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HOWARD BAKER U.S. Senate Majority Leader

JIM EDWARDS Secretary of Energy


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UPON TH.E Brother Howard Baker _ WASHINGTON -- The Senate's 53 Republican members have unanimously elected Tennessee Senator Howard Baker as Senate Majority Leader. Baker, a three-term senator, has served as minority leader of the U. S. Senate since 1977. After his election as majority leader, Baker said, "It has been my honor to serve the people of Tennessee in the U. S. Senate." Baker said his election will make him even more effective in representing his constituency in Tennessee as well as increasing his abilities to shape the legislative agenda for the country. Outlining his plans for the U. S. Senate, Baker said, "I want to build a high level of cooperation and goodwill between the Senate and the White House. I also want to see the nature of the Senate

He added that he intends to cutback on the cost of operating the Senate by 10 percent across-theboard, or a reduction of $20 million. "I hope we can get away from the business of acting like elected bureaucrats in passing thousandpage bills which try to describe in detail how Americans should run their lives." Baker said. "The Senate should focus on policysetting and oversight instead of trying to compete with the Executive in the administrative business."

Gamma Kappa P.U.S.H. Basketball Marathon An extra push can make things happen. The brothers of Gamma Kappa Chapter here at Georgia Southern College decided that with a lot of hard work plus a little additional effort we could make our P.U.S.H. donation for 1981 one that would go a long way towards helping disabled youngsters. Last year we raised over $1000 in our first annual 24-hour Basketball Marathon for Project P.U.S.H., and even though most of the brothers roundball skills did not drastically improve since last year's fund raiser, this year's donation was a game winning swish-shot from half court at the final buzzer. When GSC President Dale Lick blew the whistle to end this year's grueling marathon, we had raised over $3000 from donations and community contributions.

Brother Jim Edwards

James Burrows Edwards was sworn in as Secretary of Energy on January 23, 1981. He was nominated by President Reagan on December 22, 1980, and confirmed by the United States Senate on January 22, 1981. Dr. Edwards served as Governor of South Carolina from 1975 to 1979. During his administration as Governor, Dr. Edwards created the South Carolina Energy Research Institute to study energy resource options. He served as Chairman of the National Governors' Association Subcommittee on Nuclear Energy in 1978 and as Chairman of the Southern Governors' Conference in the same year. In 1964 Dr. Edwards was elected Chairman of the Charleston County Republican Party, a post he held until 1969. He served as a member of the South Carolina State Senate from 1972 to 1974. A practicing oral and maxillofacial surgeon in Charleston, Dr. Edwards received a B. S. degree from the College of Charleston in 1950 and a D.M.D. degree from the University of Louisville School of Dentistry in 1955. Dr. Edwards is the recipient of five honorary

Play Units for the Severely Handicapped

By Pat Jones Gamma Kappa

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as a great debating institution restored."

Baker said, "My hope is to try to do my best to bring together senators of differing viewpoints into an effective political unit to set the public policy of the country and to pass the programs of the new Administration."


Pi Kapp brothers and pledges raised the majority of the donations by soliciting pledges from students, local citizens and city organizations for each hour of the marathon completed, but even Pi Kappa Phi is an island without the helpful cooperation of many others. Statesboro Mayor Thurman Lanier declared the week of the marathon as P.U.S.H. Week in Statesboro and also was on hand to toss up the opening tip. The GSC chapter of Alpha Tau Omega provided us with stiff basketball competition during the contest and unselfishly helped raise donations. Several local merchants furnished gift certificates to the top participants -- Delta Zeta and Kappa Sigma -- in the fund raiser and obligingly allowed us to place P.U.S.H. collection cannisters in their establishments.

The Stroh's Beer Company also contributed $300 to P.U.S.H. by donating a quarter for each beer sold at the local Animal House night-spot during the week of the basketball marathon.

degrees. Dr. Edwards is a Fellow of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, a member of the American Dental Association, and an Honorary Fellow of the American College of Dentistry and the International College of Dentists. He is also a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, a national honorary leadership fraternity and of Phi Delta, an honorary dental fraternity. Dr. Edwards serves on the Board of Trustees of Baker Hospital in Charleston and on the Board of Trustees of the College of Charleston Foundation. During World War II, Dr. Edwards served with the U. S. Maritime Service. He was on active duty with the U. S. Navy from 1955 to 1957 and remained in the Naval Reserve until 1967, holding the rank of Lieutenant Commander upon discharge. A native of Florida, Dr. Edwards was born on June 24, 1927. He is married to the former Ann Norris Darlington and they have two children, James B. Edwards, Jr. and Catharine Darlington Edwards. Dr. Edwards is an initiate of Alpha Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi.

Pi Kappa Phi initiates 40,000th member

We consider this year's marathon as a successful project that will continue to grow and as a challenge to Pi Kapp chapters everywhere to develop their P.U.S.H. programs. We made it work and so can you. Brother Greg Sikes, originator of the basketball marathon, summed it up as an easy and guaranteed method of success, "Develop an original idea and get the entire chapter involved; work hard at it; promote it; and make it work." It did for us. The final score of the basketball marathon? It seems the wearyeyed scorekeepers lost track of the 1000-plus score sometime in the wee morning hours of the contest. Nobody seemed overly concerned. Basketball is only a game -- helping handicapped children is a commitment. For more stories and pictures on P.U.S.H., see page 6.

Doug and Donald Lee.

Pi Kappa Phi is proud to announce another milestone in the fraternity's history with the initiation of its 40,000th member. He is Douglas Lee, an initiate of Delta Chi Chapter at Kansas State University. Doug's father, Donald Lee, is himself a member of the fraternity, an initiate of Alpha Omicron Chapter at Iowa State University.


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P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 Founded at the College of Charleston, SC December 10, 1904

Simon Fogarty

—FOUNDERS— Andrew A. Kroeg, Jr. L. Harry Mixson

The Star and Lamp An Education Publication 1981, Vol. LXVII No. 2 Durward W. Owen Mark E. Timmes

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor

Changes in address should be reported promptly to the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Telephone Number (704)523-6000. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI (ISSN 0038-9854) is published quarterly by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 in the months of February, May, August, and November. The Life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC.

EDITORIAL It is appropriate that Pi Kappa Phi holds its Supreme Chapter in Philadelphia at the conclusion of its 76th year. While Philadelphia is the founding place for our great nation, our great fraternity too has prospered over its period of existence. This year your great fraternity initiated more initiates than ever before in its history. These 1,382 new brothers add a whole new tradition to our fraternity. In addition we have had an outstanding year adding new chapters at: Seton Hall, Greensboro, Southern Tech, and USC-Spartanburg. Not to mention the fact that as I travel throughout the country, I feel that the brotherhood in our fraternity is as good as it has ever been. A few months ago I visited Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for the celebration of their 50th Anniversary. Being my first visit to the Castle, what a visit it was. I had an opportunity to meet many outstanding brothers from that part of the country as well as a special opportunity to meet and talk with the number one initiate of Alpha Tau Chapter, John Anthony Peartree. To hear what Pi Kappa Phi means to him was a rare experience indeed. I wished at that moment that the entire fraternity was assembled to hear his expression of

his gratitude and love for his fraternity. The night before I spent time with one of our newest chapters, Seton Hall. This is a chapter that has dreams and aspirations that made me feel very proud of our great fraternity. Without question I believe that Seton Hall will fulfill all of their dreams and aspirations. On the other side of the ledger, this year the National Council had to suspend three charters: Methodist College, Northwestern State University of Louisiana and Pembroke. This is where you and I as brothers of Pi Kappa Phi failed. We should have done a better job. We have issues facing us in our 77th year - continued alcohol abuse, last strands of hazing still surround us, some degree of apathy in a few chapters. I would hope that during our 77th year we would pledge continuing loyalty to the fraternity. I look forward to meeting many of you in Philadelphia as well as during the next year.

A. J. Strickland, III National President

Excellent editorial. I have been hoping for such recognition of the problem. When I was affiliated with Alpha Delta prohibition was the law of the land. Our fraternity parties were truly dry yet we had lots of fun. As to studies, pledges and freshmen with below par grades were required to congregate for supervised study in the dining room. When Pi Kappa Phi adopts a strong policy of sobriety and superior scholastic objective I shall be glad to help financially. Is this too much to aim for and yet maintain a strong fraternity? If we dropped in numbers might we, nevertheless, gain in stature and attract many men of leadership potential? Sincerely, Theodore Scheffer Wash i ngto,n

EDITORS NOTE: The chapter house which was pictured in the Winter issue of the STAR AND LAMP was not the Alpha Upsilon Chapter house but a house which the chapter used to occupy. The editor regrets the error.

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, Laurence E. Shedd Cornell

Hightower departs ATTENTION READERS We apologize for the delay in this issue of the STAR AND LAMP. Staff turnover contributed to a production problem.

R. Nathan Hightower has departed the staff of the fraternity to enter Stetson Law School in St. Peters.. burg, Florida. Nathan served the fraternity for two years as the Assistant Executive Director and is an initiate of Omicron Chapter at the University of Alabama. Currently, there are no plans to fill the position.


Help wanted - RUSH Each chapter grows stronger only by attracting the best possible men for membership and leaOrship roles. All alumni are in an ideal spot to know many qualified prospects and are also able to pass on each one's abilities, character and potential. Please help your chapter — or another one — by recommending a young man today for consideration. If he is a close friend, a discussion of your experience as a Pi Kapp would be invaluable. Fill out the form below and send to the Administrative Office of Pi Kappa Phi, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. We will make certain the correct person in the Phapter and the alumni advising are notified. Thank you!

Your Feb. 16 letter reviewing the growth and expansion of Pi Kappa Phi in the fraternity world shows you are a good Executive Director working at a hard job. You have talked me out of $10.00. I guess I am a maverick. I do not like to be billed for voluntary dues that I did not volunteer, especially when I have given annually to Psi Chapter in response to their dire needs. I like to feel I am a good Pi Kapp with cherished memories of college life which started on a shoe string but never led to the pot of gold. The demands of life in the outside world of business teach the need for caution-sometimes with compromise much to my sorrow, especially in a sentimental situation involving our fraternity. Your informative letter of 2/16/ 81 well illustrates the continuing effort a good executive director must have to increase the percentage of givers. I certainly wish you well in this extra push!



Have you ever invested in a young man's college education? It is an investment in which you can take pride. Here is your opportunity. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is dedicated to providing financial assistance and encouragement to young men who desire an education but are without sufficient funds. The Foundation is a tax exempt organization operated by a volunteer Board of Trustees who are members of your Fraternity. The young men who will be leaders in our nation in the future are on the campuses of our colleges right now;some of them need our assistance and support.


An investment in a young man's college education will help to prepare him better, both for good citizenship and for tomorrow's responsibilities.

College(s)(he)(they) will attend

The inclusion of the following clause in your will (or your designation of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in your life insurance policy as a beneficiary) will insure that you will be a part of some young man's future: "I give, devise, and bequeath to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation the sum of Dollars." (or otherwise describe the gift if it consists of real estate,securities, or personal property).

Home Address(es)


Submitted by• Chapter & Year. Address•

For additional information regarding the Foundation, write the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224.


History,tradition, Valley Forge,PhiIly, AND The 38th Supreme Chapter • •

Secretary of Energy, Jim Edwards

Edwards keynotes 38th Supreme Chapter The Secretary of Energy James B. Edwards (see related story) will be the keynote speaker for the 38th Supreme Chapter in historic Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, the week of August 15th. This former governor of South Carolina and initiate of Alpha Chapter (College of Charleston) will highlight a week of activities for students, alumni, and their wives. The headquarters for the Supreme Chapter will be the Stouffer's Valley Forge. This modern hotel has complete convention facilities as well as a swimming pool, golf course, and tennis courts. Room requests should be sent directly to the Stouffer's. A reservation form is printed on the back cover for your convenience. It is fitting that in the 76th year of the founding of our fraternity we should convene in historic Valley Forge, a setting rich in tradition and significance. Valley Forge and surrounding Philadelphia offer a diverse range of interesting sites from a revoluntionary war soldier manning his cannon to the ultramodern casinos of Atlantic City. Philadelphia offers the old and the new. Philadelphia -- home of Benjamin Franklin, the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and Valley Forge. Philadelphia -- home of the Phillies, Eagles, and 76'ers -- a city caught up in the enthusiasm of its champions. Alpha Upsilon Chapter at Drexel University is the host chapter.

Side trip to New York available

Their plans include an open house at the chapter house on Saturday, August 15th, and a model ritual of initiation on Sunday, August 16th.

Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and other historical sights will be close by in Philadelphia


Philadelphia offers an exciting range of activities for the ladies. Monday promises a tour of the Valley Forge State Park and the famous Longwood Gardens. On Tuesday is a trip to the Independence Hall Historical Area and The Gallery -- a five level indoor shopping mall. Special time is given for you to explore all that historic Philadelphia offers from the small curio shops to the grandeur of Independence Hall.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1981 12:00 - 5:00 1:00 - 5:00 8:00

Registration National Council Meeting Leadership Seminar Alpha Upsilon Open House

SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1981 9:00 - 12:00 9:00- 1:00 9:00- 5:00 10:00- 1:00 1:00- 5:00

4:00- 5:00

Another highlight of the week will be the second annual Founders' Race. This 10,000 meter run was inaugurated at the 75th Anniversary in Charleston. The race will begin at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 18th. Both men and women are invited to participate. Trophies will be awarded to the winners.

6:00 7:00- 9:00 9:30 - 10:30

Pi Kappa Phi Properties Executive Committee National Council Meeting Registration Leadership Seminar Area Governor's Council Pi Kappa Phi Properties - Board of Directors Meeting Pi Kappa Phi Properties - Membership Meeting Alumni Familiarization Ladies Familiarization Cash Bar Reception Banquet Model Initiation Ladies Program

MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1981 7:00- 9:00 9:00 - 10:30 9:00 - 12:00 10:30 - 12:00 12:00- 2:00 2:00- 3:00 2:00- 5:00 3:00- 4:00

The evening hours are filled with many activities including a trip to Atlantic City and a local race track. Also, on Monday there will be a lunch at the historic Valley Forge Park. Have you ever seen an authentic mummer? Supreme Chapter will also offer you that chance.

4:00- 5:00 5:00 6:00

Founders' Breakfast First Supreme Chapter Ladies Program Committees Lunch at Valley Forge Park Committees Ladies Program Student Roundtable Alumni Roundtable Second Supreme Chapter Tennis, Golf, etc. Atlantic City Activity

TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1981 7:00 9:00 - 10:30 9:00- 5:00 10:30 - 12:00 12:00- 2:00 2:00- 3:30 3:30- 5:00 5:00 6:00

The week will conclude with the awards luncheon recognizing both the student chapters and distinguished alumni. Jim Edwards will be inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame along with Wally Butts, past head football coach at the University of Georgia.

Founders' Race Committees Ladies Program Third Supreme Chapter Lunch (on your own) Committee Fourth Supreme Chapter Tennis, Golf, etc. Racetrack

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1981 9:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 12:00 12:00 2:00

Committees Fifth Supreme Chapter Awards Luncheon National Council


Upon completion of your visit to Philadelphia the fraternity has made arrangements for a side trip to New York City through the auspices of the Vista International Hotel located in the World Trade Center. Their staff will assist with theatre arrangements, sightseeing tours and other advice in regard to the many ways you can enjoy your visit to the Big Apple. If interested please contact the Administrative Office, P. 0. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Telephone (704) 523-6000.




Saturday, August 14— Wednesday, August 19, 1981


(Mail, with registration fee, to Administrative Office, P. 0. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224./

IMail to, Reservations Manager, Stouffer's Valley Forge, 480 N. Gulth Road, King of Prussia, PA 194061 Name

Please reserve acconualations as indicated: Single $44.00


Arrive, Date


* Double $44.00

Address City






Depart, Date

Others to share room are:

Fteservations held until 6 n. — guaranteed with one night's deposit only. Rates do not include 6% state sales tax. *Rates for all rooms except suites are the same regardless of occupancy.

Telephone Number Will ArriVe Registration fee included $ If wife to attend, her name is

Would serve on a committee if asked Depart (Registration fee $70.00 for alumnus and $40.00 for wife.)




mander Col. Roberto Diaz, who had taken over from Brig. Gen. Antonio Rodriguez-Balinas upon Rodriguez' recent retirement.


On hand for the change of command ceremony at Fort Buchanan was Maj. Gen.Gordon J. Duquemin.

Timber Baron T.J. Starker:

Made millions from land no one wanted became a cement contractor -and T. J. graduated from Portland High School, the city's only high school at the time. His future wife, Margaret, sat in front of him. Starker entered college in 1908 and graduated in 1910, one of the first four graduates of the fledgling forestry program at Oregon Agricultural College (as OSU was then known). T. J. is an initiate of Alpha Zeta Chapter at Oregon State University.

T. J. Starker, Oregon State

Mention to anyone who has lived in Corvallis for a while that a neighbor named T. J. Starker owns 54,000 acres of timberland and you're likely to get a startled reaction: "Is that all?" Locals just naturally assume their resident timber baron owns most of Western Oregon. But while T. J. might not quite be able to claim that, he does own a good chunk of a particularly rich part of it, totaling about eighty-five square miles in ten counties. The Starker holdings are approximately one-twelfth the size of the Siuslaw National Forest, considered by the U. S. Forest Service to be the nation's richest timber-producing plantation, where one timbered acre is valued at about $2500. A section map of the Siuslaw is checkerboarded by parcels of Starker Forests. Moreover, no part of his company is owned by anybody not named Starker; the partners are currently T. J., his daughter-in-law, and his two grandsons. Asked when he began to work for Starker Forests, Bond Starker, currently heading operations, hesitates, and finally offers, "The business is kind of intermixed with the family." Living legends aren't easy to find anymore. Thurman James Starker, the 90-year-old patriarch of Starker Forests, has been called "a Fred Meyer of the timber." The comparison is apt, although his cronies and community leaders believe T. J. means more to the woods than the venerable Meyer meant to Oregon business. T. J. is a forest giant in Oregon, a man in love with trees, one of the last of the tough, independent foresters who molded Oregon's top industry during the depression and war years and brought it to the threshold of modern technology. "In the early days, 50 years ago or so, forestry had a lot of very strong, independent personalities," says Carl H. Stoltenberg, dean of the Oregon State University School of Forestry. "T. J. comes out of that era. He was in the right place at the right time." T. J. Starker, the son of a farmer, was born July 14, 1890, in Grenola, Kansas. His family moved to Portland in 1907 -- his father

In 1922, T. J. joined the OSU faculty under Dean George Peavy. He taught forest management for 20 years, and is still called "prof" by his ex-students, many of whom became prominent in the forestry world. At one time, Starker likes to brag, half of the supervisors of national forests in the Northwest were former students of his. "That's a measure of a professor's worth," he says proudly. It was during the Depression that Starker began building his empire of "solidified sunshine," as he fondly calls his trees. Strangled by a "miniscule professor's salary," T. J. began buying land - a little here, a little there -- but always with a meticulously executed plan. Armed with a dog-eared map he carried in a shirt pocket. Starker bought up pieces of unwanted forest. He was choosy, never buying land without walking it first, checking its soil and its small trees. He bought land on cool, wet north slopes, mostly cut-over land ready to be reforested, and some with timber so far from the nearest transportation that no one gave much thought to marketing it. He bought land passed over by others rushing to cash out Oregon's timber. He bought land no one wanted; land cut over once, twice, three times; land that was inaccessible; land that sold for pennies an acre to satisfy tax foreclosures. As his cronies chuckled behind his back, T. J. bought everything he could get his hands on - everything, that is, that he wanted. "It wasn't easy on our salary," he recalls. "I built and sold houses in the summers. I worked two jobs. I sold my horse and my camera to feed my family, that's how I did it." "Then I wanted neighbors who weren't too handy with a match," he says. "In those days, we had lots of sheep ranchers who were burning off the forests for more grazing land. I didn't want anything to do with them." Although he's a millionaire many times over, Starker dresses like any forester setting out for a day's work in the woods. His wool plaid shirts cling firmly to a solid chest. His speech, although not coarse or boisterous, is not exactly what one might expect of a university professor. Reprinted from the OREGON MAGAZINE. February 1981.

Augusto Gautier, Rensselaer

Architect heads Reserve One of Puerto Rico's leading architects -- Augusto Gautier -has been selected from a field of eight candidates to head the U. S. Army Reserve in Puerto Rico. Gautier's military service goes back to 1955 when he graduated as a second lieutenant from the ROTC program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York -- where he also obtained a bachelor's degree in architecture. He is an initiate of Alpha Tau Chapter. Gautier, who will be promoted from his present rank of colonel to brigadier general, accepted command of the Reserve and its 166th Support Group from interim corn-

In his professional life, Gautier is the managing partner of Gautier & de Torres, an architectural and engineering firm with offices in Santurce, a few blocks from Central High School, where Gautier studied. Among the projects on which he collaborated are the Aguadilla Judicial Center, Pine Grove Condominium in Isla Verde, the Carib Inn Hotel, and the KimberlyClark production plant and warehouse. From 1963 to 1965, he was president of the Institute of Architects of Puerto Rico, and in 1970 Gautier was chosen to preside the Pan American Congress of Architects when it met in San Juan. He served two terms as president of the Board of Examiners of the Engineers, Architects and Surveyors Association and in 1969 Gautier served on a special committee of architects invited by the Brazilian government to evaluate its new capital, Brasilia, 10 years after the founding of the inland metropolis.

but will remain active in the business for several months.

William G. Loeffler, Jr., Washington & Lee.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- William G. Loeffler, Jr. has been named president and chief executive officer of McConnell & Associates, Inc., Charlotte-based advertising agency. Loeffler has agreed to acquire controlling interest in the corporation from John C. McConnell who is retiring from the agency

Loeffler joined the agency in 1974 and became executive vicepresident in 1975. Before joining McConnell, he was a vice-president and account supervisor with Cargill, Wilson & Acree, Inc. and was an advertising supervisor with General Electric Company. A 1960 graduate of Washington and Lee University, he is the current president of the Advertising Club of Charlotte. Bill is an initiate of Rho Chapter and a former field secretary for the Administrative Office. Bill currently serves on the P.U.S.H. Board, a group of volunteers who coordinate the activities of the national philanthropy. Bill and his firm have worked closely with P.U.S.H., developing the popular poster and collection canisters. The P.U.S.H. poster has won several awards, including a Silver Star (second place) from the National Advertising Agency Network.

New Administrator for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Group Insurance Plans The Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Group Insurance Plans are now administered by Albert H. Wohlers & Co., specialists in the association sponsored group insurance field for over 30 years. Albert H. Wohlers & Co. has had considerable experience in administering group insurance plans for associations and fra ternities, and will efficiently serve the insurance needs of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity's membership. The Pi Kappa Phi staff will be working closely with them in this activity. In the event you have any questions concerning your policy, please direct the inquiry to: Albert H. Wohlers & Co., Administrators,

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Group Insurance Plans,1500 Higgins Road, Park Ridge, Illinois 60068. The toll free number for Albert H. Wohlers & Co. is 800 - 323-2106. Illinois residents may call 312 698-2221. This development assures the professional administration of our Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Group Insurance Programs. There has been no change in coverage, premium rates, or insurance underwriter. The only change is with respect to the Insurance Administrator.



A historical perspective of Pi Kappa Phi Seventy-six years ago three men took the oath which founded Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, based on the belief that a Pi Kappa Phi exemplifies the highest ideals of Christian manhood and is dedicated to the service of his fellow man. Many men have since made that pledge, and today Pi Kappa _Phi continues to cultivate a sense of corporate and individual responsibility among its members. America's conservative ideals stem from the desire to promote and maintain freedom through individual acceptance of personal responsibility. Pi Kappa Phi nurtures this valued principle by creating a minature society wherein individuals can grow and mature into well-rounded, responsible young men who experience the freedom of interaction with others in a positive atmosphere. Concurrently, this unleashing of individual leadership potential which might not otherwise be reached enables Pi Kappa Phi to fulfill the ideals of our founding and to promote leadership and responsible citizens for our Nation's future. The success of Pi Kappa Phi (106 chapters and colonies, 40,000 initiates, and national recognition as one of the top fraternities) reflects the fact that we have continually fulfilled our mission. The reasons for our success include involved alumni, a strong national organization, dedicated leadership, and that intangible quality called "character." Looking ahead to our next seventy-six years we recognize that much of our future success will depend, as it has in the past, on involved alumni, a strong national organization, dedicated leadership, and character. However, a pragmatic analysis of our future must take note of two factors: (1) The size of the college student population has been shrinking, and will continue to decline during this decade. Thus,the competition among fraternities for top students will be intensified.

(2) Those fraternities with substantial endowment funds will continue to be able to dramatically expand their service programs to undergraduates. Pi Kappa Phi's lack of financial resources has meant that our students are not receiving the benefit of expanded programs. In future years, this may affect our student recruitment — as today's student is very interested in how the fraternity will prepare him for his role in his career and in his community. Consider, from a business standpoint, how much more "capital" other fraternities have to work with in comparison to Pi Kappa Phi: Sigma Chi Chi Psi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Kappa Sigma Theta Chi Theta Delta Chi Pi Kappa Phi

Johnson new Director of Development Scharfenstein joins trustees

$6,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 4,500,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 150,000

J. Ernest Johnson, Auburn '80, replaces Stuart Hicks as the Director of Development for Pi Kappa Phi. He is responsible for the administration of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., the fraternity's housing subsidiary. Ernie served Alpha Iota Chapter as Archon and was employed by the fraternity as a Chapter Consultant before assuming his new position. Stuart Hicks has joined the property management firm of Spaulding and Slye. He resides in Charlotte and was married this May.

J. Ernest Johnson

Ted Scharfenstein was recently appointed as a trustee to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Ted has served the fraternity in numerous capacities including administrative staff member and National President. He is currently an administrator for Addison Gilbert Hospital in Gloucester, Massachusetts.




The Pi Kappa Phi Memorial Gate at the College of Charleston.

It's important to note that, despite our lack of capital, Pi Kappa Phi was one of the top three fraternities of the 1970's in terms of expansion. Unfortunately, the better endowed fraternities were able to have significantly more impact on their students through extensive programs of leadership development, scholarship, business experiences, and career development.

1981 Foundation Contributors Many thanks go out to the following members and friends of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity who have contributed so freely to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. The donations will go towards the issuance of scholarships, loans, and awards to students and undergraduate chapters. CHARLESTON W. L. Runyon, Jr. CALIFORNIA R. L. Lapointe, Jr. FURMAN S. W. Martin DAVIDSON J. R. Morton F. S. Curdts C. P. Johnston S. N. Brown EMORY T. A. Giles J. C. Wilson

SOUTH CAROLINA J. R. Stokes A. A. Spears R. C. Lake, Jr.

SAMFORD S. W. Jones W. W. Nilson


AUBURN J. 0. Christiansen, Jr. R. B. Propst T. W. Fuller

ILLINOIS S. E. Mumford S. N. Perkins R. H. Patchen J. R. Stroehlein D. F. Mulvhill STETSON G. L. Patterson J. E. Hutchison S. C. Renwick

GEORGIA TECH W. H. Funk G. V. Rouse G. C. Griffin A. P. Cornell A. H. Chamberlin, Jr.

PURDUE C. L. Sadler D. M. Davis C. P. Smith

DUKE J. S. Boone W. T. Huckabee, Jr.

MERCER W. A. Bugg R. V. Harden

NEBRASKA G. F. Spatz R. Platt

TULANE C. G. Webb M. T. Woodward, Jr.

GEORGIA J. M. Adams I. W. Lang, Jr.

OKLAHOMA J. D. McElhaney, Jr. B. A. McElyea

NORTH CAROLINA 0. R. McCollum P. C. Wimbish

WASHINGTON C. A. Porter F. R. Brown R. C. Bux

ALABAMA V. H. Huey S. P. Faucett G. E. Monam, Jr. R. S. Taylor J. M. Brown, Jr. R. L. Shepherd

FLORIDA J. Y. Wilson R. C. Smith J. J. Powers R. T. Olsen J. S. Crown, Jr. R. E. Chapman

WASHINGTON & LEE H. D. Leake OREGON STATE B. K. Bullard, Jr. J. T. Reviglio H. E. Stine, Jr. E. E. Fischer R. L. Jackson R. P. Cornish R. C. Petrey J. N. Wilson S. G. Robbins

PENN STATE J. P. McCarthy W. C. Rakowich PINY H. H. Myer R. D. Sarcong R. J. Koerner IOWA STATE T. J. Tott R. H. Brandau D. C. Doerscher UNIV. OF THE SOUTH J. A. Johnston

TOLEDO D. D. McEwen NJIT S. DePalma MICHIGAN STATE W. C. Proctor K. H. Jepson VIRGINIA D. L. Namay EAST CAROLINA R. S. Fuller OLD DOMINION C. E. Brady, Ill TROY G. E. Bates MEMPHIS U. E. Oyler, Jr.

MISSOURI-ROLLA WEST VIRGINIA UNIV. J. M. Gioia H. D. Griffin M. B. Faust TENNESSEE F. M. Pugh R. C. McKelvey DREXEL G. S. Merritt J. F. Kelley, Jr. M. S. Gennaro, Jr. IIT C. J. March INDIANA W. D. C. Day, Jr. OREGON S. W. Winkleman FLORIDA SOUTHERN W. E. Parks LOUISVILLE S. E. Harper, Jr. R. E. Krebs FLORIDA STATE H. E. McCall, Jr. ARIZONA J. F: Rice



Play Units for the Severely Handicapped

From a state senate floor to an amateur boxing ring, chapter PUSH projects grow! The project was not only a good PUSH fund raisers fund raiser for the great cause, Sixty chapters have contributed over $37,000 to date for the fraternity's national philanthropy, Project P.U.S.H. (Play Units for the Severely Handicapped). The following are details of the various fund raisers chapters have sponsored. Alpha Epsilon Chapter at the University of Florida again leads all contributors with over $3,800 raised. Gamma Kappa Chapter at Georgia Southern is next with $2,500.

Delta Upsilon PUSH-A-THON The Delta Upsilon Chapter at the University of Pittsburgh made over $1,500 this year for Project P.U.S.H. by pushing a wheelchair from Pittsburgh to Harrisburg. The push which took three days was the climax of the campaign which also included road blocks and canning. The thirteen brothers and three little sisters who went on the walk had a great time even with the very unseasonably cold and wet weather which accompanied them on their journey. On arrival at the state capitol the walkers were met by the first lady of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Richard Thornburgh, and a crew of newspaper and television reporters. Mrs. Thornburgh commended the fraternity's work on behalf of her husband who was unable to be present.

but also brought the brothers together and made us a much stronger and happier chapter. Plans are already well on the way for another walk in September, which we are predicting will be a much bigger success.

Delta Chi rose sale The efforts of the Delta Chi Chapter at Kansas State University in Project P.U.S.H. resulted in a contribution that exceeded all of the combined totals of our donations since chartering. This was accomplished by sponsoring a Valentine's Day Rose Sale which netted $500. The project began when two brothers made a 700 mile round trip journey to St. Louis, Missouri, where they picked up 500 red long stem roses at a discount. Trying to keep all 500 of those roses cool during the trip proved to be a challenge. The two men who made the trip were forced to sacrifice the comfort provided by the car's heater on a cold February day in favor of the roses.

On December 19, 1980, members of the Alpha Theta Chapter (Michigan State), were presented with a House and Senate Concurrent Resolution of the Michigan Legislature, honoring their continuing efforts for Project P.U.S.H. The State Congress awarded their "highest accolades and praise" to Alpha Theta for raising up to $1,500 a year for the last four years through annual Rose Sales. Pictured are (left to right) Jeff Brown; D. Keith Meyers, Archon; Rep. Alice Tomboulian, and Michael Balian.

Gamma Xi's (Georgia Southwestern) first annual Pi Kappa Phi P.U.S.H. for the Roses raised $300. Zeta Tau Alpha sorority helped raise the most money and is shown receiving the winner's trophy.

Gamma Phi Chapter raised over $1000 with a Boxing Tournament for P.U.S.H.

While they were on their journey, the rest of the chapter was busy soliciting orders for the roses and explaining what Project P.U.S.H. was about. The prices we offered which included delivery undercut those offered by local florists. For an additional dollar, we agreed to sing a love or humorous song to the recipient of the roses.

All fratenrities talk brotirerlrooti. l'i kappa Phi is doingsomething al it it.

President of Purdue University Arthur Hansen kicks off Omega Chapter's 50 hour P.U.S.H.-athon. Brothers Greg Robertson (I) and Mike Bottom (r) flank President Hansen. Omega Chapter raised approximately $1,500.

The Castle, Alpha Tau's (Rensselaer Polytech) Chapter house was an ideal setting for a Halloween Haunted House for Project P.U.S.H. One of the brothers awaits visitors during the event. Alpha Tau raised $1,200 for P.U.S.H.

Delta Upsilon members arrive in Harrisburg after the P.U.S.H.-a-thon.


Chapter Archon crews the famous Calypso

The members of the University of Kansas Associate Chapter

Pi Kappa Phi colonizes at the University of Kansas Through the efforts of field secretaries Andy Towson and Craig Biehl Pi Kappa Phi began formal colonization procedures at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas. KU has a traditionally strong fraternity system with the average size being seventy members. The colonization

yielded a group of thirty-six members who have set a goal of chartering by fall semester. Communications should be sent to Fred Kirk, Archon, University of Kansas Associate Chapter, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, P.O. Box 2184, Lawrence, KS 66045.

Pi Kappa Phi members of Beta Delta Chapter at Drake University celebrate after winning the All University Swimming Title.

The Calypso research vessel, made famous through the popular Jacque Cousteau series.

Ray Russ, Epsilon Epsilon, a senior at Clinch Valley College recently had the opportunity to work aboard the famed research vessel Calypso while on Christmas break in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Russ, an environmental science major, learned of the temporary position aboard the ship while visiting the Cousteau headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia. The ship was due to go for a complete overhaul in order to repair damages incurred while on its last voyage to the Great Lakes region. Along with repairs it will also be modified for its next research expedition -- its longest yet, which will take her to the Caribbean and eventually to South America where Captain Cousteau and crew will attempt to journey up to the headwaters of the Amazon in order to determine man's impact on the river and the delicate ecosystems which surround it. Russ's job consisted of keeping inventory and storing the delicate array of scientific equipment aboard the ship which consists of everything from a Hovercraft and Helicopter to several one and two-man diving submarines. While working with the ship's first mate, Russ

had the opportunity to meet the Calypso's more prominent members including Captain Cousteau and his wife, Cousteau's son JeanMichelle, and many others who form the nucleus of the exploration group.

Epsilon Epsilon Archon, Ray Russ

Russ, who spent last summer in Scotland collecting data for the University of Glasgow, is currently Archon of Epsilon Epsilon Chapter and is student body president at Clinch Valley College. He plans to continue working for the Cousteau Society during the summer until he returns to college in the fall.

PI KAPPA PHI MERCHANDISE Shown here are just a few of the items available through the Administrative Office. To place an order write the Administrative Office, P. 0. Box 240526, Charlotte, North Carolina 28224. Specify item, size, and enclose payment.

Be sure to ask for a free sportswear catalog.


HONORED AT AWARDS DAY -- Sonny Williams represents the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at Livingston University as he receives the Interfraternity Council Scholastic Award for the best grade point average. Sonny himself was chosen by his fraternity brothers to receive the Clyde Davis Award for the most outstanding contributions to the fraternity during 1980-81. Sonny is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Frank Williams of York.

MEMBERSHIP BADGE (GOLD). A 10K gold membership badge. $35.00. FRATERNITY RING. This distinctive ring is a must. Available in gold or silver. Please give ring size. Gold $100.00, Silver $70.00.

MEMBERSHIP BADGE (GOLDCLAD).Identical membership badge as above except this pin is goldclad. $8.00.

PI KAPPA PHI NECKTIES. These handsome ties are 60% silk in navy blue with the coat of arms in royal blue and gold. Each tie is individually boxed for your convenience. $15.00 per tie.

The Star and Lamp (ISSN 0038-9854) PI KAPPA PHI P. 0. Box 240526 Charlotte, N. C. 28224

Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N.C.

rely on overeating, drinking, oversleeping, or drug useage as an escape. Take full responsibility for the way you respond in a crisis. Learn to identify precipitating stressors. But insight alone is not enough.


-4111111â– 11-111#1itlittlik By Perry W. Buffington, Ph.D. Gamma Kappa Georgia Southern titudinal exhaustion. It is insiduous, He was described by his chapter creeping chronically. Burnout vicas the "perfect" associate member tims rarely realize what's happening and brother. But he changed. While to them. They only know continual pledging, he had taken great care exhaustion, frustration, edginess, to assure others that all details were and defensiveness. They are quick completed. This carried over into to judge and react to the slightest brotherhood. After initiation, he provocation with anger. found time for academics, fraternity, and other university activities. Some researchers suspect a cycle Now a year or so later, he's burof behavior is involved. To explain, dened with thoughts like: "What's as a result of thoughts of incomit all for?" "Why am I doing this?" petence, a person may overwork "Why can't others help?" and "make up for" these perceived to "Why do I have to do it all?" The harder and faster inadequacies. Finally, after these questions reless these worries the works, he mained unanswered, in desperation a result, he must As him. "nag" he declared, "They owe me!" The harder and harder. and harder work end product equals apathy. He now to alienate ability an Eventually, has two choices: leave the brotherto the emerges proving others hood or count days until gradwho one only the "I'm victim, uation. can do things right." Finally, the cycle is broken by a "circuit overHe kept most of his worries inside, which looks like withdrawal load" and few suspected a problem. He apathy. and The cause: Too much has now "burned out," and people over too short a stress unresolved complain because "He just isn't time. of period the same guy any more." What they're selfishly saying is "He's not helping the chapter." With If any of this sounds like you, a burnout, workload increases, even chapter brother, or business colwhen the fraternity roster increases. league, there are several procedures which can be used to break burnout victims' "vicious cycle." For There are other distinguishing sympinstance, the first step is to recogtoms. Burnout, which affects (connize the problem. Acknowledge servatively) 10% of chapter memthe situation squarely and refuse to bers is physical, emotional, and at41..

For specifics: (1) Don't be afraid to ask for help. Feel free to collect appreciation which is due you, and don't be afraid to say, "No." (2) Create a "To Do List" and then prioritize the items. Complete one task at a time. When you attempt to solve too many problems at once, all you do is "spin your wheels." (3) Pay attention to your health, diet, and sleep. Get up fifteen minutes earlier and avoid a morning rush. Go to lunch with enthusiastic brothers and pledges. Refuse to discuss business during meals or breaks, and take full meal periods. Eat slowly. Moreover, take "self-time" finding a quiet place where you can "turn down the brightness of the day." Meditation or relaxation exercises may be good breaks for you. For your health, exercise daily.(4)Plan for weekend get-aways. Staying in one place all the time tends to promote stagnation. Running away from worries is certainly a problem; but running away with troubles is much, much worse. Take vacations, and leave problems on campus. Burnout is not really an appropriate description for this problem; rather burn-up is more accurate. Like a giant fire, the damage affects not only the victim, but friends, family, school work, and fraternity. See to it that the load is shared and an appropriate level of work is attempted and completed. A project's successful completion, followed by a mini-break, is the most effective treatment for burnout. Success feeds personal and chapter esteem.

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