
Page 1

• • •• Kim Jepson died of a heart attack in Cleveland, Tennessee on Tuesday, May 11, 1971.


CHAPTERS IN MEXICO? - Bartolo Rodriquez, Jr., Iota, is using some persuasive arguments for the establishment of Pi Kapp chapters in his country. Roddy recently wrote "I have always dreamed of . Pi Kappa Phi coming to Mexico, and I consider it as the basic step toward real sure enough Pan Amert.. can understanding, socially, economically and politically. Real and only life-long friendships and brotherhood are founded while schoolmates. I am a Mason and a Rotarian, but neither can be com.. pared with Pi Kappa Phi - fifty years of experiences convince me! •

'Can you imagine having chapters of Pi Kappa Phi in Canada, Mexico, Cuba and even in South Amert.. ca? It would be a sort of realization of General Bolwar's dream of a real fraternity of all the New World." 4

CONGRESS NEARLY HALF FRATERNITY - Although all living initiates of college fraternities represent only about 1% of the U. S. population, and less than 5% of all citizens who have had some college education, almost 50% of the members of the current 92nd Congress are fraternity men. Pi Kappa Phi has one Senator, Harold Baker, R., Tennessee, and two Representatives, Nick Galifianakis, D., North Carolina and Richard Poff, R., Virginia.

NICK'S CONVERSATION PIECE - Friends of Congressman Nick Galifianakis (according to the Elks Magazine) are having a lot of fun with the Galifianakis watch. Used as a campaign gimmick in his successful bid for re-election, it has the twelve letters of his name replacing the numerals and a caricature of the Congressman standing on a soap box. It's wearers say if it stops they'll save it for theY know "it will run again in two years". SLIDE PRESENTATION AVAILABLE - An 86 slide presentation, complete with script, is now available from the National Office. It can be used by chapters for general information, rush and pledge education. Alumni could use the presentation as an informative program. , PI KAPP COLLEGE - The 8th edition of this important event, will be held on August 22-26, 1971. Again the location will be Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia. For undergraduate chapters, free transQortation, room and board will be provided by the fraternitY for f the An;hon, Treasurer, MRE Chairman (Member-Recruitment and Education), and one other member ~­ the sol)homore ( 1971-72 school year) class. Substitutes for the above can be made but only with the a vance approval of the Executive Director. Additional pledges and members can attend but will have to pay for all expenses- estimated at this til1le to be $60.00 plus transportation. Selected chapter advisors, area governors, and other alumni are being invited to both participate and learn. An outstanding group of instructors will be on hand to present all possible fraternity subjects from Alpha to Omega of the fraternity leadership concept. ALUMNI SUPPORT GROWING - as evidenced by 3,250 alumni having contributed $41,438.42 in the voluntary dues program as of April 1. This compares to 2,462 alumni contributing $28,177 .32 last year on the same date. •

Mootsn sri L-------------------------:----:--------------:---:--;;1~ front cover -Susie Chappell, little sister organization of Gamma Nu at La Grange Col lege - photo bY A. G .


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An Educ ational Quarterly

MAY 1971- VOL. LVII NO. 2

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National O"i ce of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 1924 Vail Ave., Charlotte, N. C. PUBLICA TIUN~ OFFICE: 224 W.

2nd St., Charlotte, N. C. 28202. Secono-c/ass postage paid at Charlotte, N. C.

~£11 "


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Changes in address should be reported promptly

to National Office, P. 0. Box 4608, Charlotte, N. C.



• 1

• lC

• lSSe

The following statement on dissent was approved by the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity meeting February 27, 1971. It is the desire of the National Council that all may have a clear understanding as to the official position of Pi Kappa Phi concerning dissent. Pi Kappa Phi is a Fraternal organization established to provide an adjunct to education: Its purpose and aim is to promote fellowship and mutual trust among its members, to uphold the traditions and ideals of the educational institutions where its chapters are located, to encourage excellence in scholarship, and to inculcate in its members the highest ideals of Christian manhood and good citizenship. It endorses and appreciates the fundamental right of dissent, and fully protects and encourages the fair and reasonable exercise of this right by individuals of Pi Kappa Phi. Because the right of dissent is subject to abuse, the National Council publishes this statement to make clear the policy of the Fraternity concerning such abuse.



1) The members of Pi Kappa Phi properly represent a wide variety of viewpoints and attitudes; the Fraternity fosters the free expression and interchange of differing views through oral and written discourse, logical persuasion and legal authority. 2) Dissent, to be acceptable, should be orderly and peaceful, and represent constructive alternatives reasonably presented.


3) Coercion, threats, demands, obscenity, vulgarity, obstructionism and violence are disapproved. . 4) Any acts of dissent which are intended to, or which do disrupt, normal academic and institutional pursuits should not be tolerated. Except as determined under authority of a University President or other legally constituted authority, Pi Kappa Phi will not be a part of any action which will be intended to suspend classes, and routine operations.


5) Pi Kappa Phi, its elected officials, professional staff, alumni and students are urged to abide by these standards of conduct in promoting their views, particularly dissent.



6) Persons who are not so inclined should not join Pi Kappa Phi. 7) Pi Kappa Phi will protect individuals in their right of free individual expression, and assist or provide for prompt and appropriate disciplinary action against those who abuse such right.






• • •



By authority


by the 33rd Supreme Chap-

ter, in addition to all members of the National Council, two undergraduate members of Pi Kappa Phi, selected by the Council of Archons, participated in the last National Council m eeting. H er e is their r eport of the meeting. f



On th

~~ation e Weekend of February 27 and 28, 1971, the

~Yatt ~ Cou~cil meeting was held at the Regency

lonal C ouse .In Atlanta, Georgia. Elmer J ost, N a-

raternit ~turday morning. For the first time in the ~\Tere re Y s . history, two undergraduate members 1dent Jcognized and welcomed by the National PresUllde;g a~k Steward. Few other fraternities permit \Ve we;a uate involvment in National policy. And \Vere i e called upon for our views, interests, and Sellted ~Volved directly with solving problems pre0 . Our the Council. ~~~ht :rst reaction and lasting impression of the , ~hat then that sat around the conference table is heirs ~Y are extremely selfish. Let us explain ! 18 ~hltitnat not a personal selfishness, for one of the e unde concerns of each one of these men is how by the crgraduates feel about the policies directed lnen Wi ouncil. We don't know any other group of

ave 0~ hey are selfish, because they want us to f

e Co e1~ share, without payment no member of Work Unc.Il has accepted one cent for the time and

tenectyut Into their fraternity. So much for personal 1 'l'ect ons now the meeting.

fhart we the first major issue. Concern on Ted's

e lneas expressed and a question was posed to 8 hould lllbers of the Council as to the role they . ~come ed's contention that the Council should I ~lty an:fore active in the vital issues of the £raterower grant individual council members more 0

io the f Urpose in expressing his views was to look ~ havi~ture when our fraternity may not be blessed

ard 0 g such a policy and problem solver as DurWen.

Elmer Jost and Charles Tom Henderson, the Past National President, stated that the Council must not overlook its original pttrpose in being that of a Board of Trustees to formulate policy and direct its needs to the administrator, rather than become involved in his work. A decision to take a more active stand in considerations and strive to keep better informed to ease the burden of our Executive Director was reached. Next, in an effort to achieve more contact and better relations with the student chapters, the national officers resolved to visit each chapter at least once a year. They also agreed to make themselves available for special occasions at a chapter's request. In Durward Owen's State of the Fraternity Address, he outlined eight major areas of concern to be studied and acted upon by the Council to establish policy. He pointed out that membership, pledging and consequently income was down from last year by about 12%. A more positive note was struck when he added that Pi Kappa Phi is among only three other national fraternities to have enjoyed a growth in recent years rather than a loss. Spring initiative and enthusiams should bring these statistics back to show an increase for our fraternity. Other areas of concern, which will be covered later in this report were finances, administration of our national leadership school, a publications committee, the need for imaginative programs, the need for a new National Headquarters, involvement at Junior College and Post-Graduate levels, the need for a paid administrator of Pi Kappa Phi Properties Inc., a larger base for Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation and a "task force" for expansion. In the area of National Projects the Council made a positive effort in fraternity involvment. The Council discussed and endorsed our fraternity's involvement with the Boy Scouts in project SOAR as you probably read in the last issue of the Star and Lamp .

SPRING '71/5 •

Within the next few weeks the Boy Scouts should begin their advertising campaign for this project, so the National Office has been directed to urge all the chapters to prepare their programs to coordinate with project SOAR. It was learned that our National Office has sought the assistance of a Pi Kapp advertising man from Portland, Oregon. We are attempting to initiate an image building campaign and it is hoped that something concrete will be ready for the student chapters at Pi Kapp College this summer. Area Governors have in the past been a problem and this year is no exception. It was decided by the Council that a motivation program be developed. Phil Tappy, National Secretary, volunteered to spearhead the project to promote responsible leadership in the Area Governors. Expansion was the next topic and the scene looks very promising. Durward Owen foresees that expansion in the Southeast will continue to move forward and that chapters will be chartered in New England within the next few years. The NIC has broadened the frontier for national fraternity expansion by allowing fraternities to have chapters in junior colleges. A pilot program for our expansion to junior colleges will be begun as soon as an appropriate experimental site has been established. We will be setting our sights on the resident junior colleges and on those two-year schools that have aspirations of becoming fully accredited colleges within the next few years. One of the most interesting topics of the meeting was the formulation of a plan for a new National Office. It was brought before the Council that the existing building is rundown, too small and was a year ago inadequate for our fraternity's needs. The National Council endorsed a study of the possible area within Charlotte, N. C. for a new site for this building. The cost of a building to suit the needs of a growing fraternity and to exemplify the pride expressed in our fraternity would run around $160,000. The


• 'S

money. An additional $80,000 is to be borrowe il ed Durward Owen and Ted Scharfenstein voluntee~lil to raise $40,000 in 120 days through a perso ot fund raising effort. Durward and Ted's project ;lid off to a good start. By the end of 24 hours th~Y ne $3,954.70 contributed. That's ten per cent In day. tbe Don Potter, the student representative to tbe Council from Xi Chapter, gave a report o? 009 position of the Council of Archon's on ~he ~naniJll ars vote system. Of those chapters reporting It appe ses change is the order of the day. Most of the respon ote indicate that a two, or a three ball, or 90% "tti.. should be instituted to protect the pledge from peer.. ness and whim of a single individual and to cooP ate with college administrations. ted After these comments were presented it was voter that no chapter is in danger of losing its char no because of the exclusive vote clause, and that ted area of expansion for our fraternity will be affecfor because we maintain a 1007o approval system the initiation vote. hO'" 5 The Council now regarded the question of frli' lastic requirements for initiation. It is noW a 4.0 ternity policy that the initiate have a 2.0 ( tlle scale) or a C average. Problems arise wit ·tcb.. growing number of colleges and universities sWItutti ing to a pass-fail system, which makes an ac.Jlli'" grade difficult to determine. This policy also ell benates the initiation of first semester freshmen ded· cause they have not yet had any grades recor 0 ve The National Council unanimously voted to reJll ter this requirement and allow the individual chaPant to establish its own scholastic requirements pursu to the college or university rule. Jllni The Select Study Committee composed o! alutio1l and student members is to take into consi~era and the possibility of a master plan for fund raisintg re.. will continue the study on the unanimous vo e quirement. been The Regency Hyatt House in Atlanta has




Chaptivel.Y selected for the site of the 34th Supreme sum . er In 1972. The Hotel and Atlanta are quite blocklent. Underground Atlanta is only about four 8 tend. away. We hope everyone is planning to at-




work Iscussed during these two days of hard packed lfor ' w~ have tried to highlight them here for you. expe ~s ~~ was an invaluable experience, not only tion tiencing first-hand the operations of the NaWithal Council, but also in working side-by-side it wIs the case with many of the .student members, Werea~ always thought that the National Officers truth gure heads. Nothing is farther from the dedi ·We found that our National Officers are very is tocated and knowledgeable people whose sole aim j of us serve us. We would like to believe that the two busi ' When we are out of school with families and este3~s obligations, would be as willing and intera serve our fraternity as these men. -Don Potter Xi -Jay Arnold Gamma Upsilon

Other A . By p ct~ons By National Council Not Reported I 1 otter and Arnold:


2. C changes in National Council policy. ed. S barter of Epsilon Chapter, Davidson, suspenda. 1ee arti~le in thi~ issue. . discon~~ National Project, "Small Acts of Kmdness" SoAR Inued in favor of more emphasis on Project



~erso Is name be removed from the mailing list, a

tude !lal contact be made and if no change in atti6. ~s Possible, his name be removed as requested. Phi Sun cooperation again offered to the Pi Kappa · tiona}C~_Iarship Foundation. Ted Scharfenstein, Na~cer Ice President assigned to act as liaison of-

7 .

the e 8.

to determine from indepth examination,

ln ership voting requirements.


that the National President, Jack SteLead' he ~ommended for his proposal for an Alumni llnde:[shlp program and that a pilot program be 9. V aken as soon as possible. Stnithoted Resolutions of Appreciation to Bennett 1 Star for his dedication to the production of the ter Aan~ Lamp, to Mike Ellis for his work as ChapChaptVIsor at University of Tennessee; to Omicron for d er for reaching 1000 initiates; to Kim Jepson 10 eveloping a staff compensation plan. P( l{ Selected, from among several nominees, a "Mr. I Colle appa Phi 1971" to be announced at Pi Kapp I ll ge. 't~ar;~·greed to institute a "Chapter Advisor of the



Y Chic Quevadeo, MSC, Iota, of Cuba.

NEW AREA IX GOVERNOR Brother William Kyle McKenzie, an alumnus of Beta Xi, Central Michigan University, has recently been appointed Area Governor for Area IX which covers Michigan and Ohio, moving up from Area Councilor. Mac, who is a Senior Accounts Receivable Specialist for International Business Machines in Detroit, was a William Kyle McKenzie 1968 graduate of Central Michigan. He held many chapter offices . . . Archon, Secretary, Historian, Warden, Ru.sh Chairman, Song Chairman ... Official Beta Xi Chugger ... and he is now President of the Beta Xi Housing Corporation. An avid sports car fan (he has an MG and is buying a TR-6+), Mac's other activities include billiards and the piano. He lives in Allen Park, Michigan, with a "great" wife and a son and daughter. •

NEW DIRECTOR OF STUDENT AFFAIRS Charles Cummings (AO) has recently been appointed . Director of Student Affairs. Chuck joined the fraternity · staff in October of 1969 as a field secretary and since that time has visited over 90 different college campuses in 28 . states, counselling with students and college administrators. Chuck will be filling a vacancy left by Jerry Matthews who is now Director Charles Cummings of Residential Housing at the University of Oklahoma. Chuck is a native of Iowa and a 1969 graduate of Iowa State University.

SPRING '71/7 •

ith Deep Regret

• • •


By a recent action taken by the Trustees of Davidson College, all fraternities occupying houses on the campus must accept the condition that "After a possible initial period of random selection, (by the non affiliated student) affiliation with the groups occupying the houses will be based on the choice of the individual rather than on invitation from the groups." Our Supreme Law required that "Election to membership by an undergraduate chapter shall be held by secret ballot." The Davidson Administration did give fraternities four options : 1. The fraternities might accept the college's plan, keep their charters, and remain in their houses. This is the option desired by Epsilon Chapter upon unanimous vote of the membership. Please note also that this option is in direct conflict with the Supreme Law.s of the Fraternity.

2. The fraternities might accept the college plan, lose their charters, but remain in their houses as locals. This was adopted by four of the 12 fraternities at Davidson, with four others se.. lecting ''1" above - a course leading to option 1 and 2 becoming the same. It is understood that one national fraternity could operate under its national laws within this option. S. The fraternities might refuse the college plan, keep their charters, and leave their houses on Patterson Court (college owned lodges). This approach was recommended to the Chapter by the National Office with offer of direct financial support and with support of local alumni. Four fraternities have chosen this approach. One having selected option "2'' now reported to be considering changing to this approach. 4. The fraternities might elect to cease operations, leaving their houses vacant. This would result in the total dissolvernent of the chapter concerned. The chapter would be operating in



selection of option above. The National can cil cannot change the Supreme Law ;11°rs all it knowingly allow a chapter to oper~teh ~s ill 1 active chapter in good standing wh1c violation of a specific Supreme Law.

The National Council, therefore, had three op· tions: •

1. Allow Epsilon Chapter to operate 1n known lation of the Supreme Law.


2. Suspend the charter.

3. Revoke the charter. 27, the National Council voted to .suspend thehc?a stJS· 19 of Epsilon Chapter effective immediately. T pension is to remain in effect until: d ge 1. The Supreme Law of Pi Kappa Phi is ~ha~f B in such a way as to allow the initiation upoll member based upon his selection of. or t 11Jl his assignment to Pi Kappa Phi w1thoU f pi 0 election to membership by the chapter Kappa Phi.

EpsiJoil 2. Existing undergraduate members of under Chapter decide to change and operate option "3".

de' 3. Other undergraduates of Davidson Co~Ie~!ppll sire to operate under the name of Pt tbe Phi and within option "3" set forth bY college.


no further possibility of operation at a and the charter is revoked. 1 The National Council regrets that Davtdsondu~te




lege has taken this action, and the undergr~se of

members did not want to follow the one cou inti!!' action which would have guaranteed the cont 'fbe tion of Pi Kappa Phi's fifth oldest chapter. eceS' combination of these two decisions has made n sary this action.


To paraphrase an old saying, "The Chapter that works together, stays together." Every campus community provides a multitude of opportunities for Pi Kapp chapters to be of real service to others .. . here are a few examples of Pi Kapps in action .. . doing their personal thing.

I •

• • • GAMMA XI COMMENDED BY RED CROSS This letter, from the Executive Secretary of the Americus and Sumter County (Ga.) Chapter of the American Red Cross to the Executive Director of Pi Kappa Phi speaks for itself:



A XI BOOKSTORE A SUCCESS bes 1•t orRanf e. the lack of cooperation by many student r~sPonzations, including student government, the

1tichi se to the bookstore run by Beta Xi at Central gan Was fantastic.


"hef~t.her Lee Davis said the response was "overIng'' and much better than anybody expected.

1'he lnore store

b00 all,

handled more than 5,000 books with ks constantly coming in each day the bookWas open.

a\ris ore, but there have been some complaints, that thadmitted. Some students don't understand bavis e Prices are set by those selling the books. ~l'ojectetnphasized that the bookstore was a service of the Chapter.

~e lo~kstore, the prices are sometimes raised on t a\ris er Priced books an additional 10 to 25 cents. he co explained that this increase was to cover ~hat thts of banking and bookkeeping. He estimated \1e th ey Would have to handle between four and 0 to the ~sand checks and make sure they get them right people. ''! ,

he pjre helped out quite a bit by Barnes Hall and Ot Of w o participated in the bookstore. There's a hqt it talk about apathetic students on this campus, see:rns like everyone was here buying books.''

"Each year Red Cross chapters across the nation join in a project we call "Ditty" bags for Vietnam servicemen. These are cloth bags filled with small gifts and comfort articles to be distributed at Christmas to all .s ervicemen and women in Vietnam. The bags are made by the women and girls in a community and filled with contributions from local citizens. "This year we found it necessary to pack our own gifts and to prepare cartons for parcel post mailing. We were fortunate enough to find an eager response from the members of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Several of the young men came to our office and put their energy and know-how to work doing a first-rate job of packing the cartons for shipping. "They did the job .so very willingly and were most cooperative. I felt they should be commended to the national organization and recognized for their spirit as well as the work they did. They are all an asset to their college and to the community." BETA KAPPA "FEEDS THE CHILDREN" One hundred twenty-one needy families in the Atlanta area received large boxes of food last Thanksgiving as a result of our Georgia State Chapter's lOth annual "Feed the Children" drive. Conducted with the cooperation of the Northwest Kiwanis Club and many other GSU organizations, Pi Kappa Phi not only helped make Thanksgiving a real day of thanks for over 100 families, but earned itself well deserved recognition on the campus and in the community.

SPRING '71/9 •

ALPHA MU "POVERTY DRIVE" SUCCESSFUL The observant eye of just one brother, Stephen Fox, activated Alpha Mu's successful "Poverty Drive" in State College, Pa. last fall. Waiting to meet a bus, Brother Fox noticed a small pocket of very poor housing in back of the bus station. On further investigation, he learned that the State College area had several such pockets of poverty, with very little being done about it. ~·

Within a week, the Chapter voted to lend its support to these underprivileged families. It decided to center its drive around the Thanksgiving period. The first step taken was to contact local churches to find out what they were doing and how the Chapter could help. They were directed towards a tremendous individual, Mrs. Phyllis Crabtree, a member of the United Methodist Church who runs a day nursery for 36 underprivileged families. Mrs. Crabtree helped map out plans for an area canned goods drive and a campus-wide collection. Realizing it would need the aid of others in its collection, Alpha Mu called upon the assistance of Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Kappa Delta sororities. The next step was to solicit publicity. The school newspaper, two town newspapers ran articles on the planned charity collection. Local radio stations were contacted and ran public service announcements. Block collections for three nights prior to the week of Thanksgiving vacation were organized. Collecting with each sorority for three days, the collection netted almost a ton of canned goods for the 36 families selected. A campus collection took place over a span of two days. Advertising with large signs and various posters attracted people coming and going from classes and stores, and brought in $800.00. This money was used to buy each family a large turkey for their Thanksgiving Day tables. These turkey's coupled with a thirty pound box of canned goods made a Thanksgiving worth remembering. With a considerable amount of money left Alpha Mu bought all the families turkeys for Christmas. After this there was still $400 remaining. These people have self respect and continuous charity would only defeat what little they had left. So the Chapter decided to give them something they really needed, money. Not money in the form of a gift, but loans. Through the Christian Missions Program an interest free loan fund for area families to draw from in times of emergency was established. These people have welfare income and small salaries to subsist on, but unfortunately most of the money is gone before the bills come in for electricity, heat and water. They could never gain any sort of credit from a commercial bank for these necessities, so the Chapter provided it.


ur1n During 1970, the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Fot~: dation made four scholarship loans or grants ~ an ing $3,200. The recipients were Joseph D. Me e3t at the University of Oklahoma, Bruce Sten1~ at the College of Charleston, Ambrose Wilson det the University of Kentucky and Robert D. SnY at the University of Miami. ual In addition, the Foundation instituted an an£ast cash award of $25 to each Pi Kapp Scholar. year 9 broth~rs received this award. . dur~ Cash donations received by the Foundation fund ing the year totalled $2,637.67. A new type of }licb raising campaign will be announced shortly w bol.. it is hoped will make more funds available for sen iS arship purposes. In addition, Trustee AI Bro~ of conducting a fund drive among the paren pledges. . iS ~ The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundatton rnal non-profit organization approved by the Int~onS·

If you are interested in making a contrt uuest, either in cash, stocks, property or as a be<I please contact : P. 0. Box 4608 Charlotte, North Carolina NEW CHAIRMAN, ALUMNI RELATIONS COMMITrEE Mike McDevitt, Alpha Omicron, who was National Warden for the 33rd Supreme Chapter has been appointed Chairman of the Alumni Relations Committee by National President Jack Steward. Mike, who is Supervisor of Dealer Service for International Harvester Co., does a lot of traveling and plans to visit many alumni chapters . Mcoevitt and individual alumni. He Mecheal o. il to a~so plans t? contact the alumni chapters b.Y ma and give them Information on successful proJects to offer assistance. . eJl For any alumni who are interested in startit~ to alumni chapter, Brother McDevitt will be g a and sup_Ply .an outline on how to organize, ope!ate jndi· maintain an alumni chapter, and to provide ~!!" vidual assistance. Write to him in care of the tional Office. . . . bead' A graduate of Iowa State In 1965, Mike .ts \\'itb quartered in Chicago. He resides in Palatine his wife and two children. ~ist Mike feels that a stronger bond needs to :ntlY between alumni and student Pi Kapps. "Pres ad' I think undergraduates look to alumni onlY fo~0re vice, money and chaperoning. I think there a:e bene' areas where we can be of assistance which Wl11 fit both groups."

Reprinted with minor deletions from Gamma Chi Chapter's tiThe Pi Kapp Image," December, 1970 .


rom the Desk of the


thf Would like to take this space to write some amngs that I have wished to say for sometime. I 8 find ?re that the words would be quite difficult to If I attempted a speech. 1\rainly, I just want to say, THANK YOU. 1 1 ;hank you for the best years of my life. When 1 96~rne to Jacksonville University in January of llla ' ~ really did not care what kind of grades I thi de, Just so I got my degree and got out. The best fri ng that ever happened to me was that an old erd of mine got me to join his fraternity. I was 110 frat on&:er a lonely 25 year old college man, but a f Pri ern1ty man. With this came a great deal of an:e and responsibility both toward my fraternity and lllyself. Now, I wanted to make good grades, is th I have. So you see, indirectly, this fraternity co e reason that my last year and a half have been itnlnPleted on scholarship. This is one of the most

greater unity of pride and spirit than has existed in the group since I have been here. I have worked and looked for this day for over three years. Yes, I am proud! Proud most of all for just being associated with you as a group and as individuals. Believe me, I leave owing a great debt to this fraternity. What does one get out of fraternity? ONE HELL OF A LOT! I have gotten far more than I could ever repay, and for this I am grateful. In .short, thank you brothers for making me a better man. I will truly miss each and everyone of you, and God knows I could never forget you. Yours in Pi Kappa Phi Bill Boland, Archon It's most peculiar. Ask any Pi Kapp why a young man should join Pi Kappa Phi and usually you'll get an answer that winds up with some vague platitudes about "great bunch of guys;" "nice house," "good place to live;" "lots of parties;" "good friends" and even "you learn to live with responsibility."

I llevUal, a sense of being, of belonging. We should rea er lose sight of that. This fraternity is also the ne~on that, until my work interfered, I was on the on spaper staff and involved in several other groups ~eaca~pus, eventually leading to a nomination two ersh~ In a row for the Peter Carlton Anderson lead1 bah P award, something that would have never t-~Pened had it not been for the fraternity.

Then ask, "What has -Pi Kappa Phi really meant to you?" If you get a frank answer, you'll find it usually is a lengthy response detailing very specific things of a personal nature regarding the interrelationships between brothers and their effects on your respondent. Bill Boland has written very ably that which most of us .seldom express what Pi Kappa Phi means to him. It is evident it means a great deal to him, just as it does to many of us.



tne. A person in my age group is at a disadtno age on a campus as a full time student. I am l'east grateful that instead of a long lonely three Wo~d of plodding around, that I have had three very g-00d erful years of close friendship. It is truly a or feeling to know that no matter what the nature so~cope of any problem one may have, that he has too eone who will listen and help if they can. In heist cases, just to be able to talk about a problem reaPs one to see the issue more clearly and find a sonable solution.

And it becomes evident that this meaning can be summarized, as it has been by Brother Don Lawton of Alpha Zeta, that "Pi Kappa Phi is a personal thing."

ha~haD:k you for the pride and self respect that you

Could it be that rush would be more effective if the Rush Chairman frequently reminds the Brothers that their personal thing is the real Pi Kapp value they had to sell the rushees?

life e g1ven me. The two proudest. moments of ~Y 1969 have come from this fratermty. One was m for When the pledge class created a new award llle ~htstanding service to the fraternity and made cou e first recipient of that award. The other of Pte l'~e Was the fact that you chose me to be your l bet~dent. The fact that there is such an age gap I faitheen us makes me very pro.ud that :ro!-1. had sin enough in me to give me this responsibility. I tha~erely hope that I can continue to be wo;rthy of ter trust. And it is rewarding that during my tn, We have pulled ourselves together with a

Could it be that an alumnus, choosing between an evening before the boob tube or in lending Pi Kappa Phi a hand would have an easier choice if he remembered his personal thing?


Pi Kappa Phi is a personal thing. •

SPRING '71/11

Accounts R . . . to the h ecer~rable Service. adv1ce and assistance hers' c apter In the collection of delinquent mernA accounts. ccounti S . . ect Pr ng uppiies accounting forms and suggestAdd ocedures. labe[esf Lists available on IBM listings or gummed graph· or any chapter's alumni, alumni in a geoAdvi Ic~1 area, or all alumni in an area. dutie~or s Manuel suggestions on approaching Alunt .and problems. activ ·nt~ Chapter Guidance help on formation and 1 Ies. A ~luntn. R I . ter a t~ . e. ations of Chapters suggestions for chapAnn· c lVIties and publication. IVersari Ch t . . on an . es, ap. ~r. assistance and suggestions Annu ~lversary achv1hes and programming. fund a Report Pi Kappa Phi's financial report Area Portfolio, etc. ' throu hConclaves planning and programming Attic}~ Area Governor. 8 alurnn. h of Incorporation samples for chapter 1 Awar ousing corporation. teria ds, Chapter Maintenance of records for eriCh used to select : Maarnt Pion Master Chapters Pres .er Chapters Edd~ldents Plaque A ward p· lngton A ward l:I~ R:app Scholar A wards Aw User Award ards AI . . 1\fe .t' . umni maintenance of records for Go[J or1ous Service Citations 1\1: en Legion A ward N~i· Pi Rappa Phi Award lonai Council Resolutions !lids. . lliogr --pr~nted pledge bid for chapter use. alum <l:Phical Forms suggested form for chapter lli n1 files azer p t arms a ches Gold thread embroidered coat of llondin . llltte ~ covermg all student chapter treasurers ternity ok comprehensive reference guide to fra~lldget- oper3;tions hne f -advice and counsel as well as sample outllttlttpor ch~pter treasurers. tty'' er Stickers "You Are in Pi Kappa Phi Counlly. Ja ·-sample outline Calend

Partin ar

chapter officers outline for organized reCata} g and planning. ~atio~g of Supplies list of items available from 1 Chapt a Office. t~qUit·!~ Ope~a~i~ns Manual contains suggested and fleers act1y1ties, forms, etc., for all chapter ofChap{ cornm1ttees, and activities. nubJ1·cer Relations guide manual for alumni and Chapt reia t•Ions. Ranizaet~ Voluntary Dues sample program and orlonal outline.

Charter replacement service. Code of Responsibilities NIC statement suitable for framing. Colonization organization and procedure with or without a local fraternity. Constitution, Chapter sample outline. Creed undergraduate creed, suitable for framing. Contract sample housing contract for chapter and/ or housing corporation use.


Decals Greek letter, coat of arms, and alumni Directory, National entire membership listed by chapter and geographically. Directory, Chapter samples of chapter alumni directories as well as IBM printout of your alumni.

E Educational Foundation Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation. Employment assistance in securing summer and permanent employment. Environmental Pollution our national ecological program. Suggestions and outline. Expansion information on the growth program and policy.

F Field Secretary regular visitation with additional visits scheduled if needed or requested. Films Pi Kappa Phi Rush film, NIC film available on loan basis. Flag Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity flag. Fokromix published when necessary to disseminate esoteric information. Founders' Day ideas, suggestions, assistance, and speakers. Founders' Pictures suitable for framing. Fund Raising major and minor funding program advice for student and alumni.



Goals, Colony guide for colony organization and preparation of chartering brochure. Gold Book archon's manual with National Constitution and Supreme Law. ' •

Hazing NIC statement, suitable for framing. Historical Records chapter history preserved in archives. History of Pi Kappa Phi new edition available soon.

I Ideas & Gimmicks list of suggestions on rush, public relations, projects, etc. Idea Library collection of ruRh brochures, IFC publications, chapter publications, etc., on loan basis. Initiation Report Forms permanent file record for chapter and national office.

SPRING '71/13

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Insurance Programs two programs available to members (Life and Medical). Invitation Form embossed coat of arms for printing your message.

J Jewelry official order blanks for badges, pledge pins, recognition buttons, etc. Journal a monthly publication sent to Pi Kappa Phi officialdom.

Pledge Manual "WHITE DIAMOND" available from National Office. Pledgemaster Manual for development of a sound pledge education program. Posters chapter incentives and planning. Printing offset press service available. ·n . 1 Programming specialized programming for an dividual chapter with a particular problem. e. Public Relations Manual for organization and e~ cution of a positive program. ·ve Publications assistance in developing an effectt chapter publication.

L Law & Order Resolution the Supreme Chapter resolution suitable for framing. Legal Assistance available through the National Chancellor. Letters sample letters to send to parents, rushees, pledges, alumni, etc.

Mailing Service duplicating, metering, and mailing for student and alumni chapters. Map map with chapter locations. Membership Cards plastic pocket identification cards Membership Development a program outline on pledge member education. Membership Certificate membership shingle, replacements available. Minimum Standards list of chapter standards set by Supreme Chapter and National Council. Miscellaneous Information Sheets updated information for use with pledge manual.

N National Council Policy available on any particular area upon request. . News Releases automatic release of national items, guide for local chapter releases.

0 Operations Manuals guides for chapter officers, committee chairmen and advisors development. Official Bulletin bulletin of specific information and instructions of fraternity events. Order Form for ordering services and supplies.

p Pi Kapp College a national leadership, organizational and motivational workshop for chapter officers held every other year. Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation tax exempt organization to give aid and assistance for educational programs, scholastic incentives, and student loans. Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. a corporation to aid, assist and develop housing for student chapters.


Recommendations forms for alumni recommenda.. tions. ,.,.. Records "Pi Kappa Phi Sings," fraternity songss "In The Beginning," interview with the founder · Reports all necessary student chapter reportt~· ns 10 Retreat an outline, guide and program sugges ' personal assistance if possible. e.. Ritual Books replaced through special arrang ments. ~il. Ritual Equipment all necessary equipment aV able at manufactured cost. b~P" Rush Manual organization and execution of a c ter program. cat3" Rush Material flyers, tags, booklets, etc. ; see log. Rush Systems various forms or rush systemS·


Scholarships for student loans from Pi KaPP~ pbl Scholarship Foundation. se· 11 Scholarship Program suggestions for chapterduc~" Slide Presentation for pledge and member e tion, rush, expansion, retreats, etc. Social suggestions for social programming. eotlS Spot Shot bi-monthly bulletin on miscellan Fraternity matters. . ~il. Star & Lamp editing, publishing, maintaining ing lists. Additional copies available on reques ~gS· 8 Songbook music of Pi Kappa Phi fraternitY 1able Speakers Bureau officers, staff may be avat 11ce· for speaking engagements. Request well in adv~cie.l Stationery standard chapter stationery and sP engraved coat of arms upon order. . n iS 0 Supreme Chapter your legislative conven~. 11 of 10 conducted by the office staff under the direc the National Council.


T T~e

Shirts with .blue. trim. and coat of arm~· cJtlP Ties (2) fraternity ties With coat of arms 1n design and repp stripes. ell' Treasurer's Manual guide for budgeting and g eral chapter financial operations.

y "Yours In Pi Kappa Phi" a booklet of often-as questions about the fraternity.






corn ~ently asked of me since be''Ar In~ National President is, Riveen t fraternities dying?". It 8 qu0 t ~e great satisfaction to bireei In response, our Executive 0 fratec ~'. Durward Owen. "If live]i l'~Ibes are dying, it is the 1'hes corpse I have ever seen." chaptre ~ere 114 more fraternity cernb er.s In existance as of Del, 19e[ 1, 1969 than on December 8 frater :. During 1970, national Puse nities entered 55 new cama. 1~9 and disappeared from only OJ>enect new campuses have been l>ast fi to fraternities during the s Ve Years. ing 'hh a question is very disturbll!inct o~ever, because it brings to could e realization of what ter8 c ha~pen. Fraternity chaptheir ~n die, and many are closing Cessio oors. Fortunately, the ac'l'he rn rate far exceeds the losses. chapt ecord shows that for every have br lost, 15 new chapters 'ro een added. ~any quote Russell Kirk, "For llities or most students, frater''ln are desirable. able t a ernities are more valu19th oday then they were in the Were century, when many of them tyPic founded. I mean that the


are 10 8 t Ifr, so that most students ~any In a lonely crowd, and been r complain that they have nutnb educed to businessmachine Of stu~s. This is a principal cause ''~ ent unrest and violence. lllean~wf fraternities are a sound ttlit:y or. reducing this anonyllloth tyd. unpersonality at Behea resict Diversity. A fraternity is Scale e~tial club on a humane ~f afiea ~Ittle community, a focus little ctions. Belonging to such a tne01b Platoon," the fraternity ql.lire ~r has friend.s and can accalllpuidentity even on the vastest


"If fraternities adhere to their declared objectives, they can do much to restore the higher learning in this land. "In America, fraternity houses provide something of the congenial atmosphere of Oxford and Cambridge something that the gigantic new dormitories never can provide. The loss of personal relationships is one of the great plagues of our age. So any sociologist with imagination, I maintain, ought to approve the survival of these voluntary associations." Statistics bear out what Mr. Kirk has written. Sixty-five percent of the members of college fraternity chapters graduated on schedule last year,










according to a just completed three-year study of fraternity retention by the Commission on Fraternity Research under the direction of Dr. Paul P. VanRiper, Professor of Public Administration at Cornell University and Chairman of the Com• • miSSIOn. This is a significantly higher rate of graduation than most colleges have for the general student body (35% for non-fraternity schools, 47% for schools with fraternities.) In addition, over the three year period, the retention indices increased from a starting level of about 55% to 65% in 1969. Fraternities have perhaps the greatest challenge they have had in nearly 200 years of existence. If we do not meet the challenge, the death knell can be tolled, both for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and the entire fraternity system. We can no longer exist if we continue to practice having or other things which degrade young men. We cannot continue to treat pledges as "worms." We must assist him as we strive to improve our society and the environment in which we live. We cannot live in the past. At the same time, we cannot forget the past. From the past, we learn, and thus grow and improve. From the past we learn the basic tenets of brotherhood from today's mores we can teach it. Fraternity is needed today as it has never been needed before. And Pi Kappa Phi needs its alumni to assist in meeting this challenge. I ask your willing and active involvement in bettering the most valuable asset this world has ... our youth. Jack Steward National President

SPRING '71/15

At least t·lvo chapters are building pr_estige and the high morale that comes ft·om worktng together -by spomoring M iss America" beauty pageants. Beta Tau, Valdosta State College, is a veteran of 19 years expe1·ience. Gamma. Kapp!! Chapter: has tl~e enthusiasm of 3 years of tnct·eastng .expertence. In the f ollowing articles you can s~ e how tt's done ... it's nice ~vo'rk and you CAN get ttl 11

ter 19 YEARS, AND GROWING With the thrilling music of the familiar "Miss America Fanfare" filling Whitehead Auditoriu~, a capacity crowd saw the nineteenth annual Miss Valdosta State College Pageant, February 10, sponsored by Beta Tau Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Seve~teen beal.:!tiful VSC coeds were In competition for the coveted title, which carries with it an opportunity to become Miss Georgia and Miss America. The reigning queen, sophomore Ann Brightwell, Miss Valdosta State College 1970, was joined by Nancy Carr Miss Georgia 1971, and several 'other special guests and the 17 contestants in a program that has been proclaimed a.s the most colorful in the College's pageant history. "We Are Tomorrow," a recent Miss America Pa¥eant, was the theme o! t~Is year's Pi Kapp show, which Included the full orchestration and format of that presented in Atlantic City. . Latham Hill was general chairman of the Pageant, which has

Beta Tau Archon Johnny J.ones pres~nts Miss vsc 1971 trophy to Lmda Rec:fdtck. thers Latham Hill (left), general c_hatrman, Carmen Spatola move on stage wtth roses crown.


the Broand and

been annually sponsored by the Beta Tau Chapter for 19 years. This year'.s Pageant closely followed the Miss America style presentation in every respect, including the theme, the presence of Miss Georgia to serve as mistress of ceremonies, presentation to winners of official Miss America trophies, and a pageant program magazine of more than 30 pages. To accomplish all that had to be done to make this a truly memorable pageant, it was necessary that all Beta Tau brothers and pledges .share the many responsibilities and even call on others at the College. Sixteen pages of advertising for the pageant program were sold by the Fraternity members. Local merchants supported the cause with numerous valuable gifts, flowers, etc. Beta Tau committee chairmen for the event were Kirk Rivenbark, Advertising and Promotion; Bob Hereford and Vince Settle, Magazine ; Keith Wortman, Awards; and Carmen Spatola, Judges. Fluker G. Stewart, Chi alumni and now Director of College Relations at VSC, was production coordinator of the Pageant. ''The Chapter has been presenting the annual Miss VSC Pageant for 19 years, and for three years now has been a franchise holder and participant in the Miss Georgia Pageant competition," Latham Hill pointed out. "However, for the first time, this year we decided to go all out and real1y make the College Pageant an outstanding evening everyone would remember. I think they definitely will!"




The Chapter received efc:isio!l newspaper, radio and tG:orgi!l. coverage throughout ea.Jlt· prior to and after t~e . the Bringing Miss Georgia ·~9 ~ssist beautiful Nancy Carr, 0 lY did was a great asset. Not on ea!lt, she expertly handle the Pa~< fot but also laid the groundWO



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. '~' ~.

. letr) fl'~e f inalists at Valdosta State are (from Na W1nner linda Reddick, second runner-up an~cr Griffin, Gail Hilliard, Harriette Cooper, 1rst runner-up Becky Hicks.

~nother fine year in 1972 by meetIng with local bankers and ar~anging establishment of a special oeta Tau Miss VCS Scholarship F~nd, to reward future l\Iiss VSC Winners. ''Everything went exccptional1 y Well," Latham Hill says. "'Ve Won't make much money this first Year that we have moved to such a .s Pectacular program, but see ?right possibilities for the comIn~ Years. I think the ticket sales Will be over in a couple of ctays re:x:t ti:me, with many more trying 0 get in. Also, I believe we can c?unt on the merchants for conSiderably more advertising and other support, after their having seen the calibre of our work." lie said plans are already un~erway for next year's Miss VSC ageant, and encouraged other ~~apters to consider the possibilifles of acquiring franchise. rights or local pageants on their own campuses. -Fluker G. Stewart, Chi, Chapter Advisor


theme of the Valdosta app:ant, is sung by contestants as they ar on stage for the first t i me.

PRODUCING A PAGEANT? The main point in producing a pageant is to make sure you create enthusiams. Get your campus excited, and it could ma~ter very little if your show r~tns Into technical difficulty. This y~ar marked the 24th Annual l\iiss Georgia Southern College Pageant. This is the third year Gamma Kappa Chapter has wo;ked with the pageant here at GS<;~ and it will not be our last. It IS the fastest way to raise your f.raternity image; sure sports are Important, but from year to year when you make it known th~~ t~e "Miss Whatever Pageant IS sponsored by Pi Kapps, that's called tradition, and that leaves an impression. Back about ten years ago, the Miss Georgia Southern ~ageant was simply a beauty review; or to put it bluntly, a "leg and body show." Then we purchased .a fr~n.­ chise from the Miss Georgia-M1ss America Pageant and became ".an official preliminart; of th_e Miss America Pageant. Our girl goes directly to compete in the Miss Georgia Pageant; and last year, she was in the top ten a;nd won over $500.00 in scholarships. If you are explorin~ ~he idea of sponsoring a pageant, It .s no problem The format would follow: eve~ing gown comp~tition, t~lent, and finally swimsuit; as sir_nple as that. However, the secret Is to make your show move fast.. A show like this can be done with 15 to 20 girls in two hours and forty-five minu~es! including a ten minute intermission af~er talent competition. After eve~I~g gown and swimsuit competition, ask some talented person on campus to entertain as a divertissement to give the girls time to change from one competition to another. The college pageant is the ideal situation. You can always persuade the music department to provide music (free, of course) ; plant operatio~s ~o help build your set; organizations to sponsor girls at maybe a $10.~0 en.try fee. If you get twenty girls In your show, you have $200.00, and that could probably be enough f~r a small, but yet well-organized show. And if you are re~llf lucky, talk your college into .g~v~ng yo~ money out of the acti~Ities fee ' then all you need do IS budget

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Miss Georgia Southern College) 1971, Carol Jean Lisk.

your money and direct the show. As for our pageant here at Southern the college donates $1,640 f~r the production. Our business manager then s e II s $1,000 worth of ads; and then we charge $25.00 entry fee. per co~­ testant. The funny part Is organizations will pay this fee because our "propaganda people" build the show up to a super production. So, with a working budget of $2,500 we start the show. The theme of the 1971 Miss GSC Pageant was "Somewhere Out There " and our special guests were Miss'Virginia, Cherie Davis; Miss Indiana, Jill Jackson; and Miss Georgia, Nancy Carr. We had an orchestra of twenty, a chorus of twenty, and ten dancers. The show was pop and up to date -the music pleased every taste. VVe had a set change for every production number. In other words, it was a big show for a college. In summary, we cleared over $1,100 on our show. The success of our show was due to enthusiasm of the college and the Brothers of Gamma Kappa Chapter. In other words, we may now be known as the "Pageant Directors," and I know of no other position that holds as much prestige. Good luck on your pageant; and get involved; it makes the difference. -Wayne Buffington, Gamma Kappa Director, Miss GSC Pageant

Special gue~ts. o.f the ~eorgi~ Soythern .Pageant; Miss Vrrgmra, Chene Daves; M1ss lndaana, J i 11 Jackson. Georgia Southern photos by David Lewis.

SPRING '71 I 17




In the 1900's National Fraterr·nities recognized a need for some form of mutual contact between their various organizations at the national leadership level. This contact was desirable in order to establish closer communication and cooperation. Thus in 1909, the National Interfraternity Conference came into existence. The organization itself has never changed from its orginal basic concept cooperation and communication bet'lv een the natio'nal leadership level of the m entber national f'raterr.,tities. Criticism of the National Interfraternity Conference has resulted from a misunderstanding of the basic concept, and not from the concept itself. It is correct that the National Interfraternity Conference has aided the critics by attempts to do more than its basic concept would allow, i.e., relating I.F.C.'s to the N.I.C. as individual undergraduate chapters are related to their individual national fraternities. This is in direct conflict with the basic National Interfraternity Conference concept. Moves are now in effect to adjust the basic concept and the structure to accompany such changed concept. Due to its present structure such changes must come from the national leadership of the member national fraternities. In the meantime we should accept the "n~·utual cooperation and communication bet1veen tl~e national leadet~ship level of the various /national !rate1·nities" concept of the N.I.C. and disregard any expectation of a "super national legislative and leadership school" role for the National Interfraternity Conference. Especially should this attitude of expectation be adjusted as regards the annual meeting itself. Due to the present basic National Interfraternity Conference concept, those in attendance, other than the official delegates of the fifty-nine member national fraternities, should anticipate "peer group contact" as the only structured value of annual meeting attendance.


WILMINGTON (N. C.) ALUMNI CHAPTER ACTIVE 40 The Wilmington Alumni Chapter has over members now and is headquartered on the 8th ~oor, The Trust Building. In addition to regular meetintgd the Chapter has numerous social events. Intere~ e alumni in the area can call 762-2976 for information. ALPHA COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON · ed Dr. J. Decherd Guess, of Greenville, who receiV ·n 1 his B.S. degree from the College of Charleston e 1911, and his M.D. degree from the Medical c~n:;. of South Carolina in 1917, has been named DIS ;he guished Alumnus of 1970 by the alumni o_f e 0 Medical University of South Carolina. Guess ~~ ~t of Greenville's leading physicians and a spe~u~hnt in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He was the reciP 1~he of an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from College of Charleston in 1960.

Dr. Guess is a Founding Fellow of the Amer~c:~ College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, has rece;\s the diploma of the American Board of Obste r~d and Gynecology and was one of the founders ~cal early presidents of the South Carolina Obst~trithe and Gynecological Society. He participated ~n of organization of the South Atlantic Association Gynecologists and Obstetricians. He is the author of articles on medical subje1f: and wrote the "Medical History of Green vi tY County." He was editor of the Greenville Cou~re Medical Society Bulletin and has served for Ill nal than 11 years on the Editorial Board of the Jour of the South Carolina Medical Society. Brother Guess has served as the President of South Carolina Medical Society and the Greef"tbe County Medical Society. He was a member o tY Board of Trustees of the Medical College for hfe~he years (1945-1965) and is a past president o d'cal Board of Directors of the South Carolina Me I Care Plan (Blue Shield).




Herbie White, the only Georgian on the Geor~tbasketball team from 1967-1970, has earned a s~er ing place on the Atlanta Hawks pro team. Bro at White, a 6'2" native of Decatur played forward ttl· Georgia, and his credentials were less than speciot cular. But during the summer between his JUntbe and senior years, he worked out with severa! of a • Hawks and impressed them with his fantastiC Ie p



ability and aggressiveness. He can touch the fu}1of fhe square on the backboard. The subject of a .1\tJ c~ umn of commentary in the sports pages of sa ~n a's leading paper, Herbie is quoted as thf~kg he g?t his jumping ability early in life. He cat s r~nn1ng up and down the steps of the DeankY High football stadium with weights on his es had something to do with it.



J. Albert Avrack is now living at 939 Coast ann?., LaJolla, Calif. June, 1971 will mark his 50th teti lV~rsary since graduation from Stetson. He has re from active surgical practice. of l\1: ~lusia County School .system. He was principal den ainland High School, member and past presideni of the Daytona Beach Kiwanis Club, past presifor of the Florida High School Coaches Assn., ars~er campaign chairman of "Dollars for Scholba~k end a member of the Daytona Beach Quarterlub.

Dr. James C. Bryant has returned from a year abroad. He taught Renaissance Literature at the Florida State University Study Center in Florence, Italy. Home is 1812 Skyland Drive, Tallahassee, Fla. He is now teaching in the English Dept. of Florida State. LCDR Charles Gertner is the Naval Representative in the Mutual Defense Assistance Office, U. S. Embassy, Tokyo, Japan. James C. Parkhurst, LCDR, Box 24, VSTDC J-2, APO San Francisco 96263, is in Taipei, Taiwan for a 2 year tour as Intelligence Requirements Office for U. S. Taiwan Defense Command. Richard A. Dickson, 7852 Lancia Street, Jackson, Fla. 32210 is head of the Music Department of Paxon Sr. High School and part-time faculty member at Florida Jr. College Evening School and is brass instructor at Jacksonville Univ. Paul Martz is assistant public defender, District 7, St. Johns County, Florida.

ju~irc!Jit Judge W. Troy Hall has served as a circuit

Jay J. Reynolds is municipal judge in Boca Raton and has a private practice in the firm Lavelle & Reynolds. He lives at 1630 NW 7th St., Boca Raton, Florida. Peter D. Brooks is coach and athletic director at Gaston College. He is also Director of Adult Evening Education at Gaston College.


Charles B. Bugg is pastor of the Emanuel Baptist Church of Lexington, Ind. He is working on his Th.D. in church history and pastoral care.

B· lnovr1adier

General Robert H. Gaughan recently su e to Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota. He asbi~e~ command of the 4th Strategic Aerospace 18 Ion, Strategic Air Command. "Vio~~ In the Fifth Judicial Circuit since 1960, preY serving as Lake County judge for 12 years.

D. "Deke" DeLoach, veteran FBI official 0 has P~rating chief of the bureau in recent years, Of p reti.red and accepted a position as vice president tor jPSico Corp. He served as assistant to FBI direchad · Edgar Hoover, .since December 31, 1965 and tion been in direct charge of all criminal investiga8 dre ~nd FBI counterspy operations. His new adss Is 96 Perkins Rd., Greenwich, Conn. 06830. of ththe Ford Motor Company. He is now director 1fich· e International Affairs Office in Dearborn, lgan.


George M. Akin, is Director of Medical SerStr s, Cutter Laboratories, Fourth and Parker eets, Berkeley, California 94710.

o?homas J. Deen, Jr. is Vice President of Dunhill

lina. n·e is past Lt. Governor of Division Two CaroIstrict of Kiwanis International.


Bingham L. Vick, Jr. is choral director and voice teacher at Furman University, Greenville, S. C. Steven E. Wilkerson has received his MTS from Harvard Divinity School. David M. Morgan received his M.S. in Counselling and Guidance from Indiana University and is in his third year of teaching English and Psychology in California. John H. Haire received his MBA in June and entered the U. S. Army Medical Service Corp. Elmer C. J ost, the oldest member of Stetson's 1968 graduating class, is a DeLand cattleman and real estate agent. He is serving his second term as National Chaplain of Pi Kappa Phi. Jack C. Inman is the present president of the Stetson Alumni Association.


general manager of Field Enterprises Ucat1onal Corp., Little Rock, Arkansas 72204.

to w'Yith Sears and will be moving from Charlotte Inston-Salem, North Carolina.

ln~ark C.

Hollis is District 695 governor of Rotary keternational. He is vice president of Public MarOf s, Inc. He was named Outs.tanding Y oun~ M~n tin th~ Year in 1963 and received Lakeland s DisgUished Service Award in 1965.

Pi Kapp College August 22 - 26, 1971

SPRING '71 I 19

Kappa Sigma Chi Colony at V. P. I. says it was worth waiting for.

GEORGIA AND FLORIDA HOLD LARGEST CONCLAVE EVER Under the warm Florida sun Pi Kapps from throughout the Southeast began gathering as early as Thursday afternoon for the joint Florida-Georgia Conclave held March 6-7 at the Safari Beach Motel in Daytona Beach, Florida. First to arrive were the guest chapters from South Carolina, well represented by groups from Charleston, University of South Carolina, Lander, Wofford, and Presbyterian. This entourage was led by Area Governor Glenn McConnell, who at least the opening hour and a half of the Conclave, had a wardrobe of dry clothes. Spirits were never dampened, but Brother McConnell was dampened with great regularity as he became official candidate for the Esther Williams A ward by being tossed in the motel pool no less than 16 times! The festivities officially started Friday night with a poolside Hget acquainted" party hosted by National Secretary Phil Tappy. Dates from nearby colleges were on hand to welcome the visiting Pi Kapps, however some were apparently driven away by over zealous Brothers who were clawing at the windows of their automobiles as they drove in to the motel. On Saturday morning the more than 300 Pi Kapps in attendance gathered at the Scene Nightclub for the business and awards session of the Conclave. Brother Tappy and Area V Governor, Larry McDaniel led the discussions which touched on the topics of Fund raising, Junior College expansion, Pi Kapp College, voting regulations, Davidson Charter Suspension, change of scholastic and time requirements for initiation, etc. Following review of topics of interest, the trophies and award presentations we1·e made. Since Area Governor Ed Muloch was unable to attend, the Florida Chapter awards were postponed. The Area V awards given were as follows:


dvisor A Best Ahrrnnus-Eddie Culver-Chi Chapter, Chapter for Gamma Sigma C0 uege Best Brother Rob Beheler Kappa Phi, Augusta Archon Best Chapter Gamma Nu LaGrange College Brown Helmet Award Howard Staata Gamma Nu Jack Rabbit Awa'r d Alpha Alpha Mercer Turtle Award Beta Tau Valdosta State College •tb Following the awards session, conferences were held ~ ot all Area V Chapters to discuss any existing problem situations with new Area Governor Larry McDaniel. t ~9S By mid-afternoon, a two-state basketball tournamen ·n b1 well underway at a nearby gymnasium. Following a ~ 9 V LaGrange College over Georgia Southern in the Ar ntrol finals, Stetson's five exhibited keen shooting and ball cobaJ!l' t~ wipe out the men from Gamma Nu and reign as ct tne p~ons . of the ~wo-state Conclave. It is unders~ood th:etbBll victorious Ch1 Chapter was sporting 3 varsity b~S Jl1f1t1· players while Gamma Nu was using only one varsit~ g oll Safari Motel owner, Bud Asher, did the refereeincases the basketball court ~s well as at his motel. In ~otht the he was most appreciated and contributed heavilY 0 success of th~ Conclave. . witb Saturday n1ght saw a party at the Scene Nightclubscene free admission to all Pi Kapps. The party closed the coJl1" and picked up back at the motel where sleep was a rare modity and good times were plentiful. added Field Secretaries Chuck Cummings and Jim Dale~ reS" immeasurably to the success of the Conclave and th~Ir lbeit ence was taken advantage of by many Chapters seeking advice on various topics of Chapter interest.


CHARLESTON chchon Robert Adams apter Advisor Clyde Turner I

Ch on Ken Williams haptter Advisor Richard Townsend ne a Ch

allowed aJ?ter, .as a result of new campus rules, was not rush n to give bids to freshmen until the winter term. With on carnow over, we are proud to claim nine of the best pledges tecentlyP~s .. ~n addition, we have four new brothers who were . Grad Initiated. tng th uate brothers would certainly be interested concern! look e new atmosphere at this formerly quiet campus. As With Prout of my window, I see pickets, buildings covered student o~e~t P?sters, and clenched fists. A majority of the g"tievan Y Is now actively protesting many long time A . ces. Side from that, this is the same old P.C.


Ch on Jim Reed apter Advisor .. ·Oscar Laib

ZETA WOFFORD Archon Bill Murrah Chapter Advisor Edward C. Sharpe Pi Kapps at Wofford played a vital role in taking the No. 1 ranked Terriers into the N AlA Championship Bowl. Bobby Jordan was the season's leading scorer and added another record of having most career touch~owns with 36. End Skip Corn was the season's top pass receiver followed by freshman David Creasy. Brother Jordan was aided by offensive linemen Mike Roebuck and John Harris. Also on offense, field goal specialist Randy Bringman broke a district record of most consecutive points. Defensively, Ed Wile was instrumental in stopping opponents' scoring attempts. A population explosion has hit Zeta Chapter with on..e boy and a girl already born this year and three more exp'ected by this summer. In January, Craig Jones and his wife had the first Pi Kapp son. Rod and Carolyn Champion had their second girl in February. Son and Diane Snipes had a ten pound boy. Expecting in the future are chapter advisor and alumnus Carey Sharpe and his wife, Meldra and Max and Diane Goodloe. The house has a new look this semester with the whole inside just having been painted. The highlight of the work is the house bedroom. The walls were painted red and white striped and the ceiling blue with stars. Brother John Maxwell has been named Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Attending a recent conclave in Daytona Beach were Rick Lindsay, Jim Martin and Ralph Humphries.

IOTA GEORGIA TECH Archon Jimmy Hill Chapter Advisor Larry Reinhardt



has distinguished himself as one of the nation's best Stat e NCAA s Fyear he was fourth in the individual all-round cateRory es in th Wmals, and more recently finished third for the United e orld Games in Yugoslavia.

ay8 of ce ~f time between football season and the sunny t~e brot spring. Cold weather and rain, though, do not cause 8lsters .h~r~ ~f Gamma to neglect school, intramurals, little ' Initiation, rush or alumni. 0 about f the si t 34 f ra t ern1·t·Ies on campus, PI· Kappa Phi· stan d s Place inJC hhoveral~ with a third place in total members, sixth 18 great !~ p~arship, and eighth place in intramurals. Spirit t Our l't I. Kappa Phi! 1 hese w tie Sister group is growing and relations between schoiarshf?en a~d the p~o~herhood are fine, whether it be in ~alllrna lp, soci~l ~ctivit~es, or friendship. The brothers of ell> eachnd their little Sisters are always working hard to J\.t th other. ~edgesh~ end of this past January, twelve men ended their t elcornedp. and became brothers of Pi Kappa Phi. Each was 0 the c I_nto. the Chapter and charged with contributing and locai~tinu1ng growth of the fraternity on both national J\.s th evels. racant s~ ~ea~ goes by, there is always a need to fill a few rAnues t 0 0 s In the chapter house. To this end Gamma con.edges rush year round. At present we have seven '~lee l>r~ .all fine men, who are working hard on school, serStiii . Je~s, and lessions of Pi Kappa Phi. tl'oup i~n Its .earl.Y stages, but coming on strong, our alumni een ass ook1ng Into ways of helping our Chapter. We have a}ulllni ured of their guidance when asked for, and as the tnaking cha~ter grows stronger they will help us in money g'ood w01~{.0 Jects. Looking ahead, Gamma may anticipate a Ing relation with its alumni.


Iota initiates and nursing students serenade patient at Georgia Baptist Hospital.

Iota closed out fall on a successful note by finishing third out of 28 fraternities on campus in scholarship. By collecting more money than any other group in our district in the Atlanta Jaycee sponsored Empty Stocking Fund, Iota's Pi Kapps proved that they still care about others. This marked the second year in a row that we have been on top in collections as our per capita collections rose from $20 to $25. The majority of winter was devoted to planning for spring. Brother Will Jordan, having completed his graduate studies has rejoined Iota in the role of Co-Advisor. Will, working with newly elected Historian Jim Blakely has set into motion a new program of Alumni Relations. Also under study is a revision of Iota's pledge policies. We are now working toward a positive fraternity-community service program instead of the negative approach now common to many chapters, including ours. Brother Russ Anderson, in keeping with this new objective, sponsored a community service project in which our pledges sang and entertained patients at Georgia Baptist Hospital. Plans are also in the works for the social aspects of spring. Our Rose Ball will be held May 8 and we would like as many of our alumni to come as possible. Also our "Budman Special" go-cart is being made ready to improve on last year's third place finish in the Tech 200. Winter has not been without its achievements however. The most notable of these was our bowling team's capture of the league title for the third consecutive year. Winter at Iota was closed by 26 men attending the Area V conclave held in Daytona Beach, Florida. It was quite an experience and Area Governor Phil Tappy is to be congratulated.

SPRING '71 I 21

KAPPA-NORTH CAROLINA Archon Tom Collins Chapter Advisor David F. McAllister

TAU NORTH CAROLINA STATE Archon Ronald L. l\1atthews Chapter Advisor Tom Saieed

LAMBDA GEORGIA Archon Chris Owen Chapter Advisor C. W. Dopson, Jr.

UPSILON ILLINOIS Archon Charles E. Frame, Jr. Chapter Advisor·-

Lambda Chapter en1barked upon the new school year by pledging ten sophomores. These pledges led the brotherhood in the leukemia drive, in which Lambda Chapter placed third. Our chapter has also gotten off to a great start in intrafraternity athletics. The football team slashed through all its opponents to a 5-0 year, only to be nipped in the final seconds by the Pi Kappa Alpha's in the play-offs, 6 to 0. Our volleyball, baseball, and horseshoe teams all placed second in their respective sports. Plans arc being set to initiate a "Little Sisters" program at Lambda. We know that this program will be very beneficial as has been evidenced by other chapters. The first annual Parents' Day of Lambda chapter is being set for the first week of April. This will be our first opportunity to get together the parents and sons that make up our chapter.

DUKE Archon Jim Zahrn Chapter Advisor William D. Jones


NU NEBRASKA Archon Bill MeNeil Chapter Advisor Oscar Koch XI ROANOKE Archon Richard Ruby Chapter Advisor Kenneth R. Garren Xi Chapter has had a successful year. Formal rush ended last week with the pledging of 2~ men. These pledges offer much to the fraternity, and we are looking forward to having them with us. Next year our house will once again be full of Pi Kapps. Mike Bast has been selected as a Pi Kappa Phi Scholar and we are quite proud of him. Our entire chapter has led our campus in overall academic average, and we hope to continue the good work. This spring Xi Chapter is planning quite an Alumni Weekend in conjunction with Roanoke College's Alumni weekend. On April 30 a buffet dinner will be offered at the House for all returning alumni. We hope many will be able to come and see the College and our House. That night after the College's planned activities are over, all Pi Kap~s. ar~ once again welcomed to stop by for our party and JOin tn the merrymaking with us. This would be a good time to meet some of the present brothers and for dancing a few times with your wife. You n1ight relive a few favorite memories for Pi Kapp Parties are still the best parties on Roanoke's campus. Saturday afternoon we also are planning a good roast beef buffet. This will be the end of our Alumni Weekend festivi'ties. We are looking forward to greeting all returning brothers and their families.

01\IICRON ALABA~IA Archon Billy Barton Chapter Advisor Emmett Dendy RHO WASHINGTON & LEE Archon Albert Angrisani Chapter Advisor Herbert N. Hamric SIGMA-SOUTH C. ~ROLINA . Archon J. Calhoun Pruitt Chapter Advisor L. E. Atwater


CHI STETSON Archon Judd Chapman Chapter Advisor Lee Rowell

ur 0 We are looking forward with great expectation are 50th anniversary which will be celebrated in Ma~ Chapter hoping as many alumni as possible will attend. Chl Cbi would like to congratulate the Brothers of Gamma Obi Chapter at Jacksonville University. Seven brothers fflo~ Jllen were part of the initiating team which brought these n into the ranks of Pi Kappa Phi. cbil" Our annual Christmas party for underpriviledged ccesS· dren was, as it has been in the past, a tremendous susante. Especially when Brother Elmer J ost appeared as s the Claus. The kids really enjoyed themselves but perhaP Brothers of Chi enjoyed playing with the toys more.. con" Recently the Georgia and Florida chapters held tbelrmanY clave in nearby Daytona Beach which was attended bY of the brothers of the above mentioned chapters. th place We Pl Kapps here at Stetson currently are in f~ur ursl for the Presidents' Cup Trophy competition for t~tra~aJllS sports. With the looks of our softball and swimming derate we have a sure second place wrapped-up with a mo chance for first place. . g 0 rne" The first place prize in lawn decorations durtng r our coming went to Pi Kapa Phi. With its theme "Cove chose World with Hope" it was very evident why the judg~s ~bO ours which was designed by Brother Chobee Ebbe ;\.NNl" deserves a lot of credit. Don't forget alumni 50th VERSARY CELEBRATION IN MAY ...


PSI CORNELL Archon Carl Johnson Chapter Advisor Walter R. Schlotzhauer OMEGA

J aJ1e

PURDUE Archon-David G. W3r~ Chapter Advisor Kenneth

·t sirtg, 47 Omegans, directed by Brother David Lane won the Universf ybeiflg

Once again Omega has carried on the tradition o ·we iJl the "singing fraternity" at Purdue. For the third t 1•11 tbe the last five yeurs the Chapter captured first place 1 men's division of the University Sing. e b~s Since the beginning of the new semester, everyor tbel~ been extremely busy at Omega. After everyone go h fln classes all straightened out, we began working on r~s se o{ pledgeship. The new semester began a second P ~0 g~ pledgeship. While December and January were used ufltll basically acquainted with the new pledges, this semes;e~tbetS initiation will be used to shape the pledges into good r and men. dgiflg Rush began the second week we returned. Official pie cJt~S9 has not taken place as of yet, but we plan to take a of about 15 men. f feP' Omega's annual Rose Ball was held the weekend 0 d co~' ruary 13th. It took place at Morris Bryant's InJ?- .an :godtl' sisted of a delicious meal followed by the Ball. Ahc1a corted guez was crowned queen of the Rose Ball and was es by Brother Tim Bower.



ALPHA MERCER chchon Joey Sequin apter Advisor Hurschel Hammack


ALPHA ZETA -OREGON STATE Archon Ted Langton Chapter Advisor -Gerry Young

Alpha Zeta House.


Alpha's own band (The Critical Mass) helps with rush.

driv~r~ng t~uarter brings still more 0

advances in Alpha Alpha's A.lpha e top. With the Florida-Georgia conclave, Alpha ~he fas Was. presented with the "Jack Rabbit" award for ltonic test Increasing membership in the area. This was an for th capper to last year's presentation with the "Turtle" Alphe slowest moving chapter. our lisf tlpha's officer elections were recently held and (Soph ) . 0 T dedicated officers is now: Archon, Joey Sequin ~¡ D reasurer' Alan De Larisch (Fresh.) ; Secretary, ~isto~i unh~m (Fresh.) ; Warden, Jeff Leetun (Junior>. ; Johnstoan, Btll McCarthy (Fresh.) ; and Chaplain, Eddie ~lPha n (~res h.) These officers have pledged to keep Alpha llhasis moving forward in all areas, but with special emon the Spring and Summer Rush Programs.


Cha on Bill Arnold i\f~ter Advisor Earl Layman

belta ~r a difficult Autumn quarter the brothers of Alpha \Veak ;t~rned determined to overcome many of the Chapter's Set u 01nts, particularly rush. A new rush program was to ru~h Fortunately the competitive program spurred people actuan and came as close to success as one can come without Alp~ attaining it with the pledging of four men. nrothe a Delta chapter and Pi Kappa Phi gained four new :Was hefJ on the 30th of January. The ritual of initiation }l1itiated at the home of Brother Greg Kozak. The first to be o\Ved b W~s Mike Sensney of Prosser, Wash. Mike was fol\\rash . Y NIck Vendetti Seattle; Chris Danforth Edmonds, bu~{ and Chuck Berube Mountainview, Calif. ~hapte ng Winter quarter the undergraduate and alumni ~llcrea:sd began to organize their efforts in the direction of 1l1g infe alumni participation. The alumni began by holdat~ c orrnai gatherings at which business is strictly secondtogethom~ared to fellowship. Unfortunately the two "getalurnn~rs ' . during Winter quarter brought out only a few John Mbes~des the officers, those being Brothers Fred Brown, the thi ~rt1n, and Rich N avert. (The meetings are held on On Thursday of every month at the Chapter House.) 0flicers ebruary 28th the Chapter elected new officers. These Chuck are Bill Arnold, Archon; Ron Irwin, Treasurer; li'tick Ir~rnonger, Secretary; Chuck Berube, Warden; Tom \Vas th liistorian; and Darryl Olson, Chaplain. Experience he an e dominating factor in the elections and promises to l'he asset while these Brothers are in office. . this p Chapter renewed its project of donating blood during able t ast quarter. The blood account of the Chapter is avail!nissioo any alumnus or undergraduate Brother with the per1tl Se ~ of the Archon. Any alumnus of the Fraternity living Counta tle is welcome to donate to the account at the King Y Blood Bank. Just mention the Pi Kappa Phi account.



Cha on. -Robert Halcrow Pter Advisor

John E. Young

Last year for the first time since 1957 .Alpha Zeta. was a Master Chapter placing number four~een In .rank. Thts year Alpha Zeta is striving hard to attain ranking as a Grand Master Chapter. . A Good Will Drive organized by Brother Mike Parson with the sisters of Alpha Gamma Delta collecte.d usable goods from 60 fraternities, sororities and cooperatives. The amount collected was so large that the Portland collection van was used to pick up the merchandise. Alpha Zeta is a changing chapter with regard to its pledges. Why should a man pled.ge a h.ouse when he kn~ws that to attain eventual membership possibly a year of hazing must first be overcome? As time goes on, not without problems, Alpha Zeta is becoming a unified house working in a group rather than as separate classes. Several brothers in the house are strong advocates of MRE (Membership Recruitment Education) which reduces the length of pledgeship to a matter of weeks. Whether or not the house will move closer to MRE hangs in the balance of the upcoming spring elections.

ALPHA ETA SAMFORD Archon Joe B. Howell Chapter Advisor Ted Scharfenstein

Alpha Eta breaks ground by (L to R) Archon-Joe Howell, National Rose Queen-Karen Fenimore, Alumni Leader-Jerry Gallups.

Randy Richardson "directed" his attention to the annual campus-wide Step-Sing. While presenting a theme of pollution and poverty and showing a real concern for the brotherhood of mankind, Alpha Eta waltzed away with the first place trophy in the fraternity division for the second straight year. Brother Tommy Alford is the newly elected representative to the I.F .C. and will strive to strengthen and improve the Greek's position here on our campus. Alpha Eta has eight new brothers this semester. Our new initiates are Max McBrayer, Garve Ivey, Barry Cochran, Gary Shank, David Dennis, David Bean, Bruce Davis, and Mike Self. To these eight men we are glad to extend the hand of brotherhood.

SPRING '71/ 23



March 14, 1971 a date to be remembered by many brothers of Alpha Eta, for it was on this past Sunday that Alpha Eta's long heard of and sought after impossible dream started to become a reality ground was finally broken for Alpha Eta's fraternity house. Much deserved thanks goes to Brother Jerry Gall ups who is presently enrolled at the Cumberland · School of Law. Brother Gallups has spent many, many long and untiring hours in securing a loan and other matters that needed to be attended to before construction could begin. Along with Brother Gallups, Jim Butler, president of the relatively new Young Alumni Association and Randy George, who is setting up an Alumni Relations Committee, have coordinated efforts between the alumni and the undergraduate chapter. Indeed all of us here at Alpha Eta are deeply indebted and greatly appreciative of all of those who had or are having any hand in building our house.

ALPHA THETA l\IICHIGAN STATE Archon John Paul Kemp Chapter Advisor Ray Totte •

ALPHA IOTA AUBURN Archon David A. Simpson Chapter Advisor Col. K. G. Taylor On December 6, 1970, Alpha Iota Chapter was indeed fortunate in having Brothet" Elmer Jost visit with us. In honor of Founder's Day, Brother J ost and his wife spent the afternoon with us to help celebrate the occasion. Brother J ost made a short but very relevant, speech to us at the banquet we held for all our local alumni. Winter quarter has been very successful for our Chapter here. Alpha Iota held two parties for underprivileged children, one party for some mentally retarded children at a local school and a Valentine's Party for a group of children in the Heads tart Program. We also received a plaque for the most improved scholarship among fraternities. By next quarter, we hope to have made our final plans for our program to help preserve our ecology. In sports, our intramural basketball team finished sixth overall, the bowling team finished fourth, and our ten mighty "horses'' pulled our chariot (borrowed from Gamma Alpha, Livingston University, Ala.) to victory in the First Annual I.F.C. Chariot Race held in conjunction with the Annual Greek Forum.

ALPHA MU PENN STATE Archon Michael Trull Chapter Advisor Paul Wuest The past two terms at Alpha Mu have seen a unique program develop into a gratifying success story. This is our "Big Sister" program which differs quite markedly from the "Little Sisters" which are common to many fraternities. It is standard procedure for each new pledge to have a Big Brother. However, at Alpha Mu he also has a Big Sister. But what is a Big Sister; what is her purpose during the pledge period? In many respects, for the pledges, a Big Sister is very similar to a Big Brother. Each Big Sister is a member of a sorority at Penn State. A pledge may confide in his Big Sister and talk over the problems, challenges, and conflicts he faces during his pledge period. Hopefully, each pledge will not only better understand the fraternity world upon completion of his program, but he will also gain insight concerning the sorority as an integral component of the Greek system. Every Big Sister has proven to be a valuable person to her "Little Brother." Fortunately for everyone at Alpha Mu, each group of Big Sisters improves upon this basic program. The girls have contributed to the pledges and the entire house in a variety of ways. They have helped with theme party decorations and rush, given surprise Sunday breakfasts, been spirited supporters for Pi Kapps at various extracurricular events and have taken part in the projects and pranks of their Little Brothers.


Even after pledging has been completed, the Big Sisters remain close to Pi Kappa Phi and their Little Brother~. The overall result has been many meaningful rela tionsh1ps~ a better understanding of sororities, and some outstandtng female additions to Alpha Mu.

ALPHA XI BROOKLYN Archon Frank Vetere Chapter Advisor J. D. DiDonato

. Broo~lyn Poly is in t~e process of making merger ne~o~ia .. t1ons with the State University of New York. Such affibatiO~ is essential to the future of Brooklyn Poly, one· of the ol~es and most prominent engineering universities in the nation: Dr. Frederick G. Sawyer, alumnus of Alpha XI Chaptei will receive the distinguished alumnus award from thd Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. This award is presente on the basis of the individual's contribution to his pt~ofeS.. sion, to industry, to science and to his community. . The brothers of Alphi XI Chapter look forward to seeing everyone again at Pi Kapp College this summer.

ALPHA OMICRON IOWA STATE Archon Danial A. Saad Chapter Advisor Warren Madden ALPHA SIGMA TENNESSEE Archon Louis D. Hamric Chapter Advisor E. Mike Ellis ALPHA TAU RENSSELAER Archon James Miller Chapter Advisor -Gordon Wright

Alpha Tau's "Castle"

Adversity is no stranger to Alpha Tau. Beset by proble~! of slackening fraternal spirit, a shaky financial structcle'' and recent thinning pledge classes on campus, the ''Cas ·tb has begun to rise to the challenge these problems pose.. wthe a hard core nucleus total membership of 6 brothers, In se first month of spring we have already increased the E?ner membership 100%. Recently elected Archon James !'~ 1 set a realistic house goal of 20 pledges. ur All of this would not be possible without the help ofx ~ 5 .. ~ew chapter ~dvisor Gordy Wright, and the Alumni 1ng Corporation, Gary Garab, Dick Murray and Al . Our life long advisor Prof. Grant T. Palsgrove had to resl~ last year due to advancing age. The National Frat~rnlhe has also played an influential and instructional role 1n t coming success of Alpha Tau Chapter. ·dst Presently, the Alumni Housing Corporation is in the tnfall of the transfering of house ownership from the Alph.a was Housing Corporation to Pi Kappa Phi Properties. ThiS brO' decided upon at a meeting in Troy on Feb. 20 by the the thers, alumni and John Deimler and AI Brown frotn to National Fraternity. This transfer adds new confidence.ng' our financial picture and brightens the future of resurgt Alpha Tau. re In light of our present program and hopes for the. futu nd we 6 brothers of Alpha Tau are putting tremendous tune ~be effort into our endeavor. We invite you to visit us at HCastle."


-DREXEL Cha ~n Michael J. Lavelline P er Advisor Robert Schoenberger r


Cha ~n- -Paul Pilkola P er Advisor

Froud Hrachovsky

Cha on Carl T. Harlan Pter Advisor

Richard Whitney

Cha on Gil Lissy rnfoter Advisor David T. Pompei becetnbtnal rush has bagged us one pledge a week since Pledge er. At this rate Alpha Omega will have a larger long ha~lass than members. This is due to the efforts of a bne tha~r freak, brother Barrar, which just goes to show tothers not all of his protein went to his hair. All the 8hou}d h have contributed to the success and sho·rtly we In s ave our term's goal of 12 pledges. 0 ~'1intef fts Alpha Omega has never been very big, but this asketb erm for the first time the brothers have won a to a reall game. In fact, Alpha Omega extended the season Otnega specta~le 3-1 record. Also in Cross Country Alpha bhapter c!lrne In second of all Fraternities. A quarter of the h:other ~h out ~or varsity crew, one doubles as a sail and lgh av ock Is the Cox. Brother Glen Bolinger has the Otnega erage in the bowling league. The brothers of Alpha the Dn·all ~ave been practicing for I.M. Foosball, however, rot un~Versity does not yet recognize Foosball but that is ~t \Ve'vsu~l. In the past the university hasn't recognized a Oosbane 1\n- one: Alpha Omega is blessed with our very own ulach1ne, and a lot of balls.



-Ted Cassera nece e[ Advisor William Kowalski ther8 b~/Y .Beta Alpha Chapter has initiated six new bro-

36 tnen ng1ng our present undergraduate enrollment up to J\ . ~0st ~i~ ca.rnpaign has been launched to regain contact with end us tnn~. All alumni contacted have been advised to blulnni th hst of their present address and that of any other heen co .ey ~re in contact with. Replies from alumni have f\te betnlng In steadily and approximately fifty addresses ; Utnni en corrected due to this campaign. It is hoped all t ebleste:d~resses will have been corrected by the end of the etized t. ;he alumni address fi.le has finally been comput :Basketo snr~plify all bulk mailings. h1s Yea hall. Is a major sport here at Beta Alpha. The team c~dcord finished the regular season with an eight and one oughn ~am defense has been the key to success as the nnts havut' defense has proved the best in the IFC. Opponakaia been held to less than thirty points a game. Walt t J\s s ~s Paced Pi Kapp with 25 points a game. !~ Cont1l'lng training starts, the softball team is preparing C lea nue the supremacy it demonstrated in last year's 1 ast Yea gue. Since only one player was lost to graduation Schoo[' the team should be stronger than ever. ~llha i activities have been of great concern here at Beta .alle11 n recent years. The brothers have tried to meet the ~les. ~e of getting involved in school and community activt l'eside~i'ly elected Archon Ted Cassera has been busy as l.lnnin f of the class of '72. Charlie Forman is presently g or Student Senate President unopposed.

T h


Pi Kapp College August 22 - 26, 1971

BETA BETA FLORIDA SOUTHERN Archon Thomas E. Kohl Chapter Advisor William (Ernie) Cooper Beta Beta Chapter has recently been going through a period of expansion in our chapter room. Construction has now been completed to provide us with living space which more than doubled the size of our original facilities. This addition makes the Pi Kapp House the largest and best on campus. We are very proud of our new house and extend an invitation to visit us at any time. This semester Beta Beta Chapter achieved the scholarship award for highest grade point average which was above a 3.0 on a 4.0 system. Beta Beta was also awarded the most improved scholastic average trophy for all fraternities on campus. In December, Beta Beta Chapter held its first in a series of fund raising projects for environment~.} control and specifically anti-pollution. Several W. C. F1eld films were shown with donations taken at the door. The films were a great success and $40.00 was donated. The money went for post cards addressed to President Nixon in praise of his stand on the Florida Cross Barge Canal. In April Beta Beta again plans another f~nd rasing p~o­ ject for Earth Week. Guest speakers, moVJes, and special singers will provide the program which we hope will become an annual event. Donations will be given to Florida Defenders of the Environment.

BETA DELTA DRAKE Archon Rich Doyle Chapter Advisor Kenneth Miller BETA ETA FLORIDA STATE Archon Clark Reisin.g er Chapter Advisor James H. Baldy BETA IOTA TOLEDO Arch·on Carl Webber Chapter Advisor Robert Thorburn BETA KAPPA GEORGIA STATE Archon Dana Martin Chapter Advisor -Larry E. McDaniel


Beta Kappa "Buggy" ready to run

in the BK Sports Car Slalom.

The Brothers of Beta Kappa received the Master Chapter Award at the 33rd Supreme Chapter, this being the second time the first being in 1957. This encouraged Beta Kappa to push on in the areas of rush, sports and scholastic activity in the school. After a successful rush, Beta Kappa currently has five pledges with their initiation date set for April 18th. On January 27th we initiated seven new brothers. The Beta Kappa Jocks went all out last year and ended up as the runner-up for the All-sports trophy. Beta Kappa won the school softball championship, defeating Pi Kappa Alpha soundly. Football found the chapter ramping over all opposition. Brothers Glen Cowart, Terry Phillips, Otto Aliffi Larry Stanford and Millard Lowry were named to the ftrst team All-stars at Georgia State University. Basketball found the Pi Kapps in good shape, led by three first team all-stars, Bruce Lattimer, Otto Aliffi and Fred Terry, who assisted the team to finish third. Brother Otto Aliffi was one of the only two Greeks on campus to make both All-star teams. Brother Aliffi was also appointed I.F.C. and School Athletic Director. This year's softball team has been challenged by the "old over-the-hill gang" (the Alumni) to a softball game. A picnic will accompany this slaughter of the aged. We advise the alumni to bring wives and girl friends to heal their wounds. .,

SPRING '71 I 25



Each year Pi Kappa Phi sponsors a "FEED THE CHILDREN" drive to provide food for needy families at Thanksgiving. We work with the Kiwanis Club on this drive, and this past drive proved to be very productive. This year we at Beta Kappa searched for a new project, and we came up with a Sports Car Slalom held with WQXI Radio and the Georgia Tech Sports Car Club. We had 150 entries, and the money we received was donated to Renewal House, a drug rehabilitation center. $259.00 was donated, and we plan to continue this as an annual event. Some honors and awards that Beta Kappa have received include: LaJ·1·y llfcDanicl, our Chapter Advisor, is the new Area V Governor. Bill Blachoin, an alumnus made Who's Who and received a graduate assistants grant in Biology. He is currently teaching 4 classes for nurses and loves it! Ca1·l lVinga1·cl was also nominated to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. A'llfike Threadgill 1,eceived the DMS Award from the Military Science Department, naming him a distinguished military student this year. A -n gelo Har·ris, our secretary, has currently been elected to IFC Secretary. Brother Harris and our Archon, Dana A1arti,l, were recently selected to attend a leadership conclave at GSU \Vhich proved to be a very stimulating experience. Brother Martin also is serving on the Student Advisory Committee to the faculty.

BETA LAMBDA TAMPA Archon Joe Lavecchio Chapter Advisor Robert C. Bradley Beta Lan1bda Chapter started out spring semester with an elaborate rush program. Our work and concentration produced the largest pledge class of all fraternal organizations on campus. As echoes of change are heard on campuses throughout the country, the Greek Organizations, we feel, should not look to the past, but dwell in the future. \Ve have thus created for ourselves a fraternity of individuals combined in brotherhood. Through the understanding of our Executive Director, Dur\vard 0\ven, our housing problems have been remedied. \Ve are no\v out ·of the conservative reach of the school as far as our living conditions. This gives the brotherhood greater pride in pl~esenting our home to our guests. Through much constructive \vork and determination, we have redecorated our house \vith wall-to-\vall carpeting, panelling, new furniture and finally the construction of a new bar and game room. . . . We have had successful Inter-chapter and Inter-organizational social events throughout the semester. As for our main event of the season, our Rose Ball will be held at Daytona Beach where \VC are expecting a great turn-out. Our con1~unity fund-raising activities consisting of "Send a 1\iouse to College" for the American 9ancer Society, and an inter-fraternity effort, March of Dimes, headed up by Inter-fraternity President and Secretary, Brothers Ted Papps and Brad Stoner. We have also had such private fund raising efforts as program sales on Gasparilla Day (similar to Mardi Gras) which produced $300.00 for our Chapter. As an exatnple of Beta Lambda's stre~gth on the. University of Tampa campus, we have ach!ev~d the highest academic average among fraternal organizations. We have also maintained a high rank in the intram.ural P!ogram. We are currently holding second place t1tle, with our • strongest areas up-coming.

BETA MU McNEESE STATE UNIVERSITY Archon Art Green Chapter Advisor Hardy Parkerson . To start the year of 1971, Beta Mu acquired a ne.w house. It is an ancient house that has seven bedrooms In the upstairs section and stained glass windows downstairs in the living room and outsid~ windows: Ev~n the b~throoms have stained glass. Our prtde and JOY IS the eight-foot marble sho\ver in the upstairs section. At this moment, eleven brothers are living in the House. In keeping with the national project, Beta Mu is currently working in cooperation with the mayor's office and


thers the Boy Scouts of America on Project SOAR. The bro assi . are searching the Lake Charles area for eyesores and clroce. fying them according to the severity of the cleanup ~tioO dures necessary to get them back in the required con for beautification. . J{apPa The March of Dimes local chapter has called on PI . ted Phi to help man corners and collect money for the cri~ll<· children who need the money for devices to help thern tbon We will man a street corner and take part in a Walk-ato help the children. March An intercollegiate rodeo was held at MeN eese on mble. 11. One of the highlights was the fraternity calf sera ise a In this event, three pledges from each fraternity co~ar hiJll team. They must rope a calf and saddle him and ri. ecarne acro~s the finish line. The pledges of Pi Kappa Phhi Fra" through and won on a photo finish over Kappa Alp a ternity. Just call us the "cowboy fraternity." publiC The brothers of Beta Mu Chapter continue to be a service organization for the Lake Charles area.

BETA XI CENTRAL MICHIGAN Archon Dave Van Allen Chapter Advisor Douglas D. Friedrich BETA OMICRON N. W. STATE LA. Archon Val Marmillion Chapter Advisor John P. McCain BETA TAU VALDOSTA Archon Johnny Jones Chapter Advisor Benny Mitcham

~ caP

As the year approaches an end, Beta Tau Chaptei bllt afford to be proud of itself. The year started slo~lk'apPa as time went on, Beta Tau proved itself typical of P1 Phi tradition. }3ete. With strong leadership and a united brotherhood, and Tau has prospered tremendously over the past f~Il the winter quarters. All money making projects, including e~" annual "Miss Valdosta State" contest, reached everY-vet· pectation of being the greatest and most profitable e ne~ Beta Tau also takes pride in announcing that five rin8' brothers will be added to the rolls following earlY 11 ave quarter initiation. These men have worked hard an d off shown outstanding merit in their actions, both on an • our growing campus.


BETA UPSILON VIRGINIA Archon Paul Burks Chapter Advisor Leroy Hamlett •

non 5

That which has been noticeably deficient in Beta V~ con" Chapter over the past few years is the effort to rende Iaclc crete community service. General apathy, as well hasrbood of time and coordination, have prevented the brot. e the from undertaking any major service projects d?ringba"e past few months. However, significant contribut~ond~vidue.l been made to the Charlottesville area by several In I brothers. ber of During February, six brothers and an equal nu~ corn" volunteers from Madison Hall, office of Volunteei rein" munity Service at the University, combined efforts toed bY force and partially rebuild a delapidated home own ofin8' a black family on welfare. Rooms were painted, r~e the patched, and windows replaced in an attempt to ma.n tbe home liveable. Unfortunately, many other families ~ sUP" same situation have been neglected; a group effofir ·eJ to ported by all fraternities would be greatly bene ci the community. ·r ps.rt Several other brothers in the house have done thel tionS· in an attempt to better fraternity-community re a bs."e Working- again through Madison Hall, these brothers ce or been tutoring elementary and high school students 0 en" twice a week. Furthermore, two Brothers have recen ·oint.. tered a volunteer probation officer program, sponsor(f ~p!lt' ly by Madison Hall and Charlottesville City Court: 0 officer able to a big brother role, the volunteer probation witll gets together with his probationee at least once a week, 'fbe more time being allowed as the relationship groWS·e eS" program has been very successful here and elsewhe~t' fot pecially in providing delinquents with another oft! sio!l!ll counsel and attention besides the overworked pro es probation officer.



EAST CAROLINA ch_chon F. Alan Mallard apter Advisor Tom Sayetta


A. B S

~hingle \allworth receives Golden Legion •ony Br rom Brother Carl Darden with own looking on.

Beta Phi dedicates Chapter House.

br~hr fall

quarter pledge class was initiated and seven new Walt::s Were brought into the Brotherhood. They are: Soeder Benton, Tom Maron, Fred Morton, Joe Norris, Floyd bun,pl 'd Lou Vaughn, and Perry Walton. Just recently two Mike e g~s were initiated, they a1·e Denny Brown and alutnn;r~I&',. plus the initiation of David Forrest as an N s Initiate. new e~ changes have taken place in the appearance of the ~tructeodse. The lake was drained and a sea-wall was conIn the to keep the bank from wearing down. We are now . We Process of rebuilding our bridge over the lake. lt has have :t:ecently started a Little Sisters program and to hrot~et With great success. Much praise should be given the w ers Dal Morton, David Forrest, and Bob Austin for ~"entso~ they ~ave put into this project. Among our special lnclud e~a Ph1 Chapter has published the Greek Belles. It Pledgees Pictures of all the Sisters of each Sorority and their llew f s 0 ~ campus. Sales are going fine and we hope to buy Britt lrniture with the proceeds; thanks to Brother Jim On or this idea. li'oundFebruary 15 Beta Phi Chapter celebrated our chapter's and thers Day here at East Carolina. Many alumni' attended Of the e Weekend was a great success. One of the highlights forty, 1.week~nd was the awarding to A. B. Stallworth, Beta lnenta} ~' his Golden Legion shingle. A. B. was instruhitn rn In the founding of our chapter here and we all owe ~. B oBe than we could ever possibly hope to repay. To happi., eta Phi wishes many more years of health and ers Dness .and a truly heartfelt thanks. Along with FoundBroth ay hi~hlights was the house dedication in memory of l'latn 0er DChip Butler, Beta Phi '62, who lost his life in Vietn ecember 28, 1969.

Chahon Lonnie Fairless Pter Advisor


Dr. Fred Klaus

After ending the fall semester with final exams, 9 men were received into the brotherhood. With the beginning of the new semester, Beta Chi proceeded with rush activities and gained 3 pledges. We feel that these 3 men are well qualified and will prove to be outstanding in their pledgeship. Beta Chi's basketball team turned in an exciting season by winning the Greek championship. Going into the championship game with an 8-1 record, Pi Kapps overwhelmed Sigma Phi Epsilon 68-56. We are now looking forward to track and softball. The most impressive party so far this semester was the Lay-in-the-Hay party. Brother Steve Davis offered the use of his barn for this occasion. Everyone wore Hillbilly Hick or Sadie Hawkins and danced to the music of a fine band. A majority of the brothers and alumni attended. The annual Rose Ball will be held April 3rd at the Royal Coach Inn. Also, the spring outing is planned for April 31May 2nd. Beta Chi is having a fine year scholastically, ending last semester number one in overall G.P .A. among fraternities. On February 10, 1971, Beta Chi Chapter was greatly rewarded with the chartering of an Alumni Chapter in Dallas. Twenty-five Dallas area alumni are charter members and are ready to help Beta Chi. Elected officers include Brother Ronnie Parks, President; Brother Olan Pyles, Treasurer; and Brother Ronnie Carrell, Secretary. The Alumni Chapter meets once a month and has already formed a housing fund and scholarship fund for Beta Chi. We are very proud and grateful to our Alumni Chapter and are looking forward to working with them. Interested alumni in the Dallas area please contact Ronnie Carrell, P. 0. Box 894, Cedar Hill, Texas. Boyce "Gator" Clardy has returned to Beta Chi Chapter to begin work on his Master's Degree at East Texas State. "Gator" has spent the past 2 years teaching and coaching in Florida. Bill Patterson has joined the East Texas State biology staff as a technical assistant. Bill is currently working on his Master's Degree in the field of biology.

BETA PSI TENNESSEE WESLEY AN Archon Samuel J. Kyker Chapter Advisor Frank Bratton ' Beta Psi Chapter has again arrived on top with our scholarship achievement. Our excellence in scholarship has become the pride of our Chapter every term; and the fall semester of 1970 was no exception for Beta Psi. The overall Grade-Point-Average for brothers and pledges was 2.57 placing us above the All-Greek average of 2.53 and the All-Men average of 2.42. Breaking the overall down further, the brotherhood's overall was 2.87 and the pledge class average was a 2.26. Scholnrship is to us both a sense of pride and an incentive; and it is these attitudes that have kept Beta Psi on top scholastically here at Tennessee Wesleyan. The social life, which is headed by our Social Chairman, Tom Drumheller, here at Beta Psi is filled with numerous parties, and other social events. We keyed everything off this semester with a Valentine Party. We will have our Rose Formal in May of 1971.

Pi Kapp College August 22 - 26, 1971 (i·

11 s·, s'~ip lo~zr

shoots a free throw in championship game. Walt Davis, yynsend and Steve Davis stand by.

SPRING '71/27



We at Beta Psi are also taking great pride in our brothe!hood enrollment· we have 35 brothers, 2 new pledges, Bill Hatcher and Ed~vard Allen; and 2 other remaining pledges held over from fall semester. Our Warden, Rob Contryman, \Vith pledgemaster, David Cholet, are doing ~ tremendou~ job in teaching the history and ideals that P1 Kappa Phi stands and strives for. We are presently working hard with a p~lluti~n program. Our Pollutio.n Chairman, Ed"\vard Ballard, ts dotng a great job initiating this program. . . . We at Beta Psi are sponsoring agatn this ye~r. All-Stng; we are not entering a large group for compet~t1on, ~ut ~e are entering a small group and will try to w1n again this year.

BETA OMEGA EAST TENNESSEE STATE Archon Jim Hammock Chapter Advisor Eduardo Zayas~Bazan \Vinter quarter has been very rewarding for Beta Omega. The Raider bowling team recently took the measure of the other fraternities in I.F.C. competition. It was the second year in a row Pi Kapps have taken the trophy. . . Little Sister Debbie Street was recently a finalist In the Miss ETSU pageant representing Pi Kappa Phi. The fraternity presented Debbie wi~h a ~ozen _long-stemme~ red roses on the night of the occasion. Little Stster Cathy Zteh!ke was the University Center's Miss December Calendar G1rl. Congratulations, girls! . . . Beta Omega, even after the great w1nter, IS look~ng f?rward to spring quarter. The campus ~eems to ~orne ahv~ With activity and Pi Kapps are part of It. A untty wee~ IS set on campus this quarter for the purpose of ~ho~ng and comparing ideas among the groups ~nd organ1zat1?ns h~re at State. Each type of organization Will have a day ~n which to show something about itself and its purpose. For Instance, Monday might be Service Organization Day; Tuesday, Bla<:k Student Union Day; Wednesday, Fraternity Day, etc. This program is set up to make the students more aware of the aspects of the various groups. . Speaking of spring quarter, Area XIV Conclave IS set for April 23-24 at Gatlinburg and Beta _Omega plans to be. well represented. The f_ollowin~ ~ec:;kend IS Rose Ball a~d will be held in either Bristol, VIrginia or Beech Mountain, North Carolina, depending on Beech Mountain's facilities.

GAMMA ALPHA LIVINGSTON Archon Hal Bloom Chapter Advisor J. H. Patrenos GAMMA BETA OLD DOMINION Archon Don Midget Chapter Advisor William Bright In November and December of 1970, Hillel, a Jewish organization on Old Dominion's campus, held a fund rais~ng drive to help the survivors of the great catastrophe which struck Pakistan earlier that year. All groups were urged to give· many organizations contributed and the total reached over' $800, but Gamma Beta's gift topped _all others a~d we were subsequently given a trophy which IS now on display in our trophy room. Gamma Beta Chapter has added four more good men to its brotherhood. . Presently, here at Old Dominion, there are two things which occupy the thoughts of the brothers. of Gamma Beta. First, everyone is excited over Old Dominion's basketball team winning the South Altantic. NCAA small colle&'e regionals. We have a great team this year and ~ould hke to see them win the NCAA national small college t1tle. Secondly, Rose Ball is coming up soon and plans are being made to hold it at Nags Head, N. C. The Rose Ball held there two years ago was fantastic, and the brothers who lived through it have visions of one just like it this spring. The big project being undertaken currently is a Honda 70 raffle. We hope it will be very successful and, with the enthusiasm for it Tight now, it can be nothing but.

GAMMA GAMMA TROY STATE Archon David Jones Chapter Advisor. Dr. R. D. Hawkins


. ·t · ti·ng 13 G amma Gamma started t h is quarter by 1n1 Ia dY young men into the brotherhood. These men have alre~Jl'l· taken on responsibilities within the Chapter and are bee ing very fine brothers. rried Rush produced 16 men, several of whom were ca thiS over from last quarter's pledge class. Entertainmen\her's quarter at the rush smokers were provided by "My Bro. Band," a group comprised of brothers in the Chaptex.f we This quarter we decided that it would be grea~ . 1 5 5o could improve our relationships with all the sororitie ~k a we had "socials" for the girls at the House. Each w~ ·0ydifferent sorority was invited and they really had an e~pus able time. We also had a party for all the Greeks on ca and the attendance was really surprising. thletic We are still in the lead for the I.F.C. overa~l a sket.. trophy after winning football and placing second In ba ball. We will win softball! is 50 One of our "big-headed" brothers, and rightfulhiA. _A.ll .. Brother Vince Green. Vince, who was named N A Little American and to the Associated Press second tea~ Iuable All-American this season, was also voted Most a eived Player, Most Outstanding offensive lineman, and 1~~othel' a permanent captain spot from his teammates. 1 aftel' Green also is a free-agent for the Philadelphia Eagles the college draft. state We have several brothers starting on the TroY J ohP baseball team. They are: Butch Brackin, Phil SpeaBr, ·othel' 1 Majors, and Jim Brackin who is a social affiliate. David Jones is on the Troy State tennis team. a at The officers went to the University of South AlabaAipha the beginning of the quarter, along with Gamm~ J{aPPa Chapter, to initiate the Gamma Phi Chapter of Pt good Phi. It was a very rewarding weekend and it was ~s experience working with brothers from other chaptei · wish Gamma Phi the best for the future. peJta When the Gamma Sigma Chapter of Alpha Ga~ma teaiJ'ls was getting installed at Troy, we gave the initiating~ verY and the sisters a coke party at the House. They wete impressed and were most appreciative. GaJl'l!l1a At the annual Rose Formal the brothers of Gamm~ lVJ)lrY presented their new Rose for 1971-72. She is MISS ;e.tioJl Sharon Mungenast. Mary Sharon is a secondary edud past major from Montgomery, Alabama. She is a founder an :M~rY president of Alpha Gamma Delta at Troy State. e sure Sharon did an excellent job as Little Sister and we ar us as that her hard work will continue as she represents Pi Kappa Phi Rose. ForJl'lal· We also announced three new Little Sisters at th~ k there We are very proud of all our Little Sisters and thin 1 \\'a~ are none better to represent Pi Kappa Phi. The ForrnAJurl1Jll quite successful and many of the members of the resent Association, which was formed last quarter, were P along with many of the brothers from Omicron. ladieS Our service project for the quarter was helping t hep road of Troy with their annual leukemia drive. We se:t uworthY blocks on campus and collected money for thiS cause.


GAMMA DELTA MEMPHIS STATE Archon Ronald L. Maddox Chapter Advisor Warren Cruzen GAMMA EPSILON WESTERN CAROLINA Archon Tom Jones Chapter Advisor Joe Basset


The idea of a Little Sisters Organization at Gam:.~thers 1 silon began two years ago when a gt'oup of our t 'fell" visited Alpha Sigma Chapter at U .T . The chapter ~broth" nessee had an excellent auxiliary organization and OlJ:1 Litt~e ers returned from Knoxville singing praises of t_h~ 1 ry untt Sisters. We talked about forming our own aux111ar that year, but nothing was started. ibilitY In the spring of 1970, we again discussed the poss J{eviJl of forming a Little Sisters Organization. Broth~r "'ith Mirek drafted a constitution and we began talkin_g the several pinmates, wives and girlfriends about for~ 1ng 'fhde Little Sisters of Pi Kappa Phi at Gamma Epsi on·ache search for an advisor was underway and we appror ,ve.S Miss McCoy of the French Department, whose fat~esiasfl'l· a Pi Kapp and we were received with marked en t uher to Unfortunate circumstances made it impossible for return to Western this fall.



Wa~~~ll· we r~turned



to the university in the fall, the ball

a list ;ng With a full head of steam. The brothers drafted and brothnames of the women wanted as chapter members Long ao d er Kevin Mirek, with the help of brothers Larry Was a n Jeff Greenburg, wrote a ritual of initiation which ~ith tb~roved by the C~apter. Br_other. Mike Shields met t1on b women several times for discussion of the constitu1aws and initiation. 0~ had not o~embe.r .1.8, 1970, the Little Sisters, although they of Mrs een Inl.bated as of then, held a tea at the home 1'heir · J<eeler With the hopes of obtaining a faculty advisor. the Ea~thrts . were successful and Dr. Yvonne Phillips of the Fr Sciences Department and Miss Pat Umfrees of Little S~~h Depar~ment beca~e the faculty advisors of the The 1 ~s ers of. P1 K~ppa Ph~ ~~re. at Western Carolina. Nov-ernb ng awaited n1ght of 1n1tiat1on became a reality on the Littir 29, 1970 when fifteen women were initiated into The ~ Sisters of Pi Kappa Phi. jects t LI~tle Sisters then began to work on several pro0 Ca1'oli a 1~ the brothers. One such project was a Christmas Wotnen~g arty. We sang a selection of carols at all the Ptesid 8 tdormitories and then ventured to the home of WUC and M~ Dr. Alex Pow, where we serenaded the President chocoia: s. Pow. Afterwards, the Little Sisters served hot llled th eyand donuts at the house, while the brothers trimTh e uletide tree. for a~I beginni~g of winter quarter brought rush and work hectic · The Little Sisters aided us greatly throughout that Stnoker Week. Th~y made and s~rved refre~hments at our length · J.he ladies were attractively clad 1n golden, flooralso h 8 Irts with blue sashes and white blouses. They Was a e1fied decorate for Saturday night's rush party, which uge success.




Ch hon Mike Paterno apter Advisor

John Heindel

competition. Pi' Kapp Number 1 had a record of 9-0 and Pi Kapp Number 2 had a record of 8-1, but Pi Kapp 3 was the surprise team in the tournament. They took 8th place. Some of the star players in basketball were Gordon, Green, Johnson, Pack, Fultz, and Rogers for the first team. Leading Pi Kapp 2 were Paterno, Talerico, Ranson, Lucento, and Hartley. Out~ cross country team won the trophy again with a 1, 2, 3, finish. We stand 2nd in the overall intramural competition. Only 20 points separate us from first place. This year's Rose Ball was held in Charleston with a total of 90 brothers and alumni attending along with their guests. We had a good alumni turnout. Those attending were Ken Job, Charles Stone, Tom Reisten, Dave Hornbeck, Richard Grant, Andy Riling, Charles Riling, Terry Earls, Ed Odie, Mike Ashley, Bob Brewer, Joe Cimini, and Mike Siemiaczko. During the Rose Ball Miss Penny Jarrett was crowned as Rose Queen 1971. Another event planned for the Alumni is the annual Pi Kapp picnic to be held May 2nd. Our Oil Drum Regatta is growing every year. This year 80 entires are expected to attempt the 9 mile course. This year cash a wards amount to a total of $800 including trophies. To add more competition to the race three classes have been contrived. The scrub, mechanical, and the unlimited classes will bring more unique rafts into the race. The festivities this year will start with a parade through the town and a fireworks display. Then the scene switches to Glen Ferris Falls for the Beach Party. The start of the race will be held at 10:00 A.M. on April 24. With a heat for each class, the excitement and enthusiasm is certainly maintained throughout the course to the finish line. Last year was the beginning of the great Kanawha River Navy. Persons who have made outstanding contributions to the betterment of the Oil Drum Regatta are awarded the position of Admiral. Holding this honor are Governor Arch Moore, Dr. Leonard C. Nelson (President of W. Va. Tech), Robert Durbin and Charles Jones. Many of our brothers have distinguished themselves on campus. Brother Culotta was selected to Who's Who; Brother Johnson is the treasurer of the Student Government Association; Brother Talerico is the treasurer of I.F .C. and Brother McKnight was vice-president of the American Road Builders. The brothers of Gamma Zeta attained the highest overall grade average for the fall semester on the Tech campus, a 2.567. Speaking of honors, Gamma Zeta received a letter from Miss Canada. She wanted to come down to be in our Regatta Parade.

GAMMA ETA ATHENS Archon Joe Helm Chapter Advisor William T. Luc

Spectators at Gamma Zeta's "Oil Drum" Regatta.

GAMMA THETA NORTH CAROLINA_(WILMINGTON) Archon William H. Johnson Chapter Advisor William F. Lowe

GAMMA IOTA LOUISIANA STATE Archon Cliff Treadaway Chapter Advisor · Ray A. Perry

.. 1970 1st



Place winner in the ''Oil Drum" Regatta.

ave 23

e spring rush was very successful, and we now Gam lllen pledging Pi Kapp. Petitio~~h ~eta has been very successful in intramural comIs year. We entered four teams in the basketball

Gamma Iota Archon Cliff Treadaway presents Rose Queen Joy Lynn Moore with a bouquet at the Founder's Day Banquet. •

SPRING '71 I 29



Three new brothers have been admitted to the ranks of Gamma Iota. These 3 young men were all officers of the fall pledge class, and as actives it is expected that their energies will now be expended in the creation of a bigger and better Chapter. The selection of Miss Joy Lynn Moore as Chapter Rose was formally announced at the Chapter's Founder's Day Banquet in December. Joy, a junior majoring in education, is engaged to Brother Kenny Bueche. Brothers Lou Soileau and Mark Rose were nominated for Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges. Lou was selected for the honor and was also admitted to Omicron Delta Kappa ( ODK), the highest honor which can be bestowed upon a male student at any university in the nation. On the sports scene, the LSD Pi Kapps have mixed it up with the best on campus. Gamma Iota finished football season with a 4-4 record with Pledge Phillip Gauthier attaining AU-Stars recognition. The Chapter completed basketball season with a 4-5 record and Brother Kenny Bueche was nominated for All-Stars status. As volleyball season nears its end, the G I's are assured of a winning season with only a few games yet to be played.

GAMMA KAPPA GEORGIA SOUTHERN Archon Johnny Riggs Chapter Advisor GAMMA LAMBDA MISSOURI (ROLLA) Archon Michael J. Mueller Chapter Advisor- Gabriel Skitek GAMMA MU BELMONT ABBEY Archon Loring Jones Chapter Advisor Guy Piche Gamma Mu Chapter won the championship of the Expansion Football League when it met the APO's in a benefit for Holy Angels Nursery. It was an exciting game with victory won in the last ten seconds on a Hauser to Martin pass. The largest pledge class in the chapter's young history was acquired when eleven rushees accepted bids to Gamma Mu. The new pledges will be serving under a new pledge policy formulated by Jim Moher, the Warden. The brothers were pleased to hear that the new pledge project would be to rebuild the girls bathroom. The chapter obtained the highest fraternity average with a 1.7 on 3.0. Tom Nolan had the best overall average with a 2.7.

GAMMA NU LAGRANGE Archon Charles Robinson Chapter Advisor Seale Hipp Gamma Nu feels honored that one of its members has a talent in poetry writing. When our brother Rick Poole was a pledge he wrote this poem for the pledge scrap book. We in Gamma Nu feel that the other chapters of the fraternity would appreciate this as much as we did. ln the midst of integrity, Standing high above character, A fraternity was born. Through wind and rain and misfortune, You carried me on your back, And I saw the light. I said, ushow me the way," And you took my hand with a smile, Brotherhood was in the making. Brought up on eternal honor and fortitude, And blooming into a fraJternity of men, Thus I set my goals with, Pi Kappa Phi.


GAMMA XI GEORGIA SOUTHWESTERN Archon Lamar Reeves Chapter AdvisorWilliam Seth

Gamma Xi's Homecoming Queen Candidate, Debbie Hilliard, receiving her crown.

t re..

Much of winter quarter at Gamma Xi was spen wall modeling sections of our house. We added a wall-to~tber carpeted, panelled recreation room with pool table and ..to.. 11 diversions to keep us from studying. We also hadWwathink wall carpeting put down in the rest of the House. e and we have the sharpest house at Georgia Southwestern haP" extend an open invitation for all Pi Kapps from other c ters to stop by. . . 0f Gamma Xi initiated 5 new brothers at the begin!l;n~eW winter quarter. Gamma Xi is extremely proud of I 5 ture· brothers and looks for great things from them in thet! bad Despite all our activities in winter quarter we s 11 uS· time to garner up a lion's share of the honors on cfu~iot Brother David Reason was elected President of the t and Class; we made a strong showing in winter spor J.iorl'le" captured the Mayor's Trophy for the best display. at Debbie coming. Our candidate for Homecoming Queen, M1ss roud Hilliard, also was victorious. Gamma Xi is extremell ~pirit of Debbie. Only the President's Trophy for Overal end excapes us at this point. When it is announced at th~ 0ur of this week we are sure we will have this trophY 0 man tel also.


GAMMA OMICRON BETHEL Archon Bruce Haver Chapter Advisor John Winters GAMMA RHO LANDER COLLEGE Archon JackS. James Chapter Advisor Dr. Marvin Cann

beeP The past year, our first as Gamma Rho Chapter, haS con" a complete success. Interest in our fraternity has gr~W~ 8 nd siderably on Lander campus. We now have 28 brot erder· 20 pledges, making Pi Kappa Phi the largest at. Lan n tbe On February 5, we performed our first initiation ;artel'.. first pledges of Gamma Rho pledge class. Our post ~t fortb ing let-down is over and new interest has broug better functioning as a Chapter. . . n ~e While striving to be Lander's first men's organiz~tlO ~ 0~, have accomplished many goals. For the third yea~ In tsple.Y Gamma Rho has won first place in the Homecoming tbiS 5 contest. We have won first place in men's intramural beeP year with fine participation. Our projects have all erneS" successful and many more are planned. In rush bothhS most ters of this year, Gamma Rho pledged the best and t :mptlS desired of the rushees. Our image on the Lander c eme11 has taken a great uphill turn and the future looks extr good.

GAMMA PI NORTHWESTERN STATE Archon Gary Foster Chapter Advisor Sam Pangburn GAMMA SIGMA ARMSTRONG STATE Archon David Horne Chapter Advisor Edwin Culver

~ted Gamma Sigma Chapter was honored to have been ~nitiat" to initiate Augusta College into Pi Kappa Phi. The ~lingS" ing team consisted of Brothers Carl Kincey, Wayne Jobfl ley, Charlie McKenzie, Bruce King, David Horne, an Green wade. ·siOJl One of our members has been instrumental in the reV11 ast of the Student Government at Armstrong State Colleg~· itie.t" year, a~ a junior cl~ss president, Brother Carl Ki~ce~ 1 to ed the 1dea to abolish class officers, and refer their u ce iJl the class senators, who have a vote and much influen




S~hoo} act· •t· . . du·ected t IVI Ies. This Idea led to a committee of students Of this 0 r~organize the student government. The result Vides f committee's work is a new constitution which proabolitio~r fsenators elected on a departmental basis, the body) ~ class officers, (and the class-oriented student Offlcer~. aG reassi&'nmen~ of duties to student government State C amma Sigma IS an integral part of Armstrong The 11ege. hoostedc apter has just recently obtained a house which has Club it hush tremendously. Located near La Vida Country G ' as become a popular meeting place for the Pi Kapps.


Cha n Danny Smith WPter Advisor


Paul Studley

bee.n participating in the Save Our American Recans of cam:paign sponsored by Alcoa Aluminum. Aluminum the Den:ll Sizes and varieties have been collected throughout ed to an on area including lakes ·and parks. It hasn't amount. Jill1 T~ &'reat sum but it did improve the litter situation. ~a chari~Itt played starting center for the Greek All-Stars 1'toceeds Y game sponsored by the North Texas Ex-Marines. e){as fo went to Mrs. Richard Gill, wife of the late North the resul~tb~Il player Richard Gill. Richard died Sept. 26 as 0 . Doug ~ootball injuries. The Greeks won 12-7. 8Ingles e~1~laire. won 1st place in intramural badminton Won sec ~ Ier this year. Also Ken Jones and Doug LeClaire We p·on Place in badminton doubles. 1 ~.ororitie Kapps, along with the 17 other fraternities and 11 /aternits ~he faced with a terribly anti-Greek attitude. One ~ll as ay at has be.en hez:e over 40 year~ folded thi~ P!lSt f•ght alo resu~t of this feeling. Memberships are shrinking 9 tnen bgt Wl th pledge classes. Last semester we pledged GJ\.1\f ' u only 4 this semester.

.\tch!IA UPSILON OKLAHOMA STATE Chapt: Dav.id Blanton cGatntn~ Adv:rsor Dr. James Partin

harterin Upsilon celebrated the one year anniversary of a I>arty g dt Oklahoma State University on April 18 with a Se"erarn reunion in Oklahoma City. ~ the as of. the new associates have moved into the House r~h grea~OCiate member program continues to move along cta} to th success. The MRE program has been quite benet10en Who e Chapte~ through the pledging of quite a few or the plhdd had bids from larger houses but did not care h ln orde e g~ program. iteld a ru~ to Improve the financial situation, Gamma Upsilon aletns ran mage sale and cleared over $60 before the salable i ong Without ..Pl~ns are being made for an even larger one, dents as Paint~~g addresses ?~ curbs for Stillwater resl lllans han additional fund raising campaign. °ll. 'rhe ave ~een drawn for a new house for Gamma Upsi0 ~htain th arch1te7t's model has been finished and if we can s attin e financial support, the plans will be finalized. Doctor 0 0 llle lanre ?f .the Chapter Advisors, is assisting us with G~ ast1c Ideas.

Chapt • -Tom Hartwell GJ\_

er Advisor

N. D. McClure

Chapt n John Stephenson

~On Jer Advisor

\Vesley Achey

ed Schnuary 22, the Gamma Chi Chapter was installed by }taduat arfenstein and Jerry Gall ups. Twenty-eight underf au l{ es and five graduates were initiated from the Kappa i 0~l1dect appa Fraternity, Jacksonville University's oldest ~ltiatin In 1953. Beta Eta and Chi Chapters furnished the er iss g teams. Full information will appear in the Sumt 'l'hou Ue of the Star and Lamp. s~atns ~~ spirited, our football, volleyball, and basketball 1 ton for not fare too well. Our softball team is in content} li'ehru 2nd place with a fine 4 and 3 record. eluge ary was Homecoming, and Gamma Chi won Dolphin ~Ward' a talent show, and che Homecoming Game Spirit c} Gall1~ t a'Ve h a Chi made a fine showing at the Area VI Conended. eld in Daytona Beach; 26 brothers and pledges at-

KAPPA Archon Chapter ALPHA Archon Chapter

PHI COLONY AUGUSTA Bob Beheler Advisor William Fuqua GAMMA COLONY OKLAHOMA Rick Hoffman Advisor Byron Moser

Alpha Gamma is making progress! After a slow fall semester, new officers were elected, and the Colony began to achieve its chartering objectives. The new treasurer reviewed the books and established a more efficient system. The required fund ed accounts were formed, and the books were balanced. A scholarship program was formed to achieve the desired grades for chartering. As a further step, a pledge education program was started for all of the members of the Colony. The Colony's n1ost important concern at the present time is gaining more members. With a present membership of 17, the Colony hopes to pledge at least 10 more this semester. There are now several prospective pledges, and rush efforts are continuing. The Colony members have adopted an alumni visitation program in order to become better acquainted with the alumni of the original Alpha Gamma Chapter. In visiting with these men, the members have gained the spirit and knowledge of Pi Kappa Phi which means so much to these men. Tne members of the Colony hope to bring as many of the alumni as possible together for chartering. The Colony was fortunate to obtain a house this year. The house has given the brothers a place to meet and become closer as a fraternity. The members are looking forward to moving to a different house next year which will be closer to the main campus.

KAPPA Archon Chapter KAPPA Archon Chapter

PHI COLONY MONTEVALLO David Cox AdvisorSIGMA CHI COLONY V. P. I. Charles Renner Advisor Jeff Clark

TAU KAPPA BETA COLONY MOREHEAD Archon Stanley Lyon Chapter Advisor William Grogan Last summer, Chuck Barnard of Cedar, Iowa was invited as a guest of Pi Kappa Phi to attend the 33rd Supreme Chapter in Chicago, Illinois. Chuck is a junior transfer student. Last September, Chuck was approached by Expansion Secretary Joe McLean with the idea of starting a colony of Pi Kappa Phi on the Northeast Missouri State campus. Chuck agreed it would be a very rewarding and challenging experience. So Pi Kappa Phi had a key man they could count on to get things started, and offer the challenge to other individuals. With the help of Expansion Secretary Joe McLean, thirteen men petitioned to IFC to become one of the seven fraternities on campus. The petition was accepted by IFC. The next step was to sign a petition to the national office. So, by November 13, 1970, Kappa Phi Colony of Northeast Missouri State was established and recognized as a colony of Pi Kappa Phi. However, at this time these 13 membe!s wh~ch quickly grew to 16 were not aware of the many difficulties and problems they would encounter. The first meeting was held October 25, 1970, in the home of one of the members, with 13 people being present, along with Joe McLean. Three officers were elected, with the remaining officers to be elected at a later date. They were: Archon, Chuck Barnard; Treasurer, Dennis McVay; and Secretary, Dennis Lasley.

KAPPA PHI COLONY MISSOURI (Kirksville) Archon Chuck Barnard Chapter Advisor Dr. John Erhart KAPPA PHI COLONY MARS HILL Archon William E. Newton Chapter Advisor Harrell Wood SPRING '71/ 31

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--- Shoula 1 jotn a fraternity, and if so, which one? ~ . -""~ . ...~

your fraternity. ana som~ ~oung pre-college man. Send tne .~~-M::C!"* ....... mes a adaresses~f ~otential J?i Kappa Phi memoer;s te tne Exeeutive Director, ~ 0wen, Post €ltfice Box 4608, Charlotte, N0rtR Garolina 28204. Be sure ~:~~~?.i/ ·pate the sc;b,Q.ol he will attend, and give some gersonal information aoo.ut him. tnen be contactea oy tne Nati~oal OtfiGe with an offer of assistance.

ght now YQU can help, oath

-. . w.

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