Alpha Psidelines | Winter 2022

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Building Brotherhood Through Service

In recent years the Alpha Psi chapter has begun to expand its philanthropy resume. While still working towards raising money and awareness for The Ability Experience, we have also incorporated helping support other organizations and foundations. The men of the Alpha Psi chapter take pride in supporting and participating in philanthropy events all over campus. Since the start of 2022 we have participated in philanthropy events for Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Zeta, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Gama, Beta Theta Pi and The Greek Basketball Association (presented by Beta Theta Pi).

Along with supporting other organizations’ philanthropy, we have hosted our own annual member only philanthropy event to support The Stackpole Foundation. We started this tradition in 2020 after current senior Patrick Murtagh suggested we do a stair climb philanthropy event to raise money for those effected by the events that took place on 9/11. Since 2020, every year on 9/11 we wake up at 6:30am and climb 110 flights of stairs to honor the first responders who risked their lives on that tragic day. We complete the stair climb inside of the Alpha Psi chapter house and walk up the 3 flights of stairs 37 times for a total of 111 flights of stairs climbed. Since the start in 2020, we have seen a drastic increase in participation from members. In order to raise money for The Stack Pole Foundation, we ask members to reach out to family and friends to receive a pledge of a certain amount of money per flight of stairs climbed. In the past three years that we have hosted this event we have raised just over $5k. We have plans to make this event open to all Greek organizations on campus and move the event to Memorial Stadium in order to be able to host all the organizations that would like to participate.

For next semester we are currently in the works of planning the War of the Roses event to support The Ability Experience [formerly Push America]. War of the Roses is a 6-day long philanthropy event using a point system to determine the winning organization of the event. However, this is our first year hosting this event and we may decide to break up the different events and host them at different times throughout the semester. War of the Roses is a great way to raise awareness and funding to support The Ability Experience, and we are extremely excited to finalize the details of this event and start marketing it to the rest of campus.

By the end of this academic year, we hope to raise over $15k for both The Stackpole Foundation and The Ability Experience. Should we achieve this goal, we will have increased the amount of money raised for philanthropy by over 500% from previous years.

This Year’s Stair Climbers

This all began with what a brother called his “friends tour”. In the summer of 2021, fellow Pi Kapp member from In diana University in Bloomington, Steve Boone, contacted me and said he and his wife Marie, a Sigma Kappa from IU, were forgoing their regular vacation and organizing what they were calling a “friends tour”...If the pandemic taught us anything, it was the importance of family and friends as many of us were hit hard with loss during that time. They were going to make four stops and wanted to see if I would be around as stop #2. I was thrilled to be included, be cause, like many long graduated brothers of Alpha Psi, we had lost contact since graduation.

Fast forward to the summer of 2022. My wife, Wendy, and I were traveling home from our sons house in and I floated the idea of having a Pi Kapp reunion at my lake house in Huron, Ohio this summer. Honestly, we had no idea what kind of response we would have but decided to roll the dice. We contacted as many brothers as we could via email, Facebook and, yes, even the USPS. To our amazement, the responses were coming in fast and they were positive. Now remember, this is 40 years later and most of the Pi Kapps responding had lost contact during that time. I had, sadly, not had contact with my roommate of two years, Brian Hinton, since graduation. The weekend began and to say it was anything but “amazing” would be an understatement! It started on Thursday and ended on Sunday after brunch. We had brothers come in form Texas, Arizona, Virginia, North Car olina, Ohio and, of course, Indiana.

Like any reunion, high school, grade school or college, there is a bit of anxiety of whether you will recognize some people or if they would remember you. Rest assured, that anxiety went away in the first minutes of seeing a long lost friend and broth er.

If this article does anything to push one person to think about doing a Pi Kappa Phi chapter reunion, it has met its objective. But I encourage you to not only think...but act. It just takes one person to organize the event and the thanks and apprecia tion Wendy and I felt from those that attended will be forever etched in our hearts. My hope is to see another article in the Star and Lamp next summer of a similar weekend. Cheers to friends, brothers and God bless Pi Kappa Phi. Until we meet again…

Dalton, DDS Alpha Psi #385

Brotherhood...40 Years Later
Dr. Chris Pictured above, left to right: Kevin Michaels 397, Brian Hinton 354, Ron Kruetzberger 392, Dan Holt 375, Steve Witte 345, Dick Oren 362, Chris Dalton 385, Steve Boone 380, Kevin McDonald 347. Not pictured: Tom Kiningham 347

The 300 Club

If your pin number is in the 300’s, then you were part of a period of nearly unparalleled success in Alpha Psi history:

• Three straight Top 10 finishes in Little 500

• Three straight top 3 finishes in IU Sing

• Three straight top 3 finishes in the Homecoming float competition

• All-Campus Champions in Flag Football 1978, 3-year record of 27-2 This past Summer a small group of us reconnected at Chris Dalton’s house (see related article) and we had such a great time that we have we have decided to expand and make it an annual event! Mark your calendar for next Summer now! July 21-23 on Freedom Lake in Indiana courtesy of Dan Holt! For more information contact Booney,

We have made arrangements for several non-300’s to join our group. Jim Pivarnik, #256, our chapter advisor and bike coach was an obvious choice to include. Mark Kusatzky (404), Kent Wierks, former Archon (405), and Bob Williams (412) have all traveled the rough and rugged road to join our midst! Think you have what it takes? Reach out to Booney (acting Warden for the 300 club) for admission requirements!

Dave Shook Announces Retirement

Dave Shook, Alpha Psi 268 announces his retirement as Alpha Psi Chapter Advisor (CA). “After five years, seven Archons, over 200 initiates spanning five initiations, two years of COVID restrictions, four housing directors, and three years in a dual role as Chapter Advisor and Board President, I am stepping down.” Dave has relished the role, but as he turns 70, the five hour round trip and the other commitments to Pi Kappa Phi Foundation make it time to bring on a new Chapter Advisor. The change can be immediate, but May 2023 will be the absolute end of his term. Dave can continue to advise the new person if requested and will remain on the Alpha Psi housing corporation board. If you are interested in learning more about the about the Chapter Advisor role, please contact Zach Beals at

Mr. Alpha Psi and Alpha Psi Hall of Fame

These new awards will recognize our Alumni for excellence. Mr. Alpha Psi was inspired by the late Dr. Phil Summers and will be used to recognize one alumnus per year for outstanding service to the chapter. The Alpha Psi Hall of Fame will recognize alumni would have excelled in their chosen profession. Our Nominating Committee will be accepting nominations from now until July 1, 2023. Nomination forms are available at!

Current Committee Members: Scott Evenbeck AY 195; Kevin McDonald AY 347; Tom Clark AY 516; Jason Whitney AY 957

Supreme Chapter Report

Alpha Psi was well represented at the 57th Supreme Chapter that was held in July in hot, hot, hot Tampa, Florida. David Shook, AY 268, Steve Boone AY 380, TJ Sullivan, AY 564, Tom Zimmerman, 2263, and Student Delegates Tyler Loga, 2286 and Blake Ziegler 2279. The chapter was awarded The Chapter Excellence Award, Dave Shook received his Golden Legion Award, Steve Boone was admitted to the Nu Phi Society, and Tom Zimmerman was awarded the Inaugural Mark E. Timmes Intra-Fraternity Award (see other article for more information about Tom’s award). A great showing by Alpha Psi!

First Thursday Dinners

We are excited to announce the return of First Thursday dinners! This is a great opportunity for us to rekindle relationships between our fantastic undergraduate group and our local alumni. We begin at 6pm with a sit-down dinner at the house.

Interested in joining us?

Email about a week in advance.

Pictured left to right: Rod Gunning 531, Kevin Turner 568, Jefferson Shreve 559, Brett Baltz 510, TJ Sullilvan 564, Heath Osburn 553, and Pi Kappa Phi CEO, Jake Henderson. Pictured left to right: Jim Crews 271, Dave Shook 268, Chuck Seely 290, Gary Ashton 310

A Celebration 75 Years in the Making

Alpha Psi celebrated it’s 75th anniversary on September 23-25 in Bloomington. The 35th anniversary of the chapter’s recharter was also celebrated. We were honored to have the new CEO of Pi Kappa Phi, Jake Henderson, attend the weekend’s events. The Alpha Psi Housing Corporation Board, spearheaded by Dave Shook, started planning for the event several months in advance. The planning included seeking input for the event, securing venues, arranging agendas, and both mailed invitations and social media posts. The weekend started on Friday with an introduction dinner for Jake hosted by Dave Shook followed by an evening at Nick’s where Steve Boone and Jim Crews gathered approximately fifteen alumni to meet Jake and socialize with one another.

On Saturday, a chapter alumni meeting and luncheon was held at the fraternity house. Thirty-two associates, fifteen undergraduate officers and twenty alumni were in attendance. Steve Boone and Dave Shook led the group in a public brotherhood ceremony performed by the alumni. In addition, we had a formal review of the housing corporation business along with chapter reports. The session concluded with a formal chapter eternal ceremony led by chapter chaplain, Liam Fitzgerald and chapter Archon, Declan McGagh. Steve Boone was the Master of Ceremony for Saturday’s evening session held in the Frangipanni Room at the IU Memorial Union. Thirty alumni and spouses, undergraduate officers, and approximately ten invited associates including their officers attended the event. Jake Miller opened with a prayer and dinner was served. The evening included several moving presentations: Jefferson Shreve, Alpha Psi 559, presented Declan McGagh, undergraduate Archon, with a commemorative 75 th anniversary flag for the chapter. This was followed by the presentation of a Pi Kappa Phi flag that Jim Crews, Alpha Psi 271, presented to Jack Shules.

Tom Zimmerman, winner of the Pi Kappa Phi Mark Timmes Outstanding IFC award, was recognized by Steve Boone, Alpha Psi 380. Jake Henderson presented Jim Crews with his fifty years of service certificate of appreciation. Jake Henderson presented the “State of the Fraternity”. Jake’s moving and informal presentation covered not only Pi Kappa Phi’s success and leadership but a window into Greek life in general.

Tom Barker, Alpha Psi 250, shared a narrated video of the chapter from the late 1960s through the early 1970s. Tom did a great job of documenting life at Alpha Psi during one of our times of growth and emerging leadership on campus. He dedicated the video to his fraternity son, Dave Shook, Alpha Psi 268. Heath Osburn, Alpha Psi 553, shared a moving recollection of the late 1980s and the 1987 recharter experience with a focus on the lasting brotherhood of the recharter group. Heath displayed several pictures and moving commentary on the timeline of the recharter and significant events that highlighted one of the most important times in our chapter’s history. This recharter group has had a significant and lasting impact on the chapter for the past thirty-five years.

Heath’s presentation was followed by a moving tribute to Dr. Phil Summers, Alpha Psi 131 by TJ Sullivan, Alpha Psi 564. Dr. Summers was a past National President of Pi Kappa Phi, Board President. He led the acquisition of our current chapter house and was also responsible for our 1987 recharter. TJ made a moving presentation sharing the importance and contributions of Dr Summers to Pi Kappa Phi, Alpha Psi, and the many individuals in the room. It is a fact that our chapter would not be marking this significant celebration if Dr. Summers had not dedicated his life to the fraternity. In a fitting dedication to Dr. Summers, the evening was concluded with the singing of the “Red Rose of PiKappa Phi” and the presentation of roses to spouses. The weekend concluded with a brunch on Sunday morning. Jake Henderson and alumni and officers met at the chapter house for a send-off meal. The weekend was a success and the organizers only regret was that more alumni were not able to participate.

Chapter Eternal

David Bibler - AY 1 joined the Chapter Eternal on April 27, 2022. He was a member of the original chartering class at IU in 1947. He was born January 21, 1929, in Indianapolis to Lester D. and Vera K. (Moomaw) Bibler. A graduate of Indiana University in Bloomington, he served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean Conflict. Afterwards, Dave was employed as a packaging engineer at Eli Lilly for 34 years. In April 8, 1951, he married Rosemary Moeller, who preceded him in death. A long-time resident of Indianapolis, Dave was a faithful member of Northwood Christian Church and a steadfast Christian. He served on the church leadership council, sang in the choir, and served as the church board secretary. He was also very active in his Emmaus Reunion Group. Dave’s “sober” humor, commitment to family-first-in-all-things, and love of travel, nature and all-star wrestling were appreciated by those who knew him. He also enjoyed local theater and music. He was active in the community as a member of the Executive Service Corp., Kiwanis Club of North Indianapolis, the North Park Masonic Lodge, the Scottish Rite, and the Eli Lilly American Legion Post. and the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity chapter at Indiana University. He was also an active resident of Robin Run Village for more than 20 years. Survivors include his son, Gregory A. (Annie) Bibler, and two daughters, Pamela (Kyle) Chapman, and Deborah (John) Gentry; six grandchildren, Thomas Gentry, Scott Gentry, Kelly Meyer, Lauren Chapman, Alyssa Fisher, Ryan Bibler; five great-grandchildren, and his dear friend, Evelyn Walker. Dave was preceded in death by his parents, wife, and eldest son, D. Bruce Bibler.

James M Sourwine AY 376

– Jim joined the Chapter Eternal on September 21, 2022. While at IU he servered as ViceArchon for the chapter. Jim was born July 9, 1959, in Lima, Ohio, the son of Jack and Patsy (Selvidge) Sourwine. He married Diane Chiaro on December 5, 1981. Jim was a proud 1981 alumni of Indiana University, where he received his bachelor’s degree from the IU Kelley School of Business. After years of working with and around his parents at the family business, he joined Sourwine Construction Company, on a full-time basis. Under Jim’s leadership it eventually became Sourwine Real Estate Services. He worked everyday for the betterment of his tenants while managing and developing his properties including 9100 Meridian Square, Keystone Office Centre, and River’s Edge. Jim was passionate about his work and was proud to be a second-generation owner, and eventually passing the torch to his own son, Joseph in 2022. He was an avid IU and Pacers fan, he enjoyed cars, and when he wasn’t at work he loved spending time with his family. He is survived by his loving wife of 41 years, Diane Sourwine; five children, Joseph Sourwine, Jennifer Sourwine, Jana Sourwine, Jadyn Sourwine, and Joy Sourwine; his mother, Patsy Sourwine; brother, J.D. Sourwine; sisterin-law, Linda Benson; niece and nephews, Matt, Keegan, Cortney, Sam, and Max, and he was an Opa to his beloved granddog, Mozart. He was preceded in passing by his father, Jack Sourwine; father and mother-in-law, Vince and Eleanor Chiaro; and the dog that made him Opa, Sherlock. Memorial contributions may be directed to the ALS Association – Indiana Chapter.

Anthony D (Tony) Green AY 863

Tony joined the Chapter Eternal on March 23, 2022. He was remembered at a ceremony at the chapter house in early November. Here are a few thoughts from his friend and brother, Jason Whitney, AY 957. As I sat down to make a few notes to share with you today about Tony there were three words that continued to ring true in my mind as I think back on his life. Scholar – Friend – Brother. As a scholar – Tony attended Indiana University on a full ride academic scholarship. He was one of the highest ranked students at the Kelley School of Business and worked in strategic finance roles at GE and Churchill Downs following his graduation in 1999. He took a special interest in those associates in each class who did not make grades and he would spend every evening ensuring that their homework was done. As a friend – Tony NEVER once missed a chance to wish his friends a happy birthday. He stood alongside many of us, including me, at our weddings and was always that friendly voice at the end of the line when the phone would ring on a random Sunday evening. As a Brother - Tony would never let you fail. He provided a diverse opinion in the house when we needed it the most and we realized only after his passing that his leadership helped to recruit almost four entire classes of men to become lifelong brothers of Pi Kappa Phi. That being said my friend Tony was not without fault – he was a diligent Duke basketball fan. Knowing Tony though he was probably just a Duke fan to ruffle the feathers of the Hoosiers in the house. As we are standing here today on these courts I am reminded of a funny night when we threw his prized Duke trash can out that second story window and then as he went to retrieve his most prized possession, we proceeded to throw all the rest of his stuff out the window as well. One last thing I will leave you with is please take care of your brothers. We are all busy but make the time to call someone on their birthday or send a text to see how someone is doing. Tony suffered from crippling mental illness later in life but you would have known it because he always put his friends first. An important lesson for all of us.

Alpha Psi Chapter Investment Fund (CIF)

The Alpha Psi Chapter Investment Fund (CIF) is an endowment-type account held by the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation that allow alumni and friends of the fraternity the ability to make a tax-deductible gift to Pi Kappa Phi and restrict that gift to a specific chapter.

Current Balance: $32,877.31 (as of 12/31/21).

From this program, grants may be made from that fund to the chapter for qualified educational expenses, including scholarships, conference registration fees and related travel expenses to name a few. Each year, the program allows 4 percent of the CIF (based on the previous year’s December 31 closing balance) to be used in support of educational initiatives at the chapter level.

Highest GPA (Active Member – each semester) $500

Highest GPA (Associate Member – each class) $500

As we continue to grow this fund, we will explore more opportunities to assist the undergraduates. Please contribute if you can Alpha Psi CIF (

My Supreme Chapter Experience

This past summer, I was fortunate enough to spend a weekend at the 57th Supreme Chapter in Tampa Bay, FL. I attended a variety of meetings and workshops that covered amendments to the Pi Kappa Phi Supreme Law, an alumni initiation, networking events with distinguished alumni, and award ceremonies that recognized both students and alumni. This weekend has led to follow up calls, in person meetings, and opportunities I would not have gotten if I had not attended the events from that weekend. Not only did I build upon the knowledge I have gained from being on the executive board of the fraternity in Bloomington, but also became more knowledgeable about the chapter as a whole. I did so along with our two representatives from the Alpha Psi chapter. I was asked to attend Supreme Chapter to accept the Mark E. Timmes Interfraternal Leader of the Year award. This national recognition is used to acknowledge the best Pi Kappa Phi leader who is on the executive board of their respective Interfraternity Council. At Indiana University, I serve as the head of Membership Development, overseeing all new and current member activities, programs, and involvement.

I also serve as one of nine students on the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life Judicial Board which is a peer accountability process representing the four Greek councils to adjudicate cases of sorority and fraternity misconduct. Through my involvement with these two organizations, I have sat in multiple hearings with both fraternities and sororities, been in constant communication with Greek leaders, Deans of different divisions, and the President of the University, as well as completely amending the new member program to make it more applicable to the issues we face as a community today. I also serve on our Archon’s executive committee, making sure the Alpha Psi chapter stays in good standing with the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life, the Office of Student Conduct, and the Greek community as a whole. I could not be more thankful for this opportunity and recognition provided to me by Pi Kappa Phi and look to continue the great work we have done as a chapter.

Pictured left to right: Former National President, William Sigmon, Tom Zimmerman, Former National Secretary, Mike Loy

The Legacy of Momma D

Dianne Pfennig joined our fraternity over ten years ago replacing Barb Huddelson who had been our House Director for decades. I recall interviewing Dianne with Dr. Summers and being impressed by her professionalism and laughter. Dianne quickly grew into her role under Dr. Summers’ direction and coaching. He would visit with Dianne two or three days each week as he made his rounds through the house, taking time to listen and lead her. Momma D quickly gained the respect and love of the brothers in the house.

Early in 2013, the Chapter suffered a huge loss with the sudden death of Russ Lindsey, the Alumni Corp Treasurer. Dianne and Russ worked closely together during her first year with us, so this was a significant setback. Thankfully Jim Crews joined the Board and took over as treasurer developing a strong work relationship with Dianne.

On September 29th, 2013, our fraternity suffered the greatest tragedy when our beloved leader, Dr. Summers, died of a massive heart attack fifteen minutes into a board meeting at the house. Dianne and I were at either side of Dr. Summers as we wrapped our arms around him and both prayed for him…for peace and no suffering. We both felt his spirit leave into the waiting arms of his Savior. Dianne and I will forever share a special bond with each other and Dr. Summers after being with him when he crossed over to his great reward in Heaven.

Dianne continued serving faithfully during the turmoil of the first few years after Dr. Summers’ loss. Several interim Alumni Corp Presidents tried to fill his shoes to the best of their ability, while Dianne worked to keep some semblance of order and civility in the house. Dianne joined the Board in 2018, and served dual roles as House Director and Board Director. Her dedication continued for years, stepping in as interim House Director each time we lost another House Mom, all the way into this semester!

We are so appreciative of Dianne’s commitment to the fraternity, her dedication to keeping Dr. Summers’ legacy alive, and her love for the Brothers of Alpha Psi. There will never be another like Momma D!

We wish her all of the best in the future and she has an open invitation to attend our First Thursday Dinners and other events.

Tom Clark, Alpha Psi 516

Housing Corporation Board of Directors

Steve Boone, President #380,

Jim Crews, Secretary/Treasurer, #271,

Dave Shook, Member, #268,

Oliver Sutter, Member, #1803,

Jake Miller, Member, #1631, MEMBER VACANCY

Non-Voting Members

Brett Baltz, Alpha Psidelines, #510,

Scott Evenbeck, Nominating, #195,

Kevin McDonald, Nominating, #347,

Tom Clark, Nominating, #516,

Jason Whitney, Nominating, #957,

TJ Sullivan, Ability Experience, #564,

Todd Gemmer, Ability Experience, #715,



ATTN: Alumni Engagement

2015 Arysley Town Blvd. Suite 200

Charlotte, NC 28073

Virtual Archive & Online Scrapbook

We would love to start collecting virtual memorabilia to start an online archive on our new permanent Web site. If you have photos, articles, memories, etc. that you would like to contribute, please forward them with detailed information about the content to bebaltz@ More importantly, if you’re interested in volunteering to be a collector/archivist/ curator, contact Steve Boone at

Upcoming Events

February 2 First Thursday Dinner, 6pm, Chapter House (1st Semester Awards)

February 11 Spring Class Initiation (Tentative)

March 2 First Thursday Dinner, 6pm, Chapter House

April 1 Alumni/Undergrad Retreat, 10am-4pm, Bloomington, TBA

April 6 First Thursday Dinner, 6pm, Chapter House

May 6

Class of 2023 Graduation, TBA, Chapter House

July 17 Inagural Pi Kappa Phi Day, Wrigley Field

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