Alpha Tau Chapter Newsletter spring 2018

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AT Spring 2018

Greetings All, And a Happy New Year to all as well. It has been a while since we released our last newsletter in 1Q of 2017. But have no doubt - We have been working diligently to continue to grow our organization, increase our outreach, & make meaningful impacts. The year 2017 had a number of firsts for our organization. We received acknowledgement from the IRS of our 3rd Deck Floor Replacement page 3 exempt status, & we filed our first annual tax documents with the IRS & New York State. But we also hosted our first events, received our first project proposal, and approved our first project. I am very proud to have been a part of these firsts. And to have had the opportunity to work alongside others who may be older than me, or who may have different interests than me, but who share the bond of brotherhood with me and embrace the opportunity to make a difference. These firsts did not come easy, and a Note from the President number of lessons were learned along the way. The Year in Review - 2017 However, it was the journey 3rd Deck Floor Replacement that made all of these firsts so special for our organization. Officers & Directors

In This Issue

How to Donate

I attended the Founders Day Formal in December of 2017. Director Spotlight To my disappointment, I was WYATT NORDSTROM the only alumni in attendance. I stood in the Foyer of the Recent Happenings chapter house, waiting for this at the Chapter House years Rose Queen to be Upcoming Events announced. I was surrounded by a number of current undergraduates, some of whom I have gotten to know quite well via my interactions with the chapter. But I was also surrounded by many whom I did not know so well.

1Q 2018 Newsletter Copyright 2018 Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. Not responsible for errors or omissions.

Although I was the only alumni in attendance, I did not feel out of place. The current undergraduates embraced my presence as an alumnus, & welcomed me back with great fondness. Throughout the night, I had the opportunity to speak with current undergraduates whom I had not

previously spoken with. I vastly enjoyed the nights festivities, which I shared with my old & new connections. For the first time (in recent memory at least), the Founders Day Formal was held at the chapter house instead of an outside venue. And although it was a different experience, the environment and the sentiment I “I would urge each & every experienced one of you to keep this bond brought many of brotherhood alive. Your fond memories initiation into this brotherhood to the forefront was a lifelong pledge.� of my mind. The camaraderie, and the bond of brotherhood that we all share, was and still is, very alive. I would urge each & every one of you to keep this bond of brotherhood alive. Your initiation into this brotherhood was a lifelong pledge. Do not be discouraged by your age, or that you have not visited the chapter house in many years. Do not be afraid to visit, to reach out to the current undergraduates, or to attend a formal as an alumnus. And do not hesitate to reach out to a Brother whom you have not spoken to in many years. Perhaps the flame you once had has waned over time, but it will never die. Our lives are ever changing and pull us in many different directions - Careers, families, whatever it may be. But I hope that my message may serve as a rekindling if you have lost sight of what once was. I sincerely hope that you all enjoy this newsletter, which provides a wealth of information regarding what the organization has been up to. May we all prosper in this new year, and in the future. And let us not forget the experiences, the encounters, the successes, the adversities, and the journey that moulded us into the individuals we are today. YIPKP, Dave Slaw President - Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. RPI Class of 2014 | AT #1281


2017 March








Celebrated 86 years since the Alpha Tau chapter of Pi Kappa Phi was chartered; on June 13th, 1931.




Novemb r

Octobe ber


Celebrated 113 Years since the founding of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity; on December 10th, 1904.


Increased the number Received our of ways in which people Exempt Organization Received our first can donate by adding Certificate from New Prepared to welcome project application - a number of monthly York State, exempting in 2018, including Replacement of the recurring donation the organization from Debuted our installation of new second deck flooring options via PayPal. sales tax for purchases organizations flooring on the and/or third deck made (in New York State). website third deck of the flooring at the chapter house. chapter house.



29 JAN








Received our Exempt Hosted our first event, Status from the IRS, A Golf Outing & Luncheon officially classifying at the Brunswick Greens Golf Course in Troy, NY. the organization as a 501(c)(3) Not For Profit organization.


Celebrated 1 year of existence; the organization incorporated in New York State on May 31st, 2016.


21 Received confirmation from the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, an affiliate of the National Fraternity, that the Alpha Tau Chapters Capital Improvement Fund (CIF) could be closed & the funds transferred to the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc.

14 Hosted a Cocktail Hour event with the Undergraduates over RPI Reunion & Homecoming Weekend.

30 Approved our first project Replacement of the third deck flooring at the chapter house.

AT SPRING 2018 | Page 2

Beginning in the second quarter of 2017, replacement of deck flooring was identified as a important project for ongoing maintenance of the chapter house. Per the Housing Corporation, the existing deck flooring was aging & had endured significant deterioration. And indeed, a quick visual observation confirmed the assessment. Additionally, it was believed that wear had allowed infiltration of liquids into the subfloor on the third deck of the chapter house. The Housing Corporation & the Undergraduate Brothers worked together to secure cost estimates from various contractors to submit a project proposal to the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. Under the direction of undergraduate Brother Adam Champagne, a completed project proposal form was received by the organization at the end of June 2017. The project proposal encompassed replacement of the flooring on the second and/or third decks of the chapter house; common areas only, not including bedrooms or bathrooms. The Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors reviewed the information that was submitted. For budgetary reasons, it was decided that replacement of deck flooring on only one floor would be pursued. And based on further discussions with the Housing Corporation, it was decided that replacement of the third deck flooring was more imminently necessary. The flooring on the second floor was deemed adequate, as there seems to be no threat of deterioration that would allow infiltration of liquids. Cost estimates were obtained from three (3) separate contractors Home Depot, Lowes, & Ted's Flooring & Interior Design (who replaced flooring in the second and third deck bathrooms a few years ago). After a review of the estimates, and after some follow up with the contractors, it was determined that only Ted's Flooring & Interior Design would provide a full scope of services; including demolition and installation. The cost estimate from Lowes included a test of the existing flooring for hazardous materials, which was done prior to the work, with negative results.

rd Deck Floor


The original cost estimates received by all three (3) contractors called for the installation of a residential grade luxury vinyl tile (LVT). Upon further research by the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. it was determined that commercial grade luxury vinyl tile (LVT) was available and would be a wiser investment. For an additional cost of approximately 20%, the anticipated life of the floor is increased by at least four (4) times that of the residential grade product (based on a comparison of warranties). With a revised cost estimate in hand, the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. approved the project proposal in August of 2017. Scheduling of work was put on standby until the organization received a transfer of funds from the National Fraternity; for the Alpha Tau Chapter Capital Improvement Fund (CIF) that was previously closed. Funds were received in late October of 2017, and work was scheduled. Demolition of the old third deck flooring, and the third deck subfloor, was completed on January 2nd, 2018. By working diligently, the installers from Ted's Flooring & Interior Design were also able to install most of new commercial grade flooring on January 2nd. The installers returned briefly on January 3rd to complete the work and to install stained base shoe and metal transition moldings where necessary. The new flooring looks like wooden planks; in a American Cherry wood grain pattern. It brightens the third deck and better complements the woodwork throughout the rest of the house. The flooring is much more aesthetically pleasing, and more durable, than the old tile flooring. The Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. was excited to pursue this project, and is proud to witness the transformation that has occurred. The organization hopes to continue to support many projects at the house, with the generosity and support of the public and alumni, that will allow for continued transformation, maintenance, and restoration of the chapter houses’ majesty.

AT SPRING 2018 | Page 3


David Slaw


Years Attended RPI | 2010 – 2014 Degree | B.S. Civil Engineering Occupation | Aviation Consultant Current Location | Philadelphia, PA


Years Attended RPI | 2009 – 2012 Degree: | B.S. Economics Occupation | Data Manager Current Location | New York, NY Kyle Braun


Years Attended RPI | 2005 – 2007 Degree | B.S. Business Administration Conc. in Accounting Occupation | Accountant Current Location | Austin, TX

Craig Martin SECRETARY

Years Attended RPI | 2004 – 2006 Degree: | B.S. Economics (Minor Finance) Occupation | Finance/Banking Current Location | Guilderland, NY


DIRECTORS Ken Banker Years Attended RPI | 1982 – 1986 Degree | B.S. Chemical Engineering Occupation | Process Engineer Current Location | Ballston Spa, NY

HowToDONATE In order for the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. to fund projects at the historic chapter house, fundraising is necessary to ensure that projects can come to fruition. For this reason, the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. has incorporated in the State of New York as a “Not-For-Profit Corporation”, and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as an exempt organization. Our mission is charitable, and we have organized ourselves accordingly so that the maximum amount of every dollar contributed goes towards every project we fund. All donations are tax-deductible, and donation acknowledgment letters can be provided to donors who wish to claim their charitable contribution as a tax deduction. Please Visit the DONATE NOW page of our website for donation options. *We now offer the ability to sign up for automatically recurring monthly donations, via PayPal – Visit our website for more information!*

UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION Our Alumni Association, Chapter and National Organization continue to try to record accurate contact information for our members. To stay informed, please update your contact information, including your preferred email address. You can email the national office, send updated information to, or update your information online at

Nicholas Steele Years Attended RPI | 2008 – 2012 Degree: | B.S. Game Simulation Arts and Sciences, Cognitive Science Occupation | Software Engineer Current Location | Ann Arbor, MI Philip Bryant Years Attended RPI | 2008 – 2012 Degree | B.S. Business Management Occupation | Senior Planner Current Location | Boston, MA

Mission Statement Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc.

“To renovate and preserve the architectural, historic and civic value of the building more commonly known as 49 Second Street, Troy, New York 12180, currently registered with the New York State Historical Preservation Registry, and to increase historical preservation awareness through educational programs open to the community.”

Robert LaForge Years Attended RPI | 2008 – 2012 Degree: | B.S. Mechanical Engineering Occupation | Equipment Engineer Current Location | Saratoga Springs, NY Wyatt Nordstrom Years Attended RPI | 1994 – 1998 Degree | B.S. Materials Engineering Occupation | Entrepreneur Current Location | San Francisco, CA

From the Past! AT SPRING 2018 | Page 4

director spotlight


Wyatt Nordstrom when he was a student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).

What rooms did you live in when you lived in the house? Forest West, Muscle Room, and "The AR" (Animal Room) What was your favorite room in the house and why? The AR, hands down. Given its size and central location it was like the living room for the house. Name one song that was popular when you were a student at RPI. The Macarena What was your favorite bar/restaurant in/around Troy when you were a student? I spent way too much time at Sutters (aka the Ruck). What might someone be surprised to know about you? I wear jeans every day now.

What did you and others do for fun when you were a student at RPI? Troy was not a great place back then, so there wasn't much to do besides drink beer and chase Sagees. So that's what we did. Fortunately for us at the time, Castle, Zoo, and RSE controlled IFC and threw the best parties. Of those, ours were (by far) the biggest - for our "Century Party" in 1996 we had over 1300 people in the house. At one point some idiot smoking in the kitchen set off the fire alarm and we had to evacuate. All of the attendees waited across the street in the Troy Savings Bank parking lot while the fire department investigated - we're talking hundreds of people here... When the fire chief showed up he said to the Archon, "My God, you need a parade permit for this!" Nevertheless, once they verified it was a false alarm he gave the all clear, everyone came back in, and the party started up again. What is your favorite memory of living in the house? I met my wife at the Castle. She was freshman living in the same dorm as one of our pledges, Jeremy Weinstein '00, and I was junior. One Tuesday evening in February 1997 my roommates and I were studying in the Animal Room. Kevin "K-Dog" Connelly '98 had Sublime blasting on our 17-speaker stereo. When "What I Got" came on the door flew open and three AGD pledges Jeremy had brought down to the house ran in and started dancing on our coffee table. One of them was Linda Carter, who I married in California ten years later. What have you done since graduating from RPI? I worked in the semiconductor industry for several years before going to an investment bank and then starting my company. Earlier in my career I got to spend a few years living overseas (Singapore, France, Italy, etc.) for work, which was pretty awesome. I live in San Francisco with my wife, Linda ('00 RPI grad), our dog Dixie, cat Magic, and a baby on the way. How do you think your involvement in the House, as a student and as an alumnus, has shaped you into who you are today? I started a company with a fellow Castle brother and a classmate of mine from RSE (Steve Nichols '98), and I married an AGD sister from RPI. I'd say my experiences at RPI and Castle had a pretty huge influence on me. What is it like to be a Director of the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc.? Living in San Francisco, it is tough to be fully engaged from so far away. That said, it's gratifying to know that I'm helping to support the organization that has had the biggest positive impact on my life. Continued next page Wyatt Nordstrom's campaign banner from freshman year, when he ran for Student Senate - He won the position he ran for, however his dorm mates lost to others. AT SPRING 2018 | Page 5

director spotlight



Photo from the first year that the Alpha Tau Chapter held Rose Ball Formal in Lake George, NY. Wyatt Nordstrom was the Chaplain at the time, & started the ongoing tradition.

How has your life experiences influenced decisions for the board? Back in 2008 another Castle brother, Mark Platosh '97, and I started a company together. Building and running a business has taught me a lot about fundraising, sales, and law, all of which have helped guide Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. decisions. I am also on the Board of my rowing club here in San Francisco, and I've found that the issues facing the two organizations are surprisingly similar. I'm learning a lot from each to the benefit of the other. What is the biggest challenge the organization has faced since you became a Director of the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc.? Creating awareness of the organization among the alumni and getting people motivated to contribute. What do you wish other people knew about the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc.? How important our support is to the undergrads. Maintaining the structure and preserving it for future brothers takes a lot more resources than the students have available. Our support is critical, and the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. is the perfect vehicle for providing that support. Besides, every dollar we contribute is a dollar the undergrads can spend on something more important, like Rush events.

Wyatt Nordstrom (on left), Frank Policastro (on right), & Greg Murphy (in rear) at the Chapter House.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about donating to the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc.? Think about when you were living in the house. Do you really think your dues every semester were sufficient to keep up the property? Of course not. It was previous generations who supported you with their contributions so you could enjoy the Castle. Now it's your turn to return the favor. What would you tell someone who is thinking of joining the board or interested in playing an active role in Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc.?

Do it! We need your help! Wyatt Nordstrom (on left) & Joseph Templin (on right) at a formal event. Wyatt Nordstrom, Steve Askins, Greg Murphy, Terry Jensen, Dave Walker, Jeremy Weinstein, & (presumed to be) one of the Wendel twins at the Chapter House.

View of Prospect Park from the Chapter House in the 1990's.

AT SPRING 2018 | Page 6

Recent Happeningsat the Chapter House The Chapter House has undergone a number of improvement, repair, and maintenance projects recently. Prior to the start of the Fall 2017 semester, the undergraduate brothers held a work week at the chapter house. They spent the week by cleaning up the chapter house. The clean up included more detailed scouring of the chapter house, in addition to removal of old furniture which was placed at the dumpsters for disposal. The undergraduate brothers also spent some time constructing new lofts where needed. Overall, the work week was successful and placed more of a focus on house maintenance rather than house additions. The window pane above the front door of the chapter house had previously been broken by an unknown person (from outside), and the window had remained in its fragmented state for some time. However, the pane was finally replaced, and once again proudly displays the numbers “49� above the door. Architectural lighting was also installed at the front of the house. As the Fall 2017 semester came to a close, the colder temperatures also made their way into the Upstate NY area. Not surprisingly, the heating system experienced some issues shortly after it was turned on for the season. However, the steam pipes that were causing issues were promptly repaired. The deep cold really set in at the end of December 2017. And so too did an additional issue with the heating system. Over the winter break for the undergraduates, the heating system experienced a malfunction that caused it to shut off. In the absence of the heat, a potable water pipe on the second deck ruptured. Unfortunately, none of the people who were living at the house over the undergraduates winter break were present prior to the incident, to realize that the heat had turned off. Once somebody returned to the house later that day, they immediately shut off the water to the house & bled the other potable water lines. However, the damage had already been done. Significant water damage was incurred in the second deck bathroom, in the Butler Room bathroom, and in the ROHM closet; due to volume of water that infiltrated downwards from the origin of the incident. The ruptured water pipe was quickly repaired. The Housing Corporation worked with the insurance company to secure a restoration specialist to perform repairs and restoration. The restoration work is underway and includes installation of a new floor and a new vanity in the second deck bathroom, new plastering and installation of custom cabinetry in the ROHM closet, and an update to the Butler Room bathroom. And lastly, the third deck flooring was replaced at the start of January 2018 (see photos and article on page 3.) The completion of this project serves as a testament of the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. efforts & impacts that the organization can have on making meaningful changes at the chapter house.

AT SPRING 2018 | Page 7

Join the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors after the 2Q 2018 Board of Directors Meeting; to be held at the Chapter House. We will be heading over to The Ruck where we will enjoy a Ruck Wing Bar, with all you can eat Ruck Wings and all the fixings! There will also be a cash bar available.

Date: Saturday, May 5th 2018 @ 1200 PM EST (Alpha Tau Chapter Rose Ball Weekend 2018)

Location: The Ruck, 104 3rd Street, Troy, NY 12180 Cost: $16.00 / Person

Please join us - Cheers! CONFIRM ATTENDANCE BY: 1. Visiting 2. Navigate to the Upcoming Events Page. 3. Select the "Pay Online & Confirm Your Attendance" Button Under the Event Description. 4. Navigate to the Events section on the Square Marketplace, & place an order for tickets online; pay via debit/credit card. PLEASE NOTE: This event is limited by the capacity of the event space – Tickets for the event will be available for sale on a first come, first serve basis until the number of confirmed attendees reaches the capacity of the event space *


RPI Reunion & Homecoming Weekend 2018 September 27-30 Our Organization is Planning Events for Saturday, September 29th 2018

Keep up to date on all of our upcoming events on our website,



Lunch with the Castle Alpha Tau Foundation, Inc.

We invite all alumni, undergraduates, and the public to visit out our website!

We have also setup websites where charitable donations can be made securely: The organization’s website will be frequently updated to reflect the latest organization information, events, and ongoing work. Many valuable resources, are also available on our website, such as project related forms. Please explore our website, which we hope provides you with a testament to our ongoing efforts. And please check back often, to stay up to date with the organization! Through charitable donations, we will be able to fulfill our mission statement and ensure ongoing maintenance, repairs, and restoration of the historic John Paine mansion. Charitable donations of any amount are always accepted and greatly appreciated!

AT SPRING 2018 | Page 8

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