Alpha Psi (Indiana) Fall 2013 Newsletter

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FALL 2013



PSIDELINES CHAPTER HOUSE IMPROVEMENTS It is with great sadness that at the time of publication of this issue of ALPHA PSIDELINES we have to note that on September 29, 2013 Dr. Phillip Summers passed to the Chapter Eternal. Dr. Summers’ contributions to Alpha Psi, his students, friends, and the greater Fraternity are endless. We are all blessed to have had him in our lives. At his memorial service the members of Alpha Psi chapter performed the Burial Ritual and sang the Brotherhood Song, which Dr. Summers wrote. Below please find excerpts from CEO Mark Timmes tribute to Dr. Phil Summers at his funeral service | October 3, 2013 While I could talk about his role as National President of Pi Kappa Phi; his leadership as President of the Alpha Psi Housing Corporation and as President of the Indiana University Alumni Interfraternity Council, the largest fraternity-sorority community in the country.... And while I can talk about the accolades he received- Merit Citation for Meritorious Service; Mr. Pi Kappa Phi our highest volunteer honor; the Fraternity Executives Association Order of Fraternal Excellence and the NorthAmerican Interfraternity Conference Alumni Award of Distinction... For Phil it was never about this. It was about the student experience and positively impacting young men's lives… Phil would nearly always end conversations with, “God bless Pi Kappa Phi.” Dr. Summers truly blessed Pi Kappa Phi.

There are many things of which Alpha Psi alumni and undergraduate members can be proud. The Chapter House is certainly one of those things. Many will remember that development of the front of the Chapter House has occurred in phases. The first phase was the construction of the front door airlock in 2010. The second phase was the major remodeling of the front area of the House in 2012, with the construction of the columns, building a new roof and installing the stain glass penlight. The third phase was completed this past summer with the front interior foyer remodeled with wood paneling, a glass balcony railing and new lighting. Also, needed was increasing the support for the second and third floor areas of the members rooms. Each of the past few years we have had to reinforce a few floors in student rooms, in part, because of the amount of furniture that students have and the number of students who will visit in any one room. Now there are major beams and support columns in the Dining Room, informal area and Formal area that give the additional support to the second floor and beams have been installed on the second floor to give greater support to the third floor. The next phase will be the remodeling of the Formal room and that may occur this next summer. In addition, the undergraduates had a very nice bar constructed for the basement and purchased 3 new portable bars for the courtyard. The updating, remodeling and upkeep of the Chapter House is crucial to be competitive in the IU Greek system. Alpha Psi has a good Chapter House and it certainly is one thing of which we can be proud. Written By: Dr. Phillip Summers

Looking up at one wall of Alpha Psi’s newly paneled lobby.


Alpha Psi Executive Officers

(Top row (L-R): Curtis Businski, House Manager; Jordan Cloch, PUSH Chair; Michael Brosnan, Warden; Walt Hanuschek, Treasurer; John Madden, Chaplain. Bottom Row (L-R): Trevor Kirsh, Secretary; Oliver Sutter, Vice Archon; Colin O'Donnell, Archon; Brian Welker, Historian; Bradley Williams, Risk Manager.

FALL RUSH Rush is a time of year that every member of Alpha Psi gets excited about. The chapter really looks forward to providing an exceptional rush experience for the young men on campus looking to learn the ideals of Pi Kappa Phi. We all want to celebrate the brotherhood we have been blessed with and be able to pass it on to the new hopeful members. Recruitment for Alpha Psi was once again a big success. Fall Rush was started by a call out meeting at Dunn Meadow where a record 1800 gentlemen showed up to meet members of several chapter’s rush committees. These types of numbers have never been seen before, especially the amount of young men that showed interest in the Alpha Psi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. With Rush Just recently coming to a close, the chapter has welcomed 44 outstanding young gentlemen to become associate members and begin the associate process. The associate process for the spring class has come to an end and we have welcomed 16 new initiates to join the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi. Written By: Oliver Sutter, Vice Archon UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION We continue to work to make sure each member receives updates and information from Alpha Psi, and Pi Kappa Phi. Please visit to update your contact information! Additionally, we would like to save money by distributing our publications via email whenever possible. Thank you!

There is a new philanthropic buzz going around the Alpha Psi chapter. My goal as the newly elected Philanthropy Chair is to harness this energy and channel it towards the most eventful year in Alpha Psi’s history. Our fundraising goal as a chapter is to raise around $20,000. The target has never been set so high, but nor has the chapter’s effort. As a committee of five brothers, here is what we are planning: a basketball tournament encompassing the entire Greek community, a dad’s weekend golf outing, a bike-a-thon, and possibly a concert with all benefits going to Push America. We will sell event specific merchandise as well and every member of the chapter will participate in a philanthropic activity around campus. We recognize that it is one thing to have ambitious goals and another to execute upon them. There is no better time to advance the Alpha Psi chapter and this will be the best year in our history! Written By: Jordan Cloch, PUSH Chair

NEW INITIATE REACTION Finally becoming an initiate of Pi Kappa Phi’s Alpha Psi chapter, is a truly life changing experience. The Beta Gamma associate pledge class has worked tirelessly over the past few months to attain the status as full-fledged members of Pi Kappa Phi. The trials and tribulations of being an associate have helped our entire pledge class grow as men and grow together as a unit. The bonds that have been forged between our pledge class and the entire chapter prove to be some of the strongest connections I have ever seen. This great house has really shown us what it means to be someone’s brother. It is already evident that my brothers will be a vital part of my college experience and later on in life. I speak for everyone in our pledge class when I say that becoming a member of Pi Kappa Phi is one of the best moments in our lives. Now that we are members of this fraternity, we can work to maintain the Pi Kapp way in addition to making improvements that will make our house the best house nationwide. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us as a chapter and the rest of our brothers across America. Written By: Luke Elder, Beta Gamma Associate Class President

HOMECOMING Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Alpha Psi Chapter 1720 N Jordan Avenue | Indiana University

~ November 2, 2013 | 10:30 AM

Welcome and Introductions   

Tom Clark, Alpha Psi 516

Visiting Alumni Housing Corporation Officers Undergraduate Officers

Officer Reports Election of Housing Corporation Officers 

Mike Hole Alpha Psi 382

Presentation of the Slate Introduction of Facilities Director

Remembrances for the Chapter Eternal

David Shook, Alpha Psi 268

Archons Report

Colin O’Donnell, Alpha Psi 1626

Recognition of 2013 Associates

Jim Crews, Alpha Psi 271

A tribute to Dr. Phil Summers and Russ Lindsey

   

Why Pi Kappa Phi Presentations of Pins Ringing In Student Creed

Dedication of New Improvements  

Tom Clark Alpha Psi 516

Dedicatory prayer Picture

Walk to Stadium 12:30 

Alumni Gathering at Blue Lot/Gate 12 east parking lot off of Fee Lane just north of Assembly Hall. You will see the Pi Kappa Phi flag. We will have a lite lunch and plenty of refreshments. The tail gate will be available all day so please stop by and let us know you are in the area.

Russell “Russ” G. Lindsey October 23, 1949- March 10, 2013

1972/1973- Initiated at Alpha Chapter, College of Charleston 1973/1974- Transferred to Indiana University and Alpha Psi Chapter 1975/1976- Alpha Psi Chapter Archon (President) and Indiana University IFC President 1976- Pi Kappa Phi National Council or Archons 1977- Pi Kappa Phi National Student of the year

Russ was a long time member of the Alpha Psi Alumni Board and served with distinction as Board Treasurer. He was a dedicated Pi Kapp from his initiation in 1973 until his untimely death in 2013. Russ’ leadership and contribution to the Alpha Psi Chapter and Alumni Board was exemplary and he will long be remembered for his “extra mile” and energetic effort to help the Alpha Psi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi to be one of the best.

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224


LETTER FROM THE ARCHON The 2013- 2014 school year is well underway for the Alpha Psi chapter at Indiana University. Many successes have continued from years past including First Thursday formal dinners, a unique experience on campus, and a standards board initiative within the chapter. The elegant and high-class improvements to the house have the brothers very appreciative of the home the alumni board has allotted to us. We continue to improve accountability while living in the chapter house and have set progressive goals for the year ahead. Brother participation continues to rise, as new leaders emerge, willing to take the chapter to new heights. We are poised to work through any challenges ahead to make Alpha Psi an ideal chapter, and will do our share to make it so. Written By: Colin O’Donnell, Archon

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