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ThE star and tamp An Educational Publication


Fall 1975

San Francisco is a Pi Kappa Phi Town San Francisco is a great town. Pi Kappa Phi is a great fraternity. The two joined forces for a super convention, 35th Supreme Chapter, in August. When you can bring together almost three-hundred undergraduates and alumni from all across the nation and have them function together in a four day convention with understanding, kindness, and most of all, brotherhood, it is then that you understand pride in a very personal fraternity is not a regional possession, but the possession of all men who are Pi Kappa Phis. Although many members of the fraternity were apprehensive about the attendance due to general economic conditions and the great distance for the majority of the members involved, the turn-out was much better than expected. Almost 80 per cent of the student chapters were represented with most of them having two or more delegates. The convention studied, debated and made recommendations and changes in a comprehensive manner and, in fact, initiated more changes than any other convention in recent history. Varied events and activities of this west coast meeting are noted in articles throughout this issue. Pictures and captions will convey an increased awareness of the convention scene. Especially noteworthy was the speech by Brother Howard Baker,

U.S. Senator Howard Baker spends time visiting with fellow brothers while in San Francisco.

U.S. Senator, Tennessee. The inaugural reviewing of the Pi Kappa Phi multi-media presentation, "As Old As Man Himself" was an emotional highlight for members and wives

present. The maturity of the members was in evidence as they evaluated the financial needs of their fraternity and acted in a most positive way.

ThE star ando,kolop

An Educational Publication

Fall 1975

Significant Legislation Passed By 35th Supreme Chapter In San Francisco National President Ted Scharfenstein remarked that this Supreme Chapter accomplished more legislative and resolution results than he had observed in his 16 years of attending Pi Kappa Phi conventions. Much done was housekeeping in nature, resulting in a cleaning up of the Constitution and Supreme Laws wording. However, in addition, much hard work went into other significant actions. The former designation of National Office was changed to ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE to more clearly designate the function of this coordinating office. Now, Field Secretaries are titled ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF, for they are not secretaries but administrators. The Administrative Office inoffice staff will now carry the title of EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Dur-

ward Owen, ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Jerry Matthews, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT, Travis Julian,DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP,(vacant)and DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATION, (vacant). In order to assess the long-range implications of changes in our society as they relate to the fraternity experience, a new standing committee, FUTURE POLICY, was established. The last change in the financial structure of Pi Kappa Phi occurred in 1968. This convention established the following costs of membership: initiation fee, $110; preinitiation fee, $25; alumni initiation fee, $50; alumni chapter dues,$15. Colony, as a designation for a group awaiting chartering, is altered to ASSOCIATE CHAPTER. Formerly, associate chapter (col-

Scene of opening banquet of 35th Supreme Chapter.

Student leaders advise and counsel the administrative office through the Council of Archons. Clockwise from left to right the current council members are: Derrick Wong, Berkeley; Rick Bonner,Purdue; Ed Caldwell, Alabama; Bob Hersh, Penn State; Gary Carr, Appalachian; David Meadows, VPI; Ed Martin, West Virginia; David Tidmore, Georgia; Randy Schubert, Illinois.

ony) members were required to wait for the official chartering of a chapter before they could become initiated members. Now they can, upon approval of the National Council, be initiated as MEMBERAT-LARGE, pending the chartering of their chapter. The Scholarship Committee was changed to EDUCATION COMMITTEE in order to accommodate a larger area of concern. Alumni chapters no longer must be populated by graduate members from a small defined locality. Each student chapter must now have a legally constituted ALUMNI HOUSING CORPORATION or an INCORPORATED ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. By resolution several actions were taken requiring action by the National Council and/or the Administrative Office. While not part of

the Constitution and Supreme Laws they do require follow-through. A temporary committee is to be created by the National Council to prepare and submit a proposed new CREED and also to develop a handbook on the structuring of the Ritual of Initiation. A cassette tape of music for the Ritual of Initiation is to be made available to all chapters by the Administrative Office. The National Council is to develop the study of a possible national blood bank for Pi Kappa Phis. The Administrative Office is charged with a feasibility study of a cross-country marathon for charity as part of the nation's bicentennial celebration and also to encourage all chapters to participate with their local community bicentennial program.

Brother Howard Baker addresses the opening banquet.

Legislative session during convention at Jack Tar in San Francisco.

You Elected These National Officers

This fraternity is a voluntary organization. The most important person is the functioning, involved and dedicated alumnus worker. No one is more involved, more dedicated or doing more for Pi Kappa Phi than the members of the National Council. At each Supreme Chapter those present select the National Council for the next biennium. This is, in effect, a continuous self-renewing of the top leadership in the fraternity. Those elected are now presented to the fraternity: Ted Scharfenstein, National President; Phil Tappy, National Vice President; Fred Diulus, National Secretary; A. J. Strickland, III, National Treasurer; Walt Brinkman, National Chaplain; Ernest DeLaney, National Chancellor; Jack Steward, Past National President. THEODORE SCHARFENSTEIN PRESIDENT Ted was returned to the National Presidency by virtue of a long line of hard work and continuous servkik ice to the fraternity since his initiation at Beta Beta, Florida Southern. After graduation in 1961 he joined the administrative office staff as a field secretary. He was assistant executive director when he left in 1965 to do graduate study at George Washington University where he earned his M.B.A. in 1968. During this period he was an Area Governor and when his career as a hospital administrator took him to Miami, he became chapter advisor to Alpha Chi Chapter. Later he moved to Birmingham, Alabama to become Assistant Administrator for the Baptist Medical Center Hospital and he became chapter advisor for Alpha Eta Chapter and a leader in the founding of Gamma Omega Chapter at Montevallo. He is a member of the American College of Hospital Administrators and the Episcopal church. Presently he is the Administrator of Addison Gilbert Hospital in Gloucester, Ma. He and his wife, Mandy, have two children, Thomas John and Mary.


author two books, one on economic alternatives and the other a practical economic and financial survival handbook.

Phil, of Lambda Chapter at the University of Ga., DR. A. J. STRICKLAND,III TREASURER comes to the office of vice presiLonnie is the dent having serv1,011th initiate ed one term as of Omicron ChapNational Secreter. He was an tary, one term as Chaplain and five alumnus initiate years as Area Governor for Georgia. in 1970. Since While he was Area Governor for that time he has the state of Georgia, Georgia gained served the chapsix new chapters. ter as financial advisor and has Phil received an A.A. degree participated in national projects, from Brevard College, Brevard, including instruction at Pi Kapp North Carolina, and then went to College, Southeastern IFC Conferthe University of Georgia where he was rush chairman, pledgemaster, ences, and administrative office warden and historian for Lambda retreats. He is Assistant Professor of Management at the School of Chapter. He graduated in 1962 with Commerce and Business Adminisa F.F.A. degree. In 1965 Phil was tration at the University of Alabama named Pi Kappa Phi's Area Goverat Tuscaloosa. nor of the Year. He has his B.S. degree in math He is with the microfilm division and physics from the University of of Eastman Kodak Company, a Georgia, a Master of Science and member of the National Microfilm Industrial Management from GeorAssociation, the American Records Tech, gia and a Ph.D. in Business Management Association, and is a Management from Georgia State. Mason. Phil teaches a Sunday He is a member of Alpha Kappa School class and is an active political Psi, Beta Alpha Psi, Southern Manworker. He enjoys tennis, softball, agement Association, Academy of movies and antiques. Phil and Lisa Management, and was chosen as Tappy are the proud parents of one of the outstanding young men two young sons. in America. FRED E. DIULUS He enjoys all sorts of outdoor SECRETARY activities,including skiing and camping, but says that his main hobby is Beta Eta Chapter "tinkering". at Florida State He and his wife, Kitty, have three continues to prochildren. vide Pi Kappa Phi with good conWALTER HUGH BRINKMAN structive leaders CHAPLAIN in the person of the new National Walt is the first Secretary. Fred was graduated in member from the 1962 and soon left sunny Florida University of Va. for sunny California by way of New Chapter, Beta UpYork where he was with a brokerage silon, to be electfirm. ed as a national He has been involved in investofficer. He has ment and management and is now served for several President of his own consulting years as Area Governor for the state firm, SPQR, of Lafayette, Ca. of Florida and prior to that was Fred and his wife, Jeanette, active in expansion efforts at a reside in Walnut Creek, Californumber of locations. nia. He is presently a DBA candidateAfter leaving the banking indusfinance at Golden Gate University. try in Memphis, he moved to JackHis interests extend from recreationsonville, Florida where he became al activities to Chamber of Comthe Associate Personnel Manager merce. for Prudential Insurance Company While at Florida State he was a of America. He also serves as a math member of the University Flying instructor for the Life Office ManHigh Circus, an exciting extraagement Association. curricular activity. He came down At Virginia he was on the Dean's to earth with his present effort to List and ran cross country. The

Air Force took Walt to Vietnam and left him with a few medals. He is very active with the Presbyterian Church, especially in youth work. his outside activities include celestial mechanics (mathematical astronomy), along with membership in many community and state children and heart organizations. When elected Walt expressed his opinion of Pi Kappa Phi, "I view fraternity as a microcosm of the human race. As one fraternity brother loves and helps another, so should mankind to its own. If fraternity fails, so will mankind." ERNEST S. DELANEY CHANCELLOR When Bob Bennett found it necessary to resign as National Chancellor, he was replaced by Ernest DeLaney. Now this Council appointment has been confirmed by the Supreme Chapter with the election of Ernest as Chancellor. Ernest is a Duke graduate, Mu Chapter, however, received his law degree from the University of N.C. where he graduated as J.D. with honors. He is in private practice in Charlotte, N.C. where he lives with his wife, Pat. They have two married children. Ernest is active in business, civic and church activities. JACK STEWARD PAST NATIONAL PRESIDENT Jack, Alpha Zeta at Oregon State, has a long history of service to Pi Kappa Phi. After graduation from Oregon State he spent several years as a traveling counselor. He was Area Governor for the Oregon area in the 1950's. He was first elected to the National Council in 1964 as National Historian. In 1966 he was National Secretary and in 1968 he became the first National Vice President. Jack is the Director of Personnel for the University of Oregon and is a member of the College and University Personnel Officers Association. Jack's wife, Carolyn, and children, Scott and Karen,join him in his enthusiasm for camping and fishing. They make their home in Eugene, Oregon.

These Are Soon To Be Chapters Of Pi Kappa Phi SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA—Kappa Phi Associate Chapter at USC now has 29 members after an excellent recruiting effort. Situated in very competitive housing, the group has a good attitude and is solidifying its internal programs. Alumni advising are: Gary Keller (Cornell), chapter advisor, Richard Whitley (Georgia State) and Steve Ryder (Berkeley). Housing corporation leadership includes Dr. Lewis Bullock (Emory), President, Harold Conklin (Oregon State), Ron Kortkamp (Berkeley), Emerson Morgan (Berkeley) and 4 other directors. Archon is Roger Larson. Projected chartering date is January 10, 1976. KENTUCKY—The 27 members of the associate chapter at Kentucky are finalizing recognition procedures with th IFC and UK. Through a

sound basic structure they are developing programs and activities. Housing has been secured through Pi Kappa Phi Properties. Advisors are: Tom Sturgis and Dr. James Noffsinger, Chapter Advisors, Buf Buffington (Georgia Southern), Jeff Greenburg (Western Carolina), Tom Appleton (Memphis State) and Dave Williams (Western Carolina). Archon is Clint Anderson. Projected chartering date is January 24, 1976. SAN JOSE STATE--With 19 members, the Kappa Phi Associate Chapter at San Jose is quickly becoming a leading fraternity on campus. A very mature and progressive approach has been applied to all programs. Involvement by alumni includes Fred D'Alo (Berkeley), Chapter Advisor,Benton White

(Alabama and Lawrence Lapin (Berkeley . Tom Mayfield is the Archon and chartering is set for January 17, 1976. WRIGHT STATE—Recently the Kappa Phi Associate Chapter at Wright State recruited its 20th member,thus surpassing the average campus fraternity membership. Well organized, the men are firmly establishing good programs in all areas. Advising are: Gary Schaeff (Purdue), Chapter Advisor, John Bushkar (Western Kentucky) and Mark Wilson (Purdue). Rich Prewitt is the Archon. Chartering is set for January 17, 1976. TENNESSEE TECH -This Associate Chapter is busily working on school recognition and approval. Still organizing their program, the group now has 14 members. Alumni in-

volvement includes Dr. Richard Lukas (Florida State), Chapter Advisor, William Bates (Tennessee Wesleyan), Dr. Gil Fernandez (Florida State)and John Winters(Bethel). OHIO STATE—There are 7 men beginning the effort at Ohio State to re-establish Alpha Nu Chapter. Transfer member Jim Wilkins(Pembroke) has assisted greatly in this effort. Alumni involvement includes Gunnar Schalin (Illinois), Dr. Roy Kottman (Iowa State) and Jerry Walker. CAMPBELL—As the first fraternity on campus, Kappa Phi Associate Chapter is going through the full process of gaining approval for campus operation by the school. The 25 members are organized and operating their own house.

Reflections On Unity

John W. Deimler Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 1975

As we approach the 200th anniversary of the college Greek letter fraternity, some of our traditions and other sacrea happenings need to be examined. This is the second of a series of "Reflections".

After 200 years you would think the college Greek letter fraternity movement should have developed the concept of unity to its ultimate. The tradition of the fraternity chapter has been built upon unity of the "pledge class," unity of the student chapter members and unity of the brotherhood. Our individual efforts are directed toward the common good. The individual subjects himself to a loss of some little personal identity in order to accomplish the greater good for the whole. The lessons of our fraternal elders, our recent alumni,our senior student members and our big brothers are permeated throughout with a God demanded joining together, in unity, for the greater good that will accrue; not just for the whole but back to the individual. Yes, our very ritual calls for the unification of our hearts, minds and en souls to the umbilical cord of fraternity, never to be severed by the hands of mortal man. In committing ourselves, in such an unselfish way, we avoid the evils forced upon us by the uninitiated and other pitfalls a soul alone would encounter as he traverses the carnal world. You know, this writer bought that concept! Still does! Believes it with a religious fervor that has provided sustenance through the thick and thin of his fraternal experience. All national fraternities felt likewise for many years, and, in fact, created an interfraternal organization named the National Interfratemity Conference to serve as a vehicle. By association, on a voluntary basis with this larger organization, the voluntary leaders of the respective national fraternities were to experience all of the aforementioned aspects of fraternal unity. They did so, successfully from 1909 until recent years. Some of our national fraternity leaders and paid professionals, who among all people should have known better, determined that immediate political and fiscal expediency was a more demanding God than 200 years of proven tradition; a tradition that any system works better when its components are in unity, one with the other, ie, a fraternity system. Support of this negative position, although from well intended persons, resulted in a gradual withdrawal of several national fraternities from this vehicle for unity, the NIC. Now, valued alumnus, intelligent student member or others, we do not have a unified fraternity system. Some national fraternities are floating around, alone, wondering what has happened to the rest of the world. Others are joined together in a paid professional led accumulation. There are even those who try to be members of both, an ideologically impossible position. Others, the majority, are still trying to make it work, unity among national fraternities, that is. Upon reflection it is indeed a shame. That which we have taught our pledges, our new initiates and even our old and valued alumni is not good enough for our larger organizations. "I think the true discovery of America is before us. I think the true fulfillment of our spirit, of our people, of our mighty and immortal land, is yet to come. I think the true discovery of our own democracy is still before us. And I think that all these things are certain as the morning, as inevitable as noon. I think I speak for most men living when I say that our America is Here, is Now,and beckons on before us. Thomas Wolfe (Kappa. UNC)

Bernie Jones IL), Mr. Pi Kappa Phi for 1974, presents Brother John Deimler, Drexel, Mr. Pi Kappa Phi for 1975.

JOHN W. DEIMLER MR. PI KAPPA PHI 1975 WHEREAS, John W. Deimler was initiated as a charter member of Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at Drexel University, and WHEREAS, he has served the fraternity with honor and distinction both in local chapter and national fraternity activities, and WHEREAS, he was elected to the offices of National Historian, National Treasurer and National President, and WHEREAS, he continues to serve as Chairman of the Educational Trust Investment Committee and as Vice President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., and WHEREAS, Brother Deimler has always contributed financially and spiritually to Pi Kappa Phi activities, and WHEREAS, he has generously given the fraternity the benefit of his sage advice and counsel, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Brother John Deimler be extended the Fraternity's deepest appreciation for his past, present and future involvement, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity does hereby declare that John W. Deimler is and be officially designated Mr. Pi Kappa Phi for 1975.

Chapter Advisor Of The Year

1975-76 Administrative Office Staff. Since many Pi Kapps ask about the staff each year - from left to right are: David Smith, Sonny O'Drobinak, Chuck Beddingfield, Travis Julian, Kit Jennings, Jerry Matthews, Tom Carter and Durward Owen.


Richard Baker, the 1974 Pi Kappa Phi Chapter Advisor of the Year is shown presenting the 1975 Chapter Advisor of the Year award to Clyde McSpadden of Delta Epsilon at Jacksonville State.


Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity has developed, in conjunction with Lendman Associates of Norfolk, Virginia, an effective employment service for our alumni. If you need a job, or want to change your career, you should register to attend one of the Lendman Career Weekends convenient to you. Write Lendman Executive Offices, Pi Kappa Phi Employment Service, P.O. Box 14027, Norfolk, Virginia 23518. They will send you the information you need, and give you direction on the preparation of a resume. Also available at the National Office is a "Pi Kappa Phi Getting a Job Kit." Many Pi Kapps have found this kit useful as they have sought employment or careers through their own means separate from the PI Kappa Phi employment service.

This year's recipient has shown particular dedication beyond normal participation of an alumnus advisor. Even more dramatic is the realization that he is an alumnus initiate.

The 1975 Pi Kappa Phi Chapter Advisor of the Year is Brother Clyde McSpadden, Delta Epsilon Chapter, Jacksonville State.

Do you know of a promising young student, one not a fraternity member, that would make a good Pi Kappa Phi? Write the Executive Director, P.O. Box 15295, Charlotte, N. C. 28210.

Do you need the address of a fraternity brother? Chances are you can obtain same by writing the Administrative Office! P. 0. Box 15295, Charlotte, NC 28210.

Annual Awards The annual presentation of the national fraternity awards this year occurred at the 35th Supreme Chapter. For a wide range of topics

the awards recognize achievement, but also recognize chapters willing to be measured in their quest for excellence,

Merit Citations The fraternity many years ago established an award for continued distinguished service to Pi Kappa Phi called the Citation for Meritoriour Service. As the highest award of the Supreme Chapter, it has been given only to 89 men in the entire history of Pi Kappa Phi. The 35th Supreme Chapter so honored the following with an appropriate resolution: "Whereas, Brother Elmer Jost of the Chi Chapter of Stetson University has made the long journey from initiation into Chi Chapter of Stetson University to join the Supreme Archon in the Chapter Eternal; and Whereas, Brother Jost faithfully served two terms as National Chaplain, had been President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., and advisor to Chi Chapter, Therefore be it resolved that this 35th Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity award our late Brother Elmer Jost the Citation of Meritorious Service as a small sign of our respect and gratitude." "Whereas, Brother Fox Brunson, Omicron Chapter of the University of Alabama, has also joined the Supreme Archon of the Chapter Eternal; and Whereas, Brother Brunson had been one of our fraternity's most active alumni, serving as an exceptional Area Governor; and Whereas, Brother Brunson was an Area Governor of the Year and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi; Therefore be it resolved that this 35th Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity award our late Brother Brunson the Citation of Meritorious Service as a small token of our respect and gratitude."

"Whereas, Brother Don Denholm, Alpha Mu Chapter of the Pennsylvania State University has also joined the Supreme Archon of the Chapter Eternal; and Whereas, Brother Denholm had served as Chapter Advisor to Alpha Iota with distinction; and Whereas, he spearheaded a drive to reconstitute the advisory committee and housing corporation of Alpha Iota; negotiated long and hard with the University to provide loan funds for major house repairs; and Whereas, he had been honored by being the Chapter Advisor of the Year; Therefore be it resolved that this 35th Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity award our late Brother Don Denholm the Citation of Meritorious Service as a small sign of our respect and gratitude." "Whereas, Brother Fred Schmehl of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Drexel Institute

has served many years an an outstanding alumnus and advisor to Alpha Upsilon; and Whereas, Brother Schmehl has developed and maintained the reserve fund system that stabilizes the finances for Alpha Upsilon and its housing corporation; and Whereas, he has served continuously as auditor, advisor and teacher of financial integrity to Alpha Upsilon; Therefore be it resolved that this 35th Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi award the Citation of Meritorious Service to Brother Fred Schmehl as a small token of our deep appreciation for his service." "Whereas, Brother Robert Bennett, Alpha Alpha Chapter of Mercer University has been involved as an alumnus even with his chapter dormant for many years; and Whereas, Brother Bennett has been instrumental in reactivating Alpha Alpha Chapter; and Whereas, Brother Bennett has served two terms as National Chancellor and has unselfishly given of his time and resources; Therefore be it resolved that this 35th Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity award Brother Robert Bennett the Citation of Meritorious Service as a small token of our deep appreciation for his service." "Whereas, Brother James L. May, Omicron Chapter of the University of Alabama, has served with distinction as an active alumnus of Pi Kappa Phi; and Whereas, Brother May has served as National Chancellor twice, and served on the Board of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc.; and Whereas, Brother May has been a solid member and leader of the Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Association; Therefore be it resolved that Brother James L. May be awarded the Citation of Meritorious Service by this 35th Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi as a token of our respect a and gratitude."

President's Plaque This plaque is awarded to the chapter that, in conjunction with an alumni organization, has the most outstanding overall alumni program. This year's winner not only had an excellent alumni oriented newsletter and support program, but also successfully organized a 60th anniversary celebration and other activities. The 1975 winner of the President's Plaque is Kappa Chapter of the University of North Carolina.

Pi Kappa Phis often ask of the descendants of our three founders. Pictured here is Andrew A. Kroeg, Ill, son of Founder Kroeg. Brother Kroeg resides with his wife and family in Greenville, S. C. where he is an executive with Liberty Life Insurance Company.

he used in Washington for 25 years.

Chapter Rankings

National Champion Master Chapters are represented by their delegates. L to R: Robert Mitchell, East Texas State; Jan Fuchs,PINY;Mike Brady, Memphis; Francis Wagner, California; Lance Hamrick, Valdosta; Rick Bonner, Purdue; Ed Caldwell, Omicron; Bob Brewster, East Carolina.

An objective evaluation system has been devised to measure a chapter's operating efficiency. It is called the Master Chapter rating. Based upon a chapter's performance in membership, scholarship, finances, alumni relations and communications, it follows the premise that a good chapter naturally performs well in these specific areas. Those scoring a perfect 400 are designated Champion Master Chapters and those scoring 350 to 399 are Master Chapters. CHAMPION MASTER CHAPTERS Berkeley Valdosta East Carolina Alabama East Texas Purdue Memphis State Auburn PINY N.E. Missouri

Area Governor Of The Year

Service Chapter Of The Year

Houser Award

This award is presented to the chapter showing greatest involvement in community and campus projects. This year's recipient had several projects, the major one being a marathon run for charity. The 1975 recipient is Alpha Epsilon Chapter, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.

To recognize the greatest overall improvement of a single chapter, the Houser Award is one of the most cherished. A particularly deserving chapter •that, through the determination of a few good men, grew in size and in improvement in every other department was Gamma Alpha Chapter, Livingston State University.

_Designed to be awarded when merited, the trophy recognizes an Area Governor who goes beyond what already is required of an alumnus serving as Area Governor. Although not presented every year, this National Council was pleased to find William Finney, Area Governor V, most worthy of this recognition.

Clyde Yelverton, representing Gamma Alpha, Livingston, is shown receiving the Houser Award for chapter improvement.

Bill Finney, Gamma Xi, Georgia Southwestern, is the 1975 Area Governor of the Year.

Director of Development, Travis Julian, on the left, presents Terry Dunn of Alpha Epsilon Chapter, University of Florida, the Chapter Service Award for 1975.

When U.S. Congressman George Grant, Alabama, retired from the U.S. House of Representatives, he donated his chair and desk to the Administrative Office. Here Brother Grant enjoys a visit to Charlotte by reclining in the chair

MASTER CHAPTERS Western Carolina Penn State Charleston Presbyterian VPI NJIT Appalachian Samford Augusta Illinois Armstrong Georgia Southern Cornell Livingston Oklahoma Drake

Student Of The Year This new award the criteria being leadership, dedication and participation in fraternity, school and community--brings credit to the individual and Pi Kappa Phi. The first recipient of this recognition is Brother Jim White, Beta Iota, University of Toledo.

Jim White, Beta Iota, Toledo, 1975 Student of the Year, receives his award from Executive Director, Durward Owen.

Jattond cPose Queen

First Runner-up Debbie Day Alpha Iota Auburn

Third Runner-up

NATIONAL ROSE QUEEN Sue Marie Shealy Sue Marie Shealy has been selected as the National Rose Queen for 1975. She is the Rose Queen of Omicron Chapter at the University of Alabama. A junior in deaf education/special education, Miss Shealy plans to complete her master's degree before entering the education career. When asked about the value of fraternity in today's world, she remarked, "Making friends is what it's all about . . . . membership provides an opportunity for personal development, as in giving of one's



self for the group, concern for others, a sense of cooperation and unity. Through the sharing of similar ideals and working together for common goals, strong bonds of friendship are formed that will last long after college days are over." Sue Marie is a member of Delta Delta Delta and is a "Crimson Girl" for the University of Alabama. Active in a number of other organizations and events, this Rose of Pi Kappa Phi has well earned the title of Sweetheart of all Pi Kapps.

Biannual Meeting Of The Scholarship Foundation The trustees of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation met in conjunction with the 35th Supreme Chapter on August 18, 1975 in San Francisco, California. New officers and trustees were elected and they are: Richard Anderson, Chairman; Boyd Evans, Secretary-Treasurer;Otis McCollum, Trustee; Tom Deen, Trustee; and Richard Baker, Trustee. A financial report was presented by Richard Anderson highlighting the performance of the trust funds, investment portfolio and a summary of the past year's loan and scholarship transactions. The previous year's budget was also analyzed and the coming year's budget was reviewed, approved and adopted. Methods of implementing the educational purposes of Pi Kappa Phi were evaluated—to include continued financial support of the leadership school, Pi Kapp College, and learning aids. Continued increase of the Foundation's assets will become a major effort in the next two years. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request.

Vickey McDaniel Gamma Epsilon Western Carolina

Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. The biannual meeting of the membership and Board of Directors of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. was held in conjunction with the Supreme Chapter in San Francisco on August 19, 1975. Past actions of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee were approved and adopted by a unanimous vote of those attending. For the first time an annual report was prepared and distributed. This report contained a synopsis of the highlights of the past year and the financial statement of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. Copies of these are available upon request. Officers of the Executive Committee were elected during the Board of Directors meeting. Those elected were: Kelley Bergstrom, Iowa State,President;John Deimler. Drexel, Vice-President; W. Bernard Jones, Jr., Charleston, Treasurer; Tom Dalton, Georgia, Secretary; and David Lane, Purdue, Corporate Counsel. Following the Board of Directors meeting the Executive Committee met to review the operations of Pi Kappa Phi Properties. They met with representatives of various chapters regarding requests for housing assistance and problems associated with existing Pi Kappa Phi Properties houses. Minutes of these meetings can be obtained upon request.

Remember Founders Day! December 10, 1975 will represent 71 years of Pi Kappa Phi.

Second Runner-up Linda Hodges Gamma Sigma Armstrong State

Fourth Runner-up Done Secord Beta Beta Florida Southern

National Council Resolutions Of Appreciation Extra effort by a few good men can improve even an already good Pi Kappa Phi experience. The National Council seeks to identify such men that through individual effort move Pi Kappa Phi forward. Therefore, they recognize these men with National Council Resolutions of Appreication and have so recognized the following: Kenneth Garren, Xi, advisor to Roanoke; John Plunkett, Alpha Xi, student leader of PINY; Jack James,Gamma Rho, advisor to Lander; Charles Hazlehurst, Kappa, housing corp. leader at North Carolina; Newell Gooldy, Alpha Psi, advisor to Indiana; Tom Deen, Chi, various alumni leadership capacities; Alvin Leslie, Delta Mu, student leader and now advisor to Methodist; John Simpson, Delta Beta, advisor to North Georgia; Richard Baker, Alpha Mu, advisor to Penn State. Many people were recognized by resolutions of appreciations through the actions of the Supreme Chapter: Miss Sue Marie Sheely, National Rose; Walt Dendy, Alabama, for entertainment; Wayne Buffington, Georgia Southern, for entertainment; Mel Metcalfe, Oklahoma, concern for health; Roy Heffner, California, concern for ealth; U. S. Senator Howard Baker, Tennessee, appreciation; Gamma Chapter, model initiation; Otis McCollum, UNC-CH, past chairman of Foundation, George Grant, Alabama, faithful Dedication, Jeannett Diulus, ladies program; Bennett Smith, Belmont Abbey, multi-media presentation; Paul Swafford, Purdue,faithful dedication.

ALPHACHARLESTON 'T. P. :Abernethy R. J. Adams J. B. Allen D. H. Aycock T. K. Barnett L. F. Brinkley G. A. Byrd, Jr. A. R. Cracker *O. E. Engelman, Jr. *W.S. Gaud, Ill S. C. Hairlield *A. L. Haisten •J. C. Hall F. R. Huff *D. H. Jaffee "W. B. Jones, Jr. E. C. Kinder "G. A. Kirton A. A. Kroeg, Ill A. C. Lesemenn D. R. Lide *B. L. Marlow, Jr. R. W. Marlowe •G. F. McConnell J. R. McKinney F. L. Oates 0. M. Pickett R. H. Ramsey, Jr. J. F. Reynolds N. M. Rugheimer "W. L. Runyon,Jr. •G. E. Sheetz A. P. Taylor C. R.Thomas "S. L. Thomas T. W. Tucker J. R. Walton, Jr. *J. B. Watson "C. N. Wyatt E. L. Zinkowski

J. C. Wainio S. H. Whilden E. H. Sanders *O. Walker, Ill *L. W. Wrixon .J. C. Shearer *It. C. White J. J. Yoviono Young *B. F. Simms B. A. Whitmire *J. P. Stiles *W. G. Wilks, Jr. DELTA4URMAN II. G. Tebo *B. I. Williams *T. J. Wesley, Jr. W. G. Wilson, Jr. A. E. Adams,Jr. *S. J. Westbrook J. D. Worsham Williams Ashcraft *G. C. B. J. II. Yokley *P. C. Burgess *J. C. Wilson R. L. Young W. M. Carson J. S. Wood E. M. Colvin IOTA -GA.TECH LAMBDADillard L. H. GEORGIA *R. H. Dilworth, Jr. J. C. Allen *J. M. Adams R. V. Fiser *J. W. Benkert *J. P. Adams, Jr. J. B. Hammond W. F. Bennett *W. L. Allen H. N. Hipp R. O. Bittle, Jr. C. E. Amick "S. W. Martin *J. D. Bonewitz H. N. Askins *F. B. Massingrde, Jr. "E. E. Bortell J. B. Beauchamp 'F. F. McAfee, Jr. G. R. Branson *W. 0. Bowden W. M. McMillan "D. E. Bridgewater H. J. Bradley J. K. Nelson *D. C. Brooks, Jr. E. D. Brooks C. L. Rasor C. E. Carrington *T. J. Campbell *F. W. Williams *E. M. Combs F. Cichanowicz, Ill J. B. Workman,Jr. P. H. Cook R. H. Cofer, II "J. C. Cooper *J. E. Colvin EPSILON-*A. P. Cornell DAVIDSON R. C. Connally T. G. Covington T. R. Cook, Ill R. H. Alderman *C. E. Denton E. B. Crim H. Alexander, Ill "D. G. Dixon *T. W. Dalton, Jr. *C. H. Babcock, Jr. *R. A. Dobbin, Jr. C. M. Daniel, Jr. *J. E. Boyd P. T. Eaton *IL T. Davis "L. L. Boyd J. L. Ellis R. W. Davis R. L. Bradley *M. A. Ezell S. N. Brown J. L. Drake, Jr. C. Franklin *W. L. Duman Ft. F. Brownlee *C. L. Frick, Jr. J. B. Edwards E. T. Buck *F. E. Fuchs *G. W. Ellen! K. B. Clary •C. G. Fulton C. 13. Flynt *H. F. Coffey W. H. Funk It. S. Good *F. S. Curdts T. H. Garlick, II J. T. Green *H. M. Escue G. C. Griffin *H. D. Griffin Jr. C. N. Feezor, J. D. Grigsby rf. A. Grob, Ill *A. J. Graham,Jr. G. W. Hebum *M. I lamilton, Ill "A. L. Green, Jr. H. E. HImmer BETAJ. W. Hanger "J. K. Hall, Jr. R. A. Harris, Jr. PRESBYTERIAN G. W. Harden J. W. Helton, Jr. F. C. Hodge "D. C. Austin W. J. H-rpt, Jr. *H. V. Hendrick *O. J. Hood •11. Bannister, Jr. *.1. R. Harris R. G. Herring *W. It. Hucks "J. L. Barnett R. F. Harris, Jr. E. B. Hunter, Jr. G. A. Jackson 'F. M. Barnett W. L. Hatcher *C. P. Johnston *B. M. Jewett W. T. Benton B. G. Hill *P. S. Knox,Jr. R. R. Johnson G. E. Brown *J. C. Holder W. H. Lawrence D. C. Johnston •J. P. Charles, Jr. J. G. Howard K. V. Lawson *M. G. Keiser J. M. Commander, Jr. G. H. Little *J. G. Hull T. J. Kelly, Jr. *B. W. Covington, Jr. *J. G. Hutchinson McAfee, III F. T. *J. E. Kirkland, Jr. M. C. Dendy W. II. Hutchinson, Jr. C. A. McArthur, Jr. *J. G. Loudermilk W. C. Flanagan *1 I. R. Ingram, Jr. S. E. McNeely J. Luciani M. M. Frazier *T. R. Jackson, Jr. *W. N. Middleton G. E. Manning •C. C. Goodwin, Ill *W. C. Johnson L. H. Miller A. H. McGraw *J. M. Gower *R. E. Knox W. P. Mills D. N. McClanahan J. W. Hill, H I. W. Lang, Jr. J. W. Morgan W. H. McClanahan R. G. Hodgkin, III *F. L. Langston L. J. Parrigin, Jr. E. F. McLaughlin M. L. Lausman M. W. Luckey It. T. Peters, Jr. *H. D. McLean *J. M. Leland G. N. MacFadden R. L. Price Meriwether W. G. *G. M. Lockwood,Jr. J. D. MacLary W. E. Price, II •F. R. Montgomery E. F. MacLeod *W. F. Martin C. D. Rhodes, Jr. *J. M. Moore A. F. Marshall S. W. McDowell S. P. Stowe, Jr. *L. A. Morris, Jr. A. B. McCulloch J. W. McWhorter, Jr. C. G. Swaim, Jr. *R. B. Morris S. G. McGregor C. C. Miller, Jr. W. M. Taylor *R. A. Parrish S. C. McKay,Jr. J. L. Miller R. J. Terry W. B. Pebworth L. S. McMillian H. Mitchern J. S. Tolbert 0. F. Perkins J. W. Milam, Jr. H. P. Montesani *B. W. Williams W. D. Powers R. I. Miller *C. C. Nall 'I. B. Williamson *J. II. Puckett R. T. Miller E. B. O'Quinn *J. Y. Wilson B. Reeve, Jr. •L. Morgan, Jr. C. P. Owen *P. C. Winstead *H. E. Reeves J. F. Oliver *I. Padgett B. W. Wyche Ft. L. Reeves *R. V. Pennington J. F. Peck "W. P. Yelverton C. S. Roach W. J. Robinson, Jr. C. W. Peeples M. W. Rogers, Jr. J. V.Salvo, Jr. L. B. Powell, Jr. ZETA-WOFFORD "M. A. Rossi W. M.Sims J. A. Rewis, Jr. *G. V. Rouse A. B. Stallworth G. T. Robertson F. A. Abbott, Jr. H. S. Rowland, Jr. T. Rogers, Jr. *I W. Steenbergen W.S. Adams,Jr. J. M. Sewell S. A. Skowronski *G. D. Stickney, Jr. B. L. Allen W. R. Shook Slade S. M. R. A. Strozier *T. B. Allgood L. J. Skidmore, Jr. H. E. Smith P. W.Timberlake F. C. Ayer V. T. Stallings *L. 0. Smith D. P. Wilson J. C. Bell L. S. Tarbutton *J. M. Stoinoff J. F. Winters G. C. Bissell Thompson "C. M. C. A. Stoudenmire "J. P. Young F. G. Boineau, Jr. "B. C. Vanderhoof E. D. Sumner, Jr. F. I. Brownley, Jr. "L. P. Walker, Jr. *T. P. Tappy G. W. Brunson GAMMA- • W. It. Walker L. H. Tippett R.0. Burgess BERKELEY "F. J. Whitley *G. M. Tolbert *S. W. Burnett, Jr. J. D. Mien "B. II. Wilkins, Jr. G. B. Trulock S. Burnside D. H. Anderson *R. B. Williams "T. D.'fwilley "C. I. Chipley *R. V. Anderson *J. B. Withers J. A. Vamedoe "E. W. Congleton K. T. Baba H. R. Wright C. A. Wells M.S. Connelly W. J. Barnhill Williams W. R. Cook,Jr. •J.0. Blair KAPPA J. E. Wilson, Jr. 'F. It. Crider P. S. Boren NORTH CAROLINA J. W. Wilson *A. P. Evans R. J. Chabrier C. P. Adams *It. N. Wilson "W. B. Evins, Jr. *W. B. Collins R. C. Adams O. C. Wimbish H. F. Gunter *R. P. Cornish R. F. Anderson *S. C. Wood A. B. Hammond J. Y. Bassett A. L. Croce C. It. Wright 'F. K. Hannah A. B. Chopper *P. E. Berg D. L. Harper *N. R. Crouch J. R. Bobbitt, Jr. "J. Kaplan, Jr. *K. A. Davis *W. E. Bobbitt J. W. Lineberger, Jr. Mt! -DUKE •C. L. Dimmler H. A. Boyd McCurdy *R. G. J. F. Dolan,Jr. *R. T. Bryan, Jr. *R. D. McJunkin E. Atwater, III *L. L. E. Bunte, II R. S. Easley J. C. Muse D. D. S. Cameron, Jr. (j;,.sF".B1-1,,Iii:Inoeek H. H. Edmonds *F. P. Owings *J. It. Cauble B. W. Edwards J. R. Owings (;. B. Caldwell, Jr. H. V. Chason, Jr. C. L. Emerson A. Owings *M. *C. F. Clark, Jr. •J. N. Coffey R. C. Fisher "R. S. Owings C. A. Clayton A. P. Flanagan C. A. Connell T. P. Palmer D. P. Curry *L. G. Couch L. E. Care F. Patterson D. W. It. Daughtrey C. L. De Vane A.0. Gibbs *E. E. Rivers *J. E. Dempster, Jr. R. J. Heffner *G. D. Dodson, Jr. W.Sim C. Dick R. W. D. Early "W. P. Hugo W. M. Smethie, Jr. *W. W. Dodson, Jr. •K. A. Johnson R. M. Fawcett E. Sperlbaum J. IL Doster J. B. Fisher, Jr. W. K. Karns *W. B. Wallace, Jr. *R. T. Dunn W. H. Gordon *W. It. Kern "J. H. West *F. C. Frostick, Jr. *N. C. Klotz •12. C. Croce S. W. Williams H. P. Fulmer W. W. Gunter, II R. D. Kortluunp R. B. Wilson W. H. Fulmer *W. L. Harris 0. K. Kuns J. L. Woodside W. C. Gatling, Jr. •C. M. Hazlehurst '0. T. Laib C. H. Glover, Jr. W. F. Lane W. A. Hord, Jr. II. H. liawfreld J. C. Jones, Jr. G. A. Lineer 0. W. Kochtitzky, Jr. W. T. Huckabee, Jr. ETA-EMORY C. E. Magnus •L. Jersey, Jr. W. G. Latham •C. E. Manley P. V. Kirkman, Jr. N. F. Magruder L. H. Battle C. T. Mess •F. It. 'andon E. B. Marsh J. G. Bennett "R. H. Miller It. W. Long, Jr. F. B. Marsh E. C. Bruce, Jr. S. A. Monfort .1. W. Martens D. F. McAllister E. B. Morgan L. T. Bullock T. B. Massey P. D. Meador, Jr. J. W. Cannon, Jr. M.0. Nye L. W. Miller *F. Moore J. H. Carter "L. J. Olson C. R. Myers Murray *M. It. E. B. Cartledge, Jr. R. E. Passalacqua *C. II. Pegram R. L. Niles, Jr. R. H. Dominick, Jr. R. Patrick *J. A. Pell, Jr. C. F. O'Kelley R. A. Flournoy P. H. Pause M. I. Pickens *Ft. T. l'enny *T. A. Giles *R. W.Peoples W. II. Pope •11. L. Perry "J. C. Grizzard C. J. Piper, III W. J. Ritter W. J. Ramsey P. S. Hipp *T.C. Quayle C. A. Robertson, Ill D. V. Rhoney "W. D. Hughes •M. W. Ritchie *D. F. Rosenberg R. It. Rickards C. A. Jackson, Jr. IL It. Ross F. C. Rozzelle L. S. Bondman *J. C. Jackson K. N. Russell R. A. Shoemaker L. II. Rouse "K. C. Kiehl *L. G. Sage *.l. I.. Skinner C. C. Seabrook J. C. Nix, Jr. W. E. Shields 13. N. Stephens E. F. Seagle *W. N. Newsom *Y. D. F. Stewart C. II. Taylor J. G. Slater •ft. J. Noland *J. J. Tapscott I.. Tolson, Jr. E. Smith P. J. R. T. Overstreet F. W. Thomas *J. II. Tyler *E. C. Pharr •T. C. Smith C. F. Vannice J. M. Vanhoy 0. E. Stepp, Jr. J. F. Puett C. W•Walker, Jr. T. M. Wilson G. T. Waddell, Ill N. B. Weatherall J. W. Salter, Jr.


"L. B. Carnes, Ill R. E. Cartledge K. P. Barnes *J. C. Cassady *E. J. Bierl "F. J. Cauthen C. H. Clark L. M. Burgess J. M. Clark *J. S. Christ& "A. E. Conrow, Jr. M. F. Clark E. W. Cooper, Jr. J. S. Collins *J. M. Counts, Sr. E. J. Domeier H. L. Foster *E. C. Covington *J. E. Cunningham •I 1. F. Geistfeld E. 0. Dendy J. II. George W. J. Dubose *J. A. Guretzky S. E. Hamilton W. D. Durant C. G. Fagan Cl. W. Hedge S. P. Faucett L. R. Hedge C. L. Frazier, Jr. *H. C. Henderson R. S. Gehri G. It. Herron L. W. Godbold *W. R. Hill W. G. Goodman D. W. Jeannoutot A. G. Grant, Jr. *B. E. Johnson "G. M. Grant E. F. Kendall *D. J. L. Gurganus Kern M. G. S. Ilager H. A. Lanning "F. C. Hallmark D. E. Leonard Lieurance E. B. Harrison, Jr. •M. J. Holt J. C. Luhn *H. H. Hooton F. A. Masterson *H. W. Howard 11. M. McCandless V. H. Huey *R. J. McKee, Jr. E. It. Hughes, Jr. *C. A. Odgers W. C. Hurst, Jr. S. B. Plettner T. A. Johnston, III *K. W. Pruden J. P. Julian K. R. Randall J. M. Kelley C. S. Reed G. H. Kendrick *R. W. Scott *11. A. Kilgore *W. L. Simpson H. J. Kittrell, Jr. "G. F. Spatz C. E. Knight J. C. Stohlmann 11. C. Lacey C. A. Story R. K. Latta F. R. Sturm J. D. Lee "C. F.. Sutter W. H. Lindsey R. W. Thomas R. E. Maddox C. L. Wangsvick J. C. Martin, Jr. D. B. Wamke B. B. Mathis R. R. Wellington J. L. May, Jr. 'W. M. Wheeler R. M. Mayers H. C. Woods A. L. McLeod, Jr. *H. L. Zinnecker B. N. McCrary D. L. Merrill XI -ROANOKE "S. G. Mitchell *N. S. Morgan R. S. Barber D. R. Newman J. R. Barley "0. J. Pardue, Jr. J. L. Birkler *J. D. Pate W. D. Bradbury J. M. Pate, Jr. C. I'. Caldwell, Jr. T. W. Patterson *P. C. Caldwell C. H. Paulsen *B. E. Chapman R. H. Perkins *J. P. Charlton C. A. Pilleteri *L. C. Claiborne R. F. Prather W. A. Clark, Jr. C. S. Price H. B. Clegg, III N. F. Pridgen, Jr. J. It. Cochran J. R. Ramsey J. A. Councilor, III L. M. Richardson F. M. Cox J. T. Robbins, Jr. *R. N. Cr ockett D.0. Robinson D. F. Currie J. P. Robinson W. I. Currie J. G. Scherf, III Ft. E. Davis H. H. Self *R. W. Davis J. L. Sewell P. It. Dotson J. W. Sewell F. H. Ewald W. S. Sharpe D. S. Ferguson *IL L. Shepherd *J. W. Fleshman It. F. Singleton R. C. Flora S. L. Smith "H. M. Groth T. E. Snoddy H. B. Hahn, Jr. J. F. Stanley C. M. Hefner J. B. Stapleton W. B. Huff A. J. Strickland, III *A. D. Hurt W. R. Summerlin R. A. Kasey, Jr. *W. G. Sutton D. Keister W. It. S. Taylor "L. H. Kelly E. M. Terry H. C. Kerlin C.S. Trimmier, Jr. D. P. Klein It.'Truitt J. M. D. Klein *E. L. Turner, Jr. G. B. Koch J. W. Turner J. W. Kowalczyk B. E. Wells "S. W. Lavinder W. M. Westbrook, Jr. *W. H. Logan, Jr. M. E. White A. C. Long *R. A. Whitley, Jr. "J. I. Lowdon J. 0. Wilkerson *P. J. Malouf L. B. Wilkerson D. W. McCourt *R. E. Mentzinger,. It. C. Williams It. M. Wilson, Jr. G. P. Moore, Jr. W. J. Worthington, Jr. *G. R. Mougenel J. C. Wright L. G. Muse K. A. Zavitz *R. S. Myers R. M. Newman T. H. Nicholson, Jr PI--OGLETHORPE N. Olsen, Jr. *H. B. Chadwick *D. W. Owen J. B. Dekle 0. C. Paciulli, Ill *M. B. Eubanks *W. J. Phillips F. C. Everett, Jr. "J. P. Piedrafite, Jr. L. B. Fox *R. H. Poff *J. B. Frazer "G. F. Poteet J. A. Hailey E. G. Ramsey, Jr. T. H. Moss R. E. Ramsburg *T. L. Palmer, Jr. J. W. Reynolds W. J. Rhodes, Jr. F. C. Sherman E. C. Shoemaker *H. L. Strangmeyer G. It. Surface *R. L. Tice RHO W. P. Tice WASHINGTON & LEE •J. C. Turk *M. D. Umberger *R. Ade •E. J. Vonculin •11.. G. Anderson *J. W. Wade, Jr. *D. D. Bare *J. H. Waldron, Jr. G. Z. Batch C. E. Webber *D. M. Bates W.0. Williams B. 0. Beckman *J. R. Wilson *W. R. Bishop It. L. Wilson, Jr. C. A. Bowlus •E. G. Wood *R. M. Brown "M.S. Wood J. M. Bryant, II 'A.0. Woody,III *B. K. Bullard, Jr. D. Wooldridge R. K. Christovich H. D. Yerger W. A. Cliburn, Jr. OMICRONALABAMA *G. E. Aiken, Jr. G. D. Airheart Ft. F. Baerwald E. M. Bailey, Jr. 'B. D. Benefield *G. R. Bennett, Jr. W. J. Bennett *J. M. Blasius L. E. Blood L. A. Bouligny, Jr. H. C. Bounds, Jr. R. L. Bowers *W. W. Bright J. D. Broadhead "P. L. Butler J. M. Cain, Jr. J. T. Cardwell

W. J. Cosgrove, Jr. B. Crowley C. B. Curtis, Jr. *M. K. Disney E. P. Garretson, Jr. W. M. Garrison *J. Grayson, III N. D. Hall, Jr. *G. L. Hill J. W. Ivey, II R. L. Kelly H. D. Leake J. S. Lewis, IV *J. B. Martin J.0. Martin *D. G. McCausland

"G. F. McInerney F. W. McKinnon A. H. McLeod

*W. F. Methvin, Jr. L. W. Milboume It. K. Park, II *S. J. Robbins *E. E. Rosborough *W. C. Sargent F. M. Scarlett, IV J. J. Schilthuis, Jr. *R. B. Shively P. Slocumb M. H. Squires, Jr. H. E. Stine, Jr. G. W. Summerson E. A. Turville P. F. Van Avery J. D. Wallace *F. E. Waters, Jr. •D. C. West H. B. Wood, Jr. G. W. Young, Jr.

J. G. Catalano H. M. Cheney G. It. Close A. J. Clyde S. W. Cole E. It. Cwildin P. P. Depasquale E. D. Deuss G. M. Dowd S. J. Dworschak

*F.H. Elich "E. L. Feicht P. H. Frank, 11 *E. R. Galandak J. A. Gauer 0. D. Gay J. J. Giampoli K. M. Gibbon A. B. Gilbert P. E. Green D. P. Grover R. J. Harris W. E. Haselwood G. E. Hester *H. W. Holmberg F. S. Howard, Jr. "R.0. Howard *J. L. I iowie, Jr. H. B. Hotter L. D. Inglis A. C. Johnson H. W. Johnson *J. L. Johnson *T. F. Krizan "C. L. Larsen G. A. Leech M. J. Lunte II. K. Madison G. J. McAlpine

G. J. Ossorio *G. L. Patterson T. F. Pattillo P. P. Poole W. E. Ray G. It. Retter C. L. Saunders *A. R. Schneider W. L. Simpson, II S. L. Smith M. C. Stith F. Stoudenmire

*Ft. S. McCord *E. B. McCormick F. L. McDonald H. 0. Meyer W. F. Mutter C. W. Myers *P. E. Newhouse *G. L. Nord W. L. Norrington •M. H.0 Haver M. J. O'Neill J. M. O'Reilly

*G. T. Stoudenmire *R. M. Tinsley E. W. Terry

J. L.Peggs "R. A. Peterson

L. A. Messer G. W. Morford D. Nicholls D. W. Parker J. R. Pederson

.Pc. A. Porter *W. L. Porter C. E. Rutledge *C. H. Sedam *D. Seeley C. A. Sheets *P. E. Terzick M. W. Tomlinson *E. T. Turner *N. J. Vendetti, Jr. *D. It. Vercoe W. C. Waara

J. W. Moore D. L. Morton C. F. Myrick It. S. Nesbitt M. T. Parson D. P. Perrin F. W. Raw R. W. Reeves *J. T. Reviglio D. C. Rosecrans R. C. Ross W. C. Routh *J. H. J. Schaeffer

J. P. Schench M. Sherry B. Starker J. L. Townsend V. E. Starr H. E. Turner J. W.Steward E. A. Ulmer • R. K. Stigum •C. G. Vern ALPHA EPSILON- *W. W. Thomas *J. S. Wagg FLORIDA "K. Valberg •D. E. Walden B. E. Abbott, Jr. D. N. Vasche SIGMA *K. A. Weir, Sr. Q. Austin, Jr. R. G. S. Vasche SOUTH CAROLINA C. T. Welshinger W. L. Bailey H. Weaver It. W. Baucom, III J. L. Young J. H. Bell Ft. W. Weiland *J. R. Bedenbaugh PSI-OMEGA J. 0. Boote, Jr. • D. C. White J. E. Bell, Jr. J. E. Bush R. E. Williams *W. Bobo "R. H. Adams "C. J. Butler, Jr. Wilson N. J. *E. F. Bostick "J. H. Angus D. N. Carlton R. R. Brace G. E. Banta *A. M. Carraway ALPHA ETA•F. L. Bradfield, Jr. L. L. Benway *J. W. Chambliss SAMFORD R. H. Brehmer, Jr. J. H. Sieger R. E. Chapman • E. F. Alldredge *D. N. Brown, III It. A. Bochan *D.0. Charland * D. Armstrong T. E. H. Brown, Jr. H. W. Buell T. B. Chastain Bates B. M. *R. W. Burkett *J. It. Burritt E. F. Cobb J. Bell P. H. Dave R. T. Chatterton, Jr. J. A. Timmons,Sr. W. E. Combs *J. It. Bell "D. A. Trescott C. H. Chiles R. E. Claypoole "J. A. Condon *J. G. Benefield •M.S. Tyrrell J. M. Coulter C. P. Cooper W. It. Conway L. T. Bolton E. M. Vana S. 0. Cowan Dodge F. J. Costa C. C. Brakefield *E. M. Craig .Dam,Jr. •D. It. Victoria, Jr. 5. W 'W. A. G. D. Cottin D. K. Brower C. W. Vissering *W. E. Cullum *R. E. McCormick G. M. Edmunds "G. S. Coulter E. B. Bruce J. L. Weaver *W. A. Dallis J. B. Means W. T. Feamside *J. A. Cox Burns,Jr. R. J. It. E. Worstell G. S. Delay C. It. Mench G. J. Felton R. A. Crockett H. D. Claughton L. W. Yagle D. W. Easom, Jr. *E. D. Mendels E. J. Fischer *M. V. Cummings W. C. Cofield *J. L. Ellis *L. W. Menzimer *G. It. Fisher *F. C. Davant T. M. Cook ALPHA ALPIIA•W. W. Fincher, Jr. A. It. Moore *A. George J. N. Davis MERCER H. Crow, Jr. J. *K. J. Forti *S. E. Mumford R. L. Hamilton J. E. Devitt J. G. Cuningharne, Jr.* "R. L. Bennett J. S. Flynn I. R. Nilsen W. C. Harris B. T. Dean 4 J. L. Daley *R. L. Bennett, Jr. *J. H. George L. J. Oberwise, Jr. "G. F. Heinrich H. F. Dressell W. C. Davis, Jr. W. G. Bruner P. E. Gibson "J. Ondrus Ill H Hu . tc ja h ci o nb s , y S. M. W. Eastland, Jr. J. E. Dillard, Jr. W. A. Bugg *J. H. Gressette D. A. Parkhurst *A. H. Edwards, II *J. W. Edwards L. C. Carter *J. Hammet 11. H. Patchen C. E. Karsten Elkins L. H. J. T. Cash •Ft. G. Evans, III J. A. Hanson J. E. Pehlman *G. D. Keller P. M. Eppele L.V. Famum B. T. Clark J. J. Kennedy *S. N. Perkins *J. S. Kirk Fink, Jr. 0. J. 4 G. C. Freeman C. H. Davis, Jr. *H. S. King J. Pottenger R. W. Lavelle *T. M. Fitzgerald D. Gallups J. H. C. Dismukes Long, Ill J. D. K. J. Rabe E. L. Lehr D. B. Fogarty J. R. Drinnon J. W. Gay,Jr. L. L. Long *T. A. C. Rathje *H. S. Lewis J. J. Freedman A. E. Fitzgerald, Jr. H. B. Goodwin R. C. Mims J. A. Rawot R. A. Lissa *H. L. Freeman J. D. Garvin, Jr. A. C. Graves Y. A. Montgomery, Jr. *R. C. Reed J. C. Loose R. W. Freeman J. Gilbert C. Gwin H. B. R. H. Moorer 11. J. Regnier W. E. MacMillan H. E. Fry, Jr. S. W. Hall T. J. Hallman, Jr. J. It. Munn It. M. Riggs *W. S. Magalhaes D. B. Frye "L. R. Hillard 11. U. Harden H. L. O'Bannon *J.0. Roeser "H. J. Marquart *F. S. Gilbert, Jr. *W. W. Hilson H. S. Houston *B. C. Parks "E. P. Rolek *R. P. Mason W. M. Gillespie J. F. House P. Jent W. *C. B. Prevost *H. A. Ruyter W. B. Matthews J. A. Grady *G. Ivey, Jr. Jr. W. M. Jordan, J. C. Pruitt, Jr. M. A. Scheid F. F. Maxant "B. H. Griffin, Jr. *E. G. Jackson C. A. Kennedy J. E. Reaves J. G. Schalin N. It. Mrucvield *R. E. Guyton J. T. Jackson . M. Leetun J. A. Reynolds W. P. Schindel "S. G. Milks Harrison M. E. J. J. Johns Jr. H. C. Lewis, W. F. Rhodes *E. Schmalenberger *N. It. miler *A. S. Herlong, Jr. W. *S. Maratos W. Jones *W. E. Salter, Jr. W. J. Seldon G. A. Murray B. E. Herlong L. W. Martin J. C. Lee D. W. Schmidt C. S. Parker *J. W.Shustitzky *J. C. Hombuckle C. R. Melton J. Lewis *A. G. Settle, Jr. H. L. Potter H. B. Simpson *J. D. Howell J. E. Lutenbacher *P. Muse F. A. Smith P.'T. Pratt J. F. Stastny "E. D. James J. D. Maddox H. E. Rhodes *A. A. Spears D. Ramm •P. It. Steinway C. R. Lee, Jr. J. B. Marlow, Jr. R. L. Roecker J. It. Stokes *C. E. Rofe W. R. Stiles *D. B. Leigh *H. J. McDanal G. B. Timmerman,Jr. *F. W. Teegarden, Jr. "W. It. Schlotzhauer C. E. Westmoreland F. A. Lesueur 'F. D. Mitchell Wilson W. D. E. C. Woodward, Jr. •W. J. Snell M. H. Thomas *F. E. Maloney G. G. Murrah, Jr. *B. L. Youmans •W. J. Tietz A. F. Suite, Jr. R. D. Martin *D. E. Nolen ALPHA BETA*L. G.Thayer R. E. Turner *D. A. Martinez TULANE T. J. Payne, Jr. TAU -N. C. STATE E. A. Tschanz E. Urycki Jr. *W. F. McCall, *W. E. Pope Evans "B. A. •A. J. Vanderburg D. A. Ward J. S. McDonald *E. T. Rogers J. P. Hollers *A. E. Anthony, Jr. *F. H. White, Jr. It. P. Watts D. L. Miller It. W. Rowland V. Irion W. C. Bangs L. A. Williams "R. S. Watts E. Morris *J. C. E. Richards "D. L. Shannon, Jr. D. B. Barker W. J. Zygmunt *T. H. Watts *R. S. Neumann It. Sims *A. "R. L. Shelton W. G. Barnhardt, Jr. *K. A. Werden B. F. Overton OMEGA-PURDUI C. G. Webb J. G. Shiley J. E. Barwick S. P. Wilfong *E. P. Owen, III M. T. Woodward, Jr. H. S. Smith, Jr. *J. F. Barwick, Jr. *L. E. Wormley *R. J. Patemo R. C. Adams W. K. Snellings J. E. Brantley J. A. Peacock W. Adsit "F. ALPHA GAMMA*C. W. Still J. P. Brawley PHI -TULSA H. W. Pettengill, Jr. 'C. T. Warren M. C. Allion OKLAHOMA W. D. Campbell G. E. Pharr J. H. Anglin, Jr. L. W. Barrett F. H. White R. E. Carlson, Jr. G. M. Dill *J. It. Powell C. S. Armstrong *A. K. Cox M. R. Wilder, Jr. T. K. Carter It. W. Fleak Ramsey C. M. Berlien J. K. C. D. Cunningham S. M. Winton J. A. Caudle *H. C. Graham *J. D. Renfroe, Jr. W. C. Bradshaw *B. T. Dawson J. K. Wright It. C. Cline H. F. Hixson F. W. Rivers L. R. Bridge "C. H. Delzell T. M. Wright, Jr. H. G. Corbett W. A. Setser H. Ross *Ft. T. It. Brown F. L. Dennis *W. L. Davis "E. T. Tingley W. F. Sahlie P. T. Buche *W. G. Dunnington ALPHA THETA P. M. Eddins "J. T. Trimble *R. E. Scholze E. Buente *G. MICHIGAN STATE R. C. Dunnington J. A. Feather, Jr. ' It. W. Beatch *P. F. Sharader F. W. Carl *R. Dunson H. J. Anderson,Jr. * J. V. Fox, Jr. J. G. Sharon, Jr. M. A. Foreman D. B. Case S. J. Apol J. A. Fulp CHI-STETSON *J. B. Shaw Caswick H. W. R. D. Hammonds 'F. D. Aylward *E. G. Gibbs *G. W.Shipp R. H. Clawson *R. W. Hoffman *R. D. Bagby 0. M. Gordon "L. W. Anderson *T. B. Simpson *J. F. Coffel Huddle *C. T. M. A. Bosco, Jr. T. K. Graham J. A. Avrack *A. W. Smith W. K. Daniel *H. R. Hulpieu F. W. Brutt A. N. Greene T. M. Baker Smith It. C. D. M. Davis "11. T. Bystrorn F. D. Jackson *J. V. Gruzdis, Jr. *IL A. Beauchamp It. D. Snyder It. K. Elisha S. M. Cop S. B. Jones J. H. Gunn, Jr. C. S. Boothe *A. B. Stackpole G. G. Fassnacht S. T. Cessna P. M. Keltch *C. B. Harper T. K. Brown *C. A. Stewart *L. M. Finnegan *W. M. Cleary M. Kilo T. M. Hearne J. H. Burckhalter W. L. Strickland *H. M. Flanagan L. S. Cobb *E. V. Helms C.'T. McClure A. D. Carroll M. L. Taylor J. S. Forcum C. E. Cogo W. Z. Hudson W. B. McFadyen J. M. Chapman *W. J. Taylor, Jr. W. R.Freel *J. E. Crichton *J. B. Hunsinger, Jr. *M. It. Metcalfe G. B. Clark, Jr. D. A. Thompson J. R. Gass It. Crook *E. T. R. Moore C. C. Codrington R. C. Thompson R. C. Jones E. D. Geiger "H. C. Deming P. J. Murphy *R. D. Cooper Ft. C. Tylander W. B. Kilgore K. B. Gessler S. E. Seming J. W. Nance J. C. Crow It. D. Tylander *F. R. Kihn, Jr. W. W. Glenny *J. B. Edmond *S. L. Pangburn *E. H. Culver *W. C. Vans *E. E. Goeke, II G. Lancaster J. G. Evert *S. R. Parsons R. P. Curetun L. K. Walrath T. H. Graffis, Jr. C. F. Latham 11. W. FogartY G. G. Russell M. Davis W. Ware *C. It. Graser B. Lynch, T. Jr. A. *H. R. L. Follett *W. P. Scarlett H. M. Day *W. It. Wells 11. L. Griffiths M. It. Martin J. S. Ford *EH Skinner 'F. J. Dean, Jr. F. E. Williams F. J. Hackleman J. L. McLean, Jr. A. Foster *J. C. E. Springer *K. I. Deruimore W. E. Hahn E. C. Moon,Jr. ALPHA ZETA"R. J. Griewe "V. B. Stansell R. G. Dinwiddie Hanson M. H. Morton, Jr. L. G. OREGON STATE J. P. Herdus *F. S. Thompson J. H. Dyson, Jr. *F. E. Harrell *T. W. Mullen, Ill D. H. Hermann *W. S. Alldredge J. B. Todd C. B. Garnsey, Jr. *J. It. Hawkins C. M. Myers Barrett W. L. E. T. Heywood, Jr. H. S. Gordon E. K. Henry *R. E. Noblin H. A. Beresford C. P. Howell J. P. Hahn *R. H. Norrell *W. H. C. Higgins, II ALPHA DELTAM. It. Briggs "R. M. Hrtanek *J. G. Hayden WASHINGTON L. E. Poteat R. E. Hill *K. H. Jepson *R. H. Butte E. B. Henderson *W. N. Rodman *T. P. Aitchison L. D. Hines D. M. Joy C.0. L. Carlson J. L. Hughes M. G. Honeck T. A. Saieed D. G. Alexander Costa *D. J. C. Kohler R. *J. E. Hutchison D. M. Seltzer R. E. Honer *E. R. Allison Curtis R. H. M. Krebs E. J. L. Imbergamo H. K. Sledge *G. Houston, Jr. W. C. Avery F. R. Damavandi W. I. Larson *J. C. Inman *N. T. Smithwick M. X. Hughes H. E. Bayley A. L. Douglas *A. E. Laurie M. P. Jarrard E. G. Wall J. D. Jackson L. W. Bindon J. S. Duggan B. E. MatheWs It. E. Karns W. D. Wallace J. W. Janes, Ill •F. It. Brown Farley S. M. *R. B. McCall R. A. Kent D. C. Whitaker P. K. Jefferis *R. C. Bux F. E. Fischer W. J. McCune *W. F. Kirchhaine A. P. White, Jr. H. It. Johnson, Jr. *M. G. Cassidy N. B. Flynn G. S. McIntyre H. R. Klein *W. G. ICanouse *G. J. Wike *D. B. Chesney *P. A. Minges Grimes G. I. H. It. Klein C. H. Keever, Ill *R. E. Williams, Jr. J. A. Clague ft. B. Gustaff "L. C. Paul, Jr. J. W. Landers, Jr. M. D. Kerr Ill Wilson, J. G. *I. C. Crowley F. S. Philip *T. H. Hammond R. A. Langston 0. A. Kinzer D. J. Frick R. J. Herbage R. A. Pinkharn J. C. Lanier UPSILON--ILLINOIS *R. K. Kitchen E. H. Gillespie Jr. W. J. Hertel, •W. C. Proctor 11. W. Lankford *K. L. Kraus It. G. Hall, Jr. N. J. Hohl *B. T. Nylon M. B. Lawrence I. 'T. Almberg J. 0. Lafollette E. A. Hanna 'F. L. Howell •L. W. Raymond *J. F. Lawson L. C. Altmansberger *L. P. Lang J. Hansen *R. H. P. Huebner D. W. Rhoads *H. P. Maier J. O. Anderson *A. B. Larson *C. A. liedreen *H. R. Kallander S. C. Ross A. L. Matthews J. J. Bakker M. D. Laurent *C. N. Iremonger Knorr D. M. E. SabroskY D. *S. P. McCampbell V. E. Bergholtz W. K. Jackson R. L. Linzey Ft. A. Koelblen *G. W. Schott *D. C. McNamara Little *D. E. Bishop R. M. *W. It. Jones L. J. Kurkoski *O. J. Schuster "A. N. Morris, Jr. T. L. Blickensderfer R. ti. Lowe *M. D. Kinkade *N. D. Logan E. J. Somers E. W. Murphy, Jr. *D. D. Lowry G. P. Brock G. W. Larson Louie A. "A. G. Spears "A. R. Myers J. C. Brown J. A. Lukach D. MacPherson Markham J. C. G. Stelzer J. P. A. Nichols J. R. Carlino *J. M. Makepeace T. Madsen K. L. McGowan *J. F. Stoll R. T. Northridge J. G. Carson *G. Q. Martin H. L. McGinn R. B. Montgomery, Jr. E. C. Storch, Jr' P. A. Porter M. A. Ralston It. E. Rector *H. G. Riggs J. H. Robinson C. W. Romeiser C. Sadler D. A. Scott J. T. Seeger C. P. Smith H. C. Smith, Jr. *J. M.Smith W. D.Southard J. It. Stead M. S. Stecher J. A. Sudduth P. C. Swafford *W. L. Swager B. F. Tellkamp •11. E. Thomson

•▪ • •

The fraternity is especially grateful to the following members for their financial support. Those names indicated by an asterisk (*) gave more than was requested.If your name is not listed below,and you contributed, please forgive the oversight.


R. W. Thatcher M. A. Tyrrell D. E. Viecelli G. F. Wajda J. W. Welch E. P. Wells *D. C. Wilson *D. D. Yanachik *M. J. Yanachik


F. C. Ackermann C. R. Adcox *W. G. Amos F. M. Awbrey, Jr. J. R. Buckwalter, Jr. W. C. Burke *M. S. Caley aS *H. D. Carpenter, Jr. J.0. Christiansen, Jr W. E. Colburn A. J. Collins J. N. Crump id D. W. David, Jr. *H. Di9is, Jr. Os W. B. ElliotB. A. Evans, Jr. R. L. Ferrell J. W. Forehand, Jr. D. A. Fowler ige *C. J:Fricke !ling *T. W. Fuller C. E. Gavin, III *J. El Gay,Jr. *T. W. Gordon eld J. N. Green W. M. Gregory R. M. Guillot ield •J. R. Haley J. MI:R=11ton Jr. H. G.Marris iton *M. D. Harris *F. H. Hawthorne J. H. Hendry Jr. S. W. Irby ;Miner Jr. *E. V. Johnson R. B. Jones Jr. F. W. Karthaus, Jr. ,Jr. D. R. Kearns ds D. T. Kendrick *J. E. Kirkendall, Jr. III R. A. Krause an *E. D. Layman J. P. Lynch Ir. J. P. Lynch, III win F. A. Maddox,Jr. D. A. Marshall N. D. McClure,IV J. B. McCracken a T. 0. McDowell R. A. Miller G. M. Moore, Jr. *K. B. Morton, Jr. E. E. Noel, II on fl W. L. Noll, Jr. J. E. Owens, Jr. G. M. Patterson L. Patterson J. A. Peacock P. T. Persons barber L. C. Pharo, Jr. PI, Jr. N. C. Porter, Jr. effer


R. B. Propst

A. J. Ramsey K. M. Rearden G. F. Reddick, Jr. ,Jr. J. F. Reddoch *I. E. Reeves, Jr. J. E. Robbins, Jr. Land J. T. Russell Jr. non, W.S. Shenk *W. T. Skaggs on P. M.Smith, Jr. 1, Jr. W. B. Smith in *J. W.Stalnaker D. C. Stoddard *J. A. Stripling W. S. Taylor Jr. F. P. Thigpen G. N. Tobia )n *F. M. Vann 'G. M. Whitley it, Jr. *M. K. Wilkins J. D. Wolsoncroft MTN" STATE E. C. Word, Jr. non, Jr. *C. C. Workman, Jr. T. R. Wyatt .ard ALPHA KAPPAo, JrMICHIGAN R. A. Edwards J. D. Hayden -orn *H. C. Hotchkiss K. J. Nagelkirk a C. E. Omara rY A. Pullen W. W. Rowley *II. R. Smith, Jr. on L. G. Wetmore ing ALPHA LAMBDAMISSISSIPPI nod *0. E. Cathey W. B. Cruzen Lrty *B. S. Griffin tt *B. S. Henry *W. B. Hopson *W. D, Lewis re *E. W. McCracken *T. B. Newman,Jr. iann food,Jr. *J. H. Rose, Jr. T. J. Rosetti II *B. B. Sayle nek J. H. Tabb in

,ell sh, Jr-

W. C. Thomas

Y. S. Warren


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ine tyre es Jr.

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er 1,,Jr.

ALPHA MU PENN STATE B. C. Anderson *R. M. Atkinson It. C. Austin D. L. Baker P. M. Borg *G. F. Briner *J. D. Brisbane E. A. Bruss E. M. Brydia R. F. Bush E. K. Camp D.L. Carrington L. M. Comunale C. C. Conklin G. J. Cottillion It. B. Craine, Sr. *C. C. Curley, Jr. E. E. Davies D. H. Denholm W. E. Diefenderfer D. K. Eboch

H. W. Epler *W. F. Exley D. R. Fischer K. N. Flodin D. R. Forbes E. A. Friend, Jr. M. A. Gardocki *L. B. Grube R. A. Gundrum W. C. Gwinner *J. T. Hartzell E. J. Hathaway H. F. Heffner *R. C. Heim D. L. Helm J. F. Hickey *E. B. Hoffman, Jr. D. B. Holman *T. S. Holmes *R. J. Hoppes D. Jones R. P.Jones *D. A. Kearney *M. M. Keck R. C. Kieffer J. F. Kieser R. J. Kleinert E. E. Kline L. M. Knetz E. Korecky S. G. Krepps, V A. L. Lasko *R. A. Lawson H. Leinbach G. M. Leshock J. P. Lonberger W. E. Lord J. P. McCarthy *B. E. McIntyre R. F. McKnight E. C. Miller D. S. Mizell *J. F. Mostoller *J. D. Moyer G. R. Mularski E. W. Murphy G. E. Oeschger A. K. Patterson J. S. Pearson, III R. E. Plymyer M. P. Ranc, Jr. J. P. Rebert *L. S. Reiff W. L. Ross F. H. Schaefer *G. H. Schaffner J. G. Schmucker, III *C. P. Schooley R. P. Schroeder C. J. Scott *K. L. Shaner C. W. Sharon *L. J. Shue *W.Simon, III N. E. Simpson

R. D. Sarcona *G. H. Scheibner *E. F. Schofield P. J. Schwanenflugel I). S. Shepherd *R. C. Stankovic *C. H. Steffan J. 11. Thode, Jr. P. M. Tierney W. J. Troeller, Jr. F. W. Wiedman

ALPHA OMICRONIOWA STATE L. S. Anich J. C. Beck R. J. Bennink *K. A. Bergstrom *R. Brandau *D. W. Brandt *J. S. Brown *D. L. Burkhead *D. L. Carlson *R. H. Casey W. W. Chmelar 0. K. Christenson

J. G. McNabb M. R. Radloff *K. McPherson *G. W. Reed *C. R. Meadows, Jr. *J. F. Rittenhouse *J. F. Miller D. L. Schey *J. 0. Moss G. A. Schlenk J. R. Nelson, Jr. *F. W. Schmehl J. M. Ogden R. S. Schuck *F. M. Pugh H. W.Schuette *W. II. Read *M. W. Sellers *A. B. Reed *W. K. Sheppard W. D. Richardson W. L. Shute

D. E. Robinson *L. L. Ryerson, Jr. *G. E. Seargeant H. B. Simmons R. B. Smith It. H. Smith *G. A. Steele S. W. Steele *J. Fl. Stilz J. Tombras B. A. Tucker *E. H. Zwingle

J. W.Simmons,II *E. M.Simon R. E. Simon *E. E. Smith, Jr. G. F. Spingler, Jr. F. H. Staiger W. K. Steal H. S. StiffIer R. D. Styer A. K. Sweeney R. R. Team, L. A.'Freppel F. T. Troll° *A. W. Tunnell, Jr. *M. A. Varzally D. R. Wary .1. A. Webb D. R. Williams A. R. Zecca

W. C. Seng, Jr. R. R. Sturgeon R. L. Stutz P. M. Summers H.0. Thursby R. S. Timmons L. D. Trent, Jr. R. E. Tyson D. R. Walsh J. C. Williams J. E. Wright ALPHA OMEGAOREGON R. E. Davis S. W. Holmes *D. D. Lasselle G. B. Lissy *S. C. Lynch F. Streimer T. V. Vandawark *S. W. Winkleman

BETA ALPHANEWARK ALPHA TAU-. *J. R. Albright RENSSELAER F. Becker, Jr. F. A. Bandre *B. L. Croucher J. D. Bivin *D. G. Belshaw *W. C. DOR J. V. Broelrnoven R. E. Bergman R. G. Elston, II P. Brogan J. M. C. Beveridge *J. P. Fee J. C. Busch *R. FI. Blackford C. W. Files *L. Cadigan ALPHA PHIE. 0. Fleming F. E. Bohl T. W. Chalfant, Jr. ILLINOIS TECH *B. D. Foot *E. W. Bowker R. C. Delcore K. R. Anderson D. F. Franklin B. It. Brown S. DePalma R. E. Belke J. L. Franklin, II *B. M. Cahill, Jr. S. F. Deateno SW. J. Bielawslci, III S. E. Fritz R. J. Cox R. J. Doudera E. W. Bisone M. J. Gildersleeve F. B. Dargue W. M. England *R. J. Chobot F. L. Goetsch *C. E. Davies Fisher *L. SW. F. Divoky D. L. Hancock D. B. Dobson *C. E. Fritsch *J. E. Dolezal G. E. Hawkins D. Dropkin C. A. Gorshkoff J. J. Doudera, Jr. T. J. Hickey *G. T. Giardini T. J. Hulls R. G. Douglae D. E. Hill A. R. Gneiser R. H. Hock *R. A. Dugan K. M. Johnson W. K. Graves J. F. Joyce J. M. Duke *E. A. Kemp H. G. Greenleaf E. J. Klebaur, Jr. *C. L. Dwell R. A. Klink II. K. Holden J. A. Krucher L. J. Gass K. C. Knapp R. It. Horton K. Kubak *R. A. Gregory *R. Kottman A. T. Kelly, III D. A. Grimwood,Jr. J. J. Manfredi H. A. Kuehne J. F. Kesnow A. V. Mangone R. C. Harper *H. M. Lakin G. W. Kirkland, Jr. R. A. Mason H. F. Heidenreich R. W. Lewis J. H. Krepiek McCranor *K. J. M. Helm R.0. Lichtenstein D. Lipphardt E. Oravetz, Jr. *V. *E. E. Hendriluie W. R. Madden C. J. Lueders P. J. Orban D. E. Hilquist J. D. McCully *R. J. Lyons P. W.Parkinson M. D. McDevitt *R. W. Hughes W. A. McAuley Pedicini *C. *R. K. McKean A. J. Janousek • R. F. W. Meader J. Salamone *D. P. M. Muller E. C. Johnson L. F. Muller, Jr. P. H. Schmidt *R. W. Nechanicky *E. A. Kaschins *II. Munch, Ill J. B. Snodgrass, Jr. J. D. Leyerle E. B. Nagel W. G. Nechanicky R. Spinelli R. A. Logeson *S. E. Neice *T. N. Ness W. J. Sturm L. J. Mance T. K. O'Sullivan It. S. Novak W. C. Toth D. A. Matt G. K. Palsgrove J. M. O'Neil J. S. Urban *A. E. Michyeta, Jr. *J. A. Peartree *E. E. Paine D. R. Van Houten J. K. Morrison H. W. Peterson, Jr. *T. E.Park *C. F. Wheeler L. A. Mueller K. G. l'ratt F. M. Parrish, III D. A. Williams, Jr. *J. J. Parrish W. A. Roberts *C. W. Mumma *E. K. Wilson C. L. Proescholdt *R. Nickel *E. H. Robinson R. M. Smith *P. E. Ostrander C. J. Rehman, Jr. D. F. Rogers BETA BETA'C. W. Snyder W. S. Rosenberger *R. A. Palace T. Satkowski G. J. Spahr FLORIDA SOUTHERN P. H. Pelkola *R. H. Ruedy D. R. Seyler R. D. Alves *G. E. Stevens, Jr. W. E. Simms H. F. Perlet, Jr. T. J. Ruzicka T. F. Ashe H. E. Strine M. L. Schneckloth D. C. Peterson B. T. Sporn *G. B. Baker J. M. Talone K. J. Peterson D. J. Stephens C. Schram, Jr. *F. B. Barr R. E. Thornton T. M.Shultz *R. L. Peterson *H. J. Zimmer W. F. Tinsley *H. M. Bartlett, Jr. K. W.Phalp C. C. Shutt *R. W. Zimmerman M. B. Trull *W. H. Beckman K. E. Spiker A. L. Pinnow J. C. Turchek L. W. Bilby J. R. Piper G. F. Stanek G. G. Turner *C. E. Bradley ALPHA UPSILON *W. J. Plichta A. D. Swisher W. J. Vernon, Jr. *R. K. Carroll -DREXEL *J. L. Pottenger K. M. Vest •R. E. Walbert *J. C. Carter S. R. Rebesco *R. E. Anderson *J. R. Veeder W. R. Walker L. W. Carter *W. S. Anderson, Jr. *J. P. Sachs W. C. Winlock B. K. Watson G. D. Chappell, II *C. A. Schnackel R. J. Baldwin J. W. Cook G. A. Watto *G. E. *H. Schober J. Bartle, III ALPHA PI W. E. Cooper P. Watto UNIV. OF THE SOUTH E. D. Beddall *B. W.Seiwell H. W. Croysdale, II P. E. Willhide D. G. Snyder R. I. Benner F. N. Bretton N. C. DeYoung *J. H. Williamson *J. E. Spencer R. H. Birdsall D. Gilchrist, Jr. *J. J. Wojciechowski *J. A. Johnston *W. W. Dicks Brayton *M. B. Stevens *W. C. D. L. Woodrow *W. M. Fraser, Jr. J. F. Sturgeon P. Brewington J. F. Frasz E. It. Yeager L. A. Strote *M. E. Burrows ALPIIA RHO *E. H. Zacharias, Jr. G. A. Given G. J. Svehla wEsT VIRGINIA M. J. Cappello D. Hamm R. E. Zimmerman *C. *P. W. Wagner *J. M. Adkins *J. W. Cassel G. F. Hiler A. W. Wendorf *P. F. Fisher G. P. Cavenas ALPHA NU *C. C. Jacobsen J. A. Wheeler,Jr. H. D. Griffin D. M. Clarke 01110 STATE *K. S. Keeterer, Jr. F. W. Widlak C. R. Lewis *W. J. Cooney, Jr. P. W. Albrecut A. I. MacLean B. J. Lutz *C. W. Comelssen, *K. G. Wohlers T. W. McCloskey M. W. Alvord R. W. Wolfe H. G. Martin S. J. Costa, Jr. W. P. Ansley M. R. McKinley *J. C. Woodling *L. K. Watring H. A. Cowles A. R. Nesbitt F. E. Archer C. R. Woods T. G. Williams I'. D. Crissman A. Scharfenstein, Jr. K. V. Arnold *T. *J. C. Wilson, Jr. *R. L. Cavis W. G. Baldenhofer *J. D. Schwartz, Jr. ALPHA CHIJ. G. Marsh W. W. Dearolf, Jr. *M. H. Simon J. R. Crandall MIAMI T. G. May J. W. Deimler W. A. Sundstrom C. D. Hablitzel C. B. Mayforth, Jr. L. H. Adams R. R. Dewees, Jr. R. L. Tison *A. R. Knauer E. S. Mayland, Jr. S. E. Allen K. J. Kirkes R. C. Newhouse G. L. Wadswortn J. C. Bordeman K. J. McCort It. L. Drager *C. A. Stickel H. A. McLaughlin R. E. Dressler, Jr. *R. H. Dougherty, Jr. *L. J. Widmann C. S. Strout *F. J. McMullen *F. N. Holley, III *J. T. Farr *E. S. Wells BETA GAMMA*H. H. Meyer W. P. Fitzgerald, Ji *M. C. Hopkins LOUISVILLE A. Miele F. L. Kearns, Jr. J. J. C. France ALPHA XI--PINY *B. J. Minetti W. H. Brown, Jr. D. Losey *B. J. Gajkowski J. T. Cook J. W. Manley J. J. Molinelli J. II. Gardner Alessi° R. J. W. L. DeWitt W. A. Rehfield, III A. R. Muller *M. S. Gennaro, Jr. *R. E. Krebs B. Antoniades H. W. Nintzel R. G. Steinhilber *W. F. Gittler, Sr. W. M. McNutt P. Arcadipane N. P. Xanthos R. Nor *R. II. Griffin J. L. Paddock, Jr. *H. A. Backofen, Ill R. E. Nugent *M. R. Gross, Jr. W. D. Robb J. J. Benson ALPHA PSIR. E. O'Donohue, Jr. *P. W. Gross INDIANA *M. Schaffner *S. M. Bertone Orteig, Jr. *R. A. D. *J. A. Ilaislip, Jr. *H. L. Aamoth J. F. Boette J. B. Peck J. R. Harper *L. J. Bolvig G. L. Allen *J. J. Plunkett A. D. Henderson BETA DELTAR. P. Brady T. B. Barker *A. G. Quilon G. C. Hess, Jr. DRAKE *M. J. Cassano W. R. Barnard *J. H. Ripel C. 11. Ilewitt J. B. Benda J. H. Clarke, Jr. R. E. Bender B. H. Ritter D. M. Hillegas W. J. Brown, Jr. J. P. Crosson E. A. Sinner *C. E. Rohmann 0. M. liokanson D. Daniels W. Delnicki D. E. Brennan W. T. Roney, Jr. *W. C. Jaus C. R. Deaton R. Domain() Brown G. L. *S. Rotter J. F. Kelley, Jr. *D. R. Dunham L. T. Destefano T. R. Brown *L. N. Rowley, Jr. E. R. Kiehl A. J. Grandlich J. Didonato *R. J. Chloupek *G. F. Kinmonth ALPHA SIGMA'R: b. Howell F. Dieter G. C. Crosier H. J. Kolb TENNESSEE J. J. Kieler Dieter F. *W. D. C. Day,Jr. *G. F. Kolle *J. C. Adkins B. C. Kunzman,Jr. P. W. Dillon J. D. Dowen F. M. Kraber Andrews R. L. G. Loy *H. E. Duckham,Jr. C. R. Downey *C. S. Kuntz H. Baker, Jr. K. S. Meadows *W. E. Eisele J. A. Eshleman *L. I. Lady Bishop *P. E. H. E. Pewick Fendrich V. W. J. L. Fox It. E. Lake *C. W. Booher, Jr. *M. A. Radtke R. L. Fitzgibbon *D. C. Gibson A. P. Lannutti Boring *K. E. M. R. Radtke J. E. Flaherty K..1. Gooldy *T. A. Laroe R. M. Brooks D. A. Rapp W. L. Friend *R. W. Haller *L. F. McBurney Bryan M. J. N. D. Rowland S. C. Harazim D. W. Huffman *J. H. McCann *E. S. Byrd C. E. Schelldorf W. F. Harazim J. E. Kelsey McCulley C. R. Coles *E. H. *D. A. Sears *P. J. Hauth D. F. Kinney *R. W. McKee J. F. Deboarcl, Jr. *D. N. Shortledge F. M. Herbert, III E. M. McCain J. McNutt Donohue B. S. S. C. Smith *F. C. Hetzer *J. M. McClure V. J. Melada V. W. Edgman V. A. Sodawasser P. G. Hoeker W. G. Murray G. S. Merritt It. E. Gibson, Jr. B. N. Swanson 0. C. Hoist P. E. Nonte *G. W. Mohn, Jr. *G. E. Gish P. D. Try 0. Jensen G. L. Ormont H. A. Negroni CM. Gray D. B. Walter A. W. Johnson *J. E. Peterson E. C. Neuman Gruosso F. J. H. J. Winegar Johnson C. Pivarnik F. J. M. Nicholson S. G. J. W. Harris, Jr. R. C. Young D. G. Kells *J. R. Platt H. S. Norton, Jr. Hatcher W. *A. II. F. Kivlin W. M. Prunty *S. R. Parris E. Jones, Jr. J. EPSILON.BETA D. G. Klisz W. A. Reiners D. A. Parsons T. L. Kennedy MISSOURI R. J. Koerner W. T. Richardson Patrick *M. M. R. D. Klemm.. P. J. Bouckaert II. W. Lang G. F. Ross J. J. Peirce, Jr. R. C. McKelvey P. E. Gray J. Larose J. R. Ruckriegle C. M. Price McMahan C. *B. *G. E. Ilyde, Jr. W. J. Littles M. D. Schlichte *J. R. Prins

R. E. Jackman *J. L. Lichtenberg S. H. Norwood *R. M. Persyn W. T. Richards *L. G. Trudell J. B. Wade

BETA NU--HOUSTON C. A. Bond R. H. Patterson, Jr. S. M. Shackelford M. C. Unger W.,H. Willson

BETA ZETASIMPSON J. C. Demaris *E. Shannon


BETA ETA'FLORIDA STATE *D. V. Allen L. Almerico T. W. Beavers, Jr. *R. B. Boersma R. F. Brown C. R. Carey

C. A. Homberg It. P. Martin *W. K. McKenzie *E. A. Morrow *D. E. Perry K. W.Smith *J. R. Strachan S. J. Thatcher M. F. Touzeau J. Wanty B. R. Wiltse

T. R. Caruso C. D. Chao R. P. Costin C. D. Cross R. E. Cross, Jr. *C. R. Cutajar H. H. Debeaubien *F. E. Dittlus, Jr. B. M. Eaton R. J. Eklund *W. D. English J. R. Galley It. B. Geoghagan R. P. Gillis J. T. Graham, Jr. SW. J. Green, Jr. F. L. Hoffmann G. W. Hollingsworth R. L. Irwin E. R. Johnson, Jr. *J. M. Lloyd C. W. MacMillin SW. W. Malphrus *W. A. Mickler P. J. F. Newell J. W. Newman, Jr. W. J. Niedenthal M. J. O'Farrell •ft. On,Jr. *R. L. Perkins *P. R. Regensdorf W. A. Reilly, Jr. N. M. Roberts R. D. Roberts K. Rouse *E. L. Scott, Jr. *E. L. Shuler *B. Stilwell, Jr. N. D. Stoddard L. F. Symmes W.A.Tillman D. D. Whitaker C. M. Wilson K. R. Wilson BETA THETA.ARIZONA *J. F. Rice BETA IOTATOLEDO R. F. Anderson T. E. Bokan R. D. Conley J. J. Connors, Jr. R. A. Cowen *D. D. Deckrosh *G. K. Dunaway J. W. Feiger W. Frederick G. H. Hershman R. E. Kagy *C. T. Kahle *R. S. Kuhlman R. N. Lindner *D. D. McEwen N. J. Montagino *E. F. Reuman J. F. Ritzenthaler R. G. Rose R. W. Schiler *P. C. Simmon *R. H. Smalley, Jr. L. A. Talmage *R. Wheeler D. H. Winnes J. P. Zech D. D. Zellers BETA KAPPA GEORGIA STATE *M. L. Angel J. S. Barber R. A. Campbell *C. A. Cathey J. H. Conner *D. C. Coole, Jr. S. R. Duren A. C. Harris S. A. Lanham F. L. Lindberg, Jr. *C. E. Pickren *L. C. Reinhardt, Jr. J. B. Whitley BETA LAMBDATAMPA W. K. Baker

W. G. Birch T. E. Bissonnette F. Burns D. H. Camper G. A. Clement *G. J. Cooper It. 0. Cousins N. Dellavalle *P. C. Elrod J. A. Gallagher J. E. Hendricks W. B. Hippenmeier *H. M. Hobbs J. W. Holmes R. P. Hugger W. R. Kilboum R. A. Myers B. T. Narbut *J. K. Neve J. B. Newman R. G. Obmann J. R. Padgett T. S. Papps F. E. Parkhurst, IV *D. C. Pinholster *R. H. Pinson, Jr. R. A. Pisano B. A. Samuels W. P. Silvania E. C. Stivender BETA MU-MCNEESE STATE J. R. Airhart J. C. Handley *T. W. Pool *T. E. Wright, Jr.

J. R. Brooks *D. E. Clappison *D. R. DeWaard

BETA OMICRON N.W. STATE(LA.) E. L. Baker, Jr. R. D. Baker *J. T. Beck *C. D. Cantrell, Jr. D. M. Cook L. Dalton P. G. Durham,Jr. G. P. Find J. C. Guillot D. D. Morgan J. G. Oden *S. W. Parry M. W. Robinson P. F. Rochette, Jr. A. J. Tumminello, Jr. B. A. Turner, Ill BETA PI EASTERN MICHIGAN R. P. Brumbaugn *W. R. Rickard C. V. Taylor BETA SIGMA-NORTHERN ILLINOIS D. D. Firkins *R. C. Hulks BETA TAU VALDOSTA STATE J. T. Brooks R. T. Hereford K. S. Holloway *G. D. McGahee J. S. Montgomery R. J. Nijem W. V. Settle, III *G. E. Spell, Jr. H. H. Wilford BETA UPSILON-VIRGINIA S. S. Applegate *J. E. Saber, III R. C. Barrickman *W. H. Brinkman P. E. Buppert, Jr. L. R. Hamlett, Jr. *D. B. Kimball, Jr. D. B. Lewis, Jr. J. H. Long, Jr. H. J. McKane *F. J. Riggins G. B. Roberts B. K. Shaffer D. D. Slesnick, II M. J. Walsh F. A. Williams BETA PHIEAST CAROLINA *M. F. Barefoot *J. M. Burt J. P. Carter, II M. E. Cavendish *D. C. Frazier R. E. Fuller R. S. Fuller J. F. Hallow, Jr. T. J. Hicks W. M. Jacob F. D. Judson *W. B. Kemp,Jr. G. I. Lashley, Jr. M. G. McGuirk D. W. McLawhorn M. L. Page D. C. Ray, II R. R. Siegfried I. T. Yopp,III BETA CHIEAST TEXAS STATE *L. E. Daniel *T. L. Dixon R. E. Hand *F. Klaus T. R. Long *S. R. McCord R. E. Mitchell, Jr. 0. R. Pyles G. L. Richards L. D. Schoelerman D. M. Tipping BETA PSITENN. WESLEYAN J. C. Callahan R. C. Click *J. 5, Concino P. A. Dall S. T. Drumheller J. W. Garbow F. E. Horning *L. C. Huskey R. II. Macher D. H. Moore H. G. Neil, Jr. B. A. Saunders E. Saunders D. E. Smith K. W.Smith E. M. Westbrook F. D. Wieser, Jr. BETA OMEGA EAST TENN.STATE *J. P. Brockman *B. C. Brown D. A. Chandler J. C. Churchill *R. L. Compton S. T. Haer D. L. Henderson J. H. Jones, Jr. R. S. Lobb, Jr. F. D. Masters SW. R. Mayes, Jr. M. C. Moody E. M. Murphy R. R. Palmer *J. J. Short, Jr. T. E. Siceloff *B. R. Starnes *D. R. Street W. P. Van Huss R. a. Yackanin

GAMMA ALPHALIVINGSTON *J. L. Alexander J. C. Baynes H. W. Bloom, Jr. J. E. Bosarge J. J. Boyd J. W. Carter *J. B. Gary *J. B. Gibson T. J. Holliman F. E. McGough, Jr. J. H. Patrenos, Sr. *J. W. Roebuck W. P. Taylor B. C. Wager

J. P. Fergus *K. C. Harrell V. B. Huffman SW. B. Kirby E. C. Lane C. A. Larson *H. C. Merritt, Jr. L. R. Pearson R. H. Powell, Jr. SW. B. Saunders *C. T. Sewell *J. B. Stokley, Jr. E. A. Sundy, Jr. *D. G. Waters C. M. Wilson W. T. Zopfi, Jr.

GAMMA C111JACKSONVILLE R. H. Baldwin, III L. B. Cox M. W. Dmud *T. E. Fitzpatrick *J. P. Hunter R. E. Lockwood J. W. Stephenson P. L. Stynchcomb P. C. Upp

GAMMA BETA OLD DOMINION *R. B. Allyn, III T. L. Bachas G. N. Badran *L. A. Beverly, Jr. *C. E. Brady, III P.0. Casteel D. A. Dudley It. G. Howard E. H. Joy F. E. Machnick, Jr. R. A. Magoon *L. H. Richard, Jr. W. W. Ridgely *T. E. Treichler

GAMMA IOTA IA.STATE *D. D. Daste M. P. Lancon T. M. Lusk *M. G. Porche A. J. Rodriguez *W. A. Sawyer *L. D. Simmons, Jr.

GAMMA OMEGAMONTEVALLO *J. R. Andrews J. C. Burgess, III G. E. Engle *R. J. McGhee D. J. Schulz W. H. Sewell *D. E. Wigginton

GAMMA GAMMATROY STATE G. E. Bates *D. L. Bozeman M. C. Byrd, Jr. *J. D.Campbell, III T. Eiland H.C. Helms, Jr. *R. E. Jones C. R. Kelly *J. D. Lang, Jr. J. D. Majors *J. P. McClendon, Jr. J. P. Prevost R. L. Purse'', Jr. C. E. Robertson F. E. Rodgers W. H. Saxon F. J. Scott GAMMA DELTAMEMPHIS D.0. Cardwell M. N. Dacus, Jr. D. M. Dailey *B. J. Fenton G. E. Heien *J. H. Johnson,Sr. R. A. Mullin *W. A. Newsom,Jr. M. E. Perkins *J. M. Ray C. E. Savage, Jr. W. T. Siebert G. A. Vamuiek GAMMA EPSILON- • WESTERN CAROL/NA M. A. Cochcroft *M. D. Cope *M. C. Daves, Jr. *W. M. Felsher E. E. Forward, III T. R. Harris G. M. Harrison C. M. Hensley T. F. Perkins *C. A. Pickett C. H. Pletcher T. 0. Potts L. Y. Ramsey B. D. Roberson *M. L. Roberts G. B. Stephens C. B. Sutton J. B. Trotter D. C. Turner D. A. Williams *W. F. Willis B. E. Wishon GAMMA ZETAW.VA. TECH L. R. Barker *E. D. Bauer *D. A. Bishop I. W. Butt, Jr. D. M. Childers G. D. Culotta H. S. Dillon R. M. Durbin *D. D. Felt *J. F. Heindel *D. L. Hirneisen *W. D. Hitchock R. E. Isom D. E. Jones *D. M. Jones T. A. Keefer S. A. Kraycar D. F. Maffessanti *T. W. McGrew R. Michael *D. C. Neidert *P. R. Oneacre K. P. Patrick *C. E. Planow S. D. Ramsey B. T. Ranson *C. A. Rickenbach M. E. Riley *D. E. Skaggs *J. D. Smith L. C. Snyder C. J. Stone D. R. Strader R. G. Uglow G. S. Woods GAMMA ETA ATHENS *F. Alberts *C. M. Cane *P. W. Fanning J. C. Frye J. R. Greer, Jr. *J. C. Helm *S. C. Jones W. J. Kelly P. F. Lambrakos H. Lebair L. A. Lemsky R. C. McNutt C. H. Molliston T. R. O'Hara K. L. Shaver S. 0. Steff GAMMA THETA. kJ NC- W *E. R. Batson D. K. Brown *T. P. Brown, Jr. G. E. Cavenaugh *G. W. Chadwick *C. M. Coleman, Jr. J. M. Corcoran W. E. Dalton W. C. Davis *J. H. Dempsey

GAMMA PSIAUGUSTA J. H. Austin, Jr. P. H. Dye

DELTA ALPHA-VPI GAMMA KAPPAGA. SOUTHERN D. A. Abner It. M. Berry *S. S. Bishop P. W. Buffington *W. C. Burns *A. F. Jeselnik W. F. Larkey M. W. Nesmith *J. F. Riggs J. D. Tucker

G. T. Butler J. N. Crist C. R. Dulaney, Jr. N. W. Fitzgerald P. M. Host S. A. Moore D. F. Morisco T. C. Renner, Jr. J. B. Yount, III

GAMMA LAMBDA-MISSOURI-ROLLA *R. Bentzinger T. R. Beveridge D. J. Debold *C. M. Gioia M. P. Gioia, Jr. *D. K. Harbert *G. A. Janoch K. Jungermann A. W. Lammi P. D. Proctor P. K. Scherrer *G. N. Schneider M. R. Schnettler D. G. Skitek G. G. Skitek W. C. Wiswell GAMMA MU-BELMONT ABBEY J. B. Beam C. L. Bush *T. B. Donovan J. D. Glenn, Jr. G. A. Piche G. T. Tanguay L. R. Willis GAMMA NU-LAGRANGE K. W. Ackis J. W. Bryant *L. R. Hill, Jr. D. C. Johnson *P. D. Neal GAMMA XlGEORGIA S.W. *J. A. Adams R. L. Beggarly H. E. Bryson *W. L. Finney *R. B. Folger J. A. Grant M. W. Hall F. R. Jones J. H. Leamon,Jr. J. T. Marvin, Jr. *F. Miley A. H. Nisbet J. B. Pond D. W.Suppes *M. E. Taylor H. H. Yaughn, Jr. *W. M. Youngblood

DELTA BETANORTH GEORGIA B. J. Austin R. G. Becker, Jr. *M. A. Brannen H. W. Broskowskie,II D. W. Carter J. F. Conner,Jr. H. L. Dennis *F. W. Fussell *B. N. Qardner J. E. Goletz R. C. Harris *T. S. Jones C. M. Kuhl *U. G. Matherly, Jr. R. P. Moultrie T. J. Persia P. J. Rodgers J. T.Simpson,Jr. D. L. Walker DELTA GAMMANEBRASKA-OMAHA *D. C. Dvorak DELTA DELTAN.E. MISSOURI STATE *C. J. Barnard R. H. Butz D. L. McVay *W. J. Picone W. R. Rodman

DELTA EPSILONJACKSONVILLE STATE *P. L. Barney, II H. D. Buttram, Jr. J. M. Ifirksey D. L. Miller F. P. Moersch *M. P. Wamaley *R. D. Westbrook DELTA ZETA-APPALACHIAN *C. A. Beddingfield, III *W. H. Henson H. Hodges *V. A. Horne *A. E.Stanfield

DELTA ETA-MOREHEAD STATE J. R. Brown *B.P. Davis R. Griffith, Jr. S. G. Jenkins GAMMA OMICRON- R. M. Wells D. B. Wilson BETHEL J. J. Brocavich DELTA THETAR. J. Gula MARS HILL M. M. McGrady *B. T. Cochran K. A. Gray GAMMA PIN.W. STATE (OK.) DELTA IOTAG. I. Foster MIDDLE TENN.STATE *J. D. Kobylarz R. E. Knabe *D. D. Koehn *D. E. Moser *H. D. Kweller M. L. Potts *G. D. Neagle W. M. Taylor DELTA KAPPA PEMBROKE L. Belikoff GAMMA RHOC. J. Bennett,Jr. LANDER 0. L. Canaday *D. Ayers M. R. Ford D. W. Bowling, Jr. *J. J. McMillan R. E. Butler, Jr. M. S. Gulledge DELTA LAMBDAJ. H. Lingle UNC-C W. D. McManus C. R. Starling, Jr. H. P. Penn L. W. Thompson, Jr. DELTA MUJ. J. Valter, Jr. METHODIST It. T. Yoder, Jr. W. J. Croom N. W. Fowler C. M. House, Jr. GAMMA SIGMAW. H. mows ARMSTRONG STATE B. F. Rizzato *J. R. King DELTA NU GAMMA TAUWESTERN KENTUCKY N. TEXAS STATE *L. L. Davis M. A. Gower W. L Walker *J. A. Janes *D. W. Leclalre DELTA XI*T. W. Russell NORTH ALABAMA B.0. Turner J. W. Yeats!' Whitecotton U. L. *R. M. Williams

GAMMA UPSILONOKLAHOMA STATE *D. C. Blanton H. D. Codding J. D. Danvers *T. E. Doane *J. W. Johnston G. W. Keeton *J. L. Kruska *P. M. Maltby K. E. Oshel A. L. Peterson G. 0. Sanders GAMMA PHISOUTH ALABAMA S. R. Farrell *L. H. Green R. D. Hartwell


Zerret rite Ecaten Editor of The Star and Lamp Charlotte, North Carolina took the occasion of the 35th Supreme Chapter in San Francisco to visit with three "old time" members of Pi Kappa Phi. I thought perhaps some readers might be interested. Brother Roy Heffner, National President at the time of the last San Francisco convention in 1920, still lives at 1091 Brown Avenue, Lafayette, California. He is retired. He is 85 years of age and is just as chipper as he can be. He is interested in all things concerning Pi Kappa Phi. Mrs. Heffner is just as charming as ever. Brother Lawton Ellis is still at Sigma Chi Circle in Albuquerque, New Mexico where he is retired. He is 81. Mrs. Ellis still has that warm voice and one gets a real good feeling when talking with the Ellises. Brother Ellis retired from the faculty at the University of New Mexico several years ago. He still keeps up with things around the country real well. Brother George Grant, past National Secretary and a man of long term interest in Pi Kappa Phi, was at the convention and he was still full of wit and humor. He and his wife are the most delightful dinner companions. Fraternally yours, W. Bernard Jones, Jr. Past National President ALUMNI NAME PI KAPPA PHI SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION BENEFICIARY The administrators of the Pi Kappa Phi life insurance program have given the Foundation trustees encouraging news. A number of alumni have taken advantage of the program made available through Sentry Life Insurance Company. Thirteen of them have named the Foundation as part beneficiary of their insurance proceeds. Trustees of the Foundation, through its chairman, Richard Anderson, wishes to acknowledge the alumni who have taken this significant step. They are: Larry Anderson, Stetson; Richard Geno, Berkeley; R. Jeffery McGhee,Montevallo; Charles LaPradd, Florida; Clarence Sewell, UNC-W; Russell Anderson, Georgia Tech; Robert Finck, Florida; George Duren, Florida Southern and Jon Hall, Purdue.

JERSEY This is a game jersey of 100% cotton, white, with sewn Greek letters Pi Kappa Phi on front and matching sleeve cuffs. ($7.95) The sewn on letters can either be navy blue or gold. For additional lettering of name on the back, the cost is $.20 each for 2 inch letters and $.35 each for 6 inch numbers. Twelve colors are available, however, other than white, add $.50 to cost of jersey.

CAPS/VISORS available is the white or item new A golf cap, with matching cotton blue embroidered Pi Kappa Phi. These are excellent for identification and during sporting events.($3.45)

RING A new recognition ring is now available for members of Pi Kappa Phi. It uses the Star & Lamp logo, and is a symbolic evidence of your membership in Pi Kappa Phi. It is available in both gold and silver. Your ring size must be included with your order. (Gold $43.50 -Silver $23.50)

T -SHIRTS This is a medium weight cotton T-shirt, full cut, and is available in gold with blue letters, or blue with white letters. Sleeve trim same color as letters. The Greek letters are imprinted, as are the numbers. ($3.50)

JACKET This windbreaker is of 100% nylon, lined, with collar and snap button front. Available in navy blue with white sewn letters.($12.50)

OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST Replacement membership shingle — $2.25 PI KAPPA PHI SINGS — long playing album consisting of a collection of many Pi Kappa Phi songs—$5.00. NEEDLEPOINT What every future Roosevelt Greer needs is a three-color needlepoint rendition of the Pi Kappa Phi coat-of-arms. It's uses are too lengthy to list. ($25.00)

MEMBERSHIP PIN A necessity for all members is the plain standard-size membership pin of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. This is a gold filled piece of excellent jewelry. ($11.50)

"In the Beginning" — Founders L. Harry Mixon and Simon Fogarty, Jr. are recorded as they tell how Pi Kappa Phi was started and discuss interesting events over the years — $5.00.

Letters 2 inch





, 0Blue

Jersey ($7.95)



0Blue & Gold T--Shirts ($3.50)

Contest Announced

Mesh Jersey ($8.45)

The chairman of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation has announced a new contest with a cash award. The idea is to create a slogan--or a logo—or both—that desscribes the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation. The purpose of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation is to assist needy deserving students complete their education through scholarships and loans. It also organizes and administers a number of separate chapter scholarship funds. Relying on alumni contributions and bequests, the Foundation has assisted hundreds of Pi Kapps who would otherwise not have been able to complete school.


Send your entries to: Foundation Contest, PO Box 15295,Charlotte, NC 28210.

MESH JERSEY This is a game jersey of 100% nylon, with quarter sleeves. It is available in gold, navy or white with contrasting sewn Greek letters on front. ($8.45) For sewn letters on back, the additional cost is $.25 each for 2 inch sewn letters and $.55 each for 6 inch sewn numbers.


Numerals 6 inch ($.35) N/A

OBlue & White 0Gold ONavy 0White -


0Blue & White


0 Gold $43.50 0 Silver $23.50


ADDITIONAL ITEMS Membership Pin ($11.50) 0Caps/Visors ($3.45)

0Pi Kappa Phi Sings (L.P. $5.00)

0Replacement Membership Shingle ($2.25)

0"In the Beginning"($5.00)

Enclose check or money order for total amount payable to: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, P.O. Box 4608, Charlotte, NC 28204 Name Chapter Street Address (Include exact letters and numerals desired for each jersey)

($.55) N/A



Shopping Basket For New Administrative Office


Many alumni have given money for the construction of the new Administrative Office of Pi Kappa Phi. Others may want to give, but not cash. This list is prepared for those who might find that due to their

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE With the relocation of the Administritive Office of Pi Kappa Phi, all members should be aware of the new location address and mailing address. The location is officially 7111 Nations Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC.

SHOPPING BASKET FOR NEW ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Picnic table and either benches or chairs Patio Furniture Commercial vacuum cleaner Miscellaneous furniture for lounge and reception area Grandfather clock—or similar—for foyer Paintings for walls (type to be selected in conjunction with decorator) Oriental rugs, or similar,for rooms having wooden flooring Two electric staplers (commercial) Paper collator Envelope stuffer Office magazine rack (2 needed) Portable chalk board, with or without attached easel or legs Desk calculators (4 needed) Cassette duplicator Wooden screens to be used as temporary room dividers (4 needed) Umbrella stand Desk chair pads to protect carpet and floors (8 needed) Commercial coffee pot China and silver for serving use at Administrative Office Conference table to seat 12 for conference room Trophy case (2 needed) United States wall maps (4 needed) Interior stereo for work music Decorative lamps for tables (4 needed)


. S011111 lo South

7111 Nations 1 ord Road Kappa rat iv

(;ravel Roil('



business or professional activities, a gift in kind might be more advantageous than cash. These items are needed to complete the furnishings of the new office.

[follow Exit

Yard care equipment (rake, saw,ax, etc., etc.) Locker for clothing storage Commercial carpet and floor cleaner Attractive brass knocker for entrance door Wooden swing for front porch at entrance Desk clock for staff (7 needed) Large plastic trash containers for outside use Metal, on wheels, container for large plastic trash cans Dark room equipment (multiple needs can be ascertained from Executive Director) Paper folder Outdoor light post (electric) Assorted size easels for interior use (6 needed) Flip charts for instructional purposes Plants, both live and artificial, for interior Video unit High speed copier Interior office trash containers Wooden coat rack All-weather exterior carpet or mats for each entrance (4 needed) Bulletin boards (4 needed) Coffee cups Pencil sharpener (2 needed) Folding tables for short-term use (4 needed) In-out files for desks—wood (8 needed) Projection table on wheels for use in conference room Desk radio (8 needed) Intercom system Microwave oven

THANKS TO THESE ALUMNI North to Charloth. •=1

The new mailing address for the Administrative Office is: P.O. Box 15295, Charlotte, N. C. 28210.

The new telephone number for the Administrative Office is 704/523-6000.

Since the last Star and Lamp was published, some direct gifts from the "shopping basket" have been received. The appreciation of Pi Kappa Phi is expressed to: Richard Folger--2 oak rocking chairs Bob O'Neill—furniture for Executive Offices Emmett Dendy—solid poplar

paneling for interior walls Walt Dendy—transportation of paneling to Charlotte Delta Upsilon Fraternity—American Flag Richard Baker—lounge furniture Charles Cummings—interior design Bill Dicks—highway sign

Celebrities are His Business (The following excerpts are taken from "The Atlanta Journal and Constitution" magazine. They are interesting to "Star and Lamp" readers for the subject. Brother Earl Blackw211 is an initiate of our Alpha Phi Chapter at Oglethorpe University.)

Who staged a celebrity-spangled party in Jerusalem for Israel's 25th anniversary? Earl Blackwell, a Catholic from Atlanta. Who pitched the international ball of the century at the Palazzo Rezzonio in Venice? Earl Blackwell. Whom did the Duchess of Windsor dine with the night before she sailed back to France? Earl Blackwell. Who gets phone calls from Garbo? Whom did Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recognize at first sight? Whose presence gives zing to a party? Who knows and is liked by more celebrities than anyone else, anywhere? Earl Blackwell. Famous people are his business and his pleasure. He is president a and co-founder of Celebrity Service, which charts the peregrinations of earthly stars. "It's an information bureau about celebrities, used by newspapers, magazines, television networks, advertising agencies, foreign governments, the FBI and the White House," he said. "There's not an issue of a newspaper or magazine that hasn't used Celebrity Service. Columnists call on us constantly." Today it has offices in New York, Hollywood, London, Paris and Rome. He plans to open a branch in Atlanta early next year. Nothing daunts him. When Golda Meir, then Isreal's prime minister, sought his sorcery in the planning of a party for her country's anniversary, he lured a drove of big names to ancient Jerusalem - and the affair hit the headlines. "I called Jerry Herman,composer of 'Hello, Dolly,' and asked him to write a'Hello, Golda'lyric. I thought it would take a couple of days but he called back with it in a couple of hours. All the celebrities sang it as she walked into the arena at the Tower of David. She was beaming and tears started to run down." At president John F. Kennedy's request, he organized the memorable birthday celebration for Ken-


nedy that packed Madison Square PI KAPPA PHI Garden in 1963. Marilyn Monroe, 711 Nations Ford Road Founded at The College of Charleston, S. C. - December 10, 1904 late as usual but surpassingly beau- FOUNDERS tiful in a curve-fitting white gown, SIMON FOGARTY, JR. ANDREW A. KROEG, JR. L. HARRY MIXSON sang the kiddies' delight, "Happy NATIONAL COUNCIL AREA GOVERNORS Birthday," and turned it into a Area President-Ted Scharfenstein I Steve DePalma, 399 Bertha Road, steaming torch-song. Addison Gilbert Hospital Toms River, N. J. 08753 298 Washington St. He assisted President Lyndon B. II David, Lane, 1632 Westwind Way, Gloucester, Mass. 01930 McLean, Va. 22101 Vice President-Phil Tappy Johnson during the state visit of III Ken Forti, 7820 Mary Cassatt Drive, 8 High Hill Drive Potomac, Md. 20854 King Olaf of Norway, gave a hand Pittsford, NY 14534 IV Ed Craig--4016 Cassina Road, Columbia, S. C. 29205 Treasurer-A. Strickland, J. Ill to Sonja Henie in the launching of V William L. Finney P. O. Box 4555, 2791 Knollview Drive, Decatur, Ga. 30034 University, Al. 35486 her art museum in Norway. VI Walt Brinkman, 5527 Capri Rd. Secretary-Fred Diulus Jacksonville, Fla. 32210 "Celebrity Service now runs it3684 Mt. Diablo Blvd. VII Vacant Lafayette, CA 94549 self with my supervision," he said. Chaplain-Walt Brinkman VIII John Lovell, Krannert Bldg., Purdue Univ., 5527 Capri Road West Lafayette, IN 47906 "Without realizing it fully I have Jacksonville, FL 32210 IX Robert G. Bromley gone into special events all over the 32415 Dolly Madison Ave. Chancellor-Ernest S. Delaney Madison Heights, MI 48071 4033 Beresford Rd., Charlotte, N. C. 28211 world. I'm working on things now X Vacant Past President-Jack Steward, 4375 XI E. Kurt Engelstad, 5548 SW 18th Drive Pearl St., Eugene, Ore. 97405 for Spain and France. I'm giving Portland, OR 97201 XII Rusty Patrick, Cottage #16, 1124 W. help to the restoration of Versailles Carson St., Torrance, CA 90502 XIII Charles Sutton and the flood relief of Venice. I'm State Univ. Station, P. 0. Box 5863 Raleigh, NC 27607 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE a consultant for Bergdorf Goodman XIV John E. Baber, 208 Coralwood Dr. Executive Director-Durward W. Owen Kingsport, Tenn. 37663 on an annual retainer. XV Vacant Assistant Executive Director-Jerry Matthews "I think I'm creative. James Director of Development-Travis Julian XVI Jack Edmonds, 9 Danbury Cir. Administrative Staff-Sonny O'Drobinak, Nederlander, owner of the Uris Amhurst, N. H. 03031 Chuck Beddingfield, Kit Jennings, Tom Carter, XVII Dennis McVay, 1091 Wiskow, Apt. C, David Smith Theater in New York, came to me. St. Louis, MO 63138 XVIII Pat Murphy, 7984-A Harwood Road, He said he had space he wanted to Smithfield, TX 76080 XIX Vacant utilize and I came up with the idea XX Dr. Warren Robb NATIONAL COMMITTEES 1315 Verlea Dr. of the Theater Hall of Fame at the Tempe, Az. 85282 Trust Investment-John Delmler XXI Richard Folger, 89 Berkley Rd. Uris. Drama critics select the people 1149 Green Tree Ln. Avondale Est., Ga. 30002 Narbeth, Pa., 19072 XXII Wayne C. Cofield, Apt. B-2, who are honored." Scholarship-Jeff Clark 8003 Benaroya Ln., S.E. 9-D River Road He hears everything,repeats nothHuntsville, AL 35802 XXIII P. W. "Buff" Buffington, Blanding III, Nutley, NJ 07110 ing that is damaging. The University of Kentucky Ritual and Insignia-Glenn McConnell Lexington, KY 40506 Rt. 1, Box 264 "Part of the reason for my success XXIV Richard Rucker, 1021/2 E. Vine Ravenel, S. C. 29470 Murfreesboro, Tenn. 37130 is people realize they can trust me. Advisory-Mel Metcalfe XXV David N. Mielke, Dept. of Secondary 2832 33rd St. Education, Appalachian State Un., I never reveal a confidence, I never Port Arthur, Tex. 77640 Boone, N. C. 28608 say unkind things about people, INSTITUTION CHAPTER AREA ADDRESS I never repeat gossip. Gossip turns Alabama Omicron XV 312 University Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala. 35407 me off, and people who talk to me Appalachian State Delta Zeta XXV Box 81 Workman Hall, Boone, N. C. 28607 Armstrong state Gamma Sigma XXI 12206 White Bluff Road, Savannah, Ga, 31406 quickly know it. I like to spread Athens Gamma Eta XXII Athens College, P. 0. Box 232, Athens, Ala. 35611 Auburn Alpha Iota XV 255 S. College St., Auburn, Ala. 36830 the good news about people." Augusta Gamma Psi V 2256 Central Ave., Augusta, Ga. 30904 Belmont Abbey Gamma Mu XXV Belmont Abbey, Belmont, N. C. 28012 "I've always been a positive Bethel Gamma Omicron XXIV Bethel College, McKenzie, Tenn. 38201 California-Berkeley Gamma XII 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, Calif. 94704 thinker. I started that as a young Charleston Alpha IV 27 George St., Charleston, S. C. 29401 Cornell Psi boy and I still think that way. I 722 University Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. 14851 Drake Beta Delta X 1236 34th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50311 Drexel Alpha Upsilon meet everybody expecting to like 3405 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 East Carolina Beta Phi XIII 803 Hooker Rd., Greenville, N. C. 27834 East Tennessee them, and practically everybody I Beta Omega XIV 519 W. Pine, Johnson City, Tenn. 37601 East Texas Beta Chi XVIII East Commerce Sta., Box W, Commerce Tex. 75428 meet I like." Alpha Epsilon Florida VI 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, Fla. 32601

Gloria Vanderbilt and Earl Blackwell at a costume party at The Plaza,

Florida Southern Florida State Georgia Georgia Southern Georgia southwestern Georgia State Georgia Tech Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Iowa State Jacksonville State Jacksonville La Grange Lander Livingston Mars Hill McNeese Memphis State Mercer Methodist Michigan State Middle Tennessee State Missourl-Columbia Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Morehead Nebraska-Omaha N.J. Inst. Tech. Nicholls State N. Alabama North Carolina North Carolina-C North Carolina-W North Carolina State N.E. Missouri North Georgia North Texas State N.W. State-La. Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Pembroke Penn State Polytech. Inst. of N.Y. Presbyterian Purdue Rensselaer Roanoke Samford Stetson South Alabama South Carolina Tampa Tennessee Tennessee Wesleyan Toledo Troy State Valdosta State Virginia VPI Washington Washingten $ Lee Western Carolina Western Kentucky West Virginia Tech Wofford

Beta Beta Beta Eta Lambda Gamma Kappa Gamma XI Beta Kappa Iota Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Alpha Omicron Delta Epsilon Gamma Chi Gamma Nu Gamma Rho Gamma Alpha Delta Theta Beta Mu Gamma Delta Alpha Alpha Delta Mu Alpha Theta Delta Iota Beta Epsilon Gamma Lambda Gamma Omega Delta Eta Delta Gamma Beta Alpha Delta Omicron Delta Xi Kappa Delta Lambda Gamma Theta Tau Delta Delta Delta Beta Gamma Tau Beta Omicron Alpha Gamma Gamma Upsilon Gamma Beta Alpha Zeta Delta Kappa Alpha Mu Alpha Xi Beta Omega Alpha Tau Xi Alpha Eta Chi Gamma Phi Sigma Beta Lambda Alpha Sigma Beta Psi Beta Iota Gamma Gamma Beta Tau Beta Upsilon Delta Alpha Alpha Delta Rho Gamma Epsilon Delta Nu Gamma Zeta









Box 735, Fla. So. College, Lakeland, Fla. 33802 423 W. College Avenue, Tallahassee, Fla. 32303 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, Ga. 30601 Lamdrum Center, Box 8061, Statesboro, Ga. 30548 P. 0. Box 1538, Americus, Ga., 31709 P.O. Box 467, Ga. State Univ., Univ. Plaza, Atlanta, Ga. 30303 Georgia Tech, Box 32715, Atlanta, Ga. 30332 306 E. Gregory, Champaign, Ill. 61820 3333 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60616 408 North Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. 47403 407 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa 50010 P. 0. Box 602, Jacksonville, Ala. 36265 Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Fla. 32211 LaGrange College, LaGrange, Ga. 30240 P. 0. Box 270-Lander College, Greenwood, S. C. 29646 Box M, Livingston, Ala. 35470 Campus Box 1,414-C, Mars Hill, N. C. 28754 McNeese Univ., Box 708, Lake Charles, La. 70601 3841 Spottswood Ave., Memphis, Tenn. 38111 Box 112, Mercer Univ., Macon, Ga. 31207 Box 429, Methodist College, Fayetteville, N. C. 28301 121 Whitehills Dr., East Lansing, Mich. 48823 MTSU, Box 571, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 908 Curtis Ave., Columbia, MO 65201 1704 Pine, Rolla, Mo. 65401 Drawer K, Univ. of Montevallo, Montevallo, Ala. 35115 Box 1247, Univ. P. 0., Morehead, Ky. 40351 109 North 40th St., Omaha, NE 68131 249 High St., Newark, N. J. 07102 Box 2938, Nicholls State Univ., Thibodaux, LA 70301 Box 1095, Univ. of North Alabama, Florence, Ala. 35630 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514 University Center, UNC-Charlotte, N. C. 28223 120 Yorktown Drive, Wilmington, N. C. 28401 2401 W. Fraternity Ct., Raleigh, N. C. 27607 516 S. Florence, Kirksville, Mo. 63501 Box 5165, N. Ga. College, Dahlonega, Ga. 30533 610 West Oak, Denton, Texas 76203 Box 3684, Natchitoches, La. 71457 1714 Chautauqua, Norman, Okla. 73069 703 University, Stillwater, Okla. 74074 1516 Colonial Ave., Norfolk, Va. 23517 2111 Harrison, Corvallis, Ore. 97330 P. 0. Box 448, Red Springs, N. C. 28377 409 E. Fairmont, State College, Pa. 16801 33 Sidney Pl., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11201 Presbyterian College, Clinton, S. C. 29325 330 N. Grant St., W. Lafayette, Ind. 47906 49 2nd St., Troy, N. Y. 12180 219 Market St., Salem, Va. 24153 Box 2474, Samford Univ., Birmingham, Ala. 35209 1241 Stetson, DeLand, Fla. 32720 P. 0. Box U-1238, University of Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688 USC, Box 85111, Columbia, S. C. 29204 304 Plant Ave., Tampa, Fla. 33606 1828 Fraternity Park, Knoxville, Tenn. 37916 145 S. Jackson St., Athens, Tenn. 37303 1702 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, Ohio 43606 712 N. Three Notch St., Troy, Ala. 36081 Box 89, Valdosta State College, Valdosta, Ga. 31601 510 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, Va. 22903 1101 Redbud Rd., N. W., Blacksburg, Va. 24060 4520 21st, N. E., Seattle, Wash. 98105 Lock Drawer 903, Lexington, Va. 24450 P. 0. Box 1173, Cullowhee, N. C. 28723 Box 30, Western Kentucky Univ., Bowling Green, Ky. 42101 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, W. Va. 25136 Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. 29301

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Campbell College Kentucky Ohio State Jan Jose State Wright State Southern California Tennessee Tech

Earl Blackwell and Elizabeth Taylor at a costume ball he organized in Venice.

PI Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation Richard G. Anderson, Chairman 121 Charles St. Annapolis, MD 21401


c/o William Holland, Archon, Box 1388, Buies Creek, NC 27506 150 Kentucky Ave., Lexington, Ky. 40502 c/o Jim Wilkins, 146 Tarryton Cl. East, Columbus, OH 43228 c/o Steven Moritz, 1485 Ferguson Way, San Jose, CA 95129 c/o Richard Prewitt, 176 Lynn Haven Dr., Dayton, OH 45431 668 West 28th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90007 Box 5207, Tenn, Tech. Univ., Cookeville, TN 38501

Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. Kelly Bergstron, President Suite 3804, 875 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60611

Shaker is a Religion A Pi Kappa Phi from Alpha Tau Chapter at Rensselaer,Brother Robert Meader, has an educational background but a most unusual present occupation. He is preserving the physical remains of a dead religious faith—one founded in the United States and which died in the United States. Its uniqueness stems from it being built in suicidal nature, there being only converts with no propagation of children. The descriptive term "Shakers" is used to identify this Christian denomination, but its true name was "Believers in Christ; Second Appearing." During the 1800's these people formed self-sufficient communes, primarily of an agrarian nature. They were not dependent upon the

outside world, even preparing their own medical supplies. These industrious people were also inventors, having developed such useful items as the circular saw, flat broom and washing machine. Today many are seeking ways to return to the more self-sufficient simple life of the past. Brother Meader is the Director of the Shaker Museum in Old Chatham, N.Y. One interested for personal use or just to be informed should visit this unique settlement. There he will find the finest example of a selfsufficient life available in the United States. This museum is a dedicated effort on the part of Brother Meader to retain that which is but in our past history.

K Shakers depicted in one of their religious dances.

Brother Meaders is the director of this Shaker Museum.

Master of Business Administration: A Degree Program Conducted by The College of Business Administration Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida The Pi Kappa Phi Master of Business Administration Degree Program co-sponsored with Florida Atlantic University offers the opportunity to earn an MBA Degree without being tied to a conventional college schedule. This concentrated program consists of three week on-campus sessions each summer and two weeks each winter for three years. Each fall and spring between on-campus sessions, the University faculty will coordinate independent studies. This unique Degree Program, while changing the usual format, still observes the academic standards of the more conventional programs.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS —A Baccalaureate degree demonstrative of competent undergraduate college work. Generally a 3.0 GPA for the last half of undergraduate work.


FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY FAU is one of nine authorized state universities in Florida and is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The University is located in Boca Raton, about 45 miles from Miami, 25 miles from Fort Lauderdale and 25 miles from Palm Beach.

—A minimum score of 450 on the Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business (ATGSB).

To obtain a brochure of complete details, please contact:


Durward W. Owen Executive Director Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity P. 0. Box 15295 Charlotte, N.C. 28210 (704) 523-6000 For application information contact:

SCHEDULE Each new class group will start in summer (JuneJuly) and will be eligible for graduation at the end of three consecutive summers and winters. Thus, the class that starts in summer, 1976, will be eligible for graduation in winter, 1978.

For information on wills and bequests to the purpose of scholarships for students, contact: Richard Anderson, Chairman, Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation, 121 Charles Street, Annapolis, MD 21401.

The program is approved for Veterans' Benefits under the G.I. Bill for those in the Armed Forces after May 31, 1955, allowing many executives an opportunity to finance the entire program. For those who are not eligible for Veterans' Benefits, the University provides an installment plan to suit the individual's needs.


The completion of ten courses and a thesis are required for a qualified MBA Degree Program. This represents a total of 60 credits. Approximately 10 classroom contact hours are required per credit.

Deputy Assistant Secretary U.S. Navy

Dr. Darab B. Unwalla Director, Executive MBA Programs College of Business and Public Administration Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida 33432 (305) 395-5100 (Extension 2908)

J. Palmer Gaillard, Alpha,Charleston, mayor of Charleston, South Carolina since 1959, has resigned his office to take the position of deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Navy for reserve affairs. The announcement came through the office of U. S. Sen. Strom Thurmond, R—S.C., who recommended Gaillard for the Presidential nomination. Alpha alumnus and Charleston's four-term mayor said, "I am highly honored to be selected. I am delighted to be able to continue to serve in public affairs and the nation." The post to which Gaillard has been named will give the mayor direct responsibility for the Navy's personnel program nationwise.

Hire a veteran! Especially Pi Kappa Phi veterans -- but by all means, hire a veteran. They are a forgotten minority.

PI KAPPA PHI 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC. 28210 Founded at The College of Charleston, S.C. December 10,1904 An Educational Publication The Star and Lamp 1975, VOL. LX1 NO. 4 Editor4n-Chief Durward Owen Managing Editor Bennett Smith Changes in address should be reported promptly to Administrative Office, P.O. Box 15295, Charlotte, N.C. 28210. The Star and Lump is published 4 times a year by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7111 Nations Ford ltd., Charlotte, NC. in the months of February, May, August and November. The life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7111 Nations Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC. Second Class postage paid at Charlotte, NC.


PI KAPPA PHI P.O. Box 15295 Charlotte, N.C. 28210

Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N. C.

Do your part... Recommend a Rushee MAIL TO: Pi Kappa Phi, P.O. Box 15295 Charlotte, N.C. 28210 I recommend the following for Pi Kapp Rush: Name: Home Address: College he will attend: Comment:


Submitted by: Address



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