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Pi Kapps in the Military. Pages 6 & 7 • Date rape heats up. Page 2 IN Indiana gets a PUSH. Page 10



'Aching' to understand people with disabilities PUSH Chairman Mike Scott and Vice Archon Mike Schmidt, of Upsilon ChapterUniversity of Illinois, recently participated in a wheelchair marat hon sponsored by the school's Disabled Students Organization. Our shoulders are still aching,"said Scott,

Hall of Fame members join Chapter Eternal Two of Pi Kappa Phi's most distinguished members recently joined the Chapter Eternal - both were members of the Fraternity's Hall of Fame. They died within six days of each other. Ben Hill Griffin, Jr., an Alpha Epsilon Chapter-University of Florida alumnus, died March 1,at his home in Avon Park, Fla., at the age of 79. Omicron ChapterUniversity of Alabama's Joe Sewell died Griffin March 6, at his son's home in Mobile, Ala. The baseball Hall of Famer was 91. Griffin was a citrus, land and cattle baron. He was a major contributor both to his chapter, the National Fraternity and his alma mater the Gators. GrifSewell fin's gift of$107,000 in 1986 is the largest single gift ever given to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Brother Griffin was initiated as AE's #117 on Feb. 12,1931. He was inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall ofFame in 1985,at the Fraternity's 40th Supreme Chapter in Charlotte, NC. Last fall, in a presentation before the kickoff ofthe Gators'first home game of the season, Florida Field was officially dedicated "Ben Hill Griffin Stadium at Florida Field."

Photo courtesy of The Daily Illini

who pushed for five and a half miles. He and Eric Vandergraft, who is also a Pi Kapp at Illinois, are the first non-disabled members of the organi zation. Above, Scott (center, wearing PUSH t-shirt) and the other participants prepare for the marathon.

Tommy Lasorda becomes a Pi Kapp

Dodgers manager initiated at Super

Conclave in Atlanta Tommy Lasorda,manager ofthe Los Angeles Dodgers, became an alumnus initiate of Pi Kappa Phi at Super Conclave, held Feb. 10 in Atlanta. National President Stephen DePalma asked Lasorda to join the Fraternity last all in a Columbus Day parade in New Jersey.They both were being honored for their achievements as Italians and were riding in the same car in the parade. "Tommy Lasorda is a fellow who has been practicing the ideals and principles of Pi Kappa Phi all his life, except he just didn't know he was a member of the organization," DePalma said. Lasorda said the members• of the ritual team from Iota-Georgia Tech, Gamma Nu-LaGrange and Epsilon Kappa-Southern Tech did an "extraordinary job." Nearly 500 brothers watche d the event. "I am deeply honored that finally - at the age of 62 - I could join such a great Fraternity," Lasorda said. "I am especially impressed with the ideals of this Fraternity." After his initiation, he addressed the brothers for 45 minutes about baseball and succeeding in life. He joked that he had never seen "so many candidates for a Slim-Fast commercial in my entire life." (If you haven't seen Lasorda on the field, you probably have seen him in a SlimFast advertisement.) "I shall walk down any street in

See LASORDA, page 12

Photo courtesy of the Los Angeles Dodgers

See SEWELL, page 5



Changes in address If your son is not a student should be promptly and no longer lives at home, forwarded to send address change to: The Star & Lamp, PO Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 . _

The Star & Lamp(USPS 519000) is published quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC. POSTMASTER send address changes to The Star & Lamp,PO Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224.

Page 2-the star & lamp-Spring 1990

vaiuesiissuEs The good news is that 87 percent of the men said that rape was neverjustified - under any circumstance. The bad news is that 13 percent felt that in some instances it was. Most of these men held traditional views of sex roles. They believed that a woman was leading a man on if she asked him to her apartment or allowed him to pay for all the expenses. Most traditionalists and even some non-traditionalists in this study believed that this implied a sexual invitation, which the woman had no right to withdraw later on. Early education is critical to change these "macho"attitudes, and women must learn in what ways their actions can be misinterpreted by the men they meet.

tall, shapely blonde walks quickly down the darkened street, her beautiful face is illuminated by a single street light. It is late and she is hurrying back to her car. She hears a noise and instinctively clutches her purse; her step quickens and she nervously glances behind her. Suddenly a man leaps from behind a bush and grabs her - his face is hidden by a ski mask. He covers her mouth with his hand and pulls her to the ground - and rapes her. A young woman wakes up abruptly in the middle of the night, her heart seized in terror. Something is wrong. She looks up to see a stranger standing at the foot of her bed; suddenly he climbs onto the bed - and rapes her. Most people imagine the typical rapist as a psychotic stranger lurking in an alley, waiting for a beautiful, young woman to happen by. There is nothing typical about rape. In Florida last year,rape victims varied from three months to 89 years old; rape does not single out the young or the beautiful. According to the FBI, in 1986 there were over 90,000 reported forcible rapes. Between 1977 and 1986, that rate increased by 42 percent, making rape the most rapidly growing major crime in the United States. What is perhaps most appalling is that over 50 percent of all rapes are committed by an acquaintance of the victim.

The good news is that 87 percent of the men said that rape was never justified.

In a recent study, one in 12 men admitted that he had tried to force a woman to have sexual intercourse through physical force. To understand the increasingly violent sexual society we live in. we must first look at the sexual mores ofour youth.The last few decades have seen a general loosening of sexual standards. With the advent ofthe birth control pill, many people are sexually active at a younger age. Indiana University just finished a study of conservative Marion County, Indiana. Their study found that by the 13th birthday,55 percent of all guys had had sexual intercourse. By the 15th birthday 57 percent of all girls in Marion County had had sexual intercourse. These figures concur with a national survey done by Seventeen magazine which showed that teenagers lose their virginity,on the average, by age 16 and that 82 percent are sexually active by age 21. While these figures in themselves are cause for concern, when seen in conjunction with the rape situation they are alarming. The sheer magnitude ofstatistical information on rape is staggering. A study by five researchers at Oregon State University showed that well over 12 percent of the 644 high school students sampled experienced physical abuse on a date. A major high school in San Diego reported that 26 percent of its girls between 9th and 12th grade had already been raped. In fact, the average age of a rape victim is between 15 and 24 years old. The FBI estimates that one in six women will be raped or assaulted during her college years. One in four will be a victim of attempted sexual assault or rape in her lifetime. The FBI's study showed that 27.2 percent of all university women have already been raped; 57.8 percent by their dates. Stanford University just released a study indicating one out of three women have raped; one out of eight men has been homosexually raped. In the past six years, more than 75 documented gang rapes have occurred on college campuses; 80 percent to 90 percent of these

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When A Date Becomes A Crime involved fraternities. After awhile, the numbers seem to blur together as study after study tells us what we already know, that rape is occurring with alarming frequency. This is happening in part because we are not properly educating our students. In recent study of 7,000 students from 32 college campuses, one in 12 men admitted that he had tried to force a woman to have sexual intercourse through physical force or coercion; yet virtually none of these men identified the situation as rape. In 1987, three Texas psychologists probed the attitudes of268 college men aged 19.The researchers found that the men fell into two

groups: those who held traditional thoughts that men, not women,should ask for dates, pay for dates, make decisions about dating activities and initiate any intimate behavior; and the non-traditionalists who believed in equality between the sexes. The men were presented with different scenarios; in some the woman asked the man out or bore all the expenses ofthe evening.In others,the couple spent the evening alone in the man's apartment or went to a movie.The college men were asked to indicate in which of these dating situations the man would be justified in forcing his attention on the woman against her will.

If a woman goes on a date with a man, and he then forces her to have sex, is that rape? The dictionary says it is, and so does the law. Webster's defines rape as "sexual intercourse with a woman by a man without her consent and chiefly by force or deception" - nothing to do with how well she knows him. The common legal definition of rape is "forced intercourse by a man on a woman." The term "acquaintance rape" is used to describe forced intercourse by someone the victim knows; "date rape" is used when the victim has held an ongoing social relationship with the attacker.The emotional effects ofdate or acquaintance rape are often the most devastating,because the crime happens when the victim feels safe. Acquaintance rape is a violation ofa woman's trust as well as her body. It is an act of violence. Acquaintance rape victims are mostoften younger college women, who are less experienced in dealing with people,and therefore less assertive. than older college women. This points to the need to build assertiveness among women entering college. Assertiveness is often a problem among men as well especially fraternity men. There are times when we feel a brother is acting inappropriately, perhaps because he has had too much to drink. We are afraid to speak up, to confront him. We keep silent for the sake of the brotherhood. We may not want to speak up initially because we are afraid ofrejection by our peers,or ofdissension in the chapter; but in the end, after it's been discussed, the brothers will come around and respect us for speaking up. Acquaintance rape is not new to college campuses. Rapes have been occurring at fraternity parties for over 40 years. Women then were even less assertive than now, but they had two other defenses. One was environmental:They had separate dorms with parietal rules. The other was social: Most college men knew that most college women were not readily available sexually. What needs to be examined is why acquaintance rape is on the rise in an era when sexual license is generally accepted. If sexual liaisons are easy to arrange, why do men rape? And if women can say yes, why aren't they believed when they say no? Rape assumes that a man's yes prevails over a woman's no. It assumes that the pleasure is in overpowering rather than sharing; the violence is acceptable and masculine. Mixed signals are another element in acquaintance rape. The woman acts in friendly manner; the man interprets this friendliness as an invitation to have sex. "No" is heard as"maybe" and even a strong protest can be ignored under the delusion that women say "no" but mean "yes." Some men find it sexually exciting to have a woman struggle. If the woman protests only mildly he may think he is "persuading" her, not forcing her to have sex.(He may think the

See WHEN, page 4

Spring 1990-the star & lamp-Page 3

Missouri chapter promotes rape awareness on campus Editor's Note:Partfour ofafour-part series titled, "From a Student's Perspective," this article examines one ofthe biggest threats to the fraternity world: date rape. The series also addressed alcohol abuse, racism and hazing. This article was written by Matt Basta,archon ofBeta Epsilon Chapter at the University ofMissouri. On August 28, 1989, a young woman left an all-Greek party unaware of what was about to happen to her. It was unthinkable. Two weeks later, another woman left a fraternity party with a man shejust met.They walked about two blocks from the house. Again, the unthinkable happened. Two _ different acts ofviolence.One very serious crime. Both women were raped. In the first rape,the woman was attacked by an unknown stalker. In the second instance,the woman was raped by someone she knew. . By mid-October of 1989,four incidents of rape had been reported on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus. The Beta Epsilon chapter of Pi Kappa Phi realized segnething had to be done. On October 21, the chapter announced at a full-scale press conference that the chapter had formed a Rape Awareness Task Force. The story made the front page in the three local newspapers and was covered in newspApers in St. Louis and Kansas City. It was the top story on two television stations in St. Louis and one of the top stories for the three local television stations. But more important than the media covereage the chapter received was the increased awareness brought about by our efforts. "We want to change attitudes about date rape,"chapter member Jeff McSpadden said. "We want to make it socially unacceptable. Even if we stop one rape, we've make progress." Chapter members worked out a fourpart plan. The first step was to meet with the

University Women's Center to educate ourselves on the magnitude ofthe problem.The statistics were alarming. We learned that date rape is a serious problem, not only on our campus but nation-wide: • One in four college woman has been the victim of rape or attempted rape; • 84% knew their attackers; • 57% of the attackers were dates; • One woman is raped every six minutes in the U.S. "I think it's crucial to have men talking to one another about rape," said Laura Hacguard, coordinator of the Women's Center. "I was pleased and encouraged to have them come to us." The second part of the plan was to distribute educational flyers and pamphlets directed to men on topics such as, "What Rape Is,""Why Women Don't Report Rape," and "Quick Facts on Rape." We handed out flyers every other day for three weeks. The third part of the plan was to establish an escort service on campus for the sorority community. We teamed up the Pi Beta Phi sorority and offered the service Sunday through Thursday from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m.Ifany Greek-lettered woman needed an escort from a class or the library, she could call the service. One Pi Phi and one Pi Kapp would escort her to her destination. Escorts wore letters and provided a code word to assure safety and confidentiality. "We definitely think it's a good idea, especially since it will be men and women running the service," said Pi Beta Phi President Carmen Apprill,noting that women feel more comfortable with another woman present. The final stage of the plan was to encourage more programming on campusabout rape. The chapter purchased a $225 film for the Woman's Center about rape that is used at all rape seminars. Response from the campus has been overwhelming. Coordinator of Greek Life Cathy Scroggs said,"I'm pleased to see they

Matt Basta(at podium)and chapter members conducting a press conrference in Beta Epsilon's chapter house

want to do something about it. The more fraternities we get involved, the better." "We stand behind it 100 percent," said Interfraternity Council President Jeff Garrett."I hope that other fraternities will follow Pi Kappa Phi's initiative for promoting rape awareness." Ninety percent of rapes occur because ofalcohol. Alcohol is not a legal or moral defense against a rape allegation. You and your partner are responsible for your actions. In the courts, the key to rape is consent. If a woman says no, she means no. Don't question it. Don't think she is saying no just to play "hard to get." Don't think she is saying no because she doesn't want you to believe she's a "slut." No means no. Beta Epsilon has committed itself to promoting rape awareness and abiding by the national Fraternity's policy on sexual abuse. We hope other chapters in the nation will realize the seriousness and urgency of this problem and strive to promote awareness among their brothers and on their campuses.

Whyjoin a Fraternity that won't let you rape your date?

Page 4-the star & lamp-Spring 1990

When a date becomes a crime Continued from page 2 "No" is heard as"maybe"and even a strong protest can be ignored under the delusion that women say "no" but mean "yes." Some men find it sexually exciting to have a woman struggle. If the woman protests only mildly he may think he is "persuading" her, not forcing her to have sex.(He may think the same if she protests vigorously.) A man may be thinking that the woman is playing hard to get. The potential for rape exists when two people do not have a clear understanding of each other's sexual intentions and expectations. The price for going out to dinner and a movie is not intercourse. Sex role stereotypes also play a role in acquaintance rape. Many people believe that men should be competitive and aggressive, and women yielding and passive. There are many misconceptions about male-female sexuality. Men are often trained to think in terms of "scoring," to treat sex as a test of prowess. No wonder that abusers think of themselves not as threatening but as attractive males making an offer that is too good to refuse; nor do acquaintance rapists think of their coercion as force. Attitudes about rape are developed at a relatively young age. A recent study of 1,700 students in grades six through nine exposes early misconceptions about rape. Fifty percent of the student body stated that a woman was asking to be raped if she dressed sexy. Fifty-one percent of the boys and 41 percent of the girls said that a man had the right to force a woman to kiss him,for a lot of money. They defined a lot of money to be $15. Fiftyone of the boys said that it was alright for a man to rape a woman he had for six months. The fraternal environment has often been labeled as a major contributor to the rape crisis. According to Bernice Sandler, Executive Director, Project on the Status and Education of Women:"Fraternities very often provide an atmosphere where sexual prowess, sexual activity, scoring is encouraged,permitted,reinforced. Some frats have posted on a bulletin board who scored with whom the night before." Fraternities offer young men structure, friendship, formality and ritual at a time in their lives when they are looking for just such guidance. This guidance, however, is often misdirected. Brothers' reinforcement of each other is stronger than the campus'or society's disapproval. Little sisters and sorority member are at high risk of becoming victims ofsexual assault for several reasons. The prescribed familial bond between these women and fraternity members and the assumed trust that often goes along with this bond. The nomenclature suggests family unity and safety. It is often the case the women's trust of fraternity brothers is taken advantage of. A primary myth surrounding this issue is that date or acquaintance rape is not a punishable crime.The fact is that rape,ofany sort, is a felony. Women who have been raped by an acquaintance have the same options as those raped by strangers.They can press criminal and/or civil charges against the man who raped them.d There are varying degrees of criminal sexual conduct laws. These include contact with specified parts of the body - even ifclothing covers those parts of the body. Sexual assault does no always include penetration. The burden of proof, as with all crime, lies with the victim. Alcohol and drugs are a factor in 90 percent of all rapes. Many victims say later that they drank too much to realize their predicament, until it was too late. But men should know that under any circumstances, sex without the other person's consent is considered rape. And drinking is no excuse. Although consent is defined in various ways by state laws,sobriety is an ingredient necessary to give consent. Attorney Ron Doleac states,"Consentfrom a drunk person doesn't count, because herjudgement is impaired by alcohol. Consent requires an informed deci-

sion about your conduct." In the state of Ohio,date/acquaintance rape is first degree felony, punishable by four to 25 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines. In gang rape situations, the laws can be even tougher. In Michigan, if two or more perpetrators are involved in a forcible act of sexual penetration, the crime can be punishable by life imprisonment or any term of same ifshe protests vigorously.)A man may be thinking that the woman is playing hard to get. The potential for rape exists when two people do not have a clear understanding ofeach other's sexual intentions and expectations. The price for going out to dinner and a movie is not intercourse. Sex role stereotypes also play a role in years. The FBI states that rape, like most other crimes, only sees about a 2 percent ratio offalse charges. Without these laws the situation would be much worse. Consider a study done at UCLA where 35 percent of

college-aged men said they would violently rape if they knew they could get away with it. Among the skills college students need to know before they begin to cope with campus life is knowing how to handle sexual abuse. Unwelcome sexual attention - ranging from classroom intimidation and lewd sexist comments to gang rape - are increasing. Some of the incidents reported seem relatively petty: sexist graffiti,sexistjoking, mooning,male students explicitly commenting on the sexual attributes of women on campus. However petty, such actions are annoying and embarrassing and leave women feeling devalued,powerless and uncomfortable. Not to mention the fact this is defiantly conduct unbecoming a gentleman ofLambda Chi Alpha. Rape is not just a woman's issue, because the problem will not stop until the men stop raping.It is the men who are causing the crime, it is men who say it is alright to

reward aggressiveness. Men can have an effect on other men. They can find ways to make unacceptable the view that sex is cornpetition, an expression of power, and that a sexual assault is a score. This issue confronts every man and woman because it affects the quality of life for all of us. Rape is a crime of violence, no lust. Rape by strangers is paralleled by a rise in general violence in our society. The rise in date/acquaintance rape is said to have been accompanied by reports of physical abuse on dates. It's bad enough that one cannot walk home anymore without being escorted. Now they must be on guard even with people whom they know. The violence of our society has infected friendships between men and women.This is a very high price to pay. Story by Steven D. Blair, Associate Director qiChapterServiceslAlumniforLambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. Reprinted with permisionfrom Lambda Chi Alpha.

because ALL oppose Date Rape has nothing to do with the fraternity experience. It is the most blatant form of sexual harassment that demeans both men and women.

We, the men's general fraternities united in the National Interfraternity Conference, are dedicated and determined to deal with date rape. We stand united in our affirmation of basic standards of human behavior. We instill the principles of diligence, honor, integrity, virtue, duty and respect for human dignity.

Consider these facts: • A reported rape happens every six minutes in the United States.

• More than halfofthe rapes occur between people who have met before: so-called "date rapes." • Women are most vulnerablefor rape during thefirst year ofcollege and one in five will be the victim ofsexual assault by someone she knows during her college years. •In a 1985 study one in 12 college men admitted they hadforced— or tried toforce — a woman to have sex. • The same study reported that one in eight women on campus had been raped.

Spring 1990-the star & lamp-Page 5

alumniantes Turk resigns, Bennett joins Council Due to unusual and extensive duties involved in serving as Chief Justice of his district, Judge James Turk has resigned from the National Council as Past National President. However, Judge Turk, XiRoanoke,says his love and concern for Pi Kappa Phi is as strong as ever and „will continue to be just as active with the Fraternity as circumstances will allow. _ Under Supreme Law, III, Section -8, "A vacancy in a national office because of death, resignation or removal for cause shall be filled by the National Council for the unexpired term." In May, the National Council selected -,Edward Joseph Bennett to serve as member-

Judge James Turk and Edward Bennett at-large replacing Turk. "Ed brings a wealth of experience and proven devotion to Pi Kappa Phi," National President Stephen P. DePalma said. Bennett, Xi-Roanoke, has served Pi

Kappa Phi as an Area Governor, a Chapter Advisor, chartering officer on many occasions,chairman ofa Supreme Chapter and has served PUSH as a board member for seven years including two years as chairman. He says the '90s will be a decade issues for Greeks. critical of "With my 25 years of service to the Fraternity, I can provide an insight to the difficult decisions that will have to be made," Bennett said. He lives in Roanoke, Va., where he is vice presidentof Mid-State Paper Box Company. He is married to Debbie and has two children - Valerie,I 5, and JoAnn,7. His nephew Jason is an active brother at Xi chapter.


date rape! This is what we're doing about it:

• Fraternities are dedicated to developing healthy lifelong relationships built on mutual respect and high regard. The ideals of brotherhood demand respectfor human dignity —both male andfemale. • Fraternity members do not condone date rape. They condemn it. • Many high school students are sexually active when they enter college but have had little or no guidance on what is acceptable sexual behavior. Fraternities are providing a safe and attractive environmentfor young people. We help instill responsible attitudes that will affect their adult behaviorfor the rest oftheir lives.

Violation of our standards leads to swift and certain sanctions: ranging from directives to probation to suspension to expulsion — even to revocation of charter and dissolution of chapter. We're serious about Date Rape and we think you ought to know it. If you think you have to demonstrate your virility or prove your manhood through sexual harassment or forced sex, don't waste your time on fraternities. But if you're interested in finding out how the leaders of tomorrow can experience the joy of mature relationships with respect for individual dignity then write to us at the Fraternity Executives Association, 3901 W. 86th St, Suite 390, Indianapolis,IN 46268. We're in the business of developing leaders with integrity: brotherhood is an essential ingredient.

America's Fraternities "Developing IntegrityIn Leadership"

Sewell, Griffin remembered Continued from page 1 Ben Hill Griffin Jr. was born in Tiger Bay in 1910"during a tremendous hurricaine that cut through central Florida," he said in 1981. He donated nearly $15 million dollars to the University of Florida including a $10 million gift - the largest single gift in UF history.' Griffin was chairman of Alico, Inc., a company he built into a 120,000 acre domain from a 10-acre grove his father gave him as a wedding present. The company owns citrus, cattle and phosphate property. In February of this year, he was hospitalized for 13 days with a blood infection complicated by pneumonia. Alpha Epsilon's wealthiest alumnus was a philanthropist, environmentalist, former legislator, candidate for governor,and chief executive officer of family-owned Ben Hill Griffin, Inc., a major citrus processor in Frostproof. Joe Sewell,Omicron Chapter's most famous alumnus, got his break in the major leagues after another player was killed. At age 21, Sewell was rushed into the line-up of the Cleveland Indians during the 1920 pennant race after the Indians' regular shortstop became the only player in major league history to be killed during a game. Ray Chapman was hit in the head by a pitch thrown by Carl Mays of the New York Yankees and died shortly afterwards. That year,the Indians beat the Brooklyn Dodgers in the World Series. Sewell played 11 seasons with Cleveland, his best performance coming in 1923 when he batted .353 and drove in 109 runs both career highs. In 1931, he was traded to the New York Yankees. He still holds the record for"non-strikeouts." His 114 career strikeouts in 7,000 atbats averages out to one strikeout every 16 games,or 63 at-bats. He struck out only four times in each oftwo seasons(155 games one year; 153 the other) and only three times another season (120 games). He played 115 straight games without striking out in 1929. Sewell batted .312 for his 14-majorleague-season career - once doing .352 - and batted over.300 in 10 seasons. He had 2,226 career hits. About 1,500 of those hits came from a single bat, "Black Betsy," his lone game bat for his last 10 or 1 1 seasons. In 1933 Sewell retired from the major leagues,returning to his alma mater to coach Bama baseball. There he compiled a 114-99 record in seven seasons. He retired from coaching at age 70. A member of the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame and the Ohio Hall of Fame,Sewell was born in Titus, Ala. While at the University of Alabama, Sewell played baseball and football,guiding the school's baseball team to four conference titles before joining the minor league New Orleans Pelicans. He was initiated as Omicron's 63rd member on May 12, 1920, and became a member of the Fraternity's Hall of Fame in 1979 at the 75th Anniversary Supreme Chapter, held in Charleston, S.C. Many alumni may remember him from his famous breakfast remarks at the Charleston Supreme Chapter. The loss of Joe Sewell and Ben Hill Griffin Jr. was deeply felt by Pi Kappa Phi undergraduates and alumni. Sewell and Griffin will be remembered as a men who rarely struck in baseball or in I ife.

Page 6-the star & lamp-Spring 1990

PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY The United States Army Colonel Kenneth L. Kraus, Omega-Purdue He is currently assigned as InspectorGeneral at the Indiana Army National Guard in Indianapolis. Graduating in 1963 with a B.S. in Industrial Economics, Col. Kraus served for the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics at the Headquarters U.S. Army Europe and Commander of the MTMC Benelux Terminal in Rotterdam. His overseas assignments included two tours in Vietnam and one in Thailand. He is married to former Sherrin Seabolt and has three sons— Ken, Vince, and John David. Colonel William B. Smith, Alpha Iota #625,-Auburn He is the Chief of Veterinary Corps Branch at the U.S.Total Army Personnel Command in Alexandria, Va. He is responsible for the world wide assignments while managing the careers of more than 520 veterinary officers and warrant officers. He served 14 years in the Air Force Veterinary Corps before it was abolished. Col. Smith's son, Edward, is a

Capt. Edward Kertis

Colonel Kenneth L. Kraus legacy and active at Auburn as he is entering his sophomore year. Major John Leroy Barker, Delta Beta-North Georgia He will be assigned to Ft.Bragg, N.C.,in the armordivision this summer. He graduated in 1977 and at the same time married former Terry Johnson. He completed his masters in 1979. Since that time, he has moved 12 times in 12 years stationed at various places like Kentucky,Texas,Colorado,Florida and West Germany. He has two children Jeanna Marie and James Robert. Major Donald Curry, Omicron #1082Alabama He is currently chiefofthe Criminal Law Division in Ft. Benning, Ga. He supervises five prosecutors who oversee the prosecution of all criminal courts-martial. He has been assigned to bases okk in Georgia,Virginia and Oklahoma with his wife Mary and son Preston. Lt. Colonel J.L. Kaplan, Jr., Zeta-Wofford He is currently the Officer-in-Charge of United Nations Headquarters in Demining, Peshawar, Pakistan which includes a six member multi-national force responsible for training 15,000 Afghan deminers. Commissioned in 1969, he has completed education in various fields such as Infantry Officer Basic Course, Airborne School,Special Forces Officer Course, Jumpmaster School and Command and General Staff College. He has been assigned in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Washington and Korea. Captain Gregory Lewis, Epsilon ZetaCentral Arkansas He is now a member of the U.S.Army Reserve and assigned as the Material Management Officerfor the 460th Chemical Brigade at Camp Pike, Ark. Lewisserved various positions from 1980-84 throughout Germany. He is married to former Sherry Gordon and with their first child born in January. His brother (inlaw)Capt.Charles Adkins is also in the army.

Captain Charles Adkins,Jr., Epsilon ZetaCentral Arkansas He is currently assigned as a Logisitics Operations Officer with the U.S. Army Joint Readiness Training Center in Ft.Chaffee,Ark. He is also enrolled in the Command and General Staff School through corresponding studies. He is married to former Kathy Lewis with two children—Christopher and Jennifer. He is also the brother (in-law) of Capt. Lewis. Captain Victor D.Irvin, Delta Beta-North Georgia He is stationed in Saudi Arabia with the U.S. Military Training Mission dealing with finances and accounting. Commissioned into the U.S. Finance Corps in June 1980, Capt. Irvin has served in Georgia,Indiana and Florida.

Lt. Col. J.L. Kaplan, Jr. Captain Edward Kertis, Jr., Chi-Stetson He is now assigned to the 10th Mountain Division at Ft. Drum,NY and in command of a combat engineer company. Capt. Kertis received the coveted Ranger tabfrom Ranger School which is generally believed to be one ofthe toughest military schools in the world. Training days average 22 hours in length and students receive an average of 1.5 meals a day for 58 days. He has completed 67 military parachutejumps including three deployments to Honduras. Captain Richard Grolier, Alpha Xi #550-Polytechnic He completed 12 years ofservice and is now in the U.S. Army Reserve with his reserve assignment at the Defense Intelligence Agency in Washington, D.C. He is a staff engineer for High Frequency Strategic Business Unit for Andrew Government Systems in Garland, TX. In the fall of 1990,Capt.Grolier will be releasing his first book titled, "The Warrior's Edge." It is a nonfiction book on the military's look at the human potential movement. Captain Mark Kinniburgh, Rho-Washington & Lee He is currently employed as a ROTC instructor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is an assistant professor of military science and a recruiting operations

Col. William B. Smith officer. He served three months as a liaison officer to the Republic of Korea involved in joint exercises with the U.S. He also attached to the 2/4 Royal Australian Regiment in Townesville, Australia as a forward observer during joint exercises with the British, U.S.and New Zealand armed forces. Captain Scott Soracco, Delta Beta-North Georgia He is currently in field artillery stationed in South Korea. His job assignment is Batallion Maintenance Officer. He graduated in 1984. First Lt. Phillip Taylor, Epsilon Delta-Auburn He is now stationed in the Federal Republic ofGermany as a Liaison Officer for the Second Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment. 1st Lt. Taylor was selected as a Distiguished Military Student. His addressfor his active brothers in the military is HHC 2/68 AR, APO NY,09034. First Lieutenant Jackson"Jack"Graham,III, Beta #588-Presbyterian He is currently stationed at Ft. Sill, Okla., as a tank platoon leader in the only Infantry battalion. Ft. Sill is the only artillery training center for the Army. Graduating in 1987, Graham started his masters degree in Business Administration this spring.

First Lt. James T.Schnieder Alpha Epsilon-Florida, He is an Airborne Ranger located in West Germany and serving as a tank platoon leader. 1st. Lt. Schneider patrols the East German and Czechoslovakian borders and "fights" other units designed to look and act like Soviet forces. He also practices escape and evasion techniques to prepare him if he is caught and placed in a POW camp. First Lt.William"Bill"Keyes Alpha Epsilon-Florida He is in Ft. Riley, Kan., working in the Infantry Branch. He has served as a rifle platoon leader and a mortar platoon leader and an executive officer. His next tour of duty will he this October in Ft. Lee, Va.


Capt. Charles Adkins, Jr. Second Lieutenant David "Sy" Goodwin, Delta Beta-North Georgia He is at the New Cumberland Army Depot in Pennsylvania assigned to the Department of Defense's Joint Service. Goodwin is expected to be promoted to first lieutenenat in June. In February 1991,he will be assigned to Ft. Benjamin Harrison in Indiana. He is married to wife Barbie with son Jonathan. He is expecting another child this October. Second Lt. William White, Delta Kappa-Pembroke St. He is now assigned to the Infantry Officers Basic Course and will be attending Ranger School afterwards. While a brother at Pemborke State, he gained top honors at advanced camp and commanded the ROTC company. Following his current training at Ft.Benning,Ga., he will be assigned to Ft.Campbel I. Ky.

1st. Lt. Phillip Taylor 1st.Lt.Thomas McCormick, Alpha Rho-West Virginia He is stationed in the aviation division at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. McCormick attended aviation officer basiccourse and flightschool at Ft. Rucker, AL. He also spent one year in the Sinai Desert,Egypt, as a member of the multinational force and observers.

Editor's Note Space allocated on pages6 and 7 in the The Star & Lamp, Spring 1990 issue, was determined by the number of leters sent to the Administrative Office. No preference was given to any branch of the armed services. On page one, Lance Corporal David Tumblin is pictured.

Spring 1990-the star & lamp-Page 7

SALUTES THE MILITARY The United States Air Force Major General William Overacker, Eta-Emory He ended his 35 years of service this spring as the Military Airlift Command(MAC)chief of staff at Scott AFB in Illinois. He was responsible for providing administratike.policy,guidance and coordination Fr all the staff elements at MAC headquarters. _ His career included 126 cornhat missions in Vietnam and more than 7,000 flying hours.

ous International Marketing and Managament Associations. He is married to Dr. Marian Schultz and reside in Bluewater, Fla., with their son Jeremey. Major Michael Canfield, Gamma Gamma-Troy State He is currently Chief of Flight Medicine of the largest Aerospace Medicine operation in the Air Force at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma. While at Tinker AFB, he has supported operations in Saudi Arabia.

Maj. Gen. William Overacker and 1st. Lt. Daniel Shoor Colonel Robert Eason, Jr., Beta-Presbyterian He is Director of Manpower and Personnel for the U.S. Transportation Command at Scott AFB in Illinois. He works to control a global mobility management system that provides for the most effective use of airlift. Eason has had tour of duty in Vietnam,Germany and many location around the United States. Colonel William Barber, Beta Delta #149-Drake He is the Deputy Staff Director of Installations Services and Environmental Protection Defense Logistics Agency at Cameron Station, Alexandria, Va. Barber has worked on bases in six statesTaiwan,Vietnam,and Germany. He is married to former Rosemary Andersen. They have two children—Bill and Beth.

Colonel F.Jay Hackleman, Omega-Purdue He is currently serving as Director of Material for the Office of the Assistant Secretary ofDefense for Reserve Affairs in Washington, D.C. Hisfamily of wifeformer Virginia Thomas and children Jeffrey and Wendy have moved 14 times, lived in Korea and England, traveled to or through 47 states. Hackleman's "absolute ultimate" was being a squadron commander responsible for the welfare of hundreds of personnel. Lt. Colonel James Schultz, Alpha Theta-Michigan State He is Chief of Morale, Welfare and Recreation Division at Elgin AFB in Florida. Duty assignments have included tours in Panama, China and Vietnam. Schultz has had over 30 research articles published by van-

Canfield has been selected to present a paper on Aeromedical Deployments at the NATO Flight Surgeons Conference in Germany in 1990. Captain Mark Juscius, Upsilon-Illinois He is stationed at Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage, Alaska. His duties include flying the C130 Hercules to remote sites throughout Alaska as well as serving as the Chief of Standization and Evaluation. Juscius says his wife Maggie and son Joey look forward to leaving Alaska after nearly four years. Their next assignment is at Little Rock AFB in Arkansas this summer. Captain William Russell, Alpha Rho-West Virginia He is an instructor pilot in the Undergraduate Pilot Training(UPT) at Reese AFB in Texas. During Capt.Russell's own assignment at UPT, he met 2nd. Lt. Larry Turrin, Gamma GammaTroy State,and together helped get the Texas Tech colony chartered as a chapter. He has flown the Lockheed C141B Starlifter over 25 countries from Bolivia to Pakistan. Captain Tony Mullis, Epsilon Delta #13-Auburn He is an instructor of Military History at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Co. He was commissioned in Texas and earned his wings as a navigator in California. He has also served as an intelligence officer in Hawaii and the Republic of Korea. Captain Richard "Rick" Buschelman Delta Gamma-Nebraska He is currently assigned to the B-2 System Program Office of the Aeronautical Systems Division at Wright-Patterson AFB,Ohio,as the Deputy Division Chief for Manufacturing and Subcontract Operations. He Was a major selectee in February 1990. He is married to former Liz Fennessy (Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority) with three children—two boys and one girl.

Ill., He supplies digital networking and computer support for approximately 11,000 users including Headquarters U.S.A.F. Communications Command, Headquarters U.S. Transportation Command and Headquarters Military Airlin Command at the base. First Lieutenant Jim Bereda, Omega #1165-Purdue He is stationed at Warner Robins AFB,Ga. He is the Officer-inCharge of the F-15 Functional Checkflight Preparation Test Unit. He plans the functional checkout of engines and all aircraft systems on the F-15 aircraft to ensure readiness for operational flight. He Schultz James is responsible for over $150 million Lt. Col. in aircraft and facilities. Second Lt. BradMordan, First Lt.Charles Rehler, Beta Epsilon-Missouri Rock Epsilon Psi-Slippery He is currently assigned to He is stationed in Ft. Jackson, AFB,Okla. - the same base Vance S.C. in the Medical Service Corps. was assigned to and later father his He is an Operations Officer/Secinstructor. Mordan says an became tion Leader in charge of 30 soladvantage" over the "no gets he diers. His primary goal is to transhis father was stabecause others, port injured people from an accithere. dent site to a hospital by helicopter. tioned He has lived in Iceland, GerHe also helps support the civilas ians by a program called MAST— many and the Philippines as well moved has He states. U.S. Military Assistance to Safety and seven Traffic. MAST transports pre-ma- approximately every two years since ture babies and car accident vic- he was born. He hopes to be flying T-38's by July. tims. Airman First Class Michael Melton, Epsilon Nu-California State He is stationed at Holloman AFB, N. M. He is a firefighter responsible for the safety of F-15's and T-38's. He also plans to be part of a space shuttle mission at White Sands Space Harbor. Airman First Class Virgil Gibbs, Alpha Alpha #396-Mercer He is stationed at Elgin AFB in Florida as a Aircraft Armament Systems Specialist loading bombs, missiles, rockets and other ammunitions onto fighter aircraft. AirmanFirst Class Ronda!! Lawson, Capt. William B. Russell Beta Gamma-Louisville He is now at Keesler AFB in First Lt. Daniel Shoor, Mississippi where he is in electronUpsilon-Illinois nce trainHe is the Chief of Automation ics and computer maintena Computer Systems at Scott AFB, ing.

The UnitecC States Marines and Navy Lt.(jr. grade) Gary Brose, Gamma Chi-Jacksonville He is a helicopter pilot stationed at Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, Calif. He flies the the Navy's newest and most advanced helicopter—the SH-60B Seahawk. Lt.(jr.grade)Phil Markwart, Zeta Gamma-North Dakota He is stationed on the U.S.S. California in Bremerton, Wash. He is a Nuclear Propulsion Specialist who stands watch as senior supervisor in direct control of nuclear reactor and propulsion plant. The U.S.S.California hasspent 9 of the last 12 months at sea. It is being refueled in Washington for

Ensign Larry Buxley, Iota #1036, Georgia Tech His first assignment is the Surface Warfare Officer School Command in Coronado, Calif. Following this training, Buxley will report to the U.S.S. Constellation in San Diego. He is unsure if he will make the military a career. He received his commission on Dec. 8, 1989. On the same weekend, he celebrated his birthday and the birthday of the Fraternity. Captain Walter Augustin, Alpha Phi-HT Lt. (jr. grade) Gary Brose He is stationed in the Washington, D.C. He is involved in the acquisition of communications secuthe first time in 17 years. The refueling process will take nearly rity equipment. Augustin married his Mariatwo years.

Elena Melvin - a captain in the Marine Corps - and has a daughter. He served as part of the military contingency force during the Iranian hostage crisis. First Lt. Scott Carson, Lambda #979-Georgia He is assigned to the Marine Corps Air Station in Tustin, Calif. He is a CH-53E Helicopter pilot. 1st. Lt. Carson joined the service at the age of seventeen. He attended Georgia after four years of service and discovered Pi Kappa Phi through a friend in the Marines. Lance Cpl. David Tumblin, Chi #1033-Stetson He is in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve in Orlando, Fla and a sophomore at Stetson.

Capt. Walter Augustin His goals are to become a commissioned officer in the Marine Corps and attend Naval Aviator School at Pensacola, Fla.

Page 8-the star & lamp-Spring 1990

chaptEr spotlight Penn State makes history for cancer during dance At the Alpha Mu chapter, they take the Fraternity's slogan,"Strong Enough to Care" to heart. The 60 men of the Penn State Chapter, along with the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega, raised $130,000 for children with cancer. Each person raised over an average of over $1,000. A tradition for a number of years, this effort has become an all-consuming passion for everyone in the chapter, especially during three weeks in February. This fund-raising effort is part of the I nterfraternity Council/Panhellenic Dance Marathon, and the benefits go to the Four Diamonds Fund for children with cancer at the Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania. A few months before the marathon, the Carruthers family, who receives help from the fund, visited the Pi Kapp house.They explained the degree to which the monetary and psychological support aids the whole family. They also explained what it is like to have cancer. "It is at this moment that raising money seems not so much of a nice thing for us to do, but a duty to help those who aren't as lucky as we are," Historian Andrew Wallace said. The way the fund-raising works is simple. Any group can enter two dancers to whom the money can be pledged or donated.

Three weeks before the event, these groups start to raise money. At Alpha Mu, this means canning. Almost none of the money raised comes from corporations. The Pi Kapps hit the road on Feb. 24. Standing on street corners from as early as four in the morning until as late as seven in the evening,the brothers collected coins and dollar bills from passing motorists all along the East Coast.Despite terribly cold weather, rain, wind, and unfriendly policemen, they were able to amass their record-breaking total. For 16 consecutive days there was someone raising money for cancer almost 24 hours a day. Classes were missed and sleep became optional. "It was at these times when we could look back at the day when the Carruthers family came to speak, and this made canning seem a whole lot easier," Wallace said. There were many outstanding individuals who comprised the backbone of their effort. The dancers stayed awake and on their feet for 48 hours during the actual marathon weekend of Feb. 16-17. Some of the individual money raisers collected over $2,700. However, Gary Stiefel and Paul Fedor held the group together as the marathon chairmen. "If you have ever stood in the rain and wind, wearing a soaking sweatshirt that

Pi Kapp dancers sitting after 48 hours of marathon dancing.

Left: Tim Puleo, Steve Rosztoczy, Joe McMahon, and Bruce Bell.

weighs a ton, while dodging careless motorists at the same time, and trying to keep a cheerful face - you understand canning," Wallace said. Stiefel and Fedor motivated the members when they were down and encouraged them to do well. They were on the go endlessly during the weeks before the marathon - organizing road trips,counting money,and making an infinite number of phone calls to

coordinate the entire event. During the 1990Penn State Dance Marathon, over $671,000 was raised by Greeks who comprise a small minority on campus. The Greeks had sacrificed classes and sleep for a good cause. "When the marathon was over and our total was announced, I saw Gary and Paul hugging and crying. I knew, as we all did, that we had saved lives," Wallace said.

UNC-Greensboro coaches basketball to prevent drug abuse Every Saturday morning this spring, the brothers at Epsilon Iota-UNC-Greensboro would hit the courts for some hoops. They weren't players.They were the coaches. The brothers began a venture in conjunction with the Greensboro Police Department and the Greensboro Housing Authority to coach youth basketball teams in economically depressed areas. Pi Kapps managed four out of the six teams for 10 weeks. They provided the children, ranging in ages from seven to 12, with a positive alternative to the drug areas which notoriously are located in public housing. Each team was staffed with at least two coaches, and in most cases the teams had at least three. Epsilon Iota has supported the youth sports program since its inception. On Jan. 27, 1990, the league's "Media Day" featured the brothers who were present to support the police department, housing authority, and most importantly, the children. Epsilon Iota initiate and U.S. Congressman Howard Coble tossed the opening jump ball. During the season, the brothers prac-

Epsilon Iota member U.S. Congressman Howard Coble along the Greensboro Police join the brothers of Epsilon Iota following "Media Day." ticed with the kids two times a week for at least two hours each session. When game time arrived, they were bused by the Salvation Army Boys Club to various locations around the city. They even offered Greens-

boro Policeman Andy Solomon with an alumni bid for his work with the chapter. "I don't think anyone really got tired of coaching. I certainly know I didn't," Historian Paul Brown said. Brown had been coach-

ing youth and people with disabilities for five years. When the regular season was over, the kids participated in a single-elimination tournament. The children in the league were individuals who had little or no experience playing any kind oforganized sports. They were in need of basic skills,rules,and sportsmanship. The brothers of Epsilon Iota provided these basic needs and served as positive role models and a big brother type figure, while stressing the importance of higher education. The police department and the housing authority created the program. Local businesses also donated money to support the league. "Through the tears ofdefeat and smiles of victory, there is renewed meaning in the word 'Brotherhood',"said Chapter Advisor Steven Hall. Hall is an alumnus from the Delta Lamba-UNC-Charlotte chapter and a member of the Greensboro Police. He first told the chapter of the new program and encouraged them to participate.

East Carolina U. enters Phase II to complete dream On Feb.24, 1990,at the 27th Founder's Day Celebration for the East Carolina University chapter, Phase II of its master plan for a new home was officially announced and launched. Although the housing corporation will not begin soliciting funds from alumni until all plans are finalized, the housing corporation structure functioned more like a proactive board, and alumni involvement in the chapter increased. Phase II will consist of the construction of a great hall, an office for the archon, a formal entry way,storage space for chapter regalia,a TV room and four more bedrooms. Two years earlier, a new house was built. Since that time, the chapter grew by leaps and bounds and poised itselfto assume a place with the strong chapters in the na-

but overtime, the alumni had Eight years a amassed ago, the alumni ial substant committed themsum. In the last selves to raise three years, money for a ons contributi dream house for trebeen have the undergradumendous. ates, because the T h e older structure at were alumni 803 Hooker Road a in finally had outlived its to position usefulness. build the first "Morale was part ofthe new at an all-time low. Alumni and members gather at new house. Pi house. The undergrads the fund help to agreed Properties Kappa Phi needed a place to call home," Housing Corproject. The house that had been a dream of poration President Scott Smith said. Ellis Banks and other Pi Kappa Phi alumni Contributions trickled in slowly at first. lion.

had become a reality. The dedication ceremony at the chapter's 26th anniversary was a time to celebrate. Many alumni attended and shared in the achievement. Many could not attend because of a terrible ice storm that gripped eastern North Carolina. When it came time to cut the ribbon, a truly symbolic event occurred. In the previous semester, the chapter had initiated its 500th Beta Phi member. To commemorate the ribbon cutting, Beta Phi's first initiate, Dan Ray,and Keith Zito, Beta Phi #500, cut the ribbon. "We feel that with events like Homecoming, Founder's Day and the Beta Phi Golf Tournament,all of the our goals can be accomplished." Smith said. The next goal is Phase II.

Spring 1990-the star & lamp-Page 9

Foundation Answering questions to understand better while gifts to the Fraternity are not. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation has been Who are the leaders ofthe Foundation? a recognized part of the Fraternity since Dr. James Edwards, President of the the 1952. Many alumni do not know what University of South Carolina and Medical to Foundation is or why they should respond r of that state, is the chairGoverno former the various fund-raising appeals. member Board of Trustees. nine the of man s It is important to answer these question Wayne R. Moore, retired is r treasure The the -.,and to provide you with a sense of what Iowa of t presiden vice Pi Kappa Phi Foundation means to the FraThe ty. Universi State ternity. The brief answers to the most comsivice-pre e executiv monly asked questions can be expanded upon Scharfen Ted is dent inquiry to the Administrative Office. stein. What is Pi Kappa Phi Foundation? Where does the FounThe Foundation is a tax exempt public get its money? dation charitable and educational foundation desigcorpus of the The nated by the Internal Revenue Service as a exceeds ion Foundat 501(c)(3) organization. is avwhich 0, $900,00 What is the purpose ofthe Foundation? Fraterthe within erage The Foundation exists to support the - educational programs of Pi Kappa Phi Fra- nity field. The money ternity.These programs include scholarships comes from a number a and loans, Pi Kapp College and the Mid- of alumni through s. program giving of variety hip Year Leadership Conferences, Leaders mail program direct A Appeal Annual A proConsultants, an award winning poster contributed who brothers 3608 by d supporte gram on contemporary topics, and manuals ion of solicitat ne Telepho 1989. in 8 $133,30 and brochures on a wide range of topics. will be a pilot fund-raising Is there a difference between the Foundation 8,000 alumni summer. this project and the Fraternity? A Nu Phi - Pi Kappa Phi has an organization Yes! The two organizations are separate members who have attended at least five for legal entities. Chapter meetings. Supreme IRS A The Foundation is designated by the s, life insurance, and deferred Bequest A Frathe as a 501(c)(3) organization, while members have included the Many gifts ternity is a 501(c)(7). estate plans. In this way, their in ion Foundat AEach organization has a separate policy in Pi Kappa Phi contininterest s brother' the making Board of Trustees. death. his after A Gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible ues

A National President's Circle - A new organization established this year for leaders of our students chapters who have also attended a Pi Kapp College, Mid Year Leadership Conference,or Supreme Chapter. Membership is by invitation. A Foundation Fellow Program - Recognizes alumni who contribute at least $500 per year. The Distinguished Foundation Fellow programs honor those men who contribute at least $1,000 per year. Total giving to the Foundation,inclusive ofthe Annual Appeal was $207,762 in 1989. Does the Foundation acceptcorporate matching gifts? Yes. Each year the Foundation receives a number of gifts which are matched by the donor's employer. Please check with the Human Resources Department at your place of work to see if a matching gift program exists. Whatis the relationship between the Foundation and the Fraternity's national service project,PUSH? The Foundation and PUSH are separate legal entities with separate Boards of Trustees. The Foundation receives its primary support from alumni of the Fraternity while PUSH receives the majority of its funds

from student fund-raising programs. The Foundation financially underwrites the educational programs of the Fraternity while PUSH supports a broad array ofprograms to assist the severely handicapped. Students gain a real life understanding of those in need through their participation in and support of PUSH programs. Is there a wayfor the Foundation to help my chapter? Yes. Individual chapter scholarship funds have been established for 15 chapters. Alumni may designate their gifts to these individual funds with the income used to support educational programs at their chapter. The largest chapter fund is for the Alpha Epsilon Chapter-University of Florida. Alumni have contributed $167,000 to support educational programs for this outstanding chapter. The expansion of the chapter scholarship fund roster is a prime objective of the Foundation in the '90s. Whatdoes thefuture holdfor the Foundation? Pi Kappa Phi now encompasses 124 chapters, 17 colonies, and over 7,000 student members. The Foundation must have $2 million dollars in assets to fund the existing educational programs from income. Alumni have loyally supported the Foundation's fund-raising programs and the objective is within our reach. Your support ofthe Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is a wise investment in the future of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

Awards and Memorials presented

Put Pi Kappa Phi in your will Gifts to the Foundation are deductible for estate tax purposes. It is an effective and lasting way to provide for the future of Pi Kappa Phi. For General Use I give and bequeath to Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, a not-for-profit South Carolina corporation, with its principal office in Charlotte,North Carolina,the sum (or designated securities of $ by it in fulfillment ofits used be or other property),to of Directors shall Board its as educational purposes determine. To Establish a Memorial I give and bequeath Pi Kappa Phi Foundation,a not-for-profit South Carolina corporation, with its principal office in Charlotte,North Carolina,the sum (or designated securities of $ l to or other property), to be held by it as a memoria in it by used be to and of Board its as s fulfillment ofits educational purpose Directors shall determine. Residue or Estate All the rest, residue and remainder of my property,real and personal,I give,devise and bequeath to Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, a not-for-profit South Carolina corporation, with its principal office in Charlotte, North Carolina,to be used by it in fulfillment of its educational purposes as its Board of Directors shall determine. NOTE:Consult with your attorney and feel free to call or write for additional information: Ted Scharfenstein, Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224,(704/523-6000).

We are all touched by the lives of very special people in our lives. Several brothers across the nation took the time to give to the Foundation in memory ofbrothers who have joined the Chapter Eternal. Those brothers remembered are: Jack Snider Frederick Levis Karl Gibbon Robert Driscoll Jabe Hardee II Don E. Helbeling Fred Power Don Dalton William E. Combs Joseph Henry Baudendistel. The Foundation has provided many scholarships to deserving Pi Kapps across the nation. This semester was no exception. The following students received a Foundation,scholarship: Guido Lemos,

Kappa #910-UNC Ronald Triche, Beta Mu #273-McNeese St. Scott Smith, Beta Phi #367-East Carolina Paul Green, Alpha Epsilon #1297-Florida Trent Thornley, Alpha Psi #637-Indiana. Some chapters also have established their own foundations through the assistance of the Foundation. The receipients of the Alpha EpsilonFlorida scholars were: Jon Ernst France Houdar Richard Multz David Odum Herbert Pressly. The winner of the Alpha Zeta-Oregon St. scholarship was: Jack Lewis

Contributions to the Yabe Hardee II Fund at Delta Zeta-Appalachian State University Bruce Cameron Fund William H. Cameron Rachel C. Camp Mark Christopher R. Keith Coe Barbara Cook Solite Corp. William Echols, Sr. Leon Finley Todd Griffin Jabe Hardee C. Timothy Hodge Graham Hoppess

Keith Hutchens John R. Knier Bill C. Mathis Steven Miller NCNB-Wilmington E. Ward Norris Jerry Poston Jerry T. Powell Arthur Quickenton E. Rhone Sasser Mr. and Mrs. M.R. Turner, Sr. J.W. Walton, Jr. Ed Wilkins

Page 10-the star & lamp-Spring 1990

push Pi Kapps build Ind.'s first fully-accessible park Thanks to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, the state of Indiana has its first "fully-accessible" public park where children of all abilities can play and interact with others. The second "PUSH Place" was constructed in Bloomington, home of Alpha Psi Chapter-Indiana University, on April 7-8. Fifty-one Pi Kapps traveled to Bloomington from as far away as New Jersey and North Carolina to join 50 Alpha Psi Chapter members for the two-day "Give-A-PUSH Weekend." They cleared nearly a mile and a half of nature trails - which will be paved for wheelchair-users - and constructed a dozen accessible picnic tables, a huge shelter, an adaptive playground and raised gardening planters - for those who can't bend over to garden. Collegiates found it particularly rewarding that they not only raised the money for the project back at their chapters, but that they

had the opportunity to do the actual building. The project was a joint effort between People Understanding the Severely Handicapped and Bloomington's Parks and Recreation Department. PUSH organized the Pi Kapp work force and contributed a $22,000 grant to supplement the city's funding. Parks Director Frank Ragan was so astounded by the determination of the Pi Kapp workers that he accepted an invitation to become an alumnus initiate. He became Alpha Psi's 664th member on April 28. Bloomington Mayor Tomilea Allison joined National Vice President Phil Summers in praising the work of the hard-working collegiates. "You are living proof of what can happen when students put their energy to work to benefit their community," Allison said. Chapters represented in Bloomington were: Upsilon-University of Illinois, PsiCornell University, Alpha Kappa-University of Michigan,Alpha Omicron-Iowa State

University, Alpha Phi-Illinois Institute of Technology, Alpha Psi-Indiana University, Beta Epsilon-University of Missouri, Delta Eta-Morehead State University, Epsilon Beta-Grand Valley State College, Epsilon Mu-Bradley University,Zeta Kappa-Stockton State University,and the associate chapters at Queens College and IUPUI. The first Give-APUSH Weekend, held in October in Belmont, N.C., resulted in a renovated playground at Holy Angels. Two chapters that attended the Belmont weekend, Stockton State and Queens College, journeyed more than 15 hours each to attend the Bloomington weekend. Both have pledged to participate in the next Give-A-PUSH Weekend, to be held in Clearwater, Fla., in September.

Kevin Katz (above), Zeta KappaStockton State, provided the muscle needed to clear the nature trails. Adaptive picnic tables were assembled by Indiana's Brett Baltz (left), Steve Garner, Phil Saltzman and Archon Brook Bollinger.


Creativity is key to chapter PUSH events Talk about beautifying the city... Congrats to the men of Nu Chapter-University of Nebraska, for tackling more than 500cars and raising more than $2,500 in their annual"free car wash."In addition to all the good they've done for the disabled, they improved their own social lives by pairing with Chi Omega sorority for the fund-raiser.

Associate Power... Pi Kappa Phi's associate chapters have been absolutely amazing for PUSH this year! Queens College associates raised more than $1,800 with their "Pi Kapp Prison" in March. Psi Chapter-Cornell University(since re-chartered)raised over $2,500 with toll-roads in the Ithaca area. Albright College associates have sent in over$2,700. And Colorado State and Towson State associate chapters have each raised more than $1,000 each. Way to go!

It's never too cold to PUSH... It takes a lot more than a cold day to slow down the men of Zeta Kappa ChapterStockton State University, who win the award for sustaining the most severe weather conditions on behalf of the disabled! In February, they pushed a wheelchair around their athletic track in below

zero temperatures. "We set up a PUSH camp," said Mike Raymond, PUSH Chairman. "Everyone wanted to be out there, so we got generators and portable heaters going. It was a great brotherhood event." When they finished, PUSH had another $2,000, and not a single case of frostbite!

Aggies make'horseplay'possible... The newly re-chartered Delta Omega Chapter-Texas A&M hasn't been "horsing around." Their frequent volunteer efforts at the Brenham State School have been rewarded with a PUSH Partnership Grant to purchase adaptive saddle equipment which will be used in the center's equestrian program. Now children with special needs can ride horses!

Smash a few skulls, break a few teeth, help the disabled... The men at Epsilon Mu Chapter-Bradley University have been helping out the school's hockey team this year by hawking programs for PUSH! More than $1,000 has come from those efforts.

Pump it up, Man... In the true California spirit, the men of Zeta Mu Chapter-California State University-Northridge held a "PUSH BodyBuilding Classic" with Gold's Gym. A crowd of students cheered as fraternity men and sorority women flexed before celebrity judges (the Pi Kapps placed well, by the way). The event raised over $3,500 for PUSH.

PUSH America invites alumni participation Entering its third year,the PUSH America project is one of the most outstanding projects of PUSH and Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. This year's trip will involve 19 cyclists and five crewmen from 18 colleges and universities. The trip will take 55 days and cover 11 states. Along the way,the cyclists will have the chance to meet hundreds of well-wishers. Visits from Pi Kapp alumni have a special motivating effect on the riders. If you would like to help prepare a special welcome for the team in your city, or if you would simply enjoy sharing a meal with them,please call Sally Schafer,PUSH's director of development, at (704)522-7874. Here is the PUSH America schedule: San Francisco, CA June 7-10 Napa, CA June 11 Sacramento, CA June 12 Jackson, CA June 13 Kirkwood, CA June 14 Carson City, NV June 15-16 Fallon, NV June 17 Cold Springs, NV June 18 Austin, NV June 19 Eureka, NV June 20 Ely, NV June 21 Baker, NV June 22 Delta, UT June 23 Provo, UT June 24 Salt Lake City, UT June 25-26 Duchesne, UT June 27 Vernal, UT June 28 Maybell, CO June 29 June 30-July 1 Steamboat Springs, CO Hot Sulpher Springs, CO July 2 Denver, CO July 3-4 Fort Morgan, CO July 5



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Wray,CO McCook, NE Holdredge, NE Grand Island, NE Lincoln, NE Omaha, NE Griswold, IA Winterset, IA Ames,IA Cedar Rapids, IA Dubuque,IA Belvedere, IA Chicago, IL Valparaiso, IN Columbia City, IN Bowling Green, OH Sandusky, OH Cleveland, OH Salem, OH Pittsburgh, PA Uniontown,PA Cumberland, MD Hagerstown, MD Gaithersburg, MD Washington D.C.

Spring 1990-the star & lamp-Page 11

staatiamp THE

Spring 1990, Vol. LXXVI, No. 2 A Leadership/Education Publication

The Star & Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C. 28217. Mailing address: P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224. Telephone:(704)523-6000; FAX:(704)521-8962. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription.

Editor-in-Chief- Durward W. Owen Managing Editor- Matt J. Basta Official Photographer- Tim Ribar Office Manager- Liz Wilkins Editorial Assistant- Sheila Porter Contributing Editors Jon Scott Steven Hall Ted Scharfenstein T.J. Sullivan J. Andrew Wallace Scott Smith Steven Blair


Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C., on Dec. 10, 1904, by Andrew Alexander Kroeg Jr., Simon Fogarty Jr., and L. Harry Mixson.

Pi Kappa Phi is a member of National Interfraternity Conference

dIIECtOIU Alabama Alabama-Birmingham Appalachian State Atlantic Christian Auburn Auburn at Montgomery Augusta Averett Belmont Abbey Bloomsburg Bowling Green State Bradley California-Berkeley California-Davis California-San Diego Cal State- Fullerton Cal State- Northridge Cal State-Sacramento Central Arkansas Charleston Christian Brothers Clemson Univ. Clinch Valley Cornell CSU-Chico Drake Drexel East Carolina East Texas State Univ. Florida Florida Southern Florida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia Tech Grand Valley Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Indiana of Pennsylvania Iowa State Jacksonville Jacksonville State James Madison Kansas State LaGrange Lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Livingston Longwood Louisville Marshall McNeese Memphis State Mercer Michigan Michigan State Missouri-Columbia Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Morehead Nebraska-Lincoln Nebraska-Omaha NJIT North Carolina UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Wilmington North Carolina State North Dakota North Florida Northeast Missouri North Georgia Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Pembroke Penn State Pittsburgh Polytechnic University Presbyterian Purdue Radford Rensselaer Roanoke St. Joseph's Seton Hall Shippensburg Slippery Rock Stetson South Alabama South Carolina South Florida Southern Tech Stockton State SUNY - Cortland Tampa Tennessee

Omicron Epsilon Phi Delta Zeta Zeta Tau Alpha Iota Epsilon Delta Gamma Psi Zeta Xi Gamma Mu Zeta Upsilon Delta Sigma Epsilon Mu Gamma Zeta Sigma Zeta Beta Zeta Rho Zeta Mu Epsilon Nu Epsilon Zeta Alpha Epsilon Sigma Zeta Alpha Epsilon Epsilon Psi Zeta Lambda Beta Delta Alpha Upsilon Beta Phi Beta Chi Alpha Epsilon Beta Beta Beta Eta Delta Zeta Epsilon Lambda Epsilon Upsilon Gamma Kappa Gamma Xi Iota Epsilon Beta Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Zeta Iota Alpha Omicron Gamma Chi Delta Epsilon Delta Tau Delta Chi Gamma Nu Gamma Rho Epsilon Xi Epsilon Rho Gamma Alpha Epsilon Gamma Beta Gamma Zeta Pi Beta Mu Gamma Delta Alpha Alpha Alpha Kappa Alpha Theta Beta Epsilon Gamma Lambda Gamma Omega Delta Eta Nu Delta Gamma Beta Alpha Kappa Delta Lambda Epsilon Iota Gamma Theta Tau Zeta Gamma Zeta Zeta Delta Delta Delta Bela Alpha Gamma Gamma Upsilon Gamma Beta Alpha Zeta Delta Kappa Alpha Mu Delta Upsilon Alpha Xi Beta Omega Delta Phi Alpha Tau Xi Epsilon Tau Epsilon Theta Zeta Delta Epsilon Psi Chi Gamma Phi Sigma Zeta Eta Epsilon Kappa Zeta Kappa Zeta Omicron Beta Lambda Alpha Sigma

bigTake the challenge...Beta Epsilon-Missouri-Columbia boast they have the entire the almost covers and 40' X 20' nearly stands flag gestflag in the nation. The attention side of their chapter house.The flag is a great rush tool and attracts a lot of size. on campus because of its

Member, College Fraternity Editors Association

Texas Texas A&M Texas-Arlington Texas Tech Toledo Troy State Valdosta State Villanova Virginia VCU VPI Washington Washington & Lee Western Carolina West Chester West Virginia Tech

Zeta Theta Delta Omega Delta Psi Epsilon Omega Beta Iota Gamma Gamma Beta Tau Epsilon Omicron Beta Upsilon Epsilon Pi Delta Alpha Alpha Delta Rho Gamma Epsilon Zeta Nu Gamma Zeta

1919 Robbins Place, Austin, TX 78705 P.O. Box 5201, College Station, TX 77844 UT-Arlington, 705 S. Summit, Arlington, TX 76013 2517 19th Street, Lubbock. TX 79410 2631 Coveview Dr., Toledo, OH 43611 610 N. Three Notch Street, Troy. AL 36081 Valdosta State College Box 89. Valdosta, GA 31698 Student Activities Office, 215 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 19085 510 Rugby Road. Charlottesville, VA 22903 Student Commons VCU, Richmond, VA 23220 1101 Redbud Road. Blacksburg, VA 24060 4530 17th Street, Seattle, WA 98105 Washington & Lee-P.O. Box 903, Lexington, VA 24450 P.O. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 109 Sykes Union, WCU, West Chester, PA 19383 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, WV 25136

P.O. Box 6089, Tuscalbosa, AL 35486 1116 Jacque Circle, Birmingham, AL 35235 ASU Box 8991, Boone, NC 28608 808 Corbett Avenue, Wilson, NC 27893 861 Morrison Rd., Auburn, AL 36830 P.O. Box 17926, Montgomery, AL 36117-0926 Augusta College, 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904 P.O. Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 Box 242, Belmont Abbey Col., Belmont, NC 28012 Box 52, BU, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 R-3 Old Fraternity Row, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403 1532 West Bradley Avenue, Peoria, IL 61606 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 1443 Wakeforest Drive, Apt. 3, Davis, CA 95616 7231 Enders, San Diego, CA 92122 Univ. Activities Center - 74,Fullerton, CA 92634 9138 Van Alden, Northridge, CA 91324 Area: Trust Investment-Phillip M. Summers President-Stephen DePalma P.O. Box 255826, Sacramento, CA 95825 James A. Krucher, 3 Burgh Ave., Schoor DePalma & Ganger Group, Inc Vincennes University UCA Box 5126, Conway, AR 72032 Clifton, NJ 07011 Street First N. 1002 1149 Box P.O. 9, Rt. 200 29424 S.P.O. Box 1493, College of Charleston, SC Dr. Arthur J. Ouickenton, Vincennes, IN 4759 07726 NJ Manalapan, 38104 TN 401 Meadowview Dr.. Boone, NC 650 Parkway South, Memphis, 29632 SC Clemson, 2186, 28607 P. 0. Box Education-Vacant Vice President-Phillip M Summers Ronald J. deValinger, 910 Fifth CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 Vincennes University % Andrew Carlson, 310 S. Baker, Ithaca, NY 14850 Avenue, Albany, GA 31701 McConnell -Glenn Ritual & Insignia Street First N. 1002 95928 CA Chico, 429 W. 4th Street, Mark Jacobs, P.O. Box 44745, 27 Bainbridge Drive Vincennes, IN 47591 1236 34th St., Des Moines, IA 50311 Indianapolis, IN 46244 29407 SC Charleston, 3405 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Frank D. Havard, 2104 W. Pine Treasurer-Jerry T. Brewer 803 Hooker Road, Greenville, NC 27834 Needle Dr.. Mobile. AL 36616 Nomination-David H. Jaffee Life Student of Dean 75429 TX Commerce, Box W, E.T. Station, John R. Andrews, 455 Dayton, Suite Crouch-Aydlene Realty, Inc. USC-Russell House 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 104, St. Paul, MN 55012 830 Lowcountry Blvd. Columbia, SC 29208 Box 15215, c/o Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL 33802 Steven W. Smith, 1408 E. 37th St., 426 Box P.O. 423 W. College Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32301 Tulsa, OK 74105 Mt. Pleasant,. SC 29464 Secretary-Nathan Hightower Furman University-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 29613 John Puckett, 1070 Jade Street, 1669 Box P.O. 22030 VA 122, Fairfax, Box I, SUB Dr., University 4400 Broomfield, CO 80020 Expansion-Clay Edmonds Clearwater, FL 33517 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30606 Allen D. Woody.6416 Orchard View Avenue Carr 1951 P.O. Box 951, Milledgeville, GA 31061 Ln.. Roanoke, VA 24018 TN 38104 Memphis. D.Min. Figley, Patrick Chaplain-J. GA 30460 Statesboro, LB #12343, Georgia Southern Col., VACANT Center Counseling Peninsular 31709 GA Americus, Street, Barlow 321 2819 Horatio Street G.T. Box 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 Tampa, FL 33609 P. 0. Box 272, Allendale, MI 49401 306 E. Gregory Drive, Champaign, IL 61820 Rockport, MA 01930 Chancellor-David Lane 3333 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IL 60616 Leadership Consultants - Alan Duesterhaus. Venable, Baetjer and Howard Owen P.O. Box 59, Bloomington, IN 47402 W. Durward Director Executive Greg Brown, Mike Rothchild, Dave Simas, Suite 400 P.O. Box 1604, IUP, Folger Hall Post Office, Indiana, PA 15705 • Glenn Dickson Mike Socha Director Executive Assistant Drive Ridge Corporate 2010 407 Welch Avenue, Ames, IA 50010 Director of Communications - Matt J. Basta McLean, VA 22101 Box 251, Jacksonville Univ. Station, Jacksonville, FL 32211 Director of Programs - Elliot Curtis P.O. Box 602-Jacksonville St. Univ., Jacksonville, AL 36265 Director of Expansion - Todd Fields Member-at-largeP. 0. Box L-211, JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Executive Vice President of PropertiesEdward Bennett Executive Director - Kenneth H. Kaiser 1716 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS 66502 Dr. Frank M. Parrish S.W. Road Greenwood 1801 Assistant Executive Director - T.J. Sullivan 30240 GA LaGrange, Street, Broad 601 Circle Harrison S. 7742 Roanoke, VA 24015 Director of Development • Sally Schafer Box 6191, Lander College, Greenwood, SC 29646 Littleton, CO 80122 Office Manager • Pam Yarbrough % Joe McGuire P.O. Box 20902, Philadelphis, PA 19141 Executive Vice Presidnet of Foundation. P.O. Box 241368 Lenoir-Rhyne College, Box 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 Ted Scharfenstein Charlotte, NC 28224 Phone:(704) 522-PUSH P.O. Box M. Livingston, AL 35470 289 South Street Box 1140 - Longwood College, Farmville, VA 23901 2106 Confederate Place, Louisville, KY 40208 People Understanding the Severely Handicapped Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Marshall Univ., 2W38 MSC, Huntington, WV 25755 Stan Gryskiewicz, Chairman Stuart Hicks, President James Edwards, Chairman P.O. Box 92229-MSU, Lake Charles, LA 70609 JMB Properties Co., Suite 1400 3309 Wedgewood Place Medical Univ. of S.C. 3841 Spottswood Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111 Greensboro, NC 27403 Michigan Ave. 900 Avenue Ashley 171 Mercer University - Box 112. Macon, GA 31207 Chicago, IL 60611 29407 SC Charleston, 48104 MI Arbor, Ann , St. Church University of Michigan, 916 131 Bogue Street, E. Lansing, MI 48823 500 Rollins, Columbia, MO 65201 1704 Pine Street, Rolla, MO 65401 % Craig Winter,Bern Road, CC Box 74. Reading, PA 19612 Albright , Drawer K, 91 Bloch St, Univ. of Montevallo, Montevallo, AL 35115 % James Rundle, 179 Cornell, Irvine, CA 92715 California - Irvine Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 2641 Albion Drive, Orlando, FL 32833 Central Florida 425 University Terrace, Lincoln, NE 68508 625 Remington St., Apt 1 Fort Collins, CO 80524 68132 Colorado St. P.O. Box 128 Univ. of Nebraska - Omaha,Omaha, NE 1200 College Avenue, Apt. 105, Boulder, CO 80302 Colorado-Boulder 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 C-374 Concord College. Athens, WV 24712 Concord 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 P.O. Box 4674 Duke Station, Durham, NC 27706 Duke Cone University Center, UNCC Station, Charlotte, NC 28223 Duquesne Univ., Union Info. Ctry., Pittsburgh, PA 15281-1603 Duquesne 534 S. Aycock Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 5130 E. Palmetto, Box 647, Florence, SC 29501 Francis Marion University Union, Rm, 202,Wilmington, NC 28407 Georgia State College, Box 707, Atlanta. GA 30303 Georgia State' 2401 W. Fraternity Court, Raleigh, NC 27606 815 West Michigan LYO, Indianapolis, IN 46223 IUPUI 504 Hemline Street, Grand Forks, ND 58203 Student Development, PO Box 444, Marietta, GA 30061 Kennesaw c/o Student Life,4567 St. Johns Bluff Road, S, Jacksonville, FL 32216 % tan Rubin, 8125 48th Avenue, College Park, MD 20740 Maryland P.O. Box 562, 815 S. Davis, Kirksville, MO 63501 Box 12173, Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28311 Methodist Box 5625- North Georgia College, Dahlonega, GA 30059 Box 3183 NCWC, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 NC Wesleyan 1714 S. Chautaugua, Norman, OK 73072 Box 259, Queens College, Charlotte, NC 28274 Queens College Oklahoma State Univ., 703 University, Stillwater, OK 74074 620 Shelburne Lane, Samford Univ., Birmingham, AL 35229 Samford Webb Center, Room 200, Norfolk, VA 23508 % Robert Chan, 34 Loyola Terrace, San Francisco, CA 94117 San Francisco 2111 Harrison NW, Corvallis, OR 97330 Towson State Univ., Box 2533, Towson, MD 21204 Towson State P.O. Box 5174, Room 3, Pembroke State Univ., Pembroke, NC 28372 409 E. Fairmont Avenue, State College, PA 16801 Box 7526, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201 Presbyterian College • Box 1069, Clinton, SC 29325 330 N. Grant Street, W. Lafayette, IN 47906 Bill !slum, - 1747 Hunter Ave., Mobile, AL 36606 Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni P.O. Box 5894, Radford Univ., Radford, VA 24142 Fred H. Schmehl - 39 W. Wyomissing Ave., Shillington, PA 19607 Alpha Upsilon Alumni Assoc. 49 Second Street, Troy, NY 12180 Ron Chaffin • 3145 White Rd., NE, Conyers, GA 30207 Americus Alumni Corp. Box 1450, Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153 Dr. Howard C. Bean, Jr., 734 Palmetto St., Spartanburg, SC 29302 Assoc. Alumni Beta 5600 City Avenue, St. Joseph's Univ. Box 200. Philadelphia, PA 19131 Bryan McGann • 913 Bridge Way, Raleigh, NC 27615 Beta Phi Alumni Chapter B-Dougherty Std Ctr, 400 S. Orange, S. Orange, NJ 07079 Jim Beal - P.O. Box 505, Montevallo, AL 35115 Alabama Alumni Assoc. Central 201 E. Orange Street, Shippensburg, PA 17257 John S. Kirk - 620 South 28th St., W. Des Moines, IA 50265 Des Moines Alumni Chapter Rm 221•C, Univ Union, SRU, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Tom Tartt - PO Box A, Livingston, AL 35470 Alpha Alumni Assoc, Gamma Stetson, Box 8241, DeLand, FL 32720 Brooks Thompson - 718 University Ave., Troy, AL 36081 Gamma Alumni Assoc. Gamma P.O. Box U-1208, USA, Mobile, AL 36688 Greg Lardinais - 3030 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo, OH 43514 Toledo Alumni Greater University of SC, Box 85128, Columbia, SC 29225 Chuck Watson - P.O. Box 848, Greenwood, SC 29646 Greenwood Alumni Assoc. 13802 N. 42nd Street, Apt G-104, Tampa, FL 33613 Lawrence G. Thayer - 103 Woolf Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850 Assoc. Alumni Ithaca 29407 1100S. Marietta Park, Marietta, GA 30060 Alan Horres - 2146 Vespers Dr., Charleston, SC Alumni Assoc. Country Low 38138 Box 5615, Stockton State College, Pomona, NJ 08240 David Everson - 1963 Deep Valley Cove, Memphis, TN Alumni Assoc. Memphis 07076 NJ Plains, Scotch P.O. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 420 Victor St., Kopans Karl Assoc. North Jersey Alumni IN 47902 401 W Kennedy Blvd. U of Tampa-Box 2786, Tampa, FL 33606 Jay T. Seeger - 10 N. 4th St., Lafayette, Omega Alumni Chapter 1828 Fraternity Park, Knoxville, TN 37916






PUSH Staff



Page 12-the star & lamp-Spring 1990

fortIm Lasorda is 'proud to walk down any street' Continued from page 1 America,or any place in the world, with my head up high - proud that I am a member of Pi Kappa Phi," he said during a speech after his ritual of initiation. Lasorda became the Los Angeles Dodgers manager on Sept. 29, 1976, when Walter Alston announced his retirement after 23 years as manager. He is entering his 40th year with the organization,serving 11 years as player,four years as a scout,eight years as a minor league manager and four years as a Dodger coach. Considered the"dean" of major league managers for consecutive service with one

team, he trails only two Dodger managers in length of service and wins as manager Walter Alston and Wilbert Robinson. In 1988,Lasorda guided the Dodgers to the World Championship over the heavily favored Oakland A's four games to one. Lasorda was named National League Manager of the Year by the Baseball Writer's Asociation of America and Baseball America, and Co-Manager of the Year by The Spoiling News. He also captured a World Championship in 1981 including the AP Manager of the Year for leading the Dodgers to the team's first title since 1965. As the Dodger

Skipper,he also garnered four N.L. pennants and six Western Division titles. In Lasorda's early baseball career, he once struck out 25 batters in a 15-inning game for the Schenectady Blue Jays over Amsterdam in 1948. He also pitched four gamesfor the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers,which was the first Dodger team ever to win a World Championship. Lasorda has a lifetime major league coaching record of 1,022-874, which ranks 20th on the all-time list. He lives in Fullerton, Calif., with his wife Joan and has two grown children,Laura and Tom Jr.

Correction The editors of the Star and Lamp apologize for leaving Jack Hutchinson, Lambda-Georgia, off the annual appeal contributor's list in the Winter 1990 issue. Mr. Hutchinson made a donation to the Foundation. We thank him for his contribution and apologize for this error.

Strong 'Enough to Care The mission ofTi Kappa Phi: 'The expression ofshared values and ideals as contained in the RitualofInitiation, Supreme Law andFraternity policy; 'The pursuit ofbrotherhood through schorarship, readership, service andsocialexperiences; 'The achievement ofpersonalexcelience in each member and collective excellence in our Fraternity; A lifelong brotherhood ofits members.

Supreme Chapter changed With Pi Kapp College scheduled for Aug. 1-5, 1990, brothers expect Supreme Chapter to follow the next year. However, during its meeting in May,the National Council voted to move the Supreme Chapter back a year. This will allow the Fraternity to celebrate the centennial anniversary during the Supreme Chapter in 2004 in Charleston, S.C. Brothers will attend the next Supreme

Drop us a line! The editors of The Star & Lamp welcome your letters. If you'd like to comment on something you've read, correct a mistake, or express your opinion about anything related to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, drop us a line. Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, do The Star & Lamp,P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224.

Chapter in 1992 on the west coast of Florida. Meanwhile,a new National Council will not be elected until the next Supreme Chaptermn 1992. Pi Kapp College will be held in 1991 with a site to be announced at a later date. Supreme Chapter in the past has been changed to allow anniversaries to fall during Supreme Chapter years. It was changed in 1979 for the 75th anniversary.

PUSH Director of Development Sally Schafer gives a presentation on PUSH at the Super Conclave held in Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 10.

Conclaves feature the Drifters, singing & jokes Springtime sees the birth of new life and new ideas. Pi Kapps across the nation met at the annual conclaves to discuss new ideas. The SuperConclave sponsored by Areas HMI and V featured the initiation ofDodger Manager Tommy Lasorda. The conclave was held in Atlanta on Feb 9-10. Nearly 500 brothers from Florida,Georgia,South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama attended the event. Area I Governor Jim Krucher reports that his area had a record-breaking conclave at Zeta Kappa-Stockton State College in New Jersey Jan. 26-28. Nineteen of the 24 chapters which included 242 brothers from New Jersey,New York,Pennsylvania,West Virginia and Maryland participated. Upsilon-Illinois hosted the Area IV conclave Jan. 27-28 led by Governor Mark Jacobs.Twelve ofthe 13chapters in the area attended including brothers from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky and Ohio. Omega-Purdue and Alpha Psi-Indiana led the attendance with 90 total brothers participating. In Area VI,Delta Chi-Kansas St.hosted 11 chapters including two associate colonies from Colorado and Colorado St. Feb. 16-18. Area Governor John Andrews led

Brother reflects on National Presidents After casually glancing at the faces pictured on the first page of the Winter 1990 issue of the Star and Lamp,I realized that I had actually knew and had met 15, if not 16, of our National Presidents. I don't think this is a particularly remarkable fact, but I was amazed that out of our 27 presidents of Pi Kappa Phi, I have been fortunate enough to have met and have gotten to know more than half of them. The one person I am not quite sure I actually met is Theron Houser, al-

though it is possible since I attended the Philadelphia Supreme Chapter Letters meeting in 1956 (my first)as a student delegate, which was the last he served as National President. All of these men are distinguished Pi Kapps, and it has been a privilege for me to have met them, and in some instances, to have the opportunity of working with them. -Richard G. Anderson

nearly 100 brothers from Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska,Iowa,Colorado and North Dakota in various sessions. Alpha Omicron-Iowa State and Beta Epsilon-Missouri gave special presentations on FIPG and promoting a positive campus image. On Feb. 2-4, Delta Psi-Texas-Arlingsponsored the Area VII conclave. Sevton from Texas, Oklahoma, Louenty brothers isiana and Arkansas attended. Every chapter except one participated. On the last night, the brothers took two buses to the Dallas Westend Marketplace for some late night exploring of the town. In an unsual one affair, Xi-Roanoke welcomed 110 brothers from Virginia and West Virginia for the Area IX conclave. Since the chapter is so centrally located, the conclave was held in one day with all 16 chapters except one participating. The conclave concluded with a joke session for the best joke, and a dinner featuring live music from the Drifters. On the West coast, Zeta Lambda-Cal. State-Chico hosted the Area X conclave Feb. 16-18. Eight chapters totaling 70 brothers from California, Oregon and Washington attended the event. Epsilon Nu-Sacramento St. won a singing competition which was videotaped for national competition.

'PUSH Kids' praised Our class enjoyed your puppet show. The show allowed the children an opportunity to learn ofother children's abilities. As a result, I have seen an awareness and a gentleness displayed toward other children. Even in their conversations, the children show a greater awareness. I think Pi Kappa Phi should be commended for their excellent work. -Jean McClure Paw Creek Elem.,Charlotte,NC

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