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FALL 1993

hab路i路tat (hab'l路tat') n. place of abode; habitation: Durward W. Owen ... has a much greater meaning to me after the last few weeks of activity here in Charlotte, North Carolina. In two weeks' time, volunteers (which this time included yours truly) built 22 new homes for "economically disadvantaged" citizens. This brings our total in this community to 193 such homes. I understand this is some sort of a national record. Of course, I am thinking of the organization called Habitat for Humanity. This organization was made respectable in part by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who since leaving office has become one of America's greatest statesmen. But this is not my subject--it is greater than Habitat For Humanity. It is, however, not too big for members of our fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi. It is called sweat equity, a phrase often used by Ken Kaiser, Executive Director of PUSH America, Inc. I have been involved in the non-profit volunteer world for all of my life. I have created--have managed--have sat on boards-- and have given money (perhaps not enough). Yet, I have never truly gotten my hands dirty and broken out in a sweat over anything of this nature. (Well, perhaps I have sweated when visiting people with disfiguration and developmental disabilities at wonderful places like Holy Angels and Western Carolina Center and others.) Last week I changed all of that--at 8:45a.m . on a Monday morning--when I joined 1,200 other volunteers in the activity of home construction. Included among the workers were some of the same people who will occupy the 22 homes. You have never seen such a culturally, economically, ethnically, socially and politically diverse group of

people--including people like me who cannot accurately determine which end of a nail to hit. By 9:00a.m. I was sweating, really sweating, as I carried lumber ( I forgot my work gloves), cleaned tools, painted and performed other work requiring minimal brain or experience. I then began to realize what Ken means by sweat equity. I really was being gratified by what I was doing in a way I have never experienced before. It reminded me of fraternity. Sweat Equity. When have you (be you alumnus or student) really broken out in a sweat for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity? When have you swallowed your pride and done what needed to be done just becauseitneededdoing? When have you done the essential, but unpleasant work? Sweat equity means getting our hands dirty. It means breaking out in a sweat. It means sometimes acquiring a few calluses and maybe a few splinters. The results of sweat equity, however, are more than being smelly and having a few blisters. The results include gratification for having accomplished something, knowledge that something is bigger and better because of your part in it. If you get your hands dirty and break out in a sweat for your fraternity, I can assure you that your Pi Kappa Phi will be better because of it, and you will also gain more appreciation for the fraternity as you come to more fully understand its meaning. You ought to try it. Give of yourself, the most valuable asset you own. You will be gratified in ways never before experienced. You will love your fraternity more, and Pi Kappa Phi will be better all because of your sweat equity. Just do it!

Supreme Chapter


On the Cover: The photography of offical Pi Kapp Photographer Tim Ribar, shot at Pi Kapp College, featuring likeneses of Founders L. Harry Mixson, Simon Fogarty, and Andrew A. Kroeg. Read all about Pi Kapp College and Awards in this issue! Pi Kappa Phi is gearing up for the 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta at the Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead. Get the details, and mark your calendar now!


Pi Kapp College breaks on through. Over 500 brothers come together to learn in Charleston.

10 13

Brother Joseph Alexander is given Pi Kappa Phi's highest honor.


This story of a Pi Kapp and his very special family will make you proud to call him a brother. Where does Pi Kappa Phi stand in the fraternity world? We can hold our heads high.


Push America's Journey of Hope completes its best journey yet!


Martin Pochmara tells his story: A phone call that may have seemed like the end of the world probably saved his life.


Beta Xi Chapter is rechartered at Central Michigan University.


Is anti-intellectualism a problem on today's college campuses?

Plan now to attend Pi Kappa Phi's 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta, August 13-17,1994. The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead, is pleased to host Pi Kappa Phi at what promises to be its finest and most exciting convention. Join other alumni, their wives and families at Atlanta's only Five Diamond Hotel.


"Strong Enough to Care" Star& Lamp Fall1993, Vol. LXXIX, No.4 A Leadership/Education Publication Editor-in-Chief- Durward Owen Managing Editor- Frank Wrenn Office Manager - Joanne Stroshine Editorial Assistant - Debby Haynes Contributing Writers - Frank Wrenn, Ted Scharfenstein , Sally Schafer, Tracy Maddux

Star & Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, N.C. 28217. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224; Telephone: 704-523-6000 FAX: 704-521-8962. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC and any additional mailing offices. Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Charleston , Charleston , S.C. on Dec. 10, 1904, by Andrew Alexander Kroeg , Simon Fogarty and L. Harry Mixson . Pi Kappa Phi is a member of the National Interfraternity Conference and the College Fraternity Editors ,L:::"'~..=;,-~ Association .

路~ Star & Lamp/Fall 1993


Join fellow alumni and undergraduate brothers as Pi Kappa Phi celebrates 90 years of brotherhood at the 44th Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi! Put it on Your Calendar! Mark your calendars now to attend the 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta. On August 13-17,1994, Pi Kappa Phi will be celebrating our brotherhood at the Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead. Our national convention occurs only every other year, and this Supreme Chapter promises to be bigger and better than ever.

Durward Owen's Last Hoorah This Supreme Chapter will also be Durward Owen's last as Chief Executive Officer of Pi Kappa Phi. Immediately prior to Supreme Chapter, August 12, 1994, a retirement gala dinner will be held to celebrate the man who has directed this fraternity since 1959--longer than any other Executive Director now in the Greek world!

Meet the New Executive Director For the first time in 35 years, get the opportunity to meet a new Chief Executive Officer of Pi Kappa Phi!

Up for Some Friendly Competition? The Pi Kappa Phi "Run For the Roses," the traditional10K race, will be held on Tuesday morning, August 16. An alumni golf tournament and possible tennis tournaments are also being planned.


Star& Lamp

Make History . While the Supreme Chapter is in session, it represents the whole of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. You will want to be a part of the legislative decisions that will control the fraternity for the next two years. Each alumnus gets a vote. According to Law II, Section 4 of Supreme Law,"All alumni members, members-at-

large, the National Officers, Area Governors, Chapter Advisors, past National Officers, past Area Governors, and past Archons of subordinate chapters and former initiated Staff members ofPi Kappa Phi present at the Supreme Chapter shall be entitled to one vote for each position held. Members elected to the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame shall be entitled to ten additional votes." And every vote counts, as we witnessed in the roll call vote in 1992! You will also be electing the National Council, the board of Pi Kappa Phi volunteers that the Supreme Chapter will empower to make all of the decisions while the Supreme Chapter is not in session.

For Alumni Only Join your brothers for a special time reminiscing at the traditional Founder's Breakfast, which will be held on the morning of Monday, August 15. This is always a special time that usually lends its ear to many tall tales.

Family Values Bring your wife and kids! Supreme Chapter is a time of brotherhood and family! Baby-sitters will be available on call, and there will be activities planned for the spouses while you are in "brothers only sessions." There will also be lots of time for you to spend with your family in the best area of Atlanta.

Watch the Atlanta Braves There are also p lans in the works for a Pi Kapp outing to an Atlanta Braves game en masse. You and your family will not want to miss this favorite American pastime with your Pi Kapp brothers from across the nation.

Joumey of Hope Celebrate with PUSH America's Journey of Hope as the Pi Kapp bicycle team ends their cross country trek in Atlanta after cycling from San Francisco, raising awareness and money for p eople with disabilities.

Your Fifth Supreme Chapter? Nu Phi is for You The fifth time is the charm. If this is your fifth Supreme Ch apter, you become eligible for induction into Pi Kappa Phi's Nu Phi Society. Enjoy the traditional meal and the tradition al toasts of the Nu Phi brothers, a prestigiou s tribe of alumni dedicated towards the good of the fraternity. If this is your fifth Supreme Chapter, call Ted Scharfenstein for details at (508)546-2214.

The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead Experience the luxury of the Ritz-Carlton, BuckheadAtlanta's only five diamond hotel. The Ritz-Carlton is proud to h ost the 44th Supreme Chapter. It is definitely the finest hotel in one of the loveliest areas in Atlanta! Across the street from Lenox Square and Phipps Plaza, you will be within walking distance of restaurants and many fine stores. Indoors, you may want to spend some time in the glass-enclosed pool, work out in the Fitness Center, or relax in the whirlpool and sauna. Prepare to be surrounded by fine art, crystal chandeliers, and antique furnishings--all the beauty of the RitzCarlton which Pi Kappa Phi has secured at a great rate specifically for the 44th Supreme Chapter!

rr'lie ~tz-Car[ton, 'Buc/(fiead awaits us!

Special Delta Fares! Delta Air Lines is offering special discounted fares for Supreme Chapter! To take advantage of these savings, travel Delta round-trip from anywhere within the U.S., Canada, Bermuda, Nassau, San Juan, St. Croix and St. Thomas to Atlanta. To take advantage of Delta's quality service, convenient schedules and special fares, follow these steps: 1. Call 1-800-241-6760 from 8:00 a.m. -11:00 p .m . Eastern Time. 2. Refer to File Number: V0014 Applicable restrictions must be met. Seats are limited.

Make Reservations Now Due to possible overflow, making early reservations is highly recommended. Call the Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead, now to make your reservations: 1-800-241-3333. Tell the hotel that you are with the Pi Kappa Phi Supreme Chapter in order to get our special rate! For registration materials, be sure to call the Administrative Office of Pi Kappa Phi at (704)523-6000. We can't wait to see you there.


Pi Kapp College 1993 -Break On Through Brothers from all over the nation came together last August to the College of Charleston, the place of our founding, to attend Pi Kappa Phi's premier leadership school, Pi Kapp College. Pi Kapp College, held every other year, is sponsored by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. The leadership school is one of the finest among fraternities. For each of our chapters, it was a time to learn, a time to have fun, and a time to rejoice in each other's accomplishments.

The theme of the 1993 Pi Kapp College was "Break On Through to the Other Side: Building the Basics of Brotherhood," representing the intent that each conference participant should leave Pi Kapp College with the ability to cause a major breakthrough within his chapter. It was stressed that each chapter should offer its members the best experience socially, physically, and mentally while providing, also, an outlet for community service. This Pi Kapp College had the largest attendance ever, with 593 undergraduate students registered to attend. From their arrival on Wednesday, August 11, until their departure on Sunday, August 15, the students had a full plate of activities and learning. There was, however, plenty of time for talking with staff members or National Council members. On Wednesday, after registering, brothers had the opportunity to take tours of the College of Charleston

Pi Kapp College Attendees in the magnificent Sottile Theater of the College of Charleston


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and see the Pi Kapp historic sites. That evening, during the opening session, all watched with admiration as the Area Governor of the Year (Allen Woody, Xi-Roanoke) and the Student of the Year (John Babel, Delta SigmaBowling Green) were recognized. On Thursday morning, Dr. Richard Voorneveld, a highly popular speaker and an Alpha initiate, gave insight to the group session on bettering their academic achievement by learning to become balanced. Other popular speakers of the week included Will Keirn, Eileen Stevens on the subject of hazing, Brother Ernest Johnson on Sales and Recruitment, Ed King on ritual, and Pi Kappa Phi's own "Dr. Buff" Buffington on the nature of success. Besides all the group sessions, throughout each day there were scattered break-outs on topics from improving associate member education to communication skills. A special educational track added this year was the Vice Archons Track. At each break-out, there was a session on an aspect of recruitment. This special track was tremendously successful.

Right: Mary Fogarty Powers, daughter of Founder Simon Fogarty, is serenaded by Pi Kapp College attendees. Behind her is her husband, Alpha initiate Lawrence Powers. Insert: Mary Fogarty Powers.

Another new feature of this year's Pi Kapp College was the introduction of two $500 scholarships. At each session and at random break-outs, brothers' name tags were punched to indicate attendance. At the final session on Saturday evening, there was a drawing from all the fully punched name tags for the scholarships. The big winners of the scholarships were Mike Estes, Gamma LambdaMissouri Rolla, and Jeffrey Kautz, Epsilon RhoLenoir Rhyne. It was not all work and no play for the Pi Kapps in attendance, though. Brother Jim Quinn, SigmaSouth Carolina, once again organized the pigpickin' at Folly Beach, following the Beach OlympicsonFriday,Augustl3.

Above: Students talk with Phil Summers, National President of Pi Kappa Phi Many students commented that this was the most memorable night of Pi Kapp College. Others commented that the most memorable moment was when Alpha initiate Lawrence Powers presented his wife, Mary Fogarty Powers, daughter of Founder Simon Fogarty. Five hundered brothers rose to their feet to serenade Mrs. Powers with "The Rose." On Saturday, both the North and South Teams of the Journey of Hope ended their cross country bicycle journeys from San Francisco. The teams arrived at the College and ended their trips with a special ceremony on the cistern at the College of Charleston. They were greeted by family, friends, news cameras, and Pi Kapps from all over the country. The cistern is the traditional location of the College's commencement exercises. The college had previously never given permission for anyone to use the for any other public ceremony. Finally, on Saturday evening, after an incredible onstage presentation of the Journey of Hope teams with lights, music, and much fanfare, all initiated brothers walked to St. John's Lutheran Church, the church in which Founder L. Harry Mixson was baptized. There, after a splendid Founders' Memorial Service conducted by National Chaplain J. Patrick Figley, everyone witnessed the initiation of J. 0. Linney, father of Pi Kappa Phi's Director of Business Affairs, Emerson Linney.

Brothers have time out for fun at Folly Beach.



CHAPTER AWARDS Theron Houser Award Greatest Overall Improvement

Delta Upsilon-University of Pittsburgh Zeta-Wofford (Honorable Mention)

Community Service Award Gamma Phi-South Alabama

Champion Master Chapter Award Beta-Presbyterian Tau-NC State Alpha Eta-Samford Alpha Omicron-Iowa State Alpha Tau-Rensselaer Alpha Psi-Indiana Beta Eta-Rorida State

Council of Archons Selected by Owen Durward Owen, Pi Kappa Phi's Executive Director has announced the members of the 19931994 Council of Archons. The Council of Archons is instrumental in serving the administrative office and the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi. Its members, all dedicated leaders in their chapters, need not be Archons. According to Owen, this Council of Archons may be the hardest working council yet. "These young men really pulled through for their fraternity at Pi Kapp College. The staff really utilized their help, and they were more than willing to perform, " said Owen. In addition to lending a hand at Pi Kapp College, the Council of Archons is called on many times during the year for feedback on certain issues. A Council of Archons


Star& Lamp

member is also present at every meeting of the National Council. In addition, a member was also involved in the search for a new Chief Executive Officer. This year's Council of Archons, pictured from left to right above, are: Eric S. Teasdale, Zeta Iota-Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Bret Heidemann, Eta Gamma-Colorado; Eric A. Drenner, Eta Epsilon-Maryland; Robert Shindell, Beta Iota-Toledo; Evan Erickson, Alpha Delta - Washington, Reginald Batson, BetaPresbyterian; John Dillon, Upsilon-Illinois; Steven Bagwell, Zeta AlphaClemson; Frank Gargione, Alpha Upsilon-Drexel; Sanjay Patel, Tau-NC State, and Barry Stem, Alpha Kappa-Michigan. Not pictured is Eddie Garrett of Lambda-Georgia.

Gamma Gamma-Troy State Gamma Theta-UNC Wilmington Epsilon Iota-UNC Greensboro

Epsilon Mu-Bradley Zeta Nu-West Chester Eta Gamma-Colorado Eta Delta-Kennesaw State

President's Plaque

Most Improved G.P.A.

Best alumni programming


Zeta-Wofford College 2.0 to 2.63

Executive Award

W.E. Edington Award

Most Initiates in a year

Highest C.P.A. in the nation

Alpha Epsilon-Florida St. 44 Initiates

Mu-Duke 3.35

Management Award

Serenade Trophy

Highest percent growth

Chapter Singing

Zeta Lambda-Cal. Chico


Added Value Award More than 5 alumni initiates Beta Epsilon-Missouri (11) Beta Eta-Florida State (10) Delta Chi-Kansas State (8) Alpha Omicron-Iowa State (8) Zeta Tau-Barton College Zeta Xi-Averett College

Zeta Alpha-Clemson Zeta Lambda-Cal. State-Chico Zeta Gamma-North Dakota Alpha Phi-lllinois Tech Alpha Eta-Samford University

Recruitment Excellence Award Chapters Exceeding Recruitment Goals Alpha Eta-Samford Alpha Sigma-Tennessee Gamm Rho-Lander Delta Alpha-Virginia Tech Delta Omega-Texas A & M Epsilon Mu-Bradley

Epsilon Xi-LaSalle Zeta Gamma-North Dakota Zeta Lambda-Cal.St. Chico Eta Delta-Kennesaw State Eta Epsilon-Maryland

Master Chapter Award Delta-Furman Zeta-Wofford Psi-Cornell Omega-Purdue Alpha Iota-Auburn Beta Beta-Florida Southern Beta Kappa-Georgia State Beta Lambda-Tampa Beta Mu-McNeese State Beta Tau-Valdosta State

Gamma Alpha-Livingston Gamma Rho-Lander Delta Alpha-Virginia Tech Delta Delta-Northeast MOSt. Epsilon Omega-Texas Tech Zeta Gamma-North Dakota Zeta Zeta-North Florida Zeta Lambda-Cal. St. Chico Eta Epsilon-Maryland

SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS Pi Kappa Phi salutes the following chapters for their academic excellence. Awards are based on the 1992-1993 school year.

Area I Most Improved Zeta Nu-West Chester

Area I Best Psi-Cornell (3.15)

Area II Most Improved Zeta-Wofford

Area II Best Mu-Duke (3.35)

Area III Most Improved Gamma Kappa-Georgia Southern

Area III Best Alpha Epsilon-Florida (2.86)

Area IV Most Improved Delta Sigma-Bowling Green

Area IV Best Alpha Kappa-Michigan(3.1)

Area V Most Improved Delta Epsilon-Jacksonville State

Area VBest Alpha Eta-Samford (3.0)

Area VI Most Improved Beta Epsilon-Missouri

Area VI Best Beta Epsilon-Missouri (2.77)

Area VII Best Delta Omega (2.57)

John Babel ... Student of the Year The highest honor bestowed upon undergraduate members of Pi Kappa Phi, the "Student of the Year Award," went this year to John Babel, an initiate of Delta Sigma chapter at Bowling Green State University. While there are countless applicants for the award, it is challenging to find the one individual who excels in both his course of study and in the fraternity above all others. Babel, who served his chapter as Archon, Vice Archon, Historian, and House Manager, was told early on to "leave Pi Kappa Phi stronger than you found it." This became his goal-a goal which he definitely achieved. When elected to Archon, his chapter was below standard in almost every area. He fought hard to improve his chapter, and brought it back from the brink of being shutdown. Babel's academic career has also been quite successful. Graduating with a B.S. in Environmental Science and a B.S. in Psychology this past spring, he earned a 3.8 cumulative grade point average. Along the way, he was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Mortar Board, and Golden Key National Honor Societies. At Bowling Green, Babel was also very active on camp us, serving as Vice President of the Student Body. He also served on the school's Student Legal Services' Board of Directors, as well as the President's Panel. In 1990, as a Special Project Head at the United States Dep artment of Energy, he completed an in-depth market study of Solar Detoxification Technology. His career aspirations, however, have led him to Georgetown Law School, where he will be matriculating in the Fall of 1995, after completing a one year stint as a Leadership Consultant for Pi Kappa Phi.

Area VIII Most Improved Eta Gamma-Colorado-Boulder

Area VIII Best Eta Gamma-Colorado Boulder (2.95)

Area IX Most Improved Xi-Roanoke

Area IX Best Rho-Washington & Lee (2.83)

Area X Most Improved Zeta Sigma-Cal. Davis

Area X Best Gamma-Cal. Berkeley (3.04) John Babel accepts the Student of the Year Award from Durward Owen. Fa/11993


At Zeta Gamma: Recruitment is on Fire! In the middle of the so-called "rush recession," some are finding that recruiting their biggest associate member class ever is still possible--if you know how to do it right. Zeta Gamma-North Dakota is one of the chapters that has definitely done it right this fall, according to the president of their housing corporation, Steward Sandstrom. Their fall class has 29 new associate members.

The chapter is definitely fired up. What was their formula for success? According to Loney, it was E=MC 2, meaning Excellence is Manpower (Chapter Commitment). Using this as their guide, and believing that they are the best there is to offer, Pi Kappa Phi at the University of North Dakota has reaped results. Zeta Gamma proves once again that fraternities are just as viable today as ever.

Florida State Tops


Florida State's Beta Eta Chapter is is the top recruiting chapter this fall, according to administrative office records. The chapter has recruited 43 associate members. Congratulations, Beta Eta!

The following is a list of chapters who have reported the men they have pre-initiated this fall. If a chapter does not appear, it means they have not reported their new associate members. (These numbers are as of October 27, 1993.)

Recruitment Excellence Award Instituted

A new incentive has been developed and instituted to recognize those chapters who excel in the area of recruitment. It is the Recruitment Excellence Award. Recipients receive an engraved silver trophy bowl. The new award, which premiered in August at Pi Kapp College, recognizes those chapters who have met their initiation goals for the preceding school year. Chapter goals are based on the average number of initiates for the past three years, plus five initiates. The first recipients of the Recruitment Excellence Award were Alpha Eta at Samford, Alpha Sigma at Tennessee, Gamma Rho at Lander, Delta Alpha at Virginia Tech, Delta Omega at Texas A&M, Epsilon Mu at Bradley, Epsilon Xi at LaSalle, Zeta Gamma at North Dakota, Zeta Lambda at California-Chico, Eta Delta at Kennesaw, and Eta Epsilon at Maryland.


According to Archon Jason Loney, "While other fraternities on campus were throwing 'ticket parties',lawn bashes, and bungee jumping competitions, Zeta Gamma was in the residence halls ' dormstorming' for nearly 300 hours." In addition, the chapter held several recruitment events, a night of serenading in the women's residence halls, and a PUSH America awareness builder.

Star& Lamp

Charleston 21 Presbyterian 1 Cal-Berkeley 4 Furman 1 Wofford 29 Georgia Tech 14 North Carolina 2 Nebraska 12 Roanoke 8 Washington & Lee18 N.C. State 14 Illinois 3 Cornell 4 Purdue 17 Mercer 24 Oklahoma 14 Washington 19 Florida 19 Oregon State 17 Samford 33 Michigan State 1 9 Auburn 18 Michigan 13 Iowa State 19 Rennsalaer 13 Illinois Tech 22 Indiana 23 Florida Southern 4

Drake 12 Missouri 12 Florida State 43 Tampa 9 Cntrl Michigan 1 0 Virginia 14 East Carolina 17 Livingston 1 Troy State 3 Memphis State 9 Western Carolina4 W. Virginia Tech 8 UNC路Wilmington13 LSU (AC) 9 Missouri-Rolla 3 LaGrange 12 Lander 3 South Alabama 2 0 NE Missouri St. 1 5 App. State 14 Morehead St (AC) 8 Wright St (AC) 7 Bowling Green 9 Texas-Arlington 1 Texas A&M 20 Winthrop 2 Seton Hall 13 UNC路Greensboro 13

Bradley 8 LaSalle 6 Lenoir-Rhyne 4 Georgia College 1 4 Alabama-B'ham1 2 Slippery Rock 1 0 Texas Tech 2 North Dakota 23 George Mason 1 1 North Florida 1 4 Texas-Austin 4 Indiana of Penn 9 Stockton State 1 2 SUNY-Cortland 8 Marshall 9 Cal. St.-Fullerton 21 Barton 5 Albright 3 Colorado 25 Queens 2 Cal. - Irvine 8 San Francisco 1 0 Christopher Newport 8 Plattsburgh 18 Brockport 10 SW Texas St. 1 7 Wingate 6

If you know that your chapter has more associate members than are listed here, make sure your secretary has sent in all pre-initiation cards to the Administrative Office.

PI KAPPA PHI BANNER SWEAT SHIRTS Reverse weave crew with 6" letters of either plaid or paisley material. The banner across Pi Kappa Phi is twill with embroidered letters. NPKP RWCB-PLAID $49.95 #PKP RWCB-PAISLEY $49.95 BAR SWEAT SHIRT Crew sweatshirt with 4" letters and embroidered bar in matching colors. NPKP RWC BAR $45.00 PIN SWEATSHIRT The 5" diamond has Pi Kappa Phi embroidered in gold on a blue plaid background. NPKP RWC- PIN $49.95 MEN'S SIZES: M, L, XL. XXL路Add $3.00

RUGBYSHIRT Heavyweight cotton shirt with.embT?ide~ gold letters on a navy, gold, and white stnped shirt Men's sizes: L, XL. PKP RS路EG $55.00

SWEATPANTS 50150 athletic sweat pants in navy or gray with twill letters. Men's sizes: M, L, XL. PKP PANTS-2 $27.95 COTTON SHORTS 100% cotton shorts with drawstring waist. Available in gray or navy with gold or white embroidered letttering. Men's sizes: M, L, XL. PKP SH-EG $25.00 PLAID FLANNEL BOXERS Blackwatch plaid boxers with embroidered gold letters. Men's sizes: M, L, XL. PKP BOX-EG $15.00

BASEBALLSHIRT 100% cotton gray shirt with fraternity name embroidered over the heart in navy and gold. Men's sizes: L, XL. PKP BB $29.00 GOLF HAT White twill hat is embroidered with Pi Kappa Phi in a bar design over a wreath of green. One size fits all. #PKP HAT-G $10.00 ARC HAT Twill baseball hat with fraternity name on the front and Greek letters on the back. One size fits all. #PKP HAT-ARC $15.00 BAR HAT The white bat bas lettering and bars in fraternity colors. One size fits all. #PKP HAT-BAR $15.00 LETTER HAT Navy wool bat displays Pi Kappa Phi letters in gold embroidery. One size fits all. #PKP HAT-L$15.00






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_SHiffiNli lUli\L





I . /. /



Joseph Alexander-Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 1993 Sitting in the audience at Pi Kapp College on Saturday, August 14, Brother Joseph Alexander, Gamma Alpha-Livingston, realized that people were talking about him. The people were Ted Scharfenstein and Lonnie Strickland, both past Mr. Pi Kappa Phis, and they were introducing Alexander as the 1993 Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. To be named Mr. Pi Kappa Phi is the highest distinction that can be bestowed uponanindividualmemberof the fraternity by the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi. Joe Alexander had come to the leadership school under the pretense of facilitating a meeting of the Area Governors. Little did he know he would walk away with the fraternity's highest honor. In introducing the award, Ted Scharfenstein, Executive Vice President of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, proclaimed, " In its 89 year history, the Fraternity has recognized 27 men for their outstanding service to their chapter, the Greater Fraternity, or both. There are no specific criteria for the award other than the judgement of the National Council. The candidate exemplifies all that is good within Pi Kappa Phi." Initiated into Gamma Alpha Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi in 1964, Brother Alexander is the Executive Director of York Housing Authority Public Housing. He has served as the Chapter Advisor of Gamma Alpha for the past


Star & Lamp

twenty-two years and is a charter member of the Nu Phi Society, having attended every Supreme Chapter since his initiation into the fraternity. He is also president of the Livingston State Pi Kapp Housing Corporation. In reading the resolution from the National Council, Lonnie Strickland, Omicron-Alabama, described Alexander as" a most devoted and caring type of leader, bringing credit to his profession, and representing the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity by exemplifying all of its rituals and traditions in every phase of his life." In addition, it was pointed out that he has assisted the Administrative Office on numerous occasions by devoting selfless time as a help to the Pi Kappa Phi Chapter Consultants visiting the state of Alabama, and he continues to perpetuate strong alumni relations with the Gamma Alpha Chapter and its alumni. Alexander was presented with a framed document of the official resolution from the National Council, which ended: "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Brother Joseph Alexander be extended the Fraternity's deepest appreciation for his proven and caring long term devotion to Pi Kappa Phi. "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi does hereby declare Joseph Alexander be officially designated Mr. Pi Kappa Phi for 1993." Congratulations to Joe Alexander.

Allen Woody-Area Governor of the Year The 1993 Area Governor of the Year award was presented to Allen Woody, Area Governor of the Virginia/ West Virginia Area. Woody is an initiate of Xi Chapter at Roanoke College. The award was presented during the opening session of Pi Kapp College on August 11, 1993. In his introduction of the award, National Council Member Jim Krucher, Beta Alpha, said, "The man deserving of this award must set goals for his area, develop a plan for attainment of those goals and facilitation of closure in each respective area. Furthermore he must be readily available and considered a reliable worker by the student chapters, the Chapter Advisor, National Staff, Executive Director and National Council." Allen Woody was definitely critical in the successes of his area. He hosted an outstanding conclave in February of 1993. Not only did he get the students involved, but he also had 23 alumni and 3 non-Pi Kapps in attendance, utilizing their abilities and experience in order to conduct an outstanding Career Seminar. In addition, he hosted a reception after the conclave, inviting all area alumni to attend. In addition to the normal duties of an Area Governor, Woody served on an Ad Hoc committee concerning the Administrative Office. He also served as Chartering

Allen Woody accepting the Area Govenor of the Year Award

Officer for the installation of Eta Iota Chapter at Christopher Newport. During this past year, his goal was to contact each of the chapters in his area at least three times during the year. All were contacted at least five times. Another goal was to personally visit 10 chapters. He also met that goal, visiting 15 of the 17 chapters in his area. He appointed 4 chapter advisors this year, leaving no chapter in his area without an advisor.

Jeff Egilsrud-Chapter Advisor of the Year A good chapter advisor can be the key to continued success of a particular chapter. Perhaps this is why Alpha Delta Chapter at the University of Washington has been so successful, as Alpha Delta's Chapter Advisor, Jeff Egilsrud, is the 1993 Chapter Advisor of the Year. According to chapter archon Evan Erickson, "[Jeff] has risen to the occasion on every difficulty the chapter has had, be it minor or major, and has remained as enthusiastic and dedicated as the day he began." An initiate of Omega Chapter at Purdue, Egilsrud has taken another chapter under his wing, working as if it were his own. He has become a role model to the undergraduates with whom he now works. Not only does he work hard for Pi Kappa Phi, but he works for the entire system. After a female student lost her eye from a flying beer bottle, the Greek system at the University came under scrutiny. Serving as a memberat-large of the Alumni Interfraternity Council at the University, he volunteered nights and weekends to help improve the system at the university. Part of this work included forming a GAMMA chapter (Greeks Advocat-

ing the Mature Management of Alcohol) at the University's campus. Congratulations, Jeff, as you continue to have an outstanding fraternal and spiritual impact on both Alpha Delta and the Greater Fraternity.

Jeff Egilsrud-Chapter Advisor of the Year . Fa/1 1993


Looking Back. ..

Brother Guy Close of Alpha Mu Chapter at Penn State recently shared with us some of his chapter memories. Pictured on the left are Brothers Charles Case, Ralph DeCamp, Vincent Stoll, William Chalmers Brookmeyer,

and Guy Close in 1937. On the right, in the same order, are these brothers fifty years later. Brother DeCamp joined the chapter eternal in 1992. Brother Close now lives in California.

Pi Kapp named Georgia's Engineering Educator of the Year

Beta Kappa Brother featured in Magazine

Roland Hanson

The Georgia Society of Professional Engineers (GSPE)hasrecentlynamed Roland Hanson as the Engineering Educator of the Year. Hanson, an initiate of Beta Alpha Chapter at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, is currently a Chapter Advisor for Gamma Kappa-Goergia Southern University. Having served on the faculty of Georgia South-


Star & Lamp

em since 1981, Hanson is an associate professor of indus trial engineering technology and chairman of the engineering technology department. He has previously taught at Oregon State University and San Francisco State. Before starting his job at Georgia Southern, Hanson did a great deal of work in the private sector, working for such companies as Tektronix Inc., IBM, Beckman Instruments, andWrightAeronauticalof Curtiss-Wright Corp. Hanson is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is a member of the the National Society of Professional Engineers, the American Society for Engineering Education, and the Production and Operations Management Society.

John Knapp, an initiate of Beta Kappa Chapter at Georgia State University, was featured in the August 1993 issue of Business Atlanta. Knapp, who is 35 years old, founded Knapp Inc., a Public Relations firm, in 1986.

Brothers reported Alive and Well In the Summer 1993 edition of the Star & Lamp, it was incorrectly reported that Ralph Dennis of Gamma-UC Berkeley, Fred Crisp ofKappa-UNC and Timothy Molinari of Alpha Zeta-Oregon State had joined the Chapter Eternal. It is our pleasure to announce that they are alive and well. We apologize for any distress and confusion which this may have caused.

Pi Kappa Phi recognized by ASAE Pi Kappa Phi has recently been recognized by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) for PUSH America's Kids on the Block Program. The award reads, "The American Society of Association Executives is pleased to add the name of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity to the Associations Advance America Honor Roll for their program which has resulted in significant benefit to Society, reflecting great credit on associations and their members." The "Kids on the Block" consists of puppets portraying children with disabilities. Undergraduate Pi Kappa Phis spend a semester traveling around the country to elementary schools in order to raise awareness and understanding.

!Rga[ :Fami~ o/a[ues ike many stories in the Star & Lamp, this is a success story-a story of strength, devotion, and love. It is the story of a Pi Kapp from Iota chapter at Georgia Tech, his wife, and the family they have raised. Joseph Kayes and his wife Nancy grew up outside of Buffalo, New York. Now living in Cincinnati, Joe was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi at Georgia Tech in 1961, and has worked as an engineer for Procter & Gamble for thirty years. The couple always wanted a large family. While every Pi Kappa Phi can claim an extended family of many Pi Kapp brothers, not too many can claim an immediate family quite as large as this one was to be. The first child was Becky (now married and living in Atlanta), followed by Greg (now a student at Notre Joe and Dame), and then Andy (now a student at Duke University). Having three birth children already, the Kayeses still wanted a larger family. "So many kids needed homes, we decided adoption would be a better way," said Nancy Kayes. As a result, Barbie, then an infant from Korea, came into their lives. After her adoption, it was discovered that Barbie had cerebral palsy. As with many parents of children with developmental disabilities, it was not easy news to take. "In the beginning, it was real scary," said Nancy. She was to soon discover, however, that a kid is a kid-each having potential that needs to be developed. After adopting Barbie, the family


adopted another child (without disabilities.) Then, another was adopted. Then another. Then another. Over a span of sixteen years, eleven children have been adopted by Joe and Nancy-two from Korea, two from Hong Kong, and two from India. All are Asian. Ten of the eleven have disabilities such as cere-

Nancy Kayes with their family bral palsy, spina bifida, severe bums, and learning deficiencies. One has no arms. Their ages range from 8 (Josh) to 18 (Barbie). Now, when the family gathers for a dinner, Joe, Nancy, Becky, her husband Jim, Greg, Andy, Barbie, Lisa, Katie, Kristen, Matt, Mark, Kira, Mike, Tom, Lee Ann, and Josh sit around three separate tables. As one can imagine, life is not always easy. "The logistics are the hardest part," said Nancy. "Three kids are now taking music lessons .... Seven kids were playing soccer at one time. The most difficult thing is getting everybody where they are supposed to be." In addition to getting everyone to

the right place at the right time--Joe jokes that Nancy could get a job as an Air Traffic Controller--there are also other logistical considerations, such as trips to the supermarket and doing laundry. Four loads of laundry are done a day, often until very late at night. "We never said we were going to havethismanykids,"JoeandNancy will tell you. But as they adopted these children, the love in their hearts grew. The more they gave, the more the love developed, and they needed to share that love. But as each kid came, one by one, they knew that what they were doing was right. "Everybody has as much right to a decent life as everyone else," says Nancy. Joe and Nancy have certainly done their part in providing a decent life for others, but their own lives have been enriched more than they ever could have anticipated. "The best part is seeing the kids achieve. Wenolongertakeanything for granted. Matthew doesn't speak, and took his first steps at the age of seven. What a thrill when he took those footsteps! " Have they finished adopting? Honestly, Joe and Nancy do not know. Theydoknow,however, what they want for all fourteen of their children: "We want our kids to be as happy and independent as possible."



Chapter Investment Funds Grow! Thirty chapters and their alumni have joined the growing list of Brotherhoods with a funded Chapter Investment Fund. This recent growth brings the number of groups with a tax deductible Chapter Investment Fund to fifty. Dr. Lonnie Strickland, Chairman of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, recently said, "This is an excellent start. The Chapter Investment Fund program is a tax deductible vehicle that will help student chapters have a more complete fraternity experience. Income from their funds will assist our chapters with scholarships, tutors, in-house computers, scholarships for Pi Kapp College and other exempt activities. These long term savings accounts will pay many divi~·

Charleston Presbyterian South Carolina Wofford Georgia Tech North Carolina Georgia Duke Nebraska Roanoke Alabama illinois Purdue

dends in the years to come. Each chapter, parent, and alumnus who contributes is making a commitment to a better future for Pi Kappa Phi." Donations to the Chapter Investment Funds may be made at anytime, by anyone, in any amount. A chapter Investment Fund has been established for each chapter of the Fraternity. This means that individuals can make tax deductible gifts earmarked for his specific chapter. The Fund becomes operational when the first contribution is made. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. The program is administered by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation.

Estate Planning Brochure Available The Foundation's new Estate Planning brochure is now ready and available to you at no cost. The brochure covers the four components of estate planning-your last will and testament, a durable power of attorney, a living will, and a letter of instruction. It is written in layman's language and will prepare you to talk with your attorney about these very important matters. The important thing to remember is that the State will decide how to distribute your assets if you do not take the time to plan. Everyone has accumulated some assets that they should wanttodirecttofamilymembers, friends, or selected charities. There is no guarantee that the State will direct the distribution of your effects in the exact way that you may prefer. For a copy of the brochure, write Ted Scharfenstein at 289 South Street, Rockport, Massachusetts 01966.

Chapters with Chapter Investment Funds Mercer Florida Oregon State Michigan State Auburn Penn State Iowa State Tennessee Rensselaer Drexel Indiana Florida Southern Louisville

Toledo East Carolina Old Dominion Troy State Memphis State West Virginia Tech UNC-Wilmington L.S.U. Georgia Southern Missouri Rolla GA Southwestern Lander Appalachian

Bowling Green TexasA&M UNC Greensboro USC Spartanburg Bradley Alabama B'ham UCSanDiego North Dakota Texas Maryland UC Irvine

If your chapter does not appear on this list, you may start preparing for the chapter's economic stability by

making a tax deductible donation to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Please make check payable to Pi Kappa Phi _ _ Chapter CIF. For more information call Ted Scharfenstein at (508)546-2214.


Star & Lamp

PI• KAPPA • PHI• FOUNDATION _ _ _ _ _ ______.

Foundation Trustees Set Goals The Board of Trustees of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation met at 9:00a.m. on Saturday, August 14, 1993 at the Hampton Inn in Charleston, South Carolina. Present were Chairman A. J. Strickland, Paul Drake, Frank Lane, Phil Summers, and Ted Scharfenstein. At various times during the meeting, members of the National Council were also present. The Trustees instructed Ted Scharfenstein to: * develop a report which would show the change in assets of the Foundation on a quarterly basis for a five year period. *Restate the market value of the Foundation's assets invested by the Wachovia Bank. * Capture and report fund raising expense by category. * Look in depth at the sources and uses of the Foundation's funds. * Develop a "Careers for Alumni" Foundation Program * Develop an approach to involve parents in Founda-

tion programs. * Track and report progress towards realizing 30% annual corpus growth. * Continue to work with Ralph Rumsey in developing new by-laws. * Develop a Career Link programming track for educational meetings. * Develop a five year financial view with the intent to build the Foundation's assets. * Assume the leadership role in the new National Headquarters project. * Restructure Foundation to facilitate more effective leadership of fund raising activities. * Sort out marketing functions of the greater Pi Kappa Phi. The Trustees received reports and an update on the administrative activities of the Foundation. The trustees gave a report to the National Council at its meeting on A ugust14, 1993. With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 12:45 P.M.

Duke Build$ their CIF One question usually asked about building a Chapter Investment Fund is, "How do we get started?" The simple answer is to make a commitment to save for the future and send an affordable donation to the Foundation. This past summer, Frank Wrenn, Pi Kappa Phi's Director of Communications and the Mu chapter Archon when Duke was rechartered in 1991, took it upon himself to start a CIF for the chapter. The first step was to make a personal commitment, in his case, $100. Frank then visited the chapter and found the Chapter Treasurer, had already been reading up on the benefits of the Chapter Investment Fund. Frank told the chapter of his desire for them to build for the future, and he promised to contact other recent alumni to encourage them to match what the chapter would commit. Mu chapter committed $500, and this sum has since been matched by the contributions of the recent alumni. The next step will be to write the alumni of the sixties and the seventies and tell them what has been done, and to ask for their help. When that step is completed, a letter will be written to the alumni from previous generations and report the growing success story. This effort will be repeated in future years. With no doubt, Duke's Mu Chapter will have the financial resources to not only compete, but to excel.

Duke's Majestic Chapel All this happened because one man, Frank Wrenn, said why not us? Congratulations on a job well started. If you want to talk with Frank about how he went about building the CIF for Mu Chapter, please call him at (704) 523-6000.-- Ted Scharfenstein




Where Floes Pi Kappa Phi Stand? Total number of active chapters


Total number of Pre-initiates for 1991-92


IlK<I> 3,016

Average 2,035

Pi Kappa Phi now ranks 8th out of 47 fraternities

Pi Kappa Phi now ranks 12th out of 47 fraternities

Average Chapter Size

Total number of Initiates for 1991-92

54 Pi Kappa Phi now ranks 7th out of 47 fraternities

Pi Kappa Phi now ranks 9th out of 47 fraternities

Average number of Pre-initiates per chapter

Average number of Initiates per chapter


23 Pi Kappa Phi now ranks 3rd out of 47 fraternities


Star & Lamp



20 Pi Kappa Phi now ranks 3rd out of 47 fraternities


_ _Where Boes Pi KaRpa Phi Stand?Recruitment Retention Rate (percent of men initiated after associate membership)


Average Pi Kappa Phi now ranks 13th out of 47 fraternities

5 Years of IlK<I> Retention Rates in comparison with the average

Number of Full Time Leadership Consultants

TIK<P Average Pi Kappa Phi ranks 6th out of 47 fraternities

Average number of chapters per consultant []] = 2 Chapters

IIK<I>: 19 Average: 28

[l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l]

0 88-89 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93

Total Membership since 1904

[l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l][l]

Growth in Number of Chapters since 1968

Pi Kappa Phi 66,591 Pi Kappa Phi now ranks 26th out of 52 fraternities Fa/11993


PUSH America Northern Team '93: Project Manager Joel Borellis South Carolina

Crew Ross Knoblauch Maryland

Craig Ramos Cornell

Jeff Geissler West Virginia

Joel Spry Indiana

Cyclists: Todd Armstrong UNC-Greensboro

Mike Ashe Tennessee

Both of the teams pose by the Golden Gate Bridge before leaving San Francisco on their cross-country trek.

Doug Belvin Duke University

John Beresny Cornell

Journey of Hope '93:

MaHBrown Cal. Berkeley

Kenny Capps Georgia

ScoH Copeland Bloomsburg

Shannon Fink West Virginia Tech

Chris Grant Towson State

Darby Gruber Nebraska

Dustin Hayes Towson State

HoKing Duke University

Bob Morgan South Alabama

Carl Nelson Troy State

ScoHNelson fames Madison

Chad Perce Univ. of North Florida

Kelly Seuferer Iowa State

Star& Lamp

The 1993 Journey of Journey of Hope teams met Hope presented by with thousands of people NationsBank came to a suc- through special events in cessful end on August 14 the communities along the as team members cycled route. They were also the the final leg of their jour- special guests of Major ney into the College of League Baseball, as "PUSH Charleston in Charleston, America Nights" were held South Carolina. The cheers of family members, friends, sponsors and hundreds of Pi Kappa Phi brothers welcomed the 1993 Journey of Hope team, as the arrival took place during this year's Pi Kapp College. They had plenty of rea-

with the San Francisco Giants, Texas Rangers, Colorado Rockies and Atlanta Braves. Alumni members joined theteamattheseand many other events throughout the summer. The Journey of Hope presented by Nations Bank was also sponsored by Oldsmobile, MCI, Motorola and Cycool Bicycle Coolers. Plans for the 1994 Journey of Hope are already underway. Those interested in participating in what past team members call"The Summer of a Lifetime" should contact John Pierce at PUSH America, 800-9297876. The Journey of Hope is the largest fund raising and awareness campaign in the Greek world.


sons to celebrate, as the team had reached more than 10 million people during this year's trek. A record 8.9 million were reached through the media. During the 62-day event, theNorthandSouth

Journey of Hope: An Onlookers Perspective As a rookie journalist and a member of Pi Kappa Phi, I had the most enviable task of covering the 1993 PUSH America Journey of HopefortheSanduskyRegister during the teams stop in Sandusky. It was the first time I had seen the Journey from the "other" side. First, let me say I had mixed feelings about covering the story. I mean, as a journalist, I am required to be fair and objective in my coverage. The problem was: How do I remain objective to a subject that is so close to me? The answer: I didn't. Now, I know that's probably not the best thing a journalist can say about himself, but I think the rules can be broken because of my reason. The reason was the hosts of the Journey participants, Double S Industries--a company which hires people with disabilities. As excited as I was to see these guys roll into town, the people at Double S made me look morose with their enthusiasm. The tour riders were delayed by a State trooper, so they were late getting to their destination. The people at DoubleS sat anxiously waiting. A few peeked their heads into the office and asked if the riders had been sighted, while others kept watch for them. A few of the people who benefit from the fine work of Double S came by and offered their opinions on the Journey to me. "These guys are nice," one girl told

me before ambling down the hall, while another announced the team's presence with shrieks of happiness. It is important that Pi Kapps realize the scope of the impact of PUSH America. It is through this service project that we send a message of caring and compassion. It is quite possibly our finest attribute as a fraternity and also our best way to reach others with our message of 路disability awareness. One thing that was made clear to me by the people of DoubleS Industries was the enjoyment they get each year when they house the tour during their overnight stay. Their excitement was larger than my own, and they went completely out of their way to get anything needed for the riders. The gentlemen of the 1993 Journey of Hope can be proud. They conducted themselves with class. They praised thecityofSandusky and Cedar Point. These men are "nice," not because they take one whole summer to devote time to a

worthy cause, but because when they park the bikes, they continue to share that message. They, as with all Pi Kapps, embody the words "Strong Enough to Care." From the riders to the crew to the publicity representatives, they are Pi Kappa Phi. The headline attached to my story in the Register the next day was "Pedaling with a Purpose," which seemed apropos considering it summed up the entire attitude of the men who are involved. I now know a little more aboutwhat these men do for a full summer and also that it is for the benefit of the people they encounter on this "Journey." Woodrow Wilson once said, "There is no idea so uplifting as the idea of the service of humanity." Wilson may have been talking about politics, butPiKapps can say the same about their service to PUSH America as welL--Michael Thron e, Delta Sigma Chapter, is a member of the Sandusky Register staff in Sandusky, OH.

Southern Team '93: Project Manager Marc Strickland College of Charleston

Crew Mike Valentine Virginia Commonwealth

Ronald Pierson Louisiana State University

Ken Pisell Georgia Southern University

Richard Bernadin SUNY-Cortland

Cyclists: Kenny Bateman Georgia Southwestern

Clent Chatham Georgia Southern

Frank Drowota Univeristy of Virginia

Chris Garrett Presbyterian College

Loern Halverson University of Washington

Jay Holder Samford

Seth Klondar Florida State

Paul Mann University of Virginia

Stephen Matthews Barton College

Paul Miranda South Alabama

Chris Orr University of Washington

Thomas Pool Clemson

Alex Scott Georgia Southwestern

Stanton Smith Presbyterian College

William Taylor Georgia State

Chris Walsh Georgia State

John Yochim Virginia Polytechnic Institute Gary Zyriek Auburn University


PUSH America: Added Focus on Volunteerism Pi Kappa Phi stands far above the crowd when it comes to community service, as undergraduate members have demonstrated their commitment to PUSH America by volunteering with organizations serving people with disabilities in their local communities. In a more focused effort to mobilize and direct volunteer energies of undergraduate members, PUSH America has recently added Chris Orr to the staff as volunteerism coordinator. Chris, a graduate of the University of Washington and member of Alpha Delta Chapter, has a strong history with PUSH America, as he was a member of the 1992 and 1993 Journey of Hope teams, and completed a semester-long internship with PUSH America. This year, Chris will focus on researching existing volunteer relationships to determine what makes them work, and marketing their successes to other chapters. He will also work with facilities and organizations serving people with disabilities to assess their volunteer needs and how members of Pi Kappa Phi can help meet them. Alumni members will also be encouraged to become more involved in service efforts, and will be notified regarding PUSH America's regional service projects like Give-A-PUSH Weekend and PUSH Camp. Any undergraduate or alumni members of the Fraternity interested in learning more about establishing a volunteer relationship or parcipating in a PUSH America project should contact Chris Orr at (704) 522-7874.

1992-93 PUSH AWARDS Leadership Award Top Fund-raising Chapter

Alpha Psi -Indiana

Thomas H. Sayre Founder's Award Largest amount raised per capita

Delta Chapter - Furman University $388perman

Chairman's Award Largest fund-raising increase from previous year

Alpha Mu-Penn State $8,559 increase

PUSH Partnership Award Recognizing outstanding volunteer relationships

Delta - Furman

PUSH for Understanding Award Recognizing the most outstanding awareness program

Eta Epsilon- U. of Maryland

PUSH Chairman of the Year Chris Clark Alpha Psi - Indiana Erik Leaver Delta-Furman

Platinum Star Award

Diamond Star Award

Contributing over $15,000 Alpha Psi - Indiana

Contributing over $10,000 Beta - Presbyterian Delta - Furman Xi -Roanoke

Gold Star Award

Silver Star Award

Contributing more than $7,500 Alpha Mu-Penn State Epsilon Sigma-Christian Bros. Alpha Kappa-Michigan

Cntributing $5,000 to $7,499 Epsilon Mu-Bradley Mu-Duke Omega-Purdue Delta Sigma-Bowling Green Alpha Omicron-Iowa State Beta Iota-Toledo

Bronze Star Award

very special kids.


Star & Lamp

Chapters contributing $2,500 to $4,999 Epsilon Eta-Winthrop Beta Kappa-Georgia State Zeta Omega-Towson St. Alpha-College of Charleston Delta Omega-Texas A&M Epsilon Iota-UNC-Greensboro Zeta Theta AC-Texas Eta Gamma-Colorado Epsilon Kappa-Southern Tech Gamma Gamma-Troy State Gamma Delta AC-Memphis St. Zeta Xi-Averett Delta Beta-North GA College Eta Lambda-Brockport Iota-Georgia Tech Eta Delta-Kennesaw Gamma Kappa-GA Southern Epsilon Pi-VA Commonwealth Gamma Theta-UNC-Wilrningto Zeta Tau-Barton Gamma Lambda-Missouri Roll Alpha Eta-Samford Johnson & Wales AC

SPECIAL Pi Kappa Phi Expands its Areas In a move designated to allow more support of the undergraduate chapters and easier travel to Conclaves, the National Council has decided to increase the number of Areas and Area Governors from 10 to 13. The decision was announced at Pi Kapp College. There, most chapter delegations got a chance to meet with their respective Area Governors. Several larger areas were split in two in order to give the undergraduate chapters more local support. The Northeastern Area was split into two groups, as well as the old North Carolina/South Carolina Area and the old Florida/ Georgia Area. In addition, areas were renumbered to reflect the geographic location. With the new areas come several new Area Governors. Kevin Corcoran, Area Governor of the new Area I, which serves New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island, is an initiate of Epsilon Omicron Chapter at Villanova. Kevin is an Investment Banker /Securities Analyst in New York City. Serving as the new Area Governor

More areas and Area Governors translate into better support for our undergraduate chapters.

West Coast chapters (Area XIII) is Robert Langbein, a founding father of Epsilon Nu Chapter at Cal. StateSacremento. For the last three years, he has served as Chapter Advisor for Zeta Rho Chapter at Cal. StateFullerton. Langbein, a District Sales Manager for Sherwin-Williams, Co., is married and has two children.

for the South Carolina chapters (Area V) is Jay Barrow, an initiate of Epsilon Kappa chapter at Southern Tech. Jay is a former Administrative Office Staff member. He now resides in Columbia, South Carolina, and works for Eastman Kodak. Paul Green is the new Area Governor for the Florida Chapters (Area VII). Paul, also a past Pi Kappa Phi staff member and a past Director of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, is an initiate of Alpha Epsilon chapter at the University of Florida. He is also a former chapter advisor of Mu Chapter at Duke University. Paul now teaches math in Florida. The new Area Governor for our

Above are the new Geographic Areas of Pi Kappa Phi. Area Governors 30. are listed on

Above , Top to botom: Jay Barrow, Paul Green , and Robert Langbein.

Fall 1993


'To .9/_[[Pi I

am writing this in an attempt to educate my brothers across the country. I am an alcoholic, and at 23 years old, it's a pretty tough disease to live the transfer. with. It was Christmas break between semesters of my first I've been dry for 18 senioryear,andihadcomeoffalongstringofhangovers. months now, and without I had broken off a relationship and was on the rebound. a doubt, they have been the I decided it would be best if I cut back on my drinking and best in my life. Of course, concentrate on my studies. As it turned out, the decision my life wasn't always so was already made. happy, and most of that I The date was January 6, 1991, and I had just returned owed to my drinking. from Christmas Break. I vowed to stay on top of my I started drinking at 13 studies with less drinking. The phone rang. There was a and continued drinking woman's voice and she appeared to be crying. And then regularly throughout high she gave me the news, ''I'm pregnant and you're the school and most of college. father!" Needless to say, I was shocked. How could this I thought my drinking was happen to me? "Is this a joke?" I asked. It turned out the just like everyone else, and situation was far from a joke. There I was, working full as I look back, in a lot of time hours with two jobs going to a tough school with ways,it wasjustlikeevery- slipping grades. one else. In fact, my grades had slipped so much that I was put On the average, I drank on academic probation and was really close to being twoandahalftimesaweek. kicked out. My life was a wreck- working 60 hours a I drank on Friday night and week, failing out of school, money troubles, and now this! Saturday night, and someI had to uphold my responsibility to this woman. I did times on Thursdays. The sleep with her some seven months before and here she drinking seemed to be ca- was telling me she was seven months pregnant. I told her sual and normal- what's I would do everything I could to help her and I stood by wrong with drinking at a that commitment. That same day, after the infamous phone call, I asked party? Or at the bar? During a football game? I was myself, "How did this happen?" I thought. . . I slept with just doing what everyone

:~~:~~~,~~:;.K,:'~t A ~;;:~;:~s::::~~~:


Star & Lamp

year. I had transferred to Michigan after my sophomore year, and expected to be at Michigan for an extra year due to credit lost in

phone call that end of the world

her when I was drunk- hell, I had a girlfriend at the time who I was trying to be committed to. I thought ... has this happened before? It did . . . numerous times. I slept with manywomenandnearly all the time I was drunk! I drove my car drunk, I did crazy things when I was drunk. It was January 6, 1991 when I realized I had a problem with alcohol. I admitted I was an alcoholic that day, and I haven't had a drink since! That phone call has turned out to be the biggest blessing in my life. On February 23, 1991, I became a father. I had a beautiful daughter who I had no choice but to put up for adoption. We both made the decision and there's no doubt in my mind that it was the right one. My daughter has a wonderful family and a promising life to look forward to. The mother is also doing OK. Fortunately, I didn't ruin her life. I stood by her for two months, calling her every day trying to comfort her. I didn't even know her, the whole situation was the result of a one-night stand. Can you imagine calling the mother of your child every night and not really knowing her? It was almost like small talk on the phone, but I did my best to make her life bearable. I put her in that situation and I got into the same situation because I was drunk! It could have been worse when I think about it. I could have killed someone while driving drunk or even myself. I could have caught AIDS or some other life-threatening disease. I didn't, thank God, and my daughter has been the biggest blessing in my life. I have held her once in my life, and then I signed the adoption papers thattook all my rights to her away forever. My life has been nothing but a success story since! I have been going to Alcoholics Anonymous three times a week since that glorious day. My GPA was over a 3.0 for my final three semesters and I graduated with a computer science degree from Michigan. I know I have an excellent job in a new city with a bright future to look forward to. I've done more things in the past 18 months than I did in the previous 18 years! I've had more fun in my life in 18 months than I had before. All of this I've received without alcohol! I want to thank my parents, my friends, and my fraternity brothers at Alpha Kappa for helping me through my rough times. I wouldn't have made it without you people. '

Those two and a half nights of drinking did me in, but I was fortunate to get another chance. As I look around at my peers, I see many alcoholics. It hurts to see people ruin their lives with that drug. I see many of my fraternity brothers with the same disease and they don't even know it! I see alcoholics in my chapter and in all the chaptersihavevisited. I've taken a few brothers in my own chapter aside to let them know that they may have a problem, and there's a lot of them I haven't even approached who have obvious drinking problems. The thing that hurts is that my chapter probably isn't any different than others. Alcoholism is an epidemic throughout the country- I thank God that he made me realize that I have this terrible disease. I'm doing great in my new "second-chance" life. Maybe 18 years from now I'll get another phone call from a woman- and I'll be able to tell my daughter the enormous impact she's had on my life.

In this inspiring essay to educate all of his brothers, Martin Pochmara, a 23 year old recovering alcoholic, tells his story of the dangers of alcohol--and how his parents, friends, and fraternity brothers helped him through the rough times.

Sincerely, Martin J. Pochmara Alpha Kappa #235 University of Michigan

may have seemed like the probably saved my life." Fa/11993


CHAPTERS Beta Xi Chapter Rechartered Two years after friends met in the basement of a residence hall, the Beta Xi chapter of Central Michigan University rechartered October 2, 1993. The Chartering Officer, Mark Jacobs of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, was assisted by Area Nine Governor Jeff Luebker. Coordinating the activities for the chartering were Mark Perrin, Assistant Executive Director, and Matthew Hiatt, Senior Leadership Consultant. Founding Father Eric Coleman reflected on the past, saying, "What a great experience. It is really satisfying to start as a colony and then finally come to the point of chartering and succeed." Matt Duegner, another founding father, had these words: "It has been a long journey, but the determination of the brothers has kept our chapter thriving. These men are class acts and I am proud to call them friends and now brethren." In the beginning of 1992, a group of eight men expressed the interest and will to bring Pi Kappa Phi back to CMU. Matt Duegner, an initiated Pi Kapp From Grand Valley State, organized the group. Soon, the group was colonized by leadership Consultant Greg Brown. Founding Father Matt Koepke said, "It was very rewarding to see all our efforts pay off. It is a great feeling to once again have Beta Xi Chapter on the Campus of Central Michigan University." After initiation, the brothers all sat down and set short and long term goals. The overwhelming goal the founders

The Gentlemen of Beta Xi Chapter

set was to be able to come back as alumni and see our chapter as the strongest on campus. Dr. Robert Bromley provided great assistance to the associate chapter before the chartering. Brother Bromley, a Pi Kapp alumnus from Beta Xi, helped the chapter to grow, to meet all the goals for the chartering, and to start reestablishing contact with Beta Xi alumni. To him, we owe much thanks. Archon Shawn Cross was especially awed by the entire event, saying, "I remember when there were only two of us!" Beta Xi chapter would also like to thank the initiation team from Alpha Omicron-Iowa State, who helped to make the experience so meaningful.

Zeta- Wofford Doubles Chapter Size! Before this fall rush, Zeta chapter at Wofford College had determiniation and desire. Now, they have reaped the fruits of their labor by obtaining 29 men in rush, more than doubling the size of their chapter. Congratulations to the men of Zeta chapter for proving that Pi Kappa Phi is the best! Pictured are the new associate members. Front row: Terry Swaim, Tom Boeing, Bryson Worley, and Andy Lanier; second row: Matt McCoy, Jason Dickinson, Craig Parks, and Pat Prothro; third row : Rueban Garrow, Michael Barrett, and Michael Clowney; fourth row: Doug Root, Jason Hatfield, Lee Wolfe, Ben Dawkins, and the chapter warden, Ben Taylor; fifth row: Jason Phelps, Scott Bradley, Marc Combs, Brad Maggart, Michael Driggers, Ryan Gordan, and Bo Byard; and sixth row: Tino Suarez, Bobby Morgan, T.J. Liles, and Jeff Harris. Not Pictured are Jimmy Brown, Ben Daniel, and Fritz Koch.


Star & Lamp

Alpha Sigma Success

Gamma Phi is Tops Again

Gamma Phi Chapter at University of South AlaOn October 2, 1993, the bama has proven to the Alpha Sigma Chapter of university that they are Pi Kappa Phi at the Univer- definitely the best! After fall rush, they sity of Tennessee proved that it is the dominant fra- claimed twenty new assoternity on campus by win- ciate members, more than ning the 1993 Homecoming any of the other fraternities on campus. Cup. While happy with their The chapter, one of PiKappaPhi'slargest, won recruitment numbers, they first place in the mini-float are not complacent. Aldivision, the large stadium banner division , the soapbox competition, and the Dominic LaBarbera, a "Smokey's How1" cheering Pi Kapp from Beta Tau contest. Chapter at Valdosta State Alpha Sigma Chapter College got some high took first place honors in power exposure last sumfour of the nine divisions, mer in Forbes Magazine. easily securing the HomeIn an article on the "Big coming Cup. Brothers/ Big Sisters of

ready, the chapter has gone straight into informal rush. Not only are these guys top in recruitment, they are also at the top in scholarship. Once again, the chapter had the highest average C.P.A. on campus, beating out all of the other fraternities, and beating the all-male average.

Eta Alpha Sweeps Competition Pi Kappa Phi's Eta Alpha Chapter at Concord College took Greek Week by storm this year. The chapter won the Greek Sing, the tricycle Race, the traditional bed race, the tug of war, the toga contest, and the overall "Best Fraternity" Trophy. Pi Kapp Richie Spangler was also named "Mr. Greek."

Pi Kappa Phi gets Powerful Exposure America Program" in the June 21 edition of Forbes, LaBarbera was pictured with the Pi Kappa Phi chapter house and letters in the background. Under the photo was the caption, "Having a big

brotherhelpedboostmyconfidence." If you would like to become involved with the Big Brother program, you can contact your local Big Brothers' office by calling 215-5677000.

Maryland Chapter Has Ne-w Hotne Eta Epsilon Chapter at the University of Maryland-College Park moved into their new home at #8 Fraternity Row this Fall. The university-owned house, situated among the other successful fraternities and sororities, is quite a coup for the relatively new, but very accomplished chapter. Before the house became available, brothers resided in the parsonage of a local Episcopal Church. The chapter would not have had the opportunity to acquire this house without the involvement from alumni volunteers from various chapters. Fritz Schroeder (Delta Tau-James Madison), Paul Stynchcomb (Gamma Chi-Jacksonville), and Drew Hudel (Epsilon OmegaTexas Tech) all contributed to the chapter and to negotiations with the university for lease of the house. Schroeder now serves as the chapter advisor, and Stynchcomb serves as the Housing Corporation President. With the help of these alumni, and coordination of Glenn Dickson from Pi Kappa Phi Properties and support of the National Council, this recently chartered chapter has achieved competitive housing on the Maryland campus. Without a commitment to excellence, Eta Epsilon chapter could not have garnered such alumni

Proving it can be done! The new Eta Epsilon House support. Before this housing opportunity became available, the chapter distinguished itself with a strong campus image and excellent scholarship. They were able to attract many distinguished alumni to assist in their efforts. They also conducted a back-breaking recruitment drive last spring to demonstrate an ability to operate as a chapter worthy of the housing opportunity. Fa/11993


CAREER NETWORK Pi Kappa Phi's Alumni Career Network Program is up and running, and ready for you to use! Introduced in the summer of 1992, it has gotten off to a great start. Hundreds of alumni have agreed to become a part of our Alumni Career Network. Now completely computerized, the system is fast and efficient. Networking through the Pi Kapp Alumni Career Network offers a broad range of opportunities for Pi Kapps who want to enter the job market, re-enter the work force, or who wish to shift locales or fields. Pi Kapp Alumni Career Network is a career resource network which connects job seeking Pi Kapps with Pi Kapps in their desired profession. It is designed to put Pi Kapps in personal contact. Pi Kapp Alumni Career Network is not a job placement service nor an advertising vehicle for Pi Kapp businesses. Networking through Pi Kapp Alumni Career Network provides connections to learn about specific fields and make contacts, which may eventually lead to further training or employment. It is up to you to make contact. As a Pi Kapp professional, you may offer career information and become a vital part of our Career Network. Simply provide information about your area of expertise by using the occupation codes listed to the right. Return the completed form (on the next page) to the Administrative Office. Your response, when you are contacted, will help make the Network work for other Pi Kapps.

" ... The Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Career Network is an outstanding source of career advice .... Those who have volunteered to give advice are extremely helpful and selfless." -Career Network User 26

Star & Lamp


Pi Kappa Phi Alutnni Career Network Date: _______ Name: (please print): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address:_________city:._ _ _ _ _-----"sta.te:._____.Zlp____-11


Chapter____ School_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Initiation #_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone number where you would like to be called:

) )

Work Home Best time of day to call__________________ 11 ( (


Do not call at these hours_________________-+1 I prefer to be written and not called: Yes I Am Willing To Give Professional Advice

No_ __

I Am Requesting Professional Advice

Occupation Code (From Left) _ _ _ _ _ __

Occupation Code (From Left) _ _ _ _ _ __

Your Occupation_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Up to four codes of interest

Your Title (if applicable) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Further Occupation Explanation_ _ _ _ __ Geographical Area of Job Search._ _ _ _ __ Your company name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Do you know of available internships for college students? Yes_ _ No_ _ Other comments or suggestions for the network:

Further Occupation Explanation_ _ _ _ __

D I am enclosing a $5 donation to help defray administrative and mailing costs.

MAIL TO: Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Career Network, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 Fa/11993


There are several new faces at the Administrative Office this year. Get to know everyone at your administrative office in Charlotte. They are here to serve you. Chief Executive Officer Durward Owen has been leading our fraternity since 1959. As an initiate of Xi Chapter at Roanoke College, Durward has seen the Fraternity grow from 50 chapters to 140 during his leadership. This is his last year as he is retiring in August 1994. As an initiate of Alpha Kappa Chapter at the University of Michigan, Mark Perrin serves as your Assistant Executive Director. Mark's duties include chapter services, leadership consultant training and conference programming. Previously an Area Governor, Mark came on staff this past spring, replacing Glenn Dickson, who had been with the Administrative Office for ten years. Director of Business Affairs Emerson Linney of Alpha Omicron Chapter at Iowa State is beginning his third year on staff. His responsibilities include overseeing the installation of the new computer system (MIS) and the management of the Fraternity's insurance program. Frank Wrenn of Mu Chapter at Duke University is the Fraternity's Director of Communications. This is Frank's second year on staff. He serves as managing editor for the Star & Lamp as well as Administrator for Continuing Alumni Relations, Inc. Tracy Maddux from Zeta Theta Chapter at the University of Texas-Austin is the new Executive Vice-President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties. Tracy was previously a Leadership Consultant for Pi Kappa Phi for two years before taking the Properties position. Joel Borellis, a Senior Leadership Consultant from Sigma Chapter -South Carolina, begins his fourth semester of travelling. Joel is also serving as the fraternity's Director ofExpansion, organizing the University ofPennsylvania expansion this fall. Matthew Hiatt, another Senior Leadership Consultant, joined the Administrative Office Staff in June, 1992. Matt attended the University of California at Davis (Zeta Sigma). Matt is travelling the Midwest this fall. This fall marks the second semester on the road for Leadership Consultant Harry Mcintosh. Mcintosh, an initiate of Beta Eta Chapter at Florida State, began work with the administrative office in December of 1992. This fall, he is travelling the West Coast. An initiate of Delta Sigma Chapter, John Babel has


Star & Lamp

New faces on the Administrative Office Staff: From the top, left to right: Mark Perrin, Tracy Maddux, John Babel, James Benson, and David Adams.

begun his first semester of work as a Leadership Consultant for Pi Kappa Phi. John was the 1993 Pi Kappa Phi Student of the Year. John is visiting chapters in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia this semester. Also joining the staff as a Leadership Consultant in June of 1993 was James Benson, an initiate of Zeta Mu ChapteratCaliforniaState University, Northridge. James is visiting chapters in the Carolinas, Virginia, and West Virginia. Another new face at on the office staff is Leadership Consultant David Adams, an initiate of Omicron Chapter at Alabama. Adams is currently visiting the Northeastern chapters. "Pi Kappa Phi is lucky to have these dedicated young men serving their Fraternity. Not every fraternity can boast of such a qualified staff," said Durward Owen. "Of course, the sole purpose of a good staff is to give great service to our chapters and to the individual members of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity."

AETI Joins FIT In October, 1993, it was announced by the Fraternity Insurance Trust (FIT) that Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity would join as a full participant of the Trust. Durward Owen, who is also Chairman of FIT, expressed his pleasure in welcoming this newest member to the Trust. Mr. Sidney Dunn, Executive Director of Alpha Epsilon Pi expressed satisfaction in joining the rapidly growing number seeking and finding a permanent answer to the vagaries of the commercial insurance marketplace. The trust is owned by its participants and offers a full blown General Liability program designed specifically to meet the needs of fratemities and sororities. A strict risk management program with strong enforcement requirements keeps all participants of FIT in a desirable loss record position which benefits each participant by helping to maintain very desirable rates and at the same time grow the Trust. Other members of FIT, in addition to Pi Kappa Phi and Alpha Epsilon Pi, are Theta Xi, Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa Alpha Order, and Delta Chi.

Council awards Resolutions of Appreciation The National Council of Pi Kappa Phi approved several Resolutions of Appreciation on October 11, 1993. The resolutions were presented to: Scott C. Gasparini, for serving PUSH America as the local contact person for the Journey of Hope in Atlanta for the last three years; Todd C. Ciavola, for serving PUSH America as the local contact person for the Joumey of Hope in Chicago for the last three years; Gail McGrail, for her preparation of a new manual on chapter volunteerism; Dr. Richard Voomeveld, for his support of Pi Kapp College in both facilitating the subject of scholarship and in other administrative activities; Steven Hall, for his extraordinary service as Chapter Advisor for Epsilon Iota Chapter; Thomas W. Dalton, Jr., for his second term of many years service as Chapter Advisor to Lambda Chapter at the University of Georgia; William H. (Dink) NeSmith, for his extensive work on behalf of Lambda Chapter at the University of Georgia; Allan Calarco, National Vice President of Theta Chi Fraternity, for his work with the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity staff on the subject of confrontation. Many thanks go to these people and the hundreds of others of Pi Kappa Phi's volunteers.

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes for June 30,1993 1992


$326,412 $216,001 $ 96,370 $ 70,000

$312,350 $229,985 $120,110 $103,144

$ 48,660 $ 64,788 $ 26,036 $ 64,544 $ 4,529 $ 12,364 $461 ,727

$ 46,300 $ 68,530 $ 13,735 $ 94,493 $ 7,797 $ 15,375 $483,998

REVENUES Initiation fees-operations Student dues Pre-initiation Foundation grant Initiation fees路 infrastructure Interest and dividends Profit on sales/supplies Expense reimbursement Gain (loss) on investments Other Insurance premiums coli. Gain on land and Bid. gift to Foundation Supreme Chapter Regist. Mid-Year Leadership Cont.




$ $

$ 62,069 $ 26,018

0 0

$1 ,969,467


$338,324 $196,066 $188,444 $ 61 ,657 $ 38,117 $ 13,852 $ 4,789 $ 30 $237,518 $ 40,952

$362,726 $207,698 $255,487 $ 71,759 $ 38,029 $ 27,548 $ 9,312 $ 1,833 $317,821 $ 44,349



$1 ,919,749


Excess of revenues over expenses

$ 49,718


Cumulative excess of revenues over expenses, beginning


$347,884 **



EXPENSES Salaries Fraternity relations General Star & Lamp printing Taxes, not income taxes Depreciation Interest Alumni relations Insurance premiums paid Insurance trust expense Gift of Land and building to Foundation


Cumulative excess of revenues over expenses,


** Adjusted total Fa/11993





President-Or. Phillip M. Summers (Alpha Psi-Indiana) Office of the President Vincennes University 1002 N. First Street Vincennes, IN 47591

Alumni Relations-Vacant

Chief Executive Officer-Durward W. Owen Assistant Executive Director-Mark E. Perrin Director of Business Affairs-Emerson Linney Director of Communications-Frank Wrenn Director of Expansion-Joel Borellis Senior Leadership Consultant- Matthew Leadership Consultants- Harry Mcintosh, David Adams, John Babel, James Benson, Mike Howard Support Staff-Office Manager Joanne Stroshine, Director of Finance Nancy Perdue, Executive Secretary Linda Littlejohn , Membership/Records Director Cindy Howell, Computer Operations Specialist Sandy Stogner, Chapter Supplies Director Lue Casto, Editorial Assistant Debby Haynes, and Administrative Assistant Betsie Fehr. P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 704-523-6000 FAX: 704-521-8962

Education-Vacant Expansion-Clay Edmonds Brencor Capital Funding 5214 Maryland Way Brentwood, TN 37027

Vice President-Jerry T. Brewer (Sigma-South Carolina) Dean of Student Life USC-Russell House Columbia, SC 29208

Investment-Julius Burges 17 Wappoo Creek Drive Charleston, SC 29407

Treasurer-Nathan Hightower (Omicron-Alabama) P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 33517

Nomination-Stephen DePalma Schoor, DePalma, and Canger Group, Inc 200 Route 9, P.O. Box 1149 Manalapan, NJ

Secretary-Harry E. Caldwell , Jr. (Omicron-Alabama) 985 Valley View Road Indian Springs, AL 35124

Ritual & Insignia-David H. Vawter 7329 Hounslow Lane Charlotte, NC 28213

Chaplain-J . Patrick Figley, D.Min . (Chi-Stetson) Peninsular Counseling Center 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609 Chancellor-David Lane (Omega-Purdue) Venable, Baetjer and Howard Suite 400 2010 Corporate Ridge Drive Mclean, VA 22101

Scholarship Committee-Steve Sanders Kirkwood Hall104 Bloomington, IN 47405


Member-at-Large-Jim Krucher (Beta Alpha-NJIT) 3 Burgh Avenue Clifton , NJ 07011



Supreme Chapter Plan now to aHend Pi Kappa Phi's 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta, August13-17, 1994. Join other alumni, their wives and families at Atlanta's only Five Diamond Hotel. Make plans to aHend. Plan a chapter reunion! See details on page 2.




Kevin Corcoran 195 Berkshire Road Hasbrouck Hts, NJ 07604 Kevin K. Murphy 128 Cross Key Road Bernville, PA 19506-8806 Allen 0. Woody 6416 Orchard View Ln. Roanoke, VA 24018 Dr. Arthur J. Quickenton 401 Meadowview Dr. Boone, NC 28607 Jay Barrow 3900 Duncan Street Columbia, SC 29205 Ronald J. deValinger 91 0 Fifth Ave. Albany, GA 31701 Paul Green 1317 Newfound Harbor Merritt Island, FL 32952 Vacant Jeffrey Luebker 5825 N. Winthrop Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220-263 John R. Andrews 554 Ottawa, St. Paul, MN 55107 Billy L. Jacobs 5804 Cedar Ridge Arlington, TX 76017 Dr. Frank M. Parrish 7742 S. Harrison Circle Littleton, CO 80122 Robert E. Langbein 55581 Spa Drive Huntington Beach, CA 9'2647

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Dr. A. J. Strickiand,lll , Chairman 1 Old Northriver Point Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 Executive Vice President of Foundation Ted Scharfenstein 289 South Street Rockport, MA 01966 Pi Kappa Phi Properties Ernest Johnson, Chairman JMB Properties Co. 1999 Avenue of the Stars Suite 2900 Los Angeles, CA 90067-6086 Executive Vice President of Properties Tracy Maddux P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224

PUSH America Regina Moody, Chairman Holy Angels, Inc 427 East Wilkinson Blvd. Belmont, NC 28012 PUSH America Staff Executive Director-Kenneth N. Kaiser Special Events Director-John Pierce Director of Development-Sally Schafer Director of Chapter Services-Dave Aucremann Program Consultant-Chad Coltrane Volunteerism Coordinator- Chris Orr Executive Assistant-Betty Bradley Accounting-Melissa Boodee Office Manager-Thea Polito P.O. Box 241368 Charlotte, NC 28224 704-522-7874 (PUSH) FAX: 704-521 -8962

Alabama Albright Alabama-Birmingham Appalachian State Auburn Auburn-Montgomery Augusta Averett Barton College Belmont Abbey Bloomsburg Bowling Green State Bradley California-Berkeley California-Davis California-Irvine California-San Diego Cal. State-Chico Cal. State-Fullerton Cal. State Northridge Central Michigan College of Charleston Christian Brothers Christopher Newport Clemson Clinch Valley Colorado - Boulder Concord Cornell Drake Drexel Duke East Carolina East Texas State Florida Florida Southern Florida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia State Georgia Tech Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Indiana at Penn Indiana State Iowa State IUPUI Jacksonville State James Madison Kansas State Kennesaw State LaGrange Lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Livingston Longwood Louisville Marshall Maryland McNeese State Mercer Michigan Michigan State Missouri Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Nebraska-Lincoln NJIT North Carolina UNC-Charl otte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Wilmington North Carolina State North Dakota North Florida Northeast Missouri State North Georgia Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Penn State Pittsburgh Presbyterian Purdue Queens College Radford Rensselaer Roanoke

San Francisco St. Joseph's Samford Seton Hall Shippensburg Slippery Rock South Alabama

Omicron P.O. Box 60B9, Tuscaloosa, AL 354B6 Zeta Chi Box (C.C. Box) 74, Reading, PA 19612 Epsilon Phi Box 40, Univ. Center, Birmingham , AL 35294 ASU Box B991 , Boone, NC 2B607 Delta Zeta Alpha Iota B61 Lem Morrison Rd., Auburn, AL 36B30 Epsilon Delta P.O. Box 241332, Montgomery, AL 36124-1332 Gamma Psi 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30910 Zeta Xi P.O. Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 Zeta Tau BOB Cornett Ave., Wilson, NC 27B93 Gamma Mu Box 514B, BAC, Belmont, NC 2B012 Zeta Upsilon Box 52, BU, Bloomsburg, PA 17B15 Delta Sigma R-3 Old Fraternity Row, Bowling Green, OH 43403 Epsilon Mu 1530 W. Bradley Ave., Peoria, IL 61606 Gamma 290B Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 Zeta Sigma 1443 Wakeforest Dr., Apt. 14, Davis, CA 95616 P.O. Box 4741, Irvine, CA 92716 Eta Eta Zeta Beta P.O. Box 94B555, LaJolla, CA 92037 Zeta Lambda B11 Rio Chico Way, Chico, CA 95926 Zeta Rho Univ. Activities Center-74, Fullerton, CA 92634 17B35 Parthenia St. , Northridge, CA 91325 Zeta Mu Beta Xi Box 70, Warriner Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 4BB5B Alpha Box 1493, College of Charleston, SC 29424 Epsilon Sigma 650 E. Parkway S., Memphis, TN 3B1 04 Eta Iota P.O. Box 169, Newport News, VA 23602 Zeta Alpha P.O. Box 21 B6, Clemson, SC 29632 Epsilon Epsilon CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 B55 Broadway, Boulder CO B0302 Eta Gamma Eta Alpha C-49, Concord College, Athens, WV 24712 Psi 55 Ridgewood Rd., Ithaca, NY 14650 Beta Delta 1236 34th St. , Apt. 106, Des Moines, lA 50311 Alpha Upsilon 3405 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104 Mu P.O. Box 9675, Durham, NC 2770B-7675 Beta Phi B03 Hooker Rd., Greenville, NC 27B34 Beta Chi Box W, ET Station, Commerce, TX 7542B Alpha Epsilon 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 Beta Beta Box 15215, c/o FSC, Lakeland, FL 33B02 Beta Eta 423 W. College Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301 Delta FU-Box 2B569, Greenville, SC 29613 Zeta Epsilon 4400 University Dr., SUB 1, Box 122, Fairlax, VA 22030 Lambda 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30606 Epsilon Upsilon 141 N Jefferson St., Milledgeville, GA 31061 Gamma Kappa LB #12343, GSC, Statesboro, GA 30460 Gamma Xi 321 Barlow St. , Americus, GA 31709 Beta Kappa Box 1B4B Univ. Cntr., Atlanta, GA 30303 Iota G.T. Box 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 Upsilon 306 E. Gregory Dr., Champaign, IL 61 B20 Alpha Phi 3333 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 60616 Alpha Psi 1415 N. Jordan Ave., Bloomington, IN 47406 Zeta Iota P.O. Box 1604, Folger Hall, Indiana, PA 15705 Eta Beta P.O. Box 1532, Terre Haute, IN 47BOB-1532 Alpha Omicron 407 Welch Ave., Ames, lA 50010 Zeta Psi c/o Jeff Muney, 5311 Linwood,lndianapolis,IN 46140 Delta Epsilon P.O. Box 602-JSU , Jacksonville, AL 36265 P.O. Box L-211 , JMU , Harrisonburg, VA 22B07 Delta Tau Delta Chi 1716 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS, 66502 Eta Delta Stud. Dev., P.O. Box 444, Marietta, GA 30061 Gamma Nu Box 1170 ,601 Broad St., LaGrange, GA 30240 Gamma Rho Box 6191 , Lander College, Greenwood, SC 29646 Epsilon Xi LU-Box 692, Philadelphia, PA 19141-5150 Epsilon Rho LAC-Box 6420, Hickory, NC 2B603 Gamma Alpha P.O. Box M, Livingston, AL 35470 Epsilon Gamma Box 1140-Longwood Col., Farmville, VA 23901 Beta Gamma 2106 Confederate Place, Louisville, KY 4020B Zeta Pi MU-2W36 MSC, Huntington, WV 25755 Eta Epsilon 011BB Allegany Hall, College Park, MD 20742 Beta Mu P.O. Box 92229-MSU, Lake Charles, LA 70609 Alpha Alpha MU-Box 112, Macon, GA 31207 Alpha Kappa 903 Lincoln, Ann Arbor, Ml 4B104 Alpha Theta 131 Bogue St., E. Lansing, Ml 4BB23 500 E. Rollins St., Columbia, MO 65201 Beta Epsilon Gamma Lambda 1704 Pine St., Rolla, MO 65401 Gamma Omega Drawer AY, UM,Montevallo, AL 35115 Nu 425 University Terr., Lincoln, NE 6B50B Beta Alpha 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 Kappa 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Delta Lambda Cone Univ. Ctr., UNCC, Charlotte, NC 2B223 Epsilon Iota P.O. Box E003 EUC UNCG, Greensboro, NC 27413 Gamma Theta Univ. Center, Rm. 202, Wilmington, NC 26407 Tau 2401 W. Fraternity Ct., Raleigh , NC 27606 Zeta Gamma 407 Cambridge St., Grand Forks, ND 5B203 Zeta Zeta 4567 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S. Jacksonville, FL 32216 Delta Delta P.O. Box 562, Kirksville, MO 63501 Delta Beta Box 5165-NGC, Dahlonega, GA 30597 Alpha Gamma 1714 S. Chautaugua, Norman, OK 73072 Gamma Upsilon 1415 West Third, Stillwater, OK 74074 Gamma Beta 1214 W 40th St. , Apt 1, Norfolk, VA 2350B Alpha Zeta 2111 Harrison NW, Corvallis, OR 97330 Alpha Mu 409 E. Fairmont Ave., State College, PA 16B01 Delta Upsilon Box 7126, Univ. of Pitt, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 PC-Box 1069, Clinton, SC 29325 Beta Omega 330 N. Grant St., W. Lafayette, IN 47906 Eta Zeta Box B13, Queens College, Charlotte, NC 2B274 Delta Phi 1205 B Downey Street, Radford, VA 24142 49 Second St., Troy, NY 121BO Alpha Tau Xi Box 1761 , Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153 Eta Theta Assoc. Stu<lents. Off. UC402, lgnatioo Highls, San Francisco 941t7 Epsilon Tau SJU, 5600 City Ave. Box 230, Phila., PA 19131 Alpha Eta Box 2474, Birmingham, AL 35229 Epsilon Theta 46 Fleet St.., Jersey City, NJ 07029 Zeta Delta 201 E. Orange St. , Shippensburg, PA 17257 Epsilon Psi Rm. 221-C, Univ. Union, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Gamma Phi P.O. Box U-1208, USA, Mobile, AL 366BB

South Carolina USC-Spartanburg Southern Tech Stockton State SUNY--Brockport SUNY--Cortland SUNY --Plattsburgh Tampa Tennessee Texas A&M Texas-Arlington Texas Tech Toledo Towson State Troy State Valdosta State Villanova Virginia Virginia Commonwealth Virginia Tech Washington Washington & Lee Western Carolina West Chester West Virginia Tech West Virginia Winthrop Wofford

Sigma USC-Box B512B, Columbia, SC 29225 Epsilon Lambda BOO University Way, Spartanburg, SC 29303 Epsilon Kappa 1100 Marietta Pkwy., Marietta, GA 30060 Zeta Kappa G-Wing-SSC, Pomona, NJ OB240 Eta Lambda Ole of Std Activities Rm 203, Brockport, NY 14420 Zeta Omicron P.O. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 Eta Kappa Frend Whiteface Hall Box 96,Piattsburgh NY 12901 Beta Lambda 401 W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33606 Alpha Sigma P.O. Box B629, Knoxville, TN 37996-0002 Delta Omega P.O Box 5201, College Station, TX 77844 Delta Psi UT-Arlington, 705 S. Summit, Arlington, TX 76013 Epsilon Omega P.0 . Box 467B, Lubbock, TX 79410 Beta Iota 2999 W. Bancroft, A-2, Toledo, OH 43606-3390 Zeta Omega TSU, Box 1971, Towson, MD 21204 Gamma Gamma TSU,P.O. Box 173B, Troy, AL 360B2 Beta Tau VSC-Box 7136, Valdosta, GA 3169B Epsilon Omicron 215 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 190B5 Beta Upsilon 510 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22903 Epsilon Pi Stud.Cmmns, VCU Box 102, Richmond, VA 23220 Delta Alpha 11 01 Redbud Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24060 Alpha Delta 4530 17th Ave., Seattle, WA 9B105 Rho W&L P.O. Box 903, Lexington, VA 24450 Gamma Epsilon P.O. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 2B723 Rm 109, Sykes Hall, West Chester PA 19363 Zeta Nu Gamma Zeta 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, WV 25136 Alpha Rho 591 Spruce St. , Morgantown, WV 26505 Epsilon Eta P.O. Box 5030-WCS, Rock Hill, SC 29733 Zeta Box P, Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC 29301

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Johnson and Wales Louisiana State U. (ri) Maryland at Baltimore Memphis State (r~) Morehead State (~H) Sacramento St. (EN) San Francisco State Southwest Texas St. SUNY--Albany Texas-Austin (Z9) Wingate Wright State (~n)

209 Admiral St., Providence, Rl 0290B Greek Affairs, 137 Johnston Hall , Baton Rouge, LA 70B03 UMBC Chomptank 631 , Baltimore MD 2122B 3641 Spottswood Ave., Memphis, TN 36111 Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 234B Villanova Cr #1, Sacramento, CA 95B25 1600 Holloway, San Francisco, CA 94132 1610 IH-35 N #67,San Marcos, TX 7B666 P.O. Box 22102, 1400 Washington Ave.,Aibany, NY 12222 2503 Nueces, Austin, TX 7B705 1747 Wingate College, Wingate NC 2B174 WSU 020 University Center, Dayton, OH 45435

ALUMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Gun Coast Alumni Chapter- Bill Ishee, 1911 Hunter Ave., Mobile, AL 36606 Alpha Epsilon Club- Steven Stanford, 4BOO S. Westshore Blvd #420, Tampa FL 33611 Alpha Upsilon Alumni Assoc. - Fred Schmehl, 39 W. Wyomissing Ave, Shillington, PA 19607 Alpha Zeta Alumni Assoc. -Theodore Langton, 3058 NW Charmyr Vista Dr, Corvallis, OR 97330 Americus Alumni Corp.- Ron Chaffin, 3145 White Rd., NE, Conyers, GA 30207 Austin Alumni Chapter- Paul Drake, 11104 Grapevine Ln, Austin, TX 7B759 Beta Alumni Assoc.- Tim Foster, 207 Linville Ct, Bessemer City, NC 2B016 Beta Mu Alumni Assoc. - Mitchell Adrian, University Hills #150, Starkville, MS 39759 Beta Phi Alumni Chapter- Scott Smith, 4B01 Kenmore Ave., #1309, Alexandria, VA 22304 Central Alabama Alumni Assoc.- Jim Beat, P.O. Box 505, Montevallo, AL 35115 Charleston Alumni Association - Alan Horres, 21 Wespanee Dr., Charleston, SC 29407 Chi Alumni Association - Gary Meadows, 2490 Wilmhurst Rd. De Land FL 32720 Delta Beta Alumni Assoc. -Bill Tew, 6340 Breckenridge Run, Rex, GA 30273 Delta Epsilon Alumni Assoc. - Erv Sherer, 4675 Sengen Trace, Alpharetta, GA 30202 Delta Omicron Alumni Chapter- Kirk Defelice, 209 Adams Blvd, Lockport LA 70374 Des Moines Alumni Chapter- John S. Kirk, P. 0 . Box 65663, W. Des Moines, lA 50265 Epsilon Eta Alumni Assoc. -John Lyon, 2906 Prestwick Cr., Columbia SC 29223 Epsilon Iota Alumni Assoc. - David Craft, Box 9040, Greensboro, NC 27429 Epsilon Psi Alumni Chapter- Ralph W. Asplen , 222 Vernon Rd, Morrisville, PA 19067 Epsilon Sigma Alumni Assoc.- Chris Mills, 3716 Northwood, Memphis, TN 36111 Epsilon Omega Alumni Assoc. - Karl Reiter, 1403 Sparks St, Midland, TX 79701 Gamma Alpha Alumni Assoc. - Bryan Bonner, P.O. Box 44B, Livingston, AL 35470 Gamma Beta Alumni Assoc.- Joel Allen, 203B1 Marguritte Sq, Sterling, VA 20165 Gamma Gamma Alumni Assoc. Inc. - Edward Craig, B19 Michelle Ct, Montgomery, AL 36109 Gamma Phi Club Inc.- Daniel Carre, 3650 Whispering Pine Rd, #52B, Mobile, AL 3660B Gamma Psi - Frank Todd, 317 Berckhman's Rd., Augusta, GA 30909-3603 Greater Atlanta Alumni- Mark Christopher, 33001 Atlantic Ctr, 120t W. Peachtree St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 Greater Toledo Alumni- Mark Urrutia, 2432 W. Central Ave., Ste 5-A, Toledo, OH 43606-3716 Greenwood Alumni Assoc. - Chuck Watson, Jr., P.O. Drawer 1546, Greenwood, SC 2964B Indianapolis Alumni Assoc. - Greg Linder, 2715 Cardigan Rd., Indianapolis IN 4626B-2016 Ithaca Area Alumni Assoc.- Bill Newell, 5304 Pender Ct., Alexandria, Va 22304-1937 La Grange Alumni Association- Richard Jolly, 416 Ginger Cir, La Grange, GA 30240-3934 Lambda Loop - Frank Lane, BBOO Roswell Rd, Ste 265, Atlanta, GA 30350 Louisville Alumni Chapter- Larry Hayse, 5503 Shorewood Dr. , Louisville, KY 40214 Memphis Area Alumni Assoc. - Davkj Everson, 1963 Deep Valley Cove, Germantown, TN 38138 Middle Georgia Alumni Chapter - Lee Langley, 31t0 Mt. Zion Ad, #17tt , Stockbridge, GA 30281 Montgomery Area Alumni Chapter- Marco Giglkl, 1902 Kingsbury Drive, Montgomery, AL 38106 Mountaineer Alumni Association - David Morgan, 9512 Hanover South Tr., Charlotte, NC 2B21 North Jersey Alumni Assoc. - Rich Nass, 135 Roosevelt Ave, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 Omega Chapter of nK<I>- Mark DeFabis, BB34 Keevers Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46234 Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Assoc.- Steven Ryder, 11442 Foster Road, Los Alamitos, CA 90720-361 Seattle Alumni Assoc. - Derrick Rogers, t626 Grant Ave, Apt.# D-201 , Renton, WA 98055-3649 Sigma Alumni Association - Jerry Brewer, USC Russell House, Columbia SC 2920B Tau Alumni Association- Bob Lamphier, 207 Summerwinds Dr, Cary, NC 27511 West Virginia Alumni Assoc. - Michael Paterno, 423 Highland Ave., South Charleston, WV 25303 Zeta Epsilon Alumni Assoc.- Michael Socha, 6122 B Essex House Sq., Alexandria, VA 22310

Zeta Zeta Alumni Assoc. -Robert Talley, 4627 Spring Park Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32207 Zeta Omicron Alumni Assoc. - Brian Siegel, 337 W. 15th St, Deer Park, NY 11729

Fal/ 1993


I thought of my alma mater, Duke University, a well reIt is often tempting to call Pi Kappa Phi "the spected instituFraternity of the 90's." After all, our fraternity tion. Yet, I wonhas led the way in combatting the racist, sexist, dered if this sayalcoholic stereotypes which seemingly per- ing was applicable to Duke vade the public's image of Greek life. We were the first fraternity to recognize student life. The acquaintance rape as an issue we should face students always head on. We led the Greek world into the realm prided them- Frank Wrenn, Managing Editor of risk management, severing the link between selves on knowing how to have a good time. fraternity's and alcohol distribution. We We knew we were getting a "good educamarched into unchartered territory in combat- tion," while concurrently having the time of our ting sexually transmitted diseases, such as lives. We liked to say of ourselves that Duke AIDS. We were the first to create our own students "work hard and play hard." This phrase national outreach project, and our student and its results will probably forever be ingrained members have supported what they created, in my actions. Looking back, perhaps receiving" a good eduraising over $480,000 for PUSH America last year to help people with disabilities. This is cation" was not the reason we were there at all. It what Pi Kappa Phi is all about- "The expres- was a good response if asked, but realistically, sion of shared values and ideals ... , the pursuit many were there for the perceived "paycheck of brotherhood through scholarship, leader- differential" that the degree would offer. ship, service, and social experiences, ... the This situation is not unique to Duke. An achievement of personal excellence in each attitude of anti-intellectualism abounds at colmember and collective excellence in our Fra- lege campuses today. Perhaps this is how fraterternity .... " nities, once learned literary societies, have all too Yet, the paradox in calling Pi Kappa Phi "the often turned into institutions that encourage the Fraternity of the 90's" is that the decade is not negative stereotypes. Too many fraternity chapover. It has hardly begun. Perhaps in the next ters are havens for anti-intellectualism. millennium we will be able to see what this We often hear about the problem of "political decade meant, and at that point we can make a correctness" on our campuses. Political correctcritical judgement and perhaps give our frater- ness, in itself, is nothing more than a result of abundant anti-intellectualism. Ralph Waldo nity such an appellation. However, it is always necessary to be re- Emerson said, "So far as a man thinks, he is free." moved from an object before we can view it Too many students have become bound by not objectively. thinking for themselves, not asking the big quesThe same is true regarding our own lives. tions, only doing work to get by, and living for The other day, I saw a young man, a hard the next party. I agree with Elbert Hubbard, who said that working sophomore at a state university. He was wearing a tee-shirt, however, that forced "you can lead a boy to college, but you cannot me to look back--perhaps more objectively--at make him think." But one day, our boys hit the my own college days. magic day of graduation, and the real world The shirt read, "You can always retake a outside of the ivory towers smacks them in the class, but you can never relive a great party." face.-- Frank Wrenn

Ask Big Questions


Star & Lamp

A message from Dr. Phillip M. Summers, National President of Pi Kappa Phi.


They Had No Idea A few weeks ago, I received a letter from brother Bernie Jones, who was theN a tiona! President of Pi Kappa Phi during the time I was in college in the 1950's. Brother Jones helped organize the first Pi Kapp College and many other Pi Kapp events because he had been the Executive Director of our fraternity at an earlier date. In my column in the Summer 1993 issue of the Star & Lamp, I compared the first Pi Kapp College with what our undergraduate brothers were fortunate to have this past summer. That apparently brought back memories to brother Jones, and he wrote me a letter, saying that he too remembered the cabins, thestatepark,and the experience of that first Pi Kapp College. Brother Jones and others could look at Pi Kappa Phi in 1959 (when the first Pi Kapp College was held) and see a new idea being developed. Also, they saw Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity of that time having about 50 chapters, with an average membership of 29. If asked, they probably would say today that "they had no idea" that Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity 35 years later would be "one of the best" in the Greek world, our chapter growth would be outstanding, and our national meetings, such as Pi Kapp College, would be so inspirational and so important to our fraternity. Who knows what our destiny will be? We do know that we can direct the destiny through our planning efforts and commitment. What our national fraternity must have is a vision of Pi Kappa Phi in the future. That is even more important for our undergraduate chapters-to have a vision of the type of chapter and fraternity experience that we want our future brothers to have. I have appointed a Pi Kappa Phi Vision Committee with Jerry Brewer, National Vice President, as Chairman. It is my goal that an official Pi Kappa Phi vision statement for the next century will be prepared and presented at the Supreme Chapter meeting in Atlanta in August.

Our vision tells us "what we can be," our efforts tell us "whatwewillbe,"andourcommitmenttellsus"whatwe are." It is through our efforts that we translate what we can be into what "we will be" through scholarship, leadership, and service. (Our vision, through our efforts, will be seen in RUSH, social events, PUSH America Activities, campus involvement, scholarship achievement, and, most importantly, through our brotherhood.) Commitment means standards, dedication to what we say we are all aboutwalking the talk. We use our vision and our efforts to meet a standard which we want to achieve of being the very best that we can be. That means we will be the very best chapter, but more importantly, it means we will be the very best Pi Kapp brothers. I believe that we lose some members because that commitment is not deep and meaningful. Our brothers who say that Pi Kappa Phi has been one of the most important experiences in their lives mean that they have deep commitment and they have experienced the essence of brotherhood. I often have said that we get what we give. If we give a lot to our fraternity, we will get a lot, which is a good description of commitment- giving to something greater than our own individual efforts can achieve. In this edition of the Star & Lamp, you see many illustrations of people with vision- including Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, the Area Governor of the Year, and the Chapter Advisor of the Year. These brothers are excellent examples of men with vision, effort, and commitment. Not only do they make us proud to be Pi Kapps, but they have had exceptional vision, dedicated effort, and true commitment to being the best Pi Kapps that they can be. With vision, effort, and commitment, we will find what we can be, what we will be, and what we are! I hope all Pi Kapps have a vision of their future and a vision for your fraternity, and someday, as we fulfill that vision, we might pause and say, "we had no idea" that our fraternity would be the best.

Summer 1993

How Much Do You Know?

. 路 -.~.

How much do you know about a living will? A durable power of attorney? A letter of instruction? A last will and testament? In today's world, these items are necessary for young and old alike. The . Pi Kappa Phi Foundation has provided for you a free guide on Estate Planning. The Guide outlines the four components of estate planning to help you take ,. time to plan. 路 For the free brochure, write to Ted Scharfenstein at 289 South Street, Rockport MA 01966, or calll-704-523-6000. ADDRESS CHANGE? Please send correction promptly to: Star & Lamp, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Star & Lamp (USPS 519000) is published quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road , Charlotte, NC. 路 Seconrl class postage paid at Charlotte, NC and any additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Star& Lamp, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224

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