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CEO Corner hile collecting interviews for this issue's Focus, a quote came across my desk that truly spoke to the fundamentals upon which this Fraternity was founded. The statement was by Jimmy Shadid (Oklahoma- Alpha Gamma), a founding father of the recolonized Alpha Gamma Chapter and currently a senior at Holy Cross Seminary in Boston, Mass. "As brothers, we no longer focus on the 'I' or 'me: but on our fellow brothers and brotherhood as a whole," notes Shadid. "We realize that Pi Kappa Phi is not a three or four-year plan, but a lifelong commitment that requires us to function as a team." This quote also stands as one of the key elements in the creation of the Mid-Year Leadership Conferences. As we wrap up another season of educating future leaders, it is vital to understand that these experiences, if taken to heart, will translate into strong, successful attitudes that may be applied throughout college and beyond-as professionals, Pi Kappa Phi alumni, husbands, fathers, etc. In that regards, the theme "Destination Known" can be applied to becoming America's leading fraternity by 2004, through becoming the best men we can become. To help us understand the power each of us possess, we must first look at our base-the Ritual. When we are first initiated into the Brotherhood, we take an oath that carries with us past our undergraduate years. We take this oath into our lives, and our work reflects how true we hold these words. This issue of the Star & Lamp takes a look at those special alumni who are living an extension of the Ritual, through religious professions from overseas missionary to bishop to local minister (page 22). Their discussions and experiences lead us all to think about the lessons that Pi Kappa Phi has taught us,

and how we carry those into our everyday lives. The best inspiration for success is to look toward those who have achieved greatness and continue to help others reach their own goals. Mr. Pi Kappa Phi and former National President Phil Tappy (GeorgiaLambda) models such a standard through his noteworthy work with Habitat for Humanity (page 21). Also, despite not receiving a degree, Ben Hill Griffin Jr. (Florida -Alpha Epsilon) built himself into one of the most successful Florida businessmen, and generously contributed to his alma mater, his chapter and his state (page 18). There is also another type of Pi Kappa Phi that gives back to the Fraternity. This type of man uses his acquired talents and love for the Fraternity toward adding to the National Fraternity's growth and improvement. Recently, the National Headquarters welcomed back three former employees to staff. Ken Kaiser (Bowling Green - Delta Sigma) returns to the Fraternity as director of development for the ever-expanding Foundation. Ken was one of the instrumental people involved in Push America's early developement (page 8) . Evan Erickson (Washington- Alpha Delta), former Pi Kappa Phi Properties executive vice president, returns as this Fraternity's director of strategic planning, and JeffEsola (LaGrange- Gamma Nu) adds his former leadership consultant experience to the director of expansion position (page 1). These men, along with the men who have gone on to provide spiritual guidance to future generations, have lived the Ritual within their life's journeys-and have never stopped growing. As always, enjoy this issue of the Star & Lamp!

Fraternally yours,



Pi Ka

a Phi staff chan es

Fonner Properties executive returns for strategic planning Former Executive Vice President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties Evan Erickson (Washington - Alpha Delta) has returned to the National staff as the director of strategic planning, a - - - - - - new position within the Fraternity. (Washington -Alpha Delta) "This position will allow me to tackle some important improvement projects," explains Erickson. "Some of these include work with the Fraternity's internal business procedures, smoother chapter operational procedures, and planning and implementing long-term educational programs." Erickson first joined Pi Kappa Phi staff in 1994 as a leadership consultant to the Midwest chapters. Erickson further traveled to the West Coast area, and from 1996-98 served as executive vice president of Properties. During his tenure with Pi Kappa Phi, Erickson has overseen the purchase of the USC (Delta Rho) and Arizona (Beta Theta) chapter houses. In addition, he co-organized the development of the National Fraternity Loan Program and assisted with numerous expansions and recharterings including Arizona (Beta Theta), USC (Delta Rho) , Colorado State (Zeta Phi) and Kentucky (Eta Tau) . Evan Erickson

Fraternity hires director of expansion Jeff Esola (LaGrange - Gamma Nu), a past leadership consultant for Pi Kappa Phi, has rejoined the National staff in the newly developed director of expanL---'-"'----:.-..I..L---..:..1 sion position. jeff Esola Esola brings a (LaGrange- Gamma Nu) wealth of experience to his new position. As a leadership consultant to the Southeast and Gulf States, Esola was part of the successful University of Central Florida expansion and helped organize the rechartering of Chi Chapter at Stetson University. As director of the Fraternity's expansion work, Esola plans to maintain an aggressive schedule targeting respected, growing schools. "Working toward becoming America's leading fraternity means having a presence at America's leading schools," notes Esola. "This Fraternity has a tremendous amount of growth opportunities to offer individuals and campuses."




STAR&LAMP A Leadership/Education Publication USPS 519000 Winter 1999 Vol. LXXXVII, No. 1

Editor-in-Chief Mark E. Timmes Managing Editor Jason Stolarczyk Contributing Editor Laura Hogan Art Director Jennifer L. Armstrong Contributing Writers Todd Nelmes Chad Coltrane Thomas Atwood Jeremy Galvin Durward Owen Mary Ann Kelly Cover Model Michael Lowery Official Photographer Tim Ribar Contributing Photographer Stephen Little Office Manager Nancy Larsen The Star & Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 2102 Cambridge Beltway Drive, Suire A. Charlotte. NC 28273. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Periodicals postage paid at Charlotre, NC and any additional mailing offices. Mailing address: P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224; (704) 504-0888 FAX (704) 504-0880 E-mail address: Pikapphq@pikapp.org http:/fwww.pikapp.org

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Star & Lamp, PO Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224. Materials for publication should be sent directly to the managing editor at the address above. Members are invited to send materials concerning themselves or others. Letters to the editor also may be printed at the discretion of the editor.s. Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C., on Dec. 10, 1904, by Andrew Alexander Kroeg. Simon Fogarty and L. Harry Mixson.


National Interfraternity Conference

FEATURES The spiritual Pi Kappa Phi







Scroll Capsule

26 29


P.O. Box 2-40526, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 504-0888; FAX: (704)504-0880 email: pikapphq@pikapp.org http://www.pikapp.org


Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Administrative Assistant Betsie Fehr Director of Communications Jason Stolarczyk Assistant Director of Commun ications Laura Hogan Director of Finance Pamela Meachum Director of Information Technology Ryan M. Herring Executive Director Emeritus Durward Owen Director of Chapter Services Thomas Atwood Director ofThe Journey Project Jeremy Galvin Director of Expansion Jeff Esola Director of Strategic Planning Evan Erickson Senior Leadership Consultant Larry Keller Leadership Consultants Ben Roman, Benjamin Bush, Mike Young, Durwood Thompson Office Manager Nancy Larsen Correspondence Secretary linda Littlejohn Membership/Records Director Cindy Howell Bookkeeper Robin Peralta


P.O. Box 2-40526, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 504-0888; email: foundation@pikapp.org Chairman Kelley A Bergstrom 714 Roger Avenue Kenilworth, IL 60043

The legacy of Ben Hill Griffin Jr.

Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Tirnmes Director of Development Ken Kaiser Director of Annual Giving Michael Lowery Administrative Assistant Amanda Lynch


P.O. Box 2-40526, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 504-0888; email: properties@pikapp.org Chairman Mark E Jacobs 5238 W. New Jersey St Indianapolis, IN 46220 Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Executive Vice President David J. Sullivan Administrative Assistant Betsie Fehr


P.O. Box 241368, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 504-2400; FAX: (704)504-0880 email: pushamerica@pushamerica.org http://www.pushamerica.org President Leslie Paliyenko 108 Coach Ridge Trail Matthews, NC 28105


Chapter reports

Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Tunmes Executive Director Chad Coltrane Director of Marketing Chris Orr Director of Special Events John Powers Director of Outreach and Grants Todd Nelmes Office Manager Terrie Smith Associate Chad Nicho las

jeremy Galvin

Mary Ann Kelly



With coaching MAKING THE JOURNEY TOGETHER Academic coaches, from left to ltght Kim Lovelace (Georgia Tech -

Iota); Roger Easson (ChrtsUan Brothers - Epsilon Sigma); Rocky Monts, archon at Gamma Iota (LSU); Mary Ann Kelly (LSU - Gamma Iota); Ann Staton (Washington - Alpha Delta); and Alvin Sallee (New Mexico State Associate). Not pictured: Uonel Maten (Southern Mississippi Associate); Jeff Hale {Oklahoma - Alpha Gamma); David Lesczynsld {lhlman State - Delta Delta); Jan Loyd (Central Florida Associate); and Dr. Richard Voomeveld (Charleston - Alpha).

he Journey has given our undergraduate members new and innovative programming, which empowers them with the ability to succeed while in college and have an ever improving opportunity to be successful and happy with life after college. Pi Kappa Phi has called upon volunteers to assist in preparing members for the rigors of the classroom and the world after college. The Journey provides chapters with an Academic Coach, a person who serves as an academic advisor to associate and active members. The Academic Coach is a member of the college or university's faculty or professional staff who is: known to be committed to good teaching; enjoys working with undergraduate students in and out of the classroom; knows the college or university and what resources it makes available to help students (libraries, help centers, counseling services, etc.); and is open-minded and positive about fraternities. The following paragraphs tell how one of Pi Kappa Phi's first Academic Coaches, Mary Ann Kelly, became involved with The Journey. 4 SfAR& lAMP

You want me to do what? OK, I admit that my first reaction when asked to become involved with a fraternity at Louisiana State University was a little less than gracious, but who can blame me? After all, along with millions of others, I had seen the movie Animal House and was well aware of what went on in fraternities. I also recalled my brother's fraternity experience at the University of Iowa and his stories of what went on in the house (which was dearly reflected in his freshman grade point average). Retreating from my immediate knee-jerk reaction, I decided to give the Gamma Iota Chapter's emissary Basil Elzein a chance to explain just what it was he wanted me to do. Imagine my amazement when he told me that his chapter was seeking an academic coach for a new Collegiate Success Program the chapter was going to incorporate into their current program. Now he had my interest. After assuring me that this was a serious commitment his chapter was making to provide a structured academic support program for associates, I was hooked.

Gamma Iota's proposal to become their academic coach came when my professional activities as assistant director of the International Services Office at LSU were moving from student contact to working with faculty. I have always enjoyed students and was seeking ways to continue my involvement with them. I have a background of working with young men, going back to my volunteer work at an Army hospital during the Vietnam War and my assistance with the Department of Defense Information Program in Foreign Military Affairs. In addition, as part of my master's work in counseling and student personnel at Oklahoma State, I had participated in an internship with the athletic department in their academic support program and worked with the freshmen football players. I was hoping this background would help me in my new endeavor. An extremely dynamic and enthused Dr. Richard B. Voomeveld (Charleston- Alpha) and National Scholarship Chairman Steve Sanders (Indiana -Alpha Psi) administered my coach's training in January 1996. I must congratulate both of them for putting together a solid academic support program based on the simple principle of bringing into balance the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of life. It was tough going at first. By starting the program in the spring semester, there were only a small number of associates involved. Anytime a new entity (the coach) is introduced into an establish environment (the Fraternity), a natural settling-in process will occur. The new associates knew my role, but the older brothers eyed me with a little hesitation. It took quite some time for all of us to become comfortable with one another and establish the level of trust necessary to facilitate open communication. After a little time, patience and a few mistakes along the way, I became more a fixture of the house. One of the activities I introduced during my first semester as a coach was the "15 minutes of fame." During these sessions, each associate

would meet with me one-on-one to review his progress during the semester. This has now become standard procedure for our chapter, and really helps the student identifY what's working and what's not. I have been extremely impressed with the commitment these men have toward meeting their educational goals. While they may not incorporate every aspect of the Academic Success Program into their daily lives all at once, the seeds are planted, and they draw on different aspects of the program as necessary. The most interesting facet to observe has been the change in culture of Pi Kappa Phi and the shift to emphasizing academics. This change has evolved because a majority of current members have participated in the Academic Success Program and have made a personal commitment to strive for high educational goals. The officers of the chapter met this summer to discuss ways to support that emphasis and came up with some excellent suggestions. These included mentors for the associates and postponing initiation until the week before spring semester, thus allowing dear focus on keeping their grades up through final exams. LSU also helped out by initiating a program that allows fraternities and sororities to select their football seating according to the overall grade point averages of their members. In addition, this fall is the first year that students who have a strong high school GPA can qualifY for tuition waivers-as long as they maintain their grades throughout their undergraduate study at LSU. Approximately 80 percent of the new associates of Gamma Iota receive these scholarships. The fun and interesting pan about my involvement with Pi Kappa Phi will be to see what the future holds for these young men. Now when I park my car, I'll hear one of the guys shout hello and tell me he's on his way to class, and he got a "B" on his last biology test. It's immensely satisfying to feel I have contributed in some small way to helping these students achieve their own individual goals.

Mark the following dates on your calendars for the months of FebnJary and April. The journey gives you excellent opportunities to grow academically and professionaJiy. Plan on attending the 1999 journey events, they look to be better than ever!

Career & Life Planning Conclaves Feb.lO Albany, N.Y. Boulder, Colo. Indianapolis, Ind. jacksonville, Fla. Los Angeles, Calif. Feb.27 Atlanta, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. Des Moines, Iowa March 6 Fort Worth, Texas

Sophomore Leadership Institute (featuring the Seven Habits presentDtion)

Feb. 20 Charlotte, N .C . April 10 jacksonville, Fla. Baton Rouge, La. Bloomington, Ind. Ames, Iowa Boulder, Colo. ~

April 17 Albany, N.Y. Atlanta, Ga. East Lansing, Mich. Los Angeles, Calif. Norman, Okla.





Chad Coltrane

Todd Nelmes



''Challenge'' complete he past year was one of growth and development for Push America and the Journey of Hope program. In celebration of the lOth anniversary of the Journey of Hope, many changes were made to mark the occasion. First, a third route was added to retrace the path of founder, ACCESSAbility In Texas: (left to right) Bruce Rogers (StetsonChad Pope, James Chi). The team consisted Wedding, Randy of 10 Pi Kappa Phi memStillinger, Russell bers from chapters across Smutzer, ScoH Hillstrom, Andrew the country. Second, all Cavazos, Audle past Journey of Hope

Wright and Keith WhiH. Front row: team members were Quinton Cocales invited to participate in a and Micah MaHeson. "ride-a-long" with the

team as they cycled into Washington, D.C. More than 50


past team members came together at the steps of the Capitol for the celebration. Third, KRG Capital Partners presented a challenge to Push America. The challenge was given to raise $150,000 outside of team member fund raising. For every dollar raised, up to the $150,000 mark, KRG Capital would match. Push America is proud to announce that not only was the $150,000 challenge met, it was exceeded. Funds raised for the challenge grant totaled more than $177,790. Combine this with the KRG Capital Grant, and Push America received more than $32 7, 790 for the various projects and programs to benefit people with disabilities.

Push America appreciates all of the hard work done by everyone who contributed to this record-breaking totaL especially the managing partners of KRG Capital - Bruce Rogers, Mark King and Charles Gwirtsman. ACCESSAbility Texas-style The Dallas/Fort Worth Alumni Association recently completed work on a Superior Bank sponsored ACCESSAbility ramp in the city of Dallas, Texas. The ramp was part of a nationwide donation of $25,000 from Superior Bank, FSB, to build 10 wheelchair ramps and make homes accessible for people with disabilities. Superior Bank partnered with Push America during the 1998 Journey of Hope, and the ramps are a part of their sponsorship in cities along the Journey of Hope. Randy Stillinger (North Dakota- Zeta Gamma) led the project. Stillinger lives in Dallas and took on the ramp building as a project for the Dallas/Fort Worth Alumni Association. "I saw the ramp project as a great opportunity to put some of my skills to work and utilize Push America on a local level, " says Stillinger. "It was also a great opportunity for our alumni from many different chapters to come together and work as a team."

Once completed, the ramp stretched 30 feet long, with handrails, and met all ADA and local building codes. "At first we were all kind of overwhelmed by the size of the ramp; no one realized the extent of the project to meet codes, remembers Stillinger. "As the day progressed, we realized the alumni had the skills to make it happen, and by the end of the evening, with Halogen lights burning, we completed the project with a tremendous sense of accomplishment." Push America chose the ramp recipient based on the immediate need for the ramp and the lack of funds to purchase the materials and labor. This ramp would not have been possible without the support of Superior Bank and the local alumni chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. "It was great to see the young man ride up and down the ramp in his new wheelchair," says Stillinger. "It was also cool to surprise the family, who didn't believe they were going to have a completed ramp by the end of the day." Stillinger continues to be very involved in all aspects of Pi Kappa Phi and Push America. "Push America and Pi Kappa Phi have done so much for me in my life," assures Stillinger. "I feel the need to repay them in projects like the Journey of Hope and ACCESSAbility. Besides, it's a great time!"

Annie Kirchberg (left) serves as a spokesperson for camp Easter Seals In Tennessee. John Schuler (Southern Tech - Epsilon Kappa) was one of the participants In this Push Amertca/Easter Seals event In Moont Juliet, Tenn.

Push America and Easter Seals are partnering in the spirit of ability and independence. Over the last seven years, Push America and Pi Kappa Phi have changed and enhanced the programming at 14 different Easter Seals camps across the nation, and contributed over $160,000 in grant money and nearly $1.9 million in work hours to Easter Seals. Easter Seals has a strong belief in making all people with disabilities as independent as possible. Push America and Pi Kappa Phi have provided the money and workforce to make this belief a reality through accessible fishing piers, boardwalks, climbing towers, buildings, pathways, nature trails, picnic tables-the list can and will go on because of our dedication as Pi Kappa Phis. In 1998, Push America visited six Easter Seals camps. Contributed grant money totaling $40,000 and well over 2,280 man-hours to Easter Seals. Some projects included a 30-foot sky bridge in

Alabama, adaptive picnic tables in Washington, accessible boardwalks in Virginia and accessible gazeboes in Colorado. All the projects culminated the 1997 project year into one of the most successful to date. Todd Nelmes, Push America's director of outreach and grants, presented at the national Easter Seals Institute this past October. Nelmes encouraged continued involvement between the two organizations not only with further work projects, but also becoming a part of the volunteer network for the Journey of Hope. The possibility of a new venture project, "Build America," was presented as well. The partnership between Push America and Easter Seals will benefit millions of lives throughout the United States, as well as thousands of Pi Kappa Phis. For further information about this partnership and 'Build America' contact Nelmes at 704.504.2400 ext. 124 or mail to: tnelmes@ pushamerica.org. WlNTER 1999


espite having the task of moving his family from Batavia, Ohio, to Charlotte, N.C., while at the same time transitioning into a new job, Pi Kappa Phi Foundation's Director of Development Ken Kaiser (Bowling Green - Delta Sigma) disrusses his new positionduring lunch with his three children - with noticeable energy. 'The most exciting thing for me is that our mission, our vision is already very dear-to become America's leading FratemitYt" explains Kaiser as he calms his two-year-old son Cole. "That means that all of our members view Pi Kappa Phi as being number one." Again, Kaiser's son requires his father's attention. With his wife Angela out runKen Kaiser (Bowing Qaan - Delta 59na) 11111 his family. ning errands, Kaiser's daughters, six-year"My position had been created to help build old Madison and four-year-old Bailey, chime in to a stronger link between the Fraternity and request their dad's audience. Push America," notes Kaiser. "Before I got "My children's names sound like a law firmthere, Push was never fully leveraged to maxiMadison, Bailey and Cole," jokes Kaiser amidst the lunchtime commotion. 'They absolutely run mize the inherent benefits that a better relathe place." . tionship could bring-not only for people with disabilities, but for groups to receive Kaiser's new position with the Fraternity is a more grants and projects, and for chapters reflection of his previous post as executive director of Push America. In the same vein, to strengthen their relationship with those Kaiser is looking to bring a better awareness of organizations." Along with Kaiser's "whistle-stop tour" at each the benefits the Fraternity can bring both chapter, he saw to the creation of programs that alumni and undergraduates. were designed to more easily allow students, alumni 'We'd like to get to a point were Pi Kappa Phi, and the community increased involvement in Push generally, is recognized as truly the best Fraternity," and Pi Kappa Phi. explains Kaiser. 'We have two products right nowWhat worked for Kaiser back in 1986 was a strong the Journey and Push America-that no one else has or even comes dose to, so we don't have to base of support. Similarly, the new director points to the Foundation's current structure as a sure recipe invent something. for success. 'We just need to open better avenues for students 'The (Foundation's) trustees are stronger than to experience these programs." ever, and their commitment to success is Kaiser faced a similar situation in 1986. As assisunmatched," says Kaiser. 'When you have that certant executive director of Push, Kaiser's fust order of tain critical mass, then growth is exponential, and business was to inform undergraduates about the everyone follows the lead." "Fraternity's best kept secret." 8 STAR& LAMP

Success marks Mid-Year his January, the crisp winter air enveloped the Carolina Piedmont Valley, the Mississippi River valley was chilled with ice and snow, overcast skies crept across the mountains of western Pennsylvania, and the California sun gently buffeted the coast as students drove, flew, took a road-trip, and hopped a train with one thing in mind: Mid-Year. From all across the country, the men of Pi Kappa Phi gathered in record numbers to learn about Fraternity at one of the four Mid-Year Leadership Conferences. Nearly 900 Pi Kapps converged on Charlotte, N.C., St. Louis, Mo., Harrisburg, Penn., and Los Angeles, Calif., for a two-day conference with staff and volunteers. Nearly every chapter in the nation was represented with delegations ranging in size from just a few to over 20! The theme of this year's conference was "Destination Known. " Pi Kappa Phi, through the leadership of its volunteers and the action of its students, is destined for great things. The Fraternity's goal of these conferences was to arm undergraduate leaders with the tools and knowledge, steeped in a broad understanding of Ritual, to begin changing the culture within in their chapters and on their campuses. The 48-hour conferences began with the State of the Fraternity address to provide a picture of where the Fraternity is today, while illustrating a clear direction for tomorrow. Afterward, chapter leaders separated into educational sessions cofacilitated by Headquarters' staff members and alumni volunteers. Saturday morning began with an in-depth look at Push America and how the idea of "service learning" is critical to the mission of Pi Kappa Phi. Partnership with Push America allows members to experience life-changing moments, with brothers helping others. Following Saturday morning's opening ses-

sian, students participated in a rigorous schedule filled with officer meetings and intensive programming. Alumni relations, member education, recruitment and the Ritual were all components to this year's educational sessions. Concurrent programming for chapter advisors and academic coaches made this year's

conferences a great experience, too. The opportunity for chapter archons and their advisors to attend together created an atmosphere of interactive learning. Similarly, the academic coach training afforded these special advisors the chance to see Pi Kappa Phi at its best, while focusing on the Journey Project and how to affect change in their chapter. A new element for the Charlotte and St. Louis conferences was implementation and training for the Journey Ambassador Program. At these two sights, 29 volunteers underwent a daylong training program on the Journey Project and Journey Implementation Retreats. As part of the commitment level for the Journey Project, each chapter must participate in a Journey Implementation Retreat. Sunday morning's "fire side chats" completed the conference. These meetings allowed students and their advisors the chance to meet one-on-one with their chapter consultant or other Headquarters' staff member. Mid-Year Leadership Conference has been educating Pi Kappa Phi leaders for more than 15 years. As the Fraternity approaches its centennial and the new millenium, its "destination known" becomes quite clear: America's leading fraternity by 2004. WINTER 1999


Thomas Atwood


Above: Chapter members relax at one of Beta Eta's first houses. Below: National President Howard Leake presents Beta Eta's charter at the celebration banquet. OpposHe:Nationalguests and Beta Eta's new archon gather for a photo.



Tallahassee a special place for those who visit. Tucked away in the rolling hills of north Florida, near places like Apalachicola and Monticello, that with their very name conjure images of Florida's unique past, people are charmed by the tradition found in this capital city. Among the many live oaks and azaleas, the magnolias and camellias, Florida State University and Beta Eta Chapter have, for nearly 50 years, been in the business of building better men. This particular tradition, however, started many years ago, in the spring of 194 7.

In an effort to meet the higher education need of the state's swelling population, the Florida State College for Women, by act of the legislature on May 15, 1947, became Florida State University, a co-educational institution. Several years after, with the assistance of Stetson (Chi) alumni Charles Gunn and Tom Henderson, as well as Auburn (Alpha Iota) alumnus James Stripling, a young colony of nearly 30 men at a new university was

about to take shape under the name of Pi Kappa Phi. By 19 50 there were a handful of national fraternities on campus and a student population of over 5,500 men and women. By today's standards, the differences are profound. What was once a 30-man colony is now a chapter with over 115 men, and a small university, which made a name for itself as a teacher's college, is now a Carnegie Level I Research Institution with over 29,000 students. From its modest beginnings to its current "power chapter" reputation, Beta Eta has stood out among other chapters within Pi Kappa Phi and other fraternities at Florida State. "Leadership and involvement has made the biggest difference," says former Pi Kappa Phi Properties board member and Beta Eta alumnus Frank Ryll. "In the early '60s we were involved in student government and other key positions, but the partnership between the students and alumni has always been critical." Evidence of Ryll's observations is still true for today's chapter. Key IFC positions and representation in activities like Orientation, Student Alumni Association and University Ambassadors anchor a very involved chapter.

"We have officers and membership in many campus organizations," relates former Archon Jeff Pujals. "We work hard on maintaining our campus image through encouraging our members to become involved outside of the chapter." The chapter, however, hit rough times in the 1970s. "We really struggled for several years, " remembers Ryll. During the early '80s, however, while Ryll was serving on the Properties Board, things

began to turn around. "(Current National Chaplain) Jeff Wahlen transferred from the University of Florida and immediately made an impact on Beta Eta . The 1980s were a rebuilding phase." As part of that renaissance, Beta Eta has left countless marks on Pi Kappa Phi and Florida State University. A few of the chapter's many accolades include: one of only nine chapters nationally with over 1,200 initiates; two

Student of the Year Award Winners (Eric Wahlen '88, Mike Loy '93); 110 men initiated in the last three years; Champion Master Chapter Award winner seven of the last eleven years; 1996 IFC Fraternity of the Year; members on the FSU Homecoming Court five of the last seven years; the current Homecoming Chief; and next football season's Chief Osceola. One of the chapter's proudest moments came this past August at the 46th Supreme Chapter in Chicago, Ill. Beta Eta

alumnus and former Florida Supreme Court justice Alan Sundberg received the Fraternity's Hall of Fame award for distinguishing himself in the field of law. Induction in the Hall of Fame is one of the highest awards bestowed upon an alumnus. When asked about Beta Eta's achievements, Pujals simply says, "There's a strong brotherhood that causes brothers to respect each other and respect themselves." WINTER 1999


Collegiate Georgia Tech(lota) For the second year in a row, the Iota Chapter has welcomed one of the largest associate classes on campus. The new class is 25 men strong. At Homecoming festivities, the chapter placed first in the Fixed Body portion of the Ramblin' Wreck Parade. Brother alumnus Pete Petit was the grand marshal of the parade. Another Iota alumnus, Don Johnston, was the recipient of the George C. Griffin award, given to an alumnus who performs exemplary community service. The namesake of the Griffin award is also an alumnus of Iota.

Cornell (Psi) On Oct. 19, the chapter hosted a Scholarship, Leadership and Service Dinner. In attendance was Cornell President Hunter Rawlings III and his wife, as well as a number of Cornell professors who had been instrumental in Psi's second re-founding in 1990. Archon H. Ron Davidson presented President Rawlings with a plaque which read: "Presented by the Brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi, Psi Chapter, to President Hunter Rawlings III for Challenging us to Excel in Academics and Service." Rawlings then addressed the chapter, recognizing the chapter's efforts and encouraging the

men to continue to reach higher. Pi Kappa Phi is the largest fraternity on campus. Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) The men of Alpha Gamma, paired with the women of Chi Omega, placed first in Homecoming activities. To help the cause, Brother Ryan McComber was also selected as a finalist for the title of Homecoming King. Samford (Alpha Eta) For the first time in the school's history, each class president at Samford is a Pi Kappa Phi. During Homecoming, the court was made up of all Pi Kappa Phis but one (two freshmen, two sophomores, two juniors and two of the three seniors), another first for Samford. Brother Scott Stake was named king. Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) The Alpha Sigma Chapter teamed up with Delta Zelta to win the 1998 Greek Week trophy. The brothers won the event with the help of 65 percent participation between both houses - the highest the Greek Week committee had ever seen. Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) It has been six years since the Alpha Upsilon Chapter held such a large associate class,



.................................... Indiana (Alpha Psi)

WlNTER 1999


ranking them first on campus. The brothers welcomed a 19-member class. Indiana (Alpha Psi) Alpha Psi Brother Kevin Yeh was honored with greeting President Clinton, on the President's visit to China. Yeh was an intern at Chamber of Commerce in China this past summer. Brother Jason S. Knight, a bio-chemistry major at the University of Indiana, was one of 39 IU students to receive the Distinguished Alumni Service Award scholarship of $1,200 for his 4.0 grade point average. Knight was also presented with the school's Gen. Joseph 0. Butcher Award, which also commends extracurricular activities, civic activities and future plans. In addition, Pi Kappa Phi was honored with the following awards at the 1998 IU Greek Awards Banquet: finalist for the Chapter of the Year; the Most Philanthropic Funds raised by a fraternity ($11,500); Brother Joshua Dowell, president of Order of Omega, received a Merit Scholarship; Jason Pinter and Pat Sly received the Order of Omega Scholarship; and Sly was named Outstanding Greek Man of the Year. Florida State (Beta Eta) Pi Kappa Phi is the largest 14 STAR & lAMP

and most respected of the 22 fraternities at Florida State, with a 125-man chapter and 41-man associate class. Among the chapter's many honors and titles are the brothers' strong showing at Homecoming. This year Scott Herman was elected as the Homecoming Chief (King). Also, Brother Dan Kennerly was selected as the 21st rider of Renegade as Chief Osceola (the school's mascot), and Brother Dave Hill will serve as the Seminole Warrior at all home basketball games. Toledo (Beta Iota) The Beta Iota Chapter continued a long-standing tradition by winning the 1998 Homecoming float competition. Also, for the entire week of Homecoming, the brothers voted to remain completely alcohol free, attracting positive stories from the local press. Central Michigan (Beta Xi) The Beta Xi Chapter was presented with the President's Cup trophy for the best fraternity on campus. The chapter has been awarded this honor four out of the past five semesters. Among the chapter's accomplishments: received the highest cumulative grade point average on campus; Brother Brian Battani was elected IFC president;

Basil Lyberg was named IFC vice president of recruitment; and Andrew McEvoy was named the most outstanding new member of the semester for Order of Omega.

not lost a single volleyball game during intramurals and IFC sports. Now, after seven years, the chapter has recorded a win-streak of 106 games.

Old Dominion (Gamma Beta) Jason Bierenbaum, archon of the Gamma Beta Chapter, was recently accepted to the Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society. The Society requires a 3.0 grade point average and excellence in: scholarship, athletics, campus/community service, speech/mass media or creative/performing arts.

Oklahoma State (Gamma Upsilon) After a two-week re-colonization effort in September, the Gamma Upsilon Chapter more than doubled its membership and has a bright outlook to the future. The process, which included an advertising campaign, informational meetings and personal interviews, yielded 15 new members for the chapter.

Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) The Gamma Xi Chapter has reached a remarkable feat in the campus sports' arena. Since 1991, the chapter has

South Alabama (Gamma Phi) After 27 years since its chartering, and through five previous houses, the Gamma

Phi Chapter has moved into a house on campus. On Oct. 17, the chapter presented the new house to its alumni, family and friends. Over 200 people attended the event, including Pi Kappa Phi CEO Mark E. Timmes. The University faculty present included the dean of students, dean of academic affairs, director of campus involvement and director of Greek housing. The alumni in attendance included the chapter's number one initiate and two founding fathers. The house is one of eight new Greek houses that were opened this year, with a cost of over $750,000. Each house is 9,500 square feet with 12 bedrooms and a total capacity of 23 people, including a graduate student resident advisor. The twostory facility is equipped with private bathrooms, a carpeted chapter room with internet access, a 1,400square-foot multipurpose room and a fully furnished kitchen, laundry room and formal living room. Gamma Phi Chapter is a recent winner of the Summit Award, Bronze Star Award and the Red Rose Club. UNC-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) After speaking with the owner of a local dub in Winston-Salem, N.C., the

Epsilon Iota Chapter was able to set up a benefit concert for Push America, featuring Cravin' Melon. The chapter hopes to make the event an annual occurrence, featuring a different band each year. Alabama-Birmingham (Epsilon Phi) The brothers at the Epsilon Phi Chapter broke all campus rush records this fall with the largest associate class ever. The chapter weicorned 22 men, bringing their new class to 27. Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) The Epsilon Omega Chapter raised their semester Push America fund-raising goal to $10,000 as they raised $2,900 in two hours at a toll-road. In addition, the chapter raised an additional $1 ,600 from local businesses and sororities. SUNY-Cortland (Zeta Omicron) Brother Dave Marsh was reelected to the position of President for the Cortland States Student Government Association. Also on the council is Brother Jeremy Basis, elected as Sergeant of Arms. The brothers also initiated two distinguished members: Dr. Shane Frechlich as the chapter's new advisor,

and Cortland Mayor Ron Walsh. Cal. State-Fullerton (Zeta Rho) The Zeta Rho Chapter assembled a 19-member associate class - the largest on campus - bringing their total membership to 82 . In intramurals, the brothers captured the football championship for the third year in a row, outscoring their opponents 832-36! This year will also be the third year the men travel to the West Coast Regional Championship, where they previously placed first and third, respectively. Pi Kappa Phi also received a 2.6 overall CPA, better than all sororities on campus and behind only one other fraternity. Colorado State (Zeta Phi) On Aug. 29, the Zeta Phi Chapter celebrated its new chapter house grand opening. Parents, alumni and neighbors enjoyed touring the house and discussing future plans for the chapter and the housing corporation. Acquiring this 16room house in May 1998 marked a milestone for the chapter, which has been active at the University since March 1996. SUNY-Plattsburgh (Eta Kappa) The Eta Kappa Chapter at

SUNY-Plattsburgh received one of the four statewide awards given to a student organization in a New York school. The Association of Council Members and College Trustees, comprised of administrators representing 20 institutions, awarded Pi Kappa Phi the honor for their Roof-A-Thon event held on Oct. 24-26, 1997. The 48-hour event was held to raise money for Push America and the North County Center for Independence. Criteria for the award not only included the significance of the event, but that the event was completely organized by students, with no help from the university. The chapter raised over $1 ,700 through contributions and corporate sponsorships, and managed to capture the attention of the local press, including the NBC affiliate station. Brothers accepted the award at a ceremony held in Albany, N.Y. On campus, the Eta Kappa chapter has held the President's Cup for the best fraternity twice in the past three years and captured the intramural volleyball championship this fall. Wingate (Eta Mu) Brian Johnson, an alumnus WlNTER 1999


of Eta Mu Chapter, is currently making plans to hike the entire Appalachian Trail starting in May 1999. He is planning the trip in conjunction with Push America, and would like to use the event to create awareness

for people with disabilities. For more information or to help Johnson, you can contact him at 704341-2330. The chapter recently completed its fall recruitment with 21 new associate members. This is a huge accomplishment for the chapter as it represents not only the largest associate class on campus, but is 16


the single largest class this chapter has recruited since its chartering in 1993. UCLA (Eta Sigma) The brothers at the Eta Sigma Chapter at University of California - Los Angeles are hoping that a new

fund-raising initiative will better unite the Greek community and help boost the IFC name. "The Greek system has never had a charity that they all contributed to; they have always been unique to each house, " says Pi Kappa Phi Dean Ho, who holds the position of IFC director of community service. "So

far, the support has been great." The program would directly benefit the official charity of UCLA, Unicamp, which provides sportsrelated programs for children of low-income families.

Conceived and organized by Ho, the program is being supported by Nike Corporation, thanks to a chance meeting by the Pi Kappa Phi. "''m a camp counselor during the summer, and after speaking with a Nike representative on campus, found out he was a counselor, too, " explains Ho. Nike will now donate

$500 for every coach who volunteers at the camp. Ho is hoping the program will net $15,000, which will be a definite boost in the IFC's charity history. "Last time the IFC tried anything like this they only raised $2,000, and the check bounced," adds Ho. Pi Kappa Phi is leading the charge with volunteer coaches as well as rush on campus. The brothers just welcomed an 18-man associate class-the largest on campus. TCU (Eta Chi) The Eta Chi Chapter rushed its first class after its chartering last March . The Beta class consists of 29 men, one of the largest classes on campus. The chapter, along with Pi Beta Phi, also placed first in Homecoming and swept all events. Pi Kappa Phis Justin Hensely and Tyler Smith both made Homecoming court; five brothers were inducted into Order of Omega; and the chapter raised $1,700 in one day for Push America. Brother Ben Jenkins was also elected student government treasurer, and Adam Ryan was elected vice president in charge of programming for the group .


West Georgia (Associate) On Oct. 20, the newest associate chapter of Pi Kappa Phi held its first chapter meeting at the State University of West Georgia in Carrollton, Ga. The expansion, headed up by Leadership Consultants Larry Keller (Kansas State Delta Chi), Mike Young (Washington - Alpha Delta) and Durwood Thompson Jr. (Florida State - Beta Eta), recruited a group of 22 men, ranging from freshmen to seniors. This ranks Pi Kappa Phi the

fourth largest on campus (out of six). The expansion began Oct. 1 and continued with informational meetings, personal interviews and Rush events throughout the month. The final organizational retreat was held Oct. 23-24. Central Florida (Associate) In the largest rush in University of Central Florida's history, Pi Kappa Phi welcomed 3 7 new members to the founding

fathers, combining for a 60-man chapter. Homecoming was also a big success for the associate chapter, placing second in Black and Gold sign, third in Spirit Banner and second place in skit. Brother Chris Riehl was elected to the student government as a senator representing the college of arts and sciences. Vice Archon Joe Sarrubbo was also initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society.



jason Stolarczyk MANAGING EDITOR

Griffin's ifts

University of Florida football fan attending a Gator game glances up at the impressive facade of the Ben Hill Griffin Stadium; a student athlete trains in the Ben Hill Griffin training center; a student pours over research at the Ben Hill Griffin Biomedical Research Pavilion; a tardy professor glances at the Griffin-Floyd Hall as he hussies to lecture; a Pi Kappa Phi brother relaxes in the Fraternity house addition made possible by (and named after) Griffin. At the University of Florida in Gainesville, there isn't a day that goes by without someone using the



gifts given by Ben Hill Griffin Jr. (Florida -Alpha Epsilon) . Griffin, who attended the University from 19303, was one of the largest patrons to the school despite not receiving a degree. His donations totaled more than $19 million after state matching funds were added. At the time of his death in 1990, Griffin was president of Ben Hill Griffin Inc., and owned more than 10,000 acres of citrus groves and 85,000 acres of ranch and timberland. He had started his citrus empire in 1933 when his father gave him 10 acres of groves as a wedding present.



Alumnus earns national corporate honor Kurt Engelstad (Oregon State Alpha Zeta), Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) area franchisee for Western Washington and Oregon, has been named Domestic Area Franchisee of the Year by the national organization, which is the world's largest franchiser or retail business, communication and postal service centers. A northwest native and former newspaper reporter, Engelstad has held the Oregon and Southwest Washington MBE master franchise for 10 years. He was chosen from among 80 area franchisees in the United States for the honor, largely because of the consistent growth of the area in terms of new stores and for assisting center owner-operators to maintain high sales. His Oregon/Southwest Washington area has grown to 52 stores over the last 10 years, consistently ranked among the top 10 revenue generating territories in the country and is among the growth leaders in new franchises for similar size areas. While a student at Oregon State, Engelstad was extremely active on campus, including participation in: student council, Memorial Union board, Blue Key Honorary Society, Sigma Delta Chi Journalism 20 STAR & LAMP

MBE Franchisee of the Year Kurt Englestad (Oregon State - Alpha Zeta).

Honorary, Alpha Delta Sigma Advertising Honorary and executive editor of the student newspaper. "I was able to participate as an officer in the chapter, and active in other campus affairs, largely to the support by the Fraternity," remembers Englestad. "My experience also helped me to hone my leader-

ship skills and forced me to focus my study habits." Mail Boxes Etc., a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. Office Products Company, has more than 3,600 stores operating worldwide, with master licensing agreements 62 countries.

Alumnus' namesake goes Hollywood Carroll Hall is not only the home of the University of North CarolinaChapel Hill Business school, it's also the namesake to Pi Kappa Phi alumnus Dudley DeWitt Carroll (UNC-Chapel Hill - Kappa). DeWitt was the founder of the commerce school at the University, which later became the business school. He served as dean for 31 years. The building recently went through a brief identity crisis when Universal Studios was filming for Robin Williams' new movie, Patch Adams, this past summer. Through the magic of Hollywood, the building became the Virginia Medical University, set in the 1970s. The movie, which was released Christmas, is based on the early life of Dr. Hunter D. "Patch" Adams, an unorthodox physician from Virginia who uses humor to help heal his patients.

jason Stolarczyk



The living Ritual

Working in Faith

n March 25, 1905, a committee was appointed within the new Fraternity of Pi Kappa Phi. Chairman Lawrence Harry Mixson presided over his constituents, Simon Fogarty Jr. and Pelzer Wagener, with a grace that was reflective of their topic of discussion - a ritual of initiation. This was, by no standards, a small order. For it was through this ritual that the entire Pi Kappa Phi being was to be ordained. It would be through this ritual that chapters from the east would find conversation with chapters from the west; that scholars in science would bond with students of literature. For inspiration, Mixson, Fogarty and Wagener looked to the customs and philosophers of ancient Athens. They knew that there were deeper and finer elements to a fraternity than the mystery of its language: morals, personal development, accountability. On May 20, 1905, the Ritual was adopted and became Pi Kappa Phi. Over 73,000 men have since been baptized through the Ritual's journey, and have gone on to become business leaders, sports heroes, political trailblazers, enduring entertainers, respected scholars - and inspiring clergymen. These men continue to live the morals and values they adopted as Pi Kappa Phis, and extend those faiths into their own workplace. For Presbyterian Clergyman Dave Nash (Davidson- Epsilon), his spiritual motivation came early in his college experience. "I asked many questions about my own relationship with God, and in this struggling, discerning process, it emerged that God was calling me to the ministry," recounts Nash. "That was 22 STAR & LAMP

one request I couldn't exactly turn down." At the 600 student (all male) campus of Presbyterian-founded Davidson College in Davidson, N.C., Nash definitely had a larger affinity toward religion than most. He went on to study at Union Seminary in Richmond, Va., and attended graduate school at Columbia Seminary in West Virginia, where he focused on pastoral care. Nash has served as director of an alcohol and drug rehabilitation center, headed a psychiatric hospital, and founded the nationallyhonored "Carpenters for Christ" program in West Virginia, which organizes volunteers to remodel substandard housing. "Most kids coming to college are looking for a meaning in life," notices Nash. "Sometimes they may start out saying, 'I'm against all that stuff; but there comes a point where these same people begin to instead say, 'What am I committed to?' According to Nash, this is where the Fraternity plays such an important part. "Fraternities have a role in shaping a young man's beliefs," explains the clergyman. "It's not a role that tells people what to believe, but rather helps a person with his moral journey; helps him find what he is committed to." There is probably no better an example of religious commitment as someone who leaves his home, his family, his customs, even his language, and transplants his life in a foreign country to establish churches. That's what Wade Wilson (Troy StateGamma Gamma) does for living. Wilson is the coordinator of Urban Ministries for the Indianapolis-based Christian Missionary Fellowship. He is currently serving in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.


"Everything here stands in contrast, " writes Wilson via email. "It is a country of rich potential, but still one of the poorest nations on earth. "I guess that is what makes living and serving God here such a blessing and such a challenge. Each day, I see the best of what God has created, and the worst of what humanity can do." The city's population stands at nearly five million. As missionary coordinator, Wilson has the task of wearing many 24


spiritual faces - as leader of small group studies, traveling preacher, Bible college teacher and one-on-one spiritual mentor. In addition, he works with a group of young adults each Friday night, and acts as the primary organizer of city-wide youth rallies four times a year. Wilson also volunteers a few hours each week at a Mother Teresa orphanage for children with AIDS. After completing two bachelor degrees, Wilson received his master's degree in divinity at the Emmanuel School of Religion in Johnson City, Tenn. This vast education, however, complimented his more valued growth in Pi Kappa Phi. "My Fraternity experience developed within me a foundation that set the stage for who I am today," writes Wilson. "Fraternity taught me to care about others, to give of myself, to abandon selfishness, to work within a team, and to truly consider everyone in the world as my 'brother:" When Wilson first went to college, he remained staunchly non-fraternity until his sophomore year and subsequent initiation into Pi Kappa Phi. His views were mainly centered on the information he received in the mainstream media, which tended to focus on the negative more than the positive. The Rev. Daniel Ruff (St. Joseph Epsilon Tau) held the same negative views before he was alumni initiated, became the chapter's advisor and later assisted in the chartering of Zeta Nu (West Chester) and Zeta Omicron (SUNY-Cortland) . Ruff was not an easy person to gain as an advisor. The chapter continuously challenged the then-campus minister to become associated with Pi Kappa Phi. When Ruff accepted the position, he, in turn, challenged the chapter.

"I was always there to give the guys my best opinions, but also to point out they were adults, now, and had to make their own decisions," says Ruff. Now an associate professor at St. Mary's Seminary and University in Baltimore, Md., Ruff teaches other aspiring priests the "how-to" of clergy. As a religious professional before his initiation, a participating role in subsequent Rituals, and his continued study and teaching of his faith , Ruff still holds the highest standard for men of the Fraternity based on the quality of initiation. "Some people think that ritual is a drunken debauchery," notes Ruff. "But what these people don't see is the seriousness and care taken by these students." Students that are serious about Ritual, and live its messages, tend to be better alumni notices Keith Ackerman (TexasArlington- Delta Psi). "If we want to see successful alumni organizations, then we have to make sure that the men we initiate have good lives," explains Ackerman. 'The Ritual sets up guidelines, not just as Pi Kappa Phis, but as men." By profession, Ackerman is a social worker and director of human resources at BHC Millwood Psychiatric Hospital in Arlington, Texas. In addition, he serves as youth director at St. Mark's Church in Arlington, youth advisor of the Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas, and Ritual advisor to the Delta Psi Chapter. For Ackerman, the Ritual will always hold an importance on two levels: the first on his final journey toward becoming a Pi Kappa Phi, and the second that his dad - Bishop Keith Ackerman Sr. - was able to be initiated with Keith the same day. "It seems that priests' kids are always

Oppollle: IIIII ~ Jr.(bll..l) Mil 1111 .............. llllllacur- Sr. ..........


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Psi.--= .......... (l'oJ Stale- Gllnma ...._, po111 wllll

part of 1111 J1U111 group In

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one of the two extremes - either a complete rebel or a goodie-goodie, " says Keith. "I credit my dad with keeping me right down the middle." Keith's father is currently bishop of the Diocese of Quincy, Ill., which includes 26 churches. At the time he was ordained, he was one of the youngest Episcopalian bishops in the country. Bishop Ackerman can remember receiving his special calling to the church at an early age. "When I was 5, while I was praying, I felt a strong sense that God was calling me," remembers the bishop. "Then at 12, while I was at church camp, everything seemed to click, and I just thought, Wow, I'm going to be a priest!'" Not all clergy, however, have such an early, clear calling in their life. It took 13 years in the world of advertising and public relations before Rob Droste (Charleston- Alpha) joined an Episcople seminary in California. There was definitely a significant transition for Droste - one that may not have been appealing at first. His decision was settled, however, during his over 400 hours of training at a Catholic hospital in San Jose, Calif., that served mainly poor immigrant workers.

"I dressed, threw the chain with my ID around my neck, and went down (to the emergency room)," explains Droste of his first day at the hospital. "There, I saw an everyday ER sight: an elderly patient, tube down her throat, I.V.s started, clothes off, CPR being done - real CPR, where the chest is depressed several inches and you can hear the ribs crack." After the final push by the doctor and a sullen silence, the nurse looked up and noted the time. "It was my first night on call," remembers Droste, "and I had just watched someone die." In a separate room, Droste consoled the son, cried with him and led him in prayers.

"In that moment, I realized that every decision it had taken for me to be there was right," shares Droste. "While I loved much of the work that I did in PR and advertising, I would not have changed places with my old self for anything in the world. I finally fit." Although he can still recount similarly dramatic situations during his tenure at the hospital, his spiritual motivation remains rooted in that elderly woman and her mourning son. "I will always believe that my real priesthood began that first night on call, when I realized the depth of my inadequacy and the extraordinary privilege of serving people with prayer, ritual and simple presence in their most important hours." WINTER 1999


Scroll Chapters

Alpha Kappa (Mkh;gan)

z.o. Lamlxb (CalSiale .QUro) 811 1000\koWay

Eta Omkron (San Fr.mdsoo Stale ) %Josh Koslov

Ann Arbor. Ml 48104

C.mma Ddta {MemphU) 3841 SponswoodAve Memphis, 1N 38UI

Epoilon G<tmma (t.ong..ood) ~College Box 3006

Alpha (Ciwiesllon) SPO Box 1493 Stem Student Ctr Collego of Owleston Otarleston. 29424

Fannville VA 23909

Otico, CA 95928

70 Bellevue Ave

Alpha Mu (fum Sial< )

Camma Epsilon (Western Carolina)

409 E Fainnont Ave StateCollege.PA 16801

POBox 11 73

Epsilo n Ddta (Auburn -Montgomery) P08ox241332

a.llowh«. NC 28723

Monlg'OfllCy.AL 36124- 1332

Z.O. Mu (Cai.Sia1e -Nrohridgo) 17835 Panhenia St Nonhridge CA 91325

Alpha Omkron {Iowa Slate)

Epsilon Epsilon (amch Valky) Box6005 College Avenue Wtse. VA 24293

z.o. Nu (\Vat Cl>estu)

Z.O. Xi {A"'""') Averett Collego PO Bax2306 Danville VA 24541



Daly Gty. CA 94014


l'n?sb)-eerian CoiJese Bax51069


Oinoon. sc 29325

""""lA 50010

G<tmma Z.O. (Wat V~) 641 Fa)oteep;J<. ,\olontgome:ry. VN 25136


Alpha Rho (West Vtrglnb) 650 N Sprure St Morgantown. WV 26505

G;tmma Theta (NCWd.rungton) University Union Room 209 Wilm ington, NC 28407

Alpha s;gma (T..,.,..,..)

G;tmma Iota (l.oWstma Stale )

Epsilon Theta (Seton Hall) Seton Hall Univmity 400 S Orange Ave Sooth 0rnnse Nl 07079-2692

PO Box8629

PO Box25068 BalOn Rouge. LA 7'0894


2908 Channing Way Berkeley, CA 94704 Delta (Funnan) FunnanUM'mity Box28569 Greenville SC 29613 Zeta < - d ) Pi Kappa Ph; • W>lford Collego Spananbwg sc 29303

Iota {G<o<gia Tedt) 220 N:rst Drive Alla nta, CA 30318 Kappa (NCO>apd Hill) 216 Finley Golf eou... Rd Olapd HilL NC 27514

Lamlxb(G«trg!•) 930 S 1\i.illedge Ave Athms. GA 30605

Mu(Duke) Box 97675 J:>ulre Station

Durl1am, NC 27708

Knaxville. 1N 37996-0002

Troy. NY 12180

Alph• Upsilon (D"""") 3405 Powelton Ave Philadelphia. PA 19104 Alpha Phi (Illinois lnU. of Tedtnology) 3333 S Wabash Ave Otirngo, 11 60616

G;tmma Kappa

(Geo<gi.> Southern) LB t 2343 Georgia Southern StateSboro, CA 30460 G<tmma lambda (Mmouri-Rolla) 1704 PineSt Rella. MO 65401 G;tmma Nu (l.aQang<)

Box 11 70 U.Grange College 601 Broad St U.Cr.mge CA 30240

Alpha rs; (ln<tiana) 1720 N. Jordan A\Uiue

G;tmma Xi (Geo<gi.> Sooth""""")

Bloomington. IN 47406

800 \Vh<>dey St

lleta Alpha (New Jmey- of Technology) %Pat Guerra

Box 11 97 Americus, CA 31709


lla)<>nne NJ 07002

Gamma Rho (Land..-) Box 6191 lander University c~ sc 29649-3049

Box 1761 Roonol«! College Roanoke, VA 24153

11eta 11eta (Aorida Southern)

G;tmma Upsilon (Oklahoma Slate)

PO Box 1521 5

Oklahoma Slate Univmity

Omkron (Abbama) PO Box 866089

Florida Soothern Collego l.alo!lan<\ Fl. 33802

St.illwdta;. OK 74074


Th5caloosa. AL



Rho (Washlngton & U.) 201 Ew..hingtonSt

lleta Epsilon (M;,ouri-Columbia) 915 Richmond AYenue Columbia. MO 65201

G<tmma PIU (Sooth Abbama) PO Box U-1208 Mobile AL 36608

lexington. VA 24450

Upsilon (Diinois) 306 E Cregooy Dr Otamp<Ugn n. 61820

423 W College Ave

Tallahasse<,F1.32301 lleta Theta (Arizona) 1449 N Oteny TUCSOI\ 1\L. 85719

Ddta Alpha (Vtrg!n" Pl>lytedtnk Institute:) 1101 Redbud Rd Blacl<obuq; VA 24060

1434 SthAve Huntington. \W 25701

E¢1on lambda (SCSpananbw&) Pi Kappa Ph; Frnwnny 800 uru...ersityWay Spananbwg sc 29303 Epsilo n Mu (B..dley) 1530 W Bradley A\"e Peoria, IL 61606

Z.O. PIU (Coi...OO Slate) P OBox 1918 R. Collins. co 80522- 1918

Epsilon p; (Vtrg!n" Co~th) P. 0 . Box 842035 Rkhmond VA 23284

z.o. au (Albright)

Eps;Jon Rho (Lmo;r-Rhyn<) I.RC Box 8420 HKI«xy. NC 28603

Z.U.,; (I.U.P.U.L)

Epsilon S4Pna (Ouistlan 8ro<hen) 650 E Parkw.Jy S

Ilia Alpha (Concord Collleg<) C49 Conrord Collego

Dnoo!l Hills. PA 19026

Athms. wv 24n2

Box5165 NGC

Epsilon Upsilon (G<o<gia Collego)

Dahlonega, CA 30597

G<o<gja CoiJese CPO 2424

Mnledgev;lle. GA 31061

lleta Kappa (Geo'!Pa Slate) Georgia State Uni\.ttsity

Delta z.o. (Appaladilim State) ASU Box 8991

Birmingham. AL 35294-1150

Alpha Alpha (Mer=) Mercer University Box 701I 2 Maron. GA 31207-0001

11eta Xi (Central Michigan) Pi Kappa Ph i 11'atemity 904 UnM!Isity Mt Pleasant. Ml 48858

1714 Olautauq..aa.Ave Norman. OK 73CY72

lletaTau {v.oldoouSia'-')

O.ariottesville. VA 22903

Delta Thu (James Madison)

II Fraternity Row

Bela Phi (Ea..u CaroUna)

SOOSMain St Box7187 l-1arriso nbuig VA 22807

Gainesville A.. 32603

803 Hooker Rd Creen\'ille NC 27834

Alpha Ep<ilon (Aorida)

Alpha z.o. (o..gon Stale) 2111 Hanison NW O:xva1lis. OR 97330

G;tmma Alpha (West Alob>ma)

Alpha Eta (Samfont)

LM~on, AL

PO BoxM Samford UM~ty Box 292474 Birmingham. AL 35229

Alpha Theta (Michigan Stale) 131 BogueSt E. lansing. MI 48823 Alpha IOU (Auburn) 861 Inn Morrison Dr Auburn. AL 36830

26 STAR & lAM P


PO Box 2186

Clemson. sc 29632

Z.O. G<tmma (North Dakota) 407Cambridge:St Grand 1:000,. NO 58203

Delta Upsilon (l'ittsburgh)

z.o. Delta (Shippensburg) 26 Middlespring Ave Shippensburg, PA 17257

Delta a,; (Kama. Slate)

Zeta EpsiJo n (George Mason) 4400 University Dr SUB I Box 85

G<tmma 11eta (Old [)onlln;on)

8 Fraternity Row

University of Califomia-IIVine PO Box4741 IIVine.CA 92616

Eta Iota (Otristophtt Newport) (Cilifornia-San o;<&O) p 0 Box 948555 U. lolL> CA 92037-9405

3800Uniw:rsity Dr PitiSburgh. PA 15213

1614 J:airchiki Manhmtan. KS 66502

121 Barlow Rd Williamsburg, VA 23188

Eta Kappa (SUNY-Plattsburgh) SUNY-Plattsburgh College Center- Pi Kappa Phi Plattsburgh. NY 12901

Ilia lambda (SUNY-8~) Ofc ofStd Activities Rm 203 Seymour 0g Un SUNY-Brocl<pon Brodqx>n. NY 14420

Eta Mu (\'rrngate)

1:airfax. VA 22030

Box I 648 Wingate University Wingate NC 28174

Old Dominion Univ Std Act Ofc Pi Kappa Phi 2122 wrob Center Norfolk. VA 23529-0519

Deha I'll (Texas-Arlington)

z.o. z.o. (Nonh Florida)

Eta Nu (Pmmylvanb)

705SSummit Arlingtol\ lX 76013

4567 St John's Bluff Rood Jacl<so<MIIe. FL 32256

4040v.lal.nutSt Ph;ladelphia. PA 19104

Canuna Gamma (1\-oy State) lSU PO Box 1738 Troy State Uni\"mity Troy. AL 36082

Dell> C>mqp

Z.U Kappa (Stod<!on Stale) G-Wmg

Eta Xi (SUNY -Albany)

n- A&M)

1401 Athens Dr College Station, lX 77840

UCBox77 Baltimore. MD 21250

Eta au


O>ristionJ ri. Kappa Phi Fraternity p 0 Box 297010 Fort Worth. 1X 76129

Associate Chapters Alpha Om<ga (o..gon) 1440E 19thSlk10 Eugene. O R 97403 New Mexioo Slate:

%Greek AlJaiJs NMSU Corbetts Std Union Univ lordan Las Cruces. NM 88003 Alpha lambda {Mlssisslppi) POBox II University, MS 38677 Arizona State: 371 S Country Club Way Tempe. AZ 85283

Delta E¢1on (JaOOonv;Ue Slate) Pi Kappa Ph i Fraternity Box 302 1 ISU Jacksonville. AL 36265

Eta Eta (California-Irvine)

Los Angde!. CA 90007

Bowling Green, OH 43403

Eta PIU (Uruv Maryland o.Jti""'"' CoontyJ UMBC

"""""'Florida P 0 Box 78064 0 Orlando, Fl 32878-0640

Zeto Alpha (Oemson)

lleta UpsHon (VI'!Pnla) 510 Rugby Rd

4530 17th Ave NE Seattle. WA 98105

Eta Upsilon (Miami of Ohio) Ill ESpringSt Oxford. OH 45056

15 C reek Circle l ubbock, ·rx 794 16


Alpha Ddta (Washlngton)

Eta Tau (Kmtudcy) %Ass!: Dean of Students 575 Patterson OfcT~ l.oo<ington. KY 40506-0027

Ilia z.o. (Quem> Coil'~!") Box 958 Queens College Ch arlo u e. NC 28274

9201 Uni\e'sity City Blvd Cone Center Charlotte. NC 28262

Delta s;gma (Bowling G=) R-3 Old Fraternity Raw BGSU

Eta s;gma (Cal;fornJa.LosAngd..) 626landfair Los Angde!. CA 90024

Epsilon Om<ga (1e>w Thch)

Deltolambda (NCOwiotte)

P0Box71 36

Kennesaw, CA 30144

Eta Epsilon (Maryland) Epsilon 1'\U (Stippay Rock) 8 105 UnM:My Union Slippery Rock Univ Slippery RDck. PA 16057

v.k1oota. GA 3t698

Eta Delta (Kennesaw State) 2555 D Eli te Ln

POBox 726 San Marcos. 1X 78667-0726

College Pari<. MD 20740

!loon< NC 2WJ7

Delto Rho (Soothem Catifornia)

Eta G;tmma (Colorado-Boulder) 935 !6th St Boulder, co 80302

Eta Rho (Southwest Toas Sial<) % Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Southern Mississippi % Jared Hopkins 208 Ross Blvd Hauiesburg. MS 39401

Ddt> Eta (Mofthrad ""'"') Box 1247 uro Morehead KV 40351

742 W28th St

Alpha G<tmma (Oklahomo)

z.o. omep rr""""" Stale 1 Tomon. MD 21204

Epsilon Phi (Aiabama-Birnllngham) P 0 Box 40 University Center

Univ ofTampa Box 2171 401 W Kennedy UIYd Tampa. H. 33606-1490

10235 Orchard Pad< S Dr IN 46280


340 Edmonds Ave

Kirkwille MO 63501

330NCram St W ~ayette. IN 47906


TSU PO Box 1971

Toledo, O H 43606-33!Xl

Om<ga (Purdu<)

Box #74 Albright College Reading, PA 19612·5234

Epsilon Tau (St Joseph's) % 1ooephWebber

421 NWoodland Blvd I:>eLmd. A.. 32720

lleta Lamlxb (Tampa)

Z.O. Upsilon (Bloomsburg) 95 1ron St

I..aSaUe University Philadelphia. PA 19141 -5150

Delu Ddta (Iiuman Stale) P. 0 . Box562

218 Unh.usity Center 1\tlanta. CA 30303

Z.O. Thu (Bannn) 811 Corbett /we Wilso n, NC 27893

Bloomsburg. PA 17815

2999 w Banaofi

55 Rk!gewood Rd

Z.O. Rho (Cai.State -1\dlerU>n) 21 17Teri PI Fullerton.CA 92831

Epsilon Xi (LaSalle) P0Box692

Greek Village A-2

1thaca.NY 14850

z.o. p; (Manhall)

Marietta. GA 30060

Stetson Univ Box 8234

%Jeremy Sch\vartz

Z.O. OmKron (SUNY.COnbnd) PO Box5335

Eps;lon Kappa (Southern Pl>lytedmk) 1100 s Marietta Pkwy

a,; (Sietsoo)

.,; (Cornell)

West Chester, PA 19382

Cortland. NY 13045

Delto lleta (North G<o<gia)

lleta Iota (Tolalo)

Ofc of Creek life

Sykes Union Bldg Rosedale Ave

EUCUNCG Greensboro, NC 27413

Memphis, 1N 38104

11eta Eta (Aorida Slate) Tau (Nonh Carotina State) 2401 WFratemityQ Raleigh. NC 27606


POBox: 1361-62

Alpha T•u ( - . . , . Pl>l}udmM:) 49 SerondSt

Eta p; (Coaslal Carolma) %SrudentAifaits P.O. Box: 1954 eonw.y. sc 29526

Pomona. NJ 08240

PO Box22102 1400 WaV\ington Ave Albany, NY 12222

West Georgia State University of West Georgia P 0 Box 10034 Carrollton, CA 30118

Housing Corporations

Alumni Chapters 1!- Ed Hahn e-sc~ J Crase 1-CeneVISChe:lli U JlenWoody

0-1-lany E Caldwdllr. S-Michael T l...o.vman 1: 1?Dbert L J..amph;er Jr. C FAw.ml Bennett Y-John S Kirk M -Ronny E Williams

AD-Iimllunt AE-Michaei Mitchell All-James Smith AI-DaJ)1 R Griswold AJ<.Q\ristopher R Meono AQ..Kelley A Berg;uom

AR-Palrid< E t:ariey AU -Tom Hill

Af..Cregocy J Pleszlrun SA-Kevin !Jc:lerner BH-Clenn M.'l)'O< Ill-Mark Umuia

BM-CMAdri..-m lff-Oub-Jay llarrell

BF-Scou Smith GA-Iooeph LAI<xandcr CB-Paul Dickson CC-D<Md B Doo;ey Cf:.-James M FLue GZ-Mkh.-.d z;cgler CK.Cienn Aspirr.va.ll

CFStcvellryan IJC.MikeKallas F.G-T.C Jones rv El-Neil Brogdt."'Il EJ.. - Mike Hoyd EO-Patrick Hrnla EY-OlUck lluffmyer

ZE- lim Qukk ZJ. Scott Ces.1.r z r- tason Johnson 1-I?..Aicou Holmes

National Council

(202)332-8410 (510) 778-8085(H) (404) 714-3673(H) (540) 989-5770 (W) (205) 9~582( 11 ) (803 ) 750-71<JO(H) (919) 851 -'JO<JO(H) (703) 344-%03(H) (515) 221H1693( H) (912) 471-6937(1·1) (206) 885-4977(\\1) (813) 835-8462(H) (205) 252-2889(1'1 ) (404) 636-2889(11) (313) 930-1596(1'1) (708) 256-2687(H) (412) 681-5269(H) (215) 887-8966(H) (708) 403-7372(H) (908) 577-'JOOO (W) (904 ) 488-3595(W) (41 9) 535-0707 ext. 131(W) (601) 324-7255( H) (912) 244-2842 (202) 667-8788(11) (205) 392-4739(H) (703) 362-3577(H) (334) 262-5211(H) (919)765-8988(11) (304) 787-3749 (H) (770) 448-3542(\\1) (334) 460-2971 (816) 889- II SI(W) (804) 225-2784(\\1) (910) 855- 1548(W) (864) 585-5446 (W) (610) 660-6644(W) (4 12) 794~21 6 t(H) (757) 721-'XJ73 (412) 920-0383 (919)291-6199 (W) (704) 665-9401 (W)

Mr Oaarles P Adams


13 !-lollyOest Greensboro, NC 274 10

Ste 980 212 S Tryon St Charlotte NC 28281 Mr Edward L Corson II

3519 Verona lli SW


Dr Richard BVoome\'eld

Roanoke. VA


47 CibbesStreet

Owleston. sc 29401

Oiftoi\NJ 07011

M' Gregooy L Ball

PO Box391

Chaplain M' Dudley F Woody Woodsil<>g<n&11~•

PO Box 14125

Roanoke. VA


Do nald E Pu ll iam

Josh ua P Lane Mark 0 Edgell

O micro n

Harry E Ca ldwell Jr.

Rho l hu Upsilo n

Ra ben 0 Waldbauer Jr. Raben L La mphier Jr. William J Harrington

Omega Alp ha Ga mma Alpha Della Alpha Epsilo n Alpha Zeta Alpha Eta Alpha Them Alpha Io ta Alpha Ka ppa Alpha Mu Alpha Omicron Alp h a Rho Alpha Sigma Alpha Tau Alpha Upsil o n Alpha Phi Alpha Psi Beta Alpha Beta E.ta Beta Iota Beta Upsilon Beta Phi Ga mma Beta Gamma Gam ma Gamma Della Gamma f:.psilon Gamma Zeta Ga mma 'lbl.'ta Ga mma Io ta

Mark V DeFabis Brian A Unk Jam es G Hunt Peter T Cum mings Marek V Wroble Rev. Thomas L Fuller Matt hew I Sh aheen Daryl R Griswold Jo n athan P Alben Matthew I. Rz ucidlo Ke lley A Bergstro m Michael R Turner Spears P Vava lides Jo hnS Danish Fred erick W Schmehl G regory J Pl esz kun Dr Phillip M Summers James A Krucher Jo hn I Wahlen Ma rk A Urrutia Leroy R Haml ett Jr. Jo nathan S Smith Joel Allen He nry H 1-iai stl.'n Ill Anh ur N De ml.'trio u James M Rel.'cl.' Fred l.'rick S Adams Michael R Turner Joseph R Beatty

Ga mma Kappa Gamma l.ambda Ga mma Nu Gam ma Xi Gamma Upsilon Gamma Phi Delta Alpha Della Beta Delta Delta Della Zeta Delta La mbda

Glenn Asp inwall David L Siems Richard D Jo lly Jr GeorgE.' A Dieckmann Raben D Paiva Frank W He nderson Frederick D Shive! Steven G Blackmo n Irvin P H oward Ill Gregory J Proctor Bobby I. Bo llingl.'r lr.

Mr Mark King t-..'RG Capital Partners 370 17th St Ste 2300 De:rm:!r, co 80202 Mr Emmanuellklykin

5656 Lynbrook Dr Houston. 1X 77056

Tallahassee FL 32302


L.1 mbda Xi

Holy Angels 6600 E Wilkinson Bh.U

Semtaoy Mr RDben McDonneJI

O>ancdiO< M' ). )effiy Wahlen Ausley & Mc.\>tuJien

Frederick A Massey Sr.

,\15 Lori G Hanafin

Vice President Mr l-lany E Caldwell ![ 985 Valley V.ew Rd Indian Spring\ AL 35124

Mr James A Krucher

Steven I C raSf:


Mr Gary A Leonard 1744 Praters Point Dacula. GA 30211


31JwBh A"'

Gregoty D Padgett



President Mr J Patrick Figley PeninsulM Counselif'l8 Ctr 2819 Horatio Street Tampa. H... 33609

Treasum Mr J. Ernest Johnson


American Red Cross IU21 Cannel Commons Blvd Ste400

O,arlotte NC 28226 Dr Anhur I Quickenton 875 Pine Hill Read

Boone. N C 28607 Mr Daniel

B Bany 121 WestTrade:SlreetSteJOOO Cl>arlotte NC 28202


Mr John RAndrews 3201 E33rd St Sioux Falls. SO 57103

.\olr Eric I Almquist 5716 Elhardt Dr RiYerview, FL 33569

Push America Board of Directors

t..ir Bruce L RDgeB KRG eap;tal Pannm 370 17th Street Suite 2300 Derw~ 00 80202


M")udley F Woody


Wood<;R<>g<n& ll ~

108 Coadl Ridge Thlil Matthews. NC 28105

PO Box 141 25

(843) 556- 1106 (H) (510) 778-8085 (H) (770 ) 955-0174 (II) (9 19) 554 - 1050 (I I) (770) 594 -5100 (W) (910) 643-0352 ( H) (205) 988-0582 (H) (540) 943-8966 (H) (919) BS J-9090 (1 1) (815) 372-2557 (H) (317) 293-8609( H) (405) 302-0345 (H) (4 25) 869-6251 (II) (904 ) 260-2900 (W) (503) 297-5 366 (H) (205) 699-8398 ( II ) (312) 472-3216 (H) (404) 636-2889 (H ) (81 0) 377-03 54 (H) (609) 734-6206 (W) (84 7) 256-2687 (H) (304 ) %5-5560 (H) (4 23 ) 584-4521 (H) (518) 279-3932 (II) (215) 777-0488 (11) (708 ) 403-7372 (H) (812) 888-4208 (W) (973} 546-0035 (II) (850) 893-% 14 (II) (41 9) 474 -4436 (II) (804) 973-6557 (H) ( 202) 667 -8788 (II) (703) 391-5054 (H) (334) 566-3172 (I I) (901) 758-2436 (I I) (954) 584 -8886 ( II) (304) 755-4051 (H) ( 919) 395 -5209 ( II ) (504) 769-9923 127 (W) (770) 449 -3542 ( H) (314) 542-2138 ( II)

Mr Michael W Rilenge 1481 West lOth Street Indianapolis. IN 46202

Pi Kappa Phi Properties Executive Committee

(800) 842 -3779 (W) ( 405) 275-5500 (W) (334) 473-4486 (W) (813) 987-9660 (H) (770) 932 -2378 (H) (314) 939-6664 (H) (704) 372-084 7 (W) (704) 365-8728 (H ) 5«m.'U)' Mr Robert I Paterno Taylor Brion Buker & Greene 700 NE 90th Street · Ste B Miami. fl- 33138

C reatl.'r Atlanta Alu mni Assoc.-Mark F C hristo phe r-( 404) 934 -6005 Da llas/Ft. Worth Alumn i Assoc. · Nick Murzin (8 17) 561-1037

Montgo m ery Area Alumni Assoc.- Ro bert C la rk Jr -{33 4) 277-58 17 Nonh Je rsey Alumni Associatio n-Kevi n Boernl.'r-{908) 577-9000 Indianapolis Alumni Associa tion-Stephen K Barber-(3 17 ) 326 ·26 15 San Diego Alumni Associati o n -Buzz llo ldo rf-(619) 439-6303 Ta mpa Alumni Associa tion-flerry Monastl.'ro -(215) 898-2444

Mr Stephen fl Deflalma

SCI IOOR Df.PAL\-\A INC 200 State llwy Nine

PO Box 900 ,\1analapan. N J 07726

Norcross, GA 30092

Marietta. CA 30067 Mr1ho mas LCaner 2908 Pine Needle Drive Ellicott City, MD 21042

M' lay I Stuckd 6157 K£rth Rd St louis, MO 63128

Mr Allen 0 Woody Ill

Scholarship Mr Stephen S Sanders 3811 Morningside Drive - #52 Bloomington. IN 47408 Nomination Mr R Nathan Hightower ,\.1cHutane f-erguson & McMullen PA PO Box 1669 Cleanvater; R. 346 t 7 Education Mr Glenn A Dickson 2348 Wroxton Rd Houston, lX 77005

s2oo Fox ru<~ge Rd sw

Foundation Trustees Cllainnan Mr Kelley A BeJgmom 714 Roger A\'C Kenilworth. IL 60043


Ste265 Atlanta. GA. 30350

Roanoke. VA 24014 Mr Kevin K Murphy

Berks ay Community Fdn P08ox212 Reading, PA 19603 Jack W Powers 105 N Cherrywood Ln Pisga h f-orest , NC 28768

National Committees Alumni Relations Mr Frank D Havard

'ITeasurel'fS<=ta'l' Mr L Oay Edmonds

2094 Forest Mead<:Mr Drnoe Binningham. AL 35242

Brencor lnc Ste402 Brentwood. 1N 37027

Lonnie Strickland Ill 1 Old Nonhriver Point TUSCliOOS.l. At 35406


Roanoke. VA 24038

Ch icago Area Alumni Assoc.-Mark Singer (312) 549-4130


5214 M;uyland Wy

Mr I Councilll£ak KPMG Peat MarwK:k ll.P 4 237 10ttenham Road Charlotte, NC 28226

Central Alabama Alumni Assoc.-James B Beal Jr.-(205) 668- 1931

1850 Parl<way PI - 12th 11.

MrFrank Ll.ane


Austin Area Alu mni Association -Paul S Drake-(512) 219-044 5

Mr Parker I I Petit MatriaHeallhcare

I')T.lmid 8800 Rc.swei1Rd

Phoenix. AZ

(7 18) 740-774 1 (H) (304) 755-3245 (W) (4 15) 44 2-0745 (W) (919) 399-6300 (W) (303) 783-5711 (H) (703) 754-2255 (H) (310) 546-2402 (H) (219) 356-2204 (H)

Alumni Associations

Member-at-Large Mr Glenn Aspinwall


Vn President-ILF Mr O lUck I Barnard Bank of America 101 N l st Ave 15th Aoor

(909) 988-0918 (H) (908) 598-4000 (W) (816 ) 537-5359 ( II ) (817) 572-7034 (W) (409) 54 3-8280 (II) (540) 926-8620 (11) (973 ) 744- 1747 (H) (6 16) 451 -8156 (W) (630) 898-8936 (H) (901) 766-7364 (W) (7 16) 634-1699 (II) (205) 978-7942 (II) (912) 239 -1439 (H) (915) 687-6847 (H) (770) 424-1835 (H) (603) 433-8593 (H) (757) 721-9073 (II) (904) 642-0444 (H) (916) 445 -2112 (W)

Ala b ama Gulf Coast Alumni Assoc.·William II Ish ee

5328 Goo>: Cnrl 0..

Mrr-.1ark:F iacobs 5238NNe:w JerseySt Indianapolis, IN 46220

VKe President-Construction Mr Gregory V Under Investment Equity 72 SE6thAve Ddfill' llea<h. FL 33483

Alan D Wapne r Tom M Kubi lius Mr Brent A G rau berger Steven M Kosta Je ffreyS Fueche:c Cary B Va nover Tho mas P Mulligan Alan 8 Overbey Paul G Witt C hristo ph er W Mills Vincent I "lbompson Jr Jeffrey L Rodgers Albert L Shultz II Karl I Reiter Scott C Gasparini Mark A Hobson Timothy J Q uick Robert T Ta lley Brad L St ro ng Mark A Cervantes Roben C An zalo ne Jr. David C llailey Ryd er Evans Raben M Ed m o ndson Carron M Bateman Ross W Kno b lauch lames Benson Joel D Spry

G reaterToiE.'dO Alumn i C hapte r·Gregory Ludinais -(419) 897-0020

Sawm Corporation Suite 109 400 Galleria Office Center Southfield ~1.1 48034

Delta Rho De lta U psil o n De lta C hi Delta Psi Delta Omega Epsi lo n Epsilo n Epsilo n 11leta Epsilo n Io ta Epsil o n Mu Epsilon Sigma Epsilon Tau Espi lon Ph i Epsilo n rsi Epsi lon Omega Zeta Alph a Zeta Gamma Zeta Epsilo n Zeta Zeta Zeta Lambda Zeta Xi Zeta Omicron Zeta Pi Zeta Rho Zeta Tau Eta Gamma Eta Epsil o n Eta Sigma Eta Upsil on

Mr I:Jdred I Harm:m 867 Sunrise IUvd Waterloo, lA 50701

Investment Mr ratrick I Danehy 4280 Belle Meade Cove Memphis, 1N 3811 7

Ritual& lnsignia Mr David II Vawter 7329 HounsiO\v Ln 01arlone. NC 28213




Name of rushee


Home address


Rushee is attend ing


College address

College class



High school



Number in graduating class

Class rank

College previously attended

Terms completed


Grade scale





Character and personality description

Talents, hobbies and interests

Activities/offices held


Please send this form to:

Work/volunteer experience

Prospective Member Information, c/o Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity,

PO Box 240526,

Name of parents/guardians Pi Kapp relatives (names, relationships and c h a p t e r s ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Relatives in other fraternities_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Charlotte, NC 2821 0, fax to 704-504-0880 or email prospective member information to pikapphq@pikapp.org.

Your information

Name Address Email Tele hone





Year initiated


el Metcalfe (OklahomaAlpha Gamma) used his Sunday-school lessons to help pass through new membership requirements, opening Pi Kappa Phi to men of all racial, religious and ethnic backgrounds. In late 1964, the move to eliminate racial and religious membership requirements from fraternities and sororities was at its peak. Although the federal government had excluded fraternities and sororities, large numbers of campuses, especially schools such as Cornell, were adamant about making the change. It was apparent that this Fraternity, which at the time still hung onto the original membership requirements of white, Christians only, would have to make some changes. In August 1964, at the 30th Supreme Chapter in Mobile, Ala., the delegation called for a test vote on the elimination of racial and religious membership restrictions. Surprisingly, all but a few chapters voted against a change, despite the expected loss in chapters. But another significant event at the 30th

Supreme Chapter would soon tum that legislation around: the election of the new National President Melville Metcalfe. A Sunday-school teacher personified, Mel, along with his magic show, brought an interesting personality to the position. Mel was not a typical member of the National Council, but then, that was not his calling, nor was that Pi Kappa Phi's need at that time. The Fraternity needed a person who could sway the emotions of its students and alumni through no more than his own persuasive personality, character and witness to a perfect love of Pi Kappa Phi. A financial and scheduling plan was developed for Mel to do a Herculean job. His role for two years was to visit every chapter and to politic for approval of our much needed membership requirement changes. On his tour, an effort was to be made to ensure maximum participation from student members and associates, as well as influential alumni such as advisors, housing corporation officers and financial supporters. Mel succeeded in grand fashion. He visited every chapter in Pi Kappa Phi, even though his insurance agency in Port Arthur, Texas, was to suffer from his absence. Mel also presided at one of the potentially more disruptive Supreme Chapter meetings held in the Fraternity. Through his speeches, which were nothing more than extensions of his Sunday-school lessons taught at his Presbyterian church in Port Arthur, Texas, no one person, nor any group of persons, could have made the transition so quick, so successful and so non-damaging as was done by Mel. He furthered his message through his intriguing slight of hand tricks, which were dazzling, entertaining, and within themselves, a message of fraternity and brotherly love. Mel died in 1992. He was perhaps one of the most selfless people who has ever worn the Pi Kappa Phi pin, giving all that was needed, and whenever needed, to his Fraternity, an organization which he loved beyond imagination. He was named Mr. Pi Kappa Phi in 1969.

This issue's historical

passage was taken

from Executive Drector Emeritus Durward Owen's unpublished

memiors, Connie, It will

be Only for 1Wo Years!

Fraternity brothers Is now just a few clicks awayl


Thanks to the Pi Kappa Phi --_, Foundation, a new Pi Kappa Phi Online Community allows members access to a variety of communication tools such as: • resume and career center; • permanent email address; • bulletin boards; and

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