
Page 1


'The Greater Fraternity As Pi Kappa Phi prepares to come

has offered and can offer to chapters, under-

together for Supreme Chapter (August 8-12), it is important for the Fraternity to remind

graduates and alumni alike.

itself of how it has gotten to where it is. Our

received a tremendous boost from the founder

has come directly from the success of _.....,_success individual chapters; their success means the success of the greater Pi Kappa Phi . To be visualizing the Fraternity as a collection of separate chapters is incorrect. We are, rather, a

Speaking of support, Push America of The Journey of Hope. Bruce Rogers (Stetson -Chi) and his company KRG Capital Partners has made a challenge to Push : for every dollar up to $150,000 they raise, KRG will match it. This is a momentous opportunity for Push and its programs! If you would like to find out

collective brotherhood, which

more about the matching fund and how you

are, "bound together in a

can help, give Susan DeLong a call at ext. 121.

common loyalty, which

As the Fraternity continues its aggres-

transcends any personal selfishness. "

sive expansion efforts across the country, we

There are many topi cs to discuss about how a chapter, or rather, a fraternity, finds

proudly announce the arrival of two Bchapters. At Stetson University in Deland, FL, we

success-rush, risk management, public

welcomed back Chi Chapter on Feb. 17, while in Fort Worth, TX, Texas Christian University

relations, finances, etc. The one element that touches many brothers very deeply, however, is

(Eta Chi) received their charter on March 7.

how Pi Kappa Phi treats its own family. In this

Both chapters are excited about the future and

issue of the Star & Lamp, the feature discussion

look forward to the challenges ahead . Congratulations!

of legacies notes that the traditions of this Fraternity are important, not only in the

Finally, as membership of the Frater-

practical sense of keeping brothers involved,

nity grows, so does the collection of Pi Kappa

but also in the spiritual sense of keeping alive

Phi housing across the country. Currently, Pi

the ideals upon which this Fraternity was

Kapp Properties is offering recent graduates an

founded. It is also critical that fathers talk to

opportunity to become resident advisors for

there sons, tell them about the Fraternity, relay what it has meant in their lives and how they would benefit from Pi Kappa Phi.

Fraternity properties including Cornell (Psi), Michigan (Alpha Kappa), LSU (Gamma Iota) and Kansas State (Delta Chi). The position

Also speaking on the greater Fraternity is the 1997 Foundation Annual Report. This

offers free room and board and a great way to gain valuable leadership skills. Contact Evan

year the report has been expanded to help

Erickson at ext. 105, or e-mail him at

explain how the Foundation helps to support educational programs for chapters. Some of these programs you might not be familiar with-Chapter Investment Funds, Matching Gifts, the President's Circle-while others are very familiar-Push America, The Journ ey

pkpp@aol.com, for more information .

Project. It should be a goal of all brothers to educate themselves on what th e Foundation




A topic that has been on the minds of those in the fraternity world, the Star & Lamp looks at the important role that legacies play in the future success of Pi Kappa Phi. Page 4


DEPARTMENTS & FEATURES Lawrence Black (James Madison- Delta Tau) breaks new ground in trading on the net. Page 2 ALso: East Carolina (Beta Phi) celebrates its 35th Anniversary, along with other chapter anniversaries. TJ. Sullivan receives the NIC's Silver Medal Award. Page 3


Image Copyright Š Photodisc, Inc.

Kappa Phi has endorsed a new software product to help chapters with financial and membership management. Page 31


Chapter is rechartered. Pi Kappa Phi finds a new home at Texas Christian. Page 33


Star & Lamp recognizes those brothers celebrating their 50th Anniversary in Pi Kappa Phi. Page 34 GowEN LEGION: The

Those brothers and family of the Fraternity who have passed on to the Chapter Eternal are paid honor. Page 36


the foundation of the journey, academic coaches provide invaluable support to Level II journey chapters. Page 41 Also: LaGrange (Gamma Nu) is implemented into the journey. Page 40


A $150,000 matching gift has been donated to Push America as the journey of Hope marks its lOth Anniversary. Page 42


FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT Th e Pi Kappa Ph i Foundation recognizes the 1997 do nors and Pi Kapp Sch olars. Page 6

Address corrections should be sent to Pi Kappa Phi, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224

JMU Alumnus revolutionizes stock trading Lawrence Black (James Madison- Delta Tau) is

trading platform is linked directly to the

not your typical stock market investor. Perched

ASDAQ Stock Market and other major

in front of four large computer screens in his

exchanges. Consequently, most of his trades are

home office, Black fires off stock trades faster

confirmed in one or two seconds.

than most people can change the channel on

"They will probably buy the same

their television . Last year alone he executed

shares from me that I bought earlier for a much

over 10,000 trades for his own account.

lower rate," notes Black.

Now, Black is trying his hand at writing. He recently teamed up with Todd

Black's average trade lasts less than five minutes, and he has been known to perform 100 such trades in a single day. "Competition has increased with the growing interest, " explains Black. "Electronic trading-or microtrading-is full of intensity and stress; split-second decisions separate the successful from the disgruntled." Consequently, turnover in the profession is high. "It is possible for people to lose an awful lot of money in a short time if they do

Trade, to write a book entitled, "The Microtrading Revolution." The book, which

not have the proper training," says Black. If this all sounds like something that is

was released in January 1998, is the first

only for licensed professionals, think again.

published book to chronicle the evolution of

The access that Black has is available to anyone.

electronic trading and discuss the opportunities

The only catch: most firms that offer direct

now available to individual traders and inves-

links to the exchanges require a trader to open


an account with at least $50,000. Although "The Microtrading Revolu-

tion " will not be available in book stores until

Although he has only been trading this way for less than three years, Black is consid-

May, Black and Hawley have already been

ered a veteran in the industry. When he first

selling it from their web site at www.microtrading.com. The response so far

began trading in 1995, he was among only 100 non -licensed individuals in the entire country

has been overwhelming-the authors sold out

directly accessing the markets. Now there are

of the first run after only five weeks. "I probably get a dozen calls a dayeveryone from college graduates to lawyers and business owners," says Black. "It's amazing how many people are interested in trading for a living."

thousands of such traders, and the number is growing as people become aware of th e stunning advantages the system offers. Black may soon have to trade his pajamas in for more regular work attire. He recently has been recruited by several firms-

Black and Hawley coined the term "microtrading" to describe their fast-paced style of extracting profits from the market. Their

that offer electronic trading-to train their traders. *

T.J. Sullivan awarded National Interfraternity Conference Silver Medal



Sulli va n (Indiana- Alph a Psi) received the

id ea l o f se rvi ce to yo uth ; a champi o n o f efforts to ra ise fraternity stand ards; freely

• Sil ver Med al from the

Nation al Interfraternity Co nfer-

given tim e, effort and energy; promo-

ence (NI C) at th e Annual Meeting

ti o n o f sound educati o nal atta inm ent

o f th e NI C and the Associatio n o f

o f pos itive advantages to youth ; and

Fraterni ty Advisors in December.

representing the composite aim of all fraternity leaders and working to

The Silver Medal honors signifi ca nt involvem ent in vo lunteer or p rofess ion al servi ce to men's general college fraterni -

improve the service o f th e fraternity Sullivan (right) and friend Goldman with their awards.

ti es. The Medal is also awa rded fo r a sin gul ar

leaders and workers to improve th e servi ce o f the fraternity and educa-

ti o na! systems.


o utstanding achi eve ment o r service o n behalf of the enti re fraternity system . Sullivan's commitment to HN/AIDS

Beta Phi turns 35

educati o n a nd awareness has made him a n


unfo rgettabl e presence within the interfratern al

....Ca ro lin a State Unive rsity on Febru ary 16.

co mmuni ty. Having presented their signature

Th e Beta Phi C hapte r recognized th e occas io n

progra m, "Friendship in th e Age o f AIDS, " to

w ith a weekend o f eve nts, including a visit

mo re th an 500,000 co ll ege students, Sulliva n

fro m Na ti o na l Vice Pres ident Dr.) . Patri ck

and hi s speaking partn er Joel Go ldm an (Sigm a


Alpha Mu) , have becom e eas ily recognized as

i Kapp a Phi ce lebrated its 3 5' 11 yea r at East

"We just had o ur largest pl edge class

75thAnnhersary Mercer (Alpha Alpha) February 16

cha mpi o ns fo r this cause. Sulli va n's wo rk o n

eve r, o ur chapter is out of d ebt a nd our im age

coll egiate hea lth topics span beyo nd HIY/A IDS

has in creased - thi s anniversary helped us

lOth AnniYersary

educati o n. He is a form er staff member of The

recogni ze all of th e achi eve ments and th e


BACC HU S and GAMMA Peer Educati o n

peo pl e th at helped us get there," says Archon

(Gamma Theta)

Netwo rk, where he served as a co mmuni cations

David Culp .


speciali st and educator o n hea lth -related topi cs.

The events bega n on Frid ay eve ning

as a fo unding fath er of th e Pi Kappa Phi chapter

asso ciate cl ass. Three father's were a lso a lumni

at Indi ana University. In 1989, he jo in ed th e

initi ated. Aftetwa rd, roughly 200 und ergradu-

25th Anniversaries Appalachian State (Delta Zeta)

staff o f Push America, th e nati o nal servi ce

ate and alumni gath ered for dinn er.


Sullivan's fraternal invo lvement bega n

proj ect of Pi Kappa Phi . Sulliva n is th e manag-

with initi ati o n o f th e chapter's 20-m an

The speakers at the Anniversary Ba nqu et included Beta Phi Alumni Chapter

Morehead State

currently com pl eting graduate wo rk at th e

Pres ident Scott Smith , Dr. Figl ey a nd Culp .

(Delta Eta)

University of Co lo rad o .

Awa rds were prese nted to Ra ndy Bisho p fo r

February 10

the a reas of: d istinguish ed service to fraterni ty youth; a life d evo ted to servi ce to th e fraternity

hi s d edi ca ti o n to th e ch a pter a nd to Ward en Joey Gree ne fo r an o utsta nding jo b w ith th e associate class. Bisho p was also prese nted

Pittsbwgh (Delta Upsilon)

movem ent; a personifi cati o n of th e goa l and

with Alumnus o f th e Yea r.

ing partner of OTH Co nsultants, Inc., and is

The awa rd is based o n achi evement in


~24 S PRI NG 1 99 8







David Adams (Alabama- Omicron} talks about his grandfather's fraternity ring like it is an extension of his body-something so vital, he wouldn't lmow what to do if he lost it. "It's the only thing I have on me all the time," assures Adams. The ring belonged to Adams' grandfather-Jack Roberts-Who graduated from Auburn in 1938 (although, at that time, the school was named Alabama Poly-'Iedmical Institute). After his death in the early 50s, Roberts' ring was packed away with tkt test of his keepsakes. But it was upon Adams' initiation into Pi Kappa Phi that the ring breathed life again . "I came to see my grandma and told her I had joined this raternity," remembers Adams. "When I told her the name Pi Kappa Phi, she said, Well, then, you might want to have your grandfathers' fraternity ring:" The ring that was handed to Adams' was only slightly worn. Its gold band was decorated in the spirit of the school mascot (the Eagle} and the graduating class. A red

know it.

stone occupied the top, center of the band, reflecting the school color. What attracted Adams' the most, howeve r, was the tiny crest on the stone, bearing the familiar lamp, the recognizable crossed swords and the learned words of the Fraternity. It was a Pi Kappa Phi crest. Adams' was a legacy and didn't even

two things that keep people from encouraging legacies: 1) the fear that the son doesn't want to go Pi Kapp, and the father is trying too hard to push them; and 2) worried about the experience of the Fraternity, and that the experience will not the same as the fathers'." Nonetheless, the process begins on the level of each individual chapter; because the greater Fraternity is only as good as each

"It would have probably weighted a

little bit more knowing that I had a legacy," says Adams. "It would have felt more like I was carrying on a tradition." Filling the roles of both leadership consultant and director of alumni relations for Pi Kappa Phi, Adams' knows both the value of legacies within the greater Fraternity, and the troubles some chapters are having with such an issue. "I'm fortunate because I was able to work for the national office and see the Fraternity on a broader scale," says Adams. "It's different when you're an undergradwhen you first go to college, you don't want anyone telling you what to do, especially alumni,_yet, chapters' want the alumni to support them n The conundrum doesn't stop there, according to Adams'. A central concern also falls with the parents of legacies-specifically the fathers. "The father's often don't take an active enough role," notes Adams. " There are

chapter. legacies on the chapter level

A misunderstanding rather than a conflict

According to Ted Scharfenstein (Florida Southern- Beta Beta), the legacy

As voiced by some chapters, a problem often arises not so much in accepting

issue has more recently become a topic of

legacies, but in accepting legacies who don't

discussion because of the past growth pattern

treat their situation with respect.

of Pi Kappa Phi. "The men who were in the chapters

"Sometimes there is a legacy that is simply a bad fit with the chapter, " says

in the 50s, 60s and 70s saw tremendous

Scharfenstein. "When I was in school, there

growth in the Fraternity," explains

was a guy who came into the chapter house

Scharfenstein . " Before that time, however,

with some suitcases and asked, 'Where should

chapters were considerably smaller, so there

I put my stuff?' His father was from the

were fewer opportunities for legacies to occur.

Stetson chapter, so we gave him a chance at

Because of that growth, the numbers of

rush .

members increased, so now, there are more

"That guy, essentially, ruined himself

chances for legacies to show up at chapters."

by automatically initiating himself," notes

Having held the positions of assistant executive secretary and national president

Scharfenstein. "If fathers would educate their

through that growth period, Scharfenstein

proach chapters and fraternity, then I

sons and provide guidance on how to ap-

feels that the amount of importance the

think a lot of the problems would be

Fraternity places on legacies today is crucial to


its survival tomorrow. "I have gotten calls and letters about legacies being rejected all too many times, "

Not only does it seem the job of undergraduate chapters to at least

says Sharfenstein, who has served as Founda-

give a legacy a chance at becoming a brother, it is equally as important

tion executive vice president and was named

that fathers and alumni educate

Mr. Pi Kappa Phi in 1983 . "I really believe that this (issue) is one of the most serious ones this Fraternity faces, and how it is dealt

younger generations on the meaning of Fraternity and Pi Kappa Phi .

with is a considerable factor in its long-term development. " By openly giving legacies a chance to

"I have yet to talk to a Pi Kapp who wouldn't like to see his son become a Pi Kapp," says Andrew Alexander Kroeg III

rush and participate in the bid process,

(Charleston - Alpha) , whose father helped

chapters help perpetuate positive brotherhood within the Fraternity, says Scharfenstein.

found Pi Kappa Phi. Kroeg, at the time of his 路bid from Pi

A legacy can not only add to a chapter's

Kappa Phi, was also being rush ed by another

brotherhood with a member who is (even before associateship) knowledgeable about the Fraternity, but with a father who becomes reinvigorated with the Fraternity. This often translates into additional financial and organizational alumni support to the chapter.

fraternity on the College of Charleston campus. Since his fath er had died when he was only 9, Kroeg never had the opportunity to talk to his father about th e early days of the Fraternity. continued page 32

Andrew Alexander Kroeg lJl, age 5, with his father.

S PRI NG 1998


Our brothers in construction will agree that the most imponant component of a building is its foundation. Great buildings like the World Trade Center, or the Sears Tower, all are built on solid foundations. If your foundation is weak, it will crumble and your building will fall. If your found ation leaks, water will seep in and all your possessions in your building will ruin. In order to build a solid structure, every organization needs to build a strong foundation and maintain it by making it stronger. The year 1997 was a strengthening year for the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Strengthening the Foundation also allowed us to build a stronger Fraternity. It helped us bring more scholarship opponunities to the undergraduate members of Pi Kappa Phi. Strengthening the Foundation also helped us bring value-added programs like the Journey to our undergraduate members. Additionally, these funds helped subsidize conferences and leadership institutes for the undergraduates-such as Pi Kapp College and Mid-Year Leadership Conferences. This year the Foundation saw an increase in the number of new givers to the annual appeal. The total number o givers was 2,212 brothers, up from 2,059 in 1996, while 1,036 of these gifts were first-time givers to the Foundation. The Foundation also saw the Alpha Omicron Chapter at Iowa State become the first fully endowed chapter in the Journey Project. With the hard work of the Committee, the total investment held by the Foundation received a 19.04% return after

lishments strengthen our Foundation and will allow us to become even stronger in 1998. The goals for 1998 are simple and ambitious: • Secure more funding for individual chapter Journey Accounts; • Strengthen the National Journey Fund; • Secure ,500 alumni donors to the annual appeal; and • Increase the..annual appeal revenue. We need your help to get it done. On behalf of my fellow Foundation trustees, I invite you to participate in these ambitious undertakings and I thank you for your continuing suppon.

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

~tar Kelley Bergstrom, Chairman Pi Kappa Phi Foundation



The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is the charitable giving-arm of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. The Foundation accepts alumni contributions and funds the educational programs of Pi Kappa Phi. The Foundation provides support to the Fraternity through The Journey Project, Push America, Leadership Schools, Scholarships through the CIF'S, Library & Computer Grants and Pi Kapp Scholars. Foundation Scholarship Recipients Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Hugh D. Holder Jason D. Danuser Cory B. ompson Jason R. Hendrix William J. Spence Bejamin B. Bush Mimael D. Haisten Daniel J. Palmer

Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) Antonio Henderson TexasA&M (Delta Omega) Eric S. Longo Washington (Alpha Delta) Ryan Maxwell

Illinois (Upsilon) Norm Lowrey Rob Layton Jason Jochum Kevin Lawson

ComeiJ (Psi) Seth Stem

Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Matthew Campbell

S Joseph's {Epsilon Tau) James J. Sebra

Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Kevin Sutherland Travis Burk Jason Kavalier

Colorado-Boulder (Eta Gamma) RK;hard W. Wetz

Troy Carmann

Indian<\, (Alpha Psi) Daniel F. Finn

Louisiana State (Gamma Iota) John M. Whitney

Samford (Alpha Eta) Shaw T. Bradley 11 pa (Beta Lambda) Jason M. Ciofalo Renssalaer (Alpha Seth J. Currey


Other recognized recipi ts PhonY. Do Gregg ister John Hollowell Matt McCarty Matthew A. Dody

Owen Initiative When Durward Owen retired in 1994 after 35 years as Executive Director of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation created the Owen Initiative. Members and friends of Durward Owen have shown their respect for his great work and accomplishments. Those members that contributed in 1997 are listed below.


Auburn (Alpha Iota) Ernest Johnson Penn State (Alpha Mu) Kevin Murphy Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Kelley Bergstrom I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) John Humiston

Charleston (Alpha) Jim Edwards

Indiana (Alpha Psi) Phil Summers

Georgia Tech (Iota) David Baker Pete Petit

N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Steve DePalma Jim Krucher

Roanoke (Xi) David Barnes Michael Bast Steve Bast Robert Bonney Paul Dotson Mark Edgell Nick Fairbanks Raphael Ferris Whit Gravely Rob Gray Paul Henkel Roy Jamerson Weldon Lawrence Andrew McKnight AI Nelson Johnny Osborne Durward Owen Thomas Robertson Jim Turk Dudley Woody

Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Glenn Dickson

Alabama (Omicron) John Greaves lllinois (Upsilon) Glen Hesler Stetson (Chi) Mark Hollis Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Ledford Carter Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Pete Barr Robert Halcrow Mike O'Donnell


Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Jack Steward

West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Joe Alexander Memphis (Gamma Delta) Tom Carter Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Bill Finney Jacksonville State (Delta Epsilon) Randy Owen California StateSacramento (Epsilon Nu) Todd Rehfuss Friends of the Fraternity Beta Theta Pi Fraternity Philip Cohen

I~ 路

Nu Phi Society In 1983, then National President Lonnie Strickland created the modern-day Nu Phi Society. It was created as a way to acknowledge the commitment and dedication of certain Pi Kappa Phi Alumni. As of January L 1998, to become a member of the Nu Phi Society, an alumnus must have attended five Supreme Chapters, been awarded the Mr. Pi Kappa Phi Award or be inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame. These members pay a one-time initiation fee and annual dues of $10 for each year of his membership in Pi Kappa Phi. Charleston (Alpha) Julius Burges David Jaffee California-Berkeley (Gamma) Steve Ryder Emory (Eta) John Wilson Georgia Tech (Iota) Garry Pritchett NC-Chapel Hill (Kappa) Stuart Hicks Otis McCollum Thomas Sayre Georgia (Lambda) Phil Tappy Duke (Mu) Bill Fuqua Roanoke (Xi) Ed Bennett Durward Owen Tim Ribar Jim Turk Allen Woody Dudley Woody Alabama (Omicron} Harry Caldwell Nathan Hightower

Travis Julian Lonnie Strickland Washington & Lee (Rho) Dick Anderson Howard Leake South Carolina (Sigma) Jerry Brewer Wal-ter Pickens Illinois (Upsilon) Gunnar Schalin Stetson (Chi) Pat Figley Cornell (Psi) John Kirk Bob Wilcox Purdue (Omega) David Lane Sonny O'Drobinak Florida (Alpha Epsilon) MarkTimmes Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Dave Vawter Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Matthew Shaheen Auburn (Alpha Iota) Frank Hawthorne Ernest Johnson David Long Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Kelley Bergstrom Wayne Moore Frank Parrish Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Keith Sheppard Indiana (Alpha Psi) Phil Summers N.).I.T. (Beta Alpha) Steve DePalma Jim Krucher John Lee John Pugliesi Drake (Beta Delta) Rob Cione

Missouri-Columbia (Beta Epsilon) Jay Stucke!

Memphis (Gamma Delta) Tom Carter

Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Ken Cribbs

Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall Wayne Buffington

McNeese State (Beta Mu) Wilfred Bourne R.B. Smith Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Glenn Dickson East Carolina (Beta Phi) Clay Edmonds West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Joe Alexander

LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Shawn Zwilling Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Bill Finney

NC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Bill Jackson Bo Proctor Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Billy Jacobs Mark Jacobs Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon) Mike Donathan

South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Frank Havard

California StateSacramento (Epsilon Nu) Bob Langbein

Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Art Quickenton

Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) Bob Welsh

Gateway Society The Gateway Society recognizes members who have made a planned gift to the Foundation. Planned gifts, such as bequests, trusts, life insurance policies or the gift of a home with lifetime occupancy, offer tax advantages to the donor and provide an opportunity to have a greater impact through philanthropy. Charleston (Alpha) Julius Burges David Jaffee

Alabama (Omicron) Harry Caldwell Travis Julian

Penn State(Aipha Mu) Kevin Murphy

UC-Berkely (Gamma) Neil Weatherall

South Carolina (Sigma) Jim Quinn

Brooklyn Poly (Alpha Xi) George Carleton

Davidson (Epsilon) Hugh Yelverton

Illinois (Upsilon) Gunnar Schalin

Wofford (Zeta) Jesse Crimm

Cornell (Psi) Mr RichardS Shull

Emory (Eta) Seale Hipp

Purdue (Omega) Paul Swafford

Georgia (Lambda) James Rodney Harris Frank Lane James Lester Phil Tappy David Tidmore

Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Robert L Bennett

Roanoke (Xi) Edward Bennett Dan Clow Ed Corson Reginald Gravely Durward Owen Tim Ribar James Turk Allen Woody

Florida (Alpha Epsilon) A. Sidney Herlong Bert Luer Mike O'Donnell

Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Walter Dorr Frank Parrish N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Stephen DePalma )ames Krucher Louisville (Beta Gamma) Ron Krebs Warren Robb Florida State (Beta Eta) Christopher New

Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) James Marsh David Vawter

Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Walter Brinkman Glenn Dickson George Shipp

Auburn (Alpha Iota) Earl Layman

Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall Perry Buffington

Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Mark Perrin



The Journey Project

The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation provides support to pay for The Journey Project. The Journey is a value-added project that helps develop the individual men of Pi Kappa Phi. As part of the Level Two benefits of the Journey Project, all members receive Pi Kappa Phi planners, modelea after the Stephen Covey/Franklin planner system. The chapters also receive a paid academic coach that works with members and associatemember classes. Through the Collegiate Success Project, sophomore members are invited to attend the Sophomore Leadership Institute, featuring curriculum from Stephen Covey's highly accredited book, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." Junior and senior members are then invited to Career Conclaves, which allow undergraduates


talk and

network with professionals ana Alumni Mentors in their area of interest. All this is paid for with the help of a grant c;reated by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Honor Gifts Philip H . Cohen, in honor of Durward Owen Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, in honor of Durward Owen

William L. Finney, in memory of Dick Robbins' daughter, J. Alan Maloy and Ellen Maloy Bush's father. William Rollins, in memory of Grace Franklin and Otis McCullum

Memorial Gifts James L. Thompson, in memory of Otis McCullum Durward W. Owen, in memory of Bennett Smith, John Wilson and Jean Brunson, wife of Fox Brunson.



Edmund A. Sayer, in memory I David Dietzen

Alvin Daughtridge, in memory of Grace Franklin and Otis McCuLlum Hunter Galloway, in m mary of Grace Franklin and Otis McCullum

Distinguished Fellows A Distinguished Fellow is someone who has given gifts of $2,500 or over to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in a given year. The following list is of those people who have given such a gift in 1997.

Eldred Harman Indiana (Alpha Psi) Phil Summers N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Steve De Pal rna jim Krucher West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Joe Alexander

Emory (Eta) john Wilson

Memphis (Gamma Delta) Tom Carter

Georgia Tech (Iota) Pete Petit Garry Pritchett Robert Snuggs

Truman State (Delta Delta) John Andrews

Georgia (Lambda) Frank Lane John Watson

Jacksonville State (Delta Epsilon) Randy Owen

Roanoke (Xi) Jim Turk Allen Woody Dudl ey Woody

Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Mark Jacobs

Alabama (Omicron) Harry Caldwell Gene Cartledge Nathan Hightower Lonnie. Strickland NC State (Tau) Bob Cline Illinois (Upsilon) Richard Bangert

Foundation Fellows ($500 to $999 in 1997) Charleston (Alpha) Chip Voomeveld Davidson (Epsilon) Harry Hendrick Wofford (Zeta) Jeff Boggan

Stetson (Chi) Pat Figley Bruce Rogers

Georgia Tech (Iota) Bob Murray

Cornell (Psi) Edmund Sayer

NC-Chapel Hill (Kappa) Councill Leak

Purdue (Omega) David Lane

Roanoke (Xi) Nick Fairbanks Raphael Ferris Durward Owen

Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Pete Barr Bob Paterno Auburn (Alpha Iota) Ernest Johnson Mississippi (Alpha Lambda) Talbot Newman Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Kelley Bergstrom

Alabama (Omicron) David Adams Washington & Lee (Rho) Robert Glenn South Carolina (Sigma) Jerry Brewer Stetson (Chi) Arthur Morris


Cornell (Psi) Bob Wilcox

I.I.T. (AJpha Phi) Kenneth Peterson

Purdue (Omega) Pat Kuhnle Jay Seeger

N.}.I.T. (Beta AJpha) John Lee

Iowa State (AJpha Omicron) jim Moon Wayne Moore Rensselaer (AJpha Tau) Gordon Wright

Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Glenn Dickson Lander (Gamma Rho) Chuck Watson NC-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Todd Yohn

1997 Donors and their Lifetime Giving Clubs The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation recognizes alumni for their cumulative giving to the Foundation, based on computer records from 1980 until the present. Alumni who have made a contribution in 1997 are listed in this year's report. Next to the person's name are certain designations to denote the giving clubs and participation in Pi Kappa Phi programs. The number in parenthesis indicates the number of consecutive giving years.


..I I I

Charleston (AJpha) Tom Barnett Julius Burges C6 {17) ~ NP Gary Catterton C4 {04) F Philip Duwel jim Edwards CS, F William Gaud C3 Victor Greco C2 (07) Herndon Hasty C2 (OS) Rick Heifers C2 {06) David Jaffee C6 (17) F, NP Earle Jennings C4 (17) F Bobby Marlowe C2 (09) William Moore Ture Nyman Greg Padgett C3 {16) F Nick Pappas (02) PCR Larry Powers C3 (02) F Rick Raycraft John Reynolds C2 (17) Brian Salkeld (02) PCR Chip Voorneveld C4 (02) FF Nathan Wilson C1 (02) Leon Wolfe Presbyterian (Beta) )ames Barnhill Walter Brooker John Broughton C2 Gary Brown Curt Crowther Cliff Goodwin C4 ( 17) Tom Grafton C3 (13) Ty Henson (02) Walk Jones Sam McGregor C4 (13) F

Don McLean James Milam Robert Miller John Ritter Cl (02) Hugh Rutledge )ames Salvo C2 Dean Shearn John Steenbergen C3 (18) Eugene Vaughan C2, F Jayson West Richard Wilson Californ ia-Berkeley (Gamma) Corey Babarovich C2 (08) john Balzarini Wilfred Barber (02) Jeff Chang PCR Gilbert Chow Vince Consul C2 (03) AI Croce C2 (17) Ned Crouch C3 {17) Cory Dean (02) Robert C. Engemoen C2 (03) Adrian Fernandez PCR Freddy Fernandez PCR Douglas Fierro Dick Fiscus George Ganz C3 (07) F Bob Garcia Lee Handford C1 (06) Richard Houston Cl (09) Odia Howe Phillip Hurley Michael Kesler C1 Owen Kuns C3 (05) John Li PCR

Thornton Mu Tyrrell Prosser Gordon Richmond Gene Roberts C2 ( 12) Harland Ross C2 {OS) Steve Ryder C4 {03) ~ NP Hal Simmons C3, F Michael Trainor C1 Charles Vannice C4 ( 17) F Neil Weatherall C3 (18) Eric Wrobel Furman (Delta) Lloyd Benson Jeffrey Browne (03) Ken Burnham Cl (06) Rhea Byrd Euta Colvin C1 (04) Kessler Holzendorf Claude Jones Walter Martin C3 (08) William McMillan C2 Kenneth Stuart Jay Switzer Cl David Ullman C4 (17) F Davidson (Epsilon) Hooper Alexander C4 (10) F Bob Gaither C2 {09) Allen Graham C4 Henry Gurley C1 (03) Sam Hemphill Harry Hendrick C6 (I 7) FF Wilson Hendry Ernest Hunter C2 Harold Kernodle C2 ( 10) Johnson Middleton Jim Nisbet Terry Odom Harry Parker John Vernon C1 (08) Philip Winstead C2 {18) Wofford (Zeta) James Belcher C2 (02) Greg Bethard James Bland Jeff Boggan C4 (02) FF James Crouch James DeSimone Bill Evins C3 {03) F Tom Faile Cl (02) Dewey Lewis Bob McCurdy C2 {02) F Thomas Palmer C2 (03) F Robert Scruggs Bill Smethie C1 (03) Chip Stockman C4 (09) F Grant Tate Robert Warr Jamie Welch Boyce Woolbright C3 (OS)

Emory (Eta) Seale Hipp C4 {07) F Samuel Poston jerome Westbrook C4 ( 18) F George Williams C2 John Wilson C6 ( 17) D~ NP Georgia Tech (Iota) Dwight Alcala David Baker C3 (06) F Ron Barney Larry Baxley William Bennett C3 ( 16) john Bianco joel Bonewitz C3 Dave Boy C1 John Boy C2 (OS) Stewart Carlin C1 {02) Tom Christian C2 ( 16) Pit Cleaveland C2 (02) Keith Comerford C2 (09) Phil Cook C3 ( 17) Robert Costley C3 (07) F Michael Cowan C4 (06) F Mike Crifasi Cl Dave Cunnold Bob DeFurio C3 ( 11)

Cl-CrolledSwonlsOub ($100,., $249) C2. Olmon Oub ($250,., U99} C3. Gold S1arCiub

(SSOOto$999) C4. ~ l>im:IDBOub (SJ,OOOr.$2,499} C5 -l.i1lDp~Wlttt' Oub ($2,500to $4,5199)

C6 -lbundadonOub ($5,000,., $9,9:!19) Cl- Coundl Oub ($10.000., $24.,999) C8. Older o(lbe Bel

(S2S.«K) • U9.99.9J C9 ·ltcM Soc;ietJ




Shawn Doughtie {02) Chris Doyle C2 {07) Russ Ferguson Don Fischer Frederick Fuchs C1 James Gordy C4 {17) F Frank Hodge C3 (17) Bruce Jewett C4 (17) Russ Johnson C2 (17) Jean Kirkland C2 (OS) George Little Tom Lowndes C3 {14) F Robert Lowrance C2 (07) Joseph Luciani C2 Rob Lukat Gerald McDonald Stacey Mollohan Jeff Montgomery Bob Murray C4 (12) FF Shamael Mustafa Eric Newcomb Tad Newman Alan Parrish C3 ( 17) F Jack Paus Cl (OS) Perk Perkins C4 ( 17) F Pete Petit C10 (04) OF Earle Prendergast Garry Pritchett CS ( 17) OF, NP Dan Prudhomme John Puckett C4 {17) F Kevin Renshaw C3 (07) F Stan Roberts C4 (13) F Bob Rowe C3 {OS) F Dean Russell C2 (07) Jason Shipman Bob Silano Robert Snuggs C6 OF Mike Stevens C2 (07) PCR Rob Thornburgh Harley Tompkins C1 Frank Trombetta Bruce VanDerhoof C3 (02) F jerome Withers C3 (17) NC-Chapel Hill (Kappa) Charlie Adams C2 ( 12) Phil Ameen C3 (08) F Joe Bassett C3 ( 18) George Braun C3 Andrew Bristow Alvin Daughtridge C2 ( 16) Charles Deane Doug Dodson C4 (18) F Scott Fuller C2 (03) Hunter Galloway C1, F jerry Gambill Rick Goodson C2 (02) Russell Hadley C3 (14) Aaron Hagler C3 (16) Scott Hiatt Stuart Hicks C6 ( 17) F, NP Richard Holzworth C4 (13) F SPRING 1998


Library & Computer Grants

Chapters that want to build or renovate a library or computer lab in their chapter house can receive a grant from the Pi Kappa .Phi Foundation. Those chapter houses meeting specific eriteria set by the IRS and have an active Chapter Investment und are eligible. Space in the chapter hous has to be designated as 100 percent educational to qualify.

Floyd Hood C1 (02) Clifton Hux C2 (OS) Bill Johnson C3, F Bob Kent C3, F Christopher Kiersted Steve Knox Council! Leak C3, FF Jay Mahoney Walter McAdams Otis McCollum C8 (17) F, NP Beverly Moore C3 (06) Rick Moore William Moore Tim Newman C1 (02) Evaristo Perez-Mancebo Todd Restel Robert Rhew (02) Keith Rollins CS (18) F Matthew Sander Thomas Sayre CS ( 17) F, NP Wayne Scott C4 ( 11) F Tim Stewart C2 (10) Scott Tate C2 jimmy Thompson C3 (03) F Johnny Ussery C1 (02) Kevin Weber Bob White C3 (17) F Robert Wilkins Winton Wilks C3 (04) F Jim Wilmott C3 (13) Paul Wimbish C4 (18) F Charles Winn C2 ( 17) Mark Winston C2 (02) Georgia (Lambda) Phil Allison C2 Alex Bird Bruce Black (02) PCR David Black (03) PCR Craig Boehringer John Bradbury C2 (10) Mike Broadbear Tom Campbell C1 (06) William Cantrell ).B. Clarke C1 Bo Claxton C1 Jeff Earnhardt Troy Green C1 (OS) McHenry Hamilton C2 (03) Jim Harp C3 (18) Robert Hays C1 (04) Thomas Howell Gibson Hull C4 (02) F Brannon Huntz Cl (03) Tom Jackson C2 (04) James Jenkins Frank Lane C6 (03) OF Ward Lang C4 (06) F Leroy Langston C4 (06) Jon Lerner C1 (02) F Marion Luckey Cl Larry McDaniel C2 Bill Miller

Dick Patrick C3 (02) Chad Powell Rob Ruinen Sam Slade C3 (07) F Phil Tappy C6 (08) F, NP Ray Tucker Charlie Wagner Cl John Watson C4, OF James Wilson C3, F Tommy Wood Cl Duke (Mu) Alex Bain George Benda C4 Bill Dodson C4 ( 17) F William Dunkin Bill Fuqua CS (04) F, NP Wilfred Gatling C2 (09) Norman Gibson C2 (14) Bonn Gilbert Clarence Glover C2 Bailey Groome C1 (OS) Anders Hall C2 F Burnett Hull C3 (12) Owen Johnson C2 (03) F Mike Marable C1 Heath Marcus C2 (06) F. PCR Ben Massey C1 (04) Dudley Moylan C3 (10) F Warren Pope C4 (06) Tommy Robins (02) Warren Sams (02) Stephen Schnurr C2 (07) Robert Sheheen C1 (02) F Nelson Stephens C2 Brian Swab Charles Taylor C3 ( 17) Frank Wrenn C2 (08) Nebraska-Lincoln (Nu) Alex Barbieri C1 (OS) PCR Jim Christo! C2 (10) lim Guretzky C4 (14) F Roy Horacek (02) Arthur Krohn William Wesslund C3 Roanoke (Xi) Benjamin Albert C1 Robert Barber C1 (06) David Barnes C4 (04) F Michael Bast C4 (06) F Steve Bast C3 (1S) Eric Becker Ed Bennett C4 (02) F, NP Nicholas Boccella CS, F Robert Bonney C3, F Edward Bridgwood Paul Caldwell C4 ( 17) F Jim Councilor C1 Joseph Donohue Cl Paul Dotson C2 (02) Mark Edgell C4 (02) F Steve Esworthy C2 (03) F Nick Fairbanks C4 FF

Raphael Ferris CS (13) FF Skip Fidura James Fleshman C3 (17) F Henry Fowler C3, F Whit Gravely C3, F Rob Gray C4 (07) F Robbie Harris C3 (13) Cecil Hefner C3 Paul Henkel C3 ( 04) Bryan Hickey Roy Jamerson C2 (04) F Harry Johnson C2 (OS) Walter Keister CI (04) Don Kerr C3 Weldon Lawrence CS (04) F Curtis Lemon C2 Daniel McCabe C1, F, PCR Andrew McKnight (02) Rick Milan C2 (OS) Thomas Moore C2 Lou Mullineaux C2 (13) AI Nelson C2 F Dick Newman C4 (14) Ken Nolte Dan O'Fiaherty C4 (06) F Cam Ogilvie C4 (OS) Johnny Osborne C2 Durward Owen C6 (17) FF, NP Charles Patsell Lee PeregoffC3 (03) F DeWitt Petterson C2 (07) Tim Ribar CS (12) F NP Thomas Robertson C2 (04) Thomas Rutherford Mike Smythe C2 John Stafford C3 Kevin Taylor jim Turk C8 (I7) OF, NP Joe VonCulin C4 (08) F Allen Woody C8 (IS) OF, NP Dudley Woody C6 (07) OF, NP Dan Wooldridge C1 (02) Alabama (Omicron) David Adams C4 (OS) FF David Andrews C1 (02) Billy Bartlett C1, F Charlie Beard C3 (I4) F Jack Beasley C2, F William Bishop C3 (1S) F Harry Caldwell C8 (06) OF, NP Josh Carmichael Gene Cartledge CS (OS) OF Wallace Counselman William Crowley Cl (OS) Martin Ditto Cl (03) Joey Fortner Albert Fowler

)ames Frantz Thomas Gilbert C2 (08) James Gillespie John Greaves C4 (07) F Doston Gurganus C4 (17) F Russ Hanley George Hayes Brooks Henderson C3 (IS) F Paul Hewes (02) Nathan Hightower C7 (ll)DF,NP Harley Hope C1 (07) Paul Landers (02) Walter Mabee Thomas Martin C2 Thomas Martin Mack Matthews C4 (17) F Bob Morrell C2 (02) Leon Newman Arnold O'Bannon C1 F Paul Paddock (02) Charlie Pepper ( 02) Ben Renfroe C2 jim Robertson C1, F Kent Russell (02) PCR Tim Russell C1 (OS) Bob Shepherd C3 (1S) Stephen Smith C1 Lonnie Strickland C7 (10) OF, NP Bill Sutton C3 (18) F Richard Taylor C3 Mike Teal C2 (02) Ed Turner C3 ( 04) F Billy Vassar Bill Worthington C3 ( 1S) Willard Young Cl (OS) Oglethorpe (Pi) Lou Ptacek C2 (OS) Washington &Lee (Rho) Dick Anderson C4 (06) F, NP Seth Baker C2 (06) Billy Cadle Gerald Costello Brian Crowley (02) Harrison Eacho Edwin Garretson C2 (17) Robert Glenn C3 (02) FF Christopher Holmes (02) Frederick Landrigan C4 (06) F Howard Leake C7 (17) F, NP Richard Lobsitz George Mcinerney C2 John Moore Bob Park Bob Petrey C2 (02) )ames Roane C2 (02) David Smith Mac Squires C3

Glen Stanford Rob Taylor C3 (02) Edward Turville C2 Ken VandeWater C2 (13) Robert Wade Jock Wallace C3 (04) Dorsey Ward C3 (02) Tom Warfield C4, F James Wingert South Carolina (Sigma) David Baker Herbert Benson C2 (I2) Hughes Boswell jerry Brewer C6 ( 17) FF, NP Theodore Brewer Sander Busman Carroll Campbell Danny Carter C3 (09) F Dean Clary C1 George DeLay C2 (09) Bill Easom C1 (04) Grady Faircloth C2 William Fincher CS (17) F Jack Flynn C2 (04) Daniel Green Julius Harrelson C1 Christopher Hoffman C2 Sean Kolb Michael Lukridge (02) Richard Mims C2 William Norwood Walter Pickens CS ( 1 6) F, NP Dan Reynolds C4 ( 17) F Stephen Rhodes John Shaheen Bunk Stackhouse Jerry Stafford C2 (04) Russell Stokes C2 (06) James Streetman Danny Wade NC State (Tau) Hunter Atkins C2 (02) Donald Barker C2 ( 04) Bill Barnhardt C2 (09) 0. Battle Ken Byers Bill Campbell C2 ( 1 6) Bob Cline C6 (1S) OF Fred Collins C3 (06) Mike Collins C1 )on Crum Bob Cunningham Craig Favor Olin Gordon Jimmy Greene C2 Rob Groat C1 (02) Bill Gurnee C1 (02) Clyde Humphrey C3 (15) Leon Joyner Cl Jim Keller Glenn Lancaster C3 (03) F

Jim Kutill C1 (OS) Mike Lowery C1 (04) PCR Pete Maier C4 Nick Manne) PCR Frank Marlow C2 (13) John Mcinerney PCR Edwin Mendels C1 (04) Ben Missele PCR Bob Moore C2 ( 17) Stephen Mumford C3 (17) Robert Murphy Michael Nicketta PCR Bill O'Donnell C1 (04) Joseph Pehlman C1 (07) Peter Presta C I , F Mike Reedy Robert Riggs C1 (OS) Jack Roeser C4, F Gunnar Schalin CS ( 16) F, NP Julius Schoeller C1 Mike Scott Brook Silvestri C2 (08) PCR Jack Simpson C2 Steve Trahey C3 ( 1 7) Doug Ward Kishore Warrier

Ken Long Harry Mashburn C2 ( 04) Chris Myers C2 (02) Niels Norman C2, F Richard Norrell (02) Wallace Reams C3 (07) F Bobby Richardson Jeff Roberts (03) PCR Christopher Rowe Tom Saieed Bill Sloan Charles Smith Shawn Smith Illinois (Upsilon) Richard Bangert C8 (03) OF David Bein Bob Bogdanoff C2 (09) Ed Cwiklin C2 Peter DePasquale C3 (03) F Fritz Elich C3 (08) Dan French (02) PCR Mark Fung PCR Edwin Hamilton Glen Hesler C4 ( 17) F Ralph Howard C3 Joe Johnson C2 David Kallal C3 ( 12) Steve Kao

Stetson (Chi) C.J. Abernathy Larry Anderson C2 (03) Anthony Biancarosa Cl (02) Uriel Blount Frank Brown C1 Benjamin Carson Eddie Culver C3 ( 1 7) Bill Davis C1 Tom Deen C4 (17) F Pat Figley CS (08) OF, NP Homer Hobby Mark Hollis C3, F John Hughes C2 (02) Stephen Kilpatrick Gary Meadows Arthur Morris C4 (02) FF Earnest Murphy C2 (02) F George Patterson C3 (17) Dr. Poole CJ Jim Rodgers Bruce Rogers C6 (09) OF John Snellings C3 (10) F Herman Turner C4, F Tom Wrenn C2 (03) JimYoungC1 (16) Cornell (Psi) John Angus C3 (17) David Cunningham Greg Della Rocca C2 (07) PCR Ralph Deuel David Dunkin (02) Harold Farmer SPRING 1998


Ross Fialkov PCR Gary Fisher C1 ( 17) Greg Graff Joseph Grondahl Paul Haas C2 (14) George Heinrich C4 ( 17) F John Kirk CS (17) F. NP Stephen Kline Tom Korakis Garrett Lashier PCR Gene Lehr C3 ( 17) Willaim North Alexander Piper Michael Piscitelli C3 (17) Dylan Pollack PCR Edmund Sayer C4 (03) OF Frederick Schneider Chuck Shafer (02) Bruce Spear Robert Steinfeldt (02) Tom Stephenson PCR Frederick Thome C4 (10) F Bob Wilcox C4 (08) FF, NP Cory Wright C2 (OS) Harold Wright W. John Zygmunt C3, F Purdue (Omega) Bob Adams C1 (OS) Ronald Akens Chuck Atwell C1 (02) F Bob Beiter Jim Berlien C2 Drew Biehler C1 Andy Kotulski Richard Bohner C3, F Pat Kuhnl e C3 (07) FF Matt Bouma Doug Kunnemann C1 Dale Bowman David Lane C7 (10) OF, Willard Choate NP John Cimino 路 Allan Larson C3 (OS) F Allen Craven C1 (OS) Mark Laurent Duane Davis C3 ( 1 7) jim Lenahan Mike Dowler Greg Linder C3, F Woody Eddy Mike Little C3 Ron Eye r C3 (03) F John Lovell C4, F George Fassnacht C2 ( 17) Richard Lowe C2 (OS) Jerry Fassnacht (OS) Bill MacBeth Leonard Ficken James Malokas John Foltz C1 (02) Dave Mitzner C2 (02) Wally Goffeney C2 (07) Bruce Morris Bud Golden Eric Nachtrab (02) Spencer Gullicksen C2 Noel Nelson C1, F Gary Hanson C2 Mark Nigh Cl, F D. Hendrickson C3 (07) Walter Norrington C4 Jim Hinga C2 ( 17) F William Hokanson Sonny O'Drobinak C4 George Holderbaum C2 (08) F, NP (04) Mike Ohaver C2 (17) Bill Hounshell Randall Pahls Cl, F Graf Houston C3 Nate Park C1, F James Karagianis Bill Peace C3 (09) Edward Kerchevall Palmer Porter C4 (02) F AI Kirchner C3 ( 17) Jack Powers C3 (09) F Roland Kitchen C1 Herman Riggs C4 (17) F

Rog Roach Lance Rodenfels C1, F Robert Roth Bob Rust C2 (03) Edward Salay C1, F Bob Schutte C2 (02) Jay Seeger C3, FF Halbert Smith C2 Todd Spaulding C1, F Matthew Stuve C1 Kurt Takara C3 (03) F jim Taller (02) PCR Jeff Tang Ed Thomson C3 (07) Mike Tyrrell C3 (OS) Ed Vana C1 (02) Robert Viets C1 (OS) F Tom Weakley C2 (OS) Bryan Williams Joe Williams C1, F Robert Wingard John Wolfenden MarcZubeck Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Gerald Baker Robert Bennett C3 (OS) F Ledford Carter C3 (17) F Douglas Clendaniel Gar Crawford (02) PCR Eric Fountain Jason Jones (02) Michael Lake Cl (03) Hollis Lewis (12) A. Frankl Martin C3 (16) Robert Melton C3 (17) Joel Tolbert James Vaughn Sam Waller Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) Mark Argo Ronnie Fields Joe Haines C3 (06) Rick Hoffman C3 (10) Bob Holly C4 (17) F Gary Miller C2 (06) Thomas Moore C3 (17) Jay Morris C4 (07) F Bob Ogborn C4 (02) F Dylan Romo C2 (02) PCR AI Schmidt C2 (07) Ervine Swift C1 (02) John Ward PCR Washington (Alpha Delta) Ben Barnes Fredrick Brown C4 (OS) F Bob Bux C4 (07) F john Dailey C2 (16) Evan Erickson C3 (07) F, PCR Tom Frick C4 (02) Ian Goodhew (02) Roy Grinnell

John IIlias C1 Raymond Isaacson Steve Johnson Brent Krupp Chris Orr C1, PCR Thomas Polzin Will Sigman PCR Derek Sitzmann Alan Stroud Nat Taylor Brian Walker Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Paul Ahmed (03) Richard Alan (02) Bart Arnold C2 (OS) Pete Barr CS (09) OF Steven Blanda C1, F David Boden C2 (OS) Frank Brass C4 (02) Robert Brooks Steve Browning C1 Dean Budney Rusty Burgess C1 (03) Trey Caudell C1 (02) David Charland C4 (17) F Em Cobb C4 (07) F Geary Cotton C4 (06) F Evan Deutsch Skip Dvornik C1 Larry Elkins C1 Paul Enrico C3 (OS) F Page Eppele Cl Tom Fitzgerald C3 (OS) F )ames Forney C1 Mark French C3, F Robert Godwin Hugh Gower C4 (12) F Jim Grady C2 Bob Guyton Robert Halcrow C4 (02) F Scott Hamilton C2, F George Harrison Murle Harrison C3 (04) Byron Herlong C4 (07) F Dale Hocking C2 (04) Robert Holmes Charles Hudspeth C4 (17) F Thomas Johnson (02) Barry )unnier Robert Kanaskie Barry Kaplan Robert Kelly C1 (02) John King Vinnie Lopez Robert McKinney Jim O'Donnell C2 (OS) Mike O'Donnell C4 (02) F

Kelvin O'Neill (02) Roy Olsen C3 (17) Ben Overton C4 ( 17) F Bob Paterno CS, OF Robert Perry Jet Powers C3 (09) F

Joel Radford Eric Rail C1 (02) Stephen Ripple George Stanley C1, F Charles Stewart CS (06) Stuart Stockton C1 (04) Randall Stutzman Edward Sundy C1 (03) Frank Thomas C1 (02) F Donald Thompson C1 Chris Tice C2 F Mark Timmes C4 (08) F. NP RayTylander C3 (04) Thomas Vickery Mike Villaroman JeffWahlen C1, F Dave Werner C3 (02) F Brad Wynn Donald York Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) W. Alldredge C3 ( 10) Tony Amort C2 (06) David Black PCR C Bogner C1 Paul Brame Derek Brice (02) Ryan Chamberlain PCR John Childers William Cook C1 (04) Roland Curtis C2 (02) Peter Galloway Fraser Grant jim Guthrie Scotty Hammond C2 (IS) Matthew Harrison C1 (02) Chuck Hartsough C4 ( 16) F

K.M. Hawke C2 (14) Randall Kohl PCR Theodore Langton C2 (OS) Matlock Mims John Moore C2 (02) Gary Munn C4 (1 7) F Bob Nordlander C2 Don Perrin C3 Fred Raw C4 (17) F Jack Reviglio C4 (16) F jack Riley Boaz Sofge Robert Stailey Jack Steward CS (17) Ray Terhune C3 (04) William Thomas C3 (17) Roger Turner Dave Vawter C4 (02) F, NP Fred Waker Steven Westfall David White

Samford (Alpha Eta) Clay Allen Jim Bell C2 ( 17) David Coffey William Davis C2 Bradley Dennis Bill Dixon C3 ( 17) F Bill Ford C4 (02) F John Frierson (02) Dan Gross Steven Gum John Haynes C3 (OS) Ryan Herring (02) PCR Elliott Moon Glenn Olivenbaum C2, F John Shiley C1 Bo Shirey Dwayne Todd C1 (OS) Stewart Winton C1 Michigan State (Alpha Th eta) Ken Adams C4 (14) F Henry Anderson C3 (06) F Tim Aylward C4 (02) William Cleary C4 ( 17) F Joe Colucci C1 (02) Pete DeMaagd C2 ( 03) C.J. Estes C1 (04) . Rob Ewen C1 Greg Horvath Todd Ifkovits Jamie John Bruce Lessien C2 (04) Mike Mazza Daniel McColl Tom McDonough Angus Morse C4 (16) F Richard Pfeil C2 John Phillips C1 Robert Robbins Matthew Sfiaheen C2 (02) F, NP Clay Spragg C1 (OS) Robert Trembath C2 (07) Don Viecelli C3 ( 17) Jerry Wajda C2 Ford Woodard C2 (03) Dennis Yanachik C4 ( 11) F Mike Yanachik C2 (02) Jack Zimmerman C3 (1S) Gregory Zmich Auburn (Alp ha Iota) Jack Baker C1 (02) Charles Beaird C2 (06) Hank Beaird Steve Billy Charles Blackledge C1 (02) George Blackwell C1 (02) Lua Blankenship C3 (03) F

John Christiansen C2 (17)

Van Comfort C1 F G Beiler Troy Corbin Jon Benedetti C2 (13) Mark Berger C1 (02) Jack David Stephen Botta C1 Lee Dorrill George Briner Robert Ferrell C3 (10) Parm Davis C3 (02) Jim Flanagan C3 F Bill Exley C2 (02) Ralph Foster C2 Bill Fennell (02) Henri Friloux Tom Fuller C4 (17) F Maurice Foulke Roy Glover Edwin Friend ( 03) Rick Godbehere Michael Gardocki C2 Blaine Grube C3 (OS) Tommy Gordon C3 (12) Richard Heim C3 (07) Jack Hargrove C1 Bill Johnson C2 Moyer Harris C3 ( 17) Bruce Kent C2 ( 11) Frank Hawthorne C6 ( 14) F, NP . Timothy Kiss Bryan Labell Jim Hendry C2 (OS) Bill Lawrence C1 (02) Ernest Johnson C7 (16) OF, NP Jim Maggio Steve Maslowski Bill Jones C3 ( 1 7) Nelson Mattern C1 Bryan Jones PCR Ken Laurendine C1 (OS) Norm Mawby Kevin Murphy C4 (04) F David Long C4 F, NP Jim Lovell C2 F AI Musmanno Chad Marchand ( 02) PCR Eric Newcomer Skeeter McClure C2 (07) Richard Parks C1 Mike Morgan Mo Ranc C3 (04) F Robert Ryan C1 (02) Lucien Owen Larry Pharo C4 (06) F John Senior George Pratt Bob Senko C1 (02) Bill Simon C3 (OS) Joel Radman C3 ( 04) F William Sirocky Scott Reams C2 (OS) Gary Stiefel Jeffery Richards Charlie Rushing C1 (06) Bill Vernon C2 (02) David Scott C1 (OS) William Walker C3 (17) Donald Ziegler Robert Spence John Stanley L. Stephenson Ohio State (Alpha Nu) Ward Taylor C2 Newhouse Newhouse C3 Bob Ward C3 (10) (OS) F Brett Wilber C1 (02) Warren Williams C3 (14) Polytechn ic (Alpha Xi) F James Anderson Robert Blazek C1 Charlie Wood C1 (04) Will Wooley C1 John Burns C1 Newton Wright Louis Destefano C3 (06) Paul Dillon C2 (OS) Michigan (Alpha Walter Eisele C3 ( 17) Bruce Elowsky C2 Kappa) Dan Fillion Joseph Flaherty C4 (17) F Hugh Hotchkiss C3 (17) John Frost F Rich Groller C1 (02) Mark Perrin C4 (07) F Art Karle Michael Levinton Jason Prickett C1, F Richard Magg C3 Christian Sam PCR Jack Molinelli C3 (07) F Erik Seiffert C1 Ren Nugent C3 (17) Steve Warnke C1 (04) PCR Robert O'Donohue C3 (17) Mississippi Orazio Petito Harry Roener C2 ( 11) (Alpha Lambda ) PauiSchwanenflugeiC3 Talbot Newman C7, DF (12) F Penn State (Alpha Mu) William Wright C1 (04) F James Alter C3 (09) Barry Anderson C1 Howard Beaver C1 (02)

Iowa State (Alp h a Omicron) Eldon Anderson Keith Bader C3 (13) Bob Bateman C3 (1S) Kelley Bergstrom C8 (1S) DF, NP Stewart Black C1 Bob Brown C3 (OS) F Jim Carson C3 ( 14) Curtis Clifton C3 (06) F Gilbert Comstock C1 F Pat Dady Carl Dorr C2 (02) Phil Dvorak C2 (1S) Gene Fritz C3 (17) Jeremy Galvin Eldred Harman C7 (10) DF Terry Henricksen C1 George Hester Ky Holter (03) George King Ray Knaggs C2 (OS) Tony Koziarz Bob Lane C2 (02) F Bert Lattan CS ( 17) F Emerson Linney C2 (07) Phil Linney Matt Long Jerry Love C3 F Warren Madden C4 ( 17) F

Robert McKean C3 (02) Myron Menefee C2 Mark Milliman C2 (08) Jim Moon C4 (04) FF Wayne Moore CS (04) FF, NP Paul Muller C3 (OS) Dick Ohrt C3 (03) F Don Osborne C3 (OS) F Steven Park Frank Parrish C7 (17) F. NP Michael Powell C1 Chuck Rehman C1 (04) AI Richardson C1 Bill Rickert C4 (17) F Ralph Ruedy C2 (07) Thomas Ruzicka C2 Dick Sahr David Schwake Tracy Segar Robert Spearing Mark Stacey Gib Stanek C1, F Kevin Sutherland PCR Tom Tott C4 (07) F Verne Upmier C2 John Veak C3 (06) Cesar Vega Scotty Wells C2 (OS) Paul White

West Virginia (Alpha Rho) Alex Adair C3 (02) F Timothy Anderson Joe Beynon Arthur Eckerson Sam Fessler Victor Folio C4 (07) F Bob Laughner C2 (OS) Howard Martin C2 (07) Dennis McCrum C2, F Fred Nebera Michael Reece Mike Scully Kevin VonScio Chris Williams (02) Michael Winn Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Carl Adkins C3 (08) Tom Banks C2 (18) Jeff Boyd Barry Cecil C4 ( 08) F Vic Edgman Bob Gibson C2 Jack Harris (02) Eric Jackson Derick Jones Jon Jordan C1 (02) John Miller C3 (02) F Brad Milsaps PCR Scott Moss Kerry O'Reilly (02) Kenneth Parkinson Jack Pickell Jason Pile (02) Frank Pugh C3 (17) Aaron Reed C2 ( 02) Monty Rothstein AI Sewell C1, F Daniel Shultz C1, F Frank Smith C2 (03) Jim Snow C4 (07) F Alfred Southerland C2 Brent Spalding C2 (OS) Sam Steele C2 Shawn Tidwell C1 (OS) James Tombras C1 Barney Tucker C4 (08) F Jimmy VanFrank C3 (09) F Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Richard Ahlquist Dick Andrews C2 (17) Michael Barry Peter Beinetti C1 F Bob Bergman Cl (03) Jim Bernstein C3 ( 17) F Ben Cahill C3 (16) Kenneth Chucta Cl (OS) Peter Cinelli C1 George Cook C2 Jeff Cunningham C1 (02) Bryan Dalton David Dobson C3 (07) F

William Dobson Dave Dropkin C2 (09) Cedric Dustin C4 (14) F James Fleming George Graf C2 ( 07) Winter Graves C3 (17) F Robert Hawkins C4 (15) F Manish Jain Steve Kaitz C3 (03) F Peter Kelley C2 (04) PCR Seung Kim Jason Kirkwood Harvey Leich Walter Leon John Margenot John McMahon C2 Eric Nielsen Chris Parks C2 (09) George Pendleton Dave Peter C3 ( 14) Kermit Pratt C2 (17) Kenneth Pruyn C2 Jim Rappolt (02) Edward Rebula C3 (08) Bill Rieke C 1 Bill Roberts C3 ( 17) Gilbert Roberts C1 (03) Nick Rusanowsky C1 (15) George Schmidt Manny Scigliano Bill St. John (02) Ernest Stacey C2 ( 17) Andrew Stack Pete Tartikoff C1 (02) Harold Trevett C1 (04) Robert Wagner C2 Ralph Wainright (02) Seth Walter C3 (OS) F, PCR John Waygan Gordon Wright C6 (16) FF Michael Zimmerman Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Bob Anderson C3 (06) John Bartle C2 (10) Rick Berk (02) Walter Bishop Geoffrey Blackwell Walter Burk Martin Burrows C3 (05) F George Cavenas C1 (03) Samuel Costa C3 (15) F Hal Cowles C4 (02) F 路Raymond Davis C3 (17) Joseph DeLuca C2 (03) F Walter Dearolf C2 ( 17) Leonard DiCarlo C4 (15) F Kenneth Dirkes C3 (18) Philip Earley C2 (04) James Esposito Gino Fortunato C1 (05) John Frye C2 F Jack Gardner C2 (10)

Michael Gennaro C2 (03) Daniel Ginsberg C1 (03) A.). Giuliano John Goldschmidt Gary Grecsek Ray Griffin C2 (05) Dale Haring C1 (07) Leopold Hauf Alan Henderson C3 (02) F David Heydt C3 (06) F William Hitchens John Hudson C2 (17) John Hunter C1 (05) Art )ones C2 (05) Ralph Klesius C3 (15) Charles Kuntz C1 (04) JeffLaBrot Tom LaRoe C3 (05) Bob Lambert C2 (05) F Albert Lord C3 (04) F Joe Lovell C1 (03) Jack Marshall C3 ( 17) William Meis Vicko Melada C3 (12) Gil Merritt C3 (17) Osborne Miller C2 David Neilson Fred Nuenighoff C1 (05) John Nyce C2 (03) Thomas O'Malley Ralph Parris C2 (09) John Peirce C1 (03) Dino Petrongolo Pete Piercy C2 (02) Stephen Pinkas (03) Cliff Price John Rittenhouse C4 (17) Daniel Romanchuk C1 (05) Jeffrey Romano Bill Schuette C2 (05) Keith Sheppard C4 ( 17) F, NP Ed Simon C3 (03) Harold Stiffler C1 (02) Bob Tesno C2 (13) Phil Troilo ArthurTunnell C2 (17) Stanton Woerth C2 (04) I.I.T. (Alpha Pbi) Rick Bielenda Gary Cathey C1 (10) David Desilets C2, F Cyril Dusell C3 (06) Mike Fogel C2 (02) Donald Frank Dick Frankenberg C2 Dave Harrison Jack Higgins C3 (14) John Humiston C4 (17) F Frank Janik C1 Cary Knox Martin Kotsch C4 (09) F Leonard Mance C1 (03) Dave Novy

James Oliver Ramon Olson Kenneth Peterson CS ( 04) FF Roger Peterson C4 (18) Jack Piper C2 (07) John Roach C3 (07) John Sachs C4 (17) F Edwin Searl C3 (07) F Steve Stevens C3 (08) Chris Sutton Roy Wittekindt Charles Woods C1 (06) Miami (Alpha Chi) Roy Williams Indiana (Alpha Psi) Gerald Allen C3 ( 18) Don Brennan C3 (17) Terry Brown C4 (06) F Dave Calzaretta C1 (03) F Jason Christensen Tony Cochren C1 (03) )ames Crews C1 (02) Durbin Day C3 (17) Joe Drozda Harry English Todd Felte Paul Fuggiti C1 (03) Dave Gibson C2 (07) Rod Gunning C4 (08) F Richard Hall C1 (05) Robert Haller C3 (06) Jim Halsey C2 (10) Adam Hartstein )ames Keller (02) )ames Kelsey C1 (02) Scott King Darwin Kinney Scott Louderback C1 (03) PCR Joe Lux C3 (06) joe Malangoni PCR Michael Mastropolo Kevin McDonald C3 (17) Tim Mercer C3 (07) F Wayne Murray C3 (17) Bob Nelson (02) Stephen Orr Mike Petro Barry Polley C1 (07) Samuel Power Jason Rosenblum Terry Russell ( 03) Charles Seely C1 Steve Sparks JD Spry Philip Stocksdale Rich Stutz C3 (03) T.). Sullivan C4 F Phil Summers C7 (17) OF, NP Everett Targett Brian Thiel Kevin Turner Jeff Werner

)ames Williams Ross Wingler C4 (02) Jim Witek C1 (09) Oregon (Alpha Omega) R. Glenn Garrett C1 (07) Don Lasselle C2 ( 17) Stanley Lynch C3 ( 17) Charles Neff Bob Potts C1 (06) Fred Streimer C2 Tom Vandawark C2 N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) James Adams C1, F Nick Adams C3 (02) Rey Almeida Paul Bamburak C3, F Fred Becker C3 ( 17) F Kevin Boerner C2 ( 04) Harry Bonfanti C1, F Eric Burgos PCR Tom Carroll C2, F Richard Comiso C1, F Steven Corbett C2 (03) F L Crompton C1, F Steve DePalma C8 (15) OF, NP Nichola Debendictis C1 (03) F Chuck Dietz C2 (05) Roger Dolida C1 Will Fedorenko Michael Gillooley Henry Kamas C1 Bob Kee C1, F Ed Klebaur C3 (18) Karl Kopans C2 ( 04) F William Krouse Jim Krucher C6 (17) OF, NP Aivars Krumins C3 (11) F Rick Labinsky C3 (08) jim Lee john Lee C6 (07) FF, NP Don Linske C3 ( 11) Michael Mahfouz Anthony Mangone C1 (06) Tom McCann C3, F Louis Miceli C3 (17) F William Mokoid C1, F Jose Monroig Bob Morgan C1 (03) William Muldowney C1, F Mulloo Mullooly George Newcombe C4 (06) F William Nichols C1 F William Oakenell C2 (06) Eddy Ochoa Alvin Olsen C2 (02) F Patrick Parkinson C1 Lester Pastuszyn C3 ( 04) F

Rick Pedersen C2 (07) F John Pugliesi C4 (05) F, NP Richard Rodrick C3 (08) F Richard Rusak C1 ( 15) Steven Ryan Bruce Sack C1 Hani Shouga C1 (02) Rob Sicilano C1 Thomas Smith C2, F Patrick Suter C1 Ron Szkodny C2, F William Tisdall Anthony Tobey C2, F BobToloso George Tsomos Chad Underwood Jacob VanBroekhoven C2 (17) Robert VanDergrift C1 Robert VanDevrede Don VanHouten C4 (04) F Timothy VanVliet C1 Ken Wilson C2 Jeff Winegar C2, F Rolan Yang C1 (02) Paul Zelinsky C1, F Joseph Zengota C2 Florida Southern (Beta Beta) Brian Bocash Steve Driggers David Fecht C1 (03) Bill Fraser C2 (05) Peter Golotko Wylie Herzberg Carl Hoon Edmund Humphries Thomas Jerkins C1, F Carl Koch C4 (16) F Roger LaBrie C1 (04) Rob Nicholson C3 (02) F Dave Robertson C4 (14) F Michael Ryan Ray Sandhagen Matt Simmons Jack Trufant C2 (06) Louisville (Beta Gamma) Edward Barrall John Cook C2 (17) Spencer Harper C3 (17) )ames Hatfield Will Hatfield Scott McLaren Raymond Pryor Joseph Reagan Herb Zimmerman C2 (14) Drake (Beta Delta) John Bash Rob Cione C4 (17) F, NP

Mark Crosthwaite C. Ray Deaton C1 (10) Bob Hattery Jim Hornbrook C4 (17) F Ken Miller C2 (17) Kenneth Piller C2 (14) Dean Rowland C3 (17) Stephen Smith (02) Bruce Swanson C1 (03) Don Walter C2 Missouri-Columbia (Beta Epsilon} Steve Atherton Brad Barondeau C1 (03) Rich Dickinson PCR Pablo Eves Gary Gray Greg Houlle George Hyde Todd Jacober Thayne Jones Ken Lissner C3 (10) F Will Pierce Walt Richards C3 (17) Gene Rotter Kevin Schmutzler Dave Simmons PCR Brian Stock PCR Jason Stolarczyk PCR Jay Stucke! C4 (OS) F, NP Laurence Trudell C3 (17) Joseph Vlasak


Florida State (Beta Eta) Daniel Allen C2 (02) Leo Almerico C2 ( 17) Tom Atwood C1 (02) EPCR Jeremy Blue Mike Borum jim Bultman Cl (OS) Jeff Butler PCR Charles Chao Bob Clark C3 (1S) Robert Costin C1 (04) George Cuyler Beau Debeaubien C2 Ernest Diaz Chris Downs Tom Harrison Jeffrey Holler C3 (06) Raymond jones Chris Keller Seth Klondar Chuck MacMillin C3 ( 17) Ken Majewski Cl Edward Mason Clay Mills Scott Neel Jeff Niedenthal C2 (03) F Travis Olson Randy Plotts C2 (04) Doug Prior Marc Roath Jonathan Stevens (02) Nate Stinson David Stoddard C1 (06)

Mike Tugwell Sid Wilson C2 (1S) Sandy Zevin Arizona (Beta Theta) Charles Hausenfleck Toledo (Beta Iota) Chris Barton C2 (OS) Brad Chryst PCR Bob Conley C3 ( 17) Scott Coursen C1 William Frederick C2 (ll) Rob Friess C3 ( 11) F George Hershman C2 (06) Bryan Johnson (02) PCR Douglas Kriebel Thomas Kroma Bob Kuhlman C3 Charlie Mathies C1 (04) Darryl McEwen C3 (17) F Rob Meyer C4 (07) F jim Milligan Neal Montagino jim Newhard Kenn Obarski PCR Steve Oliveri Gene Peterman Neil Pikus Richard Rose C2 (07) Roger Schiller C2 (04) Rob Shindell C1 (04) PCR Scott Theus Frederick Tiller C1 (02) F Mark Urrutia Georgia State {Beta Kappa) Ken Cribbs C6 (06) F, NP Brad Doss C2 Larry Horne Mike Marcum Pat McCabe C2 Donovan Panone (02) PCR Bob Suddath Edgar Vaughn John Whitley C3 (1S) Mack Williford Tampa (Beta Lambda) William Baker Jeff Boorse Arthur Burrows Gary Cooper C2 jim Crosby C1 (06) Austin Curry C4 (09) F Jim Dolan (02) Chris Jordan Chris Kemper Louis Morizzo Bob Myers C2 (OS) Tim Rose Dave Sullivan C1 (02) F Bob Swirbul C2 (OS) F

Dick Swirbul C4 (06) F

Christopher Long Curtis Nugent C2 (09) Ken Park C3 (06) F Andy Schlachter

McNeese State (Beta Mu) Wilfred Bourne C3 (OS) F, NP Paul Brown C2 (08) Paul Cox R.B. Smith C4 (17) F, NP

Tennessee Wesleyan (Beta Psi) Tee Conar Richard Myers Barry Saunders C2 (10)

Houston (Beta Nu) Everett Magill

East Tennessee State (Beta Omega} Alan Bagley C1 (04) Clifford Baker John Boronkay Edward Bowers C3 (OS) Byron Brown C4 (17) Doug Burt John Lowe Jeff Turner Robert Yackanin C2 (16) Keith Younger C2 (16)

Central Michigan (Beta Xi) Greg Behe Dave Clappison C3 (17) Eric Coleman Kevin Kelly PCR Patrick Loshaw PCR Basil Lyberg (02) PCR Brad Mumford PCR Chris Pastotnik (02) PCR Brian Rees Mike Schlusler Duane Valerio C2 (02) Northwestern State (Beta Omicron) Shawn Daily Larry Gracie Clarkson (Beta Rho} John Kruse C1 ( ll) Northern Illinois (Beta Sigma) Don Firkins C3 (18) Roger Musser Valdosta State {Beta Tau) Ben Barnett Tom Brooks C3 (09) Pablo Campa James Oowd C2 (13) Arthur English Virgil Gaddy Dana Ingram Bill Maxwell C2 (02) Darren McKnight Phil Parker Jerry Pilcher C2 Earl Spell Cl (02) Jerry Thomason Cl Pat Wilford C2 (17) Bob Wood Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Jim Biglow John Browning C3 (18) Glenn Dickson CS (17) FF. NP Barry Ewald C2 (OS) Tom Haudricourt C2 (06) Russ Huber C3 (1S) F Dan Kimball CS (07) F

Timothy Love Hugh McCrory Shep Moore C3 ( 14) Chuck Nesbit C3 (16) Steve Nesbit C2 (02) Doug Powers Douglas Varney Bill Watson C2 (13) Ronald Wiltsie ). B. Yount CS (09) F East Carolina {Beta Phi) Ellis Banks C3 (06) Aaron Blum Clay Brewer C3 (03) F Matthew Coppola Clay Edmonds CS (07) F, NP Casey Harris S.T. Hicks C4 (1S) F Rick Judson Cl (02) Jeffrey O'Geary James Rackley Frank Ramseur C3 (02) Thomas Sayetta Cl (10) Wayne Scott East Texas State (Beta Chi} Don DeColaines C2 Charles Karsch Cl

West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Joe Alexander C6 (02) OF, NP Samuel Breitling Scott Davidson James Faircloth (02) PCR Kevin Fuller Donald Gibson Leo Leddon William Patterson Harry Shiver Sonny Till C3 (03) F Roy Underwood C1 (03) )ames Withers C1 (02) PCR Old Dominion (Gamma Beta) Linwood Beverly C3 (17) Chuck Brady C4 ( 17) F Mike Colbert C1 (03) William Jenkins C3 (06) Scott Marple Matthew Parker C3, F jimmie Reardon (02) Lou Richard C4 (02) F Michael Rosenblatt Dave Simas C2, F Tom Treichler C2 (OS) Joe VanCleve C3 (1S) Tom White (02) Troy State (Gamma Gamma) Edward Bowen John Browning PCR Michael Canfield Richard Dyke Cl , F Ricky jones Roger Page Chris Schmidt PCR Brooks Thompson SPRING 1998


路 LBadership Schools

four different cities across the U.S. at regional Mid-Year Leadersh 路 Conferences. Undergraduates learn effective techniques on building working relationshi s and manage-

to the Fraternity to help fund lJme of the educational portions of the programs and help reduce he costs to the undergraduate chapters. The Foundation also helps bring 路n educational speakers that the Fraternity normally could not afford and allows our member's excellent educational opportunities. Educational opportunities at the biannual Pi Kapp College and Supreme Chapter are also funded through grants created by the Foundation.

Memphis (Gamma Delta) Herb Blow C2 (1 3) Jesse Brenton (02) PCR To m Carter C6 (1 7) OF, NP Matt Dailey Ande Demetri ou C1 (02) Charl es Demetriou Rich ard Franklin C3 (02) F Frank Holmes Thom as Lynch C2 Charl es Mannin g David Siebert C1 Brian Sorenson Bruce Williams James Younger C2 Western Carolina (Gamma Epsilon) Bryan Boyd Marv Cope C4 (1 7) F John Davis Gerald Edlin Aaron Hill Bryan Luce Stan Pendergraft C2 (1 3) Steve Smith C1 (02) John Squires Don Turner C2 Frank Willis C3 (1 7) F Daniel Yoe C1 (02) F West Virginia Tech (Gamma Zeta) Bill Conrad C2 (04) Chuck Hutzler C3 Randy Lavender C1 (02) James O'Keefe C1 (02) Harry Sanders C2 (02) James Saunders Clifton Smith C2 (02) David Strader C1 Athens (Gamma Eta) To m Reinke C3 (17) Leonard Yo rk NC-Wilmington (Gamma Theta) John Allen Bill Dalton C2 ( 17) Scott Engler C1 Leonard Harris C2 ( 04) Jim Hickman Michael Hill Mike Lo ng C1 (1 4) Denny McCaughan C2 (04 ) Henry Merritt C2 (1 7) Robert Tripp )ames Wolfe Louisiana State (Gamma Iota) Paul Chenevert C1 (02) F Beau Fourn et C2 (OS)

Dari an Fuselier C1 (03) Eddi e Hernandez Michael Po rche C3 (OS) Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall CS ( 17) F, NP Raymo nd Brown Wayne Buffingto n CS (1 7) F,N P Phillip Calandra David Centofanti C1 Edward Harris Woody Johnson Tho mas Knight C2 (02) F Ri chard La ne C2 (02) Steve McClure PCR Scott McElroy Cl, F, PCR Tom McGrath Gerry Nipper Joe Odo m C4 (04) F John Rose PCR Richard Seaman Jeffrey Thomason ( 02) Chris Wagner Ashley Wilkes Mike Woodard Missouri-Rolla (Gamma Lambda) Paul Scherrer C3 (09) Belmont Abbey College (Gamma Mu) Rich ard Einwechter Todd Frankowski William Grizzard C2 Bruce Martin Guy Piche C2 (08) LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Wil ey Bryant C2 (10) Jeff Esola C1 (02) Frank Fenn PCR Alexander Henderson Edwa rd Kirven Matthew Mitchell PCR jimmy Motos (02) Mike Seaton Ralph Sims C3 (OS) Shawn Zwilling C3 (02) F, NP Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Robert Bunch Peter Carlson Bill Finney C6 (1S ) F, NP Calvin Leverett Dave Suppes C3 (04) Bethel (Gamma Omicron) john Brocavich Jack Stephens

Lander (Gamma Rho) David Bowen C2 (OS) Craig Cox Michael Fulghum PCR Jay Holcombe C1 Jeremy Inabinet PCR Steve Kodman C2 (07) PCR Horace Longshore Rich Loper Jim Manley C1 Don Sawicki Brad Shipman PCR Matt Souther Billy Stanfield Marion Thomas C1 (OS) Chuck Watson CS (09) FF Armstrong (Gamma Sigma) Morgan Barnes Robert Tucker Cl, F Oklahoma State (Gamma Upsilon) Mark Christman C2 (OS) F Doug Danvers C2 (06) Barry Howell C3 (07) Mike Lowber Mark Pearce Phil Perdue C1 (02) Gilbert Sanders C4 (06) F South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Scott Bonnet PCR Billy Breeden C1 {03) Ted Buxton C1 {02) Louie Copeland Larry Davis C2 (02) F Mike Gabel C1, F Paul Hendrix William Hendry Randolph Hunter Bill Ishee C2 (03) Jeff Klumpp PCR David LaRosa C1 {02) Charlie Marshall Bob O'Brien (02) PCR Danny Perri Tom Peterson C2 Keith Stauffer {03) Dirk Tyson Jacksonville (Gamma Chi) Ted Dropkin Mickey Strocchi Augusta (Gamma Psi) justin Benfield Cl (03) Matt Hertzog George Yoder

Montevallo (Gamma Omega) Scott Weldon David Williams C3 (08) F Virginia Polytechnic (Delta Alpha) Glenn Byrd C1 (09) Paul Dennis (03) Ed Dieterle Cl (02) PCR Kelly Hobbie 路 Paul Lavery C2 (06) PCR Larry Mincey Gil Morrison RickWood North Georgia (Delta Beta) Reginald Banks David Ferber Vic Irvin C3 (08) Julian Jolly PCR Charlie May C3 (1S) Rich Moultrie C2 (02) Daniel O'Neal Charles Pugh Jerry Purvis C1 (03) P.J. Rodgers C2 (OS) Ricky Sanders Luis Toro Cory Truelove (02) PCR Jonathan Woodward (02) PCR Nebraska-Omaha (Delta Gamma) Ray Scalise Truman State (Delta Delta) John Andrews CS {09) DF Chuck Barnard C2, F Tim Barth C2, F Darryl Beach C3 {02) F Todd Beckler Rick Douglas David Ewigman C1 (14) Jack Fry Mike Geismann David Hennings Darin Hoppe Chuck Howard Cl, F Greg Knehans Timothy LaGrasso Thorn Lauth Gary Lykins C1 (02) Max Lytle Kevin McCabe Larry Nelson Stephen Nipper Jim Noble )ames Palmer C2 (05) F Brian Rey Jim Shumake Richard Stephens Matt Stockmann Timothy Taylor Cl (02)

Scott Valley Vince Vogelgesang (02) Michael Wood Cl Mike Zolezzi (02) Jacksonville State (Delta Epsilon) Jeffery Jennings Stephen Lang Tom McRee Randy Owen CS (OS) DF Bobby Phillips C1 Richie Rice Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Jamey Dunlap Will Edwards (02) Stewart Farris PCR Gregory Honeycutt C3 (02) F Daniel Horne John Knier C2 (OS) Kenneth Linens Bill Maycock C2 (06) Steve Miller C2 (12) Rob Moore Art Quickenton C6 (07) F, NP Jim Raines C2 (02) Bobby Schellenberg PCR JeffShell C3 (12) Luke Snyder Cl (03) F LeeTappy (02) PCR Morehead State {Delta Eta) Grayson Boyd Shawn Bradley {02) Greg Kring C3 {07) Jason McCloud PCR Mike McLain {02) Scott Peterson Trey Rigg {02) Irton Sparkman Cl Mike Webster Middle Tennessee State (Delta Iota) Stephen Crass C2 {02) Pembroke State (Delta Kappa) Curt Bennett C1 (04) Bruce Tanner NC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Chris Cannon C4 ( 17) F Bill Fisher C2 (13) Eric Hagemeyer {02) PCR Robbin Harkey C2 David Higgins C2 Bill Jackson C4 (OS) F, NP Quincy Magby Scott Paffen Howard Petree

Bo Proctor C4 ( 17) F, NP Scott Redden Bob Starling Western Kentucky (Delta Nu) Dennis Parker North Alabama (Delta Xi) John Darby Steve Pirkle C2 (02) Eddie Woodis (02) Nicholls State (Delta Omicron) Jacques Frere C2 ( 16) Ray Hebert C1 Peter Palermo Wright State (Delta Pi) Bruce Rockwell C4 (lS) F Southern California (Delta Rho) Robert Graziano Ed Lang C3 (17) Bowling Green (Delta Sigma) Jon Guynn Keith Halderman Ken Kaiser C3 Tony Matessa S. Moser C1 Tim Pesta James Madison (Delta Tau) Pete Alberse Brian Baldwin C2 Jerald Blaze Sed Boxley C1 Shannon Byrne Jerry Keilsohn C4 {OS) Dan Koerner Rich Micheli Steven Mills David Ottenstein C1 BoWilson Pittsburgh (Delta Upsilon) Keith Barsky David Covington Lou Halperin (02) Thomas Kaynak Douglas Marting Matthew Wall Antoni Wichryk Ben Zappone {02) Radford (Delta Phi) Eddie Dayton Dennis Jarvis (02) Kevin Keys Chris Meredith Dan Noble Cl (03)

John Spannuth Kansas State (Delta Chi) Michael Austin Cl (03) Jeff Bullok (02) PCR Edward Enyeart Aaron Floersch Kevin Forssberg Jeff Headrick Steve Hill C1 (02) Mike Kallas C3 (07) Larry Keller (02) PCR Andrew Lammers C2 (06) Tim Lindemuth Cl (02) F, PCR Eric Purvis C 1 ( 03) Michael Springs Craig Swenson Cl (02) F Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Ackerman Eddie Baker Brian Davidson Billy Jacobs C4, F, NP Mark jacobs C4 (14) DF, NP Jeff Johnson Bill Svihel C3 (02) Keith Whitt C1 (OS) TexasA&M (Delta Omega) Raymond Becerril Jason Dodd C3 {08) F, PCR Ed Donnelly Tyler Krehlik Jason Mills C2 {04) Bryan Moss Brian Pinto Tom Sullivan Elon {Epsilon Alpha) Mark Brammer Todd Clark (02) Jeffrey Zammit Grand Valley State (Epsilon Beta) Thomas Gault Longwood (Epsilon Gamma) Tim Conley Brian Gomes Rich Lindsay Stephen Montgomery Earnest Moore Cl (02) Keith Murphy Dale Rankin C2 {14) Mike Schlegel Chauncey Sisco C3 (03) Jeff Wise PCR



Auburn-Montgomery (Epsilon Delta) John Andrews C2 Chris Cantrell Billy Free David Smith C3 (14) )ames Sparrow PCR Mark Turner PCR Dan Weaver C2, F

Clinch Valley {Epsilon Epsilon) Charles Banks George Becerra (02) Mike Donathan C4 (OS) F, NP )ames Jones Jason Wampler Clyde Whitt

Central Arkansas (Epsilon Z£ta) John Bearden C4 (14) F Doug Beasley Richard Dixon C2 (12)

Winthrop (Epsilon Eta) Eddie Aiton Joel Byars C3 (12) Peter Espina Victor Hill J. Russell Lee Jeffrey Mahoney C2 (OS) Ronald Rossi Tom Sacco C2 (07) Matt Turner

Seton Hall (Epsilon Theta) Marco Aliano PCR Francis Gavin Rich Haber (02) PCR Dave Hunter C1 J J Levchuk PCR Bill Maurice john Moller

UNCGreensboro (Epsilon Iota) Vance Bryson Jeff Cole C1 (04) Chad Coltrane Joseph Harkins C1 (02) Dan McEntee Chris McGratty Alan Overbey jim Shaw C2 (03) Mike Spohn Scott Twiford C3 , F Todd Yohn C3, FF

Dan Lennon David Nelson C1 (03) PCR Timothy Parham Sandy Ransom C2 (OS) Ed Smith C2 (03) Kevin Stacy William Walden

SCSpartanburg (Epsilon Lambda) Frank Allgood PCR Michael Elmore C2 Xiongpao Lee PCR Chris Pack PCR Glenn Thomas PCR

Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Dave Evers Doug Pierce Richard Proce Mike Rudofski Kenneth Slaninka Craig Soling PCR Tim Sumner C3 (06) Brandon Webber (03) PCR

California StateSacramento (Epsilon Nu) Dan Barstad Paul Caras Mark Hefner Bob Langbein C4 (02) F, NP Jayson Louie C4 (06) F Steven Lucchetti (03) Michael Melton Todd Rehfuss C3, F AL Spannuth C3

LaSalle (Epsilon Xi) Dave Chiavegato Francis Hayakawa Nick Lordi (03) PCR Tim Melroy C1 Christian Mercuri Scott Royson C1 (02) Todd Stender

Villanova (Epsilon Omicron) Peter Amminos Stephen Curran Scott Farrar Stephen Ferraro (02) Joseph McGrady Rob Weber Ian Williams

Southern Polytechnic State (Epsilon Kappa)

Virginia Commonwealth (Epsilon Pi)

Virgil Allen Kent Allred Timothy Jackson C1 (02) Barry Kidd C2 (12)

Greg Brown C1 (02) F Dan Ekstein Josh Freed PCR Berkley Goodloe PCR Chris Herrod C1 (03)

Everett Taylor Mike Valentine C3 (OS) F Adam Vana Dwaine Ware Charles Williams C1, F

Lenoi:r-Rhyne (Epsilon Rho) Todd Burwell Trent Hennigar C1 (04) Ronnie Ingram Don Jarboe C1 (02) JeffVoletto

Christian Brothers (Epsilon Sigma) Thomas Dolan Brian Floyd Rich Hays Chris Millard Jay Pullam Kevin Roedel Clay Rogers (02) Ray Saunderson C2 (07) David Thomas C1 (02) PCR David Tucker Bill Wilson C2 (OS) F

St. Joseph's (Epsilon Tau) Eric Byrom Santo Donia Andrew MacDonald Donald Martin Robert Powelson C1 Tom Wilson C2

Georgia College (Epsilon Upsilon) · J.T. Cleveland (02) Jason Fischl Dave Hohnadel (02) PCR Jamie Horne Michael Sliwa Kevin Theobald PCR Todd Worley C1 (02)

Alabama-Birmingham (Epsilon Phi) Pat Austin PCR Arthur Ennis C2 (06) Todd Fowler (03) PCR Brian Hall Steve Lawrence

Denver (Epsilon Chi) Adam Andrews C1

Slippery Rock (Epsilon Psi) David Conn C1 jason Cutruzzula PCR John Davis Scot Greiner C3 (02) Andy Hlavsa Daniel Lynch

Jeffrey MacTaggart Gregory Moffett Adam Taylor PCR

Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) David Crowe Eddy Finta William Fisher Mitchell Franklin Steve Gaines David Gallagher Robert Kurima C1 (07) Bradley Neu Andrew Rowe Blake Thomas Cl (03) Bob Welsh C3 (02) F, NP Audie Wright

Clemson (Z£ta Alpha) David Chesal Scott Collins Michael Edwards C1, F Scott Gasparini C2 (02) Jim Heil Jamie McCutchen David McDonald Devin Reilly Rob Turner Frank Yarborough (02)

California-San Diego (Z£ta Beta)

Brian Caler jim Fahey (02) Bill Fetterolf Jeff Neiderer Dallas Reed

George Mason (Z£ta Epsilon) Jeff Armstrong C1 (03) PCR Rex Chen (02) Alan Duesterhaus C2 Erich Griebel Joe Lentini Eric Lindenberg C2 (02) F Robb Milne Joe Suarez

University of North Florida (Z£ta Z£ta) Steve Borowiec C2 (07) Stephen Brooks Matthew Earley Keith Edwards George Knecht David Manning Tim Miller Bill Ray John Thompson C1 F, PCR Jason Troeger Tommy Yip

Andy Chapman Cl Paul Dupree John Johnson Tung-On Kong Danton Kono Patrick Pollock Bill Sparks E. Turner Wyatt Wachtel VicdeMelo

Texas--Austin (Z£ta Theta)

North Dakota (Z£ta Gamma)

I.U.P. (Z£ta Iota)

)ames Anderson Darrell Denny PCR Chris Johnson C2 (02) Kreg Kennedy (02) PCR David Kirkland C1 (07) Stephen Kowalski Joe Kraft C2 (06) Jeremy Lee PCR David Peterson Christopher Rodenbiker (02) Kirk Rustvold (02) Steward Sandstrom C3 (10) John Schanilec PCR Parry Schmeichel Matt Strinden PCR

Shippensburg (Z£ta Delta) Chad Alban (02)

South Florida (Z£ta Eta Associate) Jerry Blinsinger

Steve Burger Mark Hogan Lester Huang Jack Salmon C2 (02) F Dave Bull Harry Chapman Eric Hess Vaughn Koter Russ Leach Frederic Perenic C2 (02) F Will Radell Mark Tauzin Stephen Whitby C3 (03) F, PCR

Stockton State (Z£ta Kappa) Robert Ehlers

Cal State-Chico (Z£ta Lambda) Brian Gilmer C2 (03) PCR Shawn Grubb (02) PCR Gregg Lloyd Michael Manzo

Cal State-Northridge (Zeta Mu) Anthony Dickson Jeremy Look Mike Sakai Scott Simenton Randy Teramoto

Barton (Zeta Tau) Alton Everett PCR Roy Henderson PCR Steve Matthews Tim Osborn Jason Thomas PCR Kevin Williams

West Chester (Zeta Nu) David Hendrickson Bob McGrew Saul Montanez Michael Radyshewsky Barry Rizzo Joseph Zabielski

Bloomsburg (Zeta Upsilon) Bob Goodrich Garth Grill Dan Grim Cori Lasco Tom Muller Mike Pellito Matthew Teter Cl (02) PCR

Averett College (Zeta Xi) Vaughan Alexander Brian Campbell Cl (04) David Fillingham Bobby Perkins Cl (02) PCR Bobby Scott David Thomas Cl (02) SUNY-Cortland (Zeta Omicron) Stan Bertschuk Jeffrey Habicht Tom Hand Shaun Knasick (02) Brian Rivers Jim Roche! John Roper Jeffrey Sabol Cl Sean Secord Marshall (Zeta Pi) Craig Goldstein Tim McCloskey Scott Rowekamp Cl (02) F David Traube Cal State-Fullerton (Zeta Rho) Stephan Boulanger Cl (03) John Deacy C2 (06) Doug Elliott CL F Sean Evans PCR David Reule Armando Sanbrano Will Soto PCR Brian Uyeda Vic Valencia Phil Waimrin Brent Wilford California-Davis (Zeta Sigma) Danny Figueroa PJ Garadis Sean Green Gabe Romero

Colorado State (Zeta Phi) Stephen Feld C3 (06) F James Gisi Albright (Zeta Chi) Brandon Epting Graham Mabus (02) I.U.P.U.I. (Zeta Psi) Sam Adams Lance Burnside C2 (OS) PCR Tony Clauss Brad McKuhen (03) PCR Joe Schafer (02) PCR Towson State (Zeta Omega) Michael Cunningham Brian Dempsey (03) Reid Mitnick Kevin Yates Cl (04) Concord (Eta Alpha) Bobby Cooper Phil Igo Cl (06) Mike Spain CL F Indiana State (Eta Beta) Bruce Bursey (02) Dan Cummings Robert Hensley David Holmes David Rea Colorado-Boulder (Eta Gamma) Eron Ashley PCR Bret Heidemann C2 (02) PCR Erik lsernhagen Cl (05) PCR Luke Jones PCR Jack Like Cl (04) PCR Trey Lyons PCR Zack Moxcey (03) PCR Mike To!erico PCR

Ian Walsworth (03) PCR Kennesaw State (Eta Delta) Chris Bethel Philip Chernutan Jonathan Collins Robin Couch Robert Evans (02) PCR Andy Green (02) PCR Marc Porta PCR Matthew Powell PCR Maryland (Eta Epsilon) Paul Brown Wes Butts Cl (04) Mike Friedman Paul Garms Ross Knoblauch C2 (04) F Paul Snider Matthew Tagle John Van Ness California-Irvine (Eta Eta) Kong Chang (02) PCR Art Charchian PCR Langley Ho (02) PCR Jim Senechal C4 (05) F San Francisco (Eta Theta) Jay Barnes Greg Sempadian Gene Takahashi Nelson Wong Christopher Newport (Eta Iota) Robert Ash pole PCR Scott Bono Tim Campbell Cl (02) F, PCR Sean Cronin PCR Philip Dodd David Goodman Eric Scott PCR SUNY-Plattsburgh (Eta Kappa) Rich Dec Dave Cow Tim Gray Brian Witkin (02) SUNY-Brockport (Eta Lambda) Joseph Cognitore Arnie Shamus James S!aiman Wingate (Eta Mu) Jerry Benoist Patrick Biggerstaff PCR Jason Hall Gordon Holder

Neal Holly PCR Lonnie Knowles Mason Randall Rod Rauch Ben Sidbury (02) PCR Jeremy Verdone (02) PCR Pennsylvania (Eta Nu) Joshua Bleier Todd Kellert SUNY-Albany (Eta Xi) Rob Modica (02) Tim Rankins Todd Wangler Cl (02) PCR San Francisco State (Eta Omicron) Gareth Grandt John Harasciuk (02) PCR Chris Mendez Chris Thors Coastal Carolina (Eta Pi) Dave Myroup PCR Jerry Wagner Southwest Texas State (Eta Rho) Brett Lee (02) PCR California-Los Angeles (Eta Sigma) John Hendricks (02) PCR Ryan King PCR

Gamma Kappa C4, F Zeta Psi CL F AM Payment Records Franklin Bower PCR Patrick Chapman PCR Paul Ford PCR Emre Giritli PCR Bob Hestand PCR Jamie Meloni PCR Matthew Miller PCR PKP Foundation PCR Jon Paulsen (02) PCR Frank Perkins PCR Randy Plaice PCR Seth Ressl PCR Ben Roman PCR Michael Rovins PCR Shawn Thomas PCR Shawn Wang PCR Foundation Supporters Robert Bosco Scott Briggs Michael Cavendish George Dib Sr. David Fowler Martin Hook Mark Hunt Mikael Krause William McFee Wyatt McGhee Peter Strniste Jr. Thomas Watson

U.M.B.C. (Eta Phi) Josh Pressel PCR Friends of the Fraternity Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Beta Theta Pi Frat. Cl , F Philip Cohen (02) Schoor DePalma C3, F Mr. DeWeese Leslie Fa) ter Betsie Fehr Cl (02) Shirley Hardee CS (02) DF Cindy Howell National Insurance Company C2, F Nancy Larsen Pam Meachum Marion Miller C4, DF Robert Neumann CL F Arthur Pappas Kenneth Regan Brian Rock C2 (05) Push America Terrie Smith (02) Contributing Chapters Eta Gamma C4, F SPRING 1998


Lifetime Giving ($2,499 and over, throughout membership) Charleston (Alpha) Julius Burges Jim Edwards John Hassell David Jaffee David Pease Davidson (Epsilon) Charles Babcock Harry Hendrick Emory (Eta) John Wilson

Nathan Hightower Travis Julian Lonnie Strickland Washington & Lee (Rho) Howard Leake South Carolina (Sigma) Jerry Brewer William Fincher Walter Pickens NC State (Tau) Bob Cline Illinois (Upsilon) Richard Bangert Gunnar Schalin

Georgia Tech (Iota) James Dewberry Jim Dull Alan lmm Allen Morris Pete Petit Garry Pritchett Carl Ring Charles Simons Robert Snuggs

Stetson (Chi) Pat Figley Bruce Rogers

NC-Chapel Hill (Kappa) Stuart Hicks Otis McCollum Keith Rollins Thomas Sayre

Washington (Alpha Delta) Walter Avery

Georgia (Lambda) J. Rodney Harris Hutch Hutchinson Bob Knox Frank Lane Phil Tappy Duke (Mu) Bill Fuqua Louis Jervey Marshall Pickens Nebraska-Lincoln (Nu) George Spatz Roanoke (Xi) Nicholas Boccella Ed Corson Raphael Ferris Weldon Lawrence Durward Owen Tim Ribar Jim Turk Allen Woody Dudley Woody Alabama (Omicron) Austin Brannan Harry Caldwell Gene Cartledge

Cornell (Psi) John Kirk Bill Newell Purdue (Omega) David Lane

Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Pete Barr Dick Bartlett George Coulter Harry Fry Ben Griffin David Henn Syd Herlong Dan Martinez Bob Paterno Charles Stewart Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Jack Steward Samford (Alpha Eta) Jack Bell Jim Daley Auburn (Alpha Iota) James Crump Frank Hawthorne Ernest Johnson Mississippi (Alpha Lambda) Talbot Newman Ohio State (Alpha Nu) Jim Miller

Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Kelley Bergstrom Eldred Harman Bert Lattan Wayne Moore Frank Parrish Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Gordon Wright Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Jack Casper I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) Kenneth Peterson Indiana (Alpha Psi) Phil Summers N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Steve DePalma Jim Krucher John Lee Florida Southern (Beta Beta) Ted Scharfenstein Louisville (Beta Gamma) Ron Krebs Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Ken Cribbs Tampa (Beta Lambda) Aaron Dowd Central Michigan (Beta Xi) Steve Thatcher Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Glenn Dickson Dan Kimball J. B. Yount East Carolina {Beta Phi) Clay Edmonds West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Joe Alexander Memphis (Gamma Delta) Tom Carter Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall Wayne Buffington

LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Ron deValinger Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Bill Finney Lander (Gamma Rho) Chuck Watson Truman State (Delta Delta) John Andrews Jacksonville State (Delta Epsilon) Randy Owen Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Mark Christopher

President's Circle

Art Quickento n

Wright State (Delta Pi) Dan Strawn Grand Valley State (Epsilon Beta) Ted Lukomski Widows of Members Sheetz Friends of the Fraternity Omicron Chapter Omicron Club Hugh Green Shirley Hardee Alpha Xi Housing Corporation Pi Properties Cornell University

The National President's Circle is the undergraduate giving club of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Upon joining the National President's Circle, mem bers pay $15 per year and continue to give after graduation $50 per year. National President's Circle members receive a membership certificate and a subscription to the Pi Kappa Phi Insider. Only the undergraduate members are listed below. Alumni that have contin ued their membership are noted in the Lifetime Giving Clubs section. Charleston (Al pha) Nick Pappas (02) Califomia-Berkdey (Gamma) Adrian Fern andez Freddy Fernandez John Li Alabama (Omicron) Kent Russell (02) NC State (Tau) Jeff Roberts (03) Illinois (Upsilon ) Dan French {02) Mark Fung Nick Manne! John Mcinerney Ben Missele Michael Nicketta Cornel~

(Psi) Ross Fialkov Tom Stephenson Purdue (Omega) Jim Ta ll er (02) Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) John Ward

Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) David Black Randa ll Koh l Auburn (Alpha Iota) Bryan Jones Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Christian Sam Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Brad Milsaps Indiana (Alpha Psi) Joe Ma langoni N.}.l.T. (Beta Alpha) Eric Burgos Missouri-Columbia (Beta Epsilon) Dave Simmons Brian Stock Toledo (Beta Iota) Brad Chryst Kenn Obarski Central Michigan (Beta Xi) Kevin Kelly Basil Lyberg (02) Chri s Pastotnik (02)

Troy State (Gamma Gamma) John Browning

Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Cra ig Soling Brandon Webber (03)

Memphis (Gamma Delta) Jesse Brenton (02)

Virginia Commonwealth (Epsilon Pi) Josh Freed Berkley Goodloe

Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) John Rose LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Frank Fenn Matthew Mitche ll Lander (Gamma Rho) Michael Fulghum Jeremy Inabinet Brad Shipm an South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Scott Bonnet Jeff Klumpp Bob O'Brien (02) North Georgia (Delta Beta) Julian Joll y Cory Truelove (02) Appaladhian State (Delta Zeta) Stewart Farris Bobby Schellenberg Lee Tappy (02) Morehead State (Delta Eta) Jason McCloud Kansas State (Delta Chi) JeffBullok (02) Longwood (Epsilon Gamma) Jeff Wise Auburn-Montgomery (Epsilon Delta) Mark Turn er Seton Hall (Epsilon Theta) Marco Ali ano Ri ch Haber (02) J J Levchuk SC-Spartanburg (Epsilon Lambda) Frank Allgood Xiongpao Lee Chris Pack Glenn Thomas

Alabama-Birmingham (Epsilon Phi) Pat Austin Todd Fowler (03) North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) Kreg Kennedy (02) Jo hn Schanilec Matt Strinden Cal. State-Chico (Zeta Lambda) Shawn Grubb (02) Cal. State-Fullerton {Zeta Rho) Sean Evans Will Soto Barton (Zeta Tau) Roy Henderson Jason Thomas Colorado-Boulder (Eta Gamma) Eron Ashley Luke Jones Trey Lyons Zack Moxcey ( 03) Mike Toleri co Ian Walsworth (03) Kennesaw State (Eta Delta) Robert Eva ns (02) Andy Green (02) Marc Porta Matthew Powell Christopher Newport (Eta Iota) Robert As h pole Sean Cronin Eric Scott Wingate (Eta Mu) Patrick Biggerstaff Neal Holly Ben Sidbury (02) Coastal Carolina (Eta Pi) Dave Myroup Southwest Texas State (Eta Rho) Brett Lee (02)

Push America

Push America is Pi appa Phi's national outreach project. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation gives grants to help support the many programs of Push America. Alumni contributiqns help fund programs like Give-A-Push Weekends, Push Camps and the Journey of ope. Last year, Push America raised over $569,000, helped over 17,000 people with disabl1ities and reached millions through media outlets across the country.

California- s Angeles (Eta Sigma) John Hendricks (02) Ryan King U.M.B.C. (Eta Josh Pressel ~ entRee r Franklin Bower Patrick Chapman Paul Ford Emre Giritli Bob Hestand Jamie Meloni Mailhew Miller Jon Paulsen (02) Frank Perkins Randy Plaice Seth Ressl Ben Roman Michael Rovins Shawn Thomas Shawn Wang

Push America Pi Kappa Phi is the only fraternity to have created its own philanthropy, and to date have raised in excess of $3,000,000 for people with disabilities. The following brothers have made contributions to Push America in 1997. Charleston (Alpha) Bobby Marlowe Greg Padgett Larry Powers John Reynolds John Strickland Marc Strickland Chip Voorneveld Presbyterian (Beta) John Broughton James Salvo John Steenbergen Richard Wilson California-Berkeley (Gamma) Jack Downer Trevor Getz Owen Kuns Gene Roberts Juan Serrano Hal Simmons Yutaka Takagi Neil Weatherall Davidson (Epsilon) Bob Gaither Allen Graham Henry Gurley Ernest Hunter Wofford (Zeta) James Crouch Carl Gilbert Chip Stockman Boyce Woolbright Emory (Eta) Jerome Westbrook George Williams Georgia Institute of Technology (Iota) William Bennett Robert Costley Jack King Eric Newcomb Alan Parrish Jack Paus Perk Perkins Garry Pritchett Bob Rowe

NC.Chapel Hill (Kappa) Charlie Adams Alvin Daughtridge Scott Fuller Rick Goodson Russell Hadley Floyd Hood Bill Johnson Bob Kent Beverly Moore Tim Newman Keith Rollins BobWhite Paul Wimbish Mark Winston Georgia (Lambda) John Bradbury Robert Hays Jon Lerner Sam Slade James Wilson Tommy Wood Duke(Mu) George Benda Bonn Gilbert Tommy Robins Frank Wrenn Nebraska-Lincoln (Nu) Jim Speck Roanoke (Xi) Ed Corson Joseph Donohue Henry Fowler Don Kerr Curtis Lemon Cam Ogilvie DeWitt Petterson Thomas Rutherford Dudley Woody Alabama (Omicron) Charlie Beard William Bishop Harry Caldwell Larry Contri William Crowley Martin Ditto Thomas Gilbe.rt Paul Paddock Ben Renfroe Richard Taylor Washington & Lee (Rho) Christopher Holmes Frederick Landrigan Bob Park Edward Turville South Carolina (Sigma) Frank Abbott

William Fincher Christopher Hoffman Edward Singleton Russell Stokes NC State (Tau) Mark Ashe Bill Campbell Bob Cline Fred Collins Mike Collins Bob Cunningham jimmy Greene Leon Joyner Harry Mashburn Illinois (Upsilon) Ed Cwiklin Jim Kutill Mike Lowery Pete Maier Stephen Mumford Joseph Pehlman Peter Presta Julius Schoeller Stetson (Chi) Eddie Culver Stan Gryskiewicz George Patterson Bruce Rogers Cornell (Psi) Alex Ciurczak David Cunningham Paul Haas Alfred Hamilton Jim Kao Gene Lehr Allan MacLennan Marty Newhouse Mitch Sayers Jonathan Stearn John Stone LarVihinen Purdue (Omega) Bob Adams Ronald Akens Drew Biehler Duane Davis Po11er Draper Carson Eddy Jeff Egilsrud Jerry Fassnacht John Lovell Robert Roth Halbert Smith Robert Viets Tom Weakley Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Sam Waller

Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma ) Matt Pena AI Schmidt Jimmy Shadid Washington (Alpha Delta) Brent Anderson David Betanzos Evan Erickson Ian Goodhew Todd Goulet Loern Halverson John IIlias Chris Orr Troy Ruemping Dan Vawter Florida (Alpha Epsilo n) Pete Barr Steven Blanda Trey Caudell Tom DiGiorgio Paul Enrico Page Eppele Jim Grady Byron Herlong Ben Overton Robert Perry Eric Rail MarkTimmes Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Chuck Hartsough Rickey Hug Dave Vawter Steven Westfall Samford (Alpha Eta) Jim Bell Bill Dixon Jay Holder Glenn Olivenbaum Steve Smith Dwayne Todd Stewart Winton Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Clay Spragg Robert Trembath Jerry Wajda Mike Yanachik Auburn (Alpha Iota) John Christiansen Tom Fuller Moyer Harris Frank Hawthorne Jim Hendry Ernest Johnson Bill Jones Ken Laurendine Charlie Rushing Warren Williams

Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Erik Seiffert Jeff Weintraub Penn State (Alpha Mu) Bill Exley Michael Gardocki Blaine Grube Bill Johnson Robert Ryan Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) Bruce Elowsky Ren Nugent Robert O'Donohue Orazio Petito Harry Roener Paul Schwanenflugel William Wright Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Keith Bader Kelley Bergstrom Stewart Black Bob Brown Gilbert Comstock Carl Dorr Phil Dvorak Karl Griffith Eldred Harman Ray Hoffmann Ken Hook Bob Lane Emerson Linney Phil Linney Warren Madden Mark Milliman Jim Moon Wayne Moore Dick Oh11 Don Osborne Steven Park Frank Parrish Daryl Pleggenkuhle Michael Powell Thomas Ruzicka David Schwake Robe11 Simmons Jeff Smith Tom Smull Gib Stanek Tom Tott Troy Vollbeer West Virginia (Alpha Rho) Dennis McCrum Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Carl Adkins Mike Ashe Jon Jordan John Lovegrove John Miller

Chris Moneymaker Jason Pile Frank Pugh Jim Shaver Frank Smith Jim Snow Alfred Southerland Sam Steele Jeff Stine Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Jim Bernstein Jeff Cunningham George Graf Winter Graves Harvey Leich Gilbert Roberts Nick Rusanowsky Robert Wagner Ralph Wainright Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Bob Anderson Leonard Di Carlo John Frye John Goldschmidt Charles Kuntz Tom LaRoe Gil Merritt Daniel Romanchuk Arthur Tunnell I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) Mike Fogel Dick Frankenberg Frank Janik Leonard Mance Dave Novy Charles Woods Indiana (Alpha Psi) Tony Cochren Richard Hall Jim Halsey James Keller Bob Nelson Terry Russell Steve Sparks Rich Stutz T.J. Sullivan Phil Summers Kevin Turner Oregon {Alpha Omega) R. Glenn Garrett Don Lasselle N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Nick Adams Fred Becker Chuck Dietz Tom McCann Louis Miceli Rick Pedersen Richard Rusak Hani Shouga

Jacob VanBroekhoven Joseph Zengota Florida Southern (Beta Beta) Bob Chapin David Fecht Rob Nicholson Drake (Beta Delta) Ken Miller Bruce Swanson Missouri-Columbia (Beta Epsilon) Dave Epperson Gary Gray Edmund Lasswell jim Lemon Ken Lissner Vince Sebo Dean Shillito Laurence Trudell Kenneth Weyand Florida State (Beta Eta) Daniel Allen Tom Atwood Robert Costin Jeffrey Holler Mike Loy Harry Mcintosh Clay Mills Scott Neel Jeff Niedenthal Jonathan Stevens Arizona (Beta Theta) Ryan Hurley Terry Mastey Toledo (Beta Iota) Bob Conley Scott Coursen Rob Friess Ron Hager George Hershman Rob Meyer Mike Monnette Roger Schiller Jason Solinger Frederick Tiller Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Pat McCabe John Whitley Tampa (Beta Lambda) Dick Swirbul Central Michigan (Beta Xi) Chad Austin Rob Bromley Scott Carpenter SPRING 1998


. Jeffery Cooley Shawn Cross Mike Czop Dale DeWaard Ed Fouchey Bill Gregory Basil Lyberg Wade Smith Michael Webster Ted Zolty Valdosta State (Beta Tau) Dana Ingram Bill Maxwell Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Glenn Dickson J. B. Yount East Carolina (Beta Phi) Ellis Banks Tom Lyons Scott Smith East Texas (Beta Chi) Andy Schlachter East Tennessee State (Beta Omega) Byron Brown Doug Burt Keith Younger Old Dominion (Gamma Beta) Tom Treichler Troy State (Gamma Gamma) Chris Schmidt Memphis (Gamma Delta) Tom Carter Ande Demetriou Charles Demetriou Western Carolina (Gamma Epsilon) Gary Graham Don Turner Jamie Van Schoor West Virginia Tech (Gamma Zeta) Randy Lavender )ames O' Keefe NC-Wilmington (Gamma Theta) Scott Engler Louisiana State (Gamma Iota) Paul Chenevert Darian Fuselier

Billy O'Regan Ryan Thibodaux Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) Glenn Aspinwall Mark Barnett Philip Braun David Centofanti Jared Clark Lynn Fine David Forrestall Edward Harris Robert Henderson Adam Hess Chad Johnson Scott McElroy Gerry Nipper Greg Pallone Jason Reed Robert Royal Rick Walden Belmont Abbey (Gamma Mu) Guy Piche Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Bill Finney Oklahoma State (Gamma Upsilon) Mark Christman South Alabama (Gamma Phi) George Hasenbein David LaRosa Charlie Marshall Montevallo (Gamma Omega) David Williams Virginia Polytechnic (Delta Alpha) Ed Dieterle Coston Dorsey Corey Pudhorodsky Bob Summers North Georgia (Delta Beta) Vic Irvin Nebraska-Omaha (Delta Gamma) Mark Kostinec Truman State (Delta Delta) John Andrews Doug Barth Greg Knehans Vince Vogelgesang

Jacksonville State (Delta Epsilon) Bobby Phillips Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) John Knier Jeff Shell Luke Snyder Morehead State (Delta Eta) Gerald Slone lrton Sparkman Middle Tennessee State (Delta Iota) Stephen Crass NC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Chris Cannon Bill Kincaid Howard Petree William Plott Nicholls State (Delta Omicron) Jacques Frere Wright State (Delta Pi) Bruce Rockwell Southern California (Delta Rho) Ed Lang Bowling Green (Delta Sigma) Ken Kaiser James Vassallo James Madison (Delta Tau) Sed Boxley Shannon Byrne David Ottenstein Radford (Delta Phi) Kevin Keys Dan Noble Kansas State (Delta Chi) Michael Austin Larry Keller Andrew Lammers Douglas Lavery Chris Lewis Ron Lewis Tim Lindemuth Tom Lyons Matt Riggs Craig Swenson Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Keith Ackerman

Brian Davidson Bill Svihel TexasA&M (Delta Omega) Scott Kearney Kenneth Martinec Longwood (Epsilon Gamma) Dale Rankin Auburn-Montgomery (Epsilon Delta) Tohn Andrews Mark Ernest Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon) George Becerra Mike Donathan Central Arkansas (Epsilon Zeta) Richard Dixon NC-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Kenny Capps Chad Coltrane Elliot Curtis Mike Spohn Ron Stark Scott Twiford Southern Polytechnic State (Epsilon Kappa) Rick Bell Peter Hawkins Sandy Ransom Jeff Tripp SC-Spartanburg (Epsilon Lambda) Jerry Carroll Chris Clark Michael Elmore Ronda) Johnson Robert Vaughn Eric Youmans Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Mark Brewner Ben Frank Bob Priest Kenneth Slaninka California StateSacramento (Epsilon Nu) Bob Langbein Jayson Louie LaSalle (Epsilon Xi) Tim Melroy

Virginia Commonwealth (Epsilon Pi) Mike Valentine Lenoir-Rhyne (Epsilon Rho) Ed Agnoli Todd Burwell Trent Hennigar Chuck Richards Derrick Styles Christian Brothers (Epsilon Sigma) Thomas Barnett Vince Mancini Matthew McCaghren Dan Wilson Georgia College (Epsilon Upsilon) J.T. Cleveland Alabama-Birmingham (Epsilon Phi) Pat Austin Jason Lybrand Scott McLeod Ryan Schultz Slippery Rock (Epsilon Psi) David Conn Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) Robert Kurima Blake Thomas Clemson (Zeta Alpha) Lynn Hutchinson North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) Kirk Rustvold George Mason (Zeta Epsilon) Rex Chen Scott Kopple Lee Quick Michael Socha North Florida (Zeta Zeta) Jonathan Fleetwood I.U.P. (Zeta Iota) Eric Hess Mark Tauzin Stephen Whitby Stockton State (Zeta Kappa) Steven Meincke

Cal State-Chico (Zeta Lambda) Paul Basil e

Coastal Carolina {Eta Pi) Bri an Behrens

Averett (Zeta Xi) Va ugha n Alexander David Tho mas

Kentucky (Eta Tau) Ben Harrell

SUNY-Cortland (Zeta Omicron) Stan Bertsch uk

Chapter Investment Funds

Marshall {Zeta Pi) Scott Rowekamp

The fo ll owing people contributed to Chapter Investment Funds in 1997.

Cal State-Fullerton (Zeta Rho) jo hn Deacy Brando n Kelly

Charleston {Alpha) Gary Catterto n Eric Heifers

California-Davis (Zeta Sigma) Matt Uyeda

Presbyterian (Beta) Walk jo nes Euge ne Va ughan

Towson State (Zeta Omega) Bri an Dem psey Chris Grant Kevin Ya tes

UC-Berkley {Gamma) Ro bert Engemoen Geo rge Ga nz

Indiana State {Eta Beta) Bruce Bursey Colorado-Boulder (Eta Gamma) Garro n Bateman Scott Zim mer Maryland {Eta Epsilon) Erik Bello Wes Butts Steven Harri s Ross Kn obl auch Ja mes Rzepkowski Queens College (Eta Zeta) Stewart Blake San Francisco {Eta Theta) Ge ne Takahashi Nelson Wong Christopher Newport {Eta Iota) Tim Ca mpbell Wingate (Eta Mu) Lee Hadden Steve Poston Pennsylvania {Eta Nu) Todd Kellert SUNY-Albany (Eta Xi) Ro b Modi ca

Furman (Delta) Jeffrey Browne Georgia Tech {Iota) Stewart Carlin Michael Crifasi Frederick Fuchs Jean Kirkl and Robert Murray Kevin Renshaw Stanl ey Ro berts Ro bert Snuggs

Chapter Investment Funds

Through the Chapter Investment Fund and other designated scholarship funds, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation annually awards grants and scholarships to undergraduate students. The CIF is a way in which alumni can give a tax-deductible donation in the name of their undergraduate chapter. All undergraduate chapters of Pi Kappa Phi have a CIF account in the Foundation. Alumni make donations into the fund, and once the fund reaches $5, 000 it becomes activated. Up to 5 percent of the CIF can be used for scholarships or for other educational purposes. The chapter cannot touch the principal, and the interest earned over 5 percent is rolled back into the fund to allow for growth. Currently, the Foundation has 28

activated funds and gave out over $138,000 in scholarships and grants to 36 undergraduates last year.

UNC-Chapel Hill {Kappa) Alvin Daughtridge Hunter Galloway Ri chard Holzwo rth William Moore William Ro llins Scott Tate Winto n Wilks Georgia (Lambda) Charl es Wagn er Duke {Mu) Anders Hall Owen jo hnso n Jo hn Moylan Stephen Schnurr Roanoke (Xi) {Dean Miller) Cecil Hefner Dud ley Woody Xi Chap ter James Fleshma n SPRING 1998


Pi Kapp Schdlars Twelve brothers have been selected for the 1997-98 Pi Kapp Scholar Awards. They were chosen from among 26 juniors and seniors who applied for the award this year. While academic achievement is tJ;te most important criterion for the award, the selection committee considered each candidate's grades and curriculum within the context of what he has contributed to his Fraternity, his campus and his community. Members of the selection committee were Steve Sanders (chairman), Brook Bollinger; Pat Figley, Billy Jacobs and Phillip Summers. Each winner receives a $500 scholarship, provided by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation.

"Good grades are taken as indicators of a deeper sense of quality, responsibility, drive, success and dedication. Individuals in the non-Greek community who personally hold high scholarship standards may desire to become a part of a brotherhood that exhibits academic excellence."

"High scholarship standards are an integral component of the ideal fraternity man that Pi Kappa Phi strikes to promote. By performing well academically, a Pi Kappa Phi not only reflects well upon himself, but also fosters a positive image on his group, in the eyes of the faculty and administration."

"You can get all the A's you want, but if you don't know why you are doing it, your college experience is void of true meaning. By emphasizing scholarship, Pi Kappa Phi has molded me into a more rounded and learned person."



Alabama (Omicron) Billy Bartlett Harry Caldwell Raymond Cartledge John Greaves Thomas Henderson Mack Matthews Edward Turner Omicron Chapter Ralph Russell Washington & Lee (Rho) Seth Baker South Carolina {Sigma) Jerry Brewer John Flynn NC State (Tau) Octavius Battle Illinois {Upsilon) ( 451 Scholarship) Richard Bangert Upsilon Chapter Edwin Mendels Stetson (Chi) William Davis Stephen Kilpatrick Earnest Murphy Cornell {Psi) Jason Wright Purdue {Omega) Richard Bohner Matthew Bouma Michael Dowler Gary Hanson John Hinga Alfred Kirchner Roland Kitchen Patrick Kuhnle Douglas Kunnemann Allan Larson Eric Nachtrab Noel Nelson Mark Nigh Durward Owen Nathan Park Jack Powers Roger Roach Lance Rodenfels Edward Salay Jay Seeger Todd Spaulding Matthew Stuve Jeffrey Tang Michael Tyrrell Robert Viets Bryan Williams Joseph Williams John Wolfenden

Mercer {Alpha Alpha) Michael Lake Washington (Alpha Delta) Fredrick Brown Evan Erickson Flordia (Alpha Epsilon) Paul Ahmed Richard Alan Russell Burgess Donald Dvornik Thomas Fitzgerald Clifton Hux Kelvin O'Neill Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) William Alldredge William Cook James Guthrie Donald Perrin Samford (Alpha Eta) Stewart Winton Alpha Iota Chapter Van Comfort Thomas Fuller Moyer Harris James Hendry Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Kenneth Adams Theodore Aylward Curtis Estes John Phillips Robert Robbins Penn. State (Alpha Mu) Bruce Kent Nelson Mattern Richard Parks William Vernon Donald Ziegler Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Eldon Anderson Kelley Bergsuom Stewart Black Robert Brown Gilbert Comstock Harold Cowles Stanton Fritz Jeremy Galvin Terry Henricksen Emerson Linney Warren Madden Richard Ohrt William Rickert Thomas Ruzicka Mark Stacey Gilbert Stanek

Thomas Tott Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Thomas Banks Jonathan Jordan John Miller Barney Tucker Alpha Tau Chapter Richard Andrews Drexel {Alpha Upsilon) Michael Gennaro Henry Schuette I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) David Desilets Christopher Sutton Alpha Psi Chapter David Calzaretta Jason Christensen Rodney Gunning James Halsey James Kelsey Timothy Mercer Paul Sullivan N.J.l.T. {Beta Alpha) (Al Brown Scholarship) James Adams Paul Bamburak Frederick Becker Kevin Boerner Harry Bonfanti Thomas Carroll Richard Comiso Steve Corbett LCrompton Stephen DePalma Nichola Debendictis Henry Kamas Robert Kee Edward Klebaur Karlis Kopans William Krouse Aivars Krumins Richard Labinsky John Lee Michael Mahfouz Louis Miceli William Mokoid Jose Monroig Robert Morgan William Muldowney John Mullooly George Newcombe William Nichols Alvin Olsen Durward Owen Patrick Parkinson Lester Pastuszyn John Pugliesi Richard Rodrick Bruce Sack Robert Sicilano Thomas Smith Patrick Suter

Ronald Szkodny William Tisdall Anthony Tobey Chad Underwood Robert VanDergrift Timothy VanVliet Edward Wilson Jeffrey Winegar Rolan Yang Paul Zelinsky Joseph Zengota Louisville {Beta Gamma) Spencer Harper Missouri-Columbia (Beta Epsilon) Bradley Barondeau Florida State (Beta Eta) Robert Clark Hugo Debeaubien Raymond Jones Seth Klondar William Niedenthal Thomas Atwood Toledo (Beta Iota) Christopher Barton Tampa (Beta Lambda) David Su llivan

"Scholarship is not simply a set of numbers, means or grade point averages - it is a way of life; it is dedication, responsibility and insight; it is the ability to intelligently question established ways of doing things, and the willingness to go above and beyond what anyone expects. II

'1\n academically successful Pi Kapp chapter has an advantage on campus: the chapter will be well respected by students and faculty on campus, and Pi Ka(Jpa Phi will receive positive exposure to the university, allowing for greater impact in the community. II

'1\n educated brother understands that he must achieve not only for his Fraternity, but for his own future. The standards which request of us to succeed for fraternity are what sharpen the tools necessary for survival in the real world."

East Carolina (Beta Phi) Fredrick Judson Old Dominion (Gamma Beta) Matthew Parker Memphis (Gamma Delta) Thomas Carter West Virginia Tech (Gamma Zeta) Marion Miller Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) David Centofanti Gamma Kappa Thomas Knight Joseph Odom Richard Seaman Christopher Wagner LeGrange (Gamma Nu) James Motos Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) William Finney

'1\ brother who is academically successful will become confident and earn the respect of his peers, professors and family. As a result, the respect he earns will transcend his personal accomplishments and will improve the reputation of the chapter."

"Many students lose sight of their academic goals and purpose, which can lead to poor management of study time. All Greell members must prove their value to the remainder of the University, and they are expected to achieve more than the average student."



"In the chapter house, those known for their excellence in the classroom are leaders by serving as examples and role models for other brothers. Others ber:ome motivated to excel in the classroom as an effect of these scholastic models."

"Our founder. were. diligent stud~nts, and the S}'l!lbols they_ chose far this Fraternity should lie carefully examined. Scholarship, in its simples sense, will keep brothers of Pi Kappa Phi academically strong and cultured persons."

South Alabama {Gamma Phi) William Hendry Truman State (Delta Delta) Rick Douglas David Ewigman Irvin Howard Timothy La Grasso Gary Lykins Melton Lytle James Noble James Palmer Scott Valley Appalachian State {Delta Zeta) Shirley Hardee William Maycock . Arthur Quickenton Morehead State (Delta Eta) Shawn Bradley Ronald Rigg

'1\.s an associate, what I saw in the active members encouraged me to study hard and take pride in my grades. My work not only reflected me, but my entire Fraternity."

UNC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) Christopher Cannon Quincy Magby James Madison (Delta Tau) Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Kansas State {Delta Chi) James Lindemuth Eric Purvis

"As students, we have chosen to develop our body of knowledge, both in the academic and sodal setting. Our classes make us better students; our Fraternity turns us into better men."

Texas-Arlington {Delta Psi) Keith Whitt Villanova (Epsilon Omicron) Stephen Ferraro Christian Brothers {Epsilon Sigma) William Wilson St. Joseph's (Epsilon Tau) Robert Powelson

report. However. it Is possible that your name was omitted, misspelled or incorrectly lis lf this has happened, pi accept our apology and contact us to correct our records.

Clemson (Zeta Alpha) James Heil James McCutchen UC-San Diego {Zeta Beta) Patrick Pollock

IUPUI {Zeta Psi) Zeta Psi Colorado-Boulder (Eta Gamma) Eta Gamma

Matching Gift Opportunities Certain companies will match their employee's contribution for gifts made to charities. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is a SOl(c) {3) charity that qualifies for matching gift programs. Check with your Human Resources Office to see if your company makes matching gifts. The following company made a matching gift in 1997 to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation: Schoor DePalma, Inc.

Chapters benefit from management software Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity gladly announces its endorsement of The House Manager, orTHM, chapter and financial management software! From post-it notes and scraps of paper to an electronic database on the treasurer or chapter's computer, membership tracking, accounting and financial management can be more accurate and useful now thanks to this software program from Summit Technologies, Inc. THM is a software program designed to meet the needs of the Greek community, specifically undergraduate and alumni chapters. The program is both a membership database and accounting package, and is tailored to give the treasurer, other members of executive counci l, officers in an alumni chapter or general members the tools they need to organize or easily view pertinent chapter and financial information . With THM, the user has the ability to: • Track active members' finan cial records; • Print out individual financial statements and accounts receivable; • Balance the house checkbook using integrated Quicken-style accounting; • Design, create and modify semester and/ or quarterly budgets with fraternity-specific categories (i.e. RUSH , composite, etc.); • Print mailing labels, phone and membership lists, pre-defined and custom reports; • Store and track personal, school and family information on prospective, associate and active members; • Track chapter alumni and alumni information (i.e. an alumni database); • Record weekly meeting minutes and attendance. After evaluating several products last fall, Pi Kappa Phi chose to promote THM because of its full-featured functionality and user-friendliness. THM also grants the legal right to copy or transfer the software (within the chapter) to other computers, so transferring the program and access to the program during

officer transition is seamless. Additionally, Summit Technologies nor the software is new to this market. Therefore, the software developers have the experience and growing customer-base to continually support and frequently upgrade their products and services. Since january, over 75 copies of the software have been sold to Pi Kappa Phi chapters, and seven other national organizations have purchased or are promoting THM. "We want to make organization easier for the guys by providing a software package that is intuitively easy," notes Jeff Niedenthal (Florida State- Beta Eta) , assistant executive director. "THM provides documentation and support, fits the needs of the fraternity information system, and most importantly, standardizes accounting procedures and eases transition problems officers may encounter going from term-to-term and officer-to-officer." THM was developed by Summit Technologies, Inc., a software applications and website development firm based in Fort Collins, CO. If you are involved with an alumni chapter, and are interested in finding out more about the software, or if you would just like to know whether or not your chapter is utilizing THM software, please give Ryan Herring, director of information technology, a call at 704-523 -6000, ext. 132. The Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity website (www.pikapp.org) contains a link to Summit Technologies (www.summittech.com) , as well as THM "helpful hints and tips" (www.pikapp.org/bb.html). THM is currently available in identical versions for Macs, Power Macs, Windows 95 and Windows NT. Pricing is $99 for a single copy, with discounts given for orders of 10 or more. Information on minimum hardware and software requirements, as well as a fullfunctioning demo version ofTHM 2.1, can be downloaded at the company's website, or a set of disks may be requested by phone, 888-8337360, or email, sales@summittech.com.

continued from page 5 the Fraternity. "After receiving the bid, I was sitting at the library, and Simon Fo{Jartywalked in," recalls Kroeg. "I, or

A life-long

Fogarty took that afternoon in the library to explain to Kroeg more about the Fraternity and what it had meant to Kroeg's father. After the discussion, Kroeg's mind was dearly made up. "I felt I owed

membership oath, we put our family first, our country second and our Fraternity thir .."says John Andrews, former area governor and current national chaplain. "The rub comes when a chapter must choose

it to my father," notes Kroeg.

between family and fraternity-when

what the chapter or(•iQJi· do for him. " David Owen(Appalachian State- Delta Zeta)

David with his father, Durward Owen




Through our membership oath to Pi Kappa Phi, we have pledged to maintain a life-long commitment to the Fraternity. Often, this oath is never completely realized until a student has since graduated, has a family, and one day, has his son come up to say that he has joined some other fraternity-because Pi Kappa Phi was not an option. "In our

fraternity includes family. "When undergrads say no to a legacy, it's like saying no to family." And family is the key element to Fraternity and the oath we all take to Pi Kappa Phi. "It's a way of involving membership over generations," explains Scharfenstein. "My daughter is a Chi Omega and so is my wife and her mother-so, both a mother and grandmother went to the initiation. "That's touching. "That's the way fraternity should be."


Chi Chapter rechartered


n Feb. 17, the 28 undergraduate members of Chi Chapter (Stetson) were presented with their charter following a successful initiation and banquet ceremony. Six alumni

initiates also joined the men in the ritual, including four fathers' of members. Zeta Zeta (North Florida) and Beta Beta (Florida Southern) chapters provided the initiating teams.

Following initiation, over 200 alumni, friends and family gathered in the Stetson Room of the Carlton Union Building on campus to celebrate the rechartering. National staff on hand for the event included Leadership Consultant Jeff Esola, Assistant Executive Director Jeff Niedenthal and National Council Vice President J. Patrick Figley, an alumnus of Chi Chapter. "Pat Figley is an extremely inspiring man who has incredible insight into the Fraternity," says Founding Vice Archon Ryan Padnuck. "Being a member of the chapter also made it

Pi Kapp charters at Texas Christian University


n March 7, Pi Kappa Phi

Following initia-

that much more meaningful." The chapter recently elected a new executive council and obtained housing-four, onebedroom apartments, each with a living room and kitchen area. The next task for the men: raising funds to help build a chapter room. The chapter hopes to raise $75,000. "It's a great location on campus, but the problem is that we cannot have registered meetings/functions in the complex," says Padnuck. "What we (the chapter) would like to do is add a chapter room in the back, where there is already an existing carport."


grades above all other

established Eta Chi

tion, a banquet was held at


chapter at Texas Christian

Texas Stadium in Arlington,

University. With a charter-

home of the Dallas Cow-

To add to the chapter's academic success,

ing class of 63 undergradu-


Eta Chi also raised $3,000

ates and seven alumni

Over the course of

for Push America in a single

initiates, the TCU chartering

nearly one calendar year,

event. The chapter's "Wheel

was one of the largest in Pi

Eta Chi Chapter has left a

Chair Push-a-than" not

Kappa Phi history. The chartering officer was National Vice

dramatic impact on the landscape of fraternities at TCU. As the group finishes

only raised money, but aided the university through a written report to the

President J. Patrick Figley, assisted by Area XI Gover-

its second consecutive semester as first in grades

administration on campus accessibility. The report was

nor Billy Jacobs. Assistant

the National Headquarters.

with a 3.2 chapter cumula-

based on the findings of the

Executive Director Jeff Niedenthal, Director of Strategic Planning Tom Atwood and Director of Educational Programming Stephen Whitby represented

Members from the University of Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) and Samford University (Alpha Eta) served as the initiating teams.

tive GPA, the Greek system took notice. By ousting Chi Omega Sorority from its position, it was the first time in over 25 years that a fraternity ranked first in

Push event.




GoI Celebrating 50 years of membership The Star & Lamp welcomes the following men into the Golden Legion of Pi Kappa Phi. They celebrated their 50th Pi Kapp anniversaries between October 1997 and March 1998. Charleston (Alpha) Mr Douglas C Appleby Mr Herbert A Boland Ill Mr Dan Donato Jr. Mr Arthur A Joseph Mr Eugene F McManus Mr Jarrett G Melvin Dr William W Morris Mr Francis W Sturcken Presbyterian (Beta) Mr Dudley C Beaty Jr. Mr Hamlet L Johnson Mr Manning Jolly Jr. Mr Richard J Lindsay UC-Berkeley (Gamma) Mr John S Ausman Mr Russell J Chabrier Mr George H Denton Mr VernE Ferguson Mr George A Lineer Mr William 0 Martin Mr Frank C Patton Mr Harland R Ross Furman {Delta) Mr Martin Cheatham Jr. Mr James B Easterlin Mr Charles Graddick Jr. Dr. Raymond W Heatwole Mr Ernest B Hinnant Mr Vernon M Shell Davidson {Epsilon) Mr William T Cassels Jr. Mr Lawton Cleveland Jr. Mr Murphy A Cronland Mr WalterS McSwain Jr. Mr Joseph J Murray Jr. Mr Franklin Niblock Jr. Mr Thomas C Niblock Dr. Harry L Powe Jr. Dr. Charles E Ratliff Jr. Mr Gene W Taylor Mr Samuel N Thomas Mr John S Tolbert Wofford (Zeta) Mr Elroy J Malone Mr Neal A McNeill Mr Arthur M Procter 34


Mr Frank D Salters Mr Joseph W Thomas Jr. Emory (Eta) Mr Jennings B Douglas Mr Ted A Giles Mr James M Major Mr James 0 Phillips Georgia Tech (Iota) Mr William R Fulton Mr Roy E Lowrance Leonard B Sheffield Jr. Mr James EStill Jr North Carolina (Kappa) Mr Bailey W Hobgood Jr. Dr. Leslie H Jenkins Mr William Johnson Jr. Mr Joseph T Melvin Jr. Mr Wa lter H Moore Mr William T Moore Mr James L Thompson Georgia {Lambda) Mr William R Boyette Mr Harry N Chastain Mr William J Harp Jr. Mr George C Jackson Mr Victor F Jolly Mr RobertS Kennemur Mr Lamar G Miley Mr Roy F Wooten Duke (Mu) Mr William E Massey Jr. Mr Joseph W Thompson

Mr Ollie W Nabors Mr Hoke L Smith Mr Marion E White Mr Calvin M Whitesell Washington & Lee (Rho) Mr Philip C Braunschweig Mr Harrison C Eacho Jr. Mr Michael J Evans Mr Robert E Glenn Mr Thomas A Hollis Mr John R Koerner Mr John 0 Martin Mr Bomar A Olds Jr. Mr Carroll LThoms Mr Robert A Totty Jr. South Carolina (Sigma) Mr Robert L Dormer Mr Jack E Hardwick CAPT Derwin T Lamb Mr Hubert W Smoak Jr. Mr George W Thomas NC State (Tau) Mr James E Blue Mr Maurice W Lamb Mr John E Reed Mr Lewis J Reep Illinois {Upsilon) Mr Paul M Argyelan Mr Ivan W Brown Mr Franklin G Collins

Stetson (Chi) Mr Benjamin E Carson Mr Richard M Grunwald Mr Robert L Mitchell Mr Neil A Nelson Mr Myron F Samson Mr Alvin R Schneider Mr Ralph W Scott Mr Don E Walden Purdue (Omega) Mr William J Adamson Mr Lowell W Bahe Mr Clifford T Ghere Mr Richmond B McQuistan Mr William J Thompson Mr Clarke F Thornton Washington (Alpha Delta) Mr Richard D Bradish Mr Howard J Craven Mr Howard M Keeton Mr James H Knox Mr Harold V McPherson Mr Walter R Plagens Mr Robert G Schimanski Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Mr Benjamin A Bittan Jr. Hon Benjamin Overton LTC William Rutledge Jr. Mr Richard S Sahlie Oregon State

Roanoke (Xi) Mr Dan A Chrisman Mr Grover C Dudley Jr. Mr George P Moore Jr. Mr Bobby E Stultz judge james C Turk S. M Turk Mr Thor Wikoren Mr Arthur C Wood Alabama {Omicron) Col Edwin S Davis Mr Fred R Harris Mr Cecil P Harrison Mr James jackson

Mr Melvin V Foerster Mr Robert T Kieres Mr James C Murphy Mr Ralph C Mutasiak

(Alpha Zeta) CW02- Earl D Barton Mr George W Blinco

Mr Charles G Breeding Mr Harold F Copeman Mr Myron W Daugherty Mr Richard M Diehl Mr Ferris G Gi lkey Mr William D Guyer Mr Mark E Hartley Mr Matlock M Mims Mr John W Moore Mr Robert L Nickelsen Mr Robert L Nord lander Mr Robert N Phillips Jr. Mr Francis L Summers Mr Francis M Trusty Samford (Alpha Eta) Mr William T Kellett Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Mr Roderick R Casavant Mr Guerdon E Schumacher Mr Gerald M Stevens Mr William H Young Mr Ray J Zimmerman Auburn (Alpha Iota) Mr Forrest CAlley Mr John A Bryan Mr Joe R Capell Mr Van R Comfort Jr. Mr Robert V Dallis Mr James B Floyd Stewart R Folmar Mr Carl WHam Mr William T Hendry Mr John Y Keith Mr Wesley W Meeks Mr Joseph T Pilcher Mr Whit N Stuckey Jr. Mr Robert D Thrash Penn State (Alpha Mu) Mr Burton E Raymond Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) Mr James A Larrousse Mr John E Morrissey Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Mr Robert L Basmann Mr Robert H Casey Mr Dale H Rickert

Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Mr Roger A Coggins Mr Charles L Cummins Mr Dwain N Freels Mr Jack M Patrick Mr James R Phillips Mr E. H Pugh Mr John M Reisser MD Mr Benjamin F Smith Jr. Mr Walter E Verner Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Mr Charles E Beiser Mr James M Cunningham Jr Mr George E Farnham Mr AA Hala Mr Paul E Herbst Mr William L Heuser Jr Mr Andrew P Koehm Mr John S Martinez Mr Donald P Maslen Mr Alfred G Sanford Mr Roger KThompson Jr Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Mr Charles D Bintzer Mr Erwin C Breithaupt Jr Mr Walter J Burk Mr Robert L Frank Mr Harry E Johnson Mr Irvin L Keiter Mr William R Kramer Jr Mr John W Lynch Jr Mr Donald R Short Mr Charles B Welsh I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) Mr John J Chervenak Jr. Mr Roger E Doty Mr Roger H Marz Mr George W Wade Jr Mr Charles R Woods Miami (Alpha Chi) Mr Keith C VanDeventer Indiana (Alpha Psi) Mr David A Bibler Mr Paul E Nonte Mr Schuyler F Otteson Oregon (Alpha Omega) Mr Lawrence E Baer Mr Charles C Crone Mr Charles D Dempsey

Dwai n Freels

Cochren, Alumnus

fond memories of the

The Brothers of Eta

Dwain Freels and

formals at the local

Upsi lon Chapter

Historian Andy

country clubs.

celebrated the 50-year



After graduating from Drexel,

membership of Brother Dwain Freels.

Charles D. Bintze r

Bintzer went to work

Brother Freels was

Charles D. Bintzer

at his alma mater,

(Alpha Upsilon -

earned tenure and

Drexel) was presented

remained there for

with his Golden

over 30 years. He says

Legion award at his

that he still follows

home in Pennsylva-

both the Pennsylva-

initiated into the

nia. Chapter Advisor

nia (only recently)

Alpha Sigma Chapter

for the Eta Nu

and Drexel chapters,

in October 194 7.

Chapter (Pennsylva-

as well as the Na-

nia) R. Perry

tiona! Fraternity.

Archon Chris Wagner, Historian

Monastero (Tampa -

Andy Clearly and

Beta Lambda)

Chapter Advisor Tony

presented the award,

Cochren presented

along with five Eta

the award-with a

Nu undergraduates.

paddle-to Freels at his farm outside of


After feverish recollection of his

Oxford, OH . Both


Freels and his wife

experiences in Pi

cooked dinner of

Kappa Phi at Drexel,

spaghetti and meat-

Bintzer enthusiasti-

balls (with ices cream

cally accepted his

and homemade

certificate, astonished

chocolate chip

by the reminder he

cookies for dessert)

had been a member

for the occassion .

for over 50 years.

Freels is a


retired teacher with

most prominent

the Talawanda

memories include

Schools, and cur-

eating formal dinners

rently farms with his

in his fraternity house


and the occasional

(Pictured-from left

dinner date that

to right: Archon Chris

would join the

Wagner, Chapter

brothers for their

Advisor Tony

meal. He also has SPR ING 1998


*** ~~:~ ' I '~ x~路~ /1.


Remembering Chapter Eternal The Star & Lamp regrets that between October 1997 and March 1998 the following brothers were reported to the National Headquarters as having passed on to the Chapter Eternal.

Otis R. McCollum (North Carolina Kappa) passed away on Dec. 2, 1997, from lung cancer. He was 67. McCollum joined the Kappa Chapter in 1950. He was a very active undergraduate as well as an equally active alumnus--providing the driving force behind the formation of the Kappa Council. McCollum served as the Chairman of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in the early 1980s and

Charleston (Alpha) Mr Lucius S Jennings, Mr Johnny P Le Mr William Matthews Mr John R Walton Jr, Presbyterian (Beta) Mr Charles Steenbergen UC-Berkley (Gamma) Mr Gordon B Turner Furman (Delta) Mr James P Britton Davidson (Epsilon) Mr John H Boulware Mr Richard J Melchor Mr DonaldS Menzies Jr. Emory (Eta) Mr Merritt R Clements Mr Robert J Noland Mr Oley S Poer Mr John C Wilson Georgia Tech (Iota) Mr RG Bush Mr George D Little Lonnie A Morris Jr.

was a member of the Nu Phi Society. In August 1996, McCollum was honored with the

UNC-Chapel Hill (Kappa) Mr Richard F Anderson Mr Edgar M Fetter Mr Jerry W Greene MD Mr Otis R McCollum

award of Mr. Pi Kappa Phi-the highest and

Geogia (Lambda) Mr William C Watson

most esteemed award presented in the Fraternity.


Roanoke (Xi) Mr James W Fleshman Mr Gene H Studebaker Alabama (Omicron) Mr William W Brown Mr William A Daniel Jr. Mr Karl C Harrison Mr Carlene E Knight Col James A Watts Washington & Lee (Rho)



Mr Henry F Bullard Mr William L Cusac Mr Holmes M Dyer Mr Jeffrey Gauch Mr Nicholas D Hall Jr. Mr Stanley M Rowland Mr Charles K Slick

Mr William S Couch Penn State (Alpha Mu) Mr John H Weinberger Mr Edwin H Zacharias Sr. Ohio State (Alpha Nu)

South Carolina (Sigma) Mr David M Lock Jr. Mr Richter H Moore Jr. Mr David A Morris

CAPT Lewis E Miller

Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) Mr E W Emmens Jr. Mr Eugene C Holzapfel

Stetson (Chi) Mr Julius E Breckwoldt, 12/23/1997 Dr. Edward B Henderson, 12/31/1997

Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Mr Lloyd D Brownson Mr Joseph G Duncan

Cornell (Psi) Mr Raymond J Kusiak Mr Martin G Schubkegel Mr Walter J Stephen

Univ. of the South (Alpha Pi) Mr Jackson Cross Mr Ralph H Ruch

Purdue (Omega) Mr DeeV Meek Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Mr William B Skipworth Washington (Alpha Delta) Mr Wallace H Hedges Mr Ronald W Nelson Mr Frederick R Schedler Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Mr George S Coulter Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Mr Lewis E Knerr Jr. Mr Ernest R McKeehan

W. Virginia (Alpha Rho)

Mr Kent B Cooper Renssalaer (Alpha Tau) Mr Wilfred C Cope I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) Mr John C Leyerle Mr Malcolm Slaney Jr. Oregon (Alpha Omega) Mr W J St. Hilaire N.}.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Mr James D Bivin Mr L J Grzesinski Mr Thomas Pardew Mr A A Young

Samford (Alpha Eta) Mr Douglass V Garner

Arizona (Beta Theta) Mr GeorgeS Hunter Mr Arthur H Rahm Mr William J Smith

Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Mr Ralph H Beckwith Mr Erwin J Raven

Houston (Beta Nu) Mr Robert W Smith Jr.

Auburn (Alpha Iota)

NIU (Beta Sigma) Mr Gary A Benham

WVTech (Gamma Zeta) Mr Thomas M Honsaker Mr Michael C Paterno LSU (Gamma Iota) Mr Kristian J Nicolosi Belmont Abbey (GammaMu) Mr Bennett B Smith N. Texas State (Gamma Tau) MrTE Masley South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Mr Willoughby E Lacy Virginia Tech (Delta Alpha) Mr Henry B Mullen Truman State (Delta Delta) Mr Kent S Sheridan Jacksonville State (Delta Epsilon) Mr Michael DAkin Mr Paul G Mantooth Cal. State-Fullerton (Zeta Rho) Mr Tustin B Lett UC-Davis (Zeta Sigma) Mr Jason L Baucom Southwest Texas (Eta Rho) Mr Stephen A Ainsworth Friends of the Fraternity Mrs Grace Franklin



National Headquarters Pi Kappa Phi National Council President

Nathan Hightower P.O. Box 1669 CleaiWater, FL 34617

Parker H. Petit 1850 Parkway Place, 12th Fl. Marietta, GA 30067

Pi Kappa Phi Properties Executive Committee President Mark F. Jacobs

Lonnie Strickland P.O. Box 870225 Tusca loosa, AL 35487

5238 N. New Jersey St. Indianapol is, IN 46220 Vice President - Construction

Vice President

J. Patrick Figley, D.Min. Peninsular Counseling Center 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609

Push America Board of Directors President Dud ley F. Woody

Gregory V. Linder Venture Co ncept 72 SE Sixth Ave. Delray, FL 33483


P.O. Box 14125 Roanoke, VA 24038

Vice President - ILF

Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. 985 Valley View Road Indian Springs, AL 35 124 Secretary

J. Ernest Johnson PM Realty Group 81 1 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 1650 Los Angeles, CA 900 17 Historian

James A. Krucher 3 Burgh Ave. Clifton, NJ 07011 Chaplain John R. Andrews

Sioux Council, B.S.A. 3200 West 49th Sioux Falls, SO 57106 Chancellor

Robert E. Glenn Glenn, Feldmann, Darby, Good late P.O. Box 2887 Roanoke, VA 2400 1 Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Trustees Chairman

Kelley A. Bergstrom 900 N. Michigan Ave, Ste 1700 Chicago, IL 60611 Vice Chairman Frank L. Lane

8800 Roswell Rd., Ste 265 Atlanta, GA 30350 Secretary/Treasurer L. Clay Edmonds

Brencor Inc. 52 14 Maryland Way, Ste 402 Brentwood, TN 37027 Na than Hightower P.O. Box 1669 CleaJWater, FL 34617 Tom Carter 2908 Pine Needl e Dr Ellicot City, MD 21042 Stephen DePalma P.O. Box 900 Manalapan, Nl 07726 Eldred J. Harman 867 Sunrise Blvd. Waterloo, !A 50701 Kevin K. Murphy P.O. Box212 Reading, PA 19603

Vice President

Leslie Paliyenko 108 Coach Ridge Trail Matthews, NC 28105 Treasurer

Charles P. Adams 13 Holy Crest Ct. Greensbo ro, NC 27410 Secretary

Robert McDonnell 212 S. Tryon St., Ste 980 Charlotte, NC 28281 Member-at-Large Bruce L. Rogers

370 17th St. Ste 2300 Denver, CO 80202 Eric Almquist 459 Brandon Town Center Dr. Brandon , FL 33511 Gregory L. Ball 11121 Carmel Commons Blvd., Ste 400 Charl otte, NC 28226 Em manual Boykin 400 Galleria Ofc Ste 109 Southfield, Ml 48034

Chuck J. Barnard 101 N I st Ave, 15th Floor Phoen ix, AZ 85003 Treasurer

J. Council! Leak 1900 Roxborough Road, Ste 200 Charlotte, NC 28211

P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704 )523-6000; FAX: (704 )521-8962 email: pikappnatl@aol.com http:ffwww.pikapp.org Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Assistant Executive Director Jeff Niedenthal Journey Director Stephen Whitby Director of Communications jason Stolarczyk Director of Finance Pame.la Meachum Director of Information Technology Ryan M. Herring Executive Director Emeritus DUlward Owen Director of Chapter Services Thomas Atwood Senior Expansion Consultants Jon Jordan Senior Leadership Consultants Jeff Esola, David). Sullivan Leadership Consultants Jeremy Galvin, Larry Keller Office Manager Nancy Larsen Support Staff Correspondence Secretary Linda Littlejohn, Membership/ Records Director Cindy Howell, Accountant Robin Peralta, Communi cations Assistant Leslie Falter


Robert J. Paterno 700 NE 90 th St, Ste B Miami, FL 33138 Member-at-Large

Jay J. Stucke! 6157 Kerth Road St. Louis, MO 63128 Member-at-Large

Glenn Aspinwall 5328 Goose Creek Grove Norcross, GA 30092

NATIONAL COMMITTEES Alumni Relations: Frank Havard

2094 Forest Meadows Dr. Birmingham, AL 35242

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation

P.O. Box 240526, Charl otte, NC 28224 (704) 523-6000; email: alumexpand@aol.com Chairman Kelley A. Bergstrom 900 N. Michigan Ave, Ste 1700 Chicago, IL 606 11 Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Director of Alumni Relations Michael Lowery Administrative Assistant Betsie Fehr Pi Kappa Phi Properties P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 523-6000; email: PKPP@aol.com Chairman Mark F. jacobs 5238 W. New Jersey St. Indianapolis, IN 46220 Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Executive Vice President Evan Erickson Administrative Assistant Betsie Fehr

Education: Glenn Dickson

Edward L. Corso n 3519 Verona Trail SW Roa noke, VA 24018

2255 BraeJWood Park #143 Houston, TX 77030

J. Patrick Figley 2819 Horatio Street Tampa, FL 33609


Gail Glasser 6 Carriage Crossing Ct St. Charl es, MO 63301 Lo ri A. Hanafi n 6600 E. Wilkinson Blvd Belmont, NC 28012 Gary Leonard 1744 Praters Point Dacula, GA 30211 Dr. Arthur J. Quickenton 875 Pine Hill Rd. Boone, NC 28607 Michael W. Rilenge 1481 West lOth Street Indianapo lis, IN 46202

Patrick Danehy 4280 Belle Meade Cove Memphis, TN 38 11 7 Nomination: jerry T. Brewer

Director of Student Life M-USC-Russell House Columbia, SC 29208 Ritual & Insignia: David H. Vawter

1907 Monticello St. Waynesboro, VA 22980 Scholarship: Steve Sanders

Push America

P.O. Box 241 368, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704)522-PUSH (7874); FAX: (704)521-8962 email: PushAmerica@mindspring.com http:ffwww.PushAmeri ca.com President Dudley F. Woody Woods, Rogers & Hazelgrove P.O. Box 14 125 Roa noke, VA 24011 Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Executive Director Chad Coltrane Director of Marketing Chris Orr Director of Development Susan De Long Director of Special Events john Powers Director of Chapter Outreach and Grant Services Todd Nelmes Special Events Assistant David Drees, David Suter Administrative Assistant Terrie Smith Associate Chad Nicholas

Indiana University Kirkwood Hall104 Bloomington, IN 47405

Dr. Richard B. Voorneveld Coll ege of Charleston Office of Student Affairs Charleston, SC 29424 SPR ING 1998


CHAPTERS P.O. Box 6089, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 AC Box 74, Reading. PA 19612-5234 Box 40, Univ. Ctr, Birmingham, AL 35294 ASU Box 8991, Boone, NC 28607 cfo Jennifer Jones, Dept of Student Programs, Student Union 101, Tucson, /\l85721 Auburn Alpha Iota 861 Lem Morrison Dr., Auburn, AL 36830 Auburn-Montgomery Epsilon Delta P.O. Box 241332, Montgomery, AL36124 P.O. Box 2306, Danville, VA 24541 Zeta Xi Averett Box 5295, College Station, Wilson, NC 27893 Zeta Tau Barton Zeta Upsilon 95lron St., Bloomsburg. PA 17815 Bloomsburg R-3 Old Frat. Row, Bowling Green, OH 43403 Delta Sigma Bowling Green State Bradley Epsilon Mu 1530 W. Bradley Ave., Peoria, IL 61606 Gamma 2908 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 California-Berkeley Eta Eta P.O. Box 4741, Irvine, CA 92616 California-Irvine California- los Angeles Eta Sigma 626 Landfair, Los Angeles, CA 90024 California-San Diego Zeta Beta P.O. Box 948555, LaJolla, CA 92037-9405 Zeta Lambda 811 Rio Chico Way, Chico, CA 95928 Cal. State-Chico Cal. State-Fullerton Zeta Rho 2117 Teri Pl., Fullerton, CA 92831 Cal. State-Northridge Zeta Mu 17835 Parthenia St., Northridge, CA 91325 904 University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 Central Michigan Beta Xi Eta Pi P.O . Box 1954, Conway, SC 29526 Coastal Carolina Charleston Alpha Box 1493, Stem Student Center, SC 29424 Epsilon Sigma 650 E. ParkwayS., Memphis, TN 38104 Christian Brothers 121 Barlow Rd., Williamsburg. VA 23188 Christopher Newport Eta Iota Zeta Alpha P.O. Box 2186, Clemson, SC 29632 Clemson Epsilon Epsilon CVC Box 6005, Wise, VA 24293 Clinch Valley Eta Gamma 935 16th St., Boulder, CO 80302 Colorado-Boulder Zeta Phi PO Box 1918, Ft. Collins, CO 80521 Colorado State Eta Alpha C-49, Concord College, Athens, WV 24 712 Concord Psi 55 Ridgewood Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 Cornell Alpha Upsilon 3405 Powelton Ave., Philly, PA 19104 Drexel Mu P.O. Box 97675, Durham, NC 27708 Duke Beta Phi 803 Hooker Rd., Greenville, NC 27834 East Carolina Alpha Epsilon 11 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603 Florida Florida Southern Beta Beta Box 15215, cfo FSC. Lakeland, FL33802 Florida State Beta Eta 423 W. College Ave., Tallahassee, FL32301 Furman FU-Box 28569, Greenville, SC 29613 Delta George Mason Zeta Epsilon GMU, SUB I Box 85, Fairfax. VA 22030 Lambda 930 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 30605 Georgia Epsilon Upsilon GeorgiaCollege,CP02424,Milledgeville,GA31061 Georgia College Gamma Kappa LB #12343, GSC. Statesboro, GA 30460 Georgia Southern I 03 William B. King Dr., Americus, GA 31 709 Georgia Southwestern Gamma Xi Beta Kappa GSU, 218 University Center, Atlanta, GA 30303 Georgia State Iota cfo Eric Carpenter, 220 Ferst Dr., Georgia Tech Lawrenceville, GA 30244 Upsilon 306 E Gregory Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 Illinois Illinois Tech Alpha Phi 3333 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL 60616 Alpha Psi 1720 N. Jordan, Bloomington, IN 47406 Indiana Zeta Iota 946 Church St., Indiana, PA 15701 Indiana at Penn AlphaOmicron 407 Welch Ave., Ames, lA 50010 Iowa State Zeta Psi cfo Jeff Hannan, 10235 Orchard ParkS. IUPUI Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46280 P.O. Box7187,JMU. Harrisonburg. VA22807 Delta Tau James Madison 161 4 Fairchild, Manhattan, KS 66502 Delta Chi Kansas State P.O. Box 440053, Kennesaw, GA 30144 Kennesaw State Eta Delta Eta Tau c/o Jay McCoy, 575 Patterson Office Tower, Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506 Gamma Nu Box 1170, 601 Broad, LaGrange, GA 30240 LaGrange Gamma Rho Box 6191, Lander, Greenwood, SC 29649 Lander LU-Box692, Philadelphia, PA 19141-5150 Epsilon Xi LaSalle Lenoir- Rhyne Epsilon Rho LRC-Box 8420, Hickory, NC 28603 Epsilon Gamma Box3006-LongwoodCol., Farmville, VA23909 Longwood Gamma Iota PO Box 25068, Baton Rouge, LA 70894 Louisiana State U. Zeta Pi 1434 5th Ave, Huntington, WV 25701 Marshall Eta Epsilon 1101 AAlleganyHaii.CollegePark.MD20742-9211 Maryland Eta Phi UMBC, UC Box 77, Baltimore, MD 21250 Maryland-Bait. Gamma .Delta 3841 Spottswood Ave, Memphis, T 38 111 Memphis Alpha Alpha MU-Box 70 112, Macon, GA 31207 Mercer Eta Upsilon 111 E. Spring St., Oxford, OH 45056 Miami of Ohio

Alabama Albright Alabama-Binningham Appalachian State Ariwna


Omicron Zeta Chi Epsilon Phi Delta Zeta Beta Theta


Alpha Kappa 903 Lincoln, Ann Arbor, Ml48104 Alpha Theta 131 Bogue St., E. Lansing. MI 48823 Beta Epsilon 915 RichmondAve ..,Columbia,M065201 Gamma Lambda 1704 Pine St., Rolla, MO 65401 Gamma Omega Drawer AY, UM,Montevallo, AL 35115 Delta Eta Box 1247 UPO, Morehead, KY 40351 Beia Alpha 249 King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102 Kappa 21 6 FinleyGolfCourse, Chapel Hill, NC27514 Delta Lambda Cone Univ. Ctr., UNCC, Charlotte, NC 28223 P.O. Box 1361-62, Greensboro, NC 27413 Epsilon Iota Gamma Theta Univ. Ctr, Rm. 202, Wilmington, NC28407 Tau 2401 W. Fraternity Ct., Raleigh, NC 27606 Zeta Gamma 407 Cambridge St., Grand Forks, NO 58203 Zeta Zeta 4567 St. John's Bluff Rd., Jad<sonville, FL 32256 Delta Beta Box 5165-NGC. Dahlonega, GA 30597 Alpha Gamma 1714 S. Chautauqua Ave., Norman. OK 73072 Gamma Upsilon 1415 West Third, Stillwater, OK 74074 Gamma Beta SrudemAa.. PKP,2122Webb0r.,Norfolk. VA23529 Alpha Zeta 2111 Harrison NW, Corvallis, OR 97330 Eta Nu 4040 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 Alpha Mu 409 E. Fairmont. State College, PA 16801 Delta Upsilon 3800 University Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Beta PC- Box 51069, Clinton, SC 29325 Omega 330 N. Grant St., W. Lafayette, IN 47906 Eta Zeta Box813,QueensCollege,Charlotte,NC28274 Alpha Tau 49 Second St., Troy, NY 12180 Xi Box 1761 , Roanoke, Salem, VA24153 Epsilon Tau cfo Joseph Webber, 340 Edmonds Ave., Drexel Hill, PA 19026 Samford Alpha Eta SU Box 292474, Birmingham, AL35229 Epsilon Theta 400 S. Orange Ave., South Orange, NJ Seton Hall 07079-2692 Zeta Delta 26 MiddlespringAve. Shippensburg PA 17257 Shippensburg Epsilon Psi Slippery Rock 8105 UniversityUnion,SRU,Slip. Rock. PA 16057 South Alabama Gamma Phi P.O . Box U-1208, USA. Mobile, AL36608 Southwest Texas Eta Rho cfo Pi Kappa Phi, PO Box 726, San Marcos, 1X 78667-0726 Epsilon Lambda 800UniversityWay,Spartanburg.SC29303 USC-Spartanburg Epsilon Kappa 11 00 S. Marietta Pkwy., Marietta, GA 30060 Southern Tech Stetson Chi Stetson Unit 8241, DeLand, FL 32720 Stockton State Zeta Kappa G-Wing. Stockton State, Absecon, NJ 08201 SUNY-Albany Eta Xi P.O. Box 22102, Albany, NY 12222 Eta Lambda Std Act Ofc Rm 203, Seymour Clg Un, SUNY-Brockport Brockport, NY 14420 Zeta Omicron P.O. Box 5335, Cortland, NY 13045 SUNY-Cortland Eta Kappa College Center, PKP, Plattsburgh NY 12901 SUNY-Plattsburgh Tampa Beta Lambda UT Box 2771, 401 W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33606 Tennessee Alpha Sigma P.O. Box 8629, Knoxville, TN 37996-0002 Delta Omega 1401 Athens Dr, College Station, 1X 77840 TexasA&M Delta Psi ill-Arlington, 705 S. Summit, Arl'gt'n, TX 76013 Texas-Arlington Texas Christian Eta Chi P.O. Box 297010, Fort Worth, TX 76129 Toledo Beta Iota 2999 W. Bancroft, A-2, Toledo, OH 43606 Zeta Omega TSU Box 1971, Towson, MD 21204 Towson State Troy State Gamma Gamma TSU Box 1738, Troy, AL 36082 Truman State Delta Delta P.O. Box 562.. Kirksville, MO 63501 Beta Tau VSU Box 7136, Valdosta, GA 31698 Valdosta State Beta Upsilon 510 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22903 Virginia Virginia Commonwealth Epsilon Pi 1108 Grove Ave. #1, Richmond, VA 23220 Virginia Tech Delta Alpha 1101 Redbud Rd., Blacksburg. VA 24060 Washington Alpha Delta 4530 17th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105 Rho 201 E. Washington St., Lexington, VA 24450 Washington & Lee Western Carolina Gamma Epsilon P.O. Box 1173, Cullowhee, NC 28723 West Chester Zeta Nu 513 High St., West Chester, PA 19382 West Virginia Alpha Rho 650 N. Spruce St., Morgantown, WV 26505 West Virginia Tech Gamma Zeta 641 Fayette Pike, Montgomery, WV 25136 Wingate University Eta Mu Box 1648, Wingate University, Wingate, NC28174 Wofford PKP, Wofford College, Spartanburg. SC Zeta 29303

Michigan Michigan State Missouri Missouri-Rolla Montevallo Morehead State N)IT North Carolina UNC-Charlotte UNC-Greensboro UNC-Wilmington orth Carolina State North Dakota North Florida North Georgia Oklahorrta Oklahoma State Old Dominion Oregon State Pennsylvania Penn State Pittsburgh Presbyterian Purdue Queens Rensselaer Roanoke St. Joseph's

HOUSING CORPORATIONS Alpha Beta Iota Kappa Lambda Nu Xi Omicron Rho Sigma Tau Upsi lon Psi Omega Alpha Gamma Alpha Delta Alpha Epsilon Alpha Zeta Alpha Eta Alpha 1l1eta Alpha Iota Alpha Kappa Alpha Mu Alpha Omicron Alpha Rho Alpha Sigma Alpha Tau Alpha Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Beta Alpha Beta Epsilon Beta Eta Beta Iota Beta Tau Beta Upsilon Beta Phi Gamma Alpha Gamma Beta Ga mma Ga mma Gamma Delta Gamma Epsilon Ga mma Zeta Gamma 1l1eta Gamma Iota Gamma Kappa Gamma Lambda Gamma Nu Gamma Xi Gamma Upsilon Gamma Phi Gamma Omega Delta Alpha Delta Beta Delta Delta Delta Zeta Delta Lambda Delta Upsilon Delta Chi Delta Psi Delta Omega Epsilon Gamma Epsilon Delta Epsilon Epsilon Epsilon Eta Epsilon Theta Epsilon Iota Epsilon Mu Epsilon Nu Epsilon Sigma Epsilon Phi Epsilon Psi Epsilon Omega Zeta Alpha Zeta Ga mma Zeta Epsilon Zeta Zeta Zeta Iota

Gregoty D Padgen Ti mothy C f'Oster Parker Petit Donald E Pulliam Floyd L Langston Randall D Lorenzen Mark D Edgell Harty E Caldwell Jr. Robert 0 Waldbauer Michael T Lowman Robert L Lamphier Jr. Andrew BCoxhead Gaty R Fisher Mark DeFabis Brian A Link Jim Hunt PeterT Cummings Randall J Collis Lamar B Lackey Matthew J Shaheen Datyl R Griswold Jonathan P Albert Bob lgo Kelley A Bergstrom MikeTumer Spears P Vavalides John Danish Frederick W Schmehl Gregoty J Pleszkun Phillip M Summers Bill ichols Charles A Balsamo Steven J Louchheim Mark A Urrutia William RTouchton Leroy R Ham len Jr. Scott Smith Joseph LAlexander joel Allen David B Dorsey Arthur N Demetriou James M Reece FrederickS Adams Will .vtitchell Ray Beatty Glenn Aspinwall David LSiems Richard D jolly Jr NeilD Suggs Robert D Paiva Frank W Henderson Richard Neathammer Fred Shive! Steven G Blackmon Irvin P Howard Ill Gregoty J Proaor Bobby L Bollinger Jr. Tom M Kubilius Brent A Grauberger Steven M. Kosta JeffreyS Fuechec Stephen VVhitzer DannyMTice Gaty BVanover Richard LMoore Thomas P Mulligan Brian Stark Paul Witt Kent W Meyer Christopher W Mi lls Jeff Rogers Alben L Shultz II Roy B Goodloe Ill Dan Dantzler Mark A Hobson Timothy ) Qu ick Roben Tlalley Charles F Geraci

(803) 556- 1106(H) (704) 868-9361(H) (770) 423-45 10(W) (919) 554- 1050( H) (70 6) 237-3960(H) {402) 551-5077(H) (910) 643-0352 (H) (205 ) 988-0582(H) (540) 943-8966( 1-1) {803} 750-7190( H) {919) 851-9090(1-1) (312) 565-1500 (W) (607) 387-5804( H) (317) 856-378 1(W) {405) 321-269 7( H) (206) 885-4977 (W) (904) 273-4454( H) (503) 687-2528 (H) (205 ) 879-5459 (H) {312) 472-3216(H) (404) 636-2889( 1-1) (810) 377-0354 (H) (814) 238-8934 (H) (847 ) 256-2687(H) (304) 296-2526 (H) {4 23 ) 584-4521(H) (518) 279-3788(W) (2 15) 777-0488( H) (708) 403-7372( H) (812) 882-8525( H) (908) 888-4277(W) (314} 664-5357( H) {904} 668-8806( 1-1) {419) 474-4436( H) (801) 773-7400(W) (804) 973-6557 (H) (703 ) 922-63 13 (H) {205 ) 392-4739 (1-1) (703) 444-4 142(1-1) (334) 262-5211 (H) (901) 758-2436(1-1) (954) 584-8886(1-1) (304) 755-4051(1-1) (910) 397-0542( H) (544) 978-4596(W) (770) 449-3542( 1-1) (314) 542-2138{1-1) (405) 275-5500(1-1) (334) 473-4486(W) (205) 979-4 100(1-1) (813) 987-9660(H) (770) 932-2378( 1-1) (3 14) 939-6664(1-1) (704) 372-0847(W) (704) 365-8728( 1-1) (908) 598-4000 (W) (716) 898-5892(W) {8 17) 572-7034 (W) (409) 543-8280(H) (804) 372-3266(W) (334) 271-674 4{ 1-1 ) (540) 926-8620 (1-1) (704) 54 1-5217( H) (201) 744- 174 7(1-1) (910) 275-0261 (W) (630) 898-8936(W) (91 6) 929-6880 (1-1) (90 1) 766-7364 (1-1) (205) 980-26 15( 1-1) (41 2) 658-5996( 1-1) (806) 796-7285 (11) (77) 850-0802(W) (603) 433-8593 (1-l) (757) 72 1-9073( 1-1 ) (904) 642-0444 (1-l) (718) 455-7741(W)

Zeta Lambda Zeta Xi Zeta Omicron Zeta Pi Zeta Rho Zeta Sigma Zetalau Eta Beta Eta Gamma Eta Epsilon Eta Eta Eta Sigma Eta Upsi lon

Brad LStrong Bi llyTumer Robert G Anzalone Jr. David C Bailey David L Goldenberg David A Hiatt Steven W Breasure Matthew E Burris Garron M Bateman Paul LStynd1comb james L Rund le james Benson Tony Cochren

{91 6) 445-211 2(W) (804) 836-2629 (718) 740-774 1(1-l) (304) 755-3245(W) (714) 557-4616(1-1) (9 16) 346-8374 (1-l) (919) 347-3588(W) (812) 234-3866( H) (303) 783-5711 (H) (301) 869-6874 (1-1) (714) 562-3800(W) (818) 247- 11 99 (W) (513) 896-7153(W)

ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS Alabama Gu lf Coast Alumni Assoc.-William H Ishee Austin Area Alumni Association-PaulS Drake-(512) 219-0445 Central Alaba ma Alu mni Assoc.-James B Ileal )r.-(205 ) 668- 193 1 Chicago Area Alumni Assoc.-Mark Singer {312) 549-4230 Greater Atlanta Alumni Assoc.-Mark FChristopher-(404 ) 934-6005 Dall as/ Ft. Wo rth Alumni Assoc.-Nick Murzin (817) 561- 1037 GreaterToledoAlu mni Chapter-Gregoty Lardinais -(419) 897-0020 Montgo mety Area Alumni Assoc.-Robert Clark Jr -(334) 277-5817 North Jersey Alum ni Association-Kevin Boemer-(908) 577-9000 Indianapolis Alumni Association-Stephen KBarber-(317) 326-2615 San Diego Alumni Association-Buzz Holdorf-(619) 439-6303 Tampa Alumni Association-Perry Monastero- (813)835- 1044

ALUMNI CHAPTERS B-Ed Hahn-(202 )332-84 10 r -Steven J Crase- (510) 778-8085 (1-l) 1-Gene Vischelli -(404 ) 714-3673( 1-l) :=:-A ll en Woody- (540) 989-5770 (W) 0-Harry E Ca ldwe iiJ r.- (205) 988-0582( H) L- Michael T Low man-(803) 750-7190(1-1) T- Robert L Lamphi er Jr. -(9 19) 851-9 090(1-l) X-Edward Bennett-(703 ) 344-9603 (1-1) '!'- Jo hnS Kirk-(515 ) 226-0693 (1-l) AA-Ronny E Willi ams- (91 2) 471-6937(1-1) At.-Jim 1-lunt-(206 ) 885-4977 (W) AE-Michael Mi tchell -(813) 835-8462 (1-1) Al-l- James Smith-(205) 252-2889 (1-l) AI- Daryl R Griswo ld-(404) 636-2889 (H) AK-Christop her R Meono-(3 13) 930-1596(1-l) AO-Kelley A Bergstrom-(708) 256-2687( 1-1) AP- Patrick E Fa rl ey- (412) 681-5269(1-l) AY-'"lb m 1-lill-(215) 887-8966 (1-1) A<I>-G regory J Pl eszkun -(708) 403-7372(1-1) BA-Kevin Boerner- (908) 577-9000 (W) 81-1- Glenn Mayne-(904 ) 488-35 95(W) BI- Mark Urruti a- (419) 535-0707 ext. 131(W) BM-C M Adrian-(601 ) 324-7255 (1-l) BT --Club-Jay Harrell-(91 2) 244-2842 B<I>-Sco tt Smith-(703 ) 370-4553 (H) fA - josep h L Alexander-(205 ) 392-4 739 (1-l) fB - Paul Dickson-(703) 362-3577 (1-l) rr-David B Dorsey-(334) 262-52 11(1-l) r E-)ames M Reece- (919) 765-8988 (1-l) rZ-Michael Ziegler-(304) 787-3749 (H) fK -G ienn Aspinwa ll -(770) 448-3542 (W) r<I>-Steve Brya n-(334) 460-2971 .C.X-M ike Ka ll as-(816) 889- 11 51(W) Er-T.C. Jones IV-(804) 225-2784 (W) EI-Ne il Brogden-(910 ) 855-1548 (W) EA-Mike Floyd- (864 ) 585-5446 (W) EO-Pa trick Brala- (610 ) 660-6644 (W) E'I'-Chuck 1-lu ffmyer-( 412) 794-2161(H) ZE- Tim Qu ick-(7 57 ) 721-9073 Zl- Scott Cesa r-( 412) 920-0383 ZT- Jason )ohnso n-(919) 29 1-6199 (W) l-I Z-Scott I lo lmes-(704) 665-9401 (W)

ASSOCIATE CHAPTERS Arizona State 4 19W. 13th St. Tempe, AZ 8528 1 jacksonville State Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Box 302 1 Annisto n, AL 36265 Mississippi P.O. Box 11 University of Mississippi Oxford, MS 38677 New Mexico State cjo Greek Affairs Corbetts Std Union New Mexico St. Univ. Las Cruces, NM 88003 Oregon Ste. 5 EMU 1228 Univ. o f O regon Eugene, OR 97403 Southern California cjo Mike Navarrete 742 W. 28th St. Los Angeles, CA 90007 Southern Mississippi cjo Greek Life Union Room 230 Hattiesburt, MS 39406 Texas Tech I S Greek Cirde Lubbock, TX 794 16








Thomas Wilson 23 Kimberly Lane Morrisonvill e, NY 12962 Norman Mawhy 7 Co nstance Dr. Glen Riddle- Lim a, PA 19037 Timothy D. Campbell 209 Reso luti o n Dr. Gra fto n, VA 23692 David Simas 12 1 6 Terrence Pl ace Charlo tte, NC 28209 Remley R. Campbell 11 Halsey Stree t Charlesto n, SC 2940 1 Scott C. Gasparini 2070 Ko lb Bridge Ct. Marietta, GA 30060 J. Jeffry Wahlen P.O. Box 39 1 Ta ll ahassee, FL 32302 Ralph S. Foster 2 10 Mell Hall Auburn Univ, AL 36849-5607 Jeffrey Luebker 5825 N. Winthro p Avenue In di anapo li s, IN 46220 Chuck Howard 2732 Bromley Dr. O ' Fallon, MO 63366 Billy L. Jacobs 4335 Vin e Ridge Ct. Arlin gto n, TX 760 17 Vacant Victor C. Valencia 139 Waterfa ll Lan e Brea, CA 9262 I



LaGrange joins s the Journey moves forward and completes its third year, Pi Kappa Phi chapters across the country continue to sign on and make the commitment to build better men. One of those chapters is LaGrange College (Gamma Nu), a small private college in southwestern Georgia. On February 22nd, the chapter gathered in Smith Hall for their Journey Implementation retreat. Senior Leadership Consultant Jeff Esola, a LaGrange graduate, kicked off the day by welcoming the members to a new century of our Fraternity. Headquarters staff members Stephen Whitby (ZI-IUP), Journey director, and Jason Stolarczyk (BE-Missouri), director of communications, spent the rest of the day leading the brothers through the finer points of becoming a Level II Journey Chapter. The chapter grappled with elevating its member education and standards, but in the end celebrated a successful transition to become a part of our


fraternity's future. Gamma Nu has embraced The Journey. Is your chapter next?


Academic Coaches: the foundation of Pi Kappa Phi's Journey Pi Kappa Phi's Journey Project is marching toward its lum designed by Dr. Voorneveld and the on-site commitfourth year of building better men. More than 60 chapters ment of an Academic Coach - a faculty member who is have made the commitment to raise specifically trained to implement the CSP their standards and provide more for and paid a stipend by the national fraterBY STEPHEN WHITBY & their members. An integral part ofThe nity to do so- Pi Kappa Phi provides a DR. RicHARD B. VooRNEVELD Journey is The Collegiate Success basis for academic support within the Program, designed to assist our new chapter. These Academic Coaches, currently members make the transition from high school to college placed on 31 campuses, teach the associate member class a successfully. defined curriculum to onS:truct t.he foundation of classroom excellence-thareac~ ember needs to_prosper. .,... 路Why are we on a Journey? Dan Rice, an.Aca ~.rrnc:AdVi.ser in ilie Dean'sPi Kappa Phi fundamentally believes that a man's office of the College o:fl:i~~):-a-1 Arts and Sciences at Iowa fraternity experience must complement and enbance;.b~ - _ State~fu . iversi.ty, acts as Academic Coach for Alpha Omi- ~ college experience. This commitment is bacl<ed up by SQme qron CHap,te He has been a part of the program for nearly i il of the finest minds and best-known research in higher:,.. twp yeafs-an has seen phenomenal academic improveeducation. ment among the brothers at Iowa State. In the semester In their book The Role and Contribution of befme.jm Jementing:the.Journey, the chapter was 16th of Student Affairs in Involving Colleges, George D. Kuh and John H. Shuh describe the results of their ambitiou~ ' ,, College Experiences Study carried out on 14 campuses, and they conclude: "Students who are involved in pow~rful out-of-class experiences are likely to have a tnucb ~ satisfying college experience than those who do noL.. average !liGJlped 1%! !! participate." In his landmark report titled "Cam~ Lite: Academic.. coach, Mary Aunl<elly, Is not new to the In Search of Community (1990)," Ernest Boyer of ~he . idea of assis\img yobl.l1g men achieve. 'Be for S"ettling in as ~ - .--Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Teaching Gamma iota's coach at Louisiana State Uniy ersuy, she had wrote, ".. .As we visited campuses, it soon became dear that been an academic adviso-r for both the US Army and tbe the academic and non-academic could not be divided." Oklaboma Statdres man football team. With no reserva" _.. The Collegiate Success Program, written by Dr. tion, Mary Ann has jump~ into the job at LSU and has Richard B. Voorneveld (A-Charleston), Vice President for helped the chapter increase both acaderllic success and Student Affairs at the College of Charleston and a cochapter progdmming. She has been an integral part of creator ofThe Journey program, seeks to create in each expanding the definition of fraternity at Gamma Iota and Journey Chapter an "educational community" by helping says of the CSP, ".. .I reiterate, once again, that the foundaeach member better understand what he can do to achieve tion for success of this chapter lies in the commitment, his personal best. enthusiasm, organizational abilities and support of every member and the Warden." What is Collegiate Success? Mary Ann has helped the men of Gamma Iota The first component of member education inlearn the valuable lesson that commitment to the balvolved with The Journey is Collegiate Success and Service. anced well-being of the entire brotherhood, through academics, leadership and service, is the only "secret" to This component seeks to prepare our freshm en members for the academic rigors of college life. Through the curricusuccess as a chapter.







SPRING 19 9 8




matching funds! Through their Journey of Hope Tenth Anniversary Challenge Gift, Rogers, King and Gwirtsman will match every dollar

who were less fortunate than himself. Rogers had a dream since his freshman year at Stetson University that a cross-country trek would be an

raised by Push America for the Journey of Hope up to $150,000. "D uring the 1997 Journey of Hope ride, I had the pleasure of riding with the North Team," says Mark King, managing director of KRG Cap ital Partners. "On the second day of the ride, we stopped at the Easter Seals Camp in Empire, CO, and I experienced first hand the benefits that have been and can in the future be provided to children with disabilities.

ideal event to spread the message of Push America and of people with disabiliti es. After his graduation from law school at Duke University, he decided to make the trip a reality. Asking his friends and relatives for donations per mile, he packed his bike with all of his gear and set off by himself from Florence, OR, on a crosscountry trip to raise money and awareness for people with disabilities. The trip was demanding, testing his

ca that you want to quit, to surrender. You want to do whatever it takes to get it done. It was never in my mind to quit." Rogers biked over 4,000 miles. His trek brought him across the Great Plains and over the Appalachian Mountains. He rode for 45 days to reach his destination . "At times, the trip was the ultimate experience in freedom, riding down a lone country road, crystal blue sky, th e sun shining brightly, a swift tai l wind and th e peda ls spinning effo rtlessly. And the n at other times, the trip was th e ultimate lesson in spiritual, phys ica l and mental discipline." At the Victory Monument in Yorktown , Virginia, he was greeted by brothers from O ld Dominion and his trek was over. Rogers re mains active with Push America as a me mber of th e Board of Directors, and every year he rides 100 miles with the journey of Hope north team into No longer one lone man riding across the country, now 65 young men face th e m ental and physical challenges of this cross- country trek-a journey which insp ires hope and compassion for those with disabilities. It is a

mountain pass in near freezing weather and co nqu ered the chill and the heights of the Rocky Mountains. But yet he continued. " I loo ked upon this trip as a chance to raise m o ney a nd awa reness for our disabled

life-altering event for everyone along th e route. The collegiate team m embers grow into co mmunity leaders and champions for peopl e with disabi lities. Communities are inspired by the team members' dedication and endurance. People who have disabiliti es benefit from increased understanding and acceptance. "The gift from KRG Capital Partne rs has an incredible impact on Push America," explains Chad Co ltrane, executive director of Push

citizens, and also to challenge my own personal developm ent as much as the disabl ed are chall enged every day, " says Rogers. "Each day

America. 'These funds will ensure our abi lity to make a difference in th e lives of peopl e with disabi lities.

brought new challenges, adventures and advers ity, whi ch became buildin g blocks for greate r discipline a nd strength. Once you start an undertaking like that, it's never something

"This gift is a chance for our supporters and friends to doubl e th e impact of th eir gifts and show th eir commitment to this organization ."

Want to donate to the Journey of Hope Tenth Anniversary Challenge? KRG Capital Partners will match all donations up to $150,000 on a one-to-one basis. Donations may be sent to : Push America

Journey of Hope Tenth Anniversary Challenge PO Box 241368 Charlotte, North Carolina 28224 Or call 704/522-7874 ext. 121 to make a credit card donation or receive information on stock transfers. SPR I NG 1998


Prospective Member Recommendation Form Prospective Member Information ~--------------------------~

Coll ege Permanent Information Address

Permanent Ph o ne

School Information (if available) Address


City, State, Zip School Phone Email

Your Information

Relationship to prospective member

Return to: Pi Kappa Phi, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 or fox (704)521-8962. If you know of a young man who will be attending a college or university where there is a Pi Kapp chapter, and feel he would benefit from membership in the Fraternity, please take the time to fill out the following form .Your recommendation will go a long way in ensuring the continuous recruitment of quality men.

What better place to catch up with

It has been 20 years since the 33rd Supreme Chapter in Chicago, IL. But on

old friends than at Tuesday night's White Sox

August 8-12, 1998, Pi Kappa Phi will be

baseball game? The Sox and Oakland Xs will

returning to the historic Congress Hotel for

bat it out in Comisky Park as Pi Kapps, their

the 46th Supreme Chapter. Located in the

spouses and friends gather in reserved

heart of the midwest's most beautiful and


most energetic dty, the 95-year-old Congress

The week wouldn't be complete

Hotel is home of the world famous Gold

without Sunday's staff breakfast and

Room, in which several of the weeks' events

Monday's alumni breakfast. Past staff and

will be held, including Saturday night's ritual

area alumni are encouraged to take advantage

of initiation.

of this once in a life time opportunity to

Saturday will also include Pi Kappa Phi's Supreme Banquet. Held in honor of the year's Pi Kappa Phi award winners, the

attend part-if not all-of Pi Kappa Phi's most supreme event. Your spouses and family members

Supreme Banquet is an event for members

will enjoy the best of Chicago on their own

and guests alike.

schedule. While members ofthe Fraternity

Pi Kapps and their guests will experi-

take part in Supreme Chapter, their guests

ence the best of Chicago's Navy Pier as they

will be shopping on Chicago's Magnificent

set sail aboard The Spirit of Chicago on Sun-

Mile and seeing local attractions prearranged

day. Passengers will be able to experience a

by the Fraternity staff.

breathtaking view of Chicago's' skyline and

Registration for the 46th Supreme

Navy Pier's 150-foot lighted ferris wheel.

Chapter begins soon. See Chicago in supreme

Entertainment and dining will be included in

style while experiencing one of Pi Kappa Phi's

the evening's events. The historic Spirit

most exciting events. For more information

provides a perfect compliment to the evening,

about your trip to Supreme Chapter contact

having glided a million nautical miles over its

Michael Lowery at (704)523-6000 ext. 112.

18-year history.



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