Star & Lamp - Winter 2010

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Welcome to the digital Star & Lamp

Mark E. Timmes Chief Executive Officer




The map details Pi Kappa Phi’s expansions since 2004. For more information about expansion or starting a new chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, contact Assistant Executive Director Christian Wiggins at

new century growth

by Christian Wiggins

Five years ago, as the fraternity celebrated the conclusion of its first century, we set an aggressive growth and expansion goal: to increase our number of active and associate chapters to 175 by the year 2014. In the five years since the Centennial Celebration, Pi Kappa Phi has kept a steady pace in pursuit of this goal, growing from 119 chapters to the current 154. A cornerstone of the plan was to revive dormant chapters. This called for Pi Kappa Phi to aggressively seek to colonize at institutions where we have history, but it also allowed us to promote lifelong brotherhood by giving thousands of alumni a home to return to at their alma mater. In the last five years, we have returned to 21 of our 81 dormant chapters. In addition to reopening closed chapters, the fraternity committed itself to courting top-tier institutions where Pi Kappa Phi has yet to venture. With more than 4,000 four-year institutions in the United States, the fraternity has seemingly endless opportunities to pursue; and with an aggressive growth strategy, all options are tempting. Integrity was given to the selection process by examining national benchmarking surveys, university reputation, values statements and student expectations. Our strategy has yielded 28 new chapters. While the primary goals were re-colonizing dormant chapters and opening new chapters at leading intuitions, the fraternity also recognized that there was a need to have a more balanced presence across the nation. With more than 60 percent of our chapters located within six hours of Charlotte, North Carolina, it was clear that expansion was needed

in Western, Midwestern and Northeastern states. In addition to a more prominent national presence, a targeted growth strategy would establish peers for chapters that were formerly isolated and would allow for more regional leadership and service opportunities. Of Pi Kappa Phi’s 49 additions since 2004, eight were in the Northeast and New England; 14 were in the Midwest and Central U.S.; and 12 were in the Mountain West and along the West Coast. In addition to our growth in total number of chapters, we have also focused on increasing the average size of our chapters. Since 2004, average chapter size has increased from 47 to 53. This has been achieved through new resources for vice archons and recruitment chairmen, revised leadership training and additional staff resources for struggling chapters. As we enter year six of the 10-year plan, we can now recognize that we must gain a net of 20 chapters in the coming years to meet our previously stated goal and are on track to have more than 60 men per chapter by 2014. To make this a reality, we must continue to invest in staffing, visit our associate chapters more frequently, offer more resources to our newest chapters, keep a watchful eye over our struggling chapters, and continue to recruit top alumni talent to work with our students. With seemingly endless opportunity to expand, we will need to exhibit self‑restraint for the quality of location and the quantity of chapters we open within a year. If we can balance our appetite for expansion with resources for driving growth, then the next few years should certainly be as successful and as exciting as the first.



Brothers from Theta Alpha (Southern Miss) hoist CEO Mark E. Timmes after the College Night Banquet at Mid Year Leadership &Louis, LAMP  /  WINTER 2010 2   STAR Conference in St. Mo.




In its 27th year, Mid Year Leadership Conferences continues to educate Pi Kappa Phi’s student leaders.

Spring 2010 Deadline 3/1/2010

Mid Year Leadership Conference 2010


15 Pi Kappa Phi enters the fray of social media. Read about the fraternity’s efforts to stay current in how we communicate.


Social Media Storm Periodical postage paid at Charlotte, N.C., and additional mailing offices.

PUBLISHER Star & Lamp, (USPS 519-000), is issued quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 2015 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28273. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription.


PARENTS The Star & Lamp is being sent to your address while your son is in college. Please feel free to read through the magazine as we hope it is a publication you will enjoy too! If your son is no longer in college or is no longer living at home, please send his new contact information to the P.O. Box address or e-mail address shown to the far right.

In the inaugural issue of the digital Star & Lamp, we interview Charles Clary, an intriguing young artist with a passion for paper.


SUBMISSIONS/DEADLINES Materials for publication should be sent directly to the managing editor at the P.O. Box address or e-mail address shown to the right. Letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of the editors.

Paper Pioneer





Star & Lamp P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224-0526

POSTMASTER Send address changes to:


COVER Artwork by featured artist Charles Clary, Delta Iota (Middle Tennessee State) is displayed on the cover. The piece is entitled “Fermatic Pandemic Movement #2.”




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theta iota (washington state) 565 n.e. colorado street pullman, washington purchased: july 2009 built: 1963 capacity: 52

property in pullman

Acting upon a directive of the fraternity’s Second Century Vision, Pi Kappa Phi Properties, Inc., is making progress towards its goal of providing our undergraduate chapters with access to competitive housing on their campuses. Since completing an environmental scan of housing on each campus in 2008, Pi Kappa Phi Properties has purchased chapter houses at Washington State and Texas State, and has helped a number of chapters obtain leases for houses or occupancy in on‑campus housing. Purchasing or leasing a new property is seldom an easy task. In fact, it involves a lot of hard work and collaboration between the undergraduate chapter, the Housing Corporation and the Pi Kappa Phi Properties Board of Directors and staff. Such was the experience for the men of Theta Iota at Washington State University, who moved into their newly purchased home at the start of the fall 2009 semester—nearly an entire year after the property was identified as a potential purchase.



The Properties Board spent the better part of the fall 2008 semester discussing the property in Pullman, Washington—a house that had been leased by the chapter since 2005. Included in the terms of Theta Iota’s lease was an option‑to‑purchase, but the Properties Board would have much to consider. Would purchasing be a wise investment? Would the property be sustainable for the chapter in the long term? Would Theta Iota’s Housing Corporation be in a position to purchase the house back from Properties within five to 10 years? Many questions needed to be answered. After much deliberation, the Properties Board voted in December of 2008 to move forward with the purchase. An offer was made and subsequently accepted. However, the work was far from finished. A loan would need to be secured; the house would need to be inspected; repairs and upgrades would need to be made; a lease would need to be drafted; and a minimum of 40 students would have to commit to living in the house for the 2009-2010 academic year.

Over the course of the spring, Pi Kappa Phi Properties secured the necessary financing and completed the inspection. Meanwhile, the Theta Iota Housing Corporation worked to draft and obtain the required number of leases. The inspection, performed by Properties Board member and general contractor Greg Linder, Omega (Purdue), revealed the need for significant repairs—most of which would need to wait until after closing and after students had moved out for the summer. Summer, however, would present new challenges to overcome. Washington State University requires all incoming freshmen to live in university-approved housing. And while fraternity and sorority houses can qualify as “universityapproved” housing, Theta Iota would first need comply with a lengthy check-list of requirements, which included installing new fire alarm and sprinkler systems and hiring a live-in housing director. If the requirements were not met by the August 5 deadline, the 12 incoming freshmen who had committed to living in the chapter house would not be allowed to move in—a potential loss of $30,000 for Properties and Theta Iota’s Housing Corporation. Another issue arose when a clause was discovered in the terms of the owner’s purchase and sale agreement from when he originally purchased the property from Acacia Fraternity. Acacia, the original owner of the property, was to be offered a 30-day right-of-refusal if the property was ever sold. This month-long delay would set the closing date back to July, which would not leave nearly enough time to complete repairs needed to acquire the university’s stamp of approval. Properties acted quickly to negotiate a deal to begin the repairs immediately, and the owner, in turn, agreed to reimburse Properties for the improvements should Acacia choose to exercise its option to purchase. The move proved to be wise as Acacia would ultimately allow the option to expire. Pi Kappa Phi Properties was able to close on the house in mid-July. However, the university-imposed deadline still loomed. Weekly teleconferences throughout the summer between board members, staff, and the Housing Corporation kept projects on schedule. In addition to the university-required upgrades, other improvements included tile work, electrical work, interior paint and new bedroom furniture. Though it came down to the wire, the university deadline was met, and Theta Iota was able to move into their new home during the first week of August. According to James McIntosh, a founding father of Theta Iota, working with Properties was a great learning experience in teamwork. “In addition to providing financial support, Properties also helped us to establish a local housing corporation and coordinated the improvements to the house,” said McIntosh. “The overall teamwork on this project was extraordinary,” said Properties Board President Chuck Barnard, Delta Delta (Truman State). “The collaboration between the chapter, the local Alumni Housing Corporation and the Properties Board and staff was a huge factor in the success of this endeavor.”

eta rho (texas state) 16085 state hwy 123 san marcos, texas purchased: january 2010 built: 1965 capacity: 10

nu (nebraska) 519 n. 16th street lincoln, nebraska leased: january 2010 built: 1955 capacity: 66

alpha chi (miami) 1531 liguria avenue coral gables, florida leased: august 2009 built: 1956 capacity: 20

beta sigma (n. illinois) 917 greenbrier road dekalb, illinois leased: august 2009 built: circa 1950 capacity: 49

For more information on housing for your chapter, contact Greg Buehner at or (704) 504-0888 ext. 105.



charles clary paper pioneer Featured in this inaugural issue of the digital Star & Lamp is the work of budding artist and alumnus Charles Clary. Working out of a studio in his two-bedroom apartment, this Tennessee native creates stunning displays that he calls “paper installations.” At 29 years old, Clary is already making a name for himself. He was featured in the February 2010 issue of WIRED, and his first solo gallery showing was held in Paris at the request of French fashion designer Pierre Cardin. Clary is a re-founding father of the Delta Iota chapter at Middle Tennessee State where he earned a bachelor’s of fine arts in painting and a minor in illustration. He received his master’s of fine arts in painting from the Savannah College of Art and Design last fall.



Why did you decide to join a fraternity? When I first arrived as a freshman, I was completely opposed to joining a fraternity. I lived in an honors dorm, and when Pi Kappa Phi began colonizing at Middle Tennessee, several of my friends were interested in joining. Actually, almost everyone on my floor was joining, so I decided to look into it too. I found that Pi Kappa Phi wasn’t at all like I thought a fraternity would be. Joining Pi Kappa Phi was probably one of the best decisions I made as an undergraduate. What impact has your experience as a re-founding father of the Delta Iota chapter had on your life? Pi Kappa Phi really made me into someone I never thought I would become. As an undergraduate, I was really shy and introverted. But after I joined Pi Kappa Phi, things completely changed. The fraternity pushed me to look for ways to give back to my community. I eventually ended up working for a special needs camp in Nashville over a summer—a program where kids could participate in music, art and sports therapy. And without my experience in the fraternity, I don’t think I would have had the confidence to go to graduate school. I wouldn’t have had the confidence to pursue my art. I didn’t think that it would be such a life-changing decision. I didn’t think that it would have such an impact on me, but I’m glad it did. What do you call the kind of artwork you do? It incorporates a lot of different types of art, but I call my pieces “paper sculptures” or “paper installations.” How did you come up with the idea? Over the last two years, my work has kind of evolved into what I’m currently working on. When I started graduate school, I was primarily making paintings that were based on this microscopic viral world, but they weren’t coming out like I wanted. I kind of got stuck creatively until I was awarded a studio in New York for a quarter. While I was there, I decided to play around with materials and break away from the two-dimensional format, because it was becoming a little too restrictive. I hit up as many art stores as I could, and I happened to stumble upon the paper I use today. I had played around with cut‑outs before and thought it might translate well with the microscopic imagery that I was using. The installations started out as topographical in design— in that they protruded out towards the viewer. Through a general progression of my work, I started to think about what it would look like if the cut-outs were recessed—as if the canvas was being eaten away. I call those my “shadow box” installations.



Are there other artists doing work similar to yours? I’ve been told my work is a little pioneering. There are other artists who use paper as their medium, but I only know of a two or three other artists who are doing similar work—but it’s still completely different. No one is doing it like I’m doing it. Where do you find your inspiration? There’s so much that inspires me. It started with music, and I can always go back to music for inspiration. I also look at a lot of scientific images through an electron microscope—a lot of bacterial and viral images. You can see a viral effect reflected in my work; it feels as though it is infecting the space. I also like computer generated sound waves, architectural models. The list goes on and on.



Is there anything special about the paper you use? Yes. The paper I use is made by a company called Bazzil. They make paper primarily for the scrap-booking industry, but I chose it because the company produces over 500 different colors and multiple texture patterns. Do you do all of your paper cuts by hand? Yes. I use a special Exacto knife that is conformed to fit my fingers. I’ll cut for 10 to 12 hours a day at times, and I can go through more than 100 blades in a month. How often do you make mistakes while cutting? Cutting mistakes don’t happen very often because I’ve been doing it so long. It is almost second nature to me now.



How many paper installations have you created, and how long does it usually take to finish one? Over the last two years, I’ve probably created 20 or 30 large‑scale installations, 50 shadow box installations, and 20 or 30 drawings. It can take anywhere from one day to one month to finish an installation— depending on its size. The largest installation I’ve done was an 8-foot by 45‑foot piece with 270 paper towers, 4,000 individually cut sheets and 14,000 spacers. It took about three weeks to complete. What do you enjoy most about working on your installations? It’s pretty much a love/hate relationship with my work, but I love everything about making my installations. I only hate it when I’ve spent 60 or more hours on one piece, and it’s still not done. The whole process becomes very meditative—whether its cutting and sanding my supports, or spending days meticulously cutting paper, or cutting the spacers that go in between each layer. Everything takes so much time that I have to fall in love with it or I’d go crazy.



Would you ever start incorporating other materials into your work or will you stick with the usual? I’m actually looking into creating a giant public installation work out of steel or some other kinds of metals. Furniture design is something else I’m experimenting with. I’ve already made a few tables for my living room, and I’m looking to expand into shelving and counter tops. Do you think your work will get more complex as time goes on? Yes. Ever since I started the larger scale installations, I have wanted to create an entire room that becomes an environment of paper constructs encompassing the viewers entire peripheral. I’d like to do the same with my shadow box work, but instead of shadow boxes I would like to create giant faux walls that I can cut into. I would need to get funding to create projects such as this, but hopefully in time I will be able to actualize these ideas. Where can people see more of your work? People can go to to see more of my work. I’m also showing my work at a group show at The Rymer Gallery in Nashville, Tennessee, and I have a solo show there in August of 2010. I’m always looking for great show opportunities—group or solo. I can be contacted at EDITOR’S NOTE: Portions of this interview were conducted by Art‑ and were reprinted with permission.







Since George Sheets became the Executive Secretary and first employee of Pi Kappa Phi, the national staff has existed to communicate with and aid in the success of our chapters across the country. In that spirit, Pi Kappa Phi has made strides through the years to consistently and effectively communicate with our members. In the early years of the fraternity, the primary forms of communication were the Star & Lamp and chapter newsletters. Throughout the years, those publications have adapted with the times; and as new technologies have emerged, the fraternity has stayed abreast with the latest forms of communication to aid our chapters. It is in that spirit that Pi Kappa Phi is increasing our presence in the growing world of digital and social media to better the fraternity experience of our members. Our chapters and our members no longer rely solely on traditional forms of communication to socialize, amuse and inform. Instead they interact through iPhone apps, Facebook, text messages, Twitter, YouTube, Linked In and countless other new mediums and social networks. Therefore, Pi Kappa Phi has made it a priority to keep pace with new technologies, using them to create exciting opportunities for our members. Over the last few months, the fraternity has introduced digital shorts and a digital Star & Lamp to inform and entertain our constituents. The fraternity has also created Pi Kappa Phi communities on popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Linked In to create opportunities for fun and engaging communication between our members through these valuable resources. Through Pi Kappa Phi’s Facebook fan page and Twitter feed, we have been able to recognize our chapters



for a job well done, distribute insightful information, and encourage conversation between our brothers through a medium that they already use. In a way, our presence on Facebook and Twitter should act as a national “pass the gavel”—allowing our brothers to converse, share ideas and enjoy the successes of our brothers across the country. The response has been tremendous. The official Pi Kappa Phi Facebook fan page has more than 9,000 fans while the Twitter feed has nearly 1,000 followers, making Pi Kappa Phi the most followed fraternity on Twitter (at the time this article was published). “I love that I can communicate with the national staff and other chapters through social media,” said Alex Masica, a founding father of the Beta Delta (Drake) associate chapter. “Sharing news or asking a question is as simple as writing on Pi Kappa Phi’s Facebook wall or tagging @PiKappaPhi on Twitter.” The fraternity has also established a strong presence on the professional networking site Linked In. Members of the fraternity may request to join the official Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Alumni group to communicate with nearly 2,500 brothers. This has allowed our members to expand their fraternity networking circle past their chapter and their local community into a broad-based national community. “Linked In has been an excellent resource for connecting our alumni,” said Steve Evans, Pi Kappa Phi’s senior director of alumni development. “With the ease of Linked In’s discussion and messaging features, brothers from across the country have been able to reconnect as well as share business referrals and employment opportunities like never before.” As we progress further into the digital age, it is important that Pi Kappa Phi stays current with the technologies utilized by our members. This is an exciting time for our brotherhood. Pi Kappa Phi has chosen to be a leader within the interfraternal world in the field of new media as we continue to explore innovative and dynamic resources that will allow us to better the fraternity experience of our members.

Simple choices. Major impacts. Mid Year Leadership Conference 2010 In 2010, Pi Kappa Phi’s Mid Year Leadership Conference was all about simple choices that lead to major impacts—a message that seemed to resonate with students from the beginning as all 154 of the fraternity’s chapters were represented at the three locations. This year, Charlotte, N.C., Baltimore, Md., and St. Louis, Mo., were the host cities for the conferences, which provided officer training to more than 1,100 student leaders of Pi Kappa Phi, as well as more than 40 regional governors, chapter advisors, and “Ladder of Risk” facilitators. Each chapter was expected to send eight representatives to participate in one of 10 unique educational tracks. Talented alumni facilitators and friends of the fraternity were on hand to deliver the curriculum to archons, vice archons, treasurers, secretaries, wardens, historians, chaplains, Push America chairmen, standards board chairmen and risk management chairmen. Students were also able to take advantage of bonus sessions, which included advanced ritual debriefing and professional recruitment tips as well as chapter planning. At the opening of the conference, students were challenged to consider: “What is one simple choice I can make to improve my chapter?”—That challenge was reinforced throughout the conference and, seemingly, was taken to heart. In the post‑conference survey, more than 85 percent of students indicated that they had identified choices they could make to better their chapters, while 80 percent indicated that they had already taken action. The survey also showed that while only 23 percent of attendees felt prepared to meet the expectations of their office prior to the conferences, more than 86 percent felt prepared to fulfill their role afterwards. This is indicative of Pi Kappa Phi’s continued success since 1983 in preparing its chapter officers to lead and serve their fraternity.



c o l l e g ia t e N e ws



CHARLESTON, S.C.—The men of Alpha began the 2009-2010 year by signing the largest associate class on campus. In addition to their recruitment success, the chapter was also recognized by the Office of Greek Life as the 2009 Chapter of the Year. The chapter continued its involvement on the College of Charleston campus with brothers serving as Dance Marathon chairman, resident advisors, Homecoming Committee members and other prominent campus leadership positions. The chapter looks forward to a productive spring and hopes to continue its recent success.


georgia tech

ATLANTA, Ga.—The men of Iota chapter have spent the 2009-2010 academic year focusing on growing their membership and continuing to be leaders within the university community. During the fall semester, the chapter’s recruitment efforts landed them the third largest new member class. To top that success, the chapter managed to sign 18 associates during spring recruitment, which was not only the largest new member spring class on campus but also a Georgia Tech IFC record! The brothers have also chosen to lead on campus by being heavily involved in Relay for Life, American Institute for Chemical Engineers, College Democrats and GT Heroes.



DURHAM, N.C.—This year has been a banner year for the men of Mu chapter. The brothers have once again been heavily involved with campus leadership with brothers serving on the Duke Student Council, The Chronicle student newspaper, the Campus Council and Operation Smile—a volunteer medical services organization. In order to keep both brothers and prospective new members informed of



chapter news, Mu recently launched a new Web site. In addition to providing recruitment information, an alumni corner and a calendar of events; the site also includes a chapter blog and enables visitors to connect to Mu via Twitter, Facebook and Flickr.

beta PHI


GREENVILLE, N.C.—The brothers of Beta Phi at East Carolina have refocused their efforts during the 2009-2010 school year and are striving to improve the chapter. A strong recruitment program helped the chapter begin the fall semester by doubling its size. The chapter continued to ride the wave of success as the brothers rallied together to continue renovations on the chapter house with improved security and landscaping. Furthermore, the brothers have made the choice to lead by becoming more involved on campus with members serving as SGA treasurer, IFC Treasurer and the president of the ECU Business Club.


HICKORY, N.C.—Epsilon Rho is enjoying another great year at Lenoir‑Rhyne. Over the summer, chapter members Jon Cook and Joshua Anderson were cyclists on the Journey of Hope. Cook was honored with the Bruce Rogers Award, which recognizes the cyclist who best embodied the spirit of Push America and the Journey of Hope. This past year, the chapter’s achievements were recognized as Epsilon Rho was named the Fraternity of the Year by Lenoir-Rhyne’s Office of Greek Life Office. Additionally, Glenn Goorsky was named as Pi Kappa Phi’s Phillip M. Summers Student of the Year.


GRAND FORKS, N.D.—The Zeta Gamma chapter has started the semester by being rewarded for their success at the annual University of North Dakota Greek

Awards Reception. Brother Ryan Howard was recognized for his dedication and hard work and received the IFC Exceptional Service Award. Archon Matt Johnson was recognized as President of the Year, and is Zeta Gamma’s the third consecutive recipient of the award. Also for the third consecutive year, the chapter received the Presidents Award of Greek Excellence, the highest award given to a chapter within the UND Greek community. “I continue to be immensely impressed with the members of the Zeta Gamma chapter,” said Program Director for Student Involvement, Cassie Gerhardt. “They are a prime example of all that is great about fraternities.”


BOULDER, Colo.—Eta Gamma chapter has had a strong start to the spring 2010. The chapter kicked off the semester by signing 17 men during spring recruitment, which was the largest class on campus. The chapter will also be busy again this semester with its local volunteer relationship with Fairview High School. Every other week, chapter members and students with disabilities enjoy attending IMAX movies, visiting the Denver Zoo, going bowling or attending Boulder’s annual Easter Egg Hunt! Eight members of Eta Gamma— Andrew Brendle, Chris Curphey, Eli DeQuirez, Matt Ellwood, Robert Hamilton, Ryan Larson, Taylor Peterson and Brian Wolfman—are training for the Journey of Hope this summer.


CHARLOTTE, N.C.—The men of Eta Zeta began the 2009-2010 school year by recruiting 16 new members, the largest associate class in four years. In addition to successfully growing their membership, the men have also continued a tradition of involvement with university leadership and the Pi Kappa Phi National Headquarters. This semester, Josh Lapack not only served as the Junior Class president but also the chief justice of the Campus Judicial Board. Brothers Pablo Carvajal and Andrew Chinn


are currently interning at the Pi Kappa Phi National Headquarters, assisting the Collegiate Services Division. In addition, Eta Zeta strengthened its commitment to Push America this past summer by sending three brothers on summer team events. Brothers Joey Haynes and Eric Galdo cycled and Justin Lafrenier crewed the Journey of Hope, while Jared Bean served as a crew member on Gear Up Florida.



HATTIESBURG, Miss.—This winter the men of Theta Alpha have continued to build on the success of the summer and fall. In January the chapter initiated 15 new undergraduates and one alumni initiate. The new class went above and beyond the initiation requirements, raising nearly $2,500 for Push America! Brothers Jerry Ursin and Brett Haro were elected to the IFC Executive Board, continuing a legacy of strong leadership within the Greek community. Meanwhile, the chapter has been busy supporting two brothers running for positions on SGA Executive Council. The chapter has also been preparing for another No Boundaries Week with Push America events throughout the campus and community. The brothers managed to take a break to attend the Hattiesburg premiere of alumnus Jared Hopkins film “I Ran Against Us” at the Thad Cochran Center. The chapter looks forward to working hard during the spring to continue to build leaders by choice. Southern Miss to the Top!

theta iota

washington state

PULLMAN, Wash.—In the fall of 2009, members of Theta Iota moved into a newly purchased chapter house. Located

at the center of Greek Row, the chapter has been leasing the facility since 2005 but can now officially call it home! Immediate renovations doubled the capacity of the house, brought it up to fire code and solidified the chapter’s presence on Washington State University’s campus. In September, Theta Iota held its first No Boundaries Banquet. Partnering with the Interfraternity Council, a 150‑person empathy dinner was held prior to a keynote presentation by alumnus initiate Pat Rummerfield, the world’s first fully recovered quadriplegic, who spoke on the perceptions of people with disabilities. More than 600 fraternity and sorority members attended, as well as representatives from the Disability Awareness Association, Families Together, and the WSU Disability Resource Center.

theta xi

arizona state

TEMPE, Ariz.—This spring the men of Theta Xi have truly focused on growing the membership and becoming even more involved with Push America. During spring recruitment Theta Xi focused on building personal relationships rather than simply hosting large events. Their efforts seemed to pay off as the chapter recruited 19 new associates, which was one of the best new member classes of any fraternity on campus. Theta Xi has also continued to build on its commitment to Push America. This

semester, the chapter will host its second annual Miss Push America Pageant and its 4th annual Pedal for Push in order to raise funds and awareness for people with disabilities. Additionally, Matt Glynn and Brent Alex will be a part of the Journey of Hope team; and Kyle Buscho will cycle on the Gear Up Florida team. Will Aja and George Stahle will take part in Build America alongside alumnus Tyler Quinn. The chapter will continue its tradition of having a chapter member on each summer team event every year since chartering. The chapter was also ecstatic to hear that brother Brent Alex was honored with the 2009-2010 Larry Ludden Jr. Memorial Scholarship, a merit-based scholarship awarded to one outstanding sorority and fraternity member each year.

More than150 members of Washington State’s Greek community participated in Theta Iota’s Empathy Dinner to raise awareness for Push America.



A Wonderful World Awaits supreme chapter 2010 aug. 5-9 HILTON WALT DISNEY WORLD orlando florida

Wednesday, August 4 7:00 p.m.

Joint Board Dinner

Thursday, August 5 11:00 a.m. 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.

Registration Opens Welcome / Orientation Opening Event: The House of Blues

Friday, August 6 8:00 – 9:15 a.m. 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. 11:45 – 1:15 p.m. 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Alumni Breakfast Supreme Chapter Session 1 Region Meetings Push America Luncheon Committee Meetings Supreme Chapter Session 2: Nominations Nu Phi Society Events Open Night: Epcot

Saturday, August 7 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Noon – 1:30 p.m. 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m.

Past Staff Breakfast Committee Meetings Students’ Education Session Foundation Luncheon Supreme Chapter Session 3: Elections Cocktail Reception Supreme Banquet Ritual of Initiation

Sunday, August 8 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Noon – 1:30 p.m. 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Founders 5K Race Worship Service Committee Meetings Students’ Education Session Pi Kappa Phi Awards Luncheon Supreme Chapter Session 4: Closing Closing Event: Typhoon Lagoon

Monday, August 9 (Departure)

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