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Valley Forge provides ideal setting for Supreme Chapter

National President Lonnie Strickland addresses the opening session of the 38th Supreme Chapter. The Stouffer's Inn of Valley Forge provided an ideal setting.

During the opening night banquet, we were all entertained by the unique, unusual Durning String Band, often known as the Philadelphia "Mummers."

It was a grand time! The 38th Supreme Chapter had all the ingredients for a great convention. Thirty minutes from downtown Philadelphia, the Stouffer's Inn of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, provided a comfortable and enjoyable meeting place. The hotel was virtually taken over by the 375+ student and alumnus members (and several wives and children) who met for Fraternity business and to enjoy the enhanced spirit of Fraternalism that can only be found at a Supreme Chapter. The unseasonably pleasant weather and a countryside so beautiful, and so rich in its history provided many sight-seeing opportunities. There were plenty of special events for everyone to enjoy. And, of course, the most important parts of the gathering were the Supreme Chapter sessions where student and alumnus delegates guided Pi Kappa Phi into its next two years through elections, legislation, and resolution. A Supreme Chapter can not be held without extensive planning. Special recognition goes to the Supreme Chapter Co-Chairmen, Ed Hook and Bob Austin (both of Alpha Upsilon, Drexel University), and the many Philadelphia area alumni who helped coordinate the activities featured throughout the Supreme Chapter. The opening night banquet was made a festive occasion as many danced to the

Delegates cast their votes during one of five Suprem e Chapter sessions.

Many individual delegates actively participated in the Supreme Chapter sessions. Here several wait to "make their point" during discussion of a motion on the floor.

unique sound of the Durning year in a row, the Area Governor String Band. A picnic lunch in of the Year Award goes to Jeff beautiful Valley Forge National Wrisley for his continued efforts Historic Park provided a refreshing in the Michigan-Ohio area. Many break "from the action" with other awards were given throughentertainment from a fife and out the Supreme Chapter and a drum marching band. A large complete review is on page three. contingent of Pi Kapps journeyed These awards are but a small one night to the casinos of Attoken of appreciation for such lantic City. Many also spent an loyal, dedicated service and achieveevening at the nearby race tracks. ment each of these individuals To our knowledge, all returned and chapters have given their with pocketbooks intact! For those Pi Kappa Phi. hardy souls, including National Each year every Pi Kappa Phi President Lonnie Strickland, there chapter selects its own Rose Queen. was the second biennial 10,000 From all the chapters a single meter (give or take a 1,000 meters!) Rose Queen is then selected to Founders' Race. represent the entire Fraternity A highlight at any Supreme and this year's most deserving Chapter is the recognition of the recipient is the lovely Miss Susan many individuals and chapters Luanne Payne of Greensboro, NC, that have made significant contrirepresenting the Delta Zeta Chapter butions to their Fratenrity. Ben at Appalachian State University W. Covington, Jr., Beta Chapter in Boone, North Carolina. More Presbyterian College, became the of the Rose Queen and the Rose Fraternity's seventeenth "Mr. Pi Queen finalists are on page four. Kappa Phi," recognizing his outThe few short days of Supreme standing devotion and numerous Chapter included not only many contributions. Lee McAllister, a special events, but also much work. leader at his Kappa Chapter and on When the Supreme Chapter the University of North Carolina meetings were not in session, comcampus, was honored as Student of mittees often met, sometimes late the Year. A most important posiinto the night preparing their tion in the structure of the Fraproposals for the floor. Informal ternity is the Chapter Advisor discussions, debates, and lobbying and for dedicated and successful efforts could be found wherever work with the Gamma Xi Chapter delegates met. Certainly everyone at Georgia Southwestern, this year's found something of interest in Chapter Advisor of the Year is the many issues that were disBen Hamrick. For the second cussed.

Of the Supreme Chapter actions several items stand out. Four National Council Members were reelected to their current positions while three newcomers were elected to serve for the next two years. Thanks to the efforts of Steve Ryder, Gamma Chapter - CaliforniaBerkeley, a comprehensive reorganization of the Constitution and Supreme Laws was accepted, making the Gold Book easier to use and understand. One thing that did not happen this Supreme Chapter is significant — there was no fee increase, a move that has become a necessity for other National fraternities this year. Finally, an item of great interest, especially since this convention took place in the rich historical area around Philadelphia and in the 76th year of Pi Kappa Phi. The Supreme Chapter accepted the Bell as the new public symbol of Pi Kappa Phi and encouraged all chapters to rally around this symbol as the Fraternity moves toward such milestones as having 100 active chapters. Valley Forge, the Philly area, and the Pi Kappa Phi members who live there, did provide for a great Supreme Chapter. Anyone who attended would certainly agree — Pi Kappa Phi is indeed ringing in its fourth quarter of a century of existence with pride, enthusiasm, and the expectation and anticipation for continued progress.


ThE star andJoni)

P. 0. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 Founded at the College of Charleston, SC December 10,1904

Simon Fogarty

—FOUNDERS— Andrew A. Kraig, Jr. L. Harry Mixson

The Star and Lamp An Education Publication 1981, Vol LXVII No. 4 Durward W. Owen Steven W. Smith

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor


Changes in address should be reported promptly to the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Telephone Number (704) 523-6000. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI (ISSN 0038-9854) is published quarterly by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 in the months of February, May, August, and November. The Life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC.


3 newcomers to the National Council. As a result of Supreme Chapter elections, four members of the National Council were re-elected to their positions and three newcomers will serve the fraternity for the next two years. The following are brief introductions to let you meet your National Council: DR. A. J. STRICKLAND, III — National President. Re-elected for a second term as National President, Lonnie already has served nine years on the council, having also held the positions of National Treasurer and National Vice-President. Lonnie received his B.S. degree from the University of Georgia and his M.S. degree and Ph.D. in Business Administration from Georgia State University. He is the Associate Professor of Business Policy and Corporate Planning with the Graduate School of Business at the University of Alabama. An alumnus initiate of Omicron Chapter, Lonnie has always been very involved with the University of Alabama chapter. Lonnie, his wife Kitty and two children live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Alumni Association in the Charleston area. Active in the real estate business, David is the president of the Jaffee Realty Company. David and his wife Dolly have one son. JOHN M. CASPER — National Treasurer. "Jack"joins the National Council after most recently serving the fraternity as Area Governor in the Kansas-Missouri area. A 1968 graduate of Drexel University, he served his Alpha Upsilon Chapter as Archon, Treasurer and Rush Chairman. Jack just recently moved his family from Kansas City where he was with the Garney Companies, Inc. to Miami, Florida, where he is now Comptroller for Gang-Nail Systems, Inc. We welcome Jack to the National Council and look forward to his service over the next two years. WILLIAM LEE FINNEY — National Secretary. Bill was first elected to the National Council in 1979 and re-elected this year for another

Due to unavoidable conflicts, U. S. Secretary of Energy Jim Edwards could not attend Supreme Chapter in Philadelphia. We received the following letter while there: Dear President Strickland and Brothers in Pi Kappa Phi: Although I am unable to be present at the Thirty-Eighth Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi,

term. Very active with the fraternity throughout the seventies, Bill was honored as Area Governor of the Year in 1975 and 1977. He was chairman of the Area Governors' Council from 1975-79 and worked closely with alumni associations in Americus, Georgia, and in the Atlanta area. Bill is with Equitable Life Assurance Society in Memphis, Tennessee. Bill and his wife Jane have one son, Scottie. DR. WAYNE BUFFINGTON — National Chaplain. Another newcomer to the Council, "Buff" is an initiate and charter member of the Gamma Kappa Chapter at Georgia Southwestern. Graduate studies earned him an M.A. degree from the University of Georgia and a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Kentucky. Buff is now an Assistant Professor of Psychology with Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina. Of particular note, he has done a great deal of writing with over 40 publications and two books to his credit. He is also a contributing editor for Delta Airlines in-flight magazine "Sky" and the behavioral science editor for the new ladies magazine "Complete Woman." JUDGE JAMES C. TURK — National Chancellor. As Chancellor, Judge Turk provides legal advice to the National

I am privileged to join you in spirit on this happy occasion. I shall always regard my membership in Pi Kappa Phi with equal measures of affection and pride. No public honor or private success, can ever take the place of genuine friendship and brotherhood. Please accept my greetings and best wishes for a successful gathering. Fraternally, James B. Edwards

Council. While earning his A.B. and L.L.B. degrees at Roanoke College and Washington & Lee University, Jim was also active with these schools respective Pi Kapp chapters, Xi and Rho. He also earned his J.D. degree at Washington & Lee. His scholastic honors include Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron Delta Kappa, and Order of the Coif. From 1959-72, he served as State Senator for Virginia; as minority leader from 1963-72. He is now the Chief Judge, U. S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia. Judge Turk and his wife, Barbara have five children and live in Radford, Virginia. DR. WILLIAM M. EWALD — Member-at-Large. When Phil Tappy stepped down after ten dedicated years of service to the fraternity, it opened up the new position of Member-at-Large, replacing the Past National President position. Bill Ewald, Beta Upsilon - University of Virginia, class of 1964, was elected to that position. In addition to his B.A. degree, Bill has also earned an M.A. degree- from - the- College of William and Mary and a Ph.D. from Emory University, both in Psychology. Bill is currently a Program Manager with Westinghouse Public Applied Systems in Columbia, Maryland, and also operates a management consulting business with his wife. They live in Washington, D.C.

DAVID HAROLD JAFFEE — National Vice-President. Also re-elected this Supreme Chapter, David was first elected to the National Council in 1979 where he was the chairman of the local Supreme Chapter Committee in his home town of Charleston. He graduated from Alpha Chapter at the College of Charleston in 1973 after active participation in the chapter, holding the offices of Archon, Treasurer, Historian, and Chaplain. David continued his active involvement with the chapter and with the Low Country Dr. Lonnie Strickland, Omicron - Alabama

Bill Finney, Gamma Xi - Georgia Southwestern

Judge Jim Turk, Xi- Roanoke

David Jaffee, Alpha - Charleston

Dr. Wayne Buffington, Gamma Kappa - Georgia Southern

Jack Casper, Alpha Upsilon- Drexel

Dr. Bill Ewald, Beta Upsilon - Virginia


Review of Supreme Chapter Awards AL IL

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Chairman Ron Krebs (right) presents the "Student of the Year" award to Lee McAllister of Kappa Chapter at the University of North Carolina.

Ben Hamrick (right) Gamma Xi, Georgia Southwestern, receives his Chapter Advisor of the Year award from Lonnie Strickland.

The Alpha Epsilon Chapter - University of Florida raised more money for Project P.U.S.H. than any other chapter this past school year ($4001). The Alpha Epsilon delegation accepts their President's Club award. Pictured are (from left): Phil Tappy - P.U.S.H. Project Chairman; Bill Thorpe; Henry Miyares; Alfredo Hernandez; and Tom Sayre. P.U.S.H. Creator and Designer.

Each year leaders are selected from our student chapters to serve on the Council of Archons, a student advisory board to the Administrative Office and the National Council. Members of this year's council are (from left): Dean Hollis, Chi - Stetson; Lenny DePalma, Epsilon Theta - Seton Hall; Bob Wambach, Alpha Tau - Rensselaer; Jeff Meister, Delta Chi - Kansas State; Rick Rappaport, Gamma - California-Berkeley; Jim Rudloff, Delta Gamma - Nebraska-Omaha; Nate Hoffman, Delta Phi. Radford; Gary Knox, Delta Lambda. North Carolina-Charlotte.

MANAGEMENT AWARD (Highest percentage growth of chapter size) Delta Zeta, Appalachian (233% growth rate in 1980-81) SPECIAL RECOGNITION Given to Omicron Chapter, University of Alabama, for an outstanding year. They placed both first in scholarship and first in intramurals on their campus. CHAMPION MASTER CHAPTERS (Chapters receiving a perfect rating in all phases of Fraternity management and programing)

The Omicron Chapter at the University of Alabama received a special recognition award for placing first in both intramurals and scholarship this past year. Here Chris Sanders, Archon, accepts the award from Durward Owen.

MR. PI KAPPA PHI Ben W. Covington, Jr., Beta - Presbyterian STUDENT OF THE YEAR Malcolm Lee McAllister, Kappa - UNC-CH AREA GOVERNOR OF THE YEAR Jeffrey A. Wrisley, Area IV, Alpha Theta - Michigan State CHAPTER ADVISOR OF THE YEAR Ben Hamrick, Gamma Xi - Georgia Southwestern FOUNDERS'SCHOLARSHIP Richard J. Milan, Jr., Xi - Roanoke College HOUSER AWARD (Most improved chapter) Beta Phi Chapter, East Carolina PRESIDENT'S PLAQUE (For nurturing the most comprehensive alumni development program) Kappa Chapter, UNC at Chapel Hill SERVICE AWARD (For meaningful service to the overall improvement of their community) Gamma Upsilon, Oklahoma State University EXECUTIVE AWARD (Greatest number of initiates) Alpha Epsilon, University of Florida (62 initiates in 1980-81)

UNC-CH - Kappa University of Florida. Alpha Epsilon East Carolina - Beta Phi Georgia Southwestern - Gamma Xi UNC-Charlotte - Delta Lambda Auburn-Montgomery - Epsilon Delta

University of Alabama - Omicron University of Virginia - Beta Upsilon Livingston - Gamma Alpha North Georgia - Delta Beta Radford - Delta Phi

MASTER CHAPTER AWARD (Chapters meeting criteria in all phases of Fraternity management and programing) Penn State - Alpha Mu Elan - Epsilon Alpha Stetson - Chi Illinois - Upsilon Tennessee- Alpha Sigma

James Madison - Delta Tau Oklahoma State - Gamma Upsilon California-Berkeley - Gamma Longwood - Epsilon Gamma

PLUS FIVE CHAPTERS (Initiating five more members than the previous year) UNC-Chapel Hill - Kappa Alabama - Omicron Illinois - Upsilon Oklahoma- Alpha Gamma Florida - Alpha Epsilon Samford - Alpta Eta Penn State - Alpha Mu Drexel - Alpha Upsilon Drake - Beta Delta Georgia State - Beta Kappa Tampa - Beta Lambda East Carolina - Beta Phi West Virginia Tech - Gamma Zeta

Old Dominion - Gamma Beta UNC-Wilmington - Gamma Theta GA Southwestern - Gamma Xi North Georgia - Delta Beta Morehead - Delta Eta Appalachian - Delta Zeta UNC-Charlotte - Delta Lambda Wright State - Delta Pi Bowling Green - Delta Sigma Radford - Delta Phi Elon - Epsilon Alpha Winthrop - Epsilon Eta

PRESIDENT'S CLUB (Chapters contributing $1,000 or more to Project P.U.S.H.) Florida - Alpha Epsilon Georgia Southern - Gamma Kappa Georgia Tech - Iota Tennessee. Alpha Sigma Oklahoma State - Gamma Upsilon Alabama - Omicron Purdue - Omega Pittsburgh. Delta Upsilon

Stetson - Chi Rensselaer- Alpha Tau Texas A&M - Delta Omega West Virginia Univ. - Alpha Rho East Carolina- Beta Phi South Alabama - Gamma Phi Southern Tech - Epsilon Kappa Nebraska-Omaha - Delta Gamma

Merit Citation Award Winners will be reviewed in detail in the next STAR AND LAMP.


Our Beautiful Rose A favorite tradition of every chapter is the selection of a Rose Queen to represent their chapter. Each year dozens of Rose Queen applications are submitted to the Administrative Office, each chapter hoping their Rose Queen will be selected the National Rose Queen. But only one chapter gets that honor and this year the honor goes to the Delta Zeta Chapter at Appalachian State in Boone, North Carolina. The Delta Zeta Rose Queen, our National Rose Queen for 1981, is Miss Susan Luanne Payne of Greensboro, North Carolina, and a graduate student at Appalachian in Speech Pathology/ Audiology. To our good fortune, Miss Payne attended the Supreme Chapter meeting in Philadelphia and met many of the delegates and officials at the meeting. All agreed she was a most gracious and deserving recipient of National Rose Queen. Finalists for the National Rose Queen are picked on the basis of academic performance, activities and honors in school, and on an essay response to questions regarding fraternities. Miss Payne wrote: "Every individual gets out of the fraternity exactly what they are willing to put into it. Some use it as a crutch or just something to belong to, while others put their entire heart and soul into it and benefit immensely from it." We wish to express our ap-

First runner-up: Miss Debbie Klingenbeck, Omicron Chapter - University of Alabama

Second runner-up: Miss Leah Allison Seets, Delta Lambda Chapter - University of North Carolina-Charlotte

Miss Susan Payne, Delta Zeta Chapter . Appalachian State Univ.ersity,

preciation and congratulations to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity's newest National Rose Queen, the Rose

Queen finalists, and the many other chapter Rose Queens who have represented our fraternity.

Third runner-up: Miss Melissa Hannah Miller, Delta Xi Chapter - University of North Alabama

76ers Bobby Jones Honorary P.U.S.H. Chairman


Bobby Jones, an all-star basketball forward for the Philadelphia 76ers, has been named the Honorary Chairman for Project P.U.S.H. A resident of North Carolina, Bobby is a 1974 graduate of the University of North Carolina. He was a 1st round draft choice of Houston in 1974 before being picked up by Denver. He was traded to the 76ers in 1978. Bobby has played in three all-star games. Bobby was introduced to the wonderful work of P.U.S.H. through P.U.S.H. Board Chairman Phil Tappy. In a taped message to the 38th Supreme Chapter in Philadelphia, Bobby mentioned his career victories and defeats, adding "but the defeats I've suffered

seem insignificant compared with the struggles of the children you're helping. They sometimes suffer defeat hundreds of times a day, but through their determination and your efforts they've been given the chance to achieve measurable success." Bobby also gave special recognition to the sixteen President's Club chapters who raised $1,000 or more for P.U.S.H. last year. These chapters who "Take it to the Limit" for their national service project will be receiving an 8 x 10 autographed photo of Bobby going up for another big two in a play-off clencher. Pi Kappa Phi welcomes Bobby Jones to our P.U.S.H. Team.

Yes, I would like to give the handicapped a P.U.S.H. My tax-deductible gift of is made in my name:




(amount enclosed)

As an individual contribution. On behalf of the


On behalf of (family, organization or institution)

In memorial to (signature)

[Checks should be made payable to: Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, Inc.(P.U.S.H.)] Service to others is but the rent we pay to occupy space while here on earth. Mike O'Donnell Director of Development - Foundation

Bobby Jones, Honorary Chairman Project P.U.S.H.



Alumni Scholarship Recipients

Internships aid in Real Life Experiences III

1' The Wall Street Journal recently ran a front page article entitled "Summer Internships Receive High Marks from College Students." Much of the article was summed up by one student who stated, "I've gotten the other side of What they tell you in school. . . all they can really deal with in (the classroom) is theory." Unfortunately, the student was correct in his assessment of the role of the typical college or university. Further, with many colleges and universities continuing to cut back or restrict programs— particularly outside the classroom— students find an even larger vacuum in their college experience. However, Pi Kappa Phi has been increasing its programs to fill the vacuum. Indeed, a major role of the fraternity has always been to provide real life experiences in leadership, commitment, service, sociability, and running a business. Pi Kappa Phi does not deal extensively in theory. We compel a young man to deal with the day to day real life experiences of: - Selling (Rushing) - Financial Management (Balancig the house Midget)

Play Units for the Severely Handicapped

Each year the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation awards, two scholarships to children of Pi Kappa Phi members. Congratulations to this past year's recipients of the award.

11 Person lel Management (Motivating the steward, the treasurer, the pledge trainer, etc.) Sociability (Living together in harmony with dozens of brothers) Loyalty (Accepting a brother because of his Pi Kappa Phi bond) Community (Devoting extra hours to assist others) Soon Pi Kappa Phi will also provide special practical experiences to help with a young man's career decision. No one can select a career for a student, but through Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity's alumni network of 30,000 men, we will be able to place young men in summer internships where they can realize at first hand the real life experience so greatly needed. The Wall Street Journal article cited above conducted a survey of students who experienced the real world through an internship. Here are a few quotes from the article: "Most come bearing little or no practical experience, an abundance of preconceptions and frequently, a wish to learn all there is to be taught. They leave, if not much richer, invariably wiser."

"Interns feel they learn valuable lessons from their summer work— lessons, they say, that can't be taught in a classroom. Some say their career choices have been aided by their summer duties; others say their eyes have been opened to the ways of the big organizations. And many say they were pleasantly surprised by their treatment at the hands of employers who, they had feared, would be impersonal taskmasters." "It's been the most worthwhile thing I've done since being in school." "I've gotten the other side of what they tell you in school. This is definitely an application of the theories you get in school. All they can really deal with in school is theory—you don't have a supervisor and a customer to please." If you would like more information on providing a career internship for a Pi Kappa Phi student, please contact: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity P. 0. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224

Valerie Shirelle Gibson

Valerie Shirelle Gibson. Valerie is the daughter of Henry E. Gibson, an alumnus of Zeta Chapter at Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC. The Gibsons live in Columbia, SC. Currently a student at the University of South Carolina, Valerie is majoring in Early Childhood Development. She plans to graduate in 1983 and find a job teaching on the elementary level.

NEWS James A. Parsons

Our national service project continues to grow in so many exciting new ways, even WE can't keep up

with it! This year's theme is "Take it to the Limit." We intend to do just that in our quest to give handi-

An 8 X 10 color version of this picture of Bobby Jones has been signed by Bobby and sent to all chapters in the President's Club this past year (chapters contributing $1,000 or more to Project

capped people the opportunity to learn, to play, to laugh, and the chance to live as normal a life as possible. Sit back and feel proud of your fraternity while I catch you up on what's happening'. As you may have already discovered, public service ads about Project P.U.S.H. are appearing in nationally published magazines. Look for them in Time, U. S. News & World Report, Newsweek, and Sports Illustrated. Pi Kappa Phi is the first fraternity to receive this type of national exposure. Sincere appreciation goes to Bill Loeffler (Rho Chapter - Washington & Lee), an advertising executive serving on the P.U.S.H. Board of Directors. Our goal this year is to design, construct, and place SIX P.U.S.H. units – three to be purchased by the receiving institutions, three to be given away. The first unit has already been purchased by the state of West Virginia. P.U.S.H. Designer Thomas Sayre has formed his own company, Clearscapes, Inc., which will utilize the expertise of architects and other professionals in the design, construction, and placement of P.U.S.H. units. P.U.S.H. has been issued a license to be a foster care service agency in the state of North Carolina. This involvement is at no cost to P.U.S.H. and enables us to assist in giving handicapped

James A. Parsons. Jim is an Engineering Physics student at the University of Illinois. He is an active member of the Upsilon Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi on that campus and plans to graduate in May 1982. Jim's father, John W.A. Parsons is an initiate of the Beta Zeta Chapter at Simpson College (now an inactive chapter) in Indianola, Iowa. Jim plans to continue his studies with graduate work in Engineering.

children a real home, where they can learn, play, and grow in a more personal environment. Through continued research and attendance at national symposiums, P.U.S.H. is establishing unprecedented credibility within the mental health field. We are rapidly becoming a leading authority in the area of educational and recreational environments for the handicapped. Now that's exciting! We need your help to continue our successful work with the handicapped. To accomplish the modest objectives of P.U.S.H. this year $117,500 is needed. We are depending on our chapters and corporate grants to contribute $115,000. Faith resides in friends and alumni of our fraternity to donate the difference. Will you help?


Mr. Pi Kappa Phi WHEREAS

Ben W. Covington, Jr. was initiated into Beta Chapter at Presbyterian College on February 12, 1930, thus having been a Pi Kappa Phi for over 51 years, and


He has admirably served Pi Kappa Phi as a Chapter Advisor and Area Governor, and


He also served the fraternity as a National Council member in the capacity of National Secretary, and he is serving Pi Kappa Phi and the entire fraternity world as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Interfraternity Conference for a second term, and


He is and has been responsible for nurturing member activity beyond the undergraduate ranks through his involvement and support of several alumni chapters, and


Brother Covington has given to the fraternity unselfish monetary support and lives as an example of true fraternalism by offering his home and concerns to many visiting members of Pi Kappa Phi, and


His devotion to Pi Kappa Phi is visible through his presence at many Supreme Chapters and Pi Kapp Colleges, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That Brother Ben W. Covington, Jr. be extended the fraternity's highest honor in deep appreciation for his past, present, and future involvement and devotion, and


He has gone to great lengths to make available the opportunity for his three sons to enjoy the fraternal experience of Pi Kappa Phi as alumni initiates.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi does hereby declare Ben W. Covington, Jr. is officially designated as Mr. Pi Kappa Phi for 1981.

Butts & Edwards inducted into Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame Our 40,000 Pi Kappa Phi initiates have engaged in varied professions. Blessed by all members in their levels of accomplishment, there are those who have excelled far beyond the norm and their achievements are recognized throughout the world. These men who have reached great heights have brought glory to our fraternity and at the 38th Supreme Chapter we recognized two of our most outstanding by inducting them into the PI KAPPA PHI HALL OF FAME. James Wallace Butts, better known as Wally, was initiated into Alpha Alpha Chapter at Mercer University on January 21, 1925. Following his graduation from Mercer in 1928, Brother Butts held various coaching positions until he joined the University of Georgia's staff in 1938 as an assistant coach and in 1939 became head coach for the Georgia

Bulldogs, a position he held for 22 years. During that period, Brother Butts led his teams to four Southeastern Conference Championships, two Orange Bowl victories, and victories in both the Rose and Sugar Bowls. Also, he was chosen to coach nine All Star Games with only one loss. Brother Wally Butts, though he has joined the Chapter Eternal, will live on, not only for his accomplishments, but also for his belief in devotion to duty and refusal to accept less than full effort. Our second inductee is contemporary and one of our nation's leaders. In 1972 he chose to put aside his dental practice to serve in the South Carolina State Senate. In 1975 he was elected as Governor of South Carolina and is noteworthy for his creation of the South Carolina Energy Research Institute, chairing the Na-

James Wallace Butts

James Burrows Edwards

tional Governor's Association Subcommittee on Nuclear Energy and the Southern Governors' Conference. In December of 1980 President Reagan chose him for a cabinet position as Secretary of Energy. A position he holds today. We proudly admit Brother James Burrows Edwards, the United States Secretary of Energy, to the PI

KAPPA PHI HALL OF FAME. These names represent men of our fraternity who have excelled to the highest degree in their chosen fields of endeavor, and thus have brought honor and distinction to us, as well as to themselves. They are men of courage and honor, and their names shall always remain with us in the years to come.


Be assured--

37th SUPREME CHAPTER Charleston

38th SUPREME CHAPTER Philadelphia

Thomas Wolfe — Author — Kappa - Univ. of North Carolina

Wallace Butts — Football Great — Alpha Alpha - Mercer University

Joe Sewell — Baseball Great — Omicron - University of Alabama

James Edwards - U.S. Secretary of Energy — Alpha - College of Charleston




s2/ .. $ $25


El ST7 CiFTZ,77,0T7,; ' ' 1,',7. El Other $ Please make your voluntary check Payable to Pi Kappa Phi and return With this card in envelope provided

You are important. Do it now!

Howard Baker -- U.S. Senate Majority Leader — Alpha Sigma - Univ. of Tennessee



Pledging strong this year! Many chapters are reporting strong pledging efforts this fall. For several chapters, including Beta, Lambda, and Alpha Iota, this represents a significant turnaround on previous , trends. Congratulations on a great effort to:



Alpha-Charleston Beta-Presbyterian Gamma-Cal-Berkeley Iota-Georgia Tech Lambda-Georgia Omicron-Alabama Psi-Cornell Alpha Epsilon-Florida Alpha Eta-Samford Alpha Iota-Auburn Beta Delta-Drake Beta Tau-Valdosta Beta Phi-E. Carolina Gamma Alpha-Livingston Gamma Gamma-Troy Gamma Xi-Georgia SW Gamma Rho-Lander Delta Epsilon-Jacksonville Delta Lambda-UNC-Charlotte. .

20 21 23 23 24 20 25 32 28 25 27 33 21 23 33 21 20 22 20

Beta Chapter to celebrate 75th

Members and associate members of Beta Chapter - Presbyterian College gather outside the Administrative Office. The chapter visited Charlotte to give their new members a tour of the office and to discuss the progress the chapter had made this year. Chapters are always welcome to visit their fraternity's Administrative Office and several have this fall including Xi - Roanoke, Delta Phi - Radford, and Epsilon Lambda - USC Spartanburg.

Spring Charterings Four Pi Kappa Phi colonies are scheduled for chartering in the spring of 1982. If all goes well, come the end of this school year, we will welcome the University of Kansas, Sacramento State University, Bradley University

(Peoria, Illinois) and the University of Delaware as our newest chapters. Best of luck to these colonies as they finalize their chartering requirements.

Pi Kapp Expansion Growth for Pi Kappa Phi is assured!

Two new colonies have been formed for Pi Kappa Phi this fall. LaSalle College of Philadelphia now has a group of future Pi Kappa. Staff member Mike O'Donnell led an enthusiastic group of twenty-three men through the initial steps of colonization. At anther location, the University of

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity's Beta Chapter at Presbyterian College will celebrate its 75 years of Brotherhood on March 5 - 6, 1982. To celebrate the 1907 founding of the fraternity's second chapter, a banquet, model initiation and many other activities are being planned. Interested alumni should contact the chapter at Box 847, Presbyterian College, Clinton,SC 29325.

Louisville in Kentucky, Chapter Consultant Clay Edmonds has laid the foundations for the successful reactivation of the Beta Gamma Chapter which went inactive in 1966. May these new colonies find Pi Kappa Phi to be an invaluable and enjoyable complement to their college activities.

Pi Kapp Items... New Administrative Office Flagpole dedicated The newest addition to the Administrative Office is a beautiful 25 foot flagpole amidst a bed of red roses. We can now proudly fly our country's and fraternity's colors. On October 10, 1981, the National Council took a break from their meetings to dedicate the flagpole to "Pi Kappa everywhere" and to thank Ben W. Covington, III (Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, 1981) for this most visible contribution to our National Headquarters.

Dedicating the new flagpole are National President Lonnie Strickland (right) and Ben W. Covington, Ill, Beta - Presbyterian. There is a beautiful redwood plaque beneath the flagpole which reads:

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity December 10, 1904 College of Charleston "It is to those men who came after us and are continuing to come in an unbroken stream that we owe our wonderful Pi Kappa Phi." L. Harry Mixon Dedicated to Pi Kapps Everywhere by a gift of the Covington Brothers Alpha 312, Beta 112, Beta 516 and Iota 760

Even the excitment of Supreme Chapter doesn't disturb this future Pi Kapp. Robert Covington is the son of Maury Covington Beta.

1983 Supreme Chapter to be in Mobile, Alabama The National Council has selected Mobile, Alabama, as the site for the 39th Supreme Chapter. Mobile was one of three locations under consideration for the next gathering. They earned the convention due to the strength of their alumni planning committee and because of conflicts in the other locations, Chicago and Atlanta.

A very special thank you to photographer Tim Ribar for his comprehensive coverage and "same day" slide presentations at Supreme Chapter (shown here adjusting his camera in his temporary workshop). His own business, Tim Ribar Photography, is located in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The Star and Lamp (ISSN 0038-9854) PI KAPPA PHI P. 0. Box 240526 Charlotte, N. C. 28224

The 38th Supreme Chapter in Philadelphia was surely one of the more memorable convention weeks in our Fraternity's history. Who can forget the opening night party at the Alpha Upsilon Chapter house, Ed King's ritual presentation, the Sunday night banquet with the local "Mums" entertaining amidst some wild dancing, the picnic at Valley Forge Park, the trip to Atlantic City, our beautiful and gracious Rose Queen Susan Payne, and the long but productive meetings of the National Council, Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, Pi Kappa Phi Properties, the Area Governors, AND the Supreme Chapter itself. Yes, it was a good Supreme Chapter. Many important legislative acts were passed on the convention floor. But perhaps one piece of legislation will have the most far-reaching impact and stand out as a landmark for our fraternity in future years. During the fourth session of Supreme Chapter on August 18, the delegates adopted the bell as the official outward symbol and identity of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. A bell as a symbol for our fraternity — a new concept, but a concept with many sound virtues. Consider the following: (1) At least nine chapters of Pi Kappa Phi had a bell on their house premises prior to the Supreme Chapter action — but its use and symbolism varied. (2) The bell already has symbolism: (a) It has religious meaning. Bells are associated with churches and usually ring to call the congregation together. (b) It has a patriotic meaning. The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is a symbol of our country's struggle for freedom. Both of these existing symbolic associations for the bell are RESPECTED — the bell is a

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The bell tolls for Pi Kappa Phi

symbol of which one can be proud. (3) A natural response to the ringing of a bell is for people to gather (as in the ringing of a church bell) — a very strong fraternal concept. (4) The bell is a very pleasing musical instrument. It appeals to three of the five senses — touch, sight, AND sound. (5) No other fraternity or sorority exhibits a bell as the main symbol of their organization. As the symbol of our fraternity, the bell will be exhibited on the grounds of our many houses across the nation. Our chapters will come to identify with the bell, just as the campus and community will come to identify the bell with Pi Kappa Phi. The bell will be our IDENTITY — a source of pride. Chapters are now encouraged to purchase and display a bell at their respective chapter houses. As of yet, no significance has been attached to the bell, but an Ad Hoc Committee has been appointed by the National Council to develop this symbol for further action by the Supreme Chapter of 1983. The Committee is chaired by Bert Luer, Florida, 3222 Old Oak Drive, Sarasota, FL 33579. Serving with him are Glenn Mc Connell, Charleston; J. R. Withers, Belmont Abbey; Wayne Buffington, Georgia Southern; and Maury Covington, Presbyterian. For Whom the Bell Tolls — these words were made famous by Ernest Hemingway. Now these words have a new meaning. The Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity . . . For Whom the Bell Tolls. The author of this article, Bert Luer, is an initiate of the Alpha Epsilon Chapter and a former staff member for the fraternity. He has been instrumental in the development of the "Bell" as our new symbol.

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