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ThE star an tamp OF PI KAPPA PHI

AN EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATION P 0. Boy 240526. Charlotte, NC 28224 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 Founded at the College of Charleston. SC December 10, 1904

Simon Fogarty

—FOUNDERS— Andrew A. Kroest. Jr. L. Hairy Meson


N Changes in address should be reported promptI7 to the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240528. Number Telephone Charlotte, NC 28224. (704) 523-6000. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI (ISSN 0038-98541 is published quarterly by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 in the months of February, May, August, and November. The Life sAscription is 515 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC.

ONE FULL WEEK TO Pi KAPPA PHI . . . . This is the gift of STEVE RYDER, Gamma Editorin.Chief Durward W. Owen. Chapter alumnus. From Saturday, April 23 Managing Editor Steven W. Smith Official Photographer Tim Ribs. to Saturday, April 30, Steve, with his automobile drove with GLENN ASPINWALL, the Director of Membership for Pi Kappa Phi, throughout the state of California visiting campuses. They were evaluating and scheduling expansion for Pi Kappa Phi. Thanks, STEVE! The Star and Lamp An Education Publication 1983 Vol. LXIX No. 2

OVERHAUL FOR HIGH SCHOOLS? . . . A major new study of secondary education by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is expected to call for setting back the classroom clock by almost 25 years! JAMES BRYANT CONANT's 1959 book titled THE AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL TODAY, spurred the creation of large, centralized schools offering academic and vocational instructions. The Carnegie report will conclude that today's students would, be better served by smaller specialized units that could directly address their needs. _Carnegie researchers estimated that 10 to 15 percent of U. S. high schools are very good while 25 percent-do very little educating at all. STUDENT LEADERS EXPERIENCE GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR LEARNING AT THE PI KAPPA PHI ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE . . . Thirty chapters sent their archons and vice-archons to Charlotte during two weekends in April. There they were exposed to 14 hours of intensive leadership training, conducted by the Administrative Office staff. The critiques from the participants were high in praise and feeling of accomplishment. These officers had all just been elected, so the timing was excellent. A similar seminar will be conducted over the first two weekends of January. Until some alumni volunteer to endow this program through the Foundation, chapters will continue to have to finance their officers travel expense. P.U.S.H. TO RECEIVE ESTATE GIFT . . . Symbolizing P.U.S.H.'s emergence as a widely known and recognized national philanthropy, the Board of Directors recently received notification of a pending bequest to Project P'.U.S.H. The will of May Zehner of New York City specified that ten

percent of her gross estate be given to charities specified in a separate letter from her to her executor. The attorney of Karen Lucas, executor of the estate, served notice that P.0.5.H. was to be one of those receiving funds. MISCELLANEOUS SUPREME CHAPTER INFORMATION . . • Two PI Kapps have been selected by the National Council to be added to the PI KAPPA PHI HALL OF FAME -- they will be announced/presented at the Mobile convention. 2. Although it was an idea considered and would constitute an educational experience for Pi Kapps in attendance, contrary to the rumor otherwise, GOVERNOR GEORGE WALLACE will not be a speaker at the opening banquet. 3. Instead of one traditional luncheon those attending, wives included, will enjoy a dinner at the • dog tracks--good food and good fun! 4. Alumni and wives can get complete information and registration by contacting the Administrative Office (P. 0. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224, phone 704/523-6000). Remember the dates-August 13-17, 1983. 5. Several modules from an active P.U.S.H. unit will be on exhibit at the Hilton Hotel in Mobile. This will give you a hands on experience that will encourage and excite you that PI Kappa Phi is engaged in such a great endeavor. 6. After a one year absence the National Council has selected a member to be named Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. You will enjoy and be impressed by this selection and his presentation at the 39th Supreme Chapter. 1.

THIS SIGN APPEARS ON THE CAMPUS,OF AUBURN UNIVERSITY: • . . WARNING! - You are now entering the war eagle fret preserve. These frats are not pets. They are wild animals and should be considered dangerous. When driving through this preserve follow these rules: 1. 2.

Keep doors locked and windows rolled up. Do not leave vehicle.

3. 4.

Do not attempt to pet or feed the frats. If your vehicle breaks down, blow your horn and help will arrive. "Proceed at your own risk."

YOU SHOULD CONSIDER PURCHASING A COPY OF JOHN NAISBITT'S NEW BOOK ON TRENDS?? . . . Naisbitt's Group publishes THE TREND REPORT three times a year for a price tag of $15,000. His clients: mostly the corporate giants. The REPORT is published in loose-leaf form filled with piecharts, bar- grilphs cncl reperts iii subjects ranging from overcrowding in day-care centers to a census of religious sects. Usine.. ontent analysis, Naisbitt and his associates project the future. You can do the similar research method if you look for unusual occurences reported in the daily press and the like. Changes in behavior patterns, such as music and television, tend to pop out as you study reports in depth. Some of Naisbitt's current trend predictions: We are in the midst of a megashift from an industrial to an information based society. Our economy is becoming part of a global structure, moving away from isolation and national self-sufficiency As a result, we will no longer be the world's dominant force. 3. Our centralized structures are crumbling. We are decentralizing and growing stronger from the bottom up. 4. We are reclaiming our traditional sense of self-reliance, after four decades of looking to institutions for help. 5. We are moving from hierarches to networking; the computer Is smashing the pyramid. 6. Citizens, workers, and consumers are demanding and,getting a greater voice in government, business and the marketplace. 7. The North-South shift in the United States is real and irreversible for the immediate future. 8. We no longer live in an either/or, chocolate-or-vanilla world; people have demanded and are getting a multitude of choices. 1. 2.

GOOSE PATROL HOSPITALIZED . . . ANTHONY BIALO WAS and MIKE MEHWALD of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity in Michigan State University, were hospitalized, after pinching two five-foot-three sorority girls, in the butt. The boys had been "goosing" girls for over five years. The girls had been studying Kung-Fu for fifteen years. The "goose patrol" was laid up in the hospital with injuries to the neck, shoulders, arms and abdomen. Quite a price to pay for these two pranksters. FROM THE RAINY STATE OF DUCKS AND BEAVERS • . . hails the newest addition to our staff, DAVID VAWTER. Dave, sometimes known as Benny, Is a native of Oregon and graduated from Oregon State University in 1982 as a teacher with a minor in speech communication Dave will use his communication skills in the position of Director of Communication. He will coordinate the CAR program, and the STAR AND LAMP. Dave was active at Alpha Zeta, and while he never dreamed he'd be working with PI Kappa Phi, he is very excited, and if we can keep him from leading too many cheers--he was a member of the Beaver Cheer Squad as mascott--he should work out fine. "OUR NATION IS AT RISK. . . . "Our once unchallenged preeminence in commerce, industry, science, and technological innovation is being overtaken by competitors throughout the world . . "While we can take justifiable pride in what our schools and colleges have historically accomplished and contributed to the United States and the well-being of its people, the educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people. What was unimaginable a generation ago has begun to occur --others are matching and surpassing our educational attainments. "If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the medicre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of ver. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. We have even squandered the gains In student achievement made in the wake of the Sputnik challenge." (The National Commission on Excellence in Education)


The Star and Larrp (ISSN 0038-9854) PI KAPPA PHI F. 0. Box 240526 Cnialotib, N. C. 28224

ThE star and.J.Kgp

Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N.C.

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