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The Last Supreme Chapter of the 20th Century unveils America's Leading Fraternity at the World's Most Popular Resort. B Y M A R K E . T 1 M

M Es

Also. Pi Kappa Phi is promoting lifelong W elcome to the 47th Supreme Chapter in Orlando. brotherhood among our members througli Florida. to walt Disney World and to a special Supreme ama~ing alumni programs. For example. the Chapter edition of the Star & Lamp. Fami!Y Member Program helps families keep in Even as important. welcome to America's Leading touch with the Fratenity throughout the lives of Fraterni9'J your children and the Alumni Newsletter With a new century on the horizon. it is truly Program keeps you in the loop of the goingsan exciting time to be a member of our great Mark E. Timmes on of your chapter and chapter brothers -brotherhOOd. Each and every participant of this . \lf' ll.l l f''d' 111 il lnrrcLt l free of charger (See page 5) time-honored convention has an essential and lllllllllllt'\ ")'1~;11'1' ' '1.>; Recent!Y. the National Fraternity has vital role in making Pi Kappa Phi,the premier invested time and funds into dedicated alumni fraternity in all the land by our centennial in volunteers who will guide and assist our undergraduate 2004. members and chapters. There will be 2004 deaicated For the next five days you wiU learn how Pi Kappa Phi will alumni volunteers by the year 2004 to help make each Pi become America's Leading Fratemi0' by BUILDING BETTER Kapp chapter leading on their respective campus. At the MEN. PROMOTING UFELONG BROTHERHOOD and Supreme BanQ!_Jet, we will recognize those chapters that BUILDING LEADING CHAPTERS. Through the support and are current!Y excelling as leading chapters. For the rest. endorsement of the Supreme Chapter of this initiative. Pi we've made available all of the 6enefits and tools needed Kappa Phi can move onward and upward to the next plateau to meet the challenge. What an exciting time to be a Pi of excellence. Kappa Phi! Current!Y. Push America is making better men out of In 1904. seven men had a dream of a "glorious and seventy Pi Kappa Phi's who are cycli~ across America in the great" fraternity. In 2000, this Supreme Cliapter will help name of persons with disabilities. The Journey of Hope to make that dream a realit_Y.. touches millions of lives and breaks down countless negative Enjoy the Star & Lamp )...\ stereotypes regarding fraternities every day.





Honoring Lllelonu Brothers Brothers James Turk and 路Hack路 MiXson honored as Mr. Pi Kappa Phi and Hall of Fame.

2 Focus From 1906 until today, Supreme Chapter remains a Pi Kapp tradition.


Proura01s lor a LlletiDJe The spotlight is on the Alumri Newsletter Program and the Family Member Program. Check it out!


SC2K Schedule











James C. Turk. Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 2000 WHEREAS. the Supreme Chapter ofPi Kappa Phi has established the Mr. Pi Kappa Phi Award as its highest honor. WHEREAS. James C. Turk was initiated into Xi chapter (Roanoke) on February 221948, thus having been a brother for over SOyears. WHEREAS, he has aiW<!JSgiven unselfishly ofhis time, leadership, and sound character in numerous capacities and small acts of kindness. WHEREAS. he began leading by example as an undergraduate member being recognized as Pi Kapp Scholar and Student of the Year. WHEREAS. he served Xi as Housing Corporation Secretary. WHEREAS. he has represented Xi and its alumni at nine Supreme Chapters, WHEREAS. he was awarded the Merit Citation by the 43rd Supreme Chapter.

''Hack'' Mixson, Hall of Famer 2000 Son ofFounder Mixson enters into the prestige of the Pi Kappa Phi Hall of Fame for 2000. He was born Marion C. Mixson to Lawrence Harry and Elizabeth Mixson in Charleston. SC on March 20. 1918. After his time with Beta chapter (Presbyterian). "Hack" Mixson entered the fami!Y business with Harry and brother Lawrence, Beta (Presbyterian). Hack went on active duty as a 2nd Lieutenant. Infantry. at the start of World War II and transferred to the Air Corp where he flew anti-submarine patrol of the north Atlantic and flew over SO missions as a SQklandron Commander. When the war ended, Hack returned to the US where he met and married his wife Mary Delany. Upon his promotion to Colonel in 1955, he went on loan to the CIA where he was involved in all phases of the U-2 Program. His assignments took him to many locations in Europe and Asia until his retirement from the Air Force in 1970. Hack was awarded the highest peacetime honor. 'The Distinguished Service Medal." Upon retirement. Brother Mixson returned to Tampa. FL and opened a real estate brokerage office which he operated for 20 years. Hack has two sons. Thomas and Clarke, and daughter Mary Elizabeth.!..(

WHEREAS. he hasgiven his utmost attention, dedication and effort to the Greater Fraternity by serving as National President. Vice President. and Chancellor. for a total of tenyears ofmeritorious service to the National Council and Fraternity. WHEREAS. he has fulfilled his oath of brotherhood by serving as an example for all members through his dedication to IIKcP, BE IT RESOLVED. that the National Council ofPi Kappa Phi does hereby declare fames C. Turk to be officialfy destgnated Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 2000./...(

Brother "Hack" Mixson (back row, 2nd from right) pictured above in the 461st Bomb Group Crew#24.

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Materials for publication should be

~2000 • \IJI.LXXXV!Il No.2

The Star & Lamp is published qparterfy by the PI Kappa PliFratmity at 2fJ2~

Bdtway Drive Slite A. Charlotte. NC 28271 A Bfetime subscrlptJon is $IS and is the only form of subscrtptlon. Periodicals pos13&C

paid at Charlotte. NC. and any additional


11111111' II IMII Mark E. Tmrnes ••• 1111 Mllr Benjamin Roman . . . . . IIIIWI Kevin tlicoletti Melar1e Zachow ........... MelarleZachow ............ TlmRibar Benjanin Roman


POSTMASTER, Send address changes to the Star & Lamp. P.O. Box 240526. Charlotte, NC28224.

the address to the left. Members are

Invited to send materials COf!Cening themselves ex others. Letters to the edtor may also be printed at the cBs· aetJon of the edtors. PI Kappa Pli was fotllded at tht!Collcge of Charleston. Charleston. SC. on 121Dil90-4'?Y Ald-ew Alexander Krocg Jr. Sinon Fogarty.lr. :r1d Lawrence H:l1y Mxson.


North-American lnterfratemty Conference




S UMME R 2000








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foe! more JWeat aclifeato aJ'articularfy Jteamy Jituation. '':[ nominate $. fPauf~li'erer for aamittance into fA IZ,«J'J'a tP!i'i "Jomeone introaucet:f. dhe reaction !iy the Ch«j'ter #'aJ dlJmal. dhe li'aff#'aJ 'fPfit lietween t-w-o -w-arrin:J foctionJ ana into tile fate li'ourJ ofthe eveni71:J, neither JicCe #'aJ triffin:J to conJent. ;?[ Jhoutin:J matchlirof:e out anaar:~umentJ enJUea owr one liein:J '~ort'!J ofa Iii£. "

The year was 1908 and after on!Y four years of existence, the fledgling Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity was at a virtual standstill. Growth for the fraternity was a mixed blessing. Development into a national fraternity meant increased expense, yet the income was generated on!Y through the generous contributions of a few. Beta was forced to operate sub rosa (in secret). and the burdened Alpha chapter had dramaticai!Y shrunk in size. Tensions were heated and a fraternity. whose motto proud!Y states. "Nothing Shall Tear Us Asunder" was about to fall prey to the very words it condemned. The delegates to the Supreme Chapter understood the fate of Pi Kappa Phi resting on them. Although it was on!Y the second Supreme Chapter meeting. the future of the national organization rested on their shoulders. Presiding over the Supreme Chapter was Eminent Supreme Archon Alexander Kroeg. Kroeg. a man with keen intelligence and a true leader in spirit, had served the past two years in this role. Despite the low morale and possibility for disbandment. Kroeg was poised ready to take the pressure of the spotlight once again. The Supreme Chapter began. Perhaps practicing for his future in the courtroom, Kroeg preformed with the grace of an experienced attorney -- objecting to sentiments to disband and holding steadi!Y the hand of fate. New officers were selected including Thomas Mosimann as Supreme Archon. replacing Kroeg. and two men were nominated and du!Y elected into the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi. Through the power of compromise and a tireless devotion to the ideals of the fraternity. this Supreme Chapter ended with a renewed vigor and a rejuvenated future. Pi Kappa Phi would be saved and the first test of the Supreme Chapter ended successful!>'.




SUMMER 200 0

Today's Supreme Chapter can be traced back even earlier dating back to December 29,1906. This is known as the first Supreme Chapter. Held in Charleston. this gathering of the chapter ended with the first constitution and Supreme laws. Andrew Kroeg was named Eminent Supreme Archon and the Fraternity's ritual was performed for the first time. As the Supreme Archon. Founder Kroeg was very much interested in planning for extension of the Fraternity beyond the borders of the College of Charleston. However, he had become handicapped by the prohibitions of law which forbade having fraternities even among denominational colleges. Fortunate!Y. there was one other college in South Carolina that allowed fraternities, Presbyterian College in Clinton. South Carolina. After tireless efforts from Kroeg the application final!Y came from the Presbyterian College for a charter. Thus. our Beta Chapter was born. Later a telegram was sent from Kroeg that read. "It was moved that a member of the 'Clinton chapter' be invited to attend the annual banQhJet.

And so the tradition began where Pi Kappa Phi's representing all chapters would gather for a special engagement. At these conventions or banQhJetS as they first were known. there were strict observances to codes and rituals. For example, all of the minutes were written in a secret code and in order to attend the meetingyou needed to know the secret password. The password change through the years and included phrases such as "NIL SEPAR ABIT". "work together". and another time. "loyalty". Much like today. these Supreme Chapters usuai!Y ended with significant decisions centering upon who would represent the Fraternity at the Supreme level and decisions regarding the constitution and Supreme Law. For example. at the 4th Supreme Chapter held in 1911, the coat of arms changed making it much similar in design to the one used today. The 4th Supreme Chapter has been remembered for more than just the change in the coat of arms, however. 路路steamboat Bill,'' a pet alligator brought by one of the attendees, appeared in the most unsuspecting places. Appearing in the formal picture of the Supreme Chapter, the endearing alligator became the unofficial mascot and is still used today by some Pi Kappa Phi chapters. The 2Slh anniversary of the Fraternity was celebrated in 1929 when the Supreme Chapter returned to the College of Charleston. It was decided that every Qhlarter of a century Supreme Chapter would return to its home at the College of Charleston. It was at this Supreme Chapter that Pi Kappa Phi built the "Pi Kappa Phi Memorial Gateway" on the west side of main courtyard. Founders Simon Fogarty and L. Harry Mixson dedicated the gate. The Supreme Chapter has always dealt with a number of difficult and controversial issues. For example. the delegates at the Supreme Chapter in 1936 in Seattle. Washington formai!Y abolished the practice of "Hell Weeks" and t e ~ractice of hazing. It is by no coincidence that tli1s a ti-l1azing o e ent followed rhe ang 路sh left from e Rrst rid an Although still not complete!Y com etely extinc 路 strong stance oflhe student-delegates led t0 a-significant decline in this practice since the article in Supreme Law. More divisive issues (CO N T INU ED O N NEXT PAGE)



S U MMER 2000









would be solved through Supreme Chapter delegations including approval of Pi Kappa Phi's risk management policy and a stance supporting brothers with HIV and AIDS -- urging responsible awareness of the issue. These stances are some of the most progressive among all fraternities. Indeed. through the Supreme Chapter. Pi Kappa Phi has become a leading fraternity. Even the most recent Supreme Chapter delegates at the 46th Supreme Chapter held in Chicago. IL in 1998 made significant advances on behalf of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. The delegates passed a resolution against alcohol-free housing as well as raised initiation dues to become more competitive with other national organizations. The delegates at the 47th Supreme Chapter in Orlando. Florida have similar dedsions to make. Like those men in 1908. the future of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity rests on the shoulders of the delegates. Those arriving in 1908 had no idea if the Fraternity would exist at the end of the meeting. Today. the Fraternity's existence is not on!Y secured, but Pi Kappa Phi's initiative to become America's Leading Fratemi9'is becoming reality.


PI Kappa Phi Certified Vendors All of the official Pi Kappa Phi certified vendors have links to our website whereyou can also find a complete list ofitems and products. Go to www.pikapp.org and click on the membership links section. ~


STUDENT LOANS Olympus Captia/ for Knowledge

CREDIT CARD Rrst Tennessee Bank Credit Card

SPORTSWEAR Spirit Recognition

As a fraternity member. alumnus or fami!Y member.you're eligible to app!Y for fast. convenient and affordable education financing through Olympus

Provides a low APR credit card to Pi Kappa Phi members. Call (800) 234-2840 to

The exclusive home of Pi Kappa Phi sweatshirts. hats, T-shirts and other merchandise/ apparel made of superior ~ality at reasonable prices. To order a product or catalog call (800) 321-77 47.


Capital for Knowledge.


JEWELRY Burr Patterson & Auld

WATCHES Insignia Corporation


Maker of fine Pi Kappa Phi jewelry. including: membership pins. jeweled pins, rings.lavaliers and more. Call (800) 4224348 to order or reQ!,Jest a catalog

Great graduation gifts for the college student. Pi Kappa Phi watches with Pi Kapp symbols, letters and crests. Call (800) 253-6197

Special deals in shopping. internet access. travel, insurance and telephone long distance. Not on!Y will you save money but with every purchaseyou make MyAssociation. com makes a contribution to Pi Kappa Phi in your name. Use ID# 1122030099999999.



S UMMER 2000



the fami!Y__ F AMI LY



Fami!Y is important. So is your Fraternity. So why not enrollyour loved ones into the FAMILY

MEMBER PROGRAM Here's how it works: Onceyour child is enrolled in the FMP, they will receive information from the National Fratemi9' as they are tracked tluough their life (i.e. birthday cards. Pi Kapp apparel congratulatory notes. etc.). Asyour son becomes older and selects the college or universi9' he will attend we will forward his andyour information to the local undergraduate chapter. Through education and alumni advisement the chapter will contactyour famify member and introduce him to Pi Kappa Phi. Qyestions? Want torq;ster?ContactMdanie Zachow at {704)504-

0888 ext. KJ8 or mzachow@pikapp.org.

Stavinthe •••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE




••• provides two newsletters ayear featuring 80% alumni news. ••• is available at no cost to the undergraduate chapter. ••• now has all newsletters available online at www.pikapp.orgl For more information or to inqyire ify our chapter qyalifies, contact Mdanie Zachowat (704) 504-0888 ext./08 or mzachow@pikapp.org




S U M MER 2000




Supreme Chapter


Schedule ...

Frldav -loa. 4 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Shotgun Start 6:45-9:30 p.m.

~ Rfgb"balbt/Ched-fl Golf (optional) Board of Governors evmt (i1Vitatlon oriy)

Sablnlav -loa. 5 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 8:00a.m.

9:00a.m. 3:00p.m. 5:30p.m. 6:30p.m. 9:00p.m.


Rfgb"batbt/Ched-fl PI Kappa Pli Properties Board~ PI Kappa Pli Fomdatlon Board~ PlSt America Board~ ~Corporation Sympasiln 1st~ Chapter Session

Cocktll Reception Sl.pmle~&Awcrdsc.a-eroor,

Model Ritual of lritiatlon Downtown DlsneyPieaue Jslcnl

Suadav -loa. & 8:30a.m 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. 10:45- 11:45 a.m 8:30a.m. Noon - 1:30 p.m. 2:00p.m. Vdrious


Moadav-aua. 1 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. 10:4 5 - 11:45 a.m Noon - 1:30 p.m. 2:00p.m. 5:00 - 10:00 p.m.


AkmiBreakfcm Cootritta:~Ecb:Scssilm

General Session ~Ufcbt;Brothcrhood" lmchcoo

hostedby tht: PI Kappa Pli FocnclaUon Xd ~Chlptcr Session Nu Pli event (hvltatlon any) Dowttown DlsneyPieaue lsiRI


Tuasdav-lua. 8 9:30-10:15 a.m. 10:15 - 11:00 a.m 11:00- 11:45 a.m. Noon -1:30 p.m. 2:00p.m. 5:00p.m.



Dowrtown Dlsne_yl\:aue lsiRI







Amcrica's~Fratcnity ~

GcneraiScssion ~~Chapta's" A-m lmchcoo 4th~Cblptt:r Session ~s Typ/unl.agoalevat

Wld-11 -lua. 9 Vdrious 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.


~Y.~p\\bdcl. Celebrate the Future Hand in H1nrd

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