Alpha Psi - Fall 2012

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FALL 2012

BY DIANNE PFENNIG, HOUSE DIRECTOR My name is Dianne Pfennig, and I am the new house director for the upcoming school year. I am in my fifth year as a house director previously with the Tri-Delts at Butler. My years of experience have been only with sororities, but I’m happy to say being here at Alpha Psi Chapter has already been a great experience. Blessings in my life include one daughter (she is a graduate of IU Law School and a practicing attorney). Also my son-in-law, Nick, and three grandchildren, my husband Joe whom I hope you all get to meet during my time here. In my previous life, I spent 20 years working as a mortgage loan officer for a great company, but after my only daughter left home, I found I missed the activity of young people running in and out of our home. After exploring different opportunities in the education field, teaching, ISS, and even filling in for a guidance counselor for a semester, I decided to join the ranks of house directors. It is a privilege to be a part of the Pi Kappa Phi chapter house at IU. As we work together to make this one of the best houses on campus, it is my hope that 2012/2013 will be a great experience for all who grace our doors. Parents and alumni, we welcome you to stop by when you are in town to see all the changes and share your stories with us.


ALPHA PSIDELINES The Alpha Psidelines of Alpha Psi is published and printed by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity headquarters through its alumni newsletter program. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224 (800) 929-1904

BY SAM WANDOLOWSKI, ARCHON The brothers of Alpha Psi are thrilled to be back in Bloomington for the 20122013 school year. We are motivated to make a difference in the leadership, service and academics at Indiana University. It is my pleasure to introduce the 2012-2013 Alpha Psi Executive Board: Vice Archon Larry Allen, Secretary Mike Crenna, Treasurer Brian Biggio, Warden Brian McGregor, Chaplain Michael Rigali, Historian Calvin Boots, Risk Manager Ricky Ruhstorfer and Push Executive Mitch Merritt. We are all looking forward to our chapter’s future endeavors and appreciate all of your support in our success. We need everyone’s involvement to make Pi Kappa Phi the best fraternity on campus.



Phillip Summers

Pi Kapps Dads’ Weekend will take place September 28 - 30. The highlight of the weekend will be the 3rd Annual Push America Golf Outing on September 29. We look forward to this being a fun way for Pi Kapp fathers to get to know each other and help raise money for what we believe will be our most successful Push America Golf Outing yet. The weekend will also include dinners and a show. Our goal is to show our fathers all the opportunities Pi Kappa Phi offers us, raise money for Push America, and have a fun time with our fathers.



TREASURER Russ Lindsey


MEMBERS-AT-LARGE Chris Byrd Nick McCallum

CHAPTER ARCHON Sam Wandolowski

Newsletter by Calvin Boots, Historian

BY MICHAEL RIGALI, CHAPLAIN Initiation this fall semester is scheduled at the First United Church on September 21 at 4:00 p.m. We will be initiating 20 members. I have already recruited brothers to take part in the Ritual of Initiation, all of whom are very excited to participate. I have all of the props necessary, and all the brothers are aware of what they have to do for their respective roles in the Ritual. The majority of brothers that are not directly participating are attending the ceremony. I am expecting around 70 brothers to be in attendance. The ceremony should take several hours but should be completed by 9:00 p.m. I can speak on behalf of the entire brotherhood when I say that after one month of living with the associates, we are all very excited to have a house full of brothers. Since the brotherhood this year is much stronger than it was last year, more people will be in attendance and also the parts played will be rehearsed so once its actually time for the Ritual, the lines will be perfected and things will go much more smoothly. We will be prepared, and we are all very excited for this Ritual of Initiation.

BY DR. PHILLIP SUMMERS, ALUMNI BOARD PRESIDENT The Alumni Board is dedicated to keeping Alpha Psi’s house as one of the best on campus. To achieve that goal, many renovations have occurred. If you have not seen the new front of the Chapter House, you need to “come and see.” This past summer, the second floor balcony was removed so a stain class pin window could be installed along with a new front porch with columns. The house is as impressive as any on campus. Other renovations include repairing and painting all the member rooms, replacing the second floor hallway ceilings, installing new showers and shower flooring on the second floor, purchase of a new shed and the removal of the old shed from inside the party courtyard fence, re-bracing the fence, repairing the supports in the member rooms floor and installing new awnings above the side and back entrances. There is definitely a new look at Alpha Psi. In addition, we welcomed new house director/facilities manager Dianne Pfennig and a record number of live-in brothers (98 sophomore and junior live-ins with approximately 45 seniors living-out). In terms of the chapter house quality, Alpha Psi is probably in the top 5 of the 19 housed fraternities. The goal is to also be in the Top 5 in scholarship, leadership, service and philanthropy. The chapter house looks great and all alumni, brothers and staff can be proud! You have our special invitation to come by during Homecoming or anytime to see your impressive chapter house!

BY ALEX MULLER, PUSH AMERICA CHAIRMAN Alpha Psi Chapter has made it our priority to improve the philanthropy aspect of our chapter through Push America as well as with local participation. In previous years our chapter has not had an annual event to help promote our national philanthropy program, Push America; however, with help from President Sam Wandolowski and Dr. Summers, we have developed our inaugural “Give a Push” bath tub race. For this event, we will have two bath tubs on wheels in which a group of four people will help push and steer their tub to the finish line. The second aspect of our philanthropy is maintaining the positive relationship with StoneBelt, a local organization that assists people with disabilities who are over the age of 18. In years past, we have had two dance events at StoneBelt, Halloween and Valentine’s Day, where a majority of the brothers would attend to socialize and interact with the clients. This year, to make things more personable, we decided to make our Halloween event a carnival, where brothers will have the opportunity for more one-on-one contact to help build better relationships with their clients. The idea of this carnival will hopefully create a friendship between specific brothers and clients that will last longer than that night. Alpha Psi has worked hard to plan these activities for this year, and we hope that the events will create better men.

Please join Alpha Psi Alumni and Brothers for Homecoming October 6, 2012: 8:00 a.m. Early arrival (Blue Lot/Gate 12, east parking lot off of Fee Lane, just north of Assembly Hall – look for the Pi Kappa Phi flag). We will have a continental breakfast and plenty of coffee. The tail gate will be available all day so please stop by and let us know you are in the area. 9:15 a.m. Walk or Travel to the Chapter house at 1720 N Jordan Avenue 9:30 a.m. Special Meeting. The recognition of the initiation class of the 1947s 65th anniversary. Recognizing the class of 1987s 25th anniversary (Jeff Shreve will be introducing the class). Brief meeting to introduce the approved and funded project to reface the chapter house.

11:30 Depart for the game (or extended time at the house or tailgate for catching up) 12:00 IU vs. Michigan State Post-Game Tailgate We would especially like to see graduated members from the past ten years (1998 to 2011) stop buy and introduce themselves (especially if they arrived too late for the morning get together).

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