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Eric White Died Durward W. Owen On Saturday, January 16, I was enjoying the activity of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity's Mid-Year Leadership Conference being held in St. Louis, Missouri. It is one of those few opportunities I get to interface on a person to person basis with our student members, and I work hard to take advantage of these opportunities. While talking with several students, I made reference to the very bravely written article in the fall 1992 Star & Lamp entitled "I am 29 years old ... and I have AIDS." One of the students present was from Northeast Missouri State University, the alma mater of the article's author. He quickly said, "Eric White died." I thought it could not be, having just a few months earlier written the letter which resulted in the article, and knowing of several phone call conversations with him. Early last year, with a check to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, Eric White had enclosed a hand written note to me, noting "When I receive the Star & Lamp, I can hardly wait to read it. I am very proud of the work our fraternity has been doing." But he also noted, "As a brother with AIDS, I think it's important to educate other brothers." It was from this correspondence that he was approached to write his article. Presently it seemed impossible that this man was now gone.

The magazine had just been mail dropped, therefore, perhaps Eric had not even seen his article. How could something like this happen so quickly? How could it be? These and other questions rushed through my mind as I attempted to put my thoughts together. Here I was, always trying to keep Pi Kappa Phi on the leading edge, but too late for Eric White. Why had we not made a stronger effort regarding AIDS education earlier? Why had we not brought it to our brothers' attention as a fraternal obligation? Were we frightened of the subject? Would we be accused of soliciting the interest of the homosexual population? What business does the Fraternity have being involved in such matters as sexually transmitted diseases? As I walked away I have to admit there was a tear in my eye. But I also walked with a promise and a prayer-a promise that we will do something about AIDS awareness in Pi Kappa Phi. And my prayer? A prayer being that there will be no more Eric Whites who perhaps deserve better from their fr nity, especially a fraternity as knowledgeable and as caring as Pi Kappa Phi. A prayer that we as a fraternity are doing something so that no other Pi Kapp may suffer from this preventable plague. And a prayer that we can all overcome our fears, and be truly "strong enough to care."

Have we missed you? On the Cover: Students at Area II Conclave last February learn valuable leadership and group interaction skills on the Clemson Outdoor Lab's Group Initiatives Course.


Pi Kapp undergraduate leaders meet in Charlotte and St. Louis for the Mid-Year Leadership Conference, sponsored by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation.


"I am a Pi Kapp" versus "I was a Pi Kapp:" Staying involved through Alumni Associations


PUSH America's Regina Moody defines "leadership through service."


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Director of Expansion Lorne LaPorte gives the low down on how the fraternity grows, and how you can help. Building bridges for the future: The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Annual Report. Chapter Spotlight: Two brothers from Zeta-Wofford meet with international success. Forum: Here's what your brothers are saying. Let us hear from you!

All Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Alumni were recently notified of our upcoming new Alumni Directory and asked for their input. If you have not already done so, please return your questionnaire today. This will ensure that your personal information will be accurately included in this great new reference book. Within the next months, the verification phase of this project will begin. Alumni will be receiving a telephone call from Harris Publishing Company, the official publisher of our Directory. Please give the representative a few moments of your time to verify your listing. To place a reservation for a copy of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Directory, please advise the Harris representative during the conversation, since this will be the only opportunity alumni will have to order the book. Scheduled for release in September/October 1993, the Pi Kappa Phi Directory promises to be the definitive reference of over 40,000 of our alumni. Don'tmiss the opportunity to be part of it!

"Strong Enough to Care" Star&Lamp Winter1993 , Vol. LXXIX, No.1 Aleadership/EducationPublication Editor路in -Chief- Durward Owen Managing Editor路 Frank Wrenn Official Photographer - Tim Ribar Office Manager- Joanne Stroshine Editorial Assistant - Debby Haynes Contributing Writers 路 Frank Wrenn , John Pierce Star& Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road , Charlotte, N.C. 28217 . MailingAddress: P.O .Box240526,Charlotte, N.C.28224 ; Telephone:704-523-6000 FAX:704-521路8962. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription . Second class postage paid at Charlotte , NC and any additional mailing offices. Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Charleston , Charleston , S.C. on Dec . 10, 1904, by Andrew Alexander Kroeg , Simon Fogarty and L. Harry Mixson. Pi Kappa Phi is a member of the National Interfraterni ty Conference and the College Fraternity Editors Association .

Star & Lamp/Winter 1993



1993 Mid-Year Leadership ConferencesHigh Flying Success

This year's Mid-Year Leadership Conferences, held January 8-10 in Charlotte and January 15-17 in St. Louis, proved to be more than just a good time. This conference broke on through to the basics of daily chapter operations. By far the largest Mid-Year Leadership Conference ever, almost every single chapter was represented. Over 650 undergraduates attended, with about 450 attending the Charlotte Conference and over 200 attending the St. Louis Conference. The Mid-Year Conference, held each January, is sponsored and funded by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. This year's conferences were unique in that they offered officer-specific training for Archons, Vice Archons, and Treasurers while offering a special fourth track for the up-and-coming leader in the chapter. Push Chairmen and future Journey of Hope Team members also had specialized educational tracks. One student commented that he learned more about being Archon in the Saturday afternoon's roundtable session than he did during his entire first semester as Archon. "The best thing about Mid-Year," said one undergraduate, "is getting to see how other chapters handle their daily problems. It's also cool to get a chance to meet the Area Governors and the fraternity's staff." Much of the dialogue at the Mid-Year Leadership Conference involved getting back to the basics of chapter operations--including initiation cards, fees, collect-

Dr. Phil Summers with frisbee in hand


Star& Lamp

Top: Charlotte Mid-Year Attendees Bottom: St. Louis Mid-Year Attendees ing accounts receivables, filling out green reports, and confrontations within the chapter. There was also time for some fun. One of the highlights to be remembered was National President Dr. Phillip Summers throwing out hundreds and hundreds of frisbees to the excited crowd. Dr. Summers personally donated the flying disks to inspire the audience of Pi Kapps. Results from the conference were almost immediate. According to Joanne Stroshine, Administrative Office Manager, chapter officers were suddenly speaking her language when she needed to call to verify initiation or pre-initiation cards and fees data. The Mid-Year Conferences began in 1985 with only Archons and Vice Archons in attendance. Since that time, it has developed into quite a resource for building strong leadership within our chapters. Our special thanks go to the alumni volunteers who attended and helped to facilitate the conference. This includes National President Phillip M. Sum mers, Kevin Murphy, Dr. Art Quickenton, Ronald deValinger, Jeffrey Luebker, Mark Perrin, John Andrews, Billy Jacobs, Frank Parrish, Allen Woody, Kevin Corcoran, David Vawter, Steve Sanders, Dr. Richard Voorneveld, and Mark Jacobs. Pi Kapp College, Pi Kappa Phi's premier educational institute, also sponsored by the Foundation, is already in the works. It will be held August 11-15, 1993, in Charleston, SC, at the College of Charleston.

Chief Executive Officer Sought With the impending retirement of CEO Durward Owen, Xi, the Fraternity is actively seeking a replacement. After 35 years of service, Owen will relinquish his leadership in August 1994. The Fraternity's Chief Executive Officer directs a multi-level staff at the Administrative Office, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, in conducting the business of Pi Kappa Phi, including the supervision of professional staff, the provision of services to chapters and alumni, supervision of numerous publications, fund raising, managing physical and financial resources, and organizing meetings to accomplish these tasks. He reports to a Board of Directors, the National Council. For a position description, please call or write: Durward W. Owen P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 (704)523-6000. CRITERIA Candidates must be initiates of Pi Kappa Phi. Among the other qualifications sought are: Masters degree or professional graduate degree is given special consideration Candidates must have demonstrated a record in managing people and corporate structures; He must exhibit the highest personal and professional integrity; An expertise in administration and planning.

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An application letter; A complete resume I vita with recent picture. List of 5 references with addresses and phone numbers.

Please direct all inquiries, nominations, recommendations, and applications to: Stephen DePalma, Chairman CEO Screening Committee P.O. Box 1149 Manalapan, NJ 07726 The committee will review complete files beginning May 1, 1993 and immediately thereafter commence the selection and recommendation process. The new CEO will commence employment on approximately March 4, 1994. Winter 1993


Star & Lamp Contributor joins Chapter Eternal Eric White, an initiate of Delta Delta Chapter at Northeast Missouri State, died January 4, 1993. White was the author of a very candid article published in the Fall1992 Star & Lamp entitled "I am 29 years old . . . and I have AIDS:" An Open Letter

from a Pi Kapp. White passed away the very week that the issue was published. His article received much acclaim from our alumni as well as from some outside of Pi Kappa Phi, including other fraternities and the National Interfraternity Conference. Eric will be remembered for his courage, his dedication, and his love for Pi Kappa Phi. Reprints of Eric White's article can be obtained by calling the Administrative Office at (704)523-6000.

Bergstrom Honored by Iowa State Congratulations to Kelley A. Bergstrom, an initate of Alpha Omicron at Iowa State. Bergstrom was one of only five alumni awarded with the Citation of Achievement by the College of Business at Iowa State during ISU Alumni Days last fall. After graduating in 1965 with a degreeinlndustrialAdministration, Bergstrom received his MBA from the University of Florida in 1968. He is now President and C.E.O. of JMB Properties Company of Chicago. In 1987,Bergstrom was named Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. This is the highest honor given by the fraternity. Bergstrom also served as Chairman of the Pi Kappa Phi Properties Board for a number of years and is a member of the Nu Phi Society of Pi Kappa Phi. At Iowa State, Bergstrom serves as a member of the College of Business Dean's Advisory Council and is also an Iowa State Foundation Governor.


Star& Lamp

Have You Considered Putting Pi Kappa Phi in your Will? Gifts to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation are deductible for estate tax purposes. It is an effective and lasting way to provide for the future of Pi Kappa Phi. For General Use I give and bequeath to Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, a not-for-profit South Carolina corporation, with its principal office in Charlotte, North Carolina, the sum of$_ _ (or designated securities or other property), to be used by it in fulfillment of its educational purposes as its Board of Directors shall determine. Residue or Estate All the rest, residue, and remainder of my property, real and personal, I give, devise, and bequeath to Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, a not-for-profit South Carolina corporation, with its principal office in Charlotte, NC, to be used by it in fulfillment of its educational purposes as its Board of Directors shall determine.

Family Feature

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A Lifelong Brotherhood of Its Members'' Alumni Associations help to forge our lifetime commitment. When Pi Kappa Phi alumni look back at their under- different chapters together and working toward goals of graduate experience, many fond memories come to the entire Pi Kappa Phi family. This type is especially mind. For some, it is the Spring Break Road Trip. Or great for brothers moving into a new city. It can serve as that football game when they blew out a rival fraternity. a place to meet new friends, make new golfing or tennis Or even the brothers who helped them cram for that buddies, or even raise awareness or money for PUSH calculus final. For others, it is the cute young lady they America. Both types of associations assist the national met at a social and later went on to marry. Every fraternity with programs such as the Pi Kappa Phi alumnus has fond memories he will cherish forever- Alumni Career Network. memories that changed lives. Alumni associations generally hold annual events to Luckily, that Pi Kappa Phi experience does not have get all the brothers in their area together and show other ••••••••••• alumni how they can become into end with graduation. More and more Pi Kappa Phi brothers valved. Some are family oriented The mission of Pi Kappa Phi is: events, such as annual picnics, are continuing that experience long after their college days. which encourage brothers to bring Why? What do these brothers The ex pression of share d v alues their wives and children. Other see that others do not? and ideals a s contained in the events are tailored to brothers only, They see a tremendous R itual of Init iation, Supreme such as annual golf tournaments. opportunity- an opportunity to Law and FraternityPolicy ; The most successful alumni ascontinue the brotherhood, make sociations meet on a regular basis, new friends, establish business The pursuit of brotherhood but usually no more than once a through scholarship, month, since the majority of alumni contacts, and to give back to their fraternity what it gave to them. . . leadership, service a nd social are busy with work and family. Brotherhood. experience s; They have specific goals set to keep Alumni involvement for some the association focused. The meetThe achiev em e nt of personal ings are kept short, but structured is simply encouraging their son, nephew, or brother to join ex cellence in each member and to accomplish the business necesPi Kappa Phi. For others, it is collective exce llence in our sary and usually followed by some becoming a chapter or housing Fraternity; type of social. Most associations advisor. But for many, active inkeep the meeting on the same day, volvement means joining an A lifelong brotherhood of its at the same time, and at the same alumni association. members. location since this proves most sueA recent trend has been for cessful. Successful alumni associachapters to initiate respected members of the commu- tions know that communication is the key to staying nity, bosses, or fathers, into Pi Kappa Phi as Alumni successful. A flyer or postcard simply reminding alumni Initiates. For example, the Zeta Zeta chapter initiated of the meeting keeps attendance high. For example, the Alumni Association of Florida's fourteen Alumni Initiates this past year. These brothers see the value of being involved in Pi Kappa Phi through- First Coast meets on the first Monday of the month and out their adult lives, and many of them become very follows the meeting with a Monday Night Football Social during football season. It tends to draw good involved with local alumni associations. These alumni associations take different forms. Some attendance, and the brothers enjoy themselves tremenare formed with alumni from a specific chapter,like the dously. If you aren't currently involved with an alumni assoSigma Alumni Association. Other associations are area associations which draw in Pi Kappa Phi brothers from ciation, look back and see how Pi Kappa Phi helped you different chapters who are now all living in the same and then look into the future and see how you can help area. An example is the Greater Toledo Alumni Asso- Pi Kappa Phi. If you are interested in joining an alumni ciation. The goals of each may differ, but the ideals of Pi association, contact the Administrative Office for information on the association in your area. If there isn't an Kappa Phi carry through. Many of the chapter-specific associations are work- association in your area, consider starting your own. ing for the betterment of their chapter and assisting with The Administrative Office can supply you with a listing housing and scholarship, while continuing their college of all of the Pi Kappa Phi brothers in your area, along with tips on starting and running a successful alumni friendships. The area associations involve bringing brothers from association. - special to Star & Lamp by Gregory H. Luter Winter 1993


Volunteer Spirit. .. Regina Moody defines leadership through service. Regina Moody is a woman who has dedicated her life to helping others. Little did she know that this dedication would lead her to being on a major board of a national fraternity! As the executive director of Holy Angels, a facility for children with severe disabilities, she is always looking for ways to improve the quality of life for the children and adults who are served through the programs and services of Holy Angels. It is this dedication and pioneering spirit which led to her association with Pi Kappa Phi and PUSH America. In 1987, Holy Angels was the recipient of a play unit from PUSH America. This was the beginning of a great relationship between the facility and Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Since that time, Holy Angels has served as the site of the very first "Give-a-PUSH Weekend" in 1990. Since then, many chapters have visited their facility. A standard part of Pi Kappa Phi staff training is a visit to Holy Angels, which includes empathy training and time spent with the children who live there. According to Moody, "Hundreds of Pi Kapps have visited Holy Angels over the years. It is an experience which means so much to me, but even more for the children of Holy Angels. It is easy to see by the faces of the children how much a visit means to them. That one on one time has such a positive and meaningful impact." Through the involvement of PUSH America with Holy Angels, Regina Moody found herself becoming

involved with Pi Kappa Phi! In 1987, she joined the Board of Directors as a professional who had much knowledge and expertise to offer. Besides being director of Holy Angels, Mrs. Moody is also actively involved with the North Carolina American Association on Mental Retardation and the Southeastern Region American Association on Mental Retardation. Today, she serves as Vice President of the PUSH America Board. According to the board's by-laws, she will become President of the board in August, 1993, becoming the first female to ever chair a national fraternity's subsidiary board. Ken Kaiser, Executive Director of PUSH America, is extremely happy to have Ms. Moody on the board. "Regina has much to offer to the board, and she is also particularly aware of the fraternity side of PUSHespecially the aspect of leadership development. Ms. Moody firmly believes that every person has the right to the highest possible quality of life. She is an avid spokesperson and advocate for those people unable to speak for themselves.

N ationsBank joins Journey of Hope The United States 4th largest banking company, Nations Bank Corporation, has joined the PUSH America team as Presenting Sponsor of the 1993 Journey of Hope. Their significant contribution of $50,000 will serve to strengthen the Journey of Hope's mission of raising awareness of the need for acceptance of people with disabilities. According to Steve


Star & Lamp

Schutze, NationsBank's Manager of Corporate Resources for the Disabled, "NationsBank is a company that fully supports the Americans with Disabilities Act and we are pleased to be part of a program that is designed to raise awareness of people with disabilities." "We are excited about NationsBank's inv olvement and their interest in participating in many of

the local events th at will take place as the team cycles across the nation," stated Ken Kaiser, PUSH America's Executive Director. Ken added, "the Journey of Hope has hit the big time!" Beginning in 1991 the PUSH America team has been escorted across the United States by a fleet of Oldsmobile Silhouettes. Oldsmobile has renewed its support of the Journey

of Hope and will provide eight Silhouette vans for the third year in a row. Pi Kappa Phi proudly welcomes NationsBank and welcomes back Oldsmobile to our fraternity family.



The "Kids' are on the Road Again Spon sored this sem ester by the Banbury Foundation, the Spring 1993 Kids on the Block Team has already touched the hears and minds of hundreds of elementary school children. The Spring team began their 15 week tour on January 20. During their tour, they will reach classrooms in Memphis, TN; Columbia, MO; Ames, IA; Manhattan, KS; Norman, OK; Arlington, TX; Austin, TX; College Station, TX; Tuscaloosa, TX; BirKids on the Block Crew Members Chris Phelps and Jeff Kautz with Puppets mingham, AL; Macon, GA and Ath- r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' - ' - - - - - - - , THE WHITE HOUSE ens, GA. WASH INGTON This spring's team consists of Chris Phelps of Zeta Omega-Towson January 6, 1993 St. and Jeff Kautz of Epsilon RhoLenoir-Rhyne College. The Kids on the Block Program continues to be one of PUSH America's integral educational programs. "The Kids on the Block proDear Chad: gram is exciting to us because it takes Belated congratulations on the success of the our message of acceptance for people PUSH America team and its 1992 Journey of Hope with disabilities and makes it easy to benefit persons with disabilities. Your for kids to understand," said Ken willingness to participate in this challenging Kaiser, Executive Director. 3,500-mile bicycle trip reflects a strong comAnd it's easy to see how the chilmitment to helping others, and I salute you. dren can get "caught up" in the proThe Americans with Disabilities Act, which I gram. "My students sat quieter than signed in July 1990, was a major leap forward I have ever seen them!" explained in our efforts to open doors of opportunity for every citizen. Yet it is individual efforts Susan Fergusen, a teacher at such as yours that are helping to make the Statesville Road in Charlotte, NC. spirit of the ADA a reality in communities "They really listened and enjoyed across the United States. Your "friendship the program." visits" to persons with disabilities and your work in promoting awareness of their rights, " It helps them to better underinterests, and abilities have helped to change stand the abilities rather than dislives for the better. abilities," another teacher added. Last fall, Kids on the Block Team I know that your parents and fellow Pi Kaps were Members Ron Poland, from the Univery proud of you when you completed your journey to our Nation's Capital last August, and I join versity of Toledo and ToddJamrose them in saying "well done!" of Concord College took the "kids" on a tour throughout the northeast. Sincerely, This team reached more than 6,000 students throughout Maryland, Virginia,Pennsylvania,NewJersey,and New York. PUSH America's Kids on the block program has reached more than L-~~~--.--.~--"'--.-----~--~----~------~~--..-.-~ 30,000 elementary school children Shortly before leaving office, former President George Bush recognized the efforts since the program started in 1990. of the PUSH America '92 Team with a congratulatory note to each team member. Winter 1993


IlK<D. • . Expanding into the Future! by Lorne LaPorte, Pi Kappa Phi's Director of Expansion The Administrative Office has many strategies to keep our fraternity the best in expansion. We continue to be one of the fastest growing fraternities in America, leading the fraternity world for many years with a growth rate of 128% since 1968. The average is only 37%. The strategic plan for Pi Kappa Phi expansion is detailed by the national expansion committee. However, according to probability and timing it is followed and adjusted by the Administrative Office. Expansion itself occurs in many ways. The first and foremost comes from interest groups. We consistently get a steady flow of these groups who petition the national fraternity. The Administrative Office, in tum, sends them an expansion brochure to aid them in understanding how much hard work it really takes to become a chartered chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. This also gives them guidelines on how to go about starting an associate chapter. Second, we target those schools where we would like to expand or C1:lllEg2 re-colonize. (Recolonizations occur Grt:ralMi.c.h:ig:n ( IE l when a chapter is started on a Olr:istq:te:" N3tp:rt campus where it has previously ~'!6<as existed.) In some cases, we have a El.m~ ( FA ) s.NY-AlJ:ani Jc.:h1s::.n & WllES ffi\1'{-BrccKp::rt m trered: oo:ymrs, tre specific interest in being on a parM:lrylarlat Ehlt:inore ticular campus. ffi\IY-Plattsb..rr:gh Fl::at:e:nityplao toep:rrl to tre Lastly, we take school invitaM:rq:i1is S:ate ( r~ l Tcitpi ( BA) fi::ilJ.o.Jir:g s:hriLs: M:lrEh:rrl S:ate ( Llli) tions. This is a competitive process lili\e:Si.ty aE'lea3 ( ZB l 1. lria:m.S:at:e lili've:"Sity Cklah:rra ( Ar) that involves submitting a detailed rn::-~ ( FA) 2. I..a.risiaa9:ct:e u. (I1) 8:crarEnto S:ate ( EN) Wirg3te Cblley application. If accepted, the Ad3 . Chio9:ci:elili\e:Si.ty ( AN) 8:ln Fran::i.s:o ministrative Office sends a repreW:ijt act.e ( &1) 4. lili~aEMirn:s:ta sentative along with a local alumnus to make a presentation for future expansion

How you can help Pi Kappa Phi in Expansion. First of all, if you are interested in helping, please look at neighboring universities to see if they have a quality Greek system and what their current expansion policy is, if one exists. If you think there is a chance, call the Administrative Office . Please understand thatweonlytake leads that have a high probability for success.


Star& Lamp

Also, if you are an alumnus near an associate chapter, get in touch with the group. A young group struggling to charter will definitely appreciate your involvement and interest. An alumnus who works with an associate chapter can help make a difference between an associate chapter that charters and an associate chapter that fails . The cur-

rent associate chapters are shown above, and their addresses are listed on page 31. If you are an undergraduate member and have friends that may be interested in starting a Pi Kappa Phi chapter on their campus, contact the Administrative Office at (704)523-6000, or Lome LaPorte, at (704)556-6130.


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The Bridge Builder An old man, going a lone highway, Came at the evening, cold and gray. To a chasm vast and deep and wide; The old man crossed in the twilight dim, The sullen stream had no fear for him; But he turned when safe on the other side And built a bridge to span the tide. "Old man," said a fellow pilgrim near, "You are wasting your strength with building here; Your journey will end with the ending day, You will never again pass this way;

You've crossed the chasm deep and wide; Why build you this bridge at evening tide?" The builder lifted his old gray head"Good friend, in the path I have come," he said, "There followeth after me today, A youth whose feet must pass this way; This chasm that has been naught to me To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be; He, too, must cross in the twilight dimGood friend, I am building this bridge for him." Will Allen Dromgoole

Through the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, you can be a bridge builder for thousands of young Pi Kapps for years to come. Winter 1993


c路 路

c1 b

Annual Clubs: Distinguished Fellows- $1,000 and up per year Foundation Fellows-$500-$999 per year

Lifetime Giving Clubs Council Club-$10,000 and up Foundation Club- $5,000 to $9,999 Lamplighters Club- $2,500 to $4,999 Executive Director's Club- $1,000 to $2,499 Gold Star Club- $500-$999 Chevron Club- $250-$499 Crossed Swords Club- $100-$249 The sole purpose of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is to support the educational programs of Pi Kappa Phi. Special attention is given to these five objectives:

Programs to Build Better Chapters Leadership Development Scholarships and Loans Alcohol and Drug Abuse programs PUSH America It is reasoned that focused programs and the commitment of resources in these five areas will help build a more complete undergraduate experience for members of Pi Kappa Phi and their families. The assets of the Foundation now approach two million dollars, and are comprised of funds, invested by the Charitable Trust Department of the Wachovia National Bank, and the Administrative Office with 15 acres of land in Charlotte, North Carolina. Tax Deductible contributions may be made in any amount, at any time, by anyone. Your questions may be addressed to Ted Scharfenstein, Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, 289 South Street, Rockport, MA 01966-2350, or call at (508)546-2214.


Star & Lamp

Council Club ($10,000 and up, lifetime giving) Kappa UNC-Cha12el Hill Otis McCollum Xi

Roanoke College Judge James Turk Omega Purdue Universit)': David Lane Alpha Eta Samford James L. Daley Alpha Iota Auburn Noble Crump Alpha Omicron Iowa State Kelley, Bergstrom Beta Alpha N.J.I.T. Stephen DePalma

Lambda Universit)': of Georgia Jack Hutchinson Robert Knox Phil Tappy Xi Roanoke College Durward Owen Omicron Univ. of Alabama Harry Caldwell Jr. Lonnie Strickland III

Omicron Univ. of Alabama Nathan Hightower Travis Julian Rho Washington and Lee Howard Leake Alpha Epsilon Univ. of Florida Richard Bartlett Charles Stewart

Beta Presbyterian College Clifton Goodwin III

Alpha Omicron Iowa State Eldred Harman

Alpha Iota Auburn Frank Hawthorne Ernest Johnson

Epsilon Davidsson College Hooper Alexander III

Alpha Omicron Iowa State Wayne Moore Frank Parrish III

Sigma Universit)': of South Carolina Jerry Brewer Danny Reynolds

Alpha Upsilon Drexel Jack Casper Omicron Club



Alpha Psi Indiana Phillip Summers

Beta Gamma U. of Louisville Ronald Krebs

Alpha College of Charleston David Jaffee

Gamma Kappa Georgia Southern Perry Buffington

Epsilon Davidson College Harry Hendrick

GammaNu LaGrange College Ronald deValinger

Kappa UNC-Cha12el Hill Stuart Hicks

Gamma Xi Ga. Southwestern William Finney

Nu Univ. of Nebraska George Spatz

Delta Zeta A1212alachian State Mark Christopher Arthur Quickenton

Omicron Chapter

Alpha College of Charleston Julius Burges

Alpha College of Charleston James Edwards Bernie Jones, Jr George Sheetz

Alpha Eta Samford Universit)': Jack Bell

($2,500-$4,999, lifetime giving)

($5,000 to$9,999, lifetime giving)

($1,000 to $2,499, lifetime giving)

Alpha Epsilon Univ. of Florida George Coulter DavidHenn Daniel Martinez

Beta Beta Florida Southern Ted Scharfenstein

Foundation Club

Executive Director's Club

Xi Roanoke College Allen Woody III

Beta Alpha N.J.I.T. John Lee Jr.

Gamma Univ. Calif.-Berkeley Richard Cornish

Zeta Wofford College Aylette Evans Eta Emo!)': Universit)': Samuel Westbrook John Wilson Iota Georgia Tech James Pritchett Jr. Stanley Roberts Kappa UNC-Cha12el Hill William Rollins Thomas Sayre Lambda Univ. of Georgia Issac Lang Jr. Walter Pickens Jr. Mu

Duke University William Fuqua

Nu Nebraska James Guretzky Xi Roanoke College Seibert Lavinder Tim Ribar, Jr. Dudley Woody Omicron Univ. of Alabama Robert Brannan Joe Cassady Doston Gurganus

Tau N.C. State Robert Cline Upsilon Illinois Peter Maier Lisle Menzimer Stanley Perkins Jack Roeser Gunnar Schalin Chi Stetson Dr. J. Patrick Figley Bruce Rogers Psi Cornell George Heinrich William Newell Alpha Gamma Univ. of Oklahoma Robert Dunnington Cosby Huddle Vernon Stansell Alpha Delta Univ. of Washington Robert Bux Alpha Epsilon Univ. of Florida Joseph Boote Jr. Frank Brass Jr. David Charland Hugh Gower Byron Herlong Charles Hudspeth Michael O'Donnell Guy Wood Jr.

Winter 1993


Alpha Zeta Oregon State Noel Flynn Jack Steward Alpha Theta Michigan State Theodore Aylward Alpha Iota Auburn Edward Henderson Alpha Lambda Univ. of Mississippi John Ward Alpha Nu Ohio State Carl Stickel Alpha Xi Polytechnic Henry Meyer Alpha Omicron Iowa State Kenneth Hook Hubert Lattan Alpha Rho West Virginia Victor Folio Alpha Tau Rensselaer Gordon Wright Alpha Upsilon Drexel Universi~ Leonard Dicarlo Walter Sheppard Alpha Phi Illinois Tech John Humiston John Sachs Alpha Psi Indiana Terry Brown Beta Alpha N.J.I.T. James Krucher Donald VanHouten Beta Gamma Univ. of Louisville WarrenRobb


Star& Lamp

Beta Delta Drake Universi~ Robert Cione BetaMu McNeese State Richard Smith Beta Upsilon Univ. of Virginia Daniel Kimball Jr Joseph Yount, III Beta Chi East Texas State John Witt Gamma Alpha 'Livingston Joseph Alexander Gamma Delta Memphis State Univ. Thomas Carter David Everson Mathew Lipscomb Gamma Kappa Georgia Southern Joseph Odom Jr Gamma Rho Lander College Charles Watson Jr Gamma Upsilon Oklahoma State Cary Rogers Delta Pi Wright State Univ. Daniel Strawn Epsilon Beta Grand Valley State Ted Lukomski Zeta Theta Universi~

of Texas

Paul Drake Upsilon Corporation

Gold Star Club ($500-$999, lifetime giving) Alpha College of Charleston Robert Barnett Timothy Dangerfield Earle Jennings, jr Terence Moore Beta Presbxterian College Edward Hahn, Jr. Clinton Massey Samuel McGregor Marion Mixson Gamma Univ. Calif.-Berkelex Ned Crouch Sterling orgard Charles Vannice Delta Furman University: john Southern David Ullman Sigma Univ. of South Carolina William Fincher, Jr. Robert Lake, Jr. Epsilon Davidson College Robert Burgess Kenneth Clary Allen Graham, Jr. Zeta Wofford College Abner Stockman, Ill Eta Em01y University: Joseph Cannon, Jr. Primus Hipp Kenneth Kiehl Iota Georgia Tech Joel Bonewitz James Gordy Herbert Haley Frank Hodge Alanlmm Bruce Jewett Donald Johnston Arthur Perkins John Puckett Kappa UNC-Cha11el Hill Glenn Dodson, Jr. Woodrow Gunter, II Paul Wimbish

Lambda Univ. of Georgia Glenn Ellard James Hull Herbert Ingram, Jr. Lindsay Preiss Mu Duke University: George Benda William Dodson, Jr. Dr. Robert Dunn Warren Pope Joseph Skinner Charles Taylor Nu Nebraska Kenneth Pruden Xi Roanoke College Clarence Caldwell, Jr. Paul Caldwell Edward Corson, II Lyman Fairbanks, Ill Raphael Ferris Richard Newman Judge Daniel O'Flaherty James Stump, Jr. iE. VonCulin Jack Wade, Jr. Omicron Univ. of Alabama Samuel Brent, Jr. Robert Inman Mack Matthews Richard Taylor James Watts Paul Wesch Rho Washington and Lee Frederick Landrigan Robert Taylor, N Tau N.C. State Jason Deyton Jr. James Morgan Upsilon Illinois Maynard Bartholomew Fritz Elich Willis Haselwood Glen Hesler Frank Teegarden, Jr. Stephen Trahey Chi ~

Edwin Culver Thomas Deen, Jr. Herman Turner Psi Cornell John Kirk Philip Pratt Calvin Rofe Edwin Sayers, Ill Lawrence Thayer Frederick Thorne

Omega Purdue Hugh Hanagan Richard Gollmar Thomas Miller Walter Norrington Emmanuel O'Drobinak Palmer Porter Herman Riggs Alpha Alpha Mercer University: Ross Harden Alpha Gamma Oklahoma William Dunnington Robert Holly Jay Morris Alpha Delta Univ. of Washington Thomas Frick M. Kinkade Charles Porter William Porter Alpha Epsilon Univ. of Florida Peter Barr Gary Leonard AlbertLuer Roy Olsen Benjamin Overton John Powers Thomas Simpson Wilton Strickland Raymond Tylander Alpha Zeta Oregon State John Bollman Robert Elfers Charles Hartsough Harry Kallander Norman Logan Gary Munn Frederick Raw Jack Reviglio David Vawter Alpha Theta Michigan State William Cleary Robert McCall Donald Viecelli Dennis Yanachik Alpha Iota Auburn University: Marshal Caley EmsleyCobb Thomas Fuller Edwin Goodgame Samuel Pate Jack Pearson James Russell Marion Wilkins Charles Workman, Jr. Alpha Kappa Michigan Mark Perrin AlphaMu Penn State Gregg Turner Thomas Yoho

Alpha Nu Ohio State Edw in Stickel

Beta Gamma Univ. of Louisville Spencer Harper, Jr.

Alpha Xi Pol;ttechnic Univ. Henry Backofen, ill Richard Brad y Joseph Flaherty Henry Gartner Frederick Hetzer Thomas May Ren wick Nugent Carl Pester

Beta Delta Drake Universitx James Hornbrook George Oldham Richard Schmitt Beta Epsilon Univ. of Missouri Christopher Lissner James Lloyd

Alpha Omicron Iowa State Robert Brandau Roy Kottrnan Warren Madden William Nechanicky Ed ward Paine William Rickert Thomas Tott

Beta Eta Florida State Charles MacMillin Howard McCall, Jr

Alph a Rho West Virginia Patrick Fa rley

Beta Kappa Georgia State U. Kenneth Cribbs David Ward

Alpha Sigma Univ. of Tennessee RCecil Kenneth McPherson Alpha Tau Rensselaer James Bernstein Benjamin Cahill, j r Cedric Dustin, ill Frank Popp Donald Seyler Harry Zimmer Alpha Upsilon Drexel Universitx Thomas Block Raymond Da vis John Rittenhouse Frederick Schmehl William Shute William Stees Alpha Phi Ill in ois Tech Russell Millman Roger Peterson George Svehla Frederic Widlak Alpha Chi Univ. of Miami Melford Hopkins Alpha Psi Indiana William Day, Jr Ross Wingler

Beta Alpha N.J.I.T. Ed ward Klebaur, Jr. Joseph Manfredi Beta Beta Florida Southern College Gary Baker Carl Koch

Beta Iota Univ. of Toledo Darryl McEwen Lance Talmage

Beta Lambda Univ. of Tam11a Thomas Kea tor, IT Richard Swirbul Beta Tau Valdosta State Ronald Thomas Beta Upsilon Univ. of Virginia William Couper Glenn Dickson Theod ore Freeman Russell Huber Frederick Riggins Beta Phi East Carolina U. WilliamEaly Clay Edmonds Beta Omega East Tennessee State Byron Brown Gamma Beta Old Dominion U. Charles Brad y, lli Donald Midgett Joseph VanCleve, ill Gamma Delta Mem11his State Allen Vazquez Gamma Epsilon Western Carolina U. Marvin Cope Gamma Zeta West Virginia Tech Charles H utzler Scott Moore Gamma Eta Athens Thomas Reinke Robert Slaybaugh, II

Gamma Theta UNC-Wilrn ington William Kirby Martin Sondey

Gamma Omega Univ. of Montevallo David Wigginton

Delta Sigma Bowling Green Ken Kaiser

Delta Alpha Virginia Pol;ttechnic John Crist

Delta Psi Texas Arlington Mark Jacobs

Gamma Kappa Georgia SQuthem Glenn Aspinwall Roland Berry Martin Nesmith John Riggs

Delta Beta North Georgia College Thomas Persia

Epsilon Alpha Elon College Barry Simmons

Delta Epsilon Jacksonville State U. Clyde McSpadden

Epsilon Beta Grand Valle;t State Stephen Gilbert

Gamma Lambda Univ. of Missouri-Rolla Pa ul Scherrer

Delta Zeta A1111alachian State U. Todd Griffin

Epsilon Lambda SC-S11artanburg William Weathers Jr.

Gamma Xi Georgia Southwestern Raymond Baggarly

Delta Lambda UNC-Charlotte Christopher Cannon Charles Marus

EpsilonMu Bradle;t Universitx Jeffrey Luebker

Gamma Phi Univ. of South Alabama Carl Doggette Frank Havard

Delta Pi Wright State Bruce Rockwell

Gamma Chi Jacksonville Univ. Paul Stynchcomb

Delta Rho Southern California Lee Dreyfu ss

Epsilon Chi Univ. of Denver Carl Leweke Helen Ring and family

Distinguished Fellows The following brothers and friends have contributed $1000 or more during 1992. Kappa Stuart Hicks

Darliel ~artinez

Beta Alpha N.J.I.T. Stephen DePalma

Lambda Univ. of Georgia Jack Hutchinson

Alpha Iota Auburn Noble Crump Ernest Johnson

Beta Beta Florida Southern College Ted Scharfenstein

Alpha Omicron Iowa State Kelley Bergstrom Eldred Harman Frank Parrish

Gamma Delta State U. Thomas Carter ~athew Lipscomb



Xi Roanoke College Durward Owen Judge Turk Allen Woody ill

Alpha Epsilon Univ. of Florida

Omicron Univ. of Alabama Alpha Upsilon Harry Caldwell Jr. Drexel Nathan Hightower Jack Casper Lonnie Strickland ill Alpha Psi Chi Indiana Stetson Universitt Phillip Summers Bruce Rogers


Zeta Theta Univ. of Texas Paul Drake Anonymous Omicron Chapter Omicron Club Upsilon Corp.

Winter 1993



Club ($250-$499, lifetime giving) Alpha College of Charleston Andrew Cracker Harry Freeman, Jr. William Gaud, ill Arthur Haisten Robert Marlowe Gregory Padgett Col. John Reynolds George Rogers, Jr John Walton, Jr Beta Presbyterian College David Austin James Ballard John Bright, Jr. Thomas Grafton Arthur Maxwell, Jr John Steenbergen Gamma Univ. California-Berkeley James Aljian Corey Babarovich Vincent Consul Alexander Croce Joseph Dolan Jack Downer Joseph Magoon Mark Plank Ronald Segel Neil Weatherall Delta Furman University Walter Arnold Sidney Martin William McMillan Joe Sparks, Jr. Tullious Stoudemayer Sigma Univ. of South Carolina Paul Carter, Jr. John Coulter, Jr. Grady Faircloth Robert Gunter Michael Harvath, li Bruce Hunt Richard Mims William Rhodes, ill Lawrence Wood Epsilon Davidson College Henry Escue, MD Ernest Hunter, Jr. William Mills Robert Southwell Philip Winstead


Star & Lamp

Zeta Wofford College Gregg Bissell Marshall Connelly Jesse Crimm Thornton Crouch William Evins, Jr. Robert McJunkin James Owings Marvin Owings James Pease James Switzer, Jr. Eta Emory University Hey! Tebo

Kappa UNC-Chapel Hill Philip Ameen Joseph Bassett Herbert Brand George Braun Russell Hadley Aaron Hagler Richard Holzworth Ralph Hunt William Johnson, Jr. James Leak Michael McLaughlin Donald McLeod Richard Morgan Walter Schroeder James Thompson

Nu Nebraska Edward Bieri Judd Brenton Herbert Henderson Kerry Hookstra Robert Piatt William Wesslund Xi

Roanoke College Stephen Bast David Ferguson James Fleshman Henry Fowler Robert Gray Henry Hahn, Jr. Robert Harris Cecil Hefner Robert Hyatt Donald Kerr

Top 10 Giving States for 1992 1. Alabama 2. North Carolina 3. Florida 4. Virginia 5.Georgia 6. South Carolina

$13,694 $12,510 $12,135 $11,721 $11,344 $6,942 $6,915 $6,711 $ 6,530 $6,215

7. New Jersey 8. California 9. Illinois 10. Texas Iota Georgia Tech John Benkert Wi]jjam Bennett Philip Cook Terrell Covington Robert Defurio James Dewberry George Jensen John Jones Malcolm Keiser Charles Kent Thomas Lowndes, Jr. Robert Lowrance Robert McCamy Robert Murray, Jr. Robert Parrish Robert Pryor, Jr. William Pryor Robert Reeves Charles Roach George Rouse Bruce VanDerhoof Frank Whitley Jerome Withers, Jr.

Kappa, cont. Ralph Walthall Robert White Charles Winn, III Mark Winston James Worsham Lambda University of Georgia Thomas Dalton, Jr. Marshall Groover, Jr. William Harp, Jr. Larry McDaniel Richard Patrick, Jr. Sam Slade Cecil Spooner, Jr. Robert Wilson Mu Duke University Larry Clifton David Gill Burnett Hull Charles Munch Bart Stephens


Xi, cont. Curtis Lemon Wilbur Mann, Jr. Robert Mentzinger, Jr. Mason Miller, Jr. George Naff DeWitt Petterson Omicron Univ. of Alabama George Barker, Jr. Charles Beard George Bennett, j r. William Bishop, Jr. Edwin Caldwell, II Larry Contri Emmett Harrison, Jr. joe Lee

Benjamin Mathis Desmond Merrill Clinton Paulsen William Schroeder Robert Shepherd William Sutton William Taylor Ed~ard Turner, Jr. Lawrence Wilkerson William Worthington, Jr .

Rho Washington and Lee Richard Anderson Seth Baker David Bare Charles Fulton Edwin Garretson, Jr. Ferdinand Hauslein Richard Hoover Robert Petrey Malcolm Squires, Jr. Edward Turville John Wallace Dorsey Ward, Jr. Thomas Warfield Fred Waters, Jr. Tau N.C. State Fred Collins, Jr. Anthony Evans Clyde Humphrey Joseph McConnaughey Wallace Reams jacob Shepherd, Jr. Hartwell Sledge, ill Upsilon Illinois Joseph Gauer William Hasfurther Ralph Howard Joseph Johnson Thomas Krizan Arthur Moore Stephen Mumford Timothy Pemberton Warren Perkins Edward Prosser Kenneth Rabe Robert Reed Donald Thompson Eugene Ullemeyer Chi Stetson University Cartha 'Deke' DeLoach George Patterson Esten Ulmer Psi Cornell University John Allan¡ John Angus Thomas Burger, Jr. Jerold Green Eugene Lehr William Mayhew Donald Perkins Michael PisciteUi James Storey Robert Wilcox Walter Zygmunt Omega Purdue University Donald Adams Duane Davis Ronald Eyer George Fassnacht Charles Hall Donald Hendrickson Rikard Hill Grafton Houston, )r James Jackson William Kanouse Alfred Kirchner, Jr

Omega, cont. Lawrence Lang Michael Little Bruce McCandless Michael Ohaver Ralph Olson William Peace, Jr. William Scheck Robert Schutte, Jr. Halbert Smith, Jr. Robert Thomson

Alpha Theta Michigan State Kenneth Adams Angus Morse Milford Morse Leonard Paul Jr. Richard Pfeil Wesson Ritchie Robert Trembath Ford Woodard Ray Zimmerman

Alpha Alpha Mercer University William Bruner Ledford Carter Robert Higgins, Jr. Augustus Martin, III Charles Melton Justin Waits

Alpha Iota Auburn University William Amos Lua Blankenship, Jr. George Bruner, Jr. John Christiansen, Jr. Harry Dicus, Jr. Robert Ferrell Joe Forehand, Jr. Tommy Gordon Moyer Harris Floyd Hurt William Jones, Jr. Wallace Kirkland David Long Paul Persons Lawrence Pharo, Jr. Bogart Reed Robert Ward Joseph Williams

Alpha Gamma Oklahoma Richard Hoffman Bennie McElyea Thomas Moore Eugene Salmon Alpha Delta Univ. of Washington John Clague Robert Hansen Louis Messer Alpha Epsilon Univ. of Florida Geary Cotton John Davis David Gatchell Murle Harrison Michael Hill Spence Hubbard Eliott James George Johnson, Jr. Charles Lapradd Albert Mann Reginald Ross William Sahlie Mark Thurn MarkTimmes Mark Varney Dennis Wick Alpha Zeta Oregon State University Sumner Alldredge Rickey Hug Col Stanley Kelley Robert Nordlander Thomas Patterson Donald Perrin William Thomas Alpha Eta Samford University Jimmy Bell William Davis, Jr. William Dixon, Jr. William Ford James Purvis Gilmer Simmons

Alpha Kappa Univ. of Michigan Hugh Hotchkiss Carl OMara Alpha Lambda Univ. of Mississippi James Tabb AlphaMu Penn State University James Alter Jon Benedetti John Brisbane Richard Brown, Jr. Chester Curley, Jr. Palmer Davis, Jr. William Exley Bruce Foster Michael Gardocki Richard Heim Robert Jones Daniel Jones Richard Kleinert John Lonberger John Schmucker, III Keith Shaner Michael Trull William Walker Edwin Yeager Kenneth Zehner AlphaNu Ohio State James Crandall Corwin Hablitzel

Alpha Xi Polytechnic University Steven Bertone John Boette Ret George Carleton, III Louis Destefano Walter Eisele Bruce Elowsky OveJensen Richard Magg Joseph McCooey Rino Nori Robert O'Donohue, Jr. William Roney ,Jr. Louis Rowley, Jr. Gerald Scheibner Albert Steele Alpha Omicron Iowa State Keith Bader John Bateman Lloyd Brownson James Carson Stanton Fritz Guy Goodenow Peter Hall Robert McKean James Moon

Alpha Omicron, cont. Richard Ohrt Charles Schram, Jr. John Veak Harley Whitney Alpha Rho West Virginia David Kish Alpha Sigma Tennessee James Adkins Thomas Banks Odus Johnson Frank Pugh Kerry Reid Kar I Schneeberger Roy Smith James Steffner John Steffner Barney Tucker James VanFrank, Jr. Alpha Tau Rensselaer Richard Andrews George Cook David Dobson David Dropkin Earle Fox, Jr. Robert Fuchs Winter Graves

Alpha Tau, cont. Robert Hawkins Gelston Howell, Jr Steven Kaitz Armand Kelly, III Jeffrey Keough George Kirkland, Jr. Brewster LaMacchia Erik Nagel David Peter Marvin Pietschker Kermit Pratt Edward Rebula William Roberts Ernest Stacey William Steffancin Robert Wambach, Jr Alpha Upsilon Drexel University Percy Brewington Jeffrey Cohick William Cooney, Jr Samuel Costa, Jr. Kenneth Dirkes Alan Henderson GuyHess,Jr John Hudson, Jr. Ralph Klesius Anthony Lannutti Jack Marshall Vicko Melada

Foundation Fellows The following brothers and friends have contributed between $500 and $999 during the past year. Kappa UNC-Chal!el Hill Otis McCollum

Alpha Iota Auburn Universit;y: Jack Pearson

Gamma Rho Lander College Charles Watson Jr

Xi Roanoke College Dudley Woody

Alpha Kappa Michigan Mark Perrin

Delta Zeta Al!l!alachian State Arthur Quickenton

Rho Washington & Lee Howard Leake

Alpha Tau Rensselaer Gordon Wright

Delta Lambda UNC-Charlotte Christopher Cannon

Psi Cornell Universit;y: Edwin Sayers Ill

Beta Alpha N.J.I.T. James Krucher

Omega Purdue David Lane

Beta Kappa Georgia State Kenneth Cribbs

Alpha Epsilon Univ. of Florida DavidHenn

Beta Phi East Carolina U. Clay Edmonds

Helen Ring and family in memory of James Hilton Ring

Winter 1993


Alpha Upsilon, cont. Gilbert Merritt Osborne Miller, Jr Samuel Parris Gay Piercy Donald Schey John Simmons, II Edward Simon, Jr Samuel Smith Frederick Staiger Robert Thorp, Jr Arthur Tunnell, Jr

Alpha Phi Illinois Tech Ralph Belke Edward Bisone Emil Donkers Cyril Dusell James Helm John Higgins Richard Hughes Edward Kaschins Martin Kotsch Andrew Michyeta, Jr. John Roach Burton Seiwell Myron Stevens Paul Wagner

Psi-Cornell john Kirk Bill Newell Omesa-Purdue David Lane Al11ha E11si1Qn-Floridi! Gary Leonard Mike O'Donnell MarkTimmes

Alpha Psi, cont. John Leonard Kevin McDonald Wayne Murray Waldsee Prunty James Ruckriegle Richard Stutz T.J. Sullivan

Alpha Psi Indiana Gerald Allen John Barker Charles Blackerby Stephen Boone Wendell Bray Donald Brennan }.Dowen Scott Evenbeck David Gibson Robert Haller john Hayden

Alpha Omega Univ. of Oregon Alan Cochran Donald Lasselle Stanley Lynch Thomas Vandawark

Bgta Delta-!lrake Robert Cione Beta My-M~NeeH Richard Smith


Beta U!1Si1Qn-Vir&inia Glenn Dickson Gamma Al11ha-Livinlll!ton Joe Alexander

A111ha Zeta-Oreson State jack Steward Dave Vawter Al11ha Eta-Samford jack Bell Gerald Mathews AlJZha Iota-Au!lum Frank Hawthorne Ernest Johnson David Long

Phil Tappy Mu-Duke Bill Fuqua Xi-Roanoke Durward Owen Tim Ribar James Turk

Gamma Ki!JZ!la-Ga. Southern Glenn Aspinwall Dr. Perry Buffington !;lammi! Ny-.!,aGranse Ron deValinger

Al!lhi! Qmicmn-lowi! Sta!e Kelley Bergstrom Wayne Moore Frank Parrish Al11hi! RhQ:WHt Vir&inii! Pat Farley

Dglta Gamma-Nebr.Qmaha WilliamOjile

Al11ha UJZsilon-Drexel Jack Casper Walter Sheppard William Stees

Delta Zeta- A1111al!!~hian S!ate David Owen Dr. Art Quickenton

Al11ha Psi-Ingiana Steve Smith Beta Al11ha-NIIT Stephen DePalma Jim Krucher Beta Beti!-Fii!. Southern Ted Scharfenstein Beta Gamma-Louisvillg Ron Krebs


Star & Lamp

EJZsilon Al11ha-Elon Barry Simmons

Beta Alpha N.J.I.T. Nicholas Adams Frederick Becker, Jr. Richard Delcore Robert Fechillas Karl Kubak Richard Labinsky Donald Linske William McCabe Louis Miceli George Newcombe Raymond Spinelli jacob VanBroekhoven Beta Beta Florida Southern College Larry Carter William Kesler George Peterson David Robertson Beta Gamma Univ. of Louisville Donald Bloomer John Cook Beta Delta Drake Universi!y: Paul Gilman Robert Howell Kenneth Miller Michael Neary Norris Rowland Paul Try James Verlautz Harry Winegar Beta Epsilon Univ. Of Missouri Walter Richards Laurence Trudell Beta Eta Florida State Leo Almerico Ronald Boersma Robert Clark Jeffrey Holler Guy Hollingsworth james Newman, jr Randolph Plotts David Podgor Sidney Wilson, Jr.

Beta Iota Univ. of Toledo Robert Conley Gerald Dunaway George Hershman Robert Kuhlman Robert Meyer William O'Shea James White, Jr. Beta Kappa Georgia State Universi!y: Stanley Duren David Ferguson john Whitley Beta Lambda Univ. of Tam11a A us tin Curry Ralph Griffin, jr Joseph Martineau Donald ONeal Guy Walton BetaMu McNeese State Edwin Potratz II Walter Stacy jr Beta Xi Central Michigan Univ. David Clappison Donald Perry Duane Valerio Boyd Wiltse Beta Omicron Northwestern State U. Andreas Bachman Beta Pi Eastern Michigan Univ. Richard Falk Beta Sigma Northern fllinois Univ. Donald Firkins Beta Tau Valdosta State College John Brooks Lance Hamrick William Maxwell Wesley Murphy II Hubert Wilford Beta Upsilon Univ. of Virginia John Browning Stuart Moore Charles Nesbit, Jr. Thomas Rouse George Shipp Beta Phi East Carolina Univ. Michael Auten Ellis Banks, Jr. Dennis Barbour Clay Brewer Dennis Brown David Frazier Daniel Frye Samuel Hicks, II Wiley Lewis, Jr. Richard Scott Wayne Scott

Beta Chi East Texas State Univ. Kenneth Park Beta Psi Tennessee Wesleyan james Van Ostenbridge Beta Omega East Tennessee State U. William Mayes,jr Russell Palmer Gamma Alpha Livingston University Hal Bloom,jr Howard Pettis james Roebuck Gamma Beta Old Dominion Univ. Linwood Beverly, jr William jenkins Louis Richard, j r Gamma Gamma Troy State University Laurence Turrin Gamma Delta Memphis State University Herbert Blow Thomas Lynch james Ray Gary VanAsek Gamma Epsilon Western Carolina University Robert Crawford Max Daves, jr Samuel Davis, Jr. R. David McKenzie Larry Ramsey Robert Shaver William Willis Gamma Zeia West Virginia Tech David Holt Dennis Maffessanti Michael Paterno Donald Prinzbach Clifton Smith Gamma Theta UNC-Wilmington William Dalton Leonard Harris Henry Merritt, j r. James Piner Gamma Kappa Georgia Southern University Thomas Camp, lV Gamma Lambda Univ. of Missouri-Rolla Robert Bentzinger Mario Gioia, jr Joseph Gioia Eric Harris

GammaMu Belmont Abbey John Cottingham, ll Gregory Kusic Guy Piche Gamma Xi Georgia Southwestern Charles Cates, III Benjamin Hamrick David Suppes David Wallis

Delta Rho Univ. of Southern CA Jay Hotchkiss Edward Lang, Ill Delta Sigma Bowling Green State U. Kevin Lotosky

Gamma Tau North Texas State Univ. Robert Williams

Delta Tau lames Madison Univ. Christopher Negaard

Gamma Upsilon Oklahoma State Univ. Barry Howell Gilbert Sanders

Delta Psi Univ. of Texas Arlington Billy Jacobs William Svihel

Gamma Phi Univ. of South Alabama Larry Green Jimmy Greene David Rose Hugh Tomlin Kenneth Webb

Epsilon Alpha Elon College Gerald Hollan

Gamma Psi Augusta College Brooks Keel Michael Smith

Epsilon Gamma Longwood College Robert MeAra Donald Sisco, II Epsilon Delta Auburn Univ.-Montgomery David Smith, Jr

Gamma Omega Univ. of Montevallo David Bennett

Epsilon Epsilon Clinch Valley College Robert Sage

Delta Alpha Virginia Polytechnic William Ryan

Epsilon Zeta Univ. of Central Arkansas John Bearden

Delta Beta North Georgia College Richard Barr, Jr. Victor Eileniield Victor Irvin Ulysses Matherly, Jr. Charles May Richard Moultrie Thomas Nicholson, Jr

Epsilon Eta Winthrop University Joel Byars

Delta Delta Northeast Missouri State Nelson Akers john Andrews

Epsilon Kappa Southern Tech Jay Barrow Barry Kidd Jose Morales James Ransom Epsilon Mu Bradley University J. Kevin O'Brien

Delta Epsilon Jacksonville State Robert Stewart James Young, Jr.

Epsilon Nu Cal. State-Sacramento Todd Rehfuss Kim Spannuth

Delta Eta Morehead State Univ. Gregory Kring

Epsilon Rho Lenoir-Rhyne College Mark Mullane

Delta Iota Middle Tennessee State Michael Potts

Epsilon Tau St. Joseph's University Vincent Thompson, Sr

Delta Lambda UNC-Charlotte Francis Proctor, Jr.

Epsilon Omega Texas Tech Robert Welsh Zeta Gamma Univ. of North Dakota Cletus Kraft

CIF Accounts Last July, the IRS approved the establishment of Chapter Investment Funds for each chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. The Chapter Investment Fund program allows each chapter, alumni corporation, alumnus, and friend of the Fraternity to make a tax deductible contribution in support of the educational programs for their individual chapters. Already, many alumni have taken advantage of the Chapter Investment Fund in order to help their individual chapters.

The following chapters have benifited the most thus far from the Chapter Investment Fund program:. (The monetary figure is the current amount that is in the Investment Fund.)

1. AE-Florida 2. 0-Alabama 3. 3-Roanoke 4. AO-Iowa State 5. A-Georgia 6. L\Z-Appalachian 7. Y-Illinois 8. Q-Purdue 9. EA- Spartanburg 10. AM-Penn State

$149,947.22 $33,918.73 $21,069.22 $17,682.66 $ 16, 875.65 $15,732.05 $14,934.73 $9,022.34 $ 8,215.79 $ 7,797.27

Consider investing in the future of your chapter through your chapter's Chapter Investment Fund Account.

Winter 1993


Crossed Sword Club ($100-$249, lifetime) Alpha College of Charleston Scott Boykin Steven Coker Michael Finch, Jr. Irvin Greco Eric Heifers Chris Kirkland Daniel Ravenel Lewis Westbrook, Ill Beta Presbxterian College John Broughton Dwight Holder Donald Mucci Dale Rains George Stickney, Jr. Gamma Univ. California-Berkele)! ·Eric Ashton Paul Casale Robert Easley Orlando Frasca George Ganz David Halligan George Lineer Richard Rappaport Eugene Roberts David Scruggs Harold Simmons Clifford Walker, Jr. Delta Furman Universit)! Euta Colvin Brown Mahon, Jr. Peter Manning Lee Rowley, Jr. Epsilon Davidson College William Clayton, Jr. Paul Cooper Junius Gaither, Jr. Robert Grady Samuel Hines Harold Kemoclle, Jr. Lyman Parrigin, Jr. Charles Ratliff William Rozelle joseph Shelton Zeta Wofford College james Belcher Thomas Bratton Jack Kaplan, Jr. Thomas Palmer Carroll Reames William Smethie, Jr. Eta Emon: Universit): Frank Bracewell George Cook William Floyd James Wood


Star& Lamp

Iota Georgia Tech David Boy, Jr. Thomas Christian, Jr. Pitman Cleaveland Keith Comerford Gregory Corcoran Christopher Doyle James Dull Gregory Elliot Russell Johnson Lee Kidd Elwood McLaughlin Monteiro Nelson, III John Nunez Paul Pomeroy Kevin Renshaw Dean Russell William Sauser, Jr. Lloyd Skidmore, Jr. Michael Stevens Andrew Stone Eugene Viscelli Lewis Walker, Jr. Comer Weaver, Jr. John Wilson, III Kappa !iNC-Chapel Hill Charles Adams Walter Bost, Jr. Frederick Coville Alvin Daughtridge Mark Gorham Benjamin Guion Edmund Hopkins Thomas Killian James Little, Jr. David McAllister Steven Santee Stephen Shaw Charles Stewart Scott Tate Lewis Warren, Jr. James Wilmott John Yokley Lambda Univ. of Georgia Ph.ili p Allison John Bradbury Dennis Fields James Graves Ted Grob, III William Hatcher Charles Huttoe Seaborn Moss, Jr. John Peck Robert Penland, III Chris Savage Thomas We!;! Mu Duke Universit): Sid Atkinson Thomas Garrou Wilfred Gatling, Jr. Norman Gibson Shuford Peeler William Pitts Dietrich Rosenberg Nu Nebraska James Christo! Andrew Sheets Donald Warnke

Xi Roanoke College John Barley Michael Bast Steven Day Paul Dotson Kenneth Garren Robert Irvin, Jr. Walter Keister Henry Kennett David McCourt Louis Mullineaux Stephen Quinn Pleas Ramsey Gordon Ramsey John Stafford, Jr. Robert Thomas Omicron Univ. of Alabama James Avrett Robert Bowers Barry Brock Jerry Brunson Thomas Gilbert, Jr. Thomas Grammas Frank Hanvey Thomas Henderson Charles Jones, III Daniel Lemley James Miree James Renfroe Anthony Rice Pi Ogletho!J!e Universit): James Richardson Julian Tumlin Rho Washington & Lee Universit): Clifford Curtis Jr Floyd McKinnon Clifton Mitchell George Myers James Roane Kenneth VandeWater Jr. Sigma ·Univ. of South Carolina Herbert Benson, Jr. George DeLay William Epperson Daniel Flessas John Flynn Robert Moorer James Parler james Pruitt, Jr. Thomas Stafford, II Maxwell Turner Clarence Wise Tau N.C. State William Campbell John Feather, Jr. Arthur Greene William Gurnee, III David Hartsoe Walter McKinnon, Jr. W. Scott Troutman

Upsilon Illinois Ronald Arrighy Edward Atkins Timothy Blickensderfer Robert Bogdanoff John Carson Brent Frank Daniel Ganzer Jeffrey Higgins David Kallal Kenneth Kamper George Leech Harold Madison Frank Marlow August Massa Joseph Pehlman Julius Schoeller, Jr Wilson Seldon Michael Shaner John Simpson Paul Steinway Walter Wahlfeldt Chi Stetson UniV!:rl!ib: Thomas Cash Jr. Richard Derienzo Leo Gomez James Griffin Mark Hollis John Snellings W. Mark Thrash Thomas Wrenn James Young Psi Cornell Universit): Gary Fisher Paul Haas Bertram Lindsey Norman Miller Louis Seaman Omega Purdue Universit): Jack Berlien James Berlien Jeffrey Blevens William Bradshaw Robert Brinson Jeffrey Coffel George Frederick Waldemar Goffeney Spencer Gullicksen Hilton Henry Edwin Henry Thomas jennings Harold Johnson, Jr. Donald Kalter Clayton Newhagen Ph.ilip Newhouse Paul OMalley john Pop Jack Powers Leo Powers Robert Rowan Edwin Sherwood Donald Swager Herbert Treen Alpha Alpha Mercer Universit): William Maratos Alpha Beta Tulane Universit): Boyd Evans Sr .

Alpha Gamma Univ. of OklahQma Lawrence Besenfelder Jeffrey Jordan James Romo Alfred Schmidt Jr. Timothy Welles Alpha Delta Univ. of Washington John Dailey Manuel Esteban John Illias Henry Novak Dean Parker Willard Vadman Alpha Epsilon Univ. of Florida Thelmon Chastain Nei!Contess Peter Cummings Joe Enzor Jr. Richard Hill Manuel James William Lewis Sabino Martinez, Jr. Ellison Owen III Alpha Zeta Oregon State Univ. Anthony Amort Earl Barton William Cook Thome Hammond Kenneth Hawke, Jr. George Jaska David Klamfoth Donald Knight Melvin Knorr James Marsh Clinton Maurice John Moore Alpha Eta Samford Univ. Elbert Bruce Wayne Cofield Glenn Olivenbaum Joe Vaughn Henry Yeackle, III Alpha Theta Michigan State Henry Anderson, Jr. Brian Connelly Wallace DeMaagd Scott Evans Gregory Kurasz Curtis Luthy Otmer Schuster Gerald Wajda Robert Yackels Michael Yanachik Alpha Iota Auburn Universit): Charles Beaird George Blackwell Wallace Drury James Hamilton Nathaniel McClure, TV William Ott, Jr. Dan Parmer Louis Reynolds, Jr. Malcolm Sahlie Wilson Wooley

Alpha Kappa Michigan Carl Bracy Gregory Brown Ralph Danielson Elston Larson William Rowley Alpha Lambda Univ. of Mississippi Yandell Warren AlphaMu Penn State University Barry Anderson Kenneth Flodin Gordon Fry IT John Funk George Herold Earl Hoffman Jr. William Johnson Bruce Kent LeonKnetz Steven Loeper Kevin Murphy Douglas Prozan John Ressler Robert Thornton AlphaNu Ohio State John Haas Lewis Miller Alpha Xi Polytechnic University Charles Behringer Christopher Criscione Richard Currie William Delnicki Vincent DiGiovanni Lewis Everett Valentine Fendrich Eric Finegan Franklin Grandinetti Frank Herbert Ill Paul Hoeker Kenneth McCort Albert Muller Antonio Quilon Harry Roener Maurice Ryan Roy Sarcona Paul Schwanenflugel Warren Zulawski Alpha Omicron Iowa State Eric Almquist Barry Croucher Hal Dirksen Walter Dorr George Dubes Philip Dvorak Kenneth Johnson Mark Milliman Charles Rehman, Jr. Ralph Ruedy Alpha Rho West Virginia Alexander Adair Telford Cru ikshank, Jr. Howard Martin Thomas McCormick John Ryder

Alpha Sigma Tennessee Stephen Donohue Tony Earl Louis Hamric James Jones, Jr. Randall Mims Joseph Moomau Robert Pemberton Aaron Reed Clark Roberts Robert Sledd Thomas Snow Samuel Steele James Tombras Alpha Tau Rensselaer Polytechnic William Baldwin Milton Beveridge Deall Daymon Michael Desmarais Jonathan Finke George Graf, Jr. Thomas Hood Alan McCarthy George Morgan, Jr Kenneth Munoz Howard Peterson, Jr Francis Polom Thomas Richmond, Jr. Nicholas Rusanowsky Robert Sidelko Donald Stephens Kevin Walter Douglas Wiles John Woodhead, lli Alpha Upsilon Drexel University Robert Baldwin Henry Bartle, lli Robert Birdsall Barry Campbell Douglas Clarke Walter Dearolf, Jr Donald Dement Edward DiMond John Frye John Gardner Robert Gravdahl David Heydt Oscar Hokanson Eugene Kiehl Albert Lord Walter Lovell Willaim McFadden Francis McMahon Austin Meehan George Meyers, Jr Joseph Mittura Edwin Neuman Joseph O' Brien John Pritts John Remias Roland Tesno George Thompson Donald Williams Stanley Wilson Samuel Wilson, Sr. Robert Wolfinger

Alpha Phi Illinois Tech Gary Cathey Emil Deiter David Desilets John Doudera, Jr. Richard Frankenberg George Hoff Edward King Leonard Mance Harry Perle!, Jr. AmoPinnow Jack Piper Edwin Searl Robert Stevens Lee Strole

Alpha Psi Indiana Thomas Baker Delbert Bollinger Alvin Enlow James Halsey Warren Loomis Timothy Mercer John Reilly Dennis Rose William Seng, Jr. Gregory Vann Alpha Omega Univ. of Oregon Joseph Schwab, Jr. Beta Alpha N.J.I.T. John Alfonso Clinton Brockway Ralph Doudera

NJIT (Cont.) Aivars Krurnins Anthony Mangone Herbert Martin Thomas McCann William Oakenell Victor Oravetz, Jr. Richard Pedersen Richard Rodrick Richard Rusak James Snodgrass, Jr. Richard Stephan Anthony Tobey David White Joseph Zengota Beta Beta Florida Southern College John Trufant

Gateway Society The Foundation Trustees are pleased to recognized those members and friends of Pi Kappa Phi who have made a planned gift. A planned gift is a commitment to an investment in the fraternity. Planned gifts such as bequests, trusts, life insurance policies, gift of a home with lifetime occupancy, etc., offer tax advantages to the donor and a chance to make a greater investment than would be possible using cash. If you have made a planned gift and would like to be recognized as a member of the Gateway Society, please contact Ted Scharfenstein, 289 South Street, Rockport, MA 01966. If you would like to discuss an investment in Pi Kappa Phi, please call Ted at (508)567-2214.

Alpha-College of Charleston David Jaffee

Alpha Psi-Indiana Univ. Dr. Phillip Summers

Epsilon-Davidson College Hugh Yelverton

Beta Alpha-N.J.I.T Stephen DePalma

Lambda-Univ. of Georgia Phil Tappy

Beta Beta-Florida Southern Ted Scharfenstein

Xi-Roanoke College Durward Owen Judge James Turk

Beta Gamma-Univ. of Louisville Ron Krebs

Alpha Alpha-Mercer University Robert Bennett Alpha Epsilon-Univ. of Florida Syd Herlong Albert Luer Alpha Iota-Auburn University Earl Layman

Beta Upsilon-Univ. of Virginia Glenn Dickson Gamma Kappa-Ga. Southern Glenn Aspinwall Gamma Nu-LaGrange College Ron deValinger Delta Zeta-Appalachian State Dr. Art Quickenton

Alpha Omicron-Iowa State Frank Parrish Winter 1993

Beta Gamma Univ. of Louisville Wade Brown, Jr. James Koshewa Errol Richardson Clark Scherer, Jr. Herbert Zimmerman, Jr. Beta Delta Drake Universi~ James Glick James Hendrix Julius Howard, III Kenneth Piller Martin Radtke James Rutherford Bruce Swanson Beta Epsilon Univ. of Missouri Robert Baker Matthew Basta Gregory Gunn Kenneth Lissner Beta Eta Florida State John Corbett Hugo Debeaubien James Douglass Mearl Platt Beta Theta Univ. of Arizona Arthur Vance, Jr Beta Iota Univ. of Toledo Thomas Bokan Gene CoLlins Scott Coursen Darwin Deckrosh William Frederick Robert Friess Roderick Hunt John Kerr Richard Rose Jeffrey Roth Beta Kappa Georgia State Jimmy Conner Donald Diffenderfer Beta Lambda Univ. of Tam11a George Clement

Valdost, (cont.) Shealy McCoy Gregory Pass Jerry Thomason, Jr. Mark Waddell Beta Upsilon Univ. of Virginia Stephen Applegate Barry Ewald Thomas Haudricourt John Lapenta Hugh McKane Steven Nesbit Darnel Rogerson William Watson, III Beta Phi East Carolina U. Otis Bailey James Bishop, lli Ellis Ehle Jr Howard Foy, Ill Malcolm Hinton Gary Jewell Bruce Mullis Thomas Sayetta Richard Wilburn Beta Chi East Texas State Curtis Nugent John White Beta Psi Tennesee Weslexan David Calfee joel Jones Hugh NeilJr John Plemons Barry Saunders Gregory Whitlock Beta Omega East Tennessee State EugeneSr,nith Robert Yackanin Ronald Younger Raymond Ziembinski Gamma Alpha Livingston Universi~ Jesse Baynes James Carter

BetaMu McNeese State Cecil Adrian Paul Brown Thomas Wright Jr.

Gamma Beta Old Dominion Universi~ john Bednarek Phillip Casteel Philip Davenport, Jr. Joseph Murphy Paul Shebalin Timothy Willis

Beta Xi Central Michigan Dale DeWaard

Gamma Gamma Troix State Universi~ Steven Scruggs

Beta Omicron John Oden Beta

Gamma Delta Mem11his State Universi~ Thomas Appleton, Jr. RonCail jeffrey Droke Terry Morris

Beta Sigma Northern Illinois Ronald Giles Beta Tau Valdosta State Colle&e James Dowd


Star& Lamp

Gamma Epsilon Western Carolina William Felsher Bruce Fishel Gary Harrison Gene Leonard Jr. Stanley Pendergraft Stephen Stafford Gamma Zeta West Virginia Tech Robert Brewer Ronald lsom Steven Kraycar Craig Rickenbach Gamma Eta Athens College Guy Smith Gamma Theta UNC-Wilming!on John Baldwin, Jr. Gary Chadwick Don Evans William Harrell Richard Jefferson William McCaughan, Jr. Edward Sundy,Jr Gamma Iota Louisiana State U. Leonard Simmons, Jr. Gamma Kappa G~orgia Southern Buford Keene Douglas Lambert Richard Lane Gamma Lambda Univ. of Missouri-Rolla Randal Curtis GammaMu Belmont Abbe)! John Farrell William Grizzard Jr. GammaNu LaGrange College J. Wiley Bryant Gamma Xi !;!eorgia SQuthwestern ~ George Pritchard Mark Todd

Gamma Phi Univ. of South Alabama Ronald Konya Paul Langenbach John VanDerwood Gamma Chi Jacksonville Univ. Michael Fouty Michael Songer Gamma Psi Augusta College Frank Damiano Gamma Omega Univ. of Montevallo Michael Drudy Royce Lader David Williams Delta Alpha Virginia Polxtechnic John Craig Stephen Johnson James Robertson Lane Schaffer Delta Beta North Georgia College Ronald Alexander Thomas Childers George Clark, III Kenneth Vining, Jr. Timmy Wilson Paul Wingo Delta Delta Northeast Missouri State Gregory Lay Delta Epsilon Jacksonville State Univ. Roger Masters Delta Zeta Ai!i!alachian State U. Gregory Ball Charles Beddingfield, III Andrew Braun Patrick Danehy Gregory Honeycutt William Maycock Steven Miller Scott Poole Jeffrey Shell Ronald Williams Delta Eta Morehead State Universi~ Dana Greene

Gamma Rho Lander College Barry Young

Delta Iota Middle Tennessee State Stephen Crass

Gamma Sigma Armstrong State Colle&e Cecil O'Quinn Jr.

Delta Kappa Pembroke State U. Oliver Canaday

Gamma Upsilon Oklahoma State John Danvers Roger Schaefer

Delta Lambda UNC-Charlotte Robert Fisher, Jr Horace Harkey, II Dean Hull, II Gary Knox John Lynch, Jr


DeltaMu Methodist College Roy Ba !ton, Jr. Delta Nu Western Ken tuck)! U. Bruce Masden J. Robert Miller Delta Xi Univ. of North Alabama Ernest Chaffin Jr Stephen Pirkle James Wallace Delta Omicron Nicholls State Timothy Benoit Jacques Frere Delta Pi Wright State Univ. James Martin Delta Sigma Bowling Green State Michael Thomas Steven Trivisonno Delta Tau James Madison Univ. John Bittinger Christopher Kelly Kenneth Rand III Delta Upsilon Univ. of Pittsburgh Howard Simon Marshall Zwick Delta Phi Radford University Scott Jackson Delta Chi Kansas State James Gould.ie Steven Hill Mark Richter Robert Wiegers Delta Psi Univ. of Texas-Arling!on Henry Bell, III David Sprinkle Delta Omega TexasA&M Wade Birch Jason Dodd Terry Wilson Epsilon Alpha Elon College Hardy Bobbitt Paul Hirschmann Christopher Moore Ralph Mueller Epsilon Beta Grand Valle)! State Russell Ikerd Epsilon Gamma Lon~ood Colle&e Dale Rankin

Epsilon Delta Auburn Univ.-Montgomery Tohn Andrews Daniel Weaver, MD Epsilon Epsilon Clinch Valley Steven Beauter Epsilon Zeta Univ. of Central Arkansas Richard Dixon Jr. Epsilon Eta Winthrop University Oscar Chandler Thomas Sacco Epsilon Theta Seton Hall Leonardo DePalma Epsilon Iota UNC-Greensboro David Craft Scott Twiford Epsilon Kappa Southern Tech Gilbert Hill Tony Nevil Jr. William Smith Epsilon Lambda USC-Spartanburg Michael Elmore Epsilon Mu Bradley University Daniel Charleston Stephen Grzelak Epsilon Nu Cal. State-Sacremento Richard Doyle Jayson Louie Epsilon Xi LaSalle University David Givey Michael Yoslov Epsilon Omicron Villanova University joseph Farrell john Richards Epsilon Rho Lenoir-Rhyne joseph Mullane Epsilon Sigma Christian Brothers Robert Werle, FSC Epsilon Upsilon Georgia College Roy Baker Bernard Doolittle Epsilon Phi Univ. of AlabamaBirmingham Chris Teichmiller David Zieverink

Epsilon Psi Slippery Rock David Conn Charles Karaffa Kenneth Klimchock Epsilon Omega Texas Tech james Smith Blake Thomas Zeta Alpha Clemson University Scott Gasparini Scott Slawson

Zeta Gamma Univ. of North Dakota Christopher johnson Michael Monson Steward Sandstrom Michael Welvaert Zeta Epsilon George Mason juan Miyares Andrew Spellar

Zeta Theta University of Texas Michael Summers

Zeta Omicron SUNY-Cortland jason Coleman

Zeta Iota Indiana Univ. at Pennsylva-

Zeta Phi Colorado State Univ. Stephen Feld


Richard Cravener Jr. Zeta Xi Averett College jeffrey Davis

Eta Epsilon Univ. of Maryland Richard Cutshaw jr joseph Calvert

National President's Circle The National President's Circle was established in 1990. To be eligible for the Circle, one must have held a leadership position in the chapter, attended a national leadership event, and pledged $15 a year as an undergraduate and $50 a year as an alumnus. The following men have joined the Circle or renewed their memberships in 1992. Beta-David Dixon Gamma-Juan Barrera Richard Kang fugmA-Jeffrey Hendley Michael Wray, jr Iota-Brian Chen Terrence McCullough, Jr. john McEntyre Kenneth Scott Michael Stevens Lambda-jonathan Burdette Tom Duskin Mu-Heath Marcus James Vidas Frank Wrerul, III Nu-Brian Gubbels Sean Neumayer Xi-Jason Fields Tau-Austen Jud David Kraft Sanjay Patel Upsilon-Peter Apostolakis Michael Eagleson Brian Faulkner Brook Silvestri Russell Tomes Psi-Gregory Della Rocca Eric Fairchild Gregory Hitzhusen james Kao Michael Kremer Omega-Kenneth Cox Alpha Gamma -Jerry Dixon james Romo Grant Simon Alpha Delta-Evan Erickson Alpha Epsilon-Randolph Gregson, Ll john Logan David McKean Jeffrey Ostrow Chris Ure Alpha Zeta-Gregg Landskov Jeremy White Alpha Eta-Reginald Clay Alpha Iota-Russell Bradley William Parsons Alan Reams

Alpha Kappa-jonathan Albert Alpha Mu-john Ferenchak Alpha Xi-Eric Finegan Alpha Omicron-Robert Traylor, Jr. Alpha Rho-Andrew Dunn David Goldberg Alpha Sigma-Michael Ashe Alpha Tau-Steven Champion Peter Kelley David Liss Alpha Psi-Brett Baltz Beta Gamma-Michael Parks Beta Delta-Christopher Todd Beta Epsilon-Gregory Gunn Bertrand Holmes, Jr. Theodore Krull Beta Eta-Stephen Bunch Seth Klondar John Sharp Beta Kappa-Scott Goss Paul McCabe Beta Lambda -Charles Cordeiro R. Perry Monastero Beta Mu-Patrick LaCroix Beta Phi-William Barker Christopher Derrenbacher Gamma Alpha-James Blackwell Gamma Beta-Michael Colbert Gamma Gamma-William Burns Philip Nichols Jr. James Wheeler Gamma Delta -David Amisano Terry Morris james Wyatt Gamma Zeta-Daniel Artis, Jr. William Boyle Michael Ziegler Gamma Theta-Jeffrey Brotherton

David Combs Randy Hollifield jay Huff, Jr. Kevin Jarrett Gamma Kappa-Michael Davis Scott McElroy Gamma Lambda-Steven Booton Gamma Xi-Brian Campbell Gamma Rho-Stephen Kodman James McAllister, Jr Richard McCarty William Morrison, Jr Gamma Phi-Jerry Lee Gamma Chi-Michael Songer Delta Beta-john Frey Troy McNeely Brian Yarbrough Delta Epsilon-Richard Damke, m Delta Eta-Michael Catron Sherman Holliday Delta Lambda-Michael Amick Jason BrowneweU Delta Tau-Joseph Jaap, Jr Delta Upsilon-Eric Scerbo Delta Phi-Scott Jackson Kevin Williams Delta Chi-Michael Howard Michael Kallas Jack Shaw Michael Sinlpson Delta Psi-James Karsch, Jr Jeffrey Kikel Steven Kosta Bryan Taylor Delta Omega-Abe Bush, ill Terry Wilson joe Young Epsilon Gamma-Derek Lilly Bradley Pomp Epsilon Delta-Joseph Osenton Charles Sullivan, Jr. Epsilon Iota-James Shaw Elliott Wilson

Epsilon Kappa-Christopher Wood Epsilon Mu-Patrick Maietta John Mcindoe Mark Nischwitz Russell Perr Epsilon Nu -Stephen Sodergren Epsilon Pi-Travis Burks Epsilon Rho-Jon Almerini John Austin, Jr Trent Hennigar Epsilon Phi-Christopher Blake Zeta Alpha Michael Gordon Scott Slawson Zeta Beta-Andrew Chapman Zeta Gamma-Todd Chrzanowski Bradley Hagen Randall Stillinger Zeta Epsilon-Ali Barakat Andrew Spellar Zeta Zeta-Steven Borowiec Zeta Iota-Charles Geraci David Meyers, Jr. Zeta Lambda-Scott Lehrfeld Paul Lux Brad Strong Zeta Xi-Jeffrey Davis Eric Hodges Robert Perkins ll Zeta Omicron-John Sassano Zeta Rho-David Goldenberg Victor Valencia Zeta Upsilon-Matthew Teter Zeta Phi-Stephen Feld Ryan Mauff Michael Mullane Zeta Psi-Ronald Barker Eta Gamma-Brei Heidemann John Like Eta Delta-Kenneth Smith Jose Viera Jr Eta Epsilon-Ian Rubin Johnson & Wales Associate-Kenneth MarshaU

Winter 1993


A Special Thank You Pi Kappa Phi salutes these brothers who have contributed $100 to $499 during 1992. Alpha






Qf Charl~t!!n Robert Barnett Julius Burges Steven Coker Timothy Dangerfield James Edwards David Jaffee Wallie Jones Jr Terence Moore Beta ~!!l~)':t!lrian ~!!ll!:&!l

Clifton Goodwin III Clinton Massey Arthur Maxwell Jr Samuel McGregor Marion Mixson

Hill Glenn Dodson, Jr. Benjamin Guion Russell Hadley William Rollins Thomas Sayre


Delta Furman l!niv~:mil)': John Southern David Ullman Epsilon David~Qn Coll~:&e

Robert Burgess Kenneth Clary Allen Graham, Jr. Harry Hendrick Joseph Shelton Zeta Wofford Coll!l&!l Gregg Bissell Aylette Evans William Evins, Jr. Abner Stockman, III James Switzer, Jr. Eta Emoo: Univemit)': Joseph Cannon, Jr. Samuel Westbrook John Wilson James Wood Iota Georsja Tech William Bennett James Dewberry James Dull Herbert Haley Alanlmm George Jensen Donald Johnston Robert Parrish Arthur Perkins James Pritchett, Jr. John Puckett Stanley Roberts Comer Weaver, Jr.


Star & Lamp

R. Barry Cecil Joseph Moomau Kerry Reid Thomas Snow Barney Tucker

Cartha 'Deke' DeLoach Richard Derienzo J. Patrick Figley Herman Turner

Alpha Eta ~amf!!nl l!nivs:mill Jack Bell William Ford

Cedric Dustin, III Jonathan Finke Robert Hawkins FrankPopp Harry Zimmer


Alpha Theta Michipn ~tat!: Henry Anderson, Jr. Angus Morse Richard Pfeil Dennis Yanachik Ray Zimmerman

Willis Haselwood Glen Hesler Jeffrey Higgins Thomas Krizan Stanley Perkins James Schalin

Lambda l!niv, Qf !:l~r&ii! Ted Grob III Herbert Ingram Jr. Robert Knox Issac Lang Jr. Seaborn Moss Jr. Walter Pickens Jr. Lindsay Preiss Sam Slade Phil Tappy

Chi ~t~:mon l!niv~:mill


George Heinrich John Kirk Bertram Lindsey Robert Wilcox Walter Zygmunt

Gamma Eric Ashton Richard Cornish Orlando Frasca GeorgeGanz Joseph Magoon Sterling Norgard Charles Vannice

Alpha Zeta Orq;on State John Bollman Robert Elfers David Klamfoth Donald Knight Norman Logan GaryMunn Frederick Raw David Vawter

Mu Dyls~:l!niv~:mit)':

William Dodson, Jr. William Fuqua

Omega Nu



Richard Gollmar Thomas Jennings Thomas Miller Walter Norrington Palmer Porter

James Guretzky George Spatz Xi R!!in!!k!l ~!!ll~:&e Michael Bast Clarence Caldwell )r. Lyman Fairbanks III Henry Fowler Donald Kerr Seibert Lavinder Richard Newman Judge Daniel O'Flahe Tim Ribar Jr. E. Joseph VonCulin Omicron l!niv. Qf Ala!zama Robert Brannan Joe Cassady Doston Gurganus Frank Hanvey Robert Inman Travis Julian Mack Matthews Richard Taylor Paul Wesch

Alpha Beta Tulane Universit)': Boyd Evans Sr. Alpha Gamma Univ. of Oklahoma Robert Dunnington Robert Holly Cosby Huddle Jay Morris Eugene Salmon Vernon Stansell Alpha Delta Univ. of Washin&tQn RobertBux M. Kinkade William Porter

Rho Washington & Le~ Richard Anderson Charles Fulton Frederick Landrigan Thomas Warfield Sigma Univ.ofS Jerry Brewer Bruce Hunt Lawrence Wood

Alpha Alpha M!l~er l!niv!lrsit)': Justin Waits


Tau N.C. Stat~: Robert Cline Fred Collins, Jr. Jason Deyton, Jr. Joseph McConnaughey James Morgan W. Scott Troutman

Alpha Epsilon Univ. of FlQrida Joseph Boote, Jr. Hugh Gower Byron Herlong Richard Hill Charles Hudspeth Eliott James Gary Leonard AlbertLuer Michael O'Donnell Benjamin Overton Thomas Simpson Wilton Strickland MarkTimmes

Alpha Iota A,ybyrn l!niv~:mitt Lua Blankenship, Jr. Marshal Caley EmsleyCobb Edwin Goodgame Frank Hawthorne Edward Henderson David Long Samuel Pate Lawrence Pharo, Jr. Marion Wilkins Alpha Kappa Michisan Carl Bracy AlphaMu Penn State Robert jones Douglas Prozan AlphaNu Ohio Sli!te 1!. Carl Stickel Alpha Xi Pol)':te~hnic

l!niv. Richard Brady Ret George Carleton, III Joseph Flaherty Henry Gartner Frederick Hetzer Henry Meyer Alpha Omicron lowj! Stj!te John Bateman Robert Brandau Lloyd Brownson Kenneth Hook Roy Kottrnan Hubert Lattan Frank Parrish, III William Rickert Alpha Rho ~~~ Vif&inia Alexander Adair Victor Folio

Alpha Sigma Tenn~see

Alpha Tau R~:n1ulas:r ~!!l)':l!l~hni~

Beta Epsilon Missouri Matthew Basta Christopher Lissner Beta Eta Florida State James Lloyd Howard McCall, Jr David Podgor Beta Iota l!niv. of TQl!ldO John Kerr Robert Meyer Lance Talmage

Alpha Upsilon Dr~:~ll!nb:~:mill

Barry Campbell Alan Henderson Albert Lord Walter Sheppard William Shute John Simmons, II William Stees Robert Wolfinger Alpha Phi Illin!!iยง Iero James Helm John Humiston John Sachs Burton Seiwell George Svehla Alpha Psi Indiana Terry Brown T.). Sullivan Alpha Omega l!niJ1. of Qre&Qn Alan Cochran Joseph Schwab, Jr Beta Alpha N.I.I.T. Richard Delcore John Lee, Jr. Joseph Manfredi George Newcombe Anthony Tobey Donald VanHouten Beta Beta Florida Southern Gary Baker William Kesler Carl Koch David Robertson Beta Gamma Univ. Qf Loyisvill~: Ronald Krebs WarrenRobb Beta Delta D[ake :!.!ni!l~:mitx Robert Cione James Hornbrook Michael Neary Richard Schmitt

Beta Kappa !:ls:oraia Stile 1!. Stanley Duren Beta Lambda l!niv. Qf Tam51a Austin Curry Richard Swirbul Guy Walton BetaMu McNees~: State U. Richard Smith

Beta Tau valdosta ~tate ~!!lls:&e Ronald Thomas Beta Upsilon Univ. of Virginia William Couper Glenn Dickson Daniel Kimball, Jr Stuart Moore Frederick Riggins Thomas Rouse Joseph Yount, III Beta Phi East Carolina U. James Bishop, III Howard Foy, III Daniel Frye Samuel Hicks, II Beta Chi East Texas State .John Witt Beta Omega East Tennessee Stj!te U. Byron Brown Russell Palmer Gamma Alpha Livin&ston Universit)': Joseph Alexander Gamma Beta Qld DQminion 1!. Louis Richard, Jr Timothy Willis Gamma Delta M~:m11hi1 State 1!. David Everson Terry Morris

Gamma Epsilon Western Carolina U. Marvin Cope

Delta Sigrna Bow ling Green State Ken Kaiser

Gamma Zeta Wes t Virsinia Tech Scott Moore

Delta Psi Texas-Arlington Billy Jacobs Mark Jacobs

Gamma Theta UNC-Wilminston Don Evans William Harrell William Kirby Gamma Kappa Georaia Southern U. Glenn Aspinwall Perry Buffington Thomas Camp, IV Martin Nesmith Josep h Odom, Jr Gamma Nu LaGrans e Collese Ronald deValinger Gamma Xi Georaia Southwestern William Finney Gamma Up silon Oklahoma State Cary Rogers Gilbert Sanders Gamma Phi Univ. f South Alabam Carl Doggette Frank Havard Gamma Chi Iacksonville U. Paul Stynchcomb Delta Alpha Virginia Polytechnic John Crist Stephen johnson William Ryan

Epsilon Alpha Elon College Barry Simmons Epsilon Beta Grand Valley State Ted Lukomski Epsilon Eta Winthrop University Joel Byars Epsilon Iota UNC-Greensboro Scott Twiford Epsilon Kappa Southern Tech Gilbert Hill Jose Morales William Smith Epsilon Mu Bradley University Stephen Grzelak ). Kevin O'Brien Epsilon Nu Cal. State-Sacremento Jayson Louie Todd Reh fuss Epsilon Rho Lenoir-Rh yne College Mark Mullane Joseph Mullane

Zeta Xi Averett College Jeffrey Davis Zeta Omicron SUNY-Cortland jason Coleman Zeta Phi Colorado State Stephen Feld Eta Epsilon Univ. of M;uyland Richard Cutshaw Jr Joseph Calvert

Other 1992 Donors Al~ ha

!;;o lgf; Qf Ch arlg~ton Scott llkin Donald urkard Andrew Cracker Michael Finch, j r. Harry Freeman, Jr. WilliamGaud,lll Irvin Greco Arthur Haisten Eric Heifers Earle Jennings, Jr. Chris Kirkland Robert Marlowe Grego!!{ Padgett Dan1el avenel Col. John Reynolds George Rogers, Jr. Geor~ Sheetz John alton, Jr. Lewis Westbrook, lli Beta

~e:lcr~~:r~~~ge David Austin James Ballard j effrell Bennett John right, Jr. John Broughton Dav id Dixon Francis Frazier Thomas Grafton Edward Hahn, Jr. Alva Hamilton Dwi~ht Holder Wal jones, IV Donald Mucci Dale Rains John Steenbergen Geor~e Stickney, Jr. john ritt Gamma C~ li fQm i~- B erke l gy

james Aljian Coret Babarovich juan arrera

Epsilon Phi Univ. of Ala.Binningham David Zieverink

Delta Beta North G eorgia College Victor Irvin Charles May

Epsilon Chi Univ. of D enver Carl Leweke

Delta Delta Northeast Missouri St. John Andrews

Epsilon Psi Slippezy Rock U. David Conn

Delta Ep silon Jacksonville State U. Clyde McSpadden

Zeta Alpha Clemson Un iversity Scott Slawson

Delta Zeta Appalachian State U. Mark Christopher Gregory Honeycu tt

Zeta Gamma Univ. of North Dakota Cletus Kraft Michael Monson

Delta Pi Wright State U. Bruce Rockwell Daniel Strawn

Zeta Epsilon George Mason U. Andrew SpeHar Zeta Theta Univ. of Texas Michael Summers

Paul Casale Alexander Croce Ned Crouch joseph Dolan jack Downer Robert Easley David Halligan Lee Handford Richard Houston Richard Kang Michael Kesler Robert Leslie George Lineer Mark Nielsen Robert Parmelee Mark Plank Richard RaJf.paport Eugene Ro erts David Scrugfs Ronald Sege

Harold Simmons TimothJ Tof[in Cliffor Wa er, Jr. Neil Weatherall Delta f urman J.[niv~11i!X

Walter Arnold Kenneth Burnham Euta Colvin Mark jackson, Jr. Brown Mahon, }r. Peter Manning Sidney Martin William McMillan Lee Rowley, Jr. Joe Sparks, Jr. Tullious Stoudemayer Sigma !.!niv. Qf :;!Qu!h CarQlina Douglas Bell Heroert Benson, Jr. Paul Carter, Jr. Charles Chlles Dean Clary John Coulter, Jr. George DeLay William Epperson Grady Faircloth William Fincher, Jr. Daniel Flessas JohnF3: Arnie! oldberg Robert Gunter Michael Harvath, II Jeffrey Hendley Christo~er Hoffman Robert ke,Jr. Richard Mims Robert Moorer John Morris, Ill James Parler James Pruitt, Jr. Danny R~nolds William odes, lll Gerald Smith Thomas Stafford, II Robert Tedoldi, Jr. Maxwell Turner Clarence Wise Michael Wray, Jr. Epsilon Davidson !;;QIIege Harold Albright, Jr. Hooper Alexander, lll William Clayton, Jr. Paul Cooper Henry Escue, MD Junius Gaither, Jr. Robert Grady H .Gurl~, }r.

Samuel ines Ernest Hunter, Jr. Harold Kernodle, Jr. William Mills ~man Parri~in, Jr. aries Ratli f William Rozelle Robert Southwell joseph Vernon Philip Winstead

Zeta Wofford !;;QIIgge }ames Belcher Thomas Bratton

Marshall Connelly jesse Crimm

Thornton Crouch Jack Kaffan, Jr. Robert cjunkin }ames Owings Marvin Owings Thomas Palme.r }ames Pease Carroll Reames William Smethie, Jr. ZebWilliams Eta Emory Univgr~ i!y Frank Bracewell George Cook William Floyd Primus HiJ.p Kenneth ehl Sam Laird, Jr. Hey! Tebo }ames Vickery, Jr. Iota Georgia Tech Terrance Anderson, Sr Robert Arroyo John Benkert joel Bonewitz Mark Boxer David BG, Jr. William astleton Brian Chen Thomas Christian, Jr. Pitman Cleaveland Charles Colletta Keith Comerford Philip Cook Gregory Corcoran Robert Costley Terrell Covington Robert Defuno Christopher Doyle Gregory Elliot Walter Gentry, Jr. james Gordy Allan Gu'J{olz Frank Ho ge Bruce Jewett Russell Johnson John jones Malcolm Keiser Charles Kent Lee Kidd Carl


Thomas owndes, Jr.

Robert Lowrance Robert McCarn~ Terrence McCu Iough john McEnr.e Elwood Me au1hlin Robert Murray, r. Monteiro Nelson, ill john Nunez Paul Pomeroy William Pryor Robert Pryor, Jr. john Purcell Robert Reeves Kevin Renshaw Charles Roach Michael Rossi George Rouse Dean Russell Marcel Sarzen William Sauser, Jr. Kenneth Scott Lloyd Skidmore, Jr. Michael Stevens Andrew Stone Bruce VanDerhoof Eugene Viscelli

The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is an IRS approved 501(c)3 Public Charity organized in the State of South Carolina. The Federal Tax Exempt number is 56-6070712. The IRS exemption letter w as written on March 13, 1964. A copy is available upon request. Winter 1993


Iota, (cont.) Lewis Walker, Jr. Frank Wltitlet John Wilson, II Jerome Wilhers, Jr.


U -Cha~gl Hill Charles A arns Philip Ameen Joseph Bassett Walter Bast, Jr. Herbert Brand George Braun Frederick Coville



George Dia Jeffrey Dotson Mark Gorham Woodrow Gunter, II Aaron Htlf:ler Richard olzworlh Floyd Hood, Jr. Edmund Hopkins R~hHunt

w· iam Johnson, Jr. Thomas Killian James Leak James Little, Jr. David McAllister Michael McLa~hlin Donald McLe Robert Millican Richard Morgan Brandon Pope William Romm, Jr. Steven Santee Walter Schroeder Col. Charles Seabrook Stephen Shaw jerome Stanislaw Charles Stewart Scott Tate James Thompson Ralph Wallhall Lewis Warren, Jr. Robert White james Wilmott Paul Wimbish Charles Winn, Ill Mark Winston ]ames Worsham John Yokley Lambda Univ. of G~Qrgia Philip Nl.ison James Baker Phili'B Bolt John radburJ Jonathan Bur ette Thomas Campbell Thomas Dalton, Jr. Tom Duskin Glenn Ellard Dennis Fields James Frangis James Graves Marshall Groover,] r. William Harp, Jr. William Hatcher James Hull Charles Huttoe Issac Lanj5 Jr. Larry Me aniel Richard Patrick, Jr. john Peck Robert Penland, III Richard Ross iter Chris Savage Cecil i/,'.ooner, Jr. Fred


Thomas West Robert Wilson Mu Duke Unive!]ity Sid Atkinson George Benda Benjamin Cato, Jr.



Robert MD Thomas Ga_rrou Wilfred Gatling, Jr. Norman Gibson David Gill Burnett Hull Healh Marcus JohnMo~an




Star& Lamp

Edward Newman Shuford Peeler William Pitts Warren Pope Dietrich Rosenberf, Stephen Schnurr, r. Joseph Skinner Bart Ste'Thens Charles aylor Dou~las Underwood J.P. idas Frank Wrenn, III Nu ~

Edward Bieri Judd Brenton James Christal Jeremy Geiger Brian Gubbels Herbert Henderson Kerry Hookstra Sean Neumayer Robert Platt Kennelh Pruden Andrew Sheets Donald Warnke William Wesslund Xi Roanoke College Robert Barber John Barley Michael Bast Paul Caldwell Walker Carter, Jr. Edward Corson, II Steven Day jude Donato Josefh Donohue Pau Dotson Lee Esser, Jr. Stephen Esworlhy David Ferguson Raphael Ferris jason Fields ]ames Fleshman Kennelh Garren Robert Gray Henry Hahn, Jr. Robert Harris Cecil Hefner Paul Henkel Thomas Hubsch Robert Hyatt Robert Irvin, Jr. Walter Keister Henry Kennett Curtis Lemon Wilbur Mann, Jr. David McCourt Robert Mentzinger, Jr. Mason Miller, Jr. Thomas Moore Louis Mullineaux Georg.Naff John borne, III Clark Owen, Jr. DeWitt Petterson Matlhew Plasket Stephen Quinn Gordon Ramsey Pleas Ramsey james Rera;olds john Staf ord,] r. James Stump, ]r. Robert Thomas jack Wade, Jr. Omicron !.!niv. of Alabama James Avrett George Barker, Jr. William Barton, Jr. Charles Beard George Bennett, ] r. William Bishop, Jr. Robert Bowers john Bral Samuel rent~ Jr. Barry Brock Jerry Brunson Edwin Caldwell, fl Larry Con tri Hubert Dickert Daniel D~uglielmo Thomas ilbert, Jr. Thomas Grammas John Greaves, Jr. jeffrey Hardin Emmett Harrison, ]r.

Thomas Henderson Alfred Holston Harley Hope Charles Jones, ill William Kittrell Joe Lee Daniel Lemley Benjamin Mathis Desmond Merrill James Miree Clinton Paulsen J. Pritchard james Renfroe Anlhony Rice William Schroeder Robert Shef.herd James Stap eton Garrett Steed William Sutton William Taylor Edward Turner, ]r. James Watts David Wells Lawrence Wilkerson Fl'&id Woods w· ·am Worlhington, Jr. Pi Qgletholj;e Univ~r~i~ james Ri ardson Julian Tumlin Rho Washington & L~~ Seth Baker David Bare Clifford Curtis, Jr. Edwin Garretson, Jr. Ferdinand Hauslein Richard Hoover

William Hasfurlher Ralph Howard Lawrence Inglis Joseph Johnson Davtd Kallal Kenneth Kamper George Leech William Leonard Harold Madison Peter Maier Frank Marlow Aufelst Massa Lis e Menzime.r Arlhur Moore Ste~hen Mumford Car Nelson Joseph Pehlman Timothy Pemberton Stanl;'l. Perkins John esavento Edward Prosser Kennelh Rabe Stewart Ramsey Robert Reed Jack Roeser Julius Schoeller, Jr. John Schubert, III Wilson Seldon Michael Shaner Brook Silvestri john Simpson Paul Steinway Frank Teegarden, Jr. Donald Thompson Russell Tomes Stephen Trahey Eu~ene Ullemeyer W ter Wahlfeldt Chi


Ste!~!m !.!niv~!]i~

Fl'jhd Me · on cr on Mitchell George Myers Robert Petrey James Roane Malcolm ;':Auires, Jr. Robert TT;: or, IV Ed ward urville Kennelh VandeWater, Jr. John Wallace DorseW Ward, Jr. Fred aters, Jr.

Thomas Cash, Jr. Edwin Culver Thomas Deen,] r. Leo Gomez ]ames Griffin Mark Hollis Geor§e Patterson John nellings W. Thrash Esten Ulmer Thomas Wrenn James Young

Tau N.C. State U. William Barnhardt, Jr. William Campbell Peter Crooks Anlhony Evans John Fealher, Jr. Arlhur Greene James Gruzdis, Jr. William Gurnee, III Charles Harper David Hartsoe Clyde Humphrey Austen]ud David Kraft Eu§ene Longest Wa ter McKinnon, Jr. James Neal Andrew Pafe, Jr. S"jay Pate W lace Reams Jacob She~herd, Jr. Hartwell ledge, III Dennis Turner

Psi Cornell University John Allan John An!fJus Thomas urt\ler, Jr. Gres;?ry De a Rocca Eric arrchild Ga;;1, Fisher ]ero d Green Paul Haas Grego~ Hitzhusen James ao Michael Kremer Eu\1ene Lehr Wi iam Mal(hew Norman Mi ler William Newell Donald Perkins Michael Piscitelli Philip Pratt Calvm Rofe Louis Seaman Charles Shafer James StorTh

Utsilon II inois Peter Aposto lakis Ronald Arri!):hY Edward Atkins Maynard Barlholomew

Frederick Thome



Robert gdanoff David Camacho john Carson Edmund Deuss David Devinger Michael Eagleson Fritz Elich Brian Faulkner Brent Frank Daniel Ganzer Josee,h Gauer Wil am Harrington


Omega Purdue University Donald Adams Steven Beeler jack Berlien james Berlien Jeffrey Blevens William Bradshaw Robert Brinson Jeffrey Coffel Kenneth Cox David Davis Duane Davis Ronald Eyer

George Fassnacht Richard Fitts Hugh Flan':f.an Geor~e Fre erick Carl erlach Waldemar Goffeney ~encer G ullicksen aries Hall Donald Hendrickson Hilton Henry Edwin Henry Rikard Hill Grafton Houston, Jr. James Jackson Harold Johnson Jr. William Kanouse Jeffr:r. Kaska Don d Katter Alfred Kirchner, Jr. Patrick Kuhnle Lawrence


R. Michael Lit e Bruce McCandless Patrick McDowell Cla~ton New hagen Phi ·p Newhouse Emmanuel O'Drobinak Michael Ohaver Ral~h Olson Pau OMalley William Peace, Jr. John Pop Jack Powers Leo Powers Herman Riggs Robert Rowan William Scheck Robert Schutte, ]r. James Selis Ronald Seymour Edwin Sherwood Halbert Smilh, Jr. Donald Swager Robert Thomson Herbert Treen Alpha Alpha Mgrs;;gr Univ~!]itl RalQ,h Austin, Jr. Wi iam Bruner Ledford Carter Joseph Doughty Ross Harden Robert Higllins, Jr. Hollis LeWls, Jr. William Maratos Augustus Martin, Ill Charles Melton Alpha Gamma Univ. of Oklahoma Lawrence Besenfelder Jerili Dixon Wi iam Dunnington Harold Gasawa{r Joseph Haines, r. Richard Hoffman jeffrey Jordan Bennte McElyea Gary Miller Thomas Moore JamesRomo Alfred Schmidt, Jr. Grant Simon Vernon Stansell Timothy Welles Npha Delta University of Washinifton Robertancroft John ClaJ.ue John Da· ey Evan Erickson Manuel Esteban Thomas Frick Robert Hansen James Hunt john Lilias Charles Jaramillo Veme Kelling Harold McPherson Louis Messer Henry Novak Dean Parker Charles Porter Willard Vadman

Aipha?Filon Univ. o lorida Peter Barr Richard Bartlett Frank Brass, Jr. David Charland Thelmon Chastain Neil Contess Geary Cotton George Coulter Peter Cummings John Davis Joe Enzor Jr. James Farmer Fabio Fasanelli David Gatchell Paul Green Rando~h Gregson U Murle arrison Michael Hill ~ence Hubbard anuel James Georf.e Johnson Jr. Char es Lapradd William Lewis John L':lan Albert ann Sabino Martinez Jr. David McKean Robert Neuman Michael Nozzarella Roh Olsen Jef rey Ostrow Ellison Owen III John Powe.rs Eric Rail Reyinald Ross Wi liam Sahlie Raymond Schmitt Steven Stanford Charles Stewart Edward Sundy, Sr. ]ames Thompson Andrew Thompson Mark Thurn Raymond Tylander Chris Ure Mark Varney Dennis Wick Guy Wood, Jr. Alpha Zeta Qregon State Sumner Alldredge Anthony Amort Earl Barton Robert Calkins jose Cantor William Cook Howard Davis Edwin Engelstad Noel Flynn Thome Hammond Charles Hartsough Kennelh Hawke, Jr. Rickey Hu~ GeorgeJas a Har~ Kallander Col. tanley Kelley Melvin Knorr Gregg Landskov James Marsh Robert Marx Clinton Maurice John Moore Robert Nord lander Thomas Patterson Donald Perrin Jack Revi~lio Richard S affer Jack Steward William Thomas Jeremy Wltite Alpha Eta Samford Univ. Jimmy Bell Elbert Bruce

eJ!in:'~~~=rd Wilham Davis, Jr.

William Dixon, Jr. Randal Griffith Glenn Olivenbaum William Pope ]ames Purvts Gilmer Simmons JoeVa~hn

Henry eackle, III

Al.Pha Theta Michigan State Kenneth Adams Theodore Aylward Orson Bird William Cleary Lee Cobb Brian Connelly Wallace DeMaagd Thomas DeMattia Dr. Dalton Ebbeson Robert Ellis Scott Evans jeffrey Finlaw jeffrey Hill Wiluam Holler Gregor(. Kurasz Curtis uttr, Lawrence


Robert McCall Milford Morse James Nestor Leonard Paul, Jr. Wesson Ritchie George Salsbury Konrad Scheiner Otmer Schuster john Tremaine Robert Trembath Donald Viecelli Gerald Wajda David West Ford Woodard Robert Yackels Dennis Yanachik Alpha Iota Auburn Universi!)' William Amos Charles Beaird Geor~e Blackwell Russe I Bradley Geor~e Bruner, Jr. ]ona an Carroll Steven Chandler john Christiansen, ]r. HarrK Dicus, Jr. HuB Dozier Wa ace DrurJ' Robert Ferre Joe Forehand, Jr. Ralph Foster, Jr. Thomas Fuller Tomm~ Gordon James amilton Jack Ha{f.,ove Moyer arns Geo1e Hiller, Jr. Flofi Hurt Wi liam jones, Jr. Wallace Kirkland Nathaniel McClure, IV John McClure JosiJEh McPike Wi 1am Ott, Jr. Dan Parmer

William Parsons Paul Persons Alan Reams Bogart Reed Louis Reynolds, Jr. james Russell Malcolm Sahlie Edmund Walker, Jr. Robert Ward Geor~ Waters Brett ilber Joseph Williams Wilson Wooley Charles Workman, Jr. Alpha Kappa Univ. of Michigan Jonathan Albert Anthony Bartoszak Grego(; Brown Ra~h anielson Mi ael Ellis Hugh Hotchkiss Elston Larson William Listman Carl O'Mara Wiluam Rowley Al.Pha Lambda Mtssissi~bi

James Ta john Ward Yandell Warren

AlphaMu Penn State james Alter Barrl.,Anderson jon nedetti Richard Blythe john Brisbane Richard Brown, Jr. Chester Curley, Jr. Palmer Davis, Jr. Earle Deily William Exley john Ferenchak Kenneth Flodin Bruce Foster Brian Franco Edwin Friend, Jr. Gordon Fry, II john Funk Michael Gardocki Richard Heirn GeorAe Herold Earl oilman, Jr. William johnson Daniel jones Bruce Kent Robert Kieffer Richard Kleinert Leon Knetz William Lawrence Steven Loeper John Lonberger Fredrick Martin Timothy Matson William McKinstry, III Ralph Moyer Kevin Murphy John Ressler John Schmucker, III Robert Senko Keith Shaner Robert Thornton Michael Trull Gregg Turner Ricliard Vuono William Walker Michael Wells Edwin Yeager Lt. Gen. Jolin Yeosock Thomas Yoho Kenneth Zehner Alpha Nu Ohio State Lewis Chadwick james Crandall John Haas Corwin Hablitzel Lewis Miller Carl Stickel AI ha Xi Pofxtechnic Univ. Henrfe Backofen, III Char es Behringer Steven Bertone John Boette Christol'her Criscione Arthur Criscione, Jr. Richard Currie William Delnicki Louis Destefano Vincent DiGiovanni

Walter Eisele Bruce Elowsky Lewis Everett Valentine Fendrich Eric Fine~n Franklin randinetti Daniel Gross John Halada Frank Herbert, III Paul Hoeker OveJensen Nedirn Kirirnca Richard Magg Thomas May joseph McCooey Kenneth McCort john Molinelli Albert Muller CharlesMurn Rino Nori Renwick Nugent Robert O'Donohue, Jr. Carl Pester Antonio Quilon Harry Roener William Roney, Jr. Louis Rowley, Jr. Maurice Ryan

Roy Sarcona Gerald Scheibner Paul Schwanenflugel Albert Steele Warren Zulawski Alpha Omicron Iowa State Eric Alm&uist Keith Ba er John Brockmann James Carson Curtis Clifton Edward Cowger, Jr. Barry Croucher ~ayDesai

al Dirksen Walter Dorr George Dubes Philip Dvorak Stanton Fritz Guy Goodenow Peter Hall Michael Hermsen Raymond Hoffmann Mark Huf,hes Kenneth ohnson Emerson Linney Warren Madden Robert McKean Mark Milliman james Moon Wake Moore Wil ·am Nechanicky Richard Ohrt Edward Paine Charles Rehman, Jr. Ralph Ruedy Charles Schram, Jr. Mark Schutt ThomasTott Robert Traylor, Jr. Thomas Tucker John Veak Kenneth Weirnerskirch · jeffrey Welch Harley Whitney Alpha Pi Univ. of the South William Dickens John Eby Alpha Rho West Virginia Telford Cruilkshank, Jr. Andrew Dunn Patrick Farley David Goldberg David Kish Howard Martin Thomas McCormick John Ryder Alpha Sir.:• Univ. of ennessee James Adkins Michael Ashe Thomas Banks Stephen Donohue Tony Earl Lows Hamric

Claude Harvey, III Odus johnson James Jones, Jr. Kenneth McPherson Randall Mirns Robert Pemberton Frank Pugh Aaron Reed Clark Roberts Karl Schneeberger Robert Sledd Roy Smith Samuel Steele John Steffner James Steffner Robert Sutton, Jr. James Tombras James VanFrank, Jr. Wade Williamson Michael Wood

Alpha Tau Rensselaer

Richard Andrews William Baldwin Luis Benet Robert Bergman james Bernstein Milton Beveri'tffe Benjamin Cah. , Jr. jose Castro Steven Champion Peter Cinelli GeoflbCook Dea ab:on Michael esmarais David Dobson David Dr'Jfkin Earle Fox r. Robert Fuchs George Graf, Jr. Winter Graves

Thomas Hood Gels ton Howell, Jr. Steven Kaitz Peter Kelley Armand Kell)l, III Jeffrey Keokfah George Kir and, Jr. Brewster LaMacchia David Liss Geor\1 Magur Alan cCarthy George Morgan, Jr. William Morrison Kenneth Munoz Erik Na~el NelsNe son Christof,her Parks David eter Howard Peterson, Jr. Marvin Pietschker Francis Polom Kermit Pratt Ed ward Rebula Thomas Richmond, Jr. MarkRin William ~oberts Gilbert Roberts Nicholas Rusanowsky John Schen William Seebaugh Donald Seyler Robert Sidelko Benjamin Sporn Ernest Stacea William Ste fancin Donald Stephens Ralph Wainright, Jr. Kevin Walter Robert Wambach, Jr. Dou~sWiles

John oodhead III Oliver Alexis Zitzmann Alpha VJ:silon Drexel niv. Keith Adams Robert Baldwin Henry Bartle, III Robert Birdsall Thomas Block Percy Brewin~ton Douglas Clar e jeffrey Cohick William Coonefr, Jr. Samuel Costa, r. Clarence Crede Raymond Davis Walter Dearolf, Jr. Donald Dement Leonard Dicarlo Edward DiMond Kenneth Dirkes James Doyle john Frye John Gardner Robert Gravdahl Neil Gutenberg Dale Harinf, GuyHess, r.

g~~~ t/~{~son

john Hudson, Jr. Euf.ene Kiehl Ra ph Klesius

Anthonl Lannutti Walter ovell jack Marshall Willaim McFadden Francis McMahon Austin Meehan Vicko Melada Gilbert Merritt George M~ers, Jr. Osborne iller, Jr. joseph Mi ttura Walter Morris Edwin Neuman joseph O'Brien Samuel Parris Gay Piercy John Pritts John Remias john Rittenhouse Donald Scheln, Frederick Sc ehl Edward Simon, Jr. Samuel Smith Frederick Staiger Darren Tapp Roland Tesno George Thompson Robert Thorp, Jr. Arthur Tunnel, Jr. Nicholas Wendelboe Donald Williams Stanley Wilson Samuel Wilson, Sr. Al.Pha Phi Ilhnois Tech Michael Barr Ralph Belke Edward Bisone Gary Cathey John Chervenak, Jr. Emil Deiter David Desilets Emil Donkers john Doudera, Jr. Cyril Dusell Richard Frankenberg JohnHiWofis George off Richard Hughes Edward Kaschins Edward Kin!\, Martin Kotsc Leonard Mance Andrew Michyeta, ]r. Russell Millman James Oliver, II Harry Perle!, Jr. Roger Peterson ArnoPinnow Jack Piper john Roach Edwin Searl Myron Stevens Robert Stevens Lee Strole Paul Wav;:er Frederic idlak Charles Woods Al.Pha Chi Mtami

Melford Hopkins Alah• Psi In iana Univ. Gerald Allen Lowell Bailey Thomas Baker Brett Baltz John Barker Charles Blackerby Delbert Bollinger Stephen Boone Wendell Bray Donald Brennan Christopher Dalton William Day, Jr. Douglas Dowen Alvin Enlow Scott Evenbeck Steven Garner David Gibson Rodney Gunning

Roger Lakowicz john Leonard Lawrence Liu Warren Loomis

Kevin McDonald Tirnotl: Mercer Jason ~er Wayne urray Robert Nelson Barry Polley Waldsee Prunty john Reilly Dennis Rose james Ruckriegle Terrl' Russell Dee Saul William Seng, Jr. Jefferson Shreve Richard Stutz John Unison GregorWVann Steven eiland James Williams Ross Wingler ]ames Witek James Wright Alpha Omega Univ. of Oregon Richard Garrett Donald Lasselle Stanley Lynch Robert Potts Thomas Vandawark Beta Alpha N.J.I.T. Nicholas Adams john Alfonso Frederick Becker, Jr. Clinton Brockway Ralph Doudera Robert Fechillas Alan Ianuzzi

Edward Klebaur, Jr. Lawrence Kominiak

Aivars Krurnins Karl Kubak Richard Labinsky Donald Linske Michael Mahfouz Anthony Mangone Herbert Martin William McCabe Thomas McCann Louis Miceli ]osef'h O'Rourke William Oakenell Victor Oravetz, Jr. Richa Pedersen Richard Rodrick Richard Rusak James Snodgrass, Jr. Raymond Spinelli Jay Stemmer Richard Stephan john Valatkava~ Jacob VanBroe oven David White Joseph Zengota Beta Beta Florida Southern Larry Carter William Hurst John Nelson, Jr. Geor~e Peterson John rufant Robert Weitzner Beta Gamma Univ. of Louisville Donald Bloomer Wade Brown, Jr. John Cook james Dooley James Grissom Spencer Harper, Jr. James Koshewa Michael Parks Errol Richardson Clark Scherer, Jr. Herbert Zimmerman, Jr.


Beta Delta

James Halsey John Hayden Howard Hirsch Wallace Hutton James Kelsey Roger Kinney

Charles Deaton Roger Donohue Paul Gilman James Glick james Hendrix Julius Howard, III

Drake Univ.

Winter 1993


Robert Howell Kenneth Miller George Oldham Kenneth Piller Martin Radtke Norris Rowland james Rutherford Bruce Swanson

Christopher Todd Pau! T~

james erlautz Harry Winegar Beta Epsilon Missouri Robert Baker Robert Cage David EpCerson Gregory unn Bertrand Holmes, Jr. E. G. Kennett Theodore Kru ll Kenneth Lissner jon Mordan Walter Richards Laurence Trudell Beta Eta Florida State Leo Almerico Rona ld Boersma Ste6,hen Bunch Ro ert Clark john Corbett Hugo Debeaubien james Douglass Stuart Gash jeffreA Holler G'g ollingsworth Se Klondar Charles MacMiUin Hassell Mci ver, Jr. james Newman, Jr. Mearl Platt Randolph Plotts john Sharp Donald S~encer Norman toddard Sidney Wilson, Jr. Beta Theta Arizona

Arthur Vance, Jr. Beta Iota Un iv of Toled o Thomas Bokan Gene ColUns Robert Conley Scott Coursen Darwin Deckrosh Gerald Dunaway William Frederick Robert Friess George Hershman Roderick Hunt Robert Kuhlman Darryl McEwen Michael Miclot William O'Shea Richard Rose jeffrey Roth james White, Jr. Beta KapSta !;ieQr&ia ja!e jimmj, Conner Dona d Diffenderfer David Ferguson ScottGoss Paul McCabe Patrick McCabe Stephen McCabe David Ward John Whitley Beta Lambda

Univ. of I~ m ~a Georr,e Clement Char es Cordeiro james Crosby Ralph Griffil'l, Jr. Thomas Kea to r, ll

joseph Martineau Richard Maun Perry Monastero Donald 0 ' eal Ralph Stout

BetaMu M ~N ~~s~ :!Ia!~

Cecil Adrian Paul Brown Miller Clarkson Anthony Duhon Raymond Duhon Charles Hebert Patrick LaCroix Edwin Potratz, 11 Walter Stacy, Jr. Thomas Wright, Jr. Beta Xi Central Michigan David CWapison Dale De aard Donald Perry Duane Valerio

Boyd Wiltse Beta Omicron

Northwestern :!tate Andreas Bachman JohnOden Beta Pi Eastern Michigan Richard Falk Beta Rho Clarkson John Kruse

Sta r& Lamp



' te

Beta Psi Tennessee Wes l e:~:an David Calfee Joel Jones Hugh Neil, Jr. John Plemons Barry Saunders James Van Ostenbridge Gregory Whitlock Beta Omega East Tennessee State Wi!Uam Mayes, Jr. Charles Motley, Jr. David Poppendorf Eugene Smith Ro ert Yackanin Ronald Younger Raymond Ziembinski GAMMA ALPHA LI VINGSTON

Beta Sigma Northern Illinois Donald Firkins Ronald Giles Beta Tau Valdosta john Brooks jamesDowd Sidney Friedman Lance Hamrick Donald ~e WilUam axwell Shealy McCoy Wesley Murphy, 11 Grey,ory Poss Haran Singer, Jr. jerry Thomason, Jr. Robert Vallotton, II Mark Waddell Hubert Wilford Beta Upsilon Virginia Stephen Applegate john Bishop john Browning Barry Ewald Theodore Freeman Thomas H audricourt

Russell Huber John Lapenta John Lo~, Jr. Robert <:Cafferty Hugh McKane Charles Nesbit, Jr. Steven Nesbit Daniel Ro~;e rson Geoq~e Shtpp Kurt teinbacher William Wa tson, Ill Beta Phi East Carolina U. Michael Auten Otis Bailey Ellis Banks, Jr. Dennis Barbour William Barker Clay Brewer Dennis Brown Christopher Derrenbacher William Ealy Ellis Ehle, j r. Dav id Frazier

Malcolm Hinton Gary jewell Stacey johnson Wiley Lewis, Jr. Bruce Mullis jeffrey Phillips William Ray, Jr. Thomas Sa yetta Richard Scott Wa~eScott

Ric ard Wilburn


Beta Chi East Texas Stat ~ Curtis Nugent Kenneth Park

Jesse Bara;es Ja mes B ackwell Hal Bloom, Jr. James Carter Howard Pettis James Roebuck Gamma Beta Old Dominion john Bednarek Linwood Bever\ri Jr. Charles Brady, Phillip Casteel Michael Colbert Philip Davenport, Jr. Darrell janeztc William jenkins Donald Mid\htt jose~hM~ y Pau ShebaUn joseph Simas Joseph VanCleve, Ill Gamma Gamma Tro:~:

State Theatus Beaty Wi!Uam Burns jeffrey Goodson Richard Nelson Philli p Nichols Philip Nichols, Jr. Steven Scruggs jeffery Tisdale Laurence T urrin

james Wheeler Gamma Delta Memohis State Un iv. David Amisano Thomas Appleton, Jr. Herbert Blow RonCail jeffrey Droke Thomas Lynch james Ray Gary VanAsek Allen Vazquez james Wya tt Gamma~silon

Gamma Ze ta W ~~ l Virgi nia T~~h Daniel Artis, Jr. WiUiam Boyle Robe rt Brewer David Holt Charles Hutzler Rona ld Isom Steven KraLcar Randol~ avender Steven wis Jeffrey Logsdon Dennts Maffessanti Michael Paterno Donald Prinzbach Robert Reid Craig Rickenbach Clifton Smith Jarrett Thomr,son Michael Zieg er

Gamma Eta Athens Thomas Reinke Robert Slaybaugh, II Guy Smith Gamma Theta !.INC-Wilmin gton John Allen John Baldwin, Jr. Jeffrey Brotherton Gary Chadwick David Combs Ma tthew Crossman Wi!Uam Dalton Scott E~ler Steven alloway jeffrey Hall Leonard Harris

Ch arles Hatch Rant?.: Hollifield jay uff, Jr. Kevin Jarrett Richard jefferson Thomas Joynt, Jr. Larry LoiJl WiUtam cCaughan, Jr. Henry Merritt, Jr. james Piner Richard Powell, Jr. Martin Sondey Thomas Stephenson Edward Sundy, Jr. Gamma iota Lou isiana

Leonard Simmons, Jr. Gamma Kappa !;ieQrgia South ~ rn Roland Berry David Centofanti David Chesnut Paul Coleman Michael Davis john Forrestall Edward Harris Robert Harrison Buford Keene Douglas Lambert Richard Lane Brooks Lewis Scott McElroy Michael Regtster john Rig~s Christop er Wagner Gamma Lambda Mi s~Ql! ri - Rolla

Max Daves, Jr.

Robert Bentzinger Steven Booton john Bosman, Jr. Randal Curtis joseph Gioia

Samuel Davis, jr. WiUiam Felsher Bruce Fishel

Richard Hou tz

Western arolina Eric Beck Larry Callicutt Robert Crawford

Gary Harrison

Gene Leonard, Jr. David McKenzie Stanlek Pendergraft Larry arnsey Robert Shaver jerry She~ardson St'illhen tafford W'liamWiUis

Mana Gioia, Jr. Eric Harris Thomas Laventure

Wi!Uam Proulx Paul Scherrer

GammaMu Belmont Abll e:~: !:;oil ~~~~ john Cottingham, 11 Michael Cuce john Farrell JoseJf.h Fenty, Jr. Wil am Grizzard, Jr. Gregory Kusic Guy Piche

Gamma Nu LaGrange College Wiley Bryant john Love jack Schroeder Gamma Xi G eorgia ::louthw ~st e rn Raymond Bagl\arly BnanCampbe Charles Cates, Ill John Grant Benjamin Hamrick Georยงe Pritchard Lang on Sheffield, Jr. DavtdSddes Mark To Gordon Vandergriff, Jr. David Wallis Gamma Omicron Bethel john Brocavich

Gamma Rho Lander College Steven Harris

Stephen Kodrnan james McAllister, j r. Richard McCarty Robert McLean William Morrison, Jr. Barry Young Gamma Sigma Armstrong Cecil O'Quinn, Jr. Gamma Tau North Texas Donald Griffin Robert Williams Gamma Upsilon Qklahoma State john Danvers Barry Howell Kenneth Oshel Roger Schaefer G amma Phi South Alab ama Larry Green jimmr; Greene Rona d Konya Paul Langenbach jerry Lee David Rose john Stauffer HughTomUn john VanDerwood Kenneth Webb Gamma Ch i J ack son vill ~ Univ. john Elnicki Michael Fouty Michael Songer

Gamma Psi Augusta CQllege Frank Damiano Brooks Keel Ernest Langston Anthon~ Perrotto, jr. Michae Smith Gamma Omega !.,!niv. Qf M ontevall Q

David Bennett Michael Drudy Royce Lader Steven Smith David Wiliginton Larry Wil arns Davtd WiUiams

โ ข

Delta Al)!'a Virgi nia e~ h Glenn Byrd john Craig Scott Knapp Paul Lavery James Robertson Lane Schaffer Whitne Smith Dylan ?upina Stuart Taylor Delta Beta North Geo rgia College Ronald Alexander Richard Barr, Jr. Thomas Childers George Clark, Ill Victor Eilenfield john Frelt Ulysses atherly, Jr. Tro~ McNeellt Ric ard Mou trie Thomas Nicholson Jr. Thomas Persia Kenneth Vining Jr. TimmWWilson Paul ingo Brian Yar rough Delta Gamma Nebraska-Qmaha john jesse, Ill Mark Kostinec Delta Delta Northeast Missouri State Nelson Akers Christo[,her Becker David wigman MarkHada Gregory Lay Steven Schmitt Eric White Delta Epsilon Jacks onvill~ :!tate Richard Damke, ill Roge r Masters Scott Milam Robert Stewart james Young, Jr. Delta Zeta A11Ralachian State Gregory Ball Charles Beddingfield, Ill Rodney Bentley Andrew Braun Patrick Danehy Bruce Greenland Todd Griffin WiUiam Maycock Steven Miller David Morgan Scott Poole jeffrefc Shell Rona d Williams Delta Eta Morehead Michael Catron Dwayne Francisco Dana Greene Sherman Holliday Gregory Kring Steven Shepherd Delta Iota Middle Tennessee Slate Stephen Crass Michael Potts Delta Kappa Pembroke State Curtis Bennett, Jr. OUver Canaday Thomas Mcintosh, ill Delta Lambda UNC-Charlotte Michael Amick Michael Bolton jason Brownewell Robert Fisher, Jr. Steven Hall Horace Harkey, 11 DeanHull, l1 Gary Knox Scott Kotch

Thomas Krimminger, jr. john Lynch, Jr. Charles Marus Fran cis Proctor, Jr.

Patrick Ri tchie Delta Mu Methodist College Roy Ba tton, Jr. Hugh Q ueen, Ill Delta Nu Western Ken tucky Bruce Masden Robert Miller Delta Xi North Alabama Ernest Chaffin, jr. Te rry Lewey, jr. Stephen Pirkle jeffrey Suggs james Wallace Delta Omicron Nicholls State Timothy Benoit jacques Frere Ray Hebert Delta Pi Wright State james Martin Delta Rho Southern California Lee Dreyfuss jay Hotchkiss Edward Lang, Ill Delta Sigma Bow lin~ Green Robert uehler Timothy Gill Greg Had ley Ke ith Hobson Christopher Hunt Thomas Krach Kevin Lotosky Timothy Springer Michael Thomas

Delta Omega Texas A&M Wade Bi rch Abe Bush, Ill jason Dodd Terry Wilson joe Young Epsilon Alpha Elon Co ll e~e Hardy Bob itt Pa uJ Hirschmann Gerald Hollan Samuel Miller, li Christopher Moore Ra lph Muelle r Vincent Price

Delta Upsilo n Univ. of Pittsburgh Eric Scerbo Howard Simon Ma rshall Zwick Delta Phi Radford Col~e Charles Gar! Scott jackson Kevin Williams Delta Chi Kansas State Michael Austin james Gouldie Steven HiiJ Michael Howard Michael Ka llas Andrew Lammers Kenneth Pruett Mark Richte r jack Shaw Michael Simpson Robe rt Wiegers Delta Psi Texas-Arlington Keith Ackerman Henry Bell, ill Brian Davidson james Karsch, Jr. jeffrey Kikel

Pa trick Bra la joseph Fa rrell Richard johns, Jr. john Richards james Ruocch.io Anthony Sicoli

Epsilon Beta Grand Va ll ~ y State College Stephen Gilbert Russell Ike rd Kevin Nada i Epsilon Ga mma Longwood College jeffrey Aleksa Derek Lilly Robert MeAra Stephen Mode Brad ley Pomp Dale Ra nkin Donald Sisco II Epsilon Delta Auburn- Montgomery Tohn Andrews joseph Osenton DaVJd Smith, j r. Charles Sulli va n, Jr. Daniel Weaver, M.D. Efsilon E ~silon C inch Va ley College Steven Beauter v;silon Zeta n iv. of Central Arkansas Robert Sa~e

james Ba r er john Bearden ~silon Eta i nth ro~ College

Richard ixon ]r. Oscar Ch and ler john Lyon Epsilon Theta Seton Hall Thomas Sacco joseph Del Guercio



Barry Kid Tony evil, Jr. james Ranso m

$8,430 $8,030 $7,943 $7,115 $5,275 $4,385 $4,070 $4,027 $3,550 Epsilon Pi VA Commonwealth Travis Buiks

j r.

Epsilon Rho Lenoir-Rhyne College jon Almerin.i john Austin, Jr. Ted Baker Trent Hennigar Donald Ja rboe Mar k La~enbach Willia m yne, Jr.

Bruce Vandiver

Christopher Wood msilon Lambda

SC-S~artanb u rg

Michae Elmore john Hanke Erick Snow William Weathe rs, Jr.

C rai~homb urg


illiam s

Ehsilon Si«ma !:; ristian ro thers Robert Chaplin, Jr. Richa rd Erickson Vincent Mancini Larry McCage, II Raymond Saunderson Bn an Ward Robert Werle

Epsilon Mu Bradley Uni versity Timothy Burkhalter Daniel Charleston Shawn jenkins jeffrey Luebker Patrick Maietta john Mcindoe Mark ischwi tz Russell Perr Bruce Silberstorf Kenneth Slaninka Tirnothl Sumner Mich ae White

Epsilon Tau

St. I ose~h·~ Univ. Santo Donia joseph Held user, Jr. Thomas Marino Thomas Merighi, Jr. Arthur Paltz james Pauls Robert Powelson Vincent Thompson, Sr Steven Tuso

Epsilon Nu Cal State-Sacremento Richard Batt Viktor Berry Rich ard D~le Lawrence a lterman jeff Silver Stephen Sodergren Kim Spannuth

Epsilon Upsilon Georgia College Roy Baker David Collins Bernard Doolittle Eduardo Tam ayo

Epsilon Xi LaSa ll ~ Co ll eg~

William Booth, Jr. john Gable David Givey

E~s ilon

Epsilon Omega Texas Tech Univ. Roy Goodloe, II I Timothy Haen Craig Kamrad t Midiael Kroeger Robert Kurima Ariel Melendez james Smith Blake Thomas Robert Welsh Kevin Wright Zeta Alp ha Clemson University Dave Bolka Scott Gaspa rini Michael Gordon Richard Stachelek


Epsilon KYepa Southern ech

Steven Kosta

Edward Pugh David Spririkle William SviheJ Bryan Taylor

Epsilon Omicron Villanova Uni versity

1. 0-Alabarna 2. 3-Roanoke 3. AY-Drexel 4. AO-Iowa St. 5. AI-Auburn 6. AE-Florida ·7. BA-NJIT 8. K-UNC-Chapel Hill 9. A'I'-Indiana 10. !-Georgia Tech

Delta Tau James Madison U niv

Epsilon Iota UNC-Greensboro ja mes Cole David Craft Charles Howell Michael Kin g Daniel Lineback Ba rry Maness james Shaw William Thorn h.ill Irvin Vann, m Elliott Wilson

Top 10 Giving Chapters in 1992

Steven Trivisonno

john Bittinger Shannon Byrne joseph jaap, jr. Christopher Kelly Christopher Negaard Kenneth Rand, ill David Sensenig

james Richarcj, Jr. Michael Yoslov

James Digesu

Epsilon Psi Slippery Rock Un iv. Charles Karaffa Kenneth Klimchock Myron Rosh, Jr.


A ~ bam a- B i rm ing h a m Christother Blake Arth ur nnis, Jr. Chris Teichmiller

Zeta Beta Califo rnia-San Diego Andrew Chapman Richard Herman And rew Tsukahira

Zeta Xi Ave rett College Rafael Cervantes Eric Hod ges Robert Perkins, ll David Thomas Zeta Omicron SUNY-Cortland john Sassano Thomas Brozycki Robert Hanson Pasquale Mastrandrea Roger Treichler, Jr.

Zeta Rho Cal State-Fu llerton David Goldenberg Da rin Nakakiha ra Timothy Romash V ictor Va lencia

Zeta Upsilon BloornsbuQl Un iv. Ma tthew Teter Zeta Phi Colorado State Univ. Ryan Mauff Michael Mullan e

Zeta Gamma Nort h Dakota Todd Chrzanowski Brad ley Hagen Christopher johnson David Kirkland joe Kraft Steward Sandstrom Randall Stillinger Michael Welvaert

Zeta Chi Albright College james Osborn

Zeta Delta Sh ip pensbuQl Un iv. Allyn Grubb Richa rd Hi! tner

James Dean, II

Zeta Epsilon George Mason Univ. Ali Barakat juan Miyares Timothy Quick LeeQu1ck Michael Socha joseph Steele Zeta Zeta Univ. of North Florida Steven Borowiec

Zeta Eta Univ. of South Florida Timothy Moore

Zeta Psi IUPUI Ronald Ba rker Michael Gorski Zeta Omega Towson State David Pollock Benjamin Wade Eta Alpha Concord College Christopher McGown Danny Mitchem Eta Beta Indiana State University Terry Bums Craig Kirk Carroll Tracy Eta Gamma Univ. of ColoradoBoulde r Bret Heidemann john Like

Zeta Theta Un iv. of Texas-Austin Timothy Ba rton jeffrey Carlisle Mar k Hogan james Maddux Tracy Maddux jack Salmon

Eta Delta Kennesaw State Kenneth Smith jose Viera, Jr.

Zeta Iota Indiana Un iv. of PA. Sean Beaty Richa rd Cravener Jr. Charles Geraci David Meyers jr. Victor Sofelkani k

Eta Zeta Queens Coll;r.e joseph McBri Jr.

Zeta Lambda Cal St.-Chico James Harris

Scott Lehrfeld Paul Lux Todd Nicholson Brad Strong Bruce Ya rwood

Eta Epsilon Univ. of Maryland Ian Rubin


Johnso n & Wales Associate Ke.nneth MarshaJJ joseph Calve rt Om1cron Chapter Omicron Club Tarboro Club Upsilon Corporation Helen Ring ]ean Searfoss

ZetaM u Cal St.-Northrid ~e Shahmir Nadjma adi Zeta Nu West Chester Un iv. john N . Nickolas john E. Nickolas Richard Yoegel

Winter 1993


CHAPTER SPOTLIGHT Zeta Chapter Brothers selected as Presidential International Scholars Every year, the president of Wofford College selects one student to participate in Wofford's unique Presidential International Scholar program. This student then undertakes a year of focused, experiential international travel. Both the current and previous International Scholars have at least one other thing in common-they are members of Pi Kappa Phi. Brother David Bresenham just returned from his trip around the world, and Brother Andrew Green just left for his travels in December. Bresenham, a Phi Beta Kappa French and English major, studied third-world housing in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Senegal, the Congo, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Egypt, France, South Korea, Thailand, India, Singapore, and Indonesia. Two highlights of his travels were a trip to Vietnam (the first by a Presidential International Scholar), and a visit to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development at Rio de Janeiro. Andrew Green, the college's eighth Presidential International Scholar, left his Cincinnati, Ohio, home for his 33 week trip on December 28. Green, who is also an Academic All-American defensive tackle on the Wofford football team, will be travelling through Central and South America, Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Russia. According to Green, "My study topic will be individual creativity, and how that innovative energy is shaping the lives of people in a world that is changing very rapidly." Green plans to talk to artists, writers, poets, and

Left to right: David Bresenham and Andrew Green spiritual leaders. "I'll be seeking and talking not only to those who are responsible for economic and technological innovation, but also to those who are interpreting those changes within different cultural frameworks." After he returns to Wofford in August, Green plans to complete his degree in English and business economics. Afterwards, he plans to go on to graduate school. Green is also an inductee of Phi Beta Kappa. In October, he received a two-year fellowship grant from the National Football Foundation and College of Fame worth almost $20,000. This fellowship recognizes outstanding accomplishments in the classroom, on the field, and in the community. Pi Kappa Phi congratulates both David Bresenham and Andrew Green for their outstanding scholastic achievement.

Rush Results: r r -Troy State's Fall Associate Member Class 28

Star & Lamp

Order of Omega Initiates According to the National Office of Order of Omega, the following Pi Kapps were initiated into the National Order of Omega during the 1991-1992 school year. The purpose of theNational Order of Omega is to recognize and encourage leadership in Interfraternity activities.

Doug Chartier, center, Delta Chi's fall PUSH chairman at Kansas State University, presents the game ball to a Big Eight Conference referee prior to the kickoff of a K-State football game last fall. Two disabled Kansas State students join in the presentation.

The following chapters will be celebrating special anniversaries within the next 24 months.

•••••••••••••••••••• AY- Drexel 5-20-33 {60th in '93) B<I>-East Carolina 2-16-63 (30th in '93) BX- East Texas 11-2-63 (30th in '93) rA-Livingston 5-2-64 (30th in '94) rB-Old Dominion 10-10-64 (30th in '94) re-UNC-Wilrnington 2-24-68 (25th in '93) rK-Georgia Southern 11-2-68 (25th in '93) rA-Missouri-Rolla 11-23-68 (25th in '93) rM-Belrnont Abbey 4-26-69 (25th in '94) rN-LaGrange 5-10-69 (25th in '94) r:=:-Georgia Southwestern 5-17-69 (25th in '94) !'J.Z- Appalachian State 1-6-73 (20th in '93) !'J.H-Morehead State 2-10-73 (20th in '93) M-UNC-Charlotte 9-1-73 (20th in '93)

ZZ-N orth Florida's Associate Member Class

Russell Hanley, Alabma-Birmingham David Scott, Auburn University John Babel, Bowling Green State University Joseph Schultz, California-Davis Kent Meyer, California State University --Sacramento Chad Goforth, Clemson University Blake Mason, University of Florida Jedde Regante,University of Florida Michael Cowan, Georgia Tech Christopher Goldman, Georgia Tech Kenneth Erley, Georgia Rob Ruinen, Georgia Charles Wagner, Georgia Robert Riforgiate, Illinois Christian Cooley, Indiana Kirk Mattson, Indiana Steve Sanders,Indiana Trent Thornely, Indiana Adam Goldstein, Indiana University of Penn. Curtis Clifton, Iowa State Rob Kerns, Iowa State Pat Morrissey, Iowa State Matt Carr, James Madison University Christopher Just, James Madison Ed Enyeart, Kansas State Mark Ranschaert, Louisville Jeffrey Carter, Memphis State Eddie Register,Mercer Stephen Tillman, Mercer Kevin Livingston, Michigan Kent Strickland, UNC-Wilmington Michael Schoeffler, Oklahoma Tyler Bennett, Purdue Brent Buroker, Purdue Timothy Smith, Purdue Joseph Ficarrotta, Queens Andrew Painter, Queens Brian Niebauer, Slippery Rock Noel Brantley, South Alabama Robert Morgan, South Alabama Bart Winkler, South Alabama Danny Wade, South Alabama Christian Conrad, Valdosta State Jay Sirmans, Valdosta State Mark Dennis, Virginia Tech Scott Hutchinson, University of Washington Theodore Evans, West Chester University Winter 1993





President-Or. Phillip M. Summers (Alpha Psi-Indiana) Office of the President Vincennes University 1002 N. First Street Vincennes, IN 47591

Alumni Relations-Joseph A. Brady 504 W. Wisconsin Chicago, IL 60614

Chief Executive Officer-Durward W. Owen Director of Chapter Services-Jason K. Doldd Director of Business Affairs-Emerson Linney Director of Communications-Frank Wrenn Director of Expansion-Lome LaPorte Senior Leadership Consultants-Tracy Maddux, Joel Borellis Leadership Consultants- Matt Hiatt, Harry Mcintosh Support Staff-Office Manager Joanne Stroshine , Director of Finance Nancy Perdue , Executive Secretary Linda Littlejohn, Membership/Records Directors Cindy Howell and Sandy Stogner, Chapter Supplies Director Lue Casto, Editorial Assistant Debby Haynes, and Adm inistrative Assistant Betsie Fehr. P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 704-523-6000 FAX: 704-521-8962

Vice President-Jerry T. Brewer (Sigma-South Carolina) Dean of Student Life USC-Russell House Columbia, SC 29208 Treasurer-Nathan Hightower (Omicron-Alabama) P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 33517 Secretary-Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. (Omicron-Alabama) 985 Valley View Road Indian Springs, AL 35124 Chaplain-J . Patrick Figley, D.Min. (Chi-Stetson) Peninsular Counseling Center 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609 Chancellor-David Lane (Omega-Purdue) Venable, Baetjer and Howard Suite 400 201 0 Corporate Ridge Drive Mclean, VA 22101 Member-at-Large-Jim Krucher (Beta Alpha-NJIT) 3 Burgh Avenue Clifton, NJ 07011

Education-Vacant Expansion-Clay Edmonds Brencor Capital Funding 5214 Maryland Way Brentwood, TN 37027 Investment-Julius Burges 17 Wappoo Creek Drive Charleston , SC 29407 Nomination-Stephen DePalma Schoor, DePalma, and Ganger Group,inc 200 Route 9, P.O. Box 1149 Manalapan , NJ Ritual & Insignia-David H. Vawter 7329 Hounslow Lane Charlotte, NC 28213





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Star & Lamp

Kevin K. Murphy 11 03 Limerick Court Hummelstown, PA 17036 Dr. Arthur J. Quickenton 401 Meadowview Dr. Boone, NC 28607 Ronald J. deValinger 910 Fifth Ave. Albany, GA 31701 Jeffrey Luebker 2625 N. Meridian St. #1 023 Indianapolis, IN 46208-771 Mark E. Perrin 601 Hickory Knoll Birmingham, AL 35226 John R. Andrews 554 Ottawa, St. Paul, MN 55107 Billy L. Jacobs 5804 Cedar Ridge Arlington , TX 76017 Dr. Frank M. Parrish 7742 S. Harrison Circle Littleton, CO 80122 Allen 0. Woody 6416 Orchard View Ln . Roanoke, VA 24018 John K. Richards 506 Cypress Pt. #242 Mountain View, CA 94043

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Dr. A. J. Strickland,Ill , Chairman 1 Old Northriver Point Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 Executive Vice President of Foundation Ted Scharfenstein 289 South Street Rockport, MA 01966 Pi Kappa Phi Properties Ernest Johnson, Chairman JMB Office Leasing Co. 2049 Century Park East Suite 2650 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Executive Vice President of Properties Glenn Dickson P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte , NC 28224

PUSH America Jim Stump, Chairman 2101 Sardis Road N Charlotte, NC 28227 PUSH America Staff Executive Director-Kenneth N. Kaiser Special Events Director-John Pierce Director of Development-Sally Schafer Director of Chapter Services-Dave Aucremann Program Consultant-Chad Coltrane Executive Assistant-Betty Bradley Accounting-Melissa Boodee Office Manager-Thea Polito P.O. Box 241368 Charlotte, NC 28224 704-522-7874 (PUSH) FAX: 704-521-8962

Alabama Albright Alabama-Birmingham Appalachian State Auburn Auburn-Montgomery Augusta Averett Barton College Belmont Abbey Bloomsburg Bowling Green State Bradley California-Berkeley California-Davis California-Irvine California-San Diego Cal. State-Chico Cal. State-Fullerton Cal. State Northridge Cal. State-Sacramento Charleston Christian Brothers Clemson Clinch Valley Colorado - Boulder Colorado State Concord Cornell Drake Drexel Duke East Carolina East Texas State Florida Florida Southern Florida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia State Georgia Tech Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Indiana at Penn Indiana State Iowa State IUPUI Jacksonville State James Madison Kansas State Kennesaw State LaGrange Lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Livingston Longwood Louisville Marshall Maryland McNeese State Mercer Michigan Michigan Stale Missouri Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Nebraska-Lincoln NJIT North Carolina UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Wilmington North Carolina State North Dakota North Florida Northeast Missouri State North Georgia Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Penn State Pittsburgh Presbyterian Purdue Queens College Radford Rensselaer Roanoke St. Joseph's Samford Seton Hall

Shippensburg Slippery Rock South Alabama South Carolina Southern Tech

Omicron P.O. Box 6089, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 Zeta Chi Box (C.C. Box) 74, Reading, PA 19612 Epsilon Phi Box 40, Univ. Center, Birmingham, AL 35294 Delta Zeta ASU Box 8991, Boone, NC 28607 Alpha Iota 861 Lem Morrison Rd., Auburn, AL 36830 Epsilon Delta P.O. Box 241332, Montgomery, AL 36124-1332 Gamma Psi 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30910 P.O. Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 Zeta Xi Zeta Tau 808 Corbett Ave., Wil son, NC 27893 Gamma Mu Box 5148, BAC, Belmont, NC 28012 Zeta Upsilon Box 52, BU, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Delta Sigma R-3 Old Fraternity Row, Bowling Green, OH 43403 Epsilon Mu 1530 W. Bradley Ave., Peoria , IL 61606 Gamma 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 Zeta Sigma 1443 Wakeforest Dr. , Apt. 14, Davis, CA 95616 Eta Eta P.O. Box 4741 , Irvine, CA 92716 Zeta Beta P.O. Box 948555, LaJolla, CA 92037 Zeta Lambda 811 Rio Chico Way, Chico, CA 95926 Zeta Rho Univ. Activities Center-74, Fullerton, CA 92634 Zeta Mu 175 15 San Fernando Mssn., Granada Hills,CA 91344 3753 Rock Island Dr., Sacramento, CA 95827 Epsilon Nu Alpha Box 1493, College of Charleston , SC 29424 Epsilon Sigma 650 E. ParkwayS. , Memphis, TN 38104 Zeta Alpha P.O. Box 2186, Clemson, SC 29632 Epsilon Epsilon CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 Eta Gamma 855 Broadway, Boulder CO 80302 714 Remington St. , Ft. Collins, CO 80524 Zeta Phi C-49, Concord College, Athens, WV 24712 Eta Alpha Psi 55 Ridgewood Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 Beta Delta 1236 34th St., Apt. 106, Des Moines, lA 50311 Alpha Upsilon 3405 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104 P.O. Box 4674, Duke Station, Durham, NC 27706 Mu Beta Phi 803 Hooker Rd., Greenville, NC 27834 Beta Chi Box W, ET Station, Commerce, TX 75428 Alpha Epsilon 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 Beta Beta Box 15215, c/o FSC, Lakeland, FL 33802 Beta Eta 423 W. College Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301 Delta FU-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 29613 Zeta Epsilon 4400 University Dr., SUB 1, Bcx 122, Fairtax, VA 22030 Lambda 930 S. Milledge Ave., Ath ens, GA 30606 Epsilon Upsilon 141 N Jefferson St., Milledgeville, GA 31061 Gamma Kappa LB #12343, GSC, Statesboro, GA 30460 Gamma Xi 321 Barlow St. , Americus, GA 31709 Beta Kappa Box 1848 Univ. Cntr., Atlanta, GA 30303 G.T. Box 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 Iota Upsilon 306 E. Gregory Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 Alpha Phi 3333 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 60616 Alpha Psi 1415 N. Jordan Ave., Bloomington, IN 47406 Zeta Iota P.O. Box 1604, Folger Hall, Indiana, PA 15705 P.O. Box 1532, Terre Haute, IN 47808-1532 Eta Beta Alph a Omicron 407 Welch Ave. , Ames, lA 50010 Zeta Psi c/o Jeff Rodgers, 612 Hickory Ct. , IN 46140 Delta Epsilon P.O. Box 602-JSU , Jacksonville, AL 36265 Delta Tau P.O. Box L-2 11 , JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Delta Chi 1716 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS, 66502 Eta Delta Stud. Dev. , P.O. Box 444, Marietta , GA 30061 Gamma Nu Box 11 70 ,601 Broad St. , LaGrange, GA 30240 Gamma Rho Box 6191 , Lander College, Greenwood, SC 29646 Epsilon Xi LU-Box 692, Philadelphia, PA 19141-5150 Epsilon Rho LAC-Box 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 Gamma Alpha P.O. Box M, Livingston, AL 35470 Epsilon Gamma Box 1140-Longwood Col., Farmvi lle, VA 23901 Beta Gamma 2106 Confederate Place, Louisville, KY 40208 MU-2W38 MSC, Huntington, WV 25755 Zeta Pi Eta Epsilon 0118B Allegany Hall, College Park, MD 20742 Beta Mu P.O. Box 92229-MSU, Lake Charles, LA 70609 Alpha Al pha MU-Box 112, Macon, GA 31207 Alpha Kappa 903 Lincoln, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 Alpha Theta 131 Bogue St. , E. Lansing, Ml48823 Beta Epsilon 500 E. Rollins St. , Columbia, MO 65201 Gamma Lambda 1704 Pine St., Rolla, MO 65401 Gamma Omega Drawer AY, UM,Montevallo, AL 35115 Nu 425 University Terr., Lin coln, NE 68508 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 Beta Alpha Kappa 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Delta Lambda Cone Univ. Ctr., UNCC, Charlotte, NC 28223 Epsilon Iota P.O. Box E003 EUC UNCG , Greensboro, NC 2741 Gamma Theta Univ. Center, Am. 202, Wilmington , NC 28407 Tau 2401 W. Fratern ity Ct., Raleigh, NC 27606 Zeta Gamma 407 Cambridge St., Grand Forks, ND 58203 Zeta Zeta 4567 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S. Jacksonville, FL 32216 Delta Delta P.O. Box 562, Kirksville, MO 63501 Delta Beta Box 5165-NGC, Dahlonega, GA 30597 Gamma Upsilon 1415 West Third, Stillwater, OK 74074 Gamma Beta 1214 W 40th St., Apt 1, Nortolk, VA 23508 Alpha Zeta 2111 Harrison NW, Corvallis, OR 97330 Alpha Mu 409 E. Fairmont Ave., State College, PA 16801 Delta Upsilon Box 7126, Univ. of Pitt, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Beta PC-Box 1069, Clinton, SC 29325 Omega 330 N. Grant St. , W. Lafayette, IN 47906 Box 813, Queens College, Charlotte, NC 28274 Eta Zeta Delta Phi 621 Second Ave., Radford, VA 24141 Alpha Tau 49 Second St. , Troy, NY 12180 Xi Box 1761 , Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153 SJU, 5600 City Ave. Box 230, Phila., PA 191 31 Epsilon Tau Alpha Eta Box 2474, Birmingham, AL 35229 Epsilon Theta 46 Fleet St.., Jersey City, NJ 07029 Zeta Delta 201 E. Orange St., Shippensburg, PA 17257 Epsilon Psi Am. 221-C, Univ. Union, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 P.O. Box U-1208, USA, Mobile, AL 36688 Gamma Phi Sigma USC-Box 85128, Columbia, SC 29225 Epsilon Kappa 1100 Marietta Pkwy., Marietta, GA 30060

Stockton State SUNY--Cortland Tennessee Texas Texas A&M Texas-Arlington Texas Tech Toledo Towson State Troy State Valdosta State Villanova Virginia Virginia Commonwealth Virginia Tech Washington Washington & Lee Western Carolina West Chester West Virginia Tech West Virginia University Winthrop University Wofford

Zeta Kappa G-Wing-SSC, Pomona, NJ 08240 Zeta Omicron P.O. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 Alpha Sigma P.O. Box 8629, Knoxville, TN 37996-0002 2503 Nueces, Austin , TX 78705 Zeta Theta Delta Omega P.O Box 5201, College Station, TX 77844 Delta Psi UT-Arlington , 705 S. Summit, Arlington, TX 76013 Epsilon Omega P.O. Box 4678, Lubbock, TX 79410 2999 W. Bancroft, A-2, Toledo, OH 43606-3390 Beta Iota Zeta Omega TSU, Box 1971, Towson , MD 21204 Gamma Gamma TSU,P.O. Box 1738, Troy, AL 36082 VSC-Box 7136, Valdosta, GA 31698 Beta Tau Epsilon Omicron 215 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 19085 Beta Upsilon 510 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22903 Epsilon Pi Stud .Cmmns, VCU Box 102, Richmond, VA 23220 Delta Alph a 1101 Redbud Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24060 Alpha Delta 4530 17th Ave., Seattle, WA 98105 Rho W&L P.O. Box 903, Lexington , VA 24450 Gamma Epsilon P.O. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 Zeta Nu Am 109, Sykes Hall, West Chester PA 19383 Gamma Zeta 841 Fayette Pike, Mon tgomery, WV 25136 Alpha Rho 591 Spruce St., Morgantown, WV 26505 Epsilon Eta P.O. Box 5030-WCS, Rock Hill, SC 29733 Zeta Box P, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC 29301

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Bryant College Central Michigan (B!::) Christopher Newport Elan (EA) Johnson and Wales Maryland at Baltimore Memphis State (rll) Morehead State (LIH) Oklahoma(Ar) Sacramento St. (EN) San Francisco San Francisco State South Florida (ZH) Southwest Texas St. SUNY --Albany SUNY --Brockport SUNY--Plattsburgh Tampa (BA) Texas-Austin (Z6) USC-Spartanburg (EA) Wingate Wright State (Lin)

Box 1297, BC, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, AI 02917 Box 70, Warriner Hall , MI. Pleasant, Ml 48858 P.O. Box 169, Newport News, VA 23602 P.O. Box 1238, Elan, NC 27244 209 Admi ral St., Providence, AI 02908 UMBC Patapsco 310, Baltimore, MD 21228 3841 Spottswood Ave., Memphis, TN 38111 Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 1714 S. Chautaugua, Nomnan, OK 73072 2348 Villanova Cr #1, Sacramento, CA 95825 Assoc. Students. Off. UC402, lgnation Hights, San Francisco 94117 1600 Holloway, San Francisco, CA 94132 15501 Bruce B. Downs, #411 0, Tampa, FL 33847 1610 IH-35 N #67,San Marcos, TX 78666 P.O. Box 22102, 1400 Washington Ave., Aibany, NY 12222 Ofc of Std Activities Am 203, Brockpo rt, NY 14420 Frend Whiteface Hall Box 96,Piattsburgh NY 12901 401 W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33606 2503 Nueces, Austin, TX 78705 BOO University Way, Spartanburg, SC 29303 1747 Wingate College, Wingate NC 28174 WSU 020 University Center, Dayton, OH 45435

ALUMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Chapter- Bill Ishee, 1911 Hunter Ave. , Mobile, AL 36606 Alpha Epsilon Club- Steven Stanford, 4800 S. Westshore Blvd #420, Tampa FL 33611 Alpha Upsilon Alumni Assoc. - Fred Schmehl, 39 W. Wyomissing Ave, Shillington, PA 19607 Alpha Zeta Alumni Assoc. -Theodore Langton, 3058 NW Charmyr Vista Dr, Corvallis, OR 97330 Americus Alumni Corp. - Ron Chaffin, 3145 White Rd., NE, Conyers, GA 30207 Austin Alumn i Chapter- Paul Drake, 11104 Grapevine Ln, Austin, TX 78759 Beta Alumni Assoc.- Tim Foster, 207 Linville Ct, Bessemer City, NC 28016 Beta Mu Alumni Assoc.- Mitchell Adrian, University Hills #150, Starkville, MS 39759 Beta Phi Alumni Chapter- Scott Smith , 4801 Kenmore Ave., #1309, Al exandria, VA 22304 Central Alabama Alumni Assoc.- Jim Beal, P.O. Box 505, Montevallo, AL 35 115 Charleston Alumni Association- Alan Horres, 21 Wespanee Dr., Charleston , SC 29407 Chi Alumn i Association - Gary Meadows, 2490 Wilmhurst Rd. De Land FL 32720 Delta Beta Alumni Assoc.- Bill Tew, 6340 Brecke nridge Run, Rex, GA 30273 Delta Epsilon Alumni Assoc. - Erv Sherer, 4675 Sengen Trace, Alpharetta, GA 30202 Delta Omicron Alumni Chapter- Kirk Defelice, 209 Adams Blvd, Lockport LA 70374 Des Moines Alumni Chapter- John S. Kirk, P. 0 . Box 65663, W. Des Moines, lA 50265 Epsilon Eta Alumni Assoc. -John Lyon, 2906 Prestwick Cr., Columbia SC 29223 Epsilon Iota Alumni Assoc. -David Craft, Box 9040, Greensboro, NC 27429 Epsilon Psi Alumni Chapter- Ralph W. Asplen, 222 Vernon Ad, Morrisville, PA 19067 Epsilon Sigma Alumni Assoc.- Chris Mills, 3716 Northwood , Memphis, TN 38111 Epsilon Omega Alumn i Assoc. - Karl Reiter, 1403 Sparks St, Midland, TX 79701 Gamma Alpha Al umni Assoc. - Bryan Bonner, P.O. Box 448, Livingston, AL 35470 Gamma Beta Alumni Assoc.- Joel Allen , 20381 Marguritte Sq, Sterling, VA 20165 Gamma Gamma Alumni Assoc. Inc. - Edward Craig, 819 Michelle Ct, Montgomery, AL 36109 Gamma Phi Club Inc. -Daniel Carre, 3650 Whispering Pine Ad, #52B, Mobile, AL 36608 Gamma Psi- Frank Todd, 317 Berckhman's Rd., Augusta, GA 30909-3603 Greater Atlanta Alumni- Marl< Christopher, 3300 t Atlantic Ctr, t20t W. Peachtree St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 Greater Toledo Alumni- Mark Urrutia, 2432 W. Central Ave., Ste 5-A, Toledo, OH 43606-3716 Greenwood Alumni Assoc. -Chuck Watson, Jr., P.O. Drawer 1546, Greenwood, SC 29848 Indianapolis Alumni Assoc.- Greg Linder, 2715 Cardig an Rd., Indianapolis IN 46268-2016 Ithaca Area Alumni Assoc.- Bill Newell, 5304 Pender Ct., Alexandria, Va 22304-1937 La Grange Alumni Association - Richard Jolly, 416 Ginger Cir, La Grange, GA 30240-3934 Lambda Loop - Frank Lane, 8800 Roswell Ad, Ste 265, Atlanta, GA 30350 Louisville Alumni Chapter- Larry Hayse, 5503 Shorewood Dr., Louisville, KY 40214 Memphis Area Alumni Assoc. -David Everson, t963 Deep Valley Cove, Germantown, TN 38t38 Middle Georgia Alumni Chapter- Lee Langley, 3tt0 MI. Zion Rd, #t 7tt , Stockbridge, GA 30281 Montgomery Area Alumni Chapter- Marco Giglio, t902 Kingsbury Drive, Montgomery, AL 38t06 Mountaineer Alumni Association- David Morgan, 9512 Hanover South Tr., Charlotte, NC North Jersey Alumni Assoc. - Rich Nass, 135 Roosevelt Ave, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 Omega Chapter of nK<t>- Mark DeFabis, 8834 Keevers Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46234 Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Assoc.- Steven Ryder, 11442 Foster Road, Los Alamitos, CA an,r?n.~o"a ' Seattle Alumni Assoc. - Derrick Rogers, t626 Grant Ave, Apt.# D-20t , Renton, WA 98055-3649 Sigma Alumni Association - Jerry Brewer , USC Russell House, Columbia SC 29208 Tau Alumni Association - Bob Lamph ier, 207 Summerwinds Dr, Cary, NC 27511

West 'virginia Alumni Assoc. - Michael Paterno, 423 Highland Ave., South Charleston, WV 25303 Zeta Epsilon Alumni Assoc.- Michael Socha, 6122 B Essex House Sq., Alexa ndria, VA 22310 Zeta Zeta Alumni Assoc. - Robert Talley, 4627 Spring Park Rd ., Jacksonville, FL 32207 Zeta Omicron Alumni Assoc. - Brian Siegel, 337 W. 15th St, Deer Park, NY 11729

Winter 1993


Brother T. J. Sullivan's reply to a letter from Brother Clement Berard'(both of which were published in the Summer 1992 Star & Lamp) has received quite a response from our readers. Printed here are two edited responses we received. As Brother George Fassnacht commented in a later letter, the subject has "stirred up enough correspondence to show either general interest or that the Star & Lamp is being read from cover to cover. Either one is a worthy objective and should please the ed'tors." Dear Brother Owen, Brother Sullivan,

Dear Durward: Clement Berard's letter reprinted in the [Summer 1992] Star & Lamp comments on the article "Sex Under the Influence" which appeared in a recent issue [Winter1992] . Brother Berard speaks, I am sure, for many of us older Brothers, and I hope for not too few of the younger men. I find T. J. Sullivan's reply perplexing. One doesn't have to argue undefined morals or family values, or that old fashioned word "sin." Whatever has become of just honoring the rights, feelings, and safety of others? In the absence of a cure for AIDS, why isn't anyone guilty of transmitting HIV also guilty of murder? A story I heard recently seems pertinent to this discussion. A man was loudly berated by a woman for whom he had paused to hold open a door. "You don't have to hold that door open for me because I am a lady," she screamed. "I didn't," he replied. " I held it because I am a gentleman." Granted that times have changed since I lived in the Omega Chapter House in the late 1920's, but I am beginning to wonder if we Pi Kapps have our priorities straight. Are we trying to develop gentlemen or semi-civilized animals? Fraternally, George G. Fassnacht Omega#ll5

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• We'd like to hear from you! We want to know what you think. Drop us a line at the Administrative Office. Let us know what you think about our fraternity today. What do you want to see in future Star & Lamps?

Write: Frank T. Wrenn, III Managing Editor P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 Thanks



Star & Lamp

The words that came to mind after reading Brother Sullivan's reply to Clement Berard's letter published in the recent Star & Lamp were astonishment and shock. I must disagree with some of [Sullivan's] views and am compelled to define my position... . Brother Sullivan has ... asserted "There is not the clear line between 'moral' and 'immoral' that some were once accustomed to recognizing in the past!" The questions of Slavery, Prohibition, World War I, Civil Rights, and Vietnam were equally troubling issues to previous generations. Like previous generations we ultimately will be forced to define a course of action. Unlike previous troubling issues where the question was more "quantifiable," the question of "moral" and "immoral" behavior is far more subjective. However, we as Pi Kapps have already committed to the standards which our fraternity's founding fathers asserted with the definition of the principles of Pi Kappa Phi membership. I agree with Brother Sullivan, an individual ultimately decides his moral conduct. All the society pressuring, Bible thumping or legislating in the world could not enforce "immoral" or "moral" standards to which individuals do not subscribe. Pi Kappa Phi is a brotherhood that has subscribed to standards defined by our fathers and brothers gone before us. To deny the definition of what we as a brotherhood stand for, is to cheat past, present and future generations of Pi Kapps of a wonderful heritage and to belie the integrity of our brotherhood . Kim Hasler Omega#954

{etters to Pi 1(appa Plii

A message from Dr. Phillip M. Summers, National President of Pi Kappa Phi.


Traditionally Speaking. In the Broadway Musical, Fiddler on the Roof, the father Tevye sings a song which has a message we have all heard. When asked why their family practices are important, Tevye responds by singing one of the major hits of the musical, "Tradition." "Traditions" in our fraternity are also important. "Tradition" explains why we believe that scholarship, leadership, and service are the important ingredients of brotherhood and are the essence of Pi Kappa Phi. "Tradition" is why our ritual is so important for each brother, each chapter, and our national fraternity. "Tradition" is why the symbols of Pi Kappa Phi, the rose, the lamp, and the bellare meaningful for us personally and as fraternity members. There is another "tradition" that is an important part of what makes us good brothers, and that is giving to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. In this Star & Lamp, you will find information about the Foundation and those who help support our fraternity. "Traditionally," alumni give or make an annual donation to the Foundation. In the past two years, undergraduates have accepted that opportunity and have become part of the President's Circle. If Pi Kappa Phi is to continue to grow and achieve our goal of being one of the best fraternities in the Greek world, we need to strengthen the "tradition" of support to our Foundation. Many brothers reading this article will say that the "traditions" of the Greek world have changed over the past few years, and that is true. At one time, hazing was the norm. At one time, alcohol abuse was the norm. At one time, accidents and little concern for brother's safety were the norm. At one time, racism and sexism were the norm. "Traditions" change as society changes. But the essence of Greek life and Pi Kappa Phi have not changed. We are "strong enough to care." Our brotherhood is demonstrated in the dignity each member is accorded and the success which Pi Kapps have in sharing our commitment to the principles of our brotherhood. I hope we will see more new "traditions" in the

• •

future which will make Pi Kappa Phi and the Greek world an even more important part of college life. I expect colleges and universities to continue to change, and our fraternity will continue to change. One of those important changes for our future is the necessity for everyone who is initiated into the life of our fraternity to develop leadership skills and be a good Pi Kapp for life. Part of the responsibility of membership is to help the next class of associate members, the next leaders of our chapter and fraternity, and the next brothers who attend Pi Kapp College, Mid-Year Leadership Conferences, and Area Conclaves. That responsibility is fulfilled as an undergraduate by actively participating in chapter and national activities. This responsibility is fulfilled by all brothers, both undergrads and alumni, by their giving to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, which underwrites our fraternity's leadership and educational events. One of the "traditions" of Pi Kappa Phi of which I am most proud is our strong brotherhood. Those brothers who have attended Pi Kapp College, Supreme Chapter, or Mid-Year Leadership Conferences have heard me say, "What are we going to do?," and the enthusiastic response has been, "Sing." Pi Kappa Phi singing is one way to demonstrate brotherhood. Another excellent way to demonstrate brotherhood is to be successful, to be good leaders, to serve your fraternity, to give to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, and to continue the "traditions" of Pi Kappa Phi. Our "traditions" are that a brother receives much from our fraternity, and in return much is expected from each brother, "because you are a Pi Kapp."

National President Phillip M. Summers is President of Vincennes University in Vincennes, Indiana. Dr. Summers is an initiate of Alpha Psi Chapter at Indiana. Winter 1993

Pi Kappa Phi is proud to announce the location of the 44th Supreme Chapter.


THE RITZ-CARLTON Plan now to attend Pi Kappa Phi's 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta in August of 1994. The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead is pleased to host Pi Kappa Phi at what promises to be the finest and most exciting convention ever. Join other alumni, their wives and families atAtlanta's only Five Diamond Hotel-the finest hotel in one of the loveliest areas in Atlanta.

August 1994 ADDRESS CHANGE? Please send correction promptly to: Star & Lamp, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Star & Lamp (USPS 519000) is published quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC and any additional mailing offices.

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