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Deaf-blind retarded children will benefit

Tom Sayre, Sculptor, and Tom Tott, Archon of Alpha Omicron Chapter at Iowa State, discuss the Pi Kappa Phi National Project while reviewing some of Sayre's work severel y retarded children at Western Carolina Center for less .

The target date is May 15 for the completion of phase one of your Pi Kappa Phi National Project. And immediately these very special children will benefit. Over 50 chapters have now made a financial commitment to support a large portion of the first phase cost. As a result of the pledging of this initial $5,000, Tom Sayre, our resident physhologist/sculptor, has been able to complete the prototype of the indoor unit of our special Pi Kappa Phi Deaf-Blind Retarded Children's playground. As the funds arrive for the second phase, Sayre will commence creating the Outdoor Units. Hopefully, these can be finished by early fall. Already requests have come in from Michigan and Oregon asking

for blueprints and information. At this time no other source is available for a playground unit designed specifically for these unique children. Yet, there are 1000's of similar children in the

tor SPRING 1977

United States not able to grow and develop in a play atmosphere due to this deficiency. Pi Kappa Phi is indeed providing an answer to this significant need. The first two phases will result in the installation of a finished and tested product with blueprints for the production of future units. Then phase three will be the placing of two finished units at a location in another state at a distance from the first installation at Western Carolina in Morganton, N.C. Every member can participate. Initially the funding is dependent to a great extent on the response of the chapters. However, such a meaningful and worthwhile endeavor respectfully demands your participation. In fact, must have the participation of the caring individual member if it is to suceed. Your tax deductible donation should be sent to: Western Carolina Center Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Special Playground Equipment P. 0. Box 15295 Charlotte, NC 28210 Tax deductible checks should be made payable to: Western Carolina Center — Pi Kappa Phi Project

Tom Tott gives David Beck and Western Carolina Center a check for $2,000 from Pi Kappa Phi as Tom Sayre looks on.




lant SPRING 1977

What will the next decade bring? Following the successful writing of a thesis by Executive Director Durward Owen, the research methodology including the use of a Delphi technique of forcasting, respectability has been given to the forcasting of fraternity related concepts. At the Supreme Chapter in San.Francisco a new standing committee was created — Future Policy. This committee with fluctuating membership is charged with forcasting various concerns of the fraternity. The able leadership of Chairman Dr. John Means, Upsilon,of Temple University has resulted in some interesting results. The following content should prove of interest to all concerned about their fraternity. It is such studies as this that will enable the leadership of Pi Kappa Phi to more adequately chart the fraternity's future.

al "in-service" programs for the mid-career educational needs of police, paramedical personnel, etc. On the whole, these non-traditional groups cannot be expected to become involved in campus activities. However, IF they are recruited properly (fully mindful of the special conditions prevailing), they might make good fraternity members to the extent that they share the same interests and desires of the more traditional undergraduate. Lifestyle

PROJECTION 1 The campus enrollment of the traditional four-year degree-seeking student will decline in the next decade. There will be an increase in the enrollment of non-traditional students: i.e., adult continuing education, night schools, part-time, special minority group programs, etc. Projection one results, with a mean score of 80,reflects a high degree of concurrance that the proportion of non-traditional students on college campuses over the next decade will increase substantially (with an equivalent decrease in the number of "traditional" undergraduates). This trend has already begun in large cities where nontraditional student populations are most readily tapped, and will assuredly become characteristic of most four-year colleges and universities by 1980. Only an unforseeable reversal in America's social and economic evolution would alter this. The following are the reasons indicated for this projection. Not to Go There is a notable trend away from the post-war concept of the 50's and 60's that everyone must go to college, and it is becoming more socially acceptable for the children of middle-class families NOT to go to college. Replacing the interest in a standard four-year degree program are: 1) vocational & technical educational schools, 2)community college 2-year curriculums, 3) night school courses taken at random with no degree objective, and specialized non-collegiate paraprofessional training programs (e.g., for policemen, firemen, municipal wor-

kers, computer operators, lab. tech. assistants, etc.)

Decreased Birth Rate After a surge of the birth rate in the late 40's and early 50's, there has been a long-term decline in the U.S. birth rate which will begin to affect the number of total college-age youth very soon. This decreased birth rate appears to have stabilized at a level which is the lowest in the country's history.

Financial Sacrifice The rapidly increasing costs (tuition & other) of a total college education will force a comparable decrease in the number of students who are willing or able to make the financial sacrifice. For the average person, the only feasible option will be to enroll as a part-time student for evening & summer courses — or in less expensive municipal community college programs.

Draft and Employment Full-time enrollment in a college was the most popular method of avoiding (or postponing) the draft until the draft was ended. Now, there is no need to engage in fulltime college studies for this reason. Furthermore, the traditional college degree no longer guarantees access to a job of one's choice at a higher salary than that which is available to the non-graduate— a B.A. or B.S. doesn't necessarily keep you out of the unemployment lines.

PROJECTION 2 Fraternities will be able to take advantage of the non-traditional students as potential initiates. Projection two results, with a mean score of 30, suggests considerable pessimism on the part of committee members about the ability of fraternities to take advantage of (recruit as initiates) this heterogenious new student population. The general tone of comments indicated a reluctance to try — i.e., an unwillingness to make the fraternity into some type of "umbrella organization" that offers all things to all people, so to speak. Basic to this projection are these expressions. Substantial Adjustments Fraternities would have to make substantial adjustments from their present structures so radically in order to appeal to the new student clientele that they would be unwilling to make the sacrifice. Specifically, they would need — but would prove unable — to identify themselves with a sufficiently meaningful objective to command the loyalty or sustained interest of the "new" older non-traditional college registrants. Non-Traditional Groups While there will always be many of the full-time "straight-from-highschool" undergraduates in the nation's colleges, the average student body will soon include a relatively high proportion of various minority groups matriculating in special programs, as well as businessmen, housewives, retirees, etc., on parttime status, plus certain profession-

Circumstances which will preclude the success of major membership objectives among these "new collegians" of the next decade can be summarized by "Lifestyle". For the most part, students in the various special programs (to which we refer herein) will be living at home, with an existing family (wife & children) or the equivalent, and will have no need for the "fraternity family" designed for the needs of generations gone by. In addition to marital status, other factors pertinent to this point are age (maturity of interests) and fully structured lives which will greatly minimize long-term activity in any major school activity — much less a fraternity commitment. Homogeneity Important Fraternity membership is successful and "useful" because there is a considerable homogeneity of interests serving as the foundation. However, this homogeneity will not be characteristic of the new corps of students — certainly not in the social sphere. Although, as an example, individual chapters oriented to the needs and interests of specific minority groups might succeed under these conditions, any such implicit (or explicit) "narrowing" of the membership base would not strengthen the fraternity at large, and certainly would not be characteristic of Pi Kappa Phi. A radically altered fraternity experience would have to evolve in order to accomodate the widely different (and occasionally conflicting) requirements of the various nontraditional student populations. If pursued to its logical conclusion, the latter point would involve the destruction of "Fraternity" as presently understood. Hence, the future of fraternities may never rest on the recruitment of nontraditional students of whatever sort — but rather, on improving the effectiveness with which the fraternity serves the interests of that portion of the student body to which it has always been appropriately oriented.


Where does all the money go? A lack of formal accounting education hasn't bothered Penn State's newly-appointed assistant treasurer and director of financial management. It is Brother Baker's job to know in minute detail exactly how much money is on hand in the University's bank accounts; how, where, and exactly when it must be spent; and what to do with any short-term surplus. He prepares guidelines for scholarships, awards and loan funds donated to the University to ensure that they conform to the wishes of the donors. And he also oversees real estate acquisitions, either by donation or purchase. It's a far cry from his original intention to enter the foreign

service, his career goal as an undergraduate at George Washington University. "I graduated in 1943 with a foreign service major and did what most of the young men of my generation did — I entered the Army," Mr. Baker says. "After 31/2 years in the medical service, I just didn't feel like going back to school. I wanted to get started on a job right away." Richard Baker, Alpha Mu, had been Chapter Advisor for Alpha Mu Chapter for the past 25 years. Upon retirement from that job, he insured continued fraternity activity by becoming a trustee of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation.



Please save your fraternity $0.25! You cost the operating budget just that much, 25 cents, when you move without sending a change of address. So, please send your new, or preferred, address to Administrative Office, Pi Kappa Phi, P.O. Box 15295, Charlotte, NC 28210. Thank you.

Hire a veteran! Especially Pi Kappa Phi veterans — but by all means, hire a veteran. They are a forgotten minority.

7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 Founded at The College of Charleston, SC December 10,1904

The Star and Lamp

An Education Publication 1977, VOL. LXII NO.2

Durward Owen


Changes in address should be reported promptly to Administrative Office, P. 0. Box 15295, Charlotte, N.C. 28210. The Star and Lamp is published 4 times a year by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7111 Nations Ford Rd., Charlotte, N.C. in the months of February, May, August and November. The life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7111 Nations Ford Rd., Charlotte, N.C. Second Class postage paid at Charlotte, N.C.

Reverse migration from Florida to Virginia This northern migration occurred recently for a loyal Pi Kapp. Jay Newman, Florida State, was with the Department of Transportation for the State of Florida until 1976. Then he left sunny Florida and moved to Virginia. He is now the Deputy Commissioner of Insurance for the state

of Virginia, residing with his wife in Richmond. He is responsible for the operation of the State Insurance Bureau. Before leaving Florida, Jay served Pi Kappa Phi well. He was President of the Beta Eta Housing Corporation during a very critical time of reorganization.

A SAFE INVESTMENT WITH A GOOD DIVIDEND Have you ever invested in a young man's college education? It is an investment in which you can take pride. Here is your opportunity. The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation is dedicated to providing financial assistance and encouragement to young men who desire an education but are without sufficient funds. The Foundation is a tax exempt organization operated by a volunteer Board of Trustees who are members of your fraternity. The young men who will be leaders in our nation in the future are on the campuses of our colleges right now; some of them need our assistance and support. An investment in a young man's college education will help to prepare him better, both for good citizenship and for tomorrow's responsibilities. The inclusion of the following clause in your will(or your designation of The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation in your life insurance policy as a beneficiary) will insure that you will be a part of some young man's future: "I give, devise, and bequeath to the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation the sum of Dollars."(or otherwise describe the gift if it consists of real estate, securities, or personal property). DO IT TODAY For additional information regarding the Foundation, write The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation, P.O. Box 15295, Charlotte, North Carolina 28210.

Mrs. Fox Brunson, wife of former Area Governor, presenting Outstanding Gamma Phi Chapter Alumni Award to Russell Hughen. At left is Master of Ceremonies Jack Carney.

Tribble will ride atomic power A North Georgia College (Delta Beta) senior Terrell Tribble, of Cumming, Ga., has been chosen for the Nuclear Power Officer Program of the United States Navy upon his graduation from NGC in June. Tribble's selection process culminated with a personal interview with Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, the head of the Navy's nuclear power program. "All the preparation in the world will not get you ready for an interview with Admiral Rickover," said Terrell. "It's an experience I'll remember all of my life," he added. In addition to being interviewed

by Admiral Rickover, Tribble went through a screening board, several rigorous interviews, and oral and written exams before he was finally selected to the program. Terrell faces a year of intense study after he is commissioned a navy ensign. He will report to Orlando, Fla., for the Navy Nuclear Power School for six months of instruction and then will go to a nuclear reactor. When he has completed these studies, Terrell will be assigned as a division officer in the engineering department on either a submarine or nuclear powered surface ship.


Earl Carroll is successful businessman and humanitarian How — or why — would Earl Carroll, Samford, become the President of a Philippino insurance company, and a respected citizen to boot, from Howard College in Alabama? Well, let's begin . . . At Samford, then Howard College, and later in graduate school at Vanderbilt, Earl was active in YMCA work. The national organization recognized his ability and made him fraternal secretary for North America. Organization being one of his strong points, he was sent to the Philippines to organize the Boy Scouts and was quite successful. But the depression was now in full swing and the YMCA wis changing its planning which included recall of all representatives abroad. Earl assessed his future and decided to apply for a position open with Insular Life Insurance Company in Honolulu. Then in 1934 began a most beneficial association of Earl Carroll and the life insurance business. War! And to those approximately 300 Americans in the Philippines it was a most personal experience, for the Japanese occupied the islands from 1942 to 1945. They were placed in an internment camp. Earl was appointed camp commander. "It was a mistake. They thought I was the American consul — a general," states Earl modestly. But, the fact is that this "mistake" was the best possible one for the internees. Brother Carroll's organization of the camp, including outside contact for food and information, was of such a magnitude that after the war the U.S. Government awarded him the

highest award possible to a citizen — The Medal of Freedom! After the war, Earl was persuaded to become General Manager of the U.S. Life Insurance Company of the Philippines which was the forerunner of the Philamlife Company. It was soon recognized that Earl Carroll's personality and philosophy permeated the entire company as President. He was known as "Mr. Philamlife." Philamlife grew rapidly until by 1953 it was first in the country in sales. This was due directly to Earl's ability to organize and motivate an effective sales force. Their key was getting the bulk of the people to use their personal savings to invest in their own, as well as the Philippino future. Brother Carroll believed that the investment of the funds of the insurance company should be in factory sites, middle class housing projects, schools, hospitals, office buildings and home mortgages and not in large business projects. He saw Philamlife as a trustee of the people's resources and, thus, should use the funds to further their futures. Accolades and awards have been heaped upon Earl in number, both within the insurance field and without. Stories still continue of his warmth and personal interest of all the people of the Philippines. Earl goes far beyond the "second mile" to give of himself to others and for that is honored, welcomed and loved by all his life has touched. Now retired, Earl lives with his wife and daughter in San Francisco.

Madison Chartering

Left to right: Bill Johnson, Dean of Student Affairs (Furman), Terry Zaccarino, Assistant Chartering Officer, Area Governor II (Purdue), Steve Redden, Archon Delta Tau (Madison), David Lane, Chartering Officer, Counsel Pi Kappa Phi Properties (Purdue), Dr. William Hall, Dean of Students.

Charter members Delta Tau Chapter.

On the night of February 11, 1977 the Kappa Phi Associate Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi officially became Delta Tau Chapter. In private initiation ritual ceremonies, 21 men became full members of the fraternity. Additional chartering ceremonies brought Delta Tau Chapter at James Madison University fully to life. Performing the ritual of initiation were teams from the University of Virginia (Beta Upsilon) and West Virginia Tech (Gamma Zeta). Presiding over the ceremonies was Chartering Officer David G. Lane (Purdue). David is an attorney in Washington, DC and serves Pi Kappa Phi Properties as corporate counsel. Terry Zaccarino (Purdue), Area Governor for Pennsylvania and Maryland, was assistant Chartering Officer. Delta Tau Chapter is fortunate to have a good advisory committee of alumni. Chapter Advisor is Jim Pavarnik (Indiana). Other alumni are Bill Heath (alumnus initiate) who is organizing the housing

corporation and Bill Johnson (Furman), the university's Dean of Students. Soon to be initiated Bill Clark is faculty advisor. A well-attended chartering banquet on Saturday, February 12th officially recognized the chartering. The university welcomed the new chapter and accepted- the charter on campus through Dr. Bill Johnson, Associate Director of Student Affairs. Other alumni and campus representatives of fraternities and sororities were also present. The charter members of this new chapter are: Steve Redden, Archon; Bill Rector, Treasurer; Barry Little, Secretary; Earle Copp, Historian; Mike Moneymaker,Chaplain; Allan Brown, Warden; Brian Baldwin, Bruce Hauptman, Ronald Kazen, Jerry Keilsohn, Christopher Kelly, Charles Lewis, Lewis Lindamood, Steven Lough, Scott Lowery, Charles Mann, Charles Martin, Mark Moroney, Wayne Nice, Arthur Olecheck, Curtis Sehwalbach, Bill Heath.

During the 1976-77 school year, there were twenty-one seminars or national meetings held at the Administrative Office. Here, Jerry Matthews makes a point as he conducts a recruitment seminar in the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation seminar room.


An instant president Gary Carr, Delta Zeta, graduated from Appalachian and immediately went to work for Central America Development, S.A. de C.V., as President. It is a family owned Holding and Investment company. The major project at this time, is the development of an entire city called "San Jose de Las Flores". The plans call for 13,000 individual homes, Industrial Zone, Commercial Centers, Schools, Hospitals, Parks, etc., for the development of a complete city. It is located 17 kilometers from the capital city, San Salvador. There exists a great demand for

this type of development in our southern hemisphere. The new capital of Brazil, developed in virgin country, has set the pace for this concept to be used in other countries. Gary was an outstanding undergraduate,and served his undergraduates well. He was a charter member.

Chic Quevedo For the several alumni who have asked for his correct mailing address (you should use airmail postage) please use the following: Apartado No.24 San Luis, ORIENTE Republica de Cuba

The target date is May 15 for the completion installation of a finished and tested product of phase one of your Pi Kappa Phi National with blueprints for the production of future Project. And immediately these very special units. Then phase three will be the placing of children will benefit. two finished units at a location in another state Over 50 chapters have now made a financial at a distance from the first installation at commitment to support a large portion of the Western Carolina in Morganton, N.C. first phase cost. As a result of the pledging of Every member can participate. Initially the this initial $5,000, Tom Sayre, our resident funding is dependent to a great extent on the physhologist/sculptor, has been able to corn- response of the chapters. However, such a plete the prototype of the indoor unit of our meaningful and worthwhile endeavor respectspecial Pi Kappa Phi Deaf-Blind Retarded fully demands your participation. In fact, must have the participation of the caring individual Children's playground. As the funds arrive for the second phase, member if it is to suceed. Your tax deduciible Sayre will commence creating the Outdoor donation should be sent to: Units. Hopefully, these can be finished by early Western Carolina Center fall. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Already requests have come in from Michigan Special Playground Equipment and Oregon asking for blueprints and informaP.O. Box 15295 tion. At this time no other source is available Charlotte, NC 28210 for a playground unit designed specifically for these unique children. Yet, there are 1000's of similar children in the United States not able to Tax deductible checks should be made payable grow and develop in a play atmosphere due to: Western Carolina Center — to this deficiency. Pi Kappa Phi is indeed providing an answer to this significant need. . Pi Kappa Phi Project The first two phases will result in the


Twenty-five years in religious activities The Rev. Dr. Marvin C. Wilbur, Oregon State, was honored recently for 25 years service with the national office of the United Presbyterian Church. He is presently Assistant Director of the United Presbyterian Foundation in charge of public relations and program materials. Dr. Wilbur is also recognized as a nationwide authority in religion communication through his leadership in the Religious Public Relations Council, where he has been instrumental in developing purposes and professional aims for religious public relations personnel. He has been the Executive Secretary of the Council since 1959. In 1938 Dr. Wilbur was private secretary for five years to millionaire financier, Ray Alan Van Chief, Durward Owen, Executive Director, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity; David Beck, Western Carolina Center Director of Program Administration; and Tom Sayre, Sculptor; review the two models of the special indoor-outdoor playground equipment for Deaf-Blind Retarded Children.

Pi Kapp in Baseball Hall of Fame Brother Joe Sewell, Alabama, was recently inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. He still holds two records. He struck out the fewest times of any player, 114 times while having over 7,000 trys to the plate. He struck out only four times in 1925 and 1929. After 14 years as a major league player with such immortals as Ruth and Gehrig, Joe returned to his

Alabama. home in Tuscaloosa, From 1964-68 he was the baseball coach for the University of Alabama. In 1970 he was inducted into the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame. Joe has always been a participating member of Pi Kappa Phi. His activity with Omicron Chapter has been rewarding to many student members.

Recognized for horticultural contributions Philip A. Minges, Michigan State, professor of vegetable crops in the Cornell Department of Vegetable Crops, has received the 1976 Carl S. Bittner Extension Award from the American Society for Horticultural Science. He was recognized for outstanding contributions to horticulture through innovative and valuable extension activities. The award, which consists of a plaque and $200 in cash, was given at the Society's annual banquet held at Louisiana State University.

a member of the New York Stock Exchange, who lived near Charlottesville, Virginia. Brother Wilbur entered Union Theological Seminary in the fall of 1940, though not without much inner searching as he had at the same time been offered the position of private secretary to former President Herbert Hoover. Since 1952, he has been with the United Presbyterian Church national office. Marvin has been active with Pi Kappa Phi as a member of the New York alumni chapter and also as a trustee of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation. He has also been an advisor to the Administrative Office on many occasions.

YOU THINK YOU'VE GOT A PROBLEM Perhaps you do, but not as severe as those children who are multiply handicapped. Such as blind/deaf retarded children! You can help improve their life by sending your tax deductible checks to support the Pi Kappa Phi national project. Checks should be made payable, in this instance, to "Western Carolina Center", and mailed to pi Kappa Phi Playground Project, P. 0. Box 15295, Charlotte, NC 28210.

From Archon to Doctorate Kenneth L. Slepicka received a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology. Dr. Slepicka, who also did his undergraduate work at I.I.T., was an initiate of Alpha Phi. He served the chapter in many capacities, including that of Archon, and upon graduation, continued to work closely with the chapter as

President of the local alumni association. Upon completion of his Master's Degree (1972), Dr. Slepicka was awarded a National Science Foundation Grant to continue his studies toward a doctorate. He is a member of Alpha Pi Mu, National Honorary Society for Industrial Engineers, and is a Corporate Engineer for Nalco Chemical Company in Oakbrook, Illinois.

Help wanted - RUSH INFORMER TO ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF GROWING PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY. Only minutes required to earn Alumni feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. No requirements, except that you know a man entering college this fall. If you do, please fill out the following coupon and return to the Administrative Office of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, P.O. Box 15295, Charlotte, NC 28210. Your feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment for your fraternity, will be immediate.

Name(s) Colleges)(he)(they) will attend Home Address (es) Submitted by: Chapter & Year Address•

Brooks Keel, Augusta, r., is shown as he presents Bill Fuqua, Duke, I., a National Council resolution of appreciation. Bill voluntarily served as auditor for the Administrative Office for a period of 10 years.

Brother Haisten honored by college Dr. Arthur Haisten, Dean of the Dental College of the Medical University of S.C., recently was named Alumnus of the Year by the College of Charleston Alumni Association. The award was made at the College's Founders Day ceremonies on March 19. Dr. Gordon B. Stine, the president, made the presentation as the College celebrated the 207th year of its founding.

The alumni executive committee which chose Haisten selected him for "his competence, his broad experience in public dental health, and a quality of professional dedication that could not help but reflect distinction upon his College".

36th SUPREME CHAPTER August 14-18, 1977 Monteleone Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana


BETA — Presbyterian

LAMBDA — University of Georgia

The House committee has the plans for a sun deck which will be added to the back of the fraternity house. The lumber has been donated and construction will soon take place. The addition to the house is going to help make the fraternity bigger and better. The enthusiasm is shared by all and the completion of the deck is looked forward to.

Lambda has had a vast increase in participation in service activities this quarter. Many of the brothers turned out at the UGA's annual Blood Drive. Donations were made to the Pi Kappa Phi's playground equipment fund for the underprivileged. A volleyball marathon was held at UGA for the American Cancer Society and numerous Pi Kapps were there at all hours of the weekend. In the near future Lambda plans to help the Athens Historical Society restore a monumental site here in Athens. For the first time in as many years as we can remember, Lambda Chapter will meet its recruitment goal as set by the Administrative Office. This is probably the best measurement of overall chapter performance, since it signifies excellence in both rush and membership education. Lambda hopes to carry the fine rush program over into the spring quarter by reaching our goal of ten associate members. Lambda has been fortunate this quarter due to the increase in alumni interest in the chapter. We have had many visits by alumni who have offered their help for many problems. Our Viking Weekend was an outstanding success and we would like to thank all alumni who could make the occasion.

GAMMA — University of Calif. — Berkeley — Returning from Pi Kapp College this summer, we implemented a totally new rush program. Using much of the material acquired there, we set up our library as an information center with stations. Each station had all the details of some facet of fraternity life in our chapter. We were pleased to learn from rushees that our house was the only one with such a complete information & orientation process. Many were very impressed and consequently our house was full by the third day of rush. In our never ending drive to achieve the Founders' Award, we were able to sponsor a canned food drive for Thanksgiving. With the help of Alpha Chi Omega sorority we collected canned goods. After gathering enough food we had a "boxing party" and packed everything for delivery to the Salvation Army. With our community service project done we are working on a candidate for "Alumnus Initiate", and hope to initiate our candidate with our Fall pledge class. Lastly, I'd like to plug the Supreme Chapter in New Orleans. Having taken part in the administrative as well as the participatory functions of the 35th Supreme Chapter and now having attended Pi Kapp College, I cannot be more emphatic about attending the Supreme Chapter in New Orleans. For those of you new to the fraternity as well as those who have been around for awhile, the most complete orientation of our fraternity as well as a leadership and spirit building experience, are to be had by going and absorbing what is there for you to have. You'll have the time of your life as well, with all the new faces and backgrounds of everyone there. You'll meet friends you'll never forget. It's an experience you'll never forget; men working together by the light of the same lamp for each other .. . go . .. now, and make plans for New Orleans.

Steve Tyndall, Gamma's Chaplain, with several Alpha Chi Omegas sort food collected for the Salvation Army.

ZETA — Wofford With the help of one of the Brothers we were able to purchase a juke-box just prior to Christmas break. The slow pace of Interim has kept it toned down, but the time is rapidly approaching to crank it up. Thanks to some of the alumni, our patio has gotten beyond the stage of dreams and the concrete pad will be poured as soon as weather and time permits. Renovations have recently been made to the kitchen. The old cabinets were removed and the walls were completely paneled. These improvements are adding much to the appearance of the house, but much more work still needs to be done. In a small limited IFC Rush we were able to pledge four new associate members and are hopeful of gaining a few more.

XI — Roanoke College Since our last note Xi Chapter has been quite busy, not only enjoying our social functions but working on various projects in the true spirit of brotherhood. Our newly completed house re-decorating project has necessitated various fund-raising projects to pay for them. In December the house began with a project at one of the local beer distributing warehouses, checking up for bad shipments and making close to two hundred dollars. In January we had an on-campus hogie sale which was also quite successful, bringing in another large sum. Recently the house had another fundraising project for the benefit of the Easter Seals Society. House participation was good and Xi Chapter is proud to have raised around three hundred dollars for a good cause at a car wash held off-campus. One of our brothers, Joe Rutherford, ran in the Shamrock Marathon at Virginia Beach for this same cause, collecting a good amount of pledges. Formal Rush at Roanoke College started in February and all of our functions were very successful. It started with our Smoker when 116 un-affiliated men attended and received an orientation to Xi Chapter. The following week came the Rush Party, the theme of Beach Party attracted another large crowd. Xi Chapter is also proud of our alumni who helped the house in January with a Rush Party off-campus. All these efforts paid off and on Bids Day on February 25th, twenty pledges and two social members entered the portals of Pi Kappa Phi. Xi's Little Sisters were also instrumental in our recruitment success this year, contributing a great deal of time and effort. In the beginning of February, Xi Chapter installed three new brothers into the brotherhood, raising the number of initiates of this chapter to 686, and the number of active brothers to thirty-four. Out of these thirtyfour brothers, twelve made the Dean's List, five of our new pledges also attained this honor. In athletics it has been an average year in general, however, the house did win the intramural swim meet.

OMICRON — University of Alabama Omicron Chapter began the 1977 spring term with the initiation of 22 young men into the brotherhood. There are now 91 active members in our chapter. Omicron now has five pledges for the spring semester. Student Government Association elections were recently held and, as usual, Omicron was

well represented in the elections. Two of our brothers were elected senators. Omicron Chapter is well represented in other areas as well as the SGA. These activities include a member of the varsity cheerleading squad, the editor for the Business Newspaper, a member of the varsity track team, and a member of the University of Alabama "Million Dollar" marching band. Omicron also continues to excel academically — we rank in the top scholastically, on campus. Recently Omicron had three brothers accepted into law school and one brother accepted into medical school. Omicron capped the social scene with the Rose Formal on February 28th at Tuscaloosa Country Club with the crowning of Miss Melanie Shannon as Rose Queen of Omicron.

RHO — Washington & Lee Happenings in recent weeks have kept Rho Chapter in a constant state of activity. The annual Rose Ball was held Saturday, March 19, and the brothers had the honor of greeting alumni Brothers Leigh Frackleton, Tom Armstrong, and Doug Foster, as well as cheering the 1977 Rose Queen, Miss Cindy McKay of Sweet Briar College. The traditional "Toasting Session" went on as always, and the good spirits were present until the early hours. In other affairs, Rho has some very special news . . . . Washington and Lee, as you may know, has one of the highest per capita averages of men in fraternities — nearly 70%. There are some 15 or 16 - odd houses here, and competition for the office of Interfraternity Council President is very stiff. Nevertheless, for the first time in many years, Rho is pleased to announce that it has once more furnished the university with a campus leader — Steve Mattesky, a rising senior from Carlisle, PA — but this isn't the only feather in our cap — also very recently, several other brothers were named to positions of authority — Edwin Wright will serve as next year's Washington & Lee Glee Club President; Parker Potter as Editor of Washington & Lee's Literary Magazine, THE ARIEL; and Grant Leister as business manager of the CALYX, W & L's Yearbook. Congratulations to all of them! House elections were also held recently, and taking the gavel from outgoing President Mike Ferrara will be Gray Coleman, a rising junior from New Orleans.

SIGMA — University of South Carolina This year at Sigma Chapter has been one of continued progress in every phase of fraternal life. There are several reasons for our chapter's development, but there are a couple of important ones. One of the reasons for our continued growth at Sigma is the development of a year-round rush. We continue to bring people around during the semester, because we feel, in that way, prospective pledges can observe the actual goings-on in the fraternity on a day-today basis, and not be misled by parties which occur during the traditional rush week. The eight new pledges who have pledged so far this semester are all tremendous individuals, and as brothers will be a great aid to our continued growth. Another very important reason for Sigma's continued growth has been the support of our alumni corporation. With their help, we have made many improvements to our lounge, and their wisdom and experience continues to be a great asset for all the brothers of Sigma Chapter. Our thanks go out to our alumni brothers, and we ask for their continued help in achieving new goals in the future.

TAU — North Carolina State Spring semester at Tau Chapter began with a successful rush which brought us eleven new

pledges. Our education program looks very good this spring. The Warden is planning more chapter activities that are centered around beneficial learning and university scholarship. Scholarship received special recognition at the 1977 Rose Ball when several brothers who obtained high academic averages for fall semester of 1976 received special certificates and recognition for their achievements. Several alumni attended Rose Ball this year as usual, to visit old friends and enjoy the awards presentation and combo party afterwards. Malcolm Roberts, a Tau alumni, has been named new Area Governor for Area XXV,since his recent move to Boone, NC. Malcolm served Tau Chapter as Archon in 1973 and was chosen Outstanding Brother as a junior that year also. Three big events planned for the rest of the spring semester include Parent's Day, Beach Weekend, and the North Carolina Pi Kappa Phi Bash planned at Tau Chapter House in Raleigh, NC. All chapters in North Carolina are invited to this get-together which will include a basketball tourney, rush information meetings, live entertainment and refreshments that night. Wayne Scott, Area Governor for Eastern North Carolina has helped us a great deal in planning this get-together. Once again this year our intramural softball team is going after the championship after finishing 2nd, two years in a row. Undefeated so far this season, several members of last year's team feel we have a good chance at the 1st place finish. We are presently in the process of raising money for the Pi Kappa Phi National Project for the Specially Designed Playground Equipment for Blind/Deaf Mentally Handicapped Children. Delegates for the Supreme -Chapter are also being chosen as we are looking forward to a great meeting and a great time in New Orleans.

UPSILON — University of Illinois After surviving a record breaking winter, Upsilon Chapter is enjoying a successful spring semester. In the area of community service, our chapter is involved in two major areas. First, we will be holding our annual "Pi Kapps and Friends" street dance for the benefit of the United Heart Fund. Upsilon's street dance has been a big event in the past and we are looking forward to another success. Secondly, we are involved in a contest sponsored by the Champaign County Blood Bank which is hoped to encourage blood donations. Pi Kapps here are doing the best they can, along with other fraternities and sororities, to make the blood drive a success. Bob Bryant, our area governor, and Mark Ashley, traveling secretary, enlightened and exchanged ideas with us at our spring retreat. Everyone went away from the retreat encouraged with fresh ideas and with a better understanding of our brotherhood. In the area of rush, we have rapidly pledged four men through informal rush efforts. Spirits are running high and the common belief among the brothers is that we will pledge and initiate a larger brotherhood than our present house capacity of thirty-two men. Pi Kappa Phi retained its high academic standing at the University of Illinois with a house composite grade point average of 4.010/ 5.000, well above the all-campus average. Scholarship is encouraged by a semesterly "steak and beans" dinner. At the dinner, brothers with a grade point higher than the house average eat steak, while those brothers with a grade point lower than the house average eat beans. Much work has been put into the chapter house this semester. Physical improvements began last semester are receiving finishing touches. Outside the house, improvements were made by planting bushes, trees, and shrubs. Plans for this semester call for new carpeting and further remodeling. Efforts of the brothers to improve their house has also led to the addition of a foosball table.


CHI — Stetson We have several brothers who are Head Residents, Resident Advisors, Members of Judiciary Council, Union Board, WC Officers and various other campus committees. This tradition of campus leadership will be extended into the years to come as brothers are now campaigning for many of the offices listed above. Chi Chapter has been working with a local group of Headstart children and recently sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt which was a great success. As a part of our goals for next year, we hope to broaden the extent of our campus leadership as well as increase our community awareness.

PSI — Cornell University This year proved to be the turnaround for Psi Chapter, as our successful rush season raised our membership from 11 to 29, amidst rush failures of some of the largest houses on campus. Immediate plans for the associate member class include remodeling the bar and retiling two bathrooms in the house. We are very pleased with the quality of men who have pledged Psi Chapter this year and are confident in the future of our chapter. Ron Keene, a freshman member of the Cornell Varsity Wrestling Team, recently received all-Ivy League honors in the 118 pound weight class. Ron also placed second in the east and will be traveling to Norman, Oklahoma for the NCAA's. Seven other men in the associate member class are members of the wrestling team, Chris Withers is a member of the Varsity Swimming Team and Phil Fleming is a member of the Varsity Golf Team. Social activities for this semester include a pledge party, a Big Brother/Little Brother Banquet, a post-initiation party, the traditional spring formal, and a weekend retreat to the woods of Delhi, New York.

Archon of our chapter who was named winter quarter in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Rod will be attending Mercer University's Walter F. George School of Law.

ALPHA ZETA — Oregon State On the 25th of February we initiated seven new members into the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi. We have obtained only one new pledge, but we are working on a few new possibilities for spring. The Alumni Corporation is faced with the requirement of the fire department to put in a sprinkler system. This will be a very expensive project. Alumni are encouraged to support the Alumni Corporation in its various activities.

ALPHA ETA — Samford University The Fall semester for Alpha Eta has been another very successful period in the history of our chapter. Pi Kapp College played a big part as we sent four brothers, including two fall officers, one member and our Chapter Advisor, Brother Bill Ford. With the new approach to leadership they brought back we cranked up a Fall rush that netted fifteen new men for Alpha Eta. At a school like Samford, intramurals are attacked with enthusiasm rarely seen at any school. In football, Pi Kappa Phi tied for first place, our usual position, with two other teams. Among the other intramural trophies also captured during the semester was handball, won by Brother Jax Bills. Many of our brothers and pledges participated in a school wide Rent-a-Kid program, where a couple will adopt an orphan child for one Saturday during the Christmas holidays and try to give that child a family for a day during such a very important season. A new plaque was bought by the chapter to rededicate the fraternity house to our late advisor, Dr. Jean Dunbar. A dedication ceremony is planned for the Spring semester.

ALPHA THETA — Michigan State University

The Omega Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi is proud to announce the one-thousandth initiate, Kenneth Buchanan. "Bucky", as he is known by the brothers, was a member of the spring '76 pledge class, but had been associated with the house off and on within the last couple of years. Because of his local residence, Bucky's connections within the West Lafayette community have benefited the house considerably. Bucky, a sophomore in Turf Management at Purdue, has been active in the house since his activation and has recently been elected Rush Chairman. Athletically, Bucky is interested in all types of sports, but holds special interests in softball, golf, and hunting. The brothers of Omega Chapter would like to extend our congratulations to Bucky and hope he maintains his outstanding performance for the chapter.

We are proud to say that we have just initiated five great men into our brotherhood. Earlier this term we held our annual Alumni vs. Active basketball game. The alumni won by holding on to a two-point lead in the final minutes. To end the day on a good note, the house hosted a Valentines Party. After midterms a retreat was held at a hunting lodge. Here plans were made for our spring term. The main emphasis for next term will be on rush. We hope to recruit at least 15 new men into our brotherhood. Also we hope to have a large community service program put into effect. It will be either helping retired folks do those little jobs around the house that never seem to get done, or bringing a smile to a group of orphans at a baseball game. Aside from these projects, the brothers at Alpha Theta are strongly looking forward to helping out on the National Playground Project. Next term our 51st Rose Ball Party will be held May 14th. It will be held at Emil's West. Refreshments will be served at the house with dinner and dancing held at the banquet hall later in the evening.

ALPHA ALPHA — Mercer On March 22, 1977, Alpha Alpha Chapter initiated four new brothers. Plans are also underway for the initiation of two new affiliates who were formally pledged April 30. The Annabelle Bennet Chapter of the Little Sisters of the Star and Lamp has also added three new little sisters to their membership. Alpha Alpha Chapter held its Founders' Day festivities on March 27, 1977. We had an open house and a cookout with parents and friends of the members in attendance. We also had a good turnout of returning alumni from Mercer's class of '71. On Tuesday, April 5th, our Chapter sponsored our second annual Easter Egg Hunt for the mentally retarded children of the Macon-Bibb County Training Center for the Handicapped. Every year during spring quarter the brothers and little sisters of our chapter travel to Panama City, Florida for a weekend of sun and-fun. The highlights of this year's trip will be the awards banquet to be held on a Saturday evening. At that time, those members who have distinguished themselves throughout the year will be recognized arid the new Rose Queen will be announced. Special recognition goes to Brother Rodney H. Roberts, former

Alpha Iota Archon Perry Grant (dark suit) and 1000th Brother Eddie Bass.

ALPHA MU — Penn State What goes up must come down, except at Alpha Mu. Every term we continue to go up, with no limit in sight. The Pi Kappa Phi name became more familiar here at Penn State with our past Archon, Steve DiOrio, being recently elected to the IFC Presidency. His position has enabled younger brothers to become involved in IFC and it seems we will continue to be a strong force in this organization.

The student population got a good look at Pi Kapp organization, leadership and initiative during the highly successful IFC Dance Marathon where we raised $3,700 for the Four Diamonds Cancer Fund for children. Although we placed second in the combined "Time and Money" category, we had first place in everyone's hearts for spirit and dedication. Plans to make our fiftieth chapter anniversary on September 17th, the biggest weekend ever are getting a good start now that we have 200 seats to the P.S.U. vs. Houston game reserved for returning alumni. But, big plans take hard work and dedication. With several of this year's younger brothers already holding important offices, and with the combined help of our twelve neophytes and seven associates, we have a vast pool of men in the process of organizing this momentus weekend. Once again Pi Kapp supremacy shows both scholastically and intramurally, finishing last term in the upper third of Penn State's fifty fraternities in both categories. One brother, Derek Robinson, captured a first place in I.M. wrestling, while our basketball team was pushed out of first place by one point in the division playoffs. Looking ahead, we are hoping to promote our spirit with a new benefit drive for the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens in the form of Pi Kapp's "Miss Penn State Contest" scheduled for May 13. We hope once again to show Penn State that Pi Kapps are Number Onel

Pictured are enthusiastic Pi Kapp Jamie Hawkins and Alpha Xi Delta Nancy Meyer during the 46 hour IFC Dance Marathon. Together the Pi Kapps and Alpha Xi Deltas raised $3,700 for the Four Diamonds Children Cancer Fund.

Once again the Pi Kapps tell Penn State who is Number Onel

ALPHA OMICRON — Iowa State University Student members from Alpha Omicron have invested much time this spring visiting other cities in Iowa. Mason City, Marshalltown, Fort Dodge, Des Moines, and Ankeny have been destinations for rush caravans. Students traveled to these cities on Saturday mornings. We depended upon alumni facilities and the homes of student members to base the operation. High school rushees were contacted by phone and interviews were set-up with the potential rushees. Rush is Alpha Omicron's number one concern. The chapter is attempting to build in both numbers and quality. If alumni have names of incoming or existing students at Iowa State, the chapter would appreciate being notified of the existence of those people. Alpha Omicron would like to thank Brother Jack Gethmann (Marshalltown) and Karl Griffith (Mason City) for providing facilities for the rush caravans. Letters have been mailed to alumni in regard to Veishea '77. The chapter hopes that all alumni are able to attend. Alumni are always welcome at the house and we wish that all would stop by on their trips to Ames. With the departure of Al Peterson as Greek Affairs Advisor at Iowa State, Alpha Omicron lost an excellent Chapter Advisor. Al took a similar position as Greek Affairs Advisor at the University of Maryland. His vacated position has been filled by a 1967 initiate of Alpha Omicron, Brian Riggs. Pi Kapps are firing up for the National Project. Alpha Omicron is presently preparing for a run from Des Moines. Plans call for solicitation of local businesses to receive pledges for the project. This run will take place on April 30th. Alpha Omicron will be venturing into fund-raising for the first time in years, but for a very worthwhile cause.

Alpha Omicron's main house (they own three others) just received a frosh coat of paint.

ALPHA SIGMA — University of Tennessee Winter quarter began with the initiation of nine new members to our chapter. Shortly after initiation Alpha Sigma came through for the March of Dimes Telerama with the largest contribution of any campus organization. Brothers Joe Risher and Jim Ogden along with little sisters Robin Roeben and Pam McKnight went on live T.V. January 28th with a donation to help prevent birth defects. The money was raised through a light bulb sale and from the contributions of brothers. On February 19th the actives and alumni met at Fairfield Glade in Crossville, Tennessee. Awards were given to Larry Woods for best active, Brent Spalding for best pledge, Jim Ogden and Fred Lay for their scholastic achievement, and Ray Ritter was named as Alpha Sigma's most outstanding alumni for this year. The new Rose for 1977, Miss Karen Leeper, was presented. Congratulations to Brother Douglas Deaver who was selected to serve on the IFC's Judicial Board. Doug was one of thirty applicants for this position.

ALPHA PHI — Illinois Inst. of Tech. Alpha Phi Chapter launched into the spring semester with a familiar ease and inspired ambition. Of the forty-six brothers living in the house, twenty-eight of them were sinking their energies in extracurricular activities. Among the main activities, the favorites were Technology News positions, Alpha Phi Omega memberships, honorary fraternities in various fields, and student government placements. Even with the multitude of talented persons scampering about, problems bared themselves and forced a chapter retreat into reality. At the retreat, the major and minor problems were identified; and solutions to them were offered and discussed. This was our second chapter retreat; we strongly recommend it as an efficient remedy for internal squabbles. The basketball team's initiative for a championship was subdued by a one-point loss to the first place team — Sigma Phi Epsilon. The pool team was beaten in the finals, gaining, as did the BB team, a second place ranking for their total efforts. The chess season has yet to finish, but with an undefeated record of 4-0, and three strong players, number one is within our grasp. The softball team, returning from a second place finish of last year, can taste the thrill of victory. Greek Week plans are being made well in advance; Wally Lind, the premier enthusiast, expects Pi Kappa Phi to give every other house a good match in each event. Currently, our financial problems are done away with. A strong savings account and a steward who, out of his own budget, purchased a new deep-fryer while exceeding his allotment for the month of the purchase by a mere fifteen bucks, blessed us with financial security. The organization of special programs seems to be a recently acquired forte of some of the brothers and the little sisters. Nearly alone are the Pi Kapps in Alpha Phi Omega going to run the 1.I.T. Blood Program. The little sisters raised seventy-dollars through a recent bakesale they had on campus. And what's more, the little sisters are conducting a raffle which will net their organization and the house on the order of three-hundred dollars. Eighteen stout-hearted men were initiated this semester; the outstanding pledge was Bruce Laumann. Last semester, three Pi Kapps received 4.0 grade point averages. Marc Hannah and Andrew Pleszkun were as scholarly as can be, but Barry Jones topped everyone with a studious 4.0 for thirty semester hours of credit!

ALPHA PSI — Indiana University Alpha Psi has been working hard at building up our membership again this spring. We cur-


BETA LAMBDA — University of Tampa The brothers of Beta Lambda are off to a flying start this year led by our new officers Archon Larry Cippolone, Secretary David Helterbran, Treasurer Alan Fainblatt, and Historian Robert Ross. The loss of the fraternity house didn't stop the brotherhood from being number one on campus. Beta Lambda is hard at work helping the community with projects such as Send a Mouse to College, Throw A Pie At A Pi Kapp for the Heart Fund, canned food drive to raise food for the needy families in the area, and more in the planning stages. The brotherhood is holding a strong second and pushing for the top in intramurals. With the addition of our new brothers Joseph Lamphier, Eric Romanino, Joel Harris, Paul Stevens, and the possibility of a new fraternity house on campus, Beta Lambda looks toward a strong future.

BETA OMICRON — Northwestern State Pictured are Indiana University pledges conducting their 1977 car wash! rently have seventeen enthusiastic pledges working with the brothers. They are well organized and have already raised money for their pledge class project by washing cars. A special thanks goes to Dave Shook and all other alumni who have arranged several rush activities for this summer.

BETA ALPHA — New Jersey Inst. of Tech. Lately Beta Alpha's greatest asset has been alumni participation. After spending a number of years working hard in school and at the house, they still amazingly take time to give the undergrads an immeasurable amount of help and guidance. New Housing Corporation officers were recently elected. They wasted no time in getting organized and working on ways in which they could improve the house. The North Jersey Alumni Association has been busy organizing social and sporting events in which both alumni and undergrads are invited. It's always reassuring to know that our alumni brothers are around when we need them. The undergrads have also been busy lately. Eight new men were recently initiated and momentum is building for spring events. The annual I.F.C. Talent Show is coming up and Pi Kapps never misses out on that affair. Roseball '77 is also a springtime affair which is a guaranteed good time for all who attend. Our annual raffle for the Peter Jensen Memorial Scholarship Fund is in full swing. Because of the large amount of spirit produced by our many activities there is a strong feeling of brotherhood between everyone at Beta Alpha. We are always looking for more alumni to come and visit with us and become involved as they were when they were in school. An open invitation is always out for brothers from other chapters to see us and our house.

BETA BETA — Florida Southern Beta Beta Chapter of Florida Southern College is off to its best year yet. Through the strong work of all the brothers, spring rush was a big success. We now have twelve new pledges in our spring pledge class. This is many more than we are losing to graduation so that our house has again grown stronger and is now one of the largest on campus. Beta Beta looks as if it will be one of the top fraternities in intramurals this year. We are currently in first place with just a couple of events to go. In basketball we took fourth place with brother Tom "Fergy" Ferguson being named to the intramural first team. We hope that any brothers or alumni that might be passing through the Lakeland area might stop by and see us at Beta Beta.

BETA DELTA — Drake University Beta Delta was doomed, or so it seemed. Many brothers returned from semester break only to find the cold weather had broken several water mains. Much of the living quarters were destroyed. Several radiators were replaced, the total repair cost near six thousand dollars. All repair was done within a few weeks, and with the help of our alumni supported building corporation, no expense was brought to the active brothers. After initiating twenty members in the fall, and pledging another six this semester, Beta Delta looks forward to going beyond the seventy-five member mark, and becoming the largest fraternity on the Drake University campus. Numbers, however, mean very little unless they are put in these terms; five members are running for one of eight university positions, several members serve on the I FC

including Ron Raskin being the vice president, Evan Kline is chairman of the projects committee and Hank Leavens as all-campus rush chairman. At least 80% of our chapter is active in other various on and off-campus activities. Drake offers a Greek Involvement Trophy to the most represented fraternity on campus. With all our participation Beta Delta is a likely contender. President James Glick has proved a reliable leader. Several innovative approaches were tried on old problems, the main one, accounts receivable. Treasurer Hank Leavens and roommate Chaplain Mark Chaplick devised a method of awarding those who pay on time — half of the formal Rose Ball free. Warden David Burdick has been highly successful in motivating the spring pledge class.

BETA EPSILON — Missouri The brothers of Beta Epsilon have ventured into many areas of campus life at the University of Missouri — Columbia, in an effort to continue the fine name of Pi Kappa Phi on campus. Initiates and pledges alike have contributed a great deal of time and effort in improving Beta Epsilon. In the area of student politics, one brother lobbies actively for the University in the State Legislature. In addition, one of our new pledges is presently running for Arts & Sciences Vice President. Beta Epsilon has done exceptionally well in sports this semester, netting a birth in the basketball semi-finals before losing a heartbreaker to the Betas. Two brothers reached the semi-finals in raquetball doubles, picking up a third place finish. In addition, our soccer team is highly rated and Beta Epsilon looks forward to defending its title in this spring's annual Greek Games. Other activities include organizing with our brother chapters a successful special project in connection with the National Playground Project for the Handicapped. Our specific project will be a rose sale in early April with a pledged contribution of $300 to the project. Eleven members were initiated this semester and we are presently recruiting new prospectives as well as planning for summer rush with the hope of meeting our goal of 25 new members before fall. While new members are joining Beta Epsilon, we are at the same time trying to keep in touch with older alums through a newly organized alumni-relations program. Our goal, an alumni chapter in Missouri, can only be reached through contacts with brothers involved in the original chartering of Beta Epsilon as well as those involved in our re-chartering three years ago.

BETA ETA — Florida State University We had a very successful rush, which included winning a bet of a keg with our housing corportion. Our annual Founders' Day Banquet was held on February 17. After a cocktail hour and a delicious dinner at the Ramada Inn, the brothers and their dates listened to local alumni speak on our building program and what the future has to hold for the chapter. The guest speaker was Mrs. Louise Goldhagen, Acting Chief of Student Affairs, whose office has authority over the Fraternity system at FSU. She spoke on the history, present situation, and future of fraternities and the possible establishment of a Fraternity Row. Special recognition deserves to go to Brothers Chris New and Bill Holdorf, who were initiated this year into the Order of Omega,the national honorary for fraternity men. Chris has served the chapter as Assistant Treasurer, House Manager, and Secretary, and is also Treasurer of IFC. Bill has been Warden, Pledge Trainer, Rush Chairman, and Treasurer.

The brothers of Beta Omicron have completed a very busy Fall semester. All actives and pledges helped paint the lodge and the little sisters have just put up new curtains. In intramural football Beta Omicron finished with four wins and two losses. In service projects the brothers delivered city maps to local businesses for the Natchitoches Chamber of Commerce. Pi Kappa Phi finished first in the Miller Reclamation Drive and won $500 cash. The annual Pi Kappa Phi Founders' Day Banquet was held at Lasyone Restaurant with alumni Lynn Dalton as guest speaker.

BETA TAU — Valdosta State This summer, Pi Kappa Phi at Valdosta will be moving to a different location. The new Pi Kapp House will be located at 200 Georgia Avenue. The house has four large bedrooms upstairs with ample space downstairs for a Chapter room. The new location has been a long-awaited improvement for Beta Tau. There will also be more parking space for the brothers. The chapter will be moving into the new house on July 1, 1977. Beta Tau would like to invite all Pi Kapps to come by and visit any time. If any brothers are traveling down to Florida any time soon or in the summer, Beta Tau is always glad to welcome them. Beta Tau is also preparing Miss Eden Beck, winner of this year's Miss Valdosta State Pageant, to go to the Miss Georgia Pageant. Last year's winner Miss Kim Purser was the second runner-up in the pageant. Kim also won the talent in her division. Beta Tau hopes Eden will go all the way to the top. Beta Tau would also like to congratulate one of our brothers. In the recent IFC elections, Brother Jeff Cobb was elected to the post of Treasurer. This speaks well of Brother Cobb and Beta Tau since the chapter has held the position for the last two consecutive years.

Alumnus Don Smith organized a March o. ' Dimes INalkathon last fall which netted over $20,000 and enabled a local hospital to pur. chase a neo-natal care unit, which is instru. mental in caring for and saving the lives of sick newborns, especially premature babies. Don Smith's work in this drive made it the success it was. We are also looking forward to help from Brother Smith in our annual Flagpole Sit, which was moved to April this year, to avoid conflict with the Walkathon. This event will raise money for the Alan M. Jacobus Memorial Fund (started in menory of our late brother Alan Jacobus) which contributes to a Youth Program Fund, as well as to other charities including the March of Dimes. In cooperation with one of the University's volunteer programs, the Charlottesville Housing Improvement Program (CHIP), Pi Kapps have been doing substantial renovation work on the new house of our long time cook, Mrs. Ethel Jackson. CHIP provides materials for the work, and Pi Kapps have been providing the labor. Beta Upsilon also voted to donate a surplus stove to Ethel for use in her new house. During sorority rush, the Pi Kappa Phi house was donated to the Inter-Sorority Council for nightly ISC rush parties. Since few sororities have houses, their rush is held in fraternity houses, with each house being used by a different sorority each night. The ISC is holding a thank-you party to thank Beta Upsilon for the use of the house during their rush. Beta Upsilon's refrigerator renting service, provided for first-year students who must live in dorms, is about to be incorporated to make bookkeeping easier, and to make it easier for the house to manage. In addition to helping out students, who are limited to the smaller size refrigerators provided by Beta Upsilon, the refrigerators provide money which keeps costs down for the brothers, and provides the cash for many house renovation projects. Active brothers will be the members of the Board of the Refrigerator Corporation.

BETA PSI — Tennessee Wesleyan The winter months took a toll on our fraternity house, as many repairs were made on the water pipes. Heating and installation was taken care of, as a pledge project for the house, the pledge class covered the windows with plastic and cut wood for the fireplace. An alumni association is now being formed here at Beta Psi. Alumni have not been active in our chapter in quite some time, to the fault of the brothers of past & present. Two committees have been appointed for alumni relations. Money making projects are in the planning stages at this time. The weather has hampered efforts up to this point. Projects will lean toward money going to the National Project. Others will go toward local groups and, of course, our own needs. Beta Psi Chapter is proud to announce another scholarship award. For the third year in a row, and the sixth award in nine years, Beta Psi pledge class won the Pledge Class Scholarship Award, awarded by the Academic Dean's Office, Tec Conar led all pledge brothers with a 3.8 and Jack Corley and Bob Puchalski finished in the top three with well over 3.0.

GAMMA ALPHA — Livingston University

New house welcomes Valdosta Chapter when they return to campus.

BETA UPSILON — University of Virginia Dave Wheeler, recently named a Pi Kapp Scholar, has been elected Vice-President of the IFC, a great achievement when one considers that almost forty fraternities exist on the grounds here at U. of Virginia. Dave was also awarded a room on the Lawn for next year, an extremely prestigious honor that Pi Kapps everywhere can be proud of. Philip Hart, another third-year brother, was elected secretary of the IFC, giving Pi Kappa Phi two of the four IFC offices. Philip is also chairman of the chapter pledge education committee. Before the beginning of last fall semester, seventeen men were initiated into the fraternity. The new brothers are already actively involved in the house, holding many offices and providing the influx of new ideas that keep the house going. First semester, twelve men were pledged, and a fine second semester rush by the house brought five more associates into our pledge program.

We initiated six new brothers and have a small pledge class of three. Gamma Alpha has had many civic projects that we undertook such as the American Red Cross Blood Drive in which we won first place for most pints given, also the Lung Association, and starting a fund for the Livingston .Ambulance service in order to buy a portable incubator. In the area of sports, we have closed the margin of points between our second place rating and the first place team. With a strong finish in softball, tennis, and golf we feel assured that we will win first place and receive the all-sports trophy for the second year. We have also undergone several changes in our advisory roles. Due to an unusually large amount of work, our former Chapter Advisor Dr. James Patrenos has assumed the role of faculty advisor. We would like to thank Dr. Patrenos for his endless years of service to the chapter and hope that he will always remain an active member in Gamma Alpha. Replacing Dr. Patrenos is our first charter member, Joe Alexander, who has given endless amounts of both time and wisdom to the brothers and we welcome him with open arms. Well, we are proud to say that with an all-out effort we more than doubled our initial goal for the National Project. In February Gamma Alpha Chapter suffered a great loss in the death of brother Lynn Smith, who served as Chapter Advisor for many years — he gave many hours of priceless help and leadership. Brother Smith was always willing


to help brothers in personal problems as well as academic problems. We shall all miss and think of Brother Smith, as this is a personal loss to us all.

GAMMA GAMMA — Troy State Winter quarter began with the initiation of seventeen new brothers which brought the total winter quarter brotherhood to forty-three. Following initiation, we had a week of rush where we picked up three additional pledges. Our Rose Formal was held at the Joe Wheeler State Resort in Rodgersville, AL. Toni Duke was named rose for the second time. Our service projects for winter quarter included taking the children from the Alabama Baptist Children's Home, Troy, to Troy State's home basketball games. Another project was a basketball tournament to raise money for the Heart Fund.

Alumni Chapter Advisor Benny Pinckard presented Brother Tim Cumuze (center) with the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Award. The brothers, pledges, little sisters, alumnus Herbie Haisten and Head of Student Affairs Marvin Vickers all joined together in a standing ovation to congratulate Tim for his outstanding recognition.

GAMMA THETA — University of N.C. — Wilmington Last month was a good one for publicity. We competed with TKE in a fund-raising for the Heart Fund. The drive was very successful. Our campus relations have improved. We have initiated five new brothers. They are Gregg Capps, Doug Shackelford, Dennis Todd, Mike Mason, and Ernest Rogers. April 16, azalea festival weekend, Gamma Theta will be manning the concessions at Bluthenthal field for an air show featuring the Thunderbirds. We are doing this as a volunteer service and our colors will be flying. We recently had a successful tuition raffle won by a student at UNC-W, and we intend to make it an annual event. Our annual Alumni Dance was March 26th and the participation was around the 200 level. If any brothers are in our beach area, our address is 120 Yorktown Drive, Wilmington, NC.(919) 763-9232.

GAMMA KAPPA — Georgia Southern So far, spring rush has brought the brothers On of Gamma Kappa Chapter five fine men. outstanding four initiate to plan April 14th, we leaders who have already proved to us that they will become dedicated brothers. The 1st weekend of spring quarter, we had a Pi Kapp Conclave here that included representatives from Areas XXI & V. We thank all that attended this weekend and we especially thank Director of Development, Jerry Matthews for speaking at our rush seminar. At Homecoming here at Southern we won n. first place in the parade float competitio Our service projects for this year include Miss Georgia Southern Pageant (our representative was 1st runner-up), district 2-AA Basketball Championship, the Special Olympics, High Hope School for Retarded Children Easter Egg Hunt, & the Blood Mobile.

GAMMA LAMBDA — Missouri — Rolla The spring semester for the Gamma Lambda Chapter started off with a very constructive retreat at Shannondale Church Camp. The results of this retreat are truly impressive. Within two and a half weeks, revisions were made in our subordinate ritual so it would better align with the ideals of Pi Kappa Phi and make our fraternity experience here at Rolla more meaningful and complete. This change was made in time for the largest number of initiates we've had in one semester since 1970. In the area of house improvement, our chapter began an extensive reorganization of the physical plant with the help of alumni donations and labor. Much has already been done in two weekends and we hope to finalize this massive project before summer. We are

Memphis State Pi Kapps pose proudly in front of chapter property. delighted with the changes which will definitely decrease fuel bills, but are even happier for the opportunity that it gave us to once again get together with our alumni. To further increase the efficiency of the Gamma Lambda Chapter, this semester's officers began a voluntary program in the form of a series of management seminars. The immediate results of these meetings were the establishment and organization of officer manuals and a noticeable improvement in officer performance. This semester Gamma Lambda also made a great step toward improving its campus and community image by participating in the Red Cross blood drive as a group. Besides being an activity with great personal reward, the chapter was also honored with the presentation of the Student Council Blood Drive Participation Trophy for the highest percentage participation of any campus organization. Our chapter has informally adopted long term goals for recruitment that take into account present and anticipated house capacity. Other plans include the celebration of our Tenth Anniversary in the fall of 1978. If possible, we would appreciate hearing from any chapter or alumnus with ideas for this event, especially our own alumni.

GAMMA MU — Belmont Abbey College Winter Rush was good for Gamma Mu Chapter with the pledging of 21 new associate members. One of the major concerns of Gamma Mu this semester has been house improvements and repairs. We have had significant results with bathrooms which will hold together longer than one day, a new bar, as well as the addition of a foosball table and pool table to provide additional revenue. We also have repaired the roof, which at the beginning of the year had a hole the size of a basketball goal in it. This winter was the first time in the history of the chapter that Pi Kappa Phi made the intramural playoffs. Both the "A" and "C" teams made the finals. Unfortunately the Cinderella story ended there. Gamma Mu is approaching the summer, and with it a successful summer rush through the help of Jerry Matthews' seminar at the Administrative Office, which was attended by our Chapter Advisor, and six brothers and pledges.

GAMMA NU — LaGrange College Gamma Nu is enthusiastic about two new associate members it now has. Both men demonstrate Christian ideals, leadership qualities, and athletic skills our chapter is proud of. Gamma Nu is proud of the fact that they took 1st place in football, basketball, and 2nd place in volleyball, in all-campus and interfraternity athletics. The brothers have also been active in community fund-raising projects such as raffles and car washes to promote a better community and campus image.

GAMMA RHO — Lander Gamma Rho Chapter is proud to announce the acquisition of another fraternity house through the help of faculty advisor, Dr. Joseph Cabri. It has not yet been absorbed by the Housing Corporation. Currently it is filled to capacity and plans are being made for the Housing Corporation to take charge. For the fourth year in a row, Gamma Rho Chapter has taken first place in Homecoming display competition. Out of the eight years that Lander has sponsored Homecoming competition, Pi Kappa Phi has claimed all but two of the first place trophies. Our display consisted of a seventeen foot King Kong stuffing our competitor through a basketball loop while the Lander mascot held King Kong

by a leash. One local newspaper even ran the front page caption, "King Kong Stalks Lander Campus." Pi Kapps at Lander have also participated in the Heart Fund and have netted close to two hundred dollars from door to door collection. In the area of sports we are presently in third place for the all-points trophy, out of the twenty teams competing for it.

GAMMA SIGMA — Armstrong State On March 5, 1977, Gamma Sigma held its First Annual Open House for Alumni and Parents. The occasion, which also served as a celebration of the seventh anniversary of the chapter's chartering, welcomed guests with a slide presentation, a reception, and a tour of the recently renovated housing complex. Among the many distinguished visitors in attendance was the President of Armstrong State College, Dr. Henry L. Ashmore. The Alumni Connection, featured in the January 1977 issue of the GAMMA SIGNALS, has indeed gotten off to a bold start. The program, the objective of which is to locate and contact area alumni, is proving to be fruitful in that numerous responses from alumni continue to come in. Brother Brian Bacon has distinguished himself and the chapter in being awarded the chapter Student Lamp for 1976-77. Brian, aside from carrying a 3.4 grade point average for the last three quarters, also finds time to serve as Secretary for the chapter. Brother James Mallory, Jr., an Armstrong cheerleader and a member of the Naval ROTC Program, has been selected as a member of Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities. This marks the second year in a row a brother of Gamma Sigma has been selected, as Rene Romagosa was selected last year. The chapter is extremely proud of the accomplishments of both brothers. In recent Student Government elections, Brother Steven Hartley was elected Secretary and Brother David Dorondo was elected SenatorAt-Large. Brother Richard Purvis, Charles Singleton, and Thomas Long also serve as Senators on the Student Government. During Fall quarter, Gamma Sigma pledged and initiated nine members. Presently the chapter has five pledges, among whom is Mark Oldfield, younger brother of alumni John Oldfield, Jr.

GAMMA PHI — University of South Alabama Gamma Phi committee chairmen have been very busy re-structuring several of the chapter's committees. A new scholarship program has been instigated within the chapter and is working quite well. The program, known as the Systematic Scholarship Program (SSP), is aimed at assisting members by means of counseling, guiding and tutoring members in times of difficulty. Drastic changes were also made in the Public Relations, and Recruitment programs. The chapter has continued its active involvement in community service during the winter quarter. Two projects have been held for the Muscular Dystrophy Association with over $300.00 raised. The money will be used to pay for a new M.D. Clinic which was recently opened in Mobile. With spring quarter beginning, the chapter has plans for two projects to benefit the Pi Kappa Phi National Project. A softball game with a local radio station versing our members is scheduled for late April. It is our desire to exceed our pledge of $300.00 for the National Project. The chapter has recently elected Evans Spiceland, alumni of Omicron, as the new faculty advisor. We are very pleased to have Evans assisting us in the various chapter functions. Our Sixth Annual Rose Ball was held on April 2nd and was enjoyed by all attending. We were very pleased with the number of alumni returning for the Rose Ball. The chapter was most honored to have in attendance Mrs. Fox Brunson, and Judge James P. Lynch. Mrs.

Brunson is the wife of the late Fox Brunson, Mr. Pi Kappa Phi of 1973. Judge Lynch, Alpha Iota alumni, has recently received the Golden Legion Award for fifty years service to Pi Kappa Phi. Russell Hughen was named Outstanding Alumni for 1976-77, Frank Havard received Outstanding Brother, and John Hill received Outstanding Pledge Award. The climax of the evening was the presentation of Sharon Webb as Rose Queen for 1977. With a large number of graduating brothers this year, Gamma Phi is planning a large summer and fall rush. Recently, the chapter sent two representatives to the National Office for a Recruitment Seminar given by Jerry Matthews. The seminar was most helpful and coordination for summer rush is in progress. SEE YOU IN NEW ORLEANS!!!

GAMMA CHI — Jacksonville Academically, it was the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity which received three out of a possible four IFC academic awards. Brother Hank Van Winkle received the award for the "Brother with the highest grade point average." The award for the "Pledge with the highest grade point average" went to Carl Schiano and the pledge class captured the "Highest Pledge Class grade point average" plaque. Homecoming week saw the chapter taking third place in the Homecoming Parade, and receiving the only standing ovation of the night for its own version of "Swan Lake" in the talent show. In intramurals, the brothers have shown their pride. They went -undefeated in volleyball. A third place finish in football did not do justice to the excellent play of the team. However, six Pi Kapps did receive all-star honors. The basketball season was marked by a strong effort on the part of Gamma Chi. Unfortunately, after a brilliant start, injuries to key players caused them to just miss the playoffs. The softball team, utilizing power and speed on the basepaths coupled with an unyielding defense is presently boasting an unblemished record of no losses. The annual IFC Greek Olympics saw Gamma Chi performing with excellence, showing their skill in all the events.

GAMMA PSI — Augusta Winter quarter at Gamma Psi saw the initiation of four new brothers into the chapter along with the addition of four associate members. The associate members completed their renovation of the game room and started building a new storage closet. This was a marked improvement in the chapter house physical plant. Winter also brought a time of transition for Gamma Psi. Bobby Strozier, Chapter Advisor since the inception of the chapter, had to resign his post because of increasing business pressures on his time. The entire chapter hated to see Bobby's tenure come to an end. Charlie Martin, one of Gamma Psi's own alumni has consented to take his place. Our most recent big event was a chapter ski trip. The trip this year was to the mountains of North Carolina. The brothers of Gamma Psi went up in the latter part of January and managed to get snowed in for a couple of days.

DELTA ALPHA — Virginia Poly. Tech. Our money making project for house improvements was a huge success due to the cooperation of the Brotherhood and Little Sisters. The university held a dance marathon, called "Dance for Those Who Can't", which was a fund-raising project for Muscular Dystrophy. A number of brothers and little sisters participated in the marathon, while most of the Brotherhood collected contributions for it. We have an excellent pledge class and the morale of the Brotherhood Is high.


For Georgia Heart Association the North Georgia Pi Kapps run 20 miles.

DELTA BETA — North Georgia Winter quarter for Delta Beta started out slow, but things picked up in February when the brothers helped the Student Nurses Association sponsor a Blood Pressure Screening Test on campus. Then, on February 26, the brothers participated in the Georgia Heart Association Fund Raising Drive by running the 21 miles from Gainesville to Dahlonega. An approximate total of $300.00 was collected for the Heart Association. Pledges are still coming in. Winter initiation was held in January and five people were initiated. Current chapter strength is now 34 brothers and 13 pledges. We have just recently made another $400 quarterly payment on our five acres of land, and the current mortgage is $2,344. The original price of the land was $5,200.

DELTA GAMMA — Nebraska — Omaha After a fairly successful fall rush, we are looking forward to an even better one in the spring. The Rose Ball was held March 26th, Greek Week was held March 18th through the 25th, and the brothers had good support for all the activities that took place. Founders' Day was celebrated on December 4th, with a dinner being held for the brothers and alumni. Afterward, there was a get-together so the alumni could get to know some of the new faces around.

DELTA DELTA — N.E. Missouri State The spring semester of 1977 brought many changes to Delta Delta. For the first time, we are trying to exist without a chapter house. We have discovered what communications is all about. The Traditional Fifties Dance has already been held successfully and plans for the rest of the semester include an Alumni Weekend in which the alumni who return will be able to participate in a regular chapter meeting and hopefully an initiation. Plans are also being made for the National Fraternity Project, a fund-raising work project for the chapter, and Rose Ball. Activities currently underway include revising our By-Laws, participating in the university-wide Campus Bowl, and intramurals.

DELTA EPSILON — Jacksonville State Delta Epsilon initiated 15 from the fall semester and pledged eight this spring. This last initiation raised our number of members to 47. Retreat was very successful this year. Alot of new ideas were brought up and many problems were solved. House improvements are being made. Our new patio is almost completed and a barbeque pit will soon be under construction. We have a strong intramural program this spring. Our basketball team won the Greek championship with an undefeated regular season record. We also have a strong softball team and have a good chance of winning the all-sports trophy for the second year in a row.

DELTA ZETA — Appalachian State Delta Zeta Chapter has had good representation from the athletes competing for ASU. Frank McNeill and Tim Congelton are on the track team. Tim is having an excellent year and Frank recently set a new school record in the 400. The Swim Team finished 3rd place in the Southern Conference. Hal Stanch l and Chip Phillips had a good year and played an important part with the 3rd place finish. Randy Bernard has become a strong contender on the tennis team, ranking among the top six players. The chapter pledged 13 prospective brothers. All associate members have been very excited about the pledging, likewise, there is a great deal of enthusiasm among the brothers. The chapter is currently supporting two underprivileged families. After each meeting,

each brother contributes money or canned goods. The money is then used to buy food. Each week several brothers take the food to the families, it has proven to be very gratifying for all the brothers. Special thanks go to Frank Mayberry and Randy Bernard for their contributions in the Big Brother Program. Due to the work of Area Governor, Malcolm Roberts, the chapter has gotten many new ideas concerning rush. A new "open rush" program is underway, big rush parties are planned and many of the brothers are anxious to get started working for a super fall rush program. The chapter is currently planning a "pig roast" for the spring, a date has not yet been set. The plans should be finalized within the next few days and all the brothers are looking forward to a successful "pig roast" weekend. Even though the social committee has had numerous problems concerning Rose Ball, the plans have finally been layed. Rose Ball will be April 30, at the Boone Ramada Inn.

DELTA ETA — Morehead State Delta Eta Chapter in 1975-76 was number one in academics and this was attributed to the fact that we did not have a fraternity house and had few parties. In late August 1976, we were finally able to acquire a house and were able to have parties again. We did drop slightly from the previous year, but only to second place and only a few hundredths of a percentage point away from first. We stand a great chance of repeating as academic fraternity champions for the second straight year. April and May will bring big events to our chapter. April will be the start of intramural softball of which we have won three out of the last four years. This year's team is expected to be just as good if not better than past years. In May we will be having our fourth annual Rose Ball which will be located at Greenbo State Park in Eastern Kentucky. Plans are in the making to have a pizza eating contest between the local fraternities and sororities at a local Pizza Hut. Proceeds will go to Muscular Dystrophy,

DELTA THETA — Mars Hill During February, we sponsored a Valentines Dance which proved to be worthwhile financially. Intramural basketball is also underway. Our current pledge season is also going along smoothly. These guys are working hard in their attempt to be future brothers. Several projects have been completed, and more are in the planning stages.

DELTA KAPPA — Pembroke State Delta Kappa Chapter has just become the sponsor of a child in rural Cedartown, Georgia. Six year old Kennion Jackson is his name. His main interest, as that of any six year old, is playing. We are supporting him through the Save the Children Federation. His primary needs are of day care services. For every dollar we send in support of Kennion, the State Dept. of Human Resources will match it 3-1. Three of the Delta Kappa Chapter members have been very active in the Student Government Association this year. Brother Ken Chester served as S.G.A. Vice-President and President of the Senate. Davy Floyd and

Mike McIver have served as Senior and Sophomore Senators, respectively.

the fraternities on campus during the spring of 1978.

DELTA LAMBDA — UNC — Charlotte

DELTA RHO — Southern California

With the graduation this spring of our last founding brother,' Gary Smith, Delta Lambda must now enter a new era of chapter history. The participation of five new initiates and fifty active brothers guarantees continuing

Fall rush was very, successful for Delta Rho, and initiation is planned for eleven pledges. Spring rush has been completed, and it looks as if everyone's enthusiasm for recruitment will leave us with at least half again as many members when our seniors are graduated. Presently, we are larger than ever with 32 members. A direct result of increased enthusiasm in members is our first place standing in IFC sports. Especially rewarding was our sweep in the swimming competition against talented competition. Delta Rho has also placed high in tennis, badmitton, and volleyball. Dr. Bullock, Ron Kortkamp, and Gary Keller, of the housing corporation, have all been working hard for the purchase of the chapter house we now occupy. A major refurbishing process was begun with the Fall pledge project. This included new carpet and paint for most of the rooms. A special thanks to Dr. Bullock for getting the university to paint the exterior of the house. Delta Rho has also initiated community improvement projects as evidenced by the brothers' trip to the West Lake Convalescent Hospital for a night of poker. Scholarship is consistently high among the brothers, having the highest G.P.A. for Spring '76. Congratulations to Randy Corber, Pi Kapp Scholar. A special thanks to the alumni of Delta Rho for their support throughout rush and the

success for our chapter. This spring in the competitive Homecoming festivities, Delta Lambda finished second and with Brother Chris Miller as a varsity cheerleader the Pi Kapps followed the MEAN GREEN 49ers of UNCC all the way to the National semi-finals in Atlanta. Alumnus Mike 'Buck' Gardner is currently stationed with the Marines in Okinawa. Seems he hates it so much he plans to stay there at least two years. Mark Ashley is currently finishing up his year as a Field Secretary for the Fraternity. Also, at this year's Roseball, the "Alumni of the Year" award was presented for the first time. The winner: Mike Jones, who's support was invaluable all year.

DELTA OMICRON — Nicholls State Approaching the second year as a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, the brothers of Delta Omicron Chapter have come to realize what true fraternalism means. Already this semester, through hard work and good participation, the chapter has achieved its most successful spring rush program. Delta Omicron is continuously growing; in February nine brothers and three associate members were initiated. One of the three associate members, Mr. John "Shep" Simmons, will be our new Chapter Advisor. With the aid of alumnus Karl Hebert, a new and extensive alumni program has been established and plans are being made for possible activation of an alumni chapter here at Nicholls State by the fall of '77. After having just experienced the joys of Mardi Gras, the brothers of Delta Omicron anticipate the excitement and tremendous spirit which will be generated throughout the 36th Meeting of the Supreme Chapter this coming August. We look forward to welcoming all the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi to "that city which care forgot," New Orleans.

Delta Pi Chapter initiates the Rock at Wright State University.

DELTA PI — Wright State Delta Pi Chapter began its winter quarter by initiating five new members (out of a pledge class of seven). Our chapter now has twenty-two members, which makes us the second largest fraternity on campus. Our membership would now total 23, except for the fact that our outgoing historian has transferred to Purdue, to become part of the chapter there. This quarter congratulations go to brother Mark Smith, who made chapter history by becoming the first Delta Pi to become engaged. The chapter spent Heart Fund Sunday (February 27th) standing outside in twentydegree westher collecting door-to-door for the Heart Fund. The Delta Pi basketball team has just finished another perfect season (its second in a row). Plans are currently underway for the Pi Kapp Superstars Competition, which will be taking place this summer. This year's events will be open only to the members of Delta Pi Chapter, but if everything goes well, we hope to stage a competition between all

school year.

DELTA SIGMA — Bowling Green To say that Delta Sigma Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi has enjoyed their first year on campus is quite an understatement. The Pi Kapp men of Delta Sigma have been extensively working on rush. Another addition to the chapter is the distribution of a monthly newsletter. The Delta Sigma "Delinquent" has printed five issues thus far. The main purpose of the newsletter is to keep the brothers who live offcampus informed of the various activities about the chapter. A major project facing Delta Sigma is the renovation of their kitchen. The kitchen has not been functional for six years. Fund raising projects have been planned specifically designed for buying kitchen equipment. The major task of cleaning and meeting health standards has already been accomplished. Housing for next school year is also on the minds of many Delta Sigma men. Forty active brothers are expected to return next fa)I. Normally the problem of filling the house would not be very difficult, however, due to many of the brothers living in off-campus apartments, the chapter is anticipating a possible switch to a smaller house with another fraternity. In that case, the funds raised for the kitchen would be used for something else. The present chapter house holds 46 and is shared with another fraternity.

DELTA TAU — James Madison University The atmosphere at Madison is filled with growth and change, not to mention construction dust. This one time women's teachers college has grown at a fantastic rate in the last few years to become one of the most popular and prestigious schools in the state. The Virginia General Assembly officially changed the name of Madison College to James Madison University in April. Only two months before, on February 12, 1977, a group of twenty-one men united themselves in fraternal brotherhood as the Delta Tau Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Pi Kappa Phi comes to Madison at a time when it can have great influence on the future of the University. The University administration is looking for a group of students to lead in establishing traditions and setting the mood for the campus population. We feel that Pi Kappa Phi expresses the attitudes necessary to become this campus leader and at the same time help the school grow and bring credit to the fraternity as a whole. Our present lack of a chapter house has not slowed us down much. We are tentatively planning for a pledge class of twelve, this coupled with a low attrition will give us a good number to make the first year of James Madison University one that won't be forgotten soon. Beginning a chapter is doubly hard because of all the activity and long-range planning that must be done. Setting traditions, creating an image, and buying a house are the major problems facing us now. These will be overcome by the middle of next year and we will be firmly established here, facing new problems and growing and learning in a spirit of brotherhood found only in Pi Kappa Phi.


Twelve receive financial aid One of the purposes of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation is to make available financial assistance for students in need. Within its limited resources, the Foundation has done a commendable job. During 1976, among other activities, the trustees granted financial assistance to: Randall Conradt, Cornell; Robert D. Gurley, Purdue; Emmanuel O'Drobinak, Purdue;

Daniel T. Jackson, South Alabama; David E. Tidmore, Georgia; Rodney L. Dennis, Samford; Jay D. Clifton, Lambda; Benjamin M. Guion, N.C., Chapel Hill; Nicholas J. Taglianetti, New Jersey Inst. of Tech.; Philip R. Allison, Georgia; S. Winslow Davidson, Georgia. For information write the chairman of the trustees, Richard Anderson, 121 Charles St., Annapolis, MD 21401.

DIRECTORY PI KAPPA PHI 7111 Nations Ford Road Founded at The College of Charleston, S.C.- December 10,1904 -FOUNDERSSIMON FOGARTY ANDREW A. KROEG,JR. L. HARRY MIXSON NATIONAL COUNCIL


President - Ted Scher fenstern Addison Gilbert Hospital 298 Washington St. Gloucester, Mass. 01930


Vice President - Phil Tappy 4800 Rockview Cr. Charlotte, NC 28210


Treasurer - A. J. Strickland, III P. 0. Box 4555, University, AL 35486


Secretary - Fred Diulus 3684 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549

MEETING NOTICES The membership meeting of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., will be held on Sunday, August 14, 1977. It will begin at 10:00 A.M. at the Monteleone Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Trustees of the Pi Kappa Phi

Scholarship Foundation will meet on Wednesday, August 17, 1977. The meeting will be at the Monteleone Hotel in New Orleans, LA. For further information, contact the Administrative Office of Pi Kappa Phi.

Letters to the Editor

Fraternally, Henry P. Karnas, Jr. Newark Dear Durward, After having practiced law in Kansas City, Missouri from 1935, I was appointed an Administrative Law Judge with the Bureau of Hearings and Appeals on April 30, 1973. My days at Nebraska were made a lot more enjoyable by my membership in Pi Kappa Phi. I worked my way through college and had a tough time financially but my fraternity brothers were kind and I shall not forget. Fraternally, Hammond C. Woods Nebraska Dear Durward, -I enjoy very much reading the "Star & Lamp", especially the last issue of Winter 1977. It revived some fond memories. The photo of Howard Leake and the stained glass emblem from "John D's"

home - I passed it many times on the steep clay hill to Lexington. I also remember a fishfry he gave for the group which was soon to become Sigma Chapter when fraternities were re-established at South Carolina. It is hard for me to realize that next fall should be the 50th anniversary. Fraternally, Swat Cowan South Carolina Dear Durward, The Golden Legion Plaque or shingle was most welcome - but to have the names and addresses of the others - meant a very great deal for an old man. I phoned two of them the night I received it. They had not received their "shingle" and were marvelously surprised to hear my voice. The Archon of the Universe has been Great and Wonderful for me. I continue to be proud that I was able to become a member of this great fraternity. Fraternally, Kenneth C. Haughton Georgia Tech

LOOKING FOR A WAY TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION? One very worthwhile approach, which has been undertaken by many chapters is a donation to your local Blood Bank. You may even designate your gift to be used by other chapter members or under-privileged persons. The Blood Bank is found in your phone book.


Chaplain - Walt Brinkman 5527 Capri Road Jacksonville, FL 32210


Columbus, OH 43213 VACANT

E. Kurt Engelstad, 5548 SW 18th Drove, Portland, OR 97201 XII Rusty Patrick, Cottage 16, 1124W. Chancellor - Ernest S. DeLaney Carson St., Torrance, CA 90502 130S. David-on XIII Wayne N. Scott, 7716 Fiesta Way, Charlotte, NC 28211 Raleigh, NC 27609 XIV David Welch,9209 Brandywine Cr. Past President - Jack Steward Knoxville, TN 33922 4375 Pearl St., Eugene, OR 97405 XV Joe Hobby,924 Hickory Dr., Birmingham, AL 35215 XVI Jack Edmonds,9 Danbury Circle, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Amhurst, NH 03031 XVII Jack Casper, 1009 W. 57th Terrace, Executive Director - Durward W. Owen Kansas City, MO 64113 Director of Development - Jerry Matthews Jay Kruska, Rt. 1, Box 12, Administrative Staff - Mark Ashley, David Tidmore, XVIII Granite, OK 73547 Paul Wasch, Clyde Yelverton XIX VACANT XX VACANT XXI Richard Folger,89 Berkley Rd., NATIONAL COMMITTEES Avondale Est., GA 30002 XXII Wayne C. Coheir', Apt. B-2, 8003 Benaroya Ln., Trust Investment - John Dermler S.E., Huntsville, AL 35802 7149 Green Tree Ln. XXIII Tom Rouse, No. 13, 352 Redding Rd., Narbeth, PA 19072 Lexington, KY 40502 Education - Jell Clark XXIV Henry Groves, 514 S. Goodlett 9-(3 River Road Memphis, TN 38117 Nutley, NJ 07110 XXV Malcolm Roberts, P. 0. Box 481 Boone, NC 28607 Ritual and Insignia - Glenn McConnell 27 Bainbridge Dr., Charleston, SC 27407 Nominating - Mel Metcalfe 2832 33rd Sr. Port Arthur, TX 77640


Dear Durward, If anyone were to come up to me now and ask, "What were the best years of your life", I would have to tell them it was being a member of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. The friends I've made and the experiences I've encountered over the past four years as an undergrad in Beta Alpha will always be a part of me. I could honestly say that if it wasn't for the fraternity, I would have never stayed in school. I would like to say "thanks" to you and the national office for all the help they have given me and my chapter. Pi Kappa Phi is a great organization filled with great people, and its a great feeling to belong to it. Keep up the good work and may God bless you!


Steve DePalma, 399 Bertha Road, Toms River, NJ 08753 Terry Zaccarmo, 2800 Hymen Ln., Falls Church, VA 22043 Ken Forti, 7820 Mary Cassatt Drive Potomac, MD 20854 Kit Jennings, Ill, P. 0. Box 6427, Soartanburg, SC 29304 William L. Finney, 2791 Knollview Dr., Decatur, GA 30034 VACANT Barry Benedict, 5955 Annunciation, New Orleans, LA 70115 Dr, 8.0. Bryant, Dept of Clinical Pharmacy, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN 47907 Gunnar Schalin, 5330.A Great Oak Dr.,

Alabama Appalachian State Armstrong State Auburn Augusta Belmont Abbey Bethel Bowling Green State California - Berkeley Charleston Cornell Drake Drexel East Carolina East Tennessee East Texas Florida Florida Southern Florida State Georgia Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia State Georgia Tech Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana low. State Jacksonville State Jacksonville James Madison Univ. La Grange Lander Livingston Mars Hill McNees. Memphis State Mercer Methodist Michigan State Middle Tennessee State Missouri-Columbia Missouri•Rolla Montevallo Morehead Nebraska-Omaha N.J. Inst. Tech. Nicholls Stale N. Alabama North Carolina North CarolinaG North Caroline-W North Carolina State N.E. Missouri North Georgia N.W.State-La. Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Pembroke Penn State Poly. Inst. of N.Y. Presbyterian Purdue Rensselaer Roanoke Samford Stetson South Alabama South Carolina Southern California Tampa Tennessee Tennessee Wesleyan Toledo Troy State Valdosta State Virginia VPI Washington & Lee INestern Carolina Western Kentucky West Virginia Tech Wolford Wright State



Omicron Delta Zeta Gamma Sigma Alpha Iota Gamma Psi Gamma Mu Gamma Omicron Delta Sigma Gamma Alpha Psi Beta Delta Alpha Upsilon Beta Phi Beta Omega Beta Chi Alpha Epsilon Bata Beta

Beta Eta Lambda Gamma Kappa Gamma Xi Beta Kappa lot. Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Per Alpha Omicron Delta Epsilon Gamma Chi Delta Teas Gamma No Gamma Rho Gamma Alpha Delta Theta Beta Mu Gamma Delta Alpha Alpha Delta Mu Alpha Th•t• Delta lot• Beta Epsilon Gamma Lambda Gamma Omega Delta Eta Delta Gemma Bata Alpha Delta Omicron Nits Xi Kappa Delta Lambda Gamma Theta Tau Delta Delta Delta Bata Bata Omicron Alpha Gamma Gamma Upsilon Gamma Seta Alpha Zeta Delta Kappa Alpha Mu Alpha Xi Beta Omega Alpha Tau Xi Alpha Eta Chi Gamma Phi Sigma Delta Rho Beta Lambda Alpha Sigma Beta Psi Beta Iota Gamma Gamma Bata Tau Beta Upsilon Delta Alpha Rho Gamma Epsilon Delta No Gamma Zeta Zeta Delta Pi







ADDRESS 312 University Ave.. Tuscaloosa, AL 35407 Box 81, Workman Hall, Boone, NC 28607 12206 White Bluf I Rd., Savannah, GA 31406 255 S. College Sr., Auburn, AL 36830 2256 Central Ave., Augusta, GA 30904 Belmont Abbey, Belmont, NC 28012 Bethel College, McKenzie, TN 38201 c/o Campus P.O., Bowling Green State, Bowling Green, OH 43403 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 27 George St., Charleston, SC 29401 722 University Ave., Ithaca, NY 14851 1236 34th St., Des Moines, IA 50311 3405 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104 803 Hooker Rd., Greenville, NC 27834 519 W. Pine, Johnson City, TN 37601 East Commerce Sta., Box W., Commerce, TX 75428 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32601 Box 735, Fla. So. College, Lakeland, FL 33802 423 W. College Ave., Tallahassee,f L 32301 930 Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30601 Lamdrurn Center, Box 8061, Statesboro, GA 30548 P. O. Box 1538, Americus, GA 31709 P. 0. Box 707, Ga. State Univ., Univ. Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303 Georgia Tech., Box 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 306 E. Gregory, Champaign, IL 61820 3333 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 60616 408 N. Indiana, Bloomington, IN 47403 407 Welch Ave., Ames, IA 50010 P. 0. Box 602, Jacksonville, AL 36265 Jacksonville Univ., Jacksonville, FL 32211 P. 0. Box 4173, James Madison Univ., Harrisonburg. VA 28801 LaGrange College, LaGrange, GA 30240 P.0. Box 270, Lander College, Greenwood, SC 29646 Box M, Livingston, AL 35470 Campus Box 1414.C, Mars Hill, NC 28754 McNeese Univ., Box 708, Lake Charles, LA 70601 3841 Spottswood Ave., Memphis, TN 38111 Box 112, Mercer Univ., Macon, GA 31207 Box 429, Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28301 121 Whitehills Dr., E. Lansing, MI 48823 MTSU, Box 571, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 908 Curtis Ave., Columbia, MO 65201 1704 Pine, Rolla, MO 65401 Drawer K., Univ. of Montevallo, Montevallo, AL 35115 Box 1247, Univ. P. 0., Moi ahead, KY 40351 109 North 40th St., Omaha, NE 68131 249 High St., Newark, NJ 07102 Box 2938, Nicholls State Univ., Thibodaux, LA 70301 Box 1095, Univ. of N. Alabama, Florence, AL 35630 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 University Center, UNC-Charlotte, NC 28223 120 Yorktown Dr., Wilmington, NC 28401 2401 W. Fraternity Cl., Raleigh, NC 27607 P. 0. Box 608, Kirksville, MO 63501 Box 5165, N. Ga. College, Dahlonega, GA 30533 Box 3684, Natchitoches, LA 71457 1714 Chautaugua, Norman, OK 73069 703 University, Stillwater, OK 74074 1516 Colonial Ave., Norfolk, VA 27517 2111 Harrison, Corvallis, OR 97330 P. O. Box 1237, Pembroke, NC 28372 409 E. Faiimont, State College, PA 16801 33 Sidney Pl., Brooklyn, NY 11201 Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC 29325 330 N. Grant St., W. Lafayette, IN 47906 49 2nd St., Troy, NY 12180 219 Market Sr., Salem, VA 24153 Box 2474, Samford Univ., Birmingham, AL 35209 1241 Stetson, DeLand, FL 32720 P. O. Box U.1208, Univ. of Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688 USC, Box 85111, Columbia, SC 29208 668 W. 28th St., Los Angeles, CA 90007 Box 2786, Tampa, FL 33606 1828 Fraternity Park, Knoxville, TN 37916 145 S. Jackson St., Athens, TN 37303 1702 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, OH 43606 712 N. Three Notch St., Troy, AL 36081 Box 89, Valdosta State College, Valdosta, GA 31601 510 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22903 P. 0. Box 450, Blacksburg, VA 24060 Lock Drawer 903, Lexington, VA 22450 P. 0. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 Box 30, Western Kentucky Univ., Bowling Green, KY 42101 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, W. Va. 25136 Wolford College, Spartanburg, SC 29301 6112-A Fireside Dr., Centerville, OH 45459

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Central Michigan Kansas State Limestone College Pittsburgh Redford College Rochester West Virginia University

Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation Richard G. Anderson, Chairman 212 Charles St. Annapolis, MD 21401


219 Robinson, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS 66506 Lambda Mu Sigma, Limestone College, Galfney, SC 29340 c/o David Lavela, Archon, 216 N. Craig St., Apt. 1, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 c/o John Westberg, Secretary, Box 7152, Radford College Sta., Radford, VA 24142 Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 Morgantown, West Virginia 26505

Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. Kelly Bergstrom, President Suite 3804,875 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611


The world's fastest hypnotist This is not in reference to a dull after dinner speaker. It is a claim which Brother Ed Campagna makes, and goes about proving. He does acknowledge the help of his partner and wife, Terry! The team induces hypnosis by ESP from off-stage. From 30 volunteers on stage he will have 50 percent of the subjects in a trance within flinty seconds. Want to relax, lose weight, stop smoking, cure insomnia, or just have some good clean fun? Call on Brother Ed Campagna and his wife and you will become a believer of "space" of the mind in addition to outer space. Ed Campagna, Alpha Omicron, who lives in Houston, Texas has been serving as president of the Texas Association of Magicians this past year, and two other Pi Kapps, John Makar, Beta Omicron, and Mel Metcalfe, Alpha Gamma, were busily engaged at the annual convention of amateur and professional magicians held in Houston's HyattRegency Hotel.

The association is comprised of more than one thousand men and a few women who get together over the Labor Day Weekend each year and perform magic for their own enjoyment. Many of these are members from other states which have no such organization. It was formed 31 years ago with 60 charter members. It's annual conventions are held each Labor Day weekend in cities such as Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, etc. Brother Campagna has recently retired from NASA and is now actively engaged in show business, touring the United States and several foreign countries with his fabulous magic, illusion and hypnotic show. Brother Makar not only finds time to work at magic but to attend national and international magicians conventions, the most recent of which were held in Paris and Tokyo. The world-renowned Blackstone graciously posed with the three Pi Kapp magicians just after presenting one of his great illusion shows for the convention.

From left to right in the above picture are Brother Maker who is a prominent Louisiana attorney as well as owner and publisher of two national legal publications; Harry Blackstone, Jr., who is recognized as America's most popular magician and who presented his fantastic shows at the convention; Brother Campagna who came to Houston as the engineer chosen by our government to design and supervise construction of NASA, the U.S. Space Center, and to serve in charge of its maintenance; and Mel Metcalfe, National President of Pi Kappa Phi, 1964-66, who has performed as a magician for Pi Kapp College and Supreme Chapter meetings in past years.

Dr.Will E.Edington We regret to report the death of Pi Kappa Phi's first National Education Committee Chairman, Dr. Will E. Edington, Illinois, of New Castle,Indiana;

an outstanding educator at DePauw University. He was beloved by many Pi Kapps and DePauw students.

0Blue Color OGold

OBlue & Gold

OBlue & White

012 oz. 010 oz.

Letters 2 inch


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Jersey ($8.00)

T—Shirts ($3.50)

Glassware ($9.00)

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GLASSWARE You can now get Pi Kappa Phi glasses in the 12-ounce tumbler and the 10ounce old fashion. On the tumbler is the coat of arms and Pi Kappa Phi in old english. The greek letters Pi Kappa Phi are on the old fashion. Both designs are in royal blue and permanently fused into the glass.


Jacket ($13.00)

JACKET This windbreaker is of 100% nylon, lined, with collar and snap button front. Available in navy blue with gold sewn letters. ($13.00)

RING A recognition ring is now available. It uses the Star & Lamp logo, and is a symbolic evidence of your membership in Pi Kappa Phi. It is available in both gold and silver. Your ring size must be included with your order. (Gold $43.50, Silver $23.50)

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0Gold $43.50 0Silver $23.50

PLAYING CARDS Playing cards are available for those all night games. The cards are royal blue with imprinted coat of arms and the greek letters in gold. Plastic coating adds to the life use.


T-SHIRTS This medium weight cotton T-shirt, full cut, is available in gold with blue letters, or blue with white letters. Sleeve trim same color as letters. The Greek letters are imprinted, as are the numbers. ($3.50)

(Include exact letters and numerals desired for each jersey)

This is a game jersey of 100% cotton, white, with sewn Greek letters Pi Kappa Phi on front and matching sleeve cuffs. ($8.00) The sewn on letters can either be navy blue or gold. For additional lettering of name on the back, the cost is $20 each for 2 inch letters and $.35 each for 6 inch numbers. Twelve colors are available, however, other than white, add $.50 to cost of jersey.

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Enclose check or money order for total amount payable to: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, P. 0.Box 15295,Charlotte, NC 28210



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PI KAPPA PHI P.O. Box 15295 Charlotte, N.C. 28210

Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N. C.

Plan now to be in

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New Orleans is a great city for a convention. You will want to enjoy the excitement of a Pi Kappa Phi event and New Orleans. It is a week you must experience.

be meeting in New Orleans during the same week, but at different hotels (both out of the French Quarter).

The fabulous Monteleone Hotel, one block off Bourbon Street (and all that jazz), is our headquarters. Tau Kappa Epsilon and Alpha Tau Omega fraternities will

The available beauties of New Orleans speak of the theme song of Mardi Gras, "If Ever I Cease to Love", as if it were being played again just for the Pi Kapps. Wives and children will also enjoy the

activities available for them. For registration and general convention information please contact, the Executive Director, Durward Owen, P. 0. Box 15295, Charlotte, NC 28210. You may want to telephone for quicker information at (704) 523-6000.

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