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ThE star and tamp OF PI KAPPA PHI




A Dream Come True This beautiful building will be the administrative office for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in the fall of 1975. It is constructed of unfinished cypress and wood shingle roof. The location is a wooded hillside, with the surroundings remaining natural, overlooking U.S. Interstate 77 on the southwest side of Charlotte, North Carolina. Complete details will appear in next issue.

ThE star and tamp

toy SPRING 1975


FEDERAL JUDGE SPEARS RUNS A TIGHT SHIP "Some people want to make a federal case on just about any kind of a controversy." "It is not a good trend for the judicial system when you see cases going into federal court that might belong in some lower court." ' ---Both statements were made by the chief judge of one of the largest and busiest federal courts in the United States. For, if the average man or woman on the street feels that federal judges relish getting just about any type of case into their courts for litigation, they are entirely wrong. Speaking straight from the judicial shoulder, Chief U. S. District Judge Adrian A. Spears, who supervises the sprawling Western District of Texas,will tell you that too many cases that should be going before county or state courts are now finding their way into federal courts instead. "It's a complete new ball game," says the veteran jurist, now entering his 14th year on the federal bench. "What we had 10 years ago, or even five years ago in federal court was one thing, what we have coming into federal court today are cases that were unheard of by

the federal judiciary in years past," says Spears. Spears explains that some people think the federal judiciary is the only one that knows how to interpret the U. S. Constitution "and I think this is ridiculous, I don't think state or federal judges see it in that light, but that's the way it is." "Why should federal judges be supervising countyjails, or telling people how to run school systems? That's what it amounts to when they come to us for decisions on these issues." Not the type of man to shirk his duties, the knowledgeable jurist can be classified as one of the hardest-working judges in the

federal judicial system, according to a veteran attorney. The nationally-known jurist, born in Darlington, South Carolina, on July 8, 1910, was initiated by Sigma Chapter, University of South Carolina, on October 25, 1930. He practiced law in Darlington three years before moving to San Antonio, Texas, where he later became a member of the law firm of Spears, Conger, Baskin and Spears. Spears became active in Democratic Party circles, served the late President Johnson as campaign manager when Johnson ran for the Senate in 1948, and later served in many precinct, county, and state conventions. He attended three national conventions as a delegate. He was appointed to the federal bench by President Kennedy on October 10, 1961. He had been recommended to the post by Johnson, who had come to admire Spears' keen mind and sharp wit. Spears runs a tight ship. He is strict on courtroom procedure and calls for the highest level of decorum at all times while his court is in session. The jurist points out he doesn't like to waste anyone's time and notes it costs about $500 a day to run a federal court. Which type of case does Spears feel is the most difficult to handle? The jurist expresses the opinion the long, involved civil cases might be the toughest, but feels that it all depends on what type of civil or criminal case it is. There is one type of case that Spears absolutely refuses to look upon with any soft-hearted feelings. And that is a case involving narcotics. Especially if it involves defendants who are known drug pushers, traffickers, or smugglers. Spears feels any easing-up of narcotic laws would be a mistake. He considers marijuana just as dangerous as any of the hard

drugs and one that leads to the count that a man who holds a fedother even more dangerous nar- eral position has pride in what he cotics such as heroin. does and even though the judicial The jurist considers the salary load may be burdensome, he still increases blocked by Congress a does it even if he isn't compen"sort of tragedy," because many sated for what he accomplishes." top federal judges are leaving the Spears also points out federal bench to return to private prac- jurists must pay income taxes tice, and capable young attorneys "like anyone else," cannot"moonare refusing federal appoint- light," and are not permitted to ments to the bench because they receive honorariums. "Federal can make more in private prac- judges must raise families and make ends meet too," he adds. tice. However, he adds,"I can't dis-

DELTA OMICRON CHARTERED AT NICHOLLS STATE Thak you, Chris Prestenback, for our newest chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. You came to Nicholls State three years ago from Northwest State, Louisiana, Beta Omicron Chapter, with a promise to create a chapter — and you did! For on Saturday, March,15, 1975, a charter was presented to the 23 new initiates of Delta Omicron Chapter. The honors were done by William A. Sawyer, Gamma Iota, as the Chartering Officer, assisted by Steven S. Miller, Beta Mu,the Assistant Chartering Officer. The initiation was conducted by special terms from Beta Mu Chapter at McNeese and Beta Omicron Chapter at Northwest State, Louisiana. The new chapter is blessed with an excellent Chapter Advisor in Dwight Boudreaux, Beta Omicron. Following initiation ceremonies,banquet and presentation of the charter, over 160 members and guests enjoyed an inspiring

Chartering officer, Brother Bill Sawyer, presents charter of AO for the chapter's First Archon, Aaron Fanguy.

speech given by Brother Mel Metcalfe, University of Oklahoma. Nicholls State is a liberal arts institution consisting of about 6,000 students and is located in Thibodaux, Louisiana, approximately 60 miles southwest of New Orleans. At the banquet the new chapter was honored with the presence of Dr.G.G.Varuaro,Vice President of Student Affairs, and William L. Duncan, Dean of Men

and Advisor to Fraternities. The new members,constituting Delta Omicron Chapter are: 1. Fanguy, Aaron Joseph 2. Champagne, Don Allan 3. Bourgeois, Edward Joseph 4. Defelice, Kirk James 5. Benoit, Timothy James 6. Ford, Herbert Lee 7. Garrard, Michael Charles 8. Hebert, Karl Douglas 9. Adams, Steve Michael 10. Hebert, Ray Sidney 1111611141111

Mullin, Jerry Daniel Rice, Larry Dean Duplantis, Mark Isaac Thibodeaux, Mark Peter Chauvin, Kenneth John Allemand, Timothy Paul Andry, Malcolm Charles Gravois, Michael Lloyd Olin, Mark James Blum, Daniel LeBouef, Gary Thomas Faehse, Gary Thomas 23. Gaiennie, Frank

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Members of Delta Omicron, our newest chapter.



Dear Durward: The decline in mood and concern of college studentsfrom the 60's to the '70's seem to be one that has been noted and commented upon by journalists,editors and anyone observant of the American student scene. While there has been a rise in fraternity membership and criticisms ofthe fraternity system as a whole seem to be at a much lower level, there are those who continue to question the rationale. It has been said many times that no individual or group that lives only for itself can continue to successfully exist over a prolonged period of time. While fraternities are not meant to be a social service club, in looking for avenues of service and opportunity to the campus and community, individual chapters can discover a new dimension of meaning in their involvements and interests. This puts anyone beyond criticism, and gives added incentives toward group values and ideals for those comtemplating membership. I hope that we will take a leadership role in our fraternity toward making our campuses and communities more enjoyable and meaningful places to live and discover, in the words of the Bibical adage, that it is indeed "more blessed to give than receive." In so doing, we may discover that our efforts will be returned. Fraternally David E. Sumner, Stetson

Dear Durward: Just a note to let you know about a recent fund raising project put on by our local Alumni Chapter. They sponsored a dance at the Elks Club on March 1st and raised money for a local scholarship fund and Housing Corporation. $500.00 was given to the Housing Corporation by the Alumni Chapter which will go towards a project of re-wiring the local Fraternity House. Our local Alumni Chapter has done a great deal for the local chapter (undergraduate), and I feel like they should be congratulated. Jim Farlow and I have been actively working with the Archon and Treasurer on getting back dues and accounts payable taken care of. I think we are very fortunate to have someone like Jim Farlow in charge of the local Housing Corporation books and to give advise to our local undergraduate chapter. Fraternally, John M. Pollard, Jr. President Gamma Theta Housing Corporation

ROANOKE STUDENT RECEIVES SCHOLARSHIP Pi Kappa Phi has established a $250 annual scholarship at Roanoke College. This scholarship was established by the fraternity in appreciation for the use of the facilities of Roanoke College for its biannual leadership school. The stipulations attached were that the student be a local resident in genuine need of financial assistance. This year's recipient is Richard S. Fowler who is a senor biology major with a GPA of 2.76. He has been on the Dean's list and is a member of the Biology Honor Society and a student affiliate of the American Chemical Society.

Dear Durward: Enclosed is my check for $300.00 as the first payment on my $1,000.00 pledge to the new National Headquarters. Please use this gift and the remaining $700.00 which will be paid during the course ofthe year in whatever way you deem most appropriate in terms of an "extra" for the building. This gift is made out of'love and appreciation for this fraternity and for the people who make it what it is. Fraternally, (Name Omitted per Request)

Dean Donald Sutton presents Fowler with his Foundation check.



Maynard L. Pennell, Washington(Alpha Delta), is retiring from Boeing Aircraft after a 35-year career an an executive. Pennell worked on a variety of airplane programs during his long career with the aerospace firm, but his days as project engineer for the 707 and later as Director of Engineering for the transport division in the 707 and 727stand out in his mind as the best years of his professional life. Pennell said that his most satisfying times were Following his initiation at Iowa spent on commercial programs, State in 1950, Brother Dale M. even though he worked on many Cochran has been a very successmilitary planes Boeing produced ful farmer and public servant. He for the Air Force. Pennell said,"I is now serving his sixth term in enjoyed working on commercial the Iowa Legislature, during programs more, serving human- which time he was the minority ity rather than threatening it. floor leader for two terms. He is Our intention in military planes, currently Speaker of the House. of course, was to provide enough He is a father with three daughstrength so our country would not ters, and is a lay minister for the be threatened, but, even so, com- Methodist church. He has served mercial work was more satisfying in many capacities, both of a govto me." ernmental and civic nature.

ATLANTA ALUMNI NOTE! The Atlanta area alumni association ofPi Kappa Phi Fraternity will once again be active. This information comes from Area Governors Bill Finney and Richard Folger. It is anticipated that alumni activity will provide a means of social acquaintances, activities, and student recruitment assistance for the chapters in the state of Georgia. A number of alumni are involved in this effort. Others are encouraged to participate. For more information, and to be included in future activities, call Bill Finney, 284-3673, Richard Folger, 292-3136, or Angelo Harris, 296-1398. v



Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity has developed, in conjunction with Lendman Associates of Norfolk, Virginia, an effective employment service for our alumni. If you need a job, or want to change your career, you should register to attend one of the Lendman Career Weekends convenient to you. A list of cities with dates for the coming Lendman Weekends is printed below. Write Lendman Executive Offices, Pi Kappa Phi Employment Service, P.O. Box 14027, Norfolk, Virginia 23518. They will send you the information you need, and give you direction on the preparation of a resume. Pi Kappa Phi's Lendman Career Weekends are free except for travel and hotel expenses. Listed here is the Lendman Career Weekend schedule through June 1975. For further information write: Lendman Executive Offices P.O. Box 14027 Norfolk, Virginia 23518 804/583-5921 SPRING SCHEDULE APRIL 11-12 Chicago, Illinois 17-18 New York, N.Y. 18-19 San Diego, Calif. 25-26 Atlanta, Georgia 25-26 Dallas, Texas

PI KAPPA PHI 1924 Vail Avenue, Charlotte, N. C. Founded at The College of Charleston, S. C. December 10, 1904 —FOUNDERS— SIMON FOGARTY. JR. ANDREW A. KROEG, JR. L. LARRY MIXSON NATIONAL COUNCIL PresIdent—Ted Scharlenstein Vice President—John Wilson Treasurer—A. J. Strickland, Ill Secretary—Ron Krebs Chaplain--Phil Tappy Chancellor—Ernest S. DeLaney Past President—Jack Steward NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Executive Director—Durward W. Owen Assistant Executive Director—Jerry Matthews Director of Development—Travis Julian Field Secretaries—Charles Beddingtield, Sonny O'Drobinak, Tom Carter, Kit Jennings THE STAR AND LAMP

MAY 9-10 9-10 16-17 29-30 30-31

Boston, Mass. Chicago, Illinois Va. Beach, Va. Philadelphia, Pa. Atlanta, Georgia

JUNE 6- 7 6- 7 11-12 20-21 26-27 27-28

San Francisco, Ca. Chicago, Illinois New York, N.Y. Dallas, Texas Washington, D.C. Atlanta, Georgia

•Mid -week program. Also available at the National Office is a "Pi Kappa Phi Getting a Job Kit." Many Pi Kapps have found this kit useful as they have sought employment or careers through their own means separate from the Pi Kappa Phi employment service.

An Educational Publication

1975. VOL. LXI NO. 2 Editor-In-Chief Durward Owen Managing Editor Bennett Smith Changes in address should be reported promptly to National Office, P.O. Box 4608, Charlotte. N.C. 28204. THE STAR AND LAMP is published five times a year by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 1924 Vail Ave., Charlotte, N.C. in the months of February, May, August, September and November. The life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 1924 Vail Ave., Charlotte, N.C. Second Class postage paid at Charlotte, N.C.



This future PI Kapp Is Jason, son of Brother Robert C. Chandler, Alpha Eta Chapter,Sanford University. These T-Shirts are available from the National Office.

ARCHIVES NEEDED FOR NEW ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE.Items of historical value to the fraternity should be kept in a permanent location and also should be available to all initiated members. Do you have fraternity material of archives value? Contact the Executive Director for help in having these items permanently preserved.

TOMMY PILCHER, AN ARTIST If you can imagine a person more varied than Tommy Pilcher, it would indeed be an unusual person. Tommy runs the gauntlet of activities and interests that would cover the desires of a multitude of people. His first experience as an artist came with a Baptist church in Macon, Georgia where he did posters.

Tommy Pi!cher is shown here with Mrs. Zeima Redding, widow of Otis Redding, and Tommy's portrait of Otis Redding.

From the beginning he has become involved in pottery, sculpturing and portraits, to name a few. His personal interest is at the highest when doing portraits. His portrait work has included that of a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, and most recently a 36 x 40 canvass of the famous recording star, Gregg Allman. In addition he has done portraits of Burt Reynolds, Art Linkletter, and former recording star, Otis Redding. Tommy has evidenced activities in other areas, having served as press secretary for a Georgia gubernatorial candidate. He has received numerous certificates and cash awards for his achievements in portrait work. Tommy, up to his graduation in August of 1974, was quite active with Gamma Kappa Chapter at Georgia Southern.

,* Tommy's picture of Gregg Allman is an example of his photographic like technique.

JOHN K. STONER PROMOTED TO GENERAL John K. Stoner, Drexel (Alpha Upsilon), has been selected for promotion to Brigadier General. Col. Stoner is the first Drexel ROTC alumnus to be selected for promotion to general. He received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineeringfrom Drexel in 1951,and later earned his master's degree in Business Administration at Harvard University. He is presently commander of Kaiserslautern Army Depot Complex in Germany.

ROWLEY HEADS UNITED ENGINEERING TRUSTEES Louis N. Rowley, Jr., PINY, (Alpha Xi) has been elected president of the United Engineering Trustees, Inc. He will head the 70-year old organization for a one-year term. Founded in 1904 as the United Engineering Society, the United Engineering Trustees administer the United Engineering Center on UN Plaza in Manhattan, a major public engineering research foundation. Mr. Rowley is editorial chairman of Power and Electrical World at McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. and a PINY alumnus. He is Chairman of the PINY Board of Trustees.

PI KAPPA PHI PROPERTIES,INC. PROGRESS IN CHAPTER HOUSING In 1964, as a result of an IRS ruling prohibiting the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation from extending second mortgages for housing, a committee was established and assigned the responsibility of determining how Pi Kappa Phi could improve and continue housing assistance. In 1967, the efforts of this committee became a reality in the form of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. With an initial $14,000 capitalization loan from the fraternity, this non-profit, tax exempt corporation began. A board of directors was established and an executive committee elected to administer the affairs of Pi Kappa Phi Properties. The Board and Executive Committee, composed entirely of alumni volunteers, began the drive to assist those chapters who ordinarily could not obtain or retain housing without additional assistance. Now, seven years later, Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., has assets of $1,000,000 which consist of equity in chapter housing and

Lambda Chapter, University of Georgia, received a "face lift" and internal improvements this fall.

The Beta Phi Chapter House has been fully rebuilt following an extensive fire in February of 1974. The Executive Committee of Pi Kappa, Phi Properties acted two months to increase the insurance coverage on the house,thus avoiding a large financial loss.

loans. As directed by the 32nd Supreme Chapter, $5 from each initiate provides additional capital each year in order to continue the progress in housing assistance. Currently over 25 percent of our chapters have benefited from assistance with acquisition of new housing, maintaining current housing, and improving existing structures. During the past two years, Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., has been able to prevent the foreclosures of several houses due to financial difficulties, help Gamma,Alpha Gamma,and Beta Eta Chapters acquire housing, do major improvements on houses at Alpha Tau, Alpha Omicron, and Lambda Chapters,and to improve the stability of many other chapters. Obviously, the economy has resulted hr difficult times in the fraternity world as well as the business community. As a result of the nature of a non-profit corporation and due to the risk in-


volved in financial transactions involving second mortgages, Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. must retain title of properties it assists. Even with the risk involved in ventures of this nature, Pi Kappa Phi Properties has managed to remain a solvent and progressive organization, due to the competent and expert leadership of the members of the Executive Committee. The entire fraternity expresses its thanks to these dedicated alumni who give a tremendous amount of their time, professional skill, and experience to our student members and their housing corporation. Members of the Executive Committee are Kelley Bergstrom, John Deimler, W. Bernard Jones, Jr., Tom Dalton, and David Lane.

Members of Alpha Gamma enjoy the living

room of their newly acquired house.

Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc.,is available to assist those chapters who meet the policy requirements of the corporation. Any assistance and request for assistance must be directed through the chapter's local housing corporation. Requests for additional information should be channeled through the Director of Development, care of the National Office.

The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation, through Otis McCollum its chairman, has announced the appointment of Richard Baker, Penn State, as a trustee. Brother Baker replaces W. Bernard Jones, Jr., as Brother Jones expands his activities with the fraternity's national housing corporation. Brother Baker has served for twenty-five years as chapter advisor for Alpha Mu Chapter at Penn State. He is employed at Penn State University as Director of Revenue Accounting. In addition to serving in many civic capacities, Brother Baker has served for twenty-three years in the Army Reserve, now holding the rank of Lt. Colonel. His son, David, was a recent graduate of Alpha Mu Chapter. Baker brings to the Foundation a very significant background in financial matters,and will greatly enhance the Foundation's financial posture through his efforts.

LONNIE McMILLIAN IN SOUTH CAROLINA HALL OF FAME Lonnie S. McMillian, Presbyterian(Beta),coach for 37 years at Presbyterian College, has been named to the South Carolina Athletic Hall of Fame. McMillian,80, of Clinton,joined former heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier in the ceremonies. McMillian coached football, basketball and track during his career at Presbyterian. He retired in 1959. He had attended Presbyterian and was captain of the football, basketball and baseball teams and was selected for the All State team in football twice. While head football coach, 1941-53, McMillian's teams had a 61-58-2 record playing larger colleges such as Clemson, South Carolina, Georgia, Auburn and Florida. He was one of the first coaches to use the"T"formation.Six of his players were named to AllAmerica teams. More than 50 of his players made careers of high school coaching, many of them still actively coaching in South Carolina.

New Dean Appointed


STATESBORO — Dr. Origen J. James,Gamma Kappa,former Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Nebraska, has been appointed Dean of the Georgia Southern College School of Business. He received his B.S. and M.B.A. degrees from Texas A & M University and his D.B.A.from Texas Tech University. His professional experience in the field of accounting include positions held as Controller, Chief Accountant and Auditor with major industrial corporations. James holds membership in numerous professional and honor societies including Phi Kappa Phi, the American Accounting Association and the Southern Business Association.

Kappa Chapter at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill enjoys its 60th anniversary of chartering on Saturday, December 7, 1974. Kappa Council, the chapter's alumni housing corporation, held its annual meeting at that time. The officers and members of Kappa Council, Inc. are pictured above.

The PI Kappa Phi Chapter at the University of Illinois, Upsilon, has recently initiated the twin sons of an alumnus member of that Chapter. Mark E. Dowd and Paul A. Dowd are the sons of George Dowd of Wheaton, Illinois.


— 100% combed cotton with numbers on the back. (White on blue — Blue on gold) $3.50 Available in Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large Sizes.

U. S. Senator Howard Baker, Tenn., congratulates his son Darek following his initiation at Delta Iota, Middle Tennessee State. Looking on is Area Governor Richard Rucker (L.) and chapter archon Bill Brown (R.).

National Scholarship Chairman Dr. Jeff Clark, is here presenting Bill Stokes of Delta Alpha his check for the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation. Bill was a 1974 Pi Kapp Scholar. Each year many Pi Kapps honor their brothers who have entered the Chapter Eternal through the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation. This foundation provides scholarship grants to deserving students.

M B A Degree You too can still earn a Master of Business Administration degree at Florida Atlantic University —through the Pi Kappa Phi MBA program. All members have received full information in the most recent issue of "The Star and Lamp", and in the mail by a letter from the Executive Director. Now is the time to act. Write for complete details: Durward W. Owen Executive Director—Pi Kappa Phi P.O. Box 4608 Charlotte, N.C. 28204 or call: (704) 334-2221 or Dr. D. B. Unwalla Director, Executive MBA Programs College of Business and Public Administration Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida 33432 or Call: (305) 395-5100 Ext. 2908



— Nylon, Flannel lined jacket with sewn on, gold Greek letters. (Navy blue with gold letters) $12.50 S, M, L, XL

E. H.(Buck) Brown, Jr., South Carolina(Sigma), has been named "Optometrist of the South" by his colleagues at the annual Educational Congress of the Southern Council of Optometrists being held in Atlanta, February 15-18. This annual award is one of the highest marks of distinction which the 12-state council can bestow on one of its members. The purpose of the award is to honor a fellow optometrist who has displayed outstanding leadership through major contributions to optometry and the overall vision care of the public. Dr. Brown, whose hometown is Bishopville, S.C., is a Bachelor of Arts graduate of the University of South Carolina where he was selected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities,the ODK honor and the KSK service fraternity.

A new recognition ring is now available for members of Pi Kappa Phi. Using the star and lamp logo, this design is symbolic of your membership in Pi Kappa Phi yet still not ostentatious. Available in both gold and silver with prices as follow: 10K gold Sterling silver Ring Sae For Measuring Finger



Charter two new chapters (Missouri and Nicholls State) .


Reinstitute the Select Study Committee using the Delphi forecasting technique.


Concentrate expansion activities in the Midwest (Ohio State, Kentucky, Kent State, Wright State, Southern Illinois) .



to tt

OTHER ITEMS INCLUDE Replacement Shingle — $2.25 L. P. Album — Collection of many Pi Kappa Phi songs. — $5.00 L. Harry Mixson and Simon Fogarty, Jr., tell how Pi Kappa Phi was started and discuss interesting events over the years. $5.00 ALL PRICES INCLUDE SHIPPING CHARGES.

These are only a few of the Pi Kappa Phi items available from your fraternity. If you would like a complete list showing other items, just check the box below and mail to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, P. 0. Box 4608, Charlotte, North Carolina 28204.

The accomplishment of additional measurable goals of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity are listed in this Box Score. For other goals, see previous editions of the Star and Lamp, and for a complete list, contact the Administrative Office. Research electronic data systems possible for use in member record keeping, printing, bookkeeping, etc.

3 434

Take a band of firm paper same size as ring chart. Wrap it around the largest part of the finger if the joints are not prominent. Lay it on the finger size chart above to get your exact size.



$43.50 $23.50


COST QUANTITY TOTAL COST Jersey — White on Blue 3.50 Blue on gold 3.50 Jacket — Navy 12.50 Replacement Shingle 2.25 Recognition Ring — Gold 43.50 Sterling Silver 23.50 Record — Pi Kappa Phi Sings 5.00 Record — In the Beginning . 5.00 When ordering, please indicate size and color. (If choice) Enclose check or money order for total amount payable to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, P. 0. Box 4608, Charlotte, N. C. 28204 Name Chapter Please send a complete Street Address list of items available. —



ALPHA— College of Charleston The brothers of Alpha Chapter started the year by initiating 22 men into the chapter. Not only achieving quantity for the Plus Five Program, we also achieved quality. These men will help keep Alpha Chapter the number One fraternity on campus.

BETA— Presbyterian No Report.

GAMMA— Berkeley Different! In a word, that describes Gamma's story this year. From the beginning, when Gamma had to face the unenviable task of moving to and refurbishing a twelve year-old house, to the honor of helping with the planning and organization of the 35th Supreme Chapter, this year has been different. Gamma's immediate future includes one house improvement and two projects which we look forward to accomplishing. First, we have contracted to have carpeting installed in the new house. This should be accomplished during spring break. Second, Gamma is involved in the organization of the 35th Supreme Chapter to be held in San Francisco on August 17-20, 1975, and has been asked to perform the model initiation for the Supreme Chapter. Thirdly, the Gamma alumni, together with the undergraduates, are planning to host a cocktail party for the non-Gamma alumni who have settled in the northern California area. It was brought to our attention that there was a substantial number of such Pi Kapps, so the party should serve as quite a kick-off to the Supreme Chapter meeting. This event will take place on Saturday, August 16.

ZETA— Wofford

Xl— Roanoke College No Report.

OMICRON— Univ. of Alabama The spring semester at Omicron began with the initiation of 19 new brothers. The new initiates have shown great interest and have taken positions of responsibility. This spring we have nine pledges. On March 8, Omicron was the host chapter for a Recruitment Seminar for chapters in this geographic region. Our chapter has several functions planned and has set a goal to have a fall class of at least 40. During spring break several brothers remained in Tuscaloosa and painted the exterior of our house as well as the party room and dining room. Our next improvement will be a complete redecoration of the patio area. Pi Kappa Phi has strong representation in the Student Government Association here at Alabama. In the recent elections, a brother was elected to the position of SecretaryTreasurer, and two brothers and a pledge won berths in the Senate. Other brothers serve on SGA committees. No other fraternity on campus has such political power.

RHO— Washington and Lee No Report.

SIGMA— South Carolina This semester has been both a trying and at the same time a fulfilling one. Sigma Chapter has accomplished many things. Our first Parents Day celebration was a success,and we were proud to have Governor James B. Edwards, a Pi Kappa Phi, in our lounge for Greek Week activities.

No Report.

IOTA— Georgia Tech Winter quarter was a building quarter for Iota Chapter. With our two newest brothers, we met our Plus Five goal. Iota increased its fraternity overall scholastic average by three tenths of a point from Fall to Winter quarter. With our newly installed officers and a strong spring rush, we are confident in doubling our yearly initiation goal and initiating Iota's 800th brother. We are now underway in the planning stages of the Pi Kapp Penny Guess, a fund raising project, the annual Tech 200 go-kart race, and our Spring Formal, Roseball.

KAPPA— North Carolina Kappa Chapter is one of the top fraternities on the UNC campus. We are leading all 29 fraternities not only in intramural sports but also in the number of pledges this semester. Kappa has also been active in community affairs, something we feel is important for good public relations on campus. Academically we have shown a marked improvement over past years. We are proud to announce we have two new initiates to Phi Beta Kappa honorary society, our first in over two years. On the campus scene, a brother of Kappa Chapter is presently the secretary of the Inter-Fraternity Council. Kappa is also represented on the UNC governing council, the Chapel Hill Transit Board, UNC Campus Board, and the UNC Campus Attorney General's staff. Individual brothers of Kappa are also involved in varsity soccer and lacrosse, UNC club football, UNC Wind Ensemble, and the UNC reader's theatre. The active brotherhood is very concerned with the well being of the house. A new rug was placed in the bar, and other improvements for the bar are underway. Kappa has also purchased new furniture for the television room as well as the living room.

LAMBDA— Univ. of Georgia Winter quarter was a good one for Lambda. We lead the 32 fraternities on the Georgia campus in rush with eight pledges and are confident of making our Plus Five goal. Intramurals are going well. We are in second place and are hopeful for the Governor's Trophy.

TAU— N. C. State We at Tau Chapter have been engaged in a number of activities this spring. We were involved in a stream clean-up on campus and continue the successful sponsoring of a Boy Scout troop for mentally retarded men. We also have a number of people campaigning for offices on campus. We are hoping they will be able to help boost the fraternity system at North Carolina State. We are anticipating a good effort next fall, and with our ideas from the MRE program, expect to recruit some fine young men.

UPSILON— Univ. of Illinois Upsilon Chapter is enjoying another fine semester. Since implementing group dynamics sessions as a regular part of our recruiting program, our growth has been outstanding. In the course of one semester we doubled our number of new men initiated. Pi Kapps at the University of Illinois will do their part for charity later this semester by sponsoring a campus-wide clothes drive to benefit the Salvation Army. This type of project has never been tried before on our campus, and we are hoping it will be a big success.

CHI— Stetson Chi Chapter is continuing to maintain its tradition as the top fraternity at Stetson. Last year we won it all. The intramural trophy, scholarship trophy, house trophy, and Champion Master Chapter were our main achievements. This year we have already captured the scholarship trophy and we are second in the intramural race. With determination, we will again sweep the honors. Such achievements reflect a brotherhood that.cares for each other, laughs together, parties together, and works for each other. Sure we are proud of our achievements, but we are mostly proud of each other.

PSI— Cornell No Report.

Omega Chapter's prize winning singers shown here at the finale of their recent performance at Purdue University Sing Program.

OMEGA— Purdue


The Conclave for Area VIII was held here at Omega. From the brotherhood displayed, the conclave was a success. Omega is very busy preparing for the rest of the semester. We won University Sing this year. The brothers are also involved in the blood drive. This is a worthwhile community project we are proud to support.

Alpha Epsilon Chapter continued its rebuilding effort winter quarter by initiating seven new brothers in Pi Kappa Phi. We also expanded our meal program to include a much needed, full-time cook. Our chapter has enjoyed visits from the National Office. They conducted a leadership seminar that helped realign and re-evaluate our goals. All in all, the brothers of Alpha Epsilon had a very productive winter quarter and are looking forward to an even better spring quarter.

ALPHA ALPHA— Mercer Fall quarter of'74 found Alpha Alpha Chapter preparing for rush. Six great guys joined our ranks, four of which have already become brothers. Alpha Alpha's Founders Day celebration was held last quarter on February 9, 1975.The day was a great success, with many alumni present for the festivities. During the celebration a special ceremony was held in honor of two of our chapter alumni, W. M. Jordan, Jr., and W. K. Jordan. The Jordun brothers were given Golden Legion fifty-year awards for their outstanding participation in Pi Kappa Phi.

ALPHA GAMMA— Oklahoma The past semester has been a generous one to the brothers of Alpha Gamma Chapter. Our dreams of having a house all our own came true in late September, when to our utter disbelief we found ourselves owning one of the most beautiful houses on the Oklahoma campus.To top it all off, we have recently acquired the services of a super cook, who we also can call our very own. We have been truly blessed and needless to say, we are very thankful for all that we have received! Last November, we initiated 12 new brothers into the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi. They have already made a great contribution to the steady growth and increasing stability of Alpha Gamma. We are proud to have associated nine new men already this semester. By virtue of our GPA's, we are now ranked eleventh on the OU campus. This ranking makes us the smallest fraternity to be ranked among the upper half of the Greeks at Oklahoma.

ALPHA DELTA— Washington Being one of three chapters on the West Coast, we plan to have a conclave with the Alpha Zeta and Gamma Chapters in order to establish goals that we all would like to achieve in the near future. Our newly elected Executive Council is attempting to see to it that the chapter puts its best foot forwarl and truly makes a"go of it." We look ahead to the future and can proudly say,"We were and still are a part of Pi Kappa Phi."

ALPHA ZETA— Oregon State The men of Alpha Zeta are preparing for our second annual Tug-of-War contest to be held during Moms Weekend. All fraternities on campus are invited to participate and all entry fees and donations are given to Easter Seals.

ALPHA ETA— Samford Can you believe fifty years at Alpha Eta? For fifty years Alpha Eta has worked to demonstrate the ideals and objectives on which Pi Kappa Phi was founded. A full alumni weekend to celebrate the 50th anniversary has been planned by the Alpha Eta Alumni Association. The chapter now has 55 brothers, which includes 15 men initiated in February. With a pledge class of 9, we feel we are strong in every aspect, especially since we are twice the size of any other fraternity on campus. One of our major goals is to initiate these 9 men very soon. One more important activity which Alpha Eta has had the last year is to have a chapter retreat. This is planned for the last part of April or the end of August. This has helped us tremendously with our recruiting and our relationships with each other. These are only a few standouts. We are always striving to keep ourselves on top!

ALPHA THETA— Michigan State No Report.

ALPHA IOTA— Auburn This quarter has seen a great deal of Pi Kapp activity. To begin with, as a prelude to rush, several brothers returned to school early in order to do some much needed house painting. When the quarter did get underway, we put on a really hard rush, which is at this time still in the process of paying off. We anticipate a large and active pledge class for spring.

ALPHA MU— Penn State No Report.

ALPHA Xl— Polytechnic Inst. of N. Y. Alpha Xi stands proud over its accomplishments these past few months. The past year has been very successful, having initiated five new members in the fall, and having five pledges with three more prospects so far this spring. The chapter's whole outlook has taken on new meaning now that we have become the largest fraternity on campus. We presently hold two high ranking positions on the undergraduate government (President of the IFC and student council representative) and two on the administration of the school. The overall participation of Pi Kapps is overwhelming. Most important, is the functioning of Alpha Xi as a chapter. We feel that this year has been a peak for us. Our chapter is operating quite efficiently and the re-establishment of our alumni board, along with the reorganization of our housing corporation has enabled us to conquer some really tough problems. The brothers of our chapter are extremely happy with the upswing and we are striving to keep Alpha Xi on top at Polytechnic.


The brotherhood here is always looking for ways to fix up the house, and this past month we took on the project of remodeling our kitchen and dining area. The project showed the real meaning of brotherhood at Beta Alpha, with all the brothers and pledges working hard to complete it. The real reward came when we had Parents Day, and all the guests liked the way it turned out. Beta Alpha is now in the stages of planning to go out to San Francisco in August to Supreme Chapter and see all our brothers in Pi Kappa Phi.

BETA MU— McNeese State

GAMMA BETA— Old Dominion

The brothers of Beta Mu Chapter are proud to announce that we have again won the scholarship award of the McNeese State IFC. We are also proud to have been selected as a chartering team for Delta Omicron Chapter at Nicholls State. All the brothers of Beta Mu would like to welcome our new brothers at Nicholls. Beta Mu has begun fall recruitment activities through personal contacts.

On the scholastic level, Pi Kappa Phi has the third best Q.P.A. of the fraternities on campus for the first semester of the 74-75 school year.

BETA BETA— Florida Southern

BETA OMICRON— Northwestern State — Louisiana

GAMMA DELTA— Memphis State

We are pleased to find that many of our recent alumni are proving to be enthusiastic and whole-hearted supporters of their chapter. The graduated brothers' participation in and contribution to our various activities has been immensely helpful. Beta Beta is again very involved in campus life. Brothers are currently active on the Inter-Fraternity Council, a variety of honorary fraternities, as well as the college baseball and tennis teams. In addition, we have fielded extremely competitive intramural basketball and softball teams.

As the semester progresses we are making preparations for our annual Rose Ball, which includes our most important "Alumni Reunion." We are planning our annual Pi Kappa Phi Invitational Basketball Tournament. All of the funds collected from this tournament will go directly to the Natchitoches Heart Fund.

Participation in campus activities has been our goal this semester and has been very successful. We have two brothers in the S.G.A. Senate with a third on the Student Court of Appeals. Three of our pledges are also in the senate, with one holding a top office as the Speaker. Also holding a top position is a brother on the IFC as Vice-President. We hold all three of the basketball manager positions, a brother as the school's mascot(dressed as a tiger), S.G.A. Spirit Commissioner, and members in Omicron Delta Kappa. The pledge class again this year will be walking the twenty miles in the Annual March of Dimes Walkathon to collect money for this worthy cause. For the Easter project, the brothers took Easter baskets to the Crippled Children's Hospital.

No Report

ALPHA SIGMA— Tennessee No Report

ALPHA TAU— Rensselaer Now that we can enjoy our newly functional dining facility, our initiative has shifted to a reorganization of waning alumni relationships. Major efforts will include a newsletter and alumni reunion. We are looking forward to being able to provide suitable entertainment for parents and alumni of Alpha Tau for the first time in years.

ALPHA UPSILON— Drexel Although Alpha Upsilon lost 18 brothers due to graduation last June, this year has turned out better than expected. Rush is coming along at last year's pace. So far, we have initiated six men, with a possible six this coming quarter. A rush committee will be formed this summer which will plan all related rush activity for the fall. Our ninety-year old house will see some improvements within the next few months as new carpeting, rainspouting, and shower facilities are being installed. A few short notes can be added here: A conclave is in planning for the near future which would be held at our house. Our house sweetheart has won Drexel's homecoming beauty pageant, and a camping trip for our brotherhood is being planned. Even though we are losing five seniors due to graduation, the upcoming year looks to be a good one for Pi Kapps at Drexel.

ALPHA PHI— IIT The chapter was proud to learn that we earned the highest grade point average of all the fraternities on campus. Our cumulative grade point average for last semester was 2.85, which is exceedingly high for the Illinois Institute ofTechno logy. With consistent effort and hard work in this category, Pi Kappa Phi will stay where it belongs — Number 1. This semester, Alpha Phi has brought together one of the best Executive Councils that our chapter has seen in years. On a united front, we are working to negate the effects of apathy which has existed in the house for quite some time. With help and supervision from alumni, we will attain the true Pi Kapp spirit.

ALPHA PSI— Indiana Alpha Psi is continuing its push forward this year in membership and other areas. In January we initiated six new brothers, and we currently have six associate members which we plan to initiate in May. We have recently obtained six more, and we hope to obtain nine more in the next few weeks. This February, Alpha Psi teamed up with Sigma Kappa sorority to enter I. U. Sing(musical production)competition. We respectfully finished in second place in the medium production competition. As the semester progresses, all thoughts turn to the "Little 500" bicycle race. Little 500 has always been a large college event, and this year proves to be no exception. Last year we finished with 16th place ranking out of over 60 greek houses and dorm floors entered. All in all, the spring semester looks to be a promising one for Alpha Psi as we continue to move ahead in all areas.

BETA ALPHA— New Jersey Institute of Technology Beta Alpha is joyously awaiting the initiation of this year's initiates because one of the initiates will have the honor of being Beta Alpha #400. It is again that time of year here at Beta Alpha when the brotherhood gets together for our annual fund raising drive for the Peter Jensen Memorial Scholarship Fund. Pete was a brother in our house who met an untimely death, and the scholarship fund is to honor his memory.

BETA DELTA— Drake Our Fathers Weekend in February was a real success, thanks to the many fathers who attended and some fine planning by the social committee. Pi Kappa Phi took third place in Drake's annual Bulldog Tales variety show this year after holding first place for the past two years. We held a chapter retreat a week after and had an excellent time together. Six brothers put our chapter back on top again when they were named to Omicron Delta Kappa, an organization which honors its members for leadership and scholastic excellence. A Pi Kapp will co-chair the Greek Week Committee for 1975 and we hold three important positions on Drake's IFC; Secretary, Rush Chairman, and Activities Chairman. Beta Delta has members in a number of campus organizations including the University Senate, Student Activities Board, Drake Relays Committee, and Major Attractions cornmittee. Our 14 man fall pledge class has won the pledge scholarship trophy with a GPA of 3.06.

BETA EPSILON— Missouri, Columbia It has been sixteen months since Beta Epsilon was chartered at the University of Missouri at Columbia, and five months that we have enjoyed a chapter status in Pi Kappa Phi. The challenges of our undertaking, those we anticipated and those that were not foreseen, could only have been met with the help of many people, all of them Pi Kapps. In this spirit of fraternity, our accomplishments are Pi Kappa Phi's accomplishments. Beta Epsilon is continuing to expand and mature. Our first initiation, in which three new members were introduced to the fraternity, was a success. Recruitment and intramural programs are functioning well. Thanks to our Housing Corporation and Pi Kappa Phi Properties we have a new house.

BETA ETA— Florida State

BETA TAU— Valdosta State Beta Tau is currently enjoying one of its most successful years ever at Valdosta State College. We initiated 14 neophytes and rated 100 percent in the "Plus Five" program. Homecoming weekend was enjoyed by many alumni, and the brotherhood was thankful for their interest. Our main project for the year, the Miss Valdosta State College Pageant, was a huge success and is currently rated in the top five preliminary pageants to the Miss Georgia Pageant. We are also currently collecting donations for Valdosta's Leukemia Drive. One of our brothers has just been elected president of the student government association by the student body, and we also have two brothers who have been selected to "Who's Who in America's Colleges and Universities."

BETA UPSILON— Virginia Beta Upsilon entered the second semester with a renewed enthusiasm centered mainly around the winning of an all fraternity contest, and a much improved showing in intramural sports. Pi Kappa Phi has moved in only one year from near the bottom the near the top in the intramural point standings. This spring the house has been undergoing a renovation to improve both the internal and external appearances. A complete rewiring job and chapter work parties have been used to repair damaged ceilings and paint the walls. A brother was elected Vice-President of the IFC, and another has been associate sports editor of the Cavalier Daily.

Once again we are assisting WGTE-TV in its annual "buy-in" fund raising project by pounding the pavement seeking contributions which will be auctioned, and on May 1st the television screens of northwestern Ohio will be filled with the blue and white of Pi Kappa Phi as Beta Iota takes control! While service projects such as support of our local public television station and participating in the University Alumni Association Scholarship Telethon reach literally thousands, the brothers of Beta Iota still believe that "one-to-one" is the best way to serve and to promote Pi Kappa Phi. We will continue to try to enrich the lives of Toledo's orphans and senior citizens through concerts, field trips, and the like; and plans are under consideration for a children's day camp which the brothers hope to open as soon as possible.

BETA KAPPA— Georgia State No Report.

BETA LAMBDA— Tampa Throughout the year, the brotherhood endeavored to improve the relations between the chapter, the university, and the community through public service. Our annual "Send a Mouse to College" for cancer research and "Throw a Pie at a Pi Kapp" for the Heart Fund were a great success. We also helped run the Tampa Open Wrestling Tournament, an annual event held at the University of Tampa. The brotherhood was also very active in many university organizations and events. Among them were the Student Government Association with brothers serving in the offices of Senior Senator and Attorney General. The 1974-75 academic year is one of special meaning for the brothers of Beta Lambda. It not only marks the third year we have reigned as Outstanding Fraternity on Campus, but also marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of our chapter.

No Report.

GAMMA EPSILON— Western Carolina Winter quarter also started off right as we initiated eight new brothers and inducted new pledges. Rose Ball'75 was also quite successful as it was held in Asheville, and many alumni returned for the occasion. There are many ideas for spring quarter materializing at this time. We plan to help out in the cancer drive in April. Also, Gamma Epsilon will sponsor a car wash for the Special Olympics for retarded children, and we plan to give them the first $50 that we make. Along with these, we hope to have other service projects during the spring.

GAMMA ZETA— West Virginia Tech No Report.

GAMMA ETA— Athens College With the beginning of the spring semester, Gamma Eta has good spirit both internally and as a member of IFC. Since Athens College is in financial trouble, the fraternities here on campus are pulling together to do what we can to help.

BETA PHI— East Carolina

GAMMA THETA— UNC-Wilm ington

We at Beta Phi are proud of attaining our goal in the Plus Five program. Beta Phi's objective is not to create a production line process but to secure the stability of the chapter. After this year we are convinced that there can still be quality with quantity. Beta Phi has continued to dominate the ECU campus, by securing "The President's Cup" in recognition of finishing first in intramural sports. The chapter also had the top scholastic average on campus, which is quite a turn from past years. Founders Day was hailed the best day by the alumni present.

On campus our chapter is involved in many clean-up activities. Recently our chapter helped raise money for one of the professors here at UNC-W. His son was a terminal leukemia patient, and his hospital bills had forced this professor into bankruptcy. Gamma Theta is also involved in community projects. We helped raise money for the Heart Fund, and the American Cancer Society. Our alumni association has contributed greatly to the undergraduates over the past year. Their first major undertaking was to have a new sewage system installed. Now they are in the process of having the whole upstairs of the fraternity house rewired and have new ceilings put in. To help out with this tremendous expense, the brothers are having several raffles to try to meet the alumni half way. To continue on improving the house and the surrounding grounds, the brothers have planted azalea bushes around the entire property. All of this work will finally center itself on "open house day" when friends,family, and relatives are invited to come and visit the chapter home.

No Report.



BETA CHI— East Texas State We are having a good year. Many improvements have been made in the chapter house. Sculptured shag carpet for the TV room and the living room plus new furniture for the TV room. We are planning several community projects.

BETA PSI— Tennessee Wesleyan We began the fall term by sponsoring an open house to all members of our college community. The event had a two-fold purpose. One, to give a real thorough look at the prospective members, and two, to reestablish a sense of importance to the college community. The event was highly successful. On March 22, we sponsored our 11th Annual All-Sing competition, and it was tremendous.

BETA OMEGA— East Tennessee State Last December we raised money for the Welfare Department of Johnson City. This was to help them give a Christmas party for the underprivileged children. This past February we held a rummage sale. The money made from this project was used to plant trees in the city park. Over half of the brothers' parents and many of our neighbors were able to attend our annual "Pig Roast" which was held in November.

GAMMA ALPHA— Livingston The Brothers of Gamma Alpha have been very constructive since Christmas, having painted the house and fixed up a new party room, while turning the old party room into a huge bedroom. Projects our brothers are involved in include pine tree planting by the future site of the school lake, sponsoring concessions at all L.U. home baseball games, sponsoring the Sumter County Red Cross blood drive and Sumter County Cancer drive for the American Cancer Society.

GAMMA KAPPA— Georgia Southern During the winter quarter we succeeded in achieving many of our goals. Probably one of the most important of these is acquiring our fraternity house. The house is centrally located near the campus and provides an ideal location for chapter meetings, housing, and for social gatherings. We recently completed our community service project by painting, the Bulloch County Historical Society Building. The brothers would like to express gratitude to the chapter advisors and alumni. We sincerely appreciate the guidance and support given by them.

GAMMA KAPPA— Missouri-Rolla Spring of'75 for the Gamma Lambda Chapter can best be described by the word "growth." Early in the semester initiation took place, and we welcomed three new brothers to our ranks. In February four brothers from our chapter attended the midwest recruiting seminar in Norman, Oklahoma, with the end result being an end to "rush" and a beginning to recruitment (both literally and figuratively) for our chapter. Implementation of the new recruiting methods has resulted in some very positive statements from people we have considered as prospective brothers of Pi Kappa Phi. We are all very optimistic about recruitment this semester, and nearly all our attention is directed toward increasing our numbers. We fully expect and intend to more than double our chapter size by next fall. With a lot of hard work, our newly-learned recruiting methods, and the promise of Pi Kappa Phi's innovative MRE program, it should be an easily obtainable goal.

GAMMA MU— Belmont Abbey No Report.

GAMMA NU— LaGrange We will be changing our location as we are losing our present house at the end of this school year. Thanks to our chapter advisor, Seale Hipp, we have located a new house and have established a contract for the coming school year. We also have been in various service projects such as aiding Epsilon Sigma Alpha International Sorority with Benefit Basketball games played by 11-12 year old boys and girls.

GAMMA Xl— Georgia Southwestern The Pi Kapp's big service project this quarter was road blocks for a neighboring boy who has Hodgkins Disease. We collected over $1.200. We also helped out with the local art show here in town. The Pi Kapps are big on campus. We have 'brothers on Student Union Board, Gold Key, Student Government Association, Wesley Foundation, the only two male cheerleaders, one representative on the College Bowl team, and five brothers on the varsity baseball team. After long hard-spent hours of preparation on our Homecoming float, we took home the first place trophy, along with third place trophies on two other events.

The Pi Kapps of Gamma Omega are again this year is a position to run Matters at the University of Montevallo: We have the sophomore class president, a member of the Justice Council, a class senator, a commuter senator, and the S.G.A. Entertainment Chairman.

DELTA ALPHA— VPI The year has definitely proven to be a very productive one for Delta Alpha Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at VPI&SU. The brothers put forth a united rush effort which was very successful. In addition to our increases in number, we are becoming stronger and prouder of our organization every day, and these feelings can no better be exemplified than by our recent house improvements. In striving toward service, we recently took part in a $10,000, twelve-hour dance marathon for muscular dystrophy; Pi Kapps supplied both dancers and judges. This spring we really hope to reach our alumni with the annual alumni spring banquet, and with the many new additions to our house and several other pleasant surprises.

DELTA BETA— North Georgia On the North Georgia campus there is no organization, fraternal or otherwise, that can hold a light to the amount ofeffort and sincerity put into their organization as we do in the Brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi.

GAMMA SIGMA— Armstrong State No Report.

GAMMA TAU— North Texas State No Report.

GAMMA UPSILON— Oklahoma State No Report.

GAMMA PHI— South Alabama No Report.

GAMMA CHI— Jacksonville Univ. No Report.

GAMMA PSI— Augusta College The Pi Kapps at Augusta College are at the forefront of school and community activities. Besides assisting at registration and playing a role in Homecoming preparation, the fraternity sponsored an "AL." night during which over a hundred couples toured the house and enjoyed the Gamma Psi hospitality. On the community front, the chapter played an active role in the local Cancer Fund drive. The emphasis at Gamma Psi is currently shifting toward establishing a viable alumni organization for the alumni of this chapter and for other local alumni. A spring retreat is planned for mid-May during which plans for the next year will be formulated and a hard, retrospective look at the past year will be taken.

GAMMA OMEGA— Montevallo The Pi Kapps of Gamma Omega are again enjoying another fine year. Gamma Omega had an outstanding rush by pledging 15 men, and outpledging our nearest competition by four men. The Founders Day Banquet was held on December 7 and was a tremendous success. Our guest speaker was the honorable Brother Howard Leake, Past National President.

Delta Theta Chapter has just completed celebration of their second anniversary of chartering which occurred at Mars Hill on February 17, 1973. The celebration included a service at the Methodist Church of Mars Hill. The chapter is currently engaged in several service projects such as the upcoming Easter party of the kids of the Mars Hill Handicapped School. The chapter has also sponsored the Red Cross Blood Mobile for the fifth semester in a row and for the same number of semesters the chapter has been the top donator of blood among all the organizations on campus. New service projects include the sponsoring of a 12-year old girl in Brazil through the Christian Children's Fund, a spring cleaning of the Mars Hill Methodist Church, and a drive to recover old eyeglasses to donate to people who cannot afford them.

DELTA IOTA— Middle Tennessee State

No Report.

Other activities that we have been participating in include a well-rounded sports program in cooperation with the IFC. We have also begun working on our community relations program, of which we chose to help the City of Hope in their worthwhile endeavors. The City of Hope is a national pilot medical center in Duarte, California. We recently completed a tour of the facilities to see how our volunteer work would be benefitting this facility. Our first aid to the City of Hope was rendered when our brothers represented the City of Hope at a Health Expo on the USC campus. We would like to thank our local alumni, who have been supplying the necessary assistance needed by our young group. One of those alumni, Brother Harold Conklin, was recently awarded the Golden Legion Award. We send our heartiest congratulations. Our congratulations are also extended to one of our own brothers, Mike Power, who was elected to the Las Virgenes Unified School District Board of Education. In order to achieve this office, Mike defeated a twelveyear incumbent.

KAPPA PHI— Campbell College The Campbell College Kappa Phi Associate Chapter proudly reports its first time in the Star and Lamp with high hopes of becoming a national chapter. Realizing the immensity of this task coupled with our members' academic responsibilities, we solicit moral support from all chapters. We have rented a house four miles from main campus in Coats, North Carolina, and are now working on improvements such as replacing worn out windows, lowering ceilings, and clearing grounds. During the 1974 fall semester we successfully directed a county-wide bike-a-thon to raise fundsfor the Cerebral Palsy Foundation and received a letter of commendation from the mayor of Coats.



We have several brothers in the student



Gamma Omicron has been very progressive this year in every aspect of fraternity life. We had our first chapter retreat at Paris Landing -State Park. We fould this to be very helpful in learning the difference between brotherhood and apathy. With our newest members, we need only four to reach our Plus Five goal, which we will top in the spring quarter. We are now making plans for the 1975 Rose Banquet to be held sometime in May. We hope we will see all of our alumni back at this special event. With the upcoming Rose Banquet, we are now planning to have our third annual Gospel Music Singing.

government and other organizations. During homecoming this year, our chapter won the spirit award for cheering at the games, our Rose Queen was elected homecoming queen, and our project also won first place in the homecoming contest. Never before in the history of Lander College has an organization accomplished such a feat.

Delta Eta just won both League I and League II basketball championships. This made it three in a row for Team II, and Team I has won two crowns in three years. We are still trying to keep on top of fraternity life here at Morehead, and we invite all brothers nationwide to come on over and see us sometime.

No Report.

GAMMA OMICRON— Bethel College

This semester has been a good one for the brothers of Gamma Rho Chapter. We had the biggest rush ever and are within one initiate of our Plus Five goal. We also, with the help of our alumni, activated our housing corporation and acquired a house. This house will accommodate six brothers and is a giant step forward for our chapter.

DELTA ETA— Morehead

Our Cystic Fibrosis drive held earlier this quarter collected and donated a sizeable amount with hopes of someday making life easier and even possible for those persons affected by this disease. Another activity or project the brothers are currently working on is a plaque sale. We take orders and make redwood plaques for students, routing in the wood any inscription the student desires. At present we have made over $300, and we are not finished yet!

DELTA GAMMA— Nebraska-Omaha No Report.

DELTA DELTA— Northeast Missouri State Delta Delta initiated more new members in the spring semester to achieve their Plus Five goal. The brothers are anxious for the fall rush season and increased brotherhood. Plans are being made to remodel the house this summer in order to accommodate more brothers while plans for a new house are still big in our minds. The chapter's grade point average was up again this year, and better scholarship is evident with the addition of our new brothers. Moneymaking projects for the year included showing movies on campus and singing Valentines. Service projects included helping with the Special Olympics for retarded children. Delta Delta held its own mini-retreat at the house on February 22. Topics of discussion included rush, interfraternity relations, campus and public relations, intramurals, and finances. Goals were set in all of these areas. The time was well spent and beneficial in increasing brotherhood.

DELTA EPSILON— Jacksonville State The spring semester, 1975, has been one of the finest and busiest ever at Delta Epsilon. Our annual retreat was held in February at Cheeha State Park. Much was accomplished, and good times were had, as many of our alumni returned for this occasion.

DELTA ZETA— Appalachian Delta Zeta Chapter has been involved in several activities during winter quarter. We have concentrated heavily on establishing fraternity housing on the Appalachian campus. Our housing committee has been working closely with the university administration and several Boone realtors. Also during winter quarter, Delta Zeta hosted an area conclave. The conclave featured a session of group dynamics or "Helpful Hints to Bring About Better Quality Leadership." Currently Delta Zeta is second in overall intramural standings going into wrestling and softball seasons.

The spring semester proved to be a very rewarding one for Delta Lambda as we began to serve our community in many ways. We worked with the Charlotte Red Cross chapter on several projects which required more manpower than they could possibly muster. These activities included painting an elderly lady's apartment, insulating windows with polyurethane sheets and duct tape in a low income area, and working in the annual campus-wide Blood Drive. Delta Lambda sponsored an on-campus concert by the Community School of the Arts, a group of underprivileged children, and took part in the March of Dimes walkathon both as walkers and sponsors. Meanwhile, on campus our chapter once again captured the UNCC Spirit Award for the most outstanding spirit, attitude, and participation in the Homecoming celebration. Delta Lambda is also proud to announce that our very own Jamie Stemple was recently elected President of the Student Body for the upcoming school year.

Fraternity Newsfronts

Associate Chapter is the new designation of new groups desiring to be chartered chapters of Pi Kappa Phi. The former term of colony conflicted with current programs that eliminated artificial "pledge" status. Associate chapters will receive charters when they operate at a level, both in programs and philosophy, that is expected of chapters. DELTA MU— Ohio State Re-established — An Methodist chapter of sixteen men associate No Report. has been established at Ohio State University and will serve to reacDELTA NU— the dormant Alpha Nu tivate Western Kentucky Working with these men Chapter. This year Delta Nu participated in a variety locally is chapter advisor Gunnar of extracurricular activities including successful football, basketball, volleyball, and Schalin, Illinois. The first Archon softball seasons, The chapter also particiMatthew Markley, Stradley is pated in the annual Heart Fund drive sponHall, Room 628, Ohio State Unisored by the IFC. Delta Nu has enhanced itself again by mainversity, Columbus, Ohio 43210. taining the highest grade point average Tennessee Tech is the site of a among Greeks on campus. We would like to challenge all other chapters of Pi Kappa Phi to associate chapter of Pi Kappa new compete with us for carrying the highest GPA Phi. Through the local work of on your individual campuses, and the carrying the highest GPA among our own chapters. faculty member Richard Lukas, Florida State, a group of twenty students has been committed to Pi DELTA Xl— Kappa Phi. Other alumni assistNorth Alabama ing are John Winters, Bethel, and Brother Mark Edmondson was elected to Gil Fernandez, Florida State. The the office of Vice President of Area Vi of the Archon of the associate chapter is SEIFC (Southeastern InterFraternity Council) at its annual meeting in Atlanta. Mark is a Allan Figwood, Box 5207, Tennesveteran and a native of Huntsville. see Tech University, Cookeville, Tennessee 38501. San Jose State, in California, is DELTA OMICRON— the latest Pi Kappa Phi associate Nicholls State With twelve members chapter. We the brothers of Delta Omicron Chapter and officers elected, the group is at Nicholls State University now fully realize organizing and recruiting. Fred what it means to be called a Pi Kapp. When we were just a colony we walked around in the D'Alo, Berkeley, is serving as dark looking for activities to participate in and alumnus advisor. The Archon is information to digest. Now we are awed by the amount of work to do and knowledge to comTom Mayfield, 556 South Fifth prehend. We realize that building a strong Street, Apartment 18, San Jose, chapter will be along,tedious function, which California 95112. wi II take up a lot of our time; but the amount of personal satisfaction received from this work Southern Illinois University in is well worth the effort. I only hope and pray that the traditions we start today will transCarbondale has just invited Pi cend the span of my life and continue on and Kappa Phi to establish a chapter on. Now,as mentioned before by our Charteron campus this next fall. The IFC ing Officer, "By these ends we begin." and the University contacted and 16 national fraternities reviewed KAPPA PHI— Pi Kappa Phi. choosing before Southern California Wright State University in DayWe are very proud and happy to announce ton, Ohio, has also invited Pi that our chapter GPA of 3.2 is overwhelmingly the highest of all the 42 fraternities on the Kappa Phi on campus. In an unUSC campus. usual move,it was agreed to make The Kappa Phi Associate Chapter of USC the organizational effort in the has been quite active in attempting to ready ourselves for chartering early next fall. We summer months, contacting both have been holding continuous recruitment in existing and new students. the hopes of finding new associate members.


Pi KAPPA PHI P. 0. Box 4608 Charlotte, N. C. 28204

Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte. N. C.


Jac or ore

San IPI• 9 August 17-20,1975



Fly to Hawaii for seven fun filled days before the Convention

August 17-20


Stop over on your return trip for the 35th Supreme Chapter


August 21

Visit the Christian Brothers and Sterling Winery


August 22-23

Two days at Harrah's overlooking beautiful Lake Tahoe WRITE THE NATIONAL OFFICE TO-DAY FOR COMPLETE DETAILS.

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