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"Yes, I Am" (or, "seeing is believing") Durward W. Owen "Durward, are you really going to retire?" management policy? Some believed without "Yes, I Am!" seeing and today the ultimate salvation of a If you must see to believe, then be in system that was apparently hell bent for selfAtlanta on August 13-17 at the Ritz-Carlton, destruction in a sea of beer has been given Buckhead. Then on seeing, you will believe. hope for a future--FIPG. Right? The list could go on and on: Council of Would that more people Archons; Nu Phi; CAR, Inc.; would believe without Mid-Year Leadership Confer seeing. How much more ence; STD and date rape progress there would be for posters; FIT; Journey of Pi Kappa Phi (and for the Hope; etc. whole world, as far as Can you believe without that goes.) seeing? Would you believe a Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Just imagine, for a few moments, where our fraterwith a corpus of $10,000,000? nity would be if in 1977 we Can you believe a 15,000 had to have seen a national square foot red brick building with white columns as Pi Kappa Phi housing corthe Administrative Office for poration in existence in Pi Kappa Phi? How about a order to believe that such Pi Kappa Phi which has no could exist. Would immature beer guzzling redPi Kappa Phi Properties / necks at any chapter? Would you believe now be in existence? Suppose we had found it necessary to that Pi Kappa Phi will be the scholastic and intellectual envy of the entire Greek system? actually see Pi Kappa Phi have a national Can you believe without seeing? project, or otherwise we would not have Blessed is he who believes; more blessed believed. Could anyone imagine is he who believes without seeing; greatly Pi Kappa Phi without PUSH America? blessed is a fraternity which has members, In 1973 Pi Kappa Phi rented from the old and young, who believe without seeing, Foundation a small white frame house as its national headquarters. With a fraternity for that fraternity shall survive. Not only with so little assets that we did not consider shall it survive, it shall prosper. it good business to publicly disclose our net Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity has survived the worth-- a belief of a $1,200,000 national last 35 years, and indeed has prospered. It headquarters -sight unseen- would have did not require seeing before believing. It been unthinkable to some. Yet some did only required believing. I believe without seeing and here we are. Who will join me and believe without In 1987 would anyone have believed, seeing? Am I going to keep on believing without seeing, 36 fraternities and sororities without seeing? joined together to support a common risk "Yes, I am."

Supreme Chapter On the Cover: The Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta. Atlanta will be the site of the 44th Supreme Chapter at the Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead. Join your brothers there! See page 16 for details and back cover for registration. (Photograph courtesy of the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau by Kevin C. Rose)


Penn State Pi Kapp, Lt. Gov. Mark Singel is making a run for Governor of Pennsylvania


George Sheetz, Pi Kappa Phi's first Executive Secretary, joins the Chapter Eternal at the age of 96.


Committee releases the official nominating slate for the next National Council to be elected at the 44th Supreme Chapter in August.


Pi Kappa Phi charters at its second Ivy League university-University of Pennsylvania.


Pi Kappa Phi celebrates its best students! Announcing the 1994 Pi Kapp Scholars.


Undergraduates prove that Pi Kappa Phi and leadership go hand in hand.


Have you considered giving to the Foundation through the United Way?


You still have time to join your brothers at the 44th Supreme Chapter at the Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead in Atlanta. Official registration form is on the back cover.

Plan now to attend Pi Kappa Phi's 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta, August 13-17,1994. The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead, is pleased to host Pi Kappa Phi at what promises to be its finest and most exciting convention. Join other alumni, their wives and families at Atlanta's only Five Diamond Hotel.

See page 16 for details and back cover for registration fonn.

"Strong Enough to Care" Star& Lamp Spring 1994, Vol. LXXX, No.2 A Leadership/Education Publication Editor-in-Chief - Durward Owen Managing Editor- Frank Wrenn Office Manager - Joanne Stroshine Editorial Assistant - Debby Haynes Contributing Writers - Frank Wrenn , Sally Schafer

Star & Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road , Charlotte , N.C. 28217. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224; Telephone: 704-523-6000 FAX: 704-521-8962. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC and any additional mail ing offices. Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C. on Dec. 10, 1904, by Andrew Alexander Kroeg , Simon Fogarty and L. Harry Mixson.


Pi Kappa Phi is a member of the National Interfraternity Conference and the College Fraternity Editors Association .


Star & Lamp Spring/Summer 1994



Star on the rise Pennsylvania Lt. Governor Mark Singel, Penn State Pi Kapp, has gubernatorial hopes. Mark Singel's dream of being Governor of Pennsylvania is one step closer to becoming reality. On May 10, 1994, Singel won the Democratic primary for Governor. ow only the November election and a tough opponent stand between Singel and the oath of office. Initiated into Pi Kappa Phi at Penn State University in 1972 (AM #750), Brother Singel has spent over a third of his life as a public servant in Pennsylvania's political arena. Singel's political career started during his undergraduate days at Alpha Mu chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, where he served as fraternity representative and rules committee chairman for the Penn State Student Government. He was also the Pi Kappa Phi Archon. Singel worked in Washington, D.C., for six years after graduating magna cum laude from Penn State, then moved back to Pennsylvania where he had a successful run for state Senate. He served there for another six years until becoming lieutenant governor under Gov. Robert P. Casey in 1987. If elected in ovember, it will not be the first time that Singel has held the power of Pennsylvania's high office. Singel made Pennsylvania history in June of 1993 by becoming the first acting governor of the commonwealth as Governor Casey underwent a rare heart and liver transplant. Casey did not resume office until late December. Singel's tenure as acting governor was a busy one as several key economic development initiatives came to a head, including a long awaited reform of the state's workers' compensation system. Singel not only signed the act, but convinced insurers to lower their rates by 5%, saving Pennsylvania employers $300 million. He also became deeply involved in environmental issues, negotiation passage of legislation to save the state park system from the budget axe. In addition, he created an alternative fuels program to help Pennsylvania reduce air pollution. In all, Singel signed 53 bills and nominated 73 people to executive positions. While the suddenness of Casey's surgery thrust Singel into a difficult 2 Star& Lamp

situation, political observers were widely complimentary of his performance. Casey's press secretary, Brother Vince Carocci (also a Penn Sta te Pi Kapp, AM# 441) summed it up: "For all the supposed turmoil in government, the executive branch never missed a beat. . . . " His successful tenure as acting governor may be one of the reasons for his decisive primary victory in May. With eight candidates on the ballot, Brother Singe! received 31% of the vote, with his closest opponent drawing 21 %. If elected in ovember, Singel will be one of two state governors who are Pi Kapps. Governor Carroll Campbell of South Carolina is an initiate of Sigma Chapter at the University of South Carolina.

Ma rk Singel, Pennsylvania' s Lieutenant Governor

Young alumnus entertains America's Veterans Matt Dean II, initiate #37 of Zeta Xi Chapter at Averett College, has spent the last two years giving his time to thank the many people who have d efended our country. Since graduating in 1992, Brother Dean has been a part of ReCreation, a non-profit organization tha t travels across the United States performing variety shows for Veterans' Hospitals. Dean will be leaving the travelling show d uring the summer of 1994. " It has been an amazing service tha t I've been proud to be a part of," said Matt Dean. "I would like to thank all of the Pi Kappa Phi veterans wh o have given so much of themselves for our country .... " Dean and the six other men and women with whom he travels receive no pay for their services.

Doing graduate work? If you will be enrolled in a graduate or professional program for the 1994-1995 academic year, we may have a deal for you.

The Administrative Office is in the process of recruiting Chapter Resident Advisors to live rent-free in Pi Kappa Phi houses. A Chapter Resident Advisor's d uties will include offering advice to individuals and officers in the chap ter, ensuring the upkeep of the house, and reporting chapter needs to an Alumni Corporation. Being a Chapter Resident Advisor may be your best chance to continue your fraternity experience, while helping you afford graduate or professional school. If you are interested in this exciting program, contact Tracy Maddux a t (704)523-6000. He will attempt to match your educational

Fraternity's first Executive Secretary joins Chapter Eternal George E. Sheetz, the first fulltime Executive Secretary of Pi Kappa Phi, died in Thibodaux, Louisiana, on March 15, 1994, at the age of ninety-six. "Executive Secretary" was the former title of the "Executive Director" or "Chief Executive Officer." Sheetz, also a retired Lt. Col. of the U.S. Army, was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi's Alpha Chapter at the College of Charleston on ovember 17, 1920, as Alpha #83. He served as the Executive Secretary from 1924-1928. In 1924, the first Administrative Office opened tmder his leadership in Charleston. There he saw to the founding of Alpha Delta Chapter at the University of Washington and Alpha Zeta Chapter at Oregon State University. Deciding to expand to the Midwest, Sheetz moved the Administrative Office from Charleston to Chicago. From there, Pi Kappa Phi expanded the fraternity into Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, and Pennsylvania. Sheetz was also the author of the definitive early history of the

fraternity, History and Directory of Pi Kappa Phi, published by the George Banta Publishing Company in 1929. In his will Brother Sheetz bequeathed to Pi Kappa Phi Foundation the sum of $5,000 in memory of fellow Alpha initiate and Founding Member Dr. Anthony Pelzer Wagener, "a charter member of the fraternity and for many years a distinguished leader in its affairs." Brother Sheetz is survived by his wife, Marjorie Kent Sheetz.

Drake Pi Kapp proves it's never too late

It is always an extreme honor for a brother to share his badge with a lady, and Beta Delta Alumnus Bruce Swanson has proven that it is never too late. On February 14 of this year, Valentine's Day, Linda Allen, a Kappa Alpha Theta, was pirmed to Brother Swanson. Both Linda and Bruce were students at Drake in the early 1960's. Who says the good old days have to be old? Swanson with Ms. Allen plans with a Pi Kappa Phi location. L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '

Spring/Summer 1994


Wahlen, Foster appointed as Area Governors Durward W. Owen, Chief Executive Officer of Pi Kappa Phi, has announced the appointments of two new Area Governors. J. Jeffry Wahlen has been appointed as Area Governor of Area VII, and Ralph S. Foster has been appointed Area Governor of Area VIII. Pi Kappa Phi is divided into thirteen areas across the nation, each with an area governor who is empowered by Supreme Law. Wahlen, an initiate of Alpha Epsilon Wahlen Chapter at the University of Florida, transferred to Florida State University in the fall of 1982 where he served as Archon and Vice Archon. Graduating with a B.S. in Accounting in December 1985, and a Masters in Accounting in August 1986, he returned to FSU to attend law school in 1988 and received his J.D. with high honors in December 1990. Wahlen has served as the Beta Eta Chapter Advisor at Florida State since 1989. He has been married for eight years. He Foster and his wife, Kris, reside in Tallahassee. Foster, an initiate of Alpha Iota Chapter at Auburn, received his Master of Science in Personnel Management in 1988 at Troy State University. He is currently the Director of Outreach Information and Marketing at Auburn. Foster serves on the Alpha Iota Alumni Housing Corporation Board and has also served as the Chapter Advisor for the Pi Kappa Phi Chapter at Auburn since 1991. He and his wife, Lesley, live in __, Montgomery, ______________________________________ Alabama.


"Blue Hose" legend retires After 31 years as Athletic Director for Presbyterian College, Coach Cally Gault is retiring. Gault, initiated into Pi Kappa Phi at Presbyterian College's Beta Chapter in 1944, has had an illustrious career at the college. In his 22 seasons as coach of the Presbyterian College Blue Hose, he received 5 South Carolina Coach of the Year Awards. He is a member of both the AlA Hall of Fame as well as the South Carolina Athletic Hall of Fame. After the 1984 football season, Gault retired from coaching as the most winning coach in Presbyterian College history with a record


Star& Lamp

Alpha Psi Alumnus recognized for contributions to student life

Sanders Steve Sanders, chairman of Pi Kappa Phi's National Scholarship Committee, has been awarded Indiana University's Jimmy L. Ross Award for Outstanding Con tributions to Student Life. Recipients of the award are chosen by a student committee, and they receive $1,000 to be used for professional and leadership development. Sanders holds positions at illBloomington as Assistant to the Vice President and Chancellor, and as Assistant to the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences. He also teaches courses in higher education, politics, and the media. In addition to his obligations to the Greater Fraternity, Sanders currently serves as Scholarship Advisor to the Alpha Psi Chapter at IU as well as Secretary of the Alpha Psi Alumni Corporation.

Let us know about you! Gault of 127-101-8. He remained on as Athletic Director before deciding to retire this year.

If you or someone you know should be featured in a future Star & Lamp, please write to Frank Wrenn , Managing Editor, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224.

Committee releases nominating slate for 1994-1996 National Council In preparation for the 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta, the Nominating Committee has finalized its recommended slate of officers for the 19941996 National Council of Pi Kappa Phi. The Nominating Committee is one of five standing committees called for by Supreme Law. "The Nominating Committee sh all con sist of five members, th e chairman of w hich shall be the immediate Pas t National President not servi ng on the Na tional Council. Three m embers sh all b e past national presid ents and one sh all be a m ember of th e Council of Archons. This committee shall solicit recommend ations from subordinate chapters and other members of th e Fraternity, prepare a list of one or more nomin ees for each office, and make known its recommendations to all chapters no later th an 4 m onths prior to th e Supre me Chapter" (Law X, Section 8). In preparing for its duties, the committee actively selected recommendations from chapters, Chapter Advisors, and other active alumni. early 1000 letters were sent out asking for recommendations. Members could nominate themselves or others. Nominated individuals were then contacted by the aminating Committee to ascertain their willingness to serve. These brothers were then asked to submit resumes. After a series of telephone conference calls, the Nominating Committee conducted phone interviews of selected nominees. Following the phone interviews, an additional series of tele-conference meetings of the committee were held. Pi Kappa Phi owes much gratitude to Stephen DePalma, immediate past ational President and Chairman of the Nominating Committee, and al o to the members of the committee: Pa t National Presidents Judge James Turk, David Jaffee, and Alonzo J. Strickland, and Pi Kappa Phi undergrad uate Rob Shindell of Beta Iota Chapter at the University of Toledo. Pi Kappa Phi is also appreciative of all the many qualified Pi Kapp who wished to be considered by the aminating Committee. Choo ing a recommended slate was not an a y task.

In a statement from Stephen DePalma, the committee released the following recommendations for the consideration of our membership. For the Office of ational President, the aminating Committee recommend the election of Jerry Brewer. Brewer, the Director of Student Life at the University of South Carolina, has served as an active member of the Pi Kappa Phi ational Council for the past nine years and is also currently on the Board of Director of PUSH America. An initiate of Sigma Chapter, he has also served the Fraternity as an Area Governor from 1980 to 1985. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Education at the University of South Carolina. Brewer, wife Mary Anne and their three children, live in Columbia, South Carolina. a than Hightower has been nominated for the office of ational Vice President. An attorney in Florida, Hightower is an initiate of Omicron Chapter at the University of Alabama. He also received an MBA from the University of Alabama, and a Juris Doctor from Stetson College of Law. He has served the Fraternity as As i tant Executive Director (1979-1981) and Area Governor (19 11982) in addition to his nine years of ervice on the National Council. He and hi wife Margaret live in Clearwater. The ominating Committee recommends the election of Harry Caldwell for the office of ational Treasurer. Caldwell, an initiate of Omicron Chapter at the University of Alabama, is also a Harvard MBA graduate and is currently president of a consulting firm. Since 1992, he has erved the ational Council a Secretary. He is al o a pa t Area Governor and Chapter Advisor. Caldwell resides in Alabama with his wife, Carol. Greg Ball, a founding father of Delta Zeta Chapter at Appalachian State University has been recommended by the ominating Committee for the office of ational Secretary. Ball lives in Charlotte and is the Administrative Officer I Chief Financial Officer of the American Red Cross-Blood Services for the Carolinas, responsible for administrative, financial, and treasury functions including management information systems for the $55 million healthcare organization. Ball is currently on the Board of PUSH America, serving as its Vice President. He has also served as Treasurer of the PUSH America Board. He and his wife Renee have one son. For the office of a tiona! Chaplain, the aminating Committee i recommending the election of W. Stuart Hicks. An initiate of Kappa Chapter at the University of orth Carolina at Chapel Hill, Hicks is Executive Vice President of JMB Real Estate Services, Inc. He acquired his MBA at Florida Atlantic University. Hicks has served on the Pi Kappa Phi Properties Executive Committee for eight years, and has been Pre ident of the Properties Executive Committee for three years. Stuart resides in Illinois with his wife, Katie, and their two children. The aminating Committee recommends the reelection of David Lane to the Office of ational Chancellor. By Supreme Law the ational Chancellor must be a dul y licensed attorney at law and acts as counsel to the Fraternity. David has served two previous terms as Chancellor. Lane, an initiate of Omega Chapter at Purdue, practice law in McLean, Virginia, where he live with his wife Mary Beth. Allen Woody, an initiate of Xi Chapter at Roanoke College, has been recommended for the po ition of Member-at-Large by the aminating Committee. Woody, last year's Area Governor of the Year, has been heavily invol\"ed in Pi Kappa Phi on local, regional, and national level . Woody owns and operate a silver recovery business, recovering between 25,000 and 40,000 troy ounce of silver a week, with sales exceeding six million dollars thi year. He and his wife Dianne live in Roanoke. The elections of the ational Council will take place at the 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta this August.

Vo te in Atlanta in August! Spring/Summer 1994



Into the Ivy Pi Kapp a Phi charters another Ivy League University with U PENN's Eta Nu On Saturday, April9, 1994, the associate chapter of retreat was held and plans were developed . At the Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Pennsylvania was conclusion of the first tedious bid meeting on Saturofficially granted its charter--becoming the Eta u day, November 20, 1993, the first 15 m embers of the Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. This chap ter at the UniverAlpha Class were extended bids. At the close of an sity of Pennsylvania went from becoming an associate additional rush week, six m ore bids were extended, chapter to being granted its charter in five months. and all were accepted . It all began when a junior and resident advisor While all this was going on, Beyda, with the help of approached freshman Morris Beyda (the current a few others, was hard at w ork w ith Jack Keifer, the archon) in April of 1993 during a dinner meeting with chapter's newly appointed ad visor from the Alpha the proposition of Upsilon Chapter, --...., trying to find a house. reactivating a previSuccess came when ous colony. Beyda was to be the Presithe group finally dent and driving force obtained a two year behind recruitment lease in December. and activities while This 22 bedroom, 10 the resident advisor bathroom, four story offered to serve as the tow nhouse was administrative liaison. sought after by many The two quickly went groups for its prime about finding more location on the sam e men to join the block as five other colonization effort. Greek organiza tions. Just when things As all of their The men of Eta Nu at their chartering banquet were looking darkest, programs neared the Greek Advisor at completion and the university recommended that the group of 16 men member education progressed, Pi Kappa Phi saw the get in touch with the Pi Kappa Phi ational Office. addition of Tom Marotta as an alumni advisor. It was Pi Kappa Phi had already been approved to come announced that the group had the best campus Greek onto the Penn campus over the other national fraterni- GP A, and a brother had been selected as a Pi Kapp Scholar. ties. Within two weeks, Joel Borellis, then Director of Expansion, and Morris Beyda had gotten in touch Following all of this, the National Council granted with one another and found there was enough interest the request for chartering. Frank Wrenn, Director of to warrant an informal visit and meeting. Communications for Pi Kappa Phi, coordinated the After Joel arrived on campus with former PUSH chartering weekend along with James Benson, Leadership Consultant, and Mark Timmes, Chief Executive America Program Consultant Chad Coltrane, he held Officer Designate. Chartering Officer was Stephen an information session with the 16 founders to get to DePalma, Past ational President of Pi Kappa Phi, know them and to explain what Pi Kappa Phi was all who was assisted by National Chancellor David Lane about. By the end of the meeting, these men knew and ational Council Member-at-Large Jim Krucher. they would be the new University of Pennsylvania Initiating teams were Cornell's Psi Chapter (Pi Kappa Associate Chapter. On ovember 8, 1993, at eight o'clock in the Phi's only other Ivy Leagu e institution) and Zeta N u Chapter at West Chester. evening, the University of Pennsylvania Associate To conclude the festivities, the chapter celebrated Chapter was officially formed as Drexel's Alpha Upsilon Chapter pre-initiated the 16 founders. A rush with a chartering banquet at the Penn Tower Ho tel.


Star& Lamp

Pi Kapp Career Network Since the Pi Kappa Phi Career Network was introduced in the summer of 1992, hundreds of alumni have responded to the call to assist other brothers in their career search endeavors. Networking through the Pi Kapp Alumni Career Network offers a broad range of opportunities for Pi Kapps who want to enter the job market, re-enter the work force, or who wish to shift locales or fields. The Pi Kapp Alumni Career Network is a career resource network which connects job seeking Pi Kapps with Pi Kapps in their desired profession. The Pi Kapp Alumni Career Network is not a job placement service nor an advertising vehicle for Pi Kapp businesses. Networking through the Career Network provides connections to learn about specific fields and to make contacts which may eventually lead to further training or employment. It is up to you to make contact. If you think the network can help you out, call (704)523-6000. Please have the number of your field of interest available. (These field numbers are listed below.) A $5.00 donation to help defray the cost of mailing and administration is requested, but not obligatory.

Occupational Field Codes AC-100 BA-200 AD·300 AG-400 AG-500 AU-600 AP·700 AP-800 AP-900 Ml-1000 LW-1100 SK-1200 TT-1300 BK-1400 C0-1500 RT-1600 CP-1700 CC-1800 C0-1900

Acco unting Administration Adve rtisi ng Agricul ture An imal Prod uction Arch itecture/Design Art Art, Fine Arts, Perfo rming Anned servi ces Attorneys Automoti ve Aviation Banking Behavioral Science Communicatio ns Computers/ H igh Tech Co nstruction Counseling/Gu idance

Call our hotline-1-8 00 -9 1 9-RUS H and leave an alumni recommendation. An alumni recommendation may be a son, neighbor or any young man entering college this fall or who has recently entered college. Call now or send this form to the Administrative Office. Upon receiving a r ecommendation, the A.O. will write a letter to the chapter r equesting they contact this person. The chapter is also instructed to contact you as well as the Ad;ninistrative Office ofthe outcome of the contact.

D E-2000 ER-2100 EC-2200 EA-2300 ET-2350 E ·2400 RT-2500 ER-2600 EP-2650 CM -2700 FV-2800 FS-2850 F0 -2875 CV-2900 GE-2925 G ·2950 M E-3000 M E-3100 LM-3200

Dentistry Earth Science/Mining Economics Ed ucation-Admi n. Ed u cation-Teaching Engineering En tertai nme nt Environ me ntal Sci. Estate Planni ng, Trusts, Taxes Fashion/ Beau ty Fi nance/Budget Foreign Service Found ations G ov't/ Public Service Gov't-Elective Gov' t· on-Elective H ealth, Allied Health, Medicine H istorian

AG-3300 BE-3400 1 ·3500 Pj -3600 LW-3700 LW-3800 LM-3900 BA-4000 PM-4100 MF-4200 MS-4300 CL-4400 M0 -4500 AP-4600 U-4650 ME-4700 LB-4800 PR-4900 PH-4950

Horticulture Imp ort/Export

Insurance journalism Law Law Enforcement Lib rary Science Man agemen t Math/Statistics Manu facturing Marketing Ministry Mortuary Music ursing utrition Personnel/Human Rscs Pharmace u tical Physician

AD-5000 RE-5100 SR·5200 RD-5250 HT-5300 BE-5400 BS-5500 SI-5600 SS-5700 SR-5800 EA-5900 SC-5950 TT-6000 TT-6100 UT-6200 VT-6300 VL-6350 PJ-6400

Public Relations Real Esute Recnation Researcl\1 Development Restaurant/Food Services Retail Stocks/ Commodities Science Social Work Sports Student Personnel Support Staffl Oerical Travel Transportation till ties eterinary Volunteer Writing

,--------- -- - - ----- ------ - -----, Prosepective Member Recommendation Form


you know someone entering college this fall, please mail this form to the Administrative office, or simply call:

1-800-919-RUSH Your name _____________________________________________ School you attended _________________________________ Your Address---------------------------------------CitY----------------- State--- Zip Code - - - - - Name of Recommendatio ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - His Address________________________________________ C i t y - - - - - - - - State ______ Zip Code _______ His Phone Number ----------------------------------School He plans to attend -----------------------------

L _ _2lease mail t~i Kappa Phi Fraternity:_:.o.~o~240526.:_Charlotte, N~ 28224:_


Spring/Summer 1994


1993-1994 Pi Kapp Scholars William Nelson Iota-Georgia Tech Electrical Engineering GPA: 3.93 Our fraternity was founded by a group of students wishing to excel. Thus, our foundations rest on the pillars of scholars/zip. If we as brothers are truly committed to fulfilling the ideals set forth by our founders, then achieving the highest standards of scholarship is a must.

Gregg Knehans Delta Delta-NE MO State Accounting GPA: 4.0 "High scholarship standards ... help members succeed when they venture out into the working world. Brothers can leave knowing they have the ability to achieve high goals and will do so in their careers."

Brian Carroll Alpha Psi-Indiana Telecommunications/ Criminal Justice GPA: 3.89 "Pi Kappa Phi has high standards of scholarship because of the pride each man takes in his own academic achievement . ... We have the motivation to do well and to strive for personal success. This is one small way we can contribute and bring credit to the fraternity we love .... "

Todd Chrzanowski Zeta Gamma-North Dakota Political Science GPA: 3.96 "We are a society rooted in the notion of an education. In the way [our founders] cared about their academic lives, so should we strive to attain the scholastic accomplishments which bring credit to ourselves personally, our chapter, and National Fraternity."


Star& Lamp

The following Bro thers were chosen from amon g many juniors and seniors who applied or were nominated for the Pi Kapp Scholar award . At the 43rd Supreme Chapter , the Pi Kapp Scholar award from the Pi Ka ppa Phi Foundation was raised from $100 to $500 per person . While academic achievement is the most important criterion fo r the award, the Scholarship Committee looked at each candidate's grades, major, and curriculum within the context of w hat he has contributed to his fra terni ty, his campus, and his community. Members of the selection committee were Steve Sanders (Chairman), Brook Bollinger, Billy Jacobs, Warren Robb, Phillip Summers, and Chip Voomeveld. Congratulations to these outstanding young men. They represent the Fraternity's best students.

David Gallo Eta NuU PENN Finance and Accounting GPA: 4.0

"A solid education ... makes a person more interesting and well-rounded .. .,gives a person a deeper insight into life, .. .fzelps a person solve complex problems ... helps a person play a more active role in society .... [and] teaches a person to appreciate other cultures ... --language, arts, or beliefs."

David Jaffe Alpha Kappa -Michigan Marketing & Finanace GPA: 3.85

"Since day one, Alpha Kappa Chapter has had to convince our neighbors that we are different than the other Greek organizations in the area in order to remain in our new home. To do so, we have proven that we are a true fraternity--a brotherhood of scholars committed to academic excellence and communi service."

Jordan Holtzman Psi-Cornell Business Management GPA: 4.03 (4.3 Scale) High scholarship standards are the first goal of a Pi Kappa Phi because it is here that the foundation of success is laid. When a Pi Kapp cares about his studies, his leadership qualities fall into place because he is focused and determined to ach ieve. High scholarship standards.ensure that the members of Pi Kappa Phi realize their personal potential and bring out the best in chapters throughout the United States.

Douglas Tower Beta Lambda-Tampa Communication/TV/Film GPA: 3.86 "Scholarship is more than a medal or an 'A' on a paper. Scholarship is the headline over discipline, performance, and achievement. Pi Kappa Phi stresses scholarship to guarantee success,Julfilling college years, and a career ahead that is rewarding and secure."

Noel "Bo" Brantley Gamma Phi-South Alabama Chemical Engineering GPA: 3.88 "As leaders on many campuses around the country, the men of Pi Kappa Phi are routinely setting the standards by which excellence is judged. By achieving high scholarship standards, Pi Kappa Phi sets a goal that other fraternities and campus organizations continually strive to achieve .. Therefore the high scholarship standards favorably affect many students not affiliated with Pi Kappa Phi."

Jeffrey Borcherding Alpha Psi-Indiana Finance and Accounting GPA: 3.99 "At Alpha Psi we pride ourselves on the fact that we are a lender in the Greek community: we educate rather than haze, we are committed to our philanthropic and volunteer efforts, and we are a leader in risk management. Our standards of scholarship are the basis for these ideals and are a key determinant in our ability to achieve them."

Jared Genser Psi-Cornell Human Service Studies/ Policy Analysis GPA: 3.69 "My work has fueled a passion in me to alleviate the suffering of others and strive for social justice. I wish to focus my work in the area of education to try and address the root causes of these problems. High scholarship standards are important for our fraternity; however, they are also the key to the future success of this nation."

Michael Petrilli Alpha Kappa-Michigan Political Science, GPA: 3.95 "A good brother is a leader, a friend who cares, a server to others, and a Izard worker. These values are incorporated in excellent sclzolnrship,Jor it im>Olt>es initiative, dedication, and a transcendence from personal concerns to zmrldly pursuits. A scholar takes it upon himself to search for knowledge and understanding .... [T]he tme scholar strives to help others, for he seeks enlightenment to enable himself to lead his society to a higher plane. These are the values of all excelle11t scholar, and these are the mlues of Pi Kappa P/11." Spring/Summer 1994


Pi Kapps elected to high offices at their campuses Several Pi Kappa Phi undergraduates have been elected to executive offices on their respective campuses, proving once again that Pi Kappa Phi and leadership go hand in hand. Todd Chrzanowski has been elected as Student Body President of the University of orth Dakota. Chrzanowski,ini tia ted into Zeta Gamma Chapter in November of 1991 is a native of Greenbush, Minnesota and has served his chapter as IFC representative, Warden, and Secretary. "Being Student Body President of UND is probably the biggest challenge I have faced in my life ..., " says Brother Chrzanowski. "But whatever the challenge, I know that the leadership skills and friendships I have from Pi Kappa Phi will always be there." Jason Andrew SchalL an initiate of Alpha

Todd Chrzanowski, Univ. of North Dakota Student Body President


Star & Lamp

Heath Marcus Duke University Student Union President Chapter, has been elected Student Government Treasurer at the College of Charleston. As treasurer, he will serve on the allocations committee and decide how much money will be budgeted for sanctioned meetings. A native of Summerville, South Carolina, Brother Schall is a pre-med major. Heath Marcus, a rising senior at Duke University, has been selected as Student Union President. A former chapter Warden at Duke's Mu chapter, Brother Marcus is a native of Charles Town, West Virginia, and is an English major and a Navy ROTC midshipman. As president of the Union, Marcus will in charge of campus programming, including major speakers and attractions on campus. He is responsible for a budget of $370,000.

Chapters prove they are tops With spring came the annual rite of campus Greek Weeks and other awards, and again this year, Pi Kappa Phi had some very impressive victories. Epsilon Iota Chapter at the University of North Carolina- Greensboro continued one of their campus traditions with their eighth consecutive win in Greek Week festivities, reports Brother Cam Coley. Zeta chapter at Wofford College is developing a similar tradition with its third consecutive victory in Greek Week. Brother Charles Simpson, Chapter Secretary, also points out that this is their fourth Greek Week Victory in five years. Even associate chapters are getting in the act. The brand new Pi Kappa Phi associate chapter at Coastal Carolina has proven to the campus and to the world that Pi Kappa Phi is a force with which to be reckoned, having won their first Greek Week. Eta Gamma Chapter at the University of Colorado also won their campus Greek Week this year. In addition, they were intramural foot-ball champions. Delta Sigma Chapter at Bowling Green State University was recently awarded the Hollis A. Moore Community Service Award sponsored by Kappa Sigma Fraternity. This award is designed to recognize the outstanding fraternity chapter that has done extensive work to provide service for the campus and the surrounding communities. Several individuals have had honors bestowed upon them this spring. Doug Teany, a past Archon at Omega Chapter at Purdue, was recently selected the Greek Man of the Year at Purdue. Jeff Borcherding, Archon of Alpha Psi-Indiana, was selected as "Little 500 King." Borcherding is also a 1994 Pi Kapp Scholar.

UNC-G Celebrates their 8th Consecutive Greek Week Victory

PUSH America 7th Journey of Hope Hits the Road They're on the road again! The Journey of Hope, PUSH America's largest fund-raising and awareness event, kicked off its seventh year on Monday, June 14 in San Francisco, CA. Sixty undergraduate members of the Fraternitywill complete the 3,500 mile cross-country bicycle ride by August 12. After crossing the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the team rides together for a week, and then divides into two teams, riding northern and southern routes across the country. The teams will reunite just outside of Washington, D.C. on August 12 to ride the last miles together. Chad Perce and Will Taylor will lead this year's team along their journey. Perce, a graduate of the University of North Florida is project coordinator for the North Team while Taylor, a junior at Georgia State heads the South. Nations Bank is returning this year as presenting sponsor of the Journey of Hope. Saturn and Pontiac are supporting sponsors.

Give them a break at PUSH Camp This year's Spring Break took on a new meaning for 91 undergraduate members who took part in this year's PUSH Camp working hard to renovate and enhance camps serving children with disabilities. Camp Twin Lakes in Rutledge, GA hosted the firs t of three PUSH Camps. Participants worked together to construct an outdoor pavilion and tennis court facility, among other major construction projects. The second week of PUSH Camp took place at YMCA Camp Hanes in King, C. Constructing a lake front amphitheater was the focus of this week in which 22 undergraduates participated. Jackson Gap, AL, was the site of the final week of PUSH Camp '94, as 31 undergraduates came together at Camp ASCCA to complete the work started during last year's PUSH Camp. Their highlight project was an accessible boardwalk overlooking a waterfall leading to a deck. Dave Aucremann, PUSH America's Director of Programs said, "PUSH Camp continues to be one of the finest examples of our brotherhood in action."



takes great pride in the members of the 1994 Journey of Hope Team . In the personal journey which is Pi Kappa Phi, these men have learned fhat the true message of the Journey of Hope is not about themselves or about the efforts that have brought them to this juncture. They have learned that the Journey of Hope's true mission is the awareness raised for people with disabilities. They have learned the joy of shared experiences. They have learned how to learn from one another, as well as from those special individuals they have met along their path. They have learned that the more they give, tlze greater their personal satisfaction. Thetj have learned what it means to be strong enough to care. They have learned the true meaning of FRATERNITY.


Spring/Summer 1994


The following individuals who gave in 1993 to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation were erroneously omitted from the Foundation Annual Report published in the last edition of the Star & Lamp. We apologize for our error and ap preciate your support of the educational programming of our Fraternity. Gold Star Club Ed Corson,XiRoanoke

Iota-Georgia Tech Scott Swan Richard Stone Alan Droege Tom Weissinger

Thomas Bennett, Psi-Cornell Chevron Club T.J. Sullivan, Alpha Psi-Indiana Crossed Swords Club Paul Hoeker, Alpha Xi-Brooklyn Steve Johnson, Delta Alpha-VA Tech CptAndy Smith,Delta Betaorth Georgia Other Givers: Alpha-Charleston Ben Schill Rob Neal Beta-Presbyterian

Reggie Batson Tyler Binney Reece jackson Ed Kirkland Delta-Furman

jeffrey Browne Andrew Anastos Epsilon-Davidson

Richard Melchor Sigma-South Carolina Sean Flynn Kevin Carpenter jeremy Cameron Zeta-Wofford Mark Bundy Lawrence Williamson Karl Burgdorf Greg Gilbert Jake Alvarez

Les West Antonio Uanos

joseph Nocella john Gandy Norman Davis Herbert Timmerman

Tau· C State john Kovach Ian Chase Dwight Roberson Chad Oakley jere Pearsall Stuart White Sean McGraw WalterG!od jeffrey Spanbauer Edward Thomas

Vernon Hutchens Upsilon-Illinois

Emory Harris David Cargle Kappa-UNC-Chapel Hill David ovak Lee Burris john Redhead Gary Palmer

jongHam Ivan Brown jimKutill Donald Barshinger Eduardo Contreras Chi-Stetson jason Gelinas



Buck Stoll Brannon Huntz Paul Homer MarcWabich john Arnold jay Henry Bill King H orris johnMadary john Varnedoe Brad Ross

john Sleet Robert Viets Shawn Steinke Manish Gandhi Richard Suabedissen Ralph Ormsby jerry Fassnacht Gary McGraw David Beckwith john McDonald Gregory Klein

Mu-Duke Steve Dunn

Alpha Alpha-Mercer Ahmed Samaha Christopher Harper Bern Lindstrom


Mark Hunter Bryan Baker Alex Barbieri jon Crumley Thomas Sullivan

Alpha Gamma-Oklahoma Brian Link David Groom


Alpha Delta-Washington Ross Benthien EricEmme

Mark jones Charlie Boggs john Elsevier joseph Pumilia Mark Spear jack Hutto Robert Wilson Lloyd Burt Tim Russell Ashley Stewart Blair Temple Allan Viguerie Herbert Bowling Mark Hasenei Herbert Barr William Crowley David Adams

Alpha Epsilon-Florida Kurt Raulin jeff Alexander Michael Warwick Paul Bennett Thomas Digiorgio jeffrey Schnars Ivan Nalibotsky Paul Enrico Steve Duncan Bob Ferreira David Bender jeffrey Huehn

Xi-Roanoke Skip Esworthy DanOow Rho-Washington & Lee Colin Dodds

Alpha Zeta-Qregon State Robert Carne Lew Knerr Don Thomas Larry Gentry Stewart Stone Seth Van Eyk William Phelps Richard McCoy Donald Butzner Kenneth Hosler

Alpha Eta-Samford Dwayne Todd Donald Moore David Driskill josh Cooper Richard Hester Bobby Bowden Franklin Miles Alpha Theta-Michigan St. jerome Szpondowski Todd Ifkovits Alan Griffith Scott Bender Mathew Mulholland Brian Ellis joseph Edell john Moglia Andrew Georgelos Alpha Iota-Auburn

Ken Laurendine john Joyner Stewart Folmar Elton Bailey David Scott William Grubb Chad Tyson Arthur Cullen Alpha Kappa Mark Zacharek David Garcia Barry Stem Mark Singer Patrick Walsh Carl Walker Erik Seiffert Alpha Mu-Penn State Kevin Gil vary Martin Gilvary Daniel Dwyer Donald jacoby ElburPumell Gerald Althouse Eldridge Camp William McCarthy Gene Bruss Bob Abraham David Ezra

Alpha Tau-Rensse laer

Beta Xi-Centra l Mi chisan

Roger Horton Edward Cristancho Andrew Nicholas Dennis Gormley Dave Rubenstein Pete Tartikoff Chris )eilkins Flip Norton Derek Henderson john Dwyer


Delta Tau Michael Sweeney Alpha Upsilon joseph Rogliano Arturo Coffen joseph DeLuca David oyes David Waltman john Hunter Daniel Romanchuk

Alpha Psi-Indiana Rob Saffrin james Crews Richard Hall Tony Cochren Andrew Conner Scott Louderback Michael Barclay Timothy Monger Mike Baccash David Bosomworth Paul Fuggiti Michael Vandrey Kyle Williams john Spry Ron Campbell ichol.as Foote Mike Kahn Beta Alpha- !IT Ronaldo Guillen juan Padilla Beta Delta Drake Paul Guten jason Matthiesen Chris Wegner Beta Epsilon-Missouri

Todd Steele Tony Balsamo Tony Zamberlan Brian Eiserman

Kurt Bolland Matthew Schrom Alpha Sigma-Tennessee

Beta Chi-East Texas St Stephen Marx Gamma A lpha-livings ton



Gamma Beta-Old Dominion

C.). Salzano Gamma Gamma-Troy S tate

Alpha Omi cron -Iowa

Alpha Rh0=West Virsinia

Beta Ph i ~East Carolina Ryan Couture M.asters Wherren

Alpha Upsilon-Drexel


Gib Stanek Mark Manuel jeff Smith David Schwake Marc Bartel Rob Peterson Dan Lowman


Beta Tau-Valdosta St Kyle Morris Jayson Diaz HampAdams

Beta Eta-Florida State Carl johnson john Goolsby Mike Loy jeff Butler Justo Ulloa Andy Mohney Kenneth Rouse Thomas McCall

WalterZahnd Beta Kappa-Georgia State Donovan Panone

Beta Mu-Mc eese St Troy Rizzuto

john Lamkin Shane jolley Rich Greene Keith Kaetzel Rick Couch Chris Schmidt Tracy Gass Carl elson Gamma Delta-Memphis St

Jimmy Wallin David Edwards Wayne McMeen Gamma Epsilon-Western Carolina

Ricky Henderson Mark Dellinger Blade Thomason Mik Uhrie Gamma Theta--Wi lmington

Christopher Bucci Gamma Kappa-GA Southern

Timothy Adams Gamma Lambda Scott Rutenkroger jeffrey Hylton Scott Ragsdale Eric Decker Gamma Lambda-MO Rolla Zak Dolan Gamma Mu-Belmont Abbey Bo Green Dennis Leahy Gamma Nu-LaGranse Allen Stewart

H. Williams jeff Esola Stuart Terrell Robert Brunei Gamma Xi-GA Southwestern

jeffrey Davis Dan Foust Gamma Rho· Lander Marion Thomas


Star & Lamp

Gamma Phi-South Alabama Lawrence Davis Ted Buxton David LaRosa

Epsilon Delta-Auburn-

Epsilon Psi-Sli ppery Rock


Ronald Keyser Harry Phillips

Kevin Hartford Epsilon Epsilon Travis Sturgill

EosiJon Omega-Texas

Itt!! Gamma Psi·Augus ta Travis Martin

Deryl White

Eps ilon Epsilon-

Clinch Valley Steven Baker Mark Sturgill

Gamma Omega·

Montevallo )aye Hoffman Billy Higgs Delta Alpha-Virsinia Tech

Timothy Beale Timothy Aberg Chris Middleton Eugene Edwards Mike Hirth Delta Beta-North Georgia john Dodd Delta Delta-NE Missouri St james Palmer j sh Wansing Steve Lauer Delta Epsilon-Jacksonville

Slill Denny Jowers Marc Woodward Mark Upton Delta Zeta-Appalachian John Ballord Anthony Small Donald Faris Delta Lambda-UNC~

Reed Branham William Mumford Dave Schantz Quincy Magby Rodney Murray Delta Tau-lames Madison

Sean Tobin Brian Dean Ken Kiser ick Curran Delta Upsi lon-Pitts burgh

Ryan Fischer Delta Phi-Radford David Coon GeorgeSava Scott Tanner jay Kenslow Franklin Smith Delta Chi-Kansas State David Weixelman RobertOhmes Broc Yakel Delta Psi-Texa s-Arl ington

Newman Huh Robert O'Reilly Francisco Medrano

Delta Omega-Texas A&M Tom Sullivan Andy Paparella

Epsilon Eta-Winthrop Jamie Tarlton Epsilon Theta-Seton Hall Chris Gardinier

Keith Blackmon james Wedding Peter Dudley Zeta Alpha-Clemson Dan Dantzler joel Belsito Mark Moehring Jim Davidson Michael Edwards

Epsilon Kappa-South'n


Zeta Phi-Colorado State


Bill Leraas Mark Adams

David Peck

junior Foster Ralph Kern Charles Kelley Kim Ray Epsilon Lambda-USCSpartanburg john Harris Todd Nelmes Epsilon Mu-Bradley Thomas Muzik Trevor Graham

Bloomsburg Brian Kutsmeda

Zeta Delta-Shippensburg jeff Hiltner Scott Paxton Zeta Epsilon-George Maso n

David Wagner Robert Driscoll Albert Gurnabay Zeta Zeta- North Florida

Zeta OmegaTowson State

Kyle Kehoe Andrew Pitsicalis Barry Voshell Kevin Yates Dan Collins Eta Alpha-Concord ~ Paul Cantrell Phillgo

john Powers EpsUon Nu-Sacramento

Slill Brian Pellowski Michael Royer

Zeta Theta-Texas Randy Zamora jimmy Salazar Eddie Guerra

Epsilon Omicron-

Villanova Bill Jordon jason judge Bill Roberti Brian Steenburgh ~ VA Commonwealth

Ken Baisden Mike Valentine Charles Williams Aaron Perlut David Perkins Mike Valentine Epsilon Rho-Lenoir

Rhyne Mark Dellinger Todd Elrod Derrick Styles Epsilon Sigma-Christian

!!!l!lhm Ricky Greene Pat Gildea David Thomas Epsilon Tau-St. Joseph's

David Ventresca Charles Walter Steven Suznovich

Richard Bevilacqua Epsilon Upsilon-

Zeta Iota-Indiana at Penn joe Weible Scott Cesare Brook McGinnis Wil Forrest Roy Arnold

Epsilon Phi-AiabomaBirmingham David Kessler

Eta Beta-Indiana State Michael Maisonneuve Eta Gamma-Colorado-

l!.lu!.!ll.u Kenneth Baumann Erik lsernhagen

Eta Epsilon-Marvland james Rzepkowski Eta Zeta-Oueens Collese

Dave Scott Zeta Kappa-Stockton State Chris Cincotta Steven Meincke Zeta Lambda-Cal. St. Chico Jeffrey Becker Zeta Mu-Cal. orthridge Stefan Wilcox Russell Collins William Haynes Gavin Zimmer Zeta Nu-West Chester Michael Parson Ralph Marotta john Twohig joe Rizzuto Zeta Omicron-SUNY Cortland Scott Radeker Stan Bertschuk Shaun Parker Anthony Riccardella Gerald Ryan Sean Oaus Marc Saggese


Rob Finger Rod Williams Charlie Martin Andrew Hodson

Zeta Upsilon-

Zeta Gamma-North

Georgia College Todd Worley


Zeta Tau-Barton

Morgan Daughety Tim Hewlett

Zeta Beta-Cal. San Diego john Cannon Andy Simons Gabe Mendoza

Epsilon Alpha-Elon

Epsilon Gamma-

Zeta Sigma-Cal. Davis john Nussbaum Stan Capito Drew Grasham Adam Heher Matt Hiatt

Epsilon lotaUNC-Greensboro TravisGetz Steve Snyder Philip Henderson

Alan Brevard

Greg Allender

Zeta RhoCal. St. Fullerton john Deacy Stephane Boulanger Darren Puckett Scott Tobin Tony Fisher

Zeta Pi-Maahall Paul Carter Zeta Xi-A verett Paul Lewis Robert Gordon

Eta Eta-UC Irvine Steve Roussey Frank Lee Eta Theta-San Francisco

Brian Hook Dane Riley Eta Lambda-SUNY ~ Marc Shamus Dan Mack Keith LoPresto Universitv of Kansas

Brian Rock Rowena Sewell Richard johnson james Larrick Gamma Zeta-WV Tech

I gave at the

office ... Now, you can give at the office through your Work Place United Way Campaign. Many of you are aware that the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation can benefit from Corporate Matching Gifts, but you may not be aware that you may be able to give to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation as a part of your work place United Way Campaign. Most United Ways have implemented donor choice programs that allow workers to direct their payroll deductions to non-United Way charities. More and more large employers are running their own work place campaigns and allowing complete donor choice in the designation of gifts. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) charity and is fully qualified by the IRS to receive your tax deductible contribution.


Spring/ Summer 1994





President-Or. Phillip M. Summers (Alpha Psi-Indiana) Office of the President Vincennes University 1002 N. First Street Vincennes, IN 47591

Alumni Relations-Frank Havard 2104 Pine Needle Drive W Mobile, AL 36609-2721

Chief Executive Officer-Durward W. Owen CEO Designate-Mark E. Tim mes Assistant Executive Director-Mark E. Perrin Director of Business Affairs -Emerson Linney Director of Communications -Frank Wrenn Director of Expansion-James Benson Senior Leadership Consultant- David Adams Leadership Consultants- Mike Loy, Evan Erickson, Ross Knoblauch Support Staff-Office Manager Joanne Stroshine, Director of Finance Nancy Perdue, Executive Secretary Linda Littlejohn , Membership/Records Director Cindy Howell , Computer Operations Specialist Sandy Davis, Chapter Supplies Director Lu e Casto, Editorial Assistant Debby Haynes, and Administrative Assistant Betsie Fehr. P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 704-523-6000 FAX: 704-521 -8962

Vice President-Jerry T. Brewer (Sigma-South Carolina) Director of Student Life USC-Russell House, Ste. 109 Columbia, SC 29208 Treasurer -Nathan Hightower (Omicron -Alabama) P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 33517 Secretary-Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. (Omicron-Alabama) 985 Valley View Road Indian Springs, AL 35124 Chaplain-J . Patrick Figley, D.Min. (Chi-Stetson) Peninsular Counseling Center 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609 Chancellor-David Lane (Omega-Purdue) Venable, Baetjer and Howard Suite 400 2010 Corporate Ridge Drive Mclean, VA 22101

Education -Glenn Dickson 320 Southwind Ct #109 North Palm Beach , FL 33408 Investment-Julius Burges 17 Wappoo Creek Drive Charleston, SC 29412 Nomination-Stephen DePalma Schoor, DePalma, and Canger Group,Inc 200 Route 9, P.O. Box 1149 Manalapan , NJ 07726 Ritual & Insignia-David H. Vawter 7329 Hounslow Lane Charlotte, NC 28213 Scholarship Committee-Steve Sanders Kirkwood Hall104 Bloomington, IN 47405


IV Member-at-Large-Jim Krucher (Beta Alpha-NJIT) 3 Burgh Avenue Clifton, NJ 07011

v VI

The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation provides a free guide on Estate Planning. It covers questions on subjects about which you need to know, such as living wills, durable power of attorney, and letters of instruction. For your free brochure, call Ted Scharfenstein at (508)546-2214 or write the Administrative Office at P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224


Star & Lamp


Kevin Corcoran 195 Berkshire Road Hasbrouck Hts, NJ 07604 Kevin K. Murphy 128 Cross Key Road Bernville, PA 19506-8806 Allen 0. Woody 6416 Orchard View Ln. Roanoke, VA 24018 Dr. Arthur J. Quickenton 390 Meadowview Dr. Boone, NC 28607 Chuck Watson P.O. Drawer 799 Greenwood, SC 29648 Ronald J. deValinger 910 Fifth Ave . Albany, GA 31701 J. Jeffry Wahlen 330 Milestone Dr. Tallahassee, FL 32302 Ralph S. Foster 210 Mell Hall Auburn Univ, AL 36849-5607 Jeffrey Luebker 5825 N. Winthrop Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220-263 John R. Andrews 554 Ottawa, St. Paul , MN 55107 Billy L. Jacobs 4335 Vine Ridge Ct. Arlington, TX 76017 Dr. Frank M. Parrish 7742 S. Harrison Circle Littleton , CO 80122 Robert E. Langbein 5581 Spa Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Dr. A. J. Strickland ,lll , Chairman 1 Old Northriver Point Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 Executive Vice President of Foundation Ted Scharfenstein 289 South Street Rockport, MA 01966 Pi Kappa Phi Properties Ernest Johnson , Chairman JMB Properties Co. 1999 Avenue of the Stars Suite 2900 Los Angeles, CA 90067-6086 Executive Vice President of Properties Tracy Maddux P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224

PUSH America Regina Moody, Chairman Holy Angels, Inc 427 East Wilkinson Blvd. Belmont, NC 28012 PUSH America Staff Executive Director -Kenneth N. Kaiser Director of Development -Sally Schafer Director of Programs -Dave Aucremann Special Events Director-Chris Orr Dir. of Chapter Services- Eric Schmidhausler Office Manager-Thea Polito Administrative Assistant-Terry Smith P.O. Box 241368 Charlotte, NC 28224 704-522-7874 (PUSH) FAX: 704-521-8962

Alabama Albright Alabama-Binmingham Appalachian State Auburn Auburn-Montgomery Averett Barton College Belmont Abbey Bloomsburg Bowling Green State Bradley California-Berkeley California-Davis Californ ia-Irvine California-San Diego Cal. State-Chico Cal. State-Fullerton Cal. State Northridge Central Michigan College of Charleston Christian Brothers Christopher Newport Clemson Clinch Valley Colorado - Boulder Concord Cornell Drake Drexel Duke East Carolina East Texas State Florida Florida Southern Florida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia State Georgia Tech Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Indiana at Penn Indiana State Iowa State IUPUI Jacksonville State James Madison Kansas State Kennesaw State LaGrange Lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Livingston Longwood Louisiana State U. Louisville Marshall Maryland McNeese State Mercer Michigan Michigan State

Missouri Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Nebraska-Lincoln NJIT North Carolina UNC-Charfotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Wilmington North Carolina State North Dakota North Florida Northeast Missouri State North Georgia Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Univ. of Pennsylvania Penn State Pittsburgh Presbyterian Purdue Queens College Radford Ren! selaer Roanoke San Francisco St. Joseph's Samford Seton Hall Shippensburg Slippery Rock

Omicron P.O. Box 6089, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 Zela Chi Box (A.C. Box) 74, Reading, PA 196 12-5234 Box 40, Univ. Center, Binmingham, AL 35294 Epsilon Phi Delta Zeta ASU Box 8991, Boone, NC 28607 Alpha Iota 861 Lem Morrison Dr., Auburn, AL 36830 Epsilon Delta P.O. Box 241332, Montgomery, AL 36124-1 332 Zeta Xi P.O. Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 Zeta Tau 1214 W. Gold St., Wilson, NC 27893 Box 152, SAC, Belmont, NC 28012 Gamma Mu Zeta Upsilon Box 52, BU, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 R-3 Old Fraternity Row, Bowling Green, OH 43403 Delta Sigma Epsilon Mu 1530 W. Bradley Ave., Peoria, IL 61606 Gamma 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 101 Russell Blvd ., Apt. 14, Davis, CA 95616 Zeta Sigma P.O. Box 4741 , Irvine, CA 92716 Eta Eta Zeta Beta P.O. Box 948555, LaJolla, CA 92037-9405 Zeta Lambda 811 Rio Chico Way, Chico, CA 95928 Zeta Rho Univ. Activities Center-74 , Fullerton, CA 92634 Zeta Mu 17835 Parthenia St., Northridge, CA 91325 Box 70, Warriner Haii-CMU, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 Beta Xi Alpha Box 1493, Stern Student Center, SC 29424 Epsilon Sigma 650 E. ParkwayS., Memphis, TN 38104 Eta Iota 12366 Warwtd< Blvd, Apt 44, Newport News, VA 23606 P.O. Box 2188, Clemson, SC 29632 Zeta Alpha Epsilon Epsilon CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 Eta Gamma 855 Broadway, Boulder CO 80302 Eta Alpha C-49, Concord College, Athens, WV 24712 Psi 55 Ridgewood Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 Beta Delta 1238 34th St. , Apt. 106, Des Moines, lA 5031 1 Alpha Upsilon 3409 Palton Ave., #7, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Mu P.O . Box 97675, Durham, NC 27708-7675 Beta Phi 803 Hooker Rd., Greenville, NC 27834 Beta Chi Box W, ET Station, Commerce, TX 75429 Alpha Epsilon 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 Beta Beta Box 15215, c/o FSC, Lakeland, FL 33802 Beta Eta 423 W. College Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301 Delta FU-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 296 13 Zeta Epsilon 4400 University Dr., SUB 1, Box 122, Fairfax, VA 22030 Lambda 930 S. Molledge Ave., Athens, GA 30605 Epsilon Upsilon CPO 2424, Box 1000, Milledgeville, GA 31061 Gamma Kappa LB # 12343, GSC, Statesboro, GA 30460 Gamma Xi 321 Bartow St., Americus, GA 31709 Beta Kappa Box 1848 Un1v. Cntr. , Atlanta, GA 30303 G.T. Statoon 32715, Atlanta, GA 30332 Iota Upsolon 306 E. Gregory Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 3333 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 60616 Alpha Phi Alpha Psi 1415 N. Jordan Ave. , Bloomington, IN 47406 Zeta Iota 946 Church St. , Indiana, PA 15701 P.O. Box 1532, Terre Haute, IN 47808-1532 Eta Beta Alpha Omicron 407 Welch Ave., Ames, lA 50010 Zeta Psi c/o Jeff Muncy, 5311 S. Unwood,lnd"mapolis,IN 46140 Delta Epsilon P.O. Box 602-JSU, Jacksonville, AL 36265 P.O. Box 7187, JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Delta Tau Delta Chi 1614 Fairchold, Manhattan, KS, 66502 Eta Delta Stud. Dev., P.O. Box 444 , Marietta, GA 30061 Gamma Nu Box 11 70 ,601 Broad St., LaGrange, GA 30240 Gamma Rho Box 6191 , Lander Univ., Greenwood, SC 29646 LU-Box 692, Philadelphia, PA 19141 -5150 Epsilon Xi Epsilon Rho LAC-Box 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 Gamma Alpha P.O. Box M, Livingston, AL 35470 Epsilon Gamma Box 3006-Longwood Col., Fanmville, VA 23901 P 0 Box 25088, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Gamma Iota Beta Gamma 2106 Confederate Place, Louisville, KY 40208 1434 5th Ave, Huntongton, WV 25701 Zeta P1 #8 Fraternity Row, College Park, MD 20740 Eta Epsilon Beta Mu P.O. Box 92229-MSU, Lake Charles, LA 70609 Alpha Alpha MU-Box 11 2, Macon, GA 31207 903 Lincoln, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 Alpha Kappa Alpha Theta 131 Bogue St., E. Lansing, Ml 48823 500 E. Rollins St., Columbia, MO 65201-5143 Beta Epsilon Gamma Lambda 1704 Pme St., Rolla, MO 65401 Gamma Omega Drawer AY, UM ,Montevallo, AL 35115 Nu 425 University Terr., Lincoln, NE 88508-0563 Beta Alpha 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 Kappa 216 Finley Golf Course Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Delta Lambda Cone Univ. Ctr., UNCC, Charlotte, NC 28223 P.O. Box E003 EUC UNCG, Greensboro, NC 27413 Epsilon Iota Gamma Theta Unov. Center, Am. 202, Wilmongton, NC 28407 Tau 2401 W. Fraternity Ct., Raleogh , NC 27606 407 Cambndge St. , Grand Forks, ND 58203 Zeta Gamma Zeta Zeta 4567 St. Johns Bluff Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32224 P.O. Box 562., Kirksville, MO 63501 Delta Delta Delta Beta Box 5165-NGC, Dahlonega, GA 30597 Alpha Gamma 1714 S. Chautaugua, Nonman, OK 73072 Gamma Upsilon 1415 West Third, Stillwater, OK 74074 ODU Std. Act Ole. PKP, Webb Ctr, Norfolk, VA 23509 Gamma Beta Alpha Zeta 2111 Hamson NW, Corvallis, OR 97330 Eta Nu P.O. Box 248, NRW, Pholadelphoa, PA 19104 Alpha Mu 409 E. Faorrnont Ave., State College, PA 18801 Delta Upsilon Box 7126, Un1v. of Pott, Pottsburgh, PA 15213 PC-Box 1069, Clinton, SC 29325 Beta Omega 330 N. Grant St., W. Lafayette, IN 47906 Eta Zeta Box 813, Queens College, Charlotte, NC 28274 11 04-A Downey Street, Radford, VA 24141 Delta Phi Alpha Tau 49 Second St. , Troy, NY 12180 Xi Box 1761 , Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153 Eta Theta Assa: S"deris 011. UC4tl1.1gia!xri Hgh!s. San Fllii"CISOO 94tt7 Epsilon Tau SJU, 5600 Crty Ave. Box 230, Phila., PA 19131 Alpha Eta SU Box 2474 , Bonmongham, AL 35229 Epsolon Theta 46 Fleet St., Jersey Coty, NJ 07306 114 N. Queen St. , Shippensburg, PA 17257 Zeta Delta Epsolon Psi Am. 221-C, Univ. Unoon, Slippery Rock, PA 16057

South Alabama South Carolina USC-Spartanburg Southern Tech Stockton State SUNY --Albany SUNY--Brockport SUNY --Cortland SUNY--Plattsburgh Tampa Tennessee Texas P.&M Texas-Arlington Texas Tech Toledo Towson State Troy State Valdosta State Villanova Virginia Virginia Commonwealth Virginia Tech Washington Washongton & Lee Western Carolina West Chester West Virginia Tech West Virginia Wingate Wonthrop Wofford

P.O. Box U-1208, USA, Mobole, AL 38688 Gamma Phi Sigma USC-Box 85128, Columbia, SC 29225 Epsilon Lambda 800 University Way, Spartanburg, SC 29303 Epsilon Kappa 1100 S. Marietta Pkwy., Manetta, GA 30060 G-Wong-SSC, Pomona, NJ 08240 Zeta Kappa Eta Xi P.O. Box 22102, Aloany, NY 12222 Std Act Dfc Am 203, Seymour ClgUn, Brod<poft, NY 14420 Eta Lambda Zeta Omicron P.O. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 Eta Kappa College Center, P1Kappa Phi,Piattsburgh NY 12901 Beta Lambda UT Box 2771 , 401 W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33606 Alpha Sigma P.O. Box 8829, Knoxville, TN 37996-0002 Delta Omega P.O Box 5201 , College Station, TX 77844 Delta Psi UT-Arfmgton, 705 S. Summ1t, Arfmgton, TX 76013 Epsilon Omega P.O. Box 4678, Lubbock, TX 79409-4678 Beta Iota 2999 W. Bancroft, A-2, Toledo, OH 43606-3390 Zeta Omega TSU, Box 1971 , Towson, MD 21204 Gamma Gamma TSU ,P.O. Box 1738, Troy, AL 36082 Beta Tau VSC-Box 7136, Valdosta, GA 31698 Epsilon Omicron 215 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 19085 Beta Upsilon 510 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22903 Epsolon Pi Stud.Cmmns, VCU Box 145, RIChmond, VA 23220 Delta Alpha 1101 Redbud Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24060 Alpha Delta 4530 17th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105 Rho W&L P.O. Box 903, Lex•ngton, VA 24450 Gamma Epsilon P.O. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 Zeta Nu Am 109, Sykes Hall, West Chester PA 19383 641 Fayette Poke, Montgomery, WV 25136 Gamma Zeta Alpha Rho 571 Spruce St., Morgantown, WV 26505 Eta Mu Box 1648 Wingate College, Wmgate C 28174 Epsolon Eta P.O. Box 5030-WCS, Rock Holl, SC 29733 Zeta P1 Kappa Ph1, Wofford College. Spartanburg. SC 29303

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Johnson and Wales Maryland at Baltimore Memphis State (r6) Morehead State (611) Sacramento St. (EN) San Francisco State Southwest Texas St. Wright State (t.n) Coastal Carolina

8 Abbott Park Pl., Providence, AI 02903 UMBC Chomptank 631 , Baltimore MD 21228 3841 Spottswood Ave ., Memphos, TN 38111 Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 2348 Villanova Cr #1 , Sacramento, CA 95825 1600 Holloway, San Francisco, CA 94132 109 Fenway Loop, #104 ,San Marcos, TX 78886 WSU 020 Unoversoty Center, Dayton, OH 45435 P.O. Box 2014 Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

ALUMNI CHAPTERS AND ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Guff Coast Alumni Chapter- Bill Ishee Alpha Delta Alumni Assoc. - Derrick Roger Alpha Epsolon Club - Steven Stanford Alpha Eta Alumni Assoc. - Lamar Lackey Alpha Iota Alumni Assoc. - Daryl Griswold Alpha Mu Alumni Chapter- Kevin Murphy Alpha Omicron Alumni Assoc. - Kelley Bergstrom Alpha Rho Alumni Assoc. - Patnck Farley Alpha Phi Alumni Chapter- Greg Pleskun Alpha Tau Alumni Chapter - Moke Desmariaos Alpha Theta Alcmni Assoc. -Matthew Shaheen Alpha Upsilon Alumni Assoc. -Fred Schmehl Alpha Zeta Alumni Assoc. - Ted Langton Alumni Corp. of A~ha Chpt. of nK<I> -Greg Padgett Amencus Alumni Corp. - Ron Chaffin Austin Alumni Chapter- Paul Drake Beta Alumni Assoc. - T1m Foster Beta Epsilon Alumni Assoc. - Shanan Parker Beta Eta Alumni Chapter- Kevin Vaughn Beta Mu Alumni Assoc. -Mitchell Adrian Beta Phi Alumni Chapter- Scott Smith Beta Tau Club- Darrell Moore Beta Upsolon Alumni Chapter - Leroy Hamlet Central Alabama Alumni Assoc. - J1m Beal Chi Alumni Association - Gary Meadows Dalas/Ft. Worth Alcmni Assoc.- Steven Kosta Delta Beta Alumni Assoc. -Bill Tew Delta Chi Alumni Assoc. - Brent Grauberger Delta Delta Alumni Assoc.- Bob Collins Delta Epsolon Alumn i Assoc. - Erv Sherer Delta Lambda Alumni Assoc. - Louis Herford Delta Omega Alumni Assoc. - Alan Brevard Delta Omicron Alumni Chapter- Kirk Defelice Des Moines/B~ Alumni Chapter - John S. Kirk Epsolon Epsilon Alumni Chapter- Robert Womer Epsilon Eta Alumni Assoc. - Thomas Sacco Epsolon Iota Alumni Chapter- Brian Stark Epsilon Kappa Alumni Assoc.- Paul Raniere Epsolon Mu Alumni Chapter- Tom Sumner Epsilon Omega Alurm Chapter - Boyd Goodoe Epsilon Omicron Alumni Assoc.- Patnck Brala Epsilon Psi Alumni Chapter- Lee Schultz Epsilon Sogma Alumni Assoc.- Chns Molls

Epsolon Theta A1Lrnn1Asst:x. - Thomas Mulgan Gamma Alpha Alumn i Assoc. -Joe Alexander Gamma Beta Alumni Assoc. - DaVId Simas Gamma Epsilon Alumni Assoc. - Mi e Reece Gamma Gamma Alumn i Assoc. - Edward Craog Gamma Housong Corp. - Steven Crase Gamma Kappa Alumni Assoc.- Glenn Aspmwall Gamma Lambda Alumni Assoc. - DaVId Soerns Gamma Ph1 Club, Inc. - RIChard Rose Gamma Psi Alumni Assoc. - Tony Perrotto Gamma Xi Alumn i Chapter - Ed Shaltles Greater Atlanta Alumni Assoc.- Mark Chnstopher Greater Toledo Alumni Chapter - Greg Lardinaos Greenwood Alumni Assoc. - Chuck Watson, Jr Iota Alumni Assoc. - Fred Massey lndoanapolis Alumni Assoc. - Greg Under Ithaca Area Alumni Assoc. -Peter Trozze Kappa Alumn i Chapter - Ed Pulliam La Grange Alumn i Association - RIChand Jolly Lambda Loop- Frank Lane Louisville Area Alumno Assoc. -Larry Hayse Memphis Area Alumni Assoc. - DaVId Everson Metroplex Alumni Chapter- Mark Fehmer Moddle Georgia Alumni Chapter - Lee Langley Montgomery Area Alumni Chapter- Marco Gogho Mountameer Alumni Assooatoo of SL - DaVId Mcxgan Mu Alumni Assocoation - Bill Fuqua Nebraska Alumni Chapter- Randy Lorenzen North Jersey Alumni Assoc. - Roch Nass Omega Housing Corp. of nK<I>- Moke Tyrell Omicron Alumni Chapter - Harry Caldwell, Jr. Rho Alumni Chapter - Dutch Waldlauer Sigma Alumni Assoc.- MIChael Lowman Tau Alumni ASSOC1abon - Bob Lamphoer Upsolon Alumni Chapter- Rene VanDerfleyden Xi Alum"' Assoc. - Mark Edgell Zeta Alpha Alumni Assoc. - Scott Gaspanri Zeta Epsolon Alumn i Assoc. - MIChael Socha Zeta Iota AlumnoAssoc.- Lome LaiPorte Zeta Omega Alumni Chapter - Kyle Kehoe Zeta OmiCron Altrnni Assoc. - Bnan Soegel Zeta Rho Alumni Assoc. - Ryder Evans Zeta Sigma Alumno Chapter - Matt Hoatl Zeta Zeta Alumni Assoc.- Robert Talley

If you would like more Information on contacting any of these alumnlusoclations, please call the Administrative Office at 704/523-1i000.

Spring/ Summer 1994


Register Now! Official Registration Form is on the back cover! Join fellow alumni and their wives as Pi Kappa Phi celebrates 90 years of brotherhood at the 44th Supreme Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi! Put it on Your Calendar! Mark your calendars now to attend the 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta. On August 13-17, 1994, Pi Kappa Phi will be celebrating our brotherhood at the Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead. Our national convention occurs only every other year, and this Supreme Chapter promises to be the best.

Durward Owen's Last Hoorah This Supreme Chapter will also be Durward Owen's last as Chief Executive Officer of Pi Kappa Phi. Join us in Atlanta to honor the man who has directed this fraternity since 1959-longer than any other Executive Director now in the Greek world! A special dinner will be held in Durward's honor on Saturday evening. Call Ted Scharfenstein for information on the Owen Retirement Dinner at (508) 546-2214.

See the Braves Join your brothers in enjoyingAmerica'sfavorite pastirneataPiKappspecialnightout with the Atlanta Braves.


Star & Lamp

9:00a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:30p.m. 7:30p.m.

Saturday , August 13 Golf Tournament Registration Contributors Reception Owen Retirement Dinner and Roast Sunday, August 14

6:30a.m. 7:30a.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:00p.m.

4:30p.m. 7:30p.m. 10:30 p.m.

8:30a.m. 9:30a.m. 10:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 4:30p.m. 7:00p.m .

8:00a.m. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 5:00p.m. 6:00p.m. 9:00p.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

5-K Race Past Staff Breakfast Committee Meetings First Session of Supreme Chapter "High Tea" for Spouses Journey of Hope Arrival Supreme Banquet Ritual of Initiation Spouses Program Monday, August 15 Founders Breakfast (Alumni only) Spouses Program Committee Meetings Second Session of Supreme Chapter Chapter Archon's Reception Trip to Stone Mountain N u Phi Banquet u Phi Spouses Tuesday, August 16 Committee Meetings Third Session of Supreme Chapter Spouses Program Committee Meetings Fourth Session of Supreme Chapter President's Circle Reception Atlanta Braves Baseball Wednesday, August 17 Committee Meetings Fifth Session of Supreme Chapter Concluding Luncheon

Spouses Program Spouses and guest have their own program featuring a high tea at the Ri tz-Carlton, and tours of CNN studios, the Coca-Cola Museum, th e Governor's mansion and historic Buckhead. There will also be a children's program and babysitters will be avai lab le through the concierge.

Golf Anyone? Join your brothers for the famous Pi Kappa Phi golf tournament on Sa turday morning. For more information, call 704-523-6000.

Make Reservations Time is running out. Call the Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead, now at 1-800-241-3333. Tell the hotelthat you are with the Pi Kappa Phi Supreme Chapter in order to get our rate!

Special Delta Fares! Delta Air Lines is offering special discounted fares for Supreme Chapter! To take advantage of Delta's special discounted fares, follow these steps: 1. Call 1-800-241-6760 from 8:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Eastern Time. 2. Refer to File Number: V0014 Applicable restrictions must be met. Seats are limited.

A message from Dr. Phillip M . Summers, National President of Pi Kappa Phi.


Pi Kapps Are Great! I received a letter in May from Frank Wrenn, Director of Communications for Pi Kappa Phi. He wrote me to ask that I prepare m y "last" article for the Star & Lamp. He stated tha t it would be the last publication before the Supreme Chapter, so he suggested a "farewell" column. As in the past, I try to respond to Brother Frank and other directions or requests from our ational Office staff. Frank Wrenn has developed an outstanding format for the Star & Lamp, and I have tried to meet the deadlines so he can continue to "be great" and the Star & Lamp will "be great." How do you say "good-bye" or "farewell?" I can r member years ago saying "good-bye" at Pi Kapp College to new friends, as we left to return to our campuses. I remember saying "goodbye" to graduating seniors from my fraternity chapter who had been important leaders and brothers. I can remember saying "good-bye" as I, too, finished m y degree and began my career. "Good-byes" are always bittersweet, as we step from one responsibility to another, but the good times we had were great! As I cross that threshold from being Pi Kappa Phi National President to being Pas t President, I want to express my gratitude to a number of important people whom I will always remember. Those include: 1. Patty Summers, w ho accep ted m y Pi Kappa Phi fraternity pin in February, 1960, and has been my "Rose of Pi Kappa Phi" for 33 years. What a great lady! 2. Durward Owen, whom I met 35 years ago at the first Pi Kapp College. Durward generously invited me to sp eak at the 25th anniversary celebration of Pi Kapp College, which opened the door for m e to become active a t the n ational level in our fraternity. What a great man! 3. ational Council members, with whom I have h ad the pleasure of serving for almost a decade. The are some of the bes t Pi Kapp brothers in our fraternity. They are leaders, dedicated men, and visionaries. What a great honor! 4. Chapters tha t I have had the privilege of servin g as installing officer when they received their

charter. The enthusiasm of those "founding fathers" renewed my spirit and faith in Pi Kappa Phi and helped me feel again that excitement of brotherhood and achievement. What a great experience! 5. Alpha Psi Chapter Brothers (where I was initiated in 1958), who have brought me outstanding friendships. The recolonization in 1985 has renewed my faith in student leadership because those Pi Kapp said they would be the best and they have earned the respect of IU Greeks and the university admini tration. Today, IU Pi Kapps are outstanding in campus leadership, scholarship, and service. What great brothers! 6. Area Governors, Chapter Advisors, Alumni, PUSH Board members, Properties Board members, Foundation Board members, Educational Consultants, Office Staff, Mark Timmes, Undergraduates, Spouses who support Pi Kapps, and all the interfraternity Greeks whom I have had the privilege to meet. That's a big list, but I thank everyone for helping make Pi Kappa Phi one of the best fraternities in the Greek world and for giving me the opportunity to have a part in the history of our fraternity as ational President. What great memories! As John the Baptist said about his role in the history of the Christian faith, "There is a greater one yet to come!" I believe that. Brother Jerry Brewer, nominated as the next president, will be a great ational President, and he will lead Pi Kappa Phi to greater heights and greater achievements. As I say "farewell," I hope you will remember the Pi Kapp who had the privilege at many great fraternity events of saying, "What are we going to do?! Sing!" Of all the great Pi Kapp songs, my favorite i the "Brotherhood Song." Pi Kappa Phi, Pi Kappa Phi God bless our Fraternity We have shared thy brotherhood, We love you so. Thanks to my brothers from a grateful Pi Kapp. God bless Pi Kappa Phi, a great fraternity with truly great brothers! Spring/Summer 1994

44th Supreme Chapter Alumni Registration August 13-17, 1994 Atlanta, Georgia Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead Mail this form with appropriate fees to the Pi Kappa Phi Administrative Office, P. 0. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224. Name ------------------------------------------ Chapter _____ Initiation#______ Address ______________________________________________ Telephone _____________ City/State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Zip Code _______

I plan to attend the entire Supreme Chapter Meeting --------------------------------N arne of wife I guest (if attending): ------------------------------------------Registration fee of $125.00 (per alumnus), $100 (per wife or guest) for entire Supreme Chapter if received at the Administrative Office prior to July 16, 1994. After July 16, the fees are $140 and $115 respectively.

You will be receiving complete instructions and information upon receipt of your check and this completed form. I would like to serve on a committee. Please check one: Nominating Legislative Ritual & Insignia Alumni

_ ___ Finance ____ Time & Place _ _ _ _ Resolution

I will be representing and casting the 10 votes for the ___________________ Alumni Chapter or Alumni Association I Housing Corporation. I want to play in the Golf Tournament on Saturday Morning. Send info. ___

yes ___ no

I will run in the Pi Kappa Phi "Run for the Roses" 5 K on Sunday morning. __ yes

__ no

If you are interested in attending the Durward Owen Retirement Dinner on Saturday Evening, please call 508-546-2214.

*This does not include Hotel Reservations. You must contact the Ritz Carlton Hotel directly at 1-800-241-3333. Due to space shortages we suggest you make reservations immediately. Delta, the Official Air Line of the 44th Supreme Chapter can fly you there at a great discount rate! Call1-800-241-6760 to take advantage of Delta's quality service. Refer to File Number V0014. ADDRESS CHANGE? Please send correction promptly to: Star & Lamp, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Star & Lamp (USPS 519000) is published quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte, NC. Second class postage paid at Charlotte, NC and any additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Star & Lamp , P .0. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224

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