner in which, at some p laces, the initiattOf was put on. "The report disturbed me, too. The Ritual of oo! Fraternity is the foundation stone on which our Orde is built. It is surely one of the Fraternity's fundame ntal5, Ritual provides the pattern of our brotherhood-all orde in every phase of our life, functionings in the phystC1 and material world, are based on ritual. The methoof our very breath ing is a ritual of life. " Our ritual presents the ideals of our Fratern ity 1' envisioned by our Founders nearly three score year ago, and it exemplifies the qualities and attributes ~路 character which we require for membership. At ' times it should be earnestly and sincerely approacheJ seriously and solomnly presented so that the neophyte through dignity and poise of presentation, will ]ea 11 what is路 required of a true brother. "In our Fraternity we have been taught the lessons o: Truth and Friendship, and when we see the Truth-tP路 real value of life-and appreciate Friendship one W1 ~ the other, we are exercising the fundamentals that undel gird our association together. "We must set examples of good morals by standiot up for what we have been taught as right and for wh1 we as men know to be right by condemning all for~ of dishonesty and cheat ing and in our own lives aV0 1 ing the appearance of evil. "By that I don 't mean that we are to be sissy pat11' because men of honor, of cou rage, and of integrity ]1a'路











~sense of right values and show themselves to be he~i stalwart a nd unafraid to stand up for the right.

know you are well grounded in the fundamentals of 'r t . h" hF a erntty. I know, too, you are prepared to hold tg our banner of brotherhood and proclaim to men everywh h . . te t d er~ t .at we shall keep fatth thwugh our time s e belief m Friendship and Truth." e At the College of Charleston, both the living FoundD~s~~re present for the District IV Conclave. All of the heldnct. Chapters were represented at a meeting fo dWtthtn a few hundred feet of the place of our un tng. 0 ur


ter!n Atl~nt~, Ga., at the Henry Grady Hotel, the ChapV assembled. Members of Alpha Gamma LocaJofFDtstnct t · att d ra ermty at Tennessee Wesler.an College were in w enf ance. This was the only Conclave in which there • naats ull coverage given the new employment co-ord i. or program.

These members of Beta Delta Chapter attended the District X Conclave.

the .finest men Pi Kappa Phi could ever hope to claim as a brother." Districts VIII, IX, and X Conclaves were reported on by Brother Jim lloyd, Traveling Counselor, at which he represented the Fq.ternity. A model initiation, performed by Omega Chapter, was a highlight of the District VIII Conclave held in Urbana, Ill. , with Upsilon Chapter as host. Alpha Psi Chapter furnished four neophytes for the initiation and also ran off with all awards.

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District IX met at Beta Iota Chapter in Toledo, Ohio. There the Toledo Alwnni hosted a fine social, and Brother Kim Jepson underwent his official baptism as the new District President for District IX.


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At the D" . Colle . ostroct XI Conclave held at Alpha Zeta, Oregon State the J.e, on December, District President Jack W . Steward presented fotni •strict's Scholarship Trophy to Gamma, University of Cali-


uJhe ~lorida Chapters of District VI met at Stetson c/verstty, w ith Chi. Chapter as host. Brother Barry A.~m presented to Chi Chapter the Karl M . Gibbon shipa~d for being the most improved chapter in scholara so .a~t year. The Orlando Alumni Chapter sponsored of t~ta on Saturday even ing as the concluding portion e Conclave. Distri · With ct VII Chapters met at Beta OmJCron Chapter, The Brother Bill Loeffler representing the Fratern ity. "l'h:e D~e. chapters passed the following. resolution: in s . Istnct VII Conclave of Pt Kappa Pht Fratern ity, itsel?ston :at Natchitoches, La., March 5, 1961, avails E. 11: of thts opportunity to express formally to Melville l<:a etcal ~e, District President of District VII of Pi Yea~pa Pht ~raternity, our sincere gratitude for his many cha st of fatthful, loyal, and beneficial service to the alo P ers_of District VII and to the entire Fraternity. We, to ~g Wtth the rest of this great Fraternity, look forward any more years of continued association with one of MAy,




Under District President Vern Sodawasser, District X met at Des Moines, Iowa. This Conclave devoted much time in a seard1ing study of the various aspects of Swnmer rush. Alpha Zeta at Oregon State served as host for the District XI Conclave. Beta Theta Chapter traveled 1,600 miles to be represented. Highlights of this conclave were an address by Dean Dan Poling of Oregon State, and the presentation to Gamma Chapter of the qistrict XI Scholarship Trophy. This scene was photographed at the District XI Conclave this Winter. The men "snapped" were, left to right, National President J. AI. Head, Dan Poling, Dean of Men at Oregon State, and District President Jack Steward.



Fifty-Six Years of Service!

IJ THE PROPORTION OF ALUMNI in Pi Kappa Phi who remain interested after college days is probably as good or better than in most other Fraternities. If you scan our membership list, you will find many ten-year men, a smaller number of twenty-five-year men, a scattering of thirtyfive-year men , but how many fifty-six-year men? Herman Cole!! Fuchs of Alpha Xi Chapter is one of these unusual alumni. Brother Fuchs was one of the founders of Psi igma, a local Fraternity which became Alpha Xi Chapter at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. This event occurred in 1901, just 60 years ago. In 1928 the local joined Pi Kappa Phi.

He has for years been 1 member of the Universali Church in Brooklyn, whert for over twenty-five yeari he has been Treasurer ol the Sunday School. NO: long ago he was given 3 testimonial dinner in recoE路 nition of his services. Brother Fuchs is actil1 in business. He is a Con su iting Chemist with th1 Permatex Company, a larE1 automobile accesory manu路 factur ing fiDm, and durin! his many years with it, h1 has invented several ol their most profitable prod ucts. Brother Fud1s has bt come an expert collector ol postage stamps. One roolf in his home is devoted ti his collections from ar over the world.

Brother Herman C. Fuchs

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Two Sons Are Pi Kapps

Brother and Mrs. Fuchs live in Brooklyn, N. Y. They have two sons, Robert, who attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and became a member of Alpha Tau Chapter in 1932, and Frederick Edward, who went to Georgia Tech and joined Iota Chapter in 1933.

Who may regret what was, since it has made Himself himself?

-John Freeman


Shortly after the forming of Psi Sigma, Brother Fuchs was elected Treasurer of the chapter in 1901, and again in 1902 and 1903. In 1904 he became President.


Later, when the Fraternity was incorporated , he served as a Director from 1908 to 1912. He became President of the corporation in 1911, and served as Treasurer from 1907 to 1910. He has since served as Treasurer of the corporation from 1916 to 1960. One of our amateur statisticians has figured Brother Fuchs has handled and accounted for more than $100,000 during the period of his service.

NOW is the Time to make a contribution to the Devereux D . Rice Memorial Found ation. This trust fund is used "i n making scho larship loans to deserving students at selected institutions of learning in the United States of America, and for other purposes consistent therewith," as is outlined _in the foundation's papers of incorporation.

In 1951, Brother Fuchs and the other founders of Psi igma were given a testimonial dinner.

There is urgent need for scholarships and building loans from this f und . What will you give NOW that TODAY'S NEEDS may be met?



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His College Activities Were Varied

Brother Fuchs was equally active in the extra-curricular activities at Poly. He was class Treasurer from 1902 to 1904, and held the same office in the Chemical Society. He acted in the Poly Play of 1901 (feminine part in "A Night Off"), served on the Midwinter Ball Committee, and was a member of the editorial board of The Polytecbnic, the college magazine.

Send your donation NOW to: Devereux D. Rice Memorial Foundation c/o John D. Carroll, Chairman Lexington , South Carolina







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District President Jepson

Undersecretary Fowler

DISTRICT IX'S NEW tr· PRESIDENT Brother !'\. Ill1 J epson, Lansing, ' }.f . lch., claims that his prinThal distinction in Alpha e~a, Michigan State Universtty, during his under$raduate years was in beIng th ' on I · e only man who lived d ~Ill the fraternity house lltlng h is college career.


h' ~!though the years since IS lllltiation September 27 193 5, have dimmed hi~ tnemory 0 f . of h. many detads Brother Kim Jepson B ts undergraduate life · rather Jepson said in at~ ~~~er~iew. that "two recollections of my active mem~er1P In Pt Kappa Phi are rather vivid. Ch"First, my attendance as a delegate at the Supreme th a~r .Meeting in Seattle in 1936. The hospitality of as~mgton alumni was tremendous, and the impact / 0 1 ,, earn1ng the true meaning of national brotherhood was v . ery unpressive.


our chapter house burned and was rebuilt a d ~ I Was an undergraduate. I rescued several coats that Jackets from the fire, but only one pair of pants. At ei I was better off than my roommate who rescued g t shoes- none of them mates."


tio~n.. reference to Brother Jepson's "principal distincat th he ~xp!ained that he moved into the chapter house, en ~. l11VJtat!On of a cousin, during the Summer before 1 "ur~ lliVtng. as a freshman. "By devious means," he said, in th erslty regulations were by-passed, and I stayed on th e house, pledged as soon as it was permitted, and en was initiated." ad Bro~h.er Jepson's entire business career has been in ve~~r~tSing and marketing. He started as Assistant Adfa IShlng Manager, later becoming Advertising Manager Inr t e M'1ch'1gan Mille.~;s Mutual Insurance Company. 1 Jep 943 he founded the advertising agency that is now tne s~n-Murray Advertising, Inc. A 4-A agency, it is a 'Wo ~ er of Trans American Advertising Agency Netcour and handles consumer and industrial national acnts.

ad~:~ther Jepson has contributed in many ways to the his cement of the interests of Alpha Theta; however, fun:ost ll~portant service was given in helping to raise hou s, des1gn and supervise the construction of a new cha s; ~or Alpha Theta. He is now President of the Per s Building Corporation . ke~is professional

memberships include Industrial Mar-

(pae~s of Detroit, Sales and Advertising Club of Lansing M:i ~·Pres i dent), Advertising Roundtable of Southern 1 ~an (past President), Advertising Federation of


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UNDER-SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY in the Kennedy administration, Brother Henry H. Fowler, Xi '27, Roanoke College, will probably find his debating prowess developed at Roanoke College still of great benefit in Washington. Brother Fowler was " a member of probably the most outstanding of many Wid e World Photos debate teams to represent Brother Henry H. Fowler the College," a story in the February issue of Th e Roanoke Collegian declared. The team was undefeated in 1929. In glancing over the 1929 edition of Th e Rawenoch, one can find such designations beside his name as: Editor and Sports Editor of the Brackety-Ack, President oF the Hi-Y, Vice-Pre.sident of his class, Secretary-Treasurer of the General Athletic Association, President of the Roanoke Club, Special Honor Student in English, member of Tau Kappa Alpha, Debater, member of Pi Kappa Phi, German Club, Basketball and Baseball squads, and member of Harlequins. "His climb to national importance has been steady since leaving the campus," the Collegian pointed out. "He went on to earn his law degree at Yale University and begin law practice in Washington. From 1936 until 1946 he held many important government positions under Presidents Roosevelt and Truman." A native of Roanoke, Va. , Brother Fowler returned to governmental work in 1951 as Deputy Administrator of the National Production Board. Later, he became head of the Defense Production Administration, and in 1952 he was appointed Chief of the Office of Defense Mobilization, a position he held u11til the end of the Truman administration. For the -past several years, he has been senior partner in the law firm of Fowler, Leva, Hawes, and Symington in Alexandria. Brother Fowler is a member of the Board of Trustees of Roanoke College, having served since 1954. Other activities include Rotary, Lansing and Michig1n Chambers of Commerce, City Club, Elks, and the Lansing River Improvement Committee. "In my spare time (during trout season there is spare time) you'll find me fishmg . . . and when there's no fishing, my hobbies are woodworkmg and filling inside straights." Brother and Mrs. Jepson have two sons, Noel and Jan, and a daughter, Susan. 7

Broadway Sign [(ing! ATT ENTION-GETTING is indeed big business. Competition for the attention of the American public is steadily increasing in intensity. But getting attention for clients is superbly accomplished by a man who has won for himself the cognomen of "Sign King of Broadway." This master of the spectacular is Brother Douglas Leigh, Alpha Epsilon '26, University of Brother Douglas leigh Florida. The August 14 issue of The American Weekly carried an article by Thomas J. Fleming, entitled "How They Catch Your Eye," with a second deck, "Signs of the Times Are Clever-and Expensive." In this article, based on an interview with Brother Leigh, the author learned that a spectacular sign costs from $25,000 to a third of a million dollars. To the interrogation, "What makes people stop and look at a sign?'' Brother Leigh explained that motion gets eight to ten times as much attention as a static sign. With light and color added, "you have the ultimate in an attention-getting device. Then you hold all the elements together with a specific rhythm and the effect is complete." Size was given as the main element, with nothing less than a thousand feet necessary for a spectacular. Brother Leigh said his ideas come from everywhere -a newspaper story, children blowing bubbles, waterfalls, horses, pets, pretty girls, babies. From the time the idea is conceived until it is sketched and refined is usually two months. The building and erection can take from two to six months. The length of time signs can be effective varies. The smoke rings blowing out of a cigarette company spectacular have provided identification and attention for 18 years. Mr. Leigh pointed out that in one respect a sign is like a play. "With a changing audience and good drama, it will run and run. One Coca-Cola sign, which gives the weather and temperature, has been up for 22 years. That's more than four times the run of 'South Pacific.' We give the sign a face lifting just to modernize it, but recently we were forced to rebuild it completely - the mechanism wore out." Brother Leigh's signs are animated in a variety of ways, ranging from a series of fl ashing lights to a completely animated story. "What do the 1960's hold for spectacular signs?" Mr. Fleming asked. "Advances in electronics, paints, and plastics will open up unrealized advances in the field. We may find buildings erected as spectaculars, in the form of a soap 8

High Ln Navy Law Firm THE NUMBER TW? SPOT in the Nav}d world-wide Jaw firm of some 500 attorneys is filled by Captain Robert D. Po\\'' ers, Jr., Rho '25, Wash· ington and Lee. A native of Gloucester County, Virginia, Brother Powers received his Degree of Bachelor of La\\~ from Washington and Lei in 1929. He was active tP student affairs and was 3 member of Phi Alpha Deld· Captain Robert D. Powers, Jr. ta, legal fraternity, an Omicron Delta Kappa and P.i Delta Epsilon, honorary fraternities. After gradua· tion, he practiced law and became Assistant City Attor· ney of Portsmouth. In 1937, Brother Powers was commissioned Lieutend ant (j.g.) in the U. S. Naval Reserve, and was calle to active duty in 1941. He transferred from the Nav31 Reserve to the U. S. Navy April 30, 1947. The ne~1 year he was designated Special Duty Officer (Legal)· and through normal advancement attained the rank of Captain, USN, to date from October 1, 1952. Ordered to the Naval Operating Base in Trinidad if 1941, he held various posts during the early part 0 World War II. Returning to the United States in 1943· he was assigned to the Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy, Navy Department, Washington· D. C., serving there until January, 1945, as Review otli· cer, Officer in Charge of the Bond Section, and Inter· national Law Officer. During that period he also wa~ Counsel for the Judge Advocate Naval Court of Inqurr) to Investigate the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and had temporary additional duty as Officer-in-Charge [01 the Settlement of Claims resulting from the explosroP in Port Chicago, Calif. During the latter months of the war, and until A~· gust, 1946, Brother Powers was the District Legal Oflid cer for the Fifth Naval District, Norfolk, Va. Release to inactive status, he returned to active duty in Maf· 1947, after his transfer to the regular Navy. For atmo51 three years thereafter he served as fleet Legal Officer o~ the Staff of the Commander-in-Chief, U. S. Atlanttf Fleet. In February, 1950, he returned to the Office of thl Judge Advocate General, Navy Department. From Jul)'· (Conti1111 ed on page 91

box, a round orange, or a perfume bottle. The vistJ~ effects of the future will be dazzling, glamorous, an even more entertaining than they are today. "In terms of concept, the trend will be for signl to perform specific services and elevate the corpo011 image. Signs that give information- time, weathel· temperature, and news-are definitely on the increase and will continue that way." TH E







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By Brother James M. Liloyd


A FEW WEEKS I shall be leaving my job as

po;ra~eling Counselor, so I want to take this last opFh.101ty to relay to you some of my thoughts. t '?r the last year I have been a member of the Fraiernlty's staff. I've been called upon to assist chapters Ka many J:arts of the country. In every contact with Pi th ppa Pht-whether it has been with the undergraduates v·~ 1nsel:-res or with the alumni and school administrators, ~ a Y Interested in the welfare of fraternities in the th~erican colleges-I have always come away feeling a I had received much more than I have given.

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p· Self-Reliance and Teamwork 1 self ~appa Phi has taught me, above all, the value of oel· and te -re tance. Through the Fraternity I have learned It~wo.rk and how to work harmoniously with others. t and ad un· m d this balance of self-reliance and teamwork that has \ttot· sua e. many of our members outstanding leaders and penor citizens. waAs I l~ok back, I feel certain that Pi Kappa Phi is a ·uten· pu Y of l1 fe which gives its members a true sense of ~aiJed ~aval to rp~s~ and direction. Such an influence could not fail rslst to some degree in later years. ne~1 cert ~others Simon Fogarty and Harry Mixson must :gal)· 1k of tem a~nlf have a feeling of great satisfaction w hen con~ lon P attng what Pi Kappa Phi was in America not too hoo~ ~go and . what it is today. Its effect on young manad in sat' f IS .amazmg. I look forward to the same feeling of trt of IS actton in contemplating the future of the Fratern ity. 1943· rocate I Loyal Support. Is Necessary 1gtotl· nee~ Jontemplating the future, however, I can see the -ot1i· I<a or ~very alumnus and every undergraduate of Pi Jntet· to p~a Ph,_ to take pride in the Fraternity and urge others ) wnl we)o;~· ~~ Kappa Phi can become a fraternity of which 1quitld. posi~iv w~ l! be increasingly proud if we are all constantly · an A e ll1 our loyal support of it. ;~ fo! looks bi reach the conclusion of this academic year and iosioO our Fr ack <:>ver nine busy months, I am convinced that great atern1ty is ready to move forward from strength to 1 A~· our e~ stren~th in the years immediately ahead. This is ofli· grad c allengmg task-to provide distinguished underleased zatiouate chapters as well as a strong national organi1vfaf· life 1n to help prepare you ng men for twentieth century Jmosl I belie f . . ·er on serve . ve or a fraterntty to benefit the members tt ~]antiC for a\·'t must_ give them both knowledge and concern the vc 1on. W 1th these two things, there is no limit to 1 a1ue of a fraternity to an individual. ,f th




Jul)'· I Pi Kappa Phi Is "Major Influence" am b ___..., for ~e .?na .le to define what Pi ~appa Phi ~as "don_e 1 has b · But I am able to say w1th great pnde that 1t vist10d l'h een a major influence in my life. an it aff e ~reat challenge of Pi Kappa Phi is the opportunity bette or s to help young men grow in stature and become signl r men te As I p . . )ora assume repare to le~ve_ ~he staff of Ot~r Fratern1ty to ather· Pi I< other responstbd1t1es, I would l1ke to say that crease for p~PJ;_a Phi has done more for me than I have done 1 "'-appa Phi.

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By Traveling Couns~lor Bill Loeffler

There are many reasons why a strong chapter becomes weak and a weak one remains poor instead of progressing. In my visits to Pi Kapp chapters throughout the country, I have found that nothing will replace a strong, well-planned pledge training program as the basis for building a strong chapter. The problems of poor leadership and administration, lack of organ ization, and the inability to solve chapter problems in many cases can be traced back to the pledge days of present members. If the pledge training given men is poor, then it is not unusual for them to become poor fraternity members. Pledge training is a period in which the pledge is expected to learn about the history and traditions of the fraternity, its aims and ideals, chapter operations, and the functions of the various officers and committees of a chapter. If harassment of the pledge takes the place of instruction and testing, the result is a pledge who knows little about the fraternity, and, because he is not aware of the full value of fraternity membership, tends to neglect his chapter and the national organization. Good pledge training will reduce the amount of time necessary for a new initiate to become familiar with the workings of the chapter. A new initiate should be able to asswne positions of authority and responsibility soon after his initiation instead of waiting out a time lag while learning how the chapter operates. Pledge training is progressive. If the proper spirit is instill ed in a pledge at the beginning, this spirit will carry over to f uture pledges. Also, the products of a good program will be prepared to see that good pledge train ing is carried on in the future, thus insuring a continuance of good leadersh ip and knowledge of fraternity operations. Good pledge train ing takes time, planning, and organization, but the benefits to be derived over the years make it essential for sound chapter operation. - - -- ·TrK<f>-


High in Navy Law Firm (Co111i11ued j1·om page B)

195 3, w1til August, 1956, he served again as District Legal Officer for the Fifth Naval Distri):t. He returned to the Office of the Judge Advocate General and in December, 1956, became Assistant Judge Ad~ocate General (International Administrative Law), Navy Department. From August, 1958, until July, 1960, he served as Director of the Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy, West Coast, at San Bruno, Calif., after which he was designated Deputy and Assistant Judge Advocate General, Navy Department. Captain Powers has ?een awarded the .American J?efense Service Medal, wtth Star; the Amencan Campa1gn Medal· the World War II Victory Medal, and the National 'Defense Service Medal. He is a member of the American Bar Association, and the American Society of International Law. His hobbies are small boats and fishing. Brother and Mrs. Powers and their three children reside at 2411 North Quincy St., Arlington 7, Va. 9

AlUMNI BRIEFS Secretary of Alumni Activities at PIB Brother Robert A. Linoki, Alpha Xi '28, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, who was a Chemical Engineering executive for 32 years with the Socony Mobil Oil Company, Albany Division, is the newly appointed Secretary of Alumni Activities at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. In Albany, Brother Linoki was head of the Divisional Laboratory. A graduate of Polytechnic in the class of 1924 and a native Brooklynite, Brother Linoki will edit the alumni magazine, Poly Men. and organize the program of alumni activities. There are 15,000 living alumni of Polytechnic. Brother Linoki began his career as a Chemical Engineer with the American Chicle Company, Long Island City. Also, before joining Socony Mobil, he was on the staff of the Research Laboratories of the General Chemical Company, Laurel Hill, N . Y., and the Mantius Engineering Company, New York City.

In 1930, after beginning his association with Socony Mobil in its Greenpoint Laboratories, Brother Linoki went to Albany as Chief Chemist to organize and operate a division laboratory _ Before his ret irement last year, Brother Linoki, as head of the Divisional Laboratory, was in charge of the manufacture of petroleum products and the engineering a nd processi ng of products in the Albany Division of Socony Mobil. Brother Linoki, who is a 32nd Degree Mason, is a member of Masters Lodge #5 F. and A.M. , four Scottish Rite bodies, the Cyprus Temp le AAONMS, and the Bethlehem Shrine Club. A Licensed Professional Engineer in New York State, he is also a member of the U niversity Club of Albany, the Albany Community Chest, and the YMCA. Brother Linoki resides at 172 Herkimer St., Brooklyn, N. Y.




!ina National Bank, Wilmington, N. C. Brother Cameron ~O· his family reside at 2701 Churchill Dri ve, Wilmington.

BROTHER P. J. CATO, Mu '47, Duke University, is Manager of the Pension Department of Pilot Life Insurance Company. Prior to this employment, he was manager of the Pension and Profit-Sharing Section of the Trust Department. Before that, he was Vice-President of the W. H. Gaither and Company, Inc., Charlotte, N. C., a consu lting firm in employee benefit plans.

BROTHER ROBERT t. MATZEN, Mu '45, Duke Vn' versity, is Assistant Vice-President (Sa les ) of the :Man° facturers and Wholesalers Indemnity Exchange, 2019 Stout Sl, D enver, Colo. He lives at 500 Pennwood Cirde, Eng lewoO' Co lo.

BROTHER ROBERT D. POTTS, Alpha Omega '50, University of Oregon, is the Assistant Superintendent of Multnomah County Juvenile Home, Portland, Oreg. Brother Potts is a lso a Captain in the United States Army Reserve. BROTHER DONALD M. COW AN, Alpha Psi '50, University of Indiana, is Assistant Manager of the Glen Park Branch of Gary National Bank. He resides at 104 Marr Court, Crown Point, Ind. BROTHER MAURICE W. LAMB, JR., Tau '48, North Carolina State College, is Division Traffic Superintendent, Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pa. Brother Lamb and his family live at 423 Candlewyck Road, Allendale, Camp Hill , Pa. BROTHER RICHARD G. HOUSTON, Gamma '50, U ni versity of California, is employed by Procter and Gamble in Cincinnati, Ohio. He makes his home at 473 Karenlaw La., Cincinnati 31.

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BROTHER ALLEN W. AKERSON, Nu '55, University' Nebraska, is Assistant System Communications Engineer f' the U ni on Pacific Railroad, Headquarters Bldg., 15th and Dod~ Sts., Omaha, Nebr. He resides at 4106 Frederick St., Omaha BROTHER W. D. DEBARDELABEN, JR., Omicron •jt U niversity of ~labama,. is an eng ineer for Scott Paper Southern D1 v1S10n, Mobde, Ala. He makes his home at 673 \ Tarawa, Mobile.


BROTHER RH::HARD K. GIBSON, A lpha Mu '52, p~P State University, is a Research Engi neer, Allison DiviS1 Genera l Motors Co~porati o n, Indi anapo li s, Ind . The hoi t of two degrees from Penn State, Brother Gibson was emploi by Chrysler Corporation, Missile Division, Detroit, for a Y" before joining the Allison Divisio n in 1959. He res ideS ' 2620 Northview St., Indianapo lis 20. BROTHER JAMES 0. KELLER, Alpha Psi '49, Univer51;



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of Indiana, is emp loyed by the Fli ntkote Company as Pi~ Accountant at a plant in Buda, I ll . Brother Keller and family li ve at 437 S. First St., Princeton, Ill.

BROTHER WILLIAM CROS WELL COOK, Iota '49, Georgia Institute of Technology, is Plant Engineer for International Latex Corporation. His home address is 723 Cherokee Rd. , LaGrange, Ga.


BROTHER DAVID D. S. CAMERON, JR., Kappa '49, University of North Carolina, is Assistant Cashier, North Caro-

BROTHER JAMES ]. CORNWELL, Beta '22 , Presbyteril College, has been elected Mayor of Clinton, S. C. MAy











President of Virginia Board of Education xro.rmer State Senator Leonard G . Muse, 17, Roanoke College a prominent Roan k e, v a., attorney and a' member of the 1 Wwtk rm . of Woods, Rogers, Muse, and add" _er, ts a man of many interests. In atto~tton to . being a distinguished trial d n~y, he ts very much interested in the ~ duc~ttonal affairs of the State of Virginia an ~s active in such work. Having been . PPotnted to the State Board of Education ~n J;41, Brother Muse is now serv ing his tx term on the Board. In February 1960 he was 1 e ected as its President for 'a two-' Yea r term.


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th F~m 1_934 to 1937 he was a member of e oa noke City School Board.



of the present firm of Woods, Rogers, Muse, and Walker. In 1936 Brother Muse was first· elected to the Virginia Senate and was re-elected for five_ successive terms, comp leting his servt ce m the Senate with the session of 1948. Brother Muse is a past President of the Roan_oke Bar Association, a member of the Vtrgt~ia State Bar Association, and the Amencan Bar ~ssociation. He is presently ser~ tng ~s Prestdent of the Virginia Baptist Chtldren s Home at Salem, and as VicePresident of the Board of Trustees and Chrurman of the Executive Committee of Roarmke College. H e is a Navy vete ran of World War I and a member of the First · Baptist Church, Roanoke.

att d nattve of Roanoke, Brother Muse gra~n ed public schools there and was w"thuated from Roanoke College in 1920, o' a B.A. D egree. He received hi s LL.B. 1;free at the University of Virgi ni a in K 3, where he collected the Phi Beta b a1>paf key on hi s vest. He is a lso a memer 0 Phi Alpha D elta lega l fraternity.

Not onl y is Brother Muse active in lega l, educa tiOna l, and civic activities but he is a lso a farmer in Botetourt Co~nty and is President of the Botetourt County Chamber of Com merce.

RoBrother_ Mu se began hi s law practice in ingahokd tn 1923, immediately after receivCI . ts egree, with the law firm of Woods 11 twood, Coxe, and Rogers, predecesso;

He is married to the former Martha Page tone of Roanoke. They have two children Leonard A. Muse and Martha Muse Lang: hammer.



·ron :tO· .on.

Caro lina St LT. LONNIE C. POOLE, JR., Tau '57, lor th Command ate Co ll ege, has been assigned to the 2d Missile Flight PI at Fort Carson, Colo. He is a fixed-wi ng aviator in Parents I' atoon of the command's 16th Sky Cavalry. His tve on Rt. 2, Raleigh , N. C. AIUvry 2D parti cipated . LT. MICHAEL D. KERR, Omega '57, recentl y tn Exerc· Wtth other personnel from the 4th Infantry Division Clark A _tse Long Pass, a military training exercise, at the The exec':- B~se-Stotsenberg training area in the Philippines. Personnet ':C tnvolved a lm ost 6,000 U. S. Arm y and Air Force and the Ph~~m ~he co ntmental U nited States, Hawaii, Okinawa, quarters C 1 tppmes. Brother Kerr is a platoon leader in HeadWash. ompany of the division's 22d Infant ry, Fort Lewis,

LT. COL State Coli · CHARLES BOGNER, Alpha Zeta '36, Oregon Medal fo ege, . has been awa rd ed the Army Commendation China A r mentonous serv ice as an adv iser to the Republic of 1\s Chietd fro_m ~ugust 13, 1959, to September 18, 1960. ":as the ' . rg~ntzatton anCI Plans Advisory Section, the Colonel Ctvil affa _Pnnctpa l adviser to the operat ions and training and in the d~rs sections of the Chinese Army. He was instrum ental agreemen~ef1opment of the plan w hich was adop ted by bilateral tng of th or the defense of the Taiwan and in the programt~e Peri ode °ferattona l requirements of the Chin~se Army for t1e lJ. S 1A 62-66. Brother Bogner tS an Exec utive Officer m eavenwo· th rmy Command and Gen era l Staff College, Fort r , Kan.

niverst as pi¢ ARM:y and P O:egon St 2D LT. JOHN P. BOLLMAN, Alpha Zeta '57, rt'entatio ate· College, has comp leted the eight-week officer rather ~ourse at th e Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga. reside at ° man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Bollman, 8 1 l Court, D a ll as, Oreg. 1\RM:y Auburn l1 ~T. COL. LEROY PATTERSON, Alpha Iota '38, ntvers ity, is the Executive Officer of the Administra-


tive and Personnel Sectio n, I Corps, Korea . Brother Patterson 's wife, Eli zabeth, Jives at 1433 Keene Rd ., Clearwater, Fla. ARMY 2D LT. CHARLES E. SKOPIC, Alpha Mu '57 Penn State University, has been assigned to the Quartermaster S hool at Fort Lee, Va. , where he is a member of th e school's Maintenance Department. Brother Skopic"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles kopic, li ve on Rt. 4, D all as. Pa. BROTHER DONALD G. HARMON, Alpha Omicron '56 Iowa State University, recently was promoted to First Lieutenant in Germany, where he is a member of the 18th Artillery. Lt. Harmon is a Reconnaissance and Survey Officer in the arti ll ery's Battery B in D armstadt. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Harmon, Manson, Iowa. NAVY LT. CLARK H. SCHERER, JR., Beta Gamma '49 U niversity of Louisville, is stationed at the U. S. Navy U nder: water Sound Laboratory, Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn. as Public Works Officer and Officer in Charge of Construction: In addition, Brother Scherer will be responsi ble md act as Resident Officer in Charge of Construction for a new 4,500,000 U nd erseas Warfare Research Laboratory to be built on the station. IST/ LT. RICHARD L. TWITO, Beta Theta "55, University of Arizona, is stationed in Japm as a Fighter Pilot. His address is 1st/ Lt. Richard L. Twito, A03093976, 35th Tactical Fighter Sq., APO 929, San Francisco, Calif. ARMY RESERVE 2D LT. THOMAS A. BUTTS, Beta Pi "57, Eastern Michigan University, has completed th e officer o ri entatio n course at the Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart E. Butts, live at 1704 Morton, Ann Arbor, Mich. LT. HAROLD F. SIMPSON, Beta Nu '56, University of Houston , was grad uated from the U. S. Air Force Basic Jet Pilot School , Webb Air Force Base, Big Spring, Texas, in March . H e receives his mail at Box 414, H ouston 1, Texas. 11

Rotary International Honors Two Brothers Two members of Pi Kappa Phi have b ee n honored by Rotary International, world-wide service club organi zation. Brother ]. Cleve Allen, Iot a '28, Georgia Institute of Technology, who now resides in Coral G ables, Fla, is Chairman of the 1961 Rotary Institute Agenda Committee Brother J. C. Allen of Rotary Intern ational for the 196061 fiscal year. Brother Charles F. Adams, Nu '2 1, University of Nebraska, who lives in Aurora, ebr., bas been elected as Governor of D istrict 565 of Rotary International for the 1960-61 fiscal year. During .the year, he will visit each of the 36 Rotary clubs in the

district to offer advice and assistance on Rotary service activities and admini:>tration. Rotary International encompasses 120 countries throughout the world. Nearly 500,000 busi ness and professional executives are members. Mr. All en is South Florida General Agent and a Director of the Piedmont Southern Life Insura nce Company. He is also President of the Allen Granite Company, VicePresident of the American Granite Quarries, and Secretary of the Natiohal Granite Company in Elberton, Ga. He is a former member and past President of the Rotary Club of Elberton, G a., and is now a member and past President of the Rotary Club of Coral Gabl es. He received his B.S. Degree from Georgia Tech in 1931. Mr. Allen is a Director of the D ade County (Fla.) Chapter of the American Red Cross, and is a past President of the Elberton Chamber of Commerce and the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce. He has been Vice-President of the Southern

ARMY PVT. ROBERT D. DE ]ORIS , Beta Sigma '58, Northern Illinois University, has completed six months of active military training under the Reserve Forces Act program at Fort Bliss, Texas. H e is spending the remainder of his military service with the 184th Artillery, an Army National Guard unit in Chicago, Ill. Brother De }oris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julio D e ] oris, live at 17645 Wentworth Ave., Lansing, Illinois.

ORGANIZATIONS BROTHER JOE STARNES, Omicron '19, University of Alabama, former Congressman from Guntersville, Ala., and immediate past President of Civitan International , was among 60 American leaders who made a 10-day study of operations of Radio Free Europe recently. The trip was sponsored by the Radio Free Europe Fund (Crusade for Freedom) , a private, non-profit American organization which supports RFE's anti Communist broadcasts to the Iron Curtain countries of Poland , Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rom ania, and Bulgaria. No RFE Fund contributions were used to fin ance any part of the trip.

Granite and Marble Manufacturers Association and a Director of the American Granite Association of Boston , Mass. Mr. Adams is an Attorney in Aurora. He is a past President of the Aurora Rotary Club. Also, he is a member of the Executive Counci l of the Nebraska Brother C. F. Adams State Bar Association and a past President of the Hamilton County (Nebr.) Bar Association. In Aurora, he has been President of the Chamber of Commerce and a Director of the School Board. He received the B.A. in 1925 and the LL.B. in 1927, both from the Universi.ty of Nebraska.

Calif., last Jun e to work in Elementary Education and in t!JI Adult Education program. BROTHER PERCY BREWINGTON, JR., Alpha UpsiJof '49, Drexel Institute of Technology, is emp loyed by the Mobil~ (Ala.) District Corps of Engineers. He and his family live,. 1500 Winchester Dr., Mobile. BROTHER ]. DEAN ARBOGAST, Alpha D elta '29, ~n; versity of Washington, has been Registrar, Los Angeles !118 School , since 1950. Except for three years, during which Brotb~ Arbogast was a Lieutenant Commander in the U. S. Navy, has devoted practically all his time si nce graduation from University of Washington to teaching. In 1946 he received ''1 Master's Degree from Columbia U niversity.


BROTHER WALLY HIENZLEMAN, Xi, Roanoke Colle~l is attending graduate school at Virginia Polytechnic Instit~ 11 Blacksburg, Va. '54, Vnt 1958 0j Last 9~ at So~t 路 EdwMd'


BROTHER RICHARD DEAN SPEAR, Alpha Psi versity of Indiana, received his Ph. D. at Indiana in joined the faculty of Fresno (Calif.) State College. he became Head of the Health Education D epartment ern Illinois University, Southwestern Illinois C~mpus , vi ll e, Ill.

BROTHER RAY F. ASBELLE, Alph a '52, College of Charleston, is employed by the Hillsborough High School as a cia! Studies T eacher and as Director of Audio-Visual Aids. Brother Asbelle resides at 68 17 N. H abana Ave., Tampa 4, Fla.

BROTHER JAMES S. RIDGWAY, Beta Gamma '5 5, Vn versity of Louisville, is a Research Chemist with Chemstr~ Resea rch Center, Durham, N. C. Recently he received his 路~ D . from the University of Louisville. He and his family resl at 1623 Van Dyke Ave. , Raleigh ,, N. C.

BROTHER ALLEN W. MEAD, Epsilon '46, Davidson College, is practicing Internal Medicine at 450 E. 69th St., New York 21, N. Y. BROTHER HE RY T. GURLEY, JR ., Epsi lon '49, Davidson College, is a Forecaster with th e U. S. W eather Bureau, stationed in Louisville, K y. His home address is 2402 Silverbrook Ave., Louisville 20. BROTHER FRANK C. DEEN, Chi '49, Stetson University, who was H ead Coach (coached Football) and Athletic Director at D onalso nville, Ga ., for five years, moved to Orangevale, 12


BROTHER WAYNE R. MOORE, Alpha Omicron, 1掳~ State University of Sci ence and Technology, is dividing fr time between his teaching position in the Department of dustrial Engineering at Iowa State and work in the office' the universi ty's President, ana lyzing university operations ~~ educational costs. ------~~K~'--------

Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will Je3f in no other.--Benjamin F1路anklin THE







On New York Public Service Commission , Brother Frank J. McMullen, Alpha Xi 2~, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, was ap~Otnted as a member of the New York Nubltc Service Commission by Governor elson A. Rockefeller and was confirmed u~animously by the Senate. He assumed hts duties as a member of the Commission January 6.





Brother McMullen was born in New York City August 14, 1902. After his graduation from Lafayette College, he pursued graduate studies in engineering, finance, and insurance at New York University and at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute.

In his profession as a Civil Engineer, Brother McMull en was engaged in struc.Prior to his appointment to the Comtural steel design , construction work, a nd ~tsston, Brother McMullen, a Civil Enfire insurance rating, and has had his own fnee:, served as a Member of the Assembly · insurance business over a period of twenty .or Stxteen years. Upon his first election years. ;~ 1944, Brother McMullen was se lected by Brother McMullen has been active in S e Assembly as a member of the Public civic, social, and philanthropic activities. ervtce Committee. Four years later he was H:e is an incorporator and director of the named Chairman of the Committee and Hospital Association of Bay Ridge, a Trus~erved in that capacity over a period of tee of Victory Memorial Hospital, Director welve years until his appointment to the Commission. of the Bay Ridge Day Nursery, and is a Member of the Business Men's Committee H:e also served as a member of the Asof the Visiting N urse Association. :f'nbly Ways and Means Committee and of Brother McMullen was act ive in the afye committees on Banks, the City of New tl ork, and Insurance. H:e was Chairman of fairs of the Republican Party and served 1 E e Assembly Committee on Guidance and as a delegate to the Republican national thtcs and was Vice-Chairman of the Legisconventions in 1948, 1952, and 1960, and 1 Dttve .Committee on Housing and Multiple to state conventions in 1950, 1954, and 1958. welltngs and of the ].oint Legislative ComBrother and Mrs. McMullen reside at Htttee ?n Insurance Rates and Regulations. 7410 Ridge Boulevard, Brooklyn. They C e W~s a Member of the Joint Legislative omm tttee on Mental Retardation . have two daughters and seven grandchi ldren.


Jobilt live ~~

Are You Moving?




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•A ,

Are you contemplating a change of address? If you are, please notify us of your new address at th~ earliest possible moment. You don't want to llHss an issue of The Star and lAmp, and we don't want you to miss one.

On the 29th day of December, 1960, Alpha Chapter at the College of Charleston, initiated Ben W. Covingtqn, Ill, left, son of the National Secretary of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Seen here with Brother Covington is Founder Harry Mixson, center, and National Secretary Covington. Others present for the ceremonies were Brother Hampton Mixson; Brother Sam McConnell, Archon of Alpha; Brother Bob Register, District President of District IV; Executive Secretary Durward Owen, and Brother lawrence Mixson.

Remember, when the Post Office can't; deliver your magazine, the postmaster returns it or the address label to us-but not without collecting several cents. Now we grant you, the cost on one return is small, but by the time several hundred magazines and address labels have been returned, the cost of the mail returns, office handling, and magazines lost total a sizable figure in dollars and cen~s. Besides this, even if there is an extra copy avadable to you at the office, you have to wait a While to receive yours-provided, of course, we get a correct address for you. Please help us to keep your copies of The Star and Lamp coming to you regularly.

1 961


Many Hands

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Ma~z~ T,

Auxiliary Fills .M ee( 1

Univel G

These folk, looking at the Guest Book at Alpha Omega, University of Oregon, ore, left to right: Mrs. Donald LeBeau, Brother Jim Green's sister; Brother Brion Groves; Brother Donald LeBeau; Mrs. Brion Groves; Mrs. Eva Groves, Housemother when needed, Chaperone, General Good Angel to Alpha Omega. The girls whose pictures ore hanging over the mantel in the rear ore former Roses of Pi Kappa Phi. The paddle was won as a prize In the annual Canoe Fete.

ALPHA OMEGA at the University of Oregon is beinE reinforced by an auxiliary composed of mothers, fathers, wives, alumni, and friends-all dedicated to the comfort and welfare of the chapter. At the invitation of The Star and Lamp, Mrs. I. ~j Weikel of Corvallis, Oreg. , mother of Brother Nel Weikel, has given highlights of the auxiliary's activitieS· "To start a group such as we have, there needs to _be a very clear and pressing reason," Mrs. Weikel sa1d· "Mine was to keep a roof over my son's head, see thai he had good food such as a fraternity cook can prepare, and see that his Greek affiliation stayed with him."

Chapter Needed Help Mrs. Weikel and Mrs. Eva Graves realized that the house could be operated to the advantage of the chapte~ if some help were given. There were other motbe~' and also fathers a nd alumni who felt the same way. Th 15 was when the auxiliary was organized. "We don 't call ourselves a Mothers' Club," lvfrS· Weikel explained. "We are the Auxiliary of Pi KapP.' Phi, and anyone who wants to give a helping hand 15 welcome. We have dues of $2 (or more, we hope) 1 year.

Talking with the fathers-left to right, Ivan Weikel, Neil Weikel's father; Brother Larry Arnold, Chairman of the New House Committee; Kermit Alexander, Ron Alexander's father. The picture in the background was a gift from the Graves family. Getting ready for a rummage sale, a job for both chapter and auxiliary members-left to right, Brothers Jim Green and Bob Amock, Mrs. Ivan Weikel, Mrs. Eva Groves. Mrs. Donald LeBeau is in the foreground. Jim is holding Jacque, the LeBeau Toy Poodle.

"With a group composed of people from all over th1 state and out of state, it's hard to have regular meeting~ but they soon fall into sort of a pattern. We have oot Fun WeeR: End in the Fall, with a week end at the bea~' in the Graves' cabin. This is for alumni and the11 families and the undergraduates. It is held just before college starts, and just before Fall Rush. It is very va1°j able. Wonderful alumni come, and they have sparke the boys into great enthusiasm for the coming year. 1' 1'1 seen these men talk to the boys the way their own fatheP couldn't-discussions, stori~s of college days; its wondet· ful for everyone. Fathers' Week End in FebruarY· Mothers' Week End in May, and a Summer work meel: ing seem to be our best bets. Small working meeting' are called whenever necessary, and people come togethf1 for money-making projects.

Group Sets Goals " A group with a set goal accomplishes the most. T~d: we have always had. At the May meeting we deC! what the house needs most desperately, and then 'IV' THE








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Bleeds at Alpha Omega,

vel Oregon

·Neil ·i tielto be said· that pare,



figure out a way to buy it during the Swnmer or next r~ar. Usually we put the auxiliary in debt for it and c en have to get out and beg (the alwnni) and work like rlazy to pay our bills, but it works. I think our banker · 'a umn·1 cnnge when they hear of our methods, though . "Correspondence is tremendously important for a Ioosel k · u / n1t group. Progress reports, as you know, very dna~ amedly beg for money and help, and the people hon t s.eem to mind. The reports keep the boys and the ouse In the minds of the alumni, and that ·is very imto~tant.. We -write letters to parents of new pledges, yoe ~0 111 I ng them to our group. We write personal 'thank 17tters to anyone who does something for the house. . erhe s so much that can be done in this line if a person ] · · b s, etust ad t.une- congratu 1atwns on new b ab.1es, new JO fee.! A note and a kind word do so much to make people e part of a group.




People Will Respond

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re "'We've learned to take for granted that people will r/Pond; and when they do, we are pleased with any s~onse we get. Whatever is done deserves a lot of a1se.



"'W e have been lucky so far, but every group makes its ow 1 andn buck. The University of Oregon is a bulging campus, W oys are looking to Greek organizations for housing. e need that house! "B . are dut. while we are waiting for the new house, we 01 liv bJ ng all we can to make the present house as a e and as nearly adequate as possible.

efore valII·



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arked I'''' ttheri



projects weld the group together.

sai~sve ~ad cooked food sales. Now we have rwnmage

twice a year; I think these are the most successful of 0 he] ur money-making projects because the undergraduates mop, and all parents and friends can contribute. Thus re people are interested, and the interest lasts.





Organized Four Years Ago

··o Gra ur first meeting four years ago was attended by Mrs. Gr/es, the house President, and me. We elected Mrs. Gr~Ves . Secretary-Treasurer and me President. Mrs. Ves JS a genius at anything she turns her hand to.


Bo ~1 Y mother or father who has run the PTA or the __ Y dcouts can foll ow her or his son up to a fraternity an it's lots more fun." A



1 961

Showing a new member how it's done-with the paint brush, Brother Larry Arnold; looking on, Archon Terry Beyer and Brother Neil Weikel.

Looking over equipment in the dining room and discussing the needs of the house-left to right, Mrs. Donald LeBeau, Mos. Ivan Weikel, Mrs. Eva Graves, Archon Terry Beyer, and Mrs. Brian Graves. The cupboard was a remodeling job of one of the fathers several Summers ago .



Cc Past National Treasurer Ralph Noree~ pre sented the " Outstanding District Presi• dent Award of the Year" to District Presi· dent Robe rt Crossle y, District I, at cere• mon ies in Ne w York in Fe bruary. Brother Joe Scanlon, Ne w Yo rk Alumni Chapter Pres ident, looked on.

ass ap ne, lnt

fo t list

Al I

Al a

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District President

Youngest State Senator?

Earns Award

"A Lincolnite whose wealth of governmental experJ· ence belies hi s years may well be the nation's youngest state senator," Don W alton declared in a story published in the Lincoln Star January 10. He was referring to Brother Marvin E. Stromer, N~· U nivers ity of Nebraska, 27-year-old member of the 1961 Nebraska Legislature. Brother Stromer was elected to his first term last November at the age of 26. A rne!ll' ber of the only unicameral legislative body in the United States, he is very likely the youngest senator now servin8 One of his predecessors, Brother Charles S. Reed, ]'J~ '20, of Omaha was elected to the Nebraska Legislature at the age of 23. Brother Stromer is now associated with the First. Trust Company, Lincoln.

pRESENTATION of the "Outstanding District President Award of the Year" was made to Brother Robert Crossley, President, District I at the February meeting of the New York Alumni Chapter. Brother Ralph Noreen, former National Treasurer, made the presentltion. Brother Crossley was chosen to receive the award because of his sincere interest in Pi Kappa Phi and more particularly for his very active participation in the affairs of the undergraduate chapters in his district. The presentation was made before a group of Pi Kappa Phi alumni in Luchow's Restaurant, East 23rd St., New York City ..

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This award has been in effect for 12 years; however, the requirements for awarding it are so high that this is only the second time it has been presented to anyone. About 10 years ago, Brother J. Al. Head, now National President, was the first recipient.


The New York Alumni meet the third Friday of each month at Luchow's. Any alumni in New York at that time are cordially invited to join the group for luncheon at 12:30 p.m.













Impartially their talents scan, just education forms the

man.--Gay 16

Brothers at the head table when the Seattle (Wa sh.) Al~rfl~ Chapter held a dinner meeting February 17 are, left to rr9 J De ane Porker, Walter Jones, Ralph Snider, National Preside"' AI. Head, Bob Waldo, and Harold McPherson. THE








B OR.! B Way

Want a Job?

Honors for Chi Brother


BROTHER WILLIAM REYNOLDS ALLEN, Chi '58, Stetson University, brought many honors to his fraternity during his college career. Hailing from Wauchula, Fla., Brother Allen began his college career impressively enough by being named '' Outstanding Freshman Man" at Stetson. Next came hi.s selection as President of the Sophomore Class, Key Member of the Brother W. R. Allen Stetson Glee Club, VicePresident of the Baptist Student Union, and Chairman of the Diamond Jubilee Homecoming Committee. Other honors include: Outstanding Junior Cadet, Scabbard and Blade, President of Omicron Delta Kappa, President of Men's Council, and election to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Brother Allen was also on either the Honor Roll or the Dean's List every semester during his four years at Stetson. At graduation exercises in June, 1960, he was named Distinguished Military Student, recipient of the Paffon Award given to the Outstanding Male on Campus, and recipient of the Sullivan Award . A most fitting climax to Brother Allen's outstanding college career was his selection as the Most Outstanding College Student in the southeastern United States. In the future, Brother Allen plans to attend graduate school to prepare for a career as either a college teacher or an administrator. At the present, he is a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army Military Intelligence Service.

KAPPS WHO NEED EMPLOYMENT or who s wish to change their employment may avail them~ 1ves ?f the services of the Pi Kappa Phi Employment a O-ordtnator in their areas. The co-ordinators do not a~u~1 e the responsibility of obtaining employment for n Pdtcants; however, they undertake to co-ordinate the ee ~_of fellow Pi Kapps with the needs of local com111Untttes. c 11.1 applying for employment, a brother must send five t~ptes of a re_sume about himself to the co-ordinator in re e g~ographtc area in which he is interested. This b s~l1le should include personal history, employment s:~ ground, educational experiences, military and marital a us, reason for seeking employment, and specialty.

0 ree~

Pre1i• pre1i· cere· ·other ,0 pter

f The following brothers are employment co-ordinators

l~~e~~e general geographic areas under which they are ALABAMA AI~rother Edward E. Bea on, P. 0. Box 1671, Birmingham 1, CALIFORNIA Ca~fother Keith A. Johnson , 257 St. Josephs Ave., Long Beach, COLORADO Brother Paul M . Hupp , 719 Majestic Bldg., Denver 2, Colo. GEORGIA At~rother Charles Workman Jr. , 435 Peachtree Battle Ave .. anta, Ga. ' ILLINOIS M~rother Frederick H. Jost, 8709 Vi ll age Pl., East St. Louis,


,1961 ed to


Jn ited rvinS· d rJU




s·1mpson, Marysvllle, . Kan. ENTUCKY Brother W '"Il"1am T. Ransde ll , 3006 Boaires, Louisville, Ky. LOUISIANA Or~erother William D. Meadows, 1207 St. Charles Ave., New ans, La. MICI-IIGAN Broth rnent S er J. errold E. Timpson, 728 Keeler Bldg., A & B Employ-

1( Brother W"Il" ' 1am


erv,ce, Grand Rapids , Mich. BRASKA k N e b r. Brother Floyd E. M ason , .Jr. , 800 W. 9 t l1 St ., Y or-, NE~r YORK ] Broth New yer R o b ert H. Crossley, Room 1500, 250 Park Ave., ork 17 N y






Bro~he R" I N. C. r 1c1ard L. Young, 2021 Ashland Ave., Charlotte,

Ol-Jro Brother Ge orge N eumre, · · Jr., 4l8 4 E Ib ern A ve., C o Iurn b us, 0 hio.

AloJI'~ ·g~' rl J idenl



1NDIANA Brother Donald S. Payne, 106 Sunset La., West Lafayette, Ind. IOWA Brother Broth W ayne R . M oore, 4 30 Lynn A ve. , Am es, I owa. .,.. er Dave C. Dailey, 3708 Adams, Des Moines, Iowa


Ol(LAl-IOMA OR.Broth er R o b ert L. H arper, 3749 S. Darlington, Tulsa, Okla. EGON Broth Way E er p au! Lansdowne c/o Eugene Hotel, 222 E. Broad, , •ugene, Oreg.

"'~ ... •

1 961

PENNSYLVANIA Brother John L. Pottenger, 29 1 Orchard Dr., Pittsburgh 28, Penn . Brother F. Arthur Tucker, 1518 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Penn. SOUTH CAROLINA Brother Robert R. Scales, Jr. , 22 Victory Ave. , Greenville, S. C. VIRGINIA Brother Robert C. Thomas, 1702 Arlington Rd ., Roanoke, Va. WEST VIRGINIA Brother James R. Stephenson, 300 Meigo Ave., Clarksburg, W .Va. Alumni in other geographic areas are needed to assist. Also, it would be advantageous to have additional alumni to assist in the areas already covered. Any Pi Kapp interested and abl e should contact the Executive Secretarv at the National Office in Sumter, S. C., immediately. Pi Kapps who need employees are requested to send employment requisitio~s e1ther to the employment co-ordmator listed or to the NatiOnal Office. 17

Trail of Tradition pi KAPPA

PHI is indebted to Brother Robert F. "$_· Meader, Alpha Tau '35, Rensselaer PolytechniC Institute, for two more additions to the Fraternity's col· lection of pins and fledge buttons of fraternities which were predecessors o chapters of Pi Kappa Phi. Brother Meader's donations are the pins and pledge buttons of Delta Sigma a n~ Beta Psi.

Brother Meader wrote the National Office that during hi s freshman year, 1925, at Middlebury Col· lege, Middlebury, Vt. , )Je be · was asked to join a small N Delta Sigma Pledge Button group of boys in founding a new fraternity as there tic seemed to be a g rowing br need for another chapter on the campus. Thus Delta Sigma was created. a


Tackle Ken Rice of Auburn

Auburn Tackle Is Stellar Performer HE MADE EVERY ALL-AMERICA team picked this year! We are speaking of Brother Kenneth Earl ("Ken") Rice, Alpha Iota, a senior at Auburn University. He was also SEC Lineman of the Year, offense and defense, and played in East-West game. Norm Carlson, Auburn's Sports Publicity Director, informed The Star and Lamp that Brother Rice is now top draft choice of the St. Louis Cardinals and the Buffalo Bills. Brother Rice, who comes from Bainbridge, Ga., is 21 years of age, 6 feet 2, and weights 250 pounds. The Auburn Football Brochure pointed out that he carries his weight so solid ly that he looks like about a 220pounder. He is the Southern Prep weightli fting champion with brute strength but also has the speed of a fu llback, the position he p layed in high school. His speed, power, and agility make him a natural any place, be it offense or defense. His movements and actions remind most of former Kentucky All-America Tackle Lou Michaels, the brochure stated . He represented Football Writers' All-America team on Perry Como television show last year. Dark-skinned and an avid outdoorsman, he would rather hunt and fish in spare time than do anything else. A year ago he married his coll ege tutor and completely straightened out scholastic problems in the process. 18

"For the life of me, I cannot recall the roster of Pt officers, nor even many of its small membership! I l'J do recall that I was the gr secretary of it. I also de· signed the badge and wrote the ritual. We were recog· nized as a local fraternit)' March 8, 1926, by the col· lege authoriti es. ;·we conti nued alon8 with somewhat indifferent success for two years, being occasionally courted b)' nationals. At last, Beta Psi, a small national of, if I re· call correctly, largely the Northeast, evinced a consider· ab le interest in us. Eventuall y, June 9, 1928, we were received into Beta Psi as their Delta Beta Chapter. Delta Sigma Pin

" In the Fall of 1929• Beta Psi moved out of itS fratern ity rooms in the vii· lage of Middl ebury- per· fo rce, since in Febm ary oJ that year a bad .lire ha Beta Psi Pledge Button burned out the fraternit)' com pletely. A few pieces of furniture were mira(l!' lously preserved though somewhat charred, in the ruind including the gavel and record book . We were force to rent a house and move into it. But the depression was upon us, and we stag· gered along from mortgage to mortgage until 1935· Delta Beta had folded, to· gether with the Nationa) Beta Psi Pin Fratern ity, at the end o 1934 or in early 1935. The chapter amalgamated with Pi Kappa Phi April 30, 1935· The chapter at Middlebury had previously lost its hm~se, ,tnd by now most of its membership . The depress10d killed off many fraternities. I had been the Secon (Colltilltted THE






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Social }Votes '$. :hnic col· 'hich Jther


l-Ie~~~ Myra l. Clausing, Arlington And s, III. , and Brother Eldon P. nois e.rJ~n, B.eta Sigma, Northern Illivrote tnarried '~rs , ty, of Elmhurst, Ill., were that Evan . ecember 10; 1960, in Faith ,§el.'cal Lutheran Church, Arlingyear, .ton .c<e1 ghts. Col· Brothe LI . r oyd A. Stjernberg was ., )le best ;mall Nel so~an, and Brother Richard A. Was an usher ding there tionA hi g hJ''g h t of the. wedding recepwing brothame when about fifteen Fraternity )eltJ ers serenaded the couple. Brothe A d r n erson recently accepted a pos·t· 1 'On as A · · ccountmg Tramee with :r of Pure 0 .1 ) ! 1 The co~ Company, Arlington Heights. ; the gree ~pie IS residing at 406 S. Evern ve., Arlington Heights. J de· of



_Brother Eldon P. Anderson, Beta Sigma, Northern Illinois University, of Elmhurst, Ill ., and Moss Myra L. Clausing of Arlington Heights, Ill., were married December 10 1960. Included i? the wedding party were Brothers Lloyd A. Stjernberg and Richard A. Nelson, back row, roght.

ecog· ·rnity :col·



MU '57-Brother James Edwin King, Maryville, Tenn., and Miss Lessie Anne Rhodes, Louisville, Ky., were married February 4 in th e Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church, Louisv ill e. They are mak ing th eir home at the Treasure Island Naval Base, Sa n Francisco, where Brother King is stationed .




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Brother W'll' "ersity of T 1 •am C. O'Shea, Beta Iota, Unilon, Ohio aledo, whose home was in MassiParasiliti 'Texchanged vows with Miss Joan at Rose;, oledo, Ohio, October 15, 1960, O'Shea wary Cathedral, Toledo. Brother Spring of as Archon of Beta Iota during the 1 Fort Wa 960. The couple is residing in Yne, Ind .

MU '58-Brother Roger Trabue Ashley, Dunedin, Fla., and Miss Joan Lee Vellines, Ri chm ond, Va., were married March 4 in the First Presbyterian Ghurch , Richmond. They are residi ng at 1440· Grinnell St., Key West, F la. ALPHA D ELTA '52-Brother Ronald L. Konopaski , 513 S. Lincoln St., Port Angeles, Wash., and Miss Frigga Walther were married April 6 in Port Angeles. EPSILON '56-Brother James Beaty Hambright was married to Miss D orothy Rose

Trail of• Tradition (Colltill d N .


f•·om page 18)

abona[ v· Expan . Ice-Pres ident of Beta Psi, in charge of Eastern nary Slon . (I still recall that thunderous title!) but got later ~e~~11 mper out of the hustings. I couldn't h ave, I of lette a I Zed, at that time, althoug h I wrote hundreds "p· rs. Beta ~ ~appa Phi offered members of the now-defunct Sl the chance to be initiated into the new Order, 1 9 61

Lyne, Richmond , Va., at St. Marks Episcopal Church, Richmond , December 20, 1960. Brother Henry Tripp, Epsilon, was in the wedding party. Brother Hambright is emp loyed by Chemstrand Research Center, Durham, N. C. He and Mrs. Hambright are making their home at 8 Audley La., Chapel Hill , N. C. EPSILON '54-Brother Wi lli am Waters Duke, Lancaster, S. C., and Miss Georginna Beckham were .married last Fall in Lancaster, S. C. Mrs. Duke was a staff nurse at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. Brother Duke expects to be grad uated from the university in June. He and Mrs. Duke are making their home in Philadelphia until that time. ALPHA ZETA '59-Brother Lor~ n Blewett, Burlingame, Ca li f., and Miss Barbara Phillips, Newport Beach, Calif., were married during the Christmas vacation of 1960.

and accord ingly a few of the Middlebury Chapter took up the offer. Clinton W. D emeritt, now Superintendent of Schools at St. Albans, Vt., went with me to Rensselaer Polytechnic In stitute, where was l_ocated the nearest Pi Kappa Phi ch apter, and there rece1ved our degrees. "If I recall, only three Beta Psi brothers took up the option of Pi Kappa Phi: Clinton D emeritt, Paul Ciavarra, and I. It may be that Wdl1am W. Howe of Brookline, Mass., also did, althoug h I am not sure of this."



CHAPTER NEWS th February 4, the Dean of Men at Eol! Carolina State College gave Pi Kappa Ph1 Fraternity permission to colonize. Brothel Wayne Scott, a recent graduate of th• University of North Carolina and a rnenl' ber of Kappa Chapter, agreed to enter East Carolina State and to serve os colonizer. The evening of February S, four days later, Kappa Phi local fraternitY wa s born with six charter members . 11 is intere sting to note that Brother Scoff was able to pledge the se men without the benefit of other membe rs working_... for there we re none ; without large suJIIl of money-for there were none; without a house-for there was non e . The charter members are , le ft to right, Broth e rs Maurry Simpson, Paul Brewed Dan Ray, Ed Fulford, Wayne Scott, on Ch e ster Boone.


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"OH, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MORNING! Oh, wha t a beautiful day!" We trust that everything's goi ng Pi Kappa Phi's way! Fifty-one chapters and our two colonies have given us highlights of their activities, so let's take a quick vis it to the various groups by way of their reports . ALPHA, COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON

In December, in an impressive ceremony performed before a distinguished gathering of alumni, Cadet Ben Covington, III, of the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, and Myrtle Beach, . C., was initiated as an associate member of t he chapter. A reception was held in the Saint John's Hotel following the ceremony. The following men were initiated in February: James Melchers, David Heisser, Henry Strobel, Ronald Bright, Edward Burbage, and Roy Clifton, all of Charleston, S. C. At about the same time, Richard Dame and Wi lliam Runyon, Charleston, were pledged. Alpha has rented a house across the street from the college campus. When this report was submitted, p lans were in the making to hold the District IV Conclave in Charleston March 18, with Founders Harry Mixson and Simon Fogarty and· Natio nal Secretary Ben Covington, Jr., schedu led to speak. BETA , PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE

Historian Fred Brown of Beta reported that second semester Rushing 'brought the chapter nine new pledges: Gordon Mayhugh, okesville, Va.; Ford Henley, Cheraw, S. C.; Wayne Deess, Hazlehurst, Ga.; Bill Rolin, Columbia, S. C.; James Salvo, Summervi lle, S. C.; Larry Popell, Albany, Ga.; Richard Bulloch, Eastman, Ga.; Floyd Fuller, Clinton, S. C., and Ron Burriss, Anderson, S. C. GAMMA, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA

"Gamma has been great ly stimulated by two fraterna l events in the past months," Historian D avid Larso n wrote. "Brother Owen paid us a visit in November. He created much e nthusiasm and left the entire house with a lasting impression of the prominent role the Nationa l Office plays in stimu lating the fraternal spirit among both Pi Kapp undergraduates and a lumni. In December, at the District Conclave at Corva llis, Oreg., Gamma received further instructions on fraternal managemen t.·· Recently Gamma initiated Richard Gena, Da ly City, Ca lif., and Ralph Vatalaro, Fresno, Ca lif. DELTA , FURMAN UNIVERSITY

Delta's Historian, Brother Stuart Skadden, has a nn ou nced the following men as pledges: C harles Graham, Akron , Ohio;


Edward Coul ter, T homas Batson, Charles Lawton, Wynn Park5• and Fitzhugh W illi ams, Greenvi lle, S. C.; D a le Keo\\•n· McCormick, S. €., P ledge President; Hugh Kirby, D rayton, 5. C., P ledge Chap lai n ; Grady Long, Charlotte, N. C.; Duncan Padgett, Su ll ivan's Island, S. C., P ledge Secretary; Wayne Stevens and James Workman, Unio n, S. C.; Shau lt Coker. Canton, Ga.; Pa ul H uss, Jacksonvi ll e, F la.; Tom Kirby, N~: ton, N. C., P ledge Treasurer; James Roberts, Pelham, N. ,., Dewey Sykes, Louisburg, N. C., and Harry Waikert, Senec:'h S. C. Execut ive Secretary D urward Owen assisted w ith RuS. 1 Week activi ti es, as did members of the Greenvi lle A Jur11n Chapter. . "At the close of R ush Week, we had a banquet at w hJCh we presented to Bro ther "A ll an Graham, President of the Green· vi ll e A lum n i C hapter, a certificate for being the most va lu able alumnus of the year," Historian Skadden reported. "We pJaO to repeat this award every year.''

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Historian Peery Grant outl ined Epsi lon's program to promote better student-fac ul ty relations. T he chap ter invites two me!ll" bers of the facu lty or adm inistra ti on, w ith their fami l ies, to tbl house for an informal supper o n altetnate Tuesday even in~J" "The pJ;ogram has been a big success," H istorian Grant sa 1.d "After a fast and frant ic H elp Week in w h ic h the p ledges dJd everythi ng fr om repair ing a Littl e Leag ue baseball diaJ!lOJ to giving the ho use a rea l Spri ng clean ing, Epsi lon i ni tial 13 new broth ers," H istor ian Gra n t reported . "Recently Epsi lon p ledged D avid H opki ns, Jo ha nnesburG; South Africa . D avid is a Richerdson Scho lar and plans ;i return to the U n iversity of South Africa next year. M aybe Kappa Phi wi ll become intercont inen tal!" ZETA, WOFFORD COLLEGE

Historian Keith Wi ley reported that Zeta has p ledged th~ fo ll owing men: Charl es Aub rey Ke ll y, Ni nety-Six, S. C.; Stant~ Ear le McGraw, Spartanbu rg, S. C.; Ray McLees, A nderson, · C.; Barry C. Reyno lds, Eastover, S. C.; Joe £dd McMurfl'; Tay lors, S. C.; D oug las C. H arris, St. Petersburg, F la.; Jar!l~ Mark T hompson, A tl a nta, Ga.; A ll en Hare, Greenwood, S. ·· a nd Jimmy Burnett, Greenvi lle, S. C. 1 "A revived in tramura l program has prod uced a new th~&. to the other fratern iti es on the campus," H istorian WJiel annou nced. "Recen tly, our in tram ural standing has risen con: siderably. W ith tenni s seaso n be ing near, Brothers T ornfliJ Mull , Morga nton, N. C., a nd Ron nie Shuma n, Wa lterboro, .: C., are expected to play first and second posi ti ons on W offord' Tenn is Team." T HE







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IStorian of Iota Chapter did not submit a Chapter Letter. KAPPA, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA


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repo L u mverstty · · o f North Carolina said that appa's T . rte' a t tue "a mosrtvelmg Counselor Jim Ll oyd's visit this Spring was followed baluabl e o~e for everyone at Kappa. His visit was Pl edged Vy the Sp.nng Semester Formal Rush in which Kappa \X! in ton-S~~ Espos1to, St~ten Isl a.nd, N. Y.; Cabot Hamilton, Parker CJ' em, N.C.; Jtmmy Mdler, Albemarle, N.C.; Jerry "Kap a lnton, N. C., and Jim Tadlock, Calypso, N. C: III Co P1 Chapter played host agam th1s year to the D1strict Lee· Xnc ave. Over 130 delegates from Rho Washington and • I R k . • Colony ' U oano e College; Epsdon, Davidson; Beta Upsilon CaroJi~ C nJvers1ty of Virginia; Beta Kappa Colony, East these dal oll ege, and Kappa attended. This is the on ly chance noon see ~gates have to discuss chapter problems so the after"Speaklon was devoted entirely to this subject. Citizens! ~r~. were Brother Corydon P. Spruill, on 'Fraternity Executi/Ps ~rother F. Carlyle Shepard, on 'Scholarship;' Boyd Fl e ectetary Durward Owen, on 'Rushing;' Brother ]. 'Financ/~n, on 'Pledge Training;' Brother Jesse C. Fisher, on ducted After each talk there was a discussion period con"Th Y one of the chapters. t' .Brother e afternoo . .une , .n ~essron was f o II owe d by a banquet at which Ideas of th Dtck Young of Charlotte, N. C., summed up the a dance Be afternoon meeting. The banquet was followed by · rother Sib Dorton was MC. "


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Lambda LAMBDA, .UNIVERSITY OF G~ORGIA of a new h Chapter, Un1vers1ty of Georg1a, with the prospect has exp douse and the resu Its of an extensive Rush program Vincent and ed. great ly this Spring. New pledges are Jo~ Philadei;hia Bdl Marshall, College Park, Ga.; Richard Bauman, Athens G • Pa.; Art Boyett, Buena Vista, Ga. · Tommy D alton A. tlanta,• G~' a·BbM 0 ' axwell, Tallahassee, Fla., and Bill Dudley,' Recent · ·.. Pickren Initiates include Charles Rowland, Athens, Ga.; Jim and Ji~~ackson~dle, Fla. ; Charles O'Kelley, Grantville, Ga. , already t ~.Jenkms, Thomasville. Ga. These new brothers are Fraternit a ~g an act rve p~rt i~ the resl?onsibil iti~s of the rnan, and B rother P1ckren ~~ do1ng a line JOb as S~oal ChairRepresent t' rother Rowland IS the new Interfraternity Council Lambda a IVe and Co-Editor of the newspaper, Foret1er \1(1ith. th came up f e help of an extensive scho larship program, Lambda top, out fom second from the bottom to third place from the 'Xtith ~ 20 fraternities . fighting ~rhe!p of Executive Secretary Durward Owen and a P tt m the brothers, Lambda has made great strides.


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Pression of ~ste.m, the. cnttc1sm be1ng that 1t leads to the supthe Col le tndlvJduailsm and tends toward groupism. In short, jraterniti~e u~dergraduate, through his association with Greek raternity sbr las beco~e stereotyped with respect to his ~Ystem he others . Th1s past semester has seen the fraternity 1n the ca~e at Duke criticall y ana lyzed concerning this subj ect the freshm pus newspaper, with the articles aimed primarily at On this e2. fffect, Whichampus, a deferred , or second semester, rush is in reshmen . means that contact between fraternity men and the On ly i~s. Pr?hibited throughout the first semester. Thus, Openly b' dJcatlOns a freshman receives of Greek life are these attempt t~~~d editorials in the newspaper, which indirectly 1 ~act that ~ourage freshmen from pledging a fraternity. The hesired effuc an attempt has actua lly failed to achieve its t erefore ~ct. upon the fres hmen with a "C" average and 0 ne Per ce 1 1g 1bie to rush , is evidenced by the report that only Of a smaJ~nt fewer pledged fraternities this year than last out l'he cJ er class. typed. Tl~;gf remains, however, that fraternity men are stereoien Pied ed act. tha: approximatel y an equal number of freshhe fundg this year as last does not refute the argument. talents andmental complaint appears to be that individual ~Uch of destres are suppressed-that a fraternity asks so draternity a ~an that his interests remain confined within his li e other campus activities and organizations are eprived ' 0 necessary talent.


Unsung hero of many a fraternity house-the cook. But at Kappa, it's different. Gracie is the heroine of the culinary department. Her fine meals are a constant joy to the members of the chapter, to say nothing of guests.

Concerning scho larsh ip, it is a lleged that the emphasis is on the grade and the individual's contribution to the fraternity average, but not upon what · he learns. To an extent this is true, but only because of the emphasis on grades currently inherent in co ll ege life. The fraternity does not, however, press for a high overall average at the expense of a brother's freedom. Mass study hours are not invoked, nor are periodic checks made on brothers' grades, and this freedom has still kept Mu 01apter in the top four fraternities on campus. The concern of the scholarship committee is directed at the individual , with tutoring among the brothers available if an individual encounters scholastic difficulty. Study and assistance are left to the person's own initiative. Individual awards for scholastic achievement are maintained by the chapter as incentive to high scho lastic honors. Athletically speaking, sports, particularly the intramural program, are an exce ll ent outlet for pent-up energy, and another example of individuals working together as a team. Perhaps the most. perennial argument against fraternities is the socia l life of a fraternity man , because this, after all, is their reason for being. It is believed that he is constantly surrou nd ed by a social life that demands an excessive amount of time. The a nswer is that fraternities provide the best opportunity for a man to reach his social potential , but they do not demand that he explo it the opportunity. . Rush is the one goal that is mutually important for every member of a fraternity. Because new members are the lifeblood of the fraternity, it is to the best interests of the chapter and consequently to each brother that individual members take an active part in the Rush program . Rush is a required activity, yet it is to everyone's advantage because brothers are required to come out of themselves, to make contact with new people, and develop techniques of conversation. That the fraternity tries to make the most of an individua l's ability and talent, and encourages the expression of it, is backed by the fact that M u has for many years been one of the most active fraternities in campus leadership . Our motto for this past year has been "Unification thr~ugh Diversification." By this we mean that we are ab le to wcorporate every type of individual into a unified group. We have 56 active brothers, a pledge class of 27 (the largest on campus) this _semester, and are one of the largest chapters at Duke. In others of this size, there are definite cliques apparent to even the most casual 21

observer. There are none in Mu Chapter, and we are proud of this fact. This type of unity is stressed from the beginning of a man's association with Pi Kappa Phi because it is an integral part of our pledge training program. nity is stressed to pledges in everything they do-from work parties, to raids, to fun and games sessions-at all times, they are expected to work as a unified group of individuals, a team. Because this is such a basic point, it naturally carries over into active fraternity life. NU, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA

Archon Warren Hill of Nu, University of Nebraska, is happy to report that an active alumnus of the chapter, Brother Marvin Stromer, at the age of 27, has been elected to the ebraska tate Senate. Another Pi Kapp who is active in the alumni group is Brother J. Benton White, an a lumnus of Omicron, L'niversity of Alabama, who is Assistant Director of the \X'esley Foundation at the University of Nebraska. The chapter's annual Christmas Party was a big success, alnng with several functions with sororities and the annual dance after the Help Week activities. Another annual party that was great as usual was the pledge party. The theme was beatnik. and several unusual costumes were seen in attendance. During Help Week the upstairs halls acquired a much needed new coat of paint. The Mothers' Club met recently and made some good suggestion for house improvement. Recently Nu initiated Ron Beers, Grand Island , Nebr.; Eugene Buglewicz, cottsbluff, Nebr.; Roger Dingeman, Spearfish, S. D. ; Ron Licht, Hooper, Nebr.; Bill Webster, Hastings, Nebr., and Dick \X1 illiams, Omaha, Nebr. XI, ROANOKE COLLEGE

Xi's Historian, Brother E. lee hiflett, Jr., has announced the following recent initiates: Robert T. Graham, Maplewood, N. ].; David W. Kennamer, II, and Thomas M. Williams, alem, Va., and William Court Soloff, Northfield, N . ]. "Xi Chapter held a Buffet Supper March 10 for all members, guests from the sororities on campus, and alumni," Historian Shiflett reported. "This type of gathering was found to be a very effective method in promoting better relationships between different fraternal orders on the campus.


Historian Robin Harbin reported for Omicron, University 01 Alabama. Brother Tommy Vaughan, E lba., Ala., was awarded thl Outstanding Freshman Award for the school year 1959-60. J1l received this honor on the basis of hi s outstanding scho iasllf achievements as a freshman and for his proven abili ties 0 leadership and his over-all capabilities as a student in the u~ versity. Brother Cary Carmichael, Langdale, Ala., was select. as one of the six finalists in the competibio n. The award I' presented annually by the Druids Society, a sophomore honor~n at the Capstone. eventeen neophytes were initiated into the rites of p, Klllppa Phi February 5: Tad Bowman, Montgomery, Ala.; Jer~ Deitz, Bill Grogan, and Bill Hurst, Talladega, Ala.; Rob•~ Harbin and John Keeling, Gadsden, Ala.; Theo Hellums ~nJ Buddy Moman, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Don Holland, Dothan, .AI••·· Ed Kincaid and Frank King, Birmingham, Ala.; Rick Kilgorl and Mike Richardson, Anniston, Ala.; Bill ewman, Opr· Ala.; Jack Pate, Ashford, Ala.; Gene Coe, Wedowee, Ala., ~ 0 " David Burkes, Fairfield, Ala. "A gift from heaven is a rare thing," Historian HarbiC pointed out. "We at Omicron feel that we are very fortun••t: in being recipients of one of these rare gifts. Although sn· would deny it, Mrs . Eola P. Rooks, our new housemother, I•J: been a g ift from heaven to Omicron. Since coming to us J• the first of September, Mrs. Rooks has been an asset in even aspect of Omicron's activities. She is a wonderful rushef· litera ll y sweeping the rushees off their feet with her :Ne~ Orleans charm. She has taken over the kitchen, with a resul ing increase in weight of 20 pounds per man and a decreai' in the food cost of at least 10 per cent. To paraphrase ' quotation- Never have so many had so much for so little· RHO, ·WASHINGTON AND LEE

After the first semester, Rho, Washington and lee, w,. third among the 18 fraternities at Washington and lee, "'11 t an average well above the All Men's sta nding. t' It is understood that due large ly to the effort of Ath ie 1: Chairman Harry ("Stoney") Duffey, Rh o has won nin e o~·

Omega furnished three of Purdue's 1960 football team, the only team to defeat the Minnesota Gophers , the national champi 001 1 Here are Omega's contribution to the Boilermakers, left to right: Fullback Tom Yakabowski, Tackle Kenneth Kraus, and Ouarterbo' Joe Prest.










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of . boththeb last . . ten Interm ural events and is now in the finals in ships ow~mg and volleyball after winning league championHiem:~z ~th these sports. Much ~redit goes to Brother Cope averag hose 239 game greatly boosted the bowling team's e.

. oyed Fa va n.cy D.ress Week .End at mtd-semesters, Rho has enjAfter combo ar nous house acttvttt es, ra nging from suppers to and Lap, tt es. When thts report was submitted to The Star held a/1~• Rho was p repari ng for its annu al Rose Ball to be Precedin atural Bndge Hotel, with a social hour and banquet Messne g the ball. T he chap ter has selected Miss Carol Ri r as Rose Queen. . Earle 10 has I . tts K selec ted B rot1er Cltfton Mitchell as recipient of contrib t d · Paxton Award whtch goes to an a lumnus who has Brothe: a great . deal to the chapter and Pi Kappa Phi. and A ttchell , who was g raduated in 1960, was treasurer 1 1011 station~~ of Rho . At present he is an Ens ign in the Navy, Adviser f at Athens, Ga., and servi ng as Assistant Chapter or 1 ambda.


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tgn1a, U n· . f . Pledges: Bil!tverstty o South ~arolwa , has reported eight new Jennerette Di!Sewe ll, Three Rtvers, Quebec, Canada; George Iiashamati lon, S. C.; Ronald Graham , Aynor, S. C. ; Cyrus lee, Charlo/ran; Bob Thackerey, Charleston, S. C.; Harold Wyndham Ste, N. C.; Buck Cutts, Conway, S. C., and Mack , umter, S. C. 1Storian G Carolina St t eorge l. Grubbs reported for Tau, North T a e. au emer G ged f rom Ru sh Week w ith eig ht new pledges: John Allred Robert Sil~~en~boro, N.C.; Robert Baucom, ~arshville, N.C.; C.; Ken G ' he! by, N. C.; Crawford M om s Wadesboro N "' • · ''· C.; Mareenwoo d , S umm erv ill e, N. ].; Bill •Baucom, Garner, Franklinto rvNtn D orman, Penbroke, N. C., and Wyatt McGee






the ~i;~~i~~me d~y that Tau initi ated the pledges, they h eld Ala. ; Jim B'! Jof Stx new brothers: John Bauerlein, Talladega, 1 tngs, Durh am, N. C.; D ave Norket, South Hill Va. ; Har N. C., a~~ ~ashburn, Philadelphia, Pa.; Bil l Carter, Ashboro: When T en Arthur, laGrange, N. C. 'Were in tl au submitted this resume of its activities, p lans Party at ~~ mak mg for the chapter's joint participation in a bavids,on C a~lotte, N. C. , with th e Pi Kapp chapters from Dur ing ~ ege a ~d Presbyterian. Coll ege .. Chapter. ounders D ay, Tau llltttated tts new Alumni Upsilon UPSILON , UNIV~RSI.TY OF ILLINOIS Vrn Co • D ntvers ,ty of Illmots, was host to the Di stri ct 1 first moncave M arch 4 and 5. A bowling tournament the attendancrnmg broug ht Omega, Purdue, the trophy. The The cha~t~;ophy. went to Alpha Psi, University of Indiana. Present attend whtch had . the highest percentage of .those Pres1dent b ed th e semtnai·s. It ts reported that Dt stnct conclave on Payne com mented on the ease w ith w hich the Said that '~:s carried out, and Traveling Counselor Jim lloyd attended was one of th e best organized conclaves he had . T hree . I d 1nttiated ph ges from A lpha Psi and one from Upsi lon were Spau]din 1 Ee first evening. Ups il on' s initiate was Thomas g, 'ureka, Ill. CHI, STETSON UNIVERSITY The I . selected 1}ghest honor for sophomore men at Stetson is being fceived t~r membership in Green Circle. Five Chi brothers Ort Mye ts honor recently: Bruce lohoff; D enny Williams, R,kard '"~s, Fla.; Hugh Peterson, louisvil le Ky · Char les • w1nte ·• W R. ecently Clr H. aven, F la., and Bi ll Gardner, ' Americus, Ga. F· est Palm B 11 tnJtmted the fol lowing men: Barnel Bragg, tgley, Pot each, F la.; Bill Bryer, Ormond Beach, Fla.; Pat ;rosthwai/ Mlaud erd a le, Fla.; John Folds, Mi ami , F la.; Ed 'nd b on II emkpht s, Tenn.; D ave Bice, St. Petersburg, Fla ., 0 ac , Goshen , N. Y.


'Psi C PSI, CORNELL UNIVERSITY ihar l ~s 0H:~! recently initiated D avid Casson, Bethesda, Md.; Y~do nvi ll e Nttt, Tonawanda, N. Y., and Lawrence Pratt, ' Ps i's • : Y. ~r Benn':t~std stg n,ficant achievement this year," Hi storian Paul eclared, "was in th e fie ld of scholarship. This MA.y PA


Archon Len B. Powell, lambda, Univers ity of Georgia right is congratulating Brother W. Wayne Williams, Ill, Fort Ogl:thorpe: Ga ., for being the chapter's SOOth in itiate.

was demonstrat.ed by its winning th e Cornell Interfraternity Council A lumm AssoCiatiOn Award for the most improvement Ill scholarshtp and extra-curricul ar activ iti es of all the fra ternities . at CorneH. The institution of a pledge study table, spec tfi c qUi et !1ours, and an 'Over SO's Club' last year were some of the tni!uenctng factors in this improvement in the academ ic atmosp here of the house." OMEGA, PURDUE UNIVERSITY

Omega, Purdue University, elected Miss Marianne Lasson, Chicago, Ill. , to reig n as Rose Ball Queen this year. OMEGA'S GRID STARS

By Brother Hugh M. ·F lanagan

The Boil ermakers of Purdue University ra nked fifteenth amo ng the nation's foo-tba ll teams thi s schoo l year and h as the distinction of being the onl y team to defeat the Minnesota Gophers, th e nati ona.l champs . Omega Chapter is proud of the four men it had on the Purdue team. Senior qu arterback, Brother J oseph G. Prest, a 5'10", 170pound, 21-year-o ld from Follansbee, W . Va., is majoring in Poli tical Science and pl ans to en ter law school upon grad uation this June. "Jo-Jo" has spent three full years o n th e team and still maintained a respectable scho·lastic record . Pres t's favorite play was the opt ion play w hich worked for good yardage aga inst Indi ana Univers ity in the fi nal game of his co ll ege car eer.

Prest attended Steubenville Hig h School in Ohio where he a lso received letters in baskeuball and baseball. Joe holds the hig h schoo l record in Ohio for the most nwnber of touchdown passes thrown in a three year period-41. Junior Kennetli Lewis Kraus won a major letter as a so phomore tackl e for the Boil ermakers. The 6'2", 200-pou nder from Louisvill e, Ky ., recetved, however, a knee injury early in the Fall and was "o ut of com mission" for some time. Kenny a 20-year-o ld Industrial Economics st udent, is present ly treasure;. of Omega. Kraus' best game to date bas been the Purdu e-Wisconsin ga me of the 1959 season w hen th e Boilermakers upset the Badgers 28-0. Kenny's high schoo l days were spent at St. Xavier, and concerning next season, indications are that Kraus w ill be an appreciated member of the first unit. Probably .most outstanding of any so phomore fullback to visit Purdue is P ledge T homas John Yakabowski. To m racked up the enviab le record of grea ter than 4 yards per carry, saw 23

better acq uainted with our brothers of the neig hboring chapterWe also played our pledges, and in a rough, exhausting con· test, the members came out on top of a hard -foug ht 43-12 dt cision. Two pledge-member basketba ll ga mes have been tht ath letic feature of this term; the members taking the first on< by a score of 39-28, and the pledges the second by 46-38. Recently our pledges, accompa nied by a recent initiate, JlOD ("King of H earts" ) Thompson, had a walk-out. They caught the members by surprise and efficientl y dismantled the ]louse After enjoyi ng a " loose" week end in Eugene, they returned to the house to be greeted back by a little work party. Final plans for our Spring term Rose Ball have been passeJ by the college, and the annual dance wi II take place o n a river steamer on the Columbia River, out of Portland. ALPHA




Historian Eric Phelps has announced the following p l ed~~ for Alpha Theta, Michigan State University: Robi n HQ!JU: D etroit, Mich.; Al an Carlson , Birmingham, Mich.; D ougl'j Meyers, Lansing, Mich .; Bruce Stein fe lt, Rochester, N. Y., an Gary Vo lbers, Johnstown, Pa. The heig ht of the Winter socia l season at A lpha T heta "'~ the crowni ng of their Rose Queen, Miss Ann Priochta. ALPHA IOTA, AUBURN UNIVERSITY

Could th is be wash day at Alpha Zeta, Oregon State?

action in every game, and scored four touchdowns. He was second leading ground gainer of the entire Purdue team. tatistically speaking, "Yak" is 6'0", 210 pounds, and 20years of age His major is physical education. In high school at Adena, Ohio, Tom won 11 letters and was captain of all three sports: football, baseball and basketball. "Big Train" al o made all-state baseball as a catcher. There is little doubt that the stocky figure of "Yak" will be grinding out yardage again next fall. Sophomore guard, Brother Joseph Eugene Bonar, failed to see action this year in any varsity clashes, but hopes are up for next season. Joe is a 6'1", 198-pound physical education major from Bellaire, Ohio. In high school , Joe was on the All-Ohio team and also ran track. ALPHA


econd semester at Alpha Epsilon began with the tmtlatton of eight pledges, Dick Barden, Henry Clay, Teddy Kay, Don Quick, Joe chaefer, ed Service, and two Bill Whites, and one alumnus, George Register, Jacksonville, Fla., according to Historian Bill Pierson. "We have always tried to rush on ourselves, not on intangibles, uch as past history, proud as we are of ou r past," Historian Pierson declared. "With a drawing of a new house in the living room, it's easy to point to it and say, That's Pi Kappa Phi a year from now. This is not true, Pi Kappa Phi is a brotherhood, a fraternity, and not a building, and I'm happy to be able to report that we haven 't forgotten it in ·pite of having a new house 'on the way.' " ALPHA ZETA, OREGON STATE

" We have had two initiations this year," so says a report from Alpha Zeta, Oregon State. "At the one October 9, 1960, we initiated James Moss, Nyssa, Oreg., and Cliff tephenson, alem, Oreg. At the one January 22, we initiated Robert Brock from Los Angeles, Calif., and Robert Thompson from Reedsport, Oreg. " December 2 and 3, the annual D istrict XI Conclave was held at Alpha Zeta. We were honored to have National President ]. AI. Head and Executive Secretary Durward Owen as guest speakers." We had a fine intramural football team this year which wo n the league championship. We also had a fine basketball team which suffered only one defeat, dropping us to second place in the league. Also we have set up a year- long athletic rivalry with our brothers from Alpha Omega at University of Oregon. Contests in basketball , bowling, softball , and track are planned, and a football game has already been played whid1 we were fortunate enough to win, 33-0. The competition creates a keen competitive spirit but at the same time allows us to become 24

Historian Bill Capps reported that the only big party ol Winter Quarter at Alpha Iota, Auburn Universi ty, is t~ Jungle Party whidl seems to get bigger each year. The wh 0 t house was turned into the Pi Kappa Phi jungle, comp lete wtt bamboo and bridge swamp entrance. February 8 initiates: Jack Fenel Saint, Courtland, Ala.; StuJtf. Horn, Htmtsville, Ala.; James Wi lliam Ott, Atlanta, G~·. Maynard Hamrick, Melvyn Jones, Samuel A. Beaty, Eugefl' Heacock, John ( " Christy") Christiansen, William Clemen~ and Gary Lee Thompson, Mobile, A la.; Rich ard Howard Wor man, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; James Phill ip Lynch, Arlingtol Va.; William Carl Shiver, Auburn, Ala.; Rock Granite West~ and Richard Barrow, Birmingham, Ala., and Wi lli am Sm 11 Columbus, Ga. Brother James G . Lovell, Jr., Birmingham, was elected pred dent of D elta Sigma Pi , busi ness honorary, and Brother LyO was initiated into Alpha Phi Omega, service fraternity. ALPHA MU, PENN STATE UNIVERSITY

The news from Alpha Mu, Penn State University, was sor mitted by Historian John Williamson. The following pledges, all from Pennsylvania, were initial~ January 8: Jack Vandermer, Charleroi; Richard Jones, Ste7It0 ( Tom hirk, Sdloeneck; Wesley Spencer, Canton; Wtil!~ impson, Glenside; Earl Hoffman, Highspire; Richard llrt, Erdenheim; William McCart hy, Ellwood City; James L~P~ Pottsville; D avid Solier, York; Robert Wenner, Harrisburg, 9 Maurice Byers, Mechanicsburg. kt Early Spring pledges include Jerome Harwood, Schuyl ( Haven, Pa., Wi lliam Jones, h01:t Hills, N. J.; D on Reicha· Easton, Pa., and Lan1:' Shue, Waynesburg, Pa. · atBrother Hoffman ts on the first team of the Penn 51•1. Basketball Squad. Reports are that he has done "rather " for himself." ALPHA XI , POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF BROOKL Y~


Traveling Counselor Jim Lloyd spoke at the A lpha Xt, yoJ' technic Institute of Brooklyn, celebration of Founders' ~ Historian Ray Alessio reported. On this occasion, 13~ i• D enis Klisz was awarded the D ani el E. Roscoe Awar 1, outstanding brother. H e has held all but one of the chabc offices and has served on numerous committees. Brother (. Swartwout received the award for "Outstanding YoU 0•, Brother." Brother Swartwout has done an adm irable J 0 ~]\' . Warden. The Pi K app cholar Award went to J3rO Houston. . 1r When this report was being written, plans were tll .,~ making for the Shamrock Shuffle March 18. MC for the e11. was Brother Jim Anderson, a native of Dublin. Adde~ at~o· tions were two g irls who were chosen recently as "MtsS ways of New York." ,;: The fo ll owing eight pledges have been initiated: Ed") Bugaj, Roslyn Heights, Y.; Gerry Hol st, Syosset, N. pf' Walter Littles, and Tony Ticoletti, Brooklyn; Frank Na West H empstead; Bob Persson, Huntington ; Ted Rone'Y Jack Triessl, Queens.










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These · men ore members of Alpha Iota Cha 1 per 01 Auburn University.



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"Alpha x 1·· I next u ' s P ans for the future include hopes that the Bistoriapreme ~hapter meeting wi ll be held in New York," n Al essto ann ou nced. "Th ALPHA OMICRON , IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY rnisrn ~ ndtrnosphe:e at .. Al p_ha Omicron, has • been one of opticron Io enthus1asm, Htstonan Gary Warner Alpha Omifee[ 'tha~a State University, wrote in his Chapte'r Letter. "We Where w whe a re on the road to improvement in various areas Last Fe II ave been somewha t lacking." Presenteda quarter, the chapter received the Traveling Trophy Scholastica t\~ the fraternity that made the most improvement After F 11 .R "Our / l ush, 17 men were p ledged. Historian ~ Party, held in our an nex, was a huge success," lot of fu arner said. " Pajamas were the dress, and a whole therne was had by al l. Our annua l Winter Party, with its These pa ~evolution,' was termed as a complete success also. social get~t'es, supplemented by various firesides and other Program." ogethers, have provided a very stimu lating social





IStorian Ch I . of Tennes ares I. Ekholm of Alpha Sigma, University their Ros s~, Sa id that the socia l highlight of his chapter was Presented e all at wh,ch Miss Janelle D avis, Miami, Fla., was "Al so as 1961 Rose. lhe BeatllJ~ kgrpeat success was our quite different social event, ''" c arty. " when th' Pecting to ' s report was being written, the chapter was exp1ace first in intramurals.





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ensselaer p IC ~orth's Chapter Letter for Alpha Tau, Alpha Ta 0 1ytechmc Institute, follows: ~eriod gar u_ has Just completed a most successful rushing ark, N. y~rtn/? 28 pledges. They are: Tony Linn, New Hyde, N: Y.; Ted DICk Swan,, Utica, N. Y.; Hutch Kunze! , Jamaica, ~nd Vance J ~ork, Pres1dent, D ouglaston, N. Y.; Ken Gill, ndy Yurch or an, Yonkers, N. Y.; Ed Baker, Auburn , N. Y.; ~.; Robert Wk, Watchung, N. ].; Jim Morrison, Sidney, N. V aven, Conn . ozntca, Rin~wo,od, N. J.; Ken Gerem!a, New Wtle • Waban • Mas .,· D ave M1chelson , Challey Strea · • Richard N , atJietd Em, · Y.; Ken Abt, Middletown, N. Y.; Bob ): ·; Dick Last Syracuse, N. Y.; Dick Clifford, Wantagh, N. ~eorge Pasi~wt~n, Boston, Mass.; Joe Allan, Holyoke, Mass.; nd Dick R 1• ark R1dge, N. ]. ; Mike Gordon, D oug Stahl, ~ass.; AI ~gers, Great Neck, N. Y.; Steve Strunck, Wellesl ey, A{. Y.; Bill r~wn! Cortez, Colo.; Tony Minutaglio, Brooklyn, ass., and D · kd,nge~, Hatboro, Penn.; AI Baisuck, Beverly, r Brother Ja IC . Nonan, Teaneck, N. ]. epresent R Y F 1nd1 has been selected for the team that will 50 Phornore ~nssel~er on the College Bowl. Brother Finch, a rnan of the i e;uca l Engineeri ng major, is also the th ird baseBrother B · .I. baseball team. ll1ore hono ob Bond has been selected for White Key, sophorary; Brother Paul Cherewich was initiated into the

Arnold Air ~oc iety ; Brother Tom Kell y has received a bid to Eta Kappa Nu, the Electrical Engineering honorary, and Brother Russ Seebaugh, a Pi Kapp Scholar, was elected President of Sigma Gamma Tau, the Aeronautical Eng in eering H onorary. Alpha Tau's bowling team of Brothers Joe Covello and Eric Pederson and Pledges D ick Rogers and "Dave Michelson have won th e I.F.C. championship. Brother Joe Gahm, in the recent I.F.C. swimming meet in which Alpha Tau finished fourth of 30, set a pool record in winning the 100-yard breast stroke, astoni shing everyo ne. A combined Founders' D ay and Rose Ball at the house provided a wonderful time for all in attendance and brought back many alumni . Another highlight of the social season was the impromptu Saturday afternoon party for about 200 sophomores from Russell Sage College for Women to celebrate their victory in Rally Day. Among those present was Miss DeDe Wallace, our Rose Queen, who is pinned to Archon John Cikut. Alpha Tau was pleased with the visit of Traveling Counselor Jim Lloyd; but regrets that more time could not have been spent with him as he arrived during finals week. ALPHA







The true va lu e of fraternities in prtsent-day co ll ege li fe is not realized by those forces bent upon discrediting the·Greekletter orga ni za tions; consequently, some people have formed a negative co nce~t of frate~nities. Actuafly, the attitude of fraternity men 1S more seno us at;d ·~~ture than .most people wou ld imagine. We feel that an tndlvldual who JS capable of constructively evaluati ng his surroundings .and. his fellow mao is one of society's greatest assets. Fratern1ty life offers a man the necessary opportuniti es to develop means for making such eva lu ations. Many men, upon graduation reali7e that they have missed the meaning of co ll ege. We must admtt that our pnmary purpose here at Drexel is to obtai n an ed ucation; however, ed ucation is not limited merely to the text. ~here are many ingredients that go into a well balance? educat1~ nal d1.et. Let us start with leadersh1p, a quality whiCh many men Jack, but could obtai n with .effort. There are. '!lllny . effie~, committee headships chairma nsh ipS and other pOSitions tn whiCh a person can dev~l op leaders hip abi lity. . Almost every n:'an who graduates at one time or another wtll ha~e men workmg under him The abi li ty to control these men dtplomatlcall~ could be . obta.in ed in a fraternity. Those men who enjoy competing in athletiCs could p lay in the interfraternity league which provides enj oyment and keen competition along with healthful exercise. . . It is interesttng to note that the fratermty we1ghed "average is above the Drexel all men's average. As you know, there is a rule established by the fratermt1es that states that a freshman ;11 ust have at least a 70 weighted average before he can receive a bid. 25


Alpha Omega at the University of Oregon looks back, with fond memories, to many things. One of the most notab le 1' . Brother Beyer's achievement in making a 4-point G.P.A. l~st term. Brother Santee's triumph at th e Portland Invitation~! Relays where he soundly beat his competit ion by some 60 yards is another "feather in Alpha Omega's cap." The chapter is looking forward to a trip to the beach and J day at the Summer home of their chapter adviser, also the high schoo l visitat ion and the 'd ance for the visi ting senior> and their dates. BETA ALPHA, NEWARK COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING

Historian William Perucki of Beta Alpha, Newark ColleBe of Engineering, reported the fo ll owing recent initiates: Anthon] Kaczka, Harry Bonfanti, Carl Fritsch, Thomas McCann, an Nicholas Kirincich. The brothers are looki ng forward to moving to their ne~ house at 375 High St., Newark, N. ]. BETA





Beta Beta, Florida Southern College, has elected Brother Ton' E. Lundquist as "Best Brother" and named P ledge Mike V:JP Horn as "Outstanding Pledge." Recent initiates are Allan Lewison , Lamar Pollock, and Thomas Gannaway. BETA






Each term, the fraternities have enjoyab le socia l schedu les with such events as the Interfraternity Ball , pring Week Ends, Mothers' Day Teas, Greek Week End , House Parties, and numerous other events. The fraternities also support all of Drexel's extra-curricular activities. Another benefit which on ly a fraternity can offer is brotherhood. Brotherhood is a friendship, companionship, respect, loyalty, all wrapped into one. It is an intangible substance which cannot be explained, but is something of which it is great to be a part and to share. This brotherhood is the soul of fraternalism. ALPHA PHI, ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

Construction of Alpha Phi's new house at Illinois Institute of Technology is progressing rapid ly. Prospects are that the house will be ready for occupancy in September. Located at 3333 S. Wabash, the four threes shou ld be good for rushing purposes and for general identification. Archon Dick Gregory is finishing his term as Illinois Tech Student Association Pre;ident. His "reign" as head of the students has been filled with revisions a nd improvements . Both the brothers and the school have commended him highly for the job he has done. Hopes are high that Past Historian D ale Rolfsen will become Editor of the schoo l week ly, 'I' echr1ology


Alpha Chi, University of Miami , recently initiated four men into the brotherhood: tuart E. Allen, Greenwich, Co nn .; Frank L. Kearns, Jr., Ventnor City, N. ]. ; Howard C. Hansen, Point Pleasant, N. J.; Gabriel A. Vargo, Brick Town, N . J. Alpha Chi's Chapter Letter contai ned exp ressions of appreciation for Traveling Counselor Wil li am Loeffler's assistance and ideas which have proved beneficial. ALPHA PSI, UNIVERSITY OF INDIANA

The brothers of Alpha Psi, University of Indi ana, have been busy comJ;>leting plans for a complete re-organization. To help with this re-organization, the chapter met with its Alumni Executive Counci l and Executive Secretary Durward Owen for a week end of discussions. Along this re-organ ization theme, the brothers threw themselves whole-hearted ly into a ll chapter activities. Evidences of this new spirit are their winning the attendance trophy at District Conclave for 100 per cent attendance at all meetings , completion of a chapter newsletter, and election of a new slate of officers w ho are dedicated to the idea ls of Pi Kappa Phi.


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Historian of Beta Gamma, U niversity of Louisville, did n° submit a Chapter Letter. Deans often cbme in handy. Dean Abn er Hansen at Florida Southern, left, lent a hand or two in painting Beta Beta's totem pole.

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Historian Gene ' Carlson reported that Beta D elta, DrH~d University, activated 12 men at th e beginning of secon 1 semester. This number represented 75 per cent of the orig1na pledge class and was one of the highest percentages on th' D rake campus. "We had an outstanding sk it in a loca l campus variety sho~' and received many comp lim ents on ou r performance," Histor'Jd Carlson said. "We owe Brother Bob M oody, our Treasurer a~ Director 'Extraordinary,' a lot of praise for the line job he d'dj We were asked to appear on a loca l· televis ion program an also to present o ur skit at the Veterans' M emoria l H osp lt111 "The Conclave for Distri ct X was held at Drake and ,vJ! quite successful. After a day of lea rning, teaching, and e~ chang ing ideas, we held a dinner and dance at a loca l club· BETA EPSILON, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI

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Historian of Beta Epsi lon, University of Mi sso uri , did no submit a C::hapter Letter. BETA ETA,




Historian Richard Nicholson has declared that Beta Eta is th Number One fraternity on campus. . ,. February 25, the chapter initiated the following: Tom :Hdl•\ brand, Perrysburg, Ohio; Bob Wilde, Mi am i, F la.; To~ Thomas, Lowell H orton, Johnny Guy, Bob Ri wrs, and J(e~ True, Or lando, Fla.; J eff Everhart and Lee Frierson, fo Lauderdale, Fla.; Phil Fletcher, Sarasota, Fla.; Ron J f'V'~· Bradenton, Fla.; Bob Jernigan, Tal laJ,assee; Wa ll y Malphrt'~ Rid~elan~, S. C.; Jimmy Evans, H omestead, Fla:; ~\';.. KraJewski, Buffalo, N. Y.; J ay Newman, Panam1 C1ty, f Bill Welch, M adison, Fla.; Ed Tunstall, Panama City, Fla.; G~ Holl ingsworth, and Glenn Mayne, Pensacola, Fla., and Jef · Bruner, Evansville, Ind . r. Earlier in the semester, the chapter initiated AI U lflle Clearwater, Fla. 1 Archon William ]. Green , Jr., St. Augustin e, is the ne'dt elected President of the Interfraternity Council. He is th e th';' Pi Kapp to hold this important office in six years. E l ectc;~, tt swing the gave l for the Recreation Club is Brother wa Rothenback, Sarasota. Brother Fred E. Diulus, Jr. , Dayto~ Beach, Fla., has been elected President of Cavaliers, a daO 1, frate rnity . Filling an importa nt FSU governm ent spot Graduate Senator G erry D obson, Bee Ridge, Fla . BETA T.HETA,


Historian of Beta Theta, University of Arizona, did 0 ~ submit a Chapter Letter. J~


Beta Iota, University of Toledo, initi ated John Bobis, Tole Ohio, in January. ., Brother George Hershman, Toledo, was named both "Piedf~ of the Year" and " Brother of th e Year." Other elections \ve. as follows: Eugene Blair, Toledo, "Big Brother of the Ye~f, THE










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P:rryt Zellers, Hartsville, Ohio, "Senior of the Year," and T~ence Rochelle, Toledo, '"Sportsman of the Year." the e Fall Semester Pledge Class did much redecorating at 1 rad· lOuse. The lounge now has a combi nation record p layer, r)0 and tuner, and television set. the ~nng semester break, the brothers made improvements on with ous~, tncluding giving an orienta l touch to the basement, E. fecttons of bamboo placed against the walls. spa '{! 1t . Rush function s were given in 16 days, including a ~et~th d~nner for the rushj:e's fathers and a parents' tea. class. ,!ota s Moth~rs ' Club !:lave etiquette lessons to the pledge includi~ he Mothers Club asststs the chapter tn numerous ways, furb · h. g servmg as chaperones for parties and donating reJS tngs for th e house. B BETA KAPPA, GEORGIA STATE in Gta Kappa, Georgia State, took three second-place trophies takene~rgta St_ate's recent Greek Week activities. These were . tng Ntght and Skit Night. Stnce acq · · the re ' . lllnng a c11apter room a year ago, the chapter has zatio/utatton of having the sharpest room of a ll Greek organiDr s on the campus. ment ·James E. Chapman, Head of the Management DepartFacuity ~dg~a State, has been initiated and is now Beta Kappa 's Patrick Dvtser. Another faculty member initiated is William • trector of Admissions. BETA LAMBDA, UNIV~RSITY OF TAMPA


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R onnte . D utton, U ntverstty . . of Tampa, has reported S . that tstorian Aaron Pgng Rush netted the chapter the following pledges: Bolcomb owd, Rockville Centre, N. Y.; George Ebra, Steve Pequa p' knd Frank Scerbo, Tampa, Fla.; John Veit, MassaCudhea ar • N .. Y.; Gary Mount, Scotsburg, Ind.; George Bruce L Mornsvdle, Pa.; Charles Hornung, Okachobee, Fla.; town, N~h~p, Candlewood Isle, Conn., and Stan Renos, JamesPledge Ch kFlorid C uc Eng leking was voted a member of the Alla onference Basketba ll Team. ,_,.








Beta Xi, Central Michigan University, was furnished Be p nan Theodore P. Volin. 10 since 01 ted out that the lack of a house is hurting Rush fraternit ostpprospective rushees look for this feature in a lllany my. h rospects are that Beta Xi will have a house before Earlie ont s have passed . the Inte~f thts Spnng, the chapter's second team was first in raterntty Bowling League.



Busy neo h . Beta Eta .Ytes! Pledges Phil Fletcher, left, and Tom Thomas, lallahas' Ortda State University, sell toilet tissue on a bustling see street corner.

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Beta Omicron's Rose Ball at Northwestern State College was climaxed by the announcement of Beta Omicron's Rose for 1961, Miss Doris Richards, Shreveport, La. The Best Pledge Award was presented to Brother Paul Rouchette, and the Outstanding Senior Award was given to Brother Wayne Faraldo. The last week of February, Beta Omicron collected for the Heart Fund in downtown Natchitoches, La. BETA PI, EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY

"This semester, we are planning a number of activities with Beta Iota which has so gracious ly aided us in chapter activities," Archon Richard Dennis said in re1 orting for Beta Pi, Eastern Michigan University. "In April, both chapters are planning a party, possibly including the Michigan State chapter. We have always been appreciative of the invaluable help provided by Beta Iota in rushing activities·... When this report was being written, Traveling Counselor James Lloyd was expected as one of the guests at the March 16 Open House. BETA RHO, CLARKSON COLLEGE


"<tstorian D oug Ias Handley, Beta Mu, McNeese State CoiIege Bardy r1okted that the following men have been initiated: Lake Cl art erson, Douglas Handley, and Pat Fontenot, a ll of ~·· lares La "41storian . . Loeffier f urnished Counselor B1ll ... an dIey sa t'd. tI1at Traveltng mvaluable asststance and advice" on his recent visit.

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"The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat," Beta Rho 's ice statue entry in Clarkson College's Ice Carnival.

Beta Rho contributed greatly to Clarkson College's Ice Carnival through its wide participation, Historian John F. Dalphin announced. "The front lawn of the chapter house was a gathering p lace for local child1·en, townspeople, and students. Here the brothers constructed their ice statue entry, "The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat." Five new sophomores have been p ledged: James Cutler, Syracuse, N. Y.; Wesley Beat , Dover, Mass.; Jean Chaintreuil, Rochester, N. Y . ; David Dorschel, Sag Harbor, N.Y., and William Rapp, Troy, N. Y . Prof. Robert H. Barr, Department of Business Administration at Clarkson, has been initiated as an honorary member. BETA TAU,


Historian of Beta Tau, Valdosta State College, did not submit a Chapter Letter. BETA






Historian James W. Biglow reported for Beta Upsilon . Colony, University of Virginia. Rushing brought the colony the followmg pledges: Bruce Bickley, Anchorage, Ky.; Ken Rakes, Narrows, Va.; Garland Moorefield, Danville, Va.; Dudl~y Lewts, Alberta, Va.; Dean Miller Bristol, Va.; Walter Bnnkman, Roanoke, Va.; John Farrar' Fairfax, Va.; Larry Ellis, Birmingham, Ala. , and Larry McKnight, Jacksonville, Fla. Pledged at the beginning of this semester were Chris Helmer, Newport News, Va.; Steve Applegate Springfield, Pa., and Bill Ewald, Lynchburg, Va. '"~'e have now been accepted by the Interfraternity Council and the Student Council," Historian Biglow announced. Intramural bowling ended with three wins and one loss for the colony . John E. Baber, Jacksonville, Fla., and R. Douglas Wilburn, South Boston, Va., were initiated March 5. BETA PHI



"February 15 at Kenland Motel in Greenville, N. C., Beta Phi Colony of Pi Kappa Phi held tts first p ledge ceremony," Secretary-Historian Dan Ray satd. Brothers Wayne Scott and Jim Lloyd pledged Chester Boone, Paul Brewer, and Dan Ray. Within a week, Phd Nance and Tommy Htcks were also pledged. "Our Sweetheart is Miss Melie Sue Lyerly, Burlington, N. C. 27

PI KAPPA PH I 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. Founded at The College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C.-December 10, 1904


Moultrie St., Charleston, S. C.



NAT'IONAL COUNCIL 'residen.._J . AI . Head, 590 Vista Ave., S. E., Salem, Ore. reasurer-John W. Deimler, 1149 Greentree Lone, Penn Valley, Nor· berth, Penna. ecretary-Benjamin W. Covington, Jr., "Mei Who Lu," Pine Lakes Estate, Myrtle Beach, S. C. listorion-Louis Paschal Jervey, Jr., 1843 Elbert Drive, Roanoke, Va. :hancellor-Frank H. Hawthorne, 1009 First National Bank Bldg., Mont1Jomery 4, Ala. •ast President-W. Bernard Jones, Jr., Pinewood, S. C.


E. Bay Street, Charleston, S.C. (deceased) NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

HARRY MixsoN, 217

Executive Secretary-Durward W . Owen, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. CEditor-in-Chief, STAR AND LAMP-Durward W. Owen, 11 E. Canal 51' Sumter, S. C. · 1 Managing Editor, STAR AND LAMP-Elizabeth H. W. Smith, 11 E. Ca•' St., Sumter, S. C. Traveling Counselor-James M. Lloyd, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. Traveling Counselor-William G. Loeffler, Jr., 11 E. Canal St., Suml'''



s. c.

Office Manager-Mrs. Betty B. Newman, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S- · Assistant Office Manager-Mrs. Shirley S. Fowler, 11 E. Canal 51' Sumter, S. C.


=inance-Ralph W . Noreen, Chairman, 75 Baylawn Ave., Copiague, l. 1., N . Y., exp. 12-31-65; Francis H. Boland, Jr., C/o George Fry and Associates, 100 Park Ave., New York 17, N. Y., exp. 12-31-62· John W. Daimler, 1149 Greentree Lane, Penn Valley, Narberth, Penna., exp. 6 -30-62. )evereux D. Rice Memorial Foundation-John D. Carroll, Chairman, lexington, 5. C.; Jack Bell, 4 Academy Rd ., Madison, N. J .; George B. Helmrich, 32990 lohser Rd ., Birmingham, Mich.; leonard l. long, The Darlington, Suite 7, 2025 Peachtree Road, N.E., Atlanta, Ga ., appointed at the pleasure of the National President; President J. AI. Head, 590 Vista Ave., S. E., Salem, Ore.

Scholarship-Or. Will E. Edington, Chairman, 703 E. Franklin St., Grot~ castle, Ind., appointed at the pleasure of the National President. I Legislative-Arnold Greever, Chairman, 1920 Deerwood Ave., LouisV"il Ky.; Albert W. Meisel, 276 First Ave., New York 1, N. Y.; Allan i Sundberg, 1030 First Federal Bldg., St. Petersburg, Fia ., ali appoint• at the pleasure of the National President. 1 Ritual and Insignia-Willis C. Fritz, Chairman, Apt. A-111, Oakd'l· Ave ., Leonia, N. J., appointed at the pleasure of the National pres dent. Architecture-James A. Stripling, Chairman, 308 E. Park Ave ., Toll•· hassee, Fla ., appointed at the pleasure of the National President.


DISTRICTS OF PI KAPPA PHI )istrict 1-Robert H. Crossley, Room 1500, 250 Pork Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Psi-Cornell University Alpha Xi-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Alpha Tau-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Beta Alpha-Newark College of Engineering Beta Rho-Clarkson College of Technology )istrict 11-Charles S. Kuntz, 2315 Delancey Pl., Philadelphia 3, Penna. Alpha Mu-Penn State University Alpha Upsilon-Drexel District Ill-Jesse C. Fisher, Jr., 317 W. University Dr., Chor.el Hill, N. C. Epsi on-Davidson College Kappa-University of N. C. Mu-Duke University Xi-Roanoke College Rho-Washington & Lee University Tau-North Carolina State Beta Upsilon (Colony)-University of Virginia District IV-Robert E. Register, Jr., 2715 Devine St., Columbia, S. C. Alpha-College of Charleston Beta-Presbyterian College Delta-Furman University Zeta-Wofford College Sigma-University of South Carolina

District V-Ted A. Giles, 630 Brownlee Rd., S.W., Atlanta 11, Ga. Iota-Georgia Tech Lambda-University of Georgia Omicron-University of Alabama Alpha Iota-Auburn University Alpha Sigma-University of Tennessee Beta Kappa-Georgia State Beta Tau-Valdosta State College

Alabama Gulf Coast-Charles K. Hartwell, 57 Jordan La., Mobile, Ala. Ames, Iowa-Ralph Novak, 706 Ash St., Ames, Iowa. Atlanta, Ga.-Jack P. Turner, 1005 William Oliver Bldg., Atlanta 3, Ga. Birmingham, Ala.-Howord D. Leake, 1631 Third Ave., North, Birmingham, Ala. Charleston, S. C.-Albert P. Taylor, 6 Holsey St., Charleston 16, S. C. Chicago, 111.-Conrad Golick, 3220 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Columbia, South Carolina-William Bobo, 4137 P1nehaven Court, Columbia, 5. C. Des Moines, Iowa-Harry Whitmore, 7309 S. W. 13th, Des Moines, Iowa. Detroit, Mich.-Robert F. Jenson, 8227 Freda, Detroit, Mich. Greenville, S. C.-Mac Adams Christopher, P. 0 . Box 3507, Park Place Br., Greenville, S. C. Ithaca, N. Y.-Nicholas J. Juried, Route 3, Applegate Rd., Ithaca, N. Y. Jacksonville, Fla .-Myron Sanison, 3825 Copper Cire, E., Jacksonville, Fla .

Kansas City, Mo.-Milton S. Broome, 6210 N. Michigan Or., Gladstone, Mo. lansing-East Lansing, Mich.-Kim Jepson, 508 Fulton Place, Lansing, Mich. lincoln, Neb.-Morvin E. Stromer, 915 D St., Lin· coin 2, Neb. Long Boach 1 Colif.-Koith A. Johnson, 257 St. Josephs Ave., long Beach, Calif. Los Angeles, California-Keith Johnson, 257 St. Joseph s Ave., long Beach, Calif. Louisville, Ky.-E. K. Dienes, 4646 Cane Run Rd., Louisville, Ky. Miami, Florida-Richard 0. Whipple, Room 380, 335 University Drive, Carol Gables, Fla . Montgomery, Alabama-Marvin H. Killinsworth, 3983 Thomas Ave., Montgomery, Ala. New York, N. Y.-Howord M. Williams, 40 Adeline Place, Valley Stream, N. Y. North New Jersey-Arthur J. Sikora, 210 Grove St., Westfield, N. J . Orlando, Fla .-Peter C. Barr, 3316 Charow La., Orlando, Fla. Philadelphia, Penno .-Robert A. Dobie, 18 Mather Ave., Broomall, Po .

Omicron-John M. Kimmey, Elba, Ala. Tau-Laurence E. Poteat, Box 5544, State College Station, Raleigh, N. C. Upsilon-Ralph W. Sanders, Stonington, Ill. Psi-John A. Stone, South Otselic, N. Y. Alpha Zeta-Bruce Starker, 3755 Van Buren, Cor· vallis, Ore. Alpha Theta-Jerry Earl Martin, 5096 Durnham Rd., Pontiac, Mich. Alpha Mu-Russell W. Ingham, 132 Park Rd ., Wyomissing, Pa .

Alpha Xi-Edward F. Schofield, 55 Grove St., Montclair, N. J. Alpha Omicron-Kenneth J. Thompson, Box 373, Ames, Iowa. Alpha Phi-David Robert Larson, 18111 S. Patrick, Tinley Park, Ill. Alpha Psi-Ronald Smith Timmons, 2601 S. Colo, Indianapolis 4, Ind . Alpha Omega-Alan C. Graves, 1235 Wiltometto, Eugene, Ore. Beta Alpha-Robert C. Tomaro, 93 Grace St., Irvington 11 , N. Y.

District VI-Leo Furlong, 8120 S.W. 56th St., Miami, Fla. Chi-Stetson University Alpha Epsilon-University of Florida Alpha Chi-University of Miami Beta Beta-Florida Southern College Beta Eta-Florida State Beta Lambda-University of Tampa District VII-Mel Metcalfe, 2B32 33rd St., Port Arthur, Texas Beta Mu-McNeese State College Beta No-University of Houston Beta Omicron:_Northwestern State College District VIII-Donald S. Payne, 106 Sunset Lane, West Lafayette, Ind. . Upsilon-University of Illinois





Omega-Purdue University Alpha Phi-Illinois Institute of TechnologY Alpha Psi-University of Indiana Beta Gamma-University of Louisville Beta Sigma-Northern Illinois UniversitY District IX-Noel Kimball Jepson, 508 Fulton PI< Lansing 15, Mich. Alpha Theta-Michigan· State University Beta Iota-University of Toledo Beta Xi-Central Michigan University Beta Pi-Eastern Michigan University District X-Vernon A. Sodawasser, c/ o The Per: Mutual Life Insurance Company, Suite 11 ' Fleming Bldg ., Des Moines, Iowa Nu-University of Nebraska Alpha Omicron-Iowa State UniversitY Beta Delta-Drake University Beta Epsilon-University of Missouri District XI-Jack W. Steward, 2495 Mountain Vie• Dr., S., Salem, Ore. Gamma-University of California Alpha Zeta-Oregon State College Alpha Omega-University of Oregon Beta Theta-University of Arizona Portland, Oreg. (Cascade)-George W . Bli•"' 10008 S. W. 56th Ave., Portland, Oreg. Rd• Roanoke, Va.-Bob Thomas, 1702 Arlington Roanoke, Va. Vi• Salem, Oreg . (Mid-Willamette Valley)-Jack "" 1 Steward, 2495 Mountain View Drive, S., So' Oreg. 11 • San Francisco, Colif.-Arnold Turner, 2674 H<l ings St., Redwood City, Calif. ~ Seattle, Wash.-Haroid V. McPherson, 3043 203, Seattle 55, Wash. VI· Sumter, 5. C.-Or. James E. Bell, Jr., 325 Calhoun St., Sumter, S. C. b"~ Tallahassee, Fla.-Richard C. Lukas, 110 Bar St ., Tallahassee, Fla. T ~· Tampa, Fla.-George Falke, 4430 Bay Ave., 0 pa 11, Fla. •'' Toledo, Ohio-Richard Smalley, 3313 Ander Parkway, Toledo 6, Ohio. J Tucson, Ariz. (Arizona)-Arthur W. Yonce, '' ~~~· 631 E. 2nd St., Tucson, Ariz. Valdosta, Ga .-Donald F. Bonner, 1612 B• ford Place, Valdosta, Ga. For•'' Washington, D. C.-John D. Marsh, 300 Ave ., Fairfax, Va .

Beta Gamma-James H. Webb, 3238 Taylor Blvd• Louisville, Ky. .,, 1 Beta Delta-C. Ray Deaton, Route 5, Des Mo• Iowa. ~t· Beta Eta-Charles Thomas Henderson, Ass'1 11~· torney Gen., Statutory Revision Dept., " hassee, Fla. iJ"~ Beta Iota-Robert Dole Conley, 4323 Gort Rd., Toledo, Ohio. - ;..v'' Beta Rho-Frank T. Romano, 1536 Madison Utica, N. Y. VI Beta Sigma-Randolph Scott Johnson, 4610 Patterson Ave., Chicago 41, Ill . ,~ 1 LAMP OF pI KAPPA STAR AND


N . . . 2CCharlotte, hottan f-Wiiham Molls Taylor, Charlotte. 1•t•land Oh' enn .-lee Ryerson, Chattanooga .

Macon, Ga .- leonerd E. Blood, Macon. New Orleans, La.-William D. Meadows, New Orleans. Oklahoma City, Okla.-William A. Rigg, 1130 N.W. 39th St., Oklahoma City 18. Spartanburg, S. C.-James Neville Holcombe, Spartanburg.

0090 '

0 Uftlbus:Ft •o-Jc;>hn H. Haas, Jr., Cleveland . C derdaie Fi Bennong-Marion E. White, Ft. lauonway




~·:Ja.mes F. Singleton, Conway, •keland, Flo· Motchell Arrowsmith , Florence. ·-C. A. Carroll, Starke, Fla .

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l<lpho-c II

t .' ·

Be~harfe~ 0 ~~S


Radcliffe St.,


St on-David nrverstty, Greenville, S. C. Z N. C, san College, Box 473, Davidson, I "•-Wofford

~~ K:'W~~eo~~i:n:~~~~~~e~f ~~~~00~~~~~· 71~ B;i~tian


PPa-Univ . ' a. l ••on Ave ers~t~ of North Carolina, 206 Cam0 ftlbda-uni~ . opel Hill, N. c. hi Ave., Athen":"'GY of Georgia, 480 S. Milledge 111' u-Duke •, a. sl· Durham UNnnrersity, Box 4682, Duke Station, 1



Nu-u . ·

. c.

l' "'"ersity

f Nebraska, 229 N. 17th St., 0 .Roanoke C I ['<ron-Unive~ !ege, 327 High St., Solem, Yo. Rh •ne, Tusc a I soty of Alabama, 804 Hackberry o-wos~i oosa, Ala . Qf s· er 903, l~!<?" and lee University, lock Draw. '9rno-Uni.., ~ngton, Va . ersoty of South Carolina, Columbia, 1 S. C. ""-North C . U Raleigh N orofino State College, 7 Enterprise, pf, Psilon-u . · c. Ch~•bana, n;l!""ily of Illinois, BOT Illinois St., [o· Xi~ncoln, Nebr.o


p. a.

·:~Cornell Oca,








Deland, Ave .,

Beta Beta-Florida Southern College, Box 128-0, Bldg. 1-A, Florida Southern College. lakeland, Flo . Beta Gamma-University of Louisville, 2216 Con· federate Place, Louisville, Ky. Beta Delta-Drake University, 3303 University Ave ., Des Moines 11, Iowa. Beta Epsilon-Univers ity of Missouri, 604 Mary· land, Columbia, Mo. Beta Eta-Florida State University, Box 3085, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla. Beta Theta-University of Arizona, 631 E. 2nd St., Tucson , Ariz . Beta Iota-University of Toledo, 1702 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, Ohio . Beta Kappa-Georgia Stale College, 24 Ivy St., S.E.. Atlanta, Ga. Beta lambda-University of Tampa. Tampa, Fla. Beta Mu-McNeese State College, Box 141, McNeese Stale College, lake Charles, La. Beta Xi-Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Mich . Beta Omicron-Northwestern State College of louisiana, Box 431, Natchitoches, La. Beta Pi-Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Mich

Beta Rho-Ciark • on College of Technology, 20 Pleasant St .• Potsdam, N. Y. Beta Tau-Valdosta State Colleae. Valdoda. Ga . Beta Upsilon (Cofony)-University of Virginia, 1514 Jefferson Park Ave., Charlot-tesville. Va . Kappa Phi (Colony)-East Carolina State College, Box 1164, Gree nville, N. C. Gamma Alpha (Colony)-Tennessee Wesleyan College, Box 172, Athens, Te nn.

The Most Distinguished Mark in Fraternity Jewelry YOUR GUARANTEE OF: •

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Tri-City-Kingsport, Tenn.-Eddie Anderson, Jr., Kingsport. Vera Beach, Fla.- L. B. Yocelle, Yero Beach. Houston, Texas-Dick Jung, Houston . Pittsburgh, Penna.-Roberl T. Struck, Pittsburgh.


Omega-Purdue University, 330 N . Grant St ., West lafayette, Ind. Alpha Epsilon-University of Florida , Box 2756, University Station, Gainesville, Flo. Alpha Zeta-Oregon State College, 211 T Harrison, Corvallis, Oreg. Alpha Theta-Michigan State University, 121 Whitehills Dr., East lansing, Mich. Alpha Iota-Auburn University, 255 College St., Auburn, Ala. Alpha Mu-Penn Stale University , Box 830, State College, Penna. Alpha Xi-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Alpha Omicron-Iowa Stale University, 407 Weich Ave ., Ames, Iowa. Alpha Sigma- University of Tennessee, 1628 Yale Ave., Knoxville, Tenn . Alpha Tau-Rensse laer Polytechnic Institute, 49 2nd St., Troy, N. Y. A:pha Upsilon-Drexel Institute of Technology , 3405 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Penna. Alpha Phi-Illinois lnstitut~ of Technology, 3220 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill Alpha Chi-University of Miami , P. 0 . Box 8146 University Branch, Coral Gob les 46. Flo Alpha Psi-Universitv of lndio"o. 7 14 E. 8th , Bloomington, Ind . Alpha Omega-University of Oregon . 740 E. 15th St., Eugene , Oreo Beta Alpha-Newark Colleae of Engineering, 119 Summit St., Newark, ·N. J.

(; •-Presb ,r~ Garnmo-u Y.tenan College, Clinton, S. C. Berkeley no~er,~of'ty of California, 2353 Prospect, (; 0 •ha-F ' a' . • Ep 'I Urman U . .

St. Louis, Mo.- Ron Huch, St. Louis . St.Mf:::h'!'::s":s, S. C.-l. Marion Gressette,




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p. 57




l856 ,

Evanston, Ill.

PI KAPPA PHI JEWELRY PRICE LIST BADGES JEWELED Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set Crown Set

STYLES Miniature Pearl Border .. .... .... .. .. .. $17.75 Pearl, 4 Ruby Points .. . . ..... . 15.75 Pearl, 4 Sapphire Points ... ... 19.75 Pearl, 4 Emerald Points ...... 22.75 Pear l, 4 Diamond Points ...... 37.75 Pearl ond Ruby Alternating .... 21.75 Pearl ond Sapphire Alternating 21.75

Standa rd $23.00 21.00 25.00 30.00 52.00 28.00 28.00

PLAIN STYLES Miniature Standard $ 5.75 Plain Border ........................... $ 4.00 Chased Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.50 8.00 White Gold additional on jeweled badges ......... . 5.00 White Gold additional on plain badges .. .. ..... ... . 3.00 Alumnus Ch arm , Double Faced . ................... . 9.00 5.00 Alumnus Cha rm, Sing le Faced ........ . ....... . .. . . Scho larship Charm . ...... . ........................ . 6.75 Pledge Button .......... . ............. .. · · · · · · · · · · · 1.00 Official Recognition Button with White Enameled Star, Yellow Gold-plated . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . . . . 1.00 Enameled Coot-ol-orms Recognition Button, Yellow Gold-plated ... . ................... · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1.25 1.50 Monogram Recognition Button, Yellow Gold-filled


Single Letter Plain ....................... . ......... . ........... $ 2.75 Crown Set Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.75 Plain White Gold Guards, Additional . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 1.00 Jeweled White Gold Guards, Additional . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Coot·of-orms G uard, Ye ll ow Gol d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.75 10% Federal Excise lox must be added to oil prices q uo ted , plus . State Soles or Use Taxes, ond Municipal taxes, wherever they ore ,n effect.

BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. Th e Oldest Manufacturing Fraternity Jewelers In America 2301 Sixteenth Street DETROIT 16, MICHIGAN

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