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University of North Carolina at Charlotte Delta Lambda Chapter ,



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Two who have served their fraternity well This letter was recently received from Bill Ojile of the Delta Gamma Chapter University of Nebraska-Omaha: BROTHERS: I would like to take this opportunity to share a story with you which I feel symbblizes the meaning of Fraternity. At the end of April, while I was concluding my studies for the C.P.A. exam and when my summer job outlook was very dim, I received a message that Travis Julian had called from Chicago. Travis and I had never met, but I knew of him from recent Supreme Chapters. When I called him back, he stated he was given my name by the Administrative Office, and that he needed one or two men for a marketing program his company, JMB Property Management, was establishing in Omaha. JMB owns three of four buildings in Mid-America Plaza, an office complex that was about 85% leased; the marketing program was an attempt to stimulate interest in leasing space at MAP. He hired me on the spot when he learned I would be interested and available for the summer. The experience has been one of the most rewarding of my life. I worked with Jim Rudloff, another fraternity brother who was hired, on a number of exciting projects. We were to first of all conduct a market survey of the Greater Omaha office space market. The survey proved to be one of the inost comprehensive ever conducted in Omaha; we received coverage in area newspapers, as well as exposure to most of the real estate community. The second phase of our summer's work involved the identification of prospective lessees for the Mid-America Plaza office complex, and turning that information over to the JMB representative who was working with us. The experience was most ed-

ucational; we were able to work with corporate executives and learn firsthand a variety of leasing and marketing techniques. The experience emphasizes two points very strongly. First of all, if you are active within your chapter and visibly an asset to that chapter, the staff of the Administrative Office takes note of that. When opportunities such as this arise, it is the active participants who are contacted and given first opportunity. Secondly, if you hire a fraternity member there are intrinsic factors which will ensure a 100% effort. I felt a responsibility to Travis to do the best job possible, because he hired me solely on the fact I was his fraternity brother; also, I felt a responsibility to my chapter and university, because I was representing them to an outside entity, and that my performance would reflect on both, either positively or negatively. I wanted to relate this experience to you in the hope that fraternity brothers in the job market would look to hire other brothers. The relating of my experience hopefully illustrates that when you hire a Pi Kapp, you are getting a real worker! Fraternally, William M. Ojile, Jr. Delta Gamma Chapter, UNO

Thank you, Travis, for your special consideration to Pi Kappa Phi. In another part of the country, another person has contributed to Pi Kappa

Phi in a very special way: The northeast part of the country has not been known for aggressive Pi Kappa Phi expansion . . . until recently! Suddenly, we have new chapters and expansion locations developing all around Philadelphia. Why the sudden growth? Well, it started just over a year ago. Rick Bohner, an alumnus of Omega Chapter - Purdue University, Class of'76,

Grace Franklin Queen of the Pi Kapp Kitchen Mrs. Grace Franklin is a unique individual in Pi Kappa Phi, and indeed, in the whole fraternity world. The following story relates her twenty-five years of service to the Kappa Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at the University of North Carolina. On September 17, 1982, Kappa Chapter gathered to honor Mrs. Grace. Through the efforts of Kappa Chapter alumni and students, she was presented with 25 roses and $2,500 for her dedicated service. She is the rallying point, the common thread that binds together twenty-five years of brotherhood at the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity house at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is the five foot, five inch ladychef who proudly keeps her kitchen as a captain would oversee his ship. And, she is one of the best friends Kappa Chapter has ever had. She is Grace Franklin, the queen of the Pi Kapp kitchen. On Friday, September 17, 1982, Grace celebrated her twenty-fifth anniversary as the cook at the Pi Kapp house. During those 25 years, Grace has survived fire raging through the house, satisfied hundreds of Carolina's heartiest appetites, and patiently endured some 50 pledge classes as they slowly developed into full-fledged brothers.

Mrs. Grace at home in her kitchen.

Grace never bore a child. But, she has more "boys" than UNC Coach Dean Smith has basketball victories. "God didn't bless me with any children," Grace said. "But, he did bless me with an awful lot of white children. They call me from California, Florida, Charlotte, from all over. I've got their business cards and pictures of their families on the cabinets of the kitchen. And, I love to see my boys when they come home to visit me. "I love every one of my boys. I don't forget none of their faces. I might not be able to call all their names, but I never


lay SUMMER 1982

Delta Lambda - Backyard chapter to the administrative office Being only twenty minutes from the Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Office, the Delta Lambda Chapter at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte could be called our "backyard" chapter. For some strange reason a successful "backyard" chapter for other national fraternities is a rarity. But happily for Pi Kappa Phi, Delta Lambda is one of our finest chapters and certainly one of the best "backyard" chapters in the fraternity world. Delta Lambda is going into its 10th year as a chapter having initiated an average of 26 new brothers each year, a fine record for such a young chapter. Sixty-six brothers have joined the chapter in the last two years alone and the growth continues with the most recent associate member class of 28 men. Now with a total membership of 85 brothers and associate members (pictured on the cover), Delta Lambda has proven themselves as a force on their campus with a broad cross section of campus leaders, athletes, and scholars. In addition to strength in numbers,

called Durward Owen and said he was interested in getting more involved with Pi Kappa Phi, possibly helping to create a new chapter. Rick was living and working (Rick is a supervisor for Smith Kline & French Laboratories) in the Philadelphia area and at that particular moment, the fraternity didn't have any specific plans for the area. Durward said he would keep Rick in mind (you can bet your Pi Kappa Phi pin he would keep Rick in mind!), but in the meantime suggested to Rick that he might "explore" some of the area colleges to see if expansion there was a possibility. Well, time went by, but not much time, before Rick's persistence had found

forget their faces." What has Grace Franklin meant to Kappa Chapter? Ask any of her "boys" and they will deliver a personalized answer, similar perhaps to the response of David N. Allen of Charlotte, Class of 1977. "Mrs. Grace has been a symbol of continuity for Kappa Chapter, in the sense of our brotherhood and her caring for all her boys," Allen said. " She still remembers those brothers who graduated twenty-five years ago as well as those who have just graduated. She always has a smile for you, and remembers enough about you to let you know that she cares about you. We couldn't ask for a finer friend than Mrs. Grace. When the house was damaged by fire in 1976, she was a real godsend, sticking with us and working extra hard for the brothers," he said. While Grace has spent the past twentyfive years with Kappa Chapter, her entire life reflects her dedication to being a dependable, hard worker. Mary Ann Elizabeth Grace Webb was born in Durham County on March 9, 1912. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Webb, Grace had one brother and four sisters. When her parents separated in 1924, her mother moved the family to Chapel Hill. Grace began waiting on tables at Miss Daniels' Boarding House in Chapel Hill at age 12, to help her mother support her family. "I was born on a Saturday and they say that Saturday's child has to work

strength in their chapter's operation is also apparent. They have earned the Champion Master Chapter Award for the past two years and have been well represented at recent national events. A strong leadership keeps the chapter busy in numerous activities, including a comprehensive social calendar, busy intramural schedule, and special events such as their successful Parents' Day, or fundraising efforts for P.U.S.H. (last year they raised $1,200 for P.U.S.H.). An excellent rapport has developed between the Delta Lambda Chapter and the Administrative Office. Rarely a day goes by when someone from the chapter doesn't stop by the office for some reason and maybe this has helped maintain the success of the group. But the real credit for Delta Lambda's success must go to the leaders of the chapter over the last few years who have guided the chapter well, and have successfully replaced themselves with well-trained new leaders who maintain the chapter's reputation for success. IIK4)

an "open door" for Pi Kappa Phi to come on the LaSalle College campus. It wasn't long before the combined efforts of Rick and the Administrative Office staff had a forty-man colony established and functioning. Rick maintained close contact with this group as their Chapter Advisor and worked with them to reach chartering in just five quick months, a remarkably short time for a colony to reach chapter status. While working with the LaSalle group Rick did a little more "scouting around" and found another expansion possibility. Perhaps Rick wanted something a little closer to home because he chose Villa(continued on page 2)

hard for a living," Grace said. "Well, since I have been big enough to know how to work, I have been working. But, I have always wanted to work, to have my own money and be my own boss." Some of the school teachers in Chapel Hill would eat at the boarding house and Grace would listen and learn from them. She completed the ninth grade before leaving school to work full-time . . . at age 14. On June 9, 1939, Grace married Lee D. Franklin, a traveling plasterer. His work carried them to Newport News, VA, and Jacksonville, NC, before they made their home at 1103 Mulberry Street in Baltimore, MD. For the next six years, Lee traveled doing plastering work and Grace worked in Gibb's Packing House in Baltimore, putting cans of food on an assembly line chute. Grace and Lee returned to Chapel Hill in 1948, and she remodeled her family home at 321 Lindsay Street, where she lives today. While her husband continued to travel with his work, Grace could be found making sandwiches from 4 a.m. to 9 a.m. for a sandwich shop in Carrboro. Grace entered the Pi Kappa Phi family in 1957, when she heard the Pi Kapps needed a cook. She wasn't sure if a man or woman was needed for the job, but the house's dishwasher, Roy "Shorty" Jones, encouraged her to apply. "I went out to the house in April of 1957 to ask about the job," she said. "I was little and thin back then, and they (continued on page 3)


ThE star am!PPP

P. 0. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 Founded at the College of Charleston, SC December 10,1904

Simon Fogarty

-FOUNDERSAndrew A. Kroeg, Jr. L. Harry Mixson

The Star and Lamp An Educational Publication 1982 Vol. LXVIII No. 3 Durward W. Owen Steven W. Smith Tim Ribar

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Official Photographer

Changes in address should be reported promptly to the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Telephone Number (704) 523-6000. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI (ISSN 0038-9854) is published quarterly by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 in the months of February, May, August, and November. The Life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC.

DIRECTORY PI KAPPA PHI P. O. Box 240526 7111 Nations Ford Road Charlotte, N.C. 28224 Charlotte, N.C. 28210 Founded at the College of Charleston, S.C.- December 10, 1904 - FOUNDERSSIMON FOGARTY NATIONAL COUNCIL


President - A. J. Strickland, Ill Box 4555 University, AL 35486

Trust Investment - John Casper P. 0. Box 59-2037 AMP Miami, FL 33159 Education - Dr. Warren Robb 1812 Cedar Elm West Arlington, TX 76012

Vice.Prasident - David Jaf fee 738 St. Andrews Boulevard, Charleston,SC 29407

Ritual & Insignia - Glenn McConnell 27 Bainbridge Drive Charleston, SC 27407

Treasurer - John Casper P. 0. Box 59.2037 AMP Miami, FL 33159

Pi Kapp College a huge success! ... Over 300 student leaders, alumni advisors, and fraternity officials met at Roanoke College for the finest Pi Kapp College ever! A complete review of the event will be in the next Star and Lamp. Annual Alumni Voluntary Dues are in the mail ... Alumni support to Pi Kappa Phi is so important and so appreciated. As we thank last year's givers in this issue of the Star and Lamp, please remember to support your fraternity in the current Voluntary Dues campaign. Be a part of the great progress Pi Kappa Phi has made as a National Fraternity. The Bell Committee was warmly received at Pi Kapp College. .. As they made their report and recommendations on implementing the bell as our national symbol. The committee urged chapters to find bells for their own use. Other developments being developed is a prototype bell for use within the chapters and also a bell logo for use on letterhead, the Journal, and other items. The committee proposed some interesting ideas which would incorporate the bell into the ritual of initiation. Look for more bell information coming your way and contact Bell Committee Chairman Bert Luer with your comments: Bert's address, 2220 SW 34th Street, Apartment 327, Gainesville, FL 32608. Phone(904) 373-2434. 11K413

Just in! Congratulations to Omicron Chapter, University of Alabama, on an outstanding pledge class of 44 men. What a great way to start out the year!

Two (continued from page 1) nova University for his next project, only ten minutes from his home instead of the forty-five minutes it took to get to LaSalle (or more depending on the Philadelphia traffic!). With Villanova, things happened rapidly. Rick developed a positive relationship with school officials and Pi Kappa Phi was invited to do a recruitment mailing to eligible students. An incredible colony of sixty men was established. No, Rick didn't do this all by himself, but he has been an important cornmunicative link between the Administrative Office and the chapter. His constant attention to these young groups has been the critical factor in their ultimate success. Villanova is scheduled for chartering in December, and it appears that they will become an excellent addition to the Pi Kappa Phi family. And another notch on Rick Bohner's belt! Why all this active interest in fraternity from this transplanted midwesterner? Rick related, "I have always had fond memories of my time at Omega Chapter and felt it was an important time in my life. I want to return to the fraternity some of that experience which I was so fortunate to receive, by sharing it with these new groups. It seemed like a perfectly natural thing for me to do for my fraternity. And still, I have had a great time doing it. It has been very satisfying." Whatever it is that moves you, Rick, your fraternity appreciates it, and we wish we could bottle it and ship it to other underdeveloped areas. Appreciation would not be complete

Nominating Committee - Phil Tappy 4800 Rockview Ct. Charlotte, NC 28211

Secretary - Will,,,,, L. Finney 1989 Cordes Road Germantown, TN 38138


In appreciation for her support, the Administrative Office presented a sweetheart pin and roses to Nancy Bohner, wife of active alumnus Rick Bohner. Pictured are (from left) Glenn Aspinwall (Chapter Consultant), Rick, Nancy, and Glenn Dickson (Chapter Consultant).

without mention of Rick's lovely wife Nancy. On no less than forty nights last year, Nancy and Rick served as hosts to Administrative Office staff. Not only does this represent a real savings in dollars to the fraternity, but the value of a "real home" atmosphere to road-weary chapter consultants is priceless. Thanks, Nancy, for your home and for Rick's time. Rick's contribution to Pi Kappa Phi is already marked in the history books and his spirit of fraternity is refreshing to all who come in contact with him. And while we say these things, Rick has been exploring other potential Pi Kappa Phi locations. Places like St. Josephs, Princeton, Bucknell, and others. Pi Kappa Phi is a great and growing fraternity. And it's people like Rick Bohner who make it so! Thanks, Rick! 11K4


Alumni - Walter Sheppard 29 Ridgeway Street Mt. Holly, NJ 08060

Chaplain - P. Wayne Buffington Route 3, The Settlers, Apt.8 Clinton, SC 29325

Future Policy - Dr. John Means William Penn Annex, Box 1936 Philadelphia, PA 19105

Chancellor - Judge James Turk Box 611 Radford, VA 24141 Mernberrat•Large - William Ewald P. 0. Box 866, American City Bldg. Columbia, MD 21044

Expansion - Henry Groves 500 N. Highland Memphis, TN 38122 Bell Committee - Bert Luer 2220 SW 34th St., Apt. 327 Gainesville, FL 32608 Project PUSH.- Robert F. Inman 3920 Braxton Drive Charlotte, NC 28211


AREA GOVERNORS Arca: I. Richard Flora, 1305 Jefferson Ave. Apt. 4, Clifton Forge. VA 24422 II. Jerry T. Brewer,922 Texas St., Columbia, SC 29201 III. Ronald J. deValinger. 301 Wildvvood Cede, Americus, GA 31709 IV Jeffrey A. Wrisley, 1600 Packard, Apt. A•3, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 V Harry E. Caldwell, P. 0. Box 20608 Birmingham, AL 35216 VI Herndon S. Hasty,9420 Moody Park, Overland Park, KS 66212 VII Stoves. Miller, 7947 Grow Lane No. 197, Houston, TX 77040 VIII Frank M. Parrish, 7742 S. Harrison Circle, Littleton, CO 80122 IX. Jack Austin,545 N. Tomahawk Island Dr., Portland, OR 97217 X. Sonny 013robinak, 1790 Dewey Street, San Mateo, CA 94402

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Executive Director - Durward W. Owen Executive Vice.Presidant Properties - J. Ernest Johnson Director of Development • Foundation - Michael L. O'Donnell Director of Communications - Steven W. Smith Chapter Consultants - Glenn Aspinwall, Glenn A. Dickson, L. Clay Edmonds, George Davidson

Area GovernorsCouncil - Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. P. 0. Box 20608 Birmingham, AL 35216 Alabama Appalachian State Armstrong State Auburn Auburn at Montgomery Augusta Belmont Abbey Bowling Green State Bradley California•Berkeley Cal State • Sacramento Central Arkansas Charleston Clinch Valley Cornell Drake Drexel East Carolina East Tennessee East Texas Elon Florida Florida Southern Florida State Georgia Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia State Georgia Tech Grand Valley Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Iowa State Jacksonville State James Madison Kansas State LaGrange Lander LaSalle Livingston Longwood McNeese Memphis State Mercer Michigan State Missouri-Columbia Missouri.Rolla Montevallo Morehead Nebraska.0maha NJIT Nicholls State N. Alabama North Carolina North Carolina.0 North Carolina-G North Carolina.W North Carolina State N.E. Missouri North Georgia Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Penn State Pittsburgh PINY Presbyterian Purdue Radford Rensselaer Roanoke Samford Seton Hall Stetson South Alabama South Carolina SC.Spartanburg Southern California Southern Tech Tarnpa Tennessee Tennessee Wesleyan Texas A & M Texas.Arlington Toledo Troy State Valdosta State Virginia VPI Washington & Lee Western Carolina Western Kentucky West Virginia Tech West Virginia Univ Winthrop Wofford Wright State

Omicron Delta Zeta Gamma Sigma Alpha Iota Epsilon Peke Gamma Psi Gamma Mu Delta Sigma Epsilon Mu Gamma Epsilon No Epsilon Zeta Alpha Epsilon Epsilon Psi Beta Delta Alpha Upsilon Beta Phi Beta Omega Beta Chi Epsilon Alpha Alpha Epsilon Beta Beta Beta Eta Lambda Gamma Kappa Gamma Xi Beta Kappa Iota Epsilon Beta Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Alpha Omicron Delta Epsilon Delta Tau Delta Chi Gamma No Gamma Rho Epsilon Xi Gamma Alpha Epsilon Gamma Beta Mu Gamma Delta Alpha Alpha Alpha Theta Beta Epsilon Gamma Lambda Gamma Omega Delta Eta Delta Gamma Beta Alpha Delta Omicron Delta Xi Kappa Delta Lambda Epsilon Iota Gamma Theta Tau Delta Delta Delta Beta Alpha Gamma Gamma Upsilon Gamma Beta Alpha Zeta Alpha Mu Delta Upsilon Alpha Xi Beta Omega Delta Phi Alpha Tau Xi Alpha Eta Epsilon Theta Chi Gamma Phi Sigma Epsilon Lambda Delta Rho Epsilon Kappa Beta Lambda Alpha Sigma Beta Psi Delta Omega Delta Psi Beta Iota Gamma Gamma Beta Tau Beta Upsilon Delta Alpha Rho Gamma Epsilon Delta Nu Gamma Zeta Alpha Rho Epsilon Eta Zeta Delta Pi

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Univ. of Delaware Frostburg State Furman George Washington Univ. of Kansas Univ. of Louisville Methodist College Univ. of Mississippi Univ. of Oregon Univ. of San Francisco Villanova




Ill Ill Ill IV IV IV IV VI




312 University Ave., TUSCJIMOSS, AL 35401 Box 8991, Workman Hell, Boone, NC 28608 P. 0. Box 14575,Savannah, GA 31406 255 S. College St., Auburn, AL 36830 c/o Auburn at Montgomery, Montgomery, AL 36193 c/o Dir. of Student Affairs, 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904 Belmont Abbey, Belmont, NC 28012 do Greek Life, 425 Student Services Bldg., Bowling Green, OH 43403 1314 N. Elmwood, Peoria, IL 61606 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 P. 0. Box 255826, Sacramento, CA 95825 Box 504, Univ. of Central Ark., Conway, AR 72032 Box 1826, Stern Student Center, Charleston, SC 29401 Box 140, CVC, Woe, VA 24293 722 University Ave., Ithaca, NY 14850 1236 34th Street, Des Moinm, IA 50311 3405 Powelton AVellUe, Philadelphia, PA 19104 803 Hooker Road, Greenville, NC 27834 519 W. Pine, Johnson City, TN 37601 East Commerce Sta., Box W,Commerce TX 75428 c/o Mark A. Brammer, Archon, Box 5107, First St., Gibsonville, NC 27249 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 Box 4861, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL 33802 423 W. College Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301 930 Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30609 Landrum Center, Box 12343, Statesboro, GA 30468 321 Barlow Street, Americus, GA 31709 P. 0. Box 707, Ga. State Univ., Univ. Plara, GA 30303 G.T. Box 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 P. 0. Box 272, Allendale, MI 49401 306 E. Gregory, Champaign, IL 61820 3333 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 60616 723 E. 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47401 407 Welch Ave., Ames, IA 50010 204 W. College Street, Jacksonville, AL 313205 P. O. Box 4173, James Madison Univ., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 1716 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS 66502 LaGrange College, LaGrange, GA 30240 P. 0. Box 6191, Lander College, Greenwood, SC 29646 Room 103, Albert Hall, Box 5150, LaSalle College, Philadelphia, PA 19141 Box M, Livingston, AL 35470 Longwood College, Box 1140, Farrnville, VA 23901 McNees° Univ., Box 708, Lake Charles, LA 70609 3841 Spottswood Ave., Memphis, TN 38111 P. 0. Box 112, Mercer University, Macon, GA 31207 121 Whitehills Dr., E. Lansing, MI 18823 912 Providence, Columbia, MO 65201 1704 Pine, Rolla, MO 65401 Drawer K, Univ. of Montevallo, Montevallo, AL 35115 Box 1247, Univ. P.O., Morehead, KY 40351 c/o Michael Cherney, 11659 Douglas, Omaha, NE 68154 249 High Street, Newark, NJ 07102 Box 1233, Nicholls State Univ., Thibodaux, LA 70301 00k 5595, Univ. of N. Alabama, Florence, AL 35630 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 University Center, UNC•C, Charlotte, NC 28223 Box 5605, Tate St. Station, Greensboro, NC 27403 14-A Columbia Street, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28408 2401 W. Fraternity Ct., Raleigh, NC 27607 P. 0. Box 562, Kirksville, MO 63501 Box 5165, N. Georgia College, Dahlonega, GA 30533 1714 Chautauqua, Norman, OK 73069 703 University, Stillwater, OK 74074 1308 Hampton Road, Norfolk, VA 23517 2111 Harrison, Corvallis, OR 97330 409 E. Fairmont, State College, PA 16801 316 • C Semple Street, Oakland, PA 15213 do PINY. Box 631,333 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC 29325 330 N. Grant St., W. Lafayette, IN 47906 815 Tyler Avenue, Radford, VA 24141 49 2nd Street, Troy, NY 12180 Box 168, Salem, VA 24153 Box 2474, Samford Univ., Birmingham, AL 35209 B. Dougherty Student Ctr., 400 S. Orange Ave., S. Orange, NJ 07079 1241 Stetson, DeLand, FL 32720 P. 0. Box U-1208, Univ. of S. Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688 USC, Box 85111, Columbia, SC 29225 c/o Student Affairs Office, Univ. SC-Spartanburg, Spartanburg, SC 29303 668 W. 28th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007 1112 Clay Street, Marietta, GA 30060 401 W. Kennedy Boulevard, Univ. of Tampa, Box 2786, Tampa, FL 33606 1828 Fraternity Park, Knoxville, TN 37916 P. O. Box 322, Tennessee Wesleyan, Athens, TN 37303 807 A Navarro, College Station, TX 77840 c/o Mark Jacobs, 305 Lampe Street, Apt. A, Arlington, TX 76010 c/o Rick King 4616 286th St., Toledo, OH 43611 610 N. Three Notch Sr., Troy, AL 36081 Box 89, Valdosta State College, Valdosta, GA 31698 510 Rugby Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 1101 Redbud Road, Blacksburg, VA 24060 Lock Drawer 903, Lexington, VA 24450 P. 0. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 Box 30, Western Kentucky Univ., Bowling Green, KY 42101 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, WV 25136 c/o Pat Farley, 989 Maple Drive, Lot 1, Morgantown, WV 26505 P. 0. Box 5030, W.C.S., Rock Hill, SC 29733 Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC 29301 c/o Bob Johnston,4901 Far Hills Or., Apt B.2, Kettering, OH 45429

Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE 19711 Box 66, Lane College Center, Frostburg, MD 21532 1300 28444, Furman Univ., Greenville, SC 29613 c/o Michael J. Balian, 192011 16th St., NW, Washington, DC 20009 P. 0. Box 2184, Lawrence, KS 66045 Student Center, Room 12, Univ. of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 c/o Dr. Fred Reardon, Business & Economics Dept., Feyetteville, NC 28301 P. 0. Box 185, University, MS 38677 c/o Tim Jones, Walton Hell • DoCou 306, Box 69250, Eugene, OR 97403 c/o Lee Priest, 338 Templeton Ave., Daly City, CA 94074 c/a Brendan Dalton, Archon, P. 0. Box 2773, Villanova, PA 19085

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Ronald Krebs, Chairman 120 South Central Avenue St. Louis. Missouri 63105

Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc.

.4=50C . 7,



David Lane, President Lewis, Mitchell & Moore 8320 Old Courthouse Road Vienna, VA 22180


Philip Booth Metropolitan Opera Star

Booth, Rho Chapter - Washington & Lee, in the courtyard of the Metropolitan Opera.

Philip Booth in the opera "Esclarmonde."

around a little with the clarinet, but mainly he was a listener. Music was after all for dreaming. After graduating with an undistinguished record from St. Albans in Washington, D.C., Booth arrived at Washington and Lee. He had scored a perfect 800 in the verbal section of his college boards yet had never made an A in an English course. The major Ivy League schools would have nothing to do with him. An 800 on his college boards. Washington

The following is reprinted from the "Alumni Magazine of Washington and Lee University." Article by Robert Fure. For most of his young life, Philip Booth, '64, was a classic underachiever. An exceptionally bright but lazy student, he seemed, due to an unfortunate dreaminess, unable to concentrate on his studies. His only compelling interest lay with classical music. Yet there also the feeling was rather passive. He did play

Grace Franklin (continued from page 1)

Mrs. Grace Franklin stands among her many Kappa Chapter friends who gathered to honor her twenty-five years of service.

looked at me and said they didn't think I could do it. They asked me if I could cook, plan meals, buy the food, and take over the kitchen. I didn't know if I could or not, but I told them I could." She cooked trial meals for the last week of school, and she laughs when she remembers her first meal in the house. "I cooked them meat loaf, string beans, and a cherry cobbler pie," she said. "After I served them that meat loaf, I came home and prayed all night

that it wouldn't kill them. It didn't and at the end of the week they told me I had the job." When Grace began as cook on September 17, 1957, the fraternity was located at 206 Cameron Avenue and there were only ten members. Those brothers were struggling to keep the house open and they immediately looked to Grace for help. "When I started to work here, the health man was about to close the house

and Lee Dean Frank Gilliam practically sent a taxi for him. Yet at W&L Booth's academic achievements remained capricious at best. He ran afoul of the cut regulations and "lost" three courses. From his first moment on campus, he seemed to himself the odd man out. The son of Northern liberal activists, he felt hopelessly misplaced in what he saw as a "Southern conservative bastion of, fraternity life." It was a condition that seemed to go with his appearance: an awkwardly tall, fair young man with a who-am-I-andwhat-am-I-doing-here expression on his face. An early effort to transfer out failed. Unable to abandon academics entirely, however, Booth resigned himself to his circumstances, settled down to the motions of college life, and pledged the Rho Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Booth had long been a fan of choral music, having spent a good part of his youth as a $5-a-month choir boy at a Washington Episcopal church. The pay wasn't as good at W&L, but Booth needed to do something that absorbed him, so he joined the Glee Club. He recalls that the group's performance, of Bruckner's "Te Deum," changed his life. Booth threw himself into music like nothing before. "I became pretty intense about choral music, probably to the point of being obnoxious. The Glee Club was all I had, and I went at it with a vengeance." Even as a student, Booth owned a bass voice of gorgeous depth and amplitude. But it remained essentially untrained, for at the time no one taught voice at W&L. Seeking some sort of professional future, he turned to the English department. He thought he might like to be an English professor — one couldn't make a living as a singer. In order to prepare himself for graduate study in English, he crammed seven literature courses into his senior year, earning an A in each one. In the waning moments of his undergraduate career, Booth made up a few botched credits here and there, earned acceptance in the highly selective University of Rochester graduate program in English and, to his utter surprise, won the John Graham Award for distinguished achievement in fine arts. As long as he didn't think about it, he was ready to fly. English graduate study didn't work out. Once again he found himself drifting, "totally at sea." And once again he turned to music for refuge. At the auditions for the Rochester Oratorio Society, his rendition of an aria from Bach's Fourth Cantata, which he remembered from his W&L Glee Club days, over-

down," she said. "Three weeks after I started, he was coming here to close it up. But he thought I did such a good job cleaning that he let it stay." The chapter has increased its membership over the years, now boasting an annual roster of about seventy brothers. Almost half of the members live in the house, located at 216 Finley Road. A typical dinner meal finds Grace cooking for fifty or sixty members. One of Grace's best kept secrets during the past twenty-five years is her true feelings toward cooking. "I don't like to cook," she said. "I hate to cook. Now, don't tell my boys that or they will think about getting rid of me. I don't enjoy cooking, but when it comes to cleaning, doing macrame, or working in the yard, making things look pretty ... now I love that." She adds, however, that she has not allowed her dislike of cooking to lessen her joy of being a part of Kappa Chapter for twenty-five years. "The Pi Kapps trusted me and I trusted them," she said. "That's one of the greatest things in the world, to have that trust. I have faith in them and they have faith in me." "Working at the house has kept me young and feeling good. The boys don't bother me and I don't bother them, unless they mess up that kitchen. They said it is my kitchen and I am my own boss. I like that."

whelmed the director. The Society immediately welcomed him. In addition, the director offered him a role as bass soloist in the Rochester Presbyterian Church Choir. Booth: "But I'm an Episcopalian." Director: "I'll pay you $10 a week and coach you free." It wasn't a living, but it was a start, indeed the beginning of the distinguished professional career. The rest follows rather quickly. The director of the prestigious Eastman School of Music heard Booth in concert: "A voice in a thousand, and a talent with endless possibilities," he wrote. Booth was offered a full scholarship to the Eastman School with status as special student. Booth transferred over in 1965 but lost his draft deferment since he was no longer officially a graduate student. Within a few months, he received "Greetings" from Uncle Sam. He was allowed to finish the year at Eastman with the understanding that he would serve his hitch as a member of the U.S. Army Chorus. Booth never completed his formal training in music. In 1970, at the end of his hitch in the Army, he entered the Metropolitan Opera Competition. Over thousands of professionally trained voices in the national contest, he placed second, winning the Gramma Fisher Award from the Met and a large cash award with a full-time contract from the Kansas City Opera Company. He didn't make it to Kansas City. Julius Rudel, then Director of the New York City Opera, invited Booth to help him open the new Kennedy Center in Washington. Booth sang the major role of King and father to Beverly Sills' Ginevra in Handel's Ariodante. "The whole world came. The reviews were wonderful." In 1975 he became house basso at the Metropolitan Opera. He has demonstrated his versatility as a featured artist in Met productions of Othello, Die Meistersinger, Fidelio, Carmen, Ariadne auf Naxos, Rigoletto, and Aida. Philip Booth's many guest appearances with opera companies throughout the country include the Seattle Opera, Miami, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Baltimore and many others. Today, at age 39 Philip Booth is entering his prime. Bassos mature later than other voices. Though blessed with one of the deepest voices in the world, he has needed years to develop the higher ranges. Now, nailing each note, he rises comfortably from a low C, the lowest note in the bass repertory, to a baritone's high G flat. He studies continuously, "working and working and working for that fine edge between a good and a great voice." 11K4

"Since my husband died it has only been me paying the bills," she said. "It has been kind of rough, since I brought my momma here in 1978. She has been sick during the past four years and I'm taking care of her. I have to keep the heat, electricity and water going all the time. In 1981, our oil bill was $900. It has been a little rough, but I keep on trusting in the Lord and He's taking care of me." Indeed, Grace's strong faith has been the motivation that has kept her in stride throughout her seventy years. She reads the Bible every morning and evening, and is a member of St. Paul A.M.E. Church in Chapel Hill. Baptized at age twelve, Grace says she has been working for the "Man upstairs" ever since. "The Lord has been so good to me," she said. "After He took my husband, I got that much closer to Him. When I took the job with the Pi Kapps, I prayed that the Heavenly Father would take care of me and my boys. And He has." What does the future hold for Grace? That's not her concern. 'I'm hanging in here," she said, repeating one of her favorite phrases. "I don't know how long I will be around here, but I hope it will be a little while longer. All I know is that Pi Kappa Phi means everything to me. That's the truth. And, I love every one of my boys. May God bless them all." 111(41) — David J. McNeill

PAGE 4 ALPHA Charleston

M. A. Rossi

F. R. Landon A, A. Spears J. E. Cunningbam A.8 F .. SHeocoopre J. V. A. Def iori, Jr. J. R. Pederson J. A. Pell, Jr. S. R. Todd . P; Jr. Oj .BBoar. Hopper E.us I icohn,rr F. R. Brown C R.. D ...W. F. Skinner M. E. Jones S. Jr. B. Cartledge, E. Urycki H. W. Buell R. J. Hansen S. L. Brent L. R. Bell J. D. Bonewitz EPSILON G. F. Blalock C. B. Prevost R. H. Adams J. R. Stroehlein M. D. Kinkade D. B. Gilmore If E. Wells G. A. Byrd. Jr. A. H. Joyner, Jr. J. A. Purcell Davidson A. R. Sams, Jr. E. H. Jacoby W. A. Storz K. A. Hasler R. C. Bun L. E. Blood R. H. Ramsey, Jr. P. V. Kirkman, Jr, E. Carrington Timmerman, G. B. Juried A. Gauer Jr. N. J. J. T. J. Sullivan II C. C. Caldart W. H. Davis C. N. Wyatt R. E. Greenfield, Jr. W. A. Brown E. T. Buck J. M. Coulter kikeeEr D. L. Diana E JJ. JF..BRoo T. G. Schapiro J. Blakeway E. 0. Dendy C. W. Gould E. P. Rosack H. H. Hawfield C. P. Johnston B. 0. Hunt J. A. Stone M. B. Fersky C. A. Sheets JA. Owens A. P. Taylor T. G. Covington G. W. Liles G. R. Sens M. Wilson J. Fowler A. F. J. runner Storey J. T. G. Frick Bowers R. L. J. T. West W. W. Dodson, Jr. J. L. Bou'din C. R. Carr J. E. Bell, Jr. E. R. Cwiklm INI.SMB. J. 1-1, Angus rhols J. R. Dogger G. F. Barker, Jr. D. L. Lee, A. F. C. Frostick, Jr. W. F. Bryant J. A. Womack Cullum A. W. J. Vanderburg E. R. A. A. Akens S. J. Grans J. C. Cassady J. F. Reynolds B. N. Stephens E. C. Sanders D. C. Hunter J. Hammet W. H. Schanz G j..B T° hd aiyerr S. R. Timmons K. G. Peters L. T. Hawley J. B. Watson E. L. Jones, Jr. S. J. Shepherd F. S. Curds R. C. Lake, Jr. M. L. Kirchman S. K. Moore R. T. Chatterton, Jr, C. P. Harrison T. F. Mosimann, Jr. C. R, Myers J. G. Pritchett, Jr. A. J. Graham, Jr. J. H. George S. E. Mumford C. E. Role B. A. Halley 0. W. Nabors ALPHA EPSILON J. T. Cuttino R. T. Dunn S. P. Wuerfel R. A. Hall R. L. Gunter R. J. Regnier Kuk s MB J. Allan M. 0. Matthews Florida G. A. Nelson P. W. Fekas M. H. Nelson III P. S. Knox, Jr. IN. Bobo r S. D. Trahey D. P. Davidson H. K. Travis Krone III A. A. J. P. Cooper B. M. Humphries, Jr. W. P. Mills R. H. Moorer S. B. Zavagli J. R. Wilson 1zeunts ,e. J r. J. Ts4 . .Bs F. A. Lesueur J. B. White J. E. Burges Allen, Jr. L. W. H. Pope W. Boyd Murray E. L. J. J. J. A. Rawot S. G. Milks J. D. Rent roe, Jr. G. R. Cowart J. R. Walton, Jr. N. G. Gibson C. H. May P. F. Warren G. T. Faircloth R. J. Bogdan°,I E. A. Tschanz S. A. Grove W. G. Goodman J. O. Boole, Jr. W. B. Jones, Jr. R. A. Martin W. C. Getting, Jr. W. L. Knox P. R. Steinway C. M. Dalziel M. P. Sampson R. Gurecki W. S. Sharpe D. B. Leigh E. G. McCoy G. T. Costis H. A. Wilson, Jr. J. R. Stokes A. rMguhnyson V. E. Howe G. F. Heinrich R. F. Singleton R. E. Scholze F. R. Huff D. F. Rosenberg KAPPA W. C. Rozelle C. H. Chiles R. W. J. Zygmunt C. H. Clark A. M. Carraway ALPHA ALPHA A. L. Haisten Gill K. D. H. Yelverton, Jr. Munn R. North Carolina J. P. A. Dowd W. F. Newell W. J. Dubose T. E. Anderson Mercer H. W. Freeman L. P. Jervey, Jr. Flynn R. T. Peters, Jr. S. J. Clifton J. D. Ramage R. B. Johnson, Jr. J. H. R. F. Chambliss B. P. Jones J. E. Way, Jr. W. P. Yelverton F. B. Marsh R. C. Mims M. C. Connelly P. B. Jahrling C. L. Frazier, Jr. E. L. Connell, Jr. G. W. VVilliarns R. F. Clayton K. V. Lawson Y. A. Montgomery, Jr. K. M. Smolich C. M. Hozlehurst G. R. Fisher W. G. Sutton A. F Lery e,e Jr. C. 84..TE..CRIhaorkEk„ N. M. Rugheimer H. V. Hendrick J. H. Duster C. P. Spruill J. M. Trahey J. J. Kennedy R. A. Bochan J. B. Tucker A. C. Mann R. M. Barnett, Jr. R. A. Shoemaker L. C. Hite J. D. Macrae, Jr. M. W. Wood J. T. McKinnon S. Hollander J. M. Blasius Bruner G. W. J. B. Edwards • W. L. Harris R. G. Herring F, L. Bradfield, Jr. P. L. Weber M. J. Piscitelli R. A. Brannan Bell W Ell..H B.. Grille, Jr. W. P. Jent E. D. Jennings, Jr. j. W. Morgan NU H. B. Brand E. A. Wertke R. Kinchen R. J. McGory B. J. O'Hara, Jr. S. 0. Hubbard H. B. Gilbert J. B. Allen Nebraska C. A. McArthur, Jr. H. L. Merritt Reynolds A. J. R. L. Conradt R,, L. Shepherd Herlong B. E. Harden R. U. PHI A. R. Cracker C. E. Parks W. E. Bobbitt K. J. Forti T. A. Furlong J. C. Wright R. C. Tylander J. T. Cash Tuba S. W. McConnell, Jr. L. J. Parrigin, jr. G. A. Odgers A. J. Appleby III J. A. Vann, Jr. J. FL Green R. H. Perkins J. A. Cox L. C. Carter S. L. Thomas I. W. Hedge E. B. Denny, jr. Rhodes B. C. Moore W. III D. A. Kaufman P. Hall J. J. W. J. Taylor, Jr. A. F. Martin III H. C. Graham R. S. Clifton, Jr. R. M. McCandless W. T. Cassels, Jr. Pratt, Jr. P. C. Wimbish J. C C. P L. L. Hsu G. Gunnt, Jr. G. N. Howe H. C. Disrnukes R. W. Veatch W. L. Runyon, Jr. C. E. Sutter C. E. Ratliff A. N. Daniel, Jr. B. C. Parks D. A. Kazarian W. J. Slappey, Jr. F. S. Gilbert, Jr. R. D. Higgins, Jr. J. M. Foster F. G. 8oineau III H. C. Henderson R. 0.Southwell .1. G. Slater R. A. Montgomery W. C. Taylor T. B. Simpson C. R. Parker C. F. Burns OMEGA E. C. Helfers H. L. Zinnecker A. M. Baucom W. 0. Fowler W. D. Babardeleben, Jr H. P. Lee III Westmoreland G. C. D. Wood, Jr. E. E. T. Tingley Purdue J. V. Salvo, Jr. T. F. McAfee III K. W. Pruden G. A. Phillips, Jr. P. D. Carter, Jr. R. Painter E. P. Owen III A. J. Greene W. S. Gaud III W. E. Price II R. Platt M. V. Barker, Jr. R. M. Gatti C. E. Wade, Jr. R. D. Tylander Garvin, Jr. J. C. CHI L P. Lang B. L. Marlow, Jr. H. J, Vernon H. C. Woods F. A. McNeill D. W. Reynolds R. W. Case R. H. Ross C. R. Melton Stetson J. M. Smith G. F. McConnell P. C. Winstead G. F. Spatz E. F. Sangle J. E. Reaves S. G. Mitchell K. L. Mock, Jr. R. L. Bennett, Jr. E. B. McCormick N. P. Fuller C. N. Feezor, Jr. J. V. Matthews N. F. Magruder W. T. Paulk, Jr. L. K. Gembrill L. E. Davis, Jr. H. S. Houston H. E. Turner F. L. McDonald R. J. Adams A. T. Sheets J. B. Hambright J. D. Worsham G. Fasano, Jr. R. D. Davison H. L. Freeman S. T. Carter E. P. Hogle Tellkarnp B. F. E. L. Frierson H. M. Escue D. B. Warnke J. Y. Bassett J. A. Hanson J. R. Jacobs A. H. Edwards II A. J. McGill C. T. Parsons J. A. Timmons, Sr. J. E. Huguley, Jr. K. L. Childs T. M. MacGlothlin, Jr. D. E. Leonard T. J. Stafford II N. F. Pridgen, Jr. W. L. Ba l e y S. P. McCampbell H. S. Hasty L. R. Bridge J. R. Boling M. W. Weldon 0. R. McCollum T. M. Riordan G. E. Mornan, Jr. J. A. Peacock ALPHA BETA J. S. Carlton M. M. Porter D. H. Jaffee H. E. Seger J. R. Cauble ZETA R. B. Horning III J. T. Robbins, Jr. J. A. Condon Tulane C. T. Welshinger H. 0. Meyer P. J. Blacklocke T. C. Miller L. J. Braswell Wolford J. T. Brewer J. G. Scharf III W. F. McCall, jr. E. A. Ulmer P. C. Swofford J. S. Whaley, jr. J. G. Scott .1. A. Guretzky W. G. Wilks, Jr. D. L. Baker A. E. Conrow, Jr. W. P. Luke, jr. J. S. Christol G. D. Dodson, Jr. J. L. Bennett, Jr. M. W. Huggins L. J. Contr i S. E. Chandler K. P. Hookstra T. R. Sluder J. C. Muse F. W. Cockfield W. M. Schroeder R. G. Lindsey D. F. McAllister W. J. Wesslund C. F. Reames R. D. Lacey R. S. Taylor T. N. Dangerfield 0. E. Stepp, Jr. R. S. Owings W. H. Pickens, Jr. A. L. McLeod, Jr. XI C. A. Keil A. W. Daughtridge J. H. West C. M. Horan Jones III C. A. Roanoke G. A. Catterton J. B. Fisher, Jr. C. M. Lee L. R. Wood D. L. Stokes M. S. Toliver D. C. McLeod T. L. King W. R. Thompson L. G. Muse J. H. Hammeran Penny T. Ft. D. F. Patterson E. E. Heblon, Jr. TAU C. E. Webber C. D. Kirkland I C. Wainio J. R. Owings A. J. Strickland III North Carolina State R. N. Crockett T. N. Moore R. C. White M. A. O wino R. F. Beerwald A. D. Hurt R. M. Barber Early D. W. T. R. Crider T. P. Julian J. E. Brantley Hefner C. Blanton M. M, E. C. M. Hux, Jr. P. E. Watson, Jr. JJ. L. May III A. N. Greene H. H. Fowler P. D. Arneen G. C, Bissell W. P. Dently H. S. Wimbish, Jr. F. M. Cox BETA W. K. Rollins J. E. Pease H. E. Caldwell, Jr. G. M. Harrell P. Ramsey Presbyterian 0. Walker III J. H. Corn Richardson J. W. Halstead, Jr. T. P. Turner R. N. Wesley, Jr. W. B. E vers, J r. F. E, Robinson R. E. Noblin S. W. Lavinder J. D. O'Bryan B. I. Williams B. T. B row n Jennings T. C. J. A. Feather, Jr. R. B. Hyatt J. F. Winters B. 0. Jolly, Jr. W. R. Cook, Jr. W, H. Till, Jr. Ei G siiitlis a no; Jr. E H B C. G. Cates, Jr. M. C. Dendy W. W. Gunter II R. C. Hunsucker M. E. Spear T. F. West, Jr. J. C. Neville B. P. Grant III T. K. Hannah C. Lemley D. E. Barwick J. J. P. Young H. H. Montgomery, Jr. M. S. Wood M. S. Connelly H. S. Smith, Jr. J. P. Brawley W. A. Clark, jr. J. K. Roberts, Jr. C. F. O'Kelley M. C. Burton P. A. McCollister C. F. Latham F. H. Ewald J. Bright, Jr. G. T. Waddell III T. P. Palmer J. R. Hobby W. D. Wallace G. H. Ramsey W. W. Miller, Jr. J. C. Jones, Jr. E. A. Hanna E. V. Caldwell II J. B. Deyton, Jr. W. P. Tice F. R. Stallworth P. B. Brownell R. N. Brendle J. R. Fox, Jr. Lockhart, V. Jr. J. E. G. Wood F. B. Pinson, Jr. D. W. Crane C. J. Wooten D. G. Curry, Jr. C. B. Harper H. L. Strangmeyer J. C. McCaskill C. T. Stewart J. H. Belcher W. T. Bishop, jr. J. N. Shepherd, Jr. M. Miller, jr, J. G. Frampton L. H. Warren, Jr, W. L. Abbott W. C. Buchanan C. P. Caldwell, Jr, J. W. Steenbergen J. M. Bryant ETA S. E. O'Neal R. L. Ammons Lemon C. L. E. F. MacLeod G. W. Braun Emory T. B. Henderson H. K. Sledge III J. W. Reynolds J. P. Ballard R. P. Hoover R. N. Hightower A. E. Anthony, Jr. P. W. Timberlake G. R. Mougenel G. W. Butcher III E. H. Sanders P. J. Ross R. C. Cline Flaherty F. 0. L. E. Young D. C. H. Davenport R. T. Overstreet J. E. Brunson J. L. Neal R. A. Kasey, Jr. D. C. Austin R. S. Manor L, T. Bullock J. P. Faulk W. D. Campbell W. E. Mann, Jr. J. M. Gower M. E. Prillaman W. N. Newsom Caldwell W. C. J. H. Hardage H. I. Johnson, Jr. C. C. Goodwin III J. W. Ussery R. B. Nixon H. Alexander III B. M. Cahill, Jr. Harrington D. L. Gorgeous M. E. J. Kaplan, Jr. W. A. Carter, Jr. P. J. Vaughan Maloof E. A. C. B. Winn III 8. F. Simms E. R. Allison W. M. Cleary Skinner, T. H. Hammond C. Jr. B. J. S. Kirk H. L. Mashburn J. W. Fleshman M. L. Lausman R. S. Lawrence E. C. Bruce, Jr. J. W. Benkert G. S. Coulter S. Herlong W. H. Williams R. S. Kuhlman A. M. H. Long W. T. Lawrence, Jr. J. L. McNair III E. K. Smith B. K. Bilbrey R. L. Bennett T. W. Dalton, Jr. F. Hawthorne W. R. Mayes, Jr. S. R. Norman D. B. Barker R. S. McIntyre L. H. Kelsey III F. O. Blake J. P. Stiles, Si. K. A. Bergstrom M. K. Disney W. R. Hill S. Penuel J. Battle M. E. Metcalfe 0. B. R. C. Thomas H. C. Bean, Jr, S S. L. Briganti K. E. Boring J. C. Wilson A. P. Evans G. Houston, Jr. C. M Myers G. Lancaster S. E. Harden D. W. Doyle E. R. Hahn, Jr. W. G. Coleman, Jr. D. E. Bridgewater W. W. Fetcher J. S. Wood Inman J. C. A. Odgers G. Scogin H. M. Farrell A. R. J. C. Turk D. K. Mathis W. S. Hicks J. S. Brown D. C. Gibson J. F. Puett L. P. Jervey D. W. Owen A. B. Carroll T. G. Smith III S. M. Turk W. D. Way R. D. Morgan J. W. Cannon, Jr. D. A. Andrews C. C. Painter, Jr. J. P. Charlton M. D. Covington, Sr. C. R. Serenbetz J. C, Shearer E. H. Woods II D. 0. Nichols T. H. Nicholson, Jr. B. J. Bollinger T. H. Sayre J, C. Grizzard A. G. Fuller T. P. Ballard, Jr. Wilson J. R. R. W. Mann T. J. Wesley, Jr. GAMMA J. F. Fitch III J. D. Smith L. C. Claiborne S. E. Hoehn J. H. Carter California.Berkalay A. L. Evans W. L. Brunson, Jr. H. B. Hahn, Jr. M. B. Lassiter C. M. Kn ig ht K. W. Sibley C. N. Humphrey Neff B. G. D. E. Pulliam F. P. Bracewell A. E. Washburn D. Sheesley K. J. D. McCutchen W. D. Keister P. A. Sparrow S. J. Westbrook J. 0. Blair H. B. Atkins S. B. Deanne Guritfcihinison E. H B. A. Evans, Sr. F. W. Carl D. S. Ferguson V. W. McKenzie, Jr. M. W. Thigpen H. G. Tebo E. E. Hayden Jo rvicrc d B. S. McClenny J. D. Purcell C. S. Boothe W. C. Pritchard J. S. Crown, Jr. J. E. Moroch R. L. Hubbard, Jr. J. C. Jackson A. L. Croce Collier o M, a n nnaughey J. S. .jj, C. E. Richards W. FL Higgins III J. Gosman M. V. Cummings R. J. Noland W. R. Grimes M. J. Noland W. F. Kirchhaine C. G. Webb D. J. Kimmel R. E. Mentzinger, Jr. PI B. F. Overton T. A. Giles R. H. Steuben LAMBDA D. W. Martin A. W. Ginther H. M. Day Oglethorpe E. J. Vonculin F. K. Mitchell P. S. Hipp J. N. Downer Georgia Hartsoe D. D. GAMMA Stoudenmire ALPHA F. E. F, Rector P. R. Dotson J. G. Schretzmann K. C. Kiehl C. F. Corey R. C. Biggio Oklahoma G. G. Fassnacht J. L. Hughes Rhodes, Jr. W. J. Rh P, C. Caldwell W. M. Gillespie R. P. Cornish C. C. Nall R. L. Bradley H. P. Maier G. Q. Martin J. B. Frazer L. N. Fairbanks III T. M. Fitzgerald IOTA A. W. Sullenger I. Padgett J. R. Griffie, Jr. B. T. Dawson G. L. Nord R. H. Gaughan J. R. Brinson E. L. Corson II C. M. Ramsey Georgia Tech R. G. Tuck M. C. Futch L. D. Smith H. R. Hulpieu R. J. Gollmar J. A. Avrack J. B. Dekle M. A. Moore C. R. Rig! N. R. Crouch W. 0. Bowden W. R. Myers T. Northridge C. B. A. McElyea H. L. Smith D. Wooldridge D. A. Martinez Denton C. E. S. J. Norgard UPSILON W. A. Foster, Jr. H. R. Johnson, Jr. .1vv ..A. Golden W. P. Scarlett E, Blackwell, Jr. R. Barley J. D. J. Riordan M. H. Powell C. F. Vannice Illinois R. C. Connally E. Ray C. T. McClure W. L. Norrington C. J. Darnell J. A. Councilor III Martinez, Jr. S. Griffin C. G. W. E. Shields R. H. Gracey J. J. Rogers G. A. Holderbaurn J. K. Snellings L. B. Fox F. S. Schneider M. E. Harrison D. D. Fouche A. L. Edgar H. J. Bradley I. T. Almberg R. E. Thomson R. W. Mansur R. Thornburg . Mims E . C . 0. Woody A. III C. W. Lapradd G. E. Manning N. Arrighi D. K. Young G. P. Brock J. C. Inman J. B. Todd C. L. Sadler M. B. Eubanks J. W. Wade, Jr. R. B. Williams, Jr. W. E. Dirnmock N. B. Weatherall K. M. Gibbon J. C. Holder E. P. Hugill, Jr. F. W. Adsit F. W. Brown, Jr. T. L. Palmer, Jr. Potter, Jr. D. J. M. A. Fernandez T. L. Kennedy 0. K. Kuns J. H. Wamsley W. L. Duncan V. H. Cornelison R. D. Cooper T. F. Miller C. V. M. Sutcliffe E. G. Ramsey, Jr. D. A. Thompson J. H. Nunez F. M. Witwer G. A. Linear M. E. Groover, Jr. Stone L. Ptacek, M. Masline Jr, Dinwiddie E. J. R. G. L. J. Garren K. R. P. M, Eppele S. A. Marshall, jr. R. J. Chabrier L. W. Menzimer v J. E. Colin R. E. Honer B. P. Mitchell R. T. Moeller L. F. Esser, Jr. H. W. Pettengill, Jr. J. M. Moore G. S. Walker H. R. Ross J. P. Adams, Jr. 1 H. D R. B. Olson H ln., RHO H B. Nail T. J. Deco, Jr. J. S. Stump, Jr. H. I. Cross H. E. Reeves J. C. Brown S. A. Monfort J. L. Miller Washington & Lee G. Houston, Jr. T. F. Pottillo P. J. Purchla E. F. Cobb H. S. Rowland, Jr. F. W. Teogarden, Jr. J. F. Meagher J. G. Howard R. N. Cooke W. D. Southard W. D. Jones D. W. McCourt H. C. Harrison Each ze M. A. E R. C. Reed J. D. Aljian J. M. Stoinoff T. C. Huddle L. W. Davis T. R. Brown A. R. Schneider J. P. Piedrafite, Jr. W. F, Sahlie Cornell A. P. Ullemeyer J. E. J. P. Kinlock G. W. Ellord T. R. Moore J. 0. Lafollette S. J. Robbins J. L. Townsend M. D. Umberger E. M. Gonzalez, Jr. R. L. Reeves R. M. Riggs Y. D. F. Stewart J. G. Hull C. P. Tate H. D. Leake D. C. Swager W. D. Griffith D. F. Woody P. C. Barr C. M. Thompson J. F. Bracken A. E. Sprague R. E. Knox R. D. Fagin W. K. Daniel G. W. Summerson D. L. Johnson Bondurant, Jr C. W. R. V. Cronin J. C. Allen T. A. C. Rothje L. J. Olson M. W. Luckey W. G. Dunnington E. M. Vona F. P. Showalter W. R. Bishop M. D. Klein D. 0. Chorland R. J. McComY W. E. Haselvvood J. E. Ringer H. C. Stovall, Jr. Stansell B. Lines V. E. Bullard, W. B. Jr. Won, K. Sr. K. A. S. T. Bast D. W. Henn W. R. Walker S. N. Perkins R. C. Bartel J. M. Adams A. C. Dunnington W. M. Garrison L. N. Montgomery T. M. Wrenn R. E. Ferris R. K. Cacciatore L. H. Elks J. Ondrus R. W. Peoples J. E. Fargason J. H. Norris D. R. McFee J. B. Towill A. W. Breyer J. I. Lowdon, Sr. R. W. McMullen II Chamberlin, A. H. Jr. E. L. Feicht M. W. Ritchie J. G. Hutchinson W. B. McFarlyen N. 0, Hall, Jr. W. K. Carr R. T. Peacock D. C. Mackenzie J. J. Powers J. M. Sewell G. W. Eckert 0. T. Laib J. R. Harris D. C. Diltz J. L. Jennings R. A. Rust E. T. Mulock M. B. Dowdy R. D. Fewox M. W. Rogers, Jr. Mulvihill D. F. S. R. Stephenson J. E. Wilson, Jr. C. A. Stein Sargent G. Whitford W. R. K. R. V. One Rutherford J. R. H. J. Schaefer G. Keiser M. T. Ondrus C. J. Piper III E. R. Dillard G. W. Strain L. C. Borland, Jr. K. E. Anderson M. B. Lawrence G. S. Cleland J. C. Hornbuckle A. F. Perkins F. L. Ketcham P. H. Pause W. J. Harpe, Jr. H. L. Gasawoy F. W. Falconer F. G. Stewart J. D. Jackson D. A. Eamigh J. D. Howell Jr. L. A. Morris, R. E. Turner K. N. Russell J. B. Clarke S. M. Rowland B. Snipes E. H. Cul ver H. H. Michaud A. Wenner S. R. T. Olsen J. B. Withers E. P. Green C. W. Walker, Jr. S. M. Slade J. B. Martin A. H. Schmidt, Jr. T. M. Mullen D. M. Davis J. T. Williamson III W. L. Strickland D. C. Johnston L. C. Altmansberger K. T. Baba I. W. Lang, Jr. I. L. Flory, Jr. F. L. Shaw H. C. Smith, Jr. G. R. Netter R. A. Phelan C. M. Kirts H. Gordy J. W. A. Hasfurther M. P. Ingram S. W. McDowell L. W. Anderson W. F. Methvin, jr. M. G. Wauohdooall E. K. Henry M. A. Wing M. W. James J. B. Boy R. H. Patchen D. N. Vered F. L. Langston R. M. Tinsley R. R. Smith J. C. Jordan J. L. Weaver A. E. Oliver III J. E. Foster J. B. Ramage K. J. Rabe M. J. Trainor J. F. Peck Baldwin S. C. H. Renwick M. Dyer Seeley S. R. D. C. Johnson J. P. C. L. Brown F. R. Montgomery W. J. Tietz M. J. Dikes J. R. Lang R. W. Adams L. E. Reed W. B. Gabb L. M. Besenfelder R. J. Milan, Jr. B. C. Michael C. F. Kent R. S. Watts S. S. Ryder J. A. Mercer A. E. Grindle, Jr. A. E. Hauck J. T. Venard J. D. McElhaney, Jr. A. J. Garrard C. S. Roach F. Cichanowicz III L. H. Goebel W. B. Carson, Jr. W. D. Key F. A. Hauslein C. R. Kleinmann OMICRON J. D. Musselman G. E. Johnson, Jr. D. N. McClanahan F. H. Beinhoff R. L. Lapointe, Jr. T. R. Jackson, Jr. C. S. Williams, Jr. J. Grayson III L. P. Moore Alabama C. D. Hipshet H. F. Kerber W. H. Funk R. W. Burgett V. A. Consul R. L. Patrick, Jr. T. E. Powers F. E. Waters, Jr. R. L. Knox W. G. Scheck R. C. Smith H. E. Hammer M. Hamilton III F. H. Elich A. H. Rendler H. H. Brice K. W. H. Jones J. C. Shively M. R. McMullen H. M. Flanagan D. J. Werner F. C. Hodge M. A. Campion R. H. Cofer II J. L. Howie, Jr. IT A. Miller E. A. Turville G. M. Grant R. J. Eyer H.. Tam r D R .. C M. K. Grimes Gross E. B. H. T. Rogers, Jr. C. L. Larsen D. L. Scruggs J. E. Waddell, Jr. G. F. McInerney J. F. Fletcher Meyer J. M. O'Reilly J. P. McGrail L. S. Tarbutton W. P. Schindel D. C. Wong W. L. Hatcher K. D. Panouses V. H. Huey D. L. Martin D. G. McCausland R. S. Ellis J. H. Bell J. E. Kirkland, Jr. R. E. McCormick C. A. Boborovich J. W. McEwen P. Slocumb T. S. Brooks, Jr. J. W. Sewell J. R. Ramsey B. E. Holly L. H. Elkins McLaughlin E. F. R. M. Penland I l l C. R. Mend h S. J. Clark N. S. Morgan R. L. Grit I iths R. C. Petrey J. K. Morris M. P. Hill J. R. Paus F. M. Benson T. E. Salinger G. M. Tolbert C. B. Curtis, Jr. J. B. Stapleton K. L. Kraus PSI M. F. Symonds R. W. Lowder Roberts S. S. R. 0. Howard R. L. Kutlik W. A. Bosworth L. L. Nettleton, Jr. R. C. Williams Cornell E. W. Wolfe J. F. Coff el B. A. Barton, Jr. P. H. Cook .ri rr,as M B B. B. Coo G. R. Schwartz T. H. Schulte, Jr. H. E. Stine, Jr. H. W. Howard M. Oliver, Jr. J. C. Hall G. R. Carbonneau J. P. Turner H. P. R. Allison D. J. Bosshart D. D. Bare A. R. Petkoff G. R. Bennett, Jr. R. T. Hester C. L. Brownell J. A. Weiss Lowrance T. R. Soma J. R. A. Siegel K. G. Tower W. M. Greene J. F. Chambers S. W. Dodge M. J. Klutrop G. W. Cotton B. H. Wells, Jr. A. R. Moore W. H. Daniell C. A. Biehl J. C. Dour K. C. Harrison ie D. A. Ward J. K. Belt ALPHA DELTA B. T. Dean C. W. Wheeler H. A. Ruyter J. E. Stublarec T. R. Wood W. G. Loeffler, Jr. R. Powell M. H. Ohaver W. Measday, Jr. Washington C. Hill C. E. Collette 0. D. Gay H. T. McCann III J. D. McLeroy W. J. Fidler, Jr. W. J. Bennett N. R. Miller greet J. Zoltek, Jr. R. W. Brooks, Jr. A. B. Gilbert R. K. Park II J. A. Shinn, Jr. f . Victofie, Jr. R. P. Mason D. B' j e,nE E F G..EC.. TAelrl2 C. G. Hudspeth W. D. Powers DELTA MU M. A. Schaid E. P. Garretson, Jr. C. S. Price W. G. Hercules H. S. Lewis C. N. Moody B. M. Jewett Duke E. T. Prosser Furman J. D. Wallace J. A. Watts P. W. GentrY E. L. Lehr F. 0. Wollaston M. E. Timmes I H. Blind L. C. Prucha M. T. Boyd C. Z. Taylor J. E. Lovell E. J. Fischer J. A. Johnson C. J. Tice Frick, Jr. L. C. H. Arnold W. G. M. Dowd W. T. Huckabee, Jr. M. H. Squires, Jr. L. D. Bynum C. B. Hall L. A. Williams C. A. Hedreen T. E. Horvath E. M. Combs W. A. Goodale J. L. Johnson M. I. Pickens B. 0. Beckman W. R. Purcell F. J. Hackleman T. Purdy C. A. Porter R. M. Willis P. T, Eaton C. L. Rasor E. S. Czyzewski C. H. Pegram C. A. Bowlus E. W. Collins C. P. Smith N. E. Scott W. L. Porter T. I. Hancock J. E. Safford J. H. Young J. 0. Rooter J. S. Boone D. P. Christovich L. B. Wilkerson R. J. Rowan A. F. Sulla, Jr. J. A. Clague L. O'Donnell M. D. C. Brooks, Jr. T. F. McAfee, Jr. E. W. Trogden i W. R. Ptts R. J. Taylor IV J. L. May, Jr. P. T. Pratt G. A. Morel S. E. A. Hanna C. M. Perkins J. P. Locklear S. W. Martin R. W. Scheck H. W. Taylor D. M. Ward, Jr. T. A. Johnston III T. L. Zaccarino A. S. Ritz M. Snider J. Y. Wilson J. C. Cooper P. H. Chapman J. Pottenger R. L. Jackson J. W. Martens E. L. Turner, Jr. F. H. White, Jr. S. C. Wheeler D. Nicholls K. W. Wood T. A. Latour J. B. Hammond H. G. Klotz W. J. Ritter W. A. Wallace J. C. Trucks Gs.. Lo e E. S. B. Pitkin M. T. Klinefelter J. I. Forney A. C. Groce Rozzelle Foerster C. R. R. Johnson V. Mattesky F. W. S. E. D. L. Merrill MD., T y re l l J. R. Burt t W. C. Woora W. M. McMillan Ff. P. Fulmer C. F. Brookins T. F. Krizan H. R. Gates III B. B. Mathis H. M. Utile W. S. Magalhaes C. E. Marslies ALPHA ZETA J. M. King P. P. Depasquale J. L. Skinner J. H. Puckett H. J. Marquart J. F. Stanley E. O'Drobinak H. E. Bayley Oregon State H. L. Dillard W. H. Bridgers J. T. Dewberry SIGMA J. M. Boyne N. A. Bertolotti M. B. Amundson W. E. Stevenson G. E. Seaman W. M..Carson R. B. Atkins G. W. Heburn South Carolina H. W. Holmberg M. R. Megrow A. C. Taylor, Jr. E. M. Terry H. W. Faringer, Jr. H. E. Conklin F. W. Williams M. L. Crites J. M. Vanhoy W. F. Perkins J. W. Turner W. D. Peace, Jr. A. George, Jr, D. D. McBain E. E. Finder T. C. Stoudemayer G. V. Rouse R. Dick S. 0. Cowan D. N. Helmuth Barber W. S. Priddy T. iE n G. Frra Lt. S. L. 8 W. K. Jackson H. R. Kallander Ullman D. C. W. 0. Luly, Jr. W. B. Pebvvorth H. S. King G. E. Heslei C. H. Paulsen W. K. Mayhew G. W. M tn ford N. W. Hohmann J. A. Smith III . D. D. McCraw 111

R. A. Parrish R. T. McCrory


H. W. Davis V. E. Starr V. A. Fridley G. M. Reid M. C. Wilbur W. S. Alldredge J. H. Johnson M. N. Sigovich J. C. Dillow A. L. Douglas W. S. Coates N. B. Flynn P. Mowry L. N. Phillips R. 0. Maio, Jr. J. W. Steward W. L. Barrett F. D. Thcman, jr. E. D. Barton G. W. Bunco J. W. Moore R. L. Nordlander N. D. Logan R. W. Reeves J. N. Wilson G. I. Grimes C. G. Estes R. C. Terhune R. J. Elfers T. Patterson D. P. Perrin R. L. Sevcik R. L. Anderson F. W. Raw J. T. Reviglio R. D. Manning W. W. Thomas G. A. Young J. T. Fenstermacher K. L. McGowan L. J. Kurkoski R. W. Saunders S. H. Westfall R. L. Mace C. J. Morrill G. S. Munn B. W. Clark T. J. Langton III J. H. Schaeffer

R. E. Moore R. T. Bystrom R. G. Ewen D. B. Hoge J. F. Stoll G. W. Schott G. F. Wajda K. E. Berman M. A. Bosco, Jr. B. R. Connelly J. E. Tirnpson J. A. McCormack R. L. Goetz R. F. Hrude D. E. Sabrosky T. D. Aylward T. G. Brown R. T. Sutton F. S. Philip J. T. Schultz K. G. Adams D. E. Viecelli J. A. Wrisley A. W. Perlingiere D. D. Yanechik M. J. Yanachik C. E. Cogo L. C. Paul, Jr. J. C. Clarkson T. W. Ellis G. G. Peterson F. L. Woodard J. J. Ording II C. C. Luthy D. M. Fiedorek M. A. Vatadian G. E. Johnson D. M. Rafferty R. Geiger ALPHA IOTA Auburn J. T. Russell L. D. Judkins W. M. Mayson F. A. Maddox, Sr. W. B. Elliot R. C. Brown


Your contribution to Pi Kappa Phi supports the growth and development of our chapters and insures the continued positive fraternity experience for over 4,000 student members. This past year, $76,358 (a record high) was contributed to Pi Kappa Phi. Thank you for your support! LOYALTY FUND

The loyalty fund represents a group of alumni who began giving more than requested to the Voluntary Dues program thirteen years ago and have continued to do so each year since. Special thanks to these special alumni. E. E. Paine 0. J. Pardue, Jr. H. G. Riggs L. N. Rowley, Jr. T. A. Scharfenstein, Jr. E. H. Skinner C. A. Stewart T. P. Tappy

V. M. Helmuth K. W. Dotter T. K. Herbage G. H. Kuchler J. A. Neigel P. J. Giordano M. G. Herbage J. W. Lavance R. L. Chambers L. A. Chambers R. G. Paul S. K. Simon

ALPHA ETA Samford E. G. Jackson D. M. Lee J. C. Lee F. H. White S. W. Hall J. W. Gay, Jr. E. E. Beason J. G. Cuninghame, Jr. J. D. Sibley E. B. Bruce W. C. Davis, Jr. H. J. McDanal H. B. Goodwin H. S. Smith, Jr. S. W. Jones A. C. Graves J. W. Edwards J. Bell D. E. Nolen G. G. Murrah, Jr. S. A. Wade C. C. Brakefield E. C. Herrin T. D. Mitchell J. E. Haynes W. C. Cof ield J. G. Shiley L. T. Bolton R. G. Evans III W. W. Hilton J. L. Daley D. K. Brower J. R. Bell R. E. Greene M. E. Haworth III G. Ivey, Jr. J. T. Bethea J. E. McJunkin M. C. Hollis, Jr. W. W. Dixon, Jr. J. S. Little ALPHA THETA Michigan State 0. D. Bird J. B. Edmond G. S. McIntyre W. C. Proctor A. G. Spears E. P. Wells L. W. Raymond 0. J. Schuster K. A. Sprague K. A. Bellinger R. B. McCall K. H. Jepson E. C. Brewster R. S. Heppinstall R. J. Griewe J, L. Littlefield C. J. Jensen G. E. McKay J. S. Ford A. L. Follett

D. A. Trescott P. W. Wagner D. C. West F. J. Whitley C. C. Workman, Jr. L. E. Wormley, Sr.

J. N. Crump J. P. Lynch R. L. Lock M. S. Coley J A. Summerlin, Jr. E. 0. Batson, Jr. J. M. Hamilton F. W. Hurt W. L. Noll, Jr. G. J. Coleman J. A. Jones M. D. Harris J. Ft. Haley L. Patterson J. W. Williams C. E. D. Morgan E. G. Crim CM,Wood H. Dicus, Jr. G. F. Reddick, Jr. L. C. Pharo, Jr, F. H. Hawthorne G. M. Whitley B. T. Farmer R. L. Ferrell P. T. Persons W. B. Smith D. G. Farmer T. S. Wharton J. H. Pearson T. W. Fuller T. W. Gordon J. H. Hendry W. E. Colburn B. S. Reed R. J. Scott, Jr. J. W. Barton R. C. Ward W. G. Amos J. N. Green D. H. Barclay N. D. McClure IV J. R. Payne N. C. Porter, Jr. J. G. Lovell, Jr. W.S. Shenk J. 0. Christiansen, Jr. J. E. Owens, Jr, D. C. Stoddard B. A. Evans, Jr. D. a Henderson J. E. Kirkendall, Jr. W. W. Jones, Jr. H. D. Dozier J. R. Buckwalter, Jr. J. D. Wolsoncroft A. B. Hammond D. T. Kendrick W. S. Taylor J. A. Flanagan, Jr. J. W. Forehand, Jr. R. B. Props! G. N. Tobia R. C. Watson R. J. Suther, Jr. J. 0. Zipperer III D. A. Long R. E. Reach P. F. Dodds W. D. Whipple D. B. Hutchins J. E. Parker D. W. Hall F. M. Jessup III R. L. Kracke G. D. Fontaine B. K. Kennedy ALPHA KAPPA Michigan E. B. Scherrnerhorn

PAGE 5 F. L. Rooney H. A.Pullen R. A. Edwards H. C. Hotchkiss C. E. O'Mara E. W. Keck ALPHA LAMBDA Mississippi 0. E. Cathey B. P. Mauldin T. B. Newman, Jr. J. H. Tabb R. F. Gray W. B. Hopson • 0. L. Casey B. S. Henry F. E. Lowrance J. H. Rose, Jr. T. J. Rosetti Y. S. Warren B. B. Sayle L. C. Miles S. J. Borganelli ALPHA MU Penn State R. M. Atkinson M. M. Keck J. M. Alter E. W. Murphy R. B. Craine, Sr. G. J. Spahr R. E. Zimmerman C. E. Kirkendall R. C. Kieffer J. F. Kieser, Sr. D. H. Porter E. N. Zacharias, Jr. R. E. Peterson P. M. Borg E. E. Davies A. R. Yerkes D. Jones L. S. Bovier C. H. Case, Jr. J. P. Lonberger .J. D. Brisbane

ALPHA XI P.I.N.Y. V. A. Carrougher C. F. Pester F. J. McMullen H. R. Meyer A. E. Munzer B. J. Minutti W. R. Berger H. H. Meyer H. F. Dieter H. E. Weingartner L. J. Bolvig W. J. Troeller, Jr. C. D. Behringer J. F. Boette H. G. Kimpel W. E. Eisele A. C. Hansen, Jr. R. E. Nugent H. S. Gartner L. B. Everett J. B. Peck F. M. Eigner C. J. Hecker 0. Jensen C. B. Mayforth, Jr. H, Peace A. B. Steele J. Smellie A. 0. Hansen J. E. Morrissey J. H. Clarke, Jr. R. F. Maggio W. J. Griffin E. F. Schofield G. E. Stanmore H. E. Duckham, Jr. F. X. Schmoller J. A. Miele R. D. Dalziel A. R. Muller A. G. Duilon M. F. Hornung R. P. Brady W. E. Hammel H. W. Nintzel J. E. McCooey H. R. Bredfeldt

B. R. Brown A. R. Gneiser H. N. Trevett G. J. Mucher H. I. Goecker B. H. Robinson J. W. Hayward N. F. Nelson W. A. McAuley F. A. Bandre D. J. Stephens H. Musch III W. H. Hodges L. F. Muller, Jr. W. G. Hill K. G. Pratt W. A. Roberts G. L. McCauslan M. C. Beveridge G. T. Droste, Jr. F. E. Bole G. D. Cook R. J. Lyons E. R. Stacey F. G. Pickles N. P. Rusanowsky R. E. Lueders J. S. Martinez H. K. Holden D. R. Sayler D. B. Dobson R. J. Andrews E. J. Calocerinos F. B. Dargue R. R. Murray W. A. Rapetski F. M. Goodwin, Jr. F. D. Popp F. R. Anibal ALPHA PI J. E. Whisler University of the South R. J. Bouchard W. M. Lester T. D. Byrne B. T. Sporn D. Gilchrist, Jr. D. E. O'Brien J. C. Eby T. J. Myron J. A. Johnston AT. Kelly III K. E. Kufleer ALPHA RHO E. B. Nagel West Virginia D. Dropkin K. F. Chucte L. F. Oneacre R. E. Applegate D. J. Lee J. D. McCully C. J. Rehman, Jr. K. J. Bader D. E. Burkett H. D. Osborne T. J. Hickey J. J. Veak D. A. Duda S. E. Fritz T. J. Ruzicka J. a Sanderson W. R. Madden J. H. Sabin H. M. Lattan M, D. McDevitt F. M. Parrish III R. H. Ruedy J. D. Crawford 0.8. Alm J. M. O'Neil J. J. Parrish D. R. Stark C. D. Cummings B. L. Croucher T. S. Raines R. W. Nechanicky M. J. Gildersleeve D. C. Doerscher S. R. Anderson T. J. Tott A. A. Brodkey R. A. McFall C. M. Noty C. P. Vanzile P. V. Hall J. W. Maxwell

J. C. France K. J. Dirkes P. W. Gross J. D. Knoll, Jr. R. I. Benner J. A. Webb W. W. Lovell R. Nagy W. L. Shute L. J. Dicarlo M. M. Patrick R. H. Griffin D. R. McIlvain J. W. Ward A. R. Zecca W. J. Grubert, Jr. P. D. Espostio M. S. Gennaro, Jr. D. A. Parsons G. W. Reed M. W. Sellers J. W. Shivers D. A. Heydt G. R. Hess W. K. Steen 5.1 Costa, jr. R. L. Drager J. T. Farr C. R. McCulley D. R. Wary E. J. Dimond F. S. Schuchardt C. J. Santangelo G. F. Spingler, Jr. R. D. Austin W. V. Davies R. L. Sullivan E. W. Langschwager E. J. Louden M. V. Scali J. J. Perfetti P. R. Howard N. A. Thomas III ALPHA PHI 1.I.T. J. F. Humiston H. F. Perlet, Jr. C. A. Schnackel

H. 0. Thursby G. L. Allen D. E. Brennan W. M. Prunty W. E. Bray R. G. Mundy L. E. Barnes W. G. Murray C. J. Blackerby J. A. Eshleman A. J. Frame J. D. Dowen R. S. Timmons A. J. Rommel D. J. Gamble P. M.Summers R. A. Wingler J. Patterson J. L. Higgins W. T. Richardson A. L. Stutz S. E. Evenbeck OW. Huffman R. R. Sturgeon G. F. Ross J. L. Fox C. R. Downey T. R. Brown T. E. Weitzel R. N. Maguire C. L. Seely J. M. Leonard R. T. Gnall J. L. Barker D. R. Schaefer D. H. Hensley S. W.Smith K. L. McDonald M. D. Schleinkofer B. D. Hinton J. E. Kaufman R. W. Oran J. D. Holt ALPHA OMEGA Oregon R. E. Davis S. W. Holmes



ALPHA NU Ohio State J. R. Crandall R. C. Newhouse R. E. Price E. R. Stickel W. P. Ansley K. D. Weber H. C. Davis C. A. Stickel C. D. Habl itzel L. C. Chadwick

B. Jatzen R. E. O'Donohue, Jr. J. H. Ripel R. J. Magg W. Delnicki S. C. Harazim W. T. Roney, Jr. J. E. Flaherty P.O. Honker P. W. Dillon F. M. Herbert III F. C. Hetzer W. W. Hinz W. J. Sturtz H. A. Backofen III R. T. Currie P. J. Glanton R. Demerino M. Pilo W. J. Prinzivalli J. G. Marsh C. L. Stehle T. G. May R. Noni N. P. Guarriello F. Mummolo R. D. Sarcona L. T. Destefano J. F. Burns J. A. Caruso III J. Famoso E. F. Hughes, Jr. S. A. Rotter S. M. Bertone J. J. Plunkett R. J. Koerner G. H. Scheibner J. F. Fuchs R. F. Grolier M. A. Carlisle M. R. Isaacs B. J. Elowsky J. D. ludice M. J. Levinton ALPHA OMICRON Iowa State W. F. Kuehne T. M. Shultz W. C. Dor. W. H. Suit J. S. Brown G. J. Kunau J. G. Duncan K. M. Johnson C. W. Files P. M. Muller R. H. Brandau L. Mores W. G. Nechanicky R. 0. Lichtenstein V. H. Upmier C. Schram, Jr. R. Kottman R. K. McKean W. J. Rickert GA. Dubes G. D. Love W. F. Wells J. U. Schenck P. W. Cuff J. Legg, Jr. J. W. Coons H. H. Casey; W. W. McElhinneV D. M. Cochran J. E. More OW. Brandt J. P. Heth R. E. Stinogel

J. T. Van Voorhis J. C. Wilson, Jr. P. F. Fisher E. R. Smith H. G. Martin G. P. Auldridge R. L. Harper R. lzard K. B. Cooper H. D. Griffin L. K. Watring T. G. Williams J. 0.Park, Jr. G. W. Model J. B. Arbuckle P. E. Farley R. J. Laughner D. J. Ross ALPHA SIGMA Tennessee E. H. Zwingler K. McPherson L. D. Cronin G. E. Gish R. C. McKelvey J. F. Staff ner C. H. Vann, Jr. R. B. Smith S. W. Steele A. K. McCalla, Jr. C. E. Rollins W. H. Read J. C. Adkins A. B. Reed R. B. Cecil E. S. Byrd R. S. Burns J. E. Jones, Jr. J. E. Staff ner 0. R. Johnson J. F. Deboard, R. C. St Clair B. F. Smith, Jr. H. B. Simmons T. E. Earl R. E. Gibson, Jr. K. R. Weems G. R. Roberts T. H. Banks R. L. Andrews R. H. Smith F. M. Pugh R. M. Brooks G. A. Anderson L. D. Hamric S. B. Donohue C. M. Gray D. P. Everhart R. C. Sledd P. H. Jernigan L. L. Woods S. T. Kirkpatrick G. E. Dawson J. T. Rymer J. R. Vanlrank, Jr. R. C. Cruthirds D. J. Ready D. B. Spalding H. D. Jars, ALPHA TAU Rensselaer J. A. Peartree R. Y. Atlee R. H. Blackford G. A. Yaple W. K. Graves R. E. Bergman

J. G. Johnson G. W. Kirkland, Jr. M. J. O'Brien H. W. Peterson, Jr. D. A. Wiles J. M. Bernstein T. K. Hood R. Z. Houk S. T. Grayson E. Rebula J. Keough P. R. Turgeon S. M. Pelle D. M. Peter G. Howell, Jr. S. G. Davidson R. G. Sidelko L. K. Bohn V D. M. Guzovsky S. C. Lehner ALPHA UPSILON Drexel J. H. McCann J. McNutt S. A. Wilson, Sr. D. S. Greer W. L. Stillwaggon H. Coleman, Jr. A. W. Tunnell, Jr. J, A. Bader J. F. Rittenhouse R. J. Cannon, Jr. H. A. Schlater J. A. Haislip, Jr. W. F. Gittler, Sr. 0. E. Diehl G. S. Merritt H. S. Stiffler E. R. Kiehl R. L. Davis E. M. Simon J. W.Simmons II 0. M. Hokanson G. F. Kinmonth G. C. Hess, Jr. R. J. Baldwin , T. A. Lame R. A. Gravdahl R. E. Simon H. A. Cowles R. E. Anderson M. E. Burrows E. C. Breithaupt, Jr. J. F. Kelley, Jr. G. F. Kolle F. H. Steiger J. A. Steer D. R. Williams M. R. Blesser R. W. Lambert J. N. Marshall A. D. Henderson J. M. Hudson E. J. Kulas E. C. Neuman 0. C. Miller, Jr. A. R. Jenny L. I. Lady R. W. McKee B. D. Rocuskie F. E. Smith, Jr. F. M. Winton D. L. Norris F. W. Schmehl H. W. Schuette D. K. Dement R. N. Burns R. P. McCafferty D. L. Schey

M. B. Stevens G. J. Svehla J. F. Sturgeon R. Nickel J. R. Gerhardt A. F. Bujan G. E. Hoff A. E. Michyeta, Jr. R. F. Smith, Jr. J. V. Roach B. F. Legg J. L. Pottenger J. P. Sachs D. E. Helbling R. E. Belke E. A. Donkers L. A. Strote H. J. Holloman W. J. Plichta D. R. Larson E. W. Bisone J. M. Helm J. A. Collins R. G. Douglas E. E. Hendrikse E. A. Kaschins G. Muszalski R. L. Peterson R. A. Gregory R. B. Stevens J. E. Echternacht A. L. Pinnovv J. G. G. Pieri K. R. Anderson P. E. Ostrander M. C. Mickley K. G. Wohlers R. W. Hughes R. A. Dugan A. J. Janousek C. G. Casseres J. E. Spencer K. D. Patterson B. E. Calahan B. F. Diaz A. W. Wendorf W. J. Bielawski III L. A. Mueller A. J. Friedrich M. E. Darnell J. H. Newlan T. R. Thompson B. R. Winkelmann C. J. March D. J. Fronczek M. L. Viiiringer J. D. Thompson W. R. Sprains ALPHA CHI Miami R. H. Dougherty, Jr, F. N. Holley III J. L. Yates, Jr. J. C. Bordeman R. S. McElwain M. C. Hopkins R. G. Steinhilber F. L. Kearns, Jr. S. E. Allen J. A. Chandonia ALPHA PSI Indiana W. D. C. Day, Jr. R. W. Haller P. E. Nonte J. C. Williams R. P. Quarry

BETA GAMMA Louisville D. F. Bloomer S. E. Harper, Jr. W. M. McNutt W. D. Robb B. T. Hund J. T. Cook W. L. Dewitt R. T. Connor R. E. Krebs J. L. Paddock, Jr. BETA DELTA Drake D. A. Sears R. D. Howell K. R. Miller D. R. Dunham W. D. McConaughy G. A. Oldham M. Nelson J. M. Street P. H. Gilman P. D. Try R. C. Young D. B. Walter If. I. Smith, Jr. B. N. Swanson R. A. Cione H. J. Winegar R. H. Doyle IV J. J. Kieler J. B. Benda J. R. Hattery R. S. Paul N. D. Rowland J. A. Pringle M. D. Nanny J. A. Parsons M. U. Abendroth H. M. Brand, Jr. D. E. Hogan J. D. Hornbrook B. J. Jensen J. Labiak P. B. Hoary J. E. Tveite J. G. Howard ill K. K. Galan J. D. Miller J. L. Rutherford J. C. Glick J. F. Verlautz R. W. Overton III S. M. Lakis D. P. Claussen D. Podany BETA EPSILON Missouri

"To the continuing stream of Pi Kappa Phi's who come after us do we owe our wonderful Pi Kappa Phi" L. Harry Mixon, Founder


L. B. Grube W. R. Walker R. M. Smith L. M. Knetz R. F. Bush R. P. Jones A. P. Wagner C. C. Curley, Jr. A. W. McLane III R. A. Gundrum P. L. Davis, Jr. W. C. Gvvinner P. E. Willhide B. E. McIntyre J. P. McCarthy E. J. Hathaway E. R. Yeager G. 0. Herold R. E. Thornton W. Moyer, Jr. R. B. Craine, Jr. T. H. Kingsland R. C. Hamilton R. C. Heim W. F. Exley T. S. Holmes J. G.Schmucker III W. Simon III M. P. Anne, Jr. J. H. Williamson S. G. Krepps V E. B. Hoffman, Jr. L. J. Shue G. H. Schaffner J. D. Funk W. J. Vernon, Jr. C. J. Scott T. D. Webber II D. R. Forbes D. A. Kearney R. P. Kebert T. J. Yoho W. F. Sirocky J. M. Rodgers S. J. Bradley K. L. Shaner R. J. Hoopes J. T. Hartzell M. B. Trull M. A. Gardocki H. E. Smyser III D. J. Stallard R. C. Moehler R. J. Parks S. J. Madden H. N. Barfoot III S. J. Diorio T. Sherry W. C. Rakowich K. M. Coologhan M. D. Berger J. M. Craine J. A. Lasala M. J. McLaughlin D. P. Mulhern S. B. Letendre

J. D. Davis W. H. Beckman J. W. Cook J. L. Ludwig L. H. Bowen J. M. Thompson J. P. McMahon D. R. Jones D. D. Lashbrook

N. S. Weikel R. W. Nugent T. V. Vandawark F. L. Streimer R. H. Fantz D. D. Lassellu S. C. Lynch S. W. Winkleman BETA ALPHA N.J.I.T. C. A. Gorshkoff W. Oakenell D. J. Salmon° J. Vanbroekhoven J. R. Albright W. J. Sturm W. A. Stahl! A. King D. C. Linske C. Pedicini J. S. Urban R. F. Kreh K. Kubak V. E. Oravetz, Jr. T. M. McCann, Jr. R. J. Vandergrift J. A. Boughrun R. S. Pribula R. A. Mason E. K. Wilson, Jr. R. D. Polucki E. J. Klebaur, Jr. R. Spinelli R. J. Doudera L. Cadigan F. Becker, Jr. P. J. Orban K. McCranor J. M. Spigel J. P. Zengota S. DePalma D. R. Vanhouten J. A. Krucher J. P. Brogan J. J. Manfredi L. R. Miceli A. V. Mangone J. S. Aragona C. G. Midgley R. C. Delcoru W. McCabe R. A. Ruff J. F. Lee, Jr. W. M. Parisi F. J. Wood R. M, Labinsky R. T. Cardillo L. M. Guadagno D. F. Frederick R. Pedersen J. papal° BETA BETA Florida Southern R. 0. Bruce W. M. Fraser, Jr. R. G. Owsley G. A. Given C. F. Newcombe L. W. Carter C. M. Koch K. S. Ketterer, Jr. G. L. Wadsworth R. J. Chapin M. H. Simon L. L. Merchant W. W. Dicks F. R. Clemens

R. M. Persyn W. T. Richards J. B. Wade L. G. Trudell P. J. Bouckaert J. L. Lichtenberg P. J. Frazee R. J. Baker B. Bird BETA ETA Florida State E. R. Johnson, Jr. to. P. 01111$ L. Almerico R. C. Lukas E. E. Cheeseman, Jr. G. G. Fernandez J. E. Nettles B. Stilwell, Jr. C. L. Delk J. R. Comae J. M. Lloyd M. J. O'Farrell J. T. Barfield R. B. Boersma J. W. Guy G. W. Hollingsworth R. L. Irwin W. W. Malphrus J. W. Newman, Jr. R. W. Rivers S. C. Frasier C. W. MacMillin F. M. Ryll, Jr. L. A. Bodiford R. F. Brown R. P. Costin R. E. Cross, Jr. K. Rouse P. J. Newell R. M. Plotts J. 0. Sipperley D. L. Ulloa H. E. McCall, Jr. C. D. Chao D. P. Stewart It F. L. Hoffmann P. R. Regensdorf S. M. Wilson, Jr. W. D. English R. L. Baker W. E. Gregory D. V. Allen J. D. Bultman M. B. Vasquez D. Dunbar T. R. Caruso W. A. Tillman J. M. Holler M. W. Waters C. D. New A. J. Corbin N. H. Beaver J. B. Newman S. A. McNeece BETA THETA Arizona J. F. Rice BETA IOTA Toledo J. J. Connors, Jr. R. W. Schiller R. H. Smalley, Jr. P. J. Rapp R. D. Conley D. D. Deckrosh R. N. Lindner D. D. Zellers W. C. O'Shea G. H. Hershman C. T. Kahle P. C. Simon G. K. Dunaway D. D. McEwen R. E. Kagy J. W. White, Jr. M. E. Anderson J. W. Hutfman T. A. Ramsdell C. A. Myers B, O. Palenske BETA KAPPA Georgia State D. R. Ward D. E. Perkins C. B. Doss, Jr. R. F. Watson C. A. Cathey J. W. Baldwin

S. R. Duren D. C. Coale, Jr. M. T. Conway T. A. Cribb' R. A. Gouge D. S. Barker J. B. Patton BETA LAMBDA Tampa E. C. Stivender T. E. Bissonnette E. E. Garrison, Jr. J. D. Harper W. B. Hippenmeier J. A. Harnett J. A. Gallagher R. C. Swirbuh R. A. Myers W. G. Birch G. W. Bobier F. Burns R. M. Griffin, Jr. G. A. Clement C. L. Jordan J. K. Neve R. H. Pinson, Jr. G. J. Romano A. H. Dowd R. T. Gagnon W. Wilks, Jr. R. C. Russell G. J. Cooper B. A. Samuels J. M. Salvatore C. T. Miltiades E. Romanino J. H. Keally J. R. White W. Manning H. R. Goodman BETA MU McNees* H. M. Parkerson E. M. Potratz J. R. Airhart T. E. Wright, Jr. W. K. Welsh R. L. Romero S. N. Guidry R. B. Smith W. J. Graske J. R. Fox BETA NU Houston R. H. Patterson, Jr. D. B. Knight R. A. Viguerie BETA XI Central Michigan D. M. Veloric. C. Kamachos J. L. Schnepp K. W.Smith J. R. Strachan B. R. Wiltse E. A. Morrow D. R. De Waned S. J. Thatcher J. D. Brasie D. E. Clappison BETA OMICRON N.W. State - Louisiana P. Rochette, Jr. P. G. Durham, Jr. J. G. Oden S. T. Slaydon A. Bachman D. A. McClintock M. W. Robinson R. D. Yates C. A. Prestenback R. S. Hutchins W. W. Traylor, Jr. K. McCain T. E. McManus BETA PI Eastern Michigan R. P. Brumbaugh

R. R. Siegfried I. T. Yopp III T. C. Sayetta D. R. Barbour E. S. Banks, Jr. J. M. Terry, Jr. S. C. Slate F. B. Soeder K. M. Beatty G. W. Daniels R. A. Brewster W. C. Ealy J. R. Coble R. F. McDonald S. T. Hicks D. W. King T. M. Edwards E. E. Ehle, Jr. B. A. Mullis W. H. Moore, Jr. S. F. Ayers L. C. Edmonds BETA CHI East Texas State


F. L. Spradlen R. C. Burdette III N. Bishop J. W. Gerbow E. Saunders W. J. Linkovich F. E. Horning H. M. Queener

L. D. Simmons, Jr. M. G. Porche G. J. Flick, Jr.

B. C. Brown R. H. Blair R. R. Palmer B. T. Williams J. N. Boronkay, Jr. M. B. Claman D. L. Henderson E. M. Murphy F. D. Masters E. P. Bowers T. G. Atchley J. Ferguson GAMMA ALPHA Livingston

GAMMA LAMBDA Missouri • Rolle

J. L. Alexander J. S. Garnett, Jr. J. C. Baynes W. P. Taylor H. E. Pettis 0. T. Hall, Jr. J. W. Roebuck R. K. Poole T. J. Holliman H. W. Bloom, Jr. M. Smith D. D. Coleman

P. K. Scherrer M. R. Schnettler M. P. Gioia, Jr. R. Bentzinger C. M. Gioia G. L. Hale W. H. Coalson N. M. Derickson, Jr. E. S. Harris J. M. Gioia M. J. Stocker W. J. Stein M. B. Faust

BETA OMEGA East Tennessee State

GAMMA BETA Old Dominion S. F. Bryant L. A. Beverly, Jr. W. C. Bright, Jr. P. L. Moses W. G. Jenkins L. H. Richard, Jr. R. A. Magoon T. L. Bache' C. E. Brady Ili E. H. Joy D. M. Midgett R. G. Howard T. E. Treichler P. V. Shebalin J. C. Simpson W. W. Ridgely C. MacKenzie J. E. Prillaman J. E. Simonik J. M. Bednarek W. P. Wilcox

D. D. Firkins R. C. Hulka D. P. Drew BETA TAU Valdosta


C. P. Adams J. R. Davis R. B. Thomas S. C. Houston H. H. Wilford J. T. Brooks W. V. Settle III W. R. Maxwell T. E. Nelson W. C. Murphy If J. M. Smith C. K. Ivey B. S. Richardson M. E. Demote J. R. Williams W. M. Dismuke M. L. Jones D. E. Reeves

W. J. Anthony II R. E. Montgomery G. A. Vanasek T. L. Carter D. L. Everson P. B. Wood J. E. Younger T. F. Lynch W. D. Lockwood U. E. Oyler, Jr. H. H. Groves M. W. Lipscomb D. C. Kelley H. K. Hunter J. L. Crosby H. E. Ralph, Jr. T. F. Leatherwood III C. L. Hall It R. Cail

D. C. Ray If W. H. Lewis, Jr. A. B. Fearing M. F. Barefoot D. W. McLawhorn H. 0. Chesson, jr. C. E. Brock, Jr. D. C. Frazier

GAMMA KAPPA Georgia Southern J. F. Riggs M. W. Nesmith C. P. Cates S. S. Bishop P. W. Buffington D. R. Dillard G. C. Coleman W. C. Burns J. W. Odom, Jr. D. D. Senger A. F. Jeselnik R. S. Sapough, Jr. J. C. Waldrop D. H. Exley M. W. Miller G. Aspinwall R. R. Pope

R. C. Sayler J. G. Adams J. P. McClendon, Jr. G. E. Bates W. F. Brooks II W. L. Long III S. R. Oliver G. E. Hamilton W. L. Hornsby

BETA PHI East Carolina

GAMMA THETA N.C.• Wilmington

BETA PSI Tennessee Wesleyan

B. R. Mayo R. C. Clark

L. R. Hamlett, Jr. D. B. Kimball, Jr. J. B. Browning F. J. Rigging S. S. Applegate W. H. Brinkman W. M. Ewald D. B. Lewis, Jr. P. E. Buppert, Jr. H. J. McKane B. J. Ewald R. D. Schneider F. A. Williams N. H. Mann R. H. Sheppard M. J. Walsh D. L. Namay J. B. Rose III J. H. Kessack III D. 0. Miller J. D. McLaughlin, Jr. D. T. Smith R. J. Huber G. F. Shipp A. G. Straw J. M. Farmn G. A. Dickson C. W. Rinaldo M. E. Kanavos

L. A. Lemsky W. J. Kelly E. R. Miranda T. S. Reinke R. W. Slaybaugh II G. Z. Smith

W. E. Dalton J. M. Corcoran R. T. Gore J. M. Sondey J. C. Pinar J. P. Fergus A. B. Walls L. H. Harris R. E. Parker




D. W. Decolaines III J. S. Christian G. L. Richards W. E. Patterson K. L. Park J. L. Earley S. R. McCord

BETA RHO Clarkson

BETA SIGMA Northern Illinois

C. A. Rickenbach E. D. Bauer L. J. Sigafoos D. M. Jones D. E. Jones M. J. Akers, Jr. A. D. Kiser II E. B. Hoch, Jr. R. T. Halstead

GAMMA EPSILON Western Carolina L. Y. Ramsey C. B. Sutton T. 0. Potts J. B. Grooms, Jr. B. D. Roberson W. F. Willis D. C. Turner W. M. Felsher D. C. Brown M. D. Cope K. R. Craft G. M. Harrison T. F. Perkins J. H. Petty R. B. Shaver S. C. Davis, Jr. T. W. Sikes GAMMA ZETA West Virginia Tech P. R. Oneacre A. G. Pecora D. R. Legg C. W. Hutzler D. M. Childers D. L. Hirneisen W. S. Kocher D. L. Prinzbach R. K. Kelly R. E. Isom R. Michael T. W. McGrew R. C. Lavender L. D. Hendricks M. C. Paterno D. F. Malfessanti S. A. Kraycar G. A. Franz, Jr. D. E. Skaggs

GAMMA MU Belmont Abbey G. A. Piche G. F. Kusic J. R. Cottingham II L. P. Jones B. B. Smith J. N. Wurpel II C. K. Grissom, Jr. GAMMA NU LaGrange H. E. Staats II R. J. deValinger R. L. Farr W. G. Sherman

-g.W..Greene T. B.Peterson GAMMA CHI JecksOnville (FL) J. P. Hunter S. L. Van Every M. M. Broward R. M. Orcutt R. B. Medlin L. M. Hufty D. H. Zavon GAMMA PSI Augusta M. E. Weed F. Damiano J. S. Dean B. A. Keel P. A. Sanders J. D. Hopkins R. L. Turner, Jr. J. T. Herzberg GAMMA OMEGA Montevallo R. V. Whealton R. A. Moore D. C. Bennett W. H. Pauly D. E. Wigginton R. J. McGhee R. L. Lader R. D. Cannon T. G. Smitherman A. L. Hurd DELTA ALPHA Virginia Tech W. P. Martin D. K. Cumbee J. H. Crist J. C. Ramsey III J. M.Smithman C. W. Little J. A. Ebert J. E. Bryant III L. R. Head DELTA BETA North Georgia B. J. Austin B. W. Pope P. J. Rodgers R. B. Alexander B. N. Gardner J. A. Strange M. A. Brennen T. 0. Nicholson, Jr. H. G. Holcomb U. G. Matherly, Jr. W. C. Sams Ill C. L. Samples A. H. Bright W. E. Gilmore M. G. Lawless D. R. Sutton C. A. Cecchini L. 0. Toro R. P. Moultrie T. E. Barer&t III R. W. Plummer, Jr. P. W. Wingo E. J. Hicks W. E. Taw D. W. Nicholson V. C. Eilenfield M. T. O'Halpin M. R. Pickett J. D. Bingham S. G. Blackmon C. E. Mitchell T. J. Stafford A. 0.Smith R. G. Jones J. P. Chagaris T. H. Fox III DELTA GAMMA Nebraska • Ortmhe

D. C. Dvorak R. W. Witzig D. F. Wilson GAMMA XI R. L. Drozda Georgia Southwestern R. M. Scalise D. T. Vescio E. T. Rachels III J. C. Moore, Jr. A. H. Nisbet R. A. Buschelman D. W. Suppes J. A. Grant DELTA DELTA F. R. Jones NE State(MO) W. L. Finney R. B. Folger R. D. Crissinger, Jr. J. B. Pond D. W. Girard B. E. Miller HI G. R. Einspanier, Jr. H. H. Vaughn, Jr. K. G. Hershey F. B. Taylor, Jr. D. L. Ewigman B. H. Hamrick Z. B. Eaton M. W. Hall J. A. Jones J. T. Cherry, Jr. M. D. Moye DELTA EPSILON B. T. Akins Jacksonville (AL) G. R. Jenkins R. P. Heimerich, Jr. C. J. McSpadden K. L. Hill H. D. Buttram, Jr. GAMMA OMICRON Bethel J. J. Brocavich D. W. Morris GAMMA RHO Lander R. E. Butler, Jr. J. T. Lusk J. J. Valter, Jr. D. W. Bowling, Jr. B. C. Young G. C. Stafford GAMMA SIGMA Armstrong P. A. Kaluzne, Jr. D. A. Leonard M. J. Higgs T. H. Long GAMMA TAU North Texas R. M. Williams T. W. Russell B. 0, Turner GAMMA UPSILON Oklahoma State K. E. °she! T. V. Bish R. P. Sober L. B. Levern M. E. Whitlaw P. Pearce C. J. Rogers G. G. Robinson M. L. Voegeli C. L. Purdum R. E. Stultz GAMMA PHI South Alabama L. H. Green D. T. Jackson M. E. Rainwaters N. V. Weiss S. F. White R. C. Healy F. D. Havard K. E. Webb J. T. Hill G. L. Chastang R. S. Griffith

M. P. Wamsley T. M. Tidwell R. Y. Owen T. D. Kendrick L. S. Jones P. L. Colbert R. S. Newby F. 0. Holland C. C. Carter R. J. Coley R. A. Stewart D. T. Strickland DELTA ZETA Appalachian

DELTA LAMBDA NC • Charlotte M. E. Ashley C. A. Manus C. T. Bohlen III C. P. Cannon P. L. Ritchie J. P. Faggart J. C. Deal L. L. Leonard T. A. Reed R. M. Pombo F. C. Proctor, Jr. W. L. Dawkins E. G. Smith J. H. Mitchell B. N. Boyd W. C. Jackson, Jr. J. Mountjoy DELTA MU Methodist R. R. Castona, Jr. M. W. Gillmer G. S. Rogers DELTA NU Western Kentucky F. B. laconic B. L. Champion DELTA XI North Alabama B. L. Martin K. T. Tucker G. K. Abbott W. Z. Womack S. A. Pirkle L. P. Guess DELTA OMICRON Nicholls State E. J. Bourgeois K. J. Defelice d M. C. G D. Blum J. S. Simmons J. J. Olin C. R. Redmond II B. P. Waguespack, Jr. DELTA PI Wright State R. A. Prewitt B. K. Rockwell B. A. Lindsey B. A. Hollingworth R. E. Waugh G. K. Hamilton J. C. Sheidler J. L. Davis T. D. Brown DELTA RHO Southern California J. R. Hotchkiss J. S. Anderson R. E. Corber E. A. Lang III S. M. Petralia K. A. Kocher E. J. Hogan III R. Martinez C. M. Sarture II DELTA SIGMA Bowling Green K. T. Seward J. R. Anderson, Jr. K. M. Lotosky S. A. Moser G. A. Heng DELTA TAU James Madison B. D. Baldwin B. Hauptman J. P. Keilsohn C. E. Kelly M. W. Moroney W. J. Heath K. R. Davis G. R. Sanders, Jr. DELTA UPSILON Univ. of Pittsburgh H. E. Simon R. K. McGaha DELTA PHI Radford College J. T. Latta J. B. Harold, Jr. W. E. Kelley M. K. Posey S. K. Pontius DELTA CHI Kansas State S. L. Dreiling M. D. Snyder D. R. Wilson S. J. Goetz E. C. Mallon R. D. Weatherly D. H. George K. A. Penrod DELTA PSI Texas - Arlington W. T. Sinhel J. D. Cordes EPSILON BETA Grand Valley State S. J. Gilbert

C. A. Beddingfield III G. L. Ball M. D. McKinney, Jr. R. E. Bernard D. W. Edwards S. E. Miller S. D. Terry R. G. Ouellette B. C. Duncan S. D. Kiser R. 0. Tarkenton DELTA ETA Morehead R. Griffith, Jr. L. M. Jones N. Hawkins G. L. Kring D. H. Williams J. W. Wells DELTA THETA Mars Hill R. C. Bellew, Jr. T. E. Theall W. P. Powell, Sr.

EPSILON GAMMA Longwood S. G. Whitten T. C. Jones IV R. S. McAra D. C. Sisco It E. E. Moore K. L. Ryman EPSILON DELTA Auburn • Montgomery D. Goodlett G. Jackson, Jr. EPSILON EPSILON Clinch Valley G. B. Vanover R. H. Sage M. F. Keene C. L. Roberts EPSILON ZETA Central Arkansas C. W. Adkins, Jr,

EPSILON ETA DELTA IOTA Middle Tennessee State Winthrop College M. L. Potts R. D. Wallace S. F. Reynolds C. P. Hanley R. E. Knabe DELTA KAPPA Pembroke C. J. Bennett, Jr. J. J. Gould D. P. Floyd

0. L. Agerton MEMBERS AT LARGE C. F. Wilder M. H. Herbstreith L. W. Barham G. W. Wilson III W. E. Holland W. L. Corbin, Jr. C. F. Gordon W. J. Lupton


GOLDEN LEGION The men listed and pictured on this page have been honored as distinguished citizens of Pi Kappa Phi. They represent the maturity of their chapter and their fraternity. Each of them has been remembered on the 50th Anniversary of their being initiated in Pi Kappa Phi. This recognition is in the form of a handsome plaque and the designation of Golden Legion. Many shingles were presented in person by another member of Pi Kappa Phi. The intent is for all to be so presented. Some, due to various reasons, were mailed. Here the fraternity is pleased to again acknowledge these beloved members. ALPHA . Charleston Jesse Turner Barfield, Jr. Julius Eugene Bulges Robert Burbank Murphy GAMMA • California Berkeley John Louis Bairvrini DELTA Furman John Drayton Hopkins William Newton Turrentine EPSILON • Davidson Alvin Bayer, Jr. Carroll Wilson Marsh William Clarence RorvIle John Edward Spence Hugh Yelverton, Jr. John Buchanan Porterfield Everett Dean Otey ZETA -Wofford Benjamin L. Allen ETA • Emory Frank Polhill Bracewell IOTA Georgia Toth Holland Stebbins Douglass Butler Bullard William Garland Green Malcolm Gordon Keiser Marvin Oliver Myland Author Frances Perkins KAPPA • North Carolina William Howard McAllister, Jr. John McInnis, Jr. LAMBDA • Georgia Hal Norman Askins Glenn Wilson Shard Llewellyn Jenkins Kilburn Charles Richard Maxwell, Jr. Harry Alton Spooner Charles Aubrey Stoudennure Norman Philip Curtis Mu • Duke Belton O'Neal Bryan Walter Burke Davis

Joe Milton Vanhoy Carlos Fernando Vales William Henry Darneron Bonn Author Gilbert NU • Nebraska Roy James Smidt Charles Frederick Werner XI • Roanoke Marcus Scott Wood Raymond Randall Rice

OMICRON • Alabama E. David Haigler Lawrence Alfred Bouligny, Jr. Ernest Wilson Collins William Owen Kennedy James Arthur King Thomas Poindexter Stowe PI Oglethorpe Richard Fielding Stone George S. Gaillard, Jr. Woody Brooks Albert Carter Philip Luther Hildreth Julian Clarence Horror RHO- Washington & Lae Jerome Clifford Freund William Burton Gabb Arthur Ernest Hauck Ferdinand Albert Hauslein Joseph George McGoory George Edward Short Isaac Grier Wallace, Jr. SIGMA South Carolina John Ingram Fishburne William Buck Norwood Earl Clary William Wesley Fincher, Jr. TAU North Carolina State Clifton Henry Palm Arterburn Louis Stubing UPSILON -Illinois Lawrence Christian Altmansberger Thomas Ferguson Fleming William Albert Hasfurther CHI Stetson Ernest William Gautier Donald Eugene Horton Travis Drennen Petrvy Boyce Fowler Exell, Jr. Jefferson Davis Godard Joe Howe Burckhalter PSI Cornell Glenn Taylor Barber William Berton DeLorig Herman Charles Wintzer Walter Strassman Menge OMEGA. Purdue William Carr Haase Harold Ray Johnson, Jr. Walter Locket Norrington Wallace Frederick Blackford John Norman Porter Robert Andrew Buethe Conduitt Roscoe Fields John Seybold Swaim Robert William Stromberg George Albert Holdernaum

ALPHA ALPHA . Mincer Searcy Slaton Garrison

ALPHA GAMMA Oklahoma Willard Dale Hunter Jesse Joe Marley Richard Ducker Horace C. Wilson Clifford Arthur Stein Gordon Wiley Strain LeRoy Cecil Henderson Jack E. Calvert Harold LeRoy Gasaway ALPHA DELTA • Washington Eldon Hobert Snider Paul Robert Sulkosky ALPHA EPSILON. Florida William Rice Robbins Stephen Pinckney Smith, Jr. Bryon Edwards Herlong Albert Edwin Purviance, Jr. Raymond Chelsea Tylander Edward Allen Sundy ALPHA ZETA - Oregon State George Melville Reid Donald Edward Tomlinson Cecil L. Corlew William Ross Roberts Henry Edward Albert Shumaker John Wilfred Zwick Albert Edwin Johnson ALPHA ETA • Samford Walter Donald Casey Harold Edward Greer Jam. Bentley Gwin ALPHA THETA . Michigan State Robert Arch Whiting Samuel Mel Carp Forrest Jay Meier Reginald Petters Turner ALPHA IOTA • Auburn James Monroe Hamilton James LaFayette Eidson Arvin Levert Payne, Jr. Eugene Eleton Heacock Fred Norman Stephens Kenneth Guy Taylor Austin Ray Martin Charles Cleveland Workman, Jr.

Walter E. Eisele (center) and his wife took two Golden Legion recipients and their wives to dinner before presenting their awards. Jesse Turner Barfield, Jr. (left), Alpha - Charleston, and John Edward Spencer (right), Epsilon - Davidson, were honored by the recognition.

Frank Bracewell (center) of Emory University's Eta Chapter, receives the Golden Legion. Fluker Stewart (left) Director of College Relations at Valdosta State College, and an alumnus of Chi Chapter - Stetson, and Jeff Sexton, the Beta Tau Chapter Valdosta Archon, made the presentation in Bracewell's home in Valdosta, Georgia.

Bonn Gilbert (left), Mu Chapter - Duke, receives his Golden Legion from Muria E. Harrison, Alpha Epsilon - Florida. They both live at Ponte Verde Beach, Florida.

Munsey Moore (left), Xi Chapter - Roanoke, of Chase City, Virginia, presents Hugh Yelverton, Jr., Epsilon Chapter - Davidson, now living in Blackstone, Virginia, with his Golden Legion.

Albert (Buzz) Carter (right), Pi Chapter Oglethorpe, receives his Golden Legion from H. Lee Baker, Omicron - Alabama. They both live in Corpus Christi, Texas.

ALPHA LAMBDA • Mississippi David Prude Dabbs Doric Debell Hakes

ALPHA BETA Tulane Lewis Mercer Dawson

ALPHA KAPPA Michigan Carl Edward O'Mara Lesvos L. Horton Philip Smith Dal,iel Anthony Francis (lute

Dr. Jay Hammett (left), Sigma - South Carolina, of Gaffney, South Carolina, presents the Golden Legion to Earl Clary, also of Sigma Chapter and Gaffney.

ALPHA MU- Penn State Boyd Kale Gallagher Edward West Jones Thomas Doman Munn John Franklin West, Jr. Elmer E. Davies John Harold Leightty Gregg George Turner ALPHA NU • Ohio State George Frederick Koeuf Gilbert Paul Miller ALPHA XI P.I.N.Y. William Ruby Johnson Arthur L. Kotung Torken Riegels Dreyer Renwick Edward Nugent John Oldfield Bergen, Jr. ALPHA OMICRON. Iowa Siete Carl Oliver Marsh Paul Max Muller James Arthur Dockal Arthur August Hallbauer ALPHA PI • University of the South Fred Fudickar, Jr. ALPHA RHO • West Virginia Ralph bard Kent Barnett Cooper ALPHA SIGMA- Tennessee Henry Carrol Settle Lloyd Allen Brockwell James L. Woods Zwingle David Franklin Whitmire, Jr. David Enoch McPherson Roy Benjamin Smith Robert Gray Whitfield Landon Crittenden Haney ALPHA TAU • Rensselaer Edward S. Clark Robert Brodersen Lauridsen Herbert Waldemar Lindholm George Mucher Clifford Hughes Tyler Harry Irving Goecker Frederick Van Olinda Dolph Wappler Earl Harvey Robinson John Sterling Haverstick John Joseph Deveny Henry John Parcinski Robert Henry Schaub Randall Stuart Manchester

John Tessoro, a student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a member of the Alpha Tau Chapter presents the Golden Legion to Randel Manchester during a return visit of his to the Alpha Tau "castle."

Glen E. Hesler (right) Upsilon - Illinois, of Carmel, Indiana, presents the Golden Legion to John S. Swaim, Omega Chapter Purdue, also of Carmel.

Lloyd Allen Brockwell, Alpha Sigma - Tennessee, receives his Golden Legion from several members of the Gamma Delta Chapter at Memphis State and the National Secretary, Bill Finney, who now lives in Memphis. Pictured are: (front row from left) Chris Wilson, Lloyd Brockwell, Bill Finney, and David Laffiteau. Second row - Kim Hunter, Shane Russell, Steve Fickle, and Carter Beard.

Ron de Valinger, Area Governor of Pi Kappa Phi, presents the Golden Legion to N. Phillip Curtis, Lambda - Georgia. Both live in Americus, Georgia.

Now a trustee with the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, Julius Burges (center), Alpha - Charleston, receives his Golden Legion from David Burges and Bobby Marlowe, all live in the Charleston area.

Glenn W. Ellard's (far right) Golden Legion was presented at a luncheon attended by five other brothers living in the area. Ed Brock (far left) of Cornelia, arranged the luncheon and attending were G. C. Jackson, Lambda - Georgia; Bomar Olds, Iota - Georgia Tech; J. P. Ballard, Beta - Presbyterian; Calvin Stovall, Lambda - Georgia; and Cliff Kinsey - Lambda - Georgia. All told, 319 years in Pi Kappa Phi were represented at that luncheon.



Initiation Statistics Brothers who have joined the Chapter Eternal Oh, death could be triumphant -- death in battle, death in love, death in friendship and in peril, could be glorious if it were proud death, gaunt death, lean, lonely, tender, loving and heroic death, who bent to touch his chosen son with mercy, love, and pity, and put the seal of honor on him when he died! "The Web and The Rock," by Brother Thomas Wolfe, Kappa '18, University of North Carolina. Used by permission of the publishers, Harper and Brothers.

July 1981 - June 1982 ALPHA 41 60 120 122 176 204

W. C. Curry W. H. Moore C. Huguenin, Jr. J. M. Jordan E. A. Boynton, Jr. F. E. Nrgels, Jr.

BETA 38 84 138 189 447

S. C. Brown A. F. Marshall H. D. Dillard D. P. Wilson R. P. Saye, Jr.

GAMMA 124 164 176 195 198 200 233 242 254

E. D. Solari T. C. Oualyle R. E. Pas”lacqua L. G. Juilly W. L. Swanson W. F. Watthall K. L. White R. H. Frank L. G. Pillar

DELTA 52 77 190

J. B. Workman, Jr. A. T. McCarson C. a Welborn

EPSILON 6.1. Pullen, Jr. 55 69 C. R. Hunter 93 S. N. Brown 361 R. B. Sims ZETA 28 70 424 469

W. E. Easterling R. A. Duncan W. M. Park D. M. Lemrnons

ETA 17 90 117 262

S. A. Hearn J. R. Simms, Jr. H. C. Traywick H. A. Blackburn

IOTA 91 125 130 170 187 247 332

0. J. Hood H. H. Redwine, Sr. H. D. McLean 0, F. Perkins 0. A. T. Goden G. W. Page D. A. Stevenson

KAPPA 49 131 316

M. W. Edwards M. Z. Gaither, Jr. L. E. Smyre

LAMBDA 12 R. N. Mathis G. B. Brooks 146 198 C. M. Gaston MU 32 78 136

J. H. Tyler C. E. Weatherby, Jr. R. L. Rigsby

NU 26 59 60 86 97A 118 143 202

W. L. Simpson H. H. Lewis 0. Mortensen H. A. Lanning A. M. Wilson E. W. Kuhn N. D, Sloan L. R. Hedge

6 123 133 148 190

D. O'Flaherty P. F. Carder F. W. Trimmer J. H. Fisher J. B. Frier


OMICRON 44 J. F. Fletcher 83 G. H. Kendrick 111 H. H. Hooton 152 J. G. Kelley 162 P. L. Butler 163 T. R. Schultz, Jr. 208 J. J. Summerford 338 J T. Maddox 610 C. L. Fra,ia, Jr. M. A. Straughn 728 794 C. W. Carmichael 1139 W. A. Ware 1235 B. D. Calhoun

PI 74 150 186

F. C. Everett, Jr. J. B. Johnston H. C. Jones

RHO 16 73 99 101 114

E. E. Rosborough J. D. Hill, Jr. R. Ade D. B. Kirby E. J. Nelson

SIGMA 280 568

E. C. Woodward S. H. Buff

TAU 46 118 431 525

A. J. Jenkins J. L. McLean, Jr. B. E. Horner S. T. Hodges

•• UPSILON 72 W. J. Putnam 93 G. S. Walker 94 K. A. Werden 104 M. T. Lampert 165 D. A. Parkhurst 201 a V. Uhl... Jr., PHI N. H. Ellison


B. L. Turner J. R. Sikes R. F. Mikell J. S. Wagg E. S. Ferguson III E. W. Gautier J. A. Avrack J. T, Burdine, Jr. G. J. Ossorio

26 69 92 96 140 168 232 254 382

PSI W. Measday, Jr. W. R. Schlotrhauer J. J. Ferraro C. M. Briggs J. L. Herr

27 110 150 172 246 OMEGA 2 101 294 309 332 434 493 698

H. W. Behr C. R. Baumgartner G. M. Turkana] R. A. Young D. E. Shaw J. B. Swackhamer C. W. Vissering P. R. Clayton

ALPHA THETA 32 W. R. Perry 83 A. E. Laurie 84 G. A. Rouse 190 J. J. Byrd ALPHA IOTA 48 R. I. Sikes D. H. Nettle 207 407 E. N. Merriwether, Jr. ALPHA KAPPA H. B. Perrin 19 H. S. Zoll 32 K. J. Nagelk irk 34 A. W. Lipphart 90 ALPHA LAMBDA 70 G. E. Atx10 W. G. Johnston 77 ALPHA MU 29 R. P. Strickland 49 H. M. Showalter 70 M. M. Bigger 71 L. S. Reif I 72 H. J. West ALPHA XI 9 G. W. Alder J. P. Wilson 68 /5 W. A. Ock W. J Fitzsimmons, Jr. 190 ALPHA OMICRON H. Giese 5 D. K. Wavier 104 ALPHA SIGMA D. F. Whitmire 39 68 F. B. Ward 85 W. H. Brinkley 167 B. C. McMahan H. B. Gillespie 242 ALPHA TAU 77 N. S. FY1e 204 R. L. Buchanan ALPHA UPSILON 19 J. W. Deimler H. L. Johnson 30 81 W. C. Brayton ALPHA PHI 27 Fl. W. Miller ALPHA PSI L. W. Turner 65 BETA ETA 10 K. W. Gilbert

ALPHA ALPHA 1A W. A. Bugg 8 W. L. Moore 15 G. H. Teasley 27 W. M. Jordan, Jr. 203 M. P. Cantwell

BETA NU 2 M. C. Unger

ALPHA BETA W. P. Addison, Jr.


ALPHA GAMMA 27 F. Guthrie 31 L. E. Story 33 J. B. Todd 106 S. L. Pangburn 162 C. Hogge 190 M. A. Foreman 215 S. S. Story 361 R. K. Whittington

BETA RHO 80 G. Fl. Furness

ALPHA EPSILON 8 J. W. Chambliss 25 A. W. Smith 128 W. C. Moore 345 J. E. Matson, Jr. 380 J. H. Pace, Jr. 382 G. L. Pink 414 C. L. Rowe 641 G. E. Sabin 738 J. E. Morton 836 M. G. Faubert, Jr. 847 W. W. Bird ALPHA ZETA 183 A. E. Spence 229 E. F. Thompson ALPHA ETA 34 C. T. Warren 42 C. E. Carr 55A V. M. Buckalew 61 E. M.Strickland

BETA LAMBDA 286 R. C. Cerutti 323 R. E. Kennedy

BETA PHI 57 R. W. Edwards BETA PSI K. B. Haile 156 GAMMA ALPHA 99 G. W. Wiltfang GAMMA BETA 1 P. L. Meador 18 C. H. McGinnis GAMMA KAPPA T. C. Sapp 84 GAMMA SIGMA J. H. Mallory 48 GAMMA OMEGA I 11 C. L. Boswell DELTA ZETA 4 J. R. Boyd EPSILON LAMBDA 26 M. D. Satterfield

Memorial Scholarship Fund Established On April 10, 1982,one of our youngest brothers was called to the Chapter Eternal. His tragic accident was so sudden and cruel that it not only grieved and stunned those of us who knew him but the Almighty Archon as well. Michael Douglas Andrew Satterfield, 19, was initiated into our fraternity less than four months prior to his death. Yet in that short period of earthly time, the number of lives which he positively touched bears witness to the fact that this younger brother learned his fraternal lessons well. He was in his totality loyal and loving to our fraternity. His chapter, Epsilon Lambda (University of South Carolina-Spartanburg) and the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation have established an educational fund in his

memory. The steering committee desires to award the "Michael Satterfield Scholarship" yearly to an Epsilon Lambda brother who has demonstrated academic promise and is experiencing financial need. In this small way we seek to honor and to remember one whose memory is alive in our minds and whose love is felt in our hearts. Please make your tax deductible contribution payable to: The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation — Satterfield Memorial Address: P. 0. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 Perry W. Buffington, Ph.D. National Chaplain

The following statistics are the documented (cards and fees received) initiations for the 1981-82 school year. Some statistics may not completely reflect a chapter's situation as some initiations may have been late, held over from the previous year, or not reported until the current school year. Alpha Epsilon - University of Florida Gamma Gamma - Troy State Alpha Psi - Indiana University Beta Delta - Drake Rho - Washington & Lee Lambda - University of Georgia Alpha Alpha - Mercer University Beta Phi - East Carolina University Delta Lambda - UNC-Charlotte Epsilon Alpha - Elon College Alpha Upsilon - Drexel University Alpha Iota - Auburn University Epsilon Xi - LaSalle College Epsilon Mu - Bradley University Beta - Presbyterian College Gamma - University of California - Berkeley Alpha Zeta - Oregon State University Iota - Georgia Tech Kappa - UNC-Chapel Hill Gamma Epsilon - Western Carolina University Gamma Rho - Lander College Psi - Cornell University Delta Epsilon - Jacksonville State University Alpha Eta - Samford University Gamma Alpha - Livingston University Xi - Roanoke College Delta Delta - Northeast Missouri State University Alpha Tau - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Beta Tau - Valdosta State College Beta Upsilon - University of Virginia Kansas Associate Chapter Chi - Stetson University Alpha Mu - Pennsylvania State University

56 49 38 36 34 32 32 30 30 30 29 28 27 26 25 25 25 23 23 23 23 22 22 21 21 20 20 19 19 19 18 17 17

Omicron - University of Alabama Sigma - University of South Carolina Omega - Purdue University Alpha Gamma - University of Oklahoma Gamma Xi - Georgia Southwestern College Delta Phi - Radford University Epsilon Nu - California State - Sacramento Gamma Zeta - West Virginia Tech Gamma Kappa - Georgia Southern College Alpha Sigma - University of Tennessee Gamma Upsilon - Oklahoma State University Delta Alpha - Virginia Tech Delta Sigma - Bowling Green State University Delta Tau - James Madison University Delta Chi - Kansas State University Delta Psi - University of Texas - Arlington Alpha Theta - Michigan State University Alpha Phi - Illinois Institute of Technology Epsilon Gamma - Longwood College Epsiloni Theta - Seton Hall University Beta Mu - McNeese State University Gamma Omega - University of Montevallo Delta Zeta - Appalachian State University Tau - North Carolina State Delta Beta - North Georgia College Beta Iota - University of Toledo Gamma Nu - LaGrange College Delta Omega - Texas A&M Epsilon Eta - Winthrop College Epsilon Iota - UNC-Greensboro Zeta - Wofford College Gamma Beta - Old Dominion University Gamma Lambda - University of Missouri-Rolla Delta Gamma - University of Nebraska-Omaha

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 l3 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9

Alpha - College of Charleston Beta Chi - East Texas State University Delta Xi - University of North Alabama Delta Upsilon - University of Pittsburgh Epsilon Kappa - Southern Technical Institute Epsilon Lambda - University of South Carolina-Spartanburg Beta Beta - Florida Southern College Beta Eta - Florida State University Beta Lambda - University of Tampa Epsilon Delta - Auburn University-Montgomery Epsilon Zeta - University of Central Arkansas Alpha Omega Associate Chapter - University of Oregon Upsilon - University of Illinois Beta Alpha - New Jersey Institute of Technology Beta Epsilon - University of Missouri Gamma Delta - Memphis State University Delta Eta - Morehead State University Alpha Rho - West Virginia University Gamma Sigma - Armstrong State College Delta Rho - University of Southern California Alpha Xi - Polytechnic Institute of New York Beta Psi - Tennessee Wesleyan College Gamma Phi - University of South Alabama Delta Omicron - Nicholls State University Epsilon Epsilon - Clinch Valley College Gamma Mu - Belmont Abbey College Delta Pi - Wright State University Gamma Theta - UNC-Wilmington Gamma Psi - Augusta College Star 8z Lamp Associate Chapter - Furman University Alpha Omicron - Iowa State University Beta Kappa - Georgia State University Beta Omega - East Tennessee State University Delta Nu - Western Kentucky University Epsilon Beta - Grand Valley State University

8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1


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The Star and Lamp (ISSN 0038-9854) PI KAPPA PHI P. 0. Box 240526 Charlotte, N. C. 28224


Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N.C.

Changes in address should be forwarded promptly to the Administrative Office, P. 0. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Telephone Number (704) 523-6000.

Join us...Supreme Chapter-Mobile!August 1 3-1 7,1983 What does fellowship and sunshine have in common, its the 39th meeting of the Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, to be held in Mobile, Alabama, in August 1983. The Mobile Hilton will be the headquarters, the multi-million dollar complex was completed in 1979 and is one of the newest hotel properties in Alabama. Recently the Hilton was awarded the AAA Four Diamond Award, for superior accommodations and service. This facility should provide excellent meeting space for the Supreme Chapter. The city of Mobile is an excellent town to host a meeting of the Supreme Chapter. Dauphin Island is only 35 minutes from your headquarters, providing beautiful beaches and deep-sea fishing. Spouse programs will include historic home tours and world famous Belingrath Gardens. There are three municipal golf courses located 15 minutes from your hotel. The seafood of the Gulf Coast is world renowned and plentiful in the summer months at most dining establishments. Your planning committee for the 39th Supreme Chapter is as follows: Frank Havard — General Chairman for the 39th Supreme Chapter — Director of Corporate Service Searail, Inc.

You're invited to Mobile Bay and its surrounding sights.

Visit the Belingrath Gardens.

Fine accommodations provided by the Mobile Hilton.

William H. (Bill) Ishee — Treasurer — Boggan & Bellew, CPA. James L. May III — Activities Chairman — Waller Brothers, Sales Representative Frank Henderson — Chairman, Ladies Committee — President, Spanish Fort Hardware Aldon L. (Duke) Smith — Publicity Director — Publicity Director, Mobile Greyhound Park James L. May, Jr. — Committee Advisor — Attorney at Law Thomas A. Johnston III — Committee Advisor — Attorney at Law The above committee has been working

Enjoy the Gulf of Mexico.

to make all arrangements associated with a meeting of this caliber. All committee members are dedicated and understand the importance of organized functions, along the sensitivity of each individual's needs. We the committee, are determined at all costs to make

each brother of Pi Kappa Phi welcomed and a part of the 39th Supreme Chapter. Come join us for fraternity and fellowship and be a part of this most important and enjoyable meeting of Pi Kappa Phi's from all across the country. 111{4)

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