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staatia THE

Special Annual Appeal Issue • Contributors listed. Pages 6-12 • Foundation has new leaders. Page

OF PI KAPPA PHI 11 1 WINTER 1990 vol. LXXVI No. 1



Looking back on 85 years of Pi Kappa Phi n December and January, the media,from ABC News to Life Magazine, devoted countless pages and hours of' air time to looking back at the Eighties. As Pi Kappa Phi surges ahead into the Nineties, The Star & Lamp looks back at the last 85 years ofthe Fraternity's history, highlighting its most significant accomplishments,leaders and events.

Andrew Kroeg, A,'06

1904 On Dec. 10, Pi Ka ratry as founded at the College of hidre Charleston in Chastest der roeg ,Jr.,Simon Fogarty, Jr., and Law on. 1905 The ers' Day" s held. .: Thomas Mosimann, A,'09 1906 Kr sident at the ITr ." - me Chapter. ected nation 1907 Be apter was establis P esbyteria • :- _ 1., i Kappa Phi was inco d as a e frat tate i ..o Carolina. 1908 IOn oVv. 22 eodore ly as ssion to Chapte start w a ame G a Cha at the of Calif. v : • erkeley. ry P. Wa e the 190 be initiriu teAsing the Pi Kapfialii ritual o 191f he first is of The St was pu ed. 1912 led a and ed th 11 .1111311appa Phi t alum became nterfr. 1914 an esoteric pub1icatij. hed. 1921 S apter wa Roy Heffner, I; 20 1922 In 1924 Th ,under the direction oft 1926 A Frate as distributed. 1928 The National in, Ill. 1929 The Twenty-fifth Annivers r was commemorated with the gift of the Memorial Gateway to the College of Charleston. 1934 Albert Meisel, an alumnus initiate, was elec;ted national president. 1936 The Supreme Chapter passed legislation prohibiting "Hell Week." 1937 "The White Diamond" manual was first published. 1941 Mrs. William H. Mixon,affectionately known as the "Mother of the William Berry, AE,'38 Fraternity," passed away. 1950 The Supreme Chapter created a lifetime membership(initiation)fee, replacing the conventional dues system; Pi Kappa Phi was one of the first fraternities to establish such a fee. 1953 The National Office was moved to Sumter, S.C. 1954 Founders Fogarty and Mixon served as hosts to the Golden Anniversary convention, held in Charleston. The College of Charleston was given a six-foot face clock, which was installed on campus. 1959 The first Pi Kapp College was held in Sumter, S.C. Durward Owen became executive director. 1960 The Golden Legion was developed to recognize 50-year members. 4111■ 1961 The first Fraternity-wide"Voluntary Gift Drive," was held to request Karl Gibbon, Y. '56 the financial support of alumni. 1962 Founder Mixon joined the Chapter Eternal. 1964 Mel Metcalfe was elected national president. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation was approved by the Internal Revenue Service. 1965 The National Office was moved to Charlotte, N.C., into the first headquarters building owned by the Fraternity.


Harry Mix-son, A,'II

John Carroll, I,'13

George Driver, N, 23

a. Pelzer Wagener, A, 27

Devereux 'Ake,I,'46

Howard Leake, P,'48


Lawton Ellis,!, '18

Albert Meisel, AE,'34


ser, Z,'50

ikocrr4 ,,;.t

Bernard Jones, A,'58

James Head, AZ,'60

Kim Jepson, AO,'66

Charles Henderson, X, oS

See 85 YEARS, back page

John Deinder, AY,'62

Melville Metcalfe, AT,'64

Jack Steward, AZ,'70

TA.Schattenstein, BB, 72

The national presidents of Pi Kappa Phi, pictured chronologically from left to right, with their chapters and the dates they were first elected


Philip Tappy, A,'77

Lonnie Strickland, 0,'79

David Jaffee, A,'83

Judge James Turk, E,'87 Stephen DePalma,BA,'89

The Star & Lamp(USPS 519000) is published



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Page 2-the star & lamp-Winter 1990

01Es/issues Briefly...

6 scheduled chartenngs keep Pi Kapp growing Six associate chapters are scheduled to be chartered this spring, while four new colonizations are underway. To be chartered this semester are Zeta Sigma-Cal.-Davis,Zeta TauAtlantic Christian, Zeta UpsilonColorado State, and recharterings at Psi-Cornell, Alpha Delta-Washington, and Delta Omega-Texas A&M. Pi Kappa Phi is colonizing this semester at Cal.-Irvine, Francis Marion in Florence, S.C., Central Florida in Orlando, and Georgia State (Beta Kappa reactivation) in Atlanta. Colonized this fall were ColoradoBoulder, Duquesne University in Pittsburg, Pa., Kennesaw College in Atlanta, and Towson State in Baltimore. • Epsilon Mu's chapter advisor received the Putnam Award for teaching excellence at the Bradley University chapter's Founders' Day this fall. Dr. Doan Modianos is an alumnus initiate of Epsilon Mu. He currently teaches in the College of Business Administration at Bradley. The Putnam Award is based on teaching excellence in the areas of scholarship, class planning, communication, evaluations and personal relations. Modianos was nominated for the award by his colleagues. • lawsuit has been filed against A a fraternity chapter at the University of Arizona (not Pi Kappa Phi), with each of the 100 student members, and the advisors, housing corporation officers and national fraternity being named in the multi-million dollar suit. The plaintiff was left blind and quadriplegic from an auto accident involving one of the fraternity's members. The member was underage, and he had been drinking at a fraternity party prior to the accident. The week before the party, the chapter voted not to participate in the Bacchus alcohol program. The members also instructed their IFC representatives to vote against an IFC proposal aimed at controlling the use of alcohol by fraternities on that campus. • Nearly 2,600 members of Pi Kappa Phi have applied for a Fraternity-sponsored VISA card. Over 1,300 cards have been issued at an approval rate of 49 percent. The Foundation is realizing about $750 per month from the interest paid on these cards. • The 43rd Supreme Chapter will be held in Clearwater, Fla., Aug. 1014, 1991. Pi Kapp College dates have been set for Aug. 1-5, to be held at Roanoke College, in Salem, Va. The next Pi Kapp College, in 1992, will probably be held in Charleston, S.C. The switch to Charleston is due to the conference outgrowing the facilities at Roanoke College.

Greeks light Bul By MelanieStudent lodging Di*

children for holiday up

students made us fee eStone Belt. "The kids." se vs pbpiansth.Hripoyrcigoionradtedi• inr-1191,:w5vee,lielneish.p'eseip:osle( students) gel wound: vfaor. thieK O duty and they Wee it." f (MNe than su line earned r they a ... . • . ...mum ed end ivs Be: . . hun Stone ..., ...' "Ever , e,In .. ip;°ni ti, nl hrikeisoAlnoi ellie –, ....YbedY whit li1


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Studen brave cold

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raPp .. e_dm y to begin annual charitable Fraternity push-tiach-.tchnOticrilzed .... Students DROPpar to pedal v. Unix

spirit was in full ss The Christmas Kappa Phi fraternit week when the Pi sorority hosted the Gamma Phi BetaProgram for Special B U If 0 annual Holiday children 'and young ad SIMI Writ*, Twenty eight Retarder Council for the Slone Belt10th St., paired up wit Thirteenmnye eYars Inc. 2/15 E.evening of ornament•mak im




the national philanthroleroffothr Pi Rearm P, .' • 3n






Wesley osvar i. ,iiiate the wadi- i

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Fraternity pledges 3,400-mile bike trek By Jinfly Munro

News CagnMen bursae

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Fraternities ending

rai By stew Stan wrneu Goldborg




siaTER programs 9

take ,Tau aanldone.consoiation in the Omega ' fact they Georgia werechapter brothers al the of the Atryi hpau cepl is Paced with are crilicism none too Univcehrash.i that the the sexist, allegations at c■ aister" fraterni:led pleased whenilediu'r,..a. of threat of th°: to sexual PrograM topreitieni .. lawsuits; more tea.ab conegiare .'"Peortio .... lilst summ.. end itsCa ,

Are social sororities and fraternities conducive to the educational process? PRO by Tom Goodale Resolved: Greek societies are conducive to the educational process within higher education.

tion, but such negotiations - whether seen as failures or triumphs constitute the fiber of the developmental process whereby individuals better understand, experientially, the compromises between community and personal freedom. Definition ofTerms: As the affirmative team in this gunfight, we Second, Greek societies provide an environment characterized would like to begin the process of debate by exploring with you for by supraordinate goals. An essential element of the concept of a moment what we believe this resolution means and, specifically, community is individuals bound together for a cause which is greater what it does not mean. This debate is not a trial of the Greek system than any one individual. Whether it is the investment of time and rein our colleges and universities. We are not here to determine the guilt sources in a philanthropic project or intramural sports, lessons are or innocence of the organizations or the men and women members taught and learned about the concept of team and the sublimation of across the country. This is not a debate over the rightness or wrong- personal ends toward the achievement of group goals. ness of behavior; it is a debate over the fundamental philosophy Third,Greek societies evolve formal and informal norms for the underlying Greek letter organizations and the relative quality of the conduct of members which are prototypic of other social/residential developmental environment that these organizations seek to create groups and thereby illustrate graphically and personally the nature from college age women and men. We believe that the phrase and scope of community. "educational process" is a deliberately generous one, which should Contention #2: Greek societies provide an optimal laboratory be construed to include the environment for the developacademic,personal,interperment of leadership skills by sonal and socio-emotional students.Greek chapters prohis is the second part of a debate over the value of Greek societies in development of traditionalvide a unique leadership colleges and universities. The debate was the focus of a forum American aged college students. opportunity. Students are not at the 70th Annual Conference of the National Association of Student The term "conducive" elected to offices based upon Personnel Administrators (NASPA). The forum was sponsored by the is also pivotal; it implies an slick political campaigns and National Interfraternity Conference (NIC). accepting, facilitation enviclever quotes in the student The first of the two forum debators' positions was reprinted in the last ronment which meets the newspaper. Students are seissue of The Star & Lamp and was written by Joyce Maisel, associate dean essential requirementsforthe lected by a quorum of peers of students at Colby College. She contended that fraternities and sororities aforementioned developwho have witnessed clearly are not conducive to the educational process. ment. Let's consider a metaBoth articles have been reprinted with the permission of the NIC. the strengths and weaknesses phor: a football field may be of a companion as they have conducive to the playing of • Tom Goodale is president of NASPA and vice president of student come to know him or her over affairs at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. that particular sport. That, a substantial period of time. however, is no guarantee, Leadership in a fraternity or and we should not mistake sorority hasclose scrutiny and personal development as constituents of the process. the term conducive to mean a guarantee. The existence of a quality terrain for the playing offootball does not insure against infractions, Further, it is important for us to recognize that each of these poor execution or errors in judgement or planning. We are not here chapters is a mini independent business or agency,needing to balance today to argue that Greek societies are without infractions, poor their marketing, facilities, programming, food, and staff costs in a execution or errors injudgement or planning,anymore than we could delicate financial and educational equation which is self-sustaining. argue that our students in the residence halls around the country are In this regard it is a a unique laboratory for the development of errorless and guiltless. leadership skills. In short, we are arguing the underlying philosophy and the Contention #3:Greek societies promote individual responsibilframework for an environment which permits the kind of academic ity within a context of peer support. growth that is consistent with the overall mission of colleges and Contention #4: Greek societies provide a vehicle for satisfying universities. We do not propose to excuse,explain or defend specific the basic affiliative needs of young students. incidents that have taken place in some chapter house on the East Contention #5: Greek societies provide a context conducive to Coast anymore than we plan to cite parallel cases among our non- moral development. Greek students; this is not a debate over student "debauchery" I would like to conclude with two quotes that evidence our however titillating that discussion might be. It is a debate on philoso- overall position. The first is by Sandy Astin in his book Four Critical phy and environment. Years. He writes that "fraternity or sorority membership has a subWith that preamble out of the way, I would like to present and stantial positive effect on persistence, overall satisfaction with coldefend five contentions which support the proposition stated previ- lege,and satisfaction with instruction and social life." As I'm sure our ously. opponents in this debate will be happy to point out, it may be that Contention #1:Greek societies provide an optimal condition for Greeks simply have lower standards and are, thereby, more easily internalizing the value of"community." satisfied. No matter, the point is that Greek life is a functioning, There are three constituents of this contention. First, these satisfying, motivating climate "conducive" to the educational missocieties allow young men and women to experience first hand issues sion of higher education. related to "personal privacy." The concept "community" must seSecond,I would like to quote from a 1987 address by Ronald W. cure, as a founding element, personal privacy. Young men and Rosskens,President of the University of Nebraska:"Fraternities are women, as members of Greek societies, are confronted daily with uniquely equipped to forge character,to instill values,and to educate situations which assist them in better understanding and clarifying young people in a forum that is simultaneously a part of and beyond "personal privacy" within a context ofcohabitation. Members find a the college or university experience." delicate balance between personal preference and community welIt is in the spirit of these remarks that I recommend that you fare. Situations are not always resolved to every person's satisfac- affirm the resolution.


Winter 1990-the star & lamp-Page 3

There's no room for racism in Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity There is no place for racism in a fraternal organization,if we as fraternity members intend to live and act out the true meaning of brotherhood. As Greek lettermen are making up a larger percentage of the population, it is extremely relevant that the issue ofinter- and intra-fraternal racism be addressed. These Greek lettermen will someday be our congressmen, senators, governors, and presidents. What an outstanding advancerrtent could be made ifthese lettermen were knowledgeable on the issue of racial sensitivity through their organizations. Here on our campus at Grand Valley State University we have not witnessed any major instances of racism among our fraternities, but as our Greek system grows,along with it grows the issue ofracism. We already have some minority fraternal organizations whose members don't include themselves in Greek Week activities or Greek Council or other bodies designed to unify the fraternities on campus. By not participating in these activities, a sense of prejudice arises and these organizations further alienate themselves from the other organizations. Being brothers of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity has gotten us many stares and questions as to why we joined a traditionally white organization. Our answer is a simple one: to us its not an organization ofcolor,it's a brotherhood. In our four or five years as college undergraduates we learn the most about ourselves and others. This is the time when we truly develop our "self." Most people don't include their views on racial issues in their analysis ofthemselves, but it has a great deal to do with how we as individuals will succeed in our lives. Many of the prejudices we face are results of stereotypes and incorrect assumptions. One way of resolving these prejudices is through effective communication. One such program in effect on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania is called COLORS,Campus Organized Lectures on Racial Sensitivity. This program allows individuals from different organizations to sit down and talk candidly about sensitive issues, exposing individuals to different viewpoints and cultures. This program and others like it allow us to learn how to relate to one another, a skill which will be much needed in present society and in society to come. But in order for programs like this to be effective we must enter it with open minds. Rush slogans like we're all "black" or "white" must be no more. We must end any type of racial commentation, eyen if trivial. Such comments are ones many of us have heard or even have said. They tend to make the recipient ofthem feel that they are less of a person. Consider the stereotypes behind such comments. They are apt to bring about feelings of resentment, or even anger. What we need to realize is that we should be careful ofthe things that we say to others. We need to realize that everyoneis an individual and should be treated as such. This lesson is illustrated by the experiences of a young black teenager named Tye. Tye'sfamily moved to a white upper middleclass neighborhood from a black workingclass area. As Tye gradually became involved in extra-curricular activities in his new high school,he began dating a white girl named Laura, who works on the school newspaper with him. Their relationship, however, met with disapproval from their highschool friends and Laura's parents. "Laura and I found a little time between class and the newspaper to work on the class Homecoming float," Tye says. "The float that year was a stairway to heaven (remember the song "Stairway to Heaven," by Led Zepplin?) to match the musical theme of Homecoming that year. My not being white was the popular conversational theme at the float site. But Laura and I went anyway and had a good time." That weekend Laura an d Tye went to the Homecoming dance and some pre- and

after parties together. "Laura's parents like me, but I could tell that they were unhappy with the idea of us dating regularly. Laura and I also got a few stares for being the only interracial couple at the dance. We ignored them and had a good time. "After the dance we went to a steakhouse. Then we went to a hotel party and many ofthe people from the school newspaper were there. After the hotel party we went to another party where most of the tennis team was. Some of the tennis team members were uncomfortable with the idea of Laura and I dating. They would look at us strangely,and wrinkle their noses.Laura and I paid no attention to them," Tye says. Despite their friends reactions,Tye and Laura began dating regularly. "People in school stopped staring at us

into the ocean. He wonders where the years have gone. He thinks Part Three of Four back to when he was a poorlittle black boy back By Nusun Muhammad in Mississippi. He had (left) and Kipard F. Pearson always wanted lobe rich EB-Grand Valley State andsuccessful.He thinks Two students give their unique perspective hack to his high school of how the issue of racism pertains to days in Illinois. He had today's fraternities. Part Four will address alwaysthoughthe would date rape. go on to college and become successful. He thinks back to when he and became accustomed to seeing the two of first started working on the east coast. He'd us together. Sure,every once in while somebeen so young,idealistic and naive.He thinks one would shout at Laura, 'Hey what's a back to all the years he had spent working good white girl like you doing with a black late hours. Allfor what? guy?' Or someone would say to me,'Why He is black and he will never befully acdon't you find someone your own race?'" cepted into the white man's world. He has As a final thought, read the following now realized that it doesn't matter how passage about a black man's struggle to suc- educated he is or how hard he works in ceed in "Corporate America,"and think about Corporate America; he is black and will what it could mean to your fraternity. never by viewed as an equal in the white He sits on the Maine rocks staring out man's corporate world.

From a Student's Perspective

Whyjoin' a Fraternity thatwon't letyou keep„ "them out?

Page 4-the star & lamp-Winter 1990

alumnicater . Executive Director Durward Owen's comments on the 4 mostrecent recipients Merit Citation Awards. EDWARD JOSEPH BENNETT Xi 506, Roanoke College

"His support of the staff of the Administrative Office has been legendary. While employed by Eastern Airlines, he saved Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity thousands of dollars in transportation funds. When he lived in Charlotte, N.C., he was always a part of the educational process for incoming staff members. Upon moving to Roanoke, Va., he reestablished his relationship with Xi Chapter. His contributions to the reorganization of Roanoke-area alumni has been extraordinary."

National council appoints new Area VIII governor John Puckett was appointed governor of the chapters in Area VIII of Pi Kappa Phi.

Puckett is from Iota Chapter-Georgia Tech. Puckett is vice of president manufacturing for XEL Communications, in Aurora, Col. He is married and has two children. A past presidentof the Institute of Industrial Engineers, Puckett Puckett is a member of the Association for Manufacturing Excellence, American Management Association, and the American Electronics Association. He is also a member of Who's Who in Finance and Industry. Puckett's hobbies include golf, fishing, travel, military history and he teaches parttime at a community college. The chapters in Area VIII are Colorado State associatechapter and Colorado-Boulder associate chapter.

When should Fraternity skip a Supreme Chapter? On Feb. 9, the National Council met in Atlanta, Ga. Among the things the Council discussed was: •The rotation ofSupreme Chapter years so as to insure that the 100th Anniversary of the Fraternity would fall on a Supreme Chapter year. Traditionally, the Fraternity returns to Charleston, S.C., each 25th year. •The elimination of the national vice president position, changing the office to "national president elect." •Several options concerning the sale of the Administrative Office property and headquarters, and the transferring of assets to the Foundation. •A recommendation to change the Nominating Committee membership to include the past national president, a Council of Archons member, an area governor, a representative from each Champion Master Chapter, the Chapter Advisor of the Year, and three representatives from Nu Phi. •Julius Burges,of Alpha-Charlestion, will chair the Investment Committee.

TRAVIS PORTER JULIAN Omicron 1016, University of Alabama

"In addition to serving the Fraternity as a leadership consultant and as the administrator of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, he has also served the national organization in many advisory capacities. His continued interest and devotion, along with support for his undergraduate chapter, has been outstanding. He has served the Fraternity as president and a member of the board of Pi Kappa Phi Properties. His contributions to expansion and charterings and to PUSH are noteworthy."



Upsilon 537, University of Illinois

Alpha 369, College of Charleston

"Glenn has served the Fraternity as chairman of the Ritual and Insignia committee for many years. In many ways his support of the national Fraternity is unsurpassed. He has been instrumental in an advisory capacity for Alpha Chapter off and on since his graduation. He has influenced the alumni in the Charleston area and especially the Alpha Chapter Housing Corporation. His legal advise and counsel have benefited numerous chapters and housing corporations."

"Gunnar came back from the Vietnam war all fired up to become involved with Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. This he has succeeded in doing, having served in numerous advisory capacities to student chapters. His attendance at Supreme Chapters and service on various committees in that regard has always been a strong point for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. He has served as a chartering officer for new chapters, and has served in many other expansion capacities."

because ALL oppose Racism has no place in the fraternity experience. It is counter to everything fraternities stand for. It does not encourage bonds of friendship based upon individual merit and achievement. It does not demonstrate leadership. It does not prove an individual's or a group's superior qualifications in any way. We,the men's general fraternities united in the National Interfraternity Conference, are dedicated and determined to deal with racism. We stand united in our affirmation of basic standards of human behavior. We instill the principles of diligence, honor, integrity, virtue, duty and respect for human dignity.

Consider these facts:

• Although 35 years have passed since the Supreme Court's historic decision striking down racially segregated school systems, the majority ofour colleges and universities are still predominantly segregated by race. • Despite the passage ofa quarter century since the Civil Rights Act was enacted by the U.S. Congress constant vigilance is still required to assure all our citizens equal treatment under the law. • As the country's population grows, new minorities such as Asians and Hispanics are beginning to experience thefrustrations and outrages ofprejudice once reservedfor Irish, German,Polish, Roman Catholic or African Americans. •By the year 2020 about 40% ofAmerica's workforce will be comprised ofAfricanAmericans, Asians, Hispanics, and North American Indians.

Winter 1990-the star & lamp-Page 5

push PUSH interns begin tour with 'Kids on the Block' puppets "Can you do a back flip if you are retarded?" Three collegiate members of Pi Kappa Phi are tackling strange and difficult questions like this as they travel to eight states presenting a puppet show featuring disabled and non-disabled characters. Pi Kapps Jeff Kikel, Jim McGrath and J.R. Davis have given up a semester of studies to take part in a special PUSH internship program aimed at creating greater"handicapped awareness"in school children. "Kids on the Block" is an internationally acclaimed educational program which is currently performed by about 1,200 troupes worldwide. The Pi Kapp interns are the first volunteer Kids on the Block troupe to tour

full-time with the program. The interns perform professionallywritten scripts, using the puppets to help children understand the challenges and abilities of those with handicapping conditions. The programs the PUSH interns are performing deal with blindness, mental retardation and cerebral palsy. After the scripted shows, the puppets answer questions from the children. "When they first see Ellen Jane(who is mentally retarded) they laugh at her. But by the end of the performance,they usually ask how she deals with people who tease her because she's retarded,"said Davis,an associate member from Alpha Gamma-Oklahoma."We are able to help them learn that all

"Kids on the Block" members Jeff Kikel with "Renaldo" (left), J.R. Davis with "Ellen Jane," and Jim McGrath with "Mark."

FraFraternities racism! This is what we're doing about it:

• The spirit of brotherhood knows no color, creed, religion or national origin; we are working actively to promote cultural, religious and racial diversity in our memberships and will oppose acts ofracism. • Fraternities seek excellence wherever it may befound and seek to educate members that those who discriminate on the basis ofrace defraud only themselves. • Through leadership opportunities, cooperative governing, service and social efforts,fraternity chapters of differing memberships areproviding every day learning experiences which combat racism. • We believe the strength and success ofAmerica'sfuture will rest on cultural and racial diversity built on the high moral standards of virtue, diligence and integrity exemplified by the Fraternity experience; we expect Fraternities to grow and build on that diversity also.

Violation of our standards leads to swift and certain sanctions: ranging from directives to probation to suspension to expulsion — even to revocation of charter and dissolution of chapter. We're serious about racism and we think you ought to know it. If you think a brother's qualifications can be judged on the color of his skin, hair or eyes, the religion of his parents, or the homeland of his ancestors then you've missed a great lesson fraternities have to offer. But if you're interested in finding out how the leaders of tomorrow can experience the value of brotherhood based on mutual respect and admiration for individual achievement then write to us at the Fraternity Executives Association, 3901 W.86th St, Suite 390, Indianapolis, IN 46268. We're in the business of developing leaders with integrity: brotherhood is an essential ingredient.

America's Fraternities "Developing IntegrityIn Leadership" D1989

kids are different and that people who are retarded deserve their understanding." The puppets are brought to life by the Japanese puppetry techniques of bunraku. The interns attended a professional training session in Columbia,Md.,to prepare."Doing the actual puppetry seems really easy when you look at it, but it takes a lot of practice," said Kikel, a senior from Delta Psi- TexasArlington. In addition to the shows in elementary schools, the interns will make presentations to local civic groups. In doing so, the team will generate a great deal of positive publicity for the Fraternity while spreading greater awareness of the needs of the disabled to an adult audience. "Kids on the Block offers a great opportunity for PUSH to be able to reach out to people ofall ages,"said Sally Schafer,PUSH director of development. "There is misunderstanding, at all age levels, of individuals with disabilities, and it will really inspire community leaders to see college students working to change that." The interns are fully dedicated to the educational purposes of the Kids on the Block program. Each time a child responds to a puppet, the interns are reminded of the value of the PUSH program. "Kids need to see very positive,interesting portrayals of people with disabilities," said McGrath, a sophomore special education major from Epsilon Psi- Slippery Rock. "Unless someone makes the effort to teach kids that it's okay to be friends with someone with a disability,they will be afraid to ever take that chance," he said."That kind of acceptance is what disabled people need the most." Each intern had a special reason for participating in the Kids on the Block internship program. For McGrath, the experience will benefit a planned career in special education. He is receiving university credit for the internship. For Kikel,the PUSH internship is a way to return something to the fraternity."I wanted to do something special as a collegiate member,and I saw this as a way to represent my fraternity in a worthwhile way," he said. Davis' motivation was especially personal. His sister Christy has mental retardation. Although growing up with a "special" sister was a challenge,Davis learned lessons which really add to the Kids on the Block presentation. • The PUSH team began in Charlotte and is traveling to Spartanburg,S.C.,Atlanta,Birmingham,Ala.,LaGrange, Ga.,Statesboro, Ga., Charleston, S.C., Columbia, S.C., Roanoke, Va., Morgantown, W.Va., Pittsburgh, Newark,N ., Philadelphia, Atlantic City, NJ., Fairfax, Va., Raleigh, N.C. and Durham, N.C. For dates, times and locations, call PUSH at(704)522-7874.

Page 6-the star & lamp-Winter 1990

COUNCIL CLUB ($10,000 and up) K - North Carolina Otis R. McCollum

E - Roanoke Judge James Turk - Purdue David G. Lane Al - Auburn Noble Crump BA -NJIT Stephen P. DePalma BF - Louisville Ronald E. Krebs

FOUNDATION CLUB ($5,000-$9,999) A - Charleston Julius E. Burges

A - Georgia Robert E. Knox A E - Florida George S. Coulter A H - Samford James L. Daley AO - Iowa State Kelly A. Bergstrom BB - Florida Southern T.A. Scharfenstein

LAMPLIGHTERS CLUB ($2,500-$4,999) E - Davidson Harry V. Hendrick M - Duke Marshall I. Pickens E - Roanoke Durward W. Owen 0 - Alabama Travis P. Julian P. Washington & Lee Howard D. Leake AA - Washington Walter C. Avery AF - Florida Daniel A. Martinez Charles A. Stewart AH - Samford Jack Bell AN - Ohio State James L. Miller FK - Georgia Southern Perry W. Buffington FE - Ga. Southwestern William L. Finney AZ - Appalachian State Arthur J. Quickenton

- Purdue John E. Lovell

Ar - Oklahoma Cosby T. Huddle Vernon B. Stansell AE - Florida Joseph W. Botte, Jr. Frank 0. Brass, Jr. Andrew M. Carraway Harry E. Fry, Jr. Byron E. Herlong Albert S. Herlong, Jr. Robert W. McMullen, II Howard W. Pettengill, Jr. Robert N. Scott AZ - Oregon State Jack W. Steward AO - Michigan State Theodore D. Aylward Al - Auburn Frank H. Hawthorne James E. Johnston AA - Ole Miss John E. Ward AF- - Polytechnic Henry H. Meyer AO - Iowa State Hubert M. Lattan Frank M. Parrish, Ill AY - Drexel John M. Casper MI)- Illinios Tech John P. Sachs AX - Miami Frank N. Holley, Ill AT - Indiana Robert T. Gnall Phillip M. Summers BA -NJIT Donald R. VanHouten BA - Tampa Aaron H. Dowd

BY Daniel B. Kimball, Jr. FA - Livingston Joseph L. Alexander rA - Memphis State David L. Everson FN - LaGrange Ronald J. deValinger

- Jacksonville Salem L. Van Every AZ - Appalachian State Mark F. Christopher Edwin W. Norris AFI - Wright State Daniel W. Strawn EB - Grand Valley State Ted R. Lukomski

GOLD STAR CLUB ($500-$999) A - Charleston

EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS CLUB ($1,00042,499) A - Charleston James B. Edwards Harry W. Freeman John C. Hassell David H. Jaffee Glenn F. McConnell David M. Pease George E. Sheetz

- South Carolina Jay Hammett Adrian A. Spears E - Davidson Hooper Alexander, Ill Charles H. Babcock, Jr. Z - Wofford Aylette P. Evans H - Emory John C. Wilson K - North Carolina Stuart Hicks William K. Rollins Thomas H. Sayre A - Georgia Issac W. Lang, Jr. M - Duke William D. Fuqua N - Nebraska George F. Spatz E - Roanoke Tim Ribar Dudley F. Woody Allen 0. Woody, Ill 0 - Alabama Robert A. Brannan Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. Doston L. Gurganus Nathan Hightower Lonnie Strickland Y - Illinois Lisle W. Menzimer Gunnar Schalin T - Cornell George F. Heinrich

Gary A. Catterton Timothy N. Dangerfield W. B. Jones, Jr. William L. Runyon, Jr. B - Presbyterian Gus C. Adams Clifton C. Goodwin, Ill Marion C. Mixson John M. Templeton - Cal.-Berkely Richard P. Cornish Steven S. Ryder Stanley F. Shepard E - South Carolina Jerry T. Brewer Walter H. Pickens, Jr. Danny W. Reynolds

E- Davidson Allen J. Graham, Jr. Hugh Yelverton, Jr. H - Emory Edward C. Bruce, Jr. Joseph W. Cannon, Jr. Seal Hipp William N. Newsom Joseph C. Shearer Samuel J. Westbrook I - Georgia Tech William E. Dimmock William H. Funk Bruce M. Jewett Donald C. Johnston Arthur F. Perkins James G. Pritchett, Jr. Stanley S. Roberts K - North Carolina Lindon G. Couch Winton G. Wilks, Jr. M - Duke William W. Dodson, Jr. William B. Snow N - Nebraksa Scott E. Hamilton E - Roanoke Edward L. Corson, II Lyman N. Fairbanks, Ill Seibert W. Lavinder Daniel F. O'Flaherty James S. Stump, Jr.

S. Maynard Turk Marcus S. Wood 0 - Alabama Joe C. Cassady David B. Coleman Franklin W. King Paul C. Wesch

T- NC State Robert C. Cline Jason B. Deyton, Jr. Y - Illinois Peter M. Maier Donald F. Mulvihill Stanley N. Perkins Jack 0. Roeser Anthony J. VanderBurg John H. Wamsley X - Stetson Herman E. Turner T - Cornell William F. Newell Calvin E. Rote Frank A. Sherer Lawrence G. Thayer Fredereick W. Thorne

- Purdue Herman G. Riggs AF - Oklahoma Robert C. Dunnigton William G. Dunnington James D. McElhaney, Jr. Jay K. Morris Robert J. Ogborn Esthmer H. Skinner AA - Washington Robert C. Bux Thomas G. Frick Stanley J. Gratis A E - Florida Peter C. Barr David 0. Charland Emsley F. Cobb David B. Frye Hugh A. Gower Hubert Graves, Jr. Charles G. Hudspeth Albert E. Luer Michael L. O'Donnell Robert J. Paterno Wilton L. Strickland William J. Taylor, Jr. Raymond C. Tylander Dave J. Werner Guy D. Wood, Jr. AZ - Oregon State Aron L. Douglas Robert J. Elfers Norman D. Logan Jack T. Reviglio AH - Samford Warren W. Hilson AO - Michigan State Thomas H. Bird Al - Auburn Marshal S. Caley James A. Flanagan, Jr. Thomas W. Fuller Edward N. Henderson Robert B. Propst AA - Ole Miss Talbot V. Newman, Jr. AM - Penn State Lewis B. Grube Gregg G. Turner AN - Ohio State Carl A. Stickel AE - Polytechnic Frederick C. Hetzer AO - Iowa State Roy M. Kottman Wayne R. Moore William G. Nechanicky William J. Rickert All - South John A. Johnston AP - West Virginia Patrick E. Farley Victor A. Folio AE - Tennessee David P. Everhart Robert C. McKelvey AT - Rensselaer Donald R. Seyler Gordon B. Wright AY - Drexel Leonard J. Dicarlo James A. Haislip, Jr. Walter K. Sheppard William K. Stees Richard L. Sullivan MI)- Illinois Tech Don E. Helbling Kenneth J. Peterson AT - Indiana Terry R. Brown BA - NuT Edward J. Klebaur, Jr. James A. Krucher James A. Stiles BB - Florida Southern John D. Davis BF -Louisville Warren D. Robb BA - Drake Robert A. Clone James D. Hornbrook

- Florida State James M. Lloyd Howard E. McCall, Jr. BM - McNeese State Richard B. Smith BE - East Texas State John C. Witt BT - Valdosta State Theodore E. Nelson BY - Virginia Frederick J. Riggins Joseph B. Yount, Ill - East Carolina William C. Ealy • 135-2 - East Tennessee Byron C. Brown FB - Old Dominion Charles E. Brady, Ill Joseph C. VanCleve, Ill Fr - Troy State Mark Landers

FZ- West Virginia Tech Charles W. Hutzler

FH - Athens Robert W. Slaybaugh, II

FO - UNC-Wilmington J. Martin Sondey

- Georgia Southern Glenn Aspinwall Martin W. Nesmith Joseph W. Odom, Jr. Matthew L. Wolfe rE - Ga. Southwestern John B. Colston Boyce E. Miller, Ill Fc1) - South Alabama Carl N. Doggette FS2 - Montevallo James B. Beal, Jr. David E. Wigginton AZ - Appalachian State Todd S. Griffin Carlos T. Hodge AA - UNC-Charlotte Richard D. Nolley All - Wright State Bruce K. Rockwell AP - Southern Cal. Lee H. Dreyfuss AT - James Madison Jerry P. Keilsohn EE - Clinch Valley David M. Donathan EK - Southern Tech Michael L. Hubsky

CHEVRON CLUB($2504499) A - Charleston Robert M. Barnett Roy S. Clifton, Jr. Harry W. Freeman, Jr. Ernest L. Frierson William S. Gaud, Ill Arthur L. Haisten Herndon S. Hasty Earle D. Jennings, Jr. Gregory D. Padgett Terence N. Moore John R. Walton, Jr. B - Presbyterian David C. Austin Ralph N. Belk John Bright, Jr. Maury D. Covington, Sr. Edward R. Hahn, Jr. Eldred F. MacLeod Clinton E. Massey Robert G. Owens, Jr. James V. Salvo, Jr. Fred R. Stallworth John W. Steenbergen John F. Winters F - Cal.-Berkley James D. Aljian Ned R. Crouch Jack N. Downer James P. Kinlock Owen K. Kuns Sterling J. Norgard James G. Seiler Allen E. Sprague Young D. Stewart Charles F. Vannice David N. Vered Frank M. Williams A - Furman Jeff Martin William M. McMillan Joe D. Sparks, Jr. David C. Ullman E -South Carolina Albert J. Appleby, Ill John C. Coulter, Jr. William W. Fincher, Jr. Kenneth J. Forti Robert C. Lake, Jr. Robert A. Montgomery Robert R. Rigby, Jr. E - Davidson Kenneth B. Clary Frederick S. Curdts Henry M. Escue Duncan C. Hunter

William P. Mills Robert 0. Southwell Hugh A. Wilson Z - Wofford Marshall S. Connelly Marvin A. Owings James E. Pease Abner P. Stockman, Ill James L. Switzer, Jr. H - Emory James C. Grizzard Kenneth C. Kiehl Joseph F. Puett I - Georgia Tech Joel D. Bonewitz Ervin M. Combs Philip H. Cook James T. Dewberry James H. Gordy Herbert P. Haley Frank C. Hodge Alan A. Imm John M. Jones Robert J. McCamy Robert A. Parrish John H. Puckett George V. Rouse Robert B. Rowe William R. Walker Frank J. Whitley Jerome B. Withers, Jr. K - North Carolina Joseph Y. Bassett Peter E. Berg William E. Bobbitt Herbert B. Brand Glenn D. Dodson, Jr. Woodrow W. Gunter, II Aaron L. Hagler Roderick P. Hoover

Paul C. Caldwell James P. Charlton Walter A. Clark, Jr. Mark D. Edgell Francis H. Ewald David S. Ferguson Raphael E. Ferris Henry H. Fowler Robert G. Gray Henry B. Hahn, Jr. Curtis L. Lemon Wilbur E. Mann, Jr. Musey A. Moore Leonard G. Muse George B. Naff Richard M. Newman Thomas H. Nicholson, Jr. James P. Piedrafite, Jr. Henry L. Strangmeyer Charles T. Via Jack W. Wade, Jr. 0- Alabama George F. Barker, Jr. Charles E. Beard Douglas B. Bennett George R. Bennett, Jr. Raymond E. Cartledge George R. Cowart Karl C. Harrison Robert F. Inman Mack 0. Matthews Allan L. McLeod, Jr. Halford L. Robinson William M. Schroeder William G. Sutton Richard S. Taylor Edward L. Turner, Jr. James A. Watts Lawrence B. Wilkerson

P- Washington & Lee

Foundation has record-breaking year in 1989 Pi Kappa Phi brothers, listed on this and following pages,contributed a record amount of money to the Foundation in 1989. The total for the giving year was $207,762, with $133,308 contributed to the Annual Appeal. Over 3,600 members took part in setting this new record. This compares to $101,388 from 2,748 alumni given to the Annual Appeal in 1988. The balance was contributed to chapter scholarship funds, proceedsfrom bequests, and large donations directed to corpus. Giving clubs recognize total gifts made to the Foundation. A gift each year continues the alumnus's membership in a club. Aaron J. Jones, Jr. Clay R. Serenbetz John T. Thigpen Ralph S. Walthall Pual C. Wimbish Mark H. Winston James D. Worsham A - Georgia Thomas W. Dalton, Jr. Glenn W. Ellard Marshall E. Groover, Jr. William J. Harp, Jr. William L. Huggins James G. Hull William H. NeSmith, Jr. Lindsay N. Preiss Sam M. Slade Jim M. Stoinoff Robert N. Wilson James E. Wilson, Jr. M - Duke Henry E. Duke, Jr. Robert T. Dunn Clarence H. Glover, Jr. Edwin L. Jones, Jr. Percy V. Kirkman, Jr. Charles R. Myers, Ill Joseph A. Pell, Jr. Joseph L. Skinner Charles H. Taylor Joe M. VanHoy N - Nebraska Edward J. Bierl Judd P. Brenton James A. Guretzky Herbert C. Henderson Robert Platt Kenneth W. Pruden William J. Wesslund E - Roanoke Edward J. Bennett

Walter R. Bishop Craig A. Bowlus Joel Grayson, Ill Richard W. Hoover Frederick R. Landrigan Ray A. Searfoss Richard J. Splittorf Harry E. Stine, Jr. Robert J. Taylor, IV William A. Wallace Fred E. Waters, Jr. T - NC State Fred A. Collins, Jr. Anthony L. Evans Clyde N. Humphrey Joseph M. McConnaughey Wallace L. Reams Stephen D. Seymore, Jr. Hartwell K. Sledge, Ill - Illinois Maynard T. Bartholomew Peter P. Depasquale Kari M. Gibbon Glen E. Hesler Ralph 0. Howard Thomas F. Krizan Christian L. Larsen Charles R. Mench Stephen E. Mumford Timothy J. Pemberton Warren F. Perkins Robert C. Reed Frank W. Teegarden, Jr. Miles H. Thomas William J. Tietz Stephen D. Trahey X - Stetson Edwin H. Culver Thomas J. Deen, Jr. George L. Patterson

Winter 1990-the star & lamp-Page 7 Tom F. Pattillo Ira M. Southward - Cornell John Allan Jerold H. Green John S. Kirk Eugene L. Lehr Henry J. Marquart Stephen G. Milks Michael J. Piscitelli Philip T. Pratt Foster H. White, Jr. - Purdue John W. Badger Duane M. Davis Hugh M. Flanagan Donald J. Hdndrickson William H. Higgins, Ill Rikard E. Hill Grafton Houston, Jr. James D. Jackson Lawrence P. Lang R. Michael Little Floyd L. McDonald John D. Miller Walter L. Norrington William C. Pritchard Fred E. Rector Bernhard F. Tellkamp Robert E. Thomson John A. Timmons, Sr. David R. Victoria, Jr. John L. Weaver AA - Mercer William G. Bruner Ross U. Harden Robert D. Higgins, Jr. Augustus F. Martin, Ill AF - Oklahoma Steve R. Baldwin

Harry R. Kallander Gary S. Munn Frederick W. Raw Raymond C. Terhune William W. Thomas David H. Vawter AH - Samlbrd William W. Dixon, Jr. Roy G. Evans, III William M. Ford Samuel W. Hall John E. Haynes Sam W. Jones Twyman D. Mitchell James E. Purvis AO - Michigan State Kenneth Adams Edward C. Brewster William M. Cleary Robert B. McCall George S. McIntyre George E. McKay Waldo C. Proctor Wesson J. Ritchie Donald E. Viecelli Dennis D. Yanachik Al - Auburn Douglas H. Barclay Robert L. Ferrell Joe W. Forehand, Jr. Charles E. Gavin, Ill Tommy W. Gordon J. Reeves Haley Moyer D. Harris Floyd W. Hurt James E. Kirkendall, Jr. James P. Lynch, Jr. Samuel IR. Pate Gary M. Patterson Neil C. Porter, Jr.

Joseph E. McGooey Rino Noni Renwick E. Nugent Robert E. O'Donohue, Jr. Carl F. Pester William T. Roney, Jr. Louis N. Rowley, Jr. Gerald H. Scheibner John Smellie Albert B. Steele AO - Iowa State Keith J. Bader Robert H. Brandau James S. Brown Carl W. Files Stanton E. Fritz Eldred J. Harman Kenneth R. Hook Warren R. Madden Robert K. McKean Edward E. Paine Thomas J. Ruzicka Charles Schram, Jr. Oliver N. Sparks Thomas J. Tott Charles P. VanZile John J. Veak All - South Daniel Gilchrist, Jr. AP - West Virginia Robert L. Harper George W. Hodel Robert J. Laughner William B. Russell AE - Tennessee Ed S. Byrd Paul W. Combs Robert E. Gibson, Jr. Henry D. Jorsz Kenneth McPherson

- Illinois Tech Edward W. Bisone Richard W. Hughes John F. Humiston Edward A. Kaschins Russell H. Millman Robert Nickel Roger L. Peterson William J. Plichta John V. Roach Myron B. Stevens Frederic W. Widlak AX - Miami Richard H. Dougherty, Jr. Melford C. Hopkins AP - Indiana John L. Barker Charles J. Blackerby Donald E. Brennan William D. Day, Jr. David C. Gibson Brian D. Hinton Joseph D. Lingenfelter Kevin L. McDonald Wayne G. Murray James R. Ruckriegle Steven W. Smith Ross A. Wingler - Oregon Fred L. Streimer Thomas V. Vandawark BA -NJIT Nicholas Adams Michael A. Lang John V. Lavery Joseph J. Manfredi William McCabe Louis R. Miceli John Pugliesi

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The giving clubs are: Council Club $10,000 or more Foundation Club $5,000-$9,999 Lamplighters Club $2,500-$4,999 Arlo K. Cox Rich( rd W. Hoffman Robe rt E. Holly Benn e A. McElyea Thomas R. Moore Brian K. Morris Gorclin W. Strain Cleti; P. Tate AA - Washington Fred ick R. Brown Rob((t J. Hansen Carl A. Hedreen M. Dale Kinkade Louir-, A. Messer Cha les A. Porter William L. Porter Francis 0. Wollaston AE John S. Crown, Jr. Lyman E. Davis, Jr. Muria E. Harrison George N. Howe Gary A. Leonard Fritz K. Mitchell Roy T. Olsen Benjamin F. Overton John J. Powers Reginald H. Ross Thomas B. Simpson Arthur B. Stackpole Robert L. Sullivan Mark Thurn Mark B. Varney Dennis A. Wick James Y. Wilson AZ - Oregon State W. Sumner Alldredge Laurence E. Berwick John P. Bollman Charles R. Hartsough Rickey L. Hug

James T. Russell Robert S. Travers Marion K. Wilkins Joseph W. Williams Charles C. Workman, Jr. AK - Michigan Dewitt C. Green Pugh C. Hotchkiss Emil W. Keck Carl E. O'Mara A - Ole Miss Harold L. Brinkley, Jr. Oliver E. Cathey William B. Hopson James H. Tabb AM - Penn State James M. Alter John D. Brisbane Chester C. Curley, Jr. Richard C. Heim Robert P. Jones Gary H. Schaffner William Simon, Ill William R. Walker Albert R. Yerkes Thomas J. Yono AN -OhioState Edwin R. Stickel - Polytechnic ,,ohn G. Anderson Henry A. Backofen, Ill Peter Bakolia John F. Boette Richard P. Brady Louis T. Destefano Walter E. Eisele Joseph E. Flaherty Henry S. Gartner Richard J. Magg Jonathan Marsh Thomas G. May

Executive Directors Club $1,000-$2,499 Gold Star Club $500-$999 Chevron Club $250-$499 Crossed Sword Club $100-$249 Frank M. Pugh Willie H. Read Jon T. Rymer Karl R. Schneeberger Roy H. Smith AT - Rensselaer Richard Y. Atlee James M. Bernstein Benjamin M. Cahill, Jr. George D. Cook David B. Dobson Cedric H. Dustin, Ill Richard Z. Houk Gelston Howell, Jr. Bret A. Johnson Charles P. Kapp Jeffrey Keough George W. Kirkland, Jr. Kenneth E. Kurtnet William A. McAuley George L. McCauslan Frank D. Popp William A. Steffancin AY - Drexel Thomas C. Block Jeffrey S. Cohick Harold A. Cowles Raymond L. Davis Alan D. Henderson James F. Kelley, Jr. Anthony P. Lannutti Thomas A. Laroe Gilbert S. Merritt John F. Rittenhouse Donald L. Schey Frederick W. Schmehl John A. Seifarth William L. Shute Edward M. Simon Samuel A. Smith John K. Stoner

Raymond Spinelli Francis J. Wood BB - Florida Southern Gary B. Baker Larry W. Carter Carl M. Koch David L. Robertson Br - Louisville Donald F. Bloomer Spencer E. Harper, Jr. BA - Drake Hugh M. Brand, Jr. Paul H. Gilman Robert D. Howell Willis D. McConaughy Jeffrey D. Miller Kenneth R. Miller George A. Oldham Norris D. Rowland Paul D. Try BE - Missouri-Columbia Christopher B. Lissner Walter T. Richards Jay J. Stuckel Laurence G. Trudell BH - Florida State Jeffrey M. Holler Guy W. Hollingsworth Charles W. MacMillin Christopher D. New James W. Newman, Jr. Michael J. O'Farrell Sidney M. Wilson, Jr. BO -Arimma Russell T. Gilbert BI - Toledo Robert D. Conley Gerald K. Dunaway George H. Hershman Rodney E. Kagy


-I Min •I

Robert S. Kuhlman Darryl D. McEwen Craig A. Myers Lance A. Talmage James W. White, Jr. BK - Georgia State David R. Ferguson David R. Ward BA - Tampa Gary J. Cooper Thomas C. Keator, II Richard C. Swirbul BM - NcNeese State Steven N. Guidry Edwin M. Potratz BO - Northwestern State Andres Bachman BE - Northern Illinois Donald D. Firkins BT - Valdosta State William R. Maxwell Wesley C. Murphy, il Ronald B. Thomas John C. Wilson BY -VirOnia John B. Browning Glenn A. Dickson Theodore Freeman Russell J. Huber Harwood W. Hughes John D. Koester Charles L. Nesbit, Jr. George F. Shipp B43- East Carolina Michael T. Auten Ellis S. Banks, Jr. Henry C. Boone L. Clay Edmonds David C. Frazier Wiley H. Lewis, Jr. Ira T. Yopp, Ill BL2 - East Tennessee William R. Mayes, Jr. FA - Livingston Howard E. Pettis William P. Taylor Larry J. Ware FB - Old Dominion Ted L. Bachas Linwood A. Beverly, Jr. Donald M. Midgett Louis H. Richard, Jr. John Q. Simpson Thomas E. Treichler FA - Memphis State Thomas L. Carter Charles L. Hall, II Thomas F. Lynch Robert A. Mullin Gary A. VanAsek Allen E. Vazquez Philip B. Wood FE - Western Carolina Larry Adams Marvin D. Cope Robert L. Crawford Robert B. Shaver FZ - West Virginia Tech David L. Holt Robert Michael Scott M. Moore Phillip R. Oneacre FH - Athens Thomas S. Reinke ro- UNC-Wilmington John M. Pollard, Jr. FK - Georgia Southern Roland M. Berry John F. Riggs Roy S. Sapough, Jr. FA - Mis.souri-Rolla Mario P. Gioia, Jr. Randy D. Picolet Paul K. Scherrer Rodney C. Simpson FM - Belmont Abbey John R. Cottingham, II Gregory F. Kusic FE - Ga.Southwestern Raymond L. Baggarly Michael W. Hall Jasper A. Malay David W. Suppes FP - Lander James T. Lusk Charles M. Watson, Jr. FY - Oklahoma State Gilbert 0. Sanders 1-(1) - South Alabama Larry H. Green Jimmy W. Greene Frank D. Havard John T. Hill FX - Jacksonville Richard M. Orcutl Paul L. Stynchcomb FN - Augusta Mickey E. Weed AA - Virginia Tech John N. Grist AB - North Georgia Richard C. Barr, Jr. Charles A. Cecchini Victor C. Eilenfield Ulysses G. Matherly, Jr. Charles A. May Thomas 0. Nicholson, Jr.

Bill W. Pope P.J. Rodgers Nebraksa-Omaha William M. Ojile AE - Jacksonville State Fred 0. Holland James H. Young, Jr. AZ - Appalachian State Douglas W. Edwards Richard G. Ouellette Al - Middle Tennessee Michael L. Potts AA - UNC-Charlotte Christopher P. Cannon William L. Dawkins David S. Higgins Charles A. Marcus Francis C. Proctor, Jr. Edward G. Smith - North Alabama Lawrence P. Guess All - Wright State Richard A. Prewitt AP - Southern Cal. Jay R. Hotchkiss Edward A. Lang, III AE - Bowling Green State Kevin M. Lotosky AT - James Madison William J. Heath iP - UT-Arlington William T. Svihel EA - Elon Barry W. Simmons EB - Grand Valley Stephen J. Gilbert EA - Auburn-Montgomery Garland Jackson, Jr. David M. Smith, Jr. EK - Southern Tech James A. Ransom EA- USC-Spartanburg William S. Weathers, Jr.

EM - Bradley William Furling, Ill EN - Sacramento Kim A. Spannuth EP - Lenoir-Rhyne Mark S. Mullane - LaSalle Edward J. Jesko

CROSSED SWORD CLUB ($100-$249) A - Charleston Joseph B. Allen Franklin G. Boineau Scott J. Boykin Andrew R. Cracker Michael T. Finch, Jr. Noel P. Fuller Irvin V. Greco Eric C. Helfers Frank R. Huff Andrew A. Kroeg, Ill Basil L. Lempesis Robert W. Marlowe Lawrence Mixson Otis M. Pickett John F. Reynolds George C. Rogers, Jr. Lewis A. Westbrook, Ill B - Presbyterian James W. Ballard John H. Broughton Erik L. Fender Dallah A. Forrest, Jr. Thomas H. Grafton Arthur G. Maxwell, Jr. Samuel G. McGregor Dale 0. Rains John R. Ritter, Jr. Pierce W. Timberlake





Page 8-the star & lamp-Winter 1990

CROSSED SWORD CLUB (continued) - Cal.-Berkeley Norman L. Arrighi Paul J. Casale Alexander L. Croce David J. Dayton Joseph F. Dolan David W. Halligan Joseph B. Magoon Larry J. Olson Ronald E. Osborne Mark H. Plank Mertin W. Ritchie Eugene Roberts Harland R. Ross David L. Scruggs Ronald A. Segel Harold L. Simmons Richard H. Steuben Jeffrey B. Templin Clifford W. Walker, Jr. Neil B. Weatherall Derrick C. Wong A - Furman Euta M. Colvin John A. Southern

- South Carolina

- Davidson Edward T. Buck Robert A. Burgess Kenneth L. Childs William H. Clayton, Jr. Paul S. Cooper Richard A. Hall Ernest B. Hunter, Jr. Caldwell P. Johnston Austin K. Letson, Jr. James W. Morgan Robert T. Peters, Jr. Charles E. Ratliff William C. Rozelle Philip C. Winstead Z - Wofibrd James H. Belcher Floyd I. Brownley, Jr. Randy H. Butler Thomas R. Crider Jesse C. Crimm Thornton W. Crouch William B. Evins, Jr. Thomas K. Fletcher, Jr. Leland A. Jackson Robert G. McCurdy Robert D. Mc.Junkin James R. Owings Stephen L. Skinner Charles D. West H - Emory George T. Cook Robert J. Noland Benjamin F. Simms James P. Stiles, Sr. Hey' G. Tebo I - Georgia Tech John Benkert William F. Bennett Thomas T. Bomar David C. Boy, Jr. Thomas F. Christian, Jr. Pitman B. Cleaveland James C. Cooper Terrell G. Covington Robert A. Defurio Carl L. Frick, Jr. Russell R. Johnson Malcolm G. Keiser Thomas L. Kennedy Charles F. Kent Lee A. Kidd Jean E. Kirkland, Jr. James G. Loudermilk Thomas Lowndes, Jr. Robert T. Lowrance Joseph Luciani Lonnie A. Morris, Jr. James T. Murray Robert C. Murray, Jr. William K. Nichols John H. Nunez Robert M. Pryor, Jr. James B. Ramage Robert L. Reeves Charles S. Roach Eric A. Roberts Lloyd J. Skidmore, Jr. Jack P. Turner Bruce C. VanDerhoof Lewis P. Walker, Jr. Carlton W. Wheeler, Sr. Edwin F. Womack, Jr.

Charles P. Adams George W. Braun Steven L. Briganti Peter B. Brownell George W. Butcher, Ill John R. Cauble David W. Crane Alvin W. Daughtridge Cuthbert H. Davenport John B. Fisher, Jr. Mark R. Gorham Russell N. Hadley William L. Harris Richard K. Holzworth James C. Leak Fred L. Mangum, Jr. David F. McAllister Michael R. McLaughlin Donald C. McLeod David H. Mobley Harry H. Montgomery, Jr. Richard D. Morgan Mark E. Prillaman Wayne N. Scott Stephen C. Shaw Charles T. Stewart Arthur P. Strickland Gerald A. Teele James L. Thompson John A. Vann, Jr. Robert C. White Charles Baxter Winn, III John H. Yorkley A - Georgia John S. Bradbury Randolph H. Bryan Edward B. Claxton Robert H. Cofer, II Ted A. Grob, Ill Mark A. Harp Richard F. Harris, Jr. William L. Hatcher Thomas R. Jackson, Jr. Marion W. Luckey Edwin B. Quinn Inman Padgett Richard L. Patrick, Jr. Robert M. Penland, Ill John G. Pryor Chris R. Savage Robert A. Siegel Cecil R. Spooner, Jr. John W. Wilson M - Duke David D. Collins Ernest S. Delaney, Jr. Robert Dick Paul W. Fekas Frederick C. Frostick, Jr. Wilfred C. Gatling, Jr. Norman G. Gibson Burnett N. Hull James T. O'Kelley, Jr. William R. Pitts Frank C. Rozzelle Bart N. Stephens Thomas H. Timberlake Jonnie R. White, Ill N - Nebraska James S. Christol Kerry P. Hookstra Thomas C. Miller Thorwald L. Nelson

- Roanoke John R. Barley Stephen T. Bast James A. Councilor, Ill Paul R. Dotson James W. Fleshman Robert K. Harris Cecil M. Hefner Mark E. Holley Robert B. Hyatt Harry I. Johnson, Jr. Walter D. Keister Henry L. Kennett Donald J. Kerr Robert M. Lentz Michael C. McGough Robert E. Mentzinger, Jr. Richard J. Milan, Jr. George R. Mougenel Cameron R. Ogilvie Joseph N. Payne DeWitt R. Petterson Gordon H. Ramsey Carl B. Sherertz John R. Stafford, Jr. William P. Tice Charles E. Webber Douglas M. Williams John T. Williamson, Ill 0- Alabama Monroe J. Beasley, Jr. William T. Bishop, Jr. Robert L. Bowers Jack E. Brunson Edwin V. Caldwell, II Charles H. Clark Ernest W. Collins Larry J. Contri James E. Cunningham Donald G. Curry, Jr. Warren D. Debardelaben, Jr. Warren D. Debardelaben, Ill Emmett 0. Dendy William J. DuBose James M. Groom Emmett B. Harrison, Jr. Erwin E. Heblon, Jr. Thomas B. Henderson Joe D. Lee Daniel C. Lemley

Dawson A. McQuaig, Jr. Desmond L. Merrill James W. Miree John M.Pando Clinton H. Paulsen Gus D. Ross, Jr. Robert L. Shepherd William C. Taylor William J. Worthington, Jr. Randy J. Wright 11 - Oglethorpe Samuel E. Blackwell, Jr. Louis J. Ptacek, Jr. James A. Richardson

P- Washington & Lee Richard G. Anderson Seth N. Baker Bruce 0. Beckman Charles B. Fulton Edwin P. Garretson, Jr. Thomas A. Hollis Robert L. Jackson Richard G. Leary William G. Loeffler, Jr. James B. Martin Floyd W. McKinnon Leigh L. Nettleton, Jr. Robert C. Petrey Robert B. Shively Malcolm H. Squires, Jr. Edward A. Turville Kenneth B. VandeWater, Jr. John D. Wallace Dorsey M. Ward, Jr. Thomas R. Warfield

T- NC State Hunter B. Atkins William D. Campbell Michael L. Collins Vaughn M. Dubose John A. Feather, Jr. Alexander G. Fuller Arthur N. Greene


Paul D. Carter, Jr. George DeLay Jon S. Flynn Robert L. Gunter Michael D. Harvath, II Jeffrey D. Hoopes Mason H. Hubbard, Jr. Richard D. Lacey Richard C. Mims Yancey A. Montgomery, Jr. Robert H. Moorer James C. Pruitt, Jr. Frederick E. Quinn William D. Rhodes, Ill Michael A. Tongour Maxwell L. Turner Clarence E. Wise

K - North Carolina

. 111 •••1111

Stanley S. Gryskiewicz, Jr. Mark C. Hollis John L. Hughes Jack C. Inman Earl A. Jinkinson Richard W. Mansur Arthur N. Morris, Jr. Terrence M. Mullen William E. Ray Forrest P. Showalter John K. Snellings Willard M. Thrash Esten A. Ulmer Thomas M. Wrenn 41 - Cornell John H. Angus Richard A. Bochan Thomas T. Burger, Jr. James E. Emig Gary R. Fisher Paul Haas Lewis Li-Yen Hsu Kenneth E. Kelly Willard S. Magalhaes William K. Mayhew Donald H. Perkins Alan S. Ritz James F. Storey Walter J. Zygmunt

SI- Purdue Donald C. Adams Francis W. Adsit James S. Bohner William C. Bradshaw Stephen L. Brant Thomas R. Brown Jeffrey F. Coffel Ronald J. Eyer George G. Fassnacht Lawrence M. Finnegan Bryan S. Freed Sidney K. Graham, Jr. Edwin K. Henry

Jerry D. Griffith Eivind J. Kolemainen Bruce T. Lessien J. Lyle Littlefield Curtis C. Luthy John A. McCormack D. Keith Meyers Angus J. Morse Milford A. Morse James P. Neve, Jr. Leonard C. Paul, Jr. Alan W. Perlingiere Dennis M. Rafferty Alan R. Sage Otmer J. Schuster Kline A. Sprague Robert S. Trembath Ford L. Woodard Robert L. Yackels Ray J. Zimmerman Al - Auburn Charles W. Beaird Lua R. Blankenship, Jr. George E. Bruner, Jr. John 0. Christiansen, Jr. Robert D. Dean Harry Dicus, Jr. James M. Hamilton Edward C. Healy James H. Hendry Donald B. Hutchins Samuel W. Irby William W. Jones, Jr. Wallace T. Kirkland Ronald W. Lawson James G. Lovell, Jr. Nathaniel D. McClure, IV Kenneth B. Morton, Jr. John E. Owens, Jr. Dan G. Parmer William A. Percy Paul T. Persons Bogart S. Reed

Francis W. Scichowski, Jr. Dana L. Taylor Ralph Thornburg AA - Washington John A. Clague John J. Dailey James R. Duggar Manuel D. Esteban James A. Johnson Henry J. Novak Dean W. Parker John R. Pedersen Peter E. Terzick

AE- Florida Gary T. Anderson Roger Q. Austin, Jr. Sumpter H. Barker Bernard A. Barton, Jr. Joseph H. Bell Joseph F. Catalani, Jr. Thelmon B. Chastain John A. Condon John N. Davis Donald A. Dvornik Alexander H. Edwards, II Larry H. Elkins Albert J. Garrard David A. Gatchell James A. Grady Walter E. Hagie Spence 0. Hubbard Eliott D. James Manuel W. James George D. Johnson, Jr. James R. Kelly William P. Keyes Charles W. Lapradd Willaim J. Lewis Albert C. Mann Gary W. Marsh Walter F. McCall, Jr. Michael P. McGee Ellison P. Owen, Ill

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William H. Gurnee, III David D. Hartsoe Harry L. Mashburn Christopher M. Myers Roland E. Noblin Carl C. Painter, Jr. Jacob N. Shepherd, Jr. William D. Wallace Y - Illinois James M. Bayne Rolf J. Berg Robert J. Bogdanoff John C. Brown John G. Carson Edward R. Cwiklin George M. Dowd Brent E. Frank Joseph A. Gauer Willis E. Haselwood William A. Hasfurther Joseph L. Johnson George A. Leech Harold K. Madison Frank W. Marlow, Jr. Arthur R. Moore Larry A. Munson William H. O'Donnell Joseph E. Pehlman James Pottenger Peter S. Presta Kenneth J. Rabe Edward Schmalenberger Wilson J. Seldon John W. Shustitzky John Simpson John R. Stroehlein Donald G. Thompson Eugene J. Ullemeyer Thomas H. Watts Richard H. Wubbel X - Stetson Larry W. Anderson Thomas M. Baker John S. Carlton Aaron D. Carroll Richard V. Ginn

4.111111:11; 11 1 111 1;11 ; ; 111; 11 0 1; 1111111.8181111.8.0 selosse.....olle -11:7 41 1:18 7:. ..•8•...118,01/N111 , •••••••••.........• Doe SIB 1•ow , ummo.•......••.1 181111111•11 11,11...2.11111 •11111••113.,

William G. Hercules John J. Hinga Harold R. Johnson, Jr. Alfed G. Kirchner, Jr. Kenneth L. Kraus Mark 0. Kuklis Douglas E. Kunnemann Allan B. Larson Edward J. Masline Bruce A. McCandless Herbert 0. Meyer Thomas F. Miller David L. Mitzner Carl R. Nelson Philip E. Newhouse Michael H. Ohaver William D. Peace, Jr. John P. Pop Robert A. Rust William G. Scheck Halbert C. Smith, Jr. James A. Sudduth William L. Swager John T. Venard AA - Mercer Clayton H. Buchanan Ledford C. Carter John T. Cash Lynward S. Lightner Albert J. McGill Charles R. Melton Charles R. Parker Harry E. Rhodes AB - Tulane Charles E. Richards Al- - Oklahoma Byron T. Dawson Russell D. Fagin Clovis C. Haddock, Jr. Daniel E. Holeman Edmund P. Hugill, Jr. Jeffrey C. Jordan Paul D. Lassiter Scott M. Malowney Alfred H. Schmidt, Jr.

Donald L. Roode, Jr. Terence E. Rooke William F. Sahlie Thomas F. Sheridan, Jr. Russell C. Smith Robert D. Snyder Donald A. Thompson Christopher J. Tice Robert C. Zilbauer John Zoltek, Jr.

AZ- Oregon State Ronald L. Anderson Earl D. Barton George W. Blinco Roland E. Curtis Keith W. Dotter Thorne H. Hammond Kenneth M. Hawke, Jr. Robert J. Herbage Thomas K. Herbage Stanley R. Kelley James W. LaVance Robert D. Manning Patrick C. Meyer John W. Moore Robert L. Nordlander Richard W. Saunders Edward K. Shimojima Marion N. Sigovich AH - Samford Jimmy R. Bell Elbert B. Bruce Wayne C. Cofield William C. Davis, Jr. Jerry D. Gallups Elliott C. Herrin George R. Mitchell Dorsey L. Shannon, Jr. Gilmer T. Simmons AO - Michigan State Charles E. Cogo Wallace DeMaagd Peter W. Duguid Scott E. Evans Robin G. Ewen

Louis A. Reynolds, Jr. Wallace B. Smith Ward S. Taylor Robert C. Ward John D. Wolsoncroft AK - Michigan John M. Gibson William W. Rowley AA - Ole Miss Warren H. Cruzen AM - Penn State Richard C. Austin Harry N. Barfoot, Ill Gary D. Bello Jon D. Benedetti Paul M. Borg Richard W. Brown, Jr. Robert F. Bush Charles H. Case, Jr. Daniel F. Castello Palmer L. Davis, Jr. Stephen J. Diorio Doanld L. Drake William T. Elmes William F. Exley Kenneth N. Flodin Lewis Garber Michael A. Gardocki William E. Johnson Daniel G. Jones David A. Kearney Richard P. Kebert John F. Kieser, Sr. Richard J. Kleinert Leon M. Knetz Solomon G. Krepps, V Steven J. Loeper John P. Lonberger John P. Lotz Byron D. McIntyre Raymond F. McKnight Raymond C. Moehler Edwin W. Murphy Kevin K. Murphy Donald K. Reichard

Winter 1990-the star & lamp-Page 9 Richard A. Sandala Larry J. Shue Robert E. Thornton Michael B. Trull William J. Vernon, Jr. Aaron P. Wagner William F. Walsh Kenneth C. Weirman Douglas L. Wilson Donald B. Wood Edwin R. Yeager Kenneth W.Zehner AN - Ohio State Willis P. Ansley James R. Crandall John H. Haas Corwin D. Hablitzel Homer H. Henrie Russell C. Newhouse Ivan L. Smith A 7E, - Polytechnic Gordon Ahlers Maurice L. Allen, Jr. William R. Berger Steven M. Bertone George A. Carleton, Ill Robert D. Dalziel William Delnicki Vincent DiGiovanni Frank M. Eigner Bruce J. Elowsky Lewis B. Everett Joseph Famoso Valentine W. Fendrich Richard F. Groller Stanley C. Harazim Frank M. Herbert, Ill Paul G. Hoeker Ove Jensen Kenneth J. McCort Bernard J. Minetti Albert R. Muller Alfred E. Munzer

David L. Kish John C. Marano, Jr. Howard G. Martin Dennis M. McCrum John E. Ryder AE - Tennessee Thomas H. Banks Tony E. Earl Louis D. Hamric Odus R. Johnson Kenneth E. McAlister Robert C. Pemberton Aaron B. Reed Kerry J. Reid Charles E. Rollins William M. Safley Robert C. Sledd Roy B. Smith Benjamin F. Smith, Jr. David B. Spalding George A. Steele Samuel W. Steele James F. Steffner John E. Steffner James Tombras James R. VanFrank, Jr. Kyle R. Weems AT - Rennselaer Richard J. Andrews William H. Baldwin Milton C. Beveridge Raymond H. Blackford Frederick R. Bohl Kenneth F. Chucta David Dropkin Jonathan Finke Earle B. Fox, Jr. Robert J. Fuchs Winter K. Graves William B. Hankinson John S. Haverstick Robert E. Hawkins George J. Hoffer

Your gift to the Annual Appeal supports... Pi Kapp College, chapter leadership/ educational supplies and materials, scholarship programs, the Mid-Year Leadership Conferences, staff members traveling to educate local chapter leadership, alumni listing requests and mailings, publication and distribution of The Star & Lamp, area alumni fund-raising receptions, Supreme Chapter educational activities, risk management and substance abuse programs, chapter awards ...and much much more! Hans W. Nintzel John J. Plunkett Joseph H. Ripel Siegfried A. Rotter Roy D. Sarcona Frank X. Schmoller Edward F. Schofield Paul J. Schwanenflugel William J. Sturtz AO - Iowa State John R. Bateman Robert 0. Brown Lawrence S. Carlson James R. Carson Dale M. Cochran Joseph G. Duncan Philip J. Dvorak Guy K. Goodenow Jeffery G. Greiman Peter V. Hall Kenneth M. Johnson Walter F. Kuehne Joe E. Legg, Jr. David K. Little Gerald D. Love Myron N. Menefee Leo Mores Paul M. Muller John M. O'Neil Richard C. Ohrt Jon J. Parrish Charles J. Rehman, Jr. Ralph H. Ruedy John 0. Sanderson Danny R. Stark Steven K. Tait Verne H. Upmier Warren F. Wells Harley L. Whitney

All -South Willis M. Rosenthal AP - West Virginia Alexander M. Adair Nicholas G. Evans Charles W. Francis

Herbert K. Holden Steven H. Kaitz Charles C. Kammermeyer Armand T. Kelly, Ill Robert J. Kirchgessner John W. McMahon Michael J. O'Brien David M. Peter Howard W. Peterson, Jr. Marvin H. Pietschker Kermit G. Pratt Kenneth T. Pruyn Walter A. Rapetski William A. Roberts Nicholas P. Rusanowsky Ernest R. Stacey Donald J. Stephens Robert F. Wambach, Jr. AY - Drexel Jack A. Bader Percy Brewington John Buhsmer, Jr. Raymond J. Cannon, Jr. Henry Coleman, Jr. William J. Cooney, Jr. Samuel J. Costa, Jr. Walter W. Dearolf, Jr. Donald K. Dement Edward J. DiMond Kenneth J. Dirkes John R. Frye John H. Gardner Michael S. Gennaro, Jr. Raymond H. Griffin Paul W. Gross Guy C. Hess, Jr. David A. Heydt David M. Hillegas Oscar M. Hokanson John M. Hudson Robert E. lmbrogno Arthur J. Jones Eugene R. Kiehl Ralph E. Klesius Walter W. Lovell Jack N. Marshall

William L. McFadden Francis J. McMahon John McNutt Vicko J. Melada George F. Meyers, Jr. Osborne C. Miller, Jr. Joseph Mittura Edwin C. Neuman Joseph J. O'Brien Samuel R. Parris John J. Peirce, Jr. Gay V. Piercy John R. Pritts Harry A. Schlater Henry W. Schuette Frederick H. Staiger Jack A. Steer Harold S. Stiffler Watson L. Stillwaggon Roland R. Tesno Robert F. Thorp, Jr. Arthur W. Tunnel!, Jr. John A. Webb Samuel A. Wilson, Sr. Robert C. Wolfinger AD - Illinois Tech Michael B. Adair Ralph E. Belke John L. Cummins Emil B. Deiter Emil A. Donkers Ronald G. Douglas Cyril L. Dusell Richard C. Frankenberg James M. Helm John T. Higgins George E. Hoff Edward W. King David R. Larson Harry F. Perlet, Jr. Arno L. Pinnow Edwin N. Searl Burton W. Seiwell Lee A. Strote George J. Svehla Paul W. Wagner John A. Wheeler, Jr. Brian R. Winkelmann James C. Woodling AX - Miami Parker E. Hodgman AT - Indiana Gerald L. Allen Stephen A. Boone Wendell E. Bray Scott E. Evenbeck Robert W. Haller John M. Hayden James E. Kaufman Curtis D. Kiefer Joseph F. Lux Ralph G. Mundy Waldsee M. Prunty Richard L. Stutz AS2 - Oregon Sherman W. Holmes Donald D. Lasselle Gilbert B. Lissy Stanley C. Lynch Neil S. Weikel BA -NAT John A. Alfonso Paul Bamburak Frederick Becker, Jr. Clinton Brockway James P. Brogan Theodore D. Cassera Robert M. Fechillas Paul Heller Aivars E. Krumins Karl Kubak Donald C. Linske Anthony V. Mangone Christian G. Midgley William Oakenell Victor E. Oravetz, Jr. Philip J. Orban Lester Pastuszyn Richard Rusak James B. Snodgrass, Jr. Ronald P. Szkodny John S. Urban Jacob VanBroekhoven Joseph P. Zengota BB - Florida Southern William H. Beckman Robert J. Chapin John W. Cook Charles J. Evans William M. Fraser, Jr. George D. Kelly, Jr. Clayton T. Lyons Robert B. Nicholson, Ill George G. Peterson John E. Trufant BF - Louisville John T. Cook Larry A. Hayse Bernard T. Hund James L. Paddock, Jr. Clark H. Scherer, Jr. Herbert M. Zimmerman, Jr. BA -Drake William D. Barber Michael J. Cohen Berkeley P. Duncan James C. Glick Alan J. Goldsmith James C. Hendrix Scott C. Jorgensen James Labiak Michael D. Neary Joseph A. Parsons

Kenneth J. Piller James F. Verlautz Don B. Walter Harry J. Winegar BE - Missouri-Columbia Robert J. Baker Philip J. Bouckaert John T. Boyd Frank B. Boyd, Jr. Paul J. Frazee John L. Lichtenberg Dean M. Shillito, Jr. Garrett C. Williamson BH - Florida State Daniel V. Allen Leo Almerico Newton H. Beaver Robert F. Brown James D. Bultman Robert N. Clark Hugo H. Debeaubien Gilbert G. Fernandez Peter A. Kalmes Robert A. Milstead James B. Newman Randolph M. Plotts Douglas T. Prior Burnett Stilwell, Jr. Charles M. Wilson Be - Arizona Charles E. Deleuw, Jr. Michael T. Maryott Arthur W. Vance, Jr. BI - Toledo David B. Barkhimer Christopher E. Barton Thomas E. Bokan Gene C. Collins Scott S. Coursen Darwin D. Deckrosh William G. Frederick Robert N. Lindner William C. O'Shea Thomas A. Ramsdell Phillip J. Rapp Paul C. Simmon C. David Stahl BK - Georgia State Robert B. Donaldson Clayton B. Doss, Jr. Stanley R. Duren John B. Whitley

BA- Tampa Austin R. Curry Ronald T. Gagnon James A. Gallagher Jeffrey Goerke Ralph M. Griffin, Jr. Stephen J. Krist Robert A. Myers Michael J. Norton Riley M. Tucker Guy Walton BM - McNeese State Roy E. Siller Walter D. Stacy, Jr. BN - Houston Royston H. Patterson, Jr. BE - Central Michigan David E. Clappison Dale R. Dewaard Boyd R. Wiltse BO - Northwestern State John G. Oden Paul Rochette, Jr.

BR - Eastern Michigan Richard H. Falk Carl V. Taylor BE - Northern Illinois William J. Anderson Ronald L. Giles BT - Valdosta State Philip L. Adams John T. Brooks James M. Dowd Kenneth U. Ferrell Lance J. Hamrick Jerry W. Pilcher Mark A. Waddell Hubert H. Wilford John R. Williams

BY Stephen S. Applegate Edgar A. Boling Paul E. Buppert, Jr. Gene L. Davis, Jr. Barry J. Ewald Scott A. Fodder Thomas G. Haudricourt Hugh J. McKane Stuart S. Moore David L. Namay Steven P. Nesbit William J. Watson, Ill - East Carolina Otis T. Bailey Dennis R. Barbour Dennis M. Brown Henry K. Core, Ill Samuel T. Hicks, II Malcolm B. Hinton Randy K. Langley Bruce A. Mullis Richard D. Scott Ronald R. Siegfried Kenneth Sigmon BX - East Texas State Don W. DeColaines, Ill Lyle C. Draper Kenneth L. Park

BP - Tennessee Wesleyan Jeffrey W. Garbow John M. Plemons BS2 - East Tennessee Edward P. Bowers Jason W. Eagle Farris D. Kabool, Jr. Russell R. Palmer Eugene W. Smith Robert G. Yackanin Ronald K. Younger

rA - Livingston Hal W. Bloom, Jr. James W. Carter Ora T. Hall, Jr. James W. Roebuck Bruce C. Wagar FB - Old Dominion John M. Bednarek William C. Bright, Jr. Samuel F. Bryant Philip C. Davenport, Jr. Ernest H. Joy Robert A. Magoon Paul V. Shebalin Fr - Troy State Gary E. Bates Durwood L. Bozeman John R. Jay James P. McClendon, Jr. Steven R. Oliver Steven J. Scruggs Laurence S. Turrin FA - Memphis State Herbert W. Blow David E. Laffiteau Robert E. Montgomery James M. Ray FE - Western Carolina Joseph 0. Craft, Jr. Max C. Daves, Jr. Samuel C. Davis, Jr. Barry J. Kalet R. David McKenzie Stanley B. Pendergraft James H. Petty Larry Y. Ramsey Donald C. Turner William F. Willis FZ - West Virginia Tech David M. Childers William G. Conrad, Jr. George A. Franz, Jr. Kevin Hodges Robert K. Kelly Dennis F. Maffesanti John P. Mann John Manzano Paul A. Mattox, Jr. Roger D. Moore Richard J. Pickens Donald L. Prinzbach Donald E. Skaggs Clifton A. Smith Joseph R. Witte FH - Athens William J. Kelly Fo - UNC-Wilmington James M. Corcoran William E. Dalton Leonard H. Harris Henry C. Merritt, Jr. James C. Piner Albert B. Walls Osborne K. Walls, Jr. William T. Zopfi, Jr. FK - Georgia Southern James L. Boatright Jack E. Parker FA - Missouri-Rolla Robert Bentzinger William H. Coalson Eugene A. Cooper Eric S. Harris FN - LaGrange Ralph D. Sims Howard E. Staats, II FE - Ga.Southwestern Benjamin C. Andrews, Jr. James T. Cherry, Jr. David G. Wallis Hubert H. Yaughn, Jr. FP - Lander Robert W. Craft Kyle W. Sherard Barry C. Young FE - Armstrong Paul A. Kaluzne, Jr. Jack R. King David A. Leonard - North Texas Robert M. Williams FY - Oklahoma State John D. Danvers Barry L. Howell Michael S. Nichols Philip W. Perdue F(1)- South Alabama Anthony J. Bowab, II Gaither L. Chastang Richard C. Healy Paul J. Langenbach Thomas B. Peterson David S. Rose Stephen F. White

rx - Jacksonville Montgomery M. Broward Lawrence M. Hufty

PP - Augusta Ronald P. Irick Michael B. Smith 112 - Montevallo David C. Bennett Michael E. Drudy Mark G. Russell Thomas G. Smitherman AA - Virginia Tech Brian J. Easteridge Luther R. Head Eugene M. Langschwager Bernard A. Nash Lane A. Schaffer AB - North Georgia Thomas L. Childers James P. Daniel, Jr. Donald L. Hackle Enoch J. Hicks John G. Jinks, Ill Michael G. Lawless Charles E. Mitchell Richard P. Moultrie Craig L. Samples Andy 0. Smith Doughlas L. Walker AF - Nebraska-Omaha Barry F. Burks Richard A. Buschelman Robert L. Drozda Dwayne C. Dvorak Kenneth A. Liesche, Jr. Michael W. Winslow AA - Northeast Missouri Nelson I. Akers John R. Andrews Darryl C. Beach Richard C. Smith AE - Jacksonville State George B. Bailey Clyde J. McSpadden Robert A. Stewart AZ - Appalachian State Chuck A. Beddingfield, Ill Robert K. Coe George G. Davidson William E. Maycock Steven E. Miller David S. Owen Jeffrey K. Shell AH - Morehead David E. Jones Gregory L. King Kenneth R. Unger Al - Middle Tennessee Alton Greuling Kenneth W. Walden AK - Pembroke State Oliver L. Canaday AA - UNC-Charlotte Mark E. Ashley Ben Keith Barnes Stephen R. Merck Gary N. Smith AN - Western Kentucky Boyd L. Champion Galen H. Freeman, Ill Bruce A. Masden Carlos D.Tatum AZE - North Alabama James R. Wallace AO - Nicholls State Jacques D. Frere Michael C. Garrard All - Wright State Terry D. Brown Bruce A. Hollingworth James A. Martin Gary Cox Mark F. Jacobs AP - Southern Cal. James S. Anderson Randall E. Corber Donald F. Craib, Ill Edward J. Hogan, Ill Charles M. Sarture, II

- Bowling Green State William A. Haidle Brian J. Hendrickson Kenneth N. Kaiser Jeffrey M. Springer Steven J. Trivisonno AT - James Madison Philip S. Boxley, IV Stephen E. Dicks John D. Harvey Christopher E. Kelly Christopher L. Negaard






Page 10-the star & lamp-Winter 1990

CROSSED SWORD CLUB (continued) AY - Pittsburgh Charles J. Rusbasan Howard E. Simon 4(1) - Radford R. Clark Brosi Michael E. Lindauer Edward F. Ramsey Franklin A. Swann AX - Kansas State David H. George Jeffrey L. Meister Mark Richter Jeff A. Schugart AP - UT-Arlington Gary Cox Mark F. Jacobs EA - Elon Gerald E. HoIlan Ralph 0. Mueller EU - Longwood Eugene P. Gorman Robert S. McAra Dale W. Rankin Donald C. Sisco, II Richard W. Stryker EA - Auburn-Montgomery Daniel C. Weaver EE - Clinch Valley Martin F. Keena Robert H. Sage Allen D. Wallace EZ - Central Arkansas John L. Bearden Kim D. Crissler Richard H. Dixon, Jr. Howard A. Wells - Winthrop Joel H. Byars Marvin A. Pearson Thomas J. Sacco El - UNC-Greensboro Henry Y. Ingram Michael L. Lineback Michael K. Miller EK - Southern Tech Jay R. Barrow Robert G. Cole, Jr. Barry L. Kidd EM - Bradley Daniel L. Charleston EN - Sacramento Kurt R. Ericson Cary B. Schumacher Steve M. Warda EE - LaSalle William Carreras John M. Coulson Ell - Va. Commonwealth Timothy 0. Butler EP - Lenoir-Rhyne Kenneth C. Brown ET - St. Joseph's Vincent J. Thompson, Sr. EY - Georgia College Bernard L. Doolittle EA)- Ala.-Birmingham Joseph S. McCarty Chris D. Teichmiller EP - Slippery Rock Theodore M. Talackine ES-2 - Texas Tech Robert E. Welsh

DONORS A - Charleston Steven N. Coker Charles A. Jones Peter B. Krug Robert D. Miller George A. Nelson Jonathan W. Sink Stuart G. Spencer Oliver T. Wallace B - Presbyterian Issac M. Adair Emory C. Dykes, III Francis M. Frazier Jackson C. Graham Alva R. Hamilton Dwight A. Holder James F. Holly, Ill James L. Kennedy, Jr. Hank W. Mason Walter E. Matthews Thomas C. Middleton, Jr. Thomas H. Stearns George D. Stickney, Jr. John W. Weldon I- - Cal.-Berkeley Thomas D. Armstrong Paul Coupin Michael J. Duret George R. Ganz Bruce H. Hellier Richard G. Houston George G. lzmirian Michael S. Kesler Robert L. Leslie Jay C. Maltby Michael W. Neal

Robert D. O'Malley Robert D. Parmelee Steven C. Pas Richard A. Rappaport Kent N. Russell Robert Whelan A - Furman Henry E. Barton, Jr. Jeffrery F. Brunson Kenneth S. Burnham Jefrey D. Chandler Green H. Cleveland Christopher R. Hardt Charles R. Hughes Peter J. Manning Ralph S. Mondeaux Bryan C. Moody Tim A. Poston, II Clarence C. Sanders, Jr. William T. Scott Jay M. Switzer James Towler E - South Carolina Herbert L. Benson, Jr. John D. Bunch, Jr. Charles H. Chiles Daniel Flessas Jerrold D. Inglima Herbert P. Lee, Ill James W. Ratliff, Jr. William S. Reynolds, Ill Charles W. Robinson Bobby D. Sanders E - Davidson Junius R. Gaither, Jr. Robert C. Grady H.T. Gurley, Jr. William M. Heston Samuel M. Hines Louis C. Hite Charlton B. Ivey Harold B. Kernodle, Jr. Samuel M. Woodward Harvey K. Boboitt David J. Core Peter M. Giovine Paul M. Hirschmann Mark E. Hollan Vincent A. Price Kendrick V. Shriver Owen K. Studt

- Woff(ird Ralph N. Brendle James H. Crouch Henry E. Gibson Jack Kaplan, Jr. William M. Smethie, Jr. H - Emory Bennett K. Bilbrey William T. Edwards, Jr. Joe M. Fambrough I - Georgia Tech Matthew W. Ablett Keith E. Comerford Robert A. Dobbin, Jr. Charles E. Edwards Jeffrey T. Farmer David B. Grant James D. Grigsby Allan D. Guggolz Jeffrey T. Johnson John W. Manry Timothy E. Marxen Robert T. McCrory Alexander H. McGraw Elwood F. McLaughlin Joe B. McRee John C. Mosher Robert A. Myers John R. Paus Kevin J. Renshaw Dean W.I Russell Mitchell G. Shepard Damian J. Stahl James G. Thweatt Mark E. Weaver Vincent Weaver, Jr. K - North Carolina Steve C. Barbour Henry 0. Beck, Jr. Joseph T. Bell, II William C. Buergey Thomas E. Butler, Jr. Bernard E. Dotson, Jr. George W. Gentry, Ill Jahn R. Hairr, Ill Howard W. Hawks Randy L. Hollifield Edmund B. Hopkins Craig C. Huggins Steven R. Knox Thomas L. Lloyd Brian T. Marley Jeffrey D. Michael Timothy E. Newman Stephen G. Poe William J. Ramsey Scott T. Self Jerome W. Stanislaw Scott B. Tate James M. Wilmott A - Georgia Ray E. Ball Vernon A. Bird Robert M. Bretherton Winfield S. Carson, Jr. Robert L. Dickson, Jr. Joseph B. Edwards David R. Foshee John W. Guss Bruce G. Hill William A. Hopkins, Jr. Scott R. Jacobs

William B. Kelly James L. Lester, IV William A. Liggin Anthony'J. Linatoc Dewey 0. Lindsay, Ill James 0. Loyd Malcolm Nash Bary J. Parrish John F. Peck David T. Smith George M. Thompson M - Duke Gustave G. Barnett, Ill William C. Connor William H. Dameron, Jr. Heyward L. Drumond George M. Espsito Bailey T. Groome Stephen F. Horne Theodore A. Keith Peter 0. Krogh Jeffrey E. Lewis Christopher P. Moore John D. Moylan Charles 0. Muscheck Dietrich F. Rosenberg Douglas E. Underwood Edwin L. Williams, Jr. N - Nebraska-Lincoln Lyman M. Burgess Dean A. Divis Donald E. Leonard Stephen R. Manning Claude E. Sutter E - Roanoke Brian K. Ancarrow Robert S. Bonney, Jr. Walker R. Carter, Jr. James P. Collins Matthew B. Fahrney Richard C. Flora Lawrence P. French Kenneth R. Garren Thomas J. Hubsch C. Troy Keeney Brian P. Kidd Raymond E. Markham, Jr. Louis J. Mullineaux John E. Osborne, Ill Thomas J. Robertson, Jr. Kyle Fisher Schinedel Emil T. Skevin Alvin C. Stump Vic P. Thacker

- Alabama William L. Abbott William J. Barton, Jr. John C. Boggan, Jr. Barry J. Brock James M. Brown, Jr. Clarence W. Callahan Brian E. Clemmons Leo K. Cooper Stuart C. Countess Carlton G. Fagan Jonathan F. Fravel Garland C. Hall, Jr. Frank W. Hanvey David L. Hinton Harley R. Hope William R. Hopper William J. Kittrell Joseph B. Martin, Jr. Don Norton Edward Pagelsen George W. Parker, Jr. Sterling W. Provost, Jr. James B. Renfroe Anthony J. Rice Albert E. Ritchey Gregory D. Sand Stephen K. Smith Garrett W. Steed Thomas P. Stowe, Jr. Henry P. Talbot Michael S. Teal 11 - Oglethrope Clarence D. Wooten P - Washington & Lee Jason Faust James H. Hamersley James W. Ivey, ll John 0. Martin Terrence L. McCartin Clifton D. Mitchell George T. Myers Alphonse J. Sherman John B. Towill

T - NC State Victor H. Agreda Timothy W. Atwood Robert E. Carlson, Jr. William B. Chalk William D. Dean John V. Fox, Jr. Albert M. Guillet, Jr. John H. Gunn, Jr. William M. Hackett James H. Johnson, Ill Francis L. Joyner Charles F. Latham Bradford A. Lee Lonnie W. Radford, Jr. Dwight A. Sinclair Edwin W. Small Edwin G. Wall James L. Zimmerman, Jr. Y - Illinois Edward L. Atkins Edmund D. Deuss Adalbert D. Drogosz Howard E. Fry Daniel L. Ganzer

Roy S. Heintz David J. Kallal William K. Konrad John E. Lignell Judson P. Mason Edwin D. Mendels Carl V. Nelson Robert P. Newlin Stewart R. Ramsey Robert M. Riggs Marvin A. Schaid Julius Schoeller, Jr. Michael A. Shaner Daniel A. Shoor Walter T. Wahlfeldt Dennis Wodarz X - Stetson Cartha D. Deloach Paul M. Fearington E. Gale Huntington James F. Lawson Steven A. Medina Arthur N. Morris, Ill Carlos T. Parsons Steven A. Phillips Bruce L. Rogers James T. Smith Christopher B. Walsweer James L. Young - Cornell Raoul E. Drapeau Stephen J. Fujikawa W.E. Georgia Louis L. Seaman Arnold T. Tschanz S2 - Purdue Robert C. Adams Allan D. Ainsworth Thomas V. Alleman Todd D. Anthony Jack K. Berlien James R. Berlien Robert F. Brinson William R. Brown Scott A. Carder Jeffrey L. Egilsrud Joseph D. Engels Carl J. Gerlach Waldemar E. Goffeney Richard Gurecki Hilton B. Henry Laszlo Z. Hertelendy Carl D. Hipsher George A. Holderbaum Jeffrey S. Kasko Robert J. Miller Clayton J. Newhagen Guy J. Overman Dick L. Pensinger Jack W. Powers Edwin T. Sherwood Steven L. Stenacker John T. Strawbridge Matthew J. Stuve Don R. Taylor Herbert J. Treen John E. Trnka Kim J. Tubergen Thomas L. Weakley AA - Mercer Richard M. Andrews John W. Brooker Ian S. Gomex John S. Harrison, Jr. Hollis C. Lewis, Jr. Thomas Lowndes, Ill William Maratos John S. Orr, Ill AB - Tulane Jerome J. Elick AU - Oklahoma Robert W. Ingram Charles E. Springer A. Ervine Swift Anthony L. Thompson Marcellus G. Wauahdooah Timothy Welles AA -Washington David G. Alexander John R. Cragg Lyman S. Hopkins Jack A. Morrison James C. Robertson Victorian Sivertz Willard B. Vadman Kermit Wright AE- Florida Johnnie M. Amerson Bartlett Arnold, Ill Jorge L. Arteta Hary M. Baker Charles J. Butler, Jr. Neil 0. Contess Charles C. Cox, Jr. Eric B. Dana Joe K. Enzor, Jr. Robert J. Finck Ord J. Fink, Jr. Marty Fletcher Herbert Frazier Lawrence N. Goldstein John D. Gornto, Jr. Paul S. Green Dale Hocking Robert L. James Bruce J. Kensky Peter Lanaris Johnny D. Lord, Jr. Charles F. Marks, Jr. James W. Midelis Robert S. Neuman . Mack P. Niven Michael J. Nozzarella

Henry T. Parsons Kenneth V. Purcell Frank W. Rivers, Jr. James T. Schneider Kurt A. Stein Edward W. Storin Charles W. Trotman Wilfred C. Varn John J. Wahlen AZ - Oregon State C. Bogner Walter G. Cadmus William W. Carter Larry A. Chambers Robert Colonna Harold E. Conklin William V. Cook Howard W. Davis Robert G. Harris Michael G. Herbage Stephen J. Hilgart Ronald W. Howell George E. Jaska Roy 0. Malo, Jr. James S. Marsh Timothy M. Molinari Roland G. Montagne Horace C. Nachand Robert R. Pierce Thomas J. Renner Mark T. Roth Neil A. Sandvik Ronald D. Thom Scott D. Trotter Thomas L. Tyler Dennis G. Vinson Steven H. Westfall AH - Samford Ernest C. Canfield, Jr. Scott Dyess

Wallace F. Drury Arthur B. Hammond Derek A. Jones James D. Lovingood John E. McClure William B. Ott, Jr. Ernest C. Rushing Jack F. Saint Stephen C. Smith Henry E. Trippe Charles M. Wood Wilson C. Wooley AK - Michigan Carl L. Bracy Philip S. Dalziel Elston F. Larson William H. Moffat Harry Olson AM - Penn State Barry C. Anderson Mark D. Berger Keith W. Bornmann Stephen C. Botta Arthur F. Buffett George E. Butterfield James R. Cooley John M. Craine Joseph Errante Donald R. Fischer Edwin A. Friend, Jr. William A. Greenlee Scott M. Holliday Christopher J. Kelly Bruce J. Kent Robert C. Kieffer Steven P. Kitts William W. Lawrence Ronald W. Losefsky Nelson E. Mattern Donald E. McFadden

Board of Trustees Building on the most successful Annual Appeal in history, the Trustees of the Foundation have set three objectives for 1990: •To expand the Foundation's donor base; •To increase the size of the average gift; •To increase the frequency of giving. Specifically, the Trustees have set an objective of increasing the corpus of the Foundation to $2 million by Jan. 31, 1992. The assets of the Foundation now stands at $816,656. The dynamic growth of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity requires an ambitious goal for the Foundation. The Foundation is the only entity in Pi Kappa Phi that has the ability to receive tax-deductible gifts. The Trustees challenge you to increase your giving to the Annual Appeal in the coming decade.

Larry M. Godwin Robert E. Greene James F. House Victor A. Hunt Julian D. Maddox Jerrel B. McAnalley Orbie L. Medders, Jr. Daniel B. Roebuck Hugh F. Smith Joe W. Vaughn AO - Michigan State Orson D. Bird Daniel F. Ciernick Joseph M. Colucci Edward D. Ebbeson Robert A. Ellis James T. Eppink Robert K. Hofacre Alonzo E. Langworthy Paul A. Long John B. McClelland Timothy J. Milway Jonathan M. Nii Carmine J. Perrotta Bradley A. Petry Richard J. Pfeil Joseph E. Potchen Matthew J. Shaheen Mark H. Smith Warren C. Spragg, Ill Richard W. Thatcher John N. Wortman Al - Auburn Frederick C. Ackermann James B. Alexander William M. Allen Jack E. Baker William S. Baker Charles S. Blackledge, Jr. Michael Z. Bush Robert R. Carothers, Jr. Marvin A. Chandler, Jr. Hugh D. Dozier

Ralph W. Moyer Waren Moyer, Jr. Scott D. Myers John M. Puskar John H. Ressler Stephen F. Roth Matthew L. Rzucidlo Blaise T. Santianni Robert M. Schneck Robert N. Senko Ronald A. Sounders Harvey E. Strine Ronald E. Wilt AN - Ohio State Lewis C. Chadwick Lewis E. Miller

- Polytechnic Joseph H. Baudendistel Allen G. Carter Joseph A. Caruso, Ill Lee B. Fatell Rutherford H. Fenn Franklin Grandinetti Joseph G. Grolier John R. Halada Eugene C. Holzapfel Roger V. Kaller Henry G. Lenz Edwin Olson Harry F. Roener Frank F. Romanow Steven P. Solomon Michael Speilzinger Frank S. Vetere Warren C. Zulawski AO - Iowa State Keith J. Allen Lloyd D. Brownson William W. Chmelar Edward E. Cowger, Jr. Daniel J. Devine Hal D. Dirksen Willis C. Fritz

Winter 1990-the star & lamp-Page 11 Forest L. Goetsch Blake Hanke Jeffery L. Harm Leonard J. Hart Terry E. Henricksen Alsin K. Johnson Mark L. Milliman Mark J. Nechanicky Marshall E. Oson Michael J. Powell David A. Stolz Kenneth J. Thompson Jeffrey A. Welch All - South Jackson Cross William B. Dickens

AP- West Virginia David A. Deskins Robert D. Dombrowski Thomas McCormick Philip E. Michael, II Matthew S. Reedy AE - Tennessee Douglas E. Clark Richard M. Craig Felix J. Gruosso Kevin A. Hall Giles D. Hollins James E. Jones, Jr. Claude 0. McPherson, Jr. Randall J. Mims Michael D. Mynatt Thomas A. Savage, Jr. William T. Sigmon John R. Smith James H. Stilz Arthur D. Sullivan Wade E. Williamson AT - Rensselaer Robert E. Bergman

David S. Denenberg Richard Domrzalski James F. Duncan Robert W. Edmands Larry D. EgoIf Eugene E. Ferry John F. Forbes Gino A. Fortunato John W. Goldschmidt, Jr. Mark S. Gordon Paul L. Graziani Robert W. Hadden Thomas L. Hill William H. Hitchens Stephen A. Imbrogno William R. Kammerle Glenn F. Kennedy Robert J. King, Jr. Hans J. Kolb Ken J. Lafredo Kevin S. Lannan Richard W. Lodwig Harry M. Margolis Joseph F. McHugh Austin A. Meehan Paul A. Mullin Robert T. Murphy Michael D. Oliveto James G. Palmer John P. Pilsits, Jr. Thomas B. Popko James C. Purington William 0. Reeside Lawrence Rice August Sauter, Jr. Brian Stone Donald R. Williams Patrick D. Williams Richard P. Wisniewski Stanton Woerth

Richard G. Garrett Robert D. Potts Joseph W. Schwab, Jr. BA -NJIT Peter A. Cady Leo Credidio Richard Culp Steven F. DeSteno Charles P. Dietz Robert W. Dlouhy William M. England Charles M. Forman Robert J. Garvey, Jr. Lawrence A. Kominiak William Kowalski Herbert A. Martin George U. Mayer William D. Nichols Richard Pedersen Peter H. Schmidt Hani A. Shouga Jay J. Stemmer Richard H. Stephan William C. Toth Robert G. VanDevrede BB - Florida Southern Henry M. Bartlett, Jr. Lawrence J. Henyecz William Hurst William E. Kesler Thomas E. Kohl Barry S. Logan Charles F. Newcombe Todd G. Von Weyhe Vincent N. Wyatt BF - Louisville Gail C. Elliott William D. Hall John R. Lewis Desmond Whitt

James A. Newhard Elmer J. Newness, Jr. Christopher R. Nusbaum Richard G. Rose Jeffrey R. Roth Darryl D. Zellers BA - Tatnpa Ronald H. Antonio Thaddeus H. Cox, Ill James R. Crosby Richard C. Edwards David J. Helterbran, Jr. Jay H. KeaIly Richard D. Maun Edward J. Miller, Jr. Christopher T. Miltiades Ralph E. Stout BM - NcNeese State Wilfred R. Bourne, Jr. Gabriel A. Broussard Miller B. Clarkson Brett A. Fontenot Walter J. Graske Loran G. Harmon Louis C. Hoffpauir Danny W. Hyatt James M. Marryott Karl 0. Stutsman 13E - Central Michigan Clifford R. Anspach Charles Kamachos 130 - Northwestern State George P. Fink David D. Morgan BP - Clarkson John F. Kruse BE - Northern Illinois Norman J. Pollock

sets 1990 objectives for Foundation ... ...

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- Illinois Tech Richard J. Allen, Ill Albert F. Bujan Gary C. Cathey Matthew A. Chapman Matthew W. Fernandez Robert J. Frey Raymond W. Giegerich Royce A. Golembeck Martin T. Kotsch Leonard J. Mance Jack R. Piper Gene H. Schmidt Raymond F. Smith, Jr. William E. Stepan H. Clayton Summers, Jr. AX - Miami Grover C. Barron, Jr. AT - Indiana Richard L. Blessing Jay B. Cameron, II Mark C. Conway Gerald Q. Essling Todd C. Fields Daniel J. Gamble Jason Goldstone James P. Halsey Michael A. Hole Roger J. Kinney Vincent P. Lampert Warren E. Loomis Barry G. Polley John A. Reilly Maurice B. Sheidler Michael D. Schlichte Russell A. Sparks Paul A. Sullivan Gordon C. Weaver Steven J. Weiland James E. Witek AS2 - Oregon Alan T. Cochran

BA - Drake Robert C. Ault Mark S. Daw Charles R. Deaton Eric J. Grant Arthur M. Luebbers Jeffrey D. Pielet Gary F. Roskin David S. Spewak John M. Street Bruce N. Swanson BE - Missouri-Columbia Dowell C. Carter Sherwood K. Chism David M. Epperson Gary L. Gray Philip E. Gray Billy J. Isenhower Kenneth X. Lissner Jack T. Stevenson Frank J. Wilting BH - Florida State William M. Clifford John R. Corbett Robert P. Costin Craig D. Dierksheide John V. Eichelberger, Jr. Douglas S. Fisher John J. Kady Leonard W. Lorenzo, Jr. Steven J. Louchheim Gordon L. Mize John D. Rasmussen, Jr. Norman D. Stoddard William L. Welch Thomas E. Williams 131 - Toledo John L. Eisenmann Robert C. Friess Jeffery P. Henning Roderick T. Hunt Philip A. Long


1111/11•• ......


Scott A. Bibaud Jeffrey A. Cunningham Deall Daymon John J. Dempsey Michael N. Desmarais Richard B. Donahue, Sr. David M. Goddard Dieter M. Groll Gregory M. Herlan Christopher S. Jones David R. Labrecque William M. Lester John S. Martinez Crayton F. Montei George H. Moorhead Robert S. Morris Nels F. Nelson Richard J. Nelson Christopher J. Parks Larry J. Powell Thomas Ptak Gary R. Rapp Thomas N. Richmond, Jr. William F. Rieke, Jr. Scott J. Schenker Benjamin T. Sporn Joseph P. Walsh Kevin J. Walter John A. Woodhead, Ill Oliver A. M. Zitzmann AY - Drexel Keith S. Adams Robert J. Baldwin Richard M. Ballinger Henry J. Bartle, Ill Thomas Berk William W. Bintzer Robert H. Birdsall George T. Blackburn Mark R. Blasser William P. Carey Douglas M. Clarke Kevin M. Collins


1 1111•■•■ Ila.•■■• 4 ••••11•1


BT - Valdosta State John M. Jones Roy C. Odom Jon Scott Jerry D. Thomason, Jr. Jody D. Weathers

BY Morgan Birge Jeffrey S. Craigmile Jeffrey C. Grizzle John J. Lapenta Daniel W. Rogerson Edmond H. Smith 13(I) - East Carolina Steven L. Anderson Danny V. Brown James R. Dail David C. Forrest Howard J. Foy, Ill John T. Geraghty Bruce C. Hayden Fredrick D. Judson Dillon K. Kalkhurst John-Paul H. Lyons Joseph K. Norris Jeffrey D. Phillips Thomas C. Sayetta Archie C. Simmons Jack S. Smith James A. Whitehurst, Ill Richard L. Wilburn, Jr. Cory M. Williams Thomas G. Willingham Theodore F. Wright, Jr. BX - East Texas State Kevin W. Blake Billy J. Downes Curtis H. Nugent Timothy D. Shaw Scott A. Sommer Robert K. Swortwood, Jr.


......... „,.......

BT - Tennessee Wesleyan Richard C. Burdette, Ill David L. Calfee Joel T. Jones Ronald C. Martin Barry A. Saunders James A. V. Ostenbridge Francis D. Wieser, Jr. Bc1 - East Tennessee Allan W. Bagley Jerry G. Campbell, Jr. Joe P. Duncan William A. Hamilton Samuel B. Miller, II Charles B. Motley, Jr. Daryl T. Roberts Raymond V. Ziembinski FA - Livingston Robert W. Coulter, Jr. Timothy M. Stewart John G. Till, Jr. Claude A. Tillman, Ill Roy M. Underwood, Jr. FB - Old Dominion Joel Allen Paul E. Dickson, Jr. Joseph A. Greblunas, Jr. Donald C. Grout Gregory E. Johnson Kenneth M. Leese Joseph E. Murphy William K. Nock Lance W. Orndorff Matthew S. Parker Daniel R. Poirier James L. Reid Michael B. Weil Edwin W. Winters

- Troy State William H. Clark Frank J. Jehle, Jr. Michael R. Roskos Charles H. Schley Phillip E. Wells FA - Memphis State Dennis P. Byer Jeffrey A. Droke Michael D. Jackson Francis A. Ziemba FE - Western Carolina James A. Davidson Edward L. Duckworth Christopher D. Erwin Ron S. Huntington Gene F. Leonard, Jr. John K. Sardinia William S. Smith

- West Virginia Tech Robert H. Brewer John F. Heindel Steven D. Lewis Joseph D. Miller Charles E. Mills Robert W. Perry David R. Strader FH - Athens Stephen C. Jones F0 - UNC-Wilmington Jonathan R. Babson Larry M. Long Jason B. Smart Edward A. Sundy, Jr. FK - Georgia Southern Benjamin B. Barmore Thomas E. Camp, Ill Thomas E. Camp, IV Buford L. Keene Richard K. Lane Paul A. McGahee Kelly C. Penn Dale T. Warren Fred B. Wilson, Jr. FA - Missouri-Rolla Randal S. Curtis Thomas W. Laventure Andrew E. Maynard Richard L. Tutko FM - Belmont Abbey Christopher Daly William S. Grizzard, Jr. Robert W. Holtz Francis B. Leonard Christopher S. Whitehead FN - LaGrange Joseph W. Bryant Lance W. Carter Jonn Love William G. Nable

Mark G. Sneed FT - North Texas Ben 0. Turner FY - Oklahoma State Robert A. Bridges Mark R. Christman Steven L. Cochran John W. Johnston Mark L. Neftzger Brian S. Richards David A. Russell Roger L. Schaefer John A. Standridge 1.(1) - South Alabama Marvin R. Davis Donal S. Dunbar Ronald L. Konya Michael E. Rader, Jr. John K. Stauffer John G. VanDerwood Michael B. Woods FX - Jacksonville Michael K. Fouty - Augusta Russell M. Malone Anthony R. Perrotto, Jr. Paul B. Ryan Robert L. Turner, Jr. 111 - Montevallo Warren C. Fowler, Sr. Richard A. Neathammer Tony L. Preston Steven C. Smith AA - Virginia Tech Glenn N. Byrd Michael D. Eller Meredith E. Hall, Ill Lawrence L. Kirchner Timothy H. Meyers George S. Mize Robert A. Quicke, Jr. John M. Smithman AB - North Georgia Michael T. Barto John D. Bingham George W. Clark, Ill Charles F. Drake Thomas D. Drake, Ill Stuart R. Hulsey John M. Sexton Luis 0. Toro, M.D. Kenneth A. Vining, Jr. Timmy L. Wilson AF - Nebraska-Omaha Richard T. Burns Michael J. Ryan AA - Northeast Missouri David L. Ewigman Roger L. Griffith Gregory D. Lay Gary D. Lykins Jeffrey A. Schoenekase Michael R. Wood AE - Jacksonville State Russell E. Andrews James L. Brodeur Barton L. Chandler Terry D. Kendrick Douglas L. Miller Kerry Nabors Franklin R. Phillips AZ - Appalachian State Thomas E. Armour Gregory L. Ball Andrew Carr Tony C. Dalton Bruce E. Greenland Graham C. Hoppess David W. Huss Keith 0. Hutchens Thomas H. Johnson John R. Knier William F. Lowe, Jr. Billy C. Mathis Timothy B. McLaughlin Frank A. McNeill, Jr. Scott C. Poole Edward H. Reese Edward B. Wilkins, IV All - Morehead Dana L. Greene Walter E. Higgins John F. Moser James W. Wells AO - Mars Hill Rodger P. Roach

Al - Middle Tennessee Ricky D. Wallace

- Ga. Southernwestern Burney Q. Adams Ellis R. Gilliam Langdon C. Sheffield, Jr. Cecil G. Strickland, Jr. Thomas E. Strong Henry F. Wilson, Jr.

ro - Bethel John J. Brocavich Robert S. Condron FP - Lander David L. Bowen Steven B. Harris David L. Hooper, Jr. Robert M. McLean Bernard Pannone Edward L. Price, Jr. Donald P. Sawicki Travis S. Wright

- Armstrong Randal D. Rippey






Page 12-the star & lamp-Winter 1990

DONORS(continued) AK - Pembroke State Mark Cabral James W. Canaday, Jr. Thomas J. McIntosh, Ill Michael D. Quick James A. Wilkins AA - UNC-Charlotte Donald R. Baker Jon Michael Bass, Jr. Michael J. Bolton Jack M. Brewer, Jr. Raleigh C. Davis Rese E. Farrish, Jr. Robert W. Fisher, Jr. Mark C. Hall Jon D. Howarth Dean C. Hull, II William R. Kincaid John E. Lynch, Jr. Todd G. Thompson AM - Methodist Hugh 0. Queen, Ill AN - Western Kentucky Randall L. Edwards J. Robert Miller Donald W. Minton Donn E. Sapp

- North Alabama Frank L. Eastland Terry E. Lewey, Jr. AO - Nicholls State Ray S. Hebert All - Wright State Craig A. Hall Timothy J. Waypa AP - Southern Cal. James J. McMenamin AE - Bowling Green State Gregory A. Herig Anthony M. Kalich

Paul E. Kimmel Mark E. Krach Thomas G. Krach Scott A. Moser Aurelio Sanchez, Jr. Dennis E. Snook William C. Stambaugh Michael J. Thomas AT - James Madison Brian D. Baldwin Donald M. Beeby Gregory S. Benson John S. Bittinger Eric R. Ebel Brian R. Lenskold David M. Moretti David S. Ottenstein Timothy L. Reynolds Frederic W. Schroeder, Ill Brian D. Walsh AY - Pittsburgh Thomas Colcombe Louis E. Halperin A(1) - Radford Claudio P. Belloli Allen M. Bostian John A. Daley Matthew C. Klee D. Scott Lee Daniel A. Noble Daniel L. Ricketson AX - Kansas State Glen A. Benteman Kevin L. Hochman Darrin W. Ruddy Robert E. Wiegers - Texas-Arlington Brian G. Davidson Billy L. Jacobs Gregory K. Sanders - Texas A&M John G. Killgore David H. Martinez

John B. Morgan EA - Elon Hardy K. Bobbitt David J/Core Peter M. Giovine Paul M. Hirschmann Mark E. HoIlan Vincent A. Price Kendrick V. Shriver Owen K. Studt EB - Grand Valley State Paul J. Brake Robert E. Byrd, Jr. Douglas A. Cummings Russell D. Ikerd Dickran Murmurian Kevin P. Nadai

Er - Longwood Lewis D. Fitzgerald Mark T. King John D. McLaren Gary C. Slack - Auburn-Montgomery Alan B. Cooper Robert B. Davis EE - Clinch Valley Steven P. Beauter Ruben W. Carter, Jr. EZ - Central Arkansas Mike L. Peterson EH - Winthrop Timothy S. Hawkins William C. Moore, Jr.

Ee Seton Hall Leonardo S. DePalma John L. Fiorilla William P. Freeman Joseph C. Losardo Luciano J. Losardo El - UNC-Greensboro Charles R. Cote David B. Craft

David J. Curran, Jr. Elliot D. Curtis Kevin M. Debbs Barry G. Maness Wistar Moore, Ill EK - Southern Tech Stephen R. Brewer Howard E. Burch Donald W. Eddleman David G. Hirschler G. Erik Hotton, Jr. Bertinson Nhu Vu EA - USC-Spartanburg Robert C. Smith Charles T. Wardell EM - Bradley Walter J. Becker Bradley M. LaValley Brad G. Magnani Jason D. McDowell Paul T. Rice Bruce R. Silberstorf EN - Sacramento James K. Botkin James A. Cassinelli Mark J. Glazier Timothy D. Hemmen Grant L. Newcomer Ty N. Tomita EE - LaSalle

John H. Marshall Thomas Pisciotta EH - Va. Commonwealth Vincent A. Binkoski, Ill Richard A. Peranski Andrew D. Thomas EP - Lenoir-Rhyne John 0. Conn Mark C. Friday James R. Hammer, Jr. David W. HoIlar Jonathan C. Miller Bruce R. Royer Scott B. Worrell

EP - Slippery Rock Alan T. Greco Charles E. Karaffa Kenneth Klimchock Mark A. Long James Ramsey ESI - Texas Tech Francisco Hamm Gregory C. Holland James P. Martin Kevin R. Wright ZF - North Dakota Christopher T. Johnson Steven C. Rowland Steward E. Snadstrom ZA - Shippensburg John E. Burkhart ZE - George Mason Dan T. Stanford ZA - Clemson Scott C. Gasparini

- Christian Brothers William B. Bowman Joseph J. Fel!meth Vincent E. Mancini David K. Rifenburg Robert G. Werle Jay L. White Daniel E. Wilson William M. Wilson ET - St. Joseph's Steven J. Amoriello, Ill Philip I. Bender Anthony M. Burghezi Joseph R. Helduser, Jr. Raymond E. lx, Jr. Patrick D. McGuckin Michael J. McManus Thomas J. Merighi, Jr. Christopher C. Rooney Gary W. Stetser Joseph S. VaneIli Thomas P. Wilson EY - Georgia College Rufus A. Scarbary Ed)- Ala.-Birmingham Lee G. Johns, Jr. Kyle L. Kinney

William J. Booth, Jr. David W. Givey Robert F. Graham James T. Richard, Jr. Thomas M. Sottile Frederick G. Tingley Michael D. Yoslov E0 - Villanova Joseph A. Brady, Ill Patrick J. Brala Gary J. Farley Joseph A. Hall





Nine students named 'Pi Kapp Scholar' by the Foundation Nine of Pi Kappa Phi's finest have been selected for the Pi Kapp Scholar award for 1989. The students were selected from 26 applicants. The Pi Kapp Scholar is based on academics and Fraternity, university and community leadership. The brothers receiving the award are (clockwise from top left)

David Ebling, Omega-Purdue; John Hewson, Gamma-Cal.-Berekely; Michael Hulbert-Zeta Theta-Texas-Austin; Christopher Kribs, MuDuke; Andy Rowe, Epsilon Omega-Texas Tech; Gaurav Shah, Upsilon-Illinois; Eric Soderberg, Gamma-Cal.-Berekely; Dale Vogt, Alpha Zeta-Oregon State; and Gerald Volkersz, Alpha Psi-Indiana. Pi Kapp Scholars are chosen annually by the Foundation.

Annual Appeal Giving by Chapter and State Giving by State(1989) State- #of Mailable Alumni-#of Donors- Tot.Donations Alaska 17 3 $95.00 Alabama 2,592 176 $6,983.00 Arkansas 122 8 $205.00 Arizonia 169 33 $1.437.00 California 1,659 195 $7.271.00 Colorado 244 27 $1,130.03 Connecticut 47 355 $1,790.00 D.C. 87 12 $845.00 Delaware 6 90 $630.00 Florida $15,828.09 341 3,380 Georgia 278 3,394 $14,119.00 Hawaii 2 32 $130.00 Iowa 39 329 $2,500.00 Idaho 21 1 $30.00 Illinois 1.167 $8,403.00 112 Indiana 668 64 $2,351.00 Kansas 19 155 $585.00 Kcntucky 31 356 $855.00 Louisiana 530 $1,435.00 31 Massachusetts 311 41 $2,025.00 Maryland 78 586 $2,995.00 Maine I 28 $70.00 Michigan 790 $2,842.00 77 Minnessota 126 16 $645.00 Missouri 523 40 $6,912.00 Mississippi 151 $915.00 11 Montana 22 $0.00 0 North Carolina 3,217 260 $14.811.00 North Dakota 15 4 $395.00 Nebraska 8 204 $340.00 New Hampshire 11 64 $520.00 New Jersey 1,211 147 $7,010.00 New Mexico 65 $50.00 1 Nevada 52 $305.00 5 New York 1,155 $4,466.00 114 Ohio 91 693 $3,885.00 Oklahoma 25 346 $1,100.00 Oregon 450 49 $2,048.00 Pennsylvania 1,500 $4,926.00 152 Puerto Rico 0 6 $0.00 Rhode Island 50 $235.03 6 South Carolina 1,977 166 $8,715.00 South Dakota 7 0 $0.00 Tennessee 1,148 95 $4,550.00 Texas 1,070 122 $5,283.00 Utah 18 2 5220.00 Virginia 2,159 223 $14,763.00 Virgin Islands 4 1 $25.00 Vermont 44 4 $55.00 Washington 38 322 $1,403.00 Wisconsin $320.00 II 130 West Virginia 299 27 $1,215.00 Wyoming II $10.00 1 TOTALS 34,228 3,261 $166,120.00

Giving by Chapter(1989) School- # of Mailable Alumni- 4 of Donors- Tol.Donations 1. Alpha - Charleston 431 50 $4,380.00 2. Beta - Presbyterian 408 40 $1,905.00 3. Gamma - Cal-Berkeley 521 55 $1,986.00 4. Delta - Furman 250 21 $505.00 5. Sigma - South Carolina 523 39 $2,210.00 6. Epsilon - Davidson 370 35 $2,280.00 7. Zeta - Wofford 411 25 $1,040.00 8. Eta - Emory 100 18 $1,050.00 9. Iota - Georgia Tech 599 85 $3,282.00 10. Kappa - North Carolina 705 81 $4,228.00 II. Lambda - Georgia 660 55 $2,181.00 12. Mu - Duke 571 46 $2,037.00 13. Nu - Nebraska 18 $1,275.00 219 14. Xi - Roanoke 527 94 $10,421.00 IS. Omicron - Alabama 915 90 $4,340.00 16. Pi - Oglethorpe 43 4 $85.00 17. Rho - Washington & Lee 584 41 $1,605.00 18. Tau - NC State 526 42 $1,465.00 19. Upsilon - Illinois 483 77 $3,178.00 20. Phi - Tulsa II 0 $0.00 21. Chi - Stetson 610 37 $1,261.00 22. Psi - Cornell 414 34 $1,648.00 23. Omega - Purdue 877 94 $3,270.00 24. Alpha Alpha - Mercer 203 20 $ 615.00 25. Alpha Beta - Tulane 15 2 $45.00 26. Alpha Gamma - Oklahoma 218 35 $1,625.00 27. Alpha Delta - Washington 180 29 $1,638.00 28. Alpha Epsilon - Florida 899 119 $6,379.00 29. Alpha Zeta - Oregon State 544 62 $2,545.00 30. Alpha Eta - Samford 465 34 $7,269.00 Theta - Michigan State 31. Alpha 551 58 $2,362.00 32. Alpha Iota - Auburn 888 76 $4,010.00 33. Alpha Kappa - Michigan 58 II $300.00 34. Alpha Lambda - Ole Miss 54 7 $900.00 35, Alpha Mu - Penn State 824 92 $2,800.00 36. Alpha Nu - Ohio State 12 $1,065.00 36 37. Alpha Xi - PINY 345 74 $2,731.00 38. Alpha Omicron - Iowa State 487 75 $6,820.00 39. Alpha Pi - Sewanee 18 5 150.00 40. Alpha Rho - West Virginia 113 20 $1,005.00 41. Alpha Sigma - Tennessee 460 48 $1,765.00 42. Alpha Tau - RPI 659 83 $3,285.00 43.Alpha Upsilon - Drexel 736 129 $4,625.00 44. Alpha Phi - Illinois Tech 459 52 $2,135.00 45. Alpha Chi - Miami 82 5 $270.09 46. Alpha Psi - Indiana 426 49 $2,166.00 47. Alpha Omega - Oregon II 112 $360.00 48. Beta Alpha - NJIT 436 60 $4,225.00 49. Beta Beta - Florida Southern 331 26 $1,595.00 50. Beta Gamma - Louisville 165 15 $5,690.00 51. Beta Delta - Drake 391 35 51,455.00 52. Beta Epsilon - Missouri 243 21 $692.03 53. Beta Zeta - Simpson 21 0 $0.00 54. Beta Eta - Florida State 510 38 $1,252.00

55. Beta Theta - Arizona 56. Beta Iota - Toledo 57. Beta Kappa - Georgia State 58. Beta Lambda - Tampa 59. Beta Mu - McNeesc 60. Beta Nu - Houston 61. Beta Xi - Central Michigan 62. Beta Omicron - Northwestern State 63. Beta Pi - Eastern Michigan 64. Beta Rho - Clarkson 65. Beta Sigma - Northern Illinois 66. Beta Tau - Valdosta 67. Beta Upsilon - Virginia 68. Beta Phi - East Carolina 69. Beta Chi - East Texas State 70. Beta Psi - Tennessee Wesleyan 71. Beta Omega - ETSU 72. Gamma Alpha - Livingston 73. Gamma Beta - Old Dominion 74. Gamma Gamma - Troy State 75. Gamma Delta - Memphis State 76. Gamma Epsilon - Western Carolina 77. Gamma Zeta - West Viginia Tech 78. Gamma Eta - Athens 79. Gamma Theta - UNC-Wilmington 80. Gamma Iota - LSU 81. Gamma Kappa - Georgia Southern 82. Gamma Lambda - Rolla 83. Gamma Mu - Belmont Abbey 84. Gamma Nu - LaGrange 85. Gamma Xi - Georgia Southwestern 86. Gamma Omicron - Bethel 87. Gamma Pi - Northwestern State 88. Gamma Rho - Lander 89. Gamma Sigma - Armstrong 90. Gamma Tau - North Texas 91. Gamma Upsilon - Oklahoma State 92. Gamma Phi - South Alabama 93. Gamma Chi - Jacksonvile 94. Gamma Psi - Augusta 95. Gamma Omega - Montevallo 96. Delta Alpha - VPI 97. Delta Beta - North Georgia 98. Delta Gamma - UNO 99. Delta Delta - Northeast Misssouri 100. Delta Epsilon - Jacksonville 101. Delta Zeta - Appalachian State 102. Delta Eta - Morehead 103. Delta Theta - Mars Hill 104. Delta Iota - Middle Tennessee 105. Delta Kappa - Pembroke State 106. Delta lambda - UNC-Charlotte 107. Delta Mu - Methodist 108. Delta Nu - Western Kentucky 109. Delta Xi - North Alabama 120. Delta Omicron - Nicholls State 121. Delta Pi - Wright State

35 260 198 352 170 18 179 181 39 85 73 315 368 392 194 114 241 315 211 407 246 290 324 71 211 30 272 125 126 195 258 56 22 188 111 27 233 116 68 99 187 186 235 81 180 260 297 115 59 49 96 264 41 62 84 59 32

69 9 $370.00 4 $205.00 122. Delta Rho - USC 105 16 $410.00 34 $1,085.00 123. Delta Sigma - Bowling Green 235 18 $595.00 6 $300.00 124. Delta Tau - James Madison 73 4 $75.00 24 $1,270.00 125. Delta Upsilon - Pittsburgh 172 II $335.00 16 $535.00 126. Delta Phi - Radford 106 8 $250.00 1 $20.00 127. Delta Chi - Kansas State 53 6 $250.00 5 $130.00 128. Delta Psi - UT-Arlington 129. Delta Omega Texas A 72 & M $100.00 3 5 $125.00 $330.00 104 11 $75.00 130. Epsilon Alpha - Elon 2 66 8 $335.00 $10.00 131. Epsilon Beta - Grand Valley I $230.00 125 9 4 $150.00 132. Epsilon Gamma - Longwood 5 $225.00 19 $1,045.00 133. Epsilon Delta - Auburn-Montgomery 91 85 6 $285.00 30 $1,550.00 134. Epsilon Epsilon - Clinch Valley $150.00 57 5 39 $1,440.00 135. Epsilon Zeta - Central Arkansas 136. Epsilon Eta - Winthrop $145.00 72 5 10 $430.03 85 5 $105.00 9 $200.00 137. Epsilon Theta - Seton Hall 138. UNC-Greensboro Epsilon Iota 107 10 $270.00 17 $675.00 74 11 $430.00 15 $580.00 139. Epsilon Kappa - Southern Tech $80.00 3 29 $890.00 140. Epsilon Lambda - USC-Spartanburg 69 92 8 $325.00 13 $590.00 141. Epsilon Mu - Bradley $265.00 130 10 17 $1,320.00 142. Epsilon Nu - Sacramento 108 10 $210.00 21 $610.00 143. Epsilon Xi - LaSalle $125.00 169 6 28 $910.00 144. Epsilon Omicron - Villanova $120.03 49 4 4 $220.00 145. Epsilon Pi - VCU 146. Epsilon Rho Lenoir-Rhyne $310.00 9 89 14 $470.00 $210.00 92 9 0 $0.00 147. Epsilon Sigma - Christian Brothers $235.00 71 13 19 $1,215.00 148. Epsilon Tau - St. Joseph's $45.00 56 2 12 $415.00 149. Epsilon Upsilon - Georgia College $95.00 20 4 7 $200.00 150. Epsilon Phi - UAB $0.00 18 0 7 $903.00 151. Epsilon Chi - Denver $210.00 78 6 18 $1,014.00 152. Epsilon Psi - Slippery Rock 153. Epsilon Omega - Texas Tech $290.00 43 5 2 $30.00 $0.00 16 0 0 $00.00 154. Zeta Beta - LaJolla 155. Zeta Gamma North $50.00 Dakota 33 3 13 $370.00 $15.00 156. Zeta Delta Shippensburg 41 1 $85.00 5 $10.00 I 15 2 $35.00 157. Zeta Epsilon - George Mason $0.00 3 0 14 $485.00 158. Zeta Zeta - North Florida $30.00 1 10 19 $648.00 159. Zeta Alpha - Clemson 34,228 3,318 $166,120 6 $505.00 TOTALS 7 $180.00 10 $380.00 14 $375.09 30 $950.00 • 10 $440.00 10 $375.00 12 $400.00 Comments and questions concerning the 37 $4,591.00 7 $205.00 Pi Kappa Phi Foundation should be di1 $5.00 rected to: 4 $160.00 Ted Scharfenstein 6 $170.00 25 $953.00 Executive Vice President 1 $25.03 8 $205.00 Pi Kappa Phi Foundation 4 $120.00 289 South Street 3 $45.00 9 $860.00 Rockport, MA 01966

' Winter 1990-the star & lamp-Page 13

Foundation Foundation has new leadership, new direction New leadership and a new direction for the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation will mean greater things for the Fraternity in the Nineties. For the first time, the Foundation has hired a full-time staff member - and he'll be working with two new officers. Ted Scharfenstein was appointed executive vice president in November, a new position within the Foundation. He'll report to Jim Edwards, who was elected chairman ofthe Board ofTrustees,and Wayne Moore, the board's treasurer. Working together they hope to increase the impact of the Foundation on Pi Kappa Phi. Among their plans are the establishment of additional giving clubs, including one which would involve undergraduate members, and using telemarketing to increase alumni giving to the Annual Appeal. The Annual Appeal is the Foundation's solicitation program. Edwards is president of the Medical University of South Carolina. An initiate of Alpha-College of Charleston, he is a former governor ofSouth Carolina and was secretary of energy in Edwards President Reagan's Cabinet. as a trustee to the served Moore has year. He replaced last the Foundation for

Julius trustee Burges, who had served as treasurer since 1981. Moore was involved in the fund-raising effort at Alpha Omicron to build a $650,000 chapter house. The treasurer Moore and chairman are the only officers of the board and are elected once a year. Trustees are appointed by the board. Scharfenstein is a former two-term national presidentof the Fraternity and was named Mr. Pi Scharfenstein Kappa Phi in 1983. He is an initiate of Beta Beta-Florida Southern College and served the Administrative Office as a leadership consultant and assistant executive director. Scharfenstein has been a Foundation trustee since 1983 and has served as chairman for the lastfour years. He has worked in the not-for-profit sector for his entire career. "Ted Scharfenstein brings a wealth of fraternity and business experience to this new position," Edwards said."We look forward to an even more exciting role for the Foundation during the coming decade."

MEMORIAL GIFTS TO THE FOUNDATION Thankyoufor remembering Kartgibbon YackSnider by W.Bernard'ones by YackA. Morrison FredrickLeuis by I(prt Krebs

Robert Driscoff by Yoseph B.Yount

We think you recognize the value of what Pi Kappa Phi is doing. Exciting opportunities to enrich young lives have always existed in Pi Kappa Phi. We'd like to continue those opportunities. Wouldn't you? Proper planning nifty show you how you can meet your obligations and also make a significant to support the Fraternity's future service. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation can send you a free brochure on wills and bequests. The brochure tells you why you need a will, what information you will need to draft one, and how to update your present will. Pi Kappa Phi wants to see you conserve your estate in the best possible way, to benefit your family and possibly your Fraternity. And where there's a will, there's a way.


Tongour, Edmonds appointed trustees Two new trustees were appointed to the board ofthe Pi Kappa Phi Foundation at the organization's November meeting. Elected trustees were Mike Tongour, Sigma-South Carolina,and Clay Edmonds, Beta Phi-East Carolina. Tongour is the chief counsel to Sen. Alan Simpson,assistant Republican leader.He has also worked as legislative director and senate labor committee counsel to Sen. Strom Thurmond. Edmonds is a commercial mortgage banker in Memphis,Tenn. He worked with Pi Kappa Phi's Administrative Office as a leadership consultant and director of

expansion. Edmonds has been a chapter advisor for two chapters, and has chaired the Fraternity's expansion committee for the last five years. The other Edmonds trustees of the Foundation are Chairman Jim Edwards, Alpha Chapter-College of Charleston; Treasurer Wayne Moore, Alpha Omicron Chapter-Iowa State University; Julius Surges, Alpha Chapter-College of Charleston; Walter C. Avery, Alpha Delta Chapter-University ofWashington;Ernest Delaney, Jr., Mu Chapter-Duke University; and Frank C.Lane,III,Lambda Chapter-University of Georgia.

DePalma to match gifts in National President's Circle Giving club targets student involvement Stephen P.DePalma wants to make you an offer you can't refuse. As long as he's national president, DePalma will match you dollar for dollar when you give to the Foundation's newest giving club - the "National President's Circle." "This is the first matching gift in the history ofour Foundation. We are grateful to Stephen for his extraordinary gift," said Chairman Jim Edwards,ofthe Foundation's Board of Trustees. Edwards said the contributions will support the expense of the senior leadership consultant whose primary responsibility will be the educational development of associate chapters."In a direct way,our national president has taken a major step to insure the future growth of Pi Kappa Phi," he said. "Associate chapters hold great potential for the future ofthe fraternity,but only ifthey are solid organizations with good leadership skills to enhance the educational aspects of the Fraternity," Edwards noted. Here's how the National President's Circle works:

The club is for student leaders within Pi Kappa Phi chapters. Membership is by invitation. To be eligible a student must attend either a Supreme Chapter, Pi Kapp College or Mid-Yeat Leadership Conference, and have been elected to a leadership position within his chapter.The only financial obligations for membership are a $15 per year taxdeductible contribution to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation,and a commitment to contribute at least $50 per year as an alumnus. Each memberofthe National President's Circle will receive a membership certificate and a special name tag to be worn at national conferences. Members' names and photographs will be published annually in The Star & Lamp. In addition, these students will be the guests of honor at an invitation-only banquet, luncheon, or reception held at either Pi Kapp College or Supreme Chapter and will receive a newsletter twice a year from the national president. "The National President's Circle has a very specific and worthwhile educational purpose," Edwards said. "It will grow to encompass the leaders of our student chapters and the future national Fraternity. The investment of time, energy, and financial resources by this select group of brothers will help build an even better Pi Kappa Phi."

Foundation Fellow program announced Two new programs have been established to honor Pi Kappa Phi alumni who make significant contributions to the Fraternity's Foundation - the "Foundation Fellow" and the "Distinguished Foundation Fellow." "This is a way to recognize the distinguished members of Pi Kappa Phi who support our individual programs," said Jim Edwards,chairman ofthe Foundation Trustees. "The Foundation Fellow helps build our

Foundation so we may serve the needs of college students in our over 140 chapters." A Pi Kappa Phi who contributes a total of$500 or more each year will be designated a Foundation Fellow. A Distinguished Foundation Fellow will be the brother who contributes at least $1,000 per year.The Foundation Fellows will be honored with a special , recognition dinner at each Supreme Chapter' meeting. There are seven other giving clubs which recognize alumni contributions.

Page 14-the star & lamp-Winter 1990

USC administrator: Sigma's commitment to service is 'outstanding' I wanted to take this opportunity to inform you about the outstanding community service work in which the men(ofSigma Chapter) of Pi Kappa Phi on the University of South Carolina-Columbia campus are involved. As coordinator of community service programs in the Department of Student Life, I interact with a variety of student organizations in linking both individuals and groups with community volunteer opportu-

Drop us a line! The editors of The Star & Lamp welcome your letters. If you'd like to comment on something you've read, correct a mistake, or express your opinion about anything related to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, drop us a line. Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, do The Star & Lamp,P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224. All letters will be considered for publication. Letters to the editor are edited for grammar, style, fact, clarity and space. Anonymous letters are published only in special exceptions,so give us your name, chapter and university.

nities. The men ofPi Kappa Phi have Letters shown a great deal ofcommitment to both their national philanthropy,PUSH,and Columbia agencies such as the Finlay House and the Salvation Army. Within the USC Greek community, they have been the most responsive fraternity in notifying me oftheir events and fund-raisers.


They continue to set an example for the other Greek organizations and student groups in general. I am very proud of Pi Kappa's Phi's commitment of both time,energy,and spirit to community service. I hope that you will extend a "pat on the back" to these men for their efforts. They can indeed feel proud of their accomplishments this semester. - Gail McGrail

In the fall 1989 issue,the listing of members who joined the Chapter Eternal last year incorrectly named Benjamin T. Laflin, Jr., of GammaCal.-Berkeley,and William J.Parkinson, Beta Alpha-NJ1T. The editors apologize for this error and welcome these members back to the "active alumnus" roster.

Readers impressed with Fraternity's accomplishments I just received the last several issues of The StarandLamp after being on the bad address list (my own fault) for the last two years. I want to congratulate you on producing an informative publication that speaks to both undergraduate and alumni members. I had been here in Washington for almost two years before realizing I hadn't seen The Star andLamp in forever.(I can't believe I missed Supreme Chapter literally right in my backyard!) I called the Administrative Office on Friday and was pleasantly surprised to see the envelope from Charlotte on Monday afternoon.

As always, it is a matter of pride to watch the continued unmatched growth ofPi Kappa Phi. In a world where so much is changing so quickly, the stability being established through the Fraternity's growth is encouraging.I also wantto express my agreement and encouragement with the many "stands" the Fraternity is taking. Not only is the world changing, but the college campus atmosphere has changed greatly since I finished school three years ago.I think Pi Kappa Phi is putting itselfinto a position to be ahead of the curve on the campus change that is taking place. - Mike Gibson Delta Epsilon-Jacksonville State

When you party remember to...

The articles on"Values/Issues"on pages 2- 5 ofthe fall issue of The Star & Lamp are certainly worthy ofacknowledgement.Icornmend you on publishing these articles and trust that you might share that with the other members of the Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Group to show Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity's commitment and dedication to the joint endeavor. - Ronald E. Krebs,President Insurance Coverages, Ltd. My decision to join Pi Kappa Phi remains one of my best ever. I wouldn't trade it for anything. - Bob Kirchgessner Alpha Tau-Rensselaer

The Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Chair


North Carolina Hand-Manufactured Cherry or Black Lacquer Arm Chairs.

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Captain's Chair or Boston Rocker bearing the Fraternity's Coat of Arms.

Don't get wrecked. If you're not sober-or you're not surelet someone else do the driving

Personalization available in polished brass engraved plate.

A message provided by this newspaper and Beer Drinkers of America

*w A ** l* * * * 4* sm* BEER DRINKERS OF AMERICA

Order Form Please accept my reservation for The Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity (QTY)Boston Chair(s): (QTY)Captain's Chair; Rocker @ $275(Captain's Chair), or $285(Boston Rocker). Price includes tax,shipping and handling.

PARTY*SMART lichmiunhologn

National Headquarters 2900-D Bristol St., Suite 201 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/557-2337

Check one for chair arm options: ()Cherry tinted; or ()Black lacquer.

"liter Drinkers cif America is a non.prolii consumer membership trganfaion open tall, to persons Mee the age of 2I:'

()Check here for optional personalization on engraved brass plate (attached to back side of the header). 1 to 3 lines of copy: plate cost - $3.50;4 lines and up: plate cost - $5.00; engraving $.10 per letter.(Attach typed or printed info for engraving.) Name


falc-'sim-i-lee\ n,oftenattrib[Lfacsimile make similar] 1 : an exact copy 2: the process oftransmitting(as printed matter or still pictures) by wire or radio for reproduction (as in Fax it.) 3: an easy way to send reports, letters or CAR newsletter material to the Administrative Office. Dial (704) 521-8962. syn see REPRODUCTION

Shipping Address

Daytime Phone No.( Allow six to eight weeks for delivery.

Captain's Chair (top)and Boston Rocker(above) feature satin lacquer black finish with gold trim. Both are available with cherry arms.

Mail order to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Chair, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224. Make checks payable to Pi Kappa Phi.

Winter 1990-the star & lamp-Page 15

stantiamp. THE

Winter 1989, Vol. LXXVI, No. 1 The Star & Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C. 28217. Mailing address: P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224. Telephone:(704)523-6000; FAX:(704)521-8962. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription.

A Leadership/Education Publication

Editor-in-Chief- Durward W. Owen Managing Editor- Jon Scott Official Photographer- Tim Ribar Office Manager- Liz Wilkins Editorial Assistant- Kelly Korta Contributing Writers Ted Scharfenstein T.J. Sullivan

Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C., on Dec. 10, 1904, by Andrew Alexander Kroeg, Simon Fogarty, and L. Harry Mixson.

Pi Kappa Phi is a member of National Interfraternity Conference

THE CHAPTERS Omicron Epsilon Phi Delta Zeta Alpha Iota Epsilon Delta Gamma Psi Zeta Xi Gamma Mu Delta Sigma Epsilon Mu Gamma Zeta Beta Zeta Rho Zeta Mu Epsilon Nu Epsilon Zeta Alpha Epsilon Sigma Zeta Alpha Epsilon Epsilon Zeta Lambda Beta Delta Alpha Upsilon Beta Phi Beta Chi Alpha Epsilon Beta Beta Beta Eta Delta Zeta Epsilon Lambda Epsilon Upsilon Gamma Kappa Gamma Xi Iota Epsilon Beta Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Zeta Iota Alpha Omicron Gamma Chi Delta Epsilon Delta Tau Delta Chi Gamma Nu Gamma Rho Epsilon Xi Epsilon Rho Gamma Alpha Epsilon Gamma Beta Gamma Zeta Pi Beta Mu Gamma Delta Alpha Alpha Alpha Kappa Alpha Theta Beta Epsilon Gamma Lambda Gamma Omega Delta Eta Nu Delta Gamma Beta Alpha Kappa Delta Lambda Epsilon Iota Gamma Theta Tau Zeta Gamma Zeta Zeta Delta Delta Delta Bela Alpha Gamma Gamma Upsilon Gamma Beta Alpha Zeta Delta Kappa Alpha Mu Delta Upsilon Alpha Xi Beta Omega Delta Phi Alpha Tau Xi Epsilon Tau Epsilon Theta Zeta Delta Epsilon Psi Chi Gamma Phi Sigma Zeta Eta Epsilon Kappa Zeta Kappa Zeta Omicron Beta Lambda Alpha Sigma Zeta Theta Delta Omega

Lambda Chapter-University of Georgia alumni gathered at Hilton Head Island, S.C., on Oct. 26-30 for a weekend reunion. Phil Tappy(from left), Hank Rienecker, Michael Montesani, Tom Cook, Roger Wagner, Frank Lane, Artie Scott, Frank Cichanowicz, David Furse, Marshall Barrett, Neal Bastable and David Seeler were among the alumni in attendance. The weekend activities included a brothers vs. pledges volleyball game, fireworks, a putting contest and a boat trip to Daufaustie Island.

Member, College Fraternity Editors Association

difECtOftl Alabama Alabama-Birmingham Appalachian State Auburn Auburn at Montgomery Augusta Averett Belmont Abbey Bowling Green State Bradley California-Berkeley California-San Diego Cal State- Fullerton Cal State- Northridge Cal State-Sacramento Central Arkansas Charleston Christian Brothers Clemson Univ. Clinch Valley CSU-Chico Drake Drexel East Carolina East Texas State Univ. Florida Florida Southern Florida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia Tech Grand Valley Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Indiana of Pennsylvania Iowa State Jacksonville Jacksonville State James Madison Kansas State LaGrange Lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Livingston Longwood Louisville Marshall McNeese Memphis State Mercer Michigan Michigan State Missouri-Columbia Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Morehead Nebraska-Lincoln Nebraska-Omaha NJIT North Carolina UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Wilmington North Carolina State North Dakota North Florida Northeast Missouri North Georgia Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Pembroke Penn State Pittsburgh Polytechnic University Presbyterian Purdue Radford Rensselaer Roanoke St. Joseph's Seton Hall Shippensburg Slippery Rock Stetson South Alabama South Carolina South Florida Southern Tech Stockton State SUNY - Cortland Tampa Tennessee Texas Texas A&M

Lambda alumni reunion

P.O. Box 6089, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 1116 Jacque Circle, Birmingham, AL 35235 ASU Box 8991, Boone, NC 28607 861 Morrison Rd., Auburn, AL 36830 P.O. Box 17926, Montgomery, AL 36117-0926 Augusta College, 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30910 P.O. Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 Box 148, Belmont Abbey Col., Belmont, NC 28012 R-3 Old Fraternity Row, BGSU, Bowling Green. OH 43403 1532 West Bradley Avenue, Peoria, IL 61606 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 7231 Enders, San Diego, CA 92122 Univ. Activities Center - 74,Fullerton, CA 92634 P.O. Box 7506, Northridge, CA 91327 P.O. Box 255826, Sacramento, CA 95825 UCA Box 5126, Conway, AR 72032 S.P.O. Box 1493, College of Charleston, SC 29424 650 East Parkway South, Memphis, TN 38104 P. 0. Box 2186, Clemson, SC 29632 CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 244 W. Francis Willard, Chico, CA 95926 1236 34th St.. Des Moines, IA 50311 3405 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104 803 Hooker Road, Greenville, NC 27834 Box W, E.T. Station, Commerce, TX 75428 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 Box 15215, Go Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL 33802 423 W. College Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32301 Furman University-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 29613 4400 University Dr., SUB I, Box 122, Fairfax, VA 22030 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30606 P.O. Box 951, Milledgeville, GA 31061 LB #12343, Georgia Southern Col., Statesboro, GA 30460 321 Barlow Street, Americus, GA 31709 G.T. Box 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 P. 0. Box 272, Allendale, MI 49401 306 E. Gregory Drive, Champaign, IL 61820 3333 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IL 60616 P.O. Box 59, Bloomington, IN 47406 P.O. Box 1604, IUP, Folger Hall Post Office, Indiana, PA 15705 407 Welch Avenue, Ames, IA 50010 JU Box 866, Jacksonville Univ. Station, Jacksonville, FL 32211 P.O. Box 602-Jacksonville St. Univ., Jacksonville, AL 36265 P. 0. Box L-211, JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 1716 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS 66502 601 Broad Street, LaGrange, GA 30240 Box 6191, Lander College, Greenwood, SC 29646 LaSalle Univ., Box 692, Philadelphia, PA 19141 Lenoir-Rhyne College, Box 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 P.O. Box M, Livingston, AL 35470 Box 1140 - Longwood College, Farmville, VA 23901 2106 Confederate Place, Louisville, KY 40208 Marshall Univ., 2W38 MSC, Huntington, WV 25755 P.O. Box 92229-MSU, Lake Charles, LA 70609 3841 Spottswood Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111 Mercer University - Box 112, Macon, GA 31207 University of Michigan, 916 Church St. , Ann Arbor, MI 48109 131 Bogue Street, E. Lansing, MI 48823 500 Rollins, Columbia, MO 65207 1704 Pine Street, Rolla, MO 65401 Drawer K,91 Bloch St, Montevallo, AL 35115 Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 425 University Terrace, Lincoln, NE 68508 3365 S 130th Street, Omaha, NE 68144 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Cone University Center, UNCC Station, Charlotte, NC 28223 1020 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27401 University Union, Rm. 202,Wilmington, NC 28407 2401 W. Fraternity Court, Raleigh, NC 27606 504 Hemline Street, Grand Forks, ND 58201 c/o Student Life,4567 St. Johns Bluff Road, S, Jacksonville, FL 32216 P.O. Box 562, 815 S. Davis, Kirksville, MO 63501 Box 5625- North Georgia College, Dahlonega, GA 30597 1714 S. Chautaugua, Norman, OK 73072 Oklahoma State Univ., 703 W. University, Stillwater, OK 74074 Webb Center, Room 200, Norfolk, VA 23508 2111 Harrison NW,Corvallis, OR 97330 P.O. Box 5174, Room 3, Pembroke State Univ., Pembroke, NC 28372 409 E. Fairmont Avenue, State College, PA 16801 Box 7526, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201 Presbyterian College - Box 1069, Clinton, SC 29325 330 N. Grant Street, W. Lafayette, IN 47906 P.O. Box 5894, Radford Univ., Radford, VA 24141 49 Second Street, Troy, NY 12180 Box 1450, Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153 P.O. Box 230, 5600 City Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131 B-Dougherty Std Ctr, 400 S. Orange, S. Orange, NJ 07079 201 E. Orange Street, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Rm 221-C, Univ Union, SRU, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Stetson, Box 8241, DeLand, FL 32720 P.O. Box U-1208, USA, Mobile, AL 36688 University of SC, Box 85128, Columbia, SC 29225 13802 N. 42nd Street, Apt 0-104, Tampa, FL 33613 1112 Clay Street, Marietta, GA 30060 Box 5615, Stockton State College, Pomona, NJ 08240 P.O. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 401 W Kennedy Blvd, U of Tampa-Box 2786, Tampa, FL 33606 1828 Fraternity Park, Knoxville, TN 37916 1919 Robbins Place, Austin, TX 78705 812 C Navarro Road, College Station, TX 77845

Delta Psi Epsilon Omega Beta Iota Gamma Gamma Beta Tau Epsilon Omicron Beta Upsilon Epsilon Pi Delta Alpha Rho Gamma Epsilon Zeta Nu Gamma Zeta Alpha Rho Epsilon Eta Zeta

Texas-Arlington Texas Tech Toledo Troy State Valdosta State Villanova Virginia VCU VPI Washington & Lee Western Carolina West Chester West Virginia Tech West Virginia Univ. Winthrop College Wolford

UT-Arlington, 705 S. Summit, Arlington, TX 776013 2517 19th Street, Lubbock, TX 79410 % Brad Szcecinski,2631 Coveview Dr., Toledo, OH 43620 610 N. Three Notch Street, Troy. AL 36081 Valdosta State College Box 89, Valdosta, GA 31698 Student Activities Office, 215 Dougherty Hall. Villanova, PA 19085 510 Rugby Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 1106 W. Cary Street, Richmond. VA 23220 1101 Redbud Road, Blacksburg, VA 24060 Washington & Lee-P.O. Box 903, Lexington, VA 24450 P.O. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 109 Sykes Union, WCU, West Chester, PA 19393 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, WV 25136 591 Spruce Street. Morgantown, WV 26505 P.O. Box 5030-WCS, Rock Hill, SC 29733 P.O. Box P. Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC 29301




NATIONAL COUNCIL NATIONAL COMMITTEES AREA GOVERNORS Preeldent-Stephen DePalma Schoor DePalma & Canger Group, Inc 200 At. 9, P.O. Box 1149 Manalapan, NJ 07726

Trust Investment-Phillip M. Summers Vincennes University 1002 N. First Street Vincennes, IN 4759

Vice President-Phillip M. Summers Vincennes University 1002 N. First Street Vincennes, IN 47591

Education-Vacant Ill Ritual & Insignia-Glenn McConnell 27 Bainbridge Drive Charleston, SC 29407


Treasurer-Jerry T. Brewer Dean of Student Life USC-Russell House Columbia, SC 29208

Nomination-David H. Jaffee Crouch-Aydlette Realty, Inc. 830 Lowcountry Blvd. P.O. Box 426 Mt. Pleasant,. SC 29464

Secretary-Nathan Hightower P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 33517


Expansion-Clay Edmonds 1951 Carr Avenue Memphis, TN 38104

Chaplaln-J. Patrick Figley, D.Min. Peninsular Counseling Center 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609


Chancellor-David Lane Venable, Baetjer and Howard Suite 400 2010 Corporate Ridge Drive McLean, VA 22101


Past National President-James Turk Box 611 Radford, VA 24141

PI Kappa Phl Foundation James Edwards, Chairman Medical Univ. of S.C. 171 Ashley Avenue Charleston, SC 29407

Area: James A. Krucher, 3 Burgh Ave., I Clifton, NJ 07011 Dr. Arthur J. Quickenton, II 401 Meadowview Dr., Boone, NC

Executive Director - Durward W. Owen Assistant Executive Director - Glenn Dickson Director of Communications - Jon Scott Director of Programs - Timothy Welles Executive Vice President of Properties Dr. Frank M. Parrish 7742 S. Harrison Circle Littleton, CO 80122 Executive Vice Presidnet of FoundationTed Schartenstein 289 South Street Rockport, MA 01930 PI Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. Stuart Hicks, President JMB Properties Co., Suite 1400 900 Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611

Ronald J. deValinger, 402 College St., 2 Cuthbert, GA 31740 • 131 Mark Jacobs, P.O. Box 44745, Indianapolis, IN 46244 Frank D. Havard, P.O. Box 16267, Mobile, AL 36616 John R. Andrews, 455 Dayton, Suite 104, St. Paul, MN 55012 Steven W. Smith, 1408 E. 37th St., Tulsa, OK 74105 John Puckett. 1070 Jade Street, Broomfield, CO 80020 Ed Bennett, 1801 Greenwood Rd., SW, Roanoke, VA 24015 Paul S. Drake, Townsend & Townsend, 379 Lyton Ave., Palo Alto. CA 94301

Leadership Consultants • Joel Allen, Elliot Curtis, Todd Fields, Scott Gasparini. Paul Rice, Alan Duesterhaus

PUSH Staff Executive Director - Ktmneth H. Kaiser Assistant Executive Director T.J. Sullivan Director of Development - Sally Schafer Office Manager • Pam Yarbrough P.O. Box 241368 Charlotte, NC 28224 Phone:(704)522-PUSH

People Understanding the Severely Handicapped Stan Gryskiewicz, Chairman 3309 Wedgewood Place Greensboro, NC 27403

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Albright Atlantic Christian Bloomsburg California - Davis California • Irvine Central Florida Colorado St. Colorado-Boulder Concord Cornell Duke Duquesne Francis Marion Georgia State IUPUI Kennesaw Methodist NC Wesleyan Queens College Towson State Washington

Go Craig Winter,Bern Road, CC Box 34, Reading, PA 19612 Go Tim Renfrow,808 Corbett Ave., Wilson, NC 27893 Box 52, BU, Bloomsbug, PA 17815 1443 Wakeforest Dr., Apt. 3, Davis, CA 95616 163 Exeter, Irvine, CA 92715 2641 Albion Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 625 Remington St., Apt 1 , Fort Collins, CO 80524 Go Ken Furman,625 Walden Circle, Apt 202, CO 80303 C-374 Concord College, Athens, WV 24712 203 S. Baker, Ithaca, NY 14853 P.O. Box 4674 Duke Station, Durham, NC 27706 Duquesne Univ., Union Info. Ctry., Pittsburgh, PA 15281-1603 5130 E. Palmetto, Box 647, Florence, SC 29501 Georgia State College, Box 707, Atlanta, GA 30303 P.O. Box 50241, Indianapolis, IN 46250 Student Development, PO Box 444, Marietta, GA 30061 Box 12413, Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28301 Box 3580 NCWC, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Box 259, Queens College, Charlotte, NC 28274 Towson State Univ., Box 1971, Towson, MD 21204 4530 17th St., Seattle, WA 98105

ALUMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Alpha Upsilon Alumni Assoc. Americus Alumni Corp. Beta Alumni Assoc. Beta Phi Alumni Chapter Central Alabama Alumni Assoc. Des Moines Alumni Chapter Gamma Alpha Alumni Assoc. Gamma Gamma Alumni Assoc. Greater Toledo Alumni Greenwood Alumni Assoc. Ithaca Alumni Assoc. Low Country Alumni Assoc. Memphis Alumni Assoc. North Jersey Alumni Assoc. Omega Alumni Chapter

Bill 'shoe • 1 747 Hunter Ave., Mobile, AL 36606 Fred H. Schmehl - 39 W. Wyomissing Ave., Shillington, PA 19607 Ron Chaffin - 3145 White Rd., NE, Conyers, GA 30207 Dr. Howard C. Bean, Jr., 734 Palmetto St., Spartanburg, SC 29302 Bryan McGann - 913 Bridge Way. Raleigh, NC 27615 Jim Beal - P.O. Box 505, Montevallo, AL 35115 John S. Kirk - 620 South 28th St., W. Des Moines, IA 50265 Tom Tart - PO Box A, Livingston, AL 35470 Brooks Thompson - 718 University Ave., Troy, AL 36081 Greg Lardinais - 3030 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo, OH 43514 Chuck Watson - P.O. Box 848, Greenwood, SC 29646 Lawrence G. Thayer - 103 Woolf Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850 Alan Horres - 2146 Vespers Dr., Charleston, SC 29407 David Everson 1963 Deep Valley Cove, Memphis, TN 38138 Karl Kopans - 420 Victor St., Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 Jay T. Seeger 10 N. 4th St., Lafayette, IN 47902


Winter 1990-the star & lamp-Page 16

85 YE A look back on the leaders and events that shaped Pi Kappa Phi P+0 Continued from page 1 1966 A national housing corporation, Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., was created. The last of the three founders, Simon Fogarty, joined the Chapter Eternal. 1967 Pi Kapp College was held at Roanoke College in Salem, Va. 1968 The Executive Director created an advisory body of student archons to serve as a "Council of Archons." 1970 Alpha Theta-Michigan State became the first housing corporation to voluntarily enter into Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. 1974 Construction began on the existing headquarters building. 1975 The current headquarters building was constructed and occupied for use as the Administrative Office at 7017 Nations Ford Road in Charlotte, N.C. Continuing Alumni Relations Inc.(CAR)was created. MYLC photos by Tim Ribar; Lasorda used by permission 1979 Play Units for the Severely Handicapped(PUSH) was created as the national service project of Pi Kappa Phi. 1981 The bell was officially adopted as the Fraternity's symbol. 1982 Gamma became the first chapter to win the Founders' Award. 1983 The Nu Phi Society was formed and had its first meeting at the Supreme Chapter. The first Archon/Vice Archon conference was held in Charlotte, N.C. 1985 The Supreme Chapter passed a resolution condemning all forms of sexual abuse, making Pi Kappa Phi the first fraternity to address the issue. The Fraternity developed "One Hangover Leads to Another,"an alcohol abuse poster carrying the message:"Let's Lighten Up." 1986 Legal liabilities and risk management became a major concern and focus for the national Fraternity due to the growing number of lawsuits against fraternities. 1987 Pi Kappa Phi gained national media exposure for the release of the "Today's Greeks Call It Date Rape" poster, created by Jim Mountjoy.

1988 Twenty-seven fraternities form Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Group;Pi Kappa Phi's executive director, Durward Owen,elected president. 1989 V On January 5-7 and 9-11, the largest ever Mid-Year Leadership

Conferences, under the St. Louis arch and in Charlotte, N.C., were held, with over

750 students from 126 chapters in attendance. 1990 A 0 n Feb. 10, Tommy Lasorda, manger ofthe Los Angeles Dodgers, was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi, at Super Conclave in Atlanta, Ga. Over 500 students and alumni from Areas II, Ill, and V attended his initiation. Conclave and Lasorda articles will be publishedva, pring sue.

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Bel WitT e Memorial Gateway was a gift ..College of Charleston on the to th0 , Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Pi Kappa Phi.

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