FALL 2011
indiana university HOMECOMING 2011 The Alpha Psi alumni board would like to invite you to the
8:00 a.m. Early Arrival Tailgate—(Green Lot/Gate 12 east parking
Indiana. The board will host events including a pre-game
lot off of Fee Lane just north of Assembly Hall ). You will see the Pi Kappa Phi flag. We will have a continental breakfast and plenty of coffee. The tailgate will be available all day.
tailgate in the east parking lot (Green Lot 12) for a morning
9:15 a.m. Tour of 408 North Indiana—Even if you did not live at
of catching up and networking. For those who are interested, we will offer a tour of the former Alpha Psi chapter house at
this location, it is the only former facility still standing and worth visiting. A bus will leave from the tailgate at 9:15 a.m. The house will be open from 9:30 until 10:00.
408 N. Indiana Avenue. Finally, we are encouraging all alumni
10:30 a.m. Tailgate—Everyone is welcome, and we do expect some
to attend a post-game ceremony at the current chapter
undergraduates and alumni from the 1980s and 90s to join us. Again, all initiates are welcome to join! Please stop by even if it is just to update your status!
October 29, 2011, IU football Homecoming in Bloomington,
house located at 1720 N. Jordan Avenue, which is within walking distance of the game. We still have a few tickets in
12:00 p.m. IU vs. Northwestern
our block and Russ Lindsey can assist with additional tickets
3:30 p.m. Alumni Meeting and Undergraduate Introduction—to be
if you let us know right away. Finally, please bring any old
conducted by Dr. Phil Summers. We will have a ceremony to congratulate the new initiates and associates. Gentlemen, this is a great way to show your interest and appreciation for Alpha Psi.
pictures, favorite events or house stories. You can reach Dave Shook with any questions at or on game day at (847) 778-0772.
5:00 p.m. Dinner—at the house (please let us know if you can stay) 6:00 p.m. Back at the Tailgate—(last year this lasted until 10:00 p.m.)