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DECEMBER 10, 1904

AND SO IT BEGAN. Recently someone approached me and said, "BrotherTimmes, okay, we are about to be one hundred years old. I guess that means we'll receive birthday greetings from Willard Scott and Katie Couric on the Today Show and a birthday card from President Bush.


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Mark E. Timmes Alpha Epsilon (Florida )


harleston and 90 Broad Street- it's just geography. History is nice -but thing; are different now. Other than a big party and a great road trip, it will have no impact on the success of my chapter. So what's the big deal?" My brothers, our noble task is to make this anniversary event meaningful and memorable (and contrary to popular belief, Outward Owen was not alive at the time of the founding). So what is it about history? History is many thing; to different people. For some it is just statistics and facts. So I am compelled to give you some. Pi Kappa Phi was founded on December 10, 1904 at 90 Broad Street at the College of Charleston, the oldest municipal college in tl1e United States, in Charleston, South Carolina by Simon Fogarty, Jr., Andrew Alexander Kroeg, Jr., and L. Harry Mixson. As of todaywe have initiated over 90,150 men into the Fraternity with 77,352living initiates. We have chartered 197 chapters over the Fraternity's history and there are currently 119 active chapters and 8 associate chapters, with approximately 6,000 undergraduates in the student chapters. There are over 3,700 living Archons and almost 5,000 living founding fathers and re-founding fathers. For some, history is artifacts. For Pi Kappa Phi, it is the original minutes, written in code and in green ink, of our very first meeting on December 10, 1904, which reside in the archives of the ational Headquarters. For me, it is my pledge book, which I still have, containing the signatures of the brothers in th.e chapter when I pledged Alpha Epsilon at the University of Florida in the fall of 1976. For others, it may be their White Diamond manual, their membership badge, their initiation shingle or the chapter composite. For some, history is places to visit. Places such as 90 Broad Street in Charleston, Soutl1 Carolina. For some alumni it is the chapter house and their old room where they lived. For Iota Chapter at Georgia Tech it might be the statue of George Griffin, Mr. Georgia Tech and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, located on the campus grounds. For some it is people. Men such as Outward Owen, the honorary fourtl1 founder of Pi Kappa Phi and Executive Director Emeritus, who served 35 years as Executive Director and who continues to serve the Fraternity \vel!. For others it may be their chapter founders andre-founders, their big brother, an influential Archon, the housemother, long-serving Chapter Advisor or chapter cook. For aU of us, history is our personal memories and especially memorable events. It may be the time we received our bid; the Ritual of Initiation; the Pi Alphas riding into Washington, DC; the time your chapter received a significant award at Pi Kapp College or at an IFC awards banque~ or getting your first chapter house. Astill distinctive memory of mine is when I received the phone call from Dr. Phil Swnmers, National President in 1994, asking me to be tl1e next Executive Director of Pi Kappa Phi. So what role does history play in our life? First, it is to pay homage and show our respects to those who influenced our lives and served so well. Second, \ve lean1 from history. It is said that those who do not lean1 from history are doomed to ~it l11ere is a reason why Beta Chapter at Presbyterian College is our second chapter. In those early days the state of South Carolina had anti-fraternity Jaws. Today the pendulum of history is swinging backward. There are more and more restrictions being placed on college fraternities and some campuses have outright banned them. Recently, a group of college presidents have met and issued a "call for values congruence" to deal \vith the troublesome conduct of certain fraternity men and chapters across the country. Third, we are inspired from history. When you read the early history of the Fraternity, you hear that for many years Alpha Chapter only returned seven men. Ganm1a Chapter at California-Berkeley thrived on its own so far away in a time of only trains, no planes and limited automobiles. How did they do it? 1\vice in the history of Pi Kappa Phi there were merger attempts byother national fraternities to absorb Pi Kappa Phi in the 1920's and 1950's. Pi Kappa Phi made a decision. Adecision to survive and to remain distinctive instead of blending itself \vith another. Most importantly, we must never forget our history, whether it's events, places or people, nor forget how easy it can be to lose everything that we have achieved. As we approach the centennial, we ask you to rediscover you fraternal heritage and join us in Charleston for the Centennial Celebration. So what is the centennial? It is a celebration, a reaffirmation and a call to action as \\I'! begin our second century of Pi Kappa Phi. How do you want your chapter to be remembered in the annals of history in both Pi Kappa Phi and on your campus? How do you want your role in it to be remembered? There will be a second century of vision announced. We \\~II not reinvent fraternity -\ve did that in 1<)04. But we will continue to redefine it In many ways, you already have what you need- the values as expressed in our ritual; the vision of what \ve want to be and tl1e lifelong bonds of friendship we have with each other. December 10, 1904 - three founders guided by the light of the student lamp. So, Pi Kappa Phi began. So, it will continue.

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity continues to craft its future with its current expansion efforts at Fresno State Un iversity and American University. In March , Leadership Consultants Nathan Holic, Eta Psi (Central Florida) and Sean Mahoney, Beta Theta (Arizona) began establishing Pi Kappa Phi's newest colony at Fresno State University. Meanwhile, recruitment efforts by Pi Kappa Phi officials have concluded at American University in Washington, D.C. Leadership Consultants David Corey, Alpha Eta (Samford) and Gal Majure, Delta Iota (Middle Tennessee State) were able to built a colony of 31 men to establish a chapter at American. Leadership Consultant David Corey said, "These men wanted something different, something better, and simply needed Pi Kappa Phi to give them the chance to represent and start with better ideals and goals." In order to further develop these and future expansion operations, Pi Kappa Phi has established a new position; the Volunteer Coordinator of Expansion. This position explores potential expansion sites at premier colleges and universities across the nation that would further establish Pi Kappa Phi as America 's Leading Fraternity. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity has selected Regional Governor Tom Sullivan to fill this volunteer position. Tom currently works in student affairs at Texas State - San Marcos. According to Ernest Johnson, National President Elect, Tom 's experience in the university environment makes him a great candidate for the position. "He understands the needs and wants of both the Fraternity and university," said Johnson . "His dedication to both roles as regional governor role and volunteer coordinator makes him a man of CLASS with in the alumni realm." Sullivan's hard work has already paid oft as two locations for expansion have been confirmed for fall 2004. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity will return to the Xi Chapter at Roanoke College and to the Beta Sigma Chapter at Northern Illinois University. If you have expansion leads you can contact Tom Sullivan at tsullivan@pikapp.org or call 512-245-3808. With successful expansions on both coasts, new expansions in line for fall 2004, and with the addition of a volunteer coordinator of expansion we continue Founder Harry Mixson 's vision of a " never-ending stream of men " to carry "our wonderful Pi Kappa Phi " into the future.

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06Online Community? Coming Soon?

Pi Kappa Phi"s online development team has worked hard to enable a secure, password-protected area for Pi Kappa Phi members. Are you ready to login?

07 2003 Annual Report

A look into the past, present and the future for the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. The numbers may surprise you.

2 7 ~e~~ter

today for the event of a lifetime. The Centennial Celebration of Pi Kappa Phi is August 13 - 17, 2004. Register today.

DEPARTMENTS 00 01 04 32 34

11!11 Nonh路American lnterfmtemity



With the vision of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation: we take a look into the past year and what the future holds in the 2003 Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Annual Report.


Sometimes we need a different perspective to reallyview the impact we have in peoples' lives. Consider Jake Hamilton, a 17 year old at the North West High School in Grand Island, NE.Jake is son of long time supporters of the Journey of Hope Sue and James Hamilton. Jake's family also includes his siblings Sarah, Chris, Taylor, Brittany, Maria and Angel. Jake was first introduced to Push America in 1991 when the Journey of Hope team called on the Hamilton family, Tammy ance and Andrea Spencer to provide lunch for the team in Grand Island. "The Grand Island Ladies", as they are called, have been involved \vith Push America for 12 years and counting. The first time the team rode in,Jake was just four years old and really too young to understand what the guys were doing. It wasn't until1994 when he met Chris Doud, from the Epsilon Upsilon Chapter at Georgia College, that he truly understood the gravity of a project such as Journey of Hope. Chris was Jake's first pen pal and through numerous letters did a great job of explaining to Jake what Push America and the Journey of Hope \vere all about. Jake has been involved with Journey of Hope's Grand Island visit since he was four years old. Every year that the team has gone through Grand Island, there has been a team member that he connects with and they keep in touch over email after the departure of the team. Jake said, "It's neat to have people out there that I can relate to that care so much about people with disabilities. It means a lot to my family and me to have the team here every year. They jump right in and have so much fun with my brother and sisters." Every year is a unique year for Jake Hamilton and an emotional one as the team prepares to depart for the rest of their journey. The last night that the team is with "The Grand Island Ladies", their family there is a slide show that is a compilation of all of the years that the team has visited. Tammy Nance's presentation really captures the true meaning of Push America's mission and no one leaves with a dry eye. The impact that is made on the small community of Grand Island, NE is enormous and farther reaching than just the dramatic change that we see in our team members. Jake is a musician who plays the guitar, drums, piano and is in the process of learning the cello. There was a time when Jake had given up on music and playing the guitar, but team member, Rob Kelly of Alpha Delta, University of Washington (Journey of Hope 2000 orth Team), inspired him to continue refining his musical talents. Jake credits his desire to become a musician to Rob. Jake commented, "As I've gotten older I've realized that it's not a job the team has to do every year, it's something they love doing and that touches me to know that college students are taking such an active role in the lives of people with disabilities." Growing up as a Push America volunteer has touched Jake so deeply. He's looking foiWard to graduating next year from high school and going to the University of Colorado at Boulder. He wants to major in music and obtain an endorsement in Special Education. Did we mention that he also wants to rush Pi Kappa Phi and participate in Journey of Hope as well? jake said, "It's on my list of 'must-dos'. I have personallyexperienced the mission of Push America. It would be amazing to experience it from the perspective of a team member." Jake is definitelypart of the family at Push America and we look foiWard to his application for the Journeyof Hope in the future. Eta Gamma, be on the look out. .. Jake's a prospect that you don't want to let get away. ST A R & LAMP / SPRING 2 004



Over the past few months, pikapp.org's Online Community has gone from "coming soon " to "login." If you 're confused by this, you 're not the only one. Our online development team has worked hard to enable a secure, passwordprotected area for Pi Kappa Phi members only. There are currently two features behind the Community. The first, a "membership contact information update" process, and the second, a revamped meeting and event registration system. Both are located behind an encrypted user login. You may register for the online community at https:/ ; www.pikapp. org/community, or by logging on to pikapp.org and selecting "community" from the navigation bar where instructions regarding registration for the community are provided. The membership contact information update process is designed to allow you to update your own information online. Keeping track of Pi Kappa Phi constituents has become increasingly more difficult due to a growing number of initiates coupled with a migratory culture. With the introduction ofthis system, we are presenting Pi Kappa Phi with a powerful and convenient tool which enables us to provide more effective and efficient communication. The updated meeting and event registration system is designed to accommodate two distinct meeting types: The first is the single registration option which allows members to register to attend all functions of an event. The second, the a Ia carte registration option, allows members to register to attend as many or as few events as they wish. Members choosing to use this "a Ia carte" form of registration are only billed for the events in which they selected participate. The a Ia carte option is available to alumni for the Centennial Supreme Chapter registration. The online registration system is now flexible enough to accommodate both functionalities. Registration for Pi Kappa Phi's Centennial Celebration and 49th Supreme Chapter is available at http/ ; centennial.pikapp.org. IMPORTANT: You MUST register for the Online Community BEFORE registering for the conference. These two features are only the beginning. One might ask, "What else will encompass the member's only section?" Quite frankly, that's for you to decide. The online development team is actively . surveying the brethren to help identify the processes that should be automated online, the information that can be shared behind a secured connection and the features that should be available to bring the Online Community to life. You can help in this endeavor by logging on to pikapp.org, and clicking the link labeled "Online Commun ity Survey." In this survey, you will be asked to answer a few questions, and then have the opportunity to provide open commentary on your ideas for the community. If you choose not to participate in the survey, you can still provide ideas on the community by sending an email to egarrett@pikapp.org. Look for more information about the Online Community development process at pikapp.org.



Pi Kappa Phi Foundation was able to contribute $228,309.37 in grants during 2003


THERE IS AN OLD JAPANESE PROVERB THAT SAYS, "VISION WITH OUT ACTION is a daydream, and action without vision is a nightmare.' I have always liked this proverb because at its heart is the understanding that success can be found in balance. And helping students find success in their life is at the heart of the Foundation's mission. A successful life can be equated with wealth, achievement and status. A life of true significance, however, is equated with generosity, service and relationships. As members and friends of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and as donors to our Foundation, each of you has moved to a life of significance. There can be no greater satisfaction than helping our younger brothers. We are now well into the centennial year of our founding. As we approach our anniversary celebration in Charleston in August, it is my pleasure to report that your Foundation had a very good year in 2003. Total giving to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation increased 37% over 2002. Total giving amounted to $530,006.95. This represents an increase of $143,687.81 . Because of this great support, combined with market returns on our existing endowment, the Foundation was able to contribute $228,309.37 in grants during 2003. These grants support the educational programs of the National Fraternity and our individual chapters. We were also able to provide 24 individual scholarships to deserving chapter leaders. Our annual appeal continues to show growth, with a total of $189,545.49 contributed, an increase of 4.4% from the previous year. In the pages that follow, you will find the names of those brothers and friends whose generosity has not only helped to build the corpus of our endowment, but also touched the lives of countless undergraduate members by supporting the value-added experiences that separate Pi Kappa Phi from other campus organizations. Of course, all this could not be done without the generous support from each of you. As we look to the future we are reminded of the unique and special experiences we have shared as brothers of our beloved Pi Kappa Phi. Similarly, we can be equally enthusiastic about the direction of our Fraternity in its second century. As our vision translates to action, we will be able to build better men, build leading chapters and promote lifelong brotherhood. I would be remiss if I did not mention a special group of donors who have already stepped forward to support our fraternity at its centennial anniversary. To date, over 260 brothers have joined the Centennial Commission or given to our Centennial Gift Campaign at the $1,000 level. Each of these brothers exhibits a deep understanding of their oath and a true commitment to lifelong brotherhood . I know over 2,700 brothers were donors to our Foundation in 2003. That means that over 60,000 of you did not give. I know many of you 60,000 non-donors had a great Pi Kapp experience . You all took an oath to support your younger brothers. There is no better time than the 1OOth anniversary of Pi Kappa Phi to begin to fulfill that promise you made many years ago. Please help your Foundation in 2004. As Chairman of your Foundation, I sincerely thank our 2,700 dedicated brothers and friends for your support in 2003. We need more brothers and friends like you. With your help, I hope I have many more to thank next year!

~;;a~~ Allen 0. Woody, Ill Xi (Roanoke) Chairman Pi Kappa Phi Foundation















CHAIRMAN Allen 0. Woody 111 1XI (Roanol<e)



Prominent alumni who have


served the Fraternity in a


Jack M. Casper I AlPHA UPSILON (Drexel) NATIONAL PRESIDENT David G. Lane I OMEGA (Purdue)

significant leadership capacity and who have been major

NATIONAL COUNCIL LIAISON J. Ernest Johnson I AlPHA IOTA (Auburn) TRUSTEES Kelle~ A. Bergstrom I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Jerry T. Brewer I SIGMA (Sooth Carolina) Patnck J. Danehy I DELTAZETA (Appalachian State) Stephen P. DePalma 1BETAAI.PHA (NJIT) Eldred J. Harman AlPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Frank D. Harvard GAMMA PHI (Sooth Alabama) R. Nathan Hightower I OMICRON (Alabama) David D. Morgan/ BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State) Frank M. Parnsh II I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) BOARD OF GOVERNORS Richard G. Anderson I RHO (Washingb:>n & Lee) Peter C. Barr I AlPHA EPSILON (florida) Richard C. Bartlett I AlPHA EPSILON (florida) Jerry T. Brewer I SIGMA (Sooth Carolina) Gene Cartledge OMICRON (Alabama) Jack M. Casper AlPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Kenneth J. Cribbs I BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) William L. Finney I GAMMA XI (Georgia Soothwestem) William Stuart HICks I KAPPA (Nc<th Carolina) R. Nathan Hightower I OMICRON (Alabama) W. Bernard Jones, Jr. I ALPHA (Chat1eston) Travis P. Julian I OMICRON (Alabama) David G. Lane I OMEGA (Puroue) Durward W. Owen I XI (Roanoke) Randy Y. Owen I DELTA EPSILON (Jacksonville State) Frank M. Parrish 111 1ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) William J. Rickert I AlPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Walter Keith Sheppard I AlPHA UPSILON (Drexel) A.J. {Lonnie) Strickland 111 1OMICRON (Alabama) James C. Turk JXI (Roanol<e) R. Burke ' Chip Voorneveld I AlPHA (Chat1eston) Paul C. Wesch I OMICRON (Alabama) Gordon B. Wright I AlPHA TAU (Rensselaer Polytech) FOUNDATION STAFF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mark E. Timrnes I AlPHA EPSILON (florida) DIRECTOR OF ANNUAL GIVING Joann M. Westfall

donors are nominated to serve on the Board of Governors. These brothers have served as


a past official, volunteer leader, Mr. Pi Kappa Phi or Hall of Fame Member. The Governors assist the Foundation in an advisory



2003 DONATIONS TOTAL $530,006.95

capacity; participate in national and local alumni events and fund raising activities. They also support the mission of the Foundation through a lifelong financial commitment.

2003 SCHOLARSHIPS TOTAL $228,309.37


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CASH OR CHECK 1 The most popular and direct method for making a donation. CREDIT CARDS & ON-LINE DONATIONS I We accept most major credit cards which allow you to pay your donation over a period of time. This can also be used for monthly deductions for multiple gifts. You can also make a secure contribution through www.pikapp. org by clicking on the "alumni" tab on the home page, then the "give to the foundation" link. SECURITIES I Appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds can be transferred to the Foundation through your broker. This type of donation allows the donor to avoid capital gains taxes. CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTS I Many companies offer to match employee's personal donations to qualified charitable causes at an equal or greater amount. Ask your employer if they participate in a gift-matching program or contact us for a list of companies that support Educational Foundations. ENDOWMENTS & MEMORIALS I The Foundation can establish a special endowment or memorial gift in perpetuity to meet your personal or estate plans and desires. Please contact the Foundation for details and requirements for this specialized gift. PlANNED GIFT 1 You can provide a gift of personal assets through your will. The Foundation will work with you and your estate planner in designing a planned gift that meets both your short and long tenn financial goals. Planned gifts can indude cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, personal property, retirement plan assets, insurance


policies or other negotiable items. The Foundation has established a Gift Acceptance Policy and can only accept gifts under the tenns and conditions of this policy. We will be happy to provide a copy to you and assist you in making a Planned Gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Bequests are .often a significant source of financial support for charitable organizations, and the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is no exception. Your gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation can help ensure our Brotherhood's strength and continued success as we prepare tomorrow's leaders today! As you create or revise your estate plans, please take a moment to remember the many gifts Pi Kappa Phi has given you. If you wish to include the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in your will, the appropriate language is as follows: "I give, devise, and bequeath {the sum of/percentage of/residue of) my estate to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation with principal offices in Charlotte, North Carolina, to be utilized for the general benefit of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation (or the specified program within the Foundation)."

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THE STAR & LAMP SOCIETY Robert L. Bennett I ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer)· FOUNDER'S CIRCLE Kelley A. Bergstrom I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa Stale) Ben Hill Griffin, Jr. I ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) • John S. Kirk I PSI (Cornell) Parker H. Petit I IOTA (Georgia Tech) ORDER OF THE ROSE Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. I OMICRON (Alabama) Anonymous I ALPHA ETA (Sarnfofd) Eldred J. Harman I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa Stale) J. Emest Johnson I ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) David G. Lane I OMEGA (Punlue) Otis Roberts McCollum I KAPPA (North Carolina)· James C. Turk I XI (Roanoke) Allen 0 . Woody 111 1XI (Roanoke) ORDER OF THE BELL Richard F. Bangert I UPSILON (Illinois) John M. Casper I ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Stephen P. DePalma I BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Frank M. Parrish 111 1ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Charles R. Simons IIOTA(GeorgiaTech) • A.J. (Lonnie) Strickland 111 1OMICRON (Alabama) Robert J. Wilcox I PSI (Cornel)

Honored here are those donors

who have reached a minimum cumulative gMng level of $10,000 or more during 2003. These in<fJViduals

epitomized their commitment to

Lifelong Brotherhood. The following gift dubs and recognition levels recognize the thousands of alumni who made a gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in 2003. LIFETIME GIVING CLUBS: THE STAR & LAMP SOCIETY $500,000 &ABOVE SUPREME CIRCLE

$250,000 - $499,000 FOUNDER'S CIRCLE

LEADINGDONORS 1 These brothers were the largest donors in 2003. Each member gave a minimum of $2500 to one or multiple campaigns managed by the Foundation. $10,000AND UP Eldred J. Harman I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) J. Emest Johnson I ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) E. Lawrence Powers, Jr. I ALPHA (Charleston) Allen 0 . Woody 1111 XI (Roanoke)

$5,000 - $9,999 John M. Casper I ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Robert A. Lane I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) James C. Turk I XI (Roanoke) Pi Kappa Phi Properties Push America

$2,500 - $4,999 John R. Andrews I DELTA DELTA (Truman State) Daniel B. Barry I ALPHA (Charleston) Kelley A. Bergstrom I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Nicholas A. Boccella I XI (Roanoke) Kenneth J. Cribbs I BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) Frank D. Havard I GAMMA PHI (SoothemAJabama) R. Nathan Hightower 1OMICRON (Alabama) Barry L. Howell I GAMMA UPSILON (Oklahoma State) Albert E. Luer I ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Dwward W. Owen I XI (Roanoke) Gregory D. Padgett I ALPHA(Charleston) Frank M. Parrish II I I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Bruce L. Rogers I CHI (Stetson) Dudley F. Woody I XI (Roanoke) Gordon B. Wright I ALPHATAU (Rensselaer Polytechnic)

COUNCIL CLUB Richard G. Anderson I RHO (Washington & Lee) John R.Andrews I DELTADELTA(TrumanState) Peter C. Barr I ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Nicholas A. Boccella I XI (Roanoke) Jerry T. Brewer I SIGMA (South Carolina) Julius E. Burges I ALPHA (Charteston) Thomas L. Carter I GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) Gene Cartledge I OMICRON (Alabama) Robert C. Cline I TAU (North Carolina State) Kenneth J. Cribbs I BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) James N. Crump I ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) James T. Dewberry IIOTA(GeorgiaTech) William L. Finney I GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) David W. Henn I ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) William Stuart Hicks I KAPPA (North Carolina) R. Nathan Hightower I OMICRON (Alabama) Mark F. Jacobs I DELTA PSI (Texas- Arlington) Travis P. Julian I OMICRON (Alabama) Ronald E. Krebs I BETA GAMMA (Louisvile) James A. Krucher 1BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Frank L. Lane I LAMBDA (Georgia) Robert A. Lane I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Howard D. Leake 1RHO (Washinglon & Lee) David D. Morgan I BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State) Lonnie A. Morris, Jr. I IOTA (Georgia Tech) Talbot B. Newman, Jr. I ALPHA LAMBDA (MississiPI"l Durward W. Owen I XI (Roanoke) Robert J. Paterno I ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) E. Lawrence Powers, Jr. I ALPHA (Charleston) Carl D. Ring I IOTA (Georgia Tech) Bruce L. Rogers I CHI (Stetson) Theodore A. Scharfenstein I BETA BETA (Florida Southern) Walter Keith Sheppard I ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Robert M. Snuggs III IIOTA(GeorgiaTech) Phillip M. Summers I ALPHA PSI (Indiana) Dudley F. Woody I XI (Roanoke) Gordon B. Wright I ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer Polytechnic)

$100,000- $249,000 ORDER OF THE ROSE

$50,000 - $99,999 ORDER OF THE BELL

$25,000 - $49,999 COUNCIL CLUB

$10,000-$24,999 FOUNDATION CLUB

$5,000- $9,999



$1,000- $2,499 GOLD STAR CLUB

$500-$999 CHEVRON CLUB



• Deceased


~ ALPHA (Charleston) z Dan Barry --i Julius Burges' ~ Stephen Chandler z James B. Edwards' )> Harry W. Freeman' , John Hassell Drew Holder o0 Thomas L. Hudson ;;::: David Jaffee ;;::: Robert W. Marlowe Greg Padgett CJJ E. Lawrence Powers, Jr. (5 Sam Stafford Ill z Richard B. Voomeveld


BETA (Presbyterian) Marion Mixson' ZETA (Wofford) Jeff Boggan Mark Bundy Matt Martin IOTA (Georgia Tech) Pete Petit KAPPA (North Carolina) Stuart HICks Council! Leak LAMBDA (Georgia) Frank Lane MU (Duke) Bill ~uqua Anders Hall Frank Wrenn Ill XI (Roanoke) Ed Bennett Rob Benninghove Nick Boccelfa RobertS. Bonney, Jr. Ed Corson Steven Craighead Paul R. Dotson Mark Edgell Steve Esworthy Robert Fenner Ray Ferris Gordon "Skip" Fidura Ken Garren Rob Gray Don Kerr Durward Owen Lee Peregoff DeWitt R. Petterson Don Potter Tim Ribar Tod Senne Charles "Kappy" Stults Jim Stump Jim Turk Jason C. Umberger Allen Woody Dudley Woody OMICRON (Alabama) David R. Adams Harry Caldwell Gene Cartlecge Emmett DendY Nathan Hightower Travis Julian A. J. "Lonnie" Strickland Paul Wesch RHO (Washington & Lee) Richard Anderson Robert Glenn

CHI (Stetson) Pat ~igley Mark Hollis Stephen Kilpatrick Bruce Rogers Michael Sweeney David Thrash PSI (Comell) John Kirk Bill Newell OMEGA (Purdue) Jack Berl1en Pat Kuhnle David Lane Greg Linder Sonny O'Drobinak Jack Powers Mark Wilson ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer) Ben Bush William Heath, Jr. ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma) John Owen ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Pete Barr Dick Bartlett nm Hancock Peter Lanaris Bert Luer Robert Newman Mike O'Donnell Bob Paterno John Spence Mark nmmes Jeff Wahlen ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State) Jack Steward David Vawter

These men pledged a gift of at least $1 ,000 and are charged with the planning and execution of all Centennial events surrounding the 1OOth anniversary of the founding of Pi Kappa Phi. If you are interested in learning more about the Centennial Commission, contact Tom Atwood at 800.929.1904 ext 104.

ALPHA ETA (Samford) Brad Clay ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) W. Scott Finney Ralph Foster Ernest Johnson Patrick J. Wamsley ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Eric Almquist Kelley Bergstrom Troy Carmann Chuck Cummings Ajay Desai Jeremy Galvin Eldred Harman Robert Lane Warren Madden Emerson Linney Frank Parrish Brett Toresdahl ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee) William Sigmon ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer Polytechnic) Gordon Wrignt ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Jack Casper Keith Sheppard

SIGMA (South Carolina) Joel Borellis Jerry Brewer Ken Forti Walter Pickens Jim Quinn TAU (North Carolina State) Sanjay Patel UPSILON (Illinois) Dan French Mike Lowery Gunnar Schalin

• Honorary Centennial Commission Chairman



5 AlPHA PHI (liT) Nathanael P. Gombis AlPHA PSI (Indiana) Joseph Lux T. J. Sullivan Phil Summers BETA AlPHA (NJIT) Steve DePalma Jim Krucher John Lee John Pugliesi David White BETA BETA (Florida Southern) Cart Koch BETA DELTA (Drake) Robert A. Cione BETA EPSILON (Missouri) Jay Stucke! BETA ETA (Florida State) Tom Atwood Michael Holley Jeff Niedenthal Don Stewart BETA IOTA (Toledo) Rob Shindell BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) Ken Cribbs David DeMarco BETA MU (McNeese State) Mitchell Adrian Richard Smith BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State) Michael Allain David Morgan BETA TAU (Valdosta State) Randy Steedley BETA UPSILON (Virginia) Glenn Dickson BETA CHI (East Texas State) Robert Galvan GAIMMA AlPHA (West Alabama) Joe Alexander GAIMMA BETA (Old Dominion) Dave Simas GAIMMA GAMMA (Troy State) Laurence S. Turrin GAIMMA DELTA (Memphis) Tom Carter Henry Groves GAIMMA EPSILON (Western Carolina) Dean Bosco Philip Cates GAIMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Glenn Aspinwall Tom Camp GAIMMA NU (LaGrange) Jeff Esola Mike Rothschild GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern State) Bill Finney David Luvin GAIMMA RHO (Lander) Chuck Watson GAIMMA PHI (South Alabama) Frank Havard GAIMMA OMEGA (Montevallo) Michael E. Weddington DELTA BETA (North Georgia) Richard Baker Andy Smith Jonathan Woodward DELTA DELTA (Truman State) Nelson Akers John Andrews Chuck Barnard Mark Boyle David Ewigman Chuck Howard Mark "Shakey" Miller Steve Schne1der Josh Wansing Mike Zolezzi DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State) Greg Ball Chuck Beddingfield Patrick J. Danehy Art Quickenton

DELTA ETA (Morehead State) Ethan Martin DELTA LAMBDA (North Carolina - Charlotte) Bill Jackson Bo Proctor DELTA CHI (Kansas State) Kenry Skelton DELTA PSI (Texas-Arlington) Billy Jacobs Mark Jacobs DELTA OMEGA (Texas A&M) Jason Dodd Ed Donnelly Jeff Fuechec Tom Sullivan EPSILON IOTA (Nonh Caroli1a- Greensboro) Chad Coltrane EPSILON NU (California State - Saaamento) Bob Langbein EPSILON OMICRON (Villanova) Joe Brady EPSILON PI (Virginia Commonwealth) Aaron Pertut EPSILON TAU (St. Joseph's) AI Jenemann Vincent Thompson EPSILON UPSILON (Georoia College) Dave "He-Daddy" Hohnadel EPSILON PHI (Alabama - Birmingham) Scott Mcleod EPSILON PSI (Slippery Rock) David Conn EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Peter Dudley Robert Sheets James Wedding ZETA ALPHA (Clemson) Scott Gasparini ZETA GAIMMA (North Dakota) Erik David Granstrom Mark Walstad ZETA EPSILON (George Mason) Alan Duesterhaus ZETA THETA (Texas) Tracy Maddux Greg Salmon (In Memory of Brad) ZETA IOTA QUP) Stephen Wh1tby ZETA MU (California State - Northridge) James Benson ZETA XI (Averett) Richard Riano ZETA RHO (California State- Fullerton) Vic Valencia ETA ALPHA (Concord) Chris McGown ETA GAMMA (Colorado) Brei Heidemann ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State) Brian Barnett ETA PI (Coastal Carolina) James Dukes ETA RHO (Texas State) Brett Lee ETA SIGMA (UCLA) Benjamin J. Hofilena, Jr. ETA TAU (Kentucky) Todd Cox ETA UPSILON (Miami - OH) John Healy THETA GAIMMA (Buffalo) Paul Parker

ALPHA (Charleston) Dan Barry Julius Burges' Stephen Chandler Charles P. Darby IV Harold F. Davis lll James B. Edwards' Otis E. Engelman Ferderigos Brothers Harry W. Freeman' Ernest L. Frierson Chris Goodwin John Hassell Herndon S. Hasty John E. Huguley, Jr David Jaffee Carl Johnson Charles A. Jones Basil L. Lempesis Robert W. Marlowe Glenn F. McConnell Samm W. McConnell, Jr Greg Padgett Ryan Padgett Pete Paulatos Richard Pierce E. Lawrence Powers, Jr. Daniel Ravenel Lee M. Sigmon Sam Stafford Ill Ernest L. Zinkowski BETA (Presbyterian) Marion C. Mixson LAMBDA (Georgia) Lambda Chapter XI (Roanoke) Ed Corson Allen Woody Dudley Woody OMICRON (Alabama) Harry CaldWell OMEGA (Purdue) David G. 'Lane Rick Widman ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Bert Luer ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) Ernest Johnson ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Kelley A. Bergstrom Eldred Harman Robert Lane ALPHA EPSILON (Rorida) Jeff Wahlen

• Honorary Centennial Commission Chairman


Every twenty-five years the Fraternity honors its founding in 1904 by presenting a gift to the College of Charleston. To support our Centennial gift the following men have made targeted donations of at least $1000 to facilitate the construction of our Centennial bell tower. If you would like to receive more information or leam more about this campaign, contact Tom BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Steve DePalma GAMMA UPSILON (Oklahoma State) Barry Howell DELTA BETA (North Georgia) Richard F. Baker, Jr. DELTA DELTA (Tuman State) John Andrews DELTA PSI (Texas -Arlington) Mark Jacobs DELTA OMEGA (Texas A&M) Jason K. Dodd EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Robert M. Sheets ZETA IOTA (I UP) Steve Whitby ETA CHI (Texas Christian) Eta Chi Chapter ENTITIES OF PI KAPPA PHI Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Pi Kappa Phi Properties Push America

Atwood at 800.929.1904 ext 104.

ALPHA (Charleston) COUNCIL CLUB Julius E. Burges LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Robert W. Marlowe Terrence N. Moore Gregory D. Padgett Sam Stafford Ill EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Otis E. Engelman, Jr. Glenn F. McConnell William L. Runyon, Jr. Leon K. Wolfe, Jr. GOLD STAR CLUB Harry W. Freeman, Jr. Arthur L. Haisten Eric C. Heifers Stephen L. Thomas CHEVRON CLUB Philip S. Duwel Irvin V. Greco William P. Luhn, Jr. Gregory R. Pierce Michael R. Renault Robert E. Sheppard L. Andrew Westbrook Ill CROSSED SWORDS CLUB David B. Backus Christopher S. Boylan John & Libby Cobb Adam S. Cooper Ralph Curtis Haltiwanger, Jr. Michael B. Hartnett Eugene F. McManus William M. Neely Francis A. Riggs Gregory B. Saylors William D. Storen Henry W. Strobel, Jr. Charles R. Williams BETA (Presbyterian) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Clinton E. Massey EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Gus C. Adams Clifton C. Goodwin Ill Samuel G. McGregor GOLD STAR CLUB Dwight A. Holder James V. Salvo, Jr. Thomas H. Steams John W. Steenbergen CHEVRON CLUB John H. Broughton David K. Dixon Alva R. Hamilton John R. Ritter, Jr. Hugh M. Rutledge Eugene A. Vaughan CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Roily Bannister, Jr. Walter E. Brooker Gary E. Brown Billy S. Creech John W. Demyan, Jr. Tyler L. Henson Toby A. Hunter Donald E. Mclean Thomas C. Middleton, Jr. Robert W. Schneck John L. Tritt GAMMA (California - Berkeley) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB David J. Dayton Jack N. Downer Lawrence J. otson Charles F. Yannice Neil B. Weatherall GOLD STAR CLUB Vincent A. Consul James P. Kinlock Eugene T. Roberts Harland R. Ross Ron Segel James G. Seiler Allen E. Sprague Young D. Stewart CHEVRON CLUB Walter A. Eagan David W. Halligan Lee Allen Handford

Richard G. Houston Spencer B. Larson Mark A. Nielsen Ronald E. Osborne Paul A. Peterson Michael J. Trainor CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Todd J. Dipaola Phillip V. Hurley F. Willard Knapp Robert L. Leslie LuisA. Mota Millis H. Oakes Robert D. Pannelee Jeffrey B. Templin Dennis P. Valerio Frank A. Winton, Jr. Robert L. Witbeck DELTA (Furman) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB David C. Ullman GOLD STAR CLUB William M. McMillan CHEVRON CLUB Jeffrey McCurdy Browne Kessler L. Holzendorf CROSSED SWORDS CLUB John A. Batcheller David G. Evins Joseph Anthony Murrell James Scott Nelson EPSILON (Davidson) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Hooper Alexander Ill Kenneth B. Clary GOLD STAR CLUB Philip C. Winstead William H. Clayton, Jr. Junius R. Gaither Ernest B. Hunter, Jr. Harold B. Kernodle, Jr. Clarence A. McArthur, Jr. Lawrence Douglas Wilkerson Hugh A. Wilson CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Frank C. Cenegy Wilson S. Hendry Terry L. Odom Louis M. Pales, Jr. Harry L. Powe, Jr. John S. Tolbert Joseph Henry Johnson Vernon Abraham D. Walker ZETA (Wofford) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB James H. Belcher William Boyd Evins, Jr. Deward Boyce Woolbright, Jr. GOLD STAR CLUB Thornton W. Crouch J. L. Kaplan, Jr. Thomas P. Palmer CHEVRON CLUB William M. Smethie, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Joseph C. Alvarez IV James T. Bland James H. Crouch Frampton W. Henderson Ill Derrick C. Ledford Dewey E. Lewis David H. Prince, Sr. Robert G. Scruggs Zeb Carson Williams ETA(Emory) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB P. Seale Hipp GOLD STAR CLUB Kenneth C. Kiehl CROSSED SWORDS CLUB James E. Powell, Jr. IOTA (Georgia Tech) COUNCIL CLUB Robert M. Snuggs Ill FOUNDATION CLUB AlanA.Imm James Garrison Pritchett, Jr. LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Michael V. Cowan

James E. Dull EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Robert A. DeFurio Christopher E. Doyle Frank C. Hodge Bruce M. Jewett Thomas Lowndes, Jr. Robert C. Murray, Jr. Robert A. Parrish John H. Puckett Robert B. Rowe Lloyd J. Skidmore, Jr. Bruce C. VanDerhoof GOLD STAR CLUB Joel D. Bonewitz John B. & Nancy Boy Thomas F. Christian, Jr. Philip H. Cook Robert B. Costley Gregory K. Elliott Charles R. Ferguson Lemmie & Ann Henry, Jr. Russell R. Johnson J. Michael Jones Lee A. Kidd Jean E. & Annabelle Kirkland Robert T. Lowrance John A. Purcell George V. Rouse Michael S. Stevens CHEVRON CLUB Stewart H. Carlin Gregory 0 . Corcoran Mike & Judy Crifasi Frederick E. Fuchs David M. Hull Joseph Luciani Robert A. Myers John R. Paus Paul G. Pomeroy Dean W. Russell Carlton W. Wheeler, Sr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB C. J. Bourque David D. Cunnold A. Nelson Curl, Jr. Donald N. Fischer Allan D. Guggolz Kevin A. Langton Ronald Lanzilotta Steven R. Olivier Chester Q. Reeves Fen Rhodes Kenneth G. Scott William L. Smith Jack R. Spangler KAPPA (North Carolina) FOUNDATION CLUB Keith & Margaret Rollins EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB George W. Braun Glenn D. Dodson, Jr. Russell N. Hadleyu Wayne N. Scott James L. Thompson, Jr. Robert Crawford White Winton G. Wilks, Jr. GOLD STAR CLUB Charles P. Adams Benjamin F. Ball, Jr. John E. Barkley John R. Cauble Frederick V. Coville Alvin W. Daughtridge WalterS. Fuller Aaron L. Hagler Clifton M. Hux, Jr. William M. Johnson, Jr. James Bryan Little, Jr. Richard D. Morgan Charles T. Stewart John W. Ussery James M. Wilmott Charles B. Winn II Mark H. Winston John H. Yokley CHEVRON CLUB Robert M. Bums John F. Falconer Mark R. Gorham Joseph M. Mahoney David F. & Nancy C. McAllister

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Sustaining Members make up the largest group of donors to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Here we rerognize those who made a unrestricted gilt in support of the Annual Appeal in 2003. Their Lifetime Giving Level is noted above their name.


$250,000- $499,000 FOUNDER'S CIRCLE

$100,000 - $249,000 ORDER OF THE ROSE

$50,000- $99,999


$25,000- $49,999 COUNCIL CLUB

$10,000-$24,999 FOUNDATION CLUB

$5,000- $9,999


$2,500 - $4,999


$1 ,000-$2,499




$250- $499




Timothy E. Newman CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Bryan A. Abernethy Andrew S. Bristow Ill Jerry A. Campbell James B. Collawn James Michael Collins Albert L. Ellis Ill David G. Futch Jeff & Mollie Hortman Ronald S. Jordan Scott K. Miller Edgar F. Seagle Jerome W. Stanislaw Donald C. Young LAMBDA (Georgia) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB James Gibson Hull Isaac W. Lang, Jr. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Kevin W. Dalton McHenry Hamilton Ill Floyd Leroy Langston Chad V. Powell GOLD STAR CLUB David Fletcher Black Robert H. Cofer II Thomas W. Dalton, Jr. William J. Harp, Jr. Martin B. Jones Charles R. Munhall, Jr. Richard L. Patrick, Jr. Robert L. Story CHEVRON CLUB Phillip R. Brown John B. Clarke, Sr. Joseph B. Edwards Ted A. Grab Ill Richard F. Harris, Jr. Thomas R. Jackson, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Ray E. Ball Joseph S. Barton Thomas R. Cook Ill Ralph F. Geronimo Eric Matthew Glenn Thomas B. Heys Peter M. Kniskern Kevin M. Krehmeyer Julian R. Lang Truitt A. Mallory John J. Minch Michael K. Conner Brad Ross Ryan C. Rocco Jack G. Slover, Jr. John F. Tolson, Jr. John Herbert Wheeler


MU (Duke) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Erwin H. Baumer George M. Benda Anders W. Hall Heath L. Marcus John Dudley Moylan James G. Smith GOLD STAR CLUB Charles H. Taylor CHEVRON CLUB Nick G. Anas Charles F. Beidler Welsford F. Bishopric David D. Collins Nonnan G. Gibson David K. Gill Michael L. Marable Thomas B. Massey Charles R. Myers Ill James T. O'Kelley, Jr. Stephen J. Schnurr, Jr. Brian E. Swab & Family CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Anonymous John W. Bingaman Dennis P. Curry John H. Doster Manassa Nick Hennessee Ill George W. Liles DeWitt A. Nunn Michael Andrew Robinson Lewis J. Turner, Jr.

James P. Vidas Frank T. Wrenn, Jr. NU (Nebraska) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB James A. Guretzky EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Scott E. Hamilton William J. Wesslund GOLD STAR CLUB Edward J. Bierl James S. Christal Thomas C. Miller CHEVRON CLUB Blaine G. Beck Warren R. Hill CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Roy F. Horacek Wallace W. Loerch Robert M. Werner XI (Roanoke) ORDER OF THE ROSE Allen 0. Woody Ill COUNCIL CLUB Durward & Connie Owen Dudley F. Woody LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Stephen A. Esworthy Raphael E. Ferris Daniel F. O'Fiaherty EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Paul C. Caldwell Kenneth R. Garren Richard M. Newman Donald J. Potter, Jr. Tad N. Senne John R. Stafford, Jr. GOLD STAR CLUB Harry I. Johnson, Jr. Wilbur E. Mann, Jr. Thomas H. Moore George B. Naif CHEVRON CLUB Benjamin B. Albert, Jr. Robert S. Barber David W. Coates David S. Ferguson M. David Klein, Sr. Michael C. McGough Randall H. Overby Ellis G. Ramsey, Jr. Thomas J. Rutherford James R. Wilson Mark A. Wing CROSSED SWORDS CLUB David W. Doyle Lee F. Esser, Jr. Richard C. Flora C. Troy Keeney Dennis K. Kubin Fredric S. Schneider William H. S. Seegar Todd A. Walter OMICRON (Alabama) ORDER OF THE ROSE Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. COUNCIL CLUB R. Nathan Hightower LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Jack E. Brunson Joe C. Cassady EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Charles E. Beard William T. Bishop, Jr. Jack M. Blasius Doston L. Gurganus Thomas B. Henderson Robert & Paulette lnmann Joe D. & Martha Lee Gary W. Limmroth Mark 0 . Matthews Allan L. Mcleod, Jr. William G. Sutton William C. Taylor Richard S. Taylor GOLD STAR CLUB Larry J. Contri Thomas V. Gilbert, Jr. Matthew C. Lux Benjamin B. Mathis Ollie W. Nabors

Clinton H. Paulsen Ralph T. Russsell Robert L. Shepherd Michael S. Teal Jerry B. Tucker, Sr. CHEVRON CLUB James A. Avrett Ross F. Baerwald James M. Brown, Jr. Randy Cimorelli Ernest W. Collins Edwin S. Davis Martin T. Ditto Charles W. Fleming, Jr. David L. Hinton Harley R. Hope Thomas A. Martin Bryan A. McCullick Ray H. Mclaughlin Leon B. Newman Albert C. Skaggs Thomas P. Stowe, Jr. Allan C. Viguerie CROSSED SWORDS CLUB John W. Bray William L. Brunson, Jr. Joseph Van Cannichael Warren D. DeBardelaben Ill John A. Elsevier Felix & Donna Fudge William G. Goodman Paul Q. Hewes James H. Johnson, Jr. Jarred C. Nackley Dan F. Pescott Stewart Powell Lloyd M. Richardson Mark E. Spear Billy B. Vassar PI (Oglethrope) CHEVRON CLUB Louis J. Ptacek, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB John C. Williams RHO (Washington & Lee) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Floyd W. McKinnon Robert J. Taylor IV Robert L. Wade Thomas Ruffin Warfield GOLD STAR CLUB Edwin P. Garretson, Jr. Malcolm H. Squires, Jr. Edward P. Bachmeyer, Jr. Kenneth B. VandeWater, Jr. John D. Wallace Dorsey M. Ward, Jr. CHEVRON CLUB Bruce 0. Beckman Clifton D. Mitchell Charles E. Nolte Ill Charles H. Warner Madison T. Woodward Ill CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Robert & Helen P. Ballantine George Z. Bateh Rick Boye B. G. Cadle William H. Clark, Jr. Page D. Cranford Jason E. Faust Floyd B. Garrett Rick & Deb Lobsitz John H. Moore Paul R. Plawin Paul F. Van Avery Dederick C. Ward Ill SIGMA (South Carolina) COUNCIL CLUB Jerry T. Brewer LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Paul D. Carter, Jr. Danny W. Reynolds GOLD STAR CLUB Robert M. Gatti Julius B. Harrelson Michael D. Harvath II Richard C. Mims CHEVRON CLUB Herbert L. Benson, Jr. William BoBo

Hughes K. Boswell George Delay Sidney T. Floyd Daniel P. Green Christopher A. Hoffman Yancey A. Montgomery, Jr. Wright T. Paulk, Jr. Frederick E. Quinn Thomas J. Stafford II CROSSED SWORDS CLUB David L. Baker, Sr. Earl E. Cashon, Jr. Patrick H. Cave, Jr. Charles A. Farlowe Amiel Goldberg Mark & Lynn Leary Michael J. & Susie Margotta James T. McKinnon David T. Mixon, Jr. Joseph L. Murray Randall C. Paul WilliamS. Reynolds Ill Stephen M. Rhodes Daniel T. Rogers, Jr. Bobby D. Sanders John E. Shaheen Edward M. Singleton Frederick Edward Sojourner Kenneth B. Whitworth TAU (North Carolina State) COUNCIL CLUB Robert C. Cline EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Fred A. Collings, Jr. Clyde N. Humphrey Joseph McConnaughey Stephen D. Seymore, Jr. GOLD STAR CLUB Hunter B. Atkins Donald B. Barker William D. Campbell William M. Joyner Harry L. Mashburn Christopher M. Myers Jacob N. Shepherd, Jr. Hartwell K. Sledge Ill CHEVRON CLUB Maurice D. Atwell, Jr. William G. Barnhardt, Jr. Robert J. Groat William H. Gurnee Ill James L. Neal Richard Hilliard Norrell W. Scott Troutrnan CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Christopher Baucom Peter W. Boettinger Jeter P. Brawley Shelton R. Collier R. David Griffin John Hamilton Gunn, Jr. Kenneth A. Long Richard F. McKnight Steven M. Leamon Andrew D. Page, Jr. Robert N. Richardson William A. Sherrill II Stacey A. Smith Drew & Holly Showfety Edward R. Thomas II UPSILON (Illinois) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Glen E. Hesler EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Peter DePasquale Fritz H. Elich Skip Fowler Brent E. Frank Daniel G. French Robert M. Murphy Ill John 0. Roeser Stephen D. Trahey GOLD STAR CLUB Robert J. Bogdanoff Joseph L. Johnson David J. Kallal Jim & Laura Kutill Stephen E. Mumford Stewart W. Ramsey John Simpson Ike Trogden

Thomas H. Watts CHEVRON CLUB Andrew J. Clyde Thomas E. Doebele Edwin De Berge Mendels William H. O'Donnell Timothy J. Pemberton James P. Pottenger CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Eduardo Contreras Edwin R. Hamilton Warren G. Miller John & Carole Pesavento Paul B. Phinney, Jr. Michael A. Scott Patrick M. Withrow CHI (Stetson) COUNCIL CLUB Bruce L. Rogers FOUNDATION CLUB J. Patrick Figley LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Arthur N. Morris, Jr. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Edwin H. Culver George L. Patterson, Sr. John K. Snellings GOLD STAR CLUB Larry W. Anderson Thomas M. Wrenn CHEVRON CLUB Ira Jerry Giroir Jack C. Inman James L. Young CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Donald L. Johnson Gerald D. Kruhm Matt G. Smith Bruce M. Wigle II PSI (Cornell) FOUNDATION CLUB William F. Newell Edmund A. Sayer W. John Zygmunt, Jr. LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB John H. Angus George F. Heinrich Michael J. Piscitelli Frank Alexei Sherer Frederick W. Thome EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Samuel C. Alessi, Jr. Gary R. Fisher Alfred C. Hamilton, Jr. Nicholas J. Juried Calvin E. Role Robert H. Steinfeldt GOLD STAR CLUB Leroy W. Carlson, Jr. Gregory J. Della Rocca James E. Emig James R. Kao Louis L. Seaman Erwin A. Tschanz CHEVRON CLUB George C. Bullis George F. Muller Stanley H. Pogroszewski CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Joel WAllen James A. Hole Charley S. Potter William G. Schmeelk Robert R. Winter Glenn M. Zieve OMEGA (Purdue) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Jack K. Berlien John E. Lovell EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Leonard A. Ficken Rikard E. Hill Grafton Houston, Jr. William G. Kanouse Richard H. Lowe Walter L. Norrington Herman G. Riggs Robert A. Rust Robert E. Thomson

GOLD STAR CLUB James R. Berlien Duane M. Davis George G. Fassnachl Harold R. Johnson, Jr. Alfred G. Kirchner, Jr. Phillip A. Leslie Robert Michael Little Edward J. Masline, Jr. Bruce A. McCandless John E. McDonald Philip E. Newhouse Michael H. Ohaver William D. Peace, Jr. Michael & Amy Porter William L. Swager Donald C. Swager Michael S. Tyrrell John L. Weaver Robert C. Wingard , Jr. CH EVRON CLUB Mark C. All ion Charles E. Atwell William C. Bradshaw Russell Dagon Ill Jeffrey L. Egilsrud Manish Gandhi Bernard T. Graser John E. Gruwell Spencer 0. Gullicksen Bruce R. Halley Hilton B. Henry Neil T. Hentschel Kevin J. Ohaver Scott D. Patton Edwin T. Sherwood Kim J. Tubergen Edward M. Vana Kaz J. Vogelgesang CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Allan D. Ainsworth Ronald G. Aakens William Ramsey Brown William K. Daniel David F. Davis David R. Davis Harvey Ray Hall Kenneth C. Hess Edward McClellan Kercheval!, Jr. Mark D. Laurent Robert William MacBeth Jason J. Morin Michael J. O'Neill Guy J. Overman David W. Peggs George L. Quisno II Larry E. Reed John D. Reidelbach Robert L. Roth Herminio C. Ruiz Gordon G. Shaw Robert K. Whitford ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Ledford C. Carter Augustus F. Martin Ill GOLD STAR CLUB Douglas B. Clendaniel Timothy M. Downie Charles Robert Melton Ralph B. Montgomery CHEVRON CLUB Michael E. Lake Thomas Lowndes Ill William Maratos Charles R. Parker CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Riley G. Baker Joseph L. Barrett John S. Harrison, Jr. Hollis C. Lewis, Jr. Larry E. Register, Jr. Carl A. Robertson Ill Lee M. Seelig Stephen E. Spisak Michael D. Troyer, Jr. ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Robert E. Holly Jay K. Morris




EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Joseph C. Haines, Jr. Robert J. Ogborn CHEVRON CLUB Francis W. Scichowski, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Brian L. Carrione, Sr. Bruce D. Cook Jeremiah C. Johnson Trevor J. Johnson Ronald D. Scoggins ALPHA DELTA (Washington) FOUNDATION CLUB Robert C. Bux EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Frederick & Margaret Brown GOLD STAR CLUB Indy C. Crowley John J. Dailey Stanley J. Gratis Robert J. Hansen M. Dale Kinkade CHEVRON CLUB Manuel D. Esteban John T. IIIias Robert D. Kelly, Jr. John R. Pedersen Robert G. Wartelle CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Ross A. Benthien Charles C. Caldart Paul & Helen Lutz Dennis R. Melton Chad C. Miller Makoto Mochizuki Nathan C. Rosas Brett C. W. Stewart ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) COUNCIL CLUB Robert J. Paterno FOUNDATION CLUB Robert W. McMullen II John Jeffry Wahlen LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB David 0. Charland Emsley F. Cobb Geary W. Cotton Hugh A. Gower Robert M. Halcrow Charles G. Hudspeth Howard W. Pettingill, Jr. Charles A. Stewart Mark E. nmmes EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Frank 0 . Brass, Jr. Frederic C. DaVant Paul S. Enrico Thomas M. Fitzgerald John D. Gornto, Jr. Benjamin G. Holdorf Eliott D. James James P. O'Donnell Benjamin F. Overton John J. Powers Terence E. Rooke Robert N. Scott Robert L. Sullivan Raymond C. Tylander GOLD STAR CLUB Bartlett Arnold Ill Bernie Barton John S. Crown, Jr. Fabio M. Fasanelli Scott W. Hamilton Murle E. Harrison Michael P. Hill Christopher S. Hill Jeffrey Alan Huehn Peter T. La naris Roy T. Olsen Martin E. Perkins William A. Post Joel B. Radford Charles R. Rigl Reginald H. Ross, Sr. Mark H. Thurn Kevin W. Wood CHEVRON CLUB Sumpler H. Barker Michael L. Crovatt Peter T. Cummings James I. Forney

Robert L. James George D. Johnson, Jr. Thomas E. Johnson William P. Keyes Robert S. Neuman Michael J. Nozzarella George S. Peek Sam Saxon Robert L. Southwell, Jr. Steven C. Stanford Edward W. Storin Randy & McKenzie Wadle CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Robert R. Adams Gregory A. Bauer Steven L. Blanda Charles J. Butler, Jr. George C. Cross Ill Eric B. Dana Andres J. deCardenas Windell A. Dixon, Jr. Mark J. Dvomik Page M. Eppele Carl J. Farina DeHaven & Windie Fleming Lawrence N. Goldstein Robert H. Hoffman Steve G. Jarrett Dean A. Kontinos Kurt S. Langford Robert D. Martin Robert S. McKinney Bing Crosby Michael George R. Ponczek Robert E. Quesada Gary S. Rogers Diego Richard Santangelo Michael L. Sullivan John M. Turco Victor Villegas Mark E. Yegge Donald H. York Robert J. Perry Robert J. Perry, Jr. Brian M. Rizzo William H. Seaver Chandler H. Sharon, Jr. Michael A. Slephens Gerald C. Wegendt ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Frederick W. Raw Jack T. Reviglio Jack W. Steward EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB William S. Alldredge William V. Cook Robert J. Elfers Norman D. Logan Gary S. Munn Raymond C. Terhune GOLD STAR CLUB Anthony L. Amort Earl D. Barton Clarence G. Estes Ronald B. Gustaff Thome H. Hammond Kenneth McBride Hawke, Jr. Donald L. Knight Robert L. Nordlander Thomas D. Patterson William W. Thomas CHEVRON CLUB Melvin D. Knorr James S. Marsh John W. Moore Roger A. Tumer CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Robert Colonna Fraser C. Granl James L. Guthrie Timothy R. Large Leon 0 . Ramsey PeterS. Galloway William C. Holste David V. Ledoux ALPHA ETA (Samford) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB William W. Dixon, Jr. William M. Ford Warren W. Hilson

James E & Suzanne Purvis Dwayne K. Todd GOLD STAR CLUB Jimmy Ray Bell Robert C. Chandler Gilmer T. Simmons Henry John Yeackle Ill CHEVRON CLUB Robert E. Greene M. Matt Miles Ill Stewart M. Winton CROSSED SWORDS CLUB James F. Dunlap, Jr. John W. Frierson V Harvelle B. Goodwin William S. Guffin, Jr. Ron Huskey Jack R. McDonald David B. Parrish Alan G. Sizemore William B. Stark, Jr. Merte L. Wade, Jr. ALPHA THETA (Michigan State) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Dennis D. Yanachik EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Kenneth G. Adams Henry J. Anderson, Jr. Theodore D. Aylward Thomas H. Bird William M. Cleary Bruce T. Lessien Donald E. Viecelli GOLD STAR CLUB Charles W. Bovay Brian R. Connelly Wallace M. DeMaagd George E. McKay RobertS. Trembath Gerald F. Wajda Ford L. Woodward Michael Yanachik Gregory & Christine Zmich CHEVRON CLUB Daniel F. Ciemick Curtis W. Estes, Jr. Todd M. lfkovits Eivind J. Kolemainen Curtis C. Luthy CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Eric J. Arnold Michael A. Bosco, Jr. Frank W. Bruit Gary L. Culicerto Richard L. Goetz Dennis M. Joy Henry A. Londo Ill Roger W. Nelson George W. Pardee, Jr. Brian T. Prylon ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) ORDER OF THE ROSE J. Ernest Johnson EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Robert L. Ferrell W. Scott Finney James A. Flanagan, Jr. Thomas W. Fuller Edward N. Henderson William W. Jones, Jr. Lawrence C. Pharo, Jr. Joel T. Radman Louis A. Reynolds, Jr. GOLD STAR CLUB Stuart Blackwell John 0. Chri stiansen, Jr. Tommy W. Gordon Moyer D. Harris James H. Hendry N.D. "Skeeter" McClure Gary M. Patterson Bogart Scott Reed Robert C. Ward CHEVRON CLUB Charles W. Beaird Charles S. Blackledge, Jr. Troy I. Corbin Tommy K. Hartwell George Hoey Morris Paul T. Persons Andrew S. Pruiett



David G. Scott Cha~es M. Wood CROSSED SWORDS CLUB James C. Davis Cha~es W. Jinright Hubert H. Joiner James M. Jones Bill K. Kennedy Kenneth H. Laurendine Brian P. Matisak Charles E. McDanal Ketih A. Myers John E. Owens, Jr. George F. Reddick, Jr. Jeffrey D. Richards William T. Skaggs George & Sherry Tobia James A. Tyson ALPHA KAPPA (Michigan) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Patrick M. Walsh GOLD STAR CLUB Carl J. Walker CHEVRON CLUB Jonathan P. Albert Kevin S. Livingston Jason R. Prickett Steven L. Warnke CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Michael Carter Johnson Calvin A. Saur ALPHA LAMBDA (Mississippi) CHEVRON CLUB Ben B. Sayle CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Santo J. Borganelli ALPHA MU (Penn State) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Lewis Blaine Grube Richard C. Heim Maurice & Betty Ranc GOLD STAR CLUB Gary D. Bello Jon D. Benedetti Richard W. Brown, Jr. Palmer & Phyllis Davis William E. Johnson Richard F. McKnight William Simon Ill William J. Vernon, Jr. William R. Walker John J. Yeosock CHEVRON CLUB Curtis R. Butler Ralph W. Moyer Scott D. Myers Richard J. Parks Richard A. Sandala John G. Schmucker Ill Robert N. Senko CROSSED SWORDS CLUB David N. Back Mark D. Berger Stephen C. Botta Lloyd S. Bevier Robert W. Boyd George W. Fasic Timcthy G. Kiss Edwin A. (Ted) Friend, Jr. Gordon E. Fry II Martin R. Hornung William W. Lawrence John D. Miller Michael W. Myers Ray E. Plymyer Duane C. Remsnyder Larry J. Shue Theodore D. Webber II Michael J. Wells Gene Wille ALPHA XI (St. John's) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Joseph E. Flaherty EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Richard P. Brady John J. Molinelli Paul J. Schwanenflugel GOLD STAR CLUB Louis T. DeStefano

Antonio G. Quilon Richard G. Ramge Harry F. Roener William T. Roney, Jr. Siegfried A. Rotter CHEVRON CLUB Joseph P. Crosson William V. Delnicki Robert Demarino Paul W. Dillon John F. Flynn Richard F. Groller Daniel P. Gross Stanley C. Harazim Albert R. Muller Joseph H. Ripe! CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Albert Aiello, Jr. Eugene C. Basini, Jr. John E. Conover Franklin M. Grandinetti Howard J. Guba Arthur J. Ka~e Henry G. Lenz Michael J. Levinton Robert F. Maggio Michael G. Power Roy D. Sarcona Jason R. Scott Rudolph C. Stankovic Paul M. Tierney ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) FOUNDER'S CIRCLE Kelley A. Bergstrom ORDER OF THE ROSE Eldred J. Hannan ORDER OF THE BELL Frank M. Parrish Ill COUNCIL CLUB Robert A. Lane FOUNDATION CLUB Wayne R. Moore LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Hubert M. Lattan James B. Moon EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Eric J. Almquist Bob & Joyce Bateman John C. Brockmann Robert 0 . Brown James R. Carson Curtis C. Clifton Jeremy D. Galvin Guy K. Goodenow Kenneth R. Hook Gerald D. Love William G. Nechanicky Harold Don Osborne Thomas J. Ruzicka GOLD STAR CLUB Keith J. Bader Brian D. Barringer Delmar E. Burkett Gilbert L. Comstock Jeremy D. Dickinson Philip J. Dvorak Stanton E. Fritz David L. Hancock David K. Little Robert K. McKean Richard C. Ohrt Ralph H. Ruedy John 0 . Sanderson Cha~es Schram, Jr. John J. Yeak CHEVRON CLUB William W. Chmelar Dale M. Cochran Barry L. Croucher John W. Ferguson Benjamin D. Foot Forest L. Goetsch Terry E. Henricksen Leo Mores Jon J. Parrish Cha~es J. Rehman, Jr. Lawrence M. Stella Cesar Augusto R. Vega CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Robert L. Adams Rodney J. Bennink Troy D. Downing

DavidA. Duda Jo Francis Hamlett Danny L. Kahl Kyle M. Kroner Phil & Mary Sula Linney Thomas J. Mazzola Evan Cha~es Pike Richard E. Sahr Tyson & Elaine Salewske Mark C. Schutt Anthony J. Sindt Donald W. Somers Michael R. Stewart Gene A. Turk, Jr. Tyler J. VanSteenhuyse Corey C. Weeklund Paul H. White William C. Wise


ALPHA PI (Universtiy of the South) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB William B. Dickens ALPHA RHO (West Virginia) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Victor A. Folio GOLD STAR CLUB Robert J. Laughner CHEVRON CLUB John C. Marano, Jr. CHEVRON CLUB William B. Russell CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Robert E. Allen Ill John B. Arbuckle Ben Hanko Philip E. & Lilah M. Michael Gregory C. Nestor Christopher M. Williams ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Barney A. Tucker EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Thomas H. Banks R. Barry Cecil James T. Cogdill John F. Miller Frank M. Pugh Alfred S. Sewell, Jr. James R. VanFrank, Jr. GOLD STAR CLUB Claude S. Harvey Ill Mark A. Muth James F. Steffner, Sr. CHEVRON CLUB Gregory D. Carpenter Henry D. Jorsz J. J. Lovegrove David B. Spalding CROSSED SWORDS CLUB C. William Booher, Jr. William B. Boyter Clyde P. Dalrymple, Jr. Anthony Gasbarro Robert C. Gracy Jack W. Harris, Jr. Ira J. Katzman RobertA. Linn Kenneth R. Parkinson Henry C. Settle Larry L. Woods ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer Polytechnic) COUNCIL CLUB Gordon B. Wright LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Cedric H. Dustin Ill EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Benjamin M. Cahill, Jr. David B. Dobson Robert E. Hawkins George W. Kirkland, Jr. Edward Rebula Harry J. Zimmer GOLD STAR CLUB HarishAiyar Richard J. And news George D. Cook Dave Dropkin Dieter M. Groll George E. Hoffer Cha~es P. Kapp



Brewster W. LaMacchia John W. McMahon Erik B. Nagel Christopher J. Parks David M. Peter Larry J. Powell Kermit G. Pratt William A. Roberts Ernest R. Stacey Douglas A. Wiles CHEVRON CLUB George L. Graf, Jr. John B. Margenot, Jr. Alan S. McCarthy George G. Morgan, Jr. William G. Morrison Thomas J. Myron Andrew Nicholas James F. Rappel~ Jr. Nicholas P. Rusanowsky Benjamin T. Sporn CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Andrew T. Anderson Joseph F. Banaszewski Milton C. Beveridge Frederick R. Bohl Robert D. Chatfield Robert E. Kesel George P. Magur John S. Martinez Crayton F. Mantei ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Martin E. Burrows Leonard J. DiCarlo EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Douglas M. Clarke William J. Cooney, Jr. Samuel J. Costa, Jr. Harold A. Cowles Raymond L. Davis Paul W. Gross John D. Knoll, Jr. Robert W. Lambert Vicko J. Melada Frederick W. Schmehl Edward M. Simon, Jr. Richard L. Sullivan GOLD STAR CLUB Thomas E. Berk John J. Buhsmer, Jr. William S. Conrad Walter W. Dearolf, Jr. Joseph R. Deluca Kenneth J. Dirkes Philip R. Earley Gino A. Fortunato Raymond H. Griffin Arthur J. Jones Joseph J. Keyes Eugene R. Kiehl Ralph E. Klesius Charles S. Kuntz Jack N. Marshall Osborne C. Miller, Jr. Clifford M. Price Donald L. Schey Michael W. Sellers Roland R. Tesno Arthur W. Tunnell, Jr. Stanley R. Wilson Frederic S. Woerth CHEVRON CLUB Mark R. Blasser Percy Brewington, Jr. John R. Frye John H. Gardner Norman E. Grede Dale R. Haring Guy C. Hess, Jr. Robert E. Imbrogno Wa ~e r W. Lovell Joseph E. Mittura David L. Norris Samuel Ralph Parris John J. Peirce, Jr. John S. Remias Frederick H. Staiger Mark R. Tomasello Donald R. Williams CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Francis L. Ardite

nmohy S. Bell Walter A. Bishop George M. Fitchko John W. Goldschmidt, Jr. Thomas M. lsdaner AI & Lois Jenny Andrew J. Kegel, Jr. Robert J. King , Jr. Robert E. Lake Kevin Lannan John D. LaRocca Richard W. Ladwig Thomas J. MacCrory William H. Moore, Jr. George B. Mullin David A. Parsons Michael T. Romano John F. Serafin Robert J. Schoenberger Joseph A. Sheppard David C. Waltman John A. Webb Patrick D. Williams Stephen C. Winter ALPHA PHI (lin LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Martin T. Kotsch LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB John P. Sachs Roger L. Peterson John V. Roach Edwin N. Searl Burton W. Seiwell GOLD STAR CLUB Edward W. Bisone Richard A. Gregory John T. Higgins Edward A. Kasch ins Ramon L. Olson John A. Wheeler, Jr. James C. Woodling Charles R. Woods CHEVRON CLUB Michael F. Barr Gary C. Cathey Ronald G. Douglas Frank J. Janik Edward W. King James D. Leyerle Jack R. Piper CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Emil B. Deiter Gregory J. Kolb Leonard J. Mance Kevin W. Martin Larry A. Mueller Robert B. Stevens Randy Darling Brian R. Koll Charles H. Small Victor E. Terrana ALPHA CHI (Miami) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Melford C. Hopkins CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Fran cis L. Gowdy Richard J. O'Mara Henry E. VanNie! ALPHA PSI (Indiana) COUNCIL CLUB Phillip M. Summers LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Rodney L. Gunning Jefferson S. Shreve EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB William D. Day, Jr. Wayne G. Murray Richard L. Stutz GOLD STAR CLUB Gerald L. Allen J. Douglas Dowen David C. Gibson Scott Louderback, Jr. Kevin L. & Mary M. McDonald Justin P. Patterson James R. Ruckriegle Steven W. Smith CHEVRON CLUB Scott E. Evenbeck Paul Fuggiti

Richard C. Hall James P. Halsey Paul E. Nonie Barry G. Polley Fred F. Thursfield James E. Witek CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Brandon A. Baltz Thomas B. Barker Scott R. Barker David P. Bosomworth Glen C. Crosier Joseph M. Crozda, Jr. Steven W. Dean Harry J. English Charles R. Hageboeck Wesley A. Huesman Brian D. Kelly Richard N. Maguire Brian C. McDonald John F. Meunier Robert C. Nelson Heath Osburn Terry L. Russell Stephen R. Sanders Anthony P. Schlichte Philip Mack Stocksdale Richard E. Tyson Daniel C. Walters Jason L. Whitney J. Robert Williams ALPHA OMEGA (Oregon) GOLD STAR CLUB Sherman W. Holmes Donald D. Lasselle Stanley C. Lynch Robert D. Potts Fred L. Streimer CHEVRON CLUB David A. Stewart CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Robert E. Davis R. Glen Garrett George Brian Graves Glenn M. St. Jean Dade M. Wright BETA ALPHA (NJIT) ORDER OF THE BELL Stephen P. DePalma FOUNDATION CLUB David M. White LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Joseph J. Manfredi EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Paul Bamburak Frederick Becker, Jr. Nicholas DeBenedictis Edward J. Klebaur, Jr. Richard M. Labinsky Richard J. Rodrick Donald R. VanHouten GOLD STAR CLUB John R. Albright Harry J. Bonfanti Richard C. De/core Karlis V. Kopans Donald C. Linske Louis R. Miceli Richard Pedersen Anthony G. Tobey Jacob Van Broekhoven CHEVRON CLUB Richard V. Comiso Jeffrey L. Cutcher Anthony V. Mangone Robert P. Morgan William V. Oakenell James B. Snodgrass, Jr. Francis J. Wood CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Charles J. Bertrand L. W. Crompton , Jr. Neil S. Henning Scott Jolliffee Lawrence A. Kominiak William J. Krouse Geremy G. San Agustin Kenneth J. Scheck, Jr.




BETA BETA (Florida Southam) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB David L. Robertson GOLD STAR CLUB BrianT. Allen Donald P. Brown William W. Dicks C. James Evans William M. Fraser, Jr. Kennis S. Ketterer, Jr. Thomas L. Volpe CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Stephen R. Hemman BETA GAMMA (Louisville) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Spencer E. Harper, Jr. GOLD STAR CLUB Herbert M. Zimmenman CHEVRON CLUB John T. Cook James A. Koshewa CROSSED SWORDS CLUB James R. Hatfield Joseph H. Regan, Jr.



BETA DELTA (Drake) FOUNDATION CLUB James D. Hom brook GOLD STAR CLUB Paul H. Gilman Jeffrey D. Miller Kenneth J. Piller Norris Dean Rowland CHEVRON CLUB James Labiak Robert M. Moody James L. Rutllerford Bruce N. Swanson Don B. Walter CROSSED SWORDS CLUB David L. Alter Martin R. Radtke BETA EPSILON (Missouri) FOUNDATION CLUB Jay J. Stuckel EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Kenneth Xavier Lissner GOLD STAR CLUB Matthew J. Basta Robert J. Edler-Murphy Walter T. Richards Dean M. Shillito, Jr. Laurence G. Trude II CHEVRON CLUB David M. Epperson George E. Hyde, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Michael E. Estes Harry L. Dilley Philip E. Gray Gregory L. Houlle Willitt S. Pierce Kennetl1 J. Weyand BETA ETA (Florida State) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Howard E. McCall, Jr. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Paul T.Aase Thomas H. Atwood James M. Lloyd Charles W. MacMillin Jack 0 . Sipperley GOLD STAR CLUB Leo Aimerico Brian C. Baber John R. Corbett Gilbert G. Fernandez Guy W. Hollingsworth Kennetl1 K. Majewski James W. Newman, Jr. PaulL. Nichols Ill Randolph M. Plotts Frank M. Ryll, Jr. Nonman D. Stoddard Lewis F. Symmes William P. Welch Sidney M. Wilson, Jr. CHEVRON CLUB John F. Brooks

Charles Domingo Chao Hugo H. DeBeaubien Alfred R. Dickey, Jr. Christian J. Downs Raymond W. Jones Michael S. Loy Robert A. Milstead James B. Newman Douglas T. Prior Jonatllan E. Stevens Burnett Stilwell, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Jolyon D. Acosta Donald A. Bowlin Charles R. Cutajar Michael R. Caugio John V. Eichelberger, Jr. Robert D. Elefante Ryan C. Hay Robert L. Gittings, Jr. Bryan T. Hamilton Fred L. Hoffmann Ronald L. Irwin Us. Michael E. Johnson Carlton J. Johnson Gregory H. Jones Michael R. Kryzanek Clay & Jennifer Mills James E. Newman Travis S. Olson Michael J. Rovins lan E. Shapiro John A. Spencer Richard Sundberg John A. Weinberger BETA THETA (Arizona) GOLD STAR CLUB Arthur W. Vance, Jr. CHEVRON CLUB Charles E. DeLeuw, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Paul A. Gallegos James R. Hambacher Ryan D. Leahy Edward A. O'Neill, Jr. BETA IOTA (Toledo) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Robert C. Friess Robert S. Meyer EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Lance A. Talmage GOLD STAR CLUB Robert D. Conley William G. Frederick George H. Hershman RobertS. Kuhlman Craig A. Myers Roger W. Schiller CHEVRON CLUB Elmer J. Newness Richard G. Rose Paul C. Simmon Richard H. Smalley, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Edward P. Bachmeyer, Jr. Ryan D. Courtney Jeffrey A. Dubitsky Roderick T. Hunt Phillip A. Long Andrew B. Mungons Daryl & Kim O'Hair Gene E. Petenman BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) COUNCIL CLUB Kenneth J. Cribbs EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB John B. Whitley GOLD STAR CLUB Clayton B. Doss, Jr. Patrick J. McCabe Mark D. Sawyer CHEVRON CLUB Dennis C. Cole, Jr. Robert B. Donaldson Donald E. Perkins Larry C. Reinhardt, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Frankin M. Berry Donald W. Clark Alton Parker Ewing, Jr.

Lawrence F. Home Stephen McCabe Jerry & Marie Ragsdale


BETA LAMBDA (Tampa) GOLD STAR CLUB Gary J. Cooper Robert A. Myers CHEVRON CLUB Wade G. Birch James R. Crosby James Antllony Gallagher Jack A. Harnett R. Sean Hoover David J. Sullivan CROSSED SWORDS CLUB William K. Baker Thomas E. Bissonnette Daniel H. Cuneo Ron & Marilyn Gagnon Stephen J. Krist Robert Phillips BETA MU (McNeese State) GOLD STAR CLUB Edwin M. Potratz II CHEVRON CLUB Paul A. Brown CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Gabriel A. Broussard Louis C. Hoffpauir BETA NU (Houston) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Everett E. Magill, Jr. Jason E. Reid BETA XI (Central Michigan) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Donald E. Perry Duane M. Valerio GOLD STAR CLUB David E. Clappison Dale R. DeWaard CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Donald R. Friebe Terry D. McTaggart Matthew S. Norrod Will & Amber Slusher Robert A. Swartz Brandon B. Wehner BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Michael E. Allain CHEVRON CLUB Harry J. Daily, Jr. Larry W. Gracie Jack P. McCain, Jr. Karl Moore CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Albert J. Tumminello, Jr. BETA RHO (Clarkson) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB John F. Kruse BETA SIGMA (Northern Illinois) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Robert E. Berry Nonman J. Pollock BETA TAU (Valdosta) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR"S CLUB John T. Brooks GOLD STAR CLUB James M. Dowd Jonatllan R. Scott Mark A. Waddell Hubert H. Wilford CHEVRON CLUB John G. Morrow Ill Walker V. Settle Ill Chuck & Ann Woodruff CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Charles P. Adams Pablo C. Campa Stephana Deckers Jason J. Diaz Dana T. Ingram Ill Donald E. Lape John T. Starnes


BETA UPSILON (Virginia) FOUNDATION CLUB Daniel B. Kimball, Jr. LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Joseph B. Yount Ill EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB John B. Browning Stuwart S. Moore GOLD STAR CLUB Thomas G. Haudrioourt William J. Watson Ill CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Donald W. Bahlman, Jr. Robert D. Bouck Jeffrey L. Chewning Jeffrey S. Craigmile Dudley B. Lewis, Jr. Charles Michael Lohr BETA PHI (East Carolina) GOLD STAR CLUB Dennis R. Barbour Lawrence W. Haussmann Richard D. Scott CHEVRON CLUB James G. Biship Ill Dennis M. Brown Jeffrey F. O'Geary George I. Resseguie, Jr. Thomas C. Sayetta CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Otis T. Bailey BETA CHI (East Texas Slate) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Kenneth L. Park CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Billy Joe Downes nmc. Lee Andrew J. Schlachter BETA PSI (Tennessee Wesleyan) GOLD STAR CLUB Barry A. Saunders CHEVRON CLUB John M. Plemons CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Norris C. Bishop, Jr. Richard C. Burdette Ill BETA OMEGA (East Tennessee Slate) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Byron C. Brown David C. Evans GOLD STAR CLUB Ronald Keith Younger CHEVRON CLUB John N. Boronkay, Jr. Eugene W. Smith CROSSED SWORDS CLUB John R. Combs William C. King Thomas A. Manning Charles B. Motley, Jr. GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabamba) GOLD STAR CLUB Archie C. Calhoun CHEVRON CLUB Jack S. Garnett, Jr. Roy M. Underwood, Jr. James J. Withers CROSSED SWORDS CLUB John & Rachel Nowak Terry L. Tate


GAMMA BETA (Old Dominion) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Matthew St. Claire Parker Joseph C. VanCleve Ill GOLD STAR CLUB Linwood A. Beverly, Jr. Philip C. Davenport, Jr. William G. Jenkins Paul L. Moses Paul V. Sheba lin Thomas E. Treichler CHEVRON CLUB Phillip 0 . Casteel Donald Lee Dixon Richard G. Howard Michael P. Rosenblatt

CROSSED SWORDS CLUB William W. Kirby IV Robert A. Magoon James B. Majka David 0. Posey GAMMA GAMMA (Troy Slate) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Laurence S. Turrin CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Grover C. Adams James R. Baxley, Jr. William A. Cauthen, Jr. Shawn M. Gillis Gregory K. Wilkes GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) COUNCIL CLUB Thomas L. Carter LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB David L. Everson EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Terry Benton Robert M. Biesiot, Jr. GOLD STAR CLUB Thomas H. Appleton, Jr. Herbert W. Blow CHEVRON CLUB Charles A. Demetriou Thomas F. Lynch Todd Peterson CROSSED SWORDS CLUB David M. Dailey Howard Kim Hunter Eugene C. Mangiante Ill Joshua R. Russell GAMMA EPSILON (Western Carolina) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB William F. Willis GOLD STAR CLUB Larry F. Callicutt Max C. Daves, Jr. Robert B. Shaver CHEVRON CLUB William S. Smith CROSSED SWORDS CLUB James A. Davidson Gerald E. Edlin William L. Lauten Matthew G. Mitchell Clifton A. Pickett Jerry A. Shepardson Barry E. Wishon

GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Roland M. Berry Joseph W. Odom, Jr. GOLD STAR CLUB Lee W. Davis CHEVRON CLUB David J. Centofanti Buford L. Keene Richard W. Seaman Christopher A. Wagner CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Oliver R. Brown Stephen L. McClure Thomas J. McGrath Ronald D. McMahon Matthew Lee Ramsey Robert B. Royal Robert A. Sullivan Jeffrey B. Thomason GAMMA LAMBDA (Missouri - Rolla) GOLD STAR CLUB Paul K. Scherrer CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Martin 0. Hoyland GAMMAMU (Belmont Abbey) GOLD STAR CLUB Guy A. Piche CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Charles K. Grissom, Jr. Bruce A. Martin GAMMA NU (LaGrange) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Joseph W. Bryant Michael S. Rothschild GOLD STAR CLUB Ronald L. Farr Ralph D. Sims GAMMA XI (Georgia Southweslem) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Michael W. Hall David W. Suppes GOLD STAR CLUB Boyce 'Stick' Miller

GAMMA ZETA (West Virginia Tech) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Charles W. Hutzler GOLD STAR CLUB David L. Holt Phillip R. Oneacre Clifton A. Smith CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Irvin W. Butt, Jr. Michael & Beverley McDonald Kevin & Shannon Kirk Richard J. Pickens

CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Michael D. Moye CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Claude B. Speer GAMMA RHO (Lander) GOLD STAR CLUB James T. Lusk James M. Manley, Jr. Marion E. Thomas CHEVRON CLUB Robert J. Holcombe Bernard F. Pannone John & Lynn Stanfield Barry C. Young CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Robert Don Amick Andrew & Lesley Price John G. & Kella Such



GAMMA THETA (North Carolina- Wilmington) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB James M. Corcoran William B. Kirby GOLD STAR CLUB Leonard H. Harris Henry C. Merritt, Jr. CHEVRON CLUB William D. McCaughan, Jr.

GAMMA TAU (North Texas Slate) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Gary L. Harbin

GAMMA IOTA (Louisana Slate) GOLD STAR CLUB Beauregard A. Fournet Ill Michael G. Porche CHEVRON CLUB Geoffrey R. Beatty CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Glenn M. Mediamolle

GAMMA UPSILON (Oklahoma Slate) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Barry L. Howell EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Mark R. Christman Gilbert 0. Sanders GOLD STAR CLUB John D. Danvers CHEVRON CLUB Sleven L. Cochran CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Roger L. Schaefer GAMMA PHI (South Alabama) FOUNDATION CLUB Frank D. Havard

GOLD STAR CLUB Larry H. Green William H. Ishee Thomas B. Peterson CHEVRON CLUB Paul J. Langenbach David V. LaRosa, Jr. John G. VanDerwood CROSSED SWORDS CLUB William L. Copeland Daniel & Cathy Perri GAMMA CHI (Jacksonville) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Paul L. Stynchcomb CHEVRON CLUB Mickey F. Strocchi GAMMA PSI (Augusta) GOLD STAR CLUB Justin M. Benfield GAMMA OMEGA (Montevallo) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB David E. Wigginton CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Warren C. Fowler, Sr. DELTAALPHA (Virginia Tech) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB John N. Crist GOLD STAR CLUB Kelly J. Hobbie CHEVRON CLUB Robert H. Squire CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Paul W. Dennis Robert M. Loadwick Gilbert G. Morrison, Jr. Timothy P. Nicholson George Michael Rowland DELTA BETA (North Georgia College) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Richard F. Baker, Jr. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Richard C. Barr, Jr. Steven G. Blackmon Charles A. May GOLD STAR CLUB Victor C. EilenfJeld Victor D. Irvin P. J. Rodgers Brian Yarbrough CHEVRON CLUB Grant Matherly, Jr. Richard P. Moultrie CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Christian & Angela Durham Scott D. Faboui Roy L. Fishel James L. Higgins, Jr. Jerry H. Purvis, Jr. DELTA DELTA (Truman State) COUNCIL CLUB John R. Andrews GOLD STAR CLUB Darryl C. Beach Gary D. Lykins James C. Palmer CHEVRON CLUB Vernon Wunnengerg CROSSED SWORDS CLUB David D. Hennings II Gregory S. Knehans Brian Sammelmann Slevin P. Schmitt James M. Shumake Timothy T. Taylor Damon A. Thayer DELTA EPSILON (Jacksonville State) CHEVRON CLUB H. Dean Buttram, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Dewey C. Anderson Barton L. Chandler Joseph L. Johnson, Jr. Brad & Emily Whitson DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Patrick J. Danehy William M. Edwards

Gregory A. Honeycutt Edwin W. Norris Jeffrey K. Shell GOLD STAR CLUB Douglas W. Edwards John R. Knier Steven E. Miller Frederick W. Price CHEVRON CLUB Bruce E. Greenland James F. Overcash CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Michael H. Buff John C. Mica DELTA ETA (Morehead) GOLD STAIR CLUB Gregory L. Kring John F. Moser CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Ethan N. Martin Thomas V. Mosher DELTA IOTA (Middle Tennessee State) GOLD STAR CLUB Stephen L. Crass CHEVRON CLUB Kevin R. Hunter DELTAKAPPA(Pembroke State) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Bruce E. Tanner DELTA LAMBDA (North Carolina -Charlotte) GOLD STAR CLUB David S. Higgins Charles A. Marus Richard J. Tyler CHEVRON CLUB William L. Dawkins Phillip M. Ludwig Christopher & Linda Miele William S. Mumford Terry A. Reed CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Bobby L. Bollinger, Jr. Larry L. Leonard DELTA MU (Methodist) CHEVRON CLUB Roy M. Batton, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB David L. Waddell DELTA NU {Western Kentucky) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Carlos D. Tatum DELTA XI (North Alabamba) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Lawrence P. Guess CHEVRON CLUB Stephen A. Pirkle William Z. Womack CROSSED SWORDS CLUB George F. Blue DELTA OMICRON (Nicholls State) CHEVRON CLUB M. Jacques D. Frere RayS. Hebert DELTA PI {Wright State) FOUNDATION CLUB Bruce K. Rockwell DELTA RHO (Southern California) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Edward A. Lang Ill CHEVRON CLUB Randall E. Corber Donald F. Craib Ill Robert V. Graziano CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Louis R. Fritz Philip L. Williams DELTA SIGMA (Bowling Green) GOLD STAR CLUB John & Catherine Babel Kevin M. Lotosky CHEVRON CLUB Steven J. Trivisonno CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Michael S. Hevel

Bryant J. Pickney William J. Woeste DELTA TAU (James Madison) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Jerry P. Keilsohn CHEVRON CLUB Edwin D. Beall Kenneth R. Kiser Kenneth R. Rand Ill CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Peter T. Alberse Ill Philip S. Boxley IV Shannon Patrick Andrew Byrne Jerry L. Fairman J. Michael Grappone Kenneth M. Klass Timothy L. Reynolds David J. Sensenig Jeffrey E. Tickle DELTA UPSILON (Pittsburgh) GOLD STAR CLUB Charles J. Rusbasan CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Thomas J. Kaynak Joseph M. Lanzetta David J. Maccarone DELTA PHI (Radford) CHEVRON CLUB Kevin R. Keys CROSSED SWORDS CLUB James A. Penley John R. Spannuth Ill DELTA CHI (Kansas State) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Michael C. Kallas GOLD STAR CLUB Michael W. Austin Craig A. Swenson CHEVRON CLUB Edward L. Enyeart Jeffrey L. Meister ErieS. Purvis CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Dale W. Bushyhead Aaron M. Floersch Steven C. Hill Dewey D. Williams DELTA PSI (Texas -Arlington) COUNCIL CLUB Mark F. Jacobs GOLD STAR CLUB Steven M. Kosta William T. Svihel Bryan H. Taylor CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Keith L. Ackerman Jeffrey L. Johnson John Lentini Anthony Robledo IV DELTA OMEGA(TexasA&M) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Jason K. Dodd GOLD STAR CLUB Enos C. Inniss CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Michael W. Copeland Tom D. Kitching II Kenneth & Janene Martinec Robert L. Moss EPSILON ALPHA (Eion) GOLD STAR CLUB Daniel L. Hart CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Patrick C. Gallagher Trent Gilbert J. Brett Leslie Alan B. Medeiros EPSILON BETA (Grand Valley State) FOUNDATION CLUB Ted R. Lukomski EPSILON GAMMA (Longwood) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB D. Chauncey Sisco II



GOLD STAR CLUB Robert S. MeAra Dale W. Rankin CHEVRON CLUB James R. Dunn EPSILON DELTA (Auburn • Montgomery) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB David M. Smith, Jr. GOLD STAR CLUB Mark R. Cline Garland Jackson, Jr. CHEVRON CLUB Russell A. Buckwalter CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Timothy N. Hatch EPSILON EPSILON (Clinch Valley) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Nathan Wash EPSILON ETA (Winthrop) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Joel H. Byars GOLD STAR CLUB Jeffrey A. Mahoney William C. Moore, Jr. Thomas J. Sacco CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Edward S. Donaldson Scott D. Hodgdon EPSILON THETA (Seton Hall) GOLD STAR CLUB Leonardo S. DePalma CROSSED SWORDS CLUB MichaelS. D'Amico EPSILON IOTA (North carolina · Greensboro) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Jim & Kristi Shaw GOLD STAR CLUB David B. Craft CHEVRON CLUB Greg & Linda Larimore CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Corbin W. Dirks Bruce P. O'Keefe Ronald E. Stark EPSILON KAPPA (Southern Tech) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Jay R. Barrow Michael L. Hubsky David L. Nelson James (Sandy) Ransom GOLD STAR CLUB Bertinson Nhu Vu CHEVRON CLUB Daniel A. Lennon CROSSED SWORDS CLUB David G. Hirschler

EPSILON I.JWBOA(Sru1h Catina · ~) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Robert L. Wilder Ill EPSILON MU (Bradley) CHEVRON CLUB Donald J. Chapman Hector M. Martinez Jason D. McDowell CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Carl LAten Robert J. Gromala Glenn C. Losinski Michael E. Rudofski EPSILON NU (California Stale • Sacramenlo) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Todd J. Rehfuss GOLD STAR CLUB Kim Allen Spannuth CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Steve & Lesley Curtis Steven A. Wang



EPSILON OMICRON (Villanova) CHEVRON CLUB Patrick J. Brala EPSILON PI (Virginia Commonwealth) CHEVRON CLUB James G. Brann, Jr. Brian C. Herrod CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Gregory P. Brown Eric Roger Manuel David A. Perkins Merle E. Robertson Ill EPSILON RHO (Lenoir-Rhyne) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Donald R. Jarboe GOLD STAR CLUB Kenneth C. Brown CHEVRON CLUB Ronald L. Ingram William R. Rhyne, Jr. Jeffrey W. Voletto CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Edward G. Agnoli, Jr. Brian David Collins Donald B. Downing , Sr. James B. Kaehler! Richard L. Gerardi Alvin C. Norton EPSILON SIGMA (Christian Brothers) GOLD STAR CLUB Raymond H. Saunderson EPSILON TAU (St. Joesph's) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Thomas C. Gallina Paul M. lngiosi EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB David L. Hohnadel Roger G. Smith CHEVRON CLUB William C. Williams Todd R. Worley CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Derek M. Crume Donald M. Crume EPSILON PH I (Alabama · Birmingham) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Zack Cloud Donald & Maria Smith EPSILON PSI (Slippery Rock) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Andrew E. Hlavsa Lucas Loucopolos Mark W. Lyons Kenneth R. Masztak Jerritt M. Park EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB Charles R. West EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Peter L. Dudley Robert E. Welsh GOLD STAR CLUB Edward G. Finta Eric Z. Gnann CHEVRON CLUB Blake A. Thomas CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Chad W. Creel Terry D. Davis David P. Gallagher, Jr. Steven C. Fullbright Jonah Lamonica David Robert Mauck Bradley J. Neu Drew A. Roberson Gregory B. Turner Nicholas R. Turner Wardell C. Wright, Jr. ZETA ALPHA (Clemson) CHEVRON CLUB John R. Bradford Ill CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Garth A. Castle David L. Crandall

Luther R. Hanson ZETA BETA (California • San Diego) CHEVRON CLUB Andrew J. Chapman CROSSED SWORDS CLUB David B. Bleiweiss ZETA GAMMA (North Dakota) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Erik David Granstrom Steward E. Sandstrom GOLD STAR CLUB Joe C. Kraft CHEVRON CLUB David W. Kirkland Parry J. Schmeichel CROSSED SWORDS CLUB James E. Anderson Donald J. Cunningham Lawrence C. Freer Ill ZETA DELTA (Shippensburg) GOLD STAR CLUBJ James T. Fahey CHEVRON CLUB Richard H. Hiltner CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Randal W. Kline ZETA EPSILON (George Mason) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Alan & Molly Duesterllaus GOLD STAR CLUB Eric H. Underberg CHEVRON CLUB Jeffrey M. Armstrong D. Richard Embrey Timothy J. Quick Lee M. Quick ZETA ZETA (North Florida) GOLD STAR CLUB Steven J. Borowiec Robert H. Cheyne, Jr. CHEVRON CLUB R. Ryan & Dawn Calafato CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Sean P. Cokeley William J. Powers John C. Powers, Jr. Louis P. Venturello ZETA THETA (Texas) CHEVRON CLUB Roberto F. & Christina S. Geron Chad W. Forsberg Jack Salmon ZETA IOTA (I UP) FOUNDATION CLUB Stephen E. Whitby GOLD STAR CLUB Daniel R. Green CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Charles F. Geraci ZETA KAPPA (Richard Stockton) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Michael P. Bowblis James J. Branca Erik Ryan Flemming Steven C. Meincke Carlo M. Moreno ZETA LAMBDA (California State· Chico) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB PelerJ. Willis ZETA MU (California State· Northridge) GOLD STAR CLUB Stefan M. Wilcox CHEVRON CLUB Randy L. Plaice CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Eric D. Cearley Luke A. McDaniel Zachary W. Schuler Benjamin & Dena Yosfan ZETA NU (West Chesler) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB John N. Nickolas

CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Saul Montanez John E. Nickolas John E. Twohig Joseph C. Zabielski ZETA XI (Averett) GOLD STAR CLUB Robert E. Perkins II CHEVRON CLUB Jay R. Davis David J. Thomas CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Robert V. Alexander ZETA OMICRON (SUNY- Cortland) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Robert K. Hanson John B. Savignano ZETA PI (Marshall) CHEVRON CLUB Christopher L. Conley CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Shawn D. Francisco John H. Lewis Christopher T. McNeely ZETA RHO (California State - Fullerton) GOLD STAR CLUB John M. Deacy CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Nir Bezalel Armando R. Sanbrano Barry L. Willett ZETA SIGMA (California - Davis) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Brian D. Jones John D. Sybersma ZETA TAU (Barton) CHEVRON CLUB James K. Beazley Ill Stephen T. Matthews Jason T. Ricks ZETA UPSILON (Bloomsburg) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Thomas M. Muller ZETA PHI (Colorado State) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Nathan J. Caldwell KyleW. Howell Matthew F. Miceli Shawn W. Rabourn ZETA CH I (Albright) CROSSED SWORDS CLU B Richard L. Carrione, Sr. Dominic J. Dileo Ill James D. Lauro ZETA PSI (IUPUI) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Lance K. Burnside

CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Rick W. & Rebecca Mayo Steven J. Stewart ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State) CHEVRON CLUB Danny Fortney CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Philip Chemutan Robert D. Evans Kevin & Amanda Henson Woodrow L. McEver ETA EPSILON (Maryland) GOLD STAR CLUB Ross Knoblauch CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Mrs. Michael Friedman James E. Rzepkowski ETA ETA (California -Irvine) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Arthur Charchian Matthew J. Traum ETA THETA (San Francisco) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Michael P. Green Anish C. Korula Gin W. Takahashi Cosmo A. Taormina Nelson E. Wong ETA IOTA (Christopher Newport) GOLD STAR CLUB Timothy D. Campbell ETA KAPPA (SUNY- Plattsburgh) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Christopher Domagala Timothy & Jennifer Gray ETA LAMBDA (SUNY- Brockport) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Matthew J. Crossman Christopher P. Mayer Richard J. Shamus ETA MU (Wingate) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Jason T. Hall Joel & Kristen Mcilain ETA NU (Pennsylvania) CHEVRON CLUB Lawrence A. Lilt CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Eric R. Korsten

Brandon J. Tudor


ETA PH I (Maryland - Baltimore County) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Joshua S. Pressel ETA CHI (Texas Chrlstlan) CHEVRON CLUB G. Christopher Matthews Barry D. Oldham CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Paul & Zelda Chustz Mark J. Curry Jay M. Gardner Kenneth J. Oubre Jeremy A. Roman Charles F. Weems ETA PSI (Central Florida) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Peter R. Barnard, Jr. Michael A. Pigford Joseph Regenstein IV John M. Sura, Jr. Michael D. Weaver ETA OMEGA (New Mexico State) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Jeffrey M. Mitchell THETA ALPHA (Southern Mississippi) FOUNDATION CLUB John W. Langley CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Scott A. Cathey J. William Davis Wade 0 . Walker THETA BETA (West Georgia) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Grant N. Hood THETA DELTA (Florida International) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Lazaro Rodriguez & Wife THETA EPSILON (Kansas) GOLD STAR CLUB Brian A. Rock CROSSED SWORDS CLUB LyieA. Dohl Nicholas A. Zachariades THETA ZETA (George Washington) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Michael L. DiSabatino

ETA PI (Coastal Carolina) GOLD STAR CLUB James D. Dukes, Jr. CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Brian Behrens David J. Myroup

ZETA OMEGA (Towson State) GOLD STAR CLUB Kevin D. Yates CROSSED SWORDS CLUB George E. Linares Reid Mitnick

ETA RHO (Texas State - San Marcos) CHEVRON CLUB Robert L. Moffett Ill CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Marvin E. Bums Charles & Beverly Dyer Bryan T. Whisenant

ETA ALPHA (Concord) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Phillip A. lgo Christopher L. McGown GOLD STAR CLUB Michael S. Spain

ETA SIGMA (UCLA) CHEVRON CLUB Todd A. Sargent CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Kenneth M. Chong Robert Soldat

ZETA BETA (Indiana State) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB Michael S. Davis

ETA TAU (Kentucky) CROSSED SWORDS CLUB James David Bolen, Jr.

ETA GAMMA (Colorado) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S CLUB Erik Uwe' Rolle' CHEVRON CLUB Kenneth J. Heidemann Bradley M. Jensen John N. Like

ETA UPSILON (Miami - OH) CHEVRON CLUB Michael & Tara McKernan CROSSED SWORDS CLUB M. Joseph Heaton Stephen A. Lundell Michael K. Short John R. (Jack) Smith

FRIENDS OF THE FRATERNITY Madeline Adsit Richard F. Baker Ill Elizabeth A. Fehr Bente M. Fein Mary Ellen Gillespie Shirley H. Gurley Margery S. Laroe Frances F. Marlow Troy Merseal Ruth M. Pleasants Mary Aileen Slade Joann M. Westfall Louise F. Woody BeiiSouth Corporation Ernst & Young Foundation General Alumni Donation Integrated Fiber Optics, Inc. Keane, Inc.- Action for Boston Community The May Department Stores Company Foundation Microsoft SBC Telecommunications, Inc. XTRALease

Each year a number of nonmembers demonstrate their support of our efforts with a gift to the Foundation. Parents, spouses, relatives, employers, staff, and other non-member donors are listed here with grateful appreciation of their generous support in 2003



ALPHA (Cha~eston)


John Cha~es Hartman Ill James L. McCutchen

~ George Parks Batten

l> Benjamin Mallard Phelps

~ Brandon S. Maxwell Russell :;o John Michael Tablas


~ GAMMA (California - Berkeley) ~ Brandon Scott Beamer z Garrett Kent Keating ~ Alejandro Ortiz

Q DELTA (Furman) ~ Allen Kendall Webb r-

m IOTA (Georgia Tech) Jonathan Michael Massey TAU (North Carolina State) William Warren Armfield II Daniel Vincent Franklin Jason Paul Kohler UPSILON (Illinois} Matthew Abraham Foreman Reid Elliott Stubbs Zachary James Wright CHI (Stetson) Matthew Abraham Foreman Reid Elliott Stubbs Zachary James Wright PSI(Comell) William Corey Berthold Joshua Glenn Hatch Jason Keith Kwartner Eric Levine Nicholas John Linder David Mack Brock Boone Pooler OMEGA (Purdue) Thomas Clinton Barclay Sean Michael Cowley Stephen Eric Hilker ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma) Mark Mitcham Abernathy James Pearce Brann Ill Jared Auston Brox Patrick Ogden Buttry Forest Wells Eckley Jared Allen Granberry John Adam Hancock Daniel Robert Hogan Marc Douglas Lemons Kyle David Scruggs Rocky Brian Wehling ALPHA DELTA (Washington) Jenkins Kang Chan ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Kenneth Douglas Barker, Jr. ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State) Hans Nicholas Huggler Gabriel Cha~es litis Matthew Ryan Rodger Michael Todd Sander ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) William Horace Dykes William Tate Pegg ALPHA KAJPPA (Michigan Jonathan Raymond Bos ALPHA XI (St. John's) David John Bosi Alvin Shek Lee Michael Matthew Ortado Ira Anthony Yenko ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Benjamin Michael Klocke Joshua Ryan Sheffler


ALPHA SIGMA {Tennessee) Ryan Christopher Brodd Matthew Reed Davidson Andrew Scott Lane Wesley Thomas Mowery Joseph Akin Rayzor Ill James Noah Schagren

ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer} Jason Richard Bowers Jonathan Preston Diehl Eric Colin Friedrich Christopher Todd Lynch Oscar Stevens Prat ALPHA PHI (liT) Predrag Barac Jake Allan Crulcich Thomas Andrew Francescangeli, Jr. Brian James Hensel Matthew Alan Kopesky Anthony Russell Malizzio Paul Michael Reinhard Richard Dale Thompson II ALPHA PSI (Indiana} Matthew Ryan Chuck Robert Freeman Fellows BETAALPHA (NJIT} Eric M. Boon Dorian Ray Foggie Ryan Fregans Frederick Huang BETA THETA {Arizona) Jake Craig Henderson Geoffrey Scott Zahler

The undergraduate giving club of the Foundation, the National President's Circle allows student members the privilege of supporting the work of the Foundation through a small annual gift and a commitment to continue their support of the Foundation following graduation.

BETA EPSILON (Missouri) Andrew Dennis McCarthy

The members are listed below.

BETA IOTA (Toledo) Eric George Beltakis Gregory Alden Krupa Nicholas Robert Schrauder Benjamin Samuel Warren

We thank these young men for

BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) Sean Christopher Foster Zachary Syltoy Nelson Jonathan Allen Slack

continuing educational mission

BETA LAMBDA {Tampa} David Villarroel BETA NU (Houston) David Scott Dalton Joseph Kenneth Gentile Daniel Peter Hamminga Mark Anthony Jimenez Brett Steven Livingston Ryan Christopher Lopez Robert August Nettles Robert Olvera Patrick Mauricio Ortiz Andrew Robert Papanos Marshall Adam Pike Kevin Mark Visentin Brandon Michael Wheeler Robert Garvin Wiley

setting the example for others to follow in supporting the of the Foundation.

BETA XI {Cenlral Michigan) Nicholas Gretka Nathaniel Sloan Pedersen BETA TAU {Valdosta Slate ) Donald Blake Brewer Derek Howard Schmeelk Timothy Philip Weber BETA PHI {East Carolina) Warren David Ford Orville Wayne Judd Ill GAMMA ALPHA {West Alabama) Christopher Howard Malone Wade Harrison Taylor Charles Vincent VanZile GAMMA DELTA {Memphis) Bret Joseph Bilbrey Richard Joseph Crews, Jr. Bradley Allen Hogue Jeffrey Neil Perlman Casey Lee Thornton GAMMA IOTA {LSU) Dale J. Duplechain John Austin Durrett Ill Albert Joseph Milam Lane Talbott Robertson Edward Anthony Shamis Ill Jonathan William Stevenson Jonathan Andrew Tweedy GAMMA LAMBDA {Missouri - Rolla) Travis Alexander Bass Ryan M. Francka Devan Hawkins Amos Lee King Eric Michael Mertens Jaymin D. Palel Cody J. Polodna Eric R. Ramey John Venton Simpson GAMMA NU {LaGrange) Hunter Michael Hearn Guy Robert Hodnette GAMMA XI {Georgia Southwestern) Daniel Robert Dupree Matthew David Loper Christopher Stone Wiggins GAMMA PHI {South Alabama) Christopher John Hughes Darren Chadrick Lucas Sean Paul Marks James Douglas Rhodes Dante' Michael Schembari DELTA ALPHA {Virginia Tech) Clifford Alexander Allen Thomas Drury Carpenito Samuel Lawrence Jordan II Paul Matthew Lavery Marc Andre Saint Raymond Stephen Matthew Webb Adam Charles Wright DELTA BETA {North Georgia) Joshua Thomas Carvalho Andrew Kenneth Compton Stephen Bryant Pritchett Jonathan Allen Sellars Lance Christopher Ward Jared Charles Weber DELTA DELTA {Truman Slate) Jason C. Comstock Jarred William Reed DELTA ETA {Morehead State) Austin Dale Atkins Jarryd Clayton Boster Jonathan Even Conwell Christopher Franklin McCoy Scott Alan Murphy

DELTA IOTA {Middle Tennessee State) Michael Lane Binkley Frederick Robert Bossert Jonathan Edward Campbell Frank Lansing Crowder Christopher Charles French Christopher Lloyd Harkins Andrew Ewing Moss Jeffery Brandon Pernell DELTA LAMBDA {North Carloina - Charlotte) Jarrett Russell Lamp Miller Lawrence McGowan Kane Alexander Smith Ashton Bryan Watson DELTA SIGMA {Bowling Green) Jonathan Daniel Baglione Mark Andrew Bailey Ryan D. Fortney Matthew Stephen lzenson Todd Michael McMullen Collin Carpenter Stephan Craig Michael Ward DELTA UPSILON {Pittsburgh) Stephen Anthony Crucitt Ryan Christopher Crucitt DELTA CHI {Kansas Slate) Jeffrey Eugene Cakin Clayton Eli Conner Jacob Chance Dannen Jonathan A. Eck Ozan Selahattin Kumru Clifford Edward Nelson Kevin Thomas Richards Adam Russell Schwery DELTA PSI {Texas - Arlington) Billy Jack Flower Jeffrey Charles Kikel Abel Vargas DELTA OMEGA {Texas A&M) Dhave Selabulr EPSILON ALPHA {Eion) Geoffrey Douglas Childs Michael Buckley Gerrity Travis Michael Lock Brian Charles O'Shea David J. Weaver EPSILON IOTA {North Carolina -Greensboro) Paul Benjamin Jamison Eric Edward Shelley EPSILON KAPPA {Southern Polytechnic Slate) Jose Luis Hardy EPSILON MU {Bradley) Adam Gregory Barrens Mark Stephen Manrose Alexander J. Waterman EPSILON RHO {Lenoir - Rhyne) Kristopher Lee Ulman EPSILON TAU {St. Joseph's) David G. Leonetti Daniel Joseph Tucker, Jr. EPSILON UPSILON {Georgia College) Andrew Scott Holland Paul Frank Sedor Joshua David Wise EPSILON PHI {Alabama- Birmingham) David Gregory Farr Chase Emory Martin Patrick David Merriss Paul George Scarpulla Edward Luke Stafford EPSILON PSI {Slippery Rock) Andrew Hunter Hartwell Justin Lee Ward

EPSILON OMEGA {Texas Tech) John Michael Evans Luke Eric Mackel Ryan Thomas McGuigan Jeffrey L. Myers Jonathan Alan Phy Chad Wayne Reed


ZETA GAMMA {North Dakota) Jason Richard Breitwieser Brad Eric Harsel Matthew Richard Myrick Michael Ronald Nowacki lan Miles Ramfjord Aaron Selken ZETA EPSILON George Mason) Michael John Lombardo, Jr. Ryan Patrick Mosel ZETA KAPPA {Richard Stockton) John Considine Brenner Jonathan W. Tunney ZETA XI {Averett) Matthew Jefferson Doss Brian Cowan Fisher William Gerard Kennedy Anthony Martinez

ETA SIGMA {UCLA) Rolando Hurtado Eric August Schopf ETA TAU (Kentucky) Mark David Frey Robert Anderson Haggard Daniel Joseph Kelly Palrick Clark Proffitt Andrew Kyle Schuette Adam Lee Story Matthew Leonard Weber Bryan Sanders Worth ETA UPSILON {Miami {OH)) Dennis Behrens Richard David Swenson Ill S. Joshua Wellen ETA PHI (Maryland - Baltimore County) Dominic John Cirincione, Jr. Joshua Sebastian Dimilri Hill Michael David Klein, Jr. Constantine Steven Likakis Chris Manger

ZETA TAU {Barton) Jesse Dale Geyer

ETA CHI {Texas Christian) Nicholas Landon Rea Bendian William Brian Casebolt Andrew Todd Hepworth Adam Mark Hepworth Benjamin Wade Johns Alexander M. Johnson Blaine William Kauk Charlie Lee McClurg Joshua Raymond MciNamara Kyle Michael Mulloy Larry Christopher Oldham Cody Clayton Oldham Marcus Houston Quails Charles Ross Stephan James Andrew Stewart

ZETA PHI {Colorado Slate) Daniel James Caldwell Kevin Palrick Foley Jason Patrick Greer Andrew Gregory Hagen Evan Lucas McCarty Benjamin Lee Pilato Robert James Schneider

ETA OMEGA (New Mexico Slate) Charles Walter Alderman II David Anthony Daniels Abel 0. Garcia David Isaac Guerra Jesse Raymond Morales Ryan Douglas Shaffer Juan Julian Suazo Carlos R. Valles

ZETA CHI {Albright) Andrew Russell Holets Timothy Donoghue Lauro Timothy D. Loehwing lan Jonathan Matlack Daniel Ralph Ruedy Darren Keith Stoltzfus

THETA DELTA {Florida International) Victor Jolhn Aldrich lan Alexis Lugo Anthony Jason Perez James Michael Prieto Robert Frost Riley Ill Jorge Ignacio Triay, Jr.

ETA ZETA {Queens Drew Tyler Dietrich Kyle Patrick McGrath Ryan Patrick Potter Michael Benjamin Wetzel Elliott Bradford Willson

THETA EPSILON {Kansas) Mace Davison May Zachary Stuart Zimmerman

ZETA PI {Marshall) Christopher John Lewis Brandon Wesley Ramsey Stephen Thomas Reed ZETA RHO {California Slate - Fullerton) Ross Calvin McCollum

ETA LAMBDA {SUNY- Brockport Palrick Danile Clemens ETA MU {Wingate) Neil Robert Blot ETA OMICRON {San Francisco Slate) Nicholas R. Fairbairn John Jefferson Lowry IV Ronald Allan Montefalcon Allan James Ramsay Evan Andrew Thomas Tennyson M. Wilson ETA RHO {Texas State -San Marcos) Hazeez Larry Adams John M. Atondo Zachary A. Howard Justin R. Mayer Christopher Molho Edmond F. Montgomery Corbin Christopher Neilson Robert Walker Phillips Chad Aaron Schroeder Keith William Standlee Seth Dakota Weiss

THETA ZETA {George Washington) Ravindran Alfreds Harris Michael Markowitz Thomas Joshua James Scazzafavo Mark Akio Swartz IOWA ASSOCIATE CHAPTER Daniel R. Croyle Thomas Daniel Duffy Daniel N. Ecklund lan M. Messenger Ross Prenosil Potter Blake J. Towle Jacob William Trumm NEW MEXICO ASSOCIATE CHAPTER Brandon Kauffman FRIENDS OF THE FRATERNITY Ned E Kirklin



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ALPHA (Charleston) Gary A. Catterton

~ ZETA (Wofford)

m Alex O'Daniel

;;o Paul K. Switzer Ill

z m -l


~ -l

-n ~



MU(Duke) Erwin H. Baumer XI (Roanoke) David L. Barnes Nicholas Anthony Boccella Stephen A. Esworthy Donald J. Kerr Weldon T. Lawrence, Jr. Richard Joseph Milan, Jr. Richard M. Newman Cameron Rob Ogilvie DeWitt R. Petterson James Peter Piedrafite, Jr. Philip M. Smythe James C. Turk Elliott Joseph VonCulin Douglas Mark Williams Allen 0 . Woody Ill OMICRON (Alabama) James A. Robertson Stephen G. Smith Joseph D. Thaxton UPSILON (Illinois) Philip M. Robb CHI (Stetson} Stephen A. Kilpatrick PSI (Cornell) John H. Angus William F. Newell OMEGA (Purdue) Patrick J. Kuhnle ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer) Joshua A. Carroll ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma) Adam I. Muchmore ALPHA DELTA (Washington) Robert D. Kelly, Jr. Brian P. Walker

funds for these special chapter level endowments. Alumni can make a tax-exempt restricted gift through the Foundation that specifically benefits their chapter's educational programs. These BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State) Robert F. Broadwell Ruben A. Tweedy GAMMA ALPHA (West Alabama) Joseph L. Alexander GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) Thomas Lee Carter Stephen M. Mosher GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Russell L. Gilliam GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) William L. Finney DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State) David W. Huss William E. Maycock Edwin W. Norris DELTASIGMA (Bowling Green State) Kevin J. Vania

ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) David D. Boden

DELTA CHI (Kansas State) G. Lawrence Keller Ill

ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Kelley A. Bergstrom Jeremy D. Galvin Frank M. Parrish Ill Thomas J. Tott

DELTA PSI (Texas- Arlington) Steven M. Kosta

ALPHA RHO (West Virginia) Craig Alan Winkelmann ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee) Ira J. Katzman ALPHA PHI (liT) Matthew E. Hunt ALPHA PSI (Indiana) James G. Broadhurst David A. Calzaretta Edward E. Grzeda BETA ALPHA (NJIT) James A. Krucher John F. Lee, Jr. BETA ETA (Florida State) Thomas H. Atwood BETA THETA (Arizona) Sean P. Mahoney BETA XI (Central Michigan) Basil J . Lyberg


The Foundation maintains

EPSILON PHI (Alabama - Birmingham) Steven A. Lawrence ETA LAMBDA (SUNY- Brockport) J. Scott Atkinson ETA TAU (Kentucky) James Todd Cox ETA UPSILON (Miami) Brandon J. Tudor Stephen E. Whitby ETA CHI (Texas Christian) Thomas H. Atwood

include scholarships, leadership schools and providing computers or libraries for the chapter house. Listed here are those alumni who contributed to a Chapter Investment fund in 2003.









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CAPITAL GIFTS RESTRICTED XI (Roanoke) Paul & Tracy Jenkins ALPHA ALPHA (Mercer) Robert L. Bennett, Sr.

Many donors choose to support specific programs of the Foundation with their contribution.

ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Jack M. Casper ETA SIGMA (UCLA) Todd A. Sargent STAR PROGRAM GAMMA OMICRON (Bethel) Richard T. Kinnaman VOLUNTEER INITIATIVE FUND ALPHA SIGMA (Tennessee) William T. Sigmon EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College) David L. Hohnadel

These gifts allow these important programs and services to continue by providing a sound financial base. We gratefully acknowledge and recognize the following individuals for their special support this past year.

GAMMA (California - Berkeley) Robert L. Witbeck in honor of Mr. Harold Raymon Harlan, Jr. KAPPA (North Carolina) Ruth M. Pleasants in honor of Mr. Clifton Edward Pleasants James L. Thompson in honor of Mr. Joseph Taylor Melvin, Jr. James L. Thompson, Jr. in honor of Mr. Hobert Glenn Tucker Mr. & Mrs. James L. Thompson in honor of Mr. Bailey Williamson Hobgood, Jr. LAMBDA (Georgia) Mary Aileen Slade in honor of Mr. Sam Mitchell Slade IOTA (Georgia Tech) Chester Q. Reeves in honor of Mr. E D Reeves, Jr XI (Roanoke) Mr. & Mrs. Durward W. Owen in honor of Charles W. Atwood OMEGA (Purdue) Madeline Adsit in honor of Mr. Francis Wayne Adsit

TOP 10 GIVING CHAPTERS IN 2003 (WITH 2002 RANK IN PARENTHESIS) 1. ALPHA (Charleston) (9) ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) (2) 2. 3. XI (Roanoke) (1) ALPHA EPSILON (Florida} (4) 4. 5. OMICRON (Alabama) (3) ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) (6) 6. ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) (5) 7. OMEGA (Purdue) (7) 8. DELTA DELTA (Truman State) (12) 9. 10. CHI (Stetson) (26)

ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Margery S. Laroe in honor of Mr. Thomas Arthur LaRoe GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) Boyce "Stick" Miller in honor of Mrs. Laura J. Beardsley ZETA THETA (Texas) Gregory S. Salmon in honor of Mr. Bradley Steven Salmon ETA PI (Coastal Carolina) Eta Pi Alumni Chapter in honor of Mr. James Daniel Dukes, Jr

ALPHA (Charleston) Daniel B. Barry Julius E. Burges David H. Jaffee Richard B. Voomeveld GAMMA (Cal~ornia - Berkeley) Neil B. Weatherall ZETA (Wofford) Jesse C. Crimm ETA( Emory) P. Seale Hipp KAPPA (North Carolina) William Stuart Hicks LAMBDA (Georgia) Frank L. Lane James L. Lester Thomas Philip Tappy David E. Tidmore XI (Roanoke) Edward J. Bennett Edward L. Corson II Daniel R. Claw Reginald W. Gravely, Jr. Durward W. Owen John J. Ribar, Jr. James C. Turk Allen 0. Woody Ill Dudley F. Woody OMICRON (Alabama) Travis P. JuOan A. J. (Lonnie) Strickland Ill RHO (Washinton & Lee) Richard G. Anderson SIGMA (South Carolina) James A. Quinn II UPSILON (Illinois) James Gunnar Schalin PSI (Cornell) Richard S. Shull OMEGA (Purdue) David G.l.ane ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Albert E. Luer Michael L. O'Donnell Mark E. Timmes ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State) James S. Marsh David H. Vawter ALPHA KAPPA (Michigan) Mark E. Penrin ALPHA MU (Penn State) Kevin K. Murphy


ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Kelley A. BerQstrom FranR M. Pamsh Ill ALPHA PSI (Indiana) Phillip M. Summers BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Stephen P. DePalma James A. Krucher BETA GAMMA (louisville) Ronald E. Krebs Warren D. Robb BETA ETA (Florida State) Christopher D. New BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) Kenneth J. Cribbs BETA UPSILON (Virginia) Walter H. Brinkman Glenn A. Dickson GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Glenn Aspinwall Perry W. Buffington GAMMA NU (laGrange) Ronald J. deValinger GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) William L. F1nney GAMMA PHI (South Alabama) Frank D. Havard GAMMA OMEGA (Montevallo) R. Jeffery McGhee DELTA DELTA (Truman State) John R. Andrews DELTA ZETA (Applachian State) Arthur J. Quickenton DELTA LAMBDA (North Carolina- Charlotte) William C. Jackson, Jr DELTA SIGMA (Bowling Green) John P. Babel DELTA CHI (Kansas State) James T. Lindemuth DELTA PSI (Texas -Arlington) Mark F. Jacobs EPSILON IOTA (North Carolina- Greensboro) Steven T. Kirkman EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Timothy E. Haen FRIENDS OF THE FRATERNITY Ms. Lillian Jest

The Gateway Society recognizes those individuals who make known to us their plans to indude Pi Kappa Phi in their estate plans or have made a gift to the Foundation through a bequest, trust, annuity or life insurance benefit. Those Brothers who have currently indicated that Pi Kappa Phi has been induded in their estate plans are listed here:

ALPHA (Charleston) Daniel E!. Barry Julius E. Burges Richard B. Voorneveld GAMMA {Belteley) Steven S. Ryder IOTA (GeomiaTech) Michael V. Cowan Palter H. Petit KAPPA (North Carolina) William S. Hicks Thomas H. Sayre MU (Duke) William D. Fuqua Frank T. Wrenn Ill XI (Roanoke) Edward Lyons Corson II Durward W. Owen John Joseph Ribar, Jr. James SylVester Stump, Jr. James C. Tult Nlen 0. Woody Ill Dudley Foster Woody OMICRON (Nabamal Harry Edwin Caldwel Jr. Robert Nathan Hightower Travis Porter Julian Nonzo James Strickland Ill RHO (Washington & Lee) Richard Gardiner Anderson SIGMA {South Carolina) Jerry Thomas Brewer Walter Hays Pickens Jr. UPSILON {Illinois) James Gunnar Schalin CHI (Stetson~ J. Patrick Fig ey Bruce Layton Rogers PSI (Cornell) John Stuart Kilt William Fay Newell OMEGA (Purdue) David Girdon Lane Gregory Vincent Linder Emmanuel O'Drobinak ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Richard Chalkle_y Bartlett Michael Leo O'Donnell Robert John Paterno Malt Edward Timmes John Jeffry Wahlen ALPHA ZETA (Oregon State) David Hill VaWter ALPHA THETA (Michigan State) Matthew John Snaheen ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) Ralph Shell Foster, Jr. J. Ernest Johnson William S. Finney ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Eric James Nmquisl Kelley Arnold Bergstrom Eldred John Harman Emerson Dawson Linney Warren Ross Madden Frank Megran Panrish Ill ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Walter Keith Sheppard ALPHA PHI (liT) Nathanael Paul Gombis ALPHA PSI (Indiana) Phillip Max Summers BETA ALPHA (NJIT) Stephen P. DePalma Patrick Guerra James Alan Krucher John Francis Lee Jr. John E. Pugliesi BETA DELTA (Drake) Robert Nbert Cione

The Nu Phi society recognizes those alumni who have attended ftve or more Supreme Chapters, as well as those who have held the title of Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, or have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Each Nu Phi Member makes an annual contribution based upon their number of years as an initiated member. The 2003 Nu Phi Society Members are:

BETA EPSILON (Missouri) Jay Joseph Stuckel BETA IOTA (Toledo) J. Robert Shindell BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) Kenneth John Cribbs BETA MU (McNeese State) C. Mitchell Adrian Wi~red R. Bourne, Jr. Richard B. Smith GAMMA ALPHA (West Nabama) Joseph L. Alexander Richard Bryan Bonner GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) Thomas Lee Carler GAMMA KAPPA (Georgia Southern) Glenn Aspinwall Perry Wayne Buffington

GAMMA NU (LaGrange) Jeffrey Lawrence Esola GAMMA XI (Georgia Southwestern) William Lee "Finney GAMMA PHI (South Nabama) Frank DuBois Havard DELTA BETA (North Georgia) Johnathan W. Woodward DELTA DELTA (Truman State) John Richard Andrews Charles Jay Barnard DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State) Gnegory Lee Ball DELTA LAMBDA (North Carolina· Charlotte) William Carroll Jackson, Jr. Francis Clyde Proctor, Jr. DELTA PSI (Texas· Arlington) Billy L. Jacobs Malt Franklin Jacobs EPSILON EPSILON (Virginia ·Wise) David Michael Donathan EPSILON NU (Cal State· Saaamento) Robert Eugene Langbein EPSILON OMICRON (Villanova) Joseph A. Brady Ill EPSILON UPSILON (Georgia College) David Lee Hohnadel EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Peter Logan Dudley Robert ~mmett Welsh ZETA ALPHA {Clemson) Scott C. Gasparini ZETA THETA (Texas) Tracy David Maddux ZETA RHO {Cal~omia State · Fullerton) Victor Charles Valencia ETA GAMMA (Colorado) Bret Matthew Heidemann ETA DELTA (Kennesaw State) Kenneth Samford Smith


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Each year the Pi Kappa Phi


Foundation awards a number of

;;o I


scholarships as part of its mission



to support the educational

;;o 0

initiatives of the Fraternity.


PI KAPP SCHOLARS Awarded to juniors and seniors who combine consistently outstanding academic performance with leadership and service to the Fraternity and their campus: Jacob Jon Albers I THETA EPSILON (Kansas) Jeremy Coffman I ETA CHI (Texas Christian) Brian Conley I EPSILON ALPHA (Eion) Bruce Due Le I ETAZETA(Queens) Mathew Myrick I ZETA GAMMA (North Dakota) Jeremy Repanich I ALPHA DELTA (Washington) TURNAROUND SCHOLARS Presented to Brothers who demonstrate hard work and character by making significant improvement in their academic performance: THE JACK M. CASPER LEADERSHIP SOCIETY Funded by alumnus Jack M. Casper, Alpha Upsilon (Drexel) and endowed through the Foundation, The Jack M. Casper Leadership Society was created to annually recognize and reward sophomore or junior undergraduate members who have demonstrated superior leadership and academic performance in the name of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Nominees must complete an interview and essay, have a 3.0 or higher GPA, currently hold or have held a chapter leadership position and show campus and community involvement beyond membership in Pi Kappa Phi. Recipients of the Jack M. Casper Leadership Society Award receive the following: o Recognition at Pi Kapp College or Supreme Chapter with an award plaque and provided travel and lodging. o One day participation in an outdoor leadership and training adventure school during the summer leadership conference. o Invitation to attend the Annual Trustees & Governors Banquet and be recognized for selection to the Society. o Full scholarship to attend the North American Interfraternity Conference's "Undergraduate Inter-Fraternity Institute" {UIFI) held each summer for Greek leaders nationwide. o

Recognition in the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation's Annual Report.

PICTURED LEFT TO RIGHT: Jared Beresk I ZETA NU (West Chester) Ross McCollum I ZETA RHO (California State- Fullerton) Chris Oldham I ETA CHI (Texas Christian) John Herrington I DELTA OMEGA (Texas A&M) NOT PICTURED: Jenkins Chan I ALPHA DELTA (Washington) Christopher Papin I ALPHA GAMMA (Oklahoma) David Villarroel I BETA LAMBDA (Tampa)

Dhruv Advani I KAPPA (North Carolina) Brent Mclean I EPSILON PHI (Alabama- Binningham) William Moseley I EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Joel Ojdana I RHO (Washington & Lee) Elliott Wilson I ETAZETA(Queens) OUTSTANDING ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Awarded to undergraduate new members whose academic excellence gets them off to the right start and sets an example for other chapter brothers to follow: Ryan Johnson I ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Marc Raymond I DELTA ALPHA (Virginia Tech) Patrick Redmond I ETA CHI (Texas Christian) Charles Stephan I ETA CHI (Texas Christian) Ashton Watson I DELTA LAMBDA (North Carolina -Charlotte) Adam Wright I DELTA ALPHA (Virginia Tech)


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The mission of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is to provide support for the educational programs of the Fraternity. Educational support provided by the Foundation in 2003 included:

COLLEGIATE SUCCESS PROGRAM IACADEMIC COACHES Throughout the undergraduate experience, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation supports and provides Academic Coaches on every campus. These faculty members receive an annual stipend from the Foundation and work exclusively with the members of the undergraduate chapter and deliver our Collegiate Success Program curriculum to chapter members. The Academic Coach serves as an advisor and mentor to the chapter, providing group and individual assistance to ensure the academic success of every student. Pi Kappa Phi is the only national college fraternity to provide Academic Coaches for its undergraduate members; yet another example of why Pi Kappa Phi is America's Leading Fraternity. LIFE 401 A dynamic career and life success seminar that helps prepare the undergraduate for life after college. Designed by a Fortune 100 consultant and Pi Kappa Phi John Spence, Alpha Epsilon (Florida); it is another Foundationsupported program that provides a decisive advantage as our young graduates prepare to enter the "real world" and their professional career. VOLUNTEER INITIATIVE Like any large organization, it takes a dedicated corps of volunteers to make things happen. Pi Kappa Phi is blessed with thousands of alumni brothers who give something back with their time and talent. Acting as advisors and mentors to our chapters, these lifelong brothers serve as Chapter Advisors, District Counselors, Regional Governors, Ambassadors and more. CHAPTER INVESTMENT FUNDS These chapter-level endowment funds, which are established through and maintained by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation , encourage alumni and others to make tax-deductible contributions on behalf of their chapter. Grants are made to the chapter for approved educational uses, such as installing a computer, expanding a chapter library, local scholarships and offsetting costs to attend fraternity-sponsored educational and leadership programs. SCHOLARSHIPS The Foundation provides a number of scholarships to deserving undergraduates. Several are designed specifically for associate members and to recognize those who have made significant improvement in their grade point average. Each Pi Kappa Phi scholarship is awarded for chapter, campus and community leadership and involvement as well as academic achievement, once again focusing on our goal to create men of CLASS - Character, Leadership, Academics, Sportsmanship and Service. LEADERSHIP SCHOOLS The Foundation grants money to offset the educational costs of Pi Kappa Phi's leadership schools, including Pi Kapp College, Supreme Academy at Supreme Chapter and the Mid-Year Leadership Conferences. By attending these schools, undergraduates learn effective techniques on leadership, personal growth and development, motivation and organizational skills. LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE- 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE The hallmark of our Leadership Institute features an outstandin~ pro9ram, Stephen F. Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This seminar is corporate-level leadership training from the best in personal development. Conducted by Covey trained Pi Kappa Phi facilitators, this seminar gives our members an edge in an ever competitive world. Past participants have called this the "ultimate" in productivity and improvement workshops. Through program funding by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, students receive the same materials and training that is offered to mana~ement employees of major corporations at a fraction of the price. The program is presented annually through e1ght regional conclaves. ALCOHOL EDUCATION Thanks to the generosity of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, during the 2003-2004 academic year, every Pi Kappa Phi chapter will receive one alcohol education program. In an effort to provide comprehensive alcohol education, Pi Kappa Phi utilizes three alcohol education programs. AlcohoiEdu was the nation's first online-alcohol prevention program and today, with more than 100,000 students, is the world's most widely used online education course. AlcohoiEdu gives students medical and science-based information they need to make responsible decisions. The two-hour Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP) is unlike most alcohol programs because it acknowledges that college students drink, and rather than try to impose abstinence on college students, it acknowledges that any steps toward reduced risk are steps in the right direction. The five-hour STAR Program provides participants the knowledge and tools to make healthy decisions not only during college, but more importantly, for life.

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august 13



12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.


7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

12:00 p.m.-4:00p.m.

Walking tours of Alpha House1Campusl90 Broad St.

8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Founding Fathers & Former Archons Breakfasr This special breakfast honors and recognizes members who have served as the Archon of their chapur and/or accepted the challenge ofbringing Pi !Vzppa Phi to their campus as a Founding Father or Re-Founding Father. You must qualifY to attend this event.

6:00p.m. - 9:00p.m. BBQat Cistern All are invited to a BBQ at the College ofCharlmon's famous cisurn in ftont ofRandolph Hall. Explore the surroundings to discover Pi Kappa Phi's previous anniversary gifts. 7:00p.m.- 10:00 p.m. Centennial Commission & Board of Governors Reception For Centennial Commission Members, Centennial Gift campaign participants, Board of Governors, Foundation Trustees, the National Council, and their guests.


Ch.ulcsron f lord swdcnr ddq;.ue hotel.

saturdayaugust 14 7:00a.m. -8:00a.m. Founders Race AU are welcome to gatherfor an early morning nm through the market and historic Charleston on a 5K course. Refteshments will be available immediauly following the race. 8:00a.m.- 9:30a.m.

Alumni Breakfast

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Centennial Gift Dedication AU are welcome to attend the unveiling ofPi !Vzppa Phi's gift to the College ofCharleston: a 40-foot bell tower and commemorative plaque to our three Founders. 11 :30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Foundation Theme Luncheon

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Supreme Chapter Session #1

3:00p.m. -4:00p.m.

Foundation Leadership Forum

4:30p.m. - 5:15 p.m.

Committee Meetings I Education Sessions

5:30p.m.- 9:00p.m. General Reception I Supreme Banquer The Supreme Banquet is the Fraternity's opportunity to recognize and honor alumni, students and chapters for their work to forward the ideals ofPi Kappa Phi. A special presentation on our first century ofbrotherhood will be featured. 9:15p.m.

Ritual oflnitiation

Religious Service (non-denominational}

10:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. JoumeyofHope/BuildAmericaiCenrennial Ride-A-Long Arrival Come ottt and welcome the journey ofHope and Build Amaica teams as they complete their summer-long trek throttgh America having raised thousands ofdollars and genaated countless hours ofawareness on behalfofpeople with disabilities. 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Push America Theme Lunch

1:15 p.m.-2:15p.m.

Committee Meetings I Educational Sess.ions

3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Supreme Chapter Session #2

6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Journey of Hope Cocktail Reception I Banquet

6:00p.m.- 11:00 p.m. Nu Phi Cockrail Reception I Banquer 7k 11th biennialNu Phi lxrnquet and reception is an invitation mUj event. Pi Kappa Phi alumni are eligWie for induction inJv the Nu Phi Society after havingtiJ/J!rltkdjivt Supreme CJJtrptm, or having been rerognizedas Mr. Pi Kappa Phi or inducted inJv the Hall ofFame.

mondayaugust 16 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

National President's Circle Breakfast

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Past Staff Breakfast

9:30a.m.- 11:00 a.m. CSS H.L. Hunley Tour Visit the recently raised CSS H. L. Hunley- the civil war era submarine designed by the South to break through the blockade of Charleston. Now the subject ofintense archeological research, the Hunley's story is both unique and tragic. 9:30a.m.- 11:00 a.m.

Founders' Graves Visitation

11:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.

Fraternity Theme Luncheon

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Committee Meetings I Education Sessions

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Supreme Chapter Session #3

6:30p.m.- 10:00 p.m . Patriot's Point Closing Event join us aboard the USS Yorktown for this very special closing event. Food and entatainment aboard one ofAmerica's most famollS aircraft carrier sets the backdrop for the closing ofthe convention and anniversary activities.

7:00a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Hospitality Suite

7:00a.m.- 10:00 a.m.

Hospitality suite

I 0:00 a.m . - II :00 a.m.

Historic Charleston Carriage Tour

7:30a.m. - 8:00a.m.

Religious Service {non-denomjnational)

Discova in full color tht richness of Charleston by ocpaiencing a guided, carriagt tour through the city. fn ont hours time, you will ocplore the cobblestone and narrow strew ofthis historic city whilt hearing about the fascinating ptople and places that givts Charleston the charm it possesses.

I 0:00 a. m. - II :00 a.m.

JoumeyofHopeJBuildAmerica/Cenrennial Ride-A-Long Arrival

11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Spouses' Magnolia Plantation Tour

12:00 p.m.-4:00p.m.

Walking tours of Alpha House/Campus/90 Broad Sr.

Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, Magnolia Plantation is the oldest major public garden in America. Lunch and transportation provided.

3:00p.m. -4:00p.m.

High Tea at Chasleston Place

11:30 a.m.-3:00p.m .

Children's Trip to Children's Museum

Expuiena the t/egana ofafternoon high tea at Charleston Piau Hotel. Located just blocks away from tht Market, Charleston Piau provitks a quick respite from a busy day of shopping or sight seeing. join other spouses and guests for this wonderful mid-day break.

For children ager three months to 12 years, this museum will entertain and educate children and adults as to life on in the Lowcoutnry ofSouth Carolina. Lunch and transportation provitkd

6:00p.m.- 9:00 p.m.

BBQ at Cistern

All art invited to attend the National Presitknts inaugural address.

7:00p.m.- 10:00 p.m.

Centennial Commission & Board of Governors Event

6:00 p.m. -7:00p.m.

4:30 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Supreme Chapter Session #2

Nu Phi Cocktail Reception

6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

u Phi Kids' Banq uet

7:00p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Nu Phi Spouses' Dinner

Served in the Long Room at McCradjs- one ofthe most elegant experience> in all ofCharleston.

saturdayaugust 14

mondayaugust 16

7:00a.m.- 10:00 a.m.

Hospitality suite

7:00a.m.- 10:00 a.m.

Hospitality Suite

7:00a.m. - 8:00a.m.

Founders Race

9:30a.m.- 11:00 a.m.

CSS H.L. Hunley Tour

I 0:00a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Centennial Gift Dedication

9:30a.m.- 11:00 a.m.

Founders' Graves Visitation

11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Spouses' H istoric Battery House Tour

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Spouses' Cooking Class & Lunch

&plore a more intimate sitk ofCharleston by seeing what life was like in one ofthe many beautiftt! and historic homer. Lunch and transportation provided

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Children's Lu ncheon & Entertainment

11:30 a.m. -3:00p.m.

6:30p.m.- 10:00 p.m.

Patriot's Point Event

Children's Trip to SC Aquarium

Locaud along the Cooper River just east ofBay Street, the SC Aquarium captures the very best marine lifo in the Lowcountry. Lunch and transportation provitkd. 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Kids' Banquet

Children will enjoy dinner & entertainmmt during the Supremt Banquet. Chaperones and activitier will bt provitkd. 5:30p.m.- 9:00p.m.

General Reception I Supreme Banquet

Conference Registration Fee

$ 100


a Ia carte menu tridaynugust 13 -BBQ at the Cistern -Centennial Commission & Board of Governors Event" sa1urdavaugus1 14 e..Founders Race -Alumni Breakfast -Foundation Luncheon -Supreme Banquet & Reception

$40 TBD

No Charge

$40 $50 $75

$ $ $


mnda\'augu.rt I 5 -Founding Father & Former Archon Breakfast"* -Push America Luncheon -Nu Phi Reception & Banquet" mondavnugust/6 -Past Staff Breakfast.. -CSS H.L Hunky Submarine Tour or -Founders' Graves Visitation -Fraternity Luncheon -Patriot's Point Closing Event

$40 $50

$ $


$ $

$40 $10 No Charge


$50 $50





$ age

child's name chaperone's name

guest's name e-mail

(Pleas( duplicate form for each additional child.)

a Ia carte menu Conference Registration Fee

s 50


a Ia carte menu

fnd~vaugust 13 TOURS & EXCURSIONS



-Historic Charleston Carriage Tour -High Tea at Charleston Place

(Fri/SarlSun/Mon) cirde days

-Hospitality Room w/ deluxe continental breakfast -BBQ at the Cistern


$15 $25


$15 X $25


-Hospitality Room w/ deluxe continental breakfust -BBQ at the Cistern

(Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon) ci<de days $15 X days$ $


-South Carolina Aquarium Trip & Lunch MEAL EVENTS

-Children's Banquet -Supreme Banquet & Reception

No Charge


$50 $75

$ $




$50 $75








No Charge


$25 $40



sundayRugt<St 15


-Foundation Luncheon -Supreme Banquet & Reception


murdaynugust 14

>Jturdavaugt<St 14





-Founders Race -Historic Banery House Tour & Lunch



-Historic Charleston Carriage Tour

fridaynugt<SI 13


-Trip to Children's Museum & Lunch MEAL EVENTS

-Nu Phi Kids' Banquet•

sundarnugt<SI 15 TOURS & EXCURSIONS

-Magnolia Plantation Tour & Lunch



$ $

-CSS H.L Hunky Submarine Tour or -Founders' Graves Visita<ion

mondavaugt<St 16




-Kids' Luncheon & Entertainment -Patriot's Point Closing Event

-Push America Luncheon -Nu Phi Spouses' Banquet*

-CSS H.L. Hunky Submarine Tour or -Founders' Graves Visitation -Cooking class & lunch

$50 $50

$10 No Charge


$ $


-Fraternity Luncheon -Patriot's Point Closing Event


mondayaugt<St 16 TOURS & EXCURSIONS


$50 $50 subtotal

$ $



alumnus subtotal $ _ guest subtotal $ child subtotal $ 1---+----r----y-----,------. I I J I


grand total $ 1 - - = : : = L - - - - mastercard v1sa


exp. date

Please mail registrarion and payment to:

online at cmlnlni4Lpiltapp.org

name chapter school arrival date departure date


sub to tal

e-mail home phone work phone address

Pi !Uppa Phi National Headquanm PO Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 For questions, contact

Denise Nelson Director of Business Al&in (800) 929·1904 CX[. 112 dndson@pikapp.org fax: (704) 504..0880

NATIONAL PRESIDENT J. ERNEST JOHNSON Ernest Johnson was initiated into the Alpha Iota Chapter at Auburn University in March, 1977. He received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Accounting) in 1980. From 1980 to 1984, he served on the Pi Kappa Phi National Headquarters' staff as a Leadership Consultant and Executive Vice President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties and the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Since 1984 he has pursued a career in commercial real estate. He is currently a Partner with the international real estate services, consulting and development firm of PM Realty Group. Ernest serves on various committees and boards of other corporations and not for profit organizations, including his church, St. Martins Episcopal. His wife, Susanne Berry Johnson, formerly of Shreveport, Louisiana is a retired attorney and is currently pursuing her true interests in art. They live in Houston, Texas with their two Chows, Dixie and Pistol. NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT/PRESIDENT-ELECT JOHN R. ANDREWS John is an initiate of the Delta Delta Chapter at Truman State University; he has served his chapter in the offices of secretary, treasurer and archon as an undergraduate, and as housing corporation president and capital campaign chair as an alumnus. He has been honored as Delta Delta's "Alumnus of the Year" three times, and led the planning, fundraising and dedication of a new house as well as a 25th anniversary (of the chapter) gift to their university. John served as National Chaplain, twice as National Historian, is currently the National Treasurer, served almost eight years as a regional governor, four years as a member of the Push America Board of Directors, has staffed every Pi Kapp College since 1990, and has been appointed as Chairman of the Centennial Commission steering committee, and is editing the 1OOth Anniversary History of Pi Kappa Phi. John holds an MBA and has spent more than 20 years as a professional with the Boy Scouts of America. He is currently the CEO of a 45,000 youth member Boy Scout Council in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and lives with wife Cheri and two children. NATIONAL TREASURER J. JEFFRY WAHLEN Is an initiate of the Alpha Epsilon Chapter at the University of Florida, and practices law in Tallahassee. His areas of practice include school law, telecommunications, public utility regulation, commercial litigation and consulting on election, gift and lobbying laws. Jeff has a bachelors and masters degree in accounting from Florida State University and graduated from the FSU College of Law. Jeff has served as National Chaplain and Chancellor and currently serves as National Secretary. He has served as chapter advisor for Beta Eta (Florida State) and as Area Governor for the state of Florida. Jeff was "Student of the Year" in 1985. He is currently serving as Chairman of the Greater Tallahassee Area Chamber of Commerce and is a graduate of Leadership Florida. He has been manried for 16 years to Kris, and has two sons, ages 8 and 5. NATIONAL SECRETARY MARK F. JACOBS Mark was initiated into the Delta Psi Chapter at the University of Texas- Arlington on December 10, 1979 and was the chapter's first legacy as his brother was a founding member. Mark graduated with a BBA in finance in 1983 and served as historian, warden, vice archon, and archon. He is a three-time 'Area Governor of the Year" award recipient, and he's served ten years on the board of Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. -four as president. Mark is the Senior Vice President of GE Capital Commercial Finance Corporate Lending Group, Chicago Office, and resides in Indianapolis with son Landry. He has an MBA from Butler University and serves on numerous community boards, including the Penrod Society, Indy Reads, and The Beacon Society. Mark was also honored as one of Indianapolis' top 40 business and community leaders under the age of 40 in 1997 by the Indianapolis Business Journal. NATIONAL CHANCELLOR DUDLEY F. WOODY Dudley is an initiate of the Xi Chapter at Roanoke College in 1971 where he served as treasurer and archon. Dudley served for ten years as a member of the Board of Directors of Push America where he served as president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary. Dudley graduated summa cum laude from Roanoke College in 1974 with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree and received a Juris Doctor from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1977. Dudley currently lives in Roanoke, Virginia, with his wife Natalie and their three daughters. He is a principal in the law firm of Woods, Rogers, P.L.C. where he specializes in employment law.


NATIONAL HISTORIAN TRACY MADDUX Tracy Maddux is a Founding Father of the Zeta Theta Chapter at the University of Texas at Austin. Tracy served his chapter in the office of archon as an undergraduate, and on the Zeta Theta Housing Corporation as an alumnus. Tracy served as a National Headquarters' staff member and as Executive Vice President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties Inc. He has served as chapter advisor for the Alpha Psi Chapter (Indiana) and as Area Governor for the Pacific Northwest region. Tracy received his bachelor's degree in Government at the University of Texas at Austin, and his MBA in Finance at Indiana University Kelley School of Business. Tracy lives near Portland, Oregon with his wife Donna. Tracy is currently the President and CEO of Logic General, Inc, a manufacturer of COs and DVDs. NATIONAL CHAPLAIN J. ROBERT SHINDELL J. Robert Shindell was initiated into tlhe Beta Iota Chapter at the University of Toledo. Rob served his chapter in the office of archon, vice archon and warden as an undergraduate, and as Chapter Advisor to both the Beta Iota and Epsilon Omega Chapters as an alumnus. Rob served as a National Headquarters' staff member and is currently a facilitator for the STAR alcohol education program. He is participating as a Gear Up Florida team rider this May. Rob has a bachelor's degree in education and a Masters of Arts, in training and development. Rob resides in Lubbock, Texas where he is currently the Director of the Career Management Center in tlhe Rawls College of Business Administration at Texas Tech University and is working on his PhD in Higher Education Administration.





He first donned the blue and orange on the freshman basketball team at the University of Florida, however realized there was much more to college than basketball .. . and that gold looked better on him than orange. Barr pledged Pi Kappa Phi in the fall of 1953. Once a bashful freshman, Barr went on to become a well liked member of the Fraternity. Barr came to Florida without many contacts, but tl1rough tl1e brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi, he soon had friends across tl1e state. Li ttle did he know tllat these friendships would last a lifetime, providing personal and professional support fo r years to come. "The fraternity provided me wi th life-long friends," Barr explains. "Close relationships are what you will cherish forever. No matter how many miles or years separate tl1em." While a pledge, Barr met Richard (Dick) C. Bartlett. Tiwugh tl1eir lasting friendship, Barr helped Bartle!~ a pledge brotl1er working at tlle local newspaper, land a job with Thpperware. Bartlett continued on witll tlle same line of work for many years, and has become tl1e vice president of Mary Kay Cosmetics. To tl1is day, Bartlett considers Barr his best friend, even tllough they have had 1200 miles between tl1emfor years.


Republican candidate for Gwemor Patnck Ballantine, Kappa (North Carolina) has served in the North Carolina Senate for ten years, fMl of those years as its Republican leader. Patrick has the determination and pwen leadership to tum state gD\Iemment around and lower taxes to create new and better jobs for our families. To learn more about Patnck Ballantine's campa1gn please log on to w.vw.ballantineforgoYernor.com. S TAR & LA MP / SPRING 200 4 / WWW.PIKAPP.ORG

After graduating from the University of Florida in 1957, Barr founded a prestigious advertising finn, Fry Hammond Barr. The client base of Fry Hammond Barr consists of notables including McDonald's, Hard Rock and Disney. To this day, Barr credits his Pi Kappa Phi relationships and the lessons he learned as an undergraduate to helping start his career.

couple rounds ofgolf, tooting around town in his 1936 Ford pick-up buck, and taking his boat

48th Supreme Chapter in Washington, D.C. The Merit Citation is tl1e Fraternity's

up the East coast He even manages a stop in the Charleston Harbor from time to time.

second highest award and is presented to an alumnus for his "exceptionally meritorious service to tl1e Fraternity."

Barr went on to try his hand in politics when he ran for Mayor of Orlando in 2003 for a special election. Although his campaign did not end in victory, Barr says the experience was fun and exciting.

Pete Barr Sr. shown here with his 1936 Ford Truck named Betsy36.

"Pi Kappa Phi provided me opportunities to become a better person, a better leader and

a more well-rounded studen~ " says Barr "With these characteristics, I started a successful company and a wonderful family." His wife Nancy is a Delta Delta Delta alumnus from tl1e University of Florida, as well as a follller Rose Queen. They have two sons, one taking the reigns directly from Barr and becoming the president and

In addition to relaxing hobbies, Barr is committed to giving back to the organization that invested in him at such a young age. He is still active \vitl1his alma mater, not to mention a member on the Central Florida housing board.

CEO of his advertising fillll, and the other a vice-president of the Sun Trust Bank.

Barr was a member of the Creative ktion Team (CAT), witl1 his best friend Bartle~ \\~lich in I'rn helped shape and define the Fratenlity's brand backbone strategy and develop its marketing and commwlication priorities.

After turning the reigns over to his elcEit son in November of 2002, Barr has been pursuing a nwnber of hobbies including a

He was appointed to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation Board of Governors in 2000 and also awarded a Merit Citation by the

Past National President Dr. J. Patrick Figley, Mrs. E. Lawrence Powers, Jr. (daugllter of Founder Simon Fogarty), Foundation Chairman Allen 0. WoOO!, Ill, Dr. E. Lawrence Powers, Jr. and National Treasurer John Andrews pose for a brief picture last December while attending Alpha Chapter's Founders' Day activities.

As a lifelong member of Pi Kappa

Phi, Pete Barr Sr. is a true example of lifelong brotherhood.

Texas area alumni gather in Austin to celebrate Pi Kappa Phi's 99th Founder's Day. The event was attended by more than 50 Texas alumni; a hat and boots were not required.





Lambda chapter prides itself on enriching the lives of its brothers as well as contributing to its University through commitment, involvement and excellence.

From an unexpected beginning to an unexpected end, the 2003-2004 school year at Alpha Phi of Illinois Institute of Technology has been a time of change for the better. Witl1 its 70th anniversary approaching, Alpha Phi is preparing for the future for the bettem1ent of the chapter.

Over the 2003-04 academic year, Lambda was ranking among the top percentage of fraternities with a GPA of 3.14, well over the all-men's and all-Greek average. As far as involvement, Lambda currently ranks as one of the most involved chapters on its campus. In addition to IFC and SGA, we have members who participate in clubs and organizations that range from the Varsity Football team, Lacrosse team, University judiciary, and even debate team. As far as honorary societies go, Lambda has a strong number of members who are active in such organizations as Order of Omega, Golden Key Honor Society, Tate Society, and AED (pre-med honor society).

Chartered in 19I5, Lambda's numbers continue to grow and currently stand at 115 active brothers with initiation numbers now up to 1615. Along with recruitment success, Lambda chapter is one of the strongest contributors to Push America, with events that are usually pretty unique to the chapter. This year Lambda held a benefit concert featuring Cory Morrow, a casino night, the War of the Roses tournament and a flag football tournament made up of every sorority on campus. Lambda is committed to the growtl1 and education of every member of the chapter, consistently finding ways to revise old standards to ensure such a trend persists. From Lambda's success within the chapter to its extensive involvement outside of the chapter, the Pi Kappa Phis at the University of Georgia certainly look forward to continued success in the future.



To begin the semester, Alpha Phi hosted Mike Green, renowned speaker on alcohol education, as part of its updated risk management progran1 for the liT community. The Alpha Phi chapter is well on its way to raising over $6000 for Push America. In addition, the chapter participated in its first AccessABILI1Y project this spring. The chapter's GPA and membership numbers remain the best of the liT Greek community. Alpha Phi chapter held the most successful fall recruitment on the quad this year as well. In addition, campus leadership is improving in the chapter \vith Alpha Phi brothers in student government and Greek council offices. Brotherhood continues to improve at liT. The establishment of an annual ski retreat in February was a key factor of the progress. The men of Alpha Phi chapter continue to balance change and tradition, striving for the bettem1ent of their future.




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Socially, the men of Beta Epsilon have made quite the impact at the University of Missouri. Delivering pumpkins on Hall<l'Mffi to each sorority, along with stocking; during Christmas and hearts on Valentine's Day, the chapter has imp!'e>.'ied manyof the sororities. Additionally, Beta Epsilon has also been very active in philanthrqlies on its campus, creating friendships and establishing positive public relations in the Greek community at Mizzou. In its attempt to attain its charter, Beta Epsilon chapter has successfullypassed a constitution, bylaws, code of conduct, mission statement, risk management policy, and put in to place a working standards board. One of largest accomplishments was gaining student organization status on campus in the fall of 2003. Beta Epsilon is currentlyworking to be recognized by IFC. However, the chapter feels its greatest triumph has been the ongoing process of building brotherhood. Many trips have been taken, events held and lasting friendships established. The foundation has been laid and goals have been set. The Beta Epsilon Chapter is on its way to building true MEN OF CLASS.


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UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI The men of Beta Epsilon have advanced far into the process of becoming a charterrecognized chapter of Pi Kappa Phi \vith its first chapter meeting on October 6, 2003. Sorority relations, inter-{;hapter events, and most importantlybrotherhood have developed greatlysince that first meeting.

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The Alpha Phi (liT} chapter looks back to 1966 from this time capsule that was found in the house. The chapter plans to leave their legacy behind for the 70th anniversary in the same form .

BETANU UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON The Beta Nu Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi began its spring semester in a position of prominence amongst the campus' IFC fraternities. Such a campus notoriety and reputation has been accomplished through hard work and dedication to the ideals of Pi Kappa Phi since Beta Nu's re-chartering in the fall of2001. The chapter is currently ranked as the largest fraternity on its campus with the second highest GPA among IFC fraternities. Currently, its brothers dominate campus leadership with positions as IFC President, Greek Programming Council Chairman and the Frontier Fiesta Association Chairman. Beta Nu also has an unrivaled history of success in competitive Greek events. This year, the chapter will be entering Frontier Fiesta as defending champions. Frontier Fiesta is a uniquely Texan festival and Greek Week that dominates fraternity and sorority life throughout the spring semester. Last August, Beta u moved into a fifteen-man townhouse at the University of Houston's Greek Park at Bayou Oaks. In addition, Beta Nu's first annual 'Push Week' raised $2,500 for Push America and brought a new level of awareness to the student body. This summer a third brother of Beta u \vill participate in the Journey of Hope. The University of Houston is a commuter oriented and economically undistinguished campus. The success of Beta Nu in tllis challenging environment is a testament to the opportunity to excel that Pi Kappa Phi provides to its brothers and chapters.

GAMMA IOTA LSU Gan1ma Iota has had a great year, striving to become the leading chapter on the campus of Louisiana State University.

Recently, the chapter achieved the second highest grade after an assessment of all 17 fraternities on its campus, and was recognized as the model chapter for LSU. This was due in part to Gamma Iota's achievements on campus and in the neighboring city of Baton Rouge. Over the year, the brothers placed first in Songfest and placed second in Homecoming Design. The brothers walked awaywith first place in softball intramural and placed in the top five in football and soccer in tram urals. Gamma Iota also won the Greek award for the Most Original Party Theme, and won the Order of Omega award for Most Creative Non-Alcoholic Social Event. The brothers were in the top five in GPA and had tl1e highest GPA for Region 16. In March, Gamma Iota held its 2nd annual Pi Kapp Strongman event benefiting Push America. Gamma Iota has raised over 4,000 dollars for Push America this year. The chapter also hosted the inaugural Build America team last summer, serving a jambalaya dinner to the team members and members of the Arc of Baton Rouge. The chapter plans to host the team again this summer. In addition, the brothers of Gamma Iota have recently helped run a local Mardi Gras ball. For its efforts, Gamma Iota's name was placed on a donation check of $80,000 to the Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center of Baton Rouge.

alumni/brother golf tournament that is now in its second year. The Virginia Tech chapter is also hosting Life 401 this year. Service is also a very important aspect of fraternity to Delta Alpha. This is shown by its proud and continued support of Push America. The chapter will host a fundraising event that is unique to the chapter, POKER for Push America. The event proved to be very successful on campus last semester. In addition, the chapter is in the planning stages of an AccessABIL!lY project. This summer, Brothers Michael Moshier and Michael Smith will participate in the journey of Hope, while Randy Morgan will participate in Gear-Up Florida for the second time. This year, Delta Alpha has also set a personal record for participants in Push Camp and Give-A-Push Weekends. Delta Alpha has also been recognized by Greek organizations on campus for its excellence. The chapter was awarded by the Inter-Fraternity Council for Excellence in Alcohol-Free Programming as well as a number of individual awards. Will Crowthers was recognized for Outstanding Leadership for his term as Archon; Randy Morgan was awarded for Excellence in Volunteerism for his participation in Gear-Up Florida; and Marc Saint Raymond was awarded for Academic Excellence \vith a 4.0 CU!1lulative GPA The chapter is doing well and is planning and hoping to excel in the future.


DELTA IOTA TI1e Delta Alpha Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at Virginia Tech is excelling on campus in several ways. First of all, the chapter has planned many events for the spring semester. l11ese events include a Parent's Weekend and Sudflood XVIII, an annual event that showcases local college bands. The Delta Alpha Alumni association has planned an

MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE Recently receiving its charter at Middle Tennessee State University, Delta Iota is the newest chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. With 36 brothers, the chapter strives to attain high Push America standards as well as a brotherhood unlike any other. STAR & LAMP / SPRING 2004

..0. 43

a Push Club to bring other students and/or faculty into service. Through this, Push America will be able to spread further than the chapter's boundaries. Delta Iota brother Matt Holt is at rest in the Chapter Eternal, along with his fathe~ Maurice Holt, and brother-in-law, Kent Montgomery. Matt died in a private plane crash in his hometown of Hickman County. The brothers of Delta Iota have decided to make Matt's spirit live through the chapter. In order to do so, Delta Iota brother joseph Tilley, Paul and Diane Cressend and several other club members organized a golf

During the fall semester of 1973, there were eight men who lived on the third floor of Gore Hall dormitory. Disillusioned by the nine other fraternities on campus, theyset out to create an associate chapter and build a brotherhood of tl1eir own. Nineteen men and a few years later, they chartered as the Delta Iota chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Built on a dream, tl1e chapter eventually had its end in 1980. It wasn't until the spring of 2002 that several men from tl1e 2nd floor of Felder Hall felt the same as the eight men prior to themselves. Together, theybuild an associate chapter of their own. Determination and endless hours of hard work reinstated tl1e charter of Delta Iota, bringing 36 men into the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi. The chapter considers Push America one of our top priorities. The brothers of Delta Iota have developed a strong relationship with DSS (Disabled Student Services) on their campus. According to the chapter, Delta Iota is called upon first by DSS in times of need. In order to help MTS students with visual impairments, the chapter runs a shuttle service to assist them getting from home to class and back safely. Currently, tl1e chapter is developing





tournament (Matt l) to raise money for a scholarship to help selected brothers 1vithin the chapter. The first tournament was held june 16, 2003, at the Richland Country Club in Brentwood, TN. Though the event was cut short due to weather conditions, Matt II will be held on August 9, 2004, at the same location as before. The Delta Iota chapter of Middle Tennessee State University has much to learn but has a solid foundation of determination and brotherhood. The chapter is dedicated to making a difference on its campus, in its community and ultimately, in themselves.

ETA GAMMA UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO In the fall semester of 2003, the Eta Ganll11achapterwas awarded thejolm G. Copeland award for best fraternity on campus for the second year in a r01v. Criteria for this award includes philanthropy, academics, campus involvemen~ risk managemen~ brotherhood and other similar fratemity aspects. In the homecoming competition the chapter finished second overall and won the Annual Associate Flag Football tournament. BesiOOi winning awards on tl1e Colorado campus; tl1e 'orth American lnterl'ratemity

Conference (l•HC) nan1ed Eta Ganll11a as the 2004 Award of Distinction Recipient The IIC is an umbrella organization, rqJrefflting Olesixty national fnuemities. Of all chapters of all fnuemities in tl1e nation, Pi Kawa Phi's chapter at ColoraOO was named as the best Thi<i award is a rernari<able testament to the 1\0rl{ of the men of Eta Gamma, and Wldication that they truly are building better men. In terms of recmitment, the chapter initiated 16 new members last semester and currently has 14 associate members. Both classes are very strong and bring great credit to Pi Kappa Phi. Eta Gamma continues to maintain a relationship with the life Skills kids from Fairview High School in Boulder and holds events with them nearly every week. For Halloween, the chapter built a haunted house in the chapter house. The chapter also hosted a Thanksgiving feast for the kids. This spring, Eta Gamma brothers hosted a Push America bowling league with other local kids who live with disabilities. This league was started in 2003, and is enjoyed by the kids and brothers alike. Over the summer, Eta Ganll11a intends to host a baseball league for the same kids. Eta Ganll11a is in the midst of a cl1apter bowling tournament. Bowling in pairs, brothers are competing at least once a week in head-to-head matches. While the ultimate prize is yet to be determined, the brotherhood e>.']JCrience is priceless. In rekindling a relationship with an alunmus who is working for the nationwide organization FUEL, 1ve have started a weekly Bible study to help brothers grow in spirituality. In Boulder, Eta Gamma brothers remain involved in organizations like student government, Presidents Leadership Class, Residence Hall Advisory Council, Acapella groups, and club sports and hold leadership positions such as IFC vice president. This summer, tlle chapter will again be represented on tl1e journey of Hope, sending two brothers on the journey! In addition, the Eta Gamma also has one brotller participating in Build America.










For some in our membership Pi Kappa Phi is a four-year experience that ends when we walk across the stage to claim our diploma. Yet for many others, Pi Kappa Phi is a richer, deeper experience that is woven into the male line of some families. It is shared between fathers and sons ; between grandfathers and grandsons; between uncles and nephews, and finally, between brothers. With one Alabama family in particular, Pi Kappa Phi connects four brothers and two cousins to a deeper relationship shared through our extraordinary ritual. Meet Curtis Dan Outlaw, Jr., or as his friends and colleagues know him, "Dee." Dee Outlaw is an initiate of Gamma Alpha Chapter at the University of West Alabama and the first of a long line of Outlaws to call themselves Pi Kappa Phi's. wr'here are six of us in the chapter, and seven if you count our other cousin, Bobby [Farish]." Dee, a 1972 initiate and former Archon, set the example for his younger brothers and cousins to follow. Coming after Dee to Gamma Alpha Chapter were his brother Dale Outlaw and cousin Maurice Outlaw who were initiated into Gamma Alpha in 1974. As if three Outlaws in the chapter at one time were not enough , soon followed Dee's other two brothers, Barry Outlaw and Darryl Outlaw in 1976. Andrew Outlaw, their youngest cousin, was the last of the Outlaws to be initiated in the chapter in 1979.

As the current Athletic Director for the University of West Alabama, Dee speaks highly of his Pi Kappa Phi experience and how the Fratemity deepened it. "We were a close family to begin with, but having Pi Kappa Phi as another thing we could experience made it special," said Dee. Inasmuch as the Outlaws received from Pi Kappa Phi, they also gave back to the chapter. "All the Outlaw boys were good, active members of the Fraternity and most held an office at one point or another in the chapter," said Joe Alexander, Gamma Alpha #1 and former Mr. Pi Kappa Phi. Equally impressive as the number of brothers and cousins in the chapter is the fact that a full decade of Gamma Alpha's forty-year history has in some way been shaped by an Outlaw. From 1972-1982 a Pi Kappa Phi named Outlaw wore our brother badge as an active undergraduate. Dee's undergraduate contribution to the chapter came to a high point in 1975 when, as an outgoing Archon, the chapter was recognized with the Theron Houser Award. Acknowledging the most improved chapter, this award was a testament to the work that Dee and his brothers put into the chapter. "I remember Durward [Owen] pushing us hard that year. The new Archon and his delegation were proud recipients at the Supreme Chapter in San Francisco that year," said Dee. When the line between family and fratemity is blurred, the enjoyment of and respect for each other begins to take on a different character. Our ritual becomes another knot in the tie that binds us in a common bond, and if your last name is Outlaw or Vallotton (see Fall2003 issue) you know tie runs long and deep.

Remember Stanley? He did get that plane he dreamed about off the ground. In fact, he now owns an air shuttle service in the Bahamas . .. and he flies his fellow Pi Kappa Phis for half fare!

Find out about your friends and brothers in the upcoming Pi Kappa Phi Alumn i Directory. Th is excit ing and invaluable resource will include personal, academic and business information about our brothers. Don 't miss your opportunity to be part of th is important project. When you receive your directory questionnaire, take a few minutes to update your information - and be sure your brothers will know what's happening with you.

Pi Kappa Phi Centennial Celebration August 13 through August 17, 2004 Charleston, South Carolina centennial.pikapp.org

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