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Head to

an ranutsuo for the 45th

equally dramatic. After 35 years as the leader of our great Fraternity, Durward W. Owen handed the reins over to me. It's been a thrilling, sometimes bumpy, always satisfying, rollercoaster ride ever since. At this summer's biennial convention, Aug. 10-14, Pi Kappa Phi returns to San Francisco, also site of the 35th Supreme Chapter. Highlight include the election of a new National CounciL the Nu Phi Banquet, and naming of the newest members of the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame, Student of the Year, Chapter Advisor of the Year, Mr. Pi Kappa Phi and other awards.


There will be plenty of time for sightseeing, too, including a night harbor cruise under the Golden Gate Bridge and taking in an Oakland As baseball game. The spouses program includes a trip to Cakebread Cellars and Napa Valley, shopping in Union Square

f you've never driven through the sandy

and sight-seeing in San Francisco. The inexpen-

hills of San Francisco, taken the ferry to

sive airfare and hotel rates we've arranged

Alcatraz, ridden in a cable car, felt the chill

make this a great opportunity for a second

of a Pacific Ocean breeze or watched the



fog roll across the Golden Gate Bridge, then the 45th Supreme Chapter is for you. It has been said that until you attend a Supreme Chapter your experience in Pi Kappa Phi is incomplete. How true. It was during the 37th

Supreme Chapter in Charleston, S.C., in 1979 that I got my first glimpse of the national scope of our Fraternity. A senior in college, I represented my chapter at the largest Supreme Chapter ever and watched the first inductees into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame. The alumni and students of Alpha chapter were gracious hosts as Pi Kappa Phi celebrated its 75th anniversary in style. Fifteen years later, at the 44th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta, my Supreme Chapter experience was

Don't miss out on Pi Kappa Phi's return to the West Coast for Supreme Chapter! Fraternally,




Contents COVER STORIES SuPREMELY SA N F!IANCisco: Home to the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz and Fisherman 's Whmf, San Francisco serves as a dynamic, entertaining backdrop to the 45th Supreme Chapter this August. Pages 2-3 BAY-AIIEA ALUMNUS: Some of the best wine in the world comes from the Napa Valley, a scenic drive from San Francisco. Pi Kapp alumnus Dennis Cakebread, of Cakebread Cellars, shows how it's done. Pages 4-6 SuPIIEME CIIA IYfEH HIGI-ILJGIITS: Hundreds of Pi Kapps from around the nation will convene for a four-day convention, during which a new National Council will be elected. For the schedule of events, spouses program and slate of Council nominees, turn to Pages 44-45 .

Cover photo by Tim Ribar

FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT CIIAIJIMA N's LEnm: Lonnie Strickland wraps up the '95 giving year. Page 14 GATEWAY SoCJE"JY: Alumni listing of planned gifts, plus Ted Schmfenstein retires as executive vice president of the Foundation. Page 15 ANNUAL GIVING CLUBs: Distinguished Fellows, Foundation Fellows and Fellows lists of alumni making 1995 gifts of $100 to more than $1 ,000. Pages 16-20 OwEN INITIATIVE: Alumni honor retired CEO Durward W Owen. Page 20 Nu PHI SociE"IY: Listing of 1995 members of this special society, plus Top 10 giving chapters, states and chapters by first time giving. Page 21 LIFETIME GNING CLUBS recognize alumni for their continuous support of the Foundation, plus 1995 Pi Kapp Scholars. Pages 22-32 Pli ES/DENT's ClucLE: Student member support of the Foundation. Page 33 DES IGNATED FuNDs: Roanoke (Xi) alumni establish the Dean Miller Fund; E.B. and Evelyn Bruce establish a Samford (Alpha Eta) fund . Pages 34-35


Pf K4ppd Phi was frnmded

Ill IN Collltp rf Olt.lrleston.

Ch4rMstlm, S.C., on

De. 10, 1904, by.Andmv Alcrandlr Krwg, Simon }bp1y and L Harry .MiDorl.

ALUMNI FEATU!IES: California businessmen David Wendt and William McCarthy. Also: Congressman Syd Herlong joins the Chapter Eternal. Page 7 PUSH AMEIIICA : Before the Journey of Hope became the Fraternity's largest service project, Bruce Rogers did it alone. Also: Kids on the Block. Pages 8-9 ExPANSIONS: Pi Kappa Phi sets its sights on 50 new campuses as expansion priorities for the next decade, plus recent charterings at Morehead State and Coastal Carolina. Pages 10-12 CHAPT£1? N Ews: Indiana, West Virginia and Georgia Tech get new houses; Pi Kapps in the Olympics. Pages 36-37 EDUCATION: Two new sites are added to Mid- Year Leadership Conferences; 26 chapters vote to become the first Journey chapters. Pages 38-39 HAPPY ANNIVEIISAJIY: Illinois and Cornell to celebrate 75 years this fall. Page 40 Address corrections should be sent to Pi Kappa Phi, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224

he Golden Gate Bridge and distinctive skyline of San Francisco will be the backdrop for Pi Kappa Phi's 45th Supreme Chapter. From Aug. 10-14, Pi Kapps young and older wi !!meet at the San Francisco Airport Hyatt Regency to elect the new National Council, as well as enact legislation that will govern our Fraternity. It's been 20 years since Pi Kappa Phi has held Supreme Chapter in San Francisco, and the return will be monumental! Highlights of the four-day conference include an Oakland A's baseball game and a night harbor cruise under the Golden Gate Bridge. You'll also have time to take in the San Francisco skyline from Coit Tower, stroll along Fisherman's Wltarf, take the ferry to Alcatraz, and ride the cable cars. In addition, the Bayside towns of Sausalito and Tiburon, Muir Woods National Park, Marine WOrld, and the Napa


Valley and Sonoma Wine Country are within a short drive. Don't miss out on Pi Kappa Phi's MUm to the ~Coast and the duuu:e to ct:perienu Supmnely San Francisc;o! CAll ths Nlltion41 Head-

Pi Kapps from all over the nation will attend -- students and alumni, officials and staff. Every chapter and alumni organization should be represented. You don't have to be a delegate to participate and there's no limit to the number of Pi Kapps who can attend!

USAir is offering an extremely competitive round trip fair of $360 fromanywbef,etntbf:

U.S. from which USAir flies. Contact our official traveJ agent, Litwack Travel Service, at (800) 777-6800 to book your flight and for car rental info Be sure to reference gold file #79020014. If you choose to drive, call the National Headquarters to stop at designated chapter houses along the way. Since San Francisco is a long way for many

of our chapters to travel, subsidies aR ariilable

Regency. Alumni and chapter delegates must make reservations directly with the hotel. Rooms are available at an extremely competitive rate of $99 per night and can accommodate up to four. You must make your reservations before July 9. Contact the Hyatt Regency today at (800} 233-1234. Be sure to tell them you are with Pi Kappa Phi.

dent chapter accounts. Each chapter will be charged for at least three delegates regardless of the number attending. Additional delegates will also be required to pay the fee. Alumni should watch their mail for a registration form, which is due before July 9. The registration fee for alumni is $275.

spouse to get away! Your wife will enjoy an extensive spouse's program while you're attending the convention, but you'll still have plenty of time to spend together.

The 45th Supreme Chapter gives Pi Kapps the chance to elect their new National Council. Continued on page 44



The town of Rutherford, Calif lies deep in the Napa Valley, between Oakville and St. Helena on Highway 29. Nestled among the seemingly endless stretches of vineyards, this community of 560 residents boasts three landmarks: a post office, a stop sign and Cakebread Cellars. akebread Cellars not only is


world class wines. Its success is built

home to exceptional wines, but also to Pi Kapp alum-

_ _...., ,.~- -~


nus Dennis Cakebread.

The U.C. Berkely (Gamma)

grapes, the wine and the people who operate the winery.

Cakebread and serves the winery

For a winery that has been in

the epitome of Pi Kappa Phi's innovation, class and distinction. Cakebread was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi



which apply equally to the

alumnus is the son of owner Jack as director of sales and marketing. Through his successes at Cakebread Cellars, Dennis Cakebread is


on quality, consistency and continuity--characteristics

operation for a relatively short time, Cakebread Cellars has achieved phenomenal success. It all began as a whim for the elder Cakebread. Jack Cakebread had taken up photography in 1950 and eventually studied with Ansel

in 1974 . In addition to his bachelor's degree from U.C. Berkeley, Cakebread earned his MBA from Cal. State-Hayward. He also has a CPA license. Before joining his father in the family business, Cakebread spent 10 years as a chief financial officer in banking and financial

Adams in 1959. He was in the Napa Valley in 1973 photographing some vineyards and stopped by a ranch owned by a friend of his mother. "I stopped in one day to have a bowl of soup with her and her husband," recalls Jack

services. Founded in 1973, Cakebread Cellars has quickly developed a reputation for producing

Cakebread. "During our conversation, I casually said, 'If you ever want to sell the Continued on page 6

Cakebread brings his fraternity experiences into his profession. He is actively involved with wine industry-related organizations and events. He has served as chairman for the annual wine industry conference of the California Society of CPAs, and he chaired the "Crush '91" harvest event sponsored by the Napa Valley Vintners' Association. He currently serves on the board of directors of the Napa Valley Vintners' Association and is president of the Wine Service Cooperative. His involvement in the industry shows his Dennis Cakebread samples a bottle of '93 Merlot

commitment to the success of the family business. "What has impressed me as I've traveled around the country pouring Cakebread wines

Continued from page 4

ranch, just let me know. ' By the time I got home, they had called and said they were interested in selling. So my wife and I drove back up to the Napa Valley and put the deal together on one sheet of a yellow pad ." Cakebread Cellars sold their first bottle in 1975 -a 1973 Chardonnay. Today the winery's annual pro-

Cakebread Cellars



duction averages 65,000





Even though Cakebread

N!l l' .... VA ll[Y

Chardonnay 1992


~IJA NDitt l i i i i · I J IIYI ~K IIIHI

l~l.' I HL U fP R il,

... I)t ' IIIAU"

N "-P/1 'v .'•llEY C .-,Uf01U'..I1 ". l '\ ... AI t '\ lll\ H 1-1 1''-• IIY Vt ll U M I-.

is busy promoting the winery, he still enjoys an active life outside of work such as snorkeling for abalone. He loves to bring the abalone home, shell

Dennis Cakebread.

and cook them himself, and enjoy the dish

Similarly, the decision to join Pi Kappa Phi was an easy one for Cakebread. "One of my best friends was a Pi Kapp, so naturally I was always around the Fraternity. Besides, Pi Kappa Phi had the best house on the Berkeley campus -- the classic fraternity house. It was easy for

with a glass of Cakebread wine. Traveling throughout the country keeps Cakebread on the move. Yet he's never too busy to meet with his chapter brothers and let them taste the excellent products of Cakebread Cellars. "It's kind of funny," jokes Cakebread, "the guys call a lot more now than when I had a career in banking."

me to want to be a part of the best." His work with the chapter as a student member taught him a lot about marketing. 6

as if our family has been a part of their family for many years," Cakebread says.


cases. The decision to join the family business was easy for Jack's son Dennis. "What makes this business fun and interesting for me is being a small, familyowned winery," says

are the comments people make. Our wines are part of their lives in special ways. It's the wine a couple had on their first date, or the one they always order when they go to a favorite restaurant. It's


Bay area is home to successful Pi Kapp businessmen CHAPTER ETERNAL

illiam McCarthy, an alumnus of Penn State (Alpha Mu) , is president of North coast Systems Inc., a consulting firm for business computer applications. McCarthy, who has been designing and developing computer systems for 10 years, lives in The Sea Range, Calif. McCarthy says the Fraternity helped to develop his self


confidence. "I was very young when I left for school," he said. "The Fraternity taught me the social skills and discipline I needed to be successful." Even though his work keeps McCarthy very busy, he still keeps in contact with many of his chapter brothers. "The Fraternity truly gave me friends for life," he says. McCarthy and his wife, Claire, have two

children: Adam, 23, a graphic artist for Iguana Games, and Cathleen, 26, who works in electronics sales. McCarthy also has a grandson, Sean . urdue (Omega) alumnus David Wendt is the owner of three financial service companies in the Bay area: Liberty Financial Services, Horizon Properties and Horizon Home Finances. Wendt specializes in tax preparation and mortgage refinancing.


Wendt learned a lot of his management skills from his Pi Kappa Phi experience. "The Fraternity was my first experience in working with others," he says. "It showed me what a group can attain by working together toward a common goal." David and his wife, Lisa, live with their three children, Kimberly, 12, Daniel, 10, and Brian, 9, in


San Jose, Calif. --Dan Crownhart

to stop by the Pi Kapp home page. In addition to key information about the Fraternity and PUSH America, you'll find hypertext links to chapter web sites and the National Headquarters' E-mail. Also, watch for many new additions to the home page in the

chapter account information, officer manuals and online events, like "CEO Online." For a complete list of current Internet addresses, see page 41 under the heading "National Staff." Thanks to Derald McMillan, Charleston (Alpha), for creating

future. These improvements will include hypertext links to staff mailboxes, Fraternity publications like the Star & Lamp and Pi Kappa Phi Journal, online registration for conferences,

and maintaining the Fraternity's home page. Due to his efforts, Pi Kappa Phi has been able to keep pace with this new technology.

Pi Kapp enters the World Wide Web! If you have access to the Internet, be sure



Congressman Syd Herlong Former congressman Albert "Syd" Herlong, Alpha Epsilon #49, joined the Chapter Eternal in January. Herlong was the first Alpha Epsilon Hall of Farner and was inducted into the national Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame in 1987. Born in Mainstee, Ala., in 1909, Herlong pledged Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Florida in 1925 . Herlong served as a judge for Lake County, Fla., from 1936 to 1948, and for 20 years he represented Florida in Congress. In 1969 he retired from Congress to accept a position with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Herlong is survived by his wife Mary Alice.




man's of

Hope •

Before PUSH America's annual bike trek became the largest event of its kind, Bruce Rogers went it alone. erhaps one of the most modest men you


could ever meet is Bruce Rogers. Rogers' dream of riding his bike across the

country is the modern day inspiration for the largest special event in the Greek world : the PUSH America Journey of Hope.


Rogers insists that he had but a small role in making the Journey of Hope what it is today, yet it was his dream and his actions that made the national awareness and fund-raising event a reality. No matter how humble or modest he views his role, there is something very special



Rogers in 1987 on the Journey of Hope's maiden voyage

PUSH America as an undergraduate at Stetson

about a man who makes his dream come true.

University made it clear that his cross-country

In fairness to Rogers, there have been indi-

trek would be the ideal event to spread a

viduals that have helped make the Journey of

message of understanding. Yet, the cross-

Hope a success. Jim Karlovec, Ken Kaiser, Sally

country trip was much more than a chance

Schafer, John Pierce and many others helped

for Rogers to see the countryside. It was about

build the Journey of Hope into a $450,000 a year operation. Yet, because of one man's

making his vision a reality. Rogers decided that during the summer

dream, millions of Americans hear a message of understanding and awareness about people with disabilities. Riding across the country for PUSH

after his graduation from law schooL he would ride his bike across the country for PUSH America, the national outreach project of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. He left Florence,

America has been a dream of Rogers since his freshman year in College. His association with

Oregon by himself carrying all the necessary gear on his bike to get him across the conti-

nent. Traveling alone was demanding, but the

trek -- today's team generates nearly $500,000

greatest conquest was himself. Rogers "hit the wall" many times; early on he experienced

for PUSH America. The North team visits Colorado on its

mechanical difficulties, even breaking an axel

journey to th e East Coast. Each year, Rogers

that sent him hitchhiking back 60 mil es to

rides into Denver with the North team, com-

have it fixed. His knees gave way to tendonitis

pleting another century ride (100 mile day).

that at times seemed insurmountable. On top

The organization and profess ionalism of the

of a frozen mountain in Montana without

tea m continues to impress him, and the fund-

food and water, he felt tired and desperate. "Once you start an undertaking like that,

raising requirement astonishes him . "My fund -raising efforts pale in co mparison

it's never so mething that you want to quit, to

to what tod ay's team members do," he said .

surrender. You want to do whatever it takes to

"They raise $4,000 just to qualify for the tea m ."

get it do ne. It was never in my mind to quit,"

The Journey of Hope is close to Rogers' heart for more than one reason. While having

he says. When people asked Rogers why h e was

Pi Kappa Ph i Golf Classics

dinner with the 1990 North tea m in Denver,

Attention alumni: The Pi Kappa Phi Golf Classics benefiting PUSH America are coming soon to a city near you. Events are planned for April and June in Charlotte, N.C. , Tam pa, Fla., Richmond, Va., and Atlanta, Ga. For info, call Chad Perce at (704} 522PUSH (7874}.

riding across the country, they were impressed

Rogers met Sally King, who soon became Mrs.

PUSH Camps

and touched by his compassion and determi-

Bruce Rogers. "The Journey of Hope is near and

nation. It was Rogers who was most touched.

dear to my heart," Rogers says with a smile.

This year's PUSH Camps were held in March. Chapters from coast to coast tooil part in a six-day. nonalcoholic alternative to the traditional spring break. Events were held at Camp ASCCA in ]acilson Gap, Ala.; CampKYSOC, Carrollton, Ky.; Camp Twin Lakes, Rutledge, Ga.; and Racily Mountain Village, Empire, Colo.


"I cannot begin to tell you about all the good and kind people who took time out to talk, help, encourage, and inspire me," he says. Their reaction was a source of strength that gave him the extra push need ed to complete his journey. He conquered the chill of Montana and Wyoming, the Rockies of Co lorado, the great plains of Kansas and Missouri, then Illinois, Ohio, and Kentucky. West Virginia and Virginia provided the Appalachains, and finally he arrived into Yorktown, Virginia. After 45 days of riding, Rogers had biked over 4,000 miles on behalf of PUSH America. He was greeted by brothers from Old Dominion University at the Victory Monument where the Chesapeake Bay opens into the Atlantic Ocean. Rogers reflected, "I had made it, coastto-coast on a bicycle." Today's Journey of Hope is 60 men strong, visiting 20 states and more than 120 cities. Since Rogers' inaugura l ride, the Journ ey of Hope has reached more than eighty million Americans with a message of understanding and awareness o n behalf of people with disabilities. Rogers raised $1,500 on his maiden

'Kids on Block' tour underway The Kids on the Block puppet show is traveling the East Coast with a special message for elementary school children. The "Kids" are spreading a message of understanding and awareness about the needs and concerns of people with disabilities. Three undergraduate students representing PUSH America and Pi Kappa Phi are presenting the puppet show to more than 7, 000 children over four months. Brad Fales (top photoJ, a specific learning disabilities major from Florida Southern; Seth Friedland, political science, SUNY-A lbany; and Mitch Plesha, accounting, Miami-Ohio, make up the troupe. They are taking a semester off from school to intern for PUSH America. The tour began ]an. 1 7 and will end May 10. For info, call Chad Perce at (704) 522-7874 .

Give-a-PUSH Weekends At press time, three Givea-PUSH Weekends, in which students help build recreational facilities for the disabled, were planned for Ap1il. Events were planned for Camp Easter Seals in Nashville, Tenn., April 12-14; Camp BumÂŁ Gin, Sumte1; S.C., April 19-21; and Cottage Hill Park, Mobile, Ala., April 26-28. SPRING 1996



* *

S.W . TEXAS S li\llo

Fraternity targets 50 schools as priorities for future expansion


the 1990s,

Colorado State was

Pi Kappa Phi's

chartered just before

recruitment strategy has been aggressive, targeted-and highly successful. In 1995 alone, suecessful expansions took place at Kentucky, Miami-Ohio, Texas-Austin (Zeta Theta) and Arizona (Beta Theta). Who's next? Stetson (Chi) and Mississippi (Alpha Lambda) were recolonized this spring, and

the Star & Lamp went to press. In 1996-97,

* *





(Gamma). Expanding

(Beta Sigma) and

to mostly larger

Valdosta State (Beta

schools continued through th e 1940s,

Tau) were added .

Pi Kappa Phi plans to colonize New Mexico

which expansion took place and the

slowing down during World War II and

The Fraternity switched gears again in the 1980s with the

State, Southern California (Delta Rho),

size of schools hosting colonies mark the

ending near the end of the Alpha chapter

majority of targeted schools becoming

Oregon (Alpha

most obvious phases


smaller in size.

Omega), Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega), Ohio State (Alpha Nu)

of the Fraternity's growth. Founder Theodore

Pi Kappa Phi experienced rapid growth as the nation experi-

and Massachusetts. The chapter listing in the White Dia-

Kelly began what was to become the Fraternity's "big

As the Beta chapter designati o ns began, so did the Fraternity's "mid-s ized" school expa nsion s. Growth was slow but

mond sheds light on a history of expa nsion trends. The rate at

school" expansion trend in 1909 with U.C.-Berkeley

steady as schools like NJIT (Beta Alpha), Northern Illinois

Lenoir-Rhyne (Epsilon Rho), Georgia Co llege (Epsilon

enced an increase in comm uter schools. Chapters such as

Upsilon) and Averett (Zeta Xi) were added.

Location The goal isn 't as

consistency, helping

narrow as "having a

to create a history

The expansion trend has come full

dot in every state on

where there may not already be one," Loy

circle in the 1990s.

the map," Loy says.


The National Head-

"The idea is to branch

quarters' goal is to

out from strong chapters already in exist-

Associate chapters draw on the experience of local alumni

ence." For example,

in the absence of

expansions at UCLA and Arizona State in

chapter alumni. Alumni benefit from

implement four quality expansions per year, based on the following criteria: Name recognition Almost all of the

1994 opened doors at

expansions through

Arizona in 1995 and

the opportunity to

Top 50 schools (right)

Southern California

serve as advisors and

have a national repu-

and New Mexico State

sometimes from help-

tation for excellence.

this year.

ing their own chap-

Academic reputation Based on a U.S.

The Top 50 is an evolving list. Greek

ters recolonize.

News & World Report

systems change as do

close," Loy says. "But

ranking, of the cur-

the goals of the Frater-

that doesn't mean we

rent Top 50 expan-

nity. Establishing a list

aren't making it a

sion priorities, six

priority to return to

rank in the top 25, 10

is comparable to designing a blueprint for

in tier one, 13 in tier

how Pi Kappa Phi

two, 11 in tier three

Fraternity will look in

and five in tier four.

the future.

Greek system Nearly all of the Top 50 have systems

Several key play-

"Chapters do

those schools."

Arkansas Arkansas State Ball State Baylor Boston Bucknell Carnegie Mellon Case Western Reserve Cincinnati Connecticut Davidson Denver Emory Gemge Washington Idaho Iowa Kansas Maine Massachusetts M.l. T. Mississippi State Montana Nevada-Las Vegas Nevada-Reno New Hampshire

New Mexico Northern Illinois Northwestern Ohio Oregon Richmond Rutgers Southern Methodist Southern Mississippi Stanford SUNY-Binghamton Syracuse Texas Christian Tulane Tulsa U. C. -Santa Barbara Utah Vanderbilt Vermont Wake Forest Washington State Washington-St. Louis William & Mary Wisconsin Wyoming

Whether expanding to new sites or returning to old ones, associate chapters are


* *

UCLA is up to 35 members this spring.

ers determine the

the Fraternity's life-

The IFC at Kentucky changed its constitution so that a Pi Kapp associate

success of an expansion: the national

blood. Pi Kappa Phi's

member could be IFC vice president of rush . Arizona State and Arizona (Beta Theta) held their first formal at Disneyland .



well-represented with strong national frater-

staff, sponsoring

history of aggressive expansion has made

nities. Director of

chapters and individu-

the Fraternity one of

expansion Michael Loy explains, "To be

als who can suggest prospective members.

the fastest growing in the nation. The

Texas-Austin (Zeta Theta) boasts five national merit scholars and held its first Give-A-PUSH weekend last fall in conjunc-

recognized as a strong

Alumni advisors also

continued participa-

tion with Texas A&M (Delta Omega) and

national fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi has to

play a significant role in the success of a colony. "When alumni fill advisory roles, th ey provide an associate chapter with

tion of alumni and undergraduate members is essential to the continued growth and success of Pi Kappa Phi. *

Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma). * UMBC successfully petitioned for reinstatement as an associate chapter in 1995 after its disassociation as a colony of Pi Kappa Phi in 1994.

be present at larger Greek systems or systems that have a potential for growth."



Delta Eta rechartered at Morehead State


he new.,t fm among More-

Eta Pi chapter and guests at the chartering banquet


head State men is actually a

Pi Kapp goes to Coastal Carolina

relatively small size, contributing to its closing in 1992. "It has been a

familiar name at the Morehead, Ky. school.

long and tough journey," recalls Dan

Originally chartered

Grossman, "but one

n Nov. 10, 1995, nearly two years

beginning with Beaty.

ment. The chapter's

as Delta Eta in 1972,

that all the brothers

"I remember how

GPA is in the top 10%

after the first

of all fraternities on

the chapter was dormant from 1992 until

would take again.

Chad used to say,

Through hard work

meeting of

'Let's start a fraternity

campus. As a colony

the rechartering.

and dedication we

prospective members,

on campus,' " Dukes

Eta Pi also raised over

Pi Kappa Phi initiated


the 38 charter members of Eta Pi chapter. The celebration

The early stages were not always easy,

finally made it! "

$1,800 for PUSH

their national status

America .

as 40 members and

held at the First

seven alumni initiates

Baptist Church and

were initiated on

was performed by

Nov. 17, 1995 .

Tennessee (Alpha


was a bittersweet one

one of the seven

officers for the event were Allen Woody,

for the brothers at

original members of

national historian,

Coastal Carolina

the chapter. "When Chad

and Charles Watson,

University. Tragically,

recalls Dave Sumter,

Delta Eta regained

Delta Eta has come a long way in

Initiation was

Sigma) and Marshall (Zeta Pi).

Area V governor.

recent years. With

following initiation

The evening

the man who served

introduced me to

Representing the

only 12 men in 1973,

as the catalyst for the

Pi Kappa Phi, I had

National Headquar-

years of undulating

was celebrated with a

group was not present.

no concept of the

ters were Michael Loy,

initiation numbers

chartering banquet

Chad Michael Beaty

amount of work that

director of expansion,

kept the chapter at a

held at the student

(Clemson-Zeta Alpha)

the chartering process would entail, " Sumter

and Frank Wrenn,

center. In attendance

Journey director. Assisting in the

were assistant executive director Jason

passed away in an automobile accident on Feb. 9, 1994.

said. Two years filled

initiation were

Dodd, director of

Beaty had transferred from Clemson

with many long nights, exceptional

brothers from Lander (Gamma Rho) and

alumni relations David Adams, and

in the fall of 1993,

leadership and gritty

North Carolina

Kentucky state sena-

carrying with him the dream of bringing the ideals and traditions of Pi Kappa Phi to the young men at Coastal Carolina.

determination finally paid off for the Pi Kapps of Coastal Carolina. The men of Eta Pi pride themselves on

(Kappa). Future goals for Eta Pi include becoming a Journey chapter and becoming the best fraternity on

tor Denny Nunnelley, a Delta Eta initiate. National secretary J. Patrick Figley and Area IX governor Jeff Luebker served as

James Dukes remembers Eta Pi's

high standards of academic achi eve-





--James O 'Keef e

Archon Gerald Slone (right) and former archon Matt Preston hold the Delta Eta charter.

chartering officers.


--Thomas A twood




Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Annual Report


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-f...... __

.- - -

Dear Brothers and Friends,


I r"


i Kappa Phi has embarked on a course that will change the lives

Journey appears on page 38 of this issue and I encourage you to read how your Fra-

of young men. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation has taken a leadership

ternity is again setting the course for the fraternity world. The Foundation will focus its fund raising on The Journey in the future, encouraging alumni to support the expense for their

role in this effort and will become a source of major financial support

in the future. The Mission Statement of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation reads in part, "Our vision is to assist our members to achieve superior resu lts in personal development,

In 1995

fund raising produced $371,006 in contributions. The corpus of the Foundation approaches $2.5 million as a result of last year's giving.

academics, service and leadership skills." On behalf of the 10 trustees of the Foundation, I am pleased to report we made

and career planning tracks.

significant progress toward our objectives in 1995. Fund raising produced $371 ,006 in contributions, second only to last year when the Foundation received $354,686 in donations and the Alpha Xi house in Brooklyn valued at $610,000. The corpus of the Foundation now approaches $2.5 million. In August, the National Council and the

and parents are looking for added value as they consider the options available during college. Pi Kappa Phi has always provided a deep sense of brotherhood and a caring supportive environment. The Journey will take our educational programming to a new level. It is an exciting time to be a Pi Kapp . In closing, I want to thank Ted

Foundation trustees approved "The Journey" as the educational vehicle that will trans-

Scharfenstein for his outstanding service


As a professor at the University of Alabama, I can assure you that today's students

form Pi Kappa Phi. In the past the focus has

and dedication to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Without his vision and spirit, the

been on building better chapters. In the future we wi ll create and fund educational programs that build better men. The results have already been impressive. At Pi Kapp College, the Foundation sponsored a presentation ofThe Seven Habits of Highly Effective People conducted by the Covey Leadership Center. To the best of

Foundation would never have reached the level on which it exists today. I am saddened to see him leave; however, I wish him the best. In the interim, CEO Mark Timmes and David Adams, director of alumni relations, will be managing the Foundation. With their efforts and your support, we will pro-

our knowledge, Pi Kappa Phi is the first collegiate fraternity to sponsor the Covey program for its student members. Building

duce superior results. The best days for your Fraternity are still to come. Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

on the Covey presentation, 25 chapters have voted to become Journey Chapters, which means that they voluntarily agree to a higher standard of performance, achievement, and behavior. A full report on The 14

chapter. Our plans are to take the Covey program to a broader range of student members and supplement it with academic

~;zr Chairman

Gateway Society The Gateway Society recognizes members who have made a planned gift to the Foundation. Planned gifts, such as bequests, trusts, life insurance policies or the gift of a home with lifetime occupancy, offer tax advantages to the donor and provide an opportunity to have a greater impact through philanthropy.

Charleston (Alpha) Julius Burges David Jaffee U.C.-Berkeley (Gamma) Neil Weatherall South Carolina (Sigma) Jim Quinn Davidson (Epsilon) Hugh Yelverton Wofford (Zeta) Jesse Crimm Emory (Eta) Seale Hipp Georgia (Lambda) J. Rodney Harris Phil Tappy Frank Lane James Lester David Tidmore Roanoke (Xi) Jim Turk Durward Owen Ed Bennett Ed Corson

Roanoke (cont.) Allen Woody Tim Ribar Dan Claw Alabama (Omicron) Travis Julian Illinois (Upsilon) Gunnar Schalin Cornell (Psi) Richard Shull Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Robert Bennett Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Bert Luer Mike O'Donnell Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Jim Marsh Dave Vawter Auburn (Alpha Iota) Earl Layman

Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Mark Perrin Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) George Carleton Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Carl Dorr Frank Parrish N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Steve DePalma Jim Krucher Florida Southern (Beta Beta) Ted Scharfenstein Louisville (Beta Gamma) Warren Robb Ron Krebs Florida State (Beta Eta) Chris New

Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Walter Brinkman George Shipp Glenn Dickson Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Wayne Buffington Glenn Aspinwall LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Ron deValinger Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Bill Finney Mike Hall South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Frank Havard Montevallo (Gamma Omega) Robert McGhee

Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Art Quickenton U.N.C.-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Chris Cannon Bill Jackson Bowling Green (Delta Sigma) Ken Kaiser Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Mark Jacobs U.N.C.-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Steve Kirkman Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) Timothy Haen IUPUI (Zeta Psi) Michael Gorski

Ted Scharfenstein: He made the Foundation what it is today fte r 38 years of service to the Fraternity, Ted Scharfenstein is retiring as executive vice president of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundatio n. CEO Mark E. Timmes and David Adams, director of alumni relatio ns, are managing the Foundation until a repl acement is hired . Scharfenstein is a 1958 initiate of Florida Southern (Beta Beta), which he

chapter advisor, colo ny advisor, area governor, alumni association pres ident, nati onal vice president and national president. In 1983, he was named Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. In 1985, Scharfenstein became ch airman of the Foundati on trustees, and in

served as archon . He th en joined the national staff as a chapter co nsultant, and later he became assistant executive directo r. Upo n leaving staff in 1965, he served as a

19 89, executive vice president. "Ted Scharfenstein is syno nymo us with the very best of Pi Kappa Phi," said Foundation ch airman Lo nnie Strickl and . *




Distinguished Fellows ($ 1,000 and up in '95)

South Carolina (Sigma) William Fincher Jerry Brewer Georgia Tech (Iota) Pete Petit North Carolina (Kappa) Otis McCollum Stuart Hicks

Foundation Fellows ($500 to $999 in '95)

Charleston (Alpha) Julius Burges Roanoke (Xi) Durward Owen Nicholas Boccella Jason Umberger Alabama (Omicron) Austin Brannan Washington & Lee (Rho) Howard Leake Florida (Alpha Epsilon) David Henn MarkTimmes Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Barney Tucker Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Gordon Wright 16 TH E STAR & LAMP

Roanoke (Xi) Jim Turk Ed Corson Allen Woody Dudley Woody Joseph Rutherford Alabama (Omicron) Lonnie Strickland Harry Caldwell N.C. State (Tau) Bob Cline Illinois (Upsilon) Richard Bangert

Samford (Alpha Eta) Jim Daley Auburn (Alpha Iota) Ernest Johnson Mississippi (Alpha Lambda) John Ward Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Eldred Harman Kelley Bergstrom Frank Parrish

Indiana (Alpha Psi) Frank Calzaretta N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) George Newcombe Joseph Manfredi Florida Southern (Beta Beta) Dave Robertson Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Glenn Dickson LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Ron deValinger Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Bill Finney

Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Art Quickenton North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) Chuck Jungmann Widows of Members Lillian Jost Friends of the Fraternity Dan & Eve Wilkie Paul & Mary Allen David & Donna Jones Nancy Green Schoor DePalma & Canger Group Contributing

Lander (Gamma Rho) Chuck Watson Oklahoma State (Gamma Upsilon) Gilbert Sanders

Chapters Colorado (Eta Gamma)

Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Jack Casper I.I.T.(Alpha Phi) Kenneth Peterson Indiana (Alpha Psi) Phil Summers N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Steve DePalma Jim Krucher Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Ken Cribbs

Memphis (Gamma Delta) Tom Carter Friends of the Fraternity Christian Brothers Alumni Chapter Medical Review Associates Inc. Hugh Green Pi Kappa Phi Properties Inc.


U.C.-Berkeley (cont.) Steve Ryder Charles Vannice Furman (Delta) Peter Manning Joe Sparks David Ullman South Carolina (Sigma) Danny Carter John Coulter Jay Hammett Walter Pickens Bert Pooser Dan Reynolds David Rhodes Davidson (Epsilon)

($1 00 to $499 in '95)

Charleston (Alpha) Gary Catterton Tim Dangerfield Jim Edwards David Jaffee Earle Jennings Terry Moore Greg Padgett Dan Ravenel Ernest Zinkowski Presbyterian (Beta) Gus Adams Cliff Goodwin Clint Massey Art Maxwell

Sam McGregor U .C.-Berkeley (Gamma) Jack Downer Robert C. Engemoen George Ganz Sterling Norgard

Allen Graham Hugh Yelverton Harry Hendrick Wofford (Zeta) Bill Evins Greg Gilbert Thomas Palmer James Pease Chip Stockman Boyce Woolbright

Fellows (cont.) Emory (Eta) Joe Cannon Seale Hipp Jerome Westbrook John Wilson Georgia Tech (Iota) David Baker Michael Cowan Bob DeFurio Jimmy Gordy Frank Hodge Vernon Hutchens Tom Lowndes Bob Murray Perk Perkins Garry Pritchett John Puckett Stan Roberts Bob Rowe Comer Weaver North Carolina (Kappa) Phil Ameen Frederick Coville Doug Dodson Richard Holzworth Bill Johnson Keith Rollins Thomas Sayre Wayne Scott Clay Serenbetz Jimmy Thompson Dale Owen Paul Wimbish Georgia (Lambda) Kevin Dalton Frank Lane Ward Lang Sam Slade Phil Tappy Dink NeSmith

Duke (Mu) George Benda Jerry Bernstein Bill Dodson Bill Fuqua Anders Hall Owen Johnson Warren Pope James Smith Joe VanHoy Nebraska (Nu) JimGuretzky George Spatz Roanoke (Xi) David Allen David Barnes Michael Bast Steve Bast Paul Caldwell Rich Chandler John Churchill Clarence Conner Donald Desseyn Joseph Donohue Harley Erb Nick Fairbanks Joseph Fields James Fleshman Richard Flora James Gacek Ken Garren Peter Gebhard Whit Gravely Rob Gray Mark Gribble Tom Hayden

Roanoke (cont.) Don Kerr Brian Kidd Rich Klare David Laprade Seibert Lavinder Weldon Lawrence Rob Lentz Bruce Linger James Lowdon Roger Malouf Mike Martin George Naff AI Nelson Dick Newman Robert Nicolson Dan O'Flaherty Cam Ogilvie Johnny Osborne Robert Patane Joseph Payne Lee Peregoff Matthew Plasket Roy Pollard Don Potter Tim Ribar Thomas Robertson Jeffrey Rubin Rich Ruby Kyle Schindel Kevin Steele Jim Stump John Styron David Tanis Maynard Turk Joe VonCulin

Alabama (Omicron) David Adams Hassell Bounds Gene Cartledge Joe Cassady Richard Cowart John Greaves Doston Gurganus Nathan Hightower Bob Inman Cengiz Kilic Joe Lee Gary Limmroth Mack Matthews AI McLeod Clynt Parrish Bill Taylor Richard Taylor Jerry Tucker Paul Wesch Washington & Lee (Rho) Dick Anderson Frederick Landrigan Wink McKinnon N.C. State (Tau) Fred Collins Tony Evans Robert Lamphier Marc McConnaughey Wallace Reams Illinois (Upsilon) Skip Fowler Bill Haselwood Glen Hesler Tom Krizan

Cecil Hefner Paul Henkel Richard Hite Robert Irvin Roy Jamerson Harry Johnson

Jack Wade Alpheus White Charles Whitmore Doug Williams Ty Williamson John Wilson

Lisle Menzimer Greg Provencher Gunnar Schalin Wilson Seldon Steve Trahey

Stetson (Chi) Pat Figley Mark Hollis Bruce Rogers John Snellings I. Southward Herman Turner Cornell (Psi) George Heinrich John Kirk Bertram Lindsey Bill Newell Edmund Sayer Frederick Thorne Bob Wilcox Purdue (Omega) Ron Eyer Hugh Flanagan Charles Hall Pat Kuhnle David Lane Allan Larson John Lovell Floyd McDonald Walter Norrington Sonny O'Drobinak Jack Powers Richard Price Herman Riggs Kurt Takara Ed Thomson Tom Weakley Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Robert Bennett Ledford Carter Tommy Lowndes Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) Joe Haines Thornton Huddle Bob Holly Thomas Moore Jay Morris

Fellows (cont.)

Washington (Alpha Delta) Fredrick Brown Bob Bux Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Pete Barr Paul Bennett David Boden David Charland Em Cobb Neil Contess Geary Cotton Paul Enrico Matthew Erikson Fabio Fasanelli Tom Fitzgerald William Gillespie John Gornto Hugh Gower Byron Herlong Alfredo Hernandez Daniel Hicken Richard Hill Charles Hudspeth Charles Lapradd Gary Leonard Bert Luer Robert McMullen Jim O'Donnell Ben Overton Bob Paterno Jet Powers Terry Rooke Thomas Simpson James Thompson

Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) John Bollman Bob Elfers Noel Flynn Chuck Hartsough Harry Kallander Donald Knight Charles Morrill Gary Muon Fred Raw Jack Reviglio Jack Steward Don Thomas Samford (Alpha Eta) Jim Purvis Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Ken Adams Henry Anderson William Cleary Angus Morse Dennis Yanachik Auburn (Alpha Iota) Lua Blankenship Marshal Caley Robert Ferrell Tom Fuller Frank Hawthorne Bill Jones David Long Alex Maddox Larry Pharo Joel Radman Red Russell Kenneth Wilkins Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Greg Brown Hugh Hotchkiss Emil Keck Mark Perrin Carl Walker

Penn State (Alpha Mu) John Brisbane Blaine Grube Richard Heim Kevin Murphy Mo Ranc William Walker Ohio State (Alpha Nu) Carl Stickel Edwin Stickel Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) Richard Brady George Carleton Walter Eisele Joseph Flaherty Henry Gartner Henry Meyer Jack Molinelli Paul Schwanenflugel Christopher Witt Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Bob Bateman Bob Brown Curtis Clifton Bert Lattan Gerald Love Warren Madden Mark Milliman Jim Moon Wayne Moore Bill Rickert Ollie Sparks Larry Stella West Virginia (Alpha Rho) Victor Folio

Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Barry Cecil James Cogdill David Everhart Randy Mims Willie Read Jon Rymer Jim Snow Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) David Dobson Cedric Dustin Robert Fuchs Robert Hawkins Thomas Richmond Seth Walter Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Tom Block Martin Burrows Douglas Clarke Raymond Davis Joseph DeLuca Leonard Dicarlo John Knoll Bob Lambert Albert Lord Jack Marshall Vicko Melada Gil Merritt John Rittenhouse Frederick Schmehl

I.I.T. (cont.) Martin Kotsch Russ Millman Ken Kamper Miami (Alpha Chi) Frank Kearns Indiana (Alpha Psi) Brook Bollinger Terry Brown Rod Gunning Dave May Tim Mercer T.J. Sullivan N.J.I.T.(Beta Alpha) Fred Becker Harry Bonfanti Ted Cassera Tom Carroll Joseph Chapski Steven Corbett Carl Fritsch Dennis Kaser Bob Kee Karl Kopans Don Linske Tom McCann William Makoid Lester Pastuszyn John Pugliesi Richard Rodrick Steven Sawicki Don VanHouten Jeff Winegar

Keith Sheppard l.I.T. (Alpha Phi) John Humiston Edwin Searl Douglass Snyder John Sachs Jim Helm David Desilets

Florida Southern (Beta Beta) Gary Baker Carl Koch Ted Scharfenstein Louisville (Beta Gamma) Ron Krebs Warren Robb

Fellows (cont.)

Drake (Beta Delta) Rob Cione Jim Hornbrook Missouri (Beta Epsilon) Jim Lemon Ken Lissner Dean Shillito Jay Stucke! Florida State (Beta Eta) Bob Clark Harry Mcintosh Chris New Lewis Symmes Toledo (Beta Iota) Carl Conner Rob Friess Darryl McEwen Rob Meyer Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Pat McCabe Tampa (Beta Lambda) Austin Curry Aaron Dowd Dick Swirbul Guy Walton McNeese State (Beta Mu) Wilfred Bourne R.B. Smith David Stacy Valdosta (Beta Tau) Tom Brooks Jonathan Scott

Virginia (Beta Upsilon) John Browning Bill Couper Gene Davis Russ Huber Dan Kimball Shep Moore Chuck Nesbit Don Slesnick J. B. Yount East Carolina (Beta Phi) Clay Brewer Clay Edmonds S.T. Hicks East Texas (Beta Chi) Ken Park East Tennessee State (Beta Omega) Russ Palmer Edward Bowers West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Sonny Till Old Dominion (Gamma Beta) Linwood Beverly Chuck Brady Matthew Parker Troy State (Gamma Gamma) Rick Nelson Western Carolina (Gamma Epsilon) Larry Callicutt MarvCope West Virginia Tech (Gamma Zeta) Dan Artis Bill Boyle

Louisiana State (Gamma Iota) Leonard Simmons Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall Roland Berry Wayne Buffington Paul Coleman Lee Davis Joe Odom Steve Rawlins Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Mike Hall Neil Suggs Oklahoma State (Gamma Upsilon) Barry Howell Cary Rogers South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Frank Havard Bill Ishee Curtis Weems Virginia Tech (Delta Alpha) John Crist North Georgia (Delta Beta) Tom Persia Andy Smith Northeast Missouri (Delta Delta) John Andrews Jacksonville State

Appalachian State (cont.) Ward Norris Fredrick Price Jeff Shell Pembroke State (Delta Kappa) Ollie Canaday U.N.C.-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Bill Jackson Gary Knox Dean Nolley North Alabama (Delta Xi) Larry Guess Wright State (Delta Pi) Bruce Rockwell James Madison (Delta Tau) Paul Domboski Mark Callis Kansas State (Delta Chi) Mike Howard Eric Purvis Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Billy Jacobs Mark Jacobs Steven Kosta TexasA&M (Delta Omega) Jason Dodd Shane Luther

(Delta Epsilon) Randy Owen Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Mark Christopher Bill Maycock

Charlie Kizer Grand Valley (Epsilon Beta) Ted Lukomski

Longwood (Epsilon Gamma) Chauncey Sisco Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon) Mike Donathan Central Arkansas (Epsilon Zeta) John Bearden Winthrop (Epsilon Eta) Joel Byars Jeffrey Mahoney U.N.C.-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Scott Twiford Southern Tech (Epsilon Kappa) Ed Smith U.S.C.-Spartanburg (Epsilon Lambda) Bill Weathers Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Jeff Luebker Cal. State-Sacramento (Epsilon Nu) Jayson Louie Todd Rehfuss Villanova (Epsilon Omicron) Artie Artinian Joe Baumgardner Lenoir-Rhyne (Epsilon Rho) Mark Mullane Christian Brothers (Epsilon Sigma) Mitchell Dhority Richard Erickson Chris Koch Chris Mills SPRIN G 1996


Fellows (cont.)

Christian Brothers (cont.) John Novarese Patrick O'Brien Robert Werle Bill Wilson Dan Wilson Brian Ward St. Joseph's (Epsilon Tau) Vince Thompson

Owen Initiative The Owen Initiative is a way for appreciative members and friends to show their respect for Durward Owen's accomplishments during his 35 years at the helm of Pi Kappa Phi.

Charleston (Alpha) Julius Burges Jim Edwards U.C.-Berkeley (Gamma) Charles Vannice Furman (Delta) Peter Manning South Carolina (Sigma) Jerry Brewer Walter Pickens Georgia Tech (Iota) David Baker



Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) J.P. Martin U.C.-San Diego (Zeta Beta) Jason Dauderman North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) Mark Adams Steward Sandstrom Cal. State-Chico (Zeta Lambda) Robert Zorovic

North Carolina (Kappa) Stuart Hicks Otis McCollum Thomas Sayre Nebraska (Nu) Jim Guretzky Roanoke (Xi) Michael Bast Steve Bast Paul Caldwell Ed Corson Nick Fairbanks Raphael Ferris Jason Fields Richard Flora

SUNY-Cortland (Zeta Omicron) Brian Clancy Jeffrey Sabol Colorado State (Zeta Phi) Stephen Feld IUPUI (Zeta Psi) Lance Burnside Kennesaw State (Eta Delta) Ed Copeland Jason Ponders

Roanoke (cont.) Durward Owen Don Potter Tim Ribar Rich Ruby Kevin Steele Jim Stump John Styron Jim Turk Tom Turner Jason Umberger Allen Woody Dudley Woody Alabama (Omicron)

U.C.-Irvine (Eta Eta) Jim Senechal Friends of the Fraternity Greg Laidig Fred MacLeod Sid McAllister Gary McDaniel Kevin Midkiff Most Blessed Parochial School Seymour & Barbara Stoller

Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Byron Herlong MarkTimmes Auburn (Alpha Iota) Ernest Johnson Penn State (Alpha Mu) Kevin Murphy Polytechnic (Alpha Xi)

James Gacek

John Greaves Lonnie Strickland Illinois (Upsilon)

George Carleton Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Emerson Linney Tennessee (Alpha Sigma)

Ken Garren Ron Hamilton Roy Jamerson Rich Klare Weldon Lawrence AI Nelson Robert Nicolson Cam Ogilvie Johnny Osborne

Greg Provencher Stetson (Chi) Mark Hollis Cornell (Psi) Edmund Sayer Purdue (Omega) Allan Larson Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Ledford Carter

Barney Tucker Indiana (Alpha Psi) Phil Summers N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Steve DePalma Jim Krucher Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Ken Cribbs

Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Glenn Dickson Valdosta State (Beta Tau) Jonathan Scott East Carolina (Beta Phi) S.T. Hicks Memphis (Gamma Delta) Tom Carter Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Billy Jacobs TexasA&M (Delta Omega) Jason Dodd Cal. State-Sacramento (Epsilon Nu) Todd Rehfuss Widows of Members Lillian Jost Friends of the Fraternity Keith Steiner

Nu Phi Society 1995

Alabama (Omicron) Harry Caldwell Nathan Hightower Lonnie Strickland Paul Wesch The modem-day Nu Phi Washington &Lee Society began in 1983 as (Rho) an initiative created by then national president Dick Anderson Lonnie Strickland. Howard Leake Since the Alpha Illinois (Upsilon) Banquet, which was Gunnar Schalin attended by 23 members, Nu Phi has grown to over Cornell (Psi) 100 loyal members who John Kirk meet at each Supreme Bill Newell Chapter. Purdue (Omega) To join Nu Phi, an alumnus must have David Lane attended five Supreme Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Chapters, paid an Gary Leonard initiation fee of $150, MarkTimmes and annual dues of $5 a year for each year of Oregon State his membership in the (Alpha Zeta) Fraternity. Jack Steward Auburn (Alpha Iota) UC-Berkeley (Gamma) Frank Hawthorne Ernest Johnson Steve Ryder South Carolina (Sigma) David Long Iowa State Jerry Brewer (Alpha Omicron) Walter Pickens Kelley Bergstrom Emory (Eta) Wayne Moore John Wilson Frank Parrish Georgia Tech (Iota) Drexel Garry Pritchett (Alpha Upsilon) North Carolina Keith Sheppard (Kappa) Indiana (Alpha Psi) Stuart Hicks Phil Summers Otis McCollum N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Thomas Sayre Steve DePalma Duke (Mu) Bill Fuqua Jim Krucher Florida Southern Roanoke (Xi) (Beta Beta) Durward Owen Ted Scharfenstein Tim Ribar Drake (Beta Delta) Jim Turk Rob Cione

Missouri (Beta Epsilon) Jay Stuckel Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Ken Cribbs McNeese State (Beta Mu) Wilfred Bourne R.B. Smith Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Glenn Dickson East Carolina (Beta Phi) Clay Edmonds West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Joe Alexander Memphis (Gamma Delta) Tom Carter Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall Wayne Buffington Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Bill Finney South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Frank Havard Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Art Quickenton U.N.C.-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Bill Jackson Texas-Arlington {Delta Psi) Billy Jacobs Mark Jacobs Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon) Mike Donathan

Foundation Top Tens


Top I 0 giving chapters in 1995

A mount


Georgia Tech (Iota) Roanoke (Xi) Alabama (Omicron) Illinois (Upsilon) Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Samford (Alpha Eta) N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) North Carolina (Kappa) Indiana (Alpha Psi)

$ 102,379

35 ,021 32,000 27, 715 11,220 10,530 9,254 9,035 7,765 5,548


Top I 0 giving states in 1995

A mount


$ 116,370

Georgia Alabama Virginia Missouri North Carolina Florida New Jersey California Illinois South Carolina

34,060 32,626 31,885 18,737 15,166 12,987 12,061 10,830 8, 631


Top I 0 chapters by amount given in 1995 by first-time donors


Illinois (Upsilon) Roanoke (Xi) N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Florida (Alpha Epsilon)

Amount $ 25,105

Indiana (Alpha Psi) North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) Christian Brothers (Epsilon Sigma) South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Georgia (Lambda) Texas A&M (Delta Omega)

4,792 1,341 980 740 620 400 305 290 620

Lifetime Giving Clubs recognize cumulative giving to the Foundation based on computer records from 1980 until present. Alumni who contributed in 1995 are listed by chapter. The number in parenthesis indicates the number of consecutive giving years.

Key to giving clubs: C1 CROSSED SWORDS CLUB ($100 to $249} Cl CHEVRON CLUB ($250 to $499} C3 GOW S'D\R CLUB ($500 to $999} C4EXECUTNE DIRECIOR'S CLUB ($1,000 to $2,499} C5 LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB ($2,500 to $4,999} C6 FOUNDATION CLUB ($5,00 to $9,999} C7 COUNCIL CLUB ($10,000 to $24,999} C8 ORDER OF TI-lE BEU ($25,000 to $49,999} C9 1904 SOCIE1Y ($50,000 to $99,999} ClO FOUNDER'S CLUB ($100,000 and up)



Charleston (Alpha) Rob Adams Warren Almand C1 (03) Juliu s Burges C6 (1S) Gary Catterton C4 (02) Tim Dangerfield C4 (OS) Jim Edwards CS Harry Freeman C3 (OS) William Ga ud C3 (08) Victor Greco C1 (04) Arth ur Haisten C3 (1S) Herndon Hasty C2 (03) Rick Heifers C2 (04) David Jaffee C6 (IS) Ea rl e Jennings C4 ( 1S) Bill Lu hn C2 Bobby Marlowe C2 (07) Terry Moore C4 ( 1S) Bob Nico lai Greg Padgett C3 (14) Dan Ravenel C2 (06) John Reynolds C2 ( 1S) Geo rge Rogers C2 (OS) Thomas Tucke r C1 Andy Westbrook C1 Ernest Zi nkowski C3 (02) Presbyterian (Beta) Gus Adams C4 (02) Dave Aucremann C2 (02) Dave Aust in C3 (1S) Jim Ballard C2 (10) Budge Bean C2 Ralph Belk C2 Tyler Binney (03) Cli ff Goodwin C4 (1S) Tom Grafto n C2 (12) Javan Jordan Ed Kirkland (03) Clin t Massey C4 (10) Art Maxwell C4 (07) Sam McGregor C3 (11) Buddy Medlin Don Mucci C2 (02) James Salvo C2 (03) John Steenbergen C2 (1S) George Stickney C1 (04) John Tri tt (04) Jason Williams U.C.-Berkeley {Gamma) Jim Alji an C3 {IS) Corey Babarovich C2 (06) Matthew Brown {02) Paul Casa le C1 {02) Vince Consul C2 AI Croce C2 (1S) ed Crouch C3 (1S) David Dayton C2 {03) Jack Downer C3 (15) Robert Eas ley C2

U.C.-Berkeley (cont.) Robert C. Engemoen C1 Orlando Frasca C2 (04) George Ganz C3 (OS) David Halligan C2 (11) Lee Handford C1 (04) Richard Houston C1 (07) Michael Kesler C 1 ( 09) James Kinlock C2 (03) Owen Kuns C2 (03) Spence Larson George Lineer C2 (04) Mark Nielsen C1 Sterling Norgard C3 (1S) Robert OMall ey C1 (03) Larry O lso n C2 (03) Rick Rappaport C2 (08) Gene Roberts C2 ( 11) Harland Ross C2 (03) Steve Ryder C4 Gary Schwartz David Scruggs C2 Hal Simmons C2 (04) Charles Vannice C4 (1 S) Neil Weatherall C2 (1S) Furman (Delta) Jeffrey Browne Ken Burnham (04) Euta Colvin C1 (02) Peter Manning C2 Walter Martin C3 (OS) Joe Sparks C3 (02) David Ullman C4 (1S) South Carolina (Sigma) Herbert Benson C1 (10) Jerry Brewer CS ( 1S) Danny Carte r C3 (07) Jo hn Cou lter C3 (04) George DeLay C2 (07) Bi ll Easom C 1 (02) William Fi ncher CS (1S) Jack Flynn C2 (02) Robert Gatti C2 (03) Jay Hammett C4 (03) Mike Harvath C2 (04) Mason Hubbard C1 Joe Lee C1 (03) Richard Mims C2 (04) Bob Montgomery C2 Walter Pickens C4 (14) Bert Pooser C3 ( 02) Ca lh oun Pruitt C2 {14) Dan Reynolds C4 {15) David Rhodes C3 (OS) Charl es Sand ers Jerry Stafford C1 (02) Russell Stokes C2 (03) Robert Tedo ldi C1 (OS) Branan Yarborough

Davidson (Epsilon) Harold Albri ght C1 Hooper Alexa nder C4 (08) Bob Gaither C1 (07) Bob Grady C1 (09) All en Graham C4 Henry Gurley Harry Hendrick C6 ( 1S) Sam Hin es C1 (13) Harold Kernodle C1 (08) Clarence McArthur C1 (02) Richard Melchor C1 (03) Bill Mills C2 (1S) Charli e Ratliff C1 (02) John Vernon (06) Philip Winstead C2 ( 1S) Hugh Yelverton C4 (03) Wofford (Zeta) Mark Bundy CJ (03) Thorn ton Crouch C2 (07) Bill Evins C3 Greg Gilbert C1 Jack Kaplan C2 (OS) Jake Owings C2 (04) Thomas Palm er C2 James Pease C3 (04) Pat Prothro Bill Smethie C1 Chip Stockman C4 (07) Boyce Woolbright C2 (03) Emory (Eta) Joe Cannon C4 (OS) Ja mes Grizzard C3 (03) Seale Hipp C4 (06) Ken Kiehl C3 (02) Eugene Sanders C2 (03) Jerome Westbrook C4 (1S) George Williams C2 (03) John Wilson C4 (1S) Georgia Tech (Iota) David Baker C2 (03) William Bennett C3 (1S) Joel Bonewitz C3 Dave Boy C1 Joh n Boy C2 (03) Tom Christian C2 (14) Mike Combs C3 (03) Keith Comerfo rd C1 (07) Phil CookC3 {IS) Robert Costley C2 {04) Terry Covington C2 (04) Michael Cowan C1 (03) Mike Crifasi C1 {02) Jack Crose Bob DeFurio C3 (09) Chris Doyle C2 (OS) Steve Fischer Jimmy Gordy C3 (15) Fra nk Hodge C3 (1S)

Georgia Tech (cont.) Vernon Hutchens C2 (03) Bruce Jewett C4 (1S) Russ Johnson C2 (1S) Thomas Kennedy C1 Jea n Kirkland C2 (03) Tom Lowndes C2 (12) Robert Lowrance C2 (OS) Josep h Luciani C2 John Mosher C1 (02) Bob Murray C3 (10) Bob Myers C1 (03) Robert Parrish C3 ( 1S) Jack Paus C l (03) Perk Perkins C4 (1S) Pete Petit C9 (02) Paul Pomeroy C 1 Garry Pritchett CS ( 1S) John Puckett C4 (1S) John Purcell C 1 (04) Bob Reeves C2 Kevin Renshaw C2 (OS) Sta n Roberts C4 ( 11) Bob Rowe C3 (03) Dean Russell C1 (OS) Glenn Scott Mike Stevens C2 (OS) Jimmy Sulsona C2 (03) Herbert Timmerman Comer Weaver C3 Mark Weaver C1 (02) John Wilson C1 (06) Jerome Withers C3 (1S) North Carolina (Kappa) Charl ie Adams C2 (10) Phil Ameen C3 (06) James Barkley Joe Bassett C2 ( 1S) George Braun C3 ( 1S) Robert Burns C1 (02) John Cauble C2 Frede ri ck Cov ille C2 (OS) Alvin Daughtridge C2 ( 13) Doug Dodson C4 ( 1S) Neal Fowler C l Scott Fu ll er C1 Woody Gunter C3 Russell Hadley C3 (12) Aaron Hagler C3 (13) Stuart Hicks C6 ( 15) Scott Hoehn C1 Richard Holzworth C3 ( 11) Ed Hopkins C1 Cra ig Huggins C1 Clifto n Hux C1 (03) Reid James C1 (02) Bi ll Johnson C2 (04) Councill Leak C2 (12) To mmy Lloyd C1 (03)

North Carolina (cont.) Otis McCo llum C8 {1S) Mike McLaughlin C2 {03 ) Jeff Michae l Cl {03) Beverly Moore C2 {03) Ri ch Morgan C2 Jim Naughton C ! Da le Owen C1 Michael Reynolds Keith Ro llins C4 {1S) Thomas Sayre CS (1S) Wayne Scott C3 (09) Charl es Seab rook C 1 (04) Clay Se renbetz C3 Jerry Stanislaw C l (02) Tim Stewart C2 (08) Jerry Teele C2 (03) Jimmy Thompson C2 Jo hn Vann C2 (03) Bob White C2 (1S) Winton Wilks C3 (02) Speed Williams Jim Wilmott C2 (10) Paul Wimbish C4 (IS) Cha rl es Winn C2 (1 S) Ha le Yokley C2 (OS) Georgia (Lambda) Selby Benton David Black Joh n Bradbury C2 (08) Tom Ca mpbell C1 (04) Kevin Dalton C2 Tom Dalton C2 (02) Mike Drayer Joe Edwards C! (03) Gle nn Ellard C3 (1S) Troy Green Cl (03) McHenry Hamilton C2 Jim Harp C2 (IS) Mark Harp C2 Ro bert Hays (02) Jay Henry C1 (03 ) Paul Horner C1 (03) Brannon Huntz Herbert In gram C3 (0 6) Tom Jackso n C2 Marty Jones C ! (02) Bill Kelly C l Fra nk Lane CS Ward Lang C4 ( 04) Leroy Langston C4 (03) Douglas Maclary (03 ) Larry McDanie l C2 Dink eSm ith C3 (03) H. F. Norris C! (03) Edwin OQuinn C l john Peck C l (1 2) Ga tewood Pryor C2 (03) Chris Savage C2 (OS)

Georgia (cont.) Sam Slade C3 (OS) Randy Spooner C2 Phil Tappy C6 {06) Gary Tolbert C ! Andy Towson C 1 Ch arli e Wagner Tom West C! Elliott Wilson Robert Wilson C3 {07) Tommy Wood C 1 Duke {Mu) Bob Atkins C ! Geo rge Benda C4 {OS) Jerry Bernstein C2 {02) Ed Carso n C l {02) Bob Clayton C! Bill Dodson C4 {IS) Paul Fekas C2 {02) Frederick Frostick C2 {03 ) Bill Fuq ua CS {02) Wilfred Ga tling C2 {07) Norman Gibson C2 (12) Bailey Groome (03) Anders Hall C l Nick Henn essee Burnett Hull C3 (10) Owen Johnson C l Robert Jo nes C3 Dan Kincaid C2 Hea th Marcus C2 (04) Ben Massey (02) Dudley Moylan Cl (07) Jim O ' Kelley Cl (02) Abra ha m Palmer C l Warren Pope C4 (04) Harry Raymond C l (03 ) Claron Robe rtso n Step hen Schnurr Cl {OS) James Smi th C l Nelson Stephens C2 ( 10) Cha rl es Taylor C3 (16) Douglas Underwood C1 (02) Joe VanHoy C2 Frank Wrenn C2 {06) Nebraska {Nu) Alex Ba rbi eri (04) Blaine Beck Ed Bieri C2 (I S) Jim Chri sto ! C2 (08) Jim Guretzky C4 (12) Kerry Hookstra C2 (07) Wi ll iam McCandless Cl (02) Thomas Miller C2 (03) Andrew Sheets C l George Spatz CS (04) Roanoke (Xi) Benjamin Albert C l David Al len C2

Roanoke (cont.) Brian Ancarrow Gregory Apostolou Matthew Baer Ja mes Banner Robert Barber C l (04) David Barnes C3 (03) Michael Bast C3 (04) Steve Bast C2 (1 2) Rick Bates Eri c Becker (02 ) Peter Bergen Nich o las Boccella CS (03) Robert Bonney C2 (03) Cla rence Ca ldwell C3 (06) Pau l Ca ldwell C3 {1S) Walker Ca rter C2 (07) Rich Cha ndl er C1 Jo hn Ch urchill C 1 Gary Cleland Stan Clements Dave Coa tes Clarence Co nn er C 1 Robert Copen h aver Ed Co rson CS (OS) David Dantz ler Mark Davies William Delatron C2 (03) Donald Desseyn C2 Jud e Donato Joseph Donohue C 1 Michael Dowdy C l (02) Henry Downing David Doyle C l (03) Ch arl es Duvall Donald Ea migh C2 Harl ey Erb C 1 Steve Esworthy C1 Ti nk Ewa ld C2 Matt Fahrney Nick Fairbanks C4 (04) Everett Far iss David Ferguson C2 Raphael Ferris C4 ( 11) Jason Fields C1 Josep h Fiel ds C2 Jam es Fleshman C3 (1S) Mark Fles hm an C 1 Richard Flora C1 Jo hn Foster Cl Rodney Fringer Jam es Gacek C1 Teddy Ga rm an C l (02) Ken Garre n C2 (08) Peter Gebhard Cl Ge ne Godwi n Whit Grave ly C3 {02) Curtis Gray Rob Gray C4 (OS)

Roanoke (cont.) Mark Gribble C l Jeff Grimm C1 (02) Hen ry Hahn C3 (1S) Ro n Hamilton Robbie Harris C2 ( 11) Tom Hayden C l Cecil Hefner C2 (1S) Paul Henke l C2 (02) Richard Hite C1 A.M. Hitt Ro bert Hya tt C2 (OS) Robe rt Irvin C3 Roy Jam erso n C l {02) Pau l Jenkins Harry Johnso n C2 (03) Pete Jo hnso n Robert Kavash Walter Keister C l (02) Don Kerr C3 (07) Brian Kidd C1 Ri ch Klare C l David Laprade C1 Sei bert Lavinder C4 (IS) Weldon Lawrence C4 (02) Curtis Lemo n C2 (IS) Rob Lentz C2 Bruce Linger C1 James Lowdon Cl Joseph Lowdon Brian Lowe James Lucas Phil MaloufC1 (02) Roger Malouf C 1 Wilbur Mann C3 Ray Markham C l (02) Mike Martin C 1 Rick Milan C2 (03) Mason Mi ll er C3 {02) Michael Moore James Moroch Gary Mou lto n Jaso n Moyers Lou Mullineaux C2 ( 10) Hans Musser Geo rge NaffC3 {04) AI Nelson C 1 (02) John Neurohr Dick Newman C4 (ll) Thomas Nicholson C2 Robert Nicolson C 1 (02) Dan O ' Fiaherty C4 (04) Tim O'Keeffe Cam Ogilvie C3 (03 ) Jo hnny Osborne C2 {OS) Steven Osborne Durward Owen C6 (IS) Terry Palmer Robert Patane C 1 ( 02)


Scholars receive a $500 annual scholarship from the Foundation. Twelve students are chosen from among junior and senior applicants. Selection is based on academics and campus, chapter and community involvement. The 1995-96 scholarship recipients are highlighted below and on pages 24-32.

Timothy Coleman Central Michigan (Beta Xi) Logistics Management 3.88 CPA

"Our Fraternity has a long history of superior scholarship standards and that history continues today. High scholarship standards serve as one of the primary fo undations for Pi Kappa Phi and that is why they are so important to our organization. "

SPRI NG 1996


Christopher Federico Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Accounting 4.0 GPA "In order to be competitive with other fraternities, Pi Kappa Phi needs to be synonymous with men who are serious about school. Having a reputation for high scholarship standards will help the national organization in recruiting, expansion to additional schools and funding from alumni."

Abbreviated key to giving clubs: C1 $100 to $249 C2 $250 to $499 C3 $500 to $999 C4 $1,000 to $2,499 C5 $2,500 to $4,999 C6 $5,00 to $9,999 C7 $10,000 to $24,999 CB $25,000 to $49,999 C9 $50,000 to $99,999 C10 $100,000 and up (Number in parenthesis indicates consecutive giving years since 1980.) 24


Roanoke (cont.) Michael Patrick Joseph Payne C2 {02) Lee Peregoff C3 DeWitt Petterson C2 (OS) Timothy Pickard George Planavsky Matthew Plasket C2 Rodney Plunkett Roy Pollard C4 (02) Don Potter C3 (03) John Pugni Stephen Quinn C1 Ellis Ramsey C1 Tim RibarCS (10) Barton Richwine Thomas Robertson C1 {02) Jeffrey Rubin C2 Rich Ruby C1 (02) Joseph Rutherford C4 Thomas Rutherford Kyle Schindel C2 Tod Senne C2 (02) Douglas Smith Mike Smythe C2 (02) Wi lli am Spears (02) John Stafford C2 ( 10) Kevin Steele C2 {02) Robert Stenzel Thomas Stoneman Bai ley Stortz C1 (02) Bobby Stul tz AI Stump Jim Stump C4 (OS) John Styron C3 (02) Shawn Sweeney David Tan is C3 (02) Chris Terry Jim Turk C8 ( 1S) Maynard Turk C3 Tom Turner Robert Turney Jason Umberger C4 (02) Mike Umberger Wally Van iels David Vecellio (02) Joe VonCulin C4 (06) Jack Wade C4 (07) Keith Wa lkl et C1 Tom Weir Cl (03) Alpheus White C1 Charles Whitmore Cl Wi lli e Wilhelm Do ug Williams C2 (02) Mike Wi lli ams William Williams George Williamson C! Ty Williamson C1 (02) Dick Wilson C 1 (02)

Roanoke (cont.) Jo hn Wilson C 1 Anhur Wood Al len Woody C7 (13) Dudley Woody C6 (OS) Matt Wright Alabama (Omicron) David Adams C2 (03) Charli e Beard C3 {12) William Bishop C3 {13) Hassell Bounds C2 (03) Bob Bowers C2 Austin Brannan CS (OS) Barry Brock C 1 {02) Jim Brown C2 (03) Jack Brunson C2 (03) Stephen Bunn Harry Ca ldwell C8 (04) Gene Cartledge C3 (03) Joe Cassady C4 (13) Rainy Collins C2 (03) Larry Contri C2 (12) Richard Cowa n C3 (03) Wi lli am Crowley C1 (03) Donnie Curry C2 Oil DeBardelaben C2 (03) Martin Ditto Charles Fleming Donald Flournoy C1 Thomas Gilbert C2 (06) Jo hn Greaves C3 (OS) Doston Gurga nus C4 {1S) Karl Harrison C2 Brooks Henderson C2 ( 13) Nathan Hightower C6 (09) William Hilburn Harley Hope C 1 (OS) Thomas House C1 Bob Inman C4 (OS) Mark Jones C1 (03) Cengiz Kilic C2 Joe Lee C3 (07) Gary Limmro th C3 (03) Mack Matthews C4 {1S) AI McLeod C3 (03) Desmond Merri ll C2 {13) Wimberly Miree C2 ( 10) Clynt Parrish C l Clinton Paulsen C2 (13) Tim Russell Cl (03) Bill Schroeder C3 (13) Bi ll Sharpe C1 Bob Shepherd C2 ( 13) Albert Skaggs Mark Spear C1 (03) Lonnie Strickland C7 (08) Ralph Summerlin C1 Bill Sutton C3 {1S) Bill Taylor C3 ( 13)

Alabama (cont.) Richard Taylor C3 Jerry Tucker C2 Ed Turner C2 (02) All an Viguerie (03) Paul Wesch C4 Matt White Floyd Woods C1 Bill Worthington C2 {13) Wi ll ard Young C1 (03) Oglethorpe (Pi) Lou Ptacek C1 (03) Jim Richardson C1 Washington & Lee (Rho) Kev Alexander Dick Anderson C4 (04) Seth Baker C2 ( 04) Jason Faust C1 Edwin Ga rretso n C2 (1S) Richard Hoover C2 {1S) J. lvey (02) Frederick Landrigan C4 {04) Howard Leake C7 (1S) Rich Leary C1 George Mcinerney C1 (03) Wink McKi nn on C2 (09) Cliff Mitchell C1 Bob Petrey C2 (07) Rick Splittorf C2 (03) Mac Squires C2 ( 1S) Rob Taylo r C3 (10) Edward Turvill e C2 (1S) Ken VandeWater C2 ( 11) Jock Wallace C2 (02) N.C. State (Tau) Donald Barker C1 (02) Bill Barnhardt C 1 {06) Robert Blake Bill Campbell C2 (13) Scott Cli fton (02) Bob Cline CS (13) Fred Co llins C3 (04) Tony Eva ns C3 John Feather C2 ( 14) Jimmy Greene C2 (13) Jim Groome {03) Clyde Humphrey C3 {13) Leon Joyner C1 Robert Lamphier C2 (02) Glenn Lancaster C2 (02) Harry Mashburn C1 (02) MarcMcConnaugheyC3 (OS) Patrick Morrah Cl Niels Norman C 1 (02) Sanjay Patel C1 (04) Wallace Reams C3 (OS) Dwight Roberson (03) Jeffrey Spanbauer (02) Edward Thomas (03)

N.C. State (cont.) Ed Wall Illinois (Upsilon) Peter Apostolakis C1 (OS) Richard Bangert C8 Bob Bogdanoff C2 (07) David Camacho C1 {04) Peter DePasquale C3 Fritz Eli ch C3 (07) Skip Fowler C3 (03) Bill Haselwood C4 (07) Bill Hasfurther C2 (1S) Glen HeslerC4 {1S) Gabe Hostalet Ralph Howard C3 (13) James Johnson C1 {03) Joe Johnson C2 {1S) David Kallal C2 (10) Tom Krizan C3 ( 1S) Jim Kutill C1 {03) Michael Lowery (02) Norm Lowrey Harold Madison C1 (13) Frank Marlow C2 ( 11) Gus Massa C2 (OS) Edw in Mendels C1 Lisle Menzimer C4 ( 1S) Bob Moore C2 (1S) Don Mulvih ill C4 Stephen Mumford C3 (1S) Larry Munson C2 (03) Ca rl Ne lson Bill O'Donne ll C1 (02) Jeff Overbey (03) Joseph Pehlman C1 (06) Ti mo thy Pemberton C2 Greg Provencher C3 (04) Kenneth Rabe C2 (1S) Robert Riggs C1 (03) Thurston Ruddy Gunna r Schalin CS (14) W. Seldo n C2 (07) John Shustitzky C2 (03) Brook Si lvestri C2 (06) Tony Si lvestri Jack Simpson C2 (07) Russ Tomes C1 Steve Trah ey C3 (15) Euge ne Ullemeyer C2 (1S) Dennis Wodarz Cl (02) Stetson (Chi) Larry Anderson C1 Eddie Culver C3 (1S) Tom Deen C3 (1S) Pat Figley C4 (06) Mark Hollis C2 (02) George Patterson C3 (1S) Bruce Rogers CS (07) John Snellings C3 (08)

Stetson (cont.) I. So uth wa rd C3 (02) Herman Turn er C4 (04) Esten Ulm er C2 (1S) Willi a m Und erhill (02) Jim Yo un g C 1 {14) Cornell (Psi) Jo hn Angu s C2 ( I S) Greg Dell a Rocca C 1 (OS) Eri c Fa irchild C 1 (02) GaryFish er C I {I S) Pau l Haas C2 (1 2 ) George Heinri ch C4 {1S) Ernest Jacoby C 1 Nicho las juried C 1 Jim Kao C 1 (OS ) Jo hn Kirk C4 {1 S) Mi chael Kremer C2 (06 ) Ge ne Leh r C3 {1 S) Be rtra m Lin dsey C2 Bill Newell CS (0 8 ) Michae l Piscitell i C3 (I S) Ca lvin Ro fe C3 Edm u nd Saye r C2 Lou Sea m a n C 1 (OS) Jam es Sto rey C2 Lawrence Th ayer C4 ( 02 ) Frederick Tho rn e C4 (0 8 ) Bob Wil cox C4 (06) Cory Wri ght (03 ) Purdue (Omega) Bo b Ad a ms C1 (03 ) Ro n ald Akens Ma rk All io n C1 Jack Be rlie n C 1 (02) ji m Berl ien C2 {07) Drew Biehl er C 1 Arth ur Bos ta ter C 1 Bill Bradshaw C2 {OS) All en Craven C 1 ( 04) Duane Davis C2 ( 1S) Ji m Dinsm o re Ro n Eye r C3 Geo rge Fass nacht C2 {1S) Jerry Fass nacht ( 03) Hugh Fla naga n C3 (1S) Geo rge Fred eri ck C 1 (02) Manish Ga ndhi C1 {03 ) Wa lly Go ffeney C2 {OS) Charl es Hall C3 (06) Gary Ha nso n C2 (03 ) Kim Hasler C2 (03 ) Do nald Hend rickson C3 (OS ) Hi lto n Hen ry C 1 (11) Rik Hill C3 (OS ) George Ho lderbaum C 1 (02) Graf Ho usto n C3 (04) Cap Jo hn so n C2 (1S) Bill Kan o use C2 {02 )

Purdue (cont.) Mi chae l Kerr AI Kirchn er C2 (1 S) Pa t Kuhn le C2 (OS) David La ne C7 (0 8 ) All an Larso n C2 (03 ) Mike Littl e C3 (1 S) Jo hn Love ll C4 Ri chard Lowe C2 (03) Ed Masline C2 (03 ) Edward Mattingly C 1 (02) Floyd McDo nald C3 {03 ) Jo h n McDona ld Mark Megraw C 1 To m Mill er C3 (04) To ny Mirabell i Noel Nelso n Phil ewho use C2 (04 ) Wa lter Norrington C3 (IS) So nny O'D ro bin ak C4 (06) Mike O have r C2 (1 S) Bill Peace C2 (07) Jo hn Po p C2 Mike Po rter C 1 (02) Jack Powers C3 (07) Richard Price C2 (02) AI Purdom Herm an Riggs C4 (IS) To m Sch ap ira C l Ja mes Seli s C l Pete Sherwood C1 (10) Ha lbert Smith C2 Kurt Sutto n C1 Do n Swage r C2 (OS) Kurt Takara C 1 Ed Th o mson C3 (OS) John Timm o ns C2 (02 ) John Trnka C 1 (02) Mike Tyrrell C2 (03 ) Jo hn Venard C2 (03 ) Ro bert Viets ( 03 ) To m Weakley C2 (03 ) Ma rk Wi lso n C2 (02 ) Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Robert Benn ett C3 (04) Bi ll Bruner C3 ( 1S) Rao u l Cali m lim Ledford Carter C3 {1S) Alfred Greene C1 Jo hn Harri so n C 1 Darrell Ho ld er Mich ae l La ke Ho lli s Lewis (10) Lynward Li ghtner C 1 (03 ) Tommy Lowndes C2 (03) Will ia m Maratos C 1 (02) A. Frank li n Martin C3 ( 13 ) Rob ert Me lton C2 ( I S) Step hen Sp isak

Mercer (cont.) Brad ley Waters Tulane (Alpha Beta) Tru m an Woodward C1 Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) Lawrence Besenfelder C2 (02) }. R. Davi s Joe Hain es C2 {04) Ri ck Hoffman C3 (0 8 ) Bob Ho ll yC4 {1 S) Th o rnto n Hudd le C4 {1 S) Gary Mi ll er C2 (04 ) Tho m as Moo re C3 ( 1S) Jay Mo rris C4 (OS) Jo hn Owen {02) AI Schmidt C2 (OS ) Ervin e Sw ift Washington (Alpha Delta) David Alexa nder {03 ) Fredri ck Brown C3 (03 ) Bo b Bux C4 (OS) Jack Clague C2 {1 S) Indy Crow ley Jo h n Da il ey C2 ( 13 ) Evan Eri ckso n C 1 (04) Manu el Esteb an C2 (10) Ro bert Hansen C2 Jo h n IIli as C 1 (02 ) Mickey Mc Pherso n Lo u Messer C3 (02 ) Charl es Po rter C3 (I S) Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Matt Ada ms Pau l Ah med Jeff Alexa nd er C l (03) Bart Arn o ld C2 (03 ) Jo rge Arteta C 1 (03) Pete Barr C4 (07) Grego ry Ba uer Pau l Benn ett C1 (0 4 ) David Bod en C 1 ( 03) Rusty Burgess Eduardo Ga rd en a! C 1 David Charl a nd C4 ( 1S) Wi ll iam Charla nd C 1 Em Cobb C4 (OS) Robert Co le Neil Co n tess C3 (02 ) Geary Cotto n C3 (04 ) Mi chae l Crova tt (02 ) Pete Cummin gs C2 Dante De Pa ni cis Christo ph er Doa ne Bi ll Dresback Larry Elkin s C 1 (03 ) Pa ul Enri co C2 (03) Ma tt hew Erikson C 1

Florida (cont.) Fabio Fasan ell i C2 Tom Fitzgera ld C3 (04) Jam es Fo rney C 1 Wi ll iam Gill es pi e C2 Jo h n Go rnto C2 (03 ) Hugh Gowe r C4 (1 0) Ash er Gray Murle Harri so n C2 (02 ) David Henn C6 (0 6) Byro n Herl o ng C4 (OS) Alfredo Hern andez C2 (02) Dan iel Hi cken C l Richard Hi ll C2 (04) Da le Hocking C 1 {02 ) Robert Ho ffm an Layn e Ho lland er Jack Howell C2 {03 ) Spen ce Hubba rd C2 (04) Charl es Hudspeth C4 {1 S) Rob Jam es C 1 Art Kedroski Bill Keyes C 1 (02 ) Jon Kiger (02 ) Pete r La naris C 1 (02 ) Ch a rl es Lapradd C2 Rom eo Lavari as Doug Leigh C2 Gary Leon a rd C4 (02 ) Andrew Lilli e Jo hn Loga n Brian Lo ng C 1 (03 ) Bert Lu er C4 (I S) Sabino Martin ez C l Will iam McCall Michael McGee C 1 Robert McMull en C4 Rob Meis Bing Mich ae l C l Fritz Mitchell C3 (02) Joseph No rd Ji m O ' Do nn ell C2 (04 ) Roy O lse n C3 {1S ) Ben Overto n C4 ( 1S) Phi li p Pasto re Bob Patern o C4 (02) George Peek C 1 (03) Marti n Perkins C1 Robert Perry jet Powers C3 (07) Kenneth Purcell Diego Rodri guez Terry Roo ke C2 Reggi e Ross C3 ( 1S) Bill Sah lie C2 (1 S) Ray Sch mitt C l Thom as Simpson C4 (J S) Rich ard Sm ith C2 (03 ) Robert Sou th well

Philip Ferderigos Charleston {Alpha) Political Sdence 4.0GPA "Pi Kappa Phi is a manifestation of the Founders ' quest to push each other to maximize their potential, realizing that a person must strive hard in order to succeed. Today, these sentiments remain intact as men across the country compete with each other to better themselves and sodety."

SPR IN G 1 996


Gregory Grilliot Miami- Ohio Associate Chapter Paper Sdence/ Engineering 3 .83 GPA "Improved scholarship leads to increased selfconfidence and sense of self-worth. For each member, success in the classroom will spill over into everyday life. They will begin to expect more from not only themselves, but also from others. "

Abbreviated key to giving clubs: C1 $100 to $249 C2 $250 to $499 C3 $500 to $999 C4 $1,000 to $2,499 C5 $2,500 to $4,999 C6 $5,00 to $9,999 C7 $10,000 to $24,999 CB $25,000 to $49,999 C9 $50,000 to $99,999 Cl0$100,000 and up (Number in parenthesis indicates consecutive giving years since 1980.) 26


Florida (cont.) Steve Stanford C1 {06) Steven Steinfield Mike Stephens Charl es Stewart CS {04) Stu art Stockton ( 02) Ed Sto rin C1 {03) Steve Terp Gordon Thomas Donald Tho mpson C1 )ames Thompson C1 Mark Thurn C2 Ma rk Timm es C4 (06) RayTylander C3 (03) Robert Tylander C4 {02) MarkVarneyC3 (14) Victor Villegas Randi Wadle Jack Weiss C1 Go rdo n Zell ers (02) David Zona Oregon State {Alpha Zeta) W. Alldredge C3 (08) Tony Amort C2 ( 04) Geo rge Blinco C1 (03 ) Jo hn Bollman C4 (07) Josh Burgess Bob Colon na (02) William Cook C1 (02) Garry Domnisse C3 (03) Bob Elfers C4 ( 1S) oe l Flynn C4 Sco tty Hammond C2 (13) Bob Harri s C1 (02) Chuck Hartsough C3 (1 3) K.M. Hawke C2 (1 2 ) Kenneth Hos ler C 1 Geo rge )aska C2 (OS) Harry Kallander C4 (1 3 ) Donald Knight C2 (04) Theodo re Langton C1 {03 ) Tim Large Jim Mars h C1 (10) Charl es Morrill C1 (03) Chad Mundell o Gary Munn C4 (1S) Bob No rdlander C2 ( 15) Thomas Patterson C2 Don Perrin C3 (06) Fred Raw C3 (1S) jack Reviglio C4 (14) Mark Sherry C1 (02) Marion Sigovich C2 (03) Jack Steward CS {1S) Ray Terhun e C3 {02) Don Thomas C1 William Thomas C2 (1S)

Samford (Alpha Eta) Jim Bell C2 ( 1S) E.B. Bruce C2 {OS) Jim Da ley C9 {04) Bill Dixon C3 ( 1S) Roy Evans C3 John Haynes C3 {03) Chad Klauser Bob Laud erdale C1 {03) Donald Moore Jim Purvis C3 {11) Doc Sha nn o n C1 {02) Gil Simm o ns C3 ( 11) Dwayne Todd (03) Joe Vaughn C1 Henry Yeackle C2 {06) Michigan State {Alpha Theta) Ken Adams C3 (1 2) Hen ry Anderso n C2 (04) Rya n Bennett Orson Bird C1 Tom Bird C3 (03) Dan Cierni ck C1 William Cleary C4 (1S) C. ). Estes (02) Sco tt Eva ns C2 (08) Rob Ewen C1 Jeff Hill C1 Rich Hruda Clare Jensen C3 Wi lli am Lawto n (03) Bruce Less ien C2 ( 02) Curt Luthy C2 (12) Jo hn Mogli a C1 (03} Angus Morse C3 ( 14) John Phillips C1 Geo rge Salsbury C1 (06) Ja mes Siemers {03) Clay Sp ragg C 1 ( 04) Kline Sprague C2 {03) Jero me Szpo ndowski Robert Trembath C2 {OS) Don Viecelli C3 (1S) Dave West Ford Woodard C2 Bob Yackels C2 ( 11) Dennis Yanachik C4 (09) Jack Zimm erma n C3 {13) Auburn (Alpha Iota) Charl es Beaird C2 (04) Lua Blankenship C3 Marsha l Caley C4 (OS) Steve n Chandler C1 {02) Jo hn Chri sti a nsen C2 {1S) Foote Drury C2 (02) Robert Fe rre ll C3 ( 08) Joe Forehand C3 {1 S) Tom Fuller C3 {1 S)

Auburn (cont.) To mmy Gordon C3 ( 10) Moyer Harris C3 {1S) Harold Hartwell C1 Frank Hawthorne CS {12) Ed Healy C1 Jim Hendry C2 {04) Geo rge Hill er C1 Billie Ho rne C1 (02) Ernest Jo hnson C7 (14) Bill Jo nes C3 {1S) Jim Jones {03) Ken Laurendine (03) David Long C3 (04) Alex Maddox C4 {03 ) Brian Matisak (02) Skeeter McClure C2 (OS) Charles Morgan Bill Morrissey William Parsons C1 {06) Sam Pate C4 (10) Larry Pharo C3 ( 04) Joel Radman C2 (02) Scott Reams C 1 ( 03) Bogart Reed C2 ( 1S) Charlie Rushing (03} Red Russell C3 (OS) Clark Sahlie C2 (0 6) David Scott ( 03) Wall ace Smith C2 (02) Wa rd Taylor C2 (02) Chad Tyson Bob Wa rd C2 (07) Bubber Weldon Kenneth Wilkins C3 (04) Warren Williams C3 (12) Cha rli e Wood C1 (02) Michigan {Alpha Kappa) Greg Brown C2 Ralph Danielso n C2 (0 6) Brad Ha rris (02 ) Hugh Ho tchkiss C3 (1 S) Emil Keck C3 Mark Perrin C4 (OS) William Rowley C1 (14) Erik Seiffert C1 (03) Aaron Stanek Carl Walker C2 (03) Steve Warnke (02) Mississippi {Alpha Lambda) Jo hn Ward C4 Pete Warren C2 (OS) Penn State (Alpha Mu) James Alter C3 (07) Jon Benedetti C2 ( 11) Jason Borrelli Stephen Botta {03) Jo hn Brisbane C3 (1S)

Penn State (cont.) Ed Cavali er C1 Jason Fedon Edwin Friend Michael Ga rdocki C2 {1S) Haro ld Gedney C2 {03) Blaine Grube C3 {03) Wa lt Gwinner C1 Richard Heim C3 (OS) Bill Joh nson C2 {07) Bruce Kent C1 (09) Leon Knetz C2 ( 1S) Fredri ck Martin C1 (04) Ralph Moyer C1 (OS) Kevin Murphy C3 (02) Elbur Purnell Mo Ranc C2 (02) Bi ll Simon C2 {03) Scott Sobkow icz William WalkerC3 {1 S) Ed Yeager C2 (12) Jo hn Yeosock C1 (04) Ohio State (Alpha Nu) Alvi n Frye John Haas C2 ( 11) Russell Newho use C2 (04) Ca rl Stickel C4 ( 1S) Edwin Stickel C4 (1S} Polytechnic {Alpha Xi) Hank Backofen C3 {1S) Robert Blazek C1 John Boette C2 (04} Richard Brady C4 ( 1S) George Carleton C3 ( 11) Arthur Criscio ne C1 (OS) William Delnicki C2 (10) Louis Destefano C3 ( 04) Vincent DiGiovanni C1 Paul Dillon C2 (03) Walter Eise le C3 (1S) Bruce Elowsky C2 (1S) Joe Fa moso C1 Joseph Flaherty C4 (1S) Henry Gartner C4 (1S) Frank Gra ndinetti C1 (10) Ove Jensen C2 (1S) joseph McCooey C2 (04) Kenneth McCort C 1 (04) Henry Meyer C4 ( 1S) Jack Molinelli C2 (OS) Ren Nugent C3 (15) Robert O'Do noh ue C2 ( 1S) Orazio Petito Antonio Qui lo n C2 {06} Harry Roener C2 {09) Lou Rowley C3 {OS) Paul Schwanenflugel C3 ( 10) Jo hn Smelli e C2 (03) Steve n Solomon C1

Polytechnic (cont.) Albe rt Stee le C3 ( 13) Chri sto ph er Witt C2 (03 ) Willi am Wright C1 (02) Warren Zulawski C2 (04 ) Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Eri c Alm q ui st C 1 Keith Bader C2 ( ll) Bo b Ba tem an C3 ( 13 ) Ke ll ey Bergstrom C7 ( 13 ) Stewa rt Black (02) John Brockmann C2 (04) Bob Brown C3 (03) Jim Ca rso n C2 ( 12) Curti s Clifto n C2 (04 ) Da le Coch ra n C 1 (03 ) Hal Dirkse n C 1 Phil Dvo rak C2 (1 2 ) Dick Ewen Ge ne Fri tz C3 (1S) Jeremy Ga lvin Guy Goodenow C2 (04 ) Eldred Harm a n C7 (08 ) Ke n Hoo k C4 ( ll) Ray Kn aggs C2 (03 ) Bert Latta n CS ( 1S) Em erso n Li nn ey C2 (OS) Dave Little C2 Gera ld Love C2 (03 ) Wa rren Madd en C4 (1S) Myro n Menefee C2 Mark Millim an C2 (OS) Jim Moo n C3 (02 ) Wayne Moo re CS (02 ) Leo Mo res C l Paul Mu ll er C3 (03 ) Dick O hrt C2 Do n O sbo rne C2 (03 ) Ed wa rd Pa in e C3 (1S) Frank Parri sh C7 (1 S) Jo n Parri sh C2 (03 ) Daryl Pl eggenkuhl e Chu ck Rehm an C 1 (02) Bill Ri ckert C4 ( 1S) Ra lph Rued y C2 (OS) Jo hn Sand erso n C2 (03) O lli e Sparks C3 Larry Stell a C l (02) Matt Th o rnburg To m To tt C3 (OS) Ve rne Up mi er C 1 (03 ) Jo hn Vea k C2 (04) Ken Weimersk irch (04 ) Sco ttyWe llsC 1 (03) Harl eyWhitn eyC3 (13)

Univ. of the South (Alpha Pi) jo h n Johnston C3 (02) West Virginia (Alpha Rho) Bob Do mbro wski C 1 (03) Vi cto r Fo li o C4 (OS) Dave Ki sh C2 Bo b Laughn er C2 (03) Boyd Lutz C 1 Howa rd Martin C 1 (06 ) Tho mas McCorm ick C 1 (02) Marc Mi ca li Bi ll Russell C2 Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Carl Adkins C2 (07) To m Ba nks C2 (1S) Grego ry Ca rpenter C1 (02 ) Ba rry Cecil C4 (06 ) Jam es Cogdi ll C3 David Eve rh art C3 Buster Harvey Johnny Jo hnso n C2 (1 2 ) Mike Kee ner J.J. Lovegrove Randy Mims C3 (04) Mike Mynatt C l Matt Pi ckle Ro nald Pi erso n (02) Frank Pugh C2 (1 S) Willi e Read C3 Cla rk Ro berts C2 (06 ) Jon Ryme r C3 (03) Ro bert Sledd C 1 (04 ) Frank Smith C 1 jim Snow C3 (OS) Alfred So uth erl a nd C 1 (03 ) Bren t Spa ld in g C2 (03) Sa m Stee le C2 (07) jim Steffn er C2 (09) Shawn Tidwell C 1 (03 ) James To m bras C 1 Barney Tu cke r C4 (06) Jimmy Va n Frank C3 (07) Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Di ck Andrews C2 (I S) Bi ll Bald w in C2 ( ll) Frank Bandre C l (02) Bo b Bergm an C l Jim Bernstein C3 (1 S) Mi lt Beve ridge C 1 (0 4) Willi a m Bruder C l (03) Ben Ca hi ll C3 (14) Kenn eth Chucta C l (03 ) Charli e Cu lberso n C 1 David Do bso n C3 (OS) Dave Dro pkin C2 (07 ) Cedri c Dustin C4 (1 2 ) Jo n Finke C2 Ro bert Fuchs C3 (I 2)

Rensselaer (cont.) Dave Goddard George Graf C 1 (OS) Win ter Graves C2 (1 S) Di eter Gro ll C 1 (03) Ro bert Hawkins C3 (1 3 ) Geo rge Hoffer C2 (03) Herbert Ho lden C 1 (02 ) Peter Kell ey C 1 (02 ) Ken Koegler Ke ith Lindfelt John McMaho n C2 (03) Geo rge Morga n C l Scott Mo rri s C l (0 2 ) Will iam Mo rrison C 1 (04 ) Kenneth Munoz C2 (04) Chris Parks C l (07) Dave Pete r C2 ( 12 ) Howard Peterso n C2 ( ll) La rry Powell C1 (03 ) Kermi t Pratt C2 (1 S) Edward Rebu la C3 (0 6) Tho m as Ri chm o nd C2 (02 ) Bi ll Ro berts C2 ( 1S) Gil bert Rob erts C 1 Dave Rubenstein C 1 (03) Ni ck Rusa nowsky C J (13) Do n Seyler C3 Ben Spo rn C l (02 ) Ern es t Stacey C2 (I S) Do n Stephens C2 ( 10 ) Ha ro ld Trevett C 1 (0 2) Steve Van Rensse lae r Ro bert Wagner C2 (03 ) Seth Walter C2 (03 ) Bob Wa mbach C3 (04 ) Gord o n Wright CS (14) Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Bo b Anderso n C2 (03 ) Jo h n Ba rtle C 1 (07) To m Block C3 (1 2 ) john Bu hsmer C2 (03 ) Ma rtin Burrows C2 (03 ) Ray Ca nn o n C2 (03 ) Jack Casper C7 (02 ) Geo rge Cavenas Douglas Cla rke C3 (0 8 ) Bi ll Coon ey C3 (07) Samuel Costa C2 ( 13 ) Raymo nd Davis C3 ( I S) joseph DeLuca C l Wa lter Dea ro lf C2 (14) Ed DiMo nd C2 (1 S) Leo na rd Di ca rl o C4 (1 3 ) Kenn eth Dirkes C2 (1 S) Rich Do mrza lski Ph il ip Earl ey C l (02) Larry Ego lf C l (03 ) So n ny Evers (02)

Drexel (cont.) Gino Fo rtunato C 1 (03 ) Jack Ga rdner C 1 (07) Mi chael Gennaro C l Da niel Gin sberg C 1 Ray Griffin C2 (03 ) Paul Gross C2 (03) Da le Ha ring (OS) David Heydt C2 (04 ) Ho ke Ho kanso n C2 (07 ) Lem Ho lt C 1 (02) Walt Ho pkin John Hud son C2 (I S) Jo h n Hunter (03 ) Art Jo nes C2 (03 ) Joseph Keyes C2 (03) Eugene Ki eh l C2 (OS) Ralph Kl es ius C2 (1 2) Jo hn Kn o ll C3 (03) Ch arles Kun tz (02) Bo b La mbert C2 (03 ) Kevin Lann a n C l Tony La nnutti C3 (1 2) Tom La roe C3 (03) Albe rt Lo rd C2 (02) Joe Lovell C 1 Jack Marshall C3 (I S) Bi ll McFadd en C 1 (1 3 ) Vicko Melada C3 ( 10) Gil Me rritt C3 (J S) Geo rge Meye rs C 1 Osb o rn e Mill er C2 (04 ) joe Mittura C2 (OS ) Rich ard Mos her C 1 Fred Nu eni gho ff C l (03 ) John Nyce C l Mi chae l O liveto C l Ralph Parris C2 (07) Jo hn Peirce C l (02 ) Steph en Pinkas Jo hn Rittenh o use C4 (1 S) Daniel Ro ma nchuk (03 ) Do n Sch ey C2 (1 S) Frederi ck Schm ehl C3 Bi ll Sch uette C1 (03 ) Keith Sheppard C4 ( 1S) Ed Sim o n C3 (02) Jack Stee r C2 (03) Dick Su ll iva n C3 (02 ) Darren Ta pp C l (OS) Bo b Tesn o C2 ( 11) Bob Tho rp C2 (09) Arthur Tunn ell C2 (1 S) Do n Willi a m s C l (10) Sa m Wil so n C2 (1 S) Stanto n Woe rth C 1 (02 )

Br andon Minor Alabama (Omicron) Accounting 3.81 CPA "Uplwlding 'the highest possible standards of scholarship' means more than developing good brothers. Doing this helps the Fraternity operate successfully in an environment filled with misconceptions about fraternities. "

SP RIN G 1996


Mace Nosovitch Missouri (Beta Epsilon) Biology 3.82 GPA "Many times it is the person with stringent scholar.ship standards that is also know for his integrity, leadership, responsibility and perseverance. It is these qualities that a national organization should expect from and enjoy in its members. "

Abbreviated key to giving clubs: C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

$100 to $249 $250 to $499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $2,499 $2,500 to $4,999 $5,00 to $9,999 C7 $10,000 to $24,999 C8 $25,000 to $49,999 C9 $50,000 to $99,999 Cl0$100,000 and up (Number in parenthesis indicates consecutive giving year.s since 1980.) 28


I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) Ed Bisone C3 (1S) Gary Cathey C1 (08) Merle Dargel C1 David Desilets C2 Brian Diaz C2 John Doudera C1 (06) Cyril Dusell C2 (04) Matt Fernandez Bill Fierke Dick Frankenberg C1 (OS) Jim Helm C3 (09) Jack Higgins C2 (12) John Humiston C4 (IS) Frank Janik C1 (02) Ken Kamper C2 (02) Martin Kotsch C3 (07) Leonard Mance Cl Russ Millman C4 (13) James O liver Kenneth Peterson C4 (02) Roger Peterson C4 (IS) Jack Piper C1 (OS) John Pottenger C2 (03) John Roach C3 (OS) John Sachs C4 (IS) Edwin Searl C3 (OS) Douglass Snyder C3 ( 04) Steve Stevens C2 (OS) Lee Strate C2 Paul Wagner C3 (1S) Robert Wo lfe C1 Charles Woods C1 (04) Miami (Alpha Chi) Curt Hopkins C3 (1S) Frank Kearns C2 (03) Indiana (Alpha Psi) Gerald All en C2 (IS) Brook Bollinger C1 Steve Boone C3 ( 04) Don Brennan C2 (1S) James Broadhurst Cl (03) Terry Brown C4 (04) Dave Ca lzaretta Frank Calzaretta C3 Ron Campbell (03) Tony Cochren Glen Crosier Durbin Day C3 (1S) Douglas Dowen C2 (02) Chuck Dunlap Scott Even beck C2 ( 1S) Steve Garner Dave Gibson C2 (OS) Rod Gunn in g C3 (OS) Richard Hall (03) Robert Haller C2 (04) Jim Halsey Cl (08) John Leonard C2

Indiana (cont.) Lawrence Liu C1 (OS) Scott Louderback C 1 Joe Lux C2 (03) Dave May C1 Kevin McDonald C3 (1S) Tim Mercer C2 (OS) David Moscowitz (02) Wayne Murray C3 (1S) Lewis Oyler Barry Polley Cl (OS) Jim Ruckriegle C2 (14) Jeff Shreve Cl Rich Stutz C2 T.J . Sulliva n C3 (07) Phil Summers C7 (1S) Michael Vandrey C1 (03) Jim Witek C1 (07) Jim Wright C1 (02) Oregon (Alpha Omega) R. Glenn Garrett (OS) Sherman Holmes C2 (03) Don Lasselle C2 ( 1S) Gi lb ert Lissy C1 Stan ley Lynch C2 (1S) Bob Potts ( 04) N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Fred Becker C3 (IS) Kevin Boerner C1 (02) Harry Bonfanti C1 Tom Carro ll C1 Ted Cassera C2 Joseph Chapski C1 (02) Richard Comiso Steven Corbett C1 Jeffrey Cu tcher Steve DePalma C8 (13) Ch uck Dietz C1 (03) Roger Dolida C1 (03) Lawrence Fisher C1 (02) Carl Fritsch C2 (02) Basem Hanna Paul Hazzard Dennis Kaser C1 Bob Kee C1 Ed Klebaur C3 (1S) Lawrence Kominiak C1 Karl Kopans Cl (02) Jim Krucher CS (1S) Aivars Krumins C2 (09) Richard Labinsky C3 (06) Paul Lavella John Lee CS (OS) Don Linske C3 (09) Joseph Manfredi C4 (1S) Anthony Mangone Cl (04) Mike Mariano Herbert Martin Cl (07) William McCabe C3 (1S)

N.J.I.T. (cont.) Tom McCann C2 (06) Louis Miceli C2 (IS) William Makoid C1 Frank Moorman C1 (02) Bob Morgan Jim Moyse George Newcombe C4 (04) Wi lli am Nichols William Oakenell C2 (04) Patrick Parkinson C1 (02) Lester Pastuszyn C2 ( 02) Rick Pedersen C I (OS) John Pugliesi C3 (03) Richard Rodrick C2 (07) Joe Roppolo Richard Rusak C1 ( 13) Bruce Sack C1 (02) Steven Sawicki Cl Rob Sici lano Jim Snodgrass C2 ( 07) Gary Sob in C1 (02) Raymond Spinell i C3 Richard Stephan C2 (07) Patrick Suter C1 (02) Ron Szkodny C2 Jacob VanBroekhoven C2 (1S) Don VanHouten C4 (02) Timothy VanVliet Thomas Watkins Dave White C2 (02) Jeff Winegar C1 Paul Zel insky Florida Southern (Beta Beta) Gary Baker C4 (OS) David Fech t Bill Frase r C2 (03) Woodie Halter Kennis Ketterer C2 (02) Carl Koch C4 ( 13) Roger LaBrie (02) George Peterson C2 ( 11) Dave Robertson C4 (12) Ted Scharfenstein C7 ( 14) John Thompson C1 Jack Trufant C2 (04) Thomas Volpe Robert Weitzner Cl (04) Louisville (Beta Gamma) Donald Bloomer C3 (13) John Cook C2 ( 1S) Jim Gri ssom C1 (04) Spencer Harper C3 (IS) Jim Koshewa C l {06) Ron Krebs C7 (1S) Michael Parks Erro l Ri chardson C1 (04) Warren Robb C4 (04) Herb Zimm erma n C2 (12)

Drake (Beta Delta) Rob Cione C4 (1S) C. Ray Deaton (07) Paul Gilman C2 (OS) Jim Hornbrook C4 (1S) R.D. Howell C3 (02) Ken Miller C2 (1S) Joe Parsons C1 (03) Harold Pewick (02) Kenneth PillerC2 (12) Dean Rowland C3 (1S) Bruce Swanson Cl Jim Winegar C2 (IS) Missouri (Beta Epsilon) Brad Barondeau Jeffrey Bennett (02) Brian Eiserman Cl (03) Dave Epperson Cl (07) Philip Gray David Kellogg Jim Lemon C1 Ken Lissner C2 (08) Walt Richards C3 ( 1S) Dean Shill ito C2 Todd Steele Jay Stucke! C4 (03) Scott Till itt (02) Laurence Trudell C3 (1S) Florida State (Beta Eta) Leo Almerico C2 (IS) Thomas Atwood John Brooks (02) Jim Bultman Cl (03) Bob Clark C3 (13) Rick Corbett C2 (08) Robert Costin (02) Beau Debeaubien C1 (08) Jeff Eacker C1 (02) Bernard Eaton C1 Gi lbert Fernandez C1 Ryan Hay Jeffrey Holler C3 (04) Guy Hollingsworth C2 (04) Michael Kryzanek James Lloyd C3 Mike Loy C1 (03) Ch uck MacMill in C3 (1S) Buz McCall C4 ( 04) Harry Mcintosh C2 (03) Hassell MclverCI (04) Clay Mi ll s Gordon Mize Cl (03) Ch ri s New C3 (03) Lee Nicho ls C2 (03) Randy Plotts C2 (02) Bernie Stilwell C1 (02) David Stoddard C l (04) Lewis Symmes Cl (02) William Welch Cl (02)

Florida State (cont.) Sid Wil so n C2 ( 13 ) Geo rge Yo ung Arizona (Beta Theta Associate) Arthur Va nce C2 (OS) Toledo (Beta Iota) Chri s Barto n C2 (03) Mark Bo ll inge r Bob Co nl ey C3 (1 S) Ca rl Co nn er C 1 (02) Darw in Deckros h C2 (07) Ge rald Dun away C3 (1 S) jo h n Eise nm an n C 1 William Fred eri ck C2 (0 9) Ro b Fri ess C2 (09 ) Geo rge Hers hm an C2 (04 ) Bob Kuhlm an C2 Cha rli e Ma thi es (02 ) Da rryl McEwen C3 ( 1S) Ro b Meye r C3 (OS ) Cra ig Myers C2 (03 ) Bill O 'S hea C2 (1 3 ) Tim O 'S hea C l Ma rty Pauken Ri chard Rose C l (OS) Roger Schill er C2 (02 ) Rob Shind ell (02 ) )a mes White C2 (04) Georgia State (Beta Kappa) jack Ba rber C 1 (03 ) Ken Cribbs C6 (04 ) jack Hurt Pat McCabeC1 (04 ) Dave Ward C3 (1 3 ) jo h n Whit ley C3 ( 13 ) Tampa (Beta Lambda) All an Austin Wade Bi rch C2 (OS ) jim Crosby C 1 (04) Austin Curry C4 (07) Aaro n Dowd CS Ra lph Griffin C2 (04 ) Perry Monastero C2 (06 ) Bo b Mye rs C2 (03 ) Jim Neve C 1 Do n O Nea l C3 (04 ) Ra lph Sto ut (07 ) Bo b Sw irbul C2 (03 ) Dick Swirbul C3 (0 4) Guy Wa lto n C3 (07 ) McNeese State (Beta Mu) Mitchell Ad ria n C l Wi lfred Bo urne C3 (03 ) Paul Brow n C2 (06 ) Mill er Cla rkso n (04 ) Drew Claude! Raymond Du ho n C 1 (OS)

McNeese State (cont.) R.B. Smith C4 (1 S) David Stacy C3 (OS ) To m Wright C 1 Central Michigan (Beta Xi) Dave Clappiso n C2 ( 1S) O liver Hayes C1 Northwestern State (Beta Omicron) Ch ris Pres tenback C 1 Clarkson (Beta Rho) jo hn Kru se C 1 (09 ) Northern Illinois (Beta Sigma) Do n Firkins C3 ( 1S) Valdosta State (Beta Tau) Ha mp Ad am s (03 ) To m Brooks C3 (07) )am es Dowd C2 ( 11) Eri c Lape jo natha n Sco tt C3 (03 ) Vin ce Se ttl e Pat Wi lfo rd C2 (1 S) Virginia (Beta Upsilon) jack Berry jo hn Brown ing C3 (1 S) Bill Couper C4 (02 ) Ge ne Dav is C3 (02 ) Glenn Dickso n C4_{ 1S) Barry Ewa ld C2 (02 ) To m Haudri court C2 (04 ) Ru ss Huber C3 (1 3 ) Dave Hya tt To m Kelly Da n Kim ball CS (OS ) Shep Moo re C3 ( 12) Chuck Nesbit C3 (1 4 ) Geo rge Shipp C2 Do n Sles ni ck C2 (02 ) Bi ll Watso n C2 (I I ) }.B. Yo u n t C4 (07) East Carolina (Beta Phi) Ellis Banks C2 (04 ) De nni s Ba rbo ur C2 ( 13 ) Clay Brewer C2 Den ni s Brow n C2 (07) Lo n ni e Cayton Clay Edm o nds CS (OS) Ellis Ehl e C2 (02 ) S.T. Hicks C4 (14) Ri ck Judso n C 1 (03 ) Wi ley Lewis C2 (1 S) Geo rge Resseg u ie C l (03 ) Tho mas Sayetta C l (08 ) Ri chard Scott C2 ( 11) Ro nald Siegfri ed C2 Spence r Slate C 1

East Texas (Beta Chi) Curt is Nugent C 1 (07 ) Ken Park C3 (OS) To mm y Whi te C 1 (04) Tennessee Wesleyan (Beta Psi) joe l )o nes C1 (0 8 ) Ro na ld Ma rtin Barry Saund ers C2 (0 8 ) Dan Wi eser C 1 (03 ) East Tennessee State (Beta Omega) Ala n Bagley (02) Edward Bowers C3 (03) Byro n Brow n C4 ( 1S) Frank Masters C l (02) Russ Pa lm er C3 (07 ) Ge ne Smith C2 (1 4 ) Ro bert Yacka nin C2 (14) Keith Yo un ger C2 ( 14 ) Ray Ziemb inski C2 (OS) West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Til lm an Ha ll C2 (03 ) Th o m as Ho lli m an C 1 So nny T ill C2 Roy Und erwood Old Dominion (Gamma Beta) Linwoo d Beverl y C3 (I S ) Ch uck Brady C4 (1 S) Ph illip Cas tee l C1 (OS ) Mike Co lbert Pete Dave npo rt C2 Pau l Di ckso n Willi a m jenk in s C2 (04) Greg jo hn so n C 1 Lenny Leo nard Bo b Magoo n C 1 (02 ) Do n Midgett C3 Ray Ming C 1 Girard Mitch ell (02) Matthew Pa rker C2 (03 ) Dav id Posey C 1 (02) Paul Shebalin C2 (1 2 ) Dave Sim as C 1 (03 ) joe Sim as C 1 To m Tre ich ler C2 (03 ) joe Van Cleve C3 (1 3 ) Way ne Wilcox C 1 Troy State (Gamma Gamma) Rick Nelso n C 1 (02 ) Steve Sc ruggs C l (OS) Memphis (Gamma Delta Associate) Herb Blow C2 ( 11) jo hn Boo rm a n (02) To m Ca rter CS (1 S)

Memphis (cont.) Ro bert La fferty Te rry Mo rri s C2 Western Carolina (Gamma Epsilon) La rry Ada ms C2 La rry Ca llicutt C2 (0 6) Marv Cope C4 (1 S) Max Daves C2 Sa m Dav is C2 (1 S) David McKenz ie C2 ( 1S) Stan Pende rgraft C 1 ( 11) Bo b Sh ave r C2 (1 S) Don Turn e r C 1 (0 2) Frank Willi s C2 (1 S) West Virginia Tech (Gamma Zeta) Da n Arti s C2 Bill Boy le C 1 (02 ) Bo b Brewe r C2 (08 ) David Childers C3 Bi ll Co nrad C2 (02 ) Geo rge Fra nz C l Mi ch ae l Grani eri Chu ck Hu tz ler C3 (1 S) David Legg C 1 De nny Maffessa nti C3 (OS ) Paul Ma ttox C 1 (03) Denni s e id ert C 1 )am es O' Keefe Phil O neac re C3 (03 ) Do na ld Prinzbach C2 (1 S) Do n Skaggs C2 (03 ) Michae l Z iegler C l Athens (Gamma Eta) Lee Lem sky To m Rein ke C3 ( 1S) Bo b Sl aybaugh C3 ( 1S) U.N.C.-Wilmington (Gamma Theta) Jo hn Baldwi n C2 (06) Bill Dalto n C2 (1 S) Leo nard Harris C2 Chu ck Hatch C 1 (04 ) Tho m as Joynt (02 ) Mike Lo ng C 1 (1 2 ) Denny McCaughan C 1 (03 ) Henry Merritt C2 (1S) Jimmy Pin er C2 (04) Di ck Powe ll Ma rt in So ndey C3 (OS) Kent Stri ckl and Mi chae l Was li cki C l LSU (Gamma Iota) Geo ff Bea tty Bea u Fo urn et C l (04) Jo n McDowe ll Michael Po rche C3 (03 ) Leo nard Simm o ns C2

M ichael Ostroski Miami- Ohio Associate Chapter English/ Communications 4.0 CPA

"If we are committed to making ourselves better men, then we must honor that obligation by constantly doing our best. We 11eed to push one another academically by setting high standards for each other during these years together. "

SP RI NG 1996


David Robinson U Penn (Eta Nu) Finance/Accounting 3.93 GPA

"Pi Kilppa Phi is only as strong as its weakest member. If that member can gain confidence through high sclwlarship standards, the Fraternity benefits along with the individual. "

Abbreviated key to giving clubs: C1 $100 to $249 C2 $250 to $499 C3 $500 to $999 C4 $1 ,000 to $2,499 C5 $2,500 to $4,999 C6 $5,00 to $9,999 C7 $10,000 to $24,999 CB $25,000 to $49,999 C9 $50,000 to $99,999 Cl0$100,000 and up {Number in parenthesis indicates consecutive giving years since 1980.) 30


LSU (cont.) Ryan Thibodaux Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Brian Adams Glenn Aspinwa ll C4 {1S) Ro land Berry C3 (08) Wayne Buffington CS {IS) Pau l Co leman C2 (04) Lee Davis C3 {03) Eric Decker C1 Joe Odom C4 (02) Jack Parker C1 Steve Raw li ns C2 {03) Greg Rowell Brad Skeeters Missouri-Rolla (Gamma Lambda) Bob Be n tzinger C3 (IS) Randy Curtis C2 {09) Pau l Scherrer C3 (07) Michae l Schnettl er C2 (03) Richard Tutko C1 Belmont Abbey (Gamma Mu) Jimmy Bennett Jo h n Cottingham C3 {1S) Guy Piche C2 (06) LaGrange {Gamma Nu) Wiley Bryant C2 {08) Ron Farr C2 {03) Dean Love Cl Ra lp h Sims C2 {03) Stu art Terrell Ron deVa linger C6 {10) Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Raymond Baggarly C3 Bill Finney C6 {13) Mike Hall C3 {03) Nei l Suggs C3 Dave Suppes C3 (02) Hugh Vaughn Cl Lander (Gamma Rho) David Bowen Cl (03) Wayne Craft C2 {02) Jay Holcombe Cl Steve Kod man C1 (OS) Jim Man ley Marion Thomas Cl (03) Chuck Watson CS {07) Joe l Wo lbert Cl {02) BarryYoungCl (1S) Oklahoma State {Gamma Upsilon) Mark Christman C1 {03) Doug Danvers C2 {04) Scott Devi lie Barry Howell C3 {OS)

Oklahoma State (cont.) Shawn Nichols C1 All en Peterso n ( 03) Cary Roge rs C4 Gilbert Sanders C4 {04) Bruce Sch ul tz Paul Startz C1 {03) South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Bill y Beaty Don Dunbar C1 {03) Larry Green C2 ( 1S) Frank Havard C4 {02) Bi ll Ishee C1 Pau l Langenbach C2 (04) Jerry Lee Danny Perri Jo h n Stauffer Jo h n Van Derwood C1 (04) Curtis Weems C2 jason Wrigh t Jacksonville (Gamma Chi) Mike Fouty C1 ( 10) Montevallo {Gamma Omega) David Bennett C2 {1S) Warren Fowler )aye Hoffman (03) Rusty Ho lso mbeck Royce Lader C2 David Wi ll iams C2 {06) Virginia Tech (Delta Alpha) Glenn Byrd C1 {07) John Crist C3 {1S) Mike Ell er C1 {03) Pa ul Lavery C1 (04) James Mi ller Michael Row land C 1 {03) North Georgia {Delta Beta) Rick Ba rr C3 ( 14) Joel Brown C1 {03) Bi ll Clark C1 {OS) Lee Hackle Cl Vic Irvin C2 {07) Grant Math erly C2 Charlie May C3 (13) Tom Persia C4 {1S) Bi ll Pope C2 (03) Jerry Purvis Jeff Rector P. J. Rodgers C2 (03) Brett Sands ( 02) Mark Sexton Cl Andy Sm ith C3 {03) Ken Vining C2 {OS) Arthur Whitfie ld Pau l Wingo C2 (02)

North Georgia (cont.) Brian Yarbrough C1 Nebraska-Omaha (Delta Gamma) Michael Ryan {03) Northeast Missouri (Delta Delta) Nelson Akers C2 John An drews C4 {07) David Ewigma n Cl {12) Ja mi e Horner Chuck Howard Buddy Mosher James Pa lmer C1 {04) Mark Schell C1 Steve Schmitt Chris Stobbe Dave Sweeney Tim Taylor Mike Zolezzi Jacksonville State (Delta Epsilon) Randy Owen C4 {03) Jim You ng C3 {13) Appalachian State {Delta Zeta) Mark Ch ristopher CS ( 12) Bruce Green land C1 {07) Graham Hoppess C1 {02) David Huss C1 {03) John Kn ier C2 {03) Bill Maycock C2 {04) Steve Mi ll er C2 ( 10) Ward Norris C4 (03) Fredrick Price C2 (02) Art Q uicken ton C6 (OS) Jeff Shell C3 {10) Luther Snyder C1 {02) Wythe Wi lson C1 Morehead {Delta Eta) Dana Greene C1 Greg Kring C2 {06) John Moser C2 {03) lrto n Sparkman Cl Ken Unger Cl {02) Middle Tennessee (Delta Iota) Mike Po tts C3 ( 1S) Pembroke (Delta Kappa) Curt Bennett Cl (02) O ll ie Canaday C4 {OS) James Saunders {02) Tim Trull U.N .C.-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Benjamin Boyd Cl Chris Can non C4 {1S) Bi ll Fisher C2 ( 10) Mark Hall C2

U.N.C.-Charlotte (cont.) Dav id Higgins C2 (03) Jon Howarth C1 Bi ll Jackson C3 {02) Gary Knox C2 (02) Charli e Ma rus C3 {1S) Dean Nolley C3 Bo Proctor C3 ( 1S) Lyn Wrigh t {02) Methodist {Delta Mu) George Small C1 Western Kentucky {Delta Nu) Fra n k laconis C1 Donn Sapp C2 {04) Carlos Tatum C1 North Alabama {Delta Xi) Larry Guess C3 {03) Nicholls State {Delta Omicron) Tim Benoit C1 Jeff Boswell Jacques Frere C1 {13) Ray Hebert C1 Wright State {Delta Pi) Bruce Rockwell C4 {13) Southern Cal. {Delta Rho) Randa ll Corber C1 {03) Louis Fritz C1 (02) Ross Ho tchkiss C2 Ed La ng C3 {1S) Bowling Green (Delta Sigma) Robert Buehler Timothy Gi ll C1 (04) Steve Trivisonno C2 {04) James Madison {Delta Tau) Brian Ba ldwin C2 (03) Mark Callis C2 {03) Pau l Domboski C1 {02) Jerry Ke ilsohn C3 {03) Ch ris Kelly C l (II) Ken Kiser C1 {03) Kevin Plexico Sea n Tobi n C1 Pittsburgh {Delta Upsilon) Ryan Fischer C I ( 03) Eric Scerbo C 1 Howard Simo n C1 {1S) Radford (Delta Phi) Kevin Keys Mike Linda uer C2 (02) Dan Nob le C l George Sava Cl {03) Jeff Stone

Kansas State (Delta Chi) Michael Austin C l Mike Howa rd C 1 Mike Kallas C2 (0 6 ) Andrew Lammers Cl (04) Jeff Meister C2 (03 ) Eri c Purvis C 1 David Weixelman Brae Yake l (04) Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Keith Ackerma n C hri s Barngrover Mark Brad ley Billy Jacobs C3 (05) Mark jacobs C4 ( 12) Steve n Kosta C2 (02 ) Chris top her Money David Pugh Bryan Taylor C2 (05 ) Keith Whitt (03) Texas A&M (Delta Omega) David Carlson Jaso n Dodd C2 (06) C ha rli e Kizer C 1 Shan e Luther C 1 Kenneth Martinec Jaso n Mills (02) Elan (Epsilon Alpha) Jo hn Ca rre tta C 1 (02 ) Danny Hart C l Mark Holl an C 1 (02 ) Grand Valley (Epsilon Beta) Ted Lukomski C5 ( 14) Longwood (Epsilon Gamma) Jeff Aleksa ( 04) Derek Farrey Steve MeAra C2 (02) Dal e Rankin C2 (1 2 ) Kevin Rym a n Cha un cey Sisco C2 Auburn-Montgomery (Epsilon Delta) To hn Andrews C1 (04) Mark C lin e C 1 (03 ) David Smith C3 ( 12) Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon) Steven Baker C1 (03) Mike Donathan C4 (03 ) Lee Lewis C2 (03) Central Arkansas (Epsilon Zeta) Jo hn Bearden C3 ( 12) Recha rge Dixon C l ( 10)

Cal. State-Sacramento (cont.) Brian Pe ll ows ki He n ry Pho C 1 (02 ) Todd Re hfuss C3 Jeff Sil ve r Cl (05) AI Spannuth C3 (1 2) Sco tt Sp iege lm a n LaSalle (Epsilon Xi) G reg Cal le n Nick Lordi Villanova (Epsilon Omicron) Artie Artinian C1 Joe Baumgardner C 1 Patrick Brala C2 (05) Todd Garre lts (02) Brian Shane Virginia Commonwealth (Epsilon Pi) Ken Ba isd e n Brian Herro d Rob Ro be rtson Mike Valentine C1 (03) C ha rl es Williams

Alabama-Birmingham (Epsilon Phi) Arthur Ennis Cl (04) Todd Fow le r David Kessler ( 03) Michael Mathews Slippery Rock Epsilon Psi) Len Green C 1 (03 ) Alan Hilling C1 (02) Ken Masztak Jim RamseyCl (03) David Ray (03) Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) C ra ig Kamradt C 1 (04) Robe rt Kurima C 1 (05) J.P. Martin C3 Arie l Mele ndez Jim Smith C2 (05 ) Blake Thomas C1 U.C.-San Diego (Zeta Beta) Andy Ch a pman Cl (04) Jason Dauderman C2 Dave Featherby Matt Raukko Andy Sim ons North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) Mark Adams C2 (03 ) Todd Chrza nows ki (04) Darrell Denny Chu ck Jun gmann C3 David Kirkland C 1 (04) Joe Kraft C l (04) Brennan Lane Matt McHugh Steward Sands tro m C3 (07) Pa rry Schm e iche l Michael Welvaert C2 (05) Shippensburg (Zeta Delta) Jim Fass nacht Hen ry Paxto n

Winthrop (Epsilon Eta) Joe l Byars C3 ( 10) Jeffrey Mahoney C2 (03 ) Tom Sacco C2 (05 ) Erik Smi th Seton Hall (Epsilon Theta) C hr is Borbor C l Mike Cass idy (02 ) Len DePalma C2 (1 2) William Freeman C 1 (02) Earl Layumas Marc Manzo U.N.C .-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Kenny Capps Jeff Co le C l (02 ) C ha rl es Cote' C 1 (03) Otis Davis Jo hn Pe te rs Jim Shaw C1 Sco tt Twiford C3 ( 04) Lee Wetherington Elli o tt Wilson Southern Tech (Epsilon Kappa) Jay Barrow C3 (1 2 ) Eric Burch C1 (03} David Hirschl er C 1 (02) Erik Hatton C l Mike Hubsky C3 (0 2 ) Barry Kidd C2 ( 10) David Ne lso n Sa ndy Ransom C2 (02) Ed Smith C2 Jo hn Thompson C l (02) Bruce Vandiver C 1 (05 ) So n Vu C 1 U.S.C.-Spartanburg (Epsilon Lambda) Edwa rd Brown (0 2 ) Rob Brown Cl (03 ) John Harris C 1 (03 ) Jo n Ho lli s Bill Weathers C3 Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Dan C harleston C2 (02 ) Brandon Keys Je ff Luebker C4 (06) Pa t Ma ie tta C 1 (06)

Lenoir- Rhyne (Epsilon Rho) John Austin Tre nt Hennigar C 1 (02) Mark Mul lane C3 (05) Bill Rhyne C 1 (05) C ra ig Thornbu rg C l (05) Christian Brothers (Epsilon Sigma) William Bowman Kim Burnett Mitchell Dhority Cl Ri ch ard Eri ckso n C2 (05 ) Chri s Koch C1 Vince Mancini C 1 (05) C hri s Mills C 1 Jo hn Nova rese C 1 (02) Pa trick O'Brien C l Ray Sa und e rso n C l (05 ) Brian Ward C 1 Robe rt Werle C2 (02 ) Bill Wilson C 1 (03) Dan Wil son C1 St. Joseph's (Epsilon Tau) Jaso n Buck Thomas Marino C 1 (04)

Tony Ra ppl ea n

Tom Merighi

Lee Quick C 1 (05)

Paul Ri ce Tim Sumn er C2 (04) Brandon Webber

Jim Pa u ls Vince Thompson C3 (0 2) Josep h Vanelli (03) Georgia (Epsilon Upsilon) Perry Burton C l (03) Lamar Doo little C2 ( 11) Robby Walker

North Florida (Zeta Zeta) Steve Borowiec C l (OS ) Jo hn Th o mpson Texas-Austin (Zeta Theta) Bob Ceron C! (03) Pa ul Drake C4 (02) Phillip Fite Eddi e Gue rra (03)

Cal. State-Sacramento (Epsilon Nu) Mark G lazier C l (02) Jayson Louie C3 (04) Steven Lu cchetti

jeffrey Shaari Cornell {Psi) Mechanical Engineering/ Pre-Med 3 .93 GPA "Our primary reason for being at college is to get an education. By making education an integral component of fraternity life, we have the best of both worlds -- social and academic - - which makes for a memorable and worthwhile college experience. "

George Mason (Zeta Epsilon) Bobby Ba ra ka t Mohamed Elansary Juan Miyares C2 (03 )

SPRI NG 1996


Steven Farkas U Penn (Eta Nu) Neuroscience 3.95 GPA

jeffrey Moore U.N .C. - Wilmington (Gamma Theta) History 3 .93 GPA '1\t a time when many university administrations are becoming increasingly anti-Greek, we must ensure that faculty members and administrators view membership in Pi Kappa Phi as an asset to our brothers' college careers. "

Abbreviated key to giving clubs: C1 $100 to $249 C2 $250 to $499 C3 $500 to $999 C4 $1,000 to $2,499 C5 $2,500 to $4,999 C6 $5,00 to $9,999 C7 $10,000 to $24,999 CB $25,000 to $49,999 C9 $50,000 to $99,999 C10$100,000 and up (Number in parenthesis indicates consecutive giving years since 1980.} 32


'1\cademia provides a training ground for 'real life.' Academic success greatly improves the chance of success in subsequent stages of life. Therefore, Pi Kappa Phi may increase the proportion of successful alumni by imple-menting high scholarship standards. "

Clay Thomas Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Political Science 3.90 GPA "Setting high scholarship tandards gives a brother a true test of priorities. It is indicative of how he will respond to responsibilities throughout his life. If he can maintain high academics while assuming a leadership position and enjoying fellowship with a brotherhood, then it is likely that he will become a successful father and husband while excelling in his career. "

Texas-Austin {Zeta Theta) Tracy Maddux C2 {05) Jimmy Sa laza r {03 ) IUP (Zeta Iota) Ri chard Cravener C l {06 ) Wil Fo rrest Nath an McE lroy Vic Sofelkanik C l {05 } Stockton State {Zeta Kappa) Steven Mein cke {03} Clemson {Zeta Alpha} Jo hn Bradfo rd {02 } Steve Ho lly Bra ndo n Kee ner {02} Mark Moehring {03 } Cal. State-Chico (Zeta Lambda} Bri a n Gilm er C l Scott Lehrfeld Jo n Sm ith (02) Ro bert Zorovic C l Cal. State-Northridge (Zeta Mu} Terrence Fa ntauzzi Shahmir Nadjmabadi C2 (04} Stefa n Wilcox C l (03 } West Chester {Zeta Nu) Jo hn Nicko las C l {02} Joe Ri zzuto {03 } Averett {Zeta Xi) To m Arn o ld Bri an Campbell {02} Ja m es Howa rd SUNY-Cortland (Zeta Omicron) To m Brozycki Brian Cla ncy C l Jeffrey Sabo l C l Marshall {Zeta Pi) Chris Con ley (02} Shawn Fra ncisco (02} Cal. State-Fullerton {Zeta Rho) Steph a n Bou lan ger Step hen Byo rk {02 } Jo h n Deacy C l (03 } To ny Fisher C l (03 } Brian Lee (02 ) U.C.-Davis (Zeta Sigma) Jo hn Sybersm a Barton {Zeta Tau) jimmy Sh ee ts Bloomsburg (Zeta Upsilon) Fra nk Lu ckangelo (02} Colorado State (Zeta Phi} Steph en Feld C3 (04}

Albright {Zeta Chi) Jim Ge nca uski IUPUI {Zeta Psi) La nce Burnside C2 {04) Jim Griffin C l {03 ) Jeff Harm o n C l {02) Brad McKuh en Towson State {Zeta Omega) Bri an Dempsey Dave Po ll ock Ben Wade Kevin Ya tes Concord {Eta Alpha) Ph ill go {03 } Todd Ja mrose Indiana State {Eta Beta) Deryk Bau rl e Terry Burns Ed Hunge r (02 } Colorado-Boulder {Eta Gamma) Erik Jsernhage n {03 } Brad Je nsen Jack Like C l (02 } Zack Moxcey Ja n Wa lsworth Willi am Wehner Kennesaw State {Eta Delta} Jason Atkins Ed Co peland C l Brya n Do bso n Kevin Henso n (02} Jaso n Po nders C l (02} Ke nny Smith (02} Maryland {Eta Epsilon) Wes Butts Ross Kn o bl auch C l (02} Jo n Michael Jan Rub in C l Ja mes Rzepkowski Eri c Schmidh ausler Michael Siri U.C.- Irvine {Eta Eta) Ty ler Bra ndenb urg Jim Senecha l C3 (03 } Christopher Newport (Eta Iota) Da n Tenn ey SUNY-Plattsburgh {Eta Kappa) Mich ae l Dieteri ch Sco tt Winterh off U Penn (Eta Nu) Todd Kell en San Francisco State (Eta Omicron) Rip Ba ins

Contributing Chapters Ch risti a n Brothers Co lo rad o- Bo u lde r C4 {02 ) Davidso n Alumni Chapter C4 Ch risti a n Bro th ers Alumn i Chapter Other Greeks Zeta Tau Alph a Ph i Gamm a o f Chi O m ega Widows of Members Lilli an lost C3 Friends of the Fraternity Mr. & Mrs. Pau l Al len C3 Mr. & Mrs. R.A. Barber Hazel Chapm an Yvo nn e Ch iasso n Mr. & Mrs. Ja mes Cri chto n No lan Daigle Vern o n Fab re Hugh Green C5 Na ncy Green C3 C. ]. Harl ow Lynn Hen ry Ho ly Trinity Luthera n Church David Hughes C l (0 2} Mr. & Mrs. David Jo nes C3 Greg Laidig C l Fred MacLeod C 1 Medical Review Associates C4 Sid McAllister C l Gary Mc Da ni el Cl Kevin Midkiff C l Mr. & Mrs. C. All an Moe n Most Blessed Parochi al Schoo l C2 Ali ce Ne lso n D.L. Po irier Pi Ka ppa Phi Properties C6 Raym o nd Ra leigh Brian Rock C l (03 } Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Rogers Harry Rutherfo rd Sch oo r DePa lm a & Canger Group C3 Rya n Sch roeter Debo rah Spro use Ke ith Stein er Mr. &Mrs. Seymour Sto ller C2 Fe lix Wa rd Frances Wa rd Steve Ward Mr. & Mrs. Dan Wi lki e C3

President's Circle The National President's Circle is open to any student who has attended a national leadership event a11d been elected to a chapter office. Students pay $15 each year as Circle members and commit to contribute to the Foundation $50 or more each year after graduation. As alumni, many Circle members will play an important role in helping implement The Journey for our student members. Presbyterian (Beta) Tyler Binney Jaso n Will ia ms Wofford (Zeta) Greg Gilbert Pa t Prothro Georgia Tech (Iota) Steve Fischer Glenn Scott Mike Stevens Georgia (Lambda) David Black Duke (Mu) Hea th Ma rcus Fra nk Wrenn Nebraska (Nu) Alex Barbieri Washington & Lee (Rho) Kevin Alexa nder N.C. State (Tau) Sanj ay Patel Illinois (Upsilon) Peter Aposto lakis Gabe Hostalet Michael Lowery No rm Lowrey Broo k Silvestri Russell To mes Cornell (Psi) Greg Della Rocca Eri c Fairch ild Jim Kao Mi chae l Kremer Cory Wright

Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Raoul Calimlim Darrell Holder Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) Jo hn Owen Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Matt Adams Bi ll Dresback Rob Meis Samford (Alpha Eta) Donald Moo re Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Rya n Benn ett Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Steve Warnke Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Jeremy Ga lvi n Matt Thornbu rg Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Mike Keener ).). Lovegrove Ron ald Pierso n Renssalaer (Alpha Tau) Peter Kelley Seth Wa lter Indiana (Alpha Psi) Brook Bo llinger Dave Calzaretta Scott Loude rback Missouri (Beta Epsilon) Jeffrey Ben nett Florida State (Beta Eta) Thomas Atwood Michael Loy Harry Mcintosh Toledo (Beta Iota) Charl es Ma thi es Robert Shindell Tampa (Beta Lambda) Perry Monastero Memphis (Gamma Delta) Terry Morris West Virginia Tech (Gamma Zeta) Dan Arti s Bill Boyle James O' Keefe Michael Ziegler Louisiana State (Gamma Iota) Geoffrey Bea tty Beau Fo urn et Jon McDowe ll Rya n Thibodaux

Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Brian Adams Greg Rowell LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Stu art Terre ll Lander (Gamma Rho) Steve Kodm an Oklahoma State (Gamma Upsilon) Scott Deville Bruce Schultz South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Billy Beaty Jerry Lee Montevallo (Gamma Omega) Rusty Holso mbeck Virginia Tech (Delta Alpha) )ames Miller North Georgia (Delta Beta) Jeff Rector Brian Ya rbrough Northeast Missouri (Delta Delta) Dave Sweeney U.N.C.-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Lyn Wright Pittsburgh (Delta Upsilon) Ryan Fischer Eri c Scerbo Radford (Delta Phi) Jeff Sto ne Kansas State (Delta Chi) Michael Howard Mike Kallas Broc Ya kel Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Steven Kosta Bryan Taylor Texas A&M (Delta Omega) Jason Dodd Kenneth Ma rtin ec Jason Mills Longwood (Epsilon Gamma) Derek Fa rrey Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon) Lee Lewis

U.N.C.-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Elliott Wilson Seton Hall (Epsilon Theta) Mike Cassidy Ma rc Manzo Southern Tech (Epsilon Kappa) David Nelso n U.S.C.-Spartanburg (Epsilon Lambda) Edward Brown Jo n Hollis Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Jon Harri s Brandon Keys Patrick Ma ietta Brandon Webber LaSalle (Epsilon Xi) Nick Lordi Virginia Commonwealth (Epsilon Pi) Mike Valentin e Lenoir-Rhyne (Epsilon Rho) Trent Hennigar Georgia College (Epsilon Upsilon) Robby Walker U.A.B. (Epsilon Phi) Todd Fowler David Kess ler Michael Matth ews Clemson (Zeta Alpha) John Bradford Brando n Kee ner Mark Moehring U.C.-San Diego (Zeta Beta) Andrew Chapmand North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) Ma rk Adams Todd Chrza nowski Darrell Denny Brennan La ne Matt McHugh George Mason (Zeta Epsilon) Bobby Barakat Mohamed Elansary North Florida (Zeta Zeta) Steven Borowiec John Thompso n

Cal. State-Chico (Zeta Lambda) Brian Gilmer Scott Lehrfeld Cal. State-Northridge (Zeta Mu) Terrence Fantauzzi Marshall (Zeta Pi) Chris Co nl ey Shawn Francisco Barton (Zeta Tau) James Sheets Colorado State (Zeta Phi) Stephen Feld Albright (Zeta Chi) Jim Gencauski IUPUI (Zeta Psi) Brad McKuhen Concord (Eta Alpha) Todd Jamrose Colorado-Boulder (Eta Gamma) Erik Isernhagen john Like Zack Moxcey Jan Walswo rth Kennesaw State (Eta Delta) Jason Atkins Bryan Dobso n Maryland (Eta Epsilon) Ian Rubin Michael Siri U Penn (Eta Nu) Todd Kellert San Francisco State (Eta Omicron) Rip Bains Friends of the Fraternity C.J. Harl ow Rya n Schroeter

SPRI NG 19 96


Designated giving funds honor special brothers ne of the best ways to support the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is through designated funds. Throughout the years, many members, family and friends have made generous contributions to the Foundation to form the corpus of a designated fund. In some instances, a single donation is made, while in others donations are made over a period of time by a number of people. All contributions to a designated fund are held in perpetuity with the income spent for the designated purpose. In this way, a donor is certain that his gift will continue to fund the purpose for which it was contributed. To establish a designated fund, the Foundation asks that donors set a goal to reach a corpus of $10,000 or more, which may be reached over a period of time. The reason for this is that $10,000 will produce approximately $500 of annual income to fund a scholarship or support approved educational activities. The creation of a designated fund is an extraordinary way to honor a beloved member of the Fraternity and to be certain that his legacy to Pi Kappa Phi is remembered in perpetuity. For more information on how you may make a tax deductible gift to the Pi Kappa Phi



Dean Miller vacations with his wife Lisa, their son Shane and daughter Erin at Disney World. The Dean Miller Fund

If anyone tells you that Pi Kappa Phi is a fouryear experience, take a minute to tell him this true story: The alumni of Xi chapter at Roanoke College learned last year that one of their alumni brothers, Dean Miller, who is married with two young children, was stricken with Lou Gehrig's disease. Under the leadership of Ed Corson, Allen Woody and Roger Malouf, the alumni of Xi chapter donated more than $10,000 to the Foundation for a scholarship fund for the Miller children. The funds have been invested by the Foundation and the money will be available to assist the Miller children with their college expenses. In addition to their philanthropy, the alumni and students have assisted the Millers with a spring and fall cleanup of their home. "This is a great way for the young men in the chapter to help," says Xi chapter advisor Ed Corson. "The members took great satisfaction in seeing the results of their labor."

Foundation for the general educational programs of the Fraternity or for your chapter, please call or write:

Tax deductible contributions to this special fund are welcomed from all members and friends of the Fraternity. Please note on your

The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Attn : David Adams P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 523-6000

check that the contribution is being made to the Dean Miller Fund. "This effort is a tribute to the entire membership of Xi chapter and is indeed brotherhood at its best, " said Lonnie Strickland, chairman of the Foundation.

Brother E.B. Bruce and his wife Evelyn of

of their lives, and they know that eventually the donation will be used to help Pi Kappa Phi

Tuscaloosa, Ala., wanted to make a gift to help

at Samford University. All in alL it's a win-win

Alpha Eta chapter at Samford University in

situation for everyone involved.

E. B. and Evelyn Bruce

Birmingham. So they chose a unique way to do so, one which benefits the Bruces, Samford and Pi Kappa Phi.

The TCF Scholarship

Bruce has had a fascinating life as an engineer, building roads and airports all over

wishes to remain anonymous pledged $100,000 to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. He

the world. He earned a reputation early in his

and his wife wanted to establish a scholarship

In 1992, an alumnus of the Fraternity who

career with the Ala-

fund for student

bama Highway Depart-

members of Pi Kappa


Phi. They asked that

He has helped

the designated fund

build airports in

be called the TCF

Liberia, West Africa,

Scholarship. To date,

San Julian, Cuba and

these generous

five locations in

benefactors have

Mexico. Bruce spent

funded over $55,000

five months inspecting

of their pledge

airports as a member

through annual

of the Truman Commission. He retired as

contributions. The criteria for the

the assistant division engineer of materials

TCF Scholarship is that the recipient

E. B. and Evelyn Bruce

testing for the Alabama Highway Department in 1972.

must be a member of Pi Kappa Phi, attend a state university, have

In 1994, the Bruces made a tax-deductible

a proven track record of academic excellence

gift of $15,000 to Samford University as a two-

and demonstrated economic need. To date, a

life gift annuity. The corpus of the fund is

number of deserving young men have received

invested and managed through the university

financial assistance through the TCF Scholar-

and may be increased at any time by additiona! contributions and in perpetuity.

ship Fund.

The Bruce family will receive an annual return on their investment for the rest of their life. Upon their deaths, the corpus of the fund will pay for improvements and maintenance on the Alpha Eta chapter house located on the Samford campus. The Bruces are happy with their donation because they received a tax deduction, an ongoing return on their investment for the rest


Corporate matching gifts may double your support any corporations, both large and small,


afford Pi Kapps the opportunity through matching gift programs to double or triple their gifts to the Foundation. Contact your human resources office to determine if your employer participates. * SPRING 1996


Indiana boasts largest Pi Kapp house in nation lpha Psi chapter's recently acquired house makes Indiana University home to the largest Pi Kapp house in the nation.

was held last fall. Past national president Phil Summers and Alpha Psi alumni Steve Boone and Dee Saul were instrumental in closing Atjustover r-----~------~~--------------~~ the deal. 21,000 sq. ft ., the Shortly before house comfortably Pi Kappa Phi closed sleeps 96 men and on the house, the offers all the amenithird floor sprinkler ties of the finest system exploded, campus housing. dumping several feet Equally impresof water throughout sive is the fact that many upstairs rooms. The new Alpha Psi chapter house Alpha Psi chapter has However, the incident been able to fill their new house. was covered by insurance and consequently Pi Kappa Phi bought the house from gave Alpha Psi a newly remodeled upstairs and Sigma Kappa Sorority. The house dedication a new basketball court. *





WestVirginia Pi Kapps have a new home fter three attempts over the last several years, Pi Kappa Phi Properties was able to secure housing for West Virginia (Alpha Rho). Acquired as a recently vacated sorority house, the 12,000 sq. ft. chapter house sleeps 32 men and is one of the nicest on campus. Currently, Alpha Rho has 25 brothers living in the house. "Fortunately, we were able to purchase


the house at an extremely competitive price, " said executive Alpha Rho chapter members in front of their new house vice president of Pi Kappa Phi Properties Tracy Maddux. Alpha Rho's housing corporation president, Mike Turner, and alumnus C.R. Piatt were essential in completing the negotiations. * 36


Georgia Tech plans May house dedication On May 18, Georgia Tech (Iota) Pi Kapps will dedicate their new house. Upon its completion, Pi Kappa Phi is sure to have the most elegant fraternity house on the Georgia Tech campus. Through a massive fund-raising campaign, Iota alumni raised $295,000 to date, to build the new house, and the campaign continues. This number represents contributions by about 25% of Iota alumni. Campaign leaders expect to surpass the $300,000 mark before the house dedication. This summer, the house will be part of the Olympic Greek Village, which will house athletes from around the world. For info, contact Michael Cowan at 4569 River Parkway, Suite E, Atlanta, GA 30339, (770) 955-9623 .

The 'Official Fraternity' of the Olympic Games?


ith Georgia Tech (Iota) giving up its

new chapter house to Olympic

athletes this summer, and with two Pi Kapps participa ting in pre-Olympic

events, Pi Kappa Phi could be called th e Official Fraternity of the Olympic Games. Of the GO-man football squad at SUNY-Albany, 19 players and two coaches are Pi Kapps.

On Jun e 8, the Olympic torch will be passed to Matt Reed, a Pi Kapp from Toledo (Beta Iota) . Reed, a junior majoring in Secondary Education, is one of 23 people who are carrying the torch across Lucas County, Ohio.


Pi Kapps dominate SUNY's gridiron henSUNYAlbany takes the field,

One of 13,000 applicants, Reed was chosen for demonstrating "Olympic spirit."

everyone on

passing yards in a

a District GTE Aca-


demic All-American .

Several Eta Xi brothers earned

And Joe Savino received the ECAC

"My experience as a Journey of Hope rider

campus knows that

individual awards for

Rookie of the Year

shows my enthusiasm for accomplishing great

Pi Kappa Phi is the

their performance on


things through athletics," he said .

backbone of the record-

the field and in the

winning team .

classroom. Archon

one coach serve in

Rich Tallarico was

officer positions in

Meanwhile, Ed Suarez, a senior at the associate chapter at Minn eso ta, is attempting

Of the 60-man

Four players and

to qualify for the pistol marksmanship compe-

squad, 19 players and

recently named a

the 77-man chapter.

tition at the Summer Games. At press tim e,

two assistant coaches

National GTE Aca-

Eta Xi has taken the

only two more qualification rounds stood

are Pi Kapps. These

demic All-American

football program, the

between Suarez and Atlanta.

brothers helped lead

as well as a Burger

classroom and the

SUNY-Albany to con-

King Scholar-Athlete.

Greek system by

ference records for

Warden Nick

storm, proving that

"We have the route to Atlanta mapped out and we're ready to make the drive, " said Randy

total offense, passing

Cremona was named

Pi Kapps demand

Suarez is no stranger to the Olympics and

efficiency, total ya rds

a NCAA Division II

nothing short of

internation a l competition. He spent five years

in a season, and total

All-American and


in the army's Elite Marksmanship Unit and was


Stillinger, associate chapter archon.

th e national champion in center-fire pistol


Washington brothers help special kids

shooting from 1990-94. Various pistol competitions, including the 1988 Olympics, have led Suarez to 19 coun-

ve<y Fdd,y, the

The Scorpions are

wrestling, basketball,

brothers of

a group of children

tri es. His greatest success to date was receiving


attending Lowell

the bronze and gold medals at the Pan Am

(Alpha Delta)

Elementary School in

chapter members

Seattle. The Washing-

know that spending

Games in the center-fire event.

spend two hours

During pre-qualification rounds for the

and balloon volleyball. Alpha Delta

coaching a tea m

ton State Games are a

time with these

1996 Summer Olympics, Suarez received the

called the "Scorpions"

scaled-down version

special children is

silver medal in the Military World Games in Rome, Italy. He completed the second qualifi-

in preparation for the Washington State

of the Special Olympies. The Pi Kapps

incredibly rewarding and an invalu ab le

Games in April.

coach them in track,

lesson in empathy.

cation round at Fort Benning last October.



id-Year Leadership Conference 1996 -- coat, tie, pen and alarm clock required . Within 48 hours, the conference schedule covered the Journey of Hope, member education, recruitment, scholarship, Supreme Chapter, alcohol and drug abuse, fund raising, alumni advisors, goal setting, hazing, public relations, The Journey, subordinate rituals and more.





- -- · .-..

. -.



The annual leadership conference presented the theme "No Boundaries" in more ways than one, as new programs were offered to more undergraduates at more locations than ever before. Registration materials hit the chapter mailboxes in October 1995, reflecting PUSH America's newly announced national event, No Boundaries, and offering four conference sites. Students traveled to Charlotte, N.C., for the conference held Jan. 5-7; St. Louis, Mo., Jan . 12-14; Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 19-21; and San 38


Francisco, Feb. 2-4 . In past years, Mid-Year was held in Charlotte and St. Louis only. This year, the total attendance at all four sites topped 700 delegates and alumni. Chapter delegates, Journey chapter delegates and alumni advisors followed separate agendas which included break-out sessions, roundtable discussions and general sessions. Break-out sessions offered a variety of new information for chapter members, specifically designed for the eight delegates attending from each chapter: archon, vice archon, warden, treasurer, chaplain, scholarship chairman, PUSH America chairman and "future leader." Round-table discussions provided a time for participants to discuss chapter and officer strengths and weaknesses, while general sessions brought hundreds of Pi Kapps together in one room. General sessions covered Journey of Hope, confronting brothers with alcohol and drug abuse, and the closing of U.C.-Davis (Zeta Sigma) last fall for hazing. "The conference provided the opportunity for me to talk one-on-one with officers from other chapters," said archon Bryan Amplement, SUNY-Brockport (Eta Lambda). Said Brian Baber, Florida State (Beta Eta) : "The program at Mid-Year is designed to give brothers of Pi Kappa Phi ideas and knowledge to take back to their own chapters." The new Journey chapters and their academic coaches enjoyed one day with representatives from the Covey Leadership Institute. PUSH America chairmen participated in the PUSH America Academy, and advisors met to discuss issues affecting their chapters. Motivational speaker Dennis Howard, formerly with Zig Ziglar Corp., turned delegates into modern day warriors at the Second Annual College Night. Howard entertained and educated the audience with lessons in personal excellence and organizational leadership.



First steps on the

i Kappa Phi is on a mis-

sion to achieve personal excellence in each member and collective excel-

lence in our Fraternity. This year's Mid-Year Leadership Conference partici-

(Omicron); Chad Klauser, Samford

pants learned how The Journey is helping each

(Alpha Eta); Steve Sanders, Indiana (Alpha Psi); Todd Kimberlain, Florida State (Beta Eta);

chapter achieve this mission.

Dennis Bowling, Toledo (Beta Iota); Michael

At press time, 26 chapters had voted to become Journey chapters. Iowa State (Alpha

Sweet, Livingston (Gamma Alpha); Mary Ann

Omicron) made Pi Kapp history as the first

Kelly, LSU (Gamma Iota); Dr. Randy Hagerty,

chapter to become a Journey chapter, followed

Northeast Missouri (Delta Delta); Sherry Snyder, Colorado (Eta

by Cornell (Psi) and Northeast

Gamma); and Mary Lou

Missouri State (Delta Delta).

Giglio, SUNY-Brockpon

With a long-range goa l of many more chapters have

(Eta Lambda). Members of journey

begun using journey materi-

chapters at the Charlo tte and

als such as the new Scho lar-

St. Louis Mid-Year Leadership

sh ip Manual, the new Board

Conferences had the oppor-

becoming Journey chapters,

of Alumni Advisors Manual and the new Standards Board


Manual. The Mid-Year Leadership Conference also saw the first


to the success of this program are the academic coaches. Usually a university faculty member, the coaches will teach first-year members the secrets of co ll egiate success. Ten academic coaches were trained at the Charlotte Mid -Year by Dr. Richard Voorneveld, chairman of the Journey advisory team, and Steve Sanders, national scholarship cha irman. The coaches are Dr. Clyde Scott, Alabama

Personal Leadership Inst itute facilitated by the Covey


steps of implementation of The journey's Collegiate Success program. Vital

tunity to attend a one-day

Leadership Center. The Covey programming-- based on the "Seven Habits of Effective

People"-- is an integral part of the second step.

Roanoke (Xi) Alabama (Omicron) Cornell (Psi) Purdue (Omega) Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) Samford (Alpha Eta) Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Indiana (Alpha Psi) Florida State (Beta Eta) Toledo (Beta Iota) Valdosta State (Beta Tau) Livingston (Gamma Alpha) Tl路oy State (Gamma Gamma) LSU (Gamma Iota) South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Vi1gin ia Tech (Delta Alpha) Northeast Missouri (Delta Delta} U.N. C. -Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Colorado (Eta Gamma) SUNY- Brockport (Eta Lambda) Associate chapters: Arizona (Beta Theta) Texas (Zeta Theta) Miami of Ohio

The third step on The Journey saw its first fruits in February with the first "Career Conclave" at Nonheast Missouri State. "Greek advisors at colleges and universities across the country have their eyes on Pi Kappa Phi and The Journey," said national president Jerry Brewer. "They know The Journey is a great idea, and now they are seeing our ideas and ideals in action ."



Step One: Collegiate Success and Service Step Two: Leadership and Personal Development Step Three: Career and Life Planning

Upsilon reaches 75 years as a Pi Kapp chapter

game. Following the game, the housing corporation will meet. Upsilon will celebrate their founding with a semiformal banquet at

eventy-five years ago, Pi Kappa Phi

the Chancellor Hotel that evening.


chartered Upsilon chapter at the Univer-

On Sunday morning, a breakfast buffet

sity of Illinois in

at the house will

Champaign . On

precede the annual

Nov. 1-3, 1996, the

alumni vs. actives

chapter is reuniting to

football game.

celebrate this historic

Brook Si lvestri,

event in conjunction

chairman of the 75th

with Homecoming.

Anniversary commit-

The chapter and alumni have worked

tee is expecting a great Illinois (Upsilon) brothers in the mid-1950s

together to plan an exciting weekend for all


"Upsilon stays in touch with alumni

Upsilon alumni and their families . On Friday,

whether they graduated six months or 60

the alumni and undergraduates will congregate

years ago, " he said. "I hope those brothers

at the chapter house for a reception. A homecoming parade will follow.

and everyone in between will return to celebrate with us in November. "

On Saturday the chapter is hosting a

For more information, call Silvestri at

barbeque before the Illinois vs. Iowa football

(312) 489-3568.


Psi chapter to celebrate anniversary ith a series


of events planned for Oct. 18-20,

Cornell (Psi) will celebrate 75 years of brotherhood. Since its founding on Nov. 24, 1921, Psi chapter has grown to over 840 members. Bob Wilcox, Psi Alumni Association president, said the weekend will include historic Psi displays, campus and Ithacaarea tours, Psi Alumni


Association meetings, and the Cornell vs. Colgate football game. Alumni also will have a chance to tour the chapter estate, called Greentrees, which sits next door to the house occupied by the chapter in the 1920s. The Ithaca Historical Society recently honored Psi's renovation efforts of the 1913-circa house. For info, call archon Jonathan Steam at (607) 257-3551.


The Psi chapter crew team from decades past




President Je rry T. Brewe r

Alumni Relations: Frank Hava rd 2 104 Pine Need le Dri ve W Mobil e, AL 36609-272 1

National Headquarte r s P.O. Box 24 0526, C ha rl o tte, NC 28224 704-523-60 00; FAX: 704-5 2 1-8962 e m a il: p ika ppn a tl @ao l. co m http :ffwww. pika pp.o rg Chief Executive Office r Ma rk E. T imm es Assis tant Executive Director Jaso n K. Do dd Journey Director Steph e n Whitby Dire ctor of Expansion Mi ch ael Loy Director of Ch a pte r Services T ho m as Su ll iva n Director of Communica tions Ja m es P. O' Kee fe Dire ctor of Ma rketin g and Public Relations Je nnife r L. Armstrong Director of Finance Pa mela Meachum Exe cutive Director Emeritus Durwa rd Owe n Sr. Leader ship Consultant Eva n Erickso n Lea d e r s hip Cons ultants Ma tthew Pe na, Ro be rt Shinde ll Office Manager Na ncy Larse n Support Staff Execut ive Secre tary Lind a Litt le jo hn, Me m b ersh ip/ Reco rd s Directo r C indy Ho we ll , C h a p te r Supp li es Directo r Lue Cas to, Boo kkee pe r T hea Pol ito a nd Receptio n ist Ro b in Pe ra lta Adminis trative Inte rns Th o m as Atwood , Dani e l Crow n h a n , C ha rles Ma thi es

(Sigma-South Ca rolina) Director o f Stud en t Life USC- Russell Ho use, Ste. 10 9 Co lumbi a, SC 292 0 8 Vice Pres ident Na th a n Hightower

(Omicron-Alaba ma) P.O. Box 1669 Clea rwate r, FL 346 17 Treasurer Ha rry E. Cald we ll , Jr.

(Omicron-Alaba ma) 985 Va ll ey View Road Ind ia n Sp ri ngs, AL 3 5124 Secretary J. Pa trick Fig ley, D.Min .

(CI1 i-Stetson) Pe n in sul a r Coun se lin g Ce n te r 28 19 Ho ratio Street Tampa, FL 33609

Education: G le nn Dickso n 32 0 So uth w ind Ct # 109 No rth Pa lm Beach , FL 3340 8 Investment (pro tern) : Ha rry E. Ca ld well , Jr. 985 Va ll ey View Road Indi a n Springs, AL 35 124 Nomination: Ph ill ip M. Su mm e rs Offi ce o f the Pres id ent Vin ce nn es University 1002 . First Street Vincen nes, IN 4 759 1 Ritual & In s ignia: David H. Vaw ter 4 4 1 D South Linde n Ave. Wayn esb o ro, VA 22980 Scholars hip: Steve Sa nde rs Kirkwood Ha ll 104 Blo o m ington , IN 4 740 5

Historian All e n W ood y

(Xi-Roanohe) P.O . Box 538 Montva le, VA 24 122 Chaplain W . Stuan Hi cks

(Kappa-Nonl1 Carolina ) 604 Lau re l Ave. Wi lm ette, IL 600 9 1 Chancellor David Lan e





(Omega-Purdue) Ven a b le, Baetj e r a nd Howa rd Suite 40 0 20 I 0 Co rpo ra te Ridge D ri ve McLea n, VA 22 101

v VI






Thoma s Wilson 23 Kimbe rl y Lan e Mo rrisonvill e, NY 12962 Norman Mawby 7 Co nsta n ce Dr. G le n Ridd le-Lim a, PA 190 37 Rob Benninghove 3558 Sho re Drive, Apt. 5 0 9 Virgini a Beach , VA 23455 Dr. Arthur J. Quicke nton 39 0 Meado wview Dr. Boo ne, NC 28 60 7 Chuck Wats on P.O. D rawe r 799 G reenwood , SC 29648 Ronald J. deValinge r 9 10Fifth Ave . Alb a ny, GA 3 170 I J. Jeffry Wahlen P.O. Box 39 1 Ta ll a h assee, FL 32302 Ralph S. Foster 2 10 Me 11 Ha ll Aub u rn Univ, AL 36849-5 60 7 Jeffr ey Luebker 5825 N. Winthrop Avenu e Indi a n a po lis, IN 4 622 0-263 John R. Andrews 320 1 E.33 rd St. Sio ux Fa ll , SD 57 103 Billy L. Jacobs 4335 Vin e Ridge Ct. Arli ngto n, TX 76 0 17 Dr. Fra nk M. Pa rri s h 7742 S. I Ia rri so n C ircle Littl eto n ,CO 80 122 Robe rt E. Langbe in 1557 Do uglas Dri ve El Ce rito, CA 9470 3

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation P.O. Box ~526, Ch a rl o tte, NC 28224 (70 4 ) 523-6000; em a il: a lum ex pa nd @ ao l. co m Chairman Lonni e Stri ckla nd 1 O ld No nhri ve r Po int Tu sca loosa, AL 35406 C hie f Executive Officer Ma rk E. T imm es Dire ctor o f Alumni Relations Dav id Ad a ms Administr ative Assistant Bets ie Fe h r Pi Ka ppa Phi Prope rties P.O. Box 240526, Ch a rl o tte, NC 28224 ( 704 ) 523-6000; e m a il: PKPP @ao l. co m Cha irma n Ernes t Jo h nso n PM Rea lty G ro up 444 S. Flo wer St. Su ite 173 0 Los Ange les, CA 9007 1 Chie f Executive Officer Ma rk E. Timm es Executive Vice President Tracy Maddux Adminis trative Ass is t a nt Betsie Fehr PUSH America P.O. Box 24 1368, C ha rlo tte, N C 28224 704-522- PU SH (7874 ); FAX: 704-52 1-8962 e m a il : PU SHAm e r@ao l. com Pres ide nt G regory L. Ba ll Am e ri ca n Red Cross M- 111 2 I Ca rmel Co mmon s Blvd ., Sui te 4 00, C ha rl o tte, NC 28 2 26 Executive Directo r Sa ll y Sch a fe r Specia l Eve nts Di recto r Chri s O rr Director of Projects and Grants Eri c Schmidh a usle r D irecto r of Progra m s Chad Perce Director of Ch a pte r Services Ja m es Lawso n Directo r o f Publi c Re la ti o n s Da ll as O lso n Admini strative Ass is ta nt Te rrie Smi th Associate C h ad N ich o las Jo urn ey of Hope Proj ect Ma n age rs Geo rge d e l Prad o, e lso n Wo ng C h a p te r Services In te rn Aro n Smith

S PR ING I 996


CHAPTERS Alabama Albright UAB Appalachian State Au bum Auburn-Montgomery Averett Barto n College Bloo msburg Bowling Green State Bradley Cali fo rnia-Berkeley Ca lifo rnia- Irvine Califo rnia-San Diego Cal. State-Chi co Cal. State-Fullerto n Cal. State-Northridge Central Michigan Coastal Carolina College o f Charlesto n Christian Brothers Christo pher Newport

Omicro n Zeta Chi Epsilo n Phi Delta Zeta Alpha Io ta Epsilo n Delta Zeta Xi Zeta Tau Zeta Upsilo n Delta Sigma Epsilo n Mu Ga mma Eta Eta Zeta Beta Zeta Lambda Zeta Rho Zeta Mu Beta Xi Eta Pi Alpha Epsilo n Sigma Eta Io ta

Clemson Clinch Valley Colorado- Boulder Colorado State

Zeta Alpha Epsi lon Epsi lon Eta Gamma Zeta Phi

Concord Com ell Drexel Duke East Carolina Flo rida Flo rida Sou them Flo rida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Sou them Georgia Southwestern Georgia State Georgia Tech Illino is Illino is Tech Indi ana Ind iana at Penn Ind iana State Iowa State IUPUI

Eta Alpha Psi Al pha Upsilo n Mu Beta Phi Alpha Epsilo n Beta Beta Beta Eta Delta Zeta Epsil o n Lambda Epsilon Upsilon Gamma Kappa Gamma Xi Beta Kappa Io ta Upsilo n Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Zeta Iota Eta Beta Alpha Omicron Zeta Psi

James Madison Kansas State Kennesaw State LaG range La nder LaSalle Le no ir-Rhyne Longwood Louisian a State U. Marshall Maryland Mercer Michigan Mich igan State

Delta Tau Delta Chi Eta Delta Gamma u Gamma Rho Epsilo n Xi Epsilo n Rho Epsilon Gamma Gamma Io ta Zeta Pi Eta Epsilo n Alpha Alpha Alp ha Kappa Al pha Theta

P.O. Box 6089, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 Box (A.C. Box) 74, Reading, PA 196 12 Box 40, Univ. Ctr, Birmingham, AL 35294 ASU Box 899 1, Boone, C 28607 86 1 Lem Morrison Dr., Auburn, AL 36830 P.O. Box 241332, Montgom ery, AL 36 124 P.O. Box 23 06, Danvi lle, VA 2454 1 1214 W. Gold St., Wilso n, NC 27893 Box 52, BU, Bloomsburg, PA 178 15 R-3 Old Frat. Row, Bowling Green, 01-1 43403 1530 W. Bradley Ave., Peoria, IL 61606 2908 Chann ing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 P.O. Box474 1, Irvine, CA927 16 P.O. Box 948555, LaJo lla, CA 92037-9405 8 11 Rio Chico Way, Chico, CA 95928 Univ. Aai\~ ties Ctr-74, Fullerto n, CA 92634 17835 Partheni a St., Northridge, CA 9 1325 904 University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 P.O. Box 1954 , Co n way, SC 29526 Box 1493, Stem Student Center, SC 29424 650 E. ParkwayS., Memphis, TN 38 104 Tim CampbelL 209 Resolutio n, Gra fto n, VA 23692 P.O. Box 2 186, Clemson, SC 29632 CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 855 Broadway, Bo ulder CO 80302 Greek Life Office, Lory Students Center Fort Collins, CO 80523 C-49, Concord College, Athens, WV 247 12 14850 55 Ridgewood Rd., Ithaca, 3409 Powelto n Ave., #6, Philly, PA 19 104 P.O. Box 97675, Durham , NC 27708 803 Hooker Rd ., Greenville, NC 27834 11 Fraternity Row, Ga inesville, FL32603 Box 152 15, cf o FSC, Lakeland, FL 33802 423 W. College Ave., Tall ah assee, FL3230 I FU-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 29613 GM U, SUB I Box 85, Fairfax, VA 22030 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30605 CPO 2424, Box l 000, Milledgeville, GA3 l061 LB # 12343, GSC, Statesboro, GA 304 60 1305 A Oglethorpe Ave., Americus, GA 3 1709 Box 1848 Univ. Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303 G.T. Statio n 327 15, Atlanta, GA 30332 306 E Gregory Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 3333 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 606 16 14 15 N. Jo rdan, Bloomingto n, IN 4 7406 946 Church St., Indiana, PA 15701 Lincoln Quad Box D,Terre Haute, I 47808 407 Welch Ave., Ames, lA 5001 0 Glenn Shanah an, 66 N. Devon, Ind ianapo lis, IN 462 19 P.O. Box 7 187, JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 16 14 Fa irchild, Manhattan , KS 66502 P.O. Box 440053, Ma rietta, GA 3006 1 Box 1170,60 1 Broad, LaGrange, GA30240 Box 6 19 1, Lander, Greenwood, SC 29646 LU -Box 692, Philadelphia, PA 19 14 1-5 1SO I..RC- Box 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 Box3006- LongwoodCol., Farmville, VA23909 PO Box 25068, Baton Rouge, LA 70894 1434 Sth Ave, Hun tington, WV 2570 1 #8 Fraternity Row, College Park, MD 20740 MU-Box 11 2, Macon, GA 3 1207 903 Lincoln, An n Arbor, Ml 48 104 13 1 Bogue St., E. Lansing, Ml 48823

Missouri Missouri-Ro lla Montevallo Morehead State

Beta Epsilo n 9 15 Richmo nd Ave .. , Columbia, MO 65201 Gamma Lambda 1704 Pine St., Ro ll a, MO 6540 1 GammaOmega Drawer AY, UM,Mo ntevall o, AL 3511 5 Delta Eta Box 1247 UPO, Morehead , KY 4035 1 NJIT Beta Alpha 249 King Blvd., ewark, J 07 102 orth Carolina Kappa 216FinleyGolfCourse,Chapei Hill, C275 14 UNC-Charlotte Del ta Lambda Cone Univ. Ctr., UNCC, Charlotte, NC 28223 UNC-Greensbo ro Epsilo n Io ta P.O . Box 136 1-62, Greensboro, NC2 7413 Ga mma Theta Univ. Ctr, Rm . 202, Wilmington, NC 28407 UNC-Wilmingto n North Carolina State Tau 240 1 W. Fraternity Ct., Raleigh, NC 27606 North Dakota Zeta Gamma 407 Cambridge St., Grand Forks, N D 58203 North Flo rida Zeta Zeta 4567 St. Johns Bluff, Jacksonvi lle, FL 32224 Del ta Delta P.O . Box 562, Kirksville, MO 63501 No rtheast Missouri North Georgia Delta Beta Box 5 165-NGC, Dahlonega, GA 30597 O klaho ma Alpha Gamma 17 14 S. Chautaugua, Norman, OK 73072 O klaho ma State Gamma Upsilon 14 15 West Third, Stillwater, O K 74074 O ld Do minio n Gamma Beta Student Aa., PKP, WebbCtr., Norfolk, VA23509 O regon State Alpha Zeta 2 111 Harrison NW, Corva llis, OR 97330 Univ. of Pennsylvania Eta Nu 4040 Wa lnut St., Phil adelphia, PA 19104 Penn State Alpha Mu 409 E. Fairmo nt, State College, PA 16801 Pittsburgh Del ta Upsilo n Box7 126, Univ.ofPin, Pittsburgh, PA 152 13 Presbyterian Beta PC- Box I 069, Clinto n, SC 29325 Purdue O mega 330 N. Grant St., W. Lafayette, IN 4 7906 Queens College Eta Zeta Box8 13,QueensCollege,Charlotte, NC28274 Delta Phi 1 I 17 Grove Ave., Radfo rd, VA 24 14 1 Radfo rd Rensselaer Alpha Tau 49 Second St., Troy, NY 12 180 Roanoke Xi Box 1761 , Roa no ke, Salem, VA 24153 San Francisco Assoc. Students Off UC402, Eta Theta lgn atio n Heights, San Fran cisco 9411 7 St. Joseph 's SJU, 5600 City Ave., Box 230, Phila., PA 19 131 Epsilo n Tau Samford Alpha Eta SU Box 2474, Birmingham, AL35229 Eta O micro n Adm .25 L 1600H olloway,San Fran,CA 941 32 San Francisco State Seto n Hall Epsilo n Theta 4 6 Fleet St., Jersey City, NJ 073 06 Shippensburg Zeta Delta 36 S. Queen St., Shippen sbu rg, PA 17257 Slippery Rock Epsilo n Psi Rm. 22 1-C, Univ. Union, Sli p. Rock, PA 16057 South Alabam a Ga mma Phi P.O . Box U-1208, USA, Mobile, AL 36688 USC-Spartanburg Epsilon Lambda 800 UniversityWay, Spartanburg,SC29303 Sou them Tech Epsil o n Kappa 11 00S. Marietta Pkwy., Marierta, GA30060 SUNY-Albany Eta Xi P.0. Box 22 102, Alban y, NY 12222 SUNY-Brockpo rt Std Aa O fc Rm 203, Seym o ur Clg Un, Eta La mbda Brockpo rt, NY 14420 SUNY-Cortland Zeta O micron P.O. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 SU -Plattsbu rgh Eta Kappa College Center, PKP,Piattsbu rgh NY 1290 I Tampa Beta Lambda Lrr Box 277 1, 40 1 W. Kennedy Blvd ., Tampa, FL 33606 Tennessee Alpha Sigma P.O. Box 8629, Knoxville, TN 37996-0002 TexasA&M Delta O mega P.O Box 520 1, College Statio n, TX 77844 Texas-Arlington Delta Psi LIT-Arli ngton, 705 S. Sum mit, Arl'gt'n, TX 7601 3 Texas Tech Epsilon Omega P.O. Box 4678, Lubbock, TX 794 09-4678 To ledo 2999 W. Bancro ft, A-2, To ledo, O H 43606 Beta Io ta Towson State Zeta O m ega TSU Box 197 1, Towson, MD 2 1204 Troy State Gamma Gamma TSU Box 1738, Troy, AL 36082 Valdosta State Beta Tau VSU Box 713 6, Valdosta, GA 3 1698 Villanova Epsilon Omicron 2 15 Dougherty Hall, Vill anova, PA 19085 Virginia Beta Upsilo n 5 I 0 Rugby Rd ., Charlo ttesvi lle, VA 22903 Virginia Commonwealth Epsilo n Pi P.O. Box 842035, Richmo nd, VA 23284 Virginia Tech Delta Al pha 11 0 1 Redbud Rd., Bl acksburg, VA 24060 Washington Alpha Delta 4530 17th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98 105 Washingto n & Lee Rho W&L P.O. Box 903, Lexingto n, VA 24450 Western Carolina Gam ma Epsilon P.O. Box I 173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 West Chester Zeta Nu Rm 109, Sykes Hall, West Chester PA 19383 Gamma Zeta 64 1 Fayette Pike, Mo ntgomery, WV 25 136 West Virginia Tech West Virgini a Alpha Rho 59 1 Spruce St., Morgantown, WV 26505 Wingate Eta Mu Box 1648 Wingate, Wingate NC 28174 West Alabam a Gamma Alpha P.O. Box M, Livi ngsto n, AL 35470 Wo fford Zeta Pi Kappa Phi, Wofford, Sparta nburg SC29303


HOUSING CORPORATIONS Alpha Beta Iota Kappa Lambda Nu Xi Omicron Rho Sigm a Tau Psi Omega Alpha Ga mma Alpha Delta Alpha Epsilo n Alpha Zeta Alpha Eta Alpha Theta Alpha Io ta Alpha Kappa AlphaM u Alpha Omicron Alpha Rho Alpha Sigm a Alpha Tau Alpha Upsilo n Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Beta Alpha Beta Epsilo n Beta Eta Beta Iota Beta U psiio n Beta Phi Gamma Al pha Gamm a Beta Gamma Ga mma Gamma Delta Gamma Epsil on Gamma Zeta Gamm a Theta Gamm a Io ta Gamma Kappa Gamm a Lambda GammaN u Gamma Xi Gamma Upsilo n Gamma Phi Gamma O mega Delta Alpha Delta Beta Delta Delta Delta Zeta Delta Lambda Delta Upsilo n Delta Chi Delta Psi Delta Om ega Epsilo n Delta Epsil o n Epsilo n Epsil o n Eta Epsilo n lneta Epsilo n Io ta Epsilo n Mu Epsilon Nu Epsilon Sigma Epsilo n Tau Epsilo n Psi Epsilo n O mega Zeta Al pha Zeta Gamma Zeta Epsilo n Zeta Zeta

Grego l)' D Padgett Timo thy C Foster Frederick Massey Do nald E Pulliam Floyd L Langsto n Randall D Lorenzen Ma rk D Edgell Ha ny E Caldwell Jr. Roben 0 Waldbauer Michael T Lowman Roben L La mphier Jr. Jo hn S Kirk Michael S Tyrrell James G Ganders Jr Derrick A Rogers Peter T Cummings Randall J Collis Lamar B Lackey Matthew J Shaheen Dal)'l R Griswold Jo nathan P Alben Kevin K Murphy Kelley A Bergstrom Mike Turner Spears P Vavalides Michael N Desmarais Frederick W Sd1mehl Gregol)' I Pleszkun Phillip M Summers David White Randall E Grigg Paul L Nid1o ls Jr Gregol)' C Lardinais Leroy R Hamlett Jr. Scott Smith Joseph L Alexander Joel Allen David B Dorsey David L Everson James M Reece Frederick S Ada ms Michael RTumer Tho mas M Lusk Glenn Aspinwall David L Siems Richard D Jo lly Jr NeilD Suggs Ma rrus I-1 Hasting Frank W Henderson Richard Neatha mmer Michael P Larkin Willia m A Tew IIVin P Howa rd Ill Gregol)' I Proctor Bo bby L Bo llinger Jr. Ro ben J Querio II Brent A Grauberger David L Sprinkle Alan J Brevard Danny M Tice Gal)' B Vanover Rid 1ard L Moore Tho mas P Mulliga n Al an B Overbey Timo thy F Sumner Kent W Meyer Christo pherW Mills Vincent I Tho mpso n Jr Alben L Shul tz II Roy B Goodloe Ill Scott C Gaspa rini Steward E Sandstro m Juan J Miya res Robert TTalley

(803 ) 556-1106(H) (704) 868-9361 (H) (404 ) 955-01 74(1-1) (919) 554- 1050(H) (706) 23 7-3960(1-1) (402) 551-5077 (H) (703 ) 774-3199 (H) (205) 988-0582(H) (540) 943-8966(1-1) (803 ) 750-7190(H) (919 ) 851-9090(1-1) (515 ) 226-0693 (H) (317) 463-9236 (H) ( 405) 359-6862 (H) (206) 255- 1855 (1-1) (904) 273-4454 (H) (503 ) 687-2528 (H) (205 ) 879-5459 (1-1) (312) 472-3216(1-1) (404) 636-2889 (1-1) (616) 744-4701(H) (610) 488-0417(1-1) (708) 256-2687 (1-1) (304) 2968788 (1-1) (615 ) 584-4521(1-1) (508)4 70-5444(W) (215 ) 777-04 88 (1-1) (708) 403-7372(1-1) (812) 882-8525(1-1) (201) 967-7420(1-1) (314) 4 69-3 79 5(1-1) (904) 893-8839(1-1) (41 9) 897-0020(1-1) (804) 973-6557(1-1) (703) 370-4553 (1-1) (205) 392-4739(1-1) (703) 444-4142 (H) (334) 262-5211 (H) (901) 755-2951(H) (919) 765-8988 (1-1) (304) 755-4051(H) (919) 395-5209(H) (504 ) 344-3307(1-1) ( 404 ) 449-3542 (1-1) (314) 542-2138(1-1)

(505) 325-0901 (H) (334) 4 73-4486(W) (205 ) 985-9208(H) (610) 328- 1533 (H) (404 ) 389-8529 (1-1) (314 ) 644-2373 (H) (704) 376-2820(H) (704 ) 365-8728(H) (816) 373-7300(W) (817) 731-0414(H ) (713 ) 448-3820(H) (334) 271-6744 (H) (703) 926-4495 (H) (704 ) 541 -5217(H) (201) 744-1747 (1-1) (910) 275-6452 (W) (217) 698-0233 (H) (916 ) 929-6880(H) (901) 327-8523 (1-1) (716) 634-1699 (H) (412) 794-6704 (H) (806 ) 796-7285 (11) (404 ) 801 -8533 (11 ) (41 4 ) 258-6817 (1-1) (703 ) 968-7970(1-1) (904) 642-0444(1-1)

Zeta Iota Zeta Lambda Zeta Xi Zeta Omicron Zeta Pi Zeta Rho Zeta Sigma Zeta Tau Eta Beta Eta Gamma Eta Epsilo n Eta Eta UCLA Associate

(717) 455-7741(W) Charles F Geraci Brad L Strong (916) 445-211 2(W) (804) 793-4392 (W) Mark A CeiVantes Roben G Anza lone Jr. (607) 797-7261(I-I) Brendan S Leal)' (714 ) 557-4616(H) David L Goldenberg (916) 346-8374 (1-1) David A Hiatt Steven W Breasure (919) 347-3588(W) (8 12) 234-3866 (H) Matthew E Bu rris (303 ) 770-3622 (H) Garro n M Bateman (301) 869-6874 (11) Paul LStynchcomb (714 ) 562-3800(W) James L Rundle (310) 477-9244 (H) Steven S Ryder

ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Assoc.-Willia m H Ishee Central Alabam a Alumni Assoc.-James B Beallr.-(205 ) 668- 1931 Ausun Area Alumni Associatio n-Paul S Drake-(512) 219-0445 Greater Atlanta Alumni Assoc.-Mark FCh1istopher-( 404 ) 934 -6005 Da ll as/ Ft. Wonh Alumni Assoc.-James B Bea llr.-(205 ) 668- 1931 Dall as/ Ft. Wo nh Alumni Assoc.-Steven M Kosta- (817) 572-7034 Des Mo mes Alumm Assooauo n-Jo hn S Kirk-(515) 226-0693 (1-1) Greenwood Alum111 Chapter-Charles M Watson jr -(803 ) 229-2569 GreaterTo ledo Alumni Chapter-Gregol)' Lardinais -(419) 897-0020 Metropl ex Alumn1 AssocJatJo n-Mark S Fehmer-(214 ) 348-8242 Montgomel)' AreaAlumni Assoc.- Roben Clark]r -(334) 277-5817 N o ~ Jersey Alumni Associatio n-Richa rd Nass- (201) 288-3594 lnd1anapohsAlumni Associatio n-Stephen K Barber-(317) 326-2615 San D1ego Alumni Associatio n-Buzz Ho ldo rf-(619) 439-6303

ALUMNI CHAPTERS A- Gregol)' Padgett-(803 ) 556-1106(1-1) r - Steven I C rase-(510) 778-8 085 (1-1) !- Frede ri ck A Massey Sr. -( 404) 955-01 74(H) K-Ed Pulliam -(91 9 ) 554 -1050(H) A-Floyd L La ngston-( 706 ) 237-3 96 0 (H) M- Willi a m D Fuqu a- (706) 832-3914 (1-1) N-Ra nd a ll D Lorenzen -(402 ) 55 1-5 077 (1-1) =:- Ma rk D Edgell -(703 ) 774-3199 (H) 0-I-I a rl)' E Ca ldwei!Jr.-(205 ) 988-0582 (H) :L- Mi ch ael T Lowm an -(803 ) 750-7190 (H) T- Ra be rt L Lamphi er Jr.-(919 ) 85 1-9090 (H) X-Ga l)' A Meadows-(904 ) 736 -3255 ( II) '짜-J o hnS Kirk-(51 5 ) 226-0693 (H) !:!-Ma rk V DeFabis- (317 ) 293-8609 ( H) AA - Ro nny E Willi a m s- (912 ) 471-6937 (1-1) A t.- Derrick Rogers- (206) 255- 1855 ( I-1) A E- Mich ael Mitche ll -(813 ) 835-8462 (H) AZ- Randa ll J Collis-(503 ) 687-2528 (1-1) Al-l-Steven D Lackey- (334 ) 342-3862 (1-1) AG- Matthew J Sha hee n-(312) 472-3216 (1-1) Al- Da l)'l R Gri swo ld-(404 ) 636-2889 (1-1) AK-Chri sto phe r R Meo no-(313 ) 930- 1596 (1-1) AM- Kevin K Murphy-( 610) 4 88-0417 (1-1) A O- Kell ey A Bergstrom-( 708 ) 256-2687 (1-1) AP- Patri ck E Farl ey- (412 ) 681-5269 (1-1) AT- Mi chael N Desm a rais AY- Frede ri ck W Schm eh -(215 ) 777-0488 (11) A<I>-G regol)' J Pl eszkun -(70 8 ) 403-7372 (1-1) BA- Tim o thy C Foste r-(704 ) 868-9361 (II) BE-Sh a nn W Pa rke r BH-Gal)' K Vaughn(904 ) 893-8896 (1-1) BM-C M Adri a n-(601) 324-7255 (1-1) BT Club-Jonathan Scott-(704) 333-6766 BY- Leroy R Haml ett Jr. -(804 ) 973- 6557 (1-1) B<I:>-Scott Smith-(703 ) 370-4 553 (1-1) r A- Joseph L Alexa nde r-(205) 392-4 739 ( 1-1) rB- Paul Dickso n-(703 ) 362-3577 (11) rr- David B Do rsey- (334 ) 262 -5211 ( 1-1) rE- Ja m es M Reece- (919) 765-8988 (1-1) EA -Io hn Ha rri s, Jr. (803 ) 542-2560(1-1)

CHAPTERS Arizona cfo Jennifer Jo nes Dept o f Student Progra ms Student Uni o n 101 Tucson, AZ 85 72 1 Ariwna State P.O. Box 2226 Te mpe, AZ 8528 1 Kentucky cfo Jay McCoy 575 Patterson O ffi ce Tower Lexi ngto n, KY 40506 Memphis 384 I Spottswood Ave. Memphis, TN 38 111 Miami of Ohio PO Box 61 5 Oxford, O I-l 45056 Minnesota cfo Randy Sti IIi nger 603 Washingto n SE #5 18 Minneapo lis, MN 554 14 Mississippi cfo Bl)'an Barksdale Divisi o n o f Student Affairs Roo m 406, Uni o n Universtiy o f Mississippi Oxfo rd, MS 38677 Sacramento State 2348 Villanova Cr # 1 Sacramento, CA 95825 Soutllwest Texas State 15 19 Owens Sa n Marcos, TX 78666 Stetson cfo I-I any Md ntosh 792 Little Wekiwa Drive Altamo nte Springs, FL327 14 Texas-Austin Texas Unio n # 154 P.O. Box 7338 Austin, TX 787 13 UCLA I 18 Men's Gym 405 1-lilga rd Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024 UMBC 139 S. Symingto n Apt. A Canto nsville, MD 2 1228

SP RI NG 1996


Su *** ter



Nominating committee selects Council slate continued from page 3

president, Pi Kappa Phi Properties.

fo ll owing recommendations for new National Council members:

Also, past National Council member-atlarge Jim Krucher, N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha). Three-

National president

time winner, Area Governor of the Year; Beta

Clearwater, Fla., attorney Nathan Hightower,

Circle Award recipient. Director of information

Alabama (Omicron) . Currently national vice

techno logy, Troy Corp., Clifto n, N.J.

president; formerly national treasurer, national

National chaplain

secretary, national chancellor.

Sioux Fa ll s, S.D., resident John Andrews,

National vice president

Northeast Missouri (Delta Delta). Currently

Dr. Pat Figley, Stetson (Chi), minister and counselor, Tampa, Fla. Currently national secretary; formerly national chaplain. National treasurer

Harry Caldwell, Alabama (Omicron),

of America . Helped organize Delta Delta Housing Corp., 19XX Housing Corporation of the Year. Also, Area IX governor Jeff Luebker, charter

Harvard M.B.A. graduate. President


of a consulting firm ,

Nominating committee

Chaired by past national president Dr.

Currently national

Phillip Summers, Indi ana (Alpha Psi), the

treasurer; formerly

nominating committee includes John Bradford,

national secretary,

Clemson (Zeta Alpha), and past national

area governor, chapter

presidents Judge James Turk, Roanoke (Xi),


and Stephen DePalma, N.J .I.T. (Beta Alpha).

National secretary

Voting for candidates

Los Angeles Supreme Chapter delegates vote at the 44th convention.

Area X governor; executive director, Boy Scouts

member, Bradley (Epsilon Mu). Midwest area leasing manager, Heitman Properties Ltd.,

Birmingham, Ala.

resident Ernest

The delegate of a student chapter may cast one vote for every member in good standing

Johnson, Auburn (Alpha Iota), executive, PM Realty Group.

on their chapter roster. An alumni chapter delegate represents 10 votes for the chapter he

Currently president, Pi Kappa Phi Properties;

represents. All alumni members, members-atlarge, Nationa l Counci l members, area gover-

formerly national staff member. Also, Jeff Niedenthal, Florida State (Beta


Stuart Hicks, North Carolina (Kappa), director of client services, LaSalle Partners Ltd., Chicago. Currently national chaplain; formerly

The nominating committee has made the


National historian

Eta), retired U.S. Naval officer, Fairfax, Va. Currentl y, principal analyst, Logicon Inc.; chapter advisor, George Mason (Zeta Epsilon).

nors, past archons and initiated former staff members present at the Supreme Chapter are entitl ed to one vote for each position held. Members elected to the Pi Kappa Phi Hal l of

Formerly commanding officer, U.S.S . Pensacola; chief staff officer, Amphibious Squadron Eight; deputy director/ dean of students, USMC Command and Staff College.

Fame and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi recipients are entitled to 10 additiona l votes. Come to San Francisco in August to participate in this unique electora l process!


Highlights of the

45th Supreme Chapter Saturday, Aug. I0

The spouses program includes a trip


Cakebread Cellars.

Spouses program filled with Bay-area attractions


Sup reme Banq uet


Ritu al of initi at io n

* Desert recepti o n Begin your stay at the San Francisco Airport Hyatt Regency hotel.

i Kappa Phi has arranged an exciting and


event-fill ed progra m to give yo ur guest a taste of everything th e "City by th e Bay"

Sunday, Aug. I I

h as to offer. In additi o n to th e Suprem e

* *

Ba nquet, th e harbor crui se and the Oa kl a nd A's

baseball ga me, relaxing activiti es and day trips

5- K run Pres ident's Circle Recepti o n


will m ake he r escape to Sa n Francisco a lasting memo ry.

Fisherm an's Wh arf night li fe

Alo ng with other Pi Ka pp guests, she will

Have dinner on a night harbor cruise under the Colden Gate Bridge.

enj oy sh opp ing trips to Uni o n Square, Chinatown and Fisherm a n's Wharf. An afternoo n o f exp lo ring th e Bay-side towns of Sa usa lito and Tibero n is a lso o n the agend a. Your guest will h ave th e cha nce to visit fa m o us landm arks such as th e Go lden Ga te Pa rk and Museums, and Muir Woods

atio nal

Pa rk. Pi Kap pa Phi has a rra nged a Victo ria n Ho m e To ur a nd a visit to Fil o li Gardens. Toppi ng off th e spo use's p rogra m w ill be a

Monday, Aug. 12

* *

Founde rs' Brea kfas t Na ti o nal Coun cil electio ns


u Ph i Ba nq uet

Ride San Francisco's famou s t.mlley cars or t.al<e the feny to Alcatraz.

day trip to th e fa med Napa Va ll ey. The day features a tour ofCakebread Cell a rs, a fa milyown ed win ery th at is ho me to Pi Kapp Denni s

Tuesday, Aug. 13

Ca kebread. The visit will fea ture a tour of the


new a nd o ld facilities o n th e estate as we ll as a


w ine tastin g. Yo ur guest will a lso to ur Do m ain e Chanda n and enj oy so me of th e fi nest ch ampagne the West Coast offers. Co m b in ed with th e exci tem ent of Supre me Chapter, th e spo use's program creates the suprem e getaway fo r yo u a nd your guest.


Su preme Chapter Luncheo n Fin al Supre me Chapter sess io n

Allend an Oakland A's night baseball game with hundreds of Pi Kapps and guests. SPR I NG 1996


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FLAG T-SHIRT #PKP-T-FLAG $15.00 Ava il able o n a white. I 00% cotton T-shirt. Sizes: L, XL (X XL $2 ex tra)

GATE T-SHIRT #PKP-T-GATE $15.00 Available on a white. I 00% cotto n T-shirt. Sizes: L, XL (XX L $2 extra)

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LETTERED POLO SHIRT #PKP-POLO-EG $29.00 I00% cotton, available in navy o r white. Sizes : L, XL (XX L $3 extra)

CRESTED POLO SHIRT #PKP-POLO-EC $35.00 I 00% cotton. avai lable in navy or white. Sizes: L, XL (XXL $3 extra)

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GOLF TOWEL #PKP-TOWEL-G $12.95 Bl ack with gold embro idery.


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