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In This Issue: Pi Kapp College Turmoil At Berkeley Chapter Reports

Henry Fowler, XI '27 U. S. Secretary of the Treasury _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !Page 31

Pi Kapp College

'Your Challenge To Excellence'

I KAPP COLLEGE, the fraternity's biP annual leadership training school for undergraduates, will be held at Davidson College, Davidson, N. C., August 29-September 2. On the varied and interesting program this year will be an open house at the fraternity's new national headquarters in nearby Charlotte, N. C.; visits from founder Simon Fogarty and North Carolina Gov. Dan K. Moore (Kappa, '27) ; participation by the national officers and other well known Pi Kapps; even swimming, boating and water skiing during free time periods. Theme of this year's Pi Kapp College is "Your Challenge To Excellence." Keyed to this theme will be formal lectures, discussions, visual presentations, chapter counseling and open end exchanges of ideas and opinions by Pi Kapps from chapters throughout the country. The purpose of the Pi Kapp College is to provide chapter leaders with instruction and inspiration which will help them provide sound, purposeful leadership of their respective undergraduate chapters. Pi Kappa Phi was one of the first national fraternities to conduct a nationwide leadership school for its undergraduates. A faculty of graduate Pi Kapps will present the instruction at the Pi Kapp College sessions. All classes this year will be in Davidson's Hodson Hall, a well equipped, air-conditioned auditorium.

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se ac co Room assignments will be in college f~;~C th ties and all meals will be served at the sc~ dining hall. Registration, which begins 禄路 l'o p.m., Sunday, August 29, will be in the Union Building. Chapter registration fees St individual registration fees for additional ~ Ita istrants cover all meals, lodging, entertain~i II~ and planned social activities. Various ac t ar ties during the college sessions will call !~ Vj, suit or coat and tie, as well as casual attlt~t Each chapter is required to be represe f 1'' by its archon, treasurer and pledgemast~l'路 Vi, pending on available accommodations, whJClltt alloted on a first come-first serve basis, 0~ ev chapter members also are invited to attet de Gov. Moore will be the featured speaJ<es! the Pi Kapp College final banquet ThUl' evening, September 2. '-' .f\ 路


!J:...e Editors' Column

The Star and Lamp

of Pi Ilappa Phi MAY 1965


A C~~SS the nation the eyes of college stu'l'IM:E iJ' are. glu.ed to TV screens, reported

But s ll;gazme m March. the str ~rlous students seeking a break from Papers am of preparation for exams and term seat in are finding it hard to come by a good addicts front of the TV set. The student TV said 'l'IlWE~nopolize the forward viewing area, "b . left t~ring most of the year, the boob tube is f>.t the wh.at P.rinceton calls the 'viz squad.' tubehol~m,verslty ?f North Carolina they are the Pro lcs, at Ohw State 'TV majors.' But and thes ~Y any other name are still the pros, Would ~ og daily hours in front of TV that Pay," 'l'I~Ee a union man scream for overtime 'I'his remarked. refreshe~me as no surprise to me. In fact, it 'I'he te so.n;e old memories. Was a b levlsion set at Rho chapter when I a cornerrother there was built into the wall in When th of the dark stained pine paneled den. there 0 ere wasn't a rock 'n' roll band playing new Pl~ a weekend, or a meeting to vote on Pull the rges or a lot of girls in th.ere,. we'd semicirclee11~ather couches and chairs mto a action on thacmg the TV screen and watch the .A. lot of e t.ube. could Yell us. hked the crime shows where you the dra....... Wild things at crucial moments in ''b on't '"a. . round in twhaste bme on him, let him have a 'I'h . e ear" S e .Jocks t. unday b wa ched all the sports shows. The ~ames E eer drinkers watched the football e had. Prverybo.dy watched Jack Paar then. a~d low cu~t~) g1rls on his show in short skirts VIewers w ouses, and the comments from the One S e_re rare. 'l'y You•Jrhng, when if you weren't watching VIewing gr ave to be studying for exams, TV Lookin bw rapidly among the brotherhood. ~vening $h ack, I think it all really started one en With en Charlie Monsted walked into the a case of beer and announced he (Continued on Page 2)




TURMOIL AT BERKELEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


NEWS AND NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






ALUMNI DUES CONTRIBUTORS . . . . . . . . 24 CHAPTER ETERNAL SEN. JOHNSTON DIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

COVER LAMBDA CHAPTER'S BROTHERS posed for our cover photo on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the chapter at the University of Georgia on May 8. The chapter marked the event with a big weekend celebration for undergraduates, alumni, parents and guests. Attendance at the annual G-Day Game climaxed the weekend. The young lady in the cover photo must be the chapter's Rose Queen. If she isn't, she ought to be .

Durward Owen


Paul R. Plawin Managing Editor

THE STAR AND LAMP is published quarterly by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Ph i Fraternity, 1924 Vail Ave., Charlotte, N. C., in the months of February, May, August and November . The life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. EDITORIAL OFFICE: National Office of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 1924 Vail Ave., Charlotte, N. C. PUBLICATIONS OFFICE: 1901 Roane Street, Richmond Virginia 23215. Second-class postage paid at Richmond, Virginia. Changes in address should be reported promptly to National Office, P. 0. Box 4608, Charlotte, N. C. 28204. All material intended for publicat ion should be in the hands of the Managing Editor, P. 0. Box 4608, Charlotte, N. C. 50 days preceding the month of issue.

wasn't going to quit the tube until the suds were gone. It was a great idea. The rest of us walked over the bridge to the Nelson Street groceryone of those tiny establishments with gasoline pumps outside and groceries and motor oil lining the walls inside-and we bought a couple bags of beer with which to spend the evening before the tube. As the beer supply dwindled, the conversation before, during and after the TV shows grew louder and more inane. "Let her have it right in the neck," yelled somebody at the TV actor whose wife was begging him not to desert her. Had Betty Furness heard some of the comments evoked by her appearance beside a brand new refrigerator, she'd have burned. That night, when the jet planes swooped over the American flags in the cemetery and the strains of the National Anthem swelled, everybody was slumped so far down in the chairs

be tuned in on the tube and the service c "pawns." Pawns were those who logged unrewardin amounts of time before the tube during tt week. Their program preferences and seatin accommodations were considered only aft1 those of the King, Princes and Dukes (Princf got individual easy chairs; Dukes share couches). Usually the pawns had to watch t~ tube from the hard seat and stiff back of dining room chair. If the King needed a bee: a pawn would fetch it from the ice chest. The competition for tube positions was spil ited . One week Ted Hardin and Cliff Mitch~ had their dinner brought into the den so the1 TV day would not be interrupted. } Some of the non-addicted brothers did t p slow burn when the King tuned in Migh Mouse instead of the news, or a western insW of The Telephone Hour. But the King rule P< TV dom with his own peculiar taste. fr Lat Snowden, who had been around the worl fa ar

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All Ralph Wants to do on weekends is watch show. a



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and couches the furniture looked empty from behind. A pile of bent, wet beer cans on the floor in front of the built-in TV set almost reached to the tuning dials. It had been one hellofa night. Within a few days, watching the tube (a term later refined to a hip "logging time") became THE thing around the house. Nothing else mattered much. There arose a format for logging time: If a viewer fell asleep during a program, he lost twice the TV time he had missed dozing. To recover his losses he could watch "snow" (the fuzzy stuff on the blank screen at the end of the viewing day) to earn time at a double rate. If he fell asleep watching snow, however, his time loss was tripled. All this logged time had to have a purpose, and Bill Fidler came up with a reasonable enough one. Time logged, declared Brother Fidler, would earn TV privileges for the loggers. The man who logged the most time for the week was declared "King." The King won a whole couch for himself, the right to place it in the most advantageous viewing position, the right to determine which channels would 2

with the Navy before returning to scbO~ ta figured everybody should stand when the "Stll1 sc Spangled Banner" was played at the end siJ the viewing day. a I can't remember if Jack Hopkins was set ously involved in logging time. He prob!l~ Wi was on the road during that time, travelin~,.~ ~a nearby girls' schools to do his Tuesday nJM' 1!1 路 st ud ymg. . se 11 At its height the tube syndrome was all ~ an portant. Work could wait. Dinner could ~jc th Dates could wait--unless they wanted to 0 f . t Ime. 1 After a while, it didn't seem to mean as Jll~c 19 to be King. It was getting warmer out, and~~ ~ 1 could go to Goshen or down the road to:rJI }st girls' schools with the top down on the 0 ~l Men who had been mere pawns before ~. 1 watched what they wanted. The TV dials ~ d lected dust. Interests turned to outdoor not a e shows. y ..,: The tube era had passed. In spite of all d b c time logged before the electronic eye, nob j: a flunked out. It was a crazy time, but it relll;~. is more sharply etched in my memory than $: sa we did that Spring before or after those ct 路 weeks of logging time. P.R.P. "'A.' THE







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did HENRy Hamill Fowler, Xi '27, has been [igbt Pres1Pointed Secretary of the Treasury by 1'h ent Lyndon B. Johnson. 1 ~~j! Post ~ President named Fowler to the cabinet frorn ~h succeed Douglas Dillon, who resigned worl farnn , e Cabinet March 31 to return to his "I :es banking business. and d ~~rd Mr. Fowler as one of the most able dent e .Ic~ted men I have known," the Presirnent said In his announcement of the appointA.. n t· uated ~ Ive of Roanoke, Va., Fowler, 56, gradrnernb rorn !:loanoke College where he was a obtaine~ 0~.PI Rappa Phi's Xi Chapter. He later A..lthe Is law degree from Yale University. a lawyoug,h he has been in private practice as has hat In Washington since last Spring, he service a l~ng .and varied career in government tary ol thesignmg only last year as undersecreFowl ~ Treasury. bringin er Is credited with playing a key role in fited b g .about tax changes in 1962 which bene1choo tax re~sm~ss, as well as the general income ••Stll1 scribed ~~Ion last year. An associate has demd ' sirnilar t 0 Ib· as holding economic views very a conser t·Illon's. He is generally regarded as s set Frorn va Ive economist. ob~:~b; With the 1 ~34 to 1939 Fowler was an attorney ling ; ~arne assi ennessee Valley Authority and benig In 193 9 1stant general counsel for the agency Sel of th ater that year, he became chief counall it· and labo e Senate subcommittee on education l vv8t Oth r. to ]r those ~~ gove~nment posts he has held include 0 f the Fspe~Ial assistant to the administrator 1 111~' 1945. d oreign Economic Administration in ad ~~ ~rod~ctieputy administrator of the National to~!l lstrator ?n Authority in 1951 and its admine J." fense Pr~~ 19~2; and administrator of the Dee !l~ 1953. Ucbon Administration from 1952 to ,}s ~ 1'he Ne . . hOl~ described ~hYork Ttmes, m a profile of Fowler, y as basican e new Secretary of the Treasury all ~ ~on the Y a conservative, but noted he had 1ob 1.1 ackers 0 ~~nfidence of both businessmen and 311111 i "For aU e?islative tax reforms. 1 ~~: s .an unw his. conservatism, however, Fowler ~ ctil' sald the T~vermg Democratic party loyalist," tmes.

"He has always fought against the extreme conservatism of the Democratic party leaders in Virginia. Those who were there still tell of the 1956 state Democratic convention, when delegates from nine of the 10 congressional districts of the state voted to withdraw the state's support for the national Democratic ticket headed by Adlai E. Stevenson. "When the delegates from the lOth District -Fowler's, in Northern Virginia-cast their vote against the proposal, the convention hall broke out with shouts of 'Yankee go home.' "Fowler, from the balcony where the Northern Virginia delegates had been segregated, bellowed, 'Go to hell.' " In spite of his fierce party loyalty and quick temper, said the Tim es, "he can fight without incurring permanent personal enmities. Sen. Harry Flood Byrd of Virginia, whose political machine he has spent a lifetime opposing, was among the first to praise his appointment as Treasury secretary and the senator rushed through committee approval of the nomination." Fowler and his wife, the former Trudye Hathcote, live in the old section of Alexandria, Va., a pre-Revoluti.onary port city on the Potomac below Washmgton. The Fowlers have two daughters, one recently married, the other a student at Sarah Lawrence College. STATIMINT Of OWNUSHIP, MANAGIMINT AND CIICULATION ( Afl •I J J , I HJ': S«ri.. •U69. TUJ. J!l, u. ;,u S,.u, C.UJ


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Dean of Students Willamette University

lawlessness and agitation T HE which has occurred on the

Berkeley campus of The University of California moved President Clark Kerr to say: "Some elements have been impressed with the tactics of Fidel Castro and Mao Tsetung." It is also interesting to note that the National Observer of December 7 reports that the "Free Speech Movement," which started the rioting and disorders on the campus, "a willful minority of radical students." The University of California has long been known for its toleration, without indorsement, of political dissenters and protest movement, so the issue of "free speech" on that campus is patently phony. 4


Honored for "Freedom"

In fact, President Kerr was just last year awarded the Alexander Micklejohn Award for Academic Freedom in 1964, from the American Association of University Professors; but is now accused by "Free Speech Movement" leaders and faculty sympathizers of suppressing freedom of speech on the campus! What, then, is the most likely cause of the problem which has embattled one of this nation's great universities? Although all the evidence is not in as yet, it is quite apparent already that some of the leaders in these disturbances were not university students. Indeed, over 100 of the 814 people arrested during the sit-in THE

as iJ at Sproul Hall were not Jin C. dents. Dr. Kerr has said i\ g some Cal uprisings have ~Yell'l' eluded "as much as 40 per 1s a1 off-campus elements" in the y~cc ious mass demonstrations~ p U1 other incitements which 路l'"ar) occurred. One can very ell' thor surmise that the Communis.t511y 0 at fellow-travelers have contrJ~th UJ significantly to the pro~Je ra e the University of Calif~ th Pl when the plans of the Co f!lene nist Party, U.S.A., are 1< D c.~ and understood. ge1~1 Lenin Aimed at Y outll and A brief review of those ~路 and some standard CornJ11, p. tactics of subversion seeJ'Il ery' be in order at this point.. r路theiJ International Communl5, dedicated to the Leninist 1"'A. y








ciple th t youth will decide the the country. Two of the most issue tween °th the great struggle be- active young Communists in the Free W e Communists and the party, Daniel Rubin and Danny What o~ld. This is part of Queen, were included on the 1 subject e~m had to say on the party's national committee. Ru"We 0 Youth agitation: bin was given full responsibility ness to m~st make it our busi- for youth affairs. A new Marxist of th stimulate in the minds Youth organization, "Advance," only ;i~h ~ho ~re d.issatisfied was organized in New York the Whol e u:r:nyersJty ... that City. Plans for a new Marxist Worthl e Pohbcal system is youth publication were formuWorker~ss · · · we must train our lated, which, Rubin pointed out, leaders ~bl. to beco:ne political would present a "Marxist Anmanifest . e to gUide all the alysis of the youth movement strugg} atbns of this universal and socialist Marxist-Leninist to dicta{ a le at the right time outlook." The publication was action f e a Program of positive to be called "New Horizons," dents." or the discontented stu- but was not to be labeled a Marxist publication to avoid 'I'his " .. the · 1 Positive action" means identification with the CommuVIo ent .overth row of any nist party. governme nated a nt m power not domiThe drive to capture youth Commun~ / or controlled by the was further accelerated at a ineans l!Ists, by any and all youth conference held in Chiing, a~dincluding student riot- cago beginning Dec. 30, 1960. lawlessn any and all forms of Two major items for the agenda ess by students. were the establishment of a Communist Party Youth front v Youth in Vanauard ~OUth ~ in lieu of the ill-fated "Labor guard of are now in the van- Youth League" and "American strations the ~ioting and demon- Youth for Democracy," and to countri which take place in plan to have on instant call an Venezu:fa all over the world. organized student group for tacR:orea ,.., ' Iraq, Cuba South tics of incitation, disruption ' ~ Urke ' Laos are all exa Y, J apan, and and agitation. Where " t mples of nations Dress Rehearsal Held Played as udent" riots have overthrn essential part in the A dress rehearsal of youth 'I'hese a~d of governments. exploitation in the United States :Vere ov other governments was the rioting and disorder JUst as er-thrown internally which occurred at the meeting as I·f by out surely . an d thoroughly of the Committee on Un-Amer1 1 ot ,i Commun~ fht military defeat. ican Activities, May 12-14, 1960 8 have been workin San Francisco. The Ameriid t ng hard LVe American and effectively on can people, and indeed the peo,er o~ears. But ~ampuses for many ple of the world, were subjected ;he 1 Uccessful he most serious and to the spectacle of Communistns ·.~0 Uth date beffkorts to subvert led students literally disrupting h V· arty Co ac to a Communist a hearing authorized and con. eg:York 1\l:a nference held in New ducted by the United States ConistS1that tim: 3 0 and 31, 1959. At gress. ;rib 11 0 ung Com a s~Iected group of Films and FBI publications ~Je~ahe Dnited rs~msts from all over show that Communist leaders were present at the hearing and 1f 0 rth Program t ates met to devise ~o~tene Party ~ftattract youth to were actively leading the student 1< D c.e. ca~ er this Confer- demonstrations. Careful plannited St ruses all over the ning went into this Communist }I !ets for es became prime tar- maneuver even to the follow-up JJt nct recrui~mmunist infiltration emohasizing "police brutality" 1 ;e P. N ment campaigns. in dispersing the rioters. nJ11° e~ Gro . Predictably, the Communists ef!1: Part,, up Orgamzed have since devoted much time 3 ery " spoke . .the· 0 PPortu . smen utilized ev- and effort to minimizing the niS~ Ir Views nity to lecture on role played by Communist orst v "'~" on campuses across ganizers in the riots. Fifty-eight



of the 62 persons arrested as a result of the riots in San Francisco were college students. The reaction of the student defendants was interesting indeed. They signed a statement which read, in part, "Nobody invited us, nobody misguided us. We were led by our own convictions and we still stand firmly by them." "Cynical Exploitation"

They were apparently dangerously unaware of the cynical exploitation being practiced upon them. It is interesting to note that the tactics used by the 814 sit-in demonstrators at Sproul Hall at the University of California were very similar indeed to those used at San Francisco City Hall in May of 1960. A very recent development in the Communist party's unrelenting drive to subvert youth is the establishment of the W.E.B. Dubois Clubs of America in June, 1964 to recruit young citizens. These "clubs" comprise a new national Marxist youth organization, organized and publicized to dupe unwary youth into thinking they are anything but Communist inspired and led. The Dubois Clubs chose as their official insignia a half-white, half-black circle encompassing a white hand and a black hand under a dove. The symbols of unity, brotherhood and peace are represented fo~ an ideology which engenders and encourages discord, hate and violence-a classic exampl~ of Communist deceit and a basic Communist tactic. Inclination to Rebel

Youths of college age have a natural inclination to rebel against any authority, of course, so almost anyone who skillfully exploits this built-in rebelliousness can be quite successful. Many would rather be free of rules than obey them. The skillful agitator can persuade the unwary that his only chance to get rid of an "unfair," "UnAmerican" aspect of campus life is to show the administration that he "means business." How to do that? Well, picketing, boycotting

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and other such methods are used by people everywhere who are willing to stand up for their "rights" : It does not take long for a few student and faculty manipulators to incite a whole campus over such an issue. It is all too easy to convince a cadre of susceptible, vocal students to initiate action of some kind, and soon the bandwagon psychology engulfs virtually everyone. Once the incitement materializes, the agitators have accomplished several important things:

They have sown the seeds of distrust between the students and their administrators, thus insidiously planting the seeds of distrust of all authority, including the United States Government; they have disrupted normal administrative procedures, thus creating difficulties for the loyal faculty members and the administration; and they have made it easier to organize another and more serious demonstration the next time the oppor-

tunity arises, planned and led by picked, experienced faculty and student leaders. Every American citizen has access to authoritative, concise information about the many ways the Communists are waging war actively against us through our youth, by writing for information from one or more of the following sources : The FBI, The House Committee on Un-American Activities, and the Senate Internal Security Committee. The many-faceted Communist conspiracy and the basic means of solving the problems it causes has been succinctly stated by J. Edgar Hoover: "We can defeat Communist ideology and at the same time reinforce the structure of our own democracy by the combined process of exposure and education." Those who would destroy the United States are gambling that they will not be exposed effectively, and that we will not educate our children and ourselves to the danger we face from internal subversion.

TAMPA, FLORIDA ALUMNI Tampa Alumni Chapter Luncheons, 3rd Friday each month, 1:00 P.M., THE TEll· RAZO ROOM, Floridan Hotel·

~ '

NEW YORK ALUMNI New York Alumni Chapter Luncheons, 3rd Friday each month, 12:30 P .M., LUCHOW'S RESTAURANT, 110 E. 14th St.

DES MOINES, lOWA ALUMNI Des Moines Alumni Chapter Luncheons, last Wednesday each month, 12:00 noon, NOAII' 5 ARK RESTAURANT.

BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMft ALUMNI 1st and 3rd Friday, 12:ol N noon, BRITTLINGS CAFE1'£' at! RIA, 309 N. 20th St. cha


Jer '48,



Toledo Alumni Chapter Lunch; tn.e1 eons, 2nd Wednesday ea~· Co 1 month, noon, PAR 4 CAf . in 2248 Ashland Ave. tne1 tna1




Author and the Operation Challenge Com-

Blake Jr., dean of students and associate


professor of education at Willamette

The members of the Operation Challenge Committee are: Ralph F. Burns, Alpha Sigma


is another in a


series of articles



lion Challenge," a

Robert D. Lynn, Pi Kappa Alpha; Durwood




Phi Epsilon; Carl J. Gladfelter, Chi Phi; and

portion thereof must be obtained from the

Francis Wacker, Delta Sigma Phi, Chairman.




ALUMNI Seattle Alumni Chapter Luncheons Weekly, Wednesday, 12 :00 noon• Kau Kau Restaurant, 1115 2nd Ave.





Owen, Pi Kappa Phi; John Robson, Sigma

Fraternity Editors Association.




prepared for fraternity magazines by "Opera-

project of the College

PORTLAND, OREGON Uat ALUMNI inPortland Alumni icaj Chapter Luncheons t~ l 3rd Wednesday each mon Ch 12 :00 noon e E IMPERIAL HOTEL p~r 400 SW Broadway l









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ated Post T:S:E NEWLY ere__./ *atge of of VIce-president in J eston Ch rn?-rketing for the __./ '4ersey is E3rnical Corp. of New 8. gar W. Lines Omega fNl o Lines Was , ch· f Plasti . formerly manager _,uJ\ hlent Cizer M k ea'l C for th ar. et DevelopcAf£ i Otp, lie jo· e Umon Carbide ~ 1953 anJned Union Carbide ents in tiel served in assign_./ ranagernentd ;ales and product _./ic~ras in th~ u~rn 1950 to 1952 ·1"1 Uat Warfare d' ·. ·.Army, chemin ect frorn p lVISion. He gradicaf95o With aurdue U~iversity I tJ1 I engineer· degree m chemtoll Ch n his n Ing. e ernical L":' Post with Weston L Ph~;ndect' sa\nes will direct an ~ esters es effort in phosl\1: Ines live· _./ Wi~l'tistown s ~ 22 Raynor Road, rorl Ja~ l\1arg~ret · hJ. He and his Nan es and Joh ave two boys, A.rn c~. lie is n, and a girl, 1tet ciet erlcan Ch a . rnernber of the oll• ciety of Plast~rnical Society, SoIt, 'rheyNof Plasrs Engineers, Soew y 0 klcs Industry and _./ '-'~y r Rubber Group.

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EO ectwe . June 1 , 1965, the address of the National 0 ffice will be:

P. 0. Box 4608 Charlotte, N. C.

* * *

" Beginning June I, the Na:: ii tional Office will he located :: at 1924 Vail Avenue, Char:: lotte, North Carolina. Dei • tails of the relocation of the .i " National Office and pictures :: U of the move will he pre"U sented in the August issue of •: ~ THE STAR AND LAMP.


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Area Alumni ii" Active Again p :: U



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FIRST EFFORTS IN FIVE years re-establish an active alumni group m Portland, Ore., were rewarded with the attendance of 21 brothers at January and February luncheon meetings. The alumni association is meeting the second VVednesday of each month at noon at the Imperial Hotel 400 SVV Broadway, in Portland. ' Officers elected at the February gathering were Ronald D. Thorn president; Bill Elliott, vice presi: dent representing Alpha Zeta· BilJ Schwab, vice-president repres~nting Alpha Omega; Ken McVVade vice president representing memb~rs at large; and Kurt Engelstad, secretarytreasurer. . Portl_and are~ alums can get additiOnal mformatwn on the association from Biii Elliott, 546 SE 5th Ave., Beaverton, Ore.; Bill Schwab 1221 SVV Comus St., Portland, O;e.; or Ken McVVade, 917 SE 14th, Beaverton, Ore. ~o

Your Memorial Foundation Counts on Alumni Help THE PI KAPPA PHI Memorial Foundation was created to further and enhance academic opportunities for youth, particularly those initiated as members of your fraternity. Your foundation seeks to provide financial assistance for deserving students, to stimulate academic improvement in undergraduate chapters and members to perpetuate the memory of beloved fraternity brothers and to help preserve and further the traditional American system of higher education .

To accomplish these goals the foundation counts on al~mni support. Alumni can support the Memorial Foundation with tax-deductible gifts of cash, securities and property or by naming the Foundation as beneficiary in wills, insurance policies and bequests. For more details on how you can help, write Mr. Jack Bell Treasurer, The Pi Kappa Phi Memorial Foundation, 6764 LaLoma Drive, Jacksonville, Fla. 32217.

• 19 6 5


Outstanding Chapter Report


MU CHAPTER MEN MAKE 'ROGUE MAGAZINE' MU CHAPTER HAS HAD ONE of its best years in its history this year. Academically, Mu has excelled once again. The fraternity average for spring semester 1964 was the highest on campus and for the fall semester 1964, Mu's average was third on campus. We are also proud of our three Phi Beta Kappa brothers: Earl Sasser, Bob Graybeal and Torn Evans. Politically, Mu has done quite well a ~rain . Pi Kapps now hold the following offices on campus : President of the student government is Ray Ratliff; Bill Hight is treasurer of that organization; Bob Sheheen is chairman of the Duke Student Union; Torn Evans is the third Pi Kapp in a row to serve as president of the YMCA; Alex Bell and Bill Pursley are members of the Men's Judicial Board this year. Brother Pursley is also chairman of the Freshman Advisory Council. Recently Bill Kennedy was elected president of the Duke YMCA, thus becoming the fourth consecutive Pi Kapp to hold that office. The dean's staff at Duke showed Mu Chanter their favor recently by naming Pi Kappa Phi thP- top fraternity on the Campus according to leadership criteria. Mu Chapter has also excelled this year in athletics. Our intramural football team was ab~e to bring horne trophies for the division charnoionshio and for the runner-up spot in the intramural playoffs. Two of our three basketball

teams were second in their respective intramural leagues, and we are now looking forward to successful volleyball and softball seasons. We are most proud of our success in rush this year. We pledged 30 freshmen, one of the larger classes on the campus. Our pledge class roll reads like a "Who's Who" in the Freshman Class at Duke. Warren Chapman is one of the outstanding players on the freshman basketball team. Five of our pledges are members of the freshman cabinet of student government, including the Freshman Class president, Steve Sapp, and freshman senator Greg Jones. In addition, Jack Wilkerson, president of Mu's pledge class, recently was elected to head the Duke Junior Interfraternity Council. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of Mu Chapter. We are planning a big anniversary celebration including a cocktail party and an anniversary banquet. All of our alumni have been invited, and we hope that they will return to Mu Chapter and see why Rogue Magazine called Pi Kappa Phi "the standout fraternity" on the Duke campus.








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(Editor's Note: Mu Chapter's le tter has been selected as the outstanding chapter report in this issue of THE STAR AND LAMP. It contains all the e lements of a good news report, is well written and an outstanding example of what a chapter letter should be.)



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Letter To The Editor To The Editor:

In past publications, the name of the school at which Alpha XI Chapter is located has been abbreviated as Brooklyn Tech. THIS IS WRONG. We are not Brooklyn Tech. WE ARE BROOKLYN POLY. Brooklyn POLY is the correct abbreviation. Brooklyn Tech is a high school not too far from here and we are constantly confused with them since many graduates of that high school go to Brooklyn Poly. Basically, I guess it's a matter of pride since we are college men, and when people repeatedly say you go to a high school, it can get embarrassing and frustrating. Please remember us as Alpha Xi, Polytechnic


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Institute of Brooklyn, or Brooklyn Poly. Thll~ you . Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,


Donald Vigliotti



Historian, Alpha Xi ChaP 1 \v (Ooops! Pardon us. Not having bee% 111 B, Brooklyn in a number of years-and the% 0i1 briefly-we were not aware of the con/4,11 in titles that exist路s there. We have wrt.111, liQ路 "Brooklyn P-0-L-Y" in long hand 100. # 11 ll< and have corrected the school's title ~rt bOt pages of The Star & Lamp. And, guide t ll! and city map in hand, we'll be certain rt 0 /I he look for Alpha Xi men in the halls of Br~ 0 ~~ d, Tech on our way to the New World's Fa~r ~ summer.-Ed.)











~app On Campus


From 'I'he

Chapters EPSILON CHAPTER Pi Kapps host National President Mel Metcalfe.

AFTE:LPHA-COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON ne C w rnen FOUR wer . MON . . THS of pledge education, nine hapter. Th e lnitJat~d as fellow brothers of Alpha ~hy Farlo~se new PI Kapps are John Almeida, TimJ alanos, Paui Joh~ Jackson, Wayne King, George a~s Wells. Sandifer, Lee Sigmon, Sam Stafford and tal ese new b th ' ent and ro ers bring with them an array of ~\any ca~oten~al that would benefit any fraternity 0 ~ standing ~:· roth_er Almeida was voted the most of d. Brother~ F~R e, With Br9ther Sigmon a close secrn t~e varsity t .r 0 and Almeida also are a vital part Yeusic~] ente 1:t .Iac team. There should be no lack of Wi~rs 1f Broth!Inment at Pi Kapp parties in the coming ele ~ us the ir rs J~ckson, Sandifer, and Malanos share na c ed Presiden~U~Jca l talents. Brother Stafford was fa 111 ] can be f 0 the freshman class . Brother Well's ro cu ty honors 1?und with Brother Stafl'ord's on the da~~ of the fr~{A_s a pledge project, the recreation a ni oak and tri ermt:y house was fully panelled in I ce touch to mmed m burlap. The "new" room adds J n March our h_ouse. c~ 1 t· Reynold: Pro~~~e!lt South Carolina legislator, at t~ the nati~n':fs mit_Iated into our midst. Mel MetDed· e banquet a President, was on hand and spoke I Ication Ba afterwards. We made this the House Bro~hthe field ntuet. Many prominent figures attended. Last er Bill G~udspo;ts,_ Alpha ~egan the season with in th N~vember th Winnmg the mtramural track meet. cornb·e Intramur e chapter swept the first five places In 1 ~ed teams al ~ross country meet, defeating the lhan JntercolJ eg·o~ Independents and rival fraternities. cha 0 !1 the Di~~ e sports, Brother Dunn is anchor GauJPionship b Ier Intercollegiate Athletic Conference are on th ow Ing_team, and Brothers Almeida and e varsity tennis team.


ODR C}{ BET A-PRESBYTERIAN Place . APTER ST A "Ha !h the Ho R~ED the year by winning first Pl~g ern Blue Hmec~;mng displays. Our theme was \Vere·dges initiat ose: Beach John Ask ed mto brotherhood this past year Calh ' F la.; Robw, Atlanta, Ga.: Pete Collins, Daytona Ga.; Pbe]], Honea er~hHodgkin, Waycross, Ga.; Charles Mr and Les snf·~h , S. C.; John Morrison, Atlanta, 1 , Atlanta, Ga. Helh \· Charlott Quee~ II!, our :h He~1 Phill, wife of Brother John Party' and wi]] b ahplam, was elected chapter Rose Th · e onored at the annual Greek Week lhore e future sched 1 house Parties-MTtu e of Beta chapter includes a few durin of Brothe/ 1 ary Bal~ Weekend, a party at the Weekg Spring va Pe_te Collms in Daytona Beach, F la. Vacati' before th cation, and the parties during Greek on. e members leave school for summer

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GAMMA-CALIFORNIA IT'S OFFICIAL! HIGHEST HONORS in scholarship at Cal went last semester to the brothers of Gamma Chapter. A record-breaking grade point average of 3.02 was obtained by our actives. This topped all other Cal living groups and was an all time high. Even the riots and unsettled campus situation did not stop us. In intramural ath letics we moved from the bottom to 21st place among 45 fraternities, and we're still climbing in the rankings. Socially we look forward to our Rose Ball. We're hoping our Rose Queen will receive the Red Rose Crown from National President Mel Metcalfe himself. The Rose Queen will get a free trip to Las Vegas for a talent audition on the fabulous "Strip." Last, but not least, we are preparing to move into our new house, the best house the chapter has had in nearly a quarter of a century. EPSILON-DAVIDSON HAVING ROCKED BACK AND FORTH all first semester between having the largest and second largest pledge class on campus, Epsilon finally_ came t_hrough, initiating the largest class-22 . Not satisfied w1th this, however Epsilon already has added one second semester pledge (fairly rare at Davidson where most pledging is completed early in the first semester) and is well along with plans and operations for next year's rush program. With the increased size of the brotherhood, next Fall's rush should prove to be even more successful than last. Campus elections are now in the air at Davidson and it looks as if Epsilon is going to be well represented in these races. Ten Pi Kapps are running for six positions on the Davidson Honor Court. Brother Mike Harrington is one of two men running for the position of editor of the campus newspaper, having been news editor for the past year. And though candidates have not yet been announced, several of our ambitious freshmen brothers have been casting looks in the direction of the Student Council. Although Epsilon Chapter is not a subversive organization it might appear that we have made a move to capture' the local Alpha Phi . Omega s~rvice frat~r­ nity. Epsilon brothers Mark Simpson, Jit;J Hardwick and Richard Grant have been elected pres1dent, treasurer and sergeant-at-arms, respectively, of A lpha Phi Omega. . , Among the tasks assigned to Epsilon s pledge class during this year's Greek Week was the ~nnual c?mmunity project. The pledges managed the JOb of pamting a nearby recrea~ion center. ~nd received third place in the inter-fratermty competitiOn. Plans are now being drawn up for Pi Kapp College, which will be held at Davidson t his summer. We would 9

Pi Kapp On Campus like to issue our invitation to all concerned. We'll see you in August. Epsilon's parties this year have been quite successful, with many other fraternity men abandoning their parties for ours. At the initiation banquet at the chapter house, our own "grubby waiters" were coaxed to shave and really managed to look dignified. Various chapter awards were presented, as well as a very nice looking group of pledge paddles. David Westfall received the "best pledge" award while Ken Lineberger made off with the award for the greatest effort to h lp the pledge class during Greek Week. ZETA-WOFFORD ZETA CHAPTER IS PROUD TO report its accomplishments in intramural sports thus far this year. The Pi Kapps finished first in both football and basketball, and have since added free throws and tennis championships. The start of volleyball season finds the Pi Kapps undefeated in four league games and holding on to first place by six points in the overall league standings. Brothers recently initiated into Zeta Chapter are Pete Pillar, Dicky Hunsucker, Jerry Josey, Dan Ledgerwood ~nd Larry Stallcup. Recent pledges are Lee Knight, Gary Hoskins, Bill Burton, Mike O'Toole, Harry Grothjahn and Jeff Hall. We are currently engaged in an active second semester rush program and expect to pledge several more boys before the semester ends. The scholastic average of the brothers of Zeta Chapter was considerably higher than the all-men's average last semester and was one of the highest on fratPrnity row. Officers for second semester are Paul Pittman, archon; Rusty Hudson, treasurer; Bill Smeethie, recording secretary: Bobby Dickinson, corresoonding secretary; Pete Talmadge, historian; John Womack, warden; Whit Wallace, chaplain; Bo Reeves, I.F.C. representative. Dr. Prince, our faculty adviser, talked to the Pi Kapps about "Fraternities and Wofford." His talk was inspiring, and an intelligent discussion followed. We were proud to have Dr. Prince present the previous night for the speech given by Dr. John M. Aden, and we are pleased that he has shown so much interest on our behalf. NU-NEllRASKA NU CHAPTER HAD AN excellent and spirited first semester. Our fraternity is well on the way to accomplishing many of our objectives. Intramural basketball results showed a marked improvement as we finished the season in third place, only one and a half games out of first place. We also have started a program of visits by promin nt guest speakers, among them, Dr. Gurkin, head of the university's counseling service, and George Hyden, personnel manager of Victor Business Forms. Social highlights included our hayloft party, Christmas Party, and a post-work week party given for the pledges by their active brothers. This hasn't hurt the scholastic standing of the house as shown by the high averages of the brothers and the fact that two of our pledges made the freshman honor society. The active ranks hav been increased with the initiation of four new brothers: John George, Harold Chader, Jim Stevenson and Jim Guretzky. Our rush program is continuing to show promise of bringing new men into our chapter. XI-ROANOKE XI HAPTER IS HAPPY to report the pledging of 18 fine young men, bringing to a successful conclusion Xi Chapter's first delayed rush. These men are: Warren Bane, Alexandria, Va.; Glen Baumgarner, Beach 10

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CAGERS ( f rom left ) L a rry Sta ll c up , tok; Pete Talmadge, Pete P illar, Steve ta ll cu p P Tom Camp.

Haven, N. J.; Jim Collins, Salem, Va.; Ed Corson,J~: kintown, Pa.; Bill Edwards, Cranford, N. J.; .j, Hardin, Falls Church, Va.; Allen Hayes, Roanoke, ·d Joel Jamison, Roanoke, Va.; Craig Jester, WaJdW 1 ~ N.J.; Leonard Kelley, McLean, Va.; Bill Martin, Chnl ham, N. J.; Paul McCorristin, Millville, N. J.; De~fll Pennington, Emerson, N. J.: Rich Scardina, Hunt!~ ton, N. Y.; Charles Staub, Beallsville, Md.; Ed S~, art, Dover, N. J.; Jimmy Vickers, Alexandria, and Harry Wright, Charlottesville, Va. ~ We spent the semester break refurbishing the ~ 0 ~ with much needed paint and by rearranging furn1tU~ pictures and curtains. Our pledges contributed ll :~ couch, and our housemother contributed a benll 1 hand-made copy of our crest. 111 In intramurals Xi had an off year in basketbnll. e1 with the new pledges there will be more depth 11s~ year. Handball and volleyball have just begun we expect to field top teams in these sports. sf Scholastically, Xi has had its best semester in ~~~ years. The brothers and pledges hit the books W1 d great deal of gusto and managed to sign up for proper courses. 0~ We are all glad to report that our alumni are rep~ valing our alumni chapter. Our succ ssful rush tof gram was greatly aided by the appearance and of interested alumni at our rush functions. p All of us at Xi are looking forward to our Rose 11d and various cabin parties upcoming in the verY 1 future. The brothers are also looking forward to ~I ing the pledges in various contests of athletic ski the next few weeks. OMICRON-ALABAMA ~ OMICRON STARTED THE FALL semester wit new house and pledges. The pledges, of course, e the house in top condition throughout the sen\ using the vacuum cleaner and floor polisher '' they had contributed to the chapter. ·s Each semester has at least one party which 11.c~ highlight of social activity for that semester. <?J11 ~ however, went all out and had two such part1eS·c, l>] first was the "Zombie Jamboree" where everyone 0' dressed as his favorite fiend. To add to the ~l1 ,, atmosphere there was a coffin in the entrance hll , a bloodied mannequin in it. The second p11rt1 THE







Omicron' s loosa's s tar Formal. The formal was held at Tuscaby "Th S{Vfford Hotel with entertainment furnished the cro~ . allace Brothers." The main attraction was Harmon;vntMg o~ _Omicr~n's Star for 1965, Miss Pegi On D 0 end1an, M1ss. house de~e.mb~r 13, Omicron held Founders' Day and 1 luncheone ~ab on . The day's activities began with a· mier We! a the Stafford Hotel. Archon Steve TrimPegi_ A coom~~ the gu~sts and introduced our Star, It Will ~ rtia!t of Peg1 was unveiled at the luncheon. Natio ang 1 ~ the living room of our new house. his ma;.al President Mel Metcalfe entertained us with Later IC routine,· then delivered the main address. Portraits ev~ryon~ moved to the chapter house where Pou were 0 On~1cron alumni Emmet Dendy and Leo ~ouse in h unve1led. The portraits will hang in the In the acq~f?r. of these alumni who were instrumental After th Sition of a new house for Omicron. qualified e dust of finals had settled, 25 pledges actives a adnd were initiated. Omicron now has 71 n 15 pledges.


ALUMNI Leo Pou (left) and Dendy at new chapter house.





HARMON , 0 micron's Star, rece•"ves red ro."•e.• and cone:ratulation,s from BArchon ~ R II (Left) and Pegi's escort, Brother Billy Kittrell, at the chapter 8 ose 8 • 11

Pi Kapp On Campus RHO-WA HINGTON & LEE AT THE A NUAL INITIATIO banquet for Rho's new brothers, Archon Charlie Sweet announced the creation of a new award to recognize the chapter's best scholars. The award is to be known as the Howard D. Leake Scholarship Award and will be given at the end of each semester. A cash prize of $25 will be given in three categories: the upper-classman with the highest gradepoint ratio, the freshman achieving similar excellence and the brother whose gradepoint ratio shows the greatest rise. The award was created to stimulate a renewed interest in the academic aspects of college. A definite need for such motivation was created by Rho's occupancy of the lower third of campus fraternity averages for the past five semesters. The banquet guest speaker, Rho alumnus and former national president Howard D. Leake, after an inspirational speech about the necessity and merits of scholarship, presented the initial awards. Charles Bright, with a 2.75 out of a possible 3.00, was the upper-class winner. Rich Johnson, with a 2.82, won the award in the freshman division, while brothers Guy Unangst and Jim Buckey, each with an increase of 1.0, won for the most improvement. The money for the award will come from profits from a cold beverage machine which was given to the chapter by Brother Sweet. In thinking more about scholarship, we realized that during the last three years fraternities have come under scrutiny by college administrations. The general feeling today toward the fraternity program is that the social and party a s pect has swamped the academic and intellectual aspects. Whether this is true at Washington and Lee makes no difference. It was true at Williams and fraternities were banned, and now Amherst is also considering a fraternity ban. We feel that to a certain extent we have failed to live up to the academic and intellectual standards which are set by the University and our own National. In an effort to improve the environment and standards of the chapter an entirely new public relations program has been initiated. Under the old system a professor and his wife were invited to the house and ate dinner amid the small talk and attention of the brothers in the professor's class. After dinner the professor usually left amid the usual social amenities. The major fault of this program was a lack of initiative on the part of both the brothers and the professors. Because of the connotation of the word "fraternity" the professor felt (and probably with some justification) that academic topics mus t be excluded or incorporated only in polite dinner table conversation at the house. Under the new progam a professor will be asked to prepare a short talk on any subject and present it to the brotherhood after the evening meal. The purpose of this would be to stimulate a type of conversation which would interest both the brothers and the professor. It could range from a discussion to an argument and encompass as many different topics as there are professors to participate. We feel this program has great potential for both professors and brothers, and we are confident this new public relations program will help create a new respect for fraternities on this campus.

RHO'S NEW INITIATES pose for portrai t w ith Jth Alumnus Howard D . Leake at th e ch ap ter house路

by District President Mayor Woody Brooks of Andre''" S. C. Then the following awards were presented: . 1 Best Pledge, George Tamsitt; Best Active, Bill R1C ardson; Best G.P.R., Doun van Ee; Best Athlete, B01 rn~.


Some of the alumni who attended our Founders' e Banquet were Mayor and Mrs. Brooks, W. BurP Jones, Louis B. Gantt, MT. and Mrs. Bob RE'<gister, r.f~ A. Thernhauser, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Gray, Dr. Br01 1\'Ir. Jim Parlor, also many Betas, a number of pareP and our special guests, Dean and Mrs. Cooper. 1.> Our anniversary was a doubly important even~ cause it marked a new era in Sigma's history: St!!:~ was the first chapter to have an alumni associat 1 and it is this very group that this year the chapter striving so hard to pull together and rejuvenate . P With the goals that Sigma is now seeking, our a 10 ni and the undergraduates can be sure of a better, lJ~ sibly the finest, chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at the versity of South Carolina. TAU-N. C. STATE IN FEBRUARY FIVE PLEDGES were initiated i~路 Tau Chapter. The new brothers are Robert J. GrecO 1 from Durham, N. C.; Emmitt H . Johnson from R~~~ Mount, N. C.; Clifton C. Jones from Richmond, ' Ronald Pat路ks from Salisbury, N. C.; and BiJlY Williams from Durham. 1 Also in February 24 brothers and five pledges e tended a retreat at the Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H CamP 0 Reidsville, N. C. The purpose of the retreat wnsf discuss the state of Tau Chapter of Pi Kappil }It Fraternity and the state of the fraternity systen~ i~ at N. C. State. The brothers and pledges were dJ"路~ into six committees: Pledge Education, Rush Prog1 Finance, Meetings, House Problems and Social. 6 Several brothers have achieved memberships positions in some of the honorary organizations

IGMA-SO TH CAROLINA ON FRIDAY, MARCH 5, Pi Kapps, parents and alumni gathered to celebrate a very important occasion. On that date 55 years ago Sigma Chapter was founded at the University of South Carolina. The festivities began with a reception at the fraternity house. Several alumni and their wives attended as did many parents of the undergraduates. The Pi Kapps and guests then moved to Columbia's famed Market Restaurant for a fabulous banquet. After dinner a very humorous and enlightening speech was given 12

welcome Nat io n a l Pres ident th e ir chap ter h o u se. TH E S TAR






KApp .A

campus Broth J" z· . . . 'I enginee~· · er 1m . Immerman, a semor m ciVI Phi Et mg. from Lexmgton, N. C., is a member of Kappa ~Jgm!i ho~orary freshman fraternity, Phi fratern·t hi, Ch1 Epsilon professional civil engineering Brothe ~ YZ~nd the American Society of Civil Engineers. nation~! Imme.rman is the editor of Chi Epsilon's of the ASnagazme "The Transit" and is the president


Brother~~ ·

from N BJm Paul, a senior in electrical engineering Phi Etaew. ern, N. C., is a member of Phi Kappa Phi, engineer ·Sigma and Eta Kappa Nu honorary electrical Pau] aremff. fraternity. And brothers Zimmerman and 1 Broth Kapp Scholars. gineeriner Butch ~artin, a junior in mechanical enof the .fr?m S3:hsbury, N. C., is operations officer operationetshmg R1fles, a national military fraternity; her of S s sergeant of the ROTC brigade; and a mem. Brothe ~atbard and Blade honorary military society. mg_aer~ ave lvey, a senior in mechanical engineerWing com 1space option from Montgomery, Ala., is A.rno]d A!J.andet: of the AFROTC and a member of the Brothern .Society, an honorary military society. from Gre Jim Groome, a senior in textile chemistry Pledgemasen~boro, N. C., is a member and former ternity tet of Delta Kappa Phi honorary textile frating fr~t~ ~ember of Kappa Tau Beta honorary knitthe Ame ~mty here at N. C. State and is a member of Colorists rican Association of Textile Chemists and




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and social contacts, the lifelong friendships, and the personal satisfaction of working with a close-knit group that is working toward the ever-expanding goal of self-employment. If the Pi Kapps can sell a man on fraternities, then Pi Kappa Phi will sell itself. Our biggest job is to show what a fraternity can do for a man, and any Pi Kapp should be able to do that from personal experience. UPSILON-ILLINOIS BECAUSE OF OUR RECENT recolonization, the past year has been a crucial period in the development of Upsilon chapter, but the men of our chapter have met the challenge well. During rush this year our chapter pledged 19 men to the fraternity. Most of these men were taken through informal rush . Vve spread our name far and wide over the entire campus by having numerous p~I'ties, culminated by a Christmas party which lasted nme hours. In the afternoon we signed Christmas cards to send to orphans at selected institutions all over the nation. We served dinner for all those who helped us in this project, and afterward we had one of our wildest dances.


Va. r~h~r .William f " 'aJorm .

Hunter a senior from Clarksville ' ' bormer Pre .~ m textile chemistry, is a member and er of the ~ATnt of Delta Kappa Phi and also a memBrothe.1 . CC. turing an d Edwm Wall, a junior in furniture manufacretary of tmanagement from Lexington, N. C., is secan alternat he Forest Products Research Society and ~rother e on .the Engineer's Council. Phi. Emmitt Johnson is secretary of Delta Kappa 1' The officers 0 f T Ommy B au Chapter are Bob Surrat. archon; Martin oyd, treasurer: Jim Groome secretary· Butch P 1'Uette,• ch Warden. ; B I'Jl H udson, historian; ' and' Dave 1'he f II ap 1am. :'The Bl~ owi~g article from our chapter newspaper and its 1~sShJeld'' sums up our spring rush program Leon Joyn ults. The article was written by Brother er .


., FACE A NEW PROBLEM £hJs s . . tern·t· Prmg th p· K e I apps, along with the other f rath I Jes here th at demand 3:t State, were introduced to a problem s e lack of . s Imm~diate attention. This problem i:; ~holastical!mteres~ m fraternities that is exhibited b.Y S ately 70 Y qualified prospective rushees. ApproxJ0 emester R ruhhees visited the house during Spring srer a 2.0 a~s . Week. Of these 70 men, only 24 had S dered to b etage. Twelve out of these 24 were conloeken of the ~?tential Pi Kapps and were sent bids. ono Very e Ids were accepted. These figures don't 'I'camPus g~d, ):>ut compared with the other houses th he lack 0 / . dJd better than the average. e\7:t each frat ~n~erest was made evident by the fact fe,vry rushee t~mty had to ~o out and nick up nearly as l'Ushees c a~ came to the house. There were very ,f~.ey have ~mm~ to the houses of their own accord incr Is .attitud o~e m the past. th easlnttlv he IS, to a great extent, the result of the th~ students havy work load that is being placed on bene Spent in ere at St.ate. Many men feel that the frateffts that frat~rmty cannot be justified by the oni ~l'nity, Thi ey n.nght receive ft·om belonging to .a ti 0 nlon that sffeelmg comes from the general pubhc ~; a raternity is strictly a social organiza"e h . ll1ea ave got t 0 h 'rh · ns a lot s ow these men that a fraternity lif~s doesn't %ore than just "Wine, Women, and Song." ell1 ' We are :.an that we should play down our social thePhasize th s Ill a social fraternity, but we need to 0 PPottun~t other aspects of fraternity life, such as M.t, y' Y to assume responsibility, the business


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FHUGGING AT UPSILON chapter hou e party. Another achievement which made the campus aware that we were on our way to the top was our vict?ry in intramural football. We were led to the league title by our quarterback, James Masters?n, who allo~ed only two defeats. With the amount of mtramural pomts we gained from our foo~ball .victories ~e stand sixth in total points in the Umvers1ty. There IS an excellent chance that this rating will rise by the end of the year. In addition to our inner spirit and dri~e we have been aided in our rise to the top by outs1de help as well. Both out-of-town an~ local alu.mni pitched i_n to help. One of our most actn;e a~umm, Thomas Knzan, helped push alumni contnbu~I?ns $600.00 over the amount raised last year. Two. VISits from Ted Scharf~n­ stein showed the way .to Improvement, .and. havmg Founders' Day dinner with Me.l Metcalfe I!lspued the chapter to seek still greater achievements this semester. CHI-STETSON CHI CHAPTER, FOR TH~ third consecutive semester'. had the highest scholastic average on campus. Our overall average was 1.485, .162 above the next fraternity. Our actives had a 1.564, and our pledges had a

1. 36~;

won the White League basketball championshi~ wilh a 6-0 record for the. season. In Green League P1 Kappa Phi is currently tied for first place. 13

Bronx, N. Y.; Paul. Rohan of Holyoke, Mass.; John DU Rod_gers of St. _L oms, Mo.; Steven Wagner of Silver trat Sprmg, Md.; Richard Hansum of Scarsdale, N. y., Was Henry Siegal of Great Neck, N. Y.; John Seibert of hou East Greenbush, N. Y.; Gary Fisher of Trumansbur~· an N .. Y.; Steven Bayes of LaFayette, N. Y.; Charlei ho~ Wilson of Ithaca, N. Y.; and Richard Bochan of Broo~· ricu lyn. A 9ur new officer~ for the spring term are Robert Ji frat Wilcox of Ft. Plam, N. Y., archon; David F. Dunn o hea Allentown, Pa., treasurer; Eric J. Dunn of WaldeP• spa ~- Y.,_ secretar:y; W. John Zygmunt of Brockton, MasS·· frat histonan; Dame! S. Marcellus of Middletown N. y,, gre warde~; Peter J. M. Trozze of Binghampton: N. y,, \i chaplam; :;tnd Donald J. Greene of Poughkeepsie, N. y, consocial ch!lirman. . 0 Mr. Michael D. Spe~cer, Psi '61, of Corning, N. y,. Peel has been elected president of of our Alumni Corpo· Wa• ration. Vice president is Mr. Leroy W. Carlson, Psi •64· obt~ of New Paltz, N. Y. fou'



Bruce Haulman, a senior from Panama City, Florida, was selected Homecoming Host for the 1965 Stetson Homecoming. Bruce is majoring in American Studies, is a member of the University Orchestra and Band, vice president of student government and active in all areas of campus life. Pi Kappa Phi and Zeta Tau Alpha placed first in both the Greek and campus divisions of the Lawn Decorations contest during Homecoming. Four Chi brothers were selected for Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities: Chuck Bugg, Richard Ginn, Bruce Haulman and Bob Snowden. The intramural program is looking better than it has in recent years. The basketball team is undefeated, and George Hayes, a miler from Georgia and a new pledge, placed third in the intramural crosscountry race. The addition of a new barbecue pit behind the house was the project of the pledge class. Chi has initiated a new award for the freshmen girls the brothers feel have helped the fraternity and are deserving of being called "Rose Buds." Each year the brothers will pick another group of girls who will help serve punch at the house and are pinned or lavaliered to brothers. This year they were presented at the fall weekend. When the Sigma Nu house caught fire and burned through the roof and third floor, we aided our fellow Greeks by helping them carry personal belongings from the burning house. Brothers Frank West and Ray Smith are Pi Kapp Scholars. And Brother Bob Snowden received a $10 000 scholarship to Vanderbilt Medical School. ' Chi Chapter will host our District Conclave. Brother Steve Wilkerson is in charge of this event. Our new chapter officers are Ken Kinciade, archon; Ian Patterson, treasurer; Jack Dawson, secretary; Joe Beavo warden; ,Toe) Bagnal, chaplain; and John Haire his: torian. '

PSI-CORNELL RUSH HAS BEEN A SUCCESS for the third straight year. We are all pleased with the job done by rushing chairman Kent E. Liebman of MarblPhead, Mass., and his assistant, George Feimick of New York City. We pledged 14 men. They are James Brown of Rosedale, N. Y.; James Kirkpatrick of Glens Falls, N. Y.: Donald Fenbert of New York City; Paul Mayer of 14


OMEGA'S NEW OFFICERS ARE Robert Sills, archOn; th~ Jack. Strang, secretary; Joseph nose, treasurer; JaC~ co~ Berhen, warden; Anthony Akers, chaplain; Gary }lo.Pd me1 son, house manager; Charles Peggs, steward· o.P Di Thomas Pearson, historian. ' an~ Omega is_ pleased to report ~~e pledging of 28 me~ Cor for the Sprmg of 1965. In additiOn, four new brother: th were. initiated into our order this month. , so~ Bemg particularly well known on campus as a sing1Pi It . house, Omega is proud to have been selected to prodUC~ be a record of Pi Kappa Phi songs, and work on it h8: Br· been progressing well. The house also is looking fol Th' ward to University Sing, the highlight of Mother's D~l W~ weekend activities. . Pat Three of our members, James and William Griffith·. tes and James Bradley, have formed a trio as a specialtl Pa1 act for the internationally known Purdue Glee CJub· r 1 Recently Omega Chapter, at the invitation of Brotne1 the Trimmer, sang during services at the Federated Chllrc· Fri of West .~afayett.e, ~nd. ei tni: . In additiOn to smgmg we have been actively engll~ 1, an< m sports. Our basketball team was beaten in overtJP 1 vo 1 in the finals. Socially, we recently attended a fine pari; ' giv~~ !or us by Upsilon Chapter. Even with all 50ti1 Wi; activities we are happy to report definite schol11 ~ thE improvement. (Incidentally, we are the only house O· Sa campus with three dogs.) A.f Fu ent ALPHA EPSILON-FLORIDA l ALPHA EPSIL<?N FOLLOWED an active spring s: a l mester of house Improvements with a big informal rll· be that netted 38 new pledges. tr' w, !he ~rothers came back a week before classes st~r)IO ' this tnmester, and under the leadership of .AtC pi so< M~nuel Jame~ o~ Key West and Pledgemaster J3eei th< ~Ichael of Mia~I, began painting, cleaning up, P 11 1~ mg the downstairs, and laying a front sidewalk· 1~ th 1 work was completed just in time for rush when aJI 1~ in brothers redirected their efforts and helped secure w2 largest pledge class on campus. .1 Vi 01 In intramurals, Brothers Spike Hogg, Bob zilleb 5' e ha and Ken Hola of Lake Worth and Manuel Jame Key West won the handball trophy for Pi Kappl.l · an and after a third place in basketball the chapter t at rated third in over-all standing for' the PresideP fr 1 Trophy for sports. A~ social life is never slighted at the Universit~ 1r br, Flonda, Alpha Epsilon has an outstanding social Cj8r ce· dar. Under the direction of Social Chairman til' he. Howell of Fort Worth, Pi Kapps have been alternll)ll W theme ya;ties with record parties every weekend '~f there Isn t a band. These parties are open to rus pi :n~ and help to obtain, on the average, about one GI pled~e ev~ry week. e' In: 1 This tnmester also has been filled with sever!! p1i· st. change socials with sororities on campus that yro to round out another great year for Alpha Epsiio!'l· l>l.t,









John DUE ALPHA MU-PENN STATE Silver tratioJ~ INCREASED PRESSURE from the adminisf. t Y~i Was com~r~l adt Penn State, the Inter-Fraternity Council !l' . house to e e to raise the minimum average for each ;butg; any indiv·~ 2.35. If this average was not attained by 1 arl~: house wo~]~a~ house for three consecutive terms, that :roo ricular act' T e prohibited from social and extra-curJ Alpha MVJ Ies until it did make that average. ert oi fraternaJis u rose to the occasion. In the true spirit of nn heads t m, the brothers of "the shack" got their aldeP· SPare xgether and made that average with room to .\1a~·· frate;nit~ average of 2.49 put us 16th among the 56 ~· y" greater im~ at Penn State. Only one house made a We also ro':ement than Alpha Mu. N. · coming in fi~~~Ieved the ranking of a Master Chapter, y Our rush' place in the standings. ~· 0: Pectations. mg progt:am was successful beyond ex~~r~4, Was very The ~n~hus1asm displayed by the brotherhood SJ obtained f~ratJf_Ymg. A total of 14 good boys were foundation this. Spring's pledge class, and a firm Prozan and ;.s la1d for next Fall's pledge class. Doug rush chairm Im Y a man turned in a wonderful job as rchOP; ~reek W;n. · JaC~ th1s Year 'I'hek ~t Penn State began on January 31 !IBP' committe~s we Pl Kapp representation on Greek Week . and ln~n of com ~s very large. Two brothers were chair' Dmner Pr tnJttees. Tony Zeme headed the Exchange 3 Jl'ler ~nd Glenn 1~a~ between fraternities and sororities, other. tl~ntest. 'I'he has in charge of the Snow Sculpture s e festiviti ro~ ers Four gave a concert as a part of jngin! I oro~ity are es. he Pi Kapps and Zeta Tau Alpha l'Oduct bt WJI! be highl-:_Phrtners for this year's Spring Week. it h9' Be England ~g ted by the carnival. Our theme will for· 1' racht and 'l'~n the skit will be about a pub. Mike ~ DBl whe OVeran thy Zeme are co-chairmen for "the shack." or]~·s Fair, erne of Spring Week is: "Penn State's riflith; f:t{ In are th 0 ifer events that Alpha Mu will particiecialt. p s • the Quee e ad-Hatter Contest, the He-Man Con:Jub· ~eant and th 0 ~ Hearts Contest, the Miss Penn State .rotne1 th Very act' e oster Contest. ~ hurcl Fr~d brothers IVf slate of social events was enjoyed by 1 Jn' ay and So Alpha Mu this past term. Regular a~:ers With Aithrday. night parties, not to mention Vo Zeta Tau P a Ph1, Kappa Delta, Gamma Phi Beta !fhe througho~Pha, ar;d numerous jammys were in \Vi e Pledge F the wmter. th~e and chees ormal was held February 26 and 27. A Sat Occasion ..,: Party started things rolling. Dress for Afturday after as red and white striped surf shirts. Fu]~r dinner th 00 there was a formal cocktail party. ente on . Trio and ormal dance began with the Bobby F rtainment many coeds supplying the evening's mg sl or sp . . a) ru' a !nixe rmg term AI h x· ~ be j r, and se • P a 1 Delta will provide us with We alntnys andveral ';lOre are forthcoming. There will 'I'hk and M:oth special festivities for Easter, Spring soci jnks must er s Day. the ~ committe go to Ron Borkowski for getting the "' estivities e out of debt this term even with all !erry II · • thrilJ oover h . in ge~t~his basketbs ftven his fraternity brothers many 1 s.eason . His play was a big factor Was 1. 1 ~g Penn v e Virgi ~dispensab! ~~;te mto the NCAA Tournament. He .eb01 r ha 8 bnla Univer ~ m State's two victories over West mesl'~ Dr e..;_n, sing]edsity. Several. times this season Te;ry pa ' an act ~rtc A. Wai out for ~raise by Coach John Egh. P.~~t at AI ~ess at an fef, President of Penn State, delivered frate P .a M:u Feb n er-Fraternity Council meeting held In r.pities as 1 ruary 22. He said that he will support broth ebruary ong as he is at Penn State. Cent whood. Theseven pl~dges were initiated into the berge ranchel! a:e Hiram Lee Daley, Michael VinWeg]r, Fredrick avid Lee Hauer, James Kurt HerzAlpahrz and Joh HChagens Schaefer, Mark Phillips nackJ a M:u•s n aries Zahniser n new office rs are M e1 Ross, · '-l'sk ey. • treasur arc h on; T om ,rnl e' tnanaOVtch, histo ~r; Bob Simpson, secretary; Terry - plr stewagder; GlennriaBn; Tee Burns, warden and house pro r . usch, chaplain; and John Gulley, ]on· . 1.\f\y,

· </








ALPHA XI chapter house at 33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn.

ALPHA XI-BROOKLYN POLY ALPHA XI HAD A wonderful fall semester. The brothers have never been more responsive and successful in school and chapter activities. Pi Kapp's position in the political structure of the school was felt, and all major committees and clubs have at least one brother on their rosters . A striking example of the standout quality of the brotherhood was displayed when the tuition at Poly was raised a sharp amount, and Brother Floyd Baranello quickly aroused the spirit of the students, not for revolt, but for a show of alertness to school affairs. After an orderly rally. led by Brother Bar.anello, a convocation took place w1th Dr. :Weber, president of Poly, being questioned by a committee of students (largely Pi Kapps) on the financial responsibilities of the administration. Floyd also was acknowledged in the ~o.cal newspapers as the major cause of the student sp1nt. Heights in the academic field also were reached by Alpha Xi this eventful semester as the 10 January initiates compiled an overall average good enough for Dean's List. Senior and graduate brothers also held their own. Three, James ~nderson, Joe Flaherty and Joe LaRosa, are now tea~hmg at Poly and many others are working on fellowships. Sporting events have .been duck soup this ~all. The name of Pi Kappa Ph1 adorns many trophies. The best event was football when the "Pi Kapp Killers" rolled out. "Scraps Night," Poly's OlymJ?ics, appea:s in our pocket and the softball season w1ll find us m top shape. On~ of the chapter's ath!etic leaders, George Siracuse, medalist wrestler, has given us great depth in all fields of play. . Renovation, the word repeated. so often I_TI our letters and publications, must be me!lt10ned agam. Our century-old house is gradually bemg c~mverted to .rl?odern luxury, the latest improvement bemg the addttlon of another completely re-done room. (new walls, floor and ceiling) and new main foyer tloormg. One of the recent rewards for the house was its i~clusion in the National Landmark which Brooklyn Hetghts has become. Our next "Woodbird" will include a feature story on the occasion and a detaile~ history of our ~ouse. The chapter has enJoyed a good social season. The Rose Ball was held at the Huntington Town House. "The Blast" dance was unveiled at the Hollywood Terrace in Brooklyn in March. The executive committee for the spring semester is 15

Pi Kapp On Campus powered by an all-Italian group of brothers. They are: Floyd Baranello, archon; Vincent DiGiovanni, treasurer; Robert DeMarino, secretary; Mike Pilo, warden; Don Vigliotti, historian; and Tony Sacco, chaplain. ALPHA OMICRON-IOWA STATE ALONG WITH A VERY LARGE pledge class, Alpha Omicron has gained a welcome addition in Manuel Olano, our foreign exchange student from Spain. Manuel is an architecture major and came to us via FISP, our foreign student exchange program sponsored by the Greek System here at Iowa State. Manuel is a very interesting person. He not only learns more about the United States, but he teaches us a lot about Spain. Many of the members have been active in campus activities this quarter. We have three members on Greek Week central committee and are very well represented in other campus activities. Kelley Bergestrom is president of Gamma Gamma, our Greek honorary at Iowa State in the process of colonizing on other campuses. The members of Alpha Omicron are very anxious to move into a completely remodeled and enlarged house in the Fall of 1966. With the plans just back from the architects, things look very good for Alpha Omicron in the future. ALPHA SIGMA-TENNESSEE ALPHA SIGMA THIS QUARTER has outdone itself in performance at "The Hill." Starting off the quarter with nine new pledges, the chapter began a new climb toward the long awaited goal of excellence on campus. Next came the annual All-Sing competition, in which Alpha Sigma placed in the finals. Edged out of victory by only a few points, our group proved their stuff with vigor on the stage even though our bass, Jim Sparks, had pneumonia. The pledge class selected as its pledge sweetheart for 1965-66 Miss Mary Ann Sizer, Chi Omega pledge. he was crowned at the Pledge Formal at the Senators lub. A visit from the Knoxville Symphony Bells and their dates added even more spark to the dance. Chairman Pledge Wilson did a great job on the dance. In the political picture, the chapter has joined the

majority party on campus to put it into the run~ for offices on campus for the coming year. New chapter officers are Frank Rozzelle, trn~ from Tau, archon; Art Keeble, transfer from Betll secretary; Roy Smith, treasurer¡ John Whiteh 0 historian; Phil Snyder, warden; a~d Bob Haun, c lain. Plans are being made for the Rose Ball at the JJi Hill Country Club. Rose Ball Chairman Art J{e guarantees all an outstanding night as the Pi J{l rock-out for their spring fling. Just one thing, anY~ know where we can get some money? Goldfinger J{ is going through it like Pussy Galore did Fort J{nC ALPHA TAU-RENSSELAER BEFORE THE NEW SEMESTER began, Alphll conducted its semi-annual election for house otli The new officers are striving to carry on the dyn' leadership provided by last semester's officers. semester's executive board includes: Art Ander archon; Jim Russell, treasurer; Rick Pocock, secrdt Bill Krepick, warden; Dave Taylor, historian; an Estes, chaplain. Alpha Tau's major project for the year becll11 reality during the last week in January whe~ interior decorator finished the redecoration ol Elizabethan living room. Now replete with a w&1 wall claret carpet, beige walls, beige and claret drl sliding doors and new vinyl covered furniture, the ing room has become the chapter's main featuref Rensselaer's rushing began the first week in ary with open houses for three days. The next 1 weeks saw formal and informal coffee dates ant party lasting from 3:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. Thll included a cocktail party, buffet, R.P.I. hockeY ( and an after-the-game party. When the fervor down, Alpha Tau had pledged nineteen prosPd brothers. The spirit of the class in both work an is very impressive. This semester has seen more alumni contact t~1 the previous few semesters. Many alumni visit 1 house during Saturnalia, Rensselaer's winter weer Academically, Alpha Tau was one-tenth of ll 9, below the campus all-fraternity average. The c\ boasts 11 men on Dean's List this semester. Rell 1 that our academic achievements this past sen~ were below normal, Alpha Tau is looking fol"""ll improving its academic standing on campus. Pi Kappa Phi at Rensselaer has enjoyed ll

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CROWDED DOORWAY means winter rush at Alpha igma Chapter. 16

HALFI'IME BREAK f o r Alp h a Tau IFC






succe f Af . nigh ss ul social sea runt h t Party h. son. ter our annual registration of~~ until th~u~ 1 ~s; kept the brothers working pretty tran· for e best Parti~~ mg party which, as usual, was one Betn R II Russell Sage c0 the year. The house held a party aitehO tua Y Day, which ? 1ege. (the local girls' college) on Jn, cr ea~ued out to be ~~t their class. competition day. It end Y 10 girls f q : a gathermg smce there were he V• held We Welcom~~ ese? _bro~her. The following week't Ii Part a concert on F ~dumal_Ja. The Clancey Brothers 11 Pi J{l and Y. On Saturd ay mght, followed by a house anrh overbsffet before t~~· h thk house held a cocktail party er J{r othe . t. Lawrence U ~c ey. game. After a close victory ; J{n~ Cats\, Party with a mversJty, t~~ chapter hosted an1ocal band- Turk and the Party p· I{ Upcorn· a~d appa Phi:n;hvery soo~ is Sadie Hawkin's Day at Jpha W~sk the broth:n the gn·ls from Russell Sage call , 0 flir are Jth campus ei!'s _to a par~y held at the house. ' dyn' ru engaged in .c~JOns commg up, many brothers :ers. als~ fo{ President~}1 t~hal. ac~ivities. Dom Polimeni will ttnder va . P ace rnen e Jumor class. Alpha Tau should ;ecret' of w:us classes Th~tudent C?Uncil representatives from and Nich el Political· Par~s year Jim R':lssell is vice president AI 0 hs are represe Yt r-ave Demmg, Bob Estes and AI Und ~ a Tau has b n a IV.es to ~he _party. bane1 the chairrn e~~ quite active m sports this winter the tearn carne :;tns 1P of ~ave Sundstrom. The baskethouscharnpionshi~n second m our Lr<:.C. league, losing The e bowling te game by one pomt. However, the von chapter is c am sw~pt the I.F.C. championship. Pro eybal! and .urrehntly m the middle of the handball Ice th ockey seasons. W"th S prmg . 1 ap-, keenachin g, the br J\.1 0 tnpetition ? ers are looking forward to some brot~ a Tau ham golf, track and baseball. erhood inten~ a busy semester ahead and the s to make the most of it.




II \

A.LpH:A. U ALPHA UPSILON-DREXEL Iast N PSILON GA VE ITS 30th Anniversary Show ences ~yember t Fran· A Tale ~fonTe of Drexel's most receptive audiwo Sit-Ins" spoofed 19th century o ce and th current . "1 ng . h t~ situat.ion. Paceur 33 -tnan epled CIVI of B-and still rnai ge . class has qu1ckly p1cked up the Sp J?lus. ntams an overall weighted average 1 Whit~ ~g Weekend th.1 of th eauty Lod . s year we will again be off to truly ose Who atteg~ Idn the Poconos. With the plaudits Sav~UPeriative n e last year, we all anticipate a annou Ing the beste~ent. Dre)(e~ce that we h or last, Alpha Upsilon is proud to Place t ~ I. ~- Cu av<: amassed sufficient points to win league 1 ?Ph1es in ~-o~t1 s was garnered by winning first Pros In basketball : I 3:nd bowling and winning our Year Peets for ' enms and ping-pong. Was fu]fillin next year look as promising as this g.


~~Ol{TL y ~LFPHA PHI-ILLINOIS TECH ., tneste . TER THE B <hey a~· Alpha Phi . . . EGINNING of the spring Westch Ie: Jarnes B 1 !J 1 tiate~ 10 men into the chapter. ~Ugheses~r, II! . Mtt, Ch1cago, Ill.; John Carlson, alacio' erwyn"' III 1 e Clay, Maywood, Ill.; Rich Ron s s, Quito E' ·; Len Mance Joliet III · Belo · IIIeyk ' cuad ' Elmhurst, ' ., Ill.; 8 Ide, . ' Downers G or; scott Pratt,

,,.'\lph~'pan_d Dennis {/.~e, Ill.; .Bob Tamburrino, Hill•vhi!e h1 has bee 1 ~n, _ChiCago. hrothe 1• 0 U~ success ~active m sports during the year. Place · s d1d tak as not been overwhelming the . IF football and 'third varsityIn IF golf e Ssecond pl ace m tning, b athletics: Th~~ral brot.hers have participated in The :M:sketball and ar~ P1 !Capps on varsity swimPeriod others C! b owhng teams. ~Vith a of inactivit u h r eorganized last year after a ~s. already provided the chapter Ior the stereo for d~Ction 0~ntry hall Th ~IVmg room and a set of drapes 1nners green starn Is was accomplished by the colSo~ne· ps and the serving of two buffet alutnni Upcornin . 0 1 ~erchan~:e the S~ri~ c jl events of interest to the ay 22 ISe Mart t~ eer Blast at Henrici's in the · ' e Rose Ball and the IF Sing,



ALPHA OMEGA-OREGON AL!'HA. OMEGA HAS ~EGl!N winter term at the Umvers1ty of Oregon w1th JUst three major goals namely: rush, rush and rush. Last year we pledged ~ man per week at this time. We started this term in the same manner by adding a real asset, Dick Butler of Portland, to our pledge class. Due to u~satisfactory rush conditions at the first of the academic year, the smaller fraternities on campus have succeeded in initiating a new Oregon tradition Winter ~ush, culm~nated by a Greek Week Ball. Th~ purpose IS to acquamt freshmen with Greek life. Alpha Omega has gone. one step further, however. Using a master plan outlmed by brother Stacy Goff we have b~gun a dorm rush program that will put u~ in touch ":'1th ever~ frosh on campus. The names of all prospect.Ives g? .mto a card catalog which contains names, hkes, d1shkes and other pertinent data on each man Id_eally, by the time a freshman hears about Greeks h~ w1ll already know about Pi Kappa Phi. Academically the pledge class broke records with a 3.1 average. The brothers trailed below this but well above the campus and Greek averages. ~ocially one mig:ht say we are known. Planned for th1s term: a fires1de party, ski trip, testing Greek Week Ball, recovery period (possibly at the 'beach) testing, fireside and finals. ' . In closing, one thing an Alpha Omegan learns to say h1s first day: Thank you Alums for your support Our existence would be perilous without you. · BETA ALPHA-NEWARK BETA ALPHA HAS PROGRESSED fairly well the past few months. Bob Manthey was elected Ugly Man on Campus by vote of the entire student body. As a result of this a large trophy now sits in our cabinet in the chapter room. Scholarship, on the whole, has been poor the past semester. Excuses for this (although there shouldn't be any) are excessive time devoted to rehabilitation of our newly acquired house and a lack of an organized scholarship program. Richie Hock of Harrison New Jersey, was top man in the house grade pointwise. The new chapter officers include Ed Byrne and Ed Klebaur. Ed Byrne is now archon, rising from the post of house manager. The other Ed is now treasurer formerly was chaplain. Gerry Kurth, living a fe~ doors from the chapter house and just back from a semester at Gamma Chapter, was elected warden. Ed Mooney of East Orange, N. J., is our sophomore chaplain. Former historian Bob Kee of Elizabeth, N. J., is the new secretary. The seniors have been occupying much of their time for the past month taking job interviews. Much of the conversation around the house has been along these lines. The pledges even put up a score sheet, listing the offers and rejections of each senior. Bob Polucki of Nutley, N. J. recently was defeated in his quest for the office of treasurer of the Class of '66. Bob Kee is thinking of running for I.F.C. vice president. Russ Pepe of Harrison, N. J., was inducted in the Electrical Engineering Honor Society, and Chuck Monachello was inducted in the Honor Society for Industrial Engineers. Chuck is from Patei:son, N. J. The I.F .C. basketball season has been fa.irly successful for Beta Alpha. I.F.C. bowling has just begun with matches on Sunday afternoons. Ben Gazdowicz and AI Olsen are starting members of the varsity basketball team, which has run up quite a record with the help of these two brothers. The chapter by-laws presently are being prepared for eventual revision. Bob Smith and Rich Brusco, both living at the house, are doing this painstaking work. About 19 pledges were installed last October. Of these, 12 will possibly be initiated within a couple of weeks. Social functions were scarce last semester, but the annual Playboy Party was a huge success. The neverfail New Year's Eve blast successfully broke in our 17

its se< lea te; th; Wa

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BUNNY JOY BRINGS JOY to members and alumni of Alpha Chi Chapter at Miami during the annual Fouod;. Day dinner. It was held this year at the Miami Playboy Club, and Bunny Joy was the Pi Kapps' bunny for 1 w· occasion. At the head table were (from left) Ralph Knudson, secretary; Richard 0. Whipple, former chaptel1'1 u; visor; Hank Turner, past archon; Harry A. Slefkin, chapter advisor; and Ron Smith, archon. Oh yes, 1 tin Bunny Joy there with the smile. su, cia ALPHA CHI-MIAMI te1 new party room. Although the room was a little chilly, quite a few alumni and almost all undergraduates and THE BIG SOCIAL EVENT of the fall semesteJ& ~~ pledges paid no mind to that. Alpha Chi, University of Miami, was the FoU~ 01 se] During the school basketball season, many of the Day dinner held at the Miami Playboy Club. Grn c• , brothers attended the Saturday night games to cheer members in the Miami-Ft. Lauderdale area were Jlt fu] N.C.E. onward. Sometimes an informal party is held at tacted by mail and telephone resulting in an e:x:c~lf th the house following the game. This past Saturday an turn-out for steak dinner, speeches and an improf C IC~ open house was held for the members and coaches of songfest--not to mention the lively presence 0 05 lat the varsity and junior varsity squads. The varsity coach Bunnies. The announcement that Alpha Chi intefut~ A.r is our advisor, Professor Fitzgerald. We are hoping, use the same locale for this annual event in the th, for the third year in a row, to walk off with the N.C.E. was well received by all present. . . ,, Varsity Booster Award. Also taking place at the Founders' Day dmner sti ile The annual Christmas party given for the orphans the installation of new officers for the spring serneul' ll'J; was not held this year on advice that these children Ron (Smokey) Smith, archon; Jerry Kyttle, trens ro W< were overloaded with parties during the Christmas Ralph Knudsen, secretary; Edward Roman, "" 9 pi er: season. Plans are being made for either a party or a and pledgemaster; Robert Gangwish, chaplain and l'e: picnic for them in the Spring, however. tori an; and Flemming Andersen, social chairma;-r~ a Brother Nick Toomer recently instituted a track Using the personal contact system as well a~ ·~i~t fe: club at the school and has gotten favorable response. rushing, five new members were pledged and ITI 1 05, Brother Andrew Yurchuck, who left school a couple during the semester. In November, Ralph Kn~iB~ !) 1 of years ago, is back with us again. Bob Vandergrift, Edward Roman, and Robert Gangwish, all of J11i~' Sh working in Newport News, Va., comes to visit us quite were initiated, and in January, Richard Zook of t t ]01 often, and no one can figure out how he makes it back. and Ned Gale of Delaware. A banquet was held 11Jlle ou Jerry Drobinski of Bayonne, N.J., a night school senior, Playboy Club in January to welcome these neW a· was engaged two weeks ago. b~. ~ The Rose Ball chairman is Jeff Boughrum. The plans During the Christmas vacation the members stl' G! are very similar to last year's, and the usual good teered their services in operating a refreshment re! ea -atop one of Miami's largest department sto turnout is expected. The Annual I.F.C. Ball was under un the chairmanship of our own Bob Kee. Our present for the Variety Childrens Hospital charity. 'frB'' Rose Queen, Miss Joan Walter, is our entry in the In January the chapter received a visit from v~J JiJ ing Counselol' William Dicks who gave us manY eri· fo: I.F .C. Queen contest. This should be a fruitful semester all around. A push able suggestions for the upcoming formal rush ~et of the spring semester. Our goal for this semes Jll~ fo· is on for improvement in grades. Our new committees are now in action along with the new officers, and dues to gain a minimum of two pledges per active rn~e e As the chapter is presently without a house, t are coming in. Things are looking good. 18








Phasis . is be. brotherhood mg placed on the benefits of fraternal We also hav:nd per:sonal friendship of the members. Way to ha . established a goal of being well on the semester ;mdg a house in the works before the spring Du . n s. POI~tment . rmg Janu of ary th e chapter also welcomed the apDmversity of alu_mnus Harry Slefkin, Beta Theta, Slefkin had Anzona, as chapter advisor. Brother ance to AI hende~ed considerable service and assistWe look fo _P a Ch1 even before his appointment and 1 off We! manyWard th t 0 a ]ong, happy association. We' also hipp]e Alph anks to our former advisor Richard as ' in a. Ch'1• w h o~e mcreased · th We]] as business' activity, e Position ~fieadse<;J fam1ly necessitated his giving up a VISOr.

THINGs BETA GAMMA-LOUISVILLE Jum · AROUND .BET.A. ~AMMA have really been in Ping late] our history. We Just Initiated the best pledge class A!thou h Y. ~~~s~ We gha;;n~ller than usual, it was the closest knit th a Pi Kapps e~n. Hard workers, good students and Ii ese men. Th Is the best description we can give Nlander, Ji;YH~r~: Ed_ Hoben, Joe Horlander, Fritz ho ow that th r y, R1ck Klemens and Ray Pryor. M:~s~ We cane J'~e~ges have finished redecorating the init~c . really ca!e 1':to ~ur normal series of parties. wa abon Part . m w1th a roar this year as our Da~ supplied by ~~~ounded across the campus. Music tuck~ Rhodes ex h e ~'Kustom s," with our treasurer, T Iana are~ sit-r yt. m and blues king of the Ken1 ~ and supplying the vocals. its ~~ "Big Biue sec -game ba k ave of Beta Gamma recently had lea ond in the fr! etb!l-11 ~ir; . streak broken to finish teague. It was termty dJVJSJOn of the UL intramural tha( Played a v~rgreat ~isappointment to lose, but the \Vas our best Y creditable game in spite of the fact 1 our ~n the ben~ha~~r, Rob S~ragens of Lebanon, Ky., dt' recorctam has am thda spramed ankle. In three years, Fourt asse a superb 24 wins and 4 losses • 1 ty for 1 WI BE :hapter 1 D :r'H THE S •TA DELTA-DRAKE yes, 11'' ti~ul~ersity weE ' CONd D SEMESTER of classes at Drake . the11fin un erwa.Y' B e t a D e I ta chapter JS . consuccelng In class s_sfu] pled e fa_s~10n which began last Fall. A tern it Intact; ho~~vtrammg program kept the pledge Beta Y at Drake er, as was the case with every frathoughDelta did' I;:!i':Y freshmen did not make grades. Selves t and all £bate one of the largest groups, 10 0 \'r new actives are proving themThe 0 be enthu~ fun ~all seme t Iast1c and productive members. the ~~tg· Hot:] e~ ended with .our social program in Kappa 4 Winter Fort Des Momes was the scene of later Kappa Ga 'ormal, at which Miss Bea Eller, A.m ~ We Played h~ma, was crowned queen. One week 0 the D~ o.ur guests ~to t~e alumni for Founders' Day . ,, . Th tr1ct Presid or dmner was Vern Sodawasser, :iinner li lleged ne.xt day w:nt . . se)')'les !has p children f opened our doors to 25 underpriv. u~ treas 0 '"as K arty for ~~~ Des _Moines for our annual Christn, W~\. ers Pu~Ppa Kappa children. This year's co-sponsor in and reany on the b' amma .sorority. One of the broth1 irman· a gift need that ~ red smt and whiskers (he didn't as fo!!r fessio~ Later, th! 1ch~w) and presented each child with . 'tl• Jd Jrtl d' D The a] magician f J!dren were entertained by a proJ{nu.;~ ance new semest rom Des Moines. of ~i' fhake~ It Was "B ~r got underway with the Pledge ' of 1 o'"in s from Ch· e a Delta a gogo" as the Rhythm held nt our a~nthe Pledg~cjfo provided the entertainment. FolneW Jlle a :aen ~al. Casino pan.~e was another successful party, This0 asmo ai Y· The house was decorated as ol' Jers v ts' 5 semester we nent e' Gloria .t stor . earned Graham from have a new housemother, Mrs . Underst the .respect of ~~w Orleans, La. She has quickly J· Our andmg are w·d e brothers, and her charm and 1 e 1Y appreciated. f 11h ra~Utstandin or sch ked amo g pledge for 1964 was Jim Antes. f We tastic ac~! the top seven men in fraternities or the O!~ed Nu ch:ement for the Fall, 1964. District C )ter and Alpha Omicron at Ames ~ ~, 'f, one ave March 20. Coming up is our


BETA GAMMA alumni welcome National President Metcalfe to Louisville. annual Rose Ball, traditionally the biggest event of the year. We are hoping the alumni will attend and really make this event a success. BETA ETA-FLORIDA STATE RETURNING FROM CHRISTMAS vacation, the brothers of Beta Eta Chapter went to work. First, there was the rewarding task of initiating nine men into Beta Eta. Our newest brothers are Jeff Cross, Paul deZeeuw, Bob Elefante, Steve Everhart, Buz McCall, Tom McCall Dave McKinnon, Bill Peacock and Francis Williams: This group is full of athletes : Jeff Cross was on the all-star fraternity intramurals basketball team; Paul deZeeuw is the number one tennis player for Florida State; and Bill Peacock is a starter on the Florida State basketball team . The second task before the brothers was spring rush. A new system of rushing was. ~evise? by brother Ty Gregory. The brothers were d1V1ded mto five rushing teams, and each team competed to see which could get the most pledges from the rushees it brought over. This system has proved very successful and we have 21 pledges so far. They are working hard and even challenged the brotherhood to a football game. After





NEEDY CHILDREN were feted at Beta Delta's annual Christmas Party. 19

Pi Kapp On Campus receiving a solid thrashing, they vowed to next try the brotherhood at softball. Beta Eta had the second highest scholastic average of the fraternities on campus. The officers for this trimester are Randy Plotts, archon; John Shaffer, treasurer; Johnny Mastry, secretary; David Ward, historian; Ralph Cross, warden; Dave Stoddard, chaplain. The Rose Ball Weekend is the highlight of the year for Beta E.ta and should be a roaring success. The new chapter advisor for the Beta Eta chapter is Dean LaPradd, the new fraternity advisor for Florida State University. He is a Pi Kapp from the University of Florida. In the elections this year on campus, Johnny Mastry was elected to the Junior Judiciary. Several of the brothers are now acting in the world famous FSU Flying Circus. They put in a lot of hard work and are a credit to the school and the fraternity. Look forward to big things from Beta Eta chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in the future. BETA IOTA-TOLEDO THE PI KAPPS OF BETA IOTA held their spring semester turkey dinner in April. This is always a big event for the brothers because it is a time when the brothers can enjoy a good meal while earning some extra money for the chapter treasury. The preparation of the turkey dinner is done by the actives with some assistance from the chapter's Mothers Club and alumni chapter. The last turkey dinner in the Fall of 1964 netted the chapter over $300. The sports program at the University of Toledo for inter-fraternity competition involves basketball and softball. The Pi Kapps are participating in both sports. The basketball season is in progress and we have yet to win a game, but with a little more practice we should come up with a few wins. Softball season starts soon, and the prospects for a winning season are good, with most of last year's players on the team. In addition to the regular inter-fraternity sports, the brothers of the active chapter always have several basketball games with the alumni. In the first game the alumni won, edging the actives by three points, but the second game should bring victory for the actives . Date parties for the spring semester have proved to be quite successful with each party centered around a particular theme. One with a Roman theme proved to be one of the best date parties Beta Iota has had. More theme parties are being scheduled for this semester. The Mothers Club purchased new carpeting for our house. The scholastic record of the chapter for the past semester, as in past semesters, was one of the best on campus. BETA KAPPA-GEORGIA STATE BETA KAPPA CHAPTER opened winter quarter with high hopes for continued success in its bid for campus leadership. In the last year and a half, Beta Kappa has surged to a position of power and, above all, respect among the other Greeks at Georgia State College. The students at State moved into a new student activities building, with each fraternal organization being allotted (for a somewhat extravagant rental fee) a small, bare chapter room. Beta Kappa worked on its room day and night for three weeks. As a result, we are the proud possessors of the undisputed number-one room on our campus. Greek Week was a tremendous success for the Pi Kapps, as we captured the coveted Sing Night trophy. This was a unified effort by both brothers and pledges; however, special credit must be given to Brothers Stanford, Hammer and Abner, who were particularly instrumental in our success. Since Georgia State lacks a football team and has an utterly hopeless basketball squad, intramural sports are all important. A fraternity's entire reputation can 20

BETA KAPPA'S new chapter room, complete • built-in trophy case.


rest with its athletic ability; not too fair, perhaps!:. unfortunately all too true. The Pi Kapps kept , winning spirit by finishing third in a basketbal; IeS[, that boasts two teams that could run the Georgia 9 Panthers off the court. Softball season is fast appr~r ing and Beta Kappa has high hopes of add ing a , place trophy to its new trophy case. 1 In saving the best for last, we wish to co»111n. Brother Gheesling for his leadership in the rush e~, that netted us 10 very sharp men. For the last.s Beta Kappa has placed its efforts and emphaS 1b1 quality, and this is really beginning to pay off. We p~ high hopes of a successful spring rush and a verY ~ perous spring quarter. Beta Kappa's footings ard ,. on firm ground and we look forward to continue · cess at Georgia State. BETA MU, McNEESE STATE ., WE BETA MUs HAVE done it again. Four str~~ victories have brought the basketball intramural ce(' pionship trophy clearly in sight. We have won , game by at least 20 points. The shortest man onpl team is 5-11 and the tallest is 6-5. And this is the111 time in three years Beta Mu has entered a tell the intramural basketball competition. f r1 So far, we have netted many good pledges 0 pl' semester. Since their arrival there has been )11 action, including the dunking of Pledgemaster 1# Sennitt at a recent beach party. And thanks to ,P Gene Kuntz, the fraternity had a "Hobo Party.' ]1PP Our Rose Ball has been scheduled, and the c is raising money for the affair. On one Saturd 1l1 1 cently, we raised $80 in a white elephant sa1e, another car wash project is scheduled soon. . ~i Our new officers are Edwin M. Potratz, archon.~!$~ ert A. Dewey, treasurer; Frederick M. Wills, sec! plB. Herb H. Sennitt, warden; John D. Handley, chlloi John H. Baldwin, historian; and Robert B. Bstudent government senator. rti Brothers Fred Wills, Larry Reppond, F'~jsi: Jaubert, Donald Airhart and Ed Potratz have thv1r our brothers at Beta· Omicron Chapter at No~· t C ern, and we are looking forward to our DistrJC clave at Northwestern. pP' Our Christmas Party was a great success w~th Ji 80 people attending at the Lake Charles HoltdaYeCc Beta Mu also topped the season by winning 5 place in the School Spirit contest. te£t Recently initiated into the chapter were SJ 9 ~r Charles Hagge, Gene R. Kuntz and Fortune J, IV, who won the best pledge award. THE







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BETA OMICRON Officers (from left) Chris Docolas, warden; Shehon Eubanks, archon; Larry Bucknum, trea surer; and Teddy Baxter, secretary.

Xi Chapter House at mid-winter.

BETA XIBETA XI-CENTRAL MICHIGAN seme t !IAS COMPLE both s er. Brother TED ANOTHER successful Schoiihade the D s J_ohn . Shoberg and Doug Friedrich frate ~~~S~ip Tro han s L1st, and the chapter won the 1 h nJt1es on P Y for the best average among the u1any · campus house nnproveme t · some · Among them n s haye been made on the chapter mn'' Ped · new livin are bled floors in the study rooms ~h ea· Ois~~s _donated~ r~hm furniture and a set of encyclo: ~st J'' Thr In honor ~ e chapter by Mr. and Mrs. Virsil Bob Bee broth ers f our dece~sed Brother Jeff Olsen. 1 asis 0 We P1 400-y Utler is a c ~eta X1 deserve special mention. !l'Y p~ John ard freestyi o- 0 der of swimming records in the are I judie; Shoberg w~:elay and the 400-yard medley relay. ued ' the B~ry, and Larr cho_sen a member of the student Ou Oster Club Y Nichols was elected treasurer of Nich~I new ofl'ic~rs rich s, secretar are Gary Ohlrich archon· Larry ' . en· c 'y·'r Ken S m1'th , treasurer· Doug' FreidchapJ' Ward A aJn. ' ar Peil, historian; and 'Don Jackson, \ve n~uccessfui s . Streng~ have ni~:mg rush has been completed, and an hav en our ath ne~ pledges. We expect them to J{ogers e ~hove aver lebc e_ndeavors considerably, and Nagai ' J1m Hosn age pomt averages. They are Jack Denn;:'sLarry larry Beale, Ralph Dinse, Steve B Social chumaker ' oger Ransom, Joe Choaniac, and an, a Plans for. th house s Well as e new semester include the Rose tal!y ~e1n Easter ;~m:ro_us d~nces and mixers at the h Beta :i(~ded chiJdr r Y IS bemg planned for the menouse s 1 Will holden at t~e ~tate Home. 0 1hetime th. ~he . D1stnct IX Conclave at the llETA IS prmg.



on;~; : ~1'A OAf~c~CRON-NORTHWESTERN STATE lcreJI' "G Ud to .n.ON CHAPTE •hllP reek:,, announce . . '.R . OF Pi Kappa Phi is i. C81· Novelhb Chris Do 1the ImtJatwn of its first Greek has bee er 1, 196 4 cChs. ofhElefsis, Greece, was initiated Fort.~ 0 Utstan ~ the reci. . ns olds the office of warden and e viS'' ShTedd:Ing Work f~e~~ of s.e':eral compliments on his ,rth~ reve W. Baxt ~ ~r~mmg of pledges. ~jet nutn 0 0 rt, La anctr! Initiated with Chris is from Shelton E:Natchitoche IS Lhapt_er secretary. L~rry Buck.th 0): tn Other Ubanks is :· a ., IS treasurer. Our archon, dnY c' d.eeting news 0 r{ th rom Vidalia, La. ~ se [tl'erent of the Pre <:1d northwestern campus includes a t GlTiethodGreek org: . ent.s and representatives of the StePl> reeks 0 s Which w-wzatwns on campus for discussion Js~ ,, n campus It _Promote a stronger unity of the "' ~ 'r · Is our belief that we as Greeks,



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may further establish a respected name for what we represent. BETA TAU-VALDOSTA STATE BETA TAU IS NEARING the close of what has been the busiest quarter in this chapter's history. Starting off the quarter was the Miss V.S.C. Beauty Pageant, which was under the direction of brother Jerry Pilcher of Smyrna, Ga. The contest was the most spectacularly staged program this campus has ever seen. After the Alumni Banquet at mid-quarter, the campus came to life with the music of the "Infernos," a band composed of four brothers of Beta Tau. The band supplied music for four parties the brothers and pledges held for the sororities and the independent girls. Toward the end of the quarter came homecoming. Our float, under direction of Jerry Pilcher, was "Goldfinger, or Put The Finger On Legrange." It brought more compliments than prizes. Basketball has been more work than results for the first team and a lot of fun for the second team, the "Goof-offs." BETA UPSILON-VIRGINIA CONTINUAL EXPANSION AND diversity were prevailing themes of Beta Upsilon Chapter throughout the close of the first semester and at the beginning of the second. In this period the chapter received awards for both individual and brotherhood efforts, expanded its membership 10 % over last year, and increased its prestige by electing a brother to a political office of the University. It also increased its status by supporting two service organizations in the community. For fraternities at Virginia, December 6, was the most important day of the first semester. It marked the end of a two-month rush period and the creation of a new pledge class. Because the chapter is extremely young in comparison to the 30 other fraternities on the grounds, some of which have been at the University for more than a hundred years, our influence in certain phases of University activity is not as great. But Beta Upsilon met the challenge successfully by pledging 17 first-year men, a class above the average number of men that pledged each fraternity .. \Yith the initiation of nine new brothers and the add1t10n of three more pledges in February, the chapter increased its number of brothers and pledges to 71, a 10 per cent increase over last year and the largest number of men in its history. The chapter's stress on scholastic excellence has proven to be an irresistable attraction to prospective neophytes and an equalizing factor in competing with the more established fraternities for prestige. Beta Upsilon recently received two awards in recognition 21

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Pi Kapp On Campus for scholastic achievement. Brother Edgar Browning from Flint Hill, Virginia was selected as a Pi Kapp Scholar for 1964. Beta Upsilon received its second award in January when Brothers Ted Scharfenstein, assistant executive secretary, and John Davis, traveling Counselor, presented the brotherhood with the Will E. Edington Scholarship Award. Brothers Scharfenstein and Davis arrived at the Beta Upsilon house unaware that the brotherhood was aware of the purpose of their visit. They attempted to conceal the award while bringing it into the house, but they had to stop short at the bulletin board where a sign reading, "Beta Upsilon wins the Will E. Edington Award," covered a third of the board. The brotherhood, although not surprised at the presentation, was thoroughly delighted to be awarded such an honor for scholastic achievement in 1964. Brother Ronald McKinney from Gretna, Va. became Beta Upsilon's first politico to win a major college elective post. Brother McKinney was elected to the Judiciary Committee, whose function is to administer the University's honor code. Beta Upsilon is supporting two community service organizations in the city of Charlottesville. Beta Upsilon holds an annual Christmas party for underprivileged children whose major support comes from the city's welfare committee. Presents, purchased with contributions by each brother and pledge, are given to each child. This spring, Beta Upsilon joins with the other fraternities in staging a Children's Carnival for mentally retarded children from Charlottesville's Rehabilitation Center. Two members from Beta Upsilon are on this committee. The brotherhood of Beta Upsilon, with the other fraternities, will build and maintain booths at the carnival, and a prize will be awarded to the fraternity with the best booth. BETA PHI-EAST CAROLINA IN THE RECENT CAMPUS intramural wrestling tournament, the chapter finished second. We had three champions: Mack Davis, Ed Brock and Jim Rice. Beta Phi Chapter was number one in scholarship on campus last quarter. Our average was well above the all-men's. Brother Richard Scott, who recently won the campus basketball foul-shooting tournament, has attained his fourth-degree green belt in Karate. The chapter also has seven men active in the local Circle K Club. Last quarter, Brothers Mack Davis, Mike Holt, Charlie Martin and Charlie Wohlnick completed their practice teaching at nearby schools. Brother Gary Miller is on the college swimming team. Twelve men were pledged last quarter. Eight others recently were initiated into the brotherhood. Among the new initiates, Mr. Gorman Ledbetter was initiated in the capacity of a faculty advisor. Local Founders' Day was celebrated with a banquet and dance the weekend of February 12-14. The Chapter's Rose Ball will be held at Morehead Beach, North Carolina. Several charity projects are planned in the near future. In addition, the chapter will present a trophy to the outstanding sorority on campus during Greek Week. BETA CHI-EAST TEXAS STATE THE SUN IS SHINING a little brighter on Beta Chi Chapter with the initiation of five new men into the brotherhood this semester. They are Ronnie Carrell from Duncanville, Texas; Olen Pyles from Dallas; Tim Lee from Dallas; Barry Hawes from Houston; and Tony Swindell from Denison. One man has been pledged so far this semester. He is D. E. Billups from Van Alstyne, Texas. E.T.S.C. came on strong to finish third in the Lone Star Conference basketball standings this season. At each home game the Pi Kapps were there cheering and beating their "victory cans" to promote a better school spirit and let the team know that Pi Kappa Phi is 22


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Tl:l Pee Te1 ore J THE INFERNOS, Beta Tau Chapter's own co~r Phi features sounds by (From Left) Jerry Pilcher on dr OUJ I und Jeff Hires, Jack Muny nnd Gerald Ch nprna 0 in guiturs. fra nei behind them all the way! . ila: We are continuing our open rush program w1th E:a sonal visits by several brothers, set up on a ro~:f l schedule so each rushee will have an opportU~ 1 i ch, meet each brother. The brothers of Beta Chi antiC La· a good number of men will be ready for the brO Pla hood next Fall. P not Our Rose Ball will be held at the Ramada IR9, bee Dallas, and we will crown our Rose then. Mis~ J{ef ter Hix from Van Alstyne, Texas, is our Rose of P1 n' nat Phi. She is a member of Kappa Delta sorority 8 I Rose of whom all Pi Kappa Phi can be proud. ~ We The Pi Kapp's hopes for any part of the intra~, nin basketball crown faded away in the second game J~lf Te1 season when Brother Jerry Billups from Van A 1~ An Texas, sprained his ankle after an impressive oir Te· effort in the opener. A leader in rebounds and Pn 1 his absence has been felt. He hopes to return soo boost us back into contention. in




BETA PSI-TENNESSEE WESLEYAN r ~l~ THE WINTER QUARTER FOUND Beta Psi C~~ in prime condition as the second largest fratern\e• Ch. campus, with our winter rush program yielding To excellent new members during January. o!! Po· 0 The snowy slopes of Mount Harrison, just 8 l the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, beca:rol fot weekend campus for 27 Pi Kapps during Fe ~ th( This annual Planning Retreat has become a fe~ Pu: warding highlight of every winter quarter 0 t be. chapter. In committee meetings during the retrell ~~ •< brothers and pledges formulated plans in specifiC oil such as public relations, rush, finance, internal P~5 t( and social events. All events through next Chtlnd' were planned here and placed on the school cale jf. We Pi Kapps are very proud indeed to have •I gurated a tradition here at Wesleyan. For me:n1ilf various organizations had discussed the poss1b 11g91 sponsoring campus-wide All Sing but with . nefin' results. In February Pi Kappa Phi succeeded In ot · ing, sponsoring and independently carrying ~oder ~ll first annual All Sing, which was described by s eve h0 faculty and administration as one of the finest ppe· a to take place on this campus in many years . !~ 11 so! destined to become one of the heartiest tradition school established in 1857. ·on Although we could not enter the competiti«e prizes, one faculty member wrote that he felt ort' carry away a trophy from All Sing: "a highlY P gP~ kind that will never rest in a trophy case or dust on a mantel." Enough said! def Pi Kappa Phi also is contributing to the ac 8 1.1 ft. , TH E S TA R AND





life he rep re at Wesle 0 of resentatives ldyan. ur Inter-fraternity Council co a "College Boso , all Greeks on campus on the idea 1 rn TllPetition br ~h· panel as a part of Greek Weekend r er]y dead 'fu ea. mg l!e~ academic life into a forae~arkable co~cbon. This mnovation has resulted in a nWGreek acti~~{n faculty with Greek Weekend 1 Ies °~m the d . e are ha general.

~tVIsor, Mr. ~~hn t~ ~nnounce we initiated our faculty e)(co the Gold and c. m3:n of the English department, fr eiJent adviso White m March. He is a fine teacher ¥hrnity as w rlland a notable addition to the nationai co] ~ chapter ~ as our local chapter. se onization be~~ P:oud to have risen from its humble sp~~1d largest f;~rmg_ fo~r years ago to the school's We I of Pi Ra a erm~y. m 1965. We are bringing the Sin sleyan Col!e PP t:h 1 mto reality here at Tennessee VaJ·~'· Col!ege B~e 1 rough such operations as the All I Ity of our m~t an,? an :undying dedication to the BETA o- Nothmg shall tear us asunder!" TliE BROTOMEGA-EAST TENNESSEE STATE Peop] HERS OF B . Ten e know of th ETA OMEGA stnve to let orednessee State e. pro~ress we are making at East Phil by Wide P~bt~rsitr. The chapter has been honour anthropic cont . 1c 1t¥ m the local paper for our In P;YsicaJ ad ributwns to the city as well as for in th ebruary thanc~ments at the University. frat e Johnson c·~ 1 apter was honored in an editorial neighbnity•s Winte Y P~ess Chronicle concerning the 0 ilar rhood. Tw r ProJect of snow removal in the E:app c?llllllendatio~ weeks I~ter there appeared a simAs s Work in th Hnd Picture concerning the Pi chapt a result of e eart Fund drive. Lall!ber, Bata Om the fine efforts of everyone in the Placedda <?hi Alph:gAlj 0 ~ the ~rst place trophy in the not ci .third with -Smg With our small group and hecau VIc Praise it obr large group. Although this was tered s~h this w;s th r~ught .more _honor to the chapter nation e competit" e rst t_Ime P1 Kappa Phi had enIn Bl fraternit· IOn and IS the youngest of the six were . ~ta Oll!eg 1;s at State. ning Ifllti~ted as s ~st initiation the following men Tenn ~ RIViera B rot ers of Pi Kappa Phi: Tom ManAnde; Gene Smi~hc\Fla.; R?b Wood of Johnson City, Tenn .son of Roanok 0 Rock~Ille Center, N. Y.; Fred Da]t~~ Ed Cooke Va.; Bill Pottebaun of Knoxville, . The 'b Ga.; and taunton, Va.; Jack Churchill of In a]] rothers andm Haer of Knoxville. Place fithletic event pledges made tremendous efforts a resp rst in sport stl~~e entered. Although we did not The ectab]e sho:· I~ year, we did manage to make CharJiechapter's ne~ngffim basketball and bowling. Toll! M Woods t 0 cers are Dale Hodgens archon· Potteba anning \isrtea~urer; Ed Valentine, s~cretary; Ever un, Pled gem onan; Byron Brown, warden; Bill found [ 0 ne awaits aster; and Gene Smith, chaplain. the fut or our hou the day when a replacement can be Purchasure, so righ~ at 515 W. Poplar. This day is in b The a e new furnit now the chapter is preparing to <1.eight nnuaJ Ros Bure for the present house. 8 Country Cl bll.was .held April 3 at the Colonial u m Kmgsport, Tenn. 0



GAMMA BETA-OLD DOMINION COLLEGE GAMMA BETA CHAPTER ADDED six men to its rolls last December. The new brothers are: William D. Bakun Jr., Walter P. Burke, Thomas J. Lewis, Louis H. Richard, Bruce K. Stamply and Carl G. Womack. The chapter has its second pledge class since it was chartered. The new pledge class has 12 members who have organized extremely well and are doing a great job. Gamma Beta has brought several new practices onto the campus this year. One was a rush party with the theme a Greek Orgy complete with togas, ancient foods and old Greek practices. Another was the bus trip to other chapters-Mu Chapter at Duke University and Kappa Chapter at the University of North Carolina. No other fraternity on campus has gone to this much trouble to show rushees what their fraternity is like. The rush chairman thinks these original ideas were at least partially responsible for the fine group of men who we pledged this Spring. On the sports front the chapter has tied for first place in volleyball and is sporting a splendid 4 and 1 record in basketball. With the coming softball season the intramural chairman expects increased activity in the sports department. KAPPA PHI COLONY-TROY STATE COLLEGE LESS THAN TWO YEARS AGO, there were no social fraternities on the campus of Troy State College. Today there are three fraternities here, and others are starting. The Kappa Phi Colony of Pi Kappa Phi was the first fraternity at Troy. In the summer of 1963 Charles Kendrick of Lambda Chapter, University of Georgia, transferred to Troy. Charles and Terry Butts of Omicron Chapter are most responsible for bringing Kappa Phi Colony to Troy State. Today Kappa Phi Colony has 22 charter members. There are 17 members in the first pledge class. The colony has rented the old dining room of the Hotel Troy to be used for meetings and parties. We have our own Rose and are planning a spring formal in her honor. The colony is taking part in intramurals and other campus activities. We are trying to show the school administration that a good fraternity will be beneficial to the college. The charter members of Kappa Phi Colony and the first pledge class make up quite an outstanding group of men. Three of our brothers are class presidents: Jim Freels senior class; Jackie Hines, junior class; Glen Seale 'freshman class. Past presiqent of the student gover'nment is Johnny Butler, and Robert Kittrell, Earl Chancellor and Terry Butts are senators. There also are some very fine athletes in the colony. Jackie Hines, Bo Barrow, Ray Stephens, and Johnny Pittman are varsity football players. Ron Burroughs received further honor by being named to the Little All-America Team. Pledges Lamar Andrews, John Enslen and Larry Thorp are varsity basketball players. Pledge Billy Gamble is student coach of the basketball team and a pitcher on the baseball team. These men are fine representatives of their school and our fraternity.


Colon l'£Jt MEM hatna Y 1\t l'roy :.ERS of Kappa Phi llose fo ate College in Alar





Alumni Support Grows In 196fi loyalty of Pi Kappa Phi T HE alumni continues to be dem-

onstrated by the response to the Fraternity's annual Voluntary Dues Program. For 1964-65, 1,415 alumni contributed $13,478.08 to the program that bolsters the financial operation of their fraternity. This year's Voluntary Dues Program chairmen- Claude Carr, president of the Rawlings Sporting Goods Co., and Herman Hipp, vice president of the Liberty Life Insurance Co.announced the results of the 1964-65 dues drive and the names of those alumni who conALPHA-CHARLESTON Simon Fogarty, Thomas C. Hunley, William Davis Crawford, Mason Carroll Stroud, Harris Preston Pearson, George Adam Byrd, Jr., Dr. John F. Busch, Jr., Robert l . Blackmon, Lt. Col. George E. Sheetz, J. C. Hall, M.D., Dr. Charles Newton Wyatt, Robert Prince Taylor, Frederick Lovell Oates, Thomas W . Reynolds, James B. Watson, Thomas F. Mosimann, William A. Wallace, W . Bernard Jones, Jr., Capt. leon K. Wolfe, Jr., Ben Wilson Covington, Ill, Boyd l. Marlow, Jr., J . C. Hall, David C. R. Heisser. BETA-PRESBYTERIAN H. Wilton Show, Joseph Leroy Barnett, John Coffee Neville, Henry Muller Brimm, James T. Glover, Cornelius W. Grafton, James W . Milam, Jr., Lt. Col. B. W . Covington, Jr., James Preston Charles, Jr., George M. Lockwood, Jr., Marion M. Frazier, Lawrence E. Young, Dessie Brown

Durden, Jr., John l. Donaldson, Jr. GAMMA-CALIFORNIA Charles L. Dimmler, Frank lawrence Stack, William James Barnhill, Herbert Hardy, Roy Jackson Heffner, Edward L. Kellas, Charles Thea Mess, Ralph W. Noreen, James C. Suits, Fred Reuben Richardson, Joseph J . Tapscott, Alonzo E. Washburn, Fred A. Heitmeyer, Emerson Burleigh Morgan, Paul Stewart Boren, Walter Benjamin Collins, James Francis Hamilton, Kenneth Ashton Davis, William Ray Kern, Norman Carl Klotz, William Franklin Walthall, Salvatore Grassi, Alexander louis Croce, Robert B. Krost, Allen Kenneth Reasoner, Richard Hart Steuben, John J. Dunlea, Richard P. Cornish, Jared W. Hawkins, Robert G. Tuck, Ned Ross Crouch, Robert S. Dawson, Neil B. Weatherall, Joseph J. Young, Phil!ip V. Hurley, George A. Lineer, Lloyd J . Heger, Stuart A. Monfort, Walter S. Nordquist, Jr., Max 0 . Nye, Young D. Stewart. DELTA-FURMAN Belton James Workman, W. Harold Arnold, 24

tributed funds. Total contributions this year were slightly ahead of last year's dues total of $11,045.25, contributed by 1,202 alumni. Contributions have continued to climb each year, however, from the Voluntary Dues Program's first year in 1961-62, when contributions totaled $5,649.50. One out of 13 alumni contributed to this year's program. The chapter having the greatest number of contributors was Alpha Upsilon Chapter, Drexel, with 68, while Omega Chapter, Purdue was second again this year with 57 alumni contribu-

Mo Joh Wit tors. The greatest numbefr He, 1 contributors -136- were Ma Florida. The next greatest n· l<nc

ber-114-were from Georj ;~~ National President Mel ' c. calfe has announced that J Gu C. Wilson, Eta, will be chaiJ~ ~: of the 1965-66 Voluntary. Co, Program. Brother Wilson 15 Me ecutive vice president of, ~-i American Red Cross in W ington, D. C. Mu-1 Below are the names of tt Lee who contributed to the 19& Wi. Voluntary Dues Prografl'l· Jar them go the Fraternity's r~ ;~ nition and appreciation for 1· All gifts. ter ~~

Dr. Marvin R. Smith, Jr., Robert J, ~~ Ted A. Giles, Dr. Alex J. Siddell, tf C. Kiehl, Fred G. Mylius, Jr., Ge• O'lary, Robert Louis Slimp.

Curtis Vance Bishop, Robert H. Dilworth, Jr., Thomas F. McAfee, Jr., Herman N. Hipp, Euta M. Colvin, Earle G. Prevost. EPSILON-DAVIDSON Robert Frank Brownlee, James Raymond Morton, Jr., William Henry Lawrence, Harold F. Coffey, Caldwell Pharr Johnston, Reginald Lyne Price, J. K. Hall, Jr., John A. Womack, Frederick Steven Curdts, William Palmer Mills, Lawrence Lewis Boyd, Ernest Albert Beaty, Major R. T. Peters, James Y. Wilson, Paul Stockton Cooper, Kenneth V. lawson, B. Calhoun Hipp, Clarence A. McArthur, Jr., Myron W. McGill, William N. Mebane, Jr., Emery B. Denny, Jr., Robert E. Cline, Charles H. Reid, Warren B. Higginbotham, Cyril Berwyn Rush, James Preston Williamson, Jr., Virgil 0 . Roberson, Ill, Terry L. Odom, William Francis Clingman, Ill. ZETA-WOFFORD Charles Frederick Ayer, Clarence A. Monroe, George Williams Brunson, Paul Black, Thomas David Bailey, William L<>wis Bozeman, James D. Parler, Rhonnie Alfonso Duncan, John Campbell Muse, James Chambliss Freeman, Francis Preston Owings, R. Seer Owings, James H. West, Ralph Kinard Johnson, Dr. James R. Owings, Bernard A. Foster, Jr., Thomas Lorin King, Marvin Alpheus Owings, A. P. Evans, Dr. Charles H. White, Thomas K. Fletcher, Jr., Rembert 0 . Burgess, James Horace Corn, Zeb C. Williams, Robert G. Scruggs, Ben Hickman, Basil Thomas Brown, Robert Dean McJunkin. ETA-EMORY James W. Robinson, W. L. Bazemore, M.D ., Albert V. Folsom, Emory Charles Pharr, James L. Graham, Edwin H. Rappe, William R. Moran, Charles A. Jackson, Jr., Euchlin D. Reeves, Jr., Alva A. Knight, Joe Sheffield Graham, Edward Cecil Bruce, Jr., Edred Childs Benton, Jr., John C. Wilson, Joseph Warren Cannon, Jr., Joseph Cook Shear<>r, James C. Grizzard, Raymond Edwin Cole, Thomas J. Wesley, Jr., THE

erit BrE 8e 1

Dr. Joe Wi Wi

IOTA-GEORGIA TECH C~ ~~ Charles Eugene Denton, George Jel' Ho Griffin, Guy E. Manning, Otto ~~· H. Hood, Harry Anderson Butler, Ri< ref Mt Morris, James Wallace Grant, M•df Pa: Cook, Jr., Thomas Litchfield Kenn: Harvey Duard Mclean, Estill ·~~ Mv Hazard Earle Reeves, H. S. Ro.,...lo C~ Joi Mathis A. Ezell, Albert P. Cornell; ~ Ne 6 Meriwether Thompson, J . Cleve AI 1'11 ry ert Julian McCamy, William R.p r All James Alexander Byars, Herbert ~ Sh, John R. Mitchell, A. Hewitt McGr•l'l; W. Hatcher, M. W . Rogers, Jr;• Jl·• Nu_ McClanahan, Lonnie Allen Morrl 5 • 0' D ert M. Sweet, Jerome B. Withe~\IJid C. Johnston, Paul E. Leake, S~ stc Bennett, Frank D. Miller, Charles p.' Clc Roach, Robert B. Williams, Edgar Ci erj son, Dennis D. O'Brian, Pitman Bk 1 F'< land, James G. Loudermilk, Broo "t~­ En Jr., Elwood F. Mclaughlin , Ji, frr Whorter, Robert T. Lawrence, Jr• B. Cornish, Ralph Waldo Brook\·~~ liam D. Powers, 0 . Harley TornP ~•' ert Carri, George Winston Jio 0 Pau! T. Eaton, Philip G. Dern~~;r' Edgar Bartell, E. Braxton Greer, C Cooper, John Winston Benkert• )('-! Q. Reeves.



KAPPA-NORTH CAROLINA d• Robert Thomas Bryan, Jr., Ed"'";,.,~ March, Henry Green Harper, ~ Baker Marsh, Richard L. Youn9• stet' Frederick Howell, Frederick c. Thomas C. Smith, William Ly•""~ I · ros, C Iy d e W . Eb y, J r., Willia"' N~ r Bobbitt, John G. Sla ter, Hen'Y j'e ~ 1 Boyd, Joseph E. Slater, Jr., LeS d kins, David D. S. Cameron, Jrji ~ McCollum, Linwood J . Brasw~;, ~ Blaine Hawkins, James Kilgo Klu Jl• P. Adams, Thurston Ray Adart1 5• Boyce Fisher, Jr.









rlAMBDA-GEORGIA Howard Deuel Yerger, Robert Hunter Kirkman, Jr., Jefferson Hiden Walker, Jr., ( Edward H" Brown, Richard Emberger, David W. Donald E. Rink. Clay laf Inion Lasseter, Inman Padgett Coates, William H. Delatron, Lawrence Srnith W~IYI.ette Threeton, Jr., Henry E' M • o oarn Ed · UPSILON-ILLINOIS H. Kelly. oran, D W • gar Talley, James G. John C H0 ld · Motchell, Paschal C Reese lver T. Almberg, Walter B. Austin, Mybert OMICRON-ALABAMA t Williarn· l er, George Benjamin . Brooks' E. Broom, Howard H. Cork, Dr. William E. nbe H b ester Dun J I • •. re fi er ert Ru rt can, u es G. Edwards, Joseph H. Mclure, V. Hain Huey, Leo HarEdington, Frank S. Howard, Jr., H. WilMaffett Ja pke Ingram, Jr., Herbert S ben Pou, Dr. George H. Kendrick, John liam Johnson, Elmer G. Krause, Lorentz • I l<n ' c son E C 1 • • t · o von, Wyckliffe A. ~S '' ox, Charles Monroe Counts, Norman Snow Morgan, Englehart Wormley, Byron 0. House, ;eorf Jr., Jim M 5100. • Ebertz, Harvey W. Smith, George Robert Bennett, Jr., James Frank Martell E. Thompson, George S. Walker, 1el ' Jornes G. .Hun'noff,. Wilburn A. Blitch, Jr., Chambers, Roy Francis Prather, Philip l . Kirk A. P. Werden, John Columbus Brown C. Stovall J ' Maroon W. Luckey, Henry Butler, Charlie S. Price, James Little May, Frank Webb Teegarden, Jr., Robert 1at ;uy Stondife~' ~ohn W. Wilson, Dr. Jack Jr., Thomas A. Johnston, Ill, J. Raymond Reed, Eugene John Ullemeyer, V. William hairt <Dowen l ' am M. Slade, Stewart w Lett, Edward Lamar Turner, Jr., John W. Sanderson, Clarence William Smith, Col. ry Wells, M~x e;oy langston, Charles A: Turn e r, Ray Pinckard, Gilbert Carter, Jr., Theodore A. C. Rathje, Willie E. HaselHarley R. Hope, Earle B. Greenwood, Jr., wood, Philip D. Grover, Fredric L. 1•5 Cornan, Win·10 . Brabson, Capt. John H )n Meadows J "' P. Coulter, James Mcleod Willard W. Young, Jr., Osca r Julius Pardue, Ketcham, Lawrence C. Altmansberger, Peter of111 W p ' ames Aust' R · Ph.'l' eeples, Gerald on e wos, Jr., Carlton Jr., Fred C. Hallmark, Jr., William F. SkinS. Presta, Ronald P. Watts, Kenneth J . 11 1 , ., P Tappy R S. Stone, Jr., Thomas ner, Richard C. Lacey, William S. Sharpe, Rabe, Wilson J . Seldon, Donald K. Eckfeld, Mu ' aymond H. Seagers, Jr. John P. Fitzgerald, Robert L. Shepherd, Col. George W. Barry, John Gordon Carf -DUI(e Marvin Wade Johnson, Dr. W. Ralph Sumson, Fritz Herman Elich, Elmer Johnson, 0 U leon merlin, Francis Sherrill Smith, Dewey T. Gordon R. Close, Ray E. McCormack, 19 ' JWi 99ons, . C. Richardson Nabors, Jr., Shelby Grady Mitchell, Noel Christian William Planje, Miles H. Thomas, Nath • Jr., Reynold Connor ·a)')'l· .~rnes Bundy ~n !aylor Teague, William Frank Pridgen, Jr. Joseph E. Pehlman, Edwin D. Mendels, ; rei so all lvey Pi;k avod S. Harper, Jr., MarJack 0. Roeser, Andrew J. Clyde, Melvin S I V. Foerster, Louis W. Matusiak, Paul M. for t AI~ane Woller ::•· John E. Dempste r, Jr., PI- OGLETHORPE Argyelan, Harvey W. Holmberg, Russell en W, Pegr Yne, Lyman Henry Bishop Alexander Franklin Laird, Jr., Sylvester 1 L. Mighell, George Walker, John C. Brown, ee~ C. Brawle arn, William Reid Pitts, Sum~ Cain, Jr. , Edgar G. David, William Walton rock W I( Y, Jr., Ralph S P'tt F d Jr., Lawrence Dexter Inglis, Carl Patrick Boyette, Ralph Adair Sinclair, John Brown Brewste; ;upp, William J . Rltte; sV.J'II~e Marrone, Jr., John Robert Straehlein, Evan Frazer, Frank C. Everett, Jr., M. Blanford Ben now F k , r ram P. Rolek. I J, N' Dr ~e~ly Mill~r ran C. Rozzelle, Dr. Eubanks, George Park Brinson, Jr., A. T. ell, ~~ J · Wolloam H B'· Earl Watson Long Jr. Carter, Jr., Alva Thompson, Thomas E. PHI-TULSA Gecrl Milton rodgers, Robert B. A;kin.' Ewing, Julian Albert Tumlin. ~lliarn H F " nhoy, M.D., Robert Dick' Hugh Cornelius Graham, Otto C. Seymour. •Ilia · u 1mer F R d ' T 1 rn Fran · ' · o man Landon RHO-WASHINGTON & LEE o son cos Fran k J ' CHI-STETSON ' D d ' Jr. G c • r., Edward L. C• o so ' eorge W L'l Shirley James Robbins, George Lee Hill, T. F. Chalker, Ernest Hatcher Dickey, Frank Jel Holle n, Jr., Charles . ' es, William W. Charles Walton Rex, George William SumPorter Mclain, Thomas Jaseph Jennings, Rich~' H. p~' B. Marvin Hu R. M~ers, Charles R. merson, Digby Clarke West, W. R. Bishop, Jr., Thomas Meade Baker, Fairley Douglas ••·r<' Mack Pe, Welsford rnp~roes, _Jr., Warren Charles Edward Branham, B. Kennedy "'" p • Fred •• E F. Boshoproc Leslie E King, Edward Bruce Henderson, Hewen A. osch 1 me w D • · Bullard, Jr., John Bell Towill, Donald S. ennedl Erw· a Jervey J en owney, Jr., louis Lasseter, Burdette Claud Eustice, Charles Hostetter, Jack C. Lovelace, Erwin J. Ade, II ~. 1 M on Henry ' Br., Robert Tillotson Dixon Thomas Henderson, James Thomas Smith, James Bland Martin, Robert R. Smith, unch Ch aurner Ch 1 ' 0 wiD ~ Walter Ernest Wilcox, William F. Kirch~ Joh • orles All • ares Herbert Dexte r Morse Bates, Robert M. Brown, Fred nell, Ne nson, Jr. W I en Johnson, Robert Lee haine, Perry A. Nichols, Harry S. Gordon, 1!. Waters, Jr., George Thomas Myers, DonAil'~ reus Cl ' a ter Cl' t B Lt. Col. Ted R. Boutwell, William E. Ray, '/1· ry F orkson E I' on on . Morgan, ald G. McCausland, Clifford B. Curtis, Jr., R. r All uqua, Thorn ng osh, Ill, William DrewArthur N. Morris, Jr., Thomas Jefferson Herbert N. Hamrick, Jr., Robert Dennis ,rt p. Shan Boyd Ra as C. Endicott, Ill Robert Deen, Jr., Walter F. Malmborg, Joseph Ballantine Roderick Alan Mixson, James :GrD;,f errill Tur~er. Ymond E. Vickery, Jr., Jack lyle Gillespie, Richard Martin Grunwald, Edwin Ro~ne, Richard G. Anderson, Wilr., Nu_,, Alvin R. Schneider, Kemp A. Maser, Fred ., Jr·· ••EBRASI( liam George Loeffler, Charle s E. Nolte, Ill, M. Conway, James l. Young, Leslie Robert ' ~ Dr. G A Norman P. Proulx, Edwin Porter Garretson, o"ers, Huffstetler, Gerald Duane Kruhm . 80 "'ill i~ Dr· rge A Jr., William Berke ley MacKenney, Ill, Floyd " over R · Odg rleS s~ Stadt ' oy w. Sea ers, G?orge Dorman W. McKinnon, Newell Smith Doty. PSI-CORNELL 11 ror D·' Clav' Ivan Way • Rornaone M. HalverMarvin Aiden Clark, Leonard Stock, Edwin 1 8 C l ericke Wheeler Hne Hedge, Walter McSIGMA-SOUTH CAROLINA C. Hanselman, Elmer Owen Mattocks, ·ookl f Fred . Rudolph ' Starry A. Lanning FredEdwin B. Boyle, John Delorme Carroll, " /II Enn· erock Alvin .. urrn, Oscar Lee' Koch Joseph E. Moody, lawrence A. Williams, n · ,J os F I( ,.,asters N ' Swaffleld Oliver Cowan, Cecil Douglas Norman Embree Scott, Joseph R. Burritt, ft Ord E · endall B on, eal D. Sloan McDaniel, Ray W. Edwards, Edgar F. Henry Jacob Marquart, William Berton ~5, _Jr• Brento.n Platt, le~r;/'~rn E. Johnson, Rich~ Bostick, Adrian A. Spears, James H. GrasDelong, Harley l. Potter, John R. Heilman, npk'~~ Jarnes • Jack Carl · Hedge, Judd Paul sette William Wesley Fincher, Jr., James Jr., Wyllys A. Dunham, Jr., Richard Harvey tio>"' l Donald ~erald Yaun Luhn, Robe rt Platt, Adams, David L. Diana, John H. Angus, Addi~on Palmer, Cuthbert B. Prevost, David ,.,urD• Donald . Jeannout:• George F. Spatz, William A. Gleason, Lawrence George S. Murray, Robe rt C. Lake, Jr., George S. ed ~Obert M.~·11 Fricke! ;;. hDonald B. Walton, 1r, J Thayer, George R. Askew, William Thomas erl <hell oc ard J . Williams Delay, Henry W. Couch, Ramon F. San' )(I erner ' Fearnside, Joseph Warren Adams, Alan J. chez, John H. George, Durwood W. Easom, -RoANoKe . Rude, Robert W. Normand, Leroy W. Carl· Jr., Eldridge H. Brown, Jr., Burton K. Benleonard son, Jr., Staton D. Lorent, Halsey W. nett, John S. Flynn, John D. Long, Ill, Potter Gaston M Buell. David W. Cromer, Eugene Brown. Crock' William D use, Thomas Willoughby · •ttE George · FrBradb lornin d . ury, R'ochard N. OMEGA-PURDUE TAU-N. C. STATE Pavn dear Ch e erock Poteet, BenCote e, Jr., H. S apma~, Frank Gravely William Robert Amick, John Foster Eberts, Franklin D. Cline, Robert E. Williams, Jr., ~ s, Jr Borong c 1 · Frederick Edmund Harrell, Ernest R. HenEdward A. Robison, E. Wilson B. Kilgore, "· lynn ·• •lliarn J . : a von Grady drickson, Lawrence P. Lang, Earl Hall Jarne Kennett lt . Phollops, Ash P. Huse David s. Cox, Jr., Joe Y. Honeycutt, How5 • W D· ' · Col E G · ' Shimp, John Moore Smith, Floyd Luse Mcerock G · oil on Th · · a rroson Wood ard Simpson Wimbish, Jr., Roland E. •• rirn R' • ornas H .. • Donald, Lloyd Chesley Skelton, lawrence ••olson • •chard · moore, FredNoblin, Thomas D. Cooper, Thomas McR. Bridge, George J. Haase, Herbert Otto We'd • Curtis l l M. Newman, Allen T Cain Hearn, J. Harold Mason, John A. ~· · on l 0 · ernon J · Meyer, Fred Woodbury Carl, Raymond 1<hard Wrence J ' oe W. Guthridge, Feather, Jr., J. P. Brawley, Charles M. Elbert Zook, William H. C. Higgins, Ill, Dur~.ya W, Dodd' .'·• James C. Turk, Setzer, Jr., Boyce M. Brown, Olin M. rd W 0 • londsey c Cl 'b David John Kimmel, Herman Gale Riggs, Gordon, John H. Gunn, Jr., Jacob N. · Wen J · ar orne, George Grant Fassnacht, Jack Holland Rob' ame s William Brittan, Sh e pherd, Jr., John A. Ross, James E.












inson, Elliot Newton Franklin, Harold Ray Johnson, Jr., Wallace F. Blackford, Robert A. Longley, Robert E. Thomson, Robert E. Greene, Shelden B. Swann, Carl Sadler, John McWhorter Lyles, Robert A. Peterson, Jack L. Jones, Richard W. Raney, William L. Swager, John M. Makepeace, James A. Sudduth, Paul E. Bohm, Jr., Robert C. Adams, Thomas V. Alleman, John 0 . LaFollette, Donald C. Swager, Robert William Macbeth, John William Ditamore, Joseph C. Huber, James R. Piatt, Duane M. Davis, Robert C. Wingard , Jr., Lawrence D. Hines, Gordon Charles Mattox, John Frederick Meyer, Robert Eugene Bartels, Robert L. Bentley, Jr., Ronald J. Eyer, Michael J . O'Reilly, Jeffrey Felber Coffel, John Richard Dienhart, John R. Hiday, Dennis A. Trescott, Michael John Klumpp. ALPHA ALPHA- MERCER William A. Bugg, George Vernon Hogan, Bod ie Travis Clark, Robert Lee Bennett, Charle s H. Davis, Jr., Ross Ullman Harden, John Thornton Ca sh, Cecil A. Kennedy, Carl E. Westmoreland, John C. Garvin, Jr., William Maratos. ALPHA BETA- TULANE Stephan V. D'Amico, Henry Moreland Robinson, Merlin Alfred Besse, Madison Truman Woodward, Jr., Henry Lee Wimberly, Boyd A. Evans. ALPHA GAMMA- OKLAHOMA Cleo Cecil Ingle, Orville Eugene Priestley, Esthmer H. Skinner, Cecil Townsend McClure, John Just Rogers, Robert C. Hudson, Melville E. Metca lfe, Leslie Milton Stone, Samue l L. Pangburn, Col. Russell D. Fagin, William Glen Dunnington, Vernon B. Stansell, J. Hubert Norris, Don C. Diltz, Ralph Bourn Roberts, Charles Donald Cunningham, Marion A. Foreman. ALPHA DELTA- WASHINGTON Norman Gardener Johnson, Walter Richard Jones, Percy Newland Shepheard, Ern est Edward Fischer, William Downie Wood, Deral Emmons Phillips, Charlie Edwin Rutledge, Carl Adair Hedreen, Charles Alexander Porter, William Laurie Porter, Elton R. Allison, H. Walter Shaw, John Albert Clague, Evans Alfred Hanna, John Magnus Nelson, L. H. Kotschevar, Fred John Overly, Talbot Louis Hartley, William Albert Krause, Deane Winston Parker, Charles H. Sedam, Deloss Seeley, George W. Morford, Everett F. Nelson, Kenneth B. Dorman, Jr., Harry L. McGinn, Fredrick R. Brown, Robert J . Hansen. ALPHA EPSILON-FLORIDA Herbert E. Behrens, James Walter Chambliss, Lawrence Evans Crary, James M. Pearce, James G. Sharon, Jr., Alfred William Smith, Frederick Alonzo Le Sueur, James D. Renfroe, Jr., Kermyt William Callahan, Albert Sydney Herlong, Jr., Marion Mitchell Permenter, Robert Ellis Scholze, Andrew MeG. Carraway, Lawrence Kaye Walrath, John E. Davitt, James E. Morris, George S. Coulter, Albert C. Mann, Ben H. Griffin, Jr., John N. Davis, Byron Edwards Herlong, Mercer Patton Spear, William J. Taylor, Jr., Fred S. Gilbert, Jr., Dr. Thomas B. Simpson, Frank Walter Rivers, Edwin Pope Leonard, Maj. Charles Lee Parker, Capt. Reginald H. Ross, H. L. Freeman , John A. Condon, George D. Johnson, Jr., Morris V. Cummings, Fritz K. Mitch,ell, George E. Pharr, Thomas M. Fitzgerald, 26

Robert E. Guyton, 1-Lt. William A. Stoker, Jr., Sabino Martinez, Jr., Murle E. Harrison, Donald A. Thompson, Henry I. Cross, M.D., Robert E. Chapman, William F. Sahlie, Elio Joseph Loj, John Benjamin Shaw, Peter Clairmonts Barr, Presley Frazier Shrader, Robert John Paterno, Charles Alden Stewart, Richard E. Glavin, William Caley Pierson, Michael Eugene Lewis, Vincent Charles Maggio, John E. Palmer. ALPHA ZETA-OREGON STATE Arthur Leon Sliffe, Robert Edward Williams, Harold Weaver, Howard William Davis, Alvin Hughart, Virgil E. Starr, Heinz P. Huebner, Thorne H. Hammond, Jr., Marvin Cummings Wilbur, Horace Charles Nachand, James Albert Head, Sumner Allredge, Kenneth Valberg, Marion Nicholas Sigovich, Arthur R. Shumway, Carl Burich, Dr. Aron Luke Douglas, Carl 0. L. Carlson, Richard C. Ross, Melvin D. Knorr, E. Frederick Thompson, K. M. Hawke, Jr., Jackson P. Schenck, Richard S. Shaffer, Robert W. Reeves, Gareth I. Grimes, Roy K. Stigum, Rodney T. Stodd, Raymond Carey Terhune, Robert John Elfers, Donald Paul Perrin, Gary Wayne Gleason, Larry Lee Gentry, Jack Theodore Reviglio, William David Elliott, Thomas Edward Gleason, Frazer C. Grant, William Weyland Thomas, Robert J. Brock, David E. Dillard, Robert Edwin Calkins. ALPHA ETA-HOWARD George C. Freeman, Edward Gray Jackson, James Theodore Jackson, Roy L. Shelton , Frederick Hollis White, Claude Emmett Carr, Joseph C. Hutto, Vardaman Moore Buckalew, Edward Early Beason, J. G. Cuninghame, Jr., Thomas Jefferson Payne, Jr., Elbert Byron Bruce, James Harris Crow, Jr., James R. Burns, Jr., James W. Edwards, Jack Bell, J. Wyatt Pope, J . Carlyle Evans, Stewart M. Winton, M. Darrell Barnett, Dr. Robert 0 . Lauderdale, Jr., Twyman D. Mitchell, William Robert Flowers, Pinckney Victor Love, Jr. ALPHA THETA-MICHIGAN STATE Orson D. Bird, Edward D. Clifford, George Sherman Mcintyre, George Dewitte Quigley, Louis Walfred Raymond, Otmer John Schuster, Martin K. Trapp, Alex Laurie, Kenneth Albert Bellinger, Edwin Robert Crook, Karl Hoover Jepson, Heward Ellis Elmer, Andrew Whitney Cobb, Philip Adams Minges, N. Kim Jepson, Ralph L. Follett, Jerry Earl Martin, Leo F. Szwalck·, Norman R. Sedlander, William M. Cleary, James F. Stoll, Jack Voegler, G. W. Parde 9, John E. Crichton, John Edward Clifford, David George Mehlhose, Richard Lee Goetz, Richard W. James, Frederick J. Staranowicz. ALPHA IOTA-AUBURN Marion K. Wilkins, Welch B. Elliot, M. S. Moore, Felix Persons Thigpen, Edgar Levie Wynn, Jomes Monroe Hamilton, Kenneth G. Taylor, Charles C. Workman, Jr., W. B. Haley, Jr., George J. Coleman, George S. Hiller, Jr., John T. Huff, Moyer D. Harris, Major James N. McJunkin, E. Glen Crim, Charles M. Wood, George F. Reddick, Jr., Frank H. Hawthorne, George W. Walker, Jr., Grover M. Whitley, W. Clyde Burke, Robert L. Ferrell, Fontaine A. Maddox, Jr., William Hendry, William Franklin Ford, Thomas W. Fuller, Fred B. Hallmark, Capt. Tommy W. Gordon, John R. Segrest, Jr., William Levi Morris, Jr., Richard Joseph THE

Scott, Jr., Hubert Hilton Joiner, Rob~ El; Ward, Dr. R. Doug Hawkins, so George Amos, Frank Montgomer)' "' Sidney Lanier Taylors, Jr., David ~~ M Daniel, Perrin . C. Bryant, Henna ~;~,ALP~ William S. Shenk, James Elijah Robb' Je, ALPHA KAPPA-MICHIGAN lllc James Totman Gillespie, Cecil ArthU'(ALPI; Kryn John Nagelkirk, Dewitt C. Jed Barnes Moebius, Wilbur A. Chi Ge 1 Harter Ray Smith, Jr., Gordon ALP!; Glair, Emil W. Keck. Ge ALPHA LAMBDA-MISSISSIPPI 1 Oliver Edward Cathey, Dr. F~ Latham, William Briggs Hopson, ~ Gaither, Frank K. Hughes, Frank ~ once, John E. Ward, Earnest W. McC

rer Ge Ta, W.' Jar


ALPHA MU-PENN STATE If Russell Delmar George, William S~~LP~ Eldo Frey, Dr. A. E. Tepper •. ,rl . Craine, James Moore Alter, Grlb l Rrcl Spahr, T. Glenwood Stoudt, LeRoY r Gr, Reiff, John H. Leightty, John P.. L 0 ~~ Rol John Denny Brisbane, Lewis Bfarne 1 Ro! William R. Walker, Leon M. Knell•l Do, F. Bush, Elbur C. Purnell, Richard ~j Per Richard W. Brown, Paul E. Willh• ;, W. tin Harris Smith, Jr., Edwin R.fh' Fre, Robert H. Auman, Robert E. 1 idg. Harold Leinbach, Donald L. Drak'\, hue Prinz Wenner, John George Schlllucfl Do, William Simon, Ill, Donald E. M~ D. Richard John Kleinert, Nelson E. ~i; Jerome C. Schutzler, John Har~ ~,1 11 • ~ i d liamson, Gordon Edmond Fry, • prl See J. Shue, George William Beile~'Jett ord A. Berton, Jr., Richard L. Hrl ~~ 8 1 William John Beisel, Michael E. · All, ALPHA NU-OHIO STATE cALPJit James Ralph Crandall, Russell 1 Newhouse, Edwin Rudolph Stick' '! Alb, P. Ansley, William G. Baldenhofe'•1 lien Robertson Knauer, Carl Alb~rl ~ Jr., Edgar Leon Repp, Paul Marton Cl Ja., Nelson Philip White, Robert H. 11, lia., Solomon F. Whirl, Daniel Ursu, II' L. C Chadwick, Frank E. Archer, 'onf Wickel, Ivan L. Smith. Rob, Dou. ALPHA XI-BROOKLYN J1 fond Herman Colell Fuchs, Arthur Afire p. J. ! fuss, William Emil Meyer, CharleS b f Sta;, Reinhard L. Heeren, Edward Jac;hl Gre; Raymond A. D. Orteig, Jr., . I Woe Rohmann, Carl F. Pester, Mo<1'" 1, No, Oechsner, Frank Jones McMull•"po~ Will; J. Minetti, William R. Berger, ~~ John Ewart, Harold Ferdinand Dieter, f Rob, Rowley, Jr., Lawrence J. BohriS•J I bell J. Pensa, James Dreyfus, J. f•' ~ Ne~, Frank B. Allen, Edwin S. MoY eP~ Zafo Carl J. Hecker, Ove Jensen, Jo; I· :hich, Byrne, Allen G. Carter, Fronk · ( ut, ler, Richard W. Gillespie, Eus•"j , \LpliA 1 Holzappel, Richard Patrick Bra 01f J W. Nintzel, Joseph Ennis McC 0 , . p0 hn liam Shepard MacDonald, Hans h I F••le feldt, Billie Jatzen, Richard Jo•.'~ 1 1, ~•d, William Delnicki, James J. Trrj f11 1\j•rb William Johnson, Joseph Edwar ~ L. Paul Gustav Hoeker. · ~ 0




ALPHA OMICRON-IOWA STATE ~ ••s Ross Frisbie Suit, Theodore No•~:~ :lire James Scott Brown, Kenneth M~J~ '•de son, Andrew Dale Swisher, R· I ~<ht Paine, Roy Kottman, Wayne b,s, I oy, James H. Ring, George R. Du h''l 'tl D. Love, Rev. Charles J. R• A. 'r,






Rob,l •


Newell M don liollis A d enefee, Stanton E. Fritz, u, son, Warren Sn erson, John Orla Sander,..~f ~er lottan R0 ~hrader, Jr., Hubert Martiid , . · Muller.' ert C. Sneckenberger, Paul ' K• ·.ALP!i Robb• A PI-UNIVE Jesse N RSITY OF THE SOUTH ewton W'll' 111 on, John Ch . . 1 oams, James Coy Put~rth~1(A LP rostoan Eby. c. liA. Rlio-w chd George W EST VIRGINIA on ''ALPH • Hodel. A. SIGMA Georg -TENNESSEE e E G' h

Anderson, Elmer Clarence Johnson, Francis E. Goroszko. ALPHA CHI-MIAMI Frank N. Holley, Ill, John C. Bordeman, Mefford C. Hopkins, Nathan P. Xanthos. ALPHA PSI-INDIANA Chester E. Clark, William D. C. Day, Jr., Robert William Holler, James C. Williams, Hilmer l . Aamoth, Ralph G. Mundy, Charles V. Martin, lee E. Barnes, William R. Barnard, Alan Jack Rommel, Keith layton Feller, William Putorti, Jr., Kenneth Joe Gooldy.

renee I . . os ' Charles E. Rollins, lawG · Hone B Teorge A St s, arnay Aldan Tucker 0 Yior Ho. ALPHA OMEGA-OREGON eele, John F. Miller J W'oll' W • Ward H B k ' . Alfred George Ruedy, Joseph William J . Eugene V . a er, Jr., Joe C. Dunn, ames p erner, Abram W H t h Schwab, Jr. ~ob · Gracy H . a c er, H ert F. Rod' ' arvay lassiter Britt, BETA ALPHA-NEWARK Si"'' · Bonks, Bar.';'·M~~na Tunmire, Thomas 1 Carl F. Wheeler, William J. Sturm, Donald ~~~LPHA T '' aal Giffin. C. linske, Roger Frederick Kreh, Charles ~ilb•~ ~ichor AU-RENSSELAER Thomas Comiso, Donald H. Kahrs, Richard l G d Y, Attl Y R V. Comiso, Robert M. Fechillas. e o ~ •ant I( p ee, Raymond H Bl kf d ' Lo~ ~ob . alsgro . ac or ' • f ert Joh ve, Clarence E D • BETA BETA-FLORIDA SOUTHERN avoes, loin' ' ~o9er R n Fuchs, George l . 'nell• DonaJd . Horton W'll' . Capwell, Robert 0. Bruce, John C. Davidson, Wil1 ' oJ S p J St ' oam A McAuley liam M. Fraser, Jr., W. Tandy Pedigo, Rex rd ~; ••civ 0 r ephens, John J · D ' 'llh••'. W G · Cumon· · empsey, Douglas Alves, Carl Michael Koch, Richard ' R. I• Fr~de .ardon Hill on~s, Jr:, l. F. Muller, Jr., Keith Carroll, Theodore A. Scharfenstein, E. rh' idge rock . J, Wils~n ermot . George Pratt, Jr., John H. Brady, Jr., Marlin H. Simon, ke ' hue • BBenromin A s' Jr., Molton C. BeverWilliam Whittier Dicks. '" • Donald ' e n M. Cohill . tory hrnu<•' J ' R'oc h ord B. DonaSimon BETA GAMMA- LOUISVILLE M<~ D. p0 R. Seyler w 1·~·: Donald lipphardt, Fogarty wa s taking it easy on the ' • t/>' kou. k~p, Fred R ' oam F. Rieke, Frank Joseph M. Byers, Spencer E. Harper, Jr., porch of his home when Alpha chapter •· ~s ' aonon A 'b I William M. McNutt, Walter Dewey Hantlo~"''' Wilton' Giouonn; T . no ? • Trexler Satunde rgraduate Burwell Dunn snapped 11 to' ~ich Beveridge J ono Goardini, Robert cock, Jr., Robert Theodore Connor, Wade thi s picture on a sunn y Sunday lus t ' po· Seebord Joseph r., Russell Earl Stabley, H. Brown, Jr., Wallen H. McKenzie, James November. er, J. OUgh Duchord W'll' 1 l . Paddock, Jr. tlild•" Otd Si . , • Charles M ' oom Russell E I B N coloono W'll' · Rauch, George Rich1 10 BETA DELTA-DRAKE A..lf 0 9el, ' " Joseah Drunsic Er 1'k . J. Farnell, Harry M. Hobbs, Robert Ashley '•d l •oon Mi h ' Berkeley P. Duncan, Kenneth R. Millen, ost Jr c oel Bedinger Wolter Myers, Douglas H. Bohannon, Christopher .. G'"'lP!j ' · ' Fagot, Henry G. Sweat, Jr., Joseph Pullara, Richard DeRegnier, Dean Allan Dunsworth, ••" A UPs 1t William B. Boyd, Clifford Finkle, Ill. Paul David Try, George Warren lawrence, 'tick•~ I Alb Otf S h ON-DREXEL t Dean Arthur Rapp, larry lynn Lorimor, hof•'• l Henry c ode, Ill, Jo . BETA NU-HOUSTON Thomas Eugene Helm . hn Wolson Deimler Jr l b Coleman J bert ~ ''Yr ' ' A h ' John J . lester, Robert William Smith, Ron•• in Jo and R W rt ur W. Tunnell 111 't Gl es A. · e 1ch J h • BETA EPSILON-MISSOURI ald Ray Hoenig, Richard A. Viguerie. 14. lioon F · Haislip J ' 0 n F. Rittenhouse, l. G. Trudell, Charles 0 . Dilley, Jr., Willet su, t•' l. Da ·. Gittler Gilb r., Elmer S. Groo, WilBETA XI-CENTRAL MICHIGAN li Vos I! b ' ert S M . S. Pierce, Harry lee Dilley, Wayne Hollis ''' 'onft ~' o ert E l . errott, Raymond Harry Grether, Roger Richard lundenburg. Meininger, Robert Neale Dermody, Capt. ~ob.' 1 Obert E s· oke, J . William Hartl) ' E ' ''"on R E Henry M. Curry. ou 9r01 • Anderson 'M oy. ugene Kraber, BETA OMICRON-NW STATE COLLEGE ~ I land ~ M. Clarke 'ch arton E. Burrows, John Davis Mize, William H. Rutledge, Jr. BETA ETA-FLORIDA STATE llfrt P J, Burk Tesno, Ha'rr aries S. Kuntz, RoWalter G. Jarrell, Jr., Bernard M. Eaton, BETA PI-EASTERN MICHIGAN rles '1 St 0 ; 90 • Francis M Y E. Johnson, Walter Ralph P. Gillis, Richard Sundberg, Alan C. lacob 1 Gred '• Donald I! · Brody, Frederick H Ralph Clifford Morrow, Walter M. Moore, Ch 1 e J W'll' · Sundberg, Charles Lee Delk, William Jenlawrence E. Ordowski. 'n I Woerth ~·· Soonu.el ' •oms, .Norman E. 11 · ParriS, Stanton nings Green, Jr., Henry Proctor land, Jr., •"' ~· No,,;, ' Vocko Jaon Gordon l. Mize, Robert T. Jennigan, James BETA RHO-CLARKSON I•"• · Will; 0 ~ Frederick ~~ .Melada, David louis W. Newman, Jr., Charles R. Cutajar, RichJohn W· Schuette E~ oaon Schmehl, Henry Charles Herbert Wells, Salvatore R. Coco, ard Britton White, Charles Milton Wilson, er, ,. ~ob olson C ' Word A Man h Fred Guiliani, Wesley A. S..al. r ••t M ossel J · ag an, Guy D. Wood, Ill. vi9• 1 1 bell J <Cafferty 'w ohn Steve Remias Fr•• J N ' 0 mes F • illiom L ' BETA SIGMA-NORTHERN ILLINOIS I6~ .. egron; rederick D eroy CampBETA THETA-ARIZONA loY • <.ol 0111 • Gary I! Uncan, Hector A Clifford Dan Petersen, Richard A. Moore, C. H. Hausenfleck, Richard Gary StamW agar B . jos•P ~ · h on Thomas C. Moutvic. " S· '< ord 'v illioon AI '?un, Valdemar baugh . ,.. ( Shute ern G b oysous Chambers BETA TAU-VALDOSTA Q ell 1 oam re "1' \Lpfi • ' W'll' lawrence' BETA IOTA-TOLEDO sro•Y' A P!ir John D. Nossick, Jerome David Taylor. 1 Harold M. Fink, Robert S. Kuhlman, David co 0 ' Joh -ILLINOis R. Clark, Thomas E. Bokan, Duane Orville BETA UPSILON-VIRGINIA ,ns ,., Perl:, Joseph Do INST. OF TECH. Boyer, Roger William Schiller, Robert Dale Daniel B. Kimball, Jr., John B. Browning. •••P~ Frede;. kJr., Ge ~dera, Jr., Harry Frank Conley, William Frederick, Capt. John W. · ·es•• H b •c St Sa Joh svehla, John rod fll Ner ert N urgeon 01' n BETA CHI-EAST TEXAS STATE Feiger, Robert N. Lindner, William Charles l. Par· Hons~n ~v';,' N. Dickerhoof, O'Shea, Klaus Engelbert Reiser, Harry M. Joe Pat Attaway, Rex Willard Jones . . Wolfe•v o, Joone: C o n l. Pottenger, 0 Welsh . Vsky w' lee A s Woodling Robert BETA PSI-TENNESSEE WESLEYAN •I ers :.., illiom J. Irate, Frank M' H h BETA KAPPA-GEORGIA STATE John Edmonds, Jr., Frank Lynn Spradlen. '' • 41 "elon Dseph PI ' . rae ·ol F fred li ' James F ochta, James MyRichard Stewart Briggs, William D. Gate"' BETA OMEGA-EAST TENNESSEE STATE ~~JI, n'eder;, ~son, Jr ;~nk Rieter, Bennett house, Ill . ~· I .::•ht, Jomealter Widla~ard l<Je Hoffman, Richard Drew Pitts. 0 5 1an D"k ' John E. EchterBETA LAMBDA-TAMPA , Yne F Mi 81 b GAMMA ALPHA-LIVINGSTON STATE ' h"''·' \\ •one·•s Divokv e ' Arn o l ee Ponnow' · R. l. Dristle, David C. Pinholster, Thomas e 4 y, y, Kenneth Raymond Lynn A. Smith, Francis Moody Crenshaw. E. Bissonnette, John B. Campbell, Crockett 196s






·, p:;







Jn <!&ur C!Cbapter


Oh, death could be triumphant-death in battle, death in love, death in friendship and in peril, could be glorious if it were proud death, gaunt death, lean, lonely, tender, loving and heroic death, who bent to touch his chosen son with mercy, love, and pity, and put the seal of honor on him when he died!

Presid 1 Treosu Florj

-"The Web and The Rock," by Brother Thomas Wolfe, Kappa '18, University of North Ca rolina. Used by permission of the publishers, Harper and Brothers.

Secreh liistori

..------------------------------""Post I Sen. Olin D. Johnston, Sigma '23 1:• ist, Chon"

BETA '21-Robert Crawford, McConnells, S. C. GAMMA '27-George Grant Watson, San Francisco, Calif. ETA '12-Wade Hampton Brewton, of Pasco County, Fla., who recently completed six years as Pasco County's county and juvenile court judge; was a B.A. graduate of Emory University, LL.B. graduate of Mercer University, charter member (No. 2) of Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi; had served a s city attorney of New Port Richey, Fla. for 20 years, municipal attorney for Dade County, Fla., Democratic state senator, assistant state attorney; was a member of a number of professional and civic associations, and the American Legion, Masonic Blue Lodge and the First Methodist Church. He was 76. LAMBDA '64-George William Fetzer Jr., Springfield, Ga. He died last December of injuries received in an automobile accident. NU

'16-Charles H. Collins, Pico Rivera, Calif. '16-Grant Colfax Watkins, Ladoga, Ind. '20-fl"arold Miles Conlin '20-Thurlow Lieurance, Municipal University, Wichita, Kans. '22-John Edwin Geistfeld, Washington, Kans. '28-Herbert T. Knudsen, Council Bluffs, Iowa. XI '23-Marion Cecil Davis, Charlotte, N.C. TAU '27-David S. Cox Jr., Greensboro, N. C. UPSILON '21-John Sherman Lathrop, Glendale, Calif. OMEGA '30-Harold Fallbrook, Calif.


E)(ecu1 Editor.

Q LIN D. Johnston, Sigma '23, only two-term governor of South Carolina and United States Senator from that state since 1944, died on Easter Sunday of pneumonia which he developed after an abdom inal operation. He was 68. President Lyndon B. Johnson, long an ally of Sen. Johnston, led mourners in high state and national offices who paid tribute to the departed senator. The President said he was "deeply saddened" to learn of Sen. Johnston's death and praised the senator as "a man with a deep feeling for people and a man who tried to help others ." Throughout hi s career in the U . S. Senate, Sen . Johnston steadfastly supported the national Democratic party on most issues and compiled a generall y liberal votin g record. His stands against civil rights and foreign aid legislation, however, were termed contradictory by some. But political labels didn't seem to worry Sen. Johnston. It was said he was motivated by what h e believed to be the welfare of the working man. This was his g uiding political philosophy. As his political strategy was once summed up: there are more Democrats than R epublicans and more poor people than rich people; if Democrats and poor people get out and vote, victory is assured.

Poli tical victory began for Joh ton in 1923 when h e was eJecli ,;:vel to the South Carolina House 1 s~~~ Representatives from Andel"~ County whil e a student at University of South Carolina, wh; DiSTR! h e was initi ated into Pi Kappa P ~""' Fraternity. ~:; The path to the UniversitY ~ ~lph, not been an easy one for t he 5, "'~h~ ator. As a youth h e helped suPP1 8 nu hi s fami ly and pay for hi s edU ;r~. tion by working as a mill han d~ 01~- • the textile mill s of South Caro ~ 1~~ He left Wofford College to J~ ~Ph the Army in World War 1. ·~ Al~h his return from t he war he e!l 1 Tocf · ~j, Phil his B.A. at Wofford, t h en h1S · DJsrR and law degree at the Univel''' x~··• of South Carolina. r s;l~ Johnston was elected govern°11 RtoSouth Carolina in 1934 and a.~~~ reel ected in 1942, the only rna~ G~cq hold two terms as governor 3~~~ 01 South Carolin a. d ~TR1 In 1944 Johnston was el ec~e 1 Al;l;, the U. S. Senate. He served d1n,t 8Gro, . h" e•· •to. Senate from then unt1 1 _J S ~ s. < At his death he was chau·rn 9.11 ls'o1111 the Senate Post Office corn t Sig~ and a ranking Democrat 0 ~ i' o 1 ~T''' Senate Agriculture and JudJC 11~ committees. ~ 111 He was a member of a n° tll'•• of civic and fraterna l orgo ed "'•bo tions and just last year filtoi' 4~2 1 portion of Pi Kappa Phi's jli lv~~ nity film in his Washington 1~""' H e was a lifelong member 0 8;,~, Baptist Church . ~~11






ALPHA GAMMA '27-D. C. "Clancy" Frost, of Kiowa County, Okla., who was editor-publisher of the Kiowa County Star-R eview ; a B.A. graduate of Oklahoma University, a journalism professor there in 1941, newspaperman with several Oklahoma papers before taking over the Sta?·-Review in 1944, a member of the Oklahoma Press Association and state publishers association and various civic organizations. He 28


409 '

t~Orl 1

died on his way home from the funeral of a fellow publisher last January. He was 56. ALPHA DELTA '24-Percy Newland Shepheard, of Seattle, Wash., w ho was a charter member of Alpha Delta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. ALPHA ZETA '59-Eivis G. Barker, of Salem, Ore., who was a first lieutenant in the U. S. Army stationed in South Viet Nam; a B.S. THE

St~tl Ch oJ,, graduate of Oregon f ' 4~~· versity, past arch ?n / pP' t~o,,; 1 Zeta Chapter of P1 . a 0 t~~·;, He died February 28 111 t •./'~ hand grenade acciden. 5t t~v•J miles from t h e Commun~ 0 s <:01 •u Viet N am border. He ' 1 D1a37 ALPHA THETA '48-Dr. Leo S' D~••~ Saginaw, Mich. , :••o;

BETA ALPHA '54-John vington, N. J.







J.l 9~r

p. pP I


PI KAPPA PH I 1924 Vail Avenue, Charlotte, North Carolina Founded at The College oF Charleston, Charleston, S. C.-December 10, 1904

FOUNDERS Moultrie St., Charleston, S. C. L. HARRY MIXSON (chapter eternal)

NATIONAL COMMITTEES Trust Investment-Francis H. Boland, Jr., Chairman, South, New York 19, N. Y., exp . Dec., 1967.




Pi Kappa Phi Memorial Foundation-John D. Carroll, Chairman, Box 66, lex1ngton, S. C.; Jack Bell, Treasurer, 6764 La lama Or., Jacksonville 17, fla.; George B. Helmrich, 32990 lahser Rd., Birmingham, Mich.; Leonard l. long, The Darlington , Suite 7, 2025 Peachtree Rood, N.E., Atlanta, Ga. Scholarship-Or. Donald Come, 4437 Greenwood Drive, Okemos, Mich.; Harold A. Cowles, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Endowment-Jock Bell, Chairman, 6764 La lama Dr., Jacksonville 17, Fla. Ritual and Insignia-H. B. Fisher, Chairman, Box 412, College Station, Texas. Architecture-{Advisory)-Fred Hallmark, Chairman, 620 S. 38th St., Birming· ham, Ala. Advisory-). AI Head, Park Towers, Apt. 403, 200 Maple Ave., Falls Church, Va.

DISTRICTS OF PI KAPPA PHI Iota-Georgia In stitute of Technol- Omega-Purdue University, 330 N. DISTRICT XIII-Robert Bourne, 6801 Woodstream Dr., Charlotte, N. C. Grant St., West Lafayette, Ind . ogy, 719 Brittian Way, Atlanta Go. Lambda-University of Georgia' 930 Alpha Phi-Illinois Institute of Tech · Epsilon-Davidson College, Box 473, Davidson, N. C. nology, 3333 S. Wabash Ave., S. Milledge Ave., Ath e ns, Ga .' Kappa-University of N. C., 206 Chicago 16, Ill. Beta Kappa-Georgia State College, Cameron Ave., Chapel Hill, N. C. Alpha Psi-Indiana University, 408 24 Ivy St., S.E., Atlanta, Ga. Mu-Duke University, Box 4682, Duke North Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. DISTRICT VI-J. ~arline Pearce, c/ o Station, Durham, N. C. Dept. of Chemistry, University of Beta Gamma-University of Louisville, Office of The Dean of Stu- Tou-N. C. State, 2401 West Frater· Fla., Gainesville, Fla. nity Court, N. C. State College Sta· dents, Louisville, Ky. Chi-Stetson University, 1241 Stetson, lion, Raleigh, N. C. DISTRICT IX-Robert S. Kuhlman, 940 De land, Fla. Beto Phi-East Carolina College, 1301 Alvison Rd., Toledo, Ohio. Alpha Epsilon-University of Fla., E. 5th St., Greenville, N. C. P. 0. Box 14423, Gainesville, Fla. Alpha Theta-Michigan State Uni· DISTRICT XIV-Willard W. Young, versify, 121 Whitehills Dr., East Alpha Chi-Unive rsity of Miami, Jr., c/ o Southern Bell Telephone & Lansing, Mich. 9370 S.W. 120th St., Miami, Fla . Telegraph Co., Nashville, Tenn. Beta Iota-University of Toledo, 1702 Beta Beta-Flo . Southern College, Alpha Sigma-University of TennesW. Bancroft St., Toledo, Ohio Box 416, lakeland, Fla. see, 1800 lake Ave., Knoxville, Beta Xi-Central Michigan University, Beta Eta-Florida State University, Te nn. 508 S. College, St., Mt. Pleasant, Box 3085, Tallahassee, Fla. Beta Omega-East Tennessee State Mich. University, 515 West Poplar, JohnBeta lambda-University of Tampa, DISTRICT X-Vernon A. Sodawasser, son City, Tenn. 304 Plant St., Tampa, Fla. 909 Fleming Bldg., Des Moines, Beta Psi-Tennessee Wesleyan ColBeta Tau-Valdosta Sta:c College, Iowa lege, Box 172, Athens, Tenn. Valdosta, Ga. Nu-University of Nebraska, 229 N. DISTRICT XV-Fox H. Brunson, Jr., 17th St., Lincoln, Nebr. DISTRICT VII-Vacant 2751 Ralston Road, Mobile, Ala. Alpha Omicron-Iowa State University 407 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa Omicron-University of Alabama, 312 Alpha Beta {Colony)-Box 2255 31 University Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Beta' Delta-Drake University, 3420 McAllister, New Orleans 18, La.' Kingman Blvd., Des Moines 11, Alpha Iota-Auburn University, 255 Beta Mu-McNeese State College, College St., Auburn, Ala. Iowa. Box 141, lake Charles, La. Alpha Eta-Howard College, Box Beta Omicron-Northwestern State DISTRICT XI-Kurt Engelstad, 1990 1032, Howard College, Birmingham, S.W. 139th, Beaverton, Ore. College of La ., Box 431, Natchi· Alpha Zeta-Oregon State University, Ala. toches , La. Gamma Alpha-livingston State . Col2111 Harrison, Corvallis, Ore. Beta Chi-East Texas State Univer· Aloha Omega-University of Oregon, lege, Box 411, livingston, Ala. sity, Commerce, Tex . Kappa Phi {Colony)-Troy State Col· 1790 Alder St., Eugene, Ore. DISTRICT VIII-Donald S. Payne, 106 DISTRICT XII-Rev . C. J. Tyler, 2003 lege, Box 135, Troy, Al aba ma. Sunset Lafle, West lafayette, Ind. Kappa Phi {Colony)-Memphis State E. 29th St., Oakland, Calif. University, Box 1352, Memphis State Upsilon-Univers ity of Illinois, 306 Gamma-University of California, Univ. , Memphis, Tenn. 2353 Prospect, Berkeley, Calif. E. Gregory, Champaign, Ill.

ALUMNI CHAPTERS Des Moines, Iowa-Harry Whitmore, louisville, Ky.-Robert Schroader, 2403 Roanoke, Va.-W. J. Lawrence, c/ o Lawrence Trans. & Stg. Co., RoaWallace Ave., Louisville 5, Ky. 7309 S.W. 13th, Des Moines, Iowa. Eugene, Ore .-Aian C. Graves, 275 Memphis, Tenn.-Warren Cruzen, 539 noke, Va. Salem. Ore.-Richard Shaffer, 780 31st Ave . W ., Eugene, Ore. Cherry Rd., Memphis, Tenn. Ratcliff Dr., S.E .. Salem, Ore. Georgetown-Myrtle Beach, S. C.-Joe Miami, Fla.-Richerd 0. Whipple, 2921 SP.attle , Wosh.-Horold V. McPherson, SShaw, 13 Mee tin g St., Georgetown, louise St., Miami, Flo . 3043 Ens! 203, Seattle 55, Wash . . c. Montgomery, Alo .-Marvin H. Killins- Spartanburg, S. C.-Thomas K. Flet· Greenville, 5. C.-Moe Adams Chris- worth, 3983 Thomas Ave., Mont· cher, Jr., Box 1509, Spartanburg, S.C. topher, PO Box 3507, Park Place gome ry , Ala. Sumter, S. C.-Edwi n B. Boyle, 111 New York, N. Y.-Joseph Flaherty, Mn""'" Croft Drive, Sumter, S. C. Dr., Greenville, S. C. 771 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn 32, N. Y. Ho••ston , Texas-Harold F. Simpson, TT~'ri~h~~~=~. F:~~~c. Tom Henderson, North Tox.-Robe•t W. Wylie, 13327 1507 Calif. , lt13, Houston 6, Tex. Tampa, Fla.-Gerold Bobier, 3301 Flagstone Lane, Dallas 30, Tex. Indianapolis, lnd .-David Bibler, 401 Sierra Circle, Tampa 9, Flo. North New Jersey-Kart Gorshkoff, East 37th Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Smalley, 3313 Tolodo, 59 Eastbrook Terrace, Livingston, Anderson0 .-Richard Jacks?nville, Fla .- Rolph Saffy, 3451 Parkway, Toledo 6, 0. New Jersey. Remmgton, Jacksonville, Fla. Tucson, Ariz.-Robert T. Francis, 2658 Kan sas City, Mo.-Milton S. Broome, Orlondo, Fla.-Peler C. Barr, 3316 Avenida Carolina, Tucson, Ariz. Charow Ln., Orlando, Fla. 6210 N. Michigan Dr. , Gladstone, Mo. Valdosta, Ga.-Charles Powell, 1710 Lakeland, Flo.-Gene Caufield, 213 Philo., Po .-Lowrence Barnard, 315 N. Lee Street, Valdosta, Go. Airdole Rd., Rosemont, Penna. Vero Beach, Fla.-John L. Graves, Anne Marie Circle, lakeland, Fla. Box 974, Veto Beach, Fla . lansinq , Mich.-Kim Jepson, .508 Ful- Portland, Ore.-Kurt Engelstad, 1990 S.W. 139th Beaverton, Ore. Washin!Jian, D. C.-Capt. Mitchell ton Place, Lansing , Mich. lincoln, Neb .-Winfield Elmcn, 2640 Raleigh, N. C.-l. M. Shirley, 3107 Disney, 608 Niblick Dr. S.E., Vienna, Va. Sussex Rd., Raleigh, N. C. lake St., Lincoln, Neb.

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