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ecruitment is the lifeblood of the fraternity. How many times have we heard that phrase during our student days? Bu~ recruitment is even more important as Pi Kappa Phi begins its second century. As part of our centennial celebration last August, we realized our future by looking to our past. As many of you are aware, Pi Kappa Phi first started as Nu Phi, the non-fraternity, fonned with the purpose of taking over the leadership of the Chrestomathic Uterary Society. Although the attempt failed, our founders' effort transfonned into what we now know as Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity.

"We are looking for Leaders by Choicemen with integrity and discipline who want more from their college experience.,

Based upon this examination, the Centennial Supreme Chapter stated that Pi Kappa Phi will reposition itself as a lifelong brotherhood of "Leaders by Choice" to capitalize on our foundation as the non-fraternity, founded for the purpose developing leadership. Of special note is the specific reference to fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood, which mayseem implicit in the current incarnation of Pi Kappa Phi, but may no~ in f~ be actualized by members' perceptions. The concept of a "brotherhood" extends the fraternal development beyond simple membership. It requires sustained involvement as both a student and an alumnus to be truly considered a member of the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi. Simplypu~ we are seeking to recruit men who are leaders bychoice, men who will be lifelong leaders. Pi Kappa Phi is looking for men with leadership potential. We will refine i~ we will enhance it However, if they would rather follow than lead, they should choo;e another fraternity. Let me say it again. We are looking for Leaders by Choice-men with integrity and discipline who want more from their college experience. And so our renewed task begins; it is as simple and as difficult as that. Recruitment can also be defined in tenns of expansion to new campuses and donnant chapters which will be reopened-or in tenns of recruiting our legacies. There are so many campuses with legacies of whom the fraternity is unaware. If you know someone whom meets this vision of Pi Kappa Phi, please do not hesitate to contact us at leaders@pikapp.org. In addition to recruitmen~ leadership takes another fonn. Pi Kappa Phi can never be successful without the legions of alumni volunteers who contribute time, talent and treasure. In the enclosed Pi Kappa Phi Foundation annual report, we thank those members and friends who have exhibited leadership in the fonn of investment in our fraternity.


Mark E. Tunmes

Chief Executive Officer

budding into a new century The Second Century Vision committee identified "growing the fraternity" as one of seven strategic goals necessary to fulfill the second century mission of the fraternity. In order for the fraternity "to lead," the committee articulated to the National Council and National Headquarters that Pi Kappa Phi must be active on 175 campuses by 2014. To realize this aggressive goal, Pi Kappa Phi will establish a minimum of eight colonies per year-four per semester-at colleges and universities across America over the next decade. Such a decision will no doubt have far-reaching effects as Pi Kappa Phi furthers its reputation as a leader and innovator in the greater fraternal community. Pi Kappa Phi's expansion plans include reactivating dormant chapters, as well as establishing entirely new chapters. However, regardless of location, Pi Kappa Phi will instill the spirit of Nu Phi and the importance of becoming "Leaders by Choice" with each new expansion. The candidates Pi Kappa Phi is currently pursuing include University of Wyoming, University of Idaho, University of Nebraska, Miami University, Oklahoma State University and University ofTulsa. Volunteer and staff positions have been established to support Pi Kappa Phi's expansion efforts, including a volunteer coordinator of expansion.Tom Sullivan, Delta Omega (TexasA&M),was appointed to this position to serve as an expansion headhunter, exploring potential expansion sites, and serving as a liaison between those candidates and the fraternity. In addition, an expansion consultant position was developed to colonize associate chapters and recruit men at expansion sites.

As the fraternity buds into a new century, we have chosen to lead. Our founders made the same choice when they met at 90 Broad Street on December 10, 1904.1n 2005 and beyond, we will branch into a new era of fraternity. As we lead by choice, and reach new heights in the fraternal world, we will remain humbly rooted not only as leaders, but also as true friends.

EXPANSION TIMELINE Fall2005 Duke University, University of Massachusetts, University of Delaware, Utah State University Spring 2006 Indiana State University, University of Connecticut, Arizona State University Fall2006 Drexel University, University of Maryland, Rutgers University, University of Utah Spring 2007 TBD Fall2007 University of Texas





04 06

Three Michaels During a weekend in April , three different lives become intertwined through Push America, and three dreams become one reality for a community in Richmond, Va.

2004 Annual Repon Imagine the Foundation as bridging the future of Pi Kappa Phi to its past and present. In the 2004 annual report, the Foundation records its sources of giving, revenues and scholarships, and recognizes its bridge builders-the leading donors and annual donors. .s" i5


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Enjoying a presentation by Founder Simon Fogarty, students at the second Pi Kapp College in 1961 set a standard of excellence which continues this year. Pi Kapp College 2005, More than the Old College Try, was held June 3- 6, 2005, at Queens University in Charlotte, N.C.

COVER As each travels his own path.

imagine the Foundation as a bridge for the future of Pi Kappa Phi. Imagine yourself as the bridge builder, traveling your path and making safe the pathway for him-your son, your grandson, your nephew, your neighbor.

Three Michaels This is the story of three Michaels from Richmond, Virginia, whose lives were intertwined through Push America. They were three different dreamers with the same goal. What was once thought to be impossible, became a reality.

Ill Michael Schiavo I n his first day of kindergarten in 2003, Michael Schiavo sat and watched as his classmates exited the classroom for recess in single-file. Michael watched as the other kids from Twin Hickory Elementary played and laughed together. He watched them swing; he watched them slide. He watched his friends do all of the things kids normally do on playgrounds. However, Michael did not participate; he could not participate because he uses a motorized wheelchair, and the playground at Twin Hickory Elementary was not accessible. turn, changed the lives of his family members as they all Michael has a form of Muscular Dystrophy, a disability characterized by a progressive weakness and came to value the mission of Push America and saw the degeneration of muscles. However, despite his disability, importance of supporting the organization. Michael is certainly capable of playing, laughing and interacting with his friends and peers when he is in an EEING THE DISAPPOINTMENT IN HER SON accessible environment. Michael's eyes after his first day at Twin Hickory Elementary, Susan Schiavo approached Principal I 2 I Michael Maiorano I In 1998, Agnus Maiorano, passed away. Two years later Greg Florence to address her concerns. She discovered the in 2000, her husband Michael Maiorano passed as well. playground equipment wasn't accessible for any kids with However, prior to their passing, Michael and Agnus disabilities, not just Michael. She knew something had Maiorano had indicated they would include Push America to be done. Principal Florence had an idea. He contacted in their will, in support of people with disabilities. A his step-son, Michael Valentine, who in turn, called upon Push America for help. Now, if you will remember, it generous sum was to be donated to Push America at the time of their death. was Michael Valentine's participation in the Journey of that had inspired his entire family 10 years prior I 3 I Michael Valentine I Hope to support Push America. As it was, Michael Valentine's In 1993, Michael Valentine, a student at Virginia grandfather happened to be Michael Maiorano, who made Commonwealth University in Richmond and member of good on his promise to leave $50,000 to Push America at the Epsilon Pi chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, was a participant the time of his death-the only stipulation being that the on his first of two Journey of Hope teams-little did money was to be used in the Richmond area. he know that his experience would inspire a chain of events that would change lives more than 10 years later. After being contacted by Michael Valentine, Push Nonetheless, the experience changed his life, and in America agreed that building an accessible playground at




Twin Hickory Elementary for Michael Schiavo and other children with disabilities would be the perfect project to fund with the donation from Michael Maiorano. It seemed that the story of the three Michaels was beginning to come full circle. However, the playground was estimated to cost $111,000. Before the project could move forward , more money would have to be raised-but Susan Schaivo and Greg Florence were determined. Susan is a part of a non-profit organization called Michael's Miracle Makers, and was able to obtain a $30,000 contribution for the project. In the meantime, Principal Florence began a community campaign to raise the difference. With the help of the Twin Hickory PTA, the Twin Hickory community and the Ukrops Supermarket, the remaining $31,000 was raised. On April 8, 2005, Chad Coltrane, CEO of Push America, arrived at Twin Hickory Elementary with 14 men to make the dream of the three Michaels into a reality. Undergraduate members of Pi Kappa Phi traveled from Zeta Pi (Marshall), Eta Phi (Maryland-Baltimore County), Eta Iota (Christopher Newport), and Zeta Tau (Barton) to volunteer their weekend to build a playground on which children of all abilities could play and laugh together. However, before the construction began, Susan Schaivo explained how Push America would be changing her Michael's life, and the lives of so many others. "Three different dreamers with the same goal are seeing what was thought to be impossible become a reality with your help. Let me tell you what being here this weekend will accomplish. Michael will always be able to get on the playground independently and play at the same level with his friends. Michael is only one child, representing many who will receive that same benefit. Able-bodied children will play with children with disabilities and realize-there is no difference. No

one will be on the sidelines watching. No one will be left out, feeling frustrated and like a failure for not being able to do the things all the other kids can do. Moms of all children will have a place to meet and interact on the same level-and this one mom in particular will smile everyday between 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. when she thinks of her son who is with all the other children, playing safely outside during recess. When I get the phone calls from the other moms of children with special needs-and I will get calls-telling me how great the playground is; how one child with a cochlear implant can slide now because we have a steel slide that won't create static electricity that could blow his implant; how children with autism have hideaway places to go be alone when the commotion becomes too much; how we now have many balance activities for children with down syndrome; how we now have panels that educate children on disabilities; and how any child of any degree of mobility can access the equipment-I will tell those mothers about this group of guys who came from all over and gave up their weekend; I will tell them of the selfless kindness and generosity each of you has shown; and, I will tell them how you were happy to be here for our children. So, from one mom, of so many, thank you for making our children's lives better; thank you for helping us maintain their innocence a little longer; and thank you for giving them the chance to simply laugh and play with their buddies. We will always be grateful." Two days later, on April 10, Push America finished construction on a truly barrier-free playground, designed to be inclusive for all children and to leave no one out. More than 10 years after Michael Valentine first cycled the Journey of Hope, and nearly two years after Michael Schiavo first arrived at Twin Hickory Elementary, he was finally able to join his friends for recess. The dream was no longer a dream; it was a reality.

"No one will be on the sidelines watching. No one will be left out, feeling frustrated and like a failure for not being able to do the things all the other kids can do." At a Give-APush Weekend in April of 2005, Push America built an accessible and com pletely barrier-free playground at Twin Hickory Elementary in Richmond, Va.




good friend, i am building this bridge for him



One thing I have always cherished about my fraternity experienceboth as a leader in my chapter and as a volunteer on the national stage-is experiencing those moments when the eyes of a brother become illuminated by their heart for Pi Kappa Phi. Some say it's when a brother "gets it." Others say it's when he "understands fraternity." These moments of illumination sometimes come at very poignant points in a brother's life-the Ritual of Initiation, his own wedding, the baptism of his child, or the burying of a parent. Regardless of the circumstance, the outcome is always the same-a deeper appreciation felt in the heart for the brothers who have cared for him, and in turn , who have been cared for. Recently, I discussed this very point with a fellow brother and we came to some very interesting conclusions. Perhaps, that is the moment when a brother is transfonmed from a "consumer of Pi Kappa Phi" to a "shareholder in Pi Kappa Phi." He's moved from expecting something from his fraternity as an alumnus, to participating in the realization of a shared vision for his fraternity-a shared vision that will benefit many of the 6,000-plus undergraduate members we have today, as well as the 131 chapters they lead. Like the bridge builder in Will Allen Dromgoole's poem who selflessly builds a bridge to span the tide, thus providing safe passage for the "youth whose feet must pass this way," the shareholder in Pi Kappa Phi gives of himself because he knows the future generations of brothers are of greater consequence than the present or the past. Last August, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity gathered for arguably one the most important "shareholders" meeting in its history. In Charleston, S.C., more than 1,300 alumni, students and guests convened to celebrate Pi Kappa Phi's centennial. Much of what was enjoyed during the 49th Supreme Chapter was made possible by a very special group of donors, the Centennial Commission and Bell Tower Supporters. Together, these brothers and friends of Pi Kappa Phi numbered 255 and raised nearly $400,000 in support of the centennial activities. From those funds raised, $70,000 was granted to the fraternity to support the convention and to underwrite much of the historical preservation and archiving that will begin later this year. In addition, a gift of a 46-foot bell tower to the College of Charleston was given to commemorate the occasion. Lastly, and as a result of their hard work, the Centennial Commission and Bell Tower Supporters were able to present the Foundation with an unrestricted gift of $100,000, the net surplus of their fund-raising effort. The photos that compliment this annual report visually tell the story of our convention and capture many of the moments which made this the most significant gathering of Pi Kappa Phi since our founding 100 years ago. While 2004 saw a reduction in the total number of contributors to the Foundation overall, our average gift size in our annual appeal , our largest source of revenue, was the largest it has ever been. I am grateful for those brothers who gave, and gave generously this past year. I also encourage those of you who have not included Pi Kappa Phi in your charitable giving plans to reconsider; to re-engage your fraternity; and to recommit yourself to the oath you took. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of our student members. Therefore, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, and as a fellow shareholder in the success of Pi Kappa Phi, I thank you for your continued and generous support.


Trustees of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation are elected to a three-year term of service, with the option of extending for two additional three-year terms. Ultimately, they work to fulfill the mission of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation-to support the educational outreach efforts of the fraternity which benefit many students and chapters in today's Pi Kappa Phi. CHAIRMAN Allen 0. Woody 111 1XI (Roanoke) VICE CHAIRMAN Thomas l. Carter I GAMMA DELTA (Memphis) SECRETARY~REASURER

Jack M. Casper I ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) NATIONAL PRESIDENT J. Ernest Johnson I ALPHA IOTA (Auburn) NATIONAL COUNCIL LIAISON John Andrews I DELTA DELTA (Truman State) TRUSTEES Kelley A. Bergstrom I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Jerry T. Brewer I SIGMA (South Carofina) Patrick J. Danehy I DELTA ZETA (Appalachian State) Stephen P. DePalma I BETAALPHA(NJIT) Eldred J. Harman I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Frank D. Havard I GAMMA PHI (Sou1hAlabama) R. Nathan Hightower I OMICRON (Alabama) David D. Morgan I BETA OMICRON (Northwestern State) Frank M. Parrish II II ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State)


Prominent alumni who have served the fraternity in a significant leadership capacity and who are major donors are nominated to serve on the Board of Governors.

BOARD OF GOVERNORS Richard G. Anderson I RHO (Washington & Lee) Peter C. Barr I ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Richard C. Bartlett I ALPHA EPSILON (Florida) Jerry T. Brewer I SIGMA (South Carolina) Gene Cartledge I OMICRON (Alabama) Jack M. Casper I ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) Kenneth J. Cribbs I BETA KAPPA (Georgia State) William L. Finney I GAMMA XI (Georgia Sou1hwestem) W. Stuart Hicks I KAPPA (North Carolina) R. Nathan Hightower I OMICRON (Alabama) W. Bernard Jones, Jr. I ALPHA (Charleston) Travis P. Julian I OMICRON (Alabama) David G. Lane I OMEGA (Purdue) Durward W. Owen I XI (Roanoke) Randy Y. Owen I DELTA EPSILON (Jacksonville State) Frank M. Parrish II II ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) William J. Rickert I ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State) Walter Keith Sheppard I ALPHA UPSILON (Drexel) A.J. (Lonnie) Strickland 1111 OMICRON (Alabama) James C. Turk I XI (Roanoke) R. Burke ' Chip' Voomeveld I ALPHA (Cha~eston) Paul C. Wesch I OMICRON (Alabama) Gordon B. Wright I ALPHA TAU (Rensselaer Polytech)






COLLEGIATE SUCCESS PROGRAM I ACADEMIC COACHES Throughout the undergraduate experience, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation supports and provides academic coaches. These faculty members receive an annual stipend from the Foundation and work exclusively with our undergraduate chapter members to deliver our Collegiate Success Program curriculum. The academic coach serves as an advisor and mentor to the chapter, providing group and individual assistance to ensure the academic success of our student members. Pi Kappa Phi is the only national collegiate fraternity to provide academic coaching for its undergraduate members, yet another example of why Pi Kappa Phis are "Leaders by Choice." SCHOLARSHIPS Each year, the Foundation awards merit-based scholarships to deserving undergraduate members. Turnaround Scholars, Outstanding Associate Member Awards, and Pi Kapp Scholars (our oldest and most prestigious scholarship) are designed to recognize and motivate academic excellence in our chapters. Moreover, these scholarships underscore the Foundation's belief that success in the fraternity first begins with success in the classroom. Academic success, chapter leadership, and community involvement are the broad criteria by which students are evaluated, thus illustrating to the review committee well-rounded candidates. LEADERSHIP SCHOOLS The Foundation grants money to offset the educational costs of Pi Kappa Phi's leadership schools, including Pi Kapp College, Supreme Academy at Supreme Chapter and Mid-Year Leadership Conference. By attending these schools, undergraduate members learn effective techniques in leadership, personal growth and chapter managment.

LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE: THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE The hallmark of our Leadership Institute features an outstanding program, Stephen F. Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This seminar is corporate-level leadership training from the best in personal development. Conducted by Covey-trained Pi Kappa Phi facilitators, this seminar gives our members an edge in an ever competitive wol1d. Past participants have called this the "ultimate" in productivity and improvement workshops. Through programs funded by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, students receive the same materials and training that is offered to management employees of major corporations at a fraction of the price. This program is presented annually through several regional conclaves. LIFE 401 : CREATING A LIFE STRATEGY LIFE 401 is a dynamic career and life success seminar that helps prepare the undergraduate for life after college. Designed by Fortune 100 consultant and Pi Kappa Phi alumnus John Spence, Alpha Epsilon (Florida), LIFE 401 is another Foundation-supported program that provides a decisive advantage as our young graduates prepare to enter the "real world" and begin their professional careers. ALCOHOL EDUCATION Thanks to the generosity of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation during the 2004-2005 academic year, every Pi Kappa Phi chapter will receive one alcohol education program. In an effort to provide comprehensive alcohol education, Pi Kappa Phi utilizes three alcohol education programs. AlcohoiEdu, the nation's first online alcohol prevention program, is the world's most widely used online education course. AlcohoiEdu gives students medical and science-based infoonation they need to make responsible decisions. The Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP) is unlike most alcohol education programs, as tt acknowledges the behaviors of college students, and expresses that any step toward reduced risk is a step in the right direction. LasHy, the STAR Program provides participants the knowledge and tools to make healthy decisions not only during college, but in life as well.



CASH OR CHECK Payments made by cash or check are the most popular and direct method for making a donation. CREDIT CARDS & ONLINE DONATIONS We accept most major credit cards which allows you to pay over a period of time. This can also be used for monthly deductions for multiple gifts. You may also make a secure contribution through www.pikapp.org by clicking on the "alumni" tab on the home page, then the "give to the foundation" link. SECURITIES Appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds can be transferred to the Foundation through your broker. This type of donation allows the donor to avoid capital gains taxes. CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTS Many companies offer to match an employee's personal donations to qualified charitable causes at an equal or greater amount. Ask your employer if they participate in a gift-matching program or contact us for a list of companies that support educational foundations. ENDOWMENTS & MEMORIALS The Foundation can establish a special endowment or memorial gift in perpetuity to meet your personal or estate plans and desires. Please contact the Foundation for details and requirements for this specialized gift.

PLANNED GIFT You can provide a gift of personal assets through your will . The Foundation will work with you and your estate planner in designing a planned gift that meets both your short and long term financial goals. Planned gifts can include cash, stocks, bonds, retirement plan assets, insurance policies or other negotiable items. The Foundation has established a Gift Acceptance Policy and can only accept gifts under the terms and conditions of this policy. We will be happy to provide you with a copy and assist you in making a planned gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Bequests are often a significant source of financial support for charitable organizations, and the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is no exception. Your gift to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation can help ensure strength and continued success of our brotherhood as we enter a new era of fraternity. As you create or revise your estate plans, please take a moment to remember what Pi Kappa Phi has given you . If you wish to include the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation in your will,.the appropriate language is as follows: "I give, devise, and bequeath (the sum of/percentage of/residue o0 my estate to the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation with principal offices in Charlotte, North Carolina , to be utilized for the general benefit of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation (or the specified program within the Foundation)."

If you would like to make a gift today in support of the many giving opportunities offered by the Foundation, please oontact Betsie Fehr at (800) 929-1904 ext. 103 or VJa e-mail at bfehr@pikapp.org.


(1%) President's Circle rd of Governors lnro"trit•ton


Chapter Investment Funds Officials

Nu Phi

Centennial Commission Centennial Gift

CIF Scholarships Pi Kapp Scholars Centennial Commission Grant (0.3%) Casper Scholars

Pi Kappa Phi Educational Grant



LEi\01 G 0 ORS The following brothers were the largest donors in 2004. Each member gave a minimum of $2,500 to one or multiple campaigns managed by the Foundation.

·.oc. Kelley A. Bergstrom

Stephen P. DePalma

Allen 0. Woody Ill

Thomas L. Carter

J. Ernest Johnson

David D. Morgan David G. Lane

5. 0

John C. Hassell

Robert A. Lane

Harry E. Caldwell, Jr.

James C. Turk

Albert E. Luer

Frank M. Parrish Ill

Dudley F. Woody

Bruce L. Rogers

Lee S. Peregoff

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Kenneth J. Cribbs

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation

Daniel B. Barry

J. Rodney Harris'

David D. Morgan, Jr.

Jack Casper

CHI Stetson Bruce L. Rogers PSI Cornell Robert J. Wilcox' AILPHA OMICRON Iowa State Robert A. Lane Frank M. Parrish II ALPHA UPSILON Drexel John M. Casper ALPHA PSI Indiana Phillip M. Summers Council Club ALPHA Charleston Julius E. Burges John C. Hassell E. Lawrence Powers IOTA Georgia Tech Terry T. Dewberry Lonnie A. Morris, Jr: Carl D. Rin~ Robert M. nuggs Ill KAPPA North Carolina W. Stuart Hicks LAMBDA Georgia


XI Roanoke Nicholas A. Boccella Edward L. Corson II Durward W. Owen

LIFETIME DONORS Honored here are those donors who, supporting the Foundation over their lifetime, have reached a minimum cumulative giving level of $10,000. These individuals have epitomized their commitment to lifelong brotherhood. Star & Lam~ Society ALPHAAL HA Mercer Robert L. Bennett' Founder's Circle IOTA Geowia Tech Parker H. etit PSI Cornell JohnS. Kirk AILPHA OMICRON Iowa State Kelley A. Bergstrom AILPHA EPSILON Florida Ben H. Griffin, Jr: Order of the Rose KAPPA North Carolina Otis R. McCollum' XI Roanoke James C. Turk Allen 0. Woody Ill OMICRON Alabama Harry E. Caldwell, Jr.

OMEGA Purdue David G. Lane ALPHA ETA Samford Anonymous ALPHA IOTA Auburn

J. Ernest Johnson

ALPHA OMICRON Iowa State Eldred J. Harman BETA ALPHA NJIT Stephen P. DePalma Order of the Bell IOTA Geor~a Tech Charles R. imons' XI Roanoke Dudley F. Woody OMICRON Alabama A.J. (Lonnie} Stricland Ill UPSILON Illinois Richard F. Bangert

BETA BETA Florida Southern Theodore A. Scharfenstein


BETA GAMMA Louisville Ronald E. Krebs


BETA KAPPA Georgia State Kenneth J. Cribbs

SUPREME CIRCLE $250,000. $499,000

SIGMA South Carolina Jerry T. Brewer

BETA OMICRON Northwestern State David D. Morgan

FOUNDER'S CIRCLE $100,000.$249,000

TAU North Carolina State Robery C. Cline

GAMMAALPHA West Alabama Joseph L. Alexander

ORDER OF THE ROSE $50,000 . $99,999

ALPHA EPSILON Florida Peter C. Barr David W. Henn Robert J. Paterno J. Jeffry Wahlen

GAMMA DELTA Memphis Thomas L. Carter

ALPHA IOTA Auburn James N. Crump'

GAMMA XI Georgia Southwestern William L.Finney

ALPHA LAMBDA Mississippi Talbot B. Newman, Jr:

DELTA DELTA Truman State John R. Andrews

ALPHA RHO West Virginia Craig A. Winkelmann

DELTA PSI Texas· Arlington Mark F. Jacobs

ALPHA TAU Rensselaer Gordon B. Wright

FRI ENDS OF THE FRATERNITY Cornell University Shirley L. Hardee Estate of J. Rodney Harris Be~ Lowell' Pi appa Phi Properties George E. Sheetz'

OMICRON Alabama RaNmond E. Cartledge R. athan Hightower Travis P. Julian RHO Washington & Lee Richard G. Anderson Howard D. Leake'

ALPHA UPSILON Drexel Walter K. Sheppard BETA ALPHA NJIT James A. Krucher John F. Lee, Jr.

GAMMA KAPPA Georgia Southern Glenn Aspinwall

• Deceased

ORDER OF THE BELL $25,000 . $49,999 COUNCIL CLUB $10,000.$24,999 FOUNDATION CLUB $5,000. $9,999 LAMPLIGHTER'S CLUB $2,500. $4,999 EXECUTl\IE DIRECTOR'S CLUB $1 ,000 . $2,499 GOLD STAR CLUB $500-$999 CHEVRON CLUB $250 . $499 CROSSED SWORDS CLUB $1-$249


THE JACK M. CASPER LEADERSHIP SOCIETY Funded by alumnus Jack M. Casper, Alpha Upsilon (Drexel), and endowed through the Foundation, the Jack M. Casper Leadership Society was created to annually recognize and reward sophomore or junior undergraduate members who have demonstrated superior leadership and academic perfonmance in the name of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Nominees must complete an interview and essay; have a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher; currently hold or have held a chapter leadership position; and show campus and community involvement beyond membership in Pi Kappa Phi. Recipients of the Jack M. Casper Leadership Society Award receive the following : • Recognition at Pi Kapp College or Supreme Chapter with an award plaque and provided travel and lodging. • One day participation in an outdoor leadership and training adventure school during the summer leadership conference.

• Invitation to attend the annual Trustees and Governors Banquet and be recognized for selection to the society. • Full scholarship to attend the North American Interfraternity Conference's "Undergraduate InterFraternity Institute" (UIFI), held each summer for Greek leaders nationwide. • Recognition in the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation's annual report. 2004 Jack Casper Leadership Society Inductees Brandon J. Belote THETA ALPHA (Southern Mississippi) Zachery A. Howard ETA RHO (Texas State}

Pi Kapp Scholars The oldest and most prestigious of the fraternity's academic awards, the Pi Kapp Scholars program recgonizes those juniors and seniors who combine consistently outstanding academic performance with leadership and service to the fraternity and their campus: Dominic J. Crincione, Jr. ETA PHI (Maryland- Baltimore County} Damian M. Lair DELTA CHI (Kansas State) Darris R. Means EPSILONALPHA (Eion} Jacob Trumm THETA THETA (Iowa} Jeremy M. Wilson KAPPA (North Carolina) Michael D. Wright BETA(Presbyterian) Shahar Ziv PSI (Cornell}

Turnaround Scholars Presented to brothers who demonstrate hard work and character by making significant and sustained improvement in their academic performance:

Ryan A. Drake ETA RHO (Texas State} Andrae L. Turner ETA RHO (Texas State} Tyler Wilson EPSILON OMEGA (Texas Tech) Outstanding Associate Members Awarded to associate members or newly initiated brothers whose academic performance sets a standard and example for other chapter members to follow. Collin M. Schmidt ALPHA OMICRON (Iowa State} George J. Watts V ETA CHI (Texas Christian)





GATEWAY SOCIETY The Gateway Society recognizes those individuals who make known to us their plans to include Pi Kappa Phi in their estate plans or have made a gift to the Foundation through a bequest, trust, annuity or life insurance benefit. Those brothers who have currently indicated that Pi Kappa Phi has been included in their estate plans are listed here. ALPHA Charleston Daniel B. Barry Julius E. Burges David H. Jaffee Richard B. Voomeveld GAMMA California - Berkley Neil B. Weatherall

OMEGA Purdue David G. Lane

GAMMA XI Georgian Southwestern William L. Finney

ALPHA EPSILON Florida Albert E. Luer Michael L. O'Donnell Mark E. Timmes

GAMMA PHI South Alabama Frank D. Havard GAMMA OMEGA Montevallo R. Jeffery McGhee

ZETA Wofford Jesse C. Crimm

ALPHA ZETA Orgeon State James S. Marsh David H. Vawter

DELTA DELTA Truman State John R. Andrews

ETA Emory Primus S. Hipp

ALPHA KAPPA Michigan Mark E. Perrin

DELTA ZETA Appalachian State Arthur J. Quickenton

KAPPA North Carolina W. Stuart Hicks

ALPHA MU Penn State Kevin K. Murphy

DELTA LAMBDA North Carolina-Charlotte William C. Jackson, Jr

LAMBDA Georgia Frank L. Lane James L. Lester Thomas P. Tappy David E. Tidmore

ALPHA OMICRON Iowa State Kelley A. Bergstrom Frank M. Parrish Ill

DELTA SIGMA Bowling Green John P. Babel Kenneth N. Kaiser

ALPHA SIGMA Tennessee Michael D. Mynatt

DELTA CHI Kansas State James T. Lindemuth

ALPHA PSI Indiana Phillip M. Summers

DELTA PSI Texas-Arlington Mark F. Jacobs

BETA ALPHA NJIT Stephen P. DePalma James A. Krucher

EPSILON IOTA North Carolina-Greensboro Steven Talmadge Kirkman

XI Roanoke Edward J. Bennett Daniel R. Clow Edward L. Corson II Reginald W. Gravely, Jr. Durward W. Owen John J. Ribar, Jr. James C. Turk Allen 0. Woody Ill Dudley F. Woody

BETA GAMMA Louisville Ronald E. Krebs Warren D. Robb

OMICRON Alabama Travis P. Julian A.J. (Lonnie) Strickland Ill

BETA ETA Florida State Christopher D. New

RHO Washington Lee Richard G. Anderson

BETA KAPPA Georgia State Kenneth J. Cribbs

SIGMA South Carolina James A. Quinn II

BETA UPSILON Virginia Walter H. Brinkman Glenn A. Dickson

UPSILON Illinois James G. Schalin PSI Cornell Richard S. Shull

GAMMA KAPPA Georgian Southern Glenn Aspinwall Perry W. Buffington GAMMA NU LaGrange Ronald J. deValinger

EPSILON OMEGA Texas Tech Timothy E. Haen ZETA EPSILON George Mason Alan P. Duesterhaus FRIENDS OF THE FRATERNITY Lillian Jost

Including Pi Kappa Phi in your estate plans is a powerful way to make a lasting impact on your fraternity. For more information about Pi Kappa Phi's Gateway Society, or general information about making a planned gift to your fraternity, please contact Tom Atwood at (800) 929-1904 ext. 104 or via e-mail at tatwood@pikapp.org.

'04 FOUNDATION DONORS please refer to page four for lifetime giving club key

ALPHA Charleston Council Club Julius E. Burges John C. Hassell foundation Club Daniel B. Barry Lamplighter's Club Gary A. Catterlon James B. Edwards Robert W. Marlowe Glenn F. McConnell Terence N. Moore GrEl(IOry D. Padgett Dame! Ravenel Sam Stafford Ill Richard B. Voorneveld Executive Director's Club Greg R. Alexander Ray F. Asbelle Jerry I. Baker Joel A. Daniel Harold F. Davis Ill Harry W. Freeman William S. Gaud Ill Eric C. Heifers Ernest F. Hollings Robert M. Powers William L. Runyon, Jr. Sean D. Seabrook Stephen L. Thomas Leon K.Wolfe, Jr. Ernest L. Zinkowski

Chevron Club John H. Broughton Alva R. Hamilton Walk C. Jones IV John R. Ritter, Jr. Crossed Swords Club Walter E. Brooker Billy S. Creech Tyler Henson Donald E. Mclean John L. Tritt Richard P. Wilson

Gold Star Club Harry W. Freeman, Jr. Thomas L. Hudson Chevron Club Michael B. Hartnett Michael G. Johnson Robert E. Sheppard Thomas W. Tucker L. Andrew Westbrook Ill Crossed Swords Club George P. Batten Adam S. Cooper Patrick H. Grayson Kenneth S. Gustafson Ralph W. Houser, Jr. R. Curtis Haltiwanger Andrew C. Jaffee Dennis M. Jaffee Edwin T. Larr, Jr. Benjamin M. Phelps Gregory B. Saylors Henry W. Strobel, Jr. John M. Tablas Zachary G. Wagner Charles R. Williams

Marl\ A. Nielsen Robert D. O'Malley Crossed Swords Club Anthony J. Alarcon Brandon S. Beamer Russell J. Chabrier Todd J. Dipaola F. Willard Knapp Alejandro Ortiz

BETA Presbyterian Foundation Club Clinton E. Massey Executive Drrector's Club Greg Elam II Clifton C. Goodwin Ill Samuel G. McGregor Gold Star Club Jim D. Ballard Thomas H. Stearns John W. Steenbergen Eugene A. Vaughan

GAMMA California Lamplighter's Club Steven S. Ryder Charles F. Vannice Executive Director's Club David J. Dayton Jack N. Downer Lawrence J. Olson Young D. Stewart Gold Star Club Vincent A. Consul David W. Halligan James P. Kinlock Eugene Roberts Harland R. Ross Ron Segel Allen Sprague Chevron Club Walter A. Eagan Richard G. Houston Spencer B. Larson

DELTA Furman Executive Director's Club Joe D. Sparlls, Jr. David C.UIIman Gold Star Club Kessler L. Holzendorf Chevron Club John A. Batcheller Jeffrey M. Browne Crossed Swords Club Bradley T. Benton David G. Evins Alastair T. McCandless Joseph A. Murrell Beau Seagraves Allen K. Webb EPSILON Davidson Lamplighter's Club Hooper Alexander Ill Executive Director's Club Kenneth B. Clary Gold Star Club Harold B. Kernodle, Jr. Philip C. Winstead

Chevron Club Junius R. Gaither Wilson S. Handry Lawrence D. Wilkerson Crossed Swords Club William W. Duke Louis C. Hite, Jr. Harry L. Powe, Jr. John S. Tolbert Joseph H. Vernon ZETA Wofford Executive Director's Club James H. Belcher Thornton W. Crouch William B. Evins, Jr. Matthew J. Martin Thomas P. Palmer Deward B. Woolbright, Jr. Gold Star Club Robert G. McCurdy Robert D. McJunkrn Alex O'Daniel Chevron Club Thomas D. Brown William M. Smethie, Jr. Crossed Swords Club Frampton W. Henderson Ill Dewey E. Lewis Arthur M. Procter ETA Emory Lamplighter's Club Primus S. Hipp

Executive Director's Club Kenneth C. Kiehl Crossed Swords Club Janice and John C. Nix, Jr. Samuel H. Poston IOTA Georgia Tech Council Club Robert M. Snuggs Ill Foundation Club AlanA.Imm James G. Pritchett, Jr. Lamplighter's Club Michael V. Cowan Executive Director's Club Robert B. Costley RobertA. DeFurio Christopher E. Doyle Charles R. Ferguson Frank C. Hodge Bruce M. Jewett Jean A. Kirland Tom Lowndes, Jr. Robert C. Murray, Jr. Robert A. Parrish John H. Puckett Kevin J. Renshaw Robert B. Rowe Lloyd J. Skidmore Bruce C. VanDerhoof Gold Star Club David G. Baker, Jr. John B. Boy Stewart H. Carlin Thomas F. Christian, Jr. Philip H. Cook Russell R. Johnson J. Michael Jones

William A. Pryor John A. Purcell George V. Rouse Chevron Club David C. Cunnold Frederick E. Fuchs David and Sharon Hull Joseph Luciani John R. Paus Paul G. Pomeroy Chester Q. Reeves Dean W. Russell Crossed Swords Club Anthony G. Bender Michael P. Buffa Donald F. Fischer Allan D. Guggolz Joshua J. Lang Michael R.Niehoff Bryan G. Ramey II Fen Rhodes Kenneth G. Scott Leonard B. Sheffield, Jr. KAIPPA North Carolina Councrl Club W. Stuart Hicks Foundation Club William K. Rollins Thomas H. Sayre Lamplighter's Club J. Councill Leak

Executive Director's Club George W. Braun Glenn D. Dodson, Jr. Russell N. Hadley Aaron L. Hagler Wayne N. Scott James L. Thompson Robert C. White Winton G. Wilks, Jr. Gold Star Club Charles P. Adams Benjamin F. Ball, Jr. Frederick V. Coville Clifton M. Hux, Jr. William M. Johnson, Jr. James B. Little, Jr. Walter W. Schroeder Charles T. Stewart Gerald A. Teele James M. Wilmott Charles B. Winn Ill Marl\ H. Winston Chevron Club James B.Collawn John F. Falconer Marl\ R. Gorham Thomas L. Lloyd Timothy E. Newman Donald C. Young Crossed Swords Club David R. Caudle Albert L. Ellis Ill David G. Futch Cameron S. Huffman Ronald S. Jordan Guido P. Lemos John M. Ross, Jr. Joseph R. Thompson



LAMBDA Georgia Council Club J. Rodney Harris Foundation Club Isaac W. Lang, Jr. Executive Director's Club Floyd L. Langston David J. Lerner Gold Star Club David F. Black Robert H. Cofer II Thomas W. Dalton, Jr. William J. Harp, Jr. Thomas R. Jackson, Jr. Martin B. Jones Larry E. McDaniel Chick Munhall Richard L. Patrick, Jr. Charles K. Wagner, Jr. Chevron Club Thomas J. Campbell John B. Clarke, Sr. John T. Green Ted A. Grob Ill Richard F. Harris, Jr. Peter M. Kniskern Bradley T. Ross Cecil R. Spooner, Jr. Ray B. Tucker Thomas R. Wood Crossed Swords Club Joseph S. Barton AI berry C. Cannon, Jr. Eric M. Glenn

NU Nebraska Lamplighter's Club James A. Guretzky Executive Director's Club Scott E. Hamilton William J. Wesslund Gold Star Club Edward J. Biert James S. Christol Thomas C. Miller Chevron Club Robert M. Werner Crossed Swords Club Roy F. Horacek Wallace W. Loerch

Kevin M. Krehmeyer Robert K.Hays Julian R. Lang William F. Miller, Jr. Jack Minch Michael K. O'Connor John F. Tolson, Jr. John H. Wheeler

Lamplighter's Club Edward J. Bennett John R. Benninghove II Robert S. Bonney, Jr. Gordon N. Fidura Robert G. Gray Weldon T. Lawrence, Jr. Daniel F. O'Fiaherty Cameron R. Ogilvie Roy R. Pollard, Jr. Donald J. Potter, Jr. James S. Stump, Jr. Executive Director's Club Paul C. Caldwell Paul R. Dotson Kenneth R. Garren Henry B. Hahn, Jr. George B. Naff Richard M. Newman John E. Osborne Ill Cart B.Sherertz John R. Stafford, Jr. Charles S. Stults Ill Gold Star Club Robert S. Barber Harry I. Johnson, Jr. Louis J. Mullineaux Douglas M. Williams Chevron Club Benjamin B. Albert, Jr. Dav1d W. Coates David W. Doyle Ellis G. Ramsey, Jr. Todd A. Walter

MU Duke Foundation Club William D. Fuqua Executive Director's Club George M. Benda John D. Moylan James G. Smith Frank T. Wrenn Ill Gold Star Club Norman G. Gibson Bart N. Stephens Brian S. Family Charles H. Taylor Chevron Club L. Edmund Atwater Ill Charles F. Beidler David K. Gill Thomas B. Massey Stephen J. Schnurr, Jr. Douglas E. Underwood Crossed Swords Club Jack Bingaman Manassa Nick Hennessee Ill George W. Liles Lloyd F. Timberlake James P. Vidas

XI Roanoke Order of the Rose James C. Turk Allen 0 . Woody Ill Order of the Bell Dudley F. Woody Council Club Edward L. Corson II Durward W. Owen Foundation Club Stephen A. Esworthy Robert A. Fenner Raphael E. Ferris Donald J. Kerr Lee S. Peregoff John J. Ribar, Jr.

Crossed Swords Club Peter A. Ammerrnann Lee F. Esser, Jr. James R. Hamilton, Sr. George R. Mougenel Terry L. Palmer Bailey T. Stortz OMICRON Alabama Order of the Rose Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. Order of the Bell A.J. (Lonnie) Strickland Ill Council Club Gene Cartledge R. Nathan Hightower Travis P. Julian Foundation Club Paul C.Wesch Lamplighter's Club David R. Adams Jack E. Brunson Joe C.Cassady Emmett 0. Dendy Doston L. Gurganus Executive Director's Club William T. Bishop, Jr. E. Bruce Harrison Brooks Henderson Robert F. Inman Joe D. and Martha Lee Gary Limmroth Mack 0 . Matthews Clinton H. Paulsen

James A. Robertson Robert L. Shepherd Stephen G. Smith William G. Sutton William C. Taylor Richard S. Taylor Gold Star Club David L. Hinton Ollie W. Nabors M. Clynt Parrish Ralph T. Russell Michael S.Teal Chevron Club William L. Brunson. Jr. Randy Cimorelli Martin T. Ditto John A. Elesvier Charles W. Fleming, Jr. Jack J. Hall Harley R. Hope Bryan McCullick Ray Mclaughlin Leon B. Newman David C. Wells Crossed Swords Club Paul Q. Hewes Raymond D. Hill William G. Goodman Bevie L. Machen Martin C. Strickland Nick 0. Wilmott Dan F. Prescott PI Oglethorpe Chevron Club Louis J. Ptacek, Jr.

RHO Washington & Lee Council Club Richard G. Anderson Lamplighter's Club Robert E. Glenn Bob L. Wade Executive Director's Club Floyd W. McKinnon Thomas R. Warfield Gold Star Club Edwin P. Garretson, Jr. Malcolm H. Squires, Jr. Kenneth B. VandeWater, Jr. John D. Wallace Dorsey M. Ward, Jr. Charles H. Warner Chevron Club William H. Clark, Jr. Clifton D. Mitchell Charles E. Nolte Ill Paul R. Plawin Madison T. Woodward Ill Crossed Swords Club Robert D. Ballantine George Z. Bateh Robert K. Park II Paul F. Van Avery Dederick C. Ward Ill SIGMA South Carolina Council Club Jerry T. Brewer Foundation Club Paul D. Carter, Jr.

Walter H. Pickens, Jr. Lamplighter's Club Kenneth J. Forti Danny W. Reynolds Executive Director's Club Joel P. Borellis James A. Quinn II Gold Star Club Ken Boswell George Delay Robert M. Gatti Daniel P. Green Julius B. Harrelson Michael D.Harvath II Richard C. Mims Yancey A. Montgomery, Jr. David Rhodes Thomas J. Stafford II John R.Stokes Chevron Club Herbert L. Benson, Jr. Sidney T. Floyd Amiel H. Goldberg James T. McKinnon Wright T. Paulk, Jr. Frederick E. Sojourner Crossed Swords Club David L. Baker Michael G. Lukridge David T. Mixon, Jr. WilliamS. Reynolds Ill Bobby J. Sanders Bill Van Ee Ill


TAU North Carolina State Council Club Robert C. Cline Executive Director's Club Fred A. Collins, Jr. Clyde N. Humphrey Harry L. Mashburn Joseph M. McConnaughey Stephen D. Seymore, Jr. Gold Star Club Donald B. Barker Anthony L.Evans John A. Feather, Jr. F. Leon Joyner, Jr. Christopher M. Myers Hartwell K. Sledge Ill Chevron Club Maurice D. Atwell, Jr. William H. Gurnee Ill Richard H. Norrell Crossed Swords Club William W. Armfield II Christopher L. Baucom Dick L.Dixon Daniel V. Franklin Jason P. Kohler Andrew D. Page, Jr. Steven M. Leamon Kenneth A. Long Jeffrey M. Roberts Bradley D. Robins Wilson A. Sherrill II Christopher A. Showfety

CHI Stetson Order of the Bell Bruce L. Rogers Foundation Club J. Patrick Figley Stephen A. Kilpatrick Arthur N. Moms, Jr. Executive Director's Club Edwin H. Culver George L. Patterson John K. Snellings Gold Star Club Larry W. Anderson Thomas M. Wrenn Chevron Club !raJ. Girior Donald L. Johnson Crossed Swords Club Matthew A. Foreman Peter and Linda Hogue Gerald D. Kruhm Gary A. Meadows Bruce M. Wigle Matt G. Smith Reid E. Stubbs

UPSILON Illinois Foundation Club James G. Schalin Lamplighter's Club Glen E. Hesler Michael A. Lowery John 0. Roeser Executive Director's Club James A. Fowler Brent E. Frank Robert M. Murphy Ill James W. Nelson II Stephen D. Trahey Gold Star Club Robert J. Bogdanoff James K. Kutill Joseph L. Johnson Edwin De Berge Mendels Stephen E. Mumford Daniel A. Shoor John (Jack) Simpson Ike Trogden Walther T. Wahlfeldt Thomas H. Watts Chevron Club Andrew J. Clyde William H. O'Donnell James P. PottenQer John R. Stroehlem Donald G. Thompson Crossed Swords Club Anonymous Chris Britt Eduardo Contreras David N. Oskin

Lamplighter's Club John H. Angus George F. Heinrich Nicholas J. Juried Michael J. Piscitelli Frederick W. Thome Executive Director's Club Gregory J. D. Rocca Gary R. Fisher Calvin E. Role Robert H. Steinfeldt Gold Star Club James E. Emig James R. Kao Erwin A.Tschanz Chevron Club Stanley H. Pogroszewski Crossed Swords Club Joel W.AIIen Eugene G. Arnold William C. Berthold Judd Burton Lewis Li-yen Hsu James A. Hole Brock B. Pooler Charley S. Potter lllari Vihinen

PSI Cornell Founder's Circle JohnS. Kirk Order of the Bell Robert J. Wilcox Foundation Club William F. Newell Edmund A. Sayer W. John Zygmunt, Jr.

OMEGA Purdue Order of the Rose David G. Lane Lamplighter's Club Jack K. Bertien Patrick J. Kuhnle Gregory V. Linder Emmanuel O'Drobinak

Executive Director's Club Hugh M. Flanagan Rickard E. Hill Grafton Houston, Jr. William G. Kanouse Richard H. Lowe Herman G. Riggs Robert A. Rust Donald C. Swager Robert E. Thomson Gold Star Club James R. Berlien Duane M. Davis Goerge G. Fassnacht Carl J. Gerlach Neil T. Hentschel James D. Jackson Harold R. Johnson, Jr. Alfred G. Kirchner, Jr. Gregory J. Klein John E. McDonald Michael H. Ohaver William D. Peace, Jr. William L. Swager Kim J.Tubergen John L. Weaver Robert C.Wingard, Jr. Chevron Club David F. Davis BryanS. Freed Bernard T. Graser John E. Gruwell Hi~on B. Henry William H. Hounshell

Crossed Swords Club Joseph L. Barrett Charles W. Chandler Hollis C. Lewis, Jr. Mitchell B. Murchison Lee M. Seelig Stephen Spisak

Andrew R. Parker Robert L. Roth Edwin T. Sherwood Terry L. Zaccarino Crossed Swords Club Thomas C. Adamson, Jr. Nicholas J. Anjanos Warren F. Cline, Jr. David R. Davis Csaba Hertelendy Kenneth C. Hess James A. Karagianis Mark D. Laurent Robert W. MacBeth Guy J. Overman Robert D. Sills Todd and Christine Spaulding Jack E. Strang William J. Thompson Seth H. Wagner Robert K. Whitford

Robert J. Hansen Robert D. Kelly, Jr Crossed Swords Club Jenkins K. Chan Nathan C. Rosas

ALPHA ALPHA Mercer Executive Director's Club Ledford C. Carter Douglas B. Clendaniel Augustus F. Martin Ill Gold Star Club John C. Garvin, Jr. Charles R. Melton Ralph B. Montgomery Chevron Club Jason and Molly Jones Thomas Lowndes Ill William Maratos Charles R. Parker Bradley L. Waters

ALPHA GAMMA Oklahoma Lamplighter's Club Robert E. Holly Jay K. Morris Executive Director's Club Joseph C. Haines, Jr. Robert J. Oobom Gold Star CTub James D. Romo Chevron Club James G. Genders, Jr. Daniel R. Hogan Francis W. Scichowski, Jr. Rocky B. Wehling Crossed Swords Club Brian D. Buijer ALPHA DELTA Washington Foundation Club Robert C. Bux Executive Director's Club M. Dale Kinkade Brian P. Walker Gold Star Club John J. Dailey Stanley J. Gratis

ALPHA EPSILON Florida Council Club Peter C. Barr David W. Henn Robert J. Paterno J. Jeffry Wahlen Foundation Club Albert E. Luer Robert W. McMullen II Michael L. O'Donnell Mark E. Timmes Lamplighter's Club David 0 . Charland Emsley F. Cobb Robert M. Halcrow Howard W. Pettengill, Jr. Charles A. Slewart Executive Director's Club Bill V. Charland Paul S. Enrico Fabio M. Fasanelli Thomas and Betty Fitzgerald Scott W. Hamilton Benjamin G. Holdorf Eliott D. James Peter T. Lanaris Gary A. Leonard Robert B. Newman Jim O'Donnell RoyT. Olsen Charles R. Rigl Reginald H. Ross, Sr.



Christopher J. Tice, Sr. Raymond and Chelsea Tylander Gold Star Club Bartlett Arnold Ill Bernard A. Barton, Jr. John S. Crown, Jr. Peter T. Cummings Eric B. Dana DeHaven and Windie Fleming Christopher S. Hill Jeffrey A. Huehn William P. Keyes Stuart C. Stockton Marl( H. Thurn Christopher T. Ure Chevron Club Brian M. Clar!( Michael L. Crovatt Page M. Eppele George D. Johnson, Jr. Thomas E. Johnson Robert Neumann Bill Sanders Samuel A. Saxon Ill Harold M. Simmons Crossed Swords Club Gregory A. Bauer George Cross Windell A. Dixon, Jr. Willard C. Galbreath Robert H. Hoffman Robert D. Martin Kenneth A. Per!(ins Robert J. Perry, Jr.

Robert E. Quesada DifllJO R. Santangelo Wilham H. Seaver Glenn A. Shapiro Chandler H. Sharon, Jr. Michael A. Stephens Gordon B. Zellers Ill ALPHA ZETA Orgeon State Foundation Club Frederick W. Raw Lamplighter's Club Jack T. Reviglio Jack W. Steward David H. Vawter Executive Director's Club William S. Alldredge Earl D. Barton Robert J. Elfers Norman D. Logan Gary S. Munn Raymond C. Terhune Gold Star Club Roland E. Curtis Kenneth M. Hawke, Jr. Rickey Lee Hug John W. Moore Thomas D. Patterson William W. Thomas

ยง~e~o~ t~u~er

James S. Marsh Crossed Swords Club Brian D. Collins James L. Guthrie Timothy R. Large Leon 0. Ramsey Henrik M. Ringmar Vernon D. Standish Edward F. VanZandt

ALPHA ETA Samford Lamplighter's Club Warren W. Hilson, Sr. Execulive Director's Club William W. Dixon, Jr. William M. Ford James E. Purvis Alan G.Sizemore Dwayne K. Todd Gold Star Club Jimmy R. Bell Robert C. Chandler Henry J. Yeakle Ill Chevron Club Jack R. McDonald Stewart M. Winton Crossed Swords Club David T. Corey William S.Guffin, Jr. David B. Parrish William E. Pope ALPHA THETA Michigan State Executive Director's Club Kenneth G. Adams Henry J. Anderson, Jr. Theodore D. Aylward Thomas H. Bird William M. Cleary Bruce T. Lessien Matthew J. Shaheen Donald E. Viecelli

Gold Star Club Brian R. Connelly Wallace M. DeMaagd Scott E. Evans Jeffrey W. Hill Eivind Kolemainen Gerald F. Wajda Ford L. Woodard Chevron Club Jerry D. Griffith Todd M. lfkovits PaulA. Long Alan W. Perlingiere Crossed Swords Club Frank W. Brutt Kenneth P. Blidy Curtis W. Estes, Jr. Rob Ewen Robert A. and Joan P. Ellis Roger W. Nelson Matthew D. Sharp ALPHA IOTAAubum Order of the Rose J. Ernest Johnson Lamplighter's Club Ralph S. Foster, Jr. Executive Director's Club Robert L. Ferrell W. Scott Finney Joe W. Forehand, Jr. Thomas W. Fuller Tommy W. Gordon William W. Jones, Jr. N. D. "Skeeter" McClure Lawrence M. Pharo Joel T. Radman Louis A. Reynolds, Jr.

Gold Star Club Douglas H. Barclay Charles W. Beaird G. Stuart Blackwell John O.Christiansen, Jr. Moyer D. Harris Tommy K. Hartwell Gary M. Patterson Robert C. Ward Chevron Club Troy I. Corbin George H. Morris Alan S. Reams David G. Scott George N. Tobia Crossed Swords Club Guy H.Alley Henry G. Beaird, Jr. William H. Dykes Robert L. McNiel William T. Pegg William T. Skaggs Clarence E. Weldon, Jr. ALPHA KAPPA Michigan Executive Director's Club Patrick M. Walsh Gold Star Club Jason R. Prickett Steven L. Warnke Chevron Club Calvin A. Saur Crossed Swords Club Anthony W. Bartoszak

Jonathan R. Bos Kenneth B. Goldberg ALPHA LAMBDA Mississippi Chevron Club Santo J.Borganelli ALPHA MU Penn State Lamplighter's Club Kevin K. Murphy Executive Director's Club Lewis B. Grube Richard C. Heim Maurice P. Ranc, Jr. William Simon Ill Gold Star Club Gary S. Bello Jon D. Benedetti Richard W. Brown, Jr. Palmer and Phyllis Davis William E. Johnson Richard F. McKnight William Vernon William R. Walker Chevron Club H V. Gedney Ill Nelson E. Mattern Ralph W. Moyer Scott De Young Myers Richard A. Sandala Crossed Swords Club Stephen C. Botta Robert D. Buchwald Edwin A. Friend, Jr. Richard C. Hamilton Martin R. Hornung William W. Lawrence Michael W. Myers

ALPHA XI St. Johns Execulive Director's Club Richard P. Brady William L. Friend John J. Molinelli Paul J. Schwanenflugel Gold Star Club William V. Delnicki Louis T. Destefano Rino Nori Antonio G. Quilon Richard G. Ramge Harry F. Roener Siegfried A. Rotter Chevron Club Paul W. Dillon John F. Flynn Richard F. Groller Stanley C. Harazim Albert R. Muller Crossed Swords Club Albert Aiello, Jr. David J. Basi RobertJ . Butt Christopher D. Col om Roger L. Fitzgibbon Arthur J. Karle Nestor Eduardo Lara Baeza Alvin S. Lee Henry G. Lenz Michael J. Levinton D. Patrick McArdle Michael M. Ortado Michael G. Power

Frank F. Romanow Jason R. Scott Paul M.Tiemey Ira A. Yenko ALPHA OMICRON Iowa State Founder's Circle Kelley A. Bergstrom Order of the Rose Eldred J. Harman Order of the Bell Robert A. Lane Frank M. Parrish Ill Foundation Club Warren R. Madden William J. Rickert Lamplighter's Club Eric J. Almquist John C. Brockmann Jeremy D. Galvin Hubert M. Lattan Emerson D. Linner Execulive Director s Club Bob Bateman Robert 0 . Brown Troy W. Carmann James R. Carson Curtis C. Clifton Ajay J. Desai Jeremy D. Dickinson Gerald D. Love William G. Nechanicky Thomas J. Ruzicka Oliver N. Spar!(s Brett J. Toresdahl Thomas J. Tott



Gold Star Club Keith J. Bader William W. Chmelar Gilbert L. Comstock Philip J. Dvorak S. E. Gene Fritz Forest L. Goetsch David L. Hancock Richard C. Ohrt Charles J. Rehman, Jr. Ralph H. Ruedy John 0. Sanderson Charles Schram, Jr. John J. Veak Chevron Club Dale M. Cochran Barry L. Croucher Benjamin D. Foot Terry E. Henricksen Mark and Stephanie Milliman Gregory M. Rusk Richard E. Sahr Mark C. Schutt Jose' L. Torres Crossed Swords Club Richard L. Ewen Norman A. Graebner Jo F. Hamlett Joseph 0. Linney Harold J. Reihman Tyler J. VanSteenhuyse Jeff and Bufly Welch

Joseph A. Rayzor Ill James N. Schagren James H Stilz

ALPHA RHO West Virginia Council Club Craig A. Winkelmann Lamplighter's Club Victor A. Folio Gold Star Club Robert J. Laughner Chevron Club Nicholas G. Evans

Crossed Swords Club Joseph F. Banaszewski Milton C. Beveridge Eric C. Friedrich Peter F. Gaile, Jr. Kevin M. Gunther Christopher T. Lynch William C. St. John William R. Terrill Patrick H. Trainor KarlA. Urich Gordon R. Wilmot

ALPHA SIGMA Tennessee Lamplighter's Club John F. Miller William T. Sigmon Thomas J. Snow Executive Director's Club Thomas H. Banks James T. Cogdill David P. Everhart Frank M. Pugh Alfred S. Sewell, Jr. James A. Southerland Gold Star Club Karl R. Schneeberger David B. Spalding James F. Steffner, Sr. Chevron Club Tom and Kay Wolohn Crossed Swords Club Mark D. Allan Ryan C. Brodd Samuel M. Browder C. Preston Dalrymple Matthew R. Davidson Ira Katzman Andrew S. Lane Wesley T. Mowery Kenneth R. Parkinson

ALPHA TAU Rensselaer Council Club Gordon B. Wright Lamplighter's Club Cedric H. Dustin Ill Execulive Director's Club Benjamin M. Cahill, Jr. DaVId B. Dobson Robert E. Hawkins George W. Kirkland, Jr. David M. Peter William A. Roberts Gold Star Club Richard J. Andrews David Dropkin George J. Hoffer John W. McMahon Christopher J. Parks Larry Jay Powell Kermit G. Pratt James F. Rappol~ Jr. Ernest R. Stacey Douglas A. Wiles Chevron Club Jonathan E. Finke Gregory M. Herlan John B. Margenot, Jr. Gary R. Rapp BenJamin T. Sporn

ALPHA UPSILON Drexel Order of the Bell Jack Casper CounCil Club Waller K. Sheppard Lamplighter's Club Martin E. Burrows Leonard J. DiCarlo Frederick W. Schmehl Executive Director's Club Harold A. Cowles Raymond L. Davis Paul W. Gross Alan D. Henderson John D. Knoll, Jr. Robert W Lambert John N Marshall Vicko J. Melada Clifford M. Price Edward M. Simon, Jr. Gold Star Club Thomas and Christine Berk John H. Buhsmer, Jr. Walter W Dearo~. Jr. Joseph Deluca

Kenneth J. Dirkes Philip R. Earley Gino A. Fortuinalo Raymond H. Griffin Arthur J. Jones Joseph J. Keyes Eugene R. Kiehl Ralph E. Klesius Charles S. Kuntz Samuel R. Parris Michael W. Sellers Roland R. Tesno Arthur W. Tunnell, Jr. Frederic S. Woerth Chevron Club nmoty S. Bell John H. Gardner Norman E. Grede Dale R. Haring Robert E. Imbrogno John D. LaRocca Wa~er W. Lovell William H. Moore, Jr. David L. Norris John J. Peirce, Jr. Frederick H. Staiger Crossed Swords Club Gerald L. Barkdoll Larry D. Egolf George M. Fitchko Robert E. Lake Richard W. Lodwig Scott W. Mclaughlin George B. Mullin

Greg Jan Kolb Brian R. Koll Matthew A. Kopesky Anthony R. Malizzio Leonard J. Mance Paul M. Reinhard Byan D. Schott Edward Sicher, Jr. Vincent E. Terrana Richard D. Thompson II James L. Wright II

Robert J. Schoenberger Joseph A. Sheppard Felix T. Troilo John A. Webb Stephen C. Winter

Chevron Club Brandon A. Baltz Max A. Fawley Richard C. Hall Jim Halsey Brian C. Kelly Barry G. Polley Fred F. Thursfield James E. Witek Crossed Swords Club Michael T. Artman Blake H. Beaver Matthew R. Chuck Steven W Dean Joseph M. Drozda. Jr Matthew R. Eckerle Robert F. Fellows Samuel T. Gilchrist Adam C. Green Wesley A. Huesman Michael C. Petro William T. Richardson Todd A. Waldman Daniel C. Walters

ALPHA PHI liT Lamplighter's Club Martin T. Kotsch Executive Director's Club Nathanael P. Gombis Roger L. Peterson Edwin N. Searl Gold Star Club Michael F. Barr Edward W. Bisone John T. Higgins Richard W. Hughes Edward A. Kaschins James M. Kelly James D. Leyerle Ramon L. Olson Paul W. Wagner James C. Woodling Charles R. Woods Chevron Club Ronald G. Douglas Matthew E. Hunt Robert A. Johnson Ill Jack R. Piper Alan W. Wendorf Crossed Swords Club Predrag Barac Jake A. Crulcich Walter E. Gunny Thomas A. Francescangeli, Jr. Bennett A. Hudson, Jr. Stephen R. Hines

ALPHA CHI Miami Executive Director's Club Melford C. Hopkins ALPHA PSI Indiana Order of the Bell Phillip M. Summers Lamplighter's Club Rodney L. Gunning Jefferson S. Shreve Executive Director's Club Wiliam D. Day, Jr. Richard L. Stutz T.J. Sullivan Gold Star Club Gerald L. Allen David C. Gibson G. Scott Louderback Kevin McDonald Justin P. Patterson

ALPHA OMEGA Oregon Gold Star Club Sherman W. Holmes Donald D. Lasselle Stanley Clark Lynch Robert D. Potts Chevron Club Robert E. Davis Gilbert B. Lissy Crossed Swords Club R. Glen Garrett



BETA ALPHA NJIT Order of the Rose Stephen P. DePalma Council Club James A. Krucher John F. Lee, Jr. Foundation Club David M. White Lamplighter's Club Joseph J. Manfredi John E. Pugliesi Executive Director's Club Nicholas Adams Frederick Becker, Jr. Theodore D. Cassara Edward J. Klebaur, Jr. Richard M. Labinsky Richard J. Rodrick Gold Star Club John R. AI britt Harry J. Bon anti Richard V. Comiso Karlis V. Kopans Donald C. Linske Louis R. Miceli Jacob VanBroekhoven Chevron Club Kevin R. Boerner L W Crompton, Jr Jeffrek L. Cutcher Patrie Guerra Neil S. Henning Anthony V. Mangone Robert A. Mason

BETA DELTA Drake Foundation Club Robert A. Cione James D. Hornbrook Executive Director's Club Jeffres D. Miller Gold tar Club Paul H. Gilman Kenneth J. Piller Norris D. Rowland Don B. Waijer Chevron Club James Labiak Robert M. Moody Bruce N. Swanson Crossed Swords Club James L. Feaster Robert R. Rivers

William V. Oakenell Kenneth J. Scheck, Jr. James B. Snodgrass, Jr. Crossed Swords Club Eric M. Boon Dorian R. Foggie Ryan Fregans Frederick Huang Scott Jolliffe Lawrence A. Kominiak James R. Richardson, Jr Robert G. Vvrede Christopher R. Wymer

BETA ETA Florida State Lamplighter's Club Howard E. 'Buz' McCall, Jr. William J. Niedenthal Executive Director's Club Thomas H. Atwood Gilbert G. Fernandez James M. Lloyd Lee Nichols Ill James W. Newman, Jr Frank M. Ryll, Jr. Lewis F. Symmes Gold Star Club LeoAimerico Donald A. Bowlin John R. Corbett Christian J. Downs Guy W. Hollingsworth Michael S. Loy Hassell B. Mciver, Jr. James B. Newman Randolph M. Plotts Jonathan E. Stevens Nonnan D. Stoddard Chevron Club Hugo H. DeBeaubien Raymond W. Jones Dewey C. and Jennifer Mills James E. Newman Jeffrey Pujals Michael J. Rovins Brunett Stilwell, Jr. Crossed Swords Club Ken M. Beauchamp Leonard C. Costin Charles R. 路cutajar Michael Gaudio

BETA BETA Florida Southern Lamplighter's Club David L. Robertson Gold Star Club Donald P. Brown Larry W. Carter William M. Fraser, Jr. Thomas Volpe Crossed Swords Club William H. Beckman Stephen R. Hemman BETA GAMMA Louisville Lamplighter's Club Carol S. and Spencer E. Harper, Jr. Gold Star Club James B. Grissom Herbert M. Zimmennan Chevron Club John T. Cook James A. Koshewa

BETA EPSILON Missouri Foundation Club Jay J. Stuckel Executive Director's Club Keneth X. Lissner Walter T. Richards Laurence G. Trude II Gold Star Club John Deutschmann Robert James Edler-Murphy Chevron Club David M. E~rson George E. yde, Jr. Crossed Swords Club Bradi'M Allen Barondeau Je~ . Dowell An rew D. McCarthy Will itt S. Pierce Kenneth Charles Weyand

Michael E. Johnson Henry P. Land, Jr. Travis S. Olson Christopher L. Ricci Christo~her D Ryle lan E. hapiro Gregory S. Sieman Don A. Steiner BETA THETA Arizona Gold Star Club Russell T. Gilbert Chevron Club Sam R. Andress Charles E. DeLeuw, Jr. Sean P. Mahoney Crossed Swords Club Wilfred U. Carta no James R. Hambacher ~an D. Leahy alterS. Mehr BETA IOTA Toledo Lamplighter's Club Robert C. Friess J. Robert Shindell Gold Star Club Christopher E. Barton Robert D. Conley RobertS. Kuhlman Roger W. Schiller Chevron Club Richard G. Rose Richard H. Smalley, Jr.

Crossed Swords Club ~~~~dB~t~~~eyer, Jr. Matthew C. Brenot Case~ J. Corenlius Ryan M. Gunlle Gregory A. Krupa Gene E. Petennan Nicholas R. Schrauder William A. Selb Mark A. Urrutia Benjamin S. Warren BETA KAPPA Georgia State Council Club Kenneth J. Cribbs Executive D1rector's Club David R. DeMarco John B. Whilley Gold Star Club John W. Barber Chevron Club R~g~1h~a~~~~i~nn Stafford Donald E. Perkins Larry C. Reinhardt, Jr. Christopher M. Wilsey Crossed Swords Clue Jerry M. Ragsdale BETA LAIMBDA Tampa Gold Star Club James R. Crosby James A. Gallagher Robert A. Myers Chevron Club David J. Sullivan Crossed Swords Club William K. Baker Ronald L. Dristle Patrick H. Ingle Stephen J. Krist

BETA MU McNeese State La ~l~hter's Club C. it ell Adrian Richard B. Smith Executive Director's Club Wildred R. Bourne, Jr. Gold Star Club Paul A. Brown Louis C. Hoffpauir BETA NU Houston Crossed Swords Club Everett E. Magill, Jr. Jeffery P. Evans Joseph K. Gentile Brett S. Livingston Patrick M. Ortiz Andrew R. Pa~anos Marshall A. Pi e Kevin M. Visentin Brandon M. Wheeler Robert G. Wiley BETA XI Central Michi~an Executive Director's C ub Duane M. Valerio Gold Star Club David E. Clappison Dale R. DeWaard Crossed Swords Club Basil J. Lyberg Crossed Swords Club Shawne McCoy Josh J. Mrenza

BETA OMICRON Northwestern State Council Club David D. Morgan Lamplighter's Club Michael E. Allain David D. Morgan, Jr. Chevron Club Jack P. McCain, Jr. KarlW. Moore Crossed Swords Club Charles B. Bice Larkin C. Cathey, Jr. John J. Echols Roland V. McKneely, Jr. John H. McTryre Michael E. Murphy Justin L. Nolan Albert J. Tumminello, Jr. BETA RHO Clarkson Crossed Swords Club John F. Kruse BETA SIGMA Northern Illinois Chevron Club Richard Nelson Crossed Swords Club Robert E. Berry Nonnan J. Pollock BETA TAU Valdosta State Executive Director's Club John T. Brooks Thomas E. Joiner


Gold Star Club William R. Maxwell Timothy R. Steedley JamesM. Dowd Mark A. Waddell Hubert H. Wilford Chevron Club John G. Morrow Ill Andrew E. Bembry Donald B. Brewer Stephane Deckers Derek H. Schmeelk Timothy P. Weber BETA UPSILON Virginia Foundation Club Glenn A. Dickson Daniel B. Kimball, Jr. Lamplighter's Club Josep~ B. Yount Ill Executive Director's Club John B. Browning Cha~es L. Nesbff, Jr. Gold Star Club Thomas L. Rouse George F. Shipp William J. Watson Ill Chevron Club Dudley B. Lewis, Jr. Crossed Swords Club John D.Mclaughlin, Jr. BETA PHI East Carolina Gold Star Club Dennis R. Barbour Lawrence W. Haussmann Jeffrey F. O'Geary

Chevron Club Miles F. and L~n D. Barefoot JohnT. Ge~ty David W. M whom Thomas C. Sayetta Crossed Sworas Club John G. Damron Stacey F. Johnson Orville W. Judd Ill Archie and Suzanne Simmons Thomas G. Walters BETA CHI East Texas State Executive Director's Club Kenneth L. Park Chevron Club Bil~ J. Downes Ca vin L. Draper Timothy C. Lee Andrew J. Schlachter BETA PSI Tennessee Wesleyan Gold Star Club Barry A. Saunders Chevron Club Nonris C. Bishop, Jr. BETA OMEGA East Tennessee State Lampl~hter's Club Davia . Evans Executive Director's Club Byron C. Brown Gold Star Club John N. Boronkay, Jr. Ronald K. Younger Chevron Club Eugene W. Smith Crossed Swords Club John R. Combs Farris D. Kabool, Jr. Thomas A. Manning

GAMMA ALPHA Livingston Council Club Joseph L. Alexander Executive Director's Club

~~\d'st~~~~b Jr. Richard B. Bonner James J. Withers Chevron Club Jack S. Garnett, Jr. Terry Tate Crossed Swords Club Jeffrey A. Gargus, Jr. Seth C. Jackson Steven E. Mackin Christopher H. Malone Wade H. Tavtor Cha~es V. VanZile

GAMMA BETA Old Dominion Executive Director's Club David Simas Joseph C. VanCleve Ill Gold Star Club Linwood A. Beve~y. Jr.

~III~;Jl~~~~Fns~ Jr.

Paul L. Moses Paul V. Shebalin Tom and Jane Treichler G. Thomas White Chevron Club Joel Allen Meredith A. Challoner Donald L. Dixon James Vollmers

Crossed Swords Club Donald C. Grout Wayne P. Wilcox GAMMA GAMMA Troy State Crossed Swords Clu~ Cha~es W. Nonris, Jr Phil Spear William B. Taylor, Jr. GAMMA DELTA Memphis Council Club Thomas L. Carter Foundation Club Mathew W. Lipscomb Ill Lampliehter's Club David . Everson Executive Director's Club Robert M. Biesiot, Jr Gold Star Club Herbert W. Blow Charles L. Hall II Te~ R. Morris Tod M. Peterson Crossed Swords Club BretJ. Bilb~ Thomas Lid~ St~hen M. asher Je ey N. Perlman Casey L. Thornton GAMMA EPSILON Western Carolina Lampli~ter's Club Marvin . Cope Executive Director's Club Larry F. Callicutt Wilham F. Willis Gold Star Club Max C. Daves, Jr. Robert B. Shaver, Sr. Crossed Swords Club James A. Davidson

GAMMA ZETA West Virginia Tech Executive Director's Club Cha~es W. Hutzler Gold Star Club William G. Conrad, Jr. Clifton A. Smith Crossed Swords Club Ca~os K. Kirk Michael P. McDonald Richard J. Pickens GAMMA ETA Athens Executive Director's Club Thomas S. Reinke Chevron Club Stephen C. Jones Cha~es H. Mellis ton GAMMA THETA North Carolina- Wilmington Executive Director's Club James M. Corcoran Gold Star Club Leonard H. Hanris Henry C. Menritt, Jr. Chevron Club William D. McCaughan, Jr. James A. Moore Crossed Swords Club Kenneth E. Gregory Gary W. Huggins Francis L. Wootton William T. Zopfi, Jr. GAMMA IOTA Louisiana State Gold Star Club Geoffrey R. Beatty Beauregard A. Fournet Ill

Michael G. Porche Chevron Club Albert J. Milam Glenn M. Mediamolle GAMMA KAPPA Georgian Southern Council Club Glenn Aspinwall Foundation Club Perry W. Buffin~ton Executive Direc or's Club Roland M. Berry Thomas E. Camp IV Joseph W. Odom Jr Gold Star Club Lee W. Davis Richard W. Seaman Chevron Club Stephen L. McClure Crossed Swords Club Jamie L. Deloach Jeffrey B. Thomason GAMMA LAMBDA Missouri - Rolla Crossed Swords Club Ryan M. Francka Devan Hawkins Martin 0 . Hovland Cod~J . Polodna Eric . Ramey John V. Simpson GAMMA MU Belmont Abbey Gold Star Club Grego1>F. Kusic Guy A. iche GAMMA NU LaGran~e Executive Director's lub J. Wiley Bgant Jeffrey L. sola Ralph D. Sims

Gold Star Club Ronald L. Farr Crossed Swords Club Clifton R. Byrd Timoth~ D. Ellis Hunter M. Hearn Guy R. Hodnette Kenneth B. Yuill

g~~~M~~eorgian Southwestern William L. Finney Executive Director's Club David W. Suppes Chevron Club Ea~ . W. Woodward Crossed Swords Club Brian C. Czerw Daniel R. Dupree Matthew D. Loper Michael D. Moye Claude B. Speer Mark E. Taylor Christopher S. Wiggins GAMMA RHO Lander Gold Star Club Stephen P. Kodman James T. Lusk James M. Manley, Jr. Marion E. Thomas Chevron Club Bernard F. Pannone Crossed Swords Club Phillip W. Whiteside II Barry C. Young

GAMMA SIGMA Armstrong State Gold Star Club Morgan F. Barnes GAMMA TAU North Texas State Crossed Swords Club Thomas R. Hall GAMMA UPSILON Oklahoma State Executive Director's Club Mark R. Christman Gilbert 0. Sanders Crossed Swords Club Dana L. Dillon Kevin M. Stewart GAMMA PHI South Alabama Foundation Club Frank D. Havard Gold Star Club Thomas B. Peterson John G. VanDerwood Chevron Club Michael Edwin Gabel K. Paul Hendrix Chevron Club David V. LaRosa, Jr. Chuchen Lou Darren C. Lucas GAMMA OMEGA Montevallo Executive Director's Club David E. Wij\\linton Chevron Clu Royce L. Lader Crossed Swords Club Warren C. Fowler


Paul M. Lavery



Chevron Club Glenn N. Byrd Paul W. Dennis Robert M. Loadwick Crossed Swords Club Clifford A. Allen Samuel L. Jordan II Robert A. Quicke, Jr. Marll A. Saint Raymond Robert B. Ritchie, Jr. Stephen M. Webb Adam C. Wright DELTA BETA North Georgia Lamplighter's Club Richara F. Baker, Jr. Executive Director's Club Richard C. ' Rick' Barr Mr .Charles A. May Andy 0. Smith Jonathan W. Woodward Gold Star Club Victor C. Eilenfield Victor D. Irvin Richard P. Moultrie BiiiW. Pope P. J. Rodgers Brian J. Yarbrough Chevron Club Michael T. O'Halpin Jerry H. Purvis, Jr. John M. Sexton Crossed Swords Club Joshua T. Carvalho Andrew K. Compton Christian and Angela Durham Roy L. Fishel

Stephen B. Pritchett Jonathan A. Sellars Lance C. Ward Jared C. Weber DELTA DELTA Truman State Counc1J Club John R. Andrews


Irvin P. Howard Ill Executive Director's Club


Stephen R. Schneider Gold Star Club Darryl C. Beach Crossed Swords Club Steven Phuc-Chieu Chau Jason C. Comstock David D. Hennings II Stephen M. Nipper Steven P. Schmitt James M. Shumake DELTA EPSILON Jacksonville State Chevron Club Horace D. Buttram, Jr. L. Bart Chandler H. Joe Patterson II Crossed Swords Club Joseph L. Johnson, Jr. Joel S. Shedd William B. Whitson

~;~J~a~~~~J>alachian State Arthur J. Quickenton Lamplighter's Club Gregory L. Ball Patrick J. Danehy Gregory A. Honeycutt

Executive Director's Club John R. Knier Edwin W. Norris Gold Star Club Douglas W. Edwards DaVIa w. Huss William E. Maycock Steven E. Miller Fredrick W. Price Chevron Club Michael H. Buff Bruce E. Greenland Crossed Swords Club Robert R. and Gay P. Moore DELTA ETA Morehead Executive Director's Club Ethan N. Martin Gold Star Club Gregory L. Kring John F. Moser Kenneth R. Neiswender Chevron Club Austin D. Atkins Jarryd C. Boster Jonathan E. Conwell Bobby P. Davis Scott A. Murphy Gerald E. Slone DELTA IOTA Middle Tennessee State Gold Star Club Raymond S. Higgs Chevron Club Kevin R. Hunter


DELTA NU Western Kentucky Crossed Swords Club Carlos D. Tatum DELTA XI North Alabama Chevron Club Stephen A. Pirkle DELTA OMICRON Nicholls State Chevron Club Jacques D. Frere Ray and Caroline Hebert DELTA PI Wright State Foundation Cfub Bruce K. Rockwell DELTA RHO Southern California Executive Director's Club Edward A. Lang Ill Chevron Club Donald F. Craib Ill DELTA SIGMA Bowling Green Gold Star Club John and Cathy Babel Crossed SWords Club Brian Keith Cultice


DELTA TAU James Madison Executive Director's Club Jerry P. Keilsohn Chevron Club Christopher E. Kelly Kenneth R. Kiser

Jonathan E. Campbell Corey J. Collins Frank L. Crowder James S. Davidson Christopher C. French Christopher L. Harllins Andrew E. Moss Jeffe6h B. Pernell

DELTA UPSILON Pittsburgh Chevron Club Marshall R. Zwick Crossed Swords Club Scott Cesare Ryan C. Crucitt Stephen A. Crucitt Michael J. Gazarik David J. Maccarone Michael G. Matthias

DELTA KAPPA North Carolina - Pembroke Crossed Swords Club Bruce E. Tanner

DELTA PHI Radford Chevron Club Kevin R. Keys John R. Spannuth Ill Terry K. Quesenberry


DELTA LAMBDA North Carolina -Charlotte Lamplighter's Club William C. Jackson, Jr. Francis C. IBo) Proctor, Jr. Executive Oirector's Club James M. Best Ill Gold Star Club Marll C. Hall David S. Higgins Charles A. 1\farus Richard J. T)'ter Chevron Club H.J. (Robbin) and Shirley Harlley William S. Mumford Terry A. and JoAnn H. Reed Crossed S Club


Robert A. Higgins Jarrett R. Lamp

' JrGrubbs

b~1\Zr \:. ~~~an

Kane A. Smith Ashton B. Watson

DELTA CHI Kansas State Executive Director's Club Michael C. Kallas Craig A. Swenson Gold Star Club Michael W. Austin Edward L. Enyeart G. Lawrence Keller Ill James T. Lindemuth Crossed Swords Club Jonathan A. Eck Aaron M. Floersch Matthew C. Keller Clifford E. Nelson Kevin T. Richards Daniel C. Strafuss Patrick L. Thaete DELTA PSI Texas- Arlington Council Club Marll F. Jacobs Lamplighter's Club Billy L. Jacobs

Gold Star Club Steven M. Kosta Chevron Club Keith L. Ackerman Bill W. Alexander Crossed Swords Club Billy J. Flower Jeffrey L Johnson Michael J. Laningham John S. Lentini RobertS. Ressl Anthony Robledo IV DELTA OMEGA Texas A&M Foundation Club Jason K. Dodd Executive Director's Club Edward J. Donnelly JeffreyS. Fuechec Thomas B. Sullivan Gold Star Club Enos C. Inniss Chevron Club Robert L. Moss Crossed Swords Club Kenneth J. Martinec EPSILON ALPHA Elon Crossed Swords Club Geoffrey D. Childs Lawrence J. D'Angelo Patrick C. Gallahger Alan B. Medeiros Bryan H. Scherich C~ristian A. Wiggins

EPSILON BETA Grand Valley State Foundation Club Ted R. Lukomski EPSILON GAMMA Longwood Executive Director's Clue Donald C. Sisco II Gold Star Club Dale W. Rankin Crossed Swords Club Keith F. Moore Randi L. Zaremba EPSILON DELTA Auburn- Montgomery Executive Director's Club David M. Smith, Jr. Gold Star Club Marll S. Cline Garland Jackson, Jr. Chevron Club Tohn T. Andrews EPSILON EPSILON Virginia -Wise Lamplighter's Club D. Michael Donathan Nathan B. Wash EPSILON ETA Winthrop Executive Director's Club Joel H. Byars Jeffrey A. Mahoney Gold Star Club Thomas J. Sacco Crossed Swords Club Lyle S. Cassell EPSILON THETA Seton Hall Execut1ve Director's Club Leonard S. de Palma Chevron Club Michael S. D'Amico Crossed Swords Club Steven J. Veil


EPSILON IOTA North Carolina - Greensboro Executive Director's Club James L. Shaw Gold Star Club David B. Craft Crossed Swords Club Paul B. Jamison Damien J. Jones Marti LUttrell James J. Madden Bruce P. O'Keefe EPSILON KAPPA Southern Tech Executive Director's Club Michael L. Hubsky James A. Ransom Chevron Club Steve and Diane Brewer Jose L. Hardy EPSILON LAMBDA South Carom - Spartarilllg Gold Star Club Michael L. Trotter Chevron Club Robert L. Wilder Ill Crossed Swords Club Kenneth 0 . Saad EPSILON MU Bradley Gold Star Club J. Kevin O'Brien Chevron Club Donald J. Chapman Robert J. Gromala Crossed Swords Club CarlL. Aten Adam G. Barrons

Brian J. Groth Marti S. Manrose Michael E. Rudofski Alexander J. Waterman EPSILON NU California State- Sacramento Lampli~ter's Club Robert . Langbein Execulive Director's Club Todd J. Rehfuss Gold Star Club Allen and Kim Spannuth EPSILON OMICRON Villanova Lamplighter's Club Josep~ A. Brady Ill EPSILON PI Virginia Commonwealth Crossed Swords Club David C. Menk F. Joseph Pudner EPSILON RHO Lenoir-Rhyne Lampl~hter's Club Donal R. Jarboe Executive Director's Club Kenneth C. Brown Chevron Club Joseph J. Mullane William R. Rhyne, Jr. Jeffrey W. Voletto Crossed Swords Club Donald B. Downing, Sr. Kristoxher L. Litman John . William EPSILON TAU St. Joesph's


Frank V. ln~osi Sr. Vincent J. ompson, Jr.

EPSILON UPSILON Georgia College Lamplighter's Club DaVId L Hohnadel Roger G. Smith Executive Director's Club Jason Fischl Gold Star Club RoyW. Baker Winiam C. Williams Crossed Swords Club Donald M. Crume Andrew Holland Ashley T. Rickard Paul F. Sedor Joshua D. Wise EPSILON PHI Alabama - Birmingham Executive Director's Club Scott L. Mcleod Chevron Club Joseph S. Davis PatriCk D. Merriss Donald W. Smith Edward L. Stafford EPSILON PSI Slipeery Rock Executive Director s Club David J. Conn Chevron Club Kenneth R. Masztak Kenneth A Clare Thomas W. Hamed Aaron M. Jenkins Douglas C. Nichols Dame! C. Reynolds

EPSILON OMEGA Texas Tech Foundation Club James A. Wedding Lamplighter's Clu Cha~es R. West Executive Director's Club Peter L. Dudley Robert E. Welsh Gold Star Club Edward G. Finta Steven C. Fullbright Eric Z. Gnann Crossed Swords Club Luke E. Mackel Ryan T. McGuigan Jeffr~ L. Myers Jona an A. Phy Chad W. Reed Drew A. Roberson Grego~ B. Turner Wareel C. Wright, Jr. ZETA ALPHA Clemson Lamfl~ hter's Club Sco . Gasparini Executive Director's Club Marti E. Moehring Gold Star Club William A. White IV Luther R. Hanson ZETA BETA california - San Diego Chevron Club Andrew J. Chapman Keith V. Rundle Crossed Swords Club David B. Bleiweiss ZETA GAMMA North Dakota Executive Director's Club Steward E. Sandstrom Marti A. Walstad

Gold Star Club Joe c. Kraft Chevron Club Lawrence C. Freer Ill David W. Kirtlland Crossed Swords Club Shad A. Fetters Paul D. Jacob Matthew R. Myrick Michael R. Nowacki

tr~ri ~~~J~rd

~~!~;g~bShippensburg Randy W. Kline Crossed Swords Club Steven T. Mertle! ZETA EPSILON George Mason Executive Director's Club Alan P. Duesterhaus


D. Richard Embrey Chevron Club Lee M. Quick ZETA ZETA North Florida Executive Director's Club Steven J. Borowiec Gold Star Club John C. Powers, Sr. Chevron Club Chad A. Perce Louis P. Venturello

Crossed Swords Club Matthew G. Brooks Keith Laine Edwards ZETA ETA South Florida Crossed Swords Club Scott M. Stein ZETA THETA Texas Lampl~hter's Club Tracy . Maddux ZETA IOTA Indiana (PA} Foundation Club Stephen E. Whitby ZETA KAPPA Richard Stockton Gold Star Club Erik Flemming John C. Brenner Jeffre~p. Hartman Sean . Saunders Jason Thorpe Jonathan W. Tunney ZETA MU california State - Northridge Gold Star Club Charles R. Uu Chevron Club Zachary W. Schuler Rogers L. Adams Daniel E. Echeverri Christopher J. Holden Crossed Swords Club Eric D. Cearley ZETA XI Averett Gold Star Club Robert E. Pertlins II Chevron Club David J. Thomas

Crossed Swords Club Peter A. Blum, Jr. Timothy S. Carter Matthew J. Doss Brian C. Fisher David W Hillmyer William G. Kennedy Anthony Martinec ZETA PI Marshall Chevron Club Christopher L. Conley Scott A. Rowekamp Crossed Swords Club Christopher J. Lewis John Harvey Lewis Brandon W. Ramsey Stephen T. Reed ZETA RHO California State- Fullerton Lamplighter's Club Victor C. Valencia Gold Star Club John M. Deacy Chevron Club Shahmir A. Nadjmabadi Armando R. Sanbrano Crossed Swords Club Dominic and Shannon Abeyta ZETA SIGMA california - Davis Chevron Club Brian D. Jones ZETA TAU Barton Chevron Club Timothy A. Osborn

Matthew R. Pollock Mozingo Jason T. Ricks ZETA UPSILON Bloomsburg Chevron Club Thomas M. Muller ZETA PHI Colorado State Chevron Club Corey L. Dillon Crossed Swords Club Daniel J. caldwell Kevin P. Foley Steven T. Ga1ser Evan L. McCalty Benjamin L. Pilato Shawn Rabourn Robert J. Schneider Marti G. Torrez ZETA CHI Alb~ht Crossed Swor s Club Richard L. Carrione, Jr. Robert W. Holliday Andrew R. Holets Robert lntile James and Louise Lauro Timothy D. Lauro Timothy D. Loehwing fan J. Matlack Daniel R. Ruedy Darren K. Stoltifus ZETA PSIIUPUI Executive Director's Club Lance K. Burnside Christopher M. Cordell ZETA OMEGA Townson State Crossed Swords Club Stephen E. Kemme!



ETA ALPHA Concord Executrve Director's Club Phillip A. lgo Christo~er L. McGown GoldS rCiub Michael S. ~in Douglas J. ontgomery

ETA OMICRON San Francisco State Chevron Club John N. Harasciuk Nicholas R. Fairbairn Ronald A. Montefalcon Allan J. Ramsay Evan A. Thomas Tennyson M. Wilson

ETA GAMMA Colorado Executive Director's Club Erik U. Rolle Gold Star Club Robert R. Gould IV Chevron Club Bradl~ M. Jensen John . Like Crossed Swords Club Mike DonneiiX Kevin D. Gra Scott L. Zimmer

ETA PI Coastal Carolina Crossed Swords Club David J. MJroup James L. au Jr. Christ~her W. Paulson Brian . Tracy ETA RHO Texas State - San Marcos Executive D1rector's Club Brett J. Lee Gold Star Club Robert L. Moffett Ill Crossed Swords Club Bryan Whisenant Hazeez L. Adams Christo~er Molho Robert . Phillips

ETA DELTA Kennesaw State Chevron Club Danny Fortney CrosSed Swofds Club Philip D. Cemutan Robert D. Evans Robert K. Henson Woodrow L. McEver

ETA SIGMA UCLA Executive Duector's Club Benjamin J. Hofileiia, Jr. Gol Star Club Todd A. Sar~nt Chevron Clu Robert Soldat

ETA EPSILON Maryland Gold Star Club Ross W. Knoblauch ETA ZETA Queens Executive Director's Club Joseph T. McBride, Jr.

. -





' ' t,,,

Constantine S. Likakis Christopher Manger ETA CHI Texas Christian Chevron Club G. Christ~her and Christine Mathews Crossed words Club Mark J. Curry Crossed SwOrds Club Kenneth Oubre Nicholas L. Bendian Joshua R. McNamara L. Christopher Oldham Jeremy A. Roman Charles R. Stephan ETA PSI Central Florida Chevron Club Michael D. Weaver Crossed Swords Club Peter R. Barnard, Jr. Sebastian and Jen Echenique Joseph M. Sarrubbol Jr. Michael D. Weaver I ETA OMEGA New Mexico State Crossed Swords Club David A. Daniels Abel 0. Garcia David I. Guerra Jesse R. Morales Juan J. Suazo Carlos R. Valles THETA ALPHA Southern Mississippi Foundation Club John W. Langley

THETA THETA Iowa Crossed Swords Club Ross P. Potter Blake J. Towle NEW MEXICO ASSOCIATE CHAPTER Crossed Swords Club Brandon Kauffman Sean Kesani FRIENDS OF THE FRATERNITY Council Club Estate of J. Rodn~ Harris ShirleJ and Jabe ardee Foun ation Club Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Pi Ka~pa Phi Foundation Lamp 1ghter's Club Microsoft G~ Campaign Louise F. W ~ Executive Dire or's Club Schoor DePalma P~siCo Foundation G d Star Club Plizer Foundation Tractebel North America Services, Inc. BELLSOUTH CORPORATION Elizabeth Fehr Funmi Moka Joann M. Westfall Chevron Club Microsoft Matching Gifts Program The Coca-Cola Compnay Matching Gifts Pr99ram l n~ated Fiber Optics, Inc. K E,INC. Sandra J. Hudspeth



Kyle P. McGrath Ryan P. Potter Joseph Smith ETA ETA California - Irvine Crossed Swords Club Matthew J. Traum ETA THETA San Francisco Crossed Swords Club Cosmo A. Taormina Nelson E. Won~ ~~~~~ g~s opher Newport Timothy D. Campbell ETA KAPPA SUNY- Plattsburgh Crossed Swords Club Timothy and Jennifer Gray ETA LAMBDA SUNY- Brockport Executive Director's Club

J. Scott Atkinson

Crossed Swords Club William R. Wilkinson Patrick D. Clemens Christopher P. Mayer ETA MU Wingate Chevron Clu5 Gordon L. Holder Neil R. Blot ETA NU Pennsylvania Crossed Sword"s Club Alexander Faerman Barak M. Klein Fred B. Rothman

ETA TAU Kentuckv Crossed Swords Club Mark Frey Robert A. Haggard Daniel J. Kelly Andrew K. Schuette Adam L. Story Matthew L. Weber Bryan S. Worth ETA UPSILON Miami IOH) Execullve Director's Club John T. Healy Richard D. Swensen Ill Gold Star Club Stephen J. Gongola II Brandon J. Tudor Chevron Club William J. Gracie, Jr. Neelam S. Modi Patrick J.C. Willoughby Crossed Swords Club Dennis Behrens Ryan R. Dlugosz Michael E. 1\udravetz Joshua D. Lundell Nicholas J. Lyons Gary S. Manka Ryan C. Mayer Patrick T. SChafer Martin A. Schneider John (Jack) R. Smith John R. Tudor S. Joshua Wellen Matthew E. Wray

rrt:!:J ~!2"J~~~~~Itimore County Dominic J. Cirincione, Jr. Joshua S. Dimitri Hill Michael D. Klein, Jr.

Chevron Club

g~~;s~ ~~g<'~~rbtiJ

Christopher D. Matthews THETA GAMMA SUNY - Buffalo Executive Director's Club Paul E. Parker THETA DELTA Florida International Crossed Swords Club Victor J. Aldrich Jose M. Otero James M. Prieto Jorge I. Triay, Jr. THETA EPSILON Kansas Gold Star Club BrianA. Rock Mace D. May Ryan D. Ritchey zachary S. Zimmerman THETA ZETA George Washington Crossed Swords Cfub Ravindran Alfreds Michael L. DiSabatino Harris M. Markowitz Daryl A. Muller Thomas J. J. Scazzafavo Matthew D. Steinhelfer Mark A. Swartz THETA ETA American Crossed Swords Club Brandon Blackburn-Dwyer Andrew Danto Adam P. Dunn Pasquale lntindola John K. Simmons

Beta Alpha of Alpha Phi Mary Aileen Slade SBC Telecommunications, Inc. Crossed Swords Club Well Point Associate Giving Campaign America's Charities Chi Omega Fratemity Panhellenic Council George Rose McNeese Maersk Inc. Delta Gamma Sorority Chi Omega Omicron Chapter Washingfon Mutual Employee Giving Prog Mortgage Services Center Altria E"motoyee Involvement Programs AIG Matching Grants Program Allstate Giving Campaign Verizon Founoation c/o Cyber Grants Anonymous Marianne Horrell Adolph William C. Coney Adrian Cronauer Debra S. Hogan Ryan N. Swensen Ance T. Tyson Anita S. Young

1 2 3 4 5

XI Roanoke ALPHA OMICRON Iowa State ALPHA Charleston ALPHA EPSILON Florida ALPHA IOTA Auburn

$46,240.25 $42,213.15 $26,215.00 $17,320.00 $14,090.00


NU PHI SOCIETY The Nu Phi Society recognizes alumni who have attended five or more Supreme Chapters, as well as those who have held the title of Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, or have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Each member makes an annual contribution based upon their number of years as an initiated member. The following are the 2004 Nu Phi Society inductees. ALPHA College of Charleston Daniel B. Barry Julius E. Burges John C. Hassell Sam Stafford Ill Richard B. Voorneveld BETA Presbyterian Greg Elam II GAMMA California - Berkeley Steven S. Ryder IOTA Georgia Tech Michael V. Cowan KAPPA North Carolina W. Stuart Hicks Thomas H. Sayre J. Councill Leak MU Duke William D. Fuqua Frank T. Wrenn Ill

XI Roanoke Edward J. Bennett Edward L. Corson II Durward W. Owen John J. Ribar, Jr. James C. Turk James S. Stump, Jr. Allen 0 . Woody Ill Dudley F. Woody OMICRON Alabama Harry E. Caldwell Jr. R. Nathan Hightower Travis P. Julian A.J. (Lonnie) Strickland Ill Paul C. Wesch RHO Washington & Lee Richard G. Anderson SIGMA South Carolina Jerry T. Brewer Kenneth J. Forti Walter Hays Pickens, Jr. UPSILON Illinois Michael A. Lowery J. Gunnar Schalin CHI Stetson J. Patrick Figley Bruce L. Rogers PSI Cornell JohnS. Kirk William F. Newell Robert J. Wilcox

OMEGA Purdue Patrick J. Kuhnle David G. Lane Gregory V. Linder Emmanuel O'Drobinak ALPHA EPSILON Florida Gary A. Leonard Albert E. Luer Michael L. O'Donnell Robert J. Paterno Mark E. Timmes J. Jeffry Wahlen ALPHA ZETA Oregon State David H. Vawter

BETA IOTA Toledo J. Robert Shindell

DELTA OMEGA Texas A&M Thomas B. Sullivan

BETA KAPPA Georgia State Kenneth J. Cribbs

EPSILON EPSILON Virginia - Wise David M. Donathan

BETA KAPPA Georgia State David R. DeMarco

EPSILON NU California State - Sacramento Robert E. Langbein

BETA MU McNeese State C. Mitchell Adrian Wilfred R. Bourne, Jr Richard B. Smith

EPSILON OMICRON Villanova Joseph A. Brady Ill

BETA UPSILON Virginia Glenn A. Dickson

EPSILON TAU Oregon State Vincent J. Thompson Ill EPSILON UPSILON Georgia College and State David L. Hohnadel

GAMMA ALPHA West Alabama Joseph L. Alexander Richard B. Bonner

EPSILON PHI Alabama- Birmingham Scott L. Mcleod

ALPHA IOTA Auburn William S. Finney Ralph S. Foster, Jr. J. Ernest Johnson

GAMMA BETA Old Dominion David Simas

EPSILON OMEGA Texas Tech Peter L. Dudley Robert E. Welsh

ALPHA OMICRON Iowa State Eric J. Almquist Kelley A. Bergstrom Jeremy D. Galvin Eldred J. Harman Robert A. Lane Emerson D. Linney Warren R. Madden Frank M. Parrish Ill

GAMMA KAPPA Georgia Southern Glenn Aspinwall Perry W. Buffington

ALPHA THETA Michigan State Matthew J. Shaheen

ALPHA UPSILON Drexel Walter K. Sheppard ALPHA PH lilT Nathanael P. Gombis ALPHA PSI Indiana Max A. Fawley T.J. Sullivan Phillip M. Summers BETA ALPHA NJIT Stephen P. OePalma Patrick Guerra James A. Krucher John F. Lee, Jr. John E. Pugliesi Kenneth J. Scheck, Jr David M. White BETA DELTA Drake Robert A. Cione BETA EPSILON Missouri Jay J. Stuckel BETA ETA Florida State Thomas H. Atwood

GAMMA DELTA Memphis Thomas L. Carter

GAMMA NU LaGrange Jeffrey L. Esola Shawn G. Zwilling

ZETA ALPHA Clemson Scott C. Gasparini

ZETA EPSILON George Mason Alan P. Duesterhaus ZETA ZETA North Florida Steven J. Borowiec ZETA THETA Texas Tracy D. Maddux

GAMMA XI Georgia Southwestern William L. Finney Earl W. Woodward

ZETA RHO California State Fullerton Victor C. Valencia, Jr.

GAMMA PHI South Alabama Frank D. Havard

ETA GAMMA Colorado Bret M. Heidemann

DELTA BETA North Georgia Jonathan W. Woodward

ETA DELTA Kennesaw State Kenneth S. Smith

DELTA DELTA Truman State John R. Andrews Charles J. Barnard Irvin P. Howard Ill

ETA OMICRON San Francisco State John N. Harasciuk

DELTA ZETAAppalachian State Gregory L. Ball DELTA ETA Morehead State Gerald E. Slone DELTA LAMBDA North Carolina - Charlotte William C. Jackson, Jr. Francis C. (Bo) Proctor, Jr. DELTA CHI Kansas State Larry Keller Ill Tim Lindemuth DELTA PSI Texas- Arlington Billy L. Jacobs Mark F. Jacobs

ETA RHO Texas State - San Marcos Brett J. Lee



CHAPTER INVESTMENT FUNDS The Foundation maintains funds for spedal a'lapter-Evel endoYiments. Alumni can make alax-â‚Źxempt resbicted gift through the Foundation to specifiCally benefrt their chapter's educational programs. These indude scholarships, leadership schools and providing <Xll11pUters or lbaries for the a'lapter house. Listed here are those alumni who oontributed to a dlapter invesbnent fund in 2004. ALPHA Charleston Gary A. Catterton

ALPHA SIGMA Tennessee Ira J. Katzman

DELTA IOTA Middle Tennessee State Raymond S. Higgs

LAMBDA Georgia Mary A. Slade

ALPHA PHI liT Matthew E. Hunt

DELTA SIGMA Bowling Green Kevin J. Vania

XI Roanoke RobertS. Barber Henry B. Hahn, Jr. Lee S. Peregoff James C. Turk Douglas M. Williams Allen 0 . Woody Ill

ALPHA PSI Indiana Jefferson S. Shreve

DELTA PSI Texas -Arlington Steven M. Kosta


EPSILON UPSILON Georgia and State College Roger G. Smith

BETA ETA Florida State W. Jeffrey Niedenthal Jeffrey Pujals

ZETA ALPHA Clemson Mark E. Moehring

OMICRON Alabama David R. Adams Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. James A. Robertson Martin C. Strickland

UPSILON Illinois Beta Alpha of Alpha Phi Chi Omega Omicron Chapter Delta Gamma Sorority Debra S. Hogan Funmi Moka James William Nelson II Panhellenic Council CHI Stetson J. Patrick Figley PSI Cornell John H. Angus OMEGA Purdue Patrick John Kuhnle Richard H. Lowe William Fay Newell ALPHA DELTA Washington Robert Dennis Kelly, Jr Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Microsoft Giving Campaign Brian P. Walker ALPHA OMICRON Iowa State Kelley A. Bergstrom John C. Brockmann Benjamin D. Foot Frank M. Parrish Ill ALPHA RHO West Virginia Craig Alan Winkelmann

BETA THETA Arizona Sean P. Mahoney

ZETA GAMMA North Dakota Steward E. Sandstrom ZETA RHO California State - Fullerton Todd A. Sargent

BETA OMICRON Northwestern State Charles B. Bice Larkin C. Cathey, Jr. William C. Coney John J. Echols Jack P. McCain, Jr. Roland V. McKneely, Jr. John H. McTryre Karl W. Moore Michael E. Murphy Albert J. Tumminello, Jr. GAMMA DELTA Memphis Thomas Lee Carter Mathew Wilson Lipscomb Ill Stephen Matthew Mosher GAMMA KAPPA Georgia Southern Glenn Aspinwall GAMMA XI Georgia Southwestern William L. Finney GAMMA PHI South Alabama John G. VanDerwood DELTA ZETA Appalachian State Shirley and Jabe Hardee David W. Huss William E. Maycock Edwin W. Norris

ETA LAMBDA SUNY- Brockport J. Scott Atkinson ETA UPSILON Miami (OH) Ryan Robert Dlugosz Stephen Joseph Gongola II William James Gracie Jr. John T. Healy Michael E. Kudravetz Joshua D. Lundell Nicholas J. Lyons Gary S. Manka Ryan C. Mayer Neelam S. Modi Patrick T. Schafer Martin A. Schneider Jack R. Smith Brandon J.Tudor John R.Tudor Stephen E. Whitby Patrick J.C. Willoughby Matthew E. Wray

CAPITAL GIFTS RESTRICTED ALPHA UPSILON Drexel Jack M. Casper STAR PROGRAM CHI OMEGA FRATERNITY VOLUNTEER INITIATIVE FUND EPSILON UPSILON Georgia College David L. Hohnadel MEMORIAL GIFTS OMICRON Alabama Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. in honor of Justin C. Eaton Harry E. Caldwell, Jr. in honor of Mcintosh S. Gates UPSILON Illinois Beta Alpha of Alpha Phi in honor of Charles Moka Chi Omega, Omicron chapter, in honor of Charles Moka Delta Gamma Sorority in honor of Charles Moka Debra S. Hogan in honor of Charles Moka Funmi Moka in honor of Charles Moka James William Nelson II in honor of Charles Moka Panhellenic Council in honor of Charles Moka ALPHA EPSILON Florida Sandra Hudspeth in honor of Charles G. Hudspeth ALPHA PHI liT Anita S. Young in honor of Donald E. Young





Delta Chapter has had a very successful year thanks to the diligence, initiative and camaraderie of our brothers and Chapter Advisor Richard "Blue" Burnette. Since july 15, 2004, the chapter has raised over $2,650 for Push America This was aided through two "Poker for Push" fund-raising events along with a o Boundaries Week where Brother Dax Grigg's intestinal fortitude allowed him to perch atop a scaffold for 24 hours for the second consecutive year. The chapter is planning another No Boundaries Week for the spring. In addition, Brothers Glenn Wolfe, Ryan Moul and Dylan Rebillot are in training for the journey of Hope this summer. Due to the recruitment fervor this past fall, Delta now has 20 associate members, which is a record for the chapter. But more importantly, the recruits are men of Class. Academically, Delta is still leading the other fraternities at Furman University with the highest grade point average on campus. Delta is also in the process of releasing an alumni newsletter in the honor of Charles M. Townes, an alumnus and 1935 graduate who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1964 for his co-invention of the maser. Townes was recently awarded the Templeton Prize for being a leading advocate for converging the fields of science and religion.

This is a very exciting time for Sigma. The chapter is planning to break ground in ovember 2005 for a new chapter house which will be located in the University of South Carolina's Greek Village. Sigma's undergraduates and alumni have been hard at work with this project for over a year. The chapter anticipates moving into the house in fall 2oo6. For the spring semester, Sigma has scheduled a No Boundaries Week which includes a three-day scaffold sit, the chapter's award-winning empathy training dinner and the Palmetto Centurion Ride (a one-day, 113-mile bike ride from Columbia, S.C., to the Cistern at the College of Charleston). Currently, the chapter has members who serve as president and vice president for USC's chapter of Order of Omega, a Greek leadership honor society. The men are also looking forward to the upcoming football season with Steve Spurrier!

EPSILON ALPHA ELON UNIVERSITY Epsilon Alpha chapter at Elon University has had a great year thus far. In the fall, the chapter held its annual No Boundaries Week, during which it hosted a week of events promoting Push America. In




addition, the chapter also held its annual sorority football tournament, in which sororities come together in a spirited competition in efforts to raise awareness for Push America and for people with disabilities. To date, the chapter has raised over $1 ,200 for Push America over the 2004-2005 academic year, and the total is expected to increase by the semester's end. This semester, Epsilon Alpha held its annual faculty and staff appreciation event, honoring professors and the administration for their continual support. The chapter looks forward to the event every year because it's the only opportunity during which they, as a brotherhood, are able to give thanks to the Elon staff for all they do. In April, the Theta class was initiated into Epsilon Alpha chapter, and was the largest associate member class in two full years. The new class has worked very hard and the chapter is excited about the quality and leadership they' ll bring. All year long, Epsilon Alpha has done its best to maintain the reputation of the fraternity at Elon University. They look to continue to lead their campus, and provide the ideal model for other chapters to follow.

Brothers from Sigma chapter are pictured here at the Carolina Cup, a popular horse race in South Carolina . Attendees at the Carolina Cup range from Gov. Mark Sanford to several fraternities in South Carolina. It's a great opportunity to meet Pi Kapps from other schools.

ZETANU WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY The Zeta u chapter of Pi Kappa Phi has continued to excel at West Chester University and has become the leading fraternity on campus. There are few students at West Chester who are unaware of the chapter's many campus events and its community involvement. Zeta Nu

their time to the cause and the chapter is making plans to continue AccessABILI1Y projects on an annual basis. Also this semester, Zeta u has initiated 10 new members and recruited seven new associate members, including one legacy. Due to the growth, the chapter secured a new fraternity house which was recently rebuilt from fire damage. The building will house 20 members, and it stands to

structure the chapter has become more financially responsible than ever before. Zeta Omicron has also begun volunteering with the YWCA as well as the Bridges for Kids program. And, for the first time in a long time, plans have been made for an alumni reunion. The chapter has also recently sent an alumni new.;letter to over 320 alumni.

"THERE ARE FEW STUDENTS AT WEST CHESTER WHO ARE UNAWARE OF THE CHAPTER'S MANY CAMPUS EVENTS AND ITS COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT." -ZETA NU (WEST CHESTER) currently leads all Greek organizations in donations to West Chester's campus-wide Greek philanthropy, and is in position to win many different campus and Greek awards. The chapter has continued to excel in Greek sports by securing its first IFC cup and also currently holds positions on IFC, SGA, SAC as well as IFC president for the second consecutive year. The chapter has recently become very involved with an Anti-violence Against Women project. To date, 15 members have completed the class, "Fraternity anti-violence project." Four of those 15 have become facilitators of the class. The chapter is also playing a major role in White Ribbon Day and Take Back the Night, two programs aimed at bringing awareness to college campuses about violence against women. This semester Zeta Nu completed its first AccessABlLI1Y project to build an accessible ramp for a family in the community which attracted both 1V and radio coverage. Nearly half of Zeta Nu's members pledged

be the first legitimate fraternity house on campus. The chapter is actively working with Pi Kappa Phi Properties to secure the house for Pi Kappa Phi Zeta Nu for years to come.

ZETA OMICRON SUNY CORTI.AND The fall semester of 2004 was a wake up call for Zeta Omicron chapter. With strained relations with Pi Kappa Phi Headquarters and with the university, Zeta Omicron seemed to be in a downward spiral. However, the chapter attended MidYear Leadership Conference to get back on track. After meeting with representatives from Headquarters, Zeta Omicron was able to strengthen its leadership, and improve participation within the chapter. Since, the chapter has overcome what some might have thought to be the end of a chapter, and the executive board has encouraged the chapter to tum things around. Now, with a sound financial

Brothers from the Zeta Omicron chapter (SUNY -Cortland) gather for a spring photo. Since attending Mid-Year Leadership Conference in January 2005, the chapter has experience quite a turnaround, and is excited

about choosing to lead at SUNY-Cortland.

to strengthen its relationship with school officials, Zeta Omicron participated in Greek Week and in IFC. The chapter has also begun developing ties with other chapters of Pi Kappa Phi such as SUNY Brockport and Cornell. With the commitment of the executive board and other members of Zeta Omicron, the chapter will no doubt continue its success in the future.




ZETA RHO CAL STATE FULLERTON Zeta Rho chapter is the top fraternity at Cal State Fullerton, as the chapter exceeds in several aspects. While the chapter boasts the highest G.P.A. on its campus, it also has a nationally ranked intramural flag football team. The team of Pi Kappa Phis took first place at CSUF, claimed

the prestigious pacesetter award. Some of the campus leadership positions held by Zeta Phis include the IFC president, six IFC cabinet members, as well as many other executive positions across campus. In Greek intramurals, Zeta Phi captured the championships in both soccer and basketball. Keeping the tradition alive, the Zeta Phi chapter of Pi Kappa Phi has been awarded the chapter of the year at Colorado

"ZETA PHI CHAPTER HAS LOGGED OVER 1,000 SERVICE HOURS FOR PUSH AMERICA, AND COMPLETED ITS THIRD AccessABILITY PROJECT." -ZETA PHI (COLORADO STATE) second in the Arizona regional, and was invited to the national tournament in New Orleans where the team placed eighth. In addition, Zeta Rho recently initiated a class of 22 members with an associate class of 27 for spring 2005.

ZETA PHI COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY Fall 2004 was trying-to say the least-for the Greek community at Colorado State University. During the first month of the school year, the Greek community was implicated in both a large riot and an alcohol related death. Since, the Greek community has chosen to "go dry" and is trying to make the best out of these unfortunate tragedies. Since, the Zeta Phi Chapter has logged over 1,000 service hours for Push America, and completed its third AccessABILITI' project. The chapter received its second partnership grant and raised more than $1,800 from chapter-sponsored Push America events. In conjunction with these accomplishments, the chapter is proud to have 10 men accepted for the 2005 journey of Hope and Gear up Florida teams. Additionally, the chapter has maintained a G.PA. of 2.96 while the archon received



State for the fifth time in six years. The chapter is also proud to have initiated 22 new members this year who will continue to lead by choice.

ETA GAMMA UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO The Eta Gamma chapter of Pi Kappa Phi has been actively involved on campus as well as in the community this spring. The chapter recently raised $7,351 for cancer research in an event known as "St. Baldricks," during which people pledged for fraternity men to shave their heads in an effort to raise money. In total, the chapter had 16 men shave their heads and led the campus in total funds raised and in number of men who shaved their heads! In addition, the chapter also raised $1,400 for the Nadia Barghelae Scholarship fund. Nadia, girlfriend of the Eta Gamma secretary, tragically died in an airplane crash over winter break. The scholarship fund is for young female pilots like Nadia. For Push America, Eta Gamma partnered with the "At the Well" radio show on AM 670 in Denver to talk about all the great thin~ Push America does. The publicity from the event helped the

Sophomore members of the Eta Gamma chapter (Colorado) painted "GO COLORADO" in black and gold to show their school spirit.

chapter to raise money for Push America The chapter also has three cyclists on the 2005 journey of Hope team and one Gear Up Florida cyclist this summer. In addition, seven men traveled to Kansas for a Push Camp during spring break. To top thin~ otT this year, Eta Gamma was recognized with the john G. Copeland award for the best fraternity on campus for the sixth time out of the past seven years, and for the fourth consecutive year.


This spring marked Theta Epsilon chapter's fourth appearance in four years in KU's Rock Chalk Revue, a campus-wide philanthropy event that annually raises tens of thousands of dollars for the United Way. Atradition at KU for over SOyears, Rock Chalk Revue is a Broadway-style production, produced and perfonued

entirely bystudents. Over a six -month period, Greek organizations pair up to write, produce and perfonu 20-minute musical productions. Only five groups are ultimately selected to perfonu to the sell-out crowds. Theta Epsilon was recognized with eight of 13 awards, including the coveted "Best of Show'' for the third year. Over the past four years, the men of Theta Epsilon have been awarded 21 of 45 Rock Chalk Revue awards! Theta Epsilon has continued its tradition of supporting Push America in several areas. In 2004, the chapter sent five members to participate in the journey of Hope. This summer, Brother Adam Argetsinger will cycle on the 2005 Journey of Hope Trans America team, and become the fifteenth member of Theta Epsilon chapter in four years to achieve Pi Alpha status. After receiving $2,000 for cleaning KU's legendary Allen Fieldhouse following a basketball game, the chapter has raised over $4,300 for Push America this year. The chapter also facilitated a Push Camp at the Kansas Jaycees CP Ranch in El Dorado, Kans., this spring, and is planning an AccessABILITY project for a local family in Lawrence, Kans.



As the national housing corporation for

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity is seeking to employ a director of alumni services with 0-3 years experience in alumni relations or other related areas. In this position, you will be responsible for the development and implementation of alumni relations programming consistent with the Second Century Vision of the fraternity. The director of alumni services will report to the CEO and work collaboratively with the executive director of the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation. Membership in the fraternity is required. Salary is commensurate with experience.

QUEENS UNIVERSITY The Eta Zeta chapter is nowup to 49 members, including associates. This is the largest Eta Zeta has ever been and is 22 members larger than at the beginning of the school year. Eta Zeta officially has the largest membership on campus. The overall G.PA. of the chapter is 3.09, which is the highest it has been in years. The chapter recently hosted its annual scaffold sit, which raised $2,285 for Push America-over $800 more than last year. Overall, it's been a very successful year for Eta Zeta chapter.


the fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc. is seeking to employ a director of housing with 1-3 years of real estate experience in the areas of acquisitions, dispositions, property management, finance and construction. The director of housing reports to the CEO and works collaboratively with the director of operations, members of the Board of Directors and other volunteers. Membership in the fraternity is preferred but not a requirement. Salary is commensurate with experience.

Standing with a statue of Kansas coach ing legend "Phog" Allen, members of the Theta Epsilon chapter (Kansas) pose for a photo after spending an entire night cleaning Allen Fieldhouse to raise money for Push America.

Please submit cover letter and resume to: Mark E. Timmes Chief Executive Officer Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity mtimmes@pikapp.org P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224



(800) 929- 1904 EXT. 103 OR BFEHR@PI KAPP.ORG

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