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staatia THE

Sullivan targets the '90s. Page 5 • Getting a jump on a job. Page 2. • 6 new chapters chartered. Page 8




FUTURE Roanoke College hosts its final Pi Kapp College Pi Kapps41Roanoke College adieu after it held its last Pi Kapp College after 23 years. The college has hosted the event 13 times. But, before students and alumni departed,they were challenged to dare to prepare for the future. Nearly 400 students made their pilgrimage east to Salem, Va., on August 1, 1990, to learn the latest developments in the fraternity world, to honor those students who excelled and to share new ideas. The first evening kicked off with the opening celebration featuring the arrival of the PUSH America '90 Team. They made a quick stop en route to their final destination in Washington,D.C.three days later. The auditorium filled with brotherhood as the team received an electrifying standing ovation. The evening concluded with Will Keim's entertaining address on leadership in the 21st century. The topic of rush highlighted August 2 as well as sessions on risk management and alcohol awareness. Will Keim amused the audience again with his infamous speech on "Demythologizing Animal House." The

evening concluded with University of South Carolina's "RisQue Business" educating students on social issues facing today's college student and Hypnotist Dan Lepore sending students into deep thought with a comic twist. August 3 welcomed discussion on-member education, leadership breakout sessions and Dr. Perry Buffington. "Dr. Buff'explained the psychology of leadership. Students also had the opportunity to meet with their respective Area Governors and Leadership Consultant. The evening came to an end with the Pi Kapp Talent and Skit Night. Students began August 4 with various team building games which culminated in an earth ball rugby tournament (the "South" topped the "North" 1-0). National President

Stephen DePalma and National Vice President Phil Summers gave the annual State of Pi Kappa Phi Address stressing scholarship and involvement within the Fraternity. Pi Kapp College ended with the initiation of Comedian Todd Yohn on August 5 and the National Council's presentation of the major awards(see page 6). Actor and alumnus Maury Covington gave a dramatic portrayal of L. Harry Mixson looking on the Fraternity in the past, present and future to bring the ceremonies to a close. Pi Kapps can look forward to another exciting Pi Kapp College next year in Charleston in preparation for the 43rd Supreme Chapter in Florida in 1992.

A "funny" thing happened on the way to initiation Voted "Best Young Comedian" last year, Todd Yohn traveled to Pi Kapp College for the first time. He left as a new brother of Pi Kappa Phi. Performing for Epsilon Iota-UNC-Greensboro's annual party for eight years now,Yohn was invited by the chapter to become an alumnus initiate. He was to be initiated in December of 1989, but scheduling conflicts pushed the event to Pi Kapp College. On August 5, Yohn was the model initiate during the model ritual. Nearly 250 Pi Kapps watched the ceremony. "I had been associated with Pi Kapps for so long," Yohn said."It was something that needed to be done." Yohn performed the night before for 90 minutes leaving the brothers in cramps from laughter. Yohn said his performance for Pi Kapp College was like "icing on the cake" for him. "It was the thrill of a lifetime," he added. "I felt like 1 was 17 again. I will take this with me for the rest of my life." Yohn resides in Rural Hall, N.C., with his wife who is expecting a baby around New Year's Eve.

The Star & Lamp(USPS 519000) is published quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 If your son is not a student Changes in address Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC. Second and no longer lives at home, class postage paid at Charlotte, NC. POSTshould be promptly send address change to: forwarded to: MASTER send address changes to The Star & 28224. PO Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Lamp, NC Charlotte, Box 240526, PO Lamp, & Star The



Page 2-the star & lamp-Summer 1990


"Strong Enough to Care"

The Early Bird (indeed) Gets the Worm It not too early for Pi Kapps graduating next spring to begin serious job-hunting activities! At best, 1991 campus recruiting by major corporations will be "status quo", but Pi Kapps who take specific job-hunting initiatives now will likely graduate with jobs, while those who delay will find little to be encouraged about. There are twelve positive steps that members of the Class of'91 can take now that will significantly improve their chances of finding the right position, even in a tighter-than-normal recruiting market: 1. DEFINE YOUR JOB-SEEKING OBJECTIVE AND PREPARE YOUR RESUME AROUND THAT OBJECTIVE Compani s •re people who know what they want, not the undecide . Moreover, your resume should feature specific accomplishments found in prior work experiences, internships, campus activities, and community service. 2. DEVOTE DEDICATED TIME EACH WEEK TO RESEARCHING COMPANIES THAT CAN UTILIZE YOUR SPECIFIC CREDENTIALS AND TALENTS. Gather information from any potentially ul source (e.g., parents, parents of friends and Pi .se • brothers, professors, hometown and college community contacts, internship sponsors, nearby offices of major companies, the Placement Office Library, the public library, appropriate Chambers of Commerce, Pi Kapp alumni, last years seniors, etc.) 3. DON'T OVERLOOK COMPANIES THAT MAY HAVE CURTAILED SOME ON-CAMPUS RECRUITIN Thrc?mpanies may still be hiring! Contact their College Relations Manager or corporate personnel department directly.

4. EXPAND YOUR NETWORK OF CONTACTS AND DELIBERATELY WORK THROUGH THEM. Talk to r friends, last year's seniors, your professors, college nistrators, your family members,etc., for new ideas and new company leads. If someone can facilitate a personal introduction or referral for you, you'll be way ahead in the race. 5. INVESTIGATE EARLY WHICH COMPANIES ARE RECRUITING ON YOUR CAMPUS. Try to see as many appropriate c representatives as possible in the fall (and, of cou the spring). If you can't see a particular company representative and the opportunity still appeals to you, get the representative's name, title, and address and write to him/her directly. 6. DON'T OVERLOOK SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZE COMPA As many 1 corporate organizations continue to downsize and tri eir professional employment ranks,small to medium size companies may actually be better targets. Trade journals and publications from the many professional societies (e.g., ASME,AIIE, NAA,ASCE,etc.) will help you locate these organizations. 7. CULTIVATE ALUMNI CONTACTS AND SEEK POTENTIAL LEADS FRO EM. Often, these individuals ca of real value to you. They may not be able to give u a job (and a job from them shouldn't be your primary expectation), but their advice is priceless. 8. ACQUIRE AND POLISH YOUR INTERVIEWING SKILLS. Companies seek irlals who can effectively communicate about their alhadhac, extra-curricular, and work related experiences. Practice interviewing and, if possible,

NIC adopts values and ethics statement In an effort to lessen the disparity between fraternity ideals and individual behavior and to personalize these ideals in the daily undergraduate experience, the following Basic Expectations of fraternity membership have established by the National Interfraternity Conference: abuse nor tolerate the abuse of property. I will know and understand the ideals expressed in my fraternity Ritual and will strive to incorporate them in my daily life.

II I will strive for academic achievement and practice academic integrity.

III I will respect the dignity of all persons; therefore,I will not physically, mentally, psychologically or sexually abuse or haze any human being.

IV I will protect the health and safety of all human beings.


I will respect my property and the property of others; therefore, I will neither

VI I will meet my financial obligations in a timely manner.

VII I will neither use nor support the use of illegal drugs; I will neither abuse nor support the abuse of alcohol.

VIII I acknowledge that a clean and attractive environment is essential to both physical and mental health; therefore, I will do all in my power to see that the chapter property is properly cleaned and maintained.

IX I will challenge all my fraternity members/brothers to abide by these fraternal expectations and will confront those who violate them.

watch yourself on videotape. Don't forget that your Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity experiences will serve you well as you tailor them to potential job opportunities. 9. SECURE A COPY OF THE LATEST COLLEGE PLACEMENT COUNCIL ANNUAL. These are • ly found in Placement Offices or libraries, but c ordered directly by writing to the College Placemen ouncil, 62 Highland Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18017. This is a valuable reference tool providing a comprehensive listing of companies, company products and services,and the appropriate company contact(s) for new or recent graduates. 10. WATCH YOUR IMAGE AND First impressions should be good im e grooming is essential.

ANCE. is. Good

II."THANK YOU" GOES A LONG WAY. Use tha ou notes to everyone you see or helps you in your ting campaign. They carry a strong message of ofessionalism. 12. THE JOB-HUNTING MET RUNNING. GET IN HIGH GE You will dramatically improve yo the right job if you lead the pack rá

IS ALREADY W. es offinding r than follow it.

Finally, well.., what about "luck"? Remember, luck favors those best prepared for a challenge, those who know what they're looking for,and those who want with all their heart to find the right job in the right company. GOOD LUCK!

James S. Stump,Jr.(Jim) is afounding partner of Helms, Stump & Associates, a prominent national executive search firm headquartered in Charlotte, NC.

Brother deals with date rape allegations Nightmare continues for victim and brother A Pi Kapp brother awaits his fate as he comes to grips with accusations that he date raped someone. Because of the nature of the topic, the name of the accused brother and his chapter has been withheld to protect his identity. On December 2, 1989, between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m., a woman entered a party at the chapter house and consumed alcohol. While at the party, she met the brother and eventually went upstairs to his room and engaged in sexual activity with him. On the morning of January 26, 1990, police officers arrested the brother on charges of rape, unlawful imprisonment and illegal restraint. Later that day,the chapter advisor and Greek advisor met with the chapter to discuss the incident, civil and criminal issues, and potential public relations issues. On February 2, 1990, a second woman told the police she had been raped by the same brother a year before. On April 26, 1990,the District Attorney's office requested to see the ritual books. The chapter refused. The D.A. informed them that they would be subpoenaed. The chapter sent their ritual books to Charlotte via registered mail. Every chapter in the state also sent their ritual books to the Administrative Office. From April 26 to May 11, 1990, members of the District Attorney's office remained outside the chapter house and questioned brothers who were coming and going to class. In May,the brother finally went to trial. When the testimony was all over, the case ended in a "mistrial" which means the jury could not unanimously decide innocent or guilty. The brother faces a new trial next month. Chapters interested in beginning educational date rape programming on your campus should contact the Director of Communications Matt Basta for details about the "Developing a Date Rape Program."

Summer 1990-the star & lamp-Page 3

alumniante' Iowa State alum lands influential position The National Multi-Housing Council (NMHC) elected Alpha Omicron-Iowa State's Kelley Bergstrom chairman of the board January 11, 1990, at its annual meeting in New Orleans. The Washington, D.C. based NMHC consists of 250 of the nation's largest residential property management, land development investment banking,insurance and pension fund advising,law,accounting and real estate syndication firms. _Bergstrom said the key issue for NMHC in the '90s will be the fight against restrictive governmental policies which make it difficult to provide affordable apartment housing for the low and moderate income

population. The council helps shape legislation by testifying before key congressional committees,providing expert witnesses,sponsoring economic studies and lobbying through its political action committees. The NMHC is small, however it does offer a substantial voice to Congress. Bergstrom said many Congressmen will contact the NMHC to seek positions on certain issues. Bergstrom, AO #386, is also the president of JMB Properties Company based in Chicago. The Fraternity honored Bergstrom with the "Mr. Pi Kappa Phi" award in 1987.

"Strong Enough to Care"

New Area Governor prepares to serve his chapters Xi Chapter from Roanoke College offered Pi Kappa Phi another leader as Allen Woody became the new Area Governor for Area IX. Woody graduated from Roanoke in 1970. He now is president and owner of SPM Corp., a company involved in the recovery of precious metals such as gold and silver from scrap sources. "Over twenty years after graduation, many of my closest friends and business associates are also my brothers," Woody said. "My love and appreciation for our Fraternity grows stronger with each passing day."

Woody lives in Roanoke with his wife and three children. He is a founding member of the Xi Alumni Association and the Xi Housing Corporation. Xi Chapter also awarded Woody the Outstanding Brother and Alumni Awards. Woody recently completed the first Roanoke College Management Institute course - a comprehensive program covering issues of relevance to today's business leaders from personnel to third world debt. Pi Kapps might know his brother Dudley who currently serves on the PUSH Board of Directors.

Senator Minority Leader Bob Dole, Kansas (R), and Kelley Bergstrom meet in Washington, D.C. at a board of directors meeting.

Making the calls in the NFL with 'the big boys It's a common American phenomenon. When it's football season,the regular rules of weekend family life are out the window.The grass grows tall, and the car stays dirty. Dinner is served during Lite beer commercials. But few families revolve around football season like the Baltz famic4 Noblesville, IN. Mark Baltz, an alumnus-initiate ,of Alpha Psi-I iana, will begin his second seas n as an NFL official this year. Reaching t e NFL meant the realization of lifetime goal for Baltz who beg n officiating as a college student "ri the late sixties. He began offis< ating junior varsity basketball in high schools and over the y ars built his resume as he bui t his family. By 1984, he was s ficiating football for the Big Te Conference. Baltz earn d a reputation as one of the best ead linesmen on the field, and o ly five years after beginning Div sion I officiating (the minimum quirement),Baltz Aitssionvited tois in the elite squad of 112 NFL o icials. Currently, he is one of t youngest in the

NFL. "It's very •mpetitive," Baltz said."But you on't know when you are being watched for the NFL. There were--gUys in the

stands watching n_lisaas_decid_ ing if I was what they were look-

ing for." It's all part of Integrity is one the game. of the greatest cre"In pro-ball, dentials. An FBI everyone out there check is done.Scruis a star, the best at tiny is intense. what they do, and "They watch that's taken serihow you move,even ously," he said. what you do between "There's a lot of talplays," Baltz said. entout there,but you "A good official can't get wrapped up doesn't draw attenin that. If you sat tion to himself, and there counting the he shouldn't be zeros in the contracts waving at the cheerrepresented on the leaders either." field at any given The level of time, you'd never professionalism get the job done." among the "fraterThough officinity" of NFL offiating is not a fullcials is impressive, Baltz said. While many job, it requires a great time commitfansenjoy poking fun at referees. Baltz said ment. Officials are "graded" each week on the self-confidence of such an official is their work, and they take weekly tests. hard. to effect. Also, keeping a "sharp eye" is crucial, so "If there's two things the job requires, watching tapes and reading and re-reading it's self-confidence and concentration,"Baltz the rule books keep: him busy between said."Technically, you could call a penalty games. every play of the game, but the officiating "You get caught up in it," Baltz said. teams are consistent in their calls. It's some"You have to think football every night of thing that is valued very high lyt as you can every week." imagine." "It's easy to totally miss the change of Though players and coaches occasionseasons," Baltz joked. "One day you're ally pop a cork, the officials enjoy a great working an exhibition game in the heat,and deal of respect on the field. the next thingiouicnow, it's Christmas." "Every coach and every player has a TwirlifY years ago, Mark ,Baltz might different style. There are those'who come not 11 ay,e,...beticeretrilFat someday he'd be and joke with you and otistbanoversay' "making the calls" with the big boys. He a worst,:Baltz-said. "And if they feel like studied zoology at Ohio University, taking Yelling, we let them have their say and then an officiating course for the sake ofa credit forget about it." hour. It turned out to be a valuable elective.

When he isn't making sales calls for his"day job," he's wearing the Number 26jersey, traveling to whichevercoast he is working that weekend. I le became a Pi Kapp at the, invitation of his oldest son Brett, a rechartering Ăąember at lndiana. lie had hop d to be initiated as an alu s as part of the char-a tering group, chartering fell on a fall weeke d. "We've got en used to bein a little lonely on ose weekends,' ,joked Baltz's wi e,Nick i."Qual ity time means h 's working dow the road at the oosierdome." Although altz has reache the "big time' as it exists for officials, there is still a big goa on the horizon. The Ekliper owl is not only showcase ofte best playing tal ent, but also a showcase of th best officiating talent. The offici ating team for uper Sunday i made up of t e officials wh earned the high st"grades"fro the league at their respectiv positions. Although Baltz's grade were among the hig NFL linesmen ast year, an cijj,jehigihb or the Super Bowl his first year. This year though, he's after the ring. "I approach football a game at a time," Baltz said. "I'm always trying to work the perfect game."

Page 4-the star & lamp-Summer 1990

Brothers in government.


"Mr. Tech" leaves mark on all who knew him He was known as an "instructor, administrator, coach, mentor and friend." It is estimated that he came in contact with nearly 20,000 Georgia Tech students. He was once called "the most beloved man at Georgia Tech." On April 21,George Griffin died at the age of 93. With him, he left seven decades of memories at his alma mater of the Ramblin' Wreck. Born on Oct. 9, 1896, in Savannah, Ga., Griffin enrolled at Tech in 1914 after serving as an ensign in the U.S. Navy during World War I. Earning his bachelor's degree in civil engineering in 1922, Griffin finally earned his master's degree in 1957 in industrial management. As a Pi Kapp,Griffin also was a memberof Omicron Delta Kappa as well as serving as president of the sophomore and junior classes. He also played on the cross country, track and football teams. Griffin played as a reserve fullback under coach John Heisman and was the last surviving member of the 1916 team that defeated Cumberland College 220-0. He scored two touchdowns in football's most lopsided victory. However, Griffin's love for Tech continued as he would soon work his way up the administrative ladder leaving his mark at every step. In 1930,Griffin became the assistant dean of students while also guiding the tennis team to a 22-1 record. At the same time, he would become the new track coach for the next 22 years. During the next 16 years, Griffin traveled the country organizing over a dozen alumni groups in several states and building an impeccable reputation. In 1946, Georgia Tech named Griffin the new dean of men(now dean of student affairs). For 18 years, he worked for the students and created many new programs. His policy was "to never doubt the word of a student,even the fishiest story." During this period, Griffin guided the cross country team to 10 Southern and Southeastern conference titles. He retired from coaching in 1972. During his reign of dean of students, Dean Griffin started an emergency loan fund with $25 donated by a student grateful for the financial help Griffin once had given him. Today, this fund continues to grow as the Griffin Hip Pocket Fund to provide students with immediate cash to get them through emergency situations. Dean Griffin is enshrined in the Georgia Tech Hall of Fame as well as the Georgia Hall of Fame. The George C. Griffin Track was dedicated in 1984. It is considered one of the most finest facilities of its kind in the country. Griffin is survived by his two sons, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Republican leaves chairmanship to take post with the Army After serving as Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party, Van D. Hipp became the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army. Hipp will help gather vital information on operations concerning the United States Army. In 1987, Hipp at the age of 26, became the youngest person ever elected to head a state party in the nation. During his tenure, republican representation increased on all levels of government. He helped add II new Republicans into South Carolina's Congress. Hipp also worked to bring "grass roots" politics back and increased voter registration. Hipp was the only state party chairman in the nation to address the National Republican Convention in 1988. He also was a member of the 1988 Presidential Electoral College. Jack Kemp called Hipp "the best State Chairman in America." He earned a bachelor's degree in economics from Wofford-Zeta #598, and then earned his J.D. from the University of South Carolina School of Law.

Howell helps guide us into 21st century with new technology Bringing"a unique blend of talent and leadership," Jack D. Howell was named the new deputy director of the Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center. Howell will co-manage a work force of 2,000 and will oversee the development of the national airspace sustem plan, the FAA's $15.8 billion plan to automate the entire air traffic control system. Before taking his new position, Howell worked at the Technical Center for Eastern Air Lines, Inc., in Miami. He was a first officer serving as co-pilot on the L-1011 airliner. Howell also has been executive central air safety chairman for the Air Line Pilots Association, where he headed all of ALPA's air safety efforts. He graduated from the University of Florida-Alpha Epsilon # 671 with a bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering. He later earned his master's degree in flight transportation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass.

Ex-Reagan aide becomes Defense liaison Thomas Carter became the new Department of Defense designee to be the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs. Carter will be the principal liaison between the Department of Defense and the Senate on issues of national defense. Carter served as an assistant to Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole before assuming his job with the Department of Defense. He helped Dole by providing information on such legislative issues as defense, foreign policy and veterans' affairs. In 1984, Carter was selected as the Air Force Aide

to President Reagan. He was responsible for Presidential emergency actions 24 hours a day while carrying the emergency satchel or "football." He considered it "an honor of being on duty with President Reagan when the President was reelected and re-inaugurated." He graduated from Memphis State-Gamma Delta #98 as a distinguished AFROTC graduate in 1974. He completed pilot training at Craig AFB in Alabama and later was certified as instructor pilot at Charleston AFB, South Carolina. He is married to his wife Lindy with two children Kathryn and William.

Inventor of first jet airliner prototype dies at 79 Considered by some as an humanitarian, most people remember Maynard Pennell as the man who sparked the development of America's first jet airliner. A native of Skowhegan, Maine,Pennell traveled west to Seattle where he eventually spent the rest of his life. Graduating from the University of Washington-Alpha Delta #126 in 1931 with honors in aeronautical engineering,Pennelljoined Boeing Airline Company in 1942. He was a member ofAlpha Delta Chapter. Pennell worked for Boeing for 34 years. Pennell's visions helped him climb the corporate ladder leaving his mark at each rung. In 1946,as head ofcommercial project development, he began studies which determined the feasibility ofcommercial jet transports. Pennell was the senior project engineer for the nation's first jet transport, the Boeing 707 prototype. He later directed the Boeing concept development for the C-5A military transport proposal and was manager of the company's Supersonic Transport proposal team. He retired in 1974. On October 11, 1989, the Boeing Company established the Maynard L. Pennell Professorship in Structural Analysis at the University of Washington College of Engineering. The professorship is funded through a gift of the Boeing Company. The first recepient was Dr. Albert S. Kobayashi.

Summer 1990-the star & lamp-Page 5


"Strong Enough to Care"

Sullivan targets new programs to lead the charge into the 1990's are: Cornell. CSU-Fullerton, Georgia, Poor retention over the last year has Old Dominion,Mercer, Michigan State, influenced the Foundation to hire someMissouri, Stetson, Stockton State and one to build new programs to attract new He will be assessing these reTexas. fraternity men and keep them. and member education procruitment T.J. Sullivan became the new DirecThese chapters were specifically. grams tor of Educational Programming on their sizes, backof because targeted August 20. His duties include researchlocations. geographic and ground ing retention, recruitment, member eduredesign all also will Sullivan cation and scholarship programs. Evenincluding a publications, educational tually, Sullivan will coordinate and imbeginning the White by new Diamond, plement_ new educational programming 1991. of with values and ethics as the fundamental "I hope my work will help chapfoundation. so that by the year 2000, we prepare ters "The challenge we face is coming up better scholastically, and stronger, are with programs with wide appeal, that to handle the next set of prepared best work for everyone's benefit, that will be said. Sullivan challenges," used, and that will indeed give new memto have the prohopes Sullivan bers ofPi Kappa Phi the opportunity to be for introduction functional fully gram better than every group that came before Sullivan:"Dare to Prepare" in Charleston. '91 College Kapp Pi at theii-i," Sullivan said. is the next one fraternity our in man important most "The Sullivan will be traveling this fall researching ten "pilot" added. Sullivan initiate," we'll chapters and evaluating their programs. The ten chapters

National President's Board welcomes Circle supports newest member Foundation As part of an effort to help students become better alumni upon graduation,the Foundation created the National President's Circle. The response has been overwhelming. Since May, 138 students have signed up contributing $2,205 to the Foundation. To enter this elite group,students must hold a leadership position within the chapter and attend either a Supreme Chapter or a Pi Kapp Colllege or a leadership conference. Students pay $15 each year they are in school and commit to pay $50 every year after graduation. The student also receives a certificate as well as a special newsletter from National President Stephen DePalma giving students the inside track on the latest news in the Fraternity. DePalma and Foundation Vice President Ted Scharfenstein created the program. "We are a little taken by the response of this program," Scharfenstein said. "We are beginning to see students really want to commit themselves to our Fraternity. It's great." DePalma says he will match all contributions given to the President's Circle by December 31, 1990. At Pi Kapp College, DePalma presented a check for $1,820 at a special luncheon for the President's Circle members.

Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Famer Cartha "Deke" DeLoach joined the Foundation Board of Trustees in February. DeLoach's strong governmental and business sense adds a new dynamic to the board. DeLoach entered the Hall of Fame at the 42nd Supreme Chapter in Washington last summer. DeLoach's distinguished career includes 28 years of service with the FBI serving at one point as assistant director, vice president of corporate affairs for Pepsico, Inc., assisting in the supervision of 11 different companies from Pepsi-Cola to Frito-Lay to Taco Bell, and currently chairman of the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation. The FBI has offered the directorship twice, but DeLoach has chosen to remain incorporate life for financial and family reasons. DeLoach graduated from Stetson University and then the Stetson Law School. He was initiated into Chi Chapter in 1941 serving as archon and treasurer and named "Most All Around Student." His awards include the American Legion "Man of the Year" for 1964 and four gold medals from the Freedoms Foundation for outstanding civic service. The board welcomes "Deke" and his knowledge.

Reach out ... and touch the alumni For some time Pi Kappa Phi has relied on direct mail to solicit contributions from alumni. However,this cost effective way of reaching alumni had its limitations. In fact, the number of alumni responding to the Annual Appeal trended downward while the amount contributed slightly rose each year. In all, the Foundation had a moderately successful, but flat fund-raising program. Last December a commitment was made to combine the best features of direct mail with a pilot telephone solicitation program. This fully coordinated program started with two letters mailed to the entire membership and then telephone calls made to 8,890 alumni from 35 chapters. The firm selected for the telephone solicitation was Telecom*USA of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Telecom*USA is a leader in the telecommunications and solicitation field with many colleges and universities among their clients. The program ran for six weeks with 1,077 men pledging $44,187. Of equal importance to the money raised was the information collected about our alumni. Pi Kappa Phi has over 57,000 initiated members and keeping track of correct addresses is more than a hand full. The change in Post Office policy offorwarding mail for only three months has caused many alumni to be lost to the Administrative Office.

The telephone solicitation was the first large scale interactive communication we have had with alumni in our history. Because of this effort over 1,500 member records were modified and vital information collected on 959 additional brothers. The program helped focus our attention on the need to constantly update our membership file using several methods of communicating with alumni. This fall the Fraternity will undertake a program to personally interact with each alumnus, the goal being an updated membership file and finding the "lost brothers" who now reside in our Mail Return File. The classic story offinding a "lost" brother comes from our chapter at Iowa State. During their very successful fundraising project for the new house, they called an alumnus who had been receiving his mail at his mothers home since he graduated from Iowa State in 1933. He is newly retired and living in Idaho. The punch line to the story is yes, he did contribute and it was a most generous contribution at that. In approving the effort to update our membership file, Foundation Chairman Dr. James B. Edwards said,"having correct addresses and updated information about our alumni is vital to the future of Pi Kappa Phi." Your help is solicited and, as always, greatly appreciated.

Since January of 1990, you have contributed over $100,000 to the Foundation. Thank you for building our future. Let's keep us moving into the 90's!

1989-90 Pi Kapp Scholar Winners Harry C. Anthony Senior Alpha Tau - Rensselaer Major: Biology (premed) Psychology (minor) GPA: 3.544

Joseph R. DeLuca Senior Alpha Upsilon - Drexel Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering GPA: 3.8

Jason Duckett Senior Gamma Chi - Jacksonville Major: Music Education GPA: 3.654

Robert Kurima Senior Epsilon Omega - Texas Tech Major: Mechanical Engineering GPA: 3.5

Paul Law Junior Alpha Sigma - Tennessee Major: Architecture GPA: 3.59

James Piper Senior Iota - Georgia Tech Major: Mechanical Engineering GPA: 3.7

James Scheid Junior Omega - Purdue Major: Mechanical Engineering GPA: 5.4/6.0

Burton Smith Junior Gamma Gamma - Troy State Major: Business Management GPA: 3.78

John Eric Unison Senior Alpha Psi - Indiana Major: Biology GPA: 3.61

Page 6-the star & lamp-Summer 1990

More Pi Kapp College: The Big Winners Theron Houser Award (greatest overall improvement)

Beta Phi - East Carolina Community Service

Alpha Epsilon - Florida Alpha Mu - Penn State Champion Master Chapter Award

Kappa - UNC Chapel Hill Alpha Theta - Michigan State Beta Eta - Florida State Epsilon Iota - UNC Greensboro Zeta Kappa - Stockton State Zeta Omicron - SUNY Cortland PUSH America Cyclist Dan Dawson shares a moment of brotherhood.

Master Chapter Award

National Vice President Phil Summers stresses scholarship at the State of Pi Kappa Phi address.

Iota - Georgia Tech Gamma Psi - Augusta Omicron - Alabama Delta Beta - N. Georgia Upsilon - Illinois Delta Zeta - Appalachian St. Omega - Purdue Delta Eta - Morehead Alpha Gamma - Oklahoma Delta Chi - Kansas St. Alpha Zeta - Oregon State Delta Psi - Texas-Arlington Alpha Phi - Illinois Tech. Epsilon Epsilon - Clinch Valley Alpha Psi - Indiana Epsilon Eta - Winthrop Gamma Beta - Old Dominion Epsilon Kappa - Southern Gamma Delta - Memphis St. Epsilon Upsilon - Georgia Col. Gamma Zeta - W. Va. Tech. Epsilon Psi - Slippery Rock Gamma Nu - LaGrange Zeta Alpha - Clemson Zeta Xi - Averett

Added Value (alumni initiates) Zeta Pi - Marshall (9) Epsilon Iota - UNC Greensboro (7) Epsilon Rho - Lenoir-Rhyne (7) Zeta Nu - West Chester (6) Zeta Omicron - SUNY Cortland (6) Zeta Xi - Averett (5) Zeta Epsilon - George Mason (5) Delta Zeta - Appalachian State (4) Epsilon Sigma - Christian Brothers (4) Epsilon Psi - Slippery Rock (4) Zeta Delta - Shippensburg (4) Upsilon - Illinois Alpha Omicron - Iowa State Delta Delta - Northeast Missouri Delta Psi - Texas-Arlington Epsilon Delta - Auburn-Montgomery Epsilon Upsilon - Georgia College

Brothers gathered on stage during a general session to sing "Far Away."

Executive Award (most initiates)

Most Improved GPA

Alpha Epsilon - Florida 75

Alpha Iota - Auburn 2.27 to 2.63

Management Award (percent growth)

W.E. Edington (highest GPA)

Upsilon - Illinois 3.08

Epsilon Eta - Winthrop Singing Competition President's Plaque (alumni programming)

Alpha Omicron - Iowa State

Alpha Psi - Indiana

Summer 1990-the star & lamp-Page 7

Brothers join the Chapter Eternal The following brothers left this world. They will be sorely missed. Alpha Jesse Turner Barfield, Jr. Fred Fletcher Adams, Jr. Beta Frank S. Hay Beverly Rogers Young Phillip M. Clement, Jr. John Phillip Ballard Pierce Wrenne Timberlake William B. Munden III Charles Longworth Prickett II Gamma Paul August Starke Charles Guy Atkinson, Jr. John E. Richardson Walter Benjamin Collins Chester Lee Kluck Frederick William Cooper Gerald Patrick O'Hara • Jack L. Macki W. E. Bartley Peter Carl Johnson Delta Charles Lewis Rasor Epsilon Dr. Robert DeVane Groom, Jr. Robert Joseph Terry Zeta A. L. Humphries George C. Galphin Eta Alton Walker Davis Iota Burt Miller Filber Robert Cameron Watkins William Gordon Meriwether Jack Aaron Stewart John William Hatcher James Grover Loudermilk George Lacy Sutton Kappa Hugh Leonidas Merritt George Arthur Phillips, Jr. William D. Horton Van Louis Weatherspoon, Jr.

Lambda William Albert Foster, Jr. Harold John Bradley Donald Harold Dalton Mu Leon Cuthbert Richardson, Jr. Horace Lee Morgan Donald Wallis Richard Austin Buschman Nu Raymond William MangeIs Xi John Addison Saum Collins Denney Nofsinger, Jr. Omicron George S. Hager Guy Fleming Gunter, Jr. Theodore R. Pouncy Robert Jackson Hooton Rho Harry Ellsworth Stine, Jr. Bryan Emory McNeill Sigma Charles Howard Gray Michael Thomas Sickinger Pi Joe Brayton Dekle Upsilon Karl Malcolm Gibbon Harold Brown Simpson Ora Dale Gay Psi John Henry Barrett Chi Donald Eugene Horton Herman Paul Maier Linwood J. Funderburk Milton Luther Walters, Jr. Omega Herbert Otto Meyer Robert Clair Gullion Benny Joe Williams Alpha Alpha Harry Edward Rhodes Leonard Reginald Thompson Alpha Beta Jimmie Dick Purcell

Clifford Gordon Webb Alpha Delta William Carl Waara Alpha Epsilon Ben Hill Griffin, Jr. William Jackson Taylor, Jr. Harley Maurice Force, Jr. Whitney Carleton Bliss, Jr. Henry Irwin Cross Alpha Zeta Joseph Hidy Brock Warren David Long James Norman Wilson Kenneth Gene Thomas Norris Laverne Adkins Harold Ernest Petersen B. D. Petersen G. D. Schoppert D. H. Palmrose Willis Orville Childers W.G. Gelding Gary Wayne Gleason W. J. Hertel, Jr. Vernon Allonzo Fridley, Jr. Leslie Russell Haan Larry William Leedham Dennis Michael O'Hara Dennis Glen Kenny Alpha Eta Joseph Carlton Lee Aubrey Stinson Miree, Jr. Alpha Iota Fontaine A. Maddox, Sr. Charles Tema King, Jr. Alpha Lambda Oliver Edward Cathey Alpha Mu Ralph Bryson Craine, Sr. Alpha Nu Ralph Olin Ketrow Keith V. Arnold Alpha Xi Basil Antoniades Alpha Omicron Arthur August Hallbauer James Hilton Ring Robert James Schulz

Alpha Rho Paul Shay Moyers Jeffrey Paul Wellman Alpha Sigma James Alfred White, Jr. John Frank DeBoard, Jr. Alpha Tau Charles C. Kammermeyer Edwin Faber Harper Alpha Upsilon Edward Trisdon Duke Alpha Phi Joseph Louis Kubicka Vladimir Richard Filko Don Edward Helbling Alpha Psi Frank F. Nicaise Donald Eugene Briscoe Beta Alpha Dominick Joseph Salanione Beta Beta Alfred Ray Nesbitt Richard Keith Carroll Beta Gamma Raymond Arthur Moers Beta Delta William Russel Hampson Robert Linn Levine Beta Lambda Gilbert Herschel Leeper Beta Tau Merwin Franklin Carter Julian Kennon Hilton Beta Phi Robert Edward Hackney, Jr. Gamma Alpha Stephen Glen Dickson Gamma Theta Ernest Clemmons Lane Gamma Xi James Fred Power Gamma Pi Gene H. Filson Delta Eta Stephen Ray Adkins Delta Psi Dalton Carrell

Legacies carry on the Pi Kapp tradition of excellence During the 1989-90 school year, 187 men pledged the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity with tough shoes to fill as they were the legacies. Pledging Pi Kappa Phi,they made the commitment to prolong the spirit of the Fraternity. They are: •

Wayne Spiler, Gamma Kappa Gifford Smith, Gamma Kappa David Lea, Zeta Xi Scott Kindead, Rho Steve Prior, Beta Eta Kevin Nelson, Gamma Mu Trevor Powell, Delta Phi Richard Boden, Alpha Epsilon Kevin Miller, Alpha Epsilon Dave Herling, Alpha Epsilon Jason Moyers, Xi Steven Osborne, Xi Brendan Leary, Zeta Pi John CabeII, Zeta Pi Douglas Kurtz, Delta Stuart Kotake, Alpha Gamma Romola Leomporra, Zeta Nu Thomas Gonzalez, Jr., Upsilon Frank LaFoon, Upsilon Kevin Reinhardt, Delta Sigma James Knighton, Lambda Evan Shefter, Zeta Eta John Grubbs, Epsilon Gamma Gregory Jensen, Alpha Theta John Almquist, Alpha Omicron James Clifton, Alpha Omicron Hervert WamVoldt II, Alpha Omicron Brent Ward, Epsilon Rho James Jackson, Jr., Epsilon Rho Richard Benninghove, Epsilon Rho Scot Ward, Epsilon Rho Thomas Mitchem, Beta Tau Mark Anthony Thompson, Beta Bela Michail Lannutti, Epsilon Xi Scott Vogt, Epsilon Xi John Lorenz, Epsilon Iota Joseph Thomas, Jr., Epsilon Psi John Zawalnicki, Epsilon Psi David Morrow, Epsilon Psi David Behrens, Epsilon Sigma

Shawn Vincent, Gamma Psi Jeffery Aleksa, Epsilon Gamma Samuel Dennard, Epsilon Upsilon William Welch, Epsilon Phi Lester Huang, Zeta Theta William Jomes, Zeta Theta David Novak, Kappa David Kightlinger, Kappa Andrew Sugg, Kappa Stephen Kellorin, Zeta Omicron Richard Winslow, Zeta Omicron Gary Kirchofer, Zeta Omicron Edward Walsh, Zeta Omicron Albert Smith, Zeta Omicron William Corry, Zeta Rho Bryan Tucker, Gamma Gamma William Taylor, Sr., Epsilon Upsilon Bradley Hagen, Zeta Gamma Jeffrey Woodman,Zeta Gamma Kenneth Holycross, Gamma Alpha Brian Ritchey, Omicron Lawrence Dooley, Jr., Omicron Joseph Carmichael, Omicron Christopher Driggers, Omicron Jason Hughes, Omicron Jarrett Crum, Omicron David Willingham, Omicron David Cargle, Iota Del Brooks HI, Iota Jon Werner, Delta Lambda David Bryson, Delta Lambda John Skager, Delta Lambda Sam Halbrook, Epsilon Nu Walred Alhashar, Epsilon Nu William Oats, Xi Jonathan Laney, Gamma Nu Joseph Skager, Tau Robert Riforgiate, Upsilon Delmar Raske, Upsilon Paul Bissett, Delta Phi Christopher Gough, Delta Phi Jan Hull, Epsilon Delta Joseph Edwards,Zeta Alpha William Buckmaster, Zeta Alpha Patrick Bello, Delta Zeta William Yoegel, Zeta Nu Robert Finley, Zeta Nu Ralph Marotta, Zeta Nu

John Keslick, Zeta Nu Jasm Heduik, Gamma Epsilon Rafael Cervantes, Zeta Xi Edward Cervantes, Zeta Xi Delford Fink, Delta Zeta James Roseman, Delta Zeta Richard Dail, Delta Zeta James White, Beta Eta Joseph Boatright, Beta Eta James Molk, Alpha Psi Garry Dzekunskas, Delta Delta Donald Frazier, Sr., Delta Delta Thomas Wehmeyer, Delta Delta Nathan Roettger, Delta Delta Arthur Criscione, Jr., Alpha Xi Christopher Bailey, Sigma Michael Lake, Alpha Alpha Kessler Holzendorf, Delta John O'Donnell, Zeta Delta Richard Hietner, Zeta Delta James Marasco, Zeta Delta Mark Dennis, Delta Alpha Daniel Mickney, Delta Alpha Brendan Graham, Gamma Beta William Needham, Jr., Delta Epsilon Christopher Noble, Alpha Kappa Patrick McAmber, Alpha Kappa Shawn Brown, Gamma Omega Fredric Cockran, Zeta Mu Ralph Freeborn, Zeta Mu Douglas McGuff, Zeta Mu Jacob Scott, Zeta Lambda Timothy Webb,Zeta Lambda Jeffrey Jacquot, Gamma Theta Douglas Truluck, Zeta Martin Moore, Zeta Benjamen Waldrop, Zeta Danny Robertson, Epsilon Omega James Schultze, Epsilon Omega Newton Wright IV, Alpha Iota Lee Dorrill, Alpha Iota Ernest Youngblood, Alpha Iota Edward Smith, Alpha Iota Temple Bowling V. Alpha Iota Brian Corbin, Alpha Iota Mike Hollander, Zeta Eta Joseph Cross, Alpha Sigma William Higgs, Gamma Omega

David Dixon, Beta Reece Jackson, Beta Chedlor Coggin, Gamma Gamma Frank Murphee, Gamma Gamma Joseph Vlasak, Beta Epsilon Arthur Scott, Gamma Kappa Joseph Bleckley, Gamma Kappa Dewey Mills, Beta Eta Sam Dantzler, Beta Eta Michael Hataway, Epsilon Delta Stephen Sheeney, Delta Psi Joe Perez, Delta Psi Timothy Renfrow, Zeta Tau Robert Marshall, Zeta Tau William Turner III, Zeta Tau Thomas Marshall, Zeta Tau Fred Renfro III, Delta Tau Richard Rehmann, Psi Timothy Mountcastle, Delta Tau Shawn Black, Gamma Chi Nelson Woo, Gamma Psi Jon Almerini, Epsilon Rho Richard MangeIs, Epsilon Rho Rovert Jackson, Epsilon Rho Donald Carver, Epsilon Rho John Frederick, Chi Todd Johnson, Beta Delta Lawrence Siegel, Zeta Omicron Eric Cyosick, Beta Iota Eugene Gibbs, Delta Zeta James Painter, Epsilon Kappa Carl Rogers, Gamma Nu William Fekete, Gamma Nu Eric Shelley, Gamma Theta Paul Frizzelle, Gamma Theta Nicholas Winilwriz, Alpha Kappa Otis Davis, Epsilon Iota Charles Hackett, Epsilon Iota Thomas Miller, Beta Phi , Tom Yu, Beta Phi Jeffrey Hartman, Alpha Theta James Williams, Alpha Psi Daniel Scully, Alpha Rho Timothy Snyder, Alpha Rho Joseph Hall, Alpha Zeta Kenneth Yeantal, Gamma Nu Clarence Brooks, Epsilon Upsilon

Page 8-the star & lamp-Summer 1990

chapter spotlight

"Strong Enough to Care"

Cornell strives to rekindle history and excellence Behind every chapter is a little history; the Psi Chapter of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity was established at Cornell in 1921. With its re-chartering in April of 1990,the present

Psi Chapter has become a part of a history. The members of the Psi Chapter look forward to discovering what kind of heritage it may have as a chapter and as part of

Pi Kappa Phi. The contacts made by Joel Allen and Todd Fields in early October of 1989 yielded a group oftwelve men which then grew to 28. Despite many of them being hesitant about becoming part ofthe Greek system,the chance to -find a fraternity" set them off with lofty ideals. A retreat at the house of Larry Thayer allowed them to set goals and come up with a purpose. They wanted to be an exemplary chapter in the Cornell Greek System, one of the ten largest in the United States. "We want to be leaders and we look into the future with high ideals and a will to strive for them," said member Paul Hoskins. After an informal fall rush, they had a group which was 38 strong and approximately half juniors. After spring rush, they pledged another 18, giving us our present number consisting of 53 initiated members and three associate members. They placed a premium on the value of community service, especially on service which is working with school children and disabled adults at Challenge Industries. One member of the Psi

Chapter is giving it his all for a group of young, aspiring soccer players. Psi members also show academic excellence and have an average GPA above a 3.0. After putting together a chartering brochure.the Psi Chapter moved toward initiation. The brothers were proud to learn about Pi Kappa Phi and about their brothers as they prepared for the day when Glenn Dickson and Kelley Bergstram would decide they were worthy to become the Psi Chapter at Cornell University. Psi has been recognized in the Cornell community for theirdiversity and their commitment to service. Their fundraisers have been successful and one of our members placed on the PUSH America team this summer. They took time out from their summer vacation on May 18-20 to go camping together in the cold, wet weather of New York. Through developing a caring brotherhood and excellence in service, the Psi Chapter can become an exemplary chapter in the Cornell Greek system and Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

UC-Davis finally chartered after traveling rocky roads Two years and four months after Joe Brady and Paul Green came to the UC-Davis campus aspiring to establish a chapter, the initial mission was finally completed on April 7 when the Zeta Sigma Chapter received its charter. Within a week of its colonization (22 members), it took a giant step in establishing themselves as a visible and viable member of the Greek system at UC-Davis when they secured a house (through a raffle) for the following year. Growth immediately followed when 10 new members were bidded during the spring of 1988 and the outlook for the future looked bright. PUSH became an integral part of the chapter growth. The chapter held its first car wash which raised nearly $500. They wanted to do more. Their efforts were rewarded with a PUSH Bowl-a-Thon that helped the chapter earn the Red Rose Award. Leadership Consultant Todd Fields stayed with the young chapter helping them

study and secure banquet and church details. "Thank heavens," Historian Michael Mandelbrot said. "He really gave us confidence." Executive Director Durward Owen and Thomas Sayre chartered the group. After completing the written test, the brothers had a meeting to talk about goals, problems and their mission. Thomas Sayre and Sonny 0'Drobinak led the orals. "At this point, we couldn't have possibly felt more brotherly," Mandelbrot said. Chartering teams from Sacramento State and Chico State did an excellent job with initiation. Nearly 28 months of work, and the initial mission was now complete, and all that was left during the chartering week was the chartering banquet. The banquet was extraordinary. Durward,"a man who had really intimidated us before we met him,"led the banquet ceremonies. We had a slide show, two guest speakers,and then Sayre presented our char-

ter. The brothers'clapping was nearly deafening. An emotional speech by our President, Jason Dunbar, followed, and then Durward ended the banquet with and unforgettable speech. "National brothers, if you ever come to

the remote town of Davis, California, you know you've always got people to stay with - your brothers ofZeta Sigma," Mandelbrot said. Pi Kappa Phi salutes Zeta Sigma and wishes them the best of luck!

CSUF turns dream into a charter The Zeta Rho Chapter at California State University at Fullerton was established as a colony in October 1987. At this

time Paul Green met with individuals who were interested in starting a new colony on this campus. Approximately 25 to 30 men

gathered to form this colony. During spring rush 1988, the colony picked up four men. By fall semester, the numbers had fallen to eighteen men. although their numbers were low, their spirits remained high. A successful fall rush resulted in their numbers returning to their previous level. Five more men were recruited during spring rush 1989. An incredible fall rush brought them eighteen more men the following semester. This finally made the chartering of their colony a real possibility. On January 12, 1990,Zeta Rho became a Pi Kapp Chapter. The completion of the written test, oral exams and brotherhood events paved the way for the granting of its charter. Ted Scharfenstein and Paul Drake were the chartering officers. Zeta Beta - UC-Davis and Zeta Mu - Cal State-Northridge were the initiating teams. Asst.Executive Director Glenn Dickson and Director of Expansion Todd Fields also helped with the charterting.

1990-91 Colonies Albright College California-Irvine Colorado-Boulder Colorado State Concord College Duke(M) Francis Marion Georgia College(BK) IUPUI Kennesaw Maryland Methodist North Carolina-Wesleyan Queens College Samford(AH) San Francisco Towson State

Summer 1990-the star & lamp-Page 9

Delta Omega - Texas A&M reactivates with renewed spirit Texas A&M,one of the largest public universities in the nation, is now the home of the newest Pi Kappa Phi Chapter, Delta Omega. In 1979, Delta Omega was originally chartered. In 1987, Doug Doughty, now an alumnus,gave a plea at the Supreme Chapter for the national organization to "Please do something, anything to help my chapter." So, in 1988 the original charter was suspended due to poor recruitment practices and member irresponsibility. The Administrative Office sent Bill Maycock to reorganize in 1988 with the help of eight previous members. After several successful rushes, the membership was at

41. At the time of rechartering, 36 new members were initiated into Delta Omega, along with two previous members still remaining. The rechartering took place on the weekend of April 21, 1990. David Lane was the rechartering officer and Glenn Aspinwall was the assistant officer. The two rechartering teams consisted of the University ofTexas-Austin and the University ofTexasArlington. On Thursday,April 19,the chapter took its written tests and later spent the night at the chapter house to work on new goals and thoughts for the the next semester. The oral tests were given on Friday, and the initiation

procedure followed. The rechartering banquet was held on Saturday. The banquet began at 4:45 p.m. Dinner was served and David Lane was the guest speaker. A special presentation was made to the Brenham State School,a mental health/retardation facility that the chapter visits regularly. Edward Donnelly, a newly initiated member, presented the school with a check from PUSH for $1,200 to buy new saddles and bridles for their horses. The horses are used for a special physical therapy called HPO therapy. The chapter had recently raised the money, and it was a highlight of the banquet. After the banquet, the chapter and all

other invited guests attended Aggie Muster. Muster is a ceremony which is held once a year to remember all Aggies who have died in the past year. After the Muster ceremony, all guests and members retired to the Faculty Club, a private club and restaurant top of Rudder Tower on the A&M campus. Everyone enjoyed the dancing and entertaining atmosphere. Finally,the chapter concluded the weekend be attending church together. Delta Omega is the only chapter to be chartered on the A&M campus this year while A&M celebrates the recognition of being the first land,sea,and space grant grant college in the nation.

Bloomsburg becomes the newest chapter Pi Kappa Phi welcomes Zeta Upsilon at Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania as one of its newest chapters. Like the size of the school, relatively sniall butfun,so was the group of young men

who first met to make a change.In the spring of 1989,John J. Pek, with the help of Leadership Consultant Dean Divis, set out to bring a change to the Greek system at Bloomsburg.From many men,they selected

Barton College pledges 'eternal life' On April 21, 1990, the Pi Kappa Phi colony at Barton College(formerly Atlantic Christian College) became the Zeta Tau Chapter. The colony was started in April 1989 by a group of men who wished to improve the campus Greek system by organizing a new fraternity. Pi Kappa Phi is one of four fraternities on the Barton College campus, located in Wilson, NC. In fall 1989, Archon Tim Renfrow led the Fraternity and made it a recognizable force on campus. Vice-Archon Steve Breasure applied the "Founding Father" concept of recruiting with outstanding results. In the fall, the associate brothers pulled together and kept the colony strong by recruiting 12 initiates. The members of the colony worked diligently to fulfill the charter requirements without neglecting their grades and captured the highest GPA among the fraternities on campus,an award Zeta Tau hopes to hold for several years. Spring 1990 was full of excitement as the chartering date drew near. Meetings, study halls and projects were a daily routine just weeks before the"big dogs"from Charlotte were to visit. Loose ends in the fraternity were tied and the brothers were ready for the big test. On April 19, the chartering process began when the colony members took the written test. After, they stayed at the house all that night with each other. The next day,

Friday,the brothers assembled at the Fraternity house to take an oral board. After the shocking orals, which lasted nearly three hours, the members of the colony were informed that all 29 men would become the Founding Fathers of Zeta Tau. Initiation was held April 20, at the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in downtown Wilson. Zeta Tau's big brother chapter,Beta Phi from East Carolina University,performed the initiation ceremony without a flaw. On Saturday, April 21, the chartering banquet took place on campus. Awards were given to many people who helped the colony grow and develop in the process of being chartered. Archon Tim Renfrow gave an emotional speech which not only touched the Founding Fathers' hearts, but all who attended. At the end of the banquet, the brothers sang "The Rose of Pi Kappa Phi" and awarded each of their mothers with a red rose. The Founding Fathers of Pi Kappa Phi feel great pride in themselves and in the fraternity, and look forward to showing all male students what brotherhood is all about. Already two brothers have been elected as officers in the IFC. Now that their foot is in the door, they are ready to make more positive changes.The chartering ofZeta Tau will bring nothing but an eternal life in which future members will be as dedicated and take as much pride in their fraternity.

20 associate members to build a strong foundation for the Fraternity's newest colony. Within a month,the colony had grown to a size of 33 associate members and suddenly the gold and white Greek letters were seen, making an impression on the minds of the students all over campus. This group began paving the way for the future of Zeta Upsilon by setting three immediate goals: recruitment of new members, obtaining a fraternity house and meeting Pi Kappa Phi's minimum standards of operation and strict chartering requirements. The members had a year to get to know each other well before preparing for a long awaited rush, which had been denied by the local IFC for reasons of fear. Their fears became reality in the spring of 1990. The chapter pledged 11 new associate members, one of the largest classes of Bloomsburg. Also,a house was leased for the Fraternity by nine members of the chapter. This house was soon to become known as "The New Pi Kapp House." Since prior, all functions were held at other members houses and apartments. Situated so close to campus,Pi Kappa Phi's exposure grew bigger.

The chartering weekend began when Elliot Curtis and Paul Rice arrived on April 26. The 44 associate members were given written examinations that evening. The next day a four-hour oral examination was given by Chartering Officer and National Council Treasurer Jerry T. Brewer and Assistant Chartering Officer James Krucher, who is also Area I Governor. After successful completion of these examinations, the dedicated men realized they had accomplished their three goals. The 44 associate members were now ready to be initiated as brothers of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Performing the ritual of initiation were Epsilon Psi-Slippery Rock and Zeta Nu-West Chester. On Saturday, the chartering banquet was held at the Days Inn in Danville Pennsylvania, where Archon Brian Kutsmeda accepted the charter. In attendance were their Chapter Advisor (alumnus of Alpha Mu Chapter)Randy Weirman,former Leadership Consultant Dean Div is, and Greek Advisor for Bloomsburg Lori Barsness. The closing benediction was the end of the beginning.

Chapter Chartering anniversaries in 1990-91 10th Epsilon Iota - UNC-Greensboro Epsilon Kappa - Southern Tech.

1 - 6-91 1 -31 -91

60th Alpha Sigma - Tennessee Alpha Tau Rennselaer

1 -24 -91 6-12-91

75(11 Nu - Nebraska-Lincoln Xi - Roanoke

10 - 29 - 90 5 - S - 91


Make Pi Kappa Phi a part of your will. For more information, contact the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224.

Page 10-the star & lamp-Summer 1990


"Strong Enough to Care" NIN

PUSH America '90 Team completes its most successful campaign

1989-90 PUSH Awards Thomas H. Sayre Founder's Award (Largest amount raised per man) $386.70 per man Zeta-Wofford

Chairman's Award (Largest increase previous year) Alpha-Charleston $10,512.40 increase

Platinum Star Club (Chapters contributing $10,000 to $14,999) Beta Eta - Florida State Delta Sigma - Bowling Green State Zeta Alpha - Clemson Alpha - Charleston

Gold Star Club (Chapters contributing $7,500 to $9,999) Gamma Kappa - Georgia Southern Alpha Psi - Indiana Epsilon Iota - UNC-Greensboro Zeta - Wofford

On August 4, 15 weary cyclists, accompanied by five crewmen,cycled the last mile of their 3,400 mile cross-country trek. The proud PUSH. America '90 Team converged on the Capitol steps in Washington, D.C.to celebrate the end ofthe project's most successful summer. Fifty days after crossing the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the members of PUSH America '90 Team had hundreds of memorable experiences to relay to the families, friends and senators who greeted them at the Capitol. Senator Bob Dole was among the many senators who welcomed the team at the Capitol to congratulate them on a successful journey. After cycling an average of85 miles each day(up to 1200,the team met with thousands of people in the cities and towns they visited to bring to them the message of PUSH. Whetherat afundraising barbeque at the Governor's mansion in Carson City, NV or a "Family-fun Cruise" on Lake Erie in Sandusky, OH, the team spent a summer as some of PUSH's best advocates. "PUSH America is the best thing that ever happened to me,"according to Ian Davidow,a cyclist from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. "The people we

met,seeing the country like we did...it was incredible." PUSH America '90 raised over $110,000. Top team fundraiser was Ben Powell,Alpha-Charleson. He raised over $7,400. Other vital teams members who brought the dream alive were Project Co-ordinator Mike Dugan,Gamma Kappa-Georgia Southern, and Programs Coordinator Greg Philo, Beta Eta-Florida State. Bob Nicolai, Alpha-Charleston, Denny Simmons, Beta Epsilon-Missouri, and David Centofanti, Gamma Kappa-Georgia Southern, made up the crew. The team was led on the road by Team Captains Paul Basile, Zeta Lambda-Cal State-Chico, Dan Dawson, Delta Sigma-Bowling Green, and Mike Doering, Zeta Alpha-Clemson. The rest of the team was Dave Aucremann, BetaPresbyterian,Todd Becker,Epsilon Iota-UNC-Greensboro, Bill Bowerfind, Beta Upsilon-Virginia, Dave Dewey, Delta Sigma-Bowling Green, Mike Hinrichs, Gamma Beta-Old Dominion, Bill Holland,Zeta-Wofford, Dave Levi, Psi-Cornell, Steve Meincke, Zeta Kappa-Stockton State, Steve Prior, Beta Eta-Florida State and Doug Weeks,Zeta Alpha-Clemson. To apply for the PUSH America '91 Team,please contact Sally Schafer at 704-522-7874.

Silver Star Club (Chapters contributing &5,000 to $7,499) Psi - Cornell Gamma Beta - Old Dominion Zeta Iota - IU Pennsylvania Epsilon Mu - Bradley Zeta Kappa - Stockton State Alpha Epsilon - Florida

Bronze Star Club (Chapters raising $2,500 to $4,999) Zeta Lambda - Cal State-Chico Beta - Presbyterian Zeta Xi - Averett Omega - Purdue Beta Upsilon - Virginia Alpha Omicron - Iowa State Zeta Mu - Cal State-Northridge Beta Epsilon - Missouri Alpha Upsilon - Drexel Epsilon Eta - Winthrop Zeta Omicron - SUNY-Cortland Queens College - AC Zeta Theta - Texas-Austin Delta Psi - Texas-Arlington Zeta Zeta - North Florida Gamma Gamma - Troy State Delta Omega - Texas A & M Epsilon Tau - St. Joseph's Zeta Nu - West Chester Sigma - South Carolina Gamma Xi - Georgia Southwestern Upsilon - Illinois Albright - AC Epsilon Psi - Slippery Rock Delta Zeta - Appalachian State Iota - Georgia Tech Alpha Tau - Rensselaer Epsilon Theta - Seton Hall

Total Contribution: $288,331.43

The team posed at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco just before departing for their 50-day odyssey across the United States. The "Journey of Hope" ended August 4 in Washington, D.C.

Puppets hit the road for 'Kids' Three Pi Kapps. Six Puppets. And 7,000 kids. That's what PUSH's"The Kids on the Block" program is all about. Scott Gates, Delta Sigma-Bowling Green, Mike Roth, Alpha Psi-Indiana, and Chad Manley, Epsilon Beta-Grand Valley will travel the Southeast this fall trying to help thirdgraders understand people with disabilities. The three men took a semester offfrom school to educate young children using life-size disabled and non-disabled puppets. The three will still graduate within the next school year. "I got tired of hearing kids in the hallways say,'Hey, look at the retard!" Manley, an advertising/public relations major, said."That little kid doesn't know what'retard' is. It's not fair to the little kid. I wanted to do something about this." Manley's parents have been foster parents to children with disabilities and non-disabilites since he was 10. Manley credits these experiences for joining The Kids on the Block. Young children learn about issues like blindness, cerebral palsy, deafness and mental retardation. After the skits, the third-graders get to talk to the puppets and ask questions about living with a disability. "Third-graders are impressionable," Roth, a sport mar-

keting major,said. "The hardest part will be making the kids concentrate on the puppets instead of us." The following are a list of dates where The Kids on the Block will be performing: Sept. 16-22: Roanoke, Va., Sept. 23-29: Raleigh, N.C., Sept. 30-Oct. 6: Columbia,S.C., Oct. 7-13: Charleston,S.C., Oct 14-20: Statesboro, Ga., Oct. 2127: Jacksonville, Fl., Oct. 28-30: Winter Park, Fl., Oct. 31Nov.3:Tallahassee,Fl., Nov.4-10: LaGrange,Ga.,Nov. 1117: Atlanta,Ga.,Nov.25-Dec. 1: Clemson,S.C.,and Dec.27: Spartanburg, S.C. Students and alumni in these cities are encouraged to call the PUSH office to get involved with this exciting program! "Through a little bit of work, we can make someone know something a little bit better on something they might be totally ignorant about," Gates said. Gates is a secondary education major specializing in environmental education. PUSH is currently taking applications for the Kids program for the spring semester. The program will expand in the Spring to add a second team opening positions for three additional Pi Kapps! For more info, contact Director of Development Sally Schafer at 704-522-7874.

Summer 1990-the star & lamp-Page 11

stantiamp THE

Winter 1989, Vol. LXXVI, No. 1

The Star & Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C. 28217. Mailing address: P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224. Telephone:(704)523-6000; FAX:(704)521-8962. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription.

A Leadership/Education Publication

Editor-in-Chief- Durward W. Owen Managing Editor- Matt J. Basta Official Photographer- Tim Ribar Office Manager- Liz Wilkins Editorial Assistant- Sheila Porter Contributing Writers Ted Scharfenstein T.J. Sullivan Jim Stump Sally Schafer Michael Mandelbrot Brian Kutsmeda James Bitzenhofer Ronald Turlington


Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C., on Dec. 10, 1904, by Andrew Alexander Kroeg, Simon Fogarty, and L. Harry Mixson. -- -74111111 '

Pi Kappa Phi is a member of National Interfraternity Conference

Member, College Fraternity Editors Association

difECtilitl THE CHAPTERS Alabama Alabama-Birmingham Appalachian State Auburn Auburn at Montgomery Augusta Averett Barton College Belmont Abbey Bloomsburg Bowling Green State Bradley California-Berkeley California - Davis California-San Diego Cal State- Fullerton Cal State- Northridge Cal State-Sacramento Central Arkansas Charleston Christian Brothers Clemson Univ. Clinch Valley CSU-Chico Drake Drexel East Carolina East Texas State Univ. Florida Florida Southern Florida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia Tech Grand Valley Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Indiana of Pennsylvania Iowa State Jacksonville Jacksonville State James Madison Kansas State LaGrange Lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Livingston Longwood Louisville Marshall McNeese Memphis State Mercer Michigan Michigan State Missouri Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Morehead Nebraska-Lincoln Nebraska-Omaha NJIT North Carolina UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Wilmington North Carolina State North Dakota North Florida Northeast Missouri North Georgia Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Pembroke Penn State Pittsburgh Polytechnic University Presbyterian Purdue Radford Rensselaer Roanoke St. Joseph's Seton Hall Shippensburg Slippery Rock Stetson South Alabama South Carolina South Florida Southern Tech Stockton State SUNY - Cortland Tampa

Omicron Epsilon Phi Delta Zeta Alpha Iota Epsilon Delta Gamma Psi Zeta Xi Zeta Tau Gamma Mu Zeta Upsilon Delta Sigma Epsilon Mu Gamma Zeta Sigma Zeta Beta Zeta Rho Zeta Mu Epsilon Nu Epsilon Zeta Alpha Epsilon Sigma Zeta Alpha Epsilon Epsilon Zeta Lambda Beta Delta Alpha Upsilon Beta Phi Beta Chi Alpha Epsilon Beta Beta Beta Eta Delta Zeta Epsilon Lambda Epsilon Upsilon Gamma Kappa Gamma Xi Iota Epsilon Beta Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Zeta Iota Alpha Omicron Gamma Chi Delta Epsilon Delta Tau Delta Chi Gamma Nu Gamma Rho Epsilon Xi Epsilon Rho Gamma Alpha Epsilon Gamma Beta Gamma Zeta Pi Beta Mu Gamma Delta Alpha Alpha Alpha Kappa Alpha Theta Beta Epsilon Gamma Lambda Gamma Omega Delta Eta Nu Delta Gamma Beta Alpha Kappa Delta Lambda Epsilon Iota Gamma Theta Tau Zeta Gamma Zeta Zeta Delta Delta Delta Beta Alpha Gamma Gamma Upsilon Gamma Beta Alpha Zeta Delta Kappa Alpha Mu Delta Upsilon Alpha Xi Beta Omega Delta Phi Alpha Tau Xi Epsilon Tau Epsilon Theta Zeta Delta Epsilon Psi Chi Gamma Phi Sigma Zeta Eta Epsilon Kappa Zeta Kappa Zeta Omicron Beta Lambda

P.O. Box 6089. Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 1116 Jacque Circle, Birmingham, AL 35235 ASU Box 8991, Boone, NC 28607 861 Morrison Rd., Auburn, AL 36830 P.O. Box 17926, Montgomery, AL 36117-0926 Augusta College, 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30910 P.O. Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 808 Corbett Ave., Wilson, NC 27893 Box 148, Belmont Abbey Col., Belmont, NC 28012 Box 52, BU, Bloomsbug, PA 17815 R-3 Old Fraternity Row, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43403 1532 West Bradley Avenue, Peoria, IL 61606 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 1443 Wakeforest Dr., Apt. 3, Davis, CA 95616 7231 Enders, San Diego, CA 92122 Univ. Activities Center - 74,Fullerton, CA 92634 P.O. Box 7506, Northridge. CA 91327 P.O. Box 255826, Sacramento, CA 95825 UCA Box 5126, Conway, AR 72032 S.P.O. Box 1493, College of Charleston, SC 29424 650 East Parkway South, Memphis, TN 38104 P. 0. Box 2186, Clemson, SC 29632 CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 244 W. Francis Willard. Chico, CA 95926 1236 34th St., Des Moines, IA 50311 3405 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104 803 Hooker Road, Greenville, NC 27834 Box W, E.T. Station, Commerce, TX 75428 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 Box 15215, Go Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL 33802 423 W. College Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32301 Furman University-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 29613 4400 University Dr., SUB I, Box 122, Fairfax, VA 22030 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30606 P.O. Box 951, Milledgeville, GA 31061 LB #12343, Georgia Southern Col., Statesboro, GA 30460 321 Barlow Street. Americus, GA 31709 G.T. Box 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 P. 0. Box 272, Allendale, MI 49401 306 E. Gregory Drive, Champaign, IL 61820 3333 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IL 60616 P.O. Box 59, Bloomington, IN 47406 P.O. Box 1604, IUP, Folger Hall Post Office, Indiana, PA 15705 407 Welch Avenue, Ames, IA 50010 JU Box 866, Jacksonville Univ. Station, Jacksonville, FL 32211 P.O. Box 602-Jacksonville St. Univ., Jacksonville, AL 36265 P. 0. Box L-211, JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 1716 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS 66502 601 Broad Street. LaGrange, GA 30240 Box 6191, Lander College, Greenwood, SC 29646 LaSalle Univ., Box 692, Philadelphia, PA 19141 Lenoir-Rhyne College, Box 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 P.O. Box M, Livingston, AL 35470 Box 1140 - Longwood College, Farmville, VA 23901 2106 Confederate Place, Louisville, KY 40208 Marshall Univ., 2W38 MSC, Huntington, WV 25755 P.O. Box 92229-MSU, Lake Charles, LA 70609 3841 Spottswood Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111 Mercer University - Box 112, Macon, GA 31207 University of Michigan, 916 Church St. , Ann Arbor, MI 48109 131 Bogue Street, E. Lansing, MI 48823 500 Rollins, Columbia, MO 65201 1704 Pine Street, Rolla, MO 65401 Drawer K, 91 Bloch St, Montevallo, AL 35115 Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 425 University Terrace, Lincoln, NE 68508 3365 S 130th Street, Omaha, NE 68144 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Cone University Center, UNCC Station, Charlotte, NC 28223 1020 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27401 University Union, Rm. 202,Wilmington, NC 28407 2401 W. Fraternity Court, Raleigh, NC 27606 504 Hamline Street, Grand Forks, ND 58201 Go Student Life,4567 St. Johns Bluff Road, S. Jacksonville, FL 32216 P.O. Box 562, 815 S. Davis, Kirksville, MO 63501 Box 5625- North Georgia College, Dahlonega, GA 30597 1714 S. Chautaugua, Norman, OK 73072 Oklahoma State Univ., 703 W. University, Stillwater, OK 74074 Webb Center, Room 200, Norfolk, VA 23508 2111 Harrison NW, Corvallis, OR 97330 P.O. Box 5174, Room 3, Pembroke State Univ., Pembroke, NC 28372 409 E. Fairmont Avenue, State College, PA 16801 Box 7526, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 33 Sidney Place, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201 Presbyterian College - Box 1069, Clinton, SC 29325 330 N. Grant Street, W. Lafayette, IN 47906 P.O. Box 5894, Radford Univ., Radford, VA 24141 49 Second Street, Troy, NY 12180 Box 1450, Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153 P.O. Box 230, 5600 City Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131 B-Dougherty Std Ctr, 400 S. Orange, S. Orange, NJ 07079 201 E. Orange Street, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Rm 221-C, Univ Union, SRU, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Stetson, Box 8241, DeLand, FL 32720 P.O. Box U-1208, USA, Mobile, AL 36688 University of SC, Box 85128, Columbia, SC 29225 13802 N. 42nd Street, Apt G-104, Tampa, FL 33613 1112 Clay Street, Marietta, GA 30060 Box 5615, Stockton State College, Pomona, NJ 08240 P. 0. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 401 W Kennedy Blvd, U of Tampa-Box 2786, Tampa, FL 33606

The staff geared up and ready Your Administrative Office is ready to serve you! They are (front row) Matt BastaDirector of Communications, Durward Owen-Executive Director, Glenn DicksonAssistant Executive Director, and Elliot Curtis-Director of Programs. (Back row) Leadership Consultants Mike Rothschild and Dave Simas, Todd Fields-Director of Expansion, Alan Duesterhaus-Senior Leadership Consultant, and Leadership Consultants Michael Socha and Greg Brown.

Alpha Sigma Zeta Theta Delta Omega Delta Psi Epsilon Omega Beta Iota Gamma Gamma Beta Tau Epsilon Omicron Beta Upsilon Epsilon Pi Delta Alpha Alpha Delta Rho Gamma Epsilon Zeta Nu Gamma Zeta Alpha Rho Epsilon Eta Zeta

Tennessee Texas Texas A&M Texas-Arlington Texas Tech Toledo Troy State Valdosta State Villanova Virginia VCU VPI Washington Washington & Lee Western Carolina West Chester West Virginia Tech West Virginia Univ. Winthrop College Wofford

1828 Fraternity Park, Knoxville, TN 37916 1919 Robbins Place, Austin, TX 78705 812 C Navarro Road, College Station, TX 77845 UT-Arlington, 705 S. Summit, Arlington, TX 776013 2517 19th Street, Lubbock, TX 79410 % Brad Szcecinski,2631 Coveview Dr., Toledo, OH 43620 610 N. Three Notch Street, Troy. AL 36081 Valdosta State College Box 89, Valdosta, GA 31698 Student Activities Office, 215 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 19085 510 Rugby Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 1106 W. Cary Street, Richmond. VA 23220 1101 Redbud Road, Blacksburg, VA 24060 4530 17th St., Seattle, WA 98105 Washington & Lee-P.O. Box 903, Lexington, VA 24450 P.O. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 109 Sykes Union, WCU, West Chester. PA 19393 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, WV 25136 591 Spruce Street, Morgantown, WV 26505 P.O. Box 5030-WCS, Rock Hill, SC 29733 P.O. Box P. Wofford College, Spartanburg. SC 29301






President-Stephen DePalma Schoor DePalma & Ganger Group, Inc 200 Rt. 9, P.O. Box 1149 Manalapan, NJ 07726

Trust Investment-Phillip M Summers Vincennes University 1002 N. First Street Vincennes, IN 4759

Vice President-Phillip M Summers Vincennes University 1002 N. First Street Vincennes, IN 47591


Treasurer-Jerry T. Brewer Dean of Student Life USC-Russell House Columbia, SC 29208 Secretary-Nathan Hightower P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 33517 Chaplaln-J. Patrick Figley, D.Min. Peninsular Counseling Center 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609 Chancellor-David Lane Venable, Baetjer and Howard Suite 400 2010 Corporate Ridge Drive McLean, VA 22101 Member-at-LargeEdward Bennett 1801 Greenwood Road S.W. Roanoke, VA 24015

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation James Edwards, Chairman Medical Univ. of S.C. 171 Ashley Avenue Charleston, SC 29407

Area: James A. Krucher, 3 Burgh Ave., Clifton, NJ 07011 Dr. Arthur J. Quickenton, 401 Meadowview Dr., Boone, NC 28607 Ronald J. deValinger. 910 Fifth Ave., Albany, GA 31701 Mark Jacobs, P.O. Box 44745, Indianapolis, IN 46244 Frank D. Havard, P.O. Box 16267, Mobile, AL 36616 John R. Andrews, 455 Dayton, Suite 104, St. Paul, MN 55012 Steven W. Smith, 1408 E. 37th St., Tulsa, OK 74105 John Puckett, 1070 Jade Street. Broomfield, CO 80020 Allen Woody, 6416 Orchard View Ln., Roanoke, VA 24018 VACANT

Ritual & Insignia-Glenn McConnell 27 Bainbridge Drive Charleston, SC 29407 Nomination-David H. Jaffee Crouch-Aydlette Realty, Inc. 830 Lowcountry Blvd. P.O. Box 426 Mt. Pleasant,. SC 29464 Expansion-Clay Edmonds 1951 Carr Avenue Memphis, TN 38104

NATIONAL STAFF Executive Director - Durward W. Owen Assistant Executive Director Glenn Dickson Director of Communications - Matt Basta Director of Programs Elliot Curtis Director of Expansion - Todd Fields Foundation Director of Educational Programming - T.J. Sullivan Executive Vice President of FoundationTed Scharlenstein 289 South Street Rockport, MA 01930

Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. Stuart Hicks, President JMB Properties Co., Suite 1400 900 Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611

Executive Vice President of PropertiesDr. Frank M. Parrish 7742 S. Harrison Circle Littleton, CO 80122 Leadership Consultants - Alan Duesterhaus, Greg Brown, Mike Rothschild, Dave Simas Michael Socha

PUSH Staff Executive Director - Kenneth H. Kaiser Director of Development - Sally Schafer Office Manager - Pam Yarbrough Administrative Intern - Jason Galek P.O. Box 241368 Charlotte, NC 28224 Phone:(704) 522-PUSH

People Understanding the Severely Handicapped Stan Gryskiewicz, Chairman 3309 Wedgewood Place Greensboro, NC 27403

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Albright California - Irvine Central Florida Colorado St. Colorado-Boulder Concord Cornell Duke Duquesne Francis Marion Georgia State IUPUI Kennesaw Maryland Methodist NC Wesleyan Queens College Towson State

Go Craig Winter,Bern Road, CC Box 34, Reading. PA 19612 163 Exeter, Irvine, CA 92715 2641 Albion Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 625 Remington St., Apt 1 , Fort Collins, CO 80524 c/o Ken Furman, 625 Walden Circle, Apt 202, CO 80303 C-374 Concord College, Athens, WV 24712 203 S. Baker, Ithaca, NY 14853 P.O. Box 4674 Duke Station, Durham, NC 27706 Duquesne Univ., Union Into. Ctry., Pittsburgh, PA 15281-1603 5130 E. Palmetto, Box 647, Florence, SC 29501 Georgia State College, Box 707, Atlanta, GA 30303 P.O. Box 50241, Indianapolis, IN 46250 Student Development, PO Box 444, Marietta, GA 30061 8125 48th Avenue, #520, College Park, MD 20740 Box 12413, Methodist College, Fayetteville. NC 28301 Box 3580 NCWC, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Box 259, Queens College, Charlotte, NC 28274 Towson State Univ., Box 1971, Towson, MD 21204

ALUMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Alpha Upsilon Alumni Assoc. Americus Alumni Corp. Beta Alumni Assoc. Beta Phi Alumni Chapter Central Alabama Alumni Assoc. Des Moines Alumni Chapter Epsilon Sigma Alumni Assoc. Gamma Alpha Alumni Assoc. Gamma Gamma Alumni Assoc. Greater Toledo Alumni Greenwood Alumni Assoc. Ithaca Alumni Assoc. Low Country Alumni Assoc, Memphis Alumni Assoc. North Jersey Alumni Assoc. Omega Alumni Chapter

Bill lshee - 1747 Hunter Ave., Mobile, AL 36606 Fred H. Schmehl - 39 W. Wyomissing Ave., Shillington, PA 19607 Ron Chaffin - 3145 White Rd., NE, Conyers, GA 30207 Dr. Howard C. Bean, Jr., 734 Palmetto St., Spartanburg, SC 29302 Bryan McGann - 913 Bridge Way, Raleigh, NC 27615 Jim Beal - P.O. Box 505, Montevallo, AL 35115 John S. Kirk - 620 South 28th St., W. Des Moines, IA 50265 Chris Mills - 1696 Beard #1, Memphis, TN 38112 Tom Tartt - PO Box A, Livingston, AL 35470 Brooks Thompson - 718 University Ave., Troy, AL 36081 Greg Lardinais - 3030 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo, OH 43514 Chuck Watson - P.O. Box 848, Greenwood, SC 29646 Lawrence G. Thayer - 103 Woolf Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850 Alan Horres - 2146 Vespers Dr., Charleston, SC 29407 David Everson - 1963 Deep Valley Cove, Memphis, TN 38138 Karl Kopans - 420 Victor St., Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 Jay T. Seeger - 10 N. 4th St., Lafayette, IN 47902


Page 12-the star & lamp-Summer 1990

Forum A Pi Kapp College Moment

Delta Upsilon Fraternity's Will Keim ente rtained students August 2 in Olin Theater discussi ng ways to break the tradtional negative Gree k stereotypes.

"Strong Enough to Care"

Alpha Upsilon-Drexel Brother named 1990 Student of the Year The Student of the Year is awarded annually to the student member whose abilities and accomplishments have had an impact on his chapter and has brought credit to his Fraternity. This year's applicants proved to be the cream of the crop. However, one student emerged as the winner. Joseph R. DeLuca of Alpha Upsilon-Drexel received the coveted award. Graduating with a 3.8 GPA on a 4.0 scale, DeLuca majored in electrical and computerengineering. "I am honored to have received this out of some many great Pi Kapps," DeLuca said at his acceptance speech during Pi Kapp College. "I still can't believe this happened to me." DeLuca excelled in the classroom as well as in his chapter and on his campus. He served as Treasurer while at the same time participated on the varsity crew team, work ed as an

undergraduate engineering tutor and helped as a member of the Drexel Solar Car team which placed eleventh in the recent international race sponsored by General Electric. DeLuca is a member of numerous honorary societies including Tau Beta Pi, Phi Eta Sigma and Eta Kappa Nu. He also received scholarships from the Unisys Corporation and the research arm of the Department of Defense. He has been on the dean's list at Drexel all four years in college. DeLuca now works for the General Electric Corporation in the Astro Space Division working with digital design. Keith Barsky from Delta Upsilon-Pittsburgh was chosen as runne r-up for this year's award. •

A Pi Kapp College Moment...

Krucher takes the big prize for third time The Area Governor'sjob could be described as one entailing countless hours of unrewarded work. It is normally only at national events that our Area Governors are given the attention and appreciation they merit. Every year,one Area Governor is honored with the Area Governor of the Year Award. This man must set goals for his area and carry them out and answer to the student chapters, the National Council,the Chapter Advisors and the Executiv e Director. This year's Area Governor accompli shed these qualifications. He is Jim Krucher, Beta Alpha-NJIT,from Area I. "I am just utterly delighted to receive this awar d," Krucher said. Since Krucher took over the job in 1985, his area has increased from 11 to 18 chapters with two charterings and two successful expansions last year alone. He had nine chapters in the top one-third ranki ngs and nine chapters received awards this year at Pi Kapp College. Krucher won the award for the third time duri ng his five-year tenure.

Students participate in "People Pass" duri ng the team building games August 4. The game was one of several that students played in order to build trust and brotherhood. They concluded in an earth ball rugby tournament which resulted in a 1-0 victory by the South against the North.

It's time to stand up and express yourse lf As Pi Kappa Phi approaches its 86th anniverheadquarters will return to Charleston, S.C. , to sary and enters the 1990's with new challeng es,the operate out of the city where the Frat ernity began. Administrative Office would like to know where This week's question is: you stand on the certain topics. As part ofa new feature in the Star & Lamp,in Does Ti Kappa Phi offer today's members a sense the upcoming issues,a question will be posed conoftradition (i.e. ritual, history,alumni)? Because cerning various topics in the fraternity world. The Star & Lamp will try and print all the resp onses, theAdministrative office is not locatedin Charieand at the same time, propose a new question for son, the city ofourfounding, does this affect our the next issue. tradition? The time has come for students as well as alumni to express their opinions. This issues topic deals with tradition. The Please send all replies to Editor,The Star & Lam p, Administrative Office believes that one day the P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 2822 4.

In the next Star & Lamp... ...the Fraternity Man of the 90's. What kind of person in the future will join our Fraternity? ...Who will be Mr. Pi Kappa Phi for 1990?

...A student overcomes wheelchair to go to school and to give to his chapter

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