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CEO Corner

'Life-long' is a privilege, not a sentence imilar to many magazines, the cover of the Star & Lamp is used to communicate the main focus of the issue. That's often an enduring task, considering the many messages and feelings that flow within and around that main feature. Since this issue's main focus is on lifelong brotherhood, we had to be very critical with the cover. How do we represent lifelong brotherhood? What is life-long brotherhood? Can any one person measure up as the 'ideal' life-long brother? There are certainly areas that can be measured by records: financial contributions, volunteering time, etc. More importantly, however, are the activities that cannot. It is for this reason that Robert Lee Bennett (Mercer-Alpha Alpha) is honored with the cover. Outside of those who worked with him, many people don't know Brother Bennett (page 10). That's because what he gave to the Fraternity-his time, his talent, his treasure-were bundled under a cape of humbleness. He felt that it was his job, his honor to give back an organization that gave him so much. He never believed it to be a limited donation, but a life's duty. In its declaration to Brother Bennett as 1978 Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, the National Council wrote, "He is indeed the example of those traits sought after by all men. Brother Bennett is extended the Fraternity's deep appreciation for his past, present and future involvement... ." His giving even reached beyond Pi Kappa Phi-it extended into his community in Towanda, Penn., and into his chapter at Mercer.


Brother Bennett's story and sizeable donation to the Foundation is also the perfect introduction into this year's Foundation Annual Report. The report marks a milestone for the Fraternity-1,000 additional donors were added in 1998. Thanks to all those who gave and plan to give! Money, however, is only one of many ways that alumni can give back and stay in-touch with Pi Kappa Phi. The other is time. Our Notebook features the roles of the Journey Ambassadors (page 6), who provide a unique and valuable service to Journey Level II chapters. Often, the most important time given is that given from an alumnus to their local and area chapters. Brother Ben Overton (Florida-Alpha Epsilon) always gave such time, despite having the challenging task of retooling the image of the Florida Supreme Court. Chief Justice Overton recently retired after a notable 25-year term on the state's high court (page 12). Finally, the Fraternity's exciting expansion schedule (page one) is continuing to impress some of the strongest Universities in the country. Our programs are attracting some of the best men on these campuses-men who are excited about the chance at creating something unique, something meaningful. These men are excited about becoming a Pi Kappa Phi and a brother for life! As always, enjoy this issue of the Star & Lamp! Fraternally yours,


Pi Kappa Phi reopens Beta Nu Cha ter at Houston It's been 40 years since Pi Kappa Phi had a presence at the University of Houston. The Beta Nu Chapter at Houston was reestablished in February, however, following an intensive expansion that lasted the entire month. Headed up by Senior Leadership Consultant Larry Keller, along with fellow Consultants Ben Roman and Jeff Pujals, the staff completed interviews and training of the new associates by the first week of March. Even though they have just been organized, the new chapter has already shown characteristics of a power chapter. "The group we've recruited is well connected within the University and Greek system, and has hit the ground running," notes Keller. "They are extremely enthusiastic and have already begun to come together as a group of solid men." Along with the Fraternity's three on-site staff, the re-founding process garnered critical support from local alumni. This is largely attributed to Pi Kappa Phi's already strong presence in Texas, with chapters at Texas Christian University (Eta Chi), Texas A&M (Delta Omega), Southwest Texas (Eta Rho) and Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) . "The alumni are excited to help, and the campus is ready for them to make waves," says Keller. "Everything is in line for the chapter to achieve great things." The expansion at Houston is the beginning of an aggressive campaign for establishing Pi Kappa Phi at leading schools across the country, according to Jeff Esola, director of expansion. "With Houston, we are beginning to go down our list of schools where we want-

The new executive council of the Beta Nu Associate chapter (front to back, left to right): Warden Ed Black, Historian Andy nrrell, Chaplain Sam Moore, Archon Jeremy Wehner, VIce Archon J.J. James, member David Duron and D'easurer Kyle Landau.

and need-to organize successful chapters," explains Esola. "As long as we stay on track, we'll continue to gain momentum toward achieving our goals." Among the schools that expansion team members will be traveling include: University of Kansas; University of South Carolina; University of Northern Iowa; Marquette University; and the University of Connecticut. For more information about these or other expansion sites, contact Esola at (704) 504-0888 xl04 or email at jesola@pikapp.org. SPRI NG 19 99


Inside STAR&LAMP A Leadership/Education Publication USPS 519000 Spring 1999 Vol. LXXXVII, No. 2

Editor-in-Chief Mark E. Timmes Managing Editor jason Stolarczyk Art Director Jennifer L. Armstrong Associate Art Director Laura Hogan Contributing Writers Todd Nelmes Joe Nahm Thomas Atwood )eremey Galvin Stephen Whitby DUiward Owen Official Photographer Tim Ribar


The Star & Lamp is published quarterly by the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 2102 Cambridge Beltway Drive, Suite A, Charlotte, NC 28273. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription. Periodicals postage paid at Charlotte, NC, and any additional mailing offices. Mailing address: P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, N.C. 28224; (704) 504-0888 FAX (704) 504-0880 E-mail address: Pikapphq@pikapp.org http:/fwww.pikapp.org POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Star & Lamp, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224.

Materials for publication should be sent directly to the managing editor at the address above. Members are invited to send materials concerning themselves or others. Letters to the editor also may be printed at the discretion of the editors. Pi Kappa Phi was founded at the College of Charleston, Charleston, S.C., on Dec. 10, 1904, by Andrew Alexander Kroeg. Simon Fogarty and L. Harry Mixson .


Interfraternity Conference

The legacy and life of Brother Bennett













NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 504-0888; FAX: (704)504-0880 email: pikapphq@pikapp.org http://www.pikapp.org 路Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Administrative Assistant Betsie Fehr Director of Communications Jason Stolarczyk Assistant Director of Communications Laura Hogan Director of Finance Pamela Meachum Director oflnformation Technology Ryan M. Herring Executive Director Emeritus Dwward Owen Director of Chapter Services Thomas Atwood Director of The Journey Project Jeremy Galvin Director of Expansion Jeff Esola Senior Leadership Consultant Larry Keller Leadership Consultants Ben Roman, Benjamin Bush, Mike Young. Durwood Thompson Jr., JeffPujals Correspondence Secretary Linda Linlejohn Membership/Records Director Cindy Howell Bookkeeper Robin Peralta


Alpha Delta's success at 1U-dub 1

8 Pi Kappa Phi's world-leading scientist

PI KAPPA PHI FOUNDATION P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 504-0888; email: foundation@pikapp.org Chairman Kelley A. Bergstrom 714 Roger Avenue Kenilworth, IL 60043 Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Director of Development Ken Kaiser Director of Annual Giving Michael Lowery Administrative Assistant Susan Dhonau PI KAPPA PHI PROPERTIES P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 504-0888; email: properties@pikapp.org Chairman Mark F. Jacobs 5238 W. New jersey St. Indianapolis, IN 46220 Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Executive Vice President David). Sullivan Administrative Assistant Betsie Fehr PUSH AMERICA P.O. Box 241368, Charlotte, NC 28224 (704) 504-2400; FAX: (704)504-0880 email: pushamerica@pushamerica.org http://www.pushamerica.org President Leslie Paliyenko 108 Coach Ridge Trai l Matthews, NC 28105 Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes Executive Director Chad Coltrane Director of Marketing Chris Orr Director of Special Events John Powers Director of Outreach and Grants Todd Nel mes Office Manager Terrie Smith Associate Chad Nicholas

Todd Nelmes

Joe Nahm



All fired up rojects file tile success and growth Dl l'usll Am


be a popular visit at Holy Angels in Belmont, N.C. Holy Angels was not only the original site of this special project, the camp also acted as a catalyst for the next level of Push America's plans for a wide variety of service projects. The next step was to extend the time of a project, which would allow larger and more intensive structures to be built. This next step was Push Camp. The first camp was held in Clemson, S.C., at the Clemson University Outdoor Lab. For one week, members of Pi Kappa Phi came together and created an amphitheater and accessible tree house. &lfy ,...,..,.., stiM lllfafilnslflis

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Pusb ,._. was tile result cd .... first Ghle-A-Pusll Weekend.

ush America has enjoyed a wealth of growth in its 22 years of existence. Much of that growth, however, has come within the last 10 years. In 1989, under the leadership of then Push America Executive Director Ken Kaiser, the organization ventured into a new era of service. Kaiser recognized the power of using Pi Kappa Phi undergraduates as a volunteer workforce and challenged students to move beyond play units, to the next level of service. With that in mind, the first "service project" was created-Give-APush Weekend. After nearly a decade of GAP Weekends, the first project, Push Place, still brings smiles. A combination pavilion and a playground, Push Place continues to

Many relationships were established early in Push America's history. Sunshine Children's Home in Maumee, Ohio, received a play unit in the 80s because of the partnership between the Children's Home and the Delta Sigma Chapter at Bowling Green and Beta Iota Chapter at the University ofToledo. In 1993, Push America returned to the Children's Home to build a quarter-mile boardwalk. The project called for over $60,000 in lumber and nearly 100 volunteers to complete. One of the foremen challenged the group from the onset of the weekend. After 10 hours of work in a torrential downpour,

and the project complete, that same foreman stood with his mouth agape, tears streaming down his face. The undergraduates in attendance had proven to him that today's youth can accomplish great things, and Pi Kappa Phi and Push America are vehicles to create such opportunities.

A return to IIDiy Angels includes largest project With this momentum, Push America returned to Holy Angels in 1994. The group had a vision to be able to provide a complete camping experience for their clients. Holy Angels had the land, and Push America had the workforce and funds. Over a two-week period, valunteers gave substance to the camp's dreams, and in the process completed Push America's largest project todate. During two weekends, with $20,000 and well over

100 volunteers, Push America completed a 600-foot accessible boardwalk that lead to a large, enclosed pavilion, three tent platforms, a nature trail, an accessible beach front, fishing pier and a shower house. Because of the commitment to Holy Angels' vision, they named the project Camp Hope, in honor of the Journey of Hope. The second phase of the project includes a lodge that will house a dining hall and meeting facilities. Push America hopes to complete this project in the near future.

ACCESSAbiMiy adds to proJecls Utilizing alumni support, Push America went into the streets in 1995 with the new program ACCESSAbility. The goal of this project was to build accessible entrance ramps that provide independence to wheelchair users in low-income areas. The project was first implemented in Charlotte, N.C., and was fur-

ther supported through a $10,000 grant provided by Wachovia Financial in 1997. ACCESSAbility continues to grow and has touched dties including Dallas, Texas; Cleveland, Ohio; and Pittsburgh, Penn. With continued support, ACCESSAbility will be in every major dty across the nation.

Most consistent site is world's largest As Push America races to touch the lives of people and places across the United States, it continually returns to familiar places. One of Push America's most solid partnerships is with Camp ASCCA in Jackson's Gap, Ala., the state's only camp for the disabled (and the world's largest camp for the disabled) . There, Push America has sponsored Give-A-Push Weekends and Push Camps a record eight times and donated over

$70,000 in grants. Some of the efforts of Pi Kappa Phi volunteers include: installing a first-of-its-kind accessible playground; expanding the camp's pavilion by adding weight and game rooms; and constructing a 1,000-foot boardwalk to surround a fishing lake. Because of the efforts of Push America, Camp ASCCA serves over 500 campers each summer and 4,000 year round. With $2.9 million raised by undergraduates, $686,714 in modifications completed, 190 camps enhanced and 3.2 million volunteer hours, Push America and Pi Kappa Phi are moving into the next 22 years with a dear vision. Success brought through projects like Give-A-Push Weekend, Push Camp and ACCESSAbility, set a solid foundation for a new era of Push America programming and service. SPRING 1999



Jeremy Galvin

Stephen Whitby



Seeing Farther Ambassadors take Journey to the next level

Rlz Ople from Rosenblum's Clothiers

... Jaclcsonvllle, Fla., teaches the members of

PI Kappa Phi how to

"dress for success" at the Area VII Career and

Ufe Planning Conclave.

Jaclcsonvllle Is home to the Zeta Zeta Chapter at

the University of Norlh Rortda.

ir Isaac Newton had said, "If I have seen farther, it has been standing on the shoulders of giants." Pi Kappa Phi sees farther. We see farther every day because of the "giants" who allow us to stand on their shoulders. Who are these "giants? " Why are we trying to see farther? Last January, these "giants" -alumni and volunteers from across the country-gathered at the Charlotte and St. Louis Mid-Year Leadership Conferences to learn more about the initiative the Fraternity has undertaken to build better men for life's journey. For the entire weekend these men and women took the time to learn about the Journey Project and America's Leading Fraternity. As part of the newly launched Journey Ambassador

Program, volunteers agree to play integral roles in the implementation of the Journey in chapters of Pi Kappa Phi across the country. The training was intense and spirits ran high as these high-powered friends of the Fraternity descended upon Mid-Year to become a part of Pi Kappa Phi's future. ''I'm impressed by the commitment the Fraternity has made to the Journey," notes National Scholarship Chairman Steve Sanders (Indiana-Alpha Psi). "I don't think anyone could help but come away from the weekend with the impression that we're part of a firstclass operation. " The group that assembled for these days of learning represented a wide range of volunteersfrom past national presidents to Greek advisors to area governors. The training concentrated on enabling the new ambassadors to work together (in teams) to facilitate Level II Journey Chapter Implementation Retreats. Discussion focused indepth on the basics of the Journey, its genesis and creation, and the standards and benefits to make the project work. ''I'm happy to see so much of the Fraternity's focus turned toward an educational purpose," says T.J. Sullivan (Indiana-Alpha Psi), a motivational speaker and author of The White Diamond. "I used to think that the Journey was a PR move-now I see it as a viable new vision. " In February, the Ambassador Program was put to the test. The Beta Eta Chapter at Florida State University was ready to take the final step toward becoming a Level II Journey Chapter and requested an implementation retreat. Three Journey ambassadors, Steve Borowiec (North Florida-Zeta Zeta), Gene

The Journey asks undergraduate members to excel at a higher level that will help them become the premier fraternity on their campus. The areas of membership, scholarship, creating a Board of Alumni Advisors, and holding brothers accountable through a standards board have been identified as the strategic approximations to a successful chapter. In return for committing to these higher standards, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity offers increased benefits. Our undergraduate members are given the opportunity to aHend two events that will prepare them to develop vital leadership and life skills. The Sophomore Leadership Institute was held on 10 different colleges and universities across the country for members of Journey Level II Chapters. Pi Kappa Phi is contracted with the Covey Leadership Center to provide

this highly sought corporatelevel training. This programming is based on the personal leadership philosophy of Stephen Covey, author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. This spring, the Sophomore Leadership Institute was held at the following campuses: • • • • • • • • • •

Stetson University Georgia Tech University Louisiana State University University of Indiana Iowa State University University of Colorado SUNY-Albany University of Oklahoma Cal State-Fullerton Michigan State University

The Career and Life Planning Conclave is the other component of the Journey that aid members in developing themselves for their respective careers and ensuing life after college. This event assists in the career development of stu-

Henrie (Florida State-Beta Eta) and Stephen Whitby {IUP-Zeta Iota), along with Director of the Journey Project Jeremy Galvin (Iowa State-Alpha Omicron), facilitated an entire Sunday retreat with over 80 members of this power chapter. The new format of the retreat, combined with the energy of the ambassadors, made for a great afternoon of learning and celebration. "This initiative represents a complete road map for our undergraduate chapters and actively engages them to maximize their potential for

dent members by providing resources to prepare them for effective career identification and searches. This event utilizes the expertise of our area governors and local alumni in facilitating the Career and Life Planning Conclave. This spring, seven Career and Life Planning Conclaves where held across the country: • • • • • • •

Tom Hewlett of the Covey Leadership Center leads the Sophomore Leadership Institute in Charlotte, N.C.

Los Angeles, Calif. Jacksonville, Fla. Albany, N.Y. Birmingham, Ala. Des Moines, Iowa Ft. Worth, Texas Boulder, Colo.

success, collaboratively and as individuals," notices Borowiec. "The first-rate presentation, coupled by over 80 energized men, was a winning combination. "It's an invigorating experience to witness a chapter accept the challenges ofThe Journey." As Pi Kappa Phi looks to the future as America's Leading Fraternity, we need giants' shoulders upon which to stand. Our Journey ambassadors have stepped forward to give us that platform, that energy, that support to truly build better men. SPRJNG 1999


jason Stolarczyk



In the

name of • science Anderson recognized with international, national scientific honors

on Anderson (RensselaerAlpha Tau) jokes that his two recent awards were the result of his stubbornness. "Most awards like these are accidents," says Anderson. "You never know why you get them-I guess I was at this for so long they wanted to reward me." The "they" includes two of the world-leading countries in scientific research and recognition, and the two awards represent the 'best in the business: In Anderson's case, the business is geophysics. On September 16, 1998, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded Anderson the Crafoord Prize for his lifetime study of "the dynamics of the deeper parts of the Earth." The Academy that presented the award is the same organization that developed the Nobel Prizes, and the Crafoord Prize recognizes fields of scientific endeavor that are not covered in the Nobel categories. 8 STAR& LAMP

"I think it's very significant that deep-Earth geophysics is being honored by this award," said Anderson upon learning of the recognition. "It's rare for our field to be acknowledged in this way." Anderson, a professor of geophysics at California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., shared the $500,000 honor with a colleague from Harvard University. A few months following the elaborate ceremony and accompanying symposium in Lund and Stockholm, Sweden, Anderson joined a group of eight other scientists as recipient of the National Medal of Science-the United States' highest scientific honor. The announcement was made at the White House on Dec. 8, 1998, with President Bill Clinton citing Anderson and the others for, "their lifetime of

Don Anderson (Rensselaer-Alpha Tau) is considered the world's most prominent researcher Iii the field of geosciences. Far left: The National Medal of Science. Left: The Crafoord Award.

passion, perserverance and persistence to bring about new knowledge that extends the limits of their fields and drives our nation forward into a new century." This is a far cry from Anderson as an undergraduate at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, not exactly sure of his own career path. "I knew I wanted to study physics, but I didn't know what kind," remembers the geology/geophysics major. "Most of the people who graduated with my degree went into the oil industry." Anderson followed that popular model and worked for Chevron Oil Company his first year out of school. Afterward, he joined the Air Force and was stationed at the Cambridge Research Center, before being shipped off to Arctic Institute of North America. It was in Greenland, however, through his research of the land-ice formations that Anderson knew he wanted to study further into the Earth.

Steam, then water A gentle rain from far-off heavens Holy water Without it No geology, no theology No arcs, islands nor Noah No regurgitation No renewal. No life. A static dry Venereal planet No ridges, no plates No oceans, in or out Nor myths Nor gods Nor prayers or devotions. The final1% A pinch An afterthought Brings in hydrogen and helium Argon and krypton Xenon and carbon A final veneer And earth becomes Earth. Taken from a poem Ant:1eoon ~ for che dediauion of the Benson Earth Sciences Building at the Unilmity of OJ/orado at &uider. The (XXml also appeared in ]an. 1999 edition ofPh).sics TOOay.



Robert L. Bennen's gift nearly doubles the Foundation. His $2 million donation stands as Pi Kappa Phi's largest.


Pi Kappa Phi Foundation 1998 ANNUAL


Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Annual Report "The fraternity builds its prestige by encouraging each individual to become an uncommon man. " - Ronald Reagan

A Letter from

the Chairman Dear Brothers and Friends,

Robert L. Bennett The Estate of Robert L Bennett has made a monumental impact on the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. His gift totaled over $2,018,000, and is the single largest gift in the Foundation's history and brings the total assets of the Foundation over $4,800,000. In addition to the significance of the gift's amount, the way in which it was given is also important. Upon his death, Brother Bennett established his estate in a charitable remainder trust. This fund provided life income to his designated family members. Upon the death of his heirs, the money in the fund is given to designated charities and saves his family an enormous amount of estate taxes, while taking care of their future needs. The Boy Scouts of America, a nursing college in Maryland and the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation were some of the charities he helped with this gift. This gift has a great impact on the initiatives funded for Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. This endowment fund will provide income that will be used to further the educational advancement of the student members of Pi Kappa Phi.

It was a great year for the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation! As Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity leads the way to become America's Leadi ng Fraternity, the Foundation is doing its part to help make this so. The Journey Project is helping our undergraduate chapters achieve their goals, as well as accomplishing our goal of "Building Better Men. " Together, we will become the leaders in the Fraternity world as we look forward to our centennial anniversary in 2004. Because of the tremendous financial support of our al umni, we achieved the following in 1998: • T he Pi Kappa Phi Foundation received its single largest gift &om the estate of Robert Bennett, totaling $2,018,000. • The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation (Kappa Investment Fund) received a gift from the estate of Otis McCullom of $50,000. • More than 3,200 alumni made a contribution to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, which is up from 2,2 12 in 1997. • T here was a total of 947 new gifts from al umni in 1998. • Annual Appeal revenue increased to $169,000 in 1998, up from $126,504 in 1997. • T he pooled funds of the Foundation returned 17.9 percent, and a three-year return for the Foundation of 17 percent. Looking into 1999, the Board ofTrustees and the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation staff plan on building on the successes of 1998. T he Foundation is looking to increase alwnni support to over $200,000 in annual contributions and increase the nwnber of donors to 3,800 in 1999. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation also plans to provide over $190,000 in grants to the Fraternity, and award over 35 scholarships as well as subsidizing the Mid-Year Leadership conferences and Pi Kapp College for the undergraduate members. The Foundation will also help strengthen the Journey Project with the increased support of academic coaches, the Sophomore Leadership Institutes and the Career Conclaves. We are counting on our alwnni members of Pi Kappa Phi to help us accomplish these bold but important objectives. On behalf of the Foundation trustees, I invite you to participate in these ambitious undertakings and thank you for your continuing support!

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

Kelley A. Bergstrom Chairman Pi Kappa Phi Foundation

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation 1998 ANNUAL REPORT

Nu Phi Society In 1983, then National President Lon nie Strickland created the modern-day Nu Phi Society. It was created as a way to acknowledge the commitment and dedication of certain Pi Kappa Phi alumn i. As of January 1, 1998, to become a member of the Nu Phi Society, an al umnus must have attended five Supreme Chapters, been awarded the Mr. Pi Kappa Phi Award or been inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame. These members pay a one-time ini tiation fee and annual dues of $ 10 for each year of membership in Pi Kappa Phi. T he members that maintained their membership in 1998 are listed below.

Pi Kappa Phi

Foundation The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is the charitable giving-arm of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. The Foundation accepts alumni contributions and funds the educational programs of Pi Kappa Phi. The Foundation provides financial support to the Fraternity by funding the Journey Project, Push America, Leadership Schools, Scholarship through the CIF's, Library & Computer Grants and Pi Kapp Scholars.

Charleston (Alpha) Julius E Burges Richard B Voorneveld UC-Berkeley (Gamma) Steven S Ryder

Richard C Bartlett Gary A Leonard Robert J Paterno Mark E Timmes

Emory (Eta)

Oregon State (Alpha Zeta)

P. Seale Hipp

David H Vawter

Georgia Tech (Iota)

Michigan State (Alpha Theta)

Parker H Petit James G Pritchett Jr.

Auburn (Alpha Iota) James E Johnson Frank H Hawthorne

Georgia (Lambda)

Iowa State (Alpha Omicron)

Roanoke (Xi)

When D urward Owen retired in 1994 after 35 years as executive director of Pi Kappa Phi Fraterni ty, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation created the Owen Initiative. Since its inception, friends of D urward Owen (both members and non-members) have contributed to the initiative in the honor of his tremendous service to the Fraterni ty. T hose contrib utors in 1998 are listed below. Roanoke (Xi)

Michael K Bast Stephen T Bast Paul R Dotson Raphael E Ferris Reginald W Gravely Jr Paul S Henkel Roy H Jamerson Jr. Durward W Owen John J Ribar Jr. Thomas J Robertson Jr. James C Turk Dudley F Woody Illinois (Upsilon)

Matthew J Shaheen

NC-Chapel Hill (Kappa) W Stuart Hicks Thomas H Sayre

Thomas P Tappy

Owen Initiative

Florida (Alpha Epsilon)

Edward L Corson II Durward W Owen John J Ribar Jr. James C Turk Allen 0 Woody III Dudley F Woody Alabama (Omicron)

Kelley A Bergstrom Eldred J Harman Warren R Madden Frank M Parrish III Drexel (Alpha Upsilon)

Drake (Beta Delta) Robert A Cione

Georgia State (Beta Kappa)

South Carolina (Sigma)

N.J.I .T. (Beta Alpha)

Missouri-Columbia (Beta Epsilon)

Jay J Stucke!

Illinois (Upsi lon)

Georgia State (Beta Kappa)

Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa)

James G Schalln

Kenneth J Cribbs

Glenn Aspinwall

J Patrick Figley Bruce L Rogers

Glen E Hesler Me rcer (Alpha Alpha)

Bowling Green State (Delta Sigma)

Ledford C Carter

Kenneth N Kaiser

Washington (Alpha Delta)

Ge orgia Colle ge (Epsilon Upsilon)

Evan A Erickson

Mr Roger G Smith

Stetson (Chi)

Cornell (Psi) JohnS Kirk William F Newell Robert J Wilcox Purdue (Omega)

David G Lane

Glenn Aspinwall Perry W Buffington LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Shawn G Zwilling Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi)

William L Finney South Alabama (Gamma Phi)

Frank D Havard Truman State (Delta Delta)

John R Andrews

Arthur J Quickenton

Phillip M Summers

Washington & Lee (Rho)

Jerry T Brewer Walter H Pickens Jr.

Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa)

Indiana (Alpha Psi)

N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Stephen P DePalma James A Krucher

Kenneth J Cribbs

Memphis (Gamma Delta) Thomas L Carter

Appalacian State (Delta Zeta)

Stephen P DePalma James A Krucher John FLee Jr John Pugliesi

Richard G Anderson

Joseph L Alexander

Walter K Sheppard

Lonnie Strickland III Travis P Julian Harry E Caldwell Jr. R Nathan Hightower Paul C Wesch

Iowa State (AlphaOmicron) Kelley A Bergstrom

West Alabama (Gamma Alpha)

McNeese State (Beta Mu)

Wilfred R Bourne Jr Richard B Smith Virginia (Beta Upsilon)

Glenn A Dickson East Carolina (Beta Phi) L. Clay Edmonds

NC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda)

William C Jackson Jr. Francis C Proctor Jr. Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi)

Billy L Jacobs Mark F Jacobs Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon)

Michael Donathan Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Jonathan B Lyon Cal. State-Sacramento (Epsilon Nu)

Robert E Langbein Clemson (Zeta Alpha)

Scott C Gasparini Cal. State-Fullerton (Zeta Rho)

Victor C Valencia


Gateway Society The Gateway Society recognizes members who have made a planned gift to the Foundation. Planned gifts, such as bequest, trusts, life insurance policies or a home with lifetim e occupancy, offer tax advantages to the donor and provide an opportunity to have a tremendous impact through philanthropy. Those members contributing through such philanthropic efforts in 1998 are listed below.

Charleston {Alpha) David H Jaffee UC-Berkeley (Gamma) Neil 8 Weatherall Wofford (Zeta) Jesse C C rimm Emory (Eta) P. Seale Hi pp Georgia (Lambda) Frank L Lane James L Lester T homas P Tappy David E Tidmore Roanoke (Xi) Edwa rd Ben nett Daniel R C low Edward L Corso n II Regin ald W G ravely Jr Durward W Owe n John J Riba r Jr. James C Turk Al len 0 Woody II l Alabama {Omicron) Trav is P Ju li an Lo nnie Strickl and Ill South Carolina (Sigma) James A Qu inn II Illinois (Upsilon) Michael A Lowery James G Schalin Cornell (Psi) Richard S Shull

Florida {Alpha Epsilon) Alben E Luer Michael L O'Do nnell Mark E. T im mes

LaGrange (Gamma Nu) Ronald J deVal inger

Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) James S Mars h D av id H Vawter

Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Wi lli am L Finn ey M ichael W H all

Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Mark E Perrin

South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Frank D H ava rd

Penn State (Alpha Mu) Kevin K Murphy

Montevallo (Gamma Omega) R. Jeffery McG hee

Brooklyn Poly (Alpha Xi) Geo rge A Ca rleto n lii Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Walter C D orr N.J.I. T. (Beta Alpha) Stephen P D ePalm a James A Krucher Louisville (Beta Gamma) Ro nald E Krebs Wa rren D Robb Florida State (Beta Eta) C hri stoph er D New Virginia (Beta Upsilon) Wa lter H Brin kman G lenn A Dickso n Geo rge F Sh ipp Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa) G lenn Aspin wa ll

Perry W Buffington

Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Arthur J Q ui cken to n UNC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda) C hristo ph er P Canno n William C Jackson Jr. Bowling Green (Delta Sigma) Kenn eth N Kaiser Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Ma rk F Jaco bs UNC-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) Steve n T Kirkman Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) T imorhy E H aen IUPUI (Zeta Psi) Mi chael F Go rski

I 998 Foundation Scholarship Recipients

1998 Pi Kapp Scholars Duke (Mu) Jeff Kessler

Alabama (Omicron) Brian Janene

Illinois (Upsilon) Mario Fricano Michael Nicketta

Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Scon Blanchard Ben Bush Brian Carver Michael Haisten Adam Nguyen Trevor Ross James Shank Aaron Zuidema

Cornell (Psi) Seth Cohen Adam Forchheimer Oklahoma {Alpha Gamma) Adam Muchmore Ross Nelson Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Kevin Smherland Indiana (Alpha Psi) Joshua Dowell Central Michigan (Beta Xi) Timothy Sandeen Brian Batani

Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) David Adickes Daniel Opdahl Chr is T homas Matthew Vanderpool

North Florida (Zeta Zeta) Brendan Rager

Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) Steven Vi ncent

Miami of Oh io (Eta Upsilon) Peter Ricci

Colorado - Boulder (Eta Gamma) Zackery Moxcey


Key to

Giving Clubs

Donors and Lifetime Giving Clubs The Pi Kappa Phi Fo undat io n recognizes alumni fo r their cumulative giving ro the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation a nd ro Push America, based o n computer reco rds from 1980 for the Pi Kappa Phi Founda tio n a nd 1997 fo r Push Ame rica. Alumn i w ho have m ad e a contribution in the cale nd a r year 1998 are listed in thi s report. P ush A meri ca d o nors w ill b e reo rga nized in thi s year's Pu sh Am eri ca A nnu al Repo rt. Next ro t he d o n o r's nam e are d esignations d eno ting the giving cl u bs, the number of years of contributio ns to the Foundati o n a nd p a rticip a ti o n in Pi Kappa Phi Foundatio n program s.

Charleston (Alpha) Howard W Almand Jr CI (5) Ranso m E Avinger Ill (2) David B Backus (2) Julius E Burges C6 (18) N F Gary A Catterton C4 (14) F Bennie J Dixon (I) Philip S Duwel (2) Mark B Ellwanger C l (I) F H arryW Freeman Jr. C3 (13) William S Gaud Ill C3 (17) Irvin V G reco C2 (I 0) Stephen A Greer (I ) Arthu r L Haisten C3 (17) Herndon S Hasry C2 (16) Eric C Heifers C2 ( 15) Thomas L Hudson (I) P Earle D Jennings J r C4 ( 18) F Alexander C Mackenzie (I) Jason E Maglaughlin (I ) P Robert W Marlowe C2 (14) W illiam M Moore Jr (2) Terence N Moore C4 (I 7) F Robert M Nicolai Cl (3) G regory D Padgett C3 (I 7) F Nicholas A Pappas (3) Edward L Powers Jr. C3 (4) F Michael R Renault (I) John F Reynolds C2 (18) Will iam L Runyon Jr. C3 (10) Brian J Salkeld (3) Sam Stafford III (2) P John C Strickland Jr. (I) Richard BVoorneveld C6 (6) N DF John T West (7) L. And rew Westbrook III C2 (12) Andreas Westergaard (I) Lester P Wi lmeth (I) Nathan L W ilso n C l (6) L K Wolfe Jr. (2)

Presbyterian (Beta) David K Dixon (5) Jam es M Dorn III (I) Andrew G Elam II C3 (3) F Christopher D Garrett ( I) Clifton C Goodwin III C4 (18) T homas H Grafton C3 ( 16) Alva R Hamilton C I (5) Tyler L Henson (2)

Dwight A Holder C2 (6) Robert D Johnspn (I) James L Ken nedy Jr. (3) James E Kirkland Jr. (4) Clinton E Massey C4 (12) F Samuel G McGregor C4 (14) F Donald E McLean (2) Thomas B McPhail (I ) James W Mi lam Jr. (2) Clark 0 Riddle Jr. (3) John R Ritter Jr. C I (9) Brian J Sacco (I ) C harles M Shepherd ( I) Neil A Snider J r .(1) Richard B Stall (I) Thomas H Stearns C2 (6) John W Steenbergen C3 (18) Thomas V Walker (I) Jayson C West (2) Jason L W illiams (2) Richard P Wi lson (5)

California-Berkeley (Gamma) John L Balzarini (2) Mark A Campion (2) Russell J Chabrier (2) G ilbert D C how 2) Vincent A Consul C2 ( 13) Steven J C rase (2) Alexander L C roce C2 ( 18) Ned R C rouch C3 ( 18) Robert B Dokoza (I) Jack N Downer C3 (17) F Walter A Eagan (2) Douglas H Fierro (2) Richard B Fiscus C I (2) F George R Ganz C4 ( I 0) F Robert E Garcia (2) Alexander D Glew C I (5) Richard G Houston C I (II) Michael S Kesler C I (II) James P Kin lock C2 (16) F. W Knapp (I) Owen K Kuns C3 (17) Benj amin T Lafl in Jr. (I) John J Li (2) Henry M Lopez (I) Wi lliam 0 Martin (I) John G Martin (I)

Cl Crossed Swords Club

$100-$249 Cl Chevron Club

$250-$499 Cl Gold Star Club

$500-$999 C4 Executive Director's Club

$1,000-$2, 499


Lamplighter's Club

$2,500-$4,999 C6 Foundation Club

$5,000-$9,999 C7 Council Club

$10,000-$24,999 CB Order of the BeU

$25,000-$49,999 C9

Robert A Crawford Jr. (I) Brett H Doyle (I) Darryl J Gausren (2) Brady D G ilbert (3) Joshua C G illespie (I) Kessler L Holzendorf (2) Claude W Jones Jr. (2) Kenneth A Kuenzli II (I ) P Sidney W Marrin C3 ( 17) Rodney D Shaffer (I)

Davidson (Epsilon) Hooper Alexander UI C4 (I 5) F Bryan L Blackwell (I) John J Covington (I) Karl Fisher (I) H enryT Gurley Jr C ! (IO) Harry V Hendrick C6 (18) FF Samuel M Hines C2 (15) Ernest B Hunter J r. C2 (15) Peter M Jorgensen (I) W illiam L Knox Cl (6) Wi lliam P Mi lls C2 (16) James W Morgan C (7) F H arry E Parker Jr. (2) Joseph H Vernon DMin C l (17) Lawrence D W il kerson C l (2) Philip C Winstead C2 (18)

1904 Society

$50,000-$99,999 CIO Founders' Club

$100,00 and up

Anthony M McQueeney C l (5) Thomas J Meagher (I ) Stuart A Monfort C2 (8) F Mark A Nielsen C l (5) Walter S Nordquist Jr. (2) Sterling J Norgard C4 (17) F Mi llis H Oakes C l (8) Robert D OMal ley C l (6) Tyrrell M Prosser Cl (3) Eugene Roberts C2(13) H arland R Ross C2 (16) Steven S Ryder C4 (15) N F Juan M Serrano (I) Allen E Sprague C2 (II ) Richard H Steuben C I (7) Young D Stewart C2 (II ) Michael J Trainor C I (9) Mr Charles F Vannice C4 (18) F Brian E Watanabe (I) Nei l B Weatherall C3 ( 18) Eric J Wrobel (2)

Furman (Delta) Jeffrey M Browne (5) Kenneth S Burnham C l (I I) Rhea A Byrd (2)

Wofford (Zeta) James H Belcher C2 ( 12) Thomas W Boeing (I) Floyd l Brownley Jr .C2 (12) Mark 0 Bundy C l (4) Michael W Collins (I) W illiam B Evins Jr. C3 (12) F 0. L G ilbert (2) Jack Kaplan C2 (8) Dewey E Lewis (2) Robert G McCurdy C3 (10) F Christopher J Mitchell (I) John A O 'Daniel C l (6) Marvin A Owings C3 (16) W illiam E Seifert Ill (I) W illiam M SmerhieJr. C l (16) G. V Smith C l (2) F Mr Asa W Stafford (I) P

Emory (Eta) John H Bridges Sr. (I ) P. Seale Hipp C4 (1 7) N FF Robert L Hoover (I) James F Vickery Jr. (6) Samuel J Westbrook C4 ( 18) F

Georgia Tech (Iota) Robert L Arroyo C I (5) Nicholas E Avrges (I) David G Baker Jr. C3 (10) F Anthony G Bender (I) Wi lliam F Bennett C3 (17) Fulton G Bulloch (I)

Stewart H Carlin Cl (3) Thomas F Christian Jr. C2 (I 7) Pitman B Cleaveland C2 (13) Keith E Comerford C2 (IO) Ph ilip H Cook C3 (18) James C Cooper C2 (8) Robert B Costley C3 (7) Michael V Cowan C4 (6) F Sam uel R Cowan (I ) Robert A DeFurio C3 (13) Steven S Diamond (I) P Robert C Dodd (I) Shawn D Doughtie (2) Christopher E Doyle C3 (I I) Charles E Edwards C l (3) Gregory K Ell iot C2 (6) Donald N Fischer (2) Joseph W Gell erich (I) Taylor B Go nsoulin (I ) James H Go rdy C4( 18) F Allan D Guggolz C l ( 13) Herbert P Haley C3 (9) F Lemmie L Hen ry Jr. (I) Frank C Hodge C4 (18) F Mr David M Hull C l (5) Alan A lm m C6 (15) F Bruce M Jewett C4 (18) Russell R Johnson C2 (18) Donald C Johnston Sr. C4 ( 12) F J. M icheal Jones C2 (I I) John R Katz (I) Kevin B Kessler (I) P Lee A Kidd C2 (12) Jean E Kirkland Jr. C3 ( 16) Thomas Lowndes Jr. C3 (15) F Robert T Lowrance C2 ( 17) Robert B Lukar (2) Timothy E Marxen (2) Terrence N McCullough Jr. Cl (6) John E McEntyre (3) Shamael I Mustafa (2) Robert A Myers C l (5) Robert A Parrish C3 (1 8) F John R Paus C l (15) Parker H Petit C IO (8) N FF Earle W Prendergast (2) James G Pritchett Jr. C6 (18) N F Daniel C Prudhomme (2) John H Puckett C4 (18) F John A Purcell C2 (9) Charles S Roach C2 (14) George V Rouse C3 (15) Robert BRowe C4 (15) F Dean W Russell C2 (12) John J Shipman C I (2) John Q Sindell J r (I) P Robert M Sn uggs ill C6 (3) DF Jack R Spa ngler (2) Dam ian J Stahl (2) Michael S Stevens C2 (8) P David B Strickland (I) Jack P Turner C I (7) Bruce C VanDerhoofC3 (15) F Eugene R Viscelli C I (4) F Comer V Weaver Jr. C3 (8) F Jerome B Withers Jr. C3 ( 18)

s "Education is not a destination but a Journey As alumni it is our duty to aid and assist our younger brothers. "

John T Sherrill (I ) Jerome W Stanislaw C l (6) C harles T Stewart C2 ( 15) Scott B Tate C2 (9) Joel T Thigpen C2 ( I 0) Robbie J Turner (I) John W Ussery C l ( II ) John A Vann Jr. C2 ( 16) Robert C White C3 ( 18) F Winton G Wilks Jr .C3 ( 14) F Burch I Williams (3) James M Wilmott C3 (13) F Paul C Wimbish C4 (18) F Charl es B Winn Ill C2 (I 8) Mark H Win ston C3 (I 5) F John H Yokley C2 ( I I)

Joseph P Yokubinas (I )

NC- Chapel Hill (Kappa) Brya n A Abernethy (1) C harles P Adams C4 (1 3) FF Edward D Ahern J r (I ) Philip D Ameen C4 (I 5 )F Jack L Baco t ( 1) Joseph Y Bassett C3 (18) Joseph T BeliCl (4) F Adam G Bernard (1) George W Braun C3 (1 7) Steven L Briganti C2 (9) Andrew S Bristow Ill (2) Robert M Burns C 1(4) David D Ca mero n Jr. (I ) Jerry A Campbell (I ) David R Ca udl e C 1 (3) F Lindon G Couch C3 (9) Frederick V Coville C2 (B) Alvin W Daughtridge C2 ( 17) Cuth bert H Davenport C2 (13) G lenn D Dodson Jr. C4 (I 8) F Jeffrey G DotsonC I (4) Tom Fawcett Jr. (I ) Adam J Ford (I ) Walter S Fuller C2 (7) Mark R Gorham C2 (11 ) Russell N Hadley C F P C3 (1 4) Aaron L Hagler C3 ( 17) Howard W Hawks C l (5) W Stuart Hicks C6 (1 8) NF Richard K Holzworth C4 (14) F Floyd C Hood Jr. C 1(5) Cameron S Huffman (I) Clifton M Hux Jr. C2 (8) Leslie H Jenkins (I) Kenneth E Johnson (2) James C Jo nes J r. (3) Steven R Knox (6) J C Leak C4 (14) FF James B Little Jr. C l (1 2) Thomas L Lloyd C l (9) KyleS Macemo re (I ) Joseph M Mahoney (2) Walter D McAdams Jr. (2) Frank A McNeill (1) Beverly C Moore C3 (I 6) Timothy E Newman C l (9) Joseph H Norman V (I) David A Novak C l (3) John S Peddyco rd (I ) Jack A Prince (I ) John L Rendleman Jr. (I ) Todd S Resrel (2) Robert L Rhew(2) William K Rollins C5 ( 18) F Matthew J Sander (2) Thomas H Sayre C 5 (I 8) N F Wayne N Sco tt C4 ( 16) F C harl es C Seabrook C 1 (7) Edgar F Seagle (7) Scott T Self C l (3) Clay R Serenbetz C3 (I 0) F

Georgia (Lambda)

Distinguished Fellows A Distinguished Fellow is someone who has given gifts of $2,500 or over to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in a given year. The following list is of those people who have given such a gift in 1998. Charleston (Alpha) Richard B Voorneveld Georgia Tech (Iota) Robert M Snuggs III Roanoke (Xi) James C Turk Dudley F Woody Allen 0 Woody III Alabama (Omicron) Harry E Caldwell Jr. Raymond E Cartledge Lonnie Strickland lii NC-State (Tau) Robert C Cline lllinois (Upsilon) Richard F Bangert Stetson (Chi) Bruce L Rogers Purdue (Omega) David G Lane Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Peter C Barr Charles G Hudspeth

Key to 1998 Contributions F Fellow

$100-$499 in 1998

Robert J Paterno Auburn (Alpha Iota) James E Johnson

FF Foundation Fellow

$500-$999 in 1998

Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Kelley A Bergstrom Eldred J Harman

Distinguished Fellow

Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) Gordon B Wright

$1,000 and up in 1998

N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Stephen P DePalma James A Krucher Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Kenneth J C ribbs Memphis (Gamma Delta) Thomas L Carter Truman State (Delta Delta) John R Andrews Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Mark F Jacobs



Nu Phi Society

Five Supreme Chapters, $150 initiation fee, $10 for each year of membership in Pi Kappa Phi

0 Owen Initiative p President's Circle

Friends of the Fraternity Shirley L Hardee The Bollman Family Pi Kappa Phi Properties

$50 in 1998 for alumni, $15 per year for undergraduates

Lawrence T Baldree ( 1) P Selby G Benton (4) David F Black C l (4 )P F Kevin B Bl ack C I (3) P John S Bradbury C2 (I 5) Michael W Broadbear (2) Phillip R Brown (I ) Randolph H Bryan C l (7) Norman T Carey (1 ) Robert H Cofer II C2 ( 14) Thomas W Dalton Jr. C3 (14) Kevin W Dalton C3 (3) F Dennis R Devlin ( I) Glenn W Ell ard C3 (1 7) Ralph F Geronim o ( I) John Troy G reen C2 (8) McHenry Hamilton 111 C2 (10) F William J Harp Jr. C3 (1 8) Richard F Harris Jr. C2 (8) Leonard W Hindsman Jr. (I) J G ibson Hull C4 (16) F Brannon A Huntz C I (5) Thomas RJackson Jr. C2 ( 15) Peter M Kniskern C I (5) Kevin M Kreh meyer (1 ) Julian R Lang C I (5) Floyd L Langston C4 (15) David Jon Lerner C2 (3) F J. Douglas Maclary (4) William F Miller Jr. (2) John J Minch (I ) C harles R Munhall Jr. (I ) John F Peck C l (15) Chad V Powell (2) Patrick D Power ( I) John G Pryor C2 ( 15) Anthony P Quinn (I ) Robert J Ruinen (2) Philip T Shell C I ( I) F Sam M Slade C4 ( I 7) Henry C Stovall Jr. C I (5) F Thomas P Tappy C6 ( 16) N F George M T hompso n (3) Ray B Tucker (2) Ca rl R Varnedoe (I ) P Marc A Wabich (2)


Pi Kapp Scholars

Nebraska-Lincoln (Nu)

(Seto n H a ll - Eps ilon Thera)

Richard N. Alfonzo

"We are made to help each other; to work toward the ideal of the Student Creed; to realize that the potential for the ideal Brotherhood lies within us; to do our share to realize this potential. Expanding our minds and exercising our intellects are why we have come to college, where we have sought and found Brotherhood. "

Phys ics & Electrical Engineering, 3.94 G PA

(USC - Delta Rho)

"H aving high standards creates the expectation that all Pi Kappa Phis should strive for excellence in everything that we do. We should never enter a situation and just 'try to get by, ' but rather do everything in our power to excel in the situation. "

Michael Baiocchi Electrical Enginee ring, 3.96 G PA (Old Domini o n - Gamma Be ta)

"If Pi Kappa Phi is truly to sueceed in its mission of "Building Better Men for Life's journey, " achieving and maintaining high scholarship standards is ofparamount importance. Bettering oneself through academics is a crucial first step in bettering oneselfas a person.

Jason Bierenbaum Biology, 3.9 G PA

Duke (Mu) N ick GAnas (!)G ustave G Barnett Ill C I (5) C harles F Beidler (2) G eorge M Benda C4 (15) George F Blalock C2 ( 12) T ho mas W Bo rland C 1(3) Aaron H Bynu m Jr. C l (5) James H Cooke J r (I) W illiam H Dameron J r C l (4) W ill iam W Dodson Jr. C4 (18) F H eyward L Drummond Sr. C 1(6) H Emerson Duke J r C2 (8) Richard D Frederking ( I) Frederick C Frostick Jr. C2 (14) W ilfred C Gatli ng J r. C2 (17) No rman G Gi bso n C2 ( 16)

Anders W H all C2 (4) F Burnett N Hull C3 (1 3) Austin H Krumpfes (1) George W Lil es (3) H eath L M arcus C2 (7) P Ro bert T Matzen ( 1) J Dudley Moylan C3 (I 0 ) F C harles 0 Muscheck (4) C harles R Myers III C2 (1 0) Wa rre n N Sams Jr. (2) Stephen J Schnurr Jr. C2(8) Wi lliam A Smith (!) James G Smi th C2 (3) F Bart N Stephens C2 (16) Brian E Swab (2) C harles H Taylo r C3 ( 18) Do uglas E U nderwood C 1 (7)

Blaine G Beck C l (4) T ho mas J Breen ( I) James S C hristal C2 ( 17) Roy F H o racek (2) Arthu r H Krohn (2) Wall ace W Loerch ( I) W illiam J Wesslund C3 (16) H ammo nd C Woods C 1 (7)

Roanoke (Xi) Robert S Barber C I (8) Casey D Barnes (I) Michael K Bas t C4 ( 10) 0 F Stephen T Bast C3 ( 17) 0 Paul C Caldwell C4 (18) F Lindsey C Claiborne C2 (9) Edward L Corson II C6 (13) N F James A Councilo r Ill C2 (12) Nathan F D eering (1) Paul R Dotso n C2 ( 16) 0 Lee F Esser Jr .(3) Steph en A Esworthy C2 (S) P F Francis H Ewald C2 (1 3) Raphael E Ferris C5 (1 7) 0 FF Gordo n N Fidura C 1 (2) F Jam es W Fleshman C3 ( 18) F Ke nneth R Garre n C3 (14) Regi nald WGravely Jr. C3 (6) 0 F Ro bert K H arris C3 (IS) Paul S H enkel C3 (7) 0 F Richard Q Hire J r. C2 (3) F Roy H Jamerson Jr.C3 (7) 0 F H arry I Johnson J r. C2 (15) C. T Kee ney C 1 (3) Walter D Keister C l (I S) Do nald J Kerr C3 (1 2) Stephen E Kuertz ( 1 ) P Melvin L Linko us (I) James T Lucas Jr .C 1 (2) W ilbur E Mann J r. C3 ( 15) Daniel C McCabe C 1 (4) P Louis J M ulli nea ux C2 (13) Geo rge B Naff M D C3 (I S) Richard M Newman C4 (14) Ca meron R Ogilvie C4 (1 4) Jo hn E Osbo rne Ill C2 (8) Durward W Owen C6 (18)NOFF Robe rt J Patane Jr. C 1 (S) C harles A Parsell (2) Joseph N Payne C2 (S) Roy R Po ll ard Jr. C4 (4) F D o nald J Potter Jr. C3 (7) Ellis G Ramsey Jr. C I (3) Jo hn J Ribar Jr. C5 (13)N OF T homas J Ro bertson Jr. C2 (8) 0 F T ho mas J Rutherford C 1 (3) Jo hn R Staffo rd J r. C3 (14) James S Stum p Jr. C4 (14) F Kevin J Taylo r (2) James C Turk C8 (18) N 0 OF David R Vecellio J r (3) C harles T V ia C4 (7) Jack W Wade Jr. C4 (16) F Douglas M W illiams C2 (13) Allen OWoody [[J C8 (1 7) N DF D udley FWoodyC7(17)NOD F

Alabama (Omicron) D avid R Adam s C4 (6) F George E Aiken Jr. C l (4) James N Anderson Jr ( I) Ross F BaerwaldC I (6) Rob en T Ballanty ne (I ) Geo rge F Barker Jr .C3 ( 13) Billy J Bartlett C2 (2) F C harles E Beard C4 (16) F William T Bishop Jr. C3 (1 7) F John R Blevins C I (3) John C Boggan Jr. (2) Ro bert A Brannan C5 (1 5) FF Stephen W Bunn (2) H arryECald weiiJr. C8 (16)NDF Edw in V Caldwell II C3 (15) F Mr Joseph V Carmichael (2) Raymo nd E Cartledge C6 (1 4) DF Joe C Cassady C4 ( 16) F Larry J Contri C2 (15) Wi lli am R C rowley C l (6) Don ald C rutchfield (I) D o nald G C urry Jr C2 (11 ) Martin T Ditto C 1 (7) Brya n D Edwa rds (I) Jacob R Freeman Jr. (I ) William T Gaskill ( I) Tho mas V G ilbert Jr. C3 (1 3) James A G illespie (2) Phillip Graf Jr. (I) Frank W H anvey C3 (6) F JeffreyS H ardin C I (3) Jo hn P H arrison (3) T ho mas B H enderso n C3 (17) Paul Q H ewes (2) R Nathan Hightower C7 ( 16) NF W illiam 0 H ilbu rn IV (3) Ke nneth B Hubbard (I) Brian M H ydrick ( I) Robert T Jeffares (I) C harles A Jo nes Ill C I (8) Travis P Julian CS (14) N F Richard A Kilgo re C l (6) Paul J La nders (3) Gary W Limmroth C3 (8) T ho mas J Martin J r. (2) Benjamin B M athis C3 (12) Mack 0 Matthews C4 (18) F Brya n A McCullick ( I) Ollie W Nabors C l (4) D avid B O' D ell (2) C linto n H Paulsen C3 ( 16) C harles D Pepper (3) D an F Prescott ( I) Kento n L Russell (3) P Robert L Shepherd C3 ( 17) F Stephen G Smith (I ) James B Stapleto n C I (5) Lonnie Strickland 01 C7(14)NDF W illard R Summerlin Jr. C l (7) W illiam G Sutto n C3 (18) F Richard S Taylo r C3 (15) Edward L Turn er J r. C3 (14) Pau l C Wesch C4 ( 14) N F Robert E W illi ams ( 1) W illiam J Wonthington Jr. 0 (17) Troy M Wyers Jr. (2)

Oglethorpe (Pi ) Lo uis J Ptacek Jr. C2 ( 16)

James A Richardso n C I (7) Jo hn C W illiams (I)

Washington & Lee (Rho) Richard G Anderson C4 (8) N F Seth N Baker C 2 (17) Billy G Cadle (2) Frederick E Cooper ( 1) Brian C rowley (2) Albert D D arby J r. (2) Isaac L Fl o ry J r. (4) Ed win P Garretson Jr. C2 (18) Ro bert E G lenn C4 (3) F W illiam H ellier (I) C hristopher L H o lmes C 1(3) Richard G Leary C 1 (6) Floyd W McKi nno n C3 (13) F C lifton D M itchell Cl (I I) Stanley J Nastri ( I) Ro bert C Petrey C2 (1 4) James E Roane C2(8) Ro bert J Taylo r IV C3(14)F Paul F Van Avery (I ) Kenneth B VandeWater Jr. C2 (IS) Ro bert L Wade C I (2) F John D Wallace C3 ( 17) W illiam A Wallace C2 (12) D o rsey M Wa rd Jr. C3 (1 6) C harles H Warner (2) James R W ingert J r (2) Madison T Woodward [[J Cl (3) F

South Carolina (Sigma) James S Anderso n C I (2) F H erbert L Benso n Jr. C2 (2) Jerry T Brewer C6 (18) N FF Paul D Carter Jr. C3 (1 6) F GeorgeS D el ay C2 ( I S) W illiam W Fmcher Jr. CS (18) F Jo hn S Flynn C2 (I S) Kenneth J Fo rti C (8) F Ro bert M Gatti C2 ( I 0) Daniel P G reen (2) Jack E H ard wick ( I) Julius B H arrelson C 1 (5) Jo hn A H auck ( I ) L Scott H oward (I) Joseph R Huggins( I) M ichael G Lukridge(2) Ed wa rd C Mattiso n (I) Luke T Meisenbac her(l) Richard C MimsC2( 16) Robert A Montgo meryC2( 10) Ro bert H MoorerC2( I I) W right T Paulk J r. C 1 (I 0) Scott N Peck (2) Walter H Pickens Jr. CS (1 7) N F Frederick E Qu inn C l ( 10) James A Qu inn II I) W illiam S Reyno lds Ill (4) D ann y W Reyno lds C4 (18) F H ope B Sanders Jr. C I (5) Edwa rd M Singleton (1) Benjamin R Stephens ( I) John R Sto kes C3 (1 3


"Riches do not consist in the possession of treasures but in the use made of them. "- Napoleon I NC State (Tau) Hu nter B Atkins C2 ( 10) Donald B Barker C2 (8) W illi am G Ba rnhardt Jr. C2 (9) Peter W Boetti nger ( I) Jeter P Brawley (3) Wi lliam D Campbell C2 ( 16) Scott B C li fto n C I (4) Robert C C li ne C6 ( 16) D F Michael L Co ll ins C2 (7) Jeffrey H Davison (3) Eric M Faust( I) j ohn A Feather Jr. C2 ( 15) Excell 0 Ferrell Ill ( I) Arthur N Greene C2 ( 15) Bruce C Halsted ( I) Stephen S Hensley (I) Joh n W Hight ( I) Johnathan G Hill ( I) C lyde N Hump hrey C3 (16) Francis L Joyner Jr. C I (2) F Kenneth L Long Ill C I (2) Harry L Mashburn C2 (I 2) David B Myers ( I) C hristo pher M Myers C2 ( II ) Richard H orrell (2) Ed mund j Paszrjr. C l (2) Sanjay V Patel C2 (6) Wall ace L Reams C4 ( 14) F C harl es L Ribelin ( I ) Jeffrey M Roberts (3) P Edzel P Sarigumba ( I) Kenneth D Sheesley C l (5) Jacob N Shepherd Jr. C2 (I I) C harles L Sm ith (2) Stacey A Smi th ( I) W S Troutma n C l (7)

Illinois (Upsilon) Peter J Aposto lakis C I (6) Richard F Bangert C8 (4) DF Wi ll iam D Bee r ( I ) P Robert J Bogdanoff C2 ( I 7) John D Burkey C2 ( I) F Eduardo Contreras (3) Peter P DePasquale C3 (I 3) F Fritz H Elich C3 ( 16) Mark Fung (2) P Edwin R Hamilton (2) G len E Hesler C4 ( 18) 0 F Ralph 0 H owa rd C3 ( 16) Lawrence D Inglis C I (4) F joseph L Johnson C2 ( I 7) David J Kallal C3 ( 13) T homas F Krizan C3 ( 17) Michael A Lowery C4 (5) P FF Norm an A Lowrey Cl (3) P Edw in D Mendels C l ( 10) Ralph L Mionskowski (I) Benjamin M M issele (2) P A Robert Moore C3 (I 8) F Srephen E Mu mford C3 ( 18) Robert M M urp hy Ill (2) Wi lliam H O 'Donnell C l (13) joseph E Pehlman C2 ( 15) Paul B Phinney Jr. (7) Pete r S Presta C2 (8) F Kenneth J Rabe C3 ( 17) Stewart W Ramsey C l (5)

Michael H Reedy (2) Robert M Riggs C I ( 15) Jack 0 Roeser C4 ( 15) F M arvin A Schaid ( I I) James G Schalin C5 ( 17 ) N F julius Schoell er C I ( II ) Dan iel A Shoor C2 (9) John Simpso n C2 ( 15) Russell A Tomes C2 (6) Stephen D Trahey C4 ( 18) Elzy W Trogden C2 ( I 0) Rene A Van Der Heyden (2) Thomas H Watts C2 (7)

Stetson (Chi) Larry W Anderson C2 ( 15) Anthony A Biancarosa II C l (3) Benjamin E Ca rso n (2) Edwin H Culver C3 (18) J Patrick Figley C6 (9) N F Gabriel L Gehret ( l )P Ira J G iro ir C I (6) Peter W Hogue (4) John L Hughes C2 (I 3) Stephen A Ki lpatrick C l (2) Ken neth T Kincaid ( I) John-Michael E Lenahan (I) P Walter F Mal mbo rg (2) Gary A Meadows (2) Terrence M Mullen C l (7) Robert R Ogonowski (I) Rya n S Padnuk ( I) P George L Parrerso n C3 ( 18) James A Pirde ( I) Bruce L Roge rs C7 (I I) N DF Forrest P Showalter J r. C I (8) Mart G Smith (I) John K Snellings C3 ( 15) F I. M Southward C4 ( 13) Thomas M W ren n C2 ( 16) James L Young C I ( 17)

Cornell (Psi) Joh n H Angus C3 ( 18) Thomas T Burger Jr. C3 (7) F Joshua L C heron ( I) Dav id C C unningham (2) Michael A Davis (I) Gregory J Della Rocca C2 (8) P Rao ul E Drapeau (2) David S Dunkin (2) Eric D Fairchild C l (6) F Ga ry R Fisher C I ( 18) Evan A Goldman ( I) Scorr D Goodfellow (2) Paul H aas C2 ( 15) James H H anso n ( I) George F Hein rich C4 ( 18) F James A Hole ( I) Marrhew C Irvine( I) Pau l S Kel ley ( 1) John S KirkC5 (18) N F Thomas G Korak is (2) Michael D Kremer C2 (8) Eugene L Leh r C3 ( I 8) W illi am B Marrhews (2) W illiam F Newell C5 ( 15) NF Ke nneth D Perkins ( I)

Matching-gift Contributions As a donor to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, you can double, triple or even quadruple your gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation without giving one more cent. Many companies offer matching-gift contributions to charities that their employees support. Some companies even match your gifts to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Check at your human resources office for more details.

Michael J Piscitell i C3 (I 8) Robert B Reichert ( I) Geo rge A Reid C3 (I) FF Joshua D Sax man (I) Edmu nd A Sayer C6 (8) F Kevi n J Schwartz (2) Lo uis L Seaman C I (8) John J Senesy C l (7) Bruce D Spear (2) Robert H Steinfeld t C I (4) Al lyn C Taylor Jr. C l (6) FrederickW ThomeC4 (17) F Erwin A Tschanz C l (9) Robert J Wilcox C5 (12) N FF H arold S Wright (2) Richard C Yudin-Fitzherber ( I) W J Zygmunt Jr. C3 (16) F

Purdue (Omega) Donald C Adams C2 (8) Robert C Adams C l (9) Ro nald G Akens C I (5) Robert D Beiter (2) Thomas S Bentl ey (I) Jack K Berl ien C I (8) Arthur H Bos tater C I (8) William C Bradshaw C2 ( 12) Wi lli am R Brown (7) David A Carder C2 (5) F Austin B Carr ( I) John C imino (2) Joseph A C lark (I) Allen B C raven C I (7)

Duane M Davis C3 ( 18) Porter R Draper (I) Dona ld F Esli ck C I ( I) F Ronald J Eyer Sr C3 ( 16) F Keith) Fallon ( I ) Walter G Fassnacht C l (6) Leo nard A Ficken (2) Robert E Finnerty(!) John R Foltz C l (2) F BryanS Freed C ! (7) Manish B Gandhi C l (5) Waldemar E Goffeney C2 (9) Be rn ard T Graser C I (6) John E Gruwell ( I) H arvey R Hall ( I) Donald J H endri ckson C3 (17) Hilton B Hen ryC1( 12) W illard C Hill C l (3) Rikard E Hill C3 (12) Geo rge A Holderbaum C2 (I I) Wi ll iam H Hounshell (2) G rafton Housto n J r C3 ( 15) James D Jackson C3 (I 2) F Robert A Jacobson (2) Harold RJoh nso njr .C2 ( 17) W illiam G KanouseC3 (12) F Alfred G Kirchner Jr. C3 ( 18) Patrick J Kuhnle C4 (8) F Mark 0 Kuklis C I (7) David G Lane C7 (15 N DF Allan B Larson C3 ( II ) F Mark D Laurent (2) G rego ry V Linder C4 (3) F R Michael Li tde C3 (I 7)

John E Lovell C4 ( 12) F Richard H Lowe C2 (14) Edward J Masline C2 (I 4) John E McDonald C I (3) John H McDonall Jr (I) Ryan J Morris (2) Philip E Newhouse C2 (I I) Walter L Norrington C4 (18) F Andrew R Parker ( I) P Scorr D Patron (I) Wi lliam D Peace Jr. C3 (I 6) Palmer A Porter C4 ( I I) F Richard K Pri ce C2 (9) F Alvin G Purdom (3) George L Q uisno II (4) John D Reidel bach ( I ) Jeffrey E Rickard (2) Herman G Riggs C4 ( 18) F Robert A Rust C2 ( 10) Ri chard H Shaw ( I) Edwin T Sherwood C2 (12) Aaron R Sincroft (I) H albert C Smith Jr. C3 (15) Todd B Spau lding CI (2) Marrhew J Stu ve C I (5) Will iam L Swager C2 ( II ) Do nald C Swager C2 ( 12) W illiam J T hompson ( I) Robert E Thomson C3 ( 17) Kim J Tubergen C I (5) M ichael S Tyrrell C3 (12) Robert C Viets C2 (6) Jeffery C Vogt ( I ) Robert K Whi tfo rd (I)


Key to Giving Clubs Cl Crossed Swords Club

$100-$249 Cl Chevron Club

$250-$499 C3 Gold Star Club

$500-$999 C4 Executive Director's Club



Lamplighter's Club

$2,500-$4,999 C6 Foundation Club

Mercer (Alpha Alpha) W illiam A Blythe (2) John W Brooker (3) Benjamin B Bush C 1 (1) Raoul P Calimlim (3) Ledford C Carter C3 (1 8) 0 F Douglas B C lendaniel (2) T imothy M Downie (1) John J Fair (1 ) John C Garvin Jr. C l (1 1) Hugh D H older (3) P Erick R Ho lso nback (1) L Jason Jones C 1 (3) Michael E Lake C2 (4) F Hollis C Lewis Jr. C 1 (1 3) William M aratos C l (9) Augustus F Martin III C3 (17) C harles R Mel ton C3 (18) Ral ph B Montgomery (1) Ro nald D O wens (1) C harles R Parker C I (8) Larry E Register Jr. (I) Ah med F Samaha (2) Lee M Seelig (1) Bradley L Waters C 1 (3) F Murray J Weed (1 )

Oklahoma (Alpha Gamma) Mark L Argo (2) Lawrence M Besenfelder C2 (13) Michael T Dean (I) P C hristopher L Elledge C2 (2) F John W Franklin (2) Joseph C H aines Jr. C3 (7) Robert E H olly C4 ( 18) F C harles E McBride (1) W illiam L Menzie C 1 (4) Gary R Miller C2 (7) Jay K Morris C4 (16) F W illiam B Murray (2) Robert J O gbo rn C4 (15) F Matthew M Pena ( 1) Nathaniel D Pena (1 ) P James D Romo C2 (6) P

Al fred H Schmidt Jr. C2 (14) Francis W Scichowski Jr. C l (9) John M Stice (1) A. Ervi ne Swift - Bishop C l (5) Kevin J Wa re (1)

Washington (Alpha Delta) Ryan K Adams ( I) David G Alexander C l (6) Joshua A Berger (1) Robert C Bux C4 (17) F John J Dailey C2 (1 6) Evan A Erickson C4 (7) P 0 F Ian M Goodhew (2) Loern A H alverson (2) John T Illias C l (6) John E. Jeffery (1) Lendal H Kotschevar C l (2) Brent M Krupp (2) T hure T Laine (1) Fredrick S Marrin (2) Ryan M McCaskey ( I) P Dennis R Mel to n ( 1) Stephen K Mendoza (2) C had C Miller ( I) C hristopher A Orr C3 (5) F David C Pace (I) P John R Pedersen C2 (1 0) Brian D Perkins (2) Adam C Prewett ( I) P Derek P Sitzmann (2) H arold W Snider (1 ) Sech CTalbott ( I ) Michael M You ng C 1 (1) P

Florida (Alpha Epsilon) Robert R Adams ( I) Paul J Ahmed (4) Bartlett Arno ld III C2 (1 0) Jorge L Aneta C I (5) Roger Q Austin Jr. C 1 (7) Peter C Barr C6 (17) D F Richard C Bardett C5 (8) N FF

Bernard A Barton Jr. C I (7) Frank 0 Brass Jr. C4 ( 14) F Robert N Brooks (2) Bryan C Buchanan (I ) Scott J Campbell (2) Colven E C audell III C l (6) David 0 C harland C4 (1 8) F Will iam 0 C harland C2 (4) F Brian M C lark C I (7) Emsley F Cobb C4 (17) F Neil 0 Contess C3 (9) F John S Crown J r. C2 (1 0) Eric B Dana (4) Frederic C DaVant C4 (3) Andres J deCardenas (I ) W illiamS Durrell (I) D aniel J Dymtrow ( I) Larry H Elkins C2 (I O) Paul S Enrico C3 (6) F Robert P Ferreira (3) James E Fleisher (1) Alberto N Gamarra ( 1) AI bert C Garcia (I ) W illiam M G illespie C3 (9) F Hugh A Gower C5 (1 5) F Mi chael K Grimes C 2 (8) D arren C G utierrez (1 ) Robert E Guyton (2) Murle E H arrison C3 (16) Marvin H H enderso n Jr. ( I) David W Henn C (15) FF Richard A Hill C3 (6 ) F D ale Hocking C2 (7) C harles G Hudspeth C5 (18) D F Thomas E Johnson (2) W illiam P Keyes C I (8) John P King Jr. (2) Kurt S Langford (2) Gary A Leonard C4 (13) N F Edwin S Lo fberg ( I ) Albert E Luer C4 (17) F Albert C Mann C2 (14) Robert S McKinney (2) C raig R Morrison (1 ) Michael J Nozzarel la C 1 (8) Michael L O 'Donnell C5 (16) F

$5,000-$9,999 C7 Council Club

$10,000-$24,999 C8 Order of the Bell

$25,000-$49,999 C9 1904 Society

$50,000-$99,999 CIO Founders' Club

$100,00 and up

James P O' Do nnell C3 (7) F Douglas J O ' Dowd (1) Kelvin D O 'Neill (3) Benj am in F Overton C4 (1 8) F Robert J Paterno C5 (1 2 )N OF Adam S Pearlman (I ) GeorgeS Peek C 1 (7) Martin E Perkins C 1(5) Robert J Perry ( 1) William A Post C2 (10) John J Powers C4 (1 7) F C harles W Prophet (I ) Joel B Rad fo rd (2) C harles R Rig C3 (6) Frank W Rivers Jr C I (4) Reginald H Ross C 3 (1 7) Samuel A Saxon III (2) G lenn A Shapi ro ( I) John P Stevens (1) C harles A Stewart C 5 (17) Stuart C Stockto n C2 (5) Randall J Stutzman (2) Robert L Sulliva n C3 (1 3) F Edward A Sundy Sr. C l (6) Mark Thurn C2 (9) C hristopher J T ice Sr. C 2 (8) F M ark E Timmes C4 (14) NF Toan X Tran (1) Raymo nd C Tylander C3 ( 16)

Robert D Tylander C4 (I I) F T homas G Vickery (2) John J Wahlen C2 (4) F Larry J W hite ( I) Brian S White (I) Andrew Wiegand C I ( I) F Brad P Wyn n (2) Gordo n B Zellers II I (3)

Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) W. S Al ldredge C3 ( 17) David A Black (2) P Derek J Brice (2) Donald D Butzner (3) Wi ll iam V Cook C l (8) Roland E C urtis C2 (1 2) M yron W D augherty (1) H oward W Davis C 1 (5) Robert J Elfers C4 (17) F Fraser C G rant (2) James L Guthrie (4) T horne H H ammond C2 (16) Robert G H arris C l (8) C harles R Harnough C4 (16) F Kenneth M H awke Jr. C2 (1 5) Mil fo rd K Hosler C l (4) Rickey L Hug C2 (14) Stanley R Kelley C2 (1 3) George W Ketrenos ( 1) Donald L Knight C2 (5) Randall A Kohl (2) P Theodore J Langton III C2 (1 2) Timothy R Large (3) James S Marsh C2 ( 12) Michael D McMahon (1 ) John W Moore C2 (16) Gary S Munn C4 ( 18) F Barry E N ilsen (I ) Robert L Nordlander C2 (17) Jack R O sburn (4) Tyler J Parrish (1) Leon 0 Ramsey (1 ) Frederick W Raw C4 (18) F Jack T Reviglio C4 (17) F Jack C Riley (2) Gary L Smith C 1 (7) Jack W Steward C5 ( 18) Raymond C Terhune C3 (15) Wi lliam W T ho mas C3 ( 18) Roger A Turner (2) David H Vawter C4 (14) N F Joseph A Wagner (I) Scott A \xrhidow (I)

Samford (Alpha Eta) C layton P Al len (2) T homas M Baldwin ( I) Hunter T Brewer ( 1) Reginald B C lay Cl (4) W illiam C Davis J r .C3 (16) James J Davis ( I) W illiam W Dixon Jr. C3 (1 8) Roy G Evans III C3 (14) F John W Frierson V (2) Brian Y G uffin ( I) W illiam S G uffin J r ( I) John E H aynes Sr. C3 ( 16)



"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. " - Winston Churchill Ryan M Herring C I (2) P F Sam W Jones C2 (13) Orbie L Medders Jr. CI (7) Mark H N ixon (I ) G lenn A Olivenbaum C2 (6) Jeptha W Pope Jr. CI ( I ) F James E Purvis C3 (13) David S Sadlow {I) G ilm er T Sim mons C3 ( 12) Steven L Smith {I) Dwayne K Todd C2 (6) F Joe W Vaughn C l {12) Merle L Wade Jr (1) Paul J Weaver (I) Scott M Welch (4)

Michigan State (Alpha Theta) Kenneth G Adams C4 ( 16) F Henry J Anderso n J r C3 (7) F Michael R Bailey (1) Andrew R Beemer Cl (3) Orson D Bird C I (9) Michael A Bosco Jr. C 1 (4) C harles W Bovay C2 (6) Frank W Brutt (I) Roderick R Casavant (3) Daniel F C iernick C2 {8) William M C leary C4 (18) F Joseph M Colucci CI (7) Wallace DeMaagd C2 (15) Kevin M Don lin (1 ) E. D Ebbeson (5) C urtis W Estes Jr. C l (5) Scott E Evans C2 (I I ) Robin G Ewen C l (1 3) Jason R Garvey (I) Andrew A Geo rgelos (3) W illiam M Herman (I) Jeffrey W Hill Cl (5) Wi lliam L Holler C3 (5) F Todd M lfkovits (3) Thomas R Joy C2 (5) F Anthony J Kandt (I) Bruce T Lessien C2 (12) Paul A Lo ng (3) J T homas McDonough (2) Geo rge E McKay C2 (9) Angus J Morse C4 (17) James P Neve Jr. C I (5) R. Reiss (I) Martin W Rosenau III {I ) Steven R Schi nderle {1) Donald A Seifert (I) Matthew J Shaheen C3 (4) NF Norman Sm ith (2) Warren C Spragg III CI (8) Douglas S Sutherland ( I) RobertS Trem bath C3 (I 4) Donald E Yiecelli C3 (18) F Gerald F Wajda C2 (1 2) Ford L Woodard C2 {17) Dennis D Yanachik C4 {16) F Ray J Zimmerman C3 ( 16) Gregory W Z mich (2)

Auburn (Alpha Iota) Jack E Baker C2 (I 0)

James W Barton (4) C harles W Beaird C2 {I !) C harles S Blackledge Jr. C I (8) G. Stuart Bl ackwell C2 (9) Lua R Blankenship Jr. 0 (11) F Perrin C Bryant ( I) Jolm 0 Christiansen Jr. C2 (18) Troy l Co rbin (2) Tommy C Daniels (I ) Hugh D Dozier C I (7) Robert L Ferrell C3 (17) Ralph S Foster Jr. C2 (5) Thom as W Fuller C4 {18) Tommy W Gordon C3 (1 7) Moyer D Harris C3 ( I 8) Fldllk H HawthorneC6 (17) NFF Will iam T H endry (I) James H H end ry C2 (17) William C Hurt Jr. (2) James E Johnson C8 (17) N OF Will iam W Jones Jr. C3 (18) Bryan C Jones (2) P Bill K Kennedy C 1 (6) James G Lovell J r. C2 (11) F Nathan iel D McClure N 0(17) Josep h R McCracken (1 ) Geo rge H Morris (I) Wi lliam J Morrissey (3) Dan G Parmer C2 (12) Gary M Patterson C2 (1 0) Lawrence C Pharo Jr. C4 (16) F George W Pratt (2) Joel T Radman C3 (5) F Alan S Reams C2 (7) Lou is A Reynolds Jr. C2 (9) F Ernest CRushing C I (12) M C Sahlie C2 (8) John J Sanders ( 1) P David G Scott C ! (6) John C Stan ley (2) Robert C Ward C3 (15) Brett D Wilber C I (6) Joseph W Wi lliams C4 (15) F C harles M Wood C I (8) Wilson C Wooley C2 (7)

Michigan (Alpha Kappa) Matthew R DeFo re (I) Daniel E Fillion {2) Kenneth B Goldberg ( I) Hugh C Hotchkiss C4 {18) F Mr Michael C Joh nson {I) Emil W Keck C3 (12) F Gordon M Krueger ( I) William N Listman (4) Jason R Prickett C I (2) Barry A Stern C 1 (3) Patrick M Walsh (3) Steven L Warnke C I (5) P F

Penn State (Alpha Mu) C hristian B Armstrong ( I) David N Back {3) Howard 0 Beaver J r. C l {2) G W Bei ler (2) Jon D Benedetti C2 (14)

Mark D Berger C I (13) Jason A Borrelli C 1 (3) Stephen C Botta C I (I O) C u rris R Bu tier (4) Aaron S Callaway (I ) Palmer L Davis Jr. C3 (1 7) Jason C Fedon (3) Paul A Fedor (2) William M Fennell (2) Brian M Fish (I) Edwin A Friend Jr. {1 0) Lewis B Grube C3 (17) Richard A Gundrum (5) Richard C H amil ton (2) Richard C H eim C3 (17) James R H eller C I (4) Scott A Horner (2) Marrin R Hornung (2) Wi ll iam E Johnson C2 (I 2) Bruce J Kent C2 (12) Aden A King (I ) Richard J Kleinert C2 (I 2) David M Kyle C 1 (4) William W Lawrence Cl (! 3) Steven J Loeper C I (6) John P Lotz C2 (8) Richard F McKn ight Cl (3) Kevin K Murphy C4 (8) F Scott D Myers C 1 (I 0) Joseph R Qu ickel C I (3) Maurice P Ranc Jr. C3 (14) F C hristopher J Scala (I ) Michael J Scheei,{ I ) Wi lliam Simo n Ill C3 (1 7) Michael B Trull C3 (I 6) Robert M Watkins Sr. C I (4) Douglas L W ilson C 1 (5) Gerald C Yantis Jr. (I) Gen John J Yeosock C I (5)

Pi Kapp Scholars (Mercer -Alpha Alpha) "Pi Kappa Phi is the only place that I know of where you will see brothers going to such extremes to assist a follow brother who may be struggling in a class. A brother who helps others, while being able to succeed himself is certainly a better man. "

David M. Haisten Industrial Management, 3.9 GPA

(TCU - Eta C hi) "High standards in scholarship and in lift are important to Pi Kappa Phi because it helps turn a boy into an intelligent, wellrounded man that can make informed decisions based on character, integrity and a solid foundation of knowledge. "

Justin D. Hensley Rad io/TV/Film & English, 3.85 G PA

(TCU - Eta C hi)

Ohio State (Alpha Nu) John H Haas C2 (I 4) Corwin D H ablitzel C3 (15) David A Meyer ( I) Edwin R Stickel C4 (I 7)

Brett Kohn

"When we set our chapter goals, we knew that we could not succeed without high academic standards. As an older member of the chapter, I can see the e./feet that our standards have on the younger brothers. They see what we have done as a chapter, and they understand that the foture is in their hands. "

Finance/Accounting, 3.95 G PA



Know? If yo u make contributions w the United Way through payroll deduction or th rough your employer, yo u ca n donor designate these con tributions to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. The Foundation is eligible for the money from your local United Way, only if yo u choose w designate your gift w the Fou ndation. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation already receives several co ntributions each yea r through this method.


Mid- Year Leadership Conference, Pi Kapp College & Supreme Chapter The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation makes grants to Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity to help offset the cost of the leadership schools. As a result, our undergrad uate students have been privileged to see some excellent motivational speakers, which was made possible by the Foundation. The Fraternity keeps the cost of the leadersh ip schools affordable with the help of the Foundation. Co urses on building working relationships, management skills, confrontational skills, alcohol education, time management, interpersonal growth and organizational skills. Regional leadership schools are held four times a year and each summer at Pi Kapp College and Supreme Chapter.

Pi Kapp Scholars (Samfo rd - Alph a Eta)

"Our membership in Pi Kappa Phi does not end at graduation, but carries on throughout our lives. When we do well for ourselves professionally, as a result ofacademic excellence, we 'bring credit tQ the Fraternity, 'demonstrating the kind of men Pi Kappa Phi cultivates. " Edward A. Marshall Psychology & Pre-Law, 3.98 GPA

(TCU - Eta Chi)

"Leadership can put Pi Kappa Phi in charge. Community service can give the Fraternity a good image. Gentlemanly behavior can earn respect for this great organization. Without high scholarship standards, though, none of these attributes can give the Fraternity credibility. " Jeffrey M. Moles Mathematics, 4.0 GPA

(Samford -Alpha Eta)

"The characteristics associated with precipitating scholastic success are the same qualities that are needed to promote success in other aspects of life. Maintaining high standards of scholarship often requires temporary sacrifice in order to one day embrace the much bigger goal." Jared Poplin Political Science, 3.89 GPA

Polytechnic (Alpha Xi) John G Anderson C2 (I 2) H ans R Bredfeldt C l (5) William Delnicki C2 (I 6) Paul W Dillon C2 (I 4) Walter E Eisele C3 (18) Bruce J Elowsky C2 ( I 7) Martin 0 Fankhanel (I) Valentine W Fendrich C l (II) Rutherford H Fenn C 1 (6) Joseph E Flaherty C4 (18) F John F Flyn n (3) John B Frost (2) Steven P Collinge (I ) Richard F Groller C 1 (9) Arthur Karle (2) Denis G Klisz (I) Richard J Magg C3 (14) Robert F Maggio (2) Michael M Modica (I ) Albert R Muller C2 (I 4) Charles D Murn (7) Renwick E Nugent C3 (18) Robert E O'Donohue Jr. C3 (I 8) L Pomata ( I) Antonio G Quilon C2 (12) Richard Ramge C l (3) PaulJ Schwanenflugel G3(16)F M r Albert B Steele C3 (15) F Mr William R Wright C3 (6) F M r Warren C Zulawski C2 (I 0)

Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Robert L Adams (2) Eric J Almquist C2 (7) Keith J Bader C3 (17) John R Bateman C3 (16) Kelley A Bergstrom C9(17)NODF John C Brockmann C2 (6) Robert 0 Brown C3 (13) F Robert S Brown (I) Troy W Carman n (I) James R Carson C3 (17) Norman M Ca rver C l (5) W illiam W C hmelar C l (8) Curtis C C lifton C3 (7) F Dale M Cochran C2 (II ) Michael J Derr C I (5) F Jeremy D Dickinson (l) Phi lip J Dvorak C2 (15) Stanton E Fritz C3 (18) Jeremy D Galvin C l (3) F Mr Forest L Goetsch C I (9) Guy K Goodenow C3 (I 0) Jeffery G G reiman C l (8) Eldred J Hannan C7 (14) N OF Terry E H enricksen C l (5) Kylin D Holter (3) Robert J Kerns (3) Hubert M Lattan C5 (18) F Emerson D Linney C3 (8) Gerald D Love C3 (13) F Warren R Madden C4 ( 18) N FF Myron N Menefee C2 (9) AaronS Mi ller (I) Mark L Milliman C2 (10) James B Moon C4 (II) FF Wayne R Moore C6 (12) F

Paul M Muller C3 (17) W illiam G Nechanick"Y C4 (16) Paul E Needham (I) Benn H Nelson (I) Richard C Ohrt C3 ( 13) Frank M Parrish III C7 (18) N F Frederick J Phillips (2) P W illiam J Rickert C4 (18) F Ralph H Ruedy C2 (14) Thomas J Ruzicka C2 ( 14) Richard E Sahr (2) Charles Sch ram Jr. C2 (13) David J Schwakem (3) Anthony J Sindt (I) Robert C Spearing (2) Keith E Spi ker (2) Jose' L Torres (I) Verne H Upmier C2 (14) John J Veak C3 (15) Cesar A Vega (2) Warren F Wells C2 (14) Ralph D Yoder (3)

South (Alpha Pi) John A Johnston C3 (15)

West Virginia(~ Rho) Robert E Allen - III ( I) Victor A Folio C5 (I 0) F Anthony S G raley (2) Theodore J Katz (I) Robert J Laughner C2 ( 17) John C Marano Jr C 1 (8) H oward G Martin C2 ( 17) Gregory C Nestor (I) Robert T Schoolcraft (I)

Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) James C Adkins C3 (17) Thomas H Banks C2 (18) W illiam B Boyter (I) R Barry Cecil C4 (16) F John D Dory II Cl (4) Grant A Gasbarro (I) P James P Gracy (I) Jack W Harris Jr. (2) Robin B Meadows C I ( I) F John F Miller C3 (3) F Mark A Muth (1) P Wi ll iam T Nap ier (I) Kenneth R Parkinson (2) Frank M Pugh C3 (18) Aaron B Reed C2 (I 6) Morris B Rothstein (3) Jon T Rymer C3 (14) F H enry C Settle ( I ) Alfred S Sewell Jr. C2 (2) F Roy H Smith C3 (1 4) Thomas J Snow C4 (8) FF David B Spalding C2 (16) James H Sti lz (3) Arthur D Sullivan C I (3) Barney A Tucker C5 (10) FF James R VanFrankJr. C4 (16) F Spears P Vavalides (I) Todd M Vick (2) WalterS Zahnd CI (3)

Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) H arish Aiyar (I) Richard J Andrews C2 (18) William H Baldwin C2 (13) Joseph F Banaszewski ( I) Frank A Bandre C2 (I 0) Robert E Bergman C I (13) James M Bernstein C4 (18) Milton C Beveridge C I (15) Carl J Buczek ( I ) Benjamin M Cah ill Jr. C4 (17) George D Cook C2 ( I 6) Jeffrey A C unningham C 1 (13) David B Dobson C3 ( 17) Richard B Donahue Sr. (3) David Dropkin C2 (1 7) W illiam J Drunsic (I) Cedric H Dustin III C4 (15) F Richard J Garber ( I ) George L Graf Jr. C2 (II) Winter K G raves C3 (18) F Dieter M Groll C2 (7) F Frank W H atch (I) Robert E H awkins C4 (16) F Geo rge J Hoffer C2 (I I) Steven H Kaitz C3 (14) Peter Kelley C2 (8) P Robert J Kirchgessner C2 (8) F Brewster W LaMacchia C3 (10) Keith A Lindfelt (2) John W McMahon C2 (I I) F W illiam G Morrison CI (6) Erik B Nagel C3 (15) Andrew C N icholas (3) C hristopher J Parks C2 (I 0) D avid M Peter C3 (16) Larry J Powell C I (I 0) Kermit G Pratt C3 (18) James F Rappolt Jr. C I (3) W illiam A Roberts C3 ( 18) Gilbert P Roberts C I (7) N icholas P Rusanowsky C 1 (17) Donald R Seyler C3 (14) F Benjamin T Sporn CI (13) Ernest R Stacey C2 ( I 8) Don ald J Stephens C2 (I 3) Stephen Strunck (I) Robert 0 Wagner C2 (I I) Seth L Walter C3 (8) P F Douglas A Wi les C2 ( 10) F Gordon B Wright C6 (17) OF H arry J Zimmer C4 (9) F

Drexel (Alpha Upsilon) Robert E AndersonC3 (16) F H enry J Bartle III C2 (13) Thomas Berk C I (4) Walter A Bishop (2) Mark R Blasser C I (8) Jack W Bosley (3) MartinE Burrows C4 (10) F Barry G Campbell C3 (6) Raymond J Cannon Jr. C2 (15) Wi lliam Conrad C I (3) William J Cooney Jr. C3 (12) Samuel J Costa Jr. C3 ( 17) F Raymond L Davis C4 ( 18) F Walter W Dearolf Jr. C2 (17) Nick DeBenedictis C I (2)


"Reading maketh a fu ll man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. " - Bacon

Joseph R DeLuca C2 (5) F Mr Leonard J DiCarlo C4 (17) F Mr Kenneth J Dirkes C3 ( 18) James F Duncan C I (4) James R Esposito (2) Will iam P Fitzgerald Jr. C2 (8) John H Gardner C2 (I 4) MichaelS Gennaro Jr C2 ( 14) Austin J Gerber ( I) Norman E G rede C I (6) Raymond H Griffin C2 (I 7) Paul W G ross C3 ( 13) Dale R Haring C I (9) Leopold H auf Ill (2) GuyC Hess Jr. C2 ( 14) David A Heydt C3 ( 13) F Oscar M Ho kanson C2 (14) Lemuel J Holt C I {8) H arry E Johnso n ( I) Arthur J Jones C2 (14) Joseph J Keyes C2 {8) Eugene R Kie h I C2 ( 16) Ralph E Klesius C3 (I 5) John D Knoll Jr. C3 ( 14) F Charles S Kuntz C I (5) Robert W Lambert C3 ( II ) F Thomas A La Roe C3 ( I 7) F Walter W Lovell C I ( I I) Jack N Marshall C3 (I 8) Austin A Meehan Il l C I (5) GilbertS Merritt C3 ( 18) Osborne C Mi ller Jr C2 ( 16) Richard A Mosher C I (5) Fred G N uenighoff C I (I 2) S Ralph Parris C2 ( 16) Dina F Petrongolo (2) Stephen J Pinkas C I {5) C lifford M Price C I (2) F William 0 Reeside C I (4) F John F Rittenhouse C4 (I 8) Daniel H Romanchuk C I (6) Michael T Ro mano ( I) Donald L Schey C3 ( 17) Harry A Schlater C I {8) Robert J Schoen berger (I) Henry W Schuette C2 (14) Michael W Sellers C2 ( 10) F Walter K Sheppard C5 {18) N F J A Shields C I (2) F John W Sh ivers C I (4) John W Simmons II C2 {9) Robert E Simon (3) Martin A Si non {I) Frederick H Staiger C2 ( 15) Harold S Stim er C2 (II) Michael J Tate ( I) Mark R Tomasel lo (3) Felix T Troi lo (2) Arthur WTu nnell Jr C3 (18) Patrick D Wi lliams C I (6) Stanton Woerrh C2 (8)

I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) Gary C Cathey C2 ( 13) David A Des ilets C3 (7) F Brian F Diaz C2 (9) Ro nald G Douglas C l (6) Cyril L Dusell C3 ( 14) F Michael J Fogel C2 (3)

John T Higgins C3 ( 15) Richa rd W Hughes C2 (16) John F Humiston C4 ( 18) F Jesus A Iglesias ( I) Kenneth M Kamper C2 (6) Edward A Kasch ins C2 (I 5) James M Kell y ( I) Gregory J Kolb ( I) Martin T Kotsch C4 (13) F Kevin W Martin ( I) Neil M Nish ihira (2) David B Navy (2) Roger L Peterson C4 ( 18) Jack R Piper C2 (I I) John L Pottenge r C2 ( I I) John V Roach C3 ( 17) Burton W Seiwell C3 ( I I) Myron B Stevens C3 ( 17) C hristo pher S Sutton C I (3) Victor E Terrana (6) Frederic W Widlak C4 ( 12) James C Wood ling C2 (12) C harl es R Woods C I (7)

Miami (Alpha Chi) Francis L Gowdy ( I) Melford C H opkins C3 ( 17) Nathan P Xanthos ( I)

Indiana (Alpha Psi) Gerald L Allen C3 (I 8) Michael J Baccash C I (3) F Lowell E Bail ey J r (3) Gregory D Barnes C I (5) C harl es J Blackerby C2 (14) Thomas A Clark (I) To ny D Cochren C I (5) Andrew W Co nner (2) James R C rews Jr C I (5) W illiam D Day Jr. C3 (I 8) J. D Dowen C2 ( I I) Joseph M Drozda J r (2) Andrew L Felrice ( I) Pau l Fuggiti C I (4) Rodney L Gu nning C4 (8) F Richard C H all C I (6) Robert W Haller C3 ( 15) Adam M Harrstein (2) Kenneth A Inm an ( I) James 0 Kel ler (3) James E Kelsey C2 (9) C urtis D Kiefer C I (5) Robert W Lambert Jr. C I (4) John M Leonard C2 ( I I) Lawrence C Liu C l (7) Gary S Louderback J r C2 (5) P Joseph F Lux C3 (I 4) F Joseph M Malangoni (2) James M McCollough C I (3) Kevin L McDonald C3 ( 18) Timothy A Mercer C3 (8) F Ralph G Mundy C2 ( 14) Wayne G Murray C3 (18) F Robert C Nelson (9) Sea n P Nolan ( I) Heath M Osburn ( I)

Barry G Po lley C I ( 13) Terry L Russell (7) Anthony P Schlichte ( I ) David S Silverma~ (I) Lionel E Sm ith ( I) P Phi lip M Stocksdale (2) Paul T Sullivan C4 (9) F Phillip M Summers C7 (18) NFF Eve rett C Targett (2) Fred FThu;sfield {I) Robert S Truelove {I) Kevin J Turner (2) Richard E Tyson {2) C harles R Vandeventer J r ( I) Michael R Vandrey C l (4) G regory H Vann C l (4) James R W illiams (2) James E W itek C l ( 10) Robert F Wood (2)

Oregon (Alpha Omega) C harles D Dempsey ( I) Kenneth R Doherty ( I) Darrell D Dwyer (2) Sherman W Holmes C2 ( 16) Robert D Potts C I (I 0) David A Stewart (I) Fred L St reim er C3 {I 3)


(Beta Alpha) Nicholas Adams C3 ( 16) John A Alfonso C I (7) Paul Bamburak C3 (8) F Frederick Becker Jr. C3 (18) F T homas E Carroll C2 (4) F Alan C C hristian (I) Richard V Comiso C2 {3) F Nichola Debendicris C2 (3) F Scephen PDel'almaC8{17)NODF Stefa no F DeSteno C l (4) C harles P Dietz C2 (10) Roger J Dolida C l (7) Mi chael P G illooley (2) Alan lamiZZi (5)

Joseph A Kciuk Cl (2) Edward J Klebaur Jr. C4 ( 18) Lawrence A Kominiak C I {1 2) Karlis V Kopans C2 (6) Roger F Kreh ( I 0) W illiam J Krouse (2) James A KrucherC6 (18) N 0 OF Aivars E Krumins C3 (I 4) Ri chard M Labinsky C3 ( 16) John F LeeJr C6 ( 16) N F Donald C Linske C3 ( 17) Anthony V Mangone C l (17) Robert P Manthey (2) Herbert A Marrin C l (8) Kevin McCranor Cl (5) F Louis R Miceli C3 (18) George M Newcombe C4 (7) F Alvin O lsen C2 (6) F Richard Pedersen C2 ( I I) F John Pugli esi C4 (I 3) N F Richard J Rodrick C3 ( I I) F Ken neth J Scheck J r (I) P James B Snodgrass Jr. C2 (14) Geo rge Tsomos (2) John S Urban C I ( 10) Jacob VanBroekhoven C2 (18)

Florida Southern (Beta Beta) Brian T Allen (2) DeLos L Carroll Jr. (5) Larry W Ca rter C3 ( 13) C. J Evans C2 ( I I) Wi lli am M Fraser Jr. C2 (17) Robert H Gartner ( I) Peter C Golotko (2) Forrest H alter (3) Stephen R Hemman ( I) Wylie W Herzberg (2) Carl M Koch C4 (17) F Mr C raig S Kurtzman (2) Joh n A Nelson Jr. (2) John C PAeger ( I) Ray L Sand hagen (2) John E Trufant C2 ( 14) Todd G Von Weyhe (2) Castn er R Waddell ( I) Vincent N Wyatt (4)

Louisville (Beta Gamma) John T Cook C2 ( 18) Andrew W Goodaker ( I) Spencer E H arper Jr. C3 ( 17) James R Hatfield (2) James A Koshewa C I ( 14) Scott D McLaren (2) Stephen T Offutt (2) Raymond S Pryor Jr. (2) James R Weber C2 (5)

Drake (Beta Delta) Robert A C ione C5 ( 18) N F Mark H C rosthwai te (2) C harles R Deaton C l (10) Paul H Gi lman C3 ( 16) James C Hendrix C2 ( II ) James D Hornbrook C5 ( 18) FF Robert D Howel l C3 ( 15) James Labiak C I ( I I) Lawrence A Marrin ( I) Jason A Matthiesen C I (3) F Kenneth J Piller C2 ( 15) Norris D Rowland C3 ( 18) Howard I Smith Jr. C3 ( 10) Stephen C Smith (2) Reed C Snyder ( I) Bruce N Swanso n C I (15) Christopher M Todd (3) William M Torgler (I)

Missouri-Columbia (Beta Epsilon) J Richard Dickson (2) P Robert J Ed ler-Murphy {I) Brian A Eiserman C I (4) David M Epperson Cl (9) Bertrand L Hol mes Jr. (2) George E H yde Jr. (2) Thayne W Jo nes (2) Erik A Koskela (I) Kenneth X Lissner C3 {II ) F Wa!terT Richards C3 ( 18) Jaso n R Stolarczyk C I (2) P Jay J Stucke! C4 ( 15) N F Laurence G Trudell C3 ( 18)


Florida State (Beta Eta) Thomas H Arwood C2 (3) P F Barry S Bell (I) Brian D Benn ett (I) C had S Bostak (I) P John W Bowen (I) John F Brooks C I (4) James D Bultman C2 (I 3) Jeffrey B Butler C I (3) P Charles D C hao (2) Franklin D Clark J r ( I) Jason L Cooprider (I) John R Corbett C2 (9) Crandall L C unningham (I) Hugo H Debeaubien C2 (I 2)

NormanD Stoddard C l (IO) Lewis F Symmes C2 (4) F Earl D Thorn pson (I) Durwood L Thompson Jr (I) P William P Welch C2 (5) C hristopher L Willis ( I) Grego ry S Winter (3) Jeffrey L Wright C I (3) F George A Young (2)

C harles H H ausenfleck (2) Michael T Maryott C l (4) Arthur W Vance J r C2 ( 12) Travis J Vandiver (I)

Toledo (Beta Iota)

Tampa (Beta Lambda)

Bradley J Chryst (2) P Robert D Conley C3 ( I 8) Carl M Conner C2 (6) Scott S Coursen C I (8) Darwin D Deckrosh C2 (I 3) John L Eisenmann C l (6) Robert C Friess C3 ( 12) Bryan A Johnson CI (3) P Darryl D McEwen C4 ( 18) F Craig A Myers C3 (16) Elmer J Newness Jr C l (5) Timothy A O 'Shea C I (5) Neil F Pikus (2) Thomas A Ramsdell C2 (10) Richard G Rose C2 (I I) Jeffrey R Roth C I (4) Roger W Schiller C2 (I 3) J Robert Shindell C2 (5) P F Lance A Talmage C4 (13) F Mr Scott M Theus (2) Mark A Urrutia C I (2) Rick A Wodarski (I) Darryl D Zellers C I (5)

Brandon J Baker (I) P Wade G Birch C2 (I 5) Gerald W Bobier C I (5) Jeffrey J Boorse (2) Gary J Cooper C2 (I 2) Austin R C urry C4 (I 0) F James R Dolan (2) Robert D H awkins (I ) Patrick L Ingle (I) C hristopher S Kemper (2) Stephen J Krist C I (12) Co nstantine M Maris (I) Robert A Myers C2 (I 7) Michael J orton C I (5) Ralph E Stout (9) David J Sullivan C l (3) Scott M Zerbe C I (I) F

N Nu Phi Society

McNeese State (Beta Mu)

year for undergraduates

Arizona (Beta Theta)

FredE Diulus Jr (1) Christian J Downs C l (2) Robert D Elefante (I) Douglas S Fisher (2) T homas J Golder (I) Steven E Gulledge (I) John D Hill (I) P Gregory M Hoerbelt ( I ) William E Holdo rf C I (5) Guy W Hollingsworth C3 (16) Keith Jacob (I) Samuel L Jenkins J r ( I) Michael E. Johnson (I) Carlton J Johnson (2) Jason H Klein ( I) Henry P Land J r (2) Michael S Loy C2 (5) C harles W MacMillin C3 (18) Kenneth K Majewski CI (3) Edward A Mason (2) H oward EMcCallJrC4 (15) F Constantine D Mengason ( I) Jeffrey G Ness (I) James WNewmanJrC3 (14) William J Niedenthal CA (3) FF Travis S Olson (2) Jeffrey Pujals (I) P Robert M Roath (2) Walter J Rothenbach Jr. ( I ) Donald R Steiner (I) Jonathan E Stevens C I (3)

Key to 1998

Dennis C Coole Jr. C2 (9) Kenneth] Cribb; C7(9)NOP DF David R DeMarco (2) Ralph 0 Dennis II (I) Lawrence F Horne (2) Shawn M James (I) David A Jeffers (I) P Richard J Kovach J r (I) Jong P Lee ( I ) P Patrick J McCabe C3 (7) F Do nald E Perkins CI (6) Jerry W Ragsdale (2) C hristopher S Thompson (I) P John B Whitley C3 (16) Mack R Williford IV C I (2) F C hristopher M Wilsey (I)

Georgia State (Beta Kappa) John W Barber CI (6)

Wilfred R Boume Jr C3 (I I) N F Paul A Brown C2 (I 3) Jo hn A Green (3) Marcus M Kloor (I) James M Marryott (4) Edwin M Potratz II C3 (I 5) Troy R Rizzuto (3)

Contributions F Fellow

Northwestern State (Beta Omicron) Michael E Allain (I) John G Oden CI (15) Samuel W Parry (I)

$100-$499 in 1998 FF Foundation Fellow

$500-$999 in 1998

Eastern Michigan (Beta Pi) William F Fitzpatrick (I) Carl V Taylor C l (9)


Clarkson (Beta Rho)

Distinguished Fellow

John F Kruse C I ( 12)

$1,000 and up in 1998

Five Supreme Chaprers,

$150 initiation fee, $10 for each year of membership in Pi Kappa Phi 0 Owen Initiative p President's Circle

$50 in 1998 for alumni, $15 per

Richard B Smith C4 (I 8) N F Carl B Smith (4) Jonni L Streeter (I)

Houston (Beta Nu) C harles W Boze Jr (3) Everett E Magill Jr. (2)

Northern Illinois (Beta Sigma) Robert E Berry (I) Donald D Firkins C3 (I 8) Roger L Musser (2)

Valdosta State (Beta Tau) Benjan1in W Barnett C l (2) John T Brooks C3 (I 7) F Pablo C Campa (2) William F Coston (2) RalphS DeLoach Ill (I) John R Dixon Ill (2) James M Dowd C2 (I 4) Micall P Gremillion (I) P Lance J H amrick C3 (I 2) Eric W Knight ( I) P Stephen C Martin ( I) Darren L McKnight (2) C her A Mirabal (2) P Benjamin T Powell ( I) P Scott E Register (I) Michael L Senzon (I) P Timothy R Steedley ( I) P Tony Taylor (I ) Matthew J Toeniskoetter (I) P Mark A Waddell C2 (I I) Ralph W Warnock Ill (2) Douglas J Whitacre (2) Joseph N Wilder (I) Hubert H Wilford C2 (IS) Bobby D Wood Jr C l (2) F C harles M Woodruff (2) Lawrence K Yudin (I)

Central Michigan (Beta Xi) C lifford R Anspach CI (3) Donald K Baldwin (I) Brian A Battani (I ) P David E C lappison C3 (18) Dale R DeWaard Cl (8) Donald R Friebe (2) Kevin P Kelly (2) P William K McKenzie (3) Donald E Perry C3 (9) F Sean D Radcliffe (I) P Brian T Rees (2) Michael J Schlusler (2) William M Slusher (I) P Troy J Stowell (I) P Duane M Valerio C2 (13)

Virginia (Beta Upsilon) John B Browning C4 (I 8) F G lenn A Dickson C5 (18) N FF Barry J Ewald C2 ( 14) Thomas G Haudricoun C3 ( 12) Russell J Huber C4 ( I 7) F Steven D Kassing (I) James H Kessack Ill (I) Daniel B Kimball Jr C5 (17) F Robert H McCafferry C l (3) Stuart S Moore C3 ( 14) C harles L Nesbit Jr. C3 (I 7) James D Sencindiver (3) Kurt J Steinbacher (3) William J Warson Ill C2 (14)

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. " - Mother Teresa Joseph B Yount Ill C5 (I 3) F

East Carolina (Beta Phi) W ill iam F Avera C2 (6) F Dennis R Barbo ur C3 (I 6) C lay D Brewer C3 (8) F Dennis M Brown C2 (1 4) W illiam W Campbell C I (3) George W Daniels C I (5) Brian A Duncan (I ) L. C lay Ed monds C5 (14) N F John T Geraghry C I (4) Casey 0 Harris (2) Samuel T Hicks II C4 (17) F Stacey F Johnson C I (6) Fredrick D Judson C I (8) John-Paul H Lyons C I (3) F David W McLawhorn C I (8) Matthew B Nease (I) Richard B N uckols (I) Jeffrey F O 'Geary (2) George I Ressequ ie Jr C I (7) James E Sams Il l (I ) T homas C Sayetta C I (I 2) M ike G Shelton ( I) Archie C Simmons (2)

East Texas (Beta Chi) Timothy C Lee (I ) Rick A O lmsted(!)

Kenneth L ParkC 3(1 7) F Keith Parker(! )

Tennessee Wesleyan (Beta Psi) John M Plemo ns C I (8) Barry A Saunders C2 ( I 3) James A \-!ln ~C2 (6)F Dan W ieser Jr. C I (9)

Archie C Calho un (4) Julius G Faircloth (I) Jack S Garnett Jr. C I (9) Do nald R G ibson (2) Thomas J Holliman C I (7) F C hristopher K Hyche (I ) Jaso n P Jackson (I )P Seth C Jackson (I ) P Leo L Led don J r (2) Damo n F Marbut (I) P Samuel A Morgan (I ) Harry L Shiver (2) John G T ill Jr C4 (7) FF Roy M Underwood Jr. C I (6) Robert B Webb Jr. (I) Robert T Wi lliams (2) James J Withers C I ( 4) P

Old Dominion (Gamma Beta) Joel Allen C I (7) John M Bedn arek C I ( I 0) Linwood A Beverly Jr. C3 (I 8) C harles E Brady Ill C4 (I 8) F Phillip 0 Casteel C2 (I I) M ichael K Colbert C J (6) Paul E Dickson Jr. (4) W illiam G Jenkins C3 (14) Robert A Magoon C I ( 12) James B Majka ( I) James K Meharg 2) Matthew S Parker C3 ( I 0) James R Raimondo (I) James M Reardo n J r (3) Paul V Sheba!in C2 (I 6) David Simas C2 (7) F Joseph H Si mas C l (4) Jo hn C Simpson C2 (12) T homas E Treichler C2 (16) Joseph C VanC leve lii C4 (17) James C Vollmers (I)

Troy State (Gamma Gamma) East Tennessee State (Beta Omega) W illiam FArgo (I) Alan W Bagley C J (IO) Jo hn N Bo ronkay J r. (2) Byron C Brown C4 (I 8) M ichael B Cia man C I (5) David C Evans C3 (4) F Do uglas L Henderso n ( I) John F Lowe (2) Thomas E Siceloff( I) Eugene W Smith C2 (I 6) Robert J Sp irko (I) Robert 0 Wood II I ( I) Robert G YackaninC2 (17)

Grover C Adams ( I ) James R Baxley J r (I ) John P Brown ing (2) P M ichael E Canfield (2) W illiam A Cauthen J r. (I) Shawn M G illis (3) Richard E Jones (2) Jeremy C Luker ( I P Allen E O wen Ill (2) T imothy M Schm idt (I ) P Brooks Tho mpson (2) Laurence S Tu rrin C2 (I 2) David Walker ( I) W ill iam A W higham ( I ) P

West Alabama (Gamma Alpha)

Memphis (Gamma Delta)

Joseph LAlexander C6(15) N F Herbert G Barth low J r ( I) James C Blackwell 3) H al W Bloo m Jr. C3 (I 3) F Truman H Brown (4)

Robert M Biesiot J r ( I) Herbert W Blow C2 (14) T ho mas L Carter C6 (18) D F Brian W C li ne ( I) P David M Da iley (2)

David L Everson C4 (12) F David E Laffi teau C l (4) Patrick T Mc Dev itt J r ( I ) Stephen M Mosher (I) P Joshua I Newman (I) P T Tyson O 'G uin (I ) P ME Perkins ( I ) C raig D Peterso n (2) P Todd M Peterson (I) P John H Riley J r. (I) Keith D Thole ( I) P

Western Carolina (Gamma Epsilon) Eric T Beck C I (5) Antho ny Brown Sr. ( I) Marvin D Cope C4 ( 18) F Gerald E Edlin (2) Bruce W Fishel C I (1 3) Gary M H arriso n C I (6) David P Huskins (I) Bryan F Luce (2) Phillip F McMa nus (2) Matthew G M itchell ( I ) P Tony F Perki ns C2 (I I) C li fto n A Pickett (I ) Dean RogersC I (4) John R Squ ires (2) Stephen L Stafford C I (5) Donald C Turner C2 (13) Wi ll iam F Will is C3 (1 8) F Daniel B Yoe C l (3) F


Did You Know? With the receipt of the $2,0 18,000 gift from Robert Bennett, this marks the third largest single contribution ever to a Fraternity Foundation. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation has grown from $793,305 in total assets in 1990 to one of the top ten largest Fraternity Foundations in 1998 totaling $4,899,921.

Pi Kapp Scholars (Oklahoma - Alpha Gamm a) "The brothers at Pi Kappa Phi commit themselves to scholastic achievement because they are going to be bold and innovative leaders in business, technology, politics and research, as the horizons unfold the 2 1st century. "

Jason R. Sanders

West Virginia Tech (Gamma Zeta) Robert H Brewer C2 (9) F Robert A Brightwell (2) David M C hilders C3 (I 5) F W ill iam G Co nrad Jr C2 (14) Geo rge A Franz J r C I (9) C harl es W Hutzler C3 ( 17) Randolph C Lavender C I (7) Paul A Mattox Jr. C2 (I 2) William J McCoy (I ) Thomas A M iller C4 (4) Dennis C Neidert C l (7) Ph illip R Oneacre C3 (14) Harry R Sanders I II C2 (6) F Do nald E Skaggs C2 (I 5) C lifto n A Smith C2 (I 7) David R Strader C I (8)

Biochemistry, 4.0 GPA

(Co rnell - Psi) "High scholarship standards open countless doors, opportunities and freedoms to brothers. Meeting high academic standards has allowed me to undertake independent research in my last semester to pursue questions of interest outside of the classroom. "

Michael Waldron Eco nomi cs & Government, 3.96 G PA

NC-Wilmington (Gamma Theta)

Picture Unavailable

C hristopher B Bas to (I ) James M Corcora n C2 (I 3) F Lewis G Dickinson (I ) James H Farlow C I (8) Antho ny C Fel ts (2) Jason C H ampton (I) Leo nard H H arris C2 ( 17) William D McCaughan J[ C2 (12) M ichael S Meier (I) H enry C Merritt Jr. C2 (18) Hugh C Newkirk Jr .CI ( I) F Robert C Tripp (2) Adrian R Verzaal J r ( I)

Todd M. Peterson (M emphis- Ga mma Delta) Accounting & Marketing/Logistics, 3.7 1 G PA

':4 chapter's CPA greatly affects its perceived quality. The chapter's CPA affects the relationship with the University. the National Fraternity. the community and the students. if a chapter can demonstrate their commitment to academics, the chapter and fraternity system will benefit .from an improved image. The chapter will be able to recruit better quality members if the chapter can truly show that Pi Kappa Phi can help scholastically. "


James L Pardee ( I ) Gi lbert 0 Sanders C4 (14) Wi lliam D Shannon ( I)

The journey Project

An Educational Program Supported the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation


Th e Jo urn ey is a value-added proj ecr rh ar helps d evelop rhe individual men of Pi Kappa Phi. As a parr of rhe Level Two benefits of rhe Journey Project, all members receive Pi Kappa Phi pla nn ers, model ed afr er rhe Steph en Covey/Frankl in planner sysrem. The chapters also receive a paid academic coach rhar works wirh members and associate member classes. T hrough rhe C ollegiate Success Program sopho more members are invired ro arrend rhe So pho more Lead ership lnsrirure, fea ruring curri culum fro m Stephen C ovey's h ighly accredited book, "The Seven Habirs of Highly Effective People." Jun ior and senior members

South Alabama (Gamma Phi) Brian P Bradley (I) P Wi lliam D Breeden Jr. C l (3) F Will iam L Copeland (2) James C Dalron (2) Lawrence R Davis C2 (4) Ashley M DeLaune ( I) P Donal S Dunbar C l (8) Jamie D G liddon ( I)

Larry H Green C3 ( 17) Frank D Havard C4 (13) NF Kennerh P Hendrix (2) William T Hendry III (2) John THill C2 (12) Anthony D Hollman (I) P David V LaRosa Jr. C l (5) Chris Miller (I) Daniel L Perri C I (3) Isaac A Smi rh (I) P Joh n K Stauffer (8) Raymond S Warrs (I)

are rhen invired ro Career Co nclaves, which allow u ndergrad uates ro ralk and nerwo rk wirh pro fess io nals and Al umni Menro rs in their area of inreresr. All rhis is paid fo r with the help of a granr from rhe Pi Kappa Phi Foundation.

Georgia Southern (Gamma Kappa)

Belmont Abbey (Gamma Mu)

Glenn Aspinwall C5 (18) NO F Paul W Barkley C l (3) Roland M Berry C3 (14) O liver R Brown (2) Perry W Buffington C5 (18) NF William T Dunaway (2) John M Forresrall C l (2) Buford L Keene C l (4) John H Lane ( I) Stephen L McClure (3) Timorhy J McCurchen (3) Scorr B McElroy C l (4) P Douglas E McNiece Jr. ( I) Dav id A Nance ( I) Joseph W Odo m Jr C4 ( 17) Ronald J Ragan (2) Gregory R Rowell (2) Robert B Roya l ( I) Robert A Su ll iva n (2) P Jeffrey B T homaso n (3) Ch ristopher A Wagner C l (3) Ph ill ip D Waters (I) Michael R Woodard (2)

Grego ry C C ranl ey( 2) Boliva r D Green (3) Brian H Knapp ( I) Grego ry F Kusic C2 ( 14) Bruce A Marrin (2) Guy A Piche C2 ( 16)

Missouri-Rolla (Gamma Lambda) Edward G Burkey Jr C l ( I) F Zak E Dolan (2) Paul K Scherrer C3 ( I 7)

LaGrange (Gamma Nu) J Wi ley Brya nt C3 ( II ) F Jeffrey L Esola C2 (5) F Frank J Fenn (2) P W W Hardy Jr. ( I) Edward P Kirven J r (2) David A Long C l (6) John LoveC I (6) Scorr E Markham (I) William 0 Mims Jr C l (7) James H Moros (3) Gareth B Roberrso n ( I) P M ichael W Seato n (2) Stuart W Terrell (4) Shawn G Zwilling C4 (5) NF

Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi) Kenny J Borum ( I) P Robert H Bunch C I (2)

C harles 0 Cares 111 C2 (3) C hristopher W Dukes (I) P James E Erue ( I) P Wi lliam L Finney C6 (1 7) NF F Mark E G ibson C I (2) F Ellis R Gi lliam C l (3) F Michael W Hall C3 ( 14)

Ashiskumar R Pare! ( 1) P Stephen D Perkins (1) P Craig L Porrer ( 1) P C laude B Speer ( I) David W Suppes C3 (16) Donald Verner (I ) Earl W Woodwa rd ( I) P

Lander (Gamma Rho) Robert D Amick ( I) David L Bowe n C2 (8) F Kenneth N Capps J r ( I) P Steven C Gosserr ( I) P Rodney L G ranrham ( I) Roberr J Holco mbe C2 (4) F Jeremy W In abinet (2) P Srephen P Kodman C2 (8) P James M Manley Jr. C l (3) Robert M McLean C l (5) Bernard Pannone C I (5) Andrew M Price (2)

Marion E Thomas C2 (6) Robert L Wenrzky (1) P Ba rry C Young C2 ( 17)

Jacksonville State (Gamma Chi) Edward T Dropkin (2) Jason C Duckett ( I) Wesley S Sanders ( I) Mickey F Srrocchi (2)

Augusta (Gamma Psi) Jusrin M Benfield C I (3) F C hris A DeLoach ( I) Hubert E Nelson 111 ( I)

Armstrong (Gamma Sigma) Morgan F Barnesn (2)

North Texas (Gamma Tau) Gary L H arbin ( I) Paul R Srudley Jr. (I)

Oklahoma State (Gamma Upsilon) Harry W Burcher (I ) Ad rian G Cardenas (I ) P Mark R C hristman C3 (8) F Sreven L Cochran C l (6) John D Danvers C3 (15) Dana L Dillon ( I) AlbertS Griffi n ( I) Barry L Howel l C4 ( 17) F Jay F Marks ( I) Bradley D Mick ( I) Raymond G Morgan (I )

Montevallo (Gamma Omega) Robert C Whire (I ) David L Williams C3 (I 0) F

Virginia Tech (Delta Alpha) Wilmarth E Alexander 111 (1) Parrick W Ayers C 1 (1) F John N C rist C3 ( 17) Pau l \Y/ Dennis (3) Mark S Dennis (2) Edward R Dieterle 11 C l (4) P Michael D Eller C2 (I 0) Kelly J Hobbie (2) Paul M Lavery C2 (8) P Christopher W Lirde C 1 (8) Matt Marzek (1) Ashley D Miller (2) Corey S Pudhorodsky ( I) Dylan P Supina (4)


"The most enthusuiastic givers in Life are the real Lovers of Life. They experience the soul-joy that comes from responding with the heart rather than the head. " - Helen Steiner Rice

Stephan R Wei nl and (2) Richard K Wood Jr. C l (2)

North Georgia (Delta Beta) BrianJ Austin ( 1) Reginald L Banks (2) T homas E Barcroft Ill (3) Richard C Barr Jr. C3 ( 16) F Steven G Blackmo n C4 (6) Kerby L Dickerson ( 1) Charles F Drake C 1 (4) Jo hn G Frey (3) Joseph E Goletz (3) Karl Hanson (1) Victor D. Irvin C3 ( 15) Ju lian P Jol ly (2) P C harles A May C3 ( 17) Troy J McNeely (2) Marcus H Melton ( 1) Richard P Moultrie C2 ( 16) C harles A Pugh (2) PJ Rodgers C2 ( 17) John M Sexton C 1 (6) Cory N Truelove (3) P Thomas D West J r ( 1) Jonath an W Woodward (3) P Brian J Yarb ro ugh C 1 (5)

Truman State (Delta Delta) Nelson I Akers C2 (9) Jo hn R Andrews C5 (12) N OF C huck J Barnard C3 (3) F Ti m B Barth C4 (2) FF D arryl C Beach C3 ( 12) Todd P Beckler (2) John M C hallis (1) P Michael D Geismann (2) Kevi n E H ammes ( 1) Irvin P H oward Ill C2 (3) F Brian Jo hanpeter ( 1) Michael D Ki llbebrew (3) Gregory S Kneha ns (2) James C Palmer C2 (6) Craig C Rebma nn ( 1) Steven P Schmitt (5) Scott B Simmons (1) P Scott C Valley (2) Josh A Wansing C1 (3) P Verno n E Wunnenberg Jr. (1) M ichael R Zolezzi (3)

jacksonville State (Delta Epsilon) Barron L C handler C 1 (5) Michael E Gam mell 11 ( 1) Donald G Garner J r ( 1) Jeffery T Jennings (2) Jaso n M Mahaffey ( 1) Joh n B McNew ( 1) T homas E McRee (2) Benn et Ol iver (2)

H . J Patterso n II (2) C harles A Payton ( 1) Rich Rice (2) Robert A Stewart C2 (9) Joseph W Weathington ( 1) James H YoungJr. C3 ( 14)

Friends of the Fraternity Villanova PKP

Mrs Linda Littlejohn (1)

Alumni Society C2 (1) F

M r and Mrs C harles J Lizak (1)

Mr & Mrs Jamie B Belanger (1 )

Mrs Pamela Meachum (2}

Ryan Bice ( 1) P

Mr & Mrs Carl M issele ( 1)

Appalachian State (Delta Zeta)

C harles B Boag lll (l)P

Mr and Mrs JohnS Muchmore (I)

Mr & Mrs Ernest H Bond (I)

Mr & Mrs Arthur D Pappas (2)

George M Baldwin C 1 (6) Gregory L Ball C6 (9) Richard E Batson ( 1) Andrew G Bradford C I (2) Andrew T Braun C 1 (5) M ichael H Buff (1) Patrick J Danehy C2 (5) F James E Du n lap Jr (2) Douglas W Edwa rds C3 ( 11 ) Wi ll iam M Edwards C 1 (2) F G regory R Estes (1) Bruce E Greenland C 1 ( 10) Joh n R H o llmeyer ( 1) P Grego ry A Honeycutt C4 (8) F David W Huss C 1 (9) Jo hn R Knier C2 (9) Ke nneth D Lowe (2) William E Maycock C2 ( 10) Steven E Mi ller C2 ( 15) James F Overcash( 1) Arthur J Quickenron C6 (12 )N F James A Raines Jr. C2 (8) F C hristopher S Rushing ( 1) Jeffrey K Shell C3 (13) Luke Snyder C 1 (3)

Todd Bond (1) P

Most Blessed Sacrament

Mr and Mrs Leonard L Brockman (1)

Parochial C3 (3) F

Morehead State (Delta Eta) Jaso n A Co nley ( 1) Jason D Ellio tt (1) P Todd Goodrich (1) Dana L Greene C 1 ( 10) Gregory L Kring C3 ( 17) Michael E McLain (2) John F Moser C2 (8) Kenneth R Unger C2 (7) F M ichael E Webster (2) James W Well s C 1 (7)

Middle Tennessee State (Delta Iota) Stephen L C rass C2 ( 12) Kevi n R Hunter (3)

Pembroke State (Delta Kappa) C urtis J Bennett Jr.C 1( 13) O liver L Ca naday C4 (8) F Rallie C Nance (1 ) Michael D Quick (4) James T Sau nders C 1(4) Jeffrey D Strong ( 1) Timothy L Tru ll (3)

Mr and Mrs Randy A Broyles (I)

Parochial Schoo l

Brendan Ca rniaux ( 1) P

Jon Paulsen (2)

CFC-Miscellaneous C6 (2) OF

Payden & Rygel C5 (2) FF

Joseph T Clark (I) P

Mrs Robin P Peralta (I)

Max Cohen ( 1) P

Mr & Mrs Jerry D Peterso n C3 (I) F

National Collegiate C3 ( 1} FF

Pi Kap pa Phi Properties C7 (3) D F

W illiam L Corbin Jr. C 1 (7)

R J Reichmuth ( I ) P

Jack Daniels (1) P

Ms. Joanne Roll (I)

Schoor DePalma C3 (3) F

Ms. Barbara Rosenberg ( 1)

Mi ke Duckworth ( 1) P

Joseph M Sarrubo (I) P

Mrs Elizabeth A Fehr C2 (3) F

Mr and Mrs James M Sa ul (1)

Mr & Mrs Frederick D Foy C i (1)

Mr & Mrs Schmidt (1)

John W Galuchie ( 1) P

Mr & Mrs BenD Showalter (I)

Mr & Mrs T ho mas J GraffC4 ( 1)

M T Sibley (I) P

Sh irley L H ardee C6 (5) OF

Brad Sloan ( 1) P

Bob H estand (2)

Mrs Terrie Sm ith (2)

Dean Ho (I) P

M r Robert C Snecken berger (I)

Ms Cynthia G H owell (2)

T he Bollman Family C4 (1) D F

Mr C hris Hulme (I) P

M r and M rs G len A Veal Cl (I)

Mt & Mrs Charles W Jinright C l (I) F

Mr and Mrs J M Voynich C3 (I)

Ms Louise H King (I)

Mr & Mrs Walter Walkenhorst Ill (1)

Mr & Mrs Gerald M Kozlow (1)

Mr & Mrs Ronald G Webber (I)

D avid M Kubicki (I) P

Mr & Mrs Wi lliam H Wietstruck ( 1)

Ms Nancy Larsen( 2)

Mr & Mrs Robert Yang (1)


Key to Giving Clubs NC-Charlotte (Delta Lambda)

Bowling Green (Delta Sigma)


W. S. J Barber III C2 (4) F Michael J Bolton C2 (6) F Gerald A Burger (I) C hristopher P Cannon C4 (1 8) Damon J DiO rio (I) Robert W Fisher Jr. C2 (1 3) Michael R G rubbs (I) Eric R H agemeyer (3) P Mark C H all C2 (7) DavidS Higgins C2 (14) Wilfum Cja:ioon Jc C4 (1 0) NF Phillip M Ludwig (I ) C harles A Marus C3 ( I 7) William S Mumfo rd (2) H oward A Petree (2) Frarris C Pro:rorJc C4 (18) N PF Terry A ReedC I (4) Brian C Spann (I ) Bobby L Starling J r (2) Richard J Tyler (I)

John P Babel C I (2) F T homas J Gadus (I) Keith M H alderman (2) Kenneth N Kaiser C5( 12) 0 P F Antho ny M Kalich C 2 (5) James T Karlovec (I ) Mark E Krach (4) Thomas G Krach C I (7) Joseph R Phillips (2) John H Shuck ( I) John R Spa nnuth III (2)

$100-$249 Cl

Methodist (Delta Mu) Kurt C C lack (I) Jeffery S Deitz ( I )

Western Kentucky (Delta Nu) J. R Miller C l (6) Donn E Sapp C2 (9)

North Alabama (Delta Xi) Geo rge F Blue ( I) Thomas A Davis (I) Stephen A Pi rkle C2 ( I I) William Z Womack (1 ) Edgar R Woodis Jr C l (5)

Nicholls State (Delta Omicron) Jacques D Frere C2 ( 16) Michael L Gravois( 3) RayS Hebert C l (13)

James Madison (Delta Tau) John S Bittinger C l (4) Shanno n P Byrne (5) Dax M Gay (I) Bruce Hauptman (2) Jerry P Keilsohn C4 (17) Kenneth R Kiser C l (5) Todd W LAmoreaux (I) Steven M Mills (2) Kenneth R Rand Ill C l (7) William C Taylo r Jr. (I) BrianD Walsh C l (4)

Gary K H amilton (I) Bruce A Hollingworth C 1 {10) Jam es A Martin C2 (I 0) Bruce K Rockwell C4 (17) F Ralph E Waugh C 1 (6)

Southern California (Delta Rho) Randall E Corber C2 (1 3) Louis R Fri tz C l (7) Edward A Lang Ill C3 (I 8) Al anD Wapner C I (7)

Chevron Club

$250-$499 Cl Gold Star Club

$500-$999 C4 Executive Director's Club

Pittsburgh (Delta Upsilon) John R Hill ( I) Douglas J Marting C I (2) Thomas L Mauro Jr. (2) H oward E Simon C l (17) Matthew M Wall (2) Anto ni M Wi chryk (2)

Radford (Delta Phi) R. C Brosi C l (2) Dennis L Jarvis (2) Gene E Lane Jr. (3) D avid M Lombardi{! ) John H Shuck (I) John R Spannuth III (2)

M ichael W Austin C l (6) Jeffrey C Bullok (3) P Edward L Enyeart (2) Aaron M Floersch (2) David H Geo rge C2 (8) Aaron C Green (2) Jeffrey D Headrick (2) Michael C Kallas C3 (8) F Lawrence Keller C3 (4) P F Andrew G Lammers C2 (7) Kelly A Meek C I (3) Jeffrey L Meister C2 (9) Lee J Mueller ( I) Neil L Neaderhiser ( I) Gregg D Pfister (I )

Antho ny M Georgis (I) Angel H errera J r (I ) Enos C Inniss ( I ) Michael E Kearney (I ) Tyler F Krehlik (2) Kenneth J Martinec (2) Bryan K Moss (2) Robert L Moss (I) Rya n W Presley (I ) Jeffrey B Stracener (I)


Elon College (Epsilon Alpha)

Lamplighter's Club

Mark A Brammer (2) Todd R C lark (2)


$2,500-$4,999 C6 Foundation Club

$5,000-$9,999 C7

Grand Valley State (Epsilon Beta) Ted R Lukomski C5 ( 16) F

Council Club


Longwood (Epsilon Gamma)

Order of the Bell

Rodney S Butler ( I) James R Dunn (2) Brian V Go mes (2) Adam B Lee (I ) Robert S MeAra C3 ( 16) John K Murphy (2) Dale W Rankin C2 (15) M ichael A Wh itlock (I) P


$25,000-$49,999 C9 1904 Society

Kansas State (Delta Chi) Wright State (Delta Pi)

Crossed Swords Club

$50,000-$99,999 CIO Founders' Club

$100,00 and up

Auburn-Montgomery (Epsilon Delta) William T Ryan (I) Jeff A Schugart C I (8) Daniel C Strafu ss (I) C raig A Swenso n C l (3)

Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Keith L. Ackerman (4) H r.nry G Bell III C l (9) Bill y L Jacobs C4 (9) NF Mark F Jacobs C5 (15) N D F Geo ffrey W Justice (I ) P Michael J Laningham (I ) P Jeffrey D Longueville (I) Michael A Mu rzin ( I ) Anthony Robledo IV (2) W illiam T Svihel C3 ( 17) Brian K T hibodeau {1) P Roger Trevino J r (I ) P Keith L W hitt C2 (6) F路

TexasA&M (Delta Omega) Edward R Bryan (I ) David R Carlson (4) M ichael W Copeland (I ) Jason K Dodd C4 (9) P FF

Tohn T Andrews C2 (7) Mark R C line C2 (5) F Mark Free (2) Robert P Gallagher Jr. (I ) Phillip S G ray (I ) Kevin D H artfo rd (2) T imothy N H atch (I) James E Hinkle C I (2) David M Smith Jr C3 (15) C harles T Sullivan Jr. (2) Daniel C Weaver MD C2 {1 0) F

Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon) George R Becerra C l (3) C urtis L Bucholz (I) D Michael Cbnathan C4(14)N FF David E G rimes ( I) P Lee H Lewis C 2 (7) Jason M Rodriguez (I) P Jay P Stanley ( I)

Winthrop (Epsilon Eta) Joel H Byars C3 ( 15) Lyle S Cassell (I) Darryl W Cleveland (I ) Edward S Donaldson (I) Jeffrey A Mahoney C2 (8) James T Stephenson (3) John H Tuckwiller (I )

Seton Hall (Epsilon Theta) C harles A Cygal (I ) P Joseph V Del G uercio (4) Leonardo S DePalma C2 (1 4) Richard P H aber (3) P Joseph G Heredia J r (I) Randy J Levchuk (I ) P Robert M Maio ne (I ) William F Maurice (2) John J Moller (2) Daniel Stewart (I)

NC-Greensboro (Epsilon Iota) James J Cole C I (6) Camden T Coley (I ) Brian Coon {I ) David B C raft C I (8) Michael J Devlin (I ) Co rbin W Di rks (I) Erik A Enberg (I) RichardT Kennedy II ( I) G regory R Knowles (I) Bruce P O ' Keefe (I) Alan B Overbey 2) Paul G Philips (I ) Randy B Poole ( I) Byron H Price (2) Neal T Saunders (I ) James L Shaw C2 (7) Michael T Spohn (2) Ellio tt C Wilson C l (5)

South Polytech State (Epsilon Kappa) H oward E Burch C2 (8) D aniel M Ga ines (I) Henry Huang (I) Timothy S Jackso C 2 (3) F Daniel A Lennon Cl (2) F Michael R Moo re( 2) P D avid L Nelso n C2 (5) P F Timothy A Parham (2) James A Ranso m C3 (14) F Buddy L Sawyer {I) Bruce D Sutherl and ( I) Bertinson N Vu C2 (8) F

Central Arkansas (Epsilon Zeta) James R Barker C I (7) Jo hn L Bearden C4 (15) F Richard H Dixon Jr. C2 {14)

SC-Spartanburg (Epsilon Lambda) Francis B Allgood (1 ) P

"No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave. " - Calvin Coolidge

Paul T Collins (I) P William B Dominick (I ) P Don K Foster (I ) Howard T Nel mes C I (3) Wi lliam S Weathers Jr. C4 (14) F

Stephen C Ferraro (5) Francis H ager Jr. C I ( I) F David P Pelos (I)

VA - Commonwealth (Epsilon Pi) Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Donald J C hapman (I) David J Evers (2) Benjamin J Frank (2) Gregory B Jumbeck (I) P G lenn C Losinski ( I) Jonathan B Lyon C2 ( I) NF Hector M Martinez C I (3) Jason D McDowell C2 (7) Robert M Priest ( I ) Paul T Rice C2 (3) F Brando n 0 Webber (4) P Paul G Witt (I)

Donald R Blanron(2) Travis S Burks(2)

Key to 1998

Contributions F Fellow

$100-$499 in 1998 FF Foundation Fellow

$500-$999 in 1998 Cal. State-Sacramento (Epsilon Nu) Richard J Barr C I (5) Lawrence M Ko lterman (2) Robert E Langbein C4 (9) N F Jayson G Louie C4 (7) F Steven Lucchetti (5) Steven A Wa ng ( I )

LaSalle University (Epsilon Xi) Joseph P D 'Aiuto ( I) Francis A Hayakawa C I (2) Nicholas A Lordi C I (4) P F Craig R Murray C I (2) Todd J Stender (2)

Villanova (Epsilon Omicron) Joseph T Baumgardner C2 (5) Joseph A Brady lll C3 (7) FF Patrick J Brala C2 (7) Glenn Cackovic ( I) Terence Dalton (I)

OF Distinguished Fellow

$1,000 and up in 1998 N Nu Phi Society

Five Supreme Chapters, $150 initiation fee, $10 for each year of membership in Pi Kappa Phi

Jerome J Golden Jr(l) David C MenkC I (5) Gera ld W Satterfield (!) David J Strayer( I) Richard M Szala( I) Henry G Tayloe Ill ( I ) Everett N Taylor Ill (2) Sherman D Ware(2)

Lenoir-Rhyne (Epsilon Rho) Nathaniel A Bickford (I) Todd C Burwell (2) Stephen L C raig (I) Mark H Dellinger (3) Timothy M Gast C I ( I) F Richard L Gerardi (I) Ro nald L Ingram C I (2) F Donald RJarboe C I (8) Robert F Moates II ( I ) William R Rh yne Jr. C I (7) Marshall S Spinks ( I) Jeffrey W Volerro (2)

Christian Brothers (Epsilon Sigma) Beau B Bradburn (I) John P Brizzolara J r ( I ) Barry E C um mins Jr. (I) David M Curbo ( I) Thomas M Do lan (2) Richard L Erickso n C2 (7) Carlos A H ernandez (I) Raymond H Saunderson C2 (8) David B Thomas IV CI (4) Brian A Ward C I (4) Ted A W ilder C l (3) P Wi lliam M W ilso n C3 (8) F

0 Owen Initiative

St. Joseph's (Epsilon Tau)


Jo nathan P Baker ( I) Thomas C Gallina (I) Bernard J McCue ( I) Robert F Thomas (2) Thomas P Wi lson C2 (8) Andrew Zirpoli (3)

President's Circle

$50 in 1998 for alumni, $15 per year for undergraduates


Georgia College (Epsilon Upsilon)

Clemson (Zeta Alpha)

Roy W Baker C I (4) F Johnny T C leveland C I (3) Donald M C rume ( I) P David G Daniell ( I) Jason R Fischl C I (2) F David L Hoh nadel C I (3) P James M Horne (2) Blair D Mahaffey (2) Jason P Miles (2) David E O sburn (2) John J Pittard (I) P Roger G Sm ith C3 (3) 0 FF Kevin T Theobald (2) P William C Williams ( I) Todd R Worley C l (4)

Walter S C herry ( I) Scott C Gasparini C2 (8) N F Mark E Moehring (4) Michael A Perrotta (I) Robert F Turn er Ill (2) Douglas W Weeks ( I ) Frank Yarborough C I (3)

California- San Diego (Zeta Beta) Andrew J C hapman C2 (6) W illiam B Sparks (2)

North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) Alabama-Birmingham (Epsilon Phi) Joseph P Austin (2) Mark H Ca ntavespre ( I) Arthur B Ennis Jr. C2 (7) Scott L McLeod C I (I) P F

Slippery Rock (Epsilon Psi) David J Co nn C2 (4) Michael E Dupu is (2) P Scot A Greiner C3 (3) F Alan Hilling C l (4) John J Locher ( I) Daniel P Lynch (2) Mark W Lyons (I) Kenneth R Masztak C I (3) F J Scott Pi Iotti ( I) James Ramsey Cl (8)

Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) Juan P Alvarez (I) P Brett D Born I) Peter L Dudl ey (2) William D Fisher (2) Eric Z Gnann (I ) Matthew K Grigsby (I ) Thomas A Hood (I ) P Toby J Kubis (I) James A Kuch ( I) P John S Mapes ( I) John W McAnally ( I) Bradley J Neu (2) Todd B Oberheu ( I) Drew A Roberso n ( I) Andrew W Rowe (2) James T Sm ith C2 (8) G regory P Smith ( I) Gregory B Turner ( I ) P N icholas R Tu rn er ( I ) P Jason S Valerius ( I) James A Wedd ing C I (2) Robert E Welsh C3 (7) F Wardell C Wright Jr (2)

James E Anderso n (2) Darrell A Denny C l (3) P Steven A Gosnell (2) Kreg R Kennedy (2) David W Kirkland Cl (7) Joe C Kraft C2 (7) Michael B Lane (3) Stephen A Marks (2) David M Peterson (2) C hristopher T Roden biker (2) Steward E Sandstrom C3 (I 0) PF John G Schani lec (2) P Jay A Schell ( I) Parry J Schmeichel C I (3) Eric R Ulm er ( I) Jonathon M Weiss (I) M ichael A Welvaert C2 (7)

Shippensburg (Zeta Delta) C had A Alban (2) James T Fahey C I (3) F Wi lliam E Fetterolf (2) T imothy J Heffner (I ) Richard H Hiltn er C I (5) Ga ry A Kearns ( I) Michael G Lambert (I) Matthew J LaNeve (I)

Dallas L Reed (2)

George Mason (Zeta Epsilon) Jeffrey M Armstrong C l (4) Rex S C hen C l (3) Alan P Duesterhaus C2 (5) Duane R Embrey (I) John B Hope (I) Michael T Lacy (I) Joseph W Lentini (2) Eric H Lindenberg C3 (3) F Wayne F Matthews ( I) Fernando AMico (1) Timothy J Quick C l (6) Dan T Stanford (4) Joseph L Suarez (2)


Scholarships & Grants The Foundarion awards 12 scholarships ro Pi Kappa Ph i members rhar are lead ers in rheir chaprer, schoo l and in rh e classroom . J u niors or Seniors who are well- rounded on rheir local cam pus, fill o ur an applicarion and wrire an essay. Those who sco re rhe high esr (based o n recommendarions by a five-m ember scho larship comm irree) receive a $500 scholarship from rhe Foundarion. The Foundarion also provides seve ral chaprer specific scholarships rhrough rh e C h aprer lnvesrm enr Fu nd program, as a resulr, local alumn i groups award over 35 scholarsh ips each year. C haprers rh ar wam ro build or renovare a libra ry or co m purer lab in rheir ch aprer ho use can receive a gram from rhe Pi Kappa Phi Foundarion. Those chaprer houses m eering spec ifi c c rireria ser by rhe IRS and h ave an acrive C haprer lnvesrmenr Fund a re eligible. To qualifY, space in rhe chaprer house has ro be d es ignared as I 00 percenr educarional. Gra m s also can be used for hardwir ing com purer modem lin es, a nd provide ruirion for leadership schools.

Alabama-Birmingham (Epsilon Phi) Joseph P Austin (2) Mark H Canravespre (I) Arrhur BEnnis Jr. C2 (7) Score L McLeod C I (I) P F

Clemson (Zeta Alpha) Walter S C herry ( I) Score C Gasparin i C2 (8) N F Ma rk E Moehring (4) Michael A Perrotta (I) Roberr F Turner Ill (2) Douglas \Y/ Weeks ( I) Frank Yarborough C I (3)

Slippery Rock (Epsilon Psi) David J Co nn C2 (4) Michael E Dupuis (2) P Scot A Grei ner C3 (3) F Alan Hilling C I (4) John J Locher (I) Daniel P Lynch (2) Mark \'II Lyons ( I) Kenneth R Masztak C I (3) F J Score Pi Iotti (I) James Ramsey C I (8)

Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega) Juan P Alvarez (I) P Brerr D Born I) Peter L Dudley (2) W illiam D Fisher (2) Eric Z G nann (I) Marrhew K G rigsby (I) T homas A Hood ( I) P Toby J Kubis (I) James A Kuch (I) P John S Mapes (I) John \'II McAnally ( I) Brad ley J Neu (2) Todd B Oberheu (l) Drew A Roberson (I) Andrew \'II Rowe (2) James T Smith C2 (8) Gregory P Sm ith ( l ) Gregory B Turner (I) P Nicholas R Turner (I) P Jason S Valerius (I) James A Weddi ng C I (2) Roberr E Welsh C3 (7) F Wardell C Wright Jr (2)

California-San Diego (Zeta Beta) Andrew J Chapman C2 (6) W illiam B Sparks (2)

North Dakota (Zeta Gamma) James E Anderson (2) Darrell A Denny C I (3) P Steven A Gosnell (2) Kreg R Kennedy (2) David \Y/ Kirkland C I (7) Joe C Kraft C2 (7) Michael B Lane (3) Stephen A Marks (2) David M Peterson (2) Chrisropher T Roden biker (2) Steward E Sandstrom C3 (I0) PF John G Schanil ec (2) P Jay A Schell (I) Parry J Schmeichel C I (3) Eric R Ulmer (I) Jon athon M Weiss (I) Michael A \'1/elvaerr C2 (7)

Shippensburg (Zeta Delta) C had A Alban (2) James T Fahey C l (3) F Wi lliam E Fetterolf (2) Timothy J Heffner ( I) Richard H H iltner C I (5) Gary A Kearns ( I) Michael G Lamberr ( I) Marrhew J LaNeve (I)

Dallas L Reed (2)

George Mason (Zeta Epsilon) Jeffrey M Armsrro ng C I (4) Rex S C hen C I (3) Alan P Duesterhaus C2 (5) Duane R Embrey ( I) John B Ho pe (I) Michael T Lacy ( I) Joseph \'II Lenrini (2) Eric H Lindenberg C3 (3) F Wayne F Matthews ( I) Fernando AMico (I) Timothy J Quick C I (6) Da n T Stanford (4) Joseph L Suarez (2)

North Florida (Zeta Zeta) Steven J Borowiec C2 (8) Roger R Calafato (2) Roberr H Cheyne Jr. C I (2) Sean P Cokeley (I) Jo nathan R Fleetwood (I) George \'II Knecht (2) David E Manning Jr (2) T imothy L Miller (2) Jaso n D Nase ( I) Ash ley T Payne (I) P C had A Perce (I) W illiam] Powers ( I) John C Powers (I) John C Powers J r C2 (5) P F W ill iam TRay Jr. (3) Richard E Tanner (I) P

Chad \'II Forsberg(!) Eduardo G uerra 111 (5) Lester L HuangC I(2)F Tracy D MadduxC2(7) Cra ig D Mi ller( I) Paul R Suarez(!)

John N Nickolas C3 (5) F John E Nickolas Sr. (2) Barry H Rizzo Jr. (2) Joseph V Rizzuto C I (4)

Averett (Zeta Xi) I.U.P. (Zeta Iota) Scott A Hamilron (I ) Vaughn Koter (2) James A Shutrleworrh (2) Stephen E Whitby C3 (3) P F

Stockton State (Zeta Kappa) Eric E Bandomer (I) Richa rd T Brameyer (I) Erick R. McPherson (I) Steven C Meincke (5)

Cal. State-Chico (Zeta Lambda) Shawn L Grubb (3) P G regg S Lloyd (2) Todd E N icholson C I (4) Jonathan H Smith (3)

Cal. State-Northridge (Zeta Mu)

Roberr V Alexander (2) Brian F Campbell C I (5) Mark A Cervantes C I (4) Rafael Cervantes C I (3) Timothy J C hambers (I) Shawhan J Hillmyer Jr (I) Bradl ey G Johnson Jr. (I) Roberr E Perkins II C2 (7) P David J Thomas C I (6)

SUNY-Cortland (Zeta Omicron) Stanley J Berrschu k C I (3) Brian T Clancy C I (2) F W illiam P Connors (I ) Roberr K H anson (2) Chrisropher T Kane ( I) Shaun R Knasick (2) Hank M Mahaffy (I) Brian L Zane ( I)

Cal. State-Fullerton (Zeta Rho)

Score M Stei n (I)

Jamie J Chien (I) P Jesse R Perez (I) P Randy L Plaice (2) P Michael J Sakai (2) Todd M Schneider ( I) Score S Shap iro (I ) Roger \'II Stepp ( I) Justi n F Turner ( I) Gavi n T Z immer CI (3)

Roberr B Becker (I) Michael \'II Billups (I) Alan R Boer C I (2) F Eric R Bowler ( l ) Stephen M Byork Ill C2 (4) F John M Deacy C2 (6) Arm ando R Sa nbra no (2) Phil Shen (l) Victor C Valencia C2 (4) N F Brenr H Wilford (2)

Texas-Austin (Zeta Theta)

West Chester (Zeta Nu)

California-Davis (Zeta Sigma)

Russell S Alabastro ( I)

Gregg M Holtzman (I)

Sean P G reen (2)

South Florida (Zeta Eta)


"The foundation ofevery state is the education of its youth. " - Diogenes Anthony J Moses (!) Michael Schivo (I ) John D Sybersma (2) Henry C Tyra III (! )

Kevin D Yates C l (5)

Concord (Eta Alpha)

William Carboni (!) Timothy W Hewlett (2) Stephen T Matthews (2) Timothy A Osborn (2) Jason T Ricks (2) Jason R Staley (1 ) P

David L Everett (I ) Phi ll ip A !go C2 (6) Joseph L Jenkins (I ) P Byoungwoo Kwak (I) Christopher A Lann a (I) Jon W Payne (2) Michael S Spain C l (2) Joshua D Stasium (I) John E T hompson (I) William J Upchurch (I) P

Bloomsburg (Zeta Upsilon)

Indiana State (Eta Beta)

James Galgano (!) Frank LuckangeloC I (4) Thomas M Muller(2) Behzad D Noubary(l) Richard G Pellito (I) Jason J Weimer(!)

Daniel R Cummings(2) David J Rea(2) Charles L Tetrick(! )

Barton (Zeta Tau)

Honor Gifts Colorado State (Zeta Phi) Bryan D Clardy (I ) Gregory W Clardy (I) Corey L Dillon (I ) Tobias L Larson (! ) Ryan D Mauff (3) David R Mitchell (I) Chris Olson (1 ) Grant E Windholz(! )

Albright (Zeta Chi) John J Dasher Jr. (!) Douglas E Deihl (I) Phill ip R Faso (! ) P Sung N Ki m (I ) Richard G Mabus III (2)

I.U.P.U.I. (Zeta Psi) Lance K Burnside C3 (6) F Christopher Michael Cordell (I ) Phi ll ip A Davenport (!) P James R Griffin III C2 (6) P Ben W Hughett (I ) P Bradley K McKuhen C l (4) P Charles Joseph Schafer (3) Glenn M Shanahan II C l (2) Joseph M Talley (I )

Towson (Zeta Omega) Brian C Dempsey (4) Mark A Koenig (I ) George E Li nares (I) Reid A Mitnick (2) Charles W Slagle V (2) Benjamin D Wade (4)

John P Bollman by The Bo ll man Fami ly D avid Lane by Kel ley Bergst rom Robert Lane by Kelley Bergstrom

Memorial Gifts

"To give away money is an easy matter and in any man's power. But to decide to whom to give it, and how large and when, and for what purpose and how, is neither in every man's power nor an easy matter." - Aristotle

Chapter Investment Funds The Chapter Investment Funds are endowed funds set aside for each participating chapter. When the money in a fund reaches $5,000, the fund becomes active and allows interest gained by the fund to be used for educational purposes by the chapter. The following people contributed to the Chapter Investment Funds in 1998: North Carolina (Kappa) Joseph T Bell MD David R Caudle Alvin W Daughtridge Glenn D Dodson Jr. Jeffrey G Dotson Mark R Gorham Russell N Hadley CFP Aaron L Hagler W Stuart Hicks Floyd C Hood Jr. Cameron S Huffman John S Peddycord William K Rollins Charles C Seabrook Scott T Self John T Sherrill Robert C White James M Wilmott Paul C Wimbish Mark H Winston

Jody N ied enthaJ by D u rwa rd Owen

South Carolina (Sigma) Luke T Meisenbacher

M ary M oore wife of Wayne Moore by Durwa rd Owen

Illinois (Upsilon) Richard F Bangert Russell A Tomes

W illiam L. Knox by the W ill iam Knox fami ly

Purdue (Omega) Duane M Davis Donald F Eslick Alfred G Kirchner Jr. Patrick J Kuhnle

Robe rt E . W illiams by the Robert Will iams f.uni.ly James W. Flesh man by the James Fleshman f.uni.ly D eLos Carroll by the D eLos Carro ll family Robert H . M oorer by the William Knox fami ly

Mercer (Alpha Alpha) Benjamin B Bush Washinpn (Alpha Delta) Evan A Erickson Michael M Young Florida (Alpha Epsilon) David WHenn Oreaon State

Gerald Satterfield by Mr. & Mrs. Odell Satterfield

(Alpha Zeta) Derek J Brice

Penn State (Alpha Mu) David M Kyle Iowa State (Alpha Omicron) Kelley A Bergstrom Jeremy D Galvin WiUiam J Rickert Anthony J Sindt Rensselaer (Alpha Tau) William H Baldwin

Kansas State (Delta Chi) Lawrence Keller Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi) Keirn L Whitt Bradley (Epsilon Mu) Hector M Martinez

N .J.I. T. (Beta Alpha) Alvin Olsen

Villanova (Epsilon Omicron) Joseph T Baumgardner Patrick J Brala Terence Dalton Francis Hager Jr. David P Pelos Villanova PKP Alumni Society

Missouri (Beta Epsilon) Brian A Eiserman

Christian Brothers (Epsilon Sigma) William M Wilson

Florida State (Beta Eta) Thomas H Atwood William J Niedenchal

UAB (Epsilon Phi) Scotr L McLeod

Indiana (Alpha Psi) Rodney L Gunning limochy A Mercer Paul T Sullivan

Central Mlchlpn (Beta Xi) Donald E Perry Barton (Zeta Tau) John-Paul H Lyons Geof'lla Southern (Gamma Kappa) Robert A Sullivan

CA State-Fullerton (Zeta Rho) John M Deacy Concord (Eta Alpha) Michael S Spain Colorado-Boulder (Eta Gamma) Garron M Bateman Robert R Gould IV Randall J Papc Samuel K Scupham

Truman State (Delta Delta) Vernon E Wunnenberg Jr.

UCLA (Eta Sigma) Mr Eric S Yang

Appalachian State (Delta Zeta) William E Maycock

Friends of the Fraternity Shirley L Hardee


SUNY-Brockport (Eta Lambda)

Southwest Texas (Eta Rho)

Richard W Alden C 1 (2) J Scott Atki nson C2 (2) F Scott W Elliotto (1 ) Vincent A LaMacchia (1) P Edward S LoPresto (1 ) Kevin D LoPresto (1 ) Daniel R Mack (2) Richard T Nolan J r (1 ) Jeremy J Nothnagle ( 1) Azel J Price (1) Richard J Sham us (1 ) James S Slaiman (2)

Dwight R Batch (1 ) P Russell E Batch (I ) Ed I LeDuc (1 ) Brett J Lee (3) P Ian K Martin (1 ) P Robert L Moffett III (1 )

W ingate (Eta Mu) Jeffrey T Brown (1) Gordon L Holder (2) Lonnie J Knowles C 1 (2) F Robert S Poston (1 ) Mason L Randall (2) Rodney C Rauch (2)

California-Los Angeles (Eta Sigma) John T Hendricks (3) P Ryan M Schroeter (1) Eric S Yang C I (2) F

Kentucky (Eta Tau) William C Goetz II (I ) P T homas J Mueller (I ) P Taylor C Stephens (1) P

Samuel K Scupham C1 (1 ) F Steven J Stewart C 1 (1 ) F Ian R Walsworth (4) PKennesaw (Eta Delta) Jonathan M Collins (2) Robert D Evans (3) P Alton D Fortney (3) Patrick T Fu ller (1 ) P Robert K Henson C1 (3) Kevin M Kline (1 ) Woodrow L McEver C 1 (I ) F Joseph Sassenberger III ( ! )

Maryland (Eta Epsilon) John E Bender ( 1) Paul E Brown (2) Wesley J Butts C 1 (4) Michael J Friedman (2) Ross W Knoblauch C2 (5) Daniel J Knox (1 ) Erik W Shipley (I ) Paul H Snider (2)

Miami of Ohio (Eta Upsilon) Pennsylvania (Eta Nu) David L Gallo (1) Lawrence A Litr (1)

Mark E Fi tzgerald (I) P Michael J Heaton (1 ) P Joel A Kammeyer (I ) David C Lizak (1) P William C Twiss (1 ) Patrick Wi lloughby (1 )

Queens (Eta Zeta) Stewart P Blake C4 (2) F Matthew H Heslin (1 ) Michael L Register (1) David A Scott (2) Travis E Wallace (I )

SUNY-Albany (Eta X i) Keith L Ball (2) Seth A Friedland (2) James P G raney (1 ) Michael A Moscari (1 ) Daniel P Schlosser (1) Richard A Tallarico (3) Todd M Wangler C 1 (3) P

San Francisco State (Eta Omicron) Rip Bains (3) Raymond J Bernheim (1 ) P William E Burke J r (1) Donovan H Davis (I ) Aaron S Dong (I ) Joshua C Fergu ( 1) Kenneth C Gibson (I ) P Gareth S Grandt (2) John N Harasciuk C 1 (3) P James A Jeunelot (I) Paul A Kafader IV C J (I ) F

Coastal Carolina (Eta Pi) David J Myroup (2) P Roben S Shelton (I) Nathan L Westfall (1)

U.M.B.C . (Eta Phi) Brian P Sanders (I ) P Christopher M Worrall (1 ) P

California-Irvine (Eta Eta) ArthurS Charchian CI (2) Steven T Roussey (3) James A Senechal C4 (6) F

Texas Christian (Eta Chi) James P Chustz (1 ) Marrhew D Louis (1 ) P Wi ll iam H Pinnell III (1 ) P Benjamin Roman (I ) P DavidS Taylor (I ) P

EasierWays to Give In 1998, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation created some new ways in which alumni can make a contribution ro the Foundation. The Pi Kappa Phi Foundation now accepts rhe American Express card. They also have adopted the technology for alumni ro make monthly contributions direcdy from their checking accounts. Electronic Transfers (EFT's) can be done with the copy of a cancelled check and an authorization lerrer ro rhe Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. If you are interested in making a contributions ro the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation using one of these new methods, contact the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, P.O. Box 240526 Charlone, NC 28224-0526 or (704) 504-0888 exr. 112.

National President's Circle The National President's Circle is the undergraduate-giving club of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Upon joining the National President's Circle, members pay $15 per year and continue to give after graduation $50 per year. National President's Circle members receive a lapel pin and are invited to a reception at Pi Kapp College and Supreme Chapter. Only undergraduate members are listed below. Alumni that have continued their memberships are denoted in the Lifetime Giving Clubs section.

Charleston (Alpha) San Francisco (Eta Theta) Tait A An berg (I ) James K O lin (2) Saravanan Soundararajan (I )

Mr Thomas L H udson Mr Jason E Maglaughlin

Christopher Newport (Eta Iota)

Eron Ashley (2) Garron M Bateman C I (I ) F Todd A Boyd (I ) P Brian P Colson (I) P Robert R Gould IV C J (2) F Kevin D G raff (I ) P Marcus J Hagar (1 ) Bret M Heidemann C2 (6) F Kenneth J Heidemann (2) Peter B McElvaney (2) Zackery D Moxcey (4) Randall J Pape C3 (1) FF Jeffrey L Risom (I ) P

Timothy D Campbell C2 (4) P F Eric W O lsen (I ) Milton D Roman Jr (I ) P David A Young (1)

Plattsburgh (Eta Kappa) Kevin McCarroll (1 ) Kevin M McDermorr ( I) P Mark W Nolan (3) Craig R Plarr (2) Paul M Schneeioch J r ( 1)

Doug Beers Mr Mark Fung

Furman (Delta) Mr Kenneth A Kuenzli II

Stetson (Chi)

Wofford (Zeta)

Mr Gabriel L Gehret Mr John-Michael E Lenahan M r Ryan S Padnuk

Mr Asa W Stafford

Colorado (Eta Gamma)

Illinois (Upsilon)

Georgia Tech (Iota) M r Kevin B Kessler M r John Q Sindell Jr Mr Steven S Diamond

Purdue (Omega) Mr Andrew R Parker

Georgia (Lambda)

Oklahoma (Gamma)

M r Lawrence T Baldree M r Carl R Varnedoe

Mr Nathaniel D Pena Mr Michael T Dean

Roanoke (Xi)

Washington (Alpha Delta)

Mr Stephen E Kuertz

NC State (Tau) M r Jeffrey M Roberrs

Mr David C Pace Mr Ryan M McCaskey Mr Adam C Prewett


"Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take nothing that you have received- only what you have given: a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice, and courage. " - St. Francis ofAssisi

Top I 0 Giving Chapters

Alpha Omicron Xi Alpha Epsilon Omicron Beta Alpha Iota Kappa Upsilon Alpha Iota Omega

Auburn (Alpha Iota) Mr John J Sanders Mr Bryan C Jones

Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Mr Mark A Much Mr Gram A Gasbarro

N.J.I.T. (Beta Alpha) Mr Kenneth J Scheck Jr

Florida State(Beta Eta) Mr Chad S Bosrak Mr John D Hill

Georgia State (Beta Kappa) Mr Christopher S Thompson N[r Jong P Lee

Tampa (Beta Lambda) Mr Brandon J Baker

Central Michigan (Beta Xi) Mr Troy J Stowell Mr Brian A Battani Mr Kevin P Kelly Mr Sean D Radcliffe Mr William M Slusher

Valdosta State (Beta Tau) Mr Micah P Gremillion Mr Michael L Senwn Mr Timothy R Steedley Mr Marrhew J Toeniskoetter Mr Benjamin T Powell Mr Eric W Knight

West Alabama (Gamma Alpha) Mr Jason P Jackson Mr Seth C Jackson Mr Damon F Marbut

$22,828 $17,577 $10,949 $10,597 $7,163 $6,758 $5,854 $5,657 $5,322 $5,291

Troy State (Gamma Gamma)

Appalachian State (Delta Zeta)

Mr Timothy M Schmidt Mr John P Browning Mr William A Whigham Mr Jeremy C Luker

Memphis (Gamma Delta) Mr Stephen M Mosher Mr Joshua I Newman Mr T Tyson O 'Guin Mr Todd M Peterson Mr Keith D Thole

SUNY-Brockport (Eta Lambda)

Mr John R Hollmeyer

Mr James A Kuch Mr Gregory B Turner Mr Nicholas R Turner

Morhead State (Delta Eta)

North Florida (Zeta Zeta)

San Francisco State (Eta Omicron)

Mr Jason D Elliott

Mr Ashley T Payne Mr Richard E Tanner

Kenneth C Gibson

Texas-Arlington (Delta Psi)

Cal. State-Ch ico (Zeta Lambda)

Mr Michael J Laningham Mr Brian K Thibodeau

Mr Shawn L Grubb

Clinch Valley (Epsilon Epsilon)

Cal. State- Northridge (Zeta Mu)

Mr Gareth B Robertson

Mr David E Grimes Mr Jason M Rodriguez

Mr Jamie J Chien Mr Randy L Plaice Mr Jesse R Perez

Georgia Southwestern (Gamma Xi)

Seton Hall (Epsilon Theta)

Mr Stephen D Perkins Mr James E Erue Mr Christopher W Dukes

Mr Charles A Cygal Mr Randy J Levchuk Mr Michael R Moore

LaGrange (Gamma Nu)

Lander (Gamma Rho) Mr Kenneth N Capps Jr Mr Robert L Wemzky Mr Steven C Gossett Mr Jeremy W Inabinet

SC-Spartanburg (Espilon Lambda) Mr Paul T Collins Mr Francis B Allgood

Barton (Zeta Tau) Mr Jason R Staley

Southwest Texas (Eta Rho) Mr Ian K Marrin Mr Brett J Lee Mr Dwight R Barch

Kentucky (Eta Tau) Mr Taylor C Stephens

Miami of Ohio (Eta Upsilon) Mr Michael J Hearon Mr David C Lizak

Albright (Zeta Chi)

U.M .B.C. (Eta Phi)

Mr Phillip R Faso

Mr Christopher M Worrall Mr Brian P Sanders

I.U.P.U.I. (Zeta Psi) Mr Phillip A Davenport

Concord (Eta Alpha) Bradley (Epsilon Mu)

Mr Vincent A LaMacchia

Mr William J Upchurch Mr Joseph L Jenkins

Oklahoma State (Gamma Upsilon)

Mr Gregory B Jumbeck

Mr Adrian G Cardenas

Georgia College (Epsilon Upsilon)

South Alabama (Gamma Ph i)

Mr John J Pittard Mr Donald M Crume

Mr Kevin D Graff Mr Jeffrey L Risom Mr Brian P Colson

Mr Brian P Bradley Mr Isaac A Smith Mr Ashley M DeLaune Mr Anthony D Hollman

Slippery Rock (Epsilon Psi)

Kennesaw State (Eta Delta)

Mr Michael E Dupuis

Mr Robert D Evans M r Parrick T Fuller

Truman State (Delta Delta)

Texas Tech (Epsilon Omega)

Mr Scott B Simmons Mr John M Challis

Mr Thomas A Hood Mr Juan P Alvarez

Colorado (Eta Gamma)

Plattsburgh State (Eta Kappa) Kevin M McDermott

Texas Christian (Eta Chi) Mr William H Pinnell Ill Mr Matthew D Louis John W Galuchie Mr Chris Hulme Mike Duckworth R J Reichmuth Charles B Boag III Joseph T Clark M T Sibley Ryan Bice David M Kubicki Joseph M Sarrubo Brad Sloan Brendan Carniaux Max Cohen Todd Bond Jack Daniels Dean Ho


Total Foundation Assets








Annual Fund Giving $166,372









Pi Kappa Phi Foundation P. 0. Box 240526 • Charlotte, NC 28224 UPS Address: 2102 Cambridge Beltway Drive • Suite A • Charlotte, NC 28273 (704) 504-0888 • Fax (704) 504-0880 foundation@pikapp.org www. pikapp.org


Joson Stolarczyk MANAGING EDITOR

ven in death, Brother Robert L. Bennett (Mercer-Alpha Alpha) continued to give. The estate of the late Bennett made history last April with the largest single donation to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, and the third largest among national fraternities. That amount was $2 million-60 percent of Bennett's estate-setup in a charitable remainder trust to the Foundation. "This donation sets a new standard for Fraternity giving, " notes Ken Kaiser, the Foundation's director of development. "Not only was the amount significant, but the way Bob had the vision to plan this gifts' growth and eventual usage was the mark of a truly devote brother-one committed to the education of our undergraduates." Bennett's significance in the Fraternity is counted in many other ways, according to Phil Tappy, past national president and 1985 Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. "When you work on a board, sometimes people can get a little pushy and big-headed," comments Tappy. "Not Bob. He was always very quiet -but when he did say something, everyone was sure to listen."

Bennett served on the National Council from 1968-75 as chancellor, and was awarded the Mr. Pi . Kappa Phi honor in 1978. In the resolution, Bennett was described as, "a perfect gentleman and an intellectual strength for each of those days (of membership) . Brother Bennett has set the ultimate example of a man devoted to family and character." That character shined through in his activities, both with the Fraternity and away. In his home town of Towanada, Penn., Bennett served as president of the (now) Citizen & National Bank; was a key figure in the establishment of the first Baptist church in town; and sat on the board of Robert Packer Hospital in neighboring Sayre, Penn. As the "town's attorney," Bennett also provided advice to many friends and neighbors. He also hosted the best New Year's Eve parties in the area, according to longtime friend Bill Fitzgerald (Washington & Lee-Rho) . "They were huge," says Fitzgerald of the gettogethers. "People would come from miles around just to attend." Fitzgerald's family was dose to both Robert and his

wife, Annabelle. Although both were known for the giving of their time and energy, not many knew of another resource the couple often donated-money. "Both Bob and Annabelle were very well-liked," says Eleanor Fitzgerald-Fox, Bill's distant aunt and friend to Annabelle. "This wasn't because of the money they gave, either; nine times out of 10, any money they would donate wasn't even known . "They were extremely generous in their own quiet way." The recent $2 million donation is not the first gift by Bennett. In 1968, after attending the 32nd Supreme Chapter in Virginia Beach, Va. (his first national event as an alumnus), Bennett began to take a more active role in Fraternity affairs. He not only would donate his "relief checks " -dividend payments on his investments -to the Fraternity, Bennett also gave over $50,000 in stock to help create an academic scholarship program for his undergraduate chapter at Mercer, and helped in erasing the chapter's housing debt. According to Executive Director Emeritus Durward Owen (Roanoke-Xi),

Bennett's vision was also a key factor in ensuring consistent leadership for the National Fraternity. "Bob was the first person to realize the benefits of a long-term executive director for the Fraternity," notes Owen, who, along with his wife Connie, was a personal friend of Bennett. "As a result, he helped design the first retirement vehicle for the position of executive director (now CEO) ." Bennett's legacy will be remembered in many different ways to many different people: as a friend , a neighbor, a visionary, a Pi Kappa Phi, a board member, a community man, etc. What remained consistent in Bennett, however, and was a key to his full and successful life according to friends, was his positive energy and honest care for others. "He was truly a perfect gentleman," says Connie Owen, Durward Owen's wife and friend to Bennett. "He was a very special person, and always made you feel special when you were around him." Bennett joined the Chapter Eternal on May 14, 1985, at the age of 81. His life's giving, however, continues today. SPRING 199 9



Brother Ben Overton retires Caps 25-year Florida Supreme Court service n the 153-year history of the Florida Supreme Court, only three other justices have exceeded Justice Ben Overton's (Florida-Alpha Epsilon) longstanding tenure. He has written over 1,400 opinions, which comprise nine volumes of the state's law record. He helped introduce cameras in the courtroom. He even saw that the 10-year-old typewriters used to keep court records were computerized. On Jan. 2, Brother Overton officially retired his position on Florida's high court. He was the 62nd justice to have presided and the 37th chief justice. "One of the best things about this job is the blessing of working with people you like to be around," relays Overton. 'This is that kind of place. This is a caring and dedicated institution." From 1964 to 1974 Justice Overton served as circuit judge of Florida's Sixth Judicial Circuit, during which time he was chief judge of his circuit for almost four years and chairman of the Conference of Circuit Judges in 1973. "People have asked me why I appointed Ben, and the answer is simple," says

that time, the court was enduring impeachment proceedings and resignations-which was substantially lowering public confidence in the Court. "(Ben) gave the court a needed fix," says former Justice Arthur England, who was appointment to the Court the same

former Gov. Reubin Askew, who named Overton to the court in 1974. "I wanted someone who could help rebuild the court. It's been 25 years. There's never been a day I regretted it" In 197 4, he was appointed by Gov. Askew to the Supreme Court of Florida as the first Supreme Court justice selected under the merit selection process. At

year as Overton. 'The taint was soon abolished." Another colleague who joined that appointed class in 1974 was fellow Pi Kappa Phi Brother and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, Justice Alan Sundberg (Florida State-Beta Eta). Sundberg, a friend for more than 40 years, describes Overton as a perfect mediator-taking the messi-


est disputes and resolving them to the satisfaction of all involved. "On a collegial court such as this, he truly knew how to disagree without being disagreeable," says Sundberg, who currendy serves as general counsel for Florida State University. Justice Overton was inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame at the 44th

Supreme Chapter in Adanta, Ga., and has been a truly loyal member of Pi Kappa Phi. "Although he was extremely busy with the court, he always made himself available to speak on special occasions at the Beta Eta Chapter," remembers National

Chaplain JeffWahlen (Florida-Alpha Epsilon). "To me, he is a great example of someone who has brought credit to our Fraternity through public service, while stying in touch with his chapter, the chapter at FSU and the National organization." "Ben always took the time to drop by the chapter house and speak with the students," adds Pi Kappa Phi CEO Mark E. Timmes (Florida-Alpha Epsilon). "As a student and aspiring lawyer, it was an honor to meet him and develop a personal relationship." Justice Overton and his wife Marilyn reside in Tallahassee, Fla. SPRJNG 1999


Passages GOLDEN LEGION The Golden Legion of PI Kappa Phi honors those men who have been

a loyal brother for 50 years. To mark this special recogniUon, the Star & Lamp recognizes the men

who celebrated this honor between September 1, 1998, and

December 31,1998. Above: Hillin Henry (Pwdue--Omega), left, presents lllnld Rellnwl (Iowa ~ OD:ron)

his Goklen Legion C81tlllcala. Rellnwlls the ratlrad

plant 111111lllglr fur the Ford Mob' Ccln18IY In Coliasvlle, Ind. Left John

Kruse (CIInon -Bela Rho), left, presents George Stollen~

Upsilon) his Goklen Legion C81tlllcate at his home In~ N.Y.

Presbyterian (Beta) Charles W. Galloway UC-Berkely (Gamma) Richard B. Fiscus Lloyd J. Heger David S. Mallory James E. Weilbrenner Furman (Delta) Don L. Ferguson George A. Pollard

Wofford (Zeta) Purdy B. McLeod Jr. Emory (Eta) Harl C. Duffey Jr.

Georgia Tech (Iota) Bruce M. Jewett Felix E. Turner Jr

Washington & Lee (Rho) Billy G. Cadle Denny W. Ringers

Georgia (Lambda) Grady Wilson James R. Kennemur Jimmie L. Cowart John B. Clarke Sr. Duke (Mu) William V. Westmoreland Jr. Johnnie R. White III

South Carolina (Sigma) James D. Plowden Branan I. Yarborough Robert K. Hartley James D. Loyd Jr. Stetson (Chi) John L. Townsend Charles B. McClelland Robert L. Petruschell

Roanoke (Xi) Richard W. Dodd Thomas H . Nicholson Jr.

Purdue (Omega) John T. Haffner Robert B. Stauber

Alabama (Omicron) William] . Skelton Edward P. Fowler Wilbur G. Johnson Jr. Stanley C. Holmes Raymond E. Cartledge Floyd 0. Fitts Jr.

Kenneth Wark Jr. Edgar W. Lines Loren N. Montgomery Waldemar E. Goffeney Thomas J. Hahn Richard H. Lowe Keith H. Morrison Donald R. McFee

Donald C. Obermeyer Richard L. McArthy

Tennessee (Alpha Sigma) Clifford R. Longcoy

Emory (Eta)

Ohio State (Alpha Nu)

William Y. Chewning

Russell C. Newhouse

I.I.T. (Alpha Phi) Henry R. Fallerius

Georgia Tech (Iota) Joseph M. Body

Iowa State (Alpha Omicron)

Clifford P. Oestreich Richard M. Cotton

Mercer (Alpha Alpha)

Donald F. Frank

Leighton W. Martin

Raymond W. Giegerich

Duke (Mu)

George J. Zak

William W. Dodson Jr.

Fred W. Jahr

Washington (Alpha Delta) Kenneth I. Richstad


(Alpha Tau)

Richard W. Cary

Florida Southern (Beta Beta)

Roanoke (Xi)

John Attaway

James W. Banner

Lewis B. Combs

Florida (Alpha Epsilon)

Joseph B. Doyle Jr.

William A. Dinkins

Robert H . Gartner

Alabama (Omicron)

University of the South (Alpha Phi)

Joseph H . Earman

Monroe A. Harden

William W. Ham Jr.

John G. Brubaker

Joseph G. Schretzmann

William R. Hering

Paul B. Hebert

Ned W. Hill Jr.

South Carolina (Sigma)

Missouri (Beta Epsilon)

Dewitt C. Crawford

Clifford C. Miller

William B. Norwood Sr.

Bill J. Evans

William M. Gillespie

Earl L. Varnes

Monroe K. Spears

Christopher L. Lafferty

Glenn A. Phillips

William H . Wittpenn

NC State (Tau)

Toledo (Beta Iota)

Oregon State (Alpha Zeta)

Missouri (Beta Epsilon)

Frank E. Perkins Jr.

Eugene G. Williams

Duane A. Davis

Eldon H. Behle

Curtis F. Myrick

Charles E. Muehlebach

Roland E. Curtis

Michigan (Alpha Theta) Eldon C. Rouse J. Thomas McDonough

CHAPTER ETERNAL With deep, fraternal respect,

James H. Siemers

the Star & Lamp recognizes

Willis S. Thompson

those brothers who have

passed into the Chapter Auburn (Alpha Iota) Lewis Johnson John 0 . David

Eternal between September 1, 1998, and December 31,1998.

John B. Hembree Jr.

Davidson (Epsilon)

Douglas H. Winnes

Illinois (Upsilon) John G. Carson

Central Michigan (Beta Xi)

Manuel A. Contreras

Greg Cooley

Oregon State (Alpha Zeta) Richard L. Brown

Northwestern State (Beta Omicron) Oliver W. Starks

Samford (Alpha Eta) Edward V. Speer

East Carolina (Beta Phi) Raymond E. Lewis Jr.

Michigan State (Alpha Theta)

EastTexas State (Beta Chi)

Orson D. Bird

Paul K. Allen

Robert D . McLouth

John A. Daigre

Appalachian State

Iowa State {Alpha Omicron)

Ralph W. Carter

Edward L. Barrett

JosephS. Dorton Jr.

Auburn (Alpha Iota)

Warren W. McElhinney

Norris S. Erb

Vernon G. Clements Jr.

(Delta Zeta)

Robert J. Landgraf Edgar A. Perry

William P. Mills Hugh Yelverton Jr.

Henry L. Fuller John B. Hawthorne

Thomas K. Keefe

Harold J. Reihman Donald J. Ryan Richard J. Stoehr

Wofford (Zeta)

Michigan (Alpha Kappa)

Virginia Commonwealth (Epsilon Pi)

Frank E. Hooker

William W. Rowley

Gerald W. Satterfield SPRING 1999 15


PHA DELTA 75 years of fellowship and success


early75years ago, the Alpha Delta Chapter at the University ofWashington was born. Amid the bustle of Seattle, Wash., UW ("U-dub" as it's commonly referred to) sits quietly between reality and imagination. The sharp architectural lines of downtown to the west, muted by the majestic rise of Mount Rainier to the east, surround a campus where the sophistication of a leading American city is met by the raw beauty of the Pacific Northwest. It is also home to one of Pi Kappa Phi's most successful chapters. The story of Alpha Delta Chapter actually begins in 1919, five years before their chartering. Canadian ex-servicemen who were attending UW used to gather at "Youngs," a soda fountain on University Way. The business was owned and operated by Sam Young, a fellow Canadian ex-serviceman. The camaraderie and fellowship quickly evolved into the "University Canadian Club," founded April9, 1920, on the anniversary of the Battle of Vinny Ridge. As an organization, however, their participation in UW activities was limited by their status. In response

Bow Down to Washington, Bow Down to Washington, Mighty Are The Men Who Wear the Purple and the Gold.

to that discrimination, they formed Chi Upsilon Chi local fraternity in 1922. The group of men applied for and was granted a charter with Pi Kappa Phi on February 23, 1924, having operated as a local fraternity for only i 8 months. Throughout the 20s and 30s, Alpha Delta quickly became a formidable chapter on campus. In recognition of this success, the National Fraternity subsequently chose Seattle as the host-city for the 1936 Supreme Chapter. The Alpha Delta of today still holds true to the immutable principles that gave rise to its local predecessor, Chi Upsilon Chi. Strong bonds among brothers are the defining features for this chapter, while also serving as underpinning elements for the success it enjoys today. "A lot of the fellas have very close relationships, a real family atmosphere," says long-time advisor and 1997 Mr. Pi Kappa Phi Alex Adair. Alpha Delta enjoyed success as the city and university community around it grew. like Seattle, which experienced tremendous growth between 1930 and 1970, the chapter grew in initiates, surviving the

down years of the depression and World War II. In the 70s, however, the chapter struggled, and in 1975 had to shut its doors for over a decade. In 1989, at the request of local Alpha Delta alumni, Leadership Consultants Joel Allen (Old DominionGamma Beta) and Keith Rundle (UC-San Diego-Zeta Beta) traveled to UW to recolonize. "The leadership consultants did a great job," remembers Jim Hunt, the current Housing Corporation president and first man bid during the recolonization . "Before college, my friends and I used to joke about starting our own fraternity, and now we had that opportunity!" In the early 1990s, several brothers from Omega Chapter {Purdue) significantly assisted Alpha Delta. Jeff Egilsrud, Derrick Rogers and Sid Graham helped the newly recolonized chapter

gain momentum. "They were great role models on how a successful chapter runs," remembers Hunt. Since their rechartering on April 7, 1990, Alpha Delta has made a tremendous impact on the Fraternity. It has averaged 27 initiates per year; received the Champion Master Chapter Award for the 1993-94, 199596 and 1997-98 school years; won the Area XIII scholarship award for highest GPA every year but one since 1990 (nine out of 10 years); and placed 14 Journey of Hope cyclists (third nationwide). Alpha Delta members have also enjoyed several high-profile individual awards: Adair, 1997 Mr. Pi Kappa Phi; Bob Wartelle, 1998 Merit Citation; Ian Goodhew, 1996 Student of the Year; Ryan Maxwell, 1997 Pi Kapp Scholar; and Jeff Egilsrud, 1993 Chapter Advisor of the Year. In addition, three members are currently employed at the

National Headquarters in Charlotte, N.C. : Chris Orr, director of marketing for Push America; Evan Erickson, former executive vice president of Pi Kappa Phi Properties and now director of strategic planning; and Mike Young, leadership consultant, round out the individual accolades. From top to bottom, Alpha Delta represents one of the finest in the Fraternity. "These men have restored my faith in their generation," comments Adair. The chapter's ingredients for success, according to Nolan Gerlach, the current archon, consist of, "Stressing academics, being the gentleman's Fraternity, and 'walking the talk:" Next fall the chapter will eelebrate their 75th Anniversary during Homecoming, and the brothers look forward to the continued fellowship that connects them to their founders and to each other.

Opposite: Notable Alpha

Delta members Maynard Pennell (known as the father of the passenger JeUiner), left, was the main architect of the Boeing 707; and Talbot Hartley, right, was the fourth fastest 440 runner in the wortd In 1931, and is an Inductee In the Husky Hall of Fame. Above: The original members of Alpha Delta Chapter In 1923 on the day they petitioned PI Kappa Phi for membership.




Alpha lou {Auburn)

Gamma Gamma ('nuy Stu•) 1R1 PO Box 1738

Ddta Psi (Texas-Arlington)

861 lem Morrison Dr

Alpha (Owi<ston) SPO Box 1493 Stem Student Or College of Omrleston O.arleston. SC 29424

Auburn. AL 36830

Troy Slate University

Arlington. 1X



Alpha Mu (Penn Slate ) 409 E Fainnont Ave. State College PA 16801

Ddta (1\mnan) f1JtJTlaflUni\~ity

Alpha Rho {W<St Vugini;o) 650 N SpruceSt


Morguuown. \W 26505

Ames. lA 50010

Cremville. SC 29613 Alpha s;g,na (rennessftJ PO Box8629 Knoxville, 1N 37996-0002 Alpha Thu ("""""""' Polytedmk) 49 Second St Troy, NY 12180 Alpha Upoilon (Dre>d) Kappa (NCO>apd HmJ 216 Finley Golf Course Rd Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Lambck (Ceo<g;a)

930 S Millf.d8e Ave ......... CA 30605 Mu (Duke) Box 97675 Duke SUtion Dumam. NC 27708 Xi {Roanoke) Box 1761 Roanoke College Roanoke, VA 24153

Omkron (Alabama) PO Box 866089 1Usalioo&I.AL 35486 Rho (Wa.h;ng!On & Lee) 201 EWashington Sr. L.exinglon. VA 24450

Ze1a Kappa (Stockton State )

1401 AthernDr


PO Box22102

3841 SIXlttSwoOO Ave:

College Smtion, 1X n840

Stockton State College Pomona. NJ 08240

1400 Washington Ave Albany, NY 12222

Zela Lambck (CalScate -Ollro) 811 RioOlicow.ty Chico. CA. 95928

!'Ia Omlaoo {San Frnndsoo Slate)

Gamma F¢Jon (Wemm Carolina) POBox 11 73

Upsilon (Jllino;s) 306 E Crqpy Dr 0wnpaif91, IL 61820 OU(St-.) Stetson Univ Box 8234 421 N Woodland Bl\'d Del.and. R 32720

Philadd ph;,. PA 19104 Alpha rru (m. lnst. ofTemnologyJ 3333 S Wabash Ave OlKago. IL 60616 Alpha p,; {lndw.a) 1720 N. Jordan A\'l'flue: Bloominglon. IN 47406 Alpha a._ (O..SOn) 1440E 19thStiiO Eugene. OR 97403 Bela Alpha {N.I.f.T.) cjoAndreMutovic 2 Durrell St Veronae Nl 07044 Bela Bela (Florida Soothem) PO Box 15215

Florida Southem Coli<ge 1...akdand. Fl.. 33802 Bela Eta (Aorida Stue)

423 W College Ave Tallahasse< R 32301 Bela Theta (Mrona) I 449 N Cl>eny TUQiOn. AZ 85719 Bela loca (Toledo)

2999 w Bancroft Greek Village A-2 Toledo, OH 43606-3390

Psi (Comcll)

qo Jeremy Schwanz

Bela Kappa (Georgia State)

55 Rkl"""""' Rd Ithaca. NY 14850

Grorgja State Unl\mity 218 UniYersityCenter Atlanta. CA 30303

Om<go (l'unko<)

330 N GrantSt W Lafayette. IN 47906 Alpha Alpha (Mcnr) Mercer UM'eJ'Sity Box: 70112 ,\tacon, GA 3120'7-0001 Alpha Gamma (Oklahoma) 171 4 Olautauqua Ave. Norman. OK 73fJ72

Gamma Zela {W<st Vugini;o) 641 f-a)'eUe Pike Montgomery, WV 25136 Gamma Theta {NCWtlmington) University Union Room 209 Wi lmington, NC 28407

Gamma lot> (LooisWla Slat<) PO Box25068 BalOn Rouge. LA 70894 Gamma Kappa {Georgia Soothem) Ul I 2343 Cro<gia Soothem Stalellboro, GA. 30460

3405~lOn Aw.

Thu (Nonh Carolina Slate)

2401 WFratemii)'Q Ralcish.N 27606

Beta Lambck (Tampa) Univ ofTamp.1 Box 2771

401 W""'"""YBMI Tampa. Fl.. 3360&-1490

Gamma Lambda (Misooori-Rolla) 1704 PineSt Rolla. MO 65401 GammaNu{~)

Box n 70 t.aQange eonese 601 Booad St LaGrange. CA 30240 Gamma Xi (Ceo<g;a South-=) BOOWheatleySt Box 11 97 Americus, GA 31709

Gamma Rho (Umdeo-) Box6191 1..ander University C"""wood. SC 2%49-3049 Gamma Upsilon (Oklahoma State:) Oklahoma State University 1415 \Vest Third Stillwater; OK 74074

Gamma rru (Sooth Alabama) PO Box U-1208 Mobile, AL 36608 Ddta Alpha {Vugini;o Pol)ud1nk) 1101 ROObud Rd Blacl<sbw& VA 24060

Ddta Bela (North Georgia) Box5165 NGC Dahlonega CA 30597 Delta Delta (fruman State) PO Box562 Kirksville, MO 63501 Ddta Zela {AppaladUan Slate) ASU Box8991 Boone. NC 28607 Ddta !'Ia {Morehead State) Box 1247 UPO Mordlead. KY 40351

Epsilon Gamma (t.ong>.ood) Lon8"""'1 Colkge Box 3006 r-annville. VA 23909

Alpha Ep<Uon (Aorida) 11 Fraternity Row Gainesville. fl. 32603

Epsilon F¢1on (Oinch Valley) Box6005 College Avenue W~VA


Pi Kappa Phi f1"aternity 904 University Mt Pleasant. Ml 48858

Ddta Lambck (NCO>arlotte) 9201 Un~ity Ciry Blvd Cone: Center Olarloue, NC 28262

PO Box7136 Valdosta. GA 31698 Beta Upsilon (Virginia) 510 Rugby Rd

Olarloc.te:sville. VA 22903

Ddm Rho (Soothem CaJ;fom;a) 742W28th St Los Angeles. CA 90007

Epsilon Iota {NC<:reensboro) PO Box 1361-62 EliCUNCC Greensboro, NC 27413

ZelaXi (Avemt) Averett College PO Box2306 Danville. VA 24541

F¢Jon Kappa {Soothem Polyt<d>nk) 1100 S Marietta Pkwy Marietta. CA 30060

Zela Omicron (SUNY-Cortland) PO Box 5335 Cortland NY 13045

Epsilon lambda (SCSpartan'-J Pi Kappa Phi Fratemiry BOOUnn.tsityWay Spananbms sc 29303

Zela PI (Manhall) 15407thAveApt..IO HWltingtOn. VN 25701

Ep<non Xi (LaSall<) PO Box 692 LaS.'l.lle University Philadelphia. PA 19141-5150 Ep<;lon PI (Vorgin;. Commonwealth) PO Box 842035 Richmond VA 23284 F¢1on Rho (Lenou-Rhyne) U<CBox8420 1·1d<o!y. NC 28603 F¢1on Siwna (Ouistian Brothen) 650 E P;ukway S Memphis. 1N 38104

Ep<non Thu (St. Jos<ph's) c/O IOO<ph \\febbcr 340 Edmonds Ave Orael Hill\ PA I ~26 Epsilon upsnon (Georgia College) CroQ!iaCollese Q'() 2424 Milledgeville. GA 31061

EpsUon Phi (Aiabama-Bhmhll!flam) PO Box40 UM'eBilfCenler Birmingham. AL 35294-1150

Alpha !'Ia (Samford) Samford UM'miry Box 292474 Birmingllam. AL 35229 Alpha Theta (Mkh;gan Scat<) 131 flow.>eSt E. lansing. MJ 48823


803 HookerRd

GreenviUe. NC 27834

Gamma Alpha {W<st Alabama) POBoxM L1vmgston. AL 35470 Gamma Bela (Old Dontiruon) Old Dominion Llniv Std Act Ofc Pi Kappa Phi 2122 Webb Center Norfolk. VA 23529-0519

Zela Rho (Cal.st.te -Mlaton) 211 7 Teri PI H.illenon. CA 92831

Ep<;lon Psi (SUPf""Y Rod<) 8105 UM'e~Sity Union SliPPE')' 1b:k Univ Slippery Rock. PA 16057

Ep<non a._ ('ThxasT.m) 15 Creek Circle Lubbock. n:: 79 416 Zela Alpha (Clemson) PO Box2186 c~emso<, sc 29632 Zda Bela

2419 21st Ave.

E1a PI (Coaslal Carolina) cjoStuderuAffairs P. 0. Box 1954 Com...-ay. SC 29526 !'Ia Rho (Soothwost ,_Stott) c/o Pi Kappa rru FmmUty

POBax: n6 San Marcos, 1X 78667.()726 !'Ia s;g,na (c.luomia-LosAngda)

626 landfair Los Angeles. 0. 90024 !'Ia Thu {Kmtucky) cfo Asst Dean ofStudems

575 Pattmon OfcTower l..exington. KY 405()6..()()27 !'Ia upsnon {Miami ol Ohio)

Ill ESpringSt Oxford, OH 45056 !'Ia rru (Maryland BaltiJn<>re City)

1532 Ingleside Ave Zela Tau {Banoo) 811 Corbett Ave Wilson. NC 27893

Baltimore. MD 212fJl


!'Ia au OuistianJ Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Zela Upsilon {Bloomsbwg) 95 1ron St Bloomsburg. PA 17815

PO Box 297010 Fon Worth. 1X 76129

Zela rru (Colorndo Slate) PO Box 1918 Pt. Colli ~ co 80522-1918


Zela au (AibriW>tJ Box n 4 Albrigfu Coli<ge llea<lin& PA 19612-5234

New Medc:o Scatr cjo Greek Affairs N.\1SU OJrbeus Sed Union Univ Jordan las 0uces. NM 88003

Zela Psi {I .U.P.U.I.)

c/o John Allm Schmklt 5605CannonQ.Apt. B Indianapolis. IN 46224

Alpha a._ {()rep) 1440 f_ 19th St. #10 ~OR97403

!'Ia Alpha (Conronl College)

Arizona State:

C-4 9 ConCOR! Collese Athens, VN 24712

c/o Carlos Boag 11 29 S. Su auon Ln. Tempe.. AZ 85281

Eta Gamma (Coio<>do-&uldeo-) 935 16th St Boulder, CO 80302 !'Ia Ddta {Kmo<saw Scat<) 2555 0 Elite: ln

Kennesaw. GA 30144 !'Ia Epsilon (Maryland)

8 Fraternity Row Coikg< Parl< MD 20740 !'Ia Zela (Queens College)

Box 958 Queens College Charlotte. NC 28274 !'Ia !'Ia (Califomla-IMne)

University of California-Irvine PO Box4741 Irvine, CA 92616 !'Ia Iota (am.tophe> Newport) 121 Barlow Rd Wi lliamsbu~g.

Ddca Sigma (Bowling Cn:en) R-3 Old Fraternity Ro.v BGSU BcMrt~ Green. O H 43403

(California-San Diego) PO Box 948555 La Jolla. CA 92037·9405

Ddta Thu (lames MOOOO>) 500 S Main St Box 7187 Harrisonburg. VA 22807

Zela Gamma (North O.J<ola) 407Cambridge.St Grand f'Orks. NO 58203

Ddta Upsilon (l'imbw-gf>) 3800Universiry0r Pittsbutgh. PA 15213

Ddta (Sbippmobwg) 26 MiddlespringAve Shippensburg. PA 17257

OfcofStdActivities Rm 203 Seymow- Og Un SUNY-Brockpon Brodqx>n, NY 14420

Ddta au (Kansas stat<) 1614 Fairchild ~ianhattan. KS 66502

Zela Ep<ilon (c.o.-g. Ma.on) 4400 University Dr SUB I Box 85 1:air£.lX. VA 22030

Box 1648 Wingatt UnM=rsity Wingate. NC 28174

Bela PIU (East Carotina)

Alpha Zda (<>rep Slate) 21l1HarrisonNW Corvallis, OR 97330

Zela Mu (c.l.st.t< -No<thrldge) 17835 J'anhaUa St Nonhridg£. 0. 91325 Zela Nu (West a...t.r) Ofc of Creek Life Sykes Union Bldg Roseda le Ave West Chester, PA 19382

Epsilon Mu (Brndlcy) 1530Wil<adleyA\O? r.oria. IL 61606

c/o James~eneuhe

San Francisco, CA 94116

Ep<noo Theta (Seton Hall) Seton llall UM"miry 400 S Orange Ave Sooth 0r.ms< NJ 01079-2692

Bela Xi (Cmual Michigan)

Bela Thu (Valdoota Slate)

Alpha Ddta (Washmgtoo) 4530 17th Ave NE Seattle. WA 98105

Ela Xi (SUNY -Albany)


Culk:Mthee NC 28723

Alpha Omicron {low.o Scat<) 4U7 \Vdch Ave

IOU (Cro<gia Tem) 220 Fe.rst Drive Atlanta, GA 30318

!'Ia Nu {Pmnsylvania) 4040WalnutSt Philadelphia. PA 19104

Gamma Ddca (Memphls) Memphis. 1N 381Jl

Gamma (UC - Berl<dey) 2908 Cllanning ~ Berl<dey. 0. 94704

Zela (Woffonl) Pi Kappa Phi -Wofford College Spananburg sc 29303

Zela Zela {Non!> Aorida) 4567 St. John's Bluff Rood Jadoonvm< R 32256

Troy, AL 36082

Alpha Kappa (Michigan) 903 Uncoln Ann Arbor, Ml 48104

Bela (l'resbyrerlan) Box51069 OintOI\ sc 29325


VA 23188

!'Ia Kappa {SUNY-I'Iau.sburgll) Plattsburgh State UnM!sity Col lese Center - Pi Kappa Phi

Plattsburgh. NY 12901 !'Ia Lambck (SUNY-Brockport)

Eta Mu (Wingak)

Ddca Ep<;lon Oacl<oooMIIe State) Pi Kappa Phi l:ratern ity Box 3021 JSU Jacksonville. AL 36265 Southern ~pp; ss Box 84 16 Hattiesburg. MS 39406

Cmual Rorida PO Box 780640 Orlando, Fl 32878-0640 West Georgia State University of West Georgia PO Box 10034 Carrollton, GA 301 18

Beta Nu (Houston) cfoAndyTirrell 4401 Wheeler South Towers ll\ \1 0 Houston, n:: 7704

We wortt hard to keep the lnfonnatlon In tills dlnlctory COIT8Ct. H your chapter's contact lnfonnatlon has changed, please contact the Star & Lamp at P.O. Box 24052&, Chaltotte, NC 28224.



Peninsular O:mn.seling Center 2819 HorntioSt

T"""""" O.arles I': Adams 13HollyCrestQ

Tampa.R 33609

Greensboro, NC 274 10


S«ruMy Fobert McDonnell 212 S. l)yon St Ste.980 Omlotl£, NC 28281

President Cal~ll


985 Valley View Rd. J nd i an Sprin~AL


Tre=H>7 J. Ernest .Johnson 5656 4'nbrook Dr. HoustOI\ 1X 77056 S«ruMy )arnE'S A


3 Burgh Ave Oifton.NJ 07011 Olancello r Dudley f Woody Woods, RDge>s & Hozlegr<M P.O. Box 14125 Roanoke, VA 24038 Olaplain

]. ]dfoy Wahlen Ausley & McMullen P.O. Box 391 Tallahassee A.. 32302

2908 Pine Needle Ori\y Ellicott Oty. MD 21042

P.oanoke VA 24038 tori G. Hanafin HolyAngds 6600 E Wilkinson Blvd. Belmonr. NC 28012

Member-at-Large lay I. Stuckel 6161 Kerth Rd. St Louis. MO 63128

5200 Fox Rklge Rd. SW

Kevin K Murphy Berks Cy Community Fdn

Owloue. NC 28213

Marl< King KRC Capital Partners 370 17th St Ste 2300 Denver, CO 80202


P:O. Box212


Reading. PA 19603

StephenS. Sanders

Emmanuel Boykin

Edward L Corson II 3519 Verona Trail SVV Roanoke VA 24018

Saturn Corporation Ste 109 400 Galleria Office Cmter Southfield Ml 48034


Dr. Richard R Voo~d 47GibbesSt.. Olarleston. sc 29401

GregooyL Ball American Red Ooos 11121 Cannel Commons Blvd. Ste.400 Charlone. NC 28226

Presid ent Mark F. Jacobs 5238 N. Nl'\v Jersey St.. Indianapolis. IN 46220

Dr. Arthur J. Quickenton 875 Pine Hill Road Boone,. NC 28607

Vtce President-Construction GregooyV. ]jn<Je,

Michael W. Rilenge

2721 W. Hampton Or. Delray Beach. A. 33445

1481 West lOth St Indianapolis. IN 46202

VKe Presklent-IL.F Onrl l. Bamanl Bank of America 101 N lstA\'e. 15thl-1oor Phoenix. AZ 85003


John R. Andrews


3201 E.33rd St. Sioux Falls, SO 57103

Daniel Bany 121 West Trade St Ste. 3000 O.ariotte. NC 28202


EricJ.Aimquist 5716 &hardt Dr. Rivervil'\v, FL. 33569

President les];.

"lhomas L Carter

Inwstment ratric:k I. Danehy 4280 Belle Meade Col.oe Memphis. l N 381 17

Allen 0. Woody IU

President I. Potrid<Rg]ey

Hany E.

Member-at-large Glenn Aspimvall 5328 Goose Creek Cove No!UOSS. GA30092

Dudley E Woody WOO<],; RDge>s & l loziegr<M PO Box 14125

Gary A Leonard 1744 Praters roim Dacula,. GA 30019


108 Coach Ridge Trail NC 28105


Bruce L Rogers KRG Capital Pannm 370 17thSt Ste. 2300 Den\>et 80202


Robert 1. ratemo 7330 SW II 6th St. Miam~ A.. 33156


ALUMNI CHAPTERS B-Ed Hahn G-Steven I Crase 1-Gene Vischelli X·Ailen Woody 0-Harry E Caldwell)r. S-Michael T Lowman T-Rabert L Lamphier Jr. C-F..dward Be.nnett Y·John S Kirk M·Ronny E Will iams AD-Jim Hunt AE-Midlael Mitchell Al-l-James Smith AJ -Daryl R Griswold AK-Christopher R Meono AO-Kelley A Bergstrom AR· Patrick E Farley AU-Tom Hill AF-G regory I Ples.zkun BA-Kevi n Boerner BJ-1-Glen n Mayne BI-MarkUrrutia BM-CMAdrian BT--Oub-Jay Harrell BF-Scott Sm ith GA-Joseph L AJe:xander GB-Paul Dickson GG-David B Dorsey Gf..James M Reece CZ-Michael Ziegler GK-Glenn Aspinwall GF-Steve Bryan OCMike Kallas EG: r.c. Jon es IV EI-Neil Brogden EL-M ike Floyd EO-Patrick Brala EY-Chuck Huffmyer ZE· lim Q u ick Zl· Scott Cesar ZS- Shaun Green zr- Jason Johnson HZ-Scott Ho lmes

Treasurer J. Council! Leak 4237 '1bttenham Road Charl01te. NC 28226

Roanoke VA 24014

3811 Momingo;ide Drive #52 Jack W Powers

Chainnan Kelley A Jler&=>m 714 Roger Ave. Kenitwonh,. IL 60043 Vtce-0\airman FrankL Line Pyr.unK! 8800"'-"'I Rd. Ste. 265 Atlanta. Q\ 30350


L Oa:yEdmonds Brencor Inc. 5214 Maryland Way Ste.402 Brentwood, TN 37027

Ritual & Insignia David H. Vawter 7329 1-!ounslow Ln.

105 N. Cherrywood Ln . Pisga h Forest, NC 28768

NATIONAL COMMITTEES A1um ni Relations Pr.mk D. Hmrud 2094 !brest Meadow om.~ Binningham, AL 35242

Bloom ington. IN 47408

Nom ination R. Nathan l·lightO\ver Mcfarlane f-oerguson & McMullen PA P.O. Box 1669 Clearwater; A.. 34617 Education Glenn A Didoon 2348 Wroxton Rd. Houston. lX 77005

ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS Alabama G ulf Coast Alum ni Assoc.-Wi lliam H. Ish ee Austin Area Alumni Association -Paul S. Drake (512) 219-0445

Lonnie Strickland 1Jl I O ld Northriver Point Tuscalcx::JSa. AL 35406

Central Alabama Alumni Assoc.-Ja m es B. Seal Jr. (205) 668-1931 C hicago Area Alum ni Assoc.-Mark Singer (312} 549-4230

Eldred J. Harman 867 Sunrise Blvd. Waterloo, lA 50701 Stephen P. DePalma SCHOOR DEPALMA INC 200 State Hwy Nine P.O. Box 900 Manalapan, Nl rJ7726

Dallas/Ft . Worth Alumni Assoc.-Nick Murzin (8 17) 56 1- 1037 Greater Toledo Alumni Chapter-Gregory Lardinais (4 19) 897-0020 Monlgomery Area Alum ni Assoc.·Robert C lark ]r (334) 277-5817 North Jersey Alu mn i Association-Kevin Boerner (908) 577-9000

Parker H. Petit

In dianapolis Alu mni Association-Stephen K. Harber (317) 326-2615

MatriaHealthcare 18501'arl<wayPI 1Welfth Aoor Marietta. CA 30067

Ta mpa Alu mni Association-Perry Monastero ( 215) 898-24 44

San Diego Alum n i Association -Buzz H oldorf ( 6 19) 4 39-6303

HOUSING CORPORATIONS (202 )332-8410 (510) 778-8085 (H) {404) 714-3673( H) (540) 989-5770 (W) (205) 988-0582( H) (803) 750-7190( H) (919) 851-9090(H) (703) 344-9603(H) (515) 226-0693 (H) {912) 471-6937(H) (206) 885-4977{1\1) (813) 835-8462( H) (205) 252-2889( H) (404) 636-2889(H) (313) 930-1596(H) (708) 256-2687( H) {412 ) 681-5269(H) (215) 887-8966(H) (708) 403-7372( 1-1 ) (908) 577-9000 (W) (904) 488-3595(W) {4 19) 535-0707 ext. 131(W) (601) 324-7255(H) (912) 244-2842 (202) 667-8788( H) (205) 392-4739( H) (703) 362-3577 (H) (334) 262-52 11(H ) {919) 765-8988(H) (304) 787-3749 (H) (770) 448-3542(W) (334) 460-2971 (816) 889- 1151(W) (804) 225-2784(W) (9 t0} 855- 1548(W) (864) 585-5446 (W) (610) 660-6644(W) {4 12) 794-2161( H) (757) 721-9073 (4 12) 920-0383 (619) 223-0053 (919) 291-6199 (W) (704) 665-9401(\'1)


G regory D Padgett


Steven I C rase

Io ta

Frederick A Massey Sr.


Don ald E Pu lli am


Joshua P Lane Mark D Edgell

Xi Omicron

Rho Tau

Harry E Caldwell Jr. Robert 0 Wa ldbauer Jr. Robert L Lamph ier Jr.

Upsilo n

Will iam J Harrington

Omega Alpha Gamma

Ma rk V DeFabis

Alpha Delta

James G Hunt

Brian A Link

(843) 556- 11 06 ( H) (510) 778-8085 (H) (770) 955-0 174 (H) {919) 554- 1050 (H) (770) 594-5100 (W) (910) 643-0352 (H ) (205) 988-0582 (H) ( 540) 943-8966 (H) {919) 851-9090 (H) {8 15) 372-2557(H) {31 7) 293-8609(H)

Gamma Kappa G len n Aspinwall

{770 ) 449-3542 ( H)

Gamma Lam bda David L Siems

{314) 542-2138 (H)

Delta Rho

Alan D Wap ner

Delta Upsilon

Tom M Kubilius

Della Chi Deha Psi

Mr Brent A G rauberger Steven M Kosta

Alpha Upsilon

JohnS Danish Frederick W Schmehl

Alpha Phi Alp h a Psi

Gregory I Pleszkun Dr Phillip M Su m m ers

Beta Alpha

Ja m es A Krucher

{405 ) 302-0345 (H) {425) 869-6251 (H) {904) 260-2900 (W) (503 ) 297-536 6 ( H) (205) 699-8398 (H) (312) 472-32 16 (H) ( 404) 636-2889 (H) (8 10) 377-0354 ( H) {609) 734-6206 (W) (84 7 ) 256-2687 (H) (304) 965-5560 (H) {4 23) 584 -4521 (H) {518) 279-3932 (H) {215) 777-0488 (H) (708) 403-7372 (H) (812) 888-4208 (W) {9 73) 546-0035 ( H)

Beta Eta

John I Wahlen

Beta Io ta Beta Upsilon !leta Phi Ga m ma Beta Gamma Gamma Gamma Deh a Gamma Ep5ilon Gamma Zeta Gamma Theta

Mark A U rrutia Leroy R Ham let! Jr. Jonathan S Smith Joel Allen Henry 1-1 Ha isten Ill Arthur N Demetriou Ja m es M Reece FrederickS Adams Michael R Thmer

Ga m ma Iota

Joseph R Beatty

Alpha Epsilon

Peter T Cum mi ngs

Alpha Zeta

Marek V Wrob le

Alp h a Eta Alpha 'llu: ta

Rev. Thomas L Fu lle r

Alpha Iota Alp ha Kappa

Daryl R Griswold Jonathan P Albert

Matthew I Sh a heen

Alpha Mu Matthew L Rzucidlo Alp h a Omicron Kell ey A Bergsuom Alp h a Rho

Michael R Turner

Alpha Sigma Alpha Tau

Spears P Vava lid es

Gamma Nu

Richard D Jo lly Jr

Gamma Xi

George A Dieckma nn

Gamma Upsilon Robert D Pa iva Ga mma Phi

Frank W Henderson

Della Alpha

Frederick D Shive!

Delta Beta De lta Delta

Steven G Blackmo n Irvin P H oward Ill

Delta Zeta

G regory I Proctor

Delta Lambda

Bobby L Bollinger Jr.

Delta Omega JeffreyS Fu echec Epsi lo n Epsilo n G ary B Va nover Epsilo n 111eta Epsi lon Io ta

Thomas P Mulliga n Alan B Overbey

Epsilo n Mu

Paul GWiu

Epsilon Sigma

Christopher W Mi lls

Epsilon Tau

Vincent I Thompson Jr

F...spilon Phi Epsilon Psi

Jeffrey L Rodgers Albert L Shultz II

Epsilon Omega Ka rl I Reiter Zeta Alpha

Scou C Gasparini

Zeta Gamma

Mark A Hobson

Zeta Epsilo n

Timothy J Quick

(850) 893-9614 (H)

Zeta Zeta

Robert '!'Tal ley

(419) 474-4436 (H) {804) 973-6557 ( H) {202 } 667-8788 ( H ) (703) 391-5054 (H) (334) 566-3172 (H) (901) 758·2436 (H) (954) 584-8886 (H) (304) 755-405 1 (1-1) {919 ) 395-5209 (H) (504 ) 769-9923 127 (W)

Zeta Lambda Zeta Xi Zeta Omicro n Zeta Pi Zeta Rho Zeta Tau Eta Gamma Eta Epsilon

Brad L Stro ng Ma rk A Cervan tes Robe rt G Anza lo ne Jr. David C Bailey Ryde r Evans Robert M Ed m o n dso n Carron M Bateman Ross W Knoblauch

Eta Sigma Eta Upsi lon

Joel D Spry

lames Benson

(800) 842-3779 (W) ( 405) 275-5500 (W) (334) 473-4486 (W) {81 3) 987-9660 (H) (770) 932-2378 ( H) (314) 939-6664 (H) ( 704) 372-0847 (W) (704 ) 365-872 8 ( H) (909) 988-0918 (H) (908) 598-4000 (W) {816) 537-5359 ( H) (817) 572-7034 (W) ( 409 ) 543-8 280 (H) (540) 926-8620 (H) (973) 744- 1747 (H) {616) 451-8 156 (W) (630) 898-8936 (H) ( 90 1) 766-7364 (W) ( 716) 634- 1699 (H) ( 205) 978-7942 {I I) (912) 239- 1439 (H) {915) 687 -6847 (H) (770) 424- 1835 (H) (603 ) 433-8593 (H) (757 ) 72 1-9073 (H) (904) 642-0444 (H) (9 16) 445-2 11 2 (W) (7 t 8 } 740· 774 1 (H) (304) 755-3245 (W) (4 15) 442-0745 (W) (9 19) 399 -6300 (W) {303 ) 783-57 11 (H) (703) 754-2255 (H)

{310) 5 46-2402 (H) {219 ) 356-2204 (H)

SPRIN G 199 9






























240526, CHARLOTTE, NC 2821 0, FAX TO 704-504-















anual Gonzalez "Chic" Quevedo (Georgia TechIota) was the first alumnus to donate to a memorial trust that would be utilized as a national housing fund. This trust has since developed into the current Pi Kappa Phi Educational Foundation, which holds assets of over $4.5 million. In August 1948, at the 21st Supreme Chapter meeting in Detroit, Mich., a decision was made to create a housing fund for student chapters of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. The specific resolution passed called for a "tax exempt Foundation" capable of receiving tax exempt donations, which would serve as a national housing fund, to provide chapters money with which to purchase houses. Three alumni, Gene Dunaway (IllinoisUpsilon), Fred Grim (Roanoke-Xi) and Manuel Gonzalez "Chic" Quevado (Georgia Tech-Iota) pledged to contribute $1,000 each to this fund, which was to be named the Devereux D. Rice Memorial Foundation. Rice (Georgia Tech-Iota), had died while serving on the National Council as the national president of Pi Kappa Phi. Out of those three original pledges, only Chic donated his promised $1,000. He graduated from Georgia Tech at age 16 and attended the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill graduate school for civil engineering. While there he founded Kappa Chapter and, 14 miles away, Mu Chapter at Duke. Chic was a citizen of Cuba and became chief highway engineer in the Oriente Province in Eastern Cuba. In the mid-70s, I raised enough money from Kappa alumni to have Chic and his wife secreted out of Cuba. Due to bad health this never was accomplished. Chic had never missed Supreme Chapter, however, and was always a happy host of visiting Pi Kappa Phis in Cuba. I only met him by letter, and I am assured this was my loss. Action taken by the same Supreme Chapter increased the initiation fee by $5. This money was to be designated to this "housing entity" for

purposes of loans and outright grants. For these early years, this was the only income to the new Foundation. I quickly made an indepth analysis of the Fraternity and determined, among other things, two important facts. The first was the alumni serve as the Fraternity's most important asset. The second was that the Foundation was the Fraternity's most important vehicle for the involvement of its most important asset - the alumni. "Chic" Quevedo (Georgia Tech-Iota) Headed by John D. Carroll (South CarolinaSigma), several South Carolina attorneys created the Memorial Foundation as a trust within the state. (There is no record of why the trust format was utilized rather than the incorporation of the entity.) Carroll was the first president of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity not an initiate of Alpha Chapter, and was the first chairman of the Foundation. He was a country lawyer who lived and practiced law in Lexington, S.C. In 1959 when I became the executive secretary of the Fraternity, I not only had the existence of Pi Kappa Phi to maintain, I now had the Foundation. At that time, the Foundation had approximately $35,000 in assets, with most of it loaned out in small $2,000 and $3,000 increments to several chapters and their housing corporations. An interesting note: people were givThis Issue's historical ing to the Foundation without the benefit of passage was taken receiving a tax-exemption. It was on March 13, 1964, following many months of hard work, that from Executive Director Emerttus the Foundation was finally recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization, fully eligible for Durward OWen's receiving donations, which were in tum unpublished memtors, Connie, It wBI be Only deductible on the tax filings of the person or tor nw ~Ntst organization making the contribution.

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