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FALL 1980

Miss Jennifer Lea Galloway


Pi Kappa Phi proudly presented the 1980 National Rose, Miss Jennifer' Lea Galloway of Tulsa, Oklahoma, during the awards banquet at Pi Kapp College in Salem, Virginia. Jennifer was nominated by Gamma Upsilon Chapter at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma. She is a senior majoring in Home Economics, Clothing, Textiles and Merchandising and has been active in several honor societies. She is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. Jennifer plans to enter the management program of a large department store eventually leading to a buyer's position. First Runner-Up Pamela Jan Allman University of Alabama Second Runner-Up Peggy Ann Fenner University of Texas-Arlington Third Runner-Up Joy Gina Hall Auburn University


ThE star and Lamp



FALL 1980


PI KAPPA PHI' ANIMAL HOUSE The famed "Animal House" as it now appears in Eugene, Oregon.

Remember the movie "Animal House"? It was a hilarious spoof of fraternity life starring John Belushi as the now infamous "Bluto." The Alpha Omega Associate Chapter at the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon, is now the occupants of this famous structure through the efforts of Past National President Jack Steward. Ironically, the house, being over a hundred years old, is desig-

nated as a historical landmark in Oregon. It was built by a prominent local doctor — Dr. Patterson. Of course, it gained national attention upon the release of the hit movie. We are happy to say it no longer resembles the dilapidated house in the movie, but rather is in excellent condition upon its restoration after filming. Yes, Pi Kappa Phi can now claim its own "Animal House."

Alabama Band: playing for keeps in Nashville ALABAMA is one of the hottest new country groups to hit the charts. Lead singer Randy Owen is a member of Pi Kappa Phi from Delta Epsilon Chapter at Jacksonville State University. ALABAMA recently played a benefit for Project P.U.S.H. in Charlotte, North Carolina. We are pleased to share an article by David Earl of the Charlotte Observer relating Brother Owen's and his band's success.

Teddy Gentry, singer/bass player for Alabama, wasn't about to be put off by the disappointing crowd. Only 200 blue-denim clad folks had come to hear their show at Hugo Outdoor Theatre. But after years of playing in clubs and bars, that sort of turnout didn't bother the' band a bit, he said backstage. "If there's one person out there who's sittin' and listenin', absorbin' what you're doin', he smiled, "it makes it all worthwhile." Randy Owen, lead vocalist, agreed. "It gets down to reputation. You

have a reputation to live up to . . Alabama didn't always have a reputation. In less than a year, the four-piece country / rock act has moved from the club-and-bar circuit, from six straight summers at Myrtle Beach, to the highest reaches of the country music charts. Their album, "My Home's In Alabama," has been on Billboard Magazine's Top 10 for a month; "Tennessee River," a single from the album, hit No. 1 last summer. Other singles are being released. That's the same band that began this summer, as it had spent the past six, at Myrtle Beach's Bowery Club, working for tips and a nominal salary. The club is "just a beer joint," said Gentry. "It seats about 300 people," and doesn't even have a dance floor. "It's like a mini-concert type atmosphere -- they serve beer and wine and Coke." "People from up and down the coast come to Myrtle Beach," Owen had explained in a previous

ALABAMA:(From left) Mark Herndon, Jeff Cook, Randy Owen, Teddy Gentry.

interview, "so it was good exposure." And, he recalled, sometimes the tips were extravagant. "Sometimes we got $100 to do one song," Owen said. "One time a lady gave us $100 to play 'Room Full of Roses.' She gave us another $100 to do it again and gave us another $100 to play it one more time." "One guy promised us $10 if we would play `Wildwood Flower' backwards. So we turned our backs to the audience and played it. He loved it." Alabama started approximately 10 years ago, in Fort Payne, Ala. hometown for three members of the band. Their first paying gig was a Saturday night at the Ameri-

can Legion Hall in Fort Payne. "We made $5.37 apiece," Gentry said. "We didn't play for a while after that." They began playing together as teenagers, according to publicist Maggie Cavender, during a time when the band members, good friends, were in and out of school and in and out of other jobs. A few summers later, a job as house band at Canyonland Amusement Park near Fort Payne gave them the impetus to try to play fulltime as a band. They opened and backed up country acts like Cal Smith and Jerry Wallace, and the exposure to music in a favorable, money-making atmosphere convinced them to have a go at it.



ThE star ando


P. 0. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224 7111 Nations Ford Road,Charlotte, N.C. 28210 Founded at the College of Charleston, S.C. December 10, 1904

Simon Fogarty

—FOUNDE RS— Andrew A. Kroeg, Jr. L. Harry Mixson

The Star and Lamp An Educational Publication 1980, Vol. LXVI No. 4 Durward VV. Owen Mark E. Timmes

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor

Changes in address should be reported promptly to the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224. Telephone Number (704) 523-6000. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI (ISSN 0038-9854) is published quarterly by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C. 28210 in the months of February, May, August, and November. The Life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C, 28210. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, N.C.

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Program Budget 1979-80 Foundation 3.51 %


n- lnterfraternity 1.63%

Properties 8.94 % Student Services

The other day I had a friend of - an individual say that he didn't enmine approach me about his son joy his fraternity experience. With going to college. My friend asked a little questioning, one typically me about fraternities and what was finds the person just simply was not the value in his son joining a frateran active participant in the chapter. nity. Instead, he was a bystander watching the fraternity go by. If My answer was the reason for beyou wish to receive something of coming a member of a fraternity is value from your fraternity experithat it leaves something of great ence you must certainly give somevalue that will stay with the individthing of value to the fraternity— ual for the rest of his life - if the yourself. It is without question a person is a participating and active two-way street. The more you give, member. The friendships made, the the more you receive. We at Pi bonds of loyalty, good times, bad Kappa Phi feel that our fraternity times, the experience of leadership, gives a significant opportunity for and the knowledge of knowing that all of its members to get involved in a good job was done all blend tothe workings of the chapter. There gether to make fraternity memberare always things which need to be ship something of value. done: rush, alumni relations, fund raising for P.U.S.H., leadership and I cautioned my friend, however, on and on. I challenge you to bethat in order for an individual to recome part of your chapter's activiceive this gift of value it required ties. work on the part of his son. It was not just the mere act of belonging I feel I am receiving something of to a fraternity that resulted in value value—are you? being received, but it was the giving of one's time and energy through active involvement in the fraternity that makes the value real. A. J. Strickland, III There's nothing sadder than to hear National President



40.60 % Management 8.96 %

Alumni Services 29.98 %

This question is raised by many members of Pi Kappa Phi, and the answer is usually complicated. However, having now adopted a "program budget" reporting system, the direct ultimate placement of funds spent can be more accurately presented. The figures shown here are expenditures for the year 1979 - 80. I. Student Services A. Education B. Consulting C. Services D. Expansion E. Ritual

1.98% 24.67 % 7.45 % 5.85 % .65%

40.60 %

II. Alumni Services A. Education B. Consulting C. Services

.14% 2.72 % 27.12 %

29.98 %

III. Officials A. National Council B. Area Governors C. Other

4.52 % 1.29 % .47 %

6.28 %

IV. Properties


V. Foundation


VI. lnterfraternity


VII. Management


Have you ever invested in a young man's college education? It is an investment in which you can take pride. Here is your opportunity. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is dedicated to providing financial assistance and encouragement to young men who desire an education but are without sufficient funds. The Foundation is a tax exempt organization operated by a volunteer Board of Trustees who are members of your Fraternity. The young men who will be leaders in our nation in the future are on the campuses of our colleges right now;some of them need our assistance and support. An investment in a young man's college education will help to prepare him better, both for good citizenship and for tomorrow's responsibilities. The inclusion of the following clause in your will (or your designation of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in your life insurance policy as a beneficiary) will insure that you will be a part of some young man's future: "I give, devise, and bequeath to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation the sum of Dollars." (or otherwise describe the gift if it consists of real estate,securities, or personal property). DO IT TODAY For additional information regarding the Foundation, write Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224.




Loyalty Fund In the last issue of the STAR AND LAMP we listed alumni having contributed to Pi Kappa Phi during the previous Voluntary Dues Program. We omitted a most important and loyal group of alumni who have consistently given, more than requested, for twelve consecutive years. We would like to express our appreciation for these valuable alumni: H. Alexander, Ill E. R. Allison J. W. Benkert R. L. Bennett K. A. Bergstrom

D. C. Gibson D. L. Gurganus T. H. Hammond F. E. Harrell A. S. Herlong

L. G. Loudermilk W. R. Mayes, Jr. M. E. Metcalfe C. M Myers G. A. Odgers

C. A. Stewart T. P. Tappy D. A. Trescott P. VV. Wagner C. F. Wheeler

K. E. Boring J. S. Brown B. M. Cahill, Jr. W. M. Cleary R. V. Comiso

W. R. Hull 0. J. Hood G. Houston, Jr. J. C. Inman L. P. Jervey

D. W. Owen E. E. Paine 0. J. Pardue, Jr. J. L. Pottenger L. C. Reinhardt

D. C. West F. J. Whitley C. C. Workman, Jr. L. E. Wormley, Sr.

G. S. Coulter T. W. Dalton, Jr. A. P. Evans W. w. Fincher W. M. Ford

J. Kaplan, Jr. J. S. Kirk F. Klaus R. S. Kuhlman C. S. Kuntz

H. G. Riggs L. N. Rowley, Jr. T. A. Scharfenstein, Jr. D. Seeley E. H. Skinner



The expanding role of Pi Kappa Phi BROTHERHOOD: THE BEGINNING When Pi Kappa Phi was founded in 1904 the role of a fraternity was that of "brotherhood," a bonding of men who joined together for both common and individual good. This aspect of our fraternity has never ,changed and will ever remain the foundation of Pi Kappa Phi. We have often wondered whether our Founders ever imagined the growth ,Pi Kappa Phi would experience. Currently our size has grown to over 39,000 at 106 campuses. More importantly, the role of Pi Kappa Phi in a young man's life has continued to expand with each decade. In the future, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation will play a central role in the lives of young Pi Kapps. Consider the role the Fraternity and the Foundation have played:

Today's complex world, compiled with the impersonal approach of most colleges and universities, has resulted in generations of young Americans who are all prepared for the challenges and responsibilities that must be met in life. The erosion of fundamental values among young men has many causes. Pi Kappa Phi recognized the void of leadership training and in 1959 established programs to teach our undergraduates about leadership, about responsibility, about meeting challenges, about free enterprise, and about citizenship.

GUIDANCE For most young men, the college experience is the first step toward independence, the first time the student is not under the direct guidance of his parents. Pi Kappa Phi has long been active in providing undergraduates with fundamental moral and spiritual guidance — the same guidance one would receive from a mature brother. While each chapter sets its own standards and develops its own methods of guiding its members, the Administrative Office maintains a set of chapter standards to insure that each member is receiving positive reenforcement from his Pi Kapp brother alumni.

SCHOLARSHIP Pi Kappa Phi's emphasis on scholarship was evident from the earliest days of the brotherhood. Because our member's primary concern as undergraduates is obtaining a quality education, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation has stressed the need for scholastic achievement. The Foundation has awarded scholarships since 1964 and was originally formed to assist the pursuit of scholastic attainment. The role of the fraternity and the Foundation in scholarship has been expanded to include alumni advisors, in-house tutorial programs, incentives for chapter and individual achievement, and graduate fellowships.

HOUSING As many colleges became anxious for expanded housing facilities, Pi Kappa Phi expanded into the housing area to meet the needs of undergraduates. This expansion of our role aided the fraternity in two ways: First, our members lived together in a closer setting of brotherhood. A house created an ideal microism of life in which students could develop interpersonal relationships and experiment with their own growth as individuals. Today, Pi Kappa Phi maintains chapter houses in 75 of our 106 chapters, to provide a closer brotherhood experience.

LEADERSHIP TRAINING One role that is of critical importance today in a young Pi Kapp's life (Leadership Training) was probably not even envisioned by our Founders.

dation's highest scholastic honor, and represents a $1,000 award for continuing educational pursuits.

1980 Founders' Scholarship Steven A. Medina from Chi Chapter at Stetson University has been named the recipient of the "Founders' Scholarship" for 1979 - 80. This is the Pi Kappa Phi Foun-

A near straight A average and Magna Cum Laude graduate, Steven's honors and activities are quite numerous. He was selected to the Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, and was named the Outstanding Junior and Senior Class Economics Student in the past two years at Stetson. Steven served his institution as representative and then President of the Student Assembly, Chair-

The Foundation will underwrite the cost of Pi Kapp College, which brings together over 300 students each year for workshops and seminars on leadership training, assertiveness, management techniques, finances, running a business, marketing techniques, patriotism, community service, and other related topics. The Foundation will also be underwriting the cost of several Leadership Consultants - traveling consultants who visit each chapter and run miniPi Kapp Colleges in the chapter house.

CAREER DEVELOPMENT Today, Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is in the first stages of our Career Internship Program which will directly involve alumni in the training of students. Alumni participating in CIP will accept one or more undergraduates (the student must be interested in pursuing the alumnus' career field) for training over a 2 - 3 weeks period,for summer employment. The objective of the program is to allow each young Pi Kapp the opportunity to experience his chosen profession long before he graduates. This enriches the student in three ways: 1. He returns to the campus motivated to receive the knowledge that will be the lifeblood of his career, 2. He has a head start in seeking a career position, offering potential employers sound experience, and 3. It enables some students to realize that the career they envisioned is not the career they desire.

ALUMNI ASSISTANCE It is interesting that our first graduating classes set a strong pattern of alumni participation. Indeed, it was our first few alumni who spearheaded the movement to expand Pi Kappa Phi, and to nurture the infant organization with their time, talents, and their "treasures" — alumni gifts. This initial pattern has remained true, with more alumni than ever now assisting the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, the fraternity, the Housing Corporation, local chapter alumni organizations, alumni advisor programs, and an annual fund raising appeal which has involved thousands of alumni as contributors.

man of the Legal Affairs Committee, member of the FacultyStudent Committee to Study Student Retention, and Treasurer of Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society. He has worked as a Thermal Protection System Technician on Space Shuttle, and as an Economics Department assistant and tutor. Pi Kappa Phi has also benefited from Steven's involvement while serving as Archon. Steven hails from Scottsmoor, Florida, and is now enrolled in the Georgetown University Law School. Medina


Pi Kapp College "Striving for excellence" "Striving for Excellence" was the theme of Pi Kapp College for 1980 as over 300 students and faculty met in Salem, Virginia, August 17 - 21 for the fraternity's biannual leadership academy. The activities opened Sunday evening for an awards ceremony to recognize the outstanding chapters in the fraternity. The highlight was the crowning of the National Rose, Miss Jennifer Lea Galloway of Oklahoma State University. A week of learning and fellowship commenced for the delegates. Dr. Thomas Goodale, Dean of Students at the University of Florida, spoke on Alcohol Awareness and Legal Liabilities. Dean Ed King of Bradley University did a superb job in his "Significance of the Ritual." Certainly one of the most emotional moments was when Mrs. Eileen Stevens spoke against hazing. Mrs. Stevens' son Chuck was a victim of a senseless hazing incident at Alfred University. As a result of his death, Mrs. Stevens formed C.H.U.C.K. (Committee to Halt Useless College Killings). All of us were touched by this re-

markable, caring woman. Overall the delegation received a week of superior programming and left with a renewed dedication to the ideals of Pi Kappa Phi.

Dear Durward, Just wanted to drop you a note and say what an enjoyable learning experience I had at Pi Kapp College. You and the administrative staff did a great job and you deserve a "thank you."

Members of Delta Chi Chapter at Kansas State arrive for Pi Kapp College. They were recognized as the best participating delegation at the academy.

As I told my parents when I got home; I would have paid money myself for the opportunity to go to Pi Kapp College. I've, in the past, been the first to recognize your mistakes, but I want you to know that I am also more than willing to recognize your successes. Pi Kapp College 1980 was definitely a success. Thanks for everything. Fraternally, Charles Kalomeris, Archon Alpha Theta Chapter

Dr. Thomas Goodale, Dean of Students at the University of Florida visits with students after a workshop.

Award winning chapters HONOR ROLL Mr. Pi Kappa Phi

Community Service Award

Manual Gonzales Quevedo Iota — Georgia Tech

Gamma Alpha — Livingston

Student of the Year Frank M. Carter Beta Upsilon — Virginia

Area Governor of the Year Jeffrey A. Wrisley Alpha Theta — Michigan State

Executive Award (Most Initiates) Alpha Epsilon — Florida

Management Award (Greatest Ratio Initiates) Gamma Upsilon — Oklahoma State

;,1110. Student of the Year Frank M. Carter, Beta Upsilon - Virginia.

Jeffrey A. Wrisley receives the Area Governor of the Year award from Executive Director Durward W. Owen.

Champion Master Chapter Chapter Advisor of the Year Joseph L. Alexander Gamma Alpha — Livingston

Theron Houser Award (Most Improved Chapter)

Sigma — South Carolina Alpha Epsilon — Florida Gamma Alpha — Livingston Gamma Sigma — Armstrong State Delta Gamma — Nebraska - Omaha

President's Club Beta Chi — East Texas State Gamma Upsilon — Oklahoma State

President's Plaque Delta Epsilon — Jacksonville State

Omicron — Alabama Alpha Epsilon — Florida Alpha Rho — West Virginia Beta Chi — East Texas State Gamma Kappa — Georgia Southern Epsilon Beta — Grand Valley State The delegates of Beta Chi Chapter are shown with their awards and Executive Director Durward W. Owen.

Durward W. Owen, Executive Director, congratulates the Chapter Advisor of the Year, Joe Alexander of Gamma Alpha Chapter at Livingston.

Delta Epsilon Chapter at Jacksonville State receives the President's Plaque for alumni programming from Durward W. Owen, Executive Director.

Executive Director Durward W. Owen and the delegation of Gamma Upsilon Chapter.


Council of Archons selected

Every year the Administrative Office selects six undergraduates to assist the fraternity in evaluating student and alumni programming through valuable input. The following men have been selected for the 1980 - 81 school year. They are pictured from left to right with Durward Owen, Executive Director of Pi Kappa Phi: Rick Schuett(Alpha Tau, Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute), Dwayne Hamilton (Omicron, Alabama), David George (Delta Chi, Kansas State), Mark Toliver (Alpha, Charleston), and Steve Boone (Alpha Psi, Indiana). Not pictured - Mike O'Donnell (Alpha Epsilon, Florida).

Fall rush report The fraternity is happy to report pre-initiations are up for the 1980 81 school year. The following are some of the more successful totals reported:


Members of the Alpha Zeta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi prepare for their 34th annual Rose Ball

formal dance. Pictured, from left, are Rick Guard, Dale Burks, Chris Johnson, and John Nichols. Moss, flowers, and plastic sheeting were used to create decorative waterfalls, a stream, and even a pond in the front yard of the fraternity house.

P.U.S.H. unit installed at Partlow

Alpha, College of Charleston Gamma, California - Berkeley Kappa, North Carolina Omicron, Alabama Sigma, South Carolina

22 19 19 33 16

15 Upsilon, Illinois 19 Alpha Gamma, Oklahoma 38 Alpha Epsilon, Florida 24 Alpha Eta, Samford 28 Tennessee Sigma, Alpha 25 Carolina East Phi, Beta 21 Livingston Alpha, Gamma 30 State Troy Gamma, Gamma Gamma Upsilon,Oklahoma State 17 Delta Epsilon,Jacksonville State 31 Delta Zeta, Appalachian State 24 17 Delta Xi, North Alabama 15 Epsilon Gamma, Longwood

According to Dr. A. J. Strickland, national president of Pi Kappa Phi and professor of managerial policy at the University,P.U.S.H. is a new way to teach physically and mentally handicapped children. "MOST INSTITUTIONALIZED children, who will never experience normal growth, may be blind, deaf or both. They may never be able to walk without help. They usually can't understand their environment, much less react to it. And they learn with agonizing slowness,"Strickland said. "For these children, conventional playground equipment or toys can be self-destructive weapons. At best, they're merely frustrating and meaningless objects because the children don't have the physical capabilities to use them." P.U.S.H. units combine simple motivators — such as buttons and buzzers -- with other activities to create a learning tool for such children. The units are specially designed to be safe and to withstand the wear and tear of constant use to provide the thousands of repetitions necessary for learning to occur. THE DESIGNER of the units, Tom Sayre, says P.U.S.H. is designed to use handicapped children's senses of touch, sight and hearing in learning.

of Designer Tom Sayre (right) discusses the P.U.S.H. unit with Dwayne Hamilton (left), Archon Omicron Chapter.

It's hard to describe — you might just say it's a big, colorful thing connected to astro-turf cubes. It vibrates, blows air, plays music,shows slides and even has a water bed. Sound strange? Well, the "thing" is at Partlow State School in Tuscaloosa, and is the fourth P.U.S.H. (Play Units for the Severely Handicapped) unit to be placed in institutions for the retarded around the country by Pi Kappa Phi national fraternity. This particular unit is being donated by Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Alabama as part of the fraternity national P.U.S.H. project.

"It's here that a blind child may first develop a perception of light and begin to make sense out of visual stimuli," says Sayre. "The deaf child may learn, through touch and feel of vibrations, to seek the source of sounds. The child that doesn't speak may be coaxed to do so by a light that flashes when it senses noise." The Partlow staff will evaluate the usefulness of the P.U.S.H. unit. Omicron Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at UA is raising $10,000 to pay for the unit. Reprinted from The Birmingham News, Birmingham, Alabama,September 26, 1980.

Play Units for the Severely Handicapped


Historical writer

ALUMNI BRIEFS entertainment area, and increased cosmetic appeal. He also included necessary general improvements to the entire house and grounds. Using a reliable builder he personally knew, Langston had a side porch framed and enclosed, using existing roofing and flooring to make an additional room. He then had cracked and weathered bricking and trim work repaired or replaced, and interior carpentry needs met, such as door stripping, missing doors and windows, railings, etc. Leroy Langston:

"Beyond the Call of Duty" "One day about a year ago, I began receiving letters addressed to: Leroy Langston, President of Lambda (University of Georgia) Housing Corporation, and I began to realize an obligation to improve the chapter house at Lambda." — Leroy Langston

Langston spent numerous hours, countless phone calls, and $7,500 of his private funds on the project. He personally felt that Lambda alumni would help him pay for the improvements — especially when they saw the work actually being done and completed, or evidence of same. If not, then he'd pay for the entire job, with no regrets. And if so, he'd continue with additional improvements.

Once requested by producers as the likely location of the nationally successful film ANIMAL HOUSE, this chapter house has now evolved into a respectable facility to house this chapter of Pi Kappa Phi undergraduates.

Well, the improvements continue, the alumni contributions are being received, the chapter is raising funds and recruiting members, and Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. is installing a new central heating system. Every level of Pi Kapp activity is involved and working on this project: members are again enjoying "fraternity."

Leroy decided to ramrod an inexpensive addition to the chapter house,providing more frontal space,

All this because one man accepted responsibility and went "beyond the call of duty."

And improve it he has!

Biographer, novelist, and newsman Burke Davis joined the staff of Colonial Williamsburg in 1960 as a special projects writer with the Division of Public Affairs. In this position he writes special reports and publications, lectures, historical biographies, and still finds time to write books on his own. His work include three Confederate military biographies: "They Called Him Stonewall;" "Gray Fox: R. E. Lee & The Civil War;" and "Jeb Stuart, The Last Cavalier." His Civil War histories are: "To Appomattox, Nine April Days, 1865;" "Our Incredible Civil War;" and "Sherman's March." Davis has written four novels: "Whisper My Name," "The Ragged Ones," "Yorktown," and "The Summer Land." He is also the author of "Marine!," the life of Lt. Gen. L. B. (Chesty) Puller. His books for children include: "Black Heroes of the American Revolution," "Runaway Balloon," and "Newer and Better Organic Gardening."

BURKE DAVIS His recent books for adults include "The Campaign That Won America: The Story of Yorktown;" "George Washington and The American Revolution;" and "Old Hickory," a life of Andrew Jackson. Davis was educated at Duke University, Guilford College, and the University of North Carolina. While at Duke he was initiated into Mu Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi on February 29, 1932.

Foundation names Krebs chairman Congressman Herlong joins board in the Fraternity's development,has named previous Treasurer Ronald E. Krebs (University of Louisville) as Chairman of its Board of Trustees for 1980 - 81. Former Florida Congressman A. Sydney Herlong, Jr. (University of Florida) is the most recent newcomer to the Board, replacing the departing Penn State University Assistant Treasurer Richard Baker.



The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, an ever-growing significant factor

Krebs, an insurance executive and vice-president of Alexander & Alexander, Inc. in St. Louis, MO, has served as a board member since 1976. He brings not only his experience and knowledge of the Foundation's portfolio through his past role as Treasurer, but will further increase the inter-relationship between the Foundation and the Fraternity. Krebs carries a long-time alumnus commitment to the Foundation and the Fraternity, having also served the Fraternity as National Secretary in 1972 - 75. Sydney Herlong was a member of the U. S. Congress as a Florida Representative from 1949 - 69, and the U. S. Securities & Exchange Commission from 1969 73. In addition to being Counsel to the firm of Smathers, Symington & Herlong in Washington, D.C., he is a Director of A. S. Herlong & Company in his residence of Leesburg, Florida.

A SURPRISE FOR A BROTHER . . .Recognizing his 60 years as a Pi Kappa Phi, members of Beta Tau Chapter of Valdosta State College recently went to the home of L. 0. Smith (second from right), who had been initiated at the University of Georgia in 1920. A longtime friend and supporter of the VSC chapter, Mr. Smith was surprised with a cake in the gold and white colors of Pi Kappa Phi. Representing Beta Tau were (from left) George Birdsong, Social Chairman; Scott Richardson, Vice-Archon; and Greg Poss, Archon.

PI !CAPP INKS PRO PACT Updating the Charlie Coles story from the summer STAR AND LAMP we are sorry to report that Charlie was one of the last men cut from the Detroit Lions in his attempt to make the NFL team. He is currently a graduate assistant coach with Newberry College in South Carolina.

PI KAPPA PHI NECKTIES ATTENTION READERS We apologize for the delay in this issue of the STAR AND LAMP. Staff turnover contributed to a production problem.

These handsome ties are 60% silk in navy blue with the coat of arms in royal blue and gold. Each tie is individually boxed for your convenience. To order send $15.00 per tie to: PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY P. 0. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224



"For the first two or three years we had an agent out of Nashville," Gentry said. "Then Randy did it. We did most of our booking through him for the last four or five years before we got with RCA." They signed with RCA in April.

The bell tolls for you! SUPREME CHAPTER 1981 PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia is calling out to Pi Kapps all over the 'world to come within its gates and experience what a Supreme Chapter can be like in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutchland. For those who have never been to Philly, it will be a breathtaking and nostalgic experience to visit the actual history of America. And for those who are familiar with the city, you will have a chance to revisit that cozy little restaurant or to browse through that hidden antique shop that you have always wanted to go to but never had the chance. And most importantly, the convention will give everyone the chance to renew old friendships, make new friends, and experience brotherhood and fraternity at its peak. Whether making important legislative decisions or having a candle-

"We'd take the money for commissions and use it for our own publicity, and put it in a bank account," Owen explained. "We wrote letters and stuff." During the years that Alabama worked as a club band, they traveled mostly in the Southeast. "See, we met all the people in Myrtle Beach, and we'd work in -North and South Carolina and Tennessee. That's all we needed; I mean, we stayed fulltime, made .good money." "And, you know, if you don't have a hit record or something, there's no use going to California to work," said Gentry. "A club job is a club job. I don't care what city you're in — they all look the same on the inside." In 1977, Alabama had a small hit (topping out at No. 77 on the

Pi Kapp Randy Owen leads the group during P.U.S.H. Concert in Charlotte.

light dinner with someone special, Supreme Chapter in Philadelphia promises to be one of the best ever. Don't miss this opportunity of a lifetime happening August 15 - 19, 1981, at Valley Forge,Pennsylvania. The 38th Supreme Chapter is in the process of becoming one of the most significant in Pi Kappa Phi's history. Make plans now to attend and remember — ladies are welcome and encouraged to attend this most meaningful convention. Be sure to watch for full details to be presented in the Winter 1981 STAR AND LAMP on the where's, when's, who's, and how's of Supreme Chapter 1981!

Billboard charts), a song entitled "I Want To Be With You." They began to find that crowds liked their original material. In 1979, they hired manager Larry McBride and producer Harold Shedd, who still direct their careers.

Each subsequent release has added to Alabama's reputation. The next single, "My Home's In Alabama," made it into the Top 20 in early 1980, and the next release was "Tennessee River," a kick-up-yourheels piece. The future looks good.

by unknown writers. We're out for hit songs; we listen to everything. Barry Manilow sent us two songs, but we made it a point to not even know who the writer was when we listened to the tapes (to choose album material)."

The collaboration of Shedd and McBride with Alabama started the band's rapid climb. "I Wanna Come Over," the first single they released after signing, made it to No. 32. "Larry helped us to get a long way last fall," Owen said. "We were voted to be on the New Faces show in Nashville (a showcase for up-and-coming talent). Every major label was represented there, and when we did that show, they all wanted us on their label. RCA won."

"We have another single comin' off the album,"Why Lady Why" — it's No. 50 on the charts after two weeks. It looks like it's going to be another good record for us, and if it is, then I imagine it's gonna keep supportin' the album," said Owen.

Alabama seems to be thriving on success. Teddy Gentry said in a previous interview, "We spent years to get to this point, and it's only taken months for it all to fall into place. I guess we made the right decision."

And what of the future? "We have another album, but it's not complete yet," said Gentry. "It's really amazing; the songs that we chose to go on this album are all

"It's all part of growin' up," added Owen. Reprinted from The Charlotte Observer — Charlotte, North Carolina. (Sept. 26, 1980)

Pi Kappa Phi Winter Sportswear The Administrative Office has a complete line of merchandise for its members. Shown are just a few of the items available. Prepare now for ski season by purchasing from our line of winter sportswear. Write the Administrative Office, P. 0. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 to place an order. Be sure to ask for a free sportswear catalog.

SKI CAP. For those freezing winter days, this is a must. Blue and gold stretch ski cap with Greek letters on the folded cuff. One size fits all. $6.00.

WINDBREAKER. Excellent for the fall and winter, this Kasha lined windbreaker is windproof, extra full cut, fully washable, water repellant with elastic cuffs and a drawstring bottom. Gold sewn letters. Available in navy only. M,L, XL. $17.50.

PULLOVER SWEATER. For the best in casual wear, a v-neck pullover sweater with set-in sleeves. 50% creslon, 50% rayon. Available with coat of arms and script or script only. Available in navy blue or gray. M,L, XL.$12.00.

PULLOVER SWEATSHIRT. Perfect for the cooler weather,a hooded sweatshirt with hand warmer front pockets and elastic sleeves and waist. Navy blue with gold or white letters. L, XL. $13.00.

The Star and Lamp (ISSN 0038-9854) PI KAPPA PHI P. 0. Box 240526 Charlotte, N. C. 28224

Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N.C.

Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 1980 Manuel Gonzalez Quevedo

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Chic's reply To the Right Honorable Supreme Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Charlotte, N.C., U.S.A. September 18, 1980 Dear Brothers: I am emotionally overwhelmed due to having been chosen by you as: MR.PI KAPPA PHI 1980 a most distinctive honor, which I fully prize, but feel unworthy of it.

It has come to alleviate all my present sorrows and to give me strength, in these hours of trial, to be able to humbly accept ALMIGHTY GOD'S ordinances. I have tried all of my life to be a true and worthy Pi Kappa Phi, and more so now, when you have bestowed upon me such an honorable distinction. I lack of sufficient words to express to you my immense appreciation and gratitude, which I beg of you to kindly accept. Yours sincerely in Pi Kappa Phi, Manual Gonzalez Quevedo "Chic"

Chic and his late wife Teresa as taken in 1976.

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