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Aggressive Recruitment is Key to Internal Growth PLUS FIVE to provide structured incentive Gear up for the most exciting expanSion–effort in the history of Pi Kappa Phi! Not only is your Fraternity taking other campuses by storm, but the undergraduate chapters of Pi Kappa Phi have cornmitted to their own "internal" growth. Pi Kappa Phi is expanding in all directions! This newfound commitment means the rebirth of the Plus Five Program, a voluntary incentive program to promote both improvement and consistency in a chapter's recruitment program. With assistance from the Administrative Office, many chapters will obtain help in establishing a clearly focused rush program. The emphasis on internal growth was requested in resolution form by the members of the Expansion Committee at the 40th Supreme Chapter in Charlotte. The Plus Five Program will be operative for a one-year period unless collegiate interest mandates the program's continuance. Why would a chapter want to increase its size? The objective of the Plus Five Program is to provide education in recruitment and leadership, as well as incentives to increase chapter size without decreasing the quality of the membership. And why not seek both quality and size? It has been shown and is evidenced throughout the chapters of Pi Kappa Phi

that the most outstanding chapters are the larger chapters on their respective campuses — not the smaller ones. The benefits of having and maintaining a larger chapter have been researched to be the following: higher academic standing, strong intramural programs, superior housing, solid campus image, more income, easier recruiting, broad social programs, diversified membership, more brothers and more participating members. A higher academic standing, both an overall chapter average and an individual one, helps to attract academically superior students. By its very size, a larger chapter averages out better than a small chapter. Though larger chapters have many more brothers than smaller ones, they do not lack for "close-knitting." With an increased chapter size there are more brothers with whom to share the very personal experience of Pi Kappa Phi. The variety of personalities, cultural and social backgrounds, geographic traits and career goals makes the Fraternity a more vital and interesting place with which to associate. "Close-knitting" builds brotherhood. And brotherhood means better participation in campus activities, intramurals, recruitment, and community service. Participation fosters teamwork and pride, adding to the Fraternity's image. Recruitment is made easier by increased chapter size. With an increased base of manpower (as well as leaders) the recruitment program itself is easier to conduct, as more friends are available as potential members. Contacts are abundant. More members can bear the burden of a larger recruiting effort, thus maximizing the personal contact and minimizing the actual "work." With an increased emphasis on chapter size one might begin to worry that member quality is being overlooked. After a successful rush by one Pi Kappa Phi chapter, the Vice-Archon wrote: "The quality of the new associate member class did not drop off, in fact, I would rate it superior to my class of smaller size." The planning and execution of new

education programs is more easily accomplished with a minimum of time and effort expended by everyone. The overall chapter attitude is more positive, and with the proper attitude there is more energy and creativity available. An obvious advantage to having more brothers is the increased income and the various economic benefits derived. With more money the chapter's various programs can be more meaningful and stimulating. Easier upkeep of the house, more diverse cultural and social activities, parent activities, better food, increased alumni relations and even better housing facilities can all result. As the chapter proves that it is financially and attitudinally prepared to reach its goals, it is much easier and more rational to desire new housing after building the membership than to use the approach that a new house will "bring them in." As the Archon of an average size chapter of Pi Kappa Phi once wrote: "Suddenly, membership has doubled or tripled. The abundance of cash assets provides immediate comfort, and more importantly, a confidence for the future which never existed when the treasury scraped bottom each month." Recruitment certainly has changed for the undergraduate chapters. The smaller

ones are being outclassed by the opportunities offered by the other fraternities of larger scale on their campus. All it takes is a little more planning and a lot of motivation to bring the smaller and average-size chapter up to par with the larger ones. This is where the Plus Five Program has its advantages. The challenge to each chapter participating in the Plus Five Program is to initiate at least five more men than were initiated in the average of the preceeding two years. In exchange, the Administrative Office will provide at least one staff visit to each Plus Five participating chapter the first semester, specialized rush information, and consistent interface with staff members and alumni. Mike O'Donnell, together with other staff members, has completed a new recruitment handbook designed to assist all chapters in their recruitment efforts (see article: new recruitment handbook). The Administrative Office requires a written rush action plan, thus assuring the proper planning on the part of the chapter. The plan should include the chapter's assessment of its strengths and weaknesses, its goals for the year, and a specific rush plan. These plans will help the staff to better assess needs and should result in more customized, workable responses. For example, many chapters are experiencing their first "dry rush." In a

recent survey by the National Interfraternity Conference of more than 259 campuses, more than 59 percent reported that they have dry rush programs. Sixty percent of these campuses said they had an official policy calling for non-alcoholic recruitment. Policies such as this can pose many challenges for fraternity chapters (see article: dry rush). With resource information and dry rush ideas offered by the Administrative Office, chapters will be able to manage an effective dry rush program. The Plus Five Program is geared for the average-size chapter because of the already upwardly mobile potential of its membership. However, all chapters are encouraged to participate, and nonparticipating chapters are not overlooked. Instead, those participating chapters who reach their Plus Five goals will be awarded a prestigious banner at the 1986 Pi Kapp College. Look for special recognition and updated information on participating chapters in the Journal and the Star and Lamp. With the commitment of numerous chapters to "internal" growth and the continuous expansion onto quality campuses, Pi Kappa Phi can maintain its outstanding record for growth and opportunities! Let's take the challenge! *Research material supplied by Green, Archon-Alpha Epsilon University of Florida.

Paul S. Chapter,

Average Number of Initiates Per Chapter 1980-81 vs. 1984-85 Key


Pi Kappa Phi is beginning a new strategy for internal and external growth. Your fraternity, in order to maintain its impressive growth record, will attempt to speed its expansion in all directions! The following graphs indicate our growth patterns over the past five years. This should give you an idea of both our potential and present position among fraternities. Articles in this issue will elaborate on Pi Kappa Phi's efforts to expand its membership in many ways.


20 199.1.85 19




• Statoties reprinted from PEA Annual Surveys

Average Chapter Size % Increase 1980-81 to 1984-85




11II Lambda Chi Alpha

Alpha Tau


Phi Gamma Delta

Tau Kappa Epsilon

Pi Kappa Phi

II11 Sigma Ni,

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Average Number of Pledges Per Chapter 1980-81 vs. 1984-85

39l!i. 38%


29 28


Kappa Sigma





26 25 24 23 Lambda Chi Alpha

Alpha Tau Omega

Tau Kappa Epsilon


Kappa Phi

Sigma Nu

Kappa Sigma

22 21 20 19 18

17 16 15 Lambda Clu


Alpha Tau Omega

diii111111 Phi


Gamma Delta

Kappa Epsilon

Pi Kappa Phi

Sigma Nu

Kappa Sigma

Sigma Alpha


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Leadership; Our Most Essential Resource Q.

The Star and Lamp An Educational Publication 1985, Vol. LXXI No. 2 Editor-in-Chief Durward W. Owen Managing Editor Scott E. Evans Official Photographer Tim Ribar Office Manager

Nancy Perdue


Leah Hataway

Glenn Dickson

What improvements would you like to see in Pi Kappa Phi?

A. Three areas strike me immediately as those which I would like to see improved.

—FOUNDERS— Andrew A. Kroeg, Jr. L. Harry Mixson

P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 Founded at the College of Charleston, SC December 10,1904 POSTMASTER: Send change of address . . . . to the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Telephone Number (704) 523-6000. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI (issn 0038-9854) is published quarterly by the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210 in the months of February, May, August, and November. The Life subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28210. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, North Carolina.


As I said before, our collegiate programming should be tailored to the needs of the undergraduates. They need specific "how to" advice which can be obtained through the national programs, but which might be best obtained from concerned alumni. Glenn Dickson Second, a chapter is only as good as its leadership. While most officers are dedicated and keep their responsibility to the fraternity close at heart, those few who are not dedicated slow the forward progress of the chapter. I would like to see an expanded ability in the Fraternity to find and orient the best men possible to provide leadership.

Glenn Dickson returns to the Administrative Office after a leave of absence to fulfill the position of Assistant Executive Director. He is an initiate of the Beta Upsilon Chapter at the University of Virginia. Q. What are your responsibilities as Assistant Executive Director for the Fraternity?

A second area of responsibility involves physical management of the national Fraternity. Cash flow planning, budgeting and accounting for the Administrative Office will be facilitated with a new computer system which the Fraternity has purchased.



Recently, I completed my MBA degree with a concentration in financial management. I attended Oregon State University and helped to rebuild the Alpha Zeta Chapter there.

What are some goals that you have for the Fraternity?

Pi Kappa Phi is in a transitional period. The Fraternity has the potential to grow without bounds, and with the right amount of alumni support, it can be a reality. We would go from being a good fraternity to being a great one.

Both the the pains to better to make of men.


J. Bernie Magoon

Stuart Volker

The Administrative Office will gain two new Leadership Consultants this year. Joining the Staff are J. Bernie

Director of Membership Named

Pete Duguid

New Director of Communications

rewards of progress and of frustration helped me understand what it takes a successful organization

How do you see the future of the Fraternity?

A. Our history projects the future. Pi Kappa Phi has always been a Fraternity of tremendous stability and growth, in part due to the leaders on the national level.

Specifically, I want our publications and other programming to reflect our members' needs. We must recognize each chapter's situation as unique, and be able to tailor ideas for their self-improvement.

Our chapters are relatively young, and require more nurturing and support from the Administrative Office and alumni. If we are to reach our potential and maintain our growth, our most essential resource will be our leadership.

Standards of excellence must also be accepted. Our members need to learn to be responsible leaders now. Unambitious, irresponsible or illegal behavior has no place within our Fraternity.

There are hundreds of strong leaders among our alumni. With their support and participation, our Fraternity, YOUR Fraternity, can continue to build itself into a powerhouse of leaders!

Missouri-Columbia. They reside in Charlotte. Brother Vawter will be teaching high school in the Charlotte area. As the C.A.R. program administrator he helped to improve the quality of the Star and Lamp as well as producing alumni newsletters for nearly one-third of all Pi Kappa Phi chapters. Brother Vawter also was recently married to Gail Bost of Salisbury, North Carolina.

From the West

Upon graduation, I traveled as a Leadership Consultant for one year, and then worked toward redeveloping the Fraternity's weaker chapters for another year. So I worked two years for the national organization.

Why was this position created?

A. I hope to help provide each chapter with the knowledge and counsel to become the best, so as to help move Pi Kappa Phi into a new era of prosperity.

What experience do you bring with you that will benefit you in your new position?

A. As an undergraduate, I served as house manager, steward, Treasurer, rush chairman and directed our chapter's fundraising organization (editor's note: Beta Upsilon rents hundreds of refrigerators to dormitory residents at Virginia).

A. Employment of an assistant executive director will allow the Executive Director, Durward Owen, the opportunity to develop our alumni programming. This was the main reason for my employment.


Leaving the Administrative Staff this year are Leah Hataway, Secretary to the Foundation, and David Vawter, Director of Communications. Leah administered to the Foundation for two years. She upgraded the Fraternity's alcohol education program and was instrumental in implementing the current sexual abuse program. Leah recently was married to Brother Bill Gleason, an alumnus of the Beta Epsilon Chapter at the University of

Third, each chapter could greatly benefit from increased alumni support. Each chapter should have a strong Chapter Advisor and an even stronger alumni advisory network. Perhaps as the national organization focuses on alumni development, these improvements will take place.

A. My position is actually the combination of two different job descriptions. My primary responsibility is to manage the Fraternity's various educational programs. These include chapter visitations by Leadership Consultants; leadership conferences such as Pi Kapp College; and special work with the chapters in crisis situations. I will now be the key contact person within the Administrative Office for our undergraduate members.

Goodbye and Good Luck

Scott Evans

"What interest can I feel in a man of whom I know only the name? With some more intimate knowledge of his character and doings, I have some foundation for friendship. To furnish such foundation must be the object of the fraternity Henry P. Wagener journal. The goal of the communications program during the days of Henry P. Wagenor was simple — meet and develop more intimate friendships with the brothers. With more than 47,000 members Of Pi Kappa Phi today, this goal would be difficult to attain. But it is possible, according to the new Director of Communications, Scott Evans. "Communications should be the 'tie that binds'," says Brother Evans. "I think that we should always strive

Magoon and Stuart Volker. Brother Magoon received his bachelor's degree in political science from the University of California-Berkeley in May. As a member of Gamma Chapter, he served as Warden and social chairman. Brother Volker is studying civil engineering at California State UniversitySacramento and will graduate in December. He will then join the Staff in Charlotte. Brother Volker served Epsilon Nu Chapter as Vice-Archon and Historian. Both Brothers Magoon and Volker will concentrate on western expansion sites in addition to normal chapter visits.

Remaining on Staff for his second year is Peter Duguid. Brother Duguid, recently named Director of Membership, will provide the fuel for the Fraternity's three-year expansion plan. Brother Duguid, who served his first year on Staff as Leadership Consultant, organized the colonizations at Texas Tech and Nebraska. He has since formulated an aggressive three-year plan for expansion. Brother Duguid is an initiate of the Alpha Theta Chapter at Michigan State University where he served as Archon.

to bring the feeling of knowing each other to the members of the fraternity — whether it is an undergraduate in Florida or an alumnus in Oregon." As Director, Brother Evans will manage the production of The Star and Lamp and administer to the C.A.R. program. He will produce the C.A.R. newsletters that are distributed to the alumni of more than thirty chapters. Brother Evans plans to involve the alumni and undergraduates more in the writing of the Fraternity's publications. "The difference between a publication being merely informative and one that binds is the degree of personalism," says Brother Evans. In addition to his duties mentioned above, he will also visit chapters as his schedule permits. Brother Evans studied advertising at Michigan State University. It was there that he was recruited into Pi Kappa Phi by former staff members Ernie Johnson and Jay Stuckel, and Assistant Executive Director Glenn Dickson. They were there to reorganize the Alpha Theta Chapter. Brother Evans served Alpha Theta as Vice-Archon, Historian and social chairman. Brother Evans replaces David Vawter as Director. Best of luck, Scott!

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GOLDEN LEGION The men listed and pictured on this page have been honored as distinguished citizens of Pi Kappa Phi. They represent the maturity of their chapter and their fraternity. Each of them has been remembered on the 50th Anniversary of their being initiated in Pi Kappa Phi. This recognition is in the form of a handsome shingle and the designation of Golden Legion. Many shingles were presented in person by another member of Pi Kappa Phi. The intent is for all to be so presented. Some, due to various reasons, were mailed. Here the fraternity is pleased to again acknowledge these beloved members. ALPHA College of Charleston John Lawrence Frierson, Jr. Robert Whittington Hastings Lowell Eugene Remington John Roland Haruin BETA Presbyterian College William McDonald Jones, Jr. Oliver Cheney Lucy Charles Steenbergen John William Steenbergen GAMMA University of California-Berkeley Ned Ross Crouch Jay William Irvin Sterling James Norgard C. Francis McEnerney Gilmore O'Neill William Sumner Pascoe William Henry Prol I Charles Fredrick Vannice Claudius Lee Emerson John Briggs Bosworth DELTA Furman University -David Conrad Wakefield, Jr. John Fallow Bozard John Davis Smith James Towler 0. K. Upchurch, Jr. Orrin Latimer Richardson Stephen Lawton Watson, Jr. EPSILON Davidson University Harwood Woodward, Jr. Philip Heller Arrowsmith David Alexander Bowles Thomas Upchurch Cameron Ralph Leland Chandler, Jr. William Peebles Yelverton ZETA Wofford College Walter Wolfe Keller Nolan Henry Penland, Jr. Warren McCord Snoddy, Jr. Charles Herman White ETA Emory University Chop.. Ff. uarton. Jr. Alton Walker Davis Hey! Gremmer Tebo John William Salter, Jr. Cecil Heard Pi rkle Charles Robert Ricketson Thomas Frederick Guffin, Jr. IOTA Georgia Tech Donald Capman Johnston Domer Frederick Ridings, Jr. Lewis Perrin Walker, Jr. Robert Mabry Williams Joseph Merritt Body James Huff Gordy Paul Edmund Leake Herbert William Sams

LAMBDA University of Georgia Thomas Baisden Heys William Winston Wilkin Marion Wilkerson Luckey Henry Calvin Stovall, Jr. John Watson Wilson Charles Edward Brooks, Jr. Albert Laffayette Johnson MU Duke Albert Landis Brackbill Francis Rodman Landon Skinner Ambrose Chalk, Jr. Thomas Walker Borland Victor Taliaferro Boatvvright Edward William Shilling Lloyd Flintom Timberlake Philip Arthur Small XI Roanoke College William Albert House Melvin Slicer Raikes Francis Hudson Ewald William Harold Perdue Gordon Horace Ramsey William Preston Tice Edward Garrison Wood OMICRON University of Alabama James Clark Ray Houston Lanier Foster PI Oglethorpe University Clarence Denmark Wooten Julian Albert Tumlin Thomas Howard Fallow, Jr. Albert Woodruff, Jr. RHO Washington & Lee Dan Platt Arnold Seth Noel Baker Harry Francis Cary Alvah Vernon Mills Jacob Chester Shively Robert Lewis Sottenberger SIGMA South Carolina George Bell Timmerman, Jr. wilham Lester Webb, Jr. TAU North Carolina State Frank Byron Gibson Thomas Allen Williams, Jr. UPSILON Illinois Peter S. Presto Ronald Paul Watts Rolf John Berg Clyde E. Giller Gilbert Fenner Jones Paul William Nelson Irving Rudolph Nilsen Robert H. Patchen Kenneth John Rabe Walter Alexander Ransom John Edwin Simpson William John Tietz Raymond Summers Watts

CHI Stetson University Joseph Stanley Peck Roy Gregory Roberts, Jr. Aaron Dennis Carroll Chester Lee Saunders Frank Stoudenmire PSI Cornell University Halsey Wilcox Buell John Theodore Ericson John Joseph Senesi Mathew Edward Torti John Rury Wilcox OMEGA Purdue University Bruce Anderson McCandless Harold Richard Monfort Charles Thomas Strawbridge Roland Keller Kitchen Frank Raymond Glenn Edward Louis Ritter Robert Coil Viets Carl L. Sadler ALPHA ALPHA Mercer University Cicero Cleveland Kiser, Jr. William Buford Shipworth, Jr Walter Francis Doyle John Monroe Prance, Jr.

In front of the Olympic Club in San Francisco, James S. Marsh, Alpha Zeta-128 at Oregon State, is presented his Golden Legion shingle by Earl Zwingle, Alpha Sigma-16.

ALPHA LAMBDA Mississippi Charles Herod Wise James Hilliard Rose, Jr.

ALPHA XI P.1.N.Y. Richard Wellbrock John B. Peck ALPHA OMICRON Iowa State Orville Kenneth Christenson Robert Oscar Brown ALPHA PI University of the South John Alexander Johnston William Metcalfe Rosenthal Norwood Calhoun Harrison ALPHA RHO West Virginia lssac Paul Judy

ALPHA GAMMA University of Oklahoma Keith Edwin Berry James Linn Bowman, Jr.

ALPHA SIGMA Tennessee James Case Adkins William Davenport Lee

ALPHA DELTA Washington University Dean Winston Parker

ALPHA TAU Rensselaer Gordon Babcock Stillman Donald Newell Bridgewater Roy Wade Purchase Frank Alexander Bandre George Leonard Graf, Jr. Flal Matthew Parshall

ALPHA EPSILON University of Florida William Setzer Clem Garrison Hailey Marvin Harwell Henderson, Jr, John Norman Mernarn, Jr, William Shrewd Wroolurnan Norval Morns Faulds Burton Wilmer Murray ALPHA ZETA Oregon State, Clyde Robinson Dean, Jr. Robert Gardner Harris ALPHA ETA Samford University Charles Elton Sharp James Jerome Davis Joseph Claude Smith, Jr. Robert Gordon Thompson Bernard Miller Machen ALPHA THETA Michigan State John N. Wortman Arthur Russell Hurd William Emory Wellman

From the University of the South, Norwood Harrison, Alpha 171-40, receives his Golden Legion certificate from Andy Westbrook and Rick Phillips from Alpha Chapter, College of Charleston.

ALPHA MU Penn State John Denny Brisbane William Chalmers Brookmyer Ralph Norman DeCamp William Edgar Diefenderfer Franklin Richard Kapp George Maxwell Nash Robert Lang Williston

ALPHA BETA Tulane Irvin Lester Boone John Eugene Hall, Jr.


William Henry Prof!, Gamma-280, is given his shingle by Michael D. McDevitt.

ALPHA IOTA Auburn University Clarence Madison Pratt, Jr.

J. Mitchell Rhodes, Iota at Georgia Tech, is presented his Golden Legion shingle by members of the Administrative Staff, from left to right, Pete Duguid, Gary Leonard, David Vawter, and Ashley Boling.

ALPHA UPSILON Drexel John Nelson Reynolds Richard Moore Ballinger William Lyle McFadden John Fox Rittenhouse ALPHA PHI 1.I.T. Curtis Robert Bristol Kenneth Eugene Dunn Cyril Leroy Dusell John Fenton Hurniston John Kennedy Morrison Harry Frank Perlet Charles Arthur Schnackel Edwin Noyes Searl Thomas LeRoy Speer Myron Bush Stevens George John Svehla Donald Erwin Young Walter Conrad Breth Roy Henry Wittekindt Alton Jacob Jungels

From the University of Georgia, Thomas B. Heys, Lambda-241, receives his Golden Legion shingle from J. Edward Jones (left) and Edward S. Byrd (right) both of Alpha Sigma Chapter.



Dr. James Clark Ray, Omicron-236, University of Alabama, enters the Golden Legion with two prior recipients, James A. Watts, Omicron-168, and J. Ralph Williams, Omicron-169.

Former Administrative Staff member Barry Howell presents Eta alumnus, Dr. Hey' G. Tebo, Eta-257, with his Golden Legion shingle pictured here with his wife.

Receiving his Golden Legion shingle is Don C. Johnston, lota-295 Georgia Tech. Presenting the certificate is E. B. Claxton III, an alumnus from Lambda at the University of Georgia.

M. Howard M. Day, Chi-189, from Stetson receives his Golden Legion shingle from Dr. Claude Knight, Eta-223 Emory.

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ALUMNI CENTER Marvin C. Wilbur Public Relations Excellence On April 25, 1985, a Pi Kappa Phi member received a very honored, if not strange, award — the "Wilbur Award." The "Wilbur Award" is given for excellence in the communication of religious values in public media. The award itself is a unique honor, but this award is strange because it was given to the man whose name is affixed to the award — Dr. (Rev.) Marvin C. Wilbur. One is not often given an award with one's name on it, but this tribute was for a man whose life has been dedicated to his profession and to service to his fellow man. Brother Wilbur was born in Washington and was raised in Oregon. He graduated from Oregon State College where he majored in business administration and journalism. He was active within the student body as director of the yearbook and president of a number of honorary organizations. He was recognized for these achievements many times, including a listing in "Who's Who Among College Students." In his senior year, he was elected editor-in-chief of the Daily Barometer, the campus newspaper. Here he earned his lifetime nickname of "Scoop" when the publication ran his complete story, with pictures, of a fire that destroyed the state capital building and killed one fireman. The Barometer was the only morning newspaper to have a full account of the fire. He joined Pi Kappa Phi's Alpha Zeta Chapter, whose majestic white southernstyle mansion is "the best house in the country," according to a proud Brother Wilbur. This "White House," as many call it, served as a home for his family, as well as to himself. His family was moving from the state capital, and their home was not yet completed. Brother Wilbur, his brother (who is also a Pi Kapp), and his parents moved into the fraternity house. "Mom took over as house mother that summer," chuckles Brother Wilbur. "We had to keep all the rooms clean and crabgrass out of the lawn." Brother Wilbur remembers his undergraduate fraternity days fondly. "It was worth every minute," says Brother Wilbur of his fraternity experience. He served as house manager and was named a Pi Kapp Scholar. As a sophomore in 1933, Brother Wilbur attended the Supreme Chapter

at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City. The convention and the city impressed the young Pi Kapp. "I fell in love with that city and became determined to return," exclaims Brother Wilbur — a dream to be fulfilled. Upon graduation in 1936, he worked for the Oregon System of Higher Education as assistant director of education. During the next year, he traveled over 30,000 miles within the state, visiting the different divisions of the system. His burning desire to return east was accomplished when Brother Wilbur entered George Washington University to study for the diplomatic corps. By the time spring came, he was out of money and in need of a job. He became the private secretary to the multi-millionaire, Ray Alan Van Chef. With his fortune recouped, Brother Wilbur was able to finance his way through the Union Theological Seminary in New York. While religion was his field of interest, he was offered two interesting jobs. One was to become the private secretary of former President Herbert Hoover, and the other was to be the Executive Secretary of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Turning both of those down was not easy, but Brother Wilbur wanted to continue toward his goals. While at the Union Theological Seminary, Brother Wilbur was director of the Unions News Bureau. He initiated a photographic essay of the Union that ran in Look magazine. He graduated in May 1943, and after a small interruption by World War II, he returned to the Union Seminary in 1949 to serve as its full-time Director of Public Information. At that time he taught the first course in religion and mass communication ever taught in a seminary. In World War II, Brother Wilbur served as a Navy Chaplain for three and a half years. During that time, he served as the chaplain of a large boot camp in Idaho, and at the end of the War in the same position at the Personnel Separation Center. At the Center, he shook every hand of the 15,000 men being discharged. During his tour on a large troop ship that would twice circle the world, he unknowingly traveled 135,000 miles to reunite with an old roommate."Our ship had docked at a small island in the Pacific," says Brother Wilbur, "My Captain happened to invite me to join him ashore to have dinner with the captain of the

Marvin Wilbur, pictured here with the "Father of Public Relations," Edward Lee Bernays.

Seabee unit. Their captain turned out to be my Pi Kapp roommate from Oregon State, Jim Marsh. I am afraid that my captain had a boring evening as the fraternity brothers caught up on old times." In October 1951, Brother Wilbur became Secretary for Program Materials of the Department of Stewardship and Promotion of the General Council of the Presbyterian Church. In one year, he was responsible for the production of 157 separate program materials and the printing of over 21 million pieces. The presentation chart used by the Presbytery in 1954 won a special honor from the National Visual Presentation Association. Brother Wilbur has been a member of the Religious Public Relations Council since 1941. He has served as the Executive Secretary on a voluntary basis for over twenty years. The Religious Public Relations Council is an interfaith, nonprofit association with 700 members and 12 chapters. One of his many duties with the United Presbyterian Church is with the United Presbyterian Foundation. The Foundation has been successful since his involvement and just received an elevenmillion dollar gift. The last twenty years he has served as Assistant Vice President of Public Relations, Program Materials and Personnel. Today, he continues to serve as Assistant Vice-President of the Foundation. His duties also include the development of visual aids for movies and television.

Valdosta State President Emeritus and Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame Recipient S.Walter Martin

S. Walter Martin

Now that he is retired, Dr. S. Walter Martin is able to spend more time doing the things that he likes to do. Every morning at 9 a.m., he meets his friends for coffee; on Fridays, he meets the group for breakfast. He frequently visits his five grandchildren and takes long walks with his wife. And still he donates numerous hours to the more than eleven civic organizations in which he is a member. He absorbs history journals, biographies and American history research. He is a man devoted to his family, to his Christian ideals, to his fellow man and to his career. In 1978, Brother Martin retired after more than 40 years in the field of higher education. In tribute to his long and rich experience in college teaching and administration, Pi Kappa Phi recognized him as an inductee into the Hall of Fame.

His first teaching assignment was as instructor at Palatka High School in Palatka, Florida. This he accepted upon graduation from Furman University in 1932. While teaching high school, he was able to attain a masters degree in history from the University of Georgia. And soon after became an instructor, assistant professor, associate professor and professor of history at the University. In 1957, he left the University to become President of Emory University in Atlanta. He held this position at Emory for five years before becoming Vice Chancellor of the University System of Georgia. Upon the retirement of the chancellor in 1964, Brother Martin was named Acting Chancellor until July 1965. Of his work within both of these positions, his colleagues often commented on his display of keen insight and under-

On October 8, 1979, Brother Wilbur was given the Faith and Freedom Award, the first ever in this category, for "fostering a greater understanding of the entire spectrum of religion and communication." The event took place at the golden anniversary of the Religious Public Relations Council held at the Waldorf-Astoria — the same hotel at which forty-six years earlier Brother Wilbur had attended a Supreme Chapter and dreamed of returning to the East. Through the 1970's, Brother Wilbur echoed his fundraising duties as chairman of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. He feels that his Pi Kapp experience from the beginning has been great. Says Brother Wilbur, "I have a great love for Pi Kappa Phi because of the friends that I have made." "Pi Kappa Phi," continues Brother Wilbur, "has taken away many of the defects that a fraternity can have and replaced them with positive programs. The Fraternity has continued to grow in both good and bad times, a sign of a good thing." Brother Wilbur divides his time between his work, his wife Marie, three very successful, grown children, and his "joy" — a grandson. Brother Lt. Commander, Dr. (Rev.) Marvin C. Wilbur is a man of many titles and accomplishments, but his dedication to his dream is a constant reminder of what hard work, foresight, and diligence can bring to those who try.

standing in difficult and trying situations for the University. "I am sure that my colleagues are referring to the years of unrest caused by the integration of southern institutions," Brother Martin elaborated. In the late sixties, he became president of Valdosta State College in Valdosta, Georgia. It was from this position that he retired and lay to rest his administrative duties. As President Emeritus of VSC, Brother Martin can be found in his office on campus where he does historical research for the College. In addition, he teaches on a part-time basis and has on some instances acted as a visiting professor to other campuses. But the career never comes before his family or his commitment to helping other people. "I have always felt that the community would suffer eventually, if the people are not active," says Brother Martin, "especially after having been an administrator and president where one is called upon for so many different efforts." He has remained active with the Rotary Club, the Chamber of Commerce, the

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Voluntary Dues Statistics Pi Kappa Phi recognizes those areas of the country and chapters for their continued support. The Voluntary Dues program has been met with continued and growing success as an increasing number of Pi Kappa Phi's realize the importance of their lifelong commitment to their national fraternity. Through contributions to the Voluntary Dues program, Pi Kappa Phi can continue to provide many quality services to the student chapters and alumni.

Dedicated to Martha's Vineyard Gale Huntington "I was very happy and content with my fraternity experience at Stetson," says Gale Huntington, who was initiated into the Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at Stetson University in 1923. "My father was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity but he was very happy that I joined Pi Kappa Phi," adds Brother Huntington. Brother Huntington makes his home on Martha's Vineyard, a small island off the southeastern coast of Massachusetts. An accomplished singer and songwriter, as well as a published author, Brother Huntington is also an expert on the history of Martha's Vineyard. Gale Huntington has preserved an important part of Martha's Vineyard he has carried on the songs that were sung by the men who handled the operation of the giant sea-going, wind-powered vessels of yesteryear. Brother Huntington has published





records which capture the spirit of the old ballads as they were sung by the rugged men of the sea. In addition, playing the fiddle for square dances was a source of great pleasure. He was quick to add, "It used to bother me a little that my wife Mildred, who was an excellent dancer, would be having a great time on the dance floor while I remained on stage playing the fiddle." Aside from his musical career, Brother Huntington is a respected author of short stories. "I have had stories published in Redbook, Cosmopolitan, and the Saturday Evening Post, when the Post was a decent publication," so says Brother Huntington. He has also been a commercial fisherman and a market gardener during his stay on the Vineyard. Having earned a master of arts at Boston University, he also taught history and Latin for some 17 years.

United Way, serves on the Georgia Public Telecommunications Commission and the Ty Cobb Educational Foundation. For more than 40 years, he has been a strong influence in the Methodist Church. Perhaps it was his strong Christian ideals that led him to join Pi Kappa Phi at Furman University in 1931. "The young men of Pi Kappa Phi were welldressed young men, coat and ties," he recalls, "at a time when not all men were dressing very well. To me these fraternity men were young gentlemen, and I wanted to be associated with this group." Though his pledge class had heard horrible stories of other fraternities' hazing activities, Brother Martin was impressed with the fact that Pi Kappa Phi did not haze, hazing being something that he is very much opposed to. Delta chapter at that time had a very nice house across the street from campus. Though Brother Martin was never one of the lucky eight or so to live in the house, he did enjoy the home-away-from-home atmosphere. "I enjoyed the social life at Furman; the dances were off campus of course because Furman is a strict Baptist

Top 20, By Chapter, In Number Of Contributors To Voluntary Dues 1984-85 Chapter

No. of Contributors

1. Omicron-Alabama 2. Alpha Epsilon-Florida 3. Omega-Purdue 4. Iota-Georgia Tech 5. Alpha Mu-Penn State 6. Upsilon-Illinois 7. Alpha Upsilon-Drexel 8. Kappa-North Carolina 9. Alpha Iota-Auburn 10. Alpha Xi-P.I.N.Y. 11. Alpha Tau-Rensselaer 12. Lambda-Georgia 13. Xi-Roanoke 14. Alpha Phi-I.I.T. 15. Alpha Theta-Michigan State 16. Alpha Omicron-Iowa State 17. Alpha Zeta-Oregon State 18. Gamma-Berkeley 19. Sigma-South Carolina 20. Beta Eta-Florida State

Gale Huntington

126 124 111 108 105 98 98 94 90 90 86 85 83 71 68 68 65 63 61 57

Top 25, By Chapter, In Percentage of Alumni Contributors To Addressed Alumni

university," he chimes. "The Pi Kapps stressed scholarship more so than other fraternities on campus. I still cherish the lifelong friendships I have made with fellow Pi Kapps." Once his brothers tried to teach him to play golf, a most embarrassing experience. "I have never learned to play golf, but I will never forget the keen memories of that time spent trying to learn,"he says. He has served the national Fraternity in the capacity of Chapter Advisor for Lambda Chapter at the University of Georgia for ten years. His son is also a Pi Kapp. Philips Martin, Beta Tau, Valdosta, now resides in Homerville, Georgia. The elder Martin and his wife Clare often travel to Homerville to visit with Philips and his two children. A daughter, Mrs. Ellen Logan of Atlanta has three children. He enjoys the time he spends with his grandchildren and appreciates the extra time that he has with them since his retirement. At a young seventy-four years, Dr. S. Walter Martin is still doing the things that he likes to do.

1. Delta Pi-Wright State 2. Epsilon Mu-Bradley 3. Alpha Xi-P.I.N.Y. 4. Eta-Emory 5. Alpha Rho-W. Virginia 6. Pi-Oglethorpe 7. Alpha Kappa-Michigan 8. Gamma Phi-S. Alabama 9. Alpha Pi-Univ of the South 10. Alpha Beta-Tulane 11. Alpha Lambda-Miss. 12. Alpha Nu-Ohio State 13. Phi-Tulsa 14, Upsilon-Illinois 15. Alpha Gamma-Oklahoma 16. Delta Rho-S. California 17. Epsilon Kappa-S. Tech 18. Iota-Georgia Tech 19. Alpha Epsilon-Florida 20. Alpha Phi-IIT 21. Omicron-Alabama 22. Kappa-N. Carolina 23. Xi-Roanoke 24. Lambda-Georgia 25. Alpha Omicron-Iowa State

37% 30 25 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 22 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 16 16 16 16 16 15 15

$275 250 1899 1080 520 396 210 575 105 100 361 207 110 2535 1300 295 210 2696 3565 1717 3372 2345 2160 2405 1744

Florida Georgia North Carolina California South Carolina Virginia Alabama Texas Pennsylvania Illinois New Jersey New York Tennessee Maryland Ohio Michigan Indiana Louisiana Missouri Connecticut Oklahoma Washington Massachusetts Iowa Oregon Mississippi Arizona West Virginia Colorado Kentucky Kansas Nebraska Minnesota Delaware District of Columbia Wisconsin Arkansas Nevada New Hampshire Rhode Island Idaho Hawaii Utah South Dakota Alaska V•rmont Wyoming Maine Montana North Dakote New Mexico Other

$3565 3372 3180 2705 2696 2535 2525 2518 2405 2345 2160 2115 1899 1765 1744 1717 1610 1600 1600 1575 1575

Where Are Contributions Coming From? No. of Addressed Alumni 1. Florida 2. Georgia 3. N. Carolina 4. Alabama 5. S. Carolina 6. California 7. Virginia 8. Penn. 9. New York 10. Tenn. 11. Texas 12. Illinois 13. New Jersey 14. Michigan 15. Ohio 16. Indiana 17. Louisianna 18. Missouri 19. Maryland 20. Oregon

$ CONTRIBUTED TO PI KAPPA PHI BY STATE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.


Chapter 1. Alpha Epsilon-Florida 2. Omicron-Alabama 3. Omega-Purdue 4. Alpha Iota-Auburn 5. Iota-Georgia Tech 6. Upsilon-Illinois 7. Alpha Upsilon-Drexel B. Alpha Mu-Penn State 9. Lambda-Georgia 10. Kappa-North Carolina 11. Xi-Roanoke 12. Alpha Tau-Rensselaer 13. Alpha Xi-P.I.N.Y. 14. Alpha Theta-Michigan State 15. Alpha Omicron-Iowa State 16. Alpha Phi-1.I.T. 17. Alpha Zeta-Oregon State 18. Beta Eta-Florida State 19. Sigma-South Carolina 20. Alpha-Charleston Gamma-California


Gale and Mildred Huntington have one daughter, Emily Rose, and two grandchildren, Jonathan and Stephanie. The entire Huntington clan resides on the Vineyard where Mildred has lived all of her life. Emily Rose serves as the Register of the Probate and Family Court of Dukes County, an elected position. Brother Huntington has been a faithful member of the Dukes County Historical Society since 1950. He was the founder of the Society's quarterly, The Dukes County Intelligencer, and was editor of this publication for the first 19 years. As the Society's librarian, his organizing and cataloguing of thousands of books, maps, journals and letters has been a great individual effort in preserving island history. Because of his lifetime dedication to the preservation of the history of Martha's Vineyard, the executives of the Society renamed their library after him. The ceremony was held on his 80th birthday, June 4, 1982. Brother Huntington was humble in saying, "I appreciated the honor a great deal but I did not think that I really deserved it." It is quite apparent that his contributions have been a major reason for the preservation of the island that he made his subject and his life.

Top 20, By Chapter, In Dollars Contributed To Voluntary Dues 1984-85

811,212.00 9,111.00 7,061.00 6,141.00 5,570.00 5,488.00 5,182.00 4,167.00 3,823.00 3,791.00 3,526.00 2,930.00 2,675.00 2,300.00 2,150.00 1,990.00 1,960.00 1,406.00 1,360.00 1,335.00 1,220.00 1,190.00 1,142.00 1,053.00 985.00 685.00 680.00 655.00 644.00 575.00 375.00 346,00 260.00 255.00 250.00 245.00 235.00 210.00 195.00 156.00 130.00 120.00 90.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 355.00

3039 2733 2654 2085 1692 1565 1490 1201 994 990 965 947 921 729 575 569 518 438 430 404

No. That Contribute 14% 12 10 9 12 15 14 12 13 9 16 15 16 11 16 12 11 10 19 9

Page 6



Your continued support of the Voluntary Dues program has been the key to the continued success of Pi Kappa Phi. Your contributions, totaling more than $95,000 this past year, have assured the growth and development of the Fraternity and provided a positive fraternal experience for over 4,600 student members. ALPHA Charleston G. E. Sheatz A. C. Lesemann C. W. Gould J. T. West D. L. Lee J. F. Reynolds T. F. Mosimann, Jr. A. A. Kroeg, III J. E. Borges W. H. Cook J. R. Walton, Jr. W. B. Jones, Jr. F. R. Huff A. L. Haisten J. B. Edwards E. D. Jennings, Jr. T. W. Tucker B. W. Covington, Ill W. L. Runyon, Jr. E. C. Helfer, E. L. Zinkowski W. S. Gaud, Ill H. W. Freeman, Jr. G. F. McConnell N, P. Fuller B. S. Palmer R. W. Marlowe R. J. Adams E. L. Frierson D. Ravenel, Jr. R. D. Cox H. S. Hasty D. H. Jaffee J. S. Whaley, Jr. J. M. Kennedy, Jr. W. P. Luhn, Jr. S. E. Chandler R. G. Lindsey T. N. Dangerfield S. P. Wagers R. E. Avinger, Ill S. J. Boykin A. W. Houser, Jr. G. E. Newkirk, Ill D. M. Pease G. A. Catterton J. C. Hassell G. D. Padgett H. F. Davis, Ill C. Kirkland T. N. Moore R. M. Barber L. A. Westbrook, Ill L. Mixon BETA Presbyterian JO.O'Bryan J. F. Winters. J. P. Young J. E. Ferguson J. K. Roberts, Jr. J..Bright, Jr. W. W. Miller, Jr. F. R. Stallworth G. C. Adams T. J. Blalock F. B. Pinson, Jr. J. G. Frampton R. N. Belk J. W.Steenbergen M. C. Mixson J. P. Ballard P. W. Timberlake W. E. Matthews T. C. Middleton, Jr. J. V.Salvo, Jr. D. C. Austin J. F. Oliver C. C. Goodwin, Ill R. P. Wilson E. A. Vaughan J. W. Hill, II S. D. Jabaley H. C. Bean, Jr. A. A. Smith R. G. Owens, Jr. E. R. Hahn, Jr. D. K. Mathis E. C. Dykes, Ill J. M. Templeton A. G. Medlin, Jr. C. P. Raines M. D. Covington, Sr. E. L. Fender 0.0. Rains J. M. Dorn, Jr. D. A. Stone C. L. Harrelson, Ill D. D. Russell GAMMA California-Berkeley F. W. Thomas W. R. Kern H. A. Parma W. F. Lane A. L. Croce W. R. Grimm J. F. Dolan R. H. Steuben J. N. Downer R. P. Cornish A. W.Sullenger R. G. Tuck N. R. Crouch S. J. Norgard C. F. Vannice H. H. Edmonds A. L. Edgar N. L. Arrighi N. B. Weathers!! 0. K. Kuns F. M. Williams G. A. Linear H. R. Ross SA. Monfort W. B. Carson W. S. Nordquist, Jr. R. G. Houston W. S. Barker M.0. Nye R. A. Segel J. F. Meagher P. A. Peterson J. D. Aljian J. P. Kinlock Y. D. Stewart A. E. Smague

L. J. Olson J. E. Ringer R. C. Bartel K. C. Quandt M. W. Ritchie 0. T. Laib R. S. Easley P. H. Pause C. W. Walker, Jr. S. F. Shepard S. S. Ryder W. B. Carson, Jr, V. A. Consul D. L. Scruggs C. A. Babarovich S. J. Clark E. J. Furtado R. E. Osborne D. N. Vered R. L. Kuthk J. J. Lucey D. J. Bosshart J. W. Peironnet, IV S. B. Larson R. J. Tinsley A. M. McQueeney D. P. Valerio DELTA Furman W. H. Arnold B. M. Lipscomb C. L. Rasor G. H. Cleveland B. H. Clary S. W. Marton J. Towler J. A. Southern E. M. Colvin J. 13. Hammond W. M. McMillan J. M. King H. L. Dillard B. Mahon, Jr. W. A. Boyd, Jr. W. M. Carson D. C. Ullman J. A. Smith, III J. D. Sparks, Jr. L. M. Hudnall J. M. Nelson C. B. Waddell, Jr. D. T. Buckley S. J. Conley A. C. Sparks EPSILON Davidson E. T. Buck C. P. Johnston G. R. Sims R. C. Grady D. C. Hunter F. S. Curdts A. J. Graham, Jr, R. A. Hall P. S. Knox, Jr. W. P. Mills J. E. Boyd W. L. Knox H. A. Wilson, Jr. A. Bayer, Jr. W. C. Rozelle H. Yelverton, Jr. S. M. Hines R. T. Peters, Jr. W. P. Yelverton H. V. Hendrick S. M. Woodward C. A. McArthur, Jr. J. R. Gaither, Jr. E. B. Hunter, Jr. H. Alexander, Ill W. H. Clayton, Jr. C. D. Rhodes, Jr, R.0. Southwell P. C. Winstead H. M. Escue, MD K. L. Childs J. D. King

ZETA Watford F. R. Gressette F. P. Owings C. F. Reames R. S. Owings J. H. West C. M. Lee T. C. Player J. R. Owings W. A. Beal T. L. King M. A. Owings T. R. Crider C. D. West, Jr. A. P. Evans F. I. Brownley, Jr. G. C. Bissell J. E. Pease J. A. O'Daniel W. R. Cook, Jr. J. C. Crimm W. M. Smethie, Jr. T. E. Bratton R. G. McCurdy M.S. Connelly J. Kaplan, Jr. W. D. Jackson M. C. Burton T. B. Allgood J. L. Switzer, Jr. T. W. Dorn, II R. A. Denny R. C. Field R. H. Butler J. D. Underdal ETA Emory E. H. Sanders W. R. Reud R. T. Overstreet W. N. Newsom R. B. Nixon B. F. Simms E. C. Bruce, Jr.

P. C. Wimbish J. G. Slater W. 0. Fowler E. F. Seagle A. J. Jones, Jr. N. F. Magruder W. H. Wilkerson J. D. Worsham J. Y. Bassett T. M. MacGlothlin Jr 0. R. McCollum J. R. Cauble L. J. Braswell W. G. Wilks, Jr. R. P. Hunt J. A. Campbell J. M. Taylor, Jr. G. D. Dodson, Jr. W. N. Scott D. F. McAllister F. V. Coville H. 0. Beck, Jr. IOTA 0. E. Stepp, Jr. Georgia Tech A. W. Daughtridge J. B. Fisher, Jr. D. C. McLeod C. E. Denton L. G. Couch W. E. Dimmock R. C. White T. L. Kennedy W. D. Early J. H. Nunez P. D. Ameen J. M. Moore J. B. Little, Jr. H. E. Reeves W. K. Rollins H. S. Rowland, Jr Ezell W. W. Gunter, II M. A. E. E. Jenkins, Jr. A. C. Watson, Jr. P. E. Berg R. L. Reeves C. M. Thompson B. P. Grant, Ill H. H. Montgomery, Jr. J. C. Allen R. J. McCamy R. S. Jordan F. J. Whitley R. D. Wilkinson W. R. Walker C. F. O'Kelly S. P. Cottraux G. T. Waddell, III L. H. Ellis D. W. Crane J. A. Byars S. D. Auerbach A. B. Alexander, Jr, J. M. Collins J. M. Sewell J. T. Thigpen M. W. Rogers, Jr. L. H. Warren, Jr. D. B. Bullard G. W. Braun M. G. Keiser R. P. Hoover A. F. Perkins G. W. Butcher, Ill F. E. Fuchs C. H. Davenport L. A. Morris, Jr. R. S. Maner J. B. Withers, Jr. M. E. Prillaman D. C. Johnston C. B. Winn, Ill L. P. Walker, Jr. K. L. Colbert J. H. Gordy E. K. Smith J. B. Ramage T. W. Lee A. R. Hooks, Jr. B. M. Guion F. R. Montgomery W. G. Coleman, Jr. W. F. Bennett W. B. Ficklen C. S. Roach W. S. Hicks E. D. Johnson R. D. Morgan W. H. Funk J. T. Roach R. M. Pryor, Jr. T. W. Killian P. B. Cleaveland W. W. Schroeder F. C. Hodge T. H. Sayre J. E. Kirkland, Jr. R. W. Mann J. G. Loudermilk S. E. Hoehn J. R. Paus D. B. Sherman P. H. Cook P. A. Sparrow R. T. Lowrance M. W. Thigpen C. E. Collette H. G. McNeill J. W. Denny, Jr. D. E. Warren Brooks, Jr. R. W. J. W.Stanislaw L. B. Sheffield N. F. Fowler L. B. Davis P. T. Kent Jewett M. B. M. R. McLaughlin C. L. Frick, Jr. J. M. Turlington A. D. Guggolz A. L. Hagler E. M.Combs G. W. Allen R, G. Bittle, Jr. T. N. Reneger P. T. Eaton J. M. Naughton, Jr. T. Lowndes, Jr. J. C. Leak J. P. Locklear V. L. Weatherspoon, Jr. Cooper J. C. S. F. Santee D. C. Brooks, Jr. J. W. Benkert LAMBDA E. A. Roberts Georgia R. Ff.JvlrnsOn C. F. Brookins I. Padgett J. E. Derry G. G. Finch E. F. Womack, Jr. R. H. Gracey J. H, Puckett J. G. Pryor J. T. Dewberry H. J. Bradley G. W. lieburn W. L. Duncan G. V. Rouse H. R. Ingram, Jr. T. F. Christian, Jr M. E. Groover, Jr. W. B. Pebworth J. P. Adams, Jr. R. A. Parrish L, Miller J. J. D. Bonewitz J. G. Howard C. E. Carrington J. M. Stoinof f P. G. Pomeroy G. W. Ellard W. A. Brown G. Hull J. T. G. Covington R. E. Knox J. L. Bouldin F. Martin W. R. B. Rowe L. C. Peebles, Jr. L. A. Kidd Heys T. B. E. C. Sanders M. W. Luckey R. Antovel H. C. Stovall, Jr. J. E. Ferguson J. W. Wilson J. G.Pritchett, Jr. S. Bradbury J. J. P. Sulsona J. M. Adams M. H. Nelson, Ill E. Fergason J. A. D. Stone J. G. Hutchinson W. M, Conner J. R. Harris J. P. Cooper J. E. Wilson, Jr. R. H. Connor, Jr. R. N. Wilson G.0. Corcoran J. H. Wheeler L. J. Nahai J. Harp, Jr. W. W. L. Allen, Jr. G. C. Jackson D. W. McCoy Slade S. M. J. M. Jones I. W. Lang, Jr. C. W. Matthews S. W. McDowell D. G. Baker, Jr. H. T. Davis W. K. Nichols P. M. Kniskern V. F. Hutchens, Ill F. L. Langston J. H. Scogin, IV J. F. Peck A. A. 1mm R. R. Wilbanks F. J. Ealick, Jr. J. A. Mercer A. M.Somers N. H. Mitchem G. C. Griffin T. W. Dalton, Jr. H. S. Rowland, Jr. T. P. Tappy F. Cichanovvicz, Ill T. R. Jackson, Jr. KAPPA North Carolina R. L. Patrick, Jr. M. Hamilton, III L. E. McDaniel J. D, MacRae, Jr. R. H. Cofer, II W. L. Harris F. L. Lane, Ill H. B. Brand H. T. Rogers, Jr. D. K. Moore F. E. Thomas, Ill B. A. Whitmire W. L. Hatcher H. L. Merritt C. Graves Bobbitt J. E. W. W. H. Nesmith, Jr. J. A. Vann, Jr. J. W. McEwen B. C. Moore J. P. Stiles, Sr. G. T. Cook L. W. Tomlinson J. C. Wilson J. S. Wood J. F. Puett J. W. Cannon, Jr. J. C. Shearer J. C. Grizzard G. W. Williams J. H. Carter S. L. Laird, Jr. F. P. Bracewell L. E. Herrington H. S. Laird S. J. Westbrook H. G. Tebo R. J. Noland P. S. Hipp K. C. Kiehl J. M. Fambrough

J. K. Baker J. W. Coleman Z. R. Fields W. S. Hodges R. M. Penland, Ill C. E. Wood G. M. Tolbert C. R. Savage P. R. Allison R. H. Bryan E. L. Norman, Jr. R. A. Siegel R. F. Nance E. B. Claxton N. D. King W. H. Williams, Jr. W. H. Daniell C. R. Spooner, Jr. A. A. Towson T. R. Wood J. G. Clements, Jr. L. N. Preiss J. D. McLeroy J. M. Akers J. W. Rhyne, Jr, J. M, Brown, Jr. M. A. Harp J. C. Thornton A. J. Ireland MU Duke M. I. Pickens J. S. Boone W. R. Pitts S. C. Brawley, Jr. J. W. Martens W. B. Snow F. C. Rozzelle J. H. Brownlee H, P. Fulmer J. L. Skinner W. H. Bridgers R. Dick J. A. Pell, Jr. C. H. Taylor G. F. Blalock A. H. Joyner, Jr. A. H. Bynum, Jr. H. H. Hawfield W. W. Dodson, Jr. F. C. Frostick, Jr. B. N. Stephens E. L. Jones, Jr. D. D. Collins R. T. Dunn W. H. Pope H. P. Raymond, Jr. N. G. Gibson J. W. McConnell W. C. Gatling, Jr. C. F. Clark, Jr. L. D. Clifton G. M. Benda J. W. Guion D. K. Gill L. P. Jervey, Jr, C. H. Munch R. F. Clayton G. M. Esposito L. W. Miller W. D. Fuqua Fit. D. Jones D. P. Curry S. B. Coleman, Jr. M. B. Roberson J. H. Dotter J. T. O'Kelley, Jr. D. E. Kincaid C. A. Robertson, Ill

NU Nebraska G. D. Driver W. K. McCandless R. M. McCandless K. R. Catchpole H. C. Henderson H. L. Zinnecker K. W. Pruden J. P. Brenton J. C. Luhn R. Platt H. C. Woods L. G. Zinnecker, Jr. G. F. Spatz J. V. Matthews A. T. Sheets T. L. Nelson D. Ingold T. C. Miller E. J. Bierl J. A. Guretzky J. S. Christol K. P. Hookstra W. J. Wesslund S. E. Hamilton A. L. Todd, Jr. XI Roanoke L. G. Muse C. E. Webber R. N. Crockett 0. M, Hyatt C. M. Hefner H. H. Fowler T. P. Turner S. W. Lavinder R. B. Hyatt C. G. Cates, Jr. T. F. West, Jr. M.S. Wood W. A. Clark, Jr. F. H. Ewald G. H. Ramsey W. P. Tice E. G. Wood H. L. Kennett H. L. Strangmeyer M. Miller, Jr. C. P. Caldwell, Jr. C. L. Lemon E. W. Ballou D. F. O'Flaherty R. A. Kasey, Jr. D. R. Patterson W. E. Mann, Jr. H. 1. Johnson, Jr. J. W. Fleshman B. W. Liddle W. T. Lawrence,Jr. D. W. Doyle J. Turk S. M. Turk J. P. Charlton T. H. Nicholson, Jr. J. R. Wilson L. C. Claiborne H. B. Hahn, Jr. D. W. Owen G. B. Neff J. Druzbick J. R. Stafford, Jr. D. S. Ferguson J. Gosmen W. H. Delatron E. J. VonCulin P. R. Dotson B. T. Stortz P. C. Caldwell E. L. Corson, II M. A. Moore D. Wooldridge J. R. Barley J. A. Councilor, Ill A.0. Woody, Ill R. G. Gray J. W. Wade, Jr. K. R. Garren J. S. Stump, Jr. P. J. Purchla

R. S. Watts W. J. Seldon F. H, Beinhoff R. W. Burgett H. M, Cheney W. F. Doak F. H. Elicit J. L. Howie, Jr. C. L. Larsen G. A. Leech R. E. McCormick C. R. Mench J. P. Mason F. M. Benson R. 0. Howard B. B. Cox M. H. Thomas H. K. Madison J. M.Seldon A. R. Moore 0. D. Gay J. E. Pehlman M. A. Schaid E. D. Mendels OMICRON L. C. Prucha Alabama G. M. Dowd J. L. Johnson S. P. Faucett J. 0. Roeser J. M. Counts, Sr. A. J. Clyde N. S. Morgan E. W. Trogden R. C. Williams R. W. Scheck H. W. Howard W. H. O'Donnell W. H. Lindsey J. Pottenger Jr. G. R. Bennett, H. G. Klotz K. C. Harrison T. F. Krizan SIGMA J. A. Watts P. P. Depasquale L. D. Bynum South Carolina E. Schmalenberger E. W. Collins G. E. Hesler L. B. Wilkerson H. S. King J. Simpson L. K. Cooper C. E. Wise 0. Bouc, Jr. E. L. Turner, Jr. E. F. Bostick E. Urycki W. J. Worthington, Jr. A. A. Spears D. G. Thompson D. L. Merrill S. R. Todd E. D. Gauss B. B. Mathis W. W. Fincher, Jr. R, Stroehlein J. Jr. Cartledge, Bertolotti B. N. A. S. J..A. Gauer E. M. Terry C. B. Prevost J. W. Turner G. B. Timmerman, Jr. E. P. Rolek J. A. Fowler C. H. Paulsen J. C. Coulter, Jr. A. J. VanDerburg J. E. Cunningham M. H. Hubbard, Jr, J. G. Schalin 0. J. Purdue, Jr. B. 0. Hunt M. L. Kirchman B. E. Wells F. E. Quinn S. E. Mumford W. H. Davis J. Hammett R. J. Regnier Aiken, Jr. Parler G. E. J. W, S. D. Trahey G. F. Baker, Jr. R. R. Rigby, Jr. Catalano J. G. J. C. Cassady R. C. Lake, Jr. J. A. Rawot L. T. Hawley G. S. Delay J. W. Shustitzky R. E. Cartledge J. H. George T. H. Watts D. L. Gurganus R. L. Gunter R. J. Bogdanoff M. 0. Matthews D. W. Easorn, Jr. P. R. Steinway J. B. White W. Bobo L. Blickensderfer T. Moorer R. H. G. R. Cowart L. A. Munson G. T. Faircloth W. G. Goodman R. Arrighy J. R. Stokes F. E. Woods B. K. Smith R. C. Mims C. H. Clark Y. A. Montgomery, Jr. T. J. Pemberton W. J. DuBose J. P. Beckwith, Jr. T. M. Jackson W. G. Sutton M. W. Wood H. B. Sanders, Jr. J. B. Tucker D. A. Block J. P. Kennedy J. M. Blasius B. E. Frank Sojourner F. E. R. A. Brannan E. A. Wertke J. T. McKinnon B. J. O'Hara, Jr. T. E. Doebele B. L. Montague M. T. Ditto P. M. Maier K. J. Forts T. A. Martin D. L. Meyer A. J. Appleby, Ill R. L. Shepherd R. R. Brace J. D. Lee PHI W. D. Rhodes, Ill R. H. Perkins Tulsa J. C. Pruitt, Jr. J. J. Hall R. A. Montgomery G. Gunn, Jr. P. B. Havenstrite D. W. Reynolds J. W. Parker L. M. Lowry S. D. Sparrow M. W. Johnson C. F. Burns W. T. Paulk, Jr. W. C. Taylor E. T. Tingley W. D. f)ebardelaben, Jr. S. G. Abercrombie P. D. Carter, Jr. D. T. Nabors, Jr. CHI G. Fasano, Jr. L. K. Gambrill Stetson R. H. Swelgin C. E. Beard Hanson J. A. J, R. Jacobs H. E. Turner R. M. Gatti N. F. Pridgen, Jr. T. J. Stafford, II C. B. Garnsey, Jr. F. W. King Anderson S. M. Baker J. T. G. E. Moman, Jr. M. A. Tongour E. B. Henderson J, B. Moore, Jr, J. T. Brewer J. S. Carlton S. K. Owings D. J. Ulmer G. B. Clark, Jr. L. J. Contri F. W. Cockfield E. A. Ulmer W. M. Schroeder Pickens, Jr. H. W. T. R. Barnette S. W. Provost, Jr. R. C. Mims, Jr. J. E. Hutchison R. S. Taylor R. C. Lake, Ill J. D. Mathas B. E. Vickery M. D. Harvath, 11 C. S. Boothe W. W. Bright G. D. Cox E. A. Jinkinson E. E, Heblon, Jr. J. A. Davis J. H. Griffin A. J. Strickland, Ill W. E. Sanders H. M. Day R. F. Baerwald A. D. Carroll T, P. Julian F. Stoudenmire TAU J. L. May, Ill J. L. Hughes NC State C. J. Payne W. M. Davis R. A. Argo, III J. W. Harvard A. N. Greene B. J. Brock J. R. Golden H. S. Wimbish, Jr. F. E. Robinson C. D. Deloach W. M. Hackett M. E. Spear D. C. McNamara J. W. Halstead, Jr. E, V. Caldwell, II W. E. Ray T. M. Hearne J. R. Lockhart, Jr. J. K. Snellings H. A. Lynch, Jr. D. B. Flournoy, Jr. R. W. Mansur Feather, Jr. J. A. D. G. Curry, Jr. J. C. Inman F. B. Gibson W. T. Bishop, Jr. F. W. Brown, Jr. M. J. Barber W. L. Abbott R. D. Cooper J. E. Barwick W.0. Adams T. J. Deen, Jr. J. P. Brawley J. R. Jeffcoat I. J. Giroir W. D. Wallace T. B. Henderson G. L. Patterson Deyton, Jr. B. J. Hightower R. N. T. F. Pattillo C. B. Harper P. C. Wesch C. L. Ivey D. M.Seltzer P. J. Ross F. K. Creech, Jr. J. H. Gunn, Jr. J. E. Brunson J. C. Bryant J. N. Shepherd, Jr. W. C. Caldwell F. Granger C. Jr. C. Hunt, E. D. L. Hinton W. H. Chastain H. K. Sledge, Ill M. E. Harrington P. Showalter F. S. D. Seymore, Jr. R. J. Wright K. A. Weir, Sr. R. C. Cline D. 0. Nichols T, M. Wrenn W. D. Campbell S. A. Spear R. V. Ginn J. If. Hardage S. B. Deyane M. B. Lawrence J. E. Paul, Jr. S. L. Brent, Jr. J. G. Hayden D. B. Barker D. B. Coleman E. H. Culver Carlson, Jr. R. E. J. L. Spivey I. M. Southward J. B. Hunsinger, Jr. D. A. Dendy L. W. Anderson J. C. Johnson H. L. Robinson E. Grindle, Jr. A. McKinnon, Jr. W. H. A. D. Watts T. M. Cash, Jr. A. G. Fuller J. C. Ware W. M. Thrash W. L. Reams D. J. Jones W. N. Teat, Jr. A. L. Evans L. H. Nelson, Ill J. E. Waddell, Jr. C. N. Humphrey J. S. Sutton R. Dyer V. H. Agreda D. A. McQuaig, Jr. G. T. Wells, Ill Sheesley D. K. D. E. Shear, Jr. L. D. Gomez T. J. Dyer Neuner J. S. McConnaughey J. M. PI T. G. McTighe M. J. Noland Oglethorpe G. S. Mailer D. W. Martin V. M. Dubose A. F. Laird, Jr. PSI D. D. Hartsoe W. J. Rhodes, Jr. Cornell J. D. Eudy, Jr. J. B. Frazer W. D. Dean J. R. Brinson S. W. Dodge M. L. Collins J. B. Dekle N. R. Miller W. H. Gurnee, Ill H. L. Smith J. T. Owens F. A. Collins, Jr. S. E. Blackwell, Jr. H. S. Lewis M. B. Eubanks H. S. Brown P. L. Hildreth UPSILON E. L. Lehr J. C. Heriot Illinois E. J. Fischer T. L. Palmer, Jr. L. A. Williams C. V. Sutcliffe M. T. Bartholomew N. E. Scott 0. J. White, Jr. W. A. Blue P. T. Pratt L. J. Ptacek, Jr. G. P. Brock A. S. Ritz K. M. Gibbon F. H. White, Jr. RHO J. H. Wamsley E. S. Pitkin Washington & Lee F. M. Witwer W. S. Magalhaes L. W. Menzimer H, J. Marquart H. D. Leake J. C. Brown W. E. Stevenson D. C. West F. W. Teegarden, Jr. A. C. Taylor, Jr. W. R. Bishop R. C. Reed A. George, Jr. N. D. Hall, Jr. E. J. Ullemeyer G. T. Barber J. L. Jennings R. M. Riggs W. K. Mayhew W. G. Sargent T. A. Rathje R. B. Secor L. C. Borland, Jr. W. E. Haselwood J. J. Senesy F. W. Falconer S. N. Perkins D. H. Perkins E. J. Ade E. L. Feicht D. L. Diana J. B. Martin D. F. Mulvihill J. F. Storey I. L. Flory, Jr. C. J. Steinicke, Jr. J. H. Angus R. R. Smith F. L. Ketcham R. T. Harbeck W. B. Gabb R. E. Turner L. G. Thayer A. E. Hauck W. A. Hasfurther P. Haas P. S. Presto F. A. Hauslein C. E. Rote J. Grayson, Ill R. H. Patchen J. Allan F. E. Waters, Jr. K. J. Rabe F. W. Thorne S. N. Baker W. J. Tietz J. R. Wilson D. W. McCourt J. P. Piedrafite, Jr. D. F. Woody M. D. Klein S. T. Bast D. L. Barnes M. D, Edgell C. R. Ogilvie A. S. DeMott, III D. A. Eamigh M. W. Fleshman M. C. McGough C. T. Via R. A. Phelan M. A. Wing L. S. Peregoff D. M. Williams R. J. Milan, Jr. K. B. Collie D. 0. Haas R. H. Overby Y. M, Lim

E. A. Turville D. G. McCausland M. K. Disney R. C. Petrey R. A. Searfoss, Jr. C. B. Curtis, Jr. L. L. Nettleton, Jr. H. E. Stine, Jr. D. D. Bare W. M. Greene P. deR. Cranford B. Macgowan C. D. Mitchell W. G. Loeffler, Jr. W. J. Crater, Jr. W. J. Fidler, Jr. R. K. Park, II R. W. Hoover E. P. Garretson, Jr. J. W. Ivey, II J. D. Wallace H. W. Manley G. Z. Bateh M. H. Squires, Jr. B. 0. Beckman C. A. Bowlus R. J. Taylor, IV D. M. Ward, Jr. R. J. Splittorf T. Smith, Jr. T. G. Armstrong W. A. Wallace W. Quinlan

S. G. Milks E. A. Tschanz W. E. MacMillan R. J. Wilcox C. S. Parker G. F. Heinrich J. S. Kirk W. J. 2ygmunt W. F. Newell R, B. Ramage G. R. Fisher R. A. Bochan K. E. Kelly J. H, Bieger M. J. Piscitelli R. L. Conradt J. H. Green F. A. Sherer V. J. Gentile E. N. Bose W. N. Herr, Jr, 0, Ruslander OMEGA Purdue L. P. Lang R. B. Holmes J. M. Smith E. B. McCormick F. L. McDonald B. F. Tellkamp J. A. Timmons, Sr. D. J. Hendrickson H. 0. Meyer P. C. Swatford F. W. Carl C. R. Nelson W. C. Pritchard H. B. Anderson W. H. Higgins, Ill D. J. Kimmel H. G. Riggs A. W. Ginther F. E. Rector G. G. Fassnacht G. L. Nord G. Fortune, Jr. R. J. Gollmar C. W. Myers H. R. Johnson, Jr. W. L. Norrington W. F. Blackford D. E. Herman R. E. Thomson H. R. Monfort E. L. Ritter C. L. Sadler J. G. Swinney T. F. Miller P. A. Porter E. J. Masline R. E. Honer W. L. Swager J. W. Badger R. B. Olson G. Houston, Jr. T. R. Brown J. A. Sudduth S. Gullicksen D. C. Swager W. K. Daniel E. M. Vane V. K. Heely C. F. Thornton E. W. Lines R. H. Lowe W. K. Carr G. C. Frederick R. A. Rust W. R. Brown J. D. Jackson D. M. Davis W. C. Hill A. G. Kirchner, Jr. L. C. Powers H. C. Smith, Jr. W. C. Bradshaw J. L. Weaver D. E. Haselwood J. T. Venard A. Matisoo M. D. Kerr C. D. Hipsher W. G. Scheck J. P. Pop H. M. Flanagan R. J. Ever J. M. O'Reilly E. F. Miltko K. L. Kraus J. F. Cotfel D. L. Pensinger J. C. Hall R. T. Hesser D. A. Trescott J. M. Cridge M. H. Ohaver B. J. Breen D. R. Victoria, Jr. W. F. Nemecek G. L. Hanson P. W. Gentry J. E. Lovell R. D. Seymour C. B. Hall C. P. Smith M. C. Allion D. G. Lane M. S. Tyrrell M. K. Wilson D. R. Taylor R. M. Little E. O'Drobinak M. B. Amundson M. R. Megraw W. D. Peace, Jr. R. K. Price G. L. Quisno, II T. G. Schapira M. B. Fersky W. M. McNichols B. R. Halley D. P. Davidson J. S. Dinsmore B. A. Wylam J. T. Blevens R. M. Schutte, Jr. G. L. Kneller T. J. Beal R. Gurecki G. L. Robertson F. H. Riddle, Jr. J. K. Stiller D. L. Mitzner M. T. Bernacchi D. W. Wylam C. S. Grove J. P. Verduce J. S. Bohner H. C. Ruiz E.J:Mattingly ALPHA ALPHA Mercer E. L. Connell, Jr. H. E. Rhodes W. G. Bruner L. S. Lightner W. P. Jent J. T. Cash L. C. Carter A. F. Martin, Ill R. D. Higgins, Jr. A. J. Greene J. S. Harrison, Jr. H. L. Hammack J. C. Garvin, Jr. C. R. Melton J. M. Leetun R. L. Bennett, Jr. H. S. Houston S. T. Carter

ALPHA BETA Tulane J. G.Scott M. T. Woodward, Jr. B. A. Evans, pr. J. D. Purcell C. E. Richards ALPHA GAMMA Oklahoma B. T. Dawson B. A. McElyea E. H. Skinner S. B. Jones C. T. McClure R. Thornburg E. P. Hugill, Jr. V. H. Cornelison M. E. Metcalfe A. K. Cox H. D. Hammonds C. T. Huddle T. R. Moore C. P. Tate R. D. Ervin W. G. Dunnington V. B. Stansell R. C. Dunnington G. W. Strain R. B. Roberts A. H. Schmidt, Jr. P. J. Murphy R. W. Hoffman J. M. Pullin R. J. Ogborn J. C. Jordan S. R. Baldwin L. M. Besenfelder S. M. Malowney R. G. Gann W. H. Pullin C. C. Haddock, Jr. B. E. Holly W. L. Menzie J. K. Morris M. F. Symonds E. W. Wolfe M. Oliver, Jr. D. L. Taylor B. K. Morris D. E. Holeman H. L. Gasaway ALPHA DELTA Washington P. E. Terzick F. 0. Wollaston J. C. Robertson C. A. Hedreen C. A. Porter W. L. Porter E. R, Allison J. A, Clague R. M. Snider D. Nicholls W. C. Waara P. T. Rums D. W. Parker H. J. Novak W. C. Avery H. W. Faringer, Jr. D. D. McBain W. K. Jackson, Jr. F. S. Martin G. W. Berry, Jr. T. P. Aitchison L. A. Messer J. R. Pedesen J. J. Dailey R. J. Hansen W. L. Buell R. C. Burr G. W. Whitcomb J. Blakeway T. G. Frick J. R. Duggar S. J. Gratis ALPHA EPISLON Florida F. A. LeSueur A. S. Herlong, Jr. R. E. Scholze H. Frazier A. M. Carraway T. E. Anderson R. F. Chambliss D. B. Frye H. C. Swoope G. S. Coulter A. C. Mann S. 0. Hubbard J. N. Davis B. E. Herlong R. C. Tylander E. A. Sundy, Sr. M. P. Spear W. J. Taylor, Jr. W. R. Conway G. N. Howe F. S. Gilbert, Jr. T. B. Simpson G. D. Wood, Jr. H. E. Fry, Jr. E. P. Owen, III D. B. Fogarty C. L. Anders R. D. Tylander C. Parker R. H. Ross L. E. Davis, Jr. A. H. Edwards, II A. G. Withers W. L. Bailey W. F. McCall, Jr. R. D. Holmes G. D. Johnson, Jr. J. S. Crown, Jr. M. V. Cummings B. F. Overton W. H. Rutledge F. K. Mitchell J. G. Schretzmann W. M. Gillespie T. M. Fitzgerald C. M. Ramsey C. R. R Sal D. A. Martinez R. N. Scott M. E. Harrison C. W. Lapradd W. J. Lewis D. A. Thompson H. W. Pettengill, Jr. H. I. Cross E. F. Cobb H. C. Harrison W. F. Sahlie T. F. Sheridan, Jr. P. C. Barr R. C. Bartlett B. G. McIntyre C. T. Carlton R. J. Paterno C. A. Stewart H. Graves, Jr. F. J. Costa D. 0. Charland H. T. Parsons D. W. Henn R. Southwell, Jr. R. W. McMullen, II W. T. Woodward J. J. Powers S. A. Saxon J. D. Howell R. T. Olsen W. A. Post W. L. Strickland C. M. Kirts R. L. James G. W. Marsh J. M. Halabrin

H. F. Keiber R. C. Smith D. J. Werner M. K. Grimes J. H. Bell D. A. Wick E. B. Culpepper M. P. Hill R. W. Lowder A. B. Stackpole B. A. Barton, Jr. R. D. Martin M. B. McIver P. J. Ryan C. Hill G. A, Metthiessen J. Zoltek, Jr. C. G. Hudspeth P. Lanaris D. A. Gatchell M. E. Timmes C. J. Tice M. L. Crovatt A. E. Luer R. L. Sullivan H, H. Miyares C. E. Caudell, Ill W. P. Keyes .1. Y. Wilson G. A. Leonard D. A. Dvornik T. J. Kelly B. F. Duffy D. T. Smith F. M. Fasanelli K. J. Miller J. F. Catalani, Jr. F. 0. Brass, Jr. M. B. Varney D. R. Budney ALPHA ZETA Oregon State H. E. Conklin E. F. Fischer L. A. Horton H. R. Kallander N.W. Ruhmann V. A. Fridley T. H. Hammond G. M. Reid M. C. Wilbur W. S. Alldredge C. C. Ekstrand H. E. Conkle J. C. Dillow S. R. Kelley A. L. Douglas W. S. Coates P. Mowry N. B. Flynn L. C. Porter J. W. Steward G. L. Briggs K. M. Hawke, Jr. G. W. Blinco J. W. Moore R. L. Nordlander J. N. Wilson R. E. Cables G. I. Grimes R. K. Stigum G. L. Enyeart R. C. Terhune S. L, Goforth R. J. Elfems T. D. Patterson D. P. Perrin R. L. Sevcik J. L. Guthrie F. W. Raw J. T. Reviglio G. L. Smith R. D. Manning W. W. Thomas J. T. Fenstermacher R. W. Saunders G. S. Munn T. J. Langton, Ill C. R. Hartsough J. M. Cantor C. B. Hampton P. Wheeler K. W. Dotter T. K. Herbage C. A. Maurice J. A. Neigel J. W. LaVance R. L. Chambers P. C. Meyer J. A. Wagner M. A. Vegh D. H. Vawter S. K. Simon A. L. Amort D. P. Redmond E. K. Shimojima

S. E. Deming R. M. Robbins W. J. Ritchie R. L. Follett M. A. Morse S. J. Patoprsty R. J. Zimmerman J. FI, Siemers W. DeMaagd J. C. Bushong R. G. Ewen W. M. Cleary J. D. Griffith G. F. Wajda B. T. Lessien K. E. Berman M. A. Bosco, Jr. B. R. Connelly B. Colasanti J. A. McCormack R. L. Goetz D. E. Sabrosky T. D. Aylward F. S. Philip J. T. Schultz K. G. Adams S. C. Ross D. E. Viecelli D. D. Yanachik M. J. Yanachik C. E. Cogo L. C. Paul, Jr. A. C. Chubb F. L. Woodard K. D. Kruger R. M. Wittman C. C. Luthy D. M. Fiedorek J. D. Cole G. E. Johnson T. H. Bird B. M. Shown H. A. Londo, Ill M. J. Balian J. J. Parks D. K. Meyers P. W. Duguid B. Grier ALPHA IOTA Auburn

J. T. Russell M. K. Wilkins L. D. Judkins 0. B. Carter F. A. Maddox, Sr. W. B. Elliott J. N. Crump J. P. Lynch, Jr. J. C. Barrow M. S. Caley J. A. Summerlin, Jr. J. M. Hamilton C. C. Workman, Jr. F. W. Hurt E. C. Rushing C. M. Pruet, Jr. W. L. Noll, Jr. G. J. Coleman B. F. Nuttall, Jr. M. D. Harris J. R. Haley L. Patterson J. W. Williams E. G. Crim Dicus, Jr. E. N. Henderson L. C. Pharo, Jr. F. H. Hawthorne G. M. Whitley J. A. Perdue R. L. Ferrell P. T. Persons W. B. Smith J, H. Pearson T. W. Fuller G. M. Parsons T. W. Gordon A, T. Cullen F. W. Carroll W. T. Kirkland J. H. Hendry W. E. Colburn B. S. Reed R. J. Scott, Jr. B. C. Horne R. C. Ward W, G. Amos G. D. Mitchell F. C. Holt D. H. Barclay N. D. McClure, IV J. H. Upshaw J. R. Payne S. R. Pate P. M. Smith, Jr. N. C. Porter, Jr. B. K. Kennedy ALPHA ETA J. G. Lovell, Jr. Samford J. 0. Christiansen, Jr. G. G. Gordon J. C. Lee D. R. Kearns J. W. Miree W. W. Urquhart F. H. White S. W. Irby S. W. Hall R. S. Travers J. G. Cuninghame, Jr. G. M. Patterson A. D. Burton J. E. Kirkendall, Jr. E. B. Bruce W. W. Jones, Jr. J. W. Vaughn J. A. White W. C. Davis, Jr. J. D. Wolsoncroft H. J. McDanal R. G. Roble H. B. Goodwill D. T. Kendrick S. W. Jones W. S. Taylor J. Bell K. B. Morton, Jr. Z. V. Lucas J. A. Flanagan, Jr. G. 0,Perry W. Forehand, Jr. J. D. E. Nolen R. B. Propst G. G. Murrah, Jr. Baker J. E. S. M. Winton J. A. Murray, Jr. S. A. Wade G. N. Tobia C. C. Brakef meld J. 0. Zipperer, Ill J. E. Haynes A. D. Powell J. H. Hall W. S. Baker W. C. Cotield D. B. Hutchins J. G. Shiley J. E. Parker H. P. Brindley, Jr. D. W. Hall D. L. Shannon, Jr. J. E. Johnson R. G. Evans, Ill R. W. Lawson W. W. Nilson G. D. Fontaine J. L. Daley S. E. Chandler J. D. Gallups H. S. Schemers D. K. Brower S. R. Thye J. R. Bell D. S. Barker R. E. Greene M. F, Bolin ALPHA KAPPA K. E. Knight Michigan J. J. Johns M, M. Miles, Ill W. W. Rowley W. W. Dixon, Jr. E. B. Schermerhorn A. G. Sizemore H. Olson J. F. Dunlap, Jr. D. C. Green J. S. Little H. A. Pullen W. T. Loo J. M, Gibson H. C. Hotchkiss ALPHA THETA C. E. O'Mara Michigan State E. W. Keck G. S. McIntyre W. C. Proctor G. D. Quigley A. G. Spears E. P. Wells 0. J. Schuster A. C. Morley K. A. Sprague A. J. Morse K. A. Bellinger R. B. McCall E. C. Brewster J. L. Hurrle, Jr. J. N. Wortman R. J. Griewe R. S. Trembath R. W. Thatcher C. L. Jensen G. E. McKay

ALPHA LAMBDA Mississippi T. B. Newman, Jr. J. H. Tabb R. F. Gray W. B. Hopson S. R. Gaines 0, L. Casey F. E. Lowrance J. E. Ward J. H. Rose, Jr. T. J. Rosetti Y. S. Warren H. L. Brinkley, Jr. J. G. Tucker

Page 7 ALPHA MU Penn State R. M. Atkinson M, M. Keck R. B. Craine, Sr. J. M. Alter E. W. Murphy R. C. Kieffer J. F. Kieser, Sr. R. E. Peterson G. G. Turner A. R. Yerkes D. G. Jones C. H. Case, Jr. J. P. Lonberger J. D. Brisbane L. B. Grube W. R. Walker R. M. Shave W. E. Lord R. M. Smith L. M. Knetz R. F. Bush R. P. Jones A. P. Wagner C. C. Curley, Jr. P. L. Davis, Jr. W. C. Gwinner J. H. Ressler R. E. Lesher 4 B.-6.. McIntyre J. P. McCarthy E. J. Hathaway E. R. Yeager R. H. Auman K. N. Flodin G. 0. Herold R. B. Craine, Jr. D. B. Wood M. R. Hornung R. C. Heim W. F. Exley J. W. Bellwoar J. G. Schmucker, Ill W. Simon, Ill M. P. Ranc, Jr. '''', R. J. Kleinert J. H. Williamson G. E. Stevens, Jr. S. G. Krepps, V W. S. Simpson E. B. Hoffman, Jr. L. J. Shue K. W. Zehner D. K. Reichard G. H. Schaffner W. J. Vernon, Jr. G. D. Bello T. D. Webber, II J. F. Kieser, Jr. D. R. Forbes D. A. Kearney R. P. Kebert T. J. Yoho D. B. Holman M. J. Say W. F. Sirocky J. M. Rodgers D. S. Mizell T. E. Holsopple K. L. Shaner R. J. Hoopes J. T, Hartzell M. B. Trull J. F. Mostoller C. L. Rebert M. A. Gardocki J. F. Hickey B. H. Lehman R. C. Moehler R. J. Parks S. J. Hadden H. N. Bartoot, I l l S. J. Diorio T. Sherry A. D. Snyder W. G. Humphries, Ill C. R. Butler M. D. Berger J. M. Craine E. J. Cavalier J. A. Lasala C. Arnold H. V. Gedney, Ill D. P. Mulhern S. B. Letendre S. A, Horner J. P. Lutz J. Errante J. R. Heller B. R. Foster J. P. Marx R. K. Rager W. W. Lawrence R. A. Sandala K. K. Murphy R. M. Schneck ALPHA NU Ohio State R. C. Newhouse E. R. Stickel W. P. Ansley L. E. Miller C. A, Stickel H. H. Henrie J. L. Miller C. D. Hablitzel L. C. Chadwick ALPHA XI P.I.N.Y. V. A. Corrougher C. F. Pester A. E. Munzer B. J. Minetti W. R. Berger H. H. Meyer H. F. Dieter L. N. Rowley, Jr. H. E. Weingartner M. L. Allen, Jr. W. J. Troeller, Jr. C. D. Behringer J. F. Boette H. G. Kimpel W. E. Eisele R. E. Nugent H. S. Gartner G. Ahlers L. B. Everett F. M. Eigner C. J. Hecker V. W. Fendrich R. V. Keller 0. Jensen H. Peace J. G. Anderson C. C. Bunker, Jr. A. B. Steele J. Smellie T. J. Cahill A. 0. Hansen C. D. Mum n W. J. Griffin E. F. Schofield P. J. Schwanenflugel G. E. Stanmore A. G. Carter H. E. Duckham, Jr. L. Spagnoli F. X. Schmoller J. A. Miele R. D. Dalziel F. Grandinetti A. R. Muller A. G. Gallon F. J. Esposito R. P. Brady P. J. Hauth H. W. Nintzel s G. R. Gnus J. E. McCooey H. R. Bredfeldt

B. Jatzen R. E. O'Donohue, Jr. J. H. Ripet R. J. Magg W. Delnicki S. C. Harazim W. T. Roney, Jr. J. E. Flaherty P. G. Hoeker K. J. McCort P. W. Dillon V. DiGiovanni F. M. Herbert, Ill F. C. Hetzer H. A. Backofen, Ill R. T. Currie J. LaRosa R. Demarino M. Pilo W. J. Prinziavalli J. Marsh C. L. Stehle T. G. May R. Non i R. D. Sarcona R. A. Ubaldi L. T. Destefano R. C. Stankovic J. F. Burns J. Famoso S. A. Rotter S. M. Bertone J. J. Plunkett G. H. Scheibner J. Caban B. J. Elowsky K. F. Greer J. M. Goldberg ALPHA OMICRON Iowa State T. M.Shultz W. C. Dorr H. L. Whitney J. S. Brown G. J. Kunau K. M. Johnson C. W. Files A. D. Swisher P. M. Muller R. If. Brandau L. Mores E. E. Paine W. G. Nechanicky F. C. Hill R.0. Lichtenstein B. D. Foot V. H. Upmier C. Schram, Jr. R. M. Kottman R. K. McKean W. R. Moore E. J. Harman K. E. Spiker W. J. Rickert G. D. Love W. F. Wells J. R. Carson F. L. Goetsch J. W. Coons R. H. Casey R. R. Scoville L. S. Anich D. W. Brandt J. P. Heth R. E. Stinogel J. D. McCully C. J. Rheman, Jr. D. E. Burkett H. D. Osborne T. J. Hickey J. J. Veak P. J. Dvorak S. E. Fritz T. J. Ruzicka J. R. Bateman W. R. Madden H. M. Lattan K. A. Ticknor K. A. Bergstrom M. D. McDevitt F. M. Parrish, ill J. D. Crawford J. M. O'Neil D. R. Stark B. L. Croucher R. W. Nechanicky L. S. Carlson S. R. Anderson T. J. Tott H. D. Dirksen M. R. Stewart C. M. Noty C, P. VanZile D. K. Little S. K. Tait P. V. Hall J. G. Greirnan ALPHA PI U. of the South J. Cross D. Gilchrist, Jr. J. C. Putman J. A. Johnston W. M. Rosenthal ALPHA RHO W. Virginia J. C. Wilson, Jr. P. F. Fisher E. R. Smith H. G. Martin R. L. Harper R. learn H. D. Griffin B. J. Lutz T. G. Williams G. W. Hod& P. E. Farley R. J. Laughner D. G. Sharpes J. E. Ryder J, F. Peterson, Jr. C. W. Francis D. L. Kish G. C. Davidson, II J. C. Marano, Sr. W. B. Russell N. G. Evans D. G. Emery ALPHA SIGMA Tennessee K. McPherson R. C. McKelvey J. F. Steffner R. B. Smith S. W.Steele A. K. McCalla, Jr. C. E. Rollins W. H. Read J. C. Adkins W. D. Lee' A. B. Reed E. S. Byrd G. A. Steele J. E. Jones, Jr. J. E. Steffner J. Tombras 0. R. Johnson J. F. Miller J. S. Tobias, Jr. B. F. Smith, Jr. A. W. Hatcher H. B. Simmons R. E. Gibson, Jr. T. H. Banks R. H. Smith F. M. Pugh J. T. Cogdill G. A. Anderson R. M. Craig L. D. Hamric

D. E. Robinson P. W. Combs D. P. Everhart R. C. Sledd P. H. Jernigan R. M. Newman L. L. Woods J. T. Rymer J. R. Van Frank, Jr. D. B. Spalding R. M. Heath H. D. Jorsz K. E. McAlister M. D. Mynatt D. E. Haute K. R. Schneeberger J, A. Southerland R. C. Pemberton G. D. Hollins ALPHA TAU Rensselaer J. A. Peartree R. Y. Atlee R. H. Blackford C. F. Montei W. K. Graves M. H. Pietschker B. R. Brown A. R. Gneiser G. J. Mucher R. S. Manchester R. J. Fuchs R. R. Horton W. A. McAuley D. N. Bridgwater F. A. Bandre E. B. Fox, Jr. H. Musch, III L. F. Muller, Jr. W. G. Hill K. G. Pratt L. 0. Albre, Jr. W. A. Roberts G. L. McCauslan M. C. Beveridge F. R. Bohl G. D. Cook R. J. Lyons E. Fl. Stacey B. M. Cahill, Jr. F. G. Pickles N, P. Rusanowsky J. S. Martinez H. K. Holden D. R. Seyler D. B. Dobson R. J. Andrews E. J. Calocerinos W. A. Rapetski F. D. Popp F. R. Anibal R. W. Beveridge, Jr. W. B. Hankinson G. B. Wright G. G. Morgan, Jr. R. J. Bouchard B. T. Sporn A. T. Kelly, Ill K. E. Kuffner E. B. Nagel D. H. Deming M. E. Hession D. Dropkin G. W. Kirkland, Jr. G. B. Sweeney R. E. Hull K. J. Walter M. J. O'Brien D. A. Wiles C. H. Dustin, Ill J. M. Bernstein R. J. Kirchgessner T. K. Hood R. Z. Houk R. E. Hawkins T. C. Troia E. Rebula M. T. Sinclair J. Keough P. R. Turgeon D. M. Peter G. Howell, Jr, J. M. Rose S. H. Kaitz R. G. Sidelko J. W. McMahon B. A. Johnson F. H. Polom K. J. Walker R. F. Wambach, Jr. J. A. Cunningham D. C. Dirocco J. Finke A. T. Anderson K. M. Munoz W. A. Steffancin D. R. Labrecque M. L. Wiegand ALPHA UPSILON Drexel E. C. Wiegmann J. McNutt S. A. Wilson, Sr. S. A. Smith W. L. Stillwaggon W. P. Fitzgerald, Jr. A. W. Tunnell, Jr. J. A. Bader W. L. McFadden J. F. Rittenhouse R. J. Cannon, Jr. W. H. Troyer, Jr. S. R. Foster J. A. Haislip, Jr. W. F. Gittler, Sr. W. Webster G. S. Merritt H. S. Stif ger E. R. Kiehl R. L. Davis E. M. Simon J. W. Simmons, II 0. M. Hokanson G. C. Hess, Jr. T. A. Laroe J. H. Gardner H. A. Cowles R. E. Anderson J. W. Bosley C. W. Cornelssen, Jr. C. R. Crede W. W. Dearolf, Jr. C. S. Kuntz J. K. Stoner J. F. Kelley, Jr. C. C. Graham D. M. Hillegas G. F. Kolle F. H. Staiger J. A. Steer M. R. Blesser P. Brewington R. W. Lambert J. N. Marshall A. D. Henderson J. M. Hudson E. C. Neuman J. V. Reynolds 0. C. Miller, Jr. S. R. Parris G. F. Meyers, Jr. D. C. Craft A. P. Lannutti B. D. Rocuskie F. M. Winton F. W. Schmehl H. W. Schuette J. B. Becker D. K. Dement R. E. Fehr, II P, P. Liwski R. N. Burns H. A. Negroni D. L. Schey

K. J. Dirkes P. W. Gross J. D. Knoll, Jr. T. C. Block R. E. Klesius W. L. Shute L. J. Dicarlo J. A. Seifarth R. H. Griffin T. E. Nebiolo M. S. Gennaro, Jr. D. A. Parsons M. W. Sellers E. C. Lowe D. A. Heydt W. K. Sheppard W. K. Sines W. J. Cooney, Jr. S. J. Costa, Jr. R. L. Drager D. R. Wary E. J. Dimond R. D. Austin W. V. Davies R. L. Sullivan E. W. Langschwager J. J. Perfetti J. R. Frye J. W. Goldschmidt, Jr. P. R. Earley J. P. Mooney J. Buhsmer, Jr. T. L. Hill R. E. Imbrogno M. R. Longo T. J. Maggio L. M. Dandrea F. J. McMahon ALPHA PHI 1.I.T. C. L. Dusell J. F. Humiston J. K. Morrison H. F. Perlet, Jr. C. A. Schnackel E. N. Searl M. B. Stevens G. J. Svehla A. J. Jungels J. F. Sturgeon R. Nickel A. F. Bujan G. E. Hoff A. E. Michyeta, Jr. R. W. Howard J. V. Roach D. G. Snyder J. L. Pottenger J. P. Sachs D. B. Helbling G. A. Buettner R. E. Berke E. A. Donkers J. C. Woodling R. W. Wolfe D. H. Benton R. R. Ross L. A. Strome J. R. Piper W. J. Plichta K. J. Peterson D. R. Larson B. W.Seiwell E. W. Bawden J. T. Higgins R. G. Douglas E. A. Kaschins R. L. Peterson E. W. King F. W. Widlak W. E. Coleman A. L. Pinnow P. W. Wagner K. R. Anderson P. E. Ostrander D. A. Tanner M. C. Mickley K. G. Wohlers R. W. Hughes' L. J. Mance R. A. Dugan K. 0. Yost M. B. Adair E. B. Geiger A. W. Wendorf W. J. Bielawski, Ill L. A. Mueller A. J. Friedrich M. E. Darnell M. T. Kotsch D. J. Fronczek M. L. Villringer B. C. Colon° R. H. Millman P. J. Schmit P. A. Racicot R. Darling ALPHA CHI Miami R. H. Dougherty, Jr. F. N. Holley, Ill R. J. O'Mara M. C. Hopkins R. S. Buchanan P. E. Hodgman

ALPHA PSI Indiana W. D. Day, Jr. R. W. Haller J. C. Williams H. 0. Thursby G. L. Allen D. E. Brennan W. M. Prunty R. F. Wood G. D. Barnes R. G. Mundy W. E. Bray C. V. Martin W. G. Murray C. J. Blackerby J. A. Eshleman A. J. Frame J. D. Dowen K. L. Feller P. M.Summers J. R. Ruckriegle R. A. Wingler D. C. Gibson G. C. Crosier R. L. Stutz S. E. Evenbeck D. W. Huffman R. B. Read J. A. Reilly T. R. Brown J. M. Pivarnik D. S. Shook, Ill J. D. Lingenfelter P. A. Wickland J. M. Leonard R. T. Gnall J. L. Barker D. R. Schaefer R. W. Dunlap J. F. Lux D. E. Rose J. M. Hayden S. W. Smith K. L. McDonald D. Toren B. D. Hinton J. E. Kaufman S. A. Boone J. P. Halsey D. R. Corcoran, Jr. D. Clark J. Ahmay J. Goldstone T. R. Blaine

ALPHA OMEGA Oregon S. W. Holmes R. D. Potts D. M. Wright N. S. Weikel R. W. Nugent T. V. Vandawark F. L. Streimer G. B. Lissy C. W. Neff D. D. Lasselle S. C. Lynch S. W. Winkleman J. L. Shute BETA ALPHA N.J.1.T. W. Oakenell J. VanBroekhoven C. F. Wheeler J. R. Albright J. F. Seward J. E. glazier W. A. Stahl! D. C. Linske J. S. Urban R. F. Kreh J. B. Snodgrass, Jr. T. M, McCann, Jr. R. J. VanDergrift R. M. Fechillas J. A. Boughrun R. S. Pribula R. A. Mason E. J. Klebaur, Jr. R. Spinelli J. V. Lavery R. J. Doudera P. H. Schmidt F. Becker, Jr. P. J. Orban J. A. Stiles L. D. Romano K. McCranor G. R. Hospodar J. P. Zengota S. DePalma D. R. VanHouten T. J. Creaven T. J. Herits J. A. Krucher J. P. Brogan L. Fisher J. J. Manfredi L. R. Miceli A. V. Mangone C. G. Midgley R. C. Delcore W. McCabe J. F. Lee, Jr. L. Pastuszyn W. M. Parisi F. J. Wood R. M. Labinsky J. Pugliesi Ft. A. Bouwense L. M. Guadagno P. Bamburak N. Adams C. P. Dietz M. A. Lang R. Rusak S. A. Fahy A. Tobey J. E. Grant P. Heller

F. B. Boyd, Jr. W. T. Richards J. B. Wade L. G. TrudeII J. L. Lichtenberg D. C. Carter D. L. Borgschulte M. A. Castellano S. R. Lauer P. J. Frazee S. L. Orscheln D. D. Roberts R. J. Baker C. B. Lissner W. J. Gleason, Ill R. Kozicki J. J. Stuckel J. H. Wagaman, Jr. G. L. Deutschmann BETA ETA Florida State

R. N. Clark R. M. Plots J. 0. Sipperley D. L. Ulloa H. E. McCall, Jr. D. P. Stewart, 11 P. R. Regensdorf S. M. Wilson, Jr. R. A. Milstead T. E. Williams T. W. Beavers, Jr. H. H. Debeaubien J. D. Bultman H. B. McIver, Jr. M. B. Vasquez D. Dunbar L. W. Cocks W. A. Tillman J. M. Holler T. L. Barnhart D. A. Podgor M. W. Waters K. S. Webster C. D. New P. M. Daugherty D. T. Prior S. A. McNeece G. K. Vaughn L. C. Costin J. B. Pidcock

G. C. Bingham, Jr. W. M. Fraser, Jr. D. G. Hanson D, P. Brown L. W. Carter C. M. Koch FL G. Woodall R. K. Carroll K. S. Ketterer, Jr. R. J. Chapin T. A. Scharfenstein, Jr J. E. Trufant W. W. Dicks F. R. Clemens J. D. Davis W. H. Beckman J. W. Cook G. B. Baker D. L. Robertson J. M. Thompson D. L. Turk S. L. Cavanah G. D. Kelly, Jr. D. R. Jones B. W.Sears J. Larson B. S. Claxton R. R. Devine BETA GAMMA Louisville D F, Bloomer C. M. Hauenstein, III S. E. Harper, Jr. W. M. McNutt W. W. Weber W. D. Robb B. T. Hued J. T. Cook C. Y. Coghlan H. M. Zimmerman, jr, R. E. Krebs W. H. Brown, Jr. J. A. Koshewa J. L. Paddock, Jr.

B. P. Duncan D. A. Sears R. D. Howell K. R. Miller W. D. McConaughy G. A. Oldham M. Nelson G. Loy P. H. Gilman P. D. Try W. D. Barber H. I. Smith, Jr. B. N. Swanson K. J. Piller D. Daniels R. A. Clove H. J. Winegar B. R. Bennett R. H. Doyle, IV R. S. Paul N. D. Rowland J. A. Parsons H. M. Brand, Jr. D. E. Hogan J. D. Hornbrook J. Labiak P. M. Mitchell K. K. Galan J. C. Hendrix J. D. Miller B. Paul J. C. Glick D. B. Walter G. A. Mewhirter J. F. Verlautz R. N. Raskin D. S. Spewak D. P. Claussen J. Rosen BETA EPSILON Missouri R. M. Persyn G. C. Williamson

BETA NU Houston R. H. Patterson, Jr. S. M. Shackelford R. A. Viguerie BETA XI Central Michigan

D. R. Friebe D. M. Valero W. G. Jarrell, Jr. Kamachos C. Eaton M. B. K. W. Smith B. A. McCray B. R. Wiltse R. P. Gillis D. R. Dewaard L. Almerico S. J. Thatcher R. C. Lukas J. V. Eichelberger, Jr. R. G. Bromley G. A. Faille G. G. Fernandez D. E. Clappison B. Stilwell, Jr. Delk C. L. BETA OMICRON W. J. Green, Jr. NM.State J. R. Colee P. A. Kalmes P. Rochette, Jr. M. J. O'Farrell F. W. Litton L. J. Leslie S. W. West M. I. Campbell J. C. Peltier R. B. Geoghagen J. G. Odes G. W. Hollingsworth G. P. Fink J. W. Newman, Jr. A. Bachman C. W. MacMillin B. D. Nichols D. V. Pavesic J. D. Kaney, Jr. PI BETA F. M. RYII, Jr. Eastern Michigan C. M. Wilson L. A. Bodiford R. H. Falk R. F. Brown C. V. Taylor ID. D. Whitaker

BETA BETA Florida South


T. W. Pool S. S. Miller R. L. Romero P. A. Brown M. E. Leleaux S. N. Guidry R. E. SiIler R. B. Smith J. H. Niles M. W. Alston J. R. Fox

BETA THETA Arizona R. T. Gilbert C. E. Deleuw, Jr. A. W. Vance, Jr. J. F. Rice BETA IOTA Toledo A. B. Mungons R. S. Kuhlman T. E. Bokan N. J. Montagino R. W. Schiller R. H. Smalley, Jr. R. D. Conley W. G. Frederick R. N. Lindner D. D. Zellers W. C. O'Shea L. A. Talmage G. H. Hershman C. T. Kahle P. C. Simmon E. Bachmeyer, Jr. G. C. Collins G. K. Dunaway D. D. McEwen R. E. Kagy J. W. White, Jr. M. E. Anderson C. D. Stahl T. N. Szymanski R. P. Papa T. A. Flamsdell C. A. Myers S. W. Carlson M. J. McCloskey R.S. Meyer BETA KAPPA Georgia State R. B. Donaldson L. C. Cooper, Jr. D. R. Ward D. E. Perkins C. G. Denormandie R. F. Watson J. W. Ragsdale J. B. Whitley S. A. Waddell C. B. Doss, Jr. D. R. Ferguson D. C. Coole, Jr. H. A. Kite J. B. Patton T. K. Flake BETA LAMBDA Tampa A. A. Austin E. E. Garrison, Jr. S. J. Knit R. J. Swirbul G. Walton J. A. Gallagher D. E. O'Neal R. C. Swirbul H. B. Shoffeitt R. A. Myers G. W. Bobier R. M. Griffin, Jr. J. K. Neve W. T. Davis R. H. Pinson, Jr. A. H. Dowd J. A. Martineau R. T. Gagnon G. J. Cooper T. C. Keator, II J. R. White W. Manning J. S. Milmine J. Goerke J. C. Kelly BETA MU McNees' D. J. Austin W. D. Stacy, Jr. E. M. Potratz J. FL Airhart

BETA SIGMA Northern Illinois D. D. Firkins R . C. Hulka W. J. Anderson BETA TAU Valdosta C. P. Adams J. W. Pilcher R. B. Thomas P. L. Adams H. H. Wilford J. T. Brooks R. P. Morley J. T. Wiley W. R. Maxwell T. E. Nelson W. R. Touchton J. R. Williams M. A. Waddell T. M. Limoli, Jr. W. B. Walker BETA UPSILON Virginia D. B. Kimball, Jr. J. B. Browning F. J. Riggins S. S. Applegate W. H. Brinkman W. M. Ewald H. W. Hughes P, E. Buppert, Jr. F. A, Williams W. Couper R. D. Opp, Ill D, L. Namay T. Freeman J. D. Koester J. D. McLaughlin, Jr. J. H. Hudson, Jr. R. J. Huber B. A. Buscemi C. L. Nesbit, Jr. G. F. Shipp S. A. Fodder T. A. Priscilla, Jr. G. A. Dickson R. M. Paschal E. M. Rogers J. P. Karides C. E. Milteer, Ill E. A. Boling T. G. Roch BETA PHI E. Carolina

J. S. Jones F. D. Kabool, Jr. W. R. Mayes, Jr. R. G. Yackanin E. M. Murphy W. F. Argo E. P. Bowers K. S. Ganoe W. D. Sweat T. L. Smith R. K. Younger D. L. Fowler GAMMA ALPHA Livingston J. L. Alexander J. W. Carter J. S. Garnett, Jr. J. C. Baynes T. H. Brown W. P. Taylor H. E. Pettis J. B. Gary T. J. Holiman H. W. Bloom, Jr. W. H. Johnson, Jr. M. Smith L. J. Ware P, Mitchell B. F. Outlaw R. G. Deskin M. F. McDonald R. T. Williams

B. W. Bennett W. J. Kelly T. S. Reinke R. W. Slaybaugh, 11 GAMMA THETA NC•Wilmington W. B. Kirby O. K. Walls, Jr. G. W. Chadwick W. E. Dalton J. M. Pollard, Jr. J. H. Farlow H. C. Merritt, Jr. W. T. Zopfi, Jr. J. M. Sondey J. C. Finer L. M. Long A. B. Walls L. H. Harris M. A. Mason L. S. Avery, Jr. M. D. Upchurch GAMMA IOTA LSU J. L. Lanaux L. D. Simmons, Jr. B. H. Walker

GAMMA BETA Old Dominion

GAMMA KAPPA Georgia Southern

D. L. Dixon L. A. Beverly, Jr. W. C. Bright, Jr. W. G. Jenkins R. A. Magoon T. L. Bachas C. E. Brady, Ill D. M. Midgett A. M. Wilder, Jr. B. E. Boring R. G. Howard T. E. Treichler P. O. Casteel J. C. Simpson J. C. VanCleve, Ill W. W. Ridgely C. Mackenzie P. C. Davenport, Jr. J. M. Bednarek W. P. Wilcox

J. F. Riggs M. W. Nesmith C. P. Cates J. L. Boatright P. W. Buffington R. M. Berry W. C. Burns L. W. Davis J. W. Odom, Jr. A. F. Jeselnik R. S. Sapough, Jr. G. C. Carlson, II J. B. Graham B. B. Barmore M. W. Miller D. A. Kearsley G. Aspinwall S. D. Rawlins R. R. Pope M. L. Wolfe D. A. Miles

GAMMA GAMMA Troy J. P. McClendon, Jr D. S. Taylor R. F. Hataway J. R. Jay D. L. Bozeman F. J. Scott J. A. Brown, Jr. K. M, Robinson M. Landers C, A. Vickers, Jr. J. R. Russell D.0. Batchelor, Jr. L. S. Turrin G. C. Holzmann D. D. Duncan S. J, Scruggs F. W. Wilson GAMMA DELTA Memphis W. T. Siebert A. E. Vazquez R. A. Mullin J. D. Siebert FL E. Montgomery G, A. VanAsek T. L. Carter D. A. Sigman D. L. Everson P. B. Wood J. E. Younger T. F. Lynch P. C. Brown U. E. Oyler, Jr. H. H. Groves M. W. Lipscomb D. C. Kelley R. Hurt C. L. Hall, II R. Call T. R. Bailey D. L. Covington D. E. Laffiteau J. G.'Ferrets GAMMA EPSILON Western Carolina

L. Y. Ramsey W. H. Lewis, Jr. W. R. Blackwell O. T. Bailey R. L. Crawford M. F. Barefoot J. B. Grooms, Jr. D. W. McLawhorn W. F. Willis H.0. Chesson, Jr. R. D. McKenzie F. F. Ramseur, III W. T. Pettit C. D. Darden L. Adams D. C. Frazier D. C. Turner R. R. Siegfried W. M, Feistier I, T. Yopp, III D. C. Brown D. R. Barbour M. D. Cope J. M. Burt K. R. Craft R. S. Fuller T. F. Perkins E. S. Banks, jr, E. J. Waller, Ill D. M. Brown B. W. F. ishel D. C. Forrest R. B. Shaver J. F. Hallow, Jr. B. J. Kalet D. M. Harrison S. C. Davis, Jr. R. A. Brewster J. A. Shepardson M. T. Auten T. .Coleman O'Neal J. B.'Poole J. ., B. A. Mullis M. K. Williams L. C. Edmonds R. A. Young B. L. Parrish, Jr. K. 0. Brown B. A. McGann L. M. Cayton GAMMA ZETA S. R. McCloy W. Virginia Tech. J. G. Bishop, III M. N. Chesson P. R Oneacre K. Sigmon J. P. Mann E. E. Dennis, Jr. C. W. Hutzler D. M. Childers BETA CHI D. L. Hirneisen E. Texas State R. K. Kelly Odle, Jr. D. W. DeColaines, Ill G. E. D. C. Neidert J. C. Witt R. E. Isom K. L. Park R. Michael J. K. Harrison L. C. Snyder J. E. Blum M. C. Paterno J. L. Earley D. Miller J. M. H. Cole D. F. Maffessanti R. D. Kliebert S. A. Kraycar R. L. Mitchell G. A. Franz, Jr. White T. J. D. E. Skaggs B, C. Case A. Rickenbach C. C. L. Norman E. D. Bauer R. C. Williams D. Moore R. R. L. Minchew L. J. Sigafoos R. L. Ashley BETA PSI D. M. Jones Tennessee Wesleyan C. A. Smith M. P. McDonald F. D. Wieser, Jr. S. M. Moore H. M. Queener T. W. Miller G. R. Whitlock E. B. Hoch, Jr. D. L. Holt BETA OMEGA W. G. Conrad, Jr. E. Tenn. State R. S. Smith C. W. Votti B. C. Brown P. A. Mattox, Jr. R. H. Blair S. A. Kortz T. A. Manning H. R. Sanders, III E. W. Smith T. A. Miller J. P. Duncan B. T. Williams


GAMMA LAMBDA Missouri•Rolla M. T. Sickinger P. K. Scherrer M. R. Schnettler J. M. Ingram M. P. Gioia, Jr. R. Bentzinger G. L. Hale W. H. Coalson N. M. Derickson, Jr R. D. Picolet E. S. Harris J. M. Gioia W. J. Stein R. C. Simpson P. T. Nguyen

C. R. Elich P. Pearce C. J. Rogers K. W. Hanni G. W. Walker C. L. Purdum R. V. Combs B. L. Howell P. D. Start, S. D. Hanebaum K. VV. Weltzheimer GAMMA PHI S. Alabama L. H. Green C. N. Doggette W. H. Ishee D. T. Jackson H. E. Tomlin M. E. Rainwaters D. S. Rose J. R. Rose S. F. White R. C. Healy F. D. Havard J. G. VanDerwood K. E. Webb S. M. Sisk J. T. Hill J. S. O'Neill G. L. Chastang J. W. Greene P. J. Langenbach P. V. Davis W. W. Kaempfer W. L. Grant GAMMA CHI Jacksonville U. P. L. Stynchcomb J. P. Hunter L. Reuterskiold S. L. VanEvery R. M. Orcutt L. M. Hufty D. H. Zavon GAMMA PSI Augusta M. E. Weed F. Damiano B. A. Keel NI, B. Smith C. A. Allen R. L. Turner, Jr. J. T. Herzberg J. A. Sweat GAMMA OMEGA Montevallo R. V. Whealton D. E. Wigginton R. L. Leder R. D. Cannon R. E. Howard, Jr. J. M. Gaines DELTA ALPHA Virginia Tech.

G. A. Fiche J. T. Farrell G. E. Fell, IV G. F. Kusic J. R. Cottingham, 11 W.S. Grizzard, Jr, J. J. Peck G. T. Tanguay C. K. Grissom, Jr. J. J. Warmingham

A. S. Heltzel, Jr. G. T. Butler S. A. Moore W. P. Martin J. B. Yount, Ill J. N. Crist J. C. Ramsey, Ill G. S. Mize J. H. Robertson C. W. Little S. D. Dodd J. E. Rhodeharnel G. M. Rowland B. A, Nash W. J. Ryan T. J. Sowder R. M. Bailey T. H. Meyers

GAMMA NU LaGrange Col.


GAMMA MU Belmont Abbey Col.

H. E. Stuart, II P. D. Neal R. D. Sims R. J. deValinger D. A. Long C. W. Everstine FE. L. Farr GAMMA XI GA Southwestern L. T. Creech, Sr. J. T. Blackman A. H. Nisbet D. W. Suppes W. L. Finney R. L. Beggarly G. H. Pritchard R. B. Folger J. B. Pond B. E. Miller, Ill H. H. Vaughn, Jr. A. W. Howard B. H. Hamrick P. Lee M. W. Hall J. G. Broadhurst G. R. Jenkins N. D. Suggs M. R. Todd B. J. Marino L. C. Sheffield, Jr. GAMMA OMICRON Bethel M. EL Lane


GAMMA PI NW State G. H. Filson GAMMA RHO Lander J. T. Lusk S. L. Byrd D. Ayers B. C. Young J. H. Turner F. A. Neil, Jr. G. M. Chaney K. W.Sherard E. L. Price, Jr. R. W. Craft D. R. Riley C. M. Watson, Jr. R. J. Holcombe GAMMA SIGMA Armstrong P. A. Kaluzne, Jr. C. J. Zittrouer E. A. Haynes M. G. Sneed GAMMA TAU N. Texas R. M. Williams T. W. Russell GAMMA UPSILON Oklahoma St. T. V. Bish J. D. Danvers G.0.Sanders A. L. Peterson M. E. Whitlaw

D. L. Walker B. W. Pope P. J. Rodgers NI. A. Brannen T. 0. Nicholson, Jr. H. G. Holcomb U. G. Matherly, Jr. T. J. Persia C. L. Samples A.'H. Bright M. G. Lawless D. R. Sutton C. A. Cecchini R. P. Moultrie T. E. Barcroft, Ill P. W. Wingo E. J. Hicks W. A. Tow 0. R. Bryant, Jr. D. W. Nicholson V. C. Eilenfield M. R. Pickett , S. G. Blackmon i M. T. Barb V. D. Irvin C. E. Mitchell A. 0. Smith C. A, May R. L. Fishel R. C. Barr, Jr. T. T. Thomas, Jr. DELTA GAMMA Nebraska-Omaha K. A. Liesche, Jr. R. L. Drozda R. A. Buschelman B. F. Burks W. M. Ojile D. S. Leahy P. L. Anderson J. K. Taute DELTA DELTA N.E. State D. L. Ewigman M. E. Schell J. R. Andrews M. L. Taylor T. D. Beckler D. C. Beach D. Lozano DELTA EPSILON Jacksonville if, G. Wilkins H. D. Buttram, Jr. R. Y. Owen R. L. Cunningham F. 0. Holland C. W. Jones J. H. Young, Jr. S. B. Crowder T. W. Hutchins B. L. Chandler T. Gann S. D. Bone H, J. Patterson, II DELTA ZETA Appalachian D. A. Vaughn D. L. Henderson W. R. Arledge, Jr. M. F. Christopher T. C. Dalton D. W. Edwards S. E. Miller

M. H. Allison D. S. Owen S. D. Terry R. G. Ouellette D. C. Ballard A. T. Braun G. G. Davidson J. A. Raines, Jr. R. W. Hall J. G. Brewer R. K, Bean J. L. Payne S. C, Birchfield D. B. Keel E. W. Norris G. M. Baldwin M. A. Clark

DELTA CHI Kansas St.


DELTA ETA Morehead N. Hawkins G. L. Kong D. H. Williams J. W. Wells K. R. Unger . DELTA IOTA Middle TN State M. L. Potts K. W. Walden S. F. Bass S. L. Crass C. P. Hanley K. R. Hunter DELTA KAPPA Pembroke C. .i. Bennett, Jr. J. J, Gould G. W. Norris DELTA LAMBDA NC-Charlotte M. E. Ashley C. A. Marus p. .1. D'Armond, III C. P. Cannon J. E. Lynch, Jr. J. C. Deal F. C. Proctor, Jr. J. P. Faggart W. L. Dawkins J. G. Cline E. G. Smith J. H. Mitchell K. W. Prindle W. C. Jackson, Jr. W. S. Barber D. M. Allen R. D. Nolley D. S. Higgins L. B. Gordon W. D. Gullett DELTA NU Western KY B. L. Champion T. J. McGill B. A. Maiden DELTA XI N. Alabama S. A. Pirkle J. Fl. Suggs J. A. Hendrix, Jr. L. P. Guess DELTA OMICRON Nicholls St. E. J. Bourgeois M. C, Garrard J. J. Olin J. D. Frere D. J. Varnell, Jr. S. P. Butler DELTA PI Wright St. R. A. Prewitt B. K, Rockwell D. W. Strewn B. A. Hollingworth L. A. Koppe R. E. Waugh C. A, Hall T. D. Brown W. R. Kronenberger D. I. Hemmelgarn M. E. Jones J. A. Martin T. J. Waypa DELTA RHO Southern Calif. R. L. Larson L. H. Dreyfuss J. R. Hotchkiss J. S. Anderson R. E. Cotter D, F. Craib, Ill E. A. Lang, III K. A, Kocher E. J. Hogan, Ill M. J. Leggio P. L. McHale C. M Sarture, II J. L. Pratts L. R, Fritz ..._ DELTA SIGMA Bowling Green C. L. Anderson K. M. Lotosky G. A. Honig K. W. Schwarz R. G. Falasco W. J. Woeste J. M.Springer E. R. Hoecker DELTA TAU James Madison U. B. D. Baldwin J. P. Keilsohn W. J. Heath R. K. Alldredge D. D. Hill G. O. Lane, III E. D. Beall J. L. Fairman J. D. Harvey M. J. Troisi J. S. Bittinger J. S. Walker DELTA UPSILON U. of Pittsburgh H. E. Simon M. R. Zwick J. A. Maochi R. E. Beals DELTA PHI Radford Col.

M. D. Snyder S. J. Goetz L. C. Bowker D. H. George K. A. Penrod D. K. Reeves K. T. Skelton DELTA PSI Texas.Arlington J. K. Vaughan H. G. Bell, Ill W. T. Svihel M. F. Jacobs A. Robledo, IV DELTA OMEGA Texas A&M V. V. Burnett K. B. Madole J. 13, Morgan L. W. Wright EPSILON ALPHA Elon Col. M. J. Brown B. W. Simmons S. Miller, II W. F. Patterson R. 0. Mueller EPSILON BETA Grand Valley St. Col. R. P. Probst T. R. Lukomski S. J. Gilbert R. E. Flanders M. A. Stuart EPSILON GAMMA Longwood Col. S S. W. Hileman Gorman R. S. Mcolva D. P. Ritter D. W. Randn R. W. Stryker G. C. Slack EPSILON DELTA Auburn-Montgomery G. Jackson, Jr. J. L. Hurst D. M. Smith, Jr. D. C. Weaver

EPSILON EPSILON Clinch Valley Col. F. G. Hunt S. P. Beauter R. H. Sage S. A. Chapman A. Steffey D. M. Donathan EPSILON ZETA U. of Central AR J. R. Barker J. S. Patton J. L. Bearden EPSILON ETA Winthrop Col. S. C. Tucker J. H. Byars T. J. Sacco S. D. Hodgdon J. E. Robbins EPSILON THETA &mon Hell R. C. Knott P. E. Carrie EPSILON IOTA NC-Gmensboro R. L. Emory J. E, Harkins W. M. Julian R. J. King M. L. Lineback M. K. Miller H. Y. Ingram EPSILON KAPPA Southern Tech. J. A. Ransom M. L. Hubsky L. E. Bell J. B. Moon R. G. Cole, Jr. F. E. Johnston EPSILON LAMBDA USC-Spartanburg VV. S. Weathers, Jr. R. L. Brown J. B. Thomas, IV M. L. Trotter D. E. Satterfield EPSILON MU Bradley J. A. Luebker D. L. Charleston W. Furling, Ill M. D. Casorio P. R. Miller B. J. Hynes J. K. O'Brien T. N. Helm EPSILON NU Calif St.-Sacramento R. E. Langbein K. A. Spannuth J. G. Scala EPSILON XI LaSalle Col. E. J. Jesko T. M. Lyons E. J. Keating, Jr. D. Lightfoot K. F. Driscoll R. Tekel D. W. Gluey EPSILON PI VA Commonwealth R. L. Emory J. E. Harkins W. M. Julian R..1. King M. L. Lineback M. K. Miller H. Y. Ingram

J. K. Chrisley M. E. Lindauer J. P. Hightower, Ill *The following names should have been in. cluded on the above listing: MU - W. T. Huckabee, Jr. OMICRON - F. W. Adsit RHO - T. L. McCartin UPSILON - M. W. Brzoska ALPHA XI - R. P. Brady BETA PHI - S. T. Hicks, II

Page 8


CHAPTER BOXSCORES The Star and Lamp will now be printing chapte r box scores as an objective method of disseminating chapter information. We hope that this listing will provide the pertinent information to alumni. If you have inquiri es regarding any further chapter information we recommend you contact the Archon of the chapter or the alumnus listed in the box score. ALPHA CHAPTER



Box 1900-Stern Student Center Charleston, SC 29424 (803)723-8678 Adam Cooper Archon

219 N. Market Street Salem, VA 24153 (703)389-2351 Tony Underwood

John C. Hassell Chapter Advisor 133 Queen Street Charleston, SC 29401 (803) 723.6015

Mark D. Edgell Chapter Advisor 2359 Idavere Rd.,SW Roanoke, VA 24015 (703)774.3199

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 31 Initiated this school year 7 Student members (inc. associates). . . .59 Total chapter initiates 703 Contribution to PUSH 0



330 N. Grant Street W. Lafayette, IN 47907 (317) 743-9379 Mike Chereskin Archon Donald Seybold Chapter Advisor 1834 Summit Drive W. Lafayette, IN 47906 (317)463.0691

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 25 Initiated this school year 13 Student members (Inc. associates). . . .39 Total chapter initiates 794 Contribution to PUSH $432.12

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 34 Initiated this school year 25 Student members (inc. associates). ...80 Total chapter initiates 1166 Contribution to PUSH $2813.22



Presbyterian College-Box 1069 Clinton, SC 29325 (803)833-9953 ext. 423 Doug Warner Archon

Univ. of Alabama-Box 1947 Tuscaloosa, AI,35486 (205)349-2414 Kevin Masterson Archon

Mercer University.Box 112 Macon, GA 31207 (912) 742-0321 Joe Doughty, Archon

Dr. Dale 0. Rains Chapter Advisor Fine Arts Dept. Presbyterian College Clinton, SC 29325 (803)833-2820

Daniel C. Lemley Chapter Advisor 10 Hackberry Circle Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 (205) 345.6783

Ron Williams Chapter Advisor 2430 Kingsley Drive Macon, GA 31204 (912)746-8340


BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 10 Initiated this school year 8 Student members (inc. associates). . ..45 Total chapter initiates 596 Contribution to PUSH $925

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 14 Initiated this school year 14 Student members (inc. associates). . . 39 Total chapter initiates 336 Contribution to PUSH $423



Washington & Lee-Lock Drawer 903 Lexington, VA 24450 (703)463-4532 Jeff Sapp Archon

2908 Channing Way Berkeley, CA 94704 (415)540-9138 Erik Hoel

Pledged this school year 33 Initiated this school year 34 Student members (inc. associates). . 89 Total chapter initiates 1406 Contribution to PUSH $3596.83


Michael McQueeney.. . .Chapter Advisor 45 Vicente Road Berkeley, CA 94705 (415) 843-2308

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 19 Initiated this school year 7 Student members (inc. associates). . ..74 Total chapter initiates 842 Contribution to PUSH $800

DELTA CHAPTER Furman University-Box 28569 Greenville, SC 29613 (803)294-2757 Bill Scott Archon David C. Ullman Chapter Advisor 108 Rollingreen Road Greenville, SC 29615 (803)292-5245

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 21 Initiated this school year 53 Student members (inc. associates). . . 59 Total chapter initiates 389 Contribution to PUSH $841.60


Dr. Holt Merchant Chapter Advisor 108 Rebel Ridge Road Lexington, VA 24450

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 19 Initiated this school year 19 Student members (inc. associates). . . 54 Total chapter initiates 776 Contribution to PUSH 0



BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 21 Initiated this school year 19 Total student members (inc. associates)48 Total chapter initiates 782 Contribution to PUSH $466.55


BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 13 Initiated this school year 13 Student members (inc. associates). . . 42 Total chapter initiates 756 Contribution to PUSH $3484.93

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 96 Initiated this school year 32 Student members (inc. associates). . . 70 Total chapter initiates 858 Contribution to PUSH $5000

930 S. Milledge Athens, GA 30609 (404)353-9574 Andy Jorishie


E. D. Surrtner, Jr Chapter Advisor 1865W.Broad Street do Ivey and Company Athens, GA 30606

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 31 Initiated this school year 27 Student members (inc. associates). . 62 Total chapter Initiates 999 Contribution to PUSH $802


Ford Woodard Chapter Advisor 751 Arthur Street Plymouth, MI 48170 (313)453.4955

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 15 Initiated this school year 9 Student members (inc. associates). • . .30 Total chapter initiates 155 Contribution to PUSH $1780


ALPHA IOTA 25.5 S. College Street Auburn, AL 36830 (205)887.9702 Steve Gosser

Michael P. Jarrard Chapter Advisor 926 Torchwood Drive DeLand, FL 32724

Bill King

249 High Street Newark, NJ 07002 (201)643-9466 Paul Tarashuk


BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 25 Initiated this school year 22 Student members (inc. associates). . . 46 Total chapter initiates 701 Contribution to PUSH $3330


BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 16 Initiated this school year 10 Student members (inc. associates). . 50 Total chapter initiates 322 Contribution to PUSH $1825




Michael Cushing Chapter Advisor 602 Clifton Avenue Newark, NJ 07104 (201)481-6949

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 18 Initiated this school year 13 Student members (Inc. associates). . . 49 Total chapter initiates 514 Contribution to PUSH 0

423 W. College Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32301 (904)599-9327 Jon Wojtas Archon Ron Hill

Chapter Advisor 2988 Settlers Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32303-1902 (904) 386-7813

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 31 Initiated this school year 27 Student members (inc. associates). .. 46 Total chapter initiates 653 Contribution to PUSH $1000

The Men of Beta Mu Chapter at Mcneese State, pose in front of their new chapter house. ALPHA TAU


Chapter Advisor 505 Circle Drive Alexander City, AL 35010 (205) 234-5429

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 25 Initiated this school year 20 Total student members (inc. associates)66 Total chapter Initiates 1171 Contribution to PUSH $1010


49 Second Avenue Troy, NY 12180 (518) 271-7060 Gregory Herten



Prof. Kenneth Miller . . .Chapter Advisor 20 Michael Street Troy, NY 12180

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 22 Initiated this school year 22 Student members (inc. associates). 71 Total chapter initiates 873 Contribution to PUSH $3162.28


722 University Avenue Ithaca, NY 14850 (607)272-9890 Christian Coulter Archon

409 E. Fairmont Avenue State College, PA 16801 (814)237-4937 Bryant McGuire Archon

3405 Powelton Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215)222-9096 Richard Wisniewski Archon

Larry Thayer Chapter Advisor 103 Woolf Lane Ithaca, NY 14850 (607)273.6611

Richard C. Barrickman ..Chapter Advisor 1232 N. Inverary Place State College,PA 16801

Michael Thomas Imms . .Chapter Advisor 1020 W. Spencer St., Apt. 302 Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215)927.7547


Pledged this school year 19 Initiated this school year 20 Total student members (inc. associates)62 Total chapter initiates 1012 Contribution to PUSH $1513.82

Pledged this school year 13 Initiated this school year 11 Student members (inc. associates). .. 32 Total chapter initiates 658 Contribution to PUSH 0

500 Rollins Columbia, MO 65201 (314)443-4034 Phil Murphy



Pledged this school year 9 Initiated this school year 12 Student members (Inc. associates). . 32 Total chapter initiates 996 Contribution to PUSH $67.44

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 16 Initiated this school year 17 Student members (inc. associates). .. 40 Total chapter initiates 485 Contribution to PUSH 0



Pledged this school year 34 Initiated this school year 33 Total student members (inc. associates)70 Total chapter Initiates 886 Contribution to PUSH $660

Stetson-Box 8241 Del,and, FL 32720 (904) 734-9977 ext. 462 David Cope Archon




Jim Doyle Chapter Advisor 803 Maplepark Drive Champaign, IL 61820


BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 15 Initiated this school year 13 Total student members (inc. associate s)47 Total chapter initiates 640 Contribution to PUSH $3005.30


131 Bogue Street E. Lansing, MI 48823 (517)337-2381 Jim Eppink


143 108 103 93 89 84 79 77 74 71 71 70 70 68 68

Pledged this school year 11 Initiated this school year 0 Total student members (Inc. associates)52 Total chapter initiates 711 Contribution to PUSH 0

306 E. Gregory Drive Champaign, IL 61820 (217)384-9795 John Chapman Archon

Pledged this school year 15 Initiated this school year 30 Student members (inc. associates).. . 44 Total chapter initiates 767 Contribution to PUSH $725.60

1. Alpha Epsilon-Florida 2. Alpha Upsilon-Drexel 3. Delta Tau-James Madison 4, Epsilon Omicron-Villanoya 5. Omicron-Alabama 6. Omega-Purdue 7. Delta Lambda-UNCC 8. Epsilon Nu-Sacramento State 9. Gamma-California-Berkeley 10. Delta Zeta-Appalachian 11. Alpha Tau-Rensselaer 12. Alpha Theta-Michigan State 13. Kappa-UNC-Chapel Hill 14. Epsilon Xi-LaSalle 15. Beta Delta-Drake



216 Finley Golf Course Rd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919)967-9385 Jim Wilmott Archon


Fred William Jahr Chapter Advisor 2650 Cleveland Ames,IA 50010

Charles E. Wright Chapter Advisor 5837 Percival Road, Apt. F Columbia, SC 29206

Roy Stephen Krotzer. ..Chapter Advisor 2108 Shades Crest Road Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 (205)942.4860


407 Welch Avenue Ames, IA 50010 (515)292-5266 Stephen DeVries

Michael D. Mynatt Chapter Advisor P. 0. Box 614 Lake City, TN 37769 (615)426-6368

W. Hunt McKinnon, Jr.. .Chapter Advisor NC State University Campus Planning & Construction Raleigh, NC 27607 (919) 737-2121

Pledged this school year 20 Initiated this school year 14 Student members (inc. associates). . . 44 Total chapter initiates 1021 Contribution to PUSH $2101.20


Robert J. Herbage Chapter Advisor 3090 NW Deer Run Street Corvallis, Oregon 97330 (503)753.6157

Charles Grey Chapter Advisor Office of Admissions Wofford College-Box 171 Spartanburg, SC 29301 (803)585.4821 ext. 278


Pledged this school year 4 Initiated this schbol year 4 Total student members (inc. associates).8 Total chapter initiates 623 Contribution to PUSH $54

1828 Fraternity Park Knoxville, TN 37916 (615)523-4820 Preston N. Cunningham

P 0. Box 2474-Samford Univ. Birmingham, AL 35229 (205)879.3970 Joel Samuels Archon

Richard Meek Chapter Advisor 6158 Holiday Blvd. Forest Park, GA 30060 (404) 363-9127


Top 15 Chapters In Number of Active Members in 1984-85

Richard Newell Gooldy .Chapter Advisor 815 Gourley Road Bloomington, IN 47401 (812) 336.6672

2901 W. Fraternity Cl. Raleigh, NC 27606 (919) 755-9996 Donald Arant Archon

Georgia Tech-Box 32715 Atlanta, GA 30332 (404)892.6637 Todd Lucas Archon

Michael Spielzinger . .Chapter Advisor 627 • 68th Street Brooklyn, NY 11220 (212) 748.2818

Dr. Nicholas G. Evans. . .Chapter Advisor Dept. of English, 327 Stansbury Hall West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506


BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 8 Initiated this school year 7 Student members (inc. associates). ...6 8 Total chapter initiates 525 Contribution to PUSH 0


John Zoltek Chapter Advisor 1101 SW 98th Street Gainesville, FL 32607 (904) 376.7809



Polytechnic Institute of NY Box 631 Brooklyn, NY 11201 (718)624-9507 Michael Cavallo Archon

7235. 10th Street Bloomington, IN 47406 (812)339.1761 Richard S. Regan Archon

Wofford College-Box 1237 Spartanburg, SC 29301 (803)585.4821 ext. 814 Anthony J. Mimic° Archon



2111 Harrison, NW Corvallis, Oregon 97330 (503)757.1546 Robert LeSourd Archon


Kenneth Miller Chapter Advisor 1641 Rio Valley Drive Des Moines, IA 50322 (515)225.9275

591 Spruce Street Morgantown, WV 26505 (304)296.9388 Victor A. Folio Archon


Pledged this school year 10 Initiated this school year 4 Student members (inc. associates). • . .32 Total chapter initiates 640 Contribution to PUSH $200

Greg Cieplucha Chapter Advisor 501 156th Place Calumet City, IL 60409 (312)862-3687

Pledged this school year 26 Initiated this school year 21 Student members (inc. associates). . 53 Total chapter initiates 684 Contribution to PUSH 0

Univ. of SC-Box 85128 Russell House-West Wing Columbia, SC 29225 (803) 777-1401 Trip Philpot Archon

Pledged this school year 28 Initiated this school year 14 Student members (inc. associates). . . 49 Total chapter initiates 766 Contribution to PUSH $1050

1236 34th Street Des Moines,IA 50311 (515)255-9837 Darryl Lieser

11 Fraternity Row Gainesville, FL 32603 (904)376-9122 Paul Green Archon

Pledged this school year 67 Initiated this school year 54 Total student members (inc. assoc.) . 139 Total chapter initiates 1400 Contribution to PUSH $12,455.73


33335. Wabash Avenue Chicago, IL 60616 (312)326-9565 Gregg Deeb 'Archon

BOX SCORE BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 42 Initiated this school year 51 Student members (inc. associates). • . 109 Total chapter initiates 1027 Contribution to PUSH $800

Box 4861 Florida Southern College Lakeland, FL 33802 (813)680.4460 William J. Wallace Archon Carl C. Brown Chapter Advisor 1205 Groveland Lane Lakeland, FL 33802 (813) 644-7668

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year Initiated this school year 6 Student members (inc. associates). . .26 Total chapter initiates 432 Contribution to PUSH $75.00

BETA GAMMA Room 12-Student Center University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292 (502)637-6492 Michael C. Mills Archon Barret Bimsteel Chapter Advisor P. 0. Box 32500 Louisville, KY 40232 (502)895.4745

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 24 Initiated this school year 41 Student members (Inc. associates). • . 33 Total chapter initiates 222 Contribution to PUSH $71.17

BETA IOTA P. 0. Box 2478 Toledo, OH 43606 Robert Friess


Richard H. Smalley, Jr.. Chapter Advisor 4926 Secor Road Toledo, OH 43623 (419)473.9741

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 25 Initiated this school year 22 Student members (Inc. associates). .. 48 Total chapter initiates 360 Contribution to PUSH $1011.01

BETA KAPPA P. 0. Box 707 University Plaza-GA State Atlanta, GA 30303 (404)659-1848 Kenneth J. Cribbs Archon Ralph D. Sims Chapter Advisor 4288 Revere Circle Marietta, GA 30062 (404)998-8395

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 9 Initiated this school year 6 Student members (inc. associates). . . .24 Total chapter initiates 342 Contribution to PUSH $50.00






University of Tampa-Box 2786 Tampa, FL 33606 (813) 251.8440 Mike Farkus Archon


P. O. Box M Livingston, AL 35470 (20.5) 6.52-9000 Frank Messina Archon

641 Fayette Pike Montgomery, WV 2.5136 (304)442-9048 L. David Smith, III Archon

709 Vernon Street, Box 819 LaGrange, GA 30240 (404)884-9177 Perrin Alford Archon

1101 Itedbud Road Blacksburg,•VA 24061 (703).552-8809

P. O. Box 204-Pembroke State Univ. Pembroke, NC 28372 (919).521-9121 Christopher R. Auman Archon

Donald F. Orr, Jr Chapter Advisor 3815 N. Oak Dr., No.032 Tampa, FL 33611-2508 (813) 831-6900

Joseph L. Alexander .Chapter Advisor P. 0. Box 53 Livingston, AL 35470 (205) 392-5071

Ronald Leslie Johnson . .Chapter Advisor Box 473 Smithers, WV 25186

Robert F. Brown Chapter Advisor 101 Brookridge Drive llogansvillu, GA 30230 (404)637-4189

Dr. George Flick, Jr. .. .Chapter Advisor 303 Murphy Street


Pledged this school year 10 Initiated this school year 15 Student members (inc. associates), . 31 Total chapter initiates 184 Contribution to PUSH 1400



Pledged this school year 14 Initiated this school year 6 Student members (inc. associates). . . .11 Total chapter initiates 501 Contribution to PUSH 0

Pledged this school year 25 Initiated this school year 17 Student members (inc. associates). 34 Total chapter initiates 371 Contribution to PUSH 1300

Glenn Byrd


Blacksburg, VA 24060


Pledged this school year Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). Total chapter initiates Contribution to PUSH

2 6 .31 393 0

Pledged this school year

Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). Total chapter initiates Contribution to PUSH

21 11 43 204 0






P. 0. Box 708-MSU Lake Charles, LA 70609 (318)479-9841 Archon Dan Kekich

1060 W. 43Street, Apt. 10 Norfolk, VA 23.508 (804)423-0893

UNCW-P. 0. Box 597 Wilmington, NC 28403 Archon

Georgia Southwestern-P. 0. Box 411 Americus, GA 31 709 (912)924-9183 Ed Shuttles Archon

Box 5165-N. Georgia College Dahlonega, GA 30597 (409)864-3391 Mark Sexton Archon

Chapter Advisor P. 0. Box 597 Wilmington, NC 28402 (919) 392-3222

Ben Hamrick Chapter Advisor 524 Wildwood Circle Americus, GA 31709 (912) 273-3811

Harold W. Williams, Jr.. .Chapter Advisor P. 0. Box 327 Dahlonega, GA 30533 (404) 864-2441

Dr. Joe L. Cash

Chapter Advisor

1030 Pujo Lake Charles, LA 70601-4452

Scott A. Rodgers


Steven Scott Ray Chapter Advisor Hague Towers 330W. Brambleton Ave., Apt. 1714 Norfolk, VA 23510

(919)763-4766 Chuck Hatch Stuart Pope

BOX SCORE 17 Pledged this school year 8 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). .. .30 Total chapter initiates 227 $109.35 Contribution to PUSH





Pledged this school year 30 Initiated this school year 16 Student members (inc. associates). . . 36 Total chapter initiates 249 Contribution to PUSH $5358.93

Pledged this school year 2 Initiated this school year 2 Student members (inc. associates). . . . 13 Total chapter initiates 241 Contribution to PUSH $600

Pledged this school year 12 Initiated this school year 8 Student members (inc. associates). . . 26 Total chapter initiates 279 Contribution to PUSH $2000

Pledged this school year 14 Initiated this school year 9 Student members (inc. associates). . . .35 Total chapter initiates 304 Contribution to PUSH 0






Box 89-Valdosta College Valdosta, GA 31698 (912)242-9953

610 N. Three Notch Street Troy, AL 36081 (205)566-9924 Terry M. Tase Archon

Box 12343-Landrum Center Statesboro, GA 30460 (912)681-3640

506 Stanley Avenue Greenwood,SC 29646 (803) 223-2456 Joel Wolbert Archon

P. 0. Box 128 Univ. of Nebraska-Ornaha Omaha, NE 68182 (402) 333-9029 Jim Weisbecker Archon


Jerry Bostock

BOX SCORE 28 Pledged this school year 19 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . . 46 399 Total chapter initiates Contribution to PUSH 0

Charles Ted Griffin . . • .Chapter Advisor Route 6

Tommy Camp


Berner Pope

Chapter Advisor P. 0. Box 613 Millen, GA 30442

Troy, AL 36081

Christopher Kirkland . . .Chapter Advisor

(912) 764-2704

145 Rutledge Road Greenwood, SC 29646 (803) 223.2854



Daniel T. Vescio Chapter Advisor 2024 N. 99 Street Omaha, NE 68134

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 33 Initiated this school year 20 Student members (inc. associates). . . 58 Total chapter initiates 502 Contribution to PUSH $1079.33


13 Initiated this school year 10 Student members (inc. associates). . 23 Total chapter initiates 213 Contribution to PUSH $267.73

Pledged this school year 12 Initiated this school year 11 Student members (inc. associates). . 22 Total chapter initiates 102 Contribution to PUSH $750



510 Rugby Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 (804)977-9603


Oklahoma State Univ. 703 University Stillwater, OK 74074 (905) 372-2771

Buford Scott


Pledged this school year 18 Initiated this school year 27 Student members (inc. associates), .. 54 Total chapter initiates 299 Contribution to PUSH $2000

Top 15 Chapters, By Number Initiated, In 1984-85

Leroy Hamlett Chapter Advisor 2125 Tarleton Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 (804)973-6557

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 13 Initiated this school year 18 Student members (inc. associates). . . 57 Total chapter initiates 420 Contribution to PUSH 0

BETA OMEGA Box 19120A East Tennessee State Univ. Johnson City, TN 37619 (615)357-6498 Mark Smith Archon Chapter Advisor

Joe P. Duncan

1809 Burgh Heath Drive Kingsport, TN 37660

(615) 245-1224


Number Initiated 1. Alpha Epsilon-Florida 2. Delta-Furman 3. Alpha Upsilon-Drexel 4. Epsilon Psi-Slippery Rock 5. Beta Gamma-Louisville 6. Epsilon Nu-Sacramento 7. Delta Delta-NE Missouri State 8. Epsilon Omicron-Villanova 9. Epsilon lota-UNC-Greensboro 10. Epsilon Xi-LaSalle 11. Omicron-Alabama 12. Alpha Theta-Michigan State 13. Kappa-Georgia 14. Epsilon Chi=Denver 15. Upsilon-Illinois

54 53 51 42 41 39 38 35 35 34 34 33 32 31 30




803 Hooker Road Greenville, NC 27834 (919) 756-3540

3841 Spottswood Ave. Memphis, TN 38111 (901) 4.52-2815

1704 Pine Street Rolla, MO 65401 (314) 364-1927

Chapter Advisor Rt. 1, Box 9-B Winterville, NC 28590 (919) 756-7877

David Campbell


John Keklekian


Pledged this school year 24 Initiated this school year 12 Student members (inc. associates). . . 42 Total chapter initiates 444 Contribution to PUSH $500

Pledged this school year 4 Initiated this school year 2 Student members (inc. associates). . . .21 Total chapter initiates 297 Contribution to PUSH $300

Pledged this school year 15 Initiated this school year 8 Student members (Inc. associates). ...19 Total chapter initiates 131 Contribution to PUSH $1546.28



Greenville, TX 75401 (214)455-8670

BOX SCORE 6 Pledged this school year 5 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . . . 38 99 Total chapter Initiates Contribution to PUSH $ 000


P. 0. Box L-211, JMU Harrisonburg, VA 22807 (703)433-7419

Richard E. Baker


P. O. Box 1173 Cullowhee, NC 28723 (704) 293-9983 Todd Watts



Pledged this school year 29 Initiated this school year 38 Student members (inc. associates). . . 62 Total chapter initiates 224 Contribution to PUSH $1001.32

Pledged this school year 28 Initiated this school year 23 Student members (inc. associates). . . 102

William F. Clark, Jr.. . . .Chapter Advisor Route 2, Box 389 Waynesboro, VA 22980



P. 0. Box 602-Jacksonville State Univ. Jacksonville, AL 36265 (205)435-9958 Duane McManus Archon

Total chapter initiates Contribution to PUSH

Oxford, AL 36203


BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 46 Initiated this school year 27 Student members (Inc. associates). .. 56 Total chapter initiates 298 Contribution to PUSH $2500

219 0

DE LTA UPSILON 316-B Semple Street Oakland, PA 15213 (412)683-3068

Calvin Wingo Chapter Advisor 225 E. Oak Street

Pledged this school year 14 Initiated this school year 13 Student members (inc. associates). . . 32 Total chapter initiates 140 Contribution to PUSH 0


BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 11 Initiated this school year 11 Student members (inc. associates). . . 29 Total chapter initiates 83 Contribution to PUSH $230

; , Pictured at their retreat, the men of Beta Chapter-Presbyterian College, show their Pi Kapp Pride.



Nick Childress Chapter Advisor P. 0. Box 1542

DELTA SIGMA Pi Kappa Phi-BGSU c/o Ken Kaiser Bowling Green, OH 43903 (419) 372-2040 Archon Don Marinoni

Bob McCuen



BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 27 Initiated this school year 18 Student members (inc. associates) 78 Total chapter initiates 310 Contribution to PUSH $1003.45


William R. Hughen Chapter Advisor 2004 Hamilton Road Mobile, AL 36618


Lyle Draper

William R. Kincaid Chapter Advisor 4720 Carberry Court Matthews, NC 28105 (704)568-5797

2201 York Street Kirksville, MO 63501 (816) 665-5570


David Michael Goecke . .Chapter Advisor 345 Math Computer Science University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 65401

Box W- E. T. Station Commerce, TX 75428 (214)468-8194

DELTA LAMBDA Cone University Center-lINCC Sb lion Charlotte, NC 28223 (704).596-4205 Todd R. Stiller Archon

Larry Hynson Chapter Advisor 2210 W. Arrowhead Drive Stillwater, OK 74074 (405) 377-8817

P. 0. Box U-1208 Mobile, AL 36688 (205)342-7540 Danial A. Sampson

Howard Kim Hunter . ..Chapter Advisor 4188 Hilldale Memphis, TN 38117 (901) 382-2700

Ellis Banks

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 14 Initiated this school year 4 Student members (inc. associates). . . .27 Total chapter initiates 122 Contribution to PUSH 0



Pledged this school year 27 Initiated this school year 15 Student members (inc associates). . 57 Total chapter initiates 273 Contribution to PUSH 0

The brothers of Gamma Phi Chapter at the University of Southern Alabama decked out for USA's song competition.


Vince Johnson

P. 0. Box 562 Kirksville, MO 63501 (816)665-1776 Mark Ratliff

Chapter Advisor Dept. of Political Science Pembroke State University Pembroke, NC 28372 (919) 739.2238

Lt. Col. Bruce Caine. . . .Chapter Advisor

Pledged this school year 24 Initiated this school year 21 Student members (inc. associates). . . 45 Total chapter initiates 255 Contribution to PUSH $100

John-Paul Lyons

Pledged this school year

H. Monte Hill

Augusta College 2500 Walton Way Augusta, GA 30910 (404)828-3806 Daniel J. Moyles



Appalachian Stale Univ.-Box 8991 Boone, NC 28608 (704) 264-9442 Daren Anderson Archon

815 Tyler Avenue Radford, VA 24141 (703)639-1447


Paul Alan Sanders Chapter Advisor 2320 Central Avenue Augusta, GA 30904 (404)736-8767

Dr. Arthur Quickenton, .Chapter Advisor 401 Meadowview Drive Boone, NC 28607 (704) 264-4283

"Ty" Maurice Hamill

Steven Kent Pontius. • . .Chapter Advisor 200 Wild Partridge Lane Radford, VA 24141 (703)639-0305

BOX SCORE BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 13 Initiated this school year 12 Student members (inc. associates). . 28 Total chapter initiates 126 Contribution to PUSH 0



Pledged this school year 36 Initiated this school year 27 Student members (inc. associates). . . 69 Total chapter initiates 306 Contribution to PUSH $2662.39

Pledged this school year Initiated this school year


22 Student members (inc. associates). . . 48 174 Total chapter Initiates $730.50 Contribution to PUSH



Belmont Abbey College-Box 788 Belmont, NC 28012 (704)825-6969 Michael A. DeFazio Archon

Dwayne Davis Chapter Advisor Criminal Justice Dept. Belk Building-Western Carolina Cullowhee, NC 28723

Brother Paul Shanley . ..Chapter Advisor Box 535 B. A. C. Belmont, NC 28012 (704) 825-3711




11 Pledged this school year 18 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . . 16 283 Total chapter initiates $250 Contribution to PUSH

Pledged this school year 13 Initiated this school year 0 Student members (inc. associates). . . .49 315 Total chapter initiates 0 Contribution to PUSH

Pledged this school year 16 Initiated this school year 16 Student members (inc. associates). .. 23 total chapter initiates 155 Contribution to PUSH 0



DELTA CHI 1716 Fairchild Manhattan, KS 66502 (913) 776-3708

Drawer K-Univ. of Montevallo Montevallo, AL 35115 (205) 665-4015 Archon Robert W. Spechalske

Box 1247 UPO Morehead, KY 90351 (606) 783-2050 Bryan McKinney

Chapter Advisor Dr. James Beal P. 0. Box 505 Montevallo, AL 35115 (205) 668-1931

Lt, Col. Bruce Miller . . .Chapter Advisor Military Science Dept. Morehead Street Morehead, KY 40351


Kevin Stein


Mike Wamsley Chapter Advisor 1208 Haas Court Manhattan, KS 66502 (913)776-7606




16 Pledged this school year 8 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . . 35 212 Total chapter Initiates Contribution to PUSH 0

7 Pledged this school year Initiated this school year 7 Student members (Inc. associates). ...23 Total chapter initiates 139 Contribution to PUSH $500

Pledged this school year 23 Initiated this school year 14 Student members (inc. associates). .. 48 Total chapter initiates 128 Contribution to PUSH $3918.04




P. 0. Box 1483 College Station, TX 77841 (409) 846-3478 Rick Beck Archon

B Dougherty Student Center 400 S. Orange Avenue S. Orange, NJ 07079 (201)494-5808 Archon Paul Marabella

L.S.C. Box 692 LaSalle Ilniversity Philadelphia, PA 19141 (215) 9.51-9981 James Jenkins Archon

James A. Krucher Chapter Advisor 3 Burgh Avenue Clifton, NJ 07011 (201)546-0035

Charles Echelmeier .ChapterAdvisor 7018 Boyer Street Philadelphia, PA 19119 (215) 248.2434



11 Pledged this school year 7 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . . . 37 Total chapter initiates 75 $50.00 Contribution to PUSH

Pledged this school year 23 Initiated this school year 34 Student members (inc. associates). . 68 Total chapter initiates 102 Contribution to PUSH 0

Dr. Wade G. Birch Chapter Advisor 3109 Rolling Glen Bryan, TX 77801 (713)845.4427

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 22 Initiated this school year 19 Student members (inc. associates). . . 35 Total chapter initiates 81 Contribution to PUSH $2895.66


EPSILON PI 21 S. Pine Street Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 780.2206 Scott A. Saul


Thomas E. Siceloff .Chapter Advisor 2720 Sandhurst Lane Midlothian, VA 23113


Christian Brothers College S-148 6.50 East Parkway South South Memphis, TN 38104 (901) 278.100.5 Patrick C Koch Archon Farnum Miley Chapter Advisor 1852 Grenville Drive Germantown, TN 38138


EPSILON IOTA UNC-G Box E-003 LUC Greensboro, NC 27412 (919)273-1540 Donegan Root Archon

Barry Simmons Chapter Advisor P. 0.-Box 1021 Elon College, NC 27244 (919) 584-6938

Wayne N. Scott Chapter Advisor 1419 Knightwood Drive Greensboro, NC 27410




Pledged this school year 19 Initiated this school year 24 Student members (inc. associates). . 32 Total chapter initiates 105 Contribution to PUSH 0

Pledged this school year 33 Initiated this school year 35 Student members (inc. associates)... 51 Total chapter initiates 116 Contribution to PUSH $5800

EPSILON KAPPA 1112 Clay Street Marietta, GA 30060 Steve Brewer

EPSILON BETA P. 0. Box 272 Allendale, MI 49401 (616)895-6074 Paul Brake


Prof. Richard Flanders . ,Chapter Advisor Dept. of Anthropology Sr Sociology Grand Valley State College Allendale, MI 49401 (616)457.0806

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . Total chapter initiates Contribution to PUSH

12 15 25 83 0

EPSILON GAMMA Box 1140-Longwood College Farm ville, VA 23901 (804)392-6938 John Campbell Archon George Stonikinis Chapter Advisor 411 Second Avenue Farmville, VA 23901 (804) 392-6639

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 29 Initiated this school year 25 Student members (inc. associates). . 37 Total chapter initiates 118 0 Contribution to PUSH


Walter H. Pickens, Jr... .Chapter Advisor 23106 Plantation Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30324 (404) 237-6953


Top 15 Contributors to PUSH, By Chapter 1. Alpha Epsilon-Florida 2. Epsilon lota-UNC-Greensboro 3. Gamma Beta-Old Dominion 4. Epsilon Sigma-Christian Brothers 5. Kappa-UNC-Chapel Hill 6. Delta Chi-Kansas State 7. Omicron-Alabama 8. Tau-NC State 9. Alpha Sigma-Tennessee 10. Alpha Tau-Rensselaer 11, Alpha Omicron-Iowa State 12. Delta Omega-Texas A&M 13. Omega-Purdue 14. Delta Zeta-Appalachian 15. Delta Epsilon-Jacksonville State

$12,455.73 5,800.00 5,358.93 5,006.00 5,000.00 3,918.04 3,596.83 3,484.93 3,330.00 3,162.28 3,005.30 2,895.66 2,813.00 2,662.39 2,500.00

14 Pledged this school year 13 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . 26 60 Total chapter initiates $447 Contribution to PUSH

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 16 Initiated this school year 17 Student members (inc. associates) 47 Total chapter initiates 62 Contribution to PUSH $5005


Mark Landers Chapter Advisor 2139 Bowen Drive Montgomery, AL 36106 (205) 277-6859

24 31 29 31 0


P. 0. Box 230 Philadelphia, PA 19131 (215)664-9364 Paul Walsh Archon

University Union Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, PA 16057 (412) 794-7522 Chuck Huffmeyer Archon

Joseph F. Rush Chapter Advisor 2210 Schlosser,Road Harleysville, PA 19438 (215)584.1472

Stanley B. Johnson . . ..Chapter Advisor Parks and Recreation Dept. Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, PA 16057



Pledged this school year 14 16 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . 46 46 Total chapter initiates $100 Contribution to PUSH

Pledged this school year 56 Initiated this school year 42 Student members (inc. associates). . . 46 Total chapter initiates 42 Contribution to PUSH $326



400 North Columbia Street Milledgeville, GA 31061 (912)453-9854 Guerry Williams Archon

P. 0. Box 2186 Clemson, SC 29632 (803)656-6888 Travis Long

Lamar Doolittle Chapter Advisor Georgia College Academic Computer Lab Milledgeville, GA 31061

21 Pledged this school year Student members (inc. associates). . . 19 $83.00 Contribution to PUSH

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . . Total chapter initiates Contribution to PUSH

21 14 26 46 0



METHODIST ASSOCIATE P. 0. Box M-462, Methodist College Fayetteville, NC 28301 (919)425-1260 Archon Benny Taylor


Student Affairs Office Univ. of SC-Spartanburg Spartanburg, SC 29303 (803)578.1800, ext. 313 Archon Dempsey Jack

Pledged this school year Initiated this sch000l year Student members (inc. associates). Total chapter initiates Contribution to PUSH

Caleb B. Jennings, III. ..Chapter Advisor P. 0. Box 6427 Spartanburg,SC 29304 (803) 582-8899

0 3 .17 66 0

DUKE ASSOCIATE CHAPTER P. 0. Box 10432 Durham, NC 27705 (919) 684-1207 Andrew Martens

BOX SCORE 16 Pledged this school year 7 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . .15 55 Total chapter initiates Contribution to PUSH


Bruce L. Rogers Chapter Advisor 1315 Morriene Road, Apt. 2-B Durham, NC 27705


BOX SCORE Pledged this school year Initiated this school year 12 Student members (inc. associates). . 24 878 Total chapter initiates $560.45 Contribution to PUSH


Chapter Advisor RR No. 2 Metamora, IL 61548 (309) 383.4562

Jerry Klein

Auburn University at Montgomery AUM 1-85 Campus Montgomery, AL 36193 (205) 277-3474 Ragan Ingram Archon

Pledged this school year Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . . Total chapter initiates Contribution to PUSH


c/o Richard Larson 601 Ashland Peoria, IL 61604 Jeff Puskarich


David C. Taylor Chapter Advisor 228 Pontiac Denver, CO 80220

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 10 Initiated this school year 3 Student members (inc. associates). . .23 Total chapter initiates 30 Contribution to PUSH 0

EPSILON TAU P. 0. Box 3486-Elon College Gibsonville, NC 27244 (919)584-3869 John Caretta Archon

2050 E. Evans Detwer, CO 80208 (303) 778.0118 Toni McCauley

BOX SCORE 16 Pledged this school year 18 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . 46 76 Total chapter initiates $1020.11 Contribution to PUSH

I EXAS TECH ASSOCIATE Brothers of Epsilon Lambda Chapter at the University of South Carolina-Spartanburg pose aboard an army chopper.

Dean of Students Office P. 0. Box 4259, Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409 (806) 742-7197 Archon Jim Smith Jettrey A. Wrisley Chapter Advisor 5204 50th 1(202 Lubbock, TX 79414 (806) 796-0631

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 22 Initiated this school year 19 Student members (inc. associates). . . 33 Total chapter initiates 93 Contribution to PUSH $927

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 19 Initiated this school year 1 Student members (inc. associates). . . .17 $112.50 Contribution to PUSH

EPSILON EPSILON Box 1005.Clinch Valley College Wise, VA 24293 (703)328.9803 Ronald K. Whitten Archon

ST. LEO ASSOCIATE CHAPTER c/o John Benedetti P. 0. Box 2666, St. Leo College St. Leo, FL 33574-2666 (904)588-8383 Archon John Benedetti

D. Michael Lionathon . ..Chapter Advisor -Cl nch Valley College Administrative Building Wise, VA 24293

Chapter Advisor Walden Grove 2710 North 41-A Dade City, FL 33525 (904) 521-4088

Rick Walden

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . Total chapter initiates Contribution to PUSH

14 13 21 83 0

BOX SCORE 40 Pledged this school year Student members (inc. associates). . 35 $200 Contribution to PUSH

EPSILON ZETA II.C.A, Box 504 Conway, Ar. 72032 (501)327-5216 Mike Hall

DUQUESNE ASSOCIATE cdo Union Information Center Duquesne University Pittsburgh, PA 15282 (412)434-6954 Archon Mark DeRubeis


Sam Buchanan Chapter Advisor P. 0. Box 911-UCA Conway, Ar. 72032 (501)327-2096

Chapter Advisor Dr. Sandy Durrell Director of R&D 34th Floor,PP&G Place Pittsburgh, PA 15272 (412) 343-9232

BOX SCORE Pledged this school year 15 Initiated this school year 0 Student members (inc. associates). . . 22 Total chapter initiates 57 Contribution to PUSH $826

Greg Weaver, Scott Gerlach, Steve Fuller and Steve Poe paint church pews as a community service project for Kappa Chapter at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. (Photo by Bob Donnan -Chapel Hill Newspaper)




P. 0. Box 5030. Winthrop College Sta. Rock Ilill, SC 29733 (803)327.9945 Jeff Mahoney Archon

P. 0. Box 255826 Sacramento, CA 95865 (916) 386-8518 Archon Aurelio Hurtado

215 Dougherty Hall Villanova, PA 19085 (215) 964.9941 Mike Rourke

Russ Palmer Chapter Advisor 4947 Post Oak Lane Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 366-3440

Chapter Advisor Richard NI Barran) 8639 Danridge Drive Sacramento, CA 95828 (916) 363-2028

Robert James Ogborn. .Chapter Advisor 451 Pensdale Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 (215) 483.3980



Box 8038 Hickory, NC 28603 (704) 2.56-6241 Mark Mullane

BOX SCORE 0 Pledged this school year Student members (inc. associates). . ..20 0 Contribution to PUSH



P. 0. Box 40, University Center Birmingham, AL 35294 (205) 967-8445 Archon Richard Bailey

Michael Alan Mason . . .Chapter Advisor P. 0. Box 3707 hickory, NC 28603 (704) 324.1483

Chapter Advisor Perry M. Grant 508 Eric Drive AL 35210 Birmingham, (205)956-7293

NO ASSOCIATE CHAPTER 332 Nebraska Union-UNL Lincoln, NE 68588-0458 (402)435-8742 Archon Walt Price






Chapter Advisor Kenneth Johnson 1230 N. 46th Street Lincoln, NE 68503 (402)466-4916

Pledged this school year 14 Initiated this school year 9 Student members (inc. associates). . . .32 Total chapter initiates 79 Contribution to PUSH 0

33 Pledged this school year 39 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . . 77 124 Total chapter initiates 0 Contribution to PUSH

47 Pledged this school year 35 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). . 95 129 Total chapter initiates 0 Contribution to PUSH

Pledged this school year 28 Initiated this school year 27 Student members (inc. associates). . . 50 58 Total chapter initiates $397 Contribution to PUSH

11 Pledged this school year 12 Initiated this school year Student members (inc. associates). .. 26 23 Total chapter initiates $100 Contribution to PUSH

Pledged this school year 67 Student members (inc. associates). . . 62 Contribution to PUSH 0


Page 11



ALPHA 53 61 90 102 159 249 578

RHO Luther Lohr Long Lanneau R. Bell Charles Newton Wyatt Lawrence P. Hamilton John R. Harvin P. W. Collins, Jr. W. C. Driggers

BETA 20 33 40 42 43 45 53 57 78 120 125 135 186 188 196 213 234 325

Dr. Glenn B. Carrigan John D. Woodruff James Leslie Smith M. C. Dendy J. B. Hicklin J. C. Neville Henry Muller Brimm R. G. Henry Alvis Bynum Poe Charles W. Graham Pride Ratterree, Jr. Barney E. MAClean Harry C. McInvaill, Jr. William W. Coleman Paul Gray Turner J. P. Kellett, Ill Warren H. Koon Steven Lawrence Craig

GAMMA 38 82 101 118 133 206 272 273 284 471 651 727 731

H. L. Cummings Jesse DeWitt Stockton F. A. Heitmeyer Evan D. Bramlage John Orlando Blair Fred Wasson Reginald G. Hearn W. M. Chance, Jr. William Amon Barry Rutledge Moyer W. E. Edborg J. D. Knox G. G. Tanner

DELTA 79 85 106 171 180 226

Herman Hipp Will C. Clinkscales John Davis Smith Carl Newton McMahon Sam L. McKittrick, Jr. L. J. Blackwell, Jr.

Oh, death could be triumphant - death in battle, death in love, death in friendship and in peril, could be glorious if it were proud death, gaunt death, lean, lonely, tender, loving and heroic death, who bent to touch his chosen son with mercy, love, and pity, and put the seal of honor on him when he died! "The Web and The Rock," by Brother Thomas Wolfe, Kappa '18, University of North Carolina. Used by permission of the publishers, Harper and Brothers. CHAPTER ETERNAL 1984 - 85

EPSILON 23 66 67 92 104 132 267

295 337 395 438 471

SIGMA 100 106 204 224 241

Henry Landon Dowling Roy Pleasants Bumpass John D. Battle, Jr. Howard E. Wilson, Jr. H. E. Harvey Roy D. Witte William Simpson Glenn, Ill

Olin K. McDonald Arthur Wesley Busbee H. L. Carmichael, Jr. Robert E. Redfearn James Francis Singleton

TAU 42 45 47 81 120 224 236 UPSILON 24 80 89 95 96 164 214 243 310

T. W. Edwards C. M. Dunn, Jr. William H. Taft H. H. Strickland Harry E. Billings, Jr. G. H. Hughes James K. Plemmons, Jr.

Frank S. Howard, Jr. L. C. Stephen Horace W. McCoy Richard Arthur Williams William F. Bucher Thomas Ondrus D. K. Eckfeld Stephen Huska, Jr. Leslie H. Acox

PHI 6A 73

H. C. Graham Clifford H. Markley

CHI 25 61 81 82 171 199 341 403 495 772

Stanley D. Sloan Sledge Talbot Tatum Robert Saunders Jordan Seth Perry McCampbell Travis Drennan Petrey Perry A. Nichols J. L. Gillespie Charles Pratt J. D. Dixon Robert Bradley Bender

9 124 125 138 155 216 241 267 334

G. J. Felton Charles Edward Cladel James Joseph Creagh Sidney Peter Skokos Herman Charles Wintzer William L. Royce R. G. Mellor James B. Earl J. R. Galvin, Jr.

PSI William B. Armstrong William Simpson Glenn J. K. Hall, Jr, Pettway B. Boyd T. M. Hunter Woodrow W. Caligan E. B. Denny, Jr. George R. Sinclair P. C. Higginbotham, Jr. John M. Peirce, Jr. T. W. Firor James Beaty Hambright


Richard Baker

50 69 129 177 183 235 275

2 65 78 86 90 351

Fred Charles Ayer Paul Fielder Carroll L. M. Gressette Edward Walthall Smith Herman Prioleau Hamilton D. C. Harris

29 92 142 181 209

Huram R. Hancock J. A. Fussell C. M. Frederick, Jr, T. F. Little Thomas Judson Wesley, Jr.


OMEGA 30 90 100 102 204 206 298 328 561 602

M. G. Honeck Carl Willis Romeiser Errest Samuel Downs James EmorysBeggs E. C. Haver Charles T. Strawbridge George H. Bennett William D. Southard John Frederick Meyer Larry Kent Whitlock

ALPHA ALPHA M. M. Johnson 25 Robert Lee Bennett, Sr. 26 Josh Hayes Davis 63 Charles C. Booker 116

THETA IOTA 33 120 138 224 525 705 949 KAPPA 51 66 112 150 421

Robert L. Bennett

One remembered and one who needs to be remembered When Richard Baker, Penn State, died on November 26, 1984, I personally lost a friend of unusual proportion. Dick was, for 25 years, the perfect Chapter Advisor. He was of the right age, he maintained the proper distance from the chapter and always was knowledgeable, aware and available. What more could you ask for? Then, as a Trustee of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation he had the propensity of raising the right question at the proper time. I wish his fellow alumni members from Alpha Mu would remember him as well — with a scholarship fund for future students. Such would be appropriate through the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation; the Foundation and chapter that he served so well would both benefit! Dick put his whole into his Fraternity and I appreciate the fact that he did what he said he would do — a rare person in the volunteer sector. The only problem I ever had was convincing him that buckwheat honey was inferior to southern sourwood honey. That did not, in the long run, damage our friendship and I miss him still. Then there was Robert Lee Bennett who had already established a special scholarship fund in the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. He also continued to re-

LAMBDA 49 72 92 133 207 222 240 467 503 775 912 MU 43 63 79 82 85 96 178 342 348 402

member Pi Kappa Phi in his will, quite handsomely, when he died this past May. But that is not why I remember Bob. He, for years, has been one of the great inspirations of my life . Bob loved Pi Kappa Phi, and like so many members could never say exactly why, although he had no problem demonstrating it. I do not know that he necessarily benefited from his Pi Kappa Phi membership. He was immensely successful, serving on boards of major corporations and had an outstanding professional life as an attorney. I expect he would have done so without Pi Kappa Phi. Yet, I believe he always saw others benefiting from Pi Kappa Phi in some unexplainable way and he was willing to support that possibility. He did so by his service on the National Council, through his personal contacts and quick mind, with his financial resourses and by an unusual interest in me as the chief executive officer of his fraternity. His very special and warm caring of, and for, his family was of great inspiration to me. Love spoken we overlook, but love demonstrated we remember, and I will remember Bob. I just wanted to share this with other members of Pi Kappa Phi. —Durward W. Owen—

NU 5 70 73 151 XI 17 69 76 82 176 320 331 OMICRON 46 54 172 176 200 226 229 350 417 439 489 493 502 598 625 627 635 1114 1200

45 52 62 87 97 107 126 151

T. V. Hyman Harold A. McKew W. S. Heidt 0.8. Lewis Hugh Gerald Blocker Bryant Mason Stone James William Mihalcin

Thornton P. Gholson Paul Jennings Smith Richard P. Newell Vance G. Wertz Michael Eugene Henry

ALPHA BETA 58 T. B. Woods, Jr. 83 Lester I. Boone ALPHA GAMMA William Pratt Scarlett 17 Robert Van Lowry 130 J. Hubert Norris 156 William Brewster McFadyen 158 Malcolm W. McKenzie 196 Earl F. Crowder 225 ALPHA DELTA 97 Evans A. Hanna 147 Dr. John Kenneth Odegard

ALPHA EPSILON William Hyde Fisher 13 Charles Hilary Rogers, Jr. 55 J. Leonard McRae Jack Davis Williams 74 J. S. Croxton Kermith Lamar Black 88 Winston Carroll 137 J. Abney Cox OS. Williams Charles L. Palmer, Jr. 171 Joseph H. Thomas William C. Price, II 187 Charles Aubrey Stoudenmire 275 N. M. Letts, Jr. Evan M. Pitt Henry L. Freeman 289 W. F. Justice, Jr. 444 Royal B. Williams, Jr. J. I. Jenkins 801 August J. Schildbach, Jr. Richard Jonathan Arnold J. K. Hanes ALPHA ZETA Marshall Weddell Stone 20 William John Knauf 32 William R. Morecock 67 J. N. Evanoff B. H. Colt 241 Harry R. Jones James P. Propst, Jr. Richard L. Cubitt 310 John Sabin Leach 728 Alan Hasenoehrl Henry Wallace Taylor William J. Ritter ALPHA ETA Nathan Cox Lemuel Earl Carroll 10 Thomas H. Boone 50 John Will Gay, Jr. Stanley M. Sager 67 W. W. Brewster W. A. Lutz E. T. Hicks 76 John Davis Sibley 88 133 Rufus Walton Worthy, Jr. Dr. George A. Odgers 175 Columbus Morgan Scott John S. Van Auken 178 H. E. Mate L. T. James William Theodore Burns, Jr. 185 George Herron Carroll B. Clayton 211 M. P. Gwin 262 337 Warren Farrell Waggoner F. C. Noel Alfred Dunlap Hurt Frederick Hoback Benjamin Edgar Chapman Raymond Randall Rice Fred Chester Akers Edwin T. Brown

Edward Pierce Hood William Morgan Burns Charles Zell Taylor Arthur Marion Espy Lawrence A. Bouligny, Jr. Thomas A. Johnston, Ill George W. Turner Donald B. Bolding W. A. Gillis James Gordon White, Jr, Leaman Garland Holliman Charles E. Porter Joseph W. McWhorter J. D. Deleonard, Jr. W. C. Cheatvvood William T. Livings William R. Self J. S. Hollingsworth Lewis Jackson White

William R. Bentley W. B. Sinclair Calhoun H. Young Harold Askew J. C. Malsby, Jr. Charles J. Darnell C. W. Herrin R. F. Stone

ALPHA THETA M. K. Trapp 76 78 Reuben Washburn 114 Victor Fred Keefer 119 C. E. Dowd 120 H. W. Field 235 H. R. Munro 236 S. E. Quayle 273 Richard Trembath Bystrom 331 J. P. Walsworth 515 R. F. Beyrle 726 T. M. Watkins, II ALPHA IOTA 43 53 58 151 177 237 319 346 703

ALPHA MU 10 28 93 99 135 145 187 • 244 251

B. W. Hankey Harold Milton Hannah E. W. Jones Elmer E. Davies Thomas M. Woodward, Jr. Frank Mac Zahniser Richard H. Baker Robert Henley, Jr. Allen B. Decker


Gilbert Paul Miller

ALPHA XI 127 133 157 181 207 227

E. J. Kane Henry Francis Lyons, Jr. Alfred Franklin Tyrill T. R. Dreyer John B. Peck Thomas Hallum

ALPHA OMICRON Ivan Sack 36 50 J. Burroughs Williams Norman Henry Brinkman 67 Robert Duane Smith 204 292 Alan Lee Bennett Keith LeRoy Nimmo 318 ALPHA RHO 49 Lamar K. Watring ALPHA SIGMA 1 Robert M. Akin 5 William Paul Bracy 7 Edward Lafayette Dunnavan 14 S. G. Kent, Jr. 87 R. Lance Vineyard 100 C. A. Danner 295 J. R. Price 307 John R. Nolan ALPHA TAU 20 35 70 75 107 143 179 354 447

Charles D. Blaich Edward F. Bergner Harry I. Goecker F. V. Olinda John H. Thompson, Jr. William B. Conover, Jr. William Howes Ronald Paul Osley R. M. Cogen

ALPHA UPSILON 11 William M. Hawkes, Jr. 18 John Hart McCann 195 J. W. Hartranft 468 Laird P. Bradley, Jr. 648 Sylvester Zienkiewicz ALPHA PHI 24 31 33 47 48 168 245 253 449

Howard J. Zibble John Theodore Even John Janak F. J. Heidenreich, Jr. J. C. Hodek A. Eugene Bourdon Ralph Palmer Norris D. R. Janowski Laurence John Gass

ALPHA PSI 71 118

T. R, Keyes Daniel James Biro

BETA ALPHA 89 Ralph Dieter Engel BETA BETA 6 35 48

Robert Cowles Jan Dirk Bloempoort Frank Bertram Barr

BETA GAMMA 88 Robert Theodore Connor BETA DELTA 7 C. W. Kelley 74 George Henry Opperman BETA ETA 374

William Mizelle Tracy


Victor E. Trago F. J. Charvat

BETA LAMBDA 188 Michael Busaceo BETA NU 20

August John Kowalski

BETA XI 16 58

Elery Horning Guy Gilmer Bailey

BETA OMICRON 128 A. R. Noble, Jr. 199 M. T. Chevalier GAMMA BETA George N. Badran 62 GAMMA ZETA Robert Brent Peaslee 263 GAMMA XI 20

Thomas Miles Grillin

GAMMA PHI Stephen Arthur Watson 56 GAMMA PSI 30

Donald Haines Bailie, Jr.

GAMMA OMEGA 50 Frank Ernest Bergin DELTA ALPHA 115 Thomas Ray Bailey DELTA MU 20

Stephen Murphy Holland

DELTA RHO 82 Jeffrey Lynn Boone DELTA SIGMA Steve Reynolds Hanna 62 83 Kevin Lynn Ross EPSILON EPSILON Steven C. Gillikin 22

Thomas McGregor Roberts, Jr. CAMPBELL COLLEGE B. B. Stokes, Jr. Larry Wayne Barham 6 John Wilson Buttram DeWitt T. Stuart, Jr. Phillip E. Adams P. E. Dawkins Wilson Roby, Jr. Marvin H. Killinsworth, Jr. T. R. Horn, Jr.

ALPHA KAPPA 1 Paul Harold Boyts 12 L. W. Goodell Francis Bradley Case 48 Richard A. Edwards 79 ALPHA LAMBDA J. B. Gathright 2 Theodore Bernard Tew 27 49 W. F. Carter

‘, The Star and Lamp (ISSN 0038-9854) PI KAPPA PHI 11111E7 I P. 0. Box 240526 Charlotte, N. C. 28224


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Kappa Phi Associate Chapter at St. Leo

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