
Page 1


Substance Free Chapter Houses Solution to a common problem? Recently, Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity, with 180 chapters and 7,500 members, announced they will ban all alcoholic beverages from each of its houses as of July 1, 2000. For everyone, both Greek and non-Greek, this is an emphatic punctation mark on the issues facing today's college fraternities. You may recall the article on substance free housing featured in the Fall 1996 issue of the Star & Lamp. The Phi Delta Theta effort brings it closer to reality for all of us. It is a sad testimony that the problems stemming from alcohol abuse have caused a Greek organization to impose such restrictions on their houses. Perhaps the larger picture that many fail to see is that problems resulting from alcohol abuse are not found solely in fraternity houses. Alcohol abuse abounds in dorm rooms, offcampus housing, and has made its way into high schools, secondary schools, and, most tragically, grade schools. It is said that "to every complex problem there is a simple solution .. .. simple, obvious, and wrong." The jury is still out on whether substance free housing addresses the root cause of the problem - conduct. At a minimum, one fraternity cannot do it alone. The entire campus must address this issue. In this regard, Pi Kappa Phi is participating in a pilot program with the National Interfraternity Conference (NIC) called Select 2000, a


component of which requires substance free housing for the entire system. The pilot campuses are Villanova and Florida Southern College. We will observe these results and Phi Delt's efforts with interest. In the grander scheme, the solution we propose to these problems is straightforward, but not simple. It does not lie, necessarily, in placing restrictions on students. Rather, the solution comes

from empowering students with the necessary tools to think for themselves and make good, educated decisions. For Pi Kappa Phi, that vision is The Journey. It is our answer to the issues facing our membership - and it works. In this issue of the Star & Lamp, we reprint an article which appeared in Seven Habits Magazine, the publication ofThe Covey Leadership Center. Through the article, we see how The Journey can change perceptions about fraternities. Additionally, everyone receiving the publication knows that Pi Kappa Phi is equipping its members with the tools to be critical thinkers. This issue also wraps up the last of a three-part sports series, this time featuring Pi Kappa Phi's hardballers. A special congratulations goes out to Brother Tom lasorda for his recent election into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Also, we wish to extend a warm welcome to Brother Jim Edmonds of the Anaheim Angels, a recent alumnus initiate of Zeta Rho Chapter at Cal. StateFullerton. In a related feature, we recognize Rich Eisen, a Pi Kapp who is making a name for himself on ESPN's SportsCenter. Finally, this issue features the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Annual Report. Thanks again to all those who contribute both money and their time to Pi Kappa Phi. I hope you enjoy the issue. Fraternally,

Mark E. Timmes Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Be sure to check out the redesigned Pi Kappa Phi web site at www.pikapp.org. Thanks to Phil Barrett (Cornell - Psi) and Derald McMillan (Charleston- Alpha) for their hard work and dedication on this project.

A Leadership/Education Public4rion USPS519000 Spring 1997

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 2

Editor-in-Chief Mark E. Timmes Managing Editor James P. O'Keefe Dmgn&litor Jennifer L. Annstnmg Contributing Editors

Angela Bland Cindy Howell Contributing Writn5 Jay l.dnghammer Stephen Whilby Frank Wrenn

Official Photographer Tim Ribar Assignment PltotDgrapMr John Atashian lllustraticms Guy Francis

Office Mtmager Nancyl..anen TheStor&Lampis published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraumity at 7017 Nations Ford Road, Charlotte. NC 28217. Mailing addms: P.O. Bole 240526, Clrarfotte, N.C. 28224; (704) 523-6000 FAX {704) 521-8962

E-mail addms: PiKIIppNad@aol.com http:ffwww.pilulpp.org

Materials fur public4rion should be sent directly to the managing editor at the address above. Members are invited to send materials coru:eming themselves or others. Letters fO the editor also may be printed at the discretion of the editors. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Periodicals postage paid at Otarlotu, NC and any additional mailing offices. Pi Kappa Phi was fountled at the College ofOtarleston, Charleston, S.C., on Dec. 10, 1904, byAndmu

Alexander Kroeg, Simon Fogarty and L. Harry Mixson.

Pi Kappa Phi is a member of the National Interfraternity Conference.


Ijust finished reading the basketball article in the recent issue of Star & Lamp.These types of articles are very enjoyable. I believe they show how important such participation is for our brothers. Additionally, they really demonstrate the caliber of men Pi Kappa Phi recruits. I realize the article could not include every Pi Kapp that played basketball but I did want to write to mention an excellent brother from Epsilon Gamma Chapter who played for the Longwood College team. Doug Poppe played all four years at Longwood. He scored I, 139 points - one of only five players to score over I,000 points for men's basketball at Longwood. He also had 653 rebounds. Most remarkably, he holds the school's all-time career field goal percentage record at 62.2%. During his junior year; Doug made 66.7% of his shots, also a school record. He was an excellent Warden for our chapter as well. Bradley Pomp Longwood (Epsilon Gamma)


rr A LL: Pi Kappa Phi's own Rich Eisen

(Michigan- Alpha Kappa) invites the Star & Lamp to Bristol, Conn. to talk about Fraternity, the Master Chapter Award, and how he worked his way onto the set of the premiere sports news television show - ESPN's SportsCenter. Page 6 ALso: Pi Kapps inside ESPN. Page 9 Photo by John Atashian



With spring training behind us and

the regular season just under way, we profile Pi Kappa Phi's "Boys of Summer", including Pi Kapps in the front office and one Pi Kapp's experience in the minors. Page 2 ALuMNI NEws: Pi Kappa Phi mourns loss of Richard MwTay

(Rensselaer- Alpha Tau). Purdue (Omega) plans for 75th Anniversary. George Mason (Zeta Epsilon) celebrates ten years in Pi Kappa Phi. Page 8 C HAPTER

NEws: Pi Kappa Phi passes 75,000 member mark.

Miami (Ohio) and UMBC join Fraternity's roster. I.I. T (Alpha Phi) remembers house cook and brother; Archie Glover. Page 27 PI KAPPA Pm's ] DURNEY: Susan Baile, a Covey Leadership

Center facilitator experiences a paradigm shift with Pi Kappa Phi. Page 27

In the article about Pi Kapps who were football standouts (Fall 1996), I saw no mention of any brothers from Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon). Pi Kapps dominate that team and always have. In fact. Brother Chris McCall was an NAIA All-American. We are the smallest of

PUSH AMERICA: The family of former Journey of Hope team

colleges, but we are proud of our team. In only its sixth year; Clinch Valley finished 4th in the NA IA. The Pi Kapps who made that team what it is deserve recognition for their efforts on behalf of their school and Pi Kappa Phi. jason R. Wampler Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon)

The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation recognizes the 1996 donors and

member; Greg Bennett (Valdosta- Beta Tau), establishes fund


in his memory. Page 31 PUSH America is getting ready to Gear Up! Page 32

FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT Pi Kapp scholars. Page 11

Address corrections should be sent to Pi Kappa Phi, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224

on the became the fifth skipper in big league history to guide the same club to the playoffs in three different decades. He ranks 12th in games managed (3,068) and 13th in wins (1,613) while capturing two World Series Championships. As a player, Lasorda was a crafty lefthander who, during 14 pro seasons, spent parts of three years in the majors (1954-55 with Brooklyn and 1956 with Kansas City) . He holds the all-time International League record for career wins (125 with the Montreal Royals) and struck out 25 batters in a 15 inning game with Schenectady during the 1948 season.




Pi Kappa Phi's current big

ith the 1997


league standout is Anaheim Angels

baseball season

outfielder Jim Edmonds (Cal. State

underway, we

Fullerton -Zeta Rho), who is now in

conclude our series of

his fifth season in the majors. After

features on leading Pi Kapp

hitting .273 in 94 games during the

路athletes by focusing on those brothers who have achieved success in baseball.

strike-shortened 1994 season, he blossomed into an All-Star Game selection and solid power hitter in

The most recognizable name is Tom Lasorda, who was chosen for

1995 with 33 home runs, 107 RBI and a .307 batting average. Last season,

induction into the Baseball Hall of

Edmonds had another good year,

Fame on March 5, 1997. The ceremonies will take place in Cooperstown,

batting .304 with 27 homers and 66 RBI.

N.Y. on August 3rd. He retired as manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers last summer following an angioplasty procedure. When he entered the

Infielder Joe Sewell of Alabama (Omicron) was elected to th e Hall of Fame in 1977 and is the only

hospitaL the Dodgers were 41-35 and had a two game lead in their division. His 1995 team won the NL West as he

Conference school. He joined the Cleveland Indians in September of Continued on page 4

Hall of Farner from a Southeastern

image copyrightŠ Photodisc, Inc.

1920, taking over at shortstop for Ray Chapman, the only player ever killed by a beanball. Joe batted over .300 nine times. These included bests of .353 with 109 runs batted in during 1923 and .336 with 98 RBI in 1925. He stayed with the Indians until the 1931 season when he became the New York Yankees' third baseman for three years. After his playing career ended, he was a Yankees' coach in 1934-35. Over 1,903 games, Joe averaged .312 with 2,226 hits, 1,055 runs batted in, and 1, 141 runs scored. Sewell also boasts baseball's four best single-season ratios of strikeouts to plate appearances, including the record of one strikeout every 192 appearances in 1932. During that year, he struck out just three times in 576 trips to the plate.

Catcher Luke Sewell of Alabama enjoyed a long playing career, appearing in games during 20 different seasons before becoming the fraternity's first big league manager. He joined his brother Joe with the Indians in 1921 and stayed with them through 1932, posting a career best .294 average and 53 RBI in 1927.

law haven't given up in the big leagues.

Leon SUNY-Albany 4


Sewell also played with Washington (1933-34) and the Chicago White Sox (1935-38) before returning to Cleveland as a player-coach in 1939 and fulltime coach in 1940-41. His career average was .259 with 1,393 hits in 1,630 contests. Luke Sewell was named

manager of the St. Louis Browns during the 1941 season and won the team's only American League pennant in 1944 with an 89-65 mark, and was named Major League Manager of the Year by The Sporting News . He also had third place finishes in 1942 (82-69) and 1945 (81-70) . After being out of baseball for several seasons, Sewell was a coach with Cincinnati in 1949 (except for managing 3 games) then served as manager from 1950-52. He later managed Toronto of the International League in 1954-55 and Seattle of the Pacific Coast League during part of 1956 before retiring from the game. The fraternity's first known major leaguer was pitcher Carl Cashion of Davidson (Epsilon), who appeared in 11 games for the 1911 Washington Senators. He had a 10-6 record, 3.17 earned run average in 1912 and pitched briefly for Washington in 1913-14. Outfielder Everett Booe of Davidson broke in with Pittsburgh in 1913 ( 19 games) then jumped to the Federal League with both Indianapolis and Buffalo in 1914 (96 games, .224 average) . Joe DeBerry of North Carolina State (Tau) pitched in 10 contests for the St. Louis Browns in both 1920 and 1921. Pitcher George Murray of North Carolina State (Tau) broke in with the New York Yankees in 1922, posting a 4-2

record and 3.97 ERA in 22 games. He spent the next two seasons with the Boston Red Sox before returning to the minor leagues. Murray had a 6-3 mark for the Washington Senators in 1926 and pitched briefly for them in 1927 before going back to the minors. His final big league appearances were for the Chicago White Sox in 1933 and he finished with a 20-26 record over 110 games. Outfielder Roy Carlyle of Oglethorpe (Pi) had a brief two year major career but hit over .300 both seasons. In 1925 with the Senators and Red Sox, he averaged .325 with seven homers and 49 RBI in 94 games. With the Red Sox and Yankees in 1926, he batted .309 in 80 contests. Infielder George "Buck" Redfern of North Carolina State saw action in 107 career games with the White Sox in 1928-29. lvey "Chick" Shiver of Georgia (Lambda) reached the majors for 2 games with the Detroit Tigers in 1931. A football AllAmerican, he bypassed pro football for baseball and played in 19 contests for the Reds in 1934. The fraternity also had a number of other fine players in the collegiate ranks during the 1920s and 1930s. Among them were outfielder Dick Jones of Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma); Edward Lange of Michigan (Alpha Kappa); Clair Sloan and Malhon Carpenter of Nebraska (Nu); Charles

"Red" Ellison of North Carolina (Kappa); 1929 captain/second baseman Tommie Owens and Frank Thrower of Florida (Alpha Epsilon); second baseman Walter "Buck" Swett and outfielder Carrol Player of Wofford (Zeta); John Valiano of California-Berkeley (Gamma); and the Auburn (Alpha Iota) duo of catcher James "Red" Hamilton and John Lowrey. Harrison Wickel of Ohio State (Alpha Nu) spent more than 50 years in baseball prior to his death in 1989. Following graduation, he was signed as an infielder by the St. Louis Cardinals and batted over .300 in eight of his 10 minor league campaigns. After a stint as a minor league manager, he then spent five years as the Cardinal's senior West Coast scout. He served the Cubs as farm system director from 1952 to 1954 and was a Tiger's scout from 1955 to 1959. He spent a year as president of the Fort Worth Texas League dub, then scouted for the Cubs, Cardinals, and Astros until the mid-1980s. Wicke! was Stan Musial's manager in 1939 and strongly urged the Cardinals to convert him from a pitcher to an everyday player because of his hitting ability. Clarence "Brick" Laws of California-Berkeley bought control of Continued on page 36

In recent years, Kapps have had baseball careers off the field . Tim Murphy of Florida (Alpha Epsilon) is in his second year as assistant vice president, customer service for the Texas Rangers after serving a number of years as general manager ofthe team's Port Charlotte farm team in the Florida State League. Murphy supervises all event operations at the 50,000 seat ballpark in Arlington, Texas. Two Pi Kapps work in the Florida Marlins front office. John Pierce of Florida State (Beta Eta) is the director of season ticket sales. Pierce previously worked in ticket sales with the

Marlins, Pierce worked as the Olympic Soccer Sales Manager. Also working for the Florida Marlins is assistant director of baseball information and publicity, Julio Sarmiento. a gmduate of Florida. David Cope of Stetson (Chi) served the Baltimore Orioles in several capacities, including sales representative, assistant director of marketing, and director of marketing and advertising (1993-94). Kenny Slough of Belmont Abbey (Gamma Mu) is director of clubhouse operations for the Bowie Baysox of the Eastern League. *




TER A t ESPN, sports is a 24 hour ~ media event. Dozens of satellite dishes, constantly receiving digital signals from sporting events all over the globe, allow the network to provide the most comprehensive sports coverage available. ESPN's most widely viewed show is SportsCenter, an hour-long, tentimes-a-day, information-packed, upto-date, in-your-face, everything-youwant-to-know-about-sports-news, feel-good television program. Riding the waves of sports information, video highlights, and on-air adlibbing with the greatest of ease is SportsCenter Anchor, and Pi Kapp, Rich Eisen (Michigan -Alpha Kappa). Continued on page 8

According to fellow anclwr Brett Haber (right), Eisen is "the closest thing ESPN has to a stand-up comediaJl



Hailed by friend, and fellow ESPN Anchor, Brett Haber as "the closest thing ESPN has to a stand-up comedian," Eisen brings his own brand of color and wit to the humorous banter that makes SportsCenter so successful. As an undergraduate, Eisen, 27, studied Communications. Upon arriving at Michigan as a freshmen, joining a fraternity was the furthest thing from his mind. "What turned me off the most about fraternities - was everything - in particular, their exclusive nature," recalled Eisen. "By my sophomore year, though, a couple of my friends had joined Pi Kappa Phi. The chapter seemed down to earth and had the most sensible attitude toward their members, so I joined." Eisen later went on to serve leadership roles on campus and in the chapter, including a term as Secretary for Alpha Kappa. During his term in the position, the chapter won the Master Chapter Award, awarded for chapter efficiency. "When guys used to get on my back about ordering stationary and stamps, or posting the minutes from meetings, I'd just show them the hardware [the award], and that let them know who was boss." Pi Kappa Phi was also rewarding socially. "The greatest thing about the Fraternity is the social skills I learned, and the truly great friends I made. I still keep in touch with a lot of my chapter brothers." It was also during his time at Michigan that he got hooked on sports 8


journalism. Prior to college, he had thought about a career as a sports reporter and his work covering sports in college solidified his career aspirations. Eisen worked for the Michigan Daily, covering field hockey, wrestling, baseball and football. After graduation in 1990, Eisen returned to his hometown, Staten Island, N.Y., where he spent three years as a staff writer for the Staten Island Advance. "I really didn't enjoy the 'hard news' aspect of that job. One night, I actually followed an ambulance to an accident scene the whole time saying to myself, 'there has got to be something more enjoyable to do:" Eisen left that job in 1993 to attend Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. While working on his master of science in broadcast journalism, he also covered Chicago high school sports for the Chicago Tribune. The transition from high school sports to ESPN did not happen overnight. Breaking into television journalism was not easy for Eisen. "I drove around New York and physically met news directors of every network I could find . I spent a lot of time in waiting rooms convincing people I was worth seeing. At times, it was a bit discouraging. But, in order to be successful you've got to be yourself, be natural and go get the job you want. There is a bit of luck involved as well." In 1994, a friend from Northwestern called Eisen about a job in Redding, Calif., and he decided it was worth a shot. He was hired as a sports anchor/ reporter at KRCR-1V in Redding and worked there until 1996.

Pi Kapps inside ESPN


He began working at ESPN in March of 1996 and, according to Eisen, it meant a change in lifestyle. "I am like a vampire. I sleep during the day and only appear at night." This is understandable considering Eisen's typical work day begins at 7 p.m. and ends around 4 a.m. Upon arriving at the office, Eisen scans all the latest sports headlines. He meets with the producer and SportsCenter staff to discuss the lineup of the show. Then he begins writing for the show. Since news路and scores continually develop throughout the evening, writing is a constant process. The lineup is also subject to change at any moment. By the time the show goes on the air at 2:00 a.m., most of the sports action is complete. However, some games may be just ending or still in progress. "Often, the first time I see the highlights is when I am on the air. It can be a high wire act sometimes. So much of the show is ad lib and there are so many opportunities for things to go wrong. However, we are encouraged to be natural and let things flow, and it always works out." Even though the hours can be taxing, Eisen still loves what he does. "No joke. Every day, I realize how lucky I am to be here. So many people are looking to take your place in this industry. You have to be appreciative of what you have." Is Eisen looking to move on eventually? "I haven't even thought about it to be honest. I am thoroughly happy here at ESPN." He does admit, though, a certain opportunity might change his mind. "If Bob Barker [from The Price is Right'] ever retires, then I'll have something serious to consider."


Rich Eisen is not the only Pi Kappa Phi brother currently working for ESPN. Four other Pi Kapps have careers at the Bristol, Conn.-based sports network. Brian Carroll, a 1995 graduate of Indiana (Alpha Psi) works as a Program Planner for ESPN International. In particular, he coordinates the broadcast schedule for ESPN Atlantic which is broadcast in the Middle East and Africa. "Working at ESPN is a lot like the workings of a chapter," said Carroll, a former vice archon and rush chairman. "We all have different backgrounds and ideas, but we are working toward a common goal." Just a few steps away, Dave Satlin (Michigan- Alpha Kappa) works as a Researcher for ESPN International. Working primarily in soccer information, Satlin's responsibilities include research for up to six matches and up to four magazine shows per week. Satlin became interested in Pi Kappa Phi his first day at Michigan. "They were a newer chapter. The house was quiet and the brothers were all great," recalled Satlin. "Pi Kappa Phi really taught me how to work well with others." Satlin eventually transferred to Maryland where he graduated with a degree in math, but not before he and Eisen had convinced Phil Green that Pi Kappa Phi was for him. Green, another Michigan Pi Kapp is the Associate Producer II for ESPNet.Sportszone, ESPN's web site. At Michigan, he met Eisen at the Michigan Daily. Green had also known Satlin prior to joining Pi Kappa Phi as well. "I wasn't really interested in joining a fraternity until Rich and Dave hotboxed me," said Green. "It turned out to be a great experience, though." Also working at ESPN is Jason Cooprider (Florida State- Beta Eta). Cooprider, who transferred to James Madison (Delta Tau) after two years at Florida State, works as a Production Assistant, responsible for cutting highlights and graphics for ESPN studio shows. "Working the late hours this kind of work requires can be tough," said Cooprider, a mass communications major. "But, I am gaining great, practical experience and I see a lot of exciting sports coverage." All four men were wondering why Eisen had never mentioned that other Pi Kapps were working there. "That's Rich for you," said Satlin jokingly. "Always trying to be the center of it all."





8 Omega plans its 75th Anniversary

On July 17,1996 Richard R Murray (RenssalaerAlpha Tau) passed away after a long battle with cancer. Murray, a 1952 graduate ofRenssalaer, had served as Alpha Tau Alumni Association President for 25 years and continually remained active with the Fraternity. As Alpha Tau Alumni Association President, Murray was primarily responsible for seeing the chapter through some very turbulent times during the 1960s. At one point drug problems and house mismanagement had placed Alpha Tau on the brink of extinction. Murray met with the fourteen members of the chapter at the time and explained that the situation was unacceptable - the chapter needed to make a change. At the end of the meeting, only six men remained. With this core group of members, Murray was able to rebuild the chapter. "I remember lots of sleepless nights waiting for him to return home from emergencies at the house in the middle of the night," said his wife, Marie. "He truly loved the Fraternity." In 1983, Murray received the Merit Citation award for his exemplary service and dedication to Pi Kappa Phi. "Dick was a great example of a brother who accepted responsibility and worked hard without looking for any recognition for his efforts," said chapter brother Gordon Wright. "He is a fantastic role model for all brothers." Murray was also extremely active in his community of Guilderland, N.Y., volunteering with the Pee Wee Hockey program and the Guilderland Youth Commission. He also served as Assistant Boy Scout Master for eight years. Additionally, Murray served on the Guilderland Planning Board, the Guilderland Town Board, the Fort Hunter Water District Board, and the Adult Education School Board. He was also chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Both Pi Kappa Phi and the Guilderland community will miss Brother Murray immensely. He is survived by his wife, Marie; his son, James (also a Pi Kapp); his daughter, Jane; and grandchildren, Carrie, Kate, and Stephen.





mega Chapter at Purdue University will celebrate a great milestone this fall. In honor of their 75th anniver-

sary as a Pi Kappa Phi chapter, Omega alumni have planned a day-long celebration. Pi Kappa Phi's National Council will also be in attendance at the celebration. For more information, please contact Housing Corporation President Mark DeFabis at (317) 856-3781 (w); mulligan@netdirect.netorPat Kuhnle, chapter advisor, at (765) 743-1111 ext. 205; pkuhnle@concentric.net.


Zeta Epsilon celebrates I 0 years in Pi Kappa Phi

lumni and undergraduate members of Zeta Epsilon


Chapter at George Mason University assembled on

December 7, 1996 for the celebration of their ten years as a Pi Kapp Chapter. On hand to deliver the keynote address was former chairman of the PUSH America Board of Directors, Ed Bennett (Roanoke- Xi) . Bennett had served as the chartering chairman for Zeta Epsilon.


Properties announces resident advisor openings i Kappa Phi Properties is offering recent graduates an opportunity for free room and board and fantastic leadership development. Properties is currently seeking qualified individuals to serve as resident advisors for fraternity properties including USC (Delta Rho), Cornell (Psi), and Michigan (Alpha Kappa). Opportunities at other schools may be available. Contact Evan Erickson at (704 )523-6000 ext. 105 or e-mail pkpp@aol.com for more information.



Dear Brothers and Friends,

f \

During 1996, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation experienced significant change. After serving the Foundation for six years, Executive Vice President Ted Stharfenstein retired in March. Following the recommendations of the alumni task force, a combined development department was created in May to oversee alumni relations and coordinate alumni fund raising activities. In July, Jeff Boggan began work as director of advancement to manage the development department, and to serve as chief operating officer of the Foundation. Several other changes were also part of this transition: • Foundation headquarters moved from Rockport, MA to Charlotte, NC; • Responsibility for alumni relations moved from the Fraternity to the Foundation; and, • Alumni participation in support of PUSH America was enhanced. During this organizational transition, fund raising activities produced $316,532 in contributions to the Foundation in 1996. This represents a decrease from the 1995 total of $371,006, which included several large special gifts and the last year of payment for many pledges to The Owen Initiative. Gifts to the 1996 Annual Appeal totaled $143,749, a 28% increase over 1995. Gifts to the National President's Circle, mostly from undergraduates and young alumni, increased by 118%. In all, 2,059 people made contributions to the Foundation during 1996, with 1,998 alumni contributing to the Annual Appeal. In the third quarter of 1996, Foundation trustees made an interim change in investment guidelines to strengthen performance of our endowed funds. The investment committee will complete their review in 1997, and establish new policies and guidelines to ensure solid investment returns while continuing the preservation of capital. Through the end of 1996, over 40 chapters have voted to become Journey chapters and take advantage of the opportunities presented by the Fraternity's exciting educational program. The Foundation is actively working to secure funding for The Journey through establishment of chapter and national Journey funds. Also, a major portion of Owen Initiative earnings are committed to the Journey. Our goals for 1997 are simple and ambitious: • Begin to fund The Journey through chapter campaigns and the National Journey Fund; • Secure 2,500 alumni donors to the Annual Fund (+20% ); and, • Build the structure for an effective, comprehensive national alumni program to support our commitment that Pi Kappa Phi is a lifelong experience. We will need your help to get it done! On behalf of my fellow Foundation trustees, I invite you to participate in these ambitious undertakings, and I thank you for your continuing support.


Owen Initiative These members and friends have shown their respect in 1996 for Durward Owen's accomplishments during his 35 years as Executive Director of Pi Kappa Phi. California (Gamma)

Charles Vannice South CaroUna (Sigma)

Jerry Brewer Walter Pickens North Carolina {Kappa)

Stuart Hicks Otis McCollum Thomas Sayre Roanoke (Xi) David Barnes Michael Bast Steve Bast Rob Benninghove Paul Caldwell Ed Corson Mark Edgell Raphael Ferris Jason Fields Ken Garren Rob Gray Ron Hamilton Paul Henkel Roy Jamerson Weldon Lawrence Andrew McKnight Rick Milan Cam Ogilvie Durward Owen Tim Ribar Thomas Robertson Rich Ruby Rob Stephenson Jim Turk Jack Wade Dudley Woody Alabama {Omicron)

Joe Cassady John Greaves Stetson (Chi}

Bruce Rogers Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

~~ Kelley A. Bergstrom, Chairman

We have carefully reviewed the list of 1996 donors to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. It is, however, possible that your name was omitted, misspelled or incorrectly listed. If this has happened, please accept our apology and contact us to correct our records. 12


Mercer {Alpha Alpha) Ledford


Florida (Alpha EpsUon)

Pete Barr Robert Halcrow Byron Herlong Oregon State (Alpha Zeta)

Jack Reviglio Jack Steward

Auburn (Alpha Iota) Ernest Johnson Penn State {Alpha Mu) Kevin Murphy Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Kelley Bergstrom N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Steve DePalma Jim Krucher Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Glenn Dickson West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Joe Alexander Memphis (Gamma Delta) Tom Carter Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall Friends of the Fraternity Philip Cohen

Gateway Society The Gateway Society recognizes members who have made a planned gift to the Foundation. Planned gifts, such as bequests, trusts, life insurance policies or the gift of a home with lifetime occupancy offer tax advantages to the donor and provide an opportunity to have a greater impact through philanthropy. Charleston {Alpha) Julius Burges David Jaffee California {Gamma) Neil Weatherall Davidson (Epsilon) Hugh Yelverton Wofford (Zeta) Jesse Crimm South Carolina (Sigma) James A. Quinn II Emory (Eta) Seale Hipp Georgia (Lambda) J. Rodney Harris* Frank Lane James L. Lester Phil Tappy David E. Tidmore Roanoke (Xi) Ed Bennett

Charleston (Alpha) Julius Burges David Jaffee

California (Gamma) Steve Ryder South Carolina (Sigma) Jerry Brewer Walter Pickens Emory {Eta) Seale Hipp John Wilson Georgia Tech (Iota) Garry Pritchett North Carolina (Kappa) Stuart Hicks Otis McCollum Thomas Sayre Georgia (Lambda) PhilTappy Duke (Mu) Bill Fuqua Roanoke (Xi) Ed Bennett Durward Owen Tim Ribar Jim Turk

DanCiow Ed Corson Durward Owen Tim Ribar Jim Turk Allen Woody Alabama (Omicron) Travis Julian Lonnie Strickland Ulinois (Upsilon) Gunnar Schalin Cornell (Psi) Richard S. Shull Purdue (Omega) Paul Swafford • Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Robert Bennett • Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Paul Green • Syd Herlong• Bert Luer Mike O'Donnell Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Jim Marsh Dave Vawter Auburn (Alpha Iota) Earl Layman Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Mark Perrin Penn St. {Alpha Mu) Kevin K. Murphy Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) George Carleton Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Carl Dorr Frank Parrish N.J.I.T. {Beta Alpha) Steve DePalma Jim Krucher Louisville {Beta Gamma) Ron Krebs

Warren Robb Florida State {Beta Eta) Chris New Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Walter Brinkman Glenn Dickson George Shipp Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall Wayne Buffington LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Ron deValinger Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Bill Finney Mike Hall South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Frank Havard Montevallo {Gamma Omega) Robert McGhee Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Art Quickenton UNC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Chris Cannon Bill Jackson Bowling Green (Delta Sigma) Ken Kaiser Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Mark Jacobs UNC-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Steve Kirkman Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega} Timothy Haen IUPill {Zeta Psi) Michael Gorski

Nu Phi Society The modem day Nu Phi Society began in 1983 as an initiative created by then national president Lonnie Strickland. To join Nu Phi, an alumnus must have attended five Supreme Chapters, paid an initiation fee of $150, and annual dues of $5 for each year of his membership in Pi Kappa Phi

Allen Woody Dudley Woody Alabama (Omicron) Harry Caldwell Nathan Hightower Travis Julian Lonnie Strickland Washington & Lee {Rho) Dick Anderson Howard Leake Illinois (Upsilon) Gunnar Schalin Stetson (Chi) Pat Figley Cornell (Psi) John Kirk Bill Newell Bob Wilcox Purdue (Omega) David Lane Sonny O'Drobinak Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Gary Leonard Mike O'Donnell MarkTimmes Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Jack Steward Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Matthew Shaheen Auburn (Alpha Iota) Frank Hawthorne Ernest Johnson Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Kelley Bergstrom Frank Parrish Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Keith Sheppard Indiana (Alpha Psi) Phil Summers N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Steve DePalma Jirn Krucher John Lee John Pugliesi Drake (Beta Delta) Rob Cione Missouri (Beta Epsilon) Jay Stucke! Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Ken Cribbs McNeese State (Beta Mu) Wilfred Bourne R.B. Smith Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Glenn Dickson East Carolina {Beta Phi) Clay Edmonds

West Alabama {Gamma Alpha) Joe Alexander Memphis (Gamma Delta) Tom Carter Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall Wayne Buffington LaGrange (GammaNu) Shawn Zwilling Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Bill Finney South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Frank Havard Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Art Quickenton UNC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Bill Jackson Bo Proctor Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Mark Jacobs Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon) Mike Donathan Cal State-Sacramento (Epsilon Nu) Bob Langbein Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) Bob Welsh

Pi Kapp Scholars The twelve brothers that appear on pages 14-24 have been selected as the 199697 Pi Kapp Scholars. The award is given to junior and senior applicants selected for their academic achievement, contributions to the Fraternity, and campus and community involvement. Each winner receives a $500 scholarship from the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation.

"'Deceased SPRING 1997


Distinguished Fellows ($1,000 and up in 1996} South Carolina (Sigma) Jerry Brewer Georgia Tech (Iota) Michael Cowan james Dewberry Jim Dull Bill Funk Alan Imm William Jorden Pete Petit Carl Ring Ed Womack North Carolina (Kappa) Stuart Hicks Otis McCollum Georgia (Lambda) Frank Lane Roanoke (Xi) Rob Gray Jim Turk Tim Via Allen Woody Dudley Woody Alabama (Omicron) Harry Caldwell Nathan Hightower Lonnie Strickland NC State (Tau) Bob Cline illinois (Upsilon) Richard Bangert Purdue (Omega) David Lane

James Sebra St. Joseph's (Epsilon Tau) Accounting 3.95 GPA

"Goal setting allows each brother to further enhance his view of scholarship. As one begins to exhibit the characteristics of a scholar, they most certainly will carry it over to their nonscholastic activities." 14


Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Syd Herlong Samford (Alpha Eta) Jim Daley Auburn (Alpha Iota) Ernest Johnson Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Kelley Bergstrom Eldred Harman Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Gordon Wright Indiana (Alpha Psi) Phil Summers N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Steve DePalma jim Krucher West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Joe Alexander Memphis (Gamma Delta) Tom Carter Jacksonville State (Delta Epsilon) Randy Owen Contributing Chapters Washington (Alpha Delta) Friends of the Fraternity Shirley Hardee Pi Kappa Phi Properties

Foundation Fellows ($500 - $999 in 1996) Charleston (Alpha)

Chip Voomeveld Davidson (Epsilon) William Yelverton Wofford (Zeta) Jeff Boggan Georgia Tech (Iota) Steve Faris Bob Murray Roanoke (Xi) Rob Benninghove Ed Corson Mark Edgell Raphael Ferris Durward Owen Alabama (Omicron) Gene Cartledge lliinois (Upsilon) James Bayne Wilson Seldon CorneD (Psi) Bob Wilcox Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Pete Barr Auburn (Alpha Iota) Frank Hawthorne Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Jim Moon I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) Kenneth Peterson

N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) John Lee George Newcombe Don VanHouten Vrrginia (Beta Upsilon) Glenn Dickson Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn As[cinwall Lander Gamma Rho) Chuck Watson Truman State (Delta Delta) john Andrews Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Art Quickenton St. Joseph's (Epsilon Tau) Vince Thompson Slippery Rock (Epsilon Psi) Scot Greiner Contributing Chapters Alabama (Omicron) Beta Epsilon Housing Corporation Friends of the Fraternity John Tickle

Fellows ($100 - $499 in 1996~ Charleston (Alpha

Julius Burges Gary Catterton David Jaffee Earle Jennings Terry Moore Greg Padgett Larry Powers Presbyterian (Beta) Gus Adams Jim Ballard Cliff Goodwin Clint Massey Sam McGregor Tom Steams California (Gamma) Jack Downer George Ganz Craig Hess Sterling Norgard Steve Ryder Charles Vannice Neil Weatherall Funnan (Delta) Rob Melhern David Ullman South Carolina (Sigma) John Coulter William Fincher Ken Forti Walter Pickens Dan Reynolds David Rhodes Davidson (Epsilon) Hooper Alexander Ken Clary Harry Hendrick

Jim Morgan Wofford (Zeta) Bill Evins Robert Mcjunkin Thomas Palmer Vaughn Smith Chip Stockman Boyce Woolbright Emory (Eta) Joe Cannon Seale Hipp Jerome Westbrook John Wilson Georgia Tech (Iota) William Bennett James Cahill Jim Cooper Robert Costley Todd Crutchfield John Gandy james Gordy Herbert Haley Vernon Hutchens Bruce jewett Tom Lowndes Bob McCamy Bill Nelson Charlie Nichols Perk Perkins Garry Pritchett John Puckett Kevin Renshaw Stan Roberts Bob Rowe Bruce VanDerhoof Dave Williams North Carolina (Kappa) Phil Ameen Doug Dodson Richard Holzworth Bruce Jolly Beverly Moore Keith Rollins Thomas Sayre Wayne Scott Paul Wimbish Georgia (Lambda) Kevin Dalton Bill Huggins Gibson Hull Ward Lang David Lerner Sam Slade Phil Tappy Duke (Mu) Bill Dodson Bill Fuqua Owen Johnson Dudley Moylan Warren Pope James Smith Nebraska (Nu) Jim Guretzky Roanoke (Xi) David Barnes Michael Bast Ed Bennett Paul Caldwell James Fleshman

Ken Garren Paul Henkel Richard Hite Roy Jamerson Weldon Lawrence Rick Milan Dan O'Flaherty Cam Ogilvie Lee Peregoff Tun Ribar Rich Ruby Rob Stephenson Maynard Turk joe VonCulin Jack Wade Alabama (Omicron) David Adams Austin Brannan joe Cassady Christopher Cullen Thomas Gilbert John Greaves Doston Gurganus Garland Hall Brian Hanna Frank Hanvey Travis Julian AI Mcleod Clynt Parrish Cyrus Steed Bill Taylor Washington & Lee (Rho) Dick Anderson Robert Glenn Frederick Landrigan Howard Leake NC State (Tau) Fred Collins Tony Evans Glenn Lancaster Wallace Reams lliioois (Upsilon) Peter DePasquale Skip Fowler Glen Hesler Michael Lowery Greg Provencher Gunnar Schalin Russ Tomes Steve Trahey Dennis Wodarz Stetson (Chi) Tom Deen Pat Figley Arthur Morris Bruce Rogers John Snellings Ira Southward CorneD (Psi) George Heinrich john Kirk Bill Newell Edmund Sayer Frederick Thome CoryWrirct Purdue Omega) Ron Eyer Hugh Flanagan Pat Kuhnle

Allan Larson Walter Norrington Sonny O'Drobinak Palmer Porter jack Powers Richard Price Herman Riggs Kurt Takara Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Robert Bennett Ledford Carter Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) Chris Elledge Joe Haines Bob Holly Thornton Huddle Thomas Moore Jay Morris Bob Ogborn Washington (Alpha Delta) Fredrick Brown Bob Bux Florida (Alpha Epsilon) John Arnold David Boden David Charland William Charland Em Cobb Geary Cotton Paul Enrico Tom Fitzgerald John Gornto Hugh Gower Robert Halcrow Byron Herlong Richard Hill Dale Hocking Charles Hudspeth Gary Leonard Bert Luer Jim O'Donnell Mike O'Donnell Ben Overton Jet Powers Kenneth Purcell Thomas Simpson Bob Sullivan Frank Thomas MarkTimmes Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) John Bollman Bob Elfers Chuck Hartsough GaryMunn Fred Raw Jack Reviglio Jack Steward Samford ~pha Eta) Bob Chan er Roy Evans Bill Ford Wilford Lane Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Ken Adams Henry Anderson William Cleary Tom Joy Edward Lynch

Angus Morse Matthew Shaheen Dennis Yanachik Michael Yanachik Jack Zimmerman Auburn (Alpha Iota) Lua Blankenship Marshal Caley Thomas Clark Tom Fuller Tommy Gordon Bill Jones Alex Maddox Larry Pharo Joel Radman Red Russell Mike Short Bob Ward Warren Williams Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Hugh Hotchkiss Kevin Livingston Mark Perrin Penn State (Alpha Mu) John Brisbane Kevin Murphy Mo Ranc Ohio State (Alpha Nu) Russell Newhouse Carl Stickel Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) Joseph Flaherty Henry Meyer Jack Molinelli Paul Schwanenflugel Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) John Brockmann Bob Brown Curtis Clifton Bert Lattan Warren Madden Wayne Moore Don Osborne Frank Parrish Bill Rickert Ollie Sparks West Virginia (Alpha Rho) Alex Adair Victor Folio Edward Kime Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Howard Baker Barry Cecil Kevin Hall John Miller Willie Read Jon Rymer Jim Snow Barney Tucker Jimmy VanFrank Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Richard Bouchard David Dobson Cedric Dustin Robert Hawkins Steve Kaitz Brewster LaMacchia Heesung Park

Thomas Richmond Dave Rubenstein Seth Walter Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Martin Burrows Douglas Clarke Samuel Costa Leonard Di Carlo Alan Henderson Ernest Kissimon John Knoll Bob Lambert Albert Lord Vicko Melada Gil Merritt John Rittenhouse Fred Schmehl Keith Sheppard J Shields Dick Sullivan I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) Mike Fogel John Humiston Ken Kamper Martin Kotsch Russ Millman Roger Peterson John Sachs Edwin Searl Douglass Snyder Miami (Alpha Chi) Curt Hopkins Indiana (Alpha Psi) Terry Brown Rod Gunning Jeff Shreve Ross Wingler N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Kevin Boerner Steven Corbett Aivars Krumins Joseph Manfredi Alvin Olsen Lester Pastuszyn John Pugliesi Florida Southern (Beta Beta) Larry Carter Rob Nicholson Dave Robertson Louisville (Beta Gamma) Warren Robb Drake (Beta Delta) Rob Cione Jim Hornbrook Missouri (Beta Epsilon) Raymond Reehm Jay Stucke! Florida State ~Beta Eta) Gilbert Fernan ez Harry Mdntosh Chris New Jack Sipperley Toledo (Beta Iota) Rob Friess Charlie Mathies Darryl McEwen Rob Meyer Frederick Tiller

Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Ken Cribbs Jack Hurt Tampa (Beta Lambda) Austin Curry Bob Swirbul Dick Swirbul Guy Walton McNeese State (Beta Mu) Wilfred Bourne R.B. Smith Central Michigan (Beta Xi) Donald Perry Vrrginia (Beta Upsilon) Bill Couper Russ Huber Wingfield Hughes Dan Kimball ]. B. Yount East Carolina (Beta Phi) Will Avera Clay Brewer Clay Edmonds John Geraghty S.T. Hicks Michael Hodges Frank Ramseur West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Hal Bloom Sonny Till Old Dominion (Gamma Beta) Chuck Brady Don Midgett Lou Richard Memphis (Gamma Delta) Richard Franklin Western Carolina (Gamma Epsilon) MarvCope Frank Willis West Vrrginia Tech {Gamma Zeta) David Childers James O'Keefe Richard Steiner Michael Ziegler UNC-Wilmington (Gamma Theta) Mickey Corcoran Bill Harrell Jimmy Piner LSU (Gamma Iota) Beau Fournet Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Wayne Buffington Thomas Knight Missouri-Rolla (Gamma Lambda) Pic Picolet LaGrange ~Gamma Nu) Shawn Zwil ing Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Raymond Baggarly

Bill Finney Oklahoma State (Gamma Upsilon) Mark Christman Gilbert Sanders Paul Startz South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Frank Havard Bill Ishee Montevallo (Gamma Omega) David Williams Virginia Tech (Delta Alpha) john Lucy North Georgia (Delta Beta) Andy Smith Ken Vining Brian Yarbrough Truman State (Delta Delta) Gary Lykins Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Pat Danehy Gregoty Honeycutt David Vaughn Pembroke State (Delta Kappa) Ollie Canaday UNC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Mike Bolton Bill Jackson Dean Nolley Bo Proctor Wright State (Delta Pi) Bruce Rockwell Kansas State (Delta Chi) Mike Howard Mike Kallas Andrew Lammers Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Mark Jacobs Texas A&M (Delta Omega) Velon Burnett Jason Dodd Jason Mills Bryan Wolf Grand Valley State {Epsilon Beta) Ted Lukomski Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon) Mike Donathan Lee Lewis Central Arkansas (Epsilon Zeta) John Bearden Cal. State-Sacramento (Epsilon Nu) Bob Langbein Jayson Louie LaSalle (Epsilon Xi) Scott Royson SPRING 1997


Lifetime Giving

Clubs These clubs recognize cumulative giving to the Foundation based on computer records om 1980 until present. Alumni who contributed in 1996 are listed by chapter. The number in parenthesis indicates the number of consecutive giving years. Key to giving dubs: CI CROSSED SWORDS CLUB ($100 10 $249) C2 CHEVRON CLUB

($250 10 499)

C3 GOLD SfAR CLUB ($500 10 $999)

C4 EXECUI'IVE DIRECfOR'S CLUB ($1,000 10 $2499)

CS LAMPUGHI'ER'S CLUB ($2,500 10 $4,900)

C6 FOUNDATION CLUB ($5,000 10 $9,999)

C7 COUNCIL CLUB ($10,000 10 $24,999)

C8 ORDER OFTilÂŁ BELL ($25,000 10 $49,999)

C9 1904 SOCIEIY ($50,000 10 $99,999)


Fellows cont. Vlllanowa (Epsilon Omiaon) Joe Brady Derek McNamara Virginia Commonwealth (Epsilon Pi) Mike Valentine l.enoir-Rhyne (Epsilon Rho) Mark Mullane 16' TH E STAR & LAM P .

Charleston (Alpha) T.S. Blanchard Julius Burges C6 (16) Gary Catterton C4 (03) Roy Clifton C2 Mike Finch C2 Harry Freeman C3 (06) William Gaud C3 (09) Victor Greco C2 (05) Arthur Haisten C3 (16) Herndon Hasty C2 (04) Rick Heifers C2 (05) jack Huguley C2 David Jaffee C6 (16) Moe )azzar Earle Jennings C4 (17) Bobby Marlowe C2 (08) Terry Moore C4 (16) Bob Nicolai (02} Greg Padgett C3 (16) Nick Pappas Larry Powers C2 Dan Ravenel C2 (07) john Reynolds C2 (16) Brian Salkeld Jason Schall Mike Sheahan Chip Voomeveld C3 Andy Westbrook C2 (02) Nathan Wilson C1 Presbyterian (Beta) Gus Adams C4 (03) jim Ballard C3 (11) Budge Bean C2 (02) Cliff Goodwin C4 (16) Tom Grafton C3 (13) Dave Grieve Clint Massey C4 (11) Sam McGregor C3 (12) Buddy Medlin C1 (02) Dale Rains C2 John Ritter C1 Tom Stearns C2 John Steenbergen C3 (16} California (Gamma) Jim Aljian C3 (16) Corey Babarovich C2 (07) Vince Consul C2 (02) AI Croce C2 (16) Ned Crouch C3 (16) Cory Dean Jack Downer C3 (16) Robert Easley C2 (02) Robert C. Engemoen C2 (02)

Christian Brothers (EpsUon Sigma) Fadi Kiameh Bill Wilson Texas Tech EpsUon Omega) Bob Welsh UC-San Diego (Zeta Beta) Jason Dauderman George Mason (Zeta EpsUon) Eric Lindenberg

George Ganz C3 (06) Alex Clew C1 David Halligan C2 (12) Lee Handford C1 (06) Craig Hess C1 Richard Houston C1 (09) James Kinlock C2 (04) Owen Kuns C3 (OS) Sterling Norgard C4 (16) Larry Olson C2 (04) Robert Parmelee Rick Rappaport C2 (09) Wade Ritchie C1 Gene Roberts C2 (11) Harland Ross C2 (04) Steve Ryder C4 (02) Gary Schwartz (02) Charles Vannice C4 (16) Neil Weatherall C3 (16) Furman (Delta) Jeffrey Browne (02) Ken Burnham C1 (06) Euta Colvin C1 (03) Darryl Gausten Brady Gilbert Walter Martin C3 (06) Rob Melhem C1 David Ullman C4 (17) South Carolina (Sigma) Herbert Benson C1 (11) Jerry Brewer C6 (16) Danny Carter C3 (08) John Coulter C3 (05) George DeLay C2 (09) Bill Easom C1 (04) William Fincher CS (16) Jack Flynn C2 (03) Ken Forti C3 Robert Gatti C2 (04) Eric Gutshall Jay Hammett C4 (04) Walter Pickens CS (1S) Dan Reynolds C4 (16) David Rhodes C3 (06) Charles Sanders (02) Jerry Stafford C2 (03) Russell Stokes C2 (OS) Robert Tedoldi C1 (06) Davidson (Epsilon) Hooper Alexander C4 (10) Ken Childs C2 Ken ClaryC4 William Clayton C1 Bob Gaither C1 (08}

Bob Grady C1 (10) Henry Gurley (02) Harry Hendrick C6 (16) Sam Hines C2 (14) Harold Kernodle C2 (09) Clarence McArthur C1 (03) Richard Melchor C1 (04) Jim Morgan C3 John Vernon (07) Philip Winstead C2 (16) William Yelverton C3 Wofford (Zeta) James Belcher C2 (02) Jeff Boggan C3 (02) Mike Brownley C2 Bill Evins C3 (02) Tom Faile Bob McCurdy C2 Robert McJunkin C2 Jake Owings C3 (OS) Thomas Palmer C2 (02} Bill Smethie C1 (02) Vaughn Smith C1 Chip Stockman C4 (08) Boyce Woolbright C2 (04) Emory (Eta) Joe Cannon C4 (06) James Grizzard C3 (04) Seale Hipp C4 (06} Robert Noland C2 Eugene Sanders C2 (04) I. C. Shearer C3 Jerome Westbrook C4 (16} John Wilson C6 (17) ~orgia Tech (Iota) Robert Antovel C1 David Baker C2 (05) William Bennett C3 (15) Mark Boxer C1 John Boy C2 (04) . James Cahill C2 Stewart Carlin Tom Christian C2 (15) Pit Cleaveland C2 (02) Mike Combs C3 (04) Keith Comerford C2 (09) Phil Cook C3 (16} Jim Cooper C1 Robert Costley C2 (OS) Michael Cowan C4 (05) Todd Crutchfield C2 Bob DeFurio C3 (11) James Dewberry C7 Chris Doyle C2 (06)

Jim Dull CS Greg Elliot C2 Steve Faris C3 Steve Fischer (02) Bill FunkC4 John Gandy C2 James Gordy C3 (16) Herbert Haley C3 Emory Harris C1 Frank Hodge C3 (17) Vernon Hutchens C2 (04) Alan Imm C6 James lves Bruce Jewett C4 (16) Russ Johnson C2 (17) William Jorden C4 Lee Kidd C2 jean Kirkland C2 (04) Antonio Uanos Tom Lowndes C3 (13) Robert Lowrance C2 (07) Bob McCamy C2 Hewitt McGraw C1 Bob Murray C4 (11) Bill Nelson C1 Charlie Nichols C1 Alan Parrish C3 (17) Jack Paus C1 (04) Perk Perkins C4 (16) Pete Petit C10 (03) Paul Pomeroy C1 (02) Garry Pritchett CS (16) John Puckett C4 (16) john Purcell C1 (05) Bob Reeves C2 (02) Kevin Renshaw C3 (06) Carl Ring C7 Charles Roach C2 Stan Roberts C4 (12) George Rouse C2 Bob Rowe C3 (04) Dean Russell C1 (06} Rob Schulten Jack Spangler Mike Stevens C2 (06) Bruce VanDerhoof C3 Dave Williams C2 Jerome Withers C3 (17) Ed WomackC4 North Carolina (Kappa) Charlie Adams C2 (11) Phil Ameen C3 (07) Joe Bassett C3 (17) John Cauble C2 (02)

Juan Miyares

Colorado State (Zeta Phi) Stephen Feld Colorado (Eta Gamma) Roben Gould Bret Heidemann Todd Krier UC-Irvine (Eta Eta) jim Senechal SUNY-Brockport (Eta Lambda) Scott Atkinson

UCLA (Eta Sigma) Eric Yang Contributing Chapters Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Queens (Eta Zeta) Epsilon Omicron Alumni Associaton Friends of the Fraternity Betsie Fehr Most Blessed Parochial School Claire Phillips

North Florida (Zeta Zeta)

Robert Cheyne Texas (Zeta Theta) Bradley Jeter Indiana (Pa.) (Zeta Iota) Frederic Perenic West Chester (Zeta Nu) John Nickolas Cal. State-Fullerton (Zeta Rho) Alan Bott

Alvin Daughtridge C2 (14) Doug Dodson C4 (17) Scott Fuller C2 (03) Rick Goodson C2 Mark Gorham C1 Russell Hadley C3 (12) Aaron HaglerC3 (14) Stuart Hicks C6 (16) Richard Holzworth C4 (12) Clifton Hux C2 (04) Reid James C1 (03) Bruce Jolly C1 Tommy Uoyd C1 (04) Otis McCollum C8 (16) Mike McLaughlin C2 (03) Jeff Michael C1 (04) Beverly Moore C2 (04) Tracy Moore C2 Tim Newman C1 Michael Reynolds (02) Keith Rollins CS (17) Thomas Sayre CS (16) Wayne Scott C3 (10) Charles Seabrook C1 (OS) Tim Stewart C2 (09) Jimmy Thompson C3 (03) Johnny Ussery C1 John Vann C2 (04) Bob White C3 (16) Winton Wilks C3 (03) Jim Wilmott C3 (12) Paul Wimbish C4 (16) Charles Winn C2 (16) Mark Winston C2 Hale Yokley C2 (06) Georgia (Lambda) Bruce Black David Black (02) Philip Bolt C1 John Bradbury C2 (09) Tom Campbell C1 (OS) Robert Cofer C2 Kevin Dalton C3 (02) Tom Dalton C2 (03) Jason Dunn Joe Edwards C1 (04) Glenn Ellard C3 (16) Troy Green C1 (04) McHenry Hamilton C2 (02) Hugh Harless Jim Harp C3 (17) Mark Harp C2 (02) Robert Hays C1 (03) Paul HomerC1 (04) Bill Huggins C3 Gibson Hull C4 Brannon Huntz C1 (03) George Jackson Tom Jackson C2 (03) Marty Jones C2 (03) Bill Kelly C1 (02) Chris Kuzniak Frank Lane C6 (02) Ward Lang C4 (OS) Leroy Langston C4 (OS) Monty Lee David Lerner C1 Barry Parrish C1

Dick Patrick C3 (02) John Peck C1 (13) Kevin Perry Gatewood Pryor C2 (04) Henry Rogers C1 Sam Slade C3 (07) Buck Stoll C1 Phil Tappy C6 (07) Gary Tolbert C1 (02) Duke (Mu) George Blalock C2 Bill Dodson C4 (17) John Doster C1 Joe Edwards C1 Paul Fekas C2 (03) Frederick Frostick C2 (04) Bill Fuqua CS (03) Wilfred Gatling C2 (08) Norman Gibson C2 (14) Bailey Groome C1 (OS) Nick Hennessee (02) Burnett Hull C3 (11) Owen Johnson C2 (02) Robert )ones C3 (02) Heath Marcus C2 (OS) Ben Massey C1 (03) Andrew McCown Dudley Moylan C2 (08) Jim O'Kelley C1 (03) Warren Pope C4 (OS) Tommy Robins Stephen Schnurr C1 (06) James Smith C2 (02) CharlesTaylorC3 (17) Douglas Underwood C1 (03) Frank Wrenn C2 (07) Nebraska (Nu) Alex Barbieri C1 (OS) Blaine Beck C1 (02) Jim Christo! C2 (10) Michael Garrison Jim Guretzky C4 (13) Roanoke (Xi) Robert Barber C1 (OS) David Barnes C4 (03) Michael Bast C3 (OS) Steve Bast C3 (14) Ed Bennett C4 Rob Benninghove C3 Chris Burton Paul Caldwell C3 (16) Dave Coates C1 (02) Ed Corson C6 (06) Paul Dotson C1 Henry Downing (02) Mark Edgell C4 Steve Esworthy C1 (02) Tink Ewald C2 (02) Raphael Ferris CS (12) Jason Fields Cl (02) )ames Fleshman C3 (16) Ken Garren C2 (09) Curtis Gray (02) Rob Gray C4 (06) Jeff Grimm Cl (03) Henry Hahn C3 (16) Ron Hamilton C1 (02) Robbie Harris C2 (12)

Paul Henkel C2 (03) Richard Hite C1 (02) Robert Hyatt C2 (06) Roy Jamerson C2 (03) Harry Johnson C2 (04) Walter Keister C1 (03) Justin Lathrop Weldon Lawrence C4 (03) Wilbur Mann C3 (02) Andrew McKnight Rick Milan C2 (04) Lou Mullineaux C2 ( 11) George NaffC3 (OS) Dick Newman C4 (13) Dan O'Flaherty C4 (OS) Cam Ogilvie C4 (04) DUiward Owen C6 (17) Robert Patane C1 (03) Joseph Payne C2 (03) Lee Peregoff C3 (02) DeWitt Petterson C2 (06) Tim Ribar CS (11) Thomas Robertson C2 (03) Rich Ruby C3 (03) Carl Sherertz C2 Rob Stephenson C3 Jim Turk C8 (16) Maynard Turk C4 (02) Tim Via C4 Joe VonCulin C4 (08) Jack Wade C4 (08) Doug Williams C2 (03) MarkWingC1 Allen Woody C8 (14) Dudley Woody C6 (06) Dan Wooldridge C1 (02) Alabama (Omicron) David Adams C3 (OS) David Andrews C1 (02) Charlie Beard C3 (14) William Bishop C3 ( 14) Charlie Boggs C1 Austin Brannan CS (06) Ban)r Brock C2 (03) Ed Caldwell C3 Harry Caldwell C8 (OS) Whit Callahan C1 Gene Cartledge C4 (04) Joe Cassady C4 (14) Larry Contri C2 (13) William Crowley C1 (04) Jeff Cull C1 Christopher Cullen C1 Martin Ditto Cl (03) Philip Foster Thomas Gilbert C2 (07) John Greaves C3 (06) Doston Gurganus C4 (16) Garland Hall C3 Brian Hanna Cl Frank Hanvey C2 Hap Harrison Brooks Henderson C2 (14) Nathan Hightower C6 (10) Harley Hope C1 (06) Mark Jones C1 (04) Travis Julian CS Paul Landers

Gary Limmroth C3 (04) Mack Matthews C4 (17) AI McLeod C3 (04) Bob Morrell C2 (02) Clynt Parrish C2 (02) Clinton Paulsen C3 (14) Charlie Pepper (02) Brian Ritchey Kent Russell Kevin Russell Tim Russell C1 (04) Bill Sharpe C1 (02) Bob Shepherd C3 (14) Cyrus Steed C4 Charlie Stinson Lonnie Strickland C7 (09) Ralph Summerlin C1 (02) Bill Sutton C3 (17) Bill Taylor C3 (14) Mike Teal C1 Ed Turner C3 (03) Allan Viguerie C1 (04) Chris Wells C1 Billy Wilkerson C2 Emmett Wilkerson Bill Worthington C3 (1S) Willard Young C1 (04) Oglethorpe (Pi) Lou Ptacek C2 (OS) Washington & Lee (Rho) Dick Anderson C4 (OS) Seth Baker C2 (OS) George Bateh Bruce Beckman C2 Daniel Boudreau Edwin Garretson C2 (16) Robert Glenn C2 Christopher Holmes Richard Hoover C3 (16) ). lvey C1 (03) Frederick Landrigan C4 (OS) Howard Leake C7 (16) Wink McKinnon C3 (10) Cliff Mitchell C1 (02) Leigh Nettleton C1 Christopher Penders James Roane C2 R Sigler Rick Splittorf C2 (03) Ken VandeWater C2 (12) Jock Wallace C3 (03) Dorsey Ward C2 Fred Waters C2 NC State (Tau) Hunter Atkins C2 Donald Barker C2 (03) Bill Barnhardt C1 (07) Bill Campbell C2 (1S) Scott Clifton (03) Bob Cline CS (14) Fred Collins C3 (OS) Tony Evans C3 (02) John Feather C2 (14) Rob Groat C1 Bill Gurnee C1 Clyde Humphrey C3 {14) Glenn Lancaster C3 (03) Harry Mashburn C1 (03)

Steven Harris Maryland (Eta Epsilon) Electrical Engineering 3.96 GPA

"All too often an 'Animal House' image is how university administrators perceive fraternity members. High scholarship standards can serve as a catalyst to change these long-standing views. " Hazel Moore Patrick Morrah C1 (02) Chris Myers C2 San jay Patel C1 (OS) Wallace Reams C3 (06) Jeff Roberts (02) Ken Sledge C3 Jeffrey Spanbauer (02) W. Scott Troutman C1 Illinois (Upsilon) Ronald Arrighy C1 Richard Bangert C8 (02) )ames Bayne C4 Bob BogdanoffC2 (08) Peter DePasquale C3 (03) Fritz Elich C3 (08) Skip Fowler C3 (04) Brent Frank C2 Dan French Bill Hasfurther C2 (16) Glen Hesler C4 (16) Gabe Hostalet (02) David Kallal C3 (12) Brian Kieffer Tom Krizan C3 (16) Jim Kutill Cl (04) Michael Lowery Cl (03) Norm Lowrey (02) Frank Marlow C2 (13) Edwin Mendels C1 (02) Bob Moore C2 (17) Stephen Mumford C3 (16) Larry Munson C2 (04) Bill O'Donnell Cl (03) Joseph Pehlman Cl (07) Greg Provencher C3 (04) Kenneth Rabe C3 (16) SP RI NG 1997


Seth Stern Cornell (Psi) Industrial-Labor Relations 3.66 GPA

"Academic success is the primary reason we attend college. A fraternity can have the best intrarrrural teams, the best social calendar, or the best community service on campus but strong focus on scholarship, those efforts are wasted." Robert Riggs C1 (OS) Gunnar Schalin C5 (15) Wilson Seldon C3 (08) Dan ShoorC2 Brook Silvestri C2 (07) Russ Tomes C2 (02) Steve Trahey C3 (16) Eugene Ullemeyer C2 (16) Eric Vandergraaf Dennis Wodarz C2 (03) Stetson (Chi) Larry Anderson C2 (02} Anthony Biancarosa Conley Boothe C1 Eddie Culver C3 (16) Tom Deen C4 (17} Pat Figley C5 (07) Christopher Garbow Peter Hogue John Hughes C2 Jack Inman C1 Arthur Morris C4 Earnest Murphy C1 George Patterson C3 (16) Bruce Rogers CS (08) John Snellings C3 (09) Ira Southward C4 (03) Jon Walsweer Tom Wrenn C2 (02) Jim Young C1 (15) Cornell (Psi) Greg Della Rocca C2 (06) Gary Fisher C1 (16) George Heinrich C4 (17) 18


Jim Kao C2 (06) John Kirk CS (16) Michael Kremer C2 (07) Gene Lehr C3 (16) Bill Newell CS (09) Donald Perkins C2 Kevin Schwartz Chuck Shafer (02) Robert Steinfeldt Frederick Thome C4 (09) Erwin Tschanz C1 Bob Wilcox C4 (07) Cory Wright C1 (04) Purdue (Omega) Bob Adams C1 (04) Chuck Atwell C1 Arthur Bostater C1 (02) Allen Craven C1 (04) Duane Davis C3 (16) Gregory Evans Ron Eyer C3 (02) George Fassnacht C2 (17) Jerry Fassnacht (04) Hugh Flanagan C3 (16) Manish Gandhi C1 (04) Wally Goffeney C2 (06) Steve Hatke D. Hendrickson C3 (06) Hilton Henry C1 (11) Neil Hentschel C2 Laszlo Hertelendy Rik Hill C3 (06) George Holderbaum C2 (03) Jim Jackson C3 Robert Jacobson Cap Johnson C2 (16) Bill Kanouse C2 (03) Al Kirchner C2 (16) Pat Kuhnle C2 (06) David Lane C7 (09) Allan Larson C3 (04) Dan Leininger C2 Richard Lowe C2 (04) Ed Masline C2 (04) Dave Mitzner C2 Ryan Morris Eric Nachtrab Clay Newhagen C1 Walter Norrington C4 (17) Sonny O'Drobinak C4 (07} Mike Ohaver C2 (16}

Abbreviated key to giving clubs: Cl {$100 TO $249}

C2 ($250 10 499) C3 ($500 10 $999) C4 ($1,000 10 $2499) C5 {$2,500 10 $4,900)

C6 ($5,000 10 $9,999) C7 {$10,000 10 $24,999) C8 {$25,000 10 $49,999) C9 {$50,000 10 $99,999)

ClO {$100,000 AND UP)

Ralph Olson C2 Bill Peace C3 (08) Palmer Porter C3 Jack Powers C3 (08) Richard Price C2 (03) Herman Riggs C4 (16) Bob Rust C1 Bob Schutte C2 (02) Pete Sherwood C1 (11) Bill SwagerC2 Don Swager C2 (06) Kurt Takara C2 (02) Jim Taller Ed Thomson C3 (06) Mike Tyrrell C3 (04) Ed Vana C1 Robert Viets C1 (04) Tom Weakley C2 (04) Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Robert Bennett C3 (04) Allen Blythe Bill Bruner C3 (16) Raoul Calimlim (02) Ledford Carter C3 (16) Gar Crawford Darrell Holder (02) John Jennings Jason Jones (02) Michael Lake (02) Hollis Lewis (11) William Maratos C1 (03) A. Frankl Martin C3 (1S) Robert Melton C2 (16) Charles Parker C1 Phillip Rollins Cory Thompson Bradley Waters C1 (02) Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) Lawrence Besenfelder C2 (03) Chris Elledge C1 Greg Fisbeck Jake Fisher Brian Gilbertson David Groom Joe Haines C3 (OS) Rick Hoffman C3 (09} Bob Holly C4 ( 17) Thornton Huddle C4 (16) Dave Lassiter C2 Gary Miller C2 (05) Thomas Moore C3 (16) Jay Morris C4 (06) Bob Ogborn C4 John Owen (03) Dylan Romo C1 AI Schmidt C2 (06) Bill Scichowski C1 James Scroggins Tim Welles C1 Scott Wiehle Washington (Alpha Delta) Fredrick Brown C3 (04) Bob Bux C4 (07) Jack Clague C2 (16) Carl Cox John Dailey C2 (14) Evan Erickson C2 (06)

Manuel Esteban C2 (11) Tom Frick C4 (02) Loern Halverson Robert Hansen C3 (02) James Johnson C2 Lou Messer C3 (03) Brett Nagle Charles Porter C3 (16) Florida (Alpha Epsilon) _ Paul Ahmed (02) Richard Alan Bart Arnold C2 (04) John Arnold C1 Pete Barr CS (08) Paul Bennett C1 (04) David Boden C2 (04) Shawn Bowman Frank Brass C4 Rusty Burgess (02) David Charland C4 (17) William Charland C2 (02) Brian Clark C1 Em Cobb C4 (06) Geary Cotton C4 (06) Michael Crovatt C1 (03) Pete Cummings C2 (02) Bradford Dillion Paul Enrico C2 (04) Tom Fitzgerald C3 (04) Lawrence Goldstein C1 John Gornto C3 (04) Hugh Gower C4 (11) Mike Grimes C1 Robert Halaow C3 (02) Murle Harrison C3 (04) Byron Herlong C4 (07) Syd Herlong C6 Chris Hill C2 Richard Hill C3 (05) Dale Hocking C2 (03) Robert Hoffman (02) Jack Howell C2 (04) Charles Hudspeth C4 (16) Bill Keyes C1 (03) Romeo Lavarias (02) Gary Leonard C4 (03) Bert Luer C4 (16} Fritz Mitchell C3 (03) Mike Nozzarella C1 Jim O'Donnell C2 (05} Mike O'Donnell C4 Kelvin O'Neill Roy Olsen C3 (16) Ben Overton C4 (17) George Peek C1 (04) George Ponczek Jet Powers C3 (08) Kenneth Purcell C1 (02) Eric Rail C1 Denis Riordan C2 Reggie Ross C3 (16) Bill Sahlie C3 (16) Bradley Saviello Thomas Simpson C4 (16) Richard Smith C2 (04) Charles Stewart C5 (06) Stuart Stockton C1 (03) Bob Sullivan C3 Edward Sundy C1 (02)

Frank Thomas C1 (02) MarkTimmes C4 (07) Ray Tylander C3 (03) Robert Tylander C4 (03) MarkVarneyC3 (14) Randi Wadle (02) Dave Werner C3 Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) W. Alldredge C3 (09) Tony Amort C2 (OS) John Bollman C4 (08) William Cook C1 (03) Roland Curtis C2 Keith Dotter C2 Bob Elfers C4 (16) Ferris Gilkey Scotty Hammond C2 (14) Matthew Harrison C1 (02) Chuck Hartsough C4 (1S) K.M. Hawke C2 (13) Kenneth Hosler C1 (02) George Iaska C2 (OS) Mel KnorrC2 Gregg Landskov Theodore Langton C2 (OS) Tun Large (02) Jim Marsh C2 (11) John Moore C2 Gary Munn C4 (16) Jack Osburn Thomas Patterson C2 (02) Fred Raw C4 (17) Thomas Renner Jack Reviglio C4 (1S) Ryan Seely Jack Steward C5 (16) Ray Terhune C3 (03) William Thomas C2 (16) Samford (Alpha Eta) Jim Bell C2 (16) Bob Chandler C1 Jim Daley C9 (04) Bill Dixon C3 (16) David Driskill Blake Elliott Roy Evans C3 (02) Bill Ford C3 Harvelle Goodwin C1 Bob Greene C1 John Haynes C3 (04} Ronnie Huskey Wilford Lane C1 Bob Lauderdale C2 (04) Orbie Medders C1 Jim Purvis C3 (12) Hugh Smith Dwayne Todd C1 (04) Scott Welch Henry Yeackle C2 (07) Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Ken Adams C3 (13) Henry Anderson C3 (OS) Tim Aylward C4 Andrew Beemer C1 Orson Bird C1 (02) Tom Bird C3 (04) Robert Bogan C2

Dan Ciemick C2 (02) William Cleary C4 (16) Joe Colucci C1 Pete DeMaagd C2 (02) C.J. Estes (03) Nicholas FeJes Clare Jensen C3 (02) TomJoyC1 Bruce Lessien C2 (04) Roger Letendre Edward Lynch C2 MikeMandk Angus Morse C3 (1S) James Nestor George Salsbury C1 (07) Matthew Shaheen C2 Clay Spragg C1 (04) Robert Trembath C2 (06) Don Viecelli C3 (16) Ford Woodard C2 (02) Dennis Yanachik C4 (10) Michael Yanachik C2 Jack Zimmerman C3 (14) Auburn (Alpha Iota) Jack Baker C1 (02) Charles Beaird C2 (06) Charles Blackledge C1 (02) George Blackwell C1 Lua Blankenship C3 (03) Marshal Caley C4 (06) John Christiansen C2 (16) Thomas Clark C1 Conn Crabtree John Edge Robert Ferrell C3 (10) Tom Fuller C4 (16) Tommy Gordon C3 (11) William Grubb C1 Moyer Harris C3 (16) Harold Hartwell C1 (02) Frank Hawthorne C5 (13) Jim HendryC2 (04) Ernest Johnson C7 (15) Bill Jones C3 (17) Jim Jones (04) Ken laurendine C1 (04) Alex Maddox C4 (04) Chad Marchand Brian Matisak (02) Skeeter McClure C2 (06) Bill Morrissey (02) Sam Pate C4 (11) Gary Patterson C2 larry Pharo C4 (06) Joel Radman C3 (04) Scott Reams C1 (04) Bogart Reed C2 (16) Charlie Rushing C1 (04) Red Russell C3 (06) Clark Sahlie C2 (07) David Scott (04) Mike Short C1 Wallace Smith C2 (03) Bob Ward C3 (09) Brett Wilber C1 Warren Williams C3 (13) Charlie Wood C1 (03) Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Scott Edwardson

Dave Glasco Hugh Hotchkiss C3 (16) Kevin Uvingston C1 Mark Perrin C4 (06) Barry Stem Steve Warnke (03) Mississippi (Alpha Lambda) Lewis Miles C1 Pete Warren C2 (06) Penn State (Alpha Mu} James Alter C3 (09) Bert Baloga Jon Benedetti C2 (12) Mark Berger C1 Jason Borrelli (02) John Brisbane C3 (16) Ed Cavalier C2 (02) Parm Davis C2 Bill Exley C2 Jason Fed on (02) Edwin Friend (02) Blaine Grube C3 (04) Richard Heim C3 (06) Bruce Kent C2 (10) Bill lawrence C1 Dick Lesher C1 Ronald Losefsky Kevin Murphy C3 (03) Michael Myers Scott Myers C1 Elbur Purnell (02) Mo Ranc C2 (03) 路 Robert Ryan Bob Senko C1 larry Shue C1 Bill Simon C3 (04) Mike Trull C2 Bill Vernon C2 William Walker C3 (16) Ohio State (Alpha Nu} John Haas C2 (12) Russell Newhouse C3 (OS) Carl Stickel C4 (16) Edwin Stickel C4 (16) Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) Richard Brady C4 (16) Arthur Criscione C1 (05) William Delnicki C2 (11) Louis Destefano C3 (OS) Vincent DiGiovanni C2 (02) Paul Dillon C2 (04) Walter Eisele C3 (16) Joseph Flaherty C4 (17) Frank Grandinetti C1 (11) Ove Jensen C2 (16) Henry Lenz Henry Meyer C4 (16) Jack Molinelli C2 (06) Rino Nori C2 Ren Nugent C3 (16) Robert O'Donohue C3 (17) Antonio Quilon C2 (07) Richard Ramge Harry Roener C2 (10) Lou Rowley C3 (06) Paul Schwanenflugel C3 (11) William Wright C1 (03) Warren Zulawski C2 (OS)

Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Eric Almquist C2 (02) Keith Bader C3 (12) Bob Bateman C3 (1S) Kelley Bergstrom C8 (14) John Brockmann C2 (OS) Bob Brown C3 (04) lawrence Carlson C2 jim Carson C2 (13) Bill Chmelar C1 Curtis Clifton C2 (05) Dale Cochran C2 (04) Carl Dorr C2 George Dubes C1 Phil Dvorak C2 (14) Gene Fritz C3 (16) Forest Goetsch C1 Guy Goodenow C3 (OS) Eldred Harman C7 (09) Ky Holter Rob Kerns Ray Knaggs C2 (OS) Bert lattan CS (16) Emerson Unney C2 (06) Warren Madden C4 (16) Robert McKean C3 Mark Milliman C2 (06) Jim Moon C4 (03) Wayne Moore C5 (03) Paul Muller C3 (OS) William Nechanicky C4 Dick Ohrt C2 (03) Marshall Olson C1 Don Osborne C3 (OS) Frank Parrish C7 (16) F.). Phillips Chuck Rehman C1 (03) Bill Rickert C4 (16) Ralph Ruedy C2 (06) Tyson Salewske Dave Snyder Ollie Sparks C4 (02) Tom Tott C3 (06) John Veak C3 (05) Scotty Wells C2 (OS) HarleyWhitneyC3 (14) Univ. of the South (Alpha Pi) johnston Johnston C3 (03) West Virginia (Alpha Rho) Alex Adair C3 David Deskins C1 Victor Folio C4 (06) Anthony Graley Edward Kime C1 Bob laughner C2 (04) Howard Martin C2 (07) Stephen Wiedmann Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Carl Adkins C3 (08) Howard Baker C2 Tom Banks C2 (16) Brad Carraway Barry Cedi C4 (07) Scott Cohn Kevin Hall C2 Jon Jordan John Miller C2

Kerry O'Reilly (02) Chris Palmisano Ronald Pierson C1 (03) Jason Pile Frank Pugh C3 (16) Willie Read C3 (02) Aaron Reed C2 (02) Don Robinson C1 Charles Rollins C1 Jon Rymer C3 (04) James Schenck C1 Robert Sledd C2 (05) Frank Smith C2 (02) Jim Snow C4 (06) Brent Spalding C2 (04) Terence Sullivan Shawn Tidwell C1 (04) Barney Tucker C4 (07) Jimmy VanFrank C3 (08) MortVick TomWolohon Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Dick Andrews C2 (16) Paul Baker Bill Baldwin C2 (12) Frank Bandre C2 (03) Bob Bergman C1 (02) Jim Bernstein C3 (16) Scott Bibaud C1 Richard Bouchard C4 Ben Cahill C3 (16) Kenneth Chucta C1 (04) Jeff Cunningham C1 David Dobson C3 (06) Dave Dropkin C2 (08) Cedric Dustin C4 (13) Jon Finke C2 (02) Dave Goddard (02) George GrafC1 (06) Winter Graves C3 (16) Dieter Groll C2 (04) Robert Hawkins C3 (14) Michael Hession C2 George Hoffer C2 (04) Herbert Holden C1 (03) Steve Kaitz C3 Peter Kelley C1 (03) Brewster laMacchia C2 Scott Morris C2 (03) Garth Morrison C1 (OS) Erik Nagel C2 Heesung Park Cl Chris Parks C2 (08) Dave Peter C3 (13) larry Powell C1 (04) Kermit Pratt C2 (16) Jim Rappolt Edward Rebula C3 (07) Thomas Richmond C2 (03) Bill Roberts C3 (16) Gilbert Roberts Cl (02) Dave Rubenstein Cl (04) NickRusanowskyC1 (14) Robert Sidelko Cl Ben Sporn C1 (03) Bill St. John (02) Ernest Stacey C2 ( 16) Pete Tartikoff Harold Trevett C1 (04)

Seth Currey Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Management 4.0GPA

"High scholarship standards are important to Pi Kappa Phi because it creates a positive image of the Fraternity both inside and outside the university. People who visit the Fraternity and meet its members recognize their achievements and, in tum, feel better about having Pi Kappa Phi in their community. "

Jason Ciofalo

Tampa (Beta Lambda) Psychology and Political Science 3.79 GPA

"I firmly believe that true leadership begins within the classroom. We cannot expect to become good leaders if we fail to take pride in our studies. " SPRING 1997


Daniel Finn Indiana (Alpha Psi) Accounting and Finance 3.93 CPA

"It is importilnt to Pi Kappa Phi to maintain high scholarship standards not only because chapters exist in an academic setting, where success is expected, but also because high academic standards breed success in other aspects of the Fraternity.* Rensselaer (cont.) Ralph Wainright Seth Walter C2 (04) Bob Wambach C3 (OS) Doug Wiles C2 John Woodhead C1 Gordon Wright C6 (16) Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Bob Anderson C3 (OS) John Bartle C1 (08) Charles Barton Rick Berk Mark Blasser C1 Martin Burrows C3 (04) George Cavenas (02) Douglas Clarke C3 (09) Samuel Costa C3 (14) Hal Cowles C4 Raymond Davis C3 (17) Joseph DeLuca C1 (02) Walter Dearolf C2 (16) Leonard DiCarlo C4 (1S) Kenneth Dirkes C2 (17) Philip Earley C2 (04) David Fayocavitz Bill Fitzgerald C2 Gino Fortunato C1 (04) Jack Gardner C2 (08) Michael Gennaro C2 (02) Daniel Ginsberg C1 (02) Ray Griffin C2 (04) Paul Gross C2 (04) Dale Haring C1 (06) Alan Henderson C3 20


David Heydt C3 (06) Hoke Hokanson C2 (08) Lem Holt C1 (03) John Hudson C2 (17) John Hunter C1 (04) Art )ones C2 (04) Joseph Keyes C2 (04) Eugene Kiehl C2 (06) Ernest Kissimon C2 Ralph Klesius C2 (14) John Knoll C3 (04) Charles Kuntz C1 (03) Bob Lambert C2 (OS) Tom Laroe C3 (04) Marc Longo C1 Albert Lord C3 (03) Joe Lovell C1 (03) Ed Lowe C1 Jack Marshall C3 (16) Bill McFadden C1 (14) Vicko Melada C3 (12) Gil Merritt C3 (17) Fred Nuenighoff C1 (OS) John Nyce C1 (02) Michael Oliveto C1 (02) Ralph Parris C2 (08) John Peirce C1 (03) Pete Piercy C2 Stephen Pinkas (02) John Rittenhouse C4 (17) Joseph Rogliano C1 Daniel Romanchuk (04) Don Schey C3 (16) Fred Schmehl C3 (02) Bill Schuette C2 (04) Keith Sheppard C4 (16) I Shields C1 Ed Simon C3 (03) Harold Stiffler C1 Dick Sullivan C3 (03) Bob Tesno C2 (12) Arthur Tunnell C2 (17) Pat Williams C1 Sam Wilson C2 (16) Stanton Woerth C2 (04) I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) Ed Bisone C3 (16) Gary Cathey C1 (10) John Doudera C1 (07) Cyril Dusell C3 (06)

Abbreviated key to giving dubs: Cl ($100 10 $249)

c2 {$250 ro 499) o {$500 ro $999) C4 {$1,000 ro $2499) cs ($2,500 ro $4,900) C6 ($5,000 ro $9,999) C7 ($1o,ooo ro $24,999) cs ($25,000 ro $49,999) C9 ($5o,ooo ro $99,999) C10 {$100,000 AND UP)

Matt Fernandez C1 (02) Mike Fogel C2 )im Helm C3 (10) Jack Higgins C2 (13) George Hoff C1 Richard Hughes C2 John Humiston C4 (16) Ken Kamper C2 (03) Edward King C2 Martin Kotsch C3 (08) Leonard Mance C1 (02) Russ Millman C4 (14) Kenneth Peterson CS (03) Roger Peterson C4 (17) Amo Pinnow C2 Jack Piper C1 (06) John Pottenger C2 (04) John Roach C3 (06) John Sachs C4 (16) Edwin Searl C3 (07) Ken Slepicka C1 Douglass Snyder C3 (04) Steve Stevens C3 (07) Lee Strate C2 (02) Victor Terrana Paul Wagner C3 (16) Robert Wolfe C1 (02) Charles Woods C1 (OS) Miami (Alpha Chi) Curt Hopkins C3 (16) Wilson Rehfield Indiana (Alpha Psi) Gerald Allen C2 (16) Skip Bailey Don Brennan C3 (16) Terry Brown C4 (OS) Dave Calzaretta C1 (03) Steve Carroll Tony Cochren C1 (03) James Crews C1 (02) Durbin Day C3 (16) Paul Fuggiti C1 (02) Dave Gibson C2 (06) Rod Gunning C3 (06) Richard Hall C1 (04) Robert Haller C2 (OS) )im Halsey C1 (09) Michael Hole James Keller )ames Kelsey C1 (02) Bob Lambert C1 Lawrence Liu C1 (06) Scott Louderback C1 (02) Joe Lux C2 (04) Kevin McDonald C3 (16) Tim Mercer C2 (06) Jason Meyer Cl Kelly Miller Timothy Monger David Moscowitz C1 (03) Ralph Mundy C2 Wayne Murray C3 (16) Bob Nelson Paul Nonte C1 Barry Polley C1 (06) John Reilly C1 Jim Ruckriegle C3 (1S) Terry Russell Jeff Shreve C2 (02)

Rich Stutz C3 (02) Phil Summers C7 (17) Ross Wingler C4 Jim Witek Cl (09) Oregon (Alpha Omega) R. Glenn Garrett (06) Sherman Holmes C2 (04) Don Lasselle C2 (16) Stanley Lynch C3 (16) Bob Potts C1 (OS) N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Nick Adams C3 Fred Becker C3 (16) Kevin Boerner C1 (03) Tony Castillo Steven Corbett C2 (02) Steve DePalma C8 (14) Steve DeSteno C1 Nichola Debendictis Chuck Dietz C2 (OS) Kort Gorshkoff C1 Ed Klebaur C3 ( 17) Karl Kopans C1 (03) Roger Kreh )im Krucher C6 (16) Aivars Krumins C3 (10) Richard Labinsky C3 (07) John Lee C6 (06) Don Linske C3 (11) Joseph Manfredi C4 (16) Anthony Mangone C1 (OS) Louis Miceli C2 (16) Bob Morgan C1 (02) George Newcombe C4 (OS) William Oakenell C2 (OS) Alvin Olsen C2 (02) Lester Pastuszyn C3 (04) Rick Pedersen C2 (07) John Pugliesi C4 (04) Richard Rodrick C2 (08) Richard Rusak C1 (14) Robert Russo Hani Shouga C1 )im Snodgrass C2 (08) Raymond Spinelli C3 (02) Jacob VanBroekhoven C2 (16) Don VanHouten C4 (03) Francis Wood C2 Rolan Yang C1 Florida Southern (Beta Beta) Larry Carter C3 David Fecht (02) Bill Fraser C2 (OS) Kennis Ketterer C2 (03) Carl Koch C4 (14) Eric Kraus Craig Kurtzman Roger LaBrie C1 (04) Rob Nicholson C2 Dave Robertson C4 {14) David Thorne JackTrufantC2 (06) Scott Weiner Robert Weitzner C2 (OS) Louisville (Beta Gamma) John Cook C2 (16) Jim Grissom C1 (OS) Spencer Harper C3 (16)

Warren Robb C4 (OS) Herb Zimmerman C2 (13) Drake (Beta Delta) Rob Cione C4 (16) C. Ray Deaton C1 (08) Paul Gilman C3 (06) Jim Hornbrook C4 (16) Jason Matthiesen Ken Miller C2 (16) Kenneth Piller C2 (13) Dean Rowland C3 (16) Bruce Swanson C1 (02) )ames Verlautz C2 Missouri (Beta Epsilon) Brad Barondeau (02) Dave Epperson C1 (08) Ken Lissner C3 (10) Raymond Reehm C1 Walt Richards C3 (16) Wiley Scott )ay Stucke! C4 (OS) Laurence Trudell C3 (16) Kenneth Weyand Florida State (Beta Eta) Daniel Allen C2 Leo Almerico C2 ( 16) Tom Atwood John Brooks C1 (03) Jim Bultman C1 (04) Bob Clark C3 (14) Robert Costin C1 (04) Brad Cottrill )ames Daughtry Gilbert Fernandez C2 (02) Ryan Hay (02) Buzz Holdorf C1 Jeffrey Holler C3 (OS) Guy Hollingsworth C3 (OS) Pete Kalmes C1 Henry Land Mike Loy C1 (04) Chuck MacMillin C3 (16) Buz McCall C4 (OS) Harry Mdntosh C3 (04) Bob Milstead C1 Chris New C3 (04) Jim Newman C1 Lee Nichols C2 (04) Randy Plotts C2 (03) Jack Rasmussen Jack Sipperley C3 Jonathan Stevens (02) David Stoddard C1 (06) Lewis Symmes C2 (03) Steven Warren Sid Wilson C2 (14) Greg Winter Arizona (Beta Theta) Arthur Vance C2 (06) Toledo (Beta Iota) Rich Bakir Chris Barton C2 (04) Bob Conley C3 ( 16) Darwin Deckrosh C2 (08) Gerald Dunaway C3 (16) William Frederick C2 (10) Rob Friess C3 (11) George Hershman C2 (OS) Bryan Johnson

Charlie Mathies C1 (04) Shawn McDonald Darryl McEwen C3 (16) Rob Meyer C4 (07) Michael Midot C1 Craig Myers C3 (04) Tom Ramsdell C1 Craig Reisdorf Richard Rose C1 (06). Roger Schiller C2 (03) Rob Shindell C1 (03) Dick Smalley C1 Frederick Tiller C1 Warren Vess Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Kevin Betts Ken Cribbs C6 (OS) David DeMarco Alton Ewing Thomas Flake jack Hurt C1 (02) Steve McCabe C1 Donovan Panone Larry Reinhardt C1 John Whitley C3 (14) Tampa (Beta Lambda) Wade Birch C2 {OS) Jim Crosby C1 (OS) Austin Curry C4 {08) Mario Deluca Perry Monastero C2 (07) Bob Myers C2 (04) Ralph Stout (08) Dave Sullivan C1 (02) Bob Swirbul C2 (04) Dick Swirbul C4 (OS) Guy Walton C3 (08) McNeese State (Beta Mu) Wilfred Bourne C3 (04) Paul Brown C2 (07) Miller Clarkson C1 (OS) Raymond Duhon C1 (OS) Patrick LaCroix Carl Smith R.B. Smith C4 (16) Central Michigan (Beta Xi) Larry Beale Dave Clappison C3 {16) Basil Lyberg Donald Perry C3 Duane Valerio C2 (02) Northwestern State (Beta Omicron) Johnny Oden C1 Clarkson (Beta Rho) John Kruse C1 {10) Northern illinois (Beta Sigma) Don Firkins C3 (17) Valdosta (Beta Tau) Tom Brooks C3 (08) james Dowd C2 (12) Franklin Ford Lance Hamrick C3 Bill Maxwell C2 Chet Mirabal Earl Spell C1 Wesley Tyus

Mark Waddell C2 Trey Warnock Pat Wilford C2 (17) Chuck Woodruff Virginia (Beta Upsilon) John Browning C3 (16) Bill Couper C4 {03) Jeffrey Craigmile Glenn Dickson C4 (16) Barry Ewald C2 (04) C. Green Jeff Grizzle C1 Tom Haudricourt C2 (OS) Russ Huber C3 (14) Wingfield Hughes C4 Dan Kimball CS {06) Michael Lohr Shep Moore C3 (12) Chuck Nesbit C3 (1S) Steve Nesbit C2 Bill Watson C2 (12) ). B. Yount C4 (08) East Carolina (Beta Phi) Will Avera C2 Ellis Banks C2 (06) Dennis Barbour C2 (14) Clay Brewer C2 {02) Dennis Brown C2 (08) Clay Edmonds CS {06) Cam Frazier C3 John Geraghty C1 S.T. Hicks C4 (14) Michael Hodges C1 Stacey Johnson C1 Frank Ramseur C3 George Ressequie C1 (04) Thomas Sayetta C1 (09) East Texas (Beta Chi) Curtis Nugent C2 (09) Ken Park C3 (OS) Tennessee Wesleyan (Beta Psi) Dick Burdette Joel )ones C2 {09) Barry Saunders C2 (09) Dan Wieser C1 (03) East Tennessee State (Beta Omega) Alan Bagley C1 (04) Edward Bowers C3 (04) Byron Brown C4 (16) Gene Smith C2 (1S) Robert Yackanin C2 (1S) Keith Younger C2 (1S) West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Joe Alexander CS Hal Bloom C3 Herb Brown )ames Faircloth Jack Garnett Cl Skipper Malcom John Nowak Eugene Pettis C2 Chris Smith Terry Tate Sonny Till C3 (02) Roy Underwood C1 (02) James Withers

Old Dominion (Gamma Beta) Joel Allen C1 Linwood Beverly C3 (16) Chuck Brady C4 (16) Phillip Casteel C2 (06) Mike Colbert C1 (03) Burwell Gunn Dick Howard C1 William Jenkins C2 (OS) Jamie Meharg Don Midgett C3 (02) Jimmie Reardon Lou Richard C3 Paul Shebalin C2 (13) John Simpson C2 Tom Treichler C2 (04) Michael Wei! Tom White Wayne Wilcox C1 {02) Stu Willis Tim WillisC2 Troy State (Gamma Gamma) Timothy Flanagan Curtis Hillman Steve Shamburger C2 Memphis (Gamma Delta) Herb Blow C2 (13) John Boorman C1 {03) Jesse Brenton Tom Carter C6 (16) Ande Demetriou C1 {02) Jeff Droke C1 Richard Franklin C2 John Hyden Mike McHale Sean Murphy Craig Peterson Western Carolina (Gamma Epsilon) Larry Adams C2 (02) Marv Cope C4 (16) Sam Davis C2 (16) Bruce Fishel C1 David McKenzie C2 (16) Dominic Orlando C1 Stan Pendergraft C2 (12) Dean Rogers C1 Bob Shaver C2 (16) Steve Smith C1 (02) Frank Willis C3 (16) West Virginia Tech (Gamma Zeta) Bill Boyle C1 (03) David Childers C3 (02) Bill Conrad C2 (04) Dave HoltC2 Randy Lavender C1 )ames O'Keefe C1 (02) Michael Paterno C2 Harry Sanders C2 (02) Clifton Smith C2 Richard Steiner C1 Jarrett Thompson Michael Ziegler C2 (02) Athens (Gamma Eta) Berval Bennett C1 Tom Reinke C3 (17)

Bob Slaybaugh C3 (16) Guy Smith C1 UNC-Wilmington (Gamma Theta) John Baldwin C2 (07) Mickey Corcoran C2 Bill Dalton C2 (16) Steve Duncan Anthony Felts Bill Harrell C4 Leonard Harris C2 (02) Chuck Hatch C1 (OS) Thomas Joynt C1 (03) Mike Long C1 (13) Denny McCaughan C1 {03) Henry Merritt C2 (16) Jimmy Piner C3 (OS) Dick Powell (02) Andy Rhyne Martin Sondey C3 (06) LSU (Gamma Iota) Geoff Beatty (02) Christopher Brown Paul Chenevert C1 (02) Beau Fournet C1 (OS) Darian Fuselier Michael Porche C3 {04) Brad Rice Ryan Thibodaux (02) Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall CS {16) Jim Boatright C2 Wayne Buffington CS (16) Paul Coleman C2 (OS) Lee Davis C3 (04) Tom Dunaway Thomas Knight C1 Richard Lane C2 Joe Odom C4 (03) Jeremy Ragan Scott Ragsdale John Riggs C3 Matt Stutz Rob Sullivan Jeffrey Thomason (02) Missouri-Rolla (Gamma Lambda) Randy Curtis C2 (10) Pic Picolet C3 Paul Scherrer C3 (08) Richard Tutko C1 (02) Belmont Abbey (GammaMu) Joseph Fenty C1 Guy Piche C2 (07) LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Wiley Bryant C2 (09) )effEsola C1 Dean Love Cl (02) )immy Motos Ralph Sims C3 (05) Carey Taft Stuart Terrell (02) Shawn Zwilling C3 Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Raymond Baggarly C3 (02) Jeffrey Davis

Shawn Bradley

Morehead State (Delta Eta) Physics and Mathematics 4.0GPA

"The image of a Pi Kapp chapter in the eyes of college faculty, college organizations, and the chapter brothers is the key to the chapter's success. High scholarship standards demand respect and fix an image of honor on a chapter."

Jonathan Rosenfeld

Pennsylvania (Eta Nu) Finance and Accounting 3.97 GPA

"In addition to the obvious rewards of succeeding in schoot high scholastic achievement teaches us the value of hard work and the benefits that we can reap when we succeed. "



Paul Startz C2 (04) Kevin Stewart South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Billy Beaty (02) Billy Breeden Ted Buxton Don Dunbar C1 (04) Larry Green C3 (16) Craig Hansen Frank Havard C4 (03) John Hill C2 Bill Ishee C2 (02) David LaRosa Paul Langenbach C2 (05) Bob O'Brien Kenneth Pruna Eric Longo Keith Stauffer (02) TexasA&M Preston Tran (Delta Omega) Jacksonville (Gamma Chi) Biomedical Science MikeFoutyC1 (11) 3.89 GPA Augusta (Gamma Psi) justin Benfield "By creating an Montevallo environment where (Gamma Omega) members can get the David Bennett C2 (16) most out of their Royce Lader C2 (02) academic time, Pi David Williams C3 (08) Kappa Phi continues to Virginia Tech (Delta Alpha) fortify the character of Tim Boyd its members. Striving for Glenn Byrd C1 (09) high scholarship teaches john Crist C3 (16) an individual about Mark Dennis ded~ation, pers~anc~ Paul Dennis responsibility and Ed Dieterle discipline. Mike Eller C1 (04) Marty Fowler Georgia Southwestern (coot) Mike Gilbert Scott Knapp C1 Bill Finney C6 (14) Paul Lavery C2 (05) Turner Floyd John LucyC1 Mark Gibson Michael Rowland C1 (04) Mike Hall C3 (04) Robert Squire Dave Suppes C3 (04) Bill Weaver Hugh Yaughn C2 (02) Bethel (Gamma Omicron) Steve Weinland Christopher Wong Bill Bender C1 North Georgia Lander (Gamma Rho) David Bowen C1 (04) (Delta Beta) Rick Barr C3 (15) Wayne Craft C2 (03) Bill Clark C2 (06) Steve Kodman C2 (06) Marion Thomas C1 (05) Chuck Watson C5 (09) Abbreviated key Joel Wolbert C1 (03) to giving clubs: Barry Young C1 (16) Cl {$100 10 $249) North Texas (Gamma Tau) Dwight Benton C1 C2 {$250 10 499) Oklahoma State C3 ($500 10 $999) (Gamma Upsilon) Bob Bridges C1 C4 ($1,000 TO $2499} Mark Christman C2 (04) Steven Cochran Cl C5 ($2,500 TO $4,900} Doug Danvers C2 (05) C6 ($5,000 TO $9,999) John Foust Cl Scott Hirte C7 ($10,000 TO $24,999) Barry Howell C3 (06) CB {$25,000 TO $49,999) Phil Perdue Cl Gilbert Sanders C4 (05) C9 ($50,000 TO $99,999) Brian Stanley C10 ($100,000 AND UP) 22


Lee Hackle C2 (02) Vic Irvin C3 (07) Charlie May C3 (15) Rich Moultrie C2 Owen Nicholson C3 Bill Pope C2 (04) Jerry Purvis C1 (02) P.J. Rodgers C2 (05) Andy Smith C3 (04) Cory Truelove (02) Ken Vining C2 (06) Scott Williams jonathan Woodward Brian Yarbrough C1 (02) Truman State (Delta Delta) John Andrews C4 (08) Darryl Beach C2 Jeff Breuer David Ewigman C1 (13) Mike Killbebrew Steve Lauer Gary Lykins C1 James Palmer C2 (05) Steve Schmitt (02) Ken Smith Vince Vogelgesang Josh Wansing Jacksonville State (Delta Epsilon) Randy Owen C5 (05) Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Andrew Bradford Andy Braun C1 Pat Danehy C1 Bruce Greenland C1 (08) Gregory Honeycutt C3 David Huss C1 (04) John Knier C2 (04) Bill Maycock C2 (05) Steve Miller C2 (12) Art Quickenton C6 (07) Jim Raines C1 Ronald Rimmer Jeff Shell C3 (11) Luke Snyder LeeTappy David Vaughn C3 Morehead State (Delta Eta) Shawn Bradley Paul Cantrell Greg Kring C3 (07) John Moser C2 (04) Trey Rigg Gerald Slone Middle Tennessee State (Delta Iota) Stephen Crass C2 Pembroke State (Delta Kappa) Curt Bennett Cl (04) Ollie Canaday C4 (06) )ames Saunders Cl (03) UNC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Eric Adams Chris Amick Mike Bolton C2

Chris Cannon C4 (16) Bill Fisher C2 (11) Eric Hagemeyer Bill Jackson C4 (03) Charlie Marus C3 (16) John McCurdy Christopher Miele Dean Nolley C4 (02) Bo ProctorC4 (16) Jeffrey Taylor Lyn Wright (03) Western Kentucky (Delta Nu) Donn Sapp C2 (04) North Alabama (Delta Xi) Steve Pirkle C2 (02) Eddie Woodis Nicholls State (Delta Omicron) Jacques Frere C1 (15) Wright State (Delta Pi) Bruce Rockwell C4 (15) Ralph Waugh C1 USC (Delta Rho) Ed Lang C3 (17) Alan Wapner C1 Bowling Green (Delta Sigma) Joseph Phillips Jason Turkelson Kyle Weisbrodt James Madison (Delta Tau) Dale Beall C1 Nick Curran Jerry Keilsohn C3 (04) Chris Kelly C2 (12) Ken Kiser C1 (04) Dave Larson Paul Marhan Patrick McFeeley Mark Moroney C1 Kenneth Rand C1 Pittsburgh (Delta Upsilon) Lou Halperin Thomas Mauro Howard Simon C1 (16) Radford (Delta Phi) Dan Noble C1 (02) Kansas State (Delta Chi) Michael Austin C1 (02) JeffBullok Dale Bushyhead Chad Freund Aaron Green Steve Hill C1 Mike Howard C2 (02) Mike Kallas C3 (07) Lawrence Keller Andrew Lammers C2 (05) Tim Undemuth Chad Lyons Eric Purvis Cl (02) David Reeves Cl Craig Swenson Cl (02) Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Mark Jacobs C4 (13)

David Sprinkle C2 Bill Svihel C3 Keith Whitt C1 (04) Texas A&M (Delta Omega) Velon Burnett C2 Daniel Deleon jason Dodd C3 (07) jason Mills C2 (04) Terry Wilson C2 Bryan Wolf C2 Elon (Epsilon Alpha) Terry Best Gerald Hollan C3 Chris Moore C1 Grand Valley State (Epsilon Beta) Steve Gilbert C3 Ted Lukomski C5 (15) Kevin Nadai C1 Longwood (Epsilon Gamma) John Burks Brian Cochran Steve MeAra C3 (03) Earnest Moore C1 Dale Rankin C2 (13) Kevin Ryman C1 (02) Chauncey Sisco C3 (03) Jimmy Steele Auburn-Montgomery (Epsilon Delta) David Smith C3 (14) Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon) Steven Baker C1 (04) George Becerra Mike Donathan C4 (05) Danny Ladia Lee Lewis C2 (04) Central Arkansas (Epsilon Zeta) James Barker John Bearden C4 (13) Richard Dixon C1 ( 11) Howard Wells C2 Winthrop (Epsilon Eta) Brenton Ballard Joel Byars C3 (11) Jeffrey Mahoney C2 (04) Bill Moore C1 Tom Sacco C2 (07) Erik Smith (02) Seton Hall (Epsilon Theta) Len DePalma C2 (12) William Freeman C1 (03) Rich Haber Ryan Mulvaney UNC-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Kenny Capps (02) Jeff Cole C1 (03) David Craft Cl Travis Getz C1 Joseph Harkins Byron Price Michael Robinson Eric Searls Jim Shaw Cl (02) Ron Stark

Cori Williams Elliott Wilson (02) Southern Tech (Epsilon Kappa) Jay Barrow C3 (12) Eric Burch C2 (04) David Hirschler C1 (03) Timothy Jackson Barry Kidd C2 ( 11) Mike Moore David Nelson C1 (02) Sandy Ransom C2 (03) Ed Smith C2 (02) Bruce Vandiver C1 (06) Son Vu C2 (02) Sean Wells USC-Spartanburg (Epsilon Lambda) Jon Hollis (02) Tony Tam Bill Weathers C3 (02) Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Dan Crownhart Greg Locknar Jason McDowell C2 Tim Sumner C3 (06) Mike Weaver Brandon Webber (02) Cal State-Sacramento (Epsilon Nu) James Cassinelli Kurt Ericson C2 Bob Langbein C4 (02) Jayson Louie C3 (OS) Steven Lucchetti (03) Henry Pho C1 (03) LaSalle (Epsilon Xi) Phil Emma Nick Lordi (02) Frank Mavilla Craig Murray Scott Royson C1 (02) Villanova (Epsilon Omicron) jim Adams Joe Baumgardner C1 (02) Joe BradyC2 Christopher Byrne C1 Jim Fallon Stephen Ferraro (02) Greg Guerra Christopher Limbach Derek McNamara C2 Virginia Commonwealth (Epsilon Pi) Don Blanton Greg Brown Brian Herrod (02) Aaron Perlut C1 Jeff Smith Mike Valentine C2 (OS) Lenoir-Rhyne (Epsilon Rho) Ed Agnoli Trent Hennigar Cl {03) Don Jarboe Cl Mark Mullane C4 (06) Bill Rhyne C1 (06)

Christian Brothers (Epsilon Sigma) William Bowman C1 (02) Richard Erickson C2 (06) Fadi Kiameh C1 Vince Mancini C2 (06) John May Julio Melendez Clay Rogers Ray Saunderson C2 (07) David Thomas Ted Wilder Bill Wilson C2 (04) St. Joseph's (Epsilon Tau) Joe Helduser C1 Tom Merighi C1 (02) Vince Thompson C4 (03) Joseph Vanelli C1 (04) David Ventresca Don Wheatley Georgia College (Epsilon Upsilon) Jon Bullington J.T. Cleveland Dave Hohnadel (02) Chris Khoury Tate Mastin Jason Miles Jeremiah Noojin Robby Walker (02) Todd Worley Alabama-Birmingham (Epsilon Phi) Chad Davis Arthur Ennis C2 (OS) Todd Fowler (02) Jeremy Kizzire Dave Williams Slippery Rock (Epsilon Psi) Mike Dupuis Len Green C1 (04) Scot Greiner C3 jim Ramsey C1 (04) David Ray C1 (03) Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) Robert Kurima C1 (06) Ariel Melendez C1 (02) Blake Thomas C1 (02) Bob Welsh C3 UC-San Diego (Zeta Beta) jason Dauderrnan C2 (02) Eric McMillan Andy Simons (02) North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) Mark Adams C2 (04) Davin Cermak Brad Hagen Mark Hobson Chris Johnson C2 (02) David Kirkland C1 (OS) Alan Korotenko Joe Kraft C2 {OS) Brennan Lane (02) Wayne London

Matt McHugh (02) Kirk Rustvold Steward Sandstrom C3 (08) Michael Welvaen C2 (06) Shippensburg (Zeta Delta) Jim Fahey Matt Lauro George Mason (Zeta Epsilon) Jeff Armstrong Rex Chen Mohamed Elansary (02) Eric Lindenberg C1 juan Miyares C2 (03) Tim QuickC1 David Thomasson North Florida (Zeta Zeta) Matt Berling Steve Borowiec C1 (06) Ryan Calafato Robert Cheyne C1 Greg Pierce John Powers South Florida (Zeta Eta) Timothy Moore C1 Texas (Zeta Theta) Bob Ceron C1 (04) Eddie Guerra (04) Bradley Jeter C1 Tracy Maddux C2 (06) Jack Salmon C2 (02) Indiana (Pa.) (Zeta Iota) Chris Button Frederic Perenic C1 )ames Shuttleworth Stephen Whitby C1 (02) Stockton State (Zeta Kappa) Steven Meincke (04) Clemson (Zeta Alpha) John Bradford (03) Scott Gasparini C2 Steve Holly (02) Jason Stever Frank Yarborough Cal. State-Chico (Zeta Lambda) Brian Gilmer C1 (02) Shawn Grubb Daniel Hitzke Cal. State-Northridge (Zeta Mu) Mike Morris Zack Schuler Stefan Wilcox C1 (04) Dennis Yeoh Gavin Zimmer West Chester (Zeta Nu) John Nickolas C2 (03) John Twohig Averett (Zeta Xi) Brian Campbell Cl (04) Andrew Cervantes Rafael Cervantes Bobby Perkins Cl Brad Smith David Thomas Cl

Craig Urquhart SUNY-Cortland (Zeta Omicron) Jim Caswell Chuck Killorin Shawn Stoliker Marshall (Zeta Pi) Sid Gillispie Joel Kuhn Scott Rowekamp C1 (02) Cal. State-Fullerton (Zeta Rho) Alan Bott C1 Stephan Boulanger C1 (03) Stephen Byork C1 (03) Jonathan Cole John Deacy C2 (OS) Tony Fisher C1 (04) Robert Jacobs Shahmir Nadjmabadi C2 (04) Barton (Zeta Tau) Jason Ricks Bloomsburg (Zeta Upsilon) Michael Dowling Frank Luckangelo (03) Matthew Teter C1 Colorado State (Zeta Phi) Stephen Feld C3 (OS) Mike Gerity Albright (Zeta Chi) Chris Winters IUPID (Zeta Psi) Lance Burnside C2 (04) Jim Griffin C1 (04) Brad McKuhen (02) Joe Schafer Glenn Shanahan Towson State (Zeta Omega) Brian Dempsey (02) Ben Wade (02) Kevin Yates (02) Concord (Eta Alpha) Eric Conley Jamie Estep Phillgo C1 (OS) Danny Mitchem C1 )on Payne Indiana State (Eta Beta Bruce Bursey Colorado (Eta Gamma) Robert Gould C1 Bret Heidemann C2 Erik lsernhagen (04) John Jarecki Todd Krier Cl Jack Like Cl (03) Pete McElvaney Zack Moxcey (02) Ian Walsworth (02) Kennes~ State (Eta Delta) Bryan Dobson {02) Robert Evans Danny Fortney

Ryan Maxwell

Washington (Alpha Delta) Business Administration 3.85 GPA

"Academic strength gives you knowledge and knowledge, in tum, gives you credibility. A fraternity that boasts a strong academic record is recognized as a group of men that have set themselves apart as men who will strive to do their best. "

Antonio Henderson Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) Spanish 3.83 GPA '1\s a national fraternity we should always be concerned with scholarship in order to strengthen our values. In doing so, we become well-rounded individuals. In a world that is rapidly changing, it is critical that we have the necessary skills to compete." SPRING 1997


LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Jeff Esola Carey Taft Stuart Terrell Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Turner Floyd Lander (Gamma Rho) Steve Kodman South Alabama (Gamma Phi} Billy Beaty Craig Hansen Bob O'Brien Preston Tran Virginia Tech (Delta Alpha) Tim Boyd Ed Dieterle Marty Fowler Paul Lavery Steve Weinland North Georgia (Delta Beta} Cory Truelove Jonathan Woodward Brian Yarbrough Truman State (Delta Delta) Josh Wansing Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) LeeTappy Morehead State (Delta Eta) Shawn Bradley Paul Cantrell TreyRigg Gerald Slone UNC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Eric Adams Eric Hagemeyer John McCurdy Lyn Wright Bowling Green (Delta Sigma) Joseph Phillips Jason Turkelson

PUSH America The following Pi Kappa Phi brothers TMde contributions

to PUSH America during in 1996.

Charleston (Alpha) Philip Duwel John Strickland Marc Strickland Chip Voomeveld Presbyterian (Beta) Reggie Batson Billy Creech David Dixon Allen Jacobs Ed Kirkland Dallas Olson

Kyle Weisbrodt Kansas State (Delta Chi} JeffBullok Chad Freund Mike Howard Mike Kallas Lawrence Keller Tim lindemuth Chad Lyons Texas A&M (Delta Omega) Jason Dodd Jason Mills Terry Wilson Longwood (Epsilon Gamma) John Burks Jimmy Steele Clinch VaUey (Epsilon Epsilon) Lee Lewis Seton HaD (Epsilon Theta) Rich Haber Ryan Mulvaney UNC-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Travis Getz Eric Searls Jim Shaw Cori Williams Elliott Wilson Southern Tech (Epsilon Kappa) Mike Moore David Nelson Sean Wells USC-Spartanburg (Epsilon Lambda) Jon Hollis Tony Tam Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Dan Crownhart Mike Weaver Brandon Webber LaSaUe (Epsilon Xi) Phil Emma Nick Lordi Frank Mavilla

Virginia Commonwealth (Epsilon Pi} Mike Valentine Lenoir-Rhyne (Epsilon Rho) EdAgnoli Trent Hennigar Christian Brothers (Epsilon Sigma) John May David Thomas Ted Wilder St. Joseph's (Epsilon Tau) Don Wheatley Georgia CoUege (Epsilon Upsilon) Dave Hohnadel Tate Mastin Jason Miles Jeremiah Noojin Robby Walker Todd Worley Alabama-Birmingham (Epsilon Phi) Chad Davis Todd Fowler Jeremy Kizzire Dave Williams Slippery Rock (Epsilon Psi) Mike Dupuis Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) Robert Kurima North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) Mark Adams Brad Hagen Alan Korotenko Brennan Lane Matt McHugh Shippensburg (Zeta Delta) Matt Lauro George Mason (Zeta Epsilon) Jeff Armstrong Mohamed Elansary

North Florida (Zeta Zeta) Steve Borowiec John Powers Indiana (Pa.) (Zeta Iota) Stephen Whitby Clemson (Zeta Alpha) John Bradford Jason Stever Cal. State-Chico (Zeta Lambda} Brian Gilmer Shawn Grubb Daniel Hitzke Cal. State-Northridge (ZetaMu) Mike Morris Zack Schuler Gavin Zimmer Averett (Zeta Xi) Andrew Cervantes Bobby Perkins Brad Smith Craig Urquhart Marshall (Zeta Pi} Sid Gillispie Cal.State-Fullerton (Zeta Rho) Robert Jacobs Barton (Zeta Tau) Jason Ricks Bloomsburg (Zeta Upsilon) Michael Dowling Matthew Teter Albright (Zeta Chi} Chris Winters IUPW (Zeta Psi) Jim Griffin Brad McKuhen Joe Schafer Concord (Eta Alpha) Eric Conley Jamie Estep Colorado (Eta Gamma) Bret Heidemann Erik lsemhagen John Jarecki Jack Like ZackMoxcey

Ian Walsworth Kennesaw State (Eta Delta) Bryan Dobson Robert Evans Andy Green Rick Hollis Kenny Smith Maryland (Eta Epsilon) Ian Rubin UC-Irvine (Eta Eta) Kong Chang Tony Giotta Langley Ho Nick Singh Christopher Newport (Eta Iota) Tim Campbell Juan Garda Wingate (Eta Mu) Anthony DeEugenio Ben Sidbury Jeremy Verdone SUNY-Albany (Eta Xi) Keith Ball Angelo Cocchiola Seth Friedland Rob Modica Josh Schoen Richard Tallarico Todd Wangler San Francisco State (Eta Omicron) Rip Bains John Harasduk Josh Koslov RandyToor Southwest Texas State (Eta Rho) Brett Lee Brian Schafer David Young UClA (Eta Sigma) Chris Brown John Hendricks Ben Hofilena Eric Yang

DeanSheom Tripp Tuttle California (Gamma) Wilfred Barber Roger Campbell George Del Prado Furman (Delta) Brady Gilbert South Carolina (Sigma) Mark Adamson Davidson {Epsilon) John Covington John Porterfield Wofford (Zeta) Carl Gilbert 0. Gilbert Chip Stockman North Carolina (Kappa) Charlie Adams Benji Guion

Georgia (Lambda) Brian O'Neill Skip Wells Duke (Mu) Bonn Gilbert Robert Sheheen Roanoke (Xi) Ed Corson Whit Gravely Jeff Grimm Durward Owen Dudley Woody Alabama (Omicron) David Adams Larry Contri Matt Daley Paul Paddock Randy Watkins Barnard Windham Washington & Lee (Rho) Charles Warner

NC State (Tau) William Credle Clint Junker John Kimball George King Ken Long Illinois (Upsilon) George Couris Rob Layton Bob Moore Jeff Overbey Stetson (Chi) Pat Figley Bruce Rogers CorneD (Psi) George Bullis Tom Burger Chuck Claffey David Cunningham William DeLong Jim Gould

David Gutknecht George Heinrich Ken Kelly John Kirk Charles Lee Gene Lehr Bill Mdntyre Marty Newhouse Michael Piscitelli Craig Ramos John Randall William Salomon Edmund Sayer Mitch Sayers Chuck Shafer Alex Sherer John Stone Frederick Thome Erwin Tschanz LarVihinen Bob Wilcox SPRING 1997


CorneD (cont.) Robert Winter Dave Zilli Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) QuanHoang Matt Pefia Peter Rasmussen Washington (Alpha Delta) UoydAjax Jason Bischotberger Bob Bux John Dailey Evan Erickson Jon Foster Rich Grabowski Stan Gratis Thor Hauff Mel Lundberg Randy McCalmant Chris Orr Ken Richstad Charlie Stanton Bob Wartelle Sean West Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Scott Campbell Robert Kelly Gary Leonard Bob Paterno MarkTimmes Samford (Alpha Eta) Dennis Carr Carve Ivey Richard Thompson Michigan State (Alpha Theta) John Phillips Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Mike Petrilli Penn State (Alpha Mu) Bill Exley Kevin Murphy Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Jeremy Galvin Jerome Haggerty David Hancock Eldred Harman Ky Holter Bob Lane Warren Madden Jim Mumford William Nechanicky Bill Rickert David Schwake Kelly Seuferer Jeff Smith Ollie Sparks Cesar Vega Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Ronald Pierson Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Joseph Hom Joseph Petrosky Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Roland Dewees Daniel Raab I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) Dave Novy Bryan Schott

Indiana (Alpha Psi) Todd Berault Frank Calzaretta Gary Louderback Dennis Russell Jeff Shreve JD Spry DaleTreash Florida Southern (Beta Beta) Carl Koch Missouri (Beta Epsilon) Tony Balsamo Dave Epperson Bill Gleason Jeff Langston James Lawson Jim Lawson Ken Lissner Tom Lynch Andy Nickel Gene Rotter Dean Shillito Jay Stucke! Florida State (Beta Eta) Marshall Atkinson Walker Jackson Richard Mastaler Harry Mdntosh Chris Mueller Jeff Niedenthal John Pierce Toledo (Beta Iota) Mark Reisdorf Frederick Tiller Mark Urrutia Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Eric Berry Central Michigan (Beta Xi) Ray Anspach Larry Beale Jeff Brasie Rob Bromley Jeffery Cooley Dale DeWaard Mike Dunnuck Rusty Higgins Gary Hombacher Jim Hosner Terry McTaggart Lawrence Nichols Brian Rees Wade Smith Jim Wanty Michael Webster Valdosta State (Beta Tau) Louis Martin Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Frank Drowota Old Dominion (Gamma Beta) Dave Simas Troy State (Gamma Gamma) K.T. Cole Memphis (Gamma Delta) Shawn Massey

Western Carolina (Gamma Epsilon) Daniel Yoe West Virginia Tech (Gamma Zeta) Shannon Fink James O'Keefe Athens (Gamma Eta) Weldon Plant LSU {Gamma Iota) John Whitney Ryan Wolfort Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Richard Aldredge Clent Chatham Lynn Fine Darrell Hughes Chris Margelli Dan Margelli Martin NeSmith Lander (Gamma Rho) Jim Manley Robert Sherard Chuck Watson South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Randy Jones Montevallo (Gamma Omega) Clay White Virginia Tech (Delta Alpha) Greg Pudhorodsky Bill Weaver John Yochim Truman State (Delta Delta) John Andrews Roy McDonald Robb Richrniller Timothy Taylor TedVehige J.T. Wiley Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Art Quickenton David Thornton UNC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Julian Barnwell John McCurdy Bowling Green (Delta Sigma) Daniel Dawson Ken Kaiser James Madison (Delta Tau) Alex Alquinta Allan Grimsley Christopher Lannom Jim McHone Michael Nickelsen Clint Pazdera Steve Sprince Bill Wells Pittsburgh (Delta Upsilon) Ben Zappone Radford (Delta Phi) Todd Newton

Kansas State (Delta Chi) Lawrence Keller Grand Valley State (Epsilon Beta) Matthew Dugener Auburn-Montgomery (Epsilon Delta) Douglas O'Connor James Sparrow Charles Sullivan Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon) David Mullins UNC-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Chad Coltrane Travis Getz David Rimmer John Scardina Ben Swaney Southern Tech (Epsilon Kappa) Rick Bell Steve Brown Peter Hawkins Justin Masters David Nelson Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Donald Chapman Michael Eberhardt Ben Frank Steve Haubner Thomas Kopera Mark Lawinger JeffLuebker Greg Locknar Brian Mason Michael Mestek Thomas Musschoot Tom O'Dette Ben Rosen Kenneth Slaninka Michael White Vrrginia Commonwealth (Epsilon Pi) Mike Maiorano Lenoir-Rhyne (Epsilon Rho) Derrick Styles Christian Brothers (Epsilon Sigma) Timothy Boswell Robert Burditt Mark Craven Will Dietz Sean Fagin John Gillenwater JeffHude Greg Lawrenz Edward Murphy Patrick O'Brien Steve Ortwein David Pennington Kevin Roedel Jerry Stanford David Thomas Brian Ward Gene Welsh Ted Wilder Bill Wilson Clemson (Zeta Alpha) Jesse Hutchinson

Alex Shapleigh North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) Mark Hobson George Mason (Zeta Epsilon) Jeff Armstrong Bobby Barakat Miguel Burch Eric Undenberg Juan Miyares Ivan Mullinax Tim Quick Andy Spellar Peter Spellar North Florida (Zeta Zeta) Jeffrey Atwood Rich Borowiec Steve Borowiec Matthew Earley Chad Perce George Troeger Texas (Zeta Theta) Matt Kostelnik Chris Labbe Tracy Maddux Stockton State (Zeta Kappa) Bob Kettig Steven Meincke Cal. State-Chico (Zeta Lambda) Paul Basile West Chester (Zeta Nu) Michael Chadwick SUNY-Cortland (Zeta Omicron) Brian Clancy UC-Davis (Zeta Sigma) Van Beane Matt Uyeda Albright (Zeta Chi) Shawn Bausher Don Dunphy Jonathan Hunter Matt LaRusso Bill Mountford Robert Rotante Shane Thomas Ian Weitzman Towson State (Zeta Omega) Austin Hayes Chuck Slagle Kevin Yates Colorado (Eta Gamma) Ken Heidemann Jeff Wehmeyer Maryland (Eta Epsilon) Ross Knoblauch Ian Rubin Eric Schrnidhausler San Francisco (Eta Theta) Nelson Wong Wingate (Eta Mu) Steve Poston San Francisco State {Eta Omicron) Fred Gonzalez Friends of the Fraternity Sally McArdle

*** IJ!J~~ ./("' '~

Alpha Phi remembers "Arcl:lie"


n the summer of 1990 a few members of Alpha Phi Chapter at Illinois Institute of Technology were working for a catering company as a summer job. Through the course of their employment, they met Archillas "Archie" Glover. The brothers became fast friends with Archie. Coincidentally, the chapter was looking for a chapter cook. The brothers noticed his positive attitude, outgoing personality, and love of cooking. He was offered the job and accepted, beginning work that fall. Archie faithfully served the chapter for five years, when the chapter members approached him about becoming an alumnus initiate of the chapter. After consulting with his wife, who at first was not sure but told him to follow his heart, he agreed and was initiated. Archie continued to serve the chapter as both cook and brother. Tragically and suddenly, on September 17, 1996, Archie Glover, 35, husband and father, passed away. He had been feeling ill that day and had gone to the emergency room where they discovered his kidneys were bleeding. He died of complications during the surgery. Feeling they should do something to remember their friend and brother, the Alpha Phi Chapter established a fund in his name. All money donated to the fund will continue to accrue interest until Archie's daughters go to college, at which point the money will be used to help defer the cost of their education. Donations can be sent to The Archie Glover Foundation, cfo Dean Witter, 24th Floor, 190 S. LaSalle Ave, Chicago, IL, 60603. Questions can be directed to Nat Gombis 312-326-4371.


Pi Kappa Phi in itiates 75 ,000th brother


n February 7, 1997, Pi Kappa Phi reached a major benchmark in its membership. On that date, Chad Stone of Kansas State (Delta Chi) became the 75,000th initiate of Pi Kappa Phi. Stone is a freshman Construction Science and Management major from Garden City, Kan. "Honestly this is a shock," commented Stone when informed of his place in Pi Kapp history. "I am really glad to be part of this great milestone for the Fraternity." According to the 1995-96 FEA Statistics, Pi Kappa Phi ranks 23rd out of the 49 NIC fraternities in total membership.



he home of the "Miami Triad", Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, welcomed Pi Kappa Phi to its campus on November 23, 1996. The Eta Upsilon Chapter was officially installed as members from Indiana (Alpha Psi) and Toledo (Beta Iota) initiated 51 men into the ranks of Pi Kappa Phi. The weekend was a celebration of the hard work the chapter had put forth over the course of 22 months. The chapter successfully passed the national written exam with a 97 percent average - the highest average ever. Brothers, university officials, and guests gathered to the historic Leland Hotel in Richmond, Ind. to celebrate the occasion. National President Nathan Hightower and Area IX Governor Jeff Luebker served as chartering officers and presented the charter. The National Headquarters was represented by Mark Timmes, Chief Executive Officer;

Eta Phi Chapter at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. With 49 members, the chapter is the largest fraternity on its campus. Originally organized in 1992, the chapter failed to reach chartering goals in 1994. At that point they were informed by the National Headquarters that they were no longer an associate chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Rather than quit, the chapter continued to operate under the name Pi Kappa Upsilon, and rededicated themselves to reaching the Pi Kappa Phi's standards. In fact, each member carried a copy of the letter sent to the group upon their disaffiliation. "We decided we would hold on to the letter as a symbol of our commitment to the goal of becoming a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi," said Archon David Eberling. National Historian James Krucher and Jeff Niedenthal. Zeta Epsilon Chapter Advisor, served as the chartering officers. Initiating teams from George Mason (Zeta Epsilon) and Maryland

Jason Dodd, Assistant Executive Director; and Stephen Whitby, Journey Project Director. Most recently, on February 22, 1997, Pi Kappa Phi chartered the

(Eta Epsilon) performed the ritual of initiation . Assistant Executive Director Jason Dodd and Leadership Consultant David) . Sullivan represented the National Headquarters.




usan Baile, a Covey Leader ship Center facilitator, had just flown in to St. Louis after spending less than 24 hours in Boulder, Colo. Baile had made many such trips before - in one day and out the next. This time Baile would be speaking to more

than I 00 college-age members of Pi Kappa Phi. Before her presentation began, Baile confided that she didn't know what to expect from a group of fraternity guys. "My father was in a fraternity and he wanted his children to 'be Greek.' But whenever I thought of fraternities, I imagined scenes from Animal House."

The sophomore year in The Journey is spent studying and implementing the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Journey chapter members must qualify in order to attend a CLC workshop. BY STEPHEN E. WHITBY "This is perhaps the most exciting &. FRANK WRENN part of The Journey for our student members because it's a chance to learn principles of motivation and leadership from the best-known, most respected source in the nation," says Jerry Brewer, former National President. "Personal leadership is about putting individual principles in line with personal actions. As a result, the leaders of Pi Kappa Phi today will be the leaders of America tomorrow." In addition to the Seven Habits leadership training sophomores receive, Pi Kappa Phi leadership consultants renew commitment to the Seven Habits by applying them and referencing them in work settings with the student chapters. Juniors and seniors in The Journey concentrate on preparing themselves for life after college while working with alumni at Career Development Conclaves. This career and life planning component of The Journey provides the necessary resources to enable each chapter member to effectively identify and search for career opportunities. This final phase of The Journey encourages life planning while providing the oppourtunity for Pi Kapps to learn about practical, real-world matters that later will help them meet their own personal and professional objectives. During this phase, Pi Kapp alumni act as mentors to the junior and senior Pi Kapps, and those juniors and seniors act as mentors to freshmen and sophomore chapter members.


part of the fraternity's cutting-edge educational program called "The Journey." The journey In 1995, Pi Kappa Phi launched The Journey, one of the most ambitious innovations the world of collegiate fraternities and sororities has seen in its 200 years. The Journey is a four-year, three-phase program that guides the fraternity's undergraduate members through college and life. It is designed to lead and develop Pi Kapps in three critical areas: collegiate success and service, leadership and personal development, and career and life planning. "One of our goals in the development of this program was to give our members the tools they need to succeed after college. We wanted to provide a legup, " explained Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes. "While corporate-level leadership training certainly is a component of this process, the real benefit is the character-building that the program emphasizes." The first year of The Journey provides freshmen with the skills they need to excel in the classroom and community, through indepth scholarship programming and faculty-level academic coaching. Called the Collegiate Success Program, first- year curriculum is based on the fundamental principle of balance that the intellectual, physical, and spiritual dimensions of a student's life must be cultivated and cared for equally. It emphasizes that learning and good grades involve more than just brain power, and that the commitment to fraternity membership and other campus activities must be made within the contest of academic responsibility. It also includes a wellness component (for the physical dimension) and a discussion of service (for the spiritual dimension) . The Collegiate Success Program is a whole-life approach that is simple to teach and easy to understand and apply.

Standards In defining guiding principles of The Journey, the goal was to create a standard. A standard governed by principles is a dynamic instrument of change. For Pi Kappa Phi, defined principles are an inspirational device not only for fraternity chapter operations but for individual members, fraternal volunteers, and even for the staff of its National Headquarters. The seven guiding principles under which The Continued on page 30 SPRING 1997


Journey operates are referred to as "beacons". They include balance, excellence, accountability, commitment, opportunity, no limits, and stewardship. The word "beacon" serves as a reminder that these tenets should guide every aspect of life. Following these beacons can lead Journey participants to live centered and powerful lives. Journey chapters of Pi Kappa Phi set high standards. Each chapter must agree to be held to a higher minimum grade-point average. There is also a grade-point average requirement to hold office and to maintain membership in good standing. A standards board ensures individual accountability. Participation requirements are set for chapter meetings, rush events, and other activities. Each student is expected to serve on a committee, join another student organization, and attend a local or national service event during the course of his academic studies. In addition, each Journey chapter is required to hold an annual chapter retreat to devise or renew a mission statement. While The Journey sets a minimum level for such standards, individual chapters are encouraged to set their standards even higher. The Pi Kappa Phi student creed expresses the basic tenets of member expectations for fraternity men. It reads, in part: "I believe that the ideal chapter is made up of men who are bound together in a common loyalty which transcends any personal selfishness, who realize that membership means personal responsibility.... I shall do my share.... " Fraternal origins

While the concern with character and principles may sound unusual to those who think fraternities are similar to Animal House, the reality is that Pi Kappa Phi's direction is not so much new as it is a refocus on the origin of fraternities. When the first fraternal societies were established in the late 1700s, their purpose was to foster free thought. These organizations were devoted to promoting ideals and principles of character, scholarship and learning. Over the past 200 years, these 30


societies have changed dramatically but still maintain the responsibility of providing greater goals and methods of success for each of their undergraduate members. Today's fraternities struggle with the dwindling emphasis on ideals. Greek fraternities have not provided the guidance and driving influence required to steer undergraduates in their search for an education. In developing The Journey, Pi Kappa Phi acknowledges that too many collegians are "making excellent time" but have no destination in mind. At the same time, the young students attending these universities appear to have a much smaller arsenal of guiding forces and centering influences available in their personal lives. As a result of these challenges, Pi Kappa Phi created The Journey, to focus on building better men through fraternity rather than concentrating solely on building better fraternity chapters-a focus that returns Pi Kappa Phi to the original purpose of fraternities. A Shift

The paradigm shift required to view Pi Kappa Phi as a structure building great men rather than providing a social outlet is not easy for some. It forces a reinterpretation of all that is commonly thought about fraternities. Susan Baile, who is in the business of shifting paradigms, experienced a paradigm shift that day in St. Louis - and she was not alone. "This wasn't at all what I expected," stated one participant from Iowa State University, who had driven 10 hours to attend the Seven Habits workshop as a part of Pi Kappa Phi. "I thought I would show up, a light bulb would switch on, and my life would be totally changed," he said. "But it's not so easy. It's more exciting than that. This is going to take work!" He had discovered why the Seven Habits aren't called the Seven Insights. He had also discovered that Pi Kappa Phi's Journey isn't a program but a search for a way of living.


Reprinted with permission from Seven Habits Magazine.



Greg Bennett

Memorial Fund ay the Journey of Hope is a life-changing endeavor. For the men of Pi Kappa Phi have completed the cross-country trek, many will tell you that the experience is ething that touches their hearts and changes them forever. Greg's fiance', Lee Spooner and his mother orgaFor some, the impact is so strong they change their major, or go on to lead volunteer nized a fund-raising gala to raise funds for PUSH efforts, or begin a career in the non-profit sector. America in his memory. The event, held last spring, Whatever the result, the memories raised over two thousand dollars to be used as seed money for the of the Journey of Hope and the nearly inexplicable experience of Greg Bennett Memorial Fund. serving others in such a powerful According to Ms. Spooner, "PUSH America was something way never die. The memories live on in the people who have comspecial to Greg, and he would be pleted the Journey of Hope, and in happy to know he helped make the impact they have on people something special happen for PUSH America." around them. This time, the memories The Greg Bennett Memorial will live on through the memory of Fund will assist children with one team member. Carl Gregory disabilities in attending summer CARL GREGORY BENNETT Bennett (Valdosta- Beta Tau) was a camp. PUSH America has a strong 1970-1995 crew member on the 1992 Journey working relationship with Easter of Hope team . Born with a rare disease, his mother Seals Camps and other camps serving children with would later say it was a miracle for Greg to have disabilities, and will work cooperatively with these made the trip. "Perhaps because he was having such organizations in making applications for assistance a wonderful time ... we're not sure why, that summer available for families in need. was one of the healthiest ... and the best .... of his The Fund will provide assistance beginning life," said Sue Bentley. He died suddenly in 1995 at summer 1997. For information about the Greg the age of 25 . Bennett Memorial Fund or to contribute to the The impact PUSH America had on Greg and fund, contact PUSH America, P.O. Box 241368, his family was profound. A year after his death, Charlotte, NC 28224.




Itinerary PUSH America expands its fund-raising and awareness programs with Gear Up Florida.

eveloped as the first spin-off to the Journey of Hope, Gear Up Florida brings Pi Kappa Phi undergraduates from across the country together for a two-week awareness campaign. From Miami to Tallahassee, the 25-man team will be spreading a message of hope and understanding to thousands through a variety of programs. "My number one goal is to make a difference in someone's life by the end of the trek," said team member Nick Ballinger, a student at Miami (Oh.) (Eta Upsithis May with the first -ever lon). Gear Up Florida! PUSH Gear Up Florida America's newest cycling team members also trek benefiting people with support PUSH America disabilities is set to r ide projects by contributing through 12 Florida cities $1,500 each through beginning May 9. Make a individual fund-raising difference by getting involved efforts. as a participant or event Organizations volunteer. Contact PUSH across the state have America at 1-800-929-7874 pledged their support to for more details. Gear Up Florida by


Hit the road

coordinating local events. The Polk County Association for Handicapped 32


May 9-10 Miami Citizens, Upper May 11 Everglades City Pinellas ARC, and May 12 Fort Myers Florida Marlins are just May 13 Sarasota a few who have May 14 Tampa already joined the May 15-16 Clearwater Gear Up team. May 17 Lakeland "The state of May 18-19 Orlando Florida has really May 20 Ocala opened up its arms to May 21 Gainesville PUSH America," said May 22 Perry Kelly Miller, PUSH May 23 Tallahassee America Special Events Assistant. "The response has been terrific and we are excited about the message we will be spreading across the state." Pi Kappa Phi alumni in the state of Florida are also joining forces with the Gear Up team. Cooperating as guest cyclists, local volunteers, and event participants, these alumni are providing great support to the new program. Some have taken an active role in developing special Gear Up Florida events by involving the state government and elementary schools in local activities. Adding financial support to Gear Up Florida are Publix Supermarkets, Fry Hammond Barr, and current Journey of Hope sponsor, Saturn. Through their contributions, the Gear Up team is on track for a successful first year.

ruP Pi K a ppa P h i Fraternity Serving People W ith D isabilities


NATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS Kevin K. Murphy P.O. Box 212 Rea~i ng. PA 19603

Dr. Richard B. Voomeveld College of Charleston Offi ce of Student Affairs Charleston, SC 29424

Parker H. Petit 1850 Parkway Place, 12th Fl. Marlena, GA 30067

Pi Kappa Phi Properties Executive Committee

Lonnie Strickland P.O. Box 870225 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487

President Mark F. Jacobs 5238 W. New jersey St. Indianapolis, IN 46220

Treasurer Hany E. Caldwell, Jr. 985 Valley View Road Indian Springs, AL 35124

PUSH America Board of Directors President Gregory L. Ball lll21 Carmel Commons Blvd., Ste 400 Charlotte, NC 28226

Vice President - Construction Gregory V. Linder Venture Concept 72 SE Sixth Ave. Delray, FL 33483

Secretary J. Ernest Johnson PM Realty Group 811 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 1650 Los Angeles, CA 90017

Vice President Dudley F. Woody P.O. Box 14125 Roanoke, VA 24038

Pi Kappa Phi National Council President Nathan Hightower P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 34617 Vice President J. Patrick Figley, D.Min. Peninsular Counseling Center 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609

Historian James A. Krucher Troy Corp. P.O. Box 955 Florham Park. NJ 07932 Chaplain John R. Andrews Sioux Council, B.S.A. 3200 West 49th Sioux Falls, SO 57 106 Chancellor Roben E. Glenn Glenn, Feldmann, Darby, Good! ate P.O. Box 2887 Roanoke, VA 24001 Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Trustees Chairman Kelley A. Bergstrom 900 N. Michigan Ave, Ste 1700 Chicago, IL 60611 Vice Chairman Frank L. Lane 8800 Roswell Rd., Ste 265 Atlanta, GA 30350 Secretary/Treasurer L. Clay Edmonds Brencor Inc. 5214 Maryland Way, Ste 402 Brentwood, TN 37027

Nathan Hightower P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater, FL 34617 Tom Caner 2908 Pine Needle Dr Ell icot City, MD 21042 Stephen DePalma P.O. Box 900 Manalapan, NJ 07726 Eldred J. Harman 867 Sunrise Blvd . Waterloo, lA 50701

Treasurer Charles P. Adams P.O. Box 26300 Greensboro, NC 27438 Secretary Roben McDonnell 212 S. Tryon St., Ste 980 Charlotte, NC 28281 Member-at-Large Leslie Paliyenko 345 N. College St Charlotte, NC 28202

Vice President - ILF Chuck). Barnard 101 N 1st Ave, 15th Floor Phoenix. AZ 85003 Treasurer J. Councill Leak 1900 Roxborough Road, Ste 200 Charlotte, NC 28211 Secretary Raben) . Paterno 700 NE 90th St, Ste B Miami, FL 33138 Member-at-Large Jay J. Stucke! 6157 Kenh Road St. Louis, MO 63128

Emmanual Boykin 400 Ga lleria Ofc Ste 109 Southfield, Ml 48034

Member-at-Large Glenn Aspinwall 250 Williams Street Atlanta, GA 30303

Edward L. Corson 3519 Verona Trail SW Roanoke, VA 24018


). Patrick Figley 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609

Alumni Relations: Frank Havard 2094 Forest Meadows Dr. Birmingham, AL 35242

Gail Glasser 6 Carriage Crossing Ct St. Charles, MO 63301 Wh it Gravely 4411 Plantation Road NE Roanoke, VA 24012 Lori A. Gwiazdzi nski 6600 E. Wilkinson Blvd Belmont, NC 28012 Gary Leonard 1744 Praters Point Dacula, GA 30211 Dr. Anhur ). Quickenton Appalachian State University Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction Boone, NC 28608 Michael W. Rilenge 1481 West lOth Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 Bruce L. Rogers 3 70 17th St. Ste 2300 Denver, CO 80202

Education: Glenn Dickson 19248 Celtic Street Nonhridge, CA 91326 Investment (pro tem): Hany E. Caldwell, Jr. 985 Valley View Road Indian Springs, AL 35124 Nomination: Jeny T. Brewer Director of Student Life M-USC-Russell House Columbia, SC 29208 Ritual & Insignia: David H. Vawter 441 D South Linden Ave. Waynesboro, VA 22980

National Headquarters P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704 )523-6000; FAX: (704 )52 1-8962 email: pikappnatl @aol.com hnp:ffwww.pikapp.org Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Assistant Executive Director jason K. Dodd Journey Director Stephen Whitby Director of Expansion Matthew Pena Director of Communications james P. O'Keefe Director of Marketing and Public Relations Jennifer L. Armstrong Director of Fmance Pamela Meachum Executive Director Emeritus Durward Owen Leadership Consultants Thomas Atwood, David Sullivan, Jeff Esola and Jon Jordan Office Manager Nancy Larsen Support Stall Correspondence Secretary Linda Littlejohn, Membership/Records Director Cindy Howell, Bookkeeper Cindy Mynatt and Receptionist Robin Peralta Administrative Interns Angela Bland, Dan French, John Owen

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 523-6000; email: alumexpand@aol.com Chairman Kelley A. Bergstrom 900 N. Michigan Ave, Ste 1700 Chicago, IL 60611 Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Director of Advancement Jeffrey S. Boggan Administrative Assistant Betsie Fehr Administrative Intern David Black Pi Kappa Phi Properties P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 523-6000; email: PKPP@aol.com Chairman Mark F. Jacobs 5238 W. New jersey St. Indianapolis, IN 46220 Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Ti mmes Executive Vice President Evan Erickson Administrative Assistant Betsie Fehr PUSH America P.O. Box 241368, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704)522-PUSH (7874); FAX: (704)52 1-8962 email: PUSHAmerica@ mindspring.com President Gregoty L. Bal l American Red Cross 11121 Carmel Commons Blvd., Suite 400, Charlotte, NC 28226 Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Executive Director Sally McArdle Marketing Director Chris Orr Director of Projects and Grants Eric Schmidhausler Director of Chapter Services James Lawson Director of Special Events Chad Coltrane Special Events Assistant Kelly Miller Administrative Assistant Terrie Smith Assodate Chad Nicholas Administrative Interns John McCurdy, Todd Nelmes, Lyn Wright, Scott Kopple, John Powers

Scholarship: Steve Sanders Indiana University Kirkwood Hall 104 Bloomington, IN 47405

S PRIN G 1997


CHAPTERS Alabama Albright Alabama-Birmingham Appalachian State Arizona Auburn Auburn-Montgomery Averett Barton Bloomsburg Bowung Green State Bradley California-Berkeley California-Irvine California - Los Angeles California-San Diego Cal. State-Chico Cal. State-Ful lerton Cal. State-Northridge Central Michigan Coastal Carolina Charleston Christian Brothers Christopher Newport Clemson Clinch Valley Colorado-Boulder Colorado State Concord Cornell Drexel Duke East Carolina Florida Florida Southern Florida State Furman George Mason Georgia Georgia College Georgia Southern Georgia Southwestern Georgia State Georgia Tech Illinois Illinois Tech Indiana Indiana at Penn Indiana State Iowa State IUPUI James Madison Kansas State Kennesaw State Kentucky LaGrange Lander LaSalle Lenoir-Rhyne Longwood Louisiana State U. Marshall Maryland Maryland-Bait. Memphis Mercer 34

Omicron Zeta Chi Epsilon Phi Delta Zeta Beta Theta

P.O. Box 6089, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 Box (A. C. Box) 74, Reading, PA 19612 Box 40, Univ. Ctr, Birmingham, AL 35294 ASU Box 8991, Boone, NC 28607 cjo jennifer Jones, Dept of Student Programs, Student Union 101, Tucson, AZ 85721 861 l..em Morrison Dr., Auburn, AL 36830 Alpha Iota Epsilon Delta P.O. Box 241332, Montgomery, AL36124 Zeta Xi P.O. Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 Zeta Tau 1214 W. Gold St., Wilson, NC 27893 Zeta Upsilon 95 Iron St., Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Delta Sigma R-3 Old Frat. Row, Bowung Green, OH 43403 Epsilon Mu 1530 W. Bradley Ave., Peoria, IL 61606 Gamma 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 Eta Eta P.O. Box4741, Irvine, CA 92616 Eta Sigma 626 Landfair, Los Angeles, CA 90024 Zeta Beta P.O. Box 948555, La)olla, CA 92037-9405 Zeta Lambda 811 Rio Chico Way, Chico, CA 95928 Zeta Rho Univ. Activities Ctr-7 4, Fullerton, CA 92634 Zeta Mu 17835 Parthenia St., Northridge, CA91325 Beta Xi 904 University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 Eta Pi P.O. Box 1954, Conway, SC 29526 Alpha Box 1493, Stem Student Center, SC 29424 Epsilon Sigma 650 E. ParkwayS., Memphis, TN 38104 Eta Iota 121 Barlow Rd., Williamsburg, VA 23188 Zeta Alpha P.O. Box 2186, Clemson, SC 29632 Epsilon Epsilon CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 Eta Gamma 935 16th St., Boulder, CO 80302 Zeta Phi 1201 S. Shields, Fort Collins, CO 80521 Eta Alpha C-49, Concord College, Athens, WV24712 Psi 55 Ridgewood Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 Alpha Upsilon 3405 Powelton Ave., Philly, PA 19104 Mu P.O. Box 97675, Durham, NC 27708 Beta Phi 803 Hooker Rd., Greenville, NC 27834 Alpha Epsilon 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 Beta Beta Box 15215, cfo FSC. Lakeland, FL 33802 Beta Eta 423 W. College Ave., Tallahassee, FL32301 Delta FU-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 29613 Zeta Epsilon GMU, SUB l Box 85, Fairfax, VA 22030 Lambda 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30605 Epsilon Upsilon CP02424, BoxlOOO, Milledgeville, GA31061 Gamma Kappa LB #12343, GSC, Statesboro, GA 30460 Gamma Xi 103 William B. King Dr., Americus, GA 31709 Beta Kappa Box 1848 Univ. Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303 Iota cfo Paul Gulley, 3581 Yarmouth Hill, Lawrenceville, GA 30244 306 E Gregory Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 Upsilon 3333 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 60616 Alpha Phi Alpha Psi 1720 N. Jordan, Bloomington, IN 47406 946 Church St., Indiana, PA 15701 Zeta Iota Eta Beta cfo Dave Swaider, 540 Elm St. Terre Haute, IN 47807 Alpha Omicron 407 Welch Ave ., Ames, lA 50010 Zeta Psi 815 W Michigan St., Room LY006 Indianapolis, IN 46202 Delta Tau P.O. Box7187, )MU, Harrisonburg, VA22807 1614 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS 66502 Delta Chi P.O. Box440053, Kennesaw, GA30144 Eta Delta cjo Jay McCoy, 575 Patterson Office Tower, Eta Tau Lexington, KY 40506 Box 1170, 601 Broad, LaGrange, GA30240 GarnmaNu Gamma Rho Box 6191, Lander, Greenwood, SC 29649 LU-Box692, Philadelphia, PA 19141-5150 Epsilon Xi LRCBox 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 Epsilon Rho Epsilon Gamma Box3006-Longwood Col., Farmville, VA23909 Gamma Iota PO Box 25068, Baton Rouge, LA 70894 1434 5th Ave, Huntington, WV 25701 Zeta Pi #8 Fraternity Row, College Park, MD 20740 Eta Epsilon 43 N Prospect Ave., CantonsviUe, MD 21228 Eta Phi Gamma Delta . 3841 Spottswood Ave, Memphis, 1N 38111 Alpha Alpha MU-Box 70112, Macon, GA 31207


Miami of Ohio Michigan Michigan State Missouri Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Morehead State

Eta Upsilon 111 E. Spring St., Oxford, OH 45056 Alpha Kappa 903 Lincoln, Ann Arbor, Ml48104 Alpha Theta 131 Bogue St., E. Lansing, Ml48823 Beta Epsilon 915RichmondAve.. , Columbia,M065201 Gamma Lambda 1704 Pine St., Rolla, MO 65401 Gamma Omega Drawer AY, UM,Montevallo, AL 35115 Delta Eta Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 Beta Alpha 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 NJIT North Carolina Kappa 216FinleyGolfCourse,Chape1HiU, NC27514 UNCCharlotte Delta Lambda Cone Univ. Ctr., UNCC. Charlotte, NC 28223 UNCGreensboro P.O. Box 1361-62, Greensboro, NC27413 Epsilon Iota Gamma Theta Univ. Ctr, Rm. 202, Wllmington, NC28407 UNCWumington North Carolina State Tau 2401 W. Fraternity Ct., Raleigh, NC27606 North Dakota Zeta Gamma 407 Cambridge St., Grand Forks, ND 58203 North Florida Zeta Zeta cfoRayBeltz,8787SouthsideBlvdApt2716, Jacksonville, FL 32256 North Georgia Delta Beta Box 5165-NGC. Dahlonega, GA 30597 Oklahoma Alpha Gamma 1714 S. Chautaugua, Norman, OK 73072 Oklahoma State Gamma Upsilon 1415 West Third, Stillwater, OK 74074 Old Dominion Gamma Beta StudentAa., PKP,2122Webb0r., Norfolk. VA23529 Oregon State Alpha Zeta 2111 Harrison NW, Corvallis, OR 97330 Eta Nu 4040 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 Pennsylvania Penn State Alpha Mu 409 E. Fairmont, State College, PA 16801 Pittsburgh Delta Upsilon 3800 University Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Beta PCBox 51069, Clinton, SC 29325 Presbyterian Omega 330 N . Grant St, W. Lafayette, IN 47906 Purdue Queens Eta Zeta Box813, Queens College, Charlotte, NC28274 Rensselaer 49 Second St., Troy, NY 12180 Alpha Tau Xi Box 1761, Roanoke, Salem, VA 24153 Roanoke Epsilon Tau SJU, 5600City Ave., Box230, Phila., PA 19131 St. Joseph's SU Box 292474, Birmingham, AL 35229 Alpha Eta Samford San Francisco Eta Theta Assoc. Students Off. UC402, Ignation Heights, San Francisco 94117 San Francisco State Eta Omicron 200 Park Plaza Dr #36, Daly City, CA 94015 Seton Hall Epsilon Theta 46 Fleet St., Jersey City, NJ 07306 Shippensburg Zeta Delta 26 Middle;pringAw, Shippe:rNxng PA 17257 Slippery Rock Rm.221 -C.Univ.Union,Siip.Rock.PAI6057 Epsilon Psi Gamma Phi P.O. Box U-1208, USA, Mobile, AL36608 South Alabama Southwest Texas Eta Rho 301 W. San Antonio, San Marcos, 1X 78666 Epsilon Lambda 800 UniversityWay, Spartanburg, SC29303 USCSpartanburg Southern Tech Epsilon Kappa 1100 S. Marietta Pkwy., Marietta, GA30060 Stockton State Zeta Kappa 120 S. New York Rd., Absecon, NJ 08201 SUNY-Albany Eta Xi P.O. Box 22102, Albany, NY 12222 Eta Lambda Std Aa Ofc Rm 203, Seymour Clg Un, SUNY-Brockport Brockport, NY 14420 SUNY-Cortland Zeta Omicron P.O. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 SUNY-Plattsburgh Eta Kappa College Center, PKP,Plattsburgh NY 12901 Tampa Beta Lambda UT Box 2771, 401 W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33606 Tennessee Alpha Sigma P.O. Box 8629, Knoxville, TN 37996-0002 Texas A&M Delta Omega 1401 Athens Dr, College Station, 1X 77840 Texas-Arlington Delta Psi ill-Arlington, 705 S. Swnmit, Arl'gt'n, TX 76013 Texas Tech Epsilon Omega P.O . Box 4678, Lubbock, 1X 79409-4678 Toledo Beta Iota 2999 W. Bancroft, A-2, Toledo, OH 43606 Towson State Zeta Omega TSU Box 1971, Towson, MD 21204 Troy State Gamma Gamma TSU Box 1738, Troy, AL 36082 Truman State Delta Delta P.O . Box 562, Kirksville, MO 63501 Valdosta State Beta Tau VSU Box 7136, Valdosta, GA31698 Villanova Epsilon Omicron 215 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 19085 Vuginia Beta Upsilon 510 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22903 Virginia Commonwealth Epsilon Pi 1226 W Cary St Richmond, VA 23220 Virginia Tech Delta Alpha 1101 Redbud Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24060 Washington Alpha Delta 4530 17th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105 Washington & Lee Rho W&L P.O. Box 903, Lexington, VA 24450 Western Carolina Gamma Epsilon P.O . Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 West Chester Zeta Nu 709 S. Walnut St., West Chester PA 19383 West Vtrginia Tech Gamma Zeta 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, WV 25136 West Vtrginia Alpha Rho 650 N Spruce St., Morgantown, WV 26505 Wingate Eta Mu Box 1648 Wingate, Wingate NC 28174 West Alabama Gamma Alpha P.O . Box M, uvingston, AL 354 70 Wofford Zeta Pi Kappa Phi, Wofford,Spartanburg,SC29303

HOUSING CORPORATIONS Alpha Beta Gamma Iota Kappa Lambda u Xi Omicron Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Psi Omega Alpha Gamma Alpha Delta Alpha Epsilon Alpha Zeta Alpha Eta Alpha Theta Alpha Iota Alpha Kappa Alpha Mu Alpha Omicron Alpha Rho Alpha Sigma Alpha Tau Alpha Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Beta Alpha Beta Epsilon Beta Eta Beta Iota Beta Tau Beta Upsilon Beta Phi Gam ma Alpha Gamma Beta Gam ma Gamma Gamma Delta Gamma Epsilon Gamma Zeta Gamma Theta Gamma Iota Gamma Kappa Gamma Lambda GammaNu Gamma Xi Gamma Upsilon Gamma Phi Gamma Omega Delta Alpha Delta Beta Delta Delta Delta Zeta Delta Lambda Delta Upsilon Delta Chi Delta Psi Delta Omega Epsilon Delta Epsilon Epsilon Epsilon Eta Epsilon Theta Epsilon Iota Epsilon Mu Epsilon Nu Epsilon Sigma Epsilon Tau Epsilon Psi Epsilon Omega Zeta Alpha Zeta Gamma Zeta Epsilon Zeta Zeta Zeta Iota

Gregory D Padgen Timothy C Foster Steven J Crase Frederick Massey Donald E Pulliam Floyd L Langston Randall D Lorenzen Mark D Edgell Hany E Caldwell Jr. Robert 0 Waldbauer Michael T Lowman Robert L Lamphier Jr. Andrew BCoxhead Gary R Fisher James S Bohner Brian A Link Derrick A Rogers PeterTCummings Randal l J Coll is Lamar BLackey Manhew J Shaheen Daryl R Griswold Jonathan P Albert Boblgo Kelley A Bergstrom MikeTumer Spears P Vavalides John Danish Frederick W Schmehl Gregory J Pleszkun Phillip M Summers James A Krucher Charles A Balsamo Steven J Louchheim Mark A Urrutia William RTouchton Leroy R Hamlett Jr. Scon Smith Joseph LAlexander Joel Allen David B Dorsey Arthur N Demetriou james M Reece Frederick S Adams Michael RTurner Thomas M Lusk Glenn Aspimvall David LSiems Richard D Jolly Jr NeilD Suggs Robert D Paiva Frank W Henderson Richard Neathammer Michael P Larkin Steven G Blackmon Irvin P Howard Ill Gregory J Proctor Bobby L Bollinger Jr. Tom M Kubilius Brent A Grauberger Steven M. Kosta JeffreyS Fuechec Danny MTice Gary BVanover Richard L Moore Thomas P Mulligan Alan B Overbey Timothy F Sumner Kent W Meyer Christopher W Mills Vincent J Thompson jr Alben LShultz II Roy BGoodloe Ill Scon C Gasparini Mark A Hobson Timothy J Quick Robert TTalley Charles F Geraci

(803} 55G-110G(H) (704) 8G8-93G1(H) (510) 778-8085 (H) (404) 955-0174 (1-l) (919) 554- 1050(H) (70G) 237-3960 (1-l) (402) 551-5077(H) (910) 643-0352 (H) (205) 988-0582( H) (540) 943-896G (H) (803 ) 750-7190(H) (919) 851-9090(H) (312) 565- 1500 (W) (G07) 387-5804( H) (765) 846-3008(H) (405) 321-2G97(H) (20G) 813-9404 (H) (904 ) 273-4454( H) (503) 687-2528( H) (205 ) 879-5459 (H) (312) 472-321G(H) (404) G3G-2889(H) (810) 377-0354 (H) (814) 238-8934 (H) (84 7) 25G-2G87( H) (304) 29G-252G (H) (423 ) 584-4521(H) (51 8) 279-3788(W) (215) 777-0488 (H) (708) 403-7372(1-1) (812) 882-8525(H ) (201) 54G-0035 (H) (314) G64 -5357(H ) (904) GG8-880G(H ) (419) 474-443G(H) (801) 773-7400(W) (804) 973-G557(H) (703} 922-G313 (H) (205 ) 392-4739 (H) (703) 444-4142(H) (334) 262-5211 (H) (901 ) 758-243G(H ) (9 54) 584-8886( H) (304) 755-4051 (H) (919) 395-5209(H) (504) 344-3307( H) (770) 449-3542(H) (314) 542-2138(H) (405) 275-5500( H) (334) 473-4486(W) (205) 979 -4100(H) (GIO) 328-1533(H) (770) 932-2378(H) (314} 939-GG64(H) (704) 372-0847 (W) (704) 3G5-8728(H) (908) 598-4000 (W) (71G) 898-5892(W) (817) 572-7034 (W) (409) 543-8280( H) (334) 271-G744(H) (540) 92G-8620(H) (704) 54 1-5217(H) (201) 744-1747(H) (910) 275-G452 (W) (217) G98-0233 (H) (91G) 929 -G880( H) (90 1) 7G6-7 3G4(H ) {716) 634- 1699{H ) {412) 658-5996(1-1 ) (BOG) 796-7285( 1-1) (770) 424- 1835(H) {603 ) 433 -8593{H) {757 ) 721-9073 {1-1) {904) 642-0444( 1-1) (718) 455-7741(W)

Zeta Lambda Zeta Xi Zeta Om icron Zeta Pi Zeta Rho Zeta Sigma Zeta Tau Eta Beta Eta Gamma Eta Epsilon Eta Eta Eta Sigma

Brad LStrong Mark A CeMntes Robert G Anzalone Jr. David C Bailey David LGoldenberg David A I-I ian Steven W Breasure Matthew E Burris Garron M Bateman Paul LStynchcomb James L Rundle Steven S Ryder

(91G) 445-2112(W) (804) 793-4392(W) (71 8) 740-774 1(H) (304) 755-3245(W) (714} 557-4G1G(H) (91 G) 346-8374 (H) (919) 347-3588(W) (812) 234-38GG(H) (303) 770-3G22(H) (301) 8G9-G874 (H) (714) 562-3800(W) (310) 477-9244(H)

ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Gulf Coast Alumni Assoc.-William H Ishee Austin Area Alumni Association-PaulS Drake-(512) 219-0445 Central Alabama Alumni Assoc.-James B Beal )r.-(205 ) 668-1931 Chicago Area Alumni Assoc.-Mark Singer (312} 549-4230 Greater Atlanta Alumni Assoc.-Mark FChristopher-( 404) 934-6005 Dallas/Ft. Worth Alumni Assoc.-Nick Murzin (817) 561-1037 Des Moines Alumni Association-JohnS Kirk-(51 5) 226-0693 (1-l) Greenwood Alumni Chapter-Charles M Watson Jr -(803) 229-2569 GreaterToledo Alumni Chapter-Gregory Lardinais -(419) 897-0020 Mo ntgomery Area Alumni Assoc.- Robert Clark)r -(334) 277-5817 North Jersey Alumni Association-Jerry C. WangIndianapolis Alumni Association-Stephen KBarber-(317) 326-2615 San Diego Alumni Association-Buzz Holdorf-(61 9) 439-6303 Tampa Alumni Association-Perry Monastero-(813 )835- 1044

ALUMNI CHAPTERS A-Gregory Padgett-(803) 556-1106(H) B- Ed Hahn-(202 )332-8410 r - Steven J Crase- (510) 778-8085 (H) AREA !-Frederick A Massey Sr.-( 404) 955-0174(H) K- Ed Pulliam-(919) 554- 1050(H) A- Floyd L Langston-(706) 237-3960(H) M- William D Fuqua-(706} 832-3914(H) II N- Randall D Lorenzen-( 402 ) 551-5077(H) :=:- Mark D Edgell-( 703) 774-3199 (H) 0 - Harry E Caldwell )r.-(205) 988-0582(H) III I - Mich ael T Lowman-(803) 750-7190(H) IV T- Ro bert L Lamphier Jr. -(919) 851-9090(H) X-Gary A Meadows-(904) 736-3255(H) '!'- Jo hnS Kirk-(515) 226-0693 (H) v Q- Mark V DeFabis-(317) 293-8609(H) AA- Ro nny E Williams-(912) 471-6937(H) A~-Derrick Rogers-(206 ) 255-1855(H) VI AE- Michael Mitchell-(813) 835-8462(1-l) AZ- Randall J Collis-(503 ) 687-2528(H) AH-Steven D Lackey-(334) 342-3862(H) VII A0- Matth ew J Shaheen-(312) 472-3216(H) AJ - Daryl R Griswold-(404) 636-2889 (H) AK- Christopher R Meo no- (313} 930-1596(H) VIII AM-Kevi n K Murphy-(610) 488 -0417(H) AO- Kelley A Bergstrom-(708) 256-2687( H) AP- Patrick E Farley-(412) 681-5269 (H) IX AT- Michael N Desmarais AY- Frederick W Schmeh-(215) 777-0488 (H) A<D- Gregory J Pleszkun-(708 ) 403-7372(1-l) X BA- Timothy C Foster-(704) 868-9361(1-l) BE- Shann W Parker BH- Gary K Vaughn(904) 893-8896(H) XI BM- C M Adrian-(601) 324-7255 (H) BT --Club-Jo nathan Scott-(704 ) 333-6766 BY- Leroy R Haml ett Jr.-(804) 973-6557 (1-l) XII B<I>-Scott Smith-(703) 370-4553 (H) fA - joseph L Alexander-(205) 392-4739 (1-l) rB- Pau l Dickson-(703 ) 362-3577 (H) XIII rr- David B Dorsey-(334) 262-5211(1-1) fE- James M Reece- {919 ) 765-8988{1-l) fZ-Michael Ziegler {304 ) 787-3749 {H) EA-)o hn Harris, Jr. (803) 542-2560 (H) ZT- Jason Jo hnson (919) 291-6199 (W)

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Ariwna State 1255 E. University # 171 Tempe, AZ 8528 1 Min nesota 61114thAveSE Minneapolis, MN 55414 Mississippi P.O. Box909 Universtiy of Mississippi Oxford, MS 38677 New Mexico State cfo Greek Affairs Corbens Std Union New Mexico St. Univ. Las Cruces, NM 88003 O regon Ste. 5 EMU 1228 Univ. of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403 Southern California cfo Matthew Darrow 2272 El Arbolita Dr Glendale, CA 91208 Stetson Stetson Box 824 1 DeLand, FL 32720

GOVERNORS Thomas Wilson 23 Kimberly Lane Morriso nville, NY 12962 Norma n Mawby 7 Co nstance Dr. Glen Riddl e- Lima, PA 19037 Vacant David Simas 12 16 Terrence Place Charlotte, NC 28209 Remley R. Campbe U 11 Ha lsey Street Charl esto n, SC 29401 Scott C. Gasparini 2070 Ko ld Bridge Ct. Marietta, GA 30060 J. Jeffry Wahlen P.O. Box 39 1 Tallahassee, FL 32302 Ralph S. Fo ste r 210 Mell Hall Auburn Univ, AL 36849-5607 Jeffrey Luebke r 5825 N. Winthrop Avenue Indianapo lis, IN 46220 Chuck Howard 2732 Bromley Dr. O' Fallon, MO 63366 Billy L. Jacobs 4335 Vine Ridge Ct. Arlington, TX 76017 Dr. Frank M. Pa rrish 7742 S. Harrison Circl e Littleton, CO 80122 Robert E. Langbe in 1557 Douglas Drive El Ceri to, CA 94703



land of the Florida State League that summer, he hit .257 with 65 RBI in 130 games. He was sixth in Carolina League batting in 1972 for Rocky Mount (.307, 5 RBI) then spent the 1972-73 seasons with Montgomery of the Southern League before retiring. Catcher Jim. Gurzynski played two years at Florida State then s~t one season with the Dodgers' farm at Dayto~ Beach in 1969. Larry Cocks started left field for ih( 1970 College World Series "'路"""....,......... ..,squad then proved to be a fine-fielding

in eight minor league seasons. He led the Florida State League with 27 home runs and 89 RBI in 1972 then repeated as Eastern League leader in 1974 27 homers, 105 RBI) . Baker earned his first big

1977 (2 games) . Lefty hurler Jim Conroy of State (Alpha Mu) earned All-American second honors in 1972, was drafted by the Chicago spent a season in their farm system. Pi Kappa Phi's latest collegiate star, second baseman Powers of Arizona (Beta Theta), is now in his

10 with a a.393 average, was on

the AII-Pac-10 Southern Division 'first team and was named to the GTE Academic All-America University Division first team. After signing with the Padres,

second by Detroit in 1970. 36


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