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Wry FALL 1977

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There were some who did not believe Pi Kappa Phi could have a sucessful Supreme Chapter in New Orleans. It was feared that the competition from Bourbon Street would be more than the Fraternity could overcome. So, Pi Kappa Phi did not try to compete. It moved right in and when deemed desirable just took over.


This take-over was made easier by the selection of the Monteleone Hotel as site. Close by to Bourbon Street, the Quarters, the Superdome and other exciting locations, members and wives were able to enjoy each at their pleasure with no massive busing or other transportation and logistical problems. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3


A Pi Kapp yell needs a leader that can be seen . • . the National President leads a successful session . .. work requires effort .. . waiting for the bus to a Pi Kappa Phi Shrimp Boil ... students listen intently to the matter being considered ... 162 years of Pi Kappa Phi youth ... a yes for Pi Kappa Phi.


Appreciation expressed by National Council

ThE star andjKOMP 7111 Nations Ford, Road, Charlotte, N. C. Founded at the College of Charleston, S. C. December 10, 1904

—FOUNDERS--Simon Fogarty, Jr. Andrew A. Kroeg, Jr. L. Harry Mixson

The Star and Lamp An Educational Publication 1977, Vol. LXI I No. 4 Durward Owen

NATIONAL COUNCIL President — Phil Tappy Vice President —A. J. Strickland, Ill Treasurer — Vernon B. Stansell Secretary — Fred Diulus Chaplain — Al P. Brown Chancellor — Ernest S. DeLaney Past President — Ted Scharfenstein


Changes in address should be reported promptly to the Administrative Office, P. 0. Box 15295, Charlotte, NC 28210.

NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Executive Director — Durward Owen Director of Development — Jerry Matthews Field Secretaries -- Clyde Yelverton, David Tidmore, Tom Tott, and Henry Groves

THE STAR AND LAMP is published 4 times a year by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC in the months of February, May, August, and November. The life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC.Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC.


..."And in this Corner, Wearing Gold and White Trunks"...

It is the pleasure and practice of the National Council to '-':nowledge at every possible moment the contributions of individuals to the ongoing of Pi Kappa Phi. These are not always members of Pi Kappa Phi. All Pi Kapps and especially student chapters are encouraged to recommend worthy people to the attention of the National Council. At its last meeting it considered favorably the following 18 people, and does commend them to the entire fraternity for their having made Pi Kappa Phi a better fraternity. Helen Bell Caldwell, the mother of four initiates of Omicron Chapter; Lawrence George Thayer, Chapter Advisor, Cornell; Robert F. Inman for his assistance in the creation and production of audio-visual presentation for Pi Kappa Phi; Joseph W. Sewell, baseball's Hall of Fame.

Frank Havard, South Alabama student leader, Westley Wheeler, Belmont Abbey student leader. And Judge James B. Lynch, Mobile, Alabama alumni; Sample D. Brown, a benefactor to Alpha Iota Chapter; James S. Hollingsworth, student leader University of South Alabama; Larry Davis, Chapter Advisor, Western Kentucky; Leroy Hamlett, Jr., Chapter Advisor, University of Virginia; Ray Hartwell, Chapter Advisor, University of South Alabama; John Zoltek, Jr., Chapter Advisor, Florida. And Clyde McSpadden, Chapter Advisor, Jacksonville; Dr. Lewis T. Bullock, Housing Corporation, University of Southern California; Richard Flora,Housing Corporation, Roanoke; Paul Swafford, alumnus, Purdue; Dr. Herman Wells, President Indiana University.

men in the chapters of our fraternities have a need which, when weighed against all other opportunities, does measure up. The minds and abilities of these men, your fraternity brothers, are a veritable "gold mine"just waiting for someone to grab a pan and begin reaping the valuable results.

Phil Tappy (Georgia), National President

On August seventeenth, I was elected to serve a two year term as the National President of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. This is indeed a great honor ... or is it? The real question is, of course, no matter what the function of the National President, why would anyone want to be involved in fraternity work when there are so many other worthy causes on which to spend one's time. In this corner we have the local church wearing the white trunks; in this corner the Rotary Club wearing blue; the Masonic Order is in the far corner of the ring across from the Cub Scouts. This is certainly a situation that poses a thoughtful decision. Fortunately I am privileged to be a mason, a Rotarian, an Elder in the Presbyterian Church, and a member of a number of charity and civic organizations. I've weighed their value and their talent resources, and I've decided the young For his outstanding service to his chapter and to the university,the Pi Kappa Phi 1977 Student of the Year was Russ Lindsey, Indiana University. As president of the I FC and chapter leader, the initiate from Alpha Chapter at Charleston has made a significant mark at Indiana.

Special playground equipment for blind/deaf children who are mentally and physically retarded is your National Project.

Without the opportunity to participate in our fraternity the leadership skills of these young men might go untapped. In February of 1976 we provided our chapters with a goal — raise $5,000 to build a playground facility for severely handicapped children at the Western Carolina Center in Morganton, North Carolina. These men not only accepted the challenge but they exceeded their goal by nearly $3,000. They did it with car washes, candy sales, magazine subscriptions, work days, and every other conceivable kind of fund -raiser. Give them a challenge, a little guidance and direction — OOPS! That's where I started. That's why I am involved and that's why I am asking you to get involved. It is a challenge worthy of our efforts. Besides, I remember quite well a man who gave my chapter at the University of Georgia some of his time. It meant a lot to us and perhaps during these two years I can, in a way,say thanks to him. (Phil Tappy, National President)

Students have an imput! These eight Pi Kapps are the members of the Council of Archons for the year 1977-78. They advise and counsel the staff of the Administrative Office and also attend National Council meetings. They are campus leaders who represent all student members. Left to right: H. R. Theriot, Troy; Russ Lindsey, Indiana; Jack Brunson, Alabama; Bill Fedele, Bowling Green; Gary Zimmerman, Drake; Bob Mitchel, East Texas; Randy Schubert, Illinois; Dan Strawn, Wright State.

These are not the notorious Four Horseman, but they are four work horses for Pi Kappa Phi. Each has or is serving as the Administrator of Pi Kappa Phi. Left to Right: Howard Leake, the second Executive Secreatry; Bernie Jones, the fourth; George Sheetz, the first; and Durward Owen, presently Executive Director. They came together in New Orleans at the Supreme Chapter.

A SAFE INVESTMENT WITH A GOOD DIVIDEND Have you ever invested in a young man's college education? It is an investment in which you can take pride. Here is your opportunity. The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation is dedicated to providing financial assistance and encouragement to young men who desire an education but are without sufficient funds. The Foundation is a tax exempt organization operated by a volunteer Board of Trustees who are members of your fraternity. The young men who will be leaders in our nation in the future are on the campuses of our colleges right now; some of them need our assistance and support.

An investment in a young man's college education will help to prepare him better, both for good citizenship and for tomorrow's responsibilities. The inclusion of the following clause in your will (or your designation of The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation in your life insurance policy as a beneficiary) will insure that you will be a part of some young man's future: "I give, devise, and bequeath to the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation the sum of Dollars." (or otherwise describe the gift if it consists of real estate, securities, or personal property).

DO IT TODAY For additional information regarding the Foundation, write The Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation, P. 0. Box 15295, Charlotte, NC 28210.


With the National Council and Area Governors arriving on Saturday, August 13, meetings were in full force by registration time on Sunday. The Area Governors were led by Bill Finney, Georgia Southwestern. Following registration and recognition all were treated to an outstanding get acquainted party and banquet. No one present will ever forget the emotion and force of John Wilson, Emory, accepting the distinguished recognition of Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. His off the cuff "few remarks" left all in awe of our dependence upon and need for symbols, with Pi Kappa Phi a major provider. Then the 400-plus members, associate members and wives were treated to a lifting and inspiring message from Senator Bob Garton, a member of another great Greek letter fraternity, Beta Theta Pi. He is a management consultant and state senator from Indiana.

President Dr. Lonnie Strickland, Alabama;Treasurer Vernon Stansell, Oklahoma; Secretary Fred Diulus, Florida State; Chaplain Al Brown, NJIT; Chancellor Ernest DeLaney, Duke; Past National President Ted Scharfenstein, Florida Southern.

Some very significant legislation, meaningful to the future of Pi Kappa Phi, was enacted by this hard working Supreme Chapter. Full details are available from the Administrative Office. However, several events deserve distribution to the entire Fraternity.

publications and shall execute at least one alumni event. 6. A student chapter shall not be among the lower twenty-five percent of the fraternities on its campus in membership for a period of twenty-four consecutive months nor shall its membership be below twenty for a period of twelve consecutive months. The Legislative Committee, under the leadership of David Lane, Purdue, worked long and hard on this eventful action.

SuperSupremeChapter in Super City

meaningful these Following moments of food and inspiration, all members were encouraged and admonished by an outstanding performance of the Pi Kappa Phi Ritual of Initiation. This was conducted by an experienced team from Delta Omicron Chapter at Nicholls State. The honor of being the initiate for the event, before over 300 alumni and student members, was given to Tom Sayre. Tom, now recorded as an alumnus initiate of Kappa Chapter due to his undergraduate experience at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, is the designer and constructor of the Pi Kappa Phi Special Playground, our National Project for

featured speaker at the Awards Luncheon on Monday.

One of the most productive and constructive Supreme Chapters ever opened on Monday morning led by National President Ted Scharfenstein, Florida Southern. Participating were Chaplain Walt Brinkman, Virginia, with spiritual emphasis; Chancellor Ernest Delaney, Duke, insuring proper and legal procedure; Vice President Phil Tappy, Georgia, always available for backup leadership; Secretary Fred Diulus, Florida State, processing legislation and conducting roll call votes; Treasurer Dr. Lonnie Strickland, Alabama,insuring the continuation of Pi Kappa Phi's financial integrity; and Past National Jack Steward, Oregon State, providing the wisdom that stems from extensive experiences. The Supreme Laws are certain in requiring that every 25 years the Supreme Chapter will be held in the city of Pi Kappa Phi's founding. Therefore, in August 1979, the 75th Anniversary convention of Pi Kappa Phi will convene as the 37th Supreme Chapter at the Francis Marion Hotel in Charleston, South Carolina. The Nominating Committee was admirably chaired by Mel Metcalfe, Oklahoma, assisted by Howard Leake, Washington & Lee. Their fine committee of students and several alumni placed in nomination for the National Officers, 1977-79: President Phil Tappy, Georgia; Vice

One special event of the four days was an unplanned midnight "March on Bourbon" by students, alumni and even some wives. Without the need of police escorts and balloons, the presence of Pi Kappa Phi was made known from the Monteleone through eight blocks of Bourbon Street to Pat O'Brien's and return. Songs, cheers and other repeatable sounds accompanied the 300-plus paraders. No one will forget the famous "Shrimp Boil", Louisiana style, provided all by the student members of Nicholls State Chapter. Complete with cajun potatoes and Dixie beer, the event drew the appreciative applause of young and old. A bus ride to Jackson Park and a trolley ride back to Bourbon concluded an evening to be long remembered. Ladies attending were treated to self-entertainment, so abundant in New Orleans, but also to planned activities sponsored by Linda Bradfield, who happened to be the wife of the local Alumni Committee Chairman, Les Bradfield, South Carolina. Les was assisted by Bob Lane, Iowa State as Treasurer and Ed Potratz, McNeese, responsible for a bevy of excellent meal functions.

blind/deaf mentally retarded children. Tom was to then be the

This busy day for many Pi Kappa Phis ended on Bourbon Street and surrounding environs.

for the year 1976 - 77 are given special emphasis in separate sections of this issue.

A hundred alumni speak of their fraternity at Founders' Breakfast ... exuberant students and young again alumni march on Bourbon Street ... the Fraternity's Area Governors meet ... an alumnus speaks to an issue.

For the first time, Pi Kappa Phi has spelled out to its student chapters the MINIMUM STANDARDS it will accept for a chapter to retain its charter on an active basis. These are: 1. A student chapter shall adhere to all sections of Supreme Law VI. 2.

A current pledge orientation and education program which has been approved by the student chapter shall be on file with the Administrative Office and adhered to by the student chapter.

3. A student chapter shall not be among the lower twenty-five percent of fraternities on its campus in academic standing for a period exceeding twelve consecutive months. Confirmation or explanation from the school shall be sufficient to establish compliance with this standard. 4. A student chapter shall operate without financial loss and substantially in accordance with a current budget which has been approved by the student chapter and filed with the Administrative Office. 5. During each school year a student chapter shall be responsible for at least two alumni

While the National Council and staff have proceeded with the development of a NATIONAL PROJECT prior to Fraternity acceptance and approval, a final decision was not unilateral. Instead the entire membership of Pi Kappa Phi as represented by the student and alumni delegates enthusiastically adopted the National Council's recommendations as they were presented by the Project Committee. Now, at last, Pi Kappa Phi is united behind the design, development, construction and placement of specially designed and constructed playground equipment for the specific use of a long ignored population, blind/deaf mentally retarded children. This legislation was moved and seconded by the student delegates from Drake University and Appalachian State. A general review of our vital and living RITUAL was conducted by Glenn McConnell, Charleston, as Chairman of the Ritual and Insignia Committee. A number of significant changes were made. Several areas of importance in the Ritual were adjusted so as to be more near the intent and purpose of the original Ritual. Awards are important. They recognize the achievement of individuals and chapters. To acknowledge excellence, improvement and consistency is a purpose of an organization. Each of these award recipients

Speaking of meals, of which all were excellent, there is one that truly stands out. Several Supreme Chapters ago the concept of a breakfast to honor the Founders was conceived. Now the FOUNDERS' BREAKFAST, attended by over 100 alumni, really turned on all who attended. There is no program. Instead, each member attending is given the opportunity of saying what is in his heart about Pi Kappa Phi. These heartwarming comments from men who love dearly their Fraternity are truly an inspiration to all. For many this is the highlight of a Supreme Chapter. The idea of a leadership school as a part of the Supreme Chapter received its baptism in New Orleans. The reviews are mixed. This oneday mini Pi Kapp College was programmed as a full-day exercise placed during the middle of the Supreme Chapter schedule. Even though expert facilitators were available, students found sleep in New Orleans a great temptation. Al Peterson, Oklahoma State, did a superb job of conducting a session on Motivation while Jerry Matthews, Director of Development, conducted a Recruitment Program of significant depth. Dr. Lonnie Strickland provided expertise in the area of Management by Objectives. The subject of Ritual was presented in a most dynamic way by a member of Sigma Chi Fraternity, Ed King, Dean of Men at Bradley University. Committee meetings until late early morning hours — youthful fun in a fun city -- brotherhood expressed without reference to age or geography -- serious discussions conducted by serious Pi Kapps -- on and on are the expressions which could be used to describe a super Supreme Chapter in this super town. No one should miss the next one -- Charleston, South Carolina in 1979.


Are you among the thanked? C. W. Cole G. T. Costo J. C. Turk • C. A. Connell J. E. Dempster, Jr.' M. D. Umberger • A. N. Daniel, Jr. R. Dick E. J. Vonculin A. W. Daughtridge W. W. Dodson, Jr. J. W. Wade, Jr. G. D. Dodson, Jr. J. H. Dotter J. H. Waldron, Jr. H. C. Dozier • R. T. Dunn C. E. Webber C. W. Eby F. C. Frosock, Jr. T. F. West, Jr. J. B. Fisher, Jr. W. H. Fulmer P. F. Wiegman • R. C. Groce • W. D. Fuqua • J. R. Wilson W. W. Gunter, II • N. Galifianako R. L. Wilson, Ji, R. J. Harper W. C. Getting, Jr. E.G. Wood • W. L. Harris C. H. Glover, Jr. M. S. Wood' C. M. Hazlehurst • R. T. Graybeal A. 0. Woody, III' J. T. Hill R. E. Greenfield, Jr D. F Woody E. C. Pharr B. 0. Jolly, Jr. H. H. Hawbeld D. Wooldridge S. H. Poston J. C. Jones, Jr. W. T. Huckabee, Jr. L. V. Powell J. F. Kemp, Jr. L. P. Jervey, Jr. • OMIC RONJ. F. Puett • T. M. MacGlothlin, Jr. P. V. Kirkman, Jr. ALABAMA E. H. Rappe E. B. Marsh F. R. Landon • J. W. Robinson • F. B. Marsh J. W. Martens W. L. Abbott E. H. Sanders D. F. McAllister R. T. Matzen W. 0. Adams • J. C. Shearer • 0. R. McCollum • C. R. Myers G. D. Airheart E. B. Smith F. A. McNeill N. C. Ptauros, Jr. R. A. Argo, Ill J. P. Stiles B. M. Mentor S. K. Peeler R. F. Baerwald H. G. Tebo H. L. Merritt J. A. Pell, Jr. C. E. Beard F. R. Huff H. C. Traywick • H. H. Montgomery, Jr. M. I. Pickens R. N. Bedsole • W. Bernard Jones, Jr W. H. Arnold T. J. Wesley, Jr. B. C. Ashcroft S. J. Morris, Ill W. H. Pope G. R. Bennett, Jr. • A. J. Kahrs S. J. Westbrook • , • M. R. Murray • vv. J genii J. J. Avinger, Jr. • J. H. Procter, Jr. E. C. Kinder G. W. Williams P. C. Burgess A. D. Nanney, Jr. L. C. Richardson, Jr •N. A. Bei tolotti A. A. Kroeg, Ill J. C. Wilson' W. M. Carson W. J. Nucciarone C. A. Robertson, III L. J. Black D. L. Lee, Jr. J. S. Wood C. F. Okelley H. L. Dillard T. R. Robinson, Jr. J. to. Elusion • A. C. Lesemenn R. T. Penny R. H. Dilworth, Jr.' D. F. Rosenberg FR. L. Boweis • W. C. Lesslie IOTA D. V. Rhoney F. C. Rozzelle R. V. Fiser S. L. Brent L. L. Long GA TECH. R. R. Rickards A. C. Grose R. A. Shoemaker H. H. Brice R. W. Marlowe F. H. Rountree J. B. Hammond J. L. Skinner • R. P. Bridges G. F. McConnell • R. F. Anderson • H. N. Hipp L. H. Rouse B. N. Stephens W. W. Bright J. E. McKain A. F. Bellingrath, Ill W. N. Scott R. L. Thornton S. W. Martin L. C. Brock J. G. Melvin F. B. Massingale, Jr. J W. Benkert • C. C. Seabrook • E. L. Tolson, Jr, J. M. Brown, Jr. • T. F. Mosimann W. F. Bennett T. F. McAf te, Jr. E. F. Seagle J. H. Tyler P. L. BUtlel H. W. Nolte, Jr. • A. G. Bittle, Jr. J. E. Slater, Jr. J, M. Vanhoy • W. M. McMillan • L. D. Bynum J. E. Ohern, Ill • J. D. Bonewitz • J. G. Slater W. W. Randall J. M. Cain, Jr. C. B. Powell B. R. Bonser • P. J. Smith C. L. Rotor NUH. E. Caldwell, Jr. • H. K. Purdy, Jr. • D. C. Boy, Jr. 0. E. Stepp, Jr. NEBRASKA J. Towler J. C. Carson, Ill R. H. Ramsey, Jr. J. B. Boy J. B. Workman, Jr. C T. Stewart R. E. Cartledge J. F. Reynolds D. E. Bridgewater • T. M. M. Young B. Stewart Barnes K. P. R. W. Case G. C. Rogers, Jr. D. C. Brooks, Jr. J. M. Taylor, Jr. E. J. Bred J. C Cassady • W. L. Runyon, Jr C. E. Carrington' EPSILONU. A. Teele L. M. Burgess F. J. Cauthen G. E. Shaetz E. M. Combs • .1. A. Vann, Jr. DAVIDSON K. R. Catchpole J. F. Chambers W. D. Storen P. H. Cook G. T. Waddell, Ill J. S. Christol C. H. Clark E. F. Sturcken, Jr. H. Alexander, Ill • J. C. Cooper J. C. Wainio J. H. George D. W. Cleckler A. P. Taylor • A. P. Cornell • L. H. Warren, Jr. C. H. Babcock, Jr. J. A. Guretzky J. W. Clegg S. L. Thomas • Cottraux R. C. Bowles S. P. White D. A. I. W. Hedge T. M. Clem, Jr. T. W. Tucker T. G. Covington B. A. Whitmire J. E. Boyd • L. R. Hedge E. W. Collins J. R. Walton, Jr. M. L. Crifasi P. C. Wimbish L. L. Boyd H. C. Henderson A. E. Conrow, Jr. J. B. Watson Worsham Davis D. Brown L. B. J. S. N. • R. Hill W. L. J. Corn, C. N. Wyatt • C. E. Denton • R. L. Young • R. F. Brownlee B. E. Johnson • J. M. Counts, Sr. Derry J, E. T. Buck E. E. Cunningham • Kern J. M. J. BETALAMBDAW. E. Dino-Flock K. B. Clary U. E. Leonard R. D. Davison PRESBYTERIAN GEORGIA D. G. Dixon P. S. Cooper • Lieurance R. E, 0. Dendy H. A. Dye, Jr. F. S. Curdts J. C. Luhn W. P. Dendy • D. C. Austin • J. M. Adams P. T. Eaton J. J. Elliot S. R. Manning • W. J. Dubose M. N. Ballard, Jr. J. P. Adams, Jr. L. H. Ellis • H. M. Escue • F. A. Masterson J. A. Elsevier J. L. Barnett VV. L. Allen • D. D. Fouche C. N. Feezor, Jr. R. C. Matson C. G. Fagan • T. M. Barnett W. O. Bowden C. L. Frick, Jr. J. C. Fisher, Jr. F. Maycock S. P. Faucett R. Bannister, Jr. F. C. Bowen, Ill' F. E, Fuchs J. H. Frye, Ill F. 0. Fitts, Jr R. M. McCandless R. N. Belk H. J. Bradley • Fulton C. G. R. M. Gant McKee, Jr • R. J. J. P. Fitzgerald • W. T. Benton E. D. Brooks W. H. Funk A. J. Graham, Jr. C. L. Frazier, Jr. G. A. Odgers • J. L. Clements J. B. Brown T. H. Garlick, II W. G. Goodman S. B. Plettner • B. W. Covington, Jr. • A. L. Green, Jr. T. J. Campbell H. C. Gaulden, Jr. H. T. Gurley, Jr. K. W. Pruden R. L. Gorman J. P. Cunningham ' J. D. Christie, Jr. R. C. Gordon J. K. Hall, Jr. • P. Graf f, Jr. K. R. Randall' M. C. Dandy F. Cichanowicz, III J. H. Gordy Hambright B. W. Samuelson A. G. Grant, Jr. J. I. J. L. Donaldson, Jr. R. H. Cofer, II G. C. Griffin H. E. Seger G. M. Grant • J. W. Helton, Jr. M. M. Frazier Colvin J. E. H. E. Hammer D. I.. Gurganus • H. V. Hendrick' W. L. Simpson • C. C. Goodwin, Ill R. C. Connally • K. C. Houghton • G. S. Hager G. F. Spatz • R. G. Herring J. M. Gower • E. B. Com G. W. Heburn G. C. Hall, Jr. C. P. Johnston J. C. Stohimann T. H. Grafton • T. W. Dalton, Jr. ` F. C. Hodge F. W. Hanvey C. A. Story P. S. Knox, Jr. R. G. Hodgkin, Ill F. F. Davidson • 0. J. Hood • C. P. Harrison • W. L. Knox F. R. Sturm D. A. Holder H. T. Davis R. Rucks • Lawson W. E. B. Harrison, Jr. Sutter C. E. K. V. W. J. Jackson, Jr. J. H. Davis B. M. Jewett K. C. Harrison T. F. McAfee, I II R. W. Thomas M. L.. Lausrnan • W. F. Dudley Johnson R. R. L. T. Hawley S. E. McNeely C. L. VVangsvick L. 0. Lawton • W. L. Duncan D. C. Johnston • H. H. Hooton • H. C. Woods G. M. Lockwood, Jr. • W. N. Middleton G. W. Elland W. A. Jones H. R. Hope H. L. Zinnecker L. J. Par own, Jr. • A. F. Marshall J. E. Fargason M. G. Keiser V. H. Huey R. T. Peters, Jr. • W. E. Matthews' C. B. Flynt • L. A. Kidd E. R. Hughes, Jr. XIA. G. Maxwell, Jr. • J. B. Porterfield F. P. Fudge C. F. King L. G. Hughes W. E. Price, II ROANOKE J. W. McElderry, Jr. R. H, Gracey J. E. Kirkland, Jr. J. R. Jacobs • P. A. Reavo, Jr. S. G. McGregor Green J. T. T. A. Latour J. R. Jeffcoat R. S. Barber S. P. Stowe, Jr. J. W. Warn, Jr. M. T. Launius, Jr. • T. A. Grob, III M. K. Bast T. C. Jennings R. J. Terry W. W. Miller, Jr. M. E. Groover, Jr. J. P. Locklear J. H. Johnson, Jr. • M. W. VValdon S. T. Bast K. F. Mills Hamilton, III • M. Loudermilk G. J. E. Beach T. A. Johnston, III W. Williams C. B. M. C. Mason • J. W. Hanger R. T. Lowrance C. W. Bondurant, Jr. C. A. Jones, Ill I. 8 Williamson R. D. Moseley • G. W. Harden C. P. Caldwell, Jr T. P. Julian J. Y. Wilson • G. E. Manning D. R. Mucci W, J. Harpe, Jr. E. C. Kaufmann, II • P. C. Caldwell • P. C. Winstead R. J. McCarny J. C. Neville Harris, Jr. R. F. C. G. Cates, Jr. G. H. Kendrick B. W. Wyche B. T. McCarthy • T. G. Pitts B. G. Hill W. H. Yelverton, Jr. • B. E. 0. Kennedy Chapman McClanahan D. N. R. C. Reece J. C. Holder • J. P. Charlton R. A. Kilgore W. P. Yelverton • W. C. McFee J. V. Salvo, Jr. Holliday R. J. • tyl, McGraw Claiborne Knight C. E. L. C. W. J. W. Steenbergen J. G. Howard • R. C. Lacey W. A. Clark, Jr. E. F. McLaughlin • G. D. Stickney, Jr, • ZETAHull • G. J. FORD H. B. Clegg, Ill J. D. Lee • INOF H. D. McLean R. A. Strozier 1G. Hutchinson • J. R. Lett D. W. Coates J. B. McRee P. W. Timberlake H. R. Ingram, Jr. W. H. Lindsey • B. L. Allen F. M. Cox W. G. Meriwether, Jr. D. P. Wilson T. R. Jackson, Jr. J. R. Lockhart, Jr. R, N. Crockett • J. C. Bell F. R. Montgomery J. F. Winters W. C. Johnson • J. C. Martin, Jr. G. C. Bissell W. I. Currie J. M. Moore • H. D. Wyman R. E. Knox B. B. Mathis F. G. Boineau, Jr. R. L. Davis L. A. Morris, Jr. C. D. Young W. A. Knox R. N. Brendle J. L. May, Jr. • S. L. Day R. B. Morris J. P. Young II • L. Lane, F. Delatron J. L. May, Ill F. I. Brownley, Jr. W. H. H. S. Owens, Jr. • I. W. Lang, Jr. B. N. McCrary G. W. Brunson P. R. Dotson • M. K. Parkman GAMMAF. L. Langston B. K. McDonald, Jr S. W. Burnett, Jr. D. W. Doyle R. A. Parrish BERKELEY M. W. Luckey R. A. L. McLeod, Jr. C. I. Chipley • Emberger Paulk W. T. J. E. Lundy • D. L. Merrill • M. S. Connelly L. F. Esser, Jr. J. R. Paas • J. D. Alpan Martin G. P. Montan, Jr. F. H. E. Cook, Jr. Ewald G. W. R. W. B. Pebworth • K. T. Baba W. F. Martin J. H. Corn N. S. Morgan L. B. Fagerquot A. F. Perkins • R. C. Bartel • Mauney R. P. L. N. Fairbanks, III 0. W. Nabors T. R. Crider P. G. Pomeroy J. 0. Blair • C. C. Miller, Jr. D. R. Newman • A. J. Dillard, Jr. D. S. Ferguson W. D. Powers P. S. Boren • J. L. Miller T. E. Norton, Jr. H. E. Dillingham R. E. Ferris • J. H. Puckett • L. M. Broun Miller, Jr. F. W. S. O'Bannon, Jr. Purcell Fleshrnan • A. A. P. J. W. Evans • J. A. J. D. B. Cakebrand N. H. Mitchem B. J. O'Hara, Jr. • J. B. Frier H. L. Evans J. B. Ramage R. J. Chabrier Nall C. J. Pardue, Jr. • C. Garren 0. Jr. K. R. W. B. Evins, B. Reeve, Jr. W. E. Christman W. H. Nesmith, Jr. J. M. Pate, Jr. D. S. Felder, Jr. H. E. Reeves' J. Gosman G. W. Cleary • Nielsen • T. W. Patterson C. R. R. L. Reeves R. G. Gray L. S. Forgoes W. B. Collins I. Padgett C. H. Paulsen • W. N, Gressette • B. F. Register, Jr. J. R. Graybill V. A. Consul R. H, Perkins R. L. Patrick, Jr. E. A. Hanna • R. F. Rego J. W. Guthridge R. P. Cornish • F. Peck C. A. Pilleteri Hannah J. Hahn, Jr. K. H. B. T. C. S. Roach T. A, Coulter C. W. Peeples J. J. Plena, Jr. M. W. Rogers, Jr. D. L. Harper C. M. Hefner C. H. Creecy, Ill Penland, III R, M. C. E. Porter R. C. Hunsucker M. A. Rossi R. L. Hughes A. L. Croce Powell, Jr. B. R. Powell Kaplan, Jr, • L. J. V. Rouse • D. Hurt G. A. A, B. Cropper H. T. Rogers, Jr. C. S. Price T. L. King R. B. Rowe 0. M. Hyatt N. R. Crouch • Jr. Schulte, T. H. Jr. N. F. Pridgen, Jr. Lee Rowland, Jr. • Johnson, C. M. H. I. H. S. F. D. Dab,III S. A. Skowronski • W. R. Purcell R. G. McCurdy W. D. Kerster J. E. Safford K. A. Davis S. M. Slade Kelly • Ray R. D. McJunkin H. J. C. E. J. Sanders L. M. J. Dikes L. M. Richardson C. A. Monroe H. C. Kerlin J. M. Sewell H. E. Smith C. L. Dimmler M. D. Klein J. T. Robbins, Jr. J. C. Muse • W. R. Shook L. 0. Smith J. N. Downer F. P. Owings G. B. Koch D. 0. Robinson • J. R. Spangler P. E. Smith • R. S. Easley J. W. Kowalczyk F. E. Robinson J. R. Owings H. B. Swygert, Jr. 1 M. Stoinoll C. L. Emerson Owings Lavinder • M. A. W. J. P. Robinson Thompson S. C. M. R. L. Story J. L. Erickson • W. T. Lawrence, Jr W. M. Schroeder • R. S. Owings J. P. Turner P. L. Swindell K. G. Fahlman Palmer Lemon P. J. W. Sewell T. C. L. B. C. Vonderhoof • T. P. Tappy • R. C. Fisher W. S. Sharpe D. F. Patterson J. I. Lowdon J. Walmy, Jr. D. E. Ticlmore A. P. Flanagan R. L. Shepherd E. R. Pettigrew D. K. Lumsden • F. J. Whitley • L. H. Tippett A. 0. Gibbs R. F. Singleton H. G. Pettit, Jr. P. J. Malouf J. B. Withers R. D. Tyler J. F. Hamilton A. E. Sizemore D. W. McCourt T. C. Player D. W. Waits E. V. Hess Jr. W. F. Skinner M. Richmond P. Moore, R. G. KAPPAK. R. Wall W. K. Karns P. T. Smith E. E. Rivers L. G. Muse NORTH CAROLINA C. A. Wells N. C. Klotz Stapleton Shore, Jr. Myers J. B. H. W. R. S. A. M. Williams, Ill R. D. Kortkamp T. H. Nicholson, Jr. W. L. Stowe R. E. Sperlbaum C. P. Adams J. E. Wilson, Jr. 0. K. Kuns P. E. Watson, Jr. D. O'Flaherty A. J. Strickland, Ill R. C. Adams J. W. Wilson 0. T. Laib • W. R. Summerlin • J. H. West • D. W. Owen • R. F. Anderson R. N. Wilson W. F. Lane S. W. Williams W. G. Sutton • D. R. Patterson • J. Y. Bassett O. C Wimbish K. E. Lawrence H. L. Wilson, Jr. J, P. Piedrafite, Jr. R. S. Taylor • P. E. Berg • D. K. Young G. A. Linear W. C. Taylor • R. B Wilson R. H. Poll W. E. Babbitt • C. E. Manley • E. M. Terry G. F. Poteet • J. L. Woodside E. D. Bolick, Jr. MUM. P. McBride J. B. Tucker P. J. Purchla S. E. Wrenn • W. N. Boyd DUKE J F. Meagher • E. L Turner, Jr. H. B. Brand E. G. Ramsey, Jr. C. T. Mess H. F. Turner G. H. Ramsey L. J. Braswell ETAR. B. Atkins A. H. Miller • J. W. Turner R. B. Briggs J. W. Reynolds EMORY G. F. Blalock • E. B. Morgan J. M. Ward R. D. Brinton J. J. Ribar, Jr. J. S. Boone • W. S. Nordquist, Jr J. A. Watts A. A. Britt, Jr. R. R. Rush T. W. Borland • L. H. Battle S. J. Norgard D. C. Wells J. M. Bryant • D. B. Schindler S. C. Brawley, Jr. E. C. Bruce, Jr. M. O. Nye J. R. Cauble H. L. Strangmeyer W. H. Bridgers P. C. Wesch L. T. Bullock L. J. Olson J. B. White D. R. Caudle F. R. Butner D. M. Tanis J. W. Cannon, Jr. IR. E. Passalacqua Jr. H. V. Chason, W. P. Tice C. F. Clark, Jr. J. 0. Wilkerson J. H. Carter R. Patrict • J. N. Coffey F. W. Trimmer C. A. Clayton L. B. Wilkerson M. R. Clements P. H. Pause C. J. Piper, Ill T. C. Quayle • .1. E. Reed J. E. Ringer J. T. Adams • M. W. Ritchie R. J. Adams H. R. Ross J. B. Allen S. S. Ryder M. W. Allen L. G. Sage R. B. Blodgett, Jr. J. G. Seiler L. F. Brinkley H. L. Simmons G. A. Byrd, Jr. E. D. Solari • J. S. Cameron B. W. Covington, Ill • A. E. Sprague Y. D. F. Stewart A. R. Cracker • J. W. Sullivan J. T. Cuomo F. W. Thomas T. N. Danger field R. G. Tuck • L. M. East C. F Vannice 0, E. Engelman, Jr C. W. Walker, Jr. J. H. Floyd Weatherall N. B. J. P. Gaillard, Jr. L. W. Wrixon W. S. Gaud, Ill • J. J. Yoviono Young J. D. Guess A. L. Haisten • DELTAJ. C. Hall FURMAN J. A. Herchak • ALPHACHARLESTON

R. H. Dominick J. M. Farnbrough R. A. Flournoy • W. W. Floyd P. S. Hipp W. D. Hughes C. A. Jackson, Jr. J. C. Jackson K. C. Kiehl C. M.Knight S. L. Laird, Jr. W. N. Newsom • R. J. Noland R. T. Overstreet

R. C. Williams

T. A. Baldwin • D. B. Barker J. E. Borvvick H. E. Billings, Jr. J. E. Brantley J. P. Brawley PlK. Byers OGLETHORPE W. D. Campbell R. E. Carlson, Jr. S. E. Blackwell, Jr. • T. K. Carter • J. R. Brinson W. A. Carter, Jr. H. B. Chadwick J. A. Caudle J. B. Dekle R. C. Cline F. C. Everett, Jr. H. G. Corbett L. B. Fox W. J. Cowan J. B. Frazer • J. .1. Dail J. A. Hailey W. L. Davis • G. W. Hardin P. M. Eddins R. G. Henson A. L. Evans • C. W. Hood. Jr. R. H. Farrell E. C. Minis J. A. Feather, Jr. T.'L. Palmer, Jr. • A. G. Fuller L. J. Ptacek, Jr. E. G. Gibbs W. J. Rhodes, Jr. T. K. Graham E. C. Shoemaker A. N. Greene G. M. Smith • J. V. Gruedis, Jr. C. V. M. Sutcliffe W. M. Hackett • C. B. Harper • RHOG. M. Harrell • WASHINGTON & LEE T. M. Hearne' W. Z. Hudson R. Ade • C. N. Humphrey R. G. Anderson • J. B. Hunsinger, Jr A. Angrisani R. C. Jones D. D. Bare • F. L. Joyner, Jr. G. Z. Batch T. A. Kara D. M. Bates • W. B. Kilgore B. 0. Buckman F. R. Kuhn, Jr. W. R. Bishop • C. F, Latham C. A. Bowlus D. D. Longhini F. W. Bone, III H. A Lynch, Jr. R. M. Brown E. C. Moon, Jr. B. K. Bullard, Jr. M. H. Morton, Jr D. P:Christovich C. M. Myers • W. A. Chburn, Jr. R. E. Noblin W. J. Cosgrove, Jr. M. J. Noland W. J. Crater, Jr. C. C. Painter, Jr. C. B. Curtis, Jr. R. L. Parks B. A. Davis. Jr. B. M. Pennell M. K. Disney • W. D, Peters • I. L. Flory, Jr. L. E. Poteat E. P. Garretson, Jr. • W. N. Rodman W. M. Garrison T. A. Sawed J. Grayson, Ill D. M. Seltzer N. D. Hall, Jr. J. N. Shepherd, Jr. F. A. Hauslein H. K. Sledge G. L. Hill • E. W. Small J. W. Ivey, II T. G. Smith, III R. L. Jackson • N. T. Smithwick • J. L. Jennings • W. H. Taft H. D. Leaky • E. R. Thomas, II • W. G. Loeffler, Jr. E. G. Wall B, MacGowan W. a Wallace • J. B. Martin D. C. Whitaker J. O. Martin A. P. White, Jr. D. G. McCausland • G. J. Wike • G. F. McInerney R. E. Williams, Jr. • W. F. Methvin, Jr. L. W. Milbourne UPSILONC. N. Monsted, Jr. ILLINOIS W. J. Moran, Jr. Nettleton, Jr. • L. L. I. T. Almberg C. J. Niemeyer L. C. Altmansberger R. K. Park, II J. J. Bakker R. M. Rainey J. M. Bayne • S. J. Robbins F. M. Benson • S. M. Rowland R. J. Bogdanoff W. C. Sargent 0. Bouc, Jr. F. M, Scarlett, IV J. F. Bracken R. B. Shively J. C. Brown P. Slocumb J. J. Bruemrner T. Smith, Jr. J. R. Carlino • M. H. Squires, Jr. J. G. Carson H. E, Stine, Jr. J. G. Catalano G. W. Summerson • H. M. Cheney R. J. Taylor, IV A. J. Clyde J. B. Towill P. P. Depasquale E. A. Turville G. M. Dowd P. F. Van Avery F. H. Elich J. D. Wallece B. K. Fawcett D. C. West • E. L. Feicht H. B. Wood, Jr. M. V. Foerster (3W. Young, Jr. J. A. Fowler E. R. Galandak SIGMASOUTH CAROLINA J. A Gauer 0. D. Gay J. J. Giampoli A, J. Appleby, III • K. M. Gibbon J. E. Bell, Jr. A. B. Gilbert W. Bobo • P. E. Green E. F. Bostick • F. L. Bradfield, Jr. • W. E. Haselwood W. A. Hasfurther D. N. Brown, III H. W. Holmberg P. D. Carter, Jr. • F. S. Howard, Jr. • C. H. Chiles R. O. Howard F. L. Clark J. L. Howie, Jr. J. M. Coulter S. Huska, Jr. S.0. Cowan • H. B. Hotter W. A. Dallis • L. D. Inglis G. S. Delay H. W. Johnson R. L. Dorman J. L. Johnson

FL M. Wilson, Jr. W. J. Worthington, Jr. J. C. Wright K. A. Zavitz

D. W. Easom, Jr. G. Fasano, Jr. W. W. Pincher, Jr. • J. S. Flynn

M. L. Kirchman H. G. Klotz T. F. Krizan C. L. Larsen K. J. Forti R. E. McCormick R. M. Gatti J. B. Means J. H. George c. R. Mench J. W. Goodwin E. D. Mendels J. H. Gressette L. W. Menzimer J. Hammel A. R. Moore J. A. Hanson D. F. Mulvihill • C. T. Hickman S. E. Murnford T. D. Huggins C. V. Nelson T. M. Jackson P. W. Nelson C. B. Jennings, III • L. J. Oberwise, Jr J. J. Kennedy J. Ondrus • J. W. Kennedy, Jr. D. A. Parkhurst H. S. King R. H. Patchen R. C. Lake, Jr. J. E. Pehlman J. H. Mathias, Jr. J. M. McCulloch, Jr. S. N. Perkins J. Pottenger R. C. Mims Y. A. Montgomery, Jr L. C. Prucha • K. J. Rabe R. H. Mooren J. A. Rawot J. R. Munn R. C. Reed J. C. Nichols R. J. Regnier • W. B. Norwood W.S. Renner H. L. O'Bannon R. M. Riggs C. B. Prevost • J. O. Roeser • J. C. Pruitt, Jr. H. C. Reed, Ill E. P. Rolek H. A. Ruyter • D. W. Reynolds W. S. Reynolds, III J. G. Schalin • W. D. Rhodes, III R. W. Scheck D. H. Robertson E. Schmalenberger D. W.Schmidt W. J. Seldon G. W.Smith J. W. Shustitzky C. E. Spann C. W.Smith A. A. Spears' J. E. Stanton Spears J, W. W. R. Stiles T. J. Stafford, II • W. A. Storz J. R. Stokes W. H. Tammeus G. B. Timmerman, Jr. F. W. Teegarden.Jr. S. R. Todd M. H. Thomas R. C. Wactor W. J. Tietz • B. L. Youmans • R. E. Turner E. J. Ullemeyer TAUE. Urycki NC STATE A. J. Vanderburg G. S. Walker A. E. Anthony, Jr. R. A. Watts •

T. H, Watts K. A. Werden' S. P. Wdfong F. M. Witwer L. E. Wormley • R. H. Wubbel •

PHITULSA C. F. Burns G. M. Dill R. W. Fleak H. C. Graham • P. V. Havenstr ite H. F. Hinson' L. M. Lowry E. T. Tingley J. T. Trimble R. W. Veatch •

CHISTETSON L. W. Anderson T. M. Baker R. A. Beauchamp R. J. Bennett C. S. Boothe G. R. Borders J. S. Carlton A. D. Carroll T. M. B. Cash, Jr G. B. Clark, Jr. R. D. Cooper G. J. Crolla J. C. Crow E. H. Culver • R. P. Cureton • W. C. Damiano, II W. M. Davis H. M. Day C. D. Deloach K. I. Densmore R. G. Dinwiddie H. F. Dorsett M. D. Doub P. M. Feaongton C. B. Garnsey, Jr. R. H. Gauchan R. V. N. Ginn J. R. Golden A. E. Grindle, Jr. S. S. Gryskiewrcz. Jr J. P. Hahn N. D. Harper J. W. Havard T. M. Hathcock • J. G. Hayden E. B. Henderson J. L. Hughes J. E. Hutchinson • J. L. Imbergamo J. C. Inman • R. E. Karns F. D. King • 1W. Landers, Jr. R. W. Lankford M. B. Lawrence T. W. Mahal fey R. W. Mansur • D. C. McNamara A. N. Morris, Jr. A. N. Morris, III R. T. Northridge J. G. Orr C. Z. Osborne, Jr. G. J. Ossorio G. L. Patterson H. V. Pittman P. P. Poole W. E. Ray S. C. Renwick G. R. Reiter • J. J. Reynolds M. F. Samson

C. L. Saunders A. R. Schneider F. P. Sholvvalter W. L. Simpson, Ill J. K. Snelling, • R. S. Spencer, Jr. • J. B. Stephens, Jr. M. C. Stith F. Stoudenmire G. T. Stoudenmire E. W. Terry R. M. Tinsley J. L. Townsend • H. E. Turner • E. A. Ulmer J. S. Wagg K. A. Weir, Sr. C. T. Welshinger C. S. Williams, Jr. • R. E. Woodbury

PSICORNELL R. H. Adams J. W. Allen J. H. Angus G. T. Barber R. A. Bochan H. W. Buell J. R. Burritt R. T. Chatterton, Jr. S. W. Dodge D. A. Dube

W. A. Dunham, Jr. G. M. Edmunds W. T. Fearnside G. J. Felton E. J. Fischer G. R. Fisher •

A. George, Jr. • G. F. Heinrich J. C. Herrmann N. F. Hopper • W. S. Howell E. H. Jacoby C. E. Karsten G. D. Keller • J. S. Kirk • E. L. Lehr H. S. Lewis • J. C. Loose S. D. Lorenz W. E. MacMillan W. S. Magalhaes H. J. Marquart R. P. Mason F. F. Maxant W. K. Mayhew R. J. McGory • W. Measday, Jr. S. G. Milks • N. R. Miller G. A. Murray W. F. Newell • C. S. Parker M. J. Piscitelli E. S. B. Pitkin T. K. Powers P. T. Pratt R, B. Ramage A. S. Ritz M. P. Sampson W. R. Schlotzhauer

F. W. Schneider

N. E. Scott R. F. Smith • W. J. Snell J. F. Storey A. F. Salla, Jr. L. G. Thayer E. A. Tschanz G. E. Vangorden D. A. Ward F. H. White, Jr. G. E. White E. R, Williams L. A. Williams W. J. Zygmunt

OMEGAPURDUE D. C. Adams R. C. Adams • M. C. Allion H. B. Anderson K. E. Anderson J. H. Anglin, Jr. C. S. Armstrong D. W. Armstrong, Jr R. F. Barton R. E. Baugher, II R. L. Bentley, Jr. J. K. Berlien T. H. Bower W. C. Bradshaw B. J. Breen • L. R. Bridge R. F. Brinson T. R. Brown G. E. Buente H. E. Burkhardt F. W. Carl J. A. Clark W. F. Cline, Jr. J. F. Coffel W. K. Daniel D. M. Davis D. R. Davis C. Dulic J. W. English R. J. Eyer G. G. Fassnacht J. L. Fink L. M. Finnegan H. M. Flanagan J. S. Forcum G. C. Frederick J. R. Gass E. D. Geiger P. W. Gentry A. W. Gaither W. W. Glenny E. E. Goeke, II R. J. Gollmar D. R. Gorton T. H. Graff's, Jr. F. J. Hacklernan • A. H. Hagopian • H. R. Hall G. L. Hanson F. E. Harrell • K. Hasler V. K. Neely D. J. Hendrickson E. K. Henry W. H. C. Higgins, Ill L. D. Hines R. B. Holmes M. G. Honeck C. M. Horecky G. Houston, Jr. • M, X. Hughes L. V. Ingle J. D. Jackson J. W. Janes, Ill P. K. Jefferis H, R, Johnson, Jr. W. G. Kanouse D. J. Kimmel 0. A. Kinzer R. K. Kitchen R. J. Kovach K. L. Kraus J. 0. Lafollette L. P. Lang M. D. Laurent J. F. Lindley R. M. Little J. E. Lovell • R. H. Lowe. J. S. MacMillan • G. Q. Martin R. S. McCord • E. B. McCormick F. L. McDonald • M. R. Megraw • H. D. !Metzler • H. O. Meyer T. F. Miller J. S. Moore W. F. Mutter C. W. Myers G. L. Nord W. L. Norrington E. Odrobinak • M. H. Ohaver • R. B. Olson J. M. Oreilly R. D. Ormsby R. L. Overby W. D, Peace, Jr. •

D. K. Peat R. A. Peterson P. A. Porter R. K. Price W. C. Pritchard • G. L. Cluisno, II • M. A. Ralston R. W. Raney R. E. Rector R. B. Reed H. G, Riggs • C. W. Romeiser J. C. Rouse C. L. Sadler • G. M. Schaaff D. A. Scott J. T. Seeger D. C. Seeley J. A. Shank C. P. Smith J. M. Smith W. D. Southard M. S. Stocker J. A. Sudduth • P. C. Swettord • D. C. Swatter J. G. Swinney B. F. Tellkamp R. E. Thomson J. A. Timmons, Sr. D. A. Trescott • E. M. Vane J. T. Venard D. R. Victoria, Jr. G. G. Ward J. L. Weaver W. T. Willis, Jr. R. E. Worstell T. L. Zaccarino • ALPHA ALPHAMERCER R. L. Bennett •

R. L. Bennett, Jr. J. W, Brooker W. G. Bruner W. A. Bugg L. C. Carter • J. T. Cash B. T. Clark W. W. Curl, Jr. C. H. Davis, Jr. H. C. Domukes A. E. Fitzgerald, Jr. J. C. Garvin, Jr. H. B. Gilbert T. J. Hallman, Jr. R. U. Harden G. V. Hogan H. S. Houston • W. P. Joni W. K. Jordan J. M. Leetun H. C. Lewis, Jr. L. S. Lightner W. Maratos C. G. McGehee C. R. Parker G. 0, Perreault, Jr. H. E. Rhodes • S. E. Tanner

ALPHA BETATULANE B. A. Evans, Sr. V. loon C. E. Richards A. R. Sims C. G. Webb M. T. Woodward, Jr


J. W. Charvibliss R. F. Chambliss • R. E. Chapman • D. 0. Charland E. F. Cobb W. E. Combs F. J. Costa G. S. Coulter • J. A. Cox H. I. Cross J. S. Crown, Jr. • C. E. Crozier F. C. Davant J. N. Davis L. E. Davis, Jr. J. E. Devitt B. T. Dean H. F. Dressell W. S. Durrell A. H. Edwards, II L. W, Elgin, Jr. L. H. Elkins P. M. Eppel° • R. D. Fewox T. M. Fitzgerald H. L. Freeman R. W. Freeman H. E. Fry, Jr. D. B. Frye W. H, Gaines

F. S. Gilbert, Jr. W. M. Gillespie J. A. Grady B. H. Gritfin, Jr. M. K, Grimes G. R. Harrison M. E. Harrison W. G. Hartley A. S. Redone, Jr. B. E. Herlong M. P. Hull •

J. M. Holmes • L. W. Barrett J. C. Hornbuckle • E. J. Besenfelder J. D. Howell J. Cooper • E. D. James C. D, Cornelison M. W. Jame, V. H. Cornelison' C. W. Lapradd A. K. Cox C. R. Lee, Jr. B. T. Dawson D. B. Leigh F. L. Dennis F. A. Lesueur R. C. Dunnington R. W. Lowder W. G. Dunnington • R, D. Martin R. Danson • D. A. Martinez • R. D. Foam W. F. McCall, Jr. M. A. Foreman M, B. McIver • H. L. Gasaway B. C. Michael H. D. Hammonds D. L. Miller R. W. Hoffman F K. Mitchell T. C. Huddle K. S. Moore E. P. Hugill, Jr. J. E. Moons H. R. Hulpieu J. E. Morton F. D. Jackson R. S. Meurnann • R. A. Jameson, Jr. R. T. Olsen R. S. Johnston B. F. Overton S. B. Jones E. P. Owen, Ill J. C. Jordan R. J. Paterno • P. M. Keitch G. A. Pena R. W. Larson H. W. Pettengill, Jr C. T. McClure W. W. Footer, Jr. J. D. McElhaney, Jr • J. R. Powell B. A. McElyea J. J. Powers W. B. McFadyen J, D. Rent roe, Jr. M. E. Metcalfe • C. R. Rigl B. P. Mitchell F. W. Rivers T. R. Moore R. H. Roberts Murphy P. J. R. H. Ross • J. W. Nance W. F. Sahlie R. J. Ogborn • R. E. Scholze • S. L. Pangburn • J. G. Sharon, Jr. • G. W. Pullin J. B. Shaw • R. B. Roberts J. C. Shiplett M. J. Roby G. W. Shipp J. J. Rogers T. B. Simpson G. G. Russell A. W. Smith W. P. Scarlett R. D. Snyder A. H. Schmidt, Jr. C. A. Stewart • F. L. Shaw W. L. Strickland L. T. Shawbell K. P. Svane E. H. Skinner • M. L. Taylor W. J. Taylor, Jr. C. E. Springer D. A, Thompson V. B. Stansell C. A. Stein • R. B. Timberlake R. C. Tylander L. M. Stone W. C. yarn C. P. Tate F. S. Thompson J. A. Weiss J. B. Todd S. A. Wicinski D. R. Whiteman • M. G. Wauahdooah F. E. Williams.' ALPHA DELTAG. D. Wood, Jr. WASHINGTON G. S. Zimmerman J. Zoltek, Jr. D. G. Alexander E. R. Allison • ALPHA ZETAW. C. Avery OREGON STATE H. E. Bayley • L. W. Bindon W. S. Alldredge J. Blakeway J. A. Austin F. R. Brown • W. L. Barrett R. C. Box H. A. Beresford D. B. Chesney J. A. Clague

I. C. Crovvley • J. J. Dailey D. J. Frick • R. G. Hall, Jr. E. A. Hanna R. J. Hansen C. A. Hedreen • C. N. lremonger W. K. Jackson • W. R. Jones • V. T. Kelling C. E. Monsters • D. McBain H. L. McGinn H. V. McPherson L. A. Messer • G. W. Morford D. Nicholls H. J. Novak D. W. Parker C. A. Porter W. L. Porter D. C. Rudolph

C. E. Rutledge H. R. Schlicting C. H. Sedam • D. Seeley • J. A. Shellenberger V. Sivertz P. E. Terzick • E. T. Turner • N. J. Vendetti, Jr. D. R. Vercoe • W. C. Waara D. B. Westbo •

J. P. Bollman J. L. Borchers R. H. Butte R. E. Calkins C. 0. Carlson • H. J. Cavelti J. J. Chesler B. W. Clark J. R. Clyde H. E. Conklin R. E. Curtis J. C. Dillow G. A. Domnisse

A. L. Douglas J. S. Duggan W. D. Elliott J. T. Fenstermecher E. E. Fischer N. B. Flynn • G. I. Grimes T. H. Hammond • E. F. Hastings T. K. Herbage N. J. Hold • W. C. Holste T. L. Howell G. H. Jackson

G. E. Jaska F. R. Johnson H. R, Kallander •

M. D. Knorr R. A. Koelblen G. H. Kuchler L. J. Kurkoski T. J. Langton, Ill N. D. Logan W. D. Long J. R. Williams • A. Louie R. 0. Maio, Jr. ALPHA EPSILON- K. L. McGowan FLORIDA J. W. Moore T. A. Nash • G. T. Anderson R. S. Nesbitt • T. E. Anderson R. L. Nickelsen W. L. Bailey R. L. Norlander S. H. Barker R, a Patterson P. C. Barr S. R. Pearson J. H. Bell D. P. Peron S. C. Bennett R. H. Pichette • J. O. Boote, Jr. • L. C. Porter F. C. Brock F. W. Raw J. E. Bush • R. W. Reeves D. N. Carlton J. T. Revigho • A. M. CarrawaV W. C. Routh

N. W. Ruhrnann R. W. Saunders J. H. Schaeffer J. P. Schench R. L. Sevcik M. Sherry M. N. Sigovich A. L. Stifle T. J. Starker V E. Starr • J. W. Steward • W. W. Thomas' E. F. Thompson D. B. Twitly' T. L. Tyler D. N. Vasche H. Weaver D. C. White M. C. Wilbur R. E. Williams J. N. Wilson

ALPHA ETASAMFORD E. F. Alldredge • W. C. Armistead, Jr. T. D. Armstrong T. B. Barnard M. B. Bates E. E. Beason J. Bell J. R. Bell • L. T. Bolton C. C. Brakelield D. K. Brower E. B. Bruce • V. M. Buckalew C. E. Carr L. E. Carroll M. W. Clifton W. C. Cotield T. M. Cook J. G. Cuningharne Jr. W. C. Davis Jr. J. W. Edwards

T. E. Estrldge R. G. Evans, III L. V. Farnum • W. M. Ford • G. C. Freeman J. W. Frierson, Jr. J. D. Gallops J. W. Gay, Jr. H. B. Goodwin R. E. Greene J. C. Gwin C. H. Hale, Jr. S. W. Hall M. H. Hardy J. E. Haynes E. C. Heron 1.1. Herron W. W. Hilton V. A. Hunt E. G. Jackson J. E. Jernigan S. W. Jones • J. J. Johns • G. D. Johnson K. E. Knight D. M. Lee J. C. Lee J. B. Marlow, Jr. G. W. Matthews • T. D. Mitchell G. G. Murrah, Jr. D. E. Nolen G. A. Olivenbaum

W. E. Popo E. T Rogers • R. W. Rowland J. G. Shiley J. D. Sibley •

A. L. Smith H. S. Smith, Jr. • W. B. Stark, Jr. C. W. Still S. A. Wade • C. T. Warren • F. H. White M. R. Wilder, Jr. S. M. Winton M. Wright, Jr. •

ALPHA THETAMICHIGAN STATE H. J. Anderson, Jr. S. J. Apol T. D. Aylward 0. D. Bird M. A. Bosco, Jr. F. W. Brutt • J R. Burns, Jr. R. T. Bystrom R. L. Campbell, II S. M. Carp R. R. Casavant W. M. Cleary • R. N. Clam C. E. Cogo J. L. Coon J. E. Crichton • E. R. Crook • R. L. Danford H. C. Deming J. B. Edmond • R. W. Fogarty R. L. Follett J. S. Ford R. R. Gentz R. J. Griewe J. P. Herdus • J. W. Hill R. J. Howard • C. P. Howell

J. L. Hurdle, Jr. R F. Hruda K. H. Jepson T. E. Jermin D. M. Joy J. C. Kohler H. M. Krebs D. L. Larson A. E. Laurie D. M. Lemon B. T. Lessien R. B. McCall • W. J. McCune G. S. McIntyre • P. A. Mopes • R. E. Moore H. D. Morris M. A. Morse A. E. Munson G. W. Pardee L. C. Paul, Jr. • A. W. Perlingiere W. R, Perry F. S. Philip R. A. Pinkham.• W. C. Proctor • H. J. Pyrzynski G. D. Quigley J. S. Radebaugh L. W. Raymond D. W. Rhoads W. J. Ritchie D. E. Sabrosky

G. W. Schott 0. J. Schuster J. F. Schwartz


Without the names appearing on these pages, the 1976 - 1977 school year would not have existed for Pi Kappa Phi. They are the members who contributed to the Fraternity's Voluntary Dues Program. Through their financial support Pi Kappa Phi received 25% of its Operating Income. 4,127 alumni contributed $47,480 to the ongoing of their

J. N, Seibel R. E. Shedd E. J. Somers • .1. F. Styli A. G. Spears H. E. Sprague R. W. Thatcher D. W. Thornton R. H. Totte, Jr. R. M. Tufts D. E. Veneer G. F. Waida • E. P. Wells • D. L. West D. C. Wilson D. D. Yanachik M. J. Yanachik • J. W. Ziozios

J. H. Rose, Jr • T. J. Rosetti B. B. Sayle • J. W. Stephens J. H. Tabb J. E. Ward • Y. S. Warren ALPHA MUPENN STATE

J. M. Alter B. C. Anderson Asnen R. M. Atkinson L. Baker D. R. H. Baker' A. T. Bennett G. F. Briner ALPHA IOTAJ. D. Brisbane AUBURN E. A. Brass R. F. Bush Cr FITAdcox C. H. Case, Jr. W. G. Arnos T. J. Choley J. E. Baker J. M. Coe H. K. Baskin C. C. Conklin E. 0. Batson, Jr. G. J. Cottillion C. W. Beaird R. B. Crain°, Jr. C. S. Blackledge, Jr. R. B. Creme, Sr. R. C. Brown L. M. Comunale W. T. Brown C. C. Curley, Jr. J. R. Buckyvalter, Jr E. E. Davies E. H. Burkart N. E. Douglas, Jr. J. C. Burton IN. F. Exley M. S. Coley D. R. Fischer R. R. Carothers, Jr. K. N. Flodin F. W. Carroll D. R. Forbes W. L. Chartier E. A. Friend, Jr. J. 0. Christiansen, Jr L. S. Fry, Jr. W. E. Colburn J. D. Funk A. J. Collins • M. A. Gardocki W. M. Cousins L. B. Grube J. N. Crump R. A. Gundrum H. Deus, Jr. J. T. Hartzell " J. L. Dale, Jr. E. J. Hathaway J. M. Ellis, Jr. • D. R. Heiny W. B. Elliot D. L. Helm F. R. Eubanks • G. 0. Herold B. A. Evans, Jr. R. S. Hersh - R. L. Ferrell J. F. Hickey J. A. Flanagan, Jr. E. B. Hoffman, Jr. D. M. Fry, Jr. • D. B. Holman H, L. Fox T. S. Holmes H. L. Fuller R. J. Hoppes T. W. Fuller M. R. Hornung C. E. Gavin, Ill D. Jones L. E. Godwin, Jr. R. P. Jones T. W. Gordon D. A. Kearney J. N. Green M. M. Keck R. M. Guillot • A. G. Kellam J. R. Haley R. C. Kief fer J. M. Hamilton J. F. Kieser, Jr. H. G. Harris J. F. Kieser, Sr. M. D. Harris • A. J. Kleinert T. K. Hartwell • L. M. Knot, F. H. Hawthorne • C. R. Kneel) J. H. Hendry E. Korecky H. Hooton T. I. Kraybill • F. W. Hurt • S. G. Krepps, V S. W, Irby T. H. Kukoda E. V. Johnson L. W. Kutz L. Johnson R. A. Lawson R. B. Jones S. A. Levine R. L. Jones J. P. Lonberger • W. W. Jones, Jr. W. E. Lord • D. K. Kearns F. J. Lynn, Ill • H. S. Kearns F. W. Martin J. P. McCarthy D. T. Kendrick W. R. King, Jr. • B. E. McIntyre R. F. McKnight J. E. Kirkendall, Jr A. W. McLane, Ill R. L. Lock J. G, Lovell, Jr. • E. C. Miller Mizell P. Lynch OS. J. J. F. Mostoller J. P. Lynch, Ill J. D. Moyer • F. A. Maddox, Jr F. A. Maddox,Sr. D. J. Nash H. C. O'Connor, Jr D. A. Marshall R. P. McCoy • J. S. Pearson, Ill J. T. Petrick J. E. McClure N. D McClure, IV R. E. Plymyer T. 0. McDowell M. P. Ranc, Jr. J. P. Rebert • G, M. Moore, Jr. L. S. Reiff C. E. D. Morgan W. J. Nivens, Jr. J. H. Ressler E. E. Noel, II W. L. Ross W. L. Noll, Jr. F. H. Schaefer D. W. Oliver G. H. Schaffner J. E. Owens, Jr. • J. G. Schmucker, Ill L. E. Owen • C. P. Schooley G. M. Patterson J. E. Schuler L. Patterson R. F. Seidel • J. A. Perdue K. L. Shaner J. H. Pearson L. J. Shue P. T. Persons S. Siegel L. C. Pharo, Jr. W. Simon, III C. B. Phillips W. F. Sirocky W. T. Ponder R. M. Smith N. C. Porter, Jr. H. E. Smyser, Ill R. B. Propst J. K. Solon G. F. Fleddick, Jr. G. J. Spahr' I. E. Reeves, Jr. H. E. Strine T. B. Revel G. E. Stevens, Jr. T. P. Roberts R. G. Swells, Jr. J. E. Robbins, Jr. R. E. Thornton R. G. Robin M. B. Trull E. B. Rodwell, Jr. J. C. Turchek E. C. Rushing 0.0. Turner • J. T. Russell • W. J. Vernon, Jr. J. R. Segreit, Jr. A. P. Wagner W.S. Shenk R. E. Walbert • W. T. Skaggs IN. R. Walker W. B. Smith B. K. Watson D. C. Stoddard P. Watto J. A. Stripling • T. D. Webber, II W. S. Taylor P. E. Willhide • F. P. Thigpen J. H, Williamson G. N. Tobia • D. B. Wilson F. M. Vann D. L. Wolf I J. A. Wallace E. R. Yeager G. M. Whitley T. J. Yoho M. K. Wilkins • E. H. Zacharias, Jr. J. W. Williams R. E. Zimmerman J. D. Wolsoncroft C. M. Wood ALPHA NUC. C. Workman, Jr. • OHIO STATE J. 0. Zipperer, Ill M. W. Alvord ALPHA KAPPAW. P. Ansley MICHIGAN W. G. Baldenhofer J. R. Crandall R. A. Edwards C. D. Hablitzel H. C. Hotchkiss H. H. Henna E. W. Keck J. L. Miller K. J. Nagelkirk R. C. Newhouse C. E. Omara C. A.Stickel H. A. Pullen C. S. Strout W. W. Rowley K. D. Weber E. B. Schermerhorn • E. S. Wells H. B. Smith, Jr. • W. C. Wyler

L. J. Bolvig • R. P. Brady H. R. Bredfeldt • W. M. Carmosino V. A. Carrougher M. J. Cassano J. H. Clarke, Jr. A. S' Crooker W. Delnicki A. Dernarinu L. T. Destefano • J. Didonato • H. F. Dieter P. W. Dillon H. E. Duckhain, Jr F. M. Eigner W. E. Eisele A. Fedewitz R. L. Fitzgibbon J. E. Flaherty J. F. Fuchs • W. J. Griffin H. J. Guba A. D. Hansen S. C. Harazim P. J. Hauth C. J. Hecker F. M Herbert, Ill F. C. Hetzer P. G. Hoeker G. C. Hoist • M. F. Hornung B. Jauen 0. Jensen 0.0. Kells D. G. Klisz A. L. Koenig R. Koehler R. J. Koerner • H. W. Lang J. Larose W. J. Littles R. J. Magg J. G. Marsh T. G. May • E. S. Mayland, Jr. C. B. Maytorth, Jr. J. E. McCooey H. A. McLaughlin F. J. McMullen H. H. Meyer • H. R. Meyer J. A. Miele B, .1. Minetti J. J. Mohnen. J. E. MorrisseY A. R. Muller W. H. Mulligan A. E. Munzer H. C. Neumann H. W. 'Virtue' J. B. Peck A. J. Pensa • L. J. Polito M. G. Power J. J. Plunkett A. G. (1111011 J. H. Ripel B. H. Ritter • C. E. Rohmann • F. F. Romano,/ Roney, Jr.' S. Rotten L. N. Rowley, Jr R. D. Sarcona G. H. Scheibner E. F. Schofield IN. Seubert OS.Shepherd J. Smellie A. B. Steele C. L. Stehle C. H. Steffan • J. H. Thode, Jr. P. M. Tierney W. J. Troeller, Jr. R. A. Libel& H. E. Weingartner F. W. Wiedman

IN. T.

R. E. Stinogel A. D. Swisher T. R. Tucker • V. H. Upmier J. J. Veak' J. R. Vender K. M. Vest W. C. VVinlock ALPHA PlUNIV. OF SOUTH F. N. Bretton D. Gilchrist, Jr. J. A. Johnston ALPHA RHOWEST VIRGINIA J. M. Adkins P. F. Fisher • R. ll. Harper R. lewd C. R. Lewis H. G. Martin L. K. INatring T. 0. Williams J. C. Wilson, Jr. ALPHA SIGMATENNESSEE J. C. Adkins • R. L. Andrews T. H. Banks P. E. Bishop C. IN. Booher, Jr. • K. E. Boring • L. A. Brockwell R. M. Brooks J. V. Bryan R. S. Burns E. S. Byrd Combs L. D. Cronin S. L. Davis • J. F. Deboard, Jr. S. B. Donohue T. E. Earl R. E. Gibson, Jr • G. E. Gish • F. J. Gruosso D. M. Hamilton J. W. Harris, Jr. A. IN. Hatcher 0. R. Johnson • J. E, Jones, Jr. T. L. Kennedy G. W. Kinnarnon A. B. Lanier R. C. McKelvey' B. C. McMahan J. G. McNabb K. McPherson C. R. Meadows, Jr J. F. Miller • J. 0. Moss • .1. R. Nelson, Jr. G. L. Noland, Jr. J. R. Pannell F. M, Pugh A. B. Reed G. P. Reeder • J. M. Rouser D. E. Robinson R. C. St. Clair G. E. Seargeant • H. A. Shehan, Jr. H. B. Simmons • R. C. Sledd R. B. Smith R. H. Smith G. A' Steele • S. W. Steele J. E. Steffner J. H. Stile • B. A. Tucker • J. W. Turner, Jr. K. R. Weems E. H. Zwingle •

P. IN.

D. M. Clarke W. J. Cooney, Jr. • S. J. Costa, Jr. H. A. Cowles P. D. Crissrnan R. L. Davis W. W. Dearolf, Jr. J. W. Deirnler • D. K. Dement R. R. Dewees, Jr. E. J. Dimond K. J. Dirkes R. L. Drager L. D. Ego!' J. T. Farm • W. P. Fitzgerald, Jr. J. C. France B. J. Gaikowski J. D. Gardner J. H. Gardner W. F' Gittlrn, Sr. N. E. Cretin, Jr. R. H. Grill P. W. Gross • W. J. Grubert, Jr. J. A. Mersin', Jr. • A. D. Henderson G. C. Hess, Jr. C. H. Hewitt D. A. Heydt D. M. Keeps 0. M. Hokanson R. E. Hoover J. M. Hudson W. C. Jaus J. F. Kelley. Jr . E. R. Kiehl G. F. Kinrnonth D. H. Kline J. D. Knoll, Jr. G. F. Kolle E. J. Kolas C. S. Kuntz • L. I. Lady R. E. Lake R. IN. Lambert A. P. Lannutti T. A. Laroe W. K. Malone • J. N. Marshall J. H. McCann • R. McKee T. V. McLaughlin G. S. Merritt R. H. Miller G. W. Mohn, Jr. R. A. Mosher T. E. Nebiolo H. A. Negroni S. G. Nicholson M. B. Nissley H. S. Norton. Jr. S. R. Parris • D. A. Parsons M. M. Patrick • J. J. Peirce, Jr. J. J. Perfetti • C. M. Price J. R. Pritts G. W. Reed Preside • T. L. Reider • J. S. Rennes J. F. Rittenhouse C. J. Santangelo A. Sauter, Jr. P. A. Scaccia, Jr. A. Schade, Ill F. A. Schlegel, Jr. F. W. Schmehl • F. S. Schuchardt H. W.Schuette M. W. Sellers • IN. K. Sheppard J. W. Simmons, II E. M. Simon R. E. Simon F. E. Smith, Jr • S. A. Smith F. H. Steiger W. K. Stees H. S. Stiffler L. Sullivan R. R. Tesno W. H. Troyer, Jr. A. W. Tunnell, Jr M. A. Varzally D. W. Wachtl • J. W. Ward D. R. Wary J. A. Webb L. R. Welch D. R. Williams F. M. Winton • A. R. Zecca


IN, 0.

ALPHA OMICRONALPHA TAUIOWA STATE RENSSELAER J. E. Anderson R. J. Andrews L. S. Anich F. A. Bandre K. J. Bader J. C. Bandrovvski J. C. Beck D. G. Belshaw • H. A. Bendorf M. C. Beveridge R. J. Bennink • J. E. Blackburn, Jr. K. A. Bergstrom • R. H. Blackford R. Brandau F. E' Bohl D. W. Brandt • E. W. Bowker J. S. Brown • B. R. Brown R. S. Brown • B. M. Cahill, Jr. • D. E. Burkett L. M. Christ I. E. Campagna • ALPHA PHIG. D. Cook D. L. Carlson F. B. Dargue R. H. Casey ILLINOIS TECH. D. Dropkin J. J. Christensen D. H. Farmer, Jr. • 0. K. Christenson H. M Anderson R. J. Fuchs W. W. Chmelar K. R Anderson • Cochran Graves M. W. K. D. R. E. Belke Coons H. K. Holden J. E. P. Bialkin R. R. Horton B. L.Cnoucfier E. W. Bisone R. D. Kampmerer • P. A. Dady G. A. Buettner A. T. Kelly, III W. C. Dort A, F. Bujan J. F. Kesnow R. L. Ewen M. E. Darnell • G. W. Kirkland, Jr, C. W. Files • W. F. Divoky Lipphardt Fritz D. S. E. E. A. Donkers R. J. Lyons • M. J. Gildersleeve R. G. Douglas J. S. Martinez R. A. Dugan • D. L. Hancock W. A. McAuley C. L. Dusan L. J. Hart G. H. Moorhead C. S. Flandro J. P. Heth G. J. Mucher A. J. Friedrich • T. J. Hickey L. F. Muller, Jr. F. E. Goroszko K. W. Jenkins Nagel • E. B. R. A. Gregory • Johnson K. M. S. E. Neice D. E. Helbling • L. P. Jones O'Sullivan Helm M T. K. J. R. Kottman E. E. Hendrikse G. K. Palsgrove • H. A. Kuehne J. T. Higgins J. A. Peartree • G. J. Kunau G. E. Hoff H. W. Peterson, Jr. H. M. Lattan • H. J. Holloman A. E. Riley R. 0. Lichtenstein R. IN, Hughes W. A. Roberts H. F. Mabbitt A. J. Janousek E. H. Robinson • W. R. Madden E. C. Johnson D. F. Rogers J. D. McCully E. A. Kaschins • N. P. Rusanowsky M. D. McDevitt B. F. Legg T. K. Snyder R. K. McKean • J, D. Leyerle B. T. SPom J. R. Meyer FL A. Logeson D. J. Stephens • J. B. Moon L. J. Mance A. A. Weston • J. E. Mors A. E. Michyeta, Jr L. Mores D. A. Wiles' R. W. Miller R. W. Nechanicky • C. B. Wilson C. W. Mumma • W. G. NechanickY G. B. Wright R. Nickel • R. C. Ohrt G. A. Yaple R. A. Palace • J. M. Oneil H. J. Zimmer • K. D. Patterson • H. D. Osborne • R. W. Zimmerman C. P. Pekarek E. E. Paine • H. F. Perlet, Jr. T. E. Park ALPHA UPSILONW. B. Petersen J. J. Parrish • DREXEL K. J. Peterson F. M. Parrish, Ill • R. L. Peterson • C. L. Proescholdt ALPHA LAMBDA- ALPHA XI-. R. E. Anderson • K. W. Photo T. S. Raines MISSISSIPPI W. S. Anderson, Jr. PINY A. L. Pinnovv C. J. Rehman, Jr. R. J. Baldwin J. R. Piper A. J. Richardson • H. J. Bartle, Ill S. J. Borganelli • M. L. Allen, Jr. Rosenberger J. Plichta • W. S. W. E. D. Beddall 0. E. Cathey • J. G. Anderson R. B. Porter, Jr. T. J. Ruzicka W. B. Cruzen J. W. Bosley B. Antoniades Pottenger • L. J. D. A. Saud W. C. Brayton W. S. Griffin P. Arcadipane E. P. Pytel, Jr, J. H. Sabin • P. Brewingtort B. S. Henry H. A. Backofen, Ill' P. E. Ostrander • J. 0. Sanderson M. E. Burrows IN. B. Hopson E. C. Basim, Jr. K. T. Randich • C. Schram, Jr. M. J. Cappello B. P. Mauldin C. D. Behringer J. V. Roach • T, M. Shultz J. M. Casper E. W. McCracken W. R. Berger J. P. Sachs • Shutt C. C. L. W. Charnock L. C. Miles S. M. Bertone • K. E. Spiker T. B. Newman, Jr • J. F. Boette •



R. W. Saville • G. E. Schober E. N. Snail B. W. Seiwell • D. G. Snyder • J. E. Spencer W. E. Stepan M. B. Stevens • Fl. B. Stevens L. A. Strote J. F. Sturgeon G. J. Svehla J. A. Vanosdol P. IN. Wagner • A. W. VVendurl F. W. Widlak • K. G. Wohlers • J. C. Woodling C. R. Woods R. W. Midi:

Fraternity. The entire Fraternity is indebted, and hereby acknowledges their support. Those with an asterisk (*) appearing after their name gave more than was requested. A very special thanks is extended to them.

J. S. Urban • R. G. Vandevrede D. R. Vanhouten C. F. Wheeler • E. K. Wilson, Jr. • BETA BETAFL SOUTHERN

L. J. Leslie J. M. Lloyd N. J. MacMillan C. W. MacMillin W, W. Malphrus H. E. McCall, Jr. • W. R. Mock, Jr. • J. E. Nettles P. J. F. Newell J. W. Newman, Jr.

J. E. Buck E. T. Catcall D. E. Clappison • K. G. Clough D. R. DeWaard W. J. Gregory E. C. Hendrickson • C. A. Homberg • C. Kamachos G. W. Kelley VV. K. McKenzie • E. A. Morrow • D. E. Perry • J. L. SchnePO • ' K. W. 5.'9 S. J. Thatcher B. R. Wiltse

D. C. Evans • E. F. Fitzgerald A. T. Gibson IN. R. Mayes, Jr G. F. McQueen S. B. Miller, II M. C. Moody E. M. Murphy R. R. Palmer • J. J. Short, Jr. T. E. Sicelotf B. R. Starnes W. P. Vanhuss R. G. Yackanin

E. R. Chase D. M. Childers G. A. Franz, Jr. R. C. Harris • J. Hilbert D. L. Hirneisen C. IN, Hutzler R. E. from D. E. Jones • D. M. Jones IN. S. Kocher R. H. Kosa • S. A. Kraycar D. R. Legg • D. F. Maffessent, W. J. McCoy T. IN. McGrew R. Michael D. T. Mitchell, Jr. D. C. Neidert • P. R. Oneacre K. P. Patrick D. L. Prinzbach B. T. Ranson C. A. Rickenbach NI. E. Riley J. M. Sammons L. J. Sigafons J. D. Smith • L. C. Snyder D. R. Strader R. E. Strader C. J. Stone E. G. Wiant

D. 0. Bobo • J. L. Bonner H. E. Bryson R. IN. Burke W. L. Carswell, III J. T. Cherry, Jr. J. P. Durham W. F. Fmney • W. H. Fisch R. B. Folger' A. M. Gibson J. A. Grant • M. IN. Hall C. D. Hudgins G. R. Jenkins F. R. Jones D. C. Lauderdale, III F. Miley • C. 0. Myers, Jr. A. H. Nobel • W. M. Powell, Jr. E. T. Rachels, I II S. L. Saxon W. B. Stanford D. W. Supper M. E. Taylor' H. H. Vaughn, Jr.

R. D. Alves T. F. Ashe W. J. Niedenthal G. B. Baker • R. Orr, Jr. • IN. H. Beckman' R. L. Perkins C. E. Bradley • D. A. Podgor R. 0. Bruce N. M. Roberts GAMMA ALPHAR. K. Carroll K. Rouse LIVINGSTON J. C. Carter • F. M. Ryll, Jr. Shipley, Jr. C. E. L. W. Carter BETA OMICRONJ. J. Boyd E. B. L. Shufer G. D. Chappell, II N. IN. STATE ILA.I J. W. Carter F. E. Soto, Jr. J. W. Cook D. D. Coleman J. D. Day, • B. Stilwell, Jr. A. Bachman B. V. CrIgger ALPHA CHI-. W. W. Dicks • N. D. Stoddard E. L. Baker, Jr. F. L. Fuller MIAMI A. C. Sundberg W. M. Fraser, Jr. R. K. Baker J. S. Garnett, Jr. J. F. Frost T. E. Taylor Evans R. J. J. B. Gary' Allen Troutrier, Jr S. E. T. C. C. D. Hamm J. C. Guillot T. J. Hone-non J. C. Bordenian J. R. Webb G. F. Hirer J. Maker Mitchell P. R. H. Dougherty, Jr. K. S. Ketterer, Jr. • C. M. Williams D. A. McClintock D. N. Osborn • F. N. Holley, III a E. Klieger C. M. Wilson GAMMA OMICRON Oden J. H. Patrenos, Sr. J. G. M. C. Hopkins K. R. Wilson C. M. Koch BETHEL C. A. Prestenback H. E. Pettis J. L. Humphrey • T. E. Kohl S. Roach • R. K. Poole F. L. Kearns, Jr. • BETA THETAG. S. Kyler • J. J. Brocavich Jr. Ill P. Rochet te, H. A. Powe, Nolen K. E. ARIZONA .1. L. Ludwig C. E. Carter T. W. Sandefur J. W. Roebuck R. J. Online C. T. Lyons R. S. Condron • Rolison, Jr. Slaydon E. T. T. S. F. D. Petrucelli, Jr. A. I. Maclean J. F. Rice • T. D. Farris H. B. Seale R. J. Spirko • R. G. Steinhilber L. E. Maxwell Hoffman Jr. GAMMA ETAK. C. Springer, R. T. IN. W. Traylor, Jr. N. P. Xanthos T. A. Scharfenstein, Jr. • BETA IOTAATHENS M. M. McGrady C. A. Tillman, Ill N. H. Trent, Ill • TOLEDO M. H. Simon • B. C. Wager D. W. Morris ALPHA PSIJ. M. Thompson J. J. Aniunas, Jr. D. A. Wallace B. J. Osborn INDIANA R. L. Tison M. E. Anderson • BETA PIJ. C, Frye J. M. Wilson EASTERN MICHIGAN D. A. Whidby • R. F. Anderson G. L. Wadsworth Williams Kelly IN. J. J. D. W Winters J. M. Akey K. A. Williams A. M. Black • H. Lebair • C. E. Yelverton, Jr. R. P. Brumbaugh G. L. Allen T. E. Bokan IV • D. H. Littell, GAMMA PIW. R. Rickard J. B. Allen D. R. Clark BETA GAMMAGAMMA BETAC. L. McBee NW STATE (OKI T. B. Barker LOUISVILLE R. D. Conley DOMINION Jr McClendon, OLD G. C. BETA SIGMAG. D. Barnes J. J. Connors, Jr. Miranda E. R. NORTHERN ILL. L. E. Barnes • G. H. Filson R. A. Cowen D. F. Bloomer R. B. Allyn, Ill • P. E. Bender G. I. Foster C. H. Molliston D. D. Deckrosh R. T. Connor Firkins Bachas D. D. T. L. R. E. Bender W. L. Plant T. Inman G. K. Dunaway J. T. Cook R. C. Hulka • G. N. Badran J. D. Kobylarz C. J. BlackerbY G. Z. Smith J. L. Eisenmann IN. L. Dewitt Bednarek M. Brennan J. D. E. D. D. Koehn • R. W. Slaybaugh, II W. Frederick S. E. Harper, Jr. BETA TAUL. A. Beverly, Jr. • H. C. Kweller • G. L. Brown J. R. Thomas J. B. Guinall J. A. Koshevva VALDOSTA STATE C. E. Brady III T. R. Brown L. M. Porcelh • G. H. Hershman R. E. Krebs Bright, Jr. • C. IN. R. W. Burdett THETAGAMMA R. F. Jacobs M. McNutt W. J. IN. Bishop P. 0. Caste& GAMMA RHOR. J. Chloupek • R. E. Kagy • UNC - W J. L. O'Neal L. K. Bunn • C. B. Curdle, Jr. G. C. Crosier LANDER C. T. Kahle • J. L. Paddock, Jr. J. R. Glisson D. A. Dudley W. D. C. Day, Jr. R. S. Kuhlman • R. T. Blackburn, I l l' W. D. Robb Godwin, Jr. F. E. Howard G. R. Dowen R E. Butler, Jr. J. D. N. R. McClurg T. P. Brown, Jr. M. Schaffner K. S. Holloway W. G. Jenkins S. L. Byrd C. A. Downey D. D. McEwen G. W. Chadwick • S. C. Houston Joy H. E. J. A. Eshleman • J. C. Cantrell • N. J. Montagino G. E. Cavenaugh BETA DELTAS. E. McCoy A. IN. Lepp R R. Coleman P. Eshleman J. M. Corcoran A. B. Mungons DRAKE B. L. Mitcham F. E. Machnick, Jr. fl. Deloach D. J. Gamble IN. E. Dalton W. C. Oshea R. L. Moretz Magoon R. A. Davis T. R. Geis IN. C. J. D. Jones P. J. Rapp' J. W. Abets B• M. Mortonsun, Jr. J. B. Majka W D. McManus J. P. Fergus D. C. Gibson • E. F. Flaunter, • T. J. Brown Nelson • T, E. J. F. R, , entneier P. L. Meador R. T. Gore • R G. Parrish R. W. Haller J. N. Carroll R. J. Ngem D. M. Midgett D. R. Thompson E. E. Heise K. C Harrell R. W. Schiller R. A Cione • Jr • Odom, Porter J. C. J. M. V. B. Huffman W. G. Hungerford P. C. SIITIM011 C. R. Deaton . G. E. Spell, Jr. Posey 0. D. GAMMA SIGMAJ. R. Hughes • J. D. Keeler R. H. Smaney, Jr. R. H. Doyle, IV E. A. Ward IN. W. Ridgely • ARMSTRONG ST. J. E. Kelsey IN. B. Kirby • L. A. Talmage J. B. Dunnegan • F. Rikey R. B. C. D. Killion Jr H. C. Merritt, R. Wheeler D. P. Fagan f'ofrdf• T. E. Treichler R. A. Lakowicz J. E , Noe R. M. CharnWess E. D. Flinn J. R. Zech R. N. Maguire R. H. Powell, Jr P. A. Kaluzne, Jr. L. N. Gabriel • BETA UPSILONGAMMA- C. T. Sewell • GAMMA T. J. Manley C. N. Kincey, Jr. BETA KAPPAP. H. Gilman TROY STATE C. V. Martin G. P. Smithson J. R. King GEORGIA STATE VIRGINIA A. J. Goldsmith • E. M. McCain Stubby, Jr. ' J. B. A. J. Grandlich • S. S. Applegate J. K. Boswen R. G. Mundy E. A. Sandy, Jr. • GAMMA TAUAngel M. L. J. R. Hattery • J. M. Ballenger D. L. Bozeman P. E. Nonte • L. E. Vega N. TEXAS STATE T. E. Brand • J. C. Hendrix • J. W. Biglow M. C. Byrd, Jr. G. L. Orrnont IN. T. ZoPfi,Jr. Conner J. H. D. E. Hogan J. D. Campbell, I II L. R. Oyler G. L. Harbin D. C. Coole, Jr.. IN. H. Brinkman • J. D. Hornbrook • J. B. Browning • S. E. Emile • J. E. Peterson • GAMMA IOTAS. R. Miller J. T. Cooper R. D. Howell Buppert, Jr. P. E. R. E. Gregory J. R. Platt LA STATE R. E. Roelse T. A. Cribbs E. C. Koch H. C. Helms, Jr. IN. E. Pollard T. W. Russell C. G. Denorrnandie IN. Cooper J. Labiak T Freeman C. D. Howell W. M. Prunty D. D. Daste' B. 0. Turner • A. P. Ewing, Jr. W. D. McConaughy Gordon • Hurley • C. C. J. IN. A. Reiners J. L. Lanaux R. M. Williams • R. A. Gouge • K, S. Meadows L. R. Hamlett, Jr. • R. E. Jones W. T. Richardson Porche • G. M. Kelly J . D. Meyer G. E. Jr. J. D. Lang, Jr. • G. F. Ross GAMMA UPSILONW. A. Sawyer • F. L. Lindberg, Jr. J. H. Hudson, K. R. Miller • K. L. Justice J. D. Majors J. R. Ruckriegle OK STATE D. 0, Lyle • P. M. Mitchell • L. D. Simmons, Jr. D. B. Kimball. Jr. • J. P. McClendon, J C. L. Seely C. J. Treadaway C. E. Pickren • M. D. Neary ll R. Opp, Jr. D. Purse'', L. I R. W. C. Song, Jr. D. C. Blanton L. C. Reinhardt, Jr P. B. Neary J. D. Plumb J. B. Russell • D. S. Shook, Ill J. D. Danvers • GAMMA KAPPAA. A. Scott • B. H. Neil Saxon IN. H. • R. R. Sturgeon " T. E. Doane • F: Riggir GA SOUTHERN S. W. Sorensen, Jr. T R. IN. Overton, Ill L H. Rouse C. L. Seele, Jr. W. H. Sturgeon K. E. Oshel R. L. Strickland R. L. Prather E. B. Southall R. L. Stutz A. L. Peterson R. A. E. Suddath, Jr. S. S. Bishop • M. R. Radtke • D. 0, Slesnick, II P. M. Summers A. J. Stroup Buffington P. W. J. B. Whitley D. A. RaPP N. L. Smith GAMMA DELTAH. 0. Thursby R. R. Thrasher W. C. Burns • R. R. Rivers BETA LAMBDA- R. G. Vanryper • MEMPHIS STATE R. S. Timmons M. E. Whitlaw J. D. Butler W. D. Roberts M. J. Walsh TAMPA L. D. Trent, Jr. J. M. Carpenter N. D. Rowland Bird T. G. GAMMA PHIR. E. Tyson J. R. Crozier C. E. Schelldorf 0. J. Anders K. Bridges D. R. Walsh SOUTH ALABAMA P. A. Crumley C. D. Schoffner BETA PHIW. K. Baker Cardwell D. L. J. C. Williams D. R. Dillard • D. A. Sears EAST CAROLINA W. G. Birch T. L. Carter • R. A. Wingler • L. H. Green • A. F. Jeselnik • H. I. Smith, Jr. T. E. Bissonnette L. R. Creswell R. D. Woodruff R. D. Hart well M. W. Nesmith P. D. Try E. S. Banks, Jr. F. Burns N. Dacus, Jr. • M. Odom, Jr. W. R. Hughen J. W. J. E. Tevite D. R. Barbour D. S. Cabiness R. IN. Douglas ALPHA OMEGA- J. R. Vonderheydt M. E. Rainwaters • J. F. Riggs Clement M. F. Barefoot Ellett • G. A. S. R. OREGON T. C. Sapp J. R. Rose • D. B. Walter J. A. Britt G. J. Cooper D. L. Everson • M. R. Sconyers J. A. Trigg H. J. Winegar D. M. Brown • R. 0. Cousins B. J. Fenton L. E Baer J. E. Talkington E. W. Young N. Dellavalle J. G. Culp, Jr. H. H. Groves • R. E. Davis J. C. Waldrep GAMMA CHIR. C. Young J. R. Foster A. H, Dowd • G. E. Helen • C. 0. Coffman F. B. Wilson, Jr. JACKSONVILLE Frazier Sr. • D. C. G. Hill, P. C. Elrod • E. S. W. Holmes BETA EPSILONR. S. Fuller F, R. Holmes J. A. Gallagher D. 0. Lasselle GAMMA LAMBDA- R. H. Baldwin, III MISSOURI J. W. Harwood • J. H. Johnson, Sr, • MISSOURI-ROLLA M. M. Broward G. H. Grant G. B. Lissy R. J. Hollif turd • W. L. Lambert J. A. Harnett S. C. Lynch • D. A. Diamond J. T. Boyd W, B. Kemp, Jr. J. E. Hendricks R. A. Mullin F. Streimer R. Bentzinger • T. E. Fitzpatrick • D. C. Carter Siebert W. F, Marks • Hippenmeier W. T. W. B. T. V. Vandawark Beveridge R. T. M. K. Fouty L. R. Gentile R. F. McDonald • H. M. Hobbs M. D. South S. W. Winkleman IN. H. Coalson L. M. Huffy • J. L. Lichtenberg M. G. McGuirk R. P. Hugger B. T. Turnipseed • R. K. Dierolf, Jr. J. P. Hunter E. W. Miles, Jr. W. R. !Colbourn J, K. Norris G. A. Vanasek BETA ALPHA C. M. Gioia R, M. Orcutt F. E. Norman N. M. Lynch R. B. Plybon NEWARK M. P. Gioia, Jr. • C. C. Pearce R. M. Persyn H. E. MacGrotty R. R. Siegfried GAMMA EPSILON- G. L. Hale • J. IN. Stephenson W. T. Richards • Martoski R. W. C. F. Webster J. R, Albright W. CAROLINA D. K. Harbert • P. L. Stynchcomb • L. G. Trudell • C. T. Militiades I. T. Yopp, III F. Becker, Jr. • G. A. Janoch J. B. Wade R. A. Myers J. E. Blazier IN. T. Biggers • K. Jungermann GAMMA PSI G. C. Williamson B. T. Narbut BETA CHIJ. V. Broekhoven IN. R. Blackwell A. W. Lammi AUGUSTA J. K. Neve EAST TEXAS STATE J. P. Brogan D. C. Brown • Mosher R. A. BETA ZETAJ. B. Newman A. P. Brown • S. R. Caudell, Jr. M. N. Annis • R. J. Mullin, II SIMPSON R. G. Obrnann J. S. Christian R. D. Brusco • M. D. Cope • J. H. Austin, Jr. P. D. Proctor iero G. Of J. L. Earley Cadigan L. K. R. Craft J. C. Dernarrs M. E. Weed G. N. Schneider • J. R. Padgett S. R. McCord R. T. Cardillo M. C. Dews, Jr. • M. R. Schnettler D. C. Pinholster K. L. Park • T. W. Chalfant, Jr S. C. Davis, Jr. BETA ETAGAMMA OMEGAG. G. Skitek R. H. Pinson, Jr. G. S. Piccolo • C. T. Comiso • M. D. Faucett, Jr. FLORIDA STATE MONTEVAL LO IN. C. Wiswell R. A. Pisan() D. M. Tipping R. V. Comiso • IN. M. Felsher • J. Romano G. R. A. Yowell • R. C. Delcore H. H. Harmon, Jr'. S. A. Aiello P. M. Barton GAMMA MUJ. M. Salvatore S. DePalma T. R. Harris D. V. Allen • R. D. Cannon BELMONT ABBEY B. A. Samuels BETA PSIR. J. Doudera • G. M Harrison L. Almerico IN. E. Elliot, Jr. • W. P. &Name TENNESSEE WESLEYAN c. m, Hensley L. Fisher Bacon G. A. J. L. Fielder • IN. S. Grizzard, Jr. J. M. Stabile • C. E. Fritsch D. P. Huskins • T. IN. Beavers, Jr. T. A. Higgins, Jr. M. Hamrick R. E. Stout L. L. Adams K. H. Joyce R. B. Boersma • P. A. Helow R. L. Laden J. Furman R. C. Swirbul N. Bishop McEntire P. C. Borzen F. E. R. J. McGhee • A. Jernigan S. Garvey, Jr. R. J. J. M. Wolfe J. C. Callahan P. A. McIntyre R. F. Brown W. H. Pauly • G. F. Kusic T. J. Herits J. S. Conon° • McKenzie R. D. Bultman D, J. F. K. H. A. Thomas Louis' R. H. Hock BETA MUJ. IN, Garbow T. F. Perkins D. E. Wrgginton • C. D. Chao G. A. Nolte H. P. Karnes MCNEESE STATE J. W. Hirsch Pickett C. A. L. W. Cocks J. N. Wurpel, II • E. J. Klebaur, Jr. L. C. Huskey P. A. Brown T. 0. Potts A. P. Cost in • K. V. Kopans A. L. Keeble R. E. Dougherty T. C. Radford W. Kowalski DELTA ALPHAIN. J. Cullen, Ill • GAMMA NU• II S. J. Kyker, R. J. Fontenot B. D. Roberson J. A. Krucher VPI H. H. Debeeubien LA GRANGE W. R. McCauley, III M. C. Fullington R. B. Shaver K. Kubak C. L. Delk G. Neil, Jr. H. Glenn, Jr. C. R. Shook, II H. P. Jr. Lavery Dickey, K. IN. Ackis, Jr. M. F. Cannaday • J. V. A. R. S. W. Norwood S. N. Guidry CAN Sossoinon J. J. Manfredi G. K. Coy yen F. E. Diulus, Jr • J. IN. Bryant Saunders A. B. Miller • S. • S. Trotter J. B. R. A. Mason J. N. Crust B. M. Eaton R. J. Devalinger E. Saunders T. W. Pool D. C. Turner C. R. Dulaney, Jr. K. McCranor W. D. English L. L. Mansour D. E. Smith • E. M. Potratz W, F. Willis W. E. Evans, Jr. • G. G. Fernandez L. R. Miceli J. T. Menge K. IN. sre,th P. A. Tucker • R. H. Young, Ill H. H. P00,11 J. R. Gailey C. G. Midgley IN. 0. Mims, Jr. D. E. Thomas T. E. Wright, Jr, R. P. Gillis • J. A. Hershey • V. E. Cravetz, Jr P. D. Neal Westbrook M. E. GAMMA ZETAGraham, Jr. M. Host T. P. J. IN. M. Parisi C. H. Robinson • F. D. Wieser, Jr. BETA NUW. VA TECH. C. D. Hughes W. J. Green, Jr. H. E. Stoats, II' C. Pedicini HOUSTON S. A. Moore F. L. Hoffmann C. L. Williams R. J. Russo BETA OMEGA R. L. Ashley G. G. Morrison, Jr. J. M. Holler • R. G. Salomon R. H. Patterson, Jr. STATE TENN. E. Barker L. R. D. N. Meadows G. W. Hollingsworth GAMMA XID. J. Salamone Bauer • E. D. H. B. Mullen • Irwin GEORGIA SW J. B. Snodgrass, Jr. • R. L. BETA XIE. P. Bowers D. A. Bishop J. C. Mustard, III W. G. Jarrell, Jr. R. Spinelli CENTRAL MICHIGAN j, p, Brockman • Jr. Burge, P. R. N. Stokes W. J. A. Adams E. R. Johnson, Jr. • W. J. Strum B. C. Brown • I. IN. Butt, Jr. • J. B. Yount, III R. L. Beggarly J. H. Johnston, Jr W. C. Toth R. G. Bromley R. L. Compton

DELTA BETA NORTH GEORGIA W. K. Allen B. J. Austin T. E. Barcroft, I II M. A. Brannen • H. W. Broskoskie, II' C. A. Cecchini J. F. Conner, Jr. T. 0. Craton, Jr.' J. P. Crawford • H. L. Dennis R. B. Edwards, Jr. R. E. George W. E. Gilmore • J. E. Goletz C. B. Hatt R. C. Harris E. J. Hicks B. A. Hill, Jr. H. G. Holcomb D. W. Johnson T. S. Jones U. G. Mather ly, Jr. • R. S. Mathews R. P. Moultrie • T. 0. Nicholson, Jr. T. J. Persia R. IN. Plummer, Jr. B. W. Pope • P. J. Rodgers • J. T. Simpson, Jr. • L. J. Sorohan J. A. Strange D. R. Sutton • DELTA GAMMANEB.-OMAHA R. L. Batsman:, II D. C. Dvorak D. F. Wilson R. IN. Witzig DELTA DELTANE MISSOURI ST. C. J. Barnard • J. L. Casebolt R. D. Crissinger, Jr. R. D. Douglas D. IN, Girard L. M. Mendenhall T. D. Rodman J. P. Russell DELTA EPSILONJACKSONVILLE ST. D. D. Abercrombie • P. L. Barney, II' J. O. Beach H. D. Buttram, Jr. C. H. Croft R. L. Cunningham D. IN. Harris M. H. Kean R. D. Mallicoat D. L. Miller F. P. Moersch R. Y. Owen D. H. Thomas T. M. Tidwell • M. P. Wamsley' K. R. Wood DELTA ZETAAPPALACHIAN IN. H. Henson • S. L. Moody W. C. Yates, Jr. • DELTA ETAMOREHEAD ST. J. L. Crawford B. P. Davis J. D. Gaines N. Hawkins S. G. Jenkins L N. Kindred " D. W. Montgomery • D. Nunnelley DELTA THETAMARS HILL J. A. Daughtrey, Jr. A. L. Deal P. H. Waugh DELTA IOTAMIDDLE TN ST. J. R. Arnold S. F. Bass M. L. Campbell C. P. Hanley D. E. Moser M. L. Potts S. F. Reynolds • R. 0. Wallace • P. E. Watson, Jr. DELTA KAPPAPEMBROKE ST. C. J. Bennett, Jr. J. A. Britt 0. L. Canaday M. R. Ford R. Norman • B. E. Tanner J, S. Taylor, Jr. • J. A. Wilkins DELTA LAMBDAUNC - CHARLOTTE M. E. Ashley • C. T. Bohler, Ill M. P. Gardner C. J. Miller P. L. Ritchie DELTA MUMETHODIST W. H. Motes B. F. Rizzato R. P. Rose • K. H. Sykes, Jr. • DELTA NUWESTERN KY B. L. Champion S. R. Engle • IN. L. Walker J. R. Wallace DELTA XI-' NORTH ALABAMA J. M. Counts. III J. L. Glass J. W. Yeates • DELTA OMICRONNICHOLLS STATE F. Gaiennie Members.At-Large P. M. Floyd M. H. Herbstrerth •


National officers elected At each Supreme Chapter meeting, the national officers are elected for the next biennium. This is a significant event in that these alumni are volunteers serving a most important function. Since Pi Kappa Phi is a voluntary organization, a functioning and involved alumnus worker at all levels is needed. Those selected for the top positions in the Fraternity establish the policies and guidelines for the entire Pi Kappa Phi organization. Those elected are: T. Phillip Tappy, National President; Dr. A. J. Strickland, III, National Vice President; Vernon B. Stansell, National Treasurer; Fred E. Diulus, National Secretary; Al Brown, National Chaplain; Ernest S. Delaney, National Chancellor and Ted Scharfenstein, Past National President. THOMAS PHILLIP TAPPY NATIONAL PRESIDENT Phil comes to the position of National President after lengthy service at all levels as a volunteer alumnus in Pi Kappa Phi. He has been National Vice President, National Secretary and National Chaplain as well as serving for five years as Area Governor for the State of Georgia. While in Georgia, six new chapters were added mostly as a result of Phil's efforts. Phil received an AA degree from Brevard College in North Carolina and then went to the University of Georgia where he joined Lambda Chapter. He graduated in 1962 with an FFA degree. Phil has recently located in Charlotte, North Carolina after being in several places across the country as a representative of Eastman Kodak Company in the microfilm division. He is a member of the National Microfilm Association, the National American Records Management Association, Rotary International and is a mason. Phil is active in church and in local politics. He enjoys tennis, softball and antiques. Phil and Lisa Tappy are the parents of two young sons. DR. A. J. STRICKLAND,III NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Lonnie is an alumnus initiate of Omicron Chapter at the University of Alabama. He, too, has served the Fraternity locally as Advisor to the Chapter and in many national projects, including instruction at Pi Kapp College, the Southeastern IFC Conference, etc. He is Assistant Professor of Management at the Graduate Business School for the University of Alabama. He holds his Ph.D in Business Management from Georgia State, a Master of Science in Management from Georgia Tech and his Bachelor's Degree in math and physics from the University of Georgia. Lonnie is a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, Beta Alpha Psi, Southeastern Management Association, Academy of Management, and was chosen as one of America's outstanding young men. He enjoys many outdoor activities including skiing and camping. He and his wife Kitty, have two children. VERNON B. STANSELL NATIONAL TREASURER Vernon Stansell, an initiate of Alpha Gamma Chapter at the University of Oklahoma, has been involved locally with the reorganization of his own chapter and as president of the Alpha Gamma Housing Corporation. He has also attepded the Graduate School of Business at Michigan State University and New York University.

National Service Award to Appalachian

Vernon Stansell (Oklahoma) National Treasurer

Recently retired, Vernon was in the mortgage banking business for over 31 years in Oklahoma City. Most of that time was spent with Midland Mortgage Co. as the Executive Vice President as a member of the Board of Directors. He was also president of three subsidiary companies of Midland. Currently, Vernon serves on the Board of Directors of Midland and the Northwest Bank in Oklahoma City. He is a member of the Oklahoma Republican and National Republican Committee, the Siloam Lodge No. 276, and is an active real estate broker. Vernon serves on the Board of Deacons of the Crown Heights Christian Church where he and his wife, Eleanor, are active members. Their son is also tracking a career in the mortgage banking business. FRED E. DIULUS NATIONAL SECRETARY Fred was re-elected as National Secretary by the Supreme Chapter. Originally from Beta Eta Chapter at Florida State, Fred left Florida after graduation for New York City, where he was with a brokerage firm. Soon, he became involved in investment and management consulting and organized his own consulting firm, SPQR, in California. Recently, that firm was merged with another one and Fred continues in the new organization as well as having his own outside consulting contracts. Fred and his wife, Jeanette, live in Walnut Creek, California. He is a doctoral candidate in finance at Golden Gate University. Fred is active in recreational activities and in local organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce. ALBERT P. BROWN NATIONAL CHAPLAIN Al, an initiate of Beta Alpha at New Jersey Institute of Technology has served Pi Kappa Phi in numerous positions. He has been a Trustee of the Scholarship Foundation, an Area Governor and Trustee of the Beta Alpha Corporation. Al has been a stock broker and currently is a marketing representative for Majestic Wine and Spirits, Inc.

of the law in Hickory, N.C. Members of Delta Zeta Chapter assembled at the call of local officers for soliciting without a perarrested be to ers headquart to taken were they picture this Following released them. They went gladly police local the Project, National Phi mit. When told of Pi Kappa children. on to collect over $800.00 for bline/deaf retarded

The Fraternity does recognize each chapter that conducts service activities to the world beyond their doors. Some do a little more than others. This year there was good competition for the Service Award 1977. Delta Zeta Chapter at Appalachian State University in Boone, N. C. was acknowledged as the leader in Pi Kappa Phi. A very close second went to Beta Delta at Drake University with Alpha Mu at Penn State

A super Chapter Advisor at the University of South Carolina, both in members and in the strength of the student activities and programming. Of noticeable significance has been the increased effectiveness of the chapter's alumni housing corporation. In fact, all phases of alumni activities for Sigma have been influenced by this talented banker and good citizen.

That is what it takes to be selected as Pi Kappa Phi Chapter Advisor of the Year. Both titles apply to David Rhodes, South Carolina, as he has been selected to fill this category for 1977. This announcement was made in New Orleans at the 36th Supreme Chapter. Brother Rhodes, is serving the chapter of his initiation, Sigma, as Chapter Advisor for the 3rd year. The quality of his effort can be seen in the improvement of Sigma chapter National Chancellor of Pi Kappa Phi. An initiate of Mu Chapter at Duke University, he continued his education at the University of North Carolina where he was graduated with honors from law school with a JD Degree.

Al Brown (Newark) National Chaplain

Active in Jaycees and local politics, Al lives with his wife and three daughters in Kearny, NJ. ERNEST S. DELANEY NATIONAL CHANCELLOR Ernest was re-elected by the Supreme Chapter to serve again as

running third. From the available information it would appear that this chapter closed in on having a 100% of its members participating. Their Halloween activity for the town was intended to include the surrounding community. Food was raised through the cold winter months for needy in the community. The chapter contributed over $800 to the National Project. This is but an example of the effort by this service oriented chapter.

His business talents and sound expressions of common sense reflect both alumni and student improved operations. However, it is his deep love for the fraternity and concern for the individuals that has made him eminently successful as a Chapter Advisor.

Have your visited or written a Student Chapter recently? They need your support.

where he traveled and was Assistant Executive Director for four years. He earned an MBA from George Washington University in 1968 and entered the hospital management field.

Ernest is in private practice in Charlotte, North Carolina where he lives with his wife, Pat. They have two married children. Ernest is active in business, civic, political and church activities in the community.

Ted has served the Fraternity as a Chapter Advisor at two locations, an Area Governor, and has been instrumental in the founding of a couple of chapters. He is currently Chief Administrator of Addison Gilbert Hospital in Gloucester, Massachusetts.

TED SCHARFENSTEIN PAST NATIONAL PRESIDENT Ted began service to Pi Kappa Phi after graduation from Florida Southern College where he was initiated into Beta Beta Chapter. He joined the Administrative Staff

He is a member of the American College of Hospital Administrators and the Espiscopal Church. He and his wife, Mandy, have two children and live in Gloucester, Massachusetts.


75th Anniversary Alumni Directory to be published The National Council has approved the publication of a directory of all living alumni of Pi Kappa Phi. The Bernard C. Harris Company of New York will compile, publish and market the directory at no cost to the Fraternity. The publication will be supported through the sale of advertising space and individual copies of the directory. Copies of the directory should be available by Summer, 1978. Alumni will be listed alphabetically, geographically, and by chapter in the directory, with each entry to include name, year of initiation, chapter, home address and telephone, and business or professional information. This information will be taken from brief questionnaires which will be mailed to alumni in December and January. Since the completeness and accuracy of the directory depends upon the questionnaire response, you are urged to complete the form and return it at your earliest convenience. In April, 1978, Harris will contact alumni by telephone for verification of the information to be printed in the directory. At that time only, alumni will be asked if they wish to advertise in the directory or purchase a copy. The Bernard C. Harris Company will publish only -enough directories to fill these prepublication orders, and no one except alumni will be allowed to purchase the directory.

Omicron Chapter, Alabama, is consistently sucessful in many ways. One is in winning the Pres dent's Plaque for having the Fraternity's most actively organized alumni. Here, Nathan Hightower chapter archon, receives this award from Jerry Matthews, Director of Development.

The extensive success and experience of the Harris Company in the field of directory publications and numerous alumni requests for this type of reference book convinced the National Council that the time was right for providing a national directory of the more than 25,000 living members of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

Was your chapter a Champion Master Chapter?

This year the most improved chapter in all of Pi Kappa Phi was not easy to determine. In fact, two chapters were finally selected to share the Houser Award 1977. They were, left, to right, Alpha Psi Chapter, Indiana University, and Iota Chapter, Georgia Tech.

Where did our money go? This question is raised by many members of Pi Kappa Phi, and the answer is usually complicated. However, having now adopted a "program budget" reporting system the direct ultimate placement of funds spent can be more accurately presented. The figures shown here are actual expenditures for the year 1976 - 1977 with the projected disbursements now scheduled for the school year 1977- 1978. In order to accommodate their expenditures it is anticipated that income sources will be as follows: Initiation $120,000;Pre-Initiation $39,000; Voluntary Dues $40,000; Interest $13,000; Dividends $5,000; Affiliates $8,500. The Champion Master Chapters have put a lot together. They file all reports required; they meet their membership goals; and have a budget with zero balance in accounts payable; they report to their alumni through the Star & Lamp and are above the all men and all fraternity scholastic average. They are good chapters. They have done some-

thing other chapters have not they did what asked to do! This year, 1977, the Champion Master Chapters are: Georgia, Georgia Tech., Washing & Lee, South Carolina, Drake, South Alabama, Appalachian, and Memphis State.

He has done it again Pi Kappa Phi as an Area Governor since March 21, 1974.


STUDENT EDUCATION Pi Kapp College Supreme Chapter Seminars Manuals Scholarships

10,595 7,502 5,767 2,262 4,152

STUDENT CONSULTING Visitation Communication Special Programs STUDENT SERVICES Supplies Records


500 18,797 5,816 2,335 4,649


27,903 26,180 3,896


26,929 26,233 4,085


3,045 3,959


3,102 4,000



While serving he has kept abreast with the entire fraternity by attending Supreme Chapters and seminars at the Administrative Office. Each year he has conducted an Area Conclave for his chapter. He visits all area chapters and sometimes chapters from other areas. Bill constantly provides sound advice and counsel to the fraternity in many ways.

Bill Finney (Georgia Southwestern) Area Governor of Area V has made it a habit of being a great Area Governor. With the support of his beautiful wife, Jane, he has served

In recognition of his devotion and contribution to Pi Kappa Phi the National Council selected Bill as the Area Governor of the Year in 1975. It was not easy to top that but Brother Finney has done just that, having been selected again as Area Governor of the Year, for the year 1977.

HELP! Write the Executive Director, promising a of Do you know Box 15295, Charlotte, a P.O. not one young student, 28210. would NC that member, fraternity make a good Pi Kappa Phi?




2,865 2,068

ALUMNI CONSULTING Visitation Communication Special Programs

12,692 8,833 2,079

ALUMNI SERVICES Star & Lamp CAR Supplies Records Special Programs (Voluntary Dues included)

23,172 2,192 2,533 6,638 12,973






2,936 2,131



11,915 8,929 2,156



22,658 2,179 2,541 6,690 12,557




OFFICIALS National Council Area Governors Other Officials

9,309 3,276 1,559


9,850 3,808 1,396

PKP PROPERTIES Visitation Communication

9,612 6,687


12,020 6,811

INTERFRATERNITY Membership Subscriptions Programs MANAGEMENT





3,053 100 2,238






PI KAPPA PHI P.O. Box 15295 Charlotte, N.C. 28210

Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N. C.

John Wilson Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 1977

John Cullum Wilson is an unusual person. He has been advisor and consultant to the powerful and great of the world. Yet he has always found time in his extraordinary busy life for his Pi Kappa Phi. For over a decade he concluded his 30 plus years of service to the American Red Cross as its Executive Vice President. His arrival at this top administrative position was the end of the road of service that included natural disaster in the United States, relief in Hungary, prisoner exchange in Cuba and hundreds of other circumstances. He commenced his 51 years of Pi Kappa Phi experience when initiated into Eta Chapter at Emory University on January 17, 1926. Officially he has served as National Treasurer and Vice President. In addition, he is currently a trustee of the Pi Kappa Phi Scholarship Foundation. Of a more personal nature has been his ever available advice and counsel for the Fraternities' several fundraising efforts. The value of Brother Wilson's experiences and knowledge to other members of the National Council, staff from the Administrative Office, individual alumni and students is immeasurable. The life of John Wilson serves as a significant symbol of the ideal Pi Kappa Phi. Therefore, it has been resolved by the National Council that Brother Wilson be extended the Fraternity's appreciation for his past, present, and future involvement. Brother John Cullum Wilson is indeed entitled and eminently qualified to be declared Mr. Pi Kappa Phi — 1977.

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