Alpha Phi - Fall 2007

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Alpha Philes Letter from the Archon F A LL 2 0 0 7 E D I TI O N Alpha Phi Alumni, The Brothers of the Alpha Phi Chapter have been hard at work improving the chapter’s scholastic achievement, relations with the IIT administration, and the renovating of the chapter house. Over the past year we have held meetings with the IIT VP for Business and Administration John Collins regarding either a major renovation to our chapter house or the building of a new chapter house. An architecture firm evaluated the house and put an estimate for renovating at $1.54 million or rebuilding between $2.2 million and $2.7 million. The expected funding avenues are from the following areas: IIT gift, Alumni Donations, Undergraduate Savings, and a mortgage for the remaining costs. Currently a gift amount has not been calculated as IIT has just received a new president. This year we have finally paid off our 40-year mortgage to the university which releases $12,200 from our expenses. We have now instituted a policy to put that $12,200 annually into a fund for the renovation or rebuilding of the chapter house. The Alpha

Phi Chapter also has set up a Capital Fund through IIT to receive Tax-Deductible Donations from our alumni to be used specifically for either a renovation or rebuilding of the chapter house. Please visit our webpage for information regarding how to make donations via credit card. Check donations should be made payable to the Illinois Institute of Technology, and the memo line must include Pi Kappa Phi Housing Fund. The check should be mailed to our fund manager, Tara Young, 10 West 35th Street, Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60616. Please direct any questions regarding the progress of the renovation or rebuilding of the chapter house to myself at

multiple renovation projects. The first was the removal of the steam system from the mechanical room. IIT determined that running the steam system was too costly and that it would be more cost efficient to switch to hot water boilers in all of their buildings on campus. As a result, all of the houses on the quad received a new set of hot water boilers for free. Over the past couple of years our steam bills have been skyrocketing so this change will bring forth a large amount of savings to our yearly utility bill. (Continued Page 6)


Rush Week Recap


Gear Up Florida


Letter From the RA


Alumni President


Founders Day


Alumni Spotlight




Lost Brother List


• Roseball: May 3 • Graduation: May 17 • Summer Work Week: Aug 10—15 The Current Alpha Phi Chapter

Pi Kappa Phi Gets a New Roof By Richard Thompson II Nearly 27 years ago on November 10, 1981 the chapter house received a new roof. The cost of that roof was $11,255.00 and came complete with a 10 year warranty from The Dow Chemical Company, which it surely has lived beyond.

Current Associate Class

Upcoming Events

Nat Gombis (757) generously donated $1,000 as the first donation to the Pi Kappa Phi Housing Fund. Thank you for your support. This summer the house underwent

I N S ID E T H I S I S S U E :

The roof had survived a beating from both Chicago weather and from the many brothers who had visited the roof for various activities; however, its time had finally come. Labor Day weekend was filled with lots of hard work

as the entire chapter was involved with removing all of the gravel and insulation from the roof. Our hard work enabled us to knock $3,600 off of the cost of the new roof. The day started off with three groups. The (Continued on Page 2)

• Rush Week: Aug 18—23

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New Roof (Continued) (Continued From Page 1)

Chris Adams helps dig the trench which all of the rock was put in.

first group was the new Associate Members all of whom were inside with the Warden and the House Monitor. Their task was learning how to do all of the house jobs in the house and how to properly clean the kitchen. The second group was made up of one half of the actives who were charged with digging a 2 foot wide, 18” deep ditch along the entire sidewalk from the foyer entrance to Wabash along the South side of the house. The last half of the actives were on the roof moving all of the gravel and insulation to the ground. We devised a slide, made from a long blue tarp, to get the rocks to the ground. The tarp lasted until an hour after lunch, at which point the holes that had accumulated started to rip open. After a little debate, we cut the tarp at the holes and let the tarp slide end about 6 feet

before the ground. This lasted another hour and a half before another hole developed. This time the hole was too high up, so we just put another tarp under the hole and let a second rock pile develop. Saturday we accomplished 90% of the rock and insulation removal on the roof . The trench was dug and then filled in with rocks, not just against the sidewalk from the foyer to Wabash, but also along the sidewalk from the foyer to the deck. All of the dirt that was dug up was wheeled over to the former Alpha Epsilon Pi (Apes) house and deposited around their house, as their house is scheduled to be demolished this school year. At the end of the day we all showered up and then went over to the Delta Tau Delta house for a barbeque. The barbeque was as a result of a wager

between our two chapters on who would have the better GPA during the spring semester. We won with a GPA of 3.240 to compared to their 3.147. Sunday we cleared the last 10% of the rock and insulation over a 3 hour workday. There were six of us up there that day including Associate Member Jose Magadan who volunteered his time after already working a full day on Saturday. The tarp was completely destroyed after today, thankfully its use was over. The last leg of the work was to move the extra rock into the dumpster. This took four groups of three, each working 1.5 hours each to complete the task, including Associate Member Mike Lyons who lent a hand after taking his morning run. We definitely put a lot of time and effort into the job, but it was worth it. Both the gravel boarder and the roof look amazing. All in all we moved roughly 16.5 tons of gravel!

Pi Kapps Work on the roof to take all of the rock off. The slide used to remove the rocks from the roof.

Letter From the Associate Class President By: Andrew Martin There is no better way for a new pledge class to start the year than coming together and dominating the other fraternities at marking The Rock. Our pledge class has taken great pride in having our honorable fraternity’s name show all over the campus.

California to Italy, we are all different men. We all have learned to respect and understand each other as individuals. By becoming best friends with not only those within our pledge class, but with all of the brothers in the house we have shown our prestigious character.

There is much variety within our ranks; from Architecture and Engineering to Psychology and Political Science majors; from Air Force to Navy and Marine ROTC; from

I expect we will accomplish great things as associates, and as President of this outstanding group, it is an honor to say that I’m excited to

see how far we will go together as actives of Pi Kappa Phi.

Fall 07 Pledge Class



Rush Week Recap By Kyle Dralle Rush Week Fall 2007 was yet another successful recruitment week, even through the rain. We created a canopy with tarps and rope in front of the house, so that even when it rained we were still able to hang outside. We kicked off the week Monday with the annual Pi Kapp pig roast. The school moved the taste of the quad into the HUB due to the rain but we were still able to encourage incoming students to come to the quad to have a good time. On Tuesday we had a luau with Alpha Sigma Alpha. We made a one hundred

foot slip n slide and rented a dunk tank. Wednesday was country western day with Kappa Phi Delta. A mechanical bull riding contest stole the show and one of our new members took the contest. Thursday’s event was a series of sports tournaments but due to the rain we were reduced to playing ladder ball in the dining room. Last but not least, Friday we had a poker tournament and root beer floats. After these five days we recruited thirteen quality associate members. As Vice Archon, I am very pleased with the house’s status. I am

currently in the process of restoring relations with Sigma Phi Epsilon to strengthen the bonds between our houses and the Greek community as a whole, but also to set an example for our new associate members.

Ryan Erickson rides the mechanical bull at rush week.

Gear Up Florida By Nick Cantoni An 800 mile trek in two weeks with daily friendship visits - this is Gear Up Florida. Last summer I was fortunate enough to partake in this amazing event to help further the cause of our national philanthropy, Push America. Everyday we would wake up early, hop on our bikes, and set out once again to our next friendship visit. At these visits we met

so many fun and interesting people, each of these people with their own disability. Everyday was a hard ride, but all the cyclists knew that at the end of the ride, and sometimes in the middle as well, were a group of people waiting anxiously to see us. Again Alpha Phi is lucky enough to have a man determined

enough to take the next step for our great cause. Please help our brother Chris Adams raise the necessary funds to take part in this event. His goal is $3,000, and with our help he can achieve this.

Letter From the RA By Russ Schaade Brothers, It’s been over a year now since I returned as RA. After being gone for so long I was not sure what to expect. All that I remembered was how the rest of my brothers, and especially me, behaved” when we were undergrads. So I expected to have as many sleepless nights as I had inflicted upon the RA during my misspent youth. Fortunately, this has not been the case. The house has changed drastically since my first tour. The most drastic change is the overall appearance of the house and the level of pride the brothers take in maintaining it. Many projects have been completed over the years since I graduated that have virtually transformed the house from a run down forty year-old frat house to an impressive chapter that the brothers can be proud of. The current brothers take great pride in this accomplishment by continuing to make improvements at every opportunity with more frequently scheduled Brotherhood

Days” whereby the entire house works on clean-up and repair projects. Another difference is the increase in the overall level of maturity of the current members. Meetings are run in a professional fashion, the committees are very well organized and effective, and the overall level of effort is superior to what it was when I was an undergraduate. Also, campus involvement has improved as some of the brothers are active in Greek Council and Student Government. This semester our pledge class total is 13. This is a direct result of all of the hard work and detailed planning by the Vice Archon and the members of his committee for a very successful rush week. All of the brothers did a great job contributing to the events and made a concerted effort to get to know as many people as possible during our events. It is important to realize that although we are doing very well right now, it doesn’t have to stay that way. As soon as you stop to admire your results, the

competition passes you by. There are five other houses competing against us for survival and the only way to beat them is to work harder and smarter in order to always stay one step ahead

of them. This is essential in order for us to further secure our current position as the best fraternity in the country. Finally, as many of you know we have many brothers currently fighting for our freedom against the terrorists and their liberal allies. As they bravely serve in the War on Terror, please keep them in your prayers so that they may return home safely when they have completed their service to the greatest country in the history of the known universe. Fraternally, Russ Schaade

F A LL 2 0 0 7 E D I TI O N


Letter from the Alumni President By Nathanael Gombis The past year or so I have had the opportunity to visit with fellow brothers in California, Arizona, Washington DC, Texas, Connecticut, Michigan and Chicago. I met alumni from our chapter and others at the 11th annual Pi Kappa Phi golf outings, Roseball, Career Fair, Founder’s day, birthdays and many other gatherings around Chicago. It is truly amazing, when I think about it, how awesome it was to visit with so many of you. So many of you have become successful in your own field whether the Military, Law, Government, Engineering, Business, IT, Sales, Finance, Accounting, or a Non-forProfit. And to think that we all went to a small engineering school that outside of the Midwest nobody has ever heard of. So the question is what makes us so special? I believe that the fraternity was a big part of making each of us special. At least for me, it taught me things that schools, parents and even jobs never did. Most importantly, it taught me to be a good friend and brother. In order to be that, one had to have values and principles. The Fraternity provided both. I thank God everyday for the brothers I was able to meet, spend

time with and most importantly learn from, over the years. That being said I would just like to take a moment to talk about the Pi Kappa Phi Alumni Association. We as a group have not done much the last couple of years. Participation has been low and as people get older, start a family, and work on a career the Fraternity becomes less of a priority. The unfortunate part is that we lose touch with our brothers and the house looses touch of us. In addition, the house misses out on the history, the learning and experience that we have. We would like to try and get people more involved and we would like to do that in a few different ways. We will still use our alumni letters, monthly e-mails, our website, events, and Alumni meetings but we are also investigating the use of a call in number and internet access so that we can have virtual meetings where all alumni can participate no matter where they are. If you have any other ideas on how we can be more effective please feel free to let us know.

Many of our brothers have been to Iraq more than once and are set to go back this year and next. Special thanks go out to Justin Waldek who was injured by an IED in Iraq but is doing fine now. He and his wife moved back to Chicago this year and we look forward to spending time with him again. If you would all be so kind to make sure your information is up to date. Please drop an e-mail to me at or the house historian at we want to make sure that you are getting all the latest news. Thank you so much for your time, your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Fraternally yours, Nathanael P. Gombis Alumni President Alpha Phi #757 Nu Phi Member

On a different note, I would like to take just a brief moment to thank all of our brothers who have served our great country in the Armed Forces.

Founders Day By Shayne Hill As Chaplain at the time I had the privilege of running Alpha Phi Chapter’s Founders Day celebration last year. My committee sent out invites to hundreds of alumni, ordered fine glasses as party favors, and made sure that everything from the dinner to the presentations ran smoothly. Over 20 alumni attended the event, ranging from as far back as Brother Rudy Balciunas, #534 , to many of the more recent alumni. Brother Christopher “Opie” Blanchette,

# 776, was our guest speaker for the evening. He delivered a fine speech and ended by giving the house a terrific gift: a fine wood-carved rendition of our fraternity crest. After careful deliberation by the active chapter we decided to affix it to the chapter room door, so that we may always be reminded of the important values embodied within. Old and new Pi Kapps shared in this joyous occasion long after the formal festivities

ended, and all in all the event was a great success.

Chris Blanchette presents the new Coat of Arms



Alumni Spotlight: Christopher “Opie” Blanchette # 776 We’ll it’s official: I’m old. And if you graduated before me…well you’re ancient. I pinned on major on the 30th of June. My squadron commander (pictured with me, and yes he’s a fellow Ginger) re-administered the oath, and Katie, Ashley, and my in-laws were there to pin on my new rank. Fortinberry made it out as well. It was a good day, and it was nice to make a new rank in front of family and friends, but as expected my time in Phoenix is nearing its end. I already had a new assignment lined up before I pinned on, and I head out to Langley AFB, VA on the 23rd of August. It’s time for me to work on a headquarters engineering job, and if I have to be a staff-weenie, then I might as well go to the best place possible. Langley is headquarters for Air Combat Command, so both the mission and the money should make things exciting. Of course I’ll be deploying this winter, with Combat Skills Training this fall. I’m the #1 guy on the deployment list for ACC’s Civil Engineers. I haven’t deployed in almost 2 years, and that’s not normal in today’s age. At least I can say I’m #1 at something. Katie and Ashley will head to Chicago straight from Phoenix, and will join me next summer when I return from Iraq or Afghanistan or wherever else I wind up. So for 2 months I’ll be living in some run-down apartment outside of Langley. I’ll be working, drinking, fishing, and golfing (in no particular order) while I’m stuck alone in Virginia, so if you want to stop by, company is always welcome (just don’t expect living conditions to be ideal). We plan on buying a house next summer, so the living conditions will be much better, but the frequency of drinking, fishing, and golfing will return to normal. So take your pick on when to come out. In the meantime, I’m sure I’ll be back in Chicago to see my family a few times before I deploy, and I’ll do my best to stop by the house while I’m there. I was lucky enough to make it to Founder’s Day last November, and it was great to see how things were going and how far the house has progressed since I graduated. I’ve visited the house a number of times since 1997, and it’s always been a great experience. For

a number of times since 1997, and it’s always been a great experience. For those of you who haven’t gone back, and are thinking about it: Do it. You won’t regret it. Things are better than they’re ever been, and it’s because of the men who are there right now. They love to hear from alumni, and the house can always use our support. Speaking of which, I had the opportunity to speak with a number of classmates in the past 6 months in person or via email, IM, or phone. I’m sure I’ll screw some of the information up, but that will give everyone a chance to correct all my mistakes. I’ll also throw in some sarcasm, since one it’s what I’m good at, and two maybe it will motivate others to help Nat out and write an article about what they’re up to. Bryan Schott’s still in the Army. In fact he’s either on his way, or is already at Australia for a year of professional military education. I don’t know what the Army calls its developmental education for majors, but I do know that going to a foreign military school in-residence means you’re shithot, which will suck for the rest of us in the military when we have to salute his ass. T.C. Wozniak’s back home at Offutt AFB in Nebraska. So life is good for him, Jackie, and their three kids (it’s three right T?). By the way his call-sign is Woz, but he’ll always be T-bag to me. While life’s good in Nebraska, he told me not a day goes by that he doesn’t think about Chicago. T, take that paragraph I wrote about going back to the house to heart. His little-bro/ classmate Dave Novy is stationed at Headquarters Pacific Air Forces at Hickam AFB, HI. However, I think he’s deployed or on extended leave because he hasn’t replied to my emails and phone calls. Of course my messages became derogatory after the first three, so maybe I just pissed him off. Derek Eads finally remembered that he has my cell number and decided to call me back after what seemed like 2 years of messages. He’s of course still settled comfortably outside of Cincinnati with Angie, Hunter, and Logan. The boys are starting football, so I’m sure that’s an entertaining way to spend every evening. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to

hear from my best friend again before the decade ends. Mike Carrigan’s married and while he was already a stepdad, he just had his first child recently. I’ll let him fill in the details, if he ever gets the chance. The only other big piece of information I can remember is he’s now in Wyoming. Does anyone even know WTF’s in Wyoming other than the Carrigans? As I mentioned earlier, Fortinberry’s stationed here at Luke as well. We’ve had a number of chances to get together for golf, beer, and barbeque; mostly thanks to Nat’s visits down here last year. It’s been pretty cool to have the opportunity hang out with a Fraternity Brother who you didn’t even go to school with. He’s doing well as a Maintenance Officer, which isn’t surprising. He’s got half a brain, which puts him heads and shoulders above his peers in the maintenance field. Perlina’s stationed at another base, but luckily it’s only a few hours away. Other than that, I’ve of course stayed in touch with Nat Gombis. And as most of you know, Nat’s still Nat…doing well at work and being the great friend and brother he’s always been. He’s been doing a lot for both the actives and the alums, and I look forward to seeing how things progress over the next few years. In the meantime, I’m going to try even harder to be more involved with both the alumni and active chapters. Hopefully more of us will do the same.

“Opie” and his family at his promotion

Letter from the Archon (continued) Pi Kappa Phi - Alpha Phi Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity 3333 South Wabash Chicago, IL 60616 Phone: 312-339-0568 E-mail:

The second renovation was the removal of the old roof and the installation of a new roof by E.W. Olson. Alumnus Aaron Moe (807) helped us get multiple quotes from roofing companies and then helped narrow them down to E. W. Olson. Coincidently, after looking through our records we found that we actually used E. W. Olson back in November of 1981, and they supplied a 10 year warranty. Twenty-six years later we are replacing it, so that 10 year warranty was definitely not needed, we hope this is a good sign for this new roof.

increase the amount of scholarship allotted to ROTC scholars. The current allotment is $2250, which is the same it’s been for at least the past 6 years. The cost of living has gone up and we believe the scholarship should be raised to reflect this change. The Alpha Phi Chapter has made large strides this year in improving our chapter house, relations with IIT administration and in continuing our academic success. We have had the top fraternity GPA for four semesters running. A new roof and a new hot water system were

installed this summer. We have utilized our connections within the university to improve our chapter. The major accomplishment with IIT is setting up the Pi Kappa Phi Housing Fund to provide a Tax-Deductible way for alumni to provide donations to pay for the new housing initiative. The Alpha Phi Chapter has achieved many accomplishments this year and we hope to keep the successes coming through the rest of the year. If you have any questions or are looking to lend support with any of our initiatives, please contact me at

The school has instituted a Learning Assistant program which provides a paid position in each chapter whose job is to help the freshmen transition to college. We hope this helps continue our continued scholastic success. During the past four semesters the Alpha Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi has been the fraternity with the top GPA on campus. Our GPA from Fall `05 to Spring `07 was as follows: 3.118, 3.158, 3.129, and a 3.240 respectively. Currently the chapter is working with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority life to petition IIT to

Announcements Weddings


Our congratulations go out to our brothers who have gotten married since our last issue of the Alpha Philes

Our congratulations go out to our brothers who have recently had children

James Wright II Gregory Strahurski Justin Waldek Joshua Hahn Thomas Hunt Maj. Noah Komnick USMC

Promotions Our congratulations go out to our bothers who have recently been promoted.

Donald Lawson Dean Davidson II (Twins) James Wright II Kenneth Hill Fernando Alessandrini

Commissions Our congratulations go out to our brothers who have recently been commissioned. 2nd Lt. Sean Christopherson USA

Maj. Noah Komnick USMC

2nd Lt. Zachary Hartnett USMC

Maj. Christopher Blanchette USAF

2nd Lt. Dennis Bahena USMC

Lost Brother List 4 Harold Cannon

242 Edward Rytel Jr

556 Eugene Mersereau

739 Mark Wolshi

10 Orville Hampton

251 Frederick Drelter

562 Michael Villringer

741 Harris Frank

12 Edgar Johnson

262 James Helm

566 Anthony Smith

742 Raymond Carty

22 Thomas Watts

274 Jerome Frankwiak

569 Greg Cleplucha

746 Jon Dankworth

29 Armand Hahn

286 Richard McCamy

570 Darryl Baker

747 Robert Brandt Jr

30 Roy Wittekindt

287 Edgar King

573 Joseph Manhard

758 Michael Charlton

37 Idris Thomas

297 Fredric Widlak

578 Steven Matayoshi

760 Benedict Jones

53 Roy Brinkman

303 Michael Kolifrath

584 Floyd Gillis

761 Robert Manna

60 Donald Olinger

305 Gene Smith

585 Russel Milliman

769 Joseph Soto

67 Robert Newling

314 Dale Rolfsen

592 Nebil Tanzi

771 Timothy Simstad

70 Harry Heidenreich

329 Charles Mumma

593 Sukrasit Haritaworn

772 Eric Ascheman

79 Carl Franz

332 Frederick Conforti

595 Linas Haskaliunas

776 Christopher Blanchette

80 John Freedain

343 Daniel Bruski

598 Mark Carlstedt

778 John Ross

84 Edson Loftus

344 Micheal Gould

600 Obafemi Olgbaju

780 Stacey Stoda

92 Edward Farrell

345 Jerome Rago

604 Chi-Shu Lin

784 Thomas Pugsley

97 John Hiatt

358 Ronald Piela

607 John Ade

790 David Novy

98 Erwin Mark

364 Theodore Petrowich

609 Alp Demren

791 Martin Pantaze

104 Charles Farr

376 Ronald Seyk

618 Daniel Cahill

796 Samuel Friend

105 Mario Fraccaro

378 Robert Tamburrino

619 Gary Schwartz

798 Brett Spangler

110 John Roseh

382 John Carlson

624 Frank Koska

799 Oliver Combel

114 Barton Legg

383 Belisario Palacios

626 Erick Counts

802 Christopher Harris

118 Harold Cousen

387 Paul Radcliffe

637 Jeremy Dick

804 Jakob Zehndorfer

120 John Sactts

394 Alan Janousek

638 Roger Arlotta

805 Michael Mroczek

125 Gorden Coursen

397 Lee Gleason

643 Joseph Habeeb

808 Simon Tarvin

130 Seward VanNess

407 Guy Allard

651 Gregory Deeb

813 George Melchior

133 Leonard Plivka

409 Paul Para

654 John Steinberger

820 Brian Koll

135 Clarence Weeks

410 Clark Casseres

659 William Johnson

821 Dennis Omahoney

141 Walter Brenson

411 Alan Spero

664 Joseph Hanley

842 Anthony Arkwright

144 Thor Olson

423 Keith Patterson

667 Daneil Endries

857 Brian Hensel

151 George Buettner

436 James Gardner

673 Michael Lawyer

859 Tristan Wilson

152 Leonard Dunurski

453 Timothy Creath

678 Clinton Smith

863 Thomas Francescangeli

154 Carl Johnson

457 Raymond Kudlick

681 Gary Cambell

873 Mathew Hamblen

169 Donald Freeman

481 William Pickert

683 Michael Yogenthaler

882 Sean Christopherson

178 Frank Poopisil

491 Yun Liu

684 Joseph Moses

884 R. Travis Hill

182 Henry Gloodt

495 Edward Wolfe

686 Matthew Fernandez

885 Josef Velten

188 Edgar Morse

504 Spencer Buckner

690 Daniel Zackzkowski

886 Joshua Hahn

192 George Hulliman

514 Randy Lunsford

692 Earl Beegle

887 Robby Deforge

203 Charles Fletcher

515 Steven Teller

693 Dixit Rakesh

891 Eric Baloun

213 Robert Frey

523 Gerald Kelley

695 Gregory St.George

896 Gregory Strahurski

223 Keith Clark

524 Steven McElderry

696 Ziaja Martin

903 AJ Montgomery

224 Ralph Glusti

533 Ronald Watson

698 Jason Bohm

905 Angad Nagwan

226 William Kolocki

537 Joseph Chase

701 Edward Galvin

908 Fotis Perizes

234 Joyce Foster

538 Marcus Pipyne

711 Bielenda Richard

909 Maxime Hacker

236 Charles Bernasconi

542 Walter Orawczyk

713 Andrew Hascall

241 William Plickta

554 Ahcene Medjeber

735 Brandon Hance

Fall 07

Alpha Philes Presents

Pi Kappa Phi Alpha Phi Chapter Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Alpha Phi Chapter 3333 S. Wabash Avenue Chicago, IL 60616 Address Service Requested

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