Alpha Kappa - Fall 2010

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The Alpha Kappian F A L L

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Alumni Spotlight


Golf Outing & Alumnus Prepares for JOH


Newest Members


Chapter Report


EC Contacts


Old Time Pictures


Letter From the Historian


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Alumnus Spotlight - Art Weston Brother Art Weston came to the University of Michigan in the fall of 1994 in order to pursue a degree in economics. Once receiving his degree, Art went to Europe but soon returned to attend Indiana University’s MBA program. While striving for his MBA, Art had an internship that turned into a job at ABN AMRO, a Dutch bank located in the US. Post graduation, ABN AMRO offered him a job to kick off their Marketing Analytics/Modeling capability using a newly purchased neural-network application (basically artificial intelligence tool that predicts customer purchase behavior). Five years later, he was offered his current job to run Marketing Analytics for JPMorgan Chase, where he has been working for the past eight years. While Art was at Michigan, he held the Vice Archon position as an active brother of the Alpha Kappa chapter. One of his favorite memories, which happens to be from pledge term, was when he was locked in a Sorority house on campus looking for their composite photo, alone, while the rest of his pledge class stood on the sidewalk instead of helping him find the picture.

Art has become very involved this year, being at all home and away football games for the University of Michigan. He has enjoyed coming to tailgates and having the current actives make him feel like an active Pi Kapp again. Brother Weston now lives in Columbus, OH Brother Weston and friends at the with his wife Kristin, who he Michigan v. Illinois Game met at a Pi Kapps event, his five-year-old daughter Emery, and two-year-old son Roger. His final words of advice for all younger brothers and actives are to, “it’s a bit clichéd, but work hard and have as much fun as you can.” This year brother Weston came to many tailgates with other Alpha Kappa Alumni. He even donated (From Left to Right) Brothers Johnmultiple tickets to the game. son, Kowalski, Hazaray, and Mannesto Not only were these tickets at the Michigan v. Bowling Green to the game, but they were game on September 25th. tickets in the box seats. These tickets were a hot commodity to the brothers of Alpha Kappa, and we thank Brother Weston for his donation to our chapter. One of our senior brothers, Alexander Mitchell has even received a job from brother Weston and JPMorgan Chase as an Analytics Analyst. Thank you Brother WesAlumnus Art Weston with Univerton for your continued sity of Michigan football coach Rich generosity and support! Rodriguez



2010 Pi Kapp Alumni Golf Outing This year’s golf outing was held on Saturday July 24th at Lake Forest Golf Club in Ann Arbor. This year’s event was put together by alumnus Chris Galopin, who traveled all the way from Arizona to participate. The golf outing was eighteen holes, and lunch was provided at the turn. Prizes were awarded for longest drive, closest to the pin, and winning score. 2011’s golf outing is sure to be another exciting time, and we hope that many

“Pi Kappa Phi will redefine fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders.”

This summer, an Alpha Kappa alumnus rides the north route for Journey of Hope. Andrew Hypnar, 25, graduated from the University of Michigan in December, 2008 and was a member of the Alpha Rho pledge class. Currently,

Congratulations to the newest members of Alpha Kappa initiated on December 3rd, 2010. The Alpha Psi pledge class consisted of 18 Men of C.L.A.S.S.


Brother Hypnar is conducting research for the Kinesiology Department at the University of Michigan, and is an assistant coach for Romulus’s varsity basketball team.

Brother Hypnar is most excited about the overall experience of doing something as exciting as riding his bike across the whole country, something that not many peo-

AK585: Nick Harrison AK586: Matt Heaphy AK587: Nick Finan AK588: Eric Vander Putten *** AK589: Demere Asmar AK590: Andrew Hanna

AK577: Paul Willar*

AK591: Adam Weisgerber

AK578: Andy Green

AK592: Chas Gott

AK579: Ryan Wells

AK593: Gabe Hall

AK580: Brian Thompson**

AK594: Doug Jones

AK581: Matt Grigorian

*Brother of Alumnus Mark Alan Willar

AK582: Mike Mclaughlin

**Brother of Brother Ulan Thompson

AK583: Ashan Sohail

***Brother of Alumnus Keith Vander Putten

AK584: Mike Rau


Alumni (from left to right) Ken Barr, Michael Kobbe, Chris Galopin, Dan LaLonde, Jean-luc Delpy, and Jason Keith

Alumnus Prepares for JOH!

Our Newest Members:

“Nothing shall tear us asunder”

time, and we hope that many more alumni will participate. If you want to participate in next summer’s golf outing please contact Chris Galopin at: Thank you Chris for organizing another successful event! This years winners were: Longest Drive - Chris Galopin Closest to the pin - Chris Barttelbort 4-some with the Best Score - At -4 was Kevin Woodard, Ira Weintraub, James Lewis and Eric Witham


ple can say they have done. Usually the amount a rider has to raise for PUSH America is $5,000, but Brother Hypnar’s goal is $6,500. If you would like to help Brother Hypnar reach his goal, please contact him at Good Luck Brother Hypnar!

This Friday, December 10th is Pi Kappa Phi’s founders day. Also, it is awards night, and we invite all of our alumni to come out and celebrate the foundation of our Fraternity. Congratulations to Alumnus Eric Krieg who proposed to his girlfriend Andie Garber on September 25th, 2010! Best of luck in the future!





Chapter Report - A Letter from the Archon Esteemed Alumni,

This term in recruitment, we have successfully brought in eighteen Associate My Members, effectively replacing name is Steven the number of the seniors graduTurner, and I ating. We are projecting to have am the current a class of fifteen for the winter Archon of the term of recruitment, with that Alpha Kappa Chapter. I would being all real growth in the like to update all of you on chapter. We are, as always, resome recent items of interest cruiting top quality men of diin the chapter. You can all rest verse backgrounds, and are truly assured that the chapter is as building a very strong brothergood as you left it, and so hood. much more. We intend to fill the house to its capacity of thirty-

Observatory St., taking a route through the center of campus and past the dorms. We had over thirty members and rushes take part in this, and received a great deal of notice around campus. Apart from that annual event, we work with the Eisenhower Center every Thursday evening. The center works specifically with people who have mental disabilities, and we take part in their game night every week, playing board games with the clients, and conversing in small groups.

ing to make time to meet with any alumni to talk about the chapter, or to show them around and reminisce. I sit here writing this to you among our Associates, listening to interviews and laughter, listening to the brotherhood, and I can sincerely tell you that I’m proud to be a Pi Kapp. Steven A. Turner Archon

six people next year, much to the joy of Nationals. We have been through a rough period of house occupancy the past couple of years, and Pi Kappa Phi Properties is ecstatic with our new recruitment program and our direction for the future. With a full house, they are planning to undertake a sizeable project next year. Properties is considering projects along the lines of installing lighting in all of the rooms, and setting up network utilities, among other general renovation projects. If

The bottom line that I want to make clear to you is that Alpha Kappa is very much alive. We are in a crucial period of growth that will lay the foundation for a long future at the University of Michigan. As you will continuously hear from Kevin, the historian, your continued support of our chapter is always welcomed and appreciated. We love to hear from our brothers who paved the way before us, and I am always will-

we fill the house in the coming years, it is even being considered a possibility to convert the attic into lounge and study space. Our momentum has energized the current actives, and we look forward to seeing our fraternity grow. Our Push America efforts started off strong this year, taking part in our second annual “Wheel in Their Shoes” wheelchair 5k event. We started at the cardiovascular center at the top of

Fall 2010 Alpha Kappa Executive Council Archon - Steven Turner Vice Archon - Alexander Mitchell Treasurer - Cale Mannesto Secretary - Christopher Sorenson Warden - Sean Hazaray Historian - Kevin Kowalski Chaplain - Jason Banish Philanthropy Chair - Satish Subramanian Social Chair - Charles Koumpouras If you know any gentlemen that go to Michigan and would be a great addition to our house., please contact our Recruitment Chair Frank Quinn at (Pi Kapps at Wheel in their Shoes 2010)

Pictures from the Past

Big Thanks! Thanks to Bob Budlong who has been Alpha Kappa’s Chapter Advisor for 2010! Bob is an alumnus of the Beta Xi chapter of Pi Kappa Phi at Central Michigan University, and currently works as the Director of Business Development for MontAd in Wixom, Michigan. Brother Budlong attends almost every chapter meeting along with many other events including Executive Council meetings and rituals. Pi Kappa Phi headquarters is planning to return Beta Xi to Central Michigan in 2011. Brother Budlong has played an integral part in the success of the Alpha Kappa chapter throughout this year, and we are excited that he is returning to guide Alpha Kappa in 2011!

From the brothers of Alpha Kappa - Thank You Bob!

A Letter from the Historian Alpha Kappa Alumni, This year has been another year of growth for the Alpha Kappa chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. We are excited to see where next year will take us, and we are also excited to develop better alumni relations. As a member of Pi Kappa Phi at the Alpha Kappa chapter, we urge you to stay in contact with your chapter.

brothers of Alpha Kappa can contact you have any questions or comments you if they have questions about your please direct them to Steven Kramer profession. at Also, if you We are eager for alumni to have any information on our lost brothers not on the email list please participate, and if there is anything let us know. Alpha Kappa hopes to that we can do to foster a closer relationship between you, our alumni, hear from you soon! and the chapter please let us know.

-PTBAPK - Kevin Kowalski

Next semester we plan to have a Rose Ball that will be organized by the Historian-elect, Steven Kramer. I am sure that Brother Kramer will have multiple updates for you on the progress of the planning of Rose Ball. Last year, we had a We have many ways that great showing of brothers and we you can stay in contact with our wished many of our alumni could chapter. We have an alumni professional database where you can submit have joined. We hope to see many of Brothers of Alpha Kappa before Rose your information and view the infor- your for Rose Ball 2011. Ball - 2010 mation submitted by others. Here, Please stay in contact, and if

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