Alpha Psi - Fall 2010

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The Alpha Psi-delines

Indiana University Se pt e m be r 2 0 10

Pi Kappa Phi, Alpha Psi, 1720 N. Jordan, Bloomington, I N 47406


What’s New in the Chapter


P.K.P Abroad


Renovations to Alpha Psi


Homecoming Events

Letter from the Archon

By Bill Kennedy As Archon of the Alpha Psi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, I can assure you that our beloved chapter is in at the top of Indiana University’s Greek life. Last year was a very successful year at Alpha Psi. We won the 2009-2010 Greek intramural championship, achieved an average GPA of above a 3.0, and still managed to achieve quality brotherhood. We ended last year with 187 members, which made us the largest Greek chapter on campus. This year, we are focused on achieving greater academic success, while continuing to make a positive influence on the campus of Indiana University. Already, we hosted and organized the 1st Annual Push America Golf Outing, which raised over $3,700. Our Vice President, Dillon Pure, successfully rushed 42 quality men to make up our fall associate class. These aspiring Pi Kapps will get the opportunity to learn the values of Pi Kappa Phi. We, as a chapter, could not be more excited for this upcoming year and are ready to continue to make a difference on Indiana University’s campus.

New Addition to the Exec Board “The pursuit of brotherhood through scholarship, leadership, service and social experiences”

Contact Information Archon Bill Kennedy Historian Jeff Poczatek

By Ryan Kantor This past year Scholarship Executive was created. Scholarship has always been fundamental to our house as indicated by the creed, which is why we felt it should become an executive position. With last year being the first year for this position, there was not standard protocol to follow, so I have been learning on the job. A couple proactive steps the two chairmen and I took were to meet with each associate and discuss their midterm grades also; we held study tables at the library from 7-10 pm on Monday through Thursday. Last year we had two scholarship dinners where we gave 14 awards combining for over $2,000.00. The next scholarship dinner is December 9th and we would like to extend an invite to all alumni, because your presence will make the event that much more meaningful. Thanks for all your support.

Alpha Psi Takes Home the Gold By Joe Dixon In the 2009-2010 intramural sports season, Pi Kappa Phi won their first championship in recent years. We were able to finish second in the Division One Flag football tournament, and we won the co-ed division one championship. Connor Keefe and Danny Gerding won the doubles racquetball championship, and we made it to the final four in Division One soccer. As the new intramural season is under way, we are excited at the opportunity to defend our title as Intramural Champions. Pi Kappa Phi; Alpha Psi

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“Leaders by Choice”

The Alpha Psi-delines

Alpha Psi Welcomes Back Shane Bryant By Brian Cullen As the Alpha Psi chapter returned to their newly renovated house this semester, the brothers also welcomed back another big addition to our fraternity; the return of brother Shane Bryant. Shane was diagnosed with bone cancer shortly into his second semester at Indiana. A part of the Alpha Sigma Associate class at the time, Shane was given a special initiation into Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity before he returned home for treatments. The acts of brotherhood didn’t stop after initiation as the chapter sent out routine emails updating the progress of Shane’s fight and many brothers kept in contact, even visiting him during his struggle. Although there were a few bumps along the way, Shane defeated his cancer and rehabbed all summer in order to be able to return to Indiana. After his last quarterly checkup showed no cancer, Shane returned to Bloomington and the chapter house, although the Pi Kappa Phi brotherhood was always with him.

Pi Kapps in Barcelona By Alex Lee The summer of 2010 was a great chance for many of the men of the Alpha Psi chapter to learn and engulf themselves in unfamiliar places and cultures. In particular, Ryan Kantor, Adam Schneider, Brian Johns, and I all traveled to Mediterranean to broaden our horizons and expand our knowledge of the world. All four of us lived in the beautiful and entertaining city of Barcelona for 7 weeks of classes and cultural enrichment. In every way, this summer was a chance for us to grow as men of Pi Kappa Phi. We lived out our values and had fun doing so. Our ability to adapt, learn, and understand opened our minds and allowed us to grow in ways not even we could imagine.

Spotlight Summer Experience By Former Archon Rob Zimmerman This summer I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to study abroad at The University of Oslo in Norway, participating in the International Summer School which had representatives from over 90 different nations. There I took a course on Scandinavian Government and Society. However, this was not the only purpose of my trip. I was also there to conduct research for my undergraduate thesis on the Scandinavian welfare model. This is a requirement for me to complete my individualized major: Scandinavian Language and Culture. Through Pi Kappa Phi I have realized the importance of “striving to obtain the highest possible standards of scholarship” and get the most out of your undergraduate experience. Leaders by choice, this is another core value of our Fraternity which has translated directly in my life beyond my role as Archon. The leadership, organization and teamwork skills that my former role as Archon has taught me have translated directly to my academic career and undoubtedly will far beyond the class room. Pi Kappa Phi teaches us to be the best not only in the class room but in the work place as well. For me personally, the value instilled in me through Pi Kappa Phi has made me the man I am today. Pi Kappa Phi Alpha Psi

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“Leaders by Choice”

The Alpha Psi-delines

From the Desk of Dr. Summers We have a lot to be proud of and celebrate at Alpha Psi! We are one of the largest fraternity Chapters at IU, we are one of the largest Chapters in Pi Kappa Phi and we have a Chapter House that is among the best on campus. The Alumni Board has continually reinvested in the Chapter House with renovations and purchases of new furniture and equipment so our Chapter House will be competitive with the other IU fraternities. Currently, many of our competitors are building new Houses or undertaking major renovations. This past year, the Alumni Board contracted with Herndon Design, Inc. to design a new front for our Chapter House and include necessary upgrades to the structure. Because of the cost, the design and construction was divided into Phase One and Phase Two. Phase One resulted in the following: 1. Construction of an airlock entrance on the front of the Chapter House 2. Replacement of all 70 Chapter House windows 3. Installation of new, high quality blinds in the 70 windows 4. Replacement of the carpet in the Dining Room, Informal area and entry hallways 5. Purchase of metal benches and picnic table for the area by Basketball Courts 6. Purchase of a new dish washer for the kitchen The above purchases and renovations amounted to over $135,000 which the Alumni Board was able to fund through our cash flow and good financial planning [Thanks to our Treasurer Alumni Russ Lindsey]. Many of the undergraduate Brothers’ Parents By Anthony Addison participated in an annual “fund raising” for the Chapter House. This year the parents raised enough money to purchase a new section sofa for the Informal area. In addition, a new Bell and Bell Case have been purchased to add to our other fraternity symbols in the front “grand” foyer. For the Brothers who have not been at the Chapter House in a couple of years, the student room carpets were replaced in the 2009 summer months with a vinyl wood flooring and last

December during the holiday break, the 2nd and 3rd hallway carpets were replaced with vinyl wood flooring. The new flooring in the students’ rooms and hallways allow for a quick and better cleaning of those spaces than the previous carpet allowed. Phase Two of the new front design includes removing the balcony [which should help our insurance costs] and extending a new roof area from the 2nd floor out over the entrance and constructing 6 columns. This will give our Chapter House a modern and classical fraternity House look. There is a picture of the propose Phase Two construction in the front “grand” foyer for Brothers and guests to view. If the cash flow is available and the construction costs are reasonable, Phase Two construction will occur in the 2011 summer months.

Push Camp in Jackson’s Gap, Alabama

We also need to thank Tom Clark [Vice-President of the Alumni Board and Property Chair], Barb Hudelson [our outstanding House Director] and our staff and Brothers for keeping the chapter house in good shape. Alum Sam Baugh has a Bloomington construction company and does a fine job of repairing broken Chapter House items on a weekly basis.

Pi Kappa Phi; Alpha Psi

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“Leaders by Choice”

The Alpha Psi-delines

Chapter Advisor Justin Smith The 2010 Alpha Psi Homecoming Event set for October 16, 2010. This year’s event promises to be one of the most memorable in recent history as two Pi Kapp brothers from the early 1970’s (Jim Crews #271, David Shook #286) are organizing a day of activities including a tour of the former chapter house on 8th St. and Indiana Ave. Also included in the day’s events is a tour of the current and recently refurbished chapter house at 1720 N. Jordan as well as tailgating, dinner and of course the football game against Arkansas State. I encourage you to take advantage of the awesome opportunity afforded by David and Jim’s efforts to revisit the old and become acquainted with the new. Additional details for the day’s activities are contained within this newsletter.

Push America Golf Outing

On September 10th, we held our 1st Annual Push America Golf Outing at the Indiana University golf course. It was a great alcohol free brotherhood event. We raised over $3,700 for Push America. Adam Schneider, the Push America Golf Outing Director, organized this event, which started with a 2pm shotgun. Seventy-two brothers It is my privilege to serve as chapter advisor and to be able to work with the bright, friendly and talented young participated in this prestigious event. It was truly a great brotherhood event and we are men of Alpha Psi and if I ever can be of assistance, nd please feel free to reach me at already looking forward to the 2 Annual Push America Golf Outing.

Pi Kappa Phi; Alpha Psi

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