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page 1.) The PUSH America '88 Team helped Pi Kappa Phi raise over $200,000 this year.(See related story,

INSIDE: PUSH America '88! Fraternity bike riders well underway on their journey to help the handicapped

CHAPTER NEWS Zeta Theta charters at Texas PLUS Pi Kapp scholars announced

FACTS & FIGURES Pi Kappa Phi's yearly statistics Another record breaking year!

ALUMNI Pi Kappa Phi welcomes its newest members to the Golden Legion

Page 1

T H E S T A R A N L D A M P Ilan• of Pi Kappa Phi - Summer 198 8

*11 1{413


PUSH America '88 raised over $50,000 towards this year's totalPi Kappa Phi

gift of$230,805.87 and generated nationwide publicityfor both PUSH and the fraternity.

Pi Kappa Phi Contributions to PUSH Top 200,000! The 1987/88 academic term has marked a banner year for PUSH,as Pi Kappa Phi chapters more than doubled their annual contributions! At year end, 1987/88 chapter contributions totaled $230,805.87, representing an increase of $118,683.43 over last year's total. More than one hundred chapters and associate chapters contributed this year with an average gift of $2,198.15. Eighty percent of these chapters increased their contribution over last year with an average increase of $1,805.62. "This year's contribution levels are testimony to the fact that many chapters are making PUSH fundraising one of their top priorities," said Ken Kaiser, Assistant Director of PUSH. Another reason for the increase in contributions was the creation of PUSH America '88. The event involved a select group of collegiate Pi Kappa Phi members from chapters across the nation. The men gave up their entire summer to raise money for PUSH by bicycling over 3200 miles, coast to coast. The team of twenty left San Diego,California on Monday,June 13,and arrived in Washington, D.C. on August 12.

Their "Journey of Hope" concluded at the nation's capital with a reception and banquet held in the team's honor at Arlington, Virginia's Hyatt Regency-Crystal City. All in all, the team raised over $50,000 for PUSH and for their efforts gained an unprecedented amount of media exposure across the nation. This year's fundraising successes have been accompanied by an equally successful number ofPUSH placements. In fact, more designs and specialized equipment have been placed this past year than ever before. Complete PUSH units were placed at the Lubbock State School in Lubbock,Texas,at Woodhaven Center in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,and at the Dccem Center in Toledo, Ohio. A partial unit was placed at Caswell Center in Kinston,North Carolina to be utilized for research. Through innovations in research and design, PUSH has reached a new plateau in the manufacture and placement of adaptive living environments. Although the traditional PUSH unit is still a basic element of the placement program, the PUSH concept has been expanded to include other specialities such

as the adaptation of outdoor spaces and even traditional home settings. In fact, adaptive bedrooms were placed in two homes this year. Also,specialized architectural designs for large scale renovations were donated to several facilities serving the severely handicapped,including the Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville, Florida and the Bloomfield School in Ivy, Virginia. These changes in PUSH's design approach have removed the limitation of serving only the institutionalized, and have paved the way for placements in other settings as well. Because of the successful fundraising efforts of our fraternity chapters, over $200,000 has been allocated for further research, development and placement of living environments and designs in the 1988/89 fiscal year. The year also marked a visible change to PUSH resource and promotional materials. A more progresiive image was introduced in a poster which depicts a wheelchair, and reads, "We're giving handicapped children someplace else to play." Additional work has begun on

other materials, including a new video/slide show and a collection of printed resources. The new materials will conjure a different image of PUSH, with a decreased emphasis on the "play unit" and increased focus on the variety ofother designs and services PUSH is now providing. "People Understanding the Severely Handicapped" will be used increasingly to focus attention on the organization's strengths in understanding the needs of this special population, and on the creation of positive change through the work of Pi Kappa Phi. The probable change in the PUSH acronym will bring greater attention to PUSH's broadening role in serving the severely handicapped, and to the project's importance to our fraternity. The generous and ongoing support of collegiate chapters and alumni have made 1987/88 a record-setting year for PUSH and Pi Kappa Phi. Most of the chapters are already gearing up for a bigger and better 1988/89. Congratulations Pi Kappa Phi on a terrific fundraising year!!!

New Additions to PUSH Board of Directors

19 riders and crew members made up PUSH America '88

representing 14 chapters.

The PUSH Board of Directors has experienced a great deal of change in the past year. Recent additions to the Board of Directors include Jerry Brewer, Sigma Chapter, University of South Carolina and current Pi Kappa Phi National Council member at large. Jerry will serve as an ex-officio board member and as a representative of the fraternity's National Council. Two professionals from the mental retardation field have also joined the Board of Directors. Regina Moody is the Administrator of Holy Angels Center, a private residential facility for severely handicapped children in Belmont, North Carolina. Bob Welsh, a recent alumni initiate of Epsilon Omega Chaper at Texas Tech, is the Assistant Superintendent of the Lubbock State School, a large institution with over 400 children and adult residents with severely handicapping conditions. Both Holy Angels and the Lubbock State School have

recently received PUSH placements and have established ongoing relationships with PUSH through these two members. David Ammons of Raleigh, North Carolina, brings knowledge of special designs for the severely handicapped. David is a successful businessman who was instrumental in establishing one of the best known retirement communities in the country. Finally, Jim Stump, a Xi Chapter alumnus, brings organizational strengths to PUSH and has already begun leading an effort to revise PUSH's Strategic Plan. Jim is a partner in a mangement and executive search firm based in Charlotte with client companies nationwide. The Board of Directors meets quarterly to discuss and vote on important issues for the organization. Nine of the thirteen PUSH board members are alumni or alumni initiaties of Pi Kappa Phi.


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VALUES Loyalty As A Fraternity Value 111



Written by Thomas Sayre, National Chaplain ofPi Kappa Phi Fraternity,for "The Star and Lamp" recent series ofarticles on values. In this second of a series of articles about Fraternity "values", we look at the concept of "loyalty" and see how it operates (or does not operate) as an essential ingredient in our brotherhood. Like any lofty concept, it is easy to passively mouth the words as if partially asleep, and never really engage in the behaviors which are implied by the words. It is easy to be a "Sunday Christian" and devotedly repeat wise truths aboutloving one's neighbor or turning the other cheek.It is extremely difficult to walk the talk, to act the principle. So it is with the Fraternity. In our ritual, a great deal is expressed about loyalty.It is one of the primary foundation blocks of our initiation. The image of guiding younger brothers, assisting brothers who face difficulty, or defending a brother in trouble even in his absence is expressed over and over again. Indeed, it is the very heart of the ritualistic journey where we learn that we need not be alone, that through a sharing of certain truths or values we can bind together with others and form a group, a fraternity which expresses a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

In our ritual, a great deal is expressed about loyalty. It is one of the primary foundation blocks of our initiation. alk


Most of the time, all this is well and good if everything goes as it should.The life ofa chapter cooks along with the usual ups and downs, but basically hangs together as a mutually tolerant group. The brothers do some things as a whole, and other things as smaller groups which inevitably form within the unit. What is shared between some brothers is deeper than between others. Some brothers have lots of friends, others have few. Most of the time, though, it works out, and we are comfortable with words like brotherhood,faithfulness,and loyalty which are soothing and not problematic. But it is easy when everything goes right. It gets tough when we are tested with real difficulty, and then it often is too late to find out if we really weren't believers after all. It is like a fire alarm which gives us a vague sense of security setting on the wall, but which is only useful in a fire. It is then that we find it either works or it doesn't. Notlong ago,!participated in a discussion in the National Council about what sort of policy our fraternity should have pertaining to AIDS. We talked about policy in general, but also policy,in particular, pertaining to an individual member who might someday become infected with AIDS.I was astounded at the conversation which ensued. First of all, let's review some facts which make the hypothetical situation a distinct possibility. On behavioral grounds undergraduate students are at risk. Students are commonly experimental; those in college may act out differing elements of their sexuality, exercise inconsistent judgement in their selection ofsexual partners,and toy with recreational drugs.They may not confine their sexual explorations to interactions with other students: they have other relationships with other college and university personnel and with citizens in the surrounding community as well. AIDS is clearly no longer a disease of gay men. Heterosexual transmission is well documented! Now suppose hypothetically one of our brothers is diagnosed as a carrier of the HIV

virus and becomes symptomatic. What do we as brothers do? In the Council meeting, which was attended by undergraduates as well as alumni, a lively debate began centering around whether a brother with AIDS could or should remain in the house. Several expressed the notion that, withoutdoubt,such a brother should be excised from the house. The house would be pegged as the "gay house"or the "infected house" and no one would pledge. Such a situation would automatically be doom for that chapter, and so to save it the brother with AIDS would have to go.Listening to this conversation I began to image the "house" as a kind of abstract entity of its own that somehow had to be protected and perpetuated. Others in the discussion were more balanced and saw the hypothetical situation as having some room for negotiation between the individual and the chapter.

Does the concept of fraternity really have guts,or is it indeed,as its dectractors would say, a morally lightweight social club? What came through loud and clear was that the house was somehow more important than the individual who is probably in the most vulnerable position he will ever be in in his life. What seemed to be missing were the actions implied in the word "loyalty". That enabling concept which allows the neophyte to symbolically complete his journey. There is, after all, as real connection between ritual and life. The example of a brother with AIDS presents an example of real-life journey. One full of the most potent rocks and robbers imaginable. The question is: how much support are we willing to give for this kind ofjourney? How tough does it get before we are not loyal to each other? The answer lies somewhere in the broader question of how serious are we about this thing we call fraternity. Does the concept offraternity really have guts,or is it indeed, as its dectractors would say, a morally lightweight social club? Thankfully, the kind of trauma portrayed in this hypothetical situation is rare. We are usually not tested quite so extremely. But in our ritual - that is, if we really take it seriously - we are symbolically tested. Through ritual, we are called upon to act with loyalty.In the real world, we are all neophytes in need of loyalty much of the time. These are not words to be mouthed twice a year, but values to be lived constantly. The beauty of ritual is that we can experience loyalty directly every time we witness the ritual. The key is to really let that symbolic experience take place, and, let it become lodged in our fraternal hearts so that is becomes an active ingredient in our fraternity life. It is not mumbo jumbo; it can be ever-presently real.

Thomas Sayre

Study Finds Fraternities At Risk Concern about risk management is a hot topic among Greek organizations. The liability insuris a threat to every one of us, and shows no sign of abatement. "storm" ance It may come as no shock to find ourselves rated in the 30 top risks. But is IS a shock to be rated in SIXTH place. Here is the list from the Denver Post,citing the Colorado Insurance Commissioner, the Insurance Information Institute, and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. 21. Ice Rinks 11. Manufacturers 1. Bars 22. Nursing Homes 12. Small Businesses 2. Liquor Stores 23. Pesticide Manufacturers 13. Non-profit Entities 3. Child Care Centers 24. Amusement Parks Architects Contractors 14. Asbestos 4. 25. Roller Rinks 5. Hazardous Wast Disposal 15. Nurse-Midwives 26. Carnivals 16. Cities Companies 27. Truckers 6. Fraternities and Sororities 17. State Governments 28. Restaurants 18. School Districts 7. Engineers 29. Hotels 19. Fire Districts 8.'Doctors 20. Parks and Recreation Districts 30. Special Events 9. Lawyers 10. Accountants

BROTHERS WHO HAVE JOINED THE CHAPTER ETERNAL 'Oh,'Death could be triumphant - death in battle, death in love, death infriendship and in peril could begforius if it were proud death,gaunt death, lean, G,riely, tender, loving and heroic death, who bent to touch his chosen son with mercy, love and pity, and put the seal of honor on him when he died!' 'The 'Web and tire Kock; by Brother Thomas 'Wolfe, Kappa '18, 'University of Nirth Carolina. ChapelHill 'Used by permission of die publishers, Harper and Brothers. ALPHA 62 91 119 126 128

Boone Mon Bowen Charles M. Blackman Guy A. Kitten Ward J. Remington John Tindal Conine

BETA 86 97 166

James Addison Neighlmrs Jame. Renw ick Kennedy Joe lowis Clements

GAMMA Ferlys William Thom. 99

OMICRON Ralph Lee Jones 61 James Luther Sewell 62 Robert King Perkiro 92 Woad Rowe Purcell 187 Aztilla Wythe Fleshmandr. 211 218 James L. May,Jr. 240 Houston Lanier Foster 358 Flank P. Hendrickson At,,., Hodges C.Jr. 359 415 Leonard E. Blood Robert F. Singleton 591 692 Robert'leery Homy PI

DELTA 65 93

B. II. Clary Donald D. Ritchie

EPSILON 68 100 122 136 153 177 178

Dr.Thomas II. Hamilton Archibald Fairly Cm,Jr. J. IL Boyd Gwynne !Mold Little Mitchell Heller Arrommith Harman Woodward. Jr. Philip lieller Arrowsmith

ZETA 4 97 101 142 179

Bobo Burnett Claud Irvine Chipley Ralph Seer Owinp Rowell C. King James M. limn

TAU El 72 80 100 159

ETA 113 224

Raymond B. Nixon Emmett B. Cartledge, Jr.

UPSILON 17 132 139 224 239 244 284 353 370

IOTA 249 346 554 714 KAPPA 14 28

98 127 137 151


Virgil T.Stalling. Robert B. Williams Dr. Paul T. Eaton Donald Norman Dunlap

Wilbur Coble Adams Corydon P. Spruill Robert Jordan Harper William 0.11y Fowler Joseph Elvy Slater, Jr. Robert K. Davi.

LAMBDA W.C. Ball 115 150 Ruhu Montgomery Ward 200 J. G. Howard W. II. Ilutchisandr. 438 MU 76 112 227 237 333

Thomas R. Robinson, Jr. Frank H. Bridgen,J. William C. Whiteside.,Jr. Paul J. Barringer, Jr. II. J. Elio, Jr.

24 29 50 88 98 116 165 197 237 272

George D.Driver McKinley F. Clark Ivan Wayne Hedge Robert M. McCandless Uoyd Eltioe Keith R. Catchpole limy Paul Budeigh Richard Parli John V. Matthews Frank C.IIofBoo,

22 41 119 143 155 173 280 847

Reuben Roy Rush George Mince Celdwell Fred Mason Cat Calvin Gtady Cates,Jr. Thome. F. West, h. Melvin Anderson Goldman George J. Jacob. Daniel Paul Roberts



RHO 35 167 170 289 441 SIGMA 130 529 592

ALPHA EPSILON Gifford Grange 43 143 Richard A. Bardwell 156 Judie Fled S. Gilbert, Jr. 198 Irks Q. Wicker 250 K.L. Mock,Jr. C. V. M.Sutcliffe 296 Wilmn L. Badey 456 Henry C. Adcock 464 William Randolph Cribb. George William Summerson William Coley Pierson 601 A. Vernon Mills Thomas B. Cottingham ALPHA 7ETA 31l1Dell W. H.Stewart George H. Jackson 10 Gerald Bruce Shively n Erne.' Edward Fischer Arthur Laroy Mame 52 238 Robert P. Deshaser George D. Gaddy Robert Keller ALPHA ETA Philip Pendell Chlytor,Jr. Charles McKinley Hum 72 187 Edgar L.Thomas Edward Armanie Sutton ALPHA THETA Noah Francis Gibe,.,. r. Harold D. Lakin 25 Roken L.Ceylon. Gecage Dewine Quigley 34 Curies T. Brooks,Jr. 41 James %Mem Stevens Wilton Winstead Soith 161 John Lewis Mole,Jr. NISYriO3 C.CIEW

John Fisher Bracken Ourles Arthur Mahan Ravi W. Burgett Walter Phill Schindel Ray E. McCormick Harty A.Rorer Haden O. Mots limey W.Holmben

PHI 71

Res Aubrey Gephart

C/II 146

Carl II. Johnson

PSI 61 87 189 190 OMEGA 29 78 80 91 124 263 512

ALPHA DELTA William Nathan Gilbert 7 Walter Richard Imes 13 167 D.Charles E. COME, 178 Craig E. Mainers 194 !toward Elliott Bayley 195 Jesse William Barnes Daniel C. Hill 201 399 J. Edward Delloard

Henry Stilwell Brown Gerard Augusto.P.m Truman Kent Power. Midvern Witmer Baker

Richud 8.81.1w.. Raymond Elbert Zook Iltrace B. Andesson Howard Henry Thompom Gordon Ludwig Nord Stew. Manhew Angus hines C. Michael

ALPIIA ALPHA 103 John M. Prance,Jr. A.E. Daniel. Jr. 105

ALPHA BETA Valentine hion 7 Junes Gordon Soon 14 ALPHA GAMMA Cecil Townaend McClure 79 103 lImmui Petrick Cannel. 148 Lyman M.Edward.

ALPHA IOTA George M.Moore,3,. 8 Welch B. Eli.,, 26 165 William R. Clanton 234 Bennen T.Penner 467 Eldred HEMw.,Comstock 496 Joe Parry Braswell All.,,Douglas Powell 928 ALPHA KAPPA Henry Paul Floral* 50 Lloyd C.Poole 84 ALPHA MU 1 Lester loffman Eldo Frey 15 160 Alben Edward Willi...Jr. 687 James Fredrick Mostoller 869 Charles Carter Rich, Jr, 932 Mani. John Dixon


ALPHA NU Joseph S. Kovie 65 Francis Roger Lavelle 92 ALPHA XI Vivian Attwood Carrougher 53 David 0.1Cells 64 Lawrence J. Bolvig 121 139 William J. Trainer, Jr. 244 ChAZIES C.Bunker.Jr. 289 Alfted Seewaldt ALPIIA OMICRON limy J. Dickinson 7 Iv.Sack 36 Canna Oscar Fredrickson 84 Derudd C. Field 87 118 John L. Rigg 124 [patio. Edward Cmneegna 195 John W.Coons 224 Joseph Gifford Altman 401 Thomas Spencer Baker ALPHA PI Fred Pudickar, Jr. 28

ALPHA RHO Gail P. Auldridp 26 Ralph Mad 35 60 W.Denzil Westfall ALPHA SIGMA George William Wynne 78 135 Charles W.Martin 330 W. M.Wilson 655 Steven Walter Locero 686 Matthew Keith Christian ALPHA TAU Job. A. Nemec Floyd Clifford Larson 27 BYAIRI R. Brown 38 196 George Theodore Mote,Jr ALPHA UPSILON Lewis Adams Omen. 151 200 John E. Gamma. M. Bruce Nissley 268 ALPHA PHI John ICennedy Morrison 14 Charles A. Scheackel 17 186 Paul E. ICerby ALPHA OMEGA Etter Arthur Tyerman 88 BETA ALPHA John E. Blasius 47 BETA GAMMA Raymond John Parsons 43 Robert Lee Howard, Jr. 138 BETA DELTA 115 Richard Carrington Young BETA THETA James Fugette Rice 50 BETA KAPPA Paul'aleph Phillip. 151 BETA MN Robert Paul Dart.,Jr. 97 BETA NU D.S. Carpenter 13 BETA RHO 7 Iiinten Lester Totcy BETA TAU 340 Joseph Wan.Prim BETA Pill Phillip M Lonna 32 BETA PSI Jefhey Thom.limper 141 GAMMA ALPHA 374 Stacy Rutillls Cranford GAMMA GAMMA George U. I lartiaon 50 GAMMA MU Donald Wright Lag. 22 DELTA 7ETA 336 Jabe Vernon Hardee II DELTA LAMBDA 336 Dean Alan Reep DELTA UPSILON Joleph Scatt Yeager 76 EPSILON XI James D. Milnamow 82

New Pi Kappa Phi Infrastructure Loan Fund Developed At the 41st Supreme Chapter in Dallas, Texas, the National Council was directed to establish an Infrastructure Loan Fund for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. This fund is to be used to provide loans to chapters, alumni associations, and housing corporations for housing acquisition, housing renovation, furniture, and ritual equipment. .To finance this program,fifteen dollars will be set aside from each initiation fee paid to the fraternity after January 1, 1988, and deposited into the fund. Beginning with the 1988-89 fiscal year, a minimum of $50,000 will be deposited

annually. Should the $50,000 not be raised through initiation fees, the National Council will budget an amount to make up the balance. It is the intent of the fraternity that this fund's assets will never be depleted but simply be a continuously increasing amount in order to better fulfill the needs of the chapters. As directed, the National Council has already begun to establish this fund along with a corresponding use and lending policy which must be approved by the 42nd Supreme Chapter before any of the funds can be loaned.

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Now Guarantees Loans Pi Kappa Phi National Fraternity now has the power to guarantee mortgage loans for chapters of the fraternity. The guarantee can be for a loan used to build a new structure, or for renovation ofan existing one,however they will only be made for legal housing corporations who meet the requirements of the guarantee. As stated in the requirements of the guarantee,"It is the policy of the Fraternity to make available its financial strength in a particular mortgage loan structure in which the Corporation otherwise qualifies with the lender." Thus, this policy

dictates that the housing corporation establish a lending relationship with an institution that has as its only condition blocking the loan,a guarantee. For more information, or to obtain an application for a guarantee, which must show a relationship with a lending institution as mentioned above, write to Executive Director Durward Owen at the Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224.

Page 3

The Pi Kappa Phi Top lOs

6-year statistics tell the story Tables of numbers have a way of being either very boring or very telling. This table is very telling as it chronicles the past 6 years for Pi Kappa Phi chapters. For many chapters a steady row of numbers reflects a tradition bad years. ofstrength and growth,for others their roller-coaster-like existence is illustrated showing good years and How can these numbers be of use to chapters and their alumni? If your chapter corresponds with any of the following patterns you may need to get involved for your chapter's perpetuation. 1. A gradual or sudden decline in the recruiting and initiation numbers yielding a smaller membership. 2. An up-and-down cycle with had years and good years illustrating a lack of continuity in leadership. education 3. A noticeably lower number of initiates as compared to pledges showing a possible unhealthy member program resulting in depledgings.


1982-1983 Pledge/Init.

1983-1984 Pledge/Init.

35/9 21/16 11/21 -/14/15 19/15 11/11 21/16 -/19/9 43/35 8/0 19/14 16/17 12/12 14/15 10/15 17/25 20/15 49/40 10/7 24/4 42/4 33/21 -/33/32 1/2 32/31 12/11 20/16 22/20 25/22 23/17 17/23 14/11 14/0 7/0 23/13 28/39 20/18 14/12 11/16 3/3 18/10 27/14 21/16 36/16 6/5 12/8 20/14 22/11 29/27 19/18 26/18 12/6 7/18 32/22 9/9 15/16 13/10 37/19 14/9 33/25 19/7 5/0 26/18 9/10 15/14 12/5 28/22 27/20 39/19 12/12 -/39/29 10/11 45/37 11/9 13/3 16/8 14/7 13/5 14/22 18/7 24/17 16/16 12/10 11/12 3/2 7/8 15/8 17/13 10/13 43/48 43/47 28/26 42/78 16/15 19/0 39/0 -/• 22/0 -/-/-/-/-

34/38 14/12 26/11 ./7/2 29/20 44/44 22/18 -/27/6 35/29 0/8 30/21 21/13 29/1 16/13 -/36/18 20/12 59/58 26/19 19/25 38/55 15/20 -/21/14 6/6 16/14 15/12 18/16 22/19 21/12 19/20 9/1 19/21 5/19 25/0 22/22 25/17 26/24 16/14 10/7 14/8 21/8 34/18 16/14 18/30 12/0 39/18 22/11 11/22 37/35 15/13 11/18 14/6 9/9 26/16 4/4 5/5 27/17 17/9 12/10 17/12 16/9 13/6 21/11 14/6 19/16 8/4 20/9 38/19 33/31 11/11 39/30 26/24 20/10 41/37 8/7 19/31 31/18 11/14 12/0 16/13 23/13 22/15 8/8 9/4 13/10 26/27 21/34 27/7 11/3 25/18 27/14 27/14 32/11 16/15 17/12 28/30 15/42 38/30 24/32 13/11 -/-/37/0

College of Charleston/Alpha Presbyterian College/Beta California- Berkeley/Gamma Furman/Dcha Wofford College/Zeta Georgia Tech/Iota North Carolina/Kappa Georgia/Lambda Ftbraska/Nu Roanoke College/Xi Alabama/Omicron Washington & Lee/Rho South Carolina/Sigma North Carolina State/fau inois/Upsilon Stetson/Chi Cornell/Psi Purdue/Omega Mercer/Alpha Alpha Florida/Alpha Epsilon Oregon State/Alpha Zeta Samford/Alpha Eta Michigan State/Alpha Theta Aubum/Alpha ICU Michigan/Alpha Kappa Penn State/Alpha Mu Polytechnic University/Alpha Xi Iowa State/Alpha Omicron West Virginia/Alpha Rho Tennessee/Alpha Sigma Rensselaer/Alpha Tau Drexel/Alpha Upsilon 1.1.7./Alpha Phi Ind/aria/Alpha Psi N.J.I.T./Beta Alpha Florida Southem/Beta Beta Louisville/Beta Gamma Drake/Beta Delta Missouri/Beta Epsilon Florida State/Beta Eta Toledo/Beta Iota Georgia State/Beta Kappa Tampa/Beta Lambda McNeesealcus Mu Valdosts/Reta Tau Virginia/Beta Upsilon East Carolina/Beta Phi East Texas State/Beta Chi East Tennessee State/Beta Omega Livingston/Gamma Alpha Old Dominion/Gamma Beta Troy State/Gamma Gamma Memphis/Gamma Delta Western Carolina/GammaEpsilon West Virginia Tech/Gamma Zeta UNC • Wilmington/Gamma'Meta Georgia Southern/Gamma Kappa Missouri - Rolla/Gamma Lambda Belmont Abbey Coll./Gamma Mu LaGrange College/Gamma Na Georgia Southwestern/Gamma Xi Lander/Gamma Rho Oklahoma State/Garruna Upsilon South Alabama/Gamma Phi Augusta College/Gamma Psi Montevallo/Gamma Omega Virginia Tech/Delta Alpha North Georgia/Delta Beta Nebraska-Omaha/Delta Gamma Northeast Missouri St/Delta Delta Jacksonville Sm/Delta Epsilon Appalachian/Delta Zeta Morehead/Delta Eta Pernbroke/l)elta Kappa UNC-Charlotte/Delta Lambda Bowling Green/Delta Sigma Janes Madison /Delta Tau Univ. of Pittsburgh/Delta Upsilon Radford College/Delta Phi Kansas State/Delta Chi Texas A & M/Delta Omega Eon College/Epsilon Alpha Grand Valley St. /Epsilon Beta Longwood Col/Epsilon Gamma Auburn-Mont./Epsilon Delta Clinch Val. Col/Epsilon Erssilon Univ of Central Ark/Epsilon Zeta Winthrop College/Epsilon Eta Seton I loll/Epsilon Theta UNC-Greensboro/Epsilon Iota Southern Tech/Epsilon Kappa USC-Sptburg/Epsilon Lambda Bradley/Epsilon Mu Cal. State-Sacramento/Epsilon Nu LaSalle College/Epsilon Xi V illanova/Epsilon Omicron Virginia Crnnwealth/Epsilon Pi Lenoir-Rhyne/Epsilon Rho Christian Brothers/Epsilon Sigma St. Joseph's/Epsilon Tau Georgia College/Epsilon Upsilon U. of Alabarna•Bluun/Epsilon Phi Univ. of Denver/Epsilon Slippery Rock/Epsilon Psi Texas Tech/Epsilon Omega Calif-San Diego/Zeta Beta North Dakota/Zeta Gamma Shippensburggeta Delta George Ma.son/Zeta Epsilon North Florida/Zeta Zeta South Florida/Zeta Eta Texas Austin/Au Theta I.U.P./Zeta Iota Stockton St/Zeta Kappa

Averett College Cal State-Davis Cal State-Northridge Chico Slaw Clemson Univ/Phi Alpha Sigma Duke Univ/Mu Fullerton Jacksonville Univ/Gamma Chi Lacrosse Marshall University Methodist/Delta Mu Oklahoma/Alpha Gamma Shorter College SUNY-Cortland Texas-Arlington/Delta Psi Univ. of LaVeme Wesley College West Chester



1984-1985 Pledge/Init. 31/7 10/8 19/7 21/52 10/4 20/14 35/32 31/27 67/0 25/13 25/13 19/19 28/14 13/12 15/30 9/12 13/11 34/25 14/13 67/53 21/19 11/0 34/33 2.5/19 -/19/20 4/3 15/13 15/9 25/22 22/22 42/51 26/21 16/17 18/13 7/6 24/41 8/7 16/10 31/26 25/22 9/6 14/6 17/8 28/19 13/18 24/12 11/18 24/18 25/15 30/16 33/20 4/2 13/0 2/6 2/2 18/27 15/8 16/16 21/11 12/7 13/10 27/14 14/13 13/12 16/8 10/15 14/9 12/11 29/36 46/25 35/25 717 14/3 27/18 6/5 28/23 11/11 27/22 23/14 22/19 19/21 12/15 29/25 22/19 14/13 15/0 14/9 11/7 33/31 14/10 16/5 16/18 33/39 33/38 23/34 47/35 10/3 28/26 16/17 14/13 21/13 11/12 24/29 56/42 19/1 -/-/-

1985-1986 Pledge/Init. 44/23 16/9 38/63 11/14 18/15 27/17 23/23 32/11 46/59 14/10 40/28 26/18 47/48 24/17 12/10 21/8 18/10 27/8 14/8 62/58 29/19 14/26 51/42 35/29 35/24/26 8/5 7/4 32/30 24/22 28/23 34/27 12/9 20/21 20/15 11/8 16/12 46/48 23/11 24/21 27/9 17/2 19/13 22/16 30/10 22/10 13/17 7/2 35/19 20/19 23/18 28/17 18/17 36/49 13/12 30/30 48/20 14/5 6/6 31/24 23/19 17/15 24/22 6/0 11/10 17/8 20/12 18/17 10/2 26/18 44/21 55/36 0/0 7/14 47/33 23/21 34/33 10/10 25/24 20/16 8/6 26/31 12/9 35/13 28/19 23/19 5/14 13/11 18/13 21/17 22/16 15/12 18/7 22/11 22/11 15/5 35/45 21/25 20/36 29/31 36/22 19/9 1/1 3/3 24/22 38/38 45/8 43/19/-

1986-1987 Pledge/Init. 30/19 16/9 20/10 11/12 10/17 21/22 23/23 54/53 18/14 39/28 40/24 16/9 44/41 21/22 21/27 12/23 -/30/36 25/18 62/64 29/18 23/15 44/53 36/27 30/43 36/25 12/15 47/0 23/10 39/17 18/17 43/40 14/11 67/17/19 7/7 11/3 21/22 6/12 42/38 15/9 ./22/18 16(4 40//26 15/17 24/22 12/7 11/5 31/9 30/30 28/28 14/9 22/24 9/8 10/9 14/15 12/13 19/9 30/32 30/10 11/10 24/16 25/8 24/12 21/13 26/9 14/4 28/16 20/21 25/17 38/29 6/6 11/8 37/20 26/17 41/37 23/26 35/35 20/13 2/2 8/7 9/0 23/22 25/23 9/6 1/1 17/18 12/15 20/23 34/24 20/23 24/31 23/23 18/31 40/40 7/9 26/22 35/32 18/11 14/13 16/12 7/3 25/23 34/14 33/43 25/41 16/53 25/39 30/28



14/27 5/2 28/40/19/18 15/17


30/20/12 69/-/-


1987-1988 Pledge/Emit

1987-1988 PUSI I Cont.

16/17 3/3 24/17 8/8 51/4 18/12 8/8 47/46 13/5 4-4/19 49/33 16/26 49/39 28/33 17/15 12/5

0.00 473.CX1 95.71 719142 500.00 1,039.40 0.00 1,770.00 2,01 2.00 717.86 1,836.62 450.00 8,701.00 5,03500 493.58 502.00

32/26 41/22 51/24 38/22 20/11 45/44 26/14 16/19 27/31 7/7 26/36 37/33 32/36 28/25 39/31 13/6 43/87 9/12 15/6 14/8 20/16 45/0 50/44 33/25

2,567.70 535.53 8,054.13 300.00 0.00 3,224.50 900.00 2,348.19 0.00 100.03 4930.86 1,500.00 5,290.12 2197.64 6,501.00 183.03 10,161.14 3,365.94 1,800.00 152.49 683.10 0.00 16,81900 0.00

12/11 16/12 43/24 16/13 12/8 12/4 25/22 27/12 31/18 21/11 10/6 14/13 20/17 41/33 14/9 10/15 21/12 32/25 14/13 26/15 20(21 16/13 15/12 30/40 11/13 7/8 25/23 38/30 31/15 6/1 9/7 28/25 41/28 27/22 17/14 18/15 15/12 13/10 17/18 17/16 29/7 19/9 13/10 9/0 12/9 14/9 20/20 25/19 9/4 23/20 13/11 30/13 37/14 25/25 19/20 31/28 30/31 32/16 19/16 23/23 35/24 27/38 19/12 25/24 31/25 30/25 20/42 49/40 35/48 65/38

23/0 44/0 38/0 39/0 25/0 7/5 24/0 21/22 1/0 16/0 13/0 41/0 23/0 44'O 20/0 26/0 0/0 46/0

1,001.00 600.00 50010 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 174.75 4,126.00 0.00 2,320.00 225.00 0.00 1,212.00 1,001.00 1,526.34 340.00 3,354.00 2500.00 2,501.00 1,00200 2.68.94 2,080.23 0.00 2,813.39 75.(5) 0.00 1,586.82 1,000.00 2928.52 1,199.77 0.00 3,000.00 17,388.00 210.00 1,390.00 1,(810.00 1,900.00 340.00 560.11 5,028.38 500.00 1,0510.00 201.83 0.00 300.00 1,001.25 987.50 2,020.00 1,500.00 3,041.68 367.34 5,040.71 6,915.00 500.00 1,764.00 4,30292 731.25 260.10 4,674.50 312.02 250.00 575.00 1,100.00 71040 15,068.16 1,380.35 3,050.25 750.00 0.00 1,056.30

1987-88 Edition

Total Initiates 771 617 932 423 676 1072 912 1110 518 851 1491 829 895 831 819 1037 668 1238 384 1558 841 764 1018 1241 169 1095 653 680 234 776 939 1125 710 605 560 453 245 611 345 758 394 343 543 266 460 460 493 296 280 425 311 565 337 394 429 297 371 161 185 277 351 252 326 169 162 245 245 338 128 287 368 395 146 151 388 167 311 136 248 171 99 161 109 160 144 118 72 118 112 179 120 95 136 169 151 228 89 136 164 114 94 53 37 129 79 90 58 82 65 53 42 43 53 38

2,073.37 483.65 0.00

TOP 10 CHAPTERS # of Initiates this Year I.

2. 3.

4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

87 Alpha Psi - Indiana* Zeta lout - Indiana Univ. of PA. 48 46 Lambda - Georgia 44 Alpha Theta - Michigan St. 44 Bate Eta - Florida St. 42 Zeta Eta - South Florida* 40 Delta Alpha - Virginia Tech 40 Zeta Theta - Texas* 39 Sigma. South Carolina Zeta Beta -.California/San Diego 38

TOP 10 CHAPTERS # of Undergraduate Members 1987-88 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

• Chartered or Reorganized this past year

Alpha Epsilon - Florida Alpha Theta - Michigan St. Omicron - Alabama Alpha Upsilon - Drexel Lambda - Georgia Sigma - South Carolina Delta Tau - James Madison Omega - Purdue Bela Cut - Florida St. Alpha Psi - Indiana

51:8100 0.00 1,057.28

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10

Alpha Epsilon - Florida Omicron - Alabama Alpha Iota - Auburn Omega - Purdue Alpha Upsilon - Drexel Lambda - Georgia Alpha Mu - Penn State Iota - Georgia Tech Chi - Stetson Alpha Theta - Michigan Stale

460.90 793.80 2,733.18 577.70

78 435


99 91 90 86 81

1558 1491

1241 1238 1125 1110 1095 1072 1037 1018

TOP 10 CHAPTERS # Pledged this Year I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Zeta Kappa - Stockton St.* Zeta - Wofford* Alpha Epsilon - Florida Beta Eta - Florida St. Omicron - Alabama Sigma - South Carolina Zeta Theta - Texas* Lambda - Georgia SUNY-Cortland Assoc. Chapter West Chester Assoc. Chapter

65 51 51 50 49 49 49 47 46 46

*Chartered or Reorganized this past year

Record Highs for Pi Kappa Phi! Average Chapter Size

IIMIMMMil 56 50.8 49

2,350 1,745.5 2,157

Initiates for Year

3,166 2,331.9 2,857

Pledges for Year

Average Number of Pledges per Chapter

Average Number of Initiates per

satoi.'`Wil 25.1 24.4 27

20.4 17.5 20.3

903 124

100 99

TOP 10 CHAPTERS Total Initiates

Chapter 0.00 2,802.31 0.00 250.00

179 111) 110

EEI Pi Kappa Phi 1987-88 All National Fraternity Average 1987-88 El Pi Kappa Phi 1986-87

Page 4


Pi Kapp Scholars Steven Garren The breadth of our country is represented by Pi Kapps who are being recognized by the Pi Kapp Scholar Award - from San Diego to Greensboro, North Carolina. These brothers have chosen academic majors in Engineering, Science, Liberal Arts and Business, and have excelled in demanding curriculums preparing them for professional schools and careers.

Steven Garren, a junior in Acconting at Roanoke College and Scholarship Chairman of Xi Chapter,earned a 3.92 G.P.A. while being involved in a variety of outside activities and organizations. He is a member and President of Alpha Lambda Delta, Tau Sigma Rho, and Phi Society Honoraries, a member and Vice-President of Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honorary, and a member and Secretary of Society ofPhysics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honor Society. He is in Blue Key and Alpha Chi, has made the Dean's List several times, and is a member, and winner of the coaches award, of the school tennis team. Steven has won a several scholastic awards, one of which is the Bittle Scholar,the highest academic honor at Roanoke College.

Not the stereotypic bibliophiles, these men have also distinguished themselves in sports, service to the fraternity and community, and they are professionally active in school organizations. Leadership traits are also exhibited by their election to office in the chapters. While they cover the breadth ofour nation, they are also the "bread" and the "butter" of our fraternity.

Peter Corrigan

Jong Ho Ham

Derek A. Jones

Benjamin R.Seecof

As a member of the University of California / San Diego's Zeta Beta Chapter, Peter Corrigan is a founding father of the chapter, served as Scholarship Chairman and Treasurer, and managed to maintain a 3.66 G.P.A. in Management Science. Still, Peter found time to be a teaching assistant and a tutor coordinator for the Economics Department. Peter enjoys bodysurfing and sailing in his spare time, and is an Eagle Scout.

A senior in Pre-Med, Jong Ho is a member of Upsilon Chapter at the University of Illinois with a 3.8 G.P.A. His activities include membership in Order of Omega,the IFC Formal Rush Committee,Tae Kwon Do Club,and various church activities. As a school service, he is a Greek Peer Advisor.

A chairman of two committees for Alpha Iota Chapter at Auburn University,Derek is a Junior in Pre-Med with a 3.97 G.P.A. He serves as a volunteer at Sacred Heart Hospital, and is involved in many organizations including: Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Lambda Sigma, and Talons Honoraries,Traffic Appeals Board,Interfraternity Council Scholarship Committee, and Auburn University Concert Choir. He also plays intramural football and volleyball for his chapter.

One of three members of University of California/San Diego's Zeta Beta Chapter to be chosen as a Pi Kapp Scholar, Benjamin is a senior in Media Production with a 3.66 G.P.A. For his chapter, he served as Warden, and also helped to organize rape prevention seminars with the University Rape Prevention Center. He is employed as a law clerk for Attorney James Pokorney, and is also a Regent's Scholar.

Dale Moorefield

Brian C.Perlov

Keith V. Rundle

Eric S. Wahlen

Dale,a member ofEpsilon Iota Chapter at the University of North Carolina, is a junior in Liberal Arts with a 3.89 G.P.A. He has served on the Rush, PUSH, and Housing Committees of his chapter and has managed to involve himself in a variety of activities. He is a member of University Marshalls, Golden Chain Honor Society, and Spartan Spirits; serves as a play-by-play announcer on the Spartan Sports Network, and works as the Asst. News Director and Staff Representative at his campus radio station. In-addition, Dale serves his country as a Drill Sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserves.

Earning a 3.73 G.P.A. at the University of Tennessee in Electrical Engineering, Brian is a member of Alpha Sigma Chapter. Besides tutoring for the math department, he is involved in Phi Eta Sigma, Gamma Beta Phi„ Eta Kappa Nu,Tau Beta Pi, and Phi Kappa Phi Honoraries; is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and plays football, softball, and tennis for his chapter. For 5 quarters , Brian was also a Cooperative Engineer for IBM in Boca Raton, FL.

As founding Archon of Zeta Beta Chapter at the University of California/San Diego, Keith earned a 3.59 G.P.A. in Psychology and became active in a host of school and community activities. He is a member of IFC and President's Council, a member of UCSD Scuba and Snow Ski Clubs, Chairman of Fundraising Hall Programming Advisors,and Chief Instructor of UCSD Kung Fu Class. He has also taught self-defense class as a volunteer, and helped raise money for the UCSD Cancer Research Center.

Having already served Beta Eta Chapter as Secretary, Vice-Archon, and Archon, Eric is a junior at Florida State University. While being involved in many school activities, he also managed to earn a 3.76 G.P.A. in Accounting. His activities include: Deputy Supervisor of Elections for F.S.U., Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, Founding Father and President of B.K.A. Greek Honorary, Golden Key, Beta Alph Psi, and Order of Omega. He is also employed as a messenger at Ausley Firm.

Page 5

Delta Chi Chapter at Kansas State Celebrates 10th Anniversary On April 16, 1988, Delta Chi Chapter held it's Rose Ball Formal to celebrate the Tenth

Anniversary of their chartering. In attendance were sixty-five Pi Kapps and their dates for what

turned out to be a grand celebration and the best attended Rose Ball Formal in the chapter's history. Events began on Thursday, April 14, when members wore their letters on campus.On Friday, April 15, members dressed in coat and tie on campus.They also participated in an event involving the ritual in remembrance of the Midation ceremony of our charter members ten

Delta Chi Members at Kansas State celebrating their Tenth Anniversary

"Tau Is a Shining Gem In The Fraternity World" -Durward Owen,Executive Director Tau Chapter has had their finest year ever, and we are proud that our hard work is being noticed. At North Carolina State University,Pi Kappa Phi placed in the top five in Greek Week, and had one of its largest rush efforts in recent history, recruiting 28 men. With over 70 actives, the chapter is within one man of being the largest house on campus. Most importantly, Tau accomplished these improvements while maintaining a top five percent chapter GPA.

Tau has also been excelling on the national level. The chapter has increased its membership by 50% over the past year and initiated over90% ofits pledges for the first time in years. In addition to this marvel, the chapter donated over $5,000 to PUSH,and achieved its goal, the Silver Star Award. In a recent alumni meeting, Durward Owen, the Executive Director of Pi Kappa Phi National Fraternity was quoted as saying, "Tau is a shining gem in the

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity world." Another improvement at N.C.S.U. is the chapter house. This year the chapter itself funded over $10,000 in capital improvements including new carpet, new paneling and new lighting. And, better yet, the house was completely renovated in the summer of '88 by the chapter via a university backed loan. The renovations consist of new roofing, windows, air conditioning/heating and fixtures.

University of Texas Chartered as Zeta Theta , Ix

ti The Men ofZeta Theta Chapter at the University of Texas In the summer of 1985, Greg Salmon and Zack Sweeney met with Joe Freeman and Joey Busa of Radford University (Virginia). It was.then that Greg and Zack decided that the University of Texas at Austin needed a nonhazing,responsible fraternity. The fall semester saw a group of approximately 25 men meet Ed Jesko at the Spaghetti Warehouse on September 29, 1985,for further discussion on how to start a fraternity. The fire was lit. Jay Barrow, Leadership Consultant, came to Austin a few weeks later to initiate us as Associate Members. The Austin core was formed of which nine remained from the many ups and downs to end up as the Zeta Theta Chapter. During the two and a half years it took to receive our charter, the colony rode a woolly rollercoaster. The fraternity's first house was at 2827 Salado, with dues at $35 and membership at about 30 men. The roller coaster took a big drop in the spring of '86 with the fraternity losing about half to one-third of its members, due to policy changes regarding dues, selectivity, and whether or not it was going to be a fraternity orjust a party group.The summer saw those still involved making an effort to stay together. The Administrative Office saw one member attend Pi Kapp College that summer. This is where Gregory Scott Salmon became the

#1 initiate of Zeta Theta. That fall saw only 4 new members join and we lost our house due to old members quitting. Despite these hard drops on the track, the ride started to climb with the fraternity donating over $1,000 to PUSH through Highway Holdups and Capture tournaments. The colony dipped to a dangerously low 15 members during spring and some people said we weren't going to make it, but wejust hung on harder. Tom Hain was chairing the housing committee and looking for a house became a priority issue. After a couple of weeks, things didn't look good. Then one day,Greg and Tom happened to see the perfect house and the owner let us lease it for an unbelievably low price. That was the turning point of an uphill roller coaster ride that didn't level off until chartering with the fraternity sending two members to Supreme Chapter in the fall. Then in fall '87, with rush being spearheaded by guru Mark Bola, the chapter was motivated to get enough members to double our size and to push us past the 45 member mark needed for chartering. Next was the chapter dominating 17 other fraternities in an event hosted by Delta Gamma sorority called Anchor Splash. We took third in a swimming event, second in a mystery event, first in synchronized swimming, spirit, and overall. We held Capture again, after which we held a semi-

formal. Having four members at AVATW,and rush pushing us past 60 members in the spring of '88, the chapter only needed minor work to succeed in obtaining chapter status. Ever since its inception, the colony has been noted for its high academic excellence, with two semesters having a chapter grade point average above a 3.0. New traditions abound in the colony, and this spring two of our members ran and were elected as student senators while Mike Hulbert was elected student government president. Hopefully this is the start ofa Pi Kapp tradition where at least one Pi Kapp is always in a student leadership position. Athletically Pi Kapps continue to compete at the"A"level in football, volleyball, basketball,soccer and softball, with a runner-up position in volleyball highlighting our team athletics. Fraternity members have achieved two intramural golf championships, two intramural swimming championships,and a position on the All-Fraternity Council football team. One feeling that all of the Pi Kapps of Zeta Theta share is our desire to be able to return to Austin many years from now and find a fraternity that places no emphasis on materialism,that steers away from elitism, that refuses to haze its pledges, all of which were characteristics that we found unattractive in some fraterni-

years earlier. Saturday, April 16, began with a past archon's luncheon followed by an alumni gathering at the house. Later that evening was the Rose Ball Formal. The Rose Ball Formal began with cocktails and then the "Pi Kapp Toast" was read and members toasted to another ten years. The archon then welcomed everyone. The historian read a letter about the early days from an alumnus, Bob Hiss, who was unable to attend. Our chapter's number one initiate spoke about the chartering. Invocation was given by the chaplain, Andy Lamniers and following dinner Dr. Frank Parrish, Area Governor for Area VIII, spoke. His speech was entitled "Fraternity as a Life Experience." Receiving awards were Alumni of the Year - Brent Grauberger; Associate of the Year - Mike Meng;Athlete ofthe Year - Mike Austin; and Member of the Year - Dale Bushylicad.The announcement of Rose Queen was then made and Karen Taylor, a member of Alpha Gamma Delta was selected. Karen and her escort, Mark Sascnick began to dance to the first song of the evening. Other members and their dates then joined in. A lot of reminiscing and looking to the future was shared by the members celebrating ten years of growth and brotherhood. "Let brotherly love continue."(Hebrews 13:1)

Bust most exciting is the reorganization of the alumni housing corporation. This organization is being organized and implemented entirely by Tau alumni, in particular, Duff Freeman, Bob Lamphier, William Campbell, Tom Saieed, and Hunt McKinnon. The organization's purpose will be advising, counseling and supporting the undergraduate chapter and most importantly, provide a means through which alumni brothers can be involved with each other. The plans for this organization include alumni luncheons and a special homecoming celebration on November 12, 1988.The Chapter is very excited and the program is developing well. We encourage your participation and much needed assistance. For information on this organization or the chapter,feel free to contact alumni advisor Bob Lamphier at (919)481-3449.

ties upon our arrival here at Texas. We hope to find a fraternity thatstillemphasizes the need for excellence in academics, that still competes athletically with a high intensity, that is still cognizant and considerate of all members ofour university community. And most importantly,a fraternity that is still interested in each and every member as an individual, yet still exists as a true, unified brotherhood. In early spring semester the stringent requirements were met, and the Pi Kappa Phi National Council approved the chartering of Zeta Theta at the University of Texas at Austin. Glenn Dickson, Assistant Executive Director, supervised the events, along with Chartering Officer Dr. Phillip M. Summers, President, Vincennes University,and Drew Hudel, Area Governor, Area VII. Leadership Consultant Mike Maddox was there for the Administrative office. The dates were set for March 3,4 and 5. It all began on Thursday night, March 3, with the written examinations. The next day the group photo was taken, then came the grueling oral examinations. These oral examinations were etched into the fraternity members' minds by Dr. Phillip M. Summers wonderfully deep voice. After the successful completion and extensive review of the members to ensure our strong commitment to being chartered, the initiation process began. Performing the ceremony were the men from Texas Tech, Epsilon Omega. The men from Tech did a tremendous job initiating over 50 members, including two fathers, Dr. Edward Summers(Mike)and Col.Jack Salmon (Brad and Greg), and an alumni initiate, Jerry Trojan. It was truly anight that will be cherished and remembered forever. The Chartering Banquet was a special occasion for the 200 plus people that attended. The evening started off with Glenn Dickson introducing Dr. Phillip Summers. Summers then went on to present the charter to Archon Michael Lipscomb. Darren Stroud, Chaplain, made chapter presentations. Greg Salmon,past Archon, gave a brief history. Paul Drake, first Chapter Advisor, gave a special presentation. Mostimpressive were Dr.Summers'Chartering Officer's Remarks. Special guests from the University ofTexas were Glen Maloney,Assistant Dean of Students, and Scott Wilder, IntraFraternity Council Director. The presentation ended with the singing of"The Rose"and "You Are My Sunshine" to our dates and mothers.

Council Club Kappa-North Carolina-Otis R. McCollum,Alpha Epsilon-Florida-Ben H. Griffin, Jr., Alpha Iota-Auburn-James N. Crump

Foundation Club Lambda-Georgia-Robert E. Knox, Xi-Roanoke-Judge James Turk. Alpha Epsilon-Florida-Georgo S. Coulter, Alpha Omicron-Iowa State-Kelley A. Bergstrom, Beta Alpha-NJIT-Steve DePalma, Beta Beta-Florida Southern-Theodore A. Scharfonstein, Beta Gamma-Louisville-Ronald E. Krebs

Lamplighters Club Alpha-Charleston.Julius E. Burgos, Lambda-Georgia-Thomas P. Tappy, Mu-Duke-Louis P. Jervel, Jr., Omicron-Alabama-Travis P. Julian, Alpha Epsilon-Florida-Richard C. Bartlett, David W. Henn, Daniel A. Martinez, Gamma Kappa-Georgia Southern- Perry W. Buffington

Executive Directors Club Alpha-Charleston-James B. Edwards, John C. Hassell, Epsilon-Davidson-Charles H. Babcock, Jr., Harry V. Hendrick. Peter S. Knox, Jr., Zeta-Wofford-Aylette P. Evans, Kappa-North Carolina-William K. Rollins, Lambda-Georgia-Jack G. Hutchinson, Mu-Duke-William F. Franck, Jr., William D. Fuqua, Marshall I. Pickens, Nu-Nebraska-Geore F. Spatz, Xi-Roanoke-Durward W.Owen, John J. Ribar, Jr., Omicron-AlabamaRobert A. Brannan, Rho- Washington & Lee-Howard D. Leake, Upsilon-Illinois, James G.Schalin, Alpha Gamma-Oklahoma-Vernon B. Stansell. Alpha Delta-Washington-Walter C. Avery, Alpha Epsilon-FloridaJoseph 0. Boote, Jr., Andrew M. Carraway, Harry E. Fry. Jr., Albert S. Herlong, Jr., Byron E. Herlong, Robert W. McMullen II, Robert N. Scott, Charles A. Stewart, Robert D. Tylander, Alpha Zeta-Oregon State-Jack W. Steward, Alpha Eta-Samford-Jack Bell, James L. Daley, Alpha Iota-Auburn-Frank H. Hawthrone. Alpha Nu-Ohio State-James L. Miller, Alpha Omicron-Iowa State-Hubert M. Lattan, Frank M. Parrish Ill, Beta Alpha-NJIT-John F. Lee, Jr., Beta Lambda-Tampa-Aaron H. Dowd, Beta Upsilon-Virginia-Daniel B. Kimball, Jr., Gamma Delta-Memphis State-Michael F. Brady, Gamma Xi-Georgia Southwestern-William L. Finney, Delta Zeta-Appalachian State-Arthur J. Ouickenton

Gold Star Club Alpha-Charleston-Harry W.Freeman, David H. Jaffee, Glenn F. McConnell, William L. Runyon, Jr., George E. Sheetz, Beta-Presbyterian-Gus Cornelius Adams, Andrew G. Elam II, Clifton C. Goodwin III, Marion C. Mixson, Gamma-Cal-Berkeley-Richard P. Cornish, Steven S. Ryder, Eta-Emory-Samuel J. Westbrook, John C. Wilson, Iota-Georgia Tech-James L. Bouldin, William L. Gordy, Bruce M. Jewett, James G. Pritchett, Jr., Kappa-North Carolina-William S. Hicks, Thomas H.Sayre, Lambda-Georgia- lssac W.Lang,Jr., Mu-Duke-John S.Boone,Warren H.Pope, Xi-Roanoke-Lyman N. Fairbanks III, Seibert W.Lavinder, Roy R.Pollard, Jr., E. Joseph VonCulin, Allen 0. Woody Ill, Dudley F. Woody, Omicron- Alabama-Jack M. Blasius, Samuel L. Brent, Jr., Harry E. Caldwell, Jr., William C. Caldwell, Joe C. Cassady, Doston L. Gurganus, Robert N. Hightower, Oscar J. Pardue, Jr., Sigma-South Carolina-Jerry T. Brewer, Jay Hammen, Waller H. Pickens, Jr., Adrian A. Spears, Tau-NC State-Jason B. Dayton, Jr., Upsilon-Illinois-Fritz H. Elich, Peter M. Maier, Lisle W. M en zimer, Donald F. Mulvihill, Stanley N. Perkins. Psi-Cornell-George F. Heinrich, Lawrence G. Thayer,Omega-Purdue-John E. Lovell, Emmanuel O'Drobinak. Herman G. Riggs, Alpha Gamma-OklahomaRobert C. Dunnington,Cosby T. Huddle, Melville W. Metcalfe, Esthmer H. Skinner, Alpha Delta-Florida-Peter C. Barr, David 0.Charland, Charles G. Hudspeth, Robert J. Paterno, Howard W.Penengill, Jr., Raymond C. Tylander, Arthur G. Writers. Guy D. Wood, Jr., Alpha Zeta-Oregon State-Noel B. Flynn, Alpha Eta-Samford-Warren W. Nilson, Alpha Theta-Michigan State-Theodore D. Aylward, Alpha Iota-Auburn-Fontaine A. Maddox, Sr., Robert B. Props', Alpha Lambda-Ole Miss-Talbot B. Newman, Jr., Alpha Xi-PINY-Henry H. Meyer, Alpha Omicron-Iowa State-Roy M. Kottman, Alpha Rho-West Virginia-Patrick E. Farley, Alpha Sigma-Tennessee-Charles H. Van,Jr., Alpha Tau-RPI-Gordon B.Wright. Alpha Upsilon-Drexel, Walter K.Sheppard, Alpha Phi-Illinois Tech-John P.Sachs, Alpha Chi-Miami-Frank N. Holley III, Alpha Psi -IndianaTerry R. Brown, Robert T. Gnall, Phillip M. Summers, Beta Alpha.NJIT- Edward J. Klebaur, Jr. Donald R. VanHouten, Beta Gamma-Louisville- Warren D. Robb, Beta Delta-Drake-Robert A. Clone, Howard I. Smith, Jr., Beta Eta-Florida Stale-Bream A. McCray, Beta Lambda-Tampa-Jeffrey R. White, Beta Mu-McNeese-Richard B. Smith, Beta Tau-Valdosta-Theodore E. Nelson, Beta Upsilon-Virginia- Walter H. Brinkman, Joseph B. Yount III, Gamma Beta-Old Dominion-Charles E. Brady III, Gamma Delta-Memphis State-David L. Everson,Gamma lota-L&U-John L. Lanaux,Gamma Kappa-Georgia Southwestern-Richard B. Folger, Boyce E. Miller III, Gamma Upsilon-Oklahoma State-Cary J. Rogers, Gamma Chi-Jacksonville-Salem L. Van Every, Gamma Omega-Montevallo-James B. Beal, Jr., Delta Zeta-Appalachian State-Mark F. Christopher, Delta Iota-Middle Tennessee-Carl P. Hanley, Delta Lambda-UNC-Charlotte-Richard D. Nolley, Delta Tau-James Madison-Jerry P. Keilsohn, Epsilon Beta-Grand Valley-Ted R. Lukomskl

Chevron Club Alpha-Charreston.Gary A.Cattenon,Stephen E.Chandler,Roy S. Clifton, Jr., Harry W.F reernan, Jr., David M.Pease,John R.Wahon,Jr., Beta-Presbyterian-James V.Sallo,Jr„Gamma-Cal-Berkeley-Ned R.Crouch, Stuart A. Montfort, James G. Seiler, Stanley F. Shepard, Robert G. Tuck. Charles M. Williams, Epsilon-Davidson-Frederick St. Curdts, Allen J. Graham, Jr., Hugh YeNenon, Jr., William P. Yelverton, Zeta-WolfordAbner P. Stockman Ill, Els-Emory-Edward C. Bruce, Jr., Joseph W. Cannon, Jr., Primus S. Hipp, Kenneth C. Kiehl, William N. Newson, Hoseph F. Puett, Joseph C. Shearer, George W. Williams, Iota-Georgia TechJoel D. Bonewitz,Douglass B. Bullard, Ervin M.Combs,William E. Dimrnock, William H, Funk, Frank C.Hodge,Alan A.Imm,Donaki C.Johnston,Arthur F.Perkins,John H. Puckett,Stanley S. Roberts, Robert S. Rowland, Jr., Kappa-North Carolina-Peter E. Berg, William E. Bobbie,Lindon G. Couch,Glenn D. Dodson, Jr., Woodrow W.Gunter II, Aaron J. Jones,Jr., Clay R.Serenbetz,Jon G.Slater, Winton G. Wilks,Jr., James D.Worsham, Lambda-Georgia-Joe P. Adams, Jr., Glenn W. Bard, William A. Foster. Jr., James G. Hull, Floyd L. Langston, Larry E. McDaniel, John L. Miller, Mu-Duke-George M. Benda, Larry D. Clifton, William W. Dodson, Jr., Robert T. Dunn, Robert D. Jones, Charles R. Myers III, Joseph A. Pell, Jr., William B. Snow, Charles H. Taylor, Joe M. VanHoy, Nu-Nebraska-Scott E. Hamilton, Herbert C. Henderson, A-Roanoke-David L. Barnes, Edward L. Corson II, Judge Daniel F. O'Flaherty, James S. Stump, Jr., S. Maynard Turk, Marcus S. Wood,Omicron-Alabama-George R. Bennett, Jr., Duncan T. Fulton Jr., George Gunn, Jr„ Karl C. Harrison, Franklin W. King, Richard S. Taylor, Edward L. Turner, Jr., James A. Watts, Paul C. Wesch, Pi-Oglethorpe-M. Branford Eubanks, Rho-Washington & Lee-Ferdinand A. Hauslein, Richard W. Hoover, Donald G. McCausland, Harry E. Stine, Jr., Fred W. Waters, Jr., Sigma-South Carolina-Frank L. Bradfield, Jr., Kenneth J. Fork, Robert C. Lake, Jr., Danny W. Reynolds, John R. Stokes, George B. Timmerman, Jr., Tau-NC State-Robert C. Cline, Upsilon-Illinois-Fredric L. Ketcham,Christian L. Larsen, Robert C. Reed, Richard J. Regnier, Jack 0. Roeser, William J. Tietz, Stephen D. Trahey, Anthony J. Vanderburg, John H. Wamsley,Chi-Stetson-Edwin H. Culver, Thomas J. Been,Jr., James R. Duffed, Joseph B. Hutchison, Dennis C. McNamara,George L. Patterson, Herman E. Turner, Psi-Cornell-Jerold H.Green,John S. Kirk,Calvin .E Rote,Frank A.Sherer,Omeg aPurdue-James M. Cridge, Hugh M. Flanagan, Richard J. Golmar, Bruce R. Halley, William H. Higgins III, Grafton Houston Jr., James D.Jackson, William C.Pritchard, Bernhard F. Tellkamp, David R. Victoria, Jr., Mark

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K. Wilson, Alpha Alpha-Mercer-Robert D. Higgins,Jr., Alpha Gamma-Oklahoma- Steve R. Baldwin, William G. Dunnington, Robert E. Holly, James D. McElhaney,Jr., Bennie A. McElyea, Brian K. Morris,Jay K. Morris, Robert J. Ogborn, Eugene H. Salmon, Eric W. Wolfe, Alpha Delta-Washington-Frederick R. Brown, Thomas G. Frick, Stanley J. Gratis, William K. Jackson, Jr., Marvin D. Kinkade, Charles A. Porter, William L. Porter, Francis 0. Wollaston, Alpha Epsilon-Florida-Ernsley F. Cobb, Henry I. Cross, Thomas M. Fitzgerald, Hugh A. Gower, Hubert Graves, Jr., Merle E. Harrison, Michael P. Hill, Jack D. Howell, Gary A. Leonard, Albert E. Luer, Roy T. Olsen, Benjamin F. Overton, Thomas B. Simpson, Arthur B. Stackpole, Wilton L. Strickland, William J. Taylor, Jr., Dave H. Werner, Alpha Zeta-Oregon State-W.Sumner Alldredge, Garry A. Domnisse, Aaron L. Douglas, Robert J. Elfers, Clarence G. Estes, Harry R. Kallander, Norman D. Logan. Donald P. Perrin, Frederick W. Raw, Alpha Eta-Samford-Roy G.Evans III. John E. Haynes,Gerald W. Matthews, Alpha Theta-Michigan State-Kenneth A. Bellinger, Edward C. Brewster, William M.Cleary, Clare L. Jensen, Alpha Iota-Auburn-Marshall S. Carey, George J. Coleman, Thomas W. Fuller, J. Reeves Haley, Edward N. Henderson, Floyd W. Hurt, James W. Kirkendall, Jr., James P. Lynch, Jr., Gary M. Patterson, Charles C. Workman, Jr., Alpha Lambda-Ole Miss-William B. Hopson, John E. Ward, Alpha Mu-Penn State-James M. Alter, Robert M. Atkinson, Chester C. Curley, Jr., Harold V. Gedney III, Lewis B. Grube, John P. McCarthy, Thomas J. Yoho, Alpha Nu-Ohio State-Carl A. Stickel, Edwin R. Stickel, Alpha 'a-PINY-Frederick C. Hetzer, Richard J. Magg,Thomas G. May,Carl F.Pester, Alpha Omicron-lowaState-KeXh J. Bader, Don W.Brandt, Carl W.Files, Kenneth R. Hook,James D. McCully, Robert K. McKean, William G. Nechanicky,Thomas J. Tott, Alpha Pi-Sewanee-John A. Johnston, Alpha Rho-West Virginia-Paul F. Fisher, George W. Hodel, Alpha Sigma-Tennessee-Roy B. Cecil, James T. Cogdill, Paul W.Combs,David P. Everhart, Robert C. McKeNey, Kenneth McPherson, Frank M. Pugh, Jon T. Rymer, Alpha Tau-RPI-James M. Bernstein, Richard J. Bouchard, Benjamin M. Cahill, Jr., David B. Dobson, Gelston Howell, Jr., Bret A. Johnson, George L. McCauslan, Donald R. Seyler, Harry J. Zimmer, Alpha Upsilon-Drexel-Robert D. Austin, Raymond L. Davis, Leonard J. Dicarlo, John D. Knoll, Jr., John F. Rittenhouse, Donald L. Schey. Frederick W.Schmehl, Samuel A. Smith, Richard L. Sullivan, Alpha Phi-Illinois Tech-Don E. Helbling, John F. Humiston, Roger L. Peterson, Douglass G. Snyder, Frederic W. Widlak, Alpha Chi-Miama-Richard H. Dougherty, Jr., Melford C. Hopkins, Alpha Psi-Indiana-William D. Day, Jr., David S. Shook III, James C. Williams, Ross A. Wingler, Beta Alpha-NJIT-Nicholas Adams, James A. Krucher, William McCabe, James A. Stiles, Beta Beta-Florida Southern-Richard K. Carroll, Larry W. Carter, John D. Davis, Beta Gamma-Louisville, Donald F. Bloomer,Spencer E. Harper, Jr., James D. Hornbrook, Jeffrey D. Miller, Beta Epsilon-Missouri-Jay J. Stuckel, Beta Eta-Florida State-Guy W. Hollingsworth. James M. Lloyd, Charles W. MacMillin, Howard E. McCall, Jr., Christopher D. New, Michael J. O'Farrell, Donald P. Stewart II, Beta lots-Toledo-Robert D. Conley, Beta Kappa-Georgia State-Dennis C. Coole, Jr., Beta Lambda-Tampa-Thomas C. Keater II, Beta Sigma-Northern Illinois-Robert C. Hulka, Beta Tau-Valdosta-Ronald B. Thomas, Beta Upsilon-Virginia-William Couper, Russell J. Huber, Harwood W. Hughes, Frederick J. Riggins Beta Phi-East Carolina-William C. Ealy, L. Clay Edmonds, David C. Frazier, Ira T. Yopp III, Beta Chi-East Texas State-John C. Witt, Beta Omega-ETSU-Byron C. Brown, William R. Mayes,Jr., Gamma Beta-Old Dominlon-Joseph C. VanCleve III, Gamma Gamma-Troy State-Mark Landers, Gamma Delta-Memphis State-Allen E. Vazquez, Gamma Epsilon-Western Carolina-Larry Adams, Marvin D. Cope,Gamma Zeta-West Virginia Tech-Charles W. Hutzler, Scott M. Moore. Gamma Eta-Athens-Robert W.Slaybaugh II, Gamma Theta-UNC-Wilmington-J. Martin Sondey, Gamma lota-LSU-Michael G. Porche, Gamma Kappa-Georgia SouthernGlenn Aspinwall, Joseph W. Odom,Jr., Matthew L. Wolfe,Gamma Lambda-Rolla-Joseph M. Gioia, Randy D.Picolet, Paul K.Scherrer, Rodney C.Simpson, Gamma Nu-LaGrange-Ronald J. deValinger, Gamma /G-Georgia Southwestern-Jack D. Byrd, Jr., Michael W. Hall, Asa W. Howard, Bernard J. Marino, James B. Pond, Neil D. Suggs, Gamma Rhe-Lander-Charles M. Watson, Jr., Gamma Upsilon-Oklahoma State-Greg W. Walker, Gamma Phi-South Alabama-Carl N. Doggette, Gamma Psi-Augusta-Brooks A. Keel, Mickey E. Wood,Gamma Omega-Montevallo, David E. Wigginton, Delta Beta-North Georgia-Allan H. Bright, Victor C. Eilenfield, Douglas W. Nicholson, Thomas J. Persia, Delta Epsilon-Jacksonville-Randy Y. Owen, Delta Zeta-Appalachian State-Richard G. Ouellette, Delta Lambda-UNC-Charlotte-Charles A. Marus, Delta Pi-Wright State-Richard A. Prewitt, Daniel W.Strawn, Delta Rho-USC-Lee H. Dreyfuss, Delta Sigma-Bowling Green-Kevin M. Lotosky, Delta Psi-UT-Arlington-William T. Svihel, Epsilon AlphaElon- Barry W.Simmons,Epsilon Beta-Grand Valley-StephenJ.Gilbert,Epsilon Epsilon-ainch Valley-David M. Donathan,Epsilon Kappa-Southern Tech-Michael L. Hubsky,Epsilon Lambda-USC-Spartanburg-Michael L. Trotter, WilliamS.Weathers,Jr., Epsilon Mu-Bradley-Jeffrey A. Luebker, Epsilon Nu- Sacramento-Robert E. Langbein, Epsilon Rho-Lenoir-Rhyne-Mark S. Mullane, Roger G. Smith

Crossed Sword Club


Alpha-Charleston-Robert M. Barnett, Jr., Dr. Franklin G. Boineau, Arndrew R. Cracker, Ernest L. Frierson, Noel P. Fuller, Arthur L. Haisten, Herndon S. Hasty, Frank R. Huff, Earle D. Jennings, Jr., Wallie B. Jones, Jr. Andrew A. Kroeg III, David L. Lee, William P. Luhn, Jr., Robert W. Marlowe, Lawrence Mixson, Terence N. Moore, Gregory D. Padgett, John F. Reynolds. George C. Rogers, Jr., Beta-Presbyterian-David C. Austin, John Bright, Jr., Thomas H., Grafton. John V. Hamby, Eldred F. MacLeod, David K. Mathis, Arthur G. Maxwell, Jr., Samuel G. McGregor, Robert G. Owens, Jr., Dale 0. Rains, Ashley A. Smith, Fred R. Stallworlh. John W.Steenbergen, Pierce W. Timberlake, Eugene A. Vaughn, John F. Winters, Gamma-Cal-Berkeley-James D. Aljian, Norman L. Arrighi, Richard H. Ault, Corey A. BabarovIch, Daniel J. Bosshart, Vincent A. Consul, Carlton F. Corey, Alexander L. Croce, David J. Dayton, Joseph F. Dolan, Jack N. Downer, Robert S. Easley, Jared W. Hawkins,James P. Kinlock, Owen R. Kuns, Oscar T. Lab, George A. Linear, Sterling J. Norgard, Millis H. Oakes, Larry J. Olson, Ronald E. Osborne, Mark H. Plank, Martin W. Rrtchie, Harland R. Ross, David L. Scruggs, Ronald A. Segel, Young D. Stewart, Albert W. Sullenger, David N. Vered, Clifford W. Walker, Jr., Neil B. Weatherall, DeltaFurman-Walter H. Arnold, Euta M. Colvin, Harold L. Dillard, Sidney W. Martin, William M. McMillan, John Albert Southern, Joe D. Sparks, Jr., David C. Ullman, Epsilon-Davidson-Edward T. Buck, Kenneth L. Chiles, Dr. Henry M. Escue, Richard A. Hall, Duncan C. Hunter, Ernest N. Hunter, Jr., Caldwell P. Johnston, William, P. Mills, Lyman J. Parrigin, Jr.. Charles W. Redid, William C. Rozelle, Robert 0. Southwell, Hugh A. Wilson, Jr., Philip C. Winstead,Zeta-Wolford-Gregg C. Bissell, Floyd I. Brownley, Jr., Malcolm C. Burton, Marshall S. Connelly, Thomas R. Crider, Jesse C. Chrnm, Thomas K. Hannah, Clarence M. Lee, Robert G. McCurdy,James R. Owings, Marvin A. Owings, James E. Pease,Carroll F. Reamos,James L. Switzer, Jr., James H. West, Eta-Emory-James H. Carter, George T. Cook, James C. Grizzard, Linwood E. Herrington, Robert J. Noland. Benjamin F. Simms, Heyl G. Tebo, James S. Wood. Iota-Georgia Tech-Robert Antovel, John Benkert, William F. Bennett, Charles E. Carrington, Thomas F. Christian, Jr., Pitman B. Cloaveland, Philip H. Cook, Gregory 0. Corcoran, Terrell G. Covington, James W. Denny, Jr., James T. Dewberry, Lawrence H. Ellis, Mathis A. Ezell, James H. Gordy, Herbert P. Haley, Richard S. Harrower, Geroge W.Heburn, Dent B. Ingram, Russell R. Johnson, John M. Jones, Malcolm G. Keiser, Thomas L. Kennedy. Charles F. Kent, Lee A. Kidd, Jean E. Kirkland, Jr., Robert T. Lawrance, Joseph Luciani, Robert J. McCamy,Lonnie A. Morris, Jr., Monteiro H. Nelson III, William K. Nichols, John H. Nunez, Robert A. Parrish, Paul G. Pomeroy, Rober M. Pryor, Jr., James B. Ramage. Robert L. Reeves, Charles S. Roach, Eric A. Roberts, George V. Rouse, Jimmy P. Sulsona, Charles M. Thompson, Jack P. Turner, Bruce C. VanDerhoof, Lewis P. Walker, Jr., William R. Walker, Frank J. Whitley, Jerome B. Withers, Jr.. Kappa-North Carolina-Benjamin F. Ball, Jr., Joseph Y. Bassett, Herbert B. Brand, Linwood J. Braswell, George W. Braun, Steven L. Brigand, Archibald R. Brown, George W. Butcher III, John R. Cauble, David W. Crane, Adrian N. Daniel, Jr., Alvin W. Daughtridge, Cuthbert H. Davenport, John B. Fisher, Jr., Aaron L. Hagler. William L. Harris, Richard K. Holzworth, Roderick P. Hoover, Ralph P. Hunt, Everette E. Jenkins, Jr., William M. Johnson, Jr., James C. Leak, John D. MacRae, Jr., David F. McAllister, Michael R. McLaughlin, Donald C. McLeod, Hugh L. Merritt, Harry H. Montgomery, Jr.. Beverly C. Moore, Richard D. Morgan, Mark E. Prillaman, Donald E. Pulliam, Wayne N. Scott, John M. Turlington, John W. Ussery, John A. Vann, Jr., Ralph S. Walthall, Daniel W. Warren, Van L. Weatherspoon, Jr., Robert C. White, Paul C. Wirnbish, Charles B. Winn III, Mark H. Winston, Lambda-Georgia-Edward B. Claxton, Robert H. Cofer II, Thomas W. Dalton, Jr., William L. Duncan, Dennis E. Fields, Marshall E. Groover, Jr., McHenry Hamilton III. Mark A. Harp, William J. Harp, Jr., James R. Harris, Richard F. Harris, Jr., William L. Huggins, Herbert R. Ingram. Jr., Thomas R. Jackson, Jr., Martin B. Jones, Nathan D. King, Marion W. Luckey, Stewart W. McDowell, William H. NeSmith, Jr., Edwin B.0Ouinn, George F. Blalock, Sumter Richard L. Patrick, Jr., Lindsay N. Preiss, John G Pryor, Chris R. Savage, Robert A. Siegel, Sam M. Slade, Cecil R. Spooner, Jr., Jim M. Stoinod, Warren H. Williams, Jr., James E. Wilson, Jr., Mu-Duke- Robert B. Atkins, Erwin H. Baumer, C. Brawley, Jr., William H. Bridgers, Stephen B.Coleman,Jr., David D. Collins, Robert Dick, Henry E. Duke, Jr„ Paul W.Fekas, Frederick C.Frostick, Jr., Henry P. Fulmer, Wilfred C. Galling, Jr., Norman G.Gibson, David K.Gill, Clarence H. Glover, Jr., Harold H. Hawfield, Daniel W.Kincaid, Percy Von Kirkman, Jr., John W. McConnell. Frank C. Rozzelle, Joseph L. Skinner, Bart N. Stephens. Nu-Nebraska-Edward J. Bierl, Judd P. Brenton, James A. Guretsky, Thomas C. Miller, Thorwald L. Nelson,Dennis L. Ochsner, Robert Platt, Kenneth W. Pruden, Richard R. Tones, William J. Wesslund, Xi-Roanoke-Stophen T. Bast, Clarence P. Caldwell, Jr., Paul C. Caldwell, James P. Charlton, Wafter A. Clark. Jr., James Alan Councilor III, William H. Delatron, Paul R. Dotson, David W. Doyle, Mark D. Edgell, Francis H. Ewald, David S. Ferguson, Raphael E. Ferris, James W. Fleshman, Henry H. Fowler, Jonathon Gosman, Reginald W. Gravely, Jr., Robert G. Gray, Henry B. Hahn, Jr., Robert K. Harris, Cecil M. Hefner, Robert B. Hyatt, Harry I. Johnson, Jr., Robert Allen Kasey, Jr., Henry L. Kennett. Weldon T. Lawrence, Jr., Curtis L. Lemon, Wilbur E. Mann,Jr., Robert E. Mentzinger, Jr., Mason Miller, Jr., Munsey A. Moore, Leonard G. Muse,George B. Nall, Richard M. Newman, Thomas H. Nicholson, Jr., Cameron R. Ogilvie, DeWitt R, Patterson, Richard A. Phelan, James P. Piedrafite, Jr., Gordon H. Ramsey, John R. Stafford, Jr., Robert C. Thomas, William P. Tice, Thomas P. Turner, Jack W.Wade, Jr., Steve A. Wenner, Douglas M. Williams, James R. Wilson, Mark A, Wing,Omicron-AlabamaGeorge F. Barker, Jr., Charles E. Beard, Norman A. Benolotti, William T. Bishop, Jr., Robert L. Bowers, Jack E. Brunson, Edwin V. Caldwell II, Raymond E. Cartledge, Charles H. Clark, David B. Coleman, Ernest W.Collins, Larry J. Contri, George R. Cowart, James E. Cunningham, Donald G. Curry, Jr., Warren D. Debardelaben, Jr., Emmett 0. Dandy, William J. DuBose, James M. Groom, Langston T. Hawley, Erwin E. Hebron, Jr., Thomas B. Henderson, Elbert R. Hughes, Jr., Robert F. Inman, Joe D. Lee, Benjamin B. Mathis, Mack 0. Matthews, Thomas H. McLaughlin III, Allan L. McLeod. Jr.. Dawson A. McOuaig, Jr., Desmond L. Merrill, Norman S. Morgan, Benjamin J. O'Hara, Jr., Steven E. O'Neal, Clinton H. Paulsen, Robert H. Perkins, Haffgord L. Robinson, Gus D. Ross, Jr., Paul J. Ross, John G.Scher' III, William M. Schroeder, Robert L. Sheperd, William G. Sutton, William C. Taylor, Jerry B. Tucker, John W. Turner, Jerry C. Ware, Lawrence B. Wilkerson, Samuel W.Windham, William J. Worthington, Jr., Randy J. Wright, Pi-Oglethorpe-Samuel E. Blackwell, Jr., Joe B. Dekle, Philip L. Hildreth, Alexander F. Laird, Jr., Louis J. Ptacek, Jr.. James A. Richardson, Howard L. Smith, Rho-Washington & Lee-Seth N. Baker, Bruce 0. Beckman, Craig A. Bowles, Mord B. Curtis, Jr., William J. Fidler, Jr., Charels B. Fulton, William B. Gabb, Edwin P. Garretson, Jr., Joel Grayson Ill. Nicholas D. Hall, Jr., Robert L. Jackson. Frederick R. Landrigan, WilliamG. Loeffler, Jr., James B. Martin, George F. McInerney, William F. Methvin, Jr., Leigh L. Nettleton, Jr., Robert C.Petrey, William G. Sargent. Ray A. Soarfoss, Jr., Richard J. Splittorl, Malcolm H. Squires, Jr., Robert J. Taylor IV. Edward A. Turville, John D. Wallace, William A. Wallace, Dorsey M. Ward, Jr., Sigma-South Carolina-Paul D.Carter, Jr., John C. Coulter, Jr., William J. Epperson, William W. Fincher, Jr., John S. Flynn, Robert L. Gunter, Joe A. Hanson, Michael D. Harvath II, Martin W. Huggins, Bruce 0. Hunt,Caleb B. Jennings III, Richard D. Lacey, Richard C. Mims, Robert A. Montgomery, Yancy A. Montgomery,Jr., Robert H. Moorer, James W. Parlor, Wright T. Paulk, Jr., James C. Pruitt, Jr., Frederick E. Quinn. William D. Rhodes III, Robert R. Rigby. Jr., David H. Senn, Thomas J. Stafford II, Robert H.Swelgin, Samuel R. Todd,Clarence E. Wise, Lawrence R. Wood,Tau-NC State-James E. Barwick, Fred A. Collins, Jr., Anthony L. Evans, John A. Feather, Jr., Alexander G. Fuller, Arthur N. Greene, John H. Hardage, David D. Hartsoe, Thomas M. Hearne Clyde N. Humphrey, James C. Johnson, David W. Martin, Walter H. McKinnon, Jr., Christopher M. Myers, Roland E. Noblin, Carl C. Painter, Jr., Wallace L. Reams, Stephen D. Seymore, Jr.. Kenneth D. Sheesley, Jacob N. Shepherd. Jr., Hartwell K. Sledge III, William D. Wallace, Upsilon-Illinois-Maynard T. Bartholomew, Frederick H. Beinholl, Robert J. Bogdanoff, John F. Bracken, John C. Brown, John G.Carson, Borden B.Cox, Edward R.Cwiklin,Peter P. Depasquale. George M. Dowd,Paul A. Dowd,Earl L. Feicht,Joseph A. Gauer,Ora D. Gay, Willis E. Hasetwood, William A. Hasfurther, Glen E. Hester, Ralph 0.Howard,Joseph L. Johnson, Thomas F. Krizan, George A. Leech, Charles R. Mench, Arthur R. Moore. Stephen E. Mumford. Larry A. Munson, James C. Murphy, Joseph E. Pehlman, Timothy J. Pemberton, Warren F. Perkins, Dr. James Pottenger, Peter S. Presta, Edward T. Prosser, Ladd C. Prucha, Kenneth J. Rabe, Wilson J. Seldon,John W.Shustitzky, John Simpson, Paul R. Stroehlein, Frank W.Teegarden, Jr., Miles H. Thomas, Donald G. Thompson, Elzy W. Trogden, Eugene J. Ullemeyer, Phi-Tulsa- Ralph W. Veatch,Chi-Stetson-Larry W. Anderson,John S. Carlton, Thomas M. Cash, Jr., George B. Clark, Jr., Howard M. Day, Ira J. Giroir, J. Wyman Harvard, John L. Hughes, Earl A. Jinkinson, Terrence M. Mullen, Tom F. Pattillo, Forrest P. Showater, Ira M. Southward, Esten A. Ulmer, Thomas M. Wrenn, Psi-CornellJohn H. Angus, Richard A. Bochan, Stephen W. Dodge, Gary R. Fisher. Kenneth E. Kelly, Eugene L. Lehr, Willard S. Magalhaes, Henry J. Marquart, William K. Mayhew, Stephen G. Milks, Donald H. Perkins, Michael J. Piscitelli, Philip T. Pratt, Alan S. Ritz, James F. Storey, Foster H. White, Jr., Walter J. Zygmut, Omega-Purdue-Francis W. Adsit, John W. Badger, Thomas J. Beal, James S. Bohner, Stephen L. Brant, Thomas R. Brown, William K. Daniel, Duane M. Davis, Ronald J. Eyer, George G. Fassnacht, Michael B. Fersky, George C. Frederick, Bryan S. Freed, Peter W.Gentry, Spencer Gulliccitsen, Charles B. Hall, Jon C. Hall, Gary L. Hanson, Kim A. Hasler, Donald J. Hendrickson, William, G. Hercules, Rikard E. Hill, Varce E. Howe, Harold R. Johnson, Jr.. David J. Kimmel, Alfred G. Kirchner, Jr., Kenneth L. Kraus, Douglas E. Kunnemann, Lawrence P. Lang, Daniel R. Leininger, Robert M. Little, Richard H. Lowe, Edward J. Mastine, Andres Matisoo, Bruce A. McCandless, Floyd L. McDonald, Herbert 0. Meyer, Thomas F. Miller, David L. Mitzer, Charles W. Myers, Carl R. Nelson, Walter H. °haver, Ralph B. Olson, William D. Peace, Jr., Palmer A. Porter, Fred E. Rector, Gregory L. Robertson, Carl L. Sadler, William G. Schack, Robert M. Schulte, Jr., Clyde P. Smith, Halbert C. Smith, Jr., John K. Stiller, Paul C. Swofford, Robert E. Thomson,Clarke F. Thornton, John A. Timmons,Sr., John T. Vonard, John P. Verduce, John L. Weaver, Alpha Alpha-Mercer-William G. Bruner, Ledford C.Carter, John T. Cash, John C. Garvin, Jr., Ross U. Harden, Howard S. Houston, Lynward S. Lightner, Augustus F. Martin III, Charles R. Melton, Harry E. Rhodes, Alpha Beta.Tulane-William A. Howard, Charles E. Richards, Alpha Gamma-Oklahoma-Leslie D. Crall, Byron T. Dawson, Russell D. Fagin, Clovis C. Haddock, Jr., Daniel E. Holeman, Edmund P. Hugill, Jr., Jeff roy C. Jordan, Thomas R. Moore, Alfred H. Schmidt, Jr., Gordon W. Strain. Cletus P. Tate, Alpha Delta-Washington-Thomas P. Aitchison, Elton R. Allison, John A. Clague, Robert J. Hansen,Carl A. Hedreen, Lendal H. Kotschevar, Duane D. McBaln, Louis A. Messer, Dudley Nicholls, Henry J. Novak,John R. Pedersen, Arthur A. Price, Ralph M. Snider, Peter E. Terzick William C. Waara,Cedric W.Walker. Alpha Epsilon-Florida-Roger 0. Austin, Jr., Bernard A. Barton, Jr., Joseph H. Bell, Charles L. Brown, Joseph F. Catalani, Jr., William O.Charland, Thelmon B. Chastain, William E.Combs, Geary W.Cotton, John S. Crown,Jr., John N. Davis, Lyman E. Davis, Jr., Brian F. Duffy, Alexander H. Edwards II, David A. Gatchell, William M.Gillespie, Michael K.Grimes, Jerry R. Groom, Henry C. Harrison, Christopher Hill, George N. Howe,Spence 0. Hubbard, Grady E. Johnson, Jr., Henan F. Keiber, Charles W. Lapradd, Douglas B.Leigh, William J. Lewis, Albert C. Mann,Gary W. Marsh, Michael P. McGee,Joseph P. McGrail, Kevin J. Miller, Henry H. Miyares, Michael L. O'Donnell, Ellison P. Owen III, William, A. Post, John J. Powers, Clarence M. Ramsey, Denis J. Riordan, Reginald H. Ross, William F. Sahlio, Richard S. Smith, Russell C. Smith, Robert L. Sullivan, Donald A. Thompson, Mark Thurn, Christopher J. Tice, Mark E. Timmes, Mark B. Varney, John A. Weiss, James, Y. Wilson, William T. Woodward, John Zohelc Jr., Alpha Zeta-Oregon State-Anthony L. Amort, Jack A. Austin, George W. Blinco, John P. Bollman, Howard E. Conkle, Joseph C. Dillow, Clarence C. Ekstrand, Vernon A. Fridley, Gareth I. Grimes, Thorne H. Hammond, Charles R. Hartsough, Thomas K. Herbage, Lynn A. Horton, Rickey L. Hug, Stanley R. Kelley, Melvin D. Knorr, Theodore J. Langton III, Robert D. Manning, Patrick C. Meyer, John W. Moore, Gary S. Munn, Robert L. Nordlander, George M. Reid, Jack T. Reviglio, Joseph C. Ross, Jr., Nicholas W. Ruhmann, Mark Sherry, Marion N. Sigovich, Raymond C. Terhune, William W.Thomas, David H. Vawter, James N. Wilson, Alpha Eta-Samford-Edward E. Beason, Jimmy R. Bell, David K. Brower, Elbert B. Bruce, Wayne C. Colield, James G. Cuninghame, Jr., William C. Davis, Jr., William W. Dixon, Jr., William M. Ford, James H. Hall, Samuel W. Hall, Sam W.Jones, Twyman D. Mitchell, Daniel E. Nolen, James E. Purvis, John G. Shiley, Gilmer T. Simmons, Alan G. Sizemore, Stewart M. Winton, Hnery J. Yeackle III, Alpha Theta-Michigan State-Kenneth G. Adams, Thomas H. Bird, Wallace DeMaagd, Richard L. Goetz, Karl D. Kruger, Bruce T. Lessien, Curtis C. Lathy, Robert B. McCall, John A. McCormack,George S. McIntyre. D. Keith Meyers,Albert C. Morley, Angus J. Morse,Leonard C.Paul, Jr., Alan W.Perlingiere, John L. Phillips, Waldo C.Proctor, Dennis M. Rafferty, Wesson J. Ritchie, Donald E.Sabrosky,Otmer J. Schuster, Robert S. Trerrioath, Donald E. Viecelli, Gerald F. Wajda, Ford L. Woodard, Robert L. Yackels, Dennis D. Yanachik, Michael J. Yanachik, Ray J. Zimmerman, Alpha Iota-Auburn-Douglas H. Barcley, George S. Blackwell, Frank W. Carroll, John 0. Christiansen, Jr.,William E. Colburn, Harry Dicus, Jr., Joe W. Forehand, Jr., Tommy W. Gordon, James M. Hamilton, Moyer D. Harris, James H. Hendry, Billie C. Horne, Donal B. Hutchins. Samuel W. Irby, William W. Jones, Jr., Lawrence D. Judkins, William R. King, Jr., Wallace T. Kirkland, James G. Lovel, Jr., Nathaniel D. McClure IV, William L. Noll, Jr., Dan G. Palmer, Samuel R. Pate, Paul T. Persons, Lawrence C. Pham, Jr., Neil C. Porter, Jr., Bogart S. Reed, James T. Russell, Wallace B. Smith, David C. Stoddard, Ward S. Taylor, Robert S. Travers, Robert C. Ward, Marion K. Wilkins, Joseph W. Williams, John D. Wolsoncroft, Alpha Kappa-Michigan-John M. Gibson, DeWitt C. Green, Hugh C. Hotchkiss, Emil W. Keck, Carl W.()mare, Henry A. Pullen, William W. Rowley, Alpha Lambda-Ole Miss-Harold L. Brinkley, Jr., Offa L. Casey,Oliver E.Cathay, Tony J. Rosetti, James H. Tabb, Yandell S. Warren, Alpha Mu-Penn State-Jon D. Benedetti, Paul M. Borg, Albert H. Bowers, John D. Brisbane, Robert F. Bush, Charles H. Case, Jr., Edward J. Cavalier, Ralph B. Craine, Sr., Palmer L. Davis, Jr., William E. Diefenderfer, Stephen J. Dion°, William F. Exley, Bruce R. Foster, John D. Funk, Michael A. Gardocki, Water C. Gwinner, Stephen J. Haddon, James T. Hartzell, Richard C. Heim, Earl B. Hoffman, Jr., Daneil G. Jones, Robert P. Jones, David A. Kearney, Jon F. Kisser, Sr., Richard J. Kleinert, Leon M. Knetz, Solomon G. Krepps V. Brian H. Lehman, Jonn P. Lotz, Bryon E. McIntyre, Richard E. Peterson, Joseph R. Ouickel, Maurice P. Ranc, Jr., John M. Rodgers, Richard A. Sandala, Gary H. Schaffner, John G. Schmucker III, Keith L. Shaner, William Simon III, Robert W. Thornton, Michael B. Trull, William J. Vernon, Jr., Aaron P. Wagner, William R. Walker, Theodore D. Webber II, Herbert D. White, Edwin R. Yeager, Albert R. Yerkes, Kenneth W.Zehner, Alpha Nu-Ohlo State-Willis P. Ansley. James R. Crandall, Corwin D. Hablitzel, Homer H. Henna, Russell C. Newhouse, Ivan L. Smith, Kenneth D. Weber, Alpha Xi-PINY-Gordon Ahlers, Maurice L. Allen, Jr., John G. Anderson, Henry A. Backofen III, Charles D. Behringer, William R. Berger, Steven M. Benone, John F. Bootie, Richard P. Brady, John F. Burns, George A. Carleton III, Richard T. Currie, Robert D. Dalziel, William Delnicki, Robert Demarino, Louis, T. Destefano, Joseph Didonato, Paul W. Dillon, Frank M. Eigner, Walter E. Eisele, Bruce J. Elowsky, Ferdinand J. Esposito, Lewis B. Everett, Valentine W. Fendrich, Joseph E. Flaherty, Henry S. Gartner, Gunther R. Geiss, Walter J. Griffin, Richard F. Grolier, Arthur 0. Hansen, Stanley C. Harazim, Frank M. Herbert III, Paul G. Hooker, Billie Jatzen, Ove Jensen, Joseph LaRosa, Jonathan Marsh, Joseph E. McCooey, Bernard J. Minetti, Rino Non, Renwick E. Nugent, Robert E. O'Donohue, Jr., John J. Plunkett, William J. Prinzivalli, Joseph H. Ripel, William T. Roney, Jr., Louis N. Rowley, Jr., Gerald H. Scheibner, Edward F.Schofield, John Smellie, Rusolph C.Stankovic, George E. Stanmore, Albert B. Steele, Alpha Omicron-Iowa State-John R. Bateman, Robert H. Brandau, Daniel L. Brodkey,James S. Brown, Lawrence S.Carlson, James R. Carson, Barry L. Croucher, Walter C.Dorr,Joseph G. Duncan,Philip J. Dvorak, Benjamin D. Foot,Stanton E. Fritz, Peter V. Hall, Thomas J. Hickey, Walter F. Kuehne,Glenroy J. Kunau,Joe E. Legg, Jr., David K. Little, Gerald D. Love, Warren R. Madden,Paul M. Muller, John M.O'Neil, Harold D.Osborne, Edward E. Paine, Charles J. Rahman, Jr., William J. Rickert, Thomas J. Ruzicka, John 0. Sanderson, Charles Schram, Jr., Danny R. Stark, Steven K. Tait, Verne H. Upmier, John J. Veak, Warren R. Wells, Harley L. Whitney, Alpha Pi-Sewanee-Danlel Gilchrist, Jr., Alpha Rho-West Virginia-Robert L. Harper, David L. Kish, Robert J. Laughner, John C. Marano, Jr., John C. Marano, Sr., William B. Russell, John E. Ryder, Elton R. Smith, Alpha Sigma-Tennessee-James C. Adkins, George A. Anderson, Thomas H. Banks, Ed S. Byrd, Stephen B. Donohue, Robert E. Gibson, Jr., Charles M. Gray, Louis D. Hamric, David E. Haase, Odus R. Johnson, Henry D. Jorsz, Norman B. McKinney, Robert C. Pemberton, Aaron B. Reed, Charles E. Rollins, Howard B. Simmons, Robert C. Sledd, Roy H. Smith, David B. Spalding, George A. Steele, Samuel W.Steele, James F. Stamm, Joe S. Tobias, Jr., James R. VanFrank, Jr., Alpha Tau-RPI-Andrew T. Anderson, Richard J. Andrews, Fred R. Anibal, Richard Y. Atlee, Raymond H. Blackford, Frederick R. Bohl, Walter A. Brown,Emanuel J. Calocerinos, George D. Cook. William M. Dirks, David Dropkin, Cedric H. Dustin III, Earle B. Fox, Jr., Winter K. Graves, William B. Hankinson,John S. Haverstick, Robert R. Hawkins, Michael E. Hession, Thomas K. Hood,Steven H. Kaitz, Armand T. Kelly III, Jeffrey Keough, Robert J. Kirchgessner, George W.Kirkland, Jr., Kenneth E. Kullner, Brewster W.LaMacchia, William A. McAuley, John W. McMahon,George J. Mucher, Kenneth M. Munoz, Erik B. Nagel, Michael J. O'Brien, David M. Peter, Howard W. Peterson, Jr., Marvin H. Pietschker, Frank D. Popp, Kermit G. Pratt, Walter A. Rapetski, William A. Roberts, Robert G. Sidelko, Ernest R. Stacey, William A. Steffancin, Robert 0. Wagner, Robert F. Wambach, Jr., Douglas A. Wiles, Alpha Upsilon-Drexel-Robert E. Anderson, Jack A. Bader, Thomas C. Block, Percy Brewington, Raymond J. Cannon, Jr., Jeffrey S. Cohick, William J. Cooney, Jr., Samuel J. Costa, Jr., Harold A. Cowles, Walter W. Dearolf, Jr., Donald K. Dement, Edward J. DiMond, Kenneth J. Dirkes, Philip R. Earley, Dr. William P. Fitzgerald, Jr., John R. Frye, Michael S. Gennaro, Jr., Raymond H. Griffin, Louis S. Guarino, Alan D. Henderson, Guy C. Hess, Jr., David M Hillegas, Oscar M. Hokanson, Lemuel H. Holt, John M. Hudson, Robert E. lrnbrogno, James F. Kelley, Jr.. Eugene R. Kiehl, Ernest H. Kissimon, Ralph E. Klesius, George F. Koff°, Anthony P. Lannutti, Thomas A. Laroe, Jack N. Marshall, Gilbert S. Merritt, Osburne C. Miller, Jr., Joseph Minura, Edwin C. Neuman, Samuel R. Parris, John A. Seffarth, Michael W. Sellers, William L. Shute, Edward M. Simon, Frederick H. Staiger, Jack A. Steer, Watson L. Stillwaggon, Roland R. Tesno, Arthur W. Tunnell, Jr., David R. Wary, Samuel A. Wilson, Sr., Alpha Phi-Illinois Tech-Kenneth R. Anderson, Ralph E. Belke, Edward W. Bisons, Emil A. Donkers, Cyril L. Dusell. John E. Echternacht, John T. Higgins, George E. Hoff, Richard W. Hughes, Edward A. Kacshins, David R. Larson, Andrew. E. Michyeta, Jr., Russell H. Millman, Robert Nickel, Peter E. Ostrander, Harry F. Porto, Jr., William J. PlIchta John V. Roach, Burton W. Sekvell, Myron B. Stevens, Lee A. Strote, George J. Svehla, Paul W. Wagner, Brian R. Winkelmann, James C. Woodling, Alpha Chi-Miami-Robert G. Steinhilber, Alpha Pal-Indiana- Gerald L. Allen, Thomas E. Baker, John L. Barker, Charles J. Blackerby,Stephen A. Boone, Wendell E. Bray, Donald E. Brennan, Jesse D. Dowen, Soott E. Evenbeck David C. Gibson, Robert W. Haller, John M. Hayden, Brian D. Hinton, Dale W. Huffman,James E. Kaufman,John M. Leonard, Joseph D. Lingenfelter, Joseph

appa Phi (988 atAppear

e Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Annual Appeal iued success of Pi Kappa Phi. Your contri113,000 this past year, have reassured the le Fraternity's programming and provided :e for over 5500 student members.Pi Kappa others, who help keep our fraternity first ecial giving clubs. All previous gifts to the I toward membership in these clubs

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For Your Support!

Smith,Pane 7 F. Lux, Kevin L. McDonald, Ralph G. Mundy, Wayne G.Murray,Jarnes M. Pivetnik, Waldsee M. Prunty, Philip J. Ripka. Dennis E. Rose, James R. RuckrIegle, David R. Schaefer, William C.Seng,Jr., Steven W. Richard L.Stutz, Howard 0.Thursby, Alpha Omega-Oregon-Sherman W.Holmes, Donald D. Lasselle,Stanley C. Lynch, Ronald W.Nugent,Fred L.Streimer, Thomas V. Vandawark Neil S. Weikel,Beta Alpha-WITLabinsky, M. Richard Hospodar, R. George Frederick, John R. Aright.Paul Bamburak,Frederick Becker,Jr., James P.Brogan,Douglas E. Bruce. Richard C. Delcore, Robert M. Fechillas, Lawrence Fisher, Donald F. Michael A. Lang, John V. Lavery, Donald C. LInske, Joseph J. Manfredi, Robert A. Mason, Louis R. Miceli, William Oakenell, Cosimo Pedicini, John Pugliesi, John S. Urban, Jacob VanBroekhoven, Edward K. Wilson, Jr., Francis J. Wood,Beta Beta-Florida Southern-Gary B. Baker, Roy W.Bruce, Jr., Scott L. Cavanah, Robert J.Chapin,John W.Cook,Charles J. Evans, William M. Fraser, Jr., Dean G. Hanson,Carl M. Koch,Clayton T. Lyons,George G. Peterson, David L. Robertson, Robert G.Woodall,Beta Gamma-Louisville-Charles Y.Coghlan,John T. Cook,Bernard T. Hund, James L. Paddock,Jr., Herbert M.Zimmerman, JBer.. Beta DeltaDrake-William D. Barber,Hugh M.Brand,Jr., David P. Musson.Paul H. Gilman,James C.Glick, Robert D.Howell,Scott C.Jorgensen,James Lablak Willis D. McConaughy,Kenneth R. Miller, Peter M.Mitchell, Michael D. Hoary, Patrick B. Hoary, George A. Oldham,Joseph A. Parsons, Norris D. Rowland, Davkl A. Sears, Paul D. Try,James F. Verlautz, Don B. Walter, Harry J. Winegar, Beta Epsilon-Missourl-Robert J. Baker, Frank B. Boyd, Jr., John T. Boyd, John E. Deutschmann, Paul J. Frazee,Christopher B. Lissner, Steven L. Orscheln, Walter T. Richards, Laurence G. Trudell, Jack B. Wade, Garrett C. Williamson, Beta Eta-Florida StateDaniel V. Allen, Leo Almeria), Newton H. Beaver, Larry A. Bodiford, Ronald B. Boersma, Robert F. Brown, Charles L. Delk, Bernard M. Eaton, Ralph P. Gillis, William J. Green,Jr., Fred L. Hoffmann, Jeffrey M. Holler, Larry J. Leslie, Richard C.Lukas, W. Rupert Mock. Jr., James W. Newman,Jr., Randolph M.Plotts, Douglas T. Prior,Paul R. Regensdorf, Richard L. Sargent. Burnett Stilwell, Jr., Thomas E. Taylor. Michael B. Vasquez. Charles M.Wilson,Sidney M.Wilson,Jr., Beta Theta-Arizona-Charles E.Deleuw,Jr., Russell T.Gilbert,Beta Iota-Toledo-Thomas E.Bokan,Daniel R.Dumas,Gerald K. Dunaway,Jack B.Guinan,George H. Hershman, Rodney E.Kagy, Robert S. Kuhlman, Robert N. Lindner, Matthew J. McCloskey, Darryl D. McEwen,Craig A. Myers, William C.O'Shea, Ricardo P.Papa, Thomas A. Ramsdell, Roger W.Schiller, Paul C.Simmon,Lance A. Talmage,James W.White, Jr., Bets Kappa-Georgla State-Robert B. Donaldson,Clayton B. Doss,Jr., David R. Ferguson,David R. Ward,John B. Whitley,Beta Lambda-Tampa-Dr. Wade G. Birch, Gary J. Cooper. James A. Gallagher, Ralph M.Griffin, Jr., Jack A. Harnett,John C.Kelly. Gilbert H. Leer,Dr. Joseph A. Martineau, Robert A. Myers, Michael J. Norton, Donakl E.ONeal, Richard C.Swirbul, Beta Mu-McNeese-Steven N. Guidry,Steve H. Nelson, Edwin M.Potratz, Ralph L. Romero, Walter D. Stacy, Jr., Beta Nu-Houston-Royston H. Patterson, Jr.. Richard A. Viguerie, Beta Xi-Central Michigan-David E. Clappison, Donald E. Perry. Steven J. Thatcher, Duane M. Valeria, Boyd R. Wiltse, Beta Omicron-Northwestern State-Andreas Bachman, Paul Rochelle, Jr., Scott W. West, Beta Sigma-Northern Illinois-Driscoll P. Drew, Donald D. Firkins, Beta Tau-Valdosta-Philip L. Adams, John T. Brooks, James M. Dowd,Lance J. Hamrick, William R. Maxwell, Jerry W.Pricher, Mark A. Waddell, William B. Walker, Hubert H. Wilford, Beta Upsilon-Virginia-Stephen S.Applegate, John B. Browning, Paul E.Blipped, Jr., Glenn A. Dickson, Barry J. Ewald,Soon A. Raider, Theodore Freeman,John D. Koester,Stuart S. Moore, Charles L. Nesbit, Jr., George F. Shipp, Thomas B. Taylor, Beta Phi-East Carolina-Michael T. Auten, Ellis S. Banks, Jr., Dennis R. Barbour, Henry C. Boone, Clay D. Brewer. Dennis M. Brown, Joseph F. Hallow, Jr., Gayle W. Harris, Samuel T. Hicks II, Wiley H. Lewis, Jr., David W. McLawhorn, Richard D. Soon, Ronald R.Siegfried, Kenneth Sigmon,Spencer C. Slate, Beta Chi-East Texas State-Don W.DeColaines III, Kenneth L. Park,Patrick D. Walls, Beta Psi-Tennessee WesleyanGregory R. Whitlock Beta Omega-ETSU-Richard H. Blair, Edward P. Bowers, David C. Evans, Farris D. Kabool, Jr., Ronald K. Younger, Gamma Alpha-Livingston-Hal W. Bloom, Jr., Howard E. Penis, James W. Roebuck, Wiliam P. Taylor, Gamma Beta-Old Dominion-Ted L. Etachas, John M. Bednarek Linwood A. Beverly, Jr., William C. Bright, Jr., Samuel F. Bryant, Donald L. Dixon, Richard G. Howard, William G. Jenkins, Ernest H. Joy,Cory Mackenzie, Donald M. Midgen,Paul V. Shebalin.Jack E. Simonik,John C.Simpson.Thomas E. Treichler,Gamma Gamma-Troy State-Durwood L. Bozeman,Steven L. Calton, Laurence S. Turrin. Charles A. Vickers, Jr., Gamma Delta-Memphis State-Ron Cail, Thomas L. Carter, Charles L. Hall II, Donald C.Kelley. Thomas F. Lynch, Robert A. Mullin, James D.Siebert, Gary A. VanAsek,Philip B. Wood,Jarnes E.Younger,Gamma Epsilon-Western Carolina-Robert L Crawford, Samuel C.Davis, Jr., William M. Felsher, Bruce W.Fishel. Barry J. Kale!, R. David McKenzie,Tony F. Perkins,Larry Y. Ramsey, Robert B. Shaver, Donald C. Turner, William F. Willis, Gamma Zeta-West Virginia Tech-David M.Childers, William G.Conrad,Jr., David L. Holt, Robert K. Kelly, William S. Kocher,Stephen A. Konz,Dennis F. Maffessanti, John P. Mann, Robert Michael, Thomas W.Miller,Phillip R.Oneacre, Michael C.Paterno,Donald L.Prinzbach,Craig A. Rickenbach,Donald E.Skaggs,Clifton A.Smith,Gamma Eta-Athens-William J. Kelly, ThomasS.Reinke,Gamma Theta-UNC-Wilmington-James M.Corcoran, William E. Dalton, James H. Farlow, Leonard H. Harris, William B. Kirby, Henry C. Merritt, Jr., James C.Piner, John M.Pollard, Jr., Osborne K. Walls, Jr., Gamma Kappa. Georgia Southern-James L. Boatright,Charles P.Cates,Lee W.Davis,John B. Graham,Mark W.Miller, Michael L. Parrish, Steven D. Rawlins,John F. Riggs, Roy Sumner Sapough,Jr., Gamma Lambda-Rolla-Robert Bentzinger, William H. Coalson, Mario P. Gioia, Jr., Gregory L. Hale, Eric S. Harris, Michael R.Schnettler, Gamma Mu-Belmont Abbey-John R.Cottingham II, Gregory F. Kusic, Guy A. Piche, Gamma Nu-LaGrangeRonald L. Farr, David A. Long, Ralph D.Sims,Howard E. Steals II, Gamma Xi-Georgia Southwestern-Raymond L. Beggarly. James L. Cooley,Allen B. Fort, Benjamin H.Hamrick, William E.Harrison, Jasper A.Maloy, Michael W.Shelties, David W.Suppes, Robert A. Tuggle, Hubert H Vaughn, Jr., Gamma Rho-Lander-Glen M. Chaney, Robert W.Craft, James T. Lusk. Gamma Sigma-Armstrong-Jack R. King, David A. Leonard. Corley J. Zittrouer, Gamma Tau-North Texas-Robert M. Williams, Gamma Upsilon-Oklahoma State-John D. Danvers, Barry L. Howell, Curtis L.Purdum, Dr. Gilbert 0. Sanders. Mark E. Whalaw,Gamma Phi-South Alabama-Gaither L. Chastang, Larry H. Green, Jimmy W.Greene, Dr. John T. Hill, Paul J. Langenbach, Thomas B. Peterson, Marshall E. Rainwaters, David S. Rose, Hugh E. Tomlin, Kenneth E. We,Stephen F. White, Gamma Chi-Jacksonville-Montgomery M. Broward, Lawrence M. Huffy, Robert V. Moreno, Paul L. Stynchcomb, David H. Zavon, Gamma Psi-Augusta-Frank Damiano, Michael B. Smith, Gamma OmegaMontevallo-David C.Bennett, Rick D.Cannon, Robert E. Howard,Jr., Royce L. Leder,Thomas G.Smitherrnan, Delta Alpha-VPI-Robert M. Bailey,John N.Crist, Christopher W.Little, Bernard A. Nash, William J. Ryan, Delta Beta-North Georgia-Richard C.Barr, Jr., Charles A. Cecchini, Enoch J. Hicks, Victor D. Irvin, Michael G. Lawless, Ulysses G. Matherly, Jr., Charles A. May, Richard P. Moultrie, Thomas 0. Nicholson, Jr., Michael T. O'Halpin, Bill W.Pope,P.J. Rodgers,Delta William A. Tew,Douglas Lee Walker. Paul W.Wingo, Delta Gamma-UNO-Barry F. Burks, Daniel H.Ehrlich, William M.Ojile, Jon K. Taute, Delta Delta-Northeast MissouriDarryl C. Beach, Delta Epsilon-Jacksonville-Fred 0. Holland, Robert A. Stewart, James H. Young,Jr., Delta Zeta-Appalachian State-George G. Davidson, Douglas W.Edwards, Carlos T. Hodge, Edwin W. Norris, Jeffrey L. Payne, David A. Vaughn, Delta Eta-Morehead-Gregory L. Kring, Kenneth R. Unger, Delta Theta-Mars Hill-Robert G. Clark, Delta Iota-kiddie Tennessee-Stephen L. Crass, Michael L. Potts, Kenneth W. Walden, Delta Kappa-Pembroke State-Jack J. Gould. Delta Lambda-UNC-Charlotte-Mark E. Ashley. Christopher P. Cannon, William L. Dawkins, John H. Mitchell, Francis C. Proctor, Jr.. Edward G. Smith, Delta XI-North Alabama-Lawrence P. Guess, Stephen A. Pirkle,Della Pi -Wright State-Terry D. Brown, Bruce A. Hollingworth, Bruce K. Rockwell, Delta Rho-USC-James S. Anderson, Dr. Donald F. Craib III, Edward J. Hogan III, Jay R. Hotchkiss, Edward A. Lang III, Charles M. Sarture II, Delta Sigma-Bowling Green-Craig L. Anderson,Jeffrey M.Springer, Delta Tau-James Madison-John D. Harvey, Mark W.Moroney, Christopher L. Negaard,William S. Rector, Delta Upsilon-Pittsburgh-Marshall R.Zwick, Delta Phi-Radford-Michael E. Lindauer, Delta Chi-Kansas State-Steven L. Dreiling, James M. Gouldie, Kerry T. Skelton, Daniel R. Wilson, Delta Pal•Ut-Arlington-Henry G.Bell Ill, Mark F.Jacobs,Epsilon Gamma-Longwood-Robert S. McAra,Dale W.Rankin,Donald C.Sisco II, Richard W.Stryker, Epsilon Delta-Aubum-Montgomery-Garland Jackson, Jr., David M. Smith, Jr., Daniel C. Weaver, Epsilon Epsilon-Clinch Valley-Martin F. Keena, Robert H. Sage, Epsilon Zeta-Central Arkansas-Howard A. Wells, Epsilon Eta-Winthrop-Marvin A. Pearson, William E. Russell, Epsilon lota-UNC-Greensboro-Henry Y. Ingram, Robert J. King, Michael K. Miller, Epsilon Kappa-Southern Tech-Robert G. Cole, Jr., James A. Ransom,Epsilon Lambda-USC-Spartanburg -Douglas E. Satterfield, Epsilon Mu-Bradley-William Furling III, J. Kevin O'Brien, Epsilon Nu-Sacramento-Kim A. Spannuth, Epsilon XI-LaSalle-Edward J. Jesko, Epsilon Tau-St. Joseph's-Philip I. Bender, Joseph A. Brady III, Kenneth C. Brown, Perry W. Burton, Timothy 0. Butler, Albert J. Cecchini, Guybuis Ciarrocchi, Mark C. Craven, Wyatt H. Davis, Paul D. DiGiovanni, Ralph G. DiGiovanni, Bernard L. Doolittle, Joseph E. Dugan, Joseph M. Farrell, William C. Farris, Carl T. Grubbs, James R. Hammer, Jr., Richard P. Mickey, Jr., William A. Hobbs, Raymond E. lx, Jr., Lee G. Johns. Jr., Parag Kankkar, James J. Kearney, Edward L. Keene, Jr., Jon D. Knecht. Levy M. Langley, John R. Mancano,Joseph S. McCarty, Patrick D. McGinley,Terry P. McKinnie, David C. Monk. Richard F. Olive, William A. Pins, John K. Richards, Brian A. Rock, Frederic* J. Sandor, Kenneth S.Schrupp, James T. Smith, Glen D. Solberg, Mark S. Susko, Chris D. Teichmiller, Vincent J. Thompson, Thomas P. Wilson, William M. Wilson, Andrew Zirpoll,

Other Donors

Alpha-Charleston-Robert J. Adams, Wil iam J. Baker, Jr., Charles A. Barrett III, Scott J. Boykin, Michael T. Finch, Jr., Patrick H. Grayson III, Irvin V. Greco, Basil L. Lernpesis, George A. Nelson, Gregory R. Pierce, Johnathan W. Sink, Edward F. Sturoken, Jr„ John T. West,Lewis A. Westbrook III, Nathan L. Wilson, Dale P. Woodard, Beta-Presbyterian-James W. Ballard, Rolly Bannister, Jr., Thomas J. Blalock, John H. Broughton, Robert A. Eason,Jr., Dallah A. Forrest, Jr., Dwight A. Holder, Hank W. Mason, Clinton E. Massey, John F. Oliver, Randall A. Parsons, Clark 0. Riddle, Jr., John R. Ritter, Jr., Gamma-Cal-Berkeley-Michael J. Duret, Walter A. Eagan, Ernest J. Furtado, Alexander D. Clew, David W. Halligan, Cole E. Hudson, George G. lzmirian, Michael S. Kesler, C. Francis McEnerney, Michael W. Neal, Mark A. Nielsen, Robert D. Parmelee, Mark R. Preston, Tyrrell M. Prosser, Eugene Roberts, Joh D.Steuart, Jeffrey B. Templin, Delta-Furman-Kenneth S. Burnham, George E. Crouch, Jr., Michael T. Hayes, Michael R. Melhem, Charles L. Resat, Clarence C. Sanders, Jr., Allen C.Sparks, James Towler, Carroll B. Waddell, Jr., Frederic B. Webster, John H. Young, Epsilon-Davidson-Alvis M. Baucom, Robert A. Burgess, Kenneth B. Clary, William H. Clayton, Jr., Paul S. Cooper, Roben C. Grady, H. T. Gurley, Jr., Samuel M. Hines, Charlton B. Ivey, Maury A. Johnston, Robert J. Terry, Joseph H. Vernon, John A. Womack. Samuel M. Woodward,Zeta-Wofford-David K. Beringer, Walter A. Beal, James H:Belcher, Richard L. Britt, Thomas K. Fletcher, Jr., Henry Jr., James E. Gibson, Leland A. Jackson,John A. O'Daniel, William M. Smethie, Jr., Jeffrey D. Underdal,Charles D. West, Jr., John A. Womack,Jr., Eta-Emory-C. W. Dobson, William W. Floyd, Charles A. Jackson, Jr., Sam L. Laird, Jr.. John C. Nix, Jr., John W.Salter. D. Guggolz. F. Vickery, Jr., Keith A. Wilson, Iota-Georgia Tech-Kurt D. Baker, Thomas T. Bomar, James C. Cooper, James P. Cooper,Stephen P. Cottraux, Robert A. Defurio, Christopher E. Doyle, Carl L. Frick, Jr., Frederick E. Fuchs, Theodore H. Garlick II, Allan Wiiiiiarn Nahai, J. Lawrence Jr., Murray, C. Robert Mosher, C. John Jr., Meriwether, G. Helmut E. Hammer, David M. Hull, Jeffrey T. Johnson, Wilford D. Kerby, Jr., Ronald Lanzilotta, Jr., Thomas Lowndes, Jr., Alexander H. McGraw, Elwood F. McLaughlin, William E. Newcomb, Wright T. Paulk Sr., John R. Paus, Oswald H. Tompkins,Carkon W. Wheeler, Sr., John L. Wilson III, Robert J. Wysocki, Kappa-North Carolina-Charles P. Adams, William S. Babcock, Joseph T. Bell II, Steven L. Cole, Bernard E. Dotson, Jr., Mark R. Sparrow, Gorham, Russell N. Hadley,Craig C. Huggins, Steven R. Knox,James B. Little, Jr., Thomas L. Lloyd,Jr., Brian T. Marley, Jeffrey D. Michael, David H. Mobley, Robert T. Moore,Timothy E. Newman,Steven F. Santee, Edgar F.Seagle, Steven C. Shaw,Phillip A. David Charles M.Stout, Gerald A.Toole,James L. Thompson, Richard N. Watson, James M. Wlmon,John H.Yokley, Donald C. Young, Rory A. Young,Lambda-Georgia-Vernon A. Bird, Randolph H. Bryan, Wallace S. Drage. Joseph B. Edwards, James H. Fleming, Brownlee, H. John Borland, W. Thomas III, Barnett G. Gustave Atkinson, E. Mu-Drake-Sid Wood, R. Thomas Wilson, W. John V. Freeman, William 8.Kelly,James R. Lawrence,Jonathan N. Lee. Curtis S. Malone, James D. McLeroy,John F. Peck,George C. Turner. William H. Dameron,Jr., Winder J. Edwards, Dr. Stephen F. Home, Burnett N. Hull, Charles E. Lake,James T. O'Kelley, Jr., Shuford K. Peeler, Dr. William R. Pins. Michael B. Roberson, Frank G. Satterfield, Mark C. Scammel, Thomas H. Timberlake, Johnnie R. White III, Nu-Nebraska-James R. Boling, Dr. John H.George, Warren R. Hill, Robert J. McKee. Jr., Gary L.Pleas,John C. Stohlmann,Donald B. Warnke,Louis Zinnecker, XI-Roanoke-John R. Barley, Walker R. Carter, Jr., David W.Coates,Steven L. Day, Robert M.Demis, John Druzbick, Mark W. Fleshman, Lawrence P. French, Frank E. Harris, Mark E. Holley, Onza M. Hyatt, Walter D. Keister, Brian P. Kidd, Robert M. Lentz, Richard J. Milan, Jr., George R. Mougenel, Louis J. Mullineaux, Stephen Y. Quinn, Joseph Ruthenord, Carl B. Sherertz, Bailey T. Stortz, Kevin R. Sullivan, Charles E. Webber, George H. Williamson, John T. Williamson 111, Dan Wooldridge. Omicron-Alabama-Gene D. Alrheart, James A. Avren, Hassell C. Bounds, Jr., Barry J. Brock, Jerry B. Brunson, Ronald G. Burdette, Walter P. Dendy, Charles W. Fleming, Jr., Donald B. Flournoy, Jr., Thomas V. Gilbert, Jr., Dr. Garland C. Hall, Jr., Emmett B. Harrison, Jr., Harley R. Hope, Aubrey L. Johnson, Jr., Charles A. Jones 111, Andrew J. Kaufmann, Jr., Richard A. Kilgore, Daniel C. Lemley, Gary W.Limmroth, Lawrence C. Mancil, Steven G. Mapes, James W. Miree, Edward Pagelsen, George W.Parker, Jr., Anthony J. Rice, Haynes S. Smith, Jr., James F.Stanley, Cyrus S. Steed III, Willard R. Summerlin, Michael Stuart Teal, Joseph C. Trucks, Willard W.Young, Jr., Rho-Washington & Lee-Richard E. Rolle, Thomas A. Hollis, Richard G. Leary, Jeffrey L. Marks, Floyd W. McKinnon, Alphonse J. Sherman, Robert Bruce Shively, Kenneth B. VandeWater,Sigma-South Carolina-Joseph A. Barnes, Herbert L. Benson, Jr., Robert F. Berry, John D. Bunch, Jr., George D. Cox. Juan A. Davis, Daniel Flosses, David D. Fowler, Jeffrey D. Hoopes, Jerrold D. Inglima, John J. Kennedy, Herbert P. Lee III, Thomas C. Legara, Jr., Kart S. Long III, Steven C. Moner, John P. Shrum, Michael T. Sickinger, James M. Wilson, Branan I. Yarborough, Tau-NC State-Victor H. Agreda, Timothy W. Atwood, Edward W. Avent III, William D. Campbell,John V. Fox,Jr.. Albert M. Guillet, Jr., William Henry Gurnee 111. James H. Johnson III, Francis L. Joyner, Harry L. Mashburn, Marion J. Noland, Edwin W.Small, Upailon-Illinols-George W. Berry, Rolf J. Berg, Dale A. Block, Michael W. Brzoska, David W. Devinger, Brent E. Frank, Daniel L. Ganser, David J. Kallal, Harold K. Madison, Frank W. Marlow, Jr., August M. Massa. Carl V. Nelson, William 14. O'Donnell, Paul B. Phinney, Robert M. Riggs, Evan P. %Irak, Thurston J. Ruddy, Edward Schmalenberger, Daniel A. Shoor, Charles J. Steinicke, Jr., Ralph E. Turner, George W. Van Houten, Walter T. Wahlfeldt, Thomas H. Watts, Charles H. Winer III, Chi-Stetson-Thomas R. Barnette, William M. Davis, David A. Fffner, Richard V. Ginn, Leo D. Gomez,Peter W. Hogue, Mark C. Hollis, E. Gale Huntington, John H. McCorvey, Kurt D. Panouses,Carlos T. Parsons, William E. Ray. William A. Underhill, Donald G. Vincent, James L. Young, Pal-Cornell-Thomas T. Burger, Jr., Michael J. Carducci, Thomas A. Furlong, W. E. Georgia, Paul Haas, Scott Hollander, Lewis L. Hsu, William E. MacMillan, Craig S. Parker, Louis L. Seaman, Erwin A. Tschanz, Robert J. Wilcox, John J. Zbehlik, Omega-Purdue-Donald C. Adams, Todd D. Anthony, Jack K. Berffen, mark T. Bernacchi, Drew E. Blower, Arthur H. Bostater, William C. Bradshaw, Robert F. Brinson, Willlaim R. Brown,Scott A. Carder, Ted E. Coyle, Jeffrey L. Egilsrud, Richard B. Fills, George Fortune, Jr., Kent R. Giant, Emil E. Goeke II, Hilton B. Henry, Neil T. Hentschel, Kenneth C. Hess, Alan J. Himmelsbach, John J. Hinge, George A. Holderbaum, James M. Kaiser, Jeffrey S. Kasko, Frank S. Kimmel, George L. Kneller, Mark 0. Kuklis, Allan B. Larson,Glenn R. Manich, Edward J. Mattingly, mark R. megraw, Thomas J. Miller, Eugene F. Mink°, Loren N. Montgomery,Clayton J. Newhagen,Philip E. Newhouse,Guy J. Overman, Dick L.Pensinger,John P. Pop,Thomas J. Pratt, Jeffrey Edward Rickard, Robert A. Rust, Raymond F. Ruth, Edwin T. Sherwood, Steven L. Stenacker, Don R. Taylor, Steven R. Timmons, Edward M. Vana, Thomas L. Weakley, Michael T. Wray, Bruce A. Wylam, David W. Wylam, Alpha Alpha-Mercer-Richard M. Andrews,Clayton H. Buchanan, Joseph C. Doughty, John S. Harrison, Jr., Hollis C. Lewis, Jr., Thomas Lowndes ill, William Maratos, Albert J. McGill, John W. Morgan. Charles Richard Parker, Alpha Beta-Tulane-Madison T. Woodward,Jr., Alpha Gamma-Oklahoma-Robert L. Cornelison, Paul D. Lassiter, Dr. Scott M. Malowney, Francis W.Scichowski, Jr., Dana L. Taylor, Ralph Thornburg, Alpha Delta-Washington-Glenn W. Berry, Jr., Daniel B. Chesney, John J. Dailey, Manuel D. Esteban, James A. Johnson, James C. Robertson,Craig A. Sheets, Alpha Epsilon-Florida.Delphin J. Acosta, &amen Arnold III, David R. Baker,Sumpter H.Barker,Steven A. Browning, Neil O. Contess, Peter T. Cummings, Donald A. Dvornik, Martin C. Engelmann,Herbert Frazier, Richard T. Gamm,Aben J. Garrard,Paul S. Green, Water E. Hagie, Alfredo I. Hernandez, Robert L. James, George D.Johnson, Jr., John D. Lord, Jr., Charles F. Marks, Jr., Bing C. Michael, James W. Midelis, Mack P. Niven, George E. Pharr, David W. Riemer, Donald L. Roode,Jr., Terence E. Rooke, Ernest P. Sartain, Mark D. Scott, Thomas F. Sheridan, Jr., James R. Slater, Robert D.Snyder, Robert Southwell, Jr., Henry C. Swoope,John J. Waives,Steven D.Zelazny, Alpha Zeta-Oregon State-Ronald L Anderson, William W.Carter, Dana O.Collins, Robert Colonna, Harold E. Conklin, Roland E. Curtis, Kenneth J. Ford, Ferris G. Gilkey, James P. Haffetty, Kenneth M. Hawke, Jr., Robert J. Herbage, Ronald W. Howell, George E. Jaska,Joseph H, Johnson, Roy 0. Malo, Jr., James S. Marsh, Thomas J. Renner, Mark T. Roth , Nell A. Sandvik. Richard W. Saunders,Roy K. Stigum, Scott D. Trotter, Thomas L. Tyler, Alpha Eta-Samford-Liston E. Cartledge, Jr., Michael W.Clifton, Robert E. Greene, Elliott C. Herrin, Orbie L. Medders, Jr., George R. Mitchell, Herbert M. Newell III, Donald E. Sharman, Joe W. Vaughn, Alpha Theta-Michigan State-James A. Alexander III, Charles G.Beckstrom,Orson D.Bird, Nelson C. Brumm,Jack C.Bushong,Charles E. Cogo,James T.Eppink,Allan E. Erickson, Robin G.Ewen,Jerry D.Griffith, Dennis M.Joy,Thomas R. Joy,Eivind J. Kolemainen, Alonzo E. Langworthy,J. Lyle Littlefield, James M. Marshall, Timothy J. Milway, Richard J. Pfeil, Alan R.Sage,Charles K. Stuart, Richard W.Thatcher, Robert M. Wittman,John N. Wonman,Alpha Iota-Auburn-Frederick C. Ackermann,Jack E.Baker, William S. Baker, Charles W. Beaird, Lua R. Blankenship, Jr., Howard C. Bozeman,Jr., George E. Bruner, Jr., Robert R. Carothers, Jr., Marvin A. Chandler, Jr., Robert D. Dean, Hugh D. Dozier, Wallace F. Drury, J. A. Fowler, Dr. James N. Green, Edward C. Healy, Charles L. Hewlett, George S. Hiller, Jr., William P. Hixon, David Rawl Kearns, Bill K. Kennedy, Bryan K. Kennedy, Ronald W.Lawson, Kenneth B. Morton, Jr., John F. Nonnenmacher, John E. Owens. Jr., Carl H. Pihi, Louis A. Reynolds, Jr., Ernest C. Rushing. Richard J. Scott, Jr., James D. Stewart, Alpha Kappa-Michigan-Philip S. Datziei, Elston F. Larson, William H. Moffat, Harry Olson, Wesley U. Shin, Alpha Lambda-Ole Miss- Quentin R. Layman, Alpha Mu-Penn State-Marvin H. Angstadt, Richard C. Austin, Harry N. Barfoot III, Mark D. Berger, Stephen C. Botta, Richard W. Brown, Jr., Daniel F. Castello, Donald L. Drake, William T. Elmes, Joseph Errante, Donakf R. Fischer, Kenneth N. Flodin, Douglas R. Forbes, Scott Edward Gaddis, Gregory Gallo, Lewis Garber, Brooks T. Gearhart, Richard K. Gbson, Edmund J. Hathaway, Robert L. Healy, Scott J. Jandora, William E. Johnson, Paul R. Jones, Bruce J. Kent, Robert C. Kieffer, William W. Lawrence, George M. Lewis, Ernest E. Long, Nelson E. Menem, Paul C. Mellott, Ernest C. Miller, Paul A. Mills, Warren Moyer, Jr., Hugh M. Patterson, John H.Ressler, James B. Robinson III, Robert N.Sankt% Jeffrey W.Simpson, Mark S.Singel, Ronald A.Souders, William F. Tinsley,Carl K. Vogel, William F. Walsh, Francis E. Warner, John H. Weinberger, Kenneth C.Weirman,Guy M. Willliams, Douglas L. Wilson, Donald B. Wood,Alpha Nu-Ohio State-Lewis C.Chadwick,John H. Haas, Lewis E. Miller, Alpha Xi-PINY-Michael Bramson, William J. Buchanan, Michael R. Cavallo, Joseph P. Crosson, Vincent DiGiovanni, Rutherford H. Fenn. Franklin Grandinetti, Joseph G. Grolier, Michael F. Hornung, Roger V. Keller, Herman C. Krieg, Jr., Andrew Lazzato, Kenneth J. McCort, John J. Martell', Albert R. Muller, Charles D. Mum Edwin Olson, Harry F. Roener, Frank F. Rornanow, Alfred J. Romito, Roy D. Sarcona, Paul J. Schwanenflugel, William J. Sturtz, Paul M. Tierney, Angelo R. Trotto, Warren C.Zulawski, Alpha Omicron-lowa State-Koith J. Allen, Carleton G. Austin, Thomas N. Bergstrom, Timothy L. Serves, Andrew A. Brodkey, Robert0.Brown,Dale M.Cochran, Hal D. Dirksen, Jeffrey G. Greiman,Jeffrey L. Harm,Terry E. Henricksen, Atsin K. Johnson,Jay D. Johnson, Kenneth M.Johnson, Mark L. Milliman, James B. Moon,Clarence C. Norman, Richard C. Ohrt, Winfield S. Rosenberger, Ralph H. Ruedy, John H.Sabin, Lawrence M.Stella, Kenneth J. Thompson, Ralph D. Yoder, Alpha Pi-Sewanee-James C.Putman, Willis M. Rosenthal, Lawrence F. Thompson, Alpha Rho-West VirgInia.David A. Deskins, Robert D. Dombrowski, William Fuchs,Stephen L. Highland, Howard G. Martin. Alpha SigmaTennessee-Mark D. Allan, Robert L. Andrews, Harvey L. Britt, Lloyd T. Chambers, Jr., Giles D. Hollins, James E. Jones. Jr„ Randall J. Mims, Lee L. Ryerson, Jr., William M. Salley, James Tornbras, Barney A. Tucker, Alpha Tau-RPI-William H. Baldwin. Robert E. Bergman, Milton C. Beveridge, Scott A. Bibaud, William H. Bruder, Kenneth F. Chucta,Edward S. Clark, Charles A. Culberson, Jeffrey A. Cunningham, John J. Dempsey, Micheal N. Desmarais, Richard B. Donahue,Sr., Charles G. Estey, Jonathan Finke, James W. Frey, Robert J. Fuchs, Allred R. Gneiser, George L. Graf, Jr., George J. Hoffer, Herbert K. Holden, Robert E. Hult, Christopher S. Jones, Charles C. Kammermeyer, Michael P. Kirchgessner, David B. Labrecque, John Leach, Harvey A. Leich, Clayton C. Livingston. George T. MacRidis, George H. Moorhead, George G. Morgan, Jr., Robert S. Morris, Thomas J. Myron, Nels F. Nelson, Richard J. Nelson, Frederick G. Pickles, Larry J. Powell, Gary R. Rapp, Alton J. Rohr, Nicholas P. Rusanowsky, Edward J. Rybczyk, Benjamin T. Sporn, Donald J. Stephens, Christopher G. Stirrat, Harold N. Trevett, Joseph P. Walsh,James C. Wick, John A. Woodhead ill, William L. Zabriskie, Alpha Upsilon-Drexel-Henry J. Bartle III, John B. Becker, William W. Bintzer, John Buhsmer,Jr., William P. Carey, Harry J. Christman. Henry Coleman, Jr., Lawrence M. Dandrea, Kirk S. Decker, David S. Denenberg, William J. Donohue;Jr., Eugene E. Ferry, John H. Gardner, Mark S. Gordon, Tomas L. Hill, Arthur J. Jones, Roman Kalpas, William R. Kammerte. Edward W. Langschwager, Richard W. Lodwig, William L. McFadden, John McNutt, Vicko J. Melada, Paul A. Mullin, Robert T. Murphy, Fred G. Nuenighoff. Joseph J. O'Brien. John J. Peirce, Jr., Vincent Pennoni, Gay V. Piercy, William 0. Reeside, John S. Remias, Lawrence Rice, Harry A.Schlater, Henry W.Schuene, Robert E.Simon, Harold S.Slither, George W. Thompson. Robert F. Thorp, Jr., Walton H. Troyer, Jr., John A. Webb,James W.Wendt, Donald R. Williams. Patrick D.Williams, Samuel A. Wilson. Jr., Alpha Phi-Illinois TechMichael B. Adair. Douglas H. Benton, Abort F. Bulan, Emil B. Deiter, David A. Desilets, John J. Douders, Jr., Richard F. Einecker, Richard C. Frankenberg, James M. Helm, Thomas E. Klouda. Leonard J. Mance. Wayne J. Matayoshl, Chris P. Pekarek Jack R. Piper, Edwin N. Semi, Kenneth L. Slepicka, Alpha Chi-Miami-Stuart E. Allen, Richard S. Buchanan, Warren C. Feldmeyer, Jr., Parker E. Hodgman, Frank L. Kearns, Jr., Francis D. Petrucelli, Jr., Wilson A. Rehfield III, Alpha Psi-Indiana-Chris A. Aichele, Glen C. Crosier, Daniel J. Gamble, Jason Goldstone, Jay A. Hargis, Curtis D. Kiefer, Jeffrey T. Mitchell, Robert C. Nelson, Barry G. Polley, Richard S. Regan, Russell A. Sparks, Kenneth L. Woodrick, Alpha Omega-Oregon-Olbert B. Lissy, Allred G. Ruedy, Beta Alpha-WIT-John A. Alfonso, Clinton Brockway, Robert A. Burger, Peter A. Cady, Thecdore D.Cassera, Joseph Chaps kJ, Matthew J. Coulson, Charles P. Dietz, Charles M. Forman, Paul Heller, Alan lanuzzi, Henry P. Karnes, Lawrence A. Kominiak, Roger F. Kreh, Aivars E. Krurrins, Karl Kubak, Anthony V. Mangone, Thomas M. McCann, Edward F. Moran,Jr., Alvin Olsen, Lester Pastuszyn, Robert D. Polucld, Edward J. Prokopik, Richard J. Rodrick, Richard Rusak, Steven J. Sawicki, Peter H. Schmidt, Gary D. Sobin, Ronald P. Szkodny, David White, Beta Beta-Florida Southem-DeLos L. Carroll, Jr., Mark L. Cook. Lawrence J. Henyecz, Larry L. Merchant, Charles F. Newcombe, Robert B. Nicholson, John E. Trufant, Beta Gamma-Louisville-Larry A. Hayse, James A. Koshewa, John R. Lewis, Kenneth E. Mushrush,Stephed T. Off utt. Errol Richardson, Beta Delta-Drake-Berkeley P. Duncan,James C. Hendrix,Tony L. Lord, David Manna,Gem E. Meyer, Michael N. Pavlak Kenneth J. Piller, Daniel B. Raskas, James L. Rutherford, Richard C.Schmitt, Jack M.Street, Bruce N. Swanson,John Weftlin, Beta Epsilon-Missouri-Philip J. Bouckaen, Thomas R. Fowler, William J. Gleason III, Billy J. lsenhower, John L. Lichtenberg, Denial M. Lucy. Dean M.Shillito, Jr., Mark B. Stephens, Frank J. Willing. Beta Eta-Florida State-Kenneth L. Beauchamp,James D. Bultman, Dr. Robert N.Clark, Craig D. Dierksheide,Jeffrey D. Eacker,.William G.Gilmer, Frank N. Kamey,Leonard W.Lorenzo, Jr-, Michael S.Lunn,James E. Nettles, John D. Rasmussen,Jr., Kenneth P. True,Derby L. Ulloa. Gary K. Vaughn, David D. Whitaker,Beta Theta-Arizona-Anhur W. Vance, Jr., Beta lota-Toledo-Edward Bachmeyer. Jr., David B.Barkhimer.Christopher E. Barton,Carl M. Conner, Scott S.Courson, Darwin D. Deckrosh, Dr. William G. Frederick, Robert C. Friess, Jeffrey P. Henning, Douglas W. King, Patrick Meehan, Christopher R. Nusbaum,Phillip J. Rapp, Richard G. Rose,C. David Stahl, Beta Kappa-Georgia State-Jimmy H. Conner, Walter L. Harris, Beta Lambda-Tampa-James R. Crosby, Wayne T. Davis, Richard C. Edwards, Gerald W. Herzog, Stephen J. KrIst, Harold B. Shoffein, Eugene C. Stivender, Riley M. Tucker, Beta MuMcNeese-Cecil M. Adrian, Wilfred R. Bourne, Jr., Miller B. Clarkson, Robert A. Dewey, Mark E. Leleaux, James M. Marryott, Ted W. Pool, Richard S. Sirmon, Jr., Karl 0. Stutsmap, Thomas E. Wright, Jr., Beta Xi-Central MchIgan-Richard F. Burdick, Dale R. Dewaard, Oliver W. Hayes III, Gary E. Hornbacher, William K. McKenzie, Beta Omicron-Northwestern State-James W.Crippen, John G. Oden, Beta Pi-Eastern MichiganRichard H. Falk, Wayne R. Rickard, Carl V. Taylor, Beta Rho-Clarkson-John F. Kunce, Beta Sigma-Northern Illinois-Ronald L. Giles, Dean R. Schneck, Beta Tau-Valdosta-Kenneth U. Ferrell, James E. Hart III, Ken S. Holloway, Wesley C. Murphy II, Douglas J. Whitacre, Beta Upsilon-Virginia-Edgar A. Boling, David R. Elsasser, George A. Harrison. Thomas G. Haudricourt, John J. Lapenta,Charles E. Milteer III, Steven P. Nesbit, Richard D. Opp III, John F. Rehak Daniel W. Rogerson, Edmond H. Smith, Andrew G.Straw, David J. Sullivan,Jr., WIliamJ. Watson III, Beta Phi-East Carolina-William F. Avers, Otis T.Bailey. Michael N.Chesson,Edward E.Dennis,Jr., Ellis E.Ehle.Jr., David C.Forrest, Robert S.Fuller, Bruce C. Hayden, Malcolm B.Hinton,Gary A. Jewell, Fredrick D. Judson, Randy K. Langley, William G. Mann,Bruce A. Mullis, Joseph K. Norris, Richard A. Seabolt,Jonathan S.Smith, Richard L. Wiburn,Jr,Beta Chl-East Texas State-Gregory L. Richards, Robert K. Sworhvood, Jr., John T. White, Robert C. Williams, Beta Psi-Tennessee Wesleyan-Richard C. Burdett() 111, Mark A. Defriese, Jeffrey W.Garbow, Hugh G. Neil, Jr., John M.Plernans, Frank L. Spradlen, Beta Omega-ETSU-Alan W.Bagley. Douglas A. Burt, Jerry G. Campbell, Jr., Vance W.Cheek, Jr., Terry E. Dempsey, Russell R. Palmer, Eugene W.Smith, Blake T. Williams, Robert G. Yackanin,Gamma Aipha-Uvingston-Archie C. Calhoun, James W.Carter, Timothy M. Stewart, Gamma Beta-Old Dominion-Max M. Coats,Paul E. Dickson, Jr., Robert A. Magoon, Paul L. Moses, Matthew S. Parker, David 0.Posey, Michael B. Well, Gamma Gamma-Troy State-William F. Brooks II, John J. Hastert, Cass D. Howell, James L. O'Dowd, Allen E. Owen, Kenneth M. Robinson, Bobby M. Rowland, Gamma Delta-Memphis State-Dr. Thomas H. Appleton, Jr., Herbert W. Blow. Jeffrey A. Droke,Pinky B. Pratt, Harold E. Ralph, Jr., James M. Ray, Gamma Epsilon-Western Carolina-Timothy B. Coleman, Joseph 0.Craft, Jr., Max C. Davos, Jr., Ron S. Huntington, Gene F. Leonard, Jr., Stanley B. Pendergraft, Mike E. Russell, William S. Smfth, Stephen L. Stafford, Richard J. Torres, Gamma Zeta-West Virginia Tech-Joseph K. Bell, Irvin W. Butt, Jr., Robert T. Halstead, John F. Helndel, Kevin Hodges, Steven A. Kraycar, Steven D. Lewis, Paul A. Mattox, Jr., Roger D. Moore, Jeffrey A. Russell, Dwayne D.Smith, Lewis C.Snyder. David R. Strader, Michael B. Sullivan, Joseph R. Witte, Gamma Eta-Athens-John T. Brauer, Jr., Gamma Theta-UNC-Wiimington-Larry M. Long, William D. McCaughan, Jr., James A. Moore, William T. Zook Jr., Gamma KappaGeorgia Southern-Davis A. Abner,Benjamin B. Barmore. Thomas E.Camp IV, John V. Goodman,Troy W.Johnson, Richard K.Lane, David A. Miles, Jack E. Parker, Kelly C.Penn, David W. Whatley, Williiam G. Woodard,Gamma Lambda-Rolla-Eugene A. Cooper, Randal S. Curtis, Howard D.Stever,Jr.,Gamma Mu-Belmont Abbey-John D.Glenn,Jr., Gary T. Watkins,Gamma Nu-LaGrange-Robert s. Bradfield, Jr., Thomas Brin,Stuart W. Marshall. William°. Mims,Jr., Charles H. Robinson,Gamma Xi-Georgia SouthwesternDr. Benjamin C. Andrews,Jr., William I. Bble. Jack G. Broadhurst, Larry A. Everson,Kenneth L. Hill, Finis R. Jones, Michael a moye,cecii O. Myers, Jr., Mark E. Taylor, David G.Wallis, William G. Wilson, Gamma IN-Northwestern State-Leonard M.Porcelli, Gamma Rho-Lander-Horace M. Longshore,Jimmy McCoy,Bernard Pannone,Kyle W.Sherard, Joel H.Turner, Barry C. Young.Gamma Sigma-Armstrong-Mark G.Sneed, Gamma Tau-North Texas-Dwight L. Benton,Gamma Upsilon-Oldahoma State-Robert A. Bridges. Chris R. Elich, John W. Foust, Michael S. Nichols, Brian S. Richards, Roger L. Schaefer, Paul D. Startz, Gamma Phi-south Alabama-Anthony J. Bowab II, James C. Dalton, Charles R. Ellis, William H. !shoe, Gamma Chi-Jacksonville-Michael K. Fouty, Lennart Reuterskiold, Gamma Psi-Augusta-Ronald P. kick, Ernest V. Langston, Anthony R. Perrotto, Jr., John A. Sweat, Robert L. Turner, Jr., Gamma Omega-Montevallo-Michael E. Drudy, Freddie H. Ford, Warren C. Fowler, Sr., Faris P. Oldham, Mark G. Russell, Delta M. Alpha-VPI-William T. Bailey, Jr., Glenn N. Byrd, Charles H.Caner III, Kenneth J. Debelius, Steven D. Dodd, Brian J. Eastrldge, Michael D. Eller, Eugene Langschwagor,George S. Mize, Thomas C. Nimkz, Robert A. Oulcke, Jr., James H. Robertson, Lane A.Schaffer, Stuart E. Taylor, Delta Beta-North Georgia-John D. Bingham, David P. Carlton, Thomas L. Childers, James P. Daniel, Jr., William A. Dryden, Donald L. Hackle, James L. Higgins, Jr., Charles E. Mitchell, Jerry H.Purvis, Jr„ Bobby L. Toff!, Kenneth A. Vining, Jr., John W.Winslow,Delta Delta-Northeast Nissouri-John R. Andrews,Terry D. Beckler, David L. Ewigman,Gregory Michael Ryan, J. Michael Drozda, L. Robert Cherney, E. Michael Buschelman, A. S. Wilson ill, Harold D.Wood,Delta Gamma•UNO-Richard T. Burns, Richard Jeffrey L. Davis, Clyde J. McSpadden, Delta Zeta-Appalachian State-David W.Anthony, Daniel C. Ballard, Chuck A. Beddinglield D. Lay. Mark H. Ratliff, Michael R. Wood, Delta Epsilon-Jacksonville-Russell E. Andrews, Barton L Chandler, Ralph L. Cunningham, Douglas B. Keel, Willliam E. Maycock, Timothy B. McLaughlin, Steven E. Miller, Gregory J. Proctor, Jeffrey K. Shell, Ill, Marshall B. Boyce, Jr., Patrick J. Danehy, Bruce E. Greenland, Christopher W.Hayes, David L. Henderson, Gregory A. Honeycutt, David W. Huss, Wythe R. Wilson, Delta Eta-Morehead-Dana L. Greene, Walter E. Higgins, Hollis D. Isham, David E. Jones, John F. Moser,!non Sparkman, Dena Theta-Mars Hill-Roger P. Roach, Delta Iota-Middle Tennessee-Alton Greuling, Delta Kappa-Pembroke State-Curtis Gary T. Knox, John E. Lynch, Jr., Robert M. Pombo, Richard G. Pope, Patrick J. Bennett, Jr., Michael D. Quick, Petri K. Rekola, Delta Lambda-UNC-Charlotte-Bobby L. Bollinger, Jr.. Mark W. Brydges, Martin E. Callaghan, Robert W. Fisher, Jr., David S. Higgins, Donn E.Sapp,Carlos D.Tatum,Delta Xi-North AlabamaL. Ritchie, Thomas C.Shufford,Gary N.Smith,Todd R.Stiller,Todd G.Thompson,Delta Mu-Methodist-George A.Small,Delta Nu-Westem Kentucky-Galen H.Freeman Ill, Francis B.laconis, Bruce A. Masden, Pi-Wright State-Phil R. Campbell, Mark E. Jones,James A. Martin, Timothy Delta Christopher V. Grissett, Mark Z. Rodgers,Jeffrey R. Suggs, James R. Wallace, Delta Omicron-Nicholls State-Malcolm C. Andry, Timothy J. Benoit, Jacques D. Frere, Ray S. Hebert, J. Thomas,Steven J. Trivlsonno, Dena Tau-James Michael Snook, E. Dennis Kimmel, E. Paul N. Kalich, M. Kenneth Anthony Hang, Kaiser, A. Gregory J. Waypa,Delta Rho-USC-James J. McMenamin,Alan D. Wapner, Delta Sigma-Bowling Green-William A. Haldle, Garrett, Jr., Michael J. Gazarik, Charles J. Rusbasan, Madison-Donald M. Beeby, Philip S. Bosley IV,Stephen E. Dicks, Neil C. Dunn, Michael R. Evans, Christopher E. Kelly, David M. Moretti, David S. Ottenstein, Delta Upsilon-Pittsburgh-Dean L. Daniels, James H. C. Howard E. Simon, Delta Phi-Radford-Kevin G. Coughlin, Jacob A. Hartsock, Jr., Thomas P. Morris, Daniel A. Noble, Daniel L. Ricketson, Kenneth E. Rosenbaum, Jr., Franklin A. Swann. Delta Chi-Kansas State-John Blinne, Brian D. Crane, Brent A. Grauberger, R. Gonzalez, William G. Schnellbacher, Epsilon AlphaSteven C. Hill, Kelly D. McDowell, Jeffrey L. Meister, Mark A. Meng, Jell A. Schugart, Ronn K. Smith, Delta Psi-UT-Arlington-Bruce P. Blouse, Gary Cox, Delta Omega-Texas A & M-David R. Carlson, Rafael Studt, K. Owen Epsilon Beta-Grand Valley-Wayne J. Bondy, Shaver, V. Kendrick Price, A. 0. H. Ralph James Vincent Mueller. O'Donnell, Holler% E. Gerald Hirschmann, Elon-Hardy K. Bobbin, John J. Cartons,David J. Core, Peter M. Giovine, Daniel L. Hart. Paul M. Epsilon-Clinch Jr., Thomas P. Crowe, Douglas A. Cummings, Paul W. Flessner II, Epsilon Gamma-Longwood-Brian L. Cochran, Eugene P.Gorman, John D. McLaren, Keith F. Moore, Gary C. Slack, Epsilon Delta-Auburn-Montgomery-Fred P. Posa, Epsilon Calvin K. Grant, Valley-Steven P. Beauter, Danny B. Ladle, Allen D. Wallace, Epsilon Zeta-Central Arkansas-John L. Bearden, Kim D. Crissler, Richard H. Dixon, Jr., Allen C. McDonald, Mike L. Peterson, Epsilon Eta-Winthrop-Joel H. Byars, Oscar H. Chandler, Dennis Brogden, N. lota-UNC-Greensboro-Joseph Epsilon Tower, M. Daniel Massood, William C. Moore, Jr., Thomas J. Sacco, Epsilon Theta-Seton Hall-Nicholas J. Beutell, Leonardo S. DePalma, John L. Reale, William P.Freeman, Richard C. Knott,Stephen M. Elmore,Epsilon W.Forbis,Steven T. Kirkman, Michael L. Lineback,Wistar Moore III, Jonathan A.Sholar, Epslion Kappa-Southern Tech-Jay R. Barrow,Barry L. Kidd,Thomas S.Lad,Tony M.Nevil,Jr., BertInson N.Vu,Epsilon Lambda-USC-Spartanburg-MIchael L. Carreras, John Mu-Bradley-Gregory G.Gould,Jason D. McDowell,Paul R. Miller, Joseph Solimini, Epsilon Nu-Sacramento-Mark J. Glazier, William J. Maykoskl,Cary B. Schumacher,Jeff J. Sliver, Scott J. Splegelman,Steve M. Wards,Epsilon XI-LaSalle-William M. Coulson. Joseph P. Doyle. Michael E. Gallo. David W.Givev, Thomas M. Lyons. John N. Oswald. Thomas M. Sottile. Michael D. Yosiov

Helping out on the Reservation

Page 8


alth Serv A look at a Pi Kapp's work with the Indian He The Havasupai Indian Reservation, northern Arizona's Grand Canyon,is in ed locat bluea land ofdeep canyons,big waterfalls, and mile eight an via only sible Acces . water green trail, it is the only place remaining in the U.S. all where the mail still relies on horses. Yet for holds still land this y, of its picturesque beaut In danger for its Native American inhabitants. train t freigh oad Railr Fe Augustof 1985,a Santa carrying hazardous chemicals derailed on the exreservation causing a large fire and several plosions. For the Indians, the chemical spill posed many life threatening problems. Had dangerous levels of the hazardous chemicals been deposited within homes? Was drinking A water affected? Were garden crops safe? questhese and d inate coord be to cleanup had of tions had to be answered. The man in charge spoti alumn this of ct subje the that effort, and light, is Pi Kappa Phi Chuck Freeman. Chuck, an initiate of Xi Chapter, is a commisioned officer in the U.S. Public Health n Service. The agency he works for is the India Health Service. Although he spends a majority of his time on the Navajo Reservation, Chuck has also worked with twelve other tribes. Chuck e describes his job simply as, "keeping Nativ

Americans out of the hospital." However ss is simple as that may sound, the actual proce up clean d inate coord The ex. compl much more sevof the railroad spill for example, involved eral state and federal agencies, and the entire process took nine months. Because the Environmental Health inServices Branch that Chuck works for is the of many ces, servi of tude multi a in volved projects Chuck handles vary greatly. Pesticide testing is one such example. Agriculture is the leading industry on the Colorado River Indian Reservation in Westwells ern Arizona. Since many drinking water the of rn conce was there deep, feet 30 are only possibility of pesticide contamination of the water. On this project, Chuck was the administrator in charge of determining any possible danger. Luckily, as Chuck discovered, the chemical composition of the soil was breaking down the pesticides, and the farmers applying ely the pesticides were applying them appropriat d, and conscientiously. Besides being varie Resn India to ed limit not Chuck's work is also erv ations. In 1980, tens of thousands of Cuban refugees were brought into the U.S. As a

Chuck member of this country's mobile team, where nsin, Wisco y, McCo was sent to Fort or17,000 of the refugees had been placed, to This am. progr h healt tal ganize an environmen involved monitoring of infectious diseases, inand esspection offood preperation operations, tablishing housing standards. In the lastfew years,the Indian Health probService has begun to seriously address the ng leadi the , States d Unite the In es. lem of injuri of cause of death for individuals under 45 years Sampling soilfor pesticide contamination those cans, Ameri e nativ For es. injuri age is at the Cocopah Indian Reservation agency rates are three times as high. Chuck's Resrecently completed a study,on the Navajo es reervation, of rollover motor vehicle crash and ay roadw al sever Since ties. fatali sulting in the in fied identi were roadside characterisiics with way under now are ns iatio negot study, rs offiState, Tribal, and Bureau of Indian Affai . roads y modif cials to Chuck enjoys his work, and even s offers the advice to fellow interested Pi Kapp that, who might also enjoy such a position on"openings do exist for individuals with envir mental health or biology degrees, who don't it is mind isolated living conditions". Whether or am, progr h healt organizing an emergency Freek Chuc safe, is water ing drink making sure native man provides a beneficial service to a Phi Kapp Pi ry. count our and Americans Chuck Freeman inspecting a community an recognizes the work done by Chuck Freem River - pool filtration system for the Salt and is proud to call him a member of our frater Indian Community nity.

Chapter Chartering Anniversaries have not in the next year are listed below. If you Chapters with significant anniversaries ct your conta ns ratio celeb and s vance chapter obser received information regarding individual s. detail for e Offic tive chapter or the Pi Kappa Phi Administra and ons to take place at anniversaries next fall Now is the time to begin arranging reuni reunions, the ize organ to ers broth i alumn for gs listin winter. Should you need address a minor cost. Administrative Office can supply them at

Chapter at the HavasupaiIndian Reservation loMules arriving with a load ofgroceries and mail cated in the Grand Canyon

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Directory Coming Soon! Our Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Alumni Disoon ry recto project is nearing completion and shipment of the directories will begin. This comprehensive new volume is a able compilation of the most current data avail i. alumn nity Frater Phi a Kapp Pi 4 33,17 over on quesfrom ned obtai been This information has r tionnaire mailings, telephone research and/o g, editin the that Now from alumni records. ed, proofreading and printing are almost finish will n editio ssive impre this the distribution of start.

All alumni who reserved a copy of the directory during the verification phase of the project should be receiving their copies some on on time around 11/18/88. If you have a quesi , order an place to wish you if or , your order please contact our publisher directly at the following address: Customer Service Department Bernard C. Harris Publishing Co., Inc. 3 Barker Avenue White Plains, NY 10601

In the last issue of The Star and Lamp three names were inadvertantly left off the Resolutions of Appreciation. We apologize for the error and are proud to list the names below:

Our new directory is an excellent way of ng relivi your school days and getting reacquainted with former Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity clasmates. To those who returned their quesn. tionnaires - many thanks for your cooperatio directhe of copy a ed order who those to And, tory - enjoy!

Delta Psi * Delta Omega Epsilon Alpha Epsilon Beta Epsilon Gamma Epsilon Delta Epsilon Epsilon Epsilon Zeta Arkansas Epsilon Eta

Winthrop College


Gamma Kappa Gamma Lambda Gamma Mu Gamma Nu Gamma Xi Gamma Rho Gamma Upsilon

Georgia Southern Missouri-Rolla Belmont Abbey College LaGrange College Georgia Southwestern Lander College Oklahoma State

11-2-68 11-23-68 4-26-69 5-10-69 5-17-69 2-28-70 4-17-70

25th Beta Chi Gamma Alpha Gamma Beta

East Texas State Livingston Old Dominion

11-2-63 5-2-64 10-10-64

30t/z Valdosta)


60th Alpha Xi Alpha Omicron Alpha Rho

David Everson, Gamma Delta tanding membership and longs his For dedication to the Gamma Delta Housing Corporation at Memphis State UniverRoy Baker,AlphaIota - For his assistance in the rejuvenaand nce guida tion of Epsilon Upsilon Chapter at Georgia College.

Texas-Arlington Texas A & M Elon College Grand Valley State College Longwood College Auburn-Montgomery Clinch Valley College University of Central

11-18-78 4-14-79 4-28-79 4-28-79 9-29-79 2-9-80 3-1-80 4-5-80


Beta Tau

Ken Hook, Alpha Omicron as Chapter Advisorof Alpha work his For Omicron Chapter at Iowa State University and his help in their fundraising effort





Editor's Note:

Charter Date

11-28-28 5-25-29 5-16-30

Polytechnic University Iowa State West Virginia

75th Iota Kappa Lambda Mu*


. 1(7 T—T Pr.) % )> /

10-25-13 11-14-14 1-16-15 5-16-15

Georgia Tech North Carolina Georgia Duke

Page 9

Robert E. Karns(Chi)on right, accepting his certificate at his home in Sanford,FLfrom Andrew Carraway(Alpha Epsilon)

Malcolm .1. Miller(Omega),left, being presented his certificate by David J. Dayton(Gamma)in Miller's home in Walnut Creek, CA

George Salsbury(Alpha Theta) being presented his certificate at his home in Jackson, MI by Bill MacMillan (Psi)

Homer C. Parker(Alpha Iota) being presented his certificatefrom Shawn Zwilling(Gamma Nu)at Parker's home in La Grange, GA

- Golden Legion Listed below and pictured on this page are the distinguished members of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity who have recently entered Pi Kappa Phi's Golden Legion for 50 years of membership in our Fraternity. In recognition of this accomplishment, and to honor the with maturity they representfor their chapters and the fraternity as a whole,they are presented intent a handsome Golden Legion Certificate on the anniversary of their initiation. It is the due to that all of these be presented in person by a member of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity but, to again various reasons, some occasionaly must be mailed. Pi Kappa Phi is pleased acknowledge our new Golden Legion members here:

Robert B. Wright(Tau)accepting his certificate on Easter Sunday at his home in Augusta, GA,from Major P.J. Rogers(Delta Beta)

Alpha Coll. of Charleston

Xi Roanoke College

Russell Dalton Long Dr. Edward Gordon McCoy Edward Lawrence Powers, Jr.

John Philip Demeraman,Jr. Lucian Whitaker Hiner William Turner Ingram Mason Maier,Jr. Paul Washington Rico John Burdens Slicer Arthur Gerald Trout

Beta Presbyterian Coll. John Phillip Ballard John H. Broughton Iferny Dibble Wyman

Hart D. Morris(Alpha Theta) being presented his certificate in Leesburg, FL by Byron E. Herlong (Alpa Epsilon)

Jack D. Walter(Alpha Theta) on left, receives his certificatefrom Carl E. O'Mara(Alpha Kappa)in Maitland, FL

Gamma University of California-Berkeley

Lt. Raymond Dunlap Hill Desmond Loworn Merrill

Eugene Roberts Neil Beresford WeatIcrall

Pi Ogelthrope College

Delta Furman University

Samuel J. Clinlcscales, Sr. Loren Peruchi Thomas John Craig Williams

William Kirk Allen,Jr. William P. Anderson,Jr.

Epsilon Davidson College

Walter DeForrert Harrod Donald Gerald McCausland Harry Burgess Wood, Jr.

Tau North Carolina State

Zeta Wofford College

Robert Thurston McNeely Charles Monroe Setzer, Jr. Robert Boyden Wright

brace Lloyd Evans Orin Pyle Miller Benjamin Elbert Sanders

Upsilon University of Illinois

Iota Georgia Inst.of Technology Robert Bascome Dillard Howard Payne Loveless,Jr. David Newton McClanahan Joseph Swanson Parham Earle Wynton Prendergast Robert Brewer Williams

John Charles Alden William George Bennett Thurlow Evans, Jr. John Manond Varnedoc

Mu Duke University

Nellis T. Smith (Alpha Tau)on right, receives his certificatefrom Pete Piercy(Alpha Upsilon) in Huntsville, AL

Rho Washington & Lee

Paul William Bumbarger, Jr. Norris Scribner Erb Louis Carey Hite James Walker Saunders Frank Simmons,Jr.

Lambda University of Georgia

William Webster(Alpha Upsilon) shows off his certificate which was presented to him in Ambler,PA by Donald Linske (Alpha Theta)

Omicron University of Alabama

Richard R. Brown Joseph Alexander Elliott III Ray William Forrester William Francis Franck, Jr. Charles Jenkins Henderson Charles Hal Ingram Martin Evans Jones Thomas Bland Jennings Charles House Taylor Edwin Leslie Williams,Jr.

Ora Dale Gay Alan Bartlett Gilbert Homer Don Huggins Joseph Elmore Pchlman Herman Karl Merker Joseph Walter Mioduski Lester Thomas Moate

Chi Stetson University Robert Henry Gaughan Robert Edward Karns John Grimes Jones Earl Neelands Edwin Everett Strickland George Truett Stoudenmire

Omega Purdue University Robert Clair Gullion Harvey Ray Hall Van Deurson Harms Thomas Albert Harris Malcolm Johnstone Miller Palmer Allen Porter Robert Bushnell Reed

Alpha Alpha Mercer University Charles Richard Parker Cornelius Henry VanB urcn

William W.Eyers(Alpha Tau)on right, and Ernie Stacey (Alpha Tau) after presentation of certificate to Brother Eyers in Potomac,MD

Alpha Epsilon University of Florida

Alpha Xi Polytechnic University

William Beebe Courson Frederic Christopher Davant Charles Ferdinand Marks, Jr. Charles Lee Parker Reginald 'brain Ross Robert Darwin Tylander John David Walter

Ova Jensen Roger Vernon Kaller Chester B. Mayforth, Jr. Charles Saladino

Alpha Zeta Oregon State

Leonard J. Hart James Acid I lernstreet Roy M. Kottman Charles Schram,Jr. Oren Richmond Thomas,Jr. Verne Harry Upmier

Robert Clifford Apperson George Blew Walter George Cadmus Fred A. Walter

Alpha Eta Samford University Ilomer Troy Bagley Joe Osborne Healey Victor Aubrey I hunt Daniel Edward Nolen Theron Wayne Wells Aaron Eugene York

Alpha Theta Michigan State Walter 0. Backus Avery G.Cameron Robert Murtland Field Clam LaVern Jensen George Edward McKay I hart Donald Morris Robert Earl Rose George Leslie Salsbury William Anderson Zabriskie

Alpha Iota Auburn University George Reid Doster,Jr. George Allensworth Gray J. Reeves Haley Moyer Delos I larris Ben F. Nuttall, Jr. Homer Cornelius Parker Charles Bowing Phillips Rufas W.Porter, Jr. Willis Russell Taylor

Alpha Lambda Mississippi

Norris S. Erb (Epsilon) on right, receiving his certificatefrom James II.(Pike) West(Zeta)in Salisbury, NC

Alpha Omicron Iowa State

Alpha Sigma University of Tennessee Kenneth Raymond Parkinson

Alpha Tau Rensselaer

J. Reeves Ilaley(Alpha Iota)on left, receiving his certificatefrom E.F. McLaughlin (Iota) in Moultrie, GA

William Holmes Baldwin William Walter Errs Charles Tillson Fox William Hallett Hodges Louis Frederick Muller, Jr. henry Much III Harold Alfred Skoog Nellis Thrall Smith Joseph Edmund Somghan

Alpha Upsilon Drexel University Robert William Culbert Oliver E. Diehl W.B.Fitt Henry D.Gaul Robert Allen Lynch John Burns Palmer, Jr. 'tarry Morgal Stephey William Webster

Louis C. Hite (Epsilon) on left, being presented his certificatefrom George Nelson (Alpha)in Florence,SC

Alpha Phi Robert Nevin Johnson Martin William Kraegel Edward V. Malela Harley Willard Mullins Robert Newling John Edwin Sauvage

Vanden Swayze Warren

Alpha Mu Penn State Albert Holbrook Bowers Robert Franklyn Bush . William Frederick Frantz Ernest Wilbur Gall Ralph Leonard Getrost Franklin Paul Cc:cm-tun Robert Pershing Jones Leon Melvin ICnetz Christian L. Martin,Jr. Robert Harold Olds Elbur Clair Purnell George limy Ritter Richard Miles Smith Frank Abbott Steinhilper Albert Edward Willgoos,Jr.

Edward V. Malela(Alpha Phi)on right, being presented his certificate by Louis Messer(Alpha Delta)in Escondido, CA

Joseph E. Pehlman (Upsilon)accepts his certificatefrom Bill Furling (Epsilon Mu)in Springfield,IL

Raymond Hill(Omicron)receiving his certificatefrom Charles Bugg (Chi)and Isabell Purcell in Augusta, GA. Isabell is the widow of Woody Purcell(Omicron) who was originally scheduled to make the presentation but passed away shortly before the date.

Page 10

Summer Proves Challenging for PUSH Intern Jamie Broadhurst didn't spend the last few months with a typical summerjob. As the 1988 PUSH Intern, he had to be extremely flexible to fulfill a wide variety of responsibilities. His summer calendar included driving across the country with the support vehicles at the onset of "PUSH America'88"in June,installing a PUSH unit at Toledo's Decem Center in July, and meeting with chapter delegations at Pi Kapp College in August. When he wasn't traveling, much of Jamie's office time was spent at work on PUSH's new desktop publishing system. His work entailed writing and formatting new promotional materials for use in chapter fundraising and direct mailings, and developing the PUSH displays and presentations for Pi Kapp College. As the PUSH Intern, Jamie frequently found himself offering the "collegiate perspective" in strategic discussions ranging from corporate image to next year's sportswear line. "The PUSH Internship has been an outstanding opportunity for experience in business planning. I've become extremely aware of my use of communication and professional judgement," said Jamie. An initiate of Alpha Psi chapter at Indiana University, Jamie has served as Internal Vice Archon and is currently chapter Treasurer. A senior marketing major with interests in promotion, fundraising and finance, Jamie was also able to arrange six hours of marketing credit through Indiana's Professional Practice Program. After learning about the position at the Midyear Conference in St. Louis, Jamie made his interest known early. Several weeks after submitting his application, resume and tran-

script, and after an extensive telephone inter-

view with PUSH Executive Director Jim Firster, Jamie was offered the intern position. "I know better what PUSH is all about, after meeting the clients and seeing the facilities." Jamie said,"This is a really exciting time to be involved in PUSH. It's growing so quicklyboth financially and conceptually. I would encourage others to go after the internship. It's pretty hectic at times, but it makes for a rewarding summer." Editor's Note: Applications for the 1989 Summer Internship Program will be available starting January 9, 1989.

Zeta Epsilon Chapter at George Mason University is thefirst chapter ever to raise $15,000for PUSH. A variety offundraising events includingtheir "PUSH-a-thon" contributed to their '87-'88 total gift of$15,068.16.

MEMORIAL GIFTS TO THE FOUNDATION Thank youfor remembering Gordon L. Nord - Omega Chapter By Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kohn Mr. and Mr. Robert Kohn Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kohn Mrs. Ilelen Clement By Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Krebs - Beta Gamma Chapter Ben Fields - Omicron Chapter By Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Ilerzog - Beta Lambda Chapter

Jamie Broadhurst Alpha Psi,Indiana

Eddie Bateman - Alpha Chapter By Harry Freeman - Alpha Chapter James Little May 'Omicron By Nathaniel D. McClure IV- Alpha Iota Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Dugas By Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Morrison - Alpha Epsilon Chapter

Wills and Bequests: Ladd C. E. Prucha Upsilon Largo, FL 10% of estate Walter R. Jones Alplha Delta Victoria B.C., Canada cash donation

Top 20 States $ to Annual Appeal

Annual Appeal Giving 1988

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Top 20 Chapters # of Contributors to Annual Appeal 1. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Omega-Purdue Alpha Epsilon-Florida Omicron-Alabama Alpha Mu-Penn State Alpha Tau-Rensselaer Alpha Upsilon-Drexel Iota-Georgia Tech Xi-Roanoke Kappa-UNC Chapel Hill Alpha Xi-PU Upsilon-Illinois Alpha Iota-Auburn Alpha Omicron-Iowa State Alpha Zeta-Oregon State Beta Alpha-NJIT Alpha Theta-Michigan State Gamma-Berkeley Sigma-South Carolina Mu-Duke Lambda-Georgia

Florida Georgia North Carolina Virginia South Carolina California Alabama New Jersey Texas Pennsylvania Illinois New York Tennessee Ohio Indiana Maryland Michigan Massachusetts Oregon Connecticut

$ 14,390 11,468 8,920 7,253 6,993 6,351 6,016 5,981 5,385 4,475 4,360 3,895 3,506 2,810 2,533 2,385 2,205 1,867 1,565 1,467

Top 20 Chapters, Alumni Giving to Annual Appeal in $ 127 127 112 106 105 105 95 88 85 84 83 81 71 65 61 58 58 57 56 55

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Alpha Epsilon-Florida $ 5,780 Omicron-Alabama 4,076 Omega-Purdue 3,887 Xi-Roanoke 3,255 Alpha Mu-Penn State 3,136 Alpha Iota-Auburn 3,135 Alpha Tau-Rensselaer 3,080 Kappa-UNC Chapel Hill 3,045 Iota-Georgia Tech 2,885 Alpha Upsilon-Drexel 2,860 Upsilon-Illinois 2,832 Beta Alpha-NJIT 2,785 Alpha Omicron-Iowa State 2,430 Alpha Xi-PU 2,348 Sigma-South Carolina 2,330 Alpha Zeta-Oregon State 2,235 Mu-Duke 2,230 Alpha-Charleston 2,170 Alpha Psi-Indiana 1,890 Lambda-Georgia 1,856


42nd Supreme Chapter Committee Working Hard Towards '89 Convention Washington D.C.- More than just a collection of monuments, Washington is a vibrant, bustling, spirited city that invites visitors from all over the world. It is the nation's capital, the seat of Congress, surely the country's busiest center for law, politics and education, and it is also the site of Pi Kappa Phi's 42nd Supreme Chapter, August 5-9, 1989. It takes many hours of hard work and dedication to insure that our convention will be a wonderful time for all attendees to Washington D.C., and right now the Supreme Chapter Alumni Committee is doing just that.In order to let you know the names ofthose people to whom

we will soon owe our heartfelt thanks, we list them proudly below: To help you plan your transportation to Washington, Pi Kappa Phi has arranged discount fares with Continental/Eastern Airlines. They offer 5% off the lowest applicable fare at the time ofbooking or,atleast50% offfirst class and 50% offfull coach fares. To qualify,simply make your reservations by calling 1-800.4687022 and give our easy access number,EZ 8P6. After reserving your flight, you may purchase your tickets from your local travel agency or any Continental/Eastern ticket office. Make your plans soon. See you in Washington!

David Lane, Chairman -(Omega-Purdue) Suite 500 2000 Corporate Ridge Drive McLean, VA 22102 703/749-3500

Bill Combs - (Alpha Sigma-Tennessee) 11564 Ivy Bush Court Reston, VA 22091 703/476-6440 - home 703/661-5123 - work

or home

Edward Hook -(Alpha Upsilon-Drexell) Shield Business Machines 8470 Tyco Road Vienna, VA 22180 703/631-2686 - home 703/847-0800 - work

2879 Sutton Oaks Lane Vienna, VA 22180 703/281-7955 Otis R. McCollum, Treasurer - (Kappa-North Carolina) 6200 Brookside Drive Chevy Chase, MD 20015 301/654-6847 - home 202/628-4343 - work Tom Carter -(Gamma Delta-Memphis) 8412 Crowley Place Alexandria, VA 22308 703/360-8333 - home 202/224-6521 - work

William Newell - (Psi-Cornell) 5304 Pender Court Alexandria, VA 22304 703/370-6373 - home 202/447-3869 - work

411: 111 • V11 CONTINENTAL


THE STAR AND LAMP of Pi Kappa Phi - Summer 1988 -FOUNDERSAndrew A. Kroeg, Jr.

Simon Fogarty

L. Harry Mixson The Star and Lamp, an Educational Publication 1988, Vol LXXIV, No.3 Durward W. Owen Editor-in-Chief Walter Wahlfeldt Managing Editor Tim Ribar Official Photographer Nancy Perdue Office Manager Vivian Seeley and Brenda Marlowe Editorial Assistants CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Thomas Sayre Ken Kaiser George E. King


P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 7017 Nations Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC 28217 Founded at the College of Charleston, SC December 10, 1904

POSTMASTER:Send changes of address to the Administrative Office, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC, 28224. Telephone Number (704) 523-6000. THE STAR AND LAMP OF PI KAPPA PHI (issn 0038-9854) is published quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 7017 Nations Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 in the months of February, May, August, and November. The Life Subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Publications Office, 7017 Nations Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC 28217. Second Class Postage paid at Charlotte, North Carolina.

New Director of Communications Named Jon Scott, of Valdosta, Georgia, has recently been named as Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity's new Director of Communications. Jon, a member of Beta Tau Chapter at Valdosta State College, is a 1988 graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and a minor in Journalism. "I'm excited about having this opportunity to serve my fraternity," says Jon,"as well

Page 11 as continue my fraternity experience after graduation." Jon enjoys music and writing, and someday hopes to write novels. Jon will be replacing past Director of Communications,Walter Wahlfeldt."Wally,"a past Archon of Upsilon Chapter at the University of Illinois, joined the Administrative Staff two years ago as a Leadership Consultant. He will be attending the University of Alabama this fall to begin a Master's program in Journalism. "I've enjoyed my experience working for the Administrative Office," says Wally, "and I am especially thankful for some of the close friendships I've made while working there." We wish Wally the best of luck in the future.

National Interfraternity Conference


Waller Wahlfeldt

THE CHAPTERS Alabama Alabama-Birrningharn Appalachian State Auburn Auburn at Montgomery Augusta Belmont Abbey Bowling Green Stale Bradley California-Berkeley California-San Diego Cal State-Sacramento Central Arkansas Charleston Christian Brothers Clinch Valley Drake Drexel East Carolina East Texas State Univ. Elon College Florida Florida Southern Florida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia Tech Grand Valley Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Indiana of Pennsylvania Iowa State Jacksonville State James Madison Kansas State LaGrange Lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Livingston Longwood Louisville McNeese Memphia State Mercer Michigan Michigan State Missouri-Columbia Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Morehead Nebraska-Lincoln Nebraska-Omaha NJIT North Carolina UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Wilmington North Carolina State North Dakota North Florida Northeast Missouri North Georgia Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Pembroke Penn State Pittsburgh Polytechnic University Presbyterian Purdue Radford Rensselaer Roanoke St. Joseph's Sarnford Seton Hall Shippensburg Slippery Rock Stetson South Alabama South Carolina South Florida Southern Tech Stockton State Tampa Tennessee Texas Texas A&M Texas Tech Toledo Troy State Valdosta State Villanova Virginia VCI VPI Washington & Lee Western Carolina West Virginia Tech West Virginia Univ. Winthrop College Wofford

Omicron Epsilon Phi Delta Zeta Alpha Iota Epsilon Delta Gamma Psi Gamma Mu Delta Sigma Epsilon Mu Gamma Zeta Beta Epsilon Nu Epsilon Zeta Alpha Epsilon Sigma Epsilon Epsilon Beta Delta Alpha Upsilon Beta Phi Beta Chi Epsilon Alpha Alpha Epsilon Beta Beta Beta Eta Delta Zeta Epsilon Lambda Epsilon Upsilon Gamma Kappa Gamma Xi Iota Epsilon Beta Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Zeta Iota Alpha Omicron Delta Epsilon Delta Tau Delta Chi Gamma Nu Gamma Rho Epsilon XI Epsilon Rho Gamma Alpha Epsilon Gamma Beta Gamma Beta Mu Gamma Delta Alpha Alpha Alpha Kappa Alpha Theta Beta Epsilon Gamma Lambda Gamma Omega Delta Eta Nu Delta Gamma Beta Alpha Kappa Delta Lambda Epsilon Iota Gamma Theta Tau Zeta Gamma Zeta Zeta Delta Delta Delta Beta Gamma Upsilon Gamma Beta Alpha Zeta Delta Kappa Alpha Mu Delta Upsilon Alpha Xi Beta Omega Delta Phi Alpha Tau XI Epsilon Tau Alpha Eta Epsilon Theta Zeta Delta Epsilon Psi Chi Gamma Phi Sigma Zeta Eta Epsilon Kappa Zeta Kappa Beta Lambda Alpha Sigma Zeta Theta Delta Omega Epsilon Omega Beta Iota Gamma Gamma Beta Tau Epsilon Omicron Beta Upsilon Epsilon PI Delta Alpha Rho Gamma Epsilon Gamma Zeta Alpha Rho Epsilon Eta Zeta

P.O. Box 1947, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 P.O. Box 40, University Center, Birmingham, AL 35294 ASU Box 8991, Boone, NC 28608 861 Morrison Rd., Auburn, AL 36830 P.O. Box 17926, Montgomery, AL 36117-0926 Augusta College, 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904 - FOUNDERS Box 242, Belmont Abbey Col., Belmont, NC 28012 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403 ANDREW A. KROEG, JR. L. HARRY MIXSON FOGARTY SIMON 1532 West Bradley Avenue, Peoria, IL 61606 94704 Berkeley, CA 2908 Channing Way, NATIONAL COUNCIL NATIONAL COMMITTEES AREA GOVERNORS P.O. Box 12407, LaJolla, CA 92037 P.O. Box 255826, Sacramento, CA 95825 UCA Box 5126, Conway, AR 72032 Area: President-Judge James Turk Trust Investment-Stephen DePalma S.P.O. Box 1456, College of Charleston, SC 29424 James A. Krucher, 3 Burgh Ave., I Box 611 Schoor, DePalma & Cangaer Group, Inc. 650 East Parkway South, Memphis, TN 38104 07011 Clifton, NJ P.O. Box 1149 Radford, VA 24141 200 Route 9, CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 Dr. Arthur J. Ouickenton,401 II Manaiapan, NJ 07726 1236 34th St., Des Moines, IA 50311 Boone, NC Meadowview Dr., Vice-President-Stephen DePalma 3405 Powehon Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104 28607 Schoor, DePalma & Cangaer Group, Education-Patrick Farley P.O. Box 1423, Greenville, NC 27834 College St., deValinger, 402 Ronald J. III Inc. 78-1 Drexelbrook Drive Box W, E.T. Station, Commerce, TX 75428 Cuthbert, GA 31740 - 1314 200 Route 9, P.O. Box 1149 Drexel Hill, PA 19026 P.O. Box 1206, Eion College, NC 27244 Mark Jacobs, 2625 Meridian St., Apt. IV Manaiapan, NJ 07726 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 1102, Indianapolis, IN 46208 Ritual & Insignia - Glenn McConnell Box 15215, Go Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL 33802 Treasurer-Phillip M. Summers V Frank D. Havard, P.O. Box 16348, 27 Bainbridge Drive 36616 423 W. College Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32301 Mobile, AL Vincennes University Charleston, SC 29407 William M. Ojile, Jr., 5757 Colfax Furman University-Box 27569, Greenville, SC 29613 VI 1002 N. First Minneapolis. 9905 Pohick Rd., Burke, VA 22015 Avenue, S., Vincennes, IN 47591 Nomination-Lonnie Strickland, Ill P.O. Box 2926, Athens, GA 30604 MN 55419 1 Old Northriver Point P.O. Box 961, Milledgeville, GA 31061 VII Stever W. Smith, 1816 S. Carson Secretary-Jerry T. Brewer Tuscaloosa, AL 35406-1011 LB #12343, Georgia Southern Col.„ Statesboro, GA 30460 41334, Tulsa, OK 74119 Dean of Student Life P.0. Box 411, Americus, GA 31709 VIII Dr. Frank M. Parrish, 7742 S. USC-Russell House Alumni-vacant Littleton, CO G.T. Box 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 Harrison Circle, Columbia, SC 29208 225 Commons, Housing Office, Allendale, M149401 80122 Expansion-Clay Edmonds 306 E. Gregory Drive, Champaign, IL 61820 Paul W. Combs, 12383 Copenhagen IX Chaplain-Thomas H. Sayre 1951 Carr Avenue 3333 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IL 60616 Ct., Reston, VA 22091 P. 0. Box 393 Memphis, TN 38104 P.O. Box 59, Bloomington, IN 47402 Steven S. Ryder, 11442 Foster Rd., X Morganton, NC 28655 P.O. Box 1604, IUP, Folger Hall Post Office, Indiana, PA 15705 Los Alamitos, CA PUSH-Philip Tappy 90720 407 Welch Avenue, Ames, IA 50010 Chancellor-Nathan Hightower Eastman Kodak Company P.O. Box 602-Jacksonville St. Univ., Jacksonville, AL 36265 P.O. Box 1669 9140 Arrowpoint Blvd., Ste. #100 P.0. Box L-211, JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Clearwater, FL 33517 Charlotte, NC 28217 1716 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS 66502 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Box 1170 LC, LaGrange, GA 30240 Past-National President-David Jaffee Executive Director -- Durward W.Owen Box 6191, Lander College, Greenwood, SC 29646 116 E. Goosecreek Blvd. S Assistant Executive Director -- Glenn Dickson LaSalle Univ., Box 692, Philadelphia, PA 19141 Goosecreek, SC 29445 Director of Communications -- Wally Wahlfeldt Lenoir-Rhyne College, Box 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 Exec. Vice-President of Properties --Paul S. Green P.O. Box M, Livingston, AL 35470 Administrator -- Jim Firster Box 1140 - Longwood College, Farmville, VA 23901 PUSH Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Room 12-Student Ctr., U. of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40208 Asst. Director of PUSH -- Kenneth Kaiser Travis Julian Ted A. Scharfenstein Leadership Consultants -- Dean Divis, P.O. Box 92229-MSU, Lake Charles, LA 70609 Suite 1350, JMB Property Addison Gilbert Hospital 3841 Spottswood Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111 Bill Maycock, Scott Smith 875 N. Michigan Avenue 298 Washington Street Mercer University - Box 112, Macon, GA 31207 Chicago, IL 60611 Gloucester, MA 01930 University of Michigan, 916 Church St. , Ann Arbor, MI 48104 131 Bogue Street, E. Lansing, MI 48823 Rm. A017 Brady Commons, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS 1704 Pine Street, Rolla, MO 65401 Drawer K, 91 Bloch St, Montevallo, AL 35115 P.O. Box 4674 Duke Station, Durham, NC 27706 Duke Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 Box 12372, Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28301 Methodist 425 University Terrace, Lincoln, NE 68508 University of Jacksonville, Box 2, Jacksonville, FL 32211 Jacksonville P.O. Box 128, Univ. of Nebraska-Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182 705 S. Summit, Arlington, TX 76013 Univ. of Texas-Arlington 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 1714 S. Chautauqua, Norman, OK 73072 Oklahoma 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Marshall 1902 7th Ave„ Huntington, WV 25705 Cone University Center, UNCC Station, Charlotte, NC 28223 P.O. Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 Averett College 1020 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27401 P.O. Box 827, LaVerne, CA 91750 LaVerne University Union, Rm. 202,Wilmington, NC 28407 University Center 2-43, Attn: Pi Kappa Phi, Fullerton, CA 92634 Cal. State-Fullerton 2401 W. Fraternity Court, Raleigh, NC 27606 Student Activities Office, Box 130, Davis, CA 95616 Univ. of California-Davis 2610 University Ave., Grand Forks, ND 58201 10514 Churchill Ave., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Cal. State-Northridge Go Student Life,4567 St. Johns Bluff Road, S, Jacksonville, FL 32216 1255 Salem St., Chico, CA 95928 CSU-Chico P.O. Box 562,815 S. Davis, Kirksville, MO 63501 615 Matlack, West Chester, PA 19393 West Chester Box 5165- North Georgia College, Dahlonega, GA 30597 23 White St., Angelica, NY 14709 SUNY-Cortland Oklahoma State Univ., 703 University, Stillwater, OK 74074 P.O. Box 89, Wesley College, Dover, DE 19901 Wesley 810W. 52nd St., Norfolk. VA 23508 P.O. Box 2186, Clemson, SC 29632 Clemson 2111 Harrison NW,Corvallis, OR 97330 P.O. Box 5423, Pembroke State Univ., Pembroke, NC 28372 409 E. Fairmont Avenue, State College, PA 16801 316-C Semple Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ALUMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS 333 Jay St., Brooklyn, NY 11201 Presbyterian College - Box 1069, Clinton, SC 29325 Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Bill lshee - 1747 Hunter Ave., Mobile, AL 36606 330 N. Grant Street, W. Lafayette, IN 47906 Alpha Upsilon Alumni Assoc. Fred H. Schmehl - 39 W. Wyomissing Ave., Shillington, PA 19607 815 Tyler Avenue, Radford, VA 24141 Alpha Zeta Alumni Assoc. Ted Langton - 3058 NW Charmyr Vista, Corvalis, OR 97330-2705 49 Second Avenue, Troy, NY 12180 Americus Alumni Corp. Ron Chaffin - 3145 White Rd., NE, Conyers, GA 30207 Box 1450, Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153 Beta Alumni Assoc. Howard C. Bean, Jr., M.D. - 734 Palmetto St., Spartanburg, SC 29302 P.O. Box 230, 5600 City Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131 Beta Phi Alumni Assoc. Bryan McGann - 913 Bridge Way, Raleigh, NC 27615 Samford University, Box 2474, Birmingham, AL 35229 Central Alabama Alumni Assoc. Jim Beal - P.O. Box 505, Montevallo, AL 35115 Charleston Alumni Assoc. Alan Homes, Jr. - 2146 Vespers Or,, Charleston, SC 29407 B-Dougherty Std Ctr, 400 S. Orange, S. Orange, NJ 07079 Delta Omicron Alumni Chapter Kirk Defelice - P.O. Box 98, Larose, LA 70373 %Cumberland Union Bldg., Shippensburg Univ., Shippensburg, PA 17257 Des Moines Alumni Chapter John S. Kirk - P.O. Box 65663, W. Des Moines, IA 50265 Rm 221-C, Univ Union, SRU, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Bill Lawton - 40703 Melody Dr., Mt. Clemens, MI 48044-2184 Detroit Area Alumni Assoc. Stetson, Box 8241, DeLand, FL 32720 Donegan Root - 2334 Purple Martin Ln., Virginia Beach 23455 Epsilon iota Alumni Chapter P.O. Box U-1208, USA, Mobile, AL 36688 Alumni Chapter Eddie Keene - 5490 Forest Hill #2, Memphis, TN 38115 Epsilon Sigma University of SC, Box 85128, Columbia, SC 29225 Tom Tartt - P.O. Box A, Livingston, AL 35470 Gamma Alpha Alumni Assoc. USF, CTR 2559, Tampa, FL 33620 Brooks Thompson - 718 University Ave., Troy, AL 36081 Gamma Gamma Alumni Assoc. 1112 Clay Street, Marietta, GA 30060 Tom Peterson - 2455 Salvia St. N., Mobile, AL 36606 Gamma Phi Club, Inc. Box 4192, Pomona, NJ 08007 Alumni Chris Cannon - 7371 Grenlock Dr., Sylvania, OH 43560 Greater Toledo 401 W Kennedy Blvd, U of Tampa-Box 2786, Tampa, FL 33606 Chuck Watson - P.O. Box 848, Greenwood, SC 29646 Greenwood Alumni Assoc. 1828 Fraternity Park, Knoxville, TN 37916 Brian Moore - 1310 Osborne, Friendswood, TX 77546 Houston Texas Alumni 807 M. L. King, Jr., Blvd, Austin, TX 78705 Larry Metzler - 4707 Moller Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46254 Indianapolis Area Alumni Chapter 132 Watson, Bryan, TX 77801 Lawrence G. Thayer - 103 Woolf Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca Alumni Assoc. 2017 Main, Lubbock, TX 79401 Jacksonville Area Alumni Assoc. Jesse Crimm - 4445 Silverwood Ln., Jacksonville, Fl 32207 P.O. Box 2478, Toledo, OH 43606 Rick Jolly - P.O. Box 3382, LaGrange, GA 30241 LaGrange Alumni Assoc. 610 N. Three Notch Street, Troy, AL 36081 Leroy Langston - 40 Marietta St., NW, Atlanta, GA 30303 Lambda Alumni Assoc. Box 89- Valdosta College, Valdosta, GA 31698 Larry Hayse - 5503 Shorewood Dr., Louisville, KY 40214 Louisville Alumni Chapter Student Activities Office, 215 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 19085 David Everson - 1963 Deep Valley Cove, Memphis, TN 38138 Memphis Alumni Assoc. 510 Rugby Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Mark Fehmer - 2307 Abbington, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 Metroplex Alumni Assoc. 1612 Grove Ave., #7, Richmond, VA 23220 Rick W. Price - 7601 Cedar Creek Lane, Charlotte, NC 28210 Mountaineer Alumni Assoc. 1101 Redbud Road, Blacksburg, VA 24061 John Burns - 1629 E. 38th St., Brooklyn, NY 11234 Chapter New York Alumni Washington & Lee-P.O. Box 903, Lexington, VA 24450 Karl Kopans - 420 Victor St., Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 North Jersey Alumni Assoc. P.O. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 Jay T. Seeger - 10 N. 4th St., Lafayette, IN 47902 Omega Alumni Chapter 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, WV 25136 Dan Mortensen - 1 515 NE 96th, Seattle, WA 98115 Seattle Alumni Assoc. 591 Spruce Street, Morgantown, WV 26505 Lee Pearson - 3617 Kirbey Smith, Wilmington, NC 28403 Assoc. Wilmington Alumni P.O. Box 5030-WCS, Rock Hill, SC 29733 Caleb B. Jennings - P.O. Box 6427, Spartanburg, SC 29304 Zeta Alumni Assoc. P.O. Box P. Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC 29301


oday's undergraduates face a tough environment. There's a new premium on academic achievement. The job market is growing increasingly competitive and even the youngest chapter members and mostjunior officers have to consider the nightmarish issue of legal liability. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is committed to making life a little easier for today's brothers. Last year, more than $119,000 was contributed to the Foundation funded educational programs that addressed undergraduate needs. Workshops and internships provided training in personal and business skills while scholarships promoted academic success. Social programming like alcohol awareness, career development and etiquette training helped make socially adept young businessmen of our undergraduate brothers. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation knows that it's not easy to be an undergraduate today. With your support, we're trying to make life a little easier. As we see it, we're only giving back a little of what we received. Won't you help us?

Support the Foundation today! 1ail.your 1(1.v-deductible, contribution. to The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224.

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