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ThE star and Lam



Summer 1976

An Educational Publication

PI KAPPA PHI National Rose Queen

September, 1976 through August, 1977 MISS MARY KATHRYN FLEMING

Story and photos on page 6.

ThE star and Lamp An Educational Publication

RUSH,RUSH,RUSH! Want to start a lively debate wherever fraternity men gather? Ask'em what's the best size for a chapter. Can 10 men enjoy a fine fraternal opportunity? There's a lot to be said for 25, but many swear by 50. There are plenty of highly successful chapters with 70 or 80. Is 100 men an impossible figure to work with? Back in the Fabulous Fifties some big-campus fraternities carried 125, even 150 men on their rolls. Without coming to blows, I think we can all agree that a good fraternal experience is possible for groups of any size. However, by observing this exalted theory in practice, I can add that what is possible is not necessarily the same as what is likely. SUCKING AIR In the real world a chapter's success depends not only on the glowing warmth of its brotherhood but also on its organizational and financial strength compared to competing fraternities on its campus. If all the fraternities on your campus have 15 to 20 members, then your 18 may do very well. But if several houses are in the 80-man class, your 35 are probably sucking air. To a freshman rushee, one secret grip is as good as another, and those 80-man houses have got the manpower and the money to offer a lot more.

In the fraternity world, membership is muscle — and right now we have plenty of chapters that could build their memberships by 50 or even 100 per cent before they could kick sand in anyone's face. When it comes to rush, the lions eat first and the pussycats get what's left. It's easy for the strong to grow stronger, easier for the weak to perish. Today, fraternities are growing. If your chapter isn't, it is not because potential members aren't out there. But if you want to become a lion, you have to start roaring like one. BONES AND MUSCLE First, you've got to stop using the quality of brotherhood as an excuse. Brotherhood is the bones and membership is the muscle, and while brotherhood gives your chapter a spine, without muscle it's a skeleton that's going nowhere. If your chapter is weak, your problem isn't apathy, or a lousy social program, or lack of money, or poor housing, or cliques, or officers who don't know which end to sit on. Your problem is membership. Second, you've got to shake off the easy acceptance of small achievements. Too many chapters, faced with the tough test of survival Cont. page 3.

OPTIMISM ON TODAY'S JOB MARKET. As the employment market takes a long awaited climb for the better, it might well be appropriate to discuss basic job search factors we know to be important. A thorough and successful job search should consist of two distinct phases CAREER PLANNING and PLACEMENT. CAREER PLANNING: the most neglected phase of a job search happens to be the most important. CAREER PLANNING deals with two essential questions: what skills and talents do I have to market and in what work, people,and geographic environments do I want to apply those skills? In other words, what do I really want to do and where do I want to do it? The most recurring complaint we hear from company interviewers is that the majority of the people they talk to have no career direction. Total lack of direction is guaranteed to turn company representatives off. If you are not fortunate enough to know exactly where you are going, you must take some steps to find out. We recommend that you go out and buy one of the best books ever written on the subject

entitled "What Color Is Your Parachute?" Know what you want to do, and why. It is not good enough to say you want "management". Your skills have to be applied to some. functional area of responsibility,i.e., production, sales, finance, quality control, etc. To learn what is involved in these functional areas, go out on your own and ask people who perform them on a daily basis. The information won't come to you on an unsolicited silver platter. Prior to most Lendman Associates Career Conferences, an informative job search seminar is conducted. Like all Lendman activities, this program is offered at no cost to those candidates who qualify to attend Career Conferences. Pre-conference seminars cover important CAREER PLANNING concepts, along with interviewing skills as well. The job search seminar has received national acclaim and will increase your probability of success in the job market. It is yet another help in clarifying your ultimate career objective. To learn of the availability of these Cont. page 5.



Summer 1976


To be the best chapter requires an exceptional effort. Therefore, the National Council has established an exceptional award — THE FOUNDERS AWARD. This is assuming that the best will make itself known! The fraternity will recognize such excellence as would be represented by the best chapter in all of Pi Kappa Phi. The FOUNDERS AWARD has been designated as a means of such recognition. It is a most difficult award to achieve. It will not be granted each year for it is not an automatic award and, more particularly, few chapters will strive so significantly to excel!. Recognition will be significant. A full page of the STAR AND LAMP will be devoted to this exceptional chapter.The chapter will receive a trophy of immense proportion. Each student member of the chapter will receive a nylon jacket with a special embroidered award emblem. The school library of the winning chapter will receive a special selection of books, each of which will designate the chapter as the donor. CRITERIA FOR FOUNDERS AWARD Must meet all Minimum Chapter Standards. Must be a Champion Master Chapter. The chapter must be in the upper 20 per cent in membership of fraternities on its campus. (Example: On a campus with forty (40) fraternities, the chapter would have to be one of the top eight. On a campus with six (6) fraternities, our Founders' chapter must be number one or two.) The chapter must initiate 90 per cent of those affiliated, plus one alumnus initiate in the year under consideration. The chapter must submit a yearly budget at the beginning of the fiscal year (due October 10) and an actual versus budgeted operating statement at the close of the school year (due July 10) to the Administrative Office. The chapter must be current and consistent with house payments to the local housing corporation, university or landlord. There will be zero accounts receivable for student members and zero accounts payable to the Administrative Office. The chapter must rank in the upper 20 per cent of fraternities on campus. A tutorial educational system must be kept in operation to be evaluated by a staff member or an area governor during visitations. The chapter must also submit an outline of its scholarship program to the Administrative Office (due October 10). The chapter must have one major service project involving the total membership during the school year. A report of this project, along with news articles and other forms of publicity, must be submitted to the Administrative Office (due April 10). A copy of the following written programs must be on file at the Administrative Office (due December 1): Recruitment, Public Relations, Chapter Goals, Member Education, Constitution and By-Laws.

Fifty per cent of the student membership must be involved in activities outside the chapter. (Example: S.G.A., athletics, societies, honoraries, newspaper, etc.)

The chapter must have representation at scheduled Supreme Chapter, Pi Kapp College, Area Conclave, and any regional seminar. All communication with the Administrative Office must be current. This includes Green Reports, questionnaires, summer questionnaire. Election of Officers, Rose Queen nominations, pre-initiation and initiation forms and fees, and Star and Lamp letter. An updated, orderly filing system must be present at the chapter, and will be evaluated by a staff member or an Area Governor during visitation. The chapter must participate in 75 per cent of all intramural events if intramurals are a part of Greek activities. The chapter should participate in each intramural event offered on campus. The chapter must have a complete communication and support program with alumni. This means the chapter must have the following: Two alumni publications a year, eighty per cent alumni news publication, positive involvement of chapter with Chapter Advisor, local alumni and housing corporation, when applicable, Planning and execution of annual alumni event done in conjunction with and through an alumni organization. Recommendations must be received by the Administrative Office for the Founders Award from the following: Area Governor, Dean of Students / Fraternities (person in charge of Greek life), Chapter Advisor, Housing Corporation or Alumni Association President, where applicable, one alumnus other than above.

Page 2 PI KAPPA PHI 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C. Founded at The College of Charleston, S.C. December 10, 1904


The City University of New York was able to reopen after shutting down for two weeks when it ran out of money. Its governing board agreed to impose tuition in return for help from the state. Church-related colleges may be given state funds for their operating expenses, the Supreme Court said in a historic ruling. Gifts for the new office are still coming in. Our thanks to Ron Krebs for a donation that enabled us to purchase needed machinery for chapter manual production and draperies for the Seminar Room. Additional gifts have enabled us to reduce the mortgage thus saving much in the long run. We are open for further gifts. For specific details contact the Executive Director at the Administrative Office. The First Amendment could be used by universities to defend themselves against unwanted intrusion by the federal government, the president of Brigham Young University told more than 300 college lawyers. The chapter house at North Texas, owned by Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., has been sold. The chapter was unable to make payment to Properties of the agreed upon rent thus precipitating the sale. Teachers may be fired for striking illegally, the Supreme Court has ruled in a case that could have major implications for college faculty unions.

Pi Kappa Phi Chapter Advisor / Area Governor Seminars are planned for this fall. These one day seminars to be held in Charlotte at the new Administrative Office will be on the Saturday of September 25, October 23, and November 13. Jobs for college graduates were not as plentiful as last year, according to a new survey by the College Placement Council. However, thanks to increased hiring by private businesses, the job market was better than experts predicted last fall. Plus Five membership goals this year were accomplished by only five chapters. The second year of the program was, without question, the most difficult to accomplish. Our congratulations to the chapters that made it — Georgia Tech, Alabama, I I T, Drake and Missouri. Is $33,000 too much to spend to find a college president or chancellor? The University of Colorado regents said it was and imposed a limit of $3,500. Rochester, New York is the location for a double expansion effort. Pi Kappa Phi will attempt to establish associate chapters at the University of Rochester and Rochester Tech through a summer organizational plan. Both locations are due to the contacts of Phil Tappy, National Vice President, recently relocated in Rochester.

Cheating and the toleration of cheating may be more widespread at the U.S. Military Academy than has been indicated in the current scandal over cadets who collaborated on a take-home examination, witnesses have told a Senate panel investigating the operation of honor codes at the country's service academies. Housing Corporation Manual is available from the Administrative Office. This basic manual covers organization, incorporation, policy, meetings, etc. Though showing how to organize, it has additional sections on operation that can be of value to both new and established housing corporations. AS WE CELEBRATE THE 200TH YEAR OF THE UNITE STATES — YOUR ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REMIND YOU THAT YOUR DISTINCTIVE AMERICAN INSTITU" TION, THE COLLEGE GREEK LETTER FRATERNITY, I ALSO OBSERVING ITS BICENTENNIAL ON DECEMBER 5, 1976, ORIGINATING ON THAT DATE BY THE FOUNDING OF PHI BETA KAPPA AT THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY IN 1776. Athens College chapter was suspended by action of the National Council due to declining membership of the chapter and the school. The Council is reviewing the situation and will finalize the action to take by fall.

A SAFE INVESTMENT WITH A GOOD DIVIDEND Have you ever invested in a young man's college education? It is an investment in which you can take pride. Here is your opportunity. The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation is dedicated to providing financial assistance and encouragement to young men who desire an education but are without sufficient funds. The Foundation is a tax exempt organization operated by a volunteer Board of Trustees who are members of your fraternity. The young men who will be leaders in our nation in the future are on the campuses of our colleges right now;some of them need our assistance and support. An investment in a young man's college education will help to prepare him better, both for good citizenship and for tomorrow's responsibilities. The inclusion of the following clause in your will (or your designation of The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation in your life insurance policy as a beneficiary) will insure that you will be a part of some young man's future: "I give, devise, and bequeath to the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Dollars." (or otherwise Foundation the sum of describe the gift if it consists of real estate, securities, or personal property).

For additional information regarding the Foundation, write The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation, P. 0. Box 15295, Charlotte, NC 28210.

—FOUNDERS— Simon Fogarty, Jr. Andrew A. Kroeg, Jr. L. Harry Mixson NATIONAL COUNCIL President—Ted Scharfenstein Vice President—Phil Tappy Treasurer—A. J. Strickland, Ill Secretary—Fred Diulus Chaplain—Walt Brinkman Chancellor—Ernest S. DeLaney Past President—Jack Steward NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Executive Director—Durward W. Owen Director of Development—Jerry Matthews Field Secretaries—David Smith, Mark Ashley Clyde Yelverton, and Henry Groves The Star and Lamp An Educational Publication 1976. VOL. LXII NO. 1 Durward Owen Bennett Smith

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor

Changes in address should be reported promptly to Administrative Office, P.O. Box 15295, Charlotte, N.C. 28210. THE STAR AND LAMP is published 4 times a year by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C. in the months of February, May, August and November. The life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7111 Nations Ford Rd., Charlotte, N.C. Second Class postage paid at Charlotte, N.C.

The year 1976 i the bicentennial not only of our country but of the American Fraternity, and this fact will be celebrated by men and women of both general and profes-

sional fraternities December 1 and 2 at Williamsburg, Virginia. Members of all other college Greek Letter societies also are being invited to participate. Fraternity leaders and members from across the nation will gather for meetings of individual Conferences and Associations on Wednesday, December 1, and for a joint "Interfraternity Day" on Thursday at the Williamsburg Lodge. This colonial town was chosen for the observance because Phi Beta Kappa, the forerunner of all college Greek Letter groups in America, was founded there December 5, 1776, just scant months after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Today the college fraternity world has an estimated five million living members with fraternity and sorority chapters numbering approximately 9500. Their influence in the college communities where they are located across the nation is well recognized as they teach leadership and development of the total individual, emphasize scholastic achievement, encourage social awareness, participate in service projects, and promote the democratic process as their members work together toward common goals and ideals. This Commission of 90 outstanding fraternity, collegiate and university administrative leaders has commissioned the writing of three definitive papers concerning the fraternity movement and higher education in connection with the 200th anniversary observance.

cont.from pagel

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during the past few years, have forgotten how great they once were. With no other experience to draw on, today's member of a weak or average chapter feels only a vague discontent with a program limited to an endless and increasingly boring series of exchanges, keggers, and intramural games. When was the last time your chapter threw a big formal with a lavishly decorated hotel ballroom, eight-piece band, and champaign fountain? It was the last time you had 60 paying members, that's when. WILLIAMS'LAWS Williams' First Law of Fraternity Dynamics says: "The smaller the chapter, the more problems it lia.s and the harder they are to solve." Believe me, big chapters can have problems. But big chapters usually have one problem at a time, and they have the resources to solve them. Thus, Williams' Second Law states: "If your chapter has ten problems, you can solve eight of them by doubling your membership. The other two will graduate." FEAR OF THE RUSHEE So the name of the game is rush. With membership turning over every three or four years, it's easy to forget how to rush — chapters have a fragile group memory. New chapters have never learned how to rush.

ment, if you let him out of your sight after he makes a commitment, you are going to meet him the next day wearing another fraternity's pledge pin. So what else should you do? I'll tell you: get greedy. This isn't difficult to understand if your chapter is really hurting for members. But most chapters are managing to get by. You've got 30 men in your 32-man capacity house. Five are seniors, so you pledge nine new men and sit back,satisfied. Unfortunately, three of the nine don't complete pledgeship, two of your sophomores transfer to other schools, one junior gets married, one flunks out, and two of your new initiates don't return next September. So you pledged more men than you "needed" but you're down from 30 men to 25.

In my experience, the real problem of weak chapters today is fear of the rushee. Weak chapters are approaching the rushee as if the chapters were afraid of being rejected. Could the rushee possibly find time to come over to the house? Would the rushee please consider just possibly pledging someday? Goodness, we don't want a commitment this minute! Take your time, look at all the houses, this is an important decision and you have to make the right choice. You're a great guy and whatever you decide will be fine with us! Phooey. If you want rushees who praise your fairness and pledge another house, use this approach. I remember the semester on my own campus when two out of every three rushees going through formal rush put down us as their second choice. The next semester we stopped being so soft-headed, and the semester after that we doubled our membership.

MAGICAL QUALITY Are you tired of this rat race? Want to know what your problem is? Your problem is that your house holds 32 men (or 50, or 75)and this number has assumed a magical quality. "Magical quality" is one way to describe a curse. You've become so hypnotized by this number that every time your chapter reaches it, your rush effort falls over dead. If your freshmen live in dorms, a 32-man house should support a minimum membership of 50, and 60 or 70 would be better. The freshmen are in the dorms and the

EXTRACT A COMMITMENT A rushee pledges the fraternity that extracts a commitment from him. You will be every rushee's second choice until you have the courage to face him with a yes or no decision. Once a rushee has been over to the house three times he is not going to learn much more until he is an actual member. It's time to sit him down, tell him that you want him, and close the deal. If you let him leave without making a com mit-

seniors can move into apartments, which they want to do anyway, and suddenly the house is full and it is a privilege to live there rather than an obligation. And you are rolling in money. HUNDRED-DOLLAR BILLS You're worried about the quality of brotherhood in ,a chaper that's twice as big as the house "needs"? You should have such a terrible problem. Members are like hundreddollar bills — having a lot of them can create new problems, but somehow you manage to live with them. Besides, your concern is groundless. I've stuck my nose into chapters ranging from 15 to over 100 men, and I haven't detected any difference in the quality of brotherhood caused solely by numbers. Everyone believes that his own experience reveals a law of nature. I did too. A chapter with more than 50 men (or 30, or 100)? Ha! No better than a dorm. Well, I've traveled around since then, and I can tell you, I was full of baloney and so are you if you think the same. So let's forget our theories and excuses. Let's stop being afraid of rushees, and let's get greedy. And then let's have that big formal. It will be crowded, so let's meet by the champaign fountain. Cheers. (From the Acacia Journal, David Williams editor)


PI KAPPA PHI ITEMS AVAILABLE OF INTEREST Replacement membership shingle — $2.25 PI KAPPA PHI SINGS — long playing album consisting of a collection of many Pi Kappa Phi songs—$5.00.

"In the Beginning" — Founders L. Harry Mixon and Simon Fogarty, Jr. are recorded as they tell how Pi Kappa Phi was started and discuss interesting events over the years — JACKET This windbreaker is of 100% nylon, lined, with collar and snap button front. Available in navy blue with white sewn letters.($12.50)

Dr. George Borders, Chi, is new Chief Administrative Officer of Stetson University in DeLand Florida.



This is a game jersey of 100% nylon, with quarter sleeves. It is available in gold, navy or white with contrasting sewn Greek letters on front. ($8.45) For sewn letters on back, the additional cost is $.25 each for 2 inch sewn letters and $.55 each for 6 inch sewn numbers.

A new recognition ring is now available for members of Pi Kappa Phi. It uses the Star & Lamp logo, and is a symbolic evidence of your membership in l'i Kappa Phi. It is available in both gold and silver. Your ring size must be included with your order. (Gold $43.50 --Silver $23.50)



Jersey ($7.95)



0Blue & Gold0Gold

Letters 2 inch . ) ($20

0Blue I


-Shirts ($3.50)

Mesh Jersey (58.45) I


CAPS/VISORS A new item available is the white or blue cotton golf cap, with matching embroidered Pi Kappa Phi. These are excellent for identification and during sporting events.($3.50)

Numerals 6 inch ($.35) N/A

OBlue X- White Eglold ONavy I:White

($.25) N/A

Jacket ($12.501

0Blue S.: White


ID Gold $43.50 0 Silver $23.50 ADDITIONAL ITEMS

0Membership Pin ($12.50)

Oc:Ins visors ($3.50)

O IS Kappa Phi Sings (L.P. $5.00)

0Replacement Membership Shingle ($2.25)

0"In the Beginning"($5.00)

Enclose check or money order for total amount payable to: l'i Kappa Phi Fraternity, P.O. BOX 15295• CHARLOTTE N.C.. 28210 Name Chapter Street Address (Include exact letters and numerals desired for each jersey)

($55) .

Dr. George R. Borders, Chi, Dean of Students at Stetson University, has been named Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Administrative Officer of Stetson University. The new Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Administrative Officer is a graduate of Stetson University receiving the B.A. degree in 1961. He received his M.A. from East Carolina University in 1965 and earned the Ph. D. at the University of Southern Mississippi in 1973. His doctorate is in the field of Administration in Higher Education.

N/A .

JERSEY This is a game jersey of 100% cotton, white, with sewn Greek letters Pi Kappa Phi on front and matching sleeve cuffs. ($7.95) The sewn on letters can either be navy blue or gold. For additional lettering of name on the back, the cost is $.20 each for 2 inch letters and $.35 each for 6 inch numbers. Twelve colors are available, however, other than white, add $.50 to cost of jersey.

Dr. Borders served as an Admissions Counselor and Church Relations Representative at Stetson following his graduation. He was later on the faculty of Orlando Junior College as a psychology instructor and returned to Stetson in 1966 as Dean of Men. He was named Dean of Students in 1973. Brother Border has been a strong supporter of the Greek system both as an undergraduate and as a student personnel administrator.




Brother Al Stump, on behalf of the alumni of Xi Chapter, presents Brother Ken Garren an award of appreciation at Xi Chapter's 60th anniversary.

Scene at Preservation Hall, home of genuine New Orleans jazz.

Come to one of the most unusual and exciting cities in the United States. That would be New Orleans, Louisiana. And while there, stay at one of the most beautiful and best hotels, the Monteleone, in the center of the world famous French Quarter. Alumnus, wives, children and especially students will be entertained, educated, pampered, and particularly pleased at the 1977 Convention location of the 36th Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. This will be held from August 14 - 18, 1977. A local alumni committee will plan an eventful and exciting stay for you in New Orleans. 'Patty O'Brian' has her hospitality bar open and in-

viting. Pete Fountain and Al Hurt will play music for your enjoyment. The "Preservation Hall" players will have your feet stomping all night to original New Orleans jazz. And Bourbon Street is just something else at night. Daytime activities include a Riverboat trip, antique hunting, sight seeing, and you name it. Plan to be where the Pi Kappa Phi action will be. Put the dates of August 14 - 18, 1977 on your calendar. More details will follow in the next two issues of the Star and Lamp. If you need information in advance just write the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 15295, Char28210. lotte, North Carolina

CHAPTER SCHOLARS RECOGNIZED Each chapter of Pi Kappa Phi is entitled to have one of its members recognized as its "top" scholar. This individual chapter recognition of scholastic excellence is acknowledged by the Fraternities Student Lamp Award. This award is presented annually by Dr. Jeff Clark, the chairman of the National Educational Committee. For the 1975-76 school year the fraternity is pleased to recognize the following recipients. Beta Upsilon

David Allen Wheeler Walter F. Clark


Ryan E. Droste

Beta Phi


David Hugh Connolly, Jr.

Beta Chi

Lynn D. Schoelerman


Mark Crownover

Beta Psi

Pete Dall


James Lee Bouldin

Beta Omega

Glenn Brown


David Franklin Brawley

Gamma Alpha

Maurice Outlaw


Louis Bert Edleson

Gamma Beta

Cory MacKenzie

Joseph D. Lowdon

Gamma Gamma

Timothy K. Cumuze

Miles E. Gresham

Gamma Delta

Timothy Duncan Estes

David L. Hinton

Gamma Epsilon

Donald S. Leonard Jimmy Frye

Xi Omicron Rho

Paul Bruce Borghardt

Gamma Eta


David Gary Kerns

Gamma Zeta


Steven A. Sanders


Mike Porayko

Gamma Theta


David Popper

Gamma Kappa

Burton Blaksley Barmore

Rick Kirby Jim Lawlor Bobby Sessoms


Donald Dube

Gamma Lambda

Eric Stephen Harris


Richard Earl Bohner

Gamma Nu

Zackery Taylor

Alpha Alpha

Rodney Roberts

Gamma Xi

Ronald Lee Chaffin

Alpha Gamma

Ronald D. Scoggins

Gamma Omicron Duane Perritt

Alpha Epsilon

Jerry Robert Groom

Gamma Rho

Alpha Zeta

Gary Edwin Nelson

Gamma Sigma

Philip Oren Espy

Alpha Eta

Robert Wise

Gamma Upsilon

James Harel Bennett

Alpha Theta

Peter Lievense

Gamma Chi

Robert Medlin

Alpha Iota

Robert C. Bush

Gamma Psi

Michael B. Smith

Edgar William Huskamp

Alpha Mu

Alfred G. Kellam

Gamma Omega

Allen J. Smith

Alpha Xi

Jose Rafecas

Delta Alpha

Harold Heath Fox, II

Alpha Omicron

Andy Brodkey

Delta Beta

Harry Q. Davis, Ill

Alpha Sigma

Joseph T. Wyrich

Delta Gamma

Robert Lee Drozda

Alpha Upsilon

Robert J. Moore

Delta Delta

Melton Lytle

Alpha Phi

Marc Regis Hannah

Delta Epsilon

Gary Lee Aderholt

Alpha Psi

Scott Reeder Brundage

Delta Zeta

Tony Dalton

Beta Alpha

Robert Epsom

Delta Eta

Charles L. Sharpe, II

Beta Beta

David William Schreck

Delta Theta

Barney Pannell

Beta Delta

Jim Glick

Delta Iota

Robert Clyde Prater

Beta Epsilon

Glen Bellinger

Delta Kappa

Scott Townsend

Beta Eta

David McCranie

Delta Lambda

Joseph R. Robinson

Beta Kappa

William Charles Davis, Jr.

Delta Mu

Joe Brown

Beta Mu

Darryl G. Drewett

Delta Nu

Paul Edward Stamp Tildon Lee Drake

Beta Omicron

Leslie B. Stevens

Delta Xi

Beta Tau

John Glisson

Delta Omicron

Dal Miller

Delta Pi

Don A. Champagne 'Thomas M. Lehman

From the caribbean island of St. Croix came Brother Don Schindler,shown here with Brother Richard Crockett of Charlottesville and New York.

Over 200 alumni, students, wives and dates helped celebrate Xi Chapter's 60th anniversary. This was held during a weekend of festivities at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia. Campus activities for the weekend were extensive due to the annual Roanoke College Alumni weekend scheduled. The alumni of Xi joined together as an official association of alumni under the agreed upon name of "Mason-Dixon Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Chapter". This association will conduct a continuous alumni program for all Xi alumni in the future. A banquet at the Roanoke Country Club on Saturday evening, May 8, culminated the activities. Alumni of various classes were given an opportunity to extemporaneously recount the days of old. Humor and proud moments blended to make it an eventful occurrence.

YOU CAN RETURN HOME AGAIN! By Bill Beckman Beta Beta Brothers, Class of 1966, held a ten year reunion February 20-22 at Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida. Brothers returned for the homecoming from as far as San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis and Columbus, Ohio. The list of those that attended included T. Addenbrook, J. Alderman, J. Berry, F. Baque, B. Beckman, L. Bilby, B. Carlton, N. DeYoung, D. Hamm, S. Helsel, T. Kohl, G. Kyler, D. Locke, J. McLeod, R. Moerck, R. Moore, P. Murphy, J. Schuartz, D. Thorne,B. White,and C. Waddell. The weekend kicked off Friday night with everyone meeting at the chapter house which was followed by dinner and then onto Dan and Lynn Locke's home for a casual get together that included catching up

on the happenings of the past ten years and reminiscing about the Beta Beta days. Saturday morning found most sleeping in or walking the campus. Saturday afternoon there was a co-ed beer baseball game and picnic. Cocktails, dinner and an informal serenade were the agenda for Saturday night. After dinner Rick Moore started a small fund raising project for the undergraduates of Beta Beta, and on Sunday the alumni presented the brotherhood with checks and cash in excess of $475.00! By Sunday at 1:30 P.M. everyone was on the road, back to their lives as today, but for less than 48 hours, ten years faded quickly from their lives. It was all too long a time not to see good friends.

In memorium

HERMAN C FUCHS Alpha Xi, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Brother Herman Fuchs devoted 75 years of service to Alpha Xi chapter, being a founder of the Psi Sigma local fraternity which became Alpha Xi chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in 1928. Brother Fuchs' two sons are also members of Pi Kappa Phi. Fuchs was born in Brooklyn in 1884. He obtained his B.S. in chemistry engineering from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn in 1904. While in college, he, together with Albert W. Meisel, Alpha Xi, and Henry T. Lees, Alpha Xi, organized Psi Sigma, a local fraternity, which was later to merge into Pi Kappa Phi. He was treasurer of the house corporation of this Psi Sigma local group from 1902 to 1967. This 61 years is an out-front record in this particular area of service. His wife is Ester E. Fuchs. His two sons are Robert J. Fuchs, alumnus of Alpha Tau chapter, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute; and Frederick E. Fuchs, an alumnus of Iota chapter at Georgia Tech. Fuchs' hobbies consist of stamp collecting and acting as treasurer of the sunday school of All Souls Universalist Church, which he has handled for 50 years.

During World War II, he and other alumni, when the absence of the undergraduates in the conflict meant a vacant chapter house, rented the house to outside people for a continued income and thereby its preservation. Because of his total involvement in his chapter's existence personally; because this solid interest extended also to the national organization; because his family became 100 percent Pi Kappa Phi in that his two sons also joined the Fraternity, the National Council in 1967 saw fit to present him another rare award, that of naming him "Mr. Pi Kappa Phi" for the year 1967.


cont.from page 1 special seminars, contact our regional office nearest you. The second phase of your job search relates to the actual mechanics of finding a career. This PLACEMENT portion is where job search strategy becomes all-important. When you know, through CAREER PLANNING, WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, your attention should turn to the pragmatic. What should be in my resume, how should it be used, who should I contact in industry to communicate my job availability, and how should I communicate positively about my skills? Take the initiative to find these things out on your own. To be passive in your job search, now days, is to be unemployed. Many talented people limit their career potential because they don't xe-rcise good job search skills. * Develop a job search plan with defined objectives. Decide what type -firms you will investigate, and the minimum number of firms that you intend to follow up with. How many offers do you hope to receive, and how much time and money is available to get the job done? The average job seeker will spend three and a half months in the PLACEMENT aspect of his job search alone! * When it comes time to interview, know who you are talking to. This will dictate how you should approach the interview. If your interviewer works for the company's Personnel Department, you are being screened for a follow-up meeting with a Line Manager. The Personnel representative wants to be confident that you are genuinely interested and that you won't let him down if he refers you on to an operating department. *Research the organization you are seeing before you go into the interview. You must have a basic knowledge of the size, product line, and diverse functions represented in the firm. You can expect to be asked what you know about the organization, and why you seek employment therein.

*Learn to communicate about your achievements, your problem solving skills. Every company faces numerous problems which prevent greater profitability. The right people help solve these problems, thereby contributing to the profit picture. The interview is your one and only chance to be preceived as a problem solver. Learn by practice, if necessary, to communicate about your accomplishments. The humble may eventually inherit the earth, but for now, it's the strong achievement oriented communicator who will get the job! *Finally, and perhaps most importantly, feel confident in the product you are marketing — namely, YOU. We see so many people fail in their initial job search because they aren't sure of the product they are trying to market, and they lack that all-important enthusiasm and self-confidence. You must approach your job search as though the organization which buys your talents is going to be very lucky. As you may know, Pi Kappa Phi has joined with Lendman Associates in a Career Placement Program designed to assist qualified members locate suitable employment. The Lendman Career Conference System is a nationwide placement program paid for in full by American Industry. Within a 24-hour period,the Career Conference offers invited applicants the opportunity to listen to companies describe their career openings, initiate contact with company representatives, and to interview and secure career positions. WHAT ACTUALLY OCCURS AT A CAREER CONFERENCE? The first evening of the conference involves listening to representatives from 25 - 35 local and national companies describe their current professional career positions. Later, the first evening, you will personally meet the individual company representative of your choice, with the objective of generating enough inter-

IN OUR CHAPTER ETERNAL Oh, death could be triumphant—death in battle, death in love, death in friendship and in peril, could be glorious if it were proud death, gaunt death, lean, lonely, tender, loving and heroic death, who bent to touch his chosen son with mercy, love, and pity, and put the seal of honor on him when he died! "The Web and The Rock," by Brother Thomas Wolfe, Kappa '18, University of North Carolina. Used by permission of the publishers, Harper and Brothers.

ALPHA 27 - T. P. Abernethy 77. D. R. Lide 108- F. L. Oates 114- L. B. King BETA 22 - J. H. Hunter 37 - W. G. Neville 46- A. B. Stallworth 131 - J. P. Charles, Jr. 132- L. H. Mixson, Jr. GAMMA 4- C. L. Fraser 37 - W. J. Barnhill 63 - H. S. Brink 192- R. G. Erickson 239 - A. K. Reasoner DELTA 42- Q. M. Rhodes 55- W. B. Cantrell 119- M. G. White, Jr. 195 H F Shaw

EPSILON 2 - J. B. Belk 39- H. F. Coffey 83 - J. B. Hall, Jr. 90- H. T. Powell 154 - J. C. Miller, Jr. 183- J. M. Kellam 184- I. W. McLean, Jr. 189 - S. B. Goodman ZETA 62- E. Nash 112 - C. W. Derrick 167 - F. W. Fairey, Jr. 190- B. W. White ETA 10- G. W. Griner, Jr. 54- W. R. Bridges 123 - W. L. Dickson 225- 0. T. Gower THETA 6 - R. Schenk

IOTA 32- C. E. Alden 34 - B. H. Wilkins, Jr. 105- B. H. Grant 581 - E. E. Bortell KAPPA 20- F. C. Shepard 31 - F. Moore 39 - T. C. Smith 50A -C. E. Stroud LAMBDA 19 - S. S. Rambo 69- L. N. Betts 75- J. H. Phinazee 84- H. W. Sanford 95- E. S. Lipscomb 172- R. L. Griffin 209- N. A. Warlick 302- C. C. Bunn 380 - C. J. DeMars 387 - W. J. Herring MU 117- E. W. Long, Jr. 127 - W. Sachsenmaier 138- J. D. Wright

est in your behalf to secure an interview the following day. WHO MAY ATTEND? Candidates are advised if they should or should not attend based on specific positions being offered. The staff of Lendman Associates has the responsibility of insuring that candidates have a high probability of placement at our programs. In order to qualify to attend a Career Conference, candidates must possess a minimum of a four year degree. Additionally, related work or military experience is required. However, candidates having earned an engineering degree or graduate level degree need not necessarily possess related work skills. This may also be true for applicants seeking beginning assignments in sales. Also . . . job candidates having more than eight years experience normally choose not to attend because of an absence of positions requiring extensive experience. HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NATIONWIDE SYSTEM OF CAREER CONFERENCES

75251, 214/661-9591; Western Region, 44 Montgomery St., Suite 1756, San Francisco, CA 94104, 415/421-4820.

FIRST HONOR IN MEDICINE Brother Richard Pinson, INofford, has just graduated from the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He finished first in his class and received the Founders Medal for first honor in medicine and the Upjohn Award for academic excellence in all phases of medical curriculum. Richard will serve his internship at the University of Pennsylvania.

Lendman Career Conferences are administered by various regional offices. In order to receive specific information on a Career Conference, you must initiate contact with a regional office. Be sure to tell them you are a member of Pi Kappa Phi when you call or write. The office will further advise you as to registration procedures. CONTACT OFFICES AS FOLLOWS Northeast Region, Box 14027, Norfolk, VA 23518, 804/480-2845; Mid-Atlantic Region, Box 14027, Norfolk, VA 23518, 804/588-1386; Southeast Region, 1945 'the Exchange, Suite 275, Atlanta, GA 30339, 404/433-0822; Mid-West Region, John Hancock Center,Suite 3020, 875 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611, 312/337-4300; Southwest Region, 7540 LBJ Freeway, Suite 930, Dallas, Texas

NU 2056 71 178 -

C. B. Dempster W. M. Wheeler H. E. Banta P. E. Pettygrove

XI 23A- J. E. Corner 83- D. S. Ellicock 109 - R. P. Haislip 162- W. J. Phillips 637 - D. P. Klein OMICRON 28- A. R. Colquitt 58- J. M. Kelley 93 - W. E. Prescott, Jr. 128- R. L. Hamner 784 - J. C. McFerrin, Jr. 826 - W. H. Frazier 1079- J. H. Pearson PI 143 - G. G. King, Jr. 154 - J. B. Anderson 175- C. G. Littleton, Jr. RHO 11 - C. H. Wilson 113- L. P. Nachod 126- W. R. Francis SIGMA 175 - P. Weiler TAU 18- W. I. Pickens 60- J. F. Barwick, Jr. 68 - J. T. Stephenson 71 - W. C. Bangs 102 - R. J. Giles 103 - C. J. James UPSILON 64. H. W. Butterbaugh 99- V. E. Bergholtz 118- E. J. A. Schreiber 209- A. Ross 240- W. E. Bostelmann 247- E. A. Nebeck PHI 23- R. A. Rains 68- J. W. Shleppey

INDUCTED INTO ARMY AVIATION HALL OF FAME After being nominated by General Mark Clark, (Ret.), the newest member of the Army Aviation Hall of Fame is a Pi Kapp from Purdue. Brother John W. Oswalt, Col., USA (Ret.), was so selected on April 12, 1976 and inducted on June 5, 1976 with appropriate ceremonies at Ft. Rucker, Alabama. Brother Oswalt was a Pi Kapp Scholar while at Purdue. There he received his ROTC commission and also his initial pilot's license. In addition to serving General Clark as his personal aviation officer, John also served with General Patton.

CHI 161 - W. G. Jennings PSI 16 - W. A. Olsen 96 - H. J. Knapp 142 - F. F. Edgerton 154 - H. L. Potter OMEGA 122 - J. H. Robinson 297 - R. E. Horne ALPHA ALPHA 73 - R. W. Coursey ALPHA BETA 31 - W. H. Thompson ALPHA GAMMA 7 - M. Kile 95 - C. C. Lemarr 99 - L. L. Cates 111 - C. H. Delzell 179 - J. E. Kolleain 187 - 13. E. Clapham ALPHA DELTA 21 - A. L. Sanders 135 - E. K. Rumburg 143 - G. W. Larson ALPHA EPSILON 4 - H. E. Bi- hrens 87 - E. W. Kehoe ALPHA ZETA 30 - A. H. Griffin 33 - J. W. Adamson 72 - G. W. Reese 158. B. Starker ALPHA ETA 1 - W. Arrasmith 84 - T. J. Payne, Jr. 258 - W. E. Meeks, Jr. ALPHA THETA 42- M. A. Tyrrell 55- J. E. Howell 88- P. C. Purdy 218- J. Paquin 300- J. E. Martin 511 - L. J. Cobb ALPHA IOTA 18- J. R. Moon 91 - A. C. Taylor


ALPHA KAPPA 35 - S. H. Richardson 51 - K. W. Maebius ALPHA LAMBDA 5 - W. D. Lewis 30 - G. M. Knight ALPHA MU 42 - J. M. Donnelly 66 - R. C. Bildstein 148 - J. C. Dilling 413 - R. C. Williams, Jr. ALPHA NU 81 - R. D. Thompson ALPHA XI 5 - H. C. Fuchs 80 - C. R. Davidson 124 - W. B. Kouwenhoven 272 - J. J. Lovingham ALPHA OMICRON 55 - w. VV. Peters ALPHA PI 9 - F. E. Pulley ALPHA SIGMA 11 - W. R. Rollins 43 - M. T. Mansfield ALPHA TAU 92 - G. N. Graf ALPHA UPSILON 119 - .1. W. Tressler ALPHA PSI 34 - H. L. Aamoth BETA GAMMA 38 - J. N. Webb BETA EPSILON 34- M. S. Broome 49- J. A. Kile BETA LAMBDA 297 - M. B. Bernstein BETA XI 61 - E. V. Briggs BETA UPSILON 229- A. M. Jacobus BETA PHI 51 - P. C. Elliott BETA CHI 114 - L. Cooke DELTA IOTA 3. J. M. Medford


DO NOT FORGET Alumni Voluntary Dues are the difference between a good year and a bad one for Pi Kappa Phi. Remember to pay yours! It's only $10 but it goes a long way.


ANYONE 4 INTERESTED IN SNOW SKIING?i The summer is not a time to think of cold things — unless you have an interest in snow skiing. In January of 1976 the first annu al Pi Kappa Phi Snow Skiing Experience was held at Sugar Mountain Ski Resort in North Carolina. A condominium was rented and lift ticke ts as well as ski equipment rental was arranged under a group plan.

Founder's Day activities at Omicron Chapter (Alabama) this year were both interesting and rewarding for the large group of students and alumni who attended. Executive Director of the fraternity, Durward Owen, was the guest speaker at the banquet which was held on Monday, December 8, 1975. The group had the privilege of viewing the multimedia slide presentation which was presented earlier at Supreme Chapter meeting in San Francisco. Brother Bob Inman, who did much of the work on the multi-media show, was a special guest at the banquet, along with Chapter Advisor Emmett Dendy and Faculty Advisor and National Treasurer Dr. Lonnie Strickland. The highlight of the evenings activities was the unveiling of a portrait of Brother George Grant. Brother Grant graduated from the University of Alabama and from the University's Law School in the 1920's and later served as a repre-

Those Pi Kapps who signed up for this event, students and alumni, greatly enjoyed the experience. Even the one wife of a Pi Kapp and the two children of another found it to be an exciting and enjoyable activity. This year another similar trip is being planned. The preferred month is January and the two locations now under consider ation are North Carolina and Colorado. Admittedly, Austria has been presented as a possibility. In order to proceed, the Administrative Office must know of interest on the part of Alumni and Students. Both experienced skiers and those wanting to learn are invited to consider this. Let the Executive Director know of your interest by completing the following, or better yet write him a letter. sentative to Congress for some 26 years. He has served the fraternity in many ways, including being a national officer. In 1968 Brother Grant was named Mr. Pi Kappa Phi by the National Council, and the Brothers of Omicron Chapter have now chosen to honor him by placing his portrait in the living room of the chapter house. This outstanding man continues to set an example for all Pi Kappa Phi's through his continuous support of and service to both the national fraternity and his undergraduate chapter.

Durward Owen Executive Director Pi Kappa Phi P.O. Box 15295 Charlotte, N.C. 28210 Yes, I am interested in a Pi Kappa Phi Ski Experience. There would be (number) in my party. I would really be more inclined to go if held in (circle one) North Carolina, Colorado, or Europe. The possible dates for me are

Name Address

PI KAPPA PHI 72 YEARS December 10, 1976

CHAPTER ANNIVERSARIES 50 YEARS Alpha Iota, Auburn October 2, 1976 60 YEARS Omicron, Alabama April 17, 1977

25 YEARS Beta Iota, Toledo December 8,1976 10 YEARS Gamma Epsilon, Western Carolina November 12, 1976 Gamma Zeta, West Virginia Tech April 1, 1977

KATHY BECOMES PI KAPPA PHI RO SE QUEEN FOR 1976 The beauty and talent of the new Rose Queen of Pi Kappa Phi was never more noticeable than on Sunday, August 15 when she was presented to the cheering Pi Kapps at Salem, Virginia for Pi Kapp College.

Mary Kathryn Fleming, of Hamptonville, North Carolina was nominated by Delta Zeta Chapter at Appalachian State University where Kathy is a senior majoring in Math. At Appalachian she is a varsity cheerleader and also a member of the University Singers. Although a Math major, Kathy really has her eye set on a job as a professional singer. This unique talent was recognized when she won the talent award in the 1975 Miss North Carolina Pageant. As a runner up in this pageant she evidenced her beauty, and by all Pi Kapps considerations was the number one beauty. At Pi Kapp College,held at Roanoke College, she enraptured the 300 Pi Kapps at the opening banquet with her beauty and voice. Especially was she effective when she paraphrased the song "Grand Old Flag" as a Pi Kapp Flag. Kathy has indicated a desire to be an active National Rose of Pi Kappa Phi.

2nd Runner Up — Barbara Jabale y, Georgia Southwestern

1st,Runner Up — Debbie Purifoy, Alabama

3rd Runner Up — Raney Gossett, East Carolina


GOLDEN LEGION Former President of Rawlings Sporting Goods Company Brother Claude Carr, Samford, receives his shingle in St. Louis from past National Secretary, Ron Krebs.

The men listed and pictured on this page are honored as being distinguished citizens of Pi Kappa Phi. They represent the maturity of their chapter and their fraternity. Each of them has been honored on the 50th anniversary of their being initiated in Pi Kappa Phi. This recognition is in the form of a handsome plaque and the designation of Golden Legion. The fraternity is pleased to also acknowledge these beloved members in this issue of the Star and Lamp.

In Rochester, N.Y. Brother Harlow Brigham, Michigan State, on the right, received his Golden Legion shingle from Phil Tappy, National VicePresident.

Ed Campagna, Iowa State Univ., takes time out from his NASA work in Houston, Texas to present Brother Fredric W. Carl, Purdue, with his shingle representing 50 years of membership in Pi Kappa Phi.

ALPHA - Charleston Robert Waller Achurch Joseph Edward McKain BETA - Presbyterian Alvis Bynum Poe Andrew VVordlaw Edwards Alexander Faulkner Fewell Arnold Friedheim Marshall

Two are better than one, expecially when they add up to four Pi Kapps. On the left, Brother James L. May, Alabama, presents a 50 year shingle to Brother Clay Knight, Samford. While at the same luncheon in Mobile, Alabama Thomas Johnston, Ill, Alabama, to the right, had the honor of presenting a shingle to Brother Whitehall N. Middleton, Davidson.

James Campbell Reid James Addison Neighbors GAMMA - California. Berkeley John L. Ames Richard G. Erickson Eveleth E. Hayden Lucien G. Juilly Gerald P. O'Hara Gordon B. Turner William F. Walthall John Hayden Perkins William Frederick Lane

ETA- Emory James Horace Jenkins Laurence Wells Tomlinson John Cullum Wilson James Springer Wood Joseph Fallow Puett IOTA - Ga. Inst. of Tech. Henry Sanders Rowland, Jr. Mathis Andrew Ezell John Harlan Lloyd KAPPA - North Carolina Frank H. Rountree Charles Frank Ellison, Jr. Charles Thomas Wilson Robert Jordan Harper LAMBDA - Georgia John Clayton Holder Metz Raymond Holder William Lester Duncan MU - Duke William Reid Pitts Thomas Ruffin Robinson, Jr. Russell Junius Rogers Carleton Eddy Weatherby, Jr. James Pinckney Propst, Jr.

ALPHA GAMMA - Oklahoma Leslie Milton Stone Robert LeRoy Cornelison Raymond Dunson Basil Predeaux Mitchell Henry Bennett Nall Claude Bretherick Tate John Christopher Buford William Elbert Cook Arlo Kenneth Cox Homer Decker Hammonds ALPHA DELTA - Washington Victorian Sivertz Elton Roland Allison Neil Harrison Murray Hugh Walter Shaw Hugh Raymond Schlicting Donald MacPherson Frederick James DuPuis John Albert Clague

EPSILON - Davidson Robert Marion Gant Benjamin Howard Owen Geer Robert Cowan Grady James Brownlee Hall, Jr. Maury Adolphus Johnston Kenneth Pitts Maddox Whitwell Newton Middleton ZETA - VVofford Monie Sanders Hudson Russell Calvin King James Wright Nash James Rembert Owings Stephen Graydon Rivers

Brothers D. Joe Hendrickson, Purdue, middle, and W. Thomas Spencer, Purdue, right, receive their 50 year recognition in Indianapolis from William Reiner, Indiana.

Brother Sanders Rowland, second from the left, receives his Golden Legion shingle in Asheville, N. C., from a delegate of Gamma Epsilon Chapter, Western Carolina University. With him are Theresa Bartlett, Rose Queen,Sam Davis, Western Carolina, Mrs. Rowland, and Jerry Ewen, Chapter Advisor of Gamma Epsilon and his wife.

NU - Nebraska Frederick Carleton Hutchins Byrum Edwin Johnson Alton Durward Orendorff

)(I. Roanoke Cecil Miller Hefner Robert Edward Lee Chapman

OMICRON - Alabama John Green, Jr. George Robert Bennett, Jr. Jefferson Callahan Leeth James Frank Chambers James Frederick Crowder Adam Giles Grant, Jr. Kark Cecil Harrison Roy Francis Prather Thomas Hoyt Prater

P1- Oglethorpe Julius Camp Malsby, Jr. Samuel Earl Blackwell, Jr. RHO- Washington & Lee Nicholas Dawson Hall, Jr. James Loton Jennings William Matt Hennings William Griffin Sargent

TAU - N. C. State Thomas Wellington Edwards Hugh Brooks Barwick Kenneth Byers Charlie Millard Dunn, Jr. Albert Jonathan Jenkins William Holston Taft Enoch Wilson Baxter Kilgore

PSI - Cornell Carl Brandt, Jr. Joseph Eugene Moody Kenneth Daniel Perkins Gerard Augustus Pesez Edward John Fischer, Jr. Philip Platt Wallace Lawrence Adelbert Williams Warren Joseph Williams, Jr.

UPSILON - Illinois Robert Mosher Riggs Melvin Aldridge McCoy VanTyle William Sanderson Erwin John August Schreiber Clarence William Smith

OMEGA- Purdue Frederic Woodbury Carl Horace Budd Anderson William Henry Clay Higgins, Ill David John Kimmel Oren Robert Neal

PHI -Tulsa Rex Aubrey Gephart James Rodman Henry Clifford Harry Markley

ALPHA ALPHA - Mercer George E. Hatcher, Jr. William Gwathmey Bruner Osgood Darby Cannon, Jr. Charles Henry Davis, Jr. Henry Hart Cobb Mode Lee Stone

CHI -Stetson Robert Daniels Burdette Claud Eustice Robert Felton Mikell John Stanley Wagg Fredrick Ernest Stuart

ALPHA BETA - Tulane Ralph Hearsey Riggs Charles Edward Ayo, JR. Paul Freund, Jr. Dan Polk Logan Henry Duplessis Ogden, Jr.

ALPHA EPLISON - Florida William Edward Swoope, Jr. Joseph Owen Boole, Jr. Roy Edward Crippen Albert Sydney Herlong, Jr. Douglas Britton Leigh Charles Hilery Rogers, Jr. Robert Ellis Scholze Ernest Min-is VanLandingham ALPHA ZETA - Oregon State Claude Kerr Emerson Lyndon Harris Glenn W. Staggs Eiven Edward Nelson ALPHA ETA - Samford Claude Emmett Carr Samule Wilkes Hall James Forsythe Gordy Codie Dee Bell Joseph Cisna Carroll John Will Gay, Jr. Henry Clay Knight William Burt Poe William Warren Rogers Vardaman Moore Buckalew Julius Hurley Knight Eric M. Strickland Robert Jep Dendy VValter Warren Brewster ALPHA THETA - Michigan State Harlow Robert Brigham Shirley Roy Brumm Edward William Hardies Alonzo Ernst Langworthy Per Gunnar Lundin Nelson Coy Brumm Fred Joseph Graf James Eugene Howell Louis Wolf red Raymond Otmer Schuster Lewis Jarvis Carter Frederick James Hodge Robert Southworth Rieman

PI KAPPA PHI P.O. Box 15295 Charlotte, N.C. 28210

Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N. C.

x ivancement mi growth-oriented ishing HELP, every! of establ NEED MORE we selling rela-, WE's gone back to school. one our customers to Sales Manag-



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y• Submitted b ar Chapter & Ye Ad dress m ence in stea have experiion and quality fable operat on. Excellent ati food preparcon ditions and working benefits. Apply in company either store loperson to tween 12 noon cation bem, 5416 S. Blvd. and 5 p. E. Indep. Blvd,, and 3108 loin Pit. Bonanza Sir


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