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THE CASTLE see page 1

Interested in starting an Alumni Association?







Come back any time I

The Castle's front hall.

A fireplace to keep the Pi Kapp spirits warm.

A Pi Kapp repairs the Angelic window.

Pride shows in the work, effort, and care we give our home .

Forty-nine Second Street in downtown Troy, New York, better known as the Castle, presently serves as the chapter house for the Alpha Tau Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. As this may now be the case, the Castle was not built with the intention of housing a group of fraternity men from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Nonetheless, this mighty abode stands as the apex for years of history, memories and friendships. Having been built in the 1890's by entrepreneur John W. Paine, the Castle was a monument to the Paine family's prominence and wealth. Money was of very little consequence, and the physical detail of the Castle is evidence of this fact. When completed (at an estimated expense of one half million dollars at that time), Paine had created the grandest home in all of Troy. When Paine's son died, the house was willed to Russell Sage College. Then, in 1951, Alpha Tau acquired the Paine mansion from Sage in an exchange for property they owned on the Sage campus. Upon entering the Castle, one is showered with the finest hand carved wood moldings, imported Italian marble and ornate chandeliers to be seen in the world. A stroll up the stairwell and you'll be faced with the recently restored "Angel" window, one of the various stained glass windows which adorns the house. Each of the individual rooms occupied by Pi Kapps themselves serve as no loss to the beauty of the Castle, for most of them display impressive fireplaces, detailed tapestries and finely painted ceilings. What was once the dining place for the Paine family is now observed as the "party" room. During house parties a DJ spins records from the balcony as brothers and guests dance below on the beautiful parquet floor. This is quite a contrast from the violinists who would play for the Paines as they dined. Last, and certainly not least, is the living room where brothers, along with the help of Chapter Advisor Professor Ken Miller and alumnus Herman Soloman, have worked to restore it to its original beauty. This is after priceless damage was incurred due to heavy water leakage about three years ago. Pi Kapps at RPI have not only been busy keeping their house together, as it may seem, but they've also excelled in other areas. Since th Castle offers the perfect setting for a Haunted House, Alpha Tau promotes one each Halloween as a P.U.S.H. event. This year's production has b<>en the most successful to date. Plans have also been made for a wheelchair push to Boston this Spring. Besides P.U.S.H., Castle brothers have also been intensely involved on campus in the IFC, RPI Alumni Relation's Programs, sports, etc. Early this past semester the Castle hosted the Provost's Dinner for distinguished members of RPI's Administration . All in all, one thing that can be seen at Alpha Tau is a strong sense of pride. This is not only pride in preserving the physical beauty of the Castle. It is the feeling of every Pi Kapp at Alpha Tau experiencing the brotherhood that exists as brothers work, party and grow together. '-'

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ThE star and Lamp P. 0. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 Founded at the College of Charleston, SC December 10, 1904 Simon Fogarty

-FOUNDERSAndrew A. Kroeg, Jr. L. Harry Mixson

The Star and Lamp An Educational Publication 1984, Vol. LXX No.1 Durward W. Owen David H. Vawter Tim Ribar


Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Official Photographer

OF PI KAPPA PHI POSTMASTER: Send change of address to the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Telephone Number (704) 523-6000. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI (ISSN 0038-9854) is published quarterly by the Na.tonal Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 in the months of February, May, August, and November. The Life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7111 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC.


The PI Kappa Phi Oxford Shirt Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity is proud to announce that it has • commissioned the Aetna Shirt Corporation of Baltimore, Maryland to design the new Pi Kappa Phi Oxford Buttondown Shirt. In business since 1916. Aetna Shirt is the licensee for world famous designer Adolfo. For over 65 years, Aetna has designed and manufactured the highest quality men's and ladies' shirts for hundreds of outstanding stores throughout the country. Men's shirts are available in 100% cotton and permanent press · 60"lo cotton / 40"7o dacron polyster. Each shirt is available in both a regular and tapered cut. When ordering please specify which body style you require, your neck and sleeve sizes, as well as the color(s) desired. Ladies shirts are available in sizes 4 · 16, permapress only. Each shirt will be distinctively monogrammed on the cuff with navy Pi Kappa Phi lettering. Official Pi Kappa Phi Oxford Buttondown Order Form For a limited time only, the Fraternity is able to offer you a Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - quantity purchase discount. Street Address Regularly priced at 530.00 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - each, you may purchase three CitY-- : - - - - - - - - -Stale _ _ _ _ _ ,Zip _ _ _ _ shirts for 585.00. six for Cash or Charge: 5165.00, or one dozen for u Check or Money Order Payable to P1 Kappa Ph! Shirts 5324.00. You may choose any o Visa c....o-A«OUfltNwmMt assortment of colors and sizes 0 MasterCard you wish to qualify for this discount. All checks or money orders Signature Date should be made payable to Pi Men's Kappa Phi Shirts and remitted UCI.o ittl not aveUeble in OOIM. conon Neck S!Mve tOO'Mo I<IN· Ladies to: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Ouantill ~ Regular Total Colo< Cut Site Lenvth Conon Prou Sitet Price 4· 16 P. 0. Box 240526 Charlotte. N.C. 28224. Master Card and Visa purchases are welcome. As your Official Pi Kappa Phi Oxford Buttondown will be tailored to your requirements, Shtpptng, Handhng, & ~~;fP'"O · hlnGhng Va Rettdtnts Sates Taa '"'Urance Insurance Raitt please allow 6 · 8 weeks for Tu Purchllt Amt VA rtttdtnts only •·J snuu · u ><> 4••• Ul !-lf_~ I 1 20 delivery. f---~ 3000 .:-n-sf" I 2.0 !~~~~~~~",1,.,0~ 16000 Help support your --.-shiiii ~i~ 13.0 I MOO Fraternity while making this 1165 00 I 660 $30.00 each (for 1 or 2 shirts quality addition to your fashion Men's Colors 112116 132• 00 3 shirts • SBS.OO collection. White, Blue, Ecru, Ptnk, and Ltlac 6 shirts · $165.00 Ladies' Colors 12 shirts · $324.00 White, Blue, Yellow, Pink, and Lilac



Gooclh•fOI ..OI'III'I


~A SAFE INVESTMENT ~ WITH A GOOD DIVIDEND Do you have a will? If so, when is the last time you reviewed and updated it? A will is a person's lasting legacy. It insures that your plans and hopes for the future will be fulfilled. It specifies how you want your estate to be settled and who is to do it. It saves your family taxes, relieves their burdens and provides for their security. Death is inevitable and it does not discriminate. It is sad enough for loved ones without complicating it further by not having a will. Unfortunately, too many people put off drafting or updating a will. What could be more important? The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation can make it easier for you to give proper attention to your will. As a service to alumni, the Foundation has published a six page brochure that tells you, in simple, easy language, why you need a will, what information you will need to draft one, how to review and update your will so it will keep current, and if you like, how you can further the educational and leadership programs of your Fraternity. The brochure is free of charge and obligates you in no way. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation "Brothers helping Brothers."

P. 0. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224


'l U I


Dear Durward: As soon as my 1971letter concerning what the administrative offfice does is answered, I will consider contributing to the voluntary dues program. Fraternally, Tom

At the dedication of the Rose Garden at the College of Charleston are Executive Director Durward Owen, Hall of Fame member James Edwards, and National President David H. Jaffee.

Dear Tom: We administer to: 101 chapters; 12 colonies; 45,450 alumni members; a convention (Supreme Chapter); a leadership school (Pi Kapp College); an Archon/ Vice-Archon Conference; 9 area conclaves; a quarterly magazine (Star & Lamp); a monthly newsletter (Pi Kappa Phi Journal); prepare written material for undergraduates and alumni use, covering every subject relative to fraternity; scheduling of seven staff members' activities in serving chapters etc; a national housing corporation (Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc.); a Scholarship Foundation (Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, Inc.); a continuing alumni relations program (C.A.R., Inc.) for 32 chapters including Alpha Epsilon; a national philanthropic activity of great importance (Play Units for the Severely Handicapped); represent Pi Kappa Phi in interfraternity activities such as NIC, CFEA, FEA, AFA, SEIFC, NEIFC, WRIFC, and MIFCA; maintain membership records, addresses, etc. for all of the 4 7 ,500+ initiates of Pi Kappa Phi; respond to requests from members for information,

etc.; conduct meetings for groups of students who come to Administrative Office for retreats, etc.; visit all chapters each year; conduct alumni meetings in large and small cities when needed; assist 12 national committees and seven members of the National Council (Pi Kappa Phi's elected board of directors); write articles for other publications; maintain the archives and ritual of Pi Kappa Phi; publish a directory every four years; maintain the history of the fraternity; answer phone calls, letters, postcards; maintain an insurance program for chapter housing corporations that need such; conduct a seminar for all chapter presidents three times a year; maintain the headquarters building, a condominium that visitors and staff use when in Charlotte; conduct an alcohol awareness program for undergraduate members; maintain supplies of sporting goods, forms, records, etc. for student and alumni members; retain the original record of each initiate; establish chapters on campuses where Pi Kappa Phi does not have chapters; provide ritual equipment for all undergraduate chapters; oversee the investments of the fraternity, etc. Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, Durward W. Owen Executive Director

Opps! Alpha Mu at Penn State qualified for the Champion Master Chapter Award, but was not listed for receiving this award. Jeff Tuttle, Kappa, was mistakenly listed in the Chapter Eternal.

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The 80 plus participants of the 1985 Archon/Vice Archon leadership conference and seminar held in Charlotte, N.C. The session was held at the Marriott Hotel which is the site of the 1985 Supreme Chapter.

Where the dollar begins ... by David H. Jaffee

ter you support "The National." When you support "The National" you support the chapter. The national scope of our fraternity gives permanence to the individual chapters. A chapter by itself has no continuity. All chapters go through cycles. When membership and attitude go down, there is only the national fraternity that can sustain the cycle. There is strength in numbers. . Many chapters have started their own • scholarship or other special funds. Eventually the chapter gets in a cash flow bind for a period of mismanagement and dissolves the fund. It just isn't likely that we are going to find true continuity in a student chapter. By its very nature it lacks long range consistency. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation has established a program to develop scholarship National President David H. Jaffee, Alpha No. · funds for the individual chapters. Several 436, College of Charleston. years ago, I suggested something similar for my own chapter. During an alumni "Where the dollar begins brotherhood meeting the idea was rejected because a ends." I do not really know whether he number of people felt they could do the ever said it but those words were attribu- same thing themselves without the Founted to Brother Bernie Jones, past National dation . Maybe we could have, but we President and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. In Alpha haven't done it. It is "The National" that Chapter those were the words of admon- supplies the permanence of continuity. ishment for those members who felt they could rely on brotherhood alone to justify FOUNDATION ACTIVITIES their fraternal existence. Whenever somebody dropped their financial responsibilMany programs in Pi Kappa Phi are ity, Bernie's words came out as a remind- sponsored by the Foundation because er. It usually worked and that slogan was federal tax regulations allow for it. We regarded with some reverence. could greatly enhance our leadership trainWe have not always been successful in ing if we made tax deductible contribudemonstrating our support to Pi Kappa Phi tions to the Foundation and then looked in monetary terms. Alumni will contribute to the Foundation for those monies. about $80,000 this year in the annual Voluntary Dues Program. While this is certainPI KAPP COLLEGE ly an adequate amount, we need every bit of it to operate. Voluntary dues received I believe Pi Kapp College is the single go directly into operating funds and are best activity the Fraternity has. This leadanticipated in the budgetary process. ership school is held every other summer The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation will also and provides intensive leadership training solicit donations through an annual appeal for about 350 students from all over the and we are offered our best chance to help country. An unconquerable "faculty" is Pi Kappa Phi. These funds are different brought in to teach and share their experfrom voluntary dues. They do not go into iences in one-on-one sessions for four and an operating account. Any contribution of a half days. The Foundation underwrites some of $100 or more goes directly into corpus and only the earnings on those funds will be the cost of Pi Kapp College but does not approach being able to do it all. The balused by the Foundation. ance of the expense is paid for through student registration and the general operFAULTY ARGUMENT ating funds of the Fraternity. At almost any gathering of Pi Kapps A/VA CONFERENCE you will overhear an alumnus say that he would rather give to his chapter than give The Archon/Vice-Archon Conference is to "The National." Too often these very same alumni do not give at all. I have a new innovation in chapter leadership never understood why we try to separate training. The two top officers from each chapter from "The National." It is all chapter are brought to Charlotte for two Pi Kappa Phi. When you support the chap- days and exposed to the techniques and

skills necessary to properly conduct chapter operations. Three of these conferences have been held and their popularity is growing rapidly. The most recent was held this January. Students really work hard and participate enthusiastically in these sessions. Those who attended can tell you they gained as much by the informal time they spent together as they did in their structured classes. It was past midnight when the 20 or so students who were visiting the Hospitality Suite sent out for pizza and beer. Over the next several hours they got to know each other and talked about ·their Fraternity. In this way they experienced Pi Kappa Phi at its best. PROJECT P.U.S.H . Our national philanthropy will make Pi Kappa Phi a household name. It is anticipated that P.U.S .H. will seek its own

separate tax exempt status within this next year and it will spin off into another fullfledged affiliated corporation. The basic concept of P.U.S.H. as it relates to Pi Kappa Phi is very simple. Severely mentally and physically handicapped children benefit from all of the hard work and money raised. Students benefit from the process of working together. We have always been an achievement oriented brotherhood. When we work together, we achieve together. When we achieve together we become bound together ... for life. So what? What can individual Pi Kapps do about all of this? Leave our world (fraternity) a little better than you found it. Dig deep and make a financial contribution. Try to remember your student days when you wondered why more alumni didn't give. Give because Pi Kappa Phi stands for leadership.

Can you separate the two? MEMORIES The mere mention of his name brings a smile to my face. Ben Covington was a man known for his personal warmth. He touched our lives. He gave to his chapter and he gave to his fraternity. He didn't separate the two. Ben was a physically impressive man with a kindly smile and a well-manicured beard. He exuded sophisication but could mix well with any crowd. He spoke very softly, but with great confidence. His bald head gave him the appearance of an all-American grandfather, which he was. A fierce competitor, he could intimidate you with the stare of a tough guy, which he wasn't. I miss him! Ben served on a committee to select the gift the Fraternity would give to the College of Charleston to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the founding of Pi Kappa Phi. The rose garden with its 75 plants will serve as a permanent tribute to Ben. I remember meeting with Ben and Bill Brinkley (past National Secretary) and being overwhelmed with the thought and dedication they gave to this project. They remained committed in an age when lesser men would have abandoned their fraternal ties. Almost immediately after my election to the National Council in 1979, I began to work with Beta Chapter which was in danger of dying. The Council was on the verge of suspending the charter for failure to comply with the minimum chapter standards. I wrote a long letter to Ben telling him I thought he was the last hope for the survival of Beta. Ben turned into a wh irlwind! Ile contacted alumni, met with the chapter and vowed to save his chapter at all cost. Ben put his money where his

mouth was and personally underwrote rush. No fanfare, no public recognition, no expectations of reward or glory. He got eternal gratitude for choosing to do what he did. He got enormous personal satisfaction for having helped. I mirs him. Ben was the Fraternity's delegate to the National Interfraternity Conference and served on its Board of Directors. He was so proud of the birthplace of Pi Kappa Phi that he brought the Board meeting to Charleston. That was his nature. He wanted to share. Brother Ben traveled all over this country for our fraternity and never accepted reimbursment for his expenses. When Pi Kappa Phi built the new Administrative Office in Charlotte , alumni from all over the country contributed to the cause. As you would expect, Ben was among them. Several years later Ben became annoyed that there was no flag pole for the building so he and his three sons (Pi Kapps all) presented a beautifully landscap~d area with flag pole. He put his money where his mouth was. Ben enjoyed being with people. He planned a reunion so that all of his chapter classmates could receive their Golden Legion certificates together. They hugged and reminisced. When I presented their certificates I don't think they realized that Ben was the one who had had them framed and paid for the luncheon . He put his money where his mouth was. I miss him. Yes, he touched our lives. I know he accomplished more in his lifetime than most others could even dream about. We are all better off for having known him. What better mark could a man leave? He loved his friends and they loved him. I'm proud to have known him. He personified Pi Kappa Phi. lie was Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. We will all miss him. -.,


Foundation news and notes Alcohol Crackdown The 1981 National Interfraternity Conference met the first weekend in December in Kansas City, MO. It was attended by 57 national fraternities who unanimously passed a resolution to help curb the abuse of alcohol on college campuses, and particularly • within the Greek system. Within the strongly worded policy statement, the NIC moved that moderation be encouraged; that chapters develop and support alcohol awareness programs; that open parties be prohibited; and that non-alcoholic rush be promoted. It was also announced at that conference that Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity is the first national fraternity to pass a policy statement on alcohol abuse and the first to develop an alcohol awareness program.

Foundation Scholarships Scholarship applications are now being accepted for the $1000 Founders Scholarship and the $500 Alumni Scholarship. The deadline for all applications is June 1, 1984. Contact the Secretary to the Foundation to obtain your scholarship applications. To qualify for the Alumni Scholarship, you must be the son or daughter of a Pi Kappa Phi alumnus. The recipients of the Founders Scholarship are judged highly on academic and leadership qualities.

Thomas Wolfe - Kappa James G. Ivey- Sigma Elmer Jost - Chi Raymond A. Miller- Alpha Nu Grant Palsgrove - Alpha Tau Terry Sapp - Gamma Kappa Michael Satterfield - Epsilon Lambda

Memorials: A Gift of Tradition The contributors to the Durward W. Owen Scholarship Fund were recognized in the Fall issue of the Star and Lamp. However, a few persons were erronously not listed among those contributors. The following persons will be listed on the 1984 addendum plaque. The DWO Fund is an ongoing recognition fund for Durward W. Owen, Executive Director of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity for 25 years. Any and all contributions will be used to support an annual scholarship in his name. Howard Alter Richard Anderson Jack Casper Ted Giles Ann and Allen James David Lane Jerry Matthews Melissa Owen T. J. Schmitz Delta Chi Educational Foundation Delta Sigma Phi Foundation Theta Chi Foundation -Sherwood Blue

Alumni Directory Revised Scholarship Fund Growing The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation began as a memorial fund in 1952, when a great alumnus, Devereux D. Rice, passed on to the Chapter Eternal. In the past thirty years, the Foundation has received contributions in memory of several Pi I\:appa Phi brothers. These funds are set aside within the corpus of the Foundation. Ideally, the Foundation would like to see a Chapter Scholarship Fund established at the chapter honoring the alumnus. The existing account would then start to accrue interest for a particular chapter's educational uses. For more information on the Chap· ter Scholarship Funds program, contact the Secretary to the Foundation. Memorial funds have been established for the following alumni:

A pageant of success at South Alabama

The publishers of the Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Directory wish to extend their apologies for the inaccuracies in the original volumes. An errata will be published and distributed to Uwse individuals who received a copy of the volume. This will include a corrected listing of 2,926 individuals in the new alpha, chapter, and geographic sections as well as erroneously listed new chapter· sections for Alpha, Alpha Tau, and Alpha Theta chapters. If any alumnus is dissatisfied with the directory as a result of this error, the publishing company will be happy to accept the return of the volume and provide a full refund for the purchase price. Contact: Brian Q. Smith Bernard C. Harris Publishing Co. 3 Barker Avenue White Plains, New York 10601 (800) 431-2500

The Brothers at the University of South Alabama gather, fraternally, around the pageant winner.

"And the winner of the first annual Pi Kappa Phi Miss University of South Alabama Pageant is ... Miss Debra Glibert!" The brothers of Gamma Phi stood in the box seats and realized the culmination of months of hard work and the accomplishment of a goal they set in the middle of the summer. Gamma Phi Chapter had successfully sponsored the beginning of a tradition on the campus of the University of South Alabama (USA) in Mobile. The first annual Miss University of South Alabama Pageant was a huge success.

The Pi Kappa Phi logo reminds everyone who is behind this gala event.

Two interns, Richard Sandala, Penn State (far left) and Andy Westbrook, College of Charleston (far right) along with members of the UNC·Charlotte Chapter helped prepare the new ritual books .

A logo, which featured a bell, was designed by the committee as a reminder to the campus and the community that Pi Kappa Phi sponsors the Miss University of South Alabama Pageant. The logo was seen on posters, in newspapers, on the application, on the tickets, and on the pageant program, and will be a symbol for the pageant for years to come. Pageant publicity was used by Gamma Phi as an asset during fall rush, resulting in the largest pledge class of any fraternity on the USA campus. The pageant also helped improve relations around Mobile. The brothers were thrilled with the smoothness of the production that night as each part went without a hitch. Then the emcee announced each of the

21 beautiful contestants in their dazzling evening gowns as the associate members escorted them onto the stage. The associates were more than willing to do their part for the overall success of the pageant! Near the close of the program the emcee, Brother Darryl Rhyne, delighted the crowd with the Pharoah's number from the Broadway show Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. A folder is being prepared by the Pageant Executive Committee about the work involved in this year's pageant and ideas to improve it next year. This folder will be available for other Pi Kappa Phi chapters who wish to undertake this project on their campus. A rewarding by-product of the work, effort, and success of the 1983 pageant is a feeling of closeness, accomplishment, unity, and brotherhood felt by the members of Gamma Phi. Pride swells within each member with the thought of the results of their hard work. The brotherhood, pride, and unity could be strongly felt by all those who attended the reception for the contestants, which followed the pag. eant. Electricity filled the air and a smile was on the face of every Pi Kapp. The chapter has received good press since the pageant. Pictures of the winners and pictures from the pageant were in the local and campus newspapers. The winner of the pageant was on a radio talk show promoting the pageant and Pi Kappa Phi. This pageant brought the brothers, associate members, and little sisters together in a large effort which could not have been accomplished with out co-operation. The resulting closeness will be felt for a long time. It is obvious to everyone that Gamma Phi has accomplished something big. The pageant can be used each year to help keep Pi Kappa Phi on top at the Uni versity of South Alabama. For many years to come, the brothers of Gamma Phi Chapter will be in the box seats hearing" ...... the winner of the Pi Kappa Phi Miss University of South Alabama Pageant· is . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". Tom Peterson University of South Alaba~a


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It's a long story...with no exemption


Shortly after becoming Executive Director of the Fraternity I did an analysis of the Fraternity and determined, among other things, two important facts. The first was that the alumni of the Fraternity were its most important asset. Years later I still have not changed my opinion. The second observation made was that the Foundation was the Fraternity's most important vehicle for the involvement of its most important asset, its alumni. Likewise, nothing has happened to -.•..change that observation. My major concern for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity continues to be the fact that _the Foundation has not realized that full actuality. This early observation caused me to quickly determine the status of the Foundation as a vehicle for fundraising. John D. Carroll, Sigma, was the Chairman of the Foundation. He lived in Lexington, S.C. I asked John early in 1960 if the Foundation was a non-profit organization. He said it was. I called a local IRS agent and asked if he could give me the status of the Devereaux D. Rice Memorial Foundation

(that was the name of the Foundation at that time). He indicated no such organization existed. I then went to see John D. Carroll in Lexington and he presented me a letter from an earlier Executive Secretary of the Fraternity indicating that indeed the Foundation was a non-profit taxexempt organization. However, it gave no indication that an IRS ruling had ever been sought or obtained. I went to Columbia, S.C. and met with the district IRS people. They assured me a thorough search of their records indicated also that this Foundation did not exist as an approved exempt organization. A few months later while in Washington, D.C. I checked with Senator Olin Johnson's office (Sigma) and Brother Johnson agreed to further explore this with the IRS and report back to me. Very quickly he reported that we had a problem. The Foundation had never filed for exemption, and therefore had been operating illegally. I went again to Columbia, S.C. and secured from the IRS the necessary forms for filing. Lacking the necessary activity

of the trustees, I knew that sooner or later the issue had to be faced. I employed a lady in Sumter, S.C. who did the typing for $50. Without legal training, and actually not knowing at all what I was doing, I proceeded to fill in the various forms, and to have prepared the documents requested by the IRS. I filed this in the name of the Foundation as Secretary to the Foundation. Very quickly the IRS responded indicating that we had been operating illegally and we must have a review of the organization. This we did and the IRS did indeed fine the Devereaux D. Rice Foundation approximately '$3,600 for having operated illegally for the length of its existence. However, they did also at the same time give us information needed to proceed for refiling and for the securing of a 501 (c) (3) exemption. This was done. However, the second filing was also rejected by the IRS for various minor and technical reasons. I again went to Washington, D.C., where Senator Olin Johnson and Congressman George Grant, (Alabama), and I went to the Director of the non profit sector of the Internal Revenue Ser-

vices office, and met with him personally. Following that brief meeting we were given information as to what needed to be done to comply. I returned to Sumter and again prepared the necessary documentation. The Foundation had to change its name from the Devereaux D. Rice Memorial Foundation, to more fully identify its relationship to the Fraternity. It then became the Pi Kappa Phi Memorial Foundation. Among other requirements of the IRS was that the Foundation stop extending loans to local alumni housing corporations for the purpose of housing. The indication was that this was a "Father-Son" relationship, and was not sufficiently at arms length to satisfy the various tax requirements. (This led to the creation of the Pi Kappa Phi Properties.) On March 13, 1964, the Foundation was finally recognized by the IRS as a taxexempt organization, fully eligible for receiving donations which were in turn deductible for the person or organization malting a contribution.

that point, we will look at the number of alumni in that city and provide them with an alumni manual which will give them the tools to get the thing off the ground.

difference in the alumni association is it's merely a friendship and social group of people who have something in commonPi Kappa Phi. To me it's an outlet, a friendly outlet and it's an outlet that I enjoy.

Durward Owen

Do you want to continue your brotherhood? Start an alumni association Frank Havard is an initiate of the chapter at the University of South Alabama. He served as Warden, Vice-Ar<:llon, and Archon before moving to Charlotte to finish school and join the Administrative staff as Director of Communications. He has worked three years for Sea Rail Industries in Mobile, AL.

to be a grassroots campaign to get our alumni involvement and alumni programs to where they should be. How are our alumni programs now?

Well, I think that we've had effort in the past and we have a lot of alumni chapters which are functioning now. We have the potential to do just a tremendous amount. I think, for example, that we should have an alumni chapter in every major metropolitan area in the country. And that's what I mean by a grassroots campaign. We've got to find those key individuals who are willing to devote the time it takes to develop alumni chapters.

Frank Havard - Chairman of the Alumni Relations Committee

What is your official position?

Chairman of the National Alumni Relations Committee. How did you receive this position? It is a standing committee of the National Fraternity structure and the National Council makes the appointment.

Why does this interest you?

I think it's probably one of the greatest challenges we are involved in. It's the area thai concerns me the most and it's the area that I think probably needs the greatest percentage of improvement in the fraternity. You call it a challenge. Is this a challenge to you or to the fraternity itself?

I think certainly it's a challenge to me and I hope that it will be perceived by others as a challenge to them, too. It is going to take a lot of key quarterbacks in the grassroots area of the fraternity. It's going

These key quarterbacks would contact you and you would give them information?

Yes, either myself or the Administrative Office. I'm going to try, as time permits, to have as much of an active involvement in the development of the alumni chapters as I possibly can, but of course the Administrative Office is going to provide their expertise, advice and counsel. Are alumni associations exclusively workable in metropolitan areas?

Well, I think that certainly there are smaller cities, for instance college towns, where we have a strong representation of alumni who could start an alumni association. Let's say Joe Pi Kapp is an outgoing guy in the Pittsburgh area and he feels it's time we had an alumni association there. How would he go about starting one?

Step by step, first he should contact either me, or Durward Owen, or David Vawter at the Administrative Office. He should make the interest known to one of us, that he has the time and energy to expand on a project such as this. From

What tools would that be?

Suggestions on how to structure an alumni chapter, and our thoughts and suggestions on how successful alumni chapters operate. Is there a manual prepared for someone to follow these suggestions?

We are preparing a rather extensive manual based on successful alumni operations in other fraternities. Not only are we looking in Pi Kappa Phi for our successful alumni chapters and making examples out of them, but we are also looking to the other national fraternities who have successful alumni relations. Would the Administrative Office put out a mailing to the alumni in an area for this person?

Yes. Once we get the key players in line, we would then provide a mailing to the alumni which would be very specific on the first organization meeting and maybe a social gathering or small meeting or luncheon to discuss the idea of starting the alumni chapter. From that point, of course the Administrative Office would provide mailing lists in the future to the group, and of course will assist as much as they can in providing the support. You're part of a very successful alumni association called the Gulf Coast Alumni Association. What is the difference between an alumni association and a student chapter?

Well, the difference is that we are strictly a social organization. The individuals in the group enjoy the friendships and the social gatherings that we have, and we attempt to keep it as much on a social basis as possible. People are involved in so many different organizations, so many professional and civic groups, the

Do you do anything with the undergraduate chapters?

We are somewhat careful on the involvement with the undergraduate chapters, at least in our case, because we have members of our area alumni association who are from many chapters. Therefore, if we do become involved in assisting a chapter, we want to be sure that we assist all chapters that we possibly can. We have had rush functions and sponsored summer rush activities prior to the beginning of school for certain chapters, and statewide type rush parties within our local region. But we see ourselves primarily as an organization for alumni and an organization that can offer to the alumni that vehicle to enjoy themselves socially. What have we missed?

Well, I compliment the National Council for targeting the alumni development so high on their priority list. We are behind in our progress in alumni development. Alumni support is the key answer to so many problems that need to be addressed in Pi Kappa Phi. It is like a membership problem in a student chapter- once the membership problem is solved, then many of the other problems become irrelevant. The more participation and support by our alumni, the greater our programs will be, both for students and alumni. A successful alumni program for Pi Kappa Phi will mean that our chapters will be better, our Foundation will be better, that Project P.U.S.H. will be better. Each and every program in which Pi Kappa Phi is involved stands to gain assistance by a stronger alumni program. How does an interested alumni contact you?

They can write me at 212 S. Fulton St., Mobile, AL 36606, or call1 800 633-6795.



Page 6

A bright future Deep within the secret walls of our fra-路 ternity emerged a Pi Kapp who would climb out of the walls of a German prison war camp, gain access to the scaffolding of big business and provide a bridge over the great wall of China. "I'm a simple kind of guy," says Jim Golden smiling. A simple man who is an international trade co~sultant and was an Assistant to Congressman A.S. Herlong (a Pi Kapp from Alpha Epsilon) and Senator S.L. Holland; served as Legislative attorney for the Air Force; International Governmental Affairs Director for Ford Motor Company; Chairman of the World Trade Committee; U.S. Motor Vehicle Association; U.S. Brazil Trade Council; Etc .... and is now giving his time to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. The hallowed walls of Stetson University, where Chi Chapter hangs its hat, is where Jim Golden began . his climb. "We were the best fraternity on campus." He smiles an honest grin, betraying a deep satisfaction, when he tells of the willingness of Pi Kapps at Stetson to share. "We had our fair share of athletes, 19 of the first 24 football players were Pi Kapps, and three of the five basketball starters were Chi brothers." While these two sports occupied his fall and winter, tennis was his varsity calling in the spring. "You know," explains Jim Golden, "we played football a little differently back then. When I played defensive back, if we stood a couple of feet off the line, as they do now, that darn receiver would be by you and sitting on the goal line before

Play Units for the Severely Handicapped

Jim Golden, Foundation Trustee.

you got there ." Jim explains his offensive talents when he was the back in a triple threat, "Yes, I was a triple threat, I'd stumble, trip, and fall., The Chi brothers were a fun-loving, but high level fraternity. "I went to Stetson on a voice scholarship and old Prof Giffen, who is still there, would teach us to sing. We would go serenading." His grin flashes again, "We sure could sing Pi Kapp Girl." Jim says he's been lucky most of his life, even in joining Pi Kappa Phi. He was a junior and not a member of a fraternity. Why? "I was broke and didn't have a dime." Jim was running for Student Body President and the Pi Kapp brothers, knowing a good thing, paid for his initiation and convinced him to join. Did he win the election? "Yes, but you have to remember," as that grin beams again, "it was a small school." As soon as he graduated, Jim was,Qff and flying. As a fighter pilot in Europe, he flew the P-4 7 Thunderbolt and the P-51 Mustang. On his 48th mission, flying a traffic route on D-Day, a fuel hose broke forcing his plane down in France. Jim's freedom lasted 24 long hours. "I had gotten with the French underground, and even had French civilian clothes, but somebody informed the Germans and I became a prisoner of war." "I was really very lucky during the whole ordeal." He was lucky, because when Jim jumped from his crashing plane, he had not buckled his leg straps. He went

right through the harness and had to hold on with his hands until he hit the ground. The arrival at Stalag Luft III was not destined to be easy. "The Germans had taken my dog tags so I had no identification. When I came to camp, the Americans there did not know if I was a spy or an agent. But a football buddy from Stetson recognized me. If it had not been for old John Dissley, I would have really been in a fix." Luck, disguised as a gangrenous appendix, moved Jim into the hospital. It was there, while he was recovering, Patton came through to rescue him. That crash was his second flying mishap. While training at night flying, his plane was cut from behind by the propeller of another plane. "The prop went slashing through the fuselage, and on the last turns of the prop, cut through the plane just behind and ahead of the cockpit." "Two crashes are enough for me, and although I may have wasted a lot of training I have had fun with everything else!" And Jim Golden has had fun with everything el~e. He loves to travel, and has been to most countries. "There are some places I have not been, but I don't really want to go there." Jim became involved in Washington D.C., after receiving his law degree, as an assistant to Pi Kapp Congressman A.S. Herlong. He spent 11 years in Washington before moving on to Ford and their international division. Jim's major emphasis now is the Far East. "I'm most excited about China. I've been to China six times, and there's a market of over a billion people there. It's slow going, but it will break wide open in the next five or six years." There is one more exciting thing in Jim's life (make that two) . Besides being married to "a lovely wife," father to a daughter who graduated from East Michigan, a son 路who graduated from Stetson, and a daughter who's in her third year at the University of Virginia, he is also the proud grandfather of three grandsons, "Oh that's exciting all right," says Jim. Jim is an important father in another sense. The Foundation of Pi Kappa Phi is embarking, with a very prestigious board, on a large fundraising program, which Jim helped to develop. A serious air becomes prevalent and that contagious grin fades to a determined

and thoughtful stare, "I'm totally dedicated to what is being done for the development of good strong leadership." Jim's excited because the Foundation is not just building for today, "We are insisting that it (the funds raised) be put in the Foundation and stay there for future use." Jim's enthusiasm stems from the quality of people who have joined him on the board, "We have to have good people because handling a million bucks is different than just a hundred thousand," then with a slight pause and - flash- that grin again, "at least I think it is!" There are .two facets of the Foundation's purpose, besides scholarship and leadership, that Jim feels are of vital importance, and that anybody would agree and support. "Teaching young men to understand and use alcohol properly, is a very significant project, and Pi Kappa Phi is one of the leaders." Yet, there is one project, above all, that gets Jim's blood moving - Project P.U.S.H. "You know, It's those undergraduates who are raising the bucks, it's the cats on the campuses." "They raise money by the nickles, dimes, and pennies and if we, as 30,000 alumni, can't come up with the goals we are looking for, we are in pretty bad shape." Jim's Pi Kapp associations have touched every part of his life. "A Pi Kapp gave me my first break (Congressman Herlong) and I made friends with Pi Kapp Amory Underhill (then Assistant Attorney General), and Cartha D. DeLoach (then Assistant FBI Director under Hoover and now Vice President of Pepsi Cola International Division). I also keep running into my old brothers from Chi. In fact, I just got a note from Benny Smith who wanted to go back to the dorms and serenade the girls." After dealing in Washington, traveling around the world, and from the height of big business, Jim Golden feels that the future of Pi Kappa Phi is "bright." In essence, Pi Kappa Phi is climbing those same walls to get to the top, and we aren't that far away. Over the ho~izon ' is the dawn of a bright future, - a future colored Golden.




Pi Kappa Phi undergraduates are showing their support for Project P.U.S.H. not just by raising money, but by attending the dedications of three play-units in 1983. The units were placed in Anna, IL; Philadelphia, PA; and Laurelton, PA. The brothers at the University of Missouri designated an entire weekend for a P.U.S.H. installation six hours away in Anna, IL. The ceremony was also attended by three members from the University of Missouri-Rolla. The installation at the Woodhaven Cen-

ter in Philadelphia, PA was attended by five chapters of Pi Kappa Phi: Rensselaer; Drexel; Purdue; Villanova; St. Joseph's University; and LaSalle. An estimated 75 people attended the P.U.S.H. installation at the Laurelton Center, Laurelton, PA. James McKelvey, Director of P.I.C.S. (Push Institionalized Care Services) was the co-ordinator of the installation. Richard Sandala, Archon at Penn State, said "The P.U.S.H. unit was an exciting thing to see."

. The newest design in the modular unit. Each unit is built to fit the institution it will be placed in.

Many Pi Kapps were in attendance at the three dedications.

Page 7




A ~


~ ALPHA Charleston

IOTA Georgia Tech

John C. Hassell CIA 62 Bayview Dr. Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Richard Meek CIA 6158 Holiday Blvd. Forest Park, GA 30050

The brothers of Alpha, with their en. thusiasm gained from Supreme Chapter, have again pulled together and completed a successful year. Alpha chapter has found an increased interest in Pi Kappa Phi history. We have recently entertained lectures from key Alpha alumni representatives concerning Pi Kappa Phi history. These lectures have been received with great enthusiasm and we once again see the grea feelings of unity our founding fathers had while forming this great national fraternity. This increased spirit will allow us to increase our P.U.S.H. project donations of last year. We take great pride and consider ourselves fortunate to have outstanding alumni, such as W. Bernard Jones who spoke at Founders' Day. They not only provided us with our beautiful n11w home, they are always willing to donate their time, support and advice. We are in the process of creating a unique chapter room which will soon be filled with many of the original artifacts ot Pi Kappa Phi. Our doors at 92 Wentworth are always open and we welcome and encourage other chapters to come see where It all started.

Iota chapter got off to a running start this year with the pledging of 22 of the finest young men on the Georgia -T~ch campus. With their assistance, we were able to contribute our largest donation eve r to the annual IFC leukemia drive. Fail is an exciting time at Tech. This excitement is greatest during Homecoming which is steeped in tradi tion after nearly 100 years of observance. We Pi Kapps made an ail out effort to capture the spirit of Homecom ing week, actively participating in every event possible. Our alumni turned out in unprecedented numbers. We appreciate their support, since without it we would not be able to proudly announce the initiation of our one-thousandth Brother this quarter. Iota looks to the remainder of the school year with optimism, realizing that with a little hard work, we can make this an ideal chapter in Pi Kappa Phi.

BETA Presbyterian

Kappa continued its tradition of excellence by initiating 17 fine young men during the fal_l s~mester. Total brotherhood membership now stands at 60. Improvements 'to the house this semester Include new living room furniture and an extension of the basketball court. Bum-out preparations are already under way with a goal set to donate $1,000 to the North Carolina Burn Center. Grace Franklin, now in her 27th yea"r, continues to be the steadying force behind the house. Finally, at the end of the first semester, our intramural program stands atop the Greek system.

Dale 0. Raines CIA Fine Arts Dept. Presbyterian Clg. Clinton, "SC 29325 We are having a great year! The addition of 11 new pledges brings our total chapter enrollment up to 48. This year we have set our P.U.S.H. goal at $1,500 and we are already half way there. The brothers of Beta are very enthusiastic about P.U.S.H. Our Parent's Club has been a great success with many donations being made to the chapter, the house, and to P.U.S.H. Some . of our parents can't seem to do enough for us! We did well at Supreme Chapter. We received the President's Club Award for last year's $1,000 donation to P.U.S.H.; we also received the Red Rose Award for doubling our contribution; also we received the Master Chapter Award. In scholarship, Beta has excelled. Last semester's chapter average was a 2.9! This is something we are especially proud of. Our Rose Bali is planned for Myrtle Beach and is going to be the biggest and best ever!

GAMMA Berkeley

Mitch Stevko CIA 4760 Crow Canyon Road Castro Valley, CA 94546 The latest news: Gamma Chapter is rapidly approaching its grand celebration of 76 successful years. Scheduled for fall 1984, Founders' Day promises to be the biggest gathering of Brothers and Alumni in Gamma's history. We invite ali Pi Kapps from around the country to come join us in our celebration.

KAPPA UNC-Chapel Hill

Donald L. Shaw, CIA 416 N. Tinkerbell Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Charles Grey CIA Office of Administration Wofford College Box 171 Spartanburg, SC 29301 We the Brothers of the Zeta Chapter have been working hard this semester to improve our fraternity. So far we have completely remodeled the bar-room with new linoleum and paneling. In the near future, we hope to redo the ceiling in the living room, and replace the fence around the back porch. Homecoming was once again a successful event. Alumni contributions totaled well over $500. This money was put into a high interest account for future use in house improvements.


Daniel C. Lemley CIA 56 Beech Hills Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 The fail of 1983 saw Omicron Chapter further solidify its tradition of excellence on th e Alabama camp us. Following the initiation of a promising spring pl edge class, Omicron responded with one of the most successful fall rushes ever.I n addition to this, insightful leadership has gained a renewed vitality for Project P.U.S.H. Meanwhile, Omicron intramurals remain the most competitive on campus. The fall rush of 1983 was a period of experimentation. Rush Chairman Warren Debardelaben implemented a new rush method, which delegated a predetermined assignment to each and every brother. The results were wonderful. Omicron pinned 37 new pledges, the most on campus for the second straight year! Possibly the most optimistic news of the chapter comes under the heading or Project P.U.S.H. The dynamic leadership of P.U.S.H. Chairman Blair Lane has resulted in a much greater involvement among the brotherhood. In an attempt to illustrate the benefits of P.U.S.H., Blair scheduled a trip · to the Partlow State Mental Health Facility !or Children in order that an actual P.U.S.H. Unit could be viewed while in use . The entire chapter

At the beginning of the semester we finished renovating our lounge, at a total cost of about$3,000. The finished project looks fantastic. Everything from the Ooor to the ceiling was renovated. It is now safe to say that we have the best looking lounge on campus. On the intramural scene, Sigma chapter has again showed its dominance. Not only did we win the men's Ooor hockey championships, but we also won in doubles tennis . The Brothers of Sigma also donated $300 worth of toys, with the help of the alumni, to "Carolina Cares.'! "Carolin a Cares" is an organization to help needy children.

TAU North Carolina State Pi Kapps arise victorious once again! In the past few weeks, Tau chapter went undefeated in ten intramural events, ending with the bowling championship. Along with our improved athletics, our scholarship program got a big boost this semester. The fall pledge class worked dili~ gently to raise enough money to renovate the house library . The new counter top runs wall to wall, and enables more brothers to study together. This year Tau chapter is going to go the extra mile for project P.U.S.H. Our big fund raiser, to be held April 13th and 14th, will be a wheelchair push from Raleigh to the National Office. Homecoming was a big success. The brothers would like to thank all the alumni who were able to attend .

Mark D. Edgell, CIA 2359 !davere Road SW Roanoke, VA 24015 Xi Chapter started out the year with fifteen brothers and three associate members. Before long we will initiate .eleven more brothers, an event we are ail eagerly anticipating. Our P.U.S.H. program got off to an excellent start this year as we have already doubled last year's contribution. Our Archon and Vice Archon attended the AVA Convention and returned home with much enthusiasm and many more excellent ideas for P.U.S.H. and RUSH. Plans are in the making for what we are confident will be a successful spring RUSH. We would like to extend a personal invitation to all alumni to stop by the house and get to know the members.

The highlight for spring will be this year's P.U.S.H. Carnival. Chi Chapter has raised over $5,000 the last two years, and will do its best to keep up this pact in the spring. Our P.U.S.H. Carnival has become a proud tradition of hard work by our brotherhood, campus-wide participation from the University, and a fun time for those who come out. The Carnival takes place this year on March 31, 1984, and promises to be better than ever. Chi Chapter is also proud of the individual efforts of our brothers that show others the outstanding quality of the fraternity. Mark Ziegler has recently been elected President of the IFC. Also several members of our football team were selected for the IFC All-star team. With these brothers leading the way, Stetson defeated Rollins College, for the third year in a row. The brothers would like to give special thanks to alumni brother Robert Kent for donating new curtains to the house. These curtains, along with the other house improvements such as our new lounge, have made ours the nicest house on Fraternity Row. The brothers also want to recognize Chapter Advisor Mike Jarrard tor all of his support and help in maintaining the high quality and standards of Pi Kappa Phi. We extend an Invitation to all alumni to visit or write Chi Chapter, and a special invitation to our P.U.S.H. Carnival on March 31, 1984.

PSI Cornell


OMEGA Purdue

Carl A. Binnie CIA Heavilon Hall -Purdue Univ. W. Lafayette, IN 47907

Earl Cashon CIA 270 Auburn Parkwa y Athens, GA 30606 Lambda pledged 20 fin e men during our fail rush, and we hope to initiate ail of our pledges in January. Our rush effort was one of the most successful on campus. Lambda had a very successful Home. coming weekend, which is our AlumniParent event for fail quarter. Dr. Wayne Buffington, the Pi Kappa Phi National Secretary, was the speaker for the banquet. Everyone was very pleased with his speech and we hope to have him again as a guest. David Sealer was named our Alumni of the Year for his donation to refinish the floors in the house ; and Mike Simmons was named Brother of the Year for his rush organization . Lambda is currently defen ding its number one ranking in the intramural&. We plan to keep the title two years running. Lambda placed first in swimming this quarter and had a fine showing in every other sport.


Lawrence G. Thayer, CIA 103 Woolf Lane Ithaca, NY 14850

LAMBDA University of Georgia

XI Roanoke ZETA Wofford College



The members of Winthrop College gather around Miss Winthrop 1983 and the money their pageant raised for P.U.S.H. attended, and response was tremendous. In addition to this, 1983 saw various P.U.S.H. fund raisers, including a softball tournament and a car window wash at one of the local malls. Unfortunately, the latter was postponed due to bad weather, but will be rescheduled at a later date . Keep up the good work! On the athletic scene, the chapter can proudly report that "We Pi Kapps are as happy as can be." This is because we currently hold first place in the race for the coveted All-Sports trophy. Kevin Masterson

RHO Washington & Lee

Holt Merchant, CIA 108 Rebel Ridge Road Lexington, VA 24450 NO REPORT SUBMITTED SIGMA University of South Carolina

Alan Fraley CIA Clark Check PO Box 2166 Columbia, SC 29202 Sigma's fall semester of '83 was the beginning and the end. It was the end of our rebuilding and the beginning of our move for number one. This semester we held a 50 hour push-a-thon. The Brothers, associate members, and little sisters pushed a wheelchair around campus enroute to collecting $650. With the donations from businesses and pledge sheets, Sigma raised about $1,500. We have plans for a window wash-a-thon !or next semester.

UPSILON Illinois

Jim Doyle CIA 803 Maplepark Drive Champaign, IL 61820 October is a month that is going to be remembered by Upsilon Pi Kapps for some time. Not only did the fighting Illlni clinch a Rose Bowl bid by beating rivals Iowa, Ohio State and Michigan, but we also had the privilege of celebrating our victory over Ohio State with our alums at this year's homecoming celebration. And what a celebration it was as Housing Corporation President Steve Trahey burned our mortgage In front of a record turnout of alums. It's now quite an honor to be able to say that we the brothers of Upsilon own our own house. It's also been with honor and enthusiasm that the active chapter has been able to serve our greater Champaign Urbana Community. Earlier this semester we started off with a car wash-a-thon with the proceeds going to P.U.S.H. We more recently donated the money usually spent on a meal to the Police Fraternal Organi· zation. And this November 12, we added psych to the pre-game show ofthe Indiana game by launching oft our balloon race .

CHI Stetson University

Michael Jarrard CIA 926 Touchwood Drive Deland, FL 32724 Again this fall, Chi Chapter fixed up the house as a "haunted house" for the Headstart Nursery School Program. It was a ghoulishly good time for the little ones.

The Omega chapter here at Purdue keeps ex panding and renewing. A new shed, use d for Grand Prix carts and general storage, built near the back of the house is our latest building project. The sidewalk along the road was replaced by the spring pledge class this past September. We proudly displayed Pi Kappa Phi's new na· tiona! symbol with the mounting of our big bell in the front yard. Thanks to all alumni who made it back for homecoming! The dinner banquet was a bi g success. There was plenty of spirit despite the dismal weather. We hope to get an even bigger group next fall. Omega chapter is proud to announce the pledging of thirteen initiates this fall. They are well organized and off to a good start! We are on our way to beating last year's goal of $3,000 with Project P.U.S.H. this fall . Through various fund raisers, such as our candy sale, we will raise enough before going into our big Push-a-thon spring semester.

ALPHA ALPHA Mercer University

Ron Williams CIA 2430 Kingsley Drive Macon, GA 31204 Here at Alpha Alpha, it has been a busy quarter. We began with rush, obtaining an excellent pledge class of 13. Immediately following rush, a Brother-Pledge retreat was held in Milledgeville, GA. A bell was purchased, and plans for a stand have been made. lnitation was held on November 1 for spring quarter pledges. Our objectives for the year have been revised . A Founders' Day - Alumni Week· en d was slated for January 20-22. Alumni contact has sharply increased, and an Alumni Association is in the paperwork. Alumni will be receiving more information about this. With all of these changes the brothe rs of Alpha Alpha are excited about the rest of the year and its planned activities .


Page 8

ALPHA GAMMA University of Oklahoma

ALPHA THETA Michigan State

Rtcky G. Gann CIA PO Box 5892 Norman, OK 73071

Ford Woodard, CIA 751 Arthur Stre'et Plymouth, MI 48170

Alpha Gamma chapter returned from wmler break with 13 associate members ready for initiation. Their class had a great walkout to Memphis State. Gamma Delta chapter was very receptive, taking our asSO('Jates out on the town Friday and on a tnp to Graceland Saturday. W•• are tremendously proud of our most illustrious alumni, Vernon Stansell (Alpha Gamma 143), who received the Merit Citation from the 39th Supreme Chapter. Our chapter was honored to present the award to Mr. Stansell for his unselfish dedication to the Fraternity as National Treasurer, and a Counselor to the Fraternity. He is also a business leader and a major figure In the re-chartering or the Alpha Gamma chapter.


John Zoltek CIA 1101 SW 98 Street Gainesui/le, FL 32601 The Alpha Epsilon brothers attending the 39th Supreme Chapter round the expenence very rewarding, and upon returnIng to Florida they enthusiastically con· veyed the events to the rest of the broth· ers . Fall rush was outstanding, and we just recrntly initiated 28 new brothers. The enthusiasm put into the chapter by these two groups has made this fall one of the brst ever at Alpha Epsilon. A tremendous amount of time and energy has been spent on improvements on the house throughout the semester. Over $50,000 was put into rebuilding and resurfacing of our roof. A new basketball court was constructed along with the addition of a sundeck. We are also very proud of our recently acquired bell, and computer terminal contributed by the fall '83 and spring '83 pledge classes respectively. Homecoming was, of course, another highlight of the fall. Justice Ben F. Overton was named to the Alpha Epsilon Hall of Fame. Charles W. LaPradd was given the Mr. Alpha Epsilon Award for his personal contributions of time and resources to our chapter. With a fine turnout, Homecoming was a perfect opportunity for us to thank our alumni for their many contributions in this past year.

ALPHA ZETA Oregon State University

Ted Langton III CIA 992 NW Ironwood Dr. Coruallis, OR 97330 C'urrently at Alpha Zeta we are undera rebuilding effort . We had 19 members return from last year, and all of them were an integral part of a successful fall rush . We secured seven strong associate members during Rush Week, and then shifted gears as we netted another 24 quality members through informal rush . As soon as prospective members make n committment to the chapter, we include th em in an extensive committee system that deals with every aspect of fraternity life. This gets them involved in house government right from the beginning, and Insures that each and every member takes an active part in planning activities and se tting policy. We feel that this system has worked ex tremely well as 30 new members are expected to be initiated on Saturday, January 14. This will bring our total live-in membPrship to 40, only 15 away from our capacity. Our goal is to fill the house by spring term. As our student chapter grows, so must the Alumni Organization. We held a very productive Alumni Weekend this fall and more than 50 alumni attended. Time, adVICe , and support of the undergraduate chapter have been and continue to be crucial to our future. ~01ng

ALPHA ETA Samford Founders' Day for the Alpha Eta Chap· ter was once again a focal point of the fall semester. The Star and Lamp banquet was held at the downtown Birmingham Holiday Inn with a very large turnout of both brothers and distinguished Alumni. Alpha Eta Chapter pledged 19 out~ tanding men who have already proven, and will continue to prove their outstanding leadership on campus. Once again in tram urals have started and we have moved ahead in the intramural potnts standings with a first place overall ftnish in volleyball among the fraternities. This chapter, realizing the need for outward service, gladly accepted the responsibility of providing transportation for a blind student attending the Cumberland chool of Law on the Samford University am pus. The willingness that our members have exhibited to perform this service is arnple proof that we are not just playing fraternity, but living it by joining together as one body to reach out and help others in •the name of service and brotherhood.


Dr. William Sauser CIA 231 S. Cedar Brook Dr. Auburn, AL 36830 Alpha Iota is having one of its most successful years. It began last spring with the election of three Brothers to the student senate and the winning of the campus All-Sports Trophy. We continued to prosper this past summer by winning the President's Club Award and The Red Rose Club Award at Supreme Chapter. The chapter kicked off the fall with a successful rush followed by a successful fund raiser which netted $1,000 for P.U.S.H. Ne~t. it was a fantastic Alumni Weekend which introduced a new era in alumni involvement with the chapter. The chapter was honored to have four of our charter members in attendance, including our first initiate. To keep the momentum going, our candidate for Homecoming Queen, Miss Deborah Rickles of Huntsville, AL, was selected by the student body to represent Auburn University as their Homecoming Queen. We are planning to use our winter and spring quarter annual parties, "SNOWBOUND" and "JUNGLE PARTY," as major rush functions. To finish off the year, we are holding another fund raiser to benefit P.U.S.H. during spring quarter, and also plan on winning the campus All· Sports Trophy again. With our goals set and our enthusiasm high, the Brothers of Alpha Iota feel sure that the success will continue throughout the year.

ALPHA MU Pennsylvania State University

Richard Charles Barrickman CIA 1232 N. lnuerary Place State College, PA 16801 With the recent switch here at Penn State from trimesters to semesters, we here at Alpha Mu have had to revise our rush and pledge programs. The revisions were a success with the result being seven new initiates from fall semester and from 16 to 21 new pledges for spring semester. Through the success of our first annual wrist-wrestling tournament held in December of '82, we were able to witness the installation or a P.U.S.H. unit hPre in central Pennsylvania. Many brothers attended the ceremony at Lauralton Center and felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that we could help these handicapped people. Preparations are now in high gear for our second annual wrist-wrestling tournament to benefit P.U.S.H. With Strohs Brewery sponsoring the event, we are planning to top last year's total of $1,000. The broth· ers are working hard canning and sign ing up people to compete in the tournament. One of the largest college fund raisers in the country, the IFC Dance Marathon is nearing and everyone here is getting ready for another great time to help a worthy cause. Alpha Mu has placed in the top four consistantly, raising money to help young children with cancer. The brotherhood at Alpha Mu is largely involved in campus activities. Brother Richard Sandala won the IFC Scholarship for the second year in a row. He is the only person at Penn State to have done so. Brother Bill Kelly is the newly elected Vice President of Tau Beta Pi, an honors fraternity.


Michael Spielzinger, CIA 627 68th Street Brooklyn, NY 11220

Being a new house, there are some programs which still need to be implemented. One program that we didn't have that we felt was important was a Big Brother program, so we started one. The associate members listed in order the three active members that they would like to have as their Big Brother. Using each associate member's list, the Executive Council assigned active members to pledges. The duties of the Big Brothers are as follows: help guide the pledge through his first semester of college (show him around campus); help with homework (if and be a mediator between the house and the associate member.

ALPHA RHO West Virginia

Dean Nicholas George Euans CIA 1285 Anderson Auenue Morgantown, WV 26505 This year the Alpha Rho Chapter has been very successful. We have decided to raise our standards. We are planning to raise $2,500 for P.U.S.H., help out more in the community, and get our largest pledge classes ever. We started out the year with a very successful canoe trip on Cheat Lake in the Morgantown area. We rented canoes, pad· died down the lake, and had a picnic. It went so well that we hope tq make it an annual event. Homecoming weekend was the next main event. We had great pleasure in entertaining our alumni both before the game with a tailgate and after with a reception. The next main event we are all antici· pating is our Founders' Day Formal which will be held at the house of Dean Brisbane, who is the Dean of Admissions and Records. This semester has gone quite well for Alpha Rho and next semester will be even better.

Jon T. Rymer, CIA 1664 Dick Lonas Road Knoxuille, TN 37919 NO REPORT SUBMITTED

Pi Kappa Phi's Alpha Omicron Chapter is happy to report that we are back on campus at Iowa State University. The chapter consists of the main house and three annexes. We had a successful parents weekend on October 1-2. Most of the parents attended the home football game against New Mexico State, then returned to the house for the post-game activities: a parent/student volleyball game and a pig-roast. We also had a retreat on October 22-23. It was held at alumnus Chuck Noty's house about 20 miles outside of Ames . Shortly after dinner we broke up Into three groups, each to come up with a cheer. Each group put a lot of work into it and came up with three cheers unique to Pi Kappa Phi. Later we talked about the things that we needed to do to keep our house strong. Again we split up into three groups, this time to discuss specifics of these topics.

Dan Muenzer and Chris Warren of Michigan State carve out time to raise money for P.U.S.H.

ALPHA TAU Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

BETA ALPHA New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Kenneth Miller CIA 20 Michael Street Troy, NY 12180

Mike Cushing CIA 113 N. 4th Street Harrison, NJ 07029

Brotherhood has prevailed here at Alpha Tau throughout the fall. Before we were a month into the semester, the planning for our fourth annual Haunted House "'"" in full swing. Extensive involvement by brothers lead to an unprecedented success. Adults and children alike enjoyed themselves, not to mention the college students who lined up in anticipation of a good scare. Everyone took pride in the numerous compliments and the ability of a close brotherhood to pull off such an event. This semester we launched a campaign to re-establish firm contacts with all alumni. Each brother wrote letters to individ· ual alumni relating pertinant facts about the brotherhood, and inviting them to at· tend this year's Founders' Day. There are also plans to implement a local phone-a· thon, calling alumni who live close by, in order to get them actively involved again. Founders' Day is scheduled for December 10, and alumni response thus far has been favorable . We are conslstantly improving our reputation on campus and with school offi· cials. Recently, we allowed Rensselaer to hold a dinner at our house honoring the new Provost. They were impressed with the house's excellent condition and the hospitality of the brotherhood.

Beta Alpha had a successful rush this fall. Ten associate members were rushed making the chapter tops on campus. Through the help of our Housing Corporation, we have been able to improve our house tremendously. New linoleum was put down on the second floor and repairs were made to the roof of the party room. A new effort has been made to improve the relationship between fraternities and neighbors on High Street. A group was set up to look into solutions. The fraternities and neighbors were able to meet and discuss the matter. A new relationship has emerged between the undergraduates and our Alumni Corporation. First of all, the alumni in the corporation sat down with our new officers and went over the budget. It was discovered that we were paying more money than we could afford to. In order to alleviate this, the Corporation gave us a loan of $1,000 to be paid back at $1.00 per month. They also placed maintenance of the building in our hands.


Bob Austin, CIA 208 Second Auenue Mont Clare, PA 19453 NO REPORT SUBMITTED

Fred W. Jahr CIA 2650 Cleueland Ames, lA 50010

At supreme Chapter, Beta Epsilon reaped the rewards of a year of hard work. The chapter received the Red Rose and the President's Club awards for its Project P.U.S.H. efforts in addition to the prestigious Champion Master Chapter award. Beta Epsilon has distinguished itself this semester by running one of the strongest and most successful rush programs on campus. Beta Epsilon pledged 18 men and when word got around, many fraternities began coming to us for advice. Our pledge class worked to better the chapter by parking cars at Missouri home football games and used the earnings to purchase a new microwave oven for the kitchen. Eleven of the associate members were Initiated November 18, and a new pledge class is already forming. Our dedication to Project P.U.S.H. is reflected by the $1,000, already contributed by the brothers, and by our pledge to raise $3,000 or more. Twenty-two of Beta Epsilon brothers also got the chance to see their dollars in action by participating in the installation of a play unit on September 24. This experience, along with the talk given by Tom Sayre, inspired the chapter to meet its Project P.U.S.H. goal. Planning is already underway for next semester's Pi Kappa Phi P.U.S.H. week.



The brothers of Alpha Psi have been true athletes through participation in a wide variety of intramural sports. In the portals of our chapter, we now have two new trophies. We took first place in allfraternity racquetball doubles and second place in ping-pong. At the present, our A· team for volleyball is in the fraternity play. offs. Also, our pledge volleyball team is undefeated and has a greatshotat becoming the all campus champs. Go Pi Spika Phi! In the annua-pledge active football game, the actives again were victorious against the pledges (42-0). The homecoming weekend was celebrated in true Pi Kapp spirit. The undergrads were glad to welcome so many of the Alpha Psi alumni for the homecoming activities. Alumni and undergraduate chapter discussed future housing for th Alpha Psi Chapter. The funding for this project will be started through a limited partnership, in essence setting up a corporation of Investors. Rush is the key element in making this goal a reality. Since rush has been successful and will continue to be , we here at Alpha Psi see our new structure close at hand. We would like to thank our Alumni Association for their support and continued eftorts to help Alpha Psi grow.


liT Greg Cieplucha, CIA 501 156th Place Calumet City, IL 60409 NO REPORT SUBMITTED ALPHA PSI Indiana University

Herbert W. Blow CIA 3512 Tudor Lane Bloomington, IN 47401 The Alpha Psi Chapter began the fall semester with the initiation of three new members. A successful fall rush and dedicated brothers have provided Alpha Psi with 14 quality associate members. The Alpha Psi brothers who attended the 39th Supreme Chapter returned with new ideas and charisma to propel the chapter toward excellence. Alpha Psi is always committed to excellence and proud to announce that Alpha Psi has received the Master Chapter Award for a second time in a row.

BETA BETA Florida Southern

Dr. Carl C. Brown, CIA 1205 Groueland Lane Lakeland, FL 33803 NO REPORT SUBMITTED BETA DELTA Drake

Kenneth Miller CIA 1641 Rio Valley Driue Des Moines, lA 50322 This past fall has been filled with success on campus and off. We began the year with two successful boat parties at Navy Pier in Chicago and a 100-inning softball marathon, which enabled the chapter to buy new furniture. We also received funds from the Building Corporation, the owner o( the house, which was used to renovate much of the interior. Beta Delta has 12 new men entering our brotherhood, and we are looking forward to a successful spring rush. Also we are currently in first place for the Intramural All-Sports Trophy. Much of this is due to our football team which won the All-Greek title and our hockey team which , for the past two years, remains unbeaten.

BETA EPSILON University of Missouri OUTSTANDING CHAPTER NEWSLETTER The star of Pi Kappa Phi is rising on the University of Missouri· Columbia campus. Beta Epsilon, a 1983 Champion Master Chapter, Is back.

This is comprised of Beta Epsilon's sixth annual Saint Patrick's Day Soccer Tournament and our 48-hour Push-a-thon. We also plan a Bar Night and a Three Stooges Film Festival. Michael Hicks Historian

BETA ETA Florida State

Ron Hill CIA 1843 Syluan Court Tallahassee, FL 32303 Our chapter has recently increased its number of active brothers from 23 to 33 by initiating ten new brothers on the 19th day of November. On this day, we also initiated two Alumni Initiates. Since then, we have recruited four new pledges for the spring semester, and we are planning to have a very successful spring rush. One event that we are all looking forward to is our P.U.S.H. project. This year our chapter, along with Alpha Epsilon, Beta Beta, and Chi Chapters is pushing a wheelchair from Florida Southern University to Stetson University, and then continue on to the University of Florida and Florida State. At Florida State, we will present the wheelchair to the Governor of Florida, Bob Graham, on the steps of the Capitol building. All of the proceeds that are collected from pledges will go to P.U.S.H. We are also proud to announce that at a recent IFC meeting, our chapter received two awards. The' first was for Most Improved GPA, and the second was for Best GPA in a Pledge Class.


James W. White, Jr. CIA 2435 W. Bancroft, 6 Toledo, OH 4360 7 Fall quarter brought eight new Associ· ate Members to our Beta Iota chapter. Hopes are high that our winter rush efforts will produce a pledge class twice the size of the fall class, doubling our chapter size by the end of the year. In addition to this, fall quarter saw the chapter place third in the Homecoming Float Contest. We also raised $450 for Project P.U.S.H. through our walk-a-thon.

BETA KAPPA Georgia State University

Ralph D. Sims CIA 4288 Reuere Circle Marietta, GA 30062 Beta Kappa Chapter is soon to enter its 30th year on the campus of Georgia State University, and the brothers of our chapter are making strides to improve daily . Our summer and fall rush netted us seven good associate members and many more who will be pledging during winter quarter. Our chapter's annual "Feed the Chil· dren" canned food drive was a big success again this year, with over 9300 cans collected for the Atlanta Food Bank. This food is being given to needy families

Page 9

throughout the Atlanta area for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays . The chapter was the second most im· proved among fraternities and third overall for the University's Dean's Cup, signifying the best overall fraternity . Of special note is Brother Ken Cribbs, who along with being an SGA Senator and Chaplain of our Chapter, has been elected IFC President for winter '84.

BETA LAMBDA University of Tampa

Donald F. Orr, Jr. CIA 2937 Coachman Tampa, FL 33611 Fall rush was well organized and because of good planning we were able to recruit a quality pledge class of eleven. The strength of this fall's rush guarantees that Pi Kappa Phi will continue to have it's stronghold of campus leadership at the University of Tampa. The brotherhood was represented by three brothers at Supreme Chapter in Mobile. The productivity of their attendance has improved the chapter with the use or knowledge obtained from the activities at ··-Supreme Chapter.

BETA MU McNeese State University

Dr. Joe Lynn Cash CIA 4404 Canal, Apt. 549 Lake Charles, LA 70605 Your Cajun brothers here at Beta Mu have recovered from Supreme Chapter. We have pledged 16 new men. At homecoming we took first place with our float. The highlight of Founders' Day was the attendance of Past National President Mel Metcalf and the entertainment with his magic tricks.

BETA TAU Valdosta State

Dana Ingram, CIA 2308 Gornto Road Valdosta, GA 31601 NO REPORT SUBMITTED BETA UPSILON University of Virginia

Leroy Hamlett, CIA 2125 Tarleton Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901


The Beta Upsilon Chapter at the University of Vlrgi':lia held Homecominll festivities for ottr alumni. The undergraduate brothers enjoyed seeing these alumni, as the weekend was full of well-planned activities. The brotherhood's annual Grandparent's Day was a huge success once again as the fourth year brothers spent the afternoon with their adopted grandparents. As the day drew to a close, many brothers, so attached to their new friends, had a difficult time parting from their spirited grandmas and granddads. These brothers learned a great deal from the event, and we hope the project may become a University tradition, as proof of the need for similar community projects. Two brothers, Brad Ashton and Mike Drapeau, reached the intramural finals of ping-pong, as Ashton defeated Drapeau for the crown and earned the chapter valuable points. In addition, the pledge bowling team is currently in first place in the UVA bowling league, with pledge George Eilades as high scorer.

BETA PHI East Carolina University

Ellis Banks CIA Route 1, Box 9-B Winterville, NC 28590 In September, the chapter sponsored a Beach Music Concert as a fund raising project. Parents, alumni, friends and the community were entertained by three top Beach Bands. The chapter is planning another concert in the spring. One of our greatest accomplishments this fail was Beta Phi's first annual Pi Kapp Day . One Saturday was set aside for all the brothers to get together and have a good time while raising funds for the chapter and our national philanthropy. On Pi Kapp Day, some brothers cut firewood and sold it while others worked around the house and collected money for P.U.S.H. at area businesses. At the end of the day, all the brothers and little sisters, along with local alumni played volleyball and basketball. Afterwards the fraternity attended a pig picking with all the fixings. We are definitely planning on holding this event again next year. In closing, we would like to thank all the alumni who answered our homecoming letter by attending the homecoming dance or writing. We would also like to welcome our 12 new brothers and congratulate all our graduating brothers.

BETA CHI East Texas State

Dr. Fred Klaus, CIA 1805 Jefferson Commerce, TX 75428 NO REPORT SUBMITTED

BETA OMEGA East Tennessee State University

Dan Murphy. CIA 2 Kaywood Court Johnson City, TN 37611 Beginning on November 8, 1983, the Chapter of Beta Omega began the task of re-organizing. At this time we have 27 pledges. We are presently involved in our member education program and are still pushing for this chapter to become the strongest in the province. We are presently getting acquainted with the fraternities and sororities on campus by mailing out letters and having socials. We as a group are becoming more involved in the campus community and at the same time discovering what fun It can be.

GAMMA ALPHA Livingston

Dr. James H. Patrenos CIA POBox 399 Livingston, AL 35470 Gamma Alpha Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity started the fall of 1983 off right. As of right now, we have twenty pledges. At present, there are 18 active brothers, and we have just recently elected our new officers. We have a Red Cross blood drive and a P.U.S.H. drive scheduled for our winter quarter. Gamma Alpha Pi Kapps are holding a 1983-84 Rose Ball in New Orleans in order to celebrate the 20th anniversity of our charter. The chapter will be selling 1984 calendars featuring our 1983-84 Little Sisters.

GAMMA BETA Old Dominion The gentlemen of Gamma Beta would like to take this time to inform you, our alumni, of the present condition and activities of this chapter. We have undergone a complete reorganization. With the help of the Administrative office and alumni, we are now creating a positive image. With the reorganization now completed, we look forward to the best rush seen at Old Dominion in years. An extensive schedule has been arranged to allow for a boost in our chapter size. Along with rush , a renewed emphasis on continuing alumni relations has been stated as our main goal. We will hopefully be in touch with all alumni of Gamma Beta, especially those in the Norfolk 'area. We would like to take . this time t1> extend an invitation to the alumni to stop by and see the new Gamma Beta. If you wish to help in our rebuilding process or any other aspect, please contact us.


Charles T. Griffin, CIA Route 6 Troy, AL 36081 NO REPORT SUBMITTED

GAMMA DELTA Memphis State

Howard Kim Hunter, CIA 4188 Hilldale Memphis, TN 38117 NO REPORT SUBMITTED GAMMA EPSILON Western Carolina

Robert T. Crowley, CIA Apt. 35 3640 Yarbrough Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27106 NO REPORT SUBMITTED GAMMA ZETA West VA Tech

William Heath, CIA Dept-Bus. Adm.-WV Institute Montgomery, WV 25136 NO REPORT SUBMITTED GAMMA THETA UNC-Wilmington

Stuart Pope, CIA P.O. Box 597 Wilmington, NC 28402 NO REPORT SUBMITTED GAMMA KAPPA Georgia Southern College

Remer Pope, CIA Route 3, Box 8-E Millen, GA 30442 The Gamma Kappa Chapter at Georgia Southern College would like to recognize the newly formed Statesboro Alumni Association. All Pi Kappa Phi alumni in Statesboro and the surrounding areas are welcome to become active members.

We are now planning Gamma Kappa's activities for the quarter. Here are a few which may be of interest. February 4 IFC Retreat February 10-11 Area Conclave in Americus, GA February 18 Alumni Party February 25 Parents Weekend

GAMMA LAMBDA University of Missouri

- Rolla

The house is looking great thanks to a new coat of paint and the addition of our bell, donated by alumni, and a basketball goal, donated by alumni and out-of-house members. As a way to keep outside influences from hampering our rushees, we take them cave exploring. Armed with just a flashlight, a hard hat, and sometimes a guide, we descend into the cave. It works well, and there's no place they can go! Again, we will take Founders' Day away from the house. Our largest concentration of alumni are In St. Louis, which is 100 miles away. We look forward to the trip and meeting our alumni.

GAMMAMU Belmont Abbey

Brother Paul CIA Box 535 B.A. C. • Belmont, NC 28012 In our fall semester this year we are proud to be recognized as having the highest grade point average of any fraternity on campus. Also in our fall semester, we became involved in an alcohol awareness program and attended three (3) sessions in Gastonia NC. With the help of some professional services, our first of many P.U.S.H. projects was very successful in gaining contributions from local merchants and others In excess of $200. We are also looking forward to defending our title as Greek Week champions. We have five worthy pledges this fall semester, which will eventually raise our br6therhood to 27. One of our brothers was recently involved with helping the mentally retarded in the Special Olympics in Charlotte, NC. Since we do not have a house, we have recently acquired the use of the basement of on e of the buildings on our campus. We are also looking forward to attending a retreat, to cover ritual, with Clay Edmonds and Dave Vawter, and are always continuing to upgrade the quality of our chapter.

GAMMA NU LaGrange College

Gordon Maner CIA 108 Ridgecrest Road LaGrange, GA 30240 In three years, the Gamma Nu Chapter at LaGrange College has grown from seven active brothers, to 17 brothers and 29 newly acquired pledges. Not only is this the largest pledge class In Gamma Nu history, but it is the largest group of pledges in the history of the greek system at LaGrange College. A lot of hard work and tremendous support from our alumni made our rush a big success. This year we have jumped into second in the overall grade point average on campus, and continue to excell in academics as well as sports and other campus activities. Something we tried for a quick and easy fund raiser was an emergency penny drive. All of the brothers and little sisters collected all of their pennies and loose change and came up with nearly $50 in only an hour. On a larger scale, the possibilities are unlimited. We are saving this and various other small amounts in a P.U.S.H. account. When our annual P.U.S.H. Rock-a-thon rolls around spring quarter, we'll already have a head start.

Pig Roast weekend. However, the Alumni did add a new treat- Casino Night proved to be so profitable for the Alumni Chapter that the active chapter decided to use it for future P.U.S.H. projects. The active chapter sponsored our annual "zeus day" football game, which is played between active and alumni members. We had an outstanding tum-out as well as a great time. However, the alumni once again defeated the active brothers. On top of Project P.U.S.H., Gamma Rho has been involved In raising funds for teaching children to dance. Our future plans are an outstanding rush for January, as well as our Zeta Zeta Zeta weekend planned for Homecoming weekend In February. Spring '84 should be the best semester in years.

GAMMA SIGMA Armstrong State College

Richard ChambleBS CIA 542 E. St. Julian Street Savannah, GA 31401 We are planning a visit to Georgia College as we are reaching out to those brothers In our area. Recently three brothers traveled to Alpha Chapter. We would like to thank the Archon of Alpha Chapter for his directions in finding various locations throughout Charleston. We are also looking forward to visits by any chapter in our area that would like to come down . With elections behind us, we look forward to a new beginning, a new advancement on campus and in the fraternity as a whole. Joint projects with sororities on campus are being planned. In the community we work security for the concerts held at the civic center, which puts our name into the public's awareness. We have worked at many concerts which helps increase our funds.

GAMMA UPS I LON Oklahoma State

Larry Hynson, CIA 2210 W. Arrowhead Drive Stillwater, OK 74074 Fall 1983 has been a rebuilding semester at Gamma Upsilon. The emphasis this semester has been on quality, which has paid off giving us our best start athletically , and our highest house GPA in several years. The first annual Pi Kapp Run, organized solely by the associate class v:as a success and will be continued in the fu ture. Many exciting ideas are being pursued and we are looking forward to a great year in 1984!

Ben Hamrick CIA 524 E. St. Julian St. Savannah, GA 31401 The brothers of Gamma Xi chapter recently underwent an organizational meeting with our award-winning Area Governor, Mr. Ron deValinger. We would like to express our appreciation to Ron for his time. Our organizational meeting was time well spent. Pi Kappa Phi's Beta Chi colony, from Georgia College at Milledgeville, joined us to get a better understanding of how a larger chapter conducts its business. Gamma Xi chapter is very proud and honored to be the host chapter for the Area III conclave. We have been working long and hard for this major event and we hope that there will be a large number of Pi Kapps in attendance. We are also looking forward to having the National Rose Queen, Ms. Hartert, visit our chapter during the conclave. We hope to see many Pi Kapps in attendance at the conclave February 10-12, 1984.


Christopher D. Kirkland CIA 145 Rutledge Road Greenwood, SC 29646 This semester started off with a bang. Our Alumni Chapter hosted our Annual

DELTA ALPHA ViriJinia Tech

Dr. George J. Flick, Jr. CIA 303 Murphy Street Blacksburg, VA 24060 Fall of 1983 was a busy time for our chapter. Our house required major repairs which led to a strain on both the fl. nancial situation of the chapter, and also time available for projects other than house repairs. Through the last couple of years, our time devoted to helping others was small. This attitude has changed among many of the brothers. Last fall, after taking part in repairing homes of poverty stricken people in the rural mountainous areas of Virginia, we realized that there are many people "just around the comer" who are truly poor. This seemed to open the eyes of many of our brothers who came from suburban, comfortable surroundings. I know in the future our chapter will participate in many more projects of this kind because we have seen that there are many worthwhile projects which help less fortunate people than ourselves.

DELTA BETA North Georgia

Tom Dalton, CIA 520 Arcadia Street POBox 74 Dahlonega, GA 30533 NO REPORT SUBMITTED DELTA GAMMA University of Nebraska - Omaha

Daniel Vescio CIA 2024 N. 99th Street Omaha, NE 68134

GAMMA PHI South Alabama

William R . Hughen, CIA 2004 Hamilton Road Mobile, AL 36618 NO REPORT SUBMITTED

GAMMA XI Georgia Southwestern

raised a quarter of our P.U.S.H. goal of $1,000. To improve our campus image, we have done several things. We have initiated dress up and jersey days, involving wearing coat and tie one day and jersey's the next. We have tough standards concerning scholarship. A pledge must have a 1.5 on a 3.0 system to be initiated and then must maintain a 1.0 to remain active. We have also initiated a cheering section at all University athletic events. And finally, we make it a practice to invite faculty to our parties. That .way they get to know us and we get to know them better. In the area of lntramurals, we won the football championship. We did this by stopping a rival fraternity's 31 game wining streak. After the game, we received a letter from the President of the University congratulating us on the victory. Our volleyball team is undefeated and should win the title.

We take pride in our year-round planning for Project P.U.S.H. This winter, the Delta Gamma Chapter, in conjunction with Z-92 Radio plans to hold a comedy shop, similar to one put on by the chapter

Samford University in Alabama celebrate their Rose Bail in style. GAMMA PSI Augusta

Dennis Jones CIA 2214 Boxkin Road Augusta, GA 30906 After a long time of being down, the brothers of Gamma Psi have come back on top. Following a successful recruiting drive this fall, we have started our community activities. This Christmas, we are giving a party for the Pediatric Ward at Talmadge Hospital, as well as selling ads for a 1984 calendar. A portion of the proceeds will go to P.U.S.H. We are looking forward to a successful recruiting drive this winter with many plans in the making for an all-out total school involvement. We are all looking forward to a bright future for Gamma Psi.

GAMMA OMEGA Montevallo

James Beat CIA POBox 505 Montevallo, AL 35115 During fall rush, we picked up 20 good men. We had the highest acceptance rate or any fraternity at Montevallo. In keeping with the new tough stand of the Supreme Chapter, we have improved the quality of the pledges and the brothers. We have also

last summer. All proceeds will go to Project P.U.S.H . Delta Gamma will also hold a 76-hour Push-a-thon on the campus of the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The chapter chose 75 hours because this year is U.N.O.'s 75th anniversary. Last year Delta Gamma raised over $800 in a 50hour Push-a-thon on campus. Delta Gamma takes pride in its leadership on campus. For a second consecutive year, the chapter has placed a Pi Kapp In the office of IFC President. Two Pi Kapps were also elected to the U.N.O. Student Senate with a third serving as Secretary to the Student Senate. The recent forming of the Omaha Area Alumni Association of Pi Kappa Phi will give a real boost to Delta Gamma Chapter. The Alumni Association consists of the Delta Gamma and Nu Chapter alums. The Association recently helped the chapter throw a Founders' Day Celebration, and the Alumni Association will aid the chapter in its spring rush. This semester we signed seven new associates.

DELTA DELTA Northeast Missouri

Lt. Bruce Cain CIA 6078 Island NW Canton, OH 44718 Eleven associate members became affiliated with the chapter this semester, to be Initiated In the sprin~. under a new as-


Page 10 societe member program sparked by Warden Greg Shives. A new Chapter Advisor, Lt. Bruce Cain, was installed and has been both very active and helpful. Two recently started traditions w~re kept up this semester: the second annual Pi Kapp retreat and the fourth annual Pi-Kappa-Fest. The Fest attracted many P1 Kapps from surrounding chapters, including Mizzou, Rolla, and Bradley, as well as serving as a valuable rush tool. Delta Delta had its second annual Push · a-thon this semester and it generated both money for Project P.U.S.H. and publicity for the chapter through radio and televi· sion coverage. Great publicity for the chapter was also achieved by our number one ranking in CPA amongst all other fraternities on campus. Brother Jim Prewitt, winner of Founders' Scholarship, contri· buted to this accomplishment along with many other of our 'scholarly' Pi Kapps. The crowning of Delta Delta's little sis as Homecoming Queen put our chapter in the limelight. . Improvement is the keyword for the Delta Delta Chapter this past semester. House improvements already achieved this semester include new carpeting, insula· tion, rock for the driveway, and a new television console.

DEL TA,EPSILON Jacksonville State (Alabama)

Calvin Wingo CIA 225 E. Oak Street Oxford, AL 36203

DELTA ETA Morehead

Lt. Col. Bruce Miller, CIA Morehead State Military Science Department Morehead, KY 40351 NO REPORT SUBMITTED DELTA KAPPA Pembroke State AN OUTSTANDING CHAPTER NEWSLETTER The chapter that was once Delta Kappa is only five men short of the 30 to become a chapter again! We enter rush as the second largest fraternity and we are prepared to take the steps to become the largest. Our numbers include 4.0 students, varsity wrestlers and baseball players, as well as student government officers. We are dedicated to the philosophy or serious fra· ternity and are movin g to bring to our al umni the pride which comes from a great chapter. We have accomplished so much, and plan to re-charter by spring 1984, that will be idea to birth in less than nine months. We do need help from our brother al umni. Please contact us at PO Box 348, Pembroke State University, Pembroke, NC 29372. Delta Kappa is so close to being back that you can reach out and touch it.

alumni directory , which gives a more de· tailed look at, and description of our alumni, than does the national directory. Our P.U.S.H. activities are underway and we are looking forward to our best year ever.

DELTA SIGMA Bowling Green State University

Larry Jankowski CIA Office of Journalism Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43402 Delta Sigma is contin uing to dominate Greek Life at Bowling Green in the scholarship, intramural, and community service areas. Our chapter was proud to accept trophies in recogni tion of the actives having the highest CPA on campus and being the Most Improved Fraternity in Intramurals. Furthermore, our proceeds raised for P.U .S.H. more than doubled the donations made by any other fraternity or sorority on campus. This year's P.U.S.H. week in· eluded showing a campus Halloween movie , an armwrestling an d billiards tour. nament, a basketball game with a local radio station, selling roses, and a 25-mile wheel-a-thon from Toledo to Bowlin g Green. Delta Sigma was honored to win the Community Service Award for the second straight year and also applauded the fine performances of our football , basketball , and softball teams.

DELTA ZETA Appalachian State University

A rthur Quickenton, CIA 401 Meadowview Drive Boone, NC 28607 Delta Zeta has been striving to improve all areas of the chapter. This semester we have changed our rush program to adapt to the University-wide dry rush program. Last semester our rush produced 24 Asso. elate Members. Next semester we plan to meet our $5,000 contribution to P. U.S.H. through a state-wi de P.U.S. H.-a-thon. This event is scheduled for April 6-7. This month has been proclaimed P.U .S.H. month by Gov. ernor Hunt. Brother Drew Lohr also has gotten the first week in April declared P.U.S.H. week in Charlotte by Mayor Harvey Gantt. Delta Zeta is also proud to have participated at the chartering of the new Lenoir-Rhyne Chapter. We are also currently helping in the formation of a new chapte r at East Tennessee State University. The chapter has also been honored by our Advisor, Dr. Art Quickenton, being named Area Councilor. The current President of the Interfraternity Coun cil at Appalachian is Pi Kap p Brother Ty Garber.

DELTA CHI Kansas State

Mike Wamsley, CIA 1208 Haas Court Manhattan, KS 66502

DELTA PSI Texas-Arlington


Dr. Wade Birch, CIA 31 09 Rolling Glen Bryan, TX 77801

The new, re-organized, and classy brothers of East Tennessee State. DELTA LAMBDA University of NC · Charlotte

DELTA TAU James Madison University

William Kincaid CIA 5212 Mac Andrew Drive Matthews, NC 28105

Our brotherhood consisted of 61, fo ur of whom graduated in December, but,rlue to a prosperous rush, the Omicron pledge class will increase our numbers to almost 80 by semester's end. In addition to a fine rush we also enjoyed a fun Homecoming, wh ich was at· ten ded by a record number of alumni and their families . Parent's weekend was a rainy occasion and JM U lost in footb all , but the ensuing dinner with our relatives overshadowed it al l. As far as the community is concerned, we have continued to visit our honorary "grandpa" at a local nursin g home and also delivered a Thanks· givmg dinner to a needy famil y in the area . Financially we have secured four sponsor nights at a nearby pub for the spring semester and these, along with a newly added button processor, should be quite profitable. Next semester will also be a competitive one for us in intramurals. At this point we are in sole possession of first place in the "championship division" and hope for a strong finish in order toretain this position. A Push-a-thon to a nearby college is planned and a spring semester Homecoming is also in the works.

The Delta Lambda Chapter has been and continues to be a dominant force on the ca mpus at Charlotte. The chapter has matured greatly during the fall semester under the guidance and direction of an ex· cellent Executive Council. With the assistance of a representative from our national office, our chapter parti cipated in exercising a new form of rush. Its success was assured with the signing of ten excellent young men. The brotherhood actively sought and raised donations to project P.U.S .H. by having a series of fund raisers. Planning was begun in November for our "Spring Event" for Project P.U.S .H. Early indications seem to suggest that a beach band or bands will be utilized as enter· tainment for this event. On September lOth of 1983, we at the Delta Lambda Chapter celebrated our lOth anniversary. Approximately · 170 persons attended the occasion which brought the brotherhood and alumni together once again to celebrate and share an evening of fraternal fellowship.

DELTA NU Western Kentucky

Harold D. Ricketts, CIA 1329 Cardinal Drive Bowling Green, KY 42101 NO REPORT SUBMITTED DELTA XI North Alabama Our membership doubled in the fall of 1983, and our members have become in· creasingly active in all phases of campus activities, including overall Greek partlci· pation. During U.N.A.'s "Greek Week" the men of Delta Xi participated in all but one of the activities planned. Every acti· vlty in which we participated, a Pi Kapp, or when possible the entire chapter, brought home the top honor. Our most successful activity was rush. The brothers were seekin g quality rather than quantity. A new twist was added to presentation of bids which was very successful, and a real sense of importance was instilled. After bids were presented, the new pledges were take)! to the house in a chauffeur driven limousine. This was just a small part of the overall theme of rush which was "class." Delta Xi is making tremendous ad· vances in Al umni affairs . This is a part of fraternity which has never been enjoyed by our chapter. We are receiving alumni su pport in the form of visits, letters and other incentives too numerous to mention. We are hoping to draw our alumn i closer together by the publication of an


John D. Carton CIA 319 Bank Street Sewickley, PA 15143 Delta Upsilon Chapter is pleased to report another successful project P.U .S.H. Again this year, we pushed a wheelchair from Harrisburg, PA back to Pittsburgh , PA. We were " pushed off" on the morning of Friday, October 14th by Jenny Thornburg (the Governor's wife) who was accompanied by newspaper and television reporters. We pushed throughout the weekend and arrived in Pittsburgh on Monday evening. Again this year, the Delta Upsilon Chapter was joined in its fundraising effort by the local chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. On a recent note, Brother Lou Halperin (Delta Upsilon 52) was elected IFC Treasurer. Lou's election reflects the growing influence of Pi Kappa Phi on Pitt's campus. Over the summer, Delta Upsilon re. ceived its second Master Chapter Award during its short five year history .

DELTA PHI Radford University

Dr. Fred Thayer CIA BOO Wadsworth Street Radford, VA 24141 We took our present pledge class to the National Office and then visited the UNC· Greensboro chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. We beld a fundraising event and donated the

Sigma Phi Epsilon, with scores of 18-12 and 12-7 respectively. Water polo saw the Epsilon Beta Chapter sl n k all Grand Valley opponents, posting a perfect 6-0 record. Much of the success is attributable to the outstanding goaltending of Tom Crowe. Crowe was rewarded for his efforts by being named "Budweiser Athlete of the W~ek, " by Thr /,an/hom , Grand Valley's Studrnt Newspaper. Historian Dean La Douceur and his Alumni Relations / Publications staff did an excellent job with The Valley tar , the Epsilon Bela Chapter's newsletter. Those inturested chapters, alumni or individuals who did not receive a copy , but would like for The Valley Star to grace their mailbox shou ld write: Dean LaDouceur, Historian, Epsilon Beta Chapter, Pi Kappa Phi Fra· ternity, PO Box 272, Allendale, MI49401. If you missed it, you missed somethi ng. Dean La Douceur Historian EDITOR'S NOTE : Thanks for the humor , Dean .


George Stonikinis CIA 411 Second Aveune Farmville, VA 23901



AN OUTSTANDING CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Delta Epsilon concludes the fall semester squarely on top. First or all , the chap· ter was awarded the tro phy for highest CPA among fraternities on campus. Next, the Pi Kapp intramural football team won the Greek Championship. These were Col· lowed with wins in the annual tug-o-war sponsored by a national brewery, and even the hamburger eating contest sponsored by a local fast food chain. Clearly, Pi Kapp Is dominating! Th e chapter is going after its second straight President's Club Award {if not higher). Delta Epsilon has already raised $250 from a fund raiser in coopera· lion with Six Flags Over Georgia. Founders' Day was observed on December 3rd, and we would like to extend our special thanks to Dr. Wayne Buffington for coming down and speaki ng at our banquet. Arter a long, sometimes tedious, meeting the mood often needs to be lightened. Our chapter has Installed two methods for doing this. First is the "Good and Welfare" session which we first heard about at Che Area Conclave last February. At this time brothers can thank one another for things done for them during the week . Also before dismissing we have a "Fun and Welfare" session. At this time we exchange stories about each other which usually get the entire chapter room roaring. The first session is completely serious while the second is purely amusement. These additions bring everyone a little closer and get everyone into a good mood to leave the meeting and face the week ahead. Rush underwent some extensive and expansive changes as a new more aggressive program was installed. Through the system, we began meeting potential associate members long before formal rush started. A file was formed and good prospects were visited by members. This led to many rushees spen ding all night each night at the Pi Kapp House . Since rushees attract other rushees, it made the rush job a little easier. The best thing for our campus relations has been Project P.U.S.H. Not only students , but faculty members , have remarked on how this reflects not only well on the fraternity but also on the university. We also published a poster with the University football schedule on it for dis· tri bution on campus. This appealed to the entire campus {including the potential rushees) and we plan to do it again next year.

proceeds to the Douglas Tu rpin Fund (a fund established to help pay medical expenses for a young cancer victim). The chapter also assisted in the clean -up or a recent fire which gutted a building. Delta Phi conti nues to support the Radford University Alumni Association by sponsori ng our own academic scholarship award, as well as the Alumni Homecoming Dance. We are making our presence felt on campus as Delta Phi members presently hold four exec utive positions on IFC. Delta Phi had the largest pledge class of all the fraternities on campus. We worked hard to develop methods which would make this possible. Some of the things we did included making personal contact with perspective members over the summer. We then developed an organ ized 'rush schedule through IFC. In order to make ourselves known, we planned soCial events with perspective mem bers be· Core official rush began, and we were in the dorms to help freshmen move into their rooms.

We have se t two important goals for Delta Omega Chapter. First is to have a chapter house by next fall. Second is to have 50 members to fill it. We have our eye on several houses in the local area, and are trying to set up an Alumni Housing Corporation. We also held a successful Founders' Day Banquet at the Aggieland Inn. Dinner began at 7:30, followed by a speech by Jan Winniford of A&M's Student Affairs Department about the appropriate use of alcohol. After this, we gave awards to several brothers and went upstairs and danced until dawn. Pi Kappa Phi Director of Expansion A. Glenn Aspinwall visited our chapter during the first three weeks of class this semester. Normal ly, we have rush parties each of the first th ree weeks and extend bids thereaf. ter. However, this semester we tried something different. We gave. out bids at the parties and signed eight new Associate Members. We held two rituals this semester and have initiated 12 new members. We are looking forward to the new Rit ual of Initiation passed by Supreme Chapter.


Barry Simmons, CIA P.O. Box 1021 Elon College, NC 27244 NO REPORT SUBMITTED EPSILON BETA Grand Valley State College

Professor R . E. Flanders CIA Grand Valley State Clg. Allendale, MI 49401 AN OUTSTANDING CHAPTER NEWSLETTER From the banks of the Grand River at the beginning of the fall 1983 semester, a resilient cry could be heard from the broth· ers of Epsilon Beta Chapter, Grand Valley State College : "DO FRATERNITY!" Even the most objective observer could say that this was achie.ved this fall se mester. The fraternal experience was extended to 13 men for a truly successful rush. Lead by Vice-Archon Jody Matherly, Epsilon Beta Chapter conducted the most successful rush in the chapter's history ; excluding chapter chartering (1979) and reorganization {1981). Fifteen men signed pledge cards. Warden Daniel Lucas conducted a truly intense member education program . It featured usage of the modular member-ed program; in conjunction with the White Diamond. The culmination or the member-ed program was the annual Scavenger Hunt, featuring clues based up· on Pi Kappa Phi facts and history . The resul ts of the test Cor pledges were outs tan d. ing. No member scored below 80 percent. Two members, Gordie Smith and Lee Hogan, had perfect exams, while Paul Flessner had two questions half-wrong. This was evidence of the si ncerity and devotion of the fall 1983 Pled ge Class. On November 18, a truly meanin gful ex peri · ence, the ritual, was conducted. Chaplain Roy Hunter, with great assistance from Eric Yearlin g, lead 13 men through the event. The chapter now boasts 30 men strong, with plans for the spring 1984 semester to exceed all marks achieved during fall1983 . The Epsilon Beta Chapter intramural program has been most successful this fall semester. The fl ag football team sported an undefeated season . Two o f the important victories came over our rival fraternity

The Epsi lon Gamma Chapter had a successful fall rush, pledging 17 enthusiastic associate members. Our Ritu al Committee has bee n prepar· ing for Virginia Commonwealth University's Initiation and Ghartering Banquet, which was held the first weekend in De· cember. We are very proud of our ritual and we are honored to be able to pass this on to another new cha ter or Pi Kappa Phi. Our chapter will iilso be sponsoring a "Super-Dance" for Muscular Distroph y in March. All extra proceeds will be donated to P.U.S.H. Finally, our Alumni held a se mi-formal rece ption for our chapter's Founders' Day which was very warm and success ful. Hopefully, with SOrr.l,C work, this will become an annual event, so that the alumni wi ll become better acquainted with their chapter. The reception was set up mainly for the purpose of startin g a scholarship fund, and the alumnl were very giving to· wards this purpose.

EPSILON DELTA Auburn·Montgom'e ry

Mark Landers, CIA 2139 Bowen Drive Mon tgomery, AL 36106 NO REPORT SUBMITTED EPSILON' E'PSI LON Clinch Valley

Dr. Roy A. Ball, Clll Clinch Valley Clg. -Adm. Bldg. Wise, VA 24293 NO REPORT SUBIVIITTEDEPSILON ZETA Central Arkansas

Sam Buchanan, CIA P.O . Box 911 Conway, AR 72032 NO REPORT SUBMITTED EPSILON ETA Winthrop College

Russ Palmer CIA 4847 Post Oak Lane Roell Hill, SC 29730 The Epsilon Eta Chapter began the year with a rush week that led to the pledging of seve n exceptional men. These associate members completed their pledging period in seven weeks and were initiated on November 4th, during our Alumni weekend. This weekend was the first such recogni· tion of our alumni since Epsilon Eta was chartered in April 1980. The chapter was proud to see several of its alumni back for the celebration. It was our pleasure to recognize Broth· er Edward C. Gilmer with the presentation of the Golden Legion Award. Mr. Gilmer was initiated at Beta Chapter in 1933. The award recognized his 50 full years or com· mittment to our fraternity. Friends, parents and family members gathered at the Ch apter House on November 13th for our annual Parent's Day. A covered-dish meal was served and all en· joyed the day . Attendance was in excess of 150 people. Our chapter with its unique P.U.S.H. project, the Miss Winthrop Pageant, is con· tinuing with plans fo r anoth er successful production. We are anticipating that this year's pageant will be even more success· ful than last year's, which netted over $1,200 for P.U.S.H.


James Krucher, CIA 3 Burgh Avenue Clifton, N J 07011 Each year in the Star and Lamp, all the chapters are ranked from best to worst. In the most recent rankings we were 99th out o f 99 , a place we thoroughly deserved. We were on the brink or folding. However,

Page 11

si nce that time things have improved. Due largel y to one or two select undergraduates and many of the alumni, including the Housing Corporation members, we had a success ful fall recruitm ent. We increased ou r membership from 4 to 16 and have a goal of another 20 for spri ng 1984. Six men have already been recruited. We had a very enjoyable Founder's Day at which we had the pleasure of meeting Area Governor !lick Bonner and Area Counsellor Billy Lcmpcris. Seton Hall is back on the right track and our goal this summer is to be named most improved chapter. EPSILON IOTA UNC -Greensboro

Wa yne Scott CIA 1419 Knightwood Drive Greensboro, NC 27410 This is our first semester without any charter members on our Executive Coun cil. With new faces in old offices, we are ex pecting an excellent year. Our fa ll rush produced 16 new brothers (thre~ as alumni ) and six freshmen pl edging next se meste r. With new add iti ons to o ur house, all brothers are feeling great about their fra te rnity. We have added a new kitchen an d a bed room, giving more space for our growing chapter. We would like to extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to visit our chapter. EPSILON KAPPA Southern Technical Institute

Steve Wrenn CIA 26S 1 Jims Road N E Marietta, GA 30066 AN OUTSTANDING CHAPTER NEWSLETTER Due to several super rush parti es and an all-out effort by the brothers, we pledged 12 fine youn g men. We look forward to their initiation on January 27. Our chapter had its share of the yearly awards given this past year. First of all, Steve Wrenn, our Chapter Advisor, received the Chapter Advisor of th e Year Award. We would like to congratulate Steve and to thank him for his hard work and effort on our behalf. Also, the chapter itself, for the second straight year received the Presi dent's Club Award. In addition, we were awarded the Red Rose Club Award. We are lookin g forward to a year filled with dedication , enjoyment and brotherhood. One of our new pledges, Rusty Ar..,_ _ _-J.d $lJ "tun jn ~nuJl,l>f'r;.."T!' a smiling {a ce, a friend to tal/1 to, and a caring heart. ll means noisy 11ights or a quiet a{temoon alone but spent /mowing yo u 're not alone. Jl 's a friendship that bonds so quicllly that it 's lille you 'ue /mown each other {or years. II 's liuing life to its fullest and all striving toward th e sam e basic goal. Jl 's Andy singir1g songs, Bert eating supper, lunch, breal1{asl and whalcuer else. II 's f.'ric and his women and Robbie with his dancing. But /oo /1 again anrl it 's Brothers {oreuer. Helping each other out. Reaching {or what a/limes seems to be unreachable and always looiling {or th e rainbow on a cloudy day. II 's a loue {or each other that can 'I be found just anywhere. And, it's found here at Pi Kappa Phi. "

Chapter Etrmal) . Each year it gives a studrnl a certain amount of funds to help with his rd ucation. EPSILON MU Bradley University The city of Peoria , (Illinois' second largest city) in which Bradley is located, has ruled that Epsi lon Mu can no longer hold any fraternity-related functions on our house property . Also, Peoria's City Council is currently reviewing a motion that will reduce the amount of unrelated adults living under one roof from five to three. Bradley's Pi Kapps began renting theh current house in June, 1983. Currently, the 100-year-old eight bedroom house holds 12 Pi Kapps. (The house formerl y was the residence of many members of Bradley's swim team last school year.) Fall Vice-Archon Paul Miller was instrume ntal in recruiting nine associate members this past semester. The bulk of his work came in devising an intense summer rush program, in which Pi Kapps phoned incoming freshman in order to answer any questions they had about college life. Eight new initiates experienced the ritual in approximately six hours on Friday November 18. All Pi Kapps were present, in a concerted effort to convey the true meaning of what Pi Kappa Phi has to offer.

EPSILON NU Sacramento

Ronald E. Osborne CIA 5517 Hyacinth Ct. Orangevale, CA 96626 AN OUTSTANDING CHAPTER NEWSLETTER The graduation of seven bonified leaders in the establishing of young Epsilon Nu last spring thrust a great task on the shoul ders of Archon Scott Spiegalman and fellow brothers: replacing alumni-filtered leadership with new blood . Fortunately Epsilon Nu bleeds blue, white, and gold together, since unity and hustle by all brothers, especially Rush Committee members Robert Goolis, Ron Tashjian, and Stuart Volker, wrought the most successful rush on campus for the second consecutive semester - 16 as of now ritually untried, yet truly loyal associates. Of course, the recent development of a superior reputation was due in part to the extraordinary effort displayed all of last semester, and awarded in full at Supreme Chapter; among the five awards given to JO;osllon u w ~ran~ MMtRChapter. Yet no one brother symbolized hard work, positive attitude and earned the respect that it takes to be a brother better than Brian O'Brien, winner of the alumni's coveted award-The Golden Lamp. Andy Wilson also became the second recipient of the Robert Langbein Award, given to the Outstanding Senior Brother. Organ izational expertise from brother Jim Scala produced this joyous Founders' Day Celebration, given November 11th. Special thanks must be given to two brothers in particular for their undying, and ultimately fruitful efforts in finding a new house for the brotherhood - Roger Delusignan and George Milliken -we are very thankful. The marked visitation of National lead-


EPSILON SIGMA Christian Brothers Colleqe

Dr. Charles Exhelm eirer, SSC CIA St. Mary's Hall 7018 Boyer St. Philadelphia, PA 19119

Farnum Miley, CIA 1852 Grenville Drive Germantown, TN 38138

Due in large part to the informative Supreme Chapter, we arc ready to try many new things we think will help us ful fill our obligations as members of Pi Kapp . We are also excited abou t the changes in the ritual. We are embarking on a new Alumni Relations program, and have started a chapter scrapbook. Also we arc planning a Pi Kapp basketball tournament for the area chapters, as well as any others who would like to participate. We wish all of our brothers well in the comi ng school year and in all other en deavors. Many of us were on hand to see our P.U .S.H. contribution at work when a new P.U.S.H. unit was started at Woodhaven Center, Temple Uni versity. To share this experience with the truly special peopl e who will use the center has spurred us to thoughts of our second annual Push-a-thon this spring. Since we arc a yo un g chapter, we nr somewhat short on alumni. At the end of this year, however, we will be losin g quite a few brothers through graduation. In this regard, we have initiated an alumni filing system and arc planning an alumni corner in our chapter newsletter, The Epsilon Exchange.


Caleb B. Jennings, III CIA PO Box 6427 Spartanburg, SC 29304 We have had one of our best rush periods ever and have pre-initiated eleven fine yo un g men . This year Epsilon Lambda is joining other chapters, such as Delta Zeta, for a pu sh-a- lhon all the way to Charlotte. By th is we will push wheel chairs all the way from our respective colleges to Charlotte. We hope to have a lot of publicity and a lot of funds fo r P.U .S.H. For our scholarship development, we have the Mike Satterfield Scholarship (named after a beloved brother in the

ership in the forrn of Glenn Aspinwall and Glenn Dixon of the Administrative Office, resulted in fresh ideas for the coming semester and relevant advice concerning more effective leadership. The visits, felt by all to be most helpful in harnessing great potential, culminated in a most pleasant sleepover activity, thanks to Mr. Dixon's enthusiasm. Pi Kappa Phi's calendar for the very near future, includes a public relations cleanup at the very popular school aquatic center, not to mention a "Little Reno" night fund raiser for P.U.S. H. Epsilon Nu, only a year and a half old , expects an even better spring semeste r, and is currently plannin g now to stay a step ahead of all other fraternal experiences on campus- and keeping the national tradition of a Pi Kappa Phi hold on all of Its campuses.


Barret Birnsteel CIA PO Box 32500 Louisville, KY 40232 In less than a year, the name of Pi Kappa Phi has become synonomous with the expression "Model Fraternity" on the campus of the University of Louisville. According to Harold L. Adams, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, ""Members of the colony are uery inuolued in euery type of campus acliuity. They are leading the intramural sports competition {or A 11-Fra lem ily Champions/lip. They arc among the first to volunteer {or campus seruice projects and ciuic projects. I hauP found them to be steady a11d reliable young men who are firmly committed to their fraternity ." Scholarship is a major concern of ours.


Robert J. Ogborn, CIA 451 Pensdale Street Philadelphia , PA 19128 1983 has been a growing year for the Epsilon Omicron Chapter. During 1983 we initiated our 2nd pledge class, bringing our total membership to 95 brothers. Pi Kapps did very well in intramurals overall, but the highlight of the intramural year was the football team. The team, led by Peter Giombetti and Randy Henzes, finished first and undefeated in the Fraternity League and second overall , losing only in the championship game. 1983 ended with the election of new officers, who will start their terms in January. The new Archon taking over from Richard Lees is Dino Spadaccini ; the new Vice-Archon filling Robert Tierney's shoes is Michael Rourke. Epsilon Omicron is looking forward to its best semester in the chapter's short history. EPSILON,. , VirJinia Commonwealth

Thomas E. Sicelo{{, CIA 2720 Sandhurst Lane Midlothian, VA 23113 AN OUTSTANDING CHAPTER NEWSLETTER On December 3, 1983 the Epsilon Pi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity was chartered on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. For the brothers of Epsilon Pi, this was the realization of a dream that had begun 13 months before. Now we ARE chartered! The weekend was a joyous occasion and a complete success. Yet, somehow the feeling was different than expected. Perhaps, rather than a "coming of age", the chartering should be viewed as a birth. We , as an infant chapter, are now taking our first hesitant ste ps. Dr. William Ewald, National Vice-President and Presiding Officer of the Chartering, addressed the brothers and their guests. He spoke of success and failure. It is Important to remember his words on failure as we take those first few steps toward success." . . it is not important how many times you fall down , but how many times you get back up ... ". We will fall down, but with the courage and dedication shown by these few brothers, we will also get up again. Peter Maxwell Historian EPSILON RHO Lenoir- Rhyne College

Cleaning up for P.U.S.H . .. brothers, associate members, and little sisters at Jackson State, all took a day to clean up Six Flags Amusement Park in Georgia. Money made was given to Project P .U.S.H.

After many months of hard work, the Delta Phi Colony of Pi Kappa Phi at Christian Brothers College would like to annouce our chartering as a chapter. We look forward to bein g part of the National Fraternity as a full fl edge chapter. We hope our chapter can add much to the already outstanding fraternity. Our chapter is involved in the Big Broth ers Program of Memphis . Our first contact was through a member of the Big Brothers Board of Directors. A member of our faculty serves on this board. This gentleman took care of all the necessary formalities of clearing our brotherhood for the screenin g process. The brothers each have a little brother assigned th~m. Our chapter is currently in first place in the intramural program of our college. We also feel that we should win the remaining events in the program. Our chapter was involved in a Halloween party for the Big Brothers Program of Memphis on October 28, 1983. Each broth er took his little brother and shared his time and fun with him.

$1,000. We converted our off-campus house into a house filled with fun and excitement. The haunted house was easily accessible to the coll ege students and even to the community. Many who dared to experience this fun -filled fund raiser stated that it was one of the more scary haunted houses they have experienced. It was great fun for the chapter.

Michael A. Mason, CIA P.O.Box 3707 Hickory , NC 28603 We 're Here!!! On December 3, 1983, at 7 p.m . on the campus of Lenoir-Rhyne College in Hickory, NC, the 30 founding fath ers of the new Epsilon Rho Chapter received their charter. The Epsilon Rho Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi is the fifth nationally affiliated fra¡ternity located on our campus. Starting in late February 1983, our chapter has already become the second largest of the four previously established group:;. We are loo king forward to an excellent spring rush and continuing years of growth. The entire brotherhood of Epsilon llho Chapter would like to take this time to thank everyon e who helped make this chartering possible: the entire staff of the Administrative Office; our Big Brother Chapter Delta Zeta at ASU; the chartering team from UNCC ; and especially Mike Mason, our Chapter Advisor.

Mark Ashley, the first initiate at UNC-Charlotte, speaks at their 1Oth Anniversary Celebration . EPSIL0'\1 TAU St. JosetJh's

Joseph F. Rush, CIA 2210 Schlosser Road Harleysville, PA 19438 AN OUTSTANDING CHAPTER NEWSLETTER "Extraordinary!" was the word used by Durward Owen, Executive Director, to sum up the efforts of the Epsilon Tau of Pi Kappa Phi at St. Joseph's University . Colonized six short months ago, the brothers at St. Joe's worked long and hard to set a new Pi Kapp record, by obtaining the quickest chartering in Pi Kapp history . It seemed like only days ago that Glenn Dickson set foot upon a campus that was, to say the least, anti-fraternity. This was s.oon to change. Glenn drew men from all walks of campus life and constructed what was soon to become a dynamic machine . There was no looking back. The fraternity system on the St. Joe's campus was being lead by Pi Kappa Phi. We are now the sponsor of the Red Cross blood drive. This includes recruitment of donors, publicity , and assistance with the set up and take down, not to mention our participation in the University's phon-a-thon , the senior citizens' Thanksgiving dinner-dance and our own Push-a-thon in October of '83. "Their tenacity allowed Cor a success," Richard Bohner, Omega, Area 1 Governor had emphasized. If it weren't for this qual ity, the group migh t still be an associate chapter. On Friday, Dec~m ber 9th, after passing their written exam, feelings of anxiety were hi gh in anticipation of meeting the chartering team; Steve DePalma, Beta Alpha and Steve Smith, Alpha Psi. The climax of our weekend was reached in the initiation ritual of our beloved fraternity. It had symbolized exactly what we had worked for the past six months. The chartering was celebrated the fol lowin g day with the chartering team Alpha Upsilon of Drexel University, guest speaker Durward Owen , parents, alumni and all the brothers of the Epsilon Tau chapter. We would like to thank llichard Bohner our Area Governor, Edward Hook, Area Counsellor, Alpha Upsilon, and Joseph Rush, Epsilon Xi, our Chapter Advisor. We would also like to extend a special thanks to o ur chartering team at Drexel. Joseph Pisacano Historian ALPHA LAMBDA ASSOCIATE Ole Miss

Michael L . Ward CIA PO Box 6251 University, MS 38677 Even though rushing has not been what we would have liked It to be, we are still trying to work hard in making this Associate Chapter wo rk and to become successful. Our chapter had our first annual haunted house this past Halloween and raised

We have consistantly ranked above the All-Fraternity Men's Scholastic Average. Recently quiet hours have been designated at the fraternity house, so the members can have a comfortable and conducive place to study. Alumni involvement is at an all time high with no signs of depreciation, espc-

. , _ ..•"'-


Association on December 10, 1983, at the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity House. One dedicated alumnus Cliff Hauenstein went so far as to brave the swelteri ng 100+ weather to help in refinishing a wood floor at the fraternity house. This type of dedication seems inherent to all Beta Gamma alumni ; and to that effect, we, the Associate Members, salute you! We would like to take this opportunity to say : "HEY, Alumni!" Beta Gamma is back and here to stay! Let us hear from you: write, call, stop by, send a telegram, send up smoke signals, do whatever you have to." Phi Gamma Associate Chapter Frostburg State College

Paul Heise, CIA 202 Faculty Hall FSC Economics Dept . Frostburg, MD 21532 NO REPORT SUBMITTED Delta Mu Associate Chapter Methodist College NO REPORT SUBMITTED Star & Lamp Club Furman NO REPORT SUBMITTED Denver University

David G. Taylor, CIA 228 Ponitac Denver, CO 80220 NO REPORT SUBMITTED University of Birmingham - AL

Perry M. Grant, CIA 508 Erie Drive Birmingham, AL 35210 NO REPORT SUBMITTED Beta Chi Associate Chapter Georgia College

J. Gordon Long, CIA 302 Atkinson Hall Milledgeville, GA 31061 NO REPORT SUBMITTE D Texas Tech Associate Chapter

Jeff Wrisley, CIA 5204 50th K202 Lubbock, TX 79414 NO REPORT SUBMITTED

The Star and Lamp (ISSN 0038-9854) PI KAPPA PHI P. 0. Box 240526 Charlotte, N. C. 28224

Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N.C.

ADDRESS CHANGE? Changes in address should be forwarded promptly to the Administrative Office, P. 0 . Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Telephone Number (704) 523-6000.




Pi Kappa Phi breaks chartering record In one long (just a little over a ..... ) week from December 3rd to December lOth Pi Kappa Phi, the nations fastest growing fraternity, grew at its fastest pace ever. Within that eight day week four new

Chapters were created. The new chapters are: Virginia Commonwealth University ... .. .... .. .. Epsilon Pi Lenoir-Rhyne . ... ..... . Epsilon Rho Christian Brothers

College . . . . . . . . . . . Epsilon Sigma St. Joseph University . . . . . . Epsilon Tau Each of these groups met the minimum standards of at least 30 members. Each chartering, while different, brought together Pi Kapps for now and tomorrow .


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